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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0035784_Engineering Alternatives Analysis_20200520 ®dome
169 Oak Street • Forest City,NC 28043
taw Engineering rLLc office 828.247.4495 • fax 828.247.4498
May 20, 2020
Mr. David Hill RECEIVED
Division of Water Resources MAY 2 0 2020
NPDES Complex Permitting
Archdale Building-9th Floor NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES
512 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27604
Re: EAA/LG Document Transmittal
For Conjunctive Use Permit Application
On behalf, Cottages of Boone WWTP
Permit No.:WQ0035784
Watauga County, NC
Dear Mr. Hill
Please find enclosed(3)bound sealed and signed copies of the Engineering Alternatives Analysis and Local
Government Review Forms submitted on behalf of Cottages of Boone WWTP.The NPDES Application form and
Application Fee were sent to your office previously,under separate cover.
A speculative effluent limits letter was issued for this project on January 10, 2020.
Thank you for your department's assistance with this important project, and for your department's review and
comment of the enclosed documents.
David Odom, P.E.
EAA/LG Sealed&Bound,triplicate
Conjunctive Use Permit Application
at MAY 20 2020
Cottages of Boone WWTP NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES
Permit No. WQ0035784
Watauga County, North Carolina
Watauga River Basin
May 12, 2020
Prepared by: ' •
Odom Engineering, PLLC
G ni
To Odom
169 Oak Street • Forest City,NC 28043
Engineering PLLC office 828.247.4495 • fax 828.247.4498
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 1
2. Applicant Information 1
3. Existing Conditions 1
4. Flow Projections 3
5. Alternatives Analysis 3
5.1 Do nothing Alternative 4
5.2 Conjunctive Use: Irrigate + Discharge to Laurel Fork(Preferred Alternative) 4
5.3 Connection to Municipal System for Treated Effluent Disposal 6
5.4 Increase Wet-Weather Storage Capacity 7
6. Alternatives Summary 7
7. Local Government Review 7
8. Conclusions and Recommendations 8
Appendices 9
1. Executive Summary
The Cottages of Boone WWTP seeks a conjunctive use discharge permit to allow discharge of treated
effluent to Laurel Fork,a stream near the WWTP,to supplement irrigation and on-site storage capacity
of the existing permitted system.
Although the system exceeds design capacity requirements for irrigation area and storage capacity for
the residents served, in recent years extended periods of inclement weather(precipitation and
temperature) has resulted in periods where production exceeds storage and application capacity. During
these periods,the WWTP is forced to haul and dispose treated effluent into the Town of Boone WWTP
treatment system,at great expense,to prevent overflow of the system.
This Engineering Alternative Analysis(EAA)compares various alternatives for providing additional
treated effluent disposal capacity to reduce or eliminate the need for over the road hauling and
2. Applicant Information
The Cottages of Boone WWTP is located at 615 Fallview Lane, Boone, NC 28607, in Watauga
County, North Carolina.The WWTP and irrigation system is operated under Permit No.
The Cottages of Boone WWTP is owned and operated by Wallace Loft, LLC, 2711 Centerville
Road, Suite 400, Wilmington Delaware, 19808. Phone (828) 865-1800, email
This EAA has been prepared by David Odom, P.E., Odom Engineering, PLLC, located at 169 Oak
Street, Forest City, NC, 28043. Phone (828) 247-4495, email
3. Existing Conditions
The Cottages of Boone is a residential apartment complex located just outside of the town limits of
Boone, in Watauga County, North Carolina.Wallace Loft, LLC,owner of the Cottages of Boone,owns and
operates a wastewater treatment plant serving the complex's 894 bedrooms,five
administrative/clubhouse employees,a fitness center,and a pool at The Cottages of Boone, under
Permit WQ0035784.This permit is for continued operation of a 108,530 GPD domestic wastewater
treatment and irrigation facility,as described in the attached permit.Average flow for the WWTP is
currently approximately 36,000 GPD. Please see figure 1 below, USGS Quadrangle showing the WWTP
and proposed discharge location.
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Figure 1—WWTP and Proposed Discharge Location
Currently,disposal of effluent is through a drip irrigation system,consisting of approximately 14.39
acres of drip irrigation area with a mixed hardwood and pine forest cover crop.The treatment system
complies with 15A NCAC 02T.0506(c).This high level of treatment allows irrigation setbacks from
property lines to be reduced to zero feet. This system exceeds design capacity for disposal of permitted
flow as detailed in the attached permit. A 1,562,000-gallon bolted steel tank provides 14-day capacity
for wet weather storage.
Irrigation is not appropriate during inclement weather or when the ground is in a condition that will
cause ponding or runoff.
As noted,extended periods of freezing temperatures and high precipitation have at times limited
irrigation to the extent that production of treated effluent exceeds storage capacity.A haul and dispose
permit has been obtained,and during these periods an outside contractor must be employed to haul
and dispose treated effluent at the Town of Boone WWTP.Year to date pump and haul costs, 1/1/2020
through 3/10/2020, have exceeded$73,500.00,for a volume of 569,500 gallons hauled.
4. Flow Projections
The Cottages of Boone is a residential apartment complex consisting of 894 bedrooms,five
administrative/clubhouse employees,a fitness center,and a pool.The Cottages of Boone WWTP serves
only this facility and buildout for the complex is complete.Average flows for the past three years are
approximately 36,000 GPD,with no predicted increase in flow.
5. Alternatives Analysis
Alternatives considered include the following:
1. Do nothing. Continue to pump and haul when irrigation and storage capacity is exceeded.
2. Conjunctive use permit(preferred). Irrigate when conditions permit,discharge to Laurel Fork as
necessary to prevent overcapacity condition.
3. Connect to Municipal system for disposal of treated effluent.
4. Increase on-site storage.
Assumptions: For comparison purposes this study will analyze overall disposal cost for disposal of
overcapacity treated effluent only. Equal treatment process costs exist in all considered alternatives and
may therefore be excluded from the comparison. It is expected that the irrigation disposal system will
be continued to be used in all alternatives to the extent possible due to low cost of maintenance and
operation of the existing system.Therefore,costs related to irrigation disposal of effluent may also be
excluded for comparison purposes. Further,for comparison of alternatives,we will assume an annual
amount for production of effluent in excess of capacity,at 1,000,000 gallons.This volume is variable and
is affected chiefly by weather.Actual year to date excess production hauled for disposal as of March 11,
2020 is 569,500 gallons.Assume EPA discount rate for present worth calculations at 2.22%.
The alternatives considered are each discussed individually below.
5.1 Do nothing Alternative
Under this alternative,the Cottages of Boone WWTP will continue to pump and haul when
irrigation and storage capacity are exceeded.Annual cost for the pump and haul processes for
this approach would be estimated at$129,166.00. Total present value for disposal of excess
effluent for this option for a 20-year project is calculated to be$2,085,460.
Additionally, under this option,there is a higher likelihood for unintentional overflow and
release of effluent, being dependent on manual observations of storage freeboard and
dependence on availability of outside contractors for pumping, hauling,and disposal of effluent.
5.2 Conjunctive Use: Irrigate+ Discharge to Laurel Fork (Preferred Alternative)
Under this approach, Cottages of Boone WWTP will make application for NPDES conjunctive use
permit with intent to continue irrigation as conditions permit,and discharge excess treated
effluent to Laure Creek. To explore this alternative,a potential discharge point in the nearby
receiving stream was identified.A review of stream conditions at the proposed discharge
location was initiated with USGS and NCDEQ.The Speculative Effluent Limits produced by
NCDEQ suggest that the discharge requested would be ecologically sound and technically
feasible. Please see attached Speculative Effluent Limits letter dated January 10,2020.
Additional preparatory research included performance of a non-report Chronic Toxicity Test,
with passing results.Test results are also attached herewith.
Please see attached map,figure 2,showing proposed discharge location.The discharge point
may be reached by gravity flow and is approximately 580 lineal feet from the proposed
connection the WWTP.An easement approximately 150 feet in length will be required into an
adjoining parcel.Acquisition cost for this easement is estimated not to exceed$10,000.
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A cost estimate for construction the proposed discharge line is shown below:
1 Mobilization 1 _ LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00
2 Clearing 0.07 AC $5,000.00 $350.00
3 Connect to Existing Plant 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00
4 6-Inch Gate Valves 2 EA $750.00 $1,500.00
5 New Manholes 3 EA $5,000.00 $15,000.00
6 6"SDR 21 PVC Gravity Sewer 580 LF $60.00 $34,800.00
7 Silt Fence 600 LF $3.00 $1,800.00
8 Eronet S75 Erosion Control Blanket 200 LF $3.00 $600.00
9 Outfall Screen Device _ 1 EA $1,200.00 $1,200.00
10 Trench Rock 5 CY $100.00 $500.00
11 Seeding 0.07 AC $4,000.00 $280.00
12 Gravel Road Repair 1440 SF $5.00 $7,200.00
13 $0.00
Contingency(MO $7,323.00
The total present worth for the preferred alternative is calculated at$130,849.00.
5.3 Connection to Municipal System for Treated Effluent Disposal
The Cottages of Boone is located outside of the city limits of the City of Boone and at an altitude
above 3,400 feet above mean sea level. In review of City Ordinances, it would be very difficult to
obtain approval for a sewer connection. Under current ordinance,a septic connection would
require annexation&zoning,and connection to water(which is also not permitted for areas
above MSL 3,400 which were not in town limits prior to March 8,2007.)Water connection also
requires metering of individual housing units and installation of booster pumps,water storage
and telemetry. For the purpose of this alternative analysis,we assume that a variance could be
obtained allowing connection only for delivery of the treated excess flow,using a pump station,
force main and a single meter for flow measurement.
We would estimate capital costs for this approach at$80,000 for the pump station,$250,000 for
5,000 LF of force main with one highway bore,$40,000 in easement acquisition,and estimate
that the system development fee could be negotiated to the$22,000 for the anticipated 2740
GPD flow. Estimated annual cost from the Town of Boone at the out of town treatment rate
would be$11,260 for the assumed 1,000,000-gallon annual flow.
The total estimated present worth for this alternative,if a variance allowing the connection
were to be approved by the Town of Boone is estimated to be$744,307.
5.4 Increase Wet-Weather Storage Capacity
The fourth alternative considered is an increase of on-site wet-weather effluent storage
capacity.This alternative uses the assumed 1,000,000-gallon excess requirement for sizing but
does not guarantee that this will always provide sufficient capacity for effluent.This option
would include construction of an 86'diameter by 24' height bolted steel tank,with required
piping, pumps and controls.Capital cost for this approach is estimated at$535,000, assuming
that the tank can be installed without additional land acquisition.Annual and intermittent costs
for this alternative include pump and valve operation and maintenance,and paint touch-up at
15-year intervals.
The total present worth calculated for this alternative,assuming construction with no additional
land acquisition is calculated at$666,368.
6. Alternatives Summary
A summary of estimated present worth for the alternatives considered is presented below.
Table 5.2.62. Total Present Worth for Feasible Alternatives
Cottages of Boone WWTPConjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Costs Present Total Present
Capital Costs Worth O&M Costs Present Worth Worth
Annual Intermittent Total
Do Nothing-Punp and Haul as Necessary $0 $0 $2,085,460 $0 $2,085,460 $2,085,460
ConjunctiveUse-Irrigate+DischargetolaurelFork $121,660 $1,116 $8,073 $0 $8,073 $130,849
Connect to Municpal System $431,200 $89,312 $217,965 $5,830 $223,796 $744,307
Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons $588,500 $39,074 $24,218 $14,576 $38,794 $666,368
0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
It can be seen that the preferred alternative,conjunctive use with irrigation and discharge into Laurel
Fork is the least cost alternative.This option has been identified as environmentally sound
technologically feasible,and least cost.
7. Local Government Review
Local Government Review Forms have been sent to the Town Manager of Boone, NC, and to
The County Manager of Watauga County. Responses to the form requests are included in the
attached appendix.
8. Conclusions and Recommendations
It is our recommendation that The Cottages of Boone WWTP should proceed with NPDES
application for conjunctive use to allow continued irrigation of treated effluent,to be
supplemented by discharge into Laurel Fork as necessary.
The proposed receiving stream, Laurel Fork is located withing the Watauga River Basin. Based
on USGS 7Q10 flows, and NCDEQ Speculative Discharge Limits, discharge into Laurel Fork at up
to the permitted flow for Cottage of Boone WWTP, 0.10 MGD would be ecologically sound and
meeting Speculative Effluent Limits would be technologically feasible.A recently performed
passing test for Chronic Toxicity is further indication that discharge of this treated effluent
would be ecologically sound.
NPDES Permit No. WQ0035784, The Cottages of Boone WWTP
Speculative Effluent Limits- Laurel Fork, Watauga River Basin
Chronic Toxicity Test Results—The Cottages of Boone WWTP
Local Government Review Form -Watauga County, NC
Local Government Review Form—Town of Boone
Town of Boone—Table of Sewer and Water Rates and Charges
Engineering Alternatives Present Worth Analysis
"• Governor
M Secretary
Water Resources S.JAY ZIMMERMAN
October 25,2017
Subject: Permit No. WQ0035784
The Cottages of Boone WWTP
Wastewater Irrigation System
Watauga County
Dear Mr. Devine:
In accordance with your permit change of ownership request received July 28, 2017, we are
forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0035784 dated October 25, 2017, to Wallace Loft, LLC for the
continued operation of the subject wastewater treatment and irrigation facilities.
Please note that the Permittee has been changed from CCC-Boonc, LLC to Wallace Loft, LLC.
This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2022, shall void Permit No.
WQ0035784 issued April 12, 2017, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified
therein. Please pay attention to the monitoring requirements listed in Attachments A, B and C for they may
differ from the previous permit issuance. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and
maintaining the required operational information shall result in future compliance problems.
If any parts, requirements or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, the Permittee
has the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of
this permit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition,conforming to Chapter 150E of the North
Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service
Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made,this permit shall be final and binding.
If you need additional information concerning this permit,please contact Alice M.Wessner at(919)
807-6425 or
f� r�a. •
..S. Jay Zimmerman, P.G., Director
Division of Water Resources
cc: Watauga County Health Department(Electronic Copy)
'Nothing Compares
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Permitting I Non-Discharge Permitting
1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617
Mr. Sean Devine
October 25,2017
Page 2 of 2
Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section(Electronic Copy)
Digital Permit Archive(Electronic Copy)
Central Files
In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143,General Statutes of North Carolina as
amended,and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations
Wallace Loft, LLC
Watauga County
continued operation of a 108,530 gallon per day (GPD) wastewater treatment and irrigation facility
consisting of:
a rotary brush screen and a 500 gallon filtrate collection tank served by two 0.5 horsepower(hp)centrifugal
screening transfer pumps; a 54,496 gallon bolted steel equalization basin with a coarse bubble diffuser
system served by a 96 cubic feet per minute (CFM), 40 hp, positive displacement blower and two 4 hp
submersible transfer pumps; dual 12,000 gallon anoxic bioreactor tanks served by two 3 hp centrifugal
recycled activated sludge (RAS)/ mix pumps; dual 12,000 gallon aerated bioreactor tanks with a coarse
bubble diffuser system served by a 96 CFM, 40 hp, positive displacement blower; a 12,000 gallon post-
anoxic bioreactor tank; dual ultra-filtration (UF) membrane filter racks served by three 5 hp centrifugal
circulation pumps,two 2 hp centrifugal membrane flush pumps,two 0.5 hp centrifugal membrane permeate
pumps, and two 3 hp centrifugal permeate backwash pumps (all as part of Dynatec Membrane Biological
Reactor treatment system); dual 130 gallon per minute (GPM) Severn Trent ultraviolet(UV)disinfection
systems; a Hach turbidimeter and a 190 GPM effluent flow meter; an automatic-activation propane-fueled
alternate power supply;a 548,000 gallon bolted steel 5-day upset tank;a 36,166 gallon bolted steel aerobic
digestion sludge holding tank with coarse bubble diffuser and 2-inch, 100 GPM sludge flow meter;a 12,059
gallon HDPE irrigation dosing tank served by two 15 hp centrifugal dosing pumps; a 1,562,000 gallon
bolted steel 14-day wet weather storage tank;a precipitation sensor;three 1,763 gallon precast return flush
tanks served by two 48 GPM vertical turbine flush return pumps; approximately 14.39 acres of drip
irrigation area with a mixed hardwood and pine forest cover crop with sufficient disposal capacity in zones
1-6 as detailed in Attachment B; and all associated piping, valves,controls and appurtenances
to serve 894 bedrooms, five administrative/clubhouse employees, a fitness center, and a pool at The
Cottages of Boone, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the application received July
28, 2017, and in conformity with the project plans, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently
filed and approved by the Department of Environmental Quality and considered a part of this permit.
This permit shall be effective from date of issuance until April 30,2022,shall void Permit No.WQ0035784
issued April 12,2017,and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations:
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 1 of 9
1. No later than six months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall request renewal of
this permit on official Division forms. Upon receipt of the request, the Division will review the
adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will renew the permit for such period of
time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Please note Rule 15A
NCAC 02T.0105(d)requires an updated site map to be submitted with the permit renewal application.
[15A NCAC 02T.0105(d), 02T .0106, 02T .0109, 02T .01 15(c)]
1. The subject non-discharge facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so there is
no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In
the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions due
to improper operation and maintenance, or failure of the irrigation areas to adequately assimilate the
effluent,the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including Division required actions,such
as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment or irrigation facilities. [G.S. 143-
215.1, 143-213.3(a)]
2. This permit shall not relieve the Permittee of their responsibility for damages to groundwater or surface
water resulting from the operation of this facility. [15A NCAC 02B .0200, 02L .0100]
3. All wells constructed for purposes of groundwater monitoring shall be constructed in accordance with
15A NCAC 02C .0108 (Standards of Construction for Wells Other than Water Supply), and any other
jurisdictional laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. [15A NCAC 02C .0108]
4. Effluent quality shall not exceed the limitations specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T
.0108(b)(1), 02T .0505(b)]
5. Application rates, whether hydraulic, nutrient or other pollutant, shall not exceed those specified in
Attachment B. [15A NCAC 02T .0505(c),02T .0505(n)]
6. The irrigation system shall be connected to a rain or moisture sensor,which shall indicate when effluent
application is not appropriate in accordance with Conditions 111.4.and 111.5.of this permit. [15A NCAC
02T .0108(bx 1)]
7. The compliance and review boundaries are established at the irrigation area boundaries. Any
exceedance of standards at the compliance or review boundary shall require action in accordance with
15A NCAC 02L .0106. 115A NCAC 021, .0106, 02T.0506(c)]
8. The Permittee shall apply for a permit modification to establish a new compliance boundary prior to
any sale or transfer of property affecting a compliance boundary. [15A NCAC 02L .0107(c)]
9. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02L.0107(d),no wells,excluding Division approved monitoring wells,
shall be constructed within the compliance boundary except as provided for in 15A NCAC 02L
.0107(g). [15A NCAC 02L .0107]
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 2 of 9
10. Except asprovided for in 15A NCAC 02L .0107 the Permittee shall ensure •n p (g), any landowner who is
not the Permittee and owns land within the compliance boundary shall execute and file with the
Watauga County Register of Deeds an easement running with the land containing the following items:
a. A notice of the permit and number or other description as allowed in 15A NCAC 02L .0107(f)(1);
b. Prohibits construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary;and
c. Reserves the right of the Permittee or the State to enter the property within the compliance boundary
for purposes related to the permit.
The Director may terminate the easement when its purpose has been fulfilled or is no longer needed.
[15A NCAC 021, .0107(0]
11. The facilities permitted herein shall be constructed according to the following setbacks:
a. The setbacks for irrigation sites permitted under 15A NCAC 02T .0500 shall be as follows (all
distances in feet):
i. Any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership: 100
ii. Any habitable residence or place of public assembly owned by the Permittee: 15
iii. Any private or public water supply source: 100
iv. Surface waters: 100
v. Groundwater lowering ditches: 100
vi. Surface water diversions: 25
vii. Any well with exception of monitoring wells: 100
viii.Any property line: 01
ix. Top of slope of embankments or cuts of two feet or more in vertical height: 15
x. Any water line from a disposal system: 10
xi. Subsurface groundwater lowering drainage systems: 100
xii. Any swimming pool: 100
xiii.Public right of way: 50
xiv.Nitrification field: 20
xv. Any building foundation or basement: 15
Setbacks to property lines have been reduced to 0 feet because the facility is complying with
15A NCAC 02T .0506(c).
[15A NCAC 02T.0506(a),02T.0506(c)]
b. The setbacks for storage and treatment units permitted under l5A NCAC 02T .0500 shall be as
follows(all distances in feet):
i. Any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership: 100
ii. Any private or public water supply source: 100
iii. Surface waters: 50
iv. Any well with exception of monitoring wells: 100
v. Any property line: 50
[15A NCAC 02T.0506(b)]
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 3 of 9
1. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The facilities shall be effectively
maintained and operated as a non-discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting
from the operation of this facility. The Permittee shall maintain an Operation and Maintenance Plan,
which at a minimum shall include operational functions, maintenance schedules, safety measures and
a spill response plan. [15A NCAC 02T .0507]
2. Upon the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission's (WPCSOCC)
classification of the subject non-discharge facilities, in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G .0200 the
Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator in responsible charge(ORC)and one or more
certified operator(s) as back-up ORC(s). The ORC or their back-up shall visit the facilities in
accordance with 15A NCAC 08G .0200, and shall comply with all other conditions specified in the
previously cited rules. [15A NCAC 02T .0117]
3. A suitable year round vegetative cover shall be maintained at all times, such that crop health is
optimized,allows for even distribution of effluent and allows inspection of the irrigation system. [15A
NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)]
4. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the irrigation sites listed
in Attachment B. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)]
5. Irrigation shall not be performed during inclement weather or when the ground is in a condition that
will cause ponding or runoff. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)]
6. All irrigation equipment shall be tested and calibrated at least once per permit cycle. Calibration records
shall be maintained at the facility for a period of no less than five years,and shall be made available to
the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)(1)]
7. Only effluent from The Cottages of Boone WWTP shall be irrigated on the sites listed in Attachment
B. [G.S. 143-215.1]
8. No automobiles or machinery shall be allowed on the irrigation sites except during equipment
installation or while maintenance is being performed. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)]
9. Public access to the irrigation sites and wastewater treatment facilities shall be prohibited. [15A NCAC
02T .0505(q)]
10. The residuals generated from the wastewater treatment facilities shall be disposed or utilized in
accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1100. The Permittee shall maintain a residual management plan
pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T .0508. [15A NCAC 02T.0508, 02T .1100]
11. Diversion or bypassing of untreated or partially treated wastewater from the treatment facilities is
prohibited. [15A NCAC 02T .0505(j)]
12. Freeboard in the 1,562,000 gallon wet weather storage tank and the 548,000 gallon 5-day upset tank
shall not be less than two feet at any time. [15A NCAC 02T .0505(d)]
13. Gauges to monitor waste levels in both the 1,562,000 gallon wet weather storage tank and the 548,000
gallon 5-day upset tank shall be provided. These gauges shall have readily visible permanent markings,
at inch or tenth of a foot increments, indicating the following elevations: maximum liquid level at the
top of the temporary liquid storage volume;minimum liquid level at the bottom of the temporary liquid
storage volume; and the lowest point on top of the dam. 115A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)[
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 4 of 9
14. All effluent shall be routed to the five day upset tank should the limit for fecal coliform (e.g., daily
maximum concentration of 25 colonies per 100 mL) or turbidity(e.g., instantaneous maximum of 10
NTU) be exceeded, until the problems associated with the wastewater treatment plant have been
corrected. The wastewater in the five day upset tank shall be pumped back to the treatment plant
headworks for re-treatment or treated in the five day upset tank prior to infiltration. [15A NCAC 02T
15. The turbidimeter shall be tested and calibrated at a minimum of once per year. Calibration records
shall be maintained at the facility for a period of no less than five years,and shall be made available to
the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)]
1. Any Division required monitoring(including groundwater,plant tissue,soil and surface water analyses)
necessary to ensure groundwater and surface water protection shall be established, and an acceptable
sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)]
2. A Division certified laboratory shall conduct all laboratory analyses for the required effluent,
groundwater or surface water parameters. [15A NCAC 02H .0800]
3. Flow through the treatment facility shall be continuously monitored, and daily flow values shall be
reported on Form NDMR.
The Permittee shall install and maintain an appropriate flow measurement device to ensure the accuracy
and reliability of flow measurement consistent with accepted engineering and scientific practices.
Selected flow measurement devices shall be capable of measuring flows with a maximum deviation of
less than ten percent from true flow; accurately calibrated at a minimum of once per year; and
maintained to ensure the accuracy of measurements is consistent with the selected device's accepted
capability. The Permittee shall maintain records of flow measurement device calibration on file for a
period of at least five years. At a minimum,documentation shall include:
a. Date of flow measurement device calibration,
b. Name of person performing calibration,and
c. Percent from true flow.
[15A NCAC 02T .0105(k)]
4. The Permittee shall monitor the effluent from the subject facilities at the frequencies and locations for
the parameters specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)]
5. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records tracking the amount of effluent irrigated. At a minimum,
these records shall include the following information for each irrigation site listed in Attachment B:
a. Date of irrigation;
b. Volume of effluent irrigated;
c. Site irrigated;
d. Length of time site is irrigated;
e. Continuous weekly, monthly, and year-to-date hydraulic(inches/acre) loadings;
f. Continuous monthly and year-to-date loadings for any non-hydraulic parameter specifically
limited in Attachment B;
g. Weather conditions; and
h. Maintenance of cover crops.
[15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)]
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 5 ot9
6. Freeboard(i.e., waste level to the lowest embankment elevation) in the 1,562,000 gallon wet weather
storage tank and the 548,000 gallon 5-day upset tank shall be measured to the nearest inch or tenth of
a foot, and recorded weekly. Weekly freeboard records shall be maintained at the facility for a period
of no less than five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02T
7. Three copies of all monitoring data (as specified in Conditions IV.3. and IV.4.) on Form NDMR for
each PPI and three copies of all operation and disposal records (as specified in Conditions IV.5. and
IV.6.)on Form NDAR-1 for every site in Attachment B shall be submitted on or before the last day of
the following month. If no activities occurred during the monitoring month,monitoring reports are still
required documenting the absence of the activity. All information shall be submitted to the following
Division of Water Resources
Information Processing Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617
[15A NCAC 02T .0105(1)]
8. A record shall be maintained of all residuals removed from this facility. This record shall be maintained
at the facility for a period of no less than five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon
request. At a minimum,this record shall include:
a. Name of the residuals hauler;
b. Non-Discharge permit number authorizing the residuals disposal, or a letter from a municipality
agreeing to accept the residuals;
c. Date the residuals were hauled; and
d. Volume of residuals removed.
[15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)(1)]
9. A maintenance log shall be maintained at this facility. This log shall be maintained at the facility for a
period of no less than five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. At a
minimum,this log shall include:
a. Date of calibration of flow measurement device;
b. Date of calibration of turbidimeter;
c. Visual observations of the plant and plant site;and
d. Record of preventative maintenance(e.g.,changing of equipment,adjustments,testing,inspections
and cleanings, etc.).
[15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(I)]
10. Monitoring wells shall be sampled at the frequencies and for the parameters specified in Attachment
C. All mapping, well construction forms, well abandonment forms and monitoring data shall refer to
thepermit number and the well nomenclature as provided in Attachment C and Figure 2. [15A NCAC
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 6 of 9
11. Two copies of the monitoring well sampling and analysis results shall be submitted on a Compliance
Monitoring Form (GW-59), along with attached copies of laboratory analyses, on or before the last
working day of the month following the sampling month. The Compliance Monitoring Form(GW-59)
shall include this permit number, the appropriate well identification number, and one GW-59a
certification form shall be submitted with each set of sampling results. All information shall be
submitted to the following address:
Division of Water Resources
Information Processing Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617
[15A NCAC 02T .0105(m)]
12. An annual representative soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on
each irrigation site listed in Attachment B. These results shall be maintained at the facility for a period
of no less than five years,and shall be made available to the Division upon request. At a minimum,the
Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include the following parameters:
Acidity Exchangeable Sodium Percentage Phosphorus
Base Saturation(by calculation) Magnesium Potassium
Calcium Manganese Sodium
Cation Exchange Capacity Percent Humic Matter Zinc
Copper pH
[15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)]
13. Noncompliance Notification:
The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem Regional Office,telephone number(336)
776-9800,as soon as possible,but in no case more than 24 hours,or on the next working day following
the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following:
a. Treatment of wastes abnormal in quantity or characteristic, including the known passage of a
hazardous substance.
b. Any process unit failure (e.g., mechanical, electrical, etc.), due to known or unknown reasons,
rendering the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment.
c. Any facility failure resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving surface waters.
d. Any time self-monitoring indicates the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit
e. Ponding in or runoff from the irrigation sites.
Any emergency requiring immediate reporting(e.g., discharges to surface waters, imminent failure of
a storage structure, etc.)outside normal business hours shall be reported to the Division's Emergency
Response personnel at telephone number(800)662-7956,(800)858-0368,or(919)733-3300. Persons
reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days
following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to
be taken to ensure the problem does not recur. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(1),02T .0108(b)(1)]
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 7 of 9
1. The Permittee shall provide adequate inspection and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the
wastewater treatment and irrigation facilities. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)1
2. The Permittee or their designee shall inspect the wastewater treatment and irrigation facilities to prevent
malfunctions, facility deterioration and operator errors resulting in discharges, which may cause the
release of wastes to the environment,a threat to human health or a public nuisance. The Permittee shall
maintain an inspection log that includes, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations
made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken. The Permittee shall maintain this
inspection log for a period of five years from the date of the inspection, and this log shall be made
available to the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)]
3. Any duly authorized Division representative may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect
any property, premises or place on or related to the wastewater treatment and irrigation facilities
permitted herein at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit;
may inspect or copy any records required to be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit,
and may collect groundwater, surface water or leachate samples. [G.S. 143-21.5.3(a)(2)]
I. Failure to comply with the conditions and limitations contained herein may subject the Permittee to an
enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.6A to
143-215.6C. [G.S. 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C]
2. This permit shall become voidable if the permitted facilities are not constructed in accordance with the
conditions of this permit, the Division approved plans and specifications, and other supporting
documentation. [15A NCAC 02T .0110]
3. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the permit
application, Division approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. No
variances to applicable rules governing the construction or operation of the permitted facilities are
granted,unless specifically requested and approved in this permit pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T.0105(n).
[G.S. 143-21.5.1]
4. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes,
rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other jurisdictional government agencies
(e.g., local,state,and federal). Of particular concern to the Division are applicable river buffer rules in
15A NCAC 02B .0200; erosion and sedimentation control req
uirements in 15A NCACChapter
4 and
under General Permit NCG010000; any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 02B
.0200 and 02H .0500; and documentation of compliance with Article 21 Part 6 of Chapter 143 of the
General Statutes. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(6)]
5. In the event the permitted facilities change ownership or the Permittee changes their name, a formal
permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. This request shall be made on official
Division forms,and shall include appropriate property ownership documentation and other supporting
documentation as necessary. The Permittee of record shall remain fully responsible for maintaining
and operating the facilities permitted herein until a permit is issued to the new owner. [15A NCAC
6. The Permittee shall retain a set of Division approved plans and specifications for the life of the facilities
permitted herein. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)]
7. The Permittee shall maintain this permit until all permitted facilities herein are properly closed or
permitted under another permit issued by the appropriate permitting authority. [15A NCAC 02T
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 8 of 9
8. This permit is subject to revocation or unilateral modification upon 60 days' notice from the Division
Director,in whole or part for the requirements listed in 15A NCAC 02T.0110. [15A NCAC 02T.0110]
9. Unless the Division Director grants a variance, expansion of the permitted facilities contained herein
shall not be granted if the Permittee exemplifies any of the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0120(b). [15A
NCAC 02T .0120]
10. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay
the annual fee accordingly shall be cause for the Division to revoke this permit. [15A NCAC 02T
Permit issued this the 25th day of October 2017
7S.Jay Zimmerman,P.G.,Director
Division of Water Resources
By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
Permit Number WQ0035784
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Shell Version 151201 Page 9 of 9
PPI 001 -WWTP Effluent(For flow averaging less than 100,000 GPD)
PCS Units of Monthly Monthly Measurement Sample
Code Parameter Description Measure Average Geometric Mean Daily Minimum Daily Maximum Frequency Type
00310 BOD,5-Day(20°C) mg/I. 10 15 Monthly Composite
00940 Chloride(as CI) mg/L 3 x Year' Composite
31616 Coliform,Fecal MF,M-FC Broth,44.5°C #/100 mL 14 25 Monthly Grab
50050 Flow,in Conduit or thru Treatment Plant GPD 100,000 Continuous Recorder
00610 Nitrogen,Ammonia Total(as N) mg/L I 4 6 Monthly Composite
00625 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total(as N) mg/L 1 Monthly Composite
00620 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) mg/1. I 10 Monthly Composite
00600 Nitrogen.Total(as N) mg/L Monthly Composite
00400 pH su 5 x Week Grab
1 00665 Phosphorus,Total(as P) mg/L Monthly Composite
70300 Solids,Total Dissolved—180°C mg/1. 3 x Year' Composite
00530 Solids,Total Suspended mg/L 5 10 Monthly Composite
00076 Turbidity,IICH Turbidimeter NTU 10 Continuous Recorder
1. 3 x Year sampling shall be conducted in March,July and November.
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Attachment A Page 1 of 2
PPI 002-WWTP Effluent(For flow averaging greater than 100,000 GPD)
PCS Parameter bon Units of Monthly Monthly Measurement Sample
Code Desenp Measure Average Geometric Mean gaily Minimum Daily Maximum Frequency Type
00310 BOD,5-Day(20°C) mgfL 10 15 2 x Month Composite
00940 Chloride(as CI) mg/L i
3 x Year Composite
31616 Coiiform,Fecal MF,M-FC Broth,44.5"C #/100 mL i 14 25 2 x Month Grab
50050 Flow,in Conduit or thni Treatment Plant GPD 108,530 may' Continuous Recorder
00610 Nitrogen,Ammonia Total(as N) mgfL 4 6 2 x Month Composite
00625 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total(as N) mgfL = 2 x Month Composite
00620 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) mg/L 10 2 x Month Composite
00600 Nitrogen,Total(as N) mg/L ,
2 x Month Composite
00400 pH Sn 5 x Week Grab
00665 Phosphorus,Total(as P) mg/L 1 ' 2 x Month Composite
70300 Solids,Total Dissolved—180°C mg/L 3 x Year' Composite
00530 Solids,Total Suspended mg/L 5 10 2 x Month Composite
00076 Turbidity,HCH Turbidimeter NTU I 0 Continuous Recorder
1. 3 x Year sampling shall be conducted in March,July and November.
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Attachment A Page 2 of 2
Wallace Loft,LLC—The Cottages of Boone WWTP
Field Owner County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Dominant Parameter Hourly Yearly
Soil Series Rate Max
1 Wallace Loft,LLC Watauga 36.202779° , -81.705226° 2.80 Pigeonroost/Tate 01284—Non-Discharge Application Rate 0.15 101.4 inches
2 Wallace Loft,LLC Watauga 36.202203° -81.704549° 2.70 Pigeonroost 01284—Non-Discharge Application Rate 0.15 101.4 inches
3 Wallace Loft,LLC Watauga 36.202258° -81.703531° 1.86 Pigeonroost 01284—Non-Discharge Application Rate 0.15 101.4 inches
4 Wallace Loft,LLC Watauga 36.201789° -81.702476° 2.72 Pigeonroost 01284—Non-Discharge Application Rate 0.15 101.4 inches
5 Wallace Loft,LLC Watauga 36.199994° -81.698554° 1.72 Pigeonroost 01284—Non-Discharge Application Rate 0.15 101.4 inches
6 Wallace Loft,LLC , Watauga 36.199283° -81.699303° 2.59 Pigeonroost 01284—Non-Discharge Application Rate 0.15 101.4 inches
Total 1439
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Attachment B Page 1 of 1
Monitoring wells: MW-1,MW-2,and MW-3
PCS Code Parameter Description Daily Maximum Frequency Measurement Sample Type Footnotes
00680 Carbon,'rot Organic(TOC) i mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1,6
00940 Chloride(as CI) 250 , mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 J
31616 Colifotm,Fecal MF,M-FC Broth,44.5°C i #/100 mL 3 x Year Grab 1
00610 Nitrogen,Ammonia Total(as N) i 1.5 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1
00620 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 10 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1
00400 pH 6.5-8.5 su 3 x Year Grab 1,2
00665 Phosphorus.Total(as P) mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1
70300 Solids,Total Dissolved-180°C 500 mg/I. 3 x Year Grab 1
GWVOC Volatile Compounds(GC../MS)
C/ Present Yes/No Annually Grab 1,4,5
82546 Water Level,Distance from measuring point feet 3 x Year Calculated 1,2,3 j
1. 3 x Year monitoring shall be conducted in March,July&November,Annual monitoring shall be conducted every November.
2. The measurement of water levels shall be made prior to purging the wells.The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The measurement of
pH shall be made after purging and prior to sampling for the remaining parameters.
3. The measuring points(top of well casing)of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide the relative elevation of the measuring point for each monitoring well. The measuring points(top of
casing)of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed relative to a common datum.
4. Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC)-In November only,analyze by one of the following methods: _
a Standard Method 6230D,PQL at 0.5 µg/I.or less
b. Standard Method 6210D,PQL at 0.5 µg/I,or less
c_ EPA Method 8021,Low Concentration,PQI,at 0.5 µg/L or less
d. EPA Method 8260,Low Concentration,PQL at 0.5 µg/L or less
e. Another method with prior approval by the Water Quality Permitting Section Chief
Any method used must meet the following qualifications:
a. A laboratory must be DWR certified to run any method used.
b. The method used must,at a minimum,include all the constituents listed in Table VIII of Standard Method 6230D.
c. The method used must provide a PQL of 0.5 µg/L or less that must be supported by laboratory proficiency studies as required by DWR Any constituents detected above the MDL but below
the PQI.of 0.5 µg/I.must be qualified(estimated)and reported.
5. If any volatile organic compounds(VOC)are detected as a result of monitoring as provided in Attachment C,then the Winston-Salem Regional Office supervisor,telephone number(336)776-
9800,must be contacted immediately for further instructions regarding any additional follow-up analyses required.
6. If TOC concentrations greater than 10 mg/L are detected in any downgradient monitoring well,additional sampling and analysis must be conducted to identify the individual constituents comprising
this TOC concentration. If the TOC concentration as measured in the background monitor well exceeds 10 mg/L, this concentration will be taken to represent the naturally occurring TOC
concentration. Any exceedances of this naturally occurring TOC concentration in the downgradient wells shall be subject to the additional sampling and analysis as described above.
7. Monitoring wells shall be reported consistent with the nomenclature and location information provided in Figure 2 and this attachment
WQ0035784 Version 2.1 Attachment C Page 1 of 1
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nor,tot Environmental Quality
January 10,2020
Sean Devine
Wallace Loft, LLC
2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400
Wilmington, Delaware 19808
Subject: Speculative Effluent Limits
The Cottages of Boone WWTP
Permit No. WQ0035784
Watauga County
Watauga River Basin
Dear Mr. Devine:
This letter provides speculative effluent limits for a 0.1 MGD conjunctive use permit at The Cottages of
Boone WWTP. The Division received the speculative limits request in an email dated November 14,2019
from Pete Dickerson of Odom Engineering PLLC. Please recognize that speculative limits may change
based on future water quality initiatives, and it is highly recommended that the applicant verify the
speculative limits with the Division's NPDES Unit prior to any engineering design work.
Receiving Stream. Laurel Fork is located within the Watauga River Basin. Laurel Fork has a stream
classification of C;Trout, and waters with this classification have a best usage for aquatic life propagation
and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, agriculture, and trout propagation
and survival. Laurel Fork has a summer 7Q10 flow of 0.44 cfs, a winter 7010 flow of 0.64 cfs, a 30Q2
flow of 1.39 cfs,and an annual average flow of 3.2 cis.
Based upon a review of information available from the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Online
Map Viewer,there are not any Federally Listed threatened or endangered aquatic species identified within
a 5-mile radius of the proposed discharge location. If there are any identified threatened/endangered
species, it is recommended that the applicant discuss the proposed project with the US Fish and Wildlife
Service to determine whether the proposed discharge location might impact such species.
Speculative Effluent Limits. Based on Division review of receiving stream conditions and water quality
modeling results, speculative limits for the proposed conjunctive use discharge of 0.1 MGD are presented
in Table I. A complete evaluation of these limits and monitoring requirements for metals and other
toxicants,as well as potential instream monitoring requirements,will be addressed upon receipt of a formal
NPDES permit application. Some features of the speculative limit development include the following:
• BOD/NH3 Limits. BOD limits are assigned to be protective of instream dissolved oxygen (DO)
and are consistent with the facility's non-discharge permit limits. NH3-N limits are assigned to
protect for instream ammonia toxicity and instream DO. The resultant limits are considered
Q'V NorthNorth CarolinaSalisbury DepartmentStreet of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources
�J�rJy ill 1617ail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699 1617
Deplamel� ^d \ /' 9t9 7079000
• TSS: TSS limits are consistent with the facility's non-discharge permit limit, NPDES
implementation, treatment plant design, and are considered technically feasible.
TABLE 1. Speculative Limits for The Cottages of Boone WWTP
Effluent Characteristic Effluent Limitations
Monthly Weekly Daily Maximum
Average Average
Flow 0.1 MGD
BOD5 10.0 mg/L 15.0 mg/L
NH3 as N 32 mg/L 16.0 mg/L
Dissolved Oxygen 6.0 mg/L Daily Minimum Average
TSS 5.0 mg/L 7.5 mg/L
TRC 28 µg/L
Fecal coliform(geometric 200/100 mL 400/100 mI_
Chronic Toxicity, Pass/Fail 26%
(Quarterly test)
Engineering Alternatives Analysis(EAA). Please note that the Division cannot guarantee that an NPDES
permit for a new or expanding discharge will be issued with these speculative limits. Final decisions can
only be made after the Division receives and evaluates a formal permit application for the new/expanded
discharge. In accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 211.0105(c), the most
environmentally sound alternative should be selected from all reasonably cost effective options. Therefore,
as a component of all NPDES permit applications for new or expanding flow, a detailed engineering
alternatives analysis (EAA) must be prepared. The EAA must justify requested flows and provide an
analysis of potential wastewater treatment alternatives. A copy of the Division guidance for preparing EAA
documents is attached.
Should you have any questions about these speculative limits or NPDES permitting requirements, please
feel free to contact David Hill at(919) 707-3612.
julie Grzybpervisor, NPDES Complex Permitting Unit
Attachment: EAA Guidance Document
NPDES Permit File
Electronic Copy:
NC Wildlife Resources Commission, Inland Fisheries,shannon.deatoka
US Fish and Wildlife Service,
DWR/Water Quality Regional Operations/Winston-Salem
DWR/Non-Discharge Branch
DWR/Basinwide Planning, Ian McMillan
DWR/NPDES Server>Specs
Pete Dickerson,
Page 2 of 2
Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 02/12/20
Facility: COTTAGES AT BOONE NPDES#: NCWQ0035781ipe#: 001 County: WATAUGA
Laboratory Performing Test: R & A LABORATORIES, INC. -.
Comments: Final Effluent A
X Af
gna7 I o •�� r- n •espons • e arge Water Tech Project
X _ . AA A� 78214-01
• - u•e - A"ora ory :upery sor * PASSED: 2.81k Reduction *
Work Order: 78093-01 Environmental Sciences Branch
MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Div. of Environmental Management
N.C. Dept. of EHNR
1621 Mail Service Ctr
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621
North Carolina Ceriodaphnia
Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test Chronic Test Results
Calculated t • 1.418
Tabular t • 2.508
CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Reduction • 2.81
k Mortality Avg.Reprod.
# Young Produced 23 24 25 23 24 25 24 22 24 22 25 24
0.00 23.75
Control Control
Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L L L L L L L L L L
0.00 23.08
Treatment 2 Treatment 2
Effluent k: 26k
TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV
4.443k PASS FAIL
# Young Produced 22 23 22 24 25 23 24 23 22 25 21 23 k control orgy X
producing 3rd
brood Check One
Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L L L L L L L L L L 1004;
1st sample let sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test
pH Test Start Date: 02/05/20
Control 7.37 7.45 7.35 7.43 7.34 7.42 Collection (Start) Date
Sample 1: 02/03/20 Sample 2: 02/05/20
Treatment 2 7.28 7.36 7.40 7.48 7.39 7.47 Sample Type/Duration 2nd
1st P/F
s s s Grab Comp. Duration D
t e t e t e - I S S
a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24.3 hrs L A A
r d r d r d - U M M
t t t Sample 2 X 24.3 hrs T P P
let sample lst sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardnese(mg/1) 97 =•
Control 8.6 8.4 8.6 8.3 8.6 8.4
Spec. Cond. (pmhos) 398 537 617
Treatment 2 8.6 8.4 8.6 8.3 8.6 8.4
Chlorine(mg/1) 0.01 0.01
LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp: at receipt(•C) 3.3 3.1
(Mortality expressed as k, combining replicates) -r'
Note: Please
I k I k k k k k k k Concentration Complete This
Section Also
k k k k k k k k k k Mortality
start/end start/end
LC50 - I Method of Determination Control
95% Confidence Limits Moving Average Probit -
r_�k -- I Spearman Karber -'" Other High
pH D.O.
Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hre) :
Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DDBIA ver, 4.32)
Spec I
a', Analytical/Process Consultations
Client:�'r� r t s- al gryz County: Pipe #: NPDES #:tu2OpJ T v
Collector (Print):, a11a 17+/0w9+," Contact Peraorv. QQ
Collector (Signature?4 'a«r"-- Address: `
Phone Number:
Sample Collection
Sample Date! Date/ Temp Temp Analysis
p Time Timea (°Ci Sample Type No, of Upon Require
Lab # Descriptioncontainers Arrival (acute ahro
(RAL only) (see note') Started Ended End Comp, Grab sent (°C) bloc a )
A/Sl,to Ak I,2c, — y
') U�,`)1 . OE�rs ..,0Z O �6 , Pip .21 I
d L - — At. , I
• for Sample Description please use Effluent, Influent, Upstream, Post Cli, Etc.
Relinquished by: (Signature) Race' by: ) Date/Time
0 <,-. -4-,2 / g"ff'
elinquis a . I n tire) R ' d b . jA Ours).- Dete/Time
M of S nt• Logged in by: Moved to bioassa de
0 Initials y �'by:Initials9Date,e"1'to _Time .i' �
Note: Original sent with shipment ~� `�t�
Copy retained by collector
PO, Box 473•106 Short Street• Kornersvllle,North Carolina 27284.336.098-2841 •Fax 335-006-0326
1 . 5
---w--w- r Analytical/Process Consultations
Client: G6' •& �' er #7O County: Pipe #: NPDES #: 4. D� 3
Collector (Print): t:oncact Parson.
Collector (Signature: Address:
Phone Number:
Sample Collection
Temp Sample Date/ Date/ Temp Sample Type No, of Upon Required Lab # Description Time Time ( C) containers Arrival (acute, chronic
(RAL only) (see note') Started Ended End Comp. Grab
sent 1°C) bioassay)
`-Rica .^.►� aria oko s. /7, 7 .';
" for Sample Description please use Effluent, Influent, Upstream, Post C12, Etc.
Relinquished by: (Signature)/ Received by: (Signature) Date/Time
Ogle tA(40,r ,2/"11 c' O 1 c/c) 'e7"-74 -- oZ/440 /(.Zo
Relinquished by: (Signature) Receiv -Zy: (Signature) Date/Time
- / ?ift.A.0,....,1/404.....--- (_.c 7 1. --"\ —1 ....)
Methodahtprrient:/" r/` Logged In b
s,N-' a Initials_. Moved to bioassay dept,by:
r �. 1 initial ,, Date L'vr'Lo Time Z
Note: Original sent with shipment al-5", 12;
Copy retained by collector
P.O.Box 473. 106 Short Stroat•Kernersvllle,North Caroline 27284.336.988-2841 •Fax 336-998-0328
ribm Odom
169 Oak Street • Forest City,NC 28043
—• Engineering PLLC office 828.247,4495 • fax 828,247.4498
March 13, 2020 **Via Certified Mail—Return Receipt Requested **
Ms. Nicole Harmon
Town Clerk,Town of Boone
567 West King Street
Boone, NC 28607
Re: Local Government Review Form
On behalf, Cottages of Boone WWTP
NPDES Conjunctive Use Application
Boone,Watauga County, NC
Dear Ms. Harmon:
The Cottages of Boone WWTP is a private wastewater treatment plant serving The Cottages of Boone,at 615
Fallview lane,Boone,NC,under Permit No.WQ0035784.This permit provides for drip Irrigation disposal of treated
effluent.The Cottages of Boone WWTP is making application through NCDEQ Complex Permitting Unit for NPDES
Conjunctive Use,which will permit continued irrigation,to be supplemented by discharge of treated effluent to
Laurel Fork,a stream in the Watauga River Basin. NCDEQ has reviewed the proposed discharge and receiving
stream and issued Speculative Effluent Limits(attached)for technologically feasible,environmentally sound
discharge at the proposed discharge location.
As required by North Carolina General Statute[143-215.1(c)(6)),prior to submitting the application for a NPDES
Permit,the applicant shall request that both the nearby city and county government complete the attached Local
Government Review Form.The purpose of the form is to determine if the nearby city or county has a zoning or
subdivision ordinance in effect and(if such an ordinance is in effect)whether the proposed facility is consistent
with the ordinance.The nearby city or county must respond within 15 days of receipt of this request.The attached
maps show location of the WWTP and proposed discharge location. We would be pleased to answer any questions
you may have concerning the attached form or the proposed permit.
Please Return the completed,signed and notarized form to:
Odom Engineering.PLLC
169 Oak Street
Forest City,NC 28043
Thank you for your assistance in completing the application requirements for this important project.
David Odom,P.E.
Local Government Review Form
USGS&8%:"by 11"Site Maps
NPDES Speculative Effluent Limits Letter
Local Government Review Requirements
for the Issuance of New Non-Municipal Domestic Wastewater Discharge Permits
General Statute Overview
North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (c)(6)allows input from local governments in the issuance of NPDES Permits for non-
municipal domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically,the Environmental Management Commission(EMC)may not act
on an application for a new non-municipal domestic wastewater discharge facility until it has received a written statement from
each city and county government having jurisdiction over any part of the lands on which the proposed facility and its
appurtenances are to be located. The written statement shall document whether the city or county has a zoning or subdivision
ordinance in effect and(if such an ordinance is in effect)whether the proposed facility is consistent with the ordinance. The
EMC shall not approve a permit application for any facility which a city or county has determined to be inconsistent with zoning
or subdivision ordinances unless the approval of such application is determined to have statewide significance and is in the best
interest of the State.
Instructions to the Applicant
Prior to submitting an application for a NPDES Permit for a proposed facility,the applicant shall request that both the
nearby city and county government complete this form.
The applicant must:
• Submit a copy of the permit application(with a written request for this form to be completed)to the clerk of the
city and the county by certified mail,return receipt requested.
• If either(or both)local governments)fail(s)to mail the completed form,as evidenced by the postmark on the
certified mail card(s),within 15 days after receiving and signing for the certified mail,the applicant may submit the
application to the NPDES Unit.
• As evidence to the Commission that the local governments)failed to respond within 15 days,the applicant shall
submit a copy of the certified mail card along with a notarized letter stating that the local government(s)failed to
respond within the 15-day period.
Instructions to the Local Government
The nearby city and/or county government which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the
proposed facility or its appurtenances are to be located is required to complete and return this form to the applicant
within 15 days of receipt. The form must be si ed and notarized.
mot" F.
Name of local government ' el ✓ 'f
Does the city/county have jurisdicylon over any part of the land on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances
are to be located? Yes [ ] No [V] If no,please sign this form,have it notarized,and return it to the applicant.
Does the city/county have in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If there is a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect,is the plan for the proposed facility consistent with the
ordinance? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Date tl/1 a—/ Z J Signature a Lily__
(City anager/County Manager)
State of IVOrth CCWO L L V1a ,County of lid atzi u a
On this 22hd day of Ap)1 ,2c2D personally appeared before me,the said
name John A,Ward r to me known and known to me to be the person
described in and who executed the foregoing document and he (or she) acknowledged that he (or she)
executed the same and being duly sworn by me,made oath that . . . _ _ ent
are true. D Nicole Harmon
Q *TA' : I
My Commission expires 213"21 .(Signature of Nota Pub �.,. % ' 11� 1,1.:.e
(Ai 'I u.lic LO f t a Seal)
My Commission Expires •bruary 08,2021
r 11
169 Oak Street • Forest City,NC 28043
f l iEn Angering 1P C office 828.247.4495 • fax 828.247.4498
March 13,2020 **Via Certified Mail—Return Receipt Requested **
Ms.Anita Fogle
Watauga County Clerk
814 West King Street,Suite 205
Boone, NC 28607
Re: Local Government Review Form
On behalf, Cottages of Boone WWTP
NPDES Conjunctive Use Application
Boone,Watauga County, NC
Dear Ms.Fogle:
The Cottages of Boone WWTP is a private wastewater treatment plant serving The Cottages of Boone,at 615
Faliview lane,Boone,NC,under Permit No.WQ0035784.This permit provides for drip irrigation disposal of treated
effluent.The Cottages of Boone WWTP is making application through NCDEQ Complex Permitting Unit for NPDES
Conjunctive Use,which will permit continued irrigation,to be supplemented by discharge of treated effluent to
Laurel Fork,a stream in the Watauga River Basin. NCDEQ has reviewed the proposed discharge and receiving
stream and issued Speculative Effluent Limits(attached)for technologically feasible,environmentally sound
discharge at the proposed discharge location.
As required by North Carolina General Statute[143-215.1(c)(6)j,prior to submitting the application for a NPDES
Permit,the applicant shall request that both the nearby city and county government complete the attached Local
Government Review Form.The purpose of the form is to determine if the nearby city or county has a zoning or
subdivision ordinance in effect and(if such an ordinance is in effect)whether the proposed facility is consistent
with the ordinance.The nearby city or county must respond within 15 days of receipt of this request.The attached
maps show location of the WWTP and proposed discharge location. We would be pleased to answer any questions
you may have concerning the attached form or the proposed permit.
Please Return the completed,signed and notarized form to:
Odom Engineering.PLLC
169 Oak Street
Forest City, NC 28043
Thank you for your assistance in completing the application requirements for this important project.
David Odom,P.E.
Local Government Review Form
USGS&8%"by 11"Site Maps
NPDES Speculative Effluent Limits Letter
Local Government Review Requirements
for the Issuance of New Non-Municipal Domestic Wastewater Discharge Permits
General Statute Overview
North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (c)(6)allows input from local governments in the issuance of NPDES Permits for non-
municipal domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically,the Environmental Management Commission(EMC)may not act
on an application for a new non-municipal domestic wastewater discharge facility until it has received a written statement from
each city and county government having jurisdiction over any part of the lands on which the proposed facility and its
appurtenances are to he located. The written statement shall document whether the city or county has a zoning or subdivision
ordinance in effect and(if such an ordinance is in effect)whether the proposed facility is consistent with the ordinance. The
EMC shall not approve a permit application for any facility which a city or county has determined to be inconsistent with zoning
or subdivision ordinances unless the approval of such application is determined to have statewide significance and is in the best
interest of the State.
Insttuc 'ons tq the Applicant
Prior to submitting an application for a NPDES Permit for a proposed facility,the applicant shall request that both the
nearby city afourtty government complete this form.
The applicant must:
• Submit a copy of the permit application(with a written request for this form to be completed)to the clerk of the
city and the county by certified mail,return receipt requested.
• If either(or both)local government(s)fail(s)to mail the completed form,as evidenced by the postmark on the
certified mail card(s),within 15 days after receiving and signing for the certified mail,the applicant may submit the
application to the NPDES Unit.
• As evidence to the Commission that the local government(s)failed to respond within 15 days,the applicant shall
submit a copy of the certified mail card along with a notarized letter stating that the local government(s)failed to
respond within the 15-day period.
Instructions to the Local Government
The nearby city and/or county government which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the
proposed facility or its appurtenances ate to be located is required to complete and return this form to the applicant
within 15 days of receipt. The form must be signed and notarized.
Name of local government VV li':+a/Ai d?
-.� C (City ounty) �>
Does the city an ave jurisdiction over any part of the land on w roposed facility and its appurtenances
are to be located? Yes>' No [ ] If no,please sign this form,have it notarized,and return it to the applicant.
Does the ci /counti)have in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance? Yes f(,] No [ ]
If there is a zoning or su,bdivision ordinance in,effect,is the plan for the proposed facility consistent with the
ordinance? Yes 6C'_] No [ ]
Date y,,A. ,?-0
c County IORMtgerr•17,,-e'e±0-
State of 1•1C, ,County of L Dr'j-, top,,
On this a9 44Th
day of ( , 0 personally appeared before me,the said
name J psr- Ff rYlan to me known and known to me to be the person
described in and who executed the foregoing document and he (or she) acknowledged that he(or she)
executed the same and being duly sworn by me,made oath that the statements in the foregoing document
are true.
My Commission expires.1- I-21%214 .(Signature of Notary Public) /",:.t11
i 1 .All 4)shs ount is ekrr
My Commission Expires
3 ` ""` March 31,2024
Commercial 13225
System development fees(per gallon)
Water 57.89
Sewer 37.29
34' 3800
2"or 3' 5800
Deposits ioutside oity Omits ceposits are double rates listed below}:
Lite penalty charge 310
Meter oon necVdbconneoVrecor etc((each) _320
Meter rs.rtad charge _510
Resident* $125
Minimum Fees Each-Water and Sewer
':Outside city emits mmimgms aril dCUole rates'veil below'
M n mjr r4FOorti41 34"incudes 0 Q.1.000 pallor*or $14.25
M n mur residential 34"includes 1.C'01-2.000 gallons 515.75
M n mur commeroial 3r4"includes first 2.000 g41 one 521.50
Al n mJr commeroisi 1"includes first 2.000 pa ions 525.50
M n mur commercial 1-12'inc Lidos fi-st 2.000 gs ices 531.50
Al nmJre commercial 2"includes fi-st 2.300 pa long 331.50
Al n mJm commercial 3'includes first 2.000;pions $41.50
Mn mJr.CommerOial 4"includes first 2,000;aloes $51.50
Aa n mJr commercial 8'includes 5•st 2,000 pa-lone $71.50
td n myr CCmmtrOial 8'InCludei fist 2.000 pa long $91.50
(Outside city imita oonsumotipr is coup.-ate* ;fled billow!
2.001 to 4.999 pallor* $8.15
4.999 to 9.999 gallons 5.8.40
10.000 to 14,999 gallons 55.55
15.000 10 19.999 gallons 38.90
Over 20.000 pa Tors 57.15
outside city units conwmotior is doub a rates ;Etc below'
Cvtr .033 per 1,C00 peons•residential $5.50
Over 2.033 PC' +.000 pa Ices•commercial 35.75
iCrc Camid 8.2'•20' Orc.oeseed Cr.y paaasC
Town of Boone—Sewer& Water Rates
PWgtt = Costcapitat + PWReptacement (F,i,rt) +PWo&b1Yeartp (F. n)+PWO&Mlnt (F. ,n)
PW =Present Worth
Alt=Each feasible alternative
Costc,,,,,w =Total capital cost for the specific alternative
PWReptacement=Total present worth of replacement costs for the specific alternative
PWo&Myearty=Total present worth of annual O&M costs for the specific alternative
PWoatMint=Total present worth of O&M costs occurring intermittently throughout the project horizon
P/F =Present worth single payment factor
i Current EPA discount rate(2.220%)
n=Length of project horizon(20 years)
CC!„ --CCIn_1
lcci = CCI„-1
Ica=Inflation based on the Construction Cost Index
CCI„=Construction Cost Index in Year n
CCIn_t Construction Cost Index in Year n-1
*This inflation figure changes annually on March 31st based upon the construction cost index as of March 31st of each year.
P _ 1
F ((1 +i)n)
P/F Single Payment Present Worth Factor
i =EPA Discount Rate(2.220%)
MC!„ — MC!„_
lard = MC!11_1
IMCI =Inflation based on the Municipal Cost Index
MCIn Municipal Cost Index in Year n
MCIn-1 =Municipal Cost Index in Year n-1
*This inflation figure changes annually on March 31st based upon the municipal cost index as of March 31st of each year.
Enter information into the gray areas. For the Preferred Alternative,place the word Preferred in parentheses after the alternative name.
Project Name: Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
LGU Name: Watauga County,North Carolina
Alternative 1 Name: Do Nothing-Pump and Haul as Necessary
Alternative 2 Name: Conjunctive Use-Irrigate+Discharge to Laurel Fork(Preferred)
Alternative 3 Name: Connect to Municipal System
Alternative 4 Name: Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons
Alternative 5 Name:
Alternative 6 Name:
Table 5.2.1. Capital Costs
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Complete the areas shown in gray below. Where shown,use pulldown menu to select options. The spreadsheet will calculate the capital costs.
Do Nothing-Pump and Haul as Necessary
Project Administration($): $0
Component Unit Costs Unit Quantity Total Cost
Pump and Haul(Contract only,no Capital Cost) $0 $0
'Unit costs are in today's dollars,not future dollars. Total Construction Cost: $0
Construction Contingency Cost: $0
Project Administration Cost: $0
Total Capital Cost: $0
Construction Contingency 10%
Table 5.2.2. Project Cost Life Cycle Assumptions
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Do Nothing-Pump and Haul as Necessary
Complete the areas shown in gray.
Expected Life Replacement
Component Cycle Expected?t Rationale for Expected Life Cycle
Pump and Haul(Contract only,no Capital Cost) No Capital Investment
'Period for replacement would be Years 1 through 20 only.
Table 13.7.Present Value n6 Maintenance Coats(Years l-IM
Costa,or Bonne xlV-IP Ceninn..ise use EAA
Vlaiausa County,NwtM1('arolina
Do Nola..-Pump an0 Exiles Necessary
.Plere the,:ell,,shown n mgray below.
c m nao Inllali�n�Nate Eased on Mmicpl Cm west.09% EPA Discount 14Y: 2.220%
_ Pommel Tabora OEM Canis W Yew
'nmponenl Knit C. Unit Quantity 1 i 3 4 1 6 7 8 9 IB
Pomp ad Wul Annual oom at 1.000,500 gals cows SI13.I66 LS 1 6126.139 S12.830$121,216 5118.713 SIIg23t 5113,811 5111.436 5109,110 5106,533 S104,603
I...HPresent value or 3 early 135M b:ap.n...(Years l-lot:$126,470 5113400 S121,246 5118.715 5116.238 5113,811 5111.436 5109,110 504E33 510003
Ta01e 52.8.Premnt Value ofOperallon.end MYnrenence Coat.(Year.11-301
(Mugee of Boone 4YWlP Conjunctive Use EA,S
W eteu8a County.Na.Carolina
Do Noi0ine-Pump end Haul es Necessary
Current Inflation Ralc Basal on Municipal Coal Index:it9%: EPA Duwunl Rale, 2.220%
Premnl Value of O&M Co.for Year:
Compoee Unit,11 Unit Quantity II 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Pump and Haul Annual cost al 1.000.0000a eoa. S179.166 LS 151024205100.222 598.189 S96.140 594.13E S92,169 590.245 588.361 S86,517 554,711
Tin,Present Value of Yeerly O&M Expenses(Years 11-20):5102,4205100,282 $98,189 $96,140 $94,135 592,169 590,245 580,261 586,517 884,711
Tolel Pres.Value of Annual O&M COW(Life of NO.): 52,085460
Table 5.2.11. Capital Costs
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Complete the areas shown in gray below. Where shown,use pulldown menus to select options. The spreadsheet will calculate the capital costs.
Alternative: Conjunctive Use-Irrigate+Discharge to Laurel Fork(Preferred)
Project Administration($): $0
Component Fun Cost' Unit Quantity Total Cost
Discharge System to Laurel Fork $79,600 LS 1 $79,600
Mechanical Controls and Valves for Discharge System $1,000 LS 1 $1,000
Easement Acquisition $10,000 LS 1 $10,000
Engineering,Permitting,Construction admin $20,000 LS 1 $20,000
°Unit costs are in today's dollars,not future dollars. Total Construction Cost: S110,600
Construction Contingency Cost: S 11,060
Project Administration Cost: $0
Total Capital Cost: $121,660
Table 5.2.2. Project Cost Life Cycle Assumptions
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Conjunctive Use-Irrigate+Discharge to Laurel Fork(Preferred)
Complete the areas shown in gray.
Expected Life Replacement
Component Cycle Expected?f Rationale for Expected Life Cycle
Discharge System to Laurel Fork 50 50 No major Moving Parts
Mechanical Controls and Valves for Discharge System 15 15 Valve&Controls
Easement Acquisition No Moving Parts
Engineering,Permitting,Construction admin No Moving Parts
'Period for replacement would be Years 1 through 20 only.
1.C. ION Oen Oly eon 1.101 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 • 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 10
DaelvAt imem la Fort S79.600 1-3
%USN..CmOols arr1V6Ivel foc Who S1,000 1.5
Fammeni Acqvam $10000 S
Enoneenna VermilOng Contrucilon Wird S20000 N
0$ 0$ 0S 0$ OS '.IS o11. .0°P°JP'I•""sN'21PsPIsA MW''udlnol
0S 0S 0$ OS OS I S1000'00S °mqv wPmu 1.110 P°!°e1°a(1'Suuvm0ud
OS 0$ OS 0$ OS I S1 000'01S imPrsmbsV°u111s°°1
0$ 0$ OS O$ 0$ I Si 000'If °uP^S aSP9'>b']Jv^I°A P.fI°-0'T']F'!w9'i')V
0S 0S 0S 0S 0S I SI 009'6LS 1°°3 1.11°1°111.P^3>13P9x01
S f P 1 1 0IP O I001 Pe)IN01 pn°pdwP)
.ao l ul 4.0 Mws3s1d'21l0'°lel Iuxald
°avZ''I A.11°1.1.01 Vd3 •0L6l,s1117 P0J 05'00'J I'°P.119°MI w9110°I I°au°)
(P'."1vd)1+°3 W n"i 111'05 W's(I a awSw1-.1l"II"".0J
sups.,4M0A•.411nI.) 5$
l4^I I u°a.1)°ro.)N+°+°gd+ti'OIZS+19s1
1 Table S2.IJ.Rephremnt Casts(rnn 6 to MI
Cottages of Boone W6OTP('onjutMire Use FAA
Watauga Comity,North Carolina
C cti c(Ise-Irrigate+Discharge to laurel Fork(Preferred)
Cummt halation Rale based ConstructionrConstructionCoal In+-2 97% EPA Discount Rate: 220":
Present Value of Replacement Costs In Year:
Competent Unit Cont Unit Quantiq 6 7 0 9 10
Discharge System to hurl Fork $79.600 IS I f0 SO SO SO SO
Mechanical Controls and l'nvrs(n Discharge System SI.000 IS I S0 S0 S0 S0 S0
Fesanarimd Arquin Permitting.
310000 IS 1 SO f0 50 60 50
Fngiing itung.Conatrucuon a3nin $20.000 IS I 10 f0 50 50 50
Total Present Value of Replacement Cons('ears 6 to 10): SO S0 S0 30 S0
Table 5.2.15 Replacement Costs()'ears II to It)
Cottages of Booms WVI P Conjunctive 1'se FAN
Watauga Canty,North(Carolina
Conjunctive Use-Irrigate i Discharge to laurel Fork(Preferred)
Current Inflation Rate based on C.momcaon Coot Indes2.974e EPA Discount Role:2.220°n
Present Valise of Replacement Cots in Vear:
Component Cot IOU Quantity I1 12 Il 14 15
Discharge System to laurel Fork S79.600 IS I 50 SO SO SO SO
Mechanical Controls and Valves for Discharge Sytom SI.000 IS I SO EO SO SO 51.116
Easement Acquisition S10.0001S 1 SO so
F'ngineenng,R ining.Contmc6rm admin S20.000 IS 1 SO SO SO SO SO
Total Prtaenl Value of Replacement Cots()ieen 11 to 15): SO SO SO SO SI,116
Toble 5.2.16.Replacement Cad(lbrs 16 to 20)
Cottages of Boone 5S%%TI'('injunctive Use CM
Watauga County,North('arolna
' Conjunctive Use-Irrigate+Diacherge to Laurel Fork(Preferred)
Current Inilatiau Rate hared on Construction Cost hdea2.97°. EPA Discount Rae:2.220%
Ptaxrt Value of Replacement Costa in Year:
Component Unit Cox Unit Qoandry 16 17 II 19 20
Discharge System to Lauel Fork $79,600 IS I S0 S0 SO SO S0
Mechanical Controls and Valves to Uu:hetpe System $1,000 lS I $0 f0 SO SO $0
Easement Acquisition $10,000 LS I f0 f0 S0 f0 f0
Enguxring.It-mining Cnxmc6,o&loin f20.000 IS I S0 S0 SO S0 S0
Tad Present Value of Replannnd Coals(Yam 16 to 20): SO SO S0 SO SO
Tata1 Present Value of Replacement Costs(life of Project): $1,116
Talk 52.17.Present Value of Dpw.lkna and Meintenenre Cook(Vera 1-16)
Cottager of Boone WHIP Conjunctive Use FAA
lw w
ga County,Nlh Carolina
Conlnnclire Ilse-Ir riRale Disebwge to Laurel Fork(Preferred)
Ceeeplete the cell rhow n In Bray below..
Can.Inflation Rate Based on Muni.ipal Cwl lnde.9.095. EPA Disown/Rao: 7220%
Present VS..of O&M Can.rar Sew:
I'nit Con 1 nil tlu.ntity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
\,inllia.hargc wd.ontrolc al. S51FI L6 I 5490 5O9 5469 5160 5450 5441 S431 1:I13 S414 $405
"'al Present\alor on earl,EASE I.apen.e.Il rar.1101. 5496 $479 5469 560 5459 541 5Ol SAM 5414 SOS
CLOSS ;(•16.10a111)693 960 9916y6 annn 6996,3 ww1
K6 SLtt Aft 666 66 996 LLtt aw6 eon 966 4bi-II.w,A)o..,d.3W9()ila.aA to a9wn wa.ay wwl
sat 66 06 696 66 996 LL.S K6 66 966 I Slay '96,1 66 Pr 666lp 9699191
K 61 Ill LI 91 CI n O i1 II 61196o fun 1wD w.n I966r9J
61.93 W8019619A 1.9.64
99ottt :63 6999(1Vd3 %60'9*96199,I699991 w i*u,9 slaw 69.391 69 u
(96666693 fs..'I 91 aiw9 9I♦996aa1-a.fl anllae6993
1161Ia0J w9a9N.496J 9.96Af
fl3 a.n+a!wu.f.eJ dLNN a.mg19 aatuuu.
(ut l l.a.aA).w.J aas.alwa5i 9u..uwna6019.9I.,A Iuwad 111'i9 a1M1
Table 5.2.21. Capital Costs
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Complete the areas shown in gray below. Where shown,use pulldown menus to select options. The spreadsheet will calculate the capital costs.
Alternative: Connect to Municipal System
Project Administration($): $0
Component Unit Costs Unit Quantity Total Cost
Pump Station $80,000 LS 1 $80,000
Force Main(5,000 If, I Bore&Jack) $250,000 LS 1 $250,000
Easement Acquisition $40,000 LS I $40,000
Town of Boone Septic System System Development Charges $22,000 LS 1 $22,000
'Unit costs are in today's dollars,not future dollars. 'Total Construction Cost: $392,000
Contingency Cost: $39,200
Project Administration Cost: $0
Total Capital Cost: $431,200
Table 5.2.2. Project Cost Life Cycle Assumptions
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Connect to Municipal System
Complete the areas shown in gray.
Expected Life Replacement
Component Cycle Expected?t Rationale for Expected Life Cycle
Pump Station 15 15 Pumps
Force Main(5,000 If,1 Bore&Jack) 50 50 No Moving Parts
Easement Acquisition
Town of Boone Septic System System Development Charges
'Period for replacement would be Years 1 through 20 only.
Table 5.2.25.Replacement Cat.(cars 1 to 5)
(MtaRes of Rome N%STP Conjunctive Use FAA
M'atatrea County,Norte,Carolina
Conned to Municipal System
Curran Inflation Rote bared on Construction Cost hWnc2.97ao EPA Discount Rate:2.220°e
—� _---- Present Value of Replacement Costs M Veer
ComponentUnit Coe Unit
.ntit I 2 J J S
Rump Station S11O.000 IS I SO SO SO SO SO
Force Main(5.000 It I Bore&lack) S250.000 IS I S0 S0 SO SO SO
Easement Acquisition $40.000 IS I 50 SO SO SO 10
Town of Boone Septic System Srztan Development Chorea $22.000 IS I SO SO SO SO SO
'foul Reset Value of Replacement Cods(Van I to 5): SO SO So S0 Su
Table S 2.2.l Replacement('arts(Veen 6 to 10)
Cottage.of Bowie IVVI P Conjunctive Use 1:AS
Watauga Cavity,North Carolina
Connect to Municipal System
Cumnn Inflation Rob bared on Construction Cost Iodeo2.9Te EPA Discount 6020 2.220°.
Present Value of Replacement Cats In Sear.
Component (bit Cost Unit Quantiq 6 7 8 9 10
Pump Station 500.000 IS _ 1 f0 10 00 SO 60
Force Main(5.0001L 1 Bare R lack) 5250.000 IS I S0 S0 S0 S0 00
Ennmol Acquisition S40.000 I.S I S0 S0 SO S0 S0
Town of Boon Septic System System Dcednptnm Charger S22.000 LS I S0 S0 S0 S0 S0
Total Present Value of Replacement Costa(Yen 6 to 10): $0 S0 S0 $0 $0
Table 5.2.2E Replacement Cots(Vain II to IS)
Cottages of Boom WMTP Conjomtice Use EAA
Wataug County,North Carotins
Connect to Municipal System
Current Melton Rate based on Construction Cost Index2.97°o EPA Diwwnt Rate:2.220°°
Present Value of Replacement Cons in Year:
Component full Cost l'ndt Catmint) 11 12 Id 14 IS
Pump Station S80.000 IS I S0 S0 SO SO S89.112
Farce(foie(5.000 ICI Bore R lock) S250.000 IS I S0 S0 S0 S0 S0
Easement Acquisition $00.0001S 1 S0 S0 S0 S0 S0
Town of Boone Septic System System Development Charges S22.000 IS I S0 S0 S0 S0 S0
Total Present Value of Replacement Cons(Years 11 to IS): SO SO SO SO S89J12
Table(2.26.Replacement(hats(Yaes 16 to 20)
Cottages of Boone 5515TP('onlunetive('o<F.:U
%lam Co. ..hnt North Carolina
Canned to MWdpl System
Current Inflation Rate bared rm Cmwuc6on Con Indea2.97% El'A Discount Rae:2 220`.
Present Value of R.pL..a.rn Cons 6 Year:
Component UNt Cm Unit Qrumin 16 17 18 19 20
Pump Station S80,000 IS I 50 SO SO SO 50
Force Main(5.000IC I Bore R lack) S250,000 IS I SO 50 SO S0 S0
F,.menl Acquisioar S40,000 IS I 50 S0 SO S0 S0
Torn of Boone Septic Svmrnl Se. Chars. IS 1 SO S0 S0 S0 SO
Taal Present Value of Replacement coat.(Years 16 to 20). SO So 50 50 So
TdaP Present value of Replacement Cons(Life of Pmjedy. S19,312
Tank 12.1.Ream Vane W Opraly rid M.lulwwee Costa(Yen 1-10)
Cw.p of Bowe W WIP C..j..nire Ur BAA
Wunnp C..ay,noun croon.
Owns.In Munklwl 820e0
Complete the cell,*an in gray trek:.
Current Inflation Rak Aud on Mmiagal Coal Indea9.09ae EPA Dkmurn Bab: 2220%a
Peeve Value o0O&M rats kr Yes:
Unit Cost I'A, 0uanri,, I 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18
v Anl Cwl bRamR Puny Station
Statit 52.001.3 1 11.933 S1,917 31,817 31.833 31,800 $1,762 31,723 $1,639 S1,634 31,620
Annual edor.o for 1.000.000 galoDlvt to 0.,sa 312100(:al 1900 311.260 311,023 S10,793 310,370 S10349 S10,133 S,921 69,116 29,312 59,313
Taal Present Value of Yearly 04,31 Expenses(Years 710a 313,213 312,942 312,672 312,403 312,149 311,393 311,647 511404 $11,166 310,933
T.bk 6238 Prra.I Value of Operations and Maintenance Cow(Year.11.20)
Colloidal of Boone N'N'IP Canju.nlve Ur EAA
Watauga rowdy.North Carolina
Connect to Municipal Span Inflation Roc Based on Muni.pal Cwt Indeat.09% EPA Dissauni Rate: 2.220%
Pr.wt Yoked O&M Cm.for Year:
Cow ponenl IMP Cm Um Q..n.ite 11 IS 13 II IS 16 17 18 I9 28
Annual Cwl to Run Pump Maim 32,0011 LS I $1.516 81.553 31,520 f1,6W 81,458 $1,823 $1,392 51,308 $1360 51,312
Annual aflame for 1,0000O0 gal Anneal o Boric 312100,Gal 1,000 f9,I19 58,928 S11,742 S8,560 $6381 $8,206 58,035 S7,867 S2,700 $7,582
Told Mood Value s V. O&M Samos(Yews 11-26): 050.705 $10.831 510,262 514888 59,838 39,633 59,632 59,235 59,0 511,8.81
Tool Pre..Value of Ana.Y ORMCow(Life of Prjea3 S211,965
Table 5.2.29.Present Value of Intermittent Operations and Maintenance Costs(Years 1-10)
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Connect to Municipal System
Current Inflation Rate Based on Municipal Cost Index,0 09% EPA Discount Rate:2.220%
Present Value of O&M Costs for Year:
Component Unit Cost Unit Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pump,Valve&Control Replacements $8,000 LS I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Present Value of Intermittent Operations&Maintenace Costs(Years 1-10): $0 $0 $0 S0 SO $0 S0 $0 $0 s0
Table 5.2.30.Present Value of Intermittent Operations and Maintenance Costs(Years 11-20)
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Connect to Municipal System
Current Inflation Rate Based on Municipal Cost Index:0.09% EPA Discount Rate:2.220%
Present Value of O&M Costs for Year:
Component Unit Cost Unit Quantity II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Pump,Valve&Control Replacements $8,000 LS 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,830 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Present Value of Intermittent Operations&Maintenace Costs(Years 11-20): S0 $0 $0 $0 $5,830 SO $0 $0 $0 SO
Total Present Value of Intermittent Operations&Maintenance Costs(Life of Project). $5,830
Table 5.2.31. Capital Costs
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Complete the areas shown in gray below. Where shown,use pulldown menus to select options. The spreadsheet will calculate the capital costs.
Alternative: Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons
Project Administration($): $0
Component Unit Costs Unit Quantity Total Cost
Bolted Steel Tank(1,000,000 Gallon) $500,000 LS 1 $500,000
Piping,Pumps,Valves&Controls $35,000 LS 1 $35,000
'Unit costs are in today's dollars,not future dollars Total Construction Cost: $535,000
Construction Contingency Cost: $53,500
Project Administration Cost: $0
Total Capital Cost: $588,500
Table 5.2.2. Project Cost Life Cycle Assumptions
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons
Complete the areas shown in gray.
Expected Life Replacement
Component Cycle Expected?t Rationale for Expected Life Cycle
Bolted Steel Tank(1,000,000 Gallon) 50 50 No Major Moving Parts
Piping,Pumps,Valves&Controls 15 15 Pumps,valves&Controls
'Period for replacement would be Years 1 through 20 only.
fleplimenseni (Inssrl V year wlwe replanmel Is el.)
Common. Unit Ca. limit Quantity .1 ears 1403 1 I 3 4 5 6 7 9 it, II 12 I) 14 15 16 17 1. 19 /0
Bolted 5.1 Ten.OM,. stso,Ls
rt cssstni.
%mat-sic/11,n Las+ SIO,OLO535 OtO LS
{0 0
$0 0
SO 0
to 0
to 0
tO 0
to 0
to o
to 0
SO 0
10 0
to 0
"Fable 5,233.Replacement Cuts(Venn I to 5)
('dotes of Boone N'NTp Conjunctive I'.e E:A
Watauga County,North Carolina
Increase Wet.Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Callon.
Current Inflation Rate lead on Cons.dion Cot Indes2 99°a EPA Discount Rale. 2.220°.
Present Value of Replacement Costs in(nor:
Component )'nit Cut Unit ()wont) I 2 3 4 5
Bolted Steel Tank(I.000.000 Galion) $500,000 IS 1 SO SO SO SO SO
Piping.Pumps Velrc&Controls S35.000 IS 1 SO SO SO SO SO
Total Present Value of Replacement Coots(Senn 1 to 5): SO SO SO SO SO
Table 6.234.Replacement Coal,(Years 6 to 10)
Cottages of Boone wwrp Conjunctive Use FAA
Watauga Canty,North Carolina
Incrnse Wet-Weather Storage 41,000,000 Galion))
Current Inflation Rate baud on Connmction Con Intica297". EPA Gisuann Rat:2220'.
Present Value of Replacement Costa in Ynr:
Component (brit Cast Unit Qantit) 6 7 8 9 10
Boltd Steel Tank(1.000.000 Gallon) S500.000 LS I S0 SO SO SO S0
PRpng Pumps Valves&Controls 255.000 LS 1 SO SO SO SO $0
Total Present Valle of Replacement Costs(Years 6 to 10)) S0 S0 SO SO SO
Table 5,2.35.Replacement Co.(Peon 11 to 15)
Collages of Boone W WI'P Conjure tive Use EA.5
Watauga Comity,North Carolina
Incense Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons
Corr.Inflation Ram based on Conmnction Coo Indcv.97•s EPA Discount Rate:2 22Uvs
Peasant Value of Replacement Cads in 1'n r:
Component uNt Cost (Unit (Nandi, II 12 (3 14 IS
Bolted Steel Tank(1000.000 Gallon) $500,000 IS I SO S0 50 50 S0
Piping.Pampa Valves&Controls $35.000 IS I 50 S0 $0 50 $39,074
Taal Present Value of Replacement Costs(Vean II to IS): $0 S'0 $0 SO S39,074
Table SI_M,Replacement Cute(Sean 16 to 20)
Cottages of Barre W -rP Conjunctive I use E,U
Watauga('ommy„North Carolina
Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Callan
Current Inflation Rate booed on ComOuction Cod Index2 97°. EPA I2ixwnl Rate:2.22(1°.
Present Value of Replacement Coats In Year:
Component Unit Cut Unit (Monti) 16 17 IS 19 20
Bolted Steel Tank(I,000,000 Gallon) $500,000 LS 1 SO SO S0 S0 SO
Pomp.Pan po Val,es et Controls S35,000 IS 1 SO SO S0 S0 SO
Total Present Valise of Replacement Costa(Years 16 to203 SO SO 50 S0 SO
Taal Present Value of Replacement Costs(life of Project) S39,074
T.bk S2J1.Pram)1'alue of Operation.and Maintenance Costs(Veers 1,10)
Voltages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive llae EN,1
Waimea County.North Carolina
Increase W et•W'eatha Store,by I,081,o8o Gallons
t umni Inlli ton Nato lt....l poi Munmpal(',al Index:l.Ore EPA Ditswunl Rate. 2I21M.
Present Value of O&M Con.for Vey:
Component Unit Cost Init Quantity 1 2 d 4 5 6 7 8 9 IIIPumle.Val,c.R('ulrol, 5I5181 I,S 1 51.469 51.05 SI.408 51379 51,350 51.3E2 51.294 51.207 51.241 S1.215
To.el Present Value of Yearly O&M Fape..,.(Venn 1-18): 51,469 51,430 SI,JBR 51,379 51,550 SIJ25 S1,294 51,267 51,41 51.215
Table 53.1E Present S'Yue of Operations and Msinlensna Costs(Years 11-00)
Cool,of Boone WWIP Conjunctive Um F.SA
Watauga County,Am.Carotins
Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons
Comet Inflation Rao Bud on SSmicipal Cost Ides0.0, EPA Demount Rate: 1.210°s
Present Value of0&M Cops for Sear:
Component IIaN Cop Unit Qaantlty 10 13 Il II IS I6 1) IS IS 2
Pump,Valves&Controls SI.SW LS 1 SLIM) $1,163 $1.140 SIMS SLON SI,070 SIMS $1.026 SLOGS WSJ
Total Aesnt VYae of'rawly O&M Eapensm(Yens 11-30): f1,189 21,165 fLIJE S1,116 SI,OeI Annual
&MC (LQs SLOW ,200
Taal Present Value of AnnuY O&111Cms(Life of Project): f3J,318
�.w..w..,stone br,.�.�o.�,
Table 5.2.39.Present Value of Intermittent Operations and Maintenance Costs(Years 1-10)
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons
Current Inflation Rate Based on Municipal Cost Index:0 09% EPA Discount Rate 2 220%
Present Valise of O&M Costs for Year:
Component Unit Cost Unit Quantily I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tank Paint Touch-Up $20,000 LS I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Present Value of Intermittent Operations&Maintenace Costs(Years I-10): $0 $0 SO SO SO $0 SO SO SO SO
Table 5.2.40.Present Value of Intermittent Operations and Maintenance Costs(Years 11-20)
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons
Current Inflation Rate Based on Municipal Cost Index:(1.09% EPA Discount Rate:2.220%
Present Value of O&M Costs for Year:
Component Unit Cost Unit Quantity 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Tank Paint Touch-Up $20,000 LS I SO $0 S0 $0 S14.576 SO $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Present Value of Intermittent Operations&Maintenace Costs(Years 11-20): SO SO S0 SO S14,576 SO S0 SO $0 S0
Total Present Value of Intermittent Operations&Maintenance Costs(Life of Project) S14,576
Table 5.2.62. Total Present Worth for Feasible Alternatives
Cottages of Boone WWTP Conjunctive Use EAA
Watauga County,North Carolina
Costs Present Total Present
Capital Costs Worth O&M Costs Present Worth Worth
Annual Intermittent Total _
Do Nothing-Pump and Haul as Necessary $0 $0 $2,085,460 $0 $2,085,460 $2,085,460
Conjunctive Use-Irrigate+Discharge to Laurel Fork $121,660 $1,116 $8,073 $0 $8,073 $130,849
Connect to Municipal System $431,200 $89,312 $217,965 $5,830 $223,796 $744,307
Increase Wet-Weather Storage by 1,000,000 Gallons $588,500 $39,074 $24,218 $14,576 $38,794 $666,368
0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0