HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120935_R-3432_complete file_20070601RE: R-3432,,Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merge... Subject: RE: R-3432, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merger Decision From: "Frye, Jennifer S SAW" <Jennifer.S.Frye@saw02.usace.army.mil> Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 14:1.6:05 -0400 To: "Charles Cox" <ccoxC dot.state.ne.us>, "FHWA-Lucas- Ron" <ron.lucasCci.bwa.dot.gov>, "EPA-Militscller" <militscher.chris@epamail..epa.gov>, "EPA-Militscher" <cmilitscherea.dot.state.ne.us: "FWS-Jordan-Gary" <garyJjordan@fws.gov>, "srntp-Sechler, Ron" <ron.sechler@noa.a.gov>, "SHPO-McBride" <Sarah.Mebr•ide tr,ncinail.net>, "DWQ-Wainwright" <David.Wainwriglit(c%ncmaiLtiet>, "Eggert-Don" <deggert@capefearcog.org>, "Brenda L. Moore PE" <binz.oore a,dot.state.nc.us>, "Allen Pope" <apope@idot.state.nc.us>, "Joe E. Blair" <jblair@dot.state.nc.us>, "Tyler P. Stanton" <tstanton(a?.dot.state.nc.us>, "Chris Rivenbark" <crivenbark@dot.state.nc.us>, "Rob Manson" <rhanson@dot,state.nc.us>, "WRC-Wilson" <wilsontw(?z)mail.wildlife.state. ne.us>, "DMF-Rohde" <. itz.rohde@nctnail.net>, "Mason Herndon" <nlherndon@dot. state. nc. us> All I would like to take a moment to clarify the Corps position on this proposed project. Based on the information supplied by the applicant, it appears that the proposed wetland impacts (associated with alternative 2A) meet the terms and conditions of Nationwide Permit 14, such that the proposed activity would not result in more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects or be contrary to the public interest. I recognize the concerns raised regarding purpose and need and secondary/cumulative impacts and I want to assure the Team that I comprehend and adhere to the Corps' responsibilities pertaining to the 404(b)(1) guidelines, NEPA, CZM consistency, WQ Certification, ESA, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and Section 106 when considering authorizing any discharge of fill material. I am also very familiar with this area of Brunswick County and its development pressures, transportation/safety issues, and aquatic resources. This office continues to receive requests for JDs, permit applications, performance plans, etc. for proposed commercial and/or residential developments in this area, regardless of the construction of this extension - and we evaluate those projects that require DA authorization under the same laws, regulations, and responsibilities stated above. I believe that for 2A, the applicant's stated purpose and need to be valid, direct impacts to the aquatic resources would be minimal, the proposed activity would not result in more than minimal cumulative impacts to aquatic environment, it is not in contrary to the public interest, it does not appear that this activity would effect a Federally Threatened or Endangered Species or any National Register of Historic Places properties (listed or eligible). This NWP has obtained CZM Consistency Concurrence and DWQ, per their requirements, would evaluate the project under their 401 Certification processes. Unless the project changes such that it does not fit a NWP, the potential for an adverse affect on a T&E species, historical/archaeological property, or minority population/low income housing is discovered, or any other circumstance arises that is in contrary to the above rules/regs/laws, I believe that this project does not need to remain in the merger, nor do I believe that Corps attendance at a formal meeting is necessary. Comments, concerns, and recommendations of the resources agencies can and would still be coordinated through the standard NWP process. Please let me know if anyone has any questions, Sincerely, Jennifer 1 of 2 6/6/2007 9:23 AM RE:`R-3432., Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merge... -----Original:- Message----- From: Charles Cox [mailt.o:ccox@dot.state.nc.us] Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 9:34 AM To: Frye, Jennifer S SAW; FHWA-Lucas-Ron; EPA-Militscher; EPA-Militscher; FWS-Jordan-Gary; smtp-Sechler, Ron; SHPO-McBride; DWQ-Wainwright; Eggert-Don; Brenda L. Moore PE; Allen Pope; Joe E. Blair; Tyler P. Stanton; Chris Rivenbark; Rob Hanson; WRC-Wilson; DMF-Rohde Subject: R-3432, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merger Decision Dear team members. The CP1 meeting for Georgetown Road Extension was held in 3/2005. No other concurrence meetings have been held since that time. However, NCDOT has completed work to help the merger team make better decisions for the next meeting. The smaller group of FHWA, DWQ, USACE, and NCDOT have met and discussed this project in light of new information and want to propose taking the project out of the merger process. This group would, like to do so without having another forma]. meeting (though one is tentatively scheduled for August, 2007). Please review the attached "history" of the project and mapping to show how impacts to wetlands and streams have been minimized. Also, I've attached the minutes from the 2005 meeting. By this e-mail, we are asking the other team members to now comment on this request. Since the files were so large, I couldn't send them via the e-mail, so I'm sending them via the NCDOT File Transfer System. If you have problems with accessing these files, let me know. Charles Cox (919-733-7844, ext 301) 2 of 2 6/6/2007 9:23 AM 2, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merge... Subject: Re: R-3432, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merger Decision From: Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov Date: Fri., 25 May 2007 09:46:41 -0400 To: Charles Cox <ecox@dot.state. tic. us> CC: USACE-Frye <J enni fer. S. Frye@saw02.usace.army.mil>, FIIWA-Lucas-Ron <ron.luca@)fhwa.dot.gov>, EP.A-Mil:i.tscher <cmilitscher@dot.state.nc.us>, FWS-Jordan-Gary <garyjordan@fws.gov>, NMFS-Sechler <Ron.Sechler@noaa.gov>, SHPO-McBride <Sarah.Mcbride cr@ncmail.net>, DWQ-Wainwright <David.Wainwright@ncmall. net>, Eggert-Don. <deggert@;capefearcog.org>, "Brenda L. Moore PE" <blmoore@dot.state.ne.us>, Allen. Pope <apope@dot.state. nc.us>, "Joe E. Blair" <jblair@dot.state.nc.us>, "Tyler P. Stanton." <tstanton@dot. state. nc.us>, Chi-is Rivenbark <civenbark@dot.state. ne.us>, Rob Hanson <rhanson@dot.state.nc.us.>, WRC-Wilson <wilsontw@mail.wildlife.state.nc.us>, DMF-Rohde <fi•itz.rohde@:ncmai 1. net> Charles: Please send a hard copy of materials to EPA; I do not have color copy capabilities. Furthermore, I am very disappointed that this project is being considered for removal from Merger by the primary agencies without first consulting with the team. Considering the one of the real reasons for the initial project (developer access to further development interests) was not accepted by the Merger team, I request that the team meeting in August be held. Even if direct impacts have been minimized, EPA would like to see the indirect and cumulative impacts to wetlands and streams that this new location project will have in Brunswick Co. -----Charles Cox <ccox@dot.state. nc.us> wrote: ----- To: USACE-Frye <Jennifer.S.Frye@saw02.usace.army.mil>, FHWA-Lucas-Ron <ron.lucas@fhwa.dot.gov>, Chris Militscher/R4/USEPA/US@EPA, EPA-Militscher <cmilitscher@dot.state. nc.us>, FWS-Jordan-Gary <gary_jordan@fws.gov>, NMFS-Sechler <Ron.Sechier@noaa.gov>, SHPO-McBride <Sarah.Mcbride@ncmail.net>, DWQ-Wainwright <David.Wainwright@ncmail.net>, Eggert-Don <deggert@capefearcog.org>, "Brenda L. Moore PE" <blmoore@dot.state. nc.us>, Allen Pope <apope@dot.state.nc.us>, "Joe E. Blair" <jblair@dot.state. nc.us>, "Tyler P. Stanton" <tstanton@dot.state. nc.us>, Chris Rivenbark <civenbark@dot.state. nc.us>, Rob Hanson <rhanson@dot.state.nc.us>, WRC-Wilson <wilsontw@mail.wildlife.state.nc.us>, DMF-Rohde <fritz.rohde@ncmail.net> From: Charles Cox <ccox@dot.state. nc.us> Date: 05/24/2007 09:33AM Subject: R-3432, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merger Decision Dear team members. The CPl meeting for Georgetown Road Extension was held in 3/2005. No other concurrence meetings have been held since that time. However, NCDOT has completed work to help the merger team make better decisions for the next meeting. The smaller group of FHWA, DWQ, USACE, and NCDOT have met and discussed this project in light of new information and want to propose taking the project out of the merger process. This group would like to do so without having another formal meeting (though one is tentatively scheduled for August, 2007). Please review the attached "history" of the project and mapping to show how impacts to wetlands and streams have been minimized. 1 of 2 5/25/2007 10:10 AM R ?4_0?2, Georgetown Road Extension, Brunswick County, Merge... Also, I've attached the minutes from the 2005 meeting. By this e-mail, we are asking the other team members to now comment on this request. Since the files were so large, I couldn't send them via the e-mail, so I'm sending them via the NCDQT File Transfer System. If you have problems with accessing these files, let me know. Charles Cox (919-733-7844, ext 301) Content-Type: application/octet-stream ccox.vd Content-Encoding: base64 2 of 2 5/25/2007 10:10 AM