HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2575O A OD J (D CO) MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR March 31, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Ryan L. White, Project Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch DFNit - VViIf C!Lf^!.iiY WETi ANDSAND S'1i lli?yu<' fLlt BRANCH LYNDO TIPPET SECRETARY SUBJECT: Scoping Meeting Minutes for T.I.P. Project R-2575, US 158, From NC 86 west of Yanceyville to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west Roxboro, WBS # 35525.1.1, Caswell-Person Counties A scoping meeting for T.I.P. Project R-2575 was conducted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 in room 470 of the Highway Building. Those in attendance are listed below. Name Kirby Warrick Derek Bradner Jurek Gedzior Jeff Garland Erin Hendff Jerry Snead Quang Nguyen James Bridges Ryan L. White Jeff Weller Kori Kelly Ellen Beckmann David Wasserman Van Argabright Steve Gurganus STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Agency Email Right of Way kwarrick Adot. state. nc. us Location and Surveys *brad ner Adot. state. nc. us Photogrammetry jgedzior Odot. state. nc. us Cong Mgmt (Plan Review) 4garland 0-dot. state. nc.us Cong Mgmt (Plan Review) ehendffO -do.state. nc.us Hydraulics isneadO- dot.state. nc. us Structures gnguyen aOdot.state.nc.us PDEA ifbridges Oldot.state. nc. us PDEA rlwhiteO- dot. state. nc.us PDEA awellerO- dot.state. nc. us PDEA kkelly0dot.state.nc.us Transportation Planning ebeckmannO-dot. state. nc.us Transportation Planning dswassermanO-dot.state. nc.us Program Development vargabrig ht(ddot.state. nc.us Office of Human Environment sigurganus a(-dot.state.nc.us Comments from Roadway Design (Jimmy Goodnight, Tim Goins) were submitted after the meeting. Correspondence was received from US Army Corps of Engineers (John Thomas) and the Division of Water Quality (Beth Barnes) Comments and concerns from the meeting are outlined below: Office of Human Environment Caswell County has a high minority population and Person County has a high concentration of low-income families. Enhanced public outreach for the Hispanic population within the project study area is recommended. The Caswell County Park and the NCWRC Caswell Gamelands are both section 4(f) properties. R Division of Water Quality Best Management Practices to reduce non-point source pollution are recommended. Hazardous spill catch basins will be required for stream crossings within the critical area of the water supply watershed. The table below indicates stream features within the project area: Creek Name H drolo is Unit Class South Fork Rattlesnake Creek and UT's 030204 C Reed Fork and UT's 030205 C H co Creek and UT's 030205 C Kilgore Creek 030205 C Cobbs Creek 030205 C Cub Creek 030205 C County Line Creek and UT's 030204 WS-II HQW South Hyco Creek and UT's 030205 WS-II HQW CA Army Corps of Engineers Permit requirements cannot be determined at this point in the planning process. Mitigation credit can be provided if existing bridge approach causeways are removed and replaced with longer spans in order to reclaim wetlands. Federal Highway Administration TIP Projects R-2582 or R-2584 should be used as model projects for implementing Strategic Highway Corridor projects in to the NEPA/Merger Process. Transportation Planning The Strategic Highway Plan does not currently specify whether an expressway type 1 or type 2 is to be constructed within the project study area. The Purpose and Need Statement should focus on regional mobility and connectivity between activity centers and not on traffic volumes. Transportation Planning will be holding a meeting with the resource agencies to discuss the process of implementing Strategic Highway Corridor projects into the merger process. Roadway Design An expressway type-II is recommended as the proposed facility classification. A "best-fit" alignment will be developed based on of the existing environmental areas of concern. Wetlands should be delineated 200' on each side of the facility, 1000' along each Y-line, and 200' on each side of the Y-lines. Location and Surveys The right of way along the US 158/NC 86 overlap is currently 150 feet. Photogrammetry Plan sheets for the project corridor should be completed in June 2006. Right of Way There is a cemetery located near the eastern limit of the project. Program Development This project does not currently have federal funding. It is recommended that a federal document be produced for this project. If the decision is made to utilize federal money on the project, then a new document would not have to be produced. Right of way funds are available for R-2575A (from NC 86 west of Yanceyville, to NC 86 east of Yanceyville). I Hydraulics There are nine stream crossings located in the project study area. The following table summarizes the rernmmPnrJntinns in rPnnrrt to the existing crossings: Stream Name Existing Structure Recommendation Comments S. Fork Rattlesnake Creek 72" Pipe Country Line Creek Bridge # 1 Len th:220' Retain and widen Country Line Creek Tributary 10x8 Culvert Retain and extend Reedy Fork Creek Bridge # 20: 6 Barrel 8'x9' culvert Replace with bridge N. Hyco Creek Bridge # 24 Currently under construction Need to determine width of new structure Kilgore Creek Bridge # 52 Quadruple 7' x 9' culvert Retain and extend Cobb's Creek 1 - 8 x 6 culvert Retain and extend Cub Creek 1 - 6 x 6 culvert Retain and extend S. Hyco Creek Bridge #11 Length: 171' Replace with bridge at same location Hazardous spill basin required at location. Location and Surveys The right of way along the US 158/NC 86 overlap is currently 150 feet. Photoarammetry Plan sheets for the project corridor should be completed in June 2006. Traffic Engineering (Congestion Management) Updated traffic forecasts should be completed in 2 - 3 weeks. Traffic Engineering (Triad Region) There are two (2) traffic signals that would need to be revised with the project ¦ Signal Inventory # 07-2051 located at US 158 and SR 1589 (Fire Tower Rd.) ¦ Signal Inventory # 07-1091 located at NC 86/ US 158 and SR 1576. Signals may be recommended once traffic counts and projections are received. Rumble strips should be placed on the outside and inside shoulders of this project to increase safety along the project corridor. Traffic Safety Pavement markings should be improved and the use of lighting will help to address the high number of nighttime and wet condition crashes, Action Items ¦ PDEA will submit a request to Congestion Management to provide input in regards to intersections and possible interchanges along the project corridor. ¦ PDEA will schedule the Concurrent Point #1 (Purpose and Need) meeting. After reviewing the comments and concerns on the project, the issues were summarized and the meeting was adjourned. RLW NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor February 4, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Director Project Development and Environment analysis Branch William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director FROM: Beth Haines Barnes, NCDOT Coordinator SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheets for widening of US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County, Project Number: 05-0073 WSB Element No.38803 TIP Project R-2575 Division: 07. In reply to your correspondence dated January 26, 2005 in which you requested comments for the above referenced project, preliminary analysis of the project indicates that the following stream features lie within the project area: Creek Name (Hydrologic Unit) Class South Fork Rattlesnake Creek and UT's (030204) C Reed Fork and UT's (030205) C H co Creek and UT's (030205) C Kilgore Creek (030205) C Cobbs Creek (030305) C Cub Creek (030205) C Count Line Creek and UT's (030204) WS-II H W South H co Creek and UT's (030205) WS-II HOW CA The Division of Water Quality offers these comments: Within the Roanoke Basin, sedimentation and stormwater runoff are major concerns. The use of BMPs to reduce non-point source pollution is recommended. 401 Transportation Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1650 One 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 NorthCarolina Phone: 919-733.1786 / FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet: http://h2o.enr_state.ne.us/ncwetlands Vatura N Natural Resources Scoping, R-2575 Page 2 February 4, 2005 Environmental Documentation A. Any environmental documents pertaining to this project should provide a detailed and itemized presentation of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams with corresponding mapping. There should be a discussion on mitigation plans for unavoidable impacts. If mitigation is required, it is preferable to present a conceptual (if not finalized) mitigation plan with the environmental documentation. While the NCDWQ realizes that this may not always be practical, it should be noted that for projects requiring mitigation, appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification. B. An analysis of cumulative and secondary impacts anticipated as a result of this project may be required. Design & Construction A. The project shall incorporate the requirements for WS-II and High Quality Waters as specified in 15A NCAC 213 .0214 (WS-II), .0217 (Stormwater Control Criteria), and .0224 (High Quality Waters) with respect to storm water management, sedimentation and erosion control, and riparian buffers. B. Hazardous spill catch basins will be required for stream crossings within the critical area of the water supply watershed. C. The DWQ requests that DOT adhere to North Carolina regulations entitled, "Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" (15A NCAC 04B .0124) and use Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters (March 1997) specifically using all applicable preventive and control measures during the design, construction and maintenance of this project. These measures should be implemented prior to any ground-disturbing activities to minimize impacts to downstream aquatic resources. D. Storm water should be designed to be directed to vegetated buffer areas, grass-lined ditches or other means appropriate to the site for the purpose of pre-treating storm water runoff, and must not be routed directly into streams. Mowing of existing vegetated buffers is strongly discouraged, so that they may be utilized for storm water sheet flow. E. In order to reduce sedimentation in receiving waters, same day seeding and mulching is strongly encouraged. Stormwater should be directed to grassed swales, buffer areas, preformed scour holes or retention basins rather than routed directly into streams. F. Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands. Sediment should be removed from any water pumped from behind a cofferdam before the water is returned to the stream. G. Do not use any machinery in the stream channels unless absolutely necessary. Do not remove vegetation from the stream bank unless it is absolutely necessary. Avoid removing large trees and undercut banks. If large, undercut trees must be removed, then cut the trunks and leave the stumps and root systems in place to minimize damage to stream banks. Scoping, R-2575 Page 3 February 4, 2005 H. Borrow/waste areas should not be located in wetlands. It is likely that compensatory mitigation will be required if wetlands are impacted by waste or borrow as well as utility relocations. 1. Wetland and stream impacts should be avoided to the maximum extent practical. If this is not possible, alternatives that minimize wetland impacts should be chosen. In accordance with the NCDWQ Wetlands Rules 115A NCAC 21-1.0506(b)(6)), mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 150 linear feet to any single perennial stream. In the event that mitigation becomes required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. Onsite mitigation is preferable, however, the NC Ecological Enhancement Program (EEP) is available for use as compensatory mitigation. J. While the use of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps and soil surveys is a useful office tool, their inherent inaccuracies require that qualified personnel perform onsite wetland delineations prior to permit approval. K. DWQ prefers replacement of bridges with bridges, particularly in higher quality waters (i.e. trout streams, water supply watersheds, high quality and outstanding resource waters). L. When practical, the DWQ requests that bridges be replaced on the existing location with road closure. If a detour proves necessary, remediation measures in accordance with the NCDWQ requirements for General 401 Certification No. 3366/Nationwide Permit No. 33 (Temporary Construction, Access and Dewatering) must be followed. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. The DOT is reminded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Beth Haines Barnes at (919) 715.8394. pc: John Thomas, USACE Raleigh Field Office Chris Militscher, USEPA Region IV, Raleigh Field Office Gary Jordan, USFWS Travis Wilson, NCWRC File Copy Central Files s STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR January 26, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO FROM: SUBJECT: Scoping Meeting for TIP Project R-2515 US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro, Caswell-Person Counties Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (see attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the project scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for February 24, 2005 at 10:00 AM in the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Conference Room (Room 470). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting, please call Ryan L. White, Project Development Engineer, at 919-733-7844, extension 245. Please include the TIP Project Number in all correspondence and comments. GJT/rlw D L5 C. a?(? L5 n JAN S ?005 u John Hennessy Division of Water Quality Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Di Project Development and En LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY ysis MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSITE. WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC R-2575 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Date February 24, 2005 Revision Date Project Development Stage Programming Planning X Design TIP # R-2575 Project # 8.1457801 Divisions 5,7 County Caswell - Person Route US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County Functional Classification: US 158 is a two-lane principal arterial. Length: 17.3 miles (27.9 kilometers) Purpose of Project: The purpose of this project is to accommodate the projected traffic and provide an improved east-west facility within Caswell and Person counties. Project R-2575 is one of a number of TIP projects comprising Strategic Highway Corridor #37, which proposes to widen US 158 from Forsyth County in the western piedmont to Currituck County in the northeastern coastal plain of North Carolina. Once the proposed improvements are completed, they will provide the northern tier counties of North Carolina with a high- speed, east-west transportation facility. Description of project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: The project proposes to widen US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro, to a multi-lane facility. Currently, US 158 is a three-lane facility from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to NC 62 east of Yanceyville. From NC 62 to the eastern project limit at SR 1159 (The Hester Road), US 158 carries two lanes of traffic. Type of environmental document to be prepared: EA/FONSI Environmental study schedule: EA 7/06 FONSI 4/07 R/W PY LET PY Will there be special funding participation by municipality, developers, or other? Yes No X If yes, by whom and amount: ($) , or (%) How and when will this be paid? Type of Access Control (current): Full Partial None X PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Type of Facility: Currently, US 158 is a three-lane facility with 12' lanes through Yanceyville. Last of Yanceyville, US 158 is a two-lane rural facility with a 24' pavement width and grass shoulders. Interchanges 0 Grade Separations 0 Stream Crossings (Named) 7 Proposed Typical Section: US 158 will be widened to a four-lane expressway type-1I with a grass median. The upgraded facility will have partial control of access with interchanges provided only at major intersections and at-grade intersections for minor cross-streets. Traffic: [2003] 8,900 VPD (NC 86) to 2,500 VPD (SR 1159) Design Standards Applicable: AASHTO X 311 Design Speed: Current Cost Estimate: Construction Cost (including engineering and contingencies)... $ 58 600,000 Right of Way Cost (including rel., util., and acquisition)....... $ 11 400,000 Total Cost ........................................... $ 70,000,000 TIP Cost Estimate: Construction ....................................... $ 54,600,000 Right of Way ...................................... $ 11 400,000 Total Cost ........................................ $ 66,500,000 List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which could affect cost or schedule of project: R-2575 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Scoping sheets have been reviewed and approved* by: Highway Design Roadway Structure Design Services Geotechnical Hydraulics Loc. & Surveys Photogrammetry Prel. Est. Engr. PDEA. Right of Way R/W Utilities Traffic Engineering Project Management County Manager City/Municipality Others INIT. DATE Board of Tran. Member Mgr. Program & Policy _ Chief Engineer-Precons Chief Engineer-Oper. Secondary Roads Off. Construction Branch Roadside Environmental Maintenance Branch Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning Division Engineer Bicycle Coordinator Program Development FHWA Dept. of Cult. Res. Dept. of Eli & NR INIT. DATE Comments or Remarks: *If you are not in agreement with proposed project or scoping, note your proposed revisions in Comments or Remarks Section and initial and date after comments. J J io b \ l -? II) C) 7 N • f' 'Al 000 ? O I M r .? _ , ]] ? I w ? ?r ? r a 67 ; _ n 'I o p,',.? ^ X O T S N. IIYCO CR r I ! 1?? KILGORE CR 1 ? I ? NOW070S) [9St ?S I ---------- CASWELL' COUNTY - I -----------------1-- - P ON . NTY I , I COBB'S CR ?I VIA CUR LR ?? 1 \ b T1 I II ?_ ?/ C) o 5 ? ?m >?zz 0-1 Zm?Oz :5 -n 0 I 6 . _ ?-?-- _ O D OO N -4 ? ot) I 7y ;u C (1) 3v Z Z 0 -- - M M?m-I?? ow Z?-n?oO am I ---- ?> ?Zmo?? ? r-O=y -v =1 D D I m z cnnv'zm 3=O Zm?za T ?z;u mn NON D D I ?.. _ ?. c CPO o I Q -- d Na STATF STATF. OI., NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR January 26, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO FROM: SUBJECT: Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (see attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the project scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for February 24, 2005 at 10:00 AM in the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Conference Room (Room 470). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting, please call Ryan L. White, Project Development Engineer, at 919-733-7844, extension 245. Please include the TIP Project Number in all correspondence and comments. GJT/rlw Beth Barnes Division of Water Quality Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Direct Project Development and Envir nl8i?ii?t"Analysis 1rarich t Scoping Meeting for TIP Project R-2575 US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro, Caswell-Person Counties JAN 3 1 ?005 LYNDO TIPPi,,r,r SECRETARY DENR - WATEI'I 0 I!'?!.1TY WETLANDS AND STORMWAT Ek BRANCH MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSITE: WWW. DOH. DOT. STATE. NC. US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC R-2575 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Date February 24, 2005 Revision Date Project Development Stage Programming Planning X Design 'rip # R-2575 Project # 8.1457801 Divisions 5,7 County Caswell - Person Route US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County Functional Classification: US 158 is a two-lane principal arterial. Length: 17.3 miles (27.9 kilometers) Purpose of Project: The purpose of this project is to accommodate the projected traffic and provide an improved east-west facility within Caswell and Person counties. Project R-2575 is one of a number of TIP projects comprising Strategic Highway Corridor #37, which proposes to widen US 158 from Forsyth County in the western piedmont to Currituck County in the northeastern coastal plain of North Carolina. Once the proposed improvements are completed, they will provide the northern tier counties of North Carolina with a high- speed, east-west transportation facility. Description of project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: The project proposes to widen US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro, to a multi-lane facility. Currently, US 158 is a three-lane facility from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to NC 62 east of Yanceyville. From NC 62 to the eastern project limit at SR 1159 (The Hester Road), US 158 carries two lanes of traffic. Type of environmental document to be prepared: EA/FONSI Environmental study schedule: EA 7/06 FONSI 4/07 R/W PY LET PY Will there be special funding participation by municipality, developers, or other? Yes No X If yes, by whom and amount: ($) , or (%) How and when will this be paid? Type of Access Control (current): Full Partial None X PROJECT SLOPING SHEET Type of Facility: Currently, US 158 is a three-lane facility with 12' lanes through Yanceyville. East of Yanceyville, US 158 is a two-lane rural facility with a 24' pavement width and grass shoulders. Interchanges 0 Grade Separations 0 Stream Crossings (Named) 7 Proposed Typical Section: US 158 will be widened to a four-lane expressway type-11 with a grass median. The upgraded facility will have partial control of access with interchanges provided only at major intersections and at-grade intersections for minor cross-streets. Traffic: [2003] 8,900 VPD (NC 86) to 2,500 VPD (SR 1159) Design Standards Applicable: AASHTO X 311 Design Speed: Current Cost Estimate: Construction Cost (including engineering and contingencies)... $ 58 600,000 Right of Way Cost (including rel., util., and acquisition)....... $ 11,400,000 Total Cost ........................................... $ 70,000,000 TIP Cost Estimate: Constriction ....................................... $ 54 600,000 Right of Way ...................................... $ 11 400,000 Total Cost ........................................ $ 66,500,000 List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which could affect cost or schedule of project: R-2575 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Scoping sheets have been reviewed and approved* by: Highway Design Roadway Structure Design Services Geotechnical Hydraulics Loc. & Surveys Photogrammetry Prel. Est. Engr. PDEA. Right of Way R/W Utilities Traffic Engineering Project Management County Manager City/Municipality Others INIT. DATE, INIT. DATE Board of Tran. Member Mgr. Program & Policy Chief Engineer-Precons Chief Engineer-Oper. Secondary Roads Off. Construction Branch Roadside Environmental Maintenance Branch Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning Division Engineer Bicycle Coordinator Program Development FHWA Dept. of Cult. Res. Dept. of EH & NR Comments or Remarks: *If you are not in agreement with proposed project or scoping, note your proposed revisions in Comments or Remarks Section and initial and date after comments. bi, E J* n - G ' / IJ 11 O R1 ' S ^ ? C, ? p^N n q N I r V, 1 , I 1 11 I o e 71P n ? q_ ? ? 'Co I ; m { o O Y3 S N. NYCO CR / ????] 'I ? gyp' ? Z L a o ? ^ 1 `? I YL I ?10? KILGORE CR I \ I ?i_1?? NOW0709) i9sT its - ------------------ I - -------L_____----- , CASWELL COUNTY -- I P ON ------,-------------?-- - NTY I / COBB'S CR ? J 1 b ? n I f\ O I I ?S 1 1 n0K 65 >U)ZZ (? O Z-0DOZ T - I ?._?. \- A OD r- cn 0) > -0 T. " I S?? u7 O? i cc - tn C cn Z zz O ? I - - - m= l M ;u m 0 ? - C? (n cn p ;m Z? T;o O -1 r I ----- ??- L -I O = -n °° r_O _ > Z o D I IvnmD? = 40 Z3: Z I - T, LnZ?mn LA N >(A D r- O b - C: (Az coo I J Y ., Z ? m m z z I J Gar ', :; ' _ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor January 31, 2005 MEMORANDUM William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director TO: Melba McGee, Environmental Coordinator Office of Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs FROM: Beth Haines Barnes, NCDOT Coordinator iP4 SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheets for widening of US 158, From NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County, Project Number: 05-0073 WSB Element No.38803 TIP Project R-2575 Division: 07. In reply to your correspondence dated August 23, 2004 in which you requested comments for the above referenced project, preliminary analysis of the project indicates that the following lie within the project area: Creek Name (Hydrologic Unit) Class South Fork Rattlesnake Creek and UT's (030204) C Reed Fork and UT's (030205) C H co Creek and UT's (030205) C Kilgore Creek (030205) C Cobbs Creek (030305) C Cub Creek (030205) C Count Line Creek and UT's (030204) WS-II HQW South H co Creek and UT's (030205) WS-II HQW CA The Division of Water Quality offers these comments: Within the Roanoke Basin, sedimentation and stormwater runoff are major concerns. The use of BMPs to reduce non-point source pollution is recommended. 401 Transportation Permitting Unit One 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 NorthCarolina 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786 / FAX 919.733.6893 / Internet: htty'/1h2o enr state nc.us/ncwetll nds N Scoping, R-2575 Page 2 January 31, 2005 Environmental Documentation A. Any environmental documents pertaining to this project should provide a detailed and itemized presentation of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams with corresponding mapping. There should be a discussion on mitigation plans for unavoidable impacts. If mitigation is required, it is preferable to present a conceptual (if not finalized) mitigation plan with the environmental documentation. While the NCDWQ realizes that this may not always be practical, it should be noted that for projects requiring mitigation, appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification. B. An analysis of cumulative and secondary impacts anticipated as a result of this project may be required. Design & Construction A. The project shall incorporate the requirements for WS-II and High Quality Waters as specified in 15A NCAC 213 .0214 (WS-II), .0217 (Stormwater Control Criteria), and .0224 (High Quality Waters) with respect to storm water management, sedimentation and erosion control, and riparian buffers. B. The DWQ requests that DOT adhere to North Carolina regulations entitled, "Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" (15A NCAC 04B .0124) and use Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters (March 1997) specifically using all applicable preventive and control measures during the design, construction and maintenance of this project. These measures should be implemented prior to any ground-disturbing activities to minimize impacts to downstream aquatic resources. C. Storm water should be designed to be directed to vegetated buffer areas, grass-lined ditches or other means appropriate to the site for the purpose of pre-treating storm water runoff, and must not be routed directly into streams. Mowing of existing vegetated buffers is strongly discouraged, so that they may be utilized for storm water sheet flow. D. In order to reduce sedimentation in receiving waters, same day seeding and mulching is strongly encouraged. Stormwater should be directed to grassed swales, buffer areas, preformed scour holes or retention basins rather than routed directly into streams. E. Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands. Sediment should be removed from any water pumped from behind a cofferdam before the water is returned to the stream. F. Do not use any machinery in the stream channels unless absolutely necessary. Do not remove vegetation from the stream bank unless it is absolutely necessary. Avoid removing large trees and undercut banks. If large, undercut trees must be removed, then cut the trunks and leave the stumps and root systems in place to minimize damage to stream banks. G. Borrow/waste areas should not be located in wetlands. It is likely that compensatory mitigation will be required if wetlands are impacted by waste or borrow as well as utility relocations. Scoping, R-2575 Page 3 January 31, 2005 H. Wetland and stream impacts should be avoided to the maximum extent practical. If this is not possible, alternatives that minimize wetland impacts should be chosen. In accordance with the NCDWQ Wetlands Rules 115A NCAC 2H.0506(b)(6) }, mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 150 linear feet to any single perennial stream. In the event that mitigation becomes required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. Onsite mitigation is preferable, however, the NC Ecological Enhancement Program (EEP) is available for use as compensatory mitigation. 1. While the use of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps and soil surveys is a useful office tool, their inherent inaccuracies require that qualified personnel perform onsite wetland delineations prior to permit approval. J. DWQ prefers replacement of bridges with bridges, particularly in higher quality waters (i.e. trout streams, water supply watersheds, high quality and outstanding resource waters). K. When practical, the DWQ requests that bridges be replaced on the existing location with road closure. If a detour proves necessary, remediation measures in accordance with the NCDWQ requirements for General 401 Certification No. 3366/Nationwide Permit No. 33 (Temporary Construction, Access and Dewatering) must be followed. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. The DOT is reminded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Beth Haines Barnes at (919) 715.8394. pc: John Thomas, USACE Raleigh Field Office Chris Militscher, USEPA Region IV, Raleigh Field Office Gary Jordan, USFWS Travis Wilson, NCWRC File Copy Central Files Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form Project Number. County: Date Received: Date Reaponle Due (firm deadline1: ?-T 1 a9/? This project is being reviewed as indicated below: Regional Office Regional Office Area In-House Review ? Asheville X" XXsoil & Water ? Marine Fisheries ? Fayetteville Water ? Coastal Management ? Mooresville Groundwater ?ildlife d ? Water Resources ? Raleigh -Land Quality Engineer environmental Health ? Washington ? Recreational Consultant Forest Resources ? Solid Waste Mgmt ? Wilmington ? Land Resources ? Radiation Protection XWinston-Salem arks & Recreation ? Other Water Quality - _1_Xkd ? Groundwater ? Air Quality Manager Sign-OWRegion: Date: In-House Reviewer/Agency: Response (check all applicable) ? No objection to project as proposed. ? No Comment ? Insufficient information to complete review o Other (specify or attach comments) WETLANDS 1401 GROUP 2004 WATER QUALITY SECTO KnI U" IV: Melba McGee Environmental Coordinator Office of Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR August 23, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: M ?Atf o yd ..n ?.'q •Q Pw?.d? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Ms. Chrys Bagget, Director State Clearinghouse Department of Administration Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch *Tkk* ?i SUBJECT: Start of Study Letter for TIP Project R-2575, US 158, From NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County, widen to a multi-lane facility, Person County, State Project No. (WBS) 38803 The Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch has begun studying the proposed widening of US 158 to a multi-lane facility from NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County. The project is included in the 2004-2010 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year 2008 and construction in fiscal year 2010. The subject project proposes to widen US 158 to a multi-lane facility from NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a state funded Environmental Assessment. This document will be prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency responds by October 1, 2004 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact Ryan L. White, Project Development Engineer, of this branch at (919) 733-7844, ext. 245. Please include the TIP Project Number in all correspondence and comments GJT/rlw Attachment MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSITE. WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC rj __-_-___- --_ l+IwtU)wKI11J 1 1 ?a n?? I, ( E JI 0 ??w2 OOho No . III ? 1 S lIl ' I I ,lllll .. ?y ' 111 II ,. Y 11?I?`11`111 . !?Ill`?II ?. I 1`C _t' t , l.I IIIIiM1 I ` 1 I IIIIII ` { , I „ T ' I1 11I IIl ?r I?IIi . R r ' 1 ? L 1 r 1 1,r 7 1 1 tlh11 l . ! ? /? ? ?Tt kN ! F. ` "` F? ?I 1$l I ?i IP?I'I `` 1 n 1 PR 1 . < r 1 1 r I I •?? r f Jyyyy}V; 'l' i ?`tlf i'?n . A VIII >?+,a { ' ? .' (I Il ?1! fy Y". ," ,Y ' s ?.,• ??ry f t*,-Y ?' f'»?,.i.:V tiT ? K...z ? y IIP?,I ?If I t a v . I ? r? '•'i ? ??I'r ??' L ? k?tt? ? ;';,?i???`,???.."'? 1'? LL,, s-1y , kk r.? ry ra ?X ,+ r•?• L ?k? "• ? +F 'l '' I r ' .. ?,.'.•? ?1 Il r ?CF,? ,.,I??i?i? * ?' ??? . utr?. ? .. a IG......eS .., s .. ,r. ... J..1........ .. .. ?..... a.. _:. .:- ...• ... ?e. .! P - ? ?- ...1 ?. S. f",K. - .?i?,,. =m_ 2S- 75- r /Zoo f C?'eet OUT 2 2 - -Z - Z. O.30 z.0 c Cot 2- s o3C)z © y ws -I/ ?Q w L k-ce ?-4 C4- ucrs) Yce F S,4-j2el? - 22-sg 030zos- C 2 2-S`g - ? Quo 2os- C lof-0- 7z7-- --Z z-sg- ?-5- o3dzof C Co L bs C.l?-P-e ' -?5-9--3 03 0 2-0s G cu ort-A _-LJL-f--4-e - S d 3dzos- C. 6 ,50 Zo Gc/S- I W CA /UB 33?d???a•vs MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR February 28, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: File LYNDO TIPPET SECRETARY FROM: Ryan L. White, Project Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: Scoping Meeting Minutes for T.I.P. Project R-2575, US 158, From NC 86 west of Yanceyville to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west Roxboro, WBS # 35525.1.1, Caswell-Person Counties A scoping meeting for T.I.P. Project R-2575 was conducted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 in room 470 of the Highway Building. Those in attendance are listed below. Name Kirby Warrick Derek Bradner Jurek Gedzior Jeff Garland Erin Hendff Jerry Snead Quang Nguyen James Bridges Kori Kelly Jeff Weller Ryan L. White Ellen Beckmann David Wasserman Van Argabright Steve Gurganus Jimmy Goodnight* Tim Goins* Agency Right of Way Location and Surveys Photogrammetry Cong Mgmt (Plan Review) Cong Mgmt (Plan Review) Hydraulics Structures PDEA PDEA PDEA PDEA Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Program Development Office of Human Environment Roadway Design Roadway Design Email kwarricktc'i.dot.state. nc us ibrad ner(cDdot. state. nc. us igedzior(?dot.state. nc us igarland(aDdot.state. nc us ehendff(a)do.state. nc.us isn ead(5dot. state. nc. us gnquyen(aD_dot.state. nc.us ifbridgesCEDdot. state. nc. us kkel Iy(a-dot. state. nc. us iwe Iler(adot. state. nc. us rlwh ite(a)dot. state. nc. us ebeckmann 50ot. state. nc. us dswassermanadot.state. nc us varga brig ht(a.dot. state. nc. us siqurganus(a.dot.state. nc us igoodnight(adot.state. nc us tdgoins(adot.state. nc.us *Unable to attend the meeting Comments and concerns from the meeting are outlined below: Office of Human Environment STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OHE stated that there was a high minority population Caswell County and a high concentration of low-income families in Person County. They also recommended enhanced public outreach for the high Hispanic population within the project study area. OHE also stated that the project may cause habitat connectivity issues within the NCWRC Caswell Gamelands. NCWRC may recommend wildlife crossings be included in the scope of the project. The Caswell County Park and the NCWRC Caswell Gamelands both represent possible section 4(f) requirements. Federal Highway Administration FHWA stated the importance of determining if the Caswell County Park is under public ownership. This will determine if there is a possible section 4(f) requirement. FHWA also suggested determining if any additional TIP projects that are a part of the Strategic Highway Corridor System have gone through the merger / project development process. In particular, concurrence point number 1 (purpose and need). FHWA recommended utilizing R-2582 or R-2584 as model projects for implementing Strategic Highway Corridor projects in to the Merger Process. Transportation Planning Transportation Planning stated that the Strategic Highway Plan does not currently specify whether an expressway type 1 or type 2 is to be constructed within the project study area. They also stated that the Purpose and Need Statement should focus on regional mobility and connectivity between activity centers and not on traffic volumes. Transportation Planning will be holding a meeting with the resource agencies to discuss the process of implementing Strategic Highway Corridor projects into the merger process. Roadway Design Roadway Design recommended an expressway type-II as the proposed facility classification. They also recommended developing a "best-fit" alternative based off of the existing environmental areas of concern. Roadway also recommended delineating wetlands 200' on each side of the facility, 1000' along each Y-line, and 200' on each side of the Y-lines. Hydraulics Hydraulics stated that there were nine stream crossings located in the project study area. They made the following recommendations in regard to the existin crossin - Stream Name Existing Structure Recommendation Comments S. Fork Rattlesnake Creek 72" Pipe Country Line Creek Bridge # 1 Retain and widen Len th:220' Country Line Creek 10x8 Culvert Retain and extend Tributary Reedy Fork Creek Bridge # 20: Replace with bridge 6 Barrel 8'x9' culvert N. Hyco Creek Bridge # 24 Currently under Need to determine width of Kilgore Creek Bridge # 52 construction Retain and extend new structure Quadruple 7' x 9' culvert Cobb's Creek 1 - 8 x 6 culvert Retain and extend Cub Creek 1 - 6 x 6 culvert Retain and extend S. Hyco Creek Bridge #11 Replace with bridge Hazardous spill basin required Len the 171' at same location at location ` For bridge replacements: M inimum gradient 0.3; no dec . k drains over streams Location and Surveys Locations and surveys stated that the right of way along the US 158/NC 86 overlap is currently 150 feet. Photogrammetry Photogrammetry stated that the plan sheets for the project corridor should be completed in June 2006. C T ongestion Management raffic Engineering stated that updated traffic forecasts should be completed in 2 - 3 weeks. Traffic Engineerinq (Triad Region) Traffic Engineering stated that there were two (2) traffic signals that would need to be revised with the project • Signal Inventory # 07-2051 located at US 158 and SR 1589 (Fire Tower Rd.) ¦ Signal Inventor # 07-1091 located at NC 86J US 158 and SR 1576. They also stated that signals may be recommended once traffic counts and projections are received. Traffic also recommended that rumble strips be placed on the outside and inside shoulders of this project. Traffic Safety Traffic safety recommended improving pavement markings and possible use of lighting to address the high number of nighttime and wet condition crashes. Right of Way Right of Way stated that there was a cemetery located near the eastern limit of the project. Program Development Program Development stated currently there is no federal funding for this project. They recommended producing a federal document in case the decision is made to utilize federal money on the project. Program Development also stated that right of way was funded for R-2575A (from NC 86 west of Yanceyville, to NC 86 east of Yanceyville). Action Items ¦ PDEA coordinate with the Transportation Planning Branch Triad RPO representative to determine if a bypass of Yanceyville on new location is proposed in the Yanceyville-Caldwell County thoroughfare plan. ¦ PDEA will submit a request to Congestion Management to provide input in regards to intersections and possible interchanges along the project corridor. • PDEA will coordinate with USACE and DWQ to determine if the project meets the criteria for the Merger Process. After reviewing the comments and concerns on the project, the issues were summarized and the meeting was adjourned. RLW R-2575 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Date February 24, 2005 Revision Date Project Development Stage Programming Planning X Design TIP # R-2575 Project # 8.1457801 Divisions 5,7 County Caswell - Person Route US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville in Caswell County to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro in Person County Functional Classification: US 158 is a two-lane principal arterial. Length: 17.3 miles (27.9 kilometers) Purpose of Project: The purpose of this project is to accommodate the projected traffic and provide an improved east-west facility within Caswell and Person counties. Project R-2575 is one of a number of TIP projects comprising Strategic Highway Corridor #37, which proposes to widen US 158 from Forsyth County in the western piedmont to Currituck County in the northeastern coastal plain of North Carolina. Once the proposed improvements are completed, they will provide the northern tier counties of North Carolina with a high- speed, east-west transportation facility. Description of project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: The project proposes to widen US 158, from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to SR 1159 (Thee Hester Road) west of Roxboro, to a multi-lane facility. Currently, US 158 is a three-lane facility from NC 86 west of Yanceyville to NC 62 east of Yanceyville. from NC 62 to the eastern project limit at SR 1159 (The Hester Road), US 158 carries two lanes of traffic. Type of environmental document to be prepared: EA/FONSI Environmental study schedule: EA 7/06 FONSI 4/07 R/W PY LET PY Will there be special funding participation by municipality, developers, or other? Ye No X If yes, by whom and amount: ($) , or (%) How and when will this be paid? Type of Access Control (current): Full Partial None X PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Type of Facility: Currently, US 158 is a three-lane facility with 12' lanes through Yanceyville. East of Yanceyville, US 158 is a two-lane rural facility with a 24' pavement width and grass shoulders. Interchanges 0 Grade Separations 0 . Stream Crossings (Named) 7 Proposed Typical Section: US 158 will be widened to a four-lane expressway type-H with a grass median. The upgraded facility will have partial control of access with interchanges provided only at major intersections and at-grade intersections for minor cross-streets. Traffic: [2003] 8,900 VPD (NC 86) to 2,500 VPD (SR 1159) Design Standards Applicable: AASHTO X 311 Design Speed: Current Cost Estimate: Construction Cost (including engineering and contingencies)... $ 58,600,000 Right of Way Cost (including rel., util., and acquisition)....... $ 11,400,000 Total Cost ........................................... $ 70,000,000 TIP Cost Estimate: Construction ....................................... $ 54,600,000 Right of Way ...................................... $ 11,400,000 Total Cost ........................................ $ 66,500,000 List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which could affect cost or schedule of project: R-2575 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Scoping sheets have been reviewed and approved* by: Highway Design Roadway Structure Design Services Geotechnical Hydraulics Loc. & Surveys Photogrammetry Prel. Est. Engr. PDEA. Right of Way R/W Utilities Traffic Engineering Project Management County Manager City/Municipality Others Comments or Remarks: INIT. DATE INIT. DATE Board of Tran. Member Mgr. Program & Policy Chief Engineer-Precons Chief Engineer-Oper. Secondary Roads Off. Construction Branch Roadside Environmental Maintenance Branch Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning Division Engineer Bicycle Coordinator Program Development FHWA Dept. of Cult. Res. Dept. of EH & NR *If you are not in agreement with proposed project or scoping, note your proposed revisions in Comments or Remarks Section and initial and date after comments. Z' v ? rkrPS gi ?. ? `?•ZC ? ?? \ • >„ • - ?. '' 11 ! Wes- n b K W 40, ' f 4 ' ? '/ ?,} •?"~i:` r/,, N. frYCo' CR - 1 f'1 \ • l Jn nrcroRR rR ' ?' 11I+?3yVC1 WSJ i9s, ' (G COBB'S CR .71 OZZ z-0v0z m co O r Torn N -'roi ? Z z 1 I ,' 4y i ; ? J m - fA n 3:0 tA U mm O , yS c - r r., m M m o ? cn I ? 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