HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200699 Ver 1_DFIRM_NC_3710977800K_20200527FLOOD HAZAR D INFORMATION SPECIAL FLOODHAZARD AREAS OTHER AREAS OFFLOOD HAZARD OTHERAREAS GENERALSTRUCTURES Without Base Flood Ele vation (BFE) With BF E or Depth Regulator y Flood way Are as Dete rmined to be Outside the 0.2% A nnual C hance Flood plain Non-accred ite d Le vee, Dik e, or F loodwall Zone A ,V, A99 Zone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR Zone X HTTP://FRIS.NC.GOV/FR IS THE INFORMAT ION DEPICTED ON THIS M AP AND SUPP OR TINGDOCUMENTATION AR E ALSO AVAILAB LE IN DIGI TAL FORMAT AT NORTH CAROLIN A FLO ODPLAIN MAPPING PROG RAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPNORTH C AROLIN A PANEL SE E FIS REPOR T F OR ZONE DESCR IPTIONS AND INDEX MAP Cross Sections with 1% Annual ChanceWater Sur face Elevation (B FE) Coas tal Transe ct OTHERFEATURES Prof ile B aseline Hydrog raphic F eature Limit of Study Jurisdiction B oundar y Accred ited or P rovis ionally AccreditedLevee, Dik e, or F loodwall Coas tal Transe ct B aseline SCA LE 1 inc h = 500 fe et Map Projec tion:North Carolina State Plane Projection Feet (Zone 3200)Datum: NAD 1983 (Horizontal), NAVD 1988 (Vertical) PANEL LOCATOR LOGO LOGO NOTES TO US ERS Channel, C ulve r t, or Storm Se wer 0.2% A nnual Chance F lood Hazar d, Areas of 1% A nnual Chance F lood with Ave rage De pth Les s T han One F oot or With Drainag e Are as of Les s Than One Square M ileFuture Conditions 1% A nnual Chance F lood Haz ardArea with Re duced Flood R is k d ue to Le veeSee Notes Zone X Zone X Zone X 9778 1:6,000 %,012 18.2 !(8 1970000 FEET780000 FEET 1970000 FEET790000 FEET 1980000 FEET 790000 FEET 1980000 FEET 780000 FEET This digit al Flood In surance Ra te Map (FIRM) wa s p rod uce d through a uniquecooperative p artnership betw een the State of No rth Caro lina and th e FederalEmergency Mana gemen t Agen cy (FEMA). The Sta te o f North Carolina hasimplemented a long term approach to flo odplain man ageme nt to decre ase thecosts ass ociated with floo din g. This is demo nstrate d by the State 's commitmentto map floo d ha zard are as at t he loc al level. As a part of this e ffort, the Sta te ofNorth Carolina has joined in a Co operating Technical State ag re ement withFEMA to produce and maintain this d igital FIRM. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PRO GRAM ? ? ? ? ?? ?))))))))360.24 1 9 .3 408.5 3 5 7.4 348.6378.0333.1391.1337.6436.23 3 0 .1 3 2 0 . 0 4 1 8 .4 3 5 8 .2 445.9 3 2 9 .8378.1435.8 4 4 2 .3 309.3450.8311.4324.4322.7314.9325.6328.2316.5326.0 358.0358.1 3 5 8 .1 Creel St AdamsWayLorraine StS M e rrittM illR dBa r ne s St W P o p la rA veOleanderRdBeechwood Dr O ld F a y ette ville R d Pleasant DrH u n t e r P l W Weaver St Brew erLnLa nte rnWay F i d e l i t y S t AbbeyRdE C a r r S t S Greensboro StE M a i n S t RiverbirchPtFriarLnRo c k y Pt Center StHo s i e r ySt RiverCreek Pl Culbreth Rd F r e n c hLn LorilaneDrWattersRdBerryhill Dr W esleySt J o nes Fe r r y R d Bar b eeCt GateridgePlTeal PlPublic WorksDr Smith Level RdMistyPinesPlHigh StEvans Ct O akS p rin g C tRossburnWayMontclairWayWestbrookDrR i v erW a l k L n WestwoodCemeteryEstes DrWentworthStOl dCeme t e r y RdP r im r o s e L n JuniperCtBynumSt Gail CtK i n g S t J o n e s L a k e R d Thomas LnMarinDrW il lowOakLn Old Greensboro R d Phipps St Short St MarloweCt TanglewoodLn Lloyd StMerritt St E POPLAR AVE Shelton St Q u e e n S tC oleridgeCtChauc e r C tWoodsWalk CtN e v i lle D r Lindsay StH i l l S t Elm StC o b b S t Lyn n Dr F o w l e r S t Lincoln LnGary RdRAND RD R ockHavenRd Da ff o di l LnL a u g h i n g B i rdL n R uth S tR o b e r t s S t C o lburnPtS t a r l i t eDr Gl a s s Hous eLnBlackwood DrKnolls St Parker S t Mulberry St W a n n a makerP lSueAnnCt Bpw C lub Rd TarHillDrG o l d s t o n D r B e r t S t C o l s o n S t Sparkleb e rry Ln Pr i nc e StCheek StTodd StK a y S t G l o s s o n C ir KeithR d H i l l c r e s t A v e F e n w a yC tJ o h n s o n St Hillview St EWeaverSt B elArborLnRayRdW C a r r S t Crabtree Dr Milton Dr CathyRdPine StDillard StWilliams StPineHillDrMaple AveMaryStLacockRdSwansea LnOak StBroad StDavi e RdHills b oro u g h R d S o u th Pe a k D r ManorRidgeDrAlabama AveL a u r e l Av eWestburyDr N GreensboroSt WeatherhillP t MorganHill CtRose Wal kLnOrchardLnHargraves StOak AveR o b e r s o n S tSimpson StB StRaven LnAshe StPurple Leaf PlSweetBayPlRedS unsetPlOl dPi t t sbor oRdW alden Dr Ceda r w oodLnEugene StUniversityCom monsJames StCrest St L il a c Dr Cheswic k C t UniversityLakeRdBimStE stes Park A pts Westview Dr W Main St Jones Ferry RdNC 54 NC 54 W NC 54< PriceCreek UnnamedUrbanCreekPhils CreekMo r g a n Cr e e k Mor g an CreekDS Mo r g a n Cr e e k DSTomsCreekTomsCreekTOWN OFCARRBORO370275 TOWN OFCARRBORO370275 TOWNOF CARRBO RO370275 TOWN OFCARRBORO370275 TOWN OFCARRBORO370275 TOWN OFCARRBORO ETJ370275 TOWN OFCARRBORO ETJ370275 TOWN OFCHAPEL HILL370180 ZO NE AE ZO NE AE ZO NE AE ZONE AE ,070 ,016 ,017 ,013 ,009 ,835 ,822 ,814 ,793 ,845 ,024 ,033 ,042 ,052 ,062 ,081 ,091 ,048 ,072 ,086 ,104 ,101 ,794 ,751 ,729 ,709 ,694 ,680 ,784 ,774 ,763 EZ1371 EZ1 372 EZ1373 EZ2777 EZ2 778EZ2779 EZ2 780 79°4'30"W 79°4'30"W 79°5'0"W 79°5'0"W 79°5'30"W 79°5'30"W 79°6'0"W 79°6'0"W 35°55'0 "N 35°55'0"N 35°54'3 0"N 35°54'30"N 35°54'0 "N 35°54'0"N Caswell Person Alamance Orange Durham WakeChatham 9920 9940 9960 9980 9990 0900 0910 9828 9849 9859 9868 9889 9899 0809 0819 9848 9858 9888 9898 0808 0818 9827 9837 9847 9857 9867 9877 9887 9897 0807 0817 9728 973 8 9748 9758 9768 9778 9788 979 8 9826 9836 9846 9856 9866 9876 9886 9896 0806 9825 9835 9845 9855 9865 9875 9885 9895 0805 9824 9834 9844 9854 9864 9874 9884 9894 0804 9823 9833 9843 9853 9863 9873 9883 9893 0803 9822 9832 9842 9852 9862 9872 9882 9892 0802 9820 9841 9851 9861 9871 9881 9891 0801 9840 9850 9860 9870 9880 9890 0800 9729 973 9 9749 9759 9769 9779 9789 979 9 9727 9737 9746 9767 9777 9787 9797 9766 9776 9786 979 6 I 0 500 1,000250Feet 0 150 30075Meters BM5 510 D Nor th C arolina Ge ode tic Sur ve y be nch mark BM5 510 ?BM5 510z National Geod etic Sur vey benc h markContractor Es t. NCF M P Sur vey b ench m ark Panel Contains: COMMUNIT Y CID PANE L SUFFIX 9778370275 K9778CHAPEL HILL, TOWN OF 370180 K9778ORANGE COUNTY 370342 K CARRBORO, TOWN OF Limit of Mode rate Wave Action (LiM WA ) For informat ion and qu estions abo ut this map, availab le prod ucts asso ciated with t his FIRM including historic ve rsio ns o f this FIRM, how to o rd er pro ducts o r th e National Flood Insura nce Program in ge neral,plea se call the FEMA Ma p Informa tion eXchang e at 1-87 7-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336 -26 27) or visit the FEMA Ma p Service Cente r we bsite at http://msc.fema .gov. An acco mpanyin g Floo d Insurance Stu dy rep ort , Letter of MapRevision (LOMR) or Lett er o f Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portion s of this pan el, and digital versions of th isFIRM may be a vailab le. Visit the North Ca ro lin a Floo dpla in Mapping Pro gra m w ebsit e at ht tp://www.ncf lood maps.co m,or cont act t he FEMA Map Service Ce nter. Commun ities annexin g lan d on a djacent FIR M pane ls must obta in a current copy of t he adjacent pa nel a s we ll asthe curren t FIRM Ind ex. These may b e ordered d irec tly from the Map Service Center at t he number liste d abo ve. For communit y an d co untywide map d ates re fer to the Flood Insu ran ce Study report fo r th is jurisdiction. To d etermin e if floo d insurance is a vailab le in the community, co ntact yo ur Insu ra nce agent o r call th e NationalFlood I nsuran ce Program at 1-8 00-638-662 0. Flood I nsuran ce Study (FI S) mean s an ex amin atio n, evalu atio n, and determination of f lood hazards, corresp ondingwater su rfa ce e levations , floo d hazard risk zone s, a nd oth er f lood data in a community issued by the North Ca ro lin aFloodplain Map ping Program (NCFMP). Th e Floo d Insurance Stud y (FIS) is comprised of the following produ ctsused togeth er: the Digital Flood Ha zard Dat abase, the Water Su rfa ce Ele vation Ra sters, the d igitally derived,autoge nerated Flood In surance Ra te Map and th e Floo d Insuranc e Survey Report. A Flood In surance Survey is acompilation and pre sen tatio n of flood risk data for sp ecific w atercourse s, lakes, and coastal flood hazard areas with ina co mmunity. This report contains detailed floo d eleva tion data, d ata tab les and FI RM in dices. Wh en a flood stud y iscompleted for the NFI P, the digital informa tion , re ports a nd ma ps a re assemb led into an FIS. Information shown onthis FIRM is p rovid ed in digita l forma t by the NCFMP. Base map inf ormatio n sh own on this FIRM wa s p rovid ed indigital format b y th e NCFMP. The source of this informa tion can be de termine d from th e meta data a vailab le in thedigital FL OOD dat abase and in t he Te chnic al Support Da ta N oteb ook (TSDN). ACC RED ITED LEVEE NO TES TO USERS: If a n accredited lev ee note appe ars on this pan el check w ith your loca lcommunity to obtain mo re info rmatio n, su ch as th e estimated lev el of protection provided (which may ex ceed the1-p ercent -an nual-chance level) and Eme rge ncy Act ion Pla n, on t he le vee syst em(s) show n a s providing p ro tection.To mitigate f lood risk in residual risk area s, p rop ert y own ers an d residents are e ncou ra ged to con sider floo dinsurance and flood proofing or othe r p ro tective measures. For more information on floo d in surance, interestedparties should vis it the FEMA We bsite at http://ww w.fema.gov/busin ess/nfip/in dex.sht m. PRO VISIONALLY AC CREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If a Pro visionally Accre dite d Levee (PAL) noteappears on th is panel, check with your lo cal co mmun ity to ob tain more information, such as the e stimated level ofprotection p ro vided (w hich may exceed the 1-percent-annu al-chance level) and Emergen cy Action Plan, on thelevee system(s) show n as providin g protectio n. To maintain accreditation, the levee o wner or co mmun ity isrequired t o su bmit the da ta and document ation necessary to c omply with Section 6 5.10 o f the NFIP reg ula tions.If the communit y or own er does not p ro vide the nec essary d ata an d documen tatio n or if the da ta and doc umenta tionprovided indicate s th e le vee syste m doe s no t comply with Se ction 65 .10 requirement s, FEMA will revise the floo dhazard and risk info rmatio n for this a rea to reflect d e-accredit atio n of the levee sy stem. To mitigate floo d ris k inresidual risk areas, property owne rs and residents are encourage d to conside r f lood insurance and floo dproofingor o ther protective measures. For more info rmatio n on flood insurance, in tereste d parties shou ld visit the FEMAWebsite at http ://www.f ema.go v/bu siness/n fip/index.shtm. LIMIT OF MODERATE WAVE ACTION NO TES TO USERS: For s ome coastal floo ding zon es t he AE Zon ecategory ha s b een divided by a Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA). The LiMWA rep resents the approxima telandward limit of the 1.5-foot b re aking wave. The effect s of wave hazards b etween the VE Zone and th e LiMWA(or be tween th e s horeline an d the L iMWA fo r a re as wh ere VE Zones are not iden tified) will be simila r t o, but lesssevere than those in the VE Zon e. COAS TAL BARR IE R RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBR S) NOTE This map may includ e approximate bo undaries o f the CBRS fo r informa tiona l pu rp oses on ly. Floo d in surance is n otavailable within CBRS areas for stru ctu res tha t are newly b uilt or s ubst antially improved on or after the date(s)indica ted on the ma p. For more informat ion see http://www.fws.gov/cb ra, the FIS Report, or call the U.S. Fishand Wildlife Service Cu stomer Service Cente r a t 1-800-344 -WILD. CBRS Area Other wise Protected Area VERSION NU MBER2.3.3.2 MAP NUMBER 3710977800K MAP RE VISEDNovember 17, 2017