HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930501 Ver 2_Other Agency Comments_20100108-051 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 REPLY TO ATLENTION OF: January 6, 2010 Regulatory Division Action ID No. SAW-2009-00321 Macon County Airport Authority Attn: Mr. Miles Gregory 5 West Main Street Franklin, North Carolina 28734 Dear Mr. Gregory: U j@[Eol i 0?ipl J/AN 0 J 2CiP, WETLANDS ANDSTCRW1,ATE OWCtl I refer to your revised application of October 26, 2009, for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to impact waters of the United States in order to extend Runway 7, the associated taxiway, and the Runway Safety Area, and for impacts associated with past projects at the Macon County Airport near Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina. In total, cumulative, permanent impacts to waters of the U.S. would be 5.72 acres of freshwater wetlands and 809 linear feet of stream. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with comments received in response to the Public Notice dated October 29, 2009, and to request that you submit additional information necessary for this office to continue the review of your permit request. In response to our Public Notice of October 29, 2009, we received 37 comment letters and e- mails from area property owners, area organizations, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). All written comments received by this office have been attached to this letter. Many of the comments from area property owners and organizations were similar. Concerns expressed by the commentors related to potential adverse impacts to the following resources: impacts to water quality of Iotla Creek and the Little Tennessee River; impacts to federally listed threatened and/or endangered species and critical habitat; impacts to archaeological resources; future development in the area (e.g., a future industrial park); potential increases to property taxes; impacts to air quality; noise pollution; impacts to aesthetics; an increase in traffic; safety concerns for area residents and schools in close proximity to the airport; concern that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Action (NHPA) were not complied with (e.g., significance of impacts not acknowledged/analyzed, the Environmental Assessment (EA) signed on December 23, 2008, contained outdated information, concern that human remains/graves will not be protected, adverse impacts to the Trading Path were not evaluated or addressed, the EBCI and other Tribes did not sign the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), and all Federally recognized Native American tribes that attach religious and cultural significance to site 31MA77 were not invited to consult); requested that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be prepared; questioned the stated needs for the extension (i.e., safety and economic development); concerned that consultation with the USFWS had not been conducted properly; concerned about the proposed impacts to wetlands; concerned that the entire process had not been open to the public, and; requested a public hearing. Letters and e-mails that were written in support of the proposed project noted the following: the need for the expansion in order to contribute to overall economic well being and improvement of the local economy; acknowledgement that the Airport Authority had redesigned and elevated the proposed runway extension to protect areas known to have artifacts present; noted that several local businesses depend on this airport; noted that the airport had existed in this location for nearly 40 years, and; emphasized that the primary need for the extension is to address safety. As background, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has identified itself as lead federal agency for this proposed project. While it seems reasonable that FAA serve as the lead federal agency for this proposed project for NEPA purposes due to a number of determining factors listed in 40 CFR Part 1501.5 (c), the USACE has no record of being notified of, or of being given the opportunity to be a participating agency. Further, in accordance with 40 CFR Part 1501.6, the lead agency shall request the participation of each cooperating agency in the NEPA process at the earliest possible time and use the environmental analysis and proposals of cooperating agencies with jurisdiction by law or special expertise, to the maximum extent possible consistent with its responsibility as lead agency. By letter dated March 15, 2007, the applicant requested that the USACE attend a pre- application meeting to discuss potential impacts to waters of the U.S. at the airport. During the subsequent site meeting on May 30, 2007, the USACE discovered unauthorized impacts to waters of the U.S. and requested that the airport's consultant (WK Dickson) delineate waters of the U.S. on the property and provide information concerning the unauthorized work. A jurisdictional delineation was submitted in 2008 and was subsequently revised in 2009. The USACE received a complete jurisdictional delineation and application for the proposed project in October 2009. As such, the draft EA distributed for comment in 2007 contained no valid jurisdictional delineation/determination for waters of the U.S. on the property, nor was this EA sent to the USACE for comment. If you have records to the contrary, please submit them with your response. Due to these circumstances, the information in the application for DA authorization and in the previously noted EA is inadequate for us to evaluate the proposed project and reasonably expected direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts under our public interest review and the 404 (b)(1) Guidelines of the Clean Water Act (40 CFR Part 230). In addition to responding to the comments detailed in this letter, please describe any off-site alternatives you considered and explain why these are or are not practicable and clarify the applicant's main purpose for the project (safety or economic development), and any secondary purpose(s). 2 While the USACE recognizes that the lead federal agency (FAA for this project) is responsible for documenting compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, to include making determinations of effect, please clarify the procedures between the FAA and the NCDOT Division of Aviation regarding environmental documentation processing in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Federal Aviation Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. It is our understanding that NCDOT is responsible for preparing, coordinating, reviewing and approving any environmental document required under "appropriate regulations within the National Environmental Policy Act..." Whenever a proposed project funded under the State Block Grant Program (SBGP) may have an impact on any historical, cultural, and/or archaeological resource, the FAA (Atlanta Office) will be responsible for compliance. The FAA will have the signatory responsibility for all MOAs or Programmatic Agreements in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA. While we understand that the MOA, in which the FAA determined that the proposed project will adversely affect archeological site 31MA77, was received by the Advisory Counsel on Historic Preservation (ACHP), and that this "...filing of the MOA, and execution of its terms, completes the requirement of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the ACHP's regulations..." (ACHP letter dated February 3, 2009), we request clarification regarding procedures relating to the effects determination in the NEPA document/EA previously referenced in this letter. Specifically, does the MOA between the FAA and NCDOT require that the FAA's determination for NHPA purposes then become the effect determination for the NEPA effects determination (i.e., the information in the EA)? If so, the determination of the FAA is that the proposed project would have an adverse impact to site 31MA77, as opposed to a significant adverse impact, correct? Also, when a proposed project funded under the SBGP involves an adverse impact to historic/cultural resources (31MA77), does the FAA typically issue the FONSI? While we understand that the FAA will issue a FONSI for this proposed action soon, we also understand that the reason for this second FONSI (in addition to the FONSI signed by the NCDOT on January 15, 2009) is due to the additional funding for the archaeology work. Please provide correspondence from the FAA that specifically states their NEPA determination of effects, to include significance of the effects, to all cultural/historic resources which would be affected by implementation of the proposed project. Additionally, please provide specific information as to future plans for the development of related, but not necessarily similarly funded projects, in the vicinity of the airport, and scheduled dates for these projects. Please note that if this proposed project, or a modified version of the proposed project, were authorized by the USACE, the existence of it could not be used as justification for future proposals to impact waters of the U.S. on or off the airport property. While this letter emphasizes comments from the USACE, the EBCI THPO, the USFWS, and the NCWRC, please respond to all substantive comments from the pubic (area property owners and organizations), as noted on pages 1 and 2 of this letter. Please respond with additional information other than what is in the EA, as this information does not fully satisfy our evaluation requirements. Additionally, please respond to all comments and requests for additional information detailed in this letter. If you choose to respond to similar comments in one response, please cross-reference the agency letters (by agency name and page number of the letter). Please be advised that until we receive the information requested, we cannot evaluate the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest factors, nor make a determination of compliance with the 404 (b)(1) Guidelines for the proposed project. We are forwarding copies of all written comments for your review and consideration. We request that you respond to this office within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you fail to respond within 30 days, we will administratively withdraw your application. We will reopen your application and continue to process it once you have submitted all of the information we have requested in this letter. Please contact me at (828) 271-7980, ext. 226 if you have any questions. Sincerely, i ° O Regulatory Specialist Asheville Regulatory Field Office Enclosures Copies furnished w/o encl: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Tribal Historic Preservation Office Attn: Mr. Tyler Howe Post Office Box 455 Cherokee, North Carolina 28719 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Attn: Mr. Bryan Tompkins 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Attn: Ms. Renee Gledhill-Early 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4617 4 State Historic Preservation Office Department of Cultural Resources Attn: Ms. Linda Hall 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4617 NC Division of Water Quality Attn: Ms. Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 NC Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Asheville Regional Office Attn: Mr. Chuck Cranford 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission Mountain Region Coordinator Attn: Mr. David McHenry 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Waynesville, North Carolina 28786 WK Dickson & Co., Inc. Attention: Mr. Eric Rysdon 616 Colonnade Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28205 Copy furnished w/encl: WK Dickson & Co., Inc. Attn: Ms. Julie Ball 1001 Pinnacle Point Drive Suite 110 Columbia, South Carolina 29223 5