HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120935 All Versions_Complete File_20070404 R-3432, Georgetown Road Extension Project History (Rev 4/4/07) 3/10/05 Merger Meeting - Concurrence Point 1 Did not reach concurrence 10/20/05 Updated traffic forecast is completed Shows additional traffic on proposed Georgetown Rd Extension 11/3/05 Meeting with Nick Garrett (developer) • Gave land to adjacent developer for driveway permit • Requesting driveway permit with NCDOT 3/29/06 Meeting with Developers • Want NCDOT to move alignment farther north 9/18/06 Meeting with New Developers 7/17/06 Last of wetlands are delineated • USACE has not been allowed to verify 1/07 Last revisions to design to avoid wetlands • Alternatives 1, 2, 2A, and 3 3/14/07 Conversation with USACE - Jennifer Frye • Is in agreement with taking project out of merger 4/4/07 Meeting with DWQ and FHWA ;? ? i ?? !? i ? 1! ? G , E A r STAB t? s STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY March 22, 2005 To: From: Subject: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R-3432 Merger Team Meeting Participants Project Development Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Michael Goins 11? March 10, 2005 NEPA1404 Merger Meeting for TIP Project R-3432 in Brunswick County A concurrence meeting was held for the subject project on March 10, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. in the Transportation Board Room. The following persons were in attendance: Dave Timpy Gary Jordan Chris Militscher Ron Lucas Sarah McBride Nicole Thomson Steve Sollod Don Eggert Ron Allen Brenda Moore Darius Sturdivant Tyler Bray Regina Page Erin Hendee Allen Pope Joe Blair Tyler Stanton Tim Gardiner Rob Hanson MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS. 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 US Army Corps of Engineers US Fish and Wildlife Service US Environmental Protection Agency - Raleigh Federal Highway Administration - Raleigh State Historic Preservation Office NC Division of Water Quality NC Division of Coastal Management Cape Fear RPO NCDOT - Roadway Design NCDOT - Roadway Design NCDOT - Transportation Planning NCDOT - Transportation Planning NCDOT - Congestion Management NCDOT - Congestion Management NCDOT Division 3 Division Engineer NCDOT Division 3 Construction Engineer NCDOT - ONE NCDOT-OHE NCDOT - PDEA TELEPHONE: 919.733-3141 LOCATION: FAX: 919.733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET WEBSITE: M M.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC Charles Cox NCDOT -PDEA Michael Goins NCDOT - PDEA Travis Nilson (NC Wildlife Resources Commission), Ron Sechler (National Marine Fisheries Service) and Fritz Rohde (DENR Division of Marine Fisheries) were invited to the meeting but were unable to attend. The meeting was opened and everyone introduced himself or herself. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Concurrence Point 1, the purpose and need for TIP Project R-3432. This project is included in the 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Right of way acquisition is scheduled for fiscal year '009 and construction is scheduled for Post Years. Mr. Goins stated the purpose of the project, as listed in the merger packet dated 3/10/05, is to alleviate traffic congestion along NC 179, improve safety along NC 179, and establish a more direct travel route between the towns of Shallotte and Calabash. Mr. Goins presented the following needs to be addressed by the project: Capacity Deficiencies ? NC 179 is a two to three lane facility. It was originally intended as a commuter route between Shallote, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. ? Ocean Isle Beach and Sunset Beach have become vacation destinations resulting in heavy commercial development along NC 179 (See Figures 1 and 2) ? Current traffic volumes (2004) in the project area range from 8,900 to 14,000 vehicles per day (vpd) ? Future traffic volumes (2030) in the project area range from 13,000 to 27,100 (vpd) ? Traffic volumes generated by local residents and tourists create frequent periods of traffic congestion, especially during vacation season (See Table 1 and Appendix 2) System Linkage ? Traveling from Calabash to Shallotte along NC 179 currently involves many intersections and turns. ? US 17 and NC 179 provide east/west access to the area between Calabash and Shallotte, which includes Ocean Isle Beach. NC 179 was originally intended as a commuter route between Shallote, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. Existing NC 179 proceeds east from Calabash toward Shallotte until the intersection of NC 904. Then, NC 179 proceeds south and east to Brick Landing Road and then to US 17 (see Appendix 1). Safe Safety concerns exist along existing NC 179, especially at the curved intersection of Brick Landing Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection 45). This is a 90 degree turn. Safety concerns also exist at acute intersection along existing NC 179 at Hale Swamp Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection 96) NCDOT Division 3 has made temporary efforts to improve curves at Brick Landing Rd. and Hale Swamp Rd. However, more permanent solutions are needed. General Discussion Mr. Goins stated that US 17 and NC 179 serve as hurricane evacuation routes. Questions arose as to what other routes are designated as hurricane evacuation routes. NC 130, NC 904, NC 179 and US 17 are designated as hurricane evacuation routes. Mr. Militscher asked if the traffic numbers were peak numbers. He asked what were the normal hour factors. Mr. Cox and Mr. Hanson stated that the projections are annual average daily traffic and that seasonal volumes would be even higher. Mr. Cox stated that seasonal traffic projections have been requested. Mrs. McBride asked how the information for traffic projections is obtained. Mr. Sturdivant stated that it could be a combination of ways: count stations, daily counts, and historical data. All data is combined and used to determine traffic projection numbers. Mr. Timpy asked about Old Georgetown Rd. and Beach Dr. Level of Service (LOS). Mr. Cox stated that Old Georgetown Rd. has a LOS of B (2004) and C (2030). Beach Dr. has'a LOS of D (2004) and F (2030). Mr. Cox stated that the intersection LOS shown in the packet represents the worse case for all movements. Mrs. Thomson asked how many intersections are signalized. Mr. Goins stated there were three signals. Mrs. Thomson asked if the LOS throughout the project area could be improved through additional signalization or some other measures besides new location. Mr. Goins stated that recommendations are to redesignate Old Georgetown Rd, including Old Georgetown Rd. extension, as NC 179 once project is complete. Mr. Pope stated that he had questions about the accuracy of the traffic projections if NC 179 was moved onto Old Georgetown Rd. extension. Mr. Pope wondered if the traffic projections might be higher once Old Georgetown Rd. extension is redesignated. Mr. Timpy asked about access control on Old Georgetown Rd. Mr. Pope stated that there was no access control currently on Old Georgetown Rd., but access control measures would be implemented for the new project. Mr. Eggert added that Beach Rd. was developed before any access measures was put into place. Mr. Timpy stated that the curve at Brick Landing Rd. and Beach Dr. is very dangerous, especially during vacation season. Safe speed goes from 50mph to about 20mph in a matter of feet at the curve. Mrs. Thomson asked if we could look at improving intersections along existing NC 179 instead of building a new road. She stated that, according to projections, AADT on Beach Dr. changes from 27,100 vpd (without project) to 21,800 (vpd) (with project). In her opinion, that is not a justification for a new road. Mr. Militscher stated that we need to look at why there is a need to go from Calabash to Shallotte. We already have a connector, US 17. He also stated that we need to find out if Beach Dr. is going to fail with the project and is there a connection between Calabash and Shallotte? Mr. Cox stated that we are dealing with local traffic on a downtown business district. In his opinion, traffic would be alleviated along NC 179 with an alternative route. Mrs. Thomson stated that she did not believe that traffic management was enough to justify a new location project. Mr. Militscher stated that he would like to see accident data to justify a safety need and that a new location project would not help the troublesome intersections along existing NC 179. Mr. Cox stated that with the new location, one of the troublesome intersections (Hale Swamp Rd. and Brick Landing Rd.) would be realigned. Also, traffic would be eased along existing NC 179 with a new location, thus helping to reduce the possibility of accidents at Beach Dr. and Brick Landing Rd. Mrs. Thomson wondered if the safety issues could be addressed by small projects instead of a merger project. Mr. Eggert stated that the area was growing quickly. The county is putting in a sewer system in the project area. A lot of commerce is generated due to new businesses in the area. Mr. Timpy stated that it might be possible to only need a nationwide permit to build the project and in that event, the project would be kicked out of the merger process. Mr. Sollod and Mr. Militscher questioned whether, in the event the project is kicked out of the merger process, the purpose of the project would be served. Mr. Hanson stated that from what he was hearing, the project was not going to get concurrence today. So, it would be more productive to allow each person an opportunity to request information they would like to see at the next meeting. The following list represents the requests of the participants: S- Expanded study area to include Calabash, Shallotte, and US 17 Safety data Better traffic data, seasonal traffic data ? If project is built, will the traffic problem get better or worse ? Ensure traffic data incorporates future development r 2030 LOS with the project Ensure troublesome intersections are addressed, possibly spelled out in purpose and need Decisions: Concurrence was not reached. It was agreed that new information was needed and the meeting was adjourned. MG/mg R-3432,Georgetown Road Extension Project History (Rev 4/4/07) 3/10/05 Merger Meeting - Concurrence Point 1 Y Did not reach concurrence 10/20/05 Updated traffic forecast is completed 9 Shows additional traffic on proposed Georgetown Rd Extension 11/3/05 Meeting with Nick Garrett (developer) Gave land to adjacent developer for driveway permit ® Requesting driveway permit with NCDOT 3/29/06 Meeting with Developers Y Want NCDOT to move alignment farther north 9/18/06 Meeting with New Developers 7/17/06 Last of wetlands are delineated • USACE has not been allowed to verify 1/07 Last revisions to design to avoid wetlands 0 Alternatives 1, 2, 2A, and 3 3/14/07 Conversation with USACE - Jennifer Frye Y Is in agreement with taking project out of merger 4/4/07 Meeting with DWQ and FHWA f 'p `? ?`' I II I III ! II', J?JT??.??-yn ,YY? I? jV S MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR To: From: Subject: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION March 22, 2005 R-3432 Merger Team Meeting Participants Michael Goins I)Ae LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Project Development Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch March 10, 2005 NEPA/404 Merger Meeting for TIP Project R-3432 in Brunswick County A concurrence meeting was held for the subject project on March 10, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. in the Transportation Board Room. The following persons were in attendance: Dave Timpy Gary Jordan Chris Militscher Ron Lucas Sarah McBride Nicole Thomson Steve Sollod Don Eggert Ron Allen Brenda Moore Darius Sturdivant Tyler Bray Regina Page Erin Hendee Allen Pope Joe Blair Tyler Stanton Tim Gardiner Rob Hanson MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS . 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 276 9 9-1 54 8 US Army Corps of Engineers US Fish and Wildlife Service US Environmental Protection Agency - Raleigh Federal Highway Administration - Raleigh State Historic Preservation Office NC Division of Water Quality NC Division of Coastal Management Cape Fear RPO NCDOT - Roadway Design NCDOT - Roadway Design NCDOT - Transportation Planning NCDOT - Transportation Planning NCDOT - Congestion Management NCDOT - Congestion Management NCDOT Division 3 Division Engineer NCDOT Division 3 Construction Engineer NCDOT - ONE NCDOT-OHE NCDOT - PDEA TELEPHONE: 919.733-3141 LOCATION: FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC WEBSITE. WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US 0 Charles Cox NCDOT -PDEA Michael Goins NCDOT - PDEA Travis Nilson (NC Wildlife Resources Commission), Ron Sechler (National Marine Fisheries Service) and Fritz Rohde (DENR Division of Marine Fisheries) were invited to the meeting but were unable to attend. The meeting was opened and everyone introduced himself or herself. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Concurrence Point 1, the purpose and need for TIP Project R-3432. This project is included in the 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Right of way acquisition is scheduled for fiscal year 2009 and construction is scheduled for Post Years. Mr. Goins stated the purpose of the project, as listed in the merger packet dated 3/10/05, is to alleviate traffic congestion along NC 179, improve safety along NC 179, and establish a more direct travel route between the towns of Shallotte and Calabash. Mr. Goins presented the following needs to be addressed by the project: Capacity Deficiencies ? NC 179 is a two to three lane facility. It was originally intended as a commuter route between Shallote, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. ? Ocean Isle Beach and Sunset Beach have become vacation destinations resulting in heavy commercial development along NC 179 (See Figures 1 and 2) ? Current traffic volumes (2004) in the project area range from 8,900 to 14,000 vehicles per day (vpd) ? Future traffic volumes (2030) in the project area range from 13,000 to 27,100 (vpd) ? Traffic volumes generated by local residents and tourists create frequent periods of traffic congestion, especially during vacation season (See Table 1 and Appendix 2) System Linkage ? Traveling from Calabash to Shallotte along NC 179 currently involves many intersections and turns. ? US 17 and NC 179 provide east/west access to the area between Calabash and Shallotte, which includes Ocean Isle Beach. NC 179 was originally intended as a commuter route between Shallote, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. Existing NC 179 proceeds east from Calabash toward Shallotte until the intersection of NC 904. Then, NC 179 proceeds south and east to Brick Landing Road and then to US 17 (see Appendix 1). Safety Safety concerns exist along existing NC 179, especially at the curved intersection of Brick Landing Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection 95). This is a 90 degree turn. Safety concerns also exist at acute intersection along existing NC 179 at Hale Swamp Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection 96) NCDOT Division 3 has made temporary efforts to improve curves at Brick Landing Rd. and Hale Swamp Rd. However, more permanent solutions are needed. General Discussion Mr. Goins stated that US 17 and NC 179 serve as hurricane evacuation routes. Questions arose as to what other routes are designated as hurricane evacuation routes. NC 130, NC 904, NC 179 and US 17 are designated as hurricane evacuation routes. Mr. Militscher asked if the traffic numbers were peak numbers. He asked what were the normal hour factors. Mr. Cox and Mr. Hanson stated that the projections are annual average daily traffic and that seasonal volumes would be even higher. Mr. Cox stated that seasonal traffic projections have been requested. Mrs. McBride asked how the information for traffic projections is obtained. Mr. Sturdivant stated that it could be a combination of ways: count stations, daily counts, and historical data. All data is combined and used to determine traffic projection numbers. Mr. Timpy asked about Old Georgetown Rd. and Beach Dr. Level of Service (LOS). Mr. Cox stated that Old Georgetown Rd. has a LOS of B (2004) and C (2030). Beach Dr. has'a LOS of D (2004) and F (2030). Mr. Cox stated that the intersection LOS shown in the packet represents the worse case for all movements. Mrs. Thomson asked how many intersections are signalized. Mr. Goins stated there were three signals. Mrs. Thomson asked if the LOS throughout the project area could be improved through additional signalization or some other measures besides new location. Mr. Goins stated that recommendations are to redesignate Old Georgetown Rd, including Old Georgetown Rd. extension, as NC 179 once project is complete. Mr. Pope stated that he had questions about the accuracy of the traffic projections if NC 179 was moved onto Old Georgetown Rd. extension. Mr. Pope wondered if the traffic projections might be higher once Old Georgetown Rd. extension is redesignated. Mr. Timpy asked about access control on Old Georgetown Rd. Mr. Pope stated that there was no access control currently on Old Georgetown Rd., but access control measures would be implemented for the new project. Mr. Eggert added that Beach Rd. was developed before any access measures was put into place. Mr. Timpy stated that the curve at Brick Landing Rd. and Beach Dr. is very dangerous, especially during ?, acation season. Safe speed goes from 50mph to about 20mph in a matter of feet at the curve. Mrs. Thomson asked if we could look at improving intersections along existing NC 179 instead of building a new road. She stated that, according to projections, AADT on Beach Dr. changes from 27,100 vpd (without project) to 21,800 (vpd) (with project). In her opinion, that is not a justification for a new road. Mr. Militscher stated that we need to look at why there is a need to go from Calabash to Shallotte. We already have a connector, US 17. He also stated that we need to find out if Beach Dr. is going to fail with the project and is there a connection between Calabash and Shallotte? Mr. Cox stated that we are dealing with local traffic on a downtown business district. In his opinion, traffic would be alleviated along NC 179 with an alternative route. Mrs. Thomson stated that she did not believe that traffic management was enough to justify a new location project. Mr. Militscher stated that he would like to see accident data to justify a safety need and that a new location project would not help the troublesome intersections along existing NC 179. Mr. Cox stated that with the new location, one of the troublesome intersections (Hale Swamp Rd. and Brick Landing Rd.) would be realigned. Also, traffic would be eased along existing NC 179 with a new location, thus helping to reduce the possibility of accidents at Beach Dr. and Brick Landing Rd. Mrs. Thomson wondered if the safety issues could be addressed by small projects instead of a merger project. Mr. Eggert stated that the area was growing quickly. The county is putting in a sewer system in the project area. A lot of commerce is generated due to new businesses in the area. Mr. Timpy stated that it might be possible to only need a nationwide permit to build the project and in that event, the project would be kicked out of the merger process. Mr. Sollod and Mr. Militscher questioned whether, in the event the project is kicked out of the merger process, the purpose of the project would be served. Mr. Hanson stated that from what he was hearing, the project was not going to get concurrence today. So, it would be more productive to allow each person an opportunity to request information they would like to see at the next meeting. The following list represents the requests of the participants: S- Expanded study area to include Calabash, Shallotte, and US 17 7 Safety data Better traffic data, seasonal traffic data o If project is built, will the traffic problem get better or worse Ensure traffic data incorporates future development ? 2030 LOS with the project ? Ensure troublesome intersections are addressed, possibly spelled out in purpose and need Decisions: Concurrence was not reached. It was agreed that new information was needed and the meeting was adjourned. MG/mg R-3432, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County Subject: R-3432, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County From: Charles Cox <ccox a;dot.state.nc.us> Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:44:05 -0400 To: DWQ-Wainwright <David.Wainwright ai;ncmail.nct> CC: FH WA-Lucas-Ron <ron.lucas a?(hwa.dot.gov> David: this to confirm our meeting on April 4 at 10:00 at your office. I grant to tall: about taking this project out of the merger process. I'll bring mapping showing our latest design and wetland delineations. You can reach me at 733-7844 x 301 if you can't make this meeting. Ron: I will need to meet with you also on this issue. if you can meet us, let me know and you can ride over with me. Thanks, Charles Cox Charles Cox <ccox(ti%dot.state. ne.us> Project Development Unit Dead Project Development & Environmental Analysis I? 1 of 1 4/3/2007 1:51 PM Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form Project Number: 06-0380 County: Brunswick Due Date: 07/24/2006 Date Received: 06/30/2006 Project Description: Proposal to construct a two-lane facility extending SR-3163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179 d No. This Project is being reviewed as indicated below: Regional Office Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem Sign-Off/Region: Regional Office Area T-T Air _1L Water T Groundwater I Land Quality Engineer In-House Review Soil & Water T-T_ Coastal Management Wildlife Wildlife - DOT T Forest Resources Land Resources Parks & Recreation Water Quality Water Quality - DOT Air Quality Date: T Marine Fisheries Water Resources T Environmental Health Solid Waste Mgmt Radiation Protection Other Response (check all applicable) No objection to project as proposed. No Comment Insufficient information to complete review other (specify or attach comments) Reviewer/Agency: Regional Office Only: Please log into the IBEAM system and update your comments in the DSS (Decision Support System) application, SEPA module. If you have any questions, please contact: Melba McGee, Environmental Coordinator at melba.mcgee@ncmail.net D @IFZ @ D JUL U 5 2006 wETLAMDSgh' ST08 QL' UWATER RgN R \ X4=1 V cP 2 ?pG O ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission MEMORANDUM Richard B. Hamilton, Executive Director TO: Melba McGee Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, DENR FROM: Travis Wilson, Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: July 17, 2006 SUBJECT: Response to the start of study notification from the N. C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) regarding fish and wildlife concerns for the proposed extension of SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Rd) from SR 1184 to NC 179 in Ocean Isle, Brunswick County, North Carolina. TIP No. R- 3432, SCH Project No. 06-0380. This memorandum responds to a request from Gregory J. Thorpe of the NCDOT for our concerns regarding impacts on fish and wildlife resources resulting from the subject project. Biologists on the staff of the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the proposed improvements. Our comments are provided in accordance with certain provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). After review of the project study area it appears there will be potential to impact extensive wetlands including the Sandy Branch Sand Ridge and Bay Complex, a regionally significant natural area. At this time it is not evident, that a need has been demonstrated for this project that will justify the probable impacts to fish and wildlife resources. However, to help further facilitate document preparation and the review process, our general informational needs are outlined below: 1. Description of fishery and wildlife resources within the project area, including a listing of federally or state designated threatened, endangered, or special concern species. Potential borrow areas to be used for project construction should be included in the inventories. A listing of designated plant species can be developed through consultation with: The Natural Heritage Program N. C. Division of Parks and Recreation 1615 Mail Service Center Memo 2 July 17, 2006 Raleigh, N. C. 27699-1615 (919) 733-7795 WWW.ncsparl<s.net/nhp and, NCDA Plant Conservation Program P. O. Box 27647 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 (919) 733-3610 2. Description of any streams or wetlands affected by the project. The need for channelizing or relocating portions of streams crossed and the extent of such activities. 3. Cover type maps showing wetland acreages impacted by the project. Wetland acreages should include all project-related areas that may undergo hydrologic change as a result of ditching, other drainage, or filling for project construction. Wetland identification may be accomplished through coordination with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If the COE is not consulted, the person delineating wetlands should be identified and criteria listed. 4. Cover type maps showing acreages of upland wildlife habitat impacted by the proposed project. Potential borrow sites should be included. 5. The extent to which the project will result in loss, degradation, or fragmentation of wildlife habitat (wetlands or uplands). 6. Mitigation for avoiding, minimizing or compensating for direct and indirect degradation in habitat quality as well as quantitative losses. 7. A cumulative impact assessment section which analyzes the environmental effects of highway construction and quantifies the contribution of this individual project to environmental degradation. 8. A discussion of the probable impacts on natural resources which will result from secondary development facilitated by the improved road access. 9. If construction of this facility is to be coordinated with other state, municipal, or private development projects, a description of these projects should be included in the environmental document, and all project sponsors should be identified. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input in the early planning stages for this project. If we can further assist your office, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. Cc: Brian Wrenn, DWQ Chris Militscher, USEPA Steve Sollod, DCM Gary Jordan, USFWS Dave Timpy, USACE Michael F. Easley, Governor ?OF W ATFR William G. Ross Jr., Secretary O QG North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director r Division of Water Quality > -1 o ? July 13, 2006 MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee, Environmental Coordinator, Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Q From: Brian L. Wrenn, Transportation Permitting Unit, NCDWQ " Subject: Request for Scoping Comments for the Proposed Extension of SR 1183 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179 in Brunswick County, TIP Project No. R-3432, State Project No.6.231023, State Clearinghouse No. 06-0380 This office has reviewed the referenced document. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is responsible for the issuance of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for activities that impact Waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Based on a preliminary review of the project study area, tributaries, wetlands and riparian buffers associated with the following named streams could be impacted by the proposed project: Stream/Surface Water Jinn 's Branch Shallotte River River Basin Lumber Classification C;Sw Stream Index No. 15-25-2-(10) Lumber SA;H W 15-25-2-16-1-(D DWQ has the following comments: Project Specific Comments: 1. The Shallotte River is classified as SA; High Quality Waters (HQW) of the State. This one of the highest classifications in the State and indicates that the waters may be suitable for shellfishing. DWQ is very concerned with sedimentation and erosion control in this watershed. DOT should implement sedimentation and erosion control measures that meet or exceed the requirements detailed in Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds 15A NCAC 04B .0124. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .1006 and 15A NCAC 2B .0224, NC DOT will be required to obtain a State Stormwater Permit prior to construction. 2. Hazardous spill catchment basins (HSCBs) may be required for any crossings of waters with a HQW supplemental classification. HSCBs shall meet the design standards defined in the July 1996 "Guidelines for the Location and Design of Hazardous Spill Basins." 3. It appears from the maps provided that the project study area contains a large amount of wetlands. NC DOT should design alternatives that avoid and minimize impacts to these wetlands as much as possible. 4. Based on the amount of wetlands and the intense development in the project study area, DWQ is uncertain whether a purpose and need for the project can be developed that would warrant the large amount of impacts to the natural and human environment. Are Caro a Ntum? Transportation Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands R-3432 July 13, 2006 Page 2 General Comments: 1. The environmental document should provide a detailed and itemized presentation of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams with corresponding mapping. If mitigation is necessary as required by 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h), it is preferable to present a conceptual (if not finalized) mitigation plan with the environmental documentation. Appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification. 2. Environmental assessment alternatives should consider design criteria that reduce the impacts to streams and wetlands from storm water runoff. These alternatives should include road designs that allow for treatment of the storm water runoff through best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of NC DWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices, such as grassed swales, buffer areas, preformed scour holes, retention basins, etc. After the selection of the preferred alternative and prior to an issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the NCDOT is respectfully reminded that they will need to demonstrate the avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands (and streams) to the maximum extent practical. In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules ( 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)), mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 1 acre to wetlands. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program may be available for use as wetland mitigation. 4. In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules { 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)), mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 150 linear feet to any single perennial stream. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program may be available for use as stream mitigation. 5. DWQ is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. NC DOT should address these concerns by describing the potential impacts that may occur to the aquatic environments and any mitigating factors that would reduce the impacts. 6. If a bridge is being replaced with a hydraulic conveyance other than another bridge, DWQ believes the use of a Nationwide Permit may be required. Please contact the US Army Corp of Engineers to determine the required permit(s). 7. If the old bridge is removed, no discharge of bridge material into surface waters is allowed unless otherwise authorized by the US ACOE. Strict adherence to the Corps of Engineers guidelines for bridge demolition will be a condition of the 401 Water Quality Certification. 8. Bridge supports (bents) should not be placed in the stream when possible. 9. Whenever possible, the DWQ prefers spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not require work within the stream or grubbing of the streambanks and do not require stream channel realignment. The horizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges allow for human and wildlife passage beneath the structure, do not block fish passage and do not block navigation by canoeists and boaters. R-3432 July 13, 2006 Page 3 10. Bridge deck drains should not discharge directly into the stream. Stormwater should be directed across the bridge and pre-treated through site-appropriate means (grassed swales, pre-formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. Please refer to the most current version of NC DWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices. 11. If concrete is used during construction, a dry work area should be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete should not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. 12. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contours and elevations. Disturbed areas should be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and appropriate native woody species should be planted. When using temporary structures the area should be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact allows the area to re-vegetate naturally and minimizes soil disturbance. 13. Placement of culverts and other structures in waters, streams, and wetlands shall be below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-, equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, adjacent to or upstream and down stream of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by DWQ. If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting features encountered during construction, please contact the NC DWQ for guidance on how to proceed and to determine whether or not a permit modification will be required. 14. If multiple pipes or barrels are required, they should be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 15. If foundation test borings are necessary; it should be noted in the document. Geotechnical work is approved under General 401 Certification Number 3494/Nationwide Permit No. 6 for Survey Activities. 16. Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to protect water resources must be implemented and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual and the most recent version of NCS000250. 17. All work in or adjacent to stream waters should be conducted in a dry work area unless otherwise approved by NC DWQ. Approved BMP measures from the most current version of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion structures should be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. 18. Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands and streams. R-3432 July 13, 2006 Page 4 19. Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practical. Impacts to wetlands in borrow/waste areas could precipitate compensatory mitigation. 20. While the use of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps, NC Coastal Region Evaluation of Wetland Significance (NC-CREWS) maps and soil survey maps are useful tools, their inherent inaccuracies require that qualified personnel perform onsite wetland delineations prior to permit approval. 21. Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. This equipment should be inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 22. In most cases, the DWQ prefers the replacement of the existing structure at the same location with road closure. If road closure is not feasible, a temporary detour should be designed and located to avoid wetland impacts, minimize the need for clearing and to avoid destabilizing stream banks. If the structure will be on a new alignment, the old structure should be removed and the approach fills removed from the 100-year floodplain. Approach fills should be removed and restored to the natural ground elevation. The area should be stabilized with grass and planted with native tree species. Tall fescue should not be used in riparian areas. 23. Riprap should not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or structures should be properly designed, sized and installed. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. The DOT is reminded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Brian Wrenn at 919-733-5715. cc: Dave Timpy, US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington Field Office Clarence Coleman, Federal Highway Administration Steve Sollod, NC Division of Coastal Management Chris Militscher, Environmental Protection Agency Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Gary Jordan, US Fish and Wildlife Service Ken Averitte, DWQ Asheville Regional Office File Copy aM STN[ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASI.EY LYNfyu"I-I' G0VI;RN0 IZ svclaI ? t June 27, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Brian Wrenn Division of Water Quality/Wetlands FROM: Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Director Prrl,;ect !development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: New Route extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1 184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179, Ocean Isle, Brunswick County, State Project 6.23 1023, State TIP Project R-3432 The Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch has begun studying the proposed improvements extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179. The project is included in the Draft 2006-2012 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year (FY) 2011. Construction is scheduled for fiscal year 2012. The project proposes to construct a two-lane facility extending SR 1 163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a state funded Environmental Assessment. This document will be prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by August 15, 2006 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact Wayne Jacas, Project Development Engineer, of this Branch at (919) 733-7844, Ext. 252. Please include the TIP Project Number in all correspondence and comments. GJT/plr 1p. !-a(?.0 i5 zt. 2--00 Attachment MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 C TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG !'" 4 - Ir -I-(1) LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC Shalloo- ,7 / Township Park \ `-------r- - _/ usa town to)i Ccool Q? Grisaett°w° / v Ole C*ov Boy CUD f A - = b JI a Brenc? C? nN s an onk Bo - s y r i _ --:' ,7 n' BO \ ??? ?:. a?DI J y ?r / A s ? G so ling _n, N8 ?\ tlg _s Ocean I easl to ).- 41 FEET 0 1000 2000 0 200 400 600 METERS NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION a DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS o PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH SR 1163 (OLD GEORGETOWN ROAD) EXTENSION FROM SR 1184 (OCEAN ISLE BEACH ROAD) TO NC 179 BRUNSWICK COUNTY TIP PROJECT R-3432 FIGURE I :? ,? a.. SUM STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR June 27, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: New Route extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179, Ocean Isle, Brunswick County, State Project 6.231023, State TIP Project R-3432 The Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch has begun studying the proposed improvements extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179. The project is included in the Draft 2006-2012 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year (FY) 2011. Construction is scheduled for fiscal year 2012. The project proposes to construct a two-lane facility extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a state funded Environmental Assessment. This document will be prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by August 15, 2006 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact Wayne Jacas, Project Development Engineer, of this Branch at (919) 733-7844, Ext. 252. Please include the TIP Project Number in all correspondence and comments. GJT/plr Ms. Chrys Baggett, Director State Clearinghouse Department of Administration Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch LYNDoTIPPETT SECRETARY Attachment MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBsi WWW.NCDOT.ORG LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC i ?. i RAID ? 'Q?O` .. ?s? oPGEtON'? ? ? nP .. s Bra k' s an 17B f? onksd T S 1/?Can?ding and 110 `-- i ti\ ?/ ?Nnmy' i //J1 Ify N LaiaUSB` n mg: sI ?n l ,? 1- ?? ' - nrftt?? Ocean 191,E y??\a t \ \:.j ?? • - FEET 0 1000 2000 0 200 400 600 METERS NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH SR 1163 (OLD GEORGETOWN ROAD) EXTENSION FROM SR 1184 (OCEAN ISLE BEACH ROAD) TO NC 179 BRUNSWICK COUNTY TIP PROJECT R-3432 FIGURE I :? ,, t ,; ,, .. '. a A STAB tvY 3Q3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR June 27, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: New Route extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179, Ocean Isle, Brunswick County, State Project 6.231023, State TIP Project R-3432 The Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch has begun studying the proposed improvements extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179. The project is included in the Draft 2006-2012 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year (FY) 2011. Construction is scheduled for fiscal year 2012. The project proposes to construct a two-lane facility extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a state funded Environmental Assessment. This document will be prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by August 15, 2006 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact Wayne Jacas, Project Development Engineer, of this Branch at (919) 733-7844, Ext. 252. Please include the TIP Project Number in all correspondence and comments. GJT/plr Ms. Chrys Baggett, Director State Clearinghouse Department of Administration Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Attachment MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WESSITE: MVW.NCDOT.ORG LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC \ Shallottp Township _ A • Park _r Russtown - i i ... ` SEAN NICiM!'r? coot P, in _ . / i- Gnsseltown 179 'l5 M 011 vt,0 It oPG? CIS o%p 79 a JI s Branch` % /BPS san?? 179 L qq? so e. i. ? ?? '?Canding ?y1a and nd 17 . -? Gage -Y Lan mg ,1^?(resSy?? Ocean earl d ... Seaside _r a t `/'.. Boy : -•?" r .U-_ sue" u? - - FEET 0 1000 2000 0 200 400 600 METERS NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH SR 1163 (OLD GEORGETOWN ROAD) EXTENSION FROM SR 1184 (OCEAN ISLE BEACH ROAD) TO NC 179 BRUNSWICK COUNTY TIP PROJECT R-3432 FIGURE I A ' ?? ..? . l i.' ik K 'I-,i 8' • Barren Land (Roc • Cultivated Crops • Deciduous Forest - Developed Low Ir - Developed, High 1 - Developed, Media Developed, Open - Emergent Herbac Legend ;and/Clay) - Evergri O Grassy O Mixed I Isity - Open V msity O Pasture Intensity O ShrubA pace Woody is Wetlands orest V H J J s 0 ?O N / 1 I y •` .?•.i 1?'L - l ?F'r „?nV.:. 1) ?.f„ 4 ?'',f1 _ .1 ?> r l . 1 : l cr l 1 ' - p '' l { f??, t c? C 1 a +t.? US 17 BUS HIGHWAY U, 17 1 OGFAN ? ? b a w"' END PRpJECT G? Q ? ??`? 1C«NSION Pp ? ? Z ac'?ON1N RO ? EO O?0 V o: m OPO ? O? od ?P?Q d p O _ U ? fz - X00 Q m 0O OFD 0 ?P ''; LIJ -J _ ? P? r Z G LEGEND o OG?Pa\ ??? `? ADDED APE g?cPG Q OLD APE ;y DELINEATION AREA NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION D DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS .. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND \•,E, ,,,,% ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH SR 1183 (GEORGETOWN ROAD) EXTENSION FROM SR 1184 (OCEAN ISLE BEACH ROAD) FEET TO NC 179 BRUNSWICK COUNTY 0 1000 2000 TIP PROJECT R-3432 0 200 400 METERS 660 FW: R-3432 Site Visit Subject: FW: R-3432 Site Visit From: "Timpy, David L SAW" <David.L.Timpy@saw02.usace.army.mil> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:32:29 -0400 To: <brian.wrenn@ncmail.net>, <gary Jordan@fws.gov>, <Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov>, <ron.sechler@noaa.gov>, <sarah.mcbride@ncmail.net>, <Steve.Sollod@ncmail.net>, <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org> FYI. Some of you called regarding scoping comments on this project. The wetland line has been verified by the Corps except for recent request by the ncdot. The purpose on my meeting with the consultant on the 16th is for the Corps to verify this new area. No need for you's, except for DWQ, to attend this. The real reason for this email is make we are on the same page with this project. As you may recall, the project team did NOT concur on purpose and need. The NCDOT subsequently went ahead with field delineations in attempt to fits this project under a NWP 14 and avoid the merger. Apparently, it did not fit the nwp thresholds based on the recent scoping exercises. So, it appears that we are back to considering purpose and need for this project. It's not likely I will be handling this project when it comes back to the team. One last note: there is a current ditch violation in the middle of the project area. Not sure of the status of this violation but I am sure the ditch is alive and well. I think I sent you the aerial pdf of this earlier, if not let me know and I'll send it. N. Lutheran is the DWQ poc. I do miss the dot stuff with all interesting issues and fun. Dave From: Tom.Cousins@kimley-horn.com [mailto:Tom.Cousins@kimley-horn.com] Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 10:10 AM To: Timpy, David L SAW Cc: Brian.Wrenn@ncmail.net; mherndon@dot.state. nc.us; Laura.Lang@kimley-horn.com Subject: RE: R-3432 Site Visit 10:00 sounds good. I propose we meet at the intersection of Ocean Isle Beach Rd and Old Georgetown Rd. (I will mark it on one of the maps). My cell # is 919 522-9253 in case you need to contact me that day. Look forward to seeing ya'll August 16th. Tommy 1 of 2 8/7/2006 3:42 PM FW: R-3432 Site Visit From: Timpy, David L SAW [mailto:David.L.Timpy@saw02.usace.army.mil] Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 10:03 AM To: Cousins, Tommy Cc: Brian.Wrenn@ncmail.net; mherndon@dot.state.nc.us Subject: RE: R-3432 Site Visit I'm open to the time bur prefer the morning. How about 10:00? dave From: Tom.Cousins@kimley-horn.com [mailto:Tom.Cousins@kimley-horn.com] Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:56 AM To: Timpy, David L SAW Cc: Brian.Wrenn@ncmail.net; mherndon@dot.state.nc.us Subject: R-3432 Site Visit Dave, Mason Herndon and Brian Wrenn will be joining us August 16th in Brunswick County to verify the wetland delineation. I will send maps to everyone this week. What time would you like to meet? Thanks Tommy Cousins Kimley-Horn and Associates 4651 Charlotte Park Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte NC 28217 Din (704) 319-7688 Fax: (704) 333-0845 Tommy.Cousins@Kimley-Horn.com 2 of 2 8/7/2006 3:42 PM (,?- %yc:??.L?,L? ? ?,? y"Ytr?=?J - ('? "L`1?:??'IL ?.(' ? :!?'?`-?=-fL ?• ,?;f??-eL:'r1?? u-cd (?,4. z r _7 [? i `? << (J-Y C't L' 11Cd ?L d? c C L`ic 1 ?t c L G' e( /All 12 Ma? l , J-9 ! -/ 47n, rr (1 # c /-'? ? S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR March 22, 2005 ?n t U^u" 77 N Z: ? \ 111V o . pV]`QVv ?p o ? LYNDo TIPPETT SECRETARY To: R-3432 Merger Team Meeting Participants From: Michael Goins PW Project Development Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Subject: March 10, 2005 NEPA/404 Merger Meeting for TIP Project R-3432 in Brunswick County A concurrence meeting was held for the subject project on March 10, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. in the Transportation Board Room. The following persons were in attendance: Dave Timpy Gary Jordan Chris Militscher Ron Lucas Sarah McBride Nicole Thomson Steve Sollod Don Eggert Ron Allen Brenda Moore Darius Sturdivant Tyler Bray Regina Page Erin Hendee Allen Pope Joe Blair Tyler Stanton Tim Gardiner Rob Hanson MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 US Army Corps of Engineers US Fish and Wildlife Service US Environmental Protection Agency - Raleigh Federal Highway Administration - Raleigh State Historic Preservation Office NC Division of Water Quality NC Division of Coastal Management Cape Fear RPO NCDOT - Roadway Design NCDOT - Roadway Design NCDOT - Transportation Planning NCDOT - Transportation Planning NCDOT - Congestion Management NCDOT - Congestion Management NCDOT Division 3 Division Engineer NCDOT Division 3 Construction Engineer NCDOT - ONE NCDOT-OHE NCDOT - PDEA TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET WEBSITE. K W ..DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC Charles Cox NCDOT -PDEA Michael Goins NCDOT - PDEA Travis Wilson (NC Wildlife Resources Commission), Ron Sechler (National Marine Fisheries Service) and Fritz Rohde (DENR Division of Marine Fisheries) were invited to the meeting but were unable to attend. The meeting was opened and everyone introduced himself or herself. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Concurrence Point 1, the purpose and need for TIP Project R-3432. This project is included in the 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Right of way acquisition is scheduled for fiscal year 2009 and construction is scheduled for Post Years. Mr. Goins stated the purpose of the project, as listed in the merger packet dated 3/10/05, is to alleviate traffic congestion along NC 179, improve safety along NC 179, and establish a more direct travel route between the towns of Shallotte and Calabash. Mr. Goins presented the following needs to be addressed by the project: Capacity Deficiencies ? NC 179 is a two to three lane facility. It was originally intended as a commuter route between Shallote, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. ? Ocean Isle Beach and Sunset Beach have become vacation destinations resulting in heavy commercial development along NC 179 (See Figures 1 and 2) ? Current traffic volumes (2004) in the project area range from 8,900 to 14,000 vehicles per day (vpd) ? Future traffic volumes (2030) in the project area range from 13,000 to 27,100 (vpd) ? Traffic volumes generated by local residents and tourists create frequent periods of traffic congestion, especially during vacation season (See Table 1 and Appendix 2) System Linkage ? Traveling from Calabash to Shallotte along NC 179 currently involves many intersections and turns. ? US 17 and NC 179 provide east/west access to the area between Calabash and Shallotte, which includes Ocean Isle Beach. NC 179 was originally intended as a commuter route between Shallote, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. Existing NC 179 proceeds east from Calabash toward Shallotte until the intersection of NC 904. Then, NC 179 proceeds south and east to Brick Landing Road and then to US 17 (see Appendix 1). Safe Safety concerns exist along existing NC 179, especially at the curved intersection of Brick Landing Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection 95). This is a 90 degree turn. Safety concerns also exist at acute intersection along existing NC 179 at Hale Swamp Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection 46) ? NCDOT Division 3 has made temporary efforts to improve curves at Brick Landing Rd. and Hale Swamp Rd. However, more permanent solutions are needed. General Discussion Mr. Goins stated that US 17 and NC 179 serve as hurricane evacuation routes. Questions arose as to what other routes are designated as hurricane evacuation routes. NC 130, NC 904, NC 179 and US 17 are designated as hurricane evacuation routes. Mr. Militscher asked if the traffic numbers were peak numbers. He asked what were the normal hour factors. Mr. Cox and Mr. Hanson stated that the projections are annual average daily traffic and that seasonal volumes would be even higher. Mr. Cox stated that seasonal traffic projections have been requested. Mrs. McBride asked how the information for traffic projections is obtained. Mr. Sturdivant stated that it could be a combination of ways: count stations, daily counts, and historical data. All data is combined and used to determine traffic projection numbers. Mr. Timpy asked about Old Georgetown Rd. and Beach Dr. Level of Service (LOS). Mr. Cox stated that Old Georgetown Rd. has a LOS of B (2004) and C (2030). Beach Dr. has'a LOS of D (2004) and F (2030). Mr. Cox stated that the intersection LOS shown in the packet represents the worse case for all movements. Mrs. Thomson asked how many intersections are signalized. Mr. Goins stated there were three signals. Mrs. Thomson asked if the LOS throughout the project area could be improved through additional signalization or some other measures besides new location. Mr. Goins stated that recommendations are to redesignate Old Georgetown Rd, including Old Georgetown Rd. extension, as NC 179 once project is complete. Mr. Pope stated that he had questions about the accuracy of the traffic projections if NC 179 was moved onto Old Georgetown Rd. extension. Mr. Pope wondered if the traffic projections might be higher once Old Georgetown Rd. extension is redesignated. Mr. Timpy asked about access control on Old Georgetown Rd. Mr. Pope stated that there was no access control currently on Old Georgetown Rd., but access control measures would be implemented for the new project. Mr. Eggert added that Beach Rd. was developed before any access measures was put into place. Mr. Timpy stated that the curve at Brick Landing Rd. and Beach Dr. is very dangerous, especially during vacation season. Safe speed goes from 50mph to about 20mph in a matter of feet at the curve. Mrs. Thomson asked if we could look at improving intersections along existing NC 179 instead of building a new road. She stated that, according to projections, AADT on Beach Dr. changes from 27,100 vpd (without project) to 21,800 (vpd) (with project). In her opinion, that is not a justification for a new road. Mr. Militscher stated that we need to look at why there is a need to go from Calabash to Shallotte. We already have a connector, US 17. He also stated that we need to find out if Beach Dr. is going to fail with the project and is there a connection between Calabash and Shallotte? Mr. Cox stated that we are dealing with local traffic on a downtown business district. In his opinion, traffic would be alleviated along NC 179 with an alternative route. Mrs. Thomson stated that she did not believe that traffic management was enough to justify a new location project. Mr. Militscher stated that he would like to see accident data to justify a safety need and that a new location project would not help the troublesome intersections along existing NC 179. Mr. Cox stated that with the new location, one of the troublesome intersections (Hale Swamp Rd. and Brick Landing Rd.) would be realigned. Also, traffic would be eased along existing NC 179 with a new location, thus helping to reduce the possibility of accidents at Beach Dr. and Brick Landing Rd. Mrs. Thomson wondered if the safety issues could be addressed by small projects instead of a merger project. Mr. Eggert stated that the area was growing quickly. The county is putting in a sewer system in the project area. A lot of commerce is generated due to new businesses in the area. Mr. Timpy stated that it might be possible to only need a nationwide permit to build the project and in that event, the project would be kicked out of the merger process. Mr. Sollod and Mr. Militscher questioned whether, in the event the project is kicked out of the merger process, the purpose of the project would be served. Mr. Hanson stated that from what he was hearing, the project was not going to get concurrence today. So, it would be more productive to allow each person an opportunity to request information they would like to see at the next meeting. The following list represents the requests of the participants: Y Expanded study area to include Calabash, Shallotte, and US 17 Safety data Better traffic data, seasonal traffic data ? If project is built, will the traffic problem get better or worse ? Ensure traffic data incorporates future development 2030 LOS with the project ,e Ensure troublesome intersections are addressed, possibly spelled out in purpose and need Decisions: Concurrence was not reached. It was agreed that new information was needed and the meeting was adjourned. MG/mg i . SIAI[ o rr' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR February 10, 2005 a ?pG? os ? LYNDO TIKI SECRETARY MEMORANDUM TO: R-3432 Merger Team FROM: Mike Goins Project Development Engineer SUBJECT: Old Georgetown Rd (SR 1163) Extension from Ocean Isle Beach Rd (SR 1184) to NC 179, Brunswick County, TIP Project R-3432, WBS No. 35501.1.1 A concurrence meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 10, 2005. The meeting will be held in the Board Room in the Transportation Building, 1 South Wilmington St., Raleigh. The purpose of this meeting is to present the project to the merger team for Concurrence Point 1. The members of the merger team are listed below. If anyone feels they have been listed incorrectly, or if an agency does not Nvish to participate in the merger team for this project, please notify me in writing of this decision. The information packet is enclosed. Please review this material prior to the meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (919) 733-7844 ext. 252 or msgoins@dot.state.nc.us. Please RSVP if you will not be attending. R-3432 Merger Team Dave Timpy, US Army Corps of Engineers Gary Jordan, US Fish & Wildlife Service Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Sarah McBride, State Historic Preservation Office Chris Militscher, US Environmental Protection Agency Nikki Thompson, NC Division of Water Quality Ron Lucas, Federal Highway Administration Don Eggert, RPO Coordinator (non-signatory) Steve Sollod, NCDCM Ron Sechler, National Marine Fisheries Service Fritz Rohde, NC Division of Marine Fisheries Technical Support Staff & Other Afrencv Staff Allen Pope, NCDOT Division 3 Joe Blair, NCDOT Division 3 MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENTAND ENVIRONMENTALANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE. MM.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 Mason Herndon, NCDOT Division 3 Brenda Moore, NCDOT Roadway Design Thad Duncan, NCDOT Roadway Design Darius Sturdivant, NCDOT Transportation Planning Tyler Bray, NCDOT Transportation Planning Regina Page, NCDOT Congestion Management Tim Gardiner, NCDOT Office of Human Environment Bill Arrington, NCDCM I i likkk I TIP PROJE CT R-3432 BRUNSWI CK COUNTY March 1 0, 2005 Transportation Bu ilding Board Room Agenda fo r Meeting: • Project D escription • Comment s and Questions Project Development Engineer: Purpose and Need Docu Mike Goins (919)733-7844 ext. 252 msgoins@dot.state.nc.us Old Georg TIP B TIP Project R-3432 involves a new Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Rc County for a length of 2.4 miles. The proj of way acquisition and construction schedu respectively. While this project is programs have been made about the final location of studied. The total estimated cost for the pr $700,000 for right of way acquisition and 9 A scoping meeting for the Capacity Deficiencies n Road Extension ect R-3432 ek County ute extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown to NC 179 in Ocean Isle in Brunswick is included in the 2004-2010 TIP with right i for fiscal years 2009 and Post Year, d in the TIP as a new route, no decisions road or other alternatives that may be used project is $7,600,000, which includes 900,000 for construction. ion project on November 9, 2004. • NC 179 is a two to three lane facility. It was originally intended as a commuter route between Shallote, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. • 0 he in 2 Current traffic volumes (2004) in the project area range from 8900 to 14,000 CDT (See Appendix 3) Future traffic volumes (2030) in the project area range from 13,000 to 27,100 AADT (See Appendix 4) Traffic volumes generated by local residents and tourists create frequent periods of traffic congestion, especially during vacation season (See Table 1 and Appendix 2) TABLE I - Intersection Capacity Analvsis - No Build Intersection i Intersection Intersect ion LOS .................................... No. 2004 ........ ......, 2030 ............................ . ......................... 1 Old Georgetown Rd. and Seaside Rd. F F ................. ... 2' ................. _......................... ........ ................................ . ............ Sunset Blvd. and Seas .. ...._ ide Rd. ..... F _ F .................. ..? .. 3 ..........._.._...._... _..... . .... ............. . Beach Dr. (NC 179) and C ..... ....... auseway Dr. F F 4 Beach Dr. (NC 179) and Ha le Swamp Rd ................ I C ... _ ... C 5 Beach Dr. (NC 179) and Bric k Landing Rd I B ..... f F 1 ............. 6 i ... ....... .... Brick Landing Rd. and Hal .... . ...... e Swamp Rd. F ........................ F _.................. W.._.__ ................... ... 7 ............. .__..... ................... ................ ...................... .............. .................. .. .................. _.............................. ....................................................... Brick Landing Rd. and Village Point I ................._................................... F . ............................................. F .. ........... .............................. .............................. .. 8 1 ..................... .................................................. ......... .. ....................... ................. ........... .... ..... Ocean Hwy. (US 17) and Ocea ..................._ _........._.... n Isle Beach Rd. ._......._........_............_.........._... F ......._.....e........._......_..... .. . F ... ...................... _............ ._........... ................ _. 9 ..................._._.................... ........... ...._._..... ........ __........ _.......... .... ..... ._ _..................... ..... ..... Old Georgetown Rd. and Ocea . _........ ........ ..... ....................... ............................. _......... n Isle Beach Rd. ...;.................... .................. ............ E .... ..................... .... ...... ............ ...... F ....._...._....._.._._..... _ ............... ................. _..... 10 ....... _........ __.................... _.......... ......... ...................Y.....(................... )....._....... Ocean Hw US 17 and .................. ................... ......................._......._.. Seaside Rd. ... ..............._...._............._.......... ... F .................. ...... ....................... .. F System Linkage • Traveling from Calabash to Shallotte along NC 179 currently involves many intersections and turns. • US 17 and NC 179 provide east/west acc Shallotte, which includes Ocean Isle Bea commuter route between Shallote, Oceat Existing NC 179 proceeds east from Cal; of NC 904. Then, NC 179 proceeds soul to US 17 (see Appendix 1). ess to the area between Calabash and 3h. NC 179 was originally intended as a Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Calabash. .bash toward Shallotte until the intersection h and east to Brick Landing Road and then Safety • Safety concerns exist along existing NC 179, especially at the curved intersection of Brick Landing Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection #5). This is a 90 degree turn. • Safety concerns also exist at acute intersection along existing NC 179 at Hale Swamp Rd. (see Appendix 2, Intersection #6) • NCDOT Division 3 has made temporary efforts to improve curves at Brick Landing Rd. and Hale Swamp Rd. However, more permanent solutions are needed. The purpose of the project is to alleviz improve safety along NC 179, and establish a of Shallotte and Calabash. traffic congestion along NC 179, ore direct travel route between the towns e FO-1 cn z O? O c ¦ y 1 ,1 O O U1 N w a N D? L 1 ' fi n d 7 I c p0 o ca o 3 v0 Q N : cl- a a C. ID V O rn W Q. 13 C V! CD : O O ?¦¦? ¦ (C 0 CD T /\ ?F Os =3 O 0 -t" W Q ' r 446 d ? ? tV O ; i I[?ti o r ITi a d c Q O Z ?a^ y d c d Q '? g Seasi(Ie 10 }4??? -? ap M1 W Ci LLL???,,?rr ? J s u e H H i v. Causeway O rive 4> ?a L• 0 .4 71 H x I-4 a W a a q am ;u g + y m 8 o w '.'? y w O `°• N = 0 0 'r arickiandin Z o U 3 ;u au ,? 2L n` 0 ?•. CL e J l 0 o+ 0 lb } A ??? r4 ?o 0 1J N y W (a N 03 V ??y Q N j 1 lY C) m 3 0 a G) ID (n O ..1 V W g a U cl. y O O 0 ? C 1-4 j a 0 Q s ? 4 t3. g o00 ? SeasI(Ie Rd. I-ISE to M6 4•??1 1 fh ? 7 7 a 0 Q0 ? ? 4 n 0A d fa ^y o ? 0 0 ° SR 1184 Ocean Isle Beach Rd. g 44 q4 ['"- to 1'Z.II N O O O NPk zI Q Q ? to 0 y 15) 480 Li a '?" (CJ ?-1 ?00 C3 !7? .5, rn 4 o W p NCB c O r?E 104 r Q ¢ a O ° O x F m N U x Seaside Rd. o 0 m p 0 0 d c d a Seaside Rd. `T` g "' G) CD m T W / Y A C.J a V t.a a cn rr m s s r !•C y C 0 7 1 O ra N ? o ell. 4 .0 3 N Al & i° m G• W v , g 2 Z v u 0 H H b C) ? r H Causeway Drive o <*> F--r 7t t7l 0-4 A 9 l? IVO .w G9 O m (A 1-4 o low w g M r SR 1184 rn 0cean Isle Beach Rd. C) r ,4 yo'/e s? . A. jX W o rt a` I Q$?i r 1 f3rfGkfandfng Rd. 14 14 p ? Q??`?? r..+y ?u CL rx rn O' Q n of -4 W 4 ?1y V A CL ? X $ g o /' s 'f 17 RE: DOT Project in Brunswick County From: Brian Wrenn [mailto:brian.wrenn@ncmail.net] Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 10:35 AM To: Tom.Cousins@kimley-horn.com 1 i Cc: Timpy, David L SAW Subject: Re: DOT Project in Brunswick County I'll be there on 8/16. Please send me meeting details when you get them Thanks. Brian Tom. Cousins(?kimley-horn.com wrote: Brian, We performed a wetland delineation for DOT proje Extension) in Brunswick County. No streams were field visit scheduled for August 16th with Dave Tim comment on our delineation, please let me know. i map, and our delineation map. Thanks for your hel Tommy Tommy Cousins Kimley-Horn and Associates 4651 Charlotte Park Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte NC 28217 Dir: (704) 319-7688 Fax: (704) 333-0845 Tommy.Cousins@Kimley-Horn.com Brian L. Wrenn Environmental Specialist III Transportation Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Ste 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 2of3 R-3432 (Old Georgetown )ntified on site, only wetla . If you would like to see tl ached are a soils map, a t P. I have a e or no topo E= I i *i ?I t d 1S i f s +, Ff ?} r III I I f I; j 9 I i a I r 9 9 `i f f r. ? Q3 w ?! ? 1 `. E# P S 1 u . .• • •.. • ..so" •.NM ` f .. • Oi l 00 ¦ i f ,-7r ^ M1 4 S .? t! • 4 ,` 3`1', r_r'-. a LO W\XX . . r M O r O O N O M O Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, July 17, 2006 Mr. Brian Wrenn North Carolina Division of Water Quality Transportation Permitting Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Ste 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 o? 00 cy Re: Field Review, R-3432 Old Georgetown Road Delineation Brunswick County, NC Dear Mr. Wrenn: On behalf of our client, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Kimley- Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) has completed a site evaluation for an approximately 900 acre tract of land in southwest Brunswick County. In preparation for our field review on August 16, 2006, attached for your review is a vicinity map, an aerial photograph, a USGS quad map, and a USDA soils map of the area. I look forward to our meeting on August 16th. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me at (704) 319-7688 or on my cell at (919) 522-9253. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Tommy Cousins Environmental Scientist ¦ Suite 300 4651 Charlotte Park Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 ¦ TEL 704 333 5131 FAX 704 333 0845 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) No Transect ID: w2-13 Is the area a potential Problem Area? Plot ID: Wetland 1 Vegetation Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus serotina T FACW+ 9. 2. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 10. 3. Magnolia virginiana T/S FACW+ 11. 4. Gordonia lasianthus T/S FACW 12. 5. Cyrilla racemii fora T/S FACW 13. 6. Lyonia lucida S FACW 14. 7. Woodwardia virginica H OBL 15. 8. Smilax bona-nox V FAC 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 100% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands SECONDARY INDICATORS: Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Fac-Neutral Test Other SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phrase): Murville fine sand Drainage Class: Very poorly drained Taxonomy (Subgroup): Typic Haplaquods PROFILE 11ESCRIPTION Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-8 A 10 YR 2/1 Sand loam 8-14 B 10 YR 3/1 Sand loam HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime X Reducing Conditions X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Streaking in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils X Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in remarks) Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) Yes Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Is this sampling point a Wetland? Yes Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) Transect ID: w2-13 Is the area a potential Problem Area? No Plot ID: Upland _ Vegetation Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus serotina T FACW+ 9. _ 2. Pinus palustris T FACU+ 10. _ 3. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 11. _ 4. Magnolia virginiana T/S FACW+ 12. 5. Gordonia lasianthus T/S FACW 13. 6. Lyonia lucida S FACW 14. 7. Vaccinium crassifolium H FAC+ 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Spe cies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 86% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands SECONDARY INDICATORS: Oxidized Root Channels in Uppei Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Fac-Neutral Test Other 12 inches SOILS ?Aap Unit Name Series and Phrase): Leon fine sand Drainage Class: Poorly drained Faxonomy (Subgroup): Aeric Haplaquods 3ROFILE DESCRIPTION Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-6 A 10 YR 2/1 Sand loam 6-14 B 10 YR 6/3 Sand loam AYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Streaking in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) No Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in remarks) Remarks: )-6 inches - 25% uncoated sand grains NETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) -lydrophytic Vegetation Present? Netland Hydrology Present? -iydric Soils Present? s this sampling point a Wetland? Yes No No No Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) No Transect ID: wa-27 Is the area a potential Problem Area? No Plot ID: Wetland 2 Vegetation Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus serotina T FACW+ 9. Smilax laurilolia V FACW+ 2. Pinus palustris T FACU+ 10. 3. Acer rubrum T/S FAC 11. 4. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 12. 5. Magnolia virginiana T/S FACW+ 13. 6. Myrica cerifera S FAC+ 14. 7. Ilex glabra S FACW 15. 8. flex coriacea S FACW 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 89% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands SECONDARY INDICATORS: Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Fac-Neutral Test Other SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phrase): Murville fine sand Drainage Class: Very poorly drained Taxonomy (Subgroup): Typic Haplaquods PROFILE DESCRIPTION Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-9 A 10 YR 2/1 Loam sand 9-16 B 10 YR 4/1 10 YR 6/2 few Sand loam HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol X Reducing Conditions X Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Histic Epipedon X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Sulfidic Odor Concretions Listed on National Hydric Soils List Aquic Moisture Regime High Organic Streaking in Other (Explain in remarks) Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) Yes Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Is this sampling point a Wetland? Yes Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? No Plot ID: Vegetation wa-27 Upland 2 Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus serotina T FACW+ 9. Caylussacia frondosa S FAC 2. Pinus palustris T FACU+ 10. 3. Quercus nigra T FAC 11. 4. Acer rubrum T/S FAC 12. 5. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 13. 6. Rhus copallinum S NI 14. 7. Myrica cerijera S FAC+ 15. 8. Ilex glabra S FACW 16. Percent of Dominant Spe cies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 80% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands :CONDARY INDICATORS: Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Fac-Neutral Test Other SOILS Aap Unit Name Series and Phrase): Leon fine sand Drainage Class: Poorly drained Field Observations axonomy (Subgroup): Aeric Haplaquods Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No )ROFILE DESCRIPTION Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-1 O Organic layer 1-10 A 10 YR 2/1 Loam sand 10-20 B 10 YR 6/2 Loam sand -lYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Streaking in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in remarks) Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) No Remarks: 1-10 inches: 40% uncoated sand grains NETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) -lydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Netland Hydrology Present? No -lydric Soils Present? No s this sampling point a Wetland? No Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) No Transect ID: ws-9 Is the area a potential Problem Area? Plot ID: Wetland 3 Vegetation Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus serotina T FACW+ 9. 2. Pinus palustris T FACU+ 10. 3. Acer rubrum T/S FAC 11. 4. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 12. 5. Magnolia virginiana T/S FACW+ 13. 6. Myrica cerifera S FAC+ 14. 7. Ilexglabra S FACW 15. 8. Smilax laurifolia v FACW+ 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 88% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands SECONDARY INDICATORS: Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Fac-Neutral Test Other SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phrase): Murville fine sand Drainage Class: Very poorly drained Taxonomy (Subgroup): Typic Haplaquods PROFILE DESCRIPTION Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-8 A 10 YR 2/1 Loam sand 8-16 B 10 YR 4/1 10 YR 6/2 few Sand loam HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime X Reducing Conditions X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Streaking in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) Yes X Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Is this sampling point a Wetland? Yes Remarks DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) No TransectID: WS-9 Is the area a potential Problem Area? No Plot ID: Upland 3 Vegetation Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus serotina T FACW+ 9. 2. Pinus palustris T FACU+ 10. 3. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 11. 4. Magnolia virginiana T/S FACW+ 12. 5. Gordonia lasianthus T/S FACW 13. 6. Lyonia lucida s FACW 14. 7. Vaccinium crassiifolium H FAC+ 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Spe cies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 86% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands SECONDARY INDICATORS: Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Fac-Neutral Test Other TOILS ap Unit Name aeries and Phrase): Leon fine sand Drainage Class: Poorly drained Field Observations axonomy (Subgroup): Aeric Haplaquods Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No ROFILE DE Depth inches SCRIPTION Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-4 A 10 YR 2/1 Sand loam 4-14 B 10 YR 6/3 Sand loam YDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Streaking in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in remarks) Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) No Remarks: VETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) lydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Vetland Hydrology Present? No lydric Soils Present? No s this sampling point a Wetland? No Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) No Transect ID: w6-15 Is the area a potential Problem Area? No Plot ID: Wetland 4 Vegetation Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus serotina T FACW+ 9. 2. Pinus palustris T FACU+ 10. 3. Acer rubrum T/S FAC 11. 4. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 12. 5. Magnolia virginiana T/S FACW+ 13. 6. Myrica cerifera S FAC+ 14. 7. Smilax laurifolia y FACW+ 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 86% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands SECONDARY INDICATORS: X Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches X Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data X Fac-Neutral Test Other SOILS vlap Unit Name Series and Phrase): Leon fine sand Drainage Class: Poorly drained Faxonomy (Subgroup): Typic Haplohumods 3pnmI F nFRCRIPTION Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-4 A 10 YR 3/1 Loam sand 4-12 B 10 YR 6/1 10 YR 5/2 few Sand loam 12-18 10 YR 5/2 Sand loam 1YDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol X Reducing Conditions X Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Histic Epipedon X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Sulfidic Odor Concretions Listed on National Hydric Soils List Aquic Moisture Regime High Organic Streaking in Other (Explain in remarks) Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) Yes Remarks: NETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Netland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Is this sampling point a Wetland? Yes Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: R-3432/Supp.1 Old Georgetown Road Date: 5/31/2006 Applicant/Owner: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Brunswick Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Tommy Investigator: Cousins, Laura Lang) State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on this site? Yes Community ID: Forested Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation?) No Transect ID: w6-15 Is the area a potential Problem Area? No Plot ID: Upland 4 Vegetation Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pinus palustris T FACU+ 9. 2. Quercus laevis T/S NI 10. 3. Persea borbonia T/S FACW 11. 4. Gaylussacia frondosa S FAC 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (e xcluding FACU): 50% Remarks: Hydrology: RECORDED DATA: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Depth to Surface Water: N/A (in) Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in) Depth to Saturated Soil: N/A (in) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS: PRIMARY INDICATORS: Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands SECONDARY INDICATORS: Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches Water Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Fac-Neutral Test Other SOILS Vlap Unit Name ,Series and Phrase): Kureb fine sand Drainage Class: Excessively drained Taxonomy (Subgroup): Spodic Quartzipsamments PROFILE DESCRIPTION Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? (Y/N) No Depth inches Horizon Matrix Color Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Munsell Moist Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-8 A 10 YR 3/1 Sand loam 8-16 B 10 YR 5/3 Sand loam HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Streaking in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in remarks) Hydric Soil Present? (Y/N) No Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION (Y/N) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is this sampling point a Wetland? Yes No No No Remarks: n 11 i7 add? M x 4 i? n 11 7 a? a h?,wxxiu? ,??AeJ ?ryry?mV ?'VL?'IIA?'AM1VD?? it 03 3 ?.1J c 0 Section 404/NEPA Interagency Agreement Concnce-P-oin Purpose and-Necd_____ Project Title' --Old Georgetown_Rd (SR 1163) EYten_s on_from Ocean Isle Beach Rd (SR 1184) to NC 179, Brunswick County, TIP Project R-3432, WBS No. 35501.1.1 Project Description: The project is programmed in the approved 2004-2010 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as the construction of a roadway on new location between Calabash and Shallotte. A two-lane roadway with shoulders is proposed. Purpose and Need of Proposed Project: The purpose of the project is to alleviate traffic congestion along NC 179, improve safety along NC 179, and establish a more efficient travel route between the towns of Shallotte and Calabash. Supporting data for the purpose and need is contained in information provided by NCDOT at the project team meeting held on March 10, 2005. The project team has concurred with the purpose and need of the proposed project as described above and the study area revised 3/10/05 (see attached). USACE USFWS FHWA NCDWQ EPA NCDCR DCM NCDOT DMFS NCWRC NMFS 'It- 4 ? a. 1 1 O 'C V19 n 0 hway Ocean f ft 0 n fD v rA v NC 1191904 YYo n .o 0 .P NC 1 0 04 d C? (IQ TIP B-4031 a? Georgetown Road Extension •Description: New route extending SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 1.79 in Ocean Isle in Brunswick County. A 2-lane roadway with shoulders is the proposed cross section. *Length = 2.4 miles *Design Speed = 80 km/h (50 mph) R-3432 Brunswick County II •Pro?ect Need *Commuter route Dip *Vacation Destination Traffic volumes - Local Residents/Tourists *Direct travel route - Calabash and Shallote *Alleviate traffic congestion along NC 179 LOW-)-- M4LI,"T -fi?. J?V JA Nm'Pr R-3432 Brunswick County Lc act TIP Project R-3432 Brunswick County Old Georgetown Rd. Logend l \ + ii set e ••? aty Boundaries N ."'?..-?•? City Streets ?r •r r DOT Roads lc? 0 0.5 1 2 3 4Miles DOT PrimaryRc Intersection LOS Major Water Boy 1 Intersection Number Appendix 2 """'? Gount Bounda N 904 Longwood Rd. 11+? 8700 ? shallotte Township Park v .a;W/ 34100 2100 t2500 37200 43000 US it 170 u]Z 3200soon Ocean Highway S 1Z 3100 r00 Ocean Highway 26800 Ocean Highway Grissettown ro y Sho0le River +- a rlcemr PldOe • u - 8100 PlnMallon E GoM r 24200 55 0 ? Causes 51 S 13000 12200 m 103001e t( 13900 10600 ?/ S 13600 904 7100 300 rd?o Sri (3500 0; yS 8800 ? ? - 1700 179 'P _ q 28V 1200 ?3 Rood 3100 1200 10300 Old Georgetown II 15800 SR 1167 2000 r00 ExtenSlon, o rn 1800 SR 11 15 3 5400 Old Georgetown Rcl.? , 5200g(?\ 14200 c Old Georgetown Rd. d A0 f 12300 re JiMIA drench 15900 N } 120 1400 !04 y 4900 J ? n ^ n" a 19600 t 2200 1`•?• Own" ch OTwe ?' 0 6ca 3800 51 8400 2700 Lw 21800 179 4 i ?k j. 7743 O 18800 ! 9 179 1100 800 179 Beacl10tive 8500 6800 0' 8??lcvard 9D4 2 Ra d 4300 22700 2030 ESTIMATED AADT 'a4 LEGEND LOCATION: NC DOT TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) Extension from SR 1184 (Ocean ffi IM? o Isle Beach Road) to NC 179 PROJECT: DHV DESIGN HOURLY VOLUME(%) - X30 Two-lanes on new location, Ocean Isle Beach X30 m 307H HIGHEST HOURLY VOLUME PM PM PEAK PERIOD D DIRECTIONAL SPLIT(%) COUNTY: BRUNSWICK INDICATES DMEC71ON OF D 1OW FORAM PEAK (d,t) DUALS, TUST'S (%) DB.7.: 3 DATE: MARCH 25, 2004 Tip = R • 3432 W. O. = 35501.1.1 I *Schedule EA .....................February 2007 FONSI................February 2008 Right of Way........ 2009 Construction ......... Post Years Type of Existinj Roadway Existing facility (Old Georgetown Road) is a two-lane highway with a 24-foot pavement width and 5-foot unpaved shoulders Proposed Roadway 2-lanes, each 12-foot wide, with 8-foot shoulders (4-foot paved) Project is recommended in the 2001 Brunswick County Transportation Plan Report, the 2002 Shallotte Transportation Plan Report and the Transportation Plan for the Town of Ocean Isle Beach (currently R _-AA17 being developed) ?_V.V Brunswick County Logging Road R-3432 Brunswick County I? Spray Fields Ado R-3432 Brunswick County i t ? ¦ ? ? Brunswick County kintersection of pia Georgetown Ka. Brunswick County And Hwy 179/904) MHF t'"^,i1 r 9 l(t SA , ? (,. -- -------------- fop 1, i ? ? y. t? t 1c ti 4 CITG O t < w. Hwy 179/904 W,3 AWO R-3432 (Intersection of Hwy 179 and Ocean Isle Beach Rd.) Brunswick Co (Ocean Isle Beach Airport) Brunswick County c i , c rr Y.lj• s. f ."F'• •./ ,?" AA Goose Creek Road (Intersection of Hale Swamp Road) R-3432 Brunswick County a R-3432 Brunswid Questions/Comments? R-3432 Brunswick County 4 Thank you for coming! ! R-3432 Brunswick County J 0ENT OF a p N 0 ? a ra --a9 ?4gCH 3 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3726 August 25, 2004 Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: This letter is in response to your request for comments from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) on the potential environmental impacts of the proposed extension of SR 1163 (Old Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) to NC 179 in Brunswick County, North Carolina (TIP No. R-3432). These comments provide scoping information in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661-667d) and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). Recent aerial photography and National Wetland Inventory maps of the project area show a mixture of agricultural land, forest, and forested wetlands. Much of this land likely provides excellent habitat for a variety of wildlife species. It appears that the project has the potential to impact a significant amount of wetland acreage. For road improvement projects such as widening, realignment, bridge replacement and culvert replacement, the Service recommends the following general conservation measures to avoid or minimize environmental impacts to fish and wildlife resources: Wetland and forest impacts should be avoided and minimized to the maximal extent practical. Areas exhibiting high biodiversity or ecological value important to the watershed or region should be avoided. Proposed highway projects should be aligned along or adjacent to existing roadways, utility corridors or other previously disturbed areas in order to minimize habitat loss and fragmentation. Highway shoulder and median widths should be reduced through wetland areas; 2. Crossings of streams and associated wetland systems should use existing crossings and/or occur on a bridge structure wherever feasible. Bridges should be long enough to allow for sufficient wildlife passage along stream corridors. Where bridging is not feasible, culvert structures that maintain natural water flow and hydraulic regimes without scouring or impeding fish and wildlife passage should be employed; i 3. Bridges and approaches should be designed to avoid any fill that will result in damming or constriction of the channel or flood plain. To the extent possible, piers and bents should be placed outside the bank-full width of the stream. If spanning the flood plain is not feasible, culverts should be installed in the flood plain portion of the approach to restore some of the hydrological functions of the flood plain and reduce high velocities of flood waters within the affected area; 4. Bridge designs should include provisions for roadbed and deck drainage to flow through a vegetated buffer prior to reaching the affected stream. This buffer should be large enough to alleviate any potential effects from run-off of storm water and pollutants; 5. Off-site detours should be used rather than construction of temporary, on-site bridges. For projects requiring an on-site detour in wetlands or open water, such detours should be aligned along the side of the existing structure which has the least and/or least quality of fish and wildlife habitat. At the completion of construction, the detour area should be entirely removed and the impacted areas be planted with appropriate vegetation, including trees if necessary; 6. If unavoidable wetland or stream impacts are proposed, a plan for compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts should be provided early in the planning process. Opportunities to protect mitigation areas in perpetuity via conservation easements, land trusts or by other means should be explored at the outset; 7. Wherever appropriate, construction in sensitive areas should occur outside fish spawning and migratory bird nesting seasons. In waterways that may serve as travel corridors for fish, in-water work should be avoided during moratorium periods associated with migration, spawning and sensitive pre-adult life stages. The general moratorium period for anadromous fish is February 15 - June 30; 8. Best Management Practices (BMP) for Protection of Surface Waters should be implemented; and 9. Activities within designated riparian buffers should be avoided or minimized. Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act requires that all federal action agencies (or their designated non-federal representatives), in consultation with the Service, insure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally-listed threatened or endangered species. A biological assessment/evaluation may be prepared to fulfill the section 7(a)(2) requirement and will expedite the consultation process. To assist you, a county-by-county list of federally protected species known to occur in North Carolina and information on their life histories and habitats can be found on our web page at bttp://nc-es.fivs.,gov/es/countyfr.litmi . Although the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database does not indicate any known occurrences of listed species near the project vicinity, use of the NCNHP data should not be substituted for actual field surveys if suitable habitat occurs near the project site. The NCNHP database only indicates the presence of known occurrences of listed species and does not necessarily mean that such species are not present. It may simply mean that the area has not been surveyed. If suitable habitat occurs within the project vicinity for any listed species, surveys should be conducted to determine presence or absence of the species. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a listed species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence. We reserve the right to review any federal permits that may be required for this project, at the public notice stage. Therefore, it is important that resource agency coordination occur early in the planning process in order to resolve any conflicts that may arise and minimize delays in project implementation. In addition to the above guidance, we recommend that the environmental documentation for this project include the following in sufficient detail to facilitate a thorough review of the action: 1. A clearly defined and detailed purpose and need for the proposed project, supported by tabular data, if available, and including a discussion of the project's independent utility; 2. A description of the proposed action with an analysis of all alternatives being considered, including the upgrading of existing roads and a "no action" alternative; 3. A description of the fish and wildlife resources, and their habitats, within the project impact area that may be directly or indirectly affected; 4. The extent and acreage of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, that are to be impacted by filling, dredging, clearing, ditching, or draining. Acres of wetland impact should be differentiated by habitat type based on the wetland classification scheme of the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). Wetland boundaries should be determined by using the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; The anticipated environmental impacts, both temporary and permanent, that would be likely to occur as a direct result of the proposed project. The assessment should also include the extent to which the proposed project would result in secondary impacts to natural resources, and how this and similar projects contribute to cumulative adverse effects; 6. Design features and construction techniques which would be employed to avoid or minimize impacts to fish and wildlife resources, both direct and indirect, and including fragmentation and direct loss of habitat; 7. Design features, construction techniques, or any other mitigation measures which would be employed at wetland crossings and stream channel relocations to avoid or minimize impacts to waters of the US; and, 8. If unavoidable wetland or stream impacts are proposed, project planning should include a compensatory mitigation plan for offsetting the unavoidable impacts. The Service appreciates the opportunity to comment on this project. Please continue to advise us during the progression of the planning process, including your official determination of the impacts of this project. If you have any questions regarding our response, please contact Mr. Gary Jordan at (919) 856-4520, ext. 32. Si ice e Pete Bjamin Ecological Services Supervisor cc: Dave Timpy, USACE, Wilmington, NC Nicole Thomson, NCDWQ, Raleigh, NC Travis Wilson, NCWRC, Creedmoor, NC Chris Militscher, USEPA, Raleigh, NC IMPORTANT To ,2?;"l G Date & /_3_ Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT M I-/<- / A ; e / of iDr C ?T Phone 33' ?_ 7r.?x ?3 AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION TELEPHONED -PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Message t w?tS Signed N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 11 T ,,.sun o STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 1, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Eric Galamb DEM - DEHNR - Water Quality Lab 4401 Reedy Creek Road FROM: H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch SUBJECT: Brunswick County, SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) Extension from SR 1184 to NC 179, State Project 6.231023, TIP No. R-3432 The Planning and Environmental Branch of the Division of Highways has begun studying the proposed extension to SR 1163 (Georgetown Road). The project is included in the 1996-2002 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year 1998 and construction in fiscal year 1999. The proposed project will extend SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) on new location, from SR 1184 to NC 179. The proposed cross section is two, 12-foot lanes with 4-foot paved shoulders. This cross section will accommodate bicycle traffic as well as vehicular movement. An alternative alignment to avoid wetlands is also being studied (please see attached map). We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a state funded Environmental Assessment. This document will be prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by April 30, 1996 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact Marc Hamel, Project Planning Engineer, of this Branch at (919) 733-784)). HFV/plr A Attachment 9v L--- ?r-Ge •?? J ? r' N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE / lqf, TO: C - ' l - REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. 1 a F,r o at er - E- r c- 1- Dc-4 N) F- , FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. Marc- Hcime,( ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR PEOUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: RECEIVED MAR 0 7 199u' EtvvIRCN!,IENTAL SCIENCES 51TA [ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR MEMORANDUNI TO FROM: SUBJECT: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY February 28, 1996 File Marc L. Hamel, Project Engineer Y - C/- Alitiutes o f &ol ing illeeting, T. 1.P. # R-343 , S R I 163 (Georgetown Road Extension), From SR 1 184 to NC 179, Brunswick County, State Project Number 6.231023 The following were in attendance for the February 19th, 1996 scoping meeting at 10:30 in the Plannin- and Environmental Conference Room (434): Debbie Bevin John Taylor Brenda Moore Derrick Lewis Linda Kester Betty Yancey Nelson Frye Jerry Snead Teresa Ellerby Ray McIntyre Pat Puglisi Keith Johnston Doug Bowers Marc Hamel *Eric Galamb *David Cox SI LPO Roadway Design Roadway Design Traffic Engineering Traffic Engineering Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Hydraulics Roadway Design Program Development Bicycle & Pedestrian Transportation Photogrammetry Division 3 P&E DEM Wildlife Resources Comm. *Provided comments later due to conflicting schedules The following narrative presents the highlights of scoping items pertaining to the project: Debbie Bevin noted there were no National Register sites existing; however, she also noted that Wilmington Branch requests more information before determination can be made about archaeological sites. 2. Doug Bowers stated the intent is for this route to be designated as NC 179 when completed, and that existing NC 179 be designated NC 179 Business. 41 . . Alternatives to using the existing dirt road alignment depend on what is found in the field by our staff biologists. Eric Galamb and David Cox each noted an alignment south of the currently proposed route has the potential for lesser impacts. To the north are Carolina Bays which should be avoided. It is also likely that Red Cockaded Woodpeckers are in the area, so surveys will need to cover this. 4. The intersection on the eastern terminus of the project needs to be carefully addressed to correct alignment and geometry problems. Pat Puglisi noted that the it would be desirable to have 4-foot paved shoulders on the project to accommodate bicycles. She showed a NCDOT plan delineating bicycle facilities in the area. 6. Marc Hamel will request a revised traffic forecast in light of the potential for this route to be designated NC 179. Jerry Snead no streams were being crossed, but there are wetlands involved. A CAMA permit will apply. 8. Tragic engineering requests revised traffic projections before input on intersection geometry can be provided. 9. Ray McIntyre requested new cost estimates, as the current cost estimates are old. 10. It was noted by Doug Bowers that the Board Member would like to accelerate the schedule for this project as funding allows. Discussion revealed that it may not be possible due to time constraints on individual branches. 11. It appears that Shallotte would be a good place to hold a Citizen's Informational Workshop. 12. The project will study an alignment along the dirt road alignment currently existing, as well as an alignment south of this proposal to lessen potential impacts. A two-lane shoulder cross section roadway is currently proposed, with 4-foot paved shoulders to accommodate bicycle traffic. MLH/plr N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP l? ?qy TO. REF. NO. OR ROOM, DLDG. FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, DLDG. mo,,rc- ) amp l P--E _ ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ADOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGI I, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY January 16, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Eric Galamb DEM - DEHNR - Water Quality Section FROM: H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheets for R-3432, Brunswick County, SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) Extension, From SR 1184 to NC 179, State Project #6.231023 Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (See attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for February 19, 1996 at 10:30 a.m. in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 434). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting or the scoping sheets, please call Marc Hamel, Project Planning Engineer, at 733-7844, Extension 233. MH/plr Attachment 03057 v-r `T l v ?t 00 ?Wj 3?Zoly.G 15-ZS,2-IL - I- (\> I z - 25-Z- (I) 4 ?o?v COx?ec?S TGt2 5 Ik/)L & FO 2- s L q PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Date 12/6/95 Revision Date Project Development Stage Programming _ Planning X Design TIP # R-3432 Project # 6.231023 F.A. Project # N/A Division 3 County Brunswick Route SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) Extension Functional Class: N/A (New location) Length 3.4 kilometers (2.4 miles) Purpose of Project: To provide an alternative route for traffic traveling east/west through coastal Brunswick county, thereby easing traffic congestion and improving safety on existing routes. Description of Project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: Construct on new location a two-lane extension of SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) from SR 1184 to NC 179 in Brunswick County. A two-lane roadway with shoulders is proposed for this extension. Type of environmental document to be prepared: SEA & SFONSI Environmental study schedule: SEA: In Progress - 10/96 SFONSI: 12/96 - 4/97 Will there be special funding participation by municipality, developers, or other? Yes _ No X If yes, by whom and amount: ($) , or M How and when will this be paid? N/A -Page 1- PROJECT SCCPING SHEET Type of Access Control: Full _ Partial - None x Number of Interchanges: None Stream/Body of Water Crossing: None Typical Section: Existing: N/A (New location)- Proposed,' Two-lane, 24-foot w/_shculders_ `. Traffic (ADT): Current: N/A Buildout: 3100 vpd Design Year (2020): 5,600 vpd TTST 1 % Duals 5% Design Standards Applicable: AASHTO X 3R Design Speed: 60 MPH Feasibility Cost Estimate: Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Right of Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TOTAL FEASIBILITY COST ESTIMATE . . . . $ Planning Cost Estimate: Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,000,000 Right of Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 700 , 000 TOTAL PLANNING COST ESTIMATE . . . . $ 3,700,000 TIP Cost Estimate: Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 700 , 000 Right of Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,000, 000 TOTAL TIP COST ESTIMATE . . . . $ 3,700, 000 -Page 2- PROJECT SLOPING SHEET List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which cculd affect cost or schedule or project: ITEMS REQUIRED (X) ;COMMENTS: COST Three-Lane Curb & Gutter _-_-" Estimated Costs of Improvements: -"" Pavement x Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 617 ,400 Widening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Resurfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Shoulders _ Paved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . $ - _ Earthen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ X Earthwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 308 ,800 X Subsurface items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 173 ,550 X Subgrade and Stabilization. . . . . . . . . $ 163 ,800 X Drainage (list any special items) . . . . . $ 282 ,000 _ Sub-Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Structures Bridge Rehab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ New Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Remove Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ New Culvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Culvert Extension . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Noise Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Other Misc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Concrete Curb and Gutter. . . . . . . . $ Concrete Sidewalk . . . . . . . . . . . $ Guardrail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Fencing W.W .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ C.L.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ X Erosion Control . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 102,000 _ Landscaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ X Traffic Control . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 Signing _ New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Upgraded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Traffic Signals New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ RR Signals New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ With/without arms . . . . . . . . . . . $ -Page 3- PROJECT SCOPING SHEET ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS: COST Three-Lane Curb & Gutter If 3R _ Drainage Safety Enhancement . . . . . . $ _ Roadside Safety Enhancement . . . . . . $ _ Realignment for Safety Upgrade. . . . . $ Pavement Markings _ Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Thermoplastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 21,150 _ Raised Pavement Markers . . . . . . . . $ _ Delineators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _ Other(clearing,grubbing,misc.,and mob.) $ 961,300 CONTRACT COST Subtotal. . . . . . . . $ 2,640,000 Engineering & Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . $ 360,000 PE Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Force Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Construction Subtotal. . . . . . . . $ 3,000,000 Right-of-Way Will Contain within existing P,/W? Yes _ No X Existing Width New R/W needed X Estimated cost. $ Easements: Type Width Estimated cost. $ Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Right-of-Way Subtotal. . . . . . . . $ Cost Prepared by: Scoping Sheets Prep. by: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST. . $ -Page 4- Date Date PROJECT SLOPING SHEET The above scoping has been reviewed and approved* by: Init. Date Highway Design Roadway Structure Design Services Geotechnical Hydraulics Loc. & Surveys Photogrammetry Prel. Est. Eng DMC Ping & Environ. Right of Way R/W Utilities Traffic Engr. Project Management County Manager City/Municipality Init. Date B.O.T. Member Mgr Program & Policy Chief Engineer-Precon Chief Engineer-Op Sec Roads Officer Construction Branch Roadside Environ. Maintenance Branch Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning Division Engineer Bicycle Coordinator Program Development FHWA Dept. of Cult. Res. DEHNR (Scoping Sheet for local officials will be sent to Division Engineering.) *If you are not in agreement with proposed project or scoping, note your proposed revisions or comments here: -Page 5- U It {{ r, ?ZZ) r? cl /1'1? C J Melba McGee March 26, 1996 Page 2 H. Will borrow locations be in wetlands? Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to approval of any borrow/waste site in a wetland, the contractor shall obtain a 401 Certification from DEM. I. Did NCDOT utilize the existing road alignments as much as possible? Why not (if applicable)? J. *To what extent can traffic congestion management techniques alleviate the traffic problems in the study area? K. Please provide a conceptual mitigation plan to help the environmental review. The mitigation plan may state the following: 1. Compensatory mitigation will be considered only after wetland impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. 2. On-site, in-kind mitigation is the preferred method of mitigation. In-kind mitigation within the same watershed is preferred over out-of-kind mitigation. 3. Mitigation should be in the following order: restoration, creation, enhancement, and lastly banking. Please note that a 401 Water Quality Certification cannot be issued until the conditions of NCAC 15A: 01C.0402 (Limitations on Actions During NCEPA Process) are met. This regulation prevents DEM from issuing the 401 Certification until a FONSI or Record of Decision (ROD) has been issued by the Department requiring the document. If the 401 Certification application is submitted for review prior to issuance of the FONSI or ROD, it is recommended that the applicant state that the 401 will not be issued until the applicant informs DEM that the FONSI or ROD has been signed by the Department. Written concurrence of 401 Water Quality Certification may be required for this project. Applications requesting coverage under our General Certification 14 or General Permit 31 will require written concurrence. Please be aware that 401 Certification may be denied if wetland or water impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 11204.mem cc: Eric Galamb State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Governor p E H N F1 Jonathan B. Howes, , Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., RE., Director March 26, 1996 TO: Melba McGee, Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs FROM:- Monica Swihart',' Water Quality Planning SUBJECT: Project Review #96-0567; Scoping Comments - NC DOT Proposed Extension of SR 1163(Georgetown Road)_, Brunswick County, TIP#R-3432, Lumber Subbasin 03-07-59 The Water Quality Section of the Division of Environmental Management requests that the following topics be discussed in the environmental documents prepared on the subject project: A. Identify the streams potentially impacted by the project. , The stream classifications should be current. B. Identify the linear feet of stream channelizations/ relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be revegetated. C. Number of stream crossings. D. Will permanent spill catch basins be utilized? DEM requests that these catch basins be placed at all water supply stream crossings. Identify the responsible party for maintenance. E. Identify the stormwater controls (permanent and temporary) to be employed. DEM recommends that no weep holes be installed in bridges that drain directly into surface waters. F. Please ensure that sediment and erosion and control measures are not placed in wetlands. G. Wetland Impacts 1) Identify the federal manual used for identifying and delineating jurisdictional wetlands. 2) Have wetlands been avoided as much as possible? 3) Have wetland impacts been minimized? 4) Discuss wetland impacts by plant communities affected. 5) Discuss the quality of wetlands impacted. 6) Summarize the total wetland impacts. 7) List the 401 General Certification numbers requested from DEM.- P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper J ,. sub o STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TkANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 1, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Mrs. Chrys Baggett, Director State Clearinghouse Dept. of Administration FROM: H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branc /A SUBJECT: Brunswick County, SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) Extension from SR 1184 to NC 179, State Project 6.231023, TIP No. R-3432 The Planning and Environmental Branch of the Division of Highways has begun studying the proposed extension to SR 1163 (Georgetown Road). The project is-included in the 1996-2002 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year 1998 and construction in fiscal year 1999. The proposed project will extend SR 1163 (Georgetown Road) on new location, from SR 1184 to NC 179. The proposed cross section is two, 12-foot lanes with 4-foot paved shoulders. This cross section will accommodate bicycle traffic as well as vehicular movement. An alternative alignment to avoid wetlands is also being studied (please see attached map). We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a state funded Environmental Assessment. This document will be prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by April 30, 1996 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact Marc Hamel, Project Planning Engineer, of this Branch at (919) 733-7842. HFV/plr Attachment RECEIVED MAR 9 N.C. STATE CLEARINGHOUSE ,z 1 N cr) qlqr ce ; a I " 1 ii d H i Z tl. U cn Z ??;; D "'Lr ? T U . } Z ?O ©< ? T ¢ T U O Cf) 0, z U) z w0 x ?- w OLL ?W Z Z ' w? 0 c) C'i T Cl) T Z rs 0 cn U