HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150903 Ver 1_AsBuilt_2020_20200511ID#* 20150903 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 05/12/2020 Mitigation Project Submittal - 5/11/2020 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* V Stream r1 Wetlands r- Buffer r` Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Kelly Phillips Project Information ................................................................................... ID#:* 20150903 Existing IDY Project Type: Project Name: Email Address:* kelly.phillips@ncdenr.gov Version: *1 Existing Version r DMS r Mitigation Bank Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site County: Columbus Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation As -Built Plans File Upload: Rough Horn_97005_RoughHorn ll_100053_AB_202... 19.53MB Rease upload only one RDFcf the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Kelly Phillips Signature:* x�l P6fll�s As-Built Baseline Monitoring Report Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Monitoring Year – MY00 2020 DMS Site ID Number 97005 DMS Contract 6596 SAW-2015-00952 and NCDEQ DWR 2015-0903 Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site DMS Site ID Number 100053 DMS Contract 7514 SAW-2016-02026 and NCDEQ DWR 2015-0903 Columbus County, North Carolina Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Monitoring Data Collected: March 2020 Date Submitted: April 2020 Rough Horn  Rough Horn II  KCI ASSOCIATES OF N ORTH C AROLINA, P.A. www.kci.com Employee-Owned Since 1988 MEMORANDUM Date: May 12, 2020 To: Kelly Phillips, DMS Project Manager From: Adam Spiller, Project Manager KCI Associates of North Carolina, PA Subject: MY-00 Monitoring Report Comments Rough Horn Swamp DMS #97005, Contract 6596 Rough Horn Swamp II DMS #100053, Contract 7514 Please find below our responses in italics to the MY-00 Monitoring Report comments from NCDMS received on May 4, 2020, for the Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Sites. 1. Update asset table with 5/2019 template tables. The numbers should match tables with the ones in the Mitigation Plan (pages 33-36). Specifically, RH1 final assets should reflect 20.267 RWMU and 11.873 NRWMU and RH2 final assets should reflect 4563.200 SMU and 20.993 RWMU. KCI Response: This change has been made. 2. Page 29, Table 5, update project numbers (ones showing are contract numbers). KCI Response: This change has been made 3. There was a discussion on-site about use of boulder footers since the stream is anticipated to have wet and dry cycles not conducive to footer logs for grade control as was proposed in original 60% design (MP). Justify use of boulder footers instead of footer logs in baseline report results for clarity. KCI Response: A sentence explaining the use of the boulder footers instead of log footers has been added to the executive summary. 4. Provide reference gauge or the 4 pre-construction wetland gauge data if available (2019) or provide indication if this data will be available for MY1. KCI Response: The data from the 4 pre-construction gauges has been added to the report. This data is available from January 2017 through the end of 2019. Gauge 3 was damaged during construction and no data from 2019 was collected for it. Data from the reference gauge will be available with the MY01 report. 5. Differentiate vegetation plots on CCPV to show permanent and random/temporary and move them in GIS to show all as visible on CCPV. KCI Response: This change has been made. 6. Ensure signage posting is tied up along all boundaries. KCI Response: Signage posting was completed the week of May 11, 2020. E NGINEERS  S CIENTISTS  S URVEYORS  C ONSTRUCTION M ANAGERS 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 (919) 783-9266 Fax KCI ASSOCIATES OF N ORTH C AROLINA, P.A. www.kci.com Employee-Owned Since 1988 7. Provide links to any drone footage that KCI is interested in sharing with IRT for Baseline review. KCI Response: The meeting minutes from the October 22, 2019 Post Construction IRT Field Review meeting have been included at the end of the report. These minutes contain links to drone footage, as well as still pictures from the drone review of the site. 8. Digital Deliverables: Please provide DMS with the stream features as Shapefiles that are currently excluded, but connect creditable assets at easement breaks (i.e. UT 3-2, UT 3-1, LBC). KCI Response: These features have been added to the digital deliverables. 9. Provide justification why the ditch plugs were not shown on as-built plans. DMS observed that the ditch plugs were installed, but that layer was not on drawings. KCI Response: Ditch plugs were inadvertently left off of the as-built plans. This error has been corrected. 10. Check the labels of topo on the As-Builts. There were some instances in the field where the label did not appear to make sense for the topo line. KCI Response: Additional topo labels have been added to the as-built plans to clarify the elevations of the topo lines. Sincerely, Tim Morris Project Manager Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 1 MY00 - 2020 Monitoring and Design Firm Prepared by:                    KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 Project Contact: Tim Morris Email: tim.morris@kci.com April 2020   Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 2 MY00 - 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Baseline Conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 5 References ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Project Vicinity Map ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Appendix A – Background Tables Table 1. Project Mitigation Components ...................................................................................................... 8 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History ........................................................................................ 10 Table 3. Project Contacts ............................................................................................................................ 10 Table 4. Project Attributes .......................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix B – Visual Assessment Data Current Conditions Planview ...................................................................................................................... 14 Photo Reference Points ............................................................................................................................... 19 Vegetation Plot Photos ................................................................................................................................ 21 Appendix C – Vegetation Data Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and Species ................................................................................................... 29 Appendix D – As-built Plan Sheets As-built Plan Sheets .................................................................................................................................... 39 Appendix E – Additional Information Pre-construction Gauge Location ................................................................................................................ 51 Pre-construction Hydrographs .................................................................................................................... 52 IRT Post-construction Field Review Meeting Minutes – 10/22/19 ............................................................ 63 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 3 MY00 - 2020 PROJECT SUMMARY The Rough Horn Swap Restoration Site (RHS) was completed in January 2020 and restored 20.267 acres of riparian wetlands and 11.873 of non-riparian wetlands. Additionally, RHS restored 2,132 linear feet of stream (non-credited). The site is generating 20.267 riparian wetland mitigation credits, and 11.873 non- riparian wetland mitigation credits. The Rough Horn II Wetland Restoration Site (RHSII) is located immediately upstream of RHS (to the north and east) and was also completed in January 2020. RHSII restored 17.079 acres, enhanced 5.956 acres, and preserved 15.319 acres of riparian wetlands. The site also restored 1.619 acres of non-riparian wetlands (non-credited). Additionally, RHSII restored 4,446 linear feet, enhanced 164 linear feet, and preserved 516 linear feet of stream. The site generated 20.993 riparian wetland mitigation credits and 4,564 stream mitigation credits. RHS and RHSII are riparian and non-riparian systems in the Lumber River Basin (03040203 8-digit HUC) in Columbus County, North Carolina, that were historically modified to maximize agricultural production. The completed project aims to restore an integrated stream/wetland ecosystem that will buffer and support the Long Bay Creek/Lumber river corridor. The RHS is protected by a 34.5-acre permanent conservation easement, while RHSII is protected by a 62.3- acre permanent conservation easement, both held by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Both sites are located near the Town of Evergreen in the west-central portion of Columbus County, NC. Specifically, the site is located just southwest of the intersection of Old Boardman Road and CCC Road. The Lumber River Basin Restoration Priorities state the goals for the RHS and RHSII’s 14-digit HUC are to protect and improve water quality throughout the Basin by reducing sediment and nutrient inputs into streams and rivers and to support efforts to restore local watersheds (NCDENR EEP, 2008). The project goals for RHS and RHSII are in line with the basin priorities and include the following: ‐ Replace buffer ‐ Repairing channelized streams ‐ Preserving existing resources Additional goals for the project include: ‐ Restore an integrated wetland/stream system ‐ Reduce nutrient impacts to the Lumber River and its tributaries from existing and adjacent agricultural practices The project goals will be addressed through the following objectives: ‐ Plant the site with native trees and shrubs that support the development of wetland communities ‐ Fill field ditches to slow the flow of surface and subsurface drainage ‐ Relocate channelized streams to their historic landscape position ‐ Convert existing agricultural land to wetland and stream buffer Project planting and construction were completed in March 2020. Both RHS and RHSII were constructed as designed with no major modifications made to the design plan during construction. In the 60% design plans, footer logs were proposed for grade control. Since it is anticipated that the site will go through wet and dry cycles not conducive to footer logs, boulder footers were used in the final design for grade control. The monitoring components were installed in March 2020 for both sites. Twenty-one monitoring gauges were installed to evaluate the attainment of jurisdictional wetland hydrology for both sites, thirteen at RHS Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 4 MY00 - 2020 and eight at RHSII. One stream monitoring gauge, as well as a flow camera, was installed on Long Bay Creek within RHSII. To determine the success of the planted mitigation areas, 10 meter by 10 meter vegetation monitoring plots were established. Forty-one total vegetation plots were assessed for baseline monitoring. Of these, 25 are permanent plots, with 16 in RHS (Plots 1-16) and 9 in RHSII (Plots 17-25), and an additional 16 temporary plots were randomly placed and measured throughout RHS (R1-R16). These plots will be repeated throughout the course of monitoring, but at different locations each year. All permanent plots were installed with flagged metal conduit at each corner and a flagged PVC pipe was installed at the photo corner. In each of the permanent plots, the plant’s height, species, location, and origin (planted versus volunteer) will be noted. In the random plots, species and height will be recorded. In all plots, invasive stems will also be recorded to determine the percentage of invasive stems present. Additionally, a photograph will be taken of each plot. The site’s vegetation will be monitored in years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Vegetative success criteria for wetland/stream mitigation is a woody stem density of 260 stems/acre after five years and 210 stems/acre after seven years. Trees in each plot must average 7 feet in height at Year 5 and 10 feet at Year 7. A single species may not account for more than 50% of the required number of stems within any plot. Volunteers must be present for a minimum of two growing seasons before being included in performance standards in Year 5 and Year 7. For any volunteer tree stem to count toward vegetative success, it must be a species from the approved planting list. Visual assessments will also be used to identify problem areas. Wetland hydrology will be monitored with the series of 21 automatic gauges described above that record water table depth. The growing season for the project monitoring period will be March 1st through November 20th (265 days) based on correspondence with the USACE representative. To meet the success criterion, the upper 12 inches of the soil profile must have continuously saturated or inundated conditions for at least 12.0% (32 days) of the growing season in the wetland mitigation areas during normal weather conditions. A “normal” year will be based on NRCS climatological data for Columbus County, and using the 30th to 70th percentile thresholds as the range of normal, as documented in the USACE Technical Report “Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology, April 2000.” In the headwater stream area, one pressure transducer gauge and one camera, set to record a short video once a day, will document the presence of surface water flow. The project streams must meet the requirements for headwater stream hydrologic monitoring per the NCIRT 2016 guidelines. Each stream must have continuous surface water flow within a flowpath for a minimum of 30 continuous days within a calendar year (assuming normal precipitation) and for every year of monitoring. The stream must show signs of supporting flowpaths in all monitoring years. These indicators will be documented with pictures and may include evidence of: scour, sediment deposition and sorting, multiple flow events, wrack lines and flow over vegetation, leaf litter, matted vegetation, or water staining. The site’s geomorphology will be monitored per the NCIRT’s 2016 guidance for headwater streams. Adjustment and lateral movement following construction are anticipated for these headwater stream systems. In monitoring years one through four the streams will be monitored for specific signs of concentrated flow. This could include linear scour, areas of flow that are deeper than adjacent flow, preferential paths through the wetland that are developing, and signs of continuous flow as documented by a field camera. As the site progresses to years five through seven, there should be signs of developing bed and banks throughout the site. These may not always be continuous, but evidence of an ordinary high water mark should be developing. Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 5 MY00 - 2020 BASELINE CONDITIONS   Baseline monitoring data was collected in March 2020. RHS and RHSII were planted with a total of nineteen different species of bare root trees in March 2020 and baseline vegetation monitoring was completed on March 23, 2020. Installation of wetland and stream gauges was completed on March 3, 2020. The results of the vegetation baseline monitoring show an average of 887 stems/acre in the planted restoration area. Additionally, stem counts within each individual plot were well-above the required 320 stems per acre. An attempt to identify all trees was made, but since monitoring was conducted while the trees were dormant, many were unidentifiable. All trees will be positively identified during the first year of monitoring. REFERENCES NCDEQ, Division of Mitigation Services. June 2017. “As-built Baseline Monitoring Report Format, Data and Content Requirement.” https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Document%20Management%20Libra ry/Guidance%20and%20Template%20Documents/6_AB_Baseline__Rep_Templ_June %202017.pdf NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2008. “Lumber River Restoration Priorities 2008.” https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Watershed_Planning/Lumber_River_B asin/Lumber_RBRP_2008_FINAL.pdf NCIRT. October 24, 2016. “Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update.” https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/PN/2016/Wilmington-District-Mitigation- Update.pdf USACE, Sprecher, S. W.; Warne, A. G. 2000. “Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology.” https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults/titleDetail/ADA378910.xhtml   Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp.,NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand),MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community PROJECT VICINITY MAPROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE & ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITE COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC ±0 0.50.25 Miles Rough Horn Swamp II Easement Rough Horn Swamp Easement ^_Project Location:Columbus County, NC Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 7 MY00 - 2020 APPENDIX A Background Tables Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 8 MY00 - 2020 Table 1. Mitigation Assets and Components Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site, DMS Project #97005 Project Segment Existing Footage or Acreage Mitigation Plan Footage or Acreage Mitigation Category Restoration Level Priority Level Mitigation Ratio (X:1) As-built Footage or Acreage Comments Long Bay Creek 3,470 1,959 Warm Restoration Low Energy Stream 0 1,959 60’ ROW over CCC Rd.; completed for no stream credit UT1 4 233 Warm Restoration Low Energy Stream 0 233 Completed for no stream credit Riparian Wetland None (drained wetland) 20.267 Riverine Riparian Restoration (Re-establishment) 1 20.267 Non-Riparian Wetland 0.16 11.873 Riverine Non-riparian Restoration (Re-establishment) 1 11.873 Project Credits Restoration Level Steam Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Wetland Coastal Marsh Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-riverine Restoration 2,132 (not credited) Re-establishment 20.267 11.873 Rehabilitation Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II Creation Preservation Total 20.267 11.873 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 9 MY00 - 2020 Table 1. Mitigation Assets and Components Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site, DMS Project #1000053 Project Segment Existing Footage or Acreage Mitigation Plan Footage or Acreage Mitigation Category Restoration Level Priority Level Mitigation Ratio (X:1) As-built Footage or Acreage Comments Long Bay Creek 2,077 2,049 Warm Restoration Low Energy Stream 1 2,049 30’ crossing exception STA 14+66 to 14+96 UT1 815 917 Warm Restoration Headwater Stream 1 917 UT2-1 516 516 Warm Preservation Headwater Stream 10 516 UT2-2 120 120 Warm Restoration Headwater Stream 1 120 UT3-1 168 164 Warm Enhancement II Headwater Stream 2.5 164 31’ crossing exception STA 301+64 to 301+95 UT3-2 571 914 Warm Restoration Headwater Stream 1 914 UT4 447 629 Warm Restoration Headwater Stream 1 629 Riparian Wetland Restoration None (drained wetland) 17.079 Riverine Riparian Restoration (Re-establishment) 1 17.079 Riparian Wetland Enhancement 7.900 5.956 Riverine Riparian Enhancement 2.5 5.956 Riparian Wetland Preservation 16.700 15.319 Riverine Riparian Preservation 10 15.319 Non-riparian Wetland Restoration None (drained wetland) 1.619 Riverine Non-riparian Restoration (Re-establishment) 0 1.619 Completed for no wetland credit Project Credits Restoration Level Steam Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Wetland Coastal Marsh Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-riverine Restoration 4,446.000 Re-establishment 17.079 1.619 (not credited) Rehabilitation Enhancement 2.382 Enhancement I Enhancement II 65.600 Creation Preservation 51.600 1.532 Total 4,563.200 20.993 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 10 MY00 - 2020 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan April 2, 2019 Final Design - Construction Plans April 16, 2019 Construction January 24, 2020 Planting March 13, 2020 Baseline Monitoring/Report April 2020 April 2020 Vegetation Monitoring March 25, 2020 Photo Points April 8, 2020 Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Sites, DMS Project #97005 and 1000053 Table 3. Project Contacts Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn II Swamp Restoration Sites DMS Project #97005 and 1000053 Design Firm KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Construction Contractor KCI Environmental Technologies and Construction 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Planting Contractor Shenandoah Habitats 1983 Jefferson Highway Waynesboro, VA 22980 Contact: Mr. David Coleman Phone: (540) 941-0067 Monitoring Performers KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 11 MY00 - 2020 Table 4. Project Attributes Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site , DMS Project #97005 Project Name Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site County Columbus County Project Area (acres) 34.5 acres Project Coordinates (lat. and long.) 34.4481°, -78.9390° Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Coastal Plain River Basin Lumber USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040203 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040203190010 DWQ Sub-basin 03-07-53 Project Drainage Area (acres) 1,800 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 1% CGIA Land Use Classification Agricultural Land, Forestland Reach Summery Information Parameters Long Bay Creek Length of reach (linear feet) 3,702 Valley classification Type X Drainage area (acres) 1,800 acres NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C (Aquatic Life, Secondary Recreation); Sw (Swamp Waters) Morphological Description (stream type) N/A (Ditched Channel) Evolutionary trend Channelized, Stage III Mapped Soil Series Johnston Drainage class Very poorly drained Soil Hydric status Hydric A/D Slope 0% FEMA classification Zone X Existing vegetation community Row crops Wetland Summary Information (Post Restoration) Parameters Size of Wetland (acres) 0.16 (W3) Wetland Type Headwater Forest Mapped Soil Series Torhunta Drainage class Very poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Hydric A/D Source of Hydrology Groundwater Hydrologic Impairment Ditching Existing vegetation community Row crops Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Waters of the United States – Section 404 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Determination Waters of the United States – Section 401 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Determination Endangered Species Act** No N/A N/A Historic Preservation Act** No N/A N/A Coastal Zone Management Act ** (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes FEMA Floodplain Checklist Essential Fisheries Habitat** No N/A N/A Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 12 MY00 - 2020 Table 4. Project Attributes Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site, DMS Project #100053 Project Name Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site County Columbus County Project Area (acres) 62.3 acres Project Coordinates (lat. 34.445253° , -81.937000° Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Coastal Plain River Basin Lumber USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040203 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040203190010 DWQ Sub-basin 03-07-53 Project Drainage Area (acres) 1,684 acres (1,638 ac Long Bag Creek + 46 ac UT 1) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 1% CGIA Land Use Classification Agricultural Land, Forestland Reach Summery Information Parameters Long Bay Creek UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4 UT5 Length of reach (lf) 2,077 (RHSII) 811 (RHSII) 636 739 447 597 Valley classification Type X Type X Type X Type X Type X Type X Drainage area (acres) 1,638 acres 46 acres 602 acres 142 acres 84 acres 120 acres NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C; SW C; SW C; SW C; SW C; SW C; SW Morphological Description (stream type) N/A (Ditched channel) N/A (Ditched channel) N/A (Ditched channel) N/A (Ditched N/A (Ditched channel) N/A (Ditched channel) Evolutionary trend Channelized Channelized Channelized Channelized Channelized Channelized Mapped Soil Series Johnston Torhunta Johnston Johnston Stallings Johnston Drainage class Very poorly drained Very poorly drained Very poorly drained Very poorly drained Somewhat poorly drained Very poorly drained Soil Hydric status Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Slope 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% FEMA classification None None None None None None Existing vegetation community Headwater Forest Row crops Headwater Forest Headwater Forest Headwater Forest Headwater Forest Wetland Summary Information Parameters W1, W2, WA WC, WD WB, WE Size of Wetland (acres) 4.85 acres 3.05 acres 18.92 acres Wetland Type Bottomland hardwood forest Non-tidal freshwater marsh/headwater forest Riverine swamp forest Mapped Soil Series Johnston Johnston Johnston Drainage class Very poorly drained Very poorly drained Very poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Non-hydric Hydric Hydric Source of Hydrology Surface water Stream floodplain Stream floodplain Hydrologic Impairment Ditching Ditching Ditching Existing vegetation Headwater forest Headwater forest Headwater forest Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Waters of the United States – Section 404 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Waters of the United States – Section 401 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Endangered Species Act** No N/A N/A Historic Preservation Act** No N/A N/A Coastal Zone Management Act ** (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes FEMA Floodplain Checklist Essential Fisheries Habitat** No N/A N/A Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 13 MY00 - 2020 APPENDIX B Visual Assessment Data !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !A!A !A !A !A !A !A !A !A !A !A!A UT3-1U T3-2 U T 2 -1 U T 1 Long Bay CreekLong Bay CreekLong Bay Creek UT4 UT2-2 UT5Page 1 Page 4 Page 3 Page 2 Source: NC StatewideOrthoimagery, 2016 and 2017 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEWROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE &ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITECOLUMBUS COUNTY, NC ±0 800400 Feet Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) Filled Ditches Unaltered Ditch Coastal Plain Stream Corridor !A Photo Points Vegetation Plots Permanent, Successful Permanent, Not Successful Random, Successful Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges !.Successful !.Not Successful !.Stream Gauge RHS - Mitigation Nonriparian Re-establishment (11.873 ac / 11.873 WMCs) Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac / 20.267 WMCs) RHS - Stream Center Line (2,132 lf - No Credit) RHSII - Mitigation Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (1.619 ac - No Credit) Riparian Wetland Enhancement (5.956 ac / 2.382 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (17.079 ac / 17.079 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac / 1.532 WMCs) No Credit Stream Restoration (4,446 lf / 4,446 SMCs) Stream Enhancement 2 (164 lf / 66 SMCs) Stream Preservation (516 lf / 52 SMCs) !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!A!A !A !ALo ng Bay CreekPP4 PP3 PP1 PP2 RHS 5 RHS 8 RHS 6RHS 2 RHS 9 RHS 1 RHS 3 RHS 4 RHS 13 RHS 12 RHS 11 2 5 7 9 1 6 10 14 R6 12 11 15 R8 R1 R2 R3 R7 R4R5 R14 R16 R13R12 R15 R11 Source: NC StatewideOrthoimagery, 2016 and 2017 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEWROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE &ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITECOLUMBUS COUNTY, NC ±0 300150 Feet Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) Filled Ditches Unaltered Ditch Coastal Plain Stream Corridor !A Photo Points Vegetation Plots Permanent, Successful Permanent, Not Successful Random, Successful Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges !.Successful !.Not Successful !.Stream Gauge RHS - Mitigation Nonriparian Re-establishment (11.873 ac / 11.873 WMCs) Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac / 20.267 WMCs) RHS - Stream Center Line (2,132 lf - No Credit) RHSII - Mitigation Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (1.619 ac - No Credit) Riparian Wetland Enhancement (5.956 ac / 2.382 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (17.079 ac / 17.079 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac / 1.532 WMCs) No Credit Stream Restoration (4,446 lf / 4,446 SMCs) Stream Enhancement 2 (164 lf / 66 SMCs) Stream Preservation (516 lf / 52 SMCs) !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!A!A !A !A !A !A !A U T 1 Long Bay CreekLong Bay CreekPP8 PP7 PP6 PP5 PP4 PP2 RHS 5 RHS 8 RHS 6 RHS 7 RHS 2 RHS 9 RHS 1 RHS 3 RHS 4 RHS 13 RHS 10 RHS 12 RHSII 2 RHSII 3 RHSII 1 3 2 5 7 9 6 8 4 10 14 R6 13 12 11 15 19 R8 16 20 R9 R1 R2 R7 R4 23R5 21 R14 R15 R16 R13R12 R10 R3 R11 Source: NC StatewideOrthoimagery, 2016 and 2017 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEWROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE &ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITECOLUMBUS COUNTY, NC ±0 300150 Feet Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) Filled Ditches Unaltered Ditch Coastal Plain Stream Corridor !A Photo Points Vegetation Plots Permanent, Successful Permanent, Not Successful Random, Successful Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges !.Successful !.Not Successful !.Stream Gauge RHS - Mitigation Nonriparian Re-establishment (11.873 ac / 11.873 WMCs) Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac / 20.267 WMCs) RHS - Stream Center Line (2,132 lf - No Credit) RHSII - Mitigation Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (1.619 ac - No Credit) Riparian Wetland Enhancement (5.956 ac / 2.382 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (17.079 ac / 17.079 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac / 1.532 WMCs) No Credit Stream Restoration (4,446 lf / 4,446 SMCs) Stream Enhancement 2 (164 lf / 66 SMCs) Stream Preservation (516 lf / 52 SMCs) !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !A !A !A !A U T 1 Long Bay CreekLong Bay CreekPP8 PP7 PP6 PP5 RHS 5 RHS 8 RHS 6 RHS 7 RHS 13 RHS 10 RHSII 2 RHSII 3 RHSII 1 RHSII 8 7 8 4 22 14 13 12 15 19 R8 17 16 18 20 R9 21 R14 R15 R16 R13R12 R10 Source: NC StatewideOrthoimagery, 2016 and 2017 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEWROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE &ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITECOLUMBUS COUNTY, NC ±0 300150 Feet Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) Filled Ditches Unaltered Ditch Coastal Plain Stream Corridor !A Photo Points Vegetation Plots Permanent, Successful Permanent, Not Successful Random, Successful Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges !.Successful !.Not Successful !.Stream Gauge RHS - Mitigation Nonriparian Re-establishment (11.873 ac / 11.873 WMCs) Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac / 20.267 WMCs) RHS - Stream Center Line (2,132 lf - No Credit) RHSII - Mitigation Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (1.619 ac - No Credit) Riparian Wetland Enhancement (5.956 ac / 2.382 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (17.079 ac / 17.079 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac / 1.532 WMCs) No Credit Stream Restoration (4,446 lf / 4,446 SMCs) Stream Enhancement 2 (164 lf / 66 SMCs) Stream Preservation (516 lf / 52 SMCs) !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!A !A !A!A U T3-2 U T 2 -1 Long Bay Creek UT4 UT2-2 PP9 PP12 PP11 PP10 RHSII 2 RHSII 4 RHSII 7 RHSII 6 RHSII 3 RHSII 5 22 24 16 25 23 21 Source: NC StatewideOrthoimagery, 2016 and 2017 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEWROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE &ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITECOLUMBUS COUNTY, NC ±0 300150 Feet Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) Filled Ditches Unaltered Ditch Coastal Plain Stream Corridor !A Photo Points Vegetation Plots Permanent, Successful Permanent, Not Successful Random, Successful Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges !.Successful !.Not Successful !.Stream Gauge RHS - Mitigation Nonriparian Re-establishment (11.873 ac / 11.873 WMCs) Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac / 20.267 WMCs) RHS - Stream Center Line (2,132 lf - No Credit) RHSII - Mitigation Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (1.619 ac - No Credit) Riparian Wetland Enhancement (5.956 ac / 2.382 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Re-establishment (17.079 ac / 17.079 WMCs) Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac / 1.532 WMCs) No Credit Stream Restoration (4,446 lf / 4,446 SMCs) Stream Enhancement 2 (164 lf / 66 SMCs) Stream Preservation (516 lf / 52 SMCs) Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 19 MY00 - 2020  Photo Reference Points PP1 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP2 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP3 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP4 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP5 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP6 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 20 MY00 - 2020  PP7 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP8 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP9 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP10 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP11 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 PP12 – MY-00 – 4/8/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 21 MY00 - 2020  Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 – MY-00 – 3/11/20 Vegetation Plot 2 – MY-00 – 3/11/20 Vegetation Plot 3 – MY-00 – 3/19/20 Vegetation Plot 4 – MY-00 – 3/19/20 Vegetation Plot 5 – MY-00 – 3/11/20 Vegetation Plot 6 – MY-00 – 3/19/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 22 MY00 - 2020  Vegetation Plot 7 – MY-00 – 3/19/20 Vegetation Plot 8 – MY-00 – 3/19/20 Vegetation Plot 9 – MY-00 – 3/11/20 Vegetation Plot 10 – MY-00 – 3/11/20 Vegetation Plot 11 – MY-00 – 3/11/20 Vegetation Plot 12 – MY-00 – 3/20/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 23 MY00 - 2020  Vegetation Plot 13– MY-00 – 4/8/20 Vegetation Plot 14 – MY-00 – 3/11/20 Vegetation Plot 15 – MY-00 – 3/20/20 Vegetation Plot 16 – MY-00 – 3/20/20 Vegetation Plot 17 – MY-00 – 3/20/20 Vegetation Plot 18 – MY-00 – 3/23/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 24 MY00 - 2020  Vegetation Plot 19 – MY-00 – 3/23/20 Vegetation Plot 20 – MY-00 – 3/23/20 Vegetation Plot 21 – MY-00 – 3/20/20 Vegetation Plot 22 – MY-00 – 3/23/20 Vegetation Plot 23 – MY-00 – 3/20/20 Vegetation Plot 24 – MY-00 – 3/23/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 25 MY00 - 2020  Vegetation Plot 25 – MY-00 – 3/23/20 Vegetation Plot R1 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R2 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R3 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R4 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R5 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 26 MY00 - 2020  Vegetation Plot R6 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R7 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R8 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R9 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R10 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R11 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 27 MY00 - 2020  Vegetation Plot R12 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R13 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R14 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R15 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Vegetation Plot R16 – MY-00 – 3/25/20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 28 MY00 - 2020  APPENDIX C Vegetation Plot Data   Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 29 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)14 14 1 1 3 3 10 10Black Willow (Salix nigra)Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)11Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)33 77 77Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)Oak (Quercus sp.)11 99 22 55 88Red Maple (Acer rubrum)River Birch (Betula nigra)11 33 44 66 11Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)4422Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)Unknown55 55 44 66 44Stem count25 25 21 21 21 21 24 24 25 25size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count5555664455Stems per ACRE1,012 1,012 850 850 850 850 971 971 1,012 1,0120.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.02511111Plot 05Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot 01 Plot 02 Plot 03 Plot 04 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 30 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)8 8 15 15 21 21 1 1 10 10Black Willow (Salix nigra)Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)11 11Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)Oak (Quercus sp.)33 33 11 22 44Red Maple (Acer rubrum)River Birch (Betula nigra)77 44 11Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)22 11 11Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)Unknown44 77 22 88 66Stem count24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 22 22size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count5533445555Stems per ACRE971 971 1,012 1,012 1,012 1,012 1,052 1,052 890 8900.0250.025 0.025 0.025 0.02511111Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot 06 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 Plot 10 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 31 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)13 13 11 11Black Willow (Salix nigra)Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)11Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)44 77Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)Oak (Quercus sp.)44 33 44 11Red Maple (Acer rubrum)4River Birch (Betula nigra)22 55 1414 77 55Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)11Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)22Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)33 11Unknown33 1313 22 44 44Stem count22 22 21 21 34 38 19 19 18 18size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count4433784455Stems per ACRE890 890 850 850 1,376 1,538 769 769 728 728Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot 11 Plot 12 Plot 13 Plot 14 Plot 15111110.0250.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 32 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)19 19 6 6Black Willow (Salix nigra)Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)11 66Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)Oak (Quercus sp.)33 55 99 66 33Red Maple (Acer rubrum)River Birch (Betula nigra)22 77 55 11 44Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)11 11Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)33 11Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)Unknown1313 11 66 33Stem count19 19 17 17 26 26 27 27 17 17size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count4455444455Stems per ACRE769 769 688 688 1,052 1,052 1,093 1,093 688 6880.0250.025 0.025 0.025 0.02511111Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot 16 Plot 17 Plot 18 Plot 19 Plot 20 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 33 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)9 9 14 14 21 21Black Willow (Salix nigra)1Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)3Oak (Quercus sp.)55 22 99 33Red Maple (Acer rubrum)15River Birch (Betula nigra)22 88 33Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)66Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)22 11 11 11Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)11Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)3Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)Unknown16 16 7 7 10 10 4 4Stem count23 41 20 20 28 32 22 22 32 32size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count3544464455Stems per ACRE931 1,659 809 809 1,133 1,295 890 890 1,295 1,295Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot 21 Plot 22 Plot 23 Plot 24 Plot 25111110.0250.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 34 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)66 1010 11 11Black Willow (Salix nigra)Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)11Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)Oak (Quercus sp.)88 1010 22 99 1010Red Maple (Acer rubrum)2River Birch (Betula nigra)22 1212 33 66 66Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)66Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)Unknown66 33 33 22Stem count22 22 25 25 24 26 19 19 17 17size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count4433565533Stems per ACRE890 890 1,012 1,012 971 1,052 769 769 688 6880.0250.025 0.025 0.025 0.02511111Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot R1 Plot R2 Plot R3 Plot R4 Plot R5 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 35 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)77 1010 1717 44 11Black Willow (Salix nigra)Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)Oak (Quercus sp.)55 44 22 1010 99Red Maple (Acer rubrum)River Birch (Betula nigra)22 44 88Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)44 22Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)11Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)Unknown22 33 11Stem count18 18 18 18 23 23 19 19 18 18size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count4444444433Stems per ACRE728 728 728 728 931 931 769 769 728 728Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot R6 Plot R7 Plot R8 Plot R9 Plot R10111110.0250.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 36 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)66 11 1010Black Willow (Salix nigra)Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)Oak (Quercus sp.)8 8 11 11 14 14 5 5 10 10Red Maple (Acer rubrum)River Birch (Betula nigra)44 66 22 44Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)22 11Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)Unknown11 11 33 11Stem count19 19 18 18 17 17 14 14 22 22size (ares)size (ACRES)Species count4433334444Stems per ACRE769 769 728 728 688 688 567 567 890 8900.0250.025 0.025 0.025 0.02511111Current Plot Data (MY00 2020)SpeciesPlot R11 Plot R12 Plot R13 Plot R14 Plot R15 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 37 MY00 - 2020 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesRough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project #97005 and 100053Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)4 4 254 254Black Willow (Salix nigra)1Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)22Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)47 47Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)3Oak (Quercus sp.)9 9 221 221Red Maple (Acer rubrum)21River Birch (Betula nigra)5 5 156 156Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)77Swamp Bay (Persea palustris)1 1 33 33Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)11 99Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)3Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)44Unknown3 3 166 166Stem count23 23 899 927size (ares)41size (ACRES)1.01Species count661014Stems per ACRE931 931 887 915Annual Means0.0251SpeciesPlot R16 MY00 (2020)      Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 38 MY00 - 2020  APPENDIX D As-built Plan Sheet RHS ‐ Project Asset TableStream ‐ LBC3,47030+49 to 50+081,959 1,899 Restoration I 1 : 1 ‐           Stream ‐ UT14109+17 to 111+50233 233 Restoration I 1 : 1 ‐           RHSII ‐ Project Asset TableRiparian Wetland Enhancement7.900 N/A 5.956 5.956 Enhancement N/A 2.5 : 1         2.382 Riparian Wetland Preservation16.700 N/A 15.319 15.319 Preservation N/A 10 : 1         1.532 Stream ‐ LBC207710+00 to 30+492,049 1,866 Restoration I 1 : 1 1,866        Stream ‐ UT1811100+00 to 109+17917 917 Restoration I 1 : 1 917           Stream ‐ UT2‐1516200+00 to 205+16516 516 Preservation I 10 : 1 52             Stream ‐ UT2‐2120205+16 to 206+36120 120 Restoration I 1 : 1 120           Stream ‐ UT3‐1168300+00 to 301+64164 164 Enhancement II I 2.5 : 1 66             Stream ‐ UT3‐2571301+95 to 311+09914 914 Restoration I 1 : 1 914           Stream ‐ UT4447400+00 to 406+29629 629 Restoration I 1 : 1 629           * Crossings have been removed from creditable linear footage for all project streams.Restoration              (Re‐establishment)Restoration              (Re‐establishment)Restoration              (Re‐establishment)None              (Drained Wetland)1 : 1       17.079 Non‐Riparian Wetland RestorationN/A 1.619 1.619 N/A 1 : 1               ‐   Restoration              (Re‐establishment)None              (Drained Wetland)Riparian Wetland RestorationN/A 17.079 17.079 N/A1 : 1       11.873 Non‐Riparian WetlandN/A 11.873 11.873 N/A0.160 ac            existing wetlandStationingCreditable Footage or AcreageRestoration LevelRiparian Wetland N/A 20.267 20.267 N/A 1 : 1       20.267 Project Component   ‐or‐ Reach IDExisting Footage/ AcreageRestoration Footage or AcreageNone              (Drained Wetland)Approach Priority LevelMitigation Ratio (X:1)Mitigation Credits 10"RH'CAgO V�r IA GENERAL NOTES: AS -BUILT CONTROL POINTS: SEAL THIS SET OF PLANS IS BASED OFF OF AN AS -BUILT SURVEY COMPLETED POINT NORTHING EASTING ELEVATION DESCRIPTION Q i. 32733 BY KCI ASSOCIATES OF NC IN DECEMBER OF 2019. 3 255051.66 2019649.88 85.26 KCI#3 7 • �11: 4 254945.66 2019068.40 85.02 KCI#4 Z Pam•. :�; a THIS PLAT DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY OF THE PARENT TRACTS. 5 254851 .79 2018498.60 93.49 KCI#5••, •' +�a THE PARENT TRACT BOUNDARIES ADJACENT TO THIS EASEMENT ARE NOT 7 254277.90 2017857.89 83.92 KCI#7 �'r�LrAEL 1a 1r CHANGED BY THIS PLAT. 8 253814.36 2018105.97 82.34 KCI#8 �'����„�����,►.•�� 9 252906.19 2018813.43 86.23 KCI#9 DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES IN U.S. SURVEY FEET 10 252906.19 2018813.43 86.23 KCI#10 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 12 253476.07 2019681.14 84.08 KCI#12 15 254458.5 2020345.49 85.63 KCI#15 THE BASIS OF THE MERIDIANS AND COORDINATES FOR THIS PLAT IS THE NORTH 16 253595.38 2019734.54 85.89 KCI#16 PI�O✓ECTENG/NEE4 CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983 253862.89 2018074.99 82.30 KCI#21 NAD 83 , BASED ON DIFFERENTIAL GPS OBSERVATIONS. ALL DISTANCES ARE � � 1 100 253862.89 2018074.99 84.30 MAG SET GROUND UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 101 254706.26 2018686.00 84.82 NL SET 102 253983.57 2019368.11 84.03 NL SET NO UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING PERFORMED DURING THE COURSE OF THIS 103 253983.57 2019368.11 83.03 NL SET SURVEY. 104 254851.78 2018498.59 93.54 CHK 5 105 254112.11 2019474.15 83.16 NL SET 0 106 253914.03 2019839.02 85.40 NL SET - 107 253775.84 2020122.96 85.12 NL SET 0> 108 253907.99 2020290.00 85.03 NL SET 109 110 253337.33 253166.07 2019799.45 2019772.71 83.76 84.89 NL SET NL SET so as 111 252946.15 2019809.10 84.90 NL SET o� 112 252606.60 2020039.65 85.08 NL SET ~ zg 113 252665.02 2020206.31 84.85 NL SET 114 252854.61 2020170.16 84.48 NL SET 115 252970.10 2020166.39 84.90 NL SET 116 253013.77 2020265.04 85.10 NL SET 117 252881.52 2020400.46 85.63 NL SET 118 252512.12 2020176.77 84.13 NL SET PRO✓ECTSURVZ7roR 1�1= Z 5� 119 253008.33 2020427.95 85.45 NL SET W DOa 120 253135.95 2020491.75 86.48 NL SET N °ate 300 252657.20 2020206.21 84.82 KCI#300 _ C)° 301 252582.29 2020030.71 84.97 KCI#301 x W �� z 302 252730.32 2020385.18 85.74 KCI#302 W� 5 304 252434.36 2020045.23 85.68 8049 10 • o * FOR COMPLETE LIST OF CONTROL POINTS, CONTACT KCI * of J� Z aiQ W y PROJECT LEGEND: Q Filled Existing Ditch Existing Woods Line o w of Vj U Installed Boulder Drop 000 Minor Contour Line (LiDAR) ------------------------------ (log sills replaced with boulder sills) ------------------------ z z p z Installed Live Lift Major Contour Line (LiDAR) - -- 77 - o o Q 2=0 o Installed Woody Debris in Channel --------- _- =^ > > � � U) + Stream Valley Stationing (Design) � 0 D o LJ. U Installed pilot channel o°re: APRIL 2020 s`«NJ,S,E: N.T.S. Installed Ditch Plug ----------------------------------- GENERAL NOTES & PROJECT LEGEND SHEET 2 OF ii \\ \ -_� - _ -92-------------------- _ ---------' _--____-91------------ -------------------89_ - -_-__--___-_ — - - - - - - - - - -__ ------------------88---- -----__---- -- \ -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----- ----___--_—__--89----__-- I \ — _ — 88— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —\ I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - — — — 87\ - - - - - - - e5 --- ) EASEMENT (RH) CONSERVATION \ — \ —84-- —80' —40' 0' 80' 160'—_ \ / \ 2 — _ _ GRAPHIC SCALE \ INSTALLED CONSTRUCTED- — — _ — — _ // — — — — �'--�� \\82 \\ RIFFLE/LIVE LIFTS —\ 1 r \ ` INSTALLED BOULDER DROP INSTALLED \ BOULDER DROP INSTALLED 20'-4"Wx4'-6"H \ l INSTALLED I ALUMINUM CULVERT FILLED DITCH \ ALL) �\ BOULDER DROP I (TYPICAL \ \ / \ 7 \ ♦ �� z— O> �.���� + p�p INSTALLED + O H O'u I PITCH PLUG (TYP) + % + UF- INSTALLED \ \ BOULDER DROP \ 1 \ \ \ l ♦ _ WOODY DEBRIS EMBEDDED y4 \ \ IN NEW STREAM THALWEGS TO \ \ ` / ?S \ ♦ \ INSTALLED ACT AS NATURAL HABITAT AND \ �^ m \ % I BOULDER DROP All IN BED VARIABILITY. / > \ \ u) vl F y� w m Q FILLED DITCH (TYPICAL ALL) _-l'\l 5 p0 x A I \ \ I \ C0 / r P�\oN �PS�seo�wl GO t�tttt ttt t�l� .�•`'�P�H CA... - Q SEAL7. p 32733 t ON A I,'' "CHAEft0 "',, \\ 1 ♦\ \ \ o �m \ I \ Z INSTALLED DITCH PLUG \ \ _ / \ / \i. ) / I — ` 1 / — / w Lu J CD AND GRADED TO REDIRECT DRAINAGE PATH TOWARD \ CENTER OF WETLAND I / 1, v w ¢ w N = OLu 0 ,y CONSERVATION EAS \I ` REMOVED 1 SPOIL PILES \\ \ 00+ 1 ` ZEL 0 111 \\1 FILLED DITCH ALL) co Z (TYPICAL \ Z Z O Z < Z U cr) (7 I 1 / �I I l � > I J - - C)O� Q DO ■o DATE: APRIL 2020 AVO / \\ \\ ,I / -LE: GRAPHIC oo ' �\ SITE PLAN 85 \ \ SHEET 3 OF 11 PRO✓ECTSU41/EYOR MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 4 PRO✓ECTENG/NEER --' ,�' , I II I 1 1 I � / \ I\ \ \ 1 `\\\ \I \ r�r• V/S . r�•+ O /04+0p I \\ \\ \ \ \\ e�ro : .SEAL _ \ h 32733 / / V BEGIN UT1 V / V A A •• � Z RESTORATION \ \ —80' —40' 0' 80' 160' F J �� / �•, A GRAPHIC SCALE UJ AEL �;■+``, LL 102.00 J _ �yO f \ \ \ \ \ , _85 _ \ PRO✓EOTSUR11EYOR PRO✓EOTENG/NEER / V �J------\ \e \ �� BEGIN UT4 1 \ \ \ RESTORATION 400+00 \ \ \ \ \ 103+00 BOULDER DROP STRUCTURES 1 , / NOT INSTALLED 01+00\` wOW \ ` I 1 v �yN` \ Jay' J/ 1 `\ // -\ p� o GRADED TO REDIRECT 11 / I \ i -v / ^ 1 �� - \ / / / / / aQ t� \ J e / / \ / w \ / \ WX \ / CENT R OF WETLANDARD % I / / 40�"QD ' \ \ \ / 1 I \ 1 1, 1 (/ OF loj Zs 403x0b 7 I \ 1 \ '= aS_ fCO S�pT\ON _ \ _ �I \ IJ \ \ vl v 5oZ 'I dux 4 ` \ \ �W y L <J \_ / J l / / �x00 OO�y \s \\ `\ \ m of Lu LU INSTALLED DITCH LLED PLUG�N z� GRADED TO REDIRECT (TYP) @ � \ / u Z / REMOVED /[ g F \ a O DRAINAGE PATH TOWARD S8_ SPOIL PILES \ J I _ J' \ \ �''d2j� \ / U) N = CENTER OF WETLAND f 1 �. I 1 \ v I 0_ w O, / \ w Lu w- // r ♦ t - fJ /;-^\ �� LU LONG BAY CREEK 1 \` (� ? NJ l l/ / \ _ \ , / /i / �/ , \ \\I 'J \ / \ t♦<�♦ \ \ --_-- / w w v CONFLUENCE OF UT4♦ o ! - \ S \ \\\\\\ I\ w AND LONG BAY CREEK * ♦ 00 to \� \` w \ WOODY DEBRIS EMBEDDED ♦ $ - B-' ^ \ w IN NEW STREAM THALWEGS TO �• _ga�-JJ J" _ ,� + ACT AS NATURAL HABITAT AND t J $ �> \ \ AID IN BED VARIABILITY. ♦ ♦ ♦N / r -' \\ < Q °' +1 + - - Ny CONFLUENCE OF UT3 0� / d + ♦ ♦ o ,a - 7 t AND LONG BAY CREEK t0�5• /� / / V Q o ly O \ _/ _ . z z Z /CONFLUENCE OF UT1 1 I FILLED DITCH j _ \ I , tJ a / AND LONG BAY CREEK / (TYPICAL ALL) / UJ�/� �' ^ \ ♦ \ I \ _ _ z LONG BAY CREEK CO�AT= � �N�H� NS\\ /_\ �,,r I\ / _ = O M O / (D�� ^I / 1 / `/ / J' �� OOw Q co / FILLED DITCHF: APRIL 2020 / I (TYPICAL ALL) LE: GRAPHIC A. SITE PLAN o [\ _ 411,00 / 1 1 // / // / J SHEET 4 OF 11 J MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 3 \\ I I I 1 / *OpL�-- T�Illy\ All I — T — — — — — — — — — — :i NCO SERVATIO EASEMEAm,( 0/ 00 BEGIN PRESERVATION FOR UT2 // / / go— �l I017I � —__ I � \\ `✓—\ j \_ J l\ t�..J 1 I I •I1\\ lam\ 1 / \89-\ // � / �� l / / l _� / \) ) Z,1 " k �0 ? / / / I / _ / w 1 ,� 1 O0u w x \ 11 \ / 1 \ \ / Bey BEGIN RESTORATION �, a0 \ \ 1 I /' 1\ �O I ,/ FOR UT2 AT , / �f // I !-\� \ / \ 1 wl iF `9` I l - HEADCUT \ , ?g ,I' , \ \ \\ \ 1 \\ \ \ \ I\ \\ OI ' �0 V 100 REPLACED EXISTING CULVERT / �, \ / ! - (` i ^ I ~ AI F'1` \ WITH STEEL GIRDER BRIDGE /-8> .•a / �� I \ ! 1 — —\\ / ' \\ w /.P� 1 WITH TREATED WOOD DECK � xif INSTALLED w t1 BOULDER DROP/ 86 INSTALLED v w —�/ 1 BOULDER DROP z\\ _\\/ _--� \ \ / I \ _---\ \ \ �� \ \ // 1 y Lo INSTALLED �\ \ BOULDER DROP \\ \�\ 1 \ \� _ �/ \\ \I i I LLo U QZ ,o -a —— y— — — � - -/ L 11 1117 SRVES___ �ERH— - -�9U- Ell l�o6s C a oz \" - Lu �O CON \ 1 \ \ f - ' , - \ \ \ ' \ \ z a LH Il�RvgT 1 _ BEGIN RESTORATION / \\ \_ \9 `\\ (9 o� /��3F II \\ FOR LONG BAY CREEK /\/ \ \\__ 1 1 °—_— \ I \ I w e (CONFLUENCE OF UT2 ' I \ \ ) \ AND LONG BAY CREEK) FILLED DITCH I I \ /l �S�FNT �RN2 / < I \ \ \ v / Q 119 U W O Z ♦ RESTORATION [\I ♦ FOR UT3 / I I \ :v J 1 v v INSTALLED (3)18" PEP CULVERTS ♦♦ / AT ROAD Ch6SLNG. ` \ 1 _ \ \ _ _ a x CA co 06 Yl \ ♦ / WOODY DEBRIS EMBEDDED SEAL ♦ ( IN NEW STREAM THALWEGS TO Gl�a ' \) \ \\ IL ACT AS NATURAL HABITAT AND x`({� ♦ `� AID IN BED VARIABILITY. / / \ ) a n _ 32733 / ♦% / / V�/ 1� — / wog vp. .A (n ♦ I , 1 ) /�\1 \\ I`—~/ ,'J ��•• C �•�S..i= DATE: APRIL 2020 C �1 scADe GRAPHIC �►, -80' -40' 0' 80' 160' ,CFIAEL N,.... SITE PLAN \ / BEGIN GRAPHIC SCALE EMENT II FOR UT3\ I 1 \\ / I / \ // SHEET 5 OF 11 PRO✓ECTENG/NEER PRO✓ECTSUMIFMR PRO✓ECTSUR!/EYOR -80' -40' 0' 80' 160' GRAPHIC SCALE 1606ARo SEAL - Gy 32733 '.�CkAEL ►�,,� '1j1111„It PRO✓ECTENG/VEER Q 00 �w LU ¢ Z �F (L z� a Wz 0 IY JLu (� W z W N W N W N W Z ENS lFtNl CONSERVgr/ON EASEMEIyT(RH) CONS�RV P.11ON EPSEM = O d EL Q Q 1 U RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN 3: 3: [n Q 18"-24" BARE ROOT MATERIAL (r UPLAND PLANTING PLAN [n I►7 0' 968 STEMS/ACRE (9' X 5' SPACING), RANDOM SPECIES PLACEMENT ) 18" - 24" BARE ROOT MATERIAL Z Z 0 Z COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME WETLAND INDICATOR % OF TOTAL # OF PLANTS 680 STEMS/ACRE (8' X 8' SPACING), RANDOM SPECIES PLACEMENT COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME WETLAND INDICATOR %OF TOTAL # OF PLANTS O RIVER BIRCH BETULA NIGRA FACW 10 3,170 = = Q Iti Z BUTTONBUSH CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS OBL 5 1,585 SOUTHERN RED OAK QUERCUS FALCATA FACU 35 630 WATERTUPELO NYSSAAQUATICA OBL 15 4,755 SWAMP BAY PERSEA PALUSTRIS FACW 5 1,585 WILLOW OAK QUERCUS PHELLOS FACW 25 430 O W AMERICAN ELM ULMUS AMERICANA FAC 15 270 OVERCUP OAK QUERCUS LYRATA OBL 5 1,585 PIN OAK QUERCUS PALUSTRIS FACW 15 270 SWAMP CHESTNUT OAK QUERCUS MICHAUXII FACW 15 4,755 PERSIMMON DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA FAC 10 180 IJ_I BALD CYPRESS TAXODIUM DISTICHUM OBL 40 12,680 0 32.7 ACRES Of 2.6 ACRES GREEN ASH REMOVED FROM PLANTIG PLAN 100 1,780 RED CHOKEBERRY ARONIAARBUTIFOLIA FACW 5 1,585 06 J 100 31,700 O NON -RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN v 18" - 24" BARE ROOT MATERIAL C1 968 STEMS/ACRE (9' X 5' SPACING), RANDOM SPECIES PLACEMENT Z m COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME WETLAND INDICATOR % OF TOTAL # OF PLANTS p G RIVER BIRCH BETULA NIGRA FACW 25 3,311 -4 DATE: APRIL 2020 AMERICAN SYCAMORE PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS FACW 10 1,340 LIVE STAKING NOTE: WATER TUPELO NYSSA AQUATICA OBL 5 670 670 Z —LE: GRAPHIC WATER OAK QUERCUS NIGRA FAC 5 670 ONE ROW OF LIVE STAKES WERE LAUREL OAK QUERCUS LAURIFOLIA FACW 20 2,680 INSTALLED ALONG ALL NEWLY m CUT PILOT CHANNELS. (500 EACH OVERCUP OAK QUERCUS LYRATA OBL 5 670 OF ELDERBERRY, BLACK WILLOW, NF 13.8 ACRES SWAMP CHESTNUT OAK QUERCUS MICHAUXII FACW 25 3,350 SILKY WILLOW, AND SILKY DOGWOOD) PLANTING BALD CYPRESS TAXODIUM DISTICHUM OBL 5 670 my PLAN 100 13,400 a SHEET 6 OF 11 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 7 RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN NON -RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN UPLAND PLANTING PLAN *NOTE: SEE SHEET FOR PLANTING QUANTITIES -80' -40' 0' 80' 160' GRAPHIC SCALE PRO✓ECTSUR!/EYOR {{��{111111lf it% CAgpll SEAL �y 32733 % 111111{It{11� PRO✓E0TE1VG11VEER Q Z J ELCL O LLI co) U Q Q H C/) c of Z R o OOQ ==O o U` U H I U c/) In 0 J 0 U PLANTING PLAN i y y t 9� - - m o—CO�SE�VATI�N �ASE�EN�H� — — — — — — — — — — — — —, / Z -80' -40' 0' 80' 160' GRAPHIC SCALE I I / zN / I z Iz W -1 LL N �1 I W °U U Z— U=�/ O �/ I> ;z W o0 Io o vu �Fqs W ~= W U)Q LL — ----- _ - -- -- ____ CONSERVATION — — — — — — — — xoZ — Z W U O0 fL a Lu o= Z EASEMENT(M) W — Q Z � I ---------- a WO II co O ' K W J W Z LL J ( oof w v �ASEM�T�2�1 l 1 z AT/ � ` z Q SFRV o -� N SE Z U) " Q H � v l /n 'x Syr Z Z O z 00< z / fa ==O o , CA �•,,, � o ,.cn .A•• 0 o RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN ` SEAL - 32733 71. oe ' �' *NOTE: SEE SHEETS FOR PLANTING QUANTITIES 9 Oot " oplllll�I" PLANTING PLAN PRO✓ECTENGYNZESR RRO✓E01-911MIZ7rOR 6� �e9,m 242` —80' —40' 0' 80' 160' GRAPHIC SCALE EASEMENT BOUNDARY MARKING THE EASEMENT BOUNDARY WAS MARKED WITH METAL OR SALT TREATED WOOD POSTS AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGNS AT THE CORNERS AND AT A MINIMUM OF 100' INTERVALS ALONG THE BOUNDARY. WHEN APPROPRIATE, PROVIDER SHALL MARK EXISTING TREES WITH CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGNS AND / OR BLAZE PROPERTY LINES AT APPROXIMATELY EYE LEVEL. O 6-FOOT TALL DURABLE WITNESS POSTS AND 5/8" REBAR 30" IN LENGTH WITH 3-1/4" ALUMINUM CAPS ON ALL EASEMENT CORNERS. CAPS SHALL MEET DMS SPECIFICATIONS (BERNSTEN RBD5325 IMPRINTED WITH NC STATE LOGO /B9087 OR EQUIVALENT). AFTER INSTALLATION, CAPS SHALL BE STAMPED WITH THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER. • 6-FOOT TALL DURABLE WITNESS POST ALONG BOUNDARY OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT. POSTS SHALL BE MADE OF MATERIAL THAT WILL LAST A MINIMUM OF 20 YEARS. THE PROVIDER SHALL ATTACH A CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGN TO EACH WITNESS POST AND PLACE ADDITIONAL SIGNS AT NO MORE THAN 100-FOOT INTERVALS ON BOUNDARY LINES. — CE — CONSERVATION EASEMENT CE U CE CE CE CE CE �/ CE PRO✓ECTENGINEER PRO✓ECTSURVEYOR U r co F w U N W w g Lu N x w z w d a � � � W Q Q H cocnz zzp zz OOQ 2 = � ==O c�oF- W X 06 Er ti Q 0 0 o w� � N ma Q J 0 0 xx W U Nx wr wx ZO OZ U) x J Q w LL N V BOUNDARY MARKING PLAN MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 10 v JO 29° n'9 LLI CD Lu -80' -40' 0' 80' 160' U Q� GRAPHIC SCALE Q EASEMENT BOUNDARY MARKING THE EASEMENT BOUNDARY WAS MARKED WITH METAL OR SALT TREATED WOOD POSTS AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGNS AT THE CORNERS AND AT A MINIMUM OF 1 00'INTERVALS ALONG THE BOUNDARY. WHEN APPROPRIATE, PROVIDER SHALL MARK EXISTING TREES WITH CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGNS AND / OR BLAZE PROPERTY LINES AT APPROXIMATELY EYE LEVEL. O 6-FOOT TALL DURABLE WITNESS POSTS AND 5/8" REBAR 30" IN LENGTH WITH 3-1/4" ALUMINUM CAPS ON ALL EASEMENT CORNERS. CAPS SHALL MEET DMS SPECIFICATIONS (BERNSTEN RBD5325 IMPRINTED WITH NC STATE LOGO #139087 OR EQUIVALENT). AFTER INSTALLATION, CAPS SHALL BE STAMPED WITH THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER. t""4101114",' vi SEAL :. 32733 . M ti �INFs� c),AEL %s Q 1� ��1�✓I lltl5l lti� • 6-FOOT TALL DURABLE WITNESS POST ALONG BOUNDARY OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT. POSTS SHALL BOUNDARY OF MATERIAL THAT WILL LAST A MINIMUM OF 20 YEARS. THE PROV DER SHALL ATTACH A CONSERVATION EASEMENT PRO✓ECTENG/VEER PRO✓ECTSURI/EYOR SIGN TO EACH WITNESS POST AND PLACE ADDITIONAL SIGNS v {� N W 11 ~ z Z 7N LL W NQ V f/1 Q J �o W W U < Z �F 5 Z� Lu CD ofW WCD zofzoz W V Q Z = J QQH_ ,� U C/) U) z Z O �of 0 H z OOQ ti 220 o c/) co) U 06 J O U BOUNDARY MARKING PLAN Uu CF c� C"- V (J/ U� CE U w U CE CE CE CE CE N Z O N s � w U a�9 msa W [) 0� -80' -40' 0' 80' 160' Ez zu O GRAPHIC SCALE a¢ u V ul-- zg CE CE CE --------------------------------- C E CE EASEMENT BOUNDARY MARKING THE EASEMENT BOUNDARY WAS MARKED WITH METAL OR SALT TREATED WOOD POSTS AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGNS AT THE CORNERS AND AT A MINIMUM OF 1 00'INTERVALS ALONG THE BOUNDARY. WHEN APPROPRIATE, PROVIDER SHALL MARK EXISTING TREES WITH CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGNS AND / OR BLAZE PROPERTY LINES AT APPROXIMATELY EYE LEVEL. O 6-FOOT TALL DURABLE WITNESS POSTS AND 5/8" REBAR 30" IN LENGTH WITH 3-1/4" ALUMINUM CAPS ON ALL EASEMENT CORNERS. CAPS SHALL MEET DMS SPECIFICATIONS (BERNSTEN RBD5325 IMPRINTED WITH NC STATE LOGO #B9087 OR EQUIVALENT). AFTER INSTALLATIONCAPS SHALL BE STAMPED WITH THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER. • 6-FOOT TALL DURABLE WITNESS POST ALONG BOUNDARY OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT. POSTS SHALL BE MADE OF MATERIAL THAT WILL LAST A MINIMUM OF 20 YEARS. THE PROVIDER SHALL ATTACH A CONSERVATION EASEMENT SIGN TO EACH WITNESS POST AND PLACE ADDITIONAL SIGNS AT NO MORE THAN 100-FOOT INTERVALS ON BOUNDARY LINES. —CE— CONSERVATION EASEMENT .,,,,,•a1H CArgp . SEAL 32733AV 0 w� ~ Z MN w cn Q OU �o w Wv ¢ z �F E zw 'o 0 ofLu z LL Q W = J a- a- U) 01 22Lu Q Q 1-- w N z z ' �, o zzp z oo ==O O (DC'iH i U » U) � (n oow Q 06 J O U I.A- GRAPHIC BOUNDARY MARKING PLAN PRO✓ECTENG/NEER PRO✓ECTSURI/EYOR   Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97005/100053 50 MY00 - 2020  APPENDIX E Additional Information WC W1 W2 W3 WD WE WA WB WB UT2-2 UT4 Long B a y C r e e kUT1 UT2-1 UT3-2UT3-1UT2-1 Lon g B a y C r e e kLong Bay CreekUT54 3 2 1 XS 1XS 2XS 4XS 3XS 5NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis Source: NC StatewideOrthoimagery, 2016 and 2017 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GAUGE LOCATIONSROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE &ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITECOLUMBUS COUNTY, NC ± Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) Groundwater Monitoring Gauges Existing Culverts Spoil Existing Road Streams (RHS - 3,042 lf / RHSII - 8,707 lf) Ditches Off-Site Ditches Existing Wetlands (RHS - 0.16 ac / RHSII - 24.6 ac) Representative Valley Cross-Sections 0 700350 Feet 10-Jan-17 19-Jan-17 28-Jan-17 6-Feb-17 15-Feb-17 24-Feb-17 5-Mar-17 14-Mar-17 23-Mar-17 1-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 28-Apr-17 7-May-17 16-May-17 25-May-17 3-Jun-17 12-Jun-17 21-Jun-17 30-Jun-17 9-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 27-Jul-17 5-Aug-17 14-Aug-17 23-Aug-17 1-Sep-17 10-Sep-17 19-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 7-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 25-Oct-17 3-Nov-1712-Nov-1721-Nov-1730-Nov-179-Dec-1718-Dec-1727-Dec-17Rainfall Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 1 RainfallGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceSensor DepthBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceSensor DepthGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20 10-Jan-18 19-Jan-18 28-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 24-Feb-18 5-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 23-Mar-18 1-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 19-Apr-18 28-Apr-18 7-May-18 16-May-18 25-May-18 3-Jun-18 12-Jun-18 21-Jun-18 30-Jun-18 9-Jul-18 18-Jul-18 27-Jul-18 5-Aug-18 14-Aug-18 23-Aug-18 1-Sep-18 10-Sep-18 19-Sep-18 28-Sep-18 7-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 25-Oct-18 3-Nov-1812-Nov-1821-Nov-1830-Nov-189-Dec-1818-Dec-1827-Dec-18Rainfall Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 1 RainfallGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceSensor DepthBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceSensor DepthGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20 10-Jan-19 19-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 6-Feb-19 15-Feb-19 24-Feb-19 5-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 23-Mar-19 1-Apr-19 10-Apr-19 19-Apr-19 28-Apr-19 7-May-19 16-May-19 25-May-19 3-Jun-19 12-Jun-19 21-Jun-19 30-Jun-19 9-Jul-19 18-Jul-19 27-Jul-19 5-Aug-19 14-Aug-19 23-Aug-19 1-Sep-19 10-Sep-19 19-Sep-19 28-Sep-19 7-Oct-19 16-Oct-19 25-Oct-19 3-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 1 RainfallGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceSensor DepthBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceSensor DepthGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20 10-Jan-17 19-Jan-17 28-Jan-17 6-Feb-17 15-Feb-17 24-Feb-17 5-Mar-17 14-Mar-17 23-Mar-17 1-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 28-Apr-17 7-May-17 16-May-17 25-May-17 3-Jun-17 12-Jun-17 21-Jun-17 30-Jun-17 9-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 27-Jul-17 5-Aug-17 14-Aug-17 23-Aug-17 1-Sep-17 10-Sep-17 19-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 7-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 25-Oct-17 3-Nov-17 12-Nov-1721-Nov-1730-Nov-179-Dec-1718-Dec-1727-Dec-17Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 2RainfallSensor DepthGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth 10-Jan-18 19-Jan-18 28-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 24-Feb-18 5-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 23-Mar-18 1-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 19-Apr-18 28-Apr-18 7-May-18 16-May-18 25-May-18 3-Jun-18 12-Jun-18 21-Jun-18 30-Jun-18 9-Jul-18 18-Jul-18 27-Jul-18 5-Aug-18 14-Aug-18 23-Aug-18 1-Sep-18 10-Sep-18 19-Sep-18 28-Sep-18 7-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 25-Oct-18 3-Nov-18 12-Nov-1821-Nov-1830-Nov-189-Dec-1818-Dec-1827-Dec-18Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 2RainfallSensor DepthGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth 10-Jan-19 19-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 6-Feb-19 15-Feb-19 24-Feb-19 5-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 23-Mar-19 1-Apr-19 10-Apr-19 19-Apr-19 28-Apr-19 7-May-19 16-May-19 25-May-19 3-Jun-19 12-Jun-19 21-Jun-19 30-Jun-19 9-Jul-19 18-Jul-19 27-Jul-19 5-Aug-19 14-Aug-19 23-Aug-19 1-Sep-19 10-Sep-19 19-Sep-19 28-Sep-19 7-Oct-19 16-Oct-19 25-Oct-19 3-Nov-19 12-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 2RainfallGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceSensor DepthBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth 10-Jan-17 19-Jan-17 28-Jan-17 6-Feb-17 15-Feb-17 24-Feb-17 5-Mar-17 14-Mar-17 23-Mar-17 1-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 28-Apr-17 7-May-17 16-May-17 25-May-17 3-Jun-17 12-Jun-17 21-Jun-17 30-Jun-17 9-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 27-Jul-17 5-Aug-17 14-Aug-17 23-Aug-17 1-Sep-17 10-Sep-17 19-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 7-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 25-Oct-17 3-Nov-17 12-Nov-1721-Nov-1730-Nov-179-Dec-1718-Dec-1727-Dec-17Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 3RainfallGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceSensor DepthBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth 10-Jan-18 19-Jan-18 28-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 24-Feb-18 5-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 23-Mar-18 1-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 19-Apr-18 28-Apr-18 7-May-18 16-May-18 25-May-18 3-Jun-18 12-Jun-18 21-Jun-18 30-Jun-18 9-Jul-18 18-Jul-18 27-Jul-18 5-Aug-18 14-Aug-18 23-Aug-18 1-Sep-18 10-Sep-18 19-Sep-18 28-Sep-18 7-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 25-Oct-18 3-Nov-18 12-Nov-1821-Nov-1830-Nov-189-Dec-1818-Dec-1827-Dec-18Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 3RainfallGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceSensor DepthBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth 10-Jan-17 19-Jan-17 28-Jan-17 6-Feb-17 15-Feb-17 24-Feb-17 5-Mar-17 14-Mar-17 23-Mar-17 1-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 28-Apr-17 7-May-17 16-May-17 25-May-17 3-Jun-17 12-Jun-17 21-Jun-17 30-Jun-17 9-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 27-Jul-17 5-Aug-17 14-Aug-17 23-Aug-17 1-Sep-17 10-Sep-17 19-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 7-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 25-Oct-17 3-Nov-17 12-Nov-1721-Nov-1730-Nov-179-Dec-1718-Dec-1727-Dec-17Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 4RainfallSensor DepthGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth 10-Jan-18 19-Jan-18 28-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 24-Feb-18 5-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 23-Mar-18 1-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 19-Apr-18 28-Apr-18 7-May-18 16-May-18 25-May-18 3-Jun-18 12-Jun-18 21-Jun-18 30-Jun-18 9-Jul-18 18-Jul-18 27-Jul-18 5-Aug-18 14-Aug-18 23-Aug-18 1-Sep-18 10-Sep-18 19-Sep-18 28-Sep-18 7-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 25-Oct-18 3-Nov-18 12-Nov-1821-Nov-1830-Nov-189-Dec-1818-Dec-1827-Dec-18Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 4RainfallSensor DepthGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth 10-Jan-19 19-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 6-Feb-19 15-Feb-19 24-Feb-19 5-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 23-Mar-19 1-Apr-19 10-Apr-19 19-Apr-19 28-Apr-19 7-May-19 16-May-19 25-May-19 3-Jun-19 12-Jun-19 21-Jun-19 30-Jun-19 9-Jul-19 18-Jul-19 27-Jul-19 5-Aug-19 14-Aug-19 23-Aug-19 1-Sep-19 10-Sep-19 19-Sep-19 28-Sep-19 7-Oct-19 16-Oct-19 25-Oct-19 3-Nov-19 12-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Groundwater Elevation (ft)DateRough Horn Restoration SiteHydrographPre-con Wetland Gauge 4RainfallGroundwater DepthGround Surface12 Inches Below Ground SurfaceSensor DepthBegin Growing SeasonMarch 112" Below SurfaceGround SurfaceEnd Growing SeasonNovember 20Sensor Depth Date: October 22, 2019 Attendees: Lindsay Crocker, NC Division of Mitigation Services Jeff Schaffer, NC Division of Mitigation Services Tim Baumgartner, NC Division of Mitigation Services Mac Haupt, NC Division of Water Resources Erin Davis, Division of Water Resources Todd Tugwell, US Army Corps of Engineers Jordan Jessop, US Army Corps of Engineers Tim Morris, KCI Technologies, Inc. Kevin O’Briant, KCI Technologies, Inc. From: Tim Morris, Project Manager KCI Technologies, Inc. Subject: Rough Horn/Rough Horn II – Stream and Wetland Mitigation Field Review – During Construction Lumber 03 Columbus County, North Carolina Purpose A field review meeting was conducted for the above referenced project on October 22, 2019. The purpose of the meeting was to address concerns brought up during an earlier site review meeting by Jordan Jessop of the US Army Corps of Engineers and others who had viewed photos that had been taken during that field visit. Site Conditions Construction was nearing completion at the time of the site visit. The construction of a bridge and some cleanup activities were the remaining activities ongoing at the time of the meeting. According to data collected as part of the NPDES requirements of the construction project, only 1.18” of rainfall had been recorded for the previous 30 days of record. The upper end of the mainstem (Long Bay Creek) was the only flowing waterbody noted during the site visit, although that stream eventually stopped flowing before it hit the open agricultural fields beyond the wooded area. The Rough Horn project has a 2-square mile drainage area at the downstream project boundary. Considering the size of the drainage area the lack of flow in the channel was indicative of the extreme dry conditions witnessed during construction (started in July). The flow in the Long Bay Creek had been increasing steadily during the past two weeks as evapotranspiration rates within the forest had been slowing down and the groundwater elevation within the forested had started to rise. This increase in flow was occurring without any rainfall during that period. Meeting Minutes The site walk was started at Station 15+00 at the location of the proposed steel span bridge. The comments from the meeting are summarized below and are grouped into four basic issues/questions. 1. The channel looked like a ditch that could drain the wetlands surrounding it. 2. The channel should have more wood in it as indicated on the project plans. 3. Why does there need to be a channel at all? 4. Why couldn’t we have graded the floodplain down to match the channel section in transition zones such as 15+00 to 18+50 Tim Morris explained the following: The project stream was constructed almost exactly as per plan. Exceptions included: 1. Small alignment changes to avoid trees were made in the wooded area 2. In areas where the existing grade matched the design grade (or was lower), such as between Station 24+00 to 29+00 and Station 302+00 to 310+00, no grading (or minimal grading) was completed. In these areas the stream was left to find its own course through the woods Tim Morris explained that a detailed grading plan did need to be prepared to ensure that hydrologic trespass issues associated with surrounding drainage features were addressed to avoid legal issues associated with adjacent parcels outside the easement. While we would have preferred to have had just released the water into the relic channels, we did need to do our due diligence with regards to standards of care from an engineering perspective. The maximum depth of the channels as per the design is 0.8’ for the main channel and 0.6’ for tributary channels. In contrast, prior to construction, the mainstem was ditched on average 3-4’ deep and in some areas deeper. Many peripheral ditches were ditched to similar depths to assist in draining the site for agricultural production. Those ditches were all filled. Tim Morris also pointed out that we were in a drought and that in normal conditions (as per design) the baseflow in the channels would be at the top of bank or overbank as per design. To demonstrate that, drone and still photos taken after the meeting during times of normal rainfall have been provided (see photos 1-8). For these low gradient coastal systems, the water surface in the channel essentially represents the surrounding groundwater elevation. If the water is at or near the surface (as depicted in the photos), it is strong assurance that the surrounding wetlands will be meeting their hydrology standard. For this particular site, because of the concern for long term inundation we did need to ensure some level of positive drainage through the site to keep our trees alive. In response to agency input at this meeting, KCI completed the following modifications to the project. - Installed woody debris jams in the channel in multiple areas (see drone footage and still photos as well as as-built plans for locations of wood in channels) - Added additional live stakes to the channels - Graded the floodplain down between 15+00 and 18+00 and added some side channels - Graded the floodplain down between 100+00 and 105+00 and added some side channels We have included the following YouTube videos for your reference. These videos represent the as-built condition of the site prior to planting. This memo is provided as a compliment to the Baseline Monitoring Report and as-built plans as the discussions at this meeting did lead to some minor changes to the project plans. Rough Horn II – Wooded Section of Long Bay Creek (stream and wetland) – starting downstream and moving to preservation area https://youtu.be/8qOT9VxoaDA Rough Horn I – Open field (wetland mitigation) https://youtu.be/aChv9c2nSjQ Rough Horn II – UT1 (overview and closeup, stream and wetland mitigation) https://youtu.be/_rgaXYf1vNo KCI understands the IRT’s concerns expressed on the day of the site visit. We do believe that the conditions on that day are not indicative of normal conditions on this site. We also do not believe the shallow pilot channels will effectively drain the restored wetlands on this site. There is the potential that modifications can be made during the adaptive management period if it turns out that hydrologic trespass issues do not end up being a concern. Log structures could be added to the site to act as sills and raise the water surface elevations in select areas of the site, however those types of modifications will need to be deferred until as-built condition is monitored and fully understood. Photo from Station 15+00 looking upstream (from the bridge location) – Photo taken – 1-7-2020 Photo from Station 15+00 looking downstream (from the bridge location) – Photo taken 1-7-2020 Drone Photo taken 11-19-2019 – Shows side channel modifications and floodplain grading below 15+00 Still Photo taken at 22+00 looking upstream. 11-19-10 Still Photo taken near 25+00 looing upstream – 1-7-20 Drone photo of UT1 – 1-7-20 Closeup of UT1 after floodplain modifications 1-7-20 Drone photo of Rough Horn 1 wetlands looking North across site 1-24-20 Photo showing channel volume at top of bank. 1-7-20 Photo showing downstream of arch culvert 1-24-20