HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000677 Ver 1_Complete File_20000731JUL-31-2000 14:49 NCDOT R ? . NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HYDRAULICS UN11 FAcsIMILIE TRANSMITTAL CON DAVE: F Please deliver the following pages to: Name: Of: This faosimilie is being Name: Fax Number Called: ? D ' 5' 9 REMARKS: 919 250 4108 P.01i04 ANSPORTATiON SHEET \N 0 X di L? Our Telephone Number Is: (919)25.0-4100 Our FAX No. is: (919) 250 - 4108 PLEASE COUNT PAGES, (INCLUDING COVER SHEE TOTAL NUMBER / PAGES 7 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES CLEARLY, CAL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax : 919-733-9794 j u l 31 ' 00 16:09 P.01 • ya? w s? O STATE of NORTH CAR LIMA DEPARTMENT OF TRAM PORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RA60H, N.C. 2761 4201 DIDMCCOY SECRETARY GOVERNOR PROTECT DEVELOPMEN T: ENVIR NMENTAL BRANCH FAXCV.VER. SW r Date: Number You Are Calling., Please deliver the following pages tp Name: Ta' v c Department and/or Firm: Address or Room Number: . This Telecopy is being sent by., Nu?ne: r Phone Number: 3 3- , 3.(- ? t Remarks: Number of pages (Including Cover Sheet) ..?... IF XOU DO NOT RBCRn'E ALL rAGBS CLEAFLYr CALL:p19>733'3 tl AS SOON AS POSSIBLIL PROJECT 09VELOPMENT&ENVIR0NM-BNTAI:.AI4ALYSi BRANCH FAX NUMBER-(919} 734-9794 j)'. NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 STATE OF NORTH DEPARTMENT OF JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR 31 July 2000 US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Once PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Jul 31 '00 16:10 P.02 OL1NA 'PORTAIION DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY ATTENTION: Mr. David Franklin NCDOT Coordinator SUBJECT: Wetland mitigati'on' for impacts essoeited with converting a signalized intersection at US 74 and NC 130-410 to. an intere e. Federal Aid Project No. MA- NHF-74(7), State Project No. 8.T461801,. TIPNo. -2558DA. Action 1.D. 199501106. The following is a summary of the project hist ry relative to wetland impacts and mitigation strategies associated with constructing an i terchange in the intersection of US 74 and NC 130-410 in Colwhbus County.: • 1998-1999 Bruce Ellis conducted field;.su veys delineated wetlands in August and September 1998. Wetland boundaries. were vc 'ficd by David Timpy on January 6, 1999, • April 7, 2000 NCDOT applied for a,l?ationwide,p rmit 23. Wetland impacts total 3.81 acres of Mixed Pine Flat; Mixed Fine Hardw?od Flat, and Scrub-Shrub. DWQ Ratings range from 12-40. Proposed;NVlitigatiort: spec Bay at a 2:1 ratio. • July 2000 The COE told NCDOT that they could Oot accept Juniper Bay as mitigation because we do not have an approved in' igation plan. Bruce Ellis asked the COE and the DWQ to consider a ",conceptual r itigation plan" for Juniper Bay. Both agreed to at least consider looking at stlch. • July 1.1, 2000 David Timpy asked NCDOT to loop for mitigation potential at B-2018 in Columbus County where four bridges were _ _r, _: _ _ '..st year. He suggested that we replant the on-site detours and he would conr that as mitigation for the impacts at R-2558DA. } • July 14, 2000 1 sent Jim Hauser's conceptual plan or Juniper Bay to the CQE and DWQ. • July 21, 2000 The COE again declined Juniper Bay as acceptable mitigation for impacts at R-2558DA. MAILING ADDR133; TELE 1n9N!: 819.7953 1 LOCATION; PROJCeTDEVELOPMENTANDCNVIRONMENTALANALTS1t FAX: SIW31.DTD4 YRA42PORTATIONBV16C 140 1W MAIL SERVICG CK"R 1 SOVTN WILMINGTON STRGGT RAMON NC 276990541 Wessrru:, WWW.DOM.00T.ST TE.NO.US RALmom, NC NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 ? Jul 31 '00 16:11 P.03 NCDOT recently replaced bridges 7, 11, 16 a0d 21 on SR 1001 (Hallsboro Road) over White Marsh Swamp, Columbus County.(TIP Ptiojeet B-2018; Action 1D Number 199504167). The Section 404 permit identified the _ju? sdictional wetland impacts as follows: 0.15 acres of permanent and 3.4 acres ox t urary impacts associated with the on-site detour. Replanting the area disturbed by the o -site detour was not a permit condition; however, NCDOT did include replan ing a wetland in the contract for the project. The project was completed in the autumn, of 999 during Hurricane Floyd. Due to the extensive flooding of the sites the contractor w relieved of the replanting portion of thc:contract. NCDOT's Roadside Environmental nit is currently planning to revegetate approximately 3.4 acres at the site, with bat cypress, willow oak, cherrybark oak, swamp black gum, tupelo gum and green ash.: se trees will be ordered in August 2000. Prior to planting, the site will be: prepared. by removing any residual stone. The planting will be completed by March 2001 NCDOT's Roadside Environmental Unit will monitor vegetation success for aperiod of five'.years.aOer planting, using standard success criteria. Since riverine restoration. is more valuable noon riverime wetland restoration, NCDOT propose to offer 2.0 acres of 'ho.restoration a Vv!hite Marsh Swamp (B-2018) to compensate for wetland losses at R-2558 DA If this ik not acceptable, NCDOT requests that the COE reconsider the Juniper Bay'Wetland Mli ' ation Site as wetland compensation for the project. At this.point, in time N, DOT feels that searching for an additional mitigation site would. not expedite thetniti tion process. An unusually high number of accidents have b en reported from this interchange. Since 1990, there have been a total 061. crashes at thi intersection. Of those crashes there have been 76 iiqjurics and six,fatalitics. In consid ration of the serious safety issues with this intersection the NCDOT has adivanced the LET date of this project from October 2000 to September 2000. Due to the impending let date and serious.'' et issues associated with this project, we appreciate your expeUtious review of this quest. Sincerely V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D. Assistant Branch.Manager cc: Mr. David Timpy, USACE Mr. John Dorney, NC Division of Water Qttali Y Mr. Bruce Ellis, NCDOT Natural Systems Uri )Mead Mr. Dale Suiter, NCDOT Environmental; ?Pccr 1st File R-2558DA 2 Sqrto N d W' ? A Wy Y DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR 14 July 2000 Mr. David Timpy NCDOT Coordinator US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Subject: Wetland Mitigation for R-2558DA, Columbus County. Attached, please find the Juniper Bay Mitigation Site Status Report. This report includes a site description, project history, current activities, a conceptual plan and a general project schedule. NCDOT requests to debit 3.81 mitigation credits from this site as wetland mitigation to compensate for 3.81 acres of wetland impacts for R-2558DA in Columbus County. Please contact me at (919) 733-1142 if I can provide you with additional information about this site. Sincerely Dale W. S ;r Environmental Specialist STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA J0 2 ffgIs sc?au ...._.. ITY %.v-; DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY cc: Oohn Dorney, NC Division of Water Quality Bruce Ellis, Natural Systems Unit Head File R-2558DA MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 NEBSITE: WWW. DOH. DOT. STATE. NC. US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC P. C: I)G Fi P&E: BRANCH Fax : 919-733-9794 Jul 17 ' 0) 8:27 1.01 I. STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES T3. HUNT JR. RO.13OX 25201, RALEIGH, N C. 27611-5201 DAVID M COY GOVERNOR SECRET,RY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH FAX COVER SKEET -- ` r -7 l S7- .6 (0 ?lumber You Are Calling. : y1 Please deliver the following pager to: Name: eve SS _? Devartment and/or Firm. - -- -1d Iress or Room Number: --- ThisTelecopy is being sent by Name: ' ? one Number: 3 (` - l?e;ytarks: _? Number of pages (Including Cover SAeei? (F YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES CLEARLY, CALL ,(919)-T1'X-i1 1 As SOON AS POSSIBLE- PROlECT DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH FAX NUMBER•(919) 731-9794 KDOT/PK BRANCH JAMES B. HuN'r.iR. (30YEkNOR Fax:919-733-9794 Jul 17 '0) 8:28 1.02 i* R? O STATE o NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT:OF' ' SPORTAIION DAV1f MCCOY SF( tETARY 14 July 2000 fr. David Timpy T N N CDOT Coordinator U. S Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Subject: Wetland Mitigation for R-2558DA; Columbus County. Attached, please find the Juniper Bay Mitigation Site Status Report. This rI port includas a site description, project history; cu?rrent,4c tivities, a conceptual plan and L gzmeral project schedule. NCDOT requests to debit 311 mitigation credits from tb s site a:; wetland mitigation to compensate for 3:81, acres,of wetland irripacts .for R-25581 A in Columbus County. Please contact me at (919)'733-1142 if I can provide you with additional information about this site. Sincerely Dale IV. Su' ;r Enviroru ntal Specialist cc: /fohn Dorney, NC Division of W. ater,?QQuality Bruce Ellis, Natural Systerns Unit.,Hoad File R-2558DA MAILING .ADDRESS; NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA I JUN PROJEOT DEVELOPMENT ANo ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27689-1548 TELEPHONE:'. 919.733-3141 FAX: 919-7333-6794 ftsvTE, WWW.OOH.007'.STATE.NC.US LOCATION; TRAW ORTATION BUILDING I SOUTH VILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC i)0Ti P&E: BRANCH Fax :919-733-9794 Jul 17 ' 00 8:28 f . 03 Juniper Day Mitigation Site. Status Report . July 14, 2000 kSite.Description and Project Ifistory The Juniper Bay Mitigation Site is a.705racre Carolina bay bi Robeson Count ".5 rrp,iles south of the city of Lumberton (Figure 1). :'The site was purchased by NCD )T :1: anuary 26, 2000 for $788,000 (Attaclunent 1); a4id is being developed as a wetlai; i .gaticn bank to offset projected: no.nriverine impacts in.the Lumber River basin, k7: including proposed improvements ;to US 74 (TIP R-513). 'The Juniper Bay site currej fly supports a network of extensively ditchtd.agricultirral fields used primarily to grow soybeans and cotton (Figure 2). Approxiaxiately '50'acreg>of planted longleaf pine alsc exists on the southern portion of the property. Mapping has been developed by the NCDOT Photogrammetry Unit, in con;}unc6on:with the:Location and Surveys Unit, a id a boundary survey of the property is in progress.. Twenty,RDS groundwater wells werf installed on January 10-11, 2000 to begirt collecting data on existing site hydrology. A.s part of the Juniper Bay mitigation. planning: effort, a reference system has 1 yen :. tv-ed in Bladen. Lakes State Forest to serve as arepresentative exfimple of a natura ar ?iina bay. The reference site selected is Tatum Millpond Bay wljich is a registere North Carolina Natural Heritage Area .with o the state forest. This designation guarai tees a protected status for the site throughout lhe 44ation of the mitigation project and the monitoring period. NCDOT has coordinated with representatives of Bladen Lakes St Lte Forest and six RDS wells were installed on March 14 , 2000 to collect hydrologic dat,- on a-ater table conditions under natural conditions. An on-site meeting was held at Juniper'Bay on February 15, 2000 to introduce the gaticn pro_,ect to the resource agencies:' In;attendance were representatives of the U.S..Army Corps of Engineers, N.C. Divisi.on.of Water Quality, N.C. Wildlife Resou ces Commission, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Se> vice. NC DOT presente,1 the site to the agencies, along with a general schedule of mitigation planning activities. Tatum Millpond Bay was also visited to present the.aeleeted reference site. Resource agenci ;s were invited to comment on the project to. voice any concerns in the initial stages of project development. To supplement the overall Juniper Bay mitigation project, NCDOT has also established a research project with North Carolina.State University to conduct a long- ??~1?), :>tucy of the Juniper Bay Mitigation Site. ;The goal of this project is to investigal ,.cr. etxzt changes which result from' mitigatjon'site development, to assess naturr I ydrologic gradients and variability, and to test new methodologies for mitigation v.arming. A budget of $294,800 has been allocated to this research in the current fisc .1 year. Approximately $i.5 million in additional-re seArch. funding is proposed over ne) t ten years. Through this research, l\ iCDO'>'`.hopes; to establish a successful case study which will provide insight into future wetl'ari& mitigation planning and monitoring eft irts. BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jul 17 '00 8:29 1.04 Current Activities NCDOT is presently engaged in collecting,`data relevaiit to future hydrologic r:°.ocle:ling and the development of am- itiOtion. plan. Water table data is being (,owr,loa3ed monthly from the RDS' wells which have been installed on site. These d :ta will be used to verify existing site hydrology and to supplement the DRAINMOD analyses which will be formulated' his- autumn: Detailed soils mapping is in progress to r?fhe the boundaries identified in the Soii:Survey forRobeson County. NCDOT soil naapping, under the direction of a certified N.C. Soil..Scientist, will more accurately define the area extent of each soil .type °on: site to more precisely predict future hydrol, gy and expected boundaries of restored communities:'. Fwure studies to be conducted thi autumn will analyze the hydraulic conduc ivity rmes'of each soil type to be utilized it the DRAINMOD analysis. Surveys have. also.:been,initiated to document dominant plant and animals on site. Additional studies are.in;progress at the reference site to catalog ratund communities, collect water table data;. and assess. soil conditions. Simultaneously, the NCSU! research: team, has "initiated its own study of the sit, ;i.-rgmt to their long-term research goalls., The:NCS I, team will collect extensive dat, on regional hydrology, and local clirbate:ih a separate but parallel data collection effort. Their work will be merged witty NC:DO`r s own in-house ef`Lorts at the tine of mitigation plan preparation to allow ,A rnore.detailed site assessment and development of mitigation recommendations. Research activities will: continue throughout project implementation and monitoring. C'arccep?`ual Plan and General Project Schedule NCDOT proposes to continue with data collection:and site analyses through t1- a*?;m.n of 2000, with the first draft of the mitigation plan scheduled for completion in December 2000. After completion of the mitigation plan, there will be a period of agency review and comment, followe 'd`by"the project design phase which will be initi,, ted in spring 2001. At the request of the NCSU- research.team, NCDOT' ,s investigating postponing construction until 2002 to allow for a more complete study of the existing ite conditions. During this time,. NCDOT will continue td collect hydrologic data and ref ne pn)ject design to maximize the potential. for successful implementation. Although NCDOT's final recommendations have not been developed, there at, ,eve:.-al general mitigation strategies which will"likely be pursued. Construction of the Tvniper Bay Mitigation Site will probably involve phased implementation of ditch I,lug Sing and backfilling along with topographic leveling of crowned fields. Phased implementation of ditch filling is being studied'to seduce the risk of flooding the site a .d drowning seedlings prior to their successfut.estab?ishipreut. Deep ripping of plowed fit lds may be likely to break up potential hardpans':foll!ovied by planting with pocosin and/o wet flat tree species. After construction„ NCDOT will initiate a standard regime of i:rinni.toring hydrologic restoration and seedlings irvival for a period of five years. n.Cr10 ri P&E: BRANCH Fax : 919-733-9794 Jul 17 '00 8:29 1.05 Throughout project construction and monitoring,, NCSU will continue its resea eh ::""t to C'ocument all phases of theproject and: assess,site trends toward wetland ?L.,,Ilion,. Long term studies will investigate changes in hydrology, soils, water qual ty, and natural communities as the site approaches egWlibrium. KDOT/P&E: BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 _ _II 5 / s 1 f * ?? s , lr°i?M•;' !?h ?'}\•' '"ti?s,+t.,; .. -?}14 . :?'*` w :w i' 7 a ? is 1` ?",? h'IhS, `? ('?4- ' "'±?, y .a.'??It+f i?•-Y } ?'w ?? " :.rX K ?'? ao} ?kt?`{ * ca, r 11W? 1k+?j+rxt+F P FFiw'"', 1 ? ?? ?. ? i S? F i??.(p??'•?CP'r . .. •, '`1? / ,4?[ 1\? 'ri1??41 ? A`' ? ?1},+?' L?r•?, m„? 1 j? .. •?I ?' I ? . '1 M w :'i: ?w? • ?4 1 41 7' ? ? 1 ?1 h I I r'r ??;: a ?y lfr?? `?F !s • wl . , <' ?,1'` ' {<`?Y ? ?y.? '?f''sw. I,1!M,r? 1 ?- .?,pi,' i 7p vt ..y ?11 / I ? IBC x,q}+I?? }YS.?' , ,?'? •?4.?ilrJ 1? T'W .Pd? ?,??,?f q ?Y4« 'iii.. ( ./, I ,?H`••' f>r•••• ?:<'?. :?,f? ?:• •2 ,. \? °,?1??t' i i?'' ;?1?.+ys?>f/?f a ?'?iT?^^?.-?Y.F'?_ '2,t'; >,;% ?;, `' ? ? .7.: 1?3 ?•' ? \?w ' h; 'l l:o ?? ?r Y? ?'.,I ?, l 1 Y I•• 14 •• u h I Y.??:????, •' Y 4 A YJ ??f'? 7 h ,,??II?? /fi I.? l .v. ,,,? • yi?{!. .'!' • ' :1 ' F,?•J'iy>;{ I iA av""`C?t?y'\ ?? ? b ! ?I ?? i ,, . w• I I ,;k; 1`•p '' ,-+?M <•4I•' ,?1?^?[i F? a Ah?+"? r'I 1' ? ' 3'r;,. ? ,?I 1t', ?n\ ? .y,. " ?, `.•• ? {rf I F. ? ii':ru.dess'• 'I<w s Isle}rlX?e:F? }W hk ij^ .. 1 +? ';, /I' l.s?Fti ¢vt•i•I•„ ?c ? ,? ?? , ? + ?" i ? • {?'r, f:• ; ?''??••'',ysl:?•?`l??o?•} s',<?? .a,., it '. ?: , ) r'+ 4„ ?rs?•?L3' i . . •n:s?..<{? } N.?i?S 3.?1 11 ?*• _.__,. //A r`` a 1 4 ?f •• .?? 2270 u., is m+ Proctorvllle '' .-,• K/ - / - (. I _ 7 V11 71 U.S.G.,S. FAIRMONT (1962) AND SOOT1 tST L.A&RtON (1982), N_C. OUADRANGL MAPS 7.5 M[NUTE SEWS SCALE: 1" _ 2,000' WWWRTUN 'M y C? ROBESON k" COUNTY'--? L' R08ESON i COUNTY NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FIGURE 1 - AREA LOCAT101VI MAP RE SO U, TCE F (763+/-pACRES) mirk. "" SOUTREEAST, L M 'J ! T G%All ON SITE SEARCH ENGINEERS o SCIENTISTS o , LANNERS ,Sla vAUfVT anwx2; su= 2$0 a cm ; NC £7611 s IROBESON COUNTY, N.C. (919) 480 4.11 0 Four (1119) -M -sZ70 Jul 17 '00 8:30 1.06 NCDOTiPK BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 1.07 74 Jul 17 '00 8:31 1 ? 1 \\\\\\ \ \ \ \ ?? pEmiod '`•135' ///""?'' ? \1 ?\ '; ?\ ? `•'\ ` \? \ ' \ \ `?\\ o ` "ohm .?-+wwwrtPIKOPERTY LASE 04?d \ /v6, E NN NVNT AM PF 04.1 s TEFtlY?((TENT TREjp?l? S1? (l DRAIi'll'AGC DITC ES STRUCTURES 't PEW104 PAL.USTRINE EMERGENT. PERSISTENT, SAJI)R)( IRANED/DITCHED "I- -VIS TRINE 1ORESTED. RDAD-LEAVED DECIf ;'?1bNALI,Y FLOODEb r , -Ad s'A_USTRINE IORESTED, BROAD-LEAVED DECII •ti PFOAE LLY VEEOLE--LEAVED EVERGREEN, TEMPORARILY BEQ' RP r? _ nARTALLY URAINEO/DITCHED ' °Fo!/Q PA'.US'TRINE I"ORESIED , BROAD-LEAVED DECIDUOUS/' VEEDLI:-LEAVED EVERGREEN, SATURATED 004A ' PA:US'IRiNE FORESTED , NEEDLE--LEAVED EVERGREEX, r TEMPORARILY FLOODED PF048d PALUS"TRINE FORESTED, NEEDLE-LEAVED EVERGREEN,. SATURATED, PARTIALLY DRAINED/DITCHED PSSI/4Bd PALUS7RINE SCRUO-SHRUB, BROAD-LEAVED DEQDt10US. NEEDLE-LEAVED EVERGREEN, SATURATED, PARTIALLY DRAINED/DITCHED PS$480 PALUSTRINE SCRUB-SHRUB, NEEDLE-LEAVED EVERGREEN,, PARTIALLY DRAINED/DITCHED PUBNx . . PALUSTRINE UNCONSOLIDATED BOTTOM, PERM ANENILY! FLOWED ti EXCAVATED FIGURE 3 NAT6CINKL K.TLANDS INVENTORY MAP FRET=MAN PROPERTY (7133+/- ACRES) M1 n-CATION SITE SEARCH ROBESON COUNTY, N.C. Y 1 PEMII 1 \ PFOIC r' v NOTES; I. BOUNDARY TAKEN FROM TAX MAP. 2.. :NATI'ON'AL WETLANDS INVENTORY NW1) 4FORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM FAIRMONT (1983 AND SOUTHWEST LUMBERTON (1995), N.C. MAPS. .3.. TOPOGRAPHY TAKEN FROM U.S.G.S. FAI 'MONT (1962) AND' SOUTHWEST LUMBERTON (1982), 1 C. QUADRANGLE MAPS. 4, ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. SCE _E: I" - 1500' RESOU??CE SOUTHEAST, L !D. ENGINEERS o SCIENTISTS o l [ANNERS 11519 WALWT SI7tM, SEWT 260 0 CAR MC 27519 OUR) 460- OXI 0 M (010) 40 -dM NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 ;MK PACE 109`f 636 R08830k COUNTY NC S 6iaTr I l??j?TLINA P? Excisekax Jul 17 '00 t;:31 P.08 I PROJECT: 6.439004 - 11) NO.: R-513 W 1 01/26/2aoo ( VICKI L.ULO OF 0 PAARCEL: 703 $1576.00 R9al Estate I J Excise.7'ax b P 2:53 RecordinATime, Book and Page 'fax Lot No. _ Verified by Pareef f1rUNTY County on the day of 199 _ by Mail alter recording to L.P. Hodges, Division Right ofWa Agent, NC_DUT P.O. Box 1150, Fayetteville NC 28302 This instrument was prepared by L.P. Hod es ?- NORTH CAROLINA GEMERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this 26th day of January 20 00 by and bet reen GRANTOR I GRANTEE Mabel McK. Freeman P.O. Box 1387 L The NC Department of Transportation, k an unincorporated agency of the State A I_.rrnbeiton, NC 28359 I North Carolina--, Enter in -appropriate block for each party; name, address,, and; if appropriate, character of entity, e.q. corporation, partnership. The deslgnatfon Qrantor and Grantee as used herein shalt Include sakl paitlas, their heirs, successors, and assign and shall Include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as Fequired by context. W ITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valusbfe consideration in the amount of $ _788,000.00 ^r .ia! by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby :acknowledged, has and by these presents d Ies g:etnt, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee.In fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of la d si:uatec. in the City of Orrurn[Britt Township, Robeson County, North Carollna and more particularly, described as follows: TRACT, l: Being Tract 1 as shown in a deed from Ganal Induetries, Inc. to Robert L'. Freeman and wife, Mable McK. Freeman recorded In Book 19-X, page 280, Robeson County Registry, described as follow, Tr gt 1: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of bind,,lying, being and situate In Orrumand/or Brltts Towr ;hip, Ro>beson County, North Carolina, containing 629.5 acres, more or less, and being more particularly shot n and delineated on map of same made by Clarence Halt;'Jr., Registered Surveyor, dated June 3, 1964, a td recorded in the Robeson County Registry in book 16, at page 40, which said map is incorporated herein :)y reference thereto for a more detailed description of said tract. Being the identical tract of land heretofor conveyed to Cape Fear Wood Corporation bydeed of W. Carl Bullard, et at, dated June 16, 1884, and recorded In the Robeson County Registry In Book 1.4X; at page 177. TFtA,CT II: Being Tract 2 as ahown in a deed from) CaneF'fndustries, Inc. to Robert E. Freeman and wife, tble MaK. Freeman recorded in Book 19-X,'prage 286, Rob*sar? County Registry, described as follows Lr kgt2, All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lying, being and situate in Orrum and/or- Britt Town nip, Rc b9sor: County, North Carolina, containing 87.5 acres; more or less, and being more particularly show and dellreated on map of same made by Clarence Hall, Jr., Registered Surveyor, dated June 3, 1964, and reciorded in the Robeson-County Registry In Book 15, at page 40, which said map Is incorporated hereir by reference thereto for a more detailed describtion, of said tnsct. Being the Identical premises heretofore conveyed to Cape Fear Wood Corporation by deed of VirginiaFloyd and Marlon Floyd Harrah, dated Ja uary 1, 1964, and recorded in the Robeson County Registry in Book 14-S, at page 313. NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jul 17 '00 t':32 P.09 i U J 1 ook Pages 3 7 3eing Tract 5 as shown Ina deeJ fr01'A Canal industries, Inc. to Robert F:. Freeman and wife, a?al:rla Mc'<. Freeman recohded in 180W1 1g! k pagaj ?-g8, Robeson County Registry, described as follows: Carolina, All that containing tract 3 or acres, parceFbi more luri for d : lying, being and situate in Orrum Township, Robeson County, Nor i less, and' being moRe particularly described on map of same prepan I by Clarence Hall, Jr., RegisternCey4?kdpAod l4a6 3;1964, and recorded In the Robeson County Registry in Book 15, at page 4V,' which said map Is incorporated' he eln by reference thereto for a more detailed description of said tract. Being the Id n I ,premises. heretofore conveyed io Cape Fear Wood t:ogmration by deed of Frank 130*,W(:0 61, Robeson County Registry. ctvber. 31, 1966, and recorded in Book 15-U, at peg "'RACT iv. Being Tract 7 as shown in a deed from Canal lndustrles, Inc, to Robert E. Freeman and wife, klab'e McK. Freeman recorded in Book 19-X, page 289, Robeson County Registry, described as follows: T'rac: 7: All that tract or parcel of land, lying, being and situate in Orrum Township, Robeson County; Nortl Carcllns, contalning 9.0 acres, more or less, and being more particularly shown and delineated on plat of vimo made by Clarence Hall, Jr., Registered. Surveyor. dated June 3, 1964, and recorded in-the Robeson County Registry In Book 15, at page 40, which Bald plat is incorporated herein by reference thereto for a more detailed description of said premises. Being, the identical premises heretofore conveyed to Cape Far Wood Corporation by deed of Blanche Lewis, widow, dated September 20, 1966, and recorded In the Robeson County Registry in Book 15-V, at page 200. The property herelnabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded In Deed Boolc 19.X, at page 288 :q map showing the above described pro perty is recorded in Pfat Book 15 _ page 40 T'':' FAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or panel of land and.aall privileges and appurtenances '.•reto bel)raging to Vie Grantee In fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized' of the premises in fee simple, ias the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and'fres and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend ttte title'against the lawful claims of all aersons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabov lescribed is subject to the following exceptions: LONE N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has aused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal '.,e 'iereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year first above written,' (Corporate Name) (SiAL Mabel WK. Freeman Y:- President - (SEAL) (SEAL) Secretary ;'(Corporate seal) USE BLACK INK ONLY) -- (SEAL) t. ORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF cK.. Frew.man a Notary Public of said county do hereby ea re me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing tray hand and official stamp or seal, this z6th day of January v, Notary Public To eithRcate(s) of S . , try ir-tifiet to be correct. This Instrument and this certMfcate are duly registered at the date and e and in a Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR ?..? _ COUNTY eta _, _ Deputy/Assistant-Register of Deeds L' S_ 74 Proposed Interchange at NC 1 30-4 0 Near Chadbourn Columbus Count'. TIP No. R-2558D.A 1. PROPOSED ACTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to convert the signalized intersection at US 74 and NC 13C-410 nea- Chadbourn in Columbus County to an interchange. The interchange will be a modified diamond interchange with a ramp and loop in the northwest quadrant of the intersection and ramps in the southwest and southeast quadrants. Small areas of right of way will be required along NC 130 and NC 410 and along secondary roads intersecting these routes. 11. PROJECT HISTORY 1972 - US 74 from NC 41 near Lumberton i east of I-95) to US 76 near Chadbourn was constructed on new location as a t-wo-lane roadway on right of way for an ultimate four- lane divided freeway. Right of way was acauired at that time to accommodate a 68-foot median and future designated interchanges and grade separations. Right of way was acquired at the US 74/NC 130-41 C intersection to accommodate a modified diamond interchange consisting of a ramp and loop ir. the northwest quadrant of the intersection and ramps in the southwest and southeast quadrants. 1979 - A Final Negative Declaration (nova- referred to as an Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact), which discussed the impacts of constructing the additional two lanes for US 74 along the south side o: the existing two lanes, was approved by NCDOT and FHWA A 68-foot median was recommended. Interchanges and grade separations were not recommended for construction. however. provisions were included for temporary at-grade intersections and median openings at designated locations. A temporary at-grade intersection was recommended at the US 74/NC 130- 410 intersection. Due to funding shortages. the construction of this proiect was delayed. 1995 - A Reevaluation of the Final Neuativl Declaration, which discussed the impacts of constructing the additional two lanes along US 74 and the design changes since the approval of the Final Negative Declaration. xvas approved by NCDOT and FHWA. The recommended median Nvidth was narrowed io 60 fee, Interchanges and grade separations were not recommended for construction: however. provisions were still included for temporary at-grade intersections and median openings at designated locations. A temporan- at-grade intersection was recommended for the US 74/NC 130- 410 intersection. November. 199 - Construction t,:-an on t<<: dual la :inu of US 74 in the vicinity of this intersection. August. 1997 - A traffic signal i\ .a installe- at the intersection. of US -4 and NC 130-410. May. 1998 - Due to a continuin- .tttern o: serious t-.:ftic accidents resulting in fatalities at the intersection of US -4 and N ?' 13 0-4 1 NCD(-),' recommended the constriction of an interchange this locution. Tr; propos:: design..: modifies: diamond interchange with a ramp an,: a fool, i. the nor-."',vest qu...'.•ant of intersC:;ion arc :-amps in the southwest and southeast quadrants. is consistent with the right of way previously acquired at this location. Au?lust. 1998 - Construction of the dual laning of US 74 was completed. III. NEED FOR THE PROJECT Since 1996, numerous severe accidents have occurred at this intersection resulting in four (4) fatalities. More than 701/0 of the accidents at this location were right angle type collisions. Since the installation of a traffic signal in 1997, the accident pattern at this location has continued. In 1998. collisions at this intersection resulted in two fatalities. Accident investigations have determined the cause of these accidents was the failure of motorists on US 74 to stop at the traffic signal ISue to the pattern and seventy t e accidents at t is 7oca5on, the intersection is now rated in the North Carolina Highway Safety Program as the number one priority in the state for improvements. In order to enhance the safety characteristics of this intersection, NCDOT proposes to convert this intersection to a modified diamond interchange. IV. WETLAND IMPACTS Approximately 3.6 acres of wetlands will be impacted by the construction of this interchange. The jurisdictional wetlands were delineated in September 1998 and field verified by the Corps of Engineers in November 1998. V. PROTECTED SPECIES As of May 19, 1999, the US Fish and Wildlife Service lists the following federally-protected species for Columbus County: Acipenser brevirostrum short nosed sturgeon Endangered Menidia extensa Waccamaw silverside Threatened Picoides borealis red-cockaded woodpecker Endangered Lysimachia asperulaefolia rough-leaved loosestrife Endangered Thalictrum coolevi Cooley 's meadoN?Tue Endangered Field surveys for these federally-protested species were conducted in September 1998 by a NCDOT staff biologist. Habitat fo- the shoe nosed sturgeon, Waccamaw silverside, and red-cockaded woodpecker is not present in the project area. therefore. the project construction will not affect these species. There is suitable habitat in the project area for the rough-leaved loosestrife and Cool-,\'s meadowrue. Plant by plant surveys for these species were conducted, and no species were observed. Therefore, the project construction will not affect these species. 1? q SAamoi3 ?q o s p N / w.l ?Eta? / A -v IN r . ?s? A N 1 6-4 (\/?''? 11 \ !J` ? • tea.. ?•+ ^e? 63 O s O '7 \D •? ! A r G °D 1 h? P I 4 \ t d ]_ .8 \ b !J, 3 /o w /sI J? 1 i a??nc l I/M 1?0 10 C6 Brallc/t 3.3 \A ?r \?' \ N 10 2 co ? w uo rq rri rT, A Ir /s lar. U) q Pro Q \ Ism !s Sd ??? -n rq Cl) / d O 61 16 1.5 !A `.' 2 Na mil! -cr! FA P m UD o m Cl) M ?rt:?-qo x ro --1 M :)u©O ? ?O (/) CD p 7d? 00 C rn n -? 3 - 0 n r , O Z N z O N t7 ? ? O \° A?? ?•:, ? A 1•.11 ? ? ? A IV .,Zl 0 FA S ? 3.1 - kQCID :`-" °or a ° 1.4 1.3 1.9 J ?b \j LAjp A 4 L 1.2 O a• .8 ^ !A •5 ? ? S A - ,