HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC202164_ESC Approval Submitted_20200526Planning & Inspections Department 680 W. King Street, Suite C 4/4 Boone, North Carolina 28607 Oil Phone (828)268-6960 Fax (828)268-6961 ZITWIV www.townofboone.net Zoning Permit #: Z02598-052319 (Phase 1) A copy of this Zoning Permit and the official "Job site" copies of the approved plans and specifications are required to be kept onsite at all times. Issued to: Seth Norris (Perkinsville Baptist Church -Phase 1) Date Issued: April 24, 2020 For: Phase I of The Beyond Facility, and additional parking proposed to serve the needs of the church Zoning: R-1, Single Family Residential Use: Religious Assembly, Category 2 Location: 274 JEFFERSON RD BOONE, NC 28607 Approval is Based Upon: 1. Special Use Permit issued by the Board of Adjustment on February 7, 2019 subject to the following: a. Where there is a conflict between the application information and the plans (site plan dated received December 17, 2018, building elevations dated received December 17, 2018 and revised cover sheet received January 30, 2019), the plans shall control. Insignificant deviations may be permitted to comply with the requirements of the UDO. b. Any commitments and representations concerning the proposed development made by the applicant or its (his or her) representatives at the public hearing shall also become a condition of the permit, and a basis for a stop work order and/or permit revocation if violated. c. The applicant shall submit the necessary applications, plans, details and specifications which meet the requirements of the Town Code, UDO, Building Code and any other applicable codes for review and approval necessary to issue Zoning and Building Permits. d. The Zaitzows, the church, and the Planning Staff will come to an agreement regarding the aesthetics and location of the fence. e. The schedule of phasing shall be consistent with the plan submitted. f. There shall be a total vesting of 5 years for the project. 2. Zoning Permit Application and Financial Ownership Responsibility Form dated received on May 23, 2019. 3. Lighting plan prepared by Patrick A. Beville, P.E. of IONCON with a received date of August 23, 2019. 4. Building Elevations prepared by Bill Dixon, NCARB, of Appalachian Architecture, P.A. with a received date of August 23, 2019. 5. Proposed Ridge Rock Retaining Wall (Hickory Blend) specification sheet with a received date of August 23, 2019. Planning & Inspections Department 680 W. King Street, Suite C Boone, North Carolina 28607 Phone (828)268-6960 Fax (828)268-6961 www.townofboone.net 6. Per commitment from Bill Dixon in the October 21, 2019 response letter from Municipal Engineering, the gravity retaining wall will be concrete and painted to match the color of the segmental retaining walls that being installed throughout the project (Hickory Blend). 7. Site plans prepared by Michael P. Trew, P.E. of Municipal Engineering Service Company, P.A. with a received date of February 27, 2020. 8. Commitments and representations in the response letter prepared by Michael P. Trew, P.E. of Municipal Engineering Service Company, P.A dated received on August 23, 2019, October 23, 2019, January 10, 2020, February 27, 2020 and April 13, 2020. 9. NCDOT Driveway Permit authorized by Ivan Dishman, on September 19, 2019. 10. Right of Way Encroachment Agreement authorized by Ivan Dishman, on September 19, 2019. 11. Sidewalk Encroachment Agreement authorized by Ivan Dishman, on September 23, 2019. 12. Phrasing narrative submitted by Michael Trew, P.E. of Municipal Engineering Service Company, P. A. with a received date of May 30, 2019. Conditions of Approval: 1. Please call (828) 268-6960 to schedule a preconstruction meeting prior to commencement of any land - disturbing activities. The contractor responsible for the land disturbing activity is required to be at this meeting. 2. The applicant is responsible for ensuring all design professionals and contractors follow the approved plans and specifications. 3. All improvements must be made in accordance with the communication, plans, permits, reports, details and specifications listed in the first itemized list above. Any condition(s) attached to these plans, permits, reports, details and specifications must be followed. Prior to commencement on any modification of the approved plan, please submit a request for review and approval. 4. All signage as shown on the plan is not approved. Note: all signage is required to be permitted separately. Please submit a separate permit application for each sign. 5. For developments with 1 acre or greater land disturbance, As of April 1, 2019, all new construction activities of one acre or greater are required to complete and submit an electronic Notice of Intent (NOI)form requesting a Certificate of Coverage (COC) under the NCG010000 Construction Stormwater General Permit (NC Department of Environmental Quality). This form must be submitted prior to commencement of any land -disturbing activity. The NOI Form may be accessed at deg.nc.eov/NCG01. After you submit a complete and correct NOI Form, a COC will be emailed to you within 3 business days. Once you have received the COC you may call the Town of Boone Planning and Inspections Department to schedule a pre -construction meeting. At this meeting Town Staff will review your copy of the COC and review the plans and permit associated with the approved development. The contractor responsible for the land -disturbing activity is required to be a part of this meeting. 6. Complete retaining wall plans for all walls must be submitted to the Planning and inspections Office for review and approval prior to installation. 7. The engineer of record for the retaining wall must submit the following: Planning & Inspections Department 680 W. King Street, Suite C Boone, North Carolina 28607 Phone (828)268-6960 Fax (828)268-6961 www.townofboone.net Retaining systems providing a cumulative vertical relief greater than five feet within a horizontal distance of fifty feet (50') or less, including retaining walls or mechanically stabilized earth walls, shall be designed and constructed under the responsible charge of a North Carolina registered professional engineer. Testing and inspection reports shall verify: A. Foundation support system is adequate for the intended site conditions; B. Quality of construction materials conform with specifications; C. Actual soil conditions are substantially and functionally similar to those anticipated in design, and; D. Backfill materials and any drainage systems comply with plans and specifications. F. The North Carolina licensed engineer will submit a separate summary report stating that the constructed retaining structures are in compliance with the intent of the design. 8. Geotechnical Report and all recommendations for the proposed 1.5H:1V cut slope prepared by Jefferey D. Holchin, P.E. of Solid Rock Engineering, PLLC. with a received date of February 27, 2020. Mr Holchin is requesting to be present during the excavation of this area to verify that the exposed soils and bedrock match what he encountered in his hand -auger boring. 9. Per conditions placed on the permit at the 217119 Board of Adjustment meeting, condition #4 has been addressed with a letter dated April 8, 2020 with neighbors Dr. Peter Villanova and Dr. Barbara Zaitzow agreeing to the placement of the buffer fence within the buffer area per the Town of Boone UDO requirements. This agreement is reflected on the landscape plans. 10. Tree protection fencing must be installed and inspected before any land disturbing activities occur. Call the Planning & Inspections Office at (828)268-6960 to request an inspection of the tree protection fencing prior to land disturbance. 11. A traffic control plan must be submitted to the Public Works Department for any projects which contain work within a public street or sidewalk. This plan is required to be submitted at least three days prior to any lane or sidewalk closure. 12. In accordance with Town Code Section 96.005, all persons engaged in doing work that creates any dangerous condition or obstruction in the public right-of-way of any street or sidewalk shall take whatever action is necessary, including the placement of barricades and warning signs or devices, to warn the traveling public of the condition or obstruction. Therefore, all work within or abutting any public right-of-way or public easement for streets or sidewalks must be conducted in conformance with the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices-MUTCD (http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/). This includes, but is not limited to: a. Providing complete and proper signage and traffic control devices to warn the traveling public of construction. b. All lanes of traffic, including sidewalks, shall be maintained at all times in compliance with the standards set forth in the MUTCD. Planning & Inspections Department 680 W. King Street, Suite C Boone, North Carolina 28607 Phone (828)268-6960 Fax (828)268-6961 www.townofboone.net 13. In accordance with Town Code Section 96.031 any infrastructure disturbed or damaged during the course of construction shall be restored to its original condition. a. Ensure that any excavation, construction or other work done in the relevant public way is performed consistent with the town's specifications and other requirements for construction activities, including those relating to restoration. b. Restore land, utility lines, other improvements, ground cover, and landscaping disturbed by excavation and construction in the public way to the standards specified by the town. i. Where permanent restoration is temporarily impractical because of weather or other circumstances, temporary restoration may be required. ii. Restoration shall be accomplished within the time approved by the Administrator. iii. If restoration work proves to be inadequate over time, as determined in the sole, reasonable discretion of the Administrator, the encroacher shall perform such additional restoration work as the Administrator may direct. iv. Inspection and approval by the Administrator immediately after installation does not constitute a waiver of the town's rights to determine that the restoration work is not adequate over time and must be remedied. 14. All lanes of travel, including sidewalks, shall be open during non -working hours. 15. The applicant is required to coordinate the closing of any driveway with affected property owners. Ingress and egress shall be maintained to all property owners affected by the project. 16. In accordance with Town Code Chapter 96 no parking or material storage shall be allowed to encroach in a public way. 17. Any violations of these conditions may subject the applicant to the enforcement action and penalties set forth in UDO Article 12 and the penalties set forth in Town Code Section 96.010, 18. The project engineer must submit a final certification that all stormwater improvements was completed within substantial compliance with the approved plans. 19. The project engineer must submit a final certification that all land disturbing activity was completed within substantial compliance with the approved plans. 20. Call the Planning & Inspections Department at (828)266-6960 to schedule a site lighting inspection when complete and the lights are fully operational. 21. All work must be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. Phasing must be completed in accordance with the requirements of UDO Section 4.13 and the approved plans. 22. It is a condition of approval that there is a right to physical inspection of the development. Staff may perform random independent inspections of the development to ensure compliance with the approved plan. 21. Per the Town of Boone Fire Department, the final work, including grading must match the plans. 22. Contact the Planning and Inspections Department (828-268-6960) for final inspections when the project is complete. Planning & Inspections Department 680 W. King Street, Suite C Boone, North Carolina 28607 Phone (828)268-6960 Fax (828)268-6961 www.townofboone.net 23. A zoning permit shall automatically expire within one year after issuance if the use has not commenced or less than ten percent of the total cost of all construction authorized has been completed. /S/Christy M. Turner Town of Boone Official April 24, 2020 Date