HomeMy WebLinkAboutBinder_R-5819_R-5820_FINAL_NRTR_20200427NATURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT US 74/76 Improvements Convert at -grade intersection of US 74/76 and SR 1735 (Chauncey Town Road) to interchange Convert at -grade intersection of US 74/76 and SR 1740 (Old Lake Road) to grade separation Construct roundabout at the intersection of NC 214/SR 1735 (Chauncey Town Road) Construct service road between SR 1735 and SR 1740 north of US 74/76 Columbus County, North Carolina STIP Nos. R-5819 & R-5820 WBS Element Nos. 47091.1.1 & 47092.1.1 THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division 6 April 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 1 2.0 METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................1 3.0 TERRESTRIAL COMMUNITIES.......................................................................... 1 4.0 PROTECTED SPECIES........................................................................................... 2 4.1 Endangered Species Act Protected Species.......................................................... 2 4.2 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act................................................................. 4 5.0 WATER RESOURCES............................................................................................. 5 6.0 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS................................................................... 6 6.1 Clean Water Act Waters of the U.S...................................................................... 6 6.2 Construction Moratoria......................................................................................... 7 6.3 N.C. River Basin Buffer Rules............................................................................... 7 6.4 Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Navigable Waters ....................................... 7 6.5 Coastal Barrier Resources System........................................................................ 7 7.0 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................8 Appendix A Figures Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Project Study Area Map Figure 3. Jurisdictional Features Map Figure 4. Terrestrial Communities Map Appendix B Qualifications of Contributors LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Coverage of terrestrial communities in the study area .................................. I Table 2. ESA federally protected species listed for Columbus County ...................... 2 Table 3. Streams in the study area................................................................................. 5 Table4. Surface waters in the study area...................................................................... 5 Table 5. Characteristics of jurisdictional streams in the study area ........................... 6 Table 6. Characteristics of jurisdictional wetlands in the study area ......................... 6 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes US 74/76 Improvements Convert at -grade intersection of US 74/76 and SR 1735 (Chauncey Town Road) to interchange, Convert at -grade intersection of US 74/76 and SR 1740 (Old Lake Road) to grade separation, Construct roundabout at the intersection of NC 214/SR 1735 (Chauncey Town Road), Construct service road between SR 1735 and SR 1740 north of US 74/76 (STIP R-5819 and R-5820) in Columbus County (Figures 1 and 2). The following Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) has been prepared to assist in the preparation of a document for the purposes of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). 2.0 METHODOLOGY All work was conducted in accordance with the NCDOT Environmental Coordination and Permitting's Preparing Natural Resources Technical Reports Procedure and the latest NRTR Template dated December 2017. Field work was conducted on June 27, July 1I- 13 and 24-25, 2018, March 4 — 7, 2019, March 20, 2019, April 11, 2019, June 24, 2019, March 11 and 18, 2020. A Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination package was submitted on August 16, 2018, and revised on March 13, 2019 due to a project study area extension. Jurisdictional resources identified in the study area were verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) on March 19, 2019 and March 10, 2020. The principal personnel contributing to the field work and document is provided in Appendix B. 3.0 TERRESTRIAL COMMUNITIES Six terrestrial communities were identified in the study area. Figure 4 shows the location and extent of these terrestrial communities. Terrestrial community data are presented in the context of total coverage of each type within the study area (Table 1). Table 1. Coverage of terrestrial communities in the study area Community Dominant Species Coverage (scientific name) (ac.) Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) Pine Plantation (silviculture) Bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) 48.6 Trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) Dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) Clear cut Tall fescue ((Schedonorus arundinaceus) 10.6 Wild onion (Allium sp.) Tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Maintained/Disturbed Wild onion (Allium sp.) 219.3 Plantain (Plantain plantago) Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) Mixed Hardwood Pine Forest Red maple (Acer rubrum) 173.3 Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. Community Dominant Species Coverage (scientific name) (ac.) Swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora) Riverine Swamp Forest Water oak (Quercus nigra) 28.0 Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) Tall fescue ((Schedonorus arundinaceus) Pasture/Field Red clover (Trifolium pratense) 18.5 Wild onion (Allium sp.) Total 498.3 4.0 PROTECTED SPECIES 4.1 Endangered Species Act Protected Species As of April 15, 2019 the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) lists seven federally protected species, under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Columbus County (Table 2). For each species, a discussion of the presence or absence of habitat is included below along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on survey results in the study area. Table 2. ESA federally protected species listed for Columbus County. Scientific Name Common Name Federal Habitat Biological Status Present Conclusion Alligator mississippiensis American alligator T(S/A) Yes Not Required May Affect- Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat T Yes Likely to Adversely Affect Picoides borealis Red -cockaded woodpecker E Yes No Effect Menidia extensa Waccamaw silverside T No No Effect May Affect- Mycteria americans Wood stork T Yes Not Likely to Adversely Affect Thalictrum cooleyi Cooley's meadowrue E Yes No Effect Lysimachia asperulaefolia Rough -leaved loosestrife E* Yes No Effect E - Endangered T - Threatened T(S/A) - Threatened due to similarity of appearance * - Historic record (the species was last observed in the county more than 50 years ago) American alligator USFWS optimal survey window: year round (only warm days in winter) Biological Conclusion: Not Required Species listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance do not require Section 7 consultation with the USFWS. Suitable habitat for the American alligator is 2 April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. present in the form of wetlands, canals and streams; however, proposed activities are not likely to have any permanent detrimental impacts to this species. Individuals present may be temporarily displaced by and during construction activities. A review of NHP records, updated March 26, 2020, indicates one known occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Northern long-eared bat USFWS optimal survey window: June 1 — August Biological Conclusion: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect The US Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the northern long- eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Columbus County, where R-5819 and R- 5820 is located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through December 31, 2020 (the USFWS, FHWA, USAGE, and NCDOT are coordinating to reinitiate Section 7 to extend the PBO beyond this date). Red -cockaded woodpecker USFWS optimal survey window: year round; November -early March (optimal) Biological Conclusion: Unresolved Foraging habitat for the Red -cockaded woodpecker (RCW) is present in the study area in the form of mixed pine/hardwood stands, greater than 30 years old. Nesting habitat, in the form of pine dominated mixed pine/hardwood stands 60 years in age or older is absent within the project study area. Pine dominated stands, in the study area and a half mile field survey, were conducted on April 11, 2019, but no RCW cavity trees or individuals were observed. A review of NHP records, updated March 26, 2020, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. Waccamaw silverside USFWS optimal survey window: year round Biological Conclusion: No Effect Lake Waccamaw is outside of the project study area, therefore, habitat for the Waccamaw silverside is absent as the species occurs only in the lake. A review of NHP records, updated March 26, 2020, indicates one known occurrence of the Waccamaw silverside within 1.0 mile of the study area. 3 April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. Wood stork USFWS optimal survey window: June -September Biological Conclusion: May Affect -Not Likely to Adversely Affect Suitable habitat for the wood stork is present in the study area in the form of wetlands, swamps and canals. No individuals or nests were observed during site visits conducted June 27, July 11-13 and 24-25, 2018 or June 24, 2019. A review of NHP records, updated March 26, 2020, indicates no known occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Cooley's meadowrue USFWS optimal survey window: mid June -early July Biological Conclusion: No Effect Areas of habitat exist in the project study area in the form of wet woodland clearings and power -line right-of-ways. No individuals were observed during a field survey conducted on June 27, 2018 and June 24, 2019. A review of NHP records, updated March 26, 2020, indicates no known occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Rough -leaved loosestrife USFWS optimal survey window: mid May -June Biological Conclusion: No Effect Areas of habitat exist in the project study area in the form of wet grass -shrub ecotones. No individuals were observed during a field survey conducted on June 27, 2018 and June 24, 2019. A review of NHP records updated, March 26, 2020 indicates, no known occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. 4.2 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act The bald eagle is protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and enforced by the USFWS. Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forests in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the project study area, as well as the area within a 1.0-mile radius of the project limits, was performed on July 10, 2018 using the latest NC Onemap Orthoimagery color aerials. Lake Waccamaw is large enough and sufficiently open to be considered a potential feeding source. Since there is foraging habitat within the review area, a survey of the project study area and the area within 660 feet of the project limits was conducted. No Bald eagles or their nests were observed during the survey. Additionally, a review of the NHP database, updated March 26, 2020, revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area. Due to the lack of known occurrences and minimal impact anticipated for this project, it has been determined that this project will not affect this species. 4 April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. 5.0 WATER RESOURCES Water resources in the study area are part of the Lumber River basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03040206]. Four streams were identified in the study area (Table 3). The location of this stream is shown in Figure 3. Table 3. Streams in the study area NCDWR Best Usage Bank Bankfull Depth Stream Name Map ID Index Classification Hight width (in) Number () () Cove Canal Cove Canal 15-2-2 C;Sw 2 4-6 16-24 Creek Branch Creek Branch 15-2-6-4-5 C; Sw 2.5 5-8 16 UT to Creek Branch SA 15-2-6-4-5 C; Sw 2 2-3 6-12 UT to Creek Branch SB 15-2-6-4-5 C; Sw 2 2-3 6-12 Lake Waccamaw is within 1.0 mile of the project study area and has been designated as an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW). There are no designated High Quality Waters (HQW) or water supply watersheds (WS-I or WS-II) within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. The North Carolina 2018 Final 303(d) list of impaired waters identifies no streams within the study area as an impaired water. Fifteen surface waters were identified in the study area (Table 4). The location of each surface water is shown in Figure 3. Table 4. Surface waters in the study area Surface Water Jurisdictional Map ID of Connection Length (ft.) / Area (ac.) in Study Area Trib-1 No WE 229.9 Trib-2 No WE 22.8 Trib-3 No WF 347.3 Trib-5 No Creek Branch 1,272.4 Trib-6 No WK 754.9 Trib-7 No WK 624.1 Trib-8 No WK 864.1 Trib-9 No No Connection 69.1 Trib-10 No No Connection 38.4 Trib- I I No WN 132.9 Trib-12 No WO 124.0 Trib-13 No WP 217.9 Trib-14 No WT,WY,WQ 868.7 Trib-15 No WU 149.4 Ditch** No Trib-12, Trib-13, WR 0.4* ** Ditch called out as Open Water due to having OHWM according to USACE. 5 April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. 6.0 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Clean Water Act Waters of the U.S. Four jurisdictional streams were identified in the study area (Table 5). The location of these streams are shown on Figure 3. A NCDWR stream identification form is included in a separate Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) Package, submitted August 16, 2018. All jurisdictional streams in the study area have been designated as warm water streams for the purposes of stream mitigation. Table 5. Characteristics of jurisdictional streams in the study area Map ID Length (ft.) Classification Compensatory Mitigation Required River Basin Buffer Cove Canal 669.4 Perennial Yes Not Subject Creek Branch 1,332.4 Perennial Yes Not Subject SA 4,436.7 Perennial Yes Not Subject SB 94.1 Perennial Yes Not Subject Total 6,532.6 Twenty-four jurisdictional wetlands were identified within the study area (Table 6). The locations of these wetlands are shown on Figure 3. All wetlands in the study area are located within the Lumber River basin [USGS Hydrologic Unit 03040206]. USACE wetland determination forms and NCWAM forms for each site are included in a separate PJD Package. Table 6. Characteristics of jurisdictional wetlands in the study area Map ID NCWAM Classification NCWAM Rating Hydrologic Classification Area (ac.) in Study Area WA Hardwood Flat Medium Non -Riparian 0.33 WB Hardwood Flat Medium Non -Riparian 5.54 WC Headwater Forest Low Riparian 7.88 WE Pine Flat Low Non -Riparian 4.95 WF Hardwood Flat Low Non -Riparian 1.54 WG Hardwood Flat Low Non -Riparian 0.11 WH Riverine Swamp Forest High Riparian 8.41 WI Riverine Swamp Forest High Riparian 0.24 WJ Headwater Forest High Riparian 1.53 WK Hardwood Flat High Non -Riparian 11.15 WL Hardwood Flat High Non -Riparian 0.37 WM Non-Riverine Swamp Forest Low Non -Riparian 4.15 WN Hardwood Flat Low Non -Riparian 2.75 WO Pine Flat Low Non -Riparian 1.49 WP Headwater Forest High Riparian 3.99 WQ Headwater Forest High Riparian 31.99 6 April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. Map ID NCWAM Classification NCWAM Rating Hydrologic Classification Area (ac.) in Study Area WR Pine Flat Medium Non -Riparian 1.42 WS Basin Wetland High Non -Riparian 0.02 WT Pine Flat Low Non -Riparian 0.60 WU Headwater Forest High Riparian 1.20 WW Pine Flat Medium Non -Riparian 0.72 WX Pine Flat Medium Non -Riparian 7.05 WY Basin Wetland High Non -Riparian 7.05 WBB Pine Flat Low Non-Ri arian .45 Total 104.93 6.2 Construction Moratoria There are no anadromous fish waters identified in the study area. Therefore, no moratoria are required. 6.3 N.C. River Basin Buffer Rules The project study area is located within the Lumber River basin to which no buffer rules apply. 6.4 Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Navigable Waters No streams within the study area has been designated by the USACE as a Navigable Water under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. 6.5 Coastal Barrier Resources System Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) units do not exist within the study area. 7 April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. 7.0 REFERENCES N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources. 2018. Surface Water Classifications. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications. (Accessed: April 2020). N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources. 2016. NC WAM Field Assessment Form. https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq[Water%20Quality/Environmental%20Sciences/ECO[W etlands/NC%20WAM%20Field%20Assessment%20Form%20v5.pdf. (Accessed: April 2020). N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2018 Final 303(d) list. https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq[Water%20Quality/Planning/TMDL/303d/2018/2018- NC-303-d--List-Final.pdf. (Accessed: April 2020). N.C. Natural Heritage Program. 2020. North Carolina Natural Heritage Data Explorer. https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/. (Accessed: April 2020). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1990. Soil Survey of Columbus County, North Carolina. https://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_MANUSCRIPTS/north_carolina/NC047 /0/Index.pdf. (Accessed: April 2020) United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 4: Southeast Region, North Carolina Ecological Services. 2019. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina: Columbus County. Updated 15 April 2019. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc_counties.html United States Fish and Wildlife Service. American Alligator. https://www.fws.gov/endangered/esa-library/pdf/alligator.pdf. (Accessed: April 2020). United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Cooley's Meadowrue. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_cooleys_meadowrue.html. (Accessed: April 2020). United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Northern long-eared bat. https://www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/mammals/nleb/. (Accessed: April 2020). United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Red -cockaded Woodpecker. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_red-cockaded_woodpecker.html. (Accessed: April 2020). 8 April 2020 Natural Resources Technical Report STIP R-5819 & R-5820, Columbus County, N.C. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Rough -leaved loosestrife. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_rough-leaf_loosestrife.html. (Accessed: April 2020). United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Waccamaw silverside. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_waccamaw_silverside.html. (Accessed: April 2020). United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Wood Stork. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_wood_stork.html. (Accessed: April 2020). United States Geological Survey. 2018. USGS Water Resources Links for: 03040206 - Waccamaw. https://water.usgs.gov/lookup/getwatershed?03040206/www/cgi- bin/lookup/getwatershed. (Accessed: April 2020). 9 April 2020 Appendix A Figures a k Mo.= ��'1Nr��rt���r� B R N NlS W I 0' ,% NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 6 SR 1740 (Old Lake Road) and SR 1735 (Chauncey Town Road) Columbus County STIP Projects R-5819 and R-5820 Project Vicinity ,►- 1 T _ -r Lake Waccamaw West (Quad re 1 '. 60 o� `b — I � Creek i ,�' s , e►trl sa � . 62�1 Lake amap aali 30 �- � . -- • ���. ' � I . _ .... � �� Lake i w� •..., II Waccamaw 1 34 1 ,,tip v I I •� I NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 DIVISION 6 v�'Mrorn. o: SR 1740 (Old Lake Road) and SR 1735 (Chauncey Town Road) OStudy Area Columbus County 2,000 1,000 0 2,000 Feet e ' STIP Projects R-5819 and R-5820 1 inch = 2,000 feet Source: ESRI, CALYX Engineers & Consultants - Topography Map Figure Date: 4/6/2020 -4 1, tr — .. :. I jy— xy —14 3 , k Okl. j3 AI F Georgia Rd "k ro CD 77 ............ "I . . . . . . . . . . . .......... z� .--, . '. I - A -70: f. --�4 1 *14 4� m —'VAfW4OrO'o' 1 rz M ien Water, wm �N# -* .. Oki. Lake Wag m E 0 Mh POP X1000 Ix CD Vie `7 CD U) J 04 CD V., i- I r- 10 Q- -r Ix I� =a CD w W7 - T. _ fD O C Amoksw fD CL M c� I� I *,` �i' .. e YP OW r �r f y� } I J � Yi'�s ���� y�r ar pi+'� rd ;%�'. � .; t, � Y�• a- 3". fyr 'ppypys�'.� .r•{ .r. c � s _ 4C r�r Y' OIL aim v r � '�'I�j��/� �r _i h: Legend = R-5819/R-5820 Study Area Natural Communities Pine Plantation (Silviculture) Clear cut Maintained/Disturbed Mixed Hardwood/Pine Forest - Pasture/Ag Field Riverine Swamp Forest FIGURE 4A Terrestrial Communities Map US 74/76 Improvements TIP Project R-5819 & R-5820 Columbus County, NC Map Date: 04/07/2020 G1 inch = 500 feet GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 1,000 Feet This Exhibit is for planning Purposes only and information shown hereon does not eet The Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in Norm Carolina (21 NC AC 56, 1600). The Exhibit was compiled from available information obtained from me as listed below. Streams and Wetlands: All feaWras located in the field ware corded using a mapping grade Tumble GaoXT or Gao6000 GPS ra—var wim supposed Sub -meter accuracy. Sources: NCDOT, CALYX Engineers +Consultants Aerial Photography: NCDOT 74. .4.�.: �Ysl.Jietr�rt_._,1i.�ld,ll►. l�k. '�•>.� �=_ - � �l-•�+�' �. "` ,*- .,-3f ,� ., � ..rr "t� ' ' .� � � ! ",� Sr , � .ter .a;k •i•3 s. • Ai " lIjj. - A,_. ♦y7 ' . �, •`f it `�. •. _vim°. �t'/ �11 ®■ Legend = R-5819/R-5820 Study Area Natural Communities Pine Plantation (Silviculture) Clear cut Maintained/Disturbed Mixed Hardwood/Pine Forest _ Pasture/Ag Field _ Riverine Swamp Forest FIGURE 4B Terrestrial Communities Map US 74/76 Improvements TIP Project R-5819 & R-5820 Columbus County, NC Map Date: 04/07/2020 e1 inch = 500 feet GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 1,000 Feet This Exhbt f pl g p rposes only antl - f t h h tl of meet The Standardsf P t re for Lad S,,1 y g - N th C (21 NCAC 561600) Th. h E licit mpled from aval bl - f t bta,rad f the ur es steel b I . St and Wetlands: All f to t d - ih f Id e corded us ng pp , trade Tumble GaoXT or Gao6000 GPS re—var with supposed Sub eter accuracy. Sources NCDOT CALYX Engineers +Consultants Aerial Photography: NCDOT w, "NOW" ,r"T TV - d i ` 5asa 4 t � 4 r" mm _ 1 Tub `'. '4r-3ii'�, •�'I+,4,�. 5y ��p � � �t 1��, �,C� 'n E �• 5 `� .ro�if`•' � ,._ n �i+1Fa � f � 7 `�� t..�?},�,1`�� �"�y��V h�•4+ti��`\i4�`%�4cµ�t � \i .y ',�j� +f., .r _.. ��_ .4�.">ti'. 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Sources: NCDOT, CALYX Engineers +Consultants Aerial Photography: NCDOT a � �'Ec3't t e J ,:S�F.�', �Z 1�i �� '?,�' �4ty+'•8'°t�x��'s��¢: �- ;i , �A - >f w 1 r s �+ e -,• of • e� - ti •.a'�.. , .q� c L Y- : 1. 4 ,, � ?F.:1`.,'+i'w ♦,�.yqt � ':,::e. . ' ;.:. � � �� � z,`, r v'' 'iK�'a t'- _ • ,/•d,. - r�'',e - .!.-.y `'f . _q 4. :�,,.�tr-. .. f�', i, '. .+'M6r'6..�': .`�' +�: _ .r,'.. i A .. _.' "-r rlt �� 1)': j ,�s.','• .. 4.. _. x..'� .,1.. 'r:: 'J`r..a' ..-��+ w. .. ..... .,"-:�.. - �.: r_, .�. __, • .: 3',-xlr• :�Y'C '»`^ r_ �.s�y� u`°1.�. t 4�.:vY .: �;.. ::- :.'_»I ° � ....,n' :,,y °•!�. :' :-,5.'a.�'f' .:r 7.''F�-t` _ ' - f _ '�'� ": cr 'e -x ;4 5 y, Y. ' : • 4 � � s �. '-. y� 11r,�. - .f, ,r�e:yf..'.. `!'4'' 4 �. .' „M r ^ w .� iR 'S'� "?" � ne�"a" •¢' . �i �'�� r ' r. :.•a a ,, - � „ �.*L'a :� i'+� ° • , •�'ar' J`� •�' 1� ''_a-.x�a":. :,gers dq-s +v'..-> r .t• ,k'i., .,,,q. A " - y; d • '��•' ',..:' ._' st _ fir. � �...j... K'. .. ....e ,. 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Biology and Environmental Science, 1999 Experience: Environmental Specialist II, NCDOT, 2006-2008 Environmental Senior Specialist, NCDOT, 2008-2016 Senior Project Scientist, RK&K, 2016-2018 Environmental Project Manager, CALYX, Inc., 2018-Present Responsibilities: T/E species assessment and surveys, document preparation, data management, field investigation, stream and wetland delineation Investigator: Jennifer Harrod Education: B.S. Fisheries, Wildlife, 2007 Experience: Environmental Project Manager, CALYX, Inc., 2017-Present Dramby Environmental Consulting, Inc., 2015-2017 Environmental Senior Technician, NCDOT, 2007-2012 Responsibilities: Document preparation, data management, field investigation, map preparation, stream and wetland delineation Investigator: Tom Fox Education: M.S. Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, 2013 B.S. Biology, Concentration in Marine Biology/Organismal Biology, 2006 Experience: Senior Biologist, CALYX, 2018-present Eastern Region Aquatic Wildlife Diversity Biologist, NCWRC, 2014-2018 Research Associate, NCSU, 2009-2014 Responsibilities: Field investigation, stream and wetland delineation Investigator: Mack Des Champs Education: B.S., Zoology, 2015 Experience: Environmental Scientist, CALYX, Inc., 2019-Present Environmental Scientist, CALYX, Inc., 2017-2019 Environmental Technician, CALYX, Inc., 2017-2017 Responsibilities: Stream and wetland delineations Investigator: Byron Levan Education: Master of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, 2019 B.S. Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology 2011 Minor in Plant Biology Experience: Jr. Environmental Scientist, CALYX, Inc., 2019-present Responsibilities: T/E species assessment and surveys, stream and wetland delineation Investigator: Trevor Hall Education: B.S. Environmental Science, 2016 Experience: Jr. Environmental Scientist, CALYX, Inc., 2019-Present Responsibilities: Stream and wetland delineations