HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2822B„a STATEo STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR February 19, 2007 LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY MEMORANDUM TO: Meeting Participants r FROM: Wilson Stroud, Project Planning Engine Project Development and Environmental ysis Branch SUBJECT: Minutes of Concurrence Point #1 Meeting for NC 143, from the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business, Graham County, Federal Aid Project STP-1127(1), State Project 8.2930301, WBS Element 34508.1.1, TIP Project R-2822 B The Concurrence Point #1 meeting for TIP Project R-2822 B was held in the Transportation Building BoardRoom (Room 150) on Tuesday, January 23, 2007. The meeting was held to discuss and achieve concurrence on'the purpose and need of the project and the project study area. The following persons attended the meeting: David Baker U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Jake Riggsbee Federal Highway Administration Chris Militscher U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Marella Buncick U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (via videoconference) Karen Compton U. S. Forest Service Harold Draper Tennessee Valley Authority (via videoconference) Tyler Howe Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians (via teleconference) Marla Chambers N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission Brian Wrenn N. C. Division of Water Quality Sarah McBride State Historic Preservation Office Amy Simes NCDENR, Office of the Secretary, Transportation Liaison Joel Setzer NCDOT, Division Engineer (via teleconference) Jim Speer NCDOT, Roadway Design Unit John Lansford NCDOT, Roadway Design Unit John Frye NCDOT, Structure Design Unit Don Moore NCDOT, Geotechnical Unit Sarah Smith NCDOT, Transportation Planning Branch Tammye Davis NCDOT, Office of Environmental Quality Mark Staley NCDOT, Roadside Environmental Unit MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 Carla Dagnino Kris Dramby Mary Pope Furr Steve Gurganus Tim Gardiner Jamille Robbins Teresa Hart James Bridges Zahid Baloch Marshall Edwards April Johnson Angela Sanderson Michael Wray Wilson Stroud NCDOT, PDEA Natural Environment Unit NCDOT, PDEA Natural Environment Unit NCDOT, PDEA Human Environment Unit NCDOT, PDEA Human Environment Unit NCDOT, PDEA Human Environment Unit NCDOT, PDEA Human Environment Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit NCDOT, PDEA Western Planning Unit Wilson Stroud opened the meeting at approximately 3:00 p.m. by welcoming the participants and noting the four participants attending via teleconference and videoconference. He then asked each participant to introduce himself or herself. Following the introductions, Wilson presented a Power Point presentation that included slides showing: meeting agenda and goals, project description, vicinity map, project history and schedule, existing conditions, photos taken along the project, traffic projections, crash history, environmental features, proposed purpose and need statement, and proposed study area. During and following the Power Point presentation, the following topics listed below were discussed: Posted Speed Limit The "Existing Conditions" section of the packet distributed prior to the meeting (Item #7) indicated the speed limit along the project ranges from 45 to 55 mph and that five curves have advisory speed limits of 20 or 30 mph. During his presentation, Wilson noted that the speed limit along the project actually ranges from 35 to 45 mph and that three curves have advisory speeds of 20 or 30 mph. Existing Typical Section The "Proposed Improvements" section of the packet (Item #3) indicated the proposed improvements west of West Buffalo Creek will consist of resurfacing, widening the pavement to 22 feet, regrading the shoulders, and replacing guardrail as needed. During his presentation, Wilson noted the existing pavement width west of West Buffalo Creek is actually 22 feet and that improvements within that section of the project will consist of resurfacing, regrading the shoulders, and replacing or installing new guardrail, but no pavement widening. Page 2 of 10 Cherohala Skyway Designation as a National Scenic Byway Sarah McBride asked when the adjacent Cherohala Skyway was designated as a National Scenic Byway. Joel Setzer responded that it received that designation when that section of NC 143 was dedicated and opened to traffic in 1996. Crash Rates - NC 143, the Cherohala Skyway, and "The Tail of the Dragon" Karen Compton asked if the crash rate along the project has been compared with the crash rate along the adjacent section of NC 143 to the west, known as the Cherohala Skyway. Wilson responded that he has not compared the crash rates for those two facilities, but that he would do so. Karen also indicated she feels the crash rates on the project are related mainly to motorists exceeding the posted and advisory speed limits. Marella Buncick asked whether we have obtained crash rates along "The Tail of the Dragon", a nearby section of US 129 that attracts motorcyclists from all over the country. (NCDOT has not obtained those crash rates as part of this study.) Karen noted that "The Tail of the Dragon" follows nearby US 129 and that it does not follow any portion of NC 143 or the Cherohala Skyway. ("The Tail of the Dragon" follows US 129 in Graham and Swain Counties, North Carolina and in Blount County, Tennessee. It begins at the Cheoah Dam in Graham County and ends near at Tabcat Creek in Blount County, a distance of 14 miles.) Tribal Lands (Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians) Tyler Howe noted that, in addition to the tribal lands Wilson identified near the east end of the project during his presentation, other tribal lands are located along NC 143 near the west end and in the middle of the project. Tyler noted those lands appear in Figure 3 of the handout, but are not identified as "tribal lands". (Those lands are identified in Figure 3 as, proceeding from west to east, parcels 482, 364, 477, 373, 17, 93, and 91.) Joel noted the Snowbird community relies heavily upon NC 143 and encouraged Tyler comment on the project from the standpoint of that community. Tyler reiterated that the tribal lands shown in Figures 2 and 3 are not the only tribal lands within the project limits. He noted NC 143 traverses through the heart of the Snowbird community and that his main concern is with the portions of the project that adjoin the tribal lands. He noted there is great potential for archaeological resources on those lands, and he asked that we address potential cultural resource impacts as part of our study. Tourist Traffic Marla Chambers noted the section of NC 143 between Robbinsville and Tellico Plains, Tennessee, as well as other area routes (including "The Tale of the Dragon", as noted above), are marketed nationally as challenging and scenic routes for motorcyclists. She expressed concern that the project could cause some motorcyclists to travel elsewhere, if the challenging and scenic qualities of NC 143 are eliminated. Page 3 of 10 U. S. Forest Service Issues Karen noted that approximately 70 percent of the project is bordered by U. S. Forest Service land. She requested that visual impacts on those lands be considered during the CSS process. Jim Speer responded that visual impacts will be addressed. FERC Coordination Marella mentioned that coordination with FERC or the Alcoa Corporation may be required. She noted that Alcoa has recently performed relicensing work in the project vicinity and that there is a shoreline management plan for Santeetlah Lake. Lead Federal Agencies Tyler asked whether federal funds would be used on the project and, if so, which agency would be the lead agency. Wilson responded that the project is federally funded and that the USACE and the USDOT (FHWA) would be the lead agencies, which Jake Riggsbee confirmed. Section 106 Issues Sarah McBride asked about the presence and age of any structures associated with the fish hatchery located on the south side of NC 143 east of SR 1115. Wilson responded that structures are present at the hatchery, but he does not know the ages of those structures. Steam and Water Quality Issues Sarah McBride noted the project crosses five major streams and asked if bridge replacement is proposed at each crossing. Wilson responded that we anticipate the two existing bridges (at West Buffalo Creek and Snowbird Creek) will be retained and that the existing culverts at the other crossings will be retained and extended. He noted that additional guidance will be obtained from the Hydraulics Unit regarding those stream crossings (the Bridge Maintenance and Structure Design Units will also be consulted, as needed). Purpose and Need, Proposed Typical Section, and Context Sensitive Solutions The purpose and need statement as presented in the information packet that was sent to the team members and NCDOT staff prior to the meeting was as follows: The purpose of this project is to improve safety along NC 143 by constructing wider travel lanes and shoulders and by improving the horizontal alignment, thereby providing a safer facility with a design more typical of "NC" routes. Page 4 of 10 Wilson sent the following revised purpose and need statement via e-mail to the team members and NCDOT staff on January 22, 2007 (the day before the meeting): The purpose of this project is to provide an improved facility that meets current design standards for NC routes. Brian Wrenn noted the differences between the original purpose and need statement sent out as part of the merger packet and the revised statement. Wilson explained that he had revised the statement to avoid prescribing a specific solution. Brian asked whether NCDOT is anticipating any realignment of the existing road if the "improve existing facility" alternative is selected. James Bridges responded that if the existing facility is widened, portions of it will need to be realigned if the design speed is to be improved. John Lansford added that approximately 50 percent of the existing road will have to be rebuilt if the existing road is widened, and Jim Speer noted that retaining walls may be considered in some areas to reduce impacts. Brian questioned whether the proposed purpose and need statement would allow us to widen the existing road for the entire length of the project. Wilson responded that it would, reiterating that much of the existing road would need to be rebuilt to achieve a more desirable design speed. Karen Compton asked for clarification as to the realignment of the existing road that would be required under the "improve existing facility" alternative. John Lansford responded that under that alternative, only about half of the existing road would remain in its current location if a design speed of 35 mph is proposed. John noted that although only three curves have advisory reduced speed postings, many more do not meet the requirements of a reasonable design speed. (Since the meeting, John has reported that the proposed design speed is 30 mph rather than 35 mph.) Brian asked about the phrase "design standards for NC routes" that is included in the revised purpose and need statement. John Lansford responded that there are no design standards for NC routes; instead, design standards are prescribed for arterial, collector, and local routes. Wilson noted that NC 143 is a rural major collector. John noted the proposed typical section was selected to match up with the design of the adjoining section of NC 143 to the west (the Cherohala Skyway), which has a 35-mph design speed and 1I- foot lanes. It was asked if there are design standards for scenic byways. Jim Speer noted that there are no standards for scenic byways, but noted that context sensitive solutions (CSS) will be considered in the planning and design of the project. Clarification of the use of CSS was then requested. Jim explained that CSS is a FHWA guide that calls for consideration of the environmental context of a project during design, including such design components as lane and shoulder widths. Jim further noted that both AASTO standards and CSS guidelines will be followed for this project. Page 5 of 10 Chris Militscher asked for clarification as to the design standards for shoulder width for rural collectors. John Lansford responded that he believes those standards call for 6-foot shoulders. (Since the meeting, John has reported that AASHTO standards call 12-foot travel lanes and 8-foot useable shoulders, based upon the projected traffic volumes.). Karen asked whether the proposed 22-foot pavement and 6-foot shoulders are in keeping with the concept of CSS. Jim responded that this would need to be considered in the CSS evaluation process. Marella Buncick questioned whether including the phrase "meets design standards, " as stated in the revised purpose and need statement, would lock us into a design that (1) may be excessive for this road and (2) may later limit our options for CSS. Wilson suggested noting in the purpose and need statement that CSS will be considered during project design. Chris indicated he preferred the initial purpose and need statement, noting that the handout made a good case for the safety benefits of the project. He also noted that not all the team members are familiar with AASHTO standards and CSS guidelines. He feels it may be impracticable for us to meet those standards along the entire project, and he noted he does not want us to be locked into alternatives that call for improvements that may not be permittable. John Lansford explained that CSS is not a separate set of standards; instead, it is a method of using AASHTO or NCDOT "3-R" (Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation) design standards to provide a better fit with the environment. Wilson re-read the initial purpose and need statement. James Bridges indicated he did not feel that statement locks us into any specific standards, alternatives, or improvements. Chris noted that he would have trouble with a statement that mentions design standards. He expressed his concern that if we adopt a statement that includes "design standards", and it later turns out we are not able to achieve those standards in sensitive areas, we could be at a deadlock. James asked if all would concur with the initial purpose and need statement (the version included in the original packet). Marella suggested using the original statement, but revising it to refer to scenic byways rather than to NC routes. Marla explained she normally supports most horizontal alignment improvements, but noted her concern with such improvements for this project. She feels most motorists who travel NC 143 expect it to have curves, given the mountainous terrain. She reiterated that many of the tourists who travel the road do so to experience the challenging alignment. She asked that we determine what the crash rate would be if the motorcycle crashes were taken out of the analysis. She feels if we change the alignment very much, environmental impacts would be much greater. Marla suggested that we word the statement in such a Page 6 of 10 way that retaining 100 percent of the existing alignment and simply widening the pavement and shoulders could be an option. Wilson responded that NCDOT is obligated to look at the cause of the crashes and to take appropriate corrective measures to reduce the likelihood of those crashes, given that the crash rates for the project exceed both the statewide and critical rates. He agreed to determine what the crash rate would be if the motorcycle crashes were excluded. Joel Setzer indicated he feels most of the tourists travelling on NC 143 are doing so to reach the Cherohala Skyway and they are not necessarily travelling on this section of road for its scenic value. He does not feel improving the alignment of NC 143 would discourage tourists from travelling that route, and he noted there are other nearby sections of roads with challenging alignments. He noted the main points of interest to tourists within the project limits are the Nantahala National Forest and Snowbird Creek. John Lansford noted this section of NC 143 differs from the Cherohala Skyway in that it serves local traffic, as well as tourist traffic. He noted this section of NC 143 serves a mixture of traffic, including school buses, service trucks, local residents, and tourists. Marella explained that she is not opposed to some realignment of NC 143. She is concerned, however, that the revised purpose and need statement, which mentions design standards, would bind us to improvements that may not be permittable by all of the agencies (for example, the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). She expressed her desire for us to keep our options open. Marla concurred with Marella's observations. Brian recognized the need to widen and realign at least some portions of NC 143 to improve safety, but noted the potential for acidic rock in the project area and the negative impacts acidic rock can have on aquatic communities. He emphasized that we should accommodate the "widen existing" alternative in selecting a purpose and need statement. Chris suggested that the purpose and need statement be revised to include improving the horizontal alignment, if that can be done without incurring major impacts to the environment. James revised the statement on the Power Point slide to read more like the statement included in the original merger package, but adding the word "possibly" before "improving"and changing "NC routes" to "scenic byways". Karen expressed concern that the new suggesting wording could rule out certain options, and she noted that she feels the revised wording still tends to prescribe a solution. Wilson noted that detailed discussion of the alternatives to be studied will be addressed at the next concurrence point meeting (CP #2). Teresa Hart asked Karen to clarify her concerns with the most recently suggested version of the statement. Karen explained that she feels safety is the overall goal and that the original statement and the most recently suggested one both go too far in offering solutions. Sarah McBride indicated she agrees with Karen and suggested that "by constructing wider travel lanes and shoulders and by improving the horizontal alignment" Page 7 of 10 be removed from the statement. Chris further suggested that the second reference to safety be removed, noting its redundancy. Jim reiterated that there are no set standards for scenic byways. Joel suggested referencing the Cherohala Skyway (which was designed using AASHTO standards) in the statement rather than scenic byways. Karen expressed concern with NC 143 being improved to match the typical section of the Cherohala Skyway. Joel responded that he feels NCDOT's intent in placing the project in the TIP, based upon input received from local officials and residents, was to improve NC 143 to standards similar to those used for the Skyway. Jake indicated 11-foot lanes, the width provided on the Skyway, are the absolute minimum lane widths that FHWA will allow. Jim agreed, noting 11-foot lanes are proposed, even considering CSS guidelines. Sarah McBride suggested including "consideration of CSS" in the purpose and need statement, and Teresa agreed. James revised the statement to read: The purpose of this action is to improve safety along NC 143 using context sensitive solutions. Joel asked if this statement would restrict us from considering new location alternatives. Everyone agreed it would not. The above purpose and need statement was adopted. Project Study Area Marella asked for clarification of the TIP project description, noting the references in the TIP to Sections A and B. Wilson and Joel explained that R-2822 A called for intersection improvements, minor realignment, and guardrail work on NC 143 from south of SR 1115 to north of SR 1125 (near the Snowbird community), a distance of 0.7 mile. The project was processed under State Miminum Criteria guidelines, and construction was completed in November 1996. Wilson described the proposed project study area, which was shown in Figure 3, on the aerial photographs included in the merger packets, and on the aerial photographs displayed at the meeting. He noted that the shown proposed study area would allow the study of new location alternatives within the eastern portion of the project, where existing NC 143 follows a more sinuous course. Joel asked John Lansford to discuss the existing horizontal alignment and typical section west of West Buffalo Creek in more detail. (Within this portion of the project, NC 143 consists of a 2-lane, 22-foot pavement with 6-foot grassed shoulders. East of the West Buffalo Creek, NC 143 consists of a 2-lane, 18-foot pavement with 1-4 foot grassed shoulders.) John explained that for the portion of the project west of West Buffalo Creek, only resurfacing, guardrail replacement and installation, and shoulder grading are proposed. He noted that design exceptions would likely be needed within this segment due to the two horizontal curves with advisory speed limits of 30 mph. John noted that if those curves were improved to meet a 35-mph design, impacts to adjacent properties (including tribal properties) would. likely be greater. Page 8 of 10 Joel suggested the possibility of processing the portions of the project west and east of West Buffalo Creek separately, given the distinction between the existing conditions (and therefore between the proposed improvements) proposed for those two segments. He feels this would reduce the amount of study needed for the segment to the west, thus saving time and money. Joel indicated he will look into this possibility. Teresa asked if the project could be split during this meeting, or if it should occur during the CP #2 meeting. Joel asked if the presence of the West Buffalo Creek bridge would impact the possible project split. John Lansford responded that it would not, since the bridge is expected to be retained. Marla asked for verification of the existing typical section along the western segment, and Wilson confirmed that it has 11-foot lanes and 6-foot grassed shoulders. James asked if anyone objected to the proposed study area, noting that it could be revised at a future date if the project limits are changed for the possible split at West Buffalo Creek. Chris responded that for other projects, the project study areas have been revised later in the merger process based upon further development of the alternatives. Chris suggested that the study area statement be revised to include the date shown on Figure 3 (December 2006). He also requested that the date of Figure 3 be included in the meeting minutes. Sarah McBride asked if the shown study area replicates the scoping done in 2001. Wilson responded that the study area does include the new location alternatives that have been studied and discussed with the U. S. Forest Service. Tyler requested that we continue to consider the impact of the project on tribal lands, and he requested clarification of the proposed improvements west of West Buffalo Creek. Wilson explained that the portion of the project west of West Buffalo Creek will involve less work than the portion to the east and, therefore, it may be preferable to study that segment separately. Wilson also noted that if the project is split into two separate projects at West Buffalo Creek, Division 14 would likely perform the portion to the west. The following study area statement was adopted: The proposed study area is variable in width and is shown in attached Figure 3 (dated December 2006). The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:45 p.m. Adopted Purpose and Need and Project Study Area Statements: • Purpose and Need: The purpose of this action is to improve safety along NC 143 using context sensitive solutions. • Proiect Study Area: The proposed study area is variable in width and is shown in attached Figure 3 (dated December 2006). Page 9 of 10 Additional Agency Comments Prior to the meeting, Bill Gibson, the Executive Director of the Southwestern RPO, provided the following comments on the project: "Nonetheless, the Southwestern RPO is very familiar with the subject project (R-2822 B, NC 143 Graham County). We are very aware of the self-evident need for a safer, straighter, more motorist-friendly connection from the Cherohala Parkway into Robbinsville. The economies of Robbinsville, Graham County and Southwestern NC would benefit. I am confident that the Southwestern RPO would/will support this initiative." Note: Please contact Wilson Stroud at 919-733-7844, extension 310, if you have any questions or comments regarding these minutes. JWS Attachments: CP#1 concurrence forms (3 sheets) Figure 3 - Project study area Cc: Jamie Wilson, NCDOT, Division Construction Engineer Dewayne Sykes, NCDOT, Roadway Design Unit David Chang, NCDOT, Hydraulics Unit Missy Dickens, NCDOT, PDEA Staff Engineer Matt Wilkerson, NCDOT, PDEA Human Environment Unit Topsy Skinner, PDEA Concurrence Meeting Coordinator Page 10 of 10 SECTION 404 / NEPA MERGER INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT CONCURRENCE POINT 1 : PURPOSE AND NEED AND STUDY AREA DEFINED Proiect Title: NC 143 improvements, from the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business West of Robbinsville, Graham County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127(1); State Project No. 8.2930301, WBS Element.34508. 1. 1, TIP Project No. R-2822 B Purpose and Need of the Proposed Action: The purpose of this action is to improve safety along NC 143 using context sensitive solutions. Study Area: The proposed study area is variable in width and is shown in attached Figure 3 (Dated December 2006). The Merger Process Team met on January 23, 2007 and concurred with the Purpose and Need and Study Area for the proposed improvements to NC 143. USACE - a o 7 David aker Date USEPA --- l J 2.3 ?0 7 Christopher A. Mili`tscher Date NCDWQ 4? Brian Wrenn D to FHWA Gt._ ?G?4?.23/??0 Jake Riggsbee, P.E. Date USFWS 4A rella Buncick Da NCWRC 1<4 k 040 144441 (-Z-'v7 Marla J. C bers Date SHPO 1 23 a/ THPO ' Sarah McBride Date USFS TVA Tyler Howe Date Karen Compton Date Harold Draper Date NCDO 1-23-0 7 ??ilson Stroud Date Abstaining Agencies Name A enc Date 01/24/2007 13:48 NC DOT PDEA 4 918284882462 NO.522 SECTION 4041 NEPA MERGER INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT CONC'U'RRENCE POINT 1: PURPOSE AND NEED AND STUD'Y' AREA DEFINED Project Title: NC 143 improvements, from the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business West of Robbinsville, Graham County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127(1), State Project No. 8.2930301, WBS Element 34508.1.1, TIP Project No. R-2822 B Purpose and Need of the Proposed Action: The purpose of this action is to improve safety along NC 143 using context sensitive solutions. Study Area: The proposed study area is variable in width and is shown in attached Figure 3 (Dated December 2006). The Merger Process Team met on January 23, 2007 and concurred with the Purpose and Need and. Study Area for the proposed improvements to NC 143. USAGE ??7 David a -.4 to USEPA? l •Z3 ?0 7 Christopher A. Militscher Date NCDWQ Brian Wrenn D to --L4? SBY0 'vSarub McBride Date USFS IrU Compton Date NCDO Icon Stroud Date D02 FPIWA / VG?4 l ?3? ?o -7 Jake Riggsbee, P.I+ Date USFWS Marellu Huncick Date NCWRC Marla J. Cl rbers Date TI?PO y =Tc., - 07 y Howe Date TVA Abs_ ing Ass? enctes Name Auen Date Harold Draper Date 01/24/2007 13:49 NC DOT PDEA 4 918656323451 NO.523 SECTION 404 / NEPA MERGER INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT CONCURRENCE POINT 1: PUkPOSE AND NEED AND STUDY AREA DEFINED Project Title: NC 143 improvements, from the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business West of RobbinsAlle, Graham County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127(1), State Project No. 8.2930301, WES Element 34508.1.1, TIP Project No. R-2822 B PurRose avid Need of the Proposed Action: The purpose of this action is to improve safety along ITC 143 using context sensitive solutions. Study Area: The proposed study area is variable in width and is shown in attached Figure 3 (Dated December 2006). The Merger Process Team met on January 23, 2007 and concurred with the purpose and Need and Study Area for the proposed improvements to NC 143. Ania&-J-ft- USAGE '7 a to Christopher A. Mititaoher Datte NCDWQ Brian Wrenn to nk McBride Date USFS Kam CoMVton Date NCDO ?'2 3- 0 7 )son Stroud Date Name D02 ?r4 `1.23 ?t9? MW A Jake RiMbco, P.B. Date USFWS Morena Buncick Date NCWRC P 4 Marla J. ChAers Date THPO Tyler Howe Date 4Y, - ,' TVA *t Harold Draper We Abstaining Agencies Agency Date lY? O 7?? } by ', t d t f r? ? 3 S C . f. !um ?. f w ? ,f STUDY AREA - QUAD MAP NC 143 FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT ?4oF "Ofl" `49¢? CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO OF TRANSPORTATION y z NC 143 BUS WEST OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS = PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ROBBINSVILLE ' ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH 9?yFNTaFraneS°?? GRAHAM COUNTY TIP PROJECT R-2822B