HomeMy WebLinkAboutU2805NOTICE OF A CITIZENS INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP FOR THE PROPOSED WIDENING OF HOMESTEAD ROAD (SR 1777) FROM HIGH SCHOOL ROAD (SR 1834) TO NC 86 Project 8.2501101 U-2805 Orange County The North Carolina Department of Transportation will hold the above Citizens Informational Workshop on June 25, 1997 between the hours of 4 PM and 7 PM in the Chapel Hill Town Hall, 306 N. Columbia Street. Under this project it is proposed to widen Homestead Road to a three-lane shoulder section on five-lane right of way. Interested individuals may attend this informal workshop at their convenience during the above-stated hours. Department of Transportation representatives will be available to answer questions and receive comments relative to the proposed project. There will be no formal session held. Anyone desiring additional information may contact Ms. Missy Dickens, P.E., at P.O. Box 25201, Raleigh, NC 27611 or at (919) 733-7844, ext. 223. In order to comply with the American Disabilities Act, NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services for disabled persons.who wish to attend the workshop. To receive special services, please contact Ms. Dickens at the above address, phone number, or fax (919)733-9794 prior to the. date of the hearing. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form Project Number: County: Date: q(, -c) -) q ? 0 (0/ ? Project located in 7th floor library Date Response Due (firm deadline): This project is being reviewed as indicated below: Regional Office/Phone Regional Office Area In-House Review ? Asheville ? All R/O Areas Soil and Water E1 Marine Fisheries ? Fayetteville kTAir ? Coastal Management ? Water Planning Wwater ? Water Resources Environmental Health ? Mooresville roundwater Wildlife ?Solid Waste Management Raleigh ,Land Quality Engineer NTForest Resources ?Radiation Protection ? Washington ? Recreational Consultant P?1and Resources ? David Foster ? Wil i ? Coastal Management Consultant Parks and Recreation El Other (specify) m ngton ?Others environmental Management ? Winston-Salem PWS C Monica Swihart RECEIVED JON18?. ENV Manager Sign-Off/Region: Date: r0% In-House Reviewer/Agency: v ??y . Response (check all applicable) (OMX?5 P`'ouldej MIT ?r l SCOj??r? rytea Regional Office response to be compiled and completed by Regional Manager ? No objection to project as proposed ? No Comment ? Insufficient information to complete review ? Approve ? Permit(s) needed (permit files have been checked) ? Recommended for further development with recommendations for strengthening (comments attached) ? Recommended for further development if specific & substantive changes incorporated by funding agency (comments attached/authority(ies) cited) RETURN TO: Melba McGee PS-104 In-House Reviewer complete individual response. ? Not recommended for further development for reasons stated in attached comments (authority(ies) cited) ?Applicant has been contacted ?Applicant has not been contacted ? Project Controversial (comments attached) ?'Consistency Statement needed (comments attached) ? Consistency Statement not needed ? Full EIS must be required under the provisions of NEPA and SEPA ? Other (specify and attach comments) Fr Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs 5 vc N C. DEPART.MENT:_(!F_TRANSPORTATMIV ._ 1 TO: Eric Galamb DEM-DEHNR-Water Quality Section FROM: Missy Dickens, P.E. Planning and Environmental ACTION - ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR -CONVERSATION ?. NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER.: YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME -ABOUTTHIS ? FOR .YOUR INFORMATION E3 PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE _ ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT. COMMENTS: ! r.? N 0? >t DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GovERnoR MEMORANDUM TO FROM: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RECE-NED MAY 0 ? 1996 EWROt\SWENTAL X"'ENOES DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT ]R. P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY April 24, 1996 Pile Missy Dicke , , Pr ect Planning Engineer Planning and Environmental Branch SUBJECT: Scoping Meeting Minutes for SR 1777 (Homestead Road), F. om SR 1834 (high School Road) to NC 86 (Airport Road), Federal Aid Project STP-1777(1), State Project No. 8.250110 1, TIP Project U-2805 A scoping meeting for the subject project was held on April 9, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in the Planning and Environmental Branch conference room (room 470). The following people attended: Mike Taylor Town of Chapel Hill - Engineering David Brown Town of Chapel Hill - Engineering Slade McCalip Orange County - Planning Debbie Bevin State Historic Preservation Office Kathy Lassiter Roadway Design Glenda Gibson Roadway Design Julie Youngblood Roadway Design Pat Puglisi Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Dan Thomas Statewide Planning Ray McIntyre Program Development Don Sellars Right of Way Nelson Frye Right of Way George Karageorge Traffic Engineering - Traffic Control Derrick Lewis Traffic Engineering - Congestion Management Ray Moore Structure Design Sid Autrey Location and Surveys Jack Matthews Photogrammetry Eugene Tarascio Geotechnical Julie Hunkins Planning and Environmental Aileen Scott Planning and Environmental Missy Dickens Planning and Environmental 9 t 2 I opened the meeting by describing the project and existing conditions as outlined on the handout provided at the meeting. Following is a summary of the project information provided and the discussion that ensued. GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION The current TIP calls for the widening of the subject section of Homestead Road to a 3-lane shoulder section. The TIP schedule calls for right of way to begin in Fiscal Year 2000 and for construction to begin in Fiscal Year 2002. The TIP allocates $1,900,000 for right of way and $1,400,000 for construction. The Environmental Assessment is scheduled to be completed in March 1997; the Finding of No Significant Impact is anticipated to begin in June 1997 and to be completed by October, 1997. The project is located partially inside the limits of the Town of Chapel Hill. The subject section of Homestead Road is classified as an Urban Minor Arterial (the scoping sheets erroneously reported that part of Homestead Road is a Rural Minor Collector). PURPOSE AND NEED Road. The purpose of the project is to improve capacity and safety along Homestead TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND CAPACrrY Projected traffic volumes were provided at the scoping meeting. Maximum projected ADTs Ln the design year (2020) are 17,000 without the Weaver Dairy Road connector in place and 20,100 with it in place. However, these volumes do not reflect the possible expansion of the University of North Carolina onto property located on the south side of Homestead Road. If such an expansion occurred, volumes might be significantly higher. Preliminary capacity analysis shows a level of service of F in the design year if no improvements are constructed. SAFETY The accident rate along the project is higher than the statewide average. The Feasibility Study stated that 46 accidents were reported between September 1, 1989 and August 31, 1992. This yields an accident rate of 467 accidents/100 million vehicle miles (acc/I00mvm) as compared to the statewide average rate of 295 acc/100mvm along similar two-lane roads. The sight distance is poor along the project. In addition to widening, Roadway Design and Planning and Environmental agreed that vertical alignment improvements were necessary as part of the subject construction. i EXISTING ROADWAY A three-lane (38-foot wide pavement) curb and gutter section exists from NC 86 to Brookstone Drive (entrance to Brookstone Apartments). There is an existing sidewalk on the south side of Homestead Road in this section. There is also a sidewalk on the north side, but it appears to be owned by Duke Power and to be behind the existing right of way. From Brookstone Drive to High School Road, Homestead Road is a two-lane (22- foot wide pavement) section with grassed shoulders that vary from 2 to 8 feet in width. POSTED SPEED The posted speed along the project is 45 mph. However, the Town of Chapel Hill has requested that Division 7 reduce the posted speed to 35 mph inside the city limits and 40 mph outside the city limits. INTERSECTING ROADS The SR 1777/NC 86 intersection is signalized; all other intersections along the project are currently stop-sign controlled on the minor roads. However, the High School Road intersection has been approved for the installation of a signal, to be accomplished by Division 7. There is an existing exclusive eastbound left-turn lane at SR 2246 (Sterling Bridge Road) and an existing exclusive westbound right-turn lane at Camden Lane. UTILITIES Utilities in the area include overhead utilities that are located behind the ditch. There is also an underground water line and possibly an underground telephone line. It is suspected that most of the utilities along the project are on existing right of way by encroachment. Impacts are expected to be low. UST INVOLVEMENT An abandoned gas station is located in the southwest quadrant of the NC 86/SR 1777 intersection, and it is believed that the tanks are still in place. ALTERNATIVES TO STUDY PROPOSED CROSS SECTION It was agreed to study both a 3-lane shoulder section and a 5-lane curb and gutter section. It is anticipated that the right of way required for the Mane section would be 30 meters (100 feet) plus easements. This right of way width would k 4 allow for future 5-lane widening without requiring a substantial amount of additional right of way. The proposed right of way width for the 5-lane alternative for Project U-2805 would probably be 36 meters (120 feet). There is a newly constructed two-lane bridge on SR 1777 near its intersection with Old NC 86 (west of the subject project). It was stated that 5-lane widening in the future would produce a bottleneck effect at this bridge unless it were widened. WIDENING SCENARIO It was agreed to study symmetrical widening since symmetrical right of way (90 feet in width) has been reserved near the Homestead Village subdivision. Also, right of way donation is being negotiated west of Seawell School Road. I suggested we also study an asymmetrical alternative in an attempt to minimise impacts to wetlands. The Planning and Environmental Branch will work with Roadway Design to determine the best asymmetrical alignment to study based on the existing alignment and constraints. BICYCLE FACILITIES Homestead Road is a part of the Regional Bicycle Plan for Orange and Durham Counties. Under TIP Project E-2912, it is proposed to designate Homestead Road a bicycle route. The Town of Chapel Hill has asked that we provide bike lanes as part of the subject project. The Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation stated that NCDOT does not typically build separate bike lanes on roadways with a continuous center left-turn lane; it is more likely that the Office would recommend either using the paved shoulder for bicycle traffic or providing extra pavement width on the outside lanes for bicycle traffic. However, NCDOT (Planning and Environmental Branch and the Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation) will continue to coordinate regarding the recommended bicycle facilities. PEDESTRIAN FAcmrr Es NCDOT will replace the existing sidewalk at the eastern end of the project if it is removed by project construction. The Town of Chapel Hill has requested that sidewalks be constructed along the entire project. However, a portion of the project lies outside the Chapel Hill Town Limits. Heretofore, NCDOT has not constructed sidewalks outside of municipal city limits because of maintenance and liability issues. While NCDOT might consider building sidewalks in coordination with county governments if the maintenance and liability issues could be reconciled, Orange County expressed reluctance to assume maintenance responsibility for sidewalks along Homestead Road. It therefore appears that k 5 Chapel Hill would need to annex the project area in order for NCDOT to build sidewalks in accordance with our current Pedestrian Policy. While there is the possibility of future annexation, no known annexation plan currently exists. OTHER REOUESTS BY LOCALITIES The Town of Chapel Hill discussed plans to possibly realign Mortimer Circle (currently intersecting Homestead Road on the north side just west of the railroad) to intersect Homestead Road farther to the west, away from the railroad crossing. The proposed Mortimer Circle would be sited to intersect Homestead Road opposite the subdivision entrance proposed across the street. The Town of Chapel Hill also expressed the desire to have bus turn-outs constructed along this project. Orange County asked that NCDOT investigate the implementation of a cooperative access management plan along the project. The Planning and Environmental Branch will investigate the possibility of meeting these requests in coordination with the local governments. OTHER PROJECTS IN THE AREA TIP Project U-2302 (scheduled to go to construction in Fiscal Year 1997) calls for the multi-lane widening of NC 86 in the Homestead Road vicinity. Improvements to the NC 86/SR 1777 intersection proposed under U-2302 will need to be ascertained. The Weaver Dairy Road Connector is shown on the Thoroughfare Plan, but it is not currently funded in the TIP. COMMENTS FROM ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCIES Debbi Bevin of the State Historic Preservation Office examined photographs of structures over 50 years of age located along the project. She said that no architectural or archaeological surveys are necessary. Eric Galamb of the N.C. Division of Environmental Management phoned prior to the scoping meeting to offer his comments. He said that the project is located on a ridge that drains into either Bolin Creek (WS-IV), Crow Branch (B Nutrient Sensitive), or Booker Creek (B-Nutrient Sensitive). The B designations means body contact (swimming) occurs. He recommends that, in the case of a B designation, NCDOT commit to high quality erosion control measures in the Environmental Assessment. David Cox of the N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission also phoned prior to the scoping meeting to say that he had no specific concerns and that Best Management Practices should be sufficient. cc: Scoping Participants N. C. DEPARTMENT OF 'TRANSPORTATION I DATE _- --I ?l?_._T2dN.SMLTSAL__SLIL-__.? L TO: Eric Galamb DEM-DEHNR-Water Quality Section FROM: Missy Dickens, P.E. Planning and Environmental ? RETURN.W.ITH. MORE DETAILS.. ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL. ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT, THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION.- ? -PLEASE ANSWER ? - FOR YOUR COMMENTS ?'.PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT ,.:. ..`COMMENTS:..:,.. .. .. a RECEIVED ?o MAR 12 1996 .??. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETr JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 6, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Eric Galamb DEM - DEHNR, 6th Floor FROM: H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch. 2, SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheet for SR 1777 (Homestead Road), From SR 1834 (High School Road) to NC 86, Chapel Hill, Orange County, Federal Aid No. STP-1777(1), State Project No. 8.2501101, TIP Project No. U-2805 Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (See attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for April 9, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 470). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting or the scoping sheets, please call Missy Dickens, P.E., Project Planning Engineer, at 733-7844, Ext. 223. HFV/tp ?I& Attachment q?tif?b b c?Q?J f 4 ?r PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Date March 6. 1,996 Revision Date Project Development Stage Programming Planning X Design Ili" 4 ':i-L8C'5 . Ctate ^rvic t t 8.250 1 10 Project ^r^. 777 1' ?ivi= or: c G ,mac 7-77 runcrional C-lossificu,lon rural ?il;?o' Colie.--tor/Urban !\Ainor Artenai Length 1.4 miles Purpose of Project To improve access between Carrboro and Chapel Hill, to improve access to Chapel Hill High School, to improve safety and sight distance conditions associated with turning movements along the project, and to improve capacity Description of Project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: To widen SR 1777 (Homestead Rd) from SR 1834 (High School Rd) to NC 86 to a multi-lane facility, including the construction of pedestian and bicycle facilities Type of environmental document to be prepared: Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Schedule: EA to be completed by March 1997; FONSI to begin in June 1997 and to be completed by October 1997 Will there be special funding participation by municipclity, developers, or other? Yes No X If yes, by whom and amount: {$) or {%) How and when will this be paid? PROJECT SCOPiNc SHEE Type of Access Control: Full Partial None X Number of Interchanges none Grade Separations none Stream Crossings none y;icai Sect s . ? 7r,g -;a n e ' ! `u rno s?iv : -1 c, ri e .:: Cc G fro m ', . iC ^ o }c; Rroc ,.S-' j ? .E ?; '1r l. . . , Frccosed 3-lane sihcuider {maintaining C&G vvhere it exisis Traffic (A.C?T)',: Curren' 480'u'-?800 Design ccr 98:0 0) 100 T ST 1 ? Duals 3 Design Standc-ds,oplicabie: AASHTO X IC SDeec.: 30i `5 Construction Cost (including encin-ering cnc cont!ngErCiES ....... 43:10 U10 Right of Way (including relocation, utilities, and acquisition) ........ $ Force Account Items ................................ Preliminary Engineering ........................... TOTAL PLANNING COST ESTIMATE ........... ....................................... $ TIP Cost Estimate: Construction ........................................................................................ 3 1,400.000 Right of Way ........................................................................................ $ 1.900.000 TOTAL TIP COST ESTIMATE ........................................................ $ 3,300,000 PROJECT SCOPING SHEET List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which could affect cost or schedule of project: ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS COST Estimated Costs of Improvements: X Pavement SurfCce ............................................................................... .48 .^^o Base .................................................................................... Milling & Recycling ........................................................... v Turnouts .............................................................................. Shoulders -Paved ................................................................................. 5 =arthen ............................................................................... h - (k c.^d "re ora i g ........... _ ......................................... _a - ^ uCU -- , . vi. bsiirfa CC Items ...... .................. W Y Suoc(aae and ST biilzat;or ....................................................... y .C Drainage any spec a 'ielif>,i ............................................... 11 J I I L C I ur vs l -? -- Briage Rehab ..................................................................... $ dew Bridge ........................................................................ $ Remove Bridge ................................................................. New Culvert ....................................................................... $ Culvert Extension ............................................................... $ Retaining Walls .................................................................. Noise Walls ......................................................................... Other Misc ......................................................................... $ Concrete Curb & Gutter ........................................................... Concrete Sidewalk ..................................................................... Guardrail ..................................................................................... Fencing W.W .................................................................................... $ C.L ...................................................................................... X Erosion Control ............................................................................ $ 32,000 Landscaping ............................................................................... $ Lighting ........................................................................................ $ X Traffic Control ............................................................................. $ 64.520 Signing New ................................................................................... Upgraded ......................................................................... $ X Traffic Signals X New ................................................................................... $ 35,000 -Revised .............................................................................. RR Signals New ................................................................................... $ -Revised ............................................................................. `?- -With/without Arms ........................................................... $ PROJECT SCOPING SHEET ITEMS REQUIRED iX.; COMMENTS COST if 3R Drainaae Safety Enhancement ..................................................... $ Roadside Safety Enhancement ..................................................... $ ealignment for Safety Upgrade .................................................. X Pavement Markings --Paint ................................................................................................. $ -Th:ermc 1aS1! !c .............................................................................. 3 xRaised :'avement Nlarkers ......................................................... S 32.2oG U it;fity Ccns+,rUc -:on L;ne,) ............................................................ a '32, "Q0 X Other 'clear;n,g, grubbing, misc., and mod.: ....................................... 2d : ?' CC`iTRr.CT COST Sobiotal .............................................. SAC Enc'neer' na Con' tae cies ........................................................................... 3U . .................................................................................................... -- b + r n? Right-Of-W--y Will contain ihln existii-i R/W° Yes No Existing Width New R/W needed Estimated Cost .......................... Easements: Type Width Estimated Cost .......................... Utilities ........................................................................................................ Right-of-Way Subtotal ..................................................................... `lam Prepared by: Total Estimated Cost .......................... $ The above scoping has been reviewed and approved by: Init. Date Highway Design Roadway Structure Design Services Geotechnical Hydraulics Loc. & Surveys P hotogrammetry PreL Est. Engr. Ping & Environ. Init. Date B.O.T. Member Mgr Program & Policy Chief Engineer- Precon Chief Engineer- Op Sec Roads Officer Construction Branch Roadside Environ. Maintenance Branch Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning Right of Way R/W Utilities Traffic Engr. Project Manaaernent County tiVlanager NAuric!palit'j PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Init. Date Division Engineer Biciycle Coordinator Program Development FHW,A Dept. of Cult. Res. DEHN"P (Scoping Sheet for local officials wiii be sent to Division Engineering., Init. Date `if you are not in agreement with proposed prciect cr scoping, note ycur propcsed revisions or commen*s here: - 0 \ty NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1* DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH ' SR 1777 (HOMESTEAD ROAD) SR 1834 (HIGH SCHOOL ROAD) TO NC 86 CHAPEL HILL ORANGE COUNTY T. I. P. PROJECT NO. U - 2805 0 mile 1/2 FIG. 1