HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080737 All Versions_Complete File_20001115STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTNIENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DA41R!IIiCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 15, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: David L. Timpy, USACE Ted Bisterfeld, EPA Tom McCartney, USFWS Jake Riggsbee, FHWA April Montgomery, NCDCR-SHPO David Cox, NCWRC John Hennessy, NCDENR-DWQ Roger Thomas, PE, NCDOT - Roadway Design Terry R. Gibson, PE, NCDOT Division 6 Rick Heicksen, Fayetteville MPO Roy Bruce, PE, H.W. Lochner, Inc. (Project Consultant) FROM: Michael Penney O NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis SUBJECT: Fayetteville Outer Loop, TIP Number: U-2519, Project Number 8.2441301 Attached for your files are the following: ¦ Signed copies of Concurrence Points 1, 2 and 3 (one each); ¦ An 11" x 17" Preferred Alternate map, and; ¦ October 5, 2000, Merger Team Meeting Minutes If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (919) 733-7844 extension 260. Attachments (5) cc: File MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE. NC.US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Pont No. 1- Purpose and Need Project No./TIP No./Name/Description: NCDOT Project No.: 8.2441301, T.I.P. No.: U-2519, FAYETTEVILLE OUTER LOOP, I-95 South of Fayetteville to NC 24-87 Purpose and Need of the Proposed Project: The purpose of the project is to provide an additional transportation corridor on the south, west, and north sides of Fayetteville. The Fayetteville Outer Loop along with the X-2 project and I-95 would form a circumferential transportation facility around the Fayetteville area. See the attached purpose and need document. The Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team concurred on the 13th day of July 2000 with the purpose and need for the Fayetteville Outer Loop as stated above and more fully described in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project and Project Team Meeting minutes. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission N.C. Department of Cultural Resources N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Federal Highway Administration N.C. Department of Transportation CONCURRENCE POINT NO. 1 FAYETTEVILLE OUTER LOOP I-95 South of Fayetteville to NC 24-87, Cumberland, Hoke and Robeson Counties State Project Number: 8.2441301 T.I.P. Number: U-2519 Project Description: The Fayetteville Outer Loop project is located in the Fayetteville metropolitan area through portions of Cumberland, Hoke, and Robeson Counties, North Carolina. The project is included in the Fayetteville Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan that was adopted in late 1991 and early 1992. The Fayetteville Outer Loop is also an essential part of the Cumberland County adopted Land Use Plan. The study area for this project begins along I-95 in southern Cumberland and northern Robeson Counties, continues west through Cumberland and Robeson Counties, turns north through Cumberland and Hoke Counties, turns east along the southern boundary of the Fort Bragg Military Reservation, and ends just west of Ramsey Street (US 401) north of Fayetteville. The proposed transportation facility is approximately 27 miles (43 kilometers) in length. Purpose and Need of the Fayetteville Outer Loop: The purpose of the project is to provide an additional transportation corridor on the south, west, and north sides of Fayetteville. The Fayetteville Outer Loop along with the X-2 project and I-95 would form a circumferential transportation facility around the Fayetteville area. The southern portion of the loop from I-95 to South Raeford Road (US 401) is a Congressionally approved National Highway System (NHS)- Other Principal Arterial route. The northern portion of the loop, from South Raeford Road (US 401) to I-95 is a Congressionally approved NHS-Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRANET) route. The need for a circumferential facility officially known as the Fayetteville Outer Loop is based on a combination of factors including transportation demands, social demands, and economic considerations. The proposed facility would reduce the volume of traffic on portions of the local street network and connect the major radial routes in the south, west, and north portions of Fayetteville. The proposed facility would also provide direct access to I-95 south of Fayetteville. The Fort Bragg Military Reservation is located in the north and northwest portions of the project area. Fort Bragg is one of the largest employment centers or "cities" in North Carolina. i . k Approximately 40,000 soldiers are stationed at the base. Fort Bragg officials have indicated a need to link the military reservation with I-95 south and north of Fayetteville. The proposed facility would provide an additional transportation route for approximately 25,000 soldiers and civilian workers who commute to and from Fort Bragg daily and would provide the military with direct access to 1-95 south of Fayetteville in the event of an emergency military deployment. The proposed outer loop would also provide improved access to the $250 million medical center, located on the military reservation. When connected with the X-2 project, the Fayetteville Outer Loop would also provide direct military and civilian access to I-95 north of Fayetteville and another much needed crossing of the Cape Fear River. Concurrence Process: The Section 404/NEPA Merger Agreement was signed in May 1997. At that time, progress on this project was well underway since the project began in November 1992. Coordination with the Corps of Engineers and other environmental agencies was an on-going part of the study. As part of this coordination, pre-publication copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement were made available for review. The purpose and need for the project was refined and expanded through this process. On January 19, 1999, the Corps of Engineers concurred with the purpose and need for the project. The Draft Environmental Impacts Statement was signed and published in March 1999. A Corridor Public Hearing was held on the project on July 13, 1999. There was no public opposition to the purpose and need for this transportation facility. Further coordination with the Section 404/NEPA Project Merger Team was undertaken following the Public Hearing. This coordination was through a series of Project Team Meetings at which representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Fort Bragg Military Reservation presented supportive information for the purpose and need for the transportation facility. Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Pont No. 2 Alternatives to be Studied in Detail in the NEPA Document Project No./TIP No./Name/Description: NCDOT Project No.: 8.244130 1, T.I.P. No.: U-2519, FAYETTEVILLE OUTER LOOP, I-95 South of Fayetteville to NC 24-87 Alternatives to be studied in detail in the NEPA document: In addition to the No-Build Alternative, the Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team has concluded that the following thirteen Build Alternates are the alternates to be studied in detail in the NEPA document (Draft Environmental Impact Statement), see the attached narrative and figure: ¦ Alternate B ¦ Alternate C ¦ Alternate D ¦ Alternate E ¦ Alternate F ¦ Alternate G ¦ Alternate H ¦ Alternate I ¦ Alternate J ¦ Alternate K ¦ Alternate L ¦ Alternate M ¦ Alternate N The Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team concurred on the 315 day of July 2000 with the additional analysis report on the Improve Existing Facilities Alternative and the "alternatives to be studied in detail" in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Fayetteville Outer Loop as named above and described in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission N.C. Department of Cultural Resources N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources - DWQ Federal Highway Administration N.C. Department of Transportation 4 CONCURRENCE POINT NO.2 FAYETTEVILLE OUTER LOOP I-95 South of Fayetteville to NC 24-87, Cumberland, Hoke and Robeson Counties State Project Number: 8.2441301 T.I.P. Number: U-2519 Project Description: The Fayetteville Outer Loop project is located in the Fayetteville metropolitan area through portions of Cumberland, Hoke, and Robeson Counties, North Carolina. The project is included in the Fayetteville Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan that was adopted in late 1991 and early 1992. The Fayetteville Outer Loop is also an essential part of the Cumberland County adopted Land Use Plan. The study area for this project begins along I-95 in southern Cumberland and northern Robeson Counties, continues west through Cumberland and Robeson Counties, turns north through Cumberland and Hoke Counties, turns east along the southern boundary of the Fort Bragg Military Reservation, and ends just west of Ramsey Street (US 401) north of Fayetteville. The proposed transportation facility is approximately 27 miles (43 kilometers) in length. Alternatives to be studied in detail in the NEPA document: In addition to the No-Build Alternative, the Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team has concluded that the following thirteen Build Alternates are the alternates to be studied in detail in the NEPA document (Draft Environmental Impact Statement): • Alternate B • Alternate C • Alternate D • Alternate E • Alternate F • Alternate G • Alternate H • Alternate I • Alternate J • Alternate K • Alternate L • Alternate M • Alternate N Other transportation alternatives that were considered but were eliminated included the Mass Transit Alternative, the Transportation Systems Management Alternative, and the Improve Existing Facilities Alternative. The Mass Transit Alternative would not reduce travel demand on area roadways sufficiently to eliminate the need for the Fayetteville Outer Loop and this alternative would not improve access to and from Fort Bragg. Therefore, the Mass Transit Alternative was determined not to be a practical alternative for the project. The implementation of Transportation Systems Management measures would not adequately address the needs of the project. Therefore, this alternative was eliminated from further consideration. Improvement of the existing transportation facilities in the area was examined. This alternative was determined not to be a practicable alternative for the project and was eliminated. Within the Build Alternative, there were construction alignments that were examined and eliminated. These included Alternate A and a section of alignment that avoided the National Register Eligible Shaw-Gillis Historic District to the east. Alternate A was dismissed because of the high residential and business relocations, high natural systems impacts, and high construction ti • '1% costs. The east avoidance corridor at the Shaw-Gillis Historic District was eliminated because of severe impacts to residences, neighborhoods, wetlands, and floodplains. Therefore, the thirteen build alternatives listed above include the construction of a multi-lane freeway on new location. These alternates for detail study have a common corridor location north of Cliffdale Road (SR 1400) and separate into thirteen possible corridor segment combinations south of Cliffdale Road (SR 1400). The one corridor north of Cliffdale Road (SR 1400) was determined to be the only reasonable and feasible location for the project following the evaluation of two locations located south of the Fort Bragg Military Reservation. These two alternative locations included a freeway option on new location and an arterial highway utilizing mostly existing roads in the area. These alternatives avoided the military base and sensitive habitat for the federally endangered Red- cockaded Woodpecker. These two alternatives were determined not to be practicable alternatives because of their extensive community impacts. Concurrence Process: The Section 404/NEPA Merger Agreement was signed in May 1997. At that time, progress on this project was well underway since the project began in November 1992. Coordination with the Corps of Engineers and other environmental agencies was an on-going part of the study. As part of this coordination, pre-publication copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement were made available for review. The Alternatives Section of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement was refined and expanded through this process. On January 19, 1999, the Corps of Engineers concurred with the alternatives for the project provided that the Improve Existing Facilities Alternative was more fully evaluated. The Draft Environmental Impacts Statement was signed and published in March 1999. A Corridor Public Hearing was held on the project on July 13, 1999. There was no public opposition to the concept of a multi- lane freeway on new location for this transportation facility. Further coordination with the Section 404/NEPA Project Merger Team was undertaken following the Public Hearing relative to the Improve Existing Facilities Alternative. This coordination was through a series of Project Team Meetings at which representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation presented supportive information for the detailed study alternatives in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and additional information relative to the Improve Existing Facilities Alternative. The North Carolina Department of Transportation compiled their analysis concerning the Improve Existing Facilities Alternative into a report that was submitted to the Project Team in March 2000. Following publication of this analysis report, the Corps of Engineers advertised the Public Notice for the project on April 6, 2000. Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 3 Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative FAYETTEVILLE OUTER LOOP T.I.P. No.: U-2519 NCDOT Project No.: 8.2441301 Project Description: The Fayetteville Outer Loop consists of constructing a new multi-lane freeway around the southern and western portions of the Fayetteville metropolitan area in Cumberland, Hoke, and Robeson Counties, North Carolina. The project begins in northern Robeson County at an interchange with I-95, continues west through Robeson and Cumberland Counties, turns north through Cumberland and Hoke Counties, turns east along the southern boundary of the Fort Bragg Military Reservation, and ends just west of Ramsey Street (US 401) north of Fayetteville. The proposed facility is approximately 27 miles (43 kilometers) in length and would be a four-lane divided freeway with full access control. Grade separations or interchanges would be constructed at selected public crossroads. Design elements include a minimum right of way width of 350 feet (110 meters), a depressed median width of either 70 feet (21 meters) or 46 feet (14 meters), and a collector/distributor roadway system between the All American Freeway (SR 1007) and Bragg Boulevard (NC 24). Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative: Following review of the detailed studies for the No-Build Alternative and the thirteen reasonable and feasible build alternates presented in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project, the Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team has concluded that Alternate D is the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative. Alternate D includes the construction of a four-lane divided freeway on new location along the route described below. Alternate D: • Starts at I-95 in Robeson County just south of the Cumberland/Robeson County line and Green Springs Road (SR 1718). • Runs northwest to an interchange with Leeper Road (SR 1717) then crosses the Cumberland/Robeson County line and the CSX Railroad continuing to an interchange at Lake Upchurch Road (SR 1116). • Extends north until 0.25 miles (0.40 kilometers) east of Upchurches Pond. • Heads northwest to an interchange with Camden Road (SR 1003) and turns north crossing King Road (SR 1112) and Stoney Point Road (SR 1100). Ow _ * • Turns northeast to just south of the Strickland Bridge Road (SR 1140) interchange. • Extends north to interchange with South Raeford Road (US 401) and continues north between Lake Rim and Reilly Road (SR 1403) to interchanges at Cliffdale Road (SR 1400) and at Morganton Road (SR 1404). • Travels along the southern boundary of the Fort Bragg Military Reservation to an interchange at Canopy Lane, then crosses Reilly Road (SR 1403) and Yadkin Road (SR 1415) prior to the All- American Freeway (SR 1007) interchange. • Continues to the east through interchanges at Bragg Boulevard (NC 24) and Murchison Road (NC 87/210) then passes south of Smith Lake to an interchange at McArthur Road (SR 1600). • Turns northeast and parallels Andrews Road (SR 1611) to an interchange at Ramsey Street (US 401). The other twelve alternates, including Alternates E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, and N, were eliminated due to their substantial impacts to the human and/or natural environment. In order to systematically review the impacts associated with each alternate, the alternates where compared by grouping the alternates which had the same corridor locations and comparing them to the other corridor locations with common termini. A summary of the evaluation process and the reasons for the elimination of the No-Build Alternative and the twelve build alternates is listed below. Elimination of the No-Build Alternative: The No-Build Alternative does not meet the purpose and need for the project. This alternative was retained for evaluation in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for comparative evaluation purposes. While this alternative would have less disruption to the human and natural environment, a decision for no-action on the project would result in increased congestion on the existing transportation system and inefficient servicing of travel demand in the Fayetteville urban area. Throughout this study there has little to no public opposition to the proposed improvement. Public sentiment has been directed to a particular alternate for the improvement instead of in support of the No-Build Alternative. Therefore, the No-Build Alternative was eliminated from consideration. Elimination of Alternates B, F, G, H, and K: Alternates B, F, G, H, and K directly impact the US Fish & Wildlife Service wildlife refuge and conservation easement area on the former Furmage Farm. The other eight build alternates avoid impacting this wildlife refuge. Comparing the impacts of the alternates and given consideration for Section 4(f) of the US Transportation Act, the Merger Project Team concluded that there are prudent and feasible alternates to avoid the direct. impacts of Alternates B, F, G, H, and K on the conservation easement area. Therefore these five alternates where eliminated from further consideration. The remaining eight build alternates included Alternates C, D, E, I, J, L, M, and N. Elimination of Alternates L, M, and N: The Shaw-Gillis Historic District is directly impacted by Alternates C, D, E, I, and J. The remaining Alternates L, M, and N avoid this historic resource. In comparing the impacts of these alternates, it was noted that the remaining Section 4(f) impact avoidance Alternates L, M, and N have impacts to both the natural and human environment that are almost always greater than the comparable alternates that impact the historic resource. While these added impacts are not of an extraordinary magnitude, the cumulative effect of these impacts yields these avoidance alternates as imprudent. In addition, following a field visit to the impacted wetland and stream sites, the Project Team concluded that the upstream crossing locations of Alternates L, M, and N would have more substantial impacts to wetlands and streams than comparable wetland and stream crossings associated with Alternates C, D, E, I, and J which impact Shaw-Gillis Historic District. Therefore Alternates L, M, and N were eliminated from further consideration. The remaining five build alternates included Alternates C, D, E, I, and J. Elimination of Alternates C, I, and J: During a field review, the Project Team determined that crossing Rockfish Creek and associated wetlands to the east below the dam for Upchurches Pond was a substantially better location than crossing to the west upstream of Upchurches Pond. Based on this factor and other impact factors that were higher for these alternates, the decision was made to eliminate Alternates C and J from further consideration. Alternate I was also eliminated during this field review since it included two crossings of Stewarts Creek and associated wetlands just north of Rockfish Creek. Alternate I also had other impact factors that were higher than the remaining build alternates. Alternates D and E were retained for additional consideration since they do not cross Stewarts Creek. Alternate D is located parallel to Stewarts Creek and parallel to Rockfish Creek as it passes through Upchurches Pond. Alternate E is removed from Stewarts Creek and Upchurches Pond but does impact a tributary to Little Rockfish Creek that Alternate D avoids. Elimination of Alternate E: Alternate E was eliminated from further consideration since it has more impacts to the natural environment than Alternate D. Alternate E will impact 12.8 acres more wetlands and 1,320 feet more streams. Alternate E also cost $944,000 more in wetland and stream mitigation than Alternate D and will have 36 more noise impacts. Therefore Alternate E was eliminated from further consideration and Alternate D remains as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative for the project. Concurrence Process: The Section 404/NEPA Merger Agreement was signed in May 1997. At that time, progress on this project was well underway since the project began in November 1992. Coordination with the Corps of Engineers and other environmental agencies was an on-going part of the W, _V* study. The Draft Environmental Impacts Statement was signed and published in March 1999. A Corridor Public Hearing was held on the project on July 13, 1999. There was no public opposition to the concept of a multi-lane freeway on new location for this transportation facility and there was no clear public preference for a particular build alternate. Further coordination with the Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team was undertaken following the Public Hearing relative to the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative. This coordination was through a series of Project Team Meetings at which representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation presented comparative evaluations of the detailed study alternatives. A field review meeting was held with the Merger Project Team on September 13, 2000 to review the wetland and stream crossing locations for the build alternates. During this meeting concurrence was reached to eliminate all of the build alternates with the exception of Alternates D and E. A subsequent Project Team meeting was held on October 5, 2000. At this meeting the differences between Alternate D and E were examined in closer detail. The maps and comparative impact tables that were used at these two Team Meetings are included in the project files with the minutes of these meetings. The Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team concurred on the 51h day of October 2000 that "Alternate D" is the Least Environmentally Damaging and Practicable Alternative for the Fayetteville Outer Loop. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission N.C. Department of Cultural Resources N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Federal Highway Administration N.C. Department of Transportation RO BOUNDARY S S {'.` S e Ll+tie- Ri ? 87 0 F 0 R T BRA G G t K NC ?, ?.?•?/ ` ;Q? M I L [ T A R Y ` Carvers Cree 1710 5Li POPE AFB o4RO ?? R E S E R V A T 10 N RD K 5 LOCO o C 4S T ? - McGL0 1610 D 44 t RR 'YOU / CORNS ON R e Lo Holmes Pond D 1712 yJF ` m? nld rs MK P ' ANDREWS 161 RO Q. o Mc oyde and 1611 o 1613 T O L 1600 Om exas - Pond\ Wooded C ?o HONEYCUTT RD Lake 1 1714 24 SIMMONS r.RuBER RO ?' 11RFV L SLake y9, m sTgr?.. .??? (I FORT RAG G M IL I A R Y RE E R V IO N i 0 P 6a'e ??`,?p s ' t met . ? a C? N a?? • I SR c pf,Sl O N 140 ?F I / ??,?fEOp`? / 400 > • 1 0 ` 1593 14 Lake Rim .,.<f00.D J 1415 0• ly? 1 S'qY 1420 ROCKFISH L 1615 1007 c Doonee 1614 R Sap?P m DS?y Q) 24 a o Lake Rose 401 pT10H 1437 0. Lake Evans, 4 v SHAW 0 si"q COU NTRY Lake y Kornbo o9'Pp 401, CLUB DR. 17 14 1724 pQ,O ? y Lake BYP ? p6 ?? pNtp S Mintz 9>i 87 4= 1723 Off' 9 Pond > ,? 0 v f 1415 A PAMACEE 10 OR' l?r y(? J y° _ ? x ? j? ?a Cy ? S BTP 401 a ? O ?Q ' ? 24 o 02 SS, ?o o Y 2 1 ?° ?' 9? ? e s4, m ? OR4C0 Glenville Beaver Creek BLVD. Lake 1728 a FA i CS. 0 m v_ o: m ° 301 j U Q z " 2210 m N 1003 ` / N y q,`??M R0. 1116 W cc 'vA?? 1439 w >? CR4SON ,?? ? 171 9 1710 ? ? c,Q a° RO 2e/ 1438 17 ?mo? Py-QO 1 15 4 ? GRO HO CD ?t / vE 1713 ? Qe' O y} V ,y Q OP`'S 1712 20 oC ?? O Gc4N4'O S?P00pP PARKTON 71 (\ <PQO. ?// 1723 v 1730RDHS H RO r 20 v 4` SOp'P 1727 1729 20 FAYETTEVILLE `y} e 02 Vw REGIONAL AIRPORT L ,9 2219 N HOPE MILLS o Cree r A/ STARLIN 9rS, 301 RD. 90 9qL 9 95 22 eo F494C4' ? n 9 qo c 4 F 0 1000m 2000m 0 4000' 8000' PREFERRED ALTERNATE • PROPOSED INTERCHANGE O PROPOSED GRADE SEPARATION Fayetteville OffterLaop Or-r don tudy STATE PROJECT NO.8.2441301 T.I.P. NO. U-2519 F, -I Preferred Alternate DOCUMENTATION FORM FAYETTEVILLE OUTER LOOP CORRIDOR STUDY TIP ID NO.: U-2519 NCDOT Project NO.: 8.2441301 A NEPA/Section 404 Meeting was held on October 5, 2000 in the NCDOT Board of Transportation Room at the Transportation Building. The purpose of the meeting was to select either Alternate D or Alternate E as the "least environmentally damaging practicable alternative" (LEDPA) and receive concurrence on Point 3 of the Section 404/NEPA Merger Agreement. The following persons attended the meeting: Gail Grimes, NCDOT Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch Tom Kendig, NCDOT Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch Mike Penney, NCDOT Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch Dewayne Sykes, NCDOT Roadway Design Bill Bunting, NCDOT Roadway Design Cathy Houser, NCDOT Design Services Mike Lindgren, NCDOT Design Services Darrell Hensdale, NCDOT - Statewide Planning Branch Dave Timpy, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers David Cox, Wildlife Resources Commission John Hennessy, NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Ted Bisterfield (By Phone), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency April Montgomery, State Historic Preservation Office Roy Bruce, H. W. Lochner, Inc. Karl Kratzer, H. W. Lochner, Inc. Michelle Fishburne, H. W. Lochner, Inc. Michael Penney initiated the meeting by requesting introductions around the room. Ted Bisterfield attended the meeting by phone. It was noted that Tom McCartney and a FHWA representative were not in attendance at this meeting. Roy Bruce started the discussions for the comparison of Alternates D and E by handing out information that showed the impacts for each alternate. The handout for the meeting is attached. The three tables in the handout, showing the cumulative impacts, the wetland impacts and the wetland quality impacts, were reviewed and then the floor was open for discussions and comments. Review of the tables indicated that Alternate D had more impacts to wetlands and Alternate E had more impacts to the human environment. The following information was discussed: 1. Ted Bisterfield acknowledged that both alternates avoided Stewarts Creek but questioned the impacts to the wetland Z55 at Stewarts Creek along Corridor D. Roy Bruce explained that there were a total of 8.9 acres in the corridor and that the conceptual right of way included 0.3 acres. Mr. Bruce noted that there is the possibility of further minimization and possible avoidance during final design. 1 2. Mr. Bisterfield noted his concern with the impacts to Wetland Area Z10 from Alternate E and asked if it was possible to avoid this wetland. Mr. Bruce clarified that the actual design within the corridor had some latitude for adjustment. However, there is development located along both sides of this wetland that would mean a choice between additional relocations or wetland impacts. Mr. Bisterfield added that this appears to be the largest wetland impact along Alternate E and sees a problem with this alternate. 3. Wetland Z10 was preliminarily classified for comparison purposes at this meeting as a Medium Quality Wetland. John Hennessy stated that the write-up about the wetland was comparable to the wetlands along Stewarts Creek. Karl Kratzer stated that the area around the wetland was highly developed with little remaining buffer, thereby reducing its quality. 4. Michael Penney clarified that these determinations were preliminary and were intended to be used as a tool for this meeting. The final determinations would be made later. 5. Mr. Bisterfield asked about the impacts to Wetland Z8. Mr. Bruce explained that the corridor had been shifted to avoid and minimize impacts to this system. Mr. Bruce added that to shift and completely avoid this area could be reviewed but cause more relocations. 6. Dave Timpy suggested bridging for Wetland Z56. 7. Mr. Timpy opened discussions concerning the public comments received on the Public Notice. Specifically, Mr. Timpy wanted to discuss a letter from Ms. Sandra Larrimore. Mr. Bruce stated that Ms. Larrimore would be impacted by Alternate E but not Alternate D. Mr. Bruce explained the difference in the "Roadway Official Corridor Map" and the "Study Corridor" for the NEPA study and how Ms. Larrimore may have confused the two boundaries when see located the new development in the area. Mr. Bruce provided a written response for each written comment to the Corps of Engineers. 8. Mr. Timpy added that in all the telephone calls and comments on the Public Notice he had not heard from anyone on Corridor D. Tom Kendig and Mr. Bruce stated that all the corridors had been shown at the Corridor Public Hearing. Mr. Bruce added that at the hearing there was no clear favor for one alternate over another. 9. John Hennessy requested to know how many relocations would be associated with avoiding the Wetland Z10. He has great concern with filling the entire length of this wetland as shown with Alternate E. Mr. Bruce and Mr. Kendig stated that there is some room within the corridor to make adjustments to the alignments to minimize both the relocations and the wetlands. There is new development at this location that would be impacted by shifting out of the wetlands but the actual number is not available. 10. David Cox stated that based on the information available he preferred Alternate D to Alternate E because there appeared to be more opportunity to minimize impacts to wetland areas along Alternate D and because of the magnitude of the impact to Wetland Z10 from Alternate E. 2 11. Mr. Kendig added that Alternate D may impact less acres of wetland but does impact 22 more relocations and cost almost ten million dollars more than Alternate E. The extra cost is mainly associated with the extra 1.2 miles for Alternate D. 12. Mr. Kendig requested that each agency state their preference for either Alternate D or Alternate E, the preferences are as follows: • Ted Bisterfield stated that he preferred Alternate D since it would not impact the Wetland Z10 and appeared to have the best opportunity for avoidance and mitigation. • John Hennessy stated that he did not know what type of development had taken place along Alternate D, but preferred Alternate D since it did appear to have opportunities to avoid some impacts to the wetlands. • April Montgomery stated that the SHPO had no preference between Alternate D or E based on cultural resources. However, she did support the other agencies for Alternate D based the discussions at this meeting. • David Cox restated his support for Alternate D. • Dave Timpy preferred Alternate D. Mr. Timpy stated that he had numerous calls and comments concerning the impacts to the Stoney Creek Area opposed to Alternate E. Mr. Timpy also stated that he had spoken to Tom McCartney and had his permission to approve Alternate D for him. • Tom Kendig added that NCDOT and FHWA had selected Alternate E at the Post Hearing Meeting; however, NCDOT and FHWA would agree to either of the two alternates. Also, the Cumberland County - Metropolitan Planning Organization previously stated that they preferred Alternate E but would also agree with Alternate D if it were selected. 13. With the majority of preferences for Alternate D, Alternate D was selected as the LEDPA. Mike Penney distributed the NEPA/404 Merger Agreement Forms for Concurrence Point 3 to all the agencies present for signatures. 14. The forms for Concurrence Points 1 and 2 were also passed around for signatures. Concurrence for the Purpose and Need, Point 1, and for the Alternatives, Point 2, was previously received verbally on July 13, 2000 and July 31, 2000, respectfully. 15. Mr. Penney stated that after he received signatures from Ted Bisterfield, Tom McCartney, and Roy Shelton for all three concurrence points that he would send a package to each agency for their records. 16. Mr. Kendig added that the selection of Alternate D as the LEDPA does not complete the corridor selection process. The NCDOT Corridor Selection Committee selects a corridor for recommendation based on the LEDPA concurrence, the Post Hearing Meeting, the Corridor Public Hearing, and comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The Corridor Selection Committee recommendation is sent for concurrence to the State Highway Administrator, 3 the Deputy Secretary for Planning and Environment, the Deputy Secretary for Transportation, and the Secretary of Transportation. If all parties agree on Alternate D for implementation then the selection is final with the concurrence of the Secretary of Transportation. 4 ?• s COMPARISON OF FINAL ALTERNATES D and E Fayetteville Outer Loop Corridor Study TIP No.: U-2519 NCDOT Project No.: 8.2441301 The impacts for the final Alternates D and E for the project are summarized in Table 1 on the following page. This table list the total impacts associated with each alternate. A direct comparison of Alternate D to Alternate E is also listed in the table. This column in the table represents the differences in impacts. When these numbers are positive, Alternate D has greater impacts than Alternate E. When these numbers are negative, Alternate E has more impacts than Alternate D. Based on the comparison, Alternate D has greater impacts in ten of the 24 impact categories and Alternate E has greater impacts in six of the 24 impact categories. In reviewing the impacts associated with Alternate E, these impacts are less than or nearly equal to Alternate D in all impact categories except wetlands, streams, noise impacts without sound barriers, and wetland/stream mitigation costs. Alternate D is longer than Alternate E and has greater impacts on relocations, right of way acquisition, right of way costs, construction costs, and total project costs. The area located from just south of the crossing of Rockfish Creek east of Upchurches Pond to just north of Stoney Point Road (SR 1100) is the location where the differences in impacts occur for these two alternates. An aerial photograph showing this "comparative area" for Alternates D and E is attached. Table 2 lists the impacted areas for each wetland system located along Alternates D and E where the two corridors have different locations. Table 2 list each wetland site and the wetland area impacted within the corridors and the conceptual rights of way. Alternate D impacts 3.9 more acres of wetlands in the corridor and 12.8 fewer acres of wetlands in the conceptual right of way compared with Alternate E. 1 Table 1- Impact Summary and Comparison of Final Alternates CATEGORY UNITS ALTERNATE D E Comparing D to E Corridor Length miles 27.8 26.6 1.2 total 255 234 21 Residential Relocations minority 49 43 6 B R l total 5 5 0 usiness e ocations minority 1 1 0 Non-Profit Relocations total 4 3 1 Right of Way parcels 612 532 80 Right of Way acres 1,665 1,606 59 Potential Hazardous Mat. Sites each 19 20 -1 Wetlands acres 146.7 159.5 -12.8 Stream Impacts linear feet 26,455 27,775 -1,320 Farmland acres 219.8 219.8 0.0 Noise (Without Sound Barriers) impacted properties 354 390 -36 Sound Barriers feasible barriers 6 6 0 Noise (With Sound Barriers) impacted properties 112 107 5 Air Quality 1-Hour carbon monoxide (Ppm) 2.8 2.8 0 Air Quality 8-Hour carbon monoxide (ppm) 1.7 1.7 0 Utilities number of crossings 32 33 -1 Historic Sites (Section 4f) number 1 1 0 Wildlife Refuges (Section 4f) number 0 0 0 Wetland/ Stream Mitigation Cost dollars 13,656,000 14,600,000 -944,000 Right of Way Cost dollars 54,300,000 53,075,000 1,225,000 Construction Cost dollars 293,082,000 283,670,000 9,412,000 Total Cost dollars 361,038,000 351,345,000 9,693,000 h Table 2 - Wetlands Impacted by Alternates D and E Wetland Site . No. Wetland Quality Area within Corridor Alternate D Alternate E Area within Conceptual Right of wa Alternate D Alternate E acres acres acres acres Z8 Medium 20.1 8.0 2.8 0.4 Z10 Medium 0.0 52.8 0.0 26.6 Z11 Low 0.0 12.4 0.0 5.9 Z12 Low 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Z13 Low 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Z14 High 21.0 22.2 7.8 7.5 Z53 Medium 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Z55 High 8.9 0.0 0.3 0.0 Z56 High 16.5 0.0 4.8 0.0 Z57 Medium 5.3 0.0 0.7 0.0 Z58 Low 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 Z59 Medium 15.5 0.0 6.9 0.0 Z60 Low 4.7 0.0 1.4 0.0 Z70 Low 7.3 0.0 3.0 0.0 Total Wetlands Impacted 1 1 99.5 95.6 27.7 40.4 Alternate D impacts nine wetland sites and Alternate E impacts four sites. For Alternate D, three of the nine sites are considered high quality wetlands. For Alternate E, one of the four sites impacted is considered a high quality wetland. Table 3 lists the acres of wetland impacts by quality of wetlands within the corridors and the conceptual rights of way. Alternate D will impact more high quality wetlands than Alternate E. Alternate E will impact more medium quality wetlands than Alternate D. Impacts to the low quality wetlands are comparable for the two alternates. When compared with Alternate E, Alternate D has 24.2 more acres of high quality wetlands within the corridor and 5.3 more acres of high quality wetlands within the conceptual right of way. 3 Table 3 - Quality of Wetlands Impacted by Alternates D and E Area within Conceptual Right Area within Corridor of Wa Quality of Wetlands Alternate D Alternate E Alternate D Alternate E acres acres acres acres High Quality 46.4 22.2 12.8 7.5 Medium Quality 41.1 60.8 10.4 27.0 Low Quality 12.0 12.6 4.5 5.9 Total Wetlands Impacted 99.5 95.6 27.7 40.4 The location of the wetland systems listed in table are shown on the attached aerial photograph and are described as follows: Wetland System Z8 is located approximately 700 feet (210 meters) south of Strickland Bridge Road (SR 1140). It is classified as a palustrine, forested, needle- leaved evergreen and broad-leaved deciduous wetland with inclusions of scrub/shrub and emergent wetland vegetation (PFO4/1B, PSS1B, PEM1F). This system is classified as a Streamhead Pocosin. Hydrology for this wetland is supplied by an unnamed tributary to Little Rockfish Creek. Indicators of wetland hydrology include saturated soils, oxidized rhizospheres, and drainage patterns within the wetland. Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Red Maple (Acer rubrum), Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and Water Oak (Quercus nigra) dominates the canopy layer of this wetland system. The scrub/shrub layer is dominated by Swamp Magnolia (Magnolia virginiana), Speckled Alder (Alnus serrulata), and Swamp Cyrilla (Cyrilla racemiflora). The herbaceous layer is dominated by Netted Chain Fern (Woodzvardia areolata) and Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea). This wetland system is located in the corridors and conceptual rights of way of both Alternates D and E. Wetland system Z8 is considered a medium quality wetland. The area has been diminished by agricultural drainage improvements but has a lot of buffer area around it. This area would make a good mitigation site for wetland enhancement. • Wetland System Z10 is located approximately 700 feet (210 meters) north of Stoney Point Road (SR 1100). This wetland is classified as a palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous wetland with seasonally flooded, temporarily flooded, and saturated soil conditions (PFO1C, PFO1A, PF01B). This system is a Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp and a Coastal Plain Semipermanent Impoundment. The hydrology for this wetland system is supplied by Little Rockfish and overland flow. Indicators of hydrology include saturated soil conditions and drainage patterns within the wetland. The vegetation within this system is 4 A dominated by trees, with Red Maple (Acer rubrum), Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and Water Oak (Quercus nigra), being the dominate species. This wetland system is located in the corridor and conceptual right of way of Alternate E. Wetland system Z10 is considered a medium quality wetland. This site is a relatively mature system. It is, however, greatly diminished by residential development that continues to encroach into the wetland limits. Little to no upland buffer area remains. • Wetland system Z11 is located adjacent to King/Rockfish Road (SR 1112). It is classified as a palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous wetland with temporarily flooded soil and saturated soil conditions (PF01A, PF01B). This system also contains inclusions of palustrine emergent wetland vegetation (PEM1A). Wetland system Z11 is a Streamhead Pocosin. The hydrology of this system is supplied by a agricultural drainage ditch as well as overland flow. The vegetation of this wetland system is dominated by Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) and Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). The herbaceous vegetation is dominated by Netted Chain Fern (Woodzaaria areolata) and Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea). This wetland system is located in the corridor and conceptual right of way of Alternate E. Wetland system Z11 is considered a low quality wetland. This wetland site is adjacent to drainage improvements and the area has been logged in the past. • Wetland system Z12 is located approximately 1,100 feet (340 meters) north of Camden Road (SR 1003) and is classified as a palustrine, unconsolidated muddy bottom, permanently flooded wetland (PUBHx) that was formed by excavation. This system is a Coastal Plain Semipermanent Impoundment. The hydrology for this wetland system is supplied by overland flow and a small unnamed tributary which flows into the ponded area. Soils within this system are saturated and inundated. The vegetation is dominated by Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and Red Maple (Acer rubmm), with a herbaceous layer located around the fringe of the pond. This wetland system is located in the corridor of Alternate E but not located in the conceptual right of way of Alternate E. Wetland system Z12 is a pond and is considered a low quality wetland. • Wetland system Z13 is located adjacent to the northern edge of Camden Road (SR 1003). This system is classified as a palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous wetland with saturated soil conditions (PF01B). This system is a Streamhead Pocosin. The hydrology of this system is supplied by overland flow from the adjacent agriculture fields. The vegetation within this system is dominated by Red Maple (Acer rubrum), Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and Water Oak (Quercus nigra). This wetland system is located in the corridor of Alternate E but not located in the conceptual right of way of Alternate E. 5 Wetland system Z13 is considered a low quality wetland. This site consists of a tiny area located at the head of a stream. It is cut off from a larger wetland body by Camden Road. Wetland system Z14 is located east of Upchurches Pond, approximately 4,800 feet (1,460 meters) south of Camden Road (SR 1003). This area has been classified as a palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded and palustrine, forested, deciduous, semipermanently flooded wetland (PF01C, P1706F). This system is a Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp. The hydrology of this system is supplied by overground flow. Indications of hydrology include water stained leaves, drainage patterns within the wetland and saturated soil conditions. The vegetation within this svstem is dominated by Red Mavle (Ater 104.001.001/u2519cb/Roadwav/oro1/u2519cb-rdv-osh02-r /0 t t 1 (RPC2 STA 10+60.00 (-RPC2-) EL = 29280' nu p N O ' h STA 11+00.00 (--RPC2 ) ga i QI? ? t EL = 293.39' m ? . ? 2 N LOI I D SE t STA 12400.00 (RPC2) EL = 29535' m O A i t r? ? II n I -. (? I Q ? ? 4 n ' & STA 13400.00 (-RPC2) ' ? EL = 29724 om I ?? ro i y rn - ; 0 4 F STA 14400.00 f-RPC2 1 w rn RS, -0 ?o -TIO EL = 299J0' -u Q C (- m N FT, STA 15400 00 (-RPC2) ?b /5 -RPC2-) . ( Z EL = 298.87 m? z Q ro nu o i d n u ( STA 16400.00 l RPC2 1 N EL = 29774' + I I I? STA 17+00.00 (-RPC2) EL = 2s6.9Z 1 j :' 1 STA 18400.00 (RPC2) ti EL =29627 s,. c STA 18+50.00 (RPC2) E 5.55' 0 ,1 u (A 2 m r S a? I I mS i_ h ? Z77 O I I m ? I I? 'o mi o S V1 I I cT_ ?oQ I I AV?1 n> ? ? Y c ?4) m I- e z m o D Z ? G7 D m m? _ E ; r ? ,oz . 3= -?Z o? z 0 9 o >c? a v? Z m oz A? 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K k K 1 \ ...`w t t` t N- k:. k l ? T sE ! f .r t k- ? k r U' 1 j 5X k k- s/ ? k ` • J !c rt ~? K i s? O- Ao o? K- MATCH LINE STA. 831+00 SEE SHEET 9 C I C 1 m . - ? 1 20' I m mmm zzzz 11Z vvvO 24' I I 14' I I I ? Ps. i PS -TT I . I T v?v? 1 I i m?m? 1 .04 _ -04 I I 'O CA IV N CAI vi I -03 .03 - 000 W 0 A 1 `` 2 + to + o g' 025 v ` N 11a N ; 1 ?? "?• "D U'° 00 I 1 I It I w I _ •2? 6 I n i -I- i N I I I cn W WOp I W ? I I I O o° I V 4' N N .0! PS. . PS.. c =•C . wl g I W I -10 1 cD ? o + .00 u I ? N tn I 1r P.S. I I 835 (-L - 1 I .o! ? 1 i I 1 A2 I I I I ( I I 1 .025 I I I ' 11 I I ? I kc • ?? ci ? 1 1 I I C S k .< I ` o IC I I ? _ k l ? . `? Y I I t I : m ? - ,? I c S 1 -? i z ' r 1 / I K 1/ 1 I ? 1 ? K ? rri ? W ' ? ^ 0y ( ( r? `'t.?`? I n tq n ? l I ? I I . FTI / W `} K ? 3 m 3 m r r 1 C ? -.. R m O r J ` o I rr I I " I ? o I I I 840 (-L W 1 OD W I Y I ? Nr rrl jo U, r.i 0 ' 1 + i N Ql .025 A25 o m 1 I a? 1 I I P.S. s 1 1 2d I 1 r 24' 4 2 12 Ps. P S. 1 1 I MATCH LINE STA. 843+50 SEE SHEET 11 A I O Z N - PI-Sta. 53f0878 z-Il-op? III II II 11 11IIj Wc??'p?°9(n i C. M 55 (-7T/-) ' jt ?c? ;?* y uuuuc? b b }giw i ! C O 60 o z 0 0 >? se mm m A RA Z oz m z 0 z z a C+9 r H? o Lz O _ C, ZG 4 z`n -ii p xp z 0 f MATCH LINE STA. 843+50 SEE SHEET 10 I Iz 2a , a 025 P.S. r- a 1 , 1<` o F Y L` y t ; K r. l r k 1 I ?I s f 1 J ? 2 t ! I I t Y ' .: 1, -"?t: I fc u i c : y k? k ? r , k h " . N- .. ' r 1 ?` a ., ? - cma 4 I ? 1 .. ? ? f• c I f k .ZI mm C- ' K rt \ K Y` I m k 1 \' k I ' k- 7c M t k'U.. J 7f . Y C N` ?ss?. / N _ 1- 1 --U -I I .43 .... ...fr., --- .?. :,. . yn , fit m % 845 (-L-) i I o l 1 C O 1 1 K 1 S R I M r n CID I T ? ?w r -t n I? a + 1 0 ? O 1 5^ ? , ? 0 s ? 850 (-L-) y ? ? r r ?'? r"n I 1 r I y m r it m s 2 r ? 1 ! i ? ti 2 1 ` i ? 1 c3^ ? f I m l mw t t at or rr - ? is ? ? 2 c S 1? l ? m 0 c, t ? I?4 4 T2- PO T ' m I Ar1 `I ? n m ± I ???` I ? I w u" ; t I 2 I r .i I ?f Ir,jrl I I : { /r 7 11 I ,?, rl I I?r r rrt ??? I f// l I ??' fry} ?,r I k •• 1E I r// t r S I r I i I K r I ? k k- u( A25 t '' I .. ` 102 1 K- o/ I D25 ? t - t. n i k r j ll l ' ili o : i j; z L.? -L- TS St 855+05 04 2' a. . ' K I 4 Ps. 4' Ps. t l . I !2' 24' 46' 24' 12' ?,. Ps. 1 F" I o MATCH LIN E STA . 85 5+ 50 SE E SHEET 12 P P ? ooQ N ? a mmo II i f t} !! 4 l 1 7 t , ' Z 0 z N ? 1 ?r o?m ?-u-oDv ? cnoo u n ?? a n?o otppr?? o'wWoo fit: Q '0 : 855 (-L-) oa X ?z o U? 7? C t? O® Z< mm A m y ??yy- irk. N Z n Z z o r o ° E Cr1 z "G H n?n =S C" F^ '? Z O °zz Z m? . m N o SHEET 11 c, S + 50 SEE 85 I ?1NE STN. MNT C ss ? ' r 1 1 ?? z I I 2(y 24 1 2 za a P3 ,' M2' P5. r A _ A ? 1 1 5 I : S \\ 1 .. k k N F:- Y. ??? Y- T \ X: ? \ l ? i• QL5 \ I N k ..- F- 3` - n fF y 3 A ? \ A3 ? I : A4 I 1 s K k < 1 ! \ !? 1 Z .05 Z>' A5 ? fi' I I so 110 1 mm CD r 1 1 e - 0 z co `f'Z r ?,IroD-0 ., i 7 I ' c°Dn + I o ' + II it n 11 II ? ? - - c, U y 0) t 0 cn m ;o p??Q -A l?l c a , w c,1 ? I ° N I ; V ? N H 'o s ?M y c ?q "?^^ 1 I I 1 ? a ? s to in ;? n I I I 1 860 -) ? ? fc k !r K?: !E +r K- K - rt ,, k f? K I:; 'r. t Ii ? ? ? I t ? ???? r _. .... .. i... ? ?...1L I - TrZ ! 1 J/I 1 ?I N 0 z H a W 20 TTZ ) zl?z*g? ow bay ° I N E ?l W? ? (j}G,1 ? W K :? k I ( l -•? I m 0 k u y r- r -? x- k k:. r v? I m C 1 CO i ao co c?nz} I ? ? m I ?r rr ?? C S I 40vw \ -40 0, -4 rtl ? / O O L K, .. m l' K r u t K K \ I?r: jc" ti t'. I K- K M= ti I n< IF' K k k ? rt K F< k fk !E K k- -? ? r< V,- i h% k !F k w° J rc- ONE F? I ? .. "- I f i(- K- F'- 1^ ti m K- K i iI ?' r I I ;i- k rc- iE k I I I { k- K- R I I .06 1 . .? ?- k k- I !I? ? Jlt 4 4' --. I /2' PS. P.S. ' Ps. 29 46 24, l2' P.S. MATCH LINE STA. 867+ T 50 SEE SHEET 13 ao N? 00 ?/ rl' o4 V 865(-L -) 0 Z o= m N O u ? W A Q N 'c oc _ 0 G_Zi D C O ° C7 z. C? Q® Z ` Mg a m ° az Fe ? _ 0 8 ? E C?'1 O zz zZ qc A n n x ? ? y j 0 k: r. % J. X , t r ?. l K ti K { C W r I I I 1 I n i 1 ? m j a i rn . m i I I 1 I 1 I I I ? I i I i I I O I i I I I i I r I I I I I 3 , I ; ?s goal; rn rn a rn I y I O "i I J I II I I I I / I I I f?5 N r r- O7r \ '4 A5 o? -O ?,a\ r ?- ;' I n m a /! I co 1 I + i I I ? 1?1 OD I jlt i' i > dj I A9 ? 4' A4 I q o n I P.S. 24' 46' x. I 2 Ps. I I MATCH LINE STA. 879 h I +50 SEE SHEET 14 aN J. 5i m Q o a o ro m O ?-, y C l? " I ry®® v. W n s A N G Z In m A oz ? OC ? m x?, Z a ? y ?c ?r y? Zo z? 5z is a n x co ? Z O E ST A. 867 + 50 SEE SHE ?T 12 < MATCH ?itd z I o 24 PS I z t 'z za 44' " I N 1 ? 1 PS• P5. PS• 1? _. 1 1 1 A6 A6 k o o= m; N Q W ? v W = CA N cnonpn°nU uuo VN ??icb°pGi? Og???bQl?i 3 rV Z w ???cc o ao-1 r- oC y?pIf 11nu6 q 11 0._ ._n,_ °c 870 (-L-) Z v o Z OD W ? O w ? C w = A N I m m °Ie m FI 3.OF_L65BS 9H'IH i yam,.-; g, ?oz? ;'8!5 l-L 1?, PRl- PRCS/a. unl1NN11 ?bwO?Q?Qo r 1 I ??IrOD? .< it If q w, ? o Z h 't.v PR/- PCCSYa /5t/092 15 (PR/) Z T? r= o_o GNC1 _ --' -` i I 77, /? Y 1 _s w ? r 5 r Om :D -i tZI , n 111111?I l WN§ I 1 T' 1 1 r i I I i ? I i I I I I? 880 l -?-? n In I I I I I IT I I I I ? I I Fr- mm r-O C I I + a I cn+ I I ?? I I I a ? I ? C e S I y I ? ?' rn I n ? I - 1 I 14' I PS. ? 885 (-L-) Z 0 w 20 (-PRI-) II H II II II cc?? m 25 (PRI ) t? r UD 03 ne r ?` ? c Ir ? I ? ?? k i n Z I i N` $ I co c I o A ' k l Y' ? J+ m .. Y T K `` ? w ilk's ? r r ? I 890 I-L-J I' 0 1 f) / r l Y } f K Ps P4' : I to + ,C14 k A4 I y., o N I ' W r Y 1 //yy.. /41 P.S. • 24, 4v" 24, 1 , .s MATCH LINE STA. 891+50 SEE SHEET 15^ y -1 O v I 87 q + 50 SEE SHEET 13 MATCH LINE STA. ?Ir ? 24, 46' 24. PS. ? t PS. 4? 4 P.S. PS• . ?? I `` ' 111 A4 r\? n4 \1 L W co, O Z // O? nNI OD + I 0, - (D ?A (O N 1 I? 1 1 :?'sf I 1 I ,r I ? I I? I ? I I rri 00200 Vin; a, X9000 oomm Fri p; EE SHEET 14 891 + 50 S STA . MATCH LINE a;.11- 1" ? za g Ps. i r 1 Ps. I 30 1 At, 1 1 mmmm ov0v mmoom G1 G1 G1 G1 - pa 1 A4 m-Z.. 1 ,, S s ymym - 0 zzzz C ,? y1 T I f 0; m- m m o C _r 1 1 -? H 0,0 DO, 1 ? 01 mym > r = 1 = y ? v \ 1 i t ? l NrONV r DnDO I 1 .?: .__ a ? R1 M tOr rm 1 , ? 7 F oso? 4- A m o- Zcn 1 O Z ti I . 20 DvDI e \ m OD Ln ` I 7 , O+ON coOlO ± t0 j (A 4? D D * o•.. \ 1 r i 10 + lot, 14 0 Of, K) T3 K) CO 10 + co CD op O O O O + W N W oD m 5 -i \ O 1 O (]5 I co O W .... - r R m` fe k. A '? L/' 1 ? 1 I f Y '` \ ' \ 1 I 1 i ; to - s y r .. -. s - I W 1 CD co -4 r r r0 Z i i za a PS oaf-Irp?? t co cn 4D to d 11 fI 11 -L2 41- + + it O 777???`?`-{O'Op 0 NUM I VVII AC h r `? o N `I co \ N ! q j 1 it V N O Z N ZOO z-II-oD- DO II II II_ ?m -4 9 ??G ti-qO a r 23 3 O I ?c? t I It b ! G Q ` Wto \ 4 ? \ 5 r> \ % `ft?Gd .t ? i y S '? w a L,1 oy K. j A4 A4 5 ` yy v 4 _ A V- 1 y P.S. 5 Z4' r j f 4F-f 96b 2' -L-), J 4 I -b :D ' ? ? Iwl O ? i ? .a ? r 1; ` gy v' ? b T ° /dry 4- le- v r- N 1 aom ' _?; , t (ter m? W i r -" b \ :n r r %J I 41 o O Z . A A / ?3' ?a t II U .I 7`I 11 . < J t0 P / ?N r < P2 (A t?L7 . S < i a.. '' I .? A / S. 4 "(/ry ? \r4 O}f 00 \^ \ ~s ?? tr ? r 'S? I t c ? \, x N W ,'K/? / N C Fs ?O O O y ? _; rf [ l ' I 7 e? ' 3 /mow ` o ^ 2 , ? z ? , T ! I P S 24' 46 24' `? °2 I ` 4 TSS} ?, ?, I F rq ?s. 1 , I v ? 8xis p 9 0 MATCH LINE STA 903 I °' , o oz ' n 0 cam; e q mK i . +SO SEE SHEET 16 ® mm ? m Z Cz Z a 0k aC9 i > $ C" C, J K o oz z Z? Zc _ m? E p " z 0 Irv SEE SHEET 15 903 + 50 STA MATCH LINE • ?, w j ' 1 24, 4 24 P? a'i ,, ? ,'I f ? V 1z ` I ? F I P.S. t I .04 I o m ? I F I Il i. ?1 WmI z I " I h0 ' m I a I + a N ' ? 41 I O I I . PS PS I I I I I I ? ? I I I I ? it , I I I . WWI I I I I I ?? ! O W V M I fir. h I ?n MO O ro I r :I t I ? ? ? N (A I ! zz '?1 ?. ? i it x r , 'z i 5 - d, y ? ? f ? S F I I x Q ¢- .?.? ? 00 t Nrfl, I t MqT y C vNE sr /J ti 1 !r JJ q ?4 0 0 SFF .: ,1 f, S? FFT 3 0 15 (PR2A ) r.) CD p? 'Ali u ocncn??wo 4 F ? 20 (-PR2A ) f f I ,I I 24' yr os. J -Ti +5 q: J I ? PS, I I m Iq' I m; R ±. I I t ! I I i I ?I I ! I? I I I, I h; I 1 ; I ? I I i V ? ? - 4' 36 P5. I If! I I +5( "" I / J I I 1 I ,s , i t I ; I f ( r. i I I m ? ti,? ?? !J I I I " q 01 I ? aQ ocn. ? I r I; ti I / PS. 24' i I ' ? I t l l l r t °6°3' °?mo I t I ) I 7 S ? ? cs? J I C I 111 I f ' r i I I ;? ?• 'I I :I II I I r?l tt f I ?/r I ? E I f1 1<; 04 I I (r A4 I rlr it I Z fit 4' fill I i P.S. ps I Ir t 4: I n I5'- J6• rz iPS- MATCH LINE STA. 915+50 SEE SHEET 17 Its ? ' PS. ? r" ' 90 I r Is! ?? t I ?. i Y4- CSSte_ 22t ?A Y 4 a Y4- SR S2`1 I ? b 5 • y I ?{lJi' (cT?L ? k . 4- f' I ? !I I s i I I ~ ` z it I I I T I ? I ? I n I f 30 (-Y4-) 4' 20' 915 (-L J '.5. A, H /5 (-T7-4-) sqgcm bbd om ?-il-op `? " u u u l l a fl? w??y u u"uc? Roo u 11"uc? om ?-i?oD? to.n Z ?? :1??1p au'lu"? b??QQq I $+ Ln 18 IRA NON&§t8 ' A "I f SEE SHEET 16 915 + 50 STA MATCH LINE . 1 4 °1 ?. If ;ks. Ps. I 1 i t?t 11 ,1 L. '; 1 r ' 11 1 b3 1 12' W it ca 4 JM I N ~ m I i r? a w Iz UI - 24 i 46' -? 2 P.S I . .. -0 N o I .> o I- r PS. z Or-9 4' Ps R' lic I i ` o y Q Z H I 0 I .r 1+ ?5 -(PRZA-) I 4 `-O j+ 1 ? o , * 1 ? I I "± ?` ? I I I i N ? oW ? ? ? I , 4 I I - I I I I I I ? I 11I ???my I I ua if ° I1 I j ? Co C ? ? ? s I - ?s om?yr-opv if n u n u 11 I \ ^$? 30 (PR2A-) Syr-opt i I \\ ; null if i ?j 0o a 1 p 4 ? ? Cn4O ? > a \ I a, co k, CO 1 f- r-03r- I zo I ip + $? vacs I 10 02 I WN (4 A I w CD I I .NA + N t° I I o A + W I aa00N0 OONm09 ?` oommo 35 (PR2A I I if I S?ro ? I I j O j j I ! I I ? I :)D -0 ! 'lunc uif I Q? U, Co R? Iv r _q c? S 33 42 5/A` E (A 0 m y QI I I I I 1 11 ! III ;v 4 b4 !! j A4 4 4' A 4. _L04 ?? p 2 PS P-5 /6 24 ' 46' ? '' II MATCH LINE STA. 927+50 `SEE SHEET 18 , I 1 i 35 (-y4-) I I i 920 (-L-) 20 (-7T4-) sn 1„I 1 ? T < \I i < \V 1 T4- P'TSfa.20+5682 1 1 -,:D E> ? u if if If n- 1 I 1 ' %w C; I 1 ! 4: I 1 ? l , k k , 4 i , I 25 (TT4 ) i? i I f l` 925 (-L-) 1 r 1 I j ,' ? 3 i t ; I ? l 1 I a no j ' } t / I .1 i tr I I I I ?I I Ir ; ? a Y Wi s. ?o? r I , I s. m? ?? r J YJ 0 1?1 I „ _a x ? z 2>" < mm T ; A i Z m A? O Z O E [j7 z? 'C y i7 Z o zz zcn ?' A 0 Z 0 ? I ? , rti I 1 t ?. F 1 tl' ' ?. Ski ! k t"F I1 j t 4 o II 1 I,'. II 1 d ` 0 1 ' 3 II { , t 11 s I 1 '> ` k A 3 I \\ .? s r Q 1 I c? 1 I: t ? I 14 I i ??1 ?I I 4 s xov,¢vxdrer-Dave n ?NN ?p- fYAp O y G tCH UNE Sth 92,}5D SEE SHED .a5\\\\ \ 1,4Kt y ?. ?? I • ? 2 \\ 1 ?, S2 Yy m i V 930 I 1 \9? ? \ yf? SWO1372 3 6 Ps ? ? 5 (-RPC2-7 I -vm? 1 V\k ?4G?& ?s 136 , i z y k g rg \ e T to $ o; $$4 1% l € 935 (-L-) 1 ?$?a??oDa v°,$$p ???ODv ? ?PRa,27?C - ? E 1 $ Q",° a UP Ic x _ 11 }ta \ ?? ? 5 >z ? ap \ a a x \ Woo ?a z $ ie 1 i o?e dyye / f a?9 £ c rn j ?"tea" I y. aim ? ? ? .. ? 1 y ." O ?+ t rn `I ?i-,.ri I Ngx ?l H j\ :rj n? 990 f-L=) 1 o ?j /?- ?? 2?e II o? I Its, y ,vl5a ai / ? \\ Sys 1- $.' I1? `' "?y? i ? " ? N 4e $? ?t?- \ N ? I ref \ ?a, 6oDo a ? ? 5 11 ffi ??i N ma 1 4 .995 !-L o / .' yr r ' ba m `\Y• 15 ,t <?, +?1. -( Y % / _" `'" °j ??"BCO._..- ,: 3 ,zosa !. s .-. - { as ' 49 n / 1 ?Dl f/ ArJye2o $ x m 1 I ? f y ? ,,. N.,N^a? N$a ;.. ?°,$, °° S ? roce4°` (-RPD2-1 6m ? ti ,, /? A / / p2 9n ! f, / ? / i ? ?rym 3.II E ? T ? J - PY f / T ?i• / 9A?/ ?4GmF -?M ETCH LINE ST F f xxxmmxmmmmx A. 953+50 S.E IFS / / - C9 SHEET 19 ?' ? $mniNo„Tm Tam T/ ? A Hillem?enn°NP--0 •7 w ?j 777%,7777- o ? i I .oi i i' 4e ]rn E g OOOOOOOOOSr .z `> 3? mm mrnmm00 Y ? 953 + 50 SEE SHEET 18 MATCH LINE STA. 164 5 r: . p, ohm ?yrOp? ozm ??IroD-10 cnouuultull? cnoneb°n11? 11 11 o \ '?", 3 \ G ???lR? oN? tviy ° ?? \ y ti ? c _ ? L, I ? I I ? rn I 11 11 II II II 11 II q Ilo 7 lai raro °° , n L.n o?cb no?Ir°D? NO 11 11 II II it IIc? 1 wcc) I I N n N 7 N `^ lh 1 co o00 It 11 11 11 it 0 I m W S i o owcnrn N ) I ,T( r i r O ? gOll° I '? ` ? OWc??O I i ? ?y T 5 $$N a \ 2. `\\ \1 .. to rl_ °o` \ c j ff N 11 ?i yc \ may.` __\ O t ? O C 'r N Z ? 1 ? °z i ? } aY G . r?oaPo 0°ap door ommo Z 4 ? T C ? m m b = D rn ? 29 36' S I v b c: C m y? N ? y A P N O 20 (-7T5A) z w I x ? IZ N? n r F ?. I? o? tt ?s _ rom a 1 `? too O i ?l II r`LcT _ \y uuenll? J. 5 (8P2A-) ` `X r. 'TT-5 `7i? T 4 ?_ I? i -AC it e ?? i + 960 (-L-) y t (o'? 1 Z '1 I? Li • ls3 --- wca l ?s` ' I N r v 'otit MOOI 1 I j l i ?' - N I ?C Vl I ??. ao 04 W I - .04 I 4Y? loll? I W ? 0 0 30 I ? 1 ? ?Q I 7-75) ``?,;? •:,., '5 i q t. , k r` 3/J6 I ?, a D2 47'(LT.) ?? ?? ? 111 ?' ? . ? ?? _ ,.Y P.S. t I ?` 965 .025 .00 MATCH LINE STA. 965+50 SEE SHEET 20 -moo °oc oc O I v O' O? / ? Z K F L? q q O V mm z or a A?, Z o ° 2 CP1 z '? HC s> ?o °z> z z?4 r Zc p n cp x H o < 1 MATCH LINE STA. 965+50 SEE SHEET 19 c 2L uuuull? R ?ly?0y I 4pllp? V? % o ,4 ? V1 m \ o? en 1 ?5- ` lam` / t \ O ?t 4 / ?• ? \ ? i l 5C _ C 7 I 5':; i i `' moo`, \ \ 1 c • QO - z co, wti. ; ; s \ \. \ N I '35f TT51 ~ u u u u u<? 1 % os g ti ;7 ,,?T'` \ \ \ - mcc I t rn? if j 1 F- °? r'tcnilg \\ , oil 970 f-L?- ww c?mr'- m W \ .\ :\ `c- \Yti.- X11; .o15Y I \MJ Ni \ o vm o° z n \ X\ --< N ; \ , \` ; c \ ? N N N C m .n y i I i CD m i - zs Co a \ t x { z I 1 W S- I ? 5 1 \ \ \ \ r t 1 t 7 1 ! S ? ? i JJ -I f I 'l tt mmmm mmmm ZZZZ it 0?0? G1 GI G1 G1 )' 1 zzzz c p i I I. DmDm -0 ;a -V 22 lf W>W> f c \. l p?p0 AvA'7 i _ t 36,0 .n O?Op I I x----'? A ?1 A m m m ' _Jll VAR 48' 4 6' to /4' P.S. 6 24' V to Pt Ps. 48 m P-F r it I Z 4 All VAR. 48' 4' F-I 6' to 14' PS. 4' VAR.I to 14'P-5. , I SrS? I C] I A Z I 1 f t ??w0 I )4' f i I D I y 5 O m O m t I ? Ps. ° t t i\ t t r r . r D 10 yl I DrD ?"• I f +00,00 14' .I 4' I - P ,p ;i t ; v v ?o o o+ 70RT) .S. '• I p t 1 ? V Vo0,o T P a I i ? D D +y+n '{ f i 1 PS. N t t 4 I V I N Nin 01. `? c 1 1 _3 I t }N+N I V-rP 1 C m I F +O. ? W-wO N p I t . - } E ! ? -mod l O I O L , ' w ` . ?^' D 9 ?, S W w ? VW1 F I C O O W Z. I ?°" 2 . C G1 r - B25 7t t ? I .025 4' A2 4 _ - i t I /4' 36' 46' 24' l4' s i I Ps. P s 1 100.00 59`CRTI 'h, I r I MATCH LINE STA. 977+00 SEE SHEET 2 xxx 222 <s aoo re i \ v..__ = n u u u N Nw \1\\ \ 2 \ m t11Q(?j?Vn,cWo y \ c?o? I ; ? \\ ''? \f°? <y uu°u" \ o f 8P-:-0O \ \ \7 ? j CJ so S, W sp- C::. I I 1 \ N \\.\\\ ??-. ? s \ 1 \ a ?o\ S P I I Ul I 48 A4P \_ \\ 48• CNP 1 1 I 1 i !?" -- - `\- N c? ° 2aI $V t \ ?? •( Z % q r: ° \ \\\ o z° \ °'IN \ m Z o? I n \\ I O om zn m-< N m 7.? o oy ® pm (), m r_ rZ m Z C? m o- r m Z CD o F Ci] z O z? ECG t n yr ?? ?o z? sz _ z Zw Amec o 0 MATCH LINE STA. 977+00 SEE 20 SHEET "Z i i I 36' 46' '' 1 1 ? 1 4 24' is Y, 1? j e W+b 'rp Q1 \? ? t i 1 A n ? n } E E `?' i ! I I 4 l p , ri ro 4 I t. II I I -op cT N `E ? ` a o / f 1 te ( t^ S i { 3 t p .?p0 ' • i ! i i O i y?}.?? ? [? Y II •' I :-I ?I 1 y 3 ?{ (I - O1 I m r- - s 1 Oar ? 3 r. t I ti OO ZN wn n N to r W I i c+o + I m N t A ? - W • - fit i 3 r s Ulm 5 -R7EOP2) Z ?rr ? lnI Ir- r- 2 9 z ca w an n 0 3? t t t t z l`I O I t cn r j /s 1? - ! 1 ? I I I I 23, ? pS ? T 23' I DO Jill, j N .tq I, Ic ! N ?''1 A I <? c' O 3 rn , 42 O' I C L4 I '? C o A9 ! 2P,S" 73 m I b r r f' I 13A i ? ' I rn n m m i i , x i f r I 11 f F": i 1 ??my lip l ' \a if III[ sa I . Q V <y ?CD ::1-II-oD? si j II II II II If I' ?O Nbj???j--,.A N ult 114 ? U • ?? 1?1?1 c o ?? I 10 r A = (-RTEOP279 C\ 2 \ _ PS. ,.= 24 ;040; -- -? f r pP ". - BEGlN 840' r4 (LTp I TAPER ` I cc I I r m t ? m 4 _.. . ? I h i D I C ? I ,04 ? I I 24' 12' P5. , \ I t? ? / In MATCH LINE STA. 988+00 SEE SHEET 22 2x a°a ?0 ?A o X ` z 45 (-TT5) , '- k" 1 ? t \ # NAD 83 i z\ 3 \ l? ? r qq?l R, \ 980 (L) 11 if wg rn \\ I \ ?, ,max v 5 c?y?m? '?, l\ ? if if N a \ ? 4 O1 ' ? ~ < -' ??y1-oD? II II" II 11 ' ???o p-0 ? < t 5 og ?oRrn (N -M(" l-LTEOP2) q 50 m:D 0 u 1 u " ? a r ?y oprn i ? g?N?W °? p o??' A?m . \ r= aQ u u'I a "? o nc nv? c bb ??j 4 11 /0 v tE ?1 v \ e? /A MU 0. 1 J Co \ _'? O v i to / F 1 )0' JrA 01 7 3 x '. o o 0 OCfj f.e ?(? 4 ® z< m m A N (n m m Z A Z C m r r? n p A ` Z 0 A a ? L = z Z = C p ? ? Z 0 109.00(001/U2519Cb/HO4Owdy/pro J/UL?I`JCD_rQy_pSfILC O4r N N m D rn 2 y MATCH LINE -I A STA• 988 + p N + Z L ?... \C z\ SEE SHEET 21 J o m 24' Npv c` I q ` Z VAR 1r PS, ?^', , H AR / a3 •; ? I _` 1 ? + ?' ?1 1 t i Z r D ?•i/°? i,n O \\. ' ??•..? \'1 z r- \ I xo 1 5 r/rr `?a r a /./ ` 4 \\ z ??? - s , I ~-' S / `` ?y / - Is t I i 4 J -?. I \ wa -LTEOP2' I ?` ?jM . •0 /? / s S .__ rr 1 i (A m00 '`' 7 ).. ? \s END Saa r, \ N m ?V'..rS?n / ?,;?'y' /? //'?r?, \ rAP6 Atj1! \ -0-00 -I- . I ? ??m ?"'Ir011b D1-° co 'm ?c°? ? ?=? \ 7y ? ' +?s ? /" ? d- ? ?? C / \'- ? •, w .? ? _ "?- ?y .c 1v ai /? dpiJ / ? / ^?• ?. ) V _ tt fl 11 II 11 p II -D I w Y J, -L v j` 40 + 1 1 (o 0 F I{`?DVV to no to bil Q I t' I I N t54 \ t ! z r e .?` o oI / u, v N u / n f1D J j i??T? r\ ( 83 cn 7 i // / of \ /L, ;>? I •?i?' (5 / r\ C'l?..? % @' -.i ss?'__ t1 (` 15 1 11, rm 15i (-LTE; 2- C 1 j- fit,/ ?.?y oa"' 10 jo- c ?Y -4 0 ayc?/ / i o r \ \ ?c I 1 A? .. ^4 y \ \ n D Iy a, ZV, 'C .2 wo r' I co p N \ (?/ i / Ici ?. I A3 I oZ Cin\ 65 (-TT e\ C m I ??i a,?ca ?\ a, Zi, io C <. s ' rn I s?' y?m? t? I 111 A2 - C `\411- \ I `•a `\? lx) 'o i i i2 p II B I f { . I D ' Raj ` IQ l\? I{ II II A II w Nyb I r 11 U q n 11 11 Z iC ? II ? I ? I N ? ? ! ?t ai\ -? ? •'? } /.. -c?\ '. \\. i.,r ????`o°?w? oq 30 ?? ?: '\a \ 995 (-L-) ?ias Rl rrzz1 ZQ \ ?QL3?V I f? Nyy rTl ! / as °b ' 2 `y ( C A/ 35' a \ /? a?\ ?. ., l ai .y.. nl? 1 I ? a ?,, W C I ? 1 1?; 111 if i ? '?,k-^?` r? I GI ?? \?^ \ ?1 I- ??' aT?•¢?,r,?\ -0 I?jyO . m' ti ? i i f. ?- `?? as 4? I ? ?? ? a < <D.\ Ij?'? / \\\ ``\\°, - z II 11 II II ? 2 .`I.,N ^?, aim '' /^ ?v \\ \\ w010 `? ,.mss, \ 7 I W AO 35, Z j r s'.? sa ` i_ 7a X, I t? aaa'`, , 1 l?! i i?1 ?* ?, i i t i ?1 -. 'a ? I 12' 36' 36' z W I I I p (W_j CO I E?, c z e i Ut? I PS. Al PS P.S. PS. O I {? ?<? ?°? S ly1 ?-CD A2 ? I ' •? \ ,?;? O??IrOD?) I Alb 1 1t - ?T$fo. l (? (4 4 II CQ r n I I u U 11 {' ? ?. I I ? ? ? I t to aaa sue' `? ? ? r ?? } II - _ ? ? 5 7 ? z.. t ?. c i j I I! C / go I ?t I CJ .,\\t 1 F ? t t r\,? a ? r" i t ( ,a as ? o z I t o I OD S 1 r r" L " ??? s I p= I I I o y rr1.; Ps.36' 4 I $ N I C I I o5 0 o C T ?N }', `?It zh I 1 1 i 2 V 1 1 b N ei S? o r ?? ? I m Ci `gym S"' m ? I ?`,v, i 1 C ? w ? .s.K ? c°> 1 < 10;°?t`? '-.J f I I n p cN`„? p r", a7r/E m I }; { },u } i C w o / 7a? I 1 I I I I a n z' 36' 4' I't?7 i y I I I I? ?c PS. 4- 36' f2" ?j I I ! I n 1 6 .S k?. I ?; C I t', i i y -171 m_; . r I I i. a? m i I I I c ?, ., 1 ?? ? I .?, I r I I I I =1 `.? `a ?? I $ ?' C I I I C a{ '' '' r I C I I I C I I I i ?I ?o° C 4 I I I I I I i, - m t I I , ; ? `t I` j C_ I C I I t ?, 1 uu°u_vi °mtn aZ ° r a O o tsJ o a r l5 ° © z -? '" m p Ul ?yy- r l m z =? Z n ? m o Z 0 H > ?C" r , cC°' zv zz z? pc y 0 II` o I j ; ,' i s ::o -I r- OD1 11 11 II II 11 UtUt?p?.?? ?O U wog §?b u n 11 n u n c, ??I?OD1 II II 11 II 11 ? QQ b, •Y? ?o -i-Op p If II 11 if II do a'?ron I 2a ?; I ! m I : r. i ' 1 1 , i N , m j! ; 1 j ' ?4.?.1 n f1 l vl I II' I ' •?f i I \ 1 i "L``Z ? ? I' GI tp I. _ ``fit ` ? L-) (?w? . I I I ' 1 1 ; f t 09, \ -LL i ! 1 f ' \ t I I ? 1 / j I XIST. X/ST. I q ; l i I i i ,a I F .' I I li qi 24' 24' I PS. tB I ; I f l _ ? ; +? - I ' I ; I I' 0 P 1 >I III : ,tt I I I tt ?I? IIj I' i n I i a; I r I r:' •D.JS?d ?- I I I N C iI I , i t i 3 £7i 19+ ? I I ? I I I i 1 ?: ? I ! Al .02 ?? 1 I I I I I 1 I ?? F 1 k 3 z I I' .? A2 l r f, '? O I I A! OR ? ? ;\ 1 ? L : I I .012 I \' 1 } 'LS TZ ? -4-u I r I 03 i •\\ '? ?` 8g f . p3 I \I I I? j ; I r 3 _ I I I 1 r : ? I I I i N ma ?? II I ? ?, I I ? I I r ?? I?j x ` I $ Z i ?? i rn I; IL SD . .. 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Y / r mmm xxx K z p $ 1 ew 000 ? g j a h O ? 0 I O G1 W ? W O 4 is n zy?oC nnlluu UG uuuuu ?0y-oD 11 n II II n ?4YY a 025 d n - + - _ _ PROP, e-6-C. z rr7 'PROP, r_6.C&OK?'- a r?, U1 m rn W ?O II II II ` II n If 2?z h V i ! 1 f --y' P'. I OD ? - -y I O l? 1 ( ? ? .L •?'? T ?\?. y r ?yl-bp o ? cQ o?N -._.- a 1? V?t?VJQ?o? 1 (h ? $ z 30• %\?Uo.cyti? X Z a ox z,. / a'b A V za N Ch 32' / D co (ty tat p _ zs ` `? b. $ z fd?ad N u u ??, i 241 -Wq ,? t I 38' ,B•02 t0/ l+- `°\ t?wt??c;k I .::r I r F 1- Cl Z ty Q c? Gk i ? 659E _ -:, .. t4 i t, A/ ? • `? / a ? ', `, ?? vl..:? f?? kv •?? c i ?, aozss ?? R 9 '/ ?1 i ??J- •27/? i i R /20' ^'j ' ?sci m > _ M r 1 f'r)/ ?? A O _v _ pPER ? 00'7 .r ----------- N \ i r mx 't ?y roro O? ITAPER PROP. 2'-6'C&G _ 'w5. R=o 4 VIE WAN ~ \I Itt it •S'_ (', ,'''`, m O?m??lrO Ntnmzi '. J 2 "4 c .w Do ?? A i ' 41 st\ ', ?}. a 11 ?O 11 II II II II D `'. 2 ?, 3 _ a q _ 11 11 y • z 594?ye ? { ,? \ ??`"\ \ 0 ..9E r? 2?? `?t. ?\? F \ ?\ + } ? s 1: ° r 1 ?`?. ? 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