HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200660 Ver 1_2020-05-19 Buffer Protection - SW Package_20200519J MCADAMS NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS Buffer Impact - SW Narrative GENERAL DESCRIPTION NARRATIVE > AVC-19000 The proposed development is located in the Neuse River Basin draining to Big Branch Creek. The site is not located within a Watershed Protection Overlay. According to the N.C. Division of Water Quality Basin Wide Information Management System (BIMS), Big Branch Creek [Stream Index # 27-33-17] is classified as C; NSW at this location. The proposed development shall be subject to the stormwater management requirements set forth in Section 9.2.2. of the City of Raleigh regulations. Per City of Raleigh regulations, stormwater management on this site shall address two primary issues: (1) peak discharge rates and (2) water quality management. The proposed project will result in a significant increase in peak flow rates to the downstream points of analyses. To mitigate these impacts, the proposed stormwater management facilities have been sized such that post -development peak flow rates are no greater than pre -development levels in the 2- and 10-year storm events on site. To meet the City of Raleigh standards in Phase 1, one stormwater wet pond and one underground detention/StormFilter are proposed. To meet the City of Raleigh standards in Phase 2, two stormwater wet ponds are proposed. Therefore, in the full build -out condition, three stormwater wet ponds and one underground detention/StormFilter are proposed. As the site is located within the Lower Neuse watershed, the target loading rate for TN is 10 Ibs/ac/yr. The site nutrient calculations are divided into two nutrient boundaries corresponding to each phase boundary for Phases 1 and 2 individually with each meeting this requirement. Additionally, 85% TSS removal for the site will be required, as is provided by the proposed StormFilter and stormwater wet ponds. A buydown payment will be required to offset the remaining TN loading down to 3.6 Ibs/ac/yr. DIFFUSE FLOW REQUIREMENTS The proposed development will also result in the re-routing of existing stormwater that will create a new discharge to the 50' Neuse River Buffer onsite. The accompanying exhibits, C9.1 and C9.2 show in more detail where these new outlets will be located. Drainage to the outlets is comprised of a significant amount of existing impervious offsite, new impervious associated with ROW areas that will remain untreated, and a significant amount of drainage from new impervious that will first receive treatment from the proposed StormFilter system. Diffuse flow rules require new discharges through the buffer to be non -erosive and/or provide 30% nutrient removal from an upstream SCM. To address these requirements, each outlet will be directed at a velocity dissipator pad sized using the NYDOT method and shown in the accompanying calculations. To ensure that the stone size will be appropriate, Bentley's FlowMaster program was used to confirm depth of flow through the dissipator pad and then shear stress calculations performed to ensure that the proposed NCDOT Class 'I' riprap will appropriately dissipate the energy from these outlets. As an added measure, a small scour pool has been placed at the end of the dissipator pads to further dissipate energy of outflow into the buffer. Water will then exit the pools in a dispersed manner into the adjacent low-lying buffer area, to be planted with a wetland seed mix, prior to entering the stream channel. By dispersing flow through the created wetland area, potential for additional nutrient uptake is created. As previously stated, the outflow to each of these points contains a mixture of treated and bypassed flows. To offset the impact of the bypassed flows, the proposed StormFilter will provide overtreatment (-50% TN removal) of new impervious in combination with the stream adjacent wetland that will also provide supplementary nutrient removal. creating experiences through experience 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 / 919. 361. 5000 n• 1 = " j r / L �\ I \t _\ ` J� \ ) .< ,`/ 1`4l / G\�1\ ,� �\ _ \ I 1 I r r7'—�� 3v / E / ; \� ., ��� 1 it /�� 1�\� /V LI �l \ _ _ 1 \ / } I \ �\I III I I I / r �� —� l l — *�, \_ _� �_ _ I ! — ` 1-1r /'\JI��_ l Iti Jylj \ l f / / �� I \ i 7 r o�^� }-� �\ \� /� a \ \ \ t / - i I �1 �- / ,.L — � � � 1 /I � 1^iL 16 1�z\\ �r i Ill I r \ \ � / � ~\ � /�\ I \ \ � ,I � SIIIII/ / � � 1 �� `�`� // III\ l L `leF �> 1 J/'^ IN v vv y101moRm\ \ vA \ Vv� �V v. \vv.. \� �� \ V�100N� : \\\ \ V \\ \ \\\\ \ �.;.>a oA \'.,...on \\�\ \,.` .•�\ \\ IBM, � \ \0... PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA TO DISCHARGE POINT TOTAL AREA 62.82 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA (UNTREATED) = 998,865 SF MISSION \ 'J McADAMS The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com CLIENT NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE: XXX. XXX. XXXX LLJ (A z � LLJ a W � c O 61-1 w O a� za° REVISIONS 0 f\I U z w J NO. DATE PLAN INFORMATION PROJECT NO. AVC-19000 FILENAME AVC19000-IMP EX. CHECKED BY RAS DRAWN BY HBD SCALE 1"=150' DATE 04.13.2020 SHEET IMPERVIOUS AREA TO DISCHARGE PT. POST Project Project No. Outlet ID Flow, Q10_yr Slope, S Pipe Diameter, Do Pipe Diameter, Do Number of pipes Pipe separation Manning's n DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET North Ridge Apartments Date 5/19/2020 AVC-19000 Designer RAS Buffer Outlets 50.0 cfs 0.50 % 36 inches 3.0 feet 1 0 feet 0.013 Fh!ure 8.06.b.1 25 20 one V 15 w V 10 7 on 41 7.1 ft/se 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 36 in. Length = 18.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 50.0 cfs Width = 9.0 ft. Outlet velocity 7.1 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class 1 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class 1 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class 11 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class 11 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required 1. Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 2. Outlet velocity based on full -flow velocity SCM - Rip Rap Outlet Protection Design5/19/2020 Buffer Outlets Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.069 Channel Slope 0.06670 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 9.00 ft Discharge 50.00 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.93 ft Flow Area 11.01 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 14.90 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.74 ft Top Width 14.60 ft Critical Depth 0.89 ft Critical Slope 0.07937 ft/ft Velocity 4.54 ft/s Velocity Head 0.32 ft Specific Energy 1.25 ft Froude Number 0.92 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.93 ft Critical Depth 0.89 ft Channel Slope 0.06670 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.07937 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 5/19/2020 10:33:56 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS SHEAR STRESS CALCULATIONS AVC-19000 Buffer Outlets Shear Stress Calculations for Outlet Channel where, T = yds y: specific weight of water (pcf) d: depth of flow (ft) s: channel gradient (ft/ft) Input data: y = 62.4 pcf d = 0.93 ft s = 0.067 ft/ft Calculated Values: T = 3.87 p/sf T < 2.40 = Class'B' riprap T < 4.80 = Class T riprap T < 9.64 = Class'II' riprap R. STUBBS, PE 5/19/2020 NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS AVC-19000 TN -Loading Input Data POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 1 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS Nitrogen Analysis Area [acres] H. DEW, PE 1/22/2020 3uo-ua5111 iu I Open Wooded Impervious Pond Total To SCM A 2.31 0.00 8.97 0.00 11.28 To SCM B 0.65 0.00 2.51 0.17 3.34 Bypass Area 6.34 2.61 3.12 0.00 12.07 Totals= 9.3U Z.b1 14.bU U.1/ Zb.b9 TN -Loading Output Data -Ew Sub -basin ID Nitrogen Analysis Area [acres] TN -Load Before Treatment [Ibs/yr] % Removal TN -Load After Treatment [Ibs/yr] BM Type To SCM A 11.28 192.94 50% 96.47 StormFilter To SCM B 3.34 54.30 30% 38.01 Wet Pond Bypass Area 12.07 76.82 0% 76.82 /orals = 2b.b9 3Z4.Ub Z11.3U Total TN -Load After Treatment = 211.30 Ibs/yr = 7.92 Ibs/ac/yr Compute Estimated Offset Payment Total Nitrogen Analysis Area = 26.69 acres Max. TN -Export w/o Offset Payment = 96.08 Ibs/yr 3.60 Ibs/ac/yr Computed TN -Export After Treatment= 211.30 Ibs/yr 7.92 Ibs/ac/yr Total TN -Export Requiring Offset Payment= 115.22 Ibs/yr 4.32 Ibs/ac/yr # of Years requiring offset = 30 yrs Ibs Total TN -Export Requiring Offset Payment = 3,456.7 NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 1 AVC-19000 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS To SCM A METHOD 2: Quantifying TN Export from Residentail / Industrial / Commercial Developments when Footprints of all Impervious Surfaces are shown. STEP 1: Determine the area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). STEP 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). STEP 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). STEP 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). STEP 5: Determine the export coefficient for the site by dividing the total TN exportfrom uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Area TN export coeff. TN export from use [acres] (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/yr) Permanently protected undisturbed 0.00 0.6 0.00 open space (forest unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed 2.31 1.2 2.77 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage 8.97 21.2 190.17 areas, etc.) TOTAL 11.28 --- 192.94 Total TN Export = 17.1 Ibs/ac/yr impervious = 79.5% <== Includes BMP Area NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH H. DEW, PE 1/22/2020 NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 1 AVC-19000 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS To SCM 8 METHOD 2: Quantifying TN Export from Residentail / Industrial / Commercial Developments when Footprints of all Impervious Surfaces are shown. STEP 1: Determine the area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). STEP 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). STEP 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). STEP 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). STEP 5: Determine the export coefficient for the site by dividing the total TN exportfrom uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Area TN export coeff. TN export from use [acres] (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/yr) Permanently protected undisturbed 0.00 0.6 0.00 open space (forest unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed 0.83 1.2 0.99 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage 2.51 21.2 53.31 areas, etc.) TOTAL 3.34 --- 54.30 Total TN Export = 16.3 Ibs/ac/yr impervious = 75.3% <== Includes BMP Area NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH H. DEW, PE 1/22/2020 NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 1 H. DEW, PE AVC-19000 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS 1/22/2020 Bypass Area METHOD 2: Quantifying TN Exportfrom Residentail / industrial/ Commercial Developments when Footprints of all Impervious Surfaces are shown. STEP 1: Determine the area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). STEP 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). STEP 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). STEP 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). STEP 5: Determine the export coefficient for the site by dividing the total TN exportfrom uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Area TN export coeff. TN export from use [acres) (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/yr) Permanently protected undisturbed 0.00 0.6 0.00 open space (forest unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed 8.95 1.2 10.74 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage 3.12 21.2 66.08 areas, etc.) TOTAL 12.07 --- 76.82 Total TN Export = 6.4 Ibs/ac/yr impervious = 25.8% NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH LEGEND I= SITE BOUNDARY PHASE 1 ■ ■ NUTRIENT BOUNDARY SUBBASINS TO SCM ■ 7■■■■■■■■■■' OPEN AREA WOODED AREA - BYPASS IMPERVIOUS AREA - TREATED 7ENEWIMPERVIOUS AREA - BYPASS 1 / 1 EXISTING \ SANDY FORKTR/W) \ \ (VARIABLE WIDTH EXISTING THE LAKES DRIVE 1 11 I \ �. EXISTING '\ SPRING FOREST RD (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W) EXISTING LAKE HILL DRIVE J)HAINUA UKIVt (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W) GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100 200 400 1 inch = 200 ft. F— zLu W W Q r1 i z a _0 Q N C o a W m N Q�Nz W z �_ z V aw z J 2 W Lz- /�/ r2 J Y� 0 W J =W a i W Y� 0 0 0 zCL C ? O V E E y ti O U a Eau _Z m u E avE c�� lu E g g-E v m L N O N L C N - NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 2 H. DEW, PE AVC-19000 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS 1/23/2020 TN -Loading Input Data Nitrogen Analvsis Area [acres] 3uo-ua5111 iu I Open Wooded I Impervious I Ponci I Total To SCM C 2.28 0.00 3.77 0.33 6.38 To SCM D 1.98 0.00 2.17 0.16 4.31 Bypass Area 0.95 0.68 1.38 0.00 3.01 Totals = 5.22 U.bx /.32 U.49 13. /U TN -Loading Output Data Sub -basin ID Nitrogen Analysis Area [acres] TN -Load Before Treatment [Ibs/yr] % Removal TN -Load After Treatment [Ibs/yr] BMP Type To SCM C 6.38 83.05 30% 58.14 Wet Pond To SCM D 4.31 48.65 30% 34.06 Wet Pond Bypass Area 3.01 31.15 0% 31.15 1 orals = 13. /U 1bL.65 Total TN -Load After Treatment = 123.34 Ibs/yr = 9.00 Ibs/ac/yr Compute Estimated Offset Payment Total Nitrogen Analysis Area = 13.70 acres Max. TN -Export w/o Offset Payment = 49.34 Ibs/yr 3.60 Ibs/ac/yr Computed TN -Export After Treatment= 123.34 Ibs/yr 9.00 Ibs/ac/yr Total TN -Export Requiring Offset Payment= 74.00 Ibs/yr 5.40 Ibs/ac/yr # of Years requiring offset = 30 yrs Total TN -Export Requiring Offset Payment = 2,220.1 Ibs 1L3.34 NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 2 AVC-19000 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS To SCM C METHOD 2: Quantifying TN Export from Residentail / Industrial / Commercial Developments when Footprints of all Impervious Surfaces are shown. STEP 1: Determine the area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). STEP 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). STEP 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). STEP 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). STEP 5: Determine the export coefficient for the site by dividing the total TN exportfrom uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Area TN export coeff. TN export from use [acres] (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/yr) Permanently protected undisturbed 0.00 0.6 0.00 open space (forest unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed 2.61 1.2 3.14 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage 3.77 21.2 79.92 areas, etc.) TOTAL 6.38 --- 83.05 Total TN Export = 13.0 Ibs/ac/yr impervious = 59.1% <== Includes BMP Area NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH H. DEW, PE 1/23/2020 NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 2 AVC-19000 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS To SCM D METHOD 2: Quantifying TN Export from Residentail / Industrial / Commercial Developments when Footprints of all Impervious Surfaces are shown. STEP 1: Determine the area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). STEP 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). STEP 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). STEP 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). STEP 5: Determine the export coefficient for the site by dividing the total TN exportfrom uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Area TN export coeff. TN export from use [acres] (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/yr) Permanently protected undisturbed 0.00 0.6 0.00 open space (forest unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed 2.14 1.2 2.57 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage 2.17 21.2 46.08 areas, etc.) TOTAL 4.31 --- 48.65 Total TN Export = 11.3 Ibs/ac/yr impervious = 50.4% <== Includes BMP Area NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH H. DEW, PE 1/23/2020 NORTH RIDGE APARTMENTS POST -DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 2 H. DEW, PE AVC-19000 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS 1/23/2020 Bypass Area METHOD 2: Quantifying TN Exportfrom Residentail / industrial/ Commercial Developments when Footprints of all Impervious Surfaces are shown. STEP 1: Determine the area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). STEP 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). STEP 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). STEP 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). STEP 5: Determine the export coefficient for the site by dividing the total TN exportfrom uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Area TN export coeff. TN export from use [acres) (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/yr) Permanently protected undisturbed 0.00 0.6 0.00 open space (forest unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed 1.63 1.2 1.96 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage 1.38 21.2 29.19 areas, etc.) TOTAL 3.01 --- 31.15 Total TN Export = 10.4 Ibs/ac/yr impervious = 45.8% NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN THE STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH LEGEND I= SITE BOUNDARY PHASE 2 ■ ■ NUTRIENT BOUNDARY SUBBASINS TO SCM ■ ,■■■■■■■■■■' OPEN AREA WOODED AREA - BYPASS IMPERVIOUS AREA - TREATED 7ENEWIMPERVIOUS AREA - BYPASS 7000= POND AREA 1 EXISTING \ SANDY FORKS RD \ \ (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W) �T� 1 v EXISTING THE LAKES DRIVE EXISTING I AKF HII I nRI\/F EXISTING SHANDA DRIVE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W) \ 1 n— C EXISTING SPRING FOREST RD \ P � GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100 200 400 1 inch = 200 ft. Z o0 rn Ooo 0 0 QO O N c U U cn Co 11 G % % ¢ U = Ol ¢ ¢mUn-io O LL Z zu,m> m Z w ¢ � z w 0 Lu a Lu d auoLn zLu w W 2 Lu Lu a a�wz LU F— >> W z �(D z QLCu J � G p�oz J W H > o a 0 0 z0- C ? O V E E y ti O O N O E u _Z m u E < E c�m�lu E E g g L v m L N O N L H C N -