HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-2702.W-1% ?,s SCATF° STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TkANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GovERNOR February 10, 1999 MEMORANDUM 'I O: FROM: P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 Ms. Cyndi Bell DWQ - DENR ter. FEB) 619QQ °^ ?:slFFi ? :'v E. NORRIS TOLSON SECRETARY Danny Wiegand Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: Scoping Meeting Minutes for Intersection Improvements of SR 1592 (Eden Terrace) and SR 1595 (Surrett Drive), Randolph County, Federal Aid Project Number CMS-1595(1), State Project Number 8.2572501, TIP Number U-2702 On January 28, 1999 a meeting was held on the above referenced project. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the scope of the project and to begin the planning process. The following attended the meeting: James Norris Roadway Design Nya Boayue Roadway Design Debbie Self Congestion Management Kelvin Jordan Congestion Management Spencer Franklin Traffic Control Vang Moua Traffic Control Drew Thomas Rail Division Trice Craddock Rail Division Lee Jernigan Rail Division John Taylor Location and Surveys Debbie Bevin State Historic Preservation Office Cindy Sharer Project Development & Environmental Analysis Edwin Peters Project Development & Environmental Analysis Danny Wiegand Project Development & Environmental Analysis Phil Wylie City of High Point DOT Matt Carpenter City'of High Point DOT LO r.. P,. 2 The issues and recommendations discussed at the meeting as well as other comments are outlined below: Introductions and a description of the project and its parameters started the meeting. An outline of this information can be found in the Scoping Agenda that was handed out at the meeting. In presenting the overview, I mentioned Jim Harris and Arthur Petteway's visit to my office and their concern with lowering the railroad tracks as an alternative. They stressed the high cost of lowering the tracks as well as Norfolk Southern's likely rejection of this idea. I also mentioned a visit to my office by David Hinnant of the Right of Way Branch. He shares the same concern with the Norfolk Southern involvement, and he stressed the need to do all construction west of the existing pavement on Surrett Drive in order to stay off the railroad's right of way. Any encroachment of their right of way will require their coordination which will lengthen the process and make it more difficult. The Rail Division representatives at the scoping meeting agreed with these concerns. It was said that the project Right of Way and Construction dates have been accelerated in the TIP. The new Right of Way acquisition date is June of 2000, and the new Construction date is June of 2002. With this acceleration of the project, Roadway Design needs to request surveys by April or no later than May of 1999. If public involvement is necessary, a problem with these dates may arise. The meeting then turned to discussion of the design of the intersection. Roadway Design presented their thoughts on improving the Eden Terrace approach to Surrett Drive. They mentioned widening more symmetrically on Eden Terrace rather than all to the north. Next, it was said wedging the pavement on Surrett Drive may not be the answer to the "hump" crossing problem. Ripping up the existing road and rebuilding it may be. Another issue from the design standpoint is the two existing driveways for Vitafoam Incorporated on Surrett Drive and Corporation Drive. They are presently too close to the intersection, and with further widening and future traffic volume increases, they may need to be designed and signed as "right in/right out". It was mentioned that these are not the only entrances to Vitafoam, so they may be convinced to close off these driveways completely. Bill Rosser of Division 8 in Aberdeen called prior to the meeting to say no one from his office would be attending the meeting. He did give two comments that were generated from the staff in his office; 1). lower the railroad tracks rather than wedge the pavement and 2). look into adding right turn lanes. Phil Wylie of the City of High Point DOT pointed out an area north of the project that has recurring flooding due to insufficient culverts under Surret Drive and the railroad tracks. He asked if the NCDOT can extend the project far enough north to include this area. This could not be decided by the NCDOT representatives at the meeting, and Mr. Wylie was referred to upper management to address this issue. Roadway Design pointed out a design problem with the railroad spur that crosses Surrett Drive 180 feet south of the intersection. It was recommended to coordinate with Hendrix Batting Company and High Point Furniture Industries to see if they would consider taking the spur out. am going to contact the trainmaster for this area to find out how much the spur is used. The cost to the companies of maintaining the switch for the spur was also discussed. They may look favorably on taking out the tracks if they do not use them often. It was also mentioned that the companies may want to keep the tracks in place for resale value purposes. SHPO noted that it does not appear any archaeological or architectural surveys will be needed. Location and Surveys pointed out that gas and water utilities are located at the intersection. Rail Division representatives said that if the companies do not agree to removing the spur crossing Surrett Drive, the existing signals may be utilized. They were installed in 1995. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Any questions, comments, additions or revisions to the minutes should be addressed to me at (919) 733-7844, ext. 244 or at dwiegand@mail. dot. state.ne.us. DLW/plr s 10. d?,a 51'ATFo no., JAMES B. HUNT JR. GovERNoR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TkANSPORTATIO P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 January 5, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Cyndi Bell DWQ - DENR c FROM: William D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheets for Intersection Improvements of SR 1595 (Surrett Drive) and SR 1592 (Eden Terrace), Randolph County, Federal Aid Project Number CMS-1595(1), State Project Number 8.2572501, TIP Number U-2702 Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (see attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for Thursday, January 28,' 1999 at 10:30 A.M. in the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Conference Room (Room 470). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting or the scoping sheets, please call Danny Wiegand, Transportation Engineering Technician, at 733-7844, Ext. 244. WDG/plr Attachment ?E. NORRIS TOLSON SECRETARY u SCOPING SHEET TIP # U-2702 PROJECT # 8.2572501 F.A. PROJECT # CMS-1595(1) DIVISION: 8 COUNTY: Randolph Date: January 7, 1999 Revision Date: Project Development Stage EJ Programming ® Planning R Design ROUTE: Intersection of SR 1595 (Surrett Drive) and SR 1592 (Eden Terrace) FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION: Urban Minor Arterial LENGTH: Approx. 1600 ft (487 m) on Surrett Drive and 600 ft (183 m) on Eden Terrace PURPOSE OF PROJECT: To improve traffic flow and safety conditions at the stated intersection. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (INCLUDING SPECIFIC LIMITS) AND MAJOR ELEMENTS OF WORK: A traffic signal with railroad preemption and a railroad-crossing signal with gates will be placed at the intersection. Twelve-foot (3.6-m) left-turn lanes will be added to all approaches. Pavement wedging will be performed on Surret Drive to eliminate an elevation difference with Eden Terrace. TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT TO BE PREPARED: Categorical Exclusion (CE) ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY SCHEDULE: Begin CE: In Progress Complete CE: November 1999 Right of Way Schedule FY 02 Construction Schedule FY 03 WILL THERE BE SPECIAL FUNDING PARTICIPATION BY MUNICIPALITY, DEVELOPERS, OR OTHERS? Yes E] No IF YES, BY WHOM AND AMOUNT: ($) , or (%) HOW AND WHEN WILL THIS BE PAID? I TYPE OF ACCESS CONTROL: Full [] Partial E] None NUMBER OF: Interchanges 0 Grade Separations 0 Stream Crossingsl TYPICAL SECTION OF ROADWAY: Existing: SR 1595 (Surrett Drive): Two 12-ft (3.6-m) lanes with curb and gutter on the western approach and a 2-ft (0.6- m) shoulder on the eastern approach. SR 1592 (Eden Terrace): Two 9-ft (3.6-m) lanes with 2-ft (0.6-m) unpaved shoulders. Corporation Drive: a 48-ft curb and gutter section. Proposed: SR 1595 (Surrett Drive): Three 12-ft (3.6-m) lanes with curb and gutter on the western approach and a 2-ft (0.6- m) paved shoulder on the eastern approach. SR 1592 (Eden Terrace): Three 12-ft (3.6-m) lanes and 2-ft (0.6- m), paved shoulders. TRAFFIC (ADT): Not yet available. This should be ready for the scheduled scoping meeting. DESIGN STANDARDS APPLICABLE: AASHTO ® 3R F1 DESIGN SPEED: CURRENT COST ESTIMATE: Construction Cost (including engineering and contingencies) ....................... $ Right of Way Cost (including relocation, utilities and acquisition) ...... ............ $ Force Account Items ........................... $ Preliminary Engineering ........................ $ Total Cost ................................... $ TIP COST ESTIMATE: 750,000 Construction ................................. $ 750,000 Right of Way ................................. $ 240,000 TOTAL TIP COST ESTIMATE ................. $ 990,000 LIST ANY SPECIAL FEATURES, SUCH AS RAILROAD INVOLVEMENT, WHICH COULD AFFECT COST OR SCHEDULE OF PROJECT: There may be a possible Superfund site within the project area. Also, railroad involvement will be necessary. ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS COST Estimated Costs of Improvements: ® Pavement: ?Surface .......................................... $ 129,185 ?Base ............................................ $ ?Asphalt Cement .................................. $ ?PavementRemoval ................................. $ ?Turnouts ......................................... $ ? Shoulders: ? Paved ........................................... $ ? Earthen... .................................... $ ® Earthwork ............................................. $ 24,780 ? Fine Grading ........................................... $ ? Subsurface Items ........................................ $ ® Subgrade and Stabilization ................................ $ 13,725 ® Drainage (List any special items) ........................... $ 45,000 ? Sub-Drainage ........................................... $ ? Structures Width x Length ? Bridge Rehabilitation x .......... $ ? New Bridge x .......... $ ? Widen Bridge x .......... $ ? Remove Bridge x .......... $ ? New Culvert: Size Length .......... $ ? Culvert Extension ................................. $ ® Retaining Walls ................................... $ 15,750 ? Noise Walls ..................................... $ ? Other Misc. Structures ............................. $ ® Concrete Curb & Gutter .................................. $ 16,800 ? Utilities ............................................... $ ? Concrete Sidewalk ...................................... $ ? Guardrail .............................................. $ ? Guardrail Anchors ...................................... $ ? Fencing: W.W. ? and/or C.L.? .......................... $ ® Erosion Control ........................................ $ 4,000 ? Landscaping .......................................... $ ? Lighting ............................................. $ ® Traffic Control ........................................ $ 12,000 ? Signing: ? New .......................................... $ ? Upgraded ....................................... $ ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS COST ® Traffic Signals: ® New .......................................... $ 40,000 ? Revised ........................................ $ ® RR Signals: ? New ........................................... $ ? Revised. ........................................ $ ® With or Without Arms ............................. $ 110,000 ? If 3R: ? Drainage Safety Enhancement ....................... $ ? Roadside Safety Enhancement ....................... $ ? Realignment for Safety Upgrade ...................... $ ® Pavement Markings: ? Paint ...................................... $ ..... ® Thermo ......................................... $ ® Markers ..... (cost listed includes both) .................. $ 6,000 ? Delineators ............................................ $ ®Other clearing,grubbing,mobilization,misc .................... $ 238,760 Contract Cost Subtotal ............................... $ 656,000 Engineering & Contingencies ................................ $ 94,000 Preliminary Engineering Costs ............................... $ Force Account ............................................ $ CONSTRUCTION Subtotal: ..................... $ 750,000 Right of Way: EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH: IS ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF WAY NEEDED? Yes ? No ? ? Proposed Right of Way Width: ......... $ ? Easements: Type Width ......... $ ? Utilities: ...............................................$ RIGHT OF WAY SUBTOTAL ....... . $ TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $ Prepared By: DLW Date: January 7, 1999 THE ABOVE SCOPING INFORMATION HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: INIT. DATE INIT. DATE Highway Design Board of Tran. Member Roadway Board of Tran. Member Structure Dir. Plan. & Prog. Design Services Dep. Admin.-Preconst. Geotechnical Chief Engineer-Oper. Hydraulics Secondary Roads Off. Loc. & Surveys Construction Branch Photogrammetry Roadside Environmental Prel. Est. Engr. JDL 12/30/98 Maintenance Branch Planning & Envir. Bridge Maintenance Right of Way Statewide Planning R/W Utilities Division Engineer Traffic Engineering Bicycle Coordinator Project Management Program Development County Manager FHWA City/Municipality Dept. of Cult. Res. Others Dept. of ENR Others Others Scoping Sheet for local officials will be sent to Division Engineer for handling. IF YOU ARE NOT IN AGREEMENT WITH PROPOSED PROJECT OR SCOPING, NOTE YOUR PROPOSED REVISIONS BELOW AND INITIAL AND DATE AFTER COMMENTS. r d ATE 0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPART ffiNT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY December 16, 2004 Mr. Richard Spencer JAN 1 1 2005 Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 `A1E'rLA 0S Aid- S* RVIVVUER BRANCH Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 SUBJECT: Request for Jurisdictional Determination for proposed improvements to the intersection of SR 1595 (Surrett Drive) and SR 1592 (Eden Terrace) in Randolph County, Division 8, State Project No. 8.2572501; T.I.P. No. U-2702. Dear Mr. Spencer: NCDOT Office of Natural Environment has completed the stream delineation of "Waters of the United States," for the above referenced intersection improvement project for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). One potential stream was identified within the project area. This stream may be part of an unnamed tributary that appears on the High Point West USGS Quadrangle. The location of the stream in question is highlighted on Figure 2. Contour lines on the USGS Quad and existing GIS streams layer indicate the potential for a stream to exist or evidence that a stream may have existed in this vicinity before development of the area occurred. The stream in question is located just west of the Randleman Basin as shown in Figure 2. The stream in question was determined ephemeral due to the lack of flow or any significant indications of aquatic habitat at the time of delineation. The stream is fed from an outfall that extends from the curb and gutter system on Corporation Drive. The Office of Natural Environment would like to request a jurisdictional determination of the stream delineation. Please contact the project manager before February 6, 2005 to schedule a field visit. The tentative letting date for this project is December 20, 2005. Please see attached supporting documents: 1) Project vicinity map. 2) Stream location map. 3) Project summary. 4) USACE and NCDWQ stream assessment worksheets. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-715-1500 LOCATION: PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS FAX: 919-715-1501 2728 CAPITAL BLVD 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PLB SUITE 168 RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH, NC 27604 If you have any questions, please contact Jon Scott at (919) 715-1340. Sincerely, t. Philip S. Harris, III, PE. Manager, Office of Natural Environment cc: U-2702 project file Ms. Beth Barnes, NC Division of Water Quality r High f S ? ? N 0.5 0 0.5 Miles i •?? Corridor t I Demographic Study Area Roads Corporate Limits Guilford. County Randolph ?. County rnyuww r NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION- * DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL:ANALYSIS BRANCH, Randolph and. Guilford County SR 1595 (Surrett Drive) from West Fairfield- Road to the second intersection of Eden Terrace and Corporation Drive, T.I.P. Project No. U-2702 t 4 ?b Randleman Basin Boundary f f/ty N *s 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 Miles 4tti E is? +ti 4' s Project Summary Improvements to the intersection of SR 1595 (Surrett Drive) and SR 1592 (Eden Terrace) Randolph County, North Carolina U-2702 The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to make improvements to the intersection of SR 1595 (Surrett Drive) and SR 1592 (Eden Terrace) in Randolph County, North Carolina. The project begins 0.12 miles south of Eden Terrace and ends at West Fairfield Road, approximately 0.33 miles north of Eden Terrace. Surrett Drive will be widened to .a three-lane section through this area. The project also involves raising the grade at the intersection of Surrett Drive and Eden Terrace, the subsequent upgrade of the existing railroad spur on Corporation Drive, improvements to drainage facilities along Surrett Drive and approximately 700 linear feet of pavement upgrade to Eden Terrace east of Surrett Drive. The purpose of the proposed project is to upgrade the intersection of Surrett Drive and Eden Terrace to provide a smooth transition across the existing railroad tracks. Turning lanes at this intersection and a center turning lane along Surrett Drive need to be added in order to serve the large trucks and buses which frequently utilize the corridor. The railroad spur needs to be raised in order to accommodate the grade and geometric improvements to the intersection. This grade change will be carried along Surrett Drive to also eliminate an existing drainage problem. I USACE AID# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map) M STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: 2. Evaluator's name: IJ ove 3. Date of evaluation: 6l ?? 4. Time of evaluation: 1 i ' 3 p,(?f, 5. Name of stream: IA v+ A U2 P cK 6. River basin: 'JA ? k, h 7. Approximate drainage area: 8. Stream order. 9. Length of reach evaluated: 10. County: 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 3 5 a 5It ' S ! lV '1q rl '5'Y "W Longitude (ex. 77556611): Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS C4 Ilte- '? ?f 13. Location of reach. undervaluation (note nlearby.roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): 14. Proposed channel work (if any): 15..Recent weather conditions: ? a V \run pi"Gt` ;%, ? n A'' A' 16. Site conditions at time of visit: WuvtLn &0")F 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: ____Section 10 Tidal Waters -Essential Fisheries Habitat -Trout Waters -,Outstanding Resource Waters _ Nutrient Sensitive Waters -Water Supply Watershed (I=IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES O) If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES ( 21. Estimated watershed land use: _% Residential % Commercial 3 5 % Industrial Agricultural J% Forested _% Cleared / Logged _% Other ( 1 22. Bankfuil width: 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 24. Channel slope down center of stream: -Flat (0 to 2%) ?Gentle (2 to 4%) Moderate (4 to 100/6) -Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight Occasional bends -Frequent meander -Very sinuous -Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2):' Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain,. vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall. assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring 'box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): Comments: Evaluator's Signature t 1, Ln4-AA114 Date 1 ? This channel evaluation form intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. tv?.a???v ?ueum ?.mn?usc72uvu rvstn ' Project Name: V) - -ao River Basin: i y=... ComnT. .,, m>atn Evaimlor. DWQ Project Number. Neatest Named Stream: aY)?acitii aj Latitude Sigtmme: 'J Dam: uses QUAD:},,.W E Lttrigitnde: LocauawM6ccnonr. *PLEASE NOTE- Ijnr/rearradkadomerarew aredurjnnreasa+aw.wedcdiedr.rover mefdsb) rwiraetwmessory. ". f Abp, if in the b- Prgf--W tadarSYMM them" amke mud* Primary Field Indicators: (Citrleowmw.6erPeruw) d ?4ria lr 1. Geomorohoio" Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? (0 ) 1 3 Y p 2) Is The USDA Texuae In Sucambed ??v?r,Yt?kubl"? ?ovel?.p? .9) Is A Conte uous.Beddr Bade Pn ment7 . .0 2 3 1 /'fV07ErBdA&Mk Cred Dn6wAndffMMnrci n 77, e+.D•1 ronaerof Br MIS comer Chamd (As indicated o+t?.S - S Yftokw% odenic On Topo May Am&Vr ht Field) ft=nt9 Yes-3 PR 1 MA R Y G E OMOR P1 Y O L O G Y I ND I CA TOR POINTS H Jq 11. Hydrolew Absent Weak Moderate' Strong ! ) )s Time A Groundwater Flow/Discharge Present? 0., ?I -? Z 3 PRIMARYHYDROLOGY. INDICATOR POI M-__ ._ Secondary Field indicators: /fdrQaeAlbm6wAerltaw) X Does Topography ladi-- A Natural Dranm¢e Way? 0 1 t.5 SECONDARY GEGA l O A' P H O L O G Y I ND I C A T 0I R P O I N T S:1 4) Is Wow in Channel And >49 firs. Since w S 1 1.5 12st Known Rain? PN"M- tr7Nroh lediawd In N9 Abere Rki, 7hft&m-Apd NY Mw-, 5) Is Them Water in Chanxi During Dry 0 ..5 1 13 all TOTAL POINTS (Primary + Secandarv)= (If Greater Than Or Equallo 10 Paints The Stream is At Least intermittent) ii. Hrdroioev Absent Weak Moderate Strop 1) is This Year's Mr Last's) LeaAttter •• ar. v Mmoy Una. Mosty FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL t'NOTE:lj7ouiAbae„oenjAtlP/antaInS,-mbrd 1 1 .75 .5 0 0 -ta MA,w,Skio nib Slur UNLFSSSAV Pr "&) SECONDARY BIOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: _I