HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200716 Ver 1_Riparian Buffer Authorization Request_20200529Buffer Authorization Application Form 15ANCAC 02B .0233 (8)(b), .0243 (8)(b), .0250 (11)(b), .0259 (8)(b), .0267 (11)(c), .0607 (e)(2) Buffer Authorization Online Fo Update 10/23/2018 Original Submittal 5/29/2020 A. Owner/Applicant Information General Information Primary Contact Email: * Who is submitting the application?* 1. Property Owner Information: la. Name on Recorded Deed:* 1b. Responsible Party: 1c. Mailing Address:* 1d. Telephone:* 9192447353 3. Agent I nformation: 3a. Name: 3b. Company Affiliation: 3c. Mailing Address: albert@dardeneng.com Rease list the contact person's en -ail for questions or payrrent on this project if needed. rJ Owner r- Applicant other than Owner rJ Agent Michael S. Freberg and Wife, Cynthia A Freberg (for Corporations) Street Address 2572 Penngate Drive Address Line 2 aty State / Province / Pbegion Sherrills Ford NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 28673 US 1e. Email Address:* frebems@gmail.com Street Address Address Line 2 aty State / Province / Region Postal / Zip Code Country 3d. Telephone: 3e. Email Address: 3f. Attach a signed and dated copy of the agent Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent authorization form. FDFCnly B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information h ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... la. Name of Project:* Freberg House (Subdivision, facility, or establishrrent narre) 1b. Is this a publicly -funded transportation project?* r Yes r No 1d. Subdivision Name: Lake Pointe North Subdivision le. Nearest Municipality: 1f. Property Size Catawba County 1.12 acres 1g. County (or Counties) where the project is located:* Catawba 1h. Property ID# Date of Purchase 462801372436 11/16/2018 Tax RN or Parcel id 1 i. Deed Information Type of Book Book#11 Page# Deed 03481 493-494 Map 1j. Attach a copy of the recorded map that indicates when the lot was last platted. dick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docunent Plat.pdf 436.68KB R7F only 1k. How would you like to provide the Latitude and Longitude information?* r Address Lookup r Manually Latitude * 35.623465 Longitude*-80.940931 11. Is the project located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties? r Yes r No 2. Surface Waters ^ 2a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Catawba River (Lake Norman) 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water:* WS-IV . CA 2c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property:* 0 (linear feet only) 3. Project Description: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The property is an existing subdivision lot with significant fall from the road way to the Lake. It is approximately 40' of relief. There is an eAsting home and garage currently on site. 3b. Attach an 81/2 x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site. (lick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent NC_Lake_Norman_North_20190727_TM_geo.pdf 76.34MB FDF only 3c. Attach an 8 % x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey Map depicting the project site. nick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Soil_Report.pdf 664.81 KB FDF only 4. Proposed Activity Provide a detailed description of the proposed activity including its purpose and include the type of equipment to be used:* The site currently has a drainage issue during rain events that creates a high velocity runoff due to the eAsting topographic relief on site. Due to the high concentration and velocity of flow, this project is looking to minimize and defuse the water through the site and into the lake. The flattest part of the site is within the buffer. We are proposing to pipe the flow to a flared end section that lets out onto engineered designed rip rap. A separate part of this project will also entail of rip raping the entire bank. The rip rap from the flared end section will tie into the rip rap to create a smooth diffuse of flow into Lake Norman. The reason for the location within the buffer is due to the site topo. That area is the flattest area that would minimize the velocity of the water going into Lake Norman. Attach a site plan as applicable to the project: Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent ( 200524) Freberg Residence Drainage design.pdf 857.67KB FDF only 5. Jurisdictional Determinations .... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... 5a. Have jurisdictional wetlands or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property/project (including all prior phases) in the past?* f Yes r No 6. Project History 6a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes r No 7. Future Project Plans 7a. Is this project a phased project?* O Yes O No C. Proposed Impacts Inventory ........................................................................................................................................................ Buffer Impacts Project is in which protected Basin?* r Neuse River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0233) t= Catawba River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0243) f Randleman Lake Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0250) r Tar -Pamlico River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0259) r Jordan Lake Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0267) f Goose Creek Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0606 & 15A NCAC 02B.0607) Individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. Site# - Reason Stream Name Buffer Impact * Impact Type * Zone 1 Zone 2 Flared end Lake Permanent Allowable 795.00 252.00 Section with Rip Norman (P) Square Square Rap Perm orTenp Feet Feet fvbp label (e.g. Fbad Crossing 1) Total Zone 1 Impacts: 795.00 Total Zone 2 Impacts: 252.00 Total Buffer Impacts: 1,047.00 Comments: D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project.* Aftering walking around the site and looking at it from an engineered perspective. The best way to diffuse the water running into the Lake was to provide the flared end section and rip rap within the Buffer. We looked at providing the pipe outside the buffer and within the zone 2 of the buffer. Both of those solutions still had a good amount of relief that would speed the water up again and create concentration flows through zone 1 buffer. The reasoning was based upon the amount of water, the velocity of the water, and the ebsting topo on this side of the property. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques.* The construction methods that will be used will be to minimize the amount of land disturbed as needed and re stabilize everything once construction is completed. E. Diffuse Flow Plan ...... ..__ 1a. What type of SCM are you providing?* I— Level Spreader r Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) r Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) rJ Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer r Other SCM that removed minimum of 30% nitrogen 1c. Diffuse Flow Documentation* (lick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attachdocunent Rip Rap Apron Design.pdf 14.79KB R7F only F. Supplementary Information Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? C Yes r: No Violations 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .1300), DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards, or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0200)? r Yes r No 2b. Is this an after -the -fact buffer authorization application? r Yes r No G. Additional Information Please upload any additional information you would like the Division to consider during application review. Additional Attachments: pick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent FDF only Additional Comments: H. Sign and Submit ................. _......_.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-c......... By digitally signing below, I certify that: o I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act') o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND o I intend to electronically sign and submit the application form." Print Name:* Albert Schillinger Signature Submission Date: (Auto populated field) Initial Review Is this accepted into the review process?* Is this project a public transportation project?* ID#* Version:* Select Reviewer: Select Reviewing Office* Has payment been received?* O Yes O No O Yes O No 20200716 Alan Johnson:eads\adjohnson1 Mooresville Regional Office - (704) 663-1699 C No Payment Needed r Fee Received r Need Fee - send electronic notification ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│ ―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│ ―│ ―│―│―│ ―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│―│ ―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│ ―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ ―│―│―│ 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DRAGNEWRDBARKLEYRD BAYPOINTE D R QUIETCOVER D W I N D Y PIN E CIR W HITEHORSEDRSLANTINGBRIDGERDBRAWLEYSCHOOLRDWILSONLAKERDSIL V E R J A D E D R BLADES TRLPOINTENORMANDR STATERD1961 H A R B O ROAKSDRTORRENCECHAPELRD FORESTLAKE B LV D BLARNEY LN WASHAMRD LANGTREE RDDRENADR KILBORN E R D BUENAVISTADRGANNET T R DLAKEVIEWSHORESLOOP MORRISONPLANTATIONPKTORRENCECHAPELRD W E B B S CHAPELCHURCHRDBEATTYRDB R A W L E Y HAR BO RPLMAGNOLIAFARMSLN M O U NTAINSHOREDR RIVERW O O D R D LAKESHORERD S BIGINDIANLOO P CASTLESGAT E D RIS L E O F P I N E S R DGRASSHOPPERCIR LITTLEFORKCOVE RD CAPECO D WAY CATAWBA CO IREDELL CO LINCOLN CO IREDELLCOMECKLENBURG CO LakeNormanBea v e rdam C r BurtonCr Auto StorageLake Number TwoBet t ie Br LakeNorman McCra r y C r Auto StorageLake Number One WilliamsonCem RockwellCem Westport Doolie GoldMineIsland CORNELIUS Webbs LakeNorman Mayhew MOORESVILLE SherrillsFord Terrell LAKE NORMANOF CATAWBA 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 29 3942 000mN 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3929000mN 42 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1001 511 000mE 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10501000mE 11 NV NV 35.5000° 35.6250° -81.0000°-80.8750°35.6250° 35.5000°-80.8750°-81.0000° QUADRANGLE LOCATION LAKE NORMAN NORTH QUADRANGLENORTH CAROLINA7.5-MINUTE SERIES LAKE NORMAN NORTH, NC 2019 Expressway Local Connector ROAD CLASSIFICATION Ramp 4WD Secondary Hwy Local Road Interstate Route State RouteUS RouteWX./H U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY This map was produced to conform with the National Geospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011.A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.6.18 CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEETNORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 SCALE 1:24 000 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 21KILOMETERS00.51 1 0.5 0 MILES 1 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEET × Ø GN MN 0°2´ 1 MILS 7°50´ 139 MILS UTM GRID AND 2019 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET NV Grid Zone Designation 17S U.S. National Grid100,000 - m Square ID NORTHCAROLINA 1 Catawba 8 Cornelius 2 Troutman3 Shepherds4 Denver5 Mooresville6 Lowesville7 Lake Norman South ADJOINING QUADRANGLES 6 1 4 2 7 5 8 3 Imagery.....................................................NAIP, May 2016 - November 2016Roads......................................... U.S. Census Bureau, 2016Names............................................................................GNIS, 1980 - 2018Hydrography...............................National Hydrography Dataset, 1899 - 2018Contours............................................National Elevation Dataset, 2008Boundaries..............Multiple sources; see metadata file 2017 - 2018 Wetlands.................FWS National Wetlands Inventory 1983 - 1984 North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and1 000-meter grid:Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17S Produced by the United States Geological Survey This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may begeneralized for this map scale. Private lands within governmentreservations may not be shown. Obtain permission beforeentering private lands.*7643016378902*NSN.7643016378902NGA REF NO.USGSX24K24587 9 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map 394199039420603942130394220039422703942340394199039420603942130394220039422703942340505090 505160 505230 505300 505370 505440 505510 505580 505650 505720 505090 505160 505230 505300 505370 505440 505510 505580 505650 505720 35° 37' 30'' N 80° 56' 38'' W35° 37' 30'' N80° 56' 12'' W35° 37' 16'' N 80° 56' 38'' W35° 37' 16'' N 80° 56' 12'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 40 80 160 240 Meters Map Scale: 1:3,020 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. N68° 10' 50"W346.73'N67° 58' 35"W445.00'N31° 45' 41"E24.20' S 3 8 ° 4 9 ' 5 0 " W 4 8 . 0 0 'S77° 55' 22"W18.28'S3 1 ° 3 0 ' 0 4 " W 14 . 8 1 '17.859.0 0 >D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>DAPPROX.LOCATION OFHOUSE81180980679780179 4 79 1 78 8 785 782 779 776 772 APPROX. LOCATION OF ROCK WALLPROPOSED DITCH. WITHCLASS B RIP RAP CHECKDAMS EVERY 15' (REFER TODETAIL ON SAME PAGE)PROPOSED 12" HDPE STORMPIPEPROPOSED 12" HDPE STORMPIPEPROPOSED 3' EARTHENBERM. PROVIDE SPILLWAY TODITCH ON NORTHERN SIDEPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED DITCH. WITHCLASS B RIP RAP CHECKDAMS EVERY 15' (REFER TODETAIL ON SAME PAGE)PROPOSED CLASS 'B' RIP RAPPROPOSED CLASS 'B' RIP RAPEXISTING 50' SETBACKEXISTING 30' SETBACKPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED FLARED END SECTIONPROPOSED 8" HDPE ROOFDRAIN PIPEEXISTING GARAGEPROP. RIP RAP AREA- OF -SCALE: THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF DARDEN ENGINEERING SERVICES AND IS SUBJECT TO FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAWS. THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED, OR USED IN ANY WAY WITH0UT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARDEN ENGINEERING SERVICES. C DARDEN ENGINEERING SERVICES PHONE NO. 704-663-7738 EMAIL: info@dardeneng.com E N G I N E E R I N G S E R V I C E S, P L L C D A R D E N #P-1663 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5/19/20 AJS 20-183 . AS NOTED SHERRILS FORD, NC 2572 PENNGATE FREBERG DRAINAGE DESIGN C-1JCDTYPICAL DITCH DETAILGENERAL NOTES:1. CONTOURS ARE BASED ON GIS.CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM ALLPROPOSED GRADES AND INVERTS INTHE FIELD.APPROX.LOCATION OFSEPTIC FIELD NC, O R I ID NORTH NAU 85 0 CC ,SLAND POINT ROAD -, SIT. J _J D: a: w I CRESCENT RESOURCES, INC. the date of this approval. Hwr 150 CONTROL PLO PB 44 PG 135 CORNER - N 01 °45'36"E (704.51') � _ - VICINITY MAP NTS / N 109.80 101.69 102.56 104.31 116.15 ---------- - -- ------------ 170.00 Date Chairman C awba County Planning Board / ( ) QEIR ., � - I I� - � r- - i -, 9.76 Acj ,b.76 Aq ; � � 30 MBL Z Z ^ ^ \ �• �=W 00.95 Ac ro o; 3 M M �• - r 410 9Fro�� Q 3 5 4 3 i�� io 3 i ao 4o 0.75 Ac o°` / A O� NOTES: N �x7 l �', �� �•D,�) o �3 1 w 30 �cy y`° 0.69 Act m� >>15' SEPTIC 3 o E 1�+ `* �-J ,* ,�� /a' 3 �"�' s3 1. TAX ID: P/O 4628-01-17-4686 °ry o O EASEMENT cv Ip ; z 00 9 2. ZONED R-2 1 Ate- 3p' MBA °o °u 2 2 2 �Cb 0 �`, 10A 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL U CO �-tai z z U.74 Aq 6.72 Aq 0.85 Ad ti� `�"� 7o8.s R S INC. 4. DEED REFERENCE: PART OF DB 2079 D U yo c-46 _ - -__ _ ®.3 �ti'0.32 Ac Al CRESCENT RESOU CE PG 1666, PART OF PB 44 PG 135 m ca a CL45 - , ��° ^ �0.36 Ac s 26• P 0 PB 44 PG 135 lax , ss" RCP < �30 = a c, - ^� 17A „�,,.. �3s s s 4� ,w 5. SEE NEXT SHEET FOR CALL TABLE Q. o s '� U c-43-1 a �f S6' �0� 6. 5 8" REBARS SET AT ALL CORNERS se �,� �, ^� ::o �� F A5 / ti•.° . �o (S 19 1$ EXCEPT ALONG 760' CONTOUR WHERE ��'^ h N �13• L-1 L-5 c0 7 x75 30 �'>>5 RCP c-e C-9 0 18A •�/''`^ry ^° `3 93' 1 �, A CORNER DOES NOT DIVIDE TAO LOTS, EIR - sic __-MB a 116 l ..; ^� ) �2 w (� - �, ^`Y .0 0.31 Ac ` N A UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. fASEMfryTry S ��� -' c ° ^ OO 22 15i g - _ - - o o A J / : C-6 c- !p ,9 0.31 A ^0 C. • o h S9 p1 4• �9• 50' 7. OWNER: �3) a N� ^ �19 �� ui MBL " �� �` \ '3p•\ `� `, �./•" %�o ^ M CO 6 g. f ^� � .:°'. • CRESCENT RESOURCES, INC. 1,5 1 :' 0.82 Ac 0 ^�' ,0;5' PSDE 400 SOUTH TRYON iro �•V,� �/ �� .�^� of O U6 ° v v 80 cP 1 ^ 15" RCP EIR°' , s."'^0.31 Ac `c ° 3 °��' N ' 0.56 Aca% CHARLOTTE, NC 28201 a M s �' ? o m • ., 3� o• ro ^' 8. ENGINEER: 3 o�m N �0 21 N 60' ° AMENITY o 1.44 Ac �'.: `v0.98 Ac O ,� 4 ! o co`V 5 M nS v, `o 0.69 Ac AAr L_ LANDDESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. ^•:`.M 0.76 Ac 3 MB i33 "„W 5772.0 CONTROL �� .: �, 0.93 Ac M°j O ^� 2 ^�' .a h `" °' 'm �" L eD` Z15 1208 EASTCHESTER DR STE 200 32 , \ .� v c, _3p, o �0' W N 10°57 CORNER EIP >> h '� �� M 'qo" '� 3 � r' � � `° ��� °O9 � = �! HIGH POINT NC 27265 Tte :' A 2 °/ . \ �. 72 Ac 1^a a -2° � �% RCP :� � O � i N i io � A• � /' N 9. MINIMUM BUILDING LINES, PER LOT: to ^� C •, EIR J`O N/ ro �o' c e 0.68 Ac gory ®� N 0.58 Ac- ,1241 _2 Wro 19 v, N r47"rs"E FRONT - 30' NCGS PINNACLE / . i A 'o 7 _ IN _ - LOT 1 �w' °`b 2 a33 m ' 0.55 Ac ✓ ; 5 ^' N 1 jam- 0.55 'Ac N r rs'.o`o' SIDE - 15' NAD 83 ° :t •4i O G�e c-�.� _ 0.65 Ac Z _ �j° -2a �,1z w 4S. 4T 18..e 23 -' �iM REAR = 30' N=681155.95 LAKEPOINTE--- �. 0 7 c,�3 c_3j - -- -- - c �C R titi h 8. 15' I� OTHERWISE, ENFORCED BY RESTRICTIVE 1.00 Ac , - E=1424222.13 ° • R c-29 BL r ay - repo PB 40 (�' `° / c� o� a �$ �s• PV 2 , s 1T° °� I ; COVENANTS COMB. GRID FACTOR = 0.99986026 EIP o L-94 0 'o - M / • j �4 RCP 50 12 - ��O ti _ 47 r �' 1.12 Ac %' fff ,�� L-�19 L_ 121 �� -8 ' \ `�Bb) e N r r a� 8EW 10. AMENITY LOT FOR LAKE ACCESS ONLY, PG S 1 12 & 1 13 s Co '� ��% p - �20 c- '30' 'a Tea -rs NOT BUILDABLE G. c) C'15 C-1S - 'i O N 00'� ._� O / �' J0; C-1s c-17 s� 7�' AF SF62 %Ac 11. THIS PROPERTY DOES BORDER IN A o MBL -- -- - - r 0.93 Ac' c5 `'� /� SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS • ,� ri a, A 01 DETERMINED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY PRIVATE STREETS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT �1 v� V' ,5 % ,M��� z �'• '° 17 ^/� MANAGEMENT AGENCY. s sS O' MBA0.95 Ac. •� 1 0 v��' N '' " ' 17$00' 12. AMENITY LOT TO BE MAINTAINED BY 36 .So. � 2' PER- .� m cn�� w 0 z vd �r, 0 1 0� O s�irr 4�� - r The maintenance of the fore oin streets in the ��, b /o RE 0eE0 -- __ ° 411, t a` 4. �o rs' +� 0.93 Ac o ao U �� O W LAKEPOINTE NORTH OWNERS ASSOCIATION. 9 9 ,o /�-STR�Crlm, r ;' �0.87 Acj 1 1 cr o� subdivision shall be the responsibility of Crescent \ o o.o8, r„ �" :. O N o� �• 45 y + 13. LOTS 10A, 17A, 18A, 19A & 20A, Resources, Inc. and/or LakePointe North Owners ` _ o /^ -78 0.83 Ac n 0) (0 AcjP °W 1 1nS _ ��y, 4,Q`� %' ` �eb�, PIER ZONES ARE DESIGNATED COMMON OPEN SPACE Association (per restrictive covenants) and it shall s 3g° 58 �^ �,� Nr o o / ^ �3/, - -_ `� �ro `� w $1 w 1 5 /Q�� v �2Oo` °SF AND SEPTIC LOT. be their responsibility to bring such streets u to �s 36`� °�/�" o •M o o C,7 o s'': 0.84 Ac' • w P Y g p �' 2�., � �� CO/� °�, 3 rq -- --- .: � M i � rn � � � 14. TOTAL AREA: 31.46 ACRES + the standards of the North Carolina Department of ryCl? o o /^ - 00, n 12 SS��o >•� /- p aNtttHp �sa��� �/o o/'o �/ ^ O c,+ c, 1.02 Ac 0, .1b BUILDABLE LOTS: 35 .I ` Transportation before an private streets on this t h s 04• o' " /o /.� 3 °1 0o b�` ^ i� P Y P tt �/ r ` 6, /; ro o= / L-65 co 13 _36 2 b i s° o rJ t E • s9• /o /o w , E. i plat are included, at any time after the approval �t a S��/ p j so, 5� s, o o • �, /o �� 3 �, coN 0.90 Ac,,s' "h �� .•.••••• i� W 33 �4.�/ n / o /� T /o j ro 62 �! 'f,\ � of this plat, into the North Carolina Department of �• •.• •.•9 ,� bs " = G 62.0 /o o /^� Io o / ° 31 O• cn o� Transportat1 muinteRan-ce system. (� ;• ; 'o• s r /� ^ o l� ro oI� _ AF M1.06 •���� �s��44_s i� ZI1 01- Rio l; RF�9Ac Ld L��oo r Q S ' W rs°rsss w jS o2-�65 �o ;�I 2 o //� �Bc�oN 40 SEAL • z� Z 8 rnldn 1 P o ��626 r -- o _ i- S rg° 9 ?" h 3/ nl 01 8 81 01 o g 2 ---------- ------ ;--�.-- 485g•.w N a , L-52 o o LEGEND Date ` 76 hen M. Schreiner, V.P. o I s 9 �' ------- •. • / z o m o1 S6 Crescent Resources, InC. �•••••••• \ N /o' o I n 1 I I o AIL �9•���.• " •h 0 o� Rio ols :1 �a0 18, f �e�EXISTING IRON PIN oft�ttttttttt PIER ZONES -��L sr� Nip pl$ o Li6p6� 5 EIR 5EIP /8" EXISTING IRON R BAR Ue - ��;k _,�------ REBAR SET -� s a• � el 1 >_ s Review Officer's Certificate ?0�4'34•�I �1 96 85' 1 PROPERTY LINE IRS 5/8 Attest STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA \ �. W s of°42'39"w MBL MINIMUM BUILDING LINE COUNTY F NORTH CA FOLLOWS 760 R/W RIGHT OF WAY CONTOUR E/P EDGE OF PAVEMENT CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR MAJOR PLATS This final plat and the street names shown hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations of Catawba Co}�u��r��bb Planning Board a a meeting held on the _/�.1�day of 1998. All streets, utilities and other required Oimprovements have been installed according to specifications and Q standards; or a guarantee of the installation of the �\ required improvements in an amount and manner satisfactory 3 i to Catawba County has been received. Therefore, this plat is approved for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of Catawba County within sixty (60) days of CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND MAINTENANCE The undersigned certifies that he is an authorized member of Crescent Resources, Inc. and that he has been authorized to execute this Certificate pursuant to authority granted by resolution of the Board of Directors of Crescent Resources, Inc. copy of which resolution is attached hereto. Crescent Resources, Inc., through the undersigned hereby certifies that all property and improvements described on this final plat for LakePointe North are owned by Crescent Resources, Inc., and are free of any encumbrances or liens. Crescent Resources, Inc., through the undersigned, freely dedicates all rights of way, easements, streets, utilities, open space, and other improvements to public or private use as noted on said Final Plat and freely consents. Crescent Resources, Inc., further has made arrangements suitable to the Planning Board for maintenance at the same acceptable level of said improvements which arrangements shall remain in effect until such time as said improvements are accepted for maintenance by an _ _ Review Officer of SE SIGHT EASEMENT Catawba C ty, certif�the map or plat to which PSDE PERMANENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT this certification is affixed meets all statutory �J P/yl LAKE NORMAN t RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE requirements for recording. ('� 4.��G , 15-3 eview Officer .caw -----' Ct�•c-,l, LOT NUMBERS 05/18/98 JCA Date--°�_(p-------------� I A'- PTION OF REVISION DATE DRANK CHECKED APPR'V'D app riate I body. ,,�`_-T RE,90 G , � : 0%'Q ! Stephen M chr i� r, V.P. ' U P , . Cre cent Resour es, {,nc. Z. C • ; Z' ° ° Z . i Attest - -- - ----- r- - ,,',10N1N1�11N1t�tt��,,� DESCRI FINAL PLAT Jeffrey C. Allen ---_-- certify that this plat was LAKEPOINTE NORTH drawn under my supervision from an actual survey ,,ioSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I LS.Iea "2 __ made under my supervision (deed description recorded in Book -AL-, page NOTED, etc.)(other); MO TAIN CREEK TVVSP. CATAVEA COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I, �-- \ // �__11� � Q�S7�+'� a Notary Public for said that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly 150 75 0 150 300 450 , indicated as drawn from information found in County and State, do hereby certify that Book AS -, page NOTED, that the ratio of precision �EAaIXI c1 Yam'_ personally came ¢efore me this day as calculated is 1:10,000+; that this plat was and acknowledged that he is ?r_er-,a1�L-__ of prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended. Crescent Resources, Inc. and acknowledged, on behalf of Crescent Resources, Inc., the due execution of the foregoing Witness my original signature, registration number 11 and seal this th day of _MAY_, A.D., 1998. David W Mitcham L - 1527 NC MITCHAM & ASSOCIATES, P.A. instrument. This survey creates a subdivision of land within the Henry W Murray L - 3091 NC g� the area of the county that has an ordinance that B. Bruce Nooe PE 23544 NC ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS -PLANNERS SURVEYORS -PLANNERS Witness my hand and official seal, this sal___ regulates parcels of land. L - 3213 NC V. djay of _vv ____, 1998. 5913 High Point Road 1704 East Boulevard Suite 100 g ..�`d ®• G//� a 1� ..• • .,•� Os- /I ^ f �' WIliam E. Mitchell PE 7480 NC L - 1528 NC Greensboro, N.C. 27407 Charlotte, N.C. 28203 O • _ -- �= _-�--- Regis rnd Surveyor L-3810 David B. Boyles PE 13073 NC L - 3135 NC (336) 292-2770 (704) 335-0542 FAX (336) 454-3918 (704) 335-0543 U ---- ------ - Jeffrey C. Allen L - 3810 NC RVEYE SU D DRAWN C ED CHE K APPROVED JOB N0. a Notary Public 2a Y JCA JCA JF 974772 ,tpQ `�'••......••',p'$ //,�,, ]- `+BUFIa` mmission expires yam=_1=L�_3_ _ 199_. Lic. No. SCALE DATE 05 11 98 K " platphs1.dwg 1 = 150' SHEET 1 OF 2 Project: Location: Project Number: Date: Designed:SF Checked:MT Outlet ID: Pipe diameter=12 inches Pipe slope=9 % Roughness Coef.=0.013 Full Flow Capacity=11.76 cfs Full flow velocity=14.97 ft/sec Zone from graph above =3 Is grade of apron 10% or more:y Y/N 4 Length =8.0 ft. Outlet pipe diameter=12 in.Width at Outlet =3.0 ft. Outlet flowrate=11.8 cfs Width at end of Pad=12.2 ft. Outlet velocity=14.97 ft/sec Stone diameter =10 in. Material =Class I Thickness =15 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length 1 Class A 4 6 4 x D(o) 2 Class B 8 12 6 x D(o) 3 Class I 10 15 8 x D(o) 4 Class I 10 15 8 x D(o) 5 Class II 14 21 10 x D(o) 6 Class II 14 21 10 x D(o) 7 Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual Riprap Outlet Protection Design Freberg Sherrils Fored, NC Special study required May-29-2020 RRE Inlcudes 1.1 Factor of Safety Zone used = 15.0 ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity (ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)