HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060283 Ver 1_Complete File_20060921' T 'd SGNU113M-0M0:3WUN 26892€2626 :131 d4 . W ? PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION (PCN) Mr. John Hennessy Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment And Natural Resources, Raleigh, NC (Fax) 919-733-6893 Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries, Beaufort, NC (Fax) 252-728-8728 Travis Wilson North Carolina Wildlife Commission, Creedmoor, NC (Fax) 919-528.9839 Sara Winslow NC Division of Marine Fisheries, Elizabeth City, Regional Office (Fax) 252-264-3723 Gary Jordan US Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh, NC (Fax) 919-8564556 1. ORM 1D: 2. APPLICANT: K:.. ;. ? 3 3. DATE OF TRANSW"TAL:.? 4. RESPONSE DEADLINE: ? t. 5. COMMENTS IDEADLINE: i ????t?C?? 6. SEND COMMENTS TO. US Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office Attn: William Biddleeome (Bill) (252) 975-1616 ext. 26 Post office Sox 1000 Washington, North Carolina 27889 ?2iti•d 26892U-6ti6;01 662ZSZ62S2 N019NIHSUM 3obsn:woad 02:TZ 9002-L2-d3S SSNIJ713M-0M0:3WdN 6S9??L6Z6?131 £y -JZPG(2-?L?92?-+,j? z •d „ arm. X 1e 2c o 6.10572 J. RECEIVED Z' 7? _ * 'J - STATE OF NORT14 CAROLINA fl?'A RY PRAWN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RfGl.1! 1 L' LYNDO TIPPETT MICHAEL F. EASLE~Y SECRETARY September 21, 2006 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 tOV Washington, NC 27889-1000 Attention: Mr. William J. Biddleeome U NCDOT Coordinator Dear Sir: Subject. Nationwide 33 Permit Application and Nationwide 23 Permit Modification Request for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), State Project No. 8.2060201, WBS 33188.1.1, TIP No. B-3640. Reference: Action ID No- 200610572, NWP 23 issued March 29, 2006 Please find enclosed revised permit drawings and a Pre-Construction Notification for tho above referenced pr*c't. As stated in the original application, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace existing Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Millpond in Gates County. In addition to the permitted permanent impacts there will temporary stream and surface: water impacts to facilitate construction of. the darn/spillway and fish ladder. Impacts to Waters of the United States general Description: The project is located in the Ghowan River Basin (Hydrologic Unit 03010203), A best usage classification of "C NSW" has been assigned to Merchants Millpond (Bennetts Creek) [DWQ Index # 25-171. Neither High. Quality Waters (HQW), listed (WS-I: undeveloped watersheds or WS-I1: predominately undeveloped watersheds), Section 303(d) impairments, nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile (1.6 km) of project study area. Neither Merchants Millpond nor Benrietts Creek is designated as a North Carolina Natural or Scenic River, or as a national Wild and Scenic River. Permanent Impacts: The permitted impacts to jurisdictional wetlands have not changed (0.10- acre of fill, 0.07-acre of mechanized clearing, and 0.02-acre of excavation). ?ws way hydraulic review of the quantity of rip-rap to be placed at the base of the proposed reduced, resulting in a total of 0.14-acre of surface water impacts. Temnorary impacts: To facilitate and expedite the construction of the propOSed p bs illway dam tand he Fixh ladder. the NCDOT proposes to use sheet-pilr; MAILING AOORE$S: NIC DEPARTMENT OF: TRANSPORTATION PR0IEGT 0EYELGFWNT AMP ENS AO"NTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NO 27699494$ T2/2'd 268922L6T6:01 LOCATION: TELEPHONE- 914733-3141 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING FA%: 919-73"794 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STRELT RALEIGH NC WEASIrF: WNWWOOT-WAG GGCT916292 NUDNIHSdM 3ousn:U1Ojd 0€:TT 9002-12-83S ?? ?? ,° a ?. ?b S0NU113M-0Ma:3WUN p689 i=Z6I6 :-131 ZS :OZ U=im 'JUVC-Z-- project area so that it may remain dry during construction. This will result in 63 ft of temporary stream impacts and 4.14-acre of temporary surface water impacts (see permit drawings). Utility Imyacts: As stated in the original application, n.0 impacts to jurisdictional resources will occur due to the relocation of utilities in the project area. All utility work will be conducted in upland areas and existing; road fill. Bridge Demolition The existing bridge consists of a timber deck on timber joists with an asphalt-wearing surface. The substructure is a timber abutment design; the interior bcmts consist of timber caps on timber piles. The spillway for the millpond is a timber structure that is adjacent to the existing bridge. The bridge can be removed without dropping components into Waters of the United States during construction. Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal will be followed to avoid any temporary fill from entering Waters of the United States. Federally Protected Species As of April 27, 2006 the 'US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists two federally protected species for Gates County. A biological conclusion of "no effect" remains valid for the red- cockaded woodpecker due to lack of suitable habitat. A biological conclusion is not required for the American alligator due its designation of from the lis?sinee (due to of the CE (Umctober No species have been add 2004). Avoidance and Minimizadon Avoidance examines all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to "Waters of the United States". Due to the presence of surface waters and wetlands within the project study area, avoidance of all impacts is not possible, The NCDQT is conunitted to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts. Minimization measures were incorporated. as part of the project design these included: • Use of an off-site detour during construction. Construction of a 29-foot longer bridge • Construction of a fish ladder for anadromous fish passage demolition of the existing • Best Management Practices will also be utilized during d bridge and construction of the new bridge. • Installation of sheet piles will dispense the need for an Anadromous Fisb Moratorium based on personal communication with NCWRC- Mitigation No additional mitigation is proposed for this project. Regulatory Approvals Section 404 Permit: It is anticipated that the temporary dewatering and sheet-pile installation will be authorized under Section 404 Nationwide Permit 33 (TemporuY Construction Access and Dewatering). We are, therefore, requesting the issuance of a Nationwide Permit 33 authorizing the temporary work, All other aspects of this project are being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b). Page 1 of 3 JVC/)UI' ar N-3f4r1 662TSZ62S2 NOIDNIHSHM 3ousn:woad 0€:tiL 9002-12-d3S ?:01 tRi'd 26892=Z6Z6 t7 ' d SONd113M-OM0:3WdN 26892ZZ6T6:-131 ZT:OT 03M 9002-4d-d?5 The NCDOT requests that these activities be authorised by a Nationwide Permit 23 (FR number 10, pages 2020-2095, January 15, 2002). Section 401 Certification: We anticipate 401 General Watca Quality Certification numbers 3403 and 3366 will apply to this project. All general conditions of the Water Quality Certifications will be met. Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCikC 21L Section .0500(a) and 15A NCAC 2B.0200, we are providing copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality for their review, CAMA: NCDCT has applied for the issuance of a CAMA. Major Development Permit Modification from NCDCM under separate cover. A copy of this application will be posted on the NCDOT website at: htta:tlwww..Ioh.dot.state nc usJtueconstruclhWneulvermit.htrnl Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Please contact Mr. Tyler Stanton at tstanton(a),dot.statemc.us or (919) 715-1439 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, 'K" Gregory J.'fhorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Marragement Director, PDEA Cc W/attachment: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (2 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Ron Sechlcr, NMFS Mr. Michael Street, NCDW Ms. Cathy Brittingham, NCDCM Ms. Wanda Gooden, NCDCM Dr, David Chang, PE, Ilydraulics Mr. Greg Pcrfetti, i'E, Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental M.r. Anthony Roper, PE, Division L F.ngitnec.-r Mr. Clay Willis, Division 1 Environmental Officer Cc w/o attachment: Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Jay )_3cnnett, PE, Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, PE, Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, PE, Highway Design Ms. Beth Harmon, EEP Mr. Todd Jones, NCDOT External Audit Branch Ms. Stacy Baldwin, PE, PDEA A'CDOT TIP B-3640 Pout3 nfi 66?TSZ62S2 NOISNIHSdM 3ousn:woj3 o2:TT 9002-Z2-d3S TZ,t?•d 268922Z6T6:o1 S •d Office Use Only: USAGE Action ID No. SGNd_113M-0MG :3WUN (if any particular item is not applicable to 1. Processing 268922L6Z6 : X31 _ DWQ No. project, please enter "Not 2T:0T 03M 9002-Zd-dd5 Form Vmion March 05 or "N/A". J RkENED .8;, v G s ?1j?37 I . Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer ? Section 10 Permit El Isolated Wetland P it from-GWQ-. ?w,.-,---• •. ® ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: V23 & 33 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: N S. Tf your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (sec the top of page 2 for further details), check here: 11. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Gregory J Thoroe PhD Environmental Management Director..-. Mailing Address: 1598 Mail Service Center Ralci h NC Telephone Number: f912) 733-3141 Pax Number: (919)733-9794___ E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Naive: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address:- ti2/S'd 2Ge9zzLGTG:01 Fax Number: Page l of 9 662ZSZ62G2 NUDNIHSHM S9dSn:woad 0£:ZZ 9002-Z2-d3S 9 'd SONd113M-OM0:3W1dN 26e9€U6Z6:-131 2Z:OT 03M 9082-Ld-ddb 111. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USAGE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 1l by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: 2. T.T.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): B-3640 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): NIA 4, Location County: Gates Nearest Town: Gatesvillc Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): NIA Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): -76.6987 °N 36.4315 6. Property size (acres): N/A 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Bennettc Creek 8. River Basin: Chowan (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.cnr state ne.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: State Park Rural with forested areas and scattered residential and farms. Page 2 of 9 12/9'd 2Ge92216T6:o1 66€tiSL62S2 NUSNIHSdM 33Usn:wo.ad o2:TT 9002-L2-d3S L 'd IV. V. V1. SONU1i3M-OM0:3WUN £689££16Z6:13i t7T:OZ 03M 90Od-Ld-dd5 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Replacement of the existing bridge structure with a 135-foot cored slab bridge at approximately the same location and slightly higher roadway clevatiOn of the existing structure using ton down construction Revlacc existing dam/spillway structure and install fish ladder. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The bridge is considered to be structurally deficient and functionally obsolete and the replacement will result in safer traffic operation%. Prior Project History if jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. include the USAGE Action 1D Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits., certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. NWP & LAMA A lication dated 2117/2006• USAGE Action ID # 200610572 dated 3/29/2006 • CA14A Permit # 102-06 dated 6V2006 Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current applioation_ Proposed impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and pereruual) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for Page 3 of 9 tiZ,L•d £689£2L6ti6:01 66£ZSL62S2 NOiJNIHSHM 30898:woad 0£:Tti 9002-L2-d3S $ •d SGNU113M-OM8:3WUN €689??Z6t6:?31 bt:0t 03M 90l]d-4a-d=J5 wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: V. prroath fill excavation, mechanized clcarint? sheet-pile installation 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditchingldrainage, etc. For dams, s aratel list im acts due to both structure and flc}odin . Type of Wetland Located within Distance to Area of Wetland Impact YPe 100-year Nearest Impact Site Number Typc of Impact (e.g., forested, marsh, Floodplain Stream (acres) (indicate on map) herbaceous, hog, etc-) es/no (linear feet 14+11-1.- Permanent Fill Forened/Riverine Ycs 0.10 14+11 -lr Mechanized Clearing Forested/ltiverine Yes 0.07 0.02 14+11-L- Excavation Foresled/Rivcrine Yes Total Wetland Impact (Acres) f 0.19 3, List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property. NIA 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding„ relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation's proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included, To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Number Stream Name ndicate on ma 14+1 l-L- Bennc to Creek Type of Impact Temporary Perennial or lnlermiltene? Perennial Average Impact Area of : eam Width Length Impact fore im act linear feet (acres) 90 63 0.14 Page 4 of 9 tzi8'd R6892U6t6:o1 66€tSZ62S2 NOIDNIHSHM 33Usn:woj3 t2:tt 9002-12-d3S 6 'd SONU113M-OMO:3WUN 26892216%:131 VT :OT 03M 900d-Ld-d== Total Stream lmpact (by length and acres, 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lake,;, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Oceans and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. Type of Waterbody Area of Open Water Impact Name of Waterbody Type of Impact (take, pond, estuary, sound. bay, lmpsct Site Numh kablc) (if ap ppllicable) ocean, etc.) (acres) ma) (indicate an 14+11-L- Merchants Millpond fill (rip-rap) 4 pond _±_1 it 1A Total Open Water Impact (acres) 6. List tlt ..+ +,..,11 AIJa1Prc .,f the I I S_ resulting from the project: C c.urnUMLI VG 11LLjJCP.L lV 41. t• ,.?,,.lv va w. - - -- - - Stream Impact acres : 0.14 Wetland lretpact (acres : 0.19 Open Water Impact (acres): 0.14 of the U.S. (acres) Total 1m act to Waters 0.47 , Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 63 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ? Yes No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USAGE. N/A 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wctland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. ? wetlands Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands 0 stream Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation or draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): NIA Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, _ local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Expected pond surface arca:- Size of watershed draining to pond: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site Onstrai-Ot5 such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and Page 5 of 9 ti2?6'd 268922161;6:01 662TSZ62S2 NOIJNIHSdM 39dSfl:wojd 1:F:TT 9002-12-d3S OT 'd Sank/-113M-OM0*3WdN z6892U6T6:131 bti:0t 03M 9002-ZZ-d35 financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Use of an off-site detour during construction construction of a 29-foot longer sinnle-span bridge, Best Management Practic.e% will also be utilized during demolition of the excstigg bridge and construction of the new brid e. V111. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H 0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality tier projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USAGE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Mafication of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed- If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o cnr state nc LLS/newetlands/strmnidq.Xh 1. 1, Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as, much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if of site), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. The NCEEP will provide cornnensatory mitigation for impacts from this nrolect Page b of 9 T2/0T'd €6892216T6: o1 66ETSZ62S2 NUONIHSHM SxSfl mi j TE: TT 9002-12-d3S ii •d IX. X. SGNU_113M-0MG:3WdN 268922L6Z6:131 tT:OT 03M 9002-L2-d3S 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written. approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at bqp:/Ai2o.enr.state.nv,.us/Wrpiindex.litm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): 0 Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): 0 Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): 0 19 Amount of Non-riparian, wetland mitigation requested (acTes): 00 Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): 0 Environmental Documentation (requited by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes [D No El 2. if yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: if you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (519) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ® No ? 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? Tf so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes G] No ? Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watersbed Duffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from. the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 23 .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No Z 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Page 7 of 9 tit/TT'd 268922L6Z6:01 6621SL62S2 NOi9NIHSUM 33usn:woj3 12:1Z 9002-L2-d3S 2S •d SONti_113M-JMO:3WUN 26892U6ti6:-131 SI:OZ 03M 9002-Z2-d3S Lunc* Impact rare feet) Multiplier Required mitigation N/A 3 (2 for Catawba) 0 1.5 0 Total 0 * 40ne I extends out 30 feet pwpundicular from thr top of the near bank of channel; Zonc 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of 7xnc 1. 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of. property, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 213.02742 or.0244, or .0260. N/A XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. See Stormwater Management Plan X11. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A X1I1. Violations (required by DWQ) is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (] 5A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No 0 is this an aver-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No 9 XTV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ? No Page 8 of 9 Z2,2T'd 26892216I6:01 66?>SZ62S2 N019NIHSt1M 3ousn :woid TR:TT 9002-Z2-d3S 2T •d SONH113M-0M0:3WHN 26892U6T6:_131 S1:0T 03M 9002-L2-d3S If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carnlina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http:f/h2o.enr.state.ne.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: N/A XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). F . Z, i-a App cant/ cut's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 9 of 9 T2?ST'd 26e9m_GT6:o1 662TSL62S2 N019NIHSUM 3obsn:wo.ad 22:TT 9002-L2-d3S VT 'd SGNU113M-0MG:3WUN 8689€ZL6T6:131 ST:OT 03M 9002-L2-d3S STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN T2ft,T'd WBS: 331$$.1.1 (B-3640) (Grates County Date:8/05 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project involves the bridge replacement of Bridge #16 over Merchants Mill Pond on SR 1400. The overall length of the bridge is 135' and the total project length is 335'. The existing bridge length is 106'. The existing two lane road will be widened from 9' lanes to 11' lanes. The existing bridge will be widened from 29' to 45' to accommodate 5' 9" sidewalks on each side of the proposed bridge. The crossing is within the Chowan River Basin and is part of the Merchants Millpond State Park, BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MAJOR STRUCTURES Best Management Practices (BMPs) and measures used on the project to reduce the stormwater impacts include the following- - Approach work was minimized to approximately 100' on each side of the bridge, - No deck drains proposed for new bridge, - Concentrated flow minimized to one proposed inlet on west side of crossing. Otherwise allowed sheet flow over grassed shoulders. 2689221GT6:01 66£TSL62S2 NOiDNIHSdM 3DUsn:woad 22:TT 9002-12-d3S ST 'd SONd-113M-0M0:3WUN 2689€2L6T6.131 0 5?1?1 a e PROGRAM January 31, 2006 Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: ST :OT ar3M 90,0!2-L2-d3S FEB s 2006 OPASION CF+dG>ifIIAYS PDWREE OF NAWAI MW B-3640, Bridge 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, Gates County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide riverine wedand mitigation for the subject project. Eased on the information supplied by you in a letter dated June 14, 2005, the impacts are located in CU 03010203 of the Chowan River Basin in the Northern Outer Coastal Plain (NOCP) Eco-Region, and are as follows, Riverine Wetland Impacts' 0.19 acre This mitigation acceptance letter replaces the mitig$tion acceptance letter issued an July 19, 2005. As stated in your letter, the subject project is listed in Exhibit 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the lJ. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District dated July 22, 2003. The mitigation for the subject project will be provided in accordance with this agreement. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-715-1929. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Director CC' Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE-Washington Mr. John Hennessy, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit File: B-3640 Revised _ Our Sta. R.?,StDYLN?... ?l'L FYD?ELi N ?NR Mail Service Center, Raleigh, HC 17699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / vmw.nceep.net North Larnlina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 L2/Sti'd 2689222L61<6:01 662IS162S2 NOIJNIHSdM 39dsn:wojj 22:TT 9002-12-d3S 9T 'd SGNd-l13M-OMO:3WUN 26$9M-GT6:-131 ST:oT 03M 9002-L2-d3S ti _ d -r E ,'l TSB ? M dl lL1P0 e BUS TE LL Ra ?7 pa ca _ `?, G 1 LMI? 97 _ VJClNITY MAP OF FAWECT 8.8 60MI NCDO xavisloN = +.OFr MTG?GAYS GATW CaVNTY VICINITY' PROJECT: 3318&L3. (B-3640) AID- S SR i4oo MML POND ROAEE FROM- EAST OF EASTM XKS CROSSROADS TO FLAT BRANCH SHEET I OF B PF.KMIT Dlr%AwJmr-3 T2/9T'd £689 L6T6:o1 662TSL62S2 NOIJNIHSdM 3ousn:wo.ad 2€:TT 9o02-L2-d3S KIr)ED TLJ r' A Dn( Ih! A ?..?? SEP-27-2006 11:32 From:USACE WASHINGTON evlk 2529751399 To:9197336893 P.17/21 a Ell N 0. g?E i c ? e • +? V w x x ? o gig= n dm S p 0 ? SEP-27-2006 WED 10:16 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P"t P. 17 SEP-27-2006 11:32 From:USACE WASHINGTON 2529751399 PvjffL- ml w. C a ? tl IL7 ` 'Jn 3 a rIF nil o 3 A? w lit III, ?aa Q? M M SEP-27-2006 AWED 10:16 TEL:9197336893 Ica g6pftl?7i a To:9197336893 114 1 ? T? NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS a a m b K N P.18/21 P. 18 SEP-27-2006 11:33 From:USACE WASHINGTON 2529751399 !M2, ? e F V t © C d ES Q A C p 1 A low, e? 1@ R R R I 1 SEP-27-2006 WED 10:16 TEL:9197336893 th wiy-'h 4 4 1 9 W w y r r h ee ?gp? ? ?Cg •q >t ???? ,?4' a q Ila v To:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS e N P r m r h .O H O P.19/21 G P. 19 SEP-27-2006 11:34 From:USACE WASHINGTON 2529751399 To:9197336893 P.20/21 E f! o a c R E ? two X d L t1 U E ?,_ ?" V m O O4 F ? ? W Q ? c m m L G W 7 ? N L ? X ? WU_a ?. ? A ? m O F SEP-27-2006 WED 10:17 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 20 SEP-27-2006 11:34 From:USACE WASHINGTON 2529751399 To:9197336893 P.21/21 Z C H O z s ? = Z o 4=0A I.- LL a) IZU0W?O o a`_(a a z o w D "' m m CL Z N 1L ca W W OG Q d t0 CL 4) w co W Z c O a U ? Z . a) O p as c Q ? ir. V CD a 0 a SEP-27-2006 WED 10:17 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWO-WETLANDS P. 21 L Form DCM-MP-1 f { .._, APPLICATION .. ? ?: (To be completed by all' applicants) 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: zip Name N C Department of Transportation Address 1548 Mail Service Center City Raleigh State NC 27699-1548 Day Phone 919-733-3141 Fax 919-733-9794 b. Authorized Agent: Name Address City State zip Fax Day Phone c. Project name (if any) B-3640 (33188.1.1) Replace Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of landowner(s), and/or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT b. City, town, community or landmark Merchant Mill Pond State Park c. Street address or secondary road number cu 1 dnn d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes X No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) Merchants Mill Pond / Bennetts Creek 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. Replacing existing bridge; + /- 200 ft of roadway approach work; Replacing existing wooden spillway. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Both c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? Public d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. The p roject is necessary to replace an aging bridge. Heavy e quipment will a. County Gates ??.?? ? zoos be used to remove the existing bridge and construct the new bridge. Construction method will be top-down. 0?? RPVICPdi 03/9> ;.. ' _ Vjq ER QUALITY Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract N/A b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL 5ft d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Loam to Sandy-Loam e. Vegetation on tract roadside grasses, cypress-gum swamp, bottomland hardwoods. f. Man-made features now on tract roadway fill, bridge, dam and spillway g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Conservation Transitional Developed Community X Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? N/A Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? X Yes No (Attach zoning compliance cetWficate, if applicable) j . Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? X Yes No If yes, by whom? NCDOT k. Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes X No Are there wetlands on the site? X Yes - No Coastal (marsh) Other X If yes, has a delineation been conducted? YES (Attach documentation, if available) m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities N/A n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) Stormwater discharges are by sheet flow. o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. N/A 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. *A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. *A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners Form DCM-MP-1 have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone See attached list • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PEMSSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the 1 day of 111we 119' Print Name Signature t..•?-- i' Landowner 'r Authorize Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information _ DCM MP-3 Upland Development _ DCM MP-4 Structures Information _ X DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. Revised 03/95 MAY-02-2006 06:55 From:DOT OFF OF NAT ENVI. 919 Form DCM..-MP-S BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. 1.. R,RYDGES a. Public X Private b. Type of bridge (construction material) 3 a 45' Cored Slab Bridge c. Water body to be crossed by bridge Merchants Mill Pond / Bcnnetts Creek d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at M.LW or NWL 5.5 ft e. Will proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? X Yes No If yes, (1) Length of existing bridge 106 ft (2) Width of existing bridge 27 ft (3) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge N/A (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed'? (Explain) The entire existing bridge will be removed, f. Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvert(s)? Yes X No If yes, (1) Length of existing culvert (2) Width of existing culvert (3) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the MHW or NWL (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) g. Length of proposed bridge 135 ft h. Width of proposed bridge 45 ft i. Height of proposed bridge above wetlands Revisal 03195 N/A To:252 264 3723 P.2/4 j. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? Yes X No If yes, explain k. Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge N/A 1. Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? - Yes X No If yes, explain m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable waters? X Yes No If yes, explain Spillway for pond is located immediately upstream of the bridge. n. Have you contacted the U.S. Coast Guard concerning their approval? Yes X No If yes, please provide record of their action. 2. CULVERTS N/A a. Water body in which culvert is to be placed b. Number of culverts proposed e. Type of culvert (construction material, style) d. Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? Yes No If yes. (1) Length of existing bridge (2) Width of existing bridge (3) Navigation clearance bridge underneath existing MAY-02-2006 06:55 From:DOT OFF OF NAT ENVI. 919 T0: d5d db4 S re,5 r-..D"'f Form DCM-MP 5 (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be c. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert removed? (Explain) require any highground excavation'? X Yes No e. Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert? If yes, Yes No (1) Length of area to he excavated 30 ft If yes, (2) Width of area to be excavated 10 tt (1) Length of existing culvert (3) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic (2) Width of existing culvert yards 1 cy (3) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the MHW or NWL d. If the placement of the bridge or culvert involves (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be any excavation, please complete the following: removed'? (Explain) (1) Location of the spoil disposal area to be determined by contractor (2) Dimensions of spoil disposal area f. Length of proposed culvert to be determined by contractor (3) Do you claim; title to the disposal area? g. Width of proposed culvert Yes N/A No If no, attach a letter granting permission from h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the the owner. MHW or NWL (4) Will the disposal area be available for future maintenance? Yes N/A No i. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? (5) Does the disposal area include any coastal Yes No wetlands (marsh), SAVs, or other wetlands? If yes, explain Yes X No - If yes, give dimensions if different from (2) above. N/A j. Will the proposed culvert affect existing navigation (f;) Does the disposal area include any area below potential? Yes No the MHW or NWL? Yes X No If yes, explain _ ff yes, give dimension it different from No. 2 above. N/A 3. EXCAVATION AND FILL e. Will the placement of tic proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d, about) to be placed below <t. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert MHW or NWL? X Yes No require any excavation below the MHW or NW:? If yes, X Yes No (1) Length of area to be filled 180 ft If yes, (2) Width of area to be tilled 10 ft (1) Length of area to be excavated 34 ft (3) Purpose of fill Widening of roadway to (2) Width of area to be excavated 70 ft accommodate proposed bridge; Stone Slope (3) Depth of area to be excavated 4.5 ft protection (4) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards 280 CY f. Will tic placement of the proposed bridge or culvert b. Will the placement of the proposed bridge overt result in any till (other than excavated material require any excavation within: VF- described in Item d, above) to be placed within: Coastal Wetlands - SAVs X Other Wetlands Coastal Wetlands SAVs X Other !f yes, 13) d _ Wetlands if yes, (1) Length of area to be excavate (l) Length of area to be filled 100 ft (2) Width of area to be excavated 5 (2) Width of area to be filled 20 ft (3) Amount of material to be excavated inc (3) Purpose of fill travel lane and shoulder yards?(? Cub t L ?E 0.rG?S widening Revised 113/95 MAY-02-2006 06:55 From:DOT OFF OF NAT ENVI. 919 To:252 264 3723 P.4/4 Corm DCM-MP-5 g. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in item d. above) to be placed on highground? Yes X No if yes, (1) Length of area to be filled (2) Width of area to be filled (3) Purpose of fill 4. GENERAL t a. Will the proposed project involve any mitigation'? X 'Yes No If yes, explain in detail 4.19 acre of wetland mitigation will be provided by EEP h. Will the proposed project require the relocation of any existing utility lines? X Yes No If yes, explain in detail All utility work will be conducted in upland areas and existing road fill c. Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporary detour structures? Yes X No If yes, explain in detail d. Will the proposed prgject require any work channels? Yes X No If yes, complete Form DCM-MP-2 e. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled'? NCDOT approved BMR will be utilized f. What type of constriction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe or hydraulic dredge)? Heavy highway construction equipment g. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? Yes X No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. h. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any shoreline stabilization`? Yes X No if yes, explain in detail Rev6W 03/95 I -eo stem f ee PROGRAM January 31, 2006 Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: RECEIVED FEB 3 2006 DIVISON CF HI'GRAYS PDR-OFFI04. OF NATURAL ERF B-3640, Bridge 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, Gates County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide riverine wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you in a letter dated June 14, 2005, the impacts are located in CU 03010203 of the Chowan River Basin in the Northern Outer Coastal Plain (NOCP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Riverine Wetland Impacts: 0.19 acre This mitigation acceptance letter replaces the mitigation acceptance letter issued on July 19, 2005. As stated in your letter, the subject project is listed in Exhibit 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District dated July 22, 2003. The mitigation for the subject project will be provided in accordance with this agreement. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-715-1929. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Director cc: Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE-Washington Mr. John Hennessy, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit File: B-3640 Revised 014"r ft-ate, NCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem E hancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 11699-1652 / 919-115-0416 / www.nceep.net 8 ILLPO BUS tD ?, 158 o ° GATE LL 7 E P 87 ` a ` J VICINITY MAP OF PROJECT 8.206020/ NCDOT DIVISION , OF; HIGHWAYS VICINITY' GATES COUNTY PROJECT: 33188.11 (B-3640) MAPS SR 1400 KML POND ROAD FROM EAST OF EASTMAINS CROSSROADS TO FLAT BRANCH SHEET J OF B PERMIT DRAWN&S ?inQTU r--* n Qni INI n ,..T?? r N O M T 'C O n m r p N Z co 0 CD p) -u O O = N m o Z N = o O z ?- m C0 X v . r (D -o v n v v m N N m n =r o 0 CD w °v V W. D w co O "-a rn?DiZ? oo0 :3 O--cmi)Oz °-N mn-n -i O?O ?C3) G) -n CD C Z D D Z V1 cn a Cl) O O Z A o V/ a 3 o ? • r O Q W cn • co ? n N m2 O N CL ?D (D co (D N C• C (D O N O O n N = m 7 C (D TI ?p O O O 3 CL y rn . p N ° o m _.N ?< n Z Q O m a Z 'O n? iwN ? 0 0 a v O 0) n 7 v co y Q m g n =a O ? 0 . O N co O o 1. CA ? CO1 CC G O N a cn O cn (D co t? i n o 0 d X a d o y D m OD bb -u CD 0 x D O a) :3 00 zz o vrnymcn ? p x ?? sx > cC n z o 3m:3N ni x p?>> u, mca cn 9 b ? . O ?a) C to 3CD ? tJ 1 Z t DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT cr Z_g3 FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) - TIP No. B-3640. 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Bridge #16 over Merchants Millpond is located on SR 1400 (Millpond Rd), adjacent to Merchants Millpond State Park, approximately 1.2 miles south of the US Highway 158 and SR 1400 crossing, near Gatesville,North Carolina (Gates County) Photo Index - 2000: 234-1890; 234-1891 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2684300 Y: 990400 Merchants Millpond Quad GPS Rover Files - R040411A/B/D/E 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date(s) of Site Visit/Applicant Present? 3/2/2006-No; 4/4/2006-Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete - May 2, 2006; Office - Elizabeth City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan: Gates County Land Classification From LUP: Rural (B) AEC(s) Involved: Public Trust Area/Public Trust Shoreline (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - None Planned - None (F) . Type of Structures: Existing - Roadway/Bridge/Dam and Spillway Planned - Improved Roadway/New Bridge/Dam & Spillway with Fish Ladder (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: FARF.AI DREDGED FILLER OTHER (A) VEGETATED WETLANDS: (404) 0.02 acre 0.10 acre 0.069 acre (mechanized clearing) (B) NON-VEGETATED WETLANDS: (C) OTHER: (HIGH GROUND; SURFACE WATER) 0.01 acre (high 0.17 acre (surface water-spillway structure) ground) 0.014 acre (surface water-shading from bridge) (D) Total Area Disturbed: 0,363 acre (1b,btSS sr) (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: C-NSW Open: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: NCDOT proposes to demolish Bridge #16 that carries SR 1400 over Merchants Millpond. The current structure will be replaced with a new bridge using top-down construction. Roadway approaches will be upgraded. The existing dam/spillway will be replaced and realigned; a fish ladder will be Bridge"1C Repla?emerTt - Merchants Millpond Gates Co. Page 2 of 3` incorporated into the new spillway. An off-site detour will be utilized for traffic during construction. PROJECT SETTING Bridge No. 16 crossing over Merchants Millpond lies within the Chowan River Basin and is located on State Route 1400, a two-lane road. The majority of land use in the vicinity of the project area is primarily forested, consisting of bottomland hardwoods, loblolly pines (pinus taeda) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciua); however, there is also rural residential property near the project. Coastal wetland plant species were not observed in the surrounding area of the project site. Built in 1963, Bridge #16 is a 7-span, 106-ft. wide X 27-ft long structure with two, 9-ft travel lanes. The bridge's superstructure consists of a timber deck on timber joists with an asphalt surface. The substructure is a timber abutment design. Interior bents are also made of timber. Pedestrian/fishing walkways are connected to either side of the bridge. A wooden spillway is attached to the bridge's substructure, immediately upstream. There is no navigation underneath existing Bridge #16 due to the connection of the dam/spillway structure. Riprap has been placed underneath the north side of the bridge. Bridge #16 has a sufficiency rating of 15.1 out of 100 and is considered functionally obsolete and structurally deficient. Merchants Millpond is an impoundment of and drains into Bennett's Creek, a fourth-order, black water stream just to the south. The millpond itself exhibits black water characteristics. Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) communities emerge in scattered groups from the pond's surface. Other aquatic vegetation noted during the site visit included floating duckweed (Lemna sp.). Algal mats were also scattered on the pond surface. Water depth is approximately 6 feet at normal water level in front of the spillway. No water resources classified as "High Quality Waters" (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I or WS-II), or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile of the project area. The project site has been designated an anadromous fish spawning area. Public access to/use of this Public Trust Water/Shoreline AEC at the existing bridge was evident; during the site visit, people were observed fishing from the fishing walkway and from the banks. A boat launching area and wood walkway are located within the park; a canoe loading dock and stairway occur approximately 240-ft south of the bridge. The NC Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has determined that this project as proposed will not affect any historic structures. An archaeological survey was not recommended for the project. As noted in the Categorical Exclusion document regarding rare and protected species, the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) and the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) are the only federally protected species listed for Gates County. Biological conclusions of "Not Required" for the American alligator and "No Effect" for the red-cockaded woodpecker were reached with regard to impacts this project may have on their ecology. Although there are anecdotal accounts of alligator sightings in the project area, the applicant states that field surveys revealed no evidence of alligator nests in the vicinity of the bridge. Neither species was observed during the site visits. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL NCDOT is proposing to demolish Bridge #16 over Merchants Millpond and replace it with a new, cored slab bridge that is approximately 29-feet longer and 18-feet wider than the existing one. According to the Categorical Exclusion document, five-foot wide pedestrian/fishing walkways will be constructed along either side of the bridge, away from the travel lanes. Bicycle safe bridge rails will also be installed along either side of the travel way. Traffic will be re-routed on an 8 mile, off-site detour along surrounding roads during construction. NCDOT also plans to remove the existing dam and spillway and replace them with new structures moved upstream (north) of current location. Methods to remove dam and spillway are to be determined by the contractor. The proposed spillway will be constructed of either steel or concrete piles and approximately 300-ft long. The top of the Bridge #16 Replacement - Merchants Millpond Gates Co. Page 3 of 3 spillway will be elevated at 6-feet. Riprap (200-700 lb and new spillway to match existing slopes in embankment an ladder at the centerline of the spillway, supported by H-pi passage. 1000-1800 lb) placement is proposed at the base of the t streambed. Plans also include the addition of a fish es. This addition is intended to allow anadromous fish Existing Bridge #16 will be removed using NCDOT Best Management Practices for bridge demolition and removal without dropping bridge components into the water. All components of the existing bridge will be removed. The proposed replacement bridge is approximately 135-ft long x 45-ft wide with a clear roadway width of 30 feet. The new structure will be placed at approximately the same location and roadway elevation as the existing bridge, using top-down construction. The method of pile installation is to be determined by the contractor. The proposed roadway approaches will be widened to provide two, 11-foot travel lanes with shoulder widths of at least 6 feet. Bridge deck drains will not be allowed to discharge directly into the water. Construction and installation of the dam/spillway structures will impact 0.17 acres of surface water. According to the application, the proposed development involves excavation below normal water level, in wetlands and in high ground. In addition, fill will be placed below normal water level and in wetlands. Mechanized clearing is planned in riverine 404 wetlands for roadway improvements and stone slope protection. Relocation of existing utility lines will be conducted in upland areas and existing road fill; jurisdictional resources will not be impacted during the relocation. The applicant states there will be no temporary impacts to wetlands/waters of the U.S., although the plan profile for the construction/installation of the spillway structure indicates water level within Merchants Millpond will decrease by 6 inches. As noted in the Categorical Exclusion document, NCDOT will observe a moratorium on in-water work between 15 February and 30 June to protect fish spawning and will follow "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". The Ecosystem Enhancement. Program (EEP) agreed to provide compensatory mitigation for 0.19 acre of riverine wetland impact (reference EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter dated 31 Jan 06). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued NWP No. 23, Categorical Exclusion (with conditions) dated March 29, 2006. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS ¦ Permanent impact to 0.17 acre of Public Trust Area surface water due to dam/spillway/fish ladder placement. ¦ Permanent impact to 0.10 acre of 404 riverine wetlands due to permanent fill. ¦ Permanent impact to 0.02 acre of 404 riverine wetlands due to excavation. ¦ Permanent impact to 0.069 acre of 404 riverine wetlands due to mechanized clearing. ¦ Permanent impact to 0.10 acre of high ground due to excavation. ¦ Temporary impact to surface water for approximately 1 month (water level reduction of 6 inches) due to construction/installation of spillway design. ¦ Shading of approximately 0.014 acre of Public Trust Area surface water due to bridge placement. ¦ Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge will not change. ¦ Temporary water turbidity may occur during demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge; however, applicant will use BMP for the protection of surface water to minimize these impacts. ¦ Proposed new design does not appear to impede access to Public Trust Waters. ¦ In-water moratorium between 15 February and 30 June of each year may delay or interrupt construction but will minimize impacts to anadromous fish resources. Submitted by: Wanda S. Gooden Date Submitted: 3 May 06 MAJOR PERMIT FEE MATRIX Applicant: $" Cx)0 C' (7 -:Y, p ? ; ca, zz?' -_? G L- C_? Selection Development Type Fee DCM % (14300 1601 435100093 1625 6253) DWQ % (24300 1602 435100095 2341) 1. Private, non-commercial development that does not $250 100%($250) 0%($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: II. Public or commercial development that does not $400 100%($400) 0%($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: III. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A, B, C, or D below applies: III(A). For Private non- commercial development, if $250 100%($250) 0%($0) General Water Quality Certification No. 3301 (see attached can be applied: III(B). For public or commercial development, if $400 100%($400) 0%($0) General Water Quality Certification No. 3301 (see attached can be applied: III(C). If General Water Quality Certification No. $400 60%($240) 40%($160) 3301 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality or aquatic life: III(D). If General Water j' Quality Certification No. $400 60%($240) 40%($160) 3301 (see attached) cannot be applied: IV. For development that involves the filling and/or $475 60%($285) 40%($190) excavation of more than one acre of wetlands and/or open water areas: r A? NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director September 15, 2006 Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Project Development and Environmental Analysis N.C. Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 b(oo ?L's S C-1 6?4tO'!,j Resources G? William G. Ross Jr., Secretary RE: Letter of Refinement, CAMA Major Development Permit No. 102-06 for the replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond in Gates County, TIP No. B-3640. Dear Dr. Thorpe: This letter is in response to the N.C. Department of Transportation's (NCDOT's) e-mails dated 8/17/06 and 8/23/06 regarding CAMA Major Permit No. 102-06. In addition, the N.C. Division, of Coastal Management (DCM) received workplan drawings (5) from NCDOT for the spillway, fish ladder and sluice gate on 8/23/06. In the e-mail dated 8/17/06, NCDOT stated that grubbing will occur in the areas permitted as mechanized clearing. NCDOT previously stated verbally that they consider grubbing to be an :.. . authorized activity within the definition of mechanized clearing. Therefore, NCDOT considers Condition No. 27 of CAMA Permit No. 102-06 to be in conflict with the. permit's authorization to impact 0.069 acres of wetland impacts due to mechanized clearing. Condition No. 27 states that wetland areas to be cleared shall not be grubbed. On 8/23/06, NCDOT transmitted five workplan drawings to DCM depicting the spillway, fish ladder and sluice gate. Two of these drawings are new, and are dated July 2006 and labeled SP-5 and SP-4. Three of these drawings are revised, and are dated 4/11/06 and labeled SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3. NCDOT sent an e-mail to DCM on 8/23/06 stating that the revisions will not result in . . additional impacts to Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA) Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC's). The purpose of the revised and new drawings is to comply with Condition No. 2 of CAMA Permit No. 102-06, which states: "...the permittee shall work with DPR to develop a method to gain access to the control structure for maintenance of the fish ladder and for opening the control gates for maintenance..." In an e-mail dated 8/23/06, the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) sent DCM an email confirming that they have approved the plan revisions for the spillway and fish ladder. 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293\ FAX: 919-733-1495 \ Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us An Equal opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer -50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper 1 Please be advised that through this Letter of Refinement, DCM conveys its determination that the above referenced 5 workplan drawings submitted on 8/23/06, and NCDOT's plan to grub within mechanized clearing limits, are consistent with existing State rules and regulations and are in keeping with the original purpose and intent of CAMA Permit No. 102-06 with the following conditions: NOTE: The permittee is strongly encouraged to minimize the need to cut mature trees within the clearing limits to the maximum extent practicable. Any development activity that has not received approval from the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) for work within Merchants Millpond State Park is not authorized. 2. This Letter of Refinement does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional stale, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. This Letter of Refinement shall be attached to the original of CAMA Permit No. 102-06, which was issued on 6/8/06, and both documents shall be readily available on site when a DCM representative inspects the project for compliance. 4. All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this Letter of Refinement unless altered herein. Please contact Cathy Brittingham at (919) 733-2293 x238 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Doug Huggett Major Permits and Consistency Coordinator Cc: Tyler Stanton, NCDOT Bill Biddlecome, USACE Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ Alan Jeffreys, DPR 3-:?640 C:AMA FERMIT 10'2-06 r Subject: B-3640 CAMA PERMIT 102-06 From: "Tyler P. Stanton" <tstanton@dot.state.nc.us> Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:09:23 -0400 To: Cathy Brittingham <cathy.brittingham@ncmail.net> Cathy, This a follow-up to our phone conversation on Wednesday Aug. 9, 2006 regarding Condition No. 27 on the CAMA Major Development Permit (102-06) for TIP B-3640 in Gates County. As we discussed, grubbing will occur in the areas permitted as mechanized clearing. There will be 0.069-acre of mechanized clearing adjacent to the bridge approaches to facilitate safety and maintenance activities. Grubbing will not occur were mechanized clearing is not permitted. Thank you for your time and assistance on this project, Tyler Tyler Stanton, Biologist North Carolina Department of Transportation PDEA, Natural Environment Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 voice: (919)715-1439 fax: (919)715-5501 of 1 8/23/2006 12:24 PM i5-3b4U UAN1A rermit Uonaiton L Subject: B-3640 CAMA Permit Conditon 2 From: "Tyler P. Stanton" <tstanton @dot. state.nc.us> Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 12:10:34 -0400 To: Cathy Brittingham <cathy.brittingham@ncmail.net> Cathy, As you are aware, Condition 2 of the CAMA Major Development Permit (102-06) for TIP B-3640 in Gates County states: Prior to the initiation of construction, the permittee shall work with DPR to develop a method to gain access to the control structure for maintenance of the fish ladder and for opening the control gates for maintenance. Construction shall not commence until the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) receives written documentation from DPR that their concerns have been adequately addressed. If this additional coordination results in a project modification, then additional authorization may be required from DCM. Attached are email approvals from the DPR Project Engineer, Alan Jeffreys and the Merchants Millpond State Park Superintendent, Jay Greenwood to the plan revisions for the Spillway and Fish Ladder. The revisions include platforms that will be attached to the spillway for access to the sluice gates. These revisions will not result in additional impacts to the AEC. A pdf version of the plans will be sent to you via FTS for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions, and again, thank you for your time and assistance on this project, Tyler Tyler Stanton, Biologist North Carolina Department of Transportation PDEA, Natural Environment Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 voice: (919)715-1439 fax: (919)715-5501 Subject: RE: Merchants Mill Pond - Boat Deck Details From: jay greenwood <j ay. greenwood@ ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 18:29:13 -0400 (EDT) To: JAMANN@mactec.com, rstroup @dot. state.nc.us, sblevins@dot.state.nc.us, cfwalston@dot.state.nc.us, rodell@wilbursmith.com, tharris@wilbursmith.com, lbrooks@dot.state.nc.us, gcail @dot. state.nc.us, tstanton @dot. state.nc.us, Alan.Jeffreys@ncmail.net, Tami.ldol@ncmall.net CC: <JATICE@mactec.com> Looks good to me. Jay Greenwood Merchants Millpond State Park of 2 8123/2006 12:23 PM 0-3041J %_,-UVltl rC11111L %_011U1LUI1 G Subject: Re: Merchants Mill Pond - Boat Deck Details From: Alan Jeffreys <alanJeffreys@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 16:32:33 -0400 To: "Mann, Jeff" <JAMANN@mactec.com> CC: "Robert Stroup, PE" <rstroup@dot.state.nc.us>, "Scott Blevins, PE" <sblevins @dot. state.nc. us>, "Clayton F. Walston" <cfwalston@dot.state.nc.us>, "R. D. Odell, PE" <rodell@wilbursmith.com>, tharris@wilbursmith.com, Lonnie Brooks <lbrooks@dot.state.nc.us>, "W. G. (Galen) Cail" <gcail @dot. state.nc.us>, "Tyler P. Stanton" <tstanton @dot. state.nc.us>, Jay Greenwood <jay.greenwood@ncmail.net>, "Tami Idol, El" <Tami.Idol@ncmail.net>, "Tice, Al" <JATICE @ mactec.com> Jeff: The plans look great to us. Lets get it under construction. Mann, Jeff wrote: To All: I sent these revised drawings over the weekend, but I started getting concerned that I had not received any replies or comments today. So, I am resending these drawings. If you already received these documents, I apologize for clogging your inbox. Attached are the revised drawings for the spillway and the sluice gate platforms. I still have one item to address, regarding the rip rap downstream of the spillway, which arose on Friday. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks Jeffrey A. Mann, P.E. Principal Engineer MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 3301 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (919) 831-8066 direct (919) 831-8136 fax (919) 616-6465 mobile RE: Merchants Mill Pond - Boat Deck Details.eml Content-Type: message/rfc822 'Re: Merchants Mill Pond - Boat Deck Details.eml Content-Type: message/rfc822 It of 2 8/23/2006 12:23 PM r D UJ 7 W U W F- -J F ? r (!D ZZ =O m ¢ J U U Ln o M ?i W 3 m 2 O S O Z W b=t E z U) 2i tt e w Nz U w'1 o IF N a c s w w O ¢ a- ° _ Z s F- o < y n_ o m -i qq qqUy -y 7- -_ m d - 9J CC? O Z F- a. 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Q' O_ ix boy 0 n3?3 4 i I w Z ?i - ZH199 C9 W E4 1 N / w= s 0 ' 1 X Zs? cws.4 h I U b 2YJo w I 12i 14. n I I W rym/ V ?$n€?$a~ -F- -+- m (n \ N ri f ui } J B Z i v w o mm c? n v z co W H u ¢ O Ld c? 0 CL ((n M`4 r W LLJ ^00 C" N a / \ \ O B J r //h = M U Lo N !a- W¢ 5 H ¢ W gg ? O 2 0 / yX \ W Q'l Wf y 3 c (f) 50 ?!Cr az ILL m N 3Se \ Z W k~ =O H H 76 F°w O W co 6 ' "- Q= _ o I o ¢ a r C9 _ x= a„ ?? w= C U o r w 1 1-o D > LU ?" RED g a p / V 4 U) z ?w i CJ \ ;; R / U 48? o ?; ?g m - ? as m oft 9 aswy g ?s<? ?;?? m? x ?y ? w J: Qi m? F' W - ------------ a p jug H ? om O} N ? oSt? p0 w oF' ?w ?? ax 3 m • 3g ?m°a? ?x CL'"Oy ¢y w ECG ? J? H ?ciz 3 IN, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Ney DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY June 14, 2005 Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E., Director Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Dear Sir: Subject: Proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County.. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), State Project No. 8.2060201, TIP No. B-3640. The purpose of this .letter is to. request that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) grant confirmation that you are willing to provide compensatory mitigation for the projecf in- accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed July 22, 2003 by the USACE,'the NCDENR and the NCDOT. NCDOT proposes to replace existing Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond (DWQ Index # 25-17, Class "C" "NSW'), a warm water stream, on SR 1400 in Gates County. The project involves replacing the bridge at the existing location using an off-site detour. RESOURCES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF SECTION 404 AND 401 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT. We have avoided and minimized the impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible as described in the permit application. The remaining impacts to jurisdictional resources will be compensated for by mitigation provided by the EEP program. We estimate that permanent wetland impacts associated with the bridge replacement will be 0.12 acre. The project is located in the Coastal Physiographic Province (Northern Outer Coastal Plain EEP Ecoregion) in Gates County, in the Chowan River basin, Hydrological Cataloguing Unit 03010203. We propose to provide compensatory mitigation for the riverine wetland impacts by using the EEP for the 0.12 acre of impacts. Please send the letter of confirmation to Mr. Bill Biddlecome (USACE Coordinator) at U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office, P.O. Box 1000, Washington, NC 27889-1000. Mr. Biddlecome's FAX number is (252) 975-1399. The current let date for the project is March 21, 2006 for which the let review date is January 31, 2006. In order to satisfy regulatory assurances that mitigation will be performed; the NCDWQ requires a formal letter from EEP indicating their willingness and ability to provide the mitigation work requested r by NCDOT. The NCDOT requests such a letter of confirmation be addressed to Mr. John Hennessy of NCDWQ, with copies submitted to NCDOT. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Tyler Stanton at tstanton@dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715-1439. Sincerely, Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Environmental Management Director Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch cc: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ v/%. Nicole Thomson, NCDWQ Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE Ms. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT Natural Environment Unit . Mr. Omar S. Sultan, NCDOT, Program Management Ms. Laurie P. Smith, CPA, NCDOT, Program Management STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ?r?NO q??, ?, ? J?0 Ne? ?RWq?iY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR September 10, 2007 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington, N.C. 27889-1000 Attention: Bill Biddlecome and Garcy Ward SECRETARY 6C?oa?3 v. ? Subject: Permit modification request for the construction of a rip-rap weir at Bridge # 16 (Merchants Mill Pond) in Gates County. (COE action id. 200610572, DWQ NW 23 conditions) The North Carolina Department of Transportation is requesting a permit modification to COE GP 23 permit # 200610572, Division of Water Quality Certification (NW 23 conditions) to authorize the construction of a rip-rap weir. The rip-rap weir construction has been initiated at the request of the USFWS biologist Mike Wicker and Merchants Mill Pond State Park. The fish ladder will have greater success if a weir is put in place that directs the migrating fish to the entrance of the fish ladder. The weir will be constructed of rip-rap that weights from 200-7001bs. It will be approximately 6 ft. at the base and 2-3 ft. in height depending on the water depth. The weir will create a "V" shape that fiumels the migrating fish to the entrance of the fish ladder. The weir will extend from the fish ladder to the rip-rap roadway shoulder as depicted in the provided drawing. The footprint of the weir will impact approximately 540 sq. ft. of surface water that was previously listed as temporary surface water impact. This material will be placed using an excavator bucket. This work area is within the temporary sheet pile contained area; therefore any turbidity resulting from the rip-rap placement will be contained. If any additional information or clarification of the request is needed, please call Clay Willis at 252-482-7977. Thanks for your efforts in this matter. Sincerely, Jerry Jennings, P.E. Division Engineer Clay Willis ` Division Enviro ental Officer Cc: Garcy Ward, DWQ Sonja Gregory, DWQ Bob Capehart, P.E. NCDOT 113 Airport Dr., Suite 100, Edenton, NC 27932 - Phone: (252) 482-7977 Fax: (252) 482-8722 N 5 10 Miles I i I Bridge # 16 Merchants Mill Pond F 1?excHAN'Ts (MILL. POND SPILL wA DAM /! '?-R,,P- RAF i '?,/kP •RAa ?, Gc-OPO ? ?'a9p('J ,o?c?raCLb I ? ?a3a18'? Q Qc MPOe?? StfEE7iNG- POP+AP 5??tvCtJ2? WE?? PA, 7 (S40 S?s. Fr Lr^P4C?) -?? 4 0 25' 50' I ? I ScA Llrr.- v2?? GATES GouN1Y V NO-slc-r b3c040 bvs6t # its Mtttj T? CAUL Pop Z?-OOLTT'S c? C RIP-RAp i.J?IR. ? D N000T _,:,: .>'_ ,,.", ,, ? ?s:: ? ?? (0G C, c,,4e,5 J4 A1 7 CCU d "00 6 IT/?i Jrrlli.'. F, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ??ro?gr a MICHAEL F. EASLEY LODO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY January 9, 2006 Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E., Director NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Dear Sir: Subject: Revision to Prior Request of Mitigation for the Proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), State Project No. 8.2060201, TIP No. B-3640. Please reference our previous request for compensatory mitigation dated June 14, 2005 and the EEP Acceptance Letter dated July 19, 2005. Due to a change in design, the NCDOT has increased permanent impacts from the 0.12 acre of wetlands impacts previously requested, to 0.19 acre. Please provide NCDOT confirmation that the EEP is willing to provide compensatory mitigation for the additional 0.07 acre of impacts to riverine wetlands. Please send the revised letter of confirmation to Mr. Bill Biddlecome (USACE Coordinator) at U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office, P.O. Box 1000, Washington, NC 27889- 1000. Mr. Biddlecome's FAX number is (252) 975-1399. The current let date for the project is July 18, 2006, for which the let review date is May 30, 2006. In order to satisfy regulatory assurances that mitigation will be performed; the NCDWQ requires a formal letter from EEP indicating their willingness and ability to provide the mitigation work requested by NCDOT. The NCDOT requests such a letter of confirmation be addressed to Mr. John Hennessy of NCDWQ, with copies submitted to NCDOT. MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-715-1501 WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Tyler Stanton at tstanton@dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715-1439. Sincerely, 6'?4z ?t Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Environmental Management Director Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch Cc: V<r. John Hennessy, NCDWQ Ms. Nicole Thompson, NCDWQ Ms. Bill Biddlecome, USACE Ms. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT Natural Environment Unit Mr. Majed Alghandour, NCDOT Project Management/Scheduling Unit Mr. Todd Jones, NCDOT External Audit Branch File B-3640 s,.a SfATEp STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR November 27, 2006 N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 1367 U. S. Highway 17 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Attention: Ms. Kimberly Hedrick Dear Madam: O(e() z83 C LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY AFC 8 2006 ?NDSgN° T?RM?q?E?'Y RB *Cy Subject: CAMA Major Development Permit Modification Request for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), State Project No. 8.2060201, TIP No. B-3640, Debit WBS 33188.1.1 $100. Reference: CAMA Permit # 102-06 dated June 8, 2006 As stated in the original application, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace existing Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Millpond in Gates County. Since the CAMA Permit was issued, NCDOT has modified its plan to include temporary sheet pile to enhance construction of the dam/spillway and fish ladder. Therefore, in addition to the permitted permanent impacts, there will be temporary stream and surface water impacts. To facilitate and expedite the construction of the proposed spillway/dam and fish ladder, the NCDOT proposes to use sheet-pile downstream to prevent back-flow into the project area so that it may remain dry during construction. The method of sheet pile installation will most likely be vibro-hammer but possibly pile driving (it will not be jetted) via crane from the existing causeway. The dimensions of the sheet pile will be 140' L x 6' H. The sheet pile will remain in place for approximately 12 months and result in 63 ft of temporary stream impacts and 0.14 acre of temporary surface water impacts. Consequently, installation of sheet piles will dispense the need for an anadromous fish moratorium based on personal communication with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. NCDOT also requests modification of Condition #29 to eliminate the requirement to use turbidity curtains, which would not be necessary since the project area will be de-watered. In addition, NCDOT requests modification to Condition #25, which states the depth the water in the pond will be lowered 6 inches for one month; NCDOT has determined the water depth should be lowered approximately 12 inches until the project has completed. MAILING ADDRESS: LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - TELEPHONE: 919-715-1500 2728 CAPITAL BLVD. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS FAX: 919-715-1501 PARKER LINCOLN BUILDING, SUITE 168 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE' WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC 27604 RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 NCDOT requests that the referenced CAMA Major Development Permit be modified to reflect the revisions outlined in this letter. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Tyler Stanton at (919) 715-1439 or tstanton@dot.state.nc.us. Sincerely, Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA Cc W/o attachment: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ Dr. David Chang, PE, Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, PE, Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Anthony Roper, PE, Division 1 Engineer Mr. Clay Willis, Division 1 Environmental Officer Mr. Scott McLendon, USAGE, Wilmington Mr. Jay Bennett, PE, Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, PE, Programming and TIP. Mr. Art McMillan, PE, Highway Design Ms. Stacy Baldwin, PE, PDEA NCDOT TIP B-3640 Page 2 of 2 ?0 4 RCDENRl?hosNR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural ResourceNS11,1 T14 Division of Coastal Management o?' 1%al Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary e' MEMORANDUM TO: Sara Winslow, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries Travis Wilson, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission- Bill Biddlecome, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Garcy Ward, N.C. Division of Water Quality - 401/Wetlands Unit David Wainwright, N.C. Division of Water Quality - 401/Wetlands Unit Alan Jeffreys, N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation CC: Kim Hedrick, Field Representative FROM: Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator DATE: December 7, 2006 SUBJECT: Request for a Minor Modification of CAMA Major Permit No. 102-06 to replace Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, Gates County. APPLICANT: N.C. Department of Transportation Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed permit modification and return this form to the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, Raleigh Office at 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 before December 28, 2006. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Cathy Brittingham at (919) 733-2293 x238 or Kim Hedrick at (252) 264-3901. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY _ This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. - This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. - This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached memo. Signed Date 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293 \ FAX: 919-733-1495\ Internet: www.nccoastaimanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper a,,..SWE o r.2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY November 27, 2006 N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources r-tECEIVED Division of Coastal Management 1367 U. S. Highway 17?? Elizabeth City, NC 27909 DEC 0 Attention: Ms. Kimberly Hedrick 011 1. OF (.',0p T L VMA NF??:3EWIEN , Dear Madam: Subject: CAMA Major Development Permit Modification Request for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), State Project No. 8.2060201, TIP No. B-3640, Debit WBS 33188.1.1 $100. Reference: CAMA Permit # 102-06 dated June 8, 2006 As stated in the original application, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace existing Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Millpond in Gates County. Since the CAMA Permit was issued, NCDOT has modified its plan to include temporary sheet pile to enhance construction of the dam/spillway and fish ladder. Therefore, in addition to the permitted permanent impacts, there will be temporary stream and surface water impacts. To facilitate and expedite the construction of the proposed spillway/dam and fish ladder, the NCDOT proposes to use sheet-pile downstream to prevent back-flow into the project area so that it may remain dry during construction. The method of sheet pile installation will most likely be vibro-hammer but possibly pile driving (it will not be jetted) via crane from the existing causeway. The dimensions of the sheet pile will be 140' L x 6'H. The sheet pile will remain in place for approximately 12 months and result in 63 ft of temporary stream impacts and 0.14 acre of temporary surface water impacts. Consequently, installation of sheet piles will dispense the need for an anadromous fish moratorium based on personal communication with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. NCDOT also requests modification of Condition #29 to eliminate the requirement to use turbidity curtains, which would not be necessary since the project area will be de-watered. In addition, NCDOT requests modification to Condition #25, which states the depth the water in the pond will be lowered 6 inches for one month; NCDOT has determined the water depth should be lowered approximately 12 inches until the project has completed. MAILING ADDRESS: LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TELEPHONE: 919-715-1500 2728 CAPITAL BLVD. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS FAX: 919-715-1501 PARKER LINCOLN BUILDING, SUITE 168 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSIrE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC 27604 RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 NCDOT requests that the referenced CAMA Major Development Permit be modified to reflect the revisions outlined in this letter. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Tyler Stanton at (919) 715-1439 or tstanton@dot.state.nc.us. Sincerely, r , ?e Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA Cc W/o attachment: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ Dr. David Chang, PE, Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, PE, Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Anthony Roper, PE, Division 1 Engineer Mr. Clay Willis, Division 1 Environmental Officer Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Jay Bennett, PE, Roadway Design Mr. Maied Alghandour, PE, Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, PE, Highway Design Ms. Stacy Baldwin, PE, PDEA NCDOT TIP B-3640 Page 2 of 2 RECEIVEDN ORTH CAROLINA GATES OCT 19 2006 COUNTY 01V. OF COASTAL MANAGEM N 'l RALEIGH 8 1 / ' ? Cwoa E rars ` 158 ILLPQ BUS - I 158 0 0 GATE LL ` 7 ENQ P oQ _? Q %•k• 37 ? J V/ClN/TY MAP OF PROJECT 820160201 NCD®T DIVISION _,OF HIGH`WAYS VICINITY GATES COUNTY PROJECT: 33188.11. (B-3640) MAPS SR 1400 MILL POND ROAD FROM: EAST OF EASTMAINS CROSSROADS TO FLAT BRANCH SHEET I OF $ ?a9I PERMIT DIKAWIN&S RECF,'\JE- p" O 2006 PROPOSED GRADE v. OF cOASTAL'NipNAOe r? Or RA?.>r w 0 o w H C!3 00 o m°o Cored Slab 45 ? z?r mm ",it N 0+ (3? w cv) z d' mr- wr 10 EXISTING BRIDGE & PIERS W NWS DOWNSTREAM _I = 4.09' w TEMP SHEETPILE 13 0' 25' 50' HORIZ VERT 01 2.5' 5' ?I? I I I I ? I I I L L.1?y 14 STATION PROFILE VIEW 15 NCDOT DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GATES COUNTY PROJECT: B-3640 REPLACE BRIDGE a16 OVER MERCHANT'S MILL POND/ BENNETT'S CREEK SHEET 1r OF T 1011310(l r . N 0 h •° D 0 - n a m r O CD z ? cn 0 o (D v 0 z o 0 1 =T ? ° -a z m -? = O 0 O Q z ? OoAJ cn O m .rt C- ) 0 0) 4 ?d m ITA 3: cn in z Cl) ? n (D - g4 0 co O ?5 0 ? Z O O Q W w z CD M 0)O - n C: 3 z o , ?* y 0) D :3 N cn z cn O g 0 z Z -? D O I I P i i I N 0 0 r o I ? I I I `? I ? I I I I r I I I 1 CD ? j ? + rl Ij o 47 CD ? I v CD o (D 3 0 o A cn - N I I n N CD CD I I ? d O? A M I I ^' C I (D CD `G C ( CAD 3 cn C, O X y (a CD co O O °- o o :3 v a = r ? a O O I T Z, CD w O I _ _ "O j I (nn < m O m X r ('?. o N I I o N m = ? = CU o m IJ U cn b CD n D n Z o o m m v ? ?a 4 -4 2. = N a rn v , a 3 ? Q o m m m o 0 N o 0 0 3 CD cn cn C CD T D Cxi7 o o ? ? CD c: M z i a ? cn o v D n ro CD C') M m C) ?a 25. D z CD CD CO C/7 Q 17 A O D x -i X :z -3 7p Cn z ? 0 a o O = 61 ? z ? s IQCI 10p $DATE$ $TIME$ $FILE$ CT: TIP: B-3640 l rn I i I i y ?T'ly =oo z o? z y? r3 Ct V?ly Ay? Cm O H w? Y r n 5 o0 o p? o W 4 v Om 'o ? a cn C a Z Wo MGR m 1 w JlY h N ?? O . b V? b ,y pay V M C eoo? 2G rn? ? A l 1 o ? O ? O ? t4 k=4 C) C) ? O ? z 9• I[CONT p ty ?. z z x3 xa? gl NU; a g Z g ° PER lW is e ? RR? ' Qe N Q O,i A ).. a w I m1 w,4I °N \ Q IF cn v, env, vF?cWiC>15 IQ c4iZIQ .. r . B N '4 ® _ AE, ) N d 1141141114011 :::, \?ryE \\ O tub o a tZ 41 > W 09 x b tai 2 i 3 ,- `` ~ 2 2 O ?^ WWWCr a~Ca1C ? v ic i?cn oo??gO aQ ?fim NI a?H al mcil 40 1 a o W z y 3 ° z ? l Q .; u W? N Mm W H<, 1 ? 7 ^ F2 j Zy, O ZLL ? D ? G ? n 3 Q d ?I ?d f WII- RG ?? gag bb/LI/8 W "IbOD'- x W? W S -- -- -- -- -- 2 -- --- - tlyy J D -' ?O - -- -- --- - - -- - 7 /? --- -- -- -- -- 41 ?? BPEEK /,. 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MANAGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------...----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------°-------_-------_-__-_ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8/17J99 ?aU _ mom + H^' oaf m Tai ` y? i i I I P?? g zze o = g 6" " r.~ii OfQp} OJriE b= ?- ?u?? CC a o? ? fib} I i;? umlF ?? 9? 65 `CGP' N?O m N j?i§ ? .mom ?O Z; O b BEGIN 0 STA. 12 +4 5.0 Nzz ELEV. 1 1.6 8 a? S ?n 0 BEGIN G RADE -L- mo m-ai ow gy' rn o ?t ' 0 + 8 STA. 12 ELEV. 1 +6 1. 7.20 72 ?p y H i H ZZ) ?= - -- -- -- --- --- o C Lv Y --- pOQ ?'? - -- -- -- --- -- . Zn - -- -- - - -- A rt, P y d jj ( C I 111. S Z ? t' w g N ` S6 S ? 9S B?^' EN D G RADE - L- STA. 15+55.00 ELEV. 12-54 ? x m ?rn i $ " T ?7° ix, r rrl 2 mA lt - m , ii '", END PRO STA 15 JE +8 CT 0 00 ? ? O1 X _+ . ELEV. 1 2 . . 43 I a A m l Y33N - -- - -- -- -- - - rn? o r b" ~ m k a H H H H H i : 7 a ? - -- - -- -- -- -- i H 7 i O ? ? 7 c m rq rn gmwwwr4,m rn no, ?iirntn?nv?cn ?o ?o n cJ? J y nrnozxi 0 v ?<n rno C 3 ' 0 ? " I :I, n, i. ,. =o ?-j x u a e u e n n n n n $8. ,'?NfV?iM'b Itv, 0 D 0 m r m- <mNii An NON s .: -.'7 w-Iw iaN% o ?T t a 3 rt g? a f o? r0 C L_ ?O y y?yx r? m Az g ^ o H a ? a `11 0 Ma E A ? z I Fg a a$ a o a a$ -1 N O r im rm l 2 o pm o g 1 4 ??? 0 ?1 I X I ? LN3VV9F)HNVW lvj_SbpC) _40 nia s31N s3wa$ $Uva ago I if 10? C 3no30" 3a V 02,35 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary May 5, 2006 MEMORANDUM: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant: Cyndi Karoly Environmental Biological Supervisor Division of Water Quality Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator P@r=0WIEF0 MAY 8 2006 DENR - WATER QUALln- n ANDSAND STOWW, TER BRAT H CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Bridge #16 over Merchants Millpond, SR 1400, near Gatesville Proposed Project: Improved roadway, new bridge, dam and spillway with fish ladder Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by OS Cathya Brittingham;.163g. Mait`Ser? ice, Cciitcr; RalcighznNC F 769)??IG.38. The permit applicant also submitted a Categorical Exclusion dated 10/28/04 with the permit application package. Please contact Cathy Brittingham at (919) 733-2293, Ext. 238, if you would like to receive a copy of the Categorical Exclusion. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Wanda Gooden at (252) 264-3901. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY: be This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. Ft ie? ?s This agency has no comment on the proposed project. 23. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE / 1367 U.S. tl"South, Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 Phone: 252-264-39011 FAX: 252-264-37231 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 30% Recycled by Fiber Weight A $DATE$ SnYa $RLES 09/08/99 o NTRACT, TIP. B-3640 0 0 ofiffi-I w o w U 5 o N o 'i O o Z y ! v? Om N (n R R D i N"- ? :rte J r moo ? I c' cn c m is ?? b ? Z ?- O oG ? o h N ca CD ?n n u n u n x `? 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'38 1 y / n1 h1 n1 - - M 2 ~~~rn?lb y C C MR, b ebb C) G5 C5 - n Cz :b, / rfl 4 S? nrMnMrdnn C iiiiiiiii % q j? y 8/l7/99 It I Iw t l? l ??NI?1 Ill Fit: ra I m I ? I 1 1 H '? gas H •a u I VV ?. I I O$g? $ ! y f~7 ^ ( I y yA oo m y 'C1 $X K Pit z a ? $ll k 0 >q N ? A i A x z r_ N 3 t? MINN In I SI 21 I _ ;Ali 1.0 pit ? ? ° ?i trty 6r' ? y 9Z ? ? . = i a IE Q ? 4 . DAIS yD/dR LIME f1IME5 tm' 11 09/03/99 (PR:'OJECT: 33188.1.1 TIP.,*. B-3640 w w?? y ? o a •. o o ° ' aD 0 _ m o o All o rn ?? _ OD gg - ? ? ? o0 4-7 -I N N v 1? ? ? 4 N G ? ? ? C I ? co ?' n k p N N n a II II II II II II x o Ll a o b po A w oo c ao 0 w S • ' Li rIn rc? chi W o z z ? 0 ` = R1 R1 m v = -0 z H 21 O O;j 00 O ?c ?a 1.0 y O n n y ` + h7 Q A II b3 to 0 o c ? ? T ? ? ? e??•l ? ? ? 1? cn 1W N 3 ? i 7C) y Cie) ??I K ®® Nb o? =C o? ob Y i RI?a m? j rno /44 niv y i i C? o O v, x ?m c? ? o crnni x ="' ? 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LE 1 2. 43 o ? o , _ t .M„ i t ; 112 ?7•YS- # t YX b - om •. ? ,. : E } ap g 14 Zt M. ------ -- ---- -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- - --- -- -- - 7: M AD :b :yd as ::;`,'; Z ~~ 2 000 ?• f to f?; •.:. ?` f':^;•.'?` :' mo '•.^ ? b C ? m x n C :' :? :'? nay= o ' ? N 1CT] rrk -11 . Jpp ' ( ? `?'- ? ? n1 2 111 ' • Qtr. # a ?? _ ; in y? .?py/, 2 X .l ? T ? 9 G ? rn x ? \& - -------- ---- ? $ . d Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? e''? - --- --- -- - -- - ---- ------ --- --- ---- --- --- - - - $$$ 3 0 yk"l a$ 4 + 4 N 6 Oa21 i R-+? 4+ 4 44 4 o y z ° ?. I Permit Class Permit Number NEW 102-06 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources & C) and C? Coasta 1 "W461 " l Resources Commission C-1 1permtt ?L for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to N.C. Department of Transportation, 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Authorizing development in Gates County at Merchants Millpond and Bennetts Creek, Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 , as requested in the permittee's application dated 3/16/06 (MP-1) and 5/2/06 (MP-5), including the attached workplan drawings (8): 5 dated as received on 2/23/06; 3 dated 10/21/05. This permit, issued on 6/8/06 is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. TIP No. B-3640, Replacement of Bridge, Dam and Spillway 1) Any development activity that has not received approval from the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) for work within Merchants Millpond State Park is not authorized. 2) Prior to the initiation of construction, the permittee shall work with DPR to develop a method to gain access to the control structure for maintenance of the fish ladder and for opening the control gates for maintenance. Construction shall not commence until the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) receives written documentation from DPR that their concerns have been adequately addressed. If this additional coordination results in a project modification, then additional authorization may be required from DCM. NOTE: Merchants Millpond State Park is a designated State Significant Natural Heritage Area. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. (( ti ' ??Z Charles S. Jo 's, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. No expiration date, pursuant to GS 136-44.7B In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee N.C. Department of Transportation ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit #102-06 Page 2 of 5 3) In order to protect anadromous fisheries resources in Bennetts Creek and Merchants Millpond, no in- water work shall be conducted between February 15th to June 30th of any year without prior approval of DCM, in consultation with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. For the purposes of this moratorium, in-water is defined as those areas that are inundated at normal water level, including the waters or contiguous inundated wetlands of Bennetts Creek and Merchants Millpond. 4) The permittee shall implement the N.C. Department of Transportation's (NCDOT's) Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage. 5) No non-native species shall be planted without prior approval of DPR. 6) Unless specifically altered herein, any mitigative measures or environmental commitments specifically made by the permittee in the CAMA permit application and/or the Categorical Exclusion document dated 10/28/04 shall be implemented, regardless of whether or not such commitments are addressed by individual conditions of this permit. 7) All excavated materials shall be confined above normal water level and landward of reizularly or irregularly flooded wetlands behind adequate dikes or other retaining structures to prevent spillover of solids into any wetlands or surrounding waters. 8) The temporary placement and double handling of any excavated or fill material within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. This condition applies to the entire project, including removal of the existing bridge, dam, spillway, roadway asphalt and associated materials. 9) No excavation shall take place at any time in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the areas indicated on the attached workplan drawing(s), without permit modification. 10) No excavated or fill material shall be placed at any time in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the fill area(s) as indicated on the attached workplan drawing(s), without permit modification. 11) All fill material shall be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. 12) Live concrete shall not be allowed to contact the water in or entering into Bennetts Creek and Merchants Millpond, or the adjacent wetlands. - 13) All fill material shall be obtained from an upland source. 14) The bridge shall be constructed using top down construction methodologies. Any other construction method may require additional authorization. The permittee shall contact DCM to obtain such approval. 15) All construction access shall be through use of the existing bridge. Use of mats for construction access across wetlands shall require additional authorization from DCM. 16) Unless specifically altered herein, NCDOT's document "Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal" (final 9/20/99) shall be followed during both demolition and construction activities. N.C. Department of Transportation Permit #102-06 Page 3 of 5 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 17) The existing dam and spillway and pilings from the existing bridge, as well as any remnant pilings from previous bridges, shall be removed in their entirety. In the event that a piling breaks during removal and cannot be removed in its entirety, the piling may be cut off flush with the bed of the water body only if prior approval is received from DCM. 18) The steel sheet pile of the new spillway structure shall be installed by driving. Should the permittee determine that another type of installation is preferred, additional authorization from DCM shall be required. 19) The pile installation practice for the bridge and fish ladder shall be accomplished using pile driving. Should the permittee determine that another type of pile installation, such as jetting or drilled shaft construction, is preferred, additional authorization from DCM shall be required. 20) Debris resulting from removal of the existing bridge, dam, spillway, roadway asphalt and associated materials, shall not enter wetlands or waters of the State, even temporarily. 21) All materials and debris associated with the removal and/or construction of the existing and/or new bridge, existing and/or new dam and spillway, and related structures and associated materials shall be disposed of at an approved upland site or shall be recycled in an environmentally appropriate manner provided appropriate authorizations from any relevant state, federal, or local authorities are obtained. 22) Bridge deck drains shall not be located over surface waters. 23) The filter fabric associated with the authorized riprap shall be in place prior to the placement of the riprap. 24) The placement of riprap shall be limited to the areas as depicted on the attached workplan drawing(s). The riprap material shall be clean and free from loose dirt or any pollutant except in trace quantities. The riprap material shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as, but not limited to, granite, marl or broken concrete. Impacts to Waters of the State and Mitigation NOTE: This project will permanently impact approximately 0.19 acres of riverine wetlands (0.10 acres due to fill, 0.02 acres due to excavation and 0.069 acres due to mechanized clearing). This project will permanently impact approximately 0.17 acres of surface waters. 25) The permittee estimates that the water level of Merchants Millpond will be reduced by 6 inches for approximately one month due to construction of the spillway and dam. No additional temporary impacts to wetlands or waters of the State are authorized by this permit without prior approval from DCM. 26) There shall be no clearing of wetlands outside of the area(s) indicated on the attached workplan drawing(s) without prior approval from DCM. 27) Wetland areas to be cleared shall not be grubbed. N.C. Department of Transportation Permit #102-06 Page 4of5 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS NOTE: The permittee is strongly encouraged to minimize the need to cut mature trees within the clearing limits to the maximum extent practicable. 28) Compensatory mitigation for 0.19 acres of riverine wetland impacts associated with the proposed project shall be provided in accordance with the letter dated 1/31/06 from the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), and in accordance with the "Tri-Party" Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered into on 7/22/03 by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), NCDOT, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Wilmington District, and in accordance with the "Two-Party" MOA entered into on 4/12/04 by NCDENR and NCDOT. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 29) Turbidity curtains and silt fences shall be used to isolate the work areas associated with the bridge replacement from Merchants Millpond and Bennetts Creek, including pile installation and removal, excavation or filling. The turbidity curtains shall be installed parallel to the banks on each side of the pond and creek. The turbidity curtains shall extend past the construction limits and be attached to the silt fences containing the work site. The turbidity curtains shall not fully encircle the work area or extend across Merchants Millpond or Bennetts Creek. The turbidity curtains shall be properly maintained and retained in the water until construction is complete and all of the work area contained by the turbidity curtains has been stabilized by vegetation or other means. The turbidity curtains shall be removed when turbidity within the curtains reaches ambient levels. 30) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures shall be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses and properties (e.g. silt fence, diversion swales or berms, etc.). 31) This project shall conform to all requirements of the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and NCDOT's Memorandum of Agreement with the Division.of Land Resources. 32) The permittee shall follow "Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters". 33) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. Stormwater Management 34) The N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) approved this project under stormwater management rules of the Environmental Management Commission under Stormwater Permit No. SW7050913. Any violation of the permit approved by DWQ shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. General 35) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. N.C..Department of Transportation Permit #102-06 Page 5 of 5 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 36) Due to projected usage, the project area may affect existing potable water distribution and/or service lines in the area. Therefore, prior to initiation of construction the permittee and/or its contractor shall contact the Gates County Water Department to arrange a site visit to confirm any water line locations. 37) Plans and specifications for any new or relocated water distribution lines shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered to practice in North Carolina for approval by the Plan Review Unit of the N.C. Division of Environmental Health, Public Water Supply Section. 38)' Any relocation of utility lines that is not specifically depicted on the attached workplan drawing(s), or described within the attached permit application, shall require approval from DCM, either under the authority of this permit, or by the utility company obtaining separate authorization. 39) If it is determined that additional permanent and/or temporary impacts (such as but not limited to temporary access roads, detours, or matting to transport equipment across wetlands) are necessary that are not shown on the attached workplan drawing(s), a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM shall be required. In addition, any changes in the approved plan may also require a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM. The permittee shall contact a representative of DCM prior to commencement of any such activity for this determination and any permit modification. 40) Development authorized by this permit shall only be conducted within NCDOT Right-of-Ways and/or easements. 41) The N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) authorized the proposed project on 2/22/06 (DWQ Project No. 06-0283) under General Water Quality Certification No. 3403. Any violation of the Certification approved by DWQ shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the proposed project under Nationwide Permit Number 23 (COE Action ID No. 200610572), which was issued on 3/29/06. ?e .Mme MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY September 21, 2006 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington, NC 27889-1000 ?C?a2b3v. Z Attention: Mr. William J. Biddlecome NCDOT Coordinator Dear Sir: Subject: Nationwide 33 Permit Application and Nationwide 23 Permit Modification Request for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants c? Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), ?J State Project No. 8.2060201, WBS 33188.1.1, TIP No. B-3640. Reference: Action ID No. 200610572, NWP 23 issued March 29, 2006 Please find enclosed revised permit drawings and a Pre-Construction Notification for the above referenced project. As stated in the original application, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace existing Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Millpond in Gates County. In addition to the permitted permanent impacts there will temporary stream and surface water impacts to facilitate construction of the dam/spillway and fish ladder. Impacts to Waters of the United States General Description: The project is located in the Chowan River Basin (Hydrologic Unit 03010203). A best usage classification of "C NSW" has been assigned to Merchants Millpond (Bennetts Creek) [DWQ Index # 25-17]. Neither High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I: undeveloped watersheds or WS-II: predominately undeveloped watersheds), listed Section 303(d) impairments, nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile (1.6 km) of project study area. Neither Merchants Millpond nor Bennetts Creek is designated as a North Carolina Natural or Scenic River, or as a national Wild and Scenic River. Permanent Impacts: The permitted impacts to jurisdictional wetlands have not changed (0.10- acre of fill, 0.07-acre of mechanized clearing, and 0.02-acre of excavation). However, a hydraulic review of the quantity of rip-rap to be placed at the base of the proposed dam/spillway has been reduced, resulting in a total of 0.14-acre of surface water impacts. Temporary Impacts: To facilitate and expedite the construction of the proposed spillway/dam and fish ladder, the NCDOT proposes to use sheet-pile downstream to prevent back-flow into the MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 project area so that it may remain dry during construction. This will result in 63 ft of temporary stream impacts and 0.14-acre of temporary surface water impacts (see permit drawings). Utility Impacts: As stated in the original application, no impacts to jurisdictional resources will occur due to the relocation of utilities in the project area. All utility work will be conducted in upland areas and existing road fill. Bridge Demolition The existing bridge consists of a timber deck on timber joists with an asphalt-wearing surface. The substructure is a timber abutment design; the interior bents consist of timber caps on timber piles. The spillway for the millpond is a timber structure that is adjacent to the existing bridge. The bridge can be removed without dropping components into Waters of the United States during construction. Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal will be followed to avoid any temporary fill from entering Waters of the United States. Federally Protected Species As of April 27, 2006 the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists two federally protected species for Gates County. A biological conclusion of "no effect" remains valid for the red- cockaded woodpecker due to lack of suitable habitat. A biological conclusion is not required for the American alligator due to its designation of Threatened (due to similarity of appearance). No species have been added or deleted from the list since the completion of the CE (October 28, 2004). Avoidance and Minimization Avoidance examines all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to "Waters of the United States". Due to the presence of surface waters and wetlands within the project study area, avoidance of all impacts is not possible. The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts. Minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design these included: • Use of an off-site detour during construction. • Construction of a 29-foot longer bridge • Construction of a fish ladder for anadromous fish passage • Best Management Practices will also be utilized during demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge. • Installation of sheet piles will dispense the need for an Anadromous Fish Moratorium based on personal communication with NCWRC. Mitigation No additional mitigation is proposed for this project. Regulatory Approvals Section 404 Permit: It is anticipated that the temporary dewatering and sheet-pile installation will be authorized under Section 404 Nationwide Permit 33 (Temporary Construction Access and Dewatering). We are, therefore, requesting the issuance of a Nationwide Permit 33 authorizing the temporary work. All other aspects of this project are being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b). NCDOT TIP B-3640 Page 2 of 3 The NCDOT requests that these activities be authorized by a Nationwide Permit 23 (FR number 10, pages 2020-2095, January 15, 2002). Section 401 Certification: We anticipate 401 General Water Quality Certification numbers 3403 and 3366 will apply to this project. All general conditions of the Water Quality Certifications will be met. Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500(a) and 15A NCAC 2B.0200, we are providing copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality for their review. CAMA: NCDOT has applied for the issuance of a CAMA Major Development Permit Modification from NCDCM under separate cover. A copy of this application will be posted on the NCDOT website at: http://www.doh.dot state nc us/preconstruct/pe/neu/nennit html Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Please contact Mr. Tyler Stanton at tstanton@dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715-1439 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely w f, - ?? Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA Cc W/attachment: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (2 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Ron Sechler, NMFS Mr. Michael Street, NCDMF Ms. Cathy Brittingham, NCDCM Ms. Wanda Gooden, NCDCM Dr. David Chang, PE, Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, PE, Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Anthony Roper, PE, Division 1 Engineer Mr. Clay Willis, Division 1 Environmental Officer Cc W/o attachment: Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Jay Bennett, PE, Roadway Design Mr. Mai ed Alghandour, PE, Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, PE, Highway Design Ms. Beth Harmon, EEP Mr. Todd Jones, NCDOT External Audit Branch Ms. Stacy Baldwin, PE, PDEA NCDOT TIP B-3640 Page 3 of 3 Office Use Only: Form Version March 05 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. Processing Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NW 23 & 33 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name:Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Environmental Management Director Mailing Address: 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC Telephone Number: (919) 733-3141 Fax Number:_ (919) 733-9794 E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Fax Number: Page 1 of 9 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): B-3640 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 4. Location County: Gates Nearest Town: Gatesville Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): -76.6987 ON 36.4315 °W 6. Property size (acres): N/A 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Bennetts Creek 8. River Basin: Chowan (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: State Park, Rural with forested areas and scattered residential and farms. Page 2 of 9 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Replacement of the existing bridge structure with a 135-foot cored slab bridge at approximately the same location and slightly higher roadway elevation of the existing structure using top-down construction. Replace existing dam/spillway structure and install fish ladder. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The bridge is considered to be structurally deficient and functionally obsolete and the replacement will result in safer traffic operations. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. NWP & CAMA Application dated 2/17/2006; USACE Action ID # 200610572 dated 3/29/2006 ; CAMA Permit # 102-06 dated 6/8/2006 V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for Page 3 of 9 wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: approach fill, excavation, mechanized clearing, sheet-pile installation 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, senarately list impacts due to hcth structure and flnndin¢_ Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain ( es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) -14+11-L- Permanent Fill Forested/Riverine Yes 0.10 14+11-L- Mechanized Clearing Forested/Riverine Yes 0.07 14+11-L- Excavation Forested/Rivenne Yes 0.02 Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0.19 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Number (indicate on map) Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Intermittent? Average Stream Width Before Impact Impact Length (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) 14+11-L- Bennetts Creek Temporary Perennial 90 63 0.14 Page 4 of 9 I Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 63 0.14 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) Area of Impact (acres) 14+11-L- Merchants Millpond Fill (rip-rap) Pond 0.14 Total Open Water Impact (acres) 0.14 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): 0.14 Wetland Impact (acres): 0.19 Open Water Impact (acres): 0.14 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.47 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 63 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ? Yes ® No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USAGE. N/A 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and Page 5 of 9 financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Use of an off-site detour during construction, construction of a 29-foot longer single-span bridge, Best Management Practices will also be utilized during demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at htlp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/sti-n-igid.e.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. The NCEEP will provide compensatory mitigation for impacts from this project Page 6 of 9 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wip/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): 0 Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): 0 Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): 0.19 Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): 00 Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): 0 IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ? 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ® No ? If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ® No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be-included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Page 7 of 9 Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation N/A 3 (2 for Catawba) 0 1.5 0 Total 0 * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0244, or.0260. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. See Stormwater Management Plan XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A XIII. Violations (required. by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ? No Page 8 of 9 If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Applicant/Ment's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 9 of 9 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN WBS: 33188.1.1 (B-3640) Date: 8/05 Gates County PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project involves the bridge replacement of Bridge #16 over Merchants Mill Pond on SR 1400. The overall length of the bridge is 135' and the total project length is 335'. The existing bridge length is 106'. The existing two lane road will be widened from 9' lanes to 11' lanes. The existing bridge will be widened from 29' to 45' to accommodate 5' 9" sidewalks on each side of the proposed bridge. The crossing is within the Chowan River Basin and is part of the Merchants Millpond State Park. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MAJOR STRUCTURES Best Management Practices (BMPs) and measures used on the project to reduce the stormwater impacts include the following: - Approach work was minimized to approximately 100' on each side of the bridge. - No deck drains proposed for new bridge. - Concentrated flow minimized to one proposed inlet on west side of crossing. Otherwise allowed sheet flow over grassed shoulders. -co stem a e PROGRAM January 31, 2006 Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: RECEIVED FFB 3 2006 Or'11S IN C; HIGRAYS POEA-OFFlC? OF NATURAL MOMENT '. B-3640, Bridge 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, Gates County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide riverine wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you in a letter dated June 14, 2005, the impacts are located in CU 03010203 of the Chowan River Basin in the Northern Outer Coastal Plain (NOCP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Riverine Wetland Impacts: 0.19 acre This mitigation acceptance letter replaces the mitigation acceptance letter issued on. July 19, 2005. As stated in your letter, the subject project is listed in Exhibit 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District dated July 22, 2003. The mitigation for the subject project will be provided in accordance with this agreement. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-715-1929. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Director cc: Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE-Washington Mr. John Hennessy, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit File: B-3640 Revised k utDYG ... Ekthakt ... ProtP.GtLGI? Our Sta t& ©E R North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 16? it Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net ? ,n,s ? 158 ? ?? M CH T ° ?` - 1 /11P0 Bus - 158 ? o ° GATE LL t ` 17 , E P 37 ' D V/C/NITY MAP OF PROJECT 8.2060201 DIVISION ° ;OF;` HIGHWAYS V I C I N I TY GATES COUNTY PROJECT: 33188.11. (B-5640).' SR 11406 XML POND ROAD' MAPS FROM EAST OF EASTMAlNS CROSSROADS TO FLAT BRANCH SHEET 1 OF S PERMIT DRAW N&S NORTH CAROLINA /+ITC[` c ? c z o w O E ?k r. z H w c m E a ? z x U ? m aye m co M co O z ? LU 5 1- t U , f s, m O O .' m z w °? m W W Y c m m 0 O 4. ¢ x z E E" F O 0 w U - a a w a n w > Cc U r A F- ? 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R my Z BE GIN PRO JE CT ST A. 1 2+4 5. 00 ELEV. 1 1. 68 pm BEGIN GRADE -L- STA. 12+67.20 ELEV. 11.72 j - H ?_? ?wN c END GRADE -L- STA. 15+55.00 ELEV. 12.54 END PROJECT STA_ 15+80.00 ELEV. 12.43 24 ? 1 z1,W z??p '1• :p w.pp rrIt V O1 rn? 0 y ?y A i N yN m I iw m r mmy; A? i°xOo W -1 n _ Ih a N Ir g : Q 1 "z m ? .L1 80 n i Itt > ¦ m .? s. g oa 1? ` o< r ? D E ? A??S 11 ¦ I I 15 iZN ;N y Am C1 rb 'f ?? • t ?? yD r?'? s= ?S o. Q ti, o T (TK/? m Cjl.?. ? ?* Y 8 O m f?? , I I? S$E ?'sssei• SI Boa . ? I I ? ; .` ? PIP a?K, I N y m `0' m iM+MMI S 37.2 Itmi' o' `fin" I ' ' O M• Ag 542•17.26•p (23 o?o?'Rlrniii ?, 75/ 'o brnn?l0 o 11 p p II p p 11 p II ? ?$ ?g VIN On $AW - 1 1 Ng g ?xP b? Q 8/17/99 Avg ,,If e ? 9 Q ? I W X11 a o? {f O REVISIONS JDATE$ s-nME$ FILES 8/17/99 ?n ? ' Ililf/11 I{ ! 4i F. 3 i I Pk I.dI?? I II L?i x Ir f If! • ? g$g am m gm N" 4 .II I.I4 $??'? mm a I ?v=1; C? 9 111` II " is ! z' Ir 1I = ?R ° ??? Z aa7 -o ;F I I ! I I y? T: 1d+ a, 4 44 ? tn??l?0 ? .:? ; z r C c P?? 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Z C rn a 9 mw: n o a n e u u w u n $S ?\ > I fv D ¢ z , cl) ca :44#4t 44#ft, 0o Ir_ 3 X8 spa „a SUTE p STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RD JA N 2006 Dec b /CTS Air ^S ANDVSTO MW TE gRghlCli DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR January 9, 2006 Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E., Director NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Dear Sir: LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Subject: Revision to Prior Request of Mitigation for the Proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), State Project No. 8.206020 1, TIP No. B-3640. Please reference our previous request for compensatory mitigation dated June 14, 2005 and the EEP Acceptance Letter dated July 19, 2005. Due to a change in design, the NCDOT has increased permanent impacts from the 0.12 acre of wetlands impacts previously requested, to 0.19 acre. Please provide NCDOT confirmation that the EEP is willing to provide compensatory mitigation for the additional 0.07 acre of impacts to riverine wetlands. Please send the revised letter of confirmation to Mr. Bill Biddlecome (USACE Coordinator) at U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office, P.O. Box 1000, Washington, NC 27889- 1000. Mr. Biddlecome's FAX number is (252) 975-1399. The current let date for the project is July 18, 2006, for which the let review date is May 30, 2006. In order to satisfy regulatory assurances that mitigation will be performed; the NCDWQ requires a formal letter from EEP indicating their willingness and ability to provide the mitigation work requested by NCDOT. The NCDOT requests such a letter of confirmation be addressed to Mr. John Hennessy of NCDWQ, with copies submitted to NCDOT. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-715-1501 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE. WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Tyler Stanton at tstanton@dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715-1439. Sincerely, 6'Az Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Environmental Management Director Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch Cc: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ V44s. Nicole Thompson, NCDWQ Ms. Bill Biddlecome, USACE Ms. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT Natural Environment Unit Mr. Majed Alghandour, NCDOT Project Management/Scheduling Unit Mr. Todd Jones, NCDOT External Audit Branch File B-3640 PROGRAM January 31, 2006 Mr. Bill Biddlecome U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington, North Carolina 27889-1000 Dear Mr. Biddlecome: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter 0 B-3640, Replace Bridge 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400; Chowan River Basin (Cataloging Unit 03010203); Northern Outer Coastal Plain (NOCP) Eco-Region The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) proposes to provide high quality preservation to compensate for the unavoidable 0.19 acre of riverine wetland impacts associated with the subject project in the following manner: Riverine Wetland Preservation (5:1) in Same Eco-Region Roanoke River (Cashie), Bertie County 0.95 acre Northern Outer Coastal Plain Roanoke River Basin, CU 03010107 This mitigation strategy letter replaces the mitigation strategy letter issued on July 19, 2005. The reminder of the required 1:1 riverine wetland mitigation will be in the form of riverine wetland restoration from the same cataloging unit as the referenced project. EEP will commit to implementing sufficient riverine restoration wetland mitigation to offset the impacts associated with this project by the end of the MOA year in which the permit for this project is issued, in accordance with Section X of the Memorandum of Agreement between the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and N. C. Department of Transportation (Tri-Party MOA), signed on July 22, 2003. Riverine wetland restoration mitigation assets available include, but are not limited to, the Nicholas Farm Mitigation Site. LVAWA ?..?: t :?r?a,?i ?' . , < ??- F . .: .°F ? ?.?.? ``' i ti r ? ? F` ,? ?m r?' ??t '.? f ???`! .? F.:'a??.?'c--?' RU BM North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mai! Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at (919) 715-1929. Sincerely, Wililam D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Director cc: Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., NCDOT-PDEA Mr. John Hennessey, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit File: B-3640 Revised i Stem. w PROGRAM January 31, 2006 Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: B-3640, Bridge 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, Gates County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide riverine wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you in a letter dated June 14, 2005, the impacts are located in CU 03010203 of the Chowan River Basin in the Northern Outer Coastal Plain (NOCP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Riverine Wetland Impacts: 0.19 acre This mitigation acceptance letter replaces the mitigation acceptance letter issued on July 19, 2005. As stated in your letter, the subject project is listed in Exhibit 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District dated July 22, 2003. The mitigation for the subject project will be provided in accordance with this agreement. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-715-1929. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Director cc: Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE-Washington Mr. John Hennessy, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit File: B-3640 Revised NCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652&11 Service Center, Raleigh,i NC 27699-1652 / 919-71S-0476 / www.nceep.net Gates County SR 1400 Replace Bridge No. 16 Over Merchants Millpond Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4) State Project No. 8.2060201 T.I.P. No. B-3640 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS APPROVED: DATE Gregory H. Tho , Ph. D., Environmental ManagementDirector Project Develop ent and Environmental Analysis Branch, NCDOT DATE Jo F. Sullivan, III, P.E. 06-Division Administrator, FHWA a' Gates County SR 1400 Replace Bridge No. 16 Over Merchants Millpond Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4) State Project No. 8.2060201 T.I.P. No. B-3640 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION October 2004 Document Prepared by: Wang Engineering Company, Inc. {?oFessio .9 A • For the North Carolina Department of Transportation John adsworth, P.E. Proj Manager Consultant Engineering Unit 3. Pww;0 Greg S. P s, P.E. Project Manager PROJECT COMMITMENTS Gates County SR 1400 Replace Bridge No. 16 Over Merchants Millpond Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4) State Project No. 8.2060201 T.I.P. No. B-3640 In addition to the standard Nationwide Permit No. 23 Conditions, the General Nationwide Permit Conditions, Section 404 Only Conditions, Regional Conditions, State Consistency Conditions, NCDOT's Guidelines for Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal, NCDOT's Guidelines for Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters, General Certification Conditions, and Section 401 Conditions of Certification, the following special commitments have been agreed to by NCDOT: Division Engineer The Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage will be implemented, as applicable. An in-water work moratorium will be in effect from February 15 to June 30, to ensure the environmental integrity of the project area. Mitigation will be provided for any unavoidable wetland losses. Design and location of proposed spillway will be coordinated with the Division of Parks and Recreation. All proposed work shall be contained within the existing right of way except for the proposed spillway. The existing dilapidated timber spillway structure will be replaced and ownership will be given to the. Division of Parks and Recreation. The existing stairway to the canoe deck will be readjusted if necessary. Hydraulics Deck drains will not be allowed to discharge directly into the water or main channel. The design of the proposed spillway will take into consideration fish passage over the proposed spillway. Roadway Design A bridge structure will be utilized with a concrete barrier separating the attached walkways from the roadway. The guardrail will consist of weathered steel, the bri dge railing will be anodized, and a colored additive will be mixed in the concrete to make the new bridge more aesthetically pleasing. Green Sheet Preconstruction October 2004 Page I of 1 Gates County SR 1400 Replace Bridge No. 16 Over Merchants Millpond Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4) State Project No. 8.2060201 T.I.P. No. B-3640 INTRODUCTION: The replacement of Bridge No. 16 is included in the 2004-2010 North Carolina - - Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the Federal-Aid Bridge Replacement Program. The location is shown in Figure 1. No, substantial environmental impacts are anticipated. The project is classified as a Federal "Categorical Exclusion." 1. PURPOSE AND NEED Bridge Maintenance Unit records indicated the bridge has a sufficiency rating of 15.1 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridge is considered functionally obsolete and structurally deficient. The replacement of an inadequate structure will result in safer and more efficient traffic operations. H. EXISTING CONDITIONS SR 1400 (Millpond Road) is classified as a. rural major collector. Land use in the project area is primarily wooded. Undeveloped woodlands are adjacent on the south side of the study area. A pond is located on the north side of the study area. Bridge No. 16 was constructed in 1963. The existing structure is 106 feet in length, consisting of seven spans with the maximum span at approximately 17 feet. The clear roadway width is 19.3 feet, providing two nine-foot travel lanes with 0.6-foot shoulders. The existing bridge has four- foot wide sidewalks (fishing walkways). The superstructure consists of a timber deck on timber joists with an asphalt-wearing surface. The substructure is a timber abutment design. The spillway for the millpond is a timber structure that is adjacent to the existing bridge and joins the substructure of the bridge. The interior bents consist of timber caps on timber piles. The bed to crown height is 11.5 feet. The posted weight limit is 11 tons for single vehicles (SV) and 19 tons for truck-tractors semi-trailers (TTST). The existing bridge and approaches on SR 1400 are tangent. There is a 3.5-degree curve located approximately 80 feet from the southeast end and a 6.5-degree curve located approximately 415 feet from the northwest end of the structure. SR 1400 consists of two nine-foot travel lanes with ten-foot shoulders. The estimated 2001 average daily traffic volume was 1,000 vehicles per day (vpd). The projected traffic volume is expected to increase to 1,600 vpd by the design year 2025. The volumes include one percent TTST and three percent dual tired vehicles. The posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour (mph) for the curve immediately north of the bridge and 35 mph for the curve immediately south of the bridge. SR 1400 is not part of a designated bicycle route and there are no indications that an unusual number of bicyclists are using this route. Underground telephone cables are present on the west side of SR 1400 and are aerial at Merchants Millpond bridge. There are aerial power lines on the south side of SR 1400 and an 2 underground water pipe crosses below the waterway on the west side of Merchants Millpond bridge. Utility impacts are anticipated to be low. There was one accident reported in the vicinity of the bridge during the period from March 1, 2000 to February 28, 2003. Six school buses cross this bridge twice daily. III. ALTERNATIVES - A. Project Description The proposed structure will consist of a 30-foot clear roadway width, providing two 11-foot travel lanes with four-foot shoulders. Bicycle safe bridge rails will be provided along either side of the travel way. A 5-foot pedestrian walkway will be provided along both sides of the bridge outside of the travelway. A 42-inch high outside rail will be provided for the walkways. The proposed approach roadways will provide two 11-foot travel lanes with six-foot grassed shoulders. Based on a preliminary hydraulic analysis, Bridge No. 16 will be replaced with a bridge. The opening size of the proposed structure may increase or decrease as necessary to accommodate peak flows as determined from a more detailed hydraulic analysis to be performed during the final design phase of the project. The existing spillway adjacent to the existing bridge will be replaced upstream of the existing spillway. The proposed spillway will be approximately 300 feet long (See Figure 2A) and the top of the spillway will at elevation 6.0 feet. The spillway will be constructed of either steel or concrete piles and this will be determined during the final design phase of the project. The method of construction for the proposed spillway will be determined during the final design phase of the project, which may include a work barge system. B. Build Alternatives Three (3) build alternatives studied for replacing the existing bridge are described below. Alternate A (Preferred) replaces the bridge at the existing location with a new structure. During construction, traffic will be maintained by an off-site detour. The proposed bridge will be a cored slab structure. The length of approach work is approximately 200 feet. The bridge length is approximately 139 feet. The design speed is 50 mph. During construction, traffic will be maintained by an off-site detour. The right of way width is 100 feet. The off-site detour along US 158 Bypass, US 158 Business, and NC 37 is approximately 8.4 miles in length. A road user analysis was performed based on 1,100 vehicles per day (vpd) for construction year 2004 and an average of 8.4 miles of indirect travel. The cost of additional travel will be approximately $1.1 million dollars during a twelve-month construction period. Alternate C replaces the existing bridge on new alignment south of the existing bridge. This bridge is offset approximately ten feet from the centerline of the existing bridge. The length of approach work is approximately 1486 feet. The bridge length is approximately 138 feet-. During 11 construction, traffic will be maintained by°an off-site detour. The design speed for this alternate is 45 mph. The right of way width varies from 100 feet to 110 feet with additional temporary construction easements as required. Alternate C was not selected as the preferred alternate because it has a greater construction cost, greater environmental impacts, and longer construction duration than Alternate A. ?. Alternate D replaces the existing bridge on new alignment south of the existing bridge. This bridge is offset approximately 23 feet from the centerline of the existing bridge. The length of approach work is approximately 1984 feet. The bridge length is approximately 158 feet. During construction, traffic will be maintained by an off-site detour. The design speed for this alternate is 50 mph. The right of way width varies from 100 feet to 120 feet with additional temporary construction easements as required. Alternate D was not selected as the preferred alternate because it has a greater construction cost, greater environmental impacts, and longer construction duration than Alternate A. C. Alternatives Eliminated From Further Study Alternate B replaces the existing bridge on new alignment south of the existing bridge. This bridge is offset approximately 47 feet from the centerline of the existing bridge. The length of approach work is approximately 1158 feet. The bridge length is approximately 178 feet. During construction, traffic will be maintained on existing roadway and bridge except during tie-ins. The design speed for this alternate is 50 mph. The right of way width varies from 100 feet to 150 feet with additional temporary construction easements as required. Alternate B was eliminated from further study because of its excessive environmental impacts. The "Do-Nothing" Alternative will eventually necessitate removal of the bridge. This is not desirable due to the traffic service provided by SR 1400. Investigation of the existing structure by the Bridge Maintenance Unit indicates the rehabilitation of the old bridge is not feasible due to its age and deteriorated condition. D. Preferred Alternative Alternate A replaces the bridge at the existing location with a new structure. During construction, traffic will be maintained by an off-site detour. Alternate A was selected as the preferred alternate because of its lower construction cost, lower environmental impacts, and shorter construction duration. The Division Engineer concurs with Alternate A as the preferred alternate. IV. ESTIMATED COST The estimated costs, based on current 2004 prices, are as follows: ?rlternate h?: h?, Alternate. Alternate D f Structure Removal (existing) $ 22,900 $ 22,900 $ 22,900 Structure (proposed) 437,800 434,700 497,700 Structure Miscellaneous and Mobilization 46,100 45,800 52,100 Spillway 90,000 90,000 90,000 Roadway Approaches 70,700 207,300 442,100 Roadway Miscellaneous and Mobilization 24,700 72,500 154,800 Engineering and Contingencies 97,800 116,800 180,400 ROW/Coast. Easements/Utilities: 20,000 25,000 30,000 TOTAL $ 810,000 $ 1,015,000 $ 1,470,000 4 The proposed right of way costs reflect that the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will grant permanent easement to all lands affected by the project. The estimated cost of the project, as shown in the 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program, is $450,000 including $25,000 for right-of-way and $425,000 for construction. V. NATURAL RESOURCES A. Methodology Materials and research data in support of this investigation have been derived from a number of sources including applicable U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic mapping (Merchants Millpond, NC 7.5 minute quadrangle, 1981), U.S. Fish and Wildlife.Service (FWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) mapping (FWS NWI 1990), and project plans. Bridge No. 16 was visited on March 27, 2001. The study corridor was walked and visually surveyed for significant features. For purposes of field surveys, the study corridor was assumed to be approximately 1800 feet in length for Alternate A, 2300 feet for Alternate B, 1700 feet for Alternate C, and 2200 feet for Alternate D. The corridor width is 150 feet from centerline to the north of SR 1400 and 150 feet from centerline to the south of SR 1400 for all four alternatives to ensure proper coverage.. Plant community area and wetland area calculations are based on construction limits. Special concerns evaluated in the field include 1) potential habitat for protected species and 2) wetlands and water quality protection in Merchants Millpond and Bennetts Creek. Plant community descriptions are based on a classification system utilized by North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) (Schafale and Weakley 1990). When appropriate, community classifications were modified to better reflect field observations. Vascular plant names follow nomenclature found in Radford et al. (1968), with adjustments made to reflect more current nomenclature (Kartesz 1998). Jurisdictional areas were evaluated using the three-parameter approach following U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) delineation guidelines (DOA 1987). Wetland jurisdictional areas were characterized according to a classification scheme established by Cowardin et al. (1979). Habitat used by terrestrial wildlife and aquatic organisms, as well as expected population distributions, were determined through field observations, evaluation of available habitat, and supportive documentation (Webster et al. 1985, Potter et al. 1980, Martof et al. 1980, Rohde et al. 1994, Menhinick 1991, Palmer and Braswell 1995). Fish and wildlife nomenclature follow current standards.. Water quality information for area streams and tributaries was derived from available sources (DWQ 1997a, 1997b).- Quantitative sampling was not undertaken to support existing data. The most current FWS listing of federal-protected species (May 31, 2002) with ranges that extend into Gates County was obtained prior to initiation of the field investigation and reviewed again prior to completion of the report. In addition, NHP records documenting presence of federal- or state-listed species were consulted before commencing the field investigation. B. Physiography and Soils The study corridor is located in the Wicomico and Talbot System geologic formation within the Lower Coastal Plain physiographic province of North Carolina. Broad, gently undulating to nearly flat plains and more distinct topography of barrier island systems and beach ridges, characterize this system. Tributaries of the major streams slope gently from their headwaters to their mouths. Valley slopes are a minor part of the landscape except near major streams as they approach the coastal estuaries. Most streams are only a few yards below the uplands. Soil 5 systems are dominated by marine sediments, which have formed fine- and coarse-loamy soils of siliceous sand mineralogy. Soils are more than five feet thick and are somewhat poorly to poorly drained (Daniels et al. 1999). The study corridor is located within the downstream edge of Merchants Millpond and within the floodplain and adjoining terraces of Bennetts Creek. Within the study corridor, the floodplain is shallow and flat. Elevations rise from approximately four feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) at the streamside of Bennetts Creek to ten feet NGVD at the western extreme of the study corridor (USGS Merchants Millpond, NC quadrangle). The Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA 1996a) indicates the following soils within the study corridor: Chowan loam (Thapto-Histic Fluvaquents), adjacent to and including the channel of Bennetts Creek; Nawney loam (Typic Fluvaquents) to the west of the Bennetts Creek; Winton fine sandy loam (Aquic Hapludults) at the western end of the study corridor; and Altavista fine sandy loam (Aquic Hapludults) at the east end of the study corridor. The Chowan series consists of nearly level, poorly drained soils on floodplains of small creeks that flow into the Chowan River. During the late winter and early spring, these soils are frequently flooded for very long periods. Permeability is moderately slow in the upper mineral layers, and moderately rapid to slow in the underlying mineral layers. The seasonal high water table is within 0.5 foot of the soil surface. The Nawney series consists of nearly level, poorly drained soils on floodplains. These soils are frequently flooded for very long periods. Permeability is moderate. The seasonal high water table is within 0.5 foot of the soil surface. The Winton series consists of moderately steep and moderately well drained soils found on side slopes. Permeability is moderate, and the seasonal high water table is two to four feet below the surface. The Altavista series is moderately well-drained. These soils are smooth ridges on stream terraces. Permeability is moderate, and the seasonal high water. table is 1.5 to 2.5 feet below the surface. Of the predominant soil map units in the study corridor, the Natural Resources Conservation Service lists the Chowan and Nawney series as hydric. In addition, the Winton series has inclusions of Chowan and Nawney soils in narrow drainageways. The Altavista series has inclusions of Tomotley series soils in depressions. The Tomotley series (Typic Ochraquults) are nearly level, poorly drained soils classified as hydric in Gates County (USDA 1996b). C. Water Resources 1. Surface Waters The study corridor is located within sub-basin 03-01-01 (Upper Chowan in North Carolina, Wiccacon River and Ahoskie Creek) of the Chowan River Basin (DWQ 1997a). The drainage basin area at the project site is 75.4 square miles. This area is part of USGS accounting unit 03010203 of the South Atlantic-Gulf Coast Region. Bennetts Creek, from its source to the Chowan River (including Merchants Millpond), has been assigned Stream Index Number 25-17 by the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) (DWQ 1997b). 2. Stream Characteristics Merchants Millpond is an impoundment of the Bennetts Creek drainage., Bennetts Creek is a fourth-order, blackwater stream in the non-estuarine portion of the Upper Chowan River sub- basin. Above Merchants Millpond, the Bennetts Creek watershed is characterized by Cypress- Gum Swamps with upland areas used primarily for forestry and agriculture. Within the study corridor, Merchants Millpond is a shallow, blackwater pond with mature cypress (Taxodium distichum) and water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) emerging in scattered groups across its surface. Water depths range from a few inches along the pond edges to several feet in front of the spillway. Below the pond, the main channel of Bennetts Creek has been moved approximately 300 feet to the east of the historic location of the millpond wheel (its original alignment). The original_ has been filled and now comprises_part of the eastern roadway approach to Bridge No. 16. Within the study corridor, Bennetts Creek is broad and shallow, exhibiting well- developed sinuosity and no noticeable riffle and pool sequence. During the field survey, width of the stream was approximately 70 feet at the point of the bridge crossing. Water depths in Bennetts Creek varied from three to 30 inches. The water level was high, and flow was brisk. Persistent emergent aquatic vegetation in Merchants Millpond includes cypress, water tupelo, and blue flag iris (Iris virginica). Duckweed (Lemna sp.), fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana), and parrot feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) are other aquatic species observed. Persistent aquatic vegetation, other than cypress and water tupelo, was not observed in Bennetts Creek. The stream was clear and tannin-stained during the field visit, with visibility to approximately 18 inches. The substrate is composed of fine sediments underlain by firm sandy or mineral soil. The stream banks are composed of fine textured soil as they rise gently to the level, sandy to loamy floodplain. The floodplain contains Cypress-Gum Swamp, Small Stream Swamp, and urban/disturbed land. Three areas of hydric soils were located: on both sides of Bennetts Creek as it curves to the east, and extending east and west along the south side of SR 1400; and along the margin of Merchants Millpond north of SR 1400. Classifications are assigned to waters of the State of North Carolina based on the existing or contemplated best usage of various streams or segments of streams in the basin. A best usage classification of C NSW has been assigned to Bennetts Creek and Merchants Millpond. The designation C denotes water supply waters that are suitable for aquatic life propagation and protection, agriculture, and secondary recreation. Secondary recreation refers to wading, boating, and other uses not involving human body contact with waters on an organized or frequent basis. The supplementary classification NSW denotes nutrient sensitive waters that need additional nutrient management because they are subject to excessive growth of microscopic and macroscopic vegetation (DWQ 1997b). No designated Outstanding Resource. Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supply I (WS-I), or Water Supply II (WS-II) waters occur within one mile of the study corridor. DWQ has initiated a whole-basin approach to water quality management for the 17 river basins within the state. Water quality for the proposed study corridor is summarized in the Chowan River basin management plan. Water quality samples in the Chowan River, taken in 1995 approximately 26.7 miles downstream of the study corridor, indicated Good-Fair water based on macro invertebrate samples. Fish tissue samples taken near the spillway of Merchants Millpond in 1995 showed that one sample in 14 exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's standard for mercury content. Bennetts Creek, from its source to the Chowan River, has been listed as Support Threatened concerning its Best Usage Classification. Land use within the sub- basin is primarily wetlands and agriculture, and water quality degradation is believed to be mainly due to nonpoint-source runoff. A Lake Assessment of Merchants Millpond also returned a Support Threatened rating. Shallow depth and long retention time for water in the pond encourages the growth of aquatic macrophytes covering the water's surface. These aquatic plants are considered a threat to the designated uses of canoeing and fishing. Low dissolved oxygen in the pond also indicates a threat to designated uses. The Chowan sub-basin 03-01-01 supports five minor point-source discharges, with 0.02 million gallons per day total permitted flow. Two of 7 these discharges are located approximately 6.7 miles upstream of the study corridor. No major dischargers are located in the sub-basin (DWQ 1997a). 3. Anticipated Impacts to Water Resources All of the proposed project alternatives include complete bridging of Merchants Millpond and Bennetts Creek to maintain the current water quality, aquatic habitat, and flow regime. Temporary construction impacts due to erosion and sedimentation will be minimized through implementation of a stringent erosion control schedule and the use of best management practices. Temporary construction impacts may include the removal of the existing spillway and construction of the proposed spillway. The contractor will follow contract specifications pertaining to erosion control measures as outlined in 23 CFR 650 Subpart B and Article 107-13 entitled "Control of Erosion, Siltation, and Pollution" (NCDOT, Specifications for Roads and Structures). These measures include the use of dikes, berms, silt basins, and other containment measures to control runoff, elimination of construction staging areas in floodplains and adjacent to waterways; re-seeding of herbaceous cover on disturbed sites; management of chemicals (herbicides, pesticides, de-icing compounds) with potential negative impacts on water quality; and avoidance of direct discharges into steams by catch basins and roadside vegetation. In each of the three build alternatives, the proposed bridge replacement and spillway replacement will allow for continuation of pre-project stream flows in Merchants Millpond and Bennetts Creek, thereby protecting the integrity of this waterway. Long-term impacts resulting from construction are expected to be negligible. In order to minimize impacts to water resources, NCDOT Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Protection of Surface Waters will be strictly enforced during the entire life of the project. The existing bridge will be removed without dropping any component into Waters of the U.S. NCDOT's Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal (BMP-BDR) will be applied for the removal of this bridge. D. Biotic Resources 1. Plant Communities Three distinct plant communities were identified within the study corridor: Cypress-Gum Swamp (Blackwater Subtype); Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp (Blackwater Subtype); and urban/disturbed land. These plant communities are described below. a) Cypress-Gum Swamp (Blackwater Subtype) Cypress-Gum Swamp, Blackwater Subtype occurs within Merchants Millpond and within the floodplain of Bennetts Creek. This community grades into Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp, Blackwater Subtype, as the floodplain rises gently from the channel of Bennetts Creek and from Merchants Millpond. The community is described by Schafale and Weakley (1990) as occurring in back swamps, sloughs, swales, and featureless floodplains of blackwater rivers that are seasonally to nearly permanently flooded. At the study corridor, canopy dominants are cypress and water tupelo, with green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), American elm (Ulmus americana), and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) also present. As the cypress-gum swamp grades into Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp at higher elevations, species associated with dryer areas appear including tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), black walnut (Juglans nigra), and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua). The subcanopy includes red maple (Ater rubrum), American holly (Ilex americana), and ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana). The sparse shrub layer contains wax myrtle (Morilla cerifera), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), and strawberry bush (Euonymus americanus), among others. Vines include rattan vine (Berchemia scandens), cross vine (Anisostichus capreolata), and greenbriar (Smilax rotundifolia). The understory includes ferns such as Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides), ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron), and netted chain- fern (Woodwardia areolata) as well as may-apple (Podophyllum peltatum) and sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum sp.). b) Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp (Blackwater Subtype) _ Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp occurs along the edges of Merchants Millpond and on the upper floodplain and low terraces of Bennetts Creek. This community type intergrades with Cypress-Gum Swamp as it approaches lower elevations. Along the road margins and at the northeast extreme of the study corridor, it is bordered by urban/disturbed land. South of SR 1400 and in the northwest quadrant, the forest extends outside.of the study corridor. This community is described by Schafale and Weakley (1990) as occurring in floodplains of small, blackwater streams in which separate fluvial features and associated vegetation are too small or poorly developed to be distinguished. The ecological differences between different fluvial landforms are reduced, causing a highly variable mixture of the species associated with larger river floodplains. The small, blackwater streams have highly variable flooding regimes, and soils are various alluvial or organic series. At the Merchants Millpond study corridor, the canopy is dominated by swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), water oak (Q. nigra), green ash, tulip poplar, sweetgum, black walnut, blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), and scattered loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). The midstory and shrub layer contain ironwood, dogwood (Cornus f orida), red maple, wax myrtle, box-elder (Acer negundo), Chinese privet (Lonicera japonica), elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), blackberry (Rubus argutus), and giant cane. Vines are sparse to common in more open patches, including muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), cross vine, and greenbriar. The understory is sparse, and includes netted chain-fern, Christmas fern, dock (Rumex crispus), and common blue violet (Viola papilionacea). c) Urban/Disturbed Land Urban/disturbed land occurs along the right-of-way of SR 1400, and at the facilities of Merchants Millpond State Park in the northeast corner of the study corridor. The roadside area is approximately 25 feet wide. The roadside margin and maintained lawns are cloaked with planted and naturally occurring grasses. Volunteer species in maintained areas include Rafinesque's violet (Viola rafinesquii), blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium rosulatum), pussy-toes (Antennaria sp.), wild onion (Allium canadense), cranesbill (Geranium carolinianum), and lyre-leaved sage (Salvia lyrata). Shadier areas contain common blue violet and henbit (Lamium purpureum). In areas that are not regularly mowed, volunteer species include Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Chinese privet, muscadine, blackberry, goldenrod (Solidago sp.), and seedlings and saplings of sweetgum and red maple. 2. Plant Communities within the Study Corridor For Alternates A, C, and D, plant community impacts are estimated based on the amount of each plant community present within the proposed construction easements and from the proposed cut and fill areas. A summary of potential impacts to individual plant communities at Bridge No. 16 for Alternates A, C, and D are presented in Table 1. Table 1 Area Of Anticipated Impacts To Terrestrial Plant Communities Acres Plant Community Alternate A (Preferred) Alternate C Alternate D Cypress-Gum Swamp 0.02 0.99) 1.57 Coastal Plain-Small Stream Swamp 0.01 1.22 1.52 Open Water 0.02 0.16 0.34) rban/ Disturbed Land 0.19 5.53 5.50 TOTAL: 0.24 7.90 8.93 Table 1: Potential impacts to plant communities at Bridge No. 16, Gates County, for Alternates A, C, and D. Permanent impacts are based on cut-and-fill areas for new construction and construction easements. Alternate A replaces Bridge No. 16 in place, with an off-site detour. Of the potentially impacted 0.24 acres 13 percent consists of Small Stream Swamp and Cypress-Gum Swamp communities. Impacts to plant communities are greater for urban/disturbed land than the impacts to Small Stream Swamp and Cypress-Gum Swamp because the project footprint is aligned along the existing bridge and roadway footprint and the urban/disturbed land occurs along the right of way of SR 1400. Alternate C calls for replacing the bridge and roadway approximately ten feet south (downstream) of the existing alignment. Alternate C includes a project corridor width of 100 feet. Seventy-nine percent of impacts to plant communities involve urban/disturbed land. The proposed roadway . and bridge footprint would follow nearly the same alignment as the existing facilities. Alternate D calls for construction of a new bridge approximately 25 feet south of the existing bridge, with improved alignments at the eastern and western roadway approaches. Alternate D includes a proposed construction corridor 2141 feet in length and 10 to 220 feet in width. Thirty- five percent of the impacts to plant communities involved in Alternate D are to Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp and Cypress-Gum Swamp. From an ecological perspective, impacts of upgrading existing road facilities, called for in Alternate A, are minimal. New cut-and-fill areas would extend approximately zero to 30 feet into Cypress-Gum Swamp and Small Stream Swamp plant communities in the Bennetts Creek floodplain, with narrower strips extending into the edge of Merchants Millpond. Alternates C and D would claim wider strips of adjacent natural communities. The southerly shifts of both alternatives would involve minimal cut-and-fill impacts to Merchants Millpond, but would involve substantial fill in the Bennetts Creek floodplain. For Alternate C, fill would extend approximately zero to 60 feet into the floodplain; and for Alternate D approximately 20 to 80 feet. The abandoned footprint of the existing SR 1400 and Bridge No. 16 could be replanted and restored-to provide new natural communities on the Merchants Millpond side of the roadway, and provide some mitigation for project impacts. All of the alternatives require some degree of incursion into Cypress-Gum and Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp, resulting in the removal of a few mature trees. For all alternatives, no new fragmentation of plant communities will be created, as the project will result only in relocation of community boundaries. Alternate D will result in the greatest temporary and permanent impacts to plant communities. Roadside-forest ecotones typically serve as vectors for invasive species into local natural communities. An example of an undesirable invasive species utilizing roadsides is kudzu (Pueria 10 lobata). The establishment of a hardy groundcover on road. shoulders as soon as practicable will limit the availability of construction areas to invasive and undesirable plants. 3. Wildlife a) Terrestrial Signs of beaver (Castor canadensis), including gnawed stumps, sticks, and scat were seen within the_study .corridor during the f eld survU,_ Two gray squirrels (Sciurus.carolinensis) and scat of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were also observed. Characteristic mammals which are expected to frequent swamps in the Coastal Plain include Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), southeastern shrew (Sorex longirostris), star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata), silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), red bat (Lasiurus borealis), marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus pahistris), southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans), cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus), raccoon (Procyon lotor), bobcat (Fells rufus), and mink (Mustela vision). Bird species that were identified during the field survey are yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus), tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor), common crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis), Canada goose (Branta canadensis), and red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus). Other bird species expected to frequent swamps and swamp forest habitats include pied-billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps), great blue heron (Ardea herodias), yellow- crowned night heron (Nyctanassa violacea), wood duck (Aix sponsa), hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus), (Meleagris gallopavo), American woodcock (Scolopax minor), barred owl (Strix varia), belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus), Acadian flycatcher (Empidonax virescens), wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), blue-gray gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea), white-eyed vireo (Vireo griseus), prothonotary warbler (Prothonotaria citrea), northern parula (Parula americana), yellow- romped warbler (Dendroica coronata), swamp sparrow (Melospiza georgiana), and white- throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). No terrestrial reptile or amphibian species were observed within the study corridor. Species that might be expected in this habitat are Fowler's toad (Bufo woodhousei), eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina), ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus), rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta), rough green snake (Opheidrys aestivus), and timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). b) Aquatic The empty shell of an eastern mud turtle (Kinosternon subrubrum) was observed during the field survey. Merchants Millpond provides suitable habitat for many aquatic and semi- aquatic reptiles including snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina), eastern musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus), Florida cooter (Chrysemys floridana), painted turtle (Chrysemys picta), yellowbelly slider (Chrysemys scripta), spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata), redbelly water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster), rainbow snake (Farancia erytrogramma), cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus), and mud snake (Farancia abacura). Typical amphibian species for this habitat type include greater siren (Siren lacertina), lesser siren (Siren intermedia), dwarf mudpuppy (Necturus punctatus), marbled salamander (Ambystoma opacum), southern dusky salamander (Desmognathus auriculatus), two-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma means), mud salamander (Pseudotriton montanus), many-lined salamander (Stereochilus marginatus), green treefrog (Hyla cinerea), barking treefrog (Hyla gratiosa), little grass frog (Limnaoedus ocularis), Brimley's chorus frog (Pseudacris brimley), bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), and 11 southern leopard frog (Rana utricularia). No mollusks or arthropods were observed, but many crayfish chimneys were found in the study corridor. No sampling was undertaken in Merchants Millpond to determine fishery potential. Small minnows were seen during visual surveys, but no larger fish were noted. Species which may be present in Merchants Millpond or Bennetts Creek include longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus), bowfin (Amia calva), gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas), creek chubsucker (Erimyzon oblongus), brown bullhead - -(Ameiurus nebulosus), tadpole madtom (Noturus gyrinus), redfin pickerel (Esox americanus), -- - - swampfish (Chologaster cornuta), banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus), mud sunfish (Acantharchus pomotis), blackbanded sunfish (Enneacanthus chaetodon), black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), swamp darter (Etheostoma fusiforme), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Since the project is in the Coastal Plain and includes.the crossing of a stream delineated on the most recent USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle, anadromous fish passage should be considered in the timing of any proposed in-stream activities associated with bridge replacement. Design and scheduling of bridge replacement should avoid the necessity of in- stream activities during the spring migration period. The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries has requested an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30 (letter of July 13, 2000). c) Anticipated Impacts to Wildlife Due to the limited extent of infringement on natural communities, the proposed bridge replacement will not result in substantial loss or displacement of known terrestrial animal populations. No substantial habitat fragmentation is expected since most permanent improvements will be restricted to or adjoining existing roadside margins. Construction noise and associated disturbances will have short-term impacts on avifauna and migratory wildlife movement patterns. Long-term impacts are expected to be inconsequential for Alternate A, with longer recovery periods expected for Alternates C and D. After removal of existing bridge structures and associated fill, the area will be replanted. Potential impacts to down- stream aquatic habitats will be avoided by bridging the systems to maintain regular flow and stream integrity. Short-term impacts associated with turbidity and suspended sediments will affect benthic populations. Temporary impacts to downstream habitats from increased sediment during construction will be minimized by the implementation of stringent erosion control measures. E. Special Topics 1. "Waters of the United States": Jurisdictional Issues Surface waters within the embankments of Bennetts Creek and Merchants Millpond are subject to jurisdictional consideration under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as "waters of the United States" (33 CFR section 328.3). Merchants Millpond is an impoundment of Bennetts Creek. The substrate of Merchants Millpond is composed of accumulated organic material and mud, underlain by mineral soils. Bennetts Creek can be characterized as a perennial blackwater stream system with an unconsolidated bottom of sand and mud. Wetlands adjacent to Bennetts Creek and Merchants Millpond are subject to jurisdictional consideration under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as "waters of the United States" (33 CFR section 328.3). These areas are defined by the presence of three primary criteria: hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and evidence of hydrology at or near the surface for a portion (12.5 12 percent) of the growing season (DOA 1987). NWI mapping indicates that the floodplain of Bennetts Creek contains wetlands that exhibit characteristics of a palustrine, broad-leaved, deciduous forest system that is seasonally flooded (PFO 1 Q. Also included in the study corridor, within Merchants Millpond, are palustrine, deciduous, semipermanently flooded wetlands, some of which are impounded (PF06F, PF06Fh); and palustrine forested deciduous, intermittently exposed wetlands that are diked or impounded (PF06Gh) (Cowardin et al. 1979). These map units correspond to the plant communities described in this report as Cypress-Gum Swamp and Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp habitat. Jurisdictional areas delineated and mapped roughly correspond to the NWI map units. Vegetated wetlands occur on both sides of Bennetts Creek and extend into Merchants Millpond, which supports emergent cypress, water tupelo, and other aquatic plant species. Wetlands are isolated from the road, which has been built on an embankment. Wetland and stream areas and reaches proposed to be affected by Alternates A, C, and D are listed in Table 2. TABLE-1, JURISDICTIONAL AREA WITHIN CONSTRUCTION LEVHTS Acres: Alternate A Jurisdictional Type referred Alternate C 'Alternate D Wetland area 0.03 2.14 2.98 able 2: Potentially affected areas of iurisdictional wetlands located within the alternative rieht-of-wavs. Permanent impacts to wetlands result from proposed cut-and-fill areas and from construction easements and the existing bridge and roadway footprint to be removed. Additional permanent encroachment beyond design plans will be avoided. Each alternative involves additional fill in the Bennetts Creek floodplain, downstream of Bridge No. 16. Alternate A proposes permanent impacts less than one acre of jurisdictional areas, while Alternates C and D individually propose permanent impacts to greater than two acres of jurisdictional areas. Compensatory mitigation is presumed to be required for impacts exceeding 0.1 acre. For all three build alternatives, there is no potential that components of the existing bridge may be dropped into "waters of the United States" during demolition. In consideration of surface water impacts, this project can be classified as Case 2, where no in-stream work may occur during moratorium periods (February 15 to June 30) due to anadromous fish migration. In addition, restrictions outlined in Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters must be followed. NCDOT will coordinate with the various resource agencies during project planning to ensure that all concerns regarding bridge demolition are resolved. 2. Permits a) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act This project is being processed as a Categorical Exclusion (CE) under Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines. The COE has made available Nationwide Permit (NWP) No. 23 (67FR 2019, 2095; January 15, 2002) for CEs due to minimal impacts expected with bridge construction. Activities under this permit are categorically excluded from environmental documentation because they are included within a category of activities that neither individually nor cumulatively have a significant effect on the human and natural environment. Activities authorized under nationwide permits must satisfy all terms and conditions of the particular permit. 13 b) Section 401 Water Quality Certification DWQ has made available a General 401 Water Quality Certification for NWP No. 23. However, authorization for jurisdictional area impacts through use of this permit will require written notice to DWQ. In the event that NWP No. 23 will not suffice, minor impacts attributed to bridging and associated approach improvements are expected to qualify under General Bridge Permit 031 issued by the Wilmington COE District. c) Bridge Demolition and Removal If no practical alternative exists to remove the current bridge other than to drop it into the water, prior to removal of debris off-site, fill related to demolition procedures will be considered during the permitting process. A worst-case scenario should be assumed with the understanding that if there is any other practical method available, the bridge will not be dropped into the water. For all three build alternatives, there is no potential that components of the existing bridge may be dropped into "waters of the United States" during demolition. Permitting will be coordinated such that any permit needed for spillway and bridge construction will also address issues related to demolition of these structures. d) Coast Guard The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1982 exempts bridge projects from Coast Guard bridge permits when the bridge project crosses nontidal waters that are not used, susceptible to use in their natural condition, or susceptible to use by reasonable improvement as a means to transport interstate commerce. Therefore, this bridge project is exempt, and will not require a Coast Guard Bridge Permit (Appendix). e) Coastal Area Management Act The proposed project will occur in one (Gates) of the 20 counties covered by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). The project will avoid Area's of Environmental Concern (AEC's), and N.C. Department of Coastal Management(DCM) will review the project application for consistency with the coastal management program. 3. Mitigation Compensatory mitigation is recommended for this project due to the scope and nature of potential project impacts. Fill or alteration of streams will require compensatory mitigation in accordance with 15 NCAC 2H.0506(h). Required permits must be obtained from the Division of Water Quality prior to project initiation. Utilization of BMPs is recommended in an effort to minimize impacts. Mitigation has been defined in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations to include efforts which: a) avoid, b) minimize, or c) compensate for adverse impacts to the environment (40 CFR 1598.22 (a-e)). Avoidance. Jurisdictional areas exist on both sides of the existing SR 1400 and Bridge No. 16, so complete avoidance is not possible. The elimination of staging areas in lowland sites, careful containment of hazardous materials near Bennetts Creek and Merchants Millpond, and employment of strict erosion and sedimentation control procedures are practices which can be used to avoid impacts to jurisdictional areas. Existing stream crossings cannot be avoided by facility improvements. 14 1 Minimization. The replacement of the existing bridge in the existing location will minimize wetland losses. Reduction of fill slopes and canopy removal in or near floodplain systems will reduce unnecessary wetland losses. Compensation. Compensatory mitigation is recommended for all unavoidable losses. Few on- site opportunities are available however; restoration opportunities in or near the project corridor should be investigated for mitigation potential. A final determination regarding mitigation rests with the COE and DWQ. F. Rare and Protected Species 1. Federally Protected Species Species with the federal classification of Endangered, Threatened, or officially Proposed for such listing are protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The term "Endangered species" is defined as "any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range", and the term "Threatened species" is defined as "any species which is likely to become an Endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range" (16 U.S.C. 1532). The designation Threatened (S/A) denotes species that are Threatened Due to Similarity of Appearance. This species is threatened due to similarity of appearance with other rare species and is listed for its protection. These species are not biologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to Section 7 consultation. Federally protected species listed for Gates County (May 31, 2002 FWS list) are listed in Table 3. Tab*3 Species name and status for federally-protected species in: Gates Coun ' e> _the. Ma 31 2002 FW S list, Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status American alligator Alligator mississippiensis Threatened (S/A) Red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis . Endangered American alligator - American alligator is listed as threatened based on the similarity in appearance to other federally listed crocodilians; however, there are no other crocodilians within North Carolina. American alligators can be found in a variety of freshwater to estuarine aquatic habitats including swamp forests, marshes, large streams and canals, and ponds and lakes.- The American alligator is believed to be absent north of Albemarle Sound (Martof et al. 1980). NHP records document no occurrences of the American alligator within five miles (eight kilometers) of the study corridor, and none were observed during the site visit. T S/A species are not subject to Section 7 consultation and a biological conclusion is not required. However, this project is not expected to affect the American alligator. Red-cockaded Woodpecker - This small woodpecker (seven to 8.5 inches [ 18 to 22 centimeters] long) has a black-head, prominent white cheek patch, and black-and-white barred back. Males often have red markings (cockades) behind the eye, but the cockades may be absent or difficult to see (Potter et al. 1980). Primary habitat consists of mature to over-mature southern pine forests dominated by loblolly, long-leaf (P. palustris), slash (P. elliottii), and pond (P. serotina) pines (Thompson and Baker 1971). Nest cavities are constructed in the heartwood of living pines, generally older than 70 years that have been infected with red-heart disease. Nest cavity trees 15 tend to occur in clusters, which are referred to as colonies (FWS 1985). The woodpecker drills holes into the bark around the cavity entrance, resulting in a shiny, resinous buildup around the entrance that allows for easy detection of active nest trees. Pine flatwoods or pine-dominated savannas that have been maintained by frequent natural fires serve as ideal nesting and foraging sites for this woodpecker. Development of a thick understory may result in abandonment of cavity trees. The woodpeckers utilize pine stands in close proximity to the colony site for foraging. Foraging areas, depending on the quality of habitat, have been found to range from 84 acres to over 409 acres. Food sources include wood-boring insects, grubs, beetles, corn worms -- and other invertebrates found within 0.5 miles of the colony site. Pines greater than 30 years of age dominate stands, preferred by foraging birds„ although mixed pine/hardwood stands are also used. The study area contains scattered loblolly pine trees, including a few specimens that are possibly old enough to be cavity tree candidates or foraging areas for red-cockaded woodpeckers. However, the Cypress-Gum Swamp and Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp communities in the study corridor consist mostly of hardwoods. The existence of a well-developed subcanopy and sporadic shrub layer would discourage red-cockaded woodpecker nesting and foraging within the study corridor. According to NHP records, red-cockaded woodpeckers have been documented approximately 1.1 miles southeast and 2.8 miles south of the study corridor. No red-cockaded woodpeckers were observed during the field visit. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: The study corridor contains no suitable foraging or nesting habitat for red-cockaded woodpeckers. NHP records document no occurrences of red-cockaded woodpeckers within one mile of the study corridor. Based on NHP records, field observations, and professional judgement, the impact of this project on the red-cockaded woodpecker is NO EFFECT. 2. Federal Species of Concern The May 31, 2002 FWS list also includes a category of species designated as "Federal species of concern" (FSC) in Gates County. A species with this designation is one that may or may not be listed in the future (formerly C2 candidate species or species under consideration for listing for which there is insufficient information to support listing). A list of FSC species occurring in Gates County is given in Table 4. 16 Table: 4 Species name, habitat potential within the study corridor, and state status for species federally designated as FSC within Gates County. Common Name Scientific Name Potential Habitat State Status" Henslow's sparrow Ammodramus henslowi No SR Rafinesque's big-eared bat Corynorhinus (Plecotus) rafinesquii Yes T Tidewater interstitial amphipod Stygobromus araeus Yes NL Chapman's sedge Carex chapmanii Yes S3 Pondspice Litsea aestivalis Yes SR-T Conferva pondweed Potamogeton confervoides Yes SR-D Virginia least trillium Trillium pusillum var. virginianum Yes E "State Status Codes: C - Candidate NL - Not Listed SR - Significantly Rare E - Endangered S3 - Rare or Uncommon W l - Rare, but relatively secure T - Threatened -T - Throughout -D-Disjunct The FSC designation provides no federal protection under the ESA for species listed. NHP files document the occurrence of Rafinesque's big-eared bat immediately adjacent to the study corridor, and also approximately 2.2 miles to'the west. Rafinesque's big-eared bat has been recently documented by park rangers at Merchants Millpond State Park as roosting immediately west of the study corridor, within the floodplain of Bennetts Creek. Conferva pondweed has also been documented adjacent to the study corridor, within Merchants Millpond. 3. State-Protected Species Plant and animal species which are on the North Carolina state list as Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Special Concern (SC), Candidate (C), Significantly Rare (SR), or Proposed (P) (Amoroso 1999, LeGrand and Hall 1999) receive limited protection under the North Carolina Endangered Species Act (G.S. 113-331 et seq.). and the North Carolina Plant Protection Act of 1979 (G.S. 106-202 et seq.). NHP records document the occurrence of the four-toed salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum) approximately 0.5 mile north of the study corridor. This amphibian has a state status of SC (a species of special concern). Other rare plants documented near the study corridor are water violet (Holtonia inflata), yellow water-crowfoot (Ranunculus flabellaris), and pale mannagrass (Torreyochloa pallida), all approximately 1.5 miles east of the study corridor. NHP documents Merchants Millpond State Park as a Significant Natural Heritage Area. Significant Natural Heritage Areas are selected on the basis of the occurrence of rare plant and animal species, rare or high quality natural communities and special animal habitats. Merchants Millpond State Park has a significance rating of B. This rating denotes statewide significant natural areas that contain examples of natural communities, rare plant or animal populations, or geologic features that are among the highest quality or best of their kind in the state. In addition to the state park, the NHP documents the Chowan SwampBennetts Creek/Catherine Creek Swamps, 4.2 miles southwest of the study corridor, as a Significant Natural Heritage-Area with a significance rating of B. 0 17 VI. CULTURAL RESOURCES A. Compliance Guidelines This project is subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and implemented by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified as 36 CFR Part 800. Section 106 requires Federal agencies to take into account the effect of their undertakings (federally funded, licensed, or permitted projects) on properties listed in or eligible for. inclusion in. the National Register-of- - ---- - Historic Places and to afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation a reasonable opportunity to comment on such undertakings. B. Historic Architecture A field survey of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) was conducted on July 2, 1999. All structures within the APE were photographed, and later reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office (HPO). In a concurrence form dated October 27, 2000 the HPO concurred that there are no historic architectural resources either listed in or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places within the APE. A copy of the concurrence form is included in the Appendix. C. Archaeology The SHPO, in a memorandum dated August 15, 2000, recommended "no archeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project". A copy of the SHPO memorandum is included in the Appendix. VII. SECTION 4(f) RESOURCES This project consists of the replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400 in Gates County. Bridge No. 16 is located within Merchants Millpond State Park. The park was established in 1973 and encompasses more than 3,250 acres. The park is a unique mingling of coastal pond and southern swamp forest. The park offers canoeing, camping, fishing, hiking and bird watching among its activities. Since all bridge approach work will be contained within the existing right of way there is no use of 4(f) resources. Planning and coordination was undertaken with the Division of Parks and Recreation to incorporate their recommendations into the project. The following items were agreed upon: 1. The preferred alternate replaces the bridge in its existing location, therefore minimizing impacts to the environment. 2. A cored slab bridge structure will be utilized with a concrete barrier separating the attached walkways from the roadway. 3. The existing walkways will be replaced. 4. The guardrail will consist of weathered steel, the bridge railing will be anodized, and a colored additive will be mixed in the concrete to make the new bridge more aesthetically pleasing. 5. The lanes have been reduced from 12-foot to 11-foot. 6. Deck drains will not be allowed to discharge directly into the water or main channel. 18 7. The existing dilapidated timber spillway structure will be replaced and ownership will be given to the Division of Parks and Recreation. 8. The existing stairway to the canoe deck will be readjusted if necessary. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The project is expected to have an overall positive impact. Replacement of an inadequate bridge will result in safer traffic operations. The project is a Federal "Categorical Exclusion" due to its limited scope and lack of significant environmental consequences. The bridge replacement will not have an adverse effect on the quality of the human or natural environment with the use of current NCDOT standards and specifications. The project is not in conflict with any plan, existing land use, or zoning regulation. No significant change in land use is expected to result from construction of the project. No adverse impact on families or communities is anticipated. Right of way acquisition will be limited. No relocatees are expected with implementation of the proposed alternative. No adverse effect on public facilities or services is anticipated. The project is not expected to adversely affect social, economic, or religious opportunities in the area. The bridge is surrounded by Merchants Millpond State Park, which includes a parking lot, rest rooms, canoe rentals, an office, picnic areas, nature trails, and a boat launch that is located approximately 240 feet south of the bridge. All proposed work, except for a portion of a new spillway structure, will be within the existing highway right of way. No North Carolina Geodetic Survey control monuments will be impacted during construction of this project. The Farmland Protection Policy Act requires all federal agencies or their representatives to consider the potential impacts to prime and important farmland soils by all land acquisition and construction projects. Prime and important farmland soils are defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS). Since there are no prime or important farmlands in the immediate vicinity of the proposed bridge the Farmland Protection Policy does not apply. This project is an air quality "neutral project, so it is not required to be included the regional emission analysis (if applicable) and a project level CO analysis is not required. This project is located in Gates County, which.has been determined to be in compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. 40 CFR Part 51 is not applicable, because the proposed project is located in an attainment area. This project is not anticipated to create any adverse effects on the air quality of this attainment area. The traffic volumes will not increase or decrease because of this project. There are no receptors located in the immediate project area. The project's impact on noise and air quality will not be significant. Noise levels could increase during construction but will be temporary. If vegetation is disposed of by burning, all burning will be done in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations of the North Carolina SIP for air quality in compliance with 15 NCAC 2D.0520. This evaluation completes the 19 assessment requirements for highway traffic noise (23 CFR Part 772) and for air quality (1990 CAAA and NEPA) and no additional reports are required. An examination of records at the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section and the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Solid Waste Management Section revealed no hazardous waste sites, no regulated or unregulated landfills or dumpsites with in the project area. No facility with Underground Storage Tanks (UST) was identified in the project vicinity. Gates County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Regular Program. This site on the Bennetts Creek is included in a detailed F.E.M.A. flood study. Attached is a copy of the Flood Insurance Rate Map, on which are shown the approximate limits of the 100-year flood plain in the vicinity of the project (Figure 5). The structure requirements may be adjusted during the final hydrologic study and hydraulic design as determined appropriate to accommodate design flows. The proposed alternatives will not modify flow characteristics and will have minimal impact on floodplains due to roadway encroachment. The existing drainage patterns and groundwater will not be affected. On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that no significant adverse environmental effects will result from implementation of the project. IX. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Efforts were undertaken early in the planning process to contact local officials to involve them in the project development with scoping letters and newsletters. A Citizens Informational Workshop was held for this project on October 8, 2002 at Gates, County High School where preliminary alternatives were reviewed and discussed with concerned citizens and local officials. Attendance at the Citizen's workshop included approximately twelve local citizens. No written comment sheets were received concurring with the preferred alternate A, and no one attending the meeting presented any objections to the preferred alternate A. X. AGENCY COMMENTS 1. North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC) Comment: "Bridge deck drains should not discharge directly into the stream. " Response: Deck drains will not be allowed to discharge directly into the water or main channel. 2. Gates County Schools Comment: "It would be most helpful if we could notified a week in advance before work begins on the bridge so that we will have ample time to reroute our buses. " Response: School and emergency management officials will be notified in writing that the preferred alternate will involve road closure and of the proposed detour route. 3. NCDENR - Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) Comment: "Since all of the areas are spawning areas for anadromous fish, the Division requests an in-water work moratorium: This would include removal and new construction. The requested moratorium timeframe is February 15 through June 30. " Response: See Project Commitments. 20 4. NCDENR - Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Comment: "The biggest concern our Division had with any of the four plans that they did not address the wooden dam or spillway that is attached to the existing bridge. " Response: The proposed plans have been revised. The spillway will be replaced upstream of the existing spillway. The Division of Parks and Recreation will grant permanent easement to the North Carolina Department of Transportation as needed. Comment: "We would suggest that it might be more economical to have a separate walk way independent from the bridge due to traffic safety reasons and appearance sake. " Response: A cored slab bridge structure will be utilized with a concrete barrier separating the attached walkways from the roadway. Comment: "Our Division prefers the guard rail to be constructed of weathering steel (corteen steel) instead of galvanized steel. " Response: The guardrail will consist of weathered steel and the bridge railing will be anodized. Comment: "Can another material other than concrete be substituted in lieu of the concrete columns (like steel piles to support, the structure). " Response: NCDOT's Geotechnical and Soils & Foundations units will investigate the use of steel piles for this project. Also, a colored additive will be utilized to make the bridge concrete rails more aesthetically pleasing. Comment: "...there should be a chain link barrier between the vehicles and the fisherman if this cannot be separated from the bridge. " Response: The walkways will, be separated by a concrete barrier from the bridge. Comment: "Please follow all state erosion and sedimentation controls on all disturbed areas. Response: NCDOT's Guidelines for Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters will be utilized and all state erosion and sedimentation controls followed. Comment: "The existing canoe loading dock on Bennett's Creek, that. was built by the Stewards of Bennett's Creek (and funded by a public grant), should be relocated.... " Response: The canoe loading dock should not be affected by the preferred Alternate A. Comment: "Since this area has been historically a heavily fished area, should the Wildlife Resources Commission staff be allowed to review these plans? Response: The Wildlife Resources Commission commented on this project in .a letter dated 6/8/01. Comment: "We prefer the construction start in the early summer, say June, and run through the winter months if possible." 21 Response: There is a construction moratorium from February 15 thru June 30 for anadramous fish spawning and construction will be coordinated with this moratorium. Comment: "The bridge access right of way has raised concerns with our natural resource section about how the easements will be handled... " Response: The Division of Parks and Recreation has since agreed to grant permanent easement to the North Carolina Department of Transportation as needed. Comment: "The posted bridge speed limit is 35 mph and we prefer it to remain that way..." Response: The preferred Alternate A has a design speed of 50 mph. A change in the posted speed limit is not anticipated. Comment: "Complete removal of the old bridge and the wooden substructure underneath it and other wooden debris is recommended. " Response: Only the existing bridge and spillway will be removed. 22 APPENDIX A FIGURES s ' 1279 p y.y 1314 MOQ.ef S.oa9 1300 1305 X1303 3 Buddand _' 1318 \ 1324 1320 2 11220 1231 _ 1320 ?1319 1315 J- 7318 1' 321 / 1322 Kellogs Fork 1300 1 - -i.` 13,16- ' DSO 0 !_,/. ,•?? 1338 - ' k; `?- - ' , 'py•? i Eason Cromaads 158 Sunbury 1403 O 1317 (, 315 37 Eleanore Crossroads 'M,,,, i1fACrirt?rS 1404 ' ?400 mu POD f ® 1 _ 1116 BRIDGE NO '16 ?y t 1407 1429 ?= ' ENDS 1434/? a ' l 158 Ic Q 1 GATESVILLE Em 1 m 2 1404 1407 1409 1410 Flat Branch 1411 Ian .l Wyo?14ot y!?' 1400 \ - J 1411 Hallam ` ?' k 4 f 1410 Fork 1401 1410 U I ~, 1100 ,'JrJ Vivian y f ?-,?,, lame , 1135 1306 ff ?.• J 1109 Willow • , 1111 a 1' ` • r v 1 0 1 .2 3 4 MILES 21111111 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS r 4 SCALE ::Rrpn4dd r 'al4-n iiJ I C meake GQ'tes % Zia 1 .. ?. . g T ck a t .{ LEGEND xl{ 5 r i.?,} Studied Detour ? {? Will ?T u n Ulf °r'1?`? :, .? .:I ? '•? ee , 4r?ryn!r :?1trxtla Route ?' 'IP' T ?l,ril? :?• Tunis:; L' rr r1 i4 7 L'b rlk •.. tit . ion r .i • <, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAmm PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS GATES COUNTY BRIDGE NO. 16 ON SR 1400 OVER BEAM77S CREEK (MERCHANTS MILLPOND) TIP NO. B-3640 VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 _ - J cC r a i rte c?v \ y .p ? ? n p O ? G1 ? ??i h tj y ?? y x ?b a a k "C Z O r' b g I U' O ??C ®?a ? yyyy 01 a? n h`'C h?°o d ?yy ? y 1 W N? 1! M M k 5 ,aa \\ ? 0 \ o O Lq 9 e ` t? ON I M ` / "PS µ I M M P O N O O ? •n m A k a ii l/1 Sl ?\ to 5+00 Zln , u ao CD ro 81 • ?- 1 :. 11 O ?? \ E1 \ v {6 1 m I'0 I ?Nm n g ?mN z s?yv?•xro ? ;? , y? ANY: ' y x z -i/ oi` ?n I' p S '? 3' / 000 5 f °c?°o \ a a toC b (n p y Y o y to ? C ? y 'C ? ? ?' F:•, ? p a a l.. 2 b b G ? ?. b ? o rj I pm0 ZAti Nei V -? own ?mn Ay! 291 =m C? r ., f -N r Ilk ?x N by mo ,or ?a F y J, C05 O C ? ? ~? ? hbZO ?o o?yya O 0 Q G? 9 ??oa w uV n ? a a}. 1 E C o ?I C. m 0 x I r /? ?4 M40' / \ TWO W, n 12 n II II mil! 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Zi B-3640 Replacement of Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 Over Merchants Millpond Gates County N HC. tP ii,0671, "Y:7 PA?r OF TR P, -6GURE =3 F B-3640 Replacement of Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 Over Merchants Millpond Gates County tdo R TH , 0 0 ?- ? OF TR At4$! I 6- GURE 3A C UV Z o cr Ir [r o o ?o o ov 14 w N N N tiN P t?'7 0 E m C, W E m E N V ? rn ? 1 ? ? i C4 E ^i ? V N O LO 0 h ( ow L. E5 L I. _ M U W C? ?h Ln m\ E M r iO?v cm E < M c9 o.-I O ? N 1 E V V N r a E O N Y N _ N to N 6 7 J 0 < ZZ O O 0 0 0 0 , t B-3640 BRIDGE NO. 16 GATESCOUNTY LEGEND asons Crossroac(s SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARDAREAS INUNDATED \\ \\ •71.5 S a BZ IDaYFAR FLOOD C : P 11 amore Hill u \\ ZDRR All dad d-" . 01 ': • ? • •? tt p ZBHB AM wr med. d 1 b 14w -W n w d apeake. \ ?'''} :: \n li\ Tower ZWM Ao nodte..+s?d I?b~i o \\ \\ / . be9,,m l we Easons •,: ;Y•:•}r. rw uw.drXiwl \\ ewwaw.a I .•:::., ZDHRASSIbbipeadeibwiaQx+•Ms?afNw.1- -- --. _. - - \\ iaslperaonwwwwdwaewb.mwew. -'.•:r:;'• .. / TIM V riwdwbwi.rbvrb«ww?t . • {•;•}:; ••': ? /1 •• It wr bbaasi dw.ew dwwe:..i ?:y I h •? =a VE ?wrieww.mrb.wie.w..wx { /.. q ZD br deed ® FIDODVAW AREAS IN ZONE AE :'.?:.{•• •: \\ OTHER FLOOD AREAS . - ( :.?:?: •::: ryG.\\ 1.5 amx awrd5oawwllmkrrd,7D-wAoea .. 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It em- ::•]:$:; u it ••\ '•• N\ •• ? It ? \\ U G V. „ ., N FEMA FLOOD STUDY 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN Panel No. 370103 0150 B Date: July 16, 1991 2000 fL 0 2000 ft Street Name: SR 1123 Gates County, North Carolina Approximate Scale FIGURE 5 APPENDIX B CORRESPONDENCE c t RECORD OF CONTACT DATE: 7/11/01 CONTACT WITH: Mike Bell, Corps of Engineers - Washington Office SUBJECT: Bridge Group 27 Scoping comments(B-3612, B-3626, B-3640, B-3684, B-3685, B- 3711, B-3712, B-3809, B-3810, and B-3871) VIA: Telephone 1:00 pm DISCUSSED: He said he agreed with the specific comments for each bridge from David Cox's(from the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission) letter dated 6/08/2001 (included in appendix) and the general comments from David Franklin's (of the Corps of Engineers) letter dated 8/212000 (included in appendix). He will not be sending out a letter. Signed: gms=el Greg Purvis, Wang Engineering _ North qarqka2ildlife Resources Con m - lion Chides R Fullaood, Executive Director TO: Stacy Harris, PE Project Engineer, NCDOT FROM: David Cox, Highway Project i for FT- Habitat Conservation pro DATE: June 8, 2001 SUBJECT: NCDOT Bridge Replacements in Duplin, Bertie, Carteret, Gates, Pitt, Wayne, Beaufort, Martin, Onslow, and Pender counties of North Carolina. TIP Nos. 13-3449, B-3612, B-3626, B-3640, B-3684, B-3685, B-3711,13-3712, B-3809,,B- 3810, B-3871, B-3884, and B-3887. _ Biologists with the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the information provided and have the following preliminary comments on the subject project. Our comments are provided in accordance with provistons of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-6674). On bridge replacement projects of this scope our standard recommendations are as follows: L We generally prefer spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not rryuire work within the stream and do not require stream channel realignment. The orizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges allows for human and wildlife pahssage beneath the structure, does not block fish passage, and does not block navigation by canoeists and boaters. 2. Bridge deck drains should not discharge directly into the stream. 3. Live concrete should not be allowed to contact the water in or entering into the stream. 4. If possible, bridge supports (bents) should not be placed in the stream. 5. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, they should be removed back to original ground elevations immediately upon the completion of the project. Disturbed areas should be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and native tree species should be planted with a spacing of not more than I O'x 10'. If possible, when using temporary Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fsheries - 1721 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699=1721 Telephone: (919) 733-3633 ext. 281'- Fax: (919) 715-7643 Bridge Memo June 8, 2001 structures the area should be cleated but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact, allows the area to revegetate naturally and minimizes disturbed soil. 6. A clear bank (riprap free) area of at least 10 feet should remain on each side of the steam underneath the bridge. 7. In trout waters, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reviews all U.S. Army - Corps of Engineers nationwide and general `404' permits. We have the option of requesting additional measures to protect trout and trout habitat and we can recommend that the project require an individual '404' permit. 8. In streams that contain threatened or endangered species, NCDOT biologist Mr. Tim Savidge should be notified. Special measures to protect these sensitive species may be required. NCDOT should also contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for information on requirements of the Endangered Species Act as it relates to the project. 9. In streams that are used by ana&omous fish, the NCDOT official policy entitled "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage (May 12, 1997)" should be followed. 10. In areas with significant fisheries for sunfish, seasonal exclusions may also be recommended. 11. Sedimentation and erosion control measures sufficient to protect aquatic resources _ must be implemented prior to any ground disturbing activities. Structures should be maintained regularly, especially following rainfall events. 12. Temporary or permanent herbaceous vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within 15 days of ground disturbing activities to provide long-term erosion control. 13. All work in or adjacent to stream waters should be conducted in a dry work area. Sandbags, rock berms, coMidams, or other diversion structures should be used where possible to prevent excavation in flowing water. 14. Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. 1 S. Only clean, sediment-free rock should be used as temporary should be removed without excessive disturbance of the nturfill al stream b tom when construction is completed. 16. During subsurface investigations, equipment should be inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 1 r corrugated metal pipe arches, reinforced concrete pipes, or concrete box culverts are used: 1. The culvert must be designed to allow for fish passage. Generally, this means that the culvert or Pile invert is buried at least 1 foot below the natural stream bed. If multiple cells are required the second and/or third cells should be placed so that their - - - . -C Bridge Memo 3 June 8, 2001 bottoms are at stream bankful stage (similar to Lyonsfield design). This could be accomplished by constructing a low sill on the upstream end of the other cells that will divert low flows to another cell. This will allow sufficient water depth in the culvert or pipe during normal flows to accommodate fish movements. If culverts are long, notched baffles should be placed in reinforced concrete box culverts at 15 foot intervals to allow for the collection of sediments in the culvert, to reduce flow velocities, and to-provide resting places for fish and other aquatic organisms moving through the structure. If multiple pipes or cells are used, at least one pipe or box should -be designed to remain dry during normal flows to allow for wildlife passage. Culverts or pipes should be situated so that no channel realignment or widening is required. Widening of the stream chamiel at the inlet or outlet of structures usually causes a decrease in water velocity causing sediment deposition that will require future maintenance. 4. Riprap should not be placed on the stream bed. In most cases, we prefer the replacement of the existing structure at the same location with road closure. If road closure is not feasible, a teo located to avoid wetland impacts, minimize the need frcleaarrindetour should be dined g and to avoid destabiliiii gd stream banks. If the structure will be on a new alignment, the old structure should be removed and the approach fills removed from the 100-year flood lain. Approach down to the natural gmund elevation. The area should be stabilid with grass and planted with native tree species. If the area that is reclaimed was previously wetlands; NCDOT should restore the area to wetlands. If successful, the site may be used as wetland mitigation for the subject project or other projects in the watershed. Project specific comments: L B-3449 - Duplin County - Bridge No. 204 over Northeast Cape Fear River. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this location, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work moratorium from I+cbruary l to June 15 for areas where there is the potential for Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species. We request that High Quality Sedimentation and Erosion Control Measures be used due to the presence of HQW waters. 2. 13-3612 - Bertie County - Bridge No. 143 over a branch of Indian Creek. Due to the potential for tuiadromous fish at this location, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 15. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the, project vicinity. NCDOT should be aware that NCWRC his designated NCWRC gamelands in the vicinity of this bridge. Impacts to gameland properties should be avoided. 3. B-3626 -Carteret County -Bridge No. 26 over a branch of the New Port River. Standard comments apply. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. 4. R-3640 -Gates County -Bridge No. 16 over Merchant's Mill Pond. Standard' comments al)P)Y• We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Bridge Mcmo 4 June R, 2001 5. 13-3684 Pitt County- Bridge No. 129 over Tar River. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this location, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadrornous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to Junc 15. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Standard comments apply. 6. B-368S - Mitt County - Bridge No. 30 over Green Mill Run. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this location, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work-moratofium from February 15 to June 15. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Standard comments apply. 7. 8-3711 - Wayne County - Bridge No. 42 over the Neuse River Ovcrllow. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this location, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream C:rnssing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June I S. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Standard comments apply. 8. B-3712 • Wayne County - Bridge No 88 over Falling Creek. Standard comments apply. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. 9. B-3809 - Beaufort County - Bridge No. 64 over Pungo Creek. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this location, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 15. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Standard comments apply. 10. 13-3810 -Beaufort County -Bridge No. 272 over Big Swamp. Standard comments apply. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. 11. B-3871 - Martin County - Bridge No. 64 over Dog Branch. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this location NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Grossing Guidelines for Anadroatous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 15. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Standard comments apply. 12.B-3884 01131OW County -Bridge No. 40 over Squires Run. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this location, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage". This includes an in-water work moratorium from February15 to June 15. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Standard comments apply. 13-B-3887 Pender County- Bridge No. 116 over Shaken Creek. Due to the potential for anadromous fish at this iocation, NCDOT should closely follow the "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage,,. This includes an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 15. We are not aware of any threatened of endangered species in the project vicinity. Standard comments apply. We. request that NCDOT routinely minimize adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources in the vicinity of bridge replacements. The NCDOT should install and maintain sedimentation control measures throughout the life of the project and prevent wet concrete from contacting water in or entering into these streams. Replacement of bridges with spanning structures of some type, as opposed to pipe or box culverts, is recommended in most cases. Bridge Memo 5 June 8, 2001 Spanning structures allow wildlife passage along streambanks, reducing habitat fragmentation and vehicle related mortality at highway crossings. If you need further assistance or information on NCWRC concerns regarding bridge replacements, pleasc contact me at (919) 528-9886. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment, on these projects. Wafgs C11auntLI P.Lxztrr of. (ffm=issivmrz EDWARD C. MCDumiz, CLERK (SafesF7ille, Wart4 (garalina 27338 C. SHERWOOD EASON, CHAIRMAN EDWARD C. MCDUFr-IE GATFSV111 E, NC COUN7Y MANAGER GATESVR.LE, NC L FRANK RourcrREE HoaenlE NC TEL. 357-1240 FAX 357-0073 HOL us F. CREECY SLINBURY, NC WILLAM H. HARRELL EaRE, NC MARSHA FAuL K LANGSToN GAT s, NC July 24, 2000 Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E., Manager Project Development. and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Gilmore: SUBJECT: B-3640, Gates County, Replace Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Mill Pond Gates County has a•water line on the.west side of the Merchants Mill Pond Bridge. This is a 6" ductile iron pipe running below the bottom of the waterway. Our engineers estimate that it would cost $35,000.00 to replace if the pipe must be moved or if it is sub- stantially damaged. This pipe provides 70 gallons of water per minute to the southern portion of our county, so any prolonged interruption would cause severe pressure problems in that area. Thank you for any consideration you can give us as you design this project. Sincerely, Edward C. McDuffie Gates County Manager ECM/wk U.S. Department of Transportation United States Coast Guard Commander 431 Crawford Street United States Coast Guard Portsmouth, Va. 23704-5004 Atlantic Area Staff Symbol: (Aowb) Phone: (757)398-6422 16590 15 FEB 01 Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E. Manager, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Gilmore: Our Bridge- Staff has reviewed your plans and specifications dated July 3, 2000, for the replacement of 14 bridges in 10 different counties of North Carolina. All of the waterways involved in this project are considered navigable waterways of the United States for Bridge Administration purposes. Must also meet the.criteria for advance approval waterway set forth in Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 115.70, at all of the bridge sites. Advance approval waterways are those that are navigable in law, but not actually navigated by other than small boats. In such cases, the Commandant of the Coast Guard has given his advance approval to the construction of bridges across such waterways. The North f Carolina State projects include bridge #143 over Northeast Cape Fear River, bridge #26 over a branch of the Newport River, bridge ##16 over Merchants Mill Pond, bridge #30 over Green Mill Run, bridge 42 over Neuse River, bridge #88 over Falling Creek, bridge #64 over Pungo Creek, bridge #272 over Big Swamp, bridge #64 over Dog Branch, bridge #40 over Squires Run and bridge #116 over Shaken Creek which all qualify for the Advance Approval category. Accordingly, individual Coast Guard bridge permits will not be required for the new bridges across these waterways. The fact that a Coast Guard permit will not be required for these advance approval bridges, does not relieve you of the responsibility for compliance with the requirements of any other Federal, State, or local agency who may have jurisdiction over any aspect of these projects. Sincerely, ANN B. DEATON Chief, Bridge Administration Office By direction of the Commander Fifth Coast Guard District NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley; Governor Division of Marine Fisheries Preston P. Pate Jr., Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary August 22, 2002 Ms. L. Gail Grimes, P.E., Assistant Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Ms. Grimes: I received your letter concerning the replacement of Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchant's Millpond (TIP No. B-3640), Gates County. The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries has conducted anadromous spawning and nursery area surveys in Bennetts Creek. This agency has documented spawning of blueback herring and alewife under the existing bridge at the base of the spillway. This documentation began in the 1970s. River herring are currently classified as overfished by the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission. As a result of this status a River Herring Fishery Management Plan was developed by the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission in February 2000. An objective3 of the plan is to protect and enhance spawning habitat. The requested in water moratorium time period, February 15 through June 30, is necessary to ensure the environmental integrity of the area is protected during critical times of usage by these species. The Division has already been considerate with the construction moratorium time period. The standard anadromous moratorium time period' is February 15 through. September 30 for this area. The requested moratorium allows for an additional three. months of work over the standard. If you have any questions regarding the Division's comments, please contact me (252/264-3911). Sincerely, Sara E. Winslow Northern District Manager Cc: Mike Street, NCDMF Mike Bell, USACOE 3441 Arendell Street, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252 726-70211 FAX: 252 726-02541 Internet: www,ncdmf.net An Fnuai Mnnrtunity I Affirmative Action Emolover - 50 % Recycled 110% post Consumer Paper Cam' ? State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Marine Fisheries James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Preston P. Pate, Jr., Director MEMORANDUM: C .Y.R„Tt P?_hT ANO NATURAL RCsc. .lRrEs TO: William D. Gilmore, NCDOT Manager Project Development and Environmental Branch FROM: Sara E. Winslow, Biologist SuP ? ervisi!or , SUBJECT: Bridge Replacement Projects - TIP 2000-2006 DATE: July 13, 2000 The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries has reviewed the information provided relative to upcoming bridge replacement projects and submits the following comments. All of the bridges to be replaced cross documented anadromous spawning areas. These bridges are: B-3612 Bertie County - Replace No. 143 B-3640 Gates County - Replace No. 16 B-3684 Pitt County - Replace No. 129 B-3685 Pitt County - Replace No. 30 B-3708 Washington/Martin Counties - Replace No. 66 B-3871 Martin County - Replace No. 64 The Division assumes all of the replacements will be with another bridge. Since all of these areas are spawning areas for anadromous fish, the Division requests an in-water work moratorium. This would include removal and new construction. The requested moratorium timeframe is P'ebruary 15 through June 30. This will ensure the environmental integrity is protected during critical times of usage by these species. The Division also expresses concern relative to wetland impacts associated with removal and construction. The importance of wetlands as spawning and nursery areas, providing food directly and indirectly for aquatic resources and being vital to water quality in the receiving waters has been well documented. This agency appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposal. If you have any questions relative to the Divisions comments please contact me at (252) 264-3911. P.O. 6cx '1739% 11.i1 r ( ?.lu C:t,,% Vir:;.. .-, 2T;57-0 ^`. A't-r.AA RCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Philip K. McKnelly, Director August 23, 2002 John Wadsworth NCDOT- Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699- 1548 Subject: B-3640 Bridge at Merchant's Millpond SR 1400 Millpond Road Merchants Millpond State Park Gates County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Wadsworth: The N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is in agreement with the following items that pertain to the above subject project. 1. DPR prefers to replace the bridge in its existing location which will minimize the impact on the environment. 2. DPR agrees to a core slab bridge structure that will be utilized with a concrete barrier separating the attached walkways from the roadway. The walkways will be along both sides of the bridge. 3. DPR agrees for the guard rail to be weathered steel, the bridge railing will be anodized, and a colored additive will be mixed in the concrete to make the new bridge more aesthetically pleasing. 4. DPR agrees to allow the lanes to be reduced from 12-foot to 11-foot lanes. 5. DPR prefers for the bridge drainage not be allowed to run directly into Bennett's Creek. The above measures shall greatly reduce the environmental impact of this project. If your department needs further documentation on these issues, please call me at (919) 841-4053. Sincerely, Alan Jeffreys Park Engineer, Project Manager cc: Stacy Harris, PE NCDOT Greg Purvis, P.E,- Wang Engineering Company, Inc. Dennis Helms, Park Superintendent, NC Division of State Parks Lewis Ledford, Superintendent of State Parks, NC Division of State Parks 1615 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1615 Phone: 919-.733-4181 \ Fax: 919-715-3085 \ Internet: www.nesparks.net An Rnnal Onnnrhinity % Affirmative. Antinn Fmnlnvrr - ';00/ RPrvrlad \ I00/ Pnet ('nnmimar Pannr e0, i- NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Philip K. McKnelly, Director March 4, 2002 Stacy B. Harris, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis N.C. Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Subject: Bridge Right of Way Replacement of Bridge 16 on SR 1400 on Merchant's Millpond State Park TIP No. B-3640 Gates County Dear Ms. Harris: The Division of Parks and Recreation appreciated the opportunity to meet with your staff and Mr. Conners Division staff on February 27, 2002 to discuss the bridge and spillway issues. Mr. Simmons, with the Division 'of Dam Safety, was very informative and willing to work with us on the dam and spillway issue requirements. In reviewing my files on Friday, I located the information from my meeting on February 23, 1994 with Mr. Ferguson which indicates the Right of Way Section showing the deed, property map, and a section of the 1941 project plans. The 1941 project plan shows a fee for the purchase of a 100-foot right of way of the dam and spillway for the above subject project. This information should address the issues and concerns on ownership of the dam and spillway. A copy of this information is attached with this letter. Another topic that we discussed briefly at our meeting on Wednesday was the concern for the lost of wetlands on this project. If we design a spillway that can increase the water height from 6 to 12 inches, could you claim this as net gain in wetland acreage and be used as a credit in your wetland mitigation road building program? This may be something that you may want to discuss with your right of way section. I will discuss it with our department to see if there are any concerns with this on our end. 1615 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1615 Phone: 919-733-4181 \ Fax: 919-715-3085 \ Internet: www.ncsparks.net An Equal Opportunity \ A innative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper ? f Stacy B. Harris Page 2 March 4, 2002 If you should have any questions, please call me at (919) 846-9991. Sincerely, 1 ? Alan e C? ey Park Engineer cc: David Allsbrook, NC Department of Transportation Don.Conners, Division 1 Division Engineer NC Department of Transportation Phil McKnelly, Division Director-N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation Lewis Ledford, Superintendent of State Parks-Division of Parks and Recreation Dennis Helms, Park Superintendent -Merchant's Millpond State Park Sue Regier, Chief of Natural Resource Section-Division of Parks and Recreation February 25, 2002 Stacy B. Harris, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis N.C. Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Subject: B-3640 Meeting Minutes Replacement of Bridge 16 on SR 1400 on Merchant's Millpond State Park TIP No. B-3640 Gates County Dear Ms. Harris: Our Merchant's Millpond staff and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your staff to review the items that we discussed at our meeting on February 8. 2002. It will be better to see the project first hand and discuss any differences that we might have and to work together to get this project under construction. Two representatives from the NC Division of Dam Safety should be present at this meeting to discuss the dam and spillway issues. You mention in your B-3640 meeting minutes dated 2-15-02 , that I stated that DPR is willing to pay 50-50 in the costs on the proposed spillway. I don't remember saying it in exactly that manner. 1 do remember saying that we will pay for any cost for additional improvement to the spillway such as the cost of adding an additional foot to the spill way and control gates. This could amount to a 50 percent cost share. We will not know this until it can be designed by a consulting engineer firm and an estimated given. The final funding levels will have to be approved by our Department's Secretary. I also stated that it would be best for DPR to own and manage the millpond water level. This also will have to be agreed upon by both Division Secretaries. We can discuss this in further detail at this meeting. If you should have any more questions, please call me at 846-9991. Sincerely, Alan Jeffreys Park Engineer cc: David Allsbrook, NC Department of Transportation cc: Don Conners, Division 1 Division Engineer NC Department of Transportation Phil McKnelly, Division Director-N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation Lewis Ledford, Superintendent of State Parks-Division of Parks and Recreation Dennis Helms, Park Superintendent -Merchant's Millpond State Park NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Dr. Philip K. McKnelly, Director January 9, 2002 Stacy B. Harris, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Subject: Replacement of Bridge 16 on SR 1400 at Merchant's Millpond State Park TIP No. B-3640 Gates County Dear Ms. Harris: Thank you for giving our agency the opportunity to review this important bridge project that is so critical to the operation of Merchant's Millpond State Park. We appreciate you allowing us the extra review time because of the December holidays and New Year. The biggest concern our Division had with any of the four plans was that they did not address the wooden dam or spillway that is attached to the existing bridge. We had assumed that this was going to be part of the bridge replacement project costs. Please let us know if this is not the case. Our Division comments are attached with this letter and address our concerns and recommendations that will need to be resolved before the project is submitted for bids. After you review these comments, I would like to meet with you or someone from your staff to explain and clear up any misunderstanding about them. I will be glad to meet at your office or visit the park to discuss the comments at the site. If you should have any questions, please call me. Sincerely; AlanJeffr' ys Park Engineer cc: David Allsbrook, Department of Transportation Don Conners, Division 1, Department of Transportation Phil McKnelly, Director, Division of Parks and Recreation Lewis Ledford, Superintendent of State Parks, Division of Parks and Recreation Dennis Helms, Park Superintendent, Merchant's Millpond State Park 1615 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1615 Phone: 919-733-4181 U ax: 919-715-3085 \ Internet: %nawncsparks.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper NC DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMENTS ON THE NCDOT BRIDGE NO. 16 LOCATED ON SR 1400 AT MERCHANTS MILLPOND IN GATES COUNTY SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS ON FOUR ALTERNATE BRIDGE ALIGNMENTS. DATE: 01-11702 1. The biggest concern that our Division has on all four plans is the lack of information on tearing out the existing wooden dam/spillway and how this factor will influence the design of the four Alternate bridge alignments that were presented. I know this is a small part of the overall project but is critical for the operation of the millpond. This structure should be concrete with operable flood gates and should be designed to raise the millpond water level by a foot more than its present elevation. Presently the spillway belongs to NCDOT. 2. All four plans have some advantages and disadvantages that we could agree upon, but Alternate C was the plan that the majority of our staff selected from the information that was given with Alternate A being a close second. 3. Plan Alternate C would have the least effect on the disturbance of the existing ground surface and would be more economical in the .short term to construct. Our Division is very concerned with the natural resources and the historical use of the area, and this plan would be far less expensive to construct and reduce the damage to the wetlands on the downstream side of the bridge. There is also concern with loss of habitat that is associated with the big- eared bat that is a rare species of bat known to use the area around the bridge site. Plan C would be less damaging to its habitat. Another species of special concern is conferva pondweed that grows around the spillway. This species is currently listed on the Federal Species of Concern, and its protection should be noted in the environmental report that is being written by your consulting firm. 4. The pedestrian walk ways that are attached to both sides of the bridge currently are not addressed in your bridge design. It was our Division's understanding that when the existing bridge was replaced, the pedestrian walkways would be incorporated into the new bridge design. It does not show this on any of the four plans. Will this be included? We would suggest that it might be more economical to have a separate walk way independent from the bridge due to traffic safety reasons and appearance sake. These walk ways can be prefab designed made of steel that rusts and forms a protective coating of rust that is very attractive and blends in with the character of the area. I would like to discuss this option with your bridge designer. 5. Our Division prefers the guard rail to be constructed of weathering steel (corteen steel) instead of galvanized steel. We want guard rail only on the downstream side of the bridge to prevent parking on that side of the road.. It appears to be shown this way on the plans. 6. The existing canoe loading deck on Bennett's Creek that was built by the Stewards of Bennett's Creek (and funded by a public grant) should be relocated down stream on the new road-of-way by the Department of Transportation. 7. 8. 9 10. 11 12. We understand the bridge will be a precast core slab concrete bridge. support the piles ato other an . character and historical use ofthe area. Can another in well with the . concrete be substituted in lieu of the concrete the to tingst el type (? rteen) for esthetic purposes of structure). All guard rails should be should be a chain link barrier between the vehicles and the On the fishing access way, there ed from the b fishermen if this cannot be separatudge. been a heavily fished area, should the Wildlife Resources Since this area has historically allowed to review these pl Commission staff be ans? for probably at least 6 to 9 have to closed y June, and run through the we realize the road will say By using Alternate C, summer, months.- We prefer that construction start in early winter months if possible. Spring is our busiest season. old bridge and the wooden substructure underneath it and other Complete removal of the o wooden debris is recommended. be relocated and installed underground or be The existing overheapower line needsocated ten feet down stream, it will be too close to If the bridge is 1 attached to the bridge. the fisherman access walkway sect f-wa has raised concerns with our natural azea is includedl about in the The budge access right o Y will require the how the easements will be handled since the Merchant s Tyllpon t-of way e Nature and Historic Preserve. To trans the Bet this asement ri way 'le h done. Please contact Sue state approval and could take a Council of State ' Division at (919) 715-8694 and she will be able to explain theright-of Regier with our Devi issues. bed areas and we 13. . all state erosion and sediment Gaon controls on all SW ' 14. Please follow :growth and landscaping material be of native species. request that all vegetative gr refer it to remain that way even though the e speed limit is 3 5 mph and we P use of 15. The posted bri dgh speed limit. The area has such a high designed for a 45 mp ark visitors. bridge is striae being ffic that the slower speed limit would be much safer to our pede our consultant is currently 16. please submit to us a copy of the environmental review plan that y working on- et them ro ect, and it will be better if we g it appears that we have many issues and concern ore this PI ect is ready for bidding. solved I early in the planning and design stages be PT0j . NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES-' AIT40NCDENR DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION July 28, 2000 JAMES HUNT JR. MEMORANDUM GOVERNOR TO: Ms. Stacy Harris, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch BILL HOLMAN SECRETARY FROM:. Brian StrongZ L Resource Management Program DR:RHILIP K'M`rc"ELLY SUBJECT: B-3640: Gates County, Replace Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over DIRECTOR Merchants Millpond The North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) appreciates the opportunity to comment on your scoping letter dated July 3, 2000, concerning the replacement of bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Mill Pond. Although we, have no objections to the project as planned, we would like to express some concerns i that will need to be addressed. Our concerns are as follows: = 1) Currently, Merchants Millpond's water level is controlled by a dam beneath the NCDOT bridge on S.R. 1400. The current structure for controlling the water level of the millpond is deteriorating and is slated for replacement in 2003. The DPR would like to coordinate the replacement of this structure with the replacement of the bridge on S.R. 1400. 2) Merchants Millpond has been experiencing water quality and aquatic weed growth, accelerated by sedimentation from agricultural and logging runoff. The DPR requests that particular care and attention be given to mitigation measures, especially those dealing with erosion and sedimentation control, and restoration of disturbed areas. a? K 42 R,. 3) The DPR requests that all restoration and landscaping use only native species. 4) Merchants Millpond supports a number of rare species of plants and animals. Natural Heritage Program records indicate the presence of conferva pondweed (Potamogeton confervoides), a North Carolina candidate for listing as threatened or endangered and a Federal species of concern, near the spillway on.S.R. 1400. In addition, Rafinesque's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafrnesquii), a North Carolina species of special concern, is know to roost near the construction site. Special care will need to be taken to ensure that any. construction will not impact the unique wildlife or habitat in and around the millpond. 1615 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1615 PHONE 919-733-4181 FAX 919-715-3085 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER 5) DPR would like to see the road closed to traffic during construction rather than construction of a temporary detour around the bridge. The possible environmental impacts of such an action could be significant. 6) Any alternative to the current bridge alignment will need to be discussed with DPR. In addition, any options for bridge relocation would require an associated environmental study. Thank you for the opportunity to review this project. If you have any questions regarding the concerns we have raised please do not hesitate to call me at (919) 715-8711. cc: Dennis Helms, Superintendent Merchants Millpond Allan Jeffreys, Parks and Recreation Project files L 11 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ,??? ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NCDENR DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION July 13, 2000 JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR William D. Gilmore, P.E. Branch Manager for Planning and Environment Analysis j North Carolina Department of Transportation HILL HOLMAN 1548 Mail Service Center SECRETARY Raleigh, N.C. 27699 Subject: Merchant's Millpond State Park Division of Parks and Recreation Comments D PHILIP lC.MCKNELLY: Replace Bridge #16 on State Road 1400 DIR IRECTOR :. - B-3640, Gates County Dear Mr. Gilmore: The Division of Parks and Recreation received your letter dated July 3, 2000 requesting input from our Division concerning any impact that the proposed new bridge will have upon our State Park located at the bridge site. Attached is a letter sent to your office dated March 29, 2000 addressing several concerns and issues that the Division of Parks and Recreation expressed pertaining to the construction of the - new bridge. The Division is definitely in favor of replacing the existing bridge with a new structure. Please consider the ten items discussed in this letter as part of the public record concerning the bridge. I have forwarded a copy of this letter to our Natural Resources section for any more comments that they may have. They will respond to you in a separate letter. Please keep us abreast of the design status of the bridge. We would like the opportunity to review the plans in the schematic phase of design. If you should have any further questions, please call me at ( 919 ) 846-9991. Sincerely, Alan Jeffreys Park Engineer cc: Don Conners, NCDOT Division Engineer ( District I) Tom Wells, Superintendent of State Parks Carol Tingley, Chief, Planning and Natural Resources Dennis Helms, Superintendent, Merchant's Millpond State Park Attachments WAJ/mdc 1615 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1615 PHONE 919-733-4181 FAX 919-715-3085 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - SO% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER if Ir? NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF i ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NME R DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION March 29, 2000 JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR Mr. Bill Gilmore, R.E. BILL. HOLMAN Branch Manager for Planning and Environment Analysis SECRETARY North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25210 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 DR. PHILIP K.MCKNCLLY' DIRECTOR Subject: Merchants Millpond State Park State Road 1403, Merchants Millpond Bridge # 16 3 Gates County -: --' TIP Project B-3640 Dear Mr. Gilmore: J Y` The Division of Parks and Recreation appreciated the opportunity to meet with Mr. i Richard Davis of your staff and Mr. Don Conners and his staff on March 13, 2000 to discuss the replacement of the Merchant's Millpond Bridge # 16 in Gates County , North Carolina. We also would like to thank Mr. Philip Godwin for his help and assistance as park advisory chairman, former state legislator, and Transportation board member in getting all parties together for a common goal of improving the transportation problems as they relate to one of our most important environmental sensitive state parks, Merchants Millpond State Park. As we all learned at this meeting, there are several design site issues and special environmental concerns that we will need to address before replacing the bridge. Below is a summary of these issues. Attendance Those in attendance at the meeting that was held in the DOT Gates county Maintenance office are as follows: Mr. Don Conner, Mr. R. E. Capehart, Mr. Lindsey Riddick, and Mr. Anthony Roper; NCDOT Division 1 District office, Mr. Richard Davis NCDOT Program Development engineer, Mr. Philip Godwin, Mr. Dennis Helms, Merchants Millpond State Park Superintendent, and Alan Jeffreys, Division of Parks and Recreation. 1615 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1615 PHONE 919-733-4181 FAX 919-715-3085 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED110% POST-CONSUMER PAPER i _ Discussion Topics 1. The meeting was held to determine when Bridge #16 is to be replaced and where it is to be placed. The existing wood spillway, attached to the bridge, is_ owned by (NCDOT). The bridge is scheduled to be replaced in 2003 for a cost of approximately $550,000. It appeared that this estimate may be underestimated when the cost of the spillway is considered. 2. The Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will be doing an environmental study on the millpond to see what effects changing the water level will have on the pond. There will also be an environment assessment done to determine the best water management practices, sedimentation study and an aquatics weed study to determine how best to manage the millpond. This study will be underway by the fall of 2000. 3. DPR requests that the wooden pedestrian walkways that are on the existing bridge be incorporated into the design of the new bridge. Design of the bridge should resemble the historical character of the millpond site. The guard rails and pedestrian walkways should be designed using wood or the Cor-ten steel products. 4. DPR requests that the new spillway be designed with a slide gate where the water elevation can be lower or raised to control weed growth and fish migration. DPR will cost share in the expense of this portion of work. DPR would manage and control the operation of the gates. A memorandum of understanding would have to be executed between the two departments to work out the details of this operation. 5. DPR would like to review all environmental reviews and construction drawings on the bridge before they are submitted for bids. 6. While at the bridge site, it was suggested that the bridge be moved back to where the original mill house stood. This location may be more desirable and more economical to build due to natural topography aid the location of the natural stream flow. A large boxed concrete culvert was also discussed. DPR will consider this proposal in its millpond study. 7. NCDOT will be doing a right-of-way study for the new bridge beginning in April 2000. An Environment Impact study, which could take 18 months to complete, will also be required. 8. NCDOT recently completed an aerial topo survey of the bridge site. This will be used to determine the best bridge alignment. There has not been a decision made by NCDOT to close State Road 1403 to traffic. It appears to be more economical and less environmentally damaging to close the road rather than build a temporary detour around the bridge. A detailed cost estimate will establish the costs of each alternative. 9. DPR requested that the overhead power and telephone lines running parallel with the bridge, be relocated on the bridge or placed underground. Road side parking for fisherman is also an issue that needs to be addressed. At the present time fisherman are allowed to park along the side of the road. If a guard rail is required to meet traffic safety standards, some other provision for road side parking needs to be designed. 10. NCDOT will send all correspondence as it relates to the bridge to the following address: N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation - Attention: Alan Jeffreys, Park Engineer, 12700 Bayleaf Church Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27614. Phone # (919) 870-6843. Park operation issues can be sent to Mr. Dennis Helms, Park Superintendent, Route 1, Box 141- A, Gatesville, North Carolina 27938. Phone (252) 357-1191. Please keep our division updated as the design progresses and if you should have any questions please call me at (919) 846-9991. Sincerely, Alan Jeffreys Project Manager cc: Don Conners, NCDOT Division Engineer I Philip Godwin, Park Advisory Chairman Richard Davis, NCDOT Program Development Engineer Dennis Helms, Superintendent of Merchants Millpond State Park Cliff Phillips, East District Superintendent Sue Regier, Head, Resource Management Program Carol Tingley, Chief, Planning and Natural Resources AJ/mdc United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office POSE Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 July 25, 2000 Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E., Manager NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Gilmore: u.. Thank you for your July 3, 2000 request for information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) on the potential environmental impacts of fourteen proposed bridge replacements in various counties in eastern North Carolina. This report provides scoping information and is provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) (16 U.S.C. 661-667d) and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). This report also serves as initial scoping comments to federal and state resource agencies for use in their permitting and/or certification processes for this project. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace the following bridge structures: 1. B-3449, Bridge No. 204 on SR 1827 over the Northeast Cape Fear River, Duplin County; 2. B-3612, Bridge No. 143 on SR 1123 over Branch of Indian Creek, Bertie County; 3. B-3626, Bridge No. 26 on SR 1154 over Branch of Newport River, Carteret County; 4. B-3640, Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Mill Pond, Gates County; 5. B-3684, Bridge No. 129 on SR 1565 over the Tar River, Pitt County; 6. B-3685, Bridge No. 30 on SR 1703 over Green Mill Run, Greenville, Pitt County; 7. B-3708, Bridge No. 66 on SR 1325/SR 1583 over Welch Creek, Washington/Martin Counties; 8. B-3711, Bridge No. 42 on NC 111 over the Neuse River Outflow, Wayne County; 9. B-3712, Bridge No. 88 over SR 1006, Falling Creek, Wayne County; 10. B-3809, Bridge No. 64 on NC 99 over Pungo Creek, Beaufort County; 11. B-3810, Bridge No. 272 on SR 1514 over Big Swamp, Beaufort County; 12. B-3871, Bridge No. 64 on SR 1001 over Dog Branch, Martin County; 13. B-3884, Bridge No. 40 on SR 1308 over Squires Run, Onslow County; and, 14. B-3887, Bridge No. 116 on SR 1520 over Shaken Creek, Pender County. The following recommendations are provided to assist you in your planning process and to facilitate a thorough and timely review of the project. Generally, the Service recommends that wetland impacts be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practical as outlined in Section 404 (b)(1) of the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1977. In regard to avoidance and minimization of impacts, we recommend that proposed highway projects be aligned along or adjacent to existing roadways, utility corridors, or previously developed areas in order to minimize habitat fragmentation and encroachment. Areas exhibiting high biodiversity or ecological value important to the watershed and region should be avoided. Crossings of streams and associated wetland systems should use existing crossings and/or occur on a structure wherever feasible. Where bridging is not feasible, culvert structures that maintain natural water flows and hydraulic regimes without scouring, or impeding fish and wildlife passage, should be employed. Highway shoulder and median widths should be reduced through wetland areas. Roadway embankments and fill areas should be stabilized by using appropriate erosion control devices and techniques. Wherever appropriate, construction in sensitive areas should occur outside fish spawning and migratory bird nesting seasons. The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps of the Chinquapin, Grantham,Greenville SW, Grimesland, Merchants Mill Pond, Newport, Old Ford, Ransomville, Richlands, SE Goldsboro, Stag Park, Washington, Williamston, and Woodville 7.5 Minute Quadrangles show wetland resources in the specific work areas. However, while the NWI maps are useful for providing an overview of a given area, they should not be relied upon in lieu of a detailed wetland delineation by trained personnel using an acceptable wetland classification methodology. Therefore, in addition to the above guidance, we recommend that the environmental documentation for this project include the following in sufficient detail to facilitate a thorough review of the action. 1. The extent and acreage of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, that are to be impacted by filling, dredging, clearing, ditching, or draining. Acres of wetland impact should be differentiated by habitat type based on the wetland classification scheme of the National Wetlands Inventory. Wetland boundaries should be determined by using the 1987 Corps of Wetlands Delineation Manual and verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). 2. If unavoidable wetland impacts are proposed, we recommend that every effort be made to identify compensatory mitigation sites in advance. Project planning should include a detailed compensatory mitigation plan for offsetting unavoidable wetland impacts. Opportunities to protect mitigation areas in perpetuity, preferably via conservation easement, should be explored at the outset. The enclosed lists identify the federally-listed endangered and threatened species, and Federal Species of Concern (FSC) that are known to occur in Beaufort, Bertie, Carteret, Duplin, Gates, Martin, Onslow, Pender, Pitt, Washington, and Wayne Counties. The Service recommends that habitat requirements for the listed species be compared with the available habitats at the respective project sites. If suitable habitat is present within the action area of the project, biological surveys for the listed species should be performed. Environmental documentation that includes survey methodologies, results, and NCDOT's recommendations based on those results, should be provided to this office for review and comment. FSC's are those plant and animal species for which the Service remains concerned, but further biological research and field study are needed to resolve the conservation status of these taxa. Although FSC's receive no statutory protection under the ESA, we would encourage the NCDOT to be alert to their potential presence, and to make every reasonable effort to conserve them if found. The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program should be contacted for information on species under state protection. The Service appreciates the opportunity to comment on this project. Please continue to advise us during the progression of the planning process, including your official determination of the impacts of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact Tom McCartney at 919-856-4520, ext. 32. Sincerely, ?' Dr. Garland B. Pardue Ecological Services Supervisor Enclosures cc: COE, Washington, NC (Michael Bell) COE, Wilmington, NC (David Timpy) NCDWQ, Raleigh, NC (John Hennessey) NCDNR, Northside, NC (David Cox) FHWA, Raleigh, NC (Nicholas Graf) EPA, Atlanta, GA (Ted Bisterfield) FWS/R4:TMcCartney:TM:07/24/00:919/856-4520 extension 32:\14brdgs.var Federal Aid #BRZ-1400(4) TIP #B-3640 County: Gates CONCURRENCE FORM FOR PROPERTIES NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Project Description: Replace Bridge No 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Mill Pond On September 21, 2000, representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Reviewed the subject project at El a scoping meeting photograph review session/consultation other All parties present agreed there are no properties over fifty years old within the project's area of potential effect. there are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criterion Consideration G within the project's area of potential effect. there are properties over fifty years old (list attached) within the project's area of potential effect, but based on the historical information available and the photographs of each property, properties identified as are considered not eligible for the National Register and no further evaluation of them is necessary. there are no National Register-listed properties located within the project's area of potential effect. Signed: P6Y?Q Q : . zx Representativ NC OT Date FHWA, for the Division Administrator, or other Federal Agency Date Repr entative, SHPO Date i State Historic Preservation Officer Date If a survey report is prepared, a final copy of this form and the attached list will be included. 08/23/2004 08:48 NC DOT PDEA 4 96779744 ,ye..sr North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Peta B. Sandbeek, Adminietratur _. _ Mie6ael f. Easley. Govertlor Lisbah C. Frans. Secretary 1d59V- -Cww, Deputy Socretnry.August 17, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch NCDOT Division of Highways FROM: Peter Sandbeck p G??¢p Deputy State Historic ese>:eation-Officet SUBJECT: Replace Bridge. No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchant Mill Pond B-3640, Gates County, ER 04-1401 N0.992 D02 OPhee of Archives and History Division of Historical Rnxou=s David Rmok, Director Thank you. for your letter requesting.out comments on the above project We apologize for the delay i&-eur, response. We have determined that the.pro}ectas.prnpow4 will not affect any histc>ri V- =C =s. The proposed bridge. replacement.p•oi t h2s.aItigy-pmb-bility fff,diectingawhaeological resources d#e replacement is to extend outside of the existing right-of-way. At the time the road was re-aligned in the 1940s, a portion of ?e M l is the assoeiatcc} •Wcentaxy-faaahorrse and a springhouse w ref damaged or destroyed. While a remnant of the millrace exists, it is possible that remnants of other features of the mill or structures-assowd=d with the farmhouse may be present. If the bridge is not to be replaced at its existing location, we recommend an archaeological survey of the proposed Area of Potential Effect (APE). Prior to survey oa'property outside the right-of-way owned by the State of North Carolina, an Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) permit will be required The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Hi4torir•Pre==ion!s.Re&Azdonl~f,=Csnsphui.*-vnth-Section 106 codified at 364F Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration...ILyo 1m c}uestianr?conretniag the above com= t, , please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. In all fume communication conceming-this-prgject,-please. Cite the- above-re€eFertced traeld?lg nwnbez. PS:w- Laesdos ADMINISTRATION Sal N. alount SIT=, Up;& Nc RFSMRATZON MaBiag Addrm 4617 Mdl $mviea COW Raleio NC 376994617 Telephane/Par (919)733-4763033.865) $15 N. Maim srree4 Rawib NC SUMVEY di P7.AWNG 515 N. Sloom Smeet, Raleigh, NC 4617 Mail Savios Canter, Rakish NC 276994617 4617 Mail Servlee Center Raleigh NC 276994617 (919)773.6547n 13.4801 ' (919)733-6545015.4801 GATES COUNTY SCHOOL BUS GARAGE H. Kenneth Jernigan t !Maas - POST OFFICE BOX 125 Director GATESVILLE, NC 27938 PHONE: (252) 357-0606 ,Janet), Mizelle -IMS ° FAX: (252) 357-2683 . Cost Clerk -1 word. July 25, 2000 Ji,i. :.? Mr. William D. Gilmore, P. E. Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Mr. Gilmore, I am writing in response to your request for information on school buses crossing the Merchants Mill Pond Bridge. For the 2000-2001 school year, which starts August 1 2000 we will have a total of six buses crossing the bridge twice on a daily basis making a total of 12 crossings per day. It would be most helpful if we could be notified a week in advance before work begins-on the bridge so that we will have ample time to reroute our buses. If you need additional information, please contact me at the above number. Sincerely, Janet L. Mizelle Cost Clerk - TIMS Coordinator jlm xc: Dr. Robert F. Hahne John A. Lane RECEIVED H13 3 2006 MEN Cs H WAYS POG?A-%Tl'kE OF NATURAL ERRONM January 31, 2006 Mr. Gregory J: Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: B-3640, Bridge 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, Gates County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide riverine wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you in a letter dated June 14, 2005, the impacts are located in CU 03010203 of the Chowan River Basin in the Northern Outer Coastal Plain (NOCP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Riverine Wetland Impacts: 0.19 acre This mitigation acceptance letter replaces the mitigation acceptance letter issued on July 19, 2005. As stated in your letter, the subject project is listed in Exhibit 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District dated July 22, 2003. The mitigation for the subject project will be provided in accordance with this agreement. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-715-1929. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Director cc: Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE-Washington Mr. John Hennessy, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit File: B-3640 Revised R-Utor ... ... PYOtectuu? Our Rat& A RA North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net N d ?°ma Van STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ? ?n06 IVOSA-,,_ gTE?,.QU DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION sr?MWq? e MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPE GOVERNOR SECRETARY February 17, 2006 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington, NC 27889-1000 Attention: Mr. William J. Biddlecome NCDOT Coordinator Dear Sir: 060~83 Subject: Nationwide 23 Permit Application and Federal Consistency Decision from the NC Division of Coastal Management for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Merchants Millpond on SR 1400, in Gates County. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1400(4), State Project No. 8.2060201, WBS 33188.1.1, TIP No. B-3640. Please find enclosed the permit drawings, Categorical Exclusion (CE), and half-size plan sheets for the above referenced project. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace existing Bridge No. 16 on SR 1400 over Merchants Millpond in Gates County. The project involves replacement of the existing bridge structure with a 135-foot cored slab bridge at approximately the same location and roadway elevation of the existing structure using top-down construction. The approach roadway will consist of two 11-foot travel lanes with shoulder widths of at least 6 feet. There will be 0.19-acre of permanent impacts to Merchants Millpond and adjacent wetlands. In addition to the bridge, an adjacent dam and spillway for the millpond will be replaced, equipped with a fish ladder for anadromous fish passage, resulting in 0.17-acre of impacts to surface water. Traffic will be detoured off-site, along surrounding roads, during construction. Impacts to Waters of the,United States General Description: The project is located in the Chowan River Basin (Hydrologic Unit 03010203). A best usage classification of "C NSW" has been assigned to Merchants Millpond (Bennetts Creek) [DWQ Index # 25-17]. Neither High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I: undeveloped watersheds or WS-II: predominately undeveloped watersheds), nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile (1.6 km) of project study area. Neither Merchants Millpond nor Bennetts Creek is designated as a North Carolina Natural or Scenic River, or as a national Wild and Scenic River. The proposed project will avoid impacts to MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 designated Public Trust Waters or Areas of Environmental Concern under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). Permanent Impacts: Merchants Millpond and adjacent wetlands will be impacted by the proposed project. Construction of the proposed project will result in permanent impacts, including 0.10- acre of fill, 0.069-acre of mechanized clearing, and 0.02-acre of excavation in wetlands (see permit drawings). In addition;-a -total of 0.17-acre of surface water will be impacted from replacement of the existing dam and spillway in Merchants Millpond. The existing dam and spillway are located under the existing bridge. The new dam and spillway structure will be placed on a new alignment north of the existing in Merchants Millpond. Temporary Impacts: No temporary impacts to jurisdictional resources will be necessary for the construction of this project. Utility Impacts: No impacts to jurisdictional resources will occur due to relocation of utilities in the project area. All utility work will be conducted in upland areas and existing road fill. Bridge Demolition The existing bridge consists of a timber deck on timber joists with an asphalt-wearing surface. The substructure is a timber abutment design; the interior bents consist of timber caps on timber piles. The spillway for the millpond is a timber structure that is adjacent to the existing bridge. The bridge can be removed without dropping components into Waters of the United States during construction. Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal will be followed to avoid any temporary fill from entering Waters of the United States. The bridge demolition is classified as a Case 2 due to the in-stream moratorium for anadromous fish (February 15 to June 30). Federally Protected Species As of January 29, 2003 the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists two federally protected species for Gates County (see Table 1). A biological conclusion of "no effect" remains valid for the red-cockaded woodpecker due to lack of suitable habitat. A biological conclusion is not required for the American alligator due to its designation of Threatened (due to similarity of appearance). No species have been added or deleted from the list since the completion of the CE (October 28, 2004). Table 1. Federally rotected species of Gates Coun . Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Biological Conclusion Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker E No Effect Alligator mississi iensis American alligator T(S/A) N/A (E) - Endangered (T) - Threatened T (S/A) - "Similarity of Appearance" Avoidance and Minimization Avoidance examines all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to "Waters of the United States". Due to the presence of surface waters and wetlands within the project study area, avoidance of all impacts is not possible. The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts. Minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design these included: NCDOT TIP B-3640 Page 2 of 4 • Use of an off-site detour during construction. • Construction of a 29-foot longer bridge • Construction of a fish ladder for anadromous fish passage • Best Management Practices will also be utilized during demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge. • Anadromous Fish Guidelines for Stream Crossings Mitigation The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will assume responsibility for satisfying the federal Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation requirements for the unavoidable impacts to 0.19 acre of wetlands. See attached EEP Acceptance Letter dated January 31, 2006. Regulatory Approvals Section 404 Permit: All aspects of this project are being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b). The NCDOT requests that these activities be authorized by a Nationwide Permit 23 (FR number 10, pages 2020-2095, January 15, 2002). Section 401 Certification: We anticipate 401 General Water Quality Certification number 3403 will apply to this project. All general conditions of the Water Quality Certifications will be met. Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500(a) and 15A NCAC 2B.0200, we are providing copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality for their review. CAMA: NCDOT certifies that the proposed activity complies with the enforceable policies of North Carolina's approved management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. NCDOT hereby requests, by copy of this letter, a Federal Consistency Decision from the NC Division of Coastal Management. A copy of this application will be posted on the NCDOT website at: http://www.doh.dot.state nc us/preconstract/pe/neu/-Dermit html Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Please contact Mr. Tyler Stanton at tstanton@dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715-1439 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, +? n Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA NCDOT TIP B-3640 Page 3 of 4 Cc W/attachment: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (2 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Ron Sechler, NMFS Mr. Michael Street, NCDMF Ms. Cathy Brittingham, NCDCM Ms. Wanda Gooden, NCDCM Dr. David Chang, PE, Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, PE, Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Anthony Roper, PE, Division 1 Engineer Mr. Clay Willis, Division 1 Environmental Officer Cc W/o attachment: Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Jay Bennett, PE, Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, PE, Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, PE, Highway Design Ms. Beth Harmon, EEP Mr. Todd Jones, NCDOT External Audit Branch Ms. Stacy Baldwin, PE, PDEA NCDOT 77P B-3640 Page 4 of 4 a r 8 r,,.i • Errors ? ? - cross M ifu 158 M CN T _ '? 1L1P0 BUS - 158 o GATE 37 , E P o G, ? Y? 37 ` r VICINf Y MAP OF PROJECT 8.2060201 NCDOT DIVISION %Oj0 i FIIGHWAYS VICINITY' GATES COUNTY PROJECT: 3318&L1 (B-3640) MAPS SR 1400 MML POND ROAD- FROM EAST OF EASTMAINS CROSSROADS TO FLAT BRANCH SHEET 1 OF PERMIT MWIN&S NinQTU n n Rnl INI n ,..T?? y O D o ? 1 } /? V/ ? O a r O 0 o w ( D R th, U1 C0 CO W 0 N n < C (D fD CL fD C,o (D N Q 'O N N p O ?7 - 3 . O ° O CL N 7 O O (D '11 ? s m 3 ' CL C G m M 'i M z n°? ° N m ? 0) v ? o :3 S. m C D p C) ? ?- C1 (D M ::r ? y Z C) rn ?v0v ? y?Q m R :2 C) C D CL to CO) O O Cl) CD v 1 .? n C O 3 U1 3 D C17 o A CD v f C -G y °O p C v n D ro N m d -u CD 0 m ? CA = y i a z Cn (D cn CD o x CD X D x ° 3 v ^ `/ -? Y ro ? y = = w 9 0 D .CD `" "? ` x t TIM sFa3:s P 33I88.I.I TIP** B-3640 o 0 o m a a _ n 0 ? R N Ca 0 - 0 z y ? S o gg a o o txl 0 ? n n n n n n x a0 A i J w o0 0 b ca = a o m Z . r" Z z ?_ o= ? 0 O ;R c 0 o o n 0 ?o p C, 3 13r 3 CA, I N rr r n b o ' O? N ? 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