HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200628 Ver 1_U5760_Final_IP_Package (2020-05-07)_20200511STATF STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER GOVERNOR May 7, 2020 Mr. Monte Matthews U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Dave Wanucha N.C. Division of Water Resources 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 ATTN: Mr. Monte Matthews and Mr. Dave Wanucha J. ERIC BOYETTE SECRETARY SUBJECT: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed widening and extension of Big Mill Farm Road and widening of Hopkins Road from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street with a new partial cloverleaf interchange at I-40 Business/US 421, Forsyth County, Division 9. STIP No. U-5760. WBS Element No. 46381.1.1 Dear Mr. Matthews and Mr. Wanucha: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Highway Division 9, proposes to widen and extend Big Mill Farm Road and widen Hopkins Road from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street with a new partial cloverleaf interchange at 1-40 Business/US 421 in Forsyth County. In addition to this cover letter, the application package consists of an ENG Form 4345, NCDMS in -lieu fee (ILF) program acceptance letter, Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (Action ID # SAW-2016-01337), Stormwater Management Plan, permit impact drawings, and plan sheets. PURPOSE AND NEED The primary purpose of the project is to reduce congestion. Additional purposes for this project include improving mobility and access to major highways in west Kernersville as well as accommodating economic development expansion in the area. South Main Street in Kernersville as traffic approaches I-40 frequently experiences queuing and slowdowns due to congestion. Hopkins Road also experiences congestion as it serves as a regional connection to the 1-40 and South Main Street interchange. Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 9 375 SILAS CREEK PARKWAY WINSTON SALEM, NC 27127 Telephone: (336) 747-7800 Fax: (336) 703-6693 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: ncdot.gov Location: 375 SILAS CREEK PARKWAY WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27127 SEPA DOCUMENT STATUS STIP No. U-5760 is a state -funded project with the USACE being the lead federal agency. An environmental document was not required by the State Environmental Policy Act. Instead, a Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist (MCDC) for the proposed project was completed in October 2018. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Preliminary Study Alternatives Transportation Demand Management (TDM) TDM programs that promote alternative transportation options other than the single occupant vehicle may include ride sharing, park & ride, vanpooling, and mass transit. Those programs would meet the primary purpose of the project, to reduce congestion, but would not meet the additional purposes of the project which include improving mobility and access to major highways in west Kernersville as well as accommodating economic development expansion in the area. Alternative Modes of Transportation Sidewalks and bicycle facilities currently do not exist along Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road, as well as major adjacent roadways. The typical sections proposed for this project include such facilities to improve the multi -modal connectivity along the corridor. These improvements alone would not meet the purpose of the project, to reduce congestion, improve mobility, and improve access to major highways. Typical Section Options The proposed project corridor was included in multiple local transportation plans and studies prior to the start of the project. The Winston-Salem MPO Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2012) and the Big Mill Farm/Hopkins Road Feasibility Study (2008) conducted by the Town of Kernersville both recommended a four -lane typical section be applied to the corridor. More recently, the Winston-Salem MPO Long -Range Transportation Plan (2013) and the Town of Kernersville Thoroughfare and Street Plan (2011) recommended a two-lane typical section be used for the corridor. All of the previous plans included bicycle and pedestrian accommodations along the corridor. Traffic data and public input were gathered to determine the appropriate typical section. At public and local officials' meetings held on August 8, 2016 in Kernersville, attendees participated in a series of hands-on activities to provide input on which typical section was most appropriate for the corridor. Three typical section examples from the NCDOT Complete Streets Manual were shown as examples: 2-lane with 23-foot median (Figure 1), 2-lane with 17.5-foot median (Figure 2), and 4-lane with 23-foot median (Figure 3). It tin Am 't I 23' L Area 5" Side walk 4-5" Planing Area 2" 5" Bike lane 5" Bike lane 2" 4-5" Plan(n Area 5' Side walk 6 Planting Area 11' Travel Lane 11" Travel Lane Median 90• Right—ot—Way Figure 1: NCDOT Complete Street Typical Section 2J - Two-lane Divided (23 foot median) with Curb and Gutter, Bike Lanes, and Sidewalks 6" 2" 5" 1Y 11" 5" 2" 4-5" 5" 6" 1T6° Planting Sfde Planting Bike Travel Lane Median Travel Lane Bike Plantfn Sid e Planting Area walk Area lane lane Area walk Area 80' Right—ot—Way Figure 2: NCDOT Complete Street Typical Section 2L - Two-lane Divided (17.5 foot median) with Curb and Gutter, Bike Lanes, and Sidewalks 3 6" 5" 4-5" 2" 14" 12" 23. 12" 14" 2" 4-5" 5" 6" Planting Side Planting Travel Lane Travel Lane Median Travel Lane Travel Lane Planting Side Planting Area walk Area Area walk I Area — 110" Right —of —Way Figure 3: NCDOT Complete Street Typical Section 4C - Four -lane Divided (23 foot median) with Curb and Gutter, Bike Lanes, and Sidewalks Feedback gathered from the public indicated that most of the respondents preferred a two-lane typical section be used on Big Mill Farm Road/Hopkins Road, if feasible based on traffic volumes. A traffic forecast completed in December 2016 estimated between 9,400 and 14,900 vehicles per day along the proposed segment of Hopkins Road/Big Mill Farm Road in the design year 2040 which did not warrant a four -lane section. From the interchange to West Mountain Street, the two-lane typical section with a 23' median was selected. The southern portion of the proposed Big Mill Farm Road extension which crosses I-40 Business was proposed as a four -lane section to accommodate potential future widening across the interstate and to match the existing southern terminus of the project (Harmon Creek Road). Feedback gathered from the public indicated that bicycle and pedestrian facilities were desired by a majority of the respondents, although they placed a lower priority on these items in comparison to safety, traffic flow, aesthetics and lighting. Approximately three fourths of the participants preferred a narrow sidewalk, compared to a wide sidewalk or multiuse trail. Similarly, nearly 90% of the participants preferred one-way bicycle facilities over a multiuse trail. Based on this input and in reference with local plans and standard design practices, five- foot bike lanes and five-foot sidewalks were selected. Big Mill Farm and I-40 Business Interchange Concepts Five concepts for the proposed interchange on I-40 Business at Big Mill Farm Road were considered as listed below: Concept 1: Partial Clover with Southeast Quadrant Loop • Concept 2: Partial Clover with Northwest and Southeast Quadrant Loops • Concept 3: Partial Clover with Northeast and Southeast Quadrant Loops Concept 4: Diamond Interchange • Concept 5: Diverging Diamond Interchange Concepts 1 and 2 were carried forward for detailed study. The remaining three concepts were eliminated for the following reasons: 0 Concept 3 — Conceptual designs indicated that the partial clover with loops in the northeast and southeast quadrant would have a larger footprint and more impacts than the other interchange concepts with the same traffic benefits and was therefore excluded from further detailed study. 2 Concept 4 — Due to steep topography and large elevation differences in the southwest quadrant, the diamond interchange was excluded from further detailed study. Concept 5 — The diverging diamond interchange was originally considered as a concept to potentially reduce the size of the interchange and impacts. After investigating the vertical design required for the ramps, it was found that the alignments of the ramps for the diverging diamond interchange were near to the location of the ramps in the other four concepts. Since the diverging diamond wasn't needed from a traffic perspective and did not present a smaller impact area benefit, Concept 5 was excluded from further detailed study. Hopkins Road and Big Mill Farm Road Intersection Concepts Three concepts were considered at the Big Mill Farm Road, Hopkins Road, and Bluff School Road intersection. The estimated impacts during preliminary design for each concept are outlined below in Table 1: • A signalized four -leg intersection • A roundabout An unsignalized offset intersection Table 1: Estimated Impacts during Preliminary Design for Hopkins Road/Big Mill Farm Road/Bluff School Road Intersection Concepts Newly Intersection Intersection Disturbed LOS' LOS' Alternative Area (2040 AM (2040 PM Access acres Peak) Peak Signalized Four -Leg 0.4 B B Full Access Intersection Roundabout 0.5 D C Full access Right-in/Right-Out from Unsignalized Offset eastbound Bluff School Intersection . 05 B B Road and westbound Hopkins Road 'Level of Service All three options would provide acceptable level of service. The signalized four -leg intersection provided the best level of service while maintaining the existing access at the intersection and minimizing the amount of acreage of newly impacted land. This concept was selected as the preferred option for further detailed study. Kerners Mill Creek Crossing Concepts During the field review of natural resources, a tributary stream to Kerners Mill Creek (Stream SN) was identified parallel to Hopkins Road. A symmetrical widening alignment would result in impacts along the length of this stream more than 300 linear feet. Therefore, two other concepts were evaluated in this location. Both concepts proposed maintaining the proposed typical section and widening Hopkins Road to the west to avoid or minimize parallel stream impacts. Concept 1 proposed 130 linear feet of stream impacts (Kerners Mill Creek and Stream SS) and 0.1 acres of wetland impacts (Wetland WO). Concept 2 proposed 180 linear feet of stream impacts (Kerners Mill Creek and Stream SS). Concept 1 was selected to be carried forward for detailed design. 5 "No Build" Alternative The No Build alternative would not improve Hopkins Road, extend Big Mill Farm Road, construct an interchange on I-40 Business, and would not meet the project purpose and need. It was carried forward to serve as a basis for comparing impacts and benefits of the build alternatives. Detailed Study Alternatives Two detailed study alternatives were presented at the second public meeting in August 2017. For both, a four -lane typical section with a 23-foot median, four -foot bike lanes, and sidewalks on both sides is proposed from the existing Harmon Creek Road across the proposed I-40 Business interchange. A two-lane typical section with a 23-foot median, bike lanes, and sidewalks is proposed from the north of the interchange to West Mountain Street. The two alternatives had different interchange configurations: • Alternative A — Partial clover interchange on I-40 Business at Big Mill Farm Road with ramps in the northeast and northwest quadrant and a loop and ramp in the southeast quadrant. • Alternative B — Partial clover interchange on I-40 Business at Big Mill Farm Road with a loop and ramp in the northwest and southeast quadrants. Estimated impacts based on the preliminary design for the detailed study alternatives are summarized in Table 2. In comments received following the August 2017 public meeting, the public had a slight preference for Alternative B over Alternative A. Alternative B was anticipated to have fewer impacts than Alternative A with the same traffic and mobility benefits as Alternative A and was therefore selected as the preferred alternative. The No -Build alternative does not meet the purpose and need of the project. Table 2: Estimated Impacts for STIP No. U-5760 Detailed Study Alternatives Topic 1. Alternative A B No -Build 100-Year Floodplain Crossings 1 1 0 Residential Relocations 5 4 0 Wetland Impacts 0.15 acres 0.15 acres 0 acres Stream Crossings 7 6 0 Stream Impacts 2,525 if 1,895 if 0 if Total Cost Estimate (in millions) $30,150,000 $29,150,000 $0 Construction Cost $27,100,000 $26,300,000 $0 Utility Relocation Cost $650,000 $650,000 $0 Right of Way Cost 1 $2,400,000 1 $2,200,000 1 $0 NOTE 1: There were no impacts from any detailed study alternatives on railroad crossings, schools, recreational areas and parks, churches, major utility crossings, National Register eligible resources, archaeological sites, federally -listed species, prime and unique farmland, hazardous material sites, riparian buffers, water supply watershed protected areas, wildlife refuges and game lands, section 4(f) impacts, and environmental justice population disproportionate and adverse impacts. NOTE 2: Impacts were calculated using a 25-foot buffer of the proposed slopes stakes where available and a 25-foot buffer of the potential impact area in other locations as determined by the engineer. The potential impact area was a 20 to 50-foot buffer of the edge of travel. no Preferred Alternative Alternative B was selected as the preferred interchange alternative on I-40 Business at the Big Mill Farm Road extension. This alternative is a partial cloverleaf interchange with loops and ramps in the northwest and southeast quadrants. A four -lane typical section with a 23-foot median, four -foot bike lanes, and sidewalks on both sides is proposed from the existing Harmon Creek Road across the proposed 1-40 Business interchange. A two-lane typical section with a 23- foot median, bike lanes, and sidewalks is proposed from the north of the interchange to West Mountain Street. RESOURCE STATUS Wetland delineations within the proposed project study corridor followed the field delineation method outlined in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (USACE, 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0) (USACE, 2010). Stream identification and classification followed the Methodology for the Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins (NC Division of Water Resources [NCDWR], 2010 and 2005). Jurisdictional features identified in the project study corridor were verified by USACE Regulatory Specialist John Thomas and NCDWR Regulatory Specialist Dave Wanucha on June 30, 2016 and a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (Pre -JD), with Action ID: SAW-2016- 01337, was issued for the project study corridor on February 4, 2020. A majority of the water resources in the study corridor are part of the Yadkin River basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03040101], with several of the water resources in the northern portion of the study corridor existing within the Roanoke River Basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03010103]. Jurisdictional features within the project study corridor that will be impacted include one unnamed tributary (UT) to Smith Creek (NCDWR Classification WS-III; NCDWR Index No. 12-94-12-2-1), two UTs to Kerners Mill Creek (NCDWR Classification WS-III; NCDWR Index No. 12-94-12-2-(0.3)), Kerners Mill Creek, and three riparian wetlands. There are no designated anadromous fish waters or Primary Nursery Areas (PNA) present in the study corridor. There are no designated High Quality Waters (HQW) or water supply watersheds (WS-I or WS-II) in or within 1.0-mile downstream of the study corridor. There are no impaired waters in or within 1.0-mile downstream of the study corridor according to the North Carolina 2018 Final 303(d) list of impaired waters. There are no benthic or fish monitoring data in or within 1.0-mile downstream of the study corridor. IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES Surface Waters Total surface water impacts resulting from the proposed project include 1,372 linear feet of permanent stream impacts and 266 linear feet of temporary stream impacts. All pipes carrying jurisdictional features will be buried the required 1 foot or 20% (48 inches or smaller), except the pipe system at Site 6. Site 6 was a challenging design due to the following factors that were discussed with NCDWR: 7 The existing stream currently flows at an extreme skew to the proposed roadway, requiring a pipe system design with inlets and other pipes to convey the stream safely through the roadway. A 30-foot storm drain enters the system from the Northwest and the additional associated water entering the system would result in sediment deposition at the pipe outlet, potentially causing sedimentation issues downstream. The proposed pipe layout was required to maintain traffic during construction. The proposed roadway will be constructed several feet higher than the existing roadway, and the stream is required to cross the road at a specific location to allow for traffic flow at all times during construction. No temporary or permanent open water impacts will result from the proposed project. The jurisdictional stream impacts are summarized below in Table 3. There will be no impacts to surface waters from utilities for the proposed project. Table 3. STIP No. U-5760 Stream Impacts in the Yadkin River Basin Stream Impacts Impacts Permit Name/ I/P Permanent Temp. requiring requiring Mitigation Site No. JD Packet Flow Impact Type Impacts (ft) Impacts USACE NCDWR Ratio Status (ft) 1 mitigation mitigation ID (ft) (ft) Culvert 25 - Extension 1 A SD p 56 - 2:1 Channel 31 82 Improvements Culvert Extension 522 113 SD p 542 542 2:1 Channel Improvements 20 20 2A SN P Fill 233 10 233 233 2:1 Culvert 24 - 2B SN P 49 49 2:1 Channel Improvements 25 10 2C SN P Fill 82 10 82 82 2:1 Culvert 61 - Kerners Mill Extension 4A Creek P 91 2:1 Channel Improvements 30 28 413 Kerners Mill P Channel 35 19 35 - 2:1 Creek Improvements Culvert 122 - 6A SS P 192 2:1 Channel Change 70 22 Culvert 82 6B SS P 92 - 2:1 Channel Improvements 10 65 TOTALS (ft) 1,372 266 1,372 906 - NOTES: I = Intermittent; P = Perennial; 'Mitigation for bank stabilization not required by USACE. i Wetlands There will be a total of 0.11 acre of permanent wetland impacts resulting from the proposed project. The permanent wetland impacts will result from road construction and includes impacts due to fill (0.094 acre), excavation (0.002 acre), and mechanized clearing (0.014 acre). No temporary wetland impacts will result from the proposed project. Permanent wetland impacts are summarized in Table 4. Table 4. STIP No. U-5760 Wetland Impacts in the Yadkin River Basin Permit Site No. JD Package ID Permanent Fill (ac) Excavation (ac) Mechanized Clearing (ac) Total Impacts (ac) 2A WF - 0.001 0.001 0.002 3 WF - 0.001 0.001 0.002 5 WQ 0.001 - 0.012 0.013 6A WO 0.093 - - 0.093 TOTALS (ac) 0.094 0.002 0.014 0.11 MITIGATION OPTIONS The USACE has adopted, through the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), a wetland mitigation policy that embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands" and sequencing. The purpose of this policy is to restore and maintain the chemical, biological, and physical integrity of the waters of the United States. CEQ has defined mitigation of wetland and surface water impacts to include: avoiding impacts, minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, reducing impacts over time, and compensating for impacts (40 CFR 1508.20). The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning phase and minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. Minimization includes the examination of appropriate and practicable steps to reduce the adverse impacts. Avoidance and Minimization Avoidance and minimization have been employed in the project corridor to the maximum extent practicable. The following minimization measures were implemented for the proposed project: • NCDOT's Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Protection of Surface Waters will be enforced; • Impacts to wetlands, streams, and open waters were avoided and/or minimized by adjusting the alignment to follow a best -fit and use a two-lane typical section instead of a four -lane typical section; • Retaining walls, including one in the southwest quadrant of the proposed interchange, have been proposed to minimize impacts to streams; • An interchange alternative with impacts to only two quadrants, as opposed to three or four quadrants, was selected to minimize impacts to streams SD and SJ; • Sidewalk moved to the back of curb to reduce the typical section width near Timberwood Trail to minimize parallel stream impacts to stream SN; • Shifted horizontal alignment west near Kerners Mill Creek to minimize parallel stream impacts to stream SN; I • A 2:1 slope is proposed along I-40 Business, near stream SD, to minimize the impacts due to the culvert extension; • A 2:1 slope is proposed near stream SS and wetland WC to minimize impacts; • All storm drainage will be diffused and designed for non -erosive velocities before entering stream and wetland areas to the maximum extent practicable; • Rip rap stabilization on banks of jurisdictional streams will be implemented to prevent erosion; Proposed stream impacts (1,372 linear feet) for the proposed project decreased from the impacts calculated for the MCDC (1,430 linear feet). This decrease is due to the preliminary nature of the MCDC and the assumption of 25 linear feet of impact beyond the slope stakes which have been reduced during final design. In addition, several design enhancements have been incorporated to minimize impacts, including proposed 2:1 slopes and shifting the southbound right turn lane further south to minimize impacts near Kerners Mill Creek. The final proposed wetland impacts (0.11 acre of permanent wetland impacts) have been avoided and/or minimized by adjusting the alignment to follow a best -fit and proposing 2:1 slopes at specific locations during the final design. In addition, close coordination with utility companies and their proposed relocations has reduced or avoided impacts where possible. Compensatory Mitigation Compensatory mitigation requirements for the proposed project are summarized below in Table 5. This project will permanently impact 1,372 feet of stream and 0.11 acre of riparian wetland. The USACE is requiring 2:1 mitigation for 1,372 feet of permanent perennial stream impacts. The mitigation requirements of 500 feet of permanent warm water stream impacts will be provided by the NCDMS for the proposed project (Table 5). This project will also permanently impact 0.11 acre of wetlands for which the USACE will require a 2:1 mitigation ratio. The mitigation requirement of 0.25* acre of permanent wetland impacts will be provided by the NCDMS for the proposed project. Table 5. STIP No. U-5760 Required Compensatory Mitigation Summary Stream Impacts (ft) Wetland Impacts (ac) Impacts Requiring 1,372 0.11 Mitigation Required DMS 1,372 0.11 Mitigation (2:1) Total DMS 2,744 0.22 Mitigation FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with a Federal classification of Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended. As of June 27, 2018, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists two federally protected species for Forsyth County: northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), and small-anthered bittercress (Cardamine micranthera). The N.C. Natural Heritage Program 10 (NCNHP) element occurrence database records (updated January 2020) indicates there are no known federally listed species occurrences in or within 1-mile of the project study corridor. Small-anthered bittercress is listed as endangered on the current USFWS list of protected species in Forsyth County. The plant species is endemic to the Dan River drainage of Roanoke River sub and occurs in moist, wet woods along small to intermittent sized streams, stream bank edges and seepages above the actual stream channel, wet rock crevices, and sand and gravel bars of small streams. Suitable habitat for small-anthered bittercress exists along the small forested streams found throughout the project corridor. Kimley-Horn biologists conducted pedestrian surveys for small-anthered bittercress in areas of suitable habitat on May 10, 2016 and no individuals were observed. In addition, a review of NCNHP records (updated January 2020) indicates no known occurrences of small-anthered bittercress within 1.0 mile of the study corridor. Due to the lack of known occurrences and the lack of observed individuals, it has been determined that the proposed project will have "No Effect" on small-anthered bittercress. The northern long-eared bat (NLEB) is listed as a threatened species on the current USFWS list of protected species in Forsyth County. A review of the NCNHP records (updated January 2020) indicates no known occurrences of NLEB in or within 1.0 mile of the study corridor. Selective tree clearing will occur during the construction of this project. No known NLEB roosting sites or hibernacula are documented within the project study corridor. Potentially suitable habitat is present due to the presence of 3-inch diameter trees in the area, however, there are no known hibernacula or roosting sites in Forsyth County. In addition, Forsyth County is not identified by the USFWS Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office as a county where incidental take may be a special consideration for NLEB. While the proposed project will involve percussive activities, the project corridor is located outside of a known hibernacula or area of mature roosting trees. Given these circumstances, USACE's Alternative Local Procedure (ALP) 1 would be used. Due to the presence of potentially suitable habitat but the lack of known occurrences, hibernacula, or roosting sites within the project corridor, it has been determined that the proposed project "May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect" the NLEB. The bald eagle is protected by the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA). Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the project study corridor, as well as the area within a 1.13- mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the project limits, was performed. Numerous man-made ponds, large enough and sufficiently open to be considered potential feeding sources, were identified within or near the project corridor. Some forested natural areas within the study corridor contain tress of sufficient size for bald eagle nests. Foraging and nesting habitat is present within the study corridor; therefore, a survey of the project study corridor and the area within 660 feet of the project limits was conducted on May 10, 2016. No bald eagle nests or individuals were observed. In addition, a review of the NCNHP records (updated January 2020) indicates no known occurrences of the bald eagle within 1.0 mile of the project study corridor. Due to the lack of known occurrences, the lack of observed individuals, and the minimal impact anticipated for this project, it has been determined that the proposed project will have "No Effect" on the bald eagle. CULTURAL RESOURCES A "No Survey Required Form" was completed by NCDOT on July 13, 2017 for historic architecture and landscapes due to the lack of National Register listed properties within the Area of Potential Effects (APE). A "No National Register of Historic Places Eligible or Listed 11 Archaeological Sites Present Form" was completed by NCDOT on January 10, 2017 and indicated that no National Register listed, or eligible archaeological sites were identified nor did any of the subsurface investigations reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. Therefore, no further archaeological investigations are required for the proposed project. The above referenced letters are attached as part of this permit package. A "Tribal Coordination Request" was prepared by NCDOT and submitted to the Catawba Indian Nation on March 4, 2020. No response has been received from the Catawba Indian Nation. The letter request is attached as part of this permit package. FEMA COMPLIANCE The Hopkins Road portion of the project corridor crosses Kerners Mill Creek, a FEMA-regulated stream. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will be required due to the anticipated culvert extensions or replacement within the regulated floodway. The CLOMR will be submitted to the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) in compliance with the Memorandum of Agreement between NCDOT and NCFMP. INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE EFFECTS An Indirect and Cumulative Effect (ICE) screening was completed in December 2016. Indirect and cumulative effects were considered for the time period between 2012 and 2035, which is the horizon date of the Winston Salem Metropolitan Planning Organization's Long Range Transportation Plan. Indirect Effects The proposed project is anticipated to result in a minor amount of new development and redevelopment. Additional access to I-40 Business/US 421 that will be provided by the proposed interchange at Big Mill Farm Road will make the area north of West Mountain Street more attractive to industry and will create an opportunity for new development and higher density redevelopment and infill at the interchange. For these reasons construction of this project is expected to have some indirect effects on land use decisions in the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). A Land Use Scenario Assessment is not likely. Cumulative Effects The proposed project, in combination with other projects currently proposed within the FLUSA, is anticipated to change land from pervious to impervious uses. However, with the environmental and geographical restrictions on undeveloped land, only minor impacts to the local watershed are anticipated. This project may have an effect on the pace at which some development occurs. Direct natural environmental impacts by NCDOT projects will be addressed by avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures consistent with programmatic agreements with the natural resource agencies. All developments will be required to follow local, state, and federal guidelines and permitting regulations. 12 Conclusion Cumulatively, this project and other planned transportation improvements are expected to enhance mobility and improve travel time locally and regionally. Local planners expect that the proposed project will have only a slight impact on the level or pace of development. WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS This project will not impact any designated Wild and Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542, as amended) or North Carolina Natural and Scenic Rivers. ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT The project will not impact any essential fish habitat afforded protection under the Magnuson -Stevens Act of 1996 (16 U.S.0 1801 et seq.). REGULATORY APPROVALS Application is hereby made for a Department of the Army Section 404 Individual Permit as required for the above -described activities for the proposed project. We are also hereby requesting a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWR. In compliance with Section 143-215.31) (e) of the NCAC, we will provide you permission to debit the WBS number for $570.00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit. We are providing two copies of this application to NCDWR for their review and approval. Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Please contact me at (336) 747-7800 or aeuliss@ncdot.gov if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Amy Euliss NCDOT Division 9, Environmental Officer cc: Amy Chapman, NCDWR Beth Harmon, Division of Mitigation Services Rhodes Hunt, PE Kimley Horn Phil Suggs, NCDOT Roadside Environmental Field Operations Divisions 9 and 10 Connie James, PE NCDOT Division 9 Project Manager Marcus Kiser, PE NCDOT Division 9 Resident Engineer 13 TIP# U-5760 Application for Department of Army Permit U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Form Approved - APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB No. 0710-0003 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency is CECW-CO-R. Expires: 30-SEPTEMBER-2015 Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) First - Amy Middle - Last - Euliss First - Middle - Last - Company - NCDOT - Division 9 Company - E-mail Address - aeuliss@ncdot.gov E-mail Address - 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS: Address- 375 Silas Creek Parkway Address - City - Winston Salem State - NC Zip - 27127 Country -USA City - State - Zip - Country - 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 919-747-7800 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. 1 hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from south of I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street (NCDOT TIP# U-5760) 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Kemers Mill Creek Address N/A - Linear Transportation Project 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: -N 35.595274 Longitude: -W 78.815630 City - Kernersville State- NC Zip- 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID N/A -Linear Transportation Project Municipality Kernersville Section - Township - Range - ENG FORM 4345, DEC 2014 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE The proposed project is located at Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street in Forsyth County, NC (See Figure 1: Vicinity Map). The project and its vicinity are primarily composed of dense residential and commercial development, with scattered forested areas throughout. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen Hopkins Road from West Mountain Street to the intersection with Big Mill Farm Road; this intersection will also be improved. Big Mill Farm Road will be widened, improved, and extended from Hopkins Road to Harmon Creek Road. A new interchange will be added at I-40 Bus/US 421 and the Big Mill Road extension (TIP U-5760) in Forsyth County. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The primary purpose of the project is to reduce congestion. Additional purposes for this project include improving mobility and access to major highways in west Kernersville as well as accommodating economic development expansion in the area. South Main Street in Kernersville as traffic approaches I-40 frequently experiences queuing and slowdowns due to congestion. Hopkins Road also experiences congestion as it serves as a regional connection to the I-40 and South Main Street interchange. USE BLOCKS 20-23 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Impacts will result from the widening, improvement, and extension of existing roadway, shoulders, and associated hydraulic structures. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Soil/Fill: 10,124 Cubic Yards Rip -Rap: 285 Cubic Yards 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres 0.11 or Linear Feet 1,372 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) See attached cover letter ENG FORM 4345, DEC 2014 Page 2 of 3 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes FX—]No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (if more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). a. Address- See attached Permit Impact Drawings and Adjacent Property Owner Table City - State - Zip - b. Address - City - State - Zip - c. Address - City - State - Zip - d. Address - City - State - Zip - e. Address - City - State - Zip - 26. List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* IDENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER * Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, DEC 2014 Page 3 of 3 TIP# U-5760 Figures Legend TIP U-2579 Study Area Project Study Area Kernersville Winston-Salem Forsyth County Virginia Tennessee LL Ln U SURRY 2,000 4,000 Feet STOKES ROCKINGHAM North YADKIN C ra olina FORSYTH ----, Project Location GUILFORD South 0 40 80 Carolina 0 6 12 DAVIDSON mmw= Miles Atlantic Ocean mom= Miles `> --------- - RANDOLPH o� Tun Figure 1: Vicinity Map �� N TIP U-5760 j! Rj- Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 8 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street A Kernersville, Forsyth County �' •. , ^JJ Z-41l - Jr �� ! = a • f��46 71 ` • - 75 1�"ffop, 10 y - l - • •l - i �• �` ^1� E}. ♦ •_ 4 100000 Legend '� 12 • rJ Project Study Area ,, .� •� ' 0 1,500 3,000 Feet �tio4µoR7h Figure 2: USGS Topographic Map TIP U-5760 i Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street °F Kernersville, Forsyth County r, � . ► 'na.1 • C ■; . '�` i ti r 'r : ti66 _ �jllu • j r—_lip AL... .. �. ■ - .'.L' •1 Legend Streams TIP U-2579 Streams Wetlands TIP U-2579 Wetlandsir Ponds S TIP U-2579 Ponds ,, r 0 1,800 3,600 Project Study Area is _i TIP U-2579 Study Area Feet Figure 3: Jurisdictional Features Index Map TIP U-5760 8j Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from q south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street OvmAk Kernersville, Forsyth County 04 Ab 66 • moll vpp�% N Legend Streams J. ell Wetlands Mh Ponds 0 250 500 Project Study Area Feet Figure 3a: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street Kernersville, Forsyth County kilt! Ott r i tiro i Ok , WX..5' �� } " illll►i"ul i r �• AIM' LegendY- �,,, Streams .y. 0 100 200 Project Study Area Feet Figure 3b: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 8 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street .�A> Kernersville, Forsyth County Ar 4A. w SS t Y . 1 ,�i•- WL F , '1111112 ' � �y .-6' i � �. . rt- ' K !�'ti �til� r t -�;+}4 , �Yr}'+� 3' ��� •�'• :J -', .. .4.iF'1 *�i _ �. {' - 7, w1�"'e:�Mr y�i(���, w• Y"• ry 1 •'�,, k �;y( _ ^` A� A - .. , oil Stanley Farm Ct Legend Streams Wetlands 0 100 200 Project Study Area , Y , '-., Feet �'0"NORTy� Figure 3c: Jurisdictional Features Map � TIP U-5760 =I Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from g south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street °F ' Kernersville, Forsyth County .. � F 04 10 ' n;t ,. � _�• Vic?• � �� ,. ' ��,] 1 l �f � „ i���,� �• ', ] .�, . 401 PPP .o x k 9L p 44 R ..A - ;:may '. _ ` `i''� y'� a1 !' -A\��C'� _• _sir` ,. ►, i �. .i5 1 r�" Wl r + IN .L:... 71, tlh Legend.�,;r,. Streams Wetlands 0 0 250 50 i Feet Project Study Area "' 9. e��►� Figure 3d: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 8j Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from q > south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street nFA Kernersville, Forsyth County a� woo Regents Park R_ 26 , PP .h �+.. � �% ~�' � �—• SN W F- A rp SV� 4. _�y., r4 in A t. y vv mm '1 SV Tom• ,,•• { fY!'�•�^ ,fir :•i is I ,r � _ ;.�f M ?9�', �,;• � � v_r�1 «•. '.�.: ,y�. Rv �y►� FRS .: P, Legend —I"-- Streams N� Wetlands Ponds 0 250 500 Project Study Area �' '`' i `' Feet �w�Ka,nh Figure 3e: Jurisdictional Features Map , TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from q south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street OF TA Kernersville, Forsyth County Streams TIP U-2579 Streams ^' r Wetlands TIP U-2579 Wetlands Ponds S TIP U-2579 Ponds 0 250 500 ` Project Study Area � TIP U-2579 Study Area Feet Figure 3f: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 z Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 8 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street 9OF-MA Kernersville, Forsyth County .�'". ;e r 9 e� w - 5 T? � SMW CTek 'c #SG; � pQ pR WI �.. Jr Legend h ► _ '` '", Streams TIP U-2579 Streams ' Y Wetlands TIP U-2579 Wetlands Ponds S TIP U-2579 Ponds Project Study Area I TIP U-2579 Study Area i Feet Ofh� . Figure 3f: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 4 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street 8 'OF TR"' � Kernersville, Forsyth County (. { � . i � , � •,.+ t + `� � �' � ; fTii, b_ # � `may. �i H; 1 q � �� �� .� `'���t S } =tea :I ��"� rl•, ! � �.. � ,M%E `, .y .:`' f � ' - ,i- '� r� y s. a+ �s 1 •y -'�� e � ,1�'z,Y � � + � z 1 't. ° { a .�I.: "'k% �F' I , - MINW F92 `I S J � -` - -- _ -.• -_ -_ �, "'n� �lf„ . gal. 1 r it - Ff - �r . iif fat .3 i PBiL POP Legend Streams Wetlands A �` Ponds PE TIP U-2579 Study Area 500 1,000 r'r Project Study Area Feet p gr;V Figure 3h: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 z Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from �dFA�q south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street 8 Kernersville, Forsyth County Legend Streams Ponds Project Study Area fi iL 7' C: 0 350 700 Feet Figure 31: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street Kernersville, Forsyth County TIP# U-5760 NC DMS Mitigation Acceptance Letter ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director Ms. Amy Euliss NCDOT Division 9 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 Dear Ms. Euliss: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 13, 2020 Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: Division 9, TIP Number U-5760, Kernersville Southern Loop (Phase I) Forsyth County, WBS No 46381.1.1 The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the stream and wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you in April 2020, the impacts are located in CU 03040101 of the Yadkin River basin in the Central Piedmont (CP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Stream & Wetlands River Basin Cu Location Eco- Region Stream Wetlands Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non- Coastal Riparian Marsh Impacts Yadkin 03040101 CP 0 0 1,372.0 0.11 0 0 *Some of the stream and wetland impacts may be proposed to be mitigated at a 1:1 mitigation ratio. See permit application for details. DMS commits to implementing sufficient compensatory stream and wetland mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, James B. Stanfill DMS Asset Management Supervisor Cc: Ms. Nicholle Braspennickx, USACE - Asheville Regulatory Field Office Mr. Monte Matthews, USACE - Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NC Division of Water Resources - Raleigh Mr. Dave Wanucha, NC Division of Water Resources File: U-5760 - Division 9 NORTH CRROLWAD 1 DWaNnant al BMronnbaWl DM !� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 TIP# U-5760 Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW No. 2016-01337 County: Forsyth U.S.G.S. Quad: NC- Kernersville NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Requestor: North Carolina Department of Transportation Jeff Hemphill Address: 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Telephone Number: 919-707-6126 E-mail: ihemphillAncdot.gov Size (acres) 674.25 acres Nearest Town Kernersville Nearest Waterway Kerners Mill Creek River Basin Upper Pee Dee USGS HUC 03040101 Coordinates Latitude: 36.111732 Longitude:-80.106633 Location description: Big Mill Road and Hopkins Road from south of I-40Business[US-421 to West Mountain Street, Kernersville. Forsvth Countv. North Carolina. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination ® There appear to be waters, including wetlands on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). The waters, including wetlands have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation maps, Figures 1-3 a-i dated 8/1/2016. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory mitigation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. ❑ There appear to be waters, including wetlands on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters, including wetlands have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction over all of the waters, including wetlands at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters, including wetlands on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ There are waters, including wetlandson the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ We recommend you have the waters, including wetlands on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. SAW No. 2016-01337 ❑ The waters, including wetlands on your project area/property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation map dated DATE. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. ❑ The waters, including wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below onDATE. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area/property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US, including wetlands, without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Nicholle Braspennickx at 704-510-0162 or Nicholle.M.B raspennickx.usace. armv. mil. C. Basis For Determination: Basis For Determination: See the preliminary jurisdictional determination form dated 02/04/2020. D. Remarks: None. E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Phillip Shannin, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 10M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by Not applicable. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Corps Regulatory Official: Date of JD: 02/04/2020 Expiration Date of JD: Not applicable SAW No. 2016-01337 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 Copy furnished: Agent: Kimley Horn Willie Sullivan Address: 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone Number: 919-677-2113 E-mail: William.Sullivan(&kimley-horn.com NOTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND lAplicant: REQUEST FOR APPEAL North Carolina Department of File Number: SAW No. 2016-01337 Date: 02/04/2020 sportation, Jeff Hemphill Attached is: See Section below ❑ INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A ❑ PROFFERED PERMIT Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) B ❑ PERMIT DENIAL C ❑ APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D ® PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at or http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civi]Works/Repulaton ProgramandPennits.aspx or the Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. INT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may appeal process you may contact: also contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Mr. Phillip Shannin, Administrative Appeal Review Officer Attn: Nicholle Braspennickx CESAD-PDO Charlotte Regulatory Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division U.S Army Corps of Engineers 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1OM15 8430 University Executive Park Drive, Suite 615 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 Phone: (404) 562-5137 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. Date: Telephone number: Signature of appellant or agent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: Nicholle Braspennickx, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and Approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Phillip Shannin, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1OM15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PJD: 02/04/2020 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PJD: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Jeff Hemphill, 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: Wilmington District, NCDOT/U-5760, Big Mill Road and Hopkins Road, from south of I-40B/US-421 to West Mountain Street, SAW No. 2016-01337 D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Big Mill Road and Hopkins Road from south of I-40Business/US-421 (USE THE TABLE BELOW TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND/OR AQUATIC RESOURCES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County: Forsyth City: Kernersville Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Latitude: 36.111732 Longitude:-80.106633 Universal Transverse Mercator: Name of nearest waterbody: Kerners Mill Creek E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ® Office (Desk) Determination. Date: January 24, 2020 ❑ Field Determination. Date(s): TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION. Estimated Class of Site Latitude Longitude Cowardin amount of aquatic number Class aquatic resource resource in review area Kerners 36.1268 -80.1151 Riverine 1,075 linear feet non -section 10 Mill Creek — non -tidal Smith Creek 36.1097 -80.1089 Riverine 4,432 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SA 36.1092 -80.0888 Riverine 10 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SB 36.1080 -80.1034 Riverine 275 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SD 36.1136 -80.1056 Riverine 1,775 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SG 36.1114 -80.1146 Riverine 164 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SH 36.1113 -80.1220 Riverine 566 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SI 36.1113 -80.1209 Riverine 426 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal Si 36.1125 -80.1043 Riverine 1,252 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SM 36.1127 -80.1149 Riverine 531 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SN 36.1262 -80.1125 Riverine 1,441 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SO 36.1368 -80.1153 Riverine 21 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SP 36.1342 -80.1223 Riverine 73 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SR 36.1341 -80.1151 Riverine 36 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SS 36.1286 -80.1151 Riverine 2,420 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal ST 36.1335 -80.1155 Riverine 91 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SU 36.1332 -80.1154 Riverine 131 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SV 36.1242 -80.1128 Riverine 1,994 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SW 36.1236 -80.1129 Riverine 351 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal SX 36.1094 -80.0903 Riverine 47 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal ESE-S38 36.1122 -80.1147 Riverine 135 linear feet non -section 10 — non -tidal non -section 10 ESE-S41 36.1122 -80.1147 Riverine 202 linear feet — non -tidal non -section 10 PA 36.1141 -80.1051 Lacustrine 0.13 acre — non -tidal non -section 10 PI 36.1250 -80.1110 Lacustrine 1.51 acres — non -tidal non -section 10 WA 36.1079 -80.1067 Palustrine 0.55 acre —wetland non -section 10 WB 36.1110 -80.1138 Palustrine 0.87 acre —wetland non -section 10 WD 36.1113 -80.1132 Palustrine 0.17 acre —wetland non -section 10 WE 36.1139 -80.1252 Palustrine 0.11 acre —wetland non -section 10 WF 36.1254 -80.1118 Palustrine 0.11 acre —wetland non -section 10 WG 36.1343 -80.1223 Palustrine 0.03 acre —wetland non -section 10 WH 36.1341 -80.1223 Palustrine 0.02 acre —wetland non -section 10 WI 36.1271 -80.1125 Palustrine 0.96 acre —wetland non -section 10 WJ 36.1263 -80.1124 Palustrine 0.11 acre —wetland non -section 10 WL 36.1337 -80.1152 Palustrine 0.003 acre —wetland non -section 10 WM 36.1336 -80.1153 Palustrine 0.006 acre —wetland WN 36.1337 -80.1157 Palustrine 0.01 acre non -section 10 —wetland WO 36.1284 -80.1150 Palustrine 0.11 acre non -section 10 —wetland WQ 36.1270 -80.1139 Palustrine 0.04 acre non -section 10 —wetland WR 36.1269 -80.1143 Palustrine 0.06 acre non -section 10 —wetland WS 36.1271 -80.1156 Palustrine 0.43 acre non -section 10 —wetland ESE-W20 36.1118 -80.1214 Palustrine 0.14 acre non -section 10 —wetland ESE-W21 36.1120 -80.1214 Palustrine 0.03 acre non -section 10 —wetland ESE-W22 36.1115 -80.1131 Palustrine 0.08 acre non -section 10 —wetland 1) The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. 2) In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre- construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AJD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AJD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AJD or a PJD, the JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be" waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for PJD (check all that apply) Checked items should be included in subject file. Appropriately reference sources below where indicated for all checked items: ® Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor: Figures 1-3 a- i, dated August 1, 2016, prepared by Kimley Horn. ® Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor. ® Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rationale: ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. ❑ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: ❑ Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: ❑ 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑ Photographs: ❑Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑Other (Name & Date): ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ® Other information (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarilv been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Smith Creek flows to Kerners Mill Creek. Kerners Mill Creek flows to Salem Creek. Salem Creek, flows to Muddy Creek, Muddy Creek flows to the Yadkin River. Corps of Engineers regulations at 33 CFR Part 328.3(a)(5) asserts Clean Water Act jurisdiction over tributaries to other waters of the U.S. The delineated tributaries to Smith Creek, Kerners Mill Creek are also potential waters of the U.S. The delineated wetlands are adjacent to the aforementioned stream channels. Corps of Engineers regulations at 33 CFR Part 328.3(a)(7) asserts CWA jurisdiction over wetlands adjacent to waters of the U.S. stream channels. Signature and date of Regulatory staff member completing PJD 02/04/2020 Signature and date of person requesting PJD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable)1 1 Districts may establish timeframes for requester to return signed PJD forms. If the requester does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. Legend TIP U-2579 Study Area Project Study Area Kernersville Winston-Salem Forsyth County Virginia Tennessee LL Ln U SURRY 2,000 4,000 Feet STOKES ROCKINGHAM North YADKIN C ra olina FORSYTH ----, Project Location GUILFORD South 0 40 80 Carolina 0 6 12 DAVIDSON mmw= Miles Atlantic Ocean mom= Miles `> --------- - RANDOLPH o� Tun Figure 1: Vicinity Map �� N TIP U-5760 j! Rj- Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 8 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street A Kernersville, Forsyth County �' •. , ^JJ Z-41l - Jr �� ! = a • f��46 71 ` • - 75 1�"ffop, 10 y - l - • •l - i �• �` ^1� E}. ♦ •_ 4 100000 Legend '� 12 • rJ Project Study Area ,, .� •� ' 0 1,500 3,000 Feet �tio4µoR7h Figure 2: USGS Topographic Map TIP U-5760 i Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street °F Kernersville, Forsyth County r, � . ► 'na.1 • C ■; . '�` i ti r 'r : ti66 _ �jllu • j r—_lip AL... .. �. ■ - .'.L' •1 Legend Streams TIP U-2579 Streams Wetlands TIP U-2579 Wetlandsir Ponds S TIP U-2579 Ponds ,, r 0 1,800 3,600 Project Study Area is _i TIP U-2579 Study Area Feet Figure 3: Jurisdictional Features Index Map TIP U-5760 8j Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from q south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street OvmAk Kernersville, Forsyth County 04 Ab 66 • moll vpp�% N Legend Streams J. ell Wetlands Mh Ponds 0 250 500 Project Study Area Feet Figure 3a: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street Kernersville, Forsyth County kilt! Ott r i tiro i Ok , WX..5' �� } " illll►i"ul i r �• AIM' LegendY- �,,, Streams .y. 0 100 200 Project Study Area Feet Figure 3b: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 8 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street .�A> Kernersville, Forsyth County Ar 4A. w SS t Y . 1 ,�i•- WL F , '1111112 ' � �y .-6' i � �. . rt- ' K !�'ti �til� r t -�;+}4 , �Yr}'+� 3' ��� •�'• :J -', .. .4.iF'1 *�i _ �. {' - 7, w1�"'e:�Mr y�i(���, w• Y"• ry 1 •'�,, k �;y( _ ^` A� A - .. , oil Stanley Farm Ct Legend Streams Wetlands 0 100 200 Project Study Area , Y , '-., Feet �'0"NORTy� Figure 3c: Jurisdictional Features Map � TIP U-5760 =I Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from g south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street °F ' Kernersville, Forsyth County .. � F 04 10 ' n;t ,. � _�• Vic?• � �� ,. ' ��,] 1 l �f � „ i���,� �• ', ] .�, . 401 PPP .o x k 9L p 44 R ..A - ;:may '. _ ` `i''� y'� a1 !' -A\��C'� _• _sir` ,. ►, i �. .i5 1 r�" Wl r + IN .L:... 71, tlh Legend.�,;r,. Streams Wetlands 0 0 250 50 i Feet Project Study Area "' 9. e��►� Figure 3d: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 8j Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from q > south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street nFA Kernersville, Forsyth County a� woo Regents Park R_ 26 , PP .h �+.. � �% ~�' � �—• SN W F- A rp SV� 4. _�y., r4 in A t. y vv mm '1 SV Tom• ,,•• { fY!'�•�^ ,fir :•i is I ,r � _ ;.�f M ?9�', �,;• � � v_r�1 «•. '.�.: ,y�. Rv �y►� FRS .: P, Legend —I"-- Streams N� Wetlands Ponds 0 250 500 Project Study Area �' '`' i `' Feet �w�Ka,nh Figure 3e: Jurisdictional Features Map , TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from q south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street OF TA Kernersville, Forsyth County Streams TIP U-2579 Streams ^' r Wetlands TIP U-2579 Wetlands Ponds S TIP U-2579 Ponds 0 250 500 ` Project Study Area � TIP U-2579 Study Area Feet Figure 3f: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 z Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 8 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street 9OF-MA Kernersville, Forsyth County .�'". ;e r 9 e� w - 5 T? � SMW CTek 'c #SG; � pQ pR WI �.. Jr Legend h ► _ '` '", Streams TIP U-2579 Streams ' Y Wetlands TIP U-2579 Wetlands Ponds S TIP U-2579 Ponds Project Study Area I TIP U-2579 Study Area i Feet Ofh� . Figure 3f: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from 4 south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street 8 'OF TR"' � Kernersville, Forsyth County (. { � . i � , � •,.+ t + `� � �' � ; fTii, b_ # � `may. �i H; 1 q � �� �� .� `'���t S } =tea :I ��"� rl•, ! � �.. � ,M%E `, .y .:`' f � ' - ,i- '� r� y s. a+ �s 1 •y -'�� e � ,1�'z,Y � � + � z 1 't. ° { a .�I.: "'k% �F' I , - MINW F92 `I S J � -` - -- _ -.• -_ -_ �, "'n� �lf„ . gal. 1 r it - Ff - �r . iif fat .3 i PBiL POP Legend Streams Wetlands A �` Ponds PE TIP U-2579 Study Area 500 1,000 r'r Project Study Area Feet p gr;V Figure 3h: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 z Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from �dFA�q south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street 8 Kernersville, Forsyth County Legend Streams Ponds Project Study Area fi iL 7' C: 0 350 700 Feet Figure 31: Jurisdictional Features Map TIP U-5760 Widen Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road from south of 1-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street Kernersville, Forsyth County TIP# U-5760 Cultural Resources Letters Project Tracking No. (Internal Use) 16-09-0014 t"ll►t �,; HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES F, NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM A , This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5760 County: Forsyth WBS No.: 46381.1.1 Document Type: Fed. Aid No: Funding: X State Federal Federal X Yes No Permit NWP Permit(s): Type(s): Project Description: Widen Hopkins Road (SR2649)/Big Mill Farm Road (including Y-line improvements) and construct interchange at US 421/I-40 Business, - Kernersville Southern Loop at US 421/I-40 Business to NC 66 (West Mountain Street) in Kernersville no off -site detour planned). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: HPOWeb reviewed on 12 July 2017 and yielded no NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Forsyth County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated a mostly developed APE containing residential, commercial, and institutional resources dating from the 1930s to the 2000s (viewed 12 July 2017). Pre-1970 resources are concentrated at the northern end of the project area (none within the presumed permit area at Kerners Mill Creek), and all are unexceptional examples (many altered) of their types. Google Maps "Street View" confirmed the absence of critical historic structures and landscapes in the APE (viewed 12 July 2017). Completion of review awaited availability of design, funding, and permitting information. The project is reviewed under both GS 121-12(a) and Section 106. No architectural survey is required for the project as currently defined. Why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified sig-nificant historic architectural or landscape resources in the proiect area: APE reflects study area provided in 2017 (see attached). Comprehensive historic architectural survey of Forsyth County is extensive and eminently reliable (1979-80, 2006-9), and county GIS/tax materials and other visuals clearly illustrate the absence of significant architectural resources. No National Register -listed properties are located within the APE. Should the design of the project change, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED NCDOT Architectural Historian Historic Architecture and Landscapes NO SURVIiY REOUIRE'D form for A/inor Transportation Prglects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreennenl. Owl Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 o4 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM �} p This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. Q PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5760 County: Forsyth WBS No: 46381.1.1 Document: State EA/FONSI F.A. No: N/A Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Type: Not Specified Project Description: The NCDOT is proposing to widen Big Mill Farm Road (non -system) and Hopkins Road (SR 2649) from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street (NC 66/SR 2377) and construct a new interchange at I-40 Business/US 421 in the Town of Kemersville. Currently, Big Mill Farm Road is a partially unpaved, undivided, 2-lane facility; Hopkins Road (SR 2649) is a paved, undivided, 2-lane facility. Project length measures about 2.1 miles. Although the existing ROW along all associated roads (including the interstate system) varies, proposed ROW is anticipated to be 80 to 100 feet wide, depending on traffic forecasts, number of travel lanes, and multimodal accommodations. The width of the Study Area centered on the associated roads measures about 300 feet, and increases substantially in the location of the proposed interchange. Overall, the Study Area will encompass about 223 acres, inclusive of all existing roadways and development. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES REVIEW: SURVEYREQUIRED Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: This project was accepted on Monday, September 26, 2016. A map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Monday, September 26, 2016. In addition to the large-scale archaeological survey for the Winston-Salem Beltway (TIP# U-2579), small-scale surveys for the replacement of Bridge No. 168 on SR 2776 over Smith Creek (TIP# B-3333) and sewer lines along Kerner's Mill Creek have been conducted nearby; however, none have occurred specifically within the Study Area, although at least twelve (12) archaeological sites have been recorded within one-half mile of the Study Area. Digital copies of HPO's maps (Kernersville, Belews Creek, and Winston-Salem East Quadrangles) as well as the HPOWEB GIS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were last reviewed on Friday, September 30, 2016. There are two (2) known historic architectural resources (FY0337 [Bluff School] and FY0332 [George Washington Smith House]) located within or adjacent to the Study Area; however, both resources are now listed as "GONE" and intact archaeological deposits associated with those resources would not be anticipated within the footprint of the proposed project. In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factors that may have contributed to historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive -type disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological APE. Although State funds will be utilized for this project, Federal involvement from FHWA and USACE may become necessary because of the interstate system and the potential need for permits. Although temporary and/or permanent easements will not be necessary, additional ROW along the overall corridor and the proposed interchange location will be needed. However, the overall dimensions of the Study `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 200712015 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 3 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Area will capture any areas to be impacted beyond the NCDOT's existing ROW. At this time, we are in compliance with NC GS 121-12a since there are no eligible (i.e. National Register -listed) archaeological resources located within the project's Study Area that would require our attention. Based on the description of the project and the size of the Study Area, activities will take place beyond the NCDOT's existing ROW. From an environmental perspective, the Study Area can be classified as commercial/ residential, consisting primarily of Big Mill Farm Road, Hopkins Road (SR 2649), and I-40 Business/US 421 (and their intersecting roadways) and the immediately adjacent property. However, intact pockets of undeveloped land and buffers adjacent to streams/rivers are present along the corridor. Various soil types are present throughout the Study Area, with most soil conditions (eroded, developed, sloped, poorly drained) considered not favorable for intact archaeological sites/resources to be present. Preservation of archaeological materials within these soil type areas is likely to be poor. Nevertheless, sections of well - drained soils (e.g. Hiwassee loam, 6-10% slopes [HIC], Pacolet fine sandy loam, 2-6% slopes [PaB], Pacolet fine sandy loam, 6-10% slopes [PaC], and Cecil sandy loam, 2-6% slopes [CcB]) and relatively level terrain are present throughout the overall Study Area. These areas appear to have not been disturbed by development and have not been subjected to previous archaeological survey/review work. Such areas may be deemed favorable for containing intact archaeological deposits and will require formal archaeological investigations. The Office of State Archaeology (OSA) has reviewed various projects within the vicinity of the proposed Study Area for environmental compliance, including transportation improvements (CH 93-0764, ER 98-7769, ER 03-2323, ER 05-2432, ER 06-0281), utilities (ER 00-9580, CH 05-0267), and commercial development (ER 99-7429, ER 00-9985), just to name a few. As part of their review, OSA did not recommend archaeological surveys for many of these projects based on their eroded and disturbed environmental contexts. However, archaeological surveys were recommended and conducted for projects involving large swaths of undisturbed land situated in upland settings along drainages, i.e. favorable topographic and hydrological situations. Based on the information provided, an archaeological survey is, therefore, recommended for the proposed project. A visual inspection of the entire Study Area should be conducted, followed then by systematic archaeological excavations within areas of moderate to high archaeological probability, focusing on areas of well -drained soils that have not been impacted by modern development. None of the property within the Study Area that requires further investigation is owned by the State of North Carolina so a State Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) permit should not be necessary. Should the description of this project change or design plans be made available prior to construction, additional consultation regarding archaeology will be required. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST — SURVEYREQUIRED NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST PROPOSED FIELDWORK COMPLETION DATE September 30, 2016 Date March 27, 2017 `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 200712015 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 3 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 L J -2 Project Studyft, ea INk I,; > AL Figure 1: West — Winston-Salem East, NC (USGS 1950 [PRI 97 1 ]); North — Belews Creek, NC (USGS 1969); South — Kernersville, NC (USGS 1969). "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED-formfor Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 200712015 Programmatic Agreement 3 of -- -House- a of Big Mill Far. R _ �r <! N `r �ASrVIEWNe, Interchange at 1-40 Bus./US 421 in f _ r Forsyth County, NC alit �► FGNN ELL . r GE - _ " E Stanleyp�, r• NC 1plill 1 Uj • WI r; STEV4 CRESTL Q OW 3_ ami n� O 0 J. �• ' . T �� _1__ r� � K PORES c h =O v P o IL «,} �T; J Gtee� p Tq OP l A s Q Zp NC eCs0r\\ 110 j O & MA RIETTA Z vy l �. �ec� ROD o'?�� -'< Rq�C 00 m w ' 9'li Zm REGENTS PARK IOC\ . aw Y. '� REST O 3 �� y A �� Y ::' ` `'. ' ' 'P• \RV1NG FPRK o DOeLD t • V PN , WOO .l . pO�� 9LFy \C�eeM j* •�t �r ` 2`NP? OPSNLE� B uf#'Scl;ool Gone . m " 2r < c�O c + �; eta y� r gas (�zi Obi O <F f II J� _ RES �►: F A a 9� 5G T ` f sy Q' �� /EW g RF • uRN �s C O O Q � Ew ty 1 es �Sfan4 House (Gone)' _ S p I OLD WItISTON Gentry -Greenfield Ho B 421 ju2 ✓ V EASTGRE&T 00 • - N.- _-�_-Its ' i 1�A HASTIIV _ GSslai4or� us HILL• r �ObLTCRFSr r �• African ArrmitlE,�n Celyetery j. r,� (�P\N S: MAIN ST_SB 421AN—'e� jWBfjHILL Noah Smith House. I�`..`4 L _ C? eorge Washi t .hlo� a (G C� ee u Joe Crew -House '• o - 1 0o- -o - -oo .• �c," '//�g o� D - - Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES o ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES �f p�, PRESENT FORM t This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with 4 the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No 11My/[11] 46381.1.1 County: Document: Forsyth State EA/FONSI F.A. No: N/A Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Type: Not Specified Project Description: The NCDOT proposes to widen Big Mill Farm Road (non -system) and Hopkins Road (SR 2649) from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street (NC 661SR 2377) and construct a new interchange at 1-40 Business/US 421 in the Town of Kernersville. Currently, Big Mill Farm Road is a partially unpaved, undivided, two-lane facility; Hopkins Road (SR 2649) is a paved, undivided, two-lane facility. According to the Request for Cultural Resources Review form, the proposed project length measures about 2.1 miles. Although the existing right-of-way (ROW) along all associated roads (including the interstate system) varies, proposed ROW is anticipated to be 80-100 feet wide, depending on traffic forecasts, number of travel lanes, and multimodal accommodations. The width of the Study Area centered on the associated roads measures about 300 feet, and increases substantially in the location of the proposed interchange. Overall, the Study Area will encompass about 223 acres, inclusive of all existing roadways and development. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: ® There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: The project's study area for the proposed road widening of Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road (SR 2649) from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street (NC 66/SR 2377) and construction of a new interchange at I-40 Business/US 421 in Kernersville, North Carolina in Forsyth County was subjected to an intensive archaeological survey (Figure 1). In December 2016, New South Associates, Inc. completed shovel testing at 30-meter intervals to survey for potential archaeological resources within the study area. The purpose of the fieldwork was to investigate the possibility of unknown archaeological resources that might be impacted by the proposed undertaking. The area of potential effects (APE) for this study was broken into six sections measuring 633,231.72 square feet (14.537 ac.) in size. The APE is characterized by gently to moderately sloping forested areas interspersed with housing developments. Figures 2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b show the general landscape within the project area. An examination of the USDA soil survey map showed that the APE consisted of three different soil types. The majority of the APE is comprised of Clifford sandy loam (C1B), a well -drained soil type that is found in areas of 2-6 percent slopes. The southern portion of the APE differs somewhat in its soil composition from the rest of the APE, with Tomlin loam (TmB) and Fairview fine sandy loam (FaC) components. Tomlin loam exists at 2-6 percent slopes, is well drained, and is infrequently flooded. Fairview fine sandy loam is well -drained and is found in areas of 6-10 percent slopes (Soil Survey Staff 2016). Historic maps of Forsyth County were reviewed for former structure locations and land use patterns. No historic structures or features were found within the APE. Archaeological and historical references were also inspected. The review concluded that no NRHP-listed properties or archaeological sites were located within the APE. Five non-NRHP-listed sites were located within one-half mile of the APE during research at the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology. One of these sites, 31FY209, was prehistoric in nature and contained artifacts from the Middle Archaic -Early Woodland periods. Three of the sites (31FY218, 31FY269, and 31FY1029) had no time period or artifact information included in the site file. The final site, 31FY1028, was modern in nature. On December 15 and 16, 2016, New South Associates conducted an archaeological survey and evaluation of the proposed widening of Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road and construction of an interchange at I-40 Business/US 421 in Forsyth County. The intensive archaeological survey consisted of 98 shovel tests placed at 30-meter intervals (100 ft.) throughout the study area (Table 1, Figures 4-7). All shovel tests measured at least 30 centimeters (12 in.) in diameter and were excavated to at least 10 centimeters (4 in.) into sterile subsoil. All excavated soils and sediments were screened through mesh screen (0.64-cm, 0.25-in.) and all shovel tests were backfilled. A visual inspection of the surface was also done in conjunction with subsurface testing. Two typical soil profiles were observed within the APE and consisted of 0-20 centimeters of yellowish red (5YR 5/8) sandy clay or 0-10 centimeters of dark yellowish brown (1OYR 4/4) sandy loam (Stratum I) over a red (2.5YR 5/8) clay (Stratum II). Archaeological investigation of the APE included both pedestrian walkover and systematic shovel testing. Surface visibility in the majority of the APE was approximately 50 percent. No surface features or subsurface artifacts were located during shovel testing. Much of Area 6, the area of the proposed interchange, was revealed to be deflated in many places, completely devoid of any Ap/A/O (plow zone, organic) horizon. No artifacts or subsurface features were found in these deflated areas. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2of14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Table]. Shovel Test Table Shovel Test Pit Level Depth (top) Depth (base) Munsell Color Soil Texture Artifacts Notes 1 1 0 40 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 2 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 3 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 4 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 5 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No ^5% slope 6 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 7 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 8 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 9 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 10 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 11 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 12 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 13 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 14 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 15 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 16 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 17 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 18 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 19 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 20 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 21 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 22 1 0 40 2.5YR 5/8 Red Loamy Clay No 23 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 24 1 0 10 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 25 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Silty Clay No 26 1 0 15 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 26 2 15 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 27 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 28 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 29 1 0 10 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 29 2 10 20 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 30 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 31 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 32 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 33 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 34 1 0 5 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 34 2 5 20 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 35 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 36 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 37 1 0 9 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3of14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Table]. Shovel Test Table Shovel Test Pit Level Depth (top) Depth (base) Munsell Color Soil Texture Artifacts Notes 37 2 9 20 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 38 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 39 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 40 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 41 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Sandy Loam No 42 1 0 15 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 42 2 15 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 43 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 44 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 45 1 0 12 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 45 2 12 22 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 46 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 47 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 48 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 49 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Sandy Loam No 50 1 0 15 1 OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 50 2 15 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 51 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 52 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 53 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 54 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 55 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 56 1 0 40 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 57 1 0 20 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 57 2 20 30 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 58 1 0 10 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 58 2 10 20 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 59 1 0 15 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 60 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 61 1 0 40 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 62 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 63 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 64 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Sandy Loam No 65 1 0 15 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br Sandy Loam No 65 2 15 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 66 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 67 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 68 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loam Clay No 69 1 0 30 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Sandy Loam No 70 1 0 23 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4of14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Table]. Shovel Test Table Shovel Test Pit Level Depth (top) Depth (base) Munsell Color Soil Texture Artifacts Notes 70 2 23 33 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 71 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 72 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 73 1 0 5 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 73 2 5 20 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 74 1 0 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 75 1 0 20 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Loamy Clay No 76 1 0 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Sandy Clay No 77 1 0 10 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 77 2 10 40 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Sandy Clay No 78 1 0 5 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No utility box 78 2 5 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 79 1 0 10 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 79 2 10 30 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 80 1 0 5 1 OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Clay No 80 2 5 40 1 OYR 6/4 Dull Yellow Orange Sandy Loam No 80 3 40 50 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 81 1 0 20 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 81 2 20 40 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 82 1 0 35 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 82 2 35 45 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 83 1 0 40 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 83 2 40 50 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 84 1 0 20 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 84 2 20 30 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 85 1 0 30 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 85 2 30 50 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 86 1 0 15 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No —5% slope 86 2 15 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 87 1 0 10 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 87 2 10 30 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 88 1 0 10 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 88 2 10 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 89 1 0 10 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 89 2 10 30 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 90 1 0 10 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 90 2 10 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 91 1 0 20 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 91 2 20 30 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 92 1 0 5 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Clay No "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 5of14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Table]. Shovel Test Table Shovel Test Pit Level Depth (top) Depth (base) Munsell Color Soil Texture Artifacts Notes 92 2 5 15 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 93 1 0 15 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 93 2 15 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 94 1 0 15 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 94 2 15 25 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 95 1 0 40 10YR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 95 2 40 50 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 96 1 0 20 1 OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 96 2 20 35 10YR 6/4 Dull Yellow Orange Sandy Loam No 96 3 35 45 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 97 1 0 30 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 97 2 30 40 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 98 1 0 20 1OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Sandy Loam No 98 2 20 29 1 OYR 6/4 Dull Yellow Orange Sandy Loam No 98 3 29 40 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No 99 1 0 30 1 OYR 4/4 Dk. Yellowish Br. Loamy Silt No 99 2 30 50 2.5YR 5/8 Red Clay No RECOMMENDATION: New South Associates, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey and evaluation of the proposed road widening of Big Mill Farm Road and Hopkins Road (SR 2649) from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street (NC 66/SR 2377) and construction of a new interchange at I-40 Business/US 421 in Kernersville, Forsyth County on December 15 and 16, 2016. No archaeological resources were recorded as a result of this survey; therefore, no further archaeological investigations are needed for this project. I concur with this recommendation, as the proposed road -widening project will not impact significant archaeological resources. If the project expands and impacts subsurface areas beyond the defined APE, further archaeological consultations may be necessary. REFERENCES CITED: Soil Survey Staff 2016 Web Soil Survey. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department Of Agriculture. Electronic document, http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/homepage.htm, accessed May 12, 2016. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 6of14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Figure List Figure 1. Topographic Map Showing Survey Areas Figure 2a. Area 4 Facing North Figure 2b. Area 4 Facing South Figure 3a. Area 6 Facing North Figure 3b. Area 6 Facing South. Figure 4. Aerial View of Area I Figure S. Aerial View of Areas 2 & 3 Figure 6. Aerial View of Areas 4 & S Figure 7. Aerial View of Area 6 New South Associates, Inc. Colin Bean Archaeologist SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) Other: Signed: ❑ Previous Survey Info Paul J. Mohler V NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST ® Photos ❑Correspondence January 10, 2017 Date "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 7of14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Figure 1. Topographic Map Showing the Location of Survey Areas a , how 41 '! • 'r Wj . • V •- if ` • • • •. • 1 ' i.S 2. 5 +� • ,� 1 • • �- • * • • i im... 60 �t 6 Survey Area 0 200 400 Meters 0 700 1,400 Feet 7 1, Source: USGS Topographic Quadrangle Map, Belews Creek and Kernersville North Carolina "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 8of14 �11 v.4 1; 1 e-j all Al 1117 az Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Figure 4. Aerial View of Area 1 Showing Shovel Tests "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 11 of 14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Figure S. Aerial View of Areas 2 and 3 Showing Shovel Tests "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 12 of 14 Project Tracking No.: 16-09-0014 Figure 6. Aerial View of Areas 4 & S Showing Shovel Tests "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 13 of 14 _ u ~ r � . 74 75 76 71 72 73 67 68 69 70 61 62 63 64 65 66 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8 9 10 11 12 13 '• 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 • Negative Shovel Survey Area 0 30 60 Meters STA�TF w+ HOR ay�'mEy,;,rs�md`�2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER GOVERNOR March 4, 2020 Dr. Wenonah Haire Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office 1536 Tom Steven Road Rock Hill, SC 29730 Dear Dr. Haire, J. ERIC BOYETTE SECRETARY The North Carolina Department of Transportation is starting the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for the widening of Big Mill Farm Road (non -system) and Hopkins Road (SR 2649) from I-40 Business/US 421 to West Mountain Street (NC 66/SR 2377) and construct a new interchange at I-40 Business/US 421 in Forsyth County as project U-5760. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the lead federal agency for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and a Permit is anticipated under the Section 404 Process with the USACE. The project vicinity map is attached. The coordinates of this project are approximately 36.111534,-80107409. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project including recommendation of alternates to be studied. Your comments may be used in the preparation of a NEPA/ State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Document. In accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, we also request that you inform us of any historic properties of traditional religious or cultural importance that you are aware of that may be affected by the proposed project. Be assured that, in accordance with confidentiality and disclosure stipulations in Section 304 of the NHPA, we will maintain strict confidentiality about certain types of information regarding historic properties. Please respond by March 31 st so that your comments can be used in the scoping of this project. If you have any questions concerning this project, or would like any additional information, please contact me at aeuliss@ncdot.gov or (336) 747-7800. �Thank you, .rY l� Amy Euliss NCDOT Division 9 Environmental Officer cc: Matt Wilkerson, NCDOT Archaeology Team Leader Nicholle Braspennickx, USACE Project Manager Connie James, P.E. NCDOT Division 9 Project Manager Mailing Address: Telephone: (336) 747-7800 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (336) 703-6693 375 SILAS CREEK PARKWAY DIVISION 9 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27127 375 SILAS CREEK PARKWAY WINSTON SALEM, NC 27127 Website: ncdot.gov 1 ee I „� ac lee dry Harmori' Mill S Shoppi_ng Gent-- — ------- L"A Feet 0 2,000 4,000 i NOArH Proposed Alignment ® Wetlands Figure 1 Environmental Study Area Environmental Study Area Railroad NCDOT Project No. U-5760 Parks — Streams Big Mill Farm Road Widening NT OF 'M Forsyth County TIP# U-5760 Adjacent Property Owners Table STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PARCEL INDEX SHEET PARCEL No. SHEET No. PROPERTY OWNER NAME DEED BOOK 3 45 ARNOLD G. KING & HELEN H. PRINCE DB 2250 PG 829 DB 3267 PG 197 4 5 ROSS D. WALL & PATRICIA O. WALL DB 2188 PG 355 51 9 CYNTHIA COULOMBE& ROBERT COULOMBE DB 3343 PG 2309 PB 24 PG 149 53 9.10 TIMBER TRAILS RECREATION ASSOCIATION, INC. DB 1187 PG 1618 PB 24 PG 149 54 10 TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE DB 3391 PG 3427 57 10 DONNIE LEE SWAIM& BERNICE BROWN SWAIM DB W3 PG ale DB 687 PG 197 DB 1070 PG715PB61PG14- 58 10 FAMILY M VENTURES, LLC DB 2716 PG 2%1 IDS 1976 PG 2695 60 10 SCOTT K. SW AIM DB 1916 PG 3664 62 10 JOHN C. LOVE, CAREN L. BULLOCK & HOWARD C. BULLOCK DB 2411 PG 3317 64 10,11 ERIC A. MCFARLIN & SHAW N R. MCFARLIN DB 2712 PG 174 PB 39 PG 42 66 11 JASON D. SMITH & REGINA V. SMITH DB 2481 PG 2119 PB 39 PG 42 99 5,6 RICHARD M. MARTIN, II DB 3049 PG 74 101 5 TRIAD COMMERCIAL CORPORATION DB 1019 PG 193 N/A 5 FRED WRIGHT & LATONYA WRIGHT DB 2558 PG 657 PB 25 PG 181 PARCEL No. SHEET No. PROPERTY OWNER NAME DEED BOOK North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Highway Stormwater Program StOPYYIWateY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN -` r (Version 2.08; Released April 2018) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: TIP No.: U-5760 County(ies): Forsyth Page 1 of 3 General Project Information WBS Element: ITIP Number: U-5760 Project Type: Date: 3/6/2020 NCDOT Contact: Galen Cail, P.E. Contractor / Designer: Bryan Vickery, P.E. Address: 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 Address: Kimley-Horn 421 Fayetteville Street Suite 600 Raleigh, NC, 27601 Phone: 919-707-6700 Phone: 919-653-2905 Email: cail ncdot. ov Email: lbryan.vicke kimle -horn.com City/Town: Kernersville County(ies): Forsyth River Basin(s): Yadkin -Pee Dee T CAMA County? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Project Description Project Length (lin. miles or feet): 2.034 miles Surrounding Land Use: Commercial/Residential Proposed Project Existing Site Project Built -Upon Area (ac.) 45.9 ac. 28.9 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: Big Mill Farm Rd. and Hopkins Rd. will have single 12' Lanes with turn lanes at intersections. Grade Separation over Bus-40. Bus-40 is 3 12' lanes in each direction with a 30' grass median. Bus-40 is 3 12' lanes in each direction. Hopkins Rd. has one 12' lane in each direction with Big Mill Farm Rd. has one 10' lane in each direction and transitions into a gravel road with 9' lanes the is a dead end before it would meet BUS-40. Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Design/Future: 14,900 Year: Existing: 10,700 Year: General Project Narrative: (Description of Minimization of Water Quality Impacts) This is a Division 9 managed project. Existing drainage patterns to be maintained to the best extent practical. The only noteworthy drainage pattern change is the diversion of the existing open channel flow to no longer cross BUS-40 twice, but rather to stay on the North side of Bus-40 and reach the same ultimate outfall. Drainage systems were sized to accomodate future development. The culvert crossing at 91+00 -L- has two systems that tie into the side of the culvert. Each pipe was considered during the hydraulic design. The pipe 1002 to 1001 ties into the culvert primarily for constructability and energy dissipation. The parcel that this pipe could outfall to is home to a utility station that is being rebuilt due to impacts from the project. The size of the ditch required to outfall on this parcel would be too large and conflict with the utility station. The pipe 1021 to 1020 ties into the culvert to avoid and minimize the impacts to the adjacent wetland. If the pipe were outlet to the adjacent parcel and ditched to the stream, the wetland would be drained. The culvert is still appropriately sized with the addition of these systems into the culvert. Waterbody Information Surface Water Body (1): Kerners Mill Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 12-94-12-2-(0.3) NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Water Supply III (WS-III) Supplemental Classification: None Other Stream Classification: None None Impairments: None None Aquatic T&E Species? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Kerners Mill Creek, SV, SS, SN Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? No Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? N/A (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) North Carolina Department of Transportation , Highway Highway Stormwater Program Stormwater STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN I� 4� oin (Version 2.08; Released April 2018) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: TIP No.: U-5760 County(ies): Forsyth Page 2 of 3 Additional Waterbody Information Surface Water Body (2): Smith Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 12-94-12-2-1 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Water Supply III WS-III Supplemental Classification: None Other Stream Classification: None Impairments: None Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Smith Creek, SH, SI, SM, SG, SD, SJ, ESE-S38 Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? INo Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? I N/A Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? I N/A Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? I N/A (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) Surface Water Body (3): 1 NCDWR Stream Index No.: NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Supplemental Classification: Other Stream Classification: Impairments: Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) Surface Water Body (4): NCDWR Stream Index No.: NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Supplemental Classification: Other Stream Classification: Impairments: Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) Surface Water Body (5): NCDWR Stream Index No.: NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Supplemental Classification: Other Stream Classification: Impairments: Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) H1ghWay North Carolina Department of Transportation Stormwalrfr a; Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 2.08; Released April 2018) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: TIP No.: U-5760 County(ies): Forsyth Page 3 of 3 Swales Sheet No. Station & Coordinates (Road and Non Road Projects) Surface Water Body Base Width (ft) Front Slope (H:1) Back Slope (H:1) Drainage Area (ac) Recommended Treatm't Length (ft) Actual Length (ft) Longitudinal Slope N Q2 (cfs) V2 (fps) Q10 (cfs) V10 (fps) Rock Checks Used BMP Associated w/ Buffer Rules? 5 13+35 -Y1 LPD- (LT) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 4.0 3.0 0.8 79 165 2.10% 1.0 2.0 1.3 2.1 No No 15+00 -Y1 LPD- (LT) 5 55+40 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.9 90 85 1.50% 0.2 1.1 0.2 1.1 No No 56+25 -Y1 MD 5 56+25 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.0 3 75 2.90% 0.1 1.2 0.2 1.3 No No 57+00 -Y1 MD 5 57+00 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 5.0 0.2 19 100 0.90% 0.6 1.1 0.7 1.2 No No 58+00 -Y1 MD 5 58+00 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 5.0 0.6 58 465 1.50% 1.7 1.8 2.2 1.9 No No 62+65 -Y1- (MD) 5 62+65 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.4 36 550 1.30% 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.7 No No 68+15 -Y1 MD 5,14 68+15 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.5 50 400 1.30% 1.5 1.7 1.9 1.8 No No 72+15 -Y1- (MD) 6 44+50 -L- (RT) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.8 76 100 1.00% 1.1 No 45+50 -L- (RT) 8 13+00 -Y4- (LT) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.1 9 100 2.50% 0.1 1.3 0.2 1.4 No No 14+00 -Y4- (LT) 14 72+15 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.4 44 350 1.30% 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.7 No No 75+65 -Y1- (MD) 14 75+65 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.6 56 450 1.30% 1.6 1.7 2.1 1.9 No No 80+15 -Y1- (MD) 14 80+15 -Y1 MD (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.4 37 300 1.30% 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.7 No No 83+15 -Y1 MD 14 80+50 -Y1- (LT) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 4.0 3.0 0.1 8 30 2.40% 0.2 1.4 0.3 1.5 No No 80+80 -Y1- (LT) 14,15 83+15 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.4 38 310 0.80% 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 No No 86+25 -Y1- (MD) 15 86+25 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.4 41 340 0.80% 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.4 No No 89+65 -Y1- (MD) 15 88+00 -Y1- RT (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.6 56 150 2.30% 1.4 2.0 1.7 2.1 No No 89+50 -Y1 MD 15 89+65 -Y1- (MD) (2)Smith Creek 0.0 6.0 4.0 0.4 35 300 0.90% 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.6 No No 92+65 -Y1 MD Additional Comments See Sheet lB For Conventional Plan Sheet Symbols U-2579B BEGIN TIP PROJECT �- � f PRO ECT � — : I � 1� -so�� `K1EaNc EEC - L � �Q KERNERSVILLE 421 150 ao m� R Ivy ao �'Kal BEGIN PROJECT es END TIP PROJECT o yca5 U-2579B 40 J_ VICINITY MAP PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 27 —L— STATIC OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS S FORSYTH COUNTY SHEET LOCATION: HOPKINS ROADBIG MILL FARM ROAD IN KERNERSVILLE FROM SOUTH OF US 421/I--40 B USINC 150 TO NC 66 (W MOUNTAIN ST) TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, SIGNALS, CULVERTS, RETAINING WALLS, AND STRUCTURES �A WETLAND AND STREAM TIP PROJECT U-2579BDRAFT PERMIT PACKAGE i (BY OTHERS) MA Y 41, 2020 q zo11 END BRIDGE -L- StO.28+20A1 ' SITE 5 BEGIN CULVERT a BEG) BRIDGE -L- ST 90*81.30 E D CULVERT z� -L- STA 9/+06.37 m QI -L- Sto.26+545/ \ SITE 4B SITE 6A= SITE IB C`I v V) T U-5760 oR SITE 2C ��o , j 12 RTOWN 70 „ B iQ FF �O k- 0 y I� OLD NI OW RD y�ALK-' BiG �, HOpKIN��91 END TIP PROJECT U-5760 0 \ R4 Y 0 <(SR rn mm a -L- ST I20+7/AO SITE 6Bcr �o o Q- /6I my SITE 4A a W E�N�R� SITE IAh ��`� ��IG o ^ SITE 3 uj SITE 2A 3 0 ati SITE 2B o J� ?y \% O�� * TRAFFIC SIGNAL THIS IS A PARTIAL CONTROLLED —ACCESS PROJECT WITH ACCESS LIMITED TO POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE IN((OMPLETE PLAN$ W NOT USE FOR R/W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH Kimley ))> Horn HYDRAULICS ENGINEER AADT 2023 = 10,700 LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT U-5760 = 1.998 MILES PLANS PREPARED FOR THE NCDOT BY.• 50 25 0 50 too AADT 2040 = 10% D = 60% LENGTH STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT U-5760 — 0.036 MILES TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT U-5760 = 2.034 MILES P.E. 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS IEFFREY W. MOORE, P.E. W7 PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 T = 3%* V = 50 MPH * (TTST 1% + DUAL 2%) FUNCTIONAL RIGHT OF WAY DATE: APRIL 16,2021 u '^ a O P Yp AM PROJECT ENGINEER RHODES S. HUNT,P.E. SIGNATURE, ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER 5 2.5 0 5 10 CLASSIFICATION: LETTING DATE: URBAN COLLECTOR REGIONAL TIER APRIL 18, 2023 P.E., P.L.S. W. AL BLOT A.E. PROFILE (VERTICAL) PROJECTTEAM LEAD TEAM SIGNATURE: z 0 N DETAIL 1 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Fill Natural b'N a' Slope Ground 3'j I d Geotextile a Min. D- 1.5 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d= 1 Ft. FROM STA. 60+10 TO STA.61+50 -Yl- (RT) DETAIL 4 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural •\ at Fill Ground 2.•j �' �{et Slope d D F\a Geotextile B Min. D = 2.5 Ft. Max. d = 2.0 Ft. B= 3.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 16 + 15 TO STA. 17 + 00 -Yl RPB- (LT) DETAIL 8 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural 1 of t Fill Ground 6.1 D F\O��e Slope Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 88+00 TO STA. 89+50 -Yl- (RT) nFTAII 17 SPECIAL CUT DITCH (Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural _�_ , or D \° e< Slope Ground fitter Min. D= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 47+25 TO STA. 48+25 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 49 + 00 TO STA. 51 + 50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 55 + 75 TO STA. 58 + 00 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 81+50 TO STA. 85+90 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 111 + 65 TO STA. 114 + 00 -L- (RT) IIFTAII 7 LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) �' Natural Fill Ground ?.j D rL•� 1'ift. Slope Min. D= 1.5 Ft. b = 5 Ft. FROM STA. 58+90 TO STA. 59+50 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 5 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not To Scale) Natural N. oft Fill Ground o7.F •j\a'�e Slope D odPt Min. D= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA.29+50 TO STA. 32+00 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 46+00 TO STA. 47+25 -L- (RT) FROM STA.51+50 TO STA. 52+10 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 80+50 TO STA. 81+50 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 103 + 30 TO STA. 106 + 00 -L- (LT) FROM STA.111+85 TO STA. 116+50 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 80+50 TO STA. 80+80 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 94+00 TO STA. 97+00 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 14 + 57 TO STA. 15 + 85 -Yl RPB- (RT) FROM STA. 13 + 3 5 TO STA. 15 +00 -Yl LPD- (LT) DETAIL 9 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Fill Natural jdS o, bN ,,et Slope Ground r D Geotextile Min. D= 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 80+80 TO STA. 82+00 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 89+50 TO STA. 90+00 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 10+31.24 TO STA. 11+00-Y1RPD- (LT) nFTAII 1q DETAIL 3 LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Ground ?. j D �'N 1',Ft. Fill Slope a Min. D= 1 Ft. 4. �►I B = 2 Ft. b= 5 Ft. FROM STA. 58+30 TO STA. 58+80 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 6 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) o t Fill Natural �'1 ,ttet Slope Ground .7 D k�P d Geotextile Min. D= 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d= 1 Ft. SPECIAL CUT DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front at Ditch Natural 13'1 ,et Slope Ground Min. D=1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 43+00 TO STA. 44+50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 44 + 50 TO STA. 45 + 50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 14+10 TO STA. 15+75 -Y2- (LT) FROM STA. 15 + 75 TO STA. 17 + 00 -Y2- (LT) FROM STA. 29+00 TO STA. 29+50 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 54 + 40 TO STA. 55 + 75 -L- (RT) DETAIL 10 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural rSlopel Ground Fite 3, Ittet d D FAO Geotextile B Min. D= 2 Ft. Max. d = 1 Ft. 13- 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap FROM STA. 66+55 TO STA. 69+50 -Y1- (LT) FROM STA. 90+00 TO STA. 91+00 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 14 TOE PROTECTION ( Not to Scale) F\O\01 Natural Ground b d = 2 Ft. b=2 Ft. Geotextile Type of Liner=Class 'B' Rip -Rap FROM STA. 65+00 TO STA. 67+00 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 109 + 50 TO STA. 111 + 50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 101 +50 TO STA. 101 +98 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 14 + 00 TO STA. 15 + 15 -Y8- (LT) FROM STA. 15 + 50 TO STA. 15 + 95 -Y8- (LT) FROM STA. 19+00 TO STA. 21+00-Y1RPB- (LT) Kimley>))Horn 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 27 IIFTAII 7 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2D-1 ROADWAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER INOOMPL E PLAN$ DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Fill Ground Z,.j 1' Ft. Slope D Min. D= 1 Ft. b= 5 Ft. FROM STA. 28+35 TO STA. 29+00 -L- (LT) DETAIL 11 LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Fill Ground ?'j D �.1 1' ft. Slope d Geotextile �� B Min. D= 2 Ft. Max. d = 1 Ft. *When B is < 6.0' B= 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap b= 5 Ft. FROM STA. 91+00 TO STA. 91+50 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 15 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not To Scale) Aat Natural �ottet Fill o Ground .7 F� Slope Fjfte� D Min. D- 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 35+00 TO STA. 38+50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 37+00 TO STA. 38+50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 58+00 TO STA. 60+20 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 96+00 -L- TO STA. 98+00 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 13 + 00 TO STA. 14 + 00 -Y4- (LT) FROM STA. 19 + 85 TO STA. 20 + 00 -Y4- (RT) FROM STA. 10+50 TO STA. 11+50 -Y5- (RT) FROM STA. 12 + 35 TO STA. 13 + 50 -Y7- (RT) FROM STA. 14 + 87 TO STA. 16 + 70 -Y7- (RT) w a 0 N z 0 L. ai ac r%l A 11 IL SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural 1 01 Fill Ground ?,•I 3' del Slope d D FAo Geotextile B Min. D= 3.0 Ft. Max. d = 2.5 Ft. B = 3.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 83 + 50 TO STA. 85 + 75 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 90 + 00 TO STA. 90 + 75 -L- (RT) DETAIL 19SX FALSE SUMP �o Outside Ditch ( Not to Scale) Traffic Flow 20'• '7 -►� GI S — etc. S=Ditch Slope 4� Proposed Ditch STA. 19 + 15 -Yl RPD- (LT) STA. 18 + 00 -Yl RPD- (RT) STA. 16 + 65 -Yl RPD- (LT) DETAIL 23 STANDARD 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground Ground d D Geotextile Min. D = 1.0 Ft. 'pe of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d= 1.0 Ft. STA. 22 + 00 —Yl RPB— (LT) Mr-TA11 Tr - SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT DITCH (NOT TO SCALE) NATURAL GROUND - - - - - - Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 82 + 30 TO STA. 85 + 90 —L— (LT) DETAIL 17 RETAINING WALL LATERAL Y DITCH Natural ( Not to Scale) b Ground 3 Lu ?'7 20:1 D �� d Min. D= 2 Ft. Geotextile �� Max. d = 1.5 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap b= 20 Ft. FROM STA. 22+25 TO STA. 26+50 -L- (LT) DETAIL 20 EXIST OUTLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS GROUND ( Not to Scale) 6' X 7' RCBC (BURIED 1') KEYED -IN ON BANKS ONLY _ _ _ INSTALL 2.0' OF 1.0' CLASS II RIP RAP GEOTEXTILE 1.0' TO THE GREATER COUNTERSUNK CLASS I RIP RAP OF THE EXISTING W/CLASS B RIP RAP TO FILL VOIDS TOP OF BANK STA. 22+20 -L- (LT) DETAIL 24 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural N O� C Fill .? Ground 17 D F�o�e Slope Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 80 + 50 TO STA. 82 + 30 —L— (LT) DETAIL 26 INLET /OUTLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ( Not to Scale) EXISTING 2 @ 96- CMP 2 @ 10' X 10' RCBC BURIED 1' EXIST 13' WIDE CHANNEL MEASURED GROUND UPSTREAM/DOWNSTREAM t INSTALL 2.0' OF CLASS II KEYED -IN ON 7 i d RIP RAP TO THE GREATER 1 BANKS ONLY 2 2 OF THE EXISTING TOP OF G EOTEXTI LE BANK 1' SILL FLOODPLAIN BENCH COMPRISED OF CLASS II RIP RAP, FILL VOIDS WITH CLASS I RIP RAP AS NEEDED 91 + 00 -L- DETAIL 18 FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) C O Outside Ditch-.Is.p'1_ Traffic Flow •1 20:1 ' I f GI t S — etc. S=Ditch Slope Proposed Ditch STA. 42 + 70 -Yl- (LT) STA. 47+85 -Yl- (LT) STA. 51 +00 -Yl- (LT) STA. 72+28 -Yl- (LT) STA. 12+50-Y1RPB- (LT) STA. 14+45-Y1RPB- (LT) STA. 15 + 85 -Yl RPB- (RT) Kimley➢Morn ©z 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. SUITE 600 DETAIL 21 INLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ( Not to Scale) EXIST GROUND 6' X 9' RCBC (BURIED 1.5') KEYED -IN ON ONLY - ��\? BANKS 1 0' _ - 2 INSTALL 2.0' OF CLASS II 1.0' 21 RIP RAP TO THE GREATER OF THE EXISTING TOP OF GEOTEXTI LE BANK STA. 58+75 -Yl- (LT) PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 27 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2D-2 ROADWAY DESIGN I PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE1'E PLAN$ DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DETAIL 22 CHANNEL CHANGE ( Not to Scale) Proposed Natural _N4ttLrol _ Fill Slope Ground Ground- ?•7 D - - d GEOTEXTILE B Exist. Channel Min. D= 1.5 Ft. Max. d = 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' and Class 'I' Rip Rap B= 5 Ft. FROM STA. 98+00 TO STA. 98+65 -L- (RT) ♦ � � �� ��� �r� iI i•' iI i•�iJ •�' i�r •�• iI ?SO— "!'w'3 011 ••,/�_�� —. �•���.��/%.ice •.,��I�\�.' 1 ���I®alslalo PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. ®DENOTES TEMPORARY LEGEND DENOTES IMPACTS IN Kimley>)) Horn ROADENGIDESIGN HYDRAULICNEER ENGINEER 60 S IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ® SURFACE WATER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 INCOMPL E PLAN$ PERMIT DRAWING DO NOT USE FOR /W ACQUISITION SHEET b OF 27 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED r r O SITE IMPACT ZOOM: 1"= 20' 0 Q Z J 1�1 VV 2 5.0' J// (- m DETAIL SHEET FOR SITE lA LEGEND WRDENOTES TEMPORARY DENOTES IMPACTS IN IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ® SURFACE WATER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. Kimley➢>)Horn U-57G 5IC ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS 0— ENGINEER ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 SITE IMPACT ZOOM: I " -- 20' 6 I / DETAIL SHEET FOR SITE IA INS®ivljrLrj 1 E PLANS PERMIT DRAWING no — use MR /W AUQUIS ory SHEET 7 OF 27 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED W Q a LEGEND DENOTES TEMPORARY DENOTES IMPACTS IN IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ® SURFACE WATER SITE IMPACT ZOOM: 1"--20' Kimley➢>)Horn 0— 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57G 5IC ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INCOMPL DO xar use POR E PLAN$ lw ec -O. PERMIT DRAWING SHEET a OF 27 DETAIL SHEET FOR SITE IB DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 CN Q Z LEGEND DENOTES TEMPORARY DENOTES IMPACTS IN IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ® SURFACE WATER SITE IMPACT ZOOM.* 1"-- 20' Kimley>)) Horn c o 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57 58 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INCOMPL DO NOT USE FOR E PLAN$ /W ACQUISITION PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 9 OF 27 DETAIL SHEET FOR SITE IB DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 CV a z L 1.0' f (TYP) Kimley>))Horn 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 SITE lA /113 - CULVERT EXTENSION CROSS SECTION UPSTREAM OF CULVERT EXTENSIONS STREAM BED ELEVATION 2.0' SILL --/ 1 2.0' FLOW TYP FLOW SILLS DETAIL CROSS SECTION DOWNSTREAM OF CULVERT EXTENSIONS .►1 1.0' SILL AT D/S END PERMIT DRAWING SHEET io OF 27 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER I�I�®MPL E PLAN$ DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED NOTE: NATIVE BED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN THE PROPOSED CULVERT EXTENSIONS BETWEEN SILLS. NATIVE MATERIALS CONSISTS OF MATERIAL THAT IS EXCAVATED FROM THE STREAM BED OR FLOODPLAIN AT THE PROJECT SITE DURING CULVERT CONSTRUCTION. RIP RAP MAY BE USED TO SUPPLEMENT THE NATIVE MATERIAL. IF RIP RAP IS USED, THE NATIVE MATERIAL SHOULD BE PLACED ON TOP TO FACILITATE ANIMAL PASSAGE. THE TOP SURFACE OF THE NATURAL STREAM BED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AND LEVELED TO A FLAT SURFACE TO ALLOW FOR ANIMAL PASSAGE. NATIVE MATERIAL AND RIP RAP ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO PERMIT CONDITIONS. W Q a w Q PH/ ®DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ANDREI CONEY BECKY CONEY DB 2603 PG 1157 DB 1838 PG 3536 PB 37 PG 150 LEGEND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND 38q 938' N' \ BEGN CO STRUC -D l\POT 5A 4i 0 0 2 ' w Kimley➢Morn 0- 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. SUITE 600 / °s...�. PERMIT DRAWING SHEET n OF 27 oo f O.1/ll m ro / " g23J. h P Qo Aq'05 'N .OG' � 2 O N g Z39 q6 23 W EDMON D. GARMON �M fp LESLEY GARMON / STEPHEN M. PEDDYCORD DB 3435 PG 3582 MELODY M PC 1795 RD \ DB 3294 PG 1795 W _ \EIP DANIEL GOLDNER JAMES K. DEAN DB 2873 PG 2474 AR LOU LOU DEAN � 2 N 3995'39 W N 3113.649' W o^ 00• —�6� EIP �. DB 1774 PG 2465 z 36Gg2� < 83.56' � EIP I13.64� 0 2 O O� IIP 01' W `�O• l N2^ -1 m 2^' SBKO 100.47 y S CANOPY, 18" RCP -IV ry000SSGRAOIL TANK CO JOSE V• PAREDES I i N`I. T 5 p h CK OF ,CURB T DITCH DB 3444 PG 2702 tl '42� P' j E DETA 255HEfT 20.2 • ZoYoo' „� ISFBARN REMOV CO C ti (j /' WELL VAR.GR SPECIAL LATERAL DITC ORNAMENTAL o 53'015 CONIC O /�J _.a SEE DETAIL 245H 2D-2 SPIGOT ITo6o W� 6 P O N - < L -0-,`Arlo t3 ' ,e E N /�:� 0 MTL STATUE W. AVALON POTTS E ISBKD -BL 116 �'c�' DB 1969 PG 949 0 E ER ISBKD DB 1838 PG•3536 Wm oK F~ BARN PB 37 PG 0 WOODS __- PUE DK O �tIR� ,ncr '�eirra EPS � �%1R�1 .-- �.v /-�r.uglf•1111i'1����ttit�i�- ' - i' I%prom- W000000 - ------ NOR imm _WOODS owl; 041 18" RCPIV WOODS EKI/ W0005 15" RCP -IV N GET' 39' E TYLER �. 22.04' RUNYON OB 3361 REMOVE REMOVE �o6 o2PC 1919 /\ :a5 MIT e f \1 � M\ � f ;DR_ 3- POT 5ta.10+67.00 �S Fs-N] DIP N 75°52'09' E- 6.24' DEVELLOPMENTSLLP DB 3476 PG 3509 DETAIL 16 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural 1 O< Fill Ground D Slope d Flo Geotextile B Min. D= 3.0 Ft. Max. d = 2.5 Ft. B = 3.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 83 + 50 TO STA. 85 + 75 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 90 + 00 TO STA. 90 + 75 -L- (RT) i �\ p DUE— VAR.GR - — — _ C =C _ 1 •OR � '2•n/ --' PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 9 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLETE PLAN$ NOT DO USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SPECIAL BACK OF CURB - CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL 255HEET 2D-2 SR/r/ys RD -"z . 2 9" WELT.. 1� �7pR�E PIcoT RCP -IV CB-G S C . UE� a^ ISBKD .,ATE SBKD J� DK I REMOVE REMOVE) 72 Zr /(� RETAIN 1 KC.DS GATE ,'� '. REMOY ATI0 SNLT Q v p ^ 0 - 15' RCP C REMOVE 6 NICHOLAS J. CARLUCCI q SIT o DB 3185 PG 4294 END CONSTRUCTI PB 24 PG 149 -D - POT O.IO+BO.00 N `iJ / TIME h a 2 / DONNA J. MCKOY r DB 3018 PG 149 / S \ \PB 24 PC 149 I`5/ WF P 11 N 25°5p21• W �.. SPECIAL LAW/ LAS SI RI TCH RAP G 101 - CYNTHIA COULOMBE 2 PI SEE DETAIL LASHI - D-2 ` -N 25.50.21, ROBERT COULOMBE �T65335 - ONS W DB 3343 PG 2309 E25 S FDJSPB 24 PG 149 ES5CY - E SI� 3 328.98' - -� MATCHLINE -SEE SHEET 10 ✓S FOR SITE CONTINUATION — SEE PERMIT SHEETS 13 -�` AND 14 FOR BLOWUPS 87 PG 24 PC 24" DETAIL 24 DETAIL 25 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Sale) SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT DITCH (NOT TO SCALE) NATURAL Natural 1 of Fill _ _GROUND Ground 3•1\pe Slope - - - - - _ _ _ - _ D 3•� ,� — — — _ — _ O HUNTER P.COFE 3'• DB 3333 PG 2638 Min. D =1.0 Ft. Min. D= 1.0 Ft. SEE SHEET 19 FOR -L- PROFILE . 82 + 30 TO STA. 85 + 90 —L— LT SEE SHEET 29 FOR-DRW2-. -DRW3- FROM STA :ROM STA. 80 + 50 TO STA. 82 + 30 —L— (LT) ) AND -DRW4- PROFILES PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. "'S2gj3p4AcMrv. U-57 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS Kimley➢Morn©' ENGINEER ENGINEER 427 FAYETTEVSTREET, SUITE 600 DENOTES IMPACTS IN DENOTES TEMPORARY 2 RALEIGH, GH, NC 27601 ® SURFACE WATER ® IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER "r-or wnv nEv. DENOTE $ MECHANIZED DENOTES EXCAVATION "s..a" INCOMPL E PLANL$ CLEARING ® IN WETLAND PERMIT DRAWING DO NOT US6 FOR / W ACQUISITION SHEET 12 OF 27 389 0g � 93 ANDRE, CONEY BECKY CONEY DB 2603 PG 1157 \ DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ° DB 1838 PG 3536 BEGI CO STR(ICTIO HUNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PB 37 PG 150 -D �- POT St .l + ODD 92 g�3�• 2 O N 23q q •23• W EDMON D. GARMON y' �M F /� LESLEY GARMON / STEPHEN M PEDDYCORD 9 OR 3435 PG 3582 MELODY M PEDDYCORD 2 DB 3294 PG 1795 \ 8� o =o _ q M m ali / DANIEL GOLR AMES K. N o OR 2873 PG 2474 � MARY LOU DEADEAN p ' DNETTL N 39-15.39' W � N 33,01'4, DB 1774 PG 2465 3 ObB• ryDry BT.56' EIC c - �13.64'� o �690 B. N 37°2 - S�6'- - a \ \ m \ G /-IOOA7' - - �� VAR. \6ANOPn \ / \ \ \ 1�" RCP -IV / / -W\TARK -� /,' OO \ boy W000s \ \\ SE V P _N _ co CK OF/tU DITCH I \ -N' ,4kg 702 _ _ _ P' \ \` / \ \ / E DETA 25,SH/ 20. 1 , \ \\ \�� \ \�� \ \—r�,2 \ \ V ¢ WE ' VAR. R SEESPECDEFAL 243HTERAL IAL bA�;jDIT 2 _ / / $}�CIAL BAC OP CURB \ 530.5• o.00' �✓ \\\ \ \ — N / l ISFBARN R V C CONC \\ J EET MTLA'MSTATDF/ / {, A (C\ \ N I \ o< \ \ \ Fy N - //p26- P M-a-+`ATIO � \ C� r� DK E p /00' APER 5 SET ETh35HEE\2 y1. AVALoN Pow v�- �\� \ _ Q /� -_ — - Iselc� - s L 116 c * I l l ��� V.B83DB 196-9-'PG \- N ISBKD �a P �,\ 8 PG�353fi�� \15 eDs _ ISF. I . F �E _ - s\ DUE \U F \ \ .-- - yar:GR � - - 0 DUE 4gZCRaPIGTON .\F a<-- 2GIcot T NC I Q \ vdM WELL m ✓ �` 'i' \ -. �� x6 " \ _18" RCP=1V p _ / B- _ _ - I i� �c YE ' ` CB - - z6• C&0 � ,� � - - t8"RCP-ry _ -_T - _ --- 20' �k�' _ _ - _ 1 g•• R R.lv l � �v KIED -- - P\Vo F� . . - - - - ... ,. N � CB F I"6- Cam'/ ... - - -:E F C �/ /6• / F 1 " �F- - \ F 0 5, C r E h \000s AIse o _ o Nv � x� 920 \ L / // p�coL N z } / 9�5%/ / i vA� �-aEMo E I$BKD / A ry ISF�� IV / /REA,1y M J F REM�V %/ / j \ _ / / Z i L - R ANd - 1J/ gREkT pFAB�K09�j,�I - h jC6-w \_I `� \ - - �/ / c.tTe iJ7.cR ` / P i Y:� / to K\ Il�o�s rn > . �✓/�// . / / fl�� �/ � � _ � / - � , / /� // / \ III II rn /WOODS- ,0 0 ' 15"'IFCP� g\5/ / fj�06 11.39' E - - L 10 /i/ / PoND \ J\\ x IW j' AV rn i / / - \ O�� J i �EM9VE / / \ C = / REMMOVE / ' / / / / ' / / a C�+91Y -n ob 31 CAR � j = —. / E D' 0 STRU l SIT a� .I _ - - �g0 ..M - i D POT o.10+8000 1I I 1 m nM PRAI Q 'b3�18-'PG 360 057` IAT'0 C. / `P 24 PO 149- q E D CO STRUCTIO �S .. �� \ $95 '1I �W(t)DS� WF P n81 /P0�49 \ �% `3J -DR 3- POT Sta.10+67.00 \ \\` \ _ L �1 `Y I /L \ �\ SN EIP N25°50• �_. i1I IPEUTA���kP 4Bs, TCH RAP \ GAkkB r� I N 76.2.09'E 105.221 W CYNTHIA COULOMBE I IE, `E\T,AIL L14b55HE I 0.2 v l / 6.z4• N zs °So•z1• ROB334 CC 2309E \I \ T. s35- S \� ` —W PI DB 3343 PG 2309 1 T. S FD is DEVEOODCROSS H PB 24 PC 149 l L /� / T 53. CY - E \ LOPMENT LLP OR 3476 PG 3509 c/ N z5'S0•21• ,f"� —� '-MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 10 ✓S FOR SITE CONTINUATION SEE PERMIT SHEETS 13 AND 14 FOR BLOWUPS Lu Q J' _ 15/ DETAIL 24 DETAIL 25 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT DITCH (NOT TO SCALE) NATURAL Natural of Fill _ _GROUND ROUND e Ground 3•1 Slope - - - - - _ _ _ - - D 3•� ,� - - - - - - O HUNTER P.COFE 3'• DB 3333 PG 2638 Min. D =1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 83+50 TO STA. 85+75 -L- (RT) Min. D= 1.0 Ft. SEE SHEET 19 FOR -L- PROFILE FROM STA. 90+00 TO STA. 90+75 -L- (RT) SEE SHEET 29 FOR-DRW2-.-DRW3- FROM STA. 80 + 50 TO STA. 82 + 30 —L— LT FROM STA. 82+30 TO STA. 85+90 —L— (LT) AND -DRW4- PROFILES LEGEND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ® DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND SITE IMPACT ZOOM: I " — 30' 'i�_ Imo► ""'���.��� • - � �� . TIM Kimley➢>)Horn 0— 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57G 9A ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER FINOOMPLorE DO NOT USE FOR PLANS /W ACQUISITION PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 13 OF 27 win DETAIL SHEET FOR SITES 2A, 2B, 3 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED �1�0 q W Q a LEGEND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ® DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND SITE IMPACT ZOOM: 1"-30' Kimley➢>)Horn 0— 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57G 9A ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INCOMPL DO — use MR E PLAN$ ®w ecOmsmory PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 14 OF 27 W&M4 MENO I� op DETAIL SHEET FOR SITES 2A, 2B, 3 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED �1�0 q o LEGEND / PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. I\cl DENOTES IMPACTS IN DENOTES TEMPORARY N SURFACE WATER / •' Kimley➢Morn U-57/IC ® SURFACE WATER ® IMPACTS I / �. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER vy+ �• /�, 421 FAYETTEALLE STREET, SUITE 600 DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES MECHANIZED la/ i• /' RALEIGH, NC 27601 p CLEARING / nr-or-wnv nEv. WETLAND MPLerE PLANL$ : / / • / DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION / DETAIL 15 /o a / �� ' PERMIT DRAWING \ SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH SHEET 16 OF 27 (Not to Scale) V, /LAA180RNE T,SMYJ.SMIT,DB 2703 PG 270ey'.PB 33 PG 56 c Natural 'I•C\Q�el Fill \�J I / /• WJ DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL •�,ti ,�o Ground F '7 or D F Slope 8 /•\ Abe y6�5• UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 9 FOR SITE CONTINUATION i N a / / /• SEE PERMIT SHEETS 13 GFi �� Min. D= 1.5 Ft. AND 14 FOR BLOWUPS �(. `� '� M /• e°' tia J �, °Bg"V,9 BEGINCO TRUCTIO / m o ? / 9° o'. 1Y7- P_X Sto.12+50.00 FROM STA. 35+00 TO STA. 37+50 -L- (RT) / �P /'/ JOHN C. LOVE so +\Qe FROM STA.37+00 TO STA.38+50 -L- (RT)JANICE F.LOVE AWN �0a• FROM STA. 58+00 TO STA. 60+20 -L- (RT) Pj' DB 1785 PG 2859 MARK J.SANT000I OP Elp s3s'os. 9 FROM STA. 96+00 -L- TO STA. 98+00 -L- (RT PROP 2 @ 10'x 1aRcsc BURIED r FV/ ti F f �� z DB 2940 PG 591 L� e a. FROM STA. 13+00 TO STA.14+00 -Y4- (LT) / Pp E 2' CONCRETE SILL (NORTHERN BARREL) ' FROM STA. 19+85 TO STA. 20+00 -Y4- (RT) / fV Elp '1V° SZE / SEE DETAIL 265HEET 2D-2 '1• 'o- �• ,Ifl �S N/SAP FROM STA. 10+50 TO STA. 11+50 -YS- (RT)�' �i + / FROM STA. 12+35 TO STA. 13+50 -Y7- (RT) /' �� I O1 `'�� JOHN C.LOVE �06 SPECIAL 'ERAL'vrDI FROM STA. 14+87 TO STA. 16+70 -Y7- (RT) / / CARER L. BULLOCK s� $EE DETAI $SHEET 2D-1 El PI / v WR N 9109638 GARY M. SPRING 2 \ a• \ J /• HO'�ARD C. BULLOCK " s .f •° // 4 !-o / f /• DB 2411 PC 3317 DEBBIE T, SPRING DEBIDART II\� /' / = LIVING TRUST DANIEL GOLDNER 29 3, - / 4-41 a IQ, I/ `gyp DB 3205 PG 4023 s - / ��•y -DB 3416 PG 72 q ISFD DB 2873 PG 2474 �� � //•4i /LT 1°e� 'YA — � 5 �' tip„ y.PO P '" �� •' - SITE 6B �' ti� HTR am 00 �jy p4 JS MIT /' r /1 °s. s ry y�o EIP j /S QOS / Elp ` p�bPOSED Bk51N�OCATION 03 SPECIAL OUTLET PROTECTION j sc, o (� I 30' BLK 2 SV \ SEE DETAIL 296Rf 0I 6 y;�� PAVERS g a IO P �-F �ES�5 TONS CBA4S4RIP RAP \ '•-F WELL �' HOUSE 'max 25FD B' 'Y EST 5 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP VLF.IL.LND OP -CURVED PROPOSEDBASIN LOCATION FLOODPLAIN ES0 zo rs r4scMrNr GRAIL `� N°e I \ eR Oq Q e oe I 0 PG 154 µ "P 46. WD } �f / 3 FAMILY M VENTURES. LLC 2 @ 4" RCP' J oe 99 PG III9 �t� J WELL RAIL 48' CHL /� 24" RCP -IV DUE / - , 03 /° �iC� 4+' e,3, 0�° ,-1°e .^y N BENCH / DB 2716 PG 2561 N ,v FAG W !'- 36' B GATE �� NOTE T CP-IV x� C °F 2 ' o o f �. -� / / 19 PG 2695 e CON ^ •�-p en POLE E /657 E RS Pm z P SITS IJ �. \ / i ,rvr N1 Z zo !0 1, SFD' L7SS - HOPKINS RD RCP -IV a °R M , I ftiM IMF ��� ��t (SR 2649) e1 EXIST R, I F O WQ WOODS CB-F PU PUE PUE F 18" RCP -IV _ - - - - - - - 5' CONC vr) ALK _ _ 2d DR 5" RCP -IV m mo CB-F _} 1'-6'C �"r2 4•' RCP -IV CB-F o a W t CP CB F w - - - F N - 4•PL o CB G 30" RCP -IV �Q /• /, - i- o ,� �_ _6.0 - �.DII 15'. RCR-IV DI - - CB_F __ —_ . RCP -IV I 7 SEE NOTE 1 ,F • a/ ✓ - a _ - C//' ..K� _ ur— o o G U ' L-3 a B / p 2, c coNc N Dor i w a II 1 / ,s , °o , Eri FLU --�I F� SEE NOTE 3 3sew REMOVE F P X000S_ 3SHW -�_ CXF_- -RC�I� F s Xorce �E F \6F DUE DUE SAP SS _ 2 .. C �. (D DATem�' G o / F z _ - V �ETAT�838.21 00 I Q 1 PIDA EDl IDIL APID TEDI -0 4. 5 -� 1 C .SN 0 O O IS a Se U c4se eN. b e 66 RCRR-IV I / ! d .J eURH:LS 1'., 1ECIAL OUFLET PRO TI 4 F e: j REMOVE oe 9z Pc ses C Ill 1 \ 1S - I C I I n' 20 'b 12" RCP DETAIL 838. JA g L' E ETTO S CLASS 2 50'STORAG / % l'w: / \ �4'w EIP EST 50 TONS CLASS I / L/,� EST 10 TONS CLASS B /S f T R 1 \1 1 RQ 15 I BST I Ill F lry� EST 75 SY GFD ss y X °P• c �'� y u ll �1. / � •^tih. /.' � EIP. CHANNEL C NGE SEKO (FULL IS �/ QP 0 0 / yVC 23. N 48ryT•08' I 4 ITL' 26 /PROPOSED BASIIN, LOCATION ) \- p �0'I- �� ? / CLASS I RIP P ON BANKS eT- IY /Lip 'LA 'V`DITCH _ •9 W TL LATE 6 EST 30 T NS �P COUNTERSU K2 w s•'o SPECIAL TERAL ! re , CLASS RIP RAP - oDn + + a o 5 EST 50 GFD s• �p EST. 120 TONS " / RtMOV 2 6" CMP'S 66 SEE D All. 22/SHEET 2D-2 m EST. 180 SY GFD I - X SEE DETAIL 165HEET 2D-2' - 10 STD I re �I FRANKNBPPC�OLO 2 ¢ > JtEST 90 C DE \ Oj'SPl A'I SPECIAL LATERAL'V' DITCH B SITE 2A Im II E D C0 STRUC os v I - xo X ! FLO N BENCH / e DB 3271PG CCOA286 0 u SITE 6A I I m ( -Y7- POT Sto.l6 0.00 ,� o° WI s _ II m t Elp a� SEE DETAIL 155HEET 2D-1 JOHN T• VL AHOS SPECIAL LATERAL I III I \ h� e\1, � I I ry '/, �� �e� ZOE R. VLAHOS SEE DETAIL 15 o III 1 f I 0 1° 1° •ti o PB 39 PG 42 SHEET I III �0 I wiz � ti S ^0�6 S 25.044E Mao DB 2153 PG 755 II I ' ° SITE 2C _ SITE 4B coNc I I I III OD ¢ tih M A ' wPtioy. o N 4ro3.2� � � � � ���I e°� °�'• EIP — 226.65 I I c 25BK0 II R/W-EIP $ $ o - 3 N 34° o SCOTT K. SyIA1M { I I I o.16 I Ae• / Kerners Mill Creek JNIE LEE SWAIM DB 1916 PG 3664 z MI NICE BROWN SWAIM � NOTES: DB 883 PG 379 so l SEECIAL DETAIL�6.SHEEr 20-RAL E?AIE 2H W/ CLASS /R/P RAP TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE ' DB 887 PG 197 m s ` II $ x > EST 335 TONS A 60.c6' I N9 STONE WALL $o a 1.DB 3391PC 3427� 1 W DB 1010 PG 715 H P�'ti PB 61 PG 145-146 EST 525 SY GFD EST 355 CY DDE s9F = 2.SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT D/TCH DETAIL 16 i I I y SEE DETAL 25/SHEET 2D-2 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH \ DETAIL 22 \ 3.TEMPORARY SHORING (SEE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLANS) Notto Scale P•�MMcCLELLAN , ( I L. McCLELLAN Sh �• CHANNEL CHANGE o d 5 TIMBER TRAILS RECREATION ERIC A. M FARLIN 13 PG 1539 I (Not to Scale) \ o m h ASSOCIATION INC. SHAYJN R, .AFARLIN Natural o< Fill I 2�P DB 118T PG 1618 DI3 2 12 PG n4 Ground 2• D Flo et Proposed Natural PB 24 PG 149 PB 39 PG 42 >(l Slope I _Natural _ Fill Slope Ground_ - d i Ground d ?•/ D - - - / - O CAROLIEG TELEPHONE Geotextile B `/ & TELEGRAPH Min. D= 3.5 Ft. \ 1 GEOTE%TILE B Exist. Channel DB 1649 PG 4084 Max. d= 2.5 Ft. ( Min. D= 1.5 FT. B= 3.0 Ft. Max. d= 2 Ft. SEE SHEET 2B-2 FOR INTERSECTION DETAIL W er= Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap \ I Type of LinClass 'B' and Class 'I' Rip Rap B= 5 Ft. SEE SHEET 20 FOR -L- PROFILE H_ j SEE SHEET 28 FOR -Y7- PROFILE Q FROM STA. 83+50 TO STA. 85+75 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 98+00 TO STA. 98+65 -L- (RT) SEE SHEETS C-I THRU C-XX FOR CULVERT PLANS FROM STA. 90+00 TO STA. 90+75 -L- (RT) rsAMW11 m/m I�bIE�,ii� F"I IS'd Ys�'af f1JflI�F'— ' o LEGEND / PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. I\cl ® DENOTES IMPACTS IN NM DENOTES TEMPORARY / / / • / Kimley➢Morn U-57/IC SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ,� �' ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER vy+ �• /�, 427 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES MECHANIZED Ia '•i• / RALEIGH, NC 27601 F WETLAND "�" CLEARING / nr-or-wnv nEv. •MPLerE PLAN$ h�� /• / DO NOT DETAIL 15 /4 = / �� � PERMIT DRAWING USE FOR /W ACQUISITION SPECIAL LATERAL 'VDITCH y P SHEET 17 OF 27 \ ( Nor io Scale) W / I /LAAMyB 270E T, SJ.SMIT,D8 2703 PG 2708aJ'�PB 33 PG 56oK Natural 'L'. e1 Fill "� I / /• �/S s°vy, DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL Ground F •70 D F Slope 8 /' /'\ I 6a9 �s• UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 9 oA'e,. FOR SITE CONTINUATION / /• SEE PERMIT SHEETS 13 (j�i Qa� Min. D= 1.5 Ff. /• �`� AND 14 FOR BLOWUPS �� `� b M /' 0°' tia J W BEGINCO TRUCTIO o / so 3°i. -Y7- P t0.1 + e\ y o ` FROM STA. 35+00 TO STA. 37+00 -L- (RT) / /'/ JOHN C. LOVE ,� sO N \ Qe FROM STA.37+00 TO STA.38+50 -L- (RT) / p�/ JANICE F.LOVE AWN h oe° \\ & FROM STA. 58+00 TO STA. 60+20 -L- (RT) / Obi' DB 1785 PG 2859 MARK J. SANTUCCI SOP EIP3s'os. 9 \\ \ FROM STA. 96+00 -L- TO STA. 98+00 -L- (RT) /' \� Fv9• y + PROP 2 @ 10'X,�1�-RCBC B IED 1' y DB 2940 PG 591 \• \I p pal FROM STA. 13+00 TO STA. 14+00 -Y4- (LT) -1\ /' g pP EIP I/ STA. 19+85 TO STA. 20+00 -Y4- RT / T CONCRETE St�O --[ERR M, �'bRRELI. m yo. 00 VOO ( ) /• SEE DETAIL 265E 2D 2 jl/I / + o `ram• ,Ift F STA. 10+50 TO STA. 11+50 -YS- (RT) Ln �^ ,FROM STA. 12+35 TO STA. 13+50 -Y7- SRT I � JOHN C. LOVE No .A ECIIAL RAZ 'V' l / �> / I v /' vAsEE E HEEr2o-� �1v�v `� EI FROM STA. TO STA. -Y7- RT / + ��;, �I CAREN L.BULLOCK s� / 1 s• �. / N 4I°19 za tV HO ARD C. BULLOCK '�s• \ \�aSPRING c / I� %' U I WR 90.63' �DE BI GARY M. SPRING V a 6 / + / L�' \ DB 2411 PG 33F7- \`1DEBIgART III \ .� — \ - H"1`�\� A1rIkL \G_@LD k s 6 } \ 0 (�7�J� 1 1\ / pg 3 05 PG 402 \ _LB-3416,PC 2 }� / Ul ' �y0' 4A �` /� -��� ��C\ � �� \ L I ISFD -/��/ T� VB MSV7� // �E AL TLET PRO 47- \ s. mBLK'� A�. J / � /(''f P O \I $EE D\ 1ytv� L@t'sv��°\k`S7\EST5 TONS CLASS,,B ILQ/' Oc^'/ L o / I �\ / ,! ���A ��Sy1C '" j \ /��\ g, _ E3=Y40 51�GFD A ON.it., zo s �4sE4c1N Q RAIL I Q• \ : � WELL RAR \ g /r`� �� \ti.) ,0 .o� / /e l `' / / 1 i I� i DB�561 . oQ q 1 / rpm 19Jj6 PG �5 �IlL' J-_. i / '� I � /�C.� /I j `��' SF • � 1 � 42•I ° � � v � � x , o SroRAGE m H2OPKINS RD J I _ v v v RCP IV o CR //� P- l / J E / / (SR 2649) O h B -CR 033 v r 1�� PUE _ VAULT / e / /• WG2 Womb eenoNe `� �--, � A � i - � - DI / _ __ u; -I'. za^ RCP-1v - PUE pl_ �� PUE_ L8 l ii _� F -0 - - Nc s / / v / c6-F� � � F / T IV CB G R 18" RCP IV - Op _-aK V 1 k MOV P-Iv , ..... ° DR _ -. ��0 C--SID _ - �N p v •� `- - 15"-R \ _ �- - - .18 RCP IV • ;� sr 1 5"'R6P-IV F C 91 15" RCP-1V _ DI I - m \ -£• ` a _ - -.- _ _ 48•, 30' RCP IV 1 cep \Q 1 / /, /, 4-- - 6• _"- --15'. R _ _ CB-F_ • CB-F� " CB G D1 � m 0 N G U L 3 iC i c F 6REU IL-3 S€ F - " _ _ _ - _- _ _ 5 £�iJ A� '_ -t— - 7 % `AR OVEF_ _ - = e' - gam- — - - yF Ce - F - _ 1 -/ ✓X /: a D TE� x—E PDr6TATL'83811 %L I'�III _ �'--�� O fJ�" / I/ �_ _/ / .. .. S�- 3 oe 0 _REMOVE- oe vzaA�rEN �Cr08 r Q 1 �.�q N , S / / d IDILAPI TE - 5 V y</�j}, i-B I �� 1 SP I OIRCET O TI q _ / - - I C .Q1 [ / / % /' `b� 1Z" RL DETAIL D EE E AIL 27i5HE / // ��/ i - i / 43 J F '45a ST/- v EST 50 TONS CLA55 I EST 10 .TONS CLASS ss \ /�{ T \� I ILSW.1 �:5-� TRANNEL C NQE -- - SEW _ / I _ HA \/�-�_ -.LASS I RIP RAP ON BANKS �g /PRbPOSED BASIN LOCATIO I \- o \ A I. yd / // / _ �-CLASS B' RIP RAP COUNTERSU K _ SPECIAL TERAL' ITCH ' _ TL�CATE // / / // ` _ EST 30 T NS y f CLASS I RIP RAP /Iw- < l + _ EST 50 GFD EST. 12 TONS ' / R�MO=E 2 6"�C/Mj'S/ / / 9 / / / //yam ! y E \ :°j •y° - SEED AIL 22SHEET 2D-2 m EST, 180 GFD / / Q 0 _ "� o• {` h 9- �6e o9 D 2 J // ^ SEE �ETAIL ST 90 EC 2 DE-h J / Vig / / / / �/ °'I Oh TO I N: PICCOLO 2 ey ti s v- SO SITE / `og A j J L I 1 II j FLO BEt/ICM /// / / /// //� /0� F�3271PG�4286L0 e ¢ SPECIAL LATERAL'V' DITCH SITE M Ae l / e SEE DETAIL 155HHOS EET 2D-1 \ v \ \7\l 7, o. I / / / / �/ / JJ FI / / /' 6° ° 1 WI / // EIP ZOE R. VLA OS SPECIALRALV A % �/ �// ti `° V VVA A �\ h°' 1 / / / / / / /0 /I� / - / �o i �d '� •°� •" DB 2153 PG 755 SEE DETAK°TS\\V1VI{1,\\� �\l o PB 39 PG 42 ASHEET 2i�h0 V \ 11111 F`f ~o SITE 2C I / I ��I ( \ /e�y� \S+D6..ii/ p0�4i 25.04' �pT l \I v I 1 \ ZD\ N7V' \ \ J h 2SBKD EIP \ II $ o v, 1 N 34° \WAIM ' JNIE LEES AIM DB 191 K. 3664 \ A A e /p// Kerners Mill Creek SWAIM DB 1916 PG 3664 NorEs: fy [ � NICE BROWN S�'AIM e I.SPEC/AL LATERAL BASE DITCH W1 CLASS I R/P RAP DB 883 PG 379 so os ;� SEE DETAIL 16.SHEET 2D-2 \' $ TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE ' I DB 887 PG 197 sbl VAR qT�. $ a TDB 3391 PG 3427� 1 W DB WIO PG 715 oO'- N o"� m EST 335 TONS 13To E R'ALL o o �' EST 525 SY GFD PB 61 PG 145-146 c^ ?. o 0 EST 355 CY DDE BACK OFDETAIL 16 _1 I 9s S9F 2.SEE DETAL 25/SHEE CURBCUT -2 DITCH SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH I \ DETAIL 22 \ ti 3.TEMPORARY SHORING (SEE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLANS) le P•M�ICCLELLAN (Notto Sca) L. CCLELLAN $I°�, �• CHANNEL CHANGE o d 5 TIMBER TRAILS RECREATION ERIC A. M FARLIN 13 PG 1539 �. I (NoT To Scale) \ o m h ASSOCIATION INC. SHA2JN R. MCFARLIN Natural o< Fill I DB 1187 PG 1618 DB 2 12 PG 174 Ground 2• Proposed Natural PB 24 PG 149 PB 39 PG 42 >(l Slope 1 _Natural _ Fill Slope Ground_ _ d / i Ground d ?•/ D - - - \ / - O CAROLINA TELEPHONE Geofextile B `/ & TELEGRAPH Min. D= 3.0 FT. \ I GEOTEXTILE B Exist. Channel DB 1649 PG 4084 Max. d= 2.5 Ft. ( Min. D= 1.5 FT. B= 3.0 Ft. Max. d= 2 Ft. SEE SHEET 2B-2 FOR INTERSECTION DETAIL W Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap \ I Type of Liner= Class 'B' and Class 'I' Rip Rap B= 5 Ft. SEE SHEET 20 FOR -L- PROFILE I_ j SEE SHEET 28 FOR -Y7- PROFILE Q FROM STA. 83+50 TO STA. 85+75 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 98+00 TO STA. 98+65 -L- (RT) SEE SHEETS C-I THRU C-XX FOR CULVERT PLANS FROM STA. 90+00 TO STA. 90+75 -L- (RT) LEGEND DENOTES IMPACTS IN DENOTES TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER T DENOTES FILL IN T DENOTES MECHANIZED WETLAND CLEARING SITE IMPACT ZOOM: 1 "= 20' IDvF ct. ------ /- S Kimley>)) Horn PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57 UA ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS c o ENGINEER ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 I�IO®MPL E PLAN$ C-T R� PERMIT DRAWING DO NOT USE FOR llW ACQUISITION SHEET is OF 27 DETAIL SHEET FOR SITES 2C, 4B DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED w Q a LEGEND DENOTES IMPACTS IN DENOTES TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES MECHANIZED WETLAND CLEARING Kimley>)) Horn PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57 LIA ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS c o ENGINEER ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 I�I�®MPL E PLAN$ C-T R� PERMIT DRAWING DO NOT llW ACQUISITION SHEET 19 OF 27 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SITE IMPACT ZOOM.* 1 "= 20' T DETAIL SHEET FOR SITES 2C, 4B Z 0 w LEGEND DENOTES IMPACTS IN DENOTES TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 2 DENOTES FILL IN 2 DENOTES MECHANIZED WETLAND CLEARING SITE IMPACT ZOOM: I " — 30' Kimley➢>)Horn PROJECT REFERENCE NO. U-57G SHEET NO. ,LIC ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS 0— ENGINEER ENGINEER 427 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 IN%'®MPL E PLAN$ PERMIT DRAWING DO — use MR ®w ecOmsmory SHEET 22 OF 27 V'9Q DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �0 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ° �• ! N SIP GR • F _ EXIST R/W F/ F E o� �„ p� — T — — o - � �0 7 �� T F 0 —� 20'2 4 ` / T H -— 20 \ EXIST R/W EIP 15" - �EIP XIS RAW DETAIL SHEET FOR SITES 6A, 6B LEGEND DENOTES IMPACTS IN DENOTES TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES MECHANIZED WETLAND CLEARING SITE IMPACT ZOOM: I " — 30' Kimley➢>)Horn PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57IG ,OC ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS 0- ENGINEER ENGINEER 427 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 INCOMPL E PLAN$ DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 23 OF 27 '9Q DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �0 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED lad►^ i,�- . � v , .�� .� . •� — � klm WWAI WAA II �WIN �� 48 � �` .. ►may „_ ` � ��i .� Inc,=='..ILJ� � !►,-_ 1 DETAIL SHEET FOR SITES 6A, 6B W SITE 4A /413 - CULVERT REPLACEMENT PLAN VIEW CROSS SECTION 10.0' 10.0' 1.0' STREAM BED (TYP) ELEVATION 2.0' SILL 1.0' SILL T 1 2.0' FLOW FLOW TYP SILLS DETAIL Kimley➢))Horn 0- 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. SUITE 600 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 26 OF 27 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INOOMPL E PLAN$ DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED NOTE: FOR CUT CONDITION, USE CLASS II RIP RAP FLOODPLAIN BENCH BORDER WITH NATURAL GROUND COVERED WITH COIR FIBER MAT INSIDE BORDER. IN FILL CONDITION, USE CLASS II RIP RAP FILL THROUGHOUT WITH NATIVE BED MATERIAL FILLING THE VOIDS ON TOP. NOTE: NATIVE BED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED BETWEEN THE SILLS IN THE LOW FLOW CULVERT. NATIVE MATERIALS CONSISTS OF MATERIAL THAT IS EXCAVATED FROM THE STREAM BED OR FLOODPLAIN AT THE PROJECT SITE DURING CULVERT CONSTRUCTION. RIP RAP MAY BE USED TO SUPPLEMENT THE NATIVE MATERIAL. IF RIP RAP IS USED, THE NATIVE MATERIAL SHOULD BE PLACED ON TOP TO FACILITATE ANIMAL PASSAGE. THE TOP SURFACE OF THE NATURAL STREAM BED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AND LEVELED TO A FLAT SURFACE TO ALLOW FOR ANIMAL PASSAGE. THE HIGH FLOW BARRELS SHALL BE BACK FILLED WITH NATIVE MATERIAL AND/OR RIP RAP. NATIVE MATERIAL AND RIP RAP ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO PERMIT CONDITIONS. WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1A 58+66/59+59 -Y1- (LT) 1 @ 6' x 9' RCBC Extension < 0.01 25 58+66/59+59 -Y1- (LT) Channel Improvements < 0.01 0.02 31 82 1 B 21 +97/25+90 -L- (RT) 1 @ 6' x 7' RCBC Extension 0.09 522 21+97/25+90 -L- (RT) Channel Improvements < 0.01 < 0.01 20 20 2A 83+40/85+80 -L- (RT) Roadway Fill < 0.01 < 0.01 0.02 < 0.01 233 10 2B 86+38/86+80 -L- (RT) 66" RCP < 0.01 24 Channel Improvements < 0.01 < 0.01 25 10 2C 89+96/90+79 -L- (RT) Roadway Fill < 0.01 < 0.01 82 10 3 83+60/84+62 -L- (RT) Roadway Fill < 0.01 < 0.01 4A 90+74/91+16 -L- (LT) 2 @ 10' x 10' RCBC 0.02 61 Channel Improvements < 0.01 0.01 30 28 4B 90+59/91+00 -L- (RT) Channel Improvements 0.01 < 0.01 35 19 5 91+60/92+06 -L- (LT) Roadway Fill < 0.01 0.01 6A 96+98/98+87 -L- (RT) 48" RCP 0.01 122 Channel Change < 0.01 < 0.01 70 22 Roadway Fill 0.09 6B 95+22/96+53 -L- (LT) 54" RCP < 0.01 82 Channel Improvements < 0.01 < 0.01 10 65 TOTALS': 0.09 < 0.01 0.01 0.21 0.04 1372 266 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Revised 2018 Feb Y O See Sheet lB For Conventlonol Plon Sheet Symbols STATE OF NORTH CAROLI A "A— KAT6 PR.— RP86RRNCR N0. NO. N.C. U-5760 I BEGIN TIP PROJ $, DIVISION O F HIGHWAYS RTA E PRO . NO P. A. PRO N0. DR6CRIPTION �/� F , ��� �� /1� E �% r 46381.1.1 P.E. 45721.2.1 RNV Io I U - 1 45721.2.1 UTL 45721.3.1 CONST. �^ FORSYTH COUNTY • � ry ��� d , E K V LOCATION. HOPKINS ROADBIG MILL FARM ROAD IN KERNERSVILLE FROM � 13 SOUTH OF US 42FI--40 BUS/NC ISO TO NC 66 (W MOUNTAIN ST) ,= 4 TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, SIGNALS, CULVERTS, RETAINING WALLS, AND STRUCTURES L A� ` o(, TIP PROJECT U-25798A At END \ (BY OTHERS) � ) 83 q r o ;� 2p1j L` END BRIDGE , / VICINITY ryt 4P -L- Sto.28+20AI I- BEGIN CULVERT END CULVERT BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA 90+8/.30 -L- STA 9/+06.37 z, a z m N -L- Sto.26+5451 > o � v) BEGINTIP PROJECT U-5760 pR �`'o �5 ro 3 I2 -L- KERrOlIN -L- „" B STA 13+30.00 ��� �+ A e (O /� �� OLD HOLLOW66) RD �>. � A �0 ���� y JFF 116 -L- EK y� RD N 12649) _ END TIP PROJECT U -5760 `SR mN _ -L- STA /20+7/00 �I-c>o J� * TRAFFIC SIGNAL THIS IS A PARTIAL CONTROLLED -ACCESS PROJECT WITH ACCESS LIMITED TO POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III DOCUMENTNOTCONSIDERED FINAL _• . THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED V GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH PLANS PREPARED FOR Kimley�>>Horn HYDRAULICS ENGINEER 50 25 0 50 100 AADT 2023 = 10,700 AADT 2040 = 14,900 K = 10%0% LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT U-5760 = 1.998 MILES LENGTH STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT U-5760 = 0.036 MILES THE NCDOT BY.- °' °e woery 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 6O ° TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT U-5760 = 2.034 MILES a PLANS = *o T T 3 /° JEFFREY W. MINEER P.E. P.E. q a s PROJECT ENGINEER SIGNATURE: 50 25 0 50 100 — V - 50 MPH RIGHT OF WAY DATE: '^ ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER * (TTST 1% + DUAL 2%) APRIL 16,2021 RHODES S. HUNT,P.E. PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) LETTING DATE: PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER O FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION: V 5 2.5 0 5 10 URBAN COLLECTOR APRIL 18, 2023 P.E., P.L.S. W. AL BL.I- REGIONAL TIER TEAM PNCDOT DIVISION 9D PROFILE (VERTICAL) P.E. SIGNATURE: N 0 0 0 0 Y N N P STATE OF NORTH CARO]LINA, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS S U-5750 i /B CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY. Note: Not to Scale *SUE = Subsurface Utility Engineering WATER: RAILROADS.' State Line ---- ----- Water Manhole oO County Line — Hedge Standard Gauge g csx raaNsaoeTanoN Water Meter C-)Townshi p Line RR Signal Milepost W,��T 35 Woods Line Water Valve 33 Switch 0 Orchard € €3 Q Q City Line SW�CH Water Hydrant y .0 RR Abandoned — — — Vineyard Y v era d Reservation Line = U/G Water Line LOS B (S.U.E*) - - - -�- - - - Property Line RR Dismantled ---- -- EXISTING STRUCTURES. U/G Water Line LOS C (S.U.E*) --�-- Existing Iron Pin � MAJOR: U/G Water Line LOS D (S.U.E*) Computed Property Corner P P Y RIGHT OF WAY & PROJECT CONTROL: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert coNc Above Ground Water Line A,c Wa,a, Property Monument f� Secondary Horiz and Vert Control Point ♦ Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall - coNc Wr Parcel/Sequence Number Primary Horiz Control Point MINOR: TV: TV Pedestal Existing Fence Line —x x x— Primary Horiz and Vert Control Point Head and End Wall C0N H - - - - - - - TV Tower Proposed Woven Wire Fence e Exist Permanent Easment Pin and Cap Pipe Culvert New Permanent Easement Pin and Cap O Footbridge >----------< LVG TV Cable Hand Hole H Proposed Chain Link Fence a Vertical Benchmark Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI JB cs El- U/G TV Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) - - - -- - - - Proposed Barbed Wire Fence or U/G TV Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) - - - — Existing Wetland Boundary _ _ _ _� a_ _ _ _ Existing Right of Way Marker 0 Paved Ditch Gutter .LVG Existing Right of Way Line Storm Sewer Manhole OO U/G TV Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) , Proposed Wetland Boundary �°a R Fiber Optic Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) - - - -'Y P°- - - Existing Endangered Animal Boundary dB New Right of Way Line Storm Sewer U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) —-7Y P°- Existing Endangered Plant Boundary fPe New Right of Way Line with Pin and Cap— A UTILITIES. U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS D (S.U.E.) TY P° Existing Historic Property Boundary Pa New Right of Way Line with m ^ POWER: GAS: Known Contamination Area: Soil - s Concrete or Granite RAW Marker Existing Power Pole Potential Contamination Area: Soil - � s � New Control of Access Line with Concrete C/A Marker Proposed Power Pole b Gas Valve Gas Meter Known Contamination Area: Water w Existing Control of Access aT Existing Joint Use Pole Potential Contamination Area: Water - �?❑ w Proposed Joint Use Pole LVG Gas Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) - - - Contaminated Site: Known Potential '�' %� New Control of Access U/G Gas Line LOS C (S.U.E.) - -°- - — or Existing Easement Line E Power Manhole U/G Gas Line LOS D (S.U.E.*) ° BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE: New Temporary Construction Easement - E Power Line Tower ® Above Ground Gas Line A/C oas Gas Pump Vent or U/G Tank Cap O New Temporary Drainage Easement TDE Power Transformer Sign 0 New Permanent Drainage Easement PDE U/G Power Cable Hand Hole SANITARY SEWER: Well New Permanent Drainage /Utility Easement DUE H-Frame Pole �� Sanitary Sewer Manhole OO Small Mine SZ New Permanent Utility Easement ruE * U/G Power Line LOS B (S.U.E.) P - - - - - - - - Sanitary Sewer Cleanout �+ Foundation New Temporary Utility Easement TUE U/G Power Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) _ _,_ _ ll/G Sanitary Sewer Line s Area Outline 0 New Aerial Utility Easement AUE U/G Power Line LOS D (S.U.E.*) P Above Ground Sanitary Sewer A/c s—i" se*- Cemetery 0 SS Forced Main Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) - - - -11 - - - - Building ROADS AND RELATED FEATURES. TELEPHONE: SS Forced Main Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) - -F55- - — School Existing Telephone Pole SS Forced Main Line LOS D (S.U.E_*) ss Existing Edge of Pavement Church Proposed Telephone Pole � Existing Curb _____ Telephone Manhole 0 MISCELLANEOUS: Dam Proposed Slope Stakes Cut C Telephone Pedestal T❑ Utility Pole • HYDROLOGY.' Proposed Slope Stakes Fill - - - F - - Telephone Cell Tower Utility Pole with Base 0 Stream or Body of Water Proposed Curb Ramp CR Utility Located Object O Hydro, Pool or Reservoir r----= J LVG Telephone Cable Hand Hole � Jurisdictional Stream `--- Existing Metal Guardrail U/G Telephone Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) - - - -T- - - - Utility Traffic Signal Box ❑s Buffer Zone 1 is — Bz i Proposed Guardrail T T T T U/G Telephone Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) - - - - Utility Unknown U/G Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) Buffer Zone 2 Bz s Existing Cable Guiderail U/G Telephone Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) LIAG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil0 Proposed Cable Guiderail - Disappearing Stream �--- Equality Symbol lVG Telephone Conduit LOS C (S.U.E.*) - -�_- _ — A/G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil 0 Spring cam^ �_-'^ Pavement Removal ® U/G Telephone Conduit LOS D (S.U.E.*) 7_ Geoenvironmental Boring Wetland !VEGETATION: U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) _ _ _ _r f°_ _ _ . LVG Test Hole LOS A (S.U.E.*) z Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch �c �7 Single Tree U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) - -� P°- - — Abandoned According to Utility Records g Y AATUR False Sump m Single Shrub a LVG Fiber Optics Cable LOS D (S.U.E_*) . f° End of Information E.O.I. z z O w -L- HARMON CREEK RD VII . I V I - LING TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 -L- STA 13+30.00 TO 14+86.93 CL -L- HARMON CREEK RD BIG MILL FARM RD 4/.5' 4/.5' l0' 2' 4' l2' 12' 23' 12' /2' 4' IZ 10' 14' BIKE BIKE /4' / GUAR RAIL LANE 11.5 /L5 LANE GUARDRAIL 0.5' 5' 4.5' 4.5' 5' 0.5' //yy _ l.5' l5' = GR NtlG SEE i C3 R2 R2 C3 Z NOTE 4 //yy S R/ Q GRADE �RQ RI S 2� � - GXRWNDG NOTE 4 0.02 0`02 OA2 - OA2 0.02 g OA2 T El DI T T DI El T GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 -L- STA 14+86.93 TO 26+54.51(BEG/N BRIDGE) -L- STA 28+20.01(END BRIDGE) TO 40+33.74 � NCE CHAIN LINK TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2A -L- STA 15+00.00 TO 26+54.51(BEGIN BRIDGE) (LT) -L- STA 25+80.10 TO 26 +54.51 (BEGIN BRIDGE) (RT) -L- STA 28+20.01(END BRIDGE) TO 29+44.26 (LT) -L- STA 28+20.01(END BRIDGE) TO 28+70.26 (RT) MILL NOTCH TO KEY IN L5" OR 3" 50' OR 75' AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER U INCIDENTAL MILLING DETAIL X X U C5 C6 MC34 02 D/ E4 2----�%z'MN. ----- -MIN. CIE USE FOR -YI- WEDGING DETAIL (WI) FOR RESURFACING Kimley*Horn Onzc 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2A-1 ROADWAY DESIGN I PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE (PREL/N/NARY PAVEMENT DESIGN) C/ PROPOSED APPROX. IS' ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE.TYPE S95B. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SO. YD. C2 PROPOSED N A ERASE RATE .OFS 136 LBS.PE SO. YDRETE . EAC ,, jo LAYERSYPE C3 PROPOSED APPROX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE.TYPE S95B. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SO. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. C4 PROPOSED APPROX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE.TYPE S95C. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 168 LES. PER SO. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. C5 PROPOSED VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE. TYPE S95B. AT IN LAIERAGEAYERS NOTATE OF E0 LBS. IN R SO YD. PER T DEPTH. TO 8£ PLACED C6 PROPOSED VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE SM AT AN AVERAGE RAT£ OF 112 LBS. PER 50. YD. PER PD£PTH TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 15'OR GREATER THAN 2'IN DEPTH. DI PROPOSED APPROX. 4' ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COVRSE.TYPE 119.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LSS. PER SO.YD. D2 PROPOSED VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERNED/ATE COURSE. TYPE 119.0C, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF /W LBS. PER SO. Ya PER PDEPTH, TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 25'OR GREATER THAN 4' IN DEPTH. El PROPOSED APPROX.4' ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25M AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS. PER 50. YD. E2 PROPOSED APPROX. 45. ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE.TYPE B25AC. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 513 LBS. PER SO. YD. E3 PROPOSED APPROX. 65' ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE. TYPE B25.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 465 LBS. PER SO. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. PROPOSED VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.00 AT E4 AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SO. YD. PER P DEPTH. TO BE PLACED W LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 3-OR GREATER THAN 55'IN DEPTH. f PROPOSED 6' AGGREGATE BASE COURSE K PROPOSED IZCLASS N SUBGRADE STABILIZATION L SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL N GEOTEXTIL£ FOR SOIL STABILIZATION P PRIME COAT AT THE RATE OF 035 GALPER SO.YD. RI PROPOSED Z-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R2 PROPOSED I'-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R3 PROPOSED 6'X 12-CONCRETE CURB R4 PROPOSED SHOULDER BERM GUTTER R5 PROPOSED EXPRESSWAY GUTTER R6 PROPOSED CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER R7 PROPOSED 5'00NOL(TH/C CONCRETE ISLAND (KEYED -IN) S PROPOSED 4CONCRETE SIDEWALK T EARTH HATER/AL U EXISTING PAV£NENT V VARIABLE DEPTH NILUNG VVI WEDGING DETAIL FOR RESURFACING (SEE DETAIL.SHEET 2A-3) Y MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS NOTES. I. FOR FILL OR CUT SLOPE HEIGHTS l 5, USE 4:l SLOPES FOR FILL OR CUT SLOPE HEIGHTS 5' l /0'. USE J./ SLOPES FOR FILL OR CUT SLOPE HEIGHTS > /0, USE 2.1 SLOPES 2. RETAIN EXIST CONC ISLAND FROM -L- STA /3+30.00 TO 13+66.77 3. RETAIN EXIST 2'-6"C&G FROM -L- STA /3+30.00 TO 13+8092 (LT) 4. USE 4.1(MAX) SLOPES INS/DE INTERCHANGE FROM -L- STA 2/+66.86 TO 25+80JO (RT)AND FROM -L- STA 29+4426 TO 32+0793 (LT) 5. PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES & UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED 8' 21, 1.5' 65' m 2 s � R/ H EX/STl/yG OA2 GROUND -� Za :v OZ -' 6" T E/ TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3A -L- STA 40+87.00 TO 43+10.28 (LT) -L- STA 51+57.43 TO 53+42.63 (RT) -L- STA 54+32.16 TO 56+42.27 (LT) -L- STA 84+09.69 TO 85+68.45 (RT) -L- STA 116+82.00 TO 118+22.00 (LT) -L- STA 116+82.00 TO 117+25.00 (RT) 2' C3 MIN WI V El DI U NEW FULL -DEPTH PAVEMENT (SEE T.S. NO. 4) DETAIL FOR BENCH MILLING (-L-) ck VAR/ES VAR/ES Cl C3 cRAOE R wN R7 Cl C3 POINT P INT 0.02 2,02 VAR 0,02 W/ SUP OP NELA ENT TOPOSED CHANIZION APPLIES TO -L- 29.5' lO 2' 4' l2' GUARDRAIL BANE 0.5' 5' 45' m uj 2 R/ ~ C3 N 2 E E`AgDG /7.5' 4mH N LINKCE Q1 "��OD2 W ELN/NGGX ST IOG TYPICAL SECTION NO. 313 -L- BIG MILL FARM RD HOPKINS RD (SR 2649) 295' 1 23' SEE NOTE 3 0.02 \1 0.02 12' 4' 2' /0yyyy' BIKE m GUARD. 4.5' - uj C3 SEE NOTE 2 Q R/ D/ E/ j L L If VAR/ES &GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 -L- STA 40+33.74 TO 118+22.00 -L- STA 52+00.00 TO 53+23.18 (LT) U STI tlG GRXO'UN TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3C -L- STA 117+25.00 TO 118+22.00 (RT) -L- HOPKINS RD (SR 2649) 26.75' 26.75' 8' 2 4'1 l2' 17.5' 12' 4' BIKE 8.75' 8.75' BIKE LANE 55' 325' LANE L5' 6.5' 9" 4' 9" i S C3 V Wl NOTE x 4 Wl C3 ti R/ NN NOTES 5 R7 GRADE G�UN,G OA2 0`02 POIM 0`02 :� T El DI T U D, 34.5' GRADE TO THIS L/NE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4 -L- STA 118+22.00 TO 120+71.00 8' GROUNDG I ST (MIN l'J TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4A -L- STA 119+65.00 TO 120+53.52 (RT) Kimley* Horn PROJEREFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2A-2 ROADWCTAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN 0 x ENGINEER ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE Cl /5' S9551 C `2 25' S9561 C3 Y s95B C4 3' S95C C5 VAR. DEPTH S95B C6 VAR. DEPTH S95C DI 4' //9.0C D2 VAR. DEPTH /19.00 El 4' B25AC E2 45" B25AC E3 85' B25.0C E4 VAR. DEPTH B25DC J 6, AGGREGATE BASE COURSE K 0CLASS N SUBGRADE STABILIZATION L SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL N GEOTEXT/LE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION P PRIME COAT RI -6-CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R2 /'-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R3 8•x /ZCURB R4 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER R5 EXPRESSWAY GUTTER R6 VALLEY GUTTER R7 5" MONOL/rw CONCRETE ISLAND (KEYED-lN) S 4'CONCRETE SIDEWALK T EARTH MATERIAL u EX/STING PAVEMENT v MILLING Vy1 WEDGING Y MILLED RUMBLE STR/PS NOTES: I. FOR FILL OR CUT SLOPE HEIGHTS < 5. USE 4.1 SLOPES FOR FILL OR CUT SLOPE HEIGHTS 5' < 10, USE 3.1 SLOPES FOR FILL OR CUT SLOPE HEIGHTS > IO', USE 2.1 SLOPES 2. RETAIN EXIST PAVEMENT (SEE WEDGING DETA/LSHEET 2A-/)FROM -L- STA 55+25A0 TO 59+50.00 (RT),STA 6/+50.00 TO 76+25.00 (RT). STA 80+75.00 TO 85+75.00 (RT),STA 99+25A0 TO ll3+00A0 (LT),AND STA 115+00A0 TO 118+22.00 (LT/RT).SAWCUT EXIST PAVEMENT M/N/MUM OF /'FROM GUTTER EDGE 3.SEE PLANS FOR ROADWAY GEOMETRY AND ISLAND (R7)LOCATIONS 4.INSTALL 5"001VOLITHIC CONCRETE MEDIAN FROM -L- STA 118+22.00 TO 119+30.00 5.USE DETAIL FOR BENCH MILLING ADJACENT TO WIDENING (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) 6.PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES /:/UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED EXISTING GROUND VAR. \ 2,1 SLOPES 4 i SEE NOTE I GRADE TO THIS LINE 12' 2' /7' W/ o GUARDRAIL FOPS = SEE SEE NOTE 2 Q g NOTE 4 CL -Yl- US 421 /I-40 BUS/NC 150 12, 12' 30' 12, 12' 12' 12' l0' PS EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST /5, 5, i+ Lu + 5' PS - -- 5' PS z J SEE 2 SEE V W/ CROWN NOTE 3 POINT 0.0208 EXIST EXIST- - - in U VAR/ES 39'-63' Kimley*Horn o.1,1 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 X/S = EXISTING NOTE 2 SEE GROUND GTE 3 � CROWN NpOINf EXIST EXIST -�L ----- ----- ----- - - - - - I -- 63' TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5 -Yl- STA 41+50.00 TO 53+35.00 10' 6' 1 15' 12' 12' /7' W/ /7' W/ 5' 6' GUARDRAIL o w GUARDRAIL ?� zJ w w ti y� Q� 10' z ? 12, ?� EXISTING w w w FOPS SEE 2 FOPS w v GROUND z o z o NOTE 4 Q Z 2w 2� C4 Y V Wl g ?� O = 0.04 0.04 00208 C4 Y V VAR. 4• 6: - EXIST 0,04 SLOPES 6°/ l55" 6.°/ 4:1 6`I T E3 DI 3----- U - VAR. GRADE TO VARIES 155" T SLOPES 2:1 THIS LINE 3 22 Dl E3 GRADE TO EXISTING 30 THIS LINE GROUND TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5A -Yl- STA 41+50.00 TO 42+85.00 (LT) 2' C4 MIN Wl V - - L5'� D/ U NEW FULL -DEPTH PAVEMENT (SEE T.S. NOS. 5 AND 6) DETAIL FOR BENCH MILLING (-YI -) C3 03 - IEl 0 N L TH� UN2 USE DETAIL / FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION WITH CURB AND GUTTER SECT/ON AS FOLLOWS: -L- STA 32+50.00 TO 34+50.00 (LT/RT)(SEE T.S.NO. 2) DETAIL I FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION 2'-6" CURB & GUTTER TIE TO EXISTING VALLEY GUTTER 1R DETAIL FOR TRANSITION FROM 2'-6" C&G TO VALLEY GUTTER APPLIES TO-Y2-,-Y3-,-Y7-,AND -YB- C3 --- -12, Iz U El N K GRADL/NE USE DETAIL 2 FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION WITH CURB AND GUTTER SECTION AS FOLLOWS: -L- STA 118+00.00 TO 120+50.00 (LT/RT)(SEE T.S. NOS, 3 & 4) DETAIL 2 FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION 12 TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5B EXISTING GROUND VAR. SLOPES -Yl- STA 51+75.00 TO 53+35.00 (RT) 6" APPLIES ONLY TO -L- U I'OR 3' Q (SEE CROSS 12 S��O UNDERCUT SECTIONS) -L- STA 22+25.00 TO 23+25.00 (LT)(SEE T.S. NO. 2) -L- STA 32+50.00 TO 34+50.00 (LT/RT)(SEE T.S.N0.2) -L- STA 118+00,00 TO 120+50.00 (LT/RT)(SEE T.S. NOS.3 & 4) --Y4- STA /4+50.00 TO /6+50.00 (LT/RT)(SEE T.S.AID. 16) DETAIL FOR UNDERCUT EXCAVATION/SHALLOW UNDERCUT C3 Tf7GRACE jr0IS L/ryE USE DETAIL 3 FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION WITH SHOULDER SECTION AS FOLLOWS: Y4- STA /4+50,00 TO /6+50.00 (LTXRT)(SEE T.S. NO. 16) DETAIL 3 FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2A-3 ROADWAY DESIGN I PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE Cl /5' S95B C `2 25' S95B C3 Y s95B C4 3' S95C C5 VAR. DEPTH S95B C6 VAR. DEPTH S95C DI 4' //9.0c D2 VAR. DEPTH /19.00 El 4' B25DC E2 45" B25DC E3 85' B25.0C E4 VAR. DEPTH B25DC J F AGGREGATE BASE COURSE K 0CLASS N SUBGRADE STABILIZATION L SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL N GEOTEXT/LE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION P PRIME COAT RI 2'-6-CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R2 --CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R3 B•x /2'CURB R4 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER R5 EXPRESSWAY GUTTER R6 VALLEY GUTTER R7 5" MONOL/rw CONCRETE ISLAND (KEYED-lN) S 4CONCRETE SIDEWALK T EARTH MATERIAL u EX/STING PAVEMENT V MILLING Wl WEDGING Y MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS NOTES I.USE 4:1(MAX)SLOPES INS/DE INTERCHANGE FROM -Yl- STA 45+89.44 TO 52+47.87 (LT) 2.INSTALL MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS FROM -Yl- STA 24+12.00 TO 4/+50.00 (LT) AND FROM -Yl- STA 32+46.00 TO 53+35.00 (RT) 3.MATCH EXISTING CROWN POINT AS CONSTRUCTED BY U-2579BA (BY OTHERS) FROM -Yl- STA 4/+50.00 TO 53+35.00 4.USE DETAIL FOR BENCH MILLING ADJACENT TO WIDENING (SEE DETAIL. THIS SHEET) 5. PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES I:I UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED z z O 30 12' VARIES 12, 12' P' ITWI GUARDRAIL W FDPS SEE NOTE 5 2 C4 Y C4 V Wl GRADE POINT OD4 0.04 0.0206 0.0208 00208 0.0208 EXISTING GROUND 6:1 - - - - - - 155" /5.5" - _ VAR. ZI T E3 DI U SLOPES 34' GRADE TO THIS LINE EXISTING GROUND TN/SQL/NE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 6A -Yl- STA 54+48.99 TO 55+05.00 (LT) -Yl- STA 56+35.00 TO 56+90.45 (RT) CL -Yl- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 30` SEE SEE NOTES NOTES 2��"& 3 2 & 4 ' ""R/ES VARIL52 12' 12' 12' t t t 2' SEE NOTE 5 GRADE 0.0208 IfFoO.ROT206 0.0208 1.5" --- ---15r 5 tttttt U j/ 34' GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 6 -Yl- STA 53+35.00 TO 97+22.00 (LT) -Yl- STA 53+35.00 TO 90+85.00 (RT) THl5 LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 66 -Yl- STA 56+35.00 TO 63+80.00 (LT) -Yl- STA 77+50.00 TO 83+00.00 (RT) OUTSIDE EXISTING 0' GROUND o o FDPS 2 C4 C4 Gal POI 2 OD4 0.04 0.0 VAR. SLOPES 6:1 / VAR. T E3 SLOPES Z: GRADE TO THIS LINE 30' EXISTING GROUND VARIES 12, 0'-I2, ITWI GUARDRAIL = FDPS QL g0.02084 -YIRPB- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 RAMP B -YIRPD- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 RAMP D 155" MATCH TYPICAL SECTION NOS.5 (-YIRPB-) AND 6 (-YIRPD-) TYPICAL SECTION NO. 7 -YIRPB- STA 10+00.00 TO 13+04.85 -YIRPD- STA 10+00.00 TO /3+04.85 Kimley*Horn Onzc 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 EXISTING SEE GROUND NOTE l 4:1 VAR. 6:1 clnPFc PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2A-4 ROADWAY DESIGN I PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE (PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN) Cl /5' S95B C `2 25' S95B C3 Y s95B C4 3- S95C C5 VAR. DEPTH S95B C6 VAR. DEPTH 595C DI 4• //9.cr D2 VAR. DEPTH /19.0C El 4' B25M E2 45" B250C E3 85' B25.00 E4 VAR. DEPTH B25DC J F AGGREGATE BASE COURSE K 0CLASS N SUBGRADE STABIUZATION L SELECT GRANULAR VATERIAL N GEOTEXT/LE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION P PR/VE COAT RI -6-CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R2 r-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R3 8•x /2'CURB R4 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER R5 EXPRESSWAY GUTTER R6 VALLEY GUTTER R7 5"VONOL/iw CONCRETE ISLAND (KEYED-lN) S 4'CONCRETE SIDEWALK T EARTH MATERIAL u EXISTING PAVEMENT V MILLING W 1 WEDGING Y MILLED RUVBLE STRIPS NOTES: LUSE 4.1 SLOPES (MAX) INSIDE INTERCHANGE FROM -Yl- STA 58+73.11 TO 65+2680 (RT) 2.REMOVE AND REPLACE EXIST 4' MEDIAN PAVED SHOULDER WITH 5' FULL -DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER. REMOVE AND RESET EXIST GUARDRAIL P BEH/ND NEW SHOULDER 3.TIE SLOPE TO EXISTING MEDIAN DITCH FROM -Yl- STA 90+85.00 TO 97+22.00 (LT) 4.RETA/N EXIST MEDIAN GUARDRAIL FROM -Yl- STA 90+85.00 TO 97+22.00 (RT) 5.USE DETAIL FOR BENCH MILLING ADJACENT TO WIDENING (SEE DETA/L.SHEET 2A-3) 6.PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES /:/UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED z z 0 -YIRPB- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 RAMP B -YIRPD- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 RAMP D OUTSIDE INSIDE zJ Q-(i 4' 4' L'i "Z FOPS FDPS W EXISTING C-7 ? GROUND GRADE _ POINT 0.02 0.02 002 OD8 OD8 4:1 _ EXISTING 6:/ — GROUND 6:1 6:1 VAR. lI" SLOPES ::VAR. 711,AIE EI T LOPES 2• TO THIS LINE — — CTION NO. 8 —YIRPB— STA 13+04.85 TO 2/+12.76 —YIRPD— STA /3+04.85 TO /9+86.45 -YILPB- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 LOOP B VARIES 2' 2' I4' 2' MIN SEE NOTE I MATCH TYPICAL MATCH TYPICAL SECTION NO.6 EXISTING SECTION N0.6 C4 Rl GROUND GRADE POINT 0102 0.0208 GRADE TO J THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 9 —YILPB— STA 10+00.00 TO 12+23.27 EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. Kimley>>)Horn U-57G 2A-5 ROADWAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN O x ENGINEER ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 -YILPD- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 LOOP D I SEE 1 NOTE 2 GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 10 0.02 —YILPD— STA 10+00.00 TO I2+23.42 -YILPB- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 LOOP B -YILPD- US 421 /1-40 BUS/NC 150 LOOP D TYPICAL SECTION NO. 11 —YILPB— STA /2+23.27 TO /7+08.66 —YILPD— STA 12+23.42 TO /6+05.58 EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE (PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN) Cl 15' S95B C `2 25' S95B C3 Y s95B C4 3- S95C C5 VAR. DEPTH S95B C6 VAR. DEPTH 595C DI 4• 119.GC D2 VAR. DEPTH 119.00 El 4' B25M E2 4e B25- E3 85' B25.00 E4 VAR. DEPTH B25DC J F AGGREGATE BASE COURSE K 0CLASS N SUBGRADE STABILIZATION L SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL N GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION P PRIME COAT RI 2'-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R2 P-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R3 8'X tz CURB R4 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER R5 EXPRESSWAY GUTTER R6 VALLEY GUTTER R7 5" MONOL/rw CONCRETE ISLAND (KEYED -IN) S 4CONCRETE SIDEWALK T EARTH MATERIAL u EXISTING PAVEMENT V MILLING W/ WEDGING Y MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS NOTES: 1. MATCH LEFT SIDE OF TYPICAL SECTION NO.6A FROM -YILPB- STA /O+OODO TO /0+20.9/(RT) 2. MATCH RIGHT SIDE OF TYPICAL SECTION NO.6A FROM -YILPD- STA I0+00D0 TO /0+39.74 (RT) 3. PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES &UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED z z O EX15-FING GROUND V/ S/ EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND V/ S/ EXISTING GROUND Ck -YIRPB- (i -YILPB- TYPICAL SECTION NO. 12 -YIRPB— STA 21+12.76 TO 24+04.21 —YIRPB— STA 17+08.66 TO 19+87.47 Ck -YIRPD- Ck -YILPD- TYPICAL SECTION NO. 13 30 — —YIRPD— STA 19+86.45 TO 22+53.88 —Y1LPD— STA 16+05.58 TO 18+68.35 EXISTING GROUND 0.5 -Y2- TIMBERVIEW DR -Y3- SELWYCK LN/LAMSHIRE RD -Y8- E SUTTER LN in, I P" VARIFC I I/ARIFC 19, In, 14'W/GR 2'-l6' 2'-l6' 14'W/GR C3 C3 5 s POINT 0A2 0.02 0.02 SEE 7• 7' SEE NOTE 2 NOTE 2 E/ E/ GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 14 —Y2— STA 11+22.00 TO 13+28.41 —Y2— STA /3+83.42 TO 17+40.00 —Y3— STA 12+25.00 TO 14+78.61 —Y3— STA 15+33.63 TO 16+75.00 —Y8— STA 14+03.52 TO 15+25.00 F EXISTING GROUND KimlepoHorn Onzc 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2A-6 ROADWAY DESIGN I PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE Cl /5' S95B C `2 25' S95B C3 5' s95B C4 3- S95C C5 VAR. DEPTH S95B C6 VAR. DEPTH S95C DI 4' 119Dc D2 VAR. DEPTH /19.00 El 4' B25DC E2 4e B25DC E3 85' B25.0C E4 VAR. DEPTH B25DC J F AGGREGATE BASE COURSE K IZCLASS N SUBGRADE STABILIZATION L SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL N GEOTEXT/LE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION P PR/ME COAT RI 2'-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R2 1-6-CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R3 B'x /ZCURB R4 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER R5 EXPRESSWAY GUTTER R6 VALLEY GUTTER R7 5" MONOL/rw CONCRETE ISLAND (KEYED-lN) S 4'CONCRETE SIDEWALK T EARTH MATERIAL u EXISTING PAVEMENT V MILLING Wl WEDGING Y MILLED RUVBLE STRIPS NOTES. I.SEE PLANS FOR ISLAND (R7)LOCAT/ONS 2.SEE PLANS FOR SIDEWALK LOCATIONS ALONG -Y2- AND -Y8- 3.PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES h1 UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED -Y3- SELWYCK LN/LAMSHIRE RD -Y5- ASHLEY PARK DR -Y6- WOODFIELD DR -Y7- REGENTS PARK RD/TIMBERWOOD TRL -Y8- SUTTER LN l0' 2' VARIES VARIES 2' 10' 14'W/GR 9'-16' 9'-16' 14'W/GR SEE SEE NOTE 2 NOTE 2 EXISTING SEE GROUND rEXISTING GROUND NOTE 3 Rl Rl - C3 GRADE WI V C3 1 2 2° -- 0.02 POINT 0.02 0.02 0.02 "sEEElNOTEl EI RIES nU GRADE T THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 15 -Y3- STA /0+50.00 TO 12+25.00 (USE R& -Y3- STA 16+75.00 TO 17+50.00 (USE R& -Y5- STA 10+27.50 TO 10+58.16 -Y6- STA 10+27.91 TO 10+65.63 -Y7- STA 13+03.16 TO 13+66.27 -Y7- STA /4+47.04 TO /4+90.83 -Y8- STA 12+77.96 TO 13+27.52 a 0 -Y8- STA 15+25.00 TO 16+30.00 (USE R6) -Y4- HOPKINS RD (SR 2694) 8' VARIES 12' 2' 8' 8' 0'-12' 2' PS SEE 2' PS NOTE 3 C3 V Wl Wl V C3 GRADE POINT EXISTING 008 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.08 GROUND -� 4.• �- 21 T - - - - 75" L 7 5" 2 T VARIES GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 17 -Y4- STA 19+04.18 TO 24+55.00 - `EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND 2' Wl MIN C3 V El OR U NEW FULL -DEPTH PAVEMENT (SEE T.S. NOS. /5 THROUGH 19) DETAIL FOR BENCH MILLING (-Y-) Kimley*Horn Onzc 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 -Y4- BLUFF 11 -� EXISTING GROUND THIS -LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 16 -Y4- STA 12+00.00 TO 18+03.16 -Y5- ASHLEY PARK DR -Y6- WOODFIELD DR -Y7- TIMBERWOOD TRL R' VARIFC I VARIFC R' SEE NOTE 3 C3 GRADE M INT OAS0.02 008 7" 7" T El U NOTE / EI T VARIES GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 18 -Y5- STA 10+58.16 TO /1+42.00 -Y6- STA 10+65.63 TO /0+75.00 -Y7- STA 12+50.00 TO 13+03.16 -Y7- STA /4+90.83 TO 16+70.00 EXISTING GROUND 2.� PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2A-7 ROADWAY DESIGN I PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE Cl /5' S95B C `2 25' S95B C3 Y s95B C4 3' S95C C5 VAR. DEPTH S95B C6 VAR. DEPTH S95C DI 4• 119.oc D2 VAR. DEPTH /19.00 El 4' B25AC E2 45" B250C E3 85' B25.0C E4 VAR. DEPTH B25DC J F AGGREGATE BASE COURSE K 0CLASS N SUBGRADE STABILIZATION L SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL N GEOTEXT/LE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION P PR/ME COAT RI 2'-6-CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R2 /'-6'CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER R3 8' x /Z CURB R4 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER R5 EXPRESSWAY GUTTER R6 VALLEY GUTTER R7 5" MONOLITHIC CONCRETE ISLAND (KEYED -IN) S 4'CONCRETE SIDEWALK T EARTH MATERIAL U EXISTING PAVEMENT V MILLING W/ WEDGING Y MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS NOTES: I. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXIST PAVEMENT FROM -Y7- STA /3+25.00 TO /3+6627 AND FROM STA /4+47.04 TO /5+50.00 2.SEE PLANS FOR SIDEWALK LOCATIONS ALONG -Y8- 3.USE DETAIL FOR BENCH MILLING ADJACENT TO WIDENING (SEE DETAIL"THIS SHEET) 4. PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES l:l UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Y PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. s Kimley >> Horn U-5760 2B-, F� °j e� O ROADWAY DESIGN 0'' ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 t� N RALEIGH, NC 27601 _ GQ w��-w.r xn. N Z + corar. eEv. �X, Qv'9p� 5 ° o II iz Q + ) �i �!� °.i• '0 00 Q W 02 02 r rr Z Q Q Z J JN y" gt" V '° I .� W DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL H UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ¢ CR NG 1c,� 5 S o tis y cNc sO, 'G -YIRPB- PT Sta. 5L52Lr r r z } -YIRP - POT t 4+4 = /'LAND 6G -L- POT Sto.33+06J1 s 5 R o + -YILPD- ST Sto. —Y/RP8- S 8942'32J' +7n lop cR A- 0 = 85' + 2"I� + ^h 5' �Nc -YILPB- POT Sto. 20+27J2 = + LY/RP) 4' PS z-6' C&G v c ISLAND -L- POT Sto. 32+78.00 —CR m � SL m xAn A, p5 w w o w N o 0 0 0 -YILPD- POT Sto.19+08J6 = -L- POC Sto.20+85.00 P Ps -Y/LPB- g p� cR ti 55'R ��D S 89' 4Z 32J° E = 83• s -YIRPD- POT Sto. 22+9356 = ,� `by �^n Z CONC ISLAND sdRat -L- PT Sto. 3/+11.67 -L- POC Sto.20+56.8 ,� s -YILPB- ST Sto.19+0592 { = 84 44' 33A" x �� �`�i ' N L } } g k�0 20 • x� O� + l Y/ P AO +66 R D2 -YILPB- CS Sto.17+05.92 -L -/ -YIRPD -/ -Y/LPD - -L -/ -YIRPB -/ -YILPB - SEE SHEET NOS.4 AND 5 FOR PLAN SEE SHEET NDS.5 AND 6 FOR PLAN lz I 1z 12' ` +00 N i0 ar I ITY TY N Q -Y2- PT Sto.13+46.90 : i oo ° �"'; _ $ 00 +86AVL1 p� 'U = ° ii DR+7 r 1 DR xG+00 I L � �� -L- PC Sto. 41+4506 55+00 +4244lL) al ) ,y Ti F 2 A'g c<+)+ )+ 4 r 1 f 39D9 LT 1 LY' -Y3- PT Sto.16+49.88 . dry S•�Nc �%1i D p o Sipes R /2' ; 12401 L 40'R I9, INC S 41 +32J9(L) tim ® -Y2- 35'R 8.75' RT / R o v TIUBE cR RV/EW DR 1 �� C o F No, S 86 SELWYCK LN i L cR S 83' lP 34e E cR r CO s/D�0LKE m 2q Nc� RUCT ION O VAqY GUT R tzo s 8 ^ --' �' rr.N m } -Y3- POSCONSTRUCTION O NIEYGUTTER -► 00 M o'^ o o c o Y M o Mm T 5'COi C S/DEY 40'R a ,• CR .., .. i'- 2P INC m AT -I CR zR mo. 5.5' I o y o $ o BEGIN CONSTRUCTION+70 40'R + (Y 1 + 7 !Y ) CR 35'R oM i rr) -Y2- POC Sto.11+22.00 +a ) : -L- POT Sto.40+33.74 = + T's coNc 27 L -Y2- POT Sto.13+55.9/ ,L= 88' 23' 25ff 60'R ICOG C GUARDRAIL o S 6 3 R� _ W R� -Y3- PT Sto.12+39J3 ?'F e -L- POT Sto. 53+93.64 = 0 ° " � �� � -Y3- PC Sta. 15+4125 h � p -Y3- POT Sto.15+06J2 �, p I o o Q A= 9/' 4/' 04°0" +54-91(L) Z E g `� g 875' LT L P �LLN 2' 101 LT P I NT ERSECT lON +� lr r oY DETAILS Q TRANSITION FROM 2-6'C&G TO yP o2 VALLEY GUTTER ALONG RADIUS (TYP) SEE DETAIL. SHEET 2A-3 -L-1-Y2- 25 0 50 m TIE TO EXISTING VALLEY CURB ® TIE TO EXISTING SIDEWALK SEE SHEET N0.6 FOR PLAN [L] TRANSITION FROR 0-6'C&G TO VARY GUTTER ALONG RADIUS (TYP) SEE SHEET 80.7 FOR PLAN SEE DETA/LSHEET 2A-3 Y 2023 ADT _yq_ DHV = 9% 2040 ADT BLUFF SCHOOL RD DIR = 55% Kim Horn PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2B-2 TTST = 1% 1200 DUAL = 2% ey >> ROADWAY 1300 0.... ENGINEER O 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET,SUITE 600 l0o 500 N RALEIGH, NC 27601 8600 100 I 11000 10700 J �� a xwH�_wev R. {- 9400 14900 HOPKINS RD BIG MILL corar. eEv. ----�� ISR 26491 FARM RDf3.00 17001 3 00 �\ M DHV = 10% DHV - 10% DIR = 60%TTST 1100 5600 TDIR -TST = 1% 1 \ O \ ZCl DUAL = % 5600 DUAL = 2% 3=' \2' n Q \z o -Y7- PT Sta. 16+68.98 HOPKI S RD DHV = 10% SR 2649) DIR = 60% TTST = 1% ti ('s •. `9i + ° �`, �Q a J_ �y `g Ca °•. , �� L +/ 7() Zn DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DUAL = 2% `f-'' + ) c'. �3 N a mp + 7 �- + ra, -L- POC Sta. 86+26.47 = E D CO STRUCTION +� +2+ -Y7- POC Sto.14+078�' ° 9° o +9 + A _ 106' 55' 49.0" z �° 000 7arra, -Y4- PT Sto.19+52.64 S 89' 26' 22A' E $ ol� R� 5 ya za'INC -Y7- PT Sto.12+74.06 R ytla �'' m o + a ra, ©' c ° . Y4- f/Op n Y SCHOOL N + RD ZY4) ac 7$R 264910 -Y7- 'tl©a zR © BLUFF o 0 0" 27 ° spa �z ° 37�E pgREAITS �- CR % K RD = cR o IT' INC R C• 2'R �'-___ N c� o Z o .�y 8.7 'L + o''oC&G CRCR •°. 2'R o5 as - - POC Sta,+ = IB' + 4 Ya) I 4 -Y7- POC Sto. 12+SO,00 +a IY7 R -Y4- POC Sto. /8+53.39 + 1e 0 = 129 3/' 46.0' + 3025' RT -Y7- PC Sto.13+5684 �' 2 o -L- PC Sta. 84+92.00 r -T 12' 6a R �' q + 2 0 g' . cn Yo 12 m Iz + 7 ( 02 '•� 6° •. Oq ee '. 12 4 m c nl c=i�O T1' +2� WT- oW � � o ` -L-/-Y4- N I9'2/'1869W —L-/-Y7- * TRAFFIC SIGNAL SEE SHEET NOS.7 AND 8 FOR PLAN SEE SHEET NOS. 9 AND l0 FOR PLAN OCN $ Q ?� yo -L- AOT Sto.120+96.45 = u� Z J/ 9- POT Sto.13+43.82 4 Z +� :• / -L- PT SIG. l2/+83 97 sQ �� / A = 89' 27' 43ff / -L- PC Sto.107+27J9� iz , z 00 o N �a / z � -Y9- PC Sto.13+89A?l o 2d0� Z -L- POT Sto.107+19J5 = +7 r) +h o -Y9- PT Sto.13+3889 -Y8- POC St 13+66A2 21 +7 , + Y , oq ���SSj r aoR ScoN �1 �� a°� E D CO STRUCTIO /////5� / \� d j 5\pEN �pE 9 / N \ + �R cR ° cp o• + // E TIP PROJECT U-5760 / CONSTRUCTION * k0 � -Y9- PC Sta. 16+0083 -L- POC Sto.120+7/A0 -Y8- R / + FLO]IEP A -Y9- PC Sto.12 700 a SUTTER '4'26E •�N�Sp ' 5+d -Y9- PT Sto.14+90 39 N 1zDR co C -YS- PRC Sta. 15+95.94 Cl / mru ; N 9R 5'R S6CON •.. CBG'2,R °x BEGI CO STRUCTlO - - o. + o +3812 '�� -Y8- PC StO.12+62A4 `• Y N ljT DR ,� °•, +22 J 1z 2023 ADT W MOUNTAIN 5T DHV = 9% �,� v+ 2040 ADT CR DIRTTS z u o -Y8- PRC Sto.13+94.92 950o = zz i20 ' a SEE SHEET N0.12 FOR PLAN + +8812 i�02 Z-10200 ?49.66 DUAL = 2% /5'R5 (plz °. +^ °. 9 * TRAFFIC SIGNAL e Vi •. ": 2100 1300 NC-66 a laR', o ~ 03 N = 8900 30001 CO11200 OLD HOLLOW p2 c 13600 J 15400 RD CR cr e' INTERSECTION *13.66n c� 0q tZ1 QO HOPKINS RD DHV = 9% OV ISR 2649) 1400 4600 DIR = 60% , z +58 2000 5200 TTST = 1% ', 01' DETAILS �05+�0 DHV - 10% DUAL = 2% DIR = 60% 12100 TTST = 1% -L- PT Sta. 105+88J2 -L -/ -Y8 _ 12800 aR nZ +22 DUAL = 2% N CR v`. 25 0 550 Q TRANSITION FROM Z-6"C&G To NTT I W MOUNTAIN ST DIR 5 % 4. TTI VALLEY GUTTER ALONG RADIUS (TYP) SEE SHEET N0. 11 FOR PLAN TTST = 2% ` SEE DETAIL SHEET 2A-3 DUAL - 2% z O rr Kimley>>)Horn PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57IG 2DES ROADWAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN 0— ENGINEER ENGINEER -YIRPB- SC Sto. 12+00.00 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 r-0F_war xEv. -Yl- Sto. 44+50,00 (5195 LT) -YIRPB- Sto. 11+6476 (4' RD GORE WIDTH - O-W 25 0 50 Q -Y1- Sto. 44+00.00 (5P LT) = Q -YIRPB- Sto11+1495 (1.67'RT) GORE WIDTH = 0,W Ln DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -Yl- Sto. 43+50p0 151'LT1 = -YIRPB- Sfo.10+65A0 (030' RT) GORE W/0TH = OAO' -Yl- Sto. 43+00,00 (5/' LT) = -YIRPB- Sta.10+15A0 (OAI'RT) L(-r 25 C P GORE WIDTH = 0,W I -Yl- POT Sto.42+85.00 (5/' LT) R P B / 5 A, P cp --------------------------------- --------------------------------- l0' PS cc o 0 Ln N -YIRPB- 0 F N 0 0 0 o o l0'PS --------------------------------- F N F N O k N O N O 028 kFl 038N O O N N O c, O F ----------------------------- ____ F N F N F F RETAIN EXIST PAVEMENT N 0 ------------------------ 0 0 ------------- 0 ---- \ ------------- 0 N ---------- 0 --------------- -- ---- 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIN EXIST 5' PS -Y/- ------------- ---------- ----------------------- US 421/1-40 BUS/NC 150 -Yl- Sto. 45+89.44 (77J5' LT) = -YIRPB- Sto.13+0495 Pe RT) -Yl- AND -YIRPB- GORE DETAIL GORE WIDTH = 26.15' SEE SHEET 5 FOR PLAN 4 (7 T) _ -YI- Sta. 45+50m (6729 LT) _ -Y/RPB- Sto.l2+1489 (4'RT) GORE WIDTH = 6_ -YIRPB- Sto.12+6550 (4'RT) GORE WIDTH = 1629' -YI- Sta. DZ+4Y2fY (tl6b2' LI) = -Y/LPB- Sto. 12+2559 (6' LT) GORE W/DTH = 3550 -YI- Sta. 52+50.00 (8324' LT) = Q -YILPB- Sfo.12+23J7 (6' LT) Q GORE WITH - 3224' + -YILPB- SC Sto.12+00.00 Ln -YI- Sta. 53+00A0 (6285' LT) _ -YILPB- Sfo.11+69.6/(6'LT) GORE WIDTH = 1185' o� f� -YILPB- TS SID.10+00.00 = o -Yl- POT Sto. +69.8I (5I' LT) R 10000 /0' PS v 0 0 Ki N 0 F 0 F N 0 0 N 035 0 c) O N F F N N N F o N RETAIN EXIST PAVEMENT 0 o N o 5' PS 0 0 0 N F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RETAIN EXIST 5' PS -Y/- US 42//1-40 BUS/NC 150 -Yl- Sfo. 54+5pA0 (5Y LT) _ -Yl- AND -Yl LPB- GORE DETAIL GORE W/DTH/0+O� A3'LT SEE SHEET 5 FOR PLAN -Yl- Sto. 53+50,Op (5/J9' LT) I -Yl- Sto. 54+00.07 (51' LT) = -YILPB- Sfo.11+19.17 (6'LT) -Y/LPB- Sta.10+6976 (123'LT) GORE WIDTH = OJ9' GORE WIDTH = DAY NON -WALK SURFACE y y y y NON -WALK SURFACE_: y y y y y y \ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y \ \\ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y.y y y y y y y y y y y y y u \ ✓ y J y y u _ y y y y y y y y y y y \ y y y y y y y 6" x 12" CONCRETE CURB y y y y y y 6" x 12" CONCRETE CURB y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y DETECTABLE WARNING 3 DETECTABLE WARNING O y y y y y y y SURFACE SEE R.S.D.N.848.05 y"" y" y SURFACE SEE R.S.D.N. 848.05 y y y y y o y LANDING WIDTH y y y y y y y y LANDING WIDTH " '' " '' '' '' '' '' " " S' MIN 5'MIN y y y y y y 2-6" CURB & GUTTER- 2 -6" CURB & GUTTER y y y y y SIDEWALK WIDTH SIDEWALK WIDTH 5'MIN. 5'MIN. TYPE 1 B T T r- c L 6" x 12" CONCRETE CURB DETECTABLE NG SURFACE SEE S.D.8.05 00 0 o Y-0" MAX ....NN.... SLOPE.ZERO +2.00% 0 0 0 0 SIDEWALK O o 0 0 0 5'MIN _\ _ o 0 0 0 33 .` SEAL o 0 0 0 022966 PAY LIMITS FOR 1 CURB RAMP 0 0 0 0 ---------- ---- %;S"'Hwj6a�` CONCRETE DEPRESSED CURB • ►, DEPRESSED 2-6- GRADE 4'-0„ lO BREAK 8.33% (12:1) MAX RAMP SLOPE CURB % GUTTER MIN 8.33% (12:1) MAX SLOPE UNLESS NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED CONTRACT STANDARDS 2 CROSS SLOPE: 2.00% AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT TYPE 1 3O CURB RAMPS REQUIRE A (4'-0") MINIMUM LANDING Office 919-707-6950 FAX 919-250-4119 WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE CURB RAMPS OF 2.00% WHERE PEDESTRIANS PERFORM TURNING MANEUVERS. SLOPE TO DRAIN TO CURB. n i r a r t i n n n l R m m n c REFER TO ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING NUMBER 848.05 SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALL RAMP NOTES O W � NON -WALK SURFACE SIDEWALK AREA 6" x 12" CONCRETE CURB O DETECTABLE WARNING o SURFACE SEE STANDARD 848.05 LANDING WIDTH 5 MIN �. w .i. �j � �W W w W w TYPE 2 SIDEWALK AREA SIDEWALK WIDTH 5'MIN. DEPRESSED CONCRETE CURB h" CnNCRF.TF. CTIRR 2-6" CURB AND GUTTER SIDEWALK WIDTH S'MIN SIDEWALK WIDTH PAUN SIDEWALK WIDTH PAUN 2'-6" CURB & GUTTER 4'X 4' MIN LANDING BEHIND BACK OF CURB Erg PAY LIMITS FOR 1 CURB RAMP OI 8.33% (12:1) MAX RAMP SLOPE l 2 1 CROSS SLOPE: 2.00% OCURB RAMPS REQUIRE A (4'-0) MINIMUM LANDING WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF 2.00% WHERE PEDESTRIANS PERFORM TURNING MANEUVERS. SLOPE TO DRAIN TO CURB. RAMP\LANDING WIDTH SIDEWALK AREA 5'MIN 6" x 12" CONCRETE CURB O \\ \ U Su*1 , -'' 2'-6" CURB & GUTTER 140K W , --'' DETECTABLE WARNING 0, nn SURFACE SEE STANDARD 848.05 ��FECA O`%9 6" CONCRETE CURB SEAL TYPE 3 S � uj..... REFER TO ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING NUMBER 848.05 SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALL RAMP NOTES C1IUMOMMINO /P(r SIDEWALK AREA DETECTABLE WARNING \\ SURFACE (TYP) RAMP WIDTH oo ��0 4' MIN SIDEWALK WIDTH 5'MIN 8.33 % MAX RAMP SLOPE 3 (TYP) \ \�� / \10%\ �oo \ 10% �- oo DEPRESSED 2-6" CURB & GUTTER DEPRESSED 2-6" CURB & GUTTER (HEIGHT VARIES CURB REVEAL DETERMINED BY FLARE SLOPE) 6" CONCRETE CURB SIDEWALK WIDTH 5' MIN DEPRESSED 2-6" CURB .rN. GUTTER DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP) DEPRESSED 21-6" CURB & GUTTER (HEIGHT VARIES CURB REVEAL DETERMINED TYPE 4 A BY FLARE SLOPE) PAY LIMITS FOR 2 CURB RAMPS SIDEWALK WIDTH S' MIN. 6" CONCRETE CURB SIDEWALK 5' MIN. O(TYP) JL� Ol (TYP ,� �c \\\tea, •�- y y y oL-r,AliY `2 (TYP) i 6" CONCRETE CURB /o SS��ggppgg gg 10% 10% 24" TYP. DEPRE3'JD ) o � 12" MIN. CURB & GUTTER RAMP WIDTH 4'MIN. DETECTABLE WARNING DEPRESSED 2-6" CURB & GUTTER (HEIGHT VARIES TYPE 5 CURB REVEAL DETERMINED BY FLARE SLOPE) oQ:�HICA Rpl���� 022966 I NEFQ''c,.`,3 ,UINIo lO 8.33% (12:1) MAX RAMP SLOPE DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL OCROSS SLOPE. 2.00% UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED CONTRACT STANDARDS O CURB RAMPS REQUIREA (4'-o") MINIMUM LANDING AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT office 91 FAX 250-4119 WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE CROSS WITHOF o WHERE TURNING MANEUVERS. CURB RAMPS V SLOPE TO DRAIN TO CURB. REFER TO ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING NUMBER 848.05 SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALL RAMP NOTES PAVEMENT ---" DETECTABLE VVARN (SEE RDWY. STD. S MONOLITHIC CONCRETE ISLAND o-" DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP) oo� o00 90,• o00000 � l o°o 000 ° 7'--0" MIN DIAMETER LANDING - S'4" MIN (TYP) MONOLITHIC CONCRETE ISLAND (SEE STANDARD 852,01) kgRYq Ty To �0 PAVEMENT MEDIAN ISLAND WITH CUT THROUGH MONOLITHIC CONCRETE ISLAND 90 ^ TRIANGULAR ISLAND WITH CUT THROUGH PAY LIMITS FOR 2 OR 3 CURB RAMPS (CALCULATE BASED ON NUMBER OF SETS OF TRUNCATED DOMES) TRIANGULAR ISLANDS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH ONLY 2 POINTS OF ENTRY AND EXIT AS SHOWN IN THE ROADWAY PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. R(?jno /20 /M �\ o \\ F A_ 9 Mpk Ramp Limits of Payment Shared uand'n C) FI ra e �T v MEDIAN ISLAND CURB RAMPS �. 2.:oFESS a� SEAL 022966 Ho DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SPEC. :stds/2012CurbRamp/Cu rbRmpDetails.tlgn aj PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO, U-5760 2C-5 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 25'-0" Z Q m 3'-11/" 3'-11/" 3'-1%" 3'-11/" Q U) I --I 2„ 41/q „41/„ 41/q„ 1/4„ IW-BEAM MIDSPAN H Z F 7 FPANEL SPLICE 121/4" Q a C/) Q Q mL) O T 4,r�JHzI-Iz=D Q0((¢C�_ LL -n %6rr DIA. ~ V oQ C3 Z= Cn Q 0 2%2" X 1%8" (TYP.) 3/4" X 21/2" (TYP.) HOLES io H 2~ Z LLJ Q Ir-I SPLICE BOLT SLOTS POST BOLT SLOTS U) Q LL J 1 D STANDARD W- BEAM GUARDRAIL ! 1 �8" z U) °C �> 8" 11/8 HH 1--I Cn i rr Lu z PLAN p 6rr Srr Err Srr --- -- �� /Brr DIA CENTERED 3�rr �� ON 6" SIDE E ! DIA. N -------------------- h + �- _ ----- I � I �!i -- -------------- III T,8" DIA. �+± 1/1 Z C - +1 23/ rr+ j rr 1�16rr DIA. it 0 D WOOD OFFSET BLOCK 3r, 3,r; ! 4 o16 HOLES o (FOR WOOD POSTS) pl P LAN _ v o a � D - 11 ------ ------------- 2 16rr+ 1/8"Bm ili Q r m CD ao �--� H 2/2rrX3/rr I I 10 SLOT I T +1Z00 2r-Orr X 1 r-6rry SOIL PLATE 1--I Vn v\ n !I Q I 23/g �- =- - - L j J D ) -co-� DIA . 1--I n o /� 3/ n DIA. rI -n 51/ rr 7%2 c LLJ cTnC r 0 +/8 /� Mc7 SIDE FRONT ��R Z R STANDARD SHORT WOOD ROUTED SIDE FRONT LINE POST BREAKAWAY POST OFFSET BLOCK ►46" STEEL POST STEEL TUBE TS 6"X8rXO.1875rr SHEET 6 OF 8 SYSTEM PARTS SHEET 6 OF 8 862D02 862DO2 CONTRACTS STANDARDS �.oH`Ctikp AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT aet;........-, �, Office 919-707-6950 FAX 919-250-4119 "p SEAL 9 i, 022966 SEE TITLE BLOCK •�•F'1'C INE`�P'�: ORIGINAL BY:J.HOWERTON DATE: 3-7-2018 MODIFIED BY: DATE: CHECKED BY: DATE: FILE SPEC.: PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2C-6 v Z m v� o} F- I' z DHOx aQ< . =p~COU L.LJa-~'Z mOm�� Hz�=D OOcn= O C z m Z = Lu LL. Q " y STEEL LINE O U Q� H =(n�0 POSTS Z�O�TI ��LLOJ n= Z • 6' 3° 6'-3" 3'-11/2, 3'-11/2�, O O U Q o DDy o z •jac H O io du) Wo \BUFFERED END SECTION i I I PLAN i BUTTON HEAD PAY LIMITS BOLT (10" LONG) BUTTON HEAD BOLT (10" THRU RAIL AND LONG) THRU RAIL AND POST WITH NUT POST WITH NUT AND "W" BEAM AND STD. WASHER STD. WASHER RAIL I Z -� _� �\ SHORT WOOD BREAKAWAY POST �\ N W-BEAM MIDSPAN J H D \ \ (SEE SHEET 6 OF 8) \ N PANEL SPLICE J M cs STD. LINE POST r o GROUND Q A D LEVEL o a V/ J Z Z r v D � w J D r STEEL TUBE 3/q"x7%p" BOLTS co STEEL LINE o F-1 z WITH 2 WASHERS POSTS er 1r r� OTY. 2 --- --- Q O O Z ELEVATION 0 TRAILING END UNIT ASSEMBLY A T _ 1 CVCTCM SHEET OF SHEET OF oQ�H�cAeofN ESS , SEAL " = CONTRACTS STANDARDS 022966 AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT `,6*G e; Office 919-707-6950 FAX 919-250-4119 I A.T.-1 SYSTEM ORIGINAL BY: DATE: MODIFIED BY: DATE: DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED PINAL CHECKED BY: DATE: UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED FILE SPEC.: 0 om H � < H Z 7ocl)00 D 0m�Un �_q > =-nDDm z =cno0 z,�m�m 0 0 i--i 0DDD DD Cl) 0 z SINGLE W-BEAM RAIL CL RAIL T C N Cn -v0 D D Cn m D H r 0 r r 0 m m D > c0 CD') H r z ig 0 = Z v ROUTED OFFSET SHEET - OF - 862D01 STD. LINE POST @ 6'-3" SPACING )R ANCHOR ASSEMBLY MIN. OF 50' PAY LIMITS APPROACH LENGTH OR MIN. 25' TRAILING LENGTH REQUIRED) OFFSET BLOCKS I� LOW FILL CULVERT �I I .I = Q Q�Q 11 (OR ANY LOCATION WHERE FULL I I LENGTH POST CAN NOT BE USED) I I W-BEAM RAIL Al a r� M A--] STANDARD POSTS AND ROUTED OFFSET BLOCKS SECTION A -A 0.0 Ir 6" MINry I I CULVERT I I HEADWALL I I � I PLAN STD. LINE POST @ 6'-3" SPACING OR ANCHOR ASSEMBLY MIN. OF 50 APPROACH LENGTH OR MIN. 25' WEAKENED TRAILING LENGTH REQUIRED) WOOD POST (TYP.) W-BEAM RAIL 50' i" 25'-0" 1 1 25' B7 C, LOW FILL CULVERT 3 (OR ANY LOCATION WHERE FULL is o 3 12" LENGTH POST CAN NOT BE USED) ;LEAK (MIN. ) B►� C►J 6'-0" LONG WEAKENED WOOD POSTS WITH WOOD OFFSET BLOCKS ELEVATION 25'-0" GUARDRAIL SPAN `5'g" DIA. BOLT 31, 8" 6" WITH WASHER I I I I I 3X4„ i� DIA. v--- -- --- i �'' M IIIiI STANDARD P T AND ROUTED OFFSET BLOCKS SINGLE W-BEAM RAIL GENERAL NOTES: III I I 1, LAP RAIL IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC FLOW. WOOD OFFSET BLOCK _._ ._. 2. SEE ROADWAY PLANS FOR LOCATIONS AND CONTINUATION OF RAIL OR END SECTIONS 3. MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 5 FEET BEHIND THE GUARDRAIL SHOULD BE CLEAR OF ANY a II FIXED -OBJECT HAZARDS THAT COULD SNAG AN IMPACTING VEHICLE. IIIiI � III I 3'/2„ DIA. --- - --- - HOLES I�IIIII III III WEAKENED III III WOOD POST III SECTION C-C FRONT WEAKENED WOOD POST O SN CAROBN"�i ivy SEAL 9` 022966 z ocf) F-I H Q H C U LLJ0HZ 00cf)= wQzLl-= QU�0CD �---=~zLu cl) �--LLOJ 0 0 U) fr z H � H w 0 Z Lu o rt z LL W a< J a H Er L J d LL) C) J U J H H � O U Lu d N c1) Q SHEET - OF - 862D01 z 2 N 0 N 0 N DETAIL 1 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Fill Natural b•1 �tigt Slope Ground D F\O d Geotextile Min, D= 1.5 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d= 1 Ft. FROM STA.60+10 TO STA.61+50 -Yl- (RT) DETAIL 4 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural •\ Ot Fill Ground .7 D \Pt�et Slope d Geotextile B Min, D= 2.5 Ft. Max. d = 2.0 Ft. B = 3.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 16+15 TO STA. 17+00 -YIRPB- (LT) DETAIL 8 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural 1 °� t Fill Ground 6.� D F\ot�g Slope Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 88+00 TO STA. 89+50 -Yl- (RT) DETAIL 12 SPECIAL CUT DITCH (Not to Scale) Front °t Ditch Natural 7 0� 3 \duet Slope Ground D F Min. D= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 47+25 TO STA. 48+25 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 49+00 TO STA. 51+50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 55+75 TO STA. 58+00 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 111+65 TO STA. 114+00 -L- (RT) IIFTAII 7 LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) b Natural Fill Ground ? I �•\ D 1"/Ft. Slope Min. D= 1.5 Ft. b= 5 Ft. FROM STA. 58 + 90 TO STA. 59 + 50 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 5 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural 1 0� t Fill Ground a, F? 7 \o�tg Slope D Dryer Min, D= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 29+50 TO STA. 32+00 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 46+00 TO STA. 47+25 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 51 + 50 TO STA. 52 + 10 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 103 + 30 TO STA. 106 + 00 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 111+85 TO STA. 116+50 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 80+50 TO STA. 80+80 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 94+00 TO STA. 97+00 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 14+57 TO STA. 15+85 -YIRPB- (RT) FROM STA. 13+35 TO STA.15+00-Y1LPD- (LT) DETAIL 9 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Fill Natural jd or A'NtSlope Ground 7. D Geotextile Min. D= 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 80 + 80 TO STA. 82 + 00 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 89+50 TO STA. 90+00 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 10+31.24 TO STA. 11+00-Y1RPD- (LT) nFTAII 1 DETAIL 3 LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural r- Ground ?.� D �A 1' Ft. Fill Slope o Min. D= 1 Ft. �. B= 2 Ft. b = 5 Ft. FROM STA. 58+30 TO STA. 58+80 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 6 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Fill Natural ttg< Slope Ground ? I D F\a d Geotextile Min. D= 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d= 1 Ft. SPECIAL CUT DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front t Ditch Natural j'1 et Slope Ground 3 7 D\o Min. D=1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 43 + 00 TO STA. 44 + 50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 44 + 50 TO STA. 45 + 50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 14 + 10 TO STA. 15 + 75 -Y2- (LT) FROM STA. 15 + 75 TO STA. 17 + 00 -Y2- (LT) FROM STA. 29+00 TO STA. 29+50 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 54+40 TO STA. 55+75 -L- (RT) DETAIL 10 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural G ou d �er D 3 °otet Sloope d Geotextile B Min. D= 2 Ft. Max. d = 1 Ft. B = 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap FROM STA. 66+55 TO STA. 69+50 -Yl- (LT) FROM STA. 90+00 TO STA. 91+00 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 14 TOE PROTECTION ( Not to Scale) t�et id Natural L� �\�S\°pe Ground b I�jl �d d=2 Ft. b=2 Ft. Geotextile Type of Liner -Class 'B' Rip -Rap FROM STA.65+00 TO STA.67+00 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 109+50 TO STA. 111+50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 101+50 TO STA. 101+98 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 14 + 00 TO STA. 15 + 15 -Y8- (LT) FROM STA. 15 + 50 TO STA. 15 + 95 -Y8- (LT) FROM STA. 19+00 TO STA. 21+00 -YIRPB- (LT) KimleylMorn PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2D ROADWAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER I ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED IIFTAII 7 LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural I l Ground 1.7 �•\ ill/Ft. Slope D Min. D= 1 Ft. b - 5 Ft. FROM STA. 28+35 TO STA. 29+00 -L- (LT) DETAIL 11 LATERAL BASE DITCH ;TD to Scale) �- Natural Fill Ground ?7�,•� 1"ift. Slope dGeotextile �� Min. D= 2 Ft. Max. d = 1 Ft. *When B is < 6.0' B= 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap b- 5 Ft. FROM STA. 91+00 TO STA. 91+50 -Yl- (LT) DETAIL 15 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) o< Natural �o;tgt Fill Ground D F Slope orfer Min. D= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 35+00 TO STA. 37+00 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 37+00 TO STA. 38+50 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 58+00 TO STA. 60+20 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 96+00 -L- TO STA. 98+00 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 13 + 00 TO STA. 14 + 00 -Y4- (LT) FROM STA. 19+85 TO STA. 20+00 -Y4- (RT) FROM STA. 10+50 TO STA. 11+50 -Y5- (RT) FROM STA. 12 + 35 TO STA. 13 + 50 -Y7- (RT) FROM STA, 14+87 TO STA. 16+70 -Y7- (RT) z z 0 N N v DETAIL 16 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural \ 0s Fill Ground 2• j 3' e< Slope d D Flo Geotextile B Min. D= 3.0 Ft. Max. d = 2.5 Ft. B = 3.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 83+50 TO STA. 85+75 -L- (RT) FROM STA. 90+00 TO STA. 90+75 -L- (RT) DETAIL 19 FALSE SUMP Outside Ditch ( Not to Scale) Traffic Flow 10 10' ►� 2' GI _ S — etc. S=Ditch Slope ll� Proposed Ditch STA. 19 + 15 -Yl RPD- (LT) STA. 18+00-Y1RPD- (RT) STA. 16 + 65 -Yl RPD- (LT) DETAIL 23 STANDARD 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground 3•D� r3A Ground d Geotextile Min. D= 1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip -Rap Max. d = 1.0 Ft. STA. 22 +00 -Yl RPB- (LT) MCTA11 1)rZ SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT DITCH (NOT TO SCALE) NATURAL GROUND - - - - - Min. D=1.0 Ft. DETAIL 17 RETAINING WALL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) b D Geotextile Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip-RoF 20:1 Min. D 2 Ft. Max. d = 1.5 Ft. b= 20 Ft. FROM STA. 22+25 TO STA. 26+50 -L- (LT) DETAIL 20 EXIST OUTLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS GROUND ( Not to Scale) 6' X 7' RCBC (BURIED V) KEYED -IN ON BANKS ONLY _ _ _ _ INSTALL 2.0' OF 1.0' CLASS II RIP RAP GEOTEXTILE 1.0' TO THE GREATER COUNTERSUNK CLASS I RIP RAP OF THE EXISTING W/CLASS B RIP RAP TO FILL VOIDS TOP OF BANK STA. 22+20 -L- (LT) DETAIL 24 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural '� o� Fill Ground 3.7 D F�ohe Slope Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 80 + 50 TO STA. 82 + 30 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 82+75 TO STA. 83+00 -L- (LT) FROM STA. 83 + 50 TO STA. 85 + 90 -L- (LT) DETAIL 26 INLET /OUTLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ( Not to Scale) EXISTING 2 a 96" CMP 2 @ 10' X 10' RCBC BURIED 1' EXIST 13' WIDE CHANNEL MEASURED GROUND UPP�S,TlREAMDOWNSTREAM I INSTALL 2.0' OF CLASS II KEYED IN ON 7 \ \ RIP RAP TO THE GREATER BANKS ONLY 2 21 OF THE EXISTING TOP OF GEOTEXTILE BANK 1' SILL FLOODPLAIN BENCH COMPRISED OF CLASS II RIP RAP, FILL VOIDS WITH CLASS I RIP RAP AS NEEDED 91 + 00 -L- DETAIL 18 d a FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) O Outside Ditch 20:1 ,f y,p•L� Tra Ic F ow �G1 I GI _ S — etc. S=Ditch Slope Proposed Ditch STA. 42 + 70 -Yl- (LT) STA. 47+85 -Yl- (LT) STA. 51+00 -Yl- (LT) STA. 72+28 -Yl- (LT) STA. 12 + 50 -Yl RPB- (LT) STA. 14+45-Y1RPB- (LT) STA. 15 + 85 -Yl RPB- (RT) KimlepMorn o.1,1 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 DETAIL 21 INLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ( Not to Scale) EXIST GROUND 6' X 9' RCBC (BURIED 1.5') KEYED -IN ON _ BANKS ONLY 1.01 2 \� 1 INSTALL 2.0' OF CLASS II 1.0 RIP RAP TO THE GREATER OF THE EXISTING TOP OF GEOTEXTILE BANK STA. 58 + 75 -Yl- (LT) PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 2D-2 ROADWAY DESIGN I PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DETAIL 22 CHANNEL CHANGE ( Not to Scale) Proposed Natural —iNgiural Fill Slop. Ground _ d GEOTEXTILE B Exist. Channel Min. D= 1.5 Ft. Max. d = 2 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' and Class 'I' Rip Rap B= 5 Ft. FROM STA. 98+00 TO STA. 98+65 -L- (RT) IS Ili•. •/•.. � . . 1♦ �\•�\•�, ii V•\\•.\n\\ •\•\\ .\•�• �� 'IiY _� fall —L ■ � � �'I�i, i � � , ./i t ���E1�a000 -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. �� ■■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■tttttttttttttttttt■■■■■■■■ � ■�■■■■ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt■■■.■■ttttttttttt■ttt■tttttttttttttttttttt■■ ����■ ,,. „ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -mmmmommo - --- -------........ . .. ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. • �� ■�■■■■ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt■■■■■.ttttttttt■■■■■■■■■tttttt■ttttttttttt■■ ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � �M■m■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -mmmmommo - --- -------........ . .. ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. ME MEMIN �� , :, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■ MEN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ EMENIMMEMM■MES■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■W■■ -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. ��■ ,. , ■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ---------------------------- MMMMI MMM M M ■ M E ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ MEN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ����■■ ■■■■■ ■m■ ■■■■W■W■■MEMMIME -mmmmommo - ............---------------------------- . ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. �� , , , ,. ■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. � � ■ ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ a.■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■m ■ ■ NOON■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■m ■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �� �■ ■�� ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■m■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � ■� ■ ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■. � ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■m■■■■■ ■ ■ ■.■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � � ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � � � ■ � � ■ tttttttt ttttt tttttttt ■■m■ttttttt ■ ■ ■ ■■■ t ttt tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt■. �� �■ �■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■a■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ .:...... � � � ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ W � ■ ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ a■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ �. ®■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ � ■ � � m ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �� ■■ �■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■� ■ ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � � ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �� ■■ �■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �®�■�■■■ NOON■■ ■■■■W■WV---------------- � ®M ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■ NONE ■■■■■■■NONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � � � ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■m ■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■�■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■ ■■■■a■■■W■■ ��■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. � � � ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ����■��■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■W■■ � ■� ■ ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■®■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ ■ ■ � � ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■m NOON■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � � ■ � ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ NOON■■ ■ ■ � am■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �� �■ �■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ NOON■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ o�■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■.....................®m�m�.....�� � ®�� m ©o■..■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©NOON■©■■■■■��� i -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. ®� .�■■. ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■W■■ �� ,:,. ,:,: ■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �� ,: , ,:,• ■m=■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■NONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■ mom ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■��■ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■W■■ maim ■. m.................■ ■ �. m... m.. ®� m. ©o ■o ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�� -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. �� ■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a■■■MIME■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �� „ „ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■---------------------------- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■®■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ EMENIMMEMM■MM■ MIME■■ ■■■■W■W■■W■■ -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. „■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■-------------------------- ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ��■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. ME MEMIN ��®®■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ttttttttttttttttttttttt■■■■■■■■ ®■ ■ ■ ■ ■ t tttttttt ttttt tttttttt tttttt■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt■■ �� �■ �■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■a■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ---------------------------- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ��®■�■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■ate■■■■■■■■■■■ ��■��■ ■■■■■ ■m■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■.® ....................gym....®..�� � ®�� ■.©■ ■■■■®®■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��� � -mmmmommo - --- ® mmmmoomommmm�mmo. ��.®■® .......................m.........■W ......................................■. ®■�■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■W■■MEMIN ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■.■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ COMPUTED BY: KLF DATE: 08/28/2019 PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. CHECKED BY: BTV DATE: 01/24/20 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION u-6760 313-12 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Note: Invert Elevations indicated are for Bid Purposes onlV and shall not be used for proiect construction stakeout. See "Standard Specifications For Roads and Structures. Section 300-5". LIST OF PIPES ENDWALLS ETC. FOR PIPES 48 INCHES & UNDER LINE & STATION W LL O m m z w j m fn z Q J w a O F FT. O > w F m w > z FT. O > w F m w > z FT. C O o w C❑0 m ❑ z % Drainage Pipe (RCP, ESP, CARP, HOPE, or PVC) C. S. PIPE R. C. PIPE CLASS IV a a ¢ m ❑ w ❑ m a a ¢ m ❑ w ❑ m a a ¢ m ❑ w ❑ m ,�.� w ^� H = J v~i 0 S o w W S z cY 3 o " cY y Z a QUANTITIES FOR DRAINAGE STRUCTURES NOTE TOFOR LPAV T. QUANTITY SHALL BE A+li.s x Bl A B c w o m ¢ O c e w p m m Li FRAME, GRATES, AND HOOD STD. 840.03 w i z w p p U F- z m O O zQ y O K c c o m m O v °� m pj u❑ O = F w a O e O m _ O U ¢ O m a ¢ m w ¢ i 0== U v o m m 0 v ro o rn o o W ❑ y w ¢ m 0 ❑ z¢ Q w Q LL o o o F In m 0 w o y w a Y ------_ o (7 o 0 F In m 0 w' 0 y m w a Y 0 (7 0 F In m 0 m °° o y o w a Y 0 (7 v m w ¢ ry w < w m 0 (7 o y '^ Q M C7 Q LL Q m m 0 (7 p ~ m w ~ M❑ U' ry ¢ LL Q m vi Z 0 (7 O m m w O w ¢ LL F �` vi Z o (7 e °� m m p "? v o0 o m pj n oe °o ❑ y m== -; pj r c w o m Ci pj r `' 'v 00 m< m w;❑ y m O Ci pj r v rn m w (0 O F w Q LL w w F y w Q ❑ Y m z O N m w >¢ O F a w w 'n a w? r N o V o - m~~~ > z¢ w ¢ LL n OF m O Z F m w F m w > z O U m 0 m Z F m w F m w > z O U _ ❑ 0 m Z F m w F m w > z O U m -; _ ❑ Z F m w F m w > z O U ❑ p m Z F m w F m w > z O U m (j F m > o Q _? o F m > '0 Q F m > 0 Q 0 m w vi (3 ;� � 0 m w vi (3 0 m w vi 6 w LL p0 Q p w CY c v ❑ Ci rn m O m J w w m U z CY ¢ O i w m w a a LIN FT. ABBREVIATIONS C.A.A. CORRUGATED ALUMINIUM ALLOY C.B. CATCH BASIN C.S. CORRUGATED STEEL D.I. DROP INLET G.D.I. GRATED OROP INLET H.D. P.E. HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE J.B. JUNCTION BOX M.H. MANHOLE N.S. NARROW SLOT P.V.C. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE R.C. REINFORCED CONCRETE T. B.D.I. TRAFFIC BEARING DROP INLET 7. B.J. B. TRAFFIC BEARING JUNCTION BOX W.S. WIDE SLOT w o m m O , o m = o 0 u~ m U SIZE 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 u w m ❑ O z o ❑ y¢ w m ❑ O z o ❑ a w m ❑ O z O ❑ w o> w m ❑ O z o ❑ w m ❑ O z 0 ❑ 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 THICKNESS OR GAUGE i O m o o rc Z. CY fn ❑ m x c EACH ❑ m x '^ -IN. FT. ❑ w z> Q O - m or ¢ LIN FT. GRATE TYPE E F G REMARKS L 115+97 31 LT 20 L 115+06 31 LT 20 Y312+51 28 RT 97 Y216+55 4 RT 24 Y313+98 21 RT 193 L47+19 5 RT 58 L52+95 51 RT 163 Y315+56 5 RT 17 Y315+57 18 LT 26 Y4 13+87 8 RT 24 L54+11 10 LT 3 L53+87 19 RT 7 L114+93 6 LT 49 L 115+06 31 LT 20 L 113+63 15 RT 45 L 116+57 12 RT 34 L71+72 4 LT 19 Y4 15+69 9 LT 24 L77+43 17 RT 21 L78+70 14 RT 14 L77+17 20 LT 20 L76+27 15 LT 20 L79+70 17 RT 48 L86+25 12 RT 69 Y714+78 3 RT 62 L96+75 23 RT 16 L95+82 39 RT 36 L 109+92 22 LT 20 L 111+42 25 LT 20 Y4 15+09 35 LT 53 Y4 13+87 8 RT 24 Y610+39 1 RT 61 L74+03 3 LT 17 L73+83 35 RT 21 L73+01 2 LT 20 L80+80 25 RT 18 L82+41 4 RT 27 L83+18 10 RT 19 L 101+31 59 LT 28 L 103+03 56 LT 44 L 104+68 40 LT 25 L 115+97 31 LT 20 L 107+19 19 RT 104 Y715+57 21 RT 24 L 109+22 23 RT 48 L 112+92 26 LT 20 L 114+02 28 LT 21 L 110+97 23 LT 20 L91+58 51 RT 16 L 96+76 1 6 LT 7 COMPUTED BY: KLF DATE: 08I28I2019 PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. CHECKED BY: BTV DATE: 01/24/20 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION U-s760 3D-13 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Note: Invert Elevations indicated are for Bid Purposes onlV and shall not be used for proiect construction stakeout. See "Standard Specifications For Roads and Structures. Section 300-5". LIST OF PIPES ENDWALLS ETC. FOR PIPES 54 INCHES & OVER LINE & STATION W LL O W ❑ z w j m m zJwFz m p zz O w > T O j wFz w > T wo. OJ o Drainage Pipe (RCP, CSP, CAAP, HDPE, or PVC) C. S. PIPE R. C. PIPE CLASS IV w ^� H = J v~i 0 3 '0 w S z 3 y Z o QUANTITIES FOR DRAINAGE STRUCTURES NOTE TOFOR LPAVT OUANTITV SHALL BE A+li.3 X BI A B Ci FRAME, GRATES, AND HOOD STD. 840.03 w Q F F z m V p z y ¢ U m o ~ m m O 0¢ w O ro 0 f m _ O U K Q. ❑ K z pO U N m O � o 0 <SIZE Lj z¢ wwww ¢ LL o .o 0 w o Ci m 0 w o - m m 7 r 0 w 0 Ci m 0 0 - m m 7 ro 'e o Ci m 0 o m m 7 v F m m w F- ¢ `N LL 7 O y m F ¢ Lt _Z 7 p❑ ~ m m w ~ U' n Q m 7 m m w w L• w 7 j C j ] (y° v °� ❑ m v p F m m w O LL w w Q Q m ❑ y m z O m >m ����� v o C o O zm ry OF z x> w >>>>w> zzzz O UUUUU m z m XXX w O - ❑' O z m w O m- p _ z m w O O p ai zQ m w(jof Oo mO ¢ y O JLL > ro a vl m uwUr m0 z O cV >O w ¢a. LINaFr. ABBREVIATIONS C.A.A. CORRUGATED ALUMINIUM ALLOY C.B. CATCH BASIN C.S. CORRUGATED STEEL D.I. DROP INLET G.D.I. GRATED DROP INLET H. D. P. E. HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE J.B. JUNCTION BOX M.H. MANHOLE N.S. NARROW SLOT P.V.C. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE R.C. REINFORCED CONCRETE TB.D.I. TRAFFIC BEARING DROP INLET¢ T.B.J.B. TRAFFIC BEARING JUNCTION BOX W.S. WIDE SLOT o m m 60 66 72 78 84 m O z O m O z O ¢ m O z O =m O z O m O z O 54 60 66 72 78 84 54 60 66 72 78 84 THICKNESS ORGAUGE O I I I I I �F; ACH B, z> ¢ p ¢ GRATE TYPE REMARKS L 96+13 30 LT 1029 1 881.0 4.2 1 1 1 1029 1028 869.6 868.8 48 L 96+13 9 RT 1030 881.8 4.2 1 1 1 1030 1029 870.3 869.6 40 L96+13 29 RT 1031 882.2 4.2 1 1 1031 1030 8707 8703 20 L86+18 71 RT 1011 1013 92 6.300 1z 1z STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PARCEL INDEX SHEET PARCEL No. SHEET No. PROPERTY OWNER NAME DEED BOOK DB 2123 PG 3174 DB 2123 PG 3176 1 4 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC #1141 DB 2123 PG 3177 DB 2123 PG 3179 PB 43 PG 128 2 4,5 CENTRE PARK FORTY ASSOCIATES, LLC DB 2238 PG 589 PB 44 PG 32-35 DB 2250 PG 829 3 4,5 ARNOLD G. KING & HELEN H. PRINCE DB 3267 PG 197 4 5 ROSS D. WALL & PATRICIA O. WALL DB 2188 PG 355 5 5,6 ROSS D. WALL & PATRICIA O. WALL DB 2188 PG 355 6 5 TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE DB 2065 PG 1771 DB 2056 PG 1310 7 5,6 THOMAS W. PRINCE & ARNOLD G. KING PB 44 PG 134 8 6 NCDOT DB 3405 PG 3903 SDB 2351 PG 3391 9 6 FRANK HOLBROOK & BRENDA W. HOLBROOK PB 44 PG 134 DB 2347 PG 2760 10 6 GARY T. DAVIS & DOROTHY R. DAVIS PB 44 PG 134 DB 3270 PG 2528 DB 1975 PG 1824 11 6 REBECCA DAVIS FLYNT & K. WAYNE DAVIS PB 14 PG 11 12 6 JACK W. DAVIS DEED REF. NOT FOUND 13 6 BETTY M. PELFREY DB 916 PG 324 14 6 GARY T. DAVIS & DOROTHY R. DAVIS DB 2332 PG 400 DB 1889 PG 4361 15 67 RICHARD M. CROWDER, JR. & SARA N . CROWDER PB 33 PG 21 16 6 JACK W. DAVIS DB 1380 PG 501 17 67 BRUCE W. BARNARD & JOAN W. BARNARD DB 1039 PG 599 DB 2830 PG 2839 18 7 JOSEPH W. ELLENDER, III PB 32 PG 35 DB 3144 PG 3312 19 7 ROBIN R. CAUDLE PB 32 PG 35 DB 1797 PG 3740 20 7 DAVID A. CASANEGA & JENNIFER CASANEGA PB 32 PG 35 DB 1785 PG 1470 21 7 DANIEL G. REAVIS & JOY B. REAVIS PB 32 PG 35 DB 3283 PG 2123 22 7 DOUGLAS A. BROWN PB 32 PG 35 DB 2237 PG 12 23 7 JAMES E. WILSON & DONNA C. WILSON PB 32 PG 35 DB 1943 PG 2568 24 7 JOHN M. ABERNATHY & TERRY W. ABERNATHY PB 32 PG 35 DB 2083 PG 2845 25 7 RANDALL EPPERSON & SUSAN EPPERSON PB 32 PG 35 DB 3008 PG 4260 26 7 PHILLIP E. BAUGUESS & PAULA R. BAUGUESS PB 41 PG 100 27 7,8 RAYMOND D. THOMAS & PATRICIA T. THOMAS DB 1661 PG 503 DB 2157 PG 4574 28 7 BETTY M. REID PB 41 PG 100 DB 2729 PG 3569 29 7,8 DAVID A. GRIX & MELODY K. GRIX PB 41 PG 100 30 8 MEDFORD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY., INC DB 2375 PG 3372 DB 2099 PG 3205 31 8 TIMOTHY R. SMITH & ANITA R. SMITH PB 30 PG 133 DB 1974 PG 1786 32 8 CALVIN C. HARRIS & SANDRA BLUE HARRIS PB 30 PG 133 DB 3298 PG 39 PB 46 PG 153 33 8 CHRISTOPHER T. BROOKS & LESLIE C. BROOKS PB 47 PG 58 DB 3261 PG 1876 PB 46 PG 153 34 8 CHRISTOPHER T. BROOKS & LESLIE C. BROOKS PB 47 PG 58 DB 3307 PG 70 35 8 SHAWAN GABRIEL & KEISHA GABRIEL PB 30 PG 133 PARCEL No. SHEET No. PROPERTY OWNER NAME DEED BOOK DB 3042 PG 434 36 8 DEREK J. LIGHT & REBECCA L. LIGHT PB 30 PG 133 DB 3314 PG 1664 37 8 JOSEPH B. FLETCHER & TAMMY W. FLETCHER PB 46 PG 153 PB 47 PG 58 DB 2810 PG 3757 38 8 GEORGE D. PALOUMBAS & MELISSA I. PALOUMBAS PB 46 PG 153 PB 47 PG 58 DB 1967 PG 315 39 8 JIMMIE C. MICKEY, JR. & SUSAN H. MICKEY PB 28 PG 80 40 8,9 W. AVALON POTTS DB 1969 PG 949 DB 1838 PG 3536 PB 37 PG 150 41 8,9 WOODCROSS DEVELOPMENT, LLP DB 3476 PG 3509 42 8,9 ANDREW CONEY & BECKY CONEY DB 1157 DB 1838 PG 3536 37 PPG PB 37 PG 150 43 9 JOSE V. PAREDES DB 3444 PG 2702 44 9 HUNTER P. COFER DB 3333 PG 2638 45 9 TYLER W. RUNYON DB 3361 PG 1919 46 9 EDMON D. GARMON & LESLEY GARMON DB 3435 PG 3582 DB 3185 PG 4294 47 9 NICHOLAS J. CARLUCCI PB 24 PG 149 48 9 JAMES K. DEAN & MARY LOU DEAN DB 1774 PG 2465 DB 3018 PG 3057 49 9 DONNA J. MCKOY PB 24 PG 149 50 9 STEPHEN M. PEDDYCORD & MELODY M. PEDDYCORD DB 3294 PG 1795 DB 3343 PG 2309 51 9 CYNTHIA COULOMBE & ROBERT COULOMBE PB 24 PG 149 52 9,10 DANIEL GOLDNER DB 2873 PG 2474 53 9,10 TIMBER TRAILS RECREATION ASSOCIATION, INC. DB PG 1618 4 P PB 24 PG 149 54 10 TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE DB 3391 PG 3427 55 10 GEORGE A. DEBI DART III DB 3416 PG 72 56 10 CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH DB 1649 PG 4084 57 10 DONNIE LEE SWAIM & BERNICE BROWN SWAIM 379 DB 887 PG 197 DB 10 0 PPG 1PG 715 PB 61 PG 145-146 58 10 FAMILY M VENTURES, LLC DB 2716 PG 2561 DB 1976 PG 2695 59 10 TONI N. PICCOLO & FRANK B. PICCOLO DB 3271 PG 4286 60 10 SCOTT K. SWAIM DB 1916 PG 3664 61 10 MARK J. SANTUCCI DB 2940 PG 591 62 10 JOHN C. LOVE, CAREN L. BULLOCK & HOWARD C. BULLOCK DB 2411 PG 3317 63 10,11 GARY M. SPRING & DEBBIE T. SPRING LIVING TRUST DB 3205 PG 4023 DB 2712 PG 174 64 10,11 ERIC A. MCFARLIN & SHAWN R. MCFARLIN PB 39 PG 42 65 11 SANDRA M. GONZALEZ DB 3455 PG 2983 DB 2481 PG 2119 66 11 JASON D. SMITH & REGINA V. SMITH PB 39 PG 42 DB 3201 PG 1606 67 11 CHRISTOPHER B. ELLINGSON & ELIZABETH S. ELLINGSON PB 39 PG 42 68 11 BRICE A. WALL & DEBBIE E. WALL DB 1835 PG 2313 DB 2625 PG 2351 DB 1964 PG 821 69 11 BARRY D. COLLINS & LINDA S. COLLINS PB 39 PG 42 70 11 GROVER W. PARKS & JANICE A. PARKS DB 1250 PG 643 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PARCEL INDEX SHEET PARCEL No. SHEET No. PROPERTY OWNER NAME DEED BOOK 71 11 KENNETH G. BOONE & CYNTHIA U. BOONE DB 3417 PG 2491 PB 39 PG 42 72 11 ROBERT J. GLASTETTER & PAMELA J. GLASTETTER DB 2733 PG 2506 73 11 STEPHEN S. FULLER & DEIDRA E. FULLER DB 3246 PG 3119 PB 39 PG 42 DB 2669 PG 2554 74 11 TIMOTHY C. MARTIN & MICHELLE A. MARTIN PB 41 PG 51 75 11 BUILDER PRODUCTS INC. DB 2937 PG 3671 PB 39 PG 42 DB 3312 PG 1772 76 11 BRIAN D. LOCKHART & TAMMY G. LOCKHART PB 23 PG 44 77 11 TUNNIE M. SHEPHERD & LORI J. SHEPHERD DB 3389 PG 2084 PB 39 PG 42 DB 3247 PG 4322 78 11 DENNIS L. BELCHER & BEVERLY C. BELCHER PB 39 PG 42 79 11 HOWARD P. ELLIS & JO LISA ELLIS DB 2226 PG 4477 PB 23 PG 44 DB 2781 PG 4092 80 11 BRADLEY K. ALBERT PB 23 PG 44 81 11 WILFORD A. SORRELL & SANDRA SORRELL DB 3200 PG 425 DB 39 PG 42 DB 2656 PG 2252 82 11 JERRY M. DUNCAN & PAMELA M. DUNCAN PB 23 PG 44 83 11 SUE INGRAM REVOCABLE TRUST OF 1999 DB 2097 PG 2609 PB 39 PG 42 DB 3087 PG 4132 84 11 ANNIE K. MCHONE PB 39 PG 42 85 11,12 JOHN M. KANE & PATRICK B. KANE DB 1218 PG 1651 PB 23 PG 44 86 11,12 633 HOPKINS LLC DB 2790 PG 2136 87 12 WILLIAM M. AVANT, III & MARY L. AVANT DB 1916 PG 1805 PB 23 PG 44 DB 1158 PG 1336 88 12 CHARLES A. ISENHOUR & NELDA T. ISENHOUR PB 23 PG 44 89 12 PARKS PROPERTY INVESTMENTS, LLC DB 2768 PG 1037 PB 36 PG 190 DB 3276 PG 742 90 12 ALONZO J. RUCKER, SR. PB 23 PG 44 91 12 THE CITY VIEW VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. DB 3427 PG 2753 DB 1275 PG 680 92 12 UNIVERSAL SKATE WORLD, INC. DB 2662 PG 3148 93 12 DEBORAH ANN STERNBERG REVOCABLE TRUST DB 3186 PG 4258 DB 1857 PG 336 DB 1729 PG 4170 94 5,13 WHITE WALNUT, LLC DB 3054 PG 1059 95 5 WHITE WALUNT, LLC DB 3078 PG 373 96 5 HARVEY G. MCINTYRE & DONNA E. MCINTYRE DB 3452 PG 1332 97 5 KEION K. SAMUEL DB 3332 PG 150 PB 44 PG 134 DB 2704 PG 784 98 5 PAGE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PB 44 PG 134 99 5,6 RICHARD M. MARTIN, II DB 3049 PG 74 DB 2207 PG 106 PB 42 PG 86-89 100 5 TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE PB 44 PG 32-35 101 5 TRIAD COMMERCIAL CORPORATION DB 1019 PG 193 DB 2106 PG 244 PB 42 PG 86-89 102 5,14 WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST PB 44 PG 32-35 103 14 TARGET CORPORATION DB 2567 PG 2982 PB 48 PG 134 PB 50 PG 83 104 14 TRIAD COMMERCIAL CORPORATION DB 944 PG 377 DB 1237 PG 146 105 1 14 1 SOUTHSIDE RE -DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC DB 2697 PG 732 PB 48 PG 134 PARCEL No. SHEET No. PROPERTY OWNER NAME DEED BOOK 106 14 SCOTLAND CROSSING-LAURINBURG, LLC DB 2602 PG 2109 107 14 TRIANGLE PROPERTIES OF KERNERSVILLE, LLC DB 2928 PG 2560 108 15 HIGH POINT REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM DB 2532 PG 1233 109 6 ROSS D. WALL & PATRICIA O. WALL DB 2188 PG 355 110 6 BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY DB 2864 PG 2436 PB 50 PG 24 DB 3340 PG 251 111 6 LOLITA C. AIKEN PB 65 PG 1 112 6 JEFFERY A. WILLIS & SHARON C. WILLIS DB 2898 PG 439 PB 50 PG 24 DB 1891 PG 2647 113 7 JOHN B. HAGLER & ELIZABETH H. HAGLER PB 32 PG 35 114 7 BRIAN H. ASHLEY & SHANNA E. ASHLEY DB 2987 PG 604 PB 32 PG 35 DB 3476 PG 1269 115 7 KERI A. LONG & JEREMY LONG PB 32 PG 35 116 7 CHRISTIAN W. SCHROEDER & RACHEL M. SCHROEDER DB 3289 PG 17 PB 32 PG 35 DB 3294 PG 3703 117 7 JAMES E. SHETZLER & DANA L. SHETZLER PB 32 PG 35 118 7 HARVEY D. COVELL & CLAUDIA M. COVELL DB 1676 PG 3032 PB 32 PG 35 DB 1958 PG 1068 119 7 MATTHEW G. TUBBY & DEBORAH A. DIAMOND TUBBY PB 32 PG 35 120 7 BLAKLEY W. MURPHY & JESSICA R. MURPHY DB 3242 PG 2601 PB 32 PG 35 DB 1768 PG 443 121 7 BARRY G. LAWSON PB 32 PG 35 122 7,8,16 BRUCE E. HOUSEKNECHT & DAWN M. HOUSEKNECHT DB 2101 PG 4080 PB 34 PG 83 DB 2924 PG 3245 123 16 STONEBROOK PROPERTIES, LLC PB 46 PG 153 PB 47 PG 58 124 8,16 RANDY CLARDIA & AMANDA CLARDIA DB 3391 PG 1051 PB 46 PG 153 PB 47 PG 58 DB 2303 PG 3484 125 8 VINCENT A. HOLBROOK & SUSAN D. HOLBROOK PB 30 PG 133 126 8,16 TRACY L. SNIDER & RUTH Z. SNIDER DB 2077 PG 4129 PB 41 PG 100 DB 1841 PG 3145 127 8,16 DAVID S. HARDISON & CYNTHIA G. HARDISON PB 30 PG 133 128 16 CHRISTOPHER L. DIGGS DB 3022 PG 886 PB 30 PG 133 DB 2128 PG 4040 129 7,8,16 GREGORY G. FELTS & ELIZABETH S. FELTS PB 41 PG 100 130 16 JOSHUA KOTELNICKI & SARAH KOTELNICKI DB 3419 PG 1224 PB 30 PG 133 DB 3195 PG 4102 131 10 MARK S. HALL & PATRICIA J. HALL PB 3183 PG 2426 132 11 SECU*RE INC. DB 3274 PG 410 PB39PG42 DB 3413 PG 4175 133 11 DONALD G. SAULS & TAMMY L. SAULS PB39PG42 1 %SBKD N LJUH F. 1 IT PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. ILLI2g2y- TRUSTEES OF S TH Kimley>>>Horn U-5760 6 I''/2SBKD -L- Y2-%zSBKD 56•�p36•f RN'W EVOCABL5E 6G.00• Pl Sto 44+ 0_.zG ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS 26 Pl Sto 49+29.80 PI Sto 10+5706 Pl St0 3. l S 394 LOUISE TAUL90 PGUI�V-- 9ENGINEER ENGINEER p = 4 /2 0' (LTJ p = 4 02 /9.T (RT) p = l3 05' 16.T (RTJ p = 21 -1 4 . (LTJ p 11 5T (RTf DB 2354 PG 4133 PG I 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREETSUITE 600 PB 44 PG 84Sr •m RALEIGH, NC 27601 D = O'04J 3 .9' D = 0' 47' 36.9" D = /127' 33.9 D = 9' 56' 49.9" D 7' 04' 24M -0r_,Y.. L = 530J6' L = 508.94' L = 11421, L = 232.68' L /69.U5�'/zS KD /zSBKD 6."61y T = = 25458' T = 5736' T = 117.95' T = 3 ' S NEGATIVE Access f EIP-BY- 135 ro ti EASEMENT JENNNIFER LOCKLEAR y %� R = 0 = 7,220.00' R = 500.00' R = 576.00' R = 8 0.00 m o Pe ,q PG "^ y VERNON LOCKLEAR 427 SE - S = C SE = EXIST SE = OA3 SE _ SIGN EASEMENT DB S 3 PG 41 y va qq PG q E+.r' PB 33 PG 21 RO - ON RO = NE RO = EXI� RO = 5T RO = EXIST -- 83✓ A 2011 I'/zSBKD // STONE �`' ALFORD FAMILY a• SIGN I -Y2- PC Sto. lO+OpAO /REVOCABLE TRUST ®-ss VCP nurr E sE E I "w oo ExIST Rid qq p q N 3i•6 RE CE C. ALFORD EIP/EIP DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL 6g�3'f I% SBKD / M RILNN K. ALFORD -Y2- PRC Sta. 11+142/ LT ;,r/ I q 0 � UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED / ] EX Si R DB 3248 PG 328 KR/6\�`�.,' / EIP EIP PB 44 PG 134 EIP N ST/rG,�rLEN L,T /�cV / J Ex�sr R� +99 g BEGI CO STR TI 41 RT _ l7o I O / N EX. LT N Y2- POC Sto.11+22 'sT R.p a / / 'o.o X . _ / ,, PROPOSED BASIN LOCATION RBE44 P SE Ni E V u wtp' oPB 3TEo Rip -L- PRC Sto. 46 'y 3%3G I'/z$BKp G �34 (O �rva / V ,'O� / � PB 33 PG 21 +75.22 . 9p 23,f w W a PROP BASIN Op. ry , P' 3 / L ' LT LOCAT10 PROPOSED BASIN LOCATION I'/zSBKD W 'CB G pP• 6 PT STD. 11 TONS RIPS h 3ig • h // +45 _ _ E%5T Rip 12 EIP ExIST Rip l3 EXST Ri /3 EI% /5 7 EST. 22 SY GFD Bp T�3•f y' I/zSBKD 41' RT j / 3 - - _ _ _75' LT VAR.GR O�1,M. O 6o BN12 O 1 " RCFAV a / ; { JACK W. DAVIS BEDB 916 PO 324EY BE DB 91�E 324EY RICHARD J ® } F CRO DER, JR. THOMAS PRINCE ELEV = 924.9T DEED REF. +50 EX. RM/ SARA �. CRO�DER ARNOLD G. KING 3i 3g O II/zSBKD F1 q1' LT of NOT FOUND 70' LT 150' LT DB 1889 R 361 N 862133 E 1672773 py aJ. S -BL- IIO 150' EX. PB 33 PG 21 DB 2056 PG F310 "" -Sy, f FRA K HOLBROOK �V + C �" -L- STATION 35+00.09 ) PB 44 PG 134 BREND �. HOLBROOK E D ° 7 30' L DI 75 R a - NOT m°';, E EX. Pd 'pOODS 45' LT 145.51' LEFT '400DS DB 2351 PG 3391 / HT rrT� BM2� RR SPIKE SET IN -BL- IO8 - PB 4q PG 134 Ww +65 Y2 - MTL D/STURBo� � }2$ 15"RCP -IV 24-POPLAR TREE �+�E X.R/W 35'LT I -' SERVICEc+7 CANOPY EIP EX. RNV o GOO' $H/FT EIP w70' LT L) a z "• 7" pp POLE m EX. R'W 79' LT s C�'d`DFj�Op1 i 5 ISBKD mDD NQT \ 15" RCP -IV ;� ^' 12.58 L ,NYC % 11 >� 450'STORAGE y •Pti ! N-P�EORs EL ./ yl/BSMT DISTURB Ln E E ^ E " K 265'TAPEIP. m + + 2 LLA LV F _ - 30' RCP-IV o -L- qo• TeM oRdxY coNs G`-N d ram. s 061 + " _ _ ANENT ROPE EASEMENT G7'" / C y 76, L1 L�-CONC _ter„ ( lLL FARM FPB 41 PG 131 + L - VAR. +65 ]0' L WEL LLl 2G' IITI ITY 6 RdINd;E E E ENT ) /2' °) HT 5 , SER ICE +D5 HTR 62' L HODS E F E P W ve PG 3q 24"RCP-IV y IV JP F GS2 ,02• �s a +4. I'�IELL S f EIP _ �C K 1�5 a' '♦♦ELL F l= , ...ISi rie7T' F - - E - - IP E CB F OI - - 5 LT^: C t I C E F . ... .... .. - _ a a Ri EIP / bl \ S F SERVICE POLE , /2' CB--E CB--F 064 SD• DEDICAED Ri o 24' RCP -IV C� E%I T Ri pO LIJ w PB q, PTG l3q ____________ a 63 C__ O f12• 2E S 86'06'IB'E I 5 061 - L- VAR,GR 2ry DR REMOVE I� cpll5' Q EIP SERVICE POLE EIP I VAR.GRI 18" RCP�V _ _ h M 11 24" RCP -IV' K - ' / CONC EIp CIS' HDC _F ® IS' HOPE EIP R VAR. CONC II VAR,GR, W/LT •RC Cam/ - Ul _I oo I'-6'C&G -ER 62 O'Df J EIPO28 (n -12' CB -CBI 2' E CBI 24" RCP4V CB-G - q8• V✓ ISFD B-GCR I r a: e: ° 3GJt'' _ W IT777 5'CONC SIDEWALK -..: .. .. .- ..,. _ SER C - - - C Z C _ • . ® : . e 8" RCP -IV a Sf AB•4NDON D-WELL _ ® 1 UE - P�{ T 6 - DUE Lll - - _ -_ tU' / +10 L +45.06 tG` / /1D � IDUg^ Q Z _ a ► < < F +30 Y2 a5' RT vial RAMP I / +) + T J C - - _ - - - - - C F 30' LT 45 RCP -IV ram, 45' RT = 15" RCP V C C 4" RCP -IV W 66' X 5 II Q; +50 W WOODS 'WOODS W 'Np' © 0 2 A6 +60 i2i 75' RT M W ® 62.72' RT I 68' RT 61' pVG OIL SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH n r 72 'ryD + ERVICE Q PROPOSED BASIN LOCATION CB-G I x O - I 75 RT o� POLE 24 RCP4V +25 5 TANK Ross D. �yau _ -L- T Sto.40+33.74 I 062 92' RT 9R' T +50 SEE DETAIL 135HEET 20.+40 ' 7"T PATRICIA 0. JALL Ncoor .Y2- T Sta. 13+55.9/ IB IIqg• ISFD 69' RT I 65' RT 113' RT v CP�V DB 2188 PG 355 - _ +50 DB 3405 124" 15+� -L- PC Sto. 1+45A� X +8 3903 88' 23' 2 RCP -I 113�''T�{�qD C/A ISPECIAL CUT DITCH KISFD IP N DS°16'25' E N 0516'25' E N OS'I7.3B' E ' W SEE DETAIL 135HEET 20.1 179.73' 140.48' ANGLE 246.30' �� C +40.50 IRON 75 R03(L) I I I Cl +41 62.53' LT _ SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH 61 CBS 0.50' LT � � 4 om SPECIAL LATERAL N' DITCH SEE DETAIL 15SHEET 2D-1 SEE DETAIL 155HEET 2D-1 24" RCP -IV O Lu w I IN/ PUB SEE DETAIL 55HEET 2D-1 +49.50 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ®1 CB'-F $ b 69.50' LT A SEE DETAIL 135HEET 20.1 O 30, RT2 " 0, � +49 W ROSS D. WALL 1+�0 I 18" RCF4V - PATRICIA 0. WALL `"�'^^��D I CB-G o DB 2188 PG 355 g w 1 C /4 O \ N I SPECIAL CUT DITCH O /6 CB-E SEE DETAIL 13SHEET 20.1 REBECCA DAVIS FLYNT GARY T. DAVIS BRUCE y� \� - CB-E® K. 1YAYNE DAVIS DOROTHY R. DAVIS JACK �. DAVIS BARNAR'b 30' Rip PE 2 Iq PG 3D Rip PER PB I, PG II DB $270 PG 2528 DB 138 PG 501 JOA yyyy REMOVE + .11 DB 1975 PG 1824 DB 2332 PG 400 BARNA�iD \ \ +6 .1 I 30' LT PB A PG B DB 1039 30' RT rc 0 15'x15• SIGN N 04.52'52' E PG 599 \ E°G PCNT 24.09' \\\ -Y2- PC Sto.16+69J1 = I JNABLE2TD EIP \\ +60 Yf y I E^TIE N 0451'14' E N D4 51'14 E IP N 04'46'49' E _ N O 45.91' E \ EIP N 05'08'29' E OS'10' 6' 42' .91' +13.04 cGMMGN AREd s 210.55' 99.63' I16.50' - p I EX. F/L DRAINAGE Ep SEMENT \ - - _----- l0'BST 55 PGSEMwT B w R / r PB sa G 24 //� N O.02'33' E \ -- R I 4'51�' � N 04'SI'I4' E 4.02' +20 - /2' /2 7 0' 65.01, 30' RT K 58' +25 �CB� D 02 W STEVEN J. McNEELY 62 6'06'36' E �� zASHLEY N.�1CNiEELYz IounPelEsst;GSEMENT /' /gI II/SBKD END CO STRUCTlO m DB 340 G s38 a L LITA C. AIKEN 4 OI III PB 65 PG I ((( DB I 0 PG 251 I OD T //L -i'2- POC Si0.1T1' 000 PB 65 PG I I EX 11/zSBKD E . R* 30' ' RT / P IO' u pRITIES EASEMENT a B 5o PG 21 IIP 8• VCP m EIP N 090.379'E ss ® -Y2PTSto.18+38J6� 9037,_--- /CI S 7312'40' E\ EIP Q I 20.15' l - �IE NAGNN - A•� IcB�' y '6S RLP = 1 AND DRAIE EASEMENT B 15' RCP E - olaso - - - /0 GARY T. DAVIS AND DOROTHY R. DAVIS IsRra E1�` -6_D1 6' DI DB 4347 PG 2760 w N 05'IO'28' E 166.40' ` / PB 44 PG 134 S 73T2'40' E EI ^ - 31.13' > FELIX E. GRAY / ��� P 4 " - P (BENT) glAy R GRAY /�,� BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY p Iq. D 3 9 PG AY IIR r -BY- 13 40'30• F PB 65 PG I Y ISBKD TIp s pGs[ME DB 2864 PG 2436 Ie6,Ir �- 6 PB 50 PG 24 RETAIN --A ° so• g- //2 JEFFERY A. WILLIS AND SHARON C. WILLIS 00 RET N -Y2- POT Sta. 18+80.00 DB 289850 PG 439 lI UTILITIES EASEMENT EIP 15BKD w ROBERT G. RATHBONE PB PG 24 PB 65 PG CYNTHIA B. RATHBONE DB PB665PPC 1370 33 2 SEE SHEET 2B-1FOR INTERSECTII DET SEE SHEET 18 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 27 FOR -Y2- PROFILE 77 ti //3 -L- -Y3- JOHN B. HAGLER ELIZABETH H. HAGLER PI Sto 49+29.80 Pl Sto 6/+48.44 PI Sto 11+47J1 Pl Sto 15+95.90 DB 1891 PG 2647 A = 4' 02' 19.7" (RT) A = 57 38' 59.7 (LT) A = 33' 25' 35.3' (LT) 0 = /5' 33' 33.9 (RT) PB 32 PG 35 P -BY- 137 D = 0' 47' 36.9' D = 8' 03' 305" D = /7' 37' 46J" D = 14' l9' 262' BE4 CO STRUCTI� L = 508.94, L = 7/5J-cy L = 18961' L = 108.63' T = 25458' T = 39128' T = 97.59' T = 5465' -Y3 Sto.10+50.00 R = 7220.00' R = 7//.00 (DS = 45 MPH) R = 325.00' R = 400A0' E ®CB-F — SE = NC RO = NONE SE = OA4 RO = 156' SE = 0.04 RO = 84' SE = 0,035 RO = 84' 15" RCP -IV -4 JUST MH !�." +85 ll5 3s FNr � , W d KER44A�. LONG JEREMY LONG DB 3476 PG 1269 ��NM PB 32 PG 35 +50 N.3\ 38' R Y EX. IRW 50' RT ® ADJUST CB EIP TOP 928.59' EIP 2� EIP C. )R/ B• p� MARGARET L. EEGAR -� EIP DB 2204 PG �i256 KENNETH E. FOSS EIP D19 ti F PB 33 PG 21 LINDA J. FOSS STEVEN IV. �yHITGDMB O 2/ T ADJUST C 93 DB 1 94 PG 3856 ALICE M.IhHITCOMB //7 , ,P DA ID A. CASANEGA eXlsr PB 33 PG 21 DB 1859 G 55 y 33^'-RCP-Iv PB 32 PG 35 JENNIFER CASANEGA DANIEL G. REAVISES E. SHETZLER DB I797 PG 3740 JOY B. REAVISAL.SHETZLER 9; Rnv FPB 32 PG 35 DB IT85 PG 1470 PB 32 PG 35 - DB 3294 PG 3703 PB 32 PG 35 +50 C 1 �CB-G -D 1- POT Sto. IO OOAO = 25BK RCF4V > -L- POC Sto.48+62 30' 1 + 5isar GRAwacE O = 89' 26' 05' W +X00 3 EX 72 SEE +97.45 35 F 67' RT 86 RT +00 EX. RN✓ -L- POT St . 53+93.64 = e T o w -Y3- POT to.15+06J2 2 N - = 9/' 4/' _ - © N 09.5 •E Op - � G � NEGATryERACCE55 EASEIJENT Lx, 33 PGNQ JAMES E. ILSONLSO / L50'ST AGE DO A C. Ie /00' DB 223T PG 12 TAPER ,y r"' PB 32 PG 35 251D C C EST ' 3 TONS ` # i LL,. >. T' 151, RCP IV45' LT O0-0iME ���i "1 c SPECIAL CUT s% DITCH f w N o+ O BRUCE W.BARNARD JOANBARNARD DB I' 9 PG 599 �j 0203'19' E i-�\NEE8T DRCH _125HEET 20.1 - IIIDB 3312 '0 I 9A8R 92WOODS ROBI J L90'44 ' GS P 35 _ Aso 7 SPECIAL TERAL'V'DITC 02 af6EE DETAI SSHEET 2D-1 2SFD 25BKD -L PT Sto.5/+8 l8 JOSEPH IY ELLENDER,III N I\DB2 PC 39 PB 32 PG 35 20B gB2 E EIP rnA/cr o//rr/nA\ .:e� _4B - 2/6" E_ _ _ _ F -251LI ¢` TOP=932.08' ° EIP -Y3- POT Sto.10+00.00 S �3/ S 49' 45' 59.3' E uNKN RETAIN DRIVEWAY CBE 73 -Y3- PL^5 a 10+4952 / 'RH RCP -IV DI HOPE END +60 2UNKNOWN EX. PM/ki Y� RW 8 2609 42' LT BRIAN i ASHLEY orCB,{�3 N zj'S , SHANNA E. ASHLEY '•—RET �7g g50•E DB 2987 PG 604 CTJVERT DI TO 1B ® g2. N PB 32 PG 35 -ram- rJ �rD. JzTJ7✓� VP1Wa //6 CHRISTIAN SCHROEDER N 19•4g,IB RACHEL M.SCHROEDER W 267 E DB 3289 PG 17 44La6 118 \PG 35 4 - HARVE pp� COyELL \ CLAUDIA M COVELL ,, I \ DB 1676 PG 3032 I J fYT PB 32 PG 35 � yAR.CONC I 25�, _ 25FD +101Y31 S KimlepoHorn D.,z1 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 BRUCE�g.HOUSEKNECHT DAkN M.HOUSEKNECHT DB 2101 PG 4080 PB 34 PG 83 /C Stn_ 57+! 27 rU RAYM0 D D. TH0�1A5 'WOODS PATRICIA T. THO AS DB 1661 PG 503 !- NI /r X t' �� �` - .. �;,•-•y, 'di��_ ':cares am_ ii�i MIA war: _ i— -Jr , �������e� riG 7 15"RCP-N J� /� b� REM 25BKD HT +07 + 50 11 ;Jc!-I `c / 19.48 v3 / VAR. / ° _ EI nCON K IryALL 77 RT 84 ' RT 95, I` 72 k D X9 R/W _+15 11 INV-935.00' / LT 3 a• p_ 15" 125 o oz FIv � EX. RhV � _ Z0 �/ 49.88 I J4q p O " z b'LT -Y - IPT ���: Z 25BKD / / +60 BLAKLEY..N PHY 1 00 YF 39' LT °�I A��p S 692.85' Z0 //B 26.B5' \ EIP JESSICA M PHY DEI3242 PG 601 / oz +oo LT "&TTHE�y G TUBBY w DEB RANA. DIA�DND TUBBY PB 32 PG �� /o,° Oi p/ >3 -2-c FCC\ LT N 2�,/30B E\\\ PB 32 PG 351958 PC 8 F� 36' RT ll � 0 EIP 121 IP EXIST R/* z -c / 8' Pvc +60 pp- g EX. RM/ -11:: �� 2SFD BARRY G. LAWSON DB 1768 PG 443 _�._ _�.___ .__._�. PB 32 PG 35 In. ILAJ/SHIRE C/ 6-DI- - R� EIP / WINSTON D. WAYE CAREY IAYE w DB 2654 G 1185 ° e PB 26 PG 80 / BM3 ELEV = 959.74' N 863829 E 1673509 S 59' 17' 52" E DIST 112.36 ' FROM -Y3- STA IB+87.00� SCRIBED 'X' IN / TOP BACK OF CURB >, 51W" Lii -BIL- II B 30 8 �1260r/ 9v3 P G 10 r.16+4988 ED ARD L. i KIM�ERLY L. HAW'LEY DB 2475 PG 3250 \ W Io• PB41 PG 100 \3y EIP '=953.23 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 7 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED NAD B NA 2' 'SPECIAL LA N' DITCH SEE D//ET\\AIL 1 HE� 20.1 N n29 25BKD _,A�.. W-1T" x LT ® N �LIZ ET S. FELT DB PG 4040 ea o• 41 PG 100 // JOHN R. TATRO TRO rAMMY M. TATRO 22 DOUGLAS A. BRO�yN 25 RANDALL EPPERSON I.PL�rFILL AND ABANDON EXIST PIPE o ,• DB 3406 PG DB 3283 PG 21233 SUSAN EPPERSON PB 32 PG 35 DB 2083 PG 2845 2. SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH W/ CLASS 'B' R/P RAP SEE DETAIL 6/SHEET 2D-I / PB 26 PG 80 PB 32 PG 35 EST 60 TONS -Y3- POT Sto.18+87.00 W 2® JOHN M.�yA,BERNATHY EST 120 SY GFD 3.INSTALL /8'RCP-IV AND CONVERT EXIST CB TO JB n,. TERRY . ABERNATHY ACONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL -WALL-3- FROM -L- STA 52+OODO TO 46-CHAIN FENCE BY- 138 m a DB 1943 PG 2568 PB 32 PG 35 53+23✓8 (48'LT)AND INSTALL LINK PINS/DE WALL SEE SHEET 28-1 FOR INTERSECTION DETAILS 4/ EIP SEE SHEET 18 FOR -L- PROFILE Nl9 ry5"5B•E SEE SHEET 27 FOR -Y3- PROFILE SEE SHEET 29 FOR -DRWI- PROFILE 2p7\ / SEE SHEETS W-X THRU W-XX FOR WALL PLANS PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-57 KimlepMorn ROADWAY ER IIG ENGINEERS 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 r I-Y xEv. s. nEv. �qT c'yliyl' BRUCE .HOUSEKNECHT REMO '4 /3 -9 DAMN 4. HOUSEKNECHT / Jo KS Q DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL DB 2101PG 4080 1 IZ q (S`l. UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PB 34 PG 83 ro ' S NEGATV ACCEss 61 AicNNseR° 0I! X 18" RCP -IV r c0� %OGD5 -BY- 141 // W // EI SPECIAL LATERA DCH SEE DETAIL 1 20.1 -L- POC Sto.6/+32b7 = / 2GI B ti EX. EL ( 25BKD �-L-\ 6 AT -Y - POC Sto.18+53-59 / 1-- 2 120° 31' 46A" / /�c?� '�(Fy a E RAN Y CLARIDA 3 s s• + 2 r� /T 33 CLARIDA ^ �� e_ +6 37 RT J t / / �F ,,pp Cb EIP DB 3391 PG 1051-Y6-PPOTSSto./O6O0.00 z 27 \3' / q/ \ PB 46 PG 153 000, 5 ONE cr morn PB 47 PG 58 Y T T PAS 53' RT 0 = 80' 09' 57ff PATRICI T. TH PAS i �. IGN •�'6 I� ar Pc s T o P++p`��p 25BKD DB I G 5 !!,,� Q+ VI/LT J ,➢ E 'I- L'041 sr -L- POT Sto.67+44.89 = 3 p�A it 4t PG DK 15" Vc 42'RT B• �R,c/Fl0 -Y5- POT Sto. 10+00.00 O / a rs JEFDBE096°PC 38520N +65 RCP -IV V - / \ / Cp O \ c�. 4o J - 0 = 89° 58' 46.0° PB 46 PG 153 'L 75' LT +50 4 v,T, \ 4 a C% '1. E �r ( 108, RT rr--(A'N` PB 4T PG 58 `V ` ,� + L 58-,-4.. -J a i P ,4i EIP Hry4 rE sr I :R T. 1 B. V ss-�-SIP— p ss 8' VCP ss ^ ro 42 END p1OG�, / EIP /O g. PA'4/N _ s LJ — ne ar nG se sE R Io °Pe lii EASE ENT - ANDRE-Tly1� CONEY �P v + 1 L G DE TO EI // / ep 'o STONE B E I R p 3 P.- = LBB ;r_ 1' 3 1.p 3 Ell DBE , COON.PC \Cj� F 66 D IN / / + .COLUMN _ PT t +7 is- amYA r E sE H. BENJAI6T C 453 Y PH MY B�FLETCHER PB 3T PG 150 \ - / C / TAMMY �. FLETCHER �� vjlo X� © SVy I F N C/ _ . C/ / / / / / } '"CABINETS PB 47 PG 158 R aT� DN coNc CHRISTOPHER T. ROOKS DB 3314 PG 1664 ESLIE 1 BRO PB 47 PG 153 O DB 3261 PG 1876 CHRIST ER m PB 46 PG 153 b �, AVALON POTTS T. BR KS o e PB 47 PG 58 _ 25BKD 25BKD C ORGE D. PALO BA WOOD w X N4 4B' AlUMINUM VAR. m LISSA I. PALOU BAS yho,K DB 1969 PG 949 LESLIE .ROOKS ry 25BKD CITE co1Nc z DB 1838 PG 3536 DB 329 PG 39 zoo, coNc D pB 416 PG 53 7 yo s ♦`ryMti' PB 37 PG 150 CABINET PB . PG 153 Q `x PB 47 PG 58 a - - �\' Q / / ON CONC PB PG 58 x VAR. HT z DK LONG ~ 25BKD / • `�' 9r 44 EX. EL STONE WALL w /i 30 MEDFORD ST"OR,� 70' LT z vAR. HT w DK -L- \ x pB N BK 'BALL WOODS CR a ONSTRUCTIO �o l00'TAPER 00' TAP R VAR. HT �' ' P ' Co., INC roF°, a 4 1<1 p BK BALL HOPKINS RD (SR 6 O \ g CR 2 DB 2375 PG 3372 4 e 4cc 57'LT 15" RCP-N 1O 48' FLUMI M ICEa NEN BG zeN Ee°sEA1EN1/ O \ \ 1 C ET BK EIP �BL- GPS 1J5760-7 a 'uE�rEss +oD N x'. P <, P +4 N 52'3/' EIP - -��Qv W 29 \ \ F c s aQ 5T LT 6 68' LT ALNU4 I EX. PL B +00 71' LT 15" RCP IV \ cy W _ _ EIP ' F e �X EX. Fti 6T LT 45' LT AL TERAL 'V' F CR CR C 5'Cp C. S/D "fir q E EX. EL X EX. GAnioN�CwovilNs qo IENT m E hppp .'CR 'NDODS i S DETAIL " / F "rr�ur F E \ PB 9T PGE58 VY0005 E E — — — �F r vvC �S F 0 W pE55 EASF Q WALL .64 9 G 00 / % A QL a ® c •_ ` 98' yl%JY _ • X�a • eC6—Ea F ` ` e ALONG M kINOP 5 RG tT 1 ,ATE VID _ 6 X— �., ... � - /� // ✓ '- � ON a . r O _ - 4B' VWrL Rk - _'WOODS ® CB1P _ _ ..15" RCP IV CB-G 80 -1V . � EI�O e I' 6'C&G.. / o CB-G -----�V-C� --- H PKINS RD 24' Sr B' VLP EM D Q \ o Ip Tg• -� 7 - - - - DI 1S'y D1 gp - 0 1 FRCP -IV c CB-F 080 N 1 ,o o Q 66�— • _ CB-F CR CR 15" RCP -IV CBS 80 15" RCP -IV -` 8 CR CR — LP� QVB r S RnD 3I a E ° NE0 NE—cEs - �o.ro ,E c 1. q - - - _ - - - a o - J / \ PB _ .IST-a, a "N 10R E LLJ TIMN THY R`"j�ITH 45 RT - E + N osr 5_ - 1 I - • ATTER D - F_Tz' • a a F . , E ro ,E O4 3 2 N p7+ 5 � 9� • . RN✓ A ITA „'^ITH +16 /� 5 RT B� O� F 4B•, � e V / B + 10' NE dTIV CLE55 EAS ENT '�OODS • � •�, � � � • 9 J EX. EL CONC �/D to SSRT "15"RCP + P 7 D 32 PB 3G G 3 + 7 r sl 65 RT L'J W Gr60' RT � .b' O I" x 7V 45 RT 32 I "RCP 5 GA7E �%�p +90 L I c, 'W. 1 7 = N 3 'JtF' Z � PB G 13 DK 2 ID $g � � 4 ' SIGN 1 F C.1 O Y TO o.00 ( A7E <60° O �E . - CALVIN C. HARRIS 44. T /yl ¢ - 1145 A F o/ '- + SANDRA BLUE HARRIS tJ�'; /� 8 / j p"'/ 60' RT Q 67, 63' RT Jc/ ,nTti. \i�`�' I- K�1v Q 25FD W j7 DB 1974 PG 1T86 �� X, Pti EIPd h�S DK 5 / O 2SF0 V�z P° DK 25BKD q Ty;S 2 y PB 30 PG Sd'VINCENT BROOK `9s °,+ > a%K o-p ex. 39.1lacnNCFeT� S \ ,�'_ 800SUSAN D. H ROOK s sVEI L ro ti®CB-F +/- T9 Wmo DP ,�cK,�M I s, PB 30 PG 13 z25BKD AP'� SUSA H. ICKEY la / 6 25FD 5 ei cHLJ{ DB 19 7 PG 315 �NI Ill 36 LT Z. / N 32ryj.03 T PROTECTION •' �+�, �P Q sOOo- F ,(\, N 46'S2'25' 48' CHL PB 2 PG 80 I AR.COVC o Ig1.0 E DETAIL 145HEEf 20.1 ti� oo .��+`' S IAL LATERAL 'V' T:3 200.54' AR. HT C' EIP EEST ST 45 S N ID '`�' ryo mpe DIT SEE DETAIL �, / Q. P EIP V // D O TR Tl BK WALL O 41 FjEET 2D-1 2 N 37° 2T 07J° E -Y6- POT .S .10+75.00 9 b 2SBKD 94�'J:yV a 3� 25BKD 9329 6 Q0 i 55'LT KO �EIM4 z -Y4- PT Sto. 19+52 ti35" 2SBKD °o.tio"' 2s. IP / O 3 - 2SFD -y5- PC Sto 10+53.33 p Ex. RM/ EIP n, 4, '+ HAEL D. GIBSON / Q Elp/ -y6- t0° 11 +5O'OO Elp �O 38' LT(Y6) RANDALL H. BURKHART S S. RENEE GIBSON (3 SANDRA S. BURKHART r0°'oo/ /q, pB 217 PG 171 D CO STRUCTIO 41 N DB 2474 PG 1258 h o• 3, O PB 30 PG 133 ^ 0' /q9 az DAVID M. BOUT -YS- POC $t0.1/+ 2,00 O \ a .ye g•� / FELIXA S. BOUT ELL -Y5- PT Sto. 11+50,00 ,�Ly10ODCRNT OPB230 PG 1330 MIT DDB 3476tv1ENT LLP \ JS DB 3476 PG 3509 EL/ L V = 918.59' N 865 29 E 1672287 N 3° 3 ' 9' VY DIST 46.6T' FROM Y6- STA II+50.00 R SPIKE SET IN I SWEET GUM TREE -L- -Y4- -Y5- P1 Sto 61+48.44 P1 Sto 16+19.08 P1 Sto 11+02.06 * TRAFFIC SIGNAL 0 = 57' 38' 59.7` (LT) A = 43° 29' 40J° (RT) A = l8' 27' 42.9 (RT) 29 VID A. GRIX D = 8' 03' 30S D = 6' 11' 14.8° D = 19' 05' 54.9' MELODY K. GRIXDB 2729 PG ®REMOVAL OF EXIST ASPHALT PAVEMENT L = 715.39' L = 702.95' L = 96.73' PB 41 PG 00 3569 T = 39128' I/ T = 361' T = 4879' SEE SHEET 2B-2 FOR INTERSECT/ON DETAIL R = 711.00' (DS = 45 ryTPH) R = 926.00' R = 300.00' 35 SHAYYAN GABRIEL SEE SHEET /9 FOR -L- PROFILE SE = 0.04 SE = 0.04 SE = SEE PLANS KEIS A GABRIEL SEE SHEET 28 FOR -Y4- PROFILE RO = 156' RO =SEE PLANS RO =SEE PLANS DB 330T P 0 PB 30 PC33 SEE SHEET 28 FOR -Y5- PROFILE SEE SHEET 28 FOR -Y6- PROFILE z z z 0 K W N a3'os 40 z i m W.AVALON POTTSPC DB 1969 949 Sg K'- DB 1838 PG•3536 s PB 37 PG 150 ST-� Yc'� 3,qA�-5� 781E �� �r „} DP CONC +67.56 STEP, u 42 N 3gy 93B• ANDRE* CONEY BECKY CONEY \ DB 2603 PG I157 DB I83PG 536 PB 37 1 PG 50 O ti JS MIT P N 37.26'GP N 4300.47' JOSE V.PAREDES DB 3444 PG 2702r DK LTWOODSISFD - REMOVE — PUE _ WZ- /"U/ ) N 76' //' V CONSTRUCn [2- POT St. )\2- tc 0 2- M ly 53' W � M n = P ZD 2- 7; LL- POC o, = 90' . FOODS 18' RCP -IV -D 3- POT to. I WOODS -L- POC Sta7 +8 a +00 0 = 70• 45 -15' RCP -IV EX. RN/ N 06•II'39- E 22.04' REMOVE 5 MIT M c 73.56' 36.4" E M \� � JS JS S END CONSTRUCTION �� JS -D 3- POT S10.10+67.01 -DRW3- POT Sto.10+85.00 4/ OODCROSS DEV LOPMENT LLP DB 3476 PG 3509 114,41 M�% + .00 97' LT ® = o p 'A O z + LESL D. GARMON y' / F9. 4Z, 2 LESLEY PC 3582 OB 3435 PG 3582 .� 50 55 L M _ �\ STEPHEN ,M• PED[ M1+ o ET - _ _ - - zSJA• IP EDB 3294 PG17 DD 59'5953. EIP 48 ,IAMES K.DEAN 39'15'39"N MARY LOU DEA 83.56' El 113.64' N N s3•orEIP mD8 1774 PG 2465 z oe o� O o m rv^ory +75 � +66 a 101, LT / 7 4 LT VAR. A IL �� S CANOPYI m+20.50tT +90 ' GR , D 71.50' LT T S `cis _ +10 84.50' } _ - _ 422 101' Ly ,,cc��,, +81 / ri SPECIAL LATERAL l4'tDITCPONC a ,4" WELL VAR.GR SEE DETAIL 24SHEEEEff 20.2 UCCL PATIO p ��,� DE lGO'TAPER Kimley>>)Horn Dazc 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-5760 9 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 92 03�4 Js 4 A` Fp y� 6) 'CORD 9 CORD \ 2 52 m DANIEL GOLDNER o DB 28T3 PG 24T4 p � pp0 2 M 3269p B� �T i 18' RCP -IV DO,a'��1 IMIL IIIII ^I� i1►�6 �aalZ.+l�wJr:+t�cPi�� 21•S=`RA i'�{T,S'iS BSI —u��AtA►w�+emmmima����Il'�f.Y1i/'l4iYbJi;%� - MAMM -rll�li - I .7F '�l�il�l S TZi• y N4 a�'%w�ut-� .r.•. �v��..'� •tea !C�?J�v-� _ �cLoriEa�mesa��aclw•arTva�v��mr�v�� _'iw _ ' A � II #aTLfk N 75.52'09' 6.24' W-A ml . . PIN y� �r Y i�. ,A * ,kgg <, �ftftzil oz. INN • I w000s � / POF LT - R - POT Sta. l 0 Sto. 79 [l0 S' RCP +45 col 0 O 0 A = 73 55' 55` �vo V' RT x REMOVE w NICHOLAS J. CARLUCCI END CO STRUCTI DB 3185 PG 4294 " °'' °' _�� ry 0ry NL PB 24 PG 149 2 `� 49 -DRW4- POT 0.10+80.00 DONNA J• MCKOY DB 3018 PG 3057 73 00 /22° E -L- PT#O +09 \24 PG 149 SOCIATIO% -DRW4- P�.11+35.00 ` W�s� Pe°ia PG • N 25'Sp•21. _ 5/ SPECIAL LATE L SE TCH GAZEBO$I —W RAP CYNTHIA COULOIABE SEE DETAIL 165HEET D-2 -N 253D,z1, ROBERT COULOMBE I T. 335 ONS W DB 3313 PG 2309 11 ES 525 SY. FD y PB 24 PG 149 ES 355 CY E \_ ---E 24.4 5'14'W ✓N 115.9E' -L- PC SIG.84+92A0 -L- PI Sto 794-0368 PI Sto 87+87.62 0 = 33' 10' 195' (RT) 0 =20' 56' 13J' (LT) D = 3' 10' 59Z D = 3' 34' 5/6 L = 1,042J3' L = 58466' T = 536J3' T = 29563' R = 1.800.00' R = 1.600.00' SE = OD35 SE = 0.035 RO = 147' RO = 126' -DRW2- PI Sto 10+45.61 0 = 22. 37' 43.9 (LT) D = 76' 2.3 39.7' L = 2962' T = /5.0/' R = 75.00' WOODS BEGIN +92 45, LT SPECIAL BACK OF CURB - CUT DITCH ll*SEE DETAIL 255HEET 20.2 /SjT,9R0 PIcoT 2i /gnu / b. I% ®HUNTER P. COFER DB 3333 PG 2638 SEE SHEET /9 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 29 FOR-DRW2-•-DRW3- AND -DRW4- PROFILES ®HUNTER P. COFER DB 3333 PG 2638 SEE SHEET /9 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 29 FOR-DRW2-•-DRW3- AND -DRW4- PROFILES /CLAIU�QRNE T7 SMIT\ AMY J. SI�11TH sT DB 2703 PG 2708 s't PB 33 PG 56 -Y7- POT Sta. BEGIN COhISITRUCTION l -Y7- P Sto.12+5000 -Y7-y\ e�����p� \�q - - Pr stD.12+74A6 r, , i' 26' 22A' E I/s . 52 ` �o DANIEL GOLDNER DB 2873 PG 2474 /` Cin K+FC. Rd IN mv tx IN --P 59' w II 1� -Y7- POT Sto.16, 0.00 EX. Pw SPECIAL LATERAL V' DITCH SEESHEETAIL 15 II{A-� I_ 18 IIo I I I (III I r y \ 1 DNC IIIII r/ I� I I III Q IP N 4T'03'2 226.65 2SBKD I R/*-EIP i g l3/3 III III 0.16' I MARK S. HALL a J. HALL b. 5o.fiD' T. STONE WALL DB 319IA DB 3195 PG 4102 ml I DB 3183 PG 2426 of I vl •, z 24 PG 149 �EIPI Z \ =B II — MICHAEL P. McCLELLAN \ CRISTY L. McCLELLAN • DB 1813 PG 1539 -BY- 143 -Y7- POT SID, /8+35.10 To PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. Kimley>>)Horn U-5760 ,O / "• ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS �yd' / /•�, 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 ENGINEER ENGINEER I+ "•" /' RALEIGH, NC 27601 /' "• /. r-0,-war xEv. /•/. � � c s. nEv. BM5 ELEV = 876.3 / / /• N 866560 E 16T09T5 Q py/• � S 36, 23' 47" W DIST 68.90, FROM -Y6- STA 11+50.00 4•• g �0/ \ SCRIBED 'X' IN TOP / ¢/ t� FV/• ` /• BACK OF CURB ` _ rY) I /' � •/ � � �osyq, DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �Cp g /• / l I 68,g 2S• UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -BY- 142 -L- PT St . 90+76.66 JOHN C. LOVE 6/ N P H c/ / P� ✓ JANICE F. LOVE O p� �Ds /� �-- EIP S /• �/ DB I785 PG 2859 MARK J. SANTUCCI EIP V' '\ 1p 3�SOS• q i! ✓ Y- /• FV�/• DB 2940 PG 591 F�� rr�AN•• 9 N' PROP 2 Q 10' X 10' RCBC BURIED 1' EIP CONCRETE SILL (NORTHERN BARREL)�V(p SEE DETAIL 265HEET 2D-2 /' 'g ,(Et i - - - 6'2 JOHN C.LOVE CAREN L. BULLOCK 6� e /' /' N 41.19'28• HOARD C. BULLOCK 55 A v )0.63' DB 2411 PG 3317 GARY M. SPRING �fls c / J` / D L VING EBBIE TTRUSSp FIRT G CEO E A. DEBIDART III /' / j OB 3205 PG 4023 DB 3 o PG 72 \ _ -• i isr0 W V v/L -Y7- t ll+ I / y� HTR p M JS MIT �,' / op e N EIP p '� S �bPOSED BASIN�OCATION n N 4234'S4' �' �9 +40 S�j w PAVERS ;/ N( IO n P—�:— 474.86' 189'LT I 168'L ,P „�F _ - YIELL 'gyp N 4D'29'4 0 �i.. _S {�:,\ajf k. O PLUG, FILL AND P-CURVED H USE tK, �^k PROPOSED gAYI(4 LOCATION / W FLOODPLAIN / SPECIAL OUTLET PROTECTION ABANDON zo'oa esq pesFsMENT DRA/L m CpN°p 4B• ll p 56 c / BENCH / +95 FAMILY M VENTURES, LLC SEE DETAIL 27/$HEET 2D-2 2 Cd 24' RCP'�J oa se .vc us J L>R ) +1 ViELL RAIL ' •JC s +3 93' LT OB 2716 PG 2-- EST 25 TONS CLASS I RIP RAP ; + a Tl• / ,c+� Y;.1 +35 s r +58 a '@ / DB 1976 PG 2695 EST 5 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP Q ! T CPOLE m YP 115' LT _ � 47' LT ro ^'• pN08' EST 40 SY GFD c (.. - ICON ISF E los' PC Sta. 93+65 4 1 4. �e ��ORAGE pis.,. � moo; � �' /� HOPKINS RD +96 � RCP -IV 4+84? 7 LONL � �'. ti d pC' (SR 2649) 89' LT 5' LT +65.50 +80 +67 \ + ', IP F � EI i_ - 5T N 40' IT 31.T W 73�LT PF7PU 45 n t \ 0 1„ I 2SFD 77' +6.5RcW PYI VIANA4 T R 80' RT 80' RT VE.jY R J L- PRC St . 96 4.97 10' T P /w }� EX. R'Wp\� p 0��q• CHANNEL C IN + \\,er 5 P e 25111 /PROPOSED BASIN LOCATION +245' RT ! V ¢ \� IX• RM/ �°'/- y0 = CLASS I RIP P ON BANKS �1' 105'RT 6° -BL- 118 d / CLASS'B' P RAP COUNTERS K / SPECIAL�TERAL'7`DITCH TL GATE IO EST 30 T NS y CLASS I RIP RAP r o n �+ +97.03 EST 50 GFD EST. 120 TONS I R9MO�E 2 96" CMP'S 6p' 59 M°' o y s T EX. RW SEE D AIL 22SHEET 2D-2 'as sWr EST. 180 SY GFD ' - I\ X 13'S m�' o• y s 9 SEE DETAILOHEET 2D-2IA6TONI N. PICCOLO 2 cQ°•.pP 71' a CYLDDEW / / FRANK B. PICCOLO e� \ I FLOO�iPLAIN BENCH 1 SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ,' X t X) $ DB 32TI PG 4286 EIP �oE' SEE DETAIL 155HEET 2D-1 JOHN T. VLAHO$ I Wwz I•q v „ ZOE R. VLAHOS \\ i ( �p b� ooS ° S TO'13'14'E DB Z153 PG T55 I /I oo y p0)'J 25.04' •p,,�ry°o PB 39 PG 42 �� x\�If 1 I?m / .. h / DONNIE LEES AIM SCOTT K. SAIM / VI DB 1916 PG 664 / BERNICE BRO N S�AIM ti NOTES: M• / LSPEC/AL LATERAL BASE DITCH / CLASS IR/P RAP = DB 883 P 379 ,i o• 4y TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE I I DB 887 PG 19T m os ti`''; SEE 335 T /6•SHEET 2D-2 �f1B 3391 PG 3427 Y / DB I1 P 14 74 x n \ a ro EST 525 TONS 1y �' W I PB 61 PG 145-146 <^ 02, d _ EST 355 SY GFD � EST 355 Cr DOE i in I 1 9s-s9F a 2SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL 25/SHEET 2D-2 3.TE.l1PORARf SHORING (SEE TRANSPORTATION 4IANAGERENT PLANS) •r � � I titi o \ y/ 53 TIMBER TRAILS RECREATION 6 / ERIC A. Mc,F'ARLIN I O ASSOCIATION INC. O SHA�IN R. McFARLIN DB 1187 PG 1618 DB 2712 PG 174 PB 24 PG 149 PB 39 PG 42 \ / -Y7- PI Slo 87+87.62 P P/ S 95+25,77 PI Sto 98+6679 PI Sto 1/+88.48 Pt Sta 15422.59 56 CAROLINA TELEPHONE \ ✓ 0 = . 20' 56' l3P (L 1 A• - .Ir 26' 252' (LT) 0 = 22' l3' 025' (RT) 0 = Ir 34' 38.6° (LT) 0 = 4T 4l' 34.0' (LT) & TELEGRAPH I DB 1649 R 4084 \ D =13" 34' 51.6' D = 3' 34' 51.6" D = 6' lr 14e D = 6 44' 26.4' D = 15' l6' 43.T L = P,84.66' L !_ Y194T L = 359A7' L = O1.75' L = 312J5' SEE SHEET 28-2 FOR INTERSECTION DETAIL \ T = • 295.63' W T I = I16027' T = 181.82' T = 86J7' T = 165.76' R=!1,600.00' P R = 1.600.00, R = 926.00' R = 850.00' R = 375.00' SEE SHEET 20 FOR -L- PROFILE SE � 0.035 s -L 0.035 SE = 0.04 SE = EXIST SE = 0.04 SEE SHEET 28 FOR -Y7- PROFILE RO = 126' P RO ' 126' RO = 144' / RO = EXIST RO = 72' SEE SHEETS C-I THRU C-XX FOR CULVERT PLANS 0- PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. -YB- Kimley )Horn U-5760 PI Sfo 103+98.92 Pl Sfo 109+77.84 PI Sfo l +28.49 PI Sto 14+98b0 Pl Sto 16+75.58 �� ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS A = 23'45' 32.4' (RT) A = 23' 35' 45b" (LT) A = 2'1' 253" (RTJ L = 36- 26' OT (LT) A = 17-12' 22.7" (RT) 0.111 ENGINEER ENGINEER D = 6' ll' 14.8" D = 4' 46' 28J' D = 2' 1' 281 D = I8' 11' 2( D = l0' 44' 58.e 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 L = 383.99' L = 494J9' L = 132 8' L = 20031' L = 160.06' -Y8- POT Sta. 10+00.00 RALEIGH, NC 27601 T = 194.79' T = 250b5' T = 66. 5' T = 103.67" T = 80b4' - N 04.03'54' R = 926A0' R = 1,200.00' R = 2,8 0.00' R = 3/5.00' R = 533DO' BEGINCO STRUCTID SE = 0.04 SE = 0.04 SE = III PLANS SE = SEE PLMS SE = EXIST -Y8- POT Sfo.11+75.00 ANNI'ajIE� F. PONCE z RO =SEE PLANS RO = 168' RO = S E PLANS RO =SEE PL S RO =EXIST W I ARMANDO R. PONCE y -BY- 144 2143 PIG 24 PG 44 PBmQ2 N or OJ 2 J RRY �1., DUNCAN 142.19' ^M' I N - MM N EI`� N oros•n• E LQ N SPIKE PA ELA DU CAfJ DDDB 2656 PG 225 EIP ?yEIP N 07•Z9'29' IV ~ 'N LT - PB 23 PG 44 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL 199.82' Ln c 16C 0' _Tx0it'40� UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -Y8- PC Sta. 12+6204 2 vp EIP 305.66' _ 72 01 CLEAN OUT PIPE ENTEXCE KAREN E. ARMOUR 'oo n RO ERT J. CLASTETTER E%• P'L Io' a - DO NOT FILL O DB 1985 PG 768 24" RCP -IV 85 65 70 RETAIN SYSTEM III 6 � PB 23 PG 44 ~ PA ELA J.GLASTETTER O - OVER OTCB JOHN M.KANE NAD SANDRA M. GROVER �. PARKS DB 2733 PG 2506 STEPHEN ALLEN aEX. RLo' RT h +z5 -L- PT Sta. 112+2138 PATRICK B. KAN $`" I _A 2011 a a' E%. RAN \3, W IF DB 1218 PG 1651 GONZALEZ JANICE A. PARKS En JONE$ m Ir -L- PC Sto. 107+27J9 N 16•oe' w PB 23 PG 44 DB 3455 PG 2983 DB 1250 PG 643 DB 2510 PG 4276 +43 SPECIAL TERAL 'V' DITCH PB 41 PG 51 ISBKD EX. I m EIP 99.99' 40' R7 I o 109.4 56. VI SEE DETAI 55HEET 20.1 68 -L- POT Sta + = n N 6 0 ARD P. ELLIS gRADLEY80. ALBERT IT OVE 12"BKD BRUCEO ALL -YB- POC Sto. /3+66A2 IIII EIP N 16p6. `'3 -]9 D P2223 PPIG 44 T DPB 23 B 2T81 PPG 4442 5T T 130'LT \y-\ +75 d P DEBBIE E. ALL _ l6'1/0 q 1� -Q 5- POT $f0.10+00A0 + DB 1835 PG 2313 I 5T LT - 1.5 89' DB 2625 PG 2351 L- PT Sto.105+88J2 I EGl CO STR CT10 SB41FD gz. - R o 1-` b z PF' LATERAL'V'DRCH CDR 5- POT o.10+20.00 72 LT EE DETAIL 55HEET 20.1 WOODS 14 II X O S 72' 7' 30.6- CONC R IL \ +75 YS I > 76 ¢'STEPS 85 RAIL TT /1131 r RETAIN EX. INN N c _ - SYSTEM LONG DITCH BRIQ/A.N D. LOCKHART o M ISBKD F a F 38' RT 9' IjF TAMMY G. LOCKHART - VI/BSMT C 75 N 199.8r IB 2 I OB 3312 PG 177 + z P N 07'2B' 4 '� XI 'WELL CONC DITCH EI / 40 PB 23 PG 44 w 76.19' CONC DITCH �� C� ® CLASS 'B' RIP RETAIN - - + CO C X = 18' CP _ 5 _ 44 LT B CONCf7 DK - EST 2 70N5 -� RETAIN-�ILaT� w EST 7 SY GFD I SYSTEM CONC 2' w V000 u ELL - Gp EA7R/W SAT � -`-„ I�BSD x w Ew p� 450 STORAGE o BEGIN Q +os L RAP 5 of DI m9 I.5 STORAGE _ _ PU mo S +19.01 it �" �Q 0 1. LT EXBR ZSFD 7443' ,a B nil I 43'LT Y 5BK&FD+ 4=N4 Fes/ - ' _ 0\ o rn 7+175 �1' � ��,F�p 'y lyDOos +.20' - a C 74 79, E D �_�� 01 'LT 24" RCP�V _ / � 2 • 79' LT 1i�li 8 M, T.O.K, CONTROL 78' 1 / TAN- VE 30" RCP 6�. h UE- PUE / I TOE PROTECTION +13 E W Z +35 MON.'cdryor UE F u-sa L Q ONC/ X. ; 3'BRASS DISL IN LONG 2 • DETAIL 145HEET 20.1 c� 62' LT 6 ' T DITCW w Lv' 1'LT REMOVE V C CB-F 110 EST. 15 To W +10 8 EST. 25 SY GFD R77, m I ETAIN - _--_ \ T Ri 9 ,. ' 30•, RCP- /LT _ _ U.dO I \ i i°, GR 86 1 PP PD � � a• PL - - - -�� H � 2G � w \' �� /LT 5'CO C 51D�� ----- a ___ __ No EM E �, 111 / "o ✓ ✓ Fi C� +95 I � •�� 1104 5 o �/ +55 iY 40 CHL F R "i X x� INS � 89 L ISLANb �- - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ -_ na = . • .e pu EIP 7 a l4000s �;� + m *�, 'N000sl pep Zyg9 A e coNc - - - m 5K , 00 3'... - L- 119 ?L Irjf` N I i to - D- o DI 1113 v �n i0 Ni N RVWQ./COLUIJ'N cA EMOVE o �- --- a ACCESSE EASEMENT BK 6AIN '✓ g 70' LT 30" RCP -IV 5 +54.43� +72 N ?' " 90' 1 F Tn CR o6a s'Ne.: - 1P E D \ EC L CUT DITCH 6' I T X. IRW +00 \ °' F I \ DI 1103 CB-G PB 39 e A 5 - 9E CRC a EX ST R� o .. T T ON SEE ETAIL ly 11 I \ o A +36 bs /\ 2_g C&G Pa 39 E, $CK :9 6BKD SHE 2D-1 + 6 b 70' LT i C SIDE a-K EIP XI R/ 0 - F PLANTER - ¢a 2 MTL L oN - -F 05 F E Ex. RN✓ sBKD�ECATEs 1 83 De 3oe7 acHO 2 Q +55 460 FE 00005 kO + 55496'RT i0R 8/ SCp INERT u 396PDG 42 _ NT E s NEcenvE o /y 5�45' 22.(% +72 L ° 1 SEE NOTE 1 77 \' CSC\\ 0 ORD 50 LL I 'G w R•VV °CPgSj9EPCE42 o EX..'L as' CONC +4 NDRA RELL _ 3438 PG 94 - F 57, BUILDER PRODUCT$ INC. 75,RT 1 _ 6' LT ��` \ y IsaKD D 3200 PG 425 °; w B 39 G 42 FI oN I' DB 2937 PG 3671 +40 'o RT m w - �' f CB-G E 0" RCP -IV PB 39 PG 42 10 UTILITY EAS w :mo's 73' R7 t B 39 G 70'RT Z 75 Y� \ nC-"' - E%. RhV 124 258KD EX. 78 DEN NL. BELCHER s / EIP X15T R/ EIP EIP d5 \ p2 C C V2 LT T PROT N VERLY C. BELCHE TOE PROTECTION "5'\ IEIP t o +50 5T RT \ > 1 s ---- A HE 20.1 DB 3247 PG 432 SEE DETAIL 14,SHEET 20.1 FOOT \a -YB- P +94. a\. \ +83. BRIDGE 9� 9911 A E 0 TONS EST 90 SY GFD 53' RT �^ D A EX. RM' PB 39 PG 4 EIP EST 45 TONS G / EIP +30 + p2' ,Z ,� 'ND FOOT .86'RT 35 \'"cam 47, 2y¢ST. 20 SY GFD y 45' ITT 00 om BRIDGE EIP 30' RCP -IV o, li° \ � �\ \ yA • G "(•1 ° 8 39E SE4 EN 4 RT 6 RT N'v; ✓S 'N/B5 CONCH / O 20 + RM/ QN"Y s EX. LT 25BKD $ +76 B �S H_ 5 -D 5- PDT Sta. lI+OOAO = S 11 1 +52 53 R tij� '+ 9 11 ss CB-G. T Z 48' ALUMINUM 11 ' RT BK 23 µl'1\ 10' UTILITY, 51DE9eLK, A -L- POC Sto.109+8/.00 9 6T RT g GATE m \ Oti P EK t F -C /s ecp Ess Ee ENT +44 � � Eii 00,�� a2 Q - `q 44D LOG ' RT c's 4B' ALUMINUM +75 AT 1 t COry �O RIDGj �S WOODS �' E-� 92, EX.INN 0 p '�DDDS E �" 12O' RT hp P L Cp a 8' CP ss � Z lP C BE VCP ry E \E W ® PC$ SECU•RE INC. p Z•M- ,�\ //�a E4\e pV p LK 's. 1\ b 20' SE9 R pdSEMENT s '% \ �" DB 3274 PG 410 BLE TO LOC \fl �S NC .Pd /ERS \n Z �'6• pBP l59p G L3 -L- PC Sto. l0 +04J3 TERMINAT S I \ y 9 B 39 Pc 4z °oN ss PB 39 PG 42 x PK �'�q 2' BK PAVER J; K% ' WALKWAY 11'a �y. Yn O 73 8 VCP 8 a/ NAIL Ip'UTl�i.v. sioEyyACK,a -A ^ ]/ O \E STEPHEN S.FULLER ooD E o P ecp Ess EASENEN� a 39 Pc ax 63 GARY M. SPRING 86 633 HOPKINS LLC KENNE7H G. BOONE DEIDRA E. FULLER ' i I� \ RETAIN DEBBIE T. SPRING DB 2790 PG 2136 1 CONC CYNTHIA U. BOONE DB 3246 PG 3111, IF B' V s �- t \ RETAIN LIVING TRUST 69 DB 341T PG 2491 PB 39 CP s TIE TO EXIST CB N °% DB 3205 PG 4023 PT Sf27. 100+44.05 BARRY D. COLLINS PB 39 PG 42 o' TI ss SIkSEMiaip \\ BM \ -BY- 147 BM6 0o N =N1 LINDA S. COLLINS /E / PB 39 PG 42 E p O \ ELEV = 906.24' m W DB 1 39 G 821 EIP ° E 8• v `� 7 i TIMOTHY C. MARTIN ®DONN�A D G. SAULS 25BKD o O 67 e VCP N 868ST E 1670646 MICHELLE A. MARTIN TAI�f�Y L. SAULS Owll PB 39 PG 42 � P o. 15+95.94 10• CCES3951 E�pENT 6.Q CHRISTOPHER B. ELLINGS N EIP YGp ESS EASEMENT ss 000' -YB- STATION 17+37.71 DB 2669 PG 2554 DB 3413 PG 4175 ~�11 ELIZABETH S. ELLI GSO S 39 PD 4z T B'VCP 15.78' LEFT PB 41 PG 51 PB 39 PG 42 JEGIN D. $M TH N EASE ERI A. M��44FARLINN`` REGINA V. SMITH DB 3201 PG 1606 E TR Tl ,�E9Ep vc a'3� v SCRIBED 'F C TOP SHA�jN R. McFARLIN DB 2a81PG 2ng PB 39 PG 42 EIP ROsRY'� AE E Z BACK OF CURB DB 2712 PG 174 \\ PB 39 PG 42 -YB- POC $to.16+30A0 N 1�n/ N \o' BB 39 PG 42 _ / ARLENE A. NEMENZ 'y ID' UTILITY, soE'eLK.6 77 TUNNIE M. SHEPHERD / y' $ DB 1980 PG 2721 ecp Ess Ees MENT DB 3-3 SHEPHERD EIP �- s PB 39 PG 42 B 39 PG 4O JAMEHL SHECOG DB I J. E 2084 pp,���( K DB 2516 PG 4 29 PB 39 PG 42 -YB- PT SIG. 17+55.00 m 10 YLCESS ciSE *41 \ \ PB 39 PG 42 IO' UTILITY, SIDE�gL B B 39 PG 42 ACCESS EASEMENT NOTES: PR 39 PG 4z \9,16• N \y56'O6 I.TOE PROTECTION N Dy \ DETAIL/4/SHEET 2D-2 1pe• EST 15 TONS EST 30 SY GFD N Eou SEE SHEET 28-2 FOR INTERSECTION DETAIL \ SEE SHEET 20 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 29 FOR -Y8- & -DRW5- PROFILES -L- -Y9- PI Sto 116+89J6 Pt Sto 120+07.00 PI Sto 12+92.95 PI Sto 14+39.71 PI Sto /6+45.44 0 = 2/' 40' 28Z (RT) 0 = 29' l0' 03J" (LT) A = r 03' 11.r (LT) A = l' 48' 54J' (RT) 0 = 4` 51' 55.9 (RT) D = 8' 03' 30.5' D = 8' 03' 30.5" D = P 08' 45.3" D = P 47' 25.8' D = 5' 27' 24.3' L = 268.97' L = 361.97' L = 9/.90' L = /0/1 L = 89J7' T = 136J1' T = 184.99' T = 45.95, T = 5U T = 44.61, PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. Kimley>>)Horn U-57IG /IC ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS p ENGINEER ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH. NC 27601 R = 7/1.00' R = 711.00R = 5.000.00' R = 3200.00' R = 1.050.00' ©� o SE = 0A4 SE = RC RO Boo °s f DS = 4 VPH DS = 45 4PH � J E -Y - T t I + DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL 8S Norb� UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED JOHN M. 90 °0 as•f J� L _ Cl_ RETAIN IS'RCP PA -L- PC Sta 115+55.05 � ? - - EIP - - - - - - - - - B. KANE DB 1218 O PG 1651 p 8 PB 23 O r°z00gs.f t\ F'srq O KiJ D x q PG 44 WIL�L,IAM M. AVANT, RI 88 n� - { O I 20)� MARY L. AVANT fip ea.ao ar DB 1916 PG 11105 CHARLES A. ISENHOUR I r ISFD i PB 23 PG 44 NELDA T. ISENHOUR y g DB 1158 PG 1536 4, ,, III/LT � CONIC PB 23 PG 44 °rb>. m H. MACK ALLEN INV= 4.D3' _ a r3eyzgs•f �'� LILLIJAN K. ALLEN I ' I > I o �` Y - P 12 +47 N m m• DB 1844 PG 2846 / \ \ I� I IZ I EIP nlc �>bT9 h �� EIP N 3590'43' o - * 20DSTORAGE Fip 4 �IIE I 14'o 1 y I I� "' G&M PROPERTY ISFD /Ory 84.61'LT CR ,y �NELN�� I II INNGR Ix s INVESTMENTS, LLC TAPER 89• °jb>, ro /4d ISBLKBus 1 a DB 3222 PG 3860 - ALONZO J. BUCKER, SR. ,J� RETAI N 96.50' S +ss ss 9s• * For I Is• Rce�= �° GR E D TIP PR JECT -576 BT22' LT lB 3276 PG 742 9s. f '�' T 6I = _ m' 1. IAL LA DI C� PB 23 PG 44 9\ +54 '4"ER I (/ C a I O y SEE DETAIL 55HEET 89, O 85T t\ I N END CONSTR CTION 25FD + m THE CITY VIE 69 121' LT 0.50 N1 ¢ CON 8 , L p VOLUNTEER FIE IR N ISgq?q, 11 LT '� MTL AAl IZ '� ° -L- POC Sta.120+7110 ISBKD W T +72 DEPARTMENT.INC. E� ta2. o'Lr �( MON. kN ��I t, I I^" Ga \ I © _ EX 1 DB 3427 PG 2753 ti o L_ HELL. - - Zz 96.5` -L- I 76.30' LT +8 6' LT 125 13 ti0 CONC SICN N W I GR I� I50.94' O N 28'58'14' IBST SFD 98' T -BL- 122 +20.35 R,gGE FOOTINGS '�'-' EIP I, H�PK/NS RD (/ 2649) EX. PiL O BFP - - - _ - �o W N 29{2/' 0 ° W ,Y(�Y 1 45' LT 60' LT N SERVI E h N N 3A'42'2' EIP CARRY R. AL W E PUE B57 36'MTL E mBsr 75 ' GR + °B41s? MON.oT MTL N - I I NN q•50'S9' -- Z DUE DUE P PUE / I I i EIP Tq.SB' z DB 1961 PG �363 ry +25 113 , LT/ HELL BOLLARDy OAT ZIn / N 375�5, GLADYS G. LOFLIN �- cDNc z5 a I , �' LT EIP CYNTHIA D. LOFLIN E ' 74.21' LT 6• 9.80, I i D6 2451 PG 1073 w RCP 2 C i OG C p,( +14 JF' r c $ 93 oN I� > C&M PROPER 4 O I �' DB 2540 P W - - - 2 - - / 45' LT Q O L. MOH. Y' R 2 wl INVESTMENTS, L _ W i +46 q. � `+ s ISBKBUS N'ELLO I : � DB 3294 PG 2105 . ,a 15" 'f O DB 2569 PG 2213 $ 'HELL z'n - �, R 120 EMOV /L Q \ p, EX. RrW TA. Y III`TT�,���III - ' L F 2 '�& X Pd LT i - I I _ DB 2753 PG 112 o O1A/A OI _ C /� 2• E � X.IVW >m ELLS T N / O 55'LT .4°pC\r0q, 53'LT6 RETAIN s61 W o I p'CONC wJ CDNC`. LAMPI ISFD -BL- 123 r .. AIL - IIR w 6 LT � o 00.00, ♦♦ CO C o ~I , I I v IEs ISPG � 'z ISFD I STEPS my\\ - 0 �R 53' �, ° °. $ � 9 >• 3 � D/STUB J, T °� � T 1 � v F�`. •'' O I6i I N n q 2° ' f USToSC�e �q � �+ o, •qx I I 36• u COUNTY � 1214 RCP-IVT - 1210 P Pl MO _ /4DI TB gyp '"C•�'I� 9 T.5./ pON ORSY EH IO'S�SE ET 4 CB 15QRCI J o CB-GO5„ CR IV R v iN -0 1 20 o122 GR �Sff/ TL e - -- _STLo-. VAkT HT ALLEIIP IP> BVAR, H i EIP - 1LLE 8' 7L r iD-N 6g,,LK E%IST ar BM7 36'DR - - o o G U EwsT ay. _-�_ �� OF KERNERSV Ilm ELEV = 9E 166 DI _ _ ) , � � is JCCP�IV o xi r � to r ,,. TO� nA � N 669999 E 1669558 - K ° e �v6C l0'R 25'R E g•- �� Q C v s to , - 1 (NC 661 1 CBI • PIICB N 36''N DIST ID4.48' J C 72' 0 ! m II' SPIGOT gK PUE '�/ p 1 p 21_ CB-F m RR G Li m-{OLLOW RQ - - - -R- - YTH COUNTY _P a FROM -L- STA 125+00.00 Z ts^ Bsr x. uT= ,(�SIGN Q N _' - o _ PO sI OLD 4 _ _ FORS �� - / \ `tY _ FOODS ! DI o 3O 50' AB,BSF 'STL - SCRIBED F IN TOP U RCP V . 15 1 Zu ARM I yI- - - - pLfj)j"ffi RD V r /Lr ff.,v BACK OF CURB 6�' S'R EX. C0 CB ��� Exisr a VI Lg Q CONC CONIC 53' BST KATE ° 121 z _ Ili r. TL - rc- - - EIP _ 12'I - S ORLD DI _ 15" RCP I5• RCP i1 �� I L7 I q D o _ �r N CB EX. "I +40 N E / CrpA- a �" EIP Ex15T a/ �T �+32+22 p 5, p o M'ELL 105' \ o \ 6fi' LT•(�] CONC 81 RTCONC 53' R 43.33' RT 149 RT `\F e ° °. Iz• DI o - T' DI 2' DI pqi - ` 17 + I 68, _ '�TS '� DDS '. �/�n!b ISFD iNo 59' R REED BY B z �' ` L 55' RT 80 SPIGOT - g ISFD o i 22 PROPERTY OWNER - 105' RT CON lNG +22 R�Pi r CR IG o I "' v I \ K SAT • "' �`�3 ISPBus DR41EWAY TO BE PARKS PROPERTY OD Bsr IS 50 a s D21 NAIL 1 D l -- JOH IBYERLY z3so2J9•lY 86 P CONSTRUCTED BY INVESTMENTS, LLC +72. D N AY 'V Mac b P E I h _ _ - N 1 PROPERTY OWNER DB 2768 PG 1037 EX. 4` �L Io 0 Q o ;SYSTEM GR I saL ) DAMN L.I BYERLY 633 w PB 36 PG 190 68' RT +00 +65 EX. RrW MTL IG =, I- I EIP EIP DB 1840 PG 3349 HOPKINS m z +67.50 5-36 RT Bsr 50 RT P E �-- ' I ka LT •E b _ 3I., - , 11 w DB 252i PG 103 SPECIAL CUT LLC I 57' RT qg 60• EX. RM/ �� I x may//J� POSSIBLE N T4.TT PB 4 PG 13T DITCH \DB 2790 _ I m 64' RT MrL�{ p -I 14I ©_ _ - ep 1V W 1SEE DETAIL25HEEf 20.1 ISBKBUS 4.50' RT DISTURBCN nl I yams m I U LMY J. RIGHT El PG 2136 H KINS ROAD +72 VAR.GR' ANI AL HOSPITAL m 40.56' POTENT/AL UST LT 11 I = _ _ DB 3186 PG 2795 N 399 a B"N 27 PG 99 EIP - a I. L.8,xtz CURB MAG I a =�, o 5 PG I EIP DO NIyOT DISTURB BU/ NG NAIL i� iI EIP N 36•A606'i7 ' \ FOUNDAT/ON TION +05 We MTL I ¢ w x .. WALL EXCAVAT/ON 7w2' RT GATE I 0, ISMTL8U5 -L- Sio.121+83.97 /5+00 92 W I GPS U5760-9 KRISTEN R. PATTERSON N pO3 -L- PRC Sto. 118+ 00 z �, UNIVERSAL SKATE I o I r PB 4 PG 137 V4/LT n I a DB 3149 PG 1869 �ORLD, INC. BLK �`_ h INSTALL 5'diONOL?¢I/C CONCRETE VED/AN DB 1275 PG 680 PAVERS mn 1 - - I - -POT to. I2 96A5 FOR EMERGENCY AGC 11 FRO0 DB 2662 PG 3148 Q� = I o A -L- STA 118+2?? 15+30A0 o I hN I '-I I - 9- POT Sta. om EIP N 332 N 60 CH 2'ND I SIGN Q 202 BO'I� N �I � p I - 89"27'43pI 2 -L- POT Sto.125+00.00 \ 3 60' CHL x COND; z4z4• c c III= �I a A I 59 40 109' E SFD ry 60' CHL GATE III / I� zl IoI ~a �- coy BST I �I o l Flo h - - 9- PC Sto l3 2 ye�D of a I y ISBKBUS CONC FLUME 3 I © xlx I 39'w NOTES. Sto.14+9039 ' �� LCONSTRUCT RETArN/NG WALL -WALL-4- FROY N op of _ I X of I eo.00• v - AROLE -L- STA #7+25.00 TO 118+22,00 (RT) 3B. S N 3s?9>�>•� R.LC. 70. LTD L O I I I I --- DB 166z Pc Islr t I ISFD DEBORAH ANN STERNBERG so' GHL o - DENNIS D. ALLEY 9 EE 0�CC WE TRUST GATE BST I I Y - P t l ra, asr LAURIE N ALLEY N DBV3186 PG 42585T I DB 3179 PG 3782 rg DB 1857 PG 336 o l EIP I DB 1729 PG 4170 NCCS 'TALLEV' L-� �j� S'B'Z9'36•E *TRAFFIC SIGNAL '/ PT a.16+90A0 168, 7p• EIP � �- SEE SHEET 28-2 FOR INTERSECTION DETAIL • ° s IB z9' SEE SHEET 21 FOR -L- PROFILE Q '4z•s SEE SHEETS W-XX THRU W-XX FOR WALL PLANS O jPROJECT REFERENCE SHEET P Wr \ * P \ \ \ Kimley*Horn U 5760 /3 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEERS ________C(T____ __ ___ _ \ nz � -N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _�L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VAR.SOlL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EIPI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - � W ' \ ENGINEER INSTALL E/ PS O W \� 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 OUTS/DE EDGE OF TRAVEL m RALEIGH, IGH, NC 27601 -Yl- STA 24+12 TO 41+50 (LT1 O \ S9O z \ •\ Op �90 s. AAv. f -- ------— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — QW '�' \, \•\ \ ------------- IIa �— BU50E55-40 WBL US 42111-40 BUS/NC 150 I v' �• A -- S 85' 33' 45.8" E i t ----------------- � I \�, q99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL W ) WHITE 4YALNUT, LLC \ �, vy B2A., UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 7L 22LLJ = OB 2858 PG 267 •� '\ 89• f PB 42 PG 137 \ \ ---------- Du----------------- BEGIN CONSTRUCTIO w��l I i a � ) , BEGIN WIDENING BUSINE55-40 EBL All Q $ TIE TO U-2579BA (BY OTHERS) EIP ----------=---------------- �I' el \'� .\ -YI- POT Sta.41+50.00 (U-5760) = c Q -Y4WB- POT Stc.38+50.00 (U-2579BA) PI ---------- N\--------------- N TIE TO EXIST PAVE ENT Q NOTE:U-2579BA (BY OTHERS)USES DIFFERENT / 1 9 COORDINATE SYSTE)l O 2.39f z \ WHITE WALNUT, LLC DB 2858 PG 26T EIP t PB 42 PG OT EIP J` Nt ay WHITE 1Y4 PIG 1 LLC \ sos, ..yA,°°. / • \ s �, DB 30 4 PG 059 'VIA 1p / c POND •\•\ ' �I,' - ✓• Elp TIE TO EXIST DI END 47" /^ - -'VPA S \ INSTALLED RO ALD L. A GEL �' M a $fnfq SS353 , �.� _ WITH U-2579BA VJV✓ FENCE N N 6 EMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT POND \ o (BY OTHERS) +201 Z DB 1985 PG 81 �' ` - .. o �?3 93 �, REF, NCDOT TIP- U-257991 EX. RN! E HP So HP _ � VI � - 3 W EXIST R/yl / O X X X� IP i' - / • \ i INSTALL VILLED RUMBLE STRIPS ON • _ _ - '\ RCPRCP- - --OUT57DE EDGE OF TRAVEL FROM M.8" _ ® F ^ RCP i • _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 48' —-YI-STT )4+12 To 4I+50 (LT) — — — — — — �/ — 42' RCP — W 100-YR FLOODPLA/N - — - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2GI LLI _— -- N'� ---i— 't�s s ---r---------- ------ L -- -- �I ----- z W ----- =----------------- —=— ----9 8 PS — -- toP� —---------------------- — — - LQ W - III -Y/-— -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — m W \ �I BUSINESS-40 @BL EX/ST _ O LL mu mu `\ US 42111-40 BUS/NC /50 mu p� _ _. ,2 ,� RETAIN EXIST �I f PAVE ENT `-----------�---------=`�T `.-----��J3'�5�—-------------SYSTEM----------------- N O ------'RCP � MIL 1 t CB L CB 3 `v" s RET Q -- T __ N OVERHEAD \ _ _RETAIN EXIST _ _ _ �_ _ RET.N�� _EXIST_ _ Q \ ELECTRONIC SIGN \ 1I MEDIAN GUARDRAIL PAVEMENT I -BY- 1 8 BUSINESS-4O EB _ _. ___~___________ 3- V) \ � y I ---------------- �MTL0---------- ' --'�----------------------- --/dP5 - ---_--_-- - - 2 500-YR FLOODPLA/N� �c�''—`�� T= J�---------------- AIN EXIST 2GI ��—>iT—i—r' �—ram—ram—'tom—� RET------------ Z REMOVE EXIST PORTABLE CONC BARRIER - - - - U REMOVE TE4iPORARY CRASH CUSHION , \ SYSTEM J/ _ (INSTALLED BY OTHERS) •"•^ \ (INSTALLED BY OTHERS) � AND INSTALL MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS P U \ '\ ALONG OUTSIDE EDGE OF TRAVEL Q EIP � FROG _Yl- STA 32+46 TO 53+35 (RT) TOWN OF KE_RNER SVILLE _ o g —TAR —SOIL ___fi6�yER --_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FORSYTH COUNTY __ _________________________________ __ --- P \ _ ---- 25CT Fo--------------T Fo—— i2E�T4L _ _ _ _t Fo - — — — _ YA4,Sp�A-,-- — _ -- _ -- ---- T F — __— — T vo-{?T y _ .. E%5T R/ .. .. .. .. .. .. ' �� IN/ 3SB4Y YY .. - .. E%IST'R/ X - /. .. TEIMORARY DRAT GE EA5EMENT .. — — .. .. . 2F SEVER EASbl1ENT \ 'NDDDS GENERATOR �%- -� MOODS ODDS Da 3I7e v I93 NSFCUC PROJECT "B2O3 lo.od \ 'NDDDS p \ \ WOODS ELECTRIC m� I�s \, \ WOODS PANEL x -7 CONL J TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ O'SE'�ER SE:82 D8 3119 PG n59 �'SFGUC PRDJ 8203 CONC UTILITY '\ BLDG ,— PATTIE H. CRANFILL DB 1404 PG 661 l"o, _ HAROLD D. HOPKINS, SR,, •\ /\ '\ \` DB 3175 PG 1589 - w \ /HA�F,�OLD D. HOPPKKINS, JR. •\ '\ 8j MICHAEL D. HOPKIN$ \ \ \ \ \ A HAROLD D. HOPKINS, SR. s /• / DB 3{1� HAROLD D. HOPKINS, JR. DB 31i8 PG 4183, Ix(ICHAEL D. HOP'INS / \ DB 3D3 PG 151E `gi \ \ •\ \ -O DB 3178 PG 4183 L � ' HAROLD D. HOPKINS. JR. / , \\ \'\ \ HAROLD D. HOPKINS. SR. DB 1880 PG 2286 \ \ i HAROLD D. HOPKINS. JR. DB 3119 PG 1159 �' \ \ 61 \ \ IYIICHAEL D. HOPKINS %\ DB 3113 PG 151E DB 3178 PG 4183 \ \ \ \ \ y4p \ Lo \ ti �\ • \ 'PFF. \ PROJECT REFERENCE NO. KimlepMorn SHEET NO. p369� ROADWAY DESIGN Oez HYDRAULICS /pg6 ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 ENGINEER \ RALEIGH, NC 27601 9y N b 63\Y 2'f9 r-0T_w ar eEv. BEV. SB3.� �xP Nb�ti° ti p3E 6^3 65 N ba• DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED z UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES W � W FINAL COMPLETED JOHN DYER LINK IDS 1938 PG T4 N W - ® r O _ TRIAD COMMERCIAL CORP. N NORMAN T.BENNETT NOT DISTURB DB 944 PG 377 Q DB 1Aq23NN7 PGNN 146 DB 2485 PG 855 CO 41NATION AREA S ONE�OF2DK5 " ISBKBIlS fz O Qj z� SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH +09 EBERT PROPERTIES, LLC CLASS 'B' RIP RAP EST 70 TONS EX. RW EBERT PROPERTIES, LLC DB 2141 PG 1126 PB 43 PG 47 EST 150 SY GFD SEE DE L ISHEET 2D-1 mw AD RIAD COMMERCIAL CORP. D PB 43 PG 2699 DB 944 PG 377 IseKeus a° ° DB 1019 PG 193 0 ISEKSUS AND EXTEND ®XIST 186.5l5 / MOODS EIP BST BST 'L— 85T - � .� 18 I EXIST 18" W/18" RCP -IV + 2 E V4/LT E i�� �'6o' ACCE55 EA5EYENTD� \ \t GR oI 1Tlo PG 1355 1 R.B I m I 11 • E GR GR CONCRETE\\ 11111� - r BN- T —a8' ` SPECIAL LATERAL'V'DITCN SEE DETAIL 55HEET 2D-1 / _��� ( 1151 J �- / P % /LT BSr i /} GR e /LT DB IITI pG 1685 iGR GR \ — — — — EMTL 2 B' PVC FR r -F' CONC ` T Q E%IST R/W E _/LTE �1� LT + �K' � �6.5 ' 55 55 55 — — — `pLUC IP BSr BST— B'PVCi -- ----- — ST ERVICE —G--i--1--G—}-- CB — _ /j�/ L GR ` I W --N---ni — B'PVC — —EX V$lJ2 RE5_� / B'Pyr�� / - �iT�/ p .Ex15T R/ I� IP SEE DETAIL 18 --- `__ IST R/ 1 OLD WIN5TON RD VAR.BSr V¢1 I200 LF EXIST { E E I -BY- 131 _ �EIP6 EP - ti ¢ / FOODS /48'W"N & ISB'N �� i W GR C C SHEET 2D-2---_—_—_ —_ --_ 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - cR C_ � C - - - -6-- _— + __ - - - - - -----_ - -_ — ----_— - _-- --�_ '� X X L�7 1413 COLLAR AND EXTEND 2GI 1412 18" RCP -IV 2GI <1415 ' 18" RCP -IV N2GI I W/18" RCP -IV C�) IO' PS v pr% IO' PS _ ---------- ---- ---- -YI- F ---- CONVERT OTCB — — — — — — — — — — — — - •- ERT i e �''� CONVERT OTCB S 421/1-40 BUS/NC /50 TO 2GI 40 ? CONVERT CB N 5' PS TO 2GI 1411 m 410 TO 2GI S 85' 33' 5H E �� TO 2GI 40 5' PS N o Ln s i�A 5'PS RETAIN _ REMOVE AND RESET oe// FPS AI -� l j y Zu EXIST GUARDRAIL 2%I _____---__ ------ ____________________________M AN — 2GI 404 y -----------� COVER TO Tel _MTL — — _—__ � - _---- ZT Eq �— — — — — — — — — — — —T ro— — — — — — — — — — — — — —T ca— — — --� — — — — — — — —T ca— — — — — — - — — — — .� RC - — —9 J U PS GR CA _ F j U TL-3 _ AND 2GI AR o ED ® .. /Q SP g F ' _ BEGIN SSG- v TA _ - _ _ -� - - - - - - 00 - - - 1'1- STA 83+00 / APPEARS - - - - C ABANDONED — — — — — — — -C �/EELECEMETER - - - - - -r/am� 48"N'N & ISH'N C WOODS F - 1- S gGN (Rn F�' 2 TY d F A 4'/1' RS UTII ISo PG5B3EM A/VAULTER F pNR HAT. L WALL EIP EIP �y WOODS .. FTRANS CLASSP RAP STONE /_� - - - - - - - - - C - P i- - 4 ..DO TONS - - - --- �� - g-, _- v _ — _ _ _— -i - - - - '�� VA -� Pa-- - N �)• 0 - R. V 'NP 06A • CHL -,_ __ ___ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ 6.5 d EdSEHENT b A\ OISB � - - EO - - �0' RCP f y LDNC WALLS E - T"R - -9 - � EI E IST R/ _ _ 153 DB 1532 pG I511 _ -' �� ' ' �paG • _24S — ' MTL !�, 6g+1, %PB C4 PG 32-3j-' N 30• RCP _ VAR SOIL P"\P - FRCP ETAIN EXIST SY�fE60' UTILITY r�CR EpSENENT p B3 I pe 5O 6 EB •.. 135' RT +60 RM7 SIGN N W fir, 600'ACCELERATION tS !?, + -_ .. � B - - 6. DTIUTY yG503 ENT ��h+ 6 E p•\6 CONICPB 50 O 3 TAP 1b 65�g5y �� M `oP �11 �J OOO O O O "I 1.5 z \ - W +ONC MALL 5Q, 0 T 6.50'RT O/ REMOVE AND RESET 225 LF EXIST & FENCE UP `w I cT s 8 ' RT 5 SCOTLA D Qw'\ cc�� 82.50' RT CROSSING CSIJLI NEI RG, LLC \, `mY� O® 4 / C�/ N DB 2602 PG 2109 m\ © �yAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST DB 2106 PG 244 w�Mmm �N" O » oyayo. _ SBLKBuS s N8 25'31'E ©\\p 0 \\ PB 42 PG 86-89 PB 44 PG 32-35 - wa o,mo ¢amQiO SOUTHSID RE -DEVELOPMENT �y CO PANY, LLC �ALMART "'In u u. u. ® \�.p DB 2697 PG 732 no Ell N N g •25'3C E PB 48 PG 134 \\ 18.00' w TARGET PB 50 PG 83 �\ \ TARGET CORPORATION DB 2567 PG 2982 PB 48 PG 134 PB 50 PG 83 z - z I® TRIANGLE PROPERTIES OF KERNERSVILLE, LLC DB 2928 PG 2560 SEE SHEETS 21 THRU 23 FOR -YI- (LT) PROFILE SEE SHEETS 23 AND 24 FOR -YI- (RT) PROFILE