HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200689 Ver 1_Ward Mill Dam Permitting Set 05192020_20200526Ward Mill Dam Removal ProjectWatauga River Basin 06010103Watauga County, North CarolinaforWatauga Soil and Water Conservation District, Blue Ridge Resource Conservation andDevelopment Council, American Rivers, and MountainTrueTitle Sheet0.1General Notes and Symbols 0.2Existing Site Plan0.3Dam Diagrams 1.1-1.3Dam Removal Plans 2.1-2.3River Stabilization3.1Planting Sheets 4.1Erosion and Sediment Control5.1Details 6.0-6.4BEFORE YOU DIG!IT'S THE LAW!CALL 1-800-632-4949N.C. ONE-CALL CENTEROwner:Jonathan HartsellBlue Ridge RC&D828-284-9818Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALDRAFT PLANSISSUED FOR PERMITTING5/19/2020NX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Title.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 0.1 05.19.2020 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina TitleEngineering:Wildlands Engineering, IncLicense No. F-0831312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225Raleigh, NC 27609919-851-9986Angela Allen, PE, Project EngineerSurveying:Kee Mapping and Surveying, PA88 Central AvenueAsheville, NC 28801Phillip B. Kee, PLS828-645-8275SITESheet IndexProject DirectoryVicinity MapNot to ScaleUS HWY 321US HWY 321PHILLIPSBRANCH RDSHULLS HOLLARWARDSBRANCH RDHOWARDEDMISTON RDROMINGER RDWATAUGARIVER RDOLD WATAUGARIVER RDSurveying:Appalachian Professional LandSurveyors and Consultants, P.A.1480 US Hwy. 421 SouthBoone, NC 28607Donald H. McNeil, P.L.S.828-264-0290 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-General Notes and Symbols.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 0.2 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina General Notes and SymbolsExisting Property LineExisting Top of BankExisting ThalwegExisting Major ContourExisting Minor ContourExisting FEMA FloodplainExisting FEMA FloodwayExisting TreeExisting Rock OutcropProposed Thalweg AlignmentTrout Buffer for WaiverGravel PadDam StructureDemo10+00100Existing FeaturesProposed FeaturesErosion and Sediment Control FeaturesFFPFFPFFPProposed Bank Sloping, Benching andProposed Floodplain StabilizationProposed StructuresGENERAL NOTES1.All erosion and sediment control practices shall comply with the North Carolina Erosion andSediment Control Planning and Design Manual including maintenance of erosion controlpractices.2.No non-native material excavated from the Watagua River may be spoiled as surfacematerial.3.All graded areas with slopes steeper than 3:1 will be stabilized within seven (7) working days.All other areas will be stabilized within 14 working days.4.Locations for staging and stockpile areas and temporary stream crossings have beenprovided in the Plans. Additional or alternative staging and/or stockpile areas and streamcrossings may be used by the Contractor provided that all practices comply with the NorthCarolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual and that the areas areapproved by the Engineer prior to implementation.5.Contractor is to make every effort to avoid damaging or removing existing trees.6.Under no circumstances shall the Contractor exceed the limits of disturbance as shown onthe Plans.WARD MILL DAM REMOVAL1.For information on the existing dam structure, please see sheets 1.1 - 1.3.2.For instructions on the removal of Ward Mill Dam, please see Sheets 2.1 - 2.3INITIAL SITE PREPARATION AND EROSION CONTROL1.Contact Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources at the Winston-Salem RegionalOffice at 336-776-9654 to schedule a pre-construction meeting at least 48 hours prior toproject activation.2.Contact North Carolina "One Call" Center (1-800-632-4949) before any excavation.3.Mobilize equipment and materials to the Site4.Establish construction entrance at the existing rock entrance on the river left, downstream ofthe dam, as identified in the plans. This area is to be used for staging and stockpiling and theprocessing of dam material.Identify any other sediment control measures in the erosioncontrol plan to put in place prior to construction.5.Set up temporary facilities, locate equipment within the staging area, and stockpile materialsneeded for the initial stages of construction within the stockpile area(s).6.Install and maintain an onsite rain gauge and logbook to record the rainfall amounts anddates. Maintain an approved copy of the E&SC plan with placard and approved letter and acopy of the NPDES permit with a minimum of 30 days of self-inspection reports on site untilproject closure by NCDEQ. Complete the self-inspection as required by NCDEQ permit.Rainfall records, completed self-inspection forms, and permits should be maintained on site.7.Monitor for sediment loss and inspect all erosion features after each rain event. Maintainerosion control features according to the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment ControlManual.WATAUGA RIVER FLOODPLAIN STABILIZATION1.Phase 1 grading along the Watauga River will include left bank grading to reestablish a left bankthrough the dam, the application of material to buttress the Mill and Powerhouse Structure, andincorporation of a mix of dam demolition rock, existing soil, river alluvium into the left floodplainterrace. The bank stabilization and approximate profile of the river post-dam removal areapproximate and based on the best available knowledge of the streambed slopes upstream anddownstream and the depth to refusal data gathered with a soil probe. The actual depth tobedrock and/or the historic stream channel bottom may vary from what is proposed.2.All graded streambanks are will be matted with erosion control matting per detail. Additionalbanks noted in the field as needing stabilization post-dam removal by the Engineer may also bematted.3.Seed (with specified temporary seed and permanent seed mix) and straw bare areas on the siteCONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 DEMOBILIZATION1.The Contractor shall ensure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior todemobilization of equipment from the site.2.Materials deemed suitable for Phase 2 river restoration efforts may be stockpiled upgradient ofthe Mill in the hydraulic shadow of the Mill structure.3.Complete the removal of any other stockpiled material from the site.4.Seed, mulch, and stabilize and disturbed areas of bare earth including staging areas, accessroads, and construction entrances.5.Remove all temporary erosion control measures once permanent stabilization has beenachieved.6.Demobilize grading equipment from the site.FFWFFWWATAUGA RIVERBANK RESTORATION1.Follow general notes and initial site preparation and erosion control notes.2.A more detailed plan stating river restoration activities will be submitted based onchannel evolution at site following normal series of moderate to high flow events.Exact limits of each practice may vary from what is predicted on these plans -overall limits of disturbance are not anticipated to change. Executed plans willaddress any horizontal and vertical instability present and also provide forlong-term vegetative restoration of streambanks.3.All disturbed areas of the site (by river flows or by construction practices) will bereseeded with temporary and permanent seed and mulch.4.Upon completion of Phase 2, install livestakes along the stream banks andcontainer or bare root trees within the floodplain according to the plans.Herbaceous plugs may be installed during the growing season to supplementseeding efforts.CONSTRUCTION PHASE 2 DEMOBILIZATION1.All rock and other stockpiled materials must be removed from the limits ofdisturbance. All areas outside the grading areas shall be returned topre-project conditions or better. The rock access used as the primary accessand staging area shall be returned to pre-project conditions.2.The Contractor shall ensure that the site is free of trash and leftovermaterials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site.3.Seed, mulch, and stabilize and disturbed areas of bare earth includingstaging areas, access roads, and construction entrances.4.Remove all temporary erosion control measures once permanentstabilization has been achieved.5.Demobilize grading equipment from the site.SITEWORK PHASE 2After normal series of moderate to high flow is allows to erode and naturally redistributealluvium in the sediment wedge, Phase 2 activities shall commence beginning withremobilization to the site. The intent of Phase 2 will be to prepare the riverbanks andchannel toe conditions for long-term lateral stability. Wildlands anticipates grade control(vertical stability) to reestablish from natural bedrock and colluvial material.SITEWORK PHASE 1The purpose of Phase 1 is to remove the dam during low flow period of the year. Dam material,consisting of river rock and concrete, shall be placed in designated areas and mixed with otherriver sediments. The left bank and Mill and Powerhouse Structure will be protected.Bioengineering Measures as Stated on Plan[X][X][X]Proposed Temporary Silt FenceProposed Construction EntranceProposed Temporary Safety FenceStaging and Stockpile AreaSilt Fence OutletLimits of DisturbanceExisting Rock/Cobble Access RoadSAFSAFSAFLODLODProposed Contour - 1'Proposed Contour - 5'Predicted Grade - 1'Predicted Grade - 5'2600Trout BufferParcels2600Proposed Structure StabilizationFPSSingle Arm VaneFloodplain Sill05.19.2020 TTTTTTTTTTTTTT T T T TTT T T T T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFP467+ 0 0 468+00 469+00 470+00471+00 FLO W WAT A U G A R I V E R EXISTING DAMDWELLINGPONDOLD WATAUGA RIVER RDS.R. # 1121 EXISTINGEDGE OF WATEREXISTINGEDGE OF WATERFLOODWAY100 YEAR FLOOD PLAINLarge BoulderEMERGENCY SPILLWAYTRASH RACKTOP OF DAMELEVATION: 2608.12TROUT BUFFERWAIVERMACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSESAW MILLSheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Existing Site Plan.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 0.30'20'40'60'(HORIZONTAL)NWard Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Existing Site Plan 05.19.2020 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831 D R A F T X:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Dam Diagrams.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 1.1 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Dam Diagrams - 1 Dam DiagramsNOTES:1.ELEVATIONS PROVIDED IN DIAGRAMS ARENGVD292.SEE REPORT AVAILABLE FOR OPERATIONOF DRAWDOWN GATES05.19.2020 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831 D R A F T X:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Dam Diagrams.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 1.2 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Dam Diagrams - 2 Dam DiagramsNOTES:1.ELEVATIONS PROVIDED IN DIAGRAMSARE NGVD2905.19.2020 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831 D R A F T X:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Dam Diagrams.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 1.3 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Dam Diagrams - 3 Dam DiagramsNOTES:1.ELEVATIONS PROVIDED IN DIAGRAMSARE NGVD2905.19.2020 FFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFP467+ 0 0 468+00 469+00 470+00471+00 FLO W WAT A U G A RIVE REXISTING DAMDWELLINGPONDOLD WATAUGA RIVER RDS.R. # 1121 MACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSESAW MILLPRE PROJECTEDGE OF WATERPRE-PROJECT EDGE OF WATER100 YEAR FLOOD PLAINTRASH RACKTOP OF DAMELEVATION: 2608.12CONSTRUCTGRAVEL PAD26352635263026302625262526202620 26302625 262526202620 2610 2610 2615261526152615 260 5 2605 26 0 0 26 0 0 2600 26002 5 9 5 2595 2590 2590 2590 2590 259025852605 2605 2605 260 5 2605 2 6 0 5 26102610 26 0 0 26002600 260 0 2595 2595 2595 2610 2610 2610 2610 26 1 0 2615 261526 1 5 2615 2620 262026 2 0 2620 2620 2625 2625 2625 2625 26 2 5 2630 2630 2630 26 3 0 2635 263526402640 2645 FLOODWAYRELOCATE INTERMITTENTSTREAM AGAINST ROCKSEMERGENCY SPILLWAYAPPROXIMATE EXTENTOF BOULDERS ANDBEDROCK OUTCROPINSTALL WARNING SIGNAGEOR FLAGGING TO NOTE DAMREMOVAL AHEADPOND OUTLET PIPEEXISTING ROCKACCSESEXISTINGROCKY BANKSheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Stage 1 Gravel Pad.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 2.10'20'40'60'(HORIZONTAL)NWard Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Step 1 - Gravel Pad Dam Removal Plan DEMOLITION NOTE STEP 11.INSTALL ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLMEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVEDEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN.2.ENTRANCE FOR DAM REMOVAL CONSTRUCTIONLOCATED OFF OF OLD WATAUGA RIVER ROAD ON THEWEST SIDE OF THE MACHINE SHOP AND POWERHOUSE,RIVER LEFT, DOWNSTREAM OF DAM.3.CONSTRUCT A GRAVEL WORKING PAD ALONG THEPOWERHOUSE AND BASE OF DAM, DOWNSTREAM OFTHE DAM ON RIVER LEFT, IN ORDER TO ACCESS THE DAMFOR DEMOLITION.4.THE GRAVEL PAD IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF RIPRAPLARGE ENOUGH TO SUPPORT EQUIPMENT USED FORDAM DEMOLITION. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FORSIZING RIPRAP. RIPRAP SHOULD FILL THE EXISTINGPLUNGE POOL UNTIL THERE IS ONLY TWO FEET OFSTANDING WATER ON TOP OF THE GRAVEL PAD.ADDITIONAL RIPRAP SHOULD LINE THE MACHINE SHOPAND POWERHOUSE TO PROTECT IT FROM EQUIPMENTDURING DEMOLITION.5.THE GRAVEL PAD MAY NOT BLOCK WATER FLOW OVERTHE DAM OR THROUGH THE SAND GATES. FLOW ACCESSMUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES.6.AFTER DEMOLITION, ALL GRAVEL MUST BE REMOVEDTHAT BLOCKS THE NEWLY FORMING (PREDICTED)CHANNEL FLOW. GRAVEL MAY STAY IN PLACE THAT ISUSED AS A BASE TO SUPPORT THE POWERHOUSESTRUCTURE POST-DAM REMOVAL OR THAT IS NOTCONSTRICTING PREDICTED BASEFLOW CHANNEL ASDEPICTED ON SHEET FFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFLO W EXISTING DAMDWELLINGPONDOLD WATAUGA RIVER RDS.R. # 1121 MACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSESAW MILLEDGE OF WATERPRE REMOVAL EDGE OF WATERFLOODWAY100 YEAR FLOOD PLAINSTAGE 1:GRAVEL PADWARD MILLDAM TO BEDEMOLISHEDBEDROCK OUTCROP2635 263526302630262526252620262026152615 2610 2610 2605 2605 2605 2605 2605 260 5 2605 26002625 2625262026202630 26152615 2625262026102610 2610 2605 26 0 5 26 0 5 26 0 0 26 0 0 260 0 25 9 5 2595 2595 2 5 9 0 2590 2590 25 9 02590 2590 25 9 02595 2595 2595 2595 2605 25852600 26 0 0 2600 26002 6 0 0259025952600260526102610 2610 26 1 0 2615 2615 2615 26 1 5 2 6 1 5 2620 2620 26 2 0 2620 2625 2625 2625 2625 26 2 5 2630 263026 3 0 26 3 0 2635 2635 2635 26402640 2645 WAT A U G A R I V E R STAGE 2: EXTENDWORKING PAD USINGMATERIAL FROM DAM467+ 0 0 468+00 469+00 470+00471+00 DEMOLISH DAM TO POINT WHEREINTERCEPT NATIVE ROCK OUTCROPADJACENT TO MACHINE SHOP ANDPOWERHOUSETOP OF DAMELEVATION: 2608.12DEMOLISHTRASH RACKDEMOLISH LOGPOND FENCE(APPROXIMATELOCATION)STAGE 2: CREATEWORKING PAD ABOVEDAM USING MATERIALFROM DAMSheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Stage 2 Dam Removal.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 2.20'20'40'60'(HORIZONTAL)NWard Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Step 2 - Dam Removal Dam Removal Plan DEMOLITION NOTE STEP 21.THE PREFERRED APPROACH IS TO DRAW DOWN THE IMPOUNDMENTSTARTING 2-6 WEEKS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. DRAW DOWN USINGPOWERHOUSE AND DAM GATES TO EXISTING SEDIMENT WEDGELEVEL AND OBSERVE. REPLACE GATE BOARDS IF UNDESIRABLESEDIMENT MOVEMENT IS OCCURRING. AS CONSTRUCTIONAPPROACHES, LOWER BOARD GATES FURTHER IF POSSIBLE TOFURTHER DEWATER.2.IF DEWATERING CANNOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THEPOWERHOUSE AND DAM GATES CAN BE USED AT THE TIME OFMOBILIZATION TO ALLOW FLOW TO PASS THROUGH AND LOWER THEWATER LEVEL. DUE TO THE ROCKY CONDITIONS BELOW THE DAM,DEWATERING RATES HAVE NOT BEEN SPECIFIED, BUT IT ISPREFERABLE ALTHOUGH NOT REQUIRED TO DEWATER TO THEEXISTING SEDIMENT LEVEL PRIOR TO BEGINNING DAM REMOVAL.3.GATES MAY REMAIN OPEN FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION.REFER TO SHEETS 1.1-1.3 FOR GATE LOCATIONS AND DIAGRAMS.4.DEMOLITION OF THE DAM WILL PROCEED FROM THE LEFT BANK, ATTHE GRAVEL PAD, AND PROCEED TO THE RIGHT BANK BY REMOVINGIN LIFTS. THE MATERIAL REMOVED IN LIFTS WILL BE USED TOESTABLISH A WORKING PAD ACROSS THE BASE OF THE DAM.5.IF AT ANY TIME THE FLOW OF SEDIMENT DOWNSTREAM IS DEEMEDTOO EXTENSIVE BY THE ENGINEER OR REGULATORY AUTHORITY,DEMOLITION WILL STOP TO ALLOW FOR EQUILIBRIUM TOREESTABLISH.6.DAM MATERIAL NOT USED TO ESTABLISH A WORKING PAD WILL BESTOCKPILED IN THE STAGING AREAS ON THE PLANS, SHEET 5.17.ALL STEEL SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM THE ROCK, CONCRETE, ANDLOGS AND MUST BE HAULED OFF-SITE POST CONSTRUCTION. LOGSMAY BE REUSED ON SITE OR STOCKPILED BY DIRECTION OF THEENGINEER.8.THE ENTIRETY OF THE DAM STRUCTURE SHALL BE DEMOLISHED ASSHOWN ON THIS PLAN SET, INCLUDING THE TRASH RACK STRUCTURE.9.THE DAM SHALL BE REMOVED UNTIL THE NATURAL STREAM BED /BEDROCK IS ENCOUNTERED.EXCAVATED VOLUMESDAM DEMOLITION VOLUME = 450-500 CY (CUT)05.19.2020 FFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFPSFPSFLOW WATAUGA R I V E RDWELLINGPONDOLD WATAUGA RIVER RDS.R. # 1121 MACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSESAW MILLROCK AND BOULDER STABILIZATIONOF MACHINE SHOP AND POWERHOUSE WALLSSEE NOTES AND CROSS SECTIONS ON SHEET 3.32605 2605 2610 261026152615 2605 2605 2620 26202625 26252630 263026352635 26302625 262526202620 261526152610261026052605 2600 2590 2590 2610 2610 2610 2610 2615 2615 26 1 5 26 1 5 2620 2620 2620 2620 2625 2625 2625 262526302630263 0 2630 2635 2635 26402640 2645 2605 2 6 0 5 2605 2605 2605 2600 2600 2600259025952600260525902595 25 9 5 FLOODWAY100 YEAR FLOOD PLAINAPPLY MIX OF NATIVE CLASS A SIZE DAMCOBBLES WITH ALLUVIUM AND EXISTINGSOIL TO ACHIEVE GRADES SHOWN ASSOLID-LINE CONTOURS ON SHEET 5.1CONSTRUCT VEGETATEDSOIL LIFT FROM ROCKOUTCROP TO EXISTINGROCKY BENCHEXISTINGROCKY BENCHREGRADE INTERMITTENTCHANNEL UPONDEMOBILIZING FROMTHIS ACCESS AREAOUTCROPEXISTING EDGE OF WATERPRE PROJECTEDGE OF WATERPOST PROJECT PREDICTEDEDGE OF WATERSheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Stage 3 Grading.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 2.30'20'40'60'(HORIZONTAL)NWard Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Step 3 - Building and Floodplain Stabilization Dam Removal Plan DEMOLITION NOTE STEP 31.USE RIPRAP FROM GRAVEL PAD ESTABLISHED IN STAGE 1 TOCREATE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT BASE FOR STABILIZATIONALONG THE BORDER OF THE MACHINE SHOP/POWER HOUSEWALL. USE BOULDERS FROM THE DEMOLISHED DAM TOSTABILIZE THE MACHINE SHOP/POWER HOUSE WALL ASSHOWN IN HATCHED AREA. BOULDER MATERIAL SHOULD BEFREE OF REBAR AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM THE DAMREMOVAL. BURY RIPRAP AND CONCRETE BELOW OTHERROCKY FILL.2.ROCK STABILIZATION OF THE MACHINE SHOP/POWERHOUSE WALL SHALL NOT EXCEED A SLOPE OF 2 (H):1(V).3.FLOODPLAIN SILLS AND VANE SHALL BE PLACED ACCORDINGTO SHEET 2.3, 3.1, AND THE DETAILS. FLOODPLAIN SILLS CANBE CONSTRUCTED OF WASTE COBBLE AND BOULDERS FROMTHE DAM.4.ROCK STABILIZING THE SLOPE FROM THE SAWMILL EDGE TOTHE FLOOPLAIN SILLS SHALL BE WASTE MATERIAL FROM THEDAM - PLACE CONCRETE BELOW OTHER ROCKY FILLS.5.ROCK PLACED TO STABILIZE SLOPE SHALL BE MIXED WITHRIVER SEDIMENT TO CREATE A PLANTING MEDIUM. SEEPLANTING SHEET 4.1 FOR REVEGETATION PLAN.05.19.2020 2585259025952600260525852590259526002605396+00396+50397+00397+50398+00398+50399+00399+50400+00400+50401+00EXISTING GROUNDPREDICTEDCHANNEL GRADEPOST-DAMREMOVALDEPTH TOREFUSAL BORINGS(TYP.)TOP OF DAM ELEV. = 2608.12FFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFP FFPFFPWATAUGA RIVEROLD WATAUGA RIVER RDS.R. # 1121SAW MILL396+00397+00398+00399+00400+00401+00MACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSE2615261526202610261026102610260526052605260526052605260026002 6 1 5 26152610261026102605260526002595259025902595259526002610261026102600FLOW26002602.55%259726107%+++++2600259926026%++2610+2610+FPSF P S EXISTING ROCK OUTCROPEXISTING ROCKOUTCROPAPPLY MIX OF NATIVE DEMOLITIONROCK WITH ALLUVIUM AND EXISTINGSOIL, SEE SHEET 3.3 FORCROSS-SECTIONBOULDER STABILIZATION OFMACHINE SHOP ANDPOWERHOUSE, SEE SHEET 3.3FLOODPLAIN SILL. SEEDETAIL - LAYOUTELEVATIONS SHOWNPHASE 2 BANK RESTORATIONACTIVITES, SEE SHEET 3.2PROPOSED VANE, SEEDETAIL - LAYOUTELEVATIONS SHOWNPHASE 1: INSTALL VEGETATED GEOLIFTON ROCK OR LOG/BRUSH TOEPHASE 2: LIVESTAKE LIFTS DURINGDORMANT SEASONCONSTRUCT BANK SILLPORTION OF VANE PERFLOODPLAIN SILL DETAILSheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEAL0'20'40'60'(HORIZONTAL)N0'2'4'6'(VERTICAL)X:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Plan and Profile.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 3.1 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Phase 1 Left Floodplain Stabilization 05.19.2020 FFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFP FFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFP FFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFLOWWATAUGA RIVEROLD WATAUGA RIVER RDS.R. # 1121MACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSESAW MILLPHASE 1 ROCK STABILIZATIONOF MACHINE SHOP ANDPOWERHOUSE WALLS26052605261026102615261526052605262026202625262526252630263026352635 26252620262026152615261026102605260526002600259525902590261026102610 261026102610261526152615261526152615262026202620262026202620262026252625262526252625262526252630263026302630263026302635263526352635264026402645260526052605260526052605260526052600260026002590259526002605 259025952595FLOODWAY100 YEAR FLOOD PLAINPHASE 1 GRADING WITH NATIVECOBBLE AND ALLUVIUMEXPOSEDBEDROCK/BOULDERCLUSTERSPOST-PROJECTPREDICTED EDGE OFBASEFLOW CHANNELPHASE 2 BANK RESTORATION ACTIVITES: ASWARRANTED, APPLY BANK GRADING,BENCHING AND MATTING, TOE PROTECTIONMEASURES WITH PREFERENCE FOR VEGETATEDSOIL LIFT OR BRUSH MATTRESS PRACTICES -DETAILED PLAN TO BE DEVELOPED PRIOR TOMOBILIZATIONLIVESTAKE PHASE 1 LIFTSDURING DORMANT SEASONPHASE 1 RIVER TRAININGSTRUCTURES (VANE ANDFLOODPLAIN SILLS)REGRADE, SEED, STRAWAND STABILIZE ALLDISTURBED AREASPHASE 2 ACCESSUSING APPROVEDCONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEPHASE 1 STOCKPILE MATERIALSTO BE USED OF IN PHASE 2 ORPROPERLY DISPOSED OFFPSF P S Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Phase 2.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 3.20'20'40'60'(HORIZONTAL)NWard Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Phase 2 Riverbank RestorationPHASE 2 - RIVERBANK RESTORATION1.AFTER DEMOLITION OF THE DAM AND STABILIZATION OF THE LEFT FLOODPLAIN (PHASE 1), THE RIVER WILL SIT FOR MINIMUM OF 2 MONTHS FOR THE CHANNEL TO PUSH SEDIMENTTHROUGH THE SYSTEM AND ADJUST TO THE DAM REMOVAL.2.DURING THIS TIME, DESIGNER WILL INSPECT THE SITE AFTER MAJOR FLOWS. THE PROJECT TEAM WILL VISUALLY INSPECT THE PROJECT ON A BIWEEKLY BASIS AND DOCUMENT WITHPHOTOGRAPHS AND EMAIL UPDATES TO THE DESIGNER. DESIGNER WILL ASSESS EVOLUTION OF CHANNEL AND DETERMINE IF REMEDIAL ACTION MAY BE NECESSARY DUE TOUNANTICIPATED EROSION. SHIFTS IN PATTERN FROM THE IDEALIZED PATTERN WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE CONSIDERED UNANTICIPATED SO LONG AS VALLEY WALLS, STRUCTURES, OREROSION INTO CONSOLIDATED MATERIALS DOES NOT OCCUR.3.AFTER A SERIES OF HIGH OR MODERATE FLOWS, OR SEVERAL MONTHS OF TYPICAL FLOWS, THE EVOLVING CHANNEL WILL BE ASSESSED AND A DETAILED PLAN WILL BE DEVELOPED FORRIVERBANK RESTORATION MEASURES.4.RIVERBANK RESTORATION MEASURES MAY INCLUDE GRADING BACK STREAMBANKS TO A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 3(H):1(V), SEEDING, AND MATTING WITH COIR FIBER MATTING.5.ADDITIONAL MEASURES MAY INCLUDE BRUSH MATTRESSES AND VEGETATED GEOLIFTS WHERE TOE PROTECTION IS REQUIRED.6.AFTER PHASE 2 IS COMPLETE, OR AS PART OF PHASE 2, LIVESTAKES WILL BE PLANTED ALONG ANY STREAM EDGES ALTERED WITH BANK GRADING OR BIOENGINEERING METHODS.05.19.2020 X:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Cross Sections.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 3.3 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Cross Sections Floodplain Stabilization Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NO TUS E FO RCONSTRUCTION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEAL0'80'180'240'(HORIZONTAL)NStation 398+55 - Upstream of DamStation 399+50 - At/Above Dam FaceStation 399+75 - Below Dam05.19.2020 FPSFPS396+00 398+00 400+0 0 40 2 + 0 0 399+50399+75Dam locationPhase 2 BankRestoration (asneeded), Sheet 3.2Floodplain Sill(Typ.)Existing RockOutcrop (TYP)Rock VanePhase 1FloodplainStabilizationMachine Shop andPowerhouseSawmillPhase 1 StructureStabilizationPhase 1 BankRestoration398+55Phase 1FloodplainStabilization2590259526002605261026152620259025952600260526102615262001020304050607080900-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90258025852590259526002605261026152580258525902595260026052610261501020304050607080900-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-9025752580258525902595260026052610261525752580258525902595260026052610261501020304050607080900-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90Existing Surface @ DamFace = Elev. 2608.12Depth of RefusalPredicted Post-DamRemoval Cross-SectionApproximate rock outcroppingvisible above and below wateron downstream face of damPhase 2 riverbank restorationwith bank grading and matting,brush mattress, or vegetated soillift practices - to be applied asneededBuildingEdgeExisting Water SurfaceSediment Level 50' UpstreamModeled surface of refusal depthExisting SurfaceExisting SurfacePhase 1 Boulders andcobble from dam materialto stabilize building edgeGravel Pad materialfrom Stage 1 Demolition.Minimum 2' depthof 18" or similar stoneBoulder outcrop section of dam wall to remainApproximate rock outcroppingvisible above and below wateron downstream face of damPhase 1 Boulders mixed with cobbleand river sediment to stabilize bankand provide planting mediumPredicted Post-DamRemoval Cross-SectionExisting Water Surface(same as post-removal)Predicted Post-DamRemoval Cross-SectionExisting Water Surface3:1 Max4:1 Max2:1 Max2:1 Max20:1 Phase 1 Floodplain SillPhase 2 riverbank restoration withbank grading and matting, brushmattress, or vegetated soil liftpractices - to be applied as needed3:1 MaxWorking gravel pad materialto be removedPhase 1 cobble fromdam material mixed with riversediment to stabilize floodplainand provide planting mediumPhase 1Vegetatedsoil liftAdd extra soil andalluvium to createbankfull bench feature at4' above water surfaceCushionbuildingwith finermaterial TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T TT T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFWFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPWATAUGA RIVERFLOWBARNBARNPONDOLD WATAUGA R IVER RDSAW MILLEDGE OF WATERPRE-REMOVAL EDGE OF WATERFLOODWAY100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN390+00395+00400+00DWELLINGMACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSE0.8 ACRES RIPARIAN WOODY SPECIES9000 SQ FT20,500 SQ FT7000 SQ FT3500 SQ FT5000 SQ FTSheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NO TUS E FO RCONSTRUCTION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Planting Plan.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 4.1 05.19.20200'50'100'150'(HORIZONTAL)NWard Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Planting Plan Buffer planting to occur both within limits of disturbance and outside of limits ofdisturbance. Outside of disturbance limits, planting will be by hand and accessed on foot.The purpose of planting outside of the disturbance limits is to reestablish woody species onareas that are currently submerged behind the dam.Zone 1 - Streambank Planting Zone(See Detail, Sheet 6.2)Zone 2 - Riparian Buffer Planting Zone(See Detail, Sheet 6.2)Zone 3 - Permanent Seeding - No Woody Planting(See Detail, Sheet 6.2)Live Stakes or TublingsSpeciesCommon NameMax SpacingPlannedSpacingMin. SizeStratumSalix nigraBlack Willow3 ft.2 ft.0.5"-1.5" cal.CanopyCornus amomumSilky Dogwood3 ft.2 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal.ShrubSalix sericeaSilky Willow3 ft.2 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal.ShrubCephalathusoccidentalisButtonbush3 ft.2 ft.0.5"-1.5" cal.ShrubPhsycarpusopulifoliusNinebark3 ft.2 ft.0.5"-1.5" cal.ShrubHerbaceous PlugsJuncus effususCommon Rush3 ft.2 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug*HerbCarex crinitaFringed Sedge3 ft.2 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plugHerbCarex luridaShallow Sedge3 ft.2 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plugHerbRiparian Buffer Planting Zone SpeciesSpeciesCommon NameQtyIndiv.SpacingMin. SizeStratumFrasier MagnoliaQuercus rubraNorthern RedOak10 ft.1-3 gal.TreeFagus grandifoliaBeech10 ft.1-3 gal.TreeCarpinuscarolinianaHornbeam10 ft.1-3 gal.UnderstoryTreeCornus floridaFloweringDogwood10 ft.1-3 gal.UnderstoryTreePlatanusoccidentalisSycamore10 ft.1-3 gal.TreeQuercus albaWhite Oak10 ft.1-3 gal.TreeNyssa sylvaticaBlack Gum10 ft.1-3 gal.TreeSourwood10 ft.1-3 gal.UnderstoryTreePhase 1 Seeding - Apply temporary seeding to all areas and temporary and permanentseeding to areas that are not expected to change as a result of river adjustment, reseed withcool weather species in fall.Phase 2 Seeding - Phase 2 is an effort to more permanently stabilize banks on the site andestablish permanent vegetation, including bioengineering. During Phase 2, apply temporaryand permanent seed to all areas that were not previously seeded or that are regraded orhave bioengineering or matting applied.Phase 3 (Adaptive Management) Seeding - The adaptive management phase entails regularinspection and management of long-term vegetation establishment. Repair and applytemporary and permanent seed to areas that have not established.Lobelia cardinalisCardinal flower3 ft.2 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plugHerbRudbeckia laciniataGreen-headedConeflower3 ft.2 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plugHerbQuantityTBD(Use a mix ofat least 3species)TBD*Plugs may also be obtained in 4" pots for approximately $2.75 - 3 per plantHibiscus moscheutosRose mallow3 ft.2 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plugHerbSambucus canadensisElderberry3 ft.2 ft.0.5"-1.5" cal.ShrubWitchhazelDoghobbleWild CherryPrunus serotinaMagnolia fraseriSpicebushLindera benzoinOxydendrum arboreumHamamelis virginianaLeuchothoe fontanesiana10 ft.1-3 gal.Shrub10 ft.1-3 gal.ShrubTBD10 ft.1-3 gal.Tree10 ft.1-3 gal.10 ft.1-3 gal.TreeShrubPlantingTemporary SeedingRiparian SeedingPure Live Seed (20 lbs/acre)Approved DateSpecies NameCommon NameStratumDensity (lbs/acre)All YearBidens aristosabur-marigoldHerb1.0All YearCarex luridalurid sedgeHerb0.6All YearCarex vulpinoideafox sedgeHerb1.0All YearChamaecrista fasciculatapartridge peaHerb1.8All YearChasmanthium latifoliumriver oatsHerb0.8All YearElymus ripariusRiverbank wildryeHerb1.6All YearElymus virginicusVirginia wildryeHerb1.6All YearIlex verticillataWinterberryHerb0.4All YearJuncus tennuisPath rushHerb1.0All YearLindera benzoinSpicebushHerb0.6All YearPanicum ancepsBeaked panicgrassHerb1.0All YearPanicum virgatumswitchgrassHerb1.0All YearRhus typhinaStaghorn sumacHerb0.4All YearRudbeckia hirtablackeyed susanHerb1.2All YearAndropogon gerardiiBig bluestemHerb1.8All YearSorghastrum nutansIndiangrassHerb1.8All YearTridens flavuspurple lovetopHerb1.0All YearTripsacum dactyloidesgamma grassHerb1.0All YearJuncus effususSoft rushHerb0.4Riparian SeedingNote: Apply to all disturbed areas. More detailed amendmentrecommendations are being developed and may incorporated theresults of soil testing if deemed relevant for this rocky site.Temporary SeedingApproved DateTypePlanting Rate(lbs/acre)Jan 1 - May 1Rye Grain (Secale cereale)120Ground Agricultural Limestone2000Soil conditioner (Humic DG)50Straw Mulch4000May 1 - Aug 15German Millet (Setaria italica)40Ladino/Red/Crimson Clover20Ground Agricultural Limestone2000Soil conditioner (Humic DG)50Straw Mulch4000Aug 15 - Dec 30Rye Grain (Secale cereale)120Ladino/Red/Crimson Clover20Ground Agricultural Limestone2000Soil conditioner (Humic DG)100Straw Mulch4000Select minimum of 3 tree species, and 2 shrub species. If bareroot plants are used, increase quantities by a factor of 2.ReservedYellow buckeyeAesculus flava10 ft.1-3 gal.TreeTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD 2615260526002595259026102615259025952600260526102615260026052610261526202620261526202610260526 1 52585259026102600TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T TTT TTTTTTFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFP FFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFP FFP FFPFFP FFPFFPFFP FFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPFFPWATAUGA RIVERFLOWBARNPONDOLD WATAUGA RIVER RD (GRAVEL)SAW MILL395+00400+00DWELLINGMACHINE SHOP &POWER HOUSELODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LODLODLODLODLODLOD LODLODLODLODLODPIN: 1961-48-6427PIN: 1961-59-3545PIN: 1961-58-8545[X][X ] [X ]PIN: 1961-48-6427STAGINGSTAGING AREAPOOLWSF=2592.2CREST=2608ACCESS #2 - INSTALLCONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE WHEN USEDFOR ACCESS DURINGPHASE 1 OR 2ACCESS #1 - EXISTING STONE ACCESS[X][X] [X]ROCKOUTCROP (TYP)PRE-REMOVALEDGE OF WATERNORTH GATESOUTH GATEOVERFLOWRIVER COBBLE ACCESS USINGCOARSE ONSITE MATERIAL2610260526002595259025902595260025952600261426102600Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Erosion and Sediment Contorol Plan.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 5.1 0'30'60'90'(HORIZONTAL)NWard Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Erosion and Sediment ControlEROSION CONTROL NOTES:1.NONE OF THE AREAS ON THE SITE DRAIN MORE THAN ONE ACRE OF UPLAND RUNOFF.2.SEE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR E&SC, SHEET 0.23.PROPOSED AREAS ARE FOR MATERIAL STORAGE AND PROCESSING.4.SILT FENCE WILL BE INTERCHANGEABLE WITH ROCK BERM SUITABLE TO SITE CONDITIONS.5.TAKE APPROPRIATE PRECAUTION WHEN REFUELING. REFUEL AS FAR FROM RIVER AS POSSIBLE -IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO GO INTO ROADWAY TO REFUEL. SPILL CLEANUP MATERIALS SHALL BEKEPT ON-SITE.6.ISOLATE FLOW FROM THE WORK AREA WHEN POSSIBLE BY USING FLOW GATES OVER ORNATURAL OVERFLOW RIVER RIGHT.7.ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE ON COARSE SEDIMENT OR SHALL HAVE A DOWN-GRADIENTSEDIMENT BARRIER.8.SEQUENCE SHALL FOLLOW SHEETS 0.2 AND 2.1-2.3.9.REFER TO GROUNDCOVER STABILIZATION REQUIREMENTS ON SHEET 6.4. SEE TEMPORARY ANDPERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULES ON SHEET 4.1.10.REFER TO SELF INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS SHEET 6.3.11.CONTACT DEMLR REGIONAL WINSTON SALEM OFFICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TOCOMMENCING LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY.DRAWDOWN NOTES:1.NORTH GATE IS 5' WIDE x 8' HIGH AND THE TOP OF THE GATE IS 10' BELOW THE CREST OFDAM. SOUTH GATE IS SAME SIZE AND HAS TWO-STAGES WITH TOP STAGE 3' BELOW CREST.LOWER STAGE (CLOSER TO POWERHOUSE) BEGINS 7' BELOW CREST.[X][X][X]Proposed Temporary Silt FenceProposed Construction EntranceProposed Temporary Safety FenceStaging and Stockpile AreaSilt Fence OutletLimits of DisturbanceExisting Rock/Cobble Access RoadErosion and Sediment Control FeaturesSAFSAFSAFLODLODLOD = 1.9 ACRESProposed Contour - 1'Proposed Contour - 5'Predicted Grade - 1'Predicted Grade - 5'2600Trout BufferParcels*Proposed grades will be used as finish grade for phase 1 dam removaland left floodprone area and millhouse stabilization. Predicted grades arewhat is anticipated to develop within the river based on the downstreamtransport of impounded wedge sediments.260005.19.2020 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Details.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 6.0 05.19.2020 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina DetailsNOTE:1.ROOTED/LEAFED CONDITION OF THE LIVING PLANT MATERIALIS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE TIME OF INSTALLATION.2.BOTTOM OF FIRST COMPACTED EARTH LIFT TO BE PLACED 6"ABOVE NORMAL BASEFLOW.3.NUMBER OF COMPACTED EARTH LIFTS TO VARY DEPENDINGON DESIGN TOP OF BANK HEIGHT.BASE FLOWSTREAMBEDCOMPACTED SOIL 12" TO 18" THICKLIVE CUTTINGS, MIX IN SOILBIODEGRADABLE EROSIONCONTROL FABRIC (SEE INSET "A")ROCK TOE PROTECTION (CLASS 1/2)USE BRUSH/LOG MATRIX IF AVAILABLEDEPTH SHALL EXCEED MAX POOL BY 2'HEIGHT VARIESBUILD HIGHER THANFLOODPLAIN BEHIND LIFTTO ACCOMMODATE SETTLINGINSTALL ADDITIONAL VEGETATION SUCH ASLIVE STAKES, ROOTED SEEDLINGS, AND ETC.24" TO 36"2"UPHILLINNER LAYER 11.2 OZ. / YD²COCONUT FIBER BLANKETOUTER LAYER 26 OZ / YD²COIR MATTINGSection ViewInset "A"Matting and BlanketTypical Stakes2"15°Vegetated Soil LiftNot to Scale46.0Section A-A'Profile View B-B'SLOPE (S)HTOE OFSLOPETOP OF BANKSTRUCTURE INVERTELEVATION PER PROFILEFOOTER ROCKHEADER ROCK1'1'CLASS A/BSTONETOE OF SLOPEBACKFILL (ON-SITE NATIVEMATERIALS OR NO. 57 STONE)NONWOVENFILTER FABRICCLASS 1STONEEXTEND FILTER FABRIC5' MIN. UPSTREAMHEADER ROCKFOOTER ROCKCHANNEL BEDOFFSET HEADER0.25' TO 0.5'UPSTREAM OF FOOTERRock VaneNot to ScaleNOTES:1. LAYOUT DIMENSION AND ELEVATIONS AREPROVIDED ON PLAN SHEET.2. ONSITE STONE OF EQUAL SIZE MAY BE USEDFOR BACKFILL.3. BACKFILL STONE SHALL BE MIXED WITHALLUVIAL MATERIAL TO FILL VOIDS.4. BOULDERS SIZE SHALL BE 4'x3'x2.5'.5. CHINK HEADER & FOOTER BOULDERS BEFOREAPPLYING FABRIC.6. OPTION TO USE LARGE LOGS TO BUILDSTRUCTURE IF AVAILABLE.16.0FLOWPlan ViewA'ATOE OF SLOPE (TYP)TOP OF BANK (TYP)Section A-A'Profile View B-B'SLOPE (S)TOE OFSLOPEGROUND SURFACESTRUCTURE ELEVATIONS PER PLANMARKER BOULDERS NOT SHOWN IN VIEWCLASS 1/2MIX OF CLASS 1/2 ANDRIVER MATERIALFloodplain SillNot to ScaleB'B26.0FPS5'θSCOURPOOLFLOWEXCAVATE POOLPER PROFILEPlan ViewA'ATOE OF SLOPE (TYP)TOP OF BANK (TYP)INVERT ELEVATIONPER PROFILEVANE ARMLENGTH(Y)ZB'BCLASS 1/2 SPLASH ROCKNOTES:1. LAYOUT DIMENSION AND ELEVATIONS AREPROVIDED ON PLAN SHEET.2. ONSITE STONE OF EQUAL SIZE MAY BE USEDFOR BACKFILL.3. FLOODPLAIN SILL STONE SHALL BE MIXED WITHALLUVIAL MATERIAL TO FILL VOIDS.CLASS 1/2 FLOODPLAIN SILL STONECLASS 1/25' MIN3'CAP WITH SURFACE MARKER BOULDERS TOMARK LOCATION OF SILL - AVOID PLANTINGDEEP ROOTED PLANTS OVER TOP OF SILL36.0UPHILL36"2"Typical StakesNOTE:1.STAKES SHALL BE 2" X 2" X 24" OR 2" X2" X 36" AS DIRECTED BY THEENGINEER.2.ROOTED/LEAFED CONDITIONS OF THELIVING PLANT MATERIAL IS NOTREPRESENTATIVE AT THE TIME OFINSTALLATION.TOP OF BANK (TYP)Section ViewSECURE WITH 24"LONG STAKES (TYP)BRANCH CUTTINGS (TYP)SAME SPECIES AS LIVESTAKES16 GAUGE GALVANIZEDWIRE SECURED TO STAKESFILL IN GAPS WITHTOP SOIL.2' to 3'2"16 GAUGE GALVANIZEDWIRE SECURED TO STAKESSHALL BE A MINIMUMOF 35 BRANCH CUTTINGSPER SQUARE YARD(1 INCH MAX. DIAMETER)Brush MattressNot to ScaleTOE OF SLOPE (TYP)6" MIN1.25".4"Eco-Stake Construction EntranceNot to Scale16.1Temporary Silt Fence or Sediment BarrierNot to Scale36.1Temporary Silt Fence Gravel OutletNot to ScaleSection ViewPlan ViewFrontViewINSTALLATIONREFER TO THE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. DURING INSTALLATION OF THE SILT BARRIER ORSILT FENCE, INSPECT THE INSTALLATION TO DETERMINE IF OUTLETS ARE NEEDED ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIASET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE BARRIER AND FENCE. IF THERE ARE QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMSWITH THE LOCATION, EXTENT, OR METHOD OF INSTALLATION, CONTACT THE ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, ORRESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL ON THE SITE FOR ASSISTANCE. EROSION CONTROL PERSONNEL HAVE COPIES OFINSTRUCTIONS AND MAY HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS OF PROPERLY INSTALLED OUTLETS AS AN AID TOINSTALLATION.IF THE SILT FENCE OUTLET IS NOT INSTALLED CORRECTLY THE FIRST TIME, IT WILL HAVE TO BE REBUILT.DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION ON THE GROUND BEFORE COMPLETING INSTALLATION OF THE SILT FENCE,TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION:INSTALL THE OUTLET AT THE LOWEST POINT (S) IN THE BARRIER OR FENCE WHERE WATER WILL POND.INSTALL THE OUTLET WHERE IT IS ACCESSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REMOVAL.ALLOW AT LEAST:15 FEET BETWEEN THE BARRIER OR FENCE AND SINGLE-STORY BUILDINGS.25 FEET FOR FORK LIFTS BETWEEN THE BARRIER OR FENCE AND MULTIPLE-STORY BUILDINGS.10 FEET BETWEEN THE BARRIER OR FENCE AND THE TOE OF FILL SLOPES.PLACE THE OUTLET SO THAT WATER FLOWING THROUGH IT WILL NOT CREATE AN EROSION HAZARD BELOW:AVOID STEEP SLOPES BELOW THE OUTLET AND AREAS WITHOUT PROTECTIVE VEGETATION. USE SLOPE DRAINSIF NECESSARY.DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF THE OUTLET: FOR A SILT BARRIER, WHEN THE TRENCH IS DUG TO BURY THEBOTTOM OF THE FABRIC BECAUSE THE BARRIER WILL BE OMITTED AT THE OUTLET; FOR A SILT FENCE, WHENTHE WIRE FENCE IS IN PLACE BECAUSE THE FILTER FABRIC WILL BE OMITTED AT THE OUTLET.REFER TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE OUTLET IN THE PLAN.CLEAR STUMPS AND ROOTS FROM THE LOCATION OF THE OUTLET. CLEAR ADEQUATE ACCESS FOR THEEQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REMOVAL.FOR A SILT BARRIER:JUST BELOW THE GAP IN THE BARRIER, PLACE ALAYER OF FILTER FABRIC ON THE GROUND TOPROTECT THE SOIL FROM EROSION BYOUTFLOW FROM THE OUTLET; PLACE 6 INCHESOF THE UPPER EDGE IN THE TRENCH. STAKE THEREMAINING EDGES OF THE FABRIC TO HOLD ITIN PLACE.ALONG THE GAP WHERE THE OUTLET WILL GO,PLACE STEEL FENCE POSTS FOR STRENGTH. THEPOSTS MUST BE A MAXIMUM OF 2 FEET APARTAND DRIVEN INTO SOLID GROUND AT LEAST 18INCHES.PLACE HARDWARE CLOTH (WELDEDGALVANIZED SCREEN WITH SQUARE 1/4 -1/2-INCH HOLES) ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THEPOSTS TO HOLD THE WASHED STONE IN PLACE.PUT 6 INCHES OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CLOTHIN THE TRENCH AND FASTEN IT TO THE POSTSWITH LENGTHS OF WIRE.BURY THE BOTTOM OF THE HARDWARE CLOTHAND THE UPPER EDGE OF THE FILTER FABRICBELOW THE OUTLET IN THE TRENCH ANDCOMPACT THE FILL.PLACE A FILTER OF 1-INCH DIAMETER WASHEDSTONE ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE OUTLET.PILE THE STONE UP TO THE TOP OF THEHARDWARE CLOTH AND OVER THE JOINTBETWEEN THE OUTLET AND THE BARRIER.FOR A SILT FENCE:JUST BELOW THE GAP IN THE BARRIER, PLACEA LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC ON THE GROUNDTO PROTECT THE SOIL FROM EROSION BYOUTFLOW FROM THE OUTLET; PLACE 6INCHES OF THE UPPER EDGE IN THE TRENCH.STAKE THE OTHER EDGES OF THE FABRIC TOHOLD IT IN PLACE.ALONG THE GAP WHERE THE OUTLET WILLGO, PLACE ADDITIONAL STEEL FENCE POSTSFOR STRENGTH. THE POSTS MUST BE AMAXIMUM OF 2 FEET APART AND DRIVENINTO SOLID GROUND AT LEAST 18 INCHES.PLACE HARDWARE CLOTH (WELDEDGALVANIZED SCREEN WITH SQUARE 1/4 -1/2-INCH HOLES) ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THEPOSTS TO HOLD THE WASHED STONE INPLACE. PUT 6 INCHES OF THE BOTTOM OF THECLOTH IN THE TRENCH AND FASTEN IT TO THEPOSTS WITH LENGTHS OF WIRE.BURY THE BOTTOM OF THE HARDWARECLOTH, THE UPPER EDGE OF THE FILTERFABRIC BELOW THE OUTLET, AND THE WIREFENCE IN THE TRENCH AND COMPACT THEFILL.PLACE A FILTER OF 1-INCH DIAMETER WASHEDSTONE ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE OUTLET.PILE THE STONE UP TO THE TOP OF THEHARDWARE CLOTH AND OVER THE JOINTBETWEEN THE OUTLET AND THE SILT FENCE.46.1Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Details.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 6.1 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Details8"4"8' MAX. WITH WIRE(6' MAX. WITHOUT WIRE)STEEL POST2'-0" DEPTH4' MIN.3'FILTER OF 1" FLOWDIA. WASHED STONESILT FENCEEND OF FILTER FABRICSTEEL FENCE POSTWIREFENCEHARDWARE CLOTHFILTER OF 1" DIA.WASHED STONETOP OF SILT FENCEMUST BE AT LEAST 1'ABOVE THE TOP OFTHE WASHED STONESILT FENCEEND OF FILTER FABRICBURY WIRE FENCE, FILTERFABRIC, AND HARDWARECLOTH IN TRENCHSTEEL FENCE POSTSET MAX 2' APARTFILTER FABRICON GROUNDBURY WIRE FENCEAND HARDWARE CLOTHFLOWMIDDLE AND VERTICALWIRES SHALL BE 12 12GAGE MIN.TOP AND BOTTOM STRANDSHALL BE 10 GAUGE MIN.WIREFILTER FABRICFILTER FABRICCOMPACTED FILLEXISTING GROUNDEXTEND FABRICINTO TRENCHTOE OF SLOPESTAKE (TYP)EROSION CONTROLMATTING (TYP)Erosion Control MattingNot to ScaleSection ViewPlan View3' MAX.SPACING6" MIN. OVERLAB INDOWNSTREAM DIRECTIONAT MAP ENDS26.1TOP OF BANKTOE OF SLOPETOP OF BANKSECURE MATTING IN6" DEEP TRENCH50' (MAY VARY)12'PUBLIC ROADINSTALLATION NOTES:1.PROVIDE TURNING RADIUS SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE LARGE TRUCKS.2.LOCATE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AT ALL POINTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESSUNTIL SITE IS STABILIZED.3.PLACE FILTER FABRIC BENEATH STONE.4.USE CLASS A STONE OR OTHER COARSE AGGREGATE APPROVED BY THEENGINEER.5.MUST BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING ORDIRECT FLOW OF MUD ONTO STREETS. PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH STONEWILL BE NECESSARY.6.REMOVE STONE UPON COMPLETION UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE.MAINTENANCE NOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHOULD BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCEWEEKLY OR AFTER 0.25" OF PRECIPITATION WITHIN 24 HOURS.2.EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF SEDIMENT SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THECONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IMMEDIATELY.3.ANY SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC ROADS SHOULD BE CLEANEDIMMEDIATELY AND THE SOURCE OF THE SEDIMENT ADDRESSED.CLASS A STONEOR EQUAL,8" DEPTHINSTALLATION NOTES:1.USE WIRE A MINIUM OF 32" IN WIDTH ANDWITH A MAXIMUM 6" MESH SPACING.2.USE FILTER FABRIC A MINIMUM OF 36" INWIDTH AND FASTEN ADEQUATELY TO THEWIRES AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.3.PROVIDE 5' STEEL POST OF THESELF-FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE. ANGLESTEEL TYPE.MAINTENANCE NOTES:1.ALL SILT FENCE SHOULD BE INSPECTED ATLEAST ONCE WEEKLY OR AFTER 0.25" OFPRECIPITATION WITHIN 24 HOURS.2.TEARS IN THE FENCE, UNTRENCHED AREAS,OR OTHER FENCE FAILURES SHOULD BEREPAIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS.3.SEDIMENT TRAPPED BEHIND SILT FENCESHOULD BE CAREFULLY REMOVED ONCEDEPTH REACHES 6".11"1.25"0.4"WoodenStake0.6"INSTALLATION NOTES:1.USE 700 g/m2 DENSITY COIR MATTING.2.SEED AND MULCH SLOPES PRIOR TO MATTING INSTALLATION.3.TOE STAKES TO BE USED AT TOP AND TOE. 12" WOODEN STAKESMAY BE USED ON SLOPE FACES.MAINTENANCE NOTES:1.ALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHOULD BE INSPECTED AT LEASTONCE WEEKLY OR AFTER 0.25" OF PRECIPITATION WITHIN 24HOURS.2.ANY MATTING FAILURES SHOULD BE REPAIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS.3.TENTING (EROSION OCCURRING UNDERNEATH INSTALLEDMATTING) WILL REQUIRE PEELING BACK MATTING, REPAIRING ANYRILLS, AND REAPPLYING THE MATTING.18"4"2"Toe StakeDIMENSIONS MAY VARYBY MANUFACTURER BUTSHALL BE SUBJECT TODESIGNER APPROVAL. SHALLRESIST BREAKAGE PER SPEC.SPECIAL SEEDING NOTE:APPLY JUNCUS SEED ALONGBANK SLOPE THROUGHOUTPROJECT AREA PRIOR TOAPPLYING MATTING.SEE SPECIAL SEEDING NOTEWOODENSTAKE (TYP)TOE STAKEPROJECT SPECIFIC NOTE:THE PRIMARY ENTRANCE IS FROM GRAVEL ONTO AN EXISTING STONE ACCESS. THERE ISNO BENEFIT TO APPLYING STONE. THE "SECONDARY ENTRANCE" IS ONTO SOIL ANDSHALL BE PROTECTED IF USE FOR ACCESS OFF OF THE GRAVEL ROAD. PROTECTIONSHALL PROVIDE FOR ALL INSTALLATION NOTE CONDITIONS.PROJECT SPECIFIC NOTE:BANKS WILL BE MATTED AS PART OF PHASE 2. PHASE 1 WILL BE OF SHORT DURATIONAND THE PROPOSED APPROACH WILL ALLOW FOR SEVERAL MONTHS FOR RIVEREROSION AND REDISTRIBUTION OF SEDIMENT WEDGE. AFTER THAT, A SECOND PHASEWILL GRADE AND MAT BANKS, INSTALL BIOENGINEERING MEASURES, AND THENPLANT THE SITE.05.19.2020 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Details.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 6.2 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina DetailsNOTES:1.REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPER STORAGE,HANDLING AND INSTALLATION.2.FORM PILOT HOLE IN HARD SOIL OR STONY CONDITIONSTO PREVENT DAMAGE TO LIVE STAKES.3.LIVE STAKES TO BE PLANTED IN AREAS AS SHOWN ONPLANS AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.4.INSTALL DORMANT PRIOR TO LEAF OUT. DEPICTEDCONDITION WITH LEAVES NOT REPRESENTATIVE OFSTAKES AT TIME OF INSTALLATION.5.INSTALL STAKES MINIMUM OF 18" INTO GROUND.6.TRIM OFF DAMAGED/FRAYED STAKE TOPS.2' SPACING FOR HERBACEOUS PLUGSBare Root PlantingNot to Scale1INSERT THE DIBBLE, ORSHOVEL, STRAIGHTDOWN INTO THE SOILTO THE FULL DEPTH OFTHE BLADE AND PULLBACK ON THE HANDLETO OPEN THE PLANTINGHOLE. (DO NOT ROCKTHE SHOVEL BACK ANDFORTH AS THIS CAUSESSOIL IN THE PLANTINGHOLE TO BECOMPACTED,INHIBITING ROOTGROWTH.REMOVE THE DIBBLE, ORSHOVEL, AND PUSH THESEEDLING ROOTS DEEPINTO THE PLANTING HOLE.PULL THE SEEDLING BACKUP TO THE CORRECTPLANTING DEPTH (THEROOT COLLAR SHOULD BE1 TO 3 INCHES BELOW THESOIL SURFACE). GENTLYSHAKE THE SEEDLING TOALLOW THE ROOTS TOSTRAIGHTEN OUT. DONOT TWIST OR SPIN THESEEDLING OR LEAVE THEROOTS J-ROOTED.INSERT THE DIBBLE, ORSHOVEL, SEVERALINCHES IN FRONT OFTHE SEEDLING ANDPUSH THE BLADEHALFWAY INTO THESOIL. TWIST AND PUSHTHE HANDLE FORWARDTO CLOSE THE TOP OFTHE SLIT TO HOLD THESEEDLING IN PLACE.PUSH THE DIBBLE, ORSHOVEL, DOWN TOTHE FULL DEPTH OFTHE BLADE.PULL BACK ON THEHANDLE TO CLOSE THEBOTTOM OF THEPLANTING HOLD. THENPUSH FORWARD TO CLOSETHE TOP, ELIMINATING AIRPOCKETS AROUND THEROOT.REMOVE THE DIBBLE, ORSHOVEL, AND CLOSE ANDFIRM UP THE OPENINGWITH YOUR HEEL. BECAREFUL TO AVOIDDAMAGING THE SEEDLING.NOTES:1.ALL PLANTS SHALL BEPROPERLY HANDLED PRIOR TOINSTALLATION TO INSURESURVIVAL.DIBBLE BARPLANTING BAR SHALL HAVE ABLADE WITH A TRIANGULARCROSS-SECTION, AND SHALLBE 12 INCHES LONG, 4INCHES WIDE AND 1 INCHTHICK AT CENTER.ROOTING PRUNINGALL ROOTS SHALL BE PRUNEDTO AN APPORIATE LENGTHTO PREVENT J-ROOTING.RESTOREDCHANNELBUFFER WIDTHVARIESSPACING PERPLANTING PLANSection View26.2BANKFULL23456Containerized PlantingNot to Scale2x CONTAINER WIDTH1.5x CONTAINERDEPTH2' TYPICALPlan ViewLIVE STAKE (TYP)2' TO 3' LIVE STAKETAPERED AT BOTTOM1/2" TO 2"DIAMETERLive Stake Detail24"TOP OF BANKTOE OF SLOPE36.2RIPARIAN BUFFER PLANTINGLIVE STAKE (TYP)SEE PLAN VIEWFOR SPACINGEROSION CONTROLMATTING(SEE DETAIL)TOE OF SLOPEHERBACEOUS PLUG (TYP)Section View - Large StreamsLive Staking & Herbaceous PlugsNot to Scale56.224" or 3 equally spaced rowsLIVESTAKE 1' OFF BASEFLOW EDGE OF WATERSUPPLEMENT WITHSOIL FROM ON- OROFF-SITE AS NECESSARYLIVESTAKESBAREROOT ORCONTAINERPLANTINGS24"****PLUG (TYP)BANKFULL TOP OF BANKNOTE:FOR CONTAINER PLANTS, EVALUATE SITE PLANTINGCONDITIONS AND PROVIDE SOIL CONDITIONERWHERE SITE IS TOO ROCKY TO SUCCESSFULLYESTABLISH PLANTS WITHOUT AMENDMENT.05.19.2020 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Details.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 6.3 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Details DetailsNCG01 SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGEFFECTIVE: 04/01/19PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION A: SELF-INSPECTIONSelf-inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the tablebelow. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspectionpersonnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day onwhich it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to orgreater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self-inspection shall beperformed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspectionswere delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record.NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement.PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION B: RECORDKEEPING1.E&SC Plan DocumentationThe approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. Theapproved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. Thefollowing items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be documented in the manner described:2. Additional Documentation In addition to the E&SC Plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for agency inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical:(a)This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage, after it is received.(b)Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days. The permittee shall record therequired observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similarinspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically-availablerecords in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal accessand utility as the hard-copy records.(c)All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and older inspection records shall bemaintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available uponrequest. [40 CFR 122.41]PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION C: REPORTING1.Occurrences that must be reportedPermittees shall report the following occurrences:(a)Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland.(b)Oil spills if:·They are 25 gallons or more,·They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours,·They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or·They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume).(a)Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA(Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85.(b)Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses.(c)Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or theenvironment.2.Reporting Timeframes and Other RequirementsAfter a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contactthe appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with theother requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also bereported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956, (800)858-0368 or (919) 733-3300.05.19.2020 Sheet Checked By: Job Number: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Date:Revisions: 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel: 919.851.9986 License No. F-0831PRELIMINARYDO NOTUSE FORCON S T RU C T ION048967ANGELA N. ALL E N N O R TH CAROLINAPR OFESSIONALENGINEER SEALX:\Shared\Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam\Cadd\Plans\10007-Details.dwg May 19, 2020 005-10007 CAW JM ANA 6.4 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Details DetailsNCG01 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLINGEFFECTIVE: 04/01/19GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITHTHE NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMITImplementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the constructionactivity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handlingsections of the NCG01 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). Thepermittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by thedelegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheetmay not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction.GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATIONStabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of thetechniques in the table below:POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS1.Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed duringconstruction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants.2.Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures.3.Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of ApprovedPAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.4.Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before dischargingoffsite.5.Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant coveror surrounded by secondary containment structures.HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE1.Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site.2.Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment.3.Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground.EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE1.Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids.2.Provide drip pans under any stored equipment.3.Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from theproject.4.Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose ashazardous waste (recycle when possible).5.Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problemhas been corrected.6.Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum productsto a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials.LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE1.Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers.2.Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trashreceptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes.3.Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surfacewaters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available.4.Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runofffrom upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland.5.Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events orprovide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers.6.Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds.7.Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately ifcontainers overflow.8.Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility.9.On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers.PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE1.Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands.2.Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surfacewaters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available.3.Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area.4.Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site.5.Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes fromconstruction sites.PORTABLE TOILETS1.Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains,streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 footoffset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or placeon a gravel pad and surround with sand bags.2.Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in highfoot traffic areas.3.Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material.Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replacewith properly operating unit.HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES1.Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with labelrestrictions.2.Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with thelabel, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case ofaccidental poisoning.3.Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding ispossible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground wateror surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately.4.Do not stockpile these materials onsite.CONCRETE WASHOUTS1.Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site.2.Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with localand state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility.3.Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and inaddition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and withinlot perimeter silt fence.4.Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If analternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority forreview and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the twotypes of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail.5.Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalksections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into ordischarged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste mustbe pumped out and removed from project.6.Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless itcan be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum,install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receivespills or overflow.7.Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stoneentrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by theapproving authority.8.Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the projectlimits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location.9.Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limitoverflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structuralcomponents when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietaryproducts, follow manufacturer's instructions.10.At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose ofin an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbancecaused by removal of washout.EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT1.Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controlsand surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonablyavailable.2.Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset offive feet from the toe of stockpile.3.Provide stable stone access point when feasible.4.Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordancewith the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is definedas vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain acceleratederosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs.SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATIONRequired Ground Stabilization TimeframesNote: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporaryground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon aspracticable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbingactivity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render thesurface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved.Site Area DescriptionTimeframe variations-7 days for perimeter dikes, swales,ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones-10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unlessthere is zero slopeStabilize within thismany calendardays after ceasingland disturbance77714NoneNone(a)Perimeter dikes,swales, ditches, andperimeter slopes(b)High Quality Water(HQW) Zones(c)Slopes steeper than3:1If slopes are 10' or less in length and arenot steeper than 2:1, 14 days areallowed(d)Slopes 3:1 to 4:1(e)Areas with slopesflatter than 4:114-7 days for slopes greater than 50' inlength and with slopes steeper than 4:1-7 days for perimeter dikes, swales,ditches, perimeter slopes and HQWZones-10 days for Falls Lake Watershed05.19.2020