HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003425_Report_20160101 (13)ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Director NORTH CAROLINA Enviromwistal Quality October 8, 2018 MEMORANDUM To: Linda Culpepper From: John Hennessy, Supervisor Compliance & Expedited Permitting Unit Subject: Hearing Officer's Report and Recommendations Duke Energy, Roxboro Steam Electric Station-NPDES Permit No. NC0003425 I served as the Hearing Officer for a public hearing held on October 4, 2016, at 6:00 pm at the Person County Government Building in Roxboro, North Carolina. The purpose of the public hearings was to allow the public to comment on the draft NPDES wastewater permit for the Roxboro Electric Steam Station, NPDES Permit Number NC0003425. In addition to listening to oral comments at the public hearings, I have reviewed all written comments received during the public comment period which ended on October 4, 2016. In preparation of this report I have considered all of the public comments, the public record, and the site visits for the three facilities. The report has been prepared using the following outline: I. Introduction II. Facility Background III. Public Record & Comments with Responses IV. Recommendations V. Attachments 1�4 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919-707-3600 HEARING OFFICER REPORT for Renewal/Major Modification of NPDES Permit/NC0003425 Duke Energy, Roxboro Electric Steam Station This report is presented to the Director of the North Carolina Division of the Water Resources INTRODUCTION On August 26, 2016, a notice of Public Hearing was published requesting public comment on the Draft NPDES Permit renewal/major modification for the Roxboro Steam Plant located in the Roanoke River Basin. This facility is located at 1700 Dunnaway Road, Semora, NC in Roxboro, NC —Person County. The public hearing was in response to significant public interest in the renewal of this facility's NPDES and the associated issues with the coal ash management. The hearing was held in Roxboro, NC at the Person County Government Building on October 4, 2016. Around 93 people attended the hearing, not counting Department staff. Twenty-three people spoke at the hearing and provided comments on the two permits being considered. These comments were mainly focused on the requirements of the wastewater permit or on the general issues for coal ash closure. The public comment period on the proposed permits was open until November 4, 2016. John Hennessy with the Division of Water Resources served as the Hearing Officer. This Hearing Officer Report summarizes the major issues raised through the public hearing process, as well as the Hearing Officer recommendations for the NPDES permit renewal. The Director of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) will take final action on these recommendations. FACILITY BACKGROUND The Roxboro Steam Electric Plant is an electric generating facility that uses steam turbine generation via four coal-fired units with a with a combined electric generating output of 2558 MW: Unit No. 1 (385 MWe), Unit No. 2 (670 MWe), Unit No. 3 (707MWe) and Unit No. 4 (700 MWe). The facility discharges to sub basin 030205 in the Roanoke River Basin. The facility operates five internal outfalls and two outfalls to Hyco Reservoir. Discharges are mostly industrial, with a very small domestic flow (internal Outfal1008) piped to the on -site ash pond. Discharges from the ash pond (internal Outfall 002), once -through cooling water and FGD treatment system (internal outfall 010) are discharged to the Heated Water Discharge Pond (outfall 003). The Heated Water Discharge Pond and Coal Pile Runoff (outfall 006) both discharge to Hyco Reservoir. The Hyco Reservoir is a 17.6 km2 waterbody constructed in 1963 by CP&L to serve as a cooling water source. The receiving waterbody is class WS-V; B. The facility is located in the Lower Piedmont area of the state. The applicable state water quality temperature standard is 32°C (89.6' F). This facility is subject to EPA effluent guideline limits per 40 CFR 423 - Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category which were amended November 3, 2015. The facility is also subject to the Cooling Water Intake Structures Rules (40 CFR 125) effective October 14, 2014. The intake flow is > 125 MGD. Duke requested the addition of three new outfalls on the permit; two to reflect the future treatment systems for the low volume wastes as the ash basin will be closed and one for the overflow from the east ash basin extension and stormwater runoff. Description of existing outfalls: Outfall 003 — Heated Water Discharge Pond to Hyco Reservoir. This pond combines all internal outfalls (002, 005, 008, 009, 010) before discharging to Hyco Reservoir. In addition, once - through cooling water from condensers for units 1, 2, and 3, once -through cooling water from heat exchangers, seepage from ash pond, and stormwater runoff from plant drainage areas are discharged to the discharge pond. Outfall 006 — Coal Pile Runoff discharges directly to Hyco Reservoir. Coal pile runoff wastewaters include runoff from the coal pile, limestone pile and gypsum pile, truck wheel wash area and coal handling areas. Treatment is accomplished by neutralization, sedimentation and equalization. This is an episodic discharge. Internal Outfall 002 — Ash Pond discharging to the heated water discharge pond. The ash pond receives wastewater from the following source: • Bottom ash transport waters • Silo wash water • Ash landfill leachate and runoff (this landfill receives CCR from Mayo and Roxboro plants) • Dry -ash handling system wash water • Blowdown from Unit 4 cooling tower • Coal mill rejects and pyrites • Sewage treatment plant effluent • Low volume waste consisting of boiler blowdown, equipment maintenance cleaning wastewaters, RO reject wastewater and floor drains. Low volume wastes are treated by neutralization. • Emergency overflow from FGD system blowdown. Internal Outfall 005 — Cooling tower blowdown from Unit 4. Internal Outfall 008 — Treated domestic wastewater. The treatment system consists of a screen, communitor, surge tank, aeration tank, clarifier, chlorine contact chamber and sludge holding tank. A new package plant will be installed to replace the existing plant. 2 Internal Outfall 009 - Chemical metal cleaning waste. Wastewaters from cleaning of the boilers is generated every five to eight years. Every three to five years wastewaters are generated from cleaning the heat exchangers. The wastewaters generated can be treated by evaporation or by neutralization and precipitation. Internal Outfall 010 — Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) treatment system discharging to the discharge canal. The scrubber system removes SOx by mixing flue gas with a limestone slurry. The blowdown from the scrubber is discharged to a gypsum settling pond system then to a bioreactor which utilizes microorganisms to reduce soluble contaminants to insoluble forms (under anaerobic conditions) that then precipitate from solution. Wastewater is discharged to the ash pond effluent channel. An emergency overflow from the FGD system blowdown discharges to the ash pond. PUBLIC RECORD The Division held a public hearing in Roxboro, NC on October 4, 2016. Approximately 93 people attended the public hearing and 23 attendees provided oral comments. Attendees and speakers included representatives from environmental interest groups and concerned citizens. The Division received 154 written comments. Comments from Harry Sideris from Duke Energy: 1. On page 2 of 23 list extracted groundwater as potential flows to outfalls 003 and 001 Response: The extracted groundwater flow is not an existing flow. The Division will add the extracted groundwater flow to the description of wastewaters contributing to outfall 003. 2. On page 2 of 23 list yard sump overflow as potential flow for outfall 003. Response: The Division will add yard sump overflow to the description of wastewaters contributing to outfall 003. 3. On page 2 of 23 list discharge from outfall 005 (cooling Tower Blowdown) as a potential contributing flow for outfall 012. Response: The Division will add the discharge from outfall 005 (cooling tower blowdown) to the description of wastewaters contributing to outfall 012B. 4. On page 2 of 23 list discharge from outfall 008 (domestic wastewater) as a potential contributing flow to outfall 012. Response: The Division will add the discharge from outfall 008 (domestic wastewaters) to the description of wastewaters contributing to outfall 012B. 5. On page 2 of 23 list the retention basin (outfall 012A) as a potential flow path for landfill leachate. 3 Response: The Division will add the discharge landfill leachate to the description of wastewaters contributing to outfall 012A. 6. On page 2 of 23 list anhydrous ammonia testing waters and emergency flow to the contributing flows for outfall 003. Response: The Division will add the anhydrous ammonia testing and emergency flow to the description of wastewaters contributing to outfall 003. 7. On page 4 of 23 the sampling frequency for toxicity test for outfall 001 should be clarified as Quarterly to align with condition A (14). Response: The Division is unable to grant this request. This requirement was imposed by EPA and it is consistent with other Duke permits. 8. On page 5 of 23 and 7 of 23 the requirement for turbidity would not apply to internal outfall 002. Response: The Division agrees to remove turbidity from internal outfall 002 and apply the monitoring requirement at outfall 003. 9. On page 5 of 23 the requirement related to the schedule of compliance for the discharge of bottom ash in Condition A. (2) should be clarified to state that no discharge of bottom ash only applies to bottom ash generated after April 30, 2021 not November 1, 2018. Response: The Division agrees to clarify the statement to read that the requirement only applies to bottom ash generated after April 30, 2021 which is the correct date for cessation of bottom ash approved in the permit. 10. On page 7 of 23 Duke request that the dewatering phase flow limit is increased to 2 MGD. Response: The Division agrees to increase the limit to 2 MGD, this limit will represent the capacity of the treatment system to be installed. 11. On page 7 of 23 remove pH limit for ash pond outfall 002. Response: Since the wastewater from the ash pond is combined with cooling water the pH limit will be removed. 12. On page 9 of 23 add language to description of cooling tower blowdown path to say it can also be discharged to outfall 012. Response: The Division will clarify the language in the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet to include the blowdown at outfall 012B. Cl. 13. On page 7 of 23 remove pH limits from FGD outfalls. Response: The Division removed pH limits from the Flue Gas Desulfurization outfalls per EPA's recommendation. 14. On page 13 of 23 delete the words biological treatment from footnote #2 for outfalls 010 and O11 (FGD). Response: The Division agrees to remove language as final treatment is not yet defined. 15. On page 13 of 23 Duke request that two internal outfalls, 012A and 012B, are permitted for possible effluent from two waste retention basins. Response: The Division will modify the permit to include two outfalls instead of one for the proposed treatment systems. 16. On page 14 of 23 add the following language to the condition A. (13): "all previously identified seeps from this facility are contributing flows to permitted outfalls 001 or 003, there are no seeps the discharge to jurisdictional waters. Response: Discharges from seeps have been removed from the permit. Those discharges will be accounted for in a SOC presently being developed for the facility. Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of the Roanoke River Basin Association: 1. No limits for arsenic, mercury, lead, selenium, thallium, boron, barium, chloride, aluminum, or copper for the ash basin (outfall 002) or the discharge canal (outfall 003). Response: The need for water quality based effluent limits is determined according to a reasonable potential analysis (RPA). The RPA procedure utilized by the Division is in accordance with EPA's regulation at 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1). Permit limits are added only if the results of the RPA suggest potential for exceeding the water quality standards, and are not arbitrarily assigned. Outfall 002 is an internal outfall where water quality standards are not applicable as limits. The discharge to waters of the state is outfall 003 where an RPA was conducted and limits implemented accordingly. 2. No limit for selenium at 006. Response: The RPA for outfall 006 was revised daily maximum limit for selenium was added for outfall 006. 3. No limits for FGD metals until 2023, mercury limit too high. 5 Response: The extended deadlines for Compliance with the New Effluent Limitations have been established in accordance with 40 CFR 423. The compliance schedule was modified to December 31, 2021. Duke provided justification for the compliance schedule, which is well within authorized by the federal rule. The FGD are internal outfalls where the TBELs are implemented as per 40 CFR 423. The mercury limit is a TBEL designed for a specific waste stream and is implemented to provide a uniform treatment level that can be achieved by all power plants in the country. TBELS "are intended to represent the greatest pollutant reductions that are economically achievable for an industry". 4. DEQ should implement BAT limits using BPJ for the coal ash discharge. (same limits and technology as decanting and dewatering at Sutton and Riverbend) Response: The EPA has recently conducted a comprehensive study of all waste streams generated by the power plants and considered all potential pollutants of concern. Based on the results of this study the EPA used all applicable rules and regulations and produced an update to 40 CFR 423 in 2015. The EPA decided that TBELs for all parameters of concern are not necessary because "Effluent limits and monitoring for all pollutants of concern is not necessary to ensure that the pollutants are adequately controlled because many of the pollutants originate from similar sources, have similar treatabilities, and are removed by similar mechanisms. Because of this, it may be sufficient to establish effluent limits for one pollutant as a surrogate or indicator pollutant that ensures the removal of other pollutants of concern." Therefore, the effluent guidelines have been recently promulgated in there is no need for BPJ decisions. The Final Permit will incorporate the requirement to use physical - chemical treatment for decanting and dewatering phases to treat the ash pond water. 5. Proposed permit abandons tributary streams to Duke Energy's coal ash pollution violating the CWA. DEQ can't designate a stream as an outfall. (001) Response: The location of outfall 001 was relocated upstream to the point of confluence with an unnamed tributary. 6. Compliance boundaries include "extensions" areas for East and West Ash basins. These areas should not be part of the waste treatment system. Response: On July 8, 2016, DEQ requested that Duke Energy ...provide data and conduct additional site assessment as needed to characterize the distribution of coal ash residuals (CCR)... in the following areas for the purpose of addressing these areas as part of the comprehensive site assessment at Roxboro Steam Electric Plant: • Area directly east of the East Ash Basin, known as the "Unnamed eastern Extension Basin" to include the discharge canal that runs north along the eastern side of the East Ash Basin • Area directly south of the West Ash Basin and encompasses the three `fingers' of the damned watershed and the drainage canal that runs north along the west side of the West Ash Basin 0 DEQ also requested that facility site maps be updated with revised waste boundaries and proposed compliance boundaries. Duke Energy submitted a site assessment work plan August 22, 2016, and DEQ approved it November 23, 2016. However, in DEQ's November letter, DEQ states that it ...cannot approve the proposed revised compliance boundary locations for the subject facilities at this time, but would provide further direction in the near future. Subsequently Duke provided revised compliance boundaries that were approved by the Division. 7. Permit illegally authorizes the treatment plant to leak. The permit violates anti -backsliding requirements and BAT requirements. Response: Seepage through earthen dams is common and is an expected consequence of impounding water with an earthen embankment. Even the tightest, best -compacted clays cannot prevent some water from seeping through them. Seepage is not necessarily an indication that a dam has structural problems, but should be kept in check through various engineering controls and regularly monitored for changes in quantity or quality which, over time, may result in dam failure. In addition, toe drains lower the phreatic surface in the dam and improve its stability by keeping it dry. Excessive dam wetness can cause a collapse of the dam. The statement in the fact sheet stating than precipitation, adsorption and settling has been determined to be BAT is no longer applicable and was removed. Permitting a water of the state as a component of the treatment system (Outfall 001) violates the CWA. Response: The location of outfall 001 was relocated upstream to the point of confluence with an unnamed tributary. 9. Ash should be removed from the unlined pit to lined landfill. Response: The decision regarding the ultimate closure of the ash ponds will be made outside of the NPDES permitting process after the DEQ evaluates the Corrective Action Plan submitted by Duke. 10. DEQ has acknowledged that zero discharge is attainable for seeps but fails to require that solution or to impose corresponding TBELs or any schedule of completion. Response: § 130A-309.210 of the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA) of 2014 requires owners of coal combustion residuals surface impoundments to identify and assess all discharges from the impoundments and to implement corrective action to prevent unpermitted discharges from the impoundments to the surface waters of the state. Identification of discharges includes engineered channels designed or improved for the purpose of collecting water from the toe of the impoundment (toe drains), as well as non - engineered seeps and weeps. The Division expects that many seeps would disappear after 7 the ash pond is dewatered. Some seeps already disappear at the Riverbend Station after the water surface in the pond is lowered. Discharges from seeps will be accounted for in a SOC being developed for the facility. 11. Permit should require dry handling of all coal ash, permit allows bottom ash sluicing until 2021 Response: The extended deadlines for compliance with the New Effluent Limitations have been established in accordance with the 40 CFR 423. Duke provided justification for the compliance schedule, which is well within authorized by the federal rule. 12. DEQ cannot permit the existing seeps or permit in advance unidentified and thus unpermitted discharges. Response: Discharges from seeps will be accounted for in a SOC being developed for the facility. 13. Draft permit inconsistent with the removed substances provision in the permit. Response: The disposal of the coal ash in wet lagoons has been authorized by the EPA in accordance with the CWA. New federal regulations will gradually phase out the use of coal ash lagoons. The permit does not allow the discharge of coal ash from any of the outfalls. 14. Permit Threatens the safety of the Roxboro Dam. Response: The Dam is regulated by the Dam Safety program at DEMLR, it is not subject to the NPDES regulations. The DEMLR provides regular inspections of all dams at power plants and oversees the necessary repair and maintenance activities. 15. Duke is violating water quality standards on Hyco Lake, Sargents Creek and unnamed tributaries. Response: The location referenced in the letter is an outfall for seeps that includes monitoring for metals and limits for sulfate, selenium and arsenic. In addition, the permit has requirements for sampling surface waters. Water quality standards violations will be addressed through he compliance process. 16. The ash pond discharges groundwater via direct hydrological connection. Response: The NPDES program regulates point source discharges to the Waters of the US, the infiltration of the wastewater to the groundwater does not fit the definition of the point source discharge. The groundwater contamination is being regulated under a separate program within DWR. The comprehensive impact of the facility is being assessed by instream monitoring. A) The Draft Permit has inadequate monitoring. Response: Frequency of monitoring and number of parameters that are being monitored are based on results of the reasonable potential analysis (RPA) and requirements contained in the Federal and State rules and regulations. If a parameter shows reasonable potential and requires a limit, monitoring is generally at a monthly or quarterly frequency. If a parameter does not show reasonable potential, monitoring might not be required. Monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and priority pollutant scans (required with each permit renewal) are evaluated for RPA with each renewal. For purposes of this permit, the monitoring frequency will be weekly during decanting operations, and monthly during periods of normal operations. The Division believes the proposed monitoring frequencies will provide adequate information to conduct RPA for the next permit renewal. The Division has a long term monitoring data for coal-fired facilities' discharges and accumulated a statistically significant dataset for all typical pollutants associated with the coal ash. This data set allows for an accurate characterization of the discharge from ash ponds. In addition, the EPA has approved the proposed monitoring frequency. 17. The proposed permit violates North Carolina groundwater rules. Response: According to 15A NCAC 02L .0106 (e), Any person conducting or controlling an activity that is conducted under the authority of a permit initially issued by the Department prior to December 30, 1983 pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1 or G.S. 130A-294, and that results in an increase in concentration of a substance in excess of the standards at or beyond the compliance boundary specified in the permit, shall.... (4) implement an approved corrective action plan for restoration of groundwater quality at or beyond the compliance boundary, in accordance with a schedule established by the Secretary. This rule indicates current permits that exceed 02L standards have actions they must take while still being permitted. This rule does not indicate these facilities cannot continue to be permitted; however, it does require for the facility to take corrective action. Both the Coal Ash facilities at Mayo and Roxboro Steam Plants are in this process. In addition, the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA) of 2013 directs each Coal Ash facility under 130A-309.211 to (a) provide a groundwater assessment for any groundwater exceedances, and (b) provide a corrective plan to address restoration of groundwater quality. Closure plans must be submitted no later than December 31, 2019, which must include ...provisions for completion of activities to restore groundwater... according to 02L requirements. Once classifications are finalized, each impoundment, depending on their classification, will be closed under options provided by 130A-309.214. 18. DEQ fails to exercise its best professional judgement to establish BTA for impingement mortality and entrainment under 316(b). Response: The data necessary to make this determination will be available once Duke Energy has completed ongoing studies. The Division will establish BTA upon the completion of those required studies. 7 Sierra Club: 1. Permit fails to establish sufficient effluent limits. Permit allows Duke to continue to discharge arsenic, mercury, selenium and other pollutants until 2023. The permit also allows the discharge of bottom ash until 2021. Response: The need for water quality based effluent permit limits is determined according to a reasonable potential analysis (RPA). The RPA procedure utilized by the Division is in accordance with EPA's regulation at 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1). Permit limits are added only if the results of the RPA suggest potential for exceeding the water quality standards, and are not arbitrarily assigned. Outfall 002 is an internal outfall where water quality standards are not applicable as limits. The discharge to waters of the state is outfa11003 where an RPA was conducted and limits implemented accordingly. Monitoring for mercury, antimony and molybdenum was added for outfall 003. The RPA for outfall 006 was revised and limits were added for selenium. The compliance was revised to include a completion date of December 31, 2021. 2. The proposed deadlines for compliance with the new EGL are not justified. Response: The extended deadlines for Compliance with the New Effluent Limitations have been established in accordance with the 40 CFR 423. Duke provided justification for the compliance schedule, which is well within authorized by the federal rule. 3. Draft permit fails to establish interim requirements for impingement and entrainment Response: The Division is under time constraint to issue permits due to CAMA and the requirement to close the ash ponds. The development of impingement and entrainment (IE) BAT will take considerable time while at the same time the facility is developing studies to meet 316(b) regulations for IE. The data necessary to make this determination will be available once Duke Energy has completed ongoing studies. The Division will establish BTA upon the completion of those required studies. 4. Draft permit illegally legitimize seeps. Response: Discharges from seeps will be accounted for in a SOC being developed for the facility. 5. Draft permit contains inadequate monitoring requirements. Response: Frequency of monitoring and number of parameters that are being monitored are based on results of the reasonable potential analysis (RPA) and requirements contained in the Federal and State rules and regulations. If a parameter shows reasonable potential and requires a limit, monitoring is generally at a monthly or quarterly frequency. If a parameter does not show reasonable potential, monitoring might not be required. Monthly discharge 10 monitoring reports (DMRs) and priority pollutant scans (required with each permit renewal) are evaluated for RPA with each renewal. For purposes of this permit, the monitoring frequency will be weekly during decanting operations, and monthly during periods of normal operations. The Division believes the proposed monitoring frequencies will provide adequate information to conduct RPA for the next permit renewal. The Division has a long term monitoring data for coal-fired facilities' discharges and accumulated a statistically significant dataset for all typical pollutants associated with the coal ash. This data set allows for an accurate characterization of the discharge from ash ponds. In addition, the EPA has approved the proposed monitoring frequency. Clean Water for North Carolina: 1. Outfall 001 — outfall has no limits for most toxic metals likely to be present in seeps from coal ash. Seeps should not become legal discharges. Monitoring should be twice a month. Response: The need for water quality based effluent permit limits is determined according to a reasonable potential analysis (RPA). The RPA procedure utilized by the Division is in accordance with EPA's regulation at 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1). Permit limits are added only if the results of the RPA suggest potential for exceeding the water quality standards, and are not arbitrarily assigned. § 130A-309.210 of the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA) of 2014 requires owners of coal combustion residuals surface impoundments to identify and assess all discharges from the impoundments and to implement corrective action to prevent unpermitted discharges from the impoundments to the surface waters of the state. Identification of discharges includes engineered channels designed or improved for the purpose of collecting water from the toe of the impoundment (toe drains), as well as non -engineered seeps and weeps. Discharges from seeps will be accounted for in a SOC being developed for the facility. Frequency of monitoring and number of parameters that are being monitored are based on results of the reasonable potential analysis (RPA) and requirements contained in the Federal and State rules and regulations. If a parameter shows reasonable potential and requires a limit, monitoring is generally at a monthly or quarterly frequency. For purposes of this permit, the monitoring frequency will be weekly during decanting operations, and monthly during periods of normal operations. The Division believes the proposed monitoring frequencies will provide adequate information to conduct RPA for the next permit renewal. The Division has a long term monitoring data for coal-fired facilities' discharges and accumulated a statistically significant dataset for all typical pollutants associated with the coal ash. This data set allows for an accurate characterization of the discharge from ash ponds. In addition, the EPA has approved the proposed monitoring frequency. 2. Outfall 002 — limits are inadequate for ash pond discharge. Response: Outfall 002 is an internal outfall where water quality standards are not applicable 11 as limits. It includes technology based limits and monitoring for pollutants present in coal ash. For both decanting and dewatering phases the permit includes monitoring for pollutants of concern for coal ash dewatering. 3. Outfall 003 — effluent monitoring parameters and monitoring frequency are inadequate. All parameters should be limited and monitoring frequency should be monthly. Response: The need for water quality based effluent permit limits is determined according to a reasonable potential analysis (RPA). The RPA procedure utilized by the Division is in accordance with EPA's regulation at 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1). Permit limits are added only if the results of the RPA suggest potential for exceeding the water quality standards, and are not arbitrarily assigned. An RPA was conducted for outfall 003 and limits implemented accordingly. Monitoring for mercury, antimony, molybdenum, and bromide were added for outfall 003. 4. Outfall 005 - inadequate monitoring frequency and limits, 126 pollutants should be monitored quarterly. Response: The limits for outfall 005 are TBEL limits established by federal effluent guidelines and meet all the requirements in 40 CFR 423. 5. Outfall 006 — inadequate effluent parameters and monitoring frequency. Response: Limits for coal pile runoff are TBEL limits established by federal effluent guidelines and meet all the requirements in 40 CFR 423. Additional parameters are added if present in the priority pollutant scan. The RPA has since been revised daily maximum limits was added for selenium. 6. Outfalls 008 through 012 —insufficient parameters and inadequate monitoring frequency. Response: Outfall 008 is a small domestic wastewater treatment system internal to the ash basin then eventually to the discharge canal. The Division deems monitoring and sampling adequate for this outfall. When the new system is constructed monitoring is quarterly for the first year to evaluate performance. Limits for Outfalls 010 and 011 for the discharge of FGD treated wastewater are also internal and limits have been established based on 40 CFR 423. The discharge of low volume wastes under Outfall 012 includes effluent guideline limits and other parameters of concern. 7. Thermal Discharge — unjustifiable mixing zone, biological report should have more rigorous requirements. Response: The mixing zone was approved by the Division and the EPA. The biological monitoring sampling plan follows approved procedures. These plans are revised by the Water Science Section and modified to include additional requirements when appropriate. 12 Comments from the public not previously made by SELC, Sierra Club or Clean Water For North Carolina: A number of citizens expressed concerns with conatmination of drinking water wells in properties near the coal ash ponds. Response: According to 15A NCAC 02L .0106 (e), Any person conducting or controlling an activity that is conducted under the authority of a permit initially issued by the Department prior to December 30, 1983 pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1 or G.S. 130A-294, and that results in an increase in concentration of a substance in excess of the standards at or beyond the compliance boundary specified in the permit, shall.... (4) implement an approved corrective action plan for restoration ofgroundwater quality at or beyond the compliance boundary, in accordance with a schedule established by the Secretary. This rule indicates current permits that exceed 02L standards have actions they must take while still being permitted. This rule does not indicate these facilities cannot continue to be permitted; however, it does require for the facility to take corrective action. Both the Coal Ash facilities at Mayo and Roxboro Steam Plants are in this process. In addition, the Coal Ash Management Act (LAMA) of 2013 directs each Coal Ash facility under 130A-309.211 to (a) provide a groundwater assessment for any groundwater exceedances, and (b) provide a corrective plan to address restoration of groundwater quality. Closure plans must be submitted no later than December 31, 2019, which must include ...provisions for completion of activities to restore groundwater... according to 02L requirements. Once classifications are finalized, each impoundment, depending on their classification, will be closed under options provided by 130A-309.214 Email Comments: The division received 94 email comments during the public comment period objecting to the issuance of the permit. Most of the comments oppose the discharge of coal ash pollutants to Hyco Lake, and object to leaving the coal ash in unlined ponds. All the comments presented in emails have been addressed in the responses to the comments from environmental groups in sections above. HEARING OFFICER RECOMMENDATIONS Based on review of the public record and written/oral comments received during the public hearing process, I recommend to the Division Director that Duke Energy Draft NPDES Permit (Roxboro Steam Station) be revised as follows: 1) The monitoring frequency should be increased to require weekly monitoring during decanting of the ash basins, and monthly monitoring during normal operations. 13 2) The Division should remove the seeps from the permit and include them in the SOC being developed for the facility. 3) Outfall 001 should be moved upstream. 3 Hennessy, ffearing Wffcer APPENDICES A. Draft Permit and Fact Sheet B. Presentation from the Public Hearing C. Hearing Registration Sheets 14 Date Appendix A 15 Permit NC0003425 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as. amended, Duke Energy Progress, LLC is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Roxboro Steam Electric Generating Plant 1700 Dunnaway Road, Semora Person County to receiving waters designated as Hyco Reservoir in the Roanoke River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective . This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on. Signed this day. S. Jay Zimmerman, P.G. Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 1 of 23 Permit NC0003425 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. Duke Energy Progress, LLC is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate the following systems located at Roxboro Steam Electric Generating Plant off NCSR 1377 near Roxboro in Person County: ■ Outfall 001. Continue to discharge stormwater and seeps from the ash landfill and gypsum pile area into Hyco Reservoir. ■ Ash Pond Treatment System (Internal Outfall 002). Continue to discharge ash transport water, low volume wastewater, runoff from the ash landfill, dry fly ash handling system wash water, ash silo wash water, storm water runoff, cooling tower blowdown from unit number 4, emergency overflow of FGD system blowdown, anhydrous ammonia testing waters and emergency flows and domestic sewage treatment plant effluent. Effluent from the ash pond discharges to the heated water discharge canal, and is ultimately released into Hyco Reservoir through Outfall 003. ■ Heated Water Discharge Canal System (Outfall 003). Continue to discharge once -through cooling water, stormwater runoff, flue gas desulfurization treated wastewater, flue gas desulfurization cooling water, seepage from ash pond dam and the effluent from the ash pond (Outfall 002) into Hyco Reservoir. ■ Cooling Tower Blowdown System (Internal Outfall 005). Continue to discharge cooling tower blowdown from unit number 4 into the ash transport system, and ultimately into the ash pond (Outfall 002) or into the discharge canal. ■ Coal Pile Runoff Treatment System (Outfall 006). Continue to discharge runoff from the coal pile and other coal handling areas, including the limestone and gypsum piles and the truck wheel wash water. These waters are routed to a retention pond for treatment by neutralization, sedimentation, and equalization prior to' being discharged directly into Hyco Reservoir. ■ Domestic Wastewater Treatment System (Internal Outfall 008). Continue to discharge effluent from the treatment system flows into the ash pond. ■ Chemical. Metal Cleaning Treatment System (Internal Outfall 009). Continue to discharge chemical metal cleaning wastes into the ash pond or the low volume waste treatment system. • Flue Gas Desulfurization Treatment System (Internal Outfall 010). Continue to operate a FGD wet scrubber treatment system consisting a settling pond and a bioreactor, discharging into the discharge canal. • Flue Gas Desulfurization Treatment System (Internal Outfall 011). Upon completion of construction operate a Flue Gas Desulfurization System discharging to the low volume waste treatment system or the discharge canal. • Low Volume Wastes Treatment System (Internal Outfall 012). Upon completion of construction of a dual retention ponds treatment system discharge low volume wastes, metal cleaning wastes, dry fly ash handling system wash water, ash silo wash water, emergency overflow of FGD system Page 2 of 23 Permit NC0003425 blowdown, anhydrous ammonia testing waters and emergency flows, domestic sewage treatment plant effluent, and storm water runoff through outfall 012 to the discharge canal. 2. Discharge from said treatment works and/or outfalls at the locations specified on the attached map into the Hyco Reservoir, classified as WS-V & B waters in the Roanoke River Basin. Page 3 of 23 Permit NC0003425 Part I A. (1) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 001) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001 (Stormwater and seeps). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Ave a Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample a Sample Location Flow, MGD Monthly/Quarterly3 Estimate Effluent H2 Monthly uarterl 3 Grab Effluent Fluoride L 1.8 nj&Z L 1.8 m L Monthly/Quarter' 3 Grab Effluent Total Arsenic, µ L 10 µ L 10 µ L Month' uarterl 3 Grab Effluent Total Copper, µ L Monthly/ Quarterly 3 Grab Effluent Total Antimony, 1 Month' Quarter' 3 Grab Effluent Total Lead, µ L Monthly/ Quarter' 3 Grab Effluent Total Selenium, L 5 µ L 56 µ L Monthly/Quarter' 3 Grab Effluent Nitrate as N, m L MonthlylQuarterly3 Grab Effluent Sulfates, m L 250 m/ L 250 m L Monthly/ Quarter' 3 Grab Effluent TDS, m L Monthly Quarter' 3 Grab Effluent Hardness -Total as CaCO3 or Ca + M m L Monthly/Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Conductivity, jimhocm Month' uarterl 3 Grab Effluent Acute ToxiCity4 Monthly/ Quarterly 3 Grab Effluent Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29). 2. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 3. The facility shall conduct monthly sampling from the effective date of the permit. After one year from the effective date of the permit the monitoring will be reduced to quarterly 4. Acute Toxicity (Pimephales promelas, 24-hour) monitoring shall be performed in accordance with Special Condition A. (14) of this permit. If the facility is unable to obtain a sample due to the dry or low flow conditions preventing the facility from obtaining a representative sample, then "no flow" should be reported on the DMR. This requirement is established in the Section D of the Standard Conditions and 40 CFR 122.41 (j). There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Page 4 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (2) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 002 - normal operation - decanting phase) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 002 (Ash Pond Treatment System to the Heated Water Discharge Canal - Decanting of the free water above the settled ash layer that does not involve mechanical disturbance of the ash). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample a Sample Location Flow Daih Continuous Effluent Total Selenium Monthh• Grab Effluent Oil and Grease 15.0 m L 20.0 m L 2 / Month Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids3 30.0 m L 100 L 21 Month Grab Effluent Turbidity4, NTU I Monthly Grab Effluent __pHs Between 6.0 and 9.0 Standard Units Monthly Grab Effluent Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29) . 2. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken at the ash pond discharge prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater. 3. The facility shall continuously monitor TSS concentration when the decanting process commences and the dewatering pump shall be shutoff automatically when the one half of the Daily Maximum limit (15 minutes average) is exceeded. Pumping will be allowed to continue if interruption might result in a dam failure or damage. The continuous TSS monitoring only required when the pumps are employed for decanting. 4. The net turbidity shall not exceed 50 NTU using a grab sample and measured by the difference between the effluent turbidity and the background turbidity. The sample for the background turbidity shall be taken at point in the receiving waterbody upstream of the discharge location, and the background turbidity and the effluent turbidity samples shall be taken within the same 24 hour period. NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit. 5. The facility shall continuously monitor pH when the decanting process commences and the decanting pump shall be shutoff automatically when 15 minutes running average pH falls below 6.1 standard unis or rises above 8.9 standard units. Pumping will be allowed to continue if interruption might result in a dam failure or damage. The low volume waste shall be discharged to the ash pond treatment system until new treatment system is in operation. By November 1, 2018 there shall be no discharge of pollutants in fly ash transport waters. This requirement only applies to fly ash ash transport water generated after November 1, 2018. By April 30, 2021 there shall be no discharge of pollutants in bottom ash transport waters. This requirement only applies to bottom ash transport water generated after November 1, 2018. The facility is allowed to drawdown the wastewater in the ash pond to no less than three feet above the ash. The level of water in the ash pond should not be lowered more than 1 ft/week, unless approved by the DEQ Dam Safety Program. Page 5 of 23 Permit NC0003425 The facility shall use a floating pump station with free water skimmed from the basin surface using an adjustable weir. The limits and conditions in Section A. (3) of the permit apply when water in the ash settling basin is lowered below the three feet trigger mark. The facility shall notify DWR Complex NPDES Permitting Unit and DWR Raleigh Regional Office seven calendar days prior to the commencement of the decanting. Page 6 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (3) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 002 - dewatering phase) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 002 (Ash Pond Treatment System Dewatering - removing the interstitial water). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING RE UIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample a Sample Location Flow 1 MGD Weekly Continuous Effluent Total Selenium Weekly Grab Effluent Total Arsenic Weekly Grab Effluent Total Mercury Weeklv Grab Effluent Total Molybdenum Weeklv Grab Effluent Total Antimony Weeklv Grab Effluent Total Copper Weekly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease 15.0 L 20.0 mgl L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30.0 m L 100 m L Weekly Grab Effluent Turbidity3, NTU Monthly Grab Effluent pH4 Between 6.0 and 9.0 Standard Units Monthly Grab Effluent Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting. Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC-DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29) . 2. Effluent sampling shall be conducted at the discharge from the ash settling pond prior to mixing with any other waste stream. 3. The net turbidity shall not exceed 50 NTU using a grab sample and measured by the difference between the effluent turbidity and the background turbidity. The sample for the background turbidity shall be taken at point in the receiving waterbody upstream of the discharge location, and the background turbidity and the effluent turbidity samples shall be taken within the same 24 hour period. NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit. 4. The facility shall continuously monitor pH when the decanting process commences and the decanting pump shall be shutoff automatically when 15 minutes running average pH falls below 6.1 standard unis or rises above 8.9 standard units. Pumping will be allowed to continue if interruption might result in a dam failure or damage. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. By November 1, 2018 there shall be no discharge of pollutants in fly ash transport waters. This requirement only applies to fly ash transport water generated after November 1, 2018. By April 30, 2021 there shall be no discharge of pollutants in bottom ash transport waters. This requirement only applies to fly ash transport water generated after November 1, 2018. The level of water in the ash pond should not be lowered more than 1 ft/week, unless approved by the DEQ Dam Safety Program. The facility shall use a floating pump station with free water skimmed from the basin surface using an adjustable weir. Page 7 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (4) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfan 003) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 003 (Heated Water Discharge Canal System to the Hyco Reservoir). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Daily Average Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow f Dail • Calculation Effluent Total Residual Chlorine3 +j 28 µg/L 2/Month Grab Effluent Total Phosphorus j j Monthlv Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen Monthly Grab Effluent Temperature 4 Continuous Recorder Effluent, 4C4, 4D4 Total Arsenic Quarterly Grab Effluent Total Selenium Quarterlti• Grab Effluent Chloride Quarterly Grab Effluent Total Thallium Quarterly Grab Effluent H5 Weekly Grab Effluent Ammonia6 1.0 m 1 5 mg/1 Daily Grab Effluent Acute Tox:icity7 Quarterly Composite Effluent Hardness�Total as ' CaCO3 or i Ca + M =1 Quarterly Grab 4C, 4D Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29) . 2. Effluent sampling shall be performed in the discharge canal at the point of discharge into Hyco Reservoir. Stations 4C and 4D are shown on the Hyco Reservoir Sampling Map (attached) . 3. Total Residual Chlorine compliance is required only if chlorine or chlorine derivative is added to the cooling water. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 µg/L to be in compliance with the permit. However, the permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values.fall below 50 µg/L. 4. The Permittee shall operate so as to remain in compliance with the conditions outlined in the mixing zone defined in Special Condition A. (17) of this permit. The temperature of Hyco Reservoir at no time shall exceed the thermal water quality standard outside the mixing zone defined in Special Condition A. (17). Continuous monitoring in the mixing zone shall be at a point between Stations 4C and 4D as shown on the Hyco Reservoir Sampling Map (attached). These thermal limitations may be deleted or revised, as appropriate, based upon evaluation of the results of the thermal studies. 5. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 6. Ammonia limit and monitoring is only applicable in the event of an emergency release of anhydrous ammonia during the time the released waters are discharged through outfall 003. 7. Acute Toxicity (Pimephales promelas) P/F @ 90%, March, June, September and December. See Special Condition A. (14) of this permit. Composite samples for this effluent characteristic shall consist of 24 or more grab samples of equal volumes collected at equal intervals over a 24-hour period. The Permittee is allowed to operate Unit 3 in a once -through cooling mode from October 15 through April 30. Page 8 of 23 Permit NC0003425 There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts outside a distance five (5) meters from the discharge pipe. A. (5) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Internal Outfall 005) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal-Outfall 005 (Cooling Tower Slowdown to the ash pond). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: LIMITS MONITORING RE UIREMENTS EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Type Sample Average Maximum Frequency Location Flow - Continuous Pump Logs Effluent during dischar e Free Available Chlorine3 200 µg/L 500 µg/L 2/month Multiple Grabs Effluent Total Residual Chlorine3 Monthly Multiple Grabs Effluent Total Chromium4 200 µ L 200 µ L 2/Month Composite Effluent Total Zinc4 1.0 m L 1.0 m L 2/,Month Composite Effluent The 126 Priority Pollutants (40 CFR Part 423, Appendix No Detectable Amount Annual Grab Effluent A) Exclusive of Zinc and Chromium4 Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. please See Special Condition A. (29). 2. Effluent sampling shall be conducted at the discharge from the cooling tower prior to mixing with other waste streams. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater 3. Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chorine may be discharged from any single generating unit for more than two hours per day, unless the Permittee demonstrates to the Division that discharge for more than two hours is required for macroinvertebrate control. The 500 µg/L is a daily maximum limitation and is to be measured during the chlorine release period. The 200 µg/L limitation is an average during the chlorine release period. Monitoring is required only when chlorine is added to the cooling water system. 4. These limitations and monitoring requirements apply if these substances are added by the Permittee for cooling tower maintenance. There shall be no detectable amounts of the 126 priority pollutants (40 CFR 423 Appendix A) contained in chemicals added for cooling tower except for total chromium and total zinc. Compliance with the limitations for the 126 priority pollutants in 40 CFR Section 423.13(d)(1) may be determined by engineering calculations which demonstrate that the regulated pollutants are not detectable in the final discharge by the analytical methods in 40 CFR Part 136. Discharge of blowdown from the cooling tower is defined as the minimum discharge of recirculation water necessary for the purpose of discharging materials contained in the process, the further build-up of which would cause concentration in amounts exceeding limitations established by best engineering practice. The Permittee is authorized to discharge Maintenance Drain wastewater from the Cooling Tower for Unit 4 directly to the discharge canal. Grab samples of the following parameters are to be collected prior to mixing with other waste streams and the results shall be submitted to DWR: pH (SU), flow (MGD) and total residual chlorine (mg/L). The Permittee shall notify the Division Page 9 of 23 Permit NC0003425 of Water Resources, Raleigh Regional Office, prior to draining the cooling tower, except during non -office hour emergencies when notification must be made the next working day. Total residual chlorine monitoring is required prior to a maintenance drain of the Unit 4 Cooling Tower only if chlorine is added to the system. A. (6) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 006) [ 15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 006 (Coal Pile Runoff Treatment System to the Hyco Reservoir). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Instantaneous Maximum Measurement Fre uenc Sample Type Sample Location Flow 2/ Month Estimate Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30 mg/L 50 mg/L 2/Month Grab Effluent Total Selenium Quarterly Grab Effluent H3 Weekl Grab Effluent Acute Toxici a Annually Grab Effluent Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29) . 2. Effluent sampling shall be conducted at the point of discharge into Hyco Reservoir. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater. 3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 4. Acute Toxicity (Pimephales promelas, 24-hour) monitoring shall be performed in accordance with Special Condition A. (15) of this permit. There shallbe no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts outside a distance five (5) meters from the discharge pipe. Material storage runoff shall include rainfall to navigable waters through any discernable, confined and/or discrete conveyance from, or through, coal. Page 10 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (7) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Internal Outfall 008) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expansion to 0.025 MGD or expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 008 (Domestic Wastewater Treatment System). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS DAILY MAXIMUM MONITORING RE UIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 0.015 MGD Annual Pump Los Effluent Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5-da u? 20°C 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Annual Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30.0 m L 45.0 m L Annual Grab Effluent Total Ammonia as N Annual Grab Effluent H3 Annual Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform 200 100 ml 400 100 ml Annual Grab Effluent Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29) . 2. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken after treatment and prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater. 3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units, nor greater than 9.0 standard units. See Special Condition A (22). A. (8) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Internal Outfall 008) [ 15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning upon expansion to 0.025 MGD and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 008 (Domestic Wastewater Treatment System). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS DAILY MAXIMUM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency sample Type Sample Location Flow 0.025 MGD Annual Pump Los Effluent Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5-day(a, 20°C 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Annual Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30.0 L 45.0 m L Annual Grab Effluent Total Ammonia as N Annual Grab Effluent pH3 Annual Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform 200/ 100 ml 1 400/ 100 ml Annual Grab Effluent Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29). 2. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken after treatment and prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater. 3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units, nor greater than 9.0 standard units. Page 11 of 23 Permit NC0003425 See Special Condition A (22). A. (9) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Internal Outfall 009) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 009 (Metal Cleaning Wastes). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS I MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Locationz Flow Once per Discharge Event simmlar Logsolr Outfall 002 Total Suspended Solids 30.0 m L 100 m L I Once per Discharge Event Grab Outfall 002 Oil and Grease 15.0 m L 20.0 m L Once per Discharge Event Grab Outfall 002 Total Copper 1.0 m L 1.0 mgZL Once j2er Discharge Event Grab Outfall 002 Total Iron 1.0 m L 1.0 m L Once per Discharge Event Grab I- - 002 Notes: 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29). 2. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken after ash pond treatment and prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater. For the purposes of this permit, the term "Once per Discharge Event" shall mean the discharge from Outfall 002 that occurs within 30 minutes from the time the fly ash containing metal cleaning waste is discharged into the ash pond plus the calculated detention time of the ash pond. A. (10) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Internal Outfall 010) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until the existing treatment system is decommissioned, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 010 (FGD blowdown). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Fre uenc Sample Type Sample Location Flow Monthly simimlapx re s of ng Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30 mg/1 100 mg/1 Quarterly Grab Effluent Oil and grease 15 mg/1 20 mg/1 Quarterly Grab Effluent Total Arsenic 3 8 1 11 1 Quarterl • Garb Effluent Total Mercury 3 1 356 n 1 788 n 1 I Quarterly I Grab Effluent Total Selenium 3 12 1 23 1 I Quarterly I Grab Effluent Nitrate/ Nitrite as N 3 4.4 m l 17 m l I Quarterly I Grab Effluent Notes 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29). Page 12 of 23 Permit NC0003425 2. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken after bioreactor treatment and prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater. 3. The limits shall become effective December 23, 2023. 4. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units, nor greater than 9.0 standard units. A. (11) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Internal Outfall 011) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning upon the commencement of operations of the new FGD system and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 011 (FGD blowdown). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample TypeL Sample Locations Flow Monthly P similar Pumregadin s or Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30 mg/1 100 mg/1 Quarterly Grab Effluent Oil and grease 15 mg/1 20 mg/1 Quarterly Grab Effluent Total Arsenic 3 8 jig1l 11 pazi Quarterly Garb Effluent Total Mercury 3 356 n 1 788 n 1 Quarterl • Grab Effluent Total Selenium 3 12 1 23 1 Quarterly Grab Effluent Nitrate Nitrite as N 3 4.4 mg/1 17 mg/1 QUarterl Grab Effluent Notes•. 1.Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29). 2. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken after bioreactor treatment and prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater, 3. The limits shall become effective December 23, 2023. A. (12) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Internal Outfall 012) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning upon the start of operation of the retention basin and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 012 (Low volume wastes Retention Ponds). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS EFFLUENT Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Type Sample CHARACTERISTICS Averse Maximum Fre uenc Locations Flow Monthly ogsreaor Effluent similar ing Total Sus ended Solids 30 mg/1 100 mg/1 Quarterly Grab Effluent Oil and ease 15 mg/1 20 mg/1 Quarterly Grab Effluent Notes 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (29). Page 13 of 23 Permit NC0003425 2. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements listed above shall be taken after retention pond and prior to mixing with other sources of wastewater. A. (13) Seeps If new seeps to waters of the state are identified, the facility shall follow the procedures outlined below. The deadlines for new seeps shall be calculated from the date of the seep discovery. The new identified seep is not permitted until the permit is modified and the new seep included in the permit and the new outfall established for the seep. For all new water seeps to waters of the state, the facility shall determine within 90 days from the seep discovery if a seep meets the state water quality standards established in 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and submit the results of this determination to the Division. If the standards are not contravened, the facility shall conduct monitoring for the parameters specified in A. (1). If any of the water quality standards are exceeded, the facility shall be considered in violation of the Clean Water Act until one of the options below is fully implemented. The facility shall: 1) Submit a complete application for 404 Permit (within 30 days after determining that a water quality standards is exceeded) to pump the seep discharge to one of the existing outfalls, install a pipe to discharge the seep to the Catawba River, or install an in -situ treatment system. After the 404 Permit is obtained, the facility shall complete the installation of the pump, pipe, or treatment system within 180 days from the date of the 404 permit receipt and begin pumping/discharging or treatment. 2) Demonstrate through modeling that the decanting and dewatering of the ash basin will result in the elimination of the seep and submit the modeling results to the Division within 120 days from the seep discovery. Within 180 days from the completion of the dewatering the facility shall confirm that the seep flow ceased. If the seep flow continues, the facility shall choose one of the other options in this Special Condition. 3) Demonstrate that the seep is discharging through the designated "Effluent Channel' or permitted outfall and the water quality standards in the receiving stream are not contravened. This demonstration should be submitted to the Division no later than 180 days from the seep discovery. The "Effluent Channel" designation should be established by the DEQ Regional Office personnel prior to the issuance of the permit and appropriate 404 permit shall be obtained. All effluent limits, including water quality -based effluent limits, remain applicable notwithstanding any action by the Permittee to address the violation through one of the identified options, so that any discharge in exceedance of an applicable effluent limit is a violation of the Permit as long as the seep remains flowing. Page 14 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (14) Acute Toxicity Testing PASS/FAIL Permit Limit Outfalls 001 and 003 [15A NCAC 02B .0200 et seq.] The Permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration" (Revised -December 2010 or subsequent versions). The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the procedure document). The tests will be performed during the months of. These months signify the first month of each three month toxicity testing quarter assigned to the facility. Effluent sampling for this testing must be obtained during representative effluent discharge and shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. The Permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a guarterl basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration" (Revised -December 2010 or subsequent versions). The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the procedure document). The tests will be performed during the months of March, June, September and December. These months signify the first month of each three month toxicity testing quarter assigned to the facility. Effluent sampling for this testing must be obtained during representative effluent discharge and shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. The parameter code for Pimephales promelas is TGE6C. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DWR Form AT-2 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section/Aquatic Toxicology Branch 1623 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1623 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Water Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during any month, the Permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Water Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the Permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately. Upon submission of a valid test, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. Page 15 of 23 Permit NC0003425 NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. A. (15) Acute Toxicity Monitoring (ANNUAL) Outfall 006 [15A NCAC 02B .0200 et seq.] The permittee shall conduct annual acute toxicity tests using protocols defined as definitive in EPA Document EPA-821-R-02-012 entitled "Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms." The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 48 hour static test. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge and shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all waste treatment processes. The parameter code for Pimephales promelas is TAA6C. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DWR Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section/Aquatic Toxicology Branch 1623 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1623 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Water Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during any month, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Water Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE. Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. A. (16) Intake Screen Backwash Condition Continued intake screen backwash discharge is permitted without limitations or monitoring requirements. Page 16 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (17) Temperature Requirements (Outfall 003 Mixing Zone) a. Water quality standards for temperature for lower piedmont waters (32' C) will not apply within a mixing zone, which shall include the North Hyco arm downstream of NC Highway 57, the main body of Hyco Reservoir downstream of the confluence of the Cobbs Creek Arm and the North Hyco Arm, and the entire afterbay lake. The area described does not include the South Hyco Arm or the first finger arms on the west side of the reservoir lying upstream of the dam. Water within the main lake and the afterbay lake to Hyco River shall comply with water quality standards except the temperature standards in the areas of the lake defined herein as a mixing zone. Water discharged from the afterbay shall comply with the temperature standard. b. Temperature measurements made to monitor compliance with this provision shall be made at least six inches, but not more than one foot, below the surface of the lake. A monthly average temperature shall consist of at least five determinations conducted on five separate days. c. Temperature increases shall be determined as the increase in temperature above the temperature measured at the confluence of the two southern finger arms on the north side of the lake (Lat. 36.5111, Long 79.06629). d. A summary of the temperature monitoring results pursuant to A.(16) a. through c. shall be submitted to the Division with the annual Biological Monitoring Report due by July 31 of the following year. A. (18) Biological and Instream Monitoring In accordance with the previously submitted biological monitoring program (as approved by the Director of the Division, and as it may be amended), the Permittee shall submit results of biological studies and monitoring programs by July 31 of the following year. The following parameters shall be included in the surface water sampling protocol: total arsenic, total selenium, total mercury (method 1631E), total chromium, total lead, total cadmium, total copper, total hardness, and total zinc. For fish tissue sampling the following parameters shall be included: arsenic, selenium and mercury. Copies of all the study plans, study results, and any other applicable materials should be submitted to: 1) Electronic Version Only (PDF and CD) Division of Water Resources WQ Permitting Section - NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 2) Electronic Version (PDF and CD) and Hard Copy Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 A. (19) Applicable State Law This facility shall meet the requirements of Senate Bill 729 (Coal Ash Management Act). This permit may be reopened to include new requirements imposed by Bill 729. A. (20) PCB Prohibition There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds such as those commonly used for transformer fluid. Page 17 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (21) Limitations Reopener The permit shall be modified, or revoked and reissued, to comply with any applicable effluent guideline or water quality standard issued or approved under sections 302(b)(2)(c) and (d), 304(b)(2) and 307(a) of the Clean Water Act, if the effluent guideline or water quality standard so issued or approved: a. Contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than any effluent limitation in the permit; or b. Controls a pollutant not limited in the permit. The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements in the Act then applicable. A. (22) Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the domestic wastewater treatment plant to meet secondary standards as specified for internal outfall 008. A. (23) Bioreactor Condition An operation and maintenance plan, including a monitoring regimen for the bioreactor units and an emergency response plan in the event of an upset, shall be maintained and available for inspection by Division personnel. A. (24) Ash Pond Closure The facility shall prepare an Ash Ponds Closure Plan. This Plan shall be submitted to the Division one month prior to the closure of ash ponds. A. (25) Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction And Sampling The permittee shall conduct groundwater monitoring. to determine the compliance of this NPDES permitted facility with the current groundwater Standards found under 15A NCAC 2L .0200. The monitoring shall be conducted in accordance with the Sampling Plan approved by the Division. See Attachment 1. A. (26) Clean Water Act Section 316(b) The permittee shall comply with the Cooling Water Intake Structure Rule per 40 CFR 125.95. The permittee shall submit all the materials required by the Rule with the next renewal application. Copies of all the study plans, study results, and any other applicable materials should be submitted to: 1) Electronic Version Only (PDF and CD) Division of Water Resources WQ Permitting Section - NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 2) Electronic Version (PDF and CD) and Hard Copy Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section 1623 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 Page 18 of 23 Permit NC0003425 A. (27) Structural Integrity Inspections of Ash Pond Dam The facility shall meet the dam design and dam safety requirements per 15A NCAC 2K as amended by statute. A. (28) Biocide Condition The permittee shall not use any biocides except those approved in conjunction with the permit application. The permittee shall notify the Director in writing not later than ninety (90) days prior to instituting use of any additional biocide used in cooling systems which may be toxic to aquatic life other than those previously reported to the Division of Water Resources. Such notification shall include completion of Biocide Worksheet Form 101 and a map locating the discharge point and receiving stream. Completion of Biocide Worksheet Form 101 is not necessary for those outfalls containing toxicity testing. Division approval is not necessary for the introduction of new biocides into outfalls currently tested for whole effluent toxicity. A. (29) Electronic Reporting of Discharge Monitoring Reports [G.S. 143-215. 1 (b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit monitoring data and reports electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit (Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D. (2.) Reporting • Section D. (6.) Records Retention • Section E. (5.) Monitoring Reports 1. Reporting Requirements [Supersedes Section D. 2. and Section E. 5.(all Effective December 21, 2016, the permittee shall report discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted facilities to enter monitoring data and submit DMRs electronically using the internet. Until such time that the state's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross -Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR), permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR submission by printing, signing, and submitting one signed original and a copy of the computer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DENR / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1. 1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed Page 19 of 23 Permit NC0003425 copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division (see "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below). 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1)(9), the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity (EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program) that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: http: / /www2.el2a.gov/ compliance/ fmal-national-,Pollutant-discharge-elimination-system nudes -electronic -reporting -rule. Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed in the "Reporting Requirements" section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting The permittee may seek a temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time, monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re -applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: http: / / deQ.nc.govj about divisions( water-resourcGzij cuuu Page 20 of 23 Permit NC0003425 4. Signatory Re uirements [Supplements Section B. 111.1 (biand Supersedes Section B. (11.1 (du All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (11.) (a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http: l l deq.nc. Qov 1 about/ divisions /water -resources 1 e, Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.221. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: '7 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance udth a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D. (6.11 The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122.411. A. (30) Additional Conditions and Definitions The following special conditions are applicable to all outfalls regulated by this permit: a) Nothing contained in this permit shall be construed as a waiver by the permittee of any right to a hearing it may have pursuant to State or Federal laws or regulations. b) Discharge of any waste resulting from the combustion of toxic or hazardous waste to any waste stream which ultimately discharges to waters of the United States is prohibited, unless specifically authorized in this permit. c) The permittee shall report all visible discharges of floating materials (such as an oil slick) to the Director when submitting DMRs. d) "Upset," means an exceptional incident in which there is an unintentional and temporary non-compliance with technology -based effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent cause by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or improper operations. e) All flows shall be reported on monthly DMRs. Should no flow occur during a given month, the words "no flow" should be clearly written on the front of the DMR. f) EPA methods 200.7 or 200.8 (or the most current versions) shall be used for analyses of all metals except for total mercury. g) All effluent samples for all external outfalls shall be taken at the most accessible location after the final treatment but prior to discharge to waters of the U.S. (40 CFR 122.41(j)). Page 21 of 23 Permit NC0003425 h) The term low volume waste sources means wastewater from all sources except those for which specific limitations are otherwise established in this part (40 CFR 423.11 (b)). i) The term chemical metal cleaning waste means any wastewater resulting from cleaning any metal process equipment with chemical compounds, including, but not limited to, boiler tube cleaning (40 CFR 423.11 (c)). j) The term metal cleaning waste means any wastewater resulting from cleaning [with or without chemical cleaning compounds] any metal process equipment including, but not limited to, boiler tube cleaning, boiler fireside cleaning, and air preheater cleaning (40 CFR 423.11 (d)). k) For all outfalls where the flow measurement is to be "estimated" the estimate can be done by using calibrated V-notch weir, stop -watch and graduated cylinder, or other method approved by the Division. Page 22 of 23 DEPARTEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NC0003425 Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Duke Energy Progress/ Roxboro Steam Electric Generating Plant Applicant Address: 1700 Dunnawav Rd., Semora, NC 27343 Facility Address: 1700 Dunnawav Rd., Semora, NC 27343 Permitted Flow Not limited Type of Waste: 99.8 % Industrial, 0.2% - domestic Facility/Permit Status: Existing/ Renewal County: Person Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: Hyco Reservoir Stream Classification: WS-V, B Subbasin: 03-02-05 303(d) Listed?: No Draina e Area (mi2): Lake Primary SIC Code: 4911 Summer 7Q10 cfs) 0 Regional Office: RRO 30Q2 (cfs): 0 Quad Olive Hill Average Flow cfs : 0 Permit Writer: Teresa Rodriguez IWC (%): 100% Date: 8/23/2016 Summary The Roxboro Steam Electric Plant is an electric generating facility that uses steam turbine generation (via four coal-fired units with a total net capacity of 2558 MW). Units No. 1 and 2 (385 MWe and 670 MWe, respectively) use condensers as cooling devices. Units No. 3 and 4 (707MWe and 700 MWe, respectively) use cooling towers as cooling devices. The facility has three existing cooling water intake structures (CWISs). The source water for CWISs No.1 and 2 is the Hyco Reservoir. The source water for CWIS no. 4 is the site's cooling canal. The facility total intake is approximately 1,114 MGD. The facility discharges to subbasin 030205 in the Roanoke River Basin. Discharges are mostly industrial, with a very small domestic flow (internal Outfall 008) piped to the on -site ash pond. Discharges from the ash pond (internal Outfall 002), once -through cooling water and FGD treatmet sytem (internal outfall 010) are discharged to the Discharge Canal (outfall 003). The Discharge Canal and Coal Pile Runoff (outfall 006) both discharge to Hyco Reservoir. The Hyco Reservoir is a 17.6 km2 waterbody constructed in 1963 by CP&L to serve as a cooling water source. The receiving waterbody is class WS-V; B. The facility is located in the Lower Piedmont area of the state, the applicable state water quality temperature standard is 32°C (89.6° F). This facility is subject to EPA effluent guideline limits per 40 CFR 423 - Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category which were amended November 3, 2015. The facility is also subject to the Cooling Water Intake Structures Rules (40 CFR 125) effective October 14, 2014. The intake flow is > 125 MGD. NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 2 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 The facility operates five internal outfalls and two outfalls to Hyco Reservoir. Duke requested the addition -of two new outfalls on the permit; one to reflect the future treatment system for the low volume wastes as the ash basin will be closed and one for seeps and stormwater. Descrigtion of existing outfalls: • Outfall 003 - Heated Discharge Canal to Hyco Reservoir. The discharge canal combines all internal outfalls (002, 005, 008, 009, 010) before discharging to Hyco Reservoir. In addition, once -through cooling water from condensers for units 1,2, and 3, once -through cooling water from heat exchangers, seepage from ash pond, and stormwater runoff from plant drainage areas are discharged to the discharge canal. Outfall 006 - Coal Pile Runoff discharges directly to Hyco Reservoir. Coal pile runoff wastewaters include runoff from the coal pile, limestone pile and gypsum pile, truck wheel wash area and coal handling areas. Treatment is accomplished by neutralization, sedimentation and equalization. • Internal Outfall 002 - Ash Pond discharging to the discharge canal. The ash pond receives wastewater from the following source: • Bottom ash transport waters • Silo wash water • Ash landfill leachate and runoff (this landfill receives CCR from Mayo and Roxboro plants) • Dry -ash handling system wash water • Blowdown from Unit 4 cooling tower • Coal mill rejects and pyrites • Sewage treatment plant effluent • Low volume waste consisting of boiler blowdown, equipment maintenance cleaning wastewaters, RO reject wastewater and floor drains. Low volume wastes are treated by neutralization. • Emergency overflow from FGD system blowdown. The ash pond uses precipitation, adsorption, and settling for treatment, which has been determined by NC to be BAT for this facility. • Internal Outfall 005 - Cooling tower blowdown from Unit 4. • Internal Outfall 008 - Treated domestic wastewater. The treatment system consists of a screen, communitor, surge tank, aeration tank, clarifier, chlorine contact chamber and sludge holding tank. A new package plant will be installed to replace the existing plant. • Internal Outfall 009 - Chemical metal cleaning waste. Wastewaters from cleaning of the boilers is generated every five to eight years. Every three to five years wastewaters are generated from cleaning the heat exchangers. The wastewaters generated can be treated by evaporation or by neutralization and precipitation. • Internal Outfall 010 - Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) treatment system discharging to the discharge canal. The scrubber system removes SOx by mixing flue gas with a NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Page 3 NPDES No. NC00003425 limestone slurry. The blowdown from the scrubber is discharged to a gypsum settling pond system then to a bioreactor which utilizes microorganisms to reduce soluble contaminants to insoluble forms (under anaerobic conditions) that then precipitate from solution. Wastewater is discharged to the ash pond effluent channel. An emergency overflow from the FGD system blowdown discharges to the ash pond. Proposed Outfalls: • Outfall 001 (Seeps) - The facility identified 16 unpermitted seeps. Seven seeps are engineered drains from the ash basin flowing to the discharge canal. Four non - engineered seeps also flow to the discharge canal. Four seeps from the ash landfill and one from the gypsum pile flow to the intake canal through a common outfall. This outfall was previously designated as outfall 001 in the permit and will be reinstated to monitor the seeps. • Internal Outfall 012 - Low volume waste and other wastewaters. Duke will build a new dual basin treatment system to treat wastewaters than now go to the ash basin. CWA 316 (b) The permittee shall comply with the Cooling Water Intake Structure Rule per 40 CFR 125.95. The Division approved the facility request for an alternative schedule in accordance with 40 CFR 125.95(a)(2). The permittee shall submit all the materials required by the Rule with the next renewal application. Temperature Mixing Zone - Outfall 003 The facility is located in the Lower Piedmont area of the state, the applicable state water quality temperature standard is 32°C (89.6° F). The authorized temperature mixing zone for outfall 003 includes the North Hyco Arm downstream of NC Hwy 57, the main body of Hyco Reservoir downstream of the confluence of the Cobbs Creek Arm and the North Hyco Arm and the entire afterbay lake. USGS data at the afterbay monitoring station (USGS Station 02077303) was reviewed for the period of January 2011 to April 2016. Data shows that the temperature water quality standard was not exceeded for this period. Maximum temperature recorded was 30.5°C. Instream Monitoring The permit requires monitoring of Hyco Reservoir in accordance to the Biological Monitoring Program as approved by the Division. Based on the Division's review of the reports the fish community is comparable to other piedmont reservoirs and no problems were noted. DATA REVIBA PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Internal Outfall 002 - Ash Pond This outfall is subject to the Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG) in Table 1. Table 1. ELG Outfall 002 Prior to November 1, 2018) Pollutant Daily Maximum Monthly Average ELG TSS 100 Mg/1 30 m /l 40 CFR 423.12 4 Oil & Grease 20 m /1 15 mg/1 40 CFR 423.12 b 4 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 4 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 After November 1, 2018 no discharge of bottom ash transport water is allowed as per 40 CFR 423.13 (k) (1) (i). Compliance with this section shall be as soon as possible but no later than December 31, 2023. Duke has submitted a schedule of compliance for meeting the rule by April 30, 2021. Fly ash transport water is not discharge so they will meet the compliance date of November 1, 2018. The current permit requires monitoring for flow and total selenium, limits for Oil & Grease and TSS. A summary of DMR data for the period of January 2011 to January 2016 is included in Table 2. There have been no violations of permit limits or conditions. Table 2. DMR Summary Outfall 002 Parameter Average Maximum Minimum Flow 10.8 MGD 48.3 MGD 3.1 MGD TSS m 5/1 21m /1 <2.5m /1 Total Selenium 14.6 µ /1 68.8 µ /1 < 10 µ /1 O&G <5m /1 13.5m /1 <5m /1 Table 3. Monitoring Requirements/Pro[}osed Changes Outfall 002 Parameter Monitoring Changes Y Basis requirements Flow Monitor I No changes 15A NCAC 213.0505 TSS 30 mg/1 monthly aver No changes 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) 100 mg/1 daily max _ Oil & Grease 15 mg/1 monthly aver No Changes 40 CFR 423.12(b)(4) 20 m / 1 dail max Total Monthly monitoring No changes _ Pollutant of concern Selenium Turbidity, pH No requirement Monitor Pollutant of concern for dewatering/ decanting Internal Outfall 002 - Dewatering To meet the requirements of the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, the facility needs to dewater two ash ponds by removing the interstitial water and excavate the ash to deposit it in landfills. The facility's highest discharge rate from the dewatering process will be 1 MGD. The facility submitted data for the standing surface water in the ash ponds, interstitial water in the ash, and interstitial ash water that was treated by filters of various sizes. The following pollutants were detected at concentrations higher than the water quality standards: selenium, arsenic and molybdenum. A new effluent and monitoring sheet is included in the permit for the ash pond dewatering phase. As this is an internal outfall the water quality standards are not applied. Monitoring will be required for selenium, arsenic, molybdenum, antimony and copper. Ash Pond Dams: Seepage through earthen dams is common and is an expected consequence of impounding water with an earthen embankment. Even the tightest, best -compacted clays cannot prevent some water from seeping through them. Seepage is not necessarily an indication that a dam has structural problems, but should be kept in check through various engineering controls and NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 5 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 regularly monitored for changes in quantity or quality which, over time, may result in dam failure. Outfall 003 - Discharge Canal (Combined outfalls) DMR/Compliance Review Data were reviewed for the period of January 2011 to March 2016. There have been no violations of permit limits.or conditions. Table 4. DMR Summary Outfall 003 Parameter Avera a Maximum Minimum Flow (MGD) 840 1130 6.9 TRC Not discharged TP (mg/1) < 0.036 < 0.05 < 0.05 TN (m /1) 0.68 1.08 0.44 Temperature °C) 29 41 130C Total Arsenic µ /1) 6.2 17.1 < 2.8 H (SU) 7.34 8 6.38 Toxicity Testing (003): Current Requirement: Acute P/F at 90%, February, May, August, November. Proposed Requirement: Acute PI at 90%, February, May, August, November. The facility passed 21 tests out of 21 tests performed for the period of January 2011 to January 2016. Reasonable Potential Analysis Outfall 003: The Division conducted EPA -recommended analyses to determine the reasonable potential for toxicants to be discharged at levels exceeding water quality standards/EPA criteria by this facility from outfall 003. For the purposes of the RPA, the background concentrations for all parameters were assumed to be below detection level. The RPA uses 95% probability level and 95% confidence basis in accordance with the EPA Guidance entitled "Technical Support Document for Water Quality -based Toxics Control." With the approval of the Triennial Review (2007-2014) of the NC Water Quality Standards by the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) in 2014 and US -EPA (with some exceptions) on April 6, 2016, the NPDES Permitting Unit is required to implement the new dissolved metal standards in all permits public noticed after April 6, 2016. The RPA included evaluation of dissolved metals' standards, utilizing measured hardness value of 100 mg/L CaCO3 for hardness -dependent metals. A reasonable potential analysis was conducted for arsenic, copper, nickel, selenium, strontium, thallium, chlorides and zinc. Arsenic data used for the RPA was collected between 2011 and 2016. Data for the remaining parameters was from a special study for the period of March 2010 to August 2011. Based on this analysis, the following permitting actions are proposed for this permit: • Monitoring Q*. The following parameters will receive a monitor -only requirement since they did not demonstrate reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria, but the maximum predicted concentration was >50% of the allowable concentration: Arsenic, selenium, chloride and thallium. • No Limit or Monitoring: The following parameters will not receive a limit or monitoring, since they did not demonstrate reasonable -potential to exceed applicable water quality NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Page 6 NPDES No. NC00003425 standards/criteria and the maximum predicted concentration was <50% of the allowable concentration: copper, nickel, strontium, and zinc. Mercury Evaluation Outfall 003: A mercury evaluation was conducted in accordance with the permitting guidance developed for the implementation of the statewide Mercury TMDL to determine the need for a limit and Mercury Minimization Plan (MMP). Monitoring for mercury is not required for outfall 003 but mercury data was collected during a special study during the period of March 2010 to August 2011. The water quality based effluent limitation (WQBEL) for mercury is 12 ng/1. The technology based effluent limit (TBEL) is 47 ng/1. None of the annual averages exceeds the WQBEL or TBEL, no limit is required. See the attached mercury evaluation spreadsheet. Table 5. Mercury Evaluation 2010 2011 # of Samples 20 16 Annual Average, n / L 3.6 4.4 Maximum Value, n /L 7.63 6.92 TBEL, n 7/L 47 WQBEL, n / L 12.0 Table 6. Monitoring R uirements/Pro osed Changes Outfall 003 Parameter Monitoring Changes Basis re uirements/Limits Flow Monitor No changes 15A NCAC 2B.0505 TRC 200 µg/1 Modified limit to State WQ standards, 15A instantaneous max 28 µg /1 daily max NCAC 2B .0200. The water quality standard is more stringent than the effluent defines limit. TP Monitor No changes 15A NCAC 2B .0500 TN Monitor No changes 15A NCAC 2B .0500 Temperature Monitor No changes Approved Mixing zone Total Arsenic Monitor No changes Based on results from RPA, Predicted concentration greater than 50% of allowable. Total Selenium No requirement Quarterly Based on results from monitoring RPA, Predicted concentration greater than 50% of allowable. Total Thallium No requirement Quarterly Based on results from monitoring RPA, Predicted concentration greater than 50% of allowable. Chloride No requirement Quarterly Based on results from monitoring RPA, Predicted NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 7 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 concentration greater than 50 % of allowable. pH 6 to 9 SU No changes State WQ standards,15A NCAC 2B .0200 Acute toxicity P/ F 90 % No changes State WQ standards,15A NCAC 2B .0200 Internal Outfall 005 - Cooline Tower Blowdown from Unit 4 This outfall is subject to the ELGs in Table 7. Table 7. ELG Outfall 005 Pollutant Daily Maximum Monthly Average ELG H 6 to 9 SU 40 CFR 423.12 ) 1) Free Available 0.5 mg/1 -7Chlorine 0.2 mg/1 40 CFR 423.12 (d) (1) 126 Pollutants No detectable amounts 40 CFR 423.13 d) 1 Total Chromium 0.2 mg/l 0.2 mg/l 40 CFR 423.13 (d) (1) Total Zinc 1.0 mg/1 1.0 m /1 40 CFR 423.13 d 1 The permit includes monitoring for flow and Total Residual Chlorine (TRC), limits for Free Available Chlorine, Total Chromium, Total Zinc and 126 priority pollutants. Special condition A. (14) in the permit doesn t allow the discharge of the cooling tower blowdown to the discharge canal, it has to be discharged to the ash pond. With the modifications planned to the site and the future closure of the existing ash pond Duke will like to have the option to discharge the blowdown to the discharge canal. This will continue to be an internal outfall subject to the same limits under 40 CFR 423. The limits apply before it comingles with any other waste stream so there is no change in limits or other permit conditions by allowing the cooling tower blowdown to discharge into the discharge canal. DMR/Compliance Review: Data were reviewed for the period of January 2011 to January 2016. There have been no violations of permit limits or conditions. Flow was the only parameter monitored at this outfall since the facility did not chlorinate or added chromium or zinc for maintenance activities. Flow is reported as 7.2 MGD on a daily basis. Table 8. Monitoring Requirements/Proposed Changes Outfall 005 Parameter Monitoring Re uirements/Limits Changes Basis 15A NCAC 2B.0505 Flow Monitor No changes Free available chlorine 500 µg/1 daily max 200 µ /1 monthly average No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(1) Total Residual Chlorine Monitoring No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(2) Total chromium 200 µ /l daffy max No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (d)_(1) NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 8 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 200 µ /1 monthly average Total Zinc 1.0 mg/1 daily max I No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(1) 1.0 m /l monthly average The 126 priority No detectable amount No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (d)(1) pollutants Outfall 006 - Coal Pile Runoff This outfall is subject to the ELG in Table 9. Table 9. ELG Outfall 006 Pollutant Daily Maximum Monthly Average ELG TSS 50 m /1 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (9) pH 6 to 9 SU 40 CFR 423.12 1 DMR/Compliance Review: Data were reviewed for the period of January 2008 to March 2013. There have been no violations of permit limits or conditions. Table 10. DMR all Outfall 006 Parameter Average Maximum Minimum Flow (MGD) 0.23 0.05 0.002 TSS (m /1) 2.6 76.6 < 2.5 H (SU) 7.39 8.9 1 6.04 Priority Pollutant Scan: The application included the results of one scan. Selenium was detected above the water quality standard. Monitoring for selenium was added to the permit. Table 11. Monitoring Requirements/ Proosed Changes Outfall 006 Parameter Monitoring Changes Basis requirement imits Flow Monitor No changes 15A NCAC 2B .05 TSS 50 mg/ 1 instantaneous Added Monthly 40 CFR 423.12(b) (9), max edge limit of 30 40 CFR 122.45 6 to 9 SU m H No changes 40 CFR 423.12 b) (1) Total selenium No requirement Quarterly Monitoring Detected in the PPA Acute toxicity P F 90% / State WQ standards, No changes 115A NCAC 2B .0200 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 9 Internal Outfall 008 - Domestic WWTP Table 12. DMR Review Outfall 008 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 Parameter Avera a Maximum Minimum Flow (MGD) 0.007 0.01 0.002 TSS (mg/ 1). 14.7 30 5 H (SU) 6.8 7.3 6.5 BOD /1 10.4 28 2.1 NH3N (m /1) 1 0.8 1 1.6 < 0.1 :J Table 13. Monitoring Requirements/Proposed Changes Outfall 008 Parameter Monitoring Changes Basis requirements/Limits Flow 0.015 MGD Add effluent page WWTP will be upgraded for 0.025 MGD during this permit cycle TSS 30 mg/1 monthly aver No changes NPDES rules for 45 mg/1 daily max secondary treatment of domestic wastewater, 15A 2B .0400 pH 6 to 9 SU No changes State WQ standards, 15A 2B .0200 BOD 30 mg/l monthly aver No changes NPDES rules for 45 mg/l daily max secondary treatment of domestic wastewater, 15A 2B .0400 Total Monitor No changes DWQ Policy ammonia Internal Outfall 009 - Chemical cleaning waste Table 14. Monitoring Requirements/Proposed Changes Outfall 009 Parameter Monitoring requirements/Limits Changes Basis Flow Monitor No changes 15A NCAC 2B.0505 Total Copper 1.0 mg/1 monthly aver No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (e) 1.0 mg/1 dail max Total Iron 1.0 mg/1 monthly aver No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (e) 1.0 /l daily max No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (e) TSS 30 mg/1 monthly aver 100 mg/1 daily max Oil & Grease 15 mg/l monthly aver No changes 40 CFR 423.13 (e) 20 m / 1 dailymax Internal Outfall 010 - FGD This outfall is subject to the Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG) in Table 15. These are new limitations promulgated November 3, 2015. NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 10 Table 15. ELG Outfall 010 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 Pollutant Daily Maximum Monthly Average ELG H 6 to 9 SU 40 CFR 423.12 1 TSS 100 m /1 30 mg/1 40 CFR 423.12 11 Oil and grease 20 /1 15 mg/1 40 CFR 423.12 ) 11 Total Arsenic 11 µ /1 8 µ /1 40 CFR 423.13 1 i Total Mercury 788 n /1 356 n /1 40 CFR 423.13 1 i Total Selenium 23 µ /1 12 µ /1 40 CFR 423.13 1 i Nitrate/nitrite 17 mg/1 4.4 mg/1 40 CFR 423.13 1 i The rule establishes compliance dates for the new limitations. Permittee must meet limits as soon as possible beginning on November 1, 2018 but no later than December 31, 2023. Duke will construct a new treatment system and requested a compliance date of December 31, 2023. As the new treatment system will be placed in operation and the old pond may still discharge until it is decommissioned. A new outfall is included in the permit for the new system. The current permit includes monitoring for flow, total beryllium, total mercury, total antimony, total selenium, total silver and total vanadium. Table 16 includes a summary of DMR data for the period of January 2011 to January 2016. There have been no violations of permit limits or conditions. Table 16. DMR Summary Outfall 010 Parameter Average Maximum Minimum Flow (MGD) 0.84 1.77 0.01 Total Beryllium (µ /1) 3.9 10 < 1 Total Mercury µ /1 1.08 9.6 < 1 Total Selenium (jig/ 1) 102 712 < 50 Total Silver µ /1 6 8.4 < 5 Total Antimony µ / 1 31 70 < 25 Total Vanadium µ /l) < 25 < 25 < 5 Table 17. Monitoring Requirements/Proposed Changes Outfall 010 Parameter Monitoring Changes Basis re uirement imits Flow Monitor No changes 15A NCAC 2B.0505 Total Beryllium Monitor Internal outfall, not a Remove monitoring parameter of concern. Total Vanadium Monitor Internal outfall, not a Remove monitoring parameter of concern. Total Antimony Monitor Internal outfall, not a Remove monitoring parameter of concern. Internal outfall, not a Total Silver Monitor Remove monitoring arameter of concern. NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 11 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 Total Arsenic No monitoring Add limits of 11 µg/1 daily maximum and 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) 8 µg/l monthly average Total Selenium Monitor Add limits of 23 µg/1 daily maximum and 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) 12 µg/1 monthly average Nitrate/Nitrite No monitoring Add limits of 17 mg/1 daily maximum and 4.4 40 CFR 423.13 (g) (1) (i) mg/ 1 monthly average Total Mercury Monitoring Add limits of 788 ng/1 daily maximum 40 CFR 423.13 1 i (g) () ( ) and 356 ng/1 monthly average. Proposed Outfalls: Outfall 001 The facility identified 16 unpermitted seeps. Data collected on the seeps was reviewed to determine the need for limits. Five seeps discharge to the intake canal at Hyco Reservoir. The point of discharge is where former Outfall 001 used to discharge. The Division will reinstate outfall 001 to monitor the discharge from the seeps. Table 18.Outfall 001 Proposed Limits/ Monitoring: Parameter Monitoring requirements/Limits Basis Flow Monitor 15A NCAC 2B.0505 pH 11 State WQ standards,15A 2B .0200 Total copper, total antimony, total lead Monitor Detected below the wqs Fluoride Limit -1.8 mg/1 Detected above the wqs Total Arsenic Limit -10 µ /1 Detected above thew s Total Selenium Limits 5 µg/1 Monthly Average 56 µg/1 Daily Max Detected above the wqs Sulfites Limit - 250 mg/l (Monthly average & daily max Detected above the wqs TDS, Hardness, Conductivity Monitor Parameters of concern Acute toxicity I Quarterly Limit State WQ standards,15A NCAC 2B .0200 The remaining 11 seeps all drain to the discharge canal near the ash basin, 7 of those are chimney drains from the ash basin dam. The flow from the combined seeps account for less than 0.0005 % and will be included in the authorized wastewaters discharging through outfall 003. NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 12 Internal Outfall 012 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant NPDES No. NC00003425 A new treatment system will be installed to divert wastewaters from the ash basin. The proposed system consists of two lined basins discharging to the effluent discharge canal. Low volume wastes, metal cleaning wastes, stormwater, and other miscellaneous wastes that are routed to the ash basin will be routed to this new treatment system. Table 19.Outfall 012 Proposed Limits/Monitorin : Parameter Monitoring Basis requirementqLimits Flow Monitor 15A NCAC 2B.0505 Total Suspended Solids 30 mg/1 Monthly Average 40 CFR 423.12 (b)(3) 100 mg/1 Daily Max Oil & Grease 15 mg/1 Monthly Average 40 CFR 423.12 (b)(3) 100 m /l Dailymax ADDITIONAL CHANGES TO PERMIT • A separate effluent page for the dewatering of the ash ponds (Outfall 002) was added to the Pernik. • Outfall 001 was reinstated to monitor discharge of seeps and stormwater. • A new internal outfall (Outfall 011) was added to the permit to monitor the discharge from the proposed FGD treatment system. • A new internal outfall (Outfall 012) was added to the permit for the proposed retention basin for wastewaters previously treated in the ash pond. • Special Condition A.(14) that prohibited the discharge of cooling tower blowdown from outfall 005 to the discharge canal was eliminated from the permit. • A special condition was added to describe Section 316(b) requirements for submittal of applicable information. • A special condition was added to the permit to require an Ash Pond Closure Plan • A Special Condition was added to the permit to require compliance with Senate Bill 729 (Coal Ash Management Act). • Attachment 1 entitled "Groundwater Monitoring Plan" was added to the permit. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: August 24, 2016 Permit Scheduled to Issue: October 17, 2016 STATE CONTACT If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Teresa Rodriguez at (919) 807-6387. NAME: DATE: 8/24/2016 Appendix B 16 N Q 0 z 03 NJ O c� LJ 10950, bJJ u x Q CC3 03 U U U C� Q N ct Cd 1 m •� � p � �a ,.O � p �a r+ Q Q CIS 4 ^" N Q F R CC3 3 W Ej " O ct U � Q ct U O SIN 4-A U ct Ci Q Appendix C 17 E W z V a r N Fi W z z �f Us i w ONO a a P p 'D 7 \ zz A M 1 � a y t4l Z ; of �' { K-D v,::�2 � - VE S $ F 3 Z _z �f �j II' � V � J S rcc� -2I �l--�-:7-1 -;-� H r�pwy, tJ 3 p � U r» C7 xt� U ti S � a IMBE � 2I:?