HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900163 All Versions_Complete File_20100726 ?e "` STnrF o State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor February 23, 1990 George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Dr. L. R. Goode, Ph.D., P.E. Manager, Program and Policy Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Dr. Goode: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed Highway Construction - SR 1206 North Carolina Department of Transportation Currituck Sound Dare County Attached hereto are two (2) copies of Certification No. 2435 issued to North Carolina Department of Transportation dated February 23, 1990. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, i eorge T. Everett Attachments cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers W?kthington Regional Office r. William Mills Mr. John Parker Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611.7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer r. e NORTH CAROLINA Dare County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to North Carolina Department of Transportation pursuant to an application filed on the 4th day of December, 1989 to grade, widen, and pave approximately two miles of SR 1206 near Kitty Hawk. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into a wetlands area adjacent to the waters of Currituck in conjunction with the proposed roadway project in Dare County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. That wetland losses shall be mitigated by debit of the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 23rd day of February, 1990. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT George T. Everett, Director WQC# 2435 DF/CAMA/401 REV PROJ# : 00 7 78' PROJECT: iVe- DO-r- 52 /x-06 COUNTY: REGION: 0 ASSIGNED TO: DEBORAH SAWYER JOINT NOTICE:1V TYPE CERTIFICATION RECOMMEND DATES 404 PN Y 401 REQ: ISSUE: RECEIVED: $ 7 /2-07 CAMA ONLY: GC: DENY: INITIAL REPORT: DF/CAMA SWPREQ: HOLD: FINAL REPORT:?00/24 o RECEIVING STREAM: n CLASS: S c- BASIN: ?/+S COMMENTS: ?.?.?-?0?-0 ? ? S i ? ? 2 06 ,? a- a - -pro t?-Q- ? 572 , 2c (. 01 1917 j_ %1". - cr ?? Copies: WaRO - Central - Mills - DCM Washington Elizabeth City Morehead City John Parker, Raleigh Central / fl( United States Department of the Interior y,FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office -? Post Office Box 33726 r?=t ,r?.. Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 January 8, 1990 Lieutenant Colonel Thomas C. Suermann District Engineer Wilmington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Lieutenant Colonel Suermann: This is the report of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) oq j Public Notice CESAW-C090-N-028-0048, dated November 30, 1990. Tht- applicant, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (NCDOT), proposes to place fill material in forested wetlands near Kitty Hawk, Dare County, North Carolina. This report is submitted in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661-667e) and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). It is to be used in your determination of 404(b)(1) compliance (40 CFR 230) and your public interest review (33 CFR 320.4) as they relate to the protection of fish and wildlife resources. The applicant proposes to place fill material in palustrine, forested seasonally- and temporarily-flooded wetlands to facilitate grading, widening and paving of approximately two miles of SR 1206 between US 158 and SR 1208. Proposed improvements include placement of fill material in approximately 1.96 acres of palustrine, forested wetlands at 22 separate locations in the proposed right-of-way. Service biologists visited portions of the proposed project site on May 16 and July 19, 1989, during our evaluation of the proposed adjacent Kitty Hawk Woods Partnership housing and shopping development. The existing unimproved roadway follows a dune ridge through a forested area known as Kitty Hawk Woods. The area is characterized by forested dune ridges with interspersed forested swale wetlands and temporary ponds, all of which are hydrologically connected to Kitty Hawk Bay and Currituck Sound. National Wetland Inventory draft mapping for the area classifies the swale wetlands predominantly as palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous, seasonally- flooded or seasonally-flooded/saturated. The temporary pond wetlands adjacent to the alignment are classified palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous, temporarily-flooded, although some are palustrine, scrub-shrub. Vegetative descriptions and natural resource inventories of portions or all of the Kitty Hawk Woods area are described in reports prepared by M.J. Lopazanski, J.P. Evans and R.E. Shaw (1988, An Assessment of Maritime Forest Resources on the North Carolina Coast, N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Coastal Management, Raleigh, N.C.) and J. Fussell (1989a, Kitty Hawk Woods: The 135-Acre Tract 0 Proposed for Mitigation--A Brief Description of the Tract and its Ecological Significance, Environmental Services, Inc., Morehead City, N.C.; and 1989b, Descriptions of Wetland Pockets on Multifamily Tract, Kitty Hawk Woods, Environmental Services, Inc., Morehead City, N.C.). Briefly, canopy species present in the swale wetlands include: sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), black gum (N ssa sylvatica), red maple (Acer rubrum) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum). Temporary pond wetland canopy species include: sweet gum, red maple, black gum and ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana). Dominant canopy species present on the dune ridges are southern red oak (Quercus falcata), water oak (Q. nigra), willow oak (Q. hellos), American beech (Fa us grandifolia), black gum, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and hickory (Cara labra). Understory species present include: flowering dogwood (Corpus florida), red bay (Persea borbonia), ironwood, and sassafras (Sassafras albidum), among others. Ground cover on the ridges consists primarily of: partridge berry (Mitchella repens), cane (Arundinaria gigantea), rattan (Berchemia scandens) and Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). In the swale and pond wetland areas, ground cover species include: lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus), netted chain fern (Woodwardia areolata), and ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron). The area is known to support a high diversity and high overall population of summer, winter and permanent resident birds as a consequence of the habitat diversity, mature forest and large extent of unfragmented habitat present (Fussell 1989a). Based on work done by A.L. Braswell (1988, A Survey of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Nags Head Woods Ecological Preserve, ASB Bulletin 35(4):199-217) in similar habitats nearby, the area also is likely to support a high density and diversity of reptiles and amphibians which are dependent upon the swale and temporary pond wetlands for foraging and/or reproduction. The Lopazanski et al. (1988) study assessed maritime forests exceeding 100 hectares in size along the North Carolina coast and prioritized then according to the need for protection. A portion of the Kitty Hawk Woods site located adjacent to the proposed roadway ranked as number one for protection. The N.C. Natural Heritage Program rates Kitty Hawk Woods as an ecological area of national significance and one of the highest priority natural areas in North Carolina, stating that Kitty Hawk Woods is one of only two known large tracts of maritime deciduous forest, rated as a "Critically Imperilled Globally" habitat. The maritime swamp forest present on the site is rated also as critically imperilled globally, a rating derived from a Nature Conservancy scale which indicates that the rated element is known from five or fewer localities worldwide. The Service believes the area exhibits exceptionally high value, forested wetland and dune ridge habitat which is unique because of its extent and its distinctive floral and faunal composition. Implementation of the project, as proposed, would result in the direct loss of 1.96 acres of high value palustrine forested wetlands habitat and the degradation through water quality decline of additional acreage as a consequence of runoff from the proposed highway. Fragmentation of the existing maritime forest and wetlands would be increased due to the additional clearing within the proposed right-of-way. Wildlife mortality would increase as a consequence of the increased rate of speed and number of vehicles using a paved roadway. Secondary impacts would include: increased runoff from impervious pavement; increased noise and disturbance to fish and wildlife resources due to increased vehicular activity; and, facilitation of residential and/or commercial development of the adjacent habitat. Such development is already planned by Kitty Hawk Woods Partnership. Thus, NCDOT's current action implies that the Kitty Hawk Woods Partnership permit application was not complete and that it is being piecemealed. Such action distorts cumulative wetland impacts. The NCDOT proposes to mitigate the impacts of the proposed wetland fills by debiting the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank for lossGsof wetland habitat which they believe are unavoidable. The Service places considerable value on palustrine forested and maritime forested wetlands and uplands. Resident and migratory wildlife may include white-tailed deer, raccoon, red and gray fox, passerine birds, raptors, reptiles and amphibians. In general, these sites and their associated habitats are of significant value to wildlife as sites for feeding, cover, migration, nesting and juvenile rearing. During periods of inundation the palustrine forested swale wetlands may be accessible to centrarchids and certain migratory fish species which utilize this habitat for feeding, cover and/or spawning. Forested wetlands also perform essential water quality functions. They serve in pollution and sediment removal, act as flood water retention sites, and contribute usable nutrients to the aquatic food web. A detailed description of these habitat types and their value to fish and wildlife is found in the Service's publications entitled Riparian Ecosystems: Their Ecology and Status (Brinson, M.M., B.L. Smith, R.C. Plantico and J.S. Barclay. 1981. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-81/17. 155 pp.) and Atlantic Coast Maritime Forests: A Community Profile (Bellis, V., in preparation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Palustrine forested wetland and maritime forest losses are occurring at a high rate on a national basis. In the two decade period between the early 1950's and 1970's palustrine forested wetlands were reduced nationally by 10.8 percent (Frayer, W.E., T.J. Monahan, D.C. Bowden and F.A. Graybill. 1983. Status and Trends of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats in the Conterminous United States: 1950's to 1970's. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 32 pp.). Fully 92 percent of the national losses in palustrine forested wetlands occurred in the southeastern United States (Hefner, J. and J. Brown. 1984. Wetland Trends in the Southeastern United States. Wetlands 4:1-11.). Based on the above described habitat values and the fact that such areas are relatively scarce or becoming scarce on a national basis or in the ecoregion, the Service's Mitigation Policy (Federal Register 46(15):7656- 7663, January 23, 1981) goal for resources of this type calls for no net loss of in-kind habitat value. After minimizing losses of such habitats, the unavoidable losses should be replaced with similar habitat values so that populations of the species associated with the habitats will remain relatively stable in the area over time. Specific ways to achieve this include: 1) physical modification of replacement habitat to convert it to the same type lost; 2) restoration or rehabilitation of previously altered habitat; 3) increased management of similar replacement habitat so that the in-kind value of the lost habitat is replaced; or 4) a combination of measures. The Service considers the palustrine forested wetlands on the site Resource Category 2 habitat. The maritime forest present on the site is unique for reasons described earlier in this report. The attached page identifies the Federally-listed endangered (E) and/or threatened (T) and/or species proposed for listing as endangered (PE) or threatened (PT) which may occur in the area of influence of this action. The Federally-listed endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) may occur within the impact area of the proposed project. If the proposed project will be removing pines greater than or equal to 30 years of age in pine or pine/hardwood habitat, surveys should be conducted for active cavity trees within a 1/2-mile radius of project boundaries. If red-cockaded woodpeckers are observed within the project area or active cavity trees found, the project has the potential to adversely affect the red-cockaded woodpecker, and consultation, pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended, should be initiated. The Service recommends that the NCDOT reevaluate the design of the proposed project with a view toward complying with the U.S. Environmental Protection I; Agency's Section 404(b)(1) guidelines and employing more sensitive design criteria appropriate to the quality of the affected habitat. The proposed project is clearly non-water dependent and the guidelines presume in such cases that upland alternatives are available. This is true in the present case, since wetlands may be avoided through alignment shifts, primarily to the east, to avoid necessity for the proposed fills. We encourage the NCDOT to follow the example set by Kitty Hawk Woods Partnership in the design of Covered Bridge Road, which employs minimal pavement width, no right-of -way clearing, and bridging of wetlands within the highly significant and environmentally sensitive habitat which it traverses. Since the proposed wetland fills appear avoidable to the Service, any discussion of specific mitigation is premature. However, in view of the significance of the affected habitats, as determined by 'fhe Nature Conservancy and studies conducted by the State, the Service believes that any wetland losses determined to be unavoidable should be mitigated onsite and should not employ the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank. Therefore, in consideration of the value of the project area to fish and wildlife, we believe that the public interest would best be served through impact avoidance. The Service also believes that the proposed work, if authorized, would be contrary to the guidance provided in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for Specifications of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material (Federal Register 45(249):85344-85357, 0 December 24, 1980) which state that fill shall not be placed in wetlands when alternatives exist. As noted above, an upland alternative is available since the alignment can be shifted to avoid wetlands. Therefore, in order to effect fish and wildlife resource conservation and to fulfill the public trust in this matter, the Service recommends that a Department of the Army permit not be issued. The Service appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on this project. We would be pleased to meet with you, your staff, or the applicants to discuss our concerns. Sincerely, L.K. Mike Gantt Supervisor REVISED SEP'IEMER 11, 1989 Dare County Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) - E Roseate tern (Sterna dougallii dougallii) - E Piping plover (Charadrius melodus) - T Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) - E Arctic peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius) - E Green sea turtle (Chelonia m das) - T Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) - T Kemp's (.atlantic) ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) - E There are species which, although not now listed or officially proposed fo listing as endangered or threatened, are under status review by th Service. "Status Review" (SR) species are not legally protected under th Act, and are not subject to any of its provisions, including Section 7 until they are formally proposed or listed as threatened or endangered. W are providing the below list of status review species which may occu within the project area for the purpose of giving you advance notification These species may be listed in the future, at which time they will b protected under the Act. In the meantime, we would appreciate anything yc might do for them. Carolina lilaeopsis (Lilaeopsis carolinensis) - SR Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) - SR o ' A DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 CESAW-C090-N-028-0048 November 30, 1989 PUBLIC NOTICE THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, (NCDOT), Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201, has applied for a Department of the Army permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN WETLANDS ADJACENT CURRITUCK SOUND ASSOCIATED WITH THE GRADING, WIDENING AND PAVING OF APPROXIMATELY TWO MILES OF S.R. 1206 BETWEEN U.S. HIGHWAY 158 AND S.R. 1208, KITTY HAWK, Dare County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the placement of fill material in a total of 1.96 acres of swale wetlands and hardwood swamp to better the two mile stretch of highway, providing a two lane facility with 24 feet of pavement and associated shoulder improvements. The wetlands exist as isolated pockets along the highway corridor. Wetland infringement has been reduced as cleared right-of-way has been minimized to 30-40 feet and ditching has been eliminated where possible. As compensatory mitigation, the NCDOT proposes to debit the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank for unavoidable losses of wetland habitat. The purpose of the work is to provide an improved, more safe roadway. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The applicant has determined that the proposed work is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Zone Management Plan and has submitted this determination to the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management for their review and concurrence. This proposal shall be reviewed for the applicability of other actions by North Carolina agencies such as: a. The issuance of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. b. The issuance of a permit to dredge and/or fill under North Carolina General Statute 113-229 by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. C. The issuance of a permit under the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management or their delegates. d. The issuance of an easement to fill or otherwise occupy State-owned submerged land under North Carolina General Statute 143-341(4), 146-6, 146-11, and 146-12 by the North Carolina Department of Administration and the North Carolina Council of State. A ? -2- e. The approval of an Erosio and Sedimentation Control Plan by the Land Quality Section, North Carolina D vision of Land Resources, pursuant to the State Sedimentation Pollution Con rol Act of 1973 (NC G.S. 113 A-50-66). The requested Department of tl required State or local authoriza permit will be issued until a Sta reviewed by this agency. Recipiei comments on factors of concern re the respective agency, with a cop: i Army (DOA) permit will be denied if any on and/or certification is denied. No DOA e coordinated viewpoint is received and is of this notice are encouraged to furnish resented by the above agencies directly to y furnished to the Corps of Engineers. This application is being con idered pursuant to Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in t e notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Reque is for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has co sulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic P1 ces for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered roperty or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. onsultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultur 1 resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise un ware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affec species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or thre tened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to iss the probable impacts, including and its intended use on the pub impacts which the proposed ac ti careful weighing of all those f case. The benefits which reaso proposal must be balanced again decision whether to authorize a it will be allowed to occur, ar general balancing process. Tha for both protection and utiliza may be relevant to the proposal effects thereof. Among those a environmental concerns, wetland flood hazards and flood plain v z a permit will be based on an evaluation of umulative impacts, of the proposed activity L c interest. Evaluation of the probable r.ty may have on the public interest requires a i tors which become relevant in each particular ably may be expected to accrue from the at its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The proposal, and if so the conditions under which therefore determined by the outcome of the decision should reflect the national concern ion of important resources. All factors which must be considered including the cumulative e conservation, economics, aesthetics, general , cultural values, fish and wildlife values, lues (in accordance with Executive Order -3- 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this DOA permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The DEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the DOA permit serves as application to the DEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after December 22, 1989. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before December 18, 1989, Attention: Mr. William Mills. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Ernest Jahnke, until 4:15 p.m., January 3, 1990, or telephone (919) 251-4467. '' O?y ?(rd tY I I N trdle ?r ((/' •ComdCIO en At J III?'6t?t11Nt + Cl. on \ .E? • ? Riddle r )/ cA • '? t 'P . ,/ hr10 v ?f ?e tl•?dtrr ` W. I fOAf `` P h J It S R II 4cl? /lr Cho$6N0 11:/ ` AlA 7\• rMdyi S. nderllne • ettt. PER UIMAN ^ 7 to I `, Old T. 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A Ql al -1 VI J -i Q, z? 700 6 00 C OrD y(30 3 cr 2M 100 Jf IA. .••A. ; OFr- TVR ,ATh£RSNiP I??+S.SO•Ln.• •o r • o ...`- ?, p ?i v 1 l-?JrL- _ bloom ' ?e DZCI)TVR PA F. TNER SN/P 0o - R Y.1 . d7• O --.. `. - Zoe ' V C. I - - _. OJ •. O 1.L - A c: -r• ..•. - - - - - - - - - -- _ It • t .Je i ? ? - -- r_ P, - - - _ -- - - - - - r i/•F -A - Aa I I (if ?7D Y 8 - r = PF-MOMS wcr"Kips SCALE., I`-1001 HORI1. P:2.01VERT. -.1 STATF POO) NO I. A. YI:UJ Nu o rn MATCH LJNE I I ' , w ? ' h 1 , y 1 • o ' I 5 4 f i ? q \l a U I I j l 1 + I l I I Iy I 1 I, h Y 2 a I 2 %e w . t A V , ^! 1" 1 ?V f11 I I y 1 ~ .1 U ? 31 4 C4 .1 II ,I I 1 I I I .1 1 3N17 t l--)-I-VW p v Q. I . Q? I'. l l (f11 II II? q 0 . L. I Y 11. S s o .v I. o s g 3 W Q .1 O O 0 O MATCH LINE CS) ?'x A?/ y • ', a 11, :? ? ? ® •Y 3? J 1 1 1.1 ? ' ?1 1 hl 1 1 i . 1 .. k 4 11 I o 1L, o ?. i C n ' ?'.• 'L G a 1 e -?1L:1 1' v G o? ?Nll N t : r 3' 2 N ?{ 1 3 , 1 ? .1 1+?lvw ?1. . J w W 1r d' .: l n m• r U' U Q O u o q a %a h 7 ri DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 November 30, 1989 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. CESAW-C090-N-028-0048 Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Mills: Q Enclosed is the application of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to place fill material in wetlands adjacent Currituck Sound associated with the grading, widening and paving of approximately two miles of S.R. 1206 between U.S. Highway 158 and S.R. 1208, Kitty Hawk, Dare County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification may be required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request by January 19, 1990, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Ernest Jahnke, telephone (919) 251-4467. Sincerely, e Wri Actin Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. David Griffin Elizabeth City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Route 6, Box 203 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 ? ^A G Q C T "o 1989 BRANCH STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR JAMES E. HARRINGTON GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. SECRETARY October 18, 1989 STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Dare County, Improvements to SR 1206 (Div. maint.) The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to grade, widen and pave approximately two miles of SR 1206 from US 158 to SR 1208 in Kitty Hawk, Dare County. The roadway will be expanded to a two lane facility with 24 feet of pavement and associated shoulder improvements. The unpaved alignment currently extends through a heavily wooded area of the Outer Banks characterized by upland pine-mixed hardwood forest interspersed with ridge and swale wetlands and areas of hardwood swamp. Widening of the roadway will impact approximately 1.96 acres of wetlands, primarily existing in isolated pockets along the corridor (see attached drawings and accompanying wetland forms). A great deal of coordination has already been undertaken with respect to this project. Meetings were held on June 27 and July 31, 1989 with Kitty Hawk town representatives, Mr. Robert Abernathy representing the local CAMA office and personnel from NCDOT. As a result of these discussions, our Department modified original plans to reduce wetland infringement where possible, minimize cleared right-of-way widths to 30-40 ft construction limits, and eliminate ditching when feasible. The NCDOT proposes to debit the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank for unavoidable losses of wetland habitat. An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer 4 Page 2 Application is hereby made to allow proposed work to proceed. Although this project does not come under LAMA jurisdiction, LAMA Consistency is required and the office of Coastal Management is being provided with a copy of the permit request for review. By copy of this letter, we also request issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division of Environmental Management. Since our Department would like to begin construction upon receipt of necessary permits, your immediate attention to this matter would be appreciated. If you have additional questions, please contact Mr. Jerry McCrain at 919-733-7842. Sincerely, L.R. Goode, PhD, PE Manager, Program & Policy Branch cc: Mr. John Mr. Paul Mr. A.L. Mr. C.O. r. Parker, LAMA Wilms, ATTN: Mr. Bill Mills, DEM Hankins, PE White, PE G.R. McCrain ticipated development activities, inciuauzg conseruc- ticn, exaivation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requested information is 'E ID relevant to your project, write NIA (R4s.a)r i v 1=? plieable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. E? U ? _ 1989 t'Ulll Ll? , dl I?1?/L ?_Q l 1,-?i 1 •- ? -a 4 W-M IFERMCH a. North Carolina Department of Transportation b. a. Name L. R. Goode, Ph.D., PE' Address P. O. Box 25201. C. City Raleigh State NC d. Zip 27611 1Day phone , 733-2031 Landowner or X_ Authorized agent C. b. Project name (if any) N/A c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. ,o a. Street address or secondary road number SR 1206 b. City, town, community, or landmark Kitty Hawk C. County Dare d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes e. Name of body of water nearest project Currituck Sound a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). Pronosed Grading, Drainage and Paving of SR 1206 From US 158 To SR 1208 If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- isting project, new work, or both? Roth c. Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? Cor, nun i tv f. Size of entire tract N/A Size of individual lot(s) N/A Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum _N/A Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Frir)D/Duckston Vegetation on tract Swamo Hardwoods; RidgE & Swale Wetlands,-.Mixed Forest Man-made features now on tract N/A g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Conservation Transitional Developed X Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? N/A L How are adjacent waters classified? N/A j. Has a professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract? No If so, by whom? Complete this section if the project includes any upland development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed N/A b. Number of lots or parcels N/A. C. Density (Give the number of residential units and the units per acre.) N/A d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed N/A e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- tation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? N/A f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of mean high water to be covered by im- permeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, or rooftops.- N/A surfaces... N/A c. Type of material N/A ' d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- h. If applicable, has a stormwater management land, swamps, or other•-wetlands7 N/A plan been submitted to the Division of En- e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards N/A vironmental Managemen 7 N/A f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area N/A i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste g. Location of spoil disposal area N/A water treatment facilities. N/A h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? N/A j. Have these facilities received state or local If not, attach a letter granting permission from approval? N/A the owner. k- Describe existing treatment facilities. L Will a disposal area be available for future N/A maintenance? f N/A • If so, where? N/ A j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, 1. Describe location and type of divcharges to swampland,'or water areas? N/A waters of the state (for example,-surface runoff, k. Will the fill material be placed below mean sanitary wastewater, industriallcommercial high water? . N/A effluent, or "wash down'7. Surface 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards N/A Runoff Al onct Project m. Type of fill material N/A n. Source of fill material N/A in. Water supply source N/A o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other n. If the project is occuzfront development, wetlands? Yes describe the steps that will be taken to main- p. Dimensions of the wetland to be filled 1.96 Acres twin established public beach accessways or pro- q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on vide new access. N/A site and erosion controlled? By Strinaent Frngi nn Control Methods o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will r. What type of construction equipment will be be the elevation above mean sea level of the used (for example, dragline, backhoc, or first habitable floor? N/A hydraulic dredge)? Motor Grader ?' s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- ment to the projea site? No If yes, explain ss'?the steps that will be taken to lessen en- a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- vironmental impacts. tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) O Boat basin Other (break- water, pier, boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or bckm hffiX/ Upland fill areas 1.96 (Acres a. Length of bulkhead or riprap N/A b. Average distance waterward of mean high water or normal water level N/A c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet N/A d. Type of bulkhead material N/A e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water N/A f. Type of fill material N/A 2 In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the projecu An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 rh x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 71.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- sonnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal' Management. The applicant must advise the adjacent landowners of this opportunity by sen- ding a copy of the permit application to them by registered or certified mail. This notification is re- quired by G.S. 113-229(d). Name Property Owners Address See Attached List Name_ Address Name_ Address for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. A check for $100 made payable to the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.GS. 113A-1 to 10). Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up. monitoring of project. 9 i i£ the day of X ;;i L - Landowner or Au horized agent Send the completed application materials to the Division of Coastal Management Office nearest you and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. See the map on the inside front cover for the appropriate DCM office and addresses and phone number. 3 ' (V v T r- cn -+ N d• N r- 0 In N L T m m N m X U C (%j C m x =) • 4 .. C C .••. - . .+ U1 41 0 m 0 -+ L O •-• W L L C L X 0 O L O W cu O (a rr py O L 3 Z CL U C) W T (D 0 m •• E L 0 -0 U L a E UI -+ E 7 44 .. t L VI N L W L •-...--4 -0 m E 41 7 T Ul UI VI •1.1 +1 T m +1 C! 0 m L •+ m Ci TC - L L CNU L S m 04J .-. •.. 0) -Y C M W •-+ a O Cr .••. C 0 W U L •+ r. L L MM: •+ C Z E L 0 CTZ 41m O .+ -+41 0 Z 2 4 +" X 41 X O `r -W •O Z 3+ Ul >- • •? L UI 0 L ••+ X r- 0. C 3 •m > -+ m -Y 01m O ?••+ x m m 3 E C •+ 0. 3 > Z O X 3 • + r + -Y VI CU m ( > m c 0 m ? n •.+ --• YI U U •-• Z E- 0) C1 L 2 " -y ' •m2 !--+?4 7 E 7 m C L 0 7 M O CL m +1 m C 0 - •+ CD +1 1 T 01 C! T T • L 0 •-• ? m J m -+ Ul .? m -+ 41 O •41 +1 L •- O -W O Ul ••-• L - •-• U •-• L tD -4 U 41 7 C L 'D 4.1 L- L •-+ L to • •+ -i •.. O -• CJ CY •.i . 0 m GJ 7 . •.• . m C! 7 •.r m N t1 3 -+14 OUI Y M CL 14 M MU 3Z -+O t Z T T T T T T rr b• v ' Ir 14• v N N Ul ti N ?? N N N N N m N co J CL T O N UI C C C m c C C O .+ .+ -. .+ •+ U .+ O .••. .-•/ b" O O 0 O W 0 O T O C ?? of N 3 m ? 43 ti " ?-+ U T m m ra (9 •-• C O Y 71 U U U U O U m :3 0 Qa tD 3 C L U1 +1 Ca r C! 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C Gr N T > O +1 7 -0 CJ 13 L m O N 7 •.+ .•.+ C . -4 ••r .•.+ . m .•.+ •.+ mN-0 mO•-. 0 . •-I L 3 • 0 L\O 0 3CLY mmC z 14CLY mZCLY JUMW O-+Y U1CL Y LL"M u UUT UI ti to T V T ?r tD N N m 03 C N m ON N N N 0.Ln N N N O r- c m m m to m m UN ••+ C C C C C C -r 41 .r 41 .. -.r •.4 - r4 .a L 0 W • + W co .. -•4 .-. 14 .•r W m . L 0 N CT 0 0 0 0 3 C W m L L co L L L L L 0•., U m CL m m m m m m CL .r L U -•. N U • U U U U ai IA cd L cu •O 411 L -0 L 3 L C L L m +1 CX L 7 Ul m +1 3 W Ul 41 +1 41 +1 41 •U •+ O Ul L OLIN - L mL L L m L L +1 E GI Z C! Ul 0 Q. N C +1 -0 O L Ul • 0 O •0 m 0 N 0 U L m -+ •Y C1 N Z VI -+ •-• W- I OZ UI -0 > Z Z IA UI Z N Z Cr +1 S M ., T,C m w 0 X al -+ 0 T V m L W N N r• L. m Or Ul TAY •-• -0 O L G) CY M L (U m CM w o • W -•+ Ul -Y L 7 m- •+ -• m ,X L M Ul -Y M -M x 0 0 C) Z m -1 X 3 m CY =0 a C 3 m 3 L 3 3 X -y X Y. - m C •+ O • 0 m L m • •.r m • tD m m U m m 0-4 •-• n --1 m CI > Zm2 U • -+ Z m2 •Z1,S U 1 2 2m•-• ?m•- C O L •-•• Ut +1 m m C E J Ul > > .• 01 m CD W L C- T L W C1 O C T T C T •-•• m 71 =1 - C C 01.0 L W Cl CJ O+1 Gr C;1-y L CJha.1 - L 0+1 Lm 41 "O w ?O 01 L C L N M D L +1 y 1 3 7 -O m •-• O +1 L L -- •i1 m +l .+1 C1 G1 ••r m m - ••? .0 O M •+ n n? ? m W 0 W L -? N .- n? m W C •-+ ^, W CY •.+ •m . L •• L :> S mvtn 0X14 0_14 0_?OLUI UlCCU7Y U14 :D 14 IL UI Y 14 0.0 CL Lo S k 7-E Z 10001, - AdOD WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM C-3 E7 L_ 14 i-' 0 c-, t4 U4 -7 7- 5(0F v (= LZc G 3eTL-tc=0-j 5TdiT)0N5 -+ o-gc COORDINATOR: TIME: _ DATE: COUNTY: a,q/L? NEAREST TOWN: ITji, q 14 c.,j r-- . WATERWAY: G (/R71jUC k Sa U I`/? QUAD: LOCATION: PROPERTY OWNER:(NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK:(NAME/ADDRESS) PHONE:( ) - OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: ) PHONE:( IS PROPERTY UNIFORM OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES---% COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1 • Ky5514 5rc v. V- R, F`04A ? O F-dc,..> 1. L_5oo Dujq 2 D(4 A4r6c-ATA 3 a C50 2. C20EUu5 &A, StZ 4 i-a :(4L 2• T7_1E-Li/olZR:Z15 PL4cc.g?72lS Za FACv? t 3' L(1Nu s rA(ZA 4. qu(oj4b_aN2 sr74g_lFj._,4 7-0 r-4 c. La ?'c?c. 3. 4• 5. PE/L56-A l3o.a8o,+i4 10 FAGcrJ 5. SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: 6. uw 1• Actr¢. ruov 7• _ 2. (J E-Rs, Ew- e0?+3o t? f A L c-, K. T-f -Z C7 FA c- LJ 8. 3• otRrjt-i 0 Rt 14 6(Lj4t.. S Ze, WOODY VINES: 4. (4. l.uvvLa,RoL4,A C.AC.`a 1. 5. Q. p"F1L05 Z? Zp 'Fitctj - w 2. % OF DOMINANT.SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.)?OTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES,:,NO BASIS: p7RECt?, ANAL.-- TYPICAL (COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL:-(COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: R? ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES NO X MOTTLED: YES NO MATRIX COLOR: HYDRIC SOILS: YES )('NO BASIS: V_,(L) • 5,ELC- Coc612 HYDROLOGY: INUNDATED: YES X NO DEPTH OF WATER: U - Z SATURATED SOILS: YES X NO DEPTH TO SATURATION/WATER TABLE OTHER INDICATORS: (?*p/icSSIp?JlAL A/?-t"Zq__ WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES NO BASIS: ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES NO X N L CONDITIONS: YES ( NO WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: YES NO >C AUTHORITY: 10 404 104404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HE AATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT NWP U DETERMINED BY:c C Z ?oea5?? ??ea? S 1-' E -2- e LA ?4 0 WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: TIME: DATE: E / (- /,99 COUNTY: b A 2 E NEAREST TOWN: K Tf? HAWkC WATERWAY: ?U 22 1 T'uC IC 10? N D QUAD: LOCATION: S lZ (Z-O(r, PROPERTY OWNER:(NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK:(NAME/ADDRESS) PHONE:( ) - OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: IS PROPERTY UNIFORM OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE jJNITS VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES---X COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1. lku5TACDA -Lo f'AL 1. MILAX botzA-V,1oK 20 FAL 2. L-1 3. aqutDgw^$4,? 5 ?ac-• 2 0 3.GaPAp515 rAo%c_Aj_l5 ZC? ?l?G KYDET}DizvN p+t23aREu?+^ Lp Up 4. 4.'FAGuS 9R-o,NCgFoL_tA LO C 5• C_oR S. tJ u S •Q I 02A0A FIaC.U SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: ?--? 1=t4Cu 6. 1. SA55AF(ZA5 a1310UM 20 FA Cu 7. 3. Ul4 Cc.IN U" COee g "At3oSU of 7-0 F, 4 8, C'OWOODY VINES : 4. / 1. 5. 2. - % OF DOMINANT.SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.) -OTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES-NO BASIS: TYPICAL P COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL:_(COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: MOTTLED: YES BASIS: W0L MATRIX COLOR: ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES N0_Z HYDRIC SOILS: YES NO HYDROLOGY:: INUNDATED: YES NO Y DEPTH OF WATER: SATURATED SOILS: YES NO Y DEPTH TO SATURATION/WATER TABLE OTHER INDICATORS: 21 D L?t? WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES NO BASIS: ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES N0?,X NORMAL CONDITIONS: YE 0 WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: YES N0,)? AUTHORITY: 10 404 10/L.404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT NW-P# DETERMINED BY: PHONE:( ) - ._. j - r or rS.d 1 '? p -' - iv II ' If C NOC31 t fylt ((,, Ca Teluc ern reiJ{t • 7 Eti?ibt?Cil e i ,/ . I h.10 V ' j. r Ifa.. rL,er.. /. 7'• CO'% P ". is ZOci . "," ... PERGLUIMAN •? 1 r .?•a• 1 r f ands Ne[k w.,•. , ?t 'f them h `?•? '. . .?' I k.. ?? Herb. , horfa 04 ' rat 1 1 • t ; 5•'.'.'"? ,-' r'C?J a...r P. d Harbor H erf.•,d 1.•d A- r ! rte ollfi rit t)enl Hiila ?t me"T 0-4 ?wl t. g# "L rues. wr?..N.tl 141 8 i h.J•M.. ashoes flyif Ra Nr.foundls I n..b?•r..r '4 r 15 'Yid / f ) 6/ rZ1 1~t. WA.IebO.f n MInn, 1 r lee nl Wort Lolmo b a + k 17 take N.. t wooded ) t Sruooer..w ' 7 „ nQ boo" rlto.f 1 ??, rl'b^dlrr ?/ ?I 61~b y r hg- 0 w IOU o den PI mouth r -r, f rgy on ft., WASHINGTON `, r.... tf^ ^[ \ uUrrr.w a" D A R E L .? • csi v o \•'n Ar r 7LJ smiof mus ONEInCNtWAtsA?rotof t7upt 3 ro"• to ?p Sp aC a[ SCAtt 01 AltptlE tt RS Orr[ IW-H EQUALS Arrmox it slEortrUts ; ••WI' \?-AcN•r UUU rte' c a -I G n O C S p- 120 <, 1Ilt SCALE 1 , »- 0 1 wu I.rr. I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DARE CO. PROPOSED GRADING, DRAINAGE, & PAVING OF S.R. 1206 FROM U.S. 158 TO S.R. 1208 SHEET _ OF ?S- SEPT. 1989 n m zr fL 0 IK o C7 N L1, vi 00 00 I co a ¢ ¢ LO H Z N • (L A i ;? b ? Q3 C7-o? a: N x x Z owl • E? ? ? r S O W X 0 0 O N F A o i agz0W " ?. 'WOUV) L A- O F t N„wp tow V-QCZ(s.x 0 V) rr •a Cl -4 C] ? o ? 1? gg cl ! i` Z o W JJpJ , , O F• c ? t H R ? J l . ?•I J r ? o ff r- o o w ` y V l Q n u. 0 0 I n v 0 i 00 o ti (7 N of 2 II = I ? ? - -•- ?-- - - - -- ` Z rl 00 a - I 11 III . I I II I ,?,° , I 1 111: 11 I I ? ! 11 ?, x Q :13 } 1111 IIII II i IIi il ?. I I II IIII IIII I ( - z . .I? o ~ I ill II l - I Iiii l;' III I I Ii !il I II I ! I I o w s -/ Q Zo F U = N ?? 1 1 , ` " i II`I II! III 'I III ; 1 I. I III I I o o n N ... in ts, w •?• aI^: CO 0, • » ,1 1 I II ' ,It II 1.1 iil ,I, `I' I.? Ilii 1 ' It. II Il i I III ?? ._. O V C NI? • I'Y l?? - II!! I II; it II 1, I It IIII I ,III II! I ' I I L,3 aZOw W O U V) ,? x .. f• ' II Il ?` l IIII I I I i I I Q ? W a V1 W ?- I i! I a l;! ! j . ! I • ' ' il i " 'I ' ! II II i'" ll i A ;,; • I TI rY ;? I l 9 ' II i I .? :? o a o cn z 31 ° '=+ ' I I I I I I! I .^• i III I l j, v i i i I: i ? 11 •? ? p: yo ' ' ! 2 ' ? 1 ' ? i 1 I! . III! ?li !,I I III II I ` '=?' ? ? !I ! I II I' i ? II I II ! ! i? III I . " © ? ? ? ' ! I III I 'I III II I III I I e I _ I ? ? o 1 !I II II III ''I I I I I! I II n l ? Ii , ,, ? •? ,. • , ?I , ?, , , , I II I I I _? ? . ? Iii i lly I II IIi I i ' I , I ' ,. I .• i ' ° ? C . ___. ? I I H i l l w II I I I -•?_ ' te 1 w a-- $, IZ 1111 i l III I ??, o i l 7 inr,n IIII I ' I I$ I .1 ^q ' , t o I 1 • 1 ? . ? r- ? ? ;1 ? o il! I l i lI L 11 I I I ` "? 1 0 ' ? I II I I ' I II I I I ' I I L : ' i I 1 r . L _ I I I I H I i ll I I I Hil U' l ` w r ^ Ill I ll II II H N I i ll _M.. - ;i ? 1. -ar - II II I III II I Hi ll H i m Ill -- - Y • - 4 F 3 I I ? ? o -ri ' ° • d I) I II I 7 _ 6i 2 :??? • ? - 1 11 I ' I ? --. --.. ' .._-:,?.- --- ' ? _ :100.%; t I T I I 0 I I`c I III ? j?a I ii f l n m I? 2 m a>, MATC N LINE 1 ? 1 ( O'?I• I 0 II I V '. ? '?IIJ I 11 I 1p? 3 ' i\lx, j?CJo -I ?t 2 I. a ? 1 ? o •1 ?• a a? IU f 1 r? ? ' 1 ? O?1 N )r?•i. rn it l l I O I•?II ??. r N) h ?. 3 t OM? ? ? ; 11' '•' ? t iii i • ' I 1 1 w 1 F 1 ciii? ?' 3N 17 H0ldw $ cx oc U .7 O a'V w J Li C" 1 l Til U I +I ? 1.,. Ca n a Z C O O r MATCH LINE IIL'! 11 II s'; ! W ! I' II!! 111 i it ! ?'? Y 'r •r; 1 ?l? ll I l!II 1. 111 +? c L ? ,I8 ? I••. I I,•I I II i II' ? I iG)°? j ? 'I ?? N I ?• i g. r• ('?• i1. I!l• it h i III ili, ; -Lit" ILI Li 111, 1 I ? a off; 'g 'iii it lI jII O ?. 1 i l r ? „• r 11 ll ! it 1?; ?•-?. ?J??=' i +?., i 1 ?; II ICI I,i 1 r• ?; :a ?I''O ?? j I? III "II I!! '' .1 '?l!II I?!! !III lIl! I ? 1 ? ! N J ;Tf?? 1 1 11 •M11'/? r i Q ill I ' II lilt to 111 F1' Ir ?? ll:l ;I 3i •• Ili ll!' III ? ? . a'S? •o n J 1 I I I z `• ?• ? u'IlIli1l l'I . I Iii 111 i ? :7T r? >I I lil III, w??,y• , N Ii 1 Ta r I+ l i ! I • j L \ 1 1 4• ?? i I lI ?r i J O ??- i l l. / o c?; Il i1 N 3,61 3N1 I H :)lYW 8 s > u o 4 ?? CV lu J v . n I l I 1? l l? II?? I Q l I I•? o ' T! J1 11 co 0 C7 N z .? ? a 00 0 moo., 0 F ?coa 4 Q Ln W F Zorn 4 4 z Z O r-- 0: x o U.. acoo C7 0 . O N J,J FY z O W G O U F V) O w Ql cn w a: LL Z A O W O V) n Q/ r T 033 1 i nurrr? I • ..... W !arc,. 1. O h .., _ ii-a 9,6* Sao 700 ?•oo a / a n 31 rq •?? - a o' ? ? 1 Bu+dW r =s ZJ • 1 / .r t1'? r+.rr wos•a x•17 art r•r. -/ / - ? - .. L _ I - - : -- -A ' _ _T- _- -_- - - - --- - - I 1.'_ - - - - - - 7'1 - A c. - -- - 1 . . _ i . -- -i.. Xi •-- -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- _ - - - 77 - - - - 7: 77- = : DE1.10TES WErLA, Ur)1, SCALE: V:1001HOR IZ. 14:2.01VEFi. N.C. DEPT. OF 'f IIANSI'OItTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DARE CO. PROPOSED GRADING, DRAINAGE, & PAVING OF S.R. 1206 FROM U.S. 158 TO S.R. 1208 SHEET 6 0 F SEPT. 1989 QR1 trcenJ •....o$ ? FRK>'.5.WF'IGl1T ,,A k'I 7T Y lblU/K Gje)OD.S f% TNFRE41P r• .• .Ir .. ? ` ' 1 y.?03 •• ?.••?.././•...n ??.wl_truM.w•••.?•i 'CVAVr?/ II t-I /Ilk. •? r?;l .. l• •' ? M.r)1••••t^rT ^^ ... .•.-rr}t-:• ??+-?^? rrty. .+?.`: .r,•. .r. •••. ?t 11 r wo?,,l.?!:.???r'"r .i _.•y?l ? - O''?:_ - .___ _ _ - %?,??jr\ i,` j.?, 'U ?t ,,r^^U ?' yes A1v'. .7 V •^ r ?•? f?f0 Jv00 BflJocA ?tL u• Y.4 AC. /0.00 q, 00 400 700 G? 3Pt t zd? Ism' 61 A73 7 -7.2! 0 17* V tr[ N •t LL M.? 141 . -. •_- JIJV 7•.TI L:zl LT. ' ' i. ISH 6k OC' ... .. .. -7 tJ 7 "Ti 7- 7- " T I.:: - -- -. - - -- - u 19 .. _ -- 2OD V. C. /L _ L.f 0 `* t 4 - -- .7 T.T . 7 7 cApi -G. Ors 4016 c t 1.8 77. .7 7 1 :.... . 3 .. _: ___ ?. .. _ 3 . _. _?. ._.:. 3 --. _ _ . _ ... _ .... _ - ?- UEt4 orE5 WcrLAWOS SCALE: V:1001mOF1•1. V:2.01YERT. MATCH ?INF_ t > l 13Ol 14 t, r ,1 d 1i,1-?i e 3 r ? IF • 1, 1 -- 'd II O 1 i ?, 1: .Win: • .• r T • 1 K- I 11 1 1 I • I 1 N t j ` ? t f J C ? 1 'R N ?I ? w -----1, r s `n 4 .1 rc V y 1 ? 6 3 !r ? _ a ..o 5N17 HD-LVW,• ° 1>C c? W S ?? J O O V 11 11 W J a I c 3 ? n 00 0 L7 N z -+ arc. z 00 13. Q 4 LO W F Z to ° = N V) >, A <: .. C Cr. OLt, =w0 azow w0uV) QV)wa°cnw <Q ? I c z in cm 04 0 V) n m z m to 0 cs 1 M AT; H-L I M .T--- ., r CJ ?+I Sw1 ? \ . I r Ir w r 1 • r 1 I•I^ 7'. ?{ 1 1 ? fiO r f1 I I y =? of1 I • i ti I ' ? w I ' 1 ? x r I r 1 1 r r I t_ 11 1 I C C 1 r G 1 ? D I.1 j • , .? '.I 1 , I Ih?,f 1 I , 4-1 x= =ti ?' ?'?OlCY ` N .! x o r. ?.L.e ?? 1x rl 1• o i 1 3N?-7 ff-.-)J.v LL 7 1I - -- -- ?- i l.li I I' ? ' t. al a ' 1' I r Ili: III ? 1. Ii II III III! III' 'I'I j.T i 1: 111' ' 1 III: rill r. 1? i II I! I• ' ili! ' .1 r Itl? ?;r• ? 1 ' II " III ,I ? 1I ll?l :?'i!i II I I I I IIld i?li I IIII i,l ill ??? I!!I II II lIll it ll? Ilil if?1 ,Ill L I ( it Li '!li I' 1 i li.. II'. .I III! II?; !1• 11 I' l IV i Hi I?r r (? l;:i ' I. r?i .1 .III a ^ Ili Ifl r IIl !.I li: li 1 •1 ? 1 _ _ I I tll ll?i I .- _.. . .. I. jiiii ,rl ! r ?I ? a g 8 o= R. `) P4 1. m rr_ o w s^ o .? O 11 II J w Q ? cn a Z D 3 0 Z lu O 11 m c Z NATCH LINE 1 j' 1 I I?' /tl •' at I E , 1 ^ a; 1 II n F 1 ? a -1 I I r li'' !1`; Ili. ?? `?? 'i. Il?? ? illi .I: 1?!? i _ I'I II. ,.1. i?? ill! if i; Il;i jib l.!' ill, I I IIII II I I? II'!. 'I, - II. ! ' ;:? I III. II ?I_ I'il 1!II I!I ! '?. I !? IIII I! I I IT: - -;- °i --- -i i- - l i I I 1 111. ? , i ? ?_ l I I l i IT. I i t !111; I ?I 1- ' 'III iil III ?I 11 I ll I 11 1 ' .II I III '. ! I Iili ? i I? i1 i'li ? _ ' ; I?,! I?I; ''? ' I !!II .III LT,! i,l I ; 1 1;' I ? ? i X11 loll !rP 1111 Hl 1 ? iTi lv r i i l! l iliil'I ? lil 1 3 I !'i I'II' li 11 • I , ? ': I? l ? u : I Ii ? I!I ! I I li z !? ? ' '!t i !II I I I!'i II 'll I 11 I 1 T', I` I ?a I II j 1? t l I I j (, l 1 l 1 Il 1 i ! 11 I L L 1 . .I 00 0 C7 N z .? V) yy '61 ° z E .. o w t~ .: --a co F Z .-? CA - ? ON ?cn Aa V1 >-o !,7 CC x Z O ` I E'"? AID:. ? ? ? - co0 O 1s. C7 0 O H azow 0U(n A V) wo.cnw U> Q{x(s,x zAAaocn A m rz m W l +11 1 I y ?; ?I 1 1r I f 1 ?I 1 1 1 1 1 i o . 11 1 1 ? 1 ? v 1 i 1IN • . i 1 1 v ?N 1 ^4 11 D NI-1 H71k?W 0 11 b Z U; fJ T r• n. ?lATcu ?.?r?E ??• ill ' ? _ ?; 1.1? }i?? II!I , ?' .I I? ?Iil r- , ? I? - •; ? I -I; 1• III ??t illll I' o c frn C 3) ?, f o- rv mi y a T tD u O y •. Q v. - ? I •y .L 'll Ny :r '? Irt ? ? , 4 1 u ? N t ?? 8 z j '• ` N ? E r .. I. Y i Z1 i ? Y, • r I 1•I , ? f I '? r' ? ?I r -_ p g I ? I I ti, t, 7NI7 H:)I.NIV 3]J r o PT -L- L I1 o r. C. R ?r L. IS F?•SJ'. nn y]•4 470 k; N? JIBE.,! woo[?s r ?? -i paflntre/,;P L ou S ? , ?? r? S ? peGnlvY PAr?'nCtSh? P 01 - o , prow .y •, .? -1161, •. ,??' \\..•) rv••OJ NORTH r • f• riot _. _. :e 700 t? r -- (o,GO' . .O0 X40 - ?,ae - IAO - -77 - - - :i A? 'A-, CAA Olt-A., -Jtdd ..Set P I 8 SI ? ®= OCNcrS WErL/V,40S SCAIEW : 1001HOAI'c. n Q1 ai v'. - DFCA TVR FART &,.f 5RIP - -- /. • ?I • jo.w a.s.a-_ wo ??NJ ai •u Lij ? wooo S W aotJ Z U Ibfo r••• fu•• sr..I .. .r -?? DLCATVR PAF.TNERSHIP 7Oc ('00 500 loo 3co 200 loo STA1s ?nnl HII ?. A YI/UJ ?. ?. i 5 r - - L- p - - = - -- = - e , - - - - _. - _ - - T 1 a Z L 66 . fe, .a Ni r??f? 8 - . r Uli . Ro r== PF-MoMe, wcT"t?,r?1? SCALE: P:1001NOn1I. P:2.01VEAT. n MATCH LANE ? I 0 .. I • . 1 `? E 1 ---i-? r 1 - • I a • ? U 1 I c ' j 1 I J:i ' I 1 1 - 3 I Il I 1 I 1 I` h `. 1 1 I ? Z h 4 ? I W h Y ti, q? . . ? 131 0 4 I 1 I' 11 , 1 - 1 ; l a l 3N17 ?-i ?_1_b'W o v Q.I t- UJ 1 ta: tic s s ?" i (I11 io p I I?ij tv -I in ! v I s g 111 ?W Q Z 111 4 n ti 0 0 ? o ?` ^'? ri loeayN ??ea? > 7 5 v V G w r v FORS 15 12t7dFSe2,ITA 7'1 vF op lzio?? uP(_A"P WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: TIME: _ _ DATE: COUNTY: NEAREST TOWN: ?f Rt, Ns}wfc WATERWAY: (',U 2 2 / ?G S • ' QUAD; LOCATION: _S 'a tz c G PROPERTY OWNER:(NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK:(NAME/ADDRESS) PHONE:( ) - PHONE:( ) OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: IS PROPERTY UNIFORM OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE ?NITS VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES---% COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1• iou5 TAEDA Zo SAC. 1• 14R-tl4t'NOcr55u5 3o F14C 2. oueaeu5 -?a?1c-a-{ 2-0 ?µc?srr 2• M 1tC_HELL04 3o FAcu + 3. I'LL 0p 4c_,A 2p FAC v L01/1 GBH J.4j0oN/GH 20 ?!4 C - 4• 7?s 6(2 4N 0 ( !=o(.(ri 20 FACLj 4. ? v 5. " SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: rAOU 6. 1. o x? 0?7vp?su ?a„(ljod E"U? ..P 7. 2. V?Gc. co.tg?..Basvw, FA.C .? s. 3 d WOODY VINES: 5 AS5??e 5 FWG(> 4. R(?US GG?FlL/?/A 1' 5. up 2. X OF DOMINANT.SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.) Zo OTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES N0_?L BASIS: T= /L,;r 0. A,o 4 L- TYPICAL:,!!?(COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL:-(COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: MOTTLED: BASIS: YES 30_?< MATRIX COLOR: 10 ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES N01'r HYDRIC SOILS: YES N0eV HYDROLOGY: INUNDATED: YES NO DEPTH OF WATER: SATURATED SOILS: YE NOV DEPTH TO SATURATION /WATER TABLE OTHER INDICATORS: WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES NO BASIS: ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES NO NORMAL CONDITIONS: YES/\ NO WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLANA: NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: YES NO AUTHORITY: 10 404 10/404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT NWP l DETERMINED BY: c c L? MATCH LINE 10 N [1 \ ® a^ +F"' a + 11 1?" `? i a •? , ? 1 1 11 1 ?{ 1 1 _. . 1 1 ? R L = r ?? o t4 - 3? 2 a ?1 1 ? N M ? J oc 1?- •? i ' K 1 v le ??? i n 4 ? Ir ? \o ?N?l I-l?lvw tl j'il -9 i 1-, _ O Ia1 O I +• +--• ui c.j 'T, cn _ g -J 3 1, A 1, Q Q? .-J n m c 2 Q1 lu U O O 0 0 4 0 ? h ? c?i ---- - lOOON - Ad07 ?,4RroFC?NTIL.? ou 5 5 ?+h ?-? s? 51'c jiff S o? G72-&J 7-CILkt t4 (A F' evLoje-c.ZrcdCST ol= i-Loc.. WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: TIME: DATE: ?/ , / (y / COUNTY: ?AR_e7 NEAREST TOWN: 4::.ctTy I4aW fc WATERWAY: C vA,,L 17 q C k Sau x,,o QUAD: LOCATION: PROPERTY OWNER:(NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK:(NAME/ADDRESS) N ?- Do7 PHONE:( ) - PHONE: (q/Q);3; - 3 r y! OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: IS PROPERTY UNIFORM OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES ---% COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1?A 775A SyLl?, v. 131 FLQa6. _L0 r 4ctJ 1. ?el-r^1404L4 Sl'). Z o o g L 2. uLwtut) ^,KAeczicwaA 2a rEC tJ 2.4 Ac&ir-,jezt,3 f^ ri,= Oc(4 Z o o n c 3. LcAucp.kw"i3AjZ?TjiLtGFwr4 Lv F,4Gf 3.O. fmL,"0c4 r-C6AL15 Z (j 6nc_ 4. C..cut,4 04?'n'mcA Z.o 0 6 L. 4. Sit v 2u tLv 5 Zb 5. AcE,z-?r-:uw -% Zv ? ?C- 0 5. SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: 6. 1. A. ifvjl, ¢.u v., 2, v l 64 c- 7. 2. N . S j L.v. U. i3 L r-10 2!A- 'L (.-> FA' -.-) 8. 3. AiWt-36cNgi2lA Gffdf CK 'L co r WOODY VINES: 4. eEP-SE/-r ba4aAata1 4 Z 0 FA-_- LJ 1. C.c4 w?S?S r?{tCct.N,$ ?. v r=04 L ' 5. ,, w-PLuct? s tvncfowA. U FaL 2• ?ELu1?•c4 (4. bAXd ;AA 'mac F'4G % OF DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.)e D OTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES_'?NO BASIS: F-rEtQ TYPICAL:4'<(COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL:-(COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: ?y C.(_-tTDt'j ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES NO MOTTLED: YES NO X MATRIX COLOR: 2 1 HYDRIC SOILS: YES_.X_NO BASIS: Jn,(( p5(5LL C6L6(Z HYDROLOGY: INUNDATED: YES_,X NO DEPTH OF WATER: ( - (O SATURATED SOILS: YES_( NO DEPTH TO SATURATION /WATER TABLE (- (0 OTHER INDICATORS: H, O %%AA:zir 5 WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES_'?_NO BASIS: Vi b, CD B 5. ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES NO X NORMAL CONDITIONS: YES)< NO WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: 4 NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: YES N0_?< AUTHORITY: 10 404 10/404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT NWP # DETERMINED BY: \Scac_r_c?, t- . 1007N - Ad00 WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: TIME: DATE: (n / /L /9'4COUNTY: NEAREST TOWN: _ WATERWAY: C?,?n ? cK Soy.--/? QUAD: ' LOCATION: PROPERTY OWNER:(NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK:(NAME/ADDRESS) )CIGDvf PHONE:( ) - PHONE: ( ry )?-may/ OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: IS PROPERTY UNIFORM OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINAN CE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES ---% COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1. p ttib $ rA" "q Z o F A C- 1. 4 rL u t-+ ?? l N ?? /t t rl W i.A f4 r64 3 ° Fw C. L') 2. ltQut0•1.?.«3+4?.ST?a{4?wd Zv Fr4C4- 2• C_PAT'?lsIuv.. c..4pitI F-AC.U 3. P-4 gapND( roc) Ad Z? F'WCu 3. 4. Cc>¢N v A F"( t" 'ac . Zo 4. pc v 5. 5. SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: 6. 1. RNus co0rA,-1t-C,4 Za prj 7. 2. VAyILtc4-cr-t7.tct A Zo FAcj- 8. 3' ?/?C4tF1?uu. Cu?t?r.OUS?«• 'LG FAC.w WOODY VINES: 4. St4SSA?=rs.a s w b ?dt?.c..? Zv F?4ty 1. 5?izkj.tq )r ,baN4 Nou Z p .4c- 5. ?4A.,4L(,4 sA/r?oSr3 2-0 FMK- 2• A.pewps15 Zc FAG f % OF DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.- FAC .) 3% OTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES }- NO BASIS: F2CC? ANrt L_ TYPICAL:><'(COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL: (COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: _ SERIES: ? ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES NOSY MOTTLED: YES 0_ MATRIX COLOR: O r S HYDRIC SOILS: YES N0.,!?<- BASIS: 6QUg5ecc- caco.t HYDROLOGY: 7 INUNDATED: YES NO ?' DEPTH OF WATER: SATURATED SOILS: YES NO >?' DEPTH TO SATURATION/WATER TABLE 7 OTHER INDICATORS: tmPo C. A4 14 - ON 6C 6 DulVt 2r o e. L7 WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES-NO >< BASIS: ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES NO x NORMAL CONDITIONS: YES )<'NO WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: JURISDICTION: YES NO AUTHORITY: 10 404 10/L404 NONE ABOVE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT NWP a DETERMINED BY: \Sa.cc-,-D • , • •. +?,?5 Fo?? ,5 rzePQrsc?T- AT?VE of 4LL SwAL.C tA_)ETLAr'DS ENGouN j?rLED. ? WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: TIME: : DATE: 6112- /c!EICOUNTY: ,D14126- - NEAREST TOWN W<4w r : WATERWAY: .92 t264 _ QUAD: LOCATION: Cu/j/2 I rOCK SQu,--d PROPERTY OWNER:(NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK:(NAME/ADDRESS) PHONE:( )-- PHONE:( ) - OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: IS PROPERTY UNIFORM OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE JJNITS VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES---X COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1. La quiDAV-1 13AR '5rya- 20 rAG.4 1. 05?k?*N o W GrN• 3o O/} L, 2, t41 55x4 6, Fl,>ez l 20 2. GAat?r LLsel#,ara 30 013 C. c 4. 3. ALFR ct,13 Ru - Zo P-dC t, 3. S . G?Q7.4 ?uw7'ic?a 20 ??L 5. SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: 2 0 F-A 0 W 6. 1. ? E-7Z. 5EAA 3o n4cw 7. 2. q_ rv(3t2ui..? 8. 3. F(4 C' WOODY VINES: 4. 1. _ 5. 2. X OF DOMINANT.SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.)?OTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES><"NO BASIS: F/LG 0 AtJA L. TYPICAL:)<?(COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL: (COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: R ?(2 ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES NO_C MOTTLED: YES 0 'X MATRIX COLOR: HYDRIC SOILS: YESX NO BASIS: itAQ6 5EL,L LaLO?'L_j CaN/_LW7- HYDROLOGY: INUNDATED: YES C No DEPTH OF WATER: (? - (9 ?? SATURATED SOILS: YES.,?O DEPTH TO SATURATION /WATER TABLE OTHER INDICATORS: 0) 6 w g 2 K 5 WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES NO BASIS: ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES N0'15' ?NORMAL CONDITIONS: YES NO WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: YES N0__,;?_ AUTHORITY: 10 404 10/404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT ?NWP 0 DETERMINED BY:. ?C_ C_e