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SW4191201_17-116 Geotech Report_5/18/2020
1__114� KL H1NF-EL DE14 8ngirt People, Right Solutions, REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ROBINHOOD ROAD MIDDLE SCHOOL ROBINHOOD ROAD WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA KLEINFELDER PROJECT NO. 20183894.001A JUNE 1, 2018 Copyright 2018 Kleinfelder All Rights Reserved ONLY THE CLIENT OR ITS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES MAY USE THIS DOCUMENT AND ONLY FOR THE SPECIFICPROJECT FOR WHICH THIS REPORT WAS PREPARED. men& 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page i June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com r� KLE/NFELOER \\ engnxgore. xiT�sw�ean. A Report Prepared for: Mr. Nick Seeba Construction Project Manager Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools 475 Corporate Square Drive Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ROBINHOOD ROAD MIDDLE SCHOOL ROBINHOOD ROAD WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: Daniel H. Kubinski, PE Staff Professional RevierW .� [,tom•, �AL ��vi C. Barrett, I? r N6 'No. 15741 KLEINFELDER Firm No. F-1312 7343 West Friendly Avenue I Suite B Greensboro, North Carolina 27410 P 336.668.0093 F 336.668.3868 June 1, 2018 Kleinfelder Project No. 20183894.001A 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page ii June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLE/NFELOER TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY......................................................................................1 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................3 3 SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION..............................................................................................5 3.1 FIELD EXPLORATION.............................................................................................5 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING........................................................................................5 4 FINDINGS............................................................................................................................7 4.1 SITE CONDITIONS..................................................................................................7 4.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.................................................................................7 4.3 GROUNDWATER.....................................................................................................8 4.4 LABORATORY RESULTS.......................................................................................9 4.5 SITE GEOLOGY.......................................................................................................9 4.6 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS............................................................................................9 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................10 5.1 GENERAL..............................................................................................................10 5.2 SEISMIC SITE CLASSIFICATION.........................................................................11 5.3 FOUNDATION SUPPORT (SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS).....................................11 5.4 FLOOR SLAB SUPPORT.......................................................................................12 5.5 PAVEMENT SUPPORT.........................................................................................12 5.6 CUT AND FILL SLOPES........................................................................................13 5.7 BMP POND AREAS...............................................................................................13 5.8 GROUNDWATER CONTROL................................................................................14 5.9 BELOW -GRADE WALLS.......................................................................................15 6 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................17 6.1 SITE PREPARATION.............................................................................................17 6.2 EXCAVATION........................................................................................................18 6.3 FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT......................................................................18 6.4 FILL MOISTURE CONDITIONING.........................................................................19 6.5 SHALLOW FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION.......................................................20 6.6 WINTER GRADING................................................................................................21 7 ADDITIONAL SERVICES..................................................................................................22 FIGURES 1 Exploration Location Plan and Vicinity Map 2 2018-5-11-New Option #6b Plan 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page iii June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com r� KLE/NFELOER \\ engn�ttayie. ni9ii�sd��:on�. APPENDICES A Boring Logs B Laboratory Test Results C GBA Document 20183894.001A I GSO18R79206 Page iv June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELL ER � Sngfi[People_FigAi SOlutionr_ ROBINHOOD ROAD MIDDLE SCHOOL ROBINHOOD ROAD WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA 1 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY This report presents the results of a subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation completed by Kleinfelder, Inc. for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. This work was authorized via Standard Contract for Services by Nick Seeba of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools and was completed in general accordance with Kleinfelder's Proposal No. GS017P68015, dated October 26, 2017, and revised November 15, 2017. The purpose of Kleinfelder's subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation was to provide recommendations for the design and construction of foundations, floor slabs, and pavements including general earthwork and site preparation recommendations. In summary, the site appears to be suitable for the intended development provided the recommendations outlined in this report are properly incorporated in the design and construction phases of the project. The following items warrant particular concern: • Topsoil depths may be greater than those reported at the boring locations, with increased thicknesses expected in heavily wooded areas. The expected depth of topsoil can have a significant effect on the earthwork volumes. • NCDENR requires a minimum 2 feet separation distance between the pond bottom and the seasonal high groundwater elevation. • A portion of the soils at borings B-6, B-8, B-16 to B-18, B-20, B-22, B-23, and 13- 26 within or near the pavement limits consist of highly plastic Fat Clay soils. These soils are not suitable for direct support of pavements due to the potential for volumetric changes with seasonal variations in moisture content and subsequent effects on pavement performance. • A portion of the soils at borings B-27 and B-32 at proposed finished floor elevation consist of highly plastic Fat Clay soils. These soils are not suitable for direct support of floor slabs or shallow foundations due to the potential for volumetric changes with seasonal variations in moisture content and subsequent effects on structural performance. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 1 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com (KLE/NFELOER Sngh[ People. F•gM Soiutiom. V • Onsite soils contain sufficient silt and clay to render them moisture sensitive, and therefore, difficult to adjust the moisture content of the soil. It is recommended that site development be performed during seasonally dry weather as rainy months will require extra effort to moisture condition the soil and potentially impact the project schedule and cost. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 2 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com (KLE/NFELOER Sngh[ People. F•gM Soiutiom. V 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located near the intersection of Lewisville Vienna Road and Robinhood Road in Winston-Salem, North Carolina as shown on the Exploration Location Plan and Vicinity Map - Figure 1, included in the Appendix. Based on the site plan titled "2018-5-11-New Option #6b" provided by Nick Seeba, the project will include the items below: • The site includes a middle school, one field option, bus service driveway, parent and visitor driveway, four stormwater BMPs, and two retaining walls. • The middle school building finished floor elevation is approximately 850 feet MSL. Maximum cuts and fills are not expected to exceed 12 feet and less than 1 foot, respectively, to reach the finished floor elevations. • Based on Kleinfelder's experience with similar projects, column and wall loads are estimated to be on the order of 300 kips each and 6 kips per foot (kpf), respectively. • The Multi -Purpose Field Option will have a finished grade elevation of approximately 836 feet MSL. Maximum cut and fill are expected to be approximately 25 feet and 16 feet, respectively, to reach subgrade elevations. • The bus service driveway finished grade elevation was not known at the time of this report. Two retaining walls are proposed for the driveway. Each retaining wall is approximately 15 feet tall. The type of wall, length of wall, and top and bottom elevations of the wall were not known at the time of this report. The driveway will consist of heavy duty concrete or heavy-duty asphalt. • The parent and visitor driveway finished grade elevation was not known at the time of this report. The driveway will consist of standard duty asphalt. • Traffic conditions for the bus service driveway are anticipated to include a design period of 20 years, one percent growth, 5 days per week operating schedule, and a traffic volume of 240 buses per week, 1 fire truck per week, 10 delivery trucks per week, 5 total dump trucks per week, and 200 cars/SUVs trucks per week. • Traffic conditions for the parent and visitor driveway are anticipated to include a design period of 20 years, one percent growth, 5 days per week operating schedule, 2 additional days for recreation activities at the multi -purpose field option, and a traffic volume of 4,000 cars/SUVs per week and 1 fire truck per week. Site grading is anticipated to achieve finished pavement grade, finished floor elevation, and stormwater BMP crest and bottom of pond elevations. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 3 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com � KLE/NFELOER � Sngh[ People. F•gM Soiutiom. • Stormwater BMP basin crest elevations and bottom of pond elevations were not known at the time of this report. There are four stormwater BMPs for the site. 20183894.001A I GSO18R79206 Page 4 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELL ER � Sngfi[People_FigAi SOlutionr_ 3 3.1 FIELD EXPLORATION SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The subsurface exploration included the completion of 27 borings (B-6 to B-32) at the approximate locations shown on the Exploration Location Plan and Vicinity Map — Figure 1, in the Appendix. Borings B-1 to B-5 were not drilled due to constraints related to property acquisition. The boring locations were established in the field by personnel from Kleinfelder using a handheld Trimble GPS unit. Clearing with a forest mulcher was performed to access the boring locations. The borings were advanced to depths ranging from 19.9 to 58.9 feet below the ground surface (bgs) using continuous -flight, hollow -stem augers. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed at approximately 2.5-foot intervals to a depth of 10 feet and at 5-foot intervals thereafter to the depths explored in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. Standard Penetration Test data (SPT N-values) were used to estimate the in -situ soil strength and density. Soil samples were obtained at each test interval. Groundwater measurements were recorded in each boring during and immediately after drilling. Selected borings were left open for a 24-hour groundwater reading. Borings B-12, B-13, B- 19, and B-21 located at the proposed stormwater BMPs had a piezometer installed for 24-hour groundwater reading. Afterwards, the borings were backfilled with the auger cuttings. A Kleinfelder engineer logged the borings in the field using the visual -manual method. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata are approximate. The transition between the strata may be gradual in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The boring logs are presented in Appendix A along with a description of the field procedures, and terms and symbols used on the boring logs. 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING Kleinfelder performed tests on select samples to evaluate physical and engineering properties. The laboratory testing included the following tests performed in general accordance with the referenced standard: • Moisture Content (ASTM D 2216); • Material Finer than Number 200 Sieve (ASTM D 1140); and • Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318). 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 5 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com (KLE/NFELOER Boring logs were prepared using the observations made in the field as well as the results of the Kleinfelder laboratory testing. Laboratory test results are included in Appendix B and summarized on the boring logs presented in Appendix A. A brief description of the laboratory test procedures is included in Appendix B. 20183894.001A I GSO18R79206 Page 6 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com (KLE/NFELOER 4 FINDINGS 4.1 SITE CONDITIONS The project site is located near the intersection of Lewisville Vienna Road and Robinhood Road in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The site is heavily wooded, with several unimproved (gravel roads) and an electrical easement. Two prominent drainage features are present. One feature is located on the west and north side of the site, passing under the proposed bus service driveway. A second feature is located on the southeast side of the site south of Multi -Purpose Field and to the east of the visitor parking lot. The drainage features extend along either side of the ridge, draining to the northeast. The ground elevation varies from a broad ridge extending southwest to northeast in the central portion, down to the north and south with an elevation differential of about 70 feet. 4.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions at the site, as indicated by the boring logs, generally consist of a residual soil profile overlying weathered rock. Detailed descriptions of the major soil and rock strata encountered are shown on the boring logs. The major soil and rock groups encountered during the field evaluation are described herein in the general order of occurrence. Topsoil is present at borings B-6, B-13, B-17 to B-28, and B-32 ranging in thickness from 0.3 to 0.8 foot. Residual soils are present below the topsoil at borings B-6, B-13, B-17 to B-28, and B-32 and at the ground surface at borings B-7 to B-12, B-14 to B-16, and B-29 to B-31. Residual soils are formed by the in -place chemical and mechanical weathering of the parent bedrock. The residual soils in Kleinfelder's borings generally consist of dry to wet, loose to very dense, non -plastic to low plasticity, Silty Sand (SM) and dry to wet, soft to very stiff, low to medium plasticity, Silt (ML), Lean Clay (CL), Silty Clay (CL-ML) with varying amounts of sand, and dry to moist, medium stiff to hard, high plasticity, Fat Clay (CH) with varying amounts of sand. Depths of Fat Clay ranged from the ground surface to 5.5 feet bgs within or near the pavement limits and the ground surface to 11 feet bgs in the building footprint. SPT N-values recorded in the residuum range from 3 to 76 bpf with typical N- Values ranging from 3 to 10 bpf. Borings B-6 to B-25 and B-27 to B-31 were terminated in the residuum. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 7 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELL ER Sngfi[People_FigAi SOlutionr_ Weathered rock is present below the residual soil at borings B-26 and B-32. Weathered rock is defined as any residual material which exhibits a Standard Penetration Resistance in excess of 100 bpf, but less than 50 blows per 0.1 foot. Weathered rock represents the transition between residual soil and bedrock (SPT N-values > 50 blows per 0.1 foot). Weathered rock in Kleinfelder's borings generally samples as dry, very dense, non -plastic, Silty Sand (SM). Borings B-26 and B-32 were terminated in weathered rock. Auger refusal was not encountered during the subsurface exploration. 4.3 GROUNDWATER Groundwater was observed at depths ranging from 6.2 feet to 43.5 feet bgs during, at the end, or after completion of drilling. Groundwater was encountered in borings B-12, B-13, B-15, B-19, 13- 21,and B-27 to B-32 as presented in table 4-1. Groundwater readings after completion of drilling were measured between 1 and 5 days after drilling. Some fluctuation in groundwater levels can occur with climatic and seasonal variations, with the highest groundwater levels generally expected between March and May. Seasonal low groundwater levels are generally expected between September and November. Therefore, subsurface water conditions at other times may be different from those described in this report. TABLE 4-1: GROUNDWATER READINGS DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AFTER BORING DURING DRILLING (FT BGS) AT THE END OF DRILLING (FT BGS) COMPLETION OF DRILLING (FT BGS) *NE = Not Encountered 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 8 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l KLE/NFELOER arigm ceuye_ xigm SWurroru 4.4 LABORATORY RESULTS The results of Kleinfelder's laboratory tests are summarized below: TABLE 4-2: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS :•- B-7 1.0 - 2.5 MOISTUREEPTH•PLASTICITY CONTENTCLASSIFICATION 26.4 45 24 21 CL B-8 3.7 - 5.2 18.6 52 25 27 CH B-12 3.5 - 5.0 25.2 47 24 23 CL B-15 13.5 -15.0 35.8 45 23 22 CL B-20 1.0 - 2.5 29.6 63 29 34 CH B-27 8.5 - 10.0 25.3 52 25 27 CH B-28 8.5 -10.0 21.3 46 38 8 MIL B-29 18.1 -19.6 42.9 47 23 24 CL B-30 1.0 - 2.5 31.8 49 25 24 CL B-32 18.5 - 20.0 33.6 40 22 18 CL 4.5 SITE GEOLOGY The site is located in the Milton Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The soil overburden in this area is underlain by Biotite Gneiss and Schist. The rock types contain inequigranular, locally abundant potassic feldspar and garner; interlayered and gradational with calc-silicate rock, sillimanite-mica schist, mica schist, and amphibolite. The rocks types can contain small masses of granitic rock. 4.6 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Based on Kleinfelder's understanding of the subsurface conditions and local geology, no geologic hazards are anticipated at the site. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 9 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l ICLEINFELOER \\� � Sngfi[People_FightSoiutiom. V 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 GENERAL Kleinfelder's geotechnical services for this project were performed in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of its profession practicing in the same locality, under similar conditions and at the date the services are provided. Kleinfelder's conclusions, opinions, and recommendations are based on a limited number of observations and data. Due to the prevailing geology, it is possible that conditions could vary between or beyond the data evaluated. Consequently, there may be undisclosed subsurface conditions that may require special treatment or preparation once these conditions are revealed during construction. Kleinfelder makes no other representation, guarantee or warranty, express or implied, regarding the services, communication (oral or written), report, opinion, or instrument of service provided. This report may be used only by the Client and the registered design professional in responsible charge and only for the purposes stated for this specific engagement. Recommendations presented herein should not be extrapolated to other areas or used for other projects The work performed was based on project information provided by Nick Seeba of Winston- Salem/Forsyth County Schools. Once the project plans are completed, Kleinfelder should be retained to review the plans and specifications and confirm that Kleinfelder's recommendations were properly incorporated. If there are any changes in the field to the plans and specifications, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools must obtain written confirmation from Kleinfelder's engineer that such changes do not affect its recommendations. In addition, if subsurface conditions are encountered during construction which differ from those indicated by Kleinfelder's borings, Kleinfelder should be retained to review its recommendations in light of the new information and make any necessary changes. The recommendations outlined in this report should not be construed to address moisture or water intrusion effects after construction is completed. Proper design of landscaping, surface and subsurface water control measures are required to properly address these issues. In addition, proper operation and maintenance of building systems is required to minimize the effects of moisture or water intrusion. The design, construction, operation, and maintenance of 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 10 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com (KLE/NFELOER Sngh[ People. F•gM Soiutiom. V waterproofing and dampproofing systems are beyond the scope of Kleinfelder's services for this project. 5.2 SEISMIC SITE CLASSIFICATION Based on the results of Kleinfelder's borings, the subsurface conditions at the Site appear to be consistent with a site classification of "D" as defined by the current North Carolina Building Code. 5.3 FOUNDATION SUPPORT Fat clays are present at borings B-27 and B-32, at the finished floor elevation. These soils are not suitable for direct support of shallow foundations. Due to the presence of Fat Clay, Kleinfelder recommends that the foundations within the building bear at least 3 feet below the finished grade. Based on the results of Kleinfelder's borings, the proposed structures can be adequately supported on shallow foundation systems consisting of spread or continuous footings bearing on undisturbed residual soils or controlled structural fill. Kleinfelder recommends that a net allowable bearing pressure of up to 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf) be used for design of spread footings and continuous footings provided the recommendations presented in this report are implemented. The net allowable bearing pressure is that pressure which may be transmitted to the soil in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. Minimum wall and column footing dimensions of 18 inches and 24 inches, respectively, should be maintained to reduce the possibility of a localized, "punching" type, shear failure. Kleinfelder recommends that testing of the foundation bearing grades be completed during construction to confirm the allowable bearing pressure recommended above if undisturbed residual soil or controlled structural fill is encountered. The confirmation testing should include the performance of dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) tests as discussed in Section 6.5 of this report. If weathered rock is encountered, the bearing surface should be observed by a geotechnical engineer to confirm the suitability of the bearing materials with respect to the recommended allowable bearing pressure. Based on the structural loading conditions outlined in this report and the subsurface conditions encountered at the boring locations, empirical analyses indicate that the total settlement potential of foundations is not expected to exceed approximately 1 inch. The differential settlement potential of structure foundations is not expected to exceed '/2 inch between boring locations. Foundation 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 11 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l KLEINFELOER erigrv,Fpppl¢.xigfitSaM�a�s- geometry and loading conditions different than those described in this report will result in magnitudes of settlement inconsistent with the previous estimates. 5.4 FLOOR SLAB SUPPORT Fat clays are present at borings B-27 and B-32, at the finished floor elevation. These soils are not suitable for direct support of floor slabs. Fat clays should be removed to a depth of at least 2 feet below the floor slab subgrade elevation within any building limits; however, additional excavation or stabilization may be required based on the exposed subgrade condition. The materials should be replaced with structural fill as outlined later in this report. The proposed slab -on -grade floor systems can be adequately supported on undisturbed residual soils provided the recommendations outlined herein are properly implemented. Design of the floor slab may be based on a maximum Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (ks) of 100 pounds per cubic inch as related to a standard 30-inch diameter plate load test. The floor slab should be structurally isolated from the building foundations to allow independent movement. Kleinfelder recommends that a granular material be placed immediately beneath the floor slab to provide a capillary break and to increase the load distributing capabilities of the floor slab system. 5.5 PAVEMENT SUPPORT Fat clays are present at borings B-6, B-8, B-16 to B-18, B-20, B-22, B-23, and B-26 within or near the pavement limits. These soils are not suitable for direct support of project pavements. These materials become unstable and can be difficult to place and compact at higher moisture contents. Fat clays should be removed to a depth of at least 2 feet below the pavement subgrade elevation; however, additional excavation or stabilization may be required based on the exposed subgrade condition. The existing undisturbed residual soils or controlled structural fill can provide adequate support for pavement structures provided the recommendations outlined herein are properly implemented. The recommended pavement sections for the standard and heavy-duty systems are provided in the table below: 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 12 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l KLEINFELOER erigrv,Fpppl¢.xigfitSaMe�s- TABLE 5-1: PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION PAVEMENT SYSTEM MATERIAL TYPE MATERIAL Standard Duty Asphalt S9.5A Surface Mix 2.00 Aggregate Base Course 6.00 Heavy Duty Asphalt S9.5B Surface Mix 3.00 119.013 Intermediate Mix 2.50 Aggregate Base Course 8.00 Heavy Duty Concrete 650 psi Concrete 6.00 Aggregate Base Course 6.00 The standard duty pavement areas should be clearly designated, and heavy trucks should not be allowed on this pavement area. Additionally, if a dumpster is planned for the project, the refuse collector should be consulted to determine the size, thickness, and layout of the required concrete pad. 5.6 CUT AND FILL SLOPES Permanent cut and fill slopes should be no steeper than 2(H):1(V) and should be properly seeded and mulched to minimize erosion. For maintenance purposes, the permanent slopes may need to be flatter to allow access to mowing equipment. Temporary slopes in confined or open excavations should perform satisfactorily at inclinations of 1.5(H):1(V). All confined excavations, such as trenches and footing excavations, should conform to applicable OSHA regulations. 5.7 BMP POND AREAS The seasonal high ground water elevation information is based on the results of the 24-hour groundwater measurement in piezometers installed at borings B-12, B-13, B-19, and B-21, and fluctuations indicated in groundwater monitoring wells for Davie County (H-61 U 1) and Yadkin County (F-62J1) in the NCDENR web database. For this report, Monitoring Well Nos. H-61U1 and F-62J1 were utilized. Groundwater readings after at least 1 day after completion of drilling are presented in Table 5-2. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 13 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELL ER *\\� � Sngfi[People_FigAi SOlutionr_ Y TABLE 5-2: GROUNDWATER READINGS AFTER COMPLETION OF DRILLING BORING DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AFTER ELEVATION OF GROUNDWATER COMPLETION OF DRILLING (FT BGS) AFTER COMPLETION OF DRILLING (FT MSL) The anticipated seasonal high groundwater can vary up to ± 4 feet over the course of a year. Kleinfelder recommends a seasonal high groundwater elevation of 809 feet MSL for stormwater BMP #1 (east of bus service driveway) and BMP #2 (west of bus service driveway), 831.5 feet MSE for stormwater BMP #3 (west of middle school), and 828.8 feet MSL for stormwater BMP #4 (south of middle school). Additionally, the static ground water levels encountered at the monitoring well locations as well as the seasonal high ground water levels are likely affected by variations in seasonal precipitation magnitudes and in -situ soil conditions throughout the BMP pond areas, in conjunction with the existing and finished elevations. 5.8 GROUNDWATER CONTROL Groundwater was encountered in borings B-12 and B-13 within 10 feet of the existing ground surface during, at the end, or after completion of drilling. As a result, temporary dewatering may be required to facilitate construction. The groundwater level can be temporarily lowered in smaller areas by pumping from sumps in the excavation bottoms. For larger structures which will require that excavations be open for significant periods, sumps can also be utilized, but can be expected to extend deeper below the working surface. Based on the soil types present in our borings at and below the excavation bottom elevation, we recommend the groundwater be lowered to at least 5 feet below the excavation bottom elevation. Design of the temporary dewatering system was beyond our scope of services for this project. The invert depth of the dewatering system should be expected to be several feet deeper than the excavation bottom, depending on the spacing and configuration of the dewatering system. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 14 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com (KLE/NFELOER Sngh[ People. F•gM Soiutiom. V The dewatering system should be installed a minimum of 4 weeks before excavation extends to within 4 feet of the excavation bottom. When the excavation approaches this level, the effect of the excavation method should be observed. If disturbance of the sub grade is noted, the excavation procedures may require modification. Even though the temporary dewatering system will lower the groundwater level to below the project excavation depths, the soil moisture content at the working elevation will remain near saturation. The operation of rubber -tired construction equipment (Lulls, concrete trucks, etc.) on the subgrade surface will quickly degrade the surface. The subgrade surface should be protected during construction or the damaged subgrade repaired prior to floor slab construction. Also note that the moisture content of any soils excavated from below the excavation bottom elevations (such as for utility trenches below the floor slab) will be near saturation. Moisture modification (drying) of these soils will be required to obtain compaction. 5.9 BELOW -GRADE WALLS All below -grade walls should be designed to withstand lateral earth pressures from the backfill and supported soils. Additionally, the walls should be designed to resist the lateral components of surcharge loads occurring within a zone defined by a plane extending up at a 45-degree angle from the base of the wall. Kleinfelder recommends the following soil parameters for wall design provided the excavated site soils with USCS classifications of SM, CL-ML, ML, and CL will be used for backfill against the below -grade walls. Elastic silts (MH) and fat clays (CH) should not be placed behind retaining walls. TABLE 5-3: BELOW GRADE WALL SOIL PARAMETERS • Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, ka 0.35 0.30 0.20 At -rest Earth Pressure Coefficient, ko 0.55 0.50 0.30 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, kp 2.75 3.00 4.00 Friction Factor for Base Sliding 0.35 0.45 0.55* Resistance, tan b Moist Soil Unit Weight, ym 125 pcf 120 pcf 105 pcf "Use for Weathered Rock 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 15 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELL ER � Sngfi[People_FigAi SOlutionr_ Imported soils proposed for use as wall backfill should be properly evaluated by a geotechnical engineer with respect to the recommended parameters. For freestanding retaining walls, the passive pressure resistance at the toe above the frost depth should be neglected in calculating the resistance to sliding. Additional sliding resistance should be obtained by increasing the base width or adding a key. It should be noted that for initiation of active earth pressures a lateral translation of 0.2 to 0.4 percent of the free height of the wall is required. Horizontal translation equivalent to approximately 0.5 percent of the embedded depth of the wall will be required for initiating the passive earth pressure. Proper performance of the wall is predicated on the structure being founded above the groundwater table and the backfill being maintained in a drained condition. To promote drained conditions behind the retaining wall, Kleinfelder recommends that the below grade portions of the walls be covered with a prefabricated drainage panel and hydraulically connected to a perimeter drain located at the base of the foundation. As an alternative, the buried wall could be backfilled with clean granular backfill allowing the free flow of water to the foundation drain. The foundation drain should transfer any water by gravity to outlet in the storm drainage system. 20183894.001A I GSO18R79206 Page 16 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com ('KLE/NFELOER 6 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 SITE PREPARATION Initial site preparation should include the removal of topsoil, high plasticity soils, and other soft or unsuitable material from within the outline of the proposed structure or areas scheduled for pavement. The topsoil may be stockpiled separately for use in future landscape activities. Although topsoil thicknesses at Kleinfelder's boring locations range from 03 to 0.8 foot, it must be noted that topsoil thicknesses across the sites will vary. Significantly greater thicknesses are likely to be present in low-lying or heavily wooded areas. Also note that during wet conditions, rubber -tired equipment will mix topsoil with the underlying residual soils, resulting in stripping depths greater than the topsoil depths indicated in Kleinfelder's borings. Upon completion of the stripping operations, the exposed subgrade in areas to receive fill should be proofrolled with a loaded dump truck or similar pneumatic -tired vehicle with a minimum loaded weight of 25 tons. After excavation, the exposed subgrades in cut areas should be similarly proofrolled. Proofrolling operations should be performed under the observation of a geotechnical engineer or his authorized representative. The proofrolling should consist of 2 complete passes of the exposed areas, with each pass being in a direction perpendicular to the preceding one. Any areas which deflect, rut, or pump during the proofrolling, and fail to be remedied with successive passes, should be undercut to suitable soils and backfilled with compacted fill. Based on Kleinfelder's site reconnaissance and subsurface findings, we anticipate the need for undercutting in the vicinities of borings B-27 and B-32 at the proposed middle school, and borings B-6, B-8, B-16 to B-18, B-20, B-22, and B-23 within the proposed pavement limits. Kleinfelder recommends the construction contract include an allowance for undercutting of soft or loose subgrade soils, high plasticity soils, and for replacement with controlled structural fill. Actual undercut volumes should be determined by field measurement. Methods such as counting trucks should not be used for determination of undercut volume as they are less accurate and often result in additional expense to the Owner. Kleinfelder also recommends the construction contract include unit prices for scarifying and drying wet subgrade soils. Kleinfelder cautions that the subgrade soils exposed after topsoil stripping contain sufficient silt and clay to render them both moisture sensitive and frost susceptible. Due to their moisture 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 17 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l ICLEINFELOER sensitivity, water from storm runoff must be controlled during earthwork and construction activities by intercepting and draining the runoff away from the site to prevent water from ponding on or saturating the soils within the excavations or on final grades. These soils may become unstable due to the presence of excess moisture and normal construction equipment traffic over them. Accordingly, construction traffic should be kept to a minimum on the exposed soils to minimize the potential for creating an unstable subgrade. Kleinfelder recommends that site development be performed during seasonally dry weather and excavation/site preparation operations not be performed during or immediately following periods of high precipitation. Consideration should be given to constructing and maintaining designated haul/access roads across the site to better control equipment traffic patterns and minimize disturbance to the sensitive subgrade soils following stripping and cut/fill operations. 6.2 EXCAVATION Generally, the on -site soils can be excavated with conventional construction equipment. However, where weathered rock (SPT N-value greater than 100 blows per foot but less than 50 blows per 0.1 foot) is present, loosening with a large dozer (D-8 or similar size) equipped with a single tooth ripper or a large track -mounted backhoe (Caterpillar 235 or similar size) may be required prior to removal. Bedrock requires blasting to facilitate removal. 6.3 FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT Earthwork should be accomplished in accordance with Appendix J of the 2012 North Carolina Building Code with the exception of the compaction criteria outlined below. For earthwork purposes, Kleinfelder recommends a shrinkage factor (in -situ to compacted condition) of 17 percent be applied. Based on the results of Kleinfelder's visual observations and laboratory testing, the residual soils observed in Kleinfelder's borings appear suitable for use as project fill with exception of high plasticity soils, provided the recommendations outlined in this report are properly implemented in the project plans and specifications. The fat clays are not suitable for use as structural fill within the building footprint. These soils can be disposed onsite in nonstructural areas. As an alternative, the soils can be disposed of onsite under paved areas, provided at least 4 feet of structural fill is placed between them and the pavement subgrade elevation. As previously noted, these soils can be difficult to place, moisture condition, and compact. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 18 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com (KLE/NFELOER Sngh[ People. F•gM Soiutiom. V All imported fill used for the project should be a clean soil free of organic matter and debris with a Plasticity Index of less than 20. Preferable soil types, as defined by USCS, consist of GW, GM, SW, SM, SC, ML and CL soils. The fill should exhibit a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot as determined by a Standard Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 698). All fill in building areas should be placed during the initial stages of site development and prior to any foundation construction. This will assist in the consolidation of natural soils below the additional load imposed by the fill. The majority of consolidation of the soils under the new fill will likely occur within one month following fill placement. Kleinfelder recommends the structural fill for the project be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches loose thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. Kleinfelder recommends that the soil moisture be adjusted as required in the field to maintain a compacted moisture content of ±3 percent of the optimum moisture content, for optimum placement of project fill with the added requirement that fill soils placed wet of optimum remain stable under heavy pneumatic -tired construction traffic. Moisture conditioning for compaction purposes is discussed in Section 6.4 of this report. To provide for proper compaction of the fill slope faces, Kleinfelder recommends that all fill slopes be overfilled to a distance from the finished slope face that will allow compaction equipment to operate freely within the zone of the finished slope, and then cut back to the finished grade to expose the compacted core. Should this method not be employed, the grading contractor should be required to submit detailed procedures for the method of placement and compaction of the soil within a distance of an equipment -width from the slope face. Kleinfelder recommends that field density and moisture content tests be performed on the fill as it is being placed, at a frequency on the order of 1 test per 50 cubic yards of compacted fill within the building pad and 1 test per 100 cubic yards of compacted backfill underlying pavement, to confirm that proper compaction and stability is achieved. 6.4 FILL MOISTURE CONDITIONING Kleinfelder's scope of services did not include laboratory testing to determine the optimum moisture contents or the current in -situ moisture contents of the existing fill and residual soils in its borings. Based on the soil moisture conditions indicated from results of laboratory testing, it is anticipated that 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 19 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l ICLEWrELOER �Sngfi[People_FightSoiutiom. V most of the near surface residual soils (0 to 3 feet) will be wet of optimum, with moisture contents ranging from 26 to 32 percent. Moisture conditioning will likely be required to obtain proper compaction and stability of the structural fill. Moisture conditioning during construction can be achieved by aeration to reduce the moisture content, or wetting to increase the moisture content. The means and methods of moisture conditioning should be determined by the contractor, based on the soil types, weather conditions, and the contractor's experience. 6.5 SHALLOW FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION Bearing surfaces for foundations should not be disturbed or left exposed during inclement weather. Saturation of the on -site soils can cause a loss of strength and increased compressibility. Excavations for footings should be completed with a smooth bucket backhoe or be trimmed by hand following excavation to minimize disturbance of the subgrade soils. Upon their exposure, all bearing grades should have excess and loosened material removed. The final grades should be firm and stable, and free of any loose soil, rock, mud, water or frost. If construction occurs during inclement weather and concreting of the foundation is not possible at the time it is excavated, a layer of lean concrete should be placed on the bearing surface for protection. Also, concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrades. Foundation bearing surfaces should be observed by a geotechnical engineer prior to concrete placement to confirm that suitable soils are present at the bearing elevation. Soft or unsuitable areas observed at the bearing elevation should be undercut to firm material at the direction of a geotechnical engineer. Any bearing grades which are identified as exhibiting insufficient shear strength should be undercut as directed by the geotechnical engineer. The width of the base of the undercut should be at least as wide as the footing plus the depth of the undercut. This will facilitate proper distribution of the applied foundation pressures within the structural fill. Foundation bearing grades must be tested during construction to confirm the design bearing pressure. Kleinfelder recommends that dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) tests be performed at each column footing and at a spacing of no greater than 50 feet along continuous wall footings. The DCP tests should be completed to a minimum depth of 4 feet below the foundation bearing elevation to confirm that soil and groundwater conditions are consistent with the results of Kleinfelder's soil test borings. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 20 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l ICLEINFELOER 6.6 WINTER GRADING If site grading is to be performed during the winter rainy months, the owner, general contractor and grading subcontractor should be fully aware of the potential impact of wet weather on the project schedule and cost. Both the USCS soil classification and weather conditions at the time of construction have a significant effect on moisture modification efforts. Earthwork during rainy months will require extra effort and caution by the contractors. Issues of concern are outlined below: • Drying soils during the winter is difficult. Mechanical drying is typically accomplished by discing or turning the soils to allow moisture to evaporate; however, this method is highly weather dependent. Significant reductions in moisture are not easily achievable on cold, cloudy or overcast days. • The winter to early spring seasons in North Carolina are characterized by frequent rains. Rainstorms can cause delays to construction and damage to previously completed work, such as saturating a compacted subgrade, or flooding an excavation. The grading contractor should be responsible for the protection of the work to avoid damage by rainstorms, including smooth rolling to seal off a pad or subgrade surface to facilitate drainage and to reduce rain damage, and covering the trenches with plastic sheeting. Ponding water should be pumped out immediately. Construction in wet weather should be addressed in the project construction bid documents and/or specifications. Kleinfelder recommends that the grading contractor submit a wet weather construction plan outlining procedures they will employ to protect their work and to minimize damage to their work by rainstorms. 20183894.001A I GSO18R79206 Page 21 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com l ICLEINFELOER �Sngfi[People_FightSoiutiom. V 7 ADDITIONAL SERVICES As the geotechnical engineering firm that performed the geotechnical evaluation for this project, Kleinfelder should be retained to review the project construction documents. The purpose of the review is to confirm that the recommendations of this report were properly incorporated in the design. Proper incorporation of the geotechnical recommendations into the project plans and specifications can reduce the potential for claims from the contractor and additional costs to the owner. This can reduce the potential for misinterpretation of the information by other parties and will allow Kleinfelder to review and modify its recommendations if variations in the soil conditions are encountered. Kleinfelder also recommends that it be retained to monitor all geotechnical aspects of the construction. These services provide Kleinfelder the opportunity to observe the actual soil and groundwater conditions encountered during construction and to evaluate the site conditions with respect to the recommendations presented in this report. As a minimum, Kleinfelder recommends the following services be performed during the site work and foundation construction phases of the project: • Observe and evaluate the site earthwork operations to confirm that the subgrade soils are suitable for construction of foundations, slabs -on -grade, pavements, and the placement of engineered fill; • Confirm that the structural fill meets the recommended engineering properties outlined herein; and • Observe foundation bearing soils to confirm conditions are as anticipated. These services provide Kleinfelder the opportunity to observe the actual soil, rock and groundwater conditions encountered during construction and to evaluate the applicability of the recommendations presented in this report with respect to the site conditions. If Kleinfelder is not retained to provide these services, it will cease to be the geotechnical engineer of record for this project and will assume no responsibility for any potential claim during or after construction on this project. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 Page 22 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com I KLEINFELOER anyne won+e-a�ynrsamno�r_ FIGURES 20183894.001A I GSO18R79206 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com r6 0 0 0 0 t c 0 O Of LEGEND SOIL BORING NOTE: BASE MAPPING AND VICINITY MAP CREATED FROM LAYERS COMPILED BY ESRI PRODUCTS AND 2018 MICROSOFT CORPORATION. COORDINATE SYSTEM: GCS WGS 1984 *I ae�`nyiUgµ� O� r n SPA SITE x Lewisville N VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, 0 400 800 timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. 1 " = 400 SCALE I N FEET �� PROJECT NO. 20183894 DRAWN BY: DHK EXPLORATION LOCATION PLAN AND VICINITY MAP FIGURE KL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: XCB 1 Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right SolutionS. DATE: 05-31-2018 Robinhood Road REVISED: - Winston-Salem, North Carolina B-10 • Approximate boring location j I If II r 11 5p ill _ _ kt a R, g ASPHALT WAE 1 3� - --- \\tit ,1 l I s �2. �. h. I 1 I ASPHALT oxnF j e IXNAM !1 I i� 1 r if W!"M I, # ; 41 IE it1 I I ,� i X M74 %. 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V ! ,II 14 1 All _I--V 1A�� i l� m tltA5T3 ae5f1 i tppp -� , \ jj -AI1t� ' 11;�\ I KLEINFELOER anyne won+e-a�ynrsamno�r_ APPENDIX A BORING LOGS SOIL BORINGS Soil sampling and penetration testing for this project were performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586. The borings were advanced with hollow -stem, continuous flight augers and, at standard intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I.D., 2 inch O.D., split -tube sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, then driven an additional foot with blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final foot was recorded and is designated the "Standard Penetration Resistance" (N-Value). The N-value, when properly evaluated, is an index to soil strength, density, and ability to support foundations. The following boring logs present the estimated soil descriptions and uncorrected N-values as recorded in the field. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata are approximate. The transition between strata may be gradual in both the vertical and horizontal directions. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com SAMPLER AND DRILLING METHOD GRAPHICS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D 2487) 0 0 m 0 z Of 0 w � _ J LL o w U ¢ LL Z o V) U i 0 U a o � M � M � o Z N W rr 0 W J m � m Z J Z U w o NI C a ca BULK / GRAB / BAG SAMPLE MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER (2 or 2-1/2 in. (50.8 or 63.5 mm.) outer diameter) CALIFORNIA SAMPLER (3 in. (76.2 mm.) outer diameter) STANDARD PENETRATION SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER (2 in. (50.8 mm.) outer diameter and 1-3/8 in. (34.9 mm.) inner diameter) SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER HOLLOW STEM AUGER SOLID STEM AUGER WASH BORING GROUND WATER GRAPHICS a WATER LEVEL (level where first observed) 1 WATER LEVEL (level after exploration completion) WATER LEVEL (additional levels after exploration) OBSERVED SEEPAGE NOTES • The report and graphics key are an integral part of these logs. All data and interpretations in this log are subject to the explanations and limitations stated in the report. • Lines separating strata on the logs represent approximate boundaries only. Actual transitions may be gradual or differ from those shown. • No warranty is provided as to the continuity of soil or rock conditions between individual sample locations. • Logs represent general soil or rock conditions observed at the point of exploration on the date indicated. • In general, Unified Soil Classification System designations presented on the logs were based on visual classification in the field and were modified where appropriate based on gradation and index property testing • Fine grained soils that plot within the hatched area on the Plasticity Chart, and coarse grained soils with between 5% and 12% passing the No 200 sieve require dual USCS symbols, ie., GW-GM, GP -GM, GW-GC, GP -GC, GC -GM, SW-SM, SP-SM, SW -SC, SP-SC, SC-SM. • If sampler is not able to be driven at least 6 inches then 50/X indicates number of blows required to drive the identified sampler X inches with a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. ABBREVIATIONS WOH - Weight of Hammer WOR - Weight of Rod WELL -GRADED GRAVELS, CLEAN Cu,4 and • GW GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES WITH GRAVEL 15Cc53 • LITTLE OR NO FINES o WITH POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, N <5% x FINES Cu <4 and/ o O GP GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES WITH ° r 1>Cc>3 o LITTLE OR NO FINES m WELL -GRADED GRAVELS, GW-GM GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES WITH a Cu>4 and • LITTLE FINES m 1sCcs3 WELL -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVELS • GW-GC GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES WITH o WITH • LITTLE CLAY FINES 5% TO POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, 12% N FINES ° GP -GM GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES WITH m Cu <4 and/ o LITTLE FINES 0 FA 0 o or 1>Cc>3 POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, o ° GP -GC GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES WITH r o LITTLE CLAY FINES t GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL -SILT -SAND MIXTURES $ 0 O GRAVELS —° Mn� WITH > GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, @ W 12% GRAVEL -SAND -CLAY MIXTURES y FINES GC -GM CLAYEY GRAVELS, a 0 GRAVEL -SAND -CLAY -SILT MIXTURES m WELL -GRADED SANDS, Y CLEAN Cu>6 and °° SW SAND -GRAVEL MIXTURES WITH o SANDS 1sCc 3 LITTLE OR NO FINES o > WITH POORLY GRADED SANDS, ? <5% rn FINES Cu<6 and/ .: SIP SAND -GRAVEL MIXTURES WITH o t or 1 Cc>3 LITTLE OR NO FINES CO WELL -GRADED SANDS, wr@ SW-SM SAND -GRAVEL MIXTURES WITH Z Cu 6 and ° LITTLE FINES E 15CF3 WELL -GRADED SANDS, Lu SANDS SW -SC SAND -GRAVEL MIXTURES WITH y �' WITH LITTLE CLAY FINES 0 5% TO POORLY GRADED SANDS, v m 12% FINES SP-SM SAND -GRAVEL MIXTURES WITH °N Cu <6 and/ :: :' LITTLE FINES @ o or 1>Cc>3 :' POORLY GRADED SANDS, o SIP -SC SAND -GRAVEL MIXTURES WITH m LITTLE CLAY FINES L r SM SILTY SANDS, SAND -GRAVEL -SILT MIXTURES SANDS WITH > SC CLAYEY SANDS, U) 12% SAND -GRAVEL -CLAY MIXTURES FINES a SC-SM CLAYEY SANDS, SAND -SILT -CLAY MIXTURES MIL INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY J� coSILTS AND CLAYS CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS CL-ML INORGANIC CLAYS -SILTS OF LOW PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY N E m r 2 (Liquid Limit less than 50) p 0 Z 2 o CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS — ORGANIC SILTS & ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF -C m CDOL LOW PLASTICITY m MH ; DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILT w Y Z -0 SILTS AND CLAYS (Liquid Limit CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT LL g greater than 50) CLAYS OH ORGANIC CLAYS & ORGANIC SILTS OF MEDIUM -TO -HIGH PLASTICITY PROJECT NO.: 20183894 GRAPHICS KEY APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - GRAIN SIZE of 0 m co w w Of C7 W J LL W U LL 0 DESCRIPTION SIEVE SIZE GRAIN SIZE APPROXIMATE SIZE Boulders >12 in. (304.8 mm.) >12 in. (304.8 mm.) Larger than basketball -sized Cobbles 3 -12 in. (76.2 - 304.8 mm.) 3 -12 in. (76.2 - 304.8 mm.) Fist -sized to basketball -sized coarse 3/4 -3 in. (19 - 76.2 mm.) 3/4 -3 in. (19 - 76.2 mm.) Thumb -sized to fist -sized Gravel fine #4 - 3/4 in. (#4 - 19 mm.) 0.19 - 0.75 in. (4.8 - 19 mm.) Pea -sized to thumb -sized coarse #10 - #4 0.079 - 0.19 in. (2 - 4.9 mm.) Rock salt -sized to pea -sized Sand medium #40 - #10 0.017 - 0.079 in. (0.43 - 2 mm.) Sugar -sized to rock salt -sized fine #200 - #40 0.0029 - 0.017 in. (0.07 - 0.43 mm.) Flour -sized to sugar -sized Fines Passing #200 <0.0029 in. (<0.07 mm.) Flour -sized and smaller SECONDARY CONSTITUENT AMOUNT Term Of Use Secondary Constituent is Fine Grained Secondary Constituent is Coarse Grained Trace <5% <15% With 25 to <15% 215 to <30% Modifier 215% 230% CONSISTENCY- FINE-GRAINED SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT DESCRIPTION FIELD TEST Absence of Dry moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Moist Damp but no visible water Visible free water, Wet usually soil is belo water table CEMENTATION DESCRIPTION FIELD TEST Crumbles or breaks Weakly with handling or slight finger pressure Crumbles or breaks Moderately with considerable finger pressure Will not crumble or Strongly break with finger pressure SPT- Nso Pocket Pen UNCONFINED CONSISTENCY (# blows / ft) (tsf) COMPRESSIVE VISUAL / MANUAL CRITERIA STRENGTH (Q,)(psf) Very Soft <2 PP < 0.25 <Spp Thumb will penetrate more than 1 inch (25 mm). Extrudes between fingers when squeezed. Soft 2-4 0.255 PP <0.5 500 -1000 Thumb will penetrate soil about 1 inch (25 mm). Remolded by light finger pressure. Medium Stiff 4-8 0.55 PP <1 1000 - 2000 Thumb will penetrate soil about 1/4 inch (6 mm). Remolded by strong finger pressure. Stiff 8 - 15 1 S PP <2 2000 - 4000 Can be imprinted with considerable pressure from thumb. Very Stiff 15 - 30 2 S PP <4 4000 - 8000 Thumb will not indent soil but readily indented with thumbnail. Hard >30 4S PP >8000 Thumbnail will not indent soil. FROM TERZAGHI AND PECK, 1948; LAMBE AND WHITMAN, 1969; FHWA, 2002; AND ASTM D2488 APPARENT / RELATIVE DENSITY- COARSE -GRAINED SOIL PLASTICITY APPARENT DENSITY SPT-Nso (# blows/0 MODIFIED CA SAMPLER (# blows/ft) CALIFORNIA SAMPLER (# blows/ft) RELATIVE DENSITY (/o) Very Loose <4 <4 <5 0 -15 Loose 4-10 5-12 5-15 15-35 Medium Dense 10-30 12-35 15-40 35-65 Dense 30 - 50 35 - 60 40 - 70 65 - 85 Very Dense >50 >60 >70 85-100 FROM TERZAGHI AND PECK, 1948 STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION CRITERIA Stratified Altemating layers of varying material or color with layers at least 1/4-in. thick note thickness. Laminated Altemating layers of varying material or color with the layer less than 1/4-in. thick note thickness. Fissured Breaks along definite planes of fracture with little resistance to fracturing. Slickensided Fracture planes appear polished or glossy, sometimes striated. Blocky Cohesive soil that can be broken down into small angular lumps which resist further breakdown. Lensed Inclusion of small pockets of different soils, such as small lenses of sand scattered through a mass of clay; note thickness. REACTION WITH HYDROCHLORIC ACID DESCRIPTION FIELD TEST None No visible reaction Some reaction, Weak with bubbles forming slowly Violent reaction, Strong with bubbles forming immediate) DESCRIPTION LL FIELD TEST Non -plastic NP A 1/8-in. (3 mm.) thread cannot be rolled at any water content. Low (L) < 30 The thread can barely be rolled and the lump or thread cannot be formed when drier than the plastic limit. The thread is easy to roll and not much time is required to Medium (M) 30 - 50 reach the plastic limit. The thread cannot be rerolled after reaching the plastic limit. The lump or thread crumbles when drier than the plastic limit. It takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach the High (H) 150 plastic limit. The thread can be rerolled several times after reaching the plastic limit. The lump or thread can be formed without crumbling when drier than the plastic limit. ANGULARITY DESCRIPTION CRITERIA Angular Particles have sharp edges and relatively plane sides with unpolished surfaces. Subangular Particles are similar to angular description but have rounded edges. Subrounded Particles have nearly plane sides but have well-rounded comers and edges. Rounded Particles have smoothly curved sides and no edges. PROJECT NO.: 20183894 DRAWN BY: DHK KL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: REVISED: SOIL DESCRIPTION KEY Robinhood Road Middle School Robinhood Road Winston-Salem, North Carolina APPENDIX c7 0 J 0 w a F_ a' w o � rn � m � M 0 CO m N D co �J �m 7 J Z � Ur w o N C a m J r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-6 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11809° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39989' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 860 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c m N N o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ N a)m Q w o c7 o 2 mD N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a Z 'O a7 TOPSOIL (8") RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY trace Gravel (CH): high plasticity, 5 brown and red, moist, stiff 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, brown and red, moist, stiff BC=4 181, 6 855 5 7 BC=3 18" 5 6 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange, black, and tan, moist, medium stiff BC=3 18" 3 850 10 4 BC=2 18" 3 845 15 4 stiff BC=3 18" 6 840 20 7 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 14.7 ft. below ground surface after completion. 835 25 830 30 PROJECTNO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-6 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-7 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11791 ° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39892' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 854 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c m N N o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ N a)m Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m w m a- O' : m a Z 'O a7 RESIDUUM Lean CLAY with Sand (CL): medium plasticity, orange and red, moist, stiff, trace mica BC=3 5 18" CL 26.4 75 45 21 8 850 BC=2 18" 5 4 6 Sandy SILT (IK low plasticity, red, orange, and black, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=2 18" 1 4 845 BC=2 18" 10 2 4 840 soft BC=1 18" 15 2 2 835 medium plasticity, medium stiff BC=1 7" 20 L 2 11 3 - The boring was terminated at approximately 20.6 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: 830 The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. 25 Caving was observed at a depth of 17.7 ft. below ground surface after completion. 825 30 820 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-7 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - i Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-8 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11810° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39812' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 846 T o v — d o w x Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2z c i o a N a Uo pZ z 0 N C 0 N N -0 .N 11 a N ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w o c7 o 2 mD N W? (% T cn 0 0 - o (6 IL (a a- O' : N a? 'O a7 ¢ W RESIDUUM 845 Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red, gray, and tan, moist, stiff, mottled BC=3 5 18" 7 BC=4 18" CH 18.6 60 52 27 5 5 8 840 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and black, dry, stiff, trace mica BC=3 18" 4 7 moist, medium stiff BC=3 18" 3 10 5 835 BC=2 18" 2 15 4 830 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty CLAY (CL-ML): low to medium plasticity, orange, white, and black, moist, medium stiff BC=2 18" 1 20 4 825 The boring was terminated at approximately 20.2 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. 25 Caving was observed at a depth of 17.5 ft. below ground surface after completion. 820 30 815 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-8 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-9 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11826° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39891' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 855 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c 0 N N o N u a m ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) >, cn 0 c� o (a w (a a O' N a? 'O a7 RESIDUUM Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, red and orange, moist, medium stiff BC=3 3 NR 5 BC=2 18" 3 4 850 5 stiff BC=3 16" 4 5 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, red, orange, black moist, stiff, mottled, trace mica BC=3 6 18" 845 10 tan and orange BC=4 18" 4 6 840 15 — — — — — (S— — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND M): fine-grained, non -plastic, tan, orange, and black, moist, medium dense, trace mica BC=4 18" 9 6 835 20 The boring was terminated at approximately 19.9 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 17.2 ft. below ground surface 830 25 after completion. 825 30 PROJECTNO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-9 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - m � m Z J Z � Ur w o N CL < a a W m J r Z Date Begin - End: 5/08/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-10 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 70°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11748° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.40018' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 877 T w3 d' o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o a m a Uo pZ Z 0 N C m N N -0 .N 11 a m m Lithologic Description � O_ N N Q w o c7 o 2 m� N W? (% T cn 0 c� - o m IL m a- O' te m a? 'O a7 ¢ W RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY trace Quartz Gravel (CH): high plasticity, orange and red, moist, very stiff BC=5 7 181, 875 10 BC=5 181, 8 5 10 Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, low plasticity, orange, red, and black, dry, loose BC=4 18" 870 4 6 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange, black, and red, moist, stiff, trace mica BC=3 18" 4 10 6 865 BC=2 18" 4 15 5 860 medium plasticity, saprolitic BC=3 18" 4 20 6 855 low plasticity, medium stiff BC=3 18" 3 25Hill 4 The boring was terminated at approximately 25 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after 850 with auger cuttings on May 09, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 21.4 ft. below ground surface 30 after completion. 845 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-10 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/08/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-11 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 70°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11749° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39915' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 859 T w3 a o v — a o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a m 0o o? z c 0 N N o N u a m c6 Lithologic Description 0_ N a) ¢ w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) >, cn 0 C) o (6 a (6 a O' N a Z 'O a7 RESIDUUM Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): low to medium plasticity, orange and red, moist, very stiff BC_9 10 18" 12 855 stiff BC=2 181, 4 5 5 Sandy SILT (IK low plasticity, orange, red, and black, moist, medium stiff BC=3 18" 2 4 850 orange BC=2 18" 2 10 3 845 orange, red, and black, trace mica BC=2 18" 2 15 4 840 orange and black BC=2 18" 3 20 3 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 09, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were 835 estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 17.8 ft. below ground surface 25 after completion. 830 30 825 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-11 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('OKL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-12 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11758° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39845' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 835 T w3 a o v — a o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c 0 N N o N u a m ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) >, cn 0 c� o (a a (a a O' N a Z 'O a7 RESIDUUM Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, orange and gray, moist, medium stiff, mottled BC=3 4 18" 4 BC=3 18" CL 25.2 100 75 47 23 3 830 5 5 BC=2 18" 2 4 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and black, moist, medium stiff BC=2 18" 3 825 10 4 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND trace Gravel (SM): low plasticity, black, gray, and white, wet, loose Q - BC=2 18" 4 820 15 5 non -plastic, medium dense BC=4 18" 4 815 20 10 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Q Groundwater was observed at approximately 13.5 ft. below with auger cuttings on May 14, 2018. ground surface during drilling. = Groundwater was observed at approximately 11.5 ft. below ground surface at the end of drilling. Y Temporary PVC piezometer pipe was installed after completion for groundwater reading. Groundwater was observed at approximately 6.2 ft. below ground surface 5 days after 810 25 completion of exploration. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 14 ft. below ground surface after completion. 805 30 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-12 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - c7 0 J 0 w a F_ a' w o � rn � M 0 CO � m N D �J m � m 7 J Z � U r'� w o N Q Y a a ca m J r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-13 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11869° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39992' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 840 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a m 0o o? z c m N N o N u a m m Lithologic Description O_ N N Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a Z 'O a7 TOPSOIL (9") ------------------- RESIDUUM BC=2 18" Sandy Fat CLAY trace Gravel (CH): high plasticity, 3 light to dark brown, moist, medium stiff, trace mica 3 tan to gray, soft BC=2 18" 2 835 5 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, dark brown, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=2 4" 2 3 Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, tan, white, and orange, moist, loose BC=2 181, 3 830 10 4 brown, black, and white, medium dense BC=3 18" 5 825 15 6 saprolitic BC=6 18" 6 820 20 9 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Q Groundwater was observed at approximately 14 ft. below ground with auger cuttings on May 14, 2018. surface during drilling. Z Groundwater was observed at approximately 14 ft. below ground surface at the end of drilling. Y Temporary PVC piezometer pipe was installed after completion for groundwater reading. Groundwater was observed at approximately 8.5 ft. below ground surface 3 days after 815 25 completion of exploration. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 19 ft. below ground surface after completion. 810 30 PROJECTNO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-13 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-14 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11859° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39783' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 854 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o a N a 0o pZ z 0 N C 0 N N -0 .N 11 a N ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w 0 c7 o 2 m� N W? (% T cn 0 0 - o (6 IL (a a- O' te N a? 'O a7 ¢ W RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and BC=5 8 181, orange, moist, very stiff, trace mica 10 850 stiff BC=3 181, 5 5 8 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, red, orange, and BC=4 18" black, moist, stiff 5 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, low plasticity, orange BC=4 16" 845 and black, moist, loose, trace mica 5 10 4 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and black, dry, medium stiff, trace mica 840 BC=3 18" 4 15 4 835 orange, saprolitic BC=2 16" 3 20 4 830 white, orange, and black, stiff BC=3 181, 5 25 5 Silty CLAY(CL-ML): medium plasticity, orange, black, and white, moist, stiff gC_2 18" 825 4 30 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): coarse to fine-grained, low . plasticity, brown, black, and white, moist, medium BC=57 18" 820 dense, saprolitic 10 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-14 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('�KL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-14 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11859° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39783' E a) Q m� — o a m F m a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation ft): 854 T � o v � � — d Co p w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o � o E c c c o � 0 o i a� a �o o? c m N (n o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m cn o c m� N� ? Cl) T cn 0 � 0 o m w m a O' te m a? -0 N ¢ W The boring was terminated at approximately 35 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were 815 estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 30.4 ft. below ground surface 40 after completion. 810 45 805 50 800 55 795 60 790 65 785 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-14 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - c7 0 J 0 w r a F_ (0 w o � rn M 0 CO m r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-15 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11863° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39695' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 834 T w3 d o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o a N a 0o pZ z 0 N C 0 N N -0 .N 11 a N ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w 0 c7 o 2 m� N W? (% T cn 0 0 - o (6 IL (a a- O' te N a? 'O a7 ¢ W RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, orange and red, dry, stiff BC=4 5 181, 7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and red, , 830 dry, medium stiff, trace mica BC=4 181, 3 5 5 orange, black, and red, stiff BC=3 18" 4 5 825 medium stiff BC=2 18" 3 10 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, orange, black, and red, moist, medium stiff 820 1"coarse sand layer at spoon tip 18" CL 35.8 64 45 22 15 1 r 815 yellow and black 18" 20 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Z Groundwater was observed at approximately 16.8 ft. below with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. ground surface at the end of drilling. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were 810 estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 17.4 ft. below ground surface 25 after completion. 805 30 800 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-15 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - m � m 7 J z 0 Ur w o N CL < a a W m J r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-16 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11896° N „ o n o o aa) w m a) Longitude:-80.39819° E a m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation ft): 862 T � - —E Co o w x Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o �z o i am a E �o o? 0 c 0 N N o N u a m ca Lithologic Description (n O_ N Q w 0 c7 o c N W (% T 0 0 (a a- (a a- O' 1D N a? 'O a7 ¢ W RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and BC=4 18" orange, moist, stiff 5 6 860 BC=4 181, 5 5 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, red, orange, and black, moist, medium stiff BC=3 18" 855 4 4 BC=3 9" 3 10 4 850 BC=3 9^ 4 15 4 845 BC=3 12" 3 20 4 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after 840 with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 12.1 ft. below ground surface 25 after completion. 835 30 830 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-16 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('OKL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-17 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11954° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39837' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 855 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o a m a Uo pZ z 0 N C m N N -0 .N 11 a m m Lithologic Description O_ N N Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? (% T cn 0 c� o m m a O' m a ? 'O a7 ¢ W TOPSOIL (4") ------------- J RESIDUUM BC=3 181, Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, orange and 4 red, moist, stiff 6 BC=5 18" 8 850 5 7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, red and orange, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=2 18" 4 4 BC=2 18" 3 845 10 2 BC=2 18" 3 840 15 3 BC=2 18" 3 835 20 3 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 12 ft. below ground surface 830 25 after completion. 825 30 PROJECTNO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-17 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-18 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11955° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39805' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 858 T w3 d o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o a m a Uo pZ z 0 N C m N N -0 .N 11 a m m Lithologic Description O_ N N Q w 0 c7 o 2 m� N ? (% T cn 0 c� 0 m m a O' m a ? 'O a7 ¢ W TOPSOIL (4.5") RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and 3 orange, moist, medium stiff 4 855 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange, moist, stiff, trace mica BC=4 18" 4 5 5 medium stiff BC=2 18" 3 4 850 BC=2 18" 3 10 4 845 orange and black BC=2 18" 3 15 4 840 BC=2 18" 3 20 5 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. GENERAL NOTES: 835 The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 13.8 ft. below ground surface after completion. 25 830 30 825 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-18 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-19 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11980° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39876' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 834 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c 0 N N o N u a m ca Lithologic Description 0_ N a) Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) >, cn 0 c� o (a a (a a O' N a Z 'O a7 TOPSOIL (5.5") RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY trace Gravel (CH): high plasticity, 3 red and brown, moist, medium stiff, trace mica 3 830 BC=2 18" 3 5 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and black, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=1 18" 2 3 825 soft BC=1 18" 2 10 2 820 orange, brown, and white BC=2 18" 1 1 15 3 815 wet BCI 18" 20 2 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled = Groundwater was observed at approximately 15.2 ft. below with auger cuttings on May 14, 2018. ground surface at the end of drilling. Y Temporary PVC piezometer pipe was installed after completion for groundwater reading. Groundwater was observed at approximately 16 ft. below ground surface 3 days after 810 completion of exploration. GENERAL NOTES: 25 The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 12.8 ft. below ground surface after completion. 805 30 800 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-19 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-20 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.12023° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39820' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 840 T o v — D o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c m N N o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ N a)m Q w o c7 o 2 mD N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m w m a- O' : m a Z 'O a7 ¢ o TOPSOI (10") RESIDUUM BC=3 18" CH 29.6 100 77 63 34 Fat CLAY with Sand (CH): high plasticity, red and 3 brown, moist, medium stiff 6 stiff BC=3 18" 4 835 5 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and rown, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=3 18" 3 4 stiff BC=4 6" 4 830 10 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, tan and gray, moist, loose, trace mica BC=3 18" 3 825 15 4 BC=4 18" 5 820 20 ' S The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 14.2 ft. below ground surface after completion. 815 25 810 30 PROJECTNO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-20 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - F z Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-21 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.12051 ° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39840' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 828 T w3 a o v — a o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c 0 N N o N u a m ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) >, cn 0 c� o (a a (a a O' N a Z 'O a7 TOPSOIL (7") RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and 3 brown, moist, medium stiff 4 825 stiff BC=3 18" 4 5 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and black, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=3 18" 3 5 820 BC=2 18" 2 10 3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, orange, 815 brown, and black, moist, loose, trace mica BC=2 18" 4 15 3 810 low plasticity, brown and black BC=2 18" 3 20 ' 5 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Y Temporary PVC piezometer pipe was installed after completion with auger cuttings on May 14, 2018. for groundwater reading. Groundwater was observed at approximately 19 ft. below ground surface 3 days after 805 completion of exploration. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. 25 Caving was observed at a depth of 13.6 ft. below ground surface after completion. 800 30 795 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-21 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('OKL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-22 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.12134° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39830' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 828 T w3 a o v — a o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c m N N o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ N a)m Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a Z 'O a7 TOPSOIL (6.5") ------------------- RESIDUUM BC=3 181, Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, orange, gray, 3 and red, moist, medium stiff 4 825 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange, brown, and white, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=2 181, 4 5 4 BC=4 181, orange and tan, dry, stiff 5 6 820 — — — -- --- Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, tan, orange, and brown, dry, loose BC=4 181, 4 10 4 815 medium plasticity, medium dense BC=3 18" 5 15 6 810 low plasticity, loose BC=3 181, 3 20 6 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. GENERAL NOTES: 805 The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 15 ft. below ground surface after completion. 25 800 30 795 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-22 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - 0 0 J 0 w a F_ (0 w o � o � rn m � M 0 CO m r z (D Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-23 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.12187° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39816' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 836 T w3 a o — a Xp w L Surface Condition: Grass &Weeds aa) om � z o c °c °c J t� 0 o f a> a �o o u U 0 N (n N u ca E c6 Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w 0 c7 o c m� N a? (% T cn 0 c� 0 (6 a (6 a O' N a? ¢ a TOPSOIL(3.5")------------- J 835 RESIDUUM BC=3 18" Sandy Fat CLAY trace Gravel (CH): high plasticity, 3 red and brown, moist, medium stiff, trace mica 5 ------------------- Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, red and brown, moist, stiff, trace mica BC=5 18" 6 5MIA 7 830 Sandy SILT (ML): fine-grained, low plasticity, red and orange, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=3 18" 3 4 BC=2 18" 2 10 3 825 BC=2 18" 3 15 3 820 red, brown, and black BC=2 18" 3 20 3 815 The boring was terminated at approximately 20 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 12 ft. below ground surface after completion. 25 810 30 805 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-23 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-24 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS m u E o w X 2 m a O_ N N Q w 0 0 Fa (3 Latitude: 36.11924° N a) Longitude:-80.39899' E Q Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 856 T Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush „ m� om U o o 2 m� o 0 Z o p Z N z ? o 0 (% T cn o v N C m 0 c� n c 0 o — c N m o o c N m a -0 O' aa) w a m — d o 2Z .N 11 m a a ? F c i o m 'O a7 ¢ W m Lithologic Description TOPSOIL (5") 855 RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and BC=3 4 181, orange, moist, stiff 6 BC=4 181, 5 5 6 850 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, orange, brown, and black, moist, loose, trace mica BC=3 3 181, 3 BC=2 181, 3 1 0 4 845 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange, brown, and white, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=3 18" 3 15 4 840 BC=3 18" 3 20 4 835 BC=3 18" 3 25 3 830 BC=2 1 g" 3 30 4 825 stiff BC=4 18" 4 6 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-24 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('�KL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-24 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11924° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39899' E a) Q m� — o a m F m a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation ft): 856 T � o v � � — d Co p w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o � o E c c c o �z o i a� a �o o? c m N (n o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m cn o c m� N� ? Cl) T cn 0 � C) o m w m a O' m a ? 'O N ¢ W 820 The boring was terminated at approximately 35 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 28.9 ft. below ground surface 40 after completion. 815 45 810 50 805 55 800 60 795 65 790 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-24 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - z Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-25 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11912° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39855' E Q m� 0 — a a m F u E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 862 T w3 d o v — d o w x Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2z c i o 2 m a U o p Z z 0 N C m N N -0 .N 11 a m m Lithologic Description O_ N N Q w 0 c7 o 2 m� N ? (% T cn 0 c� 0 m m a O' m a ? 'O a7 ¢ W TOPSOIL (4.5") RESIDUUM BC=4 181, Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and 5 860 brown, moist, stiff 7 BC=3 181, 5 5 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT trace Gravel (ML): low plasticity, red BC=3 181, and orange, moist, medium stiff, trace mica 855 3 4 orange, red, and black BC=2 181, 3 10 3 850 BC=2 181, 3 15 4 845 BC=3 181, 3 20 4 840 BC=3 181, 4 25 4 835 BC=2 18" 4 30 5 —830 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): coarse to fine-grained, non -plastic, light brown, black, and white, moist, loose BC=3 181, 4 6 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-25 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('�KL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/11/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-25 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11912° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39855' E a) Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 862 T w3 aCo o —E — a p w X:- Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c t� o �Z o i a m a Uo pZ m C N (n -0 .N 11 a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m (n o 2 mD N� a? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a? 'O N ¢ a 825 brown and white, medium dense BC=7 18" 8 40 9 The boring was terminated at approximately 40 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after 820 with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 31.9 ft. below ground surface after completion. 45 815 50 810 55 805 60 800 65 795 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-25 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-26 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11878° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39822' E Q m� 0 — o a m F u E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 860 T o v — d o w x Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2z c i o 2 N a U o p Z z 0 N C 0 N N -0 .N 11 a N ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w 0 c7 o 2 m� N ? (% T cn 0 c� 0 (a (a a O' N a ? 'O a7 ¢ W TOPSOIL(3.5")------------- J RESIDUUM BC=4 181, Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and 4 orange, moist, stiff, trace mica 6 medium stiff BC=3 18" 4 855 5 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, red and BC=3 18" orange, moist, medium stiff 3 5 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange and black, BC=2 3 12" moist, medium stiff, trace mica 850 10 4 red, orange, and black, mottled BC=2 12" 3 845 15 4 BC=2 18" 3 840 20 3 BC=2 18" 3 835 25 4 orange, black, and white, stiff BC=3 18" 4 830 30 6 black, brown, and white, very stiff BC=5 18" 9 10 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-26 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-26 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11878° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39822' E a) Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 860 T o —E — d Co p w X:- Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c t� o �Z o i a m a Uo pZ m C N (n -0 .N 11 a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m (n o 2 mD N� a? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a? 'O N ¢ a ------------------- WEATHERED ROCK Sampled as Silty SAND (SM): coarse to 5" 820 40 �_BC=50/5" fine-grained, non -plastic, black, gray, and white, dry, GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: very dense Groundwater was not observed during drilling or after completion. The boring was terminated at approximately 38.9 ft. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. below ground surface. The boring was backfilled GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 31.6 ft. below ground surface after completion. 815 45 810 50 805 55 800 60 795 65 PROJECTNO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-26 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-27 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11852° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39817' E Q m� 0 — o a m F u E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 854 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 N a U o p Z z 0 N C 0 N N -0 .N 11 a N ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w 0 c7 o 2 m� N ? (% T cn 0 c� 0 (a o (a a O' N a? 'O a7 ¢ W TOPSOIL (4") -------------J RESIDUUM BC=4 181, Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and 6 orange, moist, stiff, trace mica 7 850 very stiff BC=8 181, 11 5 15 hard BC=9 181, 14 19 845 very stiff CH 25.3 92 52 27 BC=7 18" 12 10 15 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, red and orange, moist, very stiff 840 BC=5 18" 9 15 12 835 light brown and black, stiff BC=4 18" 7 20 7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 91 SAND (SM): fine-grained, low plasticity, red, orange, and black, moist, loose, trace mica 830 BC=3 18" 4 25 4 825 brown, black, and white, saprolitic BC=6 18" 4 30 6 82CT non -plastic, black, white, and gray, very dense BC=18 18" 30 46 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-27 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK EWFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-27 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11852° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39817' E a) Q m� — o a m F m a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation ft): 854 T � o v � � — d Co p w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o � o E c c c o � 0 o i a� a �o o? c m N (n o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m cn o c m� N� ? Cl) T cn 0 � 0 o m w m a O' te m a? -0 N ¢ W The boring was terminated at approximately 35 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Z Groundwater was observed at approximately 34 ft. below ground with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. surface at the end of drilling. Groundwater was not observed 24 hours after completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were 815 estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 27.3 ft. below ground surface 40 after completion. 810 45 805 50 800 55 795 60 790 65 785 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-27 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-28 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11861 ° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39845' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 858 T w3 d o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush �s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 m a U o p Z z 0 N C m N N -0 .N 11 a m m Lithologic Description O_ N N Q w 0 C7 o 2 m� N ? (% T cn 0 c� 0 m m a O' m a ? 'O a7 ¢ W TOPSOIL (5") RESIDUUM Sandy Fat CLAY trace Gravel (CH): high plasticity, 3 red and orange, moist, medium stiff 4 855 very stiff 5C=6 18" 8 5— 2L 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SILTwith Sand ME). non -plastic, red and orange, BC=4 18" moist, stiff 7 9 850 ML 21.3 100 81 46 8 BC=4 181, 6 10 7 845 low plasticity, orange, black, and white, medium stiff BC=3 18" 3 15 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, orange, 840 black, and white, moist, medium stiff BC=2 18" 3 20 5 SILT with Sand (ML). low plasticity, orange, black, 835 and white, moist, medium stiff BC=7 18" 3 25 4 830 stiff BC=3 181, 3 30 6 Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, black, 825 white, and gray, dry, dense, saprolitic BC=9 181, 15 18 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-28 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK EWFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-28 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11861 ° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39845' E a) Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 858 T w3 aCo o —E — a p w X:- Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c t� o �Z o i a m a Uo pZ m C N (n -0 .N 11 a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m (n o 2 mD N� a? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a? 'O N ¢ a 820 very dense BC=15 18" 34 40 ' 40 The boring was terminated at approximately 40 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Y Groundwater was observed at approximately 31.9 ft. below with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. ground surface 24 hours after drilling completion. GENERAL NOTES: 815 The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. Caving was observed at a depth of 37.9 ft. below ground surface after completion. 45 810 50 805 55 800 60 795 65 790 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-28 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - z mw Yg CL ui W J L W F F z z rn rn Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-29 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11843° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39872' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 856 T o v — d o w x Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2z c i o 2 m a U o p Z z 0 N C m N N -0 .N 11 a m m Lithologic Description � O_ N N Q w o c7 o 2 m� N W? (% T cn 0 0 - o m IL m a- O' te m a? 'O a7 ¢ W RESIDUUM 855 Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and BC=4 5 181, orange, moist, stiff 7 BC=4 181, 5 5 8 850 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, red and orange, BC=4 18" moist, stiff 4 6 red, orange, and black BC=3 18" 4 10 5 845 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, red, orange, and black, medium stiff BC=2 18" 3 15 4 840 CL 42.9 65 47 24 BC=2 18" 3 20 4 835 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Silty CLAY(CL-ML): medium plasticity, orange and black, moist, medium stiff BC=2 18" 2 25 4 830 Y stiff BC=4 18" 4 30 6 825 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, low plasticity, orange and white, moist, medium dense BC=2 18" 5 8 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-29 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK EWFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-29 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11843° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39872' E a) Q m� — o a m F m a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation ft): 856 T � o v � � — d Co p w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o � o E c c c o �z o i a� a �o o? c 0 N (n o N u a m Lithologic Description O_ a) Q w o c7 c6 cn o c m� N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o (6 (6 a O' N a ? 'O N 820 The boring was terminated at approximately 35 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Z Groundwater was observed at approximately 27.5 ft. below with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. ground surface at the end of drilling. Y Groundwater was observed at approximately 23.8 ft. below ground surface 24 hours after drilling completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. 40 Caving was observed at a depth of 31.5 ft. below ground surface after completion. 815 45 810 50 805 55 800 60 795 65 790 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-29 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - it m � m 7 J Z � Ur W N p }I �re a ¢ co m J r z Date Begin - End: 5/08/2018 - 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-30 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 70°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11857° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39905' E Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 857 T w3 d o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a m 0o o? z c m N N o N u a m m Lithologic Description O_ N N Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m w m a- O' : m a Z 'O a7 RESIDUUM Lean CLAY with Sand (CL): medium plasticity, BC=4 5 18" orange, black, and red, moist, stiff CL 31.8 76 49 24 855 7 BC=3 18" 4 5 9 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange, black, and BC=3 18" gray, moist, medium stiff, trace mica 850 3 3 orange and brown, stiff BC=3 18" 3 10 5 845 yellow, orange, and black BC=4 18" 5 15 7 840 Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, orange and gray, medium stiff BC=2 18" 2 20 4 835 orange, black, and red BC=2 18" 2 25 3 83 — -- — — — — Silty CLAY(CL-ML): medium plasticity, orange and brown, wet, medium stiff BC=2 18" 3 30 4 825 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, brown, black, and gray, wet, stiff, saprolitic, trace mica BC=2 181, 4 6 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-30 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('OKL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - it m � m 7 J Z � Ur w o N CL < a a W m J r z Date Begin - End: 5/08/2018 - 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-30 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 70°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11857° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39905' E a) Q m� 0 — a a m F a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 857 T w3 aCo o —E — a p w X:- Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush s om Z o o c c c t� o �Z o i a m a Uo pZ m C N (n -0 .N 11 a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m (n o 2 mD N� a? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a? 'O N ¢ a 820 Silty SAND (SM): low plasticity, brown and black, moist, medium dense, saprolitic, trace mica gC=4 18" 7 40 11 The boring was terminated at approximately 40 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Z Groundwater was observed at approximately 27.5 ft. below 815 with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. ground surface at the end of drilling. Y Groundwater was observed at approximately 23.8 ft. below ground surface 24 hours after drilling completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. 45 Caving was observed at a depth of 29.5 ft. below ground surface after completion. 810 50 805 55 800 60 795 65 790 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-30 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-31 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11883° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 a) Longitude:-80.39912' E Q m� 0 — o a m F a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 880 T o v — d o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 a 0o o? z c m N N o N u a m m Lithologic Description O_ N N Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m m a- O' � m a Z 'O a7 RESIDUUM Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, red and BC=4 5 18" orange, moist, stiff 7 BC=2 18" 4 855 5 6 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, orange, brown, and BC=3 J188" black, moist, stiff, trace mica 4 5 orange, black, and white, medium stiff BC=3 18" 3 850 10 5 BC=3 18" 3 845 15 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, orange, black, and white, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=2 18" 3 840 20 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty CLAY(CL-ML): medium plasticity, orange and white, moist, medium stiff BC=2 18" 2 835 25 4 1 brown and white BC=2 18" 2 830 30 4 -------------------- Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, brown, black, and white, moist, very stiff, trace mica BC=4 18" 9 11 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-31 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('OKL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - Date Begin - End: 5/09/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-31 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: C. Odom Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 80°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11883° N „ o n o o aa) w m 0 Longitude:-80.39912' E a) Q m� 0 - o a m F a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 860 T o —E — d Co p w X:- Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c t� o �Z o i a m a Uo pZ m C N (n -0 .N 11 a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m (n o 2 mD N� a? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a? 'O N ¢ a ------------------- Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, gray, orange, and brown, moist, dense, saprolitic BC-12 18" 17 820 40 30 The boring was terminated at approximately 40 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Z Groundwater was observed at approximately 26 ft. below ground with auger cuttings on May 10, 2018. surface at the end of drilling. Y Groundwater was observed at approximately 27.2 ft. below ground surface 24 hours after drilling completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. 815 45 Caving was observed at a depth of 29 ft. below ground surface after completion. 810 50 805 55 800 60 795 65 PROJECTNO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-31 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - i Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-32 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11876' N „ o o aXi ' m w 0 Longitude:-80.39873' E Q m� o o a c_ H a E Fa Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 851 T o v — 0 o w X Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c o 2Z c i o 2 N a U o p Z z 0 N C 0 N N -0 .N 11 a N ca Lithologic Description O_ N a) Q w o c7 o 2 m� N ? (% T cn 0 c� o (a o (a a O' N a? 'O a7 ¢ W TOPSOIL (4") ------------- J 850 RESIDUUM BC=4 181, Sandy Fat CLAY (CH): high plasticity, red and 4 orange, moist, stiff 7 orange BC=3 181, 4 5 6 845 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy SILT (ML): non -plastic, orange and black, BC=2 3 18" moist, medium stiff 3 trace mica BC=2 18" 3 10 3 840 BC=2 18" 3 15 3 835 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium plasticity, light brown, black, and white, moist, medium stiff, trace mica CL 33.6 66 40 18 BC=2 181, 3 20 5 830 BC=2 18" 2 25 3 825 Sandy SILT (ML): low plasticity, brown, gray, and white, moist, medium stiff, trace mica BC=2 18" - 2 30 4 820 BC=2 181, 1 2 3 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-32 APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK ('�KL EWFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - r z Date Begin - End: 5/10/2018 Drilling Company: HPC Land Services BORING LOG B-32 Logged By: S. Papke Drill Crew: J. Cain Hor.-Vert. Datum: Not Available Drilling Equipment: CME-550X Hammer Type - Drop: 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Plunge: -90 degrees Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Weather: Sunny, 85°F Auger Diameter: 2.25 in. O.D. FIELD EXPLORATION LABORATORY RESULTS Latitude: 36.11876' N „ o o aXi ' m w 0 Longitude:-80.39873' E Q m� o o a c_ H a E Approximate Ground Surface Elevation (ft.): 851 T o —E — a Co p w X:- Surface Condition: Wooded Underbrush om Z o o c c c t� o �Z o i a m a Uo pZ m C N (n -0 .N 11 a m Lithologic Description O_ N Q w o c7 m (n o 2 mD N� a? Cl) T cn 0 c� o m a m a O' m a? 'O N ¢ a 815 orange and gray BC=2 18" 3 40 4 810 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty SAND (SM): coarse to fine-grained, non -plastic, black, orange, and white, moist, medium dense BC=4 18" 9 45 ' 11 805 dense BC=8 18" 16 50 30 800 BC=32 11" WEATHERED ROCK 50/5" 55 Sampled as Silty SAND (SM): fine-grained, non -plastic, orange and brown, dry, very dense 795 BC=50/5 5" 60 The boring was terminated at approximately 58.9 ft. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: below ground surface. The boring was backfilled Y Groundwater was observed at approximately 43.5 ft. below 790 with auger cuttings on May 11, 2018. ground surface during drilling. = Groundwater was observed at approximately 34.5 ft. below ground surface at the end of drilling. Y Groundwater was observed at approximately 29.2 ft. below ground surface 24 hours after drilling completion. GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder. 65 Caving was observed at a depth of 38.2 ft. below ground surface after completion. 785 PROJECT NO.: 20183894 BORING LOG B-32 APPENDIX rKL DRAWN BY: DHK E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road i Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - I KLEINFELOER anyne won+e-a�ynrsamno�r_ APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS LABORATORY TESTS Moisture Content The moisture content is the ratio expressed as a percentage, of the weight of water in a given mass of soil to the weight of the solid particles. This test was conducted in accordance with ASTM Designation D 2216. The test results are presented on the attached sheets. Atterberg Limits Test A representative sample was selected for Atterberg Limits testing to determine the soil's plasticity characteristics. The Plasticity Index (PI) is representative of this characteristic and is bracketed by the Liquid Limit (LL) and the Plastic Limit (PL). The Liquid Limit is the moisture content at which the soil will flow as a heavy viscous fluid and the Plastic Limit is the moisture content at which the soil begins to lose its plasticity. The test was conducted in accordance with ASTM D 4318. Material Finer than the No. 200 Sieve In this test, the sample is dried and then washed over a standard No. 200 sieve. The percentage of soil, by weight, passing the sieve is the percentage of fines or portion of the sample in the silt and clay size range. This test was conducted in accordance with ASTM Designation D 1140. 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com gINT FILE: Klf_gint_master _2017 PROJECT NUMBER: 20183894.001A OFFICE FILTER: GREENSBORO I/.0[L JUIVIM-T IH6 - Y U I I GU: UJ/LJ/LV 16 VO:3D HIVI 6 Y: UI,UUIIISKI e Sieve Analysis (%) Atterberg Limits o x � Exploration Depth Sample Description = v N 5 Additional Tests ID (ft,) C C� J 7 ad-i l0 N R f/1 N 7 Q N 2 N l0 o o_ o_ d J a a B-7 1.0-2.5 LEAN CLAY WITH SAND (CL) 26.4 75 45 24 21 ............................ B-8 3.7 - 5.2 ............................................................... SANDY FAT CLAY (CH) 18.6 ................... ............................................................. 60 52 25 27 ............................ B-12 3.5 - 5.0 ............................................................... LEAN CLAY WITH SAND (CL) 25.2 ................... 100 ............................................................. 75 47 24 23 ................ B-15 ........... 13.5 - 15.0 ............................................................... SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 35.8 ................... ............................................................. 64 45 23 22 ................ B-20 ........... 1.0 - 2.5 ............................................................... FAT CLAY WITH SAND (CH) 29.6 ................... 100 ............................................................. 77 63 29 34 ................ B-27 ........... 8.5 - 10.0 ............................................................... FAT CLAY (CH) 25.3 ................... ............................................................. 92 52 25 27 ................ B-28 ........... 8.5 - 10.0 ............................................................... SILT WITH SAND (ML) 21.3 ................... 100 ............................................................. 81 46 38 8 ................ B-29 ........... 18.1 - 19.6 ............................................................... SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 42.9 ................... ............................................................. 65 47 23 24 ................ B-30 ........... 1.0 - 2.5 ............................................................... LEAN CLAY WITH SAND (CL) 31.8 ................... ............................................................. 76 49 25 24 ................ B-32 ........... 18.5 - 20.0 ............................................................... SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 33.6 ................... ............................................................. 66 40 22 18 Refer to the Geotechnical Evaluation Report or the supplemental plates for the method used for the testing performed above. NP = NonPlastic KL E/NFEL DER Bright People. Right Solutions. PROJECT NO.: 20183894 DRAWN BY: DHK CHECKED BY: DATE: REVISED: LABORATORY TEST RESULT SUMMARY Robinhood Road Middle School Robinhood Road Winston-Salem, North Carolina APPENDIX 0 m co z W Of c� Of W J LL W U LL LL 0 F_ 0 o LU o W v m ro LU M LU CO F N U_ W J W Y m J � m 7 J Z U U� W o � N p )i C CL a of m z o� 0 o z N F LL E Y E .. W c w Yg CL ui W J LL W F F z z rn rn 60 50 40 a X W 0 z F 30 U H m J a 20 10 7 4 0 For classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction of coarse -grained / soils. hoc G / / O / / Ol 01 / MH o OH ML O OIL Chart Reference: ASTM D2487 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT (ILL) Exploration ID Depth (ft.) Sample Description Passing #200 LL PL PI • B-7 1 - 2.5 LEAN CLAY with SAND (CL) 75 45 24 21 m B-8 3.7 - 5.2 SANDY FAT CLAY (CH) 60 52 25 27 A B-12 3.5 - 5 LEAN CLAY with SAND (CL) 75 47 24 23 X B-15 13.5 - 15 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 64 45 23 22 O B-20 1 - 2.5 FAT CLAY with SAND (CH) 77 63 29 34 0 B-27 8.5 - 10 FAT CLAY (CH) 92 52 25 27 O B-28 8.5 - 10 SILT with SAND (ML) 81 46 38 8 B-29 18.1 - 19.6 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 65 47 23 24 ® B-30 1 - 2.5 LEAN CLAY with SAND (CL) 76 49 25 24 ® B-32 18.5 - 20 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 66 40 22 18 Testing performed in general accordance with ASTM D4318. NP = Nonplastic NM = Not Measured PROJECT NO.: 20183894 ATTERBERG LIMITS APPENDIX DRAWN BY: DHK rKLIINFEL DER CHECKED BY: Robinhood Road Middle School Bright People. Right Solutions. DATE: Robinhood Road �- Winston-Salem, North Carolina REVISED: - I KLEINFELOER anyne won+e-a�ynrsamno�r_ APPENDIX C GBA DOCUMENT 20183894.001A I GS018R79206 June 1, 2018 © 2018 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com 0 Geotechnical-Engineering Report The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) has prepared this advisory to help you — assumedly a client representative — interpret and apply this geotechnical-engineering report as effectively as possible. In that way, clients can benefit from a lowered exposure to the subsurface problems that, for decades, have been a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. If you have questions or want more information about any of the issues discussed below, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. Active involvement in the Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk -confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Geotechnical-Engineering Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a given civil engineer will not likely meet the needs of a civil - works constructor or even a different civil engineer. Because each geotechnical-engineering study is unique, each geotechnical- engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. Those who rely on a geotechnical-engineering report prepared for a different client can be seriously misled. No one except authorized client representatives should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one - not even you - should apply this report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read this Report in Full Costly problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- engineering report did not read it in its entirety. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. Read this report in full. You Need to Inform Your Geotechnical Engineer about Change Your geotechnical engineer considered unique, project -specific factors when designing the study behind this report and developing the confirmation -dependent recommendations the report conveys. A few typical factors include: • the client's goals, objectives, budget, schedule, and risk -management preferences; • the general nature of the structure involved, its size, configuration, and performance criteria; • the structure's location and orientation on the site; and • other planned or existing site improvements, such as retaining walls, access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Typical changes that could erode the reliability of this report include those that affect: • the site's size or shape; • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light -industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; • the elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure; • the composition of the design team; or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes - even minor ones - and request an assessment of their impact. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that arise because the geotechnical engineer was not informed about developments the engineer otherwise would have considered. This Report May Not Be Reliable Do not rely on this report if your geotechnical engineer prepared it: • for a different client; • for a different project; • for a different site (that may or may not include all or a portion of the original site); or • before important events occurred at the site or adjacent to it; e.g., man-made events like construction or environmental remediation, or natural events like floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Note, too, that it could be unwise to rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose reliability may have been affected by the passage of time, because of factors like changed subsurface conditions; new or modified codes, standards, or regulations; or new techniques or tools. If your geotechnical engineer has not indicated an `apply -by" date on the report, ask what it should be, and, in general, if you are the least bit uncertain about the continued reliability of this report, contact your geotechnical engineer before applying it. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis - if any is required at all - could prevent major problems. Most of the "Findings" Related in This Report Are Professional Opinions Before construction begins, geotechnical engineers explore a site's subsurface through various sampling and testing procedures. Geotechnical engineers can observe actual subsurface conditions only at those specific locations where sampling and testing were performed. The data derived from that sampling and testing were reviewed by your geotechnical engineer, who then applied professional judgment to form opinions about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual sitewide-subsurface conditions may differ - maybe significantly - from those indicated in this report. Confront that risk by retaining your geotechnical engineer to serve on the design team from project start to project finish, so the individual can provide informed guidance quickly, whenever needed. This Report's Recommendations Are Confirmation -Dependent The recommendations included in this report - including any options or alternatives - are confirmation -dependent. In other words, they are not final, because the geotechnical engineer who developed them relied heavily on judgment and opinion to do so. Your geotechnical engineer can finalize the recommendations only after observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. If through observation your geotechnical engineer confirms that the conditions assumed to exist actually do exist, the recommendations can be relied upon, assuming no other changes have occurred. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot assume responsibility or liability for confirmation - dependent recommendations if you fail to retain that engineer to perform construction observation. This Report Could Be Misinterpreted Other design professionals' misinterpretation of geotechnical- engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer serve as a full-time member of the design team, to: • confer with other design -team members, • help develop specifications, • review pertinent elements of other design professionals' plans and specifications, and • be on hand quickly whenever geotechnical-engineering guidance is needed. You should also confront the risk of constructors misinterpreting this report. Do so by retaining your geotechnical engineer to participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences and to perform construction observation. Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can shift unanticipated -subsurface -conditions liability to constructors by limiting the information they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent the costly, contentious problems this practice has caused, include the complete geotechnical-engineering report, along with any attachments or appendices, with your contract documents, but be certain to note conspicuously that you've included the material for informational purposes only. To avoid misunderstanding, you may also want to note that "informational purposes" means constructors have no right to rely on the interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations in the report, but they may rely on the factual data relative to the specific times, locations, and depths/elevations referenced. Be certain that constructors know they may learn about specific project requirements, including options selected from the report, only from the design drawings and specifications. Remind constructors that they may perform their own studies if they want to, and be sure to allow enough time to permit them to do so. Only then might you be in a position to give constructors the information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Conducting prebid and preconstruction conferences can also be valuable in this respect. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some client representatives, design professionals, and constructors do not realize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. That lack of understanding has nurtured unrealistic expectations that have resulted in disappointments, delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. To confront that risk, geotechnical engineers commonly include explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations;' many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The personnel, equipment, and techniques used to perform an environmental study - e.g., a "phase -one" or "phase -two" environmental site assessment - differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical-engineering study. For that reason, a geotechnical- engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated subsurface environmental problems have led to project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own environmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk -management guidance. As a general rule, do not rely on an environmental report prepared for a different client, site, or project, or that is more than six months old. Obtain Professional Assistance to Deal with Moisture Infiltration and Mold While your geotechnical engineer may have addressed groundwater, water infiltration, or similar issues in this report, none of the engineer's services were designed, conducted, or intended to prevent uncontrolled migration of moisture - including water vapor - from the soil through building slabs and walls and into the building interior, where it can cause mold growth and material -performance deficiencies. Accordingly, proper implementation of the geotechnical engineer's recommendations will not of itself be sufficient to prevent moisture infiltration. Confront the risk of moisture infiltration by including building -envelope or mold specialists on the design team. Geotechnical engineers are not building - envelope or mold specialists. GEOPROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SEA ASSOCIATION Telephone: 301 /565-2733 e-mail: info@geoprofessional.org wwwgeoprofessional.org Copyright 2016 by Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA). Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with GBAs specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of GBA may use this document or its wording as a complement to or as an element of a report of any kind. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be committing negligent