NPDES Permit:
ALCOA — Badin Works
Document Type:
Permit Issuance
Wasteload Allocation
Authorization to Construct (AtC)
Permit Modification
Complete File - Historical
Site Visit
Instream Assessment (67b)
Environmental Assessment (EA)
Document Date:
July.20, 1990
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State of North Carolina TfCNNIKU:J. SUPPORT BRANCH
Department of Environment, Health, and filatural Resources
Ntooresville Re�,nOnal Office
jarnes G. Martin, Governor Albert F. Hilton, Regional Manager
July 20, 1990 1
Mr. Conrad A. Carter, Jr., P. E. "aR�.
Aluminum Company of America { '4=l-
Post office Box 576 1�90
Badin, North Carolina 28009 ,.I�.11. 2 S
Subject: Site Visit
ALCOA Bac,n Plant
Stanly Co uinty, NC
Dear Mr. Carter: '
This letter is in follow-up to the site visit conducted on
July 17, 1990 by Mr. Michael L. Parker with this Office. This
visit was conducted to determine the status of and to discuss
remedial action for various water duality related activities of
concern at ALCOA.
In regards to your request to dispose of the wastewater
contained in an existing wastewater lagoon, this Office suggests
that a wastewater characterization be made to assure that upon
discharge, degradation of the receiving waters cannot be
expected. As Mr. Parker'suggested, this characterization should
reflect random sampling throughout the lagoon to more accurately
determine pollutant concentrations. Upon receipt and approval of
the wastewater analysis, it is recommended that an existing
permitted outfall be used for the discharge rather than modifying
the current NPDES Permit for a new outfall. Bottom sediments may
be disposed of via land farming pending receipt and approval of
sediment sampling analysis.
During the course of the site visit, Mr. Parker examined a
concrete tile drain line which conveyed surface water through an
existing landfill area containing potlining waste and various
other manufacturing waste. Groundwater analysis from monitoring
wells in this area have already identified elevated levels of
Cyanide and Flouride. As you indicated to Mr. Parker, analysis
of the surface waters passing through this drain line reflected
relatively low levels of Cyanide, but somewhat elevated levels of
Flouride. This drain ultimately enters Badin Lake in relative
close proximity to an existing swimming area.
919 North Main Sum, fvloorc>villc, N.C. 28115 • Telephone 71-063-1699 • FAX 704-C,63-G040
An L'qual Qpixartuniry Affirmative Action Fmployer
Mr. Conrad A. Carter, Jr.
Page Two
July 20, 1990
As Mr. Parker suggested, ALCOA should initiate a sampling
program to determine the degree of contamination that may exist
and also initiate action to determine the integrity of the
existing drain line. Sampling of this drain line should be
conducted on at least a monthly basis and reported to this Office
quarterly for the following parameters:
1. Flouride*
2. Cyanide*
3. pH
*Please note that the water quality standard for Flouride
and Cyanide in fresh waters is 1.8 mg/l and 5.0 ug/l,
Mr. Parker was also able to confirm the installation of a
manhole plug to prevent leachate contamination from discharging
through Outfall 009 from an existing landfill drain line. This
Office appreciates your attention to this matter.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please
contact Mr. Parker or me at (704) 663-1699 in Mooresville.
D. Rex Gleason, P. E.
Water Quality Regional Supervisor
cc: r.. Trevor Clements
Mr. Mike Hom, EPA
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