HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960432 Ver 1_Complete File_19960507'-.State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director MEMORANDUM: May 6, 1996 31 6 AY0 7 1996 44 aM • A HNR o?3a qlo? TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: Betty F. Douglas Project Location: 155 Big Hammock Pt Rd, Pelican Pt Subdivision. Sneads Ferry, Ons1Co Proposed Project: The construction of a 160' long access walk over federal and coastal wetlands connected to a 4' wide by 75' long pier with a 5' X 10' dock at the waterward end. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 28, 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Janet kussell at extension 249. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY : J This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. CC.3uL.?w D0P.Ao"e Y SIGNED RECEIVED FrB 4 41997. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ? ? J A DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT APPLICANT'S NAME: Betty F. Douglas 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 155 Big Hammock Point Road, Pelican Point Subdivision, Sneads Ferry, NC, Onslow County Photo Index - 1995: 28-377 Gr M 21 1989: 4 168 8 Gr D 20 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2 490 600 Y: 286 400 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - Numerous Was Applicant Present - No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - cc: 4/8/96 Office -Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Onslow County Land Classification From LUP - Limited Transition (B) AEC(s) Involved: PT, EW, ES, CW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Walkway, Pier & Dock (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - North Topsail Water & Sewer Planned - N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Single Family Residence Planned - Walkway. Pier & Dock (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/ A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands 404 & Coastal (Shaded) 215' x 4' (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands (C) Other (Shaded) 10' x 4' & Public Trust & Oyster Bottom 10' x 5' (D) Total Area Disturbed: Approximately 1!x'10 square feet (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes M Water CLssification: SA Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SLALMARY: The applicant is proposing a 160' long access wall: over federal and coastal wetlands connected to a 4' wide by -75' Iona pier with a 5' by 10' dock at the waterward end. i Betty Douglas Page 2 9. PROTECT DESCRIPTION The Douglas property is Lot #11 of Pelican Point Subdivision on Big Hammock Point Road in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina, Onslow County. The lot is approximately is 25,000 square feet in size. About 8,000 square feet of the lot is high ground with the remainder being designated as federal and coastal wetlands. The rear of the lot is bisected by a small, shallow canal. The canal is about 16' to 18' wide and is connected to the waters of Chadwick Bay. The rear of the property does extend to Chadwick Bay according to survey. Chadwick Bay is a large, shallow, embayment with active shellfish leases. One of those oyster leases is what generates the need for this Major Permit Application. The waters of Chadwick Bay are classified as SA by the Division of Environmental Management. These upper reaches of the Bay are designated as Primary Nursery Area by the Division of Marine Fisheries. These waters are open to the taking of shellfish and there are at least three recorded shellfish leases in Chadwick Bay. One of these leases borders Lot #11. The proposed pier and dock would extend into that shellfish lease. Verbal objections have been received from Mr. Brian Shepard, the lease holder. The lease has been under the control of the Shepard family for more than 50 years. This is an active lease with clams and oysters being seasonally harvested from this area. To the present, a lease-holder's objection has been taken into consideration, but has not been a basis for denial of a permit. The proposed 4' wide wooden walkway would extend from the high ground portion of the lot to mean high water (landward edge of the spartina marsh) or about 160 feet. This elevated walkway would cross federally designated 404 wetlands and coastal wetlands. Some of the species that would be shaded by this proposed walkway are Salicornia. Distichlis snicata, Limonium, and various federally listed species. The walkway would become a "pier" once it crosses the mean high water line. The proposed 75' long pier will cross Spartina alterniflora and other species which thrive on both sides of the canal. The pier will be elevated 7.4' above the canal bottom to provide for navigation underneath the structure. This canal is shallow and narrow and could only be accessed by a very small boat on high tide. A cross- sectional diagram of the proposed bridge or elevated canal crossing is shown on sheet 13 of 32 with the permit package. An adjacent propert-• owner has raised obiections about the wav that this elevated portion may look. However, the applicant has proposed this e'.e : aced section based upon the Division's recommendations to avoid impeding navigation in this small channel. The required 15' setback from the adjacent riparian corridors will be met. There is only one other pier on this shoreline. It is a community pier built to serve three lots. It was authorizes under the Major Permit for Pelican Point. Water depths in this portion of Chadwick Bay are extremely shallow. At low tide there is less than six inches of water near the shoreline in the vicinity of Lot 11. On the day of a most recent site visit there was 2-3 inches of water at low tide. This depth did not noticably increase moving away from the shoreline. Such depths will severely limit boating activities. Betty Douglas Pier Page 3 10. ANTICIPATED MPACTS Potential impacts include disturbance and shading of approximately 1000 square feet of public trust waters and coastal wetlands. This would be the second pier and dock constructed along this section of Chadwick Bay. There are between 10 - 20 undeveloped lots on this side of the Bay that are eligible to request pier permits. Anticipated impacts of one small pier and dock should be minimal. However, cumulative impacts of several piers and docks are of more concern. Generally speaking, there would be potential for an increase in boat traffic for every pier constructed along this shoreline. Such construction increases the chances for disturbance, siltation, and pollution of the shellfish resource in Chadwick Bay. Janet M. Russell / May 6, 1996 / Wilmington ------------------------- TI-R1-02-1 ??5 17-'24 FROI•I E}-RIP I-J i U1 FEG OFFICE TO q - - - - - - - - - - - _910455.,?_033 P.04 , Form DCM-MP-1 JTT- r( ^ ; ?? G^ Ii APR 0 8 1996 APPLICATIOT?(' I IV, DIVISIUN OF (To be cothploOd by All Applldnts) COASTAL MANAGEME;IT b. city,wn, Cot>u UMV or lWrnirk 1. APPUCAN't C. Street Vdreg! or iecohdiry toad number f4. a. Landoanet: Name B6;r-r r ail G IAS Address B16 0 AI"I Mec IL +??r ?/? City 5 ?rleg- Q? State ?. c- Zip Ze4?--o bay Phont _A to) 3Z1- ? 149 Fax d. h proposed Work Ohio city limits or planning )Uri s?Ic br? ? YeA ,-,--. No c+lst.c?1 cr>, j FL,&, +,i +art 3j R-IsarT-J E. Name of body of *itet ttelrest project (e. g. river, creels, l!outid, bay) G l+Lt- " 3. MCtt"ON A" PLANNED USE - OF PROPOSEb MoAc t b. Authorized Agent: Name I?n??I ES 16 G' ;f. •s. Address Z O 'Z- y,I xv, L I c k. 5? City J<?.s??1 ?, L t s State r•I . . Zip 'Z Ca4v bay Phot,c (110) 4 - 00-11 1 Fax ?i 1G ?- X03 C. Project nitre (if any) _ DodG LAS P E>2 NO7F: pm„ i wro to hruod U Aamo o164owr ro), d?,d/or 2. LOCATION OP PROPOSM PROJECT a. Countv 0 i. List ill dtvelopment ictivltiet you propose (e.g. Nildtstg A hoM#, tttotel, mirint, bulkhead, pier, ind mcivlitlob irtdlor filling Activities. FrLto osEz> e4-45.sTRalcr wo eF 4: ?,Tti 'T FJ?r? - No ECGAJA-r) of ? s b. Lt tfit proposed ictivlty ttMgtntehin of existing proJtct, etw work, or both? oGK. c. Wilt tht projldbb fbt public, privAte or oommercW usel PILI \/,A, . d. Glut i Wit de.{ctlpttoh of purpose, ate, thethods V cothiuctlotl And ditty "along of proposed projed. It wbta M1'It elided, please mach Addltioeal pliM. V-Pcse o f I%u>lcr-1- I S -G X C.t SS G { hl + G k- F??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- J01-n2-1995 1-,'24 FROM ER1R WILM PEG OFFICE TO 89194559033 P.05 q E7 7Z r Form T)CM-MP-1 APR 08 19°5 DIViSiUIN OF 4. LAND AND WATElt CHARACfiMPMICS COASTALL PJI/N??EcU1EiJT in. besc ibe? w twbt treltymbnt facilitlea. .? s j L d' ?5 t• a. Size of entire tract ?? 3?U `-?Q Fl' ti• b. Size of individual lot(s) c. Approxim'te elevation of tract above MHW or NWL +. e) d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract o• i e. Vegetation on tract Imo t- L-AG ?i . MA?s+? (lf1l? Dmerlbt location lrtd type of discharges to waters of the state. (Pot• fumpte, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/cottimtreiat ! vent, "wash doowp" And reldentiel discharges.) ?Ml s, ' D2lJ 4 Tda??? c???+??.LSJ?a???5ic?1 drs?,rt. Describe drlnkin wAtps?pply? J?e. -1 f. Man-made feAtures tiow on tract DW - l.L??` t. AbDIMNAL INEOttMATION g. Arhat is the CAMA Land Use Flan land classification of the site? (coniuL iAe kcal taawe pi'm.) In addition to the completed Application form, the IbIlowing item! must bt tubmitted: ohservation Transitional Developed Community , A ?Py of the a (with Stan Ippllcatlon only) or Rural Other ether ltlstrUtntrit undet *hlch the Applicant claims tlile to the lfftcttd ptopertlts. If the Applicant Is trot h. Flow is the tract zoned by local government? ciabIng to bt th2 owner of gild property, then i5 for*and a copy of the deed of other In#mment under which the own±r clilmt title, p1Ut *ritten permission i. IF the proposeid oject corl_sisttnt with the applicabit from the owntt• to canny out the project. zoning? ? Yes No (Attach tc4if cemr.lamer K,roceve, U An itdltitt, W04 work plat (including plan view and crost-sectlonal drawings) drAwn to scale In black J. Has A profestion2l archaeologic,Al asses?,m;nt been ink on in 8.1/2' by 11" white paper. (Refer to done for the tract? Yes V No Coastal Pe!3ourets Commission Rule 71.0203 for a If yes, by whom? de'.alltd description.) , k. Is the project locdt2d in A National Regist•_red Historic District or doe. it iavoivt a National Regitw, l'im or e11611 f;toptit?y? Yes ? No 1. Are there wetlands on tltt? YMl NO Coawal (rnarth) .._V OthQr if yes, hie A delineation bon conducted? -' (14noCA docun+entetfe», tjo%vila it) ALL r?11r?1 Ftesse Molt that originAl drawings ere preferred and only high tLuality copies will be ilccepted. Blue-line prints of otbtr 11.r9tt Plitt tit Icceptable only if an adequ2tf butnb6t of quality copie sirt provided by ippiicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of tnglo4n regarding that 9gency's uise,aLI2rger drawings.) A sits or locatlon tnAp is S part of !at r!quir!unents Ahd It mutt be tufficlentiy MOM to gvidt Agency perronnel unfamillar with the area to the il_r?1 L12_iac5 17 JS9.1 9933 P.05 25 FFQti E1?i>R l?liLtl PEG OFFICE------------------------------------------"-------- D Form MAI-1<tP-1 APR 0 8 1990 DIVISIUN tit= ' site. Include highway or seconduy road (SR) 1-rnASTAi MANAGEMENT numbers, landmarks, and the like. 6. CEO IMCATION AND PERMISSION • A Stormw•tet CbrWItAtIon, if ohs In necessary. mO PN = ON LA" • A list of the niftlM Arid totnplOf AddreM&4 et tht AdjAcent wAfferoat (ripltlAh) 1"downej And signed return HMpt! As pttset Wt t w:h owom haot r"red A bopY Ot th! Apptitltlon And ptAts by certirtd instil. Such lArtdo*tiet i must be Advised that they havt 30 drys lb Web to (submit comments on the proposed project to the! bivision of Coastal Management. Upon signing this ttotm, the Applicant further certifio that such notlce has been provided. Name t I 3 Y-, S??EgkZs? Address 140 G?t?• 1 r-5 Gttac.. ?.r? Phone She ?Gz? ?1.c . Zao Name jp4j , aorc-63k-x?? 4 HAaAal Address IE'Y- Phone _ rl E I undetatW thAt Any permit issued In r"pone to this tlpplic'tion*i11 Ailo* only the development described in the Appliettloti. Ibb ptojeet *ill be subject to conditions dial restdctiofit contained to the permit. I oettify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed Activity eotnpllo *Ith the state of North Grolina's tlpproved CoMW MAft gftent ProgrAm And will be conducted in A MAtinet co>zsistent with tuch program. I cettlfy chit t Am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permissioh to. tlpteAtntatives of !Late And federal review Agencles to later ob the Aforementioned lands In cofmtction with tvaiuating information related to this permit Application Attd follow-up monltoring of the t?3?• Name ?-?s `? further certify that the information provided in this Address _Zi s ?lc e 0 ?,i Lc 7- appticdtlon Is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Phone _HAscJ Cyr{ T,N, S04ol • A }act or Prtts1010 Wit Ot ted011 Otfth! _s Issued for work on the project trAct. Include permit numbers, permittee, and lssuing dates. • A check for WO insde piyabie to the Departmw,t of Environment, Health, Arid - Ngtura! ke„ources (DEHNR) to eovtr the tostt of processing the application. • A signed AEC hAtAtd Atk0 for proje!ts in wunfroitt VW Inlet Afeu. • A stil"Mt of totttptluo with the N.C. F,ni-ironnlel W Poiiey Ad (N.C.G.S. 113A - t to 10) 1f the projocct itfvolvo the tltpWture of public funds or use of public Inds, AtUch A ttxement dxumenting compiiAnce with tht North CArolln' Environmental Policy Act. This a the dsy of 1Qeu , 19 910, Qrvtt ?Fame G4!/??,Es ? ? ibGS , ? s . rte---r Aaahm;trd Atew Please indicite t ments peswa??to out proposed prajeot. ?J DCM 1'+xP-2 ticAvAtion And Pill Information DCM W-3 Uphill Development DCM MP-A Strucl:UrO Information ' DCM MP-3 Brldgm And Culvetts DCM M?4 Me W r*eloMmt No piv_au Ngn drtd date each dtdchmm In the ;mcr povfded dt th-a bot'tm of each fom. i CHARLES F. RIGGS & ASSOCIATES. INC. 202 WARLICK STREET P. 0. BOX 1570 JACKSONVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA 28541-1570 (910) 455-0877 I J1 '?\/T D= April 3. 1996 DE APR 0 6 1996 Narrative for Betty F. Douglas Pier DIV!SIUNOF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. Walter A. Douglas and wife. Betty F. Douglas were granted Lot 11, Phase VIII. Pelican Point on September 23, 1994 as shown in Deed Book 1206. Page of 70 of the Onslow County Registry. (copy enclosed). Upon receipt of the property the Douglas built their dwelling on said lot. The Douglas employed my services to acquire a permit for a pier to Chadwick Bay. I contacted all adjoiners informing them of the Douglas intentions. At this time. the Douglas were in fact requesting to extend a pier 200'. It was during this contact that the owner of the oyster garden to the north. Mr. Shepard (copy of deed enclosed) had written with his response. He was not in favor of this proposal and had suggested his own proposal. Both the Grnssnickles and the Peacocks did not have objections to the Douglas proposal. I have enclosed conies of these previous letters. Since the completion of the Douglas Home and the ori_inal contact of the adjoiners. '.tr. Pouglas has deceased. Mrs. Dou?las has authorized me to aprlv for a permit to construct a pier as shown on the enclosed drawings. f* '•trs. Dous!as is requesting_ to construct a waIk-xaV t o Chadwick lea crossing a canal and with a pier extending 15' within the waters of Chadwick Bay. The walkway will be elevated 6.0' above the canal at a point that has designateli b CA`.tA. The pier will he elevated 3.0 feet above the raters of Chadwick Bay so as not to interfere with 'dr. Sheaard's oyster garden. 'Fire application includes a copy cf the suhciivision map of Pelican Point. a copy of '.tr. Shepard'-O':ster Garden deed. a ccpv of Mrs. I)ouglas' deed r.nd a cop, of the original rermit`for Fe Iican Point for Pier Construction,. please note this Gerrit doe., not restrict lot 11 frorn tfie construction of a pier. I have sent ,tr. Shepard. the Grossnick!es and r - the Peacocks. a cnpy of (qtrs. no u9In , ne•.v int_entirns and ;--formed them they have ;0 dnv s in which tr; ,n1,rni' r-:,mments to re Division cf Coastal '•fannecment. (nr i2inal r,.,.eipt, e;clo<<; _. ) , a The construction of the walkway appropriate materials as approved Management. The height of the wal elevation over coastal wetlands a shading. The construction of this interfere with Mr. Shepard's oyster and pier will be of the by the Division of Coastal kway and pier will be at an sufficent height to minimize pier would not significantly garden. D (7, T7 777j D APR 0 6 1996 D1vlSjUN, CF COASTAL MANAGEMENT s- r CARO?q SEAL ?9 L-2981 4 - eE.ao \ J (? ?..1 ' sto. o? e° \ G a od \ o z cn an 3,1 en H, TT \ a. ? o bg °"7 'IS vial ,I,,tc ap (/i ??z APR 0 6 1996 1SgISfcv C _~ W- Wa '1S glBl ?a I a lsl+lz? Z E1 S ui\.., OF ' \?1« 4162 T TAL M NAG EM E o C n c 1 N"OHL S? J II tom L Z a 15 0 v z? !f 15 NOSir10N1 1nN153H tS ATO z /ab? ?I 1e ? oc ?6 x o 1s HIM J° <W `C' of. IIS V3ANV3 G -a? 4 bye -jQ° c ¢ BUMIS CR. R0. ?s 11S N13111- C t a U r115S SN 3 3 °I %P-6 I IS 4 E CN4 Zul IE ,S ".L u- R0I is 416 Olt I. '11L 5 4is 412 \\~? 1a 2! A. is vj W `^$ f ?O , i + W 11, d Islet 1S /vi N \ S 1 y1 11 ?? OI ; ? Va AbMOt•JLRi ?y b? c a p° \ z Q Q, S \ L r ZCD rC C1 ?3 ??y Z N BOOKER- Rb?OHl ???` Ili a ' w o NASHINGiON ?_, g a2?O' ti ?]? -' 7 Q o 9l? :?, ?O , ° v III O Q $ a ?O N C, Lu S Z as _,, ?, •,,? :8 ? ?, o? c. ¢ z C p o ld ?,r.,,r V I C) '? ? ? ? , f 'o o a,,, o; C o Z 3 1MI}, bOq \? (t'j Q ?°% J ,, ?s° 3a3 a Se idlro+ dly? D ti!C? :' "`:+` 1 Q ? Z2 ? m Y ?; l NI Q? ¢ ?Yd• Not ! 1,', 1e :o c?> Nl u' _y }}Ya C ?I! (n •?-,i.+. o - - = I 1 \5 TMI^LIt. - ' ?.yl# W WC's S `?J7 0 't. c•,'T ' v O z s'• O `• I 6 J. aal ?. t .4.s*? 4 Env !1121 "1 ?' \0 gyp. awe y a a 3 \ SJ ?qL - N 'kN cfl to I rt I o ? ? `+? N 3 ?O? _ LO K - C , j AP R0. O c 0, lei E O 0.`i' O C c• ,, a t0 - rf OJ SJ (!?? U) I I I !O\ Z L? c- ? s - O ul4inS- ., c 1 C (W(? . < 0.1 ?- c W , N 31, S P P. I{?;.1 . 5?aE?Ro ?,IF?,os F?Q?(. N.c. re4?o ? ?9G•°?'?IE 1?' Is Q?ti CIF' 7?•ee. ?•a•aa 1"M CA44, DoT 10 I'??1{rIF_. 6Q?'s5?1c{CI E ln?l ?E 1 ! t??t? ??eti ?}f Iooto ?EFEC-L. Ocl:s rR.lza , FU. 7o =o, Fv. Z3 i ? I Q I ' I ' rI M I I I I II 11 II 1 444 WLtL?1Jb p6U?4A71?N J.S FE e- M.S. ap, r6. Z3 _P N n N Zs ??osQ FT-? + y Q tic) 4 PS 4) N ` 'N P,tc:1 a Kl 2 L.I' tio AG'E/. dbo?E 404 (JE1?r?p D6L1?tJ.Tlvt? N 1.?c?)?lx,1CE 4db Arg cto?J 4o4- 17.5 3 12.4 t•JETI??1c CEtII?ELTIi IS Oar CevZGr'p <IePs • !z f ?Ecs_Q?,t ?teop I?SI]?.r]C?. a Z? H6L v G?tJ 450.0• to Vt.] 0r S?lEll c21?E EIS TM9 19 TO CFATITT TKT T1 Is ! ra ro IN FLOM tort ' V f t' • *a(31 I A 9MCLk FLOIn 4Q?Am LWL AA rCTr-- . --l-,- .(-- 1 L MA"AG . ApP4e -? 1 ?` EXlst nIA EVPj.ef? • 1.¢? ?,? ? Tc,2???E.t1 , (Q?P?`-+Eb l?At??A? ??.E.'?•tie? =1.?cq^?4 s as • e? - td• era PR 0 8 199 r J P VISION OF _ V)cI? ItY MAP E E? EJaTy T BE " AN-is EI. L?Qe??lc EofJ 7?I t5 P0. ? t,,?? vl .l,l, ?.1 T„? ? E A-r . "T Et6/A-r1o? o JE F -(?I E a CAapL 0 s'>< log - s? (? Aao Y Vb NEVI 04 J,&fm t,,lE N L t K} p °T i F?1cJA(27 d. PEA Cock ?? f?? • 1r1 BErL,?PG??l6 ?cac?. Z15 Nef?? -rA?1.e ? t?as.a crTI. 7A eo4o I \ /?LAI{GEC exM A Wig j e 1U 4 r ? ao ? ? _ 1N •1 a.? 33'Z "C2'•w -15.:o Fr-:., I <?.SPTJ,?LT) LE46rJD E1 rz- - 6x 1611114 1 ?o air - 9-*16 Id L4 I(?DIJ FIFE It-L - MAHIh ?111Lo??y LI>JE ??J - ?1?11T -o?- ?J?.? ?? •^0o0•ooe••• ??? ?0 E. ' 981 r .{ 0Un .,, "Tl ?!A?? 11I = 4-o i fie, id v L a ? J Q a ? v 0 -- j -1 V t` J 7 i nrIS 14 TO CE.aTITT not Tlk 9Le T hly?Y I9 1 '-TITTD 14 it000-IAw ' ' wlCH q .o 19 A t r i t s t Z i 4c. 6 , f "t OGJ+O 2 31 ?PFPvxINA v- N oy.1 V b Jr we ?. I }9e CP?A?. •?}8T °.• 1478 (..p•0 AL 6Ho?-? B GArI? • 1+i`1 -? - 6-777 -, I7/ •. .• 0+99 it _? ?J == APR C 6 1996 DIVISiUN OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Y _o Z 5 ? e+arJa•}na-O `,'t??111/tlftlti/r` ?ZH FARO( 4 ? ?U?STfRFO 4 , = M AL t Al, EI,EyA?ie??s ?o t 5l E* ? <-4,-, &, l tel. I • SCALE 1 INCH=2 kit L.t S 060. RtFEREMCE TO PLATTE RECORDED H N N 7 L APR M 996 DEED OK 48 BO , PAGE 231 IN THE ONSLOW COUNTY REGISTRY, 55 0 0 . N 10 Sa 13 E DIVlSfUi? lJl- .40 40TE 110. 2 - IRON STAKES ON PROPERTY CORNERS AT\ N 7 C'SS? , 1OASTAL MANAGEMENT R16HT-OF-WAY OF ROAD, ON INTRACOASTAL wATE4WAY ?6 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, AND CORNERS OR SIDELINES ON 6 CHADIICX GAY FIDE. 0.00 s. s.? 0g 11 ? NOTE N0. A. No 11C CRrO tAoNuwt%T IS w,Tmtll E 76.88 2ooo' OF SuRvt Y to TRACT 76.8. • •p t e 1175.42'22-tr \ a „ ?it?• \ ® ? A O \ It7 It t? T)) .)o p r 51 C)40 37 n = I 1 yt O? 1 ^ `11 1 3 . r7m N74.01'19 * ? W0 « O o! IO in It. 00 vl ¦ 50.07 SS A rI.6223Sim" or e n 1p o o a at 1170.59 , 13 w ` g tS _ Ir on e on f in • N33.27 02 E 4 33.270 2 E ^ o .+ tn in 130 SS 166 57 e e1 C3 0 0 ' ' f M ppi ? r` n ' ^ e C I r e' sn rT " -t J? O 0 .7 44, Soso V? ? - N: - ? W Y' •t 23.9m 41 t0 r7 Plitt 71 R C 24499 R • ? . >jo rT z 50 6-Y Jie3 N = 3= 150 0 8 t?,b0 t?.oo i?.06 t5.ao iS. c: ' _ tt MAu4A6Cit Pot NT Fir C' 7 r? •F _ - Al 33 - 27' W it ? o 0 , 129j .00 7S. 00 7t-00 MOO 75. COD 75.00 75-C N ry I I I I 144 Its - r--? 1z I a . -h (? 1 O• 0 Ftom 14 A G E t, a 1 5 0 7752 1 t St - ??J I EASE wEit T I : '- ; ImTkA DA TA *AT RN Y R' _ t• r # 401 • •' • ^ M O ^ ?' r rf n 10 A In n R E S E 4vE D F O 1a • o • • • ' ° ° e r ? o ' to ?? a "?+ FUTURE _ s i I n ^ to 0EvEt0* ENT Z z z : ... ' tO. n 7 2047.7• f,7)!.1) •e,r?f. It 31 ZS2.7) 34.027. 11 33.)•0. 37 )L 75 2. ft 194 17 12,704.: --t;. 6.17 ?• I T. Stl ?T Se. PT. S0. /T. S).rT S0. T T. SO rT 30 FT 10. P' 76 I7 I 3 2 76 17 3 L : Tc I f 4 -- ?.771 t ` Eel 9 'c ' - 9? - . T5.48 41.9E 73 3 .... 3, 7a 4E 7c 4E " S3E°4E r ... St: E iN FEET ?- S 25°s9 19 0 100 200 300 400 3a046'19 w 12. 3 f GRAPHIC SCALE I INCH - 0 0 FEET S2 C • 59' 24- r I S+ ?Ea--,T- 14- o ? 3G - ?? -7 7 Ia ? l '•?.J , ? _ CJ ., 60. M 6 DIVISION CF ,. ti Jzo?.o? N t 0', 76. ea ? °09'fr'E 76'°d COASTAL MANAG.M• ° so. ?T r, ,6e!9 N 3?°4918-E ? r' ri 76'aA 75.06 73.06 ® ? .n I 173.06 165 ?• 10' AIN AGE tJ a 1, EASE MENT l a 7 I r 15 1-s15 7? N N f _ ?J O n N e O 0! ^ 10 ^ /tit O W 13 w It I W ?S to 16 n 17 on 4.0 ?f m O r1 e n• o h b N rn b 'n WD - n f n e - n ^ N n rn n w '' n ? ., to a »+ ?p p e e n - • - n ' 3n n /'? M f0 n to of r. N ?D :? I N D 404 wETI ANDS I tt a v L INE 7 m •7 .ea ?e n ie. n z io?ii? 'IT u rt. Zia rife :)+!7 ?? (?L )ora5 2% Tel n ?1 111 71 Sc rr I I So.rr rr }t ?t . •rr• 75.0o Tt.Oa ts.oo Mao moo TS'oo 75.00 I I 75.00 75.00 - r .(no ? _1 Dit HAYIIOCIt POINT AoA01 33?Z7 OZ in N in _ M 3J°.27' M 330 27 ?! E 30 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75 co T5.00 T5.00 715.00 I i '- m I ? 4 ?...?? W ' ' J ?, ' I ?' _ LEE ??. a ?.» -] ISO 152 5a _ e i I ,Fn 64 ; 10 ORatnaGE . _ :, ?x EAS'eYEM 'a e 1 e ? c 10 N _ _ zt INTRO COASTAL *ATERw T RIGH T - OF-?? T LIME ; 533°271 2 W, i _170 1 F -- 3t ? 3t r ? ^ e I?Z1 ; 4t 3 ??91 ( w "? •e Co ?? o m r Q e I / - a N? n a to a n n ,N, m ' O m 10 P_ f1 ? ^ ? ? ? t0 7 Z = ? 1 •' 2 In n ? QI 2 '. S I O ' I r ??`ryL71 i I 2 ! !!.),o )r J2.rJ2.fa Sz,2s. s^ l7,rc. 1f lf,f --- I I SO r T SO r7 SO ?T fQ Vr. 12_272. IIO ?Ilt 7,'J 14 }72,17 SO. rT, Ij0?• S0. A )O, It f.l? lQITJI•t? 11,f1t.0 r So. ?r Sc. ?T. I ( so r t 72,04 7?.b1 41 41. ,4 71Iy b.SO R4 ?l I I 83.89 49 TS .48 33 9d 75 32 72 ?4 7! _ 5Z4 S41048 31 W ?, t5 559°46 29 ,I tz c 25o`-g 19 w \ ? 7.? 41 •• ?Ze°01+t2•W S 1a•46?10'r 7 ?- ?? • 45 20 r S41.4s'36-x I'IrE4r DG?TA? 1ti4 Y.AY L I ,f 'a0 •a.ter o•. ? Yf a rh.•C Df SQIJ-40 AA. t+Nf Ds SLA D+v+S+rp, OT t+41 0? S+jA U+v1S+ry7 U 4 t f A tl•tt r - - - r+f t +`/f Ot D rAdfl 0 t? t+tik ?•rYt b•. tl•tt ^r Ar; n.tilw, -?. ? r- f=-:' I E:; e 3 7 , i ? ?U ???L PY EN c 13A Y A 2S T APR C 6 1996 `? 9 ,A 1S N 3T° 40 09"E 3 ti e-- `!'c 9 y° 13 ACC £ S S - 1Iw `l1 q'j!ry()I' ' p S2S • 19.62 -21 75.21 E*%WSdIT3TfAL MAMA - F 1z0 46 h ?? OK : . s N 20.00 S% s • Szoa+. o! '^ 'o 1w So FT / 1 75 E in / X ' ? So. n p" N 'jj n b f N m ?4, 20 0 34 9 319 ? 'S ? ® ?? yr ,N v O 'n 3 . . ej .• 0 0 Q ti 4 h6• 6-10' 16} zt S r, o t ?. v y tDG£ OF $ ?y CHAOW EA SE AIHAGE y E NT Wfim rr In / S O Z6. 3'9 II 4• y_ttARSH co r 4w tv V• " J IS O W w 15 O - r 17 n • i W 4e S 0° 47 ?.5p f 6A To _• a r le o n ry O . on r . in =. N • uo O 2 ' N 0, a.; B =?.? fr•.tb s0. i v ? ? " O " e v. 4TO 1d ?0\ to 611 O A fV co .?. /O 2 31 76 W ± T I r v 2 O e N e 17.21 yj >r Ze'46-• ,s !5 S S9° 2? 06 E ?: •?r ra t wt N n v CH w 2 ,? H ' 41151 ? e ? SQ [LED /cl , to #1 4 c ?I 'If el w C 75 00 75.00 0, f 2 J 73 Cl) 75.00 75.00 ; =cp ?`,\ ; 80 s° ,? C1 ° ' ?° T - - -J ? 66 - J er? N } 2 EDGE OF _ 1Q• Or+41NnGE InP , v + MARSH C t j EASEUENT iq • I o a " , r, i i • • e N Z • I FA S gel 1. STUAR T N JONES, p E; IE c J 27 2 W.-, 170 172, 3 / `< <'. •r. .i •, NO L•1273 CERTIFY THAT SURVEY THAT CREATES A r 31) l? r ?] Q , 4D I / O ' o ? LAND wttHlN THE ARE in n °? ? • ° 1 N e ? . OR MUNICALITY THAT h THAT REGULATES P4RCEL Z ? ^ v _ 0 ° n • ao 3 O s.2 T •C 31 • C O in • Qr i 7 _ • I o _ S?,.r. ART M - 77 S.-rr r, )f,?ea.osso r? 5000 G1 ST E( z t36.t6 _ ` 52409 M1 •t ?S rr O, rla 1• I S4-1.aa I 71•tlL Ot 39, Irl ?? SG ?t 7 A. f SO Ir Sc. rT• I I So r t %? , O 7 TZ.04 Sa'N 73•8T ( l 83.89 11 re A? •° T a I Z4 ,ze' 1 S4jo48 85.94 • ° SO THE tOgE;OING CtT1F1 TE CO M L`5 ?2e°01'32-w w C E T I Ff T l I N OA NOFF YAM NC 0ABEr C O O F RRE T. 7 IS YAP w D1tESE TED I?I MAP A N N ? B ? ? U ? 'PAGE S a • L 10E 0 CLOCx S41w r r 1 ?, 0 r r ,crr;it °las$ Ni?W STATE OF NORTIT CAROLINA L, v APR 0 8 1996` Department of Env ironinen*t,.Health & Natural Resources DIVISION O F ti A . nd A?TA.L t ? Coastal Resources Commission , ;? ?11It ? ; APR 2 8 1995 X Major Development in.an Area 'ofEnAronmental Concern OF Pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 COASTAL MANAGEME11 T X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 ksucd to Pelican Point S/D by Scarafoni Associates, Inc., 616 Princess St., Wilmington, NC •23401 authorizing development in Onslow Hammock Point Road County at Chadwick Bav and AIWW off of 1 as requested in the permittee's application dated /5/95 inc. att. workulan drawings, ..."Pelican Pt" ... survey dated 9/21/94 & 2 for pier detail, dated rec. 12/13/95. This permit, issued on APRIL 24, 1995 . is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent :. ith the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terns may be , <. llject to a fine, imprisonment or civil action: or may cause the permit to be null and void. Pier Construction 1) There shall be no dredging and/or filling activity associated with the constriction of the community pier and dock with boat slips, nor the single pier. 2) Piers and docks shall be elevated over coastal wetlands a sufficient height to minimize shading. 3) This permit authorizes only the docks, piers and other structures and uses located in or over the water that are expressly and specifically set forth in the permit application. No other strutP res, whether floating or stationary, may become a part of this docking facility without permit modification. No non-water dependent uses of structures may be conducted on, in, or over public trust waters without permit modification. (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or h-r qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the i-cuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work i-iti,itinn or continuance, as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department cnncl when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not ?r^d fie, cu n derrequires further Departmental approval. /111 work must cease when the permit expires on December 31. 1998 In ictuina this pc;nhit. the State of North Carolina aarccs '! tt ?rur project is consistent withh die north Carolina ttital Manae^mcm Program. Signed by the authori ty of the Secretary of DEHNR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. Roger N. hecter, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. SNP Z z ?? Sz Pelican Point Subdivision C) Permit #42-95 APR 0 8 79$og?f 3 i ADDITIONAL CONDITION§IVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 4) No sewage, whether treated or untreated, shall be discharged at any time from boats using the facility. Any sewage discharge at the facility shall be considered a violation of this permit for which the permittee is responsible. This prohibition shall be applied and enforced throughout the entire existence of the permitted structure. i 5) The permittee's scheme of development, of which the authorized work is a part, contemplates the presence of structures and their attendant utilities on lands subject to an easement-in favor of the United States for the operation, maintenance, improvement, and enlargement of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW). Accordingly, the permittee will be required to remove such structures and improvements at his own expense in the event that, in the judgement of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, acting on behalf of the United States, the' lands are needed at any time for any purpose within the scope of the easement. Permanent buildings will not be constructed within die easement. No attempt will be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. Use of the permitted activity must not interfere with the public's right to free navigation on all navigable waters of the United States. 7) The permittee must install and maintain, at his e-pense, arv signal lights and signals prescribed by the U. S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. F) The permittee will maintain the authorized work in good condition and in ccnfornance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permitter is notrelieved of this requirement if he abandons the permitted activity without having the permit transferred to a third party. Nfitigation °) All materials removed from Lots Nos. 22 through 25 w l be confined landward of the mean high water (N[H'W? elevation contour and an. y- or irre-zilarly flooded vegetated wetlands. 10) Post-project elevation contours on Lots Nos. 22 through 25 will coincide with the elevation contours of adjacent wetlands. Restored wetlands on these lots should be monitored to assure successful mitigation. Once established, the mitigation zrea must remain wetland and may not be filled for future d-2velopment. 11) The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to pr!vtnt a significant inc-ease in turbidity outside the area of construction cr construction-re'ated discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in die waterbody is 25 NTUs or less are not c1r1Z:dered significant. 7 ?\7 L-A c, in Point Subdivision ?<JI ('Permit X43-95 n /Page 3 of 3 APR 0 8 no ADDITIONAL CONDUR,- Jr 12) All grading and filling of wetlands in Pelican In SHAD shall beG sttrr c ed to lots 12 and 13 and the area shall be staked by representatives of CAMA and approved by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to any work commencing. The proposed filling on lots 12 and 13 may not commence until the mitigation described in Conditions No. 9 and No. 10 is complete. Archaeological 13) Archaeological site 31ON235, located in the area of lots 1, 2, 3, 5,, and 7 of the subdivision, has been determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Prior to further construction in the area of the archaeological site, an impact mitigation plan shall be implemented in accordance with recommendations of the N. C. Division of Archives and History. Osprey Nesting 14) To replace potential loss of two(2) osprey nesting sites on lots 16 and 26, the permittee will erect two osprey nesting platforms along the marsh edge (contact the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission at 919/528-9886 for advice on platform siting and design). Deed Re_,tricfions 13) Deed restrictions shall be placed on the owner-, of all unsold lots on Chadwick Bay, specifically lots 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 that prohibits them from construction out into Chadwick Bay. The owner of Lot 46 shall also have deed restrictions prohibiting construction waterward of NIMV since it will be entitled to a boat slip within the cc=unity pier and dock. NOTE: The permittee is advi zed that plans and spec:ficaticus for all water system improvements must be approved by the Division of E-r?ironn:entaI Health prior to the awar8'of a contract or the initiation of construction (as recuired by 15A NCAC 18C 0.0300 et. seq.). For information, contact the Public Wate. Suroly Section, (9I9) 733-2460. NOTE: The spoil disposal area(s) proposed for the weda"d mitigation part of this project may produce a mosquito breeding problem. For Lnfor n Licn concerning appropriate mosquito breeding measures, the per;nittee should ccntact: Mosquito Control Directcr (919) 455-0181 Onslow Pines Road J2Ck'CnVfllL, NC 2F-c4,9 T: With reference to lot line; depicted on the ?crl;ri=; extending into the .rater, the state of Ncrth Carolina takes exception to any assertion .r c:aim or ownership -?rsltip to lands located below the mean high water mars:. ?LI??; 24- cF ?!->L to. .4