HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-3441_complete file 0?. o-?c SfnTEo °: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GovERNOR SECRETARY January 13, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Cyndi Bell DWQ - DENR FROM: Michele James, Project Planning Engineer SUBJECT: Minutes of Scoping Meeting for the proposed widening of SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road), from SR 3590 (Carrington Drive) to SR 2049 (Forestville Road), Knightdale, Wake County, State Project No. 8.2406401, Federal Project No. STP-2233(2), TIP U-3441. A scoping meeting was held on December 11, 1997 at 9:30 a.m. in the Planning and Environmental Conference Room (470). The following people were in attendance: Debbie Bevin SHPO Parks Icenhour Location Stephen Lowry Traffic Engineering - Congestion Management Bob Shultes Traffic Engineering - Traffic Control Glenn Mumford Roadway Design John Alford Roadway Design Ray Moore Structure Design Buddy Murr Traffic Engineering - Signals & Geometrics John Schrohenloher FHWA Lanette Cook Program Development Ray McIntyre Program Development Betty Yancey Right-of-Way Marianne Moss Right of Way/Property Owner Jerry Snead Hydraulics Teresa Hart Planning & Environmental Michele James Planning & Environmental Sherri Field Planning & Environmental The following narrative presents the highlights of scoping items pertaining to the above subject project: L l' ?l 1. Construction of this project is broken into two parts. Section A commences at Carrington Drive and terminates at US 64 and is scheduled for post year construction. Section B commences at US 64 and terminates at Forestville Road. Construction of this section of roadway is scheduled to begin in October, 2003. 2. Roadway design recommended increasing the 3-lane cross section for Section B to a 5-lane section as the 3-1ane section proposed in the 1993 Knightdale Thoroughfare Plan would barely meet the current anticipated need and cause added expenses for future widening. Therefore, it was the consensus of the group that a 5-lane cross section for the entire length of the project be studied. Roadway Design felt that a 90' R/W width would be sufficient to construct a 5-lane curb and gutter section through the entire project. Additional R/W may be necessary at the Smithfield Road/US 64 intersection for added turn lanes. 3. Asymmetrical widening through the school zone is recommended to avoid any impact to the school yard which is on the study list for the National Register. This may cause a greater impact to the cemetery located directly across from the school. 4. Debbie Bevin of SHPO stated there are two properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places and one property listed on the Study List for the National Register. The two properties listed on the National Register are well defined and should not need any further survey. The property on the Study List will need to be evaluated for eligibility. She also stated no surveys for Archaeology would be required. 5. The realignment of the northern terminus of Smithfield Road (SR 2233) with Horton Road (SR 2231) should be accomplished by solely realigning SR 2233 with the current alignment of SR 2231 to avoid any impact to the Beaver Dam property which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The property located in the northeast quadrant of the project, through which the realignment is proposed, is currently undeveloped; however, construction of a church was scheduled to begin last month. Coordination between NCDOT, the Town of Knightdale, and the church will be required to minimize impacts to the church. 6. The Congestion Management section of the Traffic Engineering Branch recommended providing dual left turn lanes for northbound Smithfield Road traffic accessing US 64 westbound. Dual left turn lanes were also recommended for traffic traveling westbound on US 64 turning south onto Smithfield Road. Traffic signals may be required where Carrington Drive, McKnight Drive, and Forestville Road intersect Smithfield Road. 7. A rough preliminary design including construction limits should be available from Roadway Design in late September 1998. 8. A Citizens' Informational Workshop will likely be scheduled for early 1998. The Environmental Assessment is scheduled to be complete November, 1998 MLJ/sf N'sTnTEo ?b w,rm of STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 GARLAND B. GARRETT J R. SECRETARY November 6, 1997 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM TO Ms. Cyndi Bell ND 10 0971 WATER UJAILITY Non-Di harge ? Ry DWQ - DENR FROM:. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheets for SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) from SR 3590 (Carrington Drive) to SR 2049 (Forestville Road); Wake County, State Project No. 8.2406401, Federal Aid Project No. STP-2233(2), TIP No. U-3441 Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (See attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for December 11, 1997 at 9:30 A. M. in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 470). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting or the scoping sheets, please call Michele James, Project Planning Engineer, at 733-7844, Ext. 213. MJ/plr Attachment 340;1 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET TIP # U-3441 Project # 8.2406401 F.A. Project # STP-2233(2) Division 5 Date 11-6-97 Revision Date Project Development Stage Programming Planning X Design County Wake Route SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) Functional Classification Rural Local Collector - SR 3590 to US 64 Rural Lcoal - US 64 to SR 2049 Length 1.6 km (1.0 miles) Purpose of Project: To widen existing SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) to multi-lanes to accomodate future projected traffic volumes and improve safety. Description of project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: To widen existing SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) to a 5-lane curb and gutter facility from SR 3590 (Carrington Drive) to SR 2049 (Forestville Road) in Knightdale (see attached map). Type of environmental document to be prepared: EA/FONSI Environmental study schedule: EA Nov 97 - Nov 98 FONSI Jan 99 - Apr 99 Will there be special funding participation by municipality, developers, or other? Yes No X If yes, by whom and amount: ($) or (%) How and when will this be paid? Type of Facility: The proposed facility is 5-lane, 64 foot, curb and gutter. Type of Access Control: Full Partial None X Type of Roadway: The existing facility is a two lane, 7.2-meter (24-foot) with a 1.2- meter (2-foot) paved shoulders north of US 64. South of US 64, the facility alternates between a two and three lane, which varies in width from 7:2-meter (24-foot) to 10.8 (36-foot) with 1.2-meter (2-foot) paved shoulders. The proposed improvement will consist of a 5-lane, 64-foot, face to face, curb and gutter roadway. Interchanges Grade Separations Stream Crossings 1 Typical Section of Roadway: The proposed cross section is multi-lane curb and gutter ?,vith paved shoulders. Traffic: Current 5100-12.400 Design Year (2025) 8.000-20.000 % Trucks Design Standards Applicable: AASHTO X 3R Design Speed: 45 mph (school in project area Preliminary Resurfacing Design: Preliminary Pavement Design: Current Cost Estimate: 64' F-F Construction Cost (including engineering and contingencies)... $ 3.100.000 Right of Way Cost (including rel., util., and acquisition)....... $ Force Account Items ................................... $ Preliminary Engineering ..................... . ......... $ _ Total Cost ................................................. $ _ TIP Cost Estimate: Construction ..........................................$ 2.800 000 Right of Way ......................................... $ 1.300,000 Total Cost........... .............................. $ 4,100,000 2 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which could affect cost or schedule of project: ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS 64' F-F COST Estimated Costs of Improvements: X Pavement X Surface ...................................... Resurfacing ................................... Milling & Recycling (Removal) .................... Turnouts .................................... Shoulders: Paved ............................ Earth ............................ X Earthwork ........................................ Subsurface Items ................................... X Subgrade and Stabilization .......................... X Drainage (List any special items) ...................... Sub-Drainage ...................................... Structures: Width x Length Bridge Rehabilitation x ....... New Bridge x ....... Widen Bridge x ....... Remove Bridge x ...... . New Culverts: $773,850 $403,500 $ 126,675 0 $285,00 Size Length Fill Ht. ..... $ Culvert Extension .............................. $ Retaining Walls: Type Avg. Ht. Skew . . Noise Walls .................................. Any Other Misc. Structures .................... X Concrete Curb & Gutter ............................ Concrete Sidewalk ................................. Guardrail ......................................... Fencing: W.W. and/or C.L. ........... X Erosion Control .................................... Landscape ........................................ Lighting .......................................... X Traffic Control .................................... Signing: New ................................ Upgrading ........................... X Traffic Signals New .......................... X Revised ....................... RR Signals: New ............................. Revised .......................... With or Without Arms ............. If 3R: Drainage Safety Enhancement.......... . Roadside Safety Enhancement.......... . Realignment for Safety Upgrade......... . X Pavement Markings: Paint Thermo x Markers x ........ Delineators ........................................ $ 123.565 $ 21,000 $57,000 $ 25,000 $ $ 22.800 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET X Other (Mob.andMisc.).(Manhole Adjust, Firehydrants) ....$ 694,360 X (Utility construction- water) ........................... $ 150,150 CONTRACT COST (Subtotal): $ 1683.000 Contingencies & Engineering .............................. $ 417.000 Construction Cost: $ 3,100,000 Right of Way: Will Contain within Existing Right of Way: Yes No Existing Right of Way Width: New Right of Way Needed: Width Est. Cost $ Easements: Type Width Est. Cost $ Utilities: $ Right of Way Subtotal: $ Total Estimated Cost: (Includes R/W) $ Cost Estimates Prepared By: Doug Lane Date: 7/24/97 Scoping Sheets Prepared By: Michele James Date: 11/6/97 The above scoping has been reviewed and approved* by: INIT. DATE Highway Design _ Roadway _ Structure _ Design Services _ Geotechnical _ Hydraulics _ Loc. & Surveys _ Photogrammetry _ Prel. Est. Engr. _ Planning & Environ. _ Right of Way R/W Utilities Traffic Engineering _ Project Management _ County Manager _ City/Municipality _ Others _ INIT. DATE _ Board of Tran. Member Mgr. Program & Policy _ Chief Engineer-Precons Chief Engineer-Oper. _ Secondarv Roads Off. _ Construction Branch _ Roadside Environmental _ Maintenance Branch Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning Division Engineer Bicycle Coordinator Program Development _ FHWA Dept. of Cult. Res. _ Dept. of EH & NR Scope Sheets for local officials will be sent to the Division Engineer for handling. Comments or Remarks: *If you are not in agreement with proposed project or scoping, note your proposed revisions in Comments or Remarks Section and initial and date after comments. 4 -7,w7 7 77 '? yjht'f ',apt t$` -•>sbi ?t-?`wi '£? -M; aw? '.? b ?`5,31t ^, r s .w 3? M 1 .. a N `',"?' t?•' hS> r eo --? 2049 1' -•.\ 2232 -9 ERO CT '-1 9 TS i- `i204 I 1 / 1 I "? I 1 ???-17•m. 1 1 ? 1 sc - I . rs / I I 1 / I i ?/ I 20-9 I I ?I 1 I e I 1 > I ? !.. 2233 , I zs i i 1 n v.l . FIGURE I 50 ores • 9'• Rose 1":2 C r 5 ?Apex ?n 55 1 1 ? ' MCCallersj - .! Mdly 5 insV` g \` 1301 1 ?Benson E wako b( k ? Liza .vs.: ? Ea¢r Nm gntd :.e Rock ?. Wend, Garner i NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ' PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH SR 2233 (NORTH SMITHFIELD ROAD) k FROM SR 3590 (CARRINGTON ROAD) TO SR 2049 (FORESTVILLE ROAD) 4- ' KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY z . TIP NO. U-3441 s`uut ` FIGURE 1 t ?.s 0 l `- C,5t') AUo C ,Lj 5? y4 5??5-e llv+A)f P -7_ 3;? C, /V StJ lve-us-e- llkjo(rd? /AuwP Ncvs e 9.11eo CL 1? o 0 c 4 d 46 6-1 O 0 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET REVISED Date 12-4-97 Revision Date 12-4-97 Project Development Stage Programming Planning X Design TIP #U 3441 Project # 8.2406401 F.A. Project # STP-2233(2) Division 5 County Wake Route SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) Functional Classification Urban Collector - SR 3590 to US 64 Urban Local - US 64 to SR 2049 Length 1.6 km (?1.0 miles) Purpose of Project: iotz ? .;,1991 ??p?N1Al5ClFS1CE? To accomodate future projected traffic volumes and improve safety by widening existing SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) to multi-lanes. Description of project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: To widen existing SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) to a 5-lane curb and gutter facility from SR 3590 (Carrington Drive) to SR 2049 (Forestville Road) in Knightdale (see attached map). Type of environmental document to be prepared: EA/FONSI Environmental study schedule: EA Nov 97 - Nov 98 FONSI Jan 99 - Apr 99 Will there be special funding participation by municipality, developers, or other? Yes No X If yes, by whom and amount: ($) . or (%) How and when will this be paid? f f i PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Type of Facility: The proposed facility is 5-lane, 19.5-meter (64-foot), curb and gutter. Type of Access Control: Full Partial None X Type of Roadway: South of the US 64 intersection, the existing facility alternates between two, three, and four lanes, which vary in width from 7.2- meters (24-feet) to 15.8-meters (52-feet). The 15.8-meter (52-foot) section is located only at the intersection to accommodate both left and right turn lanes. North of US 64, the facility tapers from a 3-lane, 10.8-meter (36-foot) section at the intersection to a 2-lane, 5.8-meter (19-foot) roadway with unpaved shoulders. The proposed improvement will upgrade SR 2233 (North Smithfield Road) to a S- lane, 19.5-meter (64-foot), face to face, curb and gutter roadway. Interchanges Grade Separations Stream Crossings Typical Section of Roadway: The proposed cross section is 5-lane curb and gutter. Traffic: Current 5.100-12.400 Design Year (2025) 8.000-20.000 % Trucks 2 Design Standards Applicable: AASHTO X 3R Design Speed: 45 mph (school in project area) Preliminary Resurfacing Design: Preliminary Pavement Design: Current Cost Estimate: Construction Cost (including engineering and contingencies)... $ 3.100.000 Right of Way Cost (including rel., util., and acquisition)....... $ Force Account Items ................................... $ Preliminary Engineering ...................... ......... $ Total Cost ................................................. $ TIP Cost Estimate: Construction...... ..................................$ 2,800,000 Right of Way ......................................... $ 1.300,000 Total Cost ........................................... $ 4,100,000 rM; PROJECT SCOPING SHEET List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which could affect cost or schedule of project: ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS COST X Estimated Costs of Improvements: X Pavement X Surface ...................................... $ 773.850 Resurfacing ................................... $ Milling & Recycling (Removal) .................... $ Turnouts .................................... $ Shoulders: Paved ............................ $ Earth ............................. $ X Earthwork ........................................ $ 401600 Subsurface Items: .................................. $ X Subgrade and Stabilization ........................... $ 126.675 X Drainage (List any special items) ....................... $ 285,000 Sub-Drainage ...................................... $ Structures: Width x Length Bridge Rehabilitation x ........ $ New Bridge x ........ $ Widen Bridge x ........ $ Remove Bridge x ......... $ New Culverts: Size Length Fill Ht. ..... $ Culvert Extension .............................. $ Retaining Walls: Type Avg. Ht. Skew ..... $ Noise Walls ................................... $ Any Other Misc. Structures ...................... $ X Concrete Curb & Gutter & Concrete Driveways ......... $ 123.565 Concrete Sidewalk .................................. $ Guardrail ......................................... $ Fencing: W.W. and/or C.L. ............ $ X Erosion Control .................................... $ 21,000 Landscape ........................................ $ Lighting .......................................... $ X Traffic Control ..................................... $ 57.000 Signing: New ................................ $ Upgrading ........................... $ X Traffic Signals New .......................... $ X Revised ........................ $ 25,000 RR Signals: New .............................. $ Revised ........................... $ With or Without Arms ............... $ If 3R: Drainage Safety Enhancement .............. $ Roadside Safety Enhancement ............. $ Realignment for Safety Upgrade............ $ X Pavement Markings: Paint Thermo x Markers x ......... $ 22,800 Delineators ........................................ $ PROJECT SCORING SHEET X Other (Mob.andMisc.).(Manhole Adjust, Firehydrants) ....$ 694,360 X (Utility construction- water) ........................... $ 150,150 CONTRACT COST (Subtotal): $ 2.681000 Contingencies & Engineering .............................. $ 417,000 Construction Cost: $ 3,100,000 Right of Way: Will Contain within Existing Right of Way: Yes No Existing Right of Way Width: New Right of Way Needed: Width Est. Cost $ Easements: Type Width Est. Cost $ Utilities: $ Right of Way Subtotal: $ Total Estimated Cost: (Includes R/W) $ Cost Estimates Prepared By: Doug Lane Date: 7/24/97 Scoping Sheets Prepared By: Michele James Date: 11/6/97 The above scoping has been reviewed and approved* by: Highway Design Roadway Structure Design Services Geotechnical Hydraulics Loc. & Surveys Photogrammetry Prel. Est. Engr. Planning & Environ. Right of Way R/W Utilities Traffic Engineering Project Management County Manager City/Municipality Others INIT. DATE INIT. Board of Tran. Member Mgr. Program & Policy Chief Engineer-Precons Chief Engineer-Oper. Secondary Roads Off. Construction Branch Roadside Environmental Maintenance Branch Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning Division Engineer Bicycle Coordinator Program Development FHWA Dept. of Cult. Res. Dept. of EH & NR DATE Scope Sheets for local officials will be sent to the Division Engineer for handling. Comments or Remarks: *If you are not in agreement with proposed project or scoping, note your proposed revisions in Comments or Remarks Section and initial and date after comments. WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 50 pr . •?F'al1cLak falls Lake?? rri ogle $f. Rec. A?eo' k Neuse 70 10 IlGakn B. Cresakehams ? lI L,T ?? L(+"II r 12 Ape I shell ?- PROJECT • - \ LIMITS ¦ 03 J ?? ? 049 2 .1 S N -\ 1 1 1 Lockhart' Elom. ¦ + ON? • IS 2049 PROJECT I N LIMITS 100, es' 2233 I / ?i e ro Raer?p I 2049 V 2563 2513 .05 2233 r: 55 6 i McCuller L ke° r Spr ngs a 401 2 B 6 e Will pn quay Va(ma 55 6 ' 1 I % Q E Wakefiek ook + Lizard 10 Lic 64 4 agce, p 64I <nightd Rock Wen e" 1 ,r 4SP AuDurrf,? \Y NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH NORTH SMITHFIELD ROAD (SR 2233) FROM CARRINGTON DRIVE (SR 3590) TO FORESTVILLE ROAD (SR 2049) KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY TIP NO. U-3441 0 mi. 0.25 0 km 0.40 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director March 12, 1998 MEMORANDUM D E N F = I TO: Melba McGee, DENR SEPA Coordinator FROM: Michelle Suverkrubbe, DWQ SEPA Coordinator /l:::? BAR 1 3 r RE: Comments on DOT Scoping #98-0503; WQS# 11967; Smithfield Road (SR 2233) to Forestville Road (SR 2049), Knightdale, Wake County, Federal Aid No. STP 2233(2), State Project No. 8.2406401, TIP No. U- 3441 The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) requests that the following topics be discussed in the environmental document: A. Identify the streams potentially impacted by the project. The current stream classifications and use support ratings for these streams should be included. This information is available from DWQ through the following contacts: Liz Kovasckitz - Classifications - 919-733-5083, ext. 572 Carol Metz - Use Support Ratings - 919-733-5083, ext. 562 B . Identify the linear feet of stream channelization/relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be revegetated. C. Number and locations of all proposed stream crossings. D. Will permanent spill catch basins be utilized? DWQ requests that these catch basins be placed at all water supply stream crossings. Identify the responsible party for maintenance. E. Identify the stormwater controls (permanent and temporary) to be employed. F . The following wetlands information should be included in the EA, as appropriate: 1. Identify the federal manual used for identifying and delineating jurisdictional wetlands. If no wetlands are found, the EA should still include information on how this determination was made, including the methods used in surveying for their presence and the qualifications of the survey staff in delineating jurisdictional wetlands. 2. If wetlands are to be impacted by the project, have they been avoided as much as possible? (Please ensure that sediment and erosion control measures are not placed in wetlands). P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-5637 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper 98-0476 DOT Scoping March 12, 1998 Page 2 3. Have wetland impacts been minimized? 4. Mitigation measures to compensate for habitat losses. 5. Wetland impacts by plant communities affected. 6. Quality of wetlands impacted. 7. Total wetland impacts. 8. List the 401 General Certification numbers requested from DWQ. G . If wetlands are anticipated to be impacted by the project, the following measures should be taken to reduce the impacts - Wetland impacts should be avoided (including placement of sediment and erosion control structures / measures outside of wetlands). If this is not possible, alternatives that minimize wetland impacts should be chosen. Mitigation for unavoidable impacts will be required if impacts are greater than one acre. 2. Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to the approval of any borrow/waste site in a wetland, the contractor shall obtain a 401 Certification from DWQ. 3. Please provide a conceptual wetland mitigation plan, if appropriate, to help the environmental review. The mitigation plan may state the following: a. Compensatory mitigation will be considered only after wetland impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. b. On-site, in-kind mitigation is the preferred method of mitigation. In- kind mitigation within the same watershed is preferred over out-of- kind mitigation. C. Mitigation should be in the following order: restoration, creation, enhancement, and lastly preservation. H. The EA should discuss (in detail) project alternatives that alleviate traffic problems without road construction, such as mass-transit and traffic congestion management techniques. I. The National Environmental Policy Act and the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) require that the EA or EIS for this project evaluate all direct, indirect and cumulative impacts on the environment. It is the relationship between transportation projects and their impacts to changes in land uses that the environmental document should focus its indirect impacts section. This section of the document should discuss the known relationship between new or widened roads, highways and interchanges and resulting inducements for urban development along the project right-of-way, at interchanges and along connecting arterials. The EA must further address the long-term environmental impacts of this road project, including the potential indirect impacts of the induced urban development on all aspects of the environment. To address this issue, the EA should answer the following questions - 98-0476 DOT Scoping March 12, 1998 Page 3 i) What is the estimated traffic projections for the project corridor, at interchanges and all connecting arterials (and what current and future land use figures were used in this estimate)? ii) Will this project provide additional traffic handling capacity and/or improved traffic safety and control features to connecting roads, such as turn lanes and traffic signs and signals? iii) How will traffic patterns and traffic quantities on cross streets (including planned interchanges) in the project corridor change due to the proposed project? How will land uses along this proposed road and all secondary roads be influenced by the access or increased traffic flow provided by this project? iv) How does this project comply with local governments' land use and metropolitan transportation plans? V) Will this project provide new or improved access to vacant or undeveloped parcels of land in the road right-of-way, at planned interchanges, or along connecting arterials? vi) Will these parcels become more likely to develop into urban uses with the provision of public road access, adequate road frontage or traffic safety and control features from the project? vii) Will this road widening serve as an inducement to additional urban development on the adjacent parcels, given the provision of additional traffic handling capacities, and the existence (or likelihood of existence in the future), of other essential public infrastructure improvements (e.g. sewer, water and electricity) in the area? To what degree will this road widening encourage and facilitate urbanization of this corridor? viii) If inducements for urban development are predicted as a result of the road improvements, these impacts should be defined in the environmental document and should be considered indirect impacts of the transportation project. ix) What measures have DOT and the local governments in the project area agreed to in order to restrict development potential along the road right-of- way, at interchanges and along connecting arterials to reduce the potential indirect land use changes and environmental impacts? X) What environmental resources could be affected by the identified urban development that will be allowed or encouraged by the road improvements? What degree of impact to these resources will be anticipated? What impacts may be significant in nature? Specific to the regulatory authority of DWQ, the EA should discuss the types and severity of point and non-point source water quality impacts anticipated from both the road project and this additional urban development. xi) What regulations are currently in place at the local government level that would address these significant potential indirect environmental impacts? xii) The environmental document should discuss these environmental impacts (and others that are applicable to the individual project), and quantify them when possible. In additiop to reporting on the types and significance of each direct and indirect impact of the project, the document should define how DOT (with their authorities and resources) and affected local governments (with land use control in the project area) are planning to avoid, reduce or mitigate these impacts to a level of insignificance. For Environmental Assessments (EA's), the SEPA rules and statutes require that prior to issuance of a FONSI, any identified significant environmental impacts must 98-0476 DOT Scoping March 12, 1998 Page 4 be avoided, minimized or mitigated to a level less than significant, or a FONSI should not be issued. Therefore, an EA for this project should show how the indirect effects of the project, including those effects of urban development, are not going to significantly impact the environment, including water quality. If significant impacts are unresolved, a FONSI cannot be issued and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should be prepared. J. The following discussion is meant to help explain the direct and indirect impacts issue in terms of water quality. All of these issues (in addition to other issues besides water quality), as applicable to the specifies of the project, should be discussed in a DOT environmental document: In evaluating the direct water quality effects of a transportation improvement project, typical concerns involve wetland, aquatic habitat and stream impacts from construction, the current quality of the waters and ecosystem of the streams and rivers to be affected by construction activities, the potential effect of spills and run- off from the road on water quality, how that might effect overall stream health and the other users of that water, etc. An indirect impact analysis of a transportation project should evaluate increases in development in the vicinity of the road project if the project will be providing new or improved access to future growth areas that are currently undeveloped. Indirect water quality impacts of induced development might include: increases in ground and surface water withdrawals to supply water for development; increases in wastewater collection and treatment capacity, potentially including increases in surface water discharges; and, increases in amounts of urban stormwater in the project service area and along connector streets that experience increases in land development due to the project. Land-disturbing activities associated with road construction and land development may also result in increased stream sedimentation and secondary wetland impacts. And over the longer term, development features such as increased impervious surface areas and stormwater drainage systems will only exacerbate water quality problems. Predictable impacts could include more rapid and erosive stream flow in creeks and streams, loss of aquatic habitat and wetlands and more efficient delivery of pollutants (such as fertilizers, pesticides, sediment and automobile byproducts) to surface waters. These impacts could be of special concern if the project is proposed in an area with state and federally endangered species or if the waters are high quality, nutrient sensitive, or used for public,.water supply. K. Please note that a 401 Water Quality Certification cannot be issued until the conditions of NCAC 15A: 01C.0402 (Limitations on Actions During NCEPA Process) are met. This regulation prevents DWQ from issuing the 401 Certification until a FONSI or Record of Decision (ROD) (for and EIS) has been issued by the Department requiring the document. It is recommended that if the 401 Certification application is submitted for review prior to the sign off, the applicant states that the 401 should not be issued until the applicant informs DWQ that the FONSI or ROD has been signed off by the Department. Please be aware that 401 Certification may be denied if wetland or water impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 98-0476 DOT Scoping March 12, 1998 Page 5 Please have the applicant give me a call at 919-733-5083, ext. 567 if they have any questions on these comments. mis:V80503 DOT Scoping-widening cc: Cyndi Bell - DWQ - Non-Discharge Branch, Wetlands/401 Unit