HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-2106MEMO TO DATE: SUBJECT: G t dt, C e 6f '1?? rvIv s 1 /)? c? d Old From: SfATf o. North Carol i na "Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources s• V? Printed on Recycled Paper pum t ' • Hendersonville, US 25 (Asheville Highway) From NC 191 to Brookside Camp Road (SR 1528) Henderson County State Project #9.8141349 T. I. P. U-2106 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION STATE FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT N. C. Department of Transportation Division of Highways In Compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act For further information contact: Mr. L. J. Ward, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch N. C. Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 xl;?Wzg i L.rJ. wars, N. t., managarr - Planning and Environmental Branch, NCDOT Hendersonville, US 25 (Asheville From NC 191 to Brookside Camp Road Henderson County State Project #9.8141349 T. I. P. U-2106 Highway) (SR 1528) FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT January, 1992 Documentation Prepared in Planning and Environmental Branch By: dk?? a • d` laA;b Teresa A. Hart Project Planning Engineer '/ ?,,,/) '.0 Ric and Davis, Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head ,es?????uaaNa?•I ese?o%?H CAP,p1?6 •••......•. //1. • SEAL 6944 ,,,••'•7`?? a a a B? TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. Project Status and Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-1 2. Description of Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-1 3. Circulation of the State Environmental Assessment. . . . . . . F-2 4. Comments Received on the State Environmental Assessment. . . . F-2 5. Public Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-5 6. Revisions to the Recommended Improvements. . . . . . . . . . . F-6 7. Basis for Finding of No Significant Impact . . . . . . . . . . F-6 APPENDIX Written Comments Received on the State Environmental Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FA-1 through FA-13 State Environmental Assessment State Finding of No Significant Impact Prepared by The Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation 1. Project Status and Costs The project schedule reflected in the 1992-1998 Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P.) is as follows: From NC 191 North to Brookside Camp Road (SR 1528) 2.5 miles Right-of-Way Construction FY 1993 FY 1995 The T.I.P. shows a total funding of $8,520,000 for the Project including 4,470,000 for right-of-way and $4,050,000 for construction. The total estimated cost of the project is $9,080,000, including $5,130,000 for right-of-way and $3,950,000 for construction. Therefore, the estimated project exceeds the T.I.P. funding by $560,000. The project is to be constructed with all state funds. 2. Description of Action The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to improve US 25 (Asheville Highway) in Hendersonville from the existing curb and gutter section near NC 191 North to Brookside Camp Road (SR 1528). The project lies entirely within Henderson County and is approximately 2.5 miles in length. The proposed improvements, are those recommended in the Environmental Assessment (EA) (Alternative 2), which consists of widening the existing roadway to a five lane, 64-foot, face to face of curbs, curb and gutter cross section. An 80-foot right-of-way width is recommended for the proposed improvement. This is to be asymmetrical about the existing center line. Additional easements will be required to contain construction at various locations along the project. The proposed improvement will also include upgrading existing signals, and the installation of a new signal at the Plaza North Shopping Center drive way. F-2 3. Circulation of the State Environmental Assessment The Environmental Assessment was approved and circulated in June 1991 to the following federal, state, and local agencies: N. C. Department of Cultural Resources N. C. State Clearinghouse N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission N. C. Department of Public Instruction U. S. Corps of Engineers U. S. Soil Conservation Service U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Town of Hendersonville Henderson County Board of Education The Environmental Assessment was also made available to the public. 4. Comments Received on the State Environmental Assessment Written comments on the Environmental Assessment were received from several agencies. Copies of the letters received are included in the Appendix. The following is a summary of the comments which required responses: (a) North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Comment - "While we note that this project is to be state funded, the potential for federal permits may require further consultation and compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act." Response - In reference to a memorandum dated July 10, 1989 from the State Historic Preservation Officer a review of this project was conducted and no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the project were found. In accordance with this review, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800, no further consultation or compliance is necessary. Also prior to that, a memorandum dated June 8, 1989, stated the results of the Department of Transportation architectural historian's survey of the project area were reviewed and a concurrence that no National Register listed structures are located within the area of potential effect. Therefore no further compliance with G. S. 121-12(a) is required. (b) Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources Comment - "This project will impact 9 geodetic survey markers. N. C. Geodetic Survey should be contacted prior to construction at P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C. 27611 (919) 733-3836. Intentional destruction of a geodetic monument is a violation of N. C. General Statute 102-4." F-3 Response - The project has been coordinated with the N. C. Geodetic Survey and its office will be contacted prior to construction of the project. Comment - "If any portion of the project is located within a High Quality Water Zone (HQW), as classified by the Division of Environmental Management, increased design standards for sediment and erosion control will apply." Response - The NCDOT will prepare the erosion and sedimentation control plans pursuant to the N. C. Administrative Code, Title 15 A, Chapter 4B Section .0024 if any portion of the project is located within a High Quality Water Zone (HQW). Comment - "The erosion and sedimentation control plan required for this project should be prepared by the Department of Transportation under the erosion control program delegation to the Division of Highways from the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission." Response - An erosion and Sedimentation this project will be prepared by NCDOT program delegation to the Division of Sedimentation Control Commission. control plan required for under the erosion control Highways from the N. C. (c) Land-Of-Sky Regional Council Comment - "Bicycle lanes or wide outside lanes & bicycle safe drainage grates should be considered to tie in to the proposed Buncombe Co. system." Response - The addition of bicycle lanes was investigated in the planning process and no indications that unusual levels of bicycling occurred on this roadway. Since, this section of US 25 was not a part of our Bicycling Highway system and the bicycle travel will occur as part of the overall traffic mix, it is determined that no special accommodations for bicycles are needed. In addition, due to the urban type nature of the proposed improvement, Narrow Slot Grates will be used along the project. (d) North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Comment - "Trees and Shrubs along the tributary should be preserved as much as possible to provide shade to the stream and a travel corridor for wildlife. Response - The NCDOT is aware of the need for this travel corridor and the Roadway Design Unit will design the project utilizing the existing practice of maintaining adequate buffer zones between the stream and proposed slope stake lines to preserve as much vegetation as possible. Comment - The extension of concrete box culverts should be accomplished without blocking fish movement. Culverts should be placed 12 inches below the natural stream channel. F-4 Response - The invert elevations of the existing culverts will generally control the elevations for the proposed culvert extensions. The determination if the flow line can and should be lowered 12 inches below stream bed elevations can not be made until field surveys and final design detailing have been conducted. The request for constructing the culverts below stream bed elevations will be taken under advisement during the design process. Comment - "A low flow notch or channel should be incorporated into one cell of the double concrete box culvert in Britton Creek. Deflectors should direct flow into the cell so that most of the water enters this cell during low flow periods." Response - To achieve this proposal would require replacing or supplementing the existing culvert with a new culvert. Based on potential structural and maintenance problems, a low flow notch can not be reasonably added through the existing 2 @ 12' x 6' culvert. Considering that this highway is located in an urban environment and that Britton Creek at this crossing is not classified as a gamefish habitat, it is not deemed cost effective at this time to incorporate this proposal into the highway project. However, this site will be further evaluated during the final design to determine if some other alternative to providing a lower flow channel is justified and practicable. Comment - "Stringent erosion control measures should be implemented where soil is disturbed and maintained until project completion." Response - An erosion and sedimentation control plan required for this project will be prepared by the Department of Transportation under the erosion control program delegation to the Division of Highways from the N. C. Sedimentation Control Commission. Erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices shall be designed and constructed to prevent silt contamination of streams and areas located on or adjacent to the project. Comment - "Temporary ground cover should be placed on bare surfaces, including spoil piles, as soon as construction is complete. Permanent vegetation in these same areas must be established within 15 days of project completion to provide long term erosion control." Response - Temporary ground cover shall be placed on bare surfaces as specified in Section 881 "Temporary Seeding" and Section 889 "Temporary Mulching" of the N. C. Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures Manual. Permanent vegetation shall be established pursuant to Section 880 "Seeding and Mulching" of the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures Manual F-5 5. Public Hearing Following circulation of the Environmental Assessment a public hearing was held on September 17, 1991 at the Balfour Elementary School. Approximately 50 citizens attended the hearing, and 7 made comments for the record. The majority of persons who offered comments on the proposed improvements supported the project. Principal topics of concern included bike lanes, improvements to intersections, right-of-way, site distances, and the proposed Clear Creek Connector (U-2425). All comments and questions were satisfactorily addressed at the hearing or are addressed below. (a) Intersection Improvements - The NC 191 intersection and the realignment of Stoney Mt. Road were further investigated, and it was determined that improvements to the NC 191 intersection should be considered under project (U-2425). The realignment of Stoney Mt. Road is not recommended due to the proximity damages that would occur due to the grade changes in the area. (b) Sight Distances - Sight distances and vertical grades at the Berkley Drive intersection and the Balfour Elementary School will be investigated and designed to provide the best possible sight distances for all vehicles. (c) Bike Lanes - As noted above under Item 4(C), the addition of bike lanes was investigated, and it was determined that no special accommodations were needed. (d) Preservation and the Addition of Trees - Planning studies have determined the the existing two lane facility should be widened to a five lane curb and gutter facility. There are no plans for a median in which trees could be planted. Existing trees outside the slopes of the project should not be disturbed during construction. However, as stated in the Environmental Assessment (Pg. 5) $60,000 has been included in the construction cost estimate in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Landscape Planting Policy for the proposed project. The possibility of including the planting of trees along the right-of-way will be developed as part of the landscape plans. (e) Written Comments from Lew Steinbach, President of the Opportunity House were received. A summary of the comments which required responses is stated below. Comment - "We are sympathetic to the need to widen US 25, but we do have some serious concerns about the D.O.T. plan which we want to bring to your attention. 1. The entire widening from the present 22' to 80' is shown as being taken from our property. 2. Our estimate is that on this basis we will lose 40 to 45 parking spaces, or 30-34% of our available parking. F-6 3. Our lot is presently full 40% of our regular hours. Within a year this will be 75%. 4. The reduced parking availability will trigger extra traffic movement as the overflow searches for parking with the attendant risk of pedestrian traffic crossing US 25." Response - Due to the proximity of the existing road, flexibility in alternative alignments was limited. However, as indicated in the Environmental Assessment, and alignment symmetrical about the existing roadway was also considered. This symmetrical w dM would result in a greater number of rel ocatees and,-:d6crase?,, a safety benefits as provided in the recommended °`'lwment Additionally, the NCDOT is cognizant of the lost parking spaces and the inconvenience it may cause. However, the need to transition to the width of the existing pavement is necessary for safety reasons and from an engineering standpoint. For these reasons, and the additional cost of a symmetrical widening, widening US 25 on the property of the Opportunity Group is proposed. Comment - "An addition of very real concern is the mystery of the connector from Clear Creek to Highways 25 and 91. We feel strongly that D.O.T. should level with us as to its most probable route so our organization can plan accordingly." Response - No connector between US 25 and NC 191 is proposed as part of this project. A connector will be considered under Project U-2425. 6. Revisions to the Recommended Improvements Project Costs - Updated project costs are shown below: Construction Right-of-way Total $3,950,000 5,130,000 $9,080,000* *Exceeds T. I. P. costs by $560,000. 7. Basis For Finding of No Significant Impact The comments received on the Environmental Assessment did not reveal any significant impacts resulting from the proposed improvements to US 25. As stated in the EA, the recommended improvements would result in the relocation of three residential and nine business establishments. It was determined that the relocation will not result in the fragmentation of any established neighborhoods. Furthermore, the project is supported by the local residents. F-7 Based upon study of the proposed project as presented in the EA, and upon comments received from federal, state, and local agencies, it is the finding of the N. C. Department of Transportation that this project will not have a significant impact upon the human environment. The proposed action will not have a significant adverse impact on natural, ecological, cultural, or scenic resources of national, state, or local significance. The project will not have significant adverse impact on air, noise, or water quality in Henderson County. The project is consistent with plans and goals that have been adopted by Henderson County and the State of North Carolina. Therefore, and Environmental Impact Statement or further environ- mental analysis will not be required and for all these reasons it has been determined that a Finding of No Significant Impact is applicable to this project. TAH/plr l 511 North Carolina Department of Administm ?::n--cs C. Martin, Covemor September 4, 1991 Mr. Calvin Leggett N.C. Department of Transportation Program Development Branch Highway Building Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr.. Leggett: J ? p< Q ?, l , ?l?Lames ?,,I;ofton, Secretary P.F.: SCH File #92-E-4220-0064; Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Improvements to US 25 From NC 191 North to SR 1528 Near Hendersonville, NC (TIP #U-2106) The above referenced environmental information has been reviewed through the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Attached to this letter are comments made by state/local agencies in the course of this review. Because of the nature of the comment(s), it has been determined that you may submit a Finding of No Significant Impact to the State Clearinghouse for compliance with the Act. The comments should be taken into consideration in project development. Best regards. FS bn ely, J S. JSL jt Attachment cc: Region B FA - 1 116 West Jo: t-s Strut • Ra-Heigh, North Carolina 27603.8003 • Telephone 919-733-7232 Ac Equ: I Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer y ?T State of North Carolina 1 Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor Douglas G. Lewis William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Planning and Assessment MEMORANDUM TO: Chrys Baggett State Clearinghouse FROM: Melba McGee` Project Review Coordinator RE: 92-0064 - EA - Widening of US 25, Henderson County DATE: September 3, 1991 The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources has reviewed the environmental assessment for the proposed widening of US 25. Generally speaking, our divisions have no objection to the project as proposed provided the conditions in the attached comments are followed. Thank you for the opportunity to respond. MM: bb Attachments FA-2 1U. Iiux ? t;:' ILuci h, Kurth l arulma .'7t:1l a:X% Irlcphunr 1)19-733 Clio S North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee, Planning and Assessment Dept. of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources FROM: Dennis Stewart, Manager Habitat Conservation Section DATE: August 22, 1991 SUBJECT: Administrative Action Environmental Assessment for the widening of US 25 from NC 191 to SR 1528 in Hendersonville, Henderson County, State Project 9.8141349, T.I.P. U-2106. This correspondence responds to your request for our review of the proposed widening of 2.5 miles of US 25 from NC 191 to SR 1528 (Brookside Camp Road) in Hendersonville, Henderson County. These comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (G.S. 113A-1 through 113A-10; 1 NCAC 25). The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen the existing roadway to a 5-lane curb and gutter highway. The project will encroach on 0.04 acre of wetlands associated with crossings at Britton Creek and a tributary. Existing concrete box culverts in the streams will be extended to accommodate a 5-lane highway. Biological field staff of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the Environmental Assessment and conducted a site visit on August 15, 1991. Britton Creek (FBR 1-65-5) has a bankfull width of 5-6 feet and substrate of silt, sand, gravel, and small cobbles. The tributary has a bankfull width of 3-4 feet and similar substrate. Gamefish are not present, but the streams may provide habitat for a limited number of shiners and chubs. The riparian zones of both streams are narrow and contain disturbed herbaceous plant communities, providing minimal shade and cover for wildlife. An exception is along the tributary downstream of the roadway where willow, black locust, and other tree and shrub species provide shade to the stream and a travel corridor for wildlife. Other FA-3 Memo Page 2 August 22, 1991 wildlife habitat is limited to disturbed mixed hardwoods toward the northern end of the project. Fisheries and wildlife resources of the project area are somewhat poor due to the urban nature of this area. The NCWRC will not object to the project if the following conditions are met by NCDOT: 1) Trees and shrubs along the tributary should be preserved as much as possible to provide shade to the stream and a travel corridor for wildlife. 2) The extension of concrete box culverts should be accomplished without blocking fish movement. Culverts should be placed 12 inches below the natural stream channel. 3) A low flow notch or channel should be incorporated into one cell of the double concrete box culvert in Britton Creek. Deflectors should direct flow into this cell so that most of the water enters this cell during low flow periods. 4) stringent erosion control measures should be implemented where soil is disturbed and maintained until project completion. 5) Temporary ground cover should be placed on bare surfaces, including spoil piles, as soon as construction is complete. Permanent vegetation in these same areas must be established within 15 days of project completion to provide.long term erosion control. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If we can be of further assistance, please advise. DLS/lp cc: Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Habitat Biologist Mr. Micky Clemmons, District 9 Fisheries Biologist Mr. Joffrey Brooks, District 9 Wildlife Biologist FA-4 i? axpr..? a? C• ll' ,r . State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources rD n? Jzvnes G. Martin, Governor PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS Charles H. Gardner Wiliam W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary ,/ Director Project Number: 9.2--00&4- County: ?le- 11de c•t7oY) Project Name: A z,/•5 ?s -Cro'A ?A•e• Ill -?O S• 15.2.5 Geodetic Survey D? '??. 9•??4.1349 7Z•? ?-•alOCv ? This project will impact -1- geodetic survey markers. N.C. Geodetic Survey should be contacted prior to construction at P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 (919) 733-3836. Intentional destruction of a geodetic monument is a violation of N.C. General Statute 102-4. This project will have no impact on geodetic survey markers. J other- (comments attached) ? CO.`t? N-0-P For ore =ar? ntact the Geodetic Survey office at (919) 733-3836. eviewer Date Erosion and Sedimentation Control No comment This project will require approval of an erosion and sedimentation .control plan prior to beginning any land-disturbing activity if more than one (1) acre will be disturbed. If an environmental document is required to satisfy Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) requirements, the document must be submitted as part of the erosion and sedimentation control plan. _ If any portion of the project is located within a High Quality Water Zone (HQW), as classified by the Division of Environmental Management, increased design standards for sediment and erosion control will apply. The erosion and sedimentation control plan*required.for this project should be prepared by the Department of Transportation under the erosion control program delegation to the Division of Highways from the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. Other (comments attached) For more information contact the Land Quality Section at (919) 733-4574. _a7-5'/ Reviewer Date P.O. Box 27687 • Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 • Telephone (919) 733-3833 An Enuaf Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer FA-5 to rl H - N1 Z 10 : Q ` <`! S { coI caw z r N LJ o 4 q a s a ?: w >d O pY op? ?I•J . Z. -co ? .. F= ^ ?I ?I h ?I a?. ?I ?I nl Z,l Co ? `l'?o5Ah ; . ? w . z Ld C14 C14 zu? U' Q .(n w a J Q a V to a F- J W p-? ? •?. V Q.. Z a O J _ W z A'F 0 ?. ?! YQ moo'? ?m'm Z~a a . N =lU)o .. _• d a? . w z. o s .Q d aoi, .J = W ... A A/ z%s?` Z. WI rCa• z: p o a O' w ,I I- d H: W IQ aim +a w'.. I??..d L a. :Q:T Z O CD = ;w 3' 4a i ?w C). cr_ Er _ .. .? . a t- J? v_? Wf v?, ap J a •Q: OZ tRl IZ?F Q : O . ; r Z _ ' .OC _ s d lcr. CL W Q , _ _- s Q' C w cn mot' ?-? :.'' (' z , r ?4 w w 2 `? J d ell Er LL LLJ C z VD) % ANN* r:z; O r1 O >a ;? r W .- LL w IN v- S' JQ' U••aZ W. % ?.{? r .? :j, r •-._:. .•W ?. l•.. A Cn r n a m 0 Z 3 ?tn p z v 4 xr- C) ? ' r r-? N a w w r Y? ?[yj w.. .. .:..'. ... ..•. % (D ZZ . Li o >- I r ?q _ ?- Z < . zz ?? ! W ~o m ?? W`rWW~ ? t l O^I j `" Lei O Z a- C) 10 8 `^'I G "li i?l v ?R 1 v o ; l a r.lu; W W O ,b 10 pq Lf) Lo c' cn \ W .- _ •.. n :fin a0 . O "1 a- ,,,,t LU :7 oI 0- CL' o...nwrE4 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources .. James G. Martin, Governor Patric Dorsey, Secretary August 27, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: L. Jack Ward, P.E., Manager Planning and Research Branch Division of Highways Department of T(ann ortation FROM: David Brook Division of Archives and History William S. Price, Jr., Director /-d Deputy State istoric Preservation Officer SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment for US 25 (Asheville Highway) from NC 191 to Brookside Camp Road (SR 1528), Henderson County, U-2106, 9.8141349, CH 92-E-4220-0064 We have received information concerning the above project from the State Clearinghouse. As stated in our letter of June 8, 1989, and the Environmental Assessment, no National Register-listed structures are located in the area of potential effect. While we note that this project is to be state funded, the potential for federal permits may require further consultation and compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area. Based on our present knowledge of the area, it is unlikely that any archaeological resources which may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the project construction. We, therefore, recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. These comments are made in accord with G.S. 121-12(a) and Executive Order XVI. If you have any questions regarding them, please contact Renee Gledhill- Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. DB:siw/ cc: r State Clearinghouse B. Church A. Hart 109 EastJones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 FA. 7 LAND-OF-SKY REGIONAL CC r.- AUG 199 J PNCI.L 25 HERITAGE DRIVE • ASHEVILLE. NORTH CAROLI T E L E P H O N E 1 7 0 4 1 2 5 4. 8 1 3 1 Regional Clearinghouse N.C. Intergovernmental Review Process Review and Comment Form The Land-of-Sky Regional Council has received the attached information about a proposal which could affect your jurisdiction. If you need more information, contact the applicant directly. If you wish to comment on this proposed action. complete this form and return it with your comments to this office by _Au G, Z61 / 99/ . Comments received after this date cannot be included in our response to the State Clearinghouse. ?E?/?GcJL 'St J = fl AV2 THE EA)' 7JeE ^-SU /1A4- E MENTAL- zES H6A)7- !F YNI W1514 7'D SE5 T if you need additional time in order to obtain more information about v the application or to formulate your comments, please call Jim Stokoe at 254-8131 as soon as possible. An extension of the review period may be possible. A NOTE to Reviewers - Projects with a "C" in the State Application Identifier (below) is a funding proposal review. Comments should focus on the acceptability or unacceptability of the project. Projects with an "E" in the identifier are environmental or site reviews. Comments for these projects should focus on the adequacy of the environmental document or site selection process. If no comment is received by the above date, it will be assumed you have no comments regarding this proposal. State Application Identifier # 92-E-VX770-00661 Regional No. 5:-92- Commenter's Name IIDJCV Title, spn} jal P1r14 Representing- "Ili Plmn irih (J,?cal government) Cb Lt -7 9)9kn /Address CP I^ Phone 54 -? t- Date ,:2 ? 131 Comment (or attach): .fit"1.91 SERVING REGION B: BUNCOMBE. HENDERSON. MADISON & TRANSYLVANIA COUNTIES FA-8 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer y North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety James G. Martin, Governor Division of Emergency Management Joseph W. Dean, Secretary 116 W. Jones St., Raleigh, N. C. 27603-1335 (919) 733-3867 August 7, 1991 MEMORANDUM To: N.C. State Clearinghouse, Department of Administration From: J. Russell Capps, Division of Emergency Management, NFIP Section Subject: Intergovernmental Review Re: State # N.C. 92-E-4220-0064 N.C. DOT - Proposed Improvements to US 25 from NC 191 North to SR 1528 near Hendersonville For information purposes, the Commission is advised that on July 24, 1990, Governor Martin signed Executive Order 123, a Uniform Floodplain Management Policy, which must be followed for development on any site. FA-9 An Equal OPI»rtunicy / Affirmative Action Employer Tr , OPPOPTUNITY GRZOUP ESTABLISFED IN 1958 ARTS • CRAFTS and CULTURAL CENTER September 17, 1991 I am Lew Steinbach, President of Opportunity House located at 1411 Asheville Highway. We are a tax exempt, non-profit organization with over 2,000 members, most of whom are retired. We are sympathetic to the need to widen U.S. 25, but we do have some serious concerns about the D.O.T. plan which we want to bring to your attention. 1. The entire widening from the present 22' to 80' is shown as being taken from our property. 2. Our estimate is that on this basis we will lose 40 to 45 parking spaces, or 30-347 of our available parking. 3. Our lot is presently full 407 of our regular hours. Within a year this will be 757. 4. The reduced parking availability will trigger extra traffic movement as the overflow searches for parking with the attendant risk of pedestrian traffic crossing U.S. 25. An addition of very real concern is the mystery of the connector from Clear Creek to Highways 25 and 191. We feel strongly that D.O.T. should level with us as to its most probable route so our organization can plan ac- cordingly. I believe Opp House is a tremendous community asset--you might even say business. I'm concerned that to D.O.T. we may be viewed as a bunch of old folks who will not object or be concerned about losing some parking. Our Board of Trustees has requested that you be advised how strongly we feel about this proposed expropriation. FA -10 1411 Asheville Highway • Hendersonville, N. C. 28739 • (704) 692-0575 M? VV. Wit. ?v rr? Sr, FiH0 T0: CI-11'r]" ENCTMF;F:R - N. C. DEPT. OP 11 AN' SPORTATI:0N FT'.OM: ARTHUR D. HARRINGTON, TRANFORATION COMMITEE, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE: COMMENTS REGARDING WIDENING OF US 25 NORTH DATE: SEPTF14D'ER 11, 1991 This appears to be a well designed project long overdue, and much needed by Greater- Hendersonville. One glaring deficiency, however, is the total omission of any plan for the southern terminns of the project. The intersection of the Clear Creek connector, SR 191 (Haywood Road), and Justice Street ought to be designed and incorporated into this place now. Even tho it is not constructed at the same time, a plan with ROW corridors is essential for property owners, institutions, and utilities to look ahead. At present, this intersection is a "comedy" and very dangerous. A plan for growth in an orderly fashion seems essential. 1) r?ll krFA - 11 HENDERSON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 100 N. King Street Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 Matt Matteson Phone (704) 697.4819 County Planner FAX (704) 692-9855 October 9, 1991 W.A. Garrett, Jr., P.E., Public Hearing Officer N.C. Department of Transportation Division of Highways P.O.Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina .27611 RE: PROJECT U-2106 (Widening US 25 N. from NC 191 to SR 1528) Dear Mr. Garrett: This is to request that the North Carolina Department of Transportation approach the design phase of the above referenced project with the intent to provide the greatest protection of existing trees and to add additional street line trees wherever possible. Frees should be selected and sited keeping in mind public safety factors and visibility in key commercial corridors. Trees should be basically ornamental in nature with a general balance of evergreen and deciduous. Trees should be placed strategically to add an aesthetic element to compliment the overall highway design. Like trees should be grouped, such as in front of Balfour Elementary School. In instances where the highway right-of-way abuts the railroad right-of-way whereby turning lanes will serve only development on the west side of US 25N, trees should be planted in medians which could be constructed as shown in the attached sketch. 1 will be pleased to provide any assistance that your highway planning or landscaping design staff personnel may need regarding this matter. Very truly yours, 1.'att Matteson, County Planner h1-V k ..r s te FA-12 ? I SK1? 7r 4 o t= TYPI c?? 'fit=-'St<?) wKC-R ?f'c? r?guTS R?II-Z o.?t? R.- o • ?J G?6? or= ?whr-o?=wq? C-? I I U.S. Z5 tJ, LOFT TVRt-% I wotn I LD r t_v Rb r- (?., rr? I I c„c?1 c,>4 v2 I I IZl?? S t3 t? C j t?^Z'C1-i 1 ? 2A? i-R oia? R-o-w 12?a a G.- a Nor Tu FA -13