HomeMy WebLinkAboutEagle Brunswick Tract (2).! Eagle Brunswick Tract Year One Monitoring Report Brunswick County, NC Prepared for: ECOBANK Winter Park, FL f% Prepared by: Land Management Group, Inc. Wilmington, NC September 2001 Revised June 2002 Table of Contents y 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................1 2.0 Hydrology ................................................:..........................................................................1 2.1 Success Criteria .........................................................................................................1 2.2 Methods .....................................................................................................................2 2.3 Results ................................................................... ...............................................3 2.3.12000 ............................................................................................................4 2.3.2 2001 ............................................................................................................4 3.0 Vegetation ...........................................................................................................................5 3.1 Success Criteria .........................................................................................................5 3.2 Methods .....................................................................................................................5 3.3 Results .......................................................................................................................6 4.0 Conclusions .........................................................................................................................6 ii Tables, Figures, and Appendices Table 1. Groundwater monitoring results for Eagle Brunswick gauges .............. 3 Table 2. Dominant vegetation at the reference area of Eagle Brunswick ............. 5 Table 3. Number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees found at Eagle Brunswick... 6 Figure 1. Vicinity map ....................................................................... 8 Figure 2. Location of monitoring gauges at site .......................................... 9 Figure 3. Location of vegetation monitoring plots at site ............................... 10 Figure 4. Location of pre-construction monitoring gauges at site ..................... 11 Appendix A. Hydrographs Figure A.1. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Al, A2, & A3 Figure A.2. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A4, A5, & A6 Figure A.3. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges B1, B2, & B3 Figure A.4. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Cl, C2, & C3 Figure A.5. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges D1, D2, & D3 Figure A.6. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges E1, E2, & E3 Figure A.7. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges F1, F2, & F3 Figure A.8. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges RI & R2 Figure A.9. Rainfall Analysis for Year 2000 Figure A.10. Rainfall Analysis for Year 2001 Figure A.11. Hydrology Monitoring, Pre-Construction Gauges G, A, B, C, H Figure A.12. Hydrology Monitoring, Pre-Construction Gauges G, D, E, F, H Appendix B. Pictures of site iii Eagle Brunswick Tract Year One Monitoring Report Brunswick County, NC 1.0 Introduction As part of mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts associated with the construction of the Wilmington Bypass by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, ECOBANK proposed to utilize restoration, enhancement, and preservation mitigation at the 451-acre Eagle Brunswick tract, located in Brunswick County, North Carolina (Figure 1). This tract historically consisted of pine flat and pocosin habitats, much of which was ditched and drained due to silvicultural purposes. In order to restore wetland hydrology at the Eagle Brunsick tract, all on-site ditches were filled in December of 1999. Automated groundwater monitoring gauges were then placed in transects throughout the site to collect hydrology data. Although the mitigation efforts did not include planting wetland vegetation, six monitoring plots were randomly located within the site and existing vegetation was analyzed to verify that the ditch filling has not negatively affected species composition or numbers. The hydrology and vegetation data collected since the ditches were filled are presented in this document and will be monitored for at least five years, or until the project is deemed successful. 2.0 Hydrology 2.1 Success Criteria According to the Eagle Brunswick Tract Mitigation Plan, the wetland hydrology success criterion for this site is the establishment of a static water table at or within 12" of the soil surface, ponded or flooded for 12.5% of the growing season during normal precipitation conditions. The growing season in Brunswick County extends 265 days, between March 7 and November 28. Normal precipitation is defined as total monthly precipitation falling within the 30th and 70'' percentiles of a 30-year period. Therefore, to meet the success criterion, the water table should remain at or within 12" of the soil surface for at least 33 consecutive days between March 7 and November 28. However, because of awareness in the scientific community that undisturbed pocosin/pine flat wetlands do not always meet this 12.5% threshold, this criterion is subject to redefinition based on groundwater results from the reference gauges. 2.2 Methods In December of 1999, several ditches that transected the Eagle Brunswick Tract were filled to restore wetland hydrology to the 451-acre site. According to the Eagle Brunswick Tract Mitigation Plan, a total of 23 automated groundwater monitoring gauges were to be installed throughout the site to monitor groundwater hydrology for at least five years. Fifteen of these gauges were located in restored wetlands, six gauges were installed in enhanced wetlands, and two gauges were placed in reference wetlands located on site (Figure 2). Hydrology data from the gauges located in restored and enhanced areas were to be compared to data from the two reference gauges. At the Eagle Brunswick site, four gauges were installed within restored wetlands at the end of 1999. The remaining gauges in restored areas and reference areas were installed in the summer of 2000. Finally, six gauges were installed within enhancement areas at the end of October, 2000. 2 2.3 Results Table 1. Groundwater monitoring results for gauges located within the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Type Gauge Number Serial Number # of Consecutive Days above 12" 2000 2001 Restoration Al S320479 89 53 A2 S342F37 89 53 A3 S353973 89 B1 S35398E 90 55 B2 S2C7D36 89 55 B3 S37851A 91 25* C1 S2C7EE9 128 69 C2 S213C85 57 67 C3 S353B90 128 69 El S126F5F 85 43 E2 S2EACFA 85 43 E3 S214018 83 41 F1 S2D44E2 98 57 F2 S2EA974 gauge stolen 14* F3 S353A85 77 57 Enhancement A4 S353A2C 45 A5 S353ADE 47 A6 S144FBA 26* Dl S3697DA 53 64 D2 S3783F2 66 D3 S1271FD 28 70 Reference R1 S378395 9 45 R2 S317403 11 49 * Gauge stopped reading during growing season. 2.3.1 2000 Of the 15 gauges located within the restored wetlands, 14 met the hydrology success criterion for the year 2000, which is a water table within 12" of the soil surface for 12.5% of the growing season (33 days). Most of these gauges far exceeded this goal (Appendix A). The only gauge that did not meet the success criterion was gauge F2, which was stolen and hydrology data could not be retrieved. Gauges located within enhanced areas were not installed early enough to produce data that could be analyzed for 2000. Finally, the reference gauges (RI and R2) located within the tract did not meet the wetland hydrology success criterion during 2000. The reason for this unusual result is unknown. It was decided to compare data from 2001 before reevaluating the reference areas. 2.3.2 2001 Of the 23 gauges located at the Eagle Brunswick tract, all but four met the hydrology criterion for 2001. Most of these gauges did so in the early part of the growing season, between March 7 and the end of April. Below average rainfall (Appendix A) in May and June caused the groundwater level to drop below 12" from the surface for most of the tract during this time. Four gauges at the site (A3, A6, B3, and F2) have not achieved wetland hydrology thus far in 2001. These gauges stopped reading duringr=~- a the growing season and an adequate amount of data was not collected. Although 2001 data for A3 has not yet been obtained, readings from this gauge in the year 2000 followed the hydrology patterns of the other gauges in its transect very closely and recorded groundwater levels above 12" for much of the growing season. Therefore, although technical 4 problems with the A3 gauge have recently occurred, it is likely that wetland hydrology conditions still exist at A3. Furthermore, although wells A6, B3 and F2 stopped reading earlier in the growing season, they are all currently collecting data and following the hydrology patterns of ~ other gauges in their respective transects very closely. These gauges will all likely achieve wetland hydrology by the end of the 2001 growing season. 3.0 Vegetation 3.1 Success Criteria As established in the mitigation plan, the vegetation criterion for the Eagle Brunswick site was a minimum of 320 trees per acre, specifically of pond pine (Pinus serotina) and loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus). 3.2 Methods Although no wetland vegetation was planted within the Eagle Brunswick Tract, vegetation monitoring was included as a part of the mitigation plan in order to evaluate whether the ditch filling activities had any negative consequences on existing vegetation. Six circular plots, each with a 10' radius, were randomly located within restoration and enhancement areas throughout the site (Figure 3). The number and species of trees were noted and then compared to the vegetation within the wet pine flat reference area (Table 2). Table 2. Dominant vegetation at the pine flat reference area of the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Dominant Dominant Overstory Shrub/Sa ling Dominant Herbaceous Pinus serotina Gordonia lasianthus Ilex glabra Lyonia lucida Lyonia lucida Cyrilla racem fora Ilex glabra 5 3.3 Results Each plot surveyed had a 10' radius and, therefore, contained 314 ft2. Because six plots were counted, the total area surveyed was 1884 ft2. To extrapolate the vegetation to one acre, the total number of pond pines and loblolly bays found in the six plots was multiplied by 23.1. Therefore, the Eagle Brunswick site contained an average of 462 of these species per acre. This is well above the 320 trees per acre criterion established in the mitigation plan. Therefore, the vegetation criterion for 2001 is fulfilled. Table 3. Number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees found in each plot at the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Plot # Pond Pine (Pinus serotina) Loblolly Bay (Gordonia lasianthus) 1 None (logged) 5 2 2 3 4 4 3 5 5 6 None (logged) 1 Total 14 6 Other vegetation observed at Eagle Brunswick included titi (Cyrilla racem flora), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), gallberry (Ilex glabra), and catbrier (Smilax spp.) which were mainly found in the shrub and herbaceous layers. Exact counts of these species were not calculated since they did not factor into the vegetation criterion. 4.0 Conclusions Hydrology data from years 2000 and 2001 reveal that groundwater levels throughout the Eagle Brunswick tract exceeded the 12.5% wetland hydrology criterion established in the mitigation plan. Although four gauges did not achieve the criterion in 2001, this is because gauges were either broken, stolen, or had malfunctioned and adequate hydrology data throughout the growing season could not be collected. 6 Several gauges were installed throughout the tract in 1997 to evaluate the effects of the ditches on hydrology. A comparison of these data to data collected after the ditches were filled shows that the ditches had a considerable drainage effect. Gauges as far as 500' away from a ditch measured water levels that were routinely 2-3' below the surface (Appendix A: Figures A.11 & A.12). After the ditches were filled, groundwater levels rose to within 12" of the soil surface for most of the growing season and reflect wetland hydrology. Even gauges located in enhanced areas resulted in wetter hydrology after the ditches were filled (Gauges F & H compared to Gauges D1-D3 and A4-A6). Vegetation monitoring found the Eagle Brunswick Tract to contain thick stands of wet pine flat plant species such as gallberry, fetterbush, and titi (Appendix B). In addition, an average of 462 trees per acre of pond pine and loblolly bay were observed in the canopy and shrub layer throughout the tract. Although this exceeds the vegetation criterion of 320 trees per acre of these two species, these values were lower than numbers observed in the Dale Tract because sections of the Eagle Brunswick tract have recently been logged. Because both hydrology and vegetation criteria were achieved during year one monitoring, wetland mitigation at the Eagle Brunswick site can be considered a success thus far. 7 29 s y-- „vQ? Ile, J a ?Q N 0 0.5 1 2 SCALE 1" = 1 MILE Land Management Group, Inc. The Eagle Brunswick Tract Environmental Consultants Figure 1. Vicinity map. Wilmington, ul Wilmington Bypass Project September 2001 Brunswick County, NC Richards K, ?r _ 5 421 ?? - ro -4--.. ` T y... J rte... " , L w 'aLl W2S#$ ?`? ?7I?tSdMlS '?= c ? ?? ?'UIR? _ ae 9 ?.: ?Y l N Restoration Enhancement Reference 0 500 1000 2000 SCALE 1" = 1000' Land Management Group, Inc. The Eagle Brunswick Tract Figure 2. Gauge monitoring Environmental Consultants Wilmington Bypass Project locations. Wilmington, N.C. Brunswick County, NC ,I • •F--1 -40: : : l ,400000 • • • • • W N 32 0 500 1000 2000 SCALE 1" = 1000' f t 40 / f X - ; 0•004•• 0 70 Pocosin Restoration (30.1 acres) Pocosin Enhancement (30.1 acres) Ao 'Ocosin Preservation (34.8 acres) Figure 3. Location of vegetation monitoring plots. Pine Flat Restoration (140.2 acres) j Pine Flat Enhancement (85.5 acres) f Pine Flat Preservation (125.5 acres) Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. September, 2001 The Eagle Brunswick Tract Wilmington Bypass Project Brunswick County, NC FIGURE 4. LOCATION OF PRE-CONSTRUCTION MONITORING GAUGES AT SITE -a S l DUPONT PLANT WELL LOCATION MAP OF THE TOM YOUNG EAGLE BRUNSWICK TRACT LELAND AREA - BRUNSWICK COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA A-S D DA69 B-S 127130 C-SFED51 D-S144E26 E-SC91395 F-S10D8F0 _ G-SFED22 (WL-20 CONTROL) H-S158E.15 (CONTROL) wu Fcr"Snr HEIRS SCALE 1" = 1000' OCTOBER 27, 1997 SOIL AND WETLAND LINES ARE PACED AND APPROXIMATE. CASCOMEAGLEBRUNSMCKIEAG LECOR LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. , DRAWN BY: SAP Appendix A. Hydrographs for Eagle Brunswick Tract Rainfall (in) O oo N O O ? a $"q U a., 00 ?' jA Z c'?O ai 190, U 00` 3 9 00 O c,? V1 00 M 00, N M I O l+' O rn ?? 6 cd o .Ja ? ? ?' P. a ?, z o 6 f ?4 `0 p O N 00 N °M M 00 °?P o S gf `y U o (ui) uldaQ zalempunojo z a o3 ia: i Rainfall (in) ° oo cI4 o M C? .O C-) Q V O t? O U ppfrl o o fs? C's z I? c? rcP O pfd I cd Opl I Op O ? ? DO, `2 0 0 p 9 2 e % 11 ' 1 . p0, ``I p0, 9p Op 9 A Y? O M ?? el O :9 ^ , ?A I O ?` , w N pp 6 O 2 .? 0 `rjN N¢ ;tk ?- Op? ?I r- U ?D ? II 00 CA VS I % ? ? `? o 00 cq 00 O ?p N M Nt 00 (ui) ?jdaQ ialiannPuno z ' . iJ a 0 3 M N r+ ? 't b/./ r r-?I O p? LJ r P? Rainfall (in) 00 110 ?t N O (ut) ujdaa ni mpunoiD a? O o? f o ? z oao ? Op? l o U ? ? Opp ?p J ? o, l ? Op, og2. pO C14 J C OI p O, M Cf) ?J O OHO O `4' ? N Opp 6j 19 0% + V p `?Sp o ,S?b 62 00 ch ;? a o % ;f o,9,?? 1 o ? z Op zpp ? R p 'O91 ? o ? j lp t° ? o o O N 00 N OM M dN 00 Rainfall (in) oo tp ?t N O 'TI r cs IO Qa C z y 9 tO . 1D IO. 90 y ? I I O. o 90 ? t?, M h r'. g t ? t0. ll ^ f0 N 1 tO ?. M , la Y ?_ f? O ? U fp ` P Ja rn ? ? 00 ,`?a N M ? ? o +- z ° ?cqs O`oa d , 0 00 `?a Z a 9 ? w OO CC3 o a O O ? O ? h•L+ O O ? N 0?0 N OM M dN' 'd O ? ? ? o ' (ui) ujdaQ nimpuno g '0 Rainfall (in) 0 - 00 w N 88 N O bA O U o .? O ? O ? tD O CIS U bA O N 00 O (ui) ujda(I .iojwApuno- j O Off, roT F? :9f IOC 60 lOTJ ?o ?j f0,? ?b Tf O 10,E l? IO,? ?O N z' O 0 z U ? 48 U? o ? o ? O f?i `? U o 0 a o ? Rainfall (in) ? po ?p d' N O M rrCIS? •O ' r+ < O . to C;S W N F'+'y O \O N 00 N (ui) ujdaQ jaimpuno D V U z° ? x t I I°?? C OI IO ,? ?D O IO c f ? ? ro ? w I°f? w fF I -i m CIO o M ?} Y ' N N Ig o R Z ?4 O ?o N ?r1 coy o ? M M d' 'l `I .? ? O ° U 7p ,? 0 3 Rainfall (in) 00 d N O -el bA ? n ? O cd O ? O r rC N b?A w ?- b z 190, 1O o 9 1 0, 10 U 40 ? l ` c' c v O°, I ?o o ? 00?0 WW M 00, E04 COO v , 60 190, U rg `. .? o 1 0 . -o c i 00, O ': w E Ira cl t? O Vr N 00 ct O ?O N 00 o, o S 0 6. N M M d O (ui) ulda(I iajennpuno q o o_ Rainfall (in) O x ? ?t N C 6? W a e Ct e C? e -? e I ? ? o,90 ?a IO, ?I? c 90 ? IO?a IOC `® ^ I®ll ?' dam' I®? I I COI 01 O®,J O ® aP? a? 00. a M kr) Ja C `; N ? fit' O ? N 00 rd? ? (ui) iljdaG -iajvnnpunoiD c? 7 J 4.1 U 752 0 0 ?, z o •? Oq o ? ?z ac c ?a V? C? el ell, T { r0r ?O Rainfall (in) JO `O ? N O t • • • • i d ? ?cC c? N C 7t ?4' I 6L, g ? ep (? g? `s O ? N GG mot' C ?O N '??, Q (ui) ujdaQ .gal-empun®zg .V z a? C cd 4i Ln rY f? o .:1 ?. 45 C? 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C o Q N O. l ' 4° o E O ? M ems; N rZ c c? O Rainfall (in) W (ut) gjdaQ ioly xpunoig IO, Qa 90 ?j 90 90 I f, I®?? I F Q®`J ? a? ,j ?P OQ? `90 N ?O c e? c? U Ln 0 N_ i p?pyy? f--d N N }; :Z, cd y .?y U ? Q o o ?, z o M' ct _ o u ? c O `p N o0 ? O ? M N .? W 3 C) Rainfall (in) 0 00 119 O (ut) yclo( . olumpuno iD 1.5 ? g ` I I O, o ? O IOC I S? I II O. oc ;ell g O N IO, I? IO M r? ,d I I D, I O C-1. C-v O z 0 E Q)3 O > c) ' cn co .> U ? cf) Cf) .? G ? O cz O O cc a. o t o Q cc m ? O O ? ?z cC G ?. O v: N 00 I O Q a? c r? O r ?, ye 3 U r- , G U kr) a Rainfall (in) c 00 ?C I-t N O (ut) gldoQ solumpunwo IQ `s ? v I OI o, Fo Io ? , IO r ?o f? t N IOI fl ? l9 t I O N 00 r- IO,? Lon IO, ? ? sI I Q IOC o o' bbfi C z 03 03 Q cc U o c Z o u. .o r- ,.d , o a? cz 0 0 CIS E C4 U O N OG N O M W N W ? ct G CC3 :s 1 • 6. i? e( G ? Rainfall (in) 0 N O 00 ?O It (ui) gjdaQ ijvmpunojD 00, ?O 00?o S? OG4 6j . o? ?o JO, o 006? q? o, N J 00`? Sj o0 00, ?0 N DO ? `I0 W 'O ^ 00, ?j of I 00`? 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T <?? tT C !s S? ? OJ !m Sa W Q'b ~ . ? Sk, <N,?Y 11, 2 < s "3 ls,?l2 !m S <m?l? O? OH O r N Uo O N M LOO U C. e? ')O Y t <s, r ?bS o (53H ONI, id3d ° d I 3 w? c i? ?w a? ?m 5 s 3 U /Q rLJ VJ w Q U z O I- D LL Cl) Z O W IY O Z O V O J 0 Q WYY 11 D C) LL O V M N - O I r-a, Lam! U (D Z I_ .? O O < U A ? g ? Ltd Z O U) < U A? _O U 39 i O A L *'• co o Z a? CD O A (S3HONI) -IIVJNI` 'd O V' m N s- O ?, q Q9 Y 7 f I I I ' I I 9.'I - o 4 , , I I ? 1 I f 1 ? 5 ' ? o , I s ? ? !, 6 ji v I S? gs? i 4 IrJ I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I 1 I I , „ Q- p p I ; i I I I p i 1 xg ja ? I p? o 0 o I I I i I ? I 1 4 a I e b I ? 4aQYj g o $?? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I y d 1 I I ? I I ijq ? ? ? I I 8 g8 I , I I , I I 1 I Qo _ x.. fs. b? s t `a y N qs J r S by y w r m c btib m 0 ?sy N LL 4 W o f°'t Q W fs. W; Cy7 ? fa fB ,V. BO o O^ ?;, N J fsfr fs2 e`r N w fs `?} C N fs?r< N LL fsb ?i W ¢ fs ai< Q W Gb p f6.Zl0.?0 O e !s CQ fs?h?<O fs s? ?$ IP< N J > U. 41 f8 ` >_ ? a 1- fs °b N w OI C fS 11.0 'ro N LL ?6 W fbp Q W fs y. p fs? 4 t br BN. r q. Y 4 ba f6 a 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M N M M VI' ?h < (S3HONI) Hld3a UU Z_Z o vi Ow of wa 0 ?o gm u v ?N F W? NO z? *0 v op m m ZQ ?g Z? 3w S io s 0 5 Ll. W L=J W V Z O U ?L r Z O w C'3 Ir O r Z L } O J O } N T Q W LL Eagle Brunswick Tract Brunswick County, NC Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. September 2001 Pictures of site. ? Typical vegetation at site. Vegetation sampling plot. i Typical vegetation at site. Eagle Brunswick Tract Brunswick Countv. NC Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. September-'1001 Pictures of site. ? Ponded area within tract. Eagle Brunswick Tract Year Four Monitoring Report Brunswick County, NC Prepared for: ECOBANK Winter Park, FL Prepared by: Land Management Group, Inc. Wilmington, NC December 2004 Tables, Figures, and Appendices Table 1. Groundwater monitoring results for Eagle Brunswick gauges .............. 4 Table 2. Dominant vegetation at the reference area of Eagle Brunswick ............. 5 Table 3. Number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees found at Eagle Brunswick... 6 Figure 1. Vicinity map ....................................................................... 8 Figure 2. Location of monitoring gauges and vegetation monitoring plots at site .............................................................................. 9 Appendix A. Hydrographs Figure A.1. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A 1 Figure A.2. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A2 Figure A.3. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A3 Figure A.4. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A4 Figure A.5. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A5 Figure A.6. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A6 Figure A.7. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge B 1 Figure A.8. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge B2 Figure A.9. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge B3 Figure A.10. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge C 1 Figure A.11. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge C2 Figure A.12. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge C3 Figure A.13. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge El Figure A.14. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge E2 Figure A.15. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge E3 Figure A.16. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge D 1 Figure A.17. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge D2 Figure A.18. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge D3 Figure A.19. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge F1 Figure A.20. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge F2 Figure A.21. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge F3 Figure A.22. Hydrology Monitoring, Reference Gauge RI Figure A.23. Hydrology Monitoring, Reference Gauge R2 Figure A.24. Rainfall Analysis for Year 2004 Figure A.25. Hydrology Monitoring, Pre-Construction Gauges G, A, B, C, H Figure A.26. Hydrology Monitoring, Pre-Construction Gauges G, D, E, F, H Appendix B. Pictures of site iii Eagle Brunswick Tract Year Four Monitoring Report Brunswick County, NC 1.0 Introduction As part of mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts associated with the construction of the Wilmington Bypass by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, ECOBANK proposed to utilize restoration, enhancement, and preservation mitigation at the 451-acre Eagle Brunswick tract, located in Brunswick County, North Carolina (Figure 1) as described in Revised Compensatory Mitigation Plan for the Eagle Brunswick Tract dated July 21, 2000. This tract historically consisted of pine flat and pocosin habitats, much of which was ditched and drained due to silvicultural purposes. In order to restore wetland hydrology at the Eagle Brunswick tract, all on-site ditches were filled in December of 1999. Automated groundwater monitoring gauges were then placed in transects throughout the site to collect hydrology data. Although the mitigation efforts did not include planting wetland vegetation within the pocosin and pine flats, six monitoring plots were located within the site and existing vegetation was analyzed to verify that the ditch-filling has not negatively affected species composition or numbers. In addition to the pocosin and pine flats mitigation, approximately four acres (-1700 linear feet of stream) of stream/headwater riverine wetlands were restored at the northern end of the tract by filling a ditch, reestablishing wider slopes and natural sinuosity, and planting 2000 seedlings along the bank. Because this area was not counted towards the mitigation credits, neither hydrologic nor vegetation monitoring were conducted here. The hydrology and vegetation data collected throughout the past twelve months are presented in this document and will be monitored for at least a total of five years, or until the project is deemed successful. The three previous monitoring reports for this site determined that Eagle Brunswick has achieved both the vegetative and hydrological success criteria and the site is thus far a mitigation success. 2.0 Hydrology 2.1 Success Criteria According to the Eagle Brunswick Tract Mitigation Plan, the wetland hydrology success criterion for this site is the establishment of a static water table at or within 12" of the soil surface, ponded or flooded for 12.5% of the growing season during normal precipitation conditions. The growing season in Brunswick County extends 265 days, between March 7 and November 28. Normal precipitation is defined as total monthly precipitation falling within the 30th and 70th percentiles of a 30-year period. Therefore, to meet the success criterion, the water table should remain at or within 12" of the soil surface for at least 33 consecutive days between March 7 and November 28. However, because of awareness in the scientific community that undisturbed pocosin/pine flat wetlands do not always meet this 12.5% threshold, this criterion is subject to redefinition based on groundwater results from the reference gauges, as stated on page 16 of the mitigation plan. A redefinition of the hydrological success criterion is not requested in this monitoring report. 2.2 Methods In December of 1999, several ditches that transected the Eagle Brunswick Tract were filled to restore wetland hydrology to the 451-acre site. As stated in the mitigation plan, a total of 23 automated groundwater monitoring gauges were installed throughout the site to monitor groundwater hydrology for at least five years. Fifteen of these gauges were located in restored wetlands, six gauges were 2 installed in enhanced wetlands, and two gauges were placed in reference wetlands located on site (Figure 2). Hydrology data from the gauges located in restored and enhanced areas have been compared to data from the two reference gauges. At the Eagle Brunswick site, four gauges were installed within restored wetlands at the end of 1999. The remaining gauges in restored areas and reference areas were installed in the summer of 2000. Finally, six gauges were installed within enhancement areas at the end of October, 2000. 2.3 Results Of the 21 gauges located within the restored and enhanced wetlands, 20 met the hydrology success criterion for the year 2004 (Table 1), which is a water table within 12" of the soil surface for 12.5% of the growing season (33 days). In fact, most gauges documented wetland hydrology for significantly longer than 33 days. One gauge, C3, had a dead battery during a large part of the growing season and was unable to document wetland hydrology for at least 33 continuous days during the growing season. The reference gauges (RI and R2) located within the tract reflected the same patterns as the other gauges, and documented wetland hydrology for 62 and 80 days, respectively. The 30-day running total for 2004 shows normal to slightly below normal rainfall for most of the year, except for late summer, which documented above normal rainfall (Appendix A). Several hurricanes passed through the region during this time period. It was during this time period that most gauges achieved wetland hydrology. 3 Table 1. Groundwater monitorine results for gauges located within the Eaele Brunswick Tract. Type Gauge Number Serial Number 2001 # of Consecutive Days above 12" 2002 # of Consecutive Days above 12" 2003 # of Consecutive Days above 12" 2004 # of Consecutive Days above 12" Restoration Al S320479 89 35 123 80 A2 S342F37 89 * 123 80 A3 S353973 89 35 123 80 131 S35398E 90 36 123 85 B2 S2C7D36 89 24* 122 81 B3 S37851A 91 35 124 83 C1 S2C7EE9 128 16* 193 108 C2 S35387C 57 35 190 73* C3 S353B90 128 35 193 23* El S126175F 85 25 71 58 E2 S2EACFA 85 25 48 59 E3 5214018 83 19 68 56 F1 S2D44E2 98 35 114 86 F2 S2EA974 gauge stolen 35 124 81 F3 S353A85 77 * 26* 85 Enhancement A4 S353BOE 35 123 80 A5 S353ADE 35 77 79 A6 S144FBA * 39 42 D1 S3697DA 53 39 125 108 D2 S3783F2 39 189 108 D3 S1271FD 28 39 190 108 Reference RI 5378395 9 36 124 62 R2 S3174D3 11 35 75 80 * Gauge stopped reading during growing season. 3.0 Vegetation 3.1 Success Criterion As established in the mitigation plan, the vegetation success criterion for the Eagle Brunswick site was a minimum of 320 trees per acre, specifically of pond pine (Pinus serotina) and loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus). 3.2 Methods Although no wetland vegetation was planted within the pocosin or pine flats restoration and enhancement areas at Eagle Brunswick, vegetation monitoring was included as a part of the mitigation plan in order to evaluate whether the ditch-filling activities had any negative consequences on existing vegetation and if vegetation within these restored and enhanced areas resembled the wet pine flat reference area (Table 2). Table 2. Dominant vegetation at the pine flat reference area of the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Dominant Dominant Overstor Shrub /Sa lin Dominant Herbaceous Pinus serotina Gordonia lasianthus Ilex glabra Lyonia lucida Lyonia lucida Cyrilla racemiflora Ilex labra Six circular plots were randomly located within restoration and enhancement areas throughout the site (Figure 2). All species within these plots were noted, however only pond pine and loblolly bay stems were counted towards the total. Each plot surveyed had a 10' radius and, therefore, contained 314 ft2. Because six plots were counted, the total area surveyed was 1884 ft2. To extrapolate the vegetation to one acre, the total number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees in the six plots was multiplied by 23.1. 5 3.3 Results Based on data from the six vegetation plots, the Eagle Brunswick site contained an average of 600.6 pond pine and loblolly bay trees per acre. This is similar to results from 2001 (462 trees/acre), 2002 (508.2 trees/acre), and 2003 (646.8 trees/acre) and well above the 320 trees per acre criterion established in the mitigation plan. Therefore, the vegetation criterion for 2004 was fulfilled. Table 3. Number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees found in each plot at the Eagle Brunswick Tract in 2004. Plot # Pond Pine Pinus serotina Loblolly Bay Gordonia lasianthus 1 4 2 4 3 2 2 4 4 1 5 3 2 6 3 1 Total 12 14 As in previous years, other vegetation observed at Eagle Brunswick included titi (Cyrilla racemiflora), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), gallberry (Ilex glabra), and catbrier (Smilax spp.), which were mainly found in the shrub and herbaceous layers. Exact counts of these species were not made since they did not factor into the vegetation criterion. 4.0 Conclusions Hydrology data from 2004 revealed that 20 of 21 monitoring gauges throughout the restored and enhanced areas of Eagle Brunswick met the 12.5% wetland hydrology criterion established in the mitigation plan. One gauge, C3, had a dead battery during a large part of the growing season and was unable to document wetland hydrology for at least 33 continuous days during the growing season. Based on data from previous years, however, it is felt that this gauge would have recorded wetland hydrology had it been functioning properly. 6 As stated on page 10 of the mitigation plan, several gauges were installed throughout the tract in 1997 to evaluate the effects of the ditches on hydrology (Figure 2). It was determined from these data that the ditches had a 300' drainage effect, which was used to establish restoration and enhancement boundaries. The mitigation plan did not require a direct comparison of pre-project and post-project data and all but two of the gauges (D1 and D2; see Figure 2) were in different locations. However, a general comparison of data from these gauges revealed that the ditches had a considerable drainage effect. Gauges as far as 500' away from a ditch measured water levels that were routinely 2-3' below the surface (Appendix A: Figures A.11 & A.12). After the ditches were filled, groundwater levels rose to within 12" of the soil surface for most of the growing season and reflected wetland hydrology. Even gauges located in enhanced areas resulted in wetter hydrology after the ditches were filled (Gauges F & H compared to Gauges D 1-D3 and A4-A6). Vegetation monitoring found the Eagle Brunswick Tract to contain thick stands of wet pine flat plant species such as gallberry, fetterbush, and sweet pepperbush (Appendix B). In addition, an average of 600.6 trees per acre of pond pine and loblolly bay were observed in the canopy and shrub layer throughout the tract. This value greatly exceeded the vegetation criterion of 320 trees per acre of these two species. Because both hydrology and vegetation criteria were achieved during the first four years of monitoring, wetland mitigation at the Eagle Brunswick site can be considered a success thus far. 7 Figure 1. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge Al Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 ra -15 -20 -25 30 -35 SO dais ---------- ------------ -- ------------- ------ ---- --- ----------- ------------ ---------- ------------ --- ----- .-P, - beginning ofgro ing seas-, ---------- ---------- end ofgrowing s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------- aso - - -- -- 6 5 3 2 1 -4 0 0 0a ?1. ti 'ti O ? 'ti o ti I (S320479) M Rainfall (ink-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Note: 1 reading/day Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 2. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A2 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 Ca -15 a; -2 0 --25 30 -35 40 80 days - -------- ------- LL ------------ --- -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - ------- ------------ --------- ---------------- ----- beginning ofgrowi - . g season $ --------- ------- -- ----- 4 =--------9---- - t end of rowin seas -- n --- ------ --------- ----- --- -------? KA -- 6 5 Y: • M r 3 w 2 1 0 o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o? ?1o + --? (S342F37) -12" below surface MIRainfal] (in) Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day Figure 3. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A3 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 Q -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -AA F',0 days ----- --- " ---- - --- ---------- -- -------------- - . , ?.- ' ---------- -- - -- beginning ofgrow g se& ---------- ---- -,--------- -------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -LJLJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end ofgrowing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eas 6 5 3 2 n 1 0 o°` ZN O° o°` o°` o° o° Z oK o°` o°` oZN o°` ^? OAS S';;'ry0?'e 0'ti ?w ?- ?3 (S35386C) -12" below surface ORainfall (in) Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day Figure 4. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A4 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Enhancement 2004 5 0 -5 a C -10 -15 y -20 -25 -30 -35 -4 0 80 days ' --,' ---- -- --- R: _- Hsu ..?___--_____ -- - - - - - - - - - - ---------- ----- -- -- ,?3?---------- F----- --- beginning ofgrowi g seas-, ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - y end ofgrowing s aso _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------- ------- ----- --- ------------- --- 01 I- 41 6 5 3 ~ 2 1 0 O'` ON ZP1 Off` C l O'` O'` O'` O'` O'` Off` Off` CP` Z11 tio4? ti? ? ?oP4soh4"' 4b. ti??? 7:P; 0^o??w +0 c A4 (S353A2C/353BOE)-12" below surface ORainfall (in) Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: treading/day Figure 5. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A5 Eagle BrunswickTract; Enhancement 2004 C Y b 0 _5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 40 ginning ofgrowin season 79 days end ofgrowi se - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ___ ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -------------------------- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ ______ _____ _ 6 ison 5 3 2 S, 1 0 o°` oIK o°` o°` o°` o1` o° Z11 o°` ZN o°` oN o°` o°` oK 41?? QQtO?,a??oa? ?0 eo°?o^??4 zAS (S353ADE) -12" below surface WIRainfall (i Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day Figure 6. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge A6 Eagle BrunswickTract; Enhancement 2004 S Q N 3 0 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 A0 e innin of rowin season end ofgrowing se son - - ------------------------------ 42-days----------- --- -------- ---------------- --------- --- ? T . ------------ ------ ?> ------------ s ------------ ---- ------ ---------- -- ! - - --- --- ----- ; , - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- ---- '1 - ---- ---- --- 6 5 4 S 2 1 0 off` off` ZN ON Off` oP` off` ob` off` QN, off` oI` off` Off` ob` CP` po`???o° E°6 (S144FBA) -12" below surface ORainfall (in) Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Note: 1 reading/day Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 7. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge B1 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 ---------- - 3"------------... ---------. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- ----- ---- ---------- 1 --- -- beginning ofgro - ----------------- ing season end ofgrowing s - -- aso - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 4 3 2 1 QP1 off` VA . Qn. 0 C?` CP` Off` Off` Off` Off` Off` Off` CF` Off` ?Q?C?` R??o^ ;Vl (S35398E) -12" below surface ORainfall (in) Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Note: 1 reading/day Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 8. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge B2 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 a? Q -15 -210 -25 -30 -215 -4 0 e, 1 4ys IS, - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- ------------- beginning ofgrow g season ____ U end ofgrowing s son - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e ---------------- ...,,.:-. -.. -- ------------ -- 6 5 4 7y 3 2 1 0 o°` o°` o°` o°` oN 1044to????o?? Rojo^?? o Oc`^O+o 4 ;62 <S2C7D36> ORainfall (in}-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Note: I reading/day Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 9. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge B3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 A -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 40 c,3 days ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- --------- z ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - beginning ofgro_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ng season _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _end pigrowing s_ so_ - - - - - - - - - - - --- ------ --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- --------- -- --- ------------ --- - -- ------ --- - -- -- -------- -- - - - -- -- 6 4 3 2 1 0 O?Oow^Oo? a o N25'?O?e 1411 t -el -- ?3 <S37851A> PERainfall (in?-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day Figure 10. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge C1 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 A -15 -210 -25 -30 -35 40 100 days -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- beginning ofgro - - - - - - - - - - - --- ------ ------- ----------------- ing season end ofgrowing s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------- -- --- ------------ -- aso - - -- 6 5 4 7 3 2 ""I 1 0 o°` 4K Z o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` o°` ot` o°` <S2C7EE9> MIRainfall (ink-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: treading/day Figure 11. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge C2 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5 0 c -5 -10 Q -15 _20 -25 30 -35 -40 ;.-days ---------- --- :------------------------- w> - stopped reading ---- --- '------------- ------- -- ---------- beginning ofgr ------ --------------------------- wing season - _ _ _ end ofgrowing seas -- n _ ---------- -------------- ------------------- - ---------- ----------- ----------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- -- -- S 'J" ? 01 'yb 6 4 7O R. 3 2 1 0 Off` Ob O? O? Off` Off` Off` ON Ob ? ? yiO? ti0 ?4{ h?? o?6 O?'?o0 OGOD O 3 ti ,62 (353BC6)Rainfall (in}-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day Figure 12. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge C3 Eagle Brunswick Tract-, Restoration 2004 23 days 5 0 -5 -10 A -15 -20 29 -25 -30 -35 -4 0 7-- stopped reading ' ---------- ----- -u- ---------- ------------------ -- 5 _; ---------- -------- ---„ ----------------- --- _beginning ofgro ing season end of growing s aso - ----------- ----------------- --------- ------------------ --------------------- -- -- 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 o°` Z°' o°` o°` ZN Ol ZIK oK Z°N O°` o°N 0?,ss?'LbNZ, y04? _ -'V ?t?OF'4t0? ??? ,? '?~F?4;0^??4OL 0ti Cr ^Oow??C10?'????3 (353B90) Rainfall (in?-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day a b 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 140 -45 -50 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CP 6CQ ?O? 1 Ob 10? Q? Ob CP M Ob CQ CP V CP 1 p? Ob Ot?CP Q?S 0 (S126FSF) Rainfall (in?-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Note: I reading/day Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 14. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge E2 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 -15 Q -20 -25 30 C7 -35 -40 -45 50 Figure 13. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge E1 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5`, dny!7 - - - - - - - --- - 1--------------------- - - ?------ -. --- ------------------------- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - b-eiginning_nfgmw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gse --- _ _--- - - __ -- _ - - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 4- - - - - - - -------- ---------9--- end of rowing s aso ---------- ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - ------------- ? --------------- ------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - „ 50 days -Ile - f ----- ---- ------------ - - ------ ---- - - - - - --- g ---------------------- ----------- beginning ofgrowi -- ---------------------- gseasr-n r ,'' - ------- ------------- ' - - - ----------- ----------- ----- - -- -------------- endofrowing sea ----------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------- on --- --- 6 5 4 a ? 2 1 0 1>2 (S2EACFA) m Rainfall (inj-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: I reading/day Figure 15. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge E3 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 0 _ -5 -10 .C -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 U dy'S ? z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ¢- _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?? - z„ . -beginning bfgr ' -------- '----------- ingsea,op, - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- ----- -- ' ------ en-d-ofgrowing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- - ------------------- s --- 1P1 o° -cl 01 ?? X04 6 5 4 i n2 S 1 0 cP ° cP ?o° 6,eP dK o°` o°° QP ZIK ti? ti? oh ?? ti ' 03 (S214018) =Rainfall (in)-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: I reading/day Figure 16. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge D 1 Eagle BrunswickTract; Enhancement 2004 5 0 -5 -10 A -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -A0 `108 days ----------- ---- -------------------------- ] ---------- ------ ------ ---------- ------- ---------- ----- --- - - --------; ------------ *7 -- - -- end of growing seas ------ --------9-- n beginning ofgro ing season ---- - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- y?.n. ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 6 l 4 7y 3 2 1 0 o°` o° o°` o° o°` )N "pOo#0 V1aCPC 01 (S3697DA) ORainfall (in)-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Note: I reading/day Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 17. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge D2 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Enhancement 2004 5 0 -5 -10 -15 20 -25 -30 -35 40 ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ----"--------------i_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- beginning ofgro ------- ----- ----------------- ing season end ofgrowing s ----------------- -- aso ---------- ---------- ----------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------- -- -- -- 6 s?5 4 7y 3 2 I 0 o° o° o° o°` o°` o°` o° o°` o°` O?sz, '0sa? 'P No?gtoh "o^5?4 0l ^??lso I%S2 (S3783F2) - Rainfall (inj-12" below surface ^i ' Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Note: 1 reading/day Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 18. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge D3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Enhancement 2004 J 0 -5 -10 Q -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 ------------- ---- - - - - ------------ - - ----- »:--, ------- }---------------- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k> _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --beginning-6fgrowi ----------- gseason ---------- ------- endofgrowing ------------------------------------------ aso -- -4 0 ZN S? ??s Oro o? ??, moo, 5 4 w 3 ,2 1 0 rti =,03 (S1271FD) Rainfall (in)-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: treading/day Figure 19. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge F1 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 2004 C? ?i 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 `, -- -- --------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ----- -- - ,; ------- -- --- - in - g - o-fg r -o beg in n -in-gs--e as. --- - ----- ---- --- .- -- ----------- ------------ -,., end ofgrowing se - ---------------- v ----------------- --------------------- ------------------- ---------------------- son ---- ---- 6 4 3 2 .. 1 0 p'` CP p?` QQ off` p'` off` CP` O? CQ CP dK QPK d` O? +oa' p'1' r1,lo rLp ,`(. f ,gyp ph? ,bp? ti? '10/ ,?"?' p^01' rl^,y'? ,?(? 1 (S2D44E2) -Rainfall (in}-12" below surfac Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day Figure 20. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge F2 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 5 0 -5 -10 !V A -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -4 0 81 days --------------------- -- 4w 1 ------------ --- --------- ------------- -- - - ------------ ----- --------------- ' beginning ofgro ------------ ing sea : ------ -------------- endofg_rowingse son ------------ --------- -------------------- --- ------------ ----------------- --------------------- --- 6 5 s?) 3? yy r w 3, 2 1 0 o°` o°` )N O~? ??'p?ro ???t 1O4,Q?ph???p?? 1)eo4op^??4 p?OP`^OGw?o° ~?9?c --:02 (S2EA974)' Rainfall (in)-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: I reading/day 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -2)0 -25 -30 -3 5 40 Figure 21. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge F3 Eagle BrunswickTract; Restoration 2004 ?,5 days t ---=------- ----------- - ------------------------- - - - ---------- - ------------ Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - beginning ofgrow g seaso i - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - end ofgrowing se - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- ------------------- on -- 6 s,5 4 3 2 1 0 o°` O°` V? QA. QA. Vw' o°` QA. n. o°` p°` tioN? ? do ?QS o? ?6 ?? ?6 V-C) ?3 ?J4o O^4 O?1^ Oos ?o - 03 (S353A85) Rainfall (in?-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: I reading/day Figure 22. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge R1 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Reference 2004 S Q 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 110 62,days ,t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- f _ -- ---------- ---- ----- --- =----------- beginning ofgr ;A ingsei,-n - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- -- ------- .- --------- ord4fQr-emu j - - - - - - - - - --- -- -- ---- - ---- -- - ----- --- -- sa - - - -- 6 5 '4 3 r-. or2 1 0 Off` off` Ob` O'` dK OI` off` Off` Off` Ob Off` O? Off` OI` ZIK 01S ? '§ 1 4~4{oh' 41'? LpN ?4 +0 ? Deference I (S378395)ORainfall (in)-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Note: 1 reading/day Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Figure 23. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauge R2 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Reference 2004 5 0 -5 -10 A -15 -20 -25 30 -35 40 80 days qz, ---------------------- -------- -- -- ---- ---------- ------ --------- begmm-ng ofgrowi --- `--;------- g sea n y - - h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end ofgrowing s ---------------- -------------------- - - - aso --- 6 5 = 4 '" 7y 2 1 0 Q1` Off` Q? Off` Qb` QPK QPK Off` d C l QP1 QP. QP. O;° d. 0?1 S?Q(;?i? Y??Q?QGQh4'b?Q b ?????PJ?Q^?FQ? ??^p?`?1?041?9?G goeference 2 (S3174133)w Rainfall (inj-12" below surface Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. Note: 1 reading/day Figure 24. Normal Rainfall Distribution Wilmington International Airport 2004 16 14 12 c 10 8 ex 6 4 2 0 -------------- 40 2--*...-,-k- ------- - ------------------------- ------- -- 4 ------- ---- ---- ----------- - t --- --- - ---- - -------- ------------- `J11- ?o°` o°` 6°` o°` o° o°` ZN o°` o° .1 1 AS` :0 '0. ?? Qo4O Q^c??4 Q? poti ^p`ti ?ti?ey" ??O9?G mrainfall -day running total--25th percentile-75th percentil B I Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic ase on 50-year data. Data Center; Wilmington International Airport station. 30th % calculated from precipitation probabilities based on gamma distribution at 76 North Carolina locations. 29 t 4211 r "?l3ER CO - -?.-" J _ ,,.,, t ?`7 F t w-^' "" 6 a s ? ems..` V t 1 aste :r.-sf r4 SITE ?rM t z ? r ^fi t i t rua? still ^ ---CUFF w Af 1 ? r1`1 _ OLFA .° ?' ?a 4?{ ??.SEABOARD v, 1 ?O 'q, _ i QCMILL R0 HlAtki: V`' 1'??uas N 0 0.5 1 2 SCALE 1" = 1 MILE Land Management Group, Inc. The Eagle Brunswick Tract Figure 1. Vicinity map of Environmental Consultants Wilmington Bypass Project the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Wilmington, N.C. Brunswick County, NC December 2004 Year Four Monitoring Report U U U d a i E M 0 q ? A A Lwi w z ? ?? w Q: a w w ? ? x F ? vEi ? W ® 21 ? ? rOrF+?I A 0 a U ? w O H z a u ? ? a U W F ¢ w E"" ua a c7 W ¢ O w 0 0?? O r.1 A a> b U _ cd a " a tz?, ? ? Q F H ? a w w WaW a U C4 C4 ? QU R. F c ? C7 0 cn F Y 0 8 0 U a x d T F C A A A a? A '?•' V] 'o a W E" r„a E ? W ? nr it v ? o T1 o r o ? d U U a 0 t a a a a a a a a a a a 0 0 o E E E E E? E? E E??? N O <D E O 00 M N 00 O n N O C 00 oo 00 I-'? r a O o a s ° °A U a? '? [? o N v> >' b F O ' N crv ? vi .R! a c x x r o, p N U oo M 7 F ? F ? C1. ? b 'O ? N U M ? cC o w ? ? aU+ U a 0 0 0 o E b o w° w K , , 0 U U U U [i w° C7 x ? a V) ? a7 E- x « ° E E E E E O b N y y 1,22 N o a a a O o 0 o a a a a a a y a a a a a Q v? CC b b bb 0 0 0 o b bb blb lb b ob •E b? o b bpi b E- ° E E E??? ;k E E E E E E§ E E bE E E z ? I d ? ai r o d A C) E o . M O ?. ° M M Vl M ? M O U N u y O O O O Vl V N ? 0 o [z n ? o v pp CC o o q I M E - w Yo > w j w b E - Q O o q o v A A A ° ° Q O O O af D U U U C4 C4 V a a ? b E E O (U 2 Z t; o ' A O v' o 7j E - W O ? o o r oo ? ON» ?° ? v c E z cl) C's 0 E7! o 7 C b0 E _? U 7 .? .? H N O p W Y r7 c? cC 'O V] y Q v N 0.l O ? cL O x A c's ?u I's F p, O Q? ra .a ] 73 u Z ¢ cn x w C IO Q ai N in. Ea-F Ea- a Z -13b -13b -Sb a a a a ,..a a a a a a a a a a E E E E E E E ? Z. ? ? ? ? XL Y E ? ZL o M M O z r N o N r a o f y r r ° r z z Z w .N Y o .T U o o o U U a A m Z N o U z a N Q a, U U F z O z 6. a a x U U U Z a N > Q Q ai U U [i D4 F x . DC DC DC DC X X DC DC D! O M 7 V M 0O ? ? A ?n v ri oo c c r F It a c ° ° bo Eo- 0 0 ?T Y o E 00 b 10 z v v :o :4 -M u o 1- W a Q Q Q Q F U O ? O ? ? E 3 F Q rn r? W ai N N oo p, y A Y E 0 Q CI 000 Q Y Q T ro N ? •E 3 o w ? M bo M A o A ? C a 3 N 0 o O o A U s U E ? E- O 00 4J ? CC Oa. R s E 115 Y 00 E X Vegetation monitoring plot A Pre-project monitoring gauges SCALE 1" = 1000' Note: Gauges D1 and D2 are in the same location as pre-project gauges B and C. Land Management Group, Inc. The Eagle Brunswick Tract Figure 2. Hydrological gauge Wilmington Bypass Project transects and vegetation Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C Brunswick County, NC N.C. plot locations. December 2004 Year Four Monitoring Report - - - Power line corridor N F, Aw JAN t 3 2003 ?'wSti?if Eagle Brunswick Tract Year Two Monitoring Report Brunswick County, NC Prepared for: ECOBANK Winter Park, FL Prepared by: Land Management Group, Inc. Wilmington, NC November 2002 i Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................1 2.0 Hydrology ...........................................................................................................................2 2.1 Success Criteria .........................................................................................................2 2.2 Methods .....................................................................................................................2 2.3 Results .......................................................................................................................3 3.0 Vegetation ........................................................................................... ............................5 3.1 Success Criteria ........................................................................................................5 3.2 Methods .....................................................................................................................5 3.3 Results .......................................................................................................................6 4.0 Conclusions .........................................................................................................................6 ll Tables, Figures, and Appendices Table 1. Groundwater monitoring results for Eagle Brunswick gauges .............. 4 Table 2. Dominant vegetation at the reference area of Eagle Brunswick ............. 5 Table 3. Number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees found at Eagle Brunswick... 6 Figure 1. Vicinity map ....................................................................... 9 Figure 2. Location of monitoring gauges and vegetation monitoring plots at site .............................................................................. 10 Appendix A. Hydrographs Figure A.1. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Al, A2, & A3 Figure A.2. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A4, A5, & A6 Figure A.3. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges B1, B2, & B3 Figure A.4. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Cl, C2, & C3 Figure A.5. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges D 1, D2, & D3 Figure A.6. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges E1, E2, & E3 Figure A.7. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Fl, F2, &r3 Figure A.8. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Rl & R2 Figure A.9. Rainfall Analysis for Year 2001 Figure A.10. Rainfall Analysis for Year 2002 Figure A.11. Hydrology Monitoring, Pre-Construction Gauges G, A, B, C, H Figure A.12. Hydrology Monitoring, Pre-Construction Gauges G, D, E, F, H Appendix B. Pictures of site iii . Eagle Brunswick Tract Year Two Monitoring Report Brunswick County, NC 1.0 Introduction As part of mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts associated with the construction of the Wilmington Bypass by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, ECOBANK proposed to utilize restoration, enhancement, and preservation mitigation at the 451-acre Eagle Brunswick tract, located in Brunswick County, North Carolina (Figure 1) as described in Revised Compensatory Mitigation Plan for the Eagle Brunswick Tract dated July 21, 2000. This tract historically consisted of pine flat and pocosin habitats, much of which was ditched and drained due to silvicultural purposes. In order to restore wetland hydrology at the Eagle Brunsick tract, all on-site ditches were filled in December of 1999. Automated groundwater monitoring gauges were then placed in transects throughout the site to collect hydrology data. Although the mitigation efforts did not include planting wetland vegetation vrithin the pocosin and pine flats, six monitoring plots were located within the site and existing vegetation was analyzed to verify that the ditch-filling has not negatively affected species composition or numbers. In addition to the pocosin and pine flats mitigation, approximately four acres (1700 linear feet of stream) of stream/headwater riverine wetlands were restored at the northern end of the tract by filling a ditch, reestablishing wider slopes and natural sinuosity, and planting 2000 seedlings along the bank. Because this area was not counted towards the mitigation credits, neither hydrologic nor vegetation monitoring were conducted here. However, many of the planted trees appear to be surviving (Appendix B). The hydrology and vegetation data collected throughout the past twelve months are presented in this document and will be monitored for at least a total of five years, or until the project is deemed successful. 2.0 Hydrology 2.1 Success Criteria According to the Eagle Brunswick Tract Mitigation Plan, the wetland hydrology success criterion for this site is the establishment of a static water table at or within 12" of the soil surface, ponded or flooded for 12.5% of the growing season during normal precipitation conditions. The growing season in Brunswick County extends 265 days, between March 7 and November 28. Normal precipitation is defined as total monthly precipitation falling within the 30'h and 70ffi percentiles of a 30-year period. Therefore, to meet the success criterion, the water table should remain at or within 12" of the soil surface for at least 33 consecutive days between March 7 and November 28. However, because of awareness in the scientific community that undisturbed pocosin/pine flat wetlands do not always meet this 12.5% threshold, this criterion is subject to redefinition based on groundwater results from the reference gauges, as stated on page 16 of the mitigation plan. A redefinition of the hydrological success criterion is not requested in this monitoring report. 2.2 Methods In December of 1999, several ditches that transected the Eagle Brunswick Tract were filled to restore wetland hydrology to the 451-acre site. As stated in the mitigation plan, a total of 23 automated groundwater monitoring gauges were installed throughout the site to monitor groundwater hydrology for at least five years. Fifteen of these gauges were located in restored wetlands, six gauges were installed in enhanced wetlands, and two gauges were placed in reference wetlands located on site (Figure 2). Hydrology data from the gauges located in restored and enhanced areas have been compared to data from the two reference gauges. 2 At the Eagle Brunswick site, four gauges were installed within restored wetlands at the end of 1999. The remaining gauges in restored areas and reference areas were installed in the summer of 2000. Finally, six gauges were installed within enhancement areas at the end of October, 2000. 2.3 Results Of the 21 gauges located within the restored and enhanced wetlands, 13 met the hydrology success criterion for the year 2002 (Table 1), which is a water table within 12" of the soil surface for 12.5% of the growing season (33 days). As shown in Appendix A, the only time during the growing season when gauges documented wetland hydrology for an extended period of time was in September of 2002, during significant rainfall. Several gauges had dead batteries or were broken during this period (A2, A6, B2, C1, & F3) and, therefore, were unable to document wetland hydrology for at least 33 continuous days during the growing season. Based on previous data, however, it is felt that these gauges would have been recording wetland hydrology had they been functioning properly. Gauges El, E2, and E3 were reading throughout the year, but did not meet the success criterion of wetland hydrology for 33 continuous days. The reference gauges (Rl and R2) located within the tract reflected the same patterns as the other gauges, and documented wetland hydrology for 36 and 35 days, respectively. According to the National Climatic Data Center, North Carolina experienced its driest recorded year between September of 2001 and August of 2002 (NCDC). This is reflected in the rainfall analysis for 2002 (Appendix B). The 30-day running total shows below normal rainfall for approximately five months; January, February, May, June, and part of August. However, heavy rainfall in September of 2002 pushed the running total far above average during this month. The lack of rainfall has affected the hydrology at the Eagle Brunswick tract, including the reference areas, and explains the large difference in hydrology results between 2001 and 2002 at this tract (Table 1). Table 1. Groundwater monitoring results for gauges located within the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Type Gauge Number Serial Number 2001 # of Consecutive Days above 12" 2002 # of Consecutive Days above 12" Restoration Al S320479 89 35 A2 S342F37 89 A3 S353973 89 35 B1 S35398E 90 36 B2 S2C7D36 89 24* B3 S37851A 91 35 C1 S2C7EE9 128 16* C2 S213C85 57 35 C3 S3531390 128 35 E1 S126F5F 85 25 E2 S2EACFA 85 25 E3 S214018 83 19 F1 S2D44E2 98 35 F2 S2EA974 gauge stolen 35 F3 S353A85 77 Enhancement A4 S353A2C 35 A5 S353ADE 35 A6 S144FBA Dl S3697DA 53 39 D2 S3783F2 39 D3 S1271FD 28 39 Reference R1 S378395 9 36 R2 S317403 11 35 * Gauge stopped reading during growing season. 3.0 Vegetation 3.1 Success Criterion As established in the mitigation plan, the vegetation success criterion for the Eagle Brunswick site was a minimum of 320 trees per acre, specifically of pond pine (Pinus serotina) and loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus). 3.2 Methods Although no wetland vegetation was planted within the pocosin or pine flats restoration and enhancement areas at Eagle Brunswick, vegetation monitoring was included as a part of the mitigation plan in order to evaluate whether the ditch-filling activities had any negative consequences on existing vegetation and if vegetation within these restored and enhanced areas resembled the wet pine flat reference area (Table 2). Table 2. Dominant vegetation at the pine flat reference area of the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Dominant Dominant Oversto Shrub/Sa lin Dominant Herbaceous Pinus serotina Gordonia lasianthus Ilex glabra Lyonia lucida Lyonia lucida Cyrilla racemiflora Ilex glabra Six circular plots were randomly located within restoration and enhancement areas throughout the site (Figure 2). All species within these plots were noted, however only pond pine and loblolly bay stems were counted towards the total Each plot surveyed had a 10' radius and, therefore, contained 314 ft2. Because six plots were counted, the total area surveyed was 1884 ft 2. To extrapolate the vegetation to one acre, the total number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees in the six plots was multiplied by 23.1. 3.3 Results The Eagle Brunswick site contained an average of 508.2 of pond pine and loblolly bay trees per acre. This is similar to results from 2001 (462 trees/acre) and well above the 320 trees per acre criterion established in the mitigation plan. Therefore, the vegetation criterion for 2002 is fulfilled. Table 3. Number of pond pine and loblolly bay trees found in each plot at the Eagle Brunswick Tract in 2002. Plot # Pond Pine (Pinus serotina) Loblolly Bay (Gordonia lasianthus) 1 None (logged) 2 2 3 3 1 3 4 4 5 4 2 6 2 1 Total 11 11 Other vegetation observed at Eagle Brunswick included titi (Cyrilla racemflora), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), gallberry (Ilex glabra), and catbrier (Smilax spp.) which were mainly found in the shrub and herbaceous layers. Exact counts of these species were not made since they did not factor into the vegetation criterion. 4.0 Conclusions Hydrology data from 2002 revealed that 13 of 21 monitoring gauges throughout the restored and enhanced areas of Eagle Brunswick met the 12.5% wetland hydrology criterion established in the mitigation plan. However, eight gauges did not achieve the criterion. Five of these gauges (A2, A6, B2, Cl, & F3) were broken or had malfunctioned during September of 2002, which was the only time any gauge recorded wetland hydrology for a significant period of time. Had these gauges been functioning properly during this time, they most likely would have met the success criterion. Three other gauges (E1, E2, & E3) collected data throughout the year but still did not meet the success criterion. This was likely because of the dry conditions experienced throughout the region. Because this transect is closer to the property boundary than the other 6 transects, outside influences such as existing ditches on the adjacent property, may be affecting the water levels. However, under normal conditions this transect would likely meet the success criterion, as it did in 2001. North Carolina is experiencing a drought and had its driest recorded year between September of 2001 and August of 2002 (NCDC). During this time period, only 42.28" of precipitation fell on the region. The average annual rainfall for this area is 56.25". This lack of rainfall affected the hydrology at the Eagle Brunswick tract, including the reference areas. The hydrology success criterion requires wetland hydrology for 12.5% of the growing season during normal precipitation conditions. In light of the below average rainfall during the report period (Appendix A), the hydrology results for this tract can be considered a success. As stated on page 10 of the mitigation plan, several gauges were installed throughout the tract in 1997 to evaluate the effects of the ditches on hydrology (Figure 2). It was determined from these data that the ditches had a 300' drainage effect, which was used to establish restoration and enhancement boundaries. The mitigation plan does not require a direct comparison of pre-project and post-project data and all but two of the gauges (D1 and D2; see Figure 2) are in different locations. However, a general comparison of data from these gauges reveals that the ditches had a considerable drainage effect. Gauges as far as 500' away from a ditch measured water levels that were routinely 2-3' below the surface (Appendix A: Figures A_ 11 & A.12). After the ditches were filled, groundwater levels rose to within 12" of the soil surface for most of the growing season and reflect wetland hydrology. Even gauges located in enhanced areas resulted in wetter hydrology after the ditches were filled (Gauges F & H compared to Gauges D1-D3 and A4-A6). Vegetation monitoring found the Eagle Brunswick Tract to contain thick stands of wet pine flat plant species such as gallberry, fetterbush, and titi (Appendix B). In addition, an average of 508.2 trees per acre of pond pine and loblolly bay were observed in the canopy and shrub layer throughout the tract. Although this exceeds the vegetation criterion of 320 trees per acre of these two species, these values were lower than numbers observed in the Dale Tract because sections of the Eagle Brunswick tract have recently been logged. 7 Because both hydrology and vegetation criteria were achieved during year one and year two monitoring, wetland mitigation at the Eagle Brunswick site can be considered a success thus far. 29 l L-+ e? ' Z"7" Ao Le4and '• i(!) R4 yster'- BLUFF Ri BOARD RD AJ aast N Figure 1. Vicinity map of the Eagle Brunswick Tract. Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants 'Kilmington, N.C. November 200? 0 0.5 1 2 SCALE 1" = 1 NIILE The Eagle Brunswick Tract Wilmington Bypass Project Brunswick County. NC Year Two Monitoring Report Richards ViK ?"- - 5 421 Co %J X Vegetation monitoring plot Pre-project monitoring gauges SCALE V = 1000' Dote: Gauges Dl and D2 are in the same location as pre-project gauges B and C. Land Management Group, The Eagle Brunswick Tract Figure 2. Hydrological gauge g p, Inc. Wilmington Bypass Project transects and vegetation Environmental Consultants Brunswick County, NC Wilmington, N.C. plot locations. November 2002 Year Two Monitoring Report - - - Power line corridor Figure A.1. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A1, A2, & A3 Eagle Brunswick Tract, Restoration o to -6 -- -------- --- ' 12 18 - 6 -- - - -- ---------I----------------- A w_ m - 4 0 -30 -------------- ------------------------------- - --------- 2 -36 ------- ---- ----------- -42 0 O~ O~ O~ 01 P? Off' O~ O~ O~ O? O~ O? Off' SS O~ 01 O? O~ e AI (5320479) +A2(S342F37) FA3 (5353973) -12" below surface W-Mall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Wilmington Inmmetional Airport station. Note: 1 readingg'day Figure A.1 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A i, A2, & A3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 0 -6 ^ra -12 'a m Ca -18 -24 0 -30 -36 -42 .---------------------------.---_----__-____-_-_-_----___--.--_-----i ----------------------------------------------------------------? --------------------------------------------------- I ---------- ----?A------------------------------------------ ----------------------- '---------------------------------- l0 8 6 c 4 2 0 01 01 01 01 01 Al Al 01 01 91 01 P1 0~ Pti o- AI (5320479) +A2 (S342F37) * A3 (5353973) -12" below surface iraveFall Rainfall imformation provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Note I readinglday Wilmington International Airport statist. Figure A.1 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A1; A2, & A3 Eagle Brunswick Tract. Restoration 10 D -6 ----- --------------------- --- ---------- -------------------- - - 8 12 .5 °' - ------- -------- - 1 6 a A -1s - --- - -- ---- - - ----------------- - ------ -- 24 --- - --- - ---------------- ----- d .. 4 30 = - - --- ----- - - ----------- - ----- ----- i. -- + 2 -42 0 Off' 01' Ory ?' Off' Off' Off' Off' 01' Qti Qti P?' Pry pry Oti 1 Q? BC -OC S ?S A9^? 'j,.N > 1 1 0 O' Y" 1 'ti C, ' "', O \ 1 n? ry 1 ,l OT `Y r11 r1 p1; 4 4 O. Al (5320479) + A2 (S342F37) * A3 (5353973) -12" below surface rainfall Rainfall i nfamatim provided by the National Climatic Dab Cmtc, Nmc: 1 readingiday Wilmington International Airport station. Figure A.l contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Al. A2, & A3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 0 8 -6 6 -12 .s 0. A -1s 4 0 ---------- ------------------- -24 5. -30 2 ------- --- ------ ---- ------------------ -36 -42 0 Qti oti pti oti oti oti ory oti oti Qti oti Qti oti oti oti oti oti Oti so Sp so V 0 Q° 406c 40?yQ 0 Poi ^SeC aSmQ `?04 ??04 O? O? 1?' tilt rl°t O? 1 'L `L p'h' 10 11 'U ?, O 1 `L `4 AI (S32D479) -F A2 (S342F37) * A3 (5353973) - 12" below surface !rainfall Rainfall Wbrmatim provided by the National Climatic Data Curter, Notes I readuiSMal tvlmingtat International Airport station. A 0 -6 -12 .5 sa w -18 A -24 -30 -36 -42 Figure A.2. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A4, A5, & A6 Eagle Brunswick Tract: Enhancement - - a --` ` --gym ----------? - ------ Q!. b 4 ----c--------------- -A e. A P A k --- - ------------ b f ------------------------------------- G. ig...---------?---- -------------------------------- ¦-------------- 10 8 6 4 2 0 .?O ?§O -.0 so 4'0 Soo 5oQ ya Soo p'ti p6 15 .1'1% ryq pb 1 ti ti p.y 1p• 1?- 'Y ^71 Z '1A ri+ 'Y6 A4 (S353A2C) * A5 (S353ADE) A- A6 (SI44FBA) -12" below surface Orainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Curler, N.W I r.din! id.y Wilmington International Airport station. Figure A.2 contd. Hydrology Monitoring; Gauges A4, A5, & A6 Eagle Brunswick Tract., Enhancement 10 0 -6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Z -12 ° A -18 --------- ---------------------- ------------------------------ 6 . ? m ? ? -24 ,yea--------------- ----------------------------------- - ----------- R 4 -30 t - ------- ------------------------------------------------ r •. - -42 0 O? O~ O~ Off' Off' O? O? O? S?'1 O~ }11 O? O? Off' Off' Off' Off' o`` o`` boa ?04, ° ?aa q`` .q`` q* 4 qG` ?R ti 6' ° ' q' ' ' r ' t 'ff E: ~ ? O 0 1 7 rbti r1 O 7 ` {; 1q ,yb p? 1? tit ,yD ,yti O 1 ,1 r1 +A4(S353AW) A A5 (S353ADE) kA6(SS44FBA) -12"W wsurfeeeMRainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; None I r.di ngiday Wilmington International Airport station. Figure A.2 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A4; A51 & A6 Eagle Brunswick Tract-, Enhancement 0 10 -6 --------- - ---------------------- -------- ------------------- fia;,? s s -12 - : 6 q -18 --- -------------. ---4'- t?'. -------- ----- ----------------- ? d _ '____ d' _e _ __________________________ -24 0 -30 --'" --u---------------------------°f-- ------ ~5•,? . h, 2 -36 -.- - -,a, ----- ------------------- ----- -` ---- _?1_k -42 0 ory ory ory ory ory pry pry pry pry pry ory ory ory pry pry '& pry pry _o? t ?Og {?0? oti o? ti5' ,yN o? o? ?h' ,yti rye' o`' ?ry 1?1' ryID C^?n?C. ?o' ,/?'C? ?p'S" ^?l +A4 (S353A2C) +=• A5 (S353ADE) a A6 (SI44FBA) -12" below surface rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Cen[rr• NWe: 1 readbtgtday Wilmington International Airport station. Figure A.2 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges A4 & A5 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Enhancement o 10 ------------------ - ry --- -12 _ __ 6 m 1. _ - 1 } o i 1 2 nom. ----- ------ -36 n - -t-! - - ,y; -------- j - ------ -42 0 ?o??ry ?`?Qry ?Cpry J56ry vQOry ?S'ry J4 ry o4 e4 ry e??ry e4 ry ry?°' pl 'Z ryti 'V ob ,'y' +A4 (S353DOE) + A5 (S353ADE) -12" below surface ®ramfall Rainfall irdormatim provided by the National Climatic Data Cents. Wiir=gtm [aternabooal Airport AAA- Nuts: I readine'day Figure A.3. Hydrology Monitoring; Gauges B1, 132, & B3 Eagle Brunswick Tract, Restoration -6 S -12 -18 A -24 0 0 -30 -36 -42 - q4`1 ------------------------------------------------------------ O-\ O\ O~ O\ O\ O\ O\ O~ O\ O\ O\ O\ O\ A\ O~ O\ O\ O\ :30 ?O , ?? p 3 0? ??,` Soo 04 6? 5e4 O3, 04 \°7' 1'U .y9 Obi \ 'y 'L O'S' \O .?1' nr1 O'V' 1-el '? ti- <-Bl (S35398E) -0 B2 (S2C7D36) +B3 (S37851A) -12" below surface rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center, Note: 1 readingiday Wilmington International Airport station. 6 0 -6 .5 -l2 Q d -l8 -24 -30 -36 -42 Figure A.3 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges B 1, B27 & B3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration -"P?1-?-, o? -------------------------------------------------?'""'- --- b- -",; ------------------------------------- ---?7§gY111t ----------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IV 8 6 w 4 2 0 10 8 6 m 4 2 0 O~ O\ O~ O\ O\ O, O\ O\ O\ O\ O\ }l~ O\ O\ Off' OR' 01' Off' \'?o'? 60a? ?at? n+?d`Opc\ boa boa \yo° boa ?Ga ,9c° ,9e.° n90° 9c° ^?oo p??S ,?QO ? O O 1 °l, 'L 05' \1' \?1' r46' O^S \O' \'?' •V na1 O \ 'y 'L b Bl (S3 5398E) * B2 (S2C7D36) : B3 (S37851 A) -12" below surface W rainfall Rainfall information provided by the Natimal Climatic Data Center, Note: 1 rc.dmgtday WitmuVon International Airport station. Figure A.3 contd. Hydrology Monitoring; Gauges B 1; B2, & B3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 0 5 -12 d A -18 a ? -24 -30 -3- -42 014 ----l-4_----_----__FA -y__?,_y _- .t--------------------------------- l --- R --------------------------- It --- ------ - - -?I --------------------------- i --- ---------------------------------------------- -- -------- ----------------------}-------------------------------------------1 10 8 6 ro 4 2 0 oti oti oti oti pti Ati oti oti oti 5P Ary oti pti oti Ati oti Ati oti 4`d 4`' 4t ct'° t('°" 4,9" " PAS FRS FRS to .10 -40 40 40 -o-Bl (S35398E) ?B2(S2C7D36) -I-B3(S37851A) -12" below surface Mrainfall -- Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Cemer, 'Wilmington Intematimrel Airport station. Figure A.3 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges B1, 132. & B3 Eagle Brunsv ick Tract; Restoration -6 5 -12 v -18 A a -24 0 -30 -36 -42 Note. I readugtdas ------------------------i ---?'-?'----- ----------i------------------ 0. 7: ------ ------------------- ------------------- ------------ ----------------- - ----- Ian k.----------- - ---------------- 10 8 6y m 4 5. 2 0 ??'ry??"ry?3'ry?? ry?3`Ary ?o??? ?o??ry ?o??ry ?o??? pry p°o?? p6pry o? ry o?p?go4?ry?c4 ry5c4 ry5c4 ry O~ 04' .t5' ?ti 19 O? ti" f ry0 .y? o? P ,oP -0-BI (S35398E) 4 B2 (S2C7D36) --B3 (S37851A) -12" below surface ®rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center, Nm e I rc dugadm Wdmingtoo Imematimal Airport station. Figure A.=1. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges C 1; C2, & C3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 0 ° 10 A I -6 f ---- - - --------------------------- 8 l2 .S a - -18 ------------------------------------------------------- 6 A d b -24 ---- ------------------------------------------------------- 4 -30 2 -36 --------------- --- -------------- -111 -42 - k-- t -Al- 0 ON O? O? 01 O? O~ 01 O? O? X11 O,' O? }1~ O~ O? O? 01 01 rySa9 aC ^, so?,5e4 ?SeQ °Cl (S2C7EE9) -C2 (S213C85) T-C3 (S353B90) -12" below surface MMrainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Cents. Note: I reading day Wilmington International Airport station. 18?0 Figure A.4 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges CL C2_ & C3 6 0 -6 c -12 A -18 ib o -24 i5 -30 -36 -42 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration ---------------------------------------------------------y _____- ----------------------------------------------------- _---__-____ ____-------------------------- _ ___ ------------------- ------ w -- - -------- la 8 6 ?y 5 p 4 2 0 }11 Off' Ory Off' 01' Ol 11 %31 ON is, 611 ON ON O~ O? is, L`" ,& o?f fie- O?f o4 oA o4' o"y ec, o? ,y' ryti ry? o?z' ?ryti' ,??' rybs? o?A ?oA ,^A ?9 ?`9 v Cl (S2C7EE9) -A-C2 (S213C85) v 0 (S353B90) - l2" below surface .rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center, Wilmington International Airportstation. Nwc: i -dina'day 0 -6 12 .5 r„t a 18 A m 24 -30 -36 -42 Figure AA contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges C 1, C2, & C3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration ---------------- ''- - ------------------------------------- - _ BA---- _ _ _____________ 4 ---______ ------ ----------------------------------------- ?-- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 10 8 6 m 4 S 2 0 01' 01' Off' Off' Q1' ; 01' QR' Off' 01' Off' Q1' 01' 01' 01' 4? c " c 4c ?e? ?s? , ? IV qR 1 ? ?a8, ?v? ?aK 9 p? pO ti5' .l'V p1 p? 15 tit' 19' p5' 1ti ti°I' 'yti pnj ?p .?r?' tiN n1 Cl (S2C7EE9) C2 (S213C85) v 0 (S353B90) -12" below surface rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Cmtw. Note: 1 reading'day Wilmington international Airport station. Figure AA contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges C 1; C2, & C3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 0 10 8 12 5 a - a------------------ 6 p -18 - « m 3 -24 - - - w -30 ------ - ---------------------- ------------------ ,? =eQa 2 -36 c a -4? ---- ---- ------------ ? --------------- -42 0 oti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti it, Qti oti oti oti Qti oti oti oti pti ???? 0?3 ^??" Po$ Qo? Pp?a Qo? Pig goo goo goo ge4 -31 p1' O? 15 tiff ,IQ O ? 'L 'L p^i ?O tit' `l4` .y1 p?" 1b` .y1 'ye CI (S2C7EE9) A- C2 (S213C85) $ 0 (S353B90) -12" below surface (rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center Not. t readne day Wilmington International Airport station. Figure A.5. Hydrology Monitoring; Gauges D1, D2. & D3 Eagle Brunswick Tract: Enhancement 10 8 V 12 ----------------------- -------' 6 -24 ---- ------------------------------- ------ 4 .'. -30 --------------- -- 2 -36 ---------------- ------------ IL ?2 0 1?1 & 1:?, & 431 1?1 O. is, O~ ON 131 431 A? 5?1 lc?l O? O, %?, SO NO SO SO 1?0 41 41 ?? IP -1; -11 _5 -11 1 10 . I __I , 4DI (S3697DA) tD2(S3783F2) -A-D3 (S127]FD) -12"belowsurface Wrainfall Rainfall infarmation provided by the National Climatic Data Center, Wiminglon International Airport station. Note: 1 readiug?Jay 12 6 0 -6 a n 12 `v B., -18 ? -24 30 -36 -42 c?: OHO Rainfall inforrnatim provided by the Natimal Ctimatic Data Center, Wilmington International Airport station. Figure A.5 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Di, D2, & D3 Eagle Bnutswick Tract-, Enhancement -- _? ---------------------------------------------------------------I ._____ - ?________________ _ _o;--__________? -- ------ -------- - - t qy _ F l?+ly?i - - - - - -------- - - -----'f{.F,-- - - 'attyaa111 --------------- ----- - - ----- ----- - -1 10 8 6 m 4 2 l fl - 0 O? O? O? O? O? yl? O? O? O~ O? O? O? O1 O~ 01' OR' Off' Off' o- D l (S3697DA) - D2 (S3783F2) k D3 (S 1271FD) -12" below surface ®rainfall b Nota I readioa+d:g Figure A.5 contd. Hydrology Monitoring; Gauges D1, D2- & D3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Enhancement 0 -6 -12 La -18 -42 ------- ------------------ -24 0 -30 -36 t.l ------------- ------ - --- -----±-'- ------------------------µ `6k --- --------- ? -------- -L---------------------------------'i -----` -- --------- - ----------a-------------------------------------------- 10 8 6 w 4 2 0 O'1' O'1' Off' Off' OR' Off' O`1' Q1' Q1' 01' Off' Off' 01' O'1' O'l' 01' Q?' 01' Oro 4c 4G ?c eC sC ?C Esc ?t qqt ?? Tit 4?t o-K X0`1 p si ?s1' 01 04 1h .1'L 01 00 15' R`b .y9' 05' 1'L 1,01' 1b O? ?O 11 ' V '.?'? <-DI (S3697DA) -I-D2 (S3783F2) *D3 (SI271FD) -12" below surface rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Note. 1 readingday Wilmington Int=atimal Airport atalion. Figure A.5 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges DL D2, &i D3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Enhancement 0 10 -6 8 5 -12 a 18 6 Q °5 m 3 .o -24 4 0 -30 2 ----- ------ ----------- ---- ---------------- -36 -42 0 Off' Q1' Off' Off' Off' Off' Off' Off' Off' Q?' 01' Off' Off' 01' Off' O'1' O'1' 01' O'l' ??$ ,J9 ?JJ ,JO ?JO S.a ?JN ?J> >J? JC Jfv JC J9o J4 0 e4 vQ v4 0& o? o? 15' tiff tier oe ??'' ti° ti^' O^?P ?oA time' ,lprP ,y?P p?? Eby ry?? ro?? 05 b-DI (S3697DA) -{-D2 (S3783F2) ¢D3 (SI271FD) 12" below surface Orainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Cmta; Note. I readinddae Wilmington International Airport station. b ---------------------------- ----- I ----------- ------------------- , H-µN . Figure A.6. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges E1, E2, & E3 Eagle Brunswick Tract: Restoration -6 -12 .a A -18 r -24 o -30 -36 -42 ------------------------------ ----------------------------------- I`v i I 10 8 6 7d m 4 2 0 O~ O~ 01 Off' & & & & & 4?1 & & Off' & & & A' O? Q?x Qa? 4a? Qoz Qo.' goo: 5e4 Soo X04 p'y p? ti5' rlti 'Yq O 1 ry ry p^i 1p• 1^' ,1Q? ,?ti o1' tiK rye' ,10 -°EI (S126F5F) 4-E2 (S2EACFA) *E3 (S214018) -12" below surface /rainfall Rainfall itd'ortnation provided by the National Climatic Data Curter; Wilmington International Airport. Station. Note: I raaJingiday 6 10 0 8 -6 6 0 12 6 A ?. 18 m 6 0 -24 4 -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- C7 -30 2 -36 -42 0 O~ O? Oti O~ O? O? ?1? O? }lam O~ O? O? O~ O~ Off' 01' Off' Off' Oti pg ,c f yry ,.r p5. ,,y ,?q• ryb, p,?, `p 1,?, rya ?1 p1' `O: ry'i ,y0 E I (SI26F5F) A- E2 (S2EACFA) E3 (S214018) -12" below surface ®rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Curter; Note'. I rcadu-day Wilmington International Airport atatim. Figure A.6 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges E1, E2, & E3 Eagle Brunswick Tract., Restoration Figure A.6 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges E 1, E2, & E3 Eagle Brunswick Tract-, Restoration 0 -6 5 -12 ?a a A -18 m v -24 0 -30 -36 -42 G O~4 ' -- -------------'---}-'`----------------------------------- I --- ---------- ---- -------------- ----- -- ----------------- 1 ------------ -- --------- --- ------------------------------ -- - 10 8 6 m 4 5. 2 0 Off' 01, 01' ory OR' OR' 01' O"1' Q1' O'1' Ory 01' O`1' p'Y p'L p'4 p'L p'L 4v' 4` 4` mot yet ??t ??' ?QC ?? 4R? PRS ?? ?,m? x,05 ?m? x„0'1 ?s? OQ' tih' ryry p1' p6' ti5' ry'Y "yqp5 ?`V ?9 ryb O? ,O' ??' ']j`' '7? • El (S126F5F) L .E2 (S2EACFA) v E3 (5214018) -12' below s irface bra nfali Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Niac I reading day Center; Wilmington intemational Airport station. Figure A.6 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges Ei, E2, & E3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 0 r 10 6 -----------------------------------------------J a 1-------- [ 4? v g ? I -12 e 'r 0. 6 Q -18 -----------------------------------------------?--- ------------- 5. d 3 - . ------------------------------------- .o -24 -4 -30 -36 ----------------------- ---- ?--- - --------- ----------------- -42 F 0 ory pry ory ory pry ory ory ory pry pry ory o"? ory ory ory ory ory ory ?§O sory??f?'?OV??, lQo??c?Q,hgc4ry??ogX504 urface irainfall ? El (S126F5F) -A-E2 (S2EACFA) a E3 (S214018) -12" below! Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Nose 1 readingiday Center; Wilmington Intemalional Airport station. Figure A.7. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges F1, F2, & F3 Eagle Bnuns%Nrick Tract; Restoration 0 -6 .S -12 A -IS m 9 -24 0 -30 -36 -42 ------- I-A+r -ate Fi yIT ------°--------- ------ -------- ----------------------------- -- - -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ - 1---- ---------------------------_------------- 10 8 6 4 5. 2 0 01 O~ 01' O~ O? O? O? O? O? O? O? O? O1 01' O? O? Off' O? oa c,z oa va Ogg ,h? ryry? ryq? Oli ?? ?O 1' oyP,oF 1?4Q ??4 OK° ,?S y1S y45 +Fl (S2D44E2) -0 F2 (2EA974) *F3 (S353A85) -12" below surface Mrainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Note: ! reading.'day Wilmington httarnational Airport station Figure A.7 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges F1, F2, & F3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 12 6 0 -6 Q -12 v -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 ------------------------------------------------- - ----------- - ---I 'a ---- - ------------ - --------------------------------------------- ? -_ - -------------------------------------------------- t ----------- ??T ----------------------------------- Y"-_____ ------------------ ,},°?1`9S'u - --- 10 8 6 4 5. 2 0 `O1 ~ `01 1 1 ,O? aA1 y0? ,O'? 4p1 `p1 4p1 `01 4A1 O`Y O'Y O'L p`Y - F1 (S2D44E2) -* F2 (2EA974) v F3 (S353A85) -12" below surface .rainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center, Note I readingtday Wimington International Airport station. Figure A.7 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges F 1, F2; & F3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration -6 -12 a A -18 r -24 0 -30 -36 -42 dmX ? x --- ----- -- Vd-"b-----------------------I'Fi`'. --'s---------- t- ------ X?, o ?I 1+Ir' & ?• •7c a° O',Y -- ?-?;Il - ------------- ------------------- -..--------------------------- ? 10 8 6 w m 4 2 0 oti oti oti oti pti oti pti oti pti pti oti oti pti oti oti pti oti oti $? 4` 4e'o' ?c •?,mt ?sC ?se ?gC ?st Pq? ?? 4?4 ?? ?s? ?e'1 ?m9?l,?0'? ?,a? p1 Oq' 15'L`Y O>' O4; 15" ry'V 'y°, p5 1'y ?°i 'lb o-y' ?O' 11 'Y "?> -Fl (S2D44E2) 4 F2 (S2EA974) x F3 (S353A85) --12" below surface Nrainfall Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Curter, Wilmington intemational Airport station. Note: I rradmaaday Figure A.7 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges F1, F2, & F3 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Restoration 0 10 -6 -12 A -18 6 ---------------- ------------------- 4 o -24 4 -30 2 -36 42 0 oti oti oti ? oti pti pti oti ?y?' oti pti pti pti pti oti oti oti oti oti 3 3 0? 3 >3 ??3 o?y ??o? Qo? eon 40? Qo? Qo? SoQ deg X04 S tia .1 oti Q6> ,h? ryry tiA? O? ti ti O? ?o tit' 'y ", 'M ti~ 'L I<-Fl (S2D44E2) O F2 (S2EA974) F3 (S353A85) -12" below surface rainfall Rainfall mformatim provided by die National Climatic Data Center, Note: 1 readin.da. Wilmington Intematimal Airport statim. - - - - -- - - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - ---- - - - -- - -- - ? - - - - ----- - - - - t M' 8 Figure A.8. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges R I and R2 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Reference o ? 10 _6 ------ ------- ----- J - - +----------- 12 b A -18 ------ I - - - -- --- - --- -- L -I----- - ----------------- 6 m v -24 ----- ---- -- - - ------ - --- -------- - ----------------1 ?. .? 4 -30 - -------------- ----------------------------------------- 2 -36 ----- - --------- -- ---- -------------------- -------------- -42 L- M d6__ I -a IL 0 O? O? O~ O? O? O? O? Off' ,ll~ O? O1 O? O~ O? Off' O? O1 0 013 0??3`,h??ryry'?O So, ob'? "" ryo?oti ry, °? ?Qo?oQo4 ^ eon ?Qa? ?Qo? ^S°a ?Sc4 ?So4 ??c4 o ? ti ti ^ o ' Reference 1 (S378395) -a-Reference 2 (5317403) -12" below surface MRainfa8 (in) Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; Not,. I readinWday Wilmington International Airport station. 6 0 -6 a -12 d A `w 18 3 -24 0 C?J -30 -36 -42 Figure A.8 contd. Hydrology Monitoring; Gauges RI and R2 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Reference ----- ------------------------------------------------------- *b---- ? ------------------------------------------------------- a. - - - - °"? ----------- ?q----- ------------------------------------------------ 1 wx11llMMWW dsea?raYW ---a---------------------- ------------ 10 8 6 m ro 4 5. 2 0 O? O? Oti 01 O? O? O? P1 O? O? OR' 01' 01' O? OLv e° ?0 o` ,? ti` ,?? ,o;?' ryoti' ??s' loq ryoA X09 oa ?o. ,ya -A- Reference 1 (S378395) -?-Reference 2 (S317403) -12" below surface MRainfall (in) -d, Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center. Wilmington International Airport "ion. Note: I -ding-day Figure A.8 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges R I and R2 Eagle Brunsv ick Tract; Reference 6 0 -6 a -12 A w -I8 3 o -24 r; -30 -36 -42 - ---------------------------------- --- - ----------- --- ---- ------- -------- ---------- ----- -------- oti oti oti oti pti pti oti pti pti dti pti oti Q? 4? o? ?? IV -IV IV Or N tiry oti ?ti ti? 10 8 6 ?y w m 4 2 0 A- Reference l (5378395) - Reference 2 (S317403) -12" below surface Rainfall (in) -------------- Rainfall information provided by theNational Climatic Data Now I readmgiday Center; Wilmington International Airport nation. Figure A.8 contd. Hydrology Monitoring, Gauges R 1 and R2 Eagle Brunswick Tract; Reference 6 0 -6 c -12 A d -18 3 a -24 c7 -30 -36 -42 r ------------------------- - - r -t -------------- ` -ti H--- in -W---------4 -------------- ------------------------- T- ---? -IF - ------ ----- - ------ - --?------------?--- -I------k --------- ----------------- Qry pry oti Oti ?01' Off' O`1' p?' 01' pti Off' Off' Off' 1? ?? ?JJ ??? ?;?J ,??J, ,1?J~ PJ9o PJM PJ? Sao S4Q Sao O~ ?? 'y~ O ? ti 'S ?O .yO ,yO' pot' ?9' r1Q' 10 8 6 p w, 0 m 4 2 0 A Reference 1 (5378395) -Reference 2 (5317403) -12" below surface SRainfall (in) Rainfall infammation provided by the National Climatic Data Cents; Wilmington Intemational Airport nation. Note. 1 readingiday Figure A.9. Normal Rainfall Distribution Wilmington International Airport 2001 12 10 ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- g ------------------------------------- ,r--------- --------------------- 6 - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- -r- - ----------- ---------------- 4 ---------------------- -- --------- - - ------------------ 0 O~ O? O? Q1 Q? Q? O~ O~ O~ O? O? O? O~ O? O~ O? O~ O? S°? SQp 4e sec QC ?t ?? ?? Sao S? S?ti aZ 504 ice Olf O a4 00 00 O? titi 1ti 05' rlb ti6• O^' ,1tb ti4i O°t ?? IyOP ti? O1 '`t' v r 9 rainfall 30-day running total -25th percentile -75th percentile Based on 50•yev data. Rainfall information provided by the National Climatic Data Center; 30th %calmlated from precipitation probabilities based an Wilmington International Airport station, gamma distribution at 76North Carolina locations. Figure A.10. Normal Rainfall Distribution Wilmington International Airport 2002 iz to ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----- 8 --- - .s 6 -- - ------------------- ------------- --------------------I .....--- a r 4 -?- ----------w----'----q------ 2 -------- -f Y - ?, ?-- o oti oti oti oti oti pti Qti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti oti X90 ?` 4` ?ya? ? ,P4? P4t s S? Sbt ?? bS,` oS? P ABC 04 S0° S? 6, S°° o> >5' ti? titi tie, ?ti e ".4 Orainfall -p 30-day running total -25th percentile -75th percentile Based on 50-year data. Rainfall irdermation provided by the National Climatic Data Center; 30th %calculated from precipitation probabilities based on Wilmington International Airpcrl Station. gamma distribution at 76 Noth Carolina locations. U Z co . > c a can 2 ?!J OS Oz, f0 O rho ? N A co = Ak r.? ? v C gbh H Q rb fi s, lk N L bt, C m• ? ? I N c,b 4 N s? rb o? of w< ?a ?o 4o zC gm 0 S 3 ?F m U W 0 tmb O fs e f ? s a U tm ft i } s ap !m ? tOV J f ?i ? LYI 2 ? isb0.!? d f6, C % v ?i lsb Q? } p? tm 4b N N fE O C CM ts; y I O fmtE ° ,ee !,? tr S? CA. fm l si U } tm '? f Z? ` o ilk t 'LS N fs? ? [0 = 0 t $ 12 CO 4 t^? ?f b a ? a ?I 2 ? f9? (P 2 U C @ f a„ ' /? V ? m ? t b } I , fs6 2 tm S tm G ?3 lm ? o_?nous0 0LoaLOc ?e CVN Ch C? 'T -T L (S3HON1. 1dW fQ O? W s 0 U ao ?a V ?W V ?aR V Z _O H ?rr li Z O I uj CL Z O Z O 0 O J Ir 0 T T a W Cn d' co (N r- C) UU (S3HONO'I-TVdNI` II : 8w to IT m . N O o y 1?,d U (D Z C n? 0 O U O f?o Y ? 9 $s, i m w 4 =j C U r W ? .o- O ca n ' e y?V}? o m H? U 1%100 E . Q L A ? g ? b FJ -uj E. ?a ?o w sb? ? E Zp w p S ?s'b N o tis J 2 CA C e. 1= 'fp u. w ° ?s a W ?e n %r e mss. ?s C^ ? N f pp> Ilk 11 S v Ilk O ZbCl `6X r 2 ?sbr in w ? o? m c W ? ?a a4 Q W Yb n ?xC,,b?, n ?s ?? w a ?o 0 ?w S "k ? rn I LL 6 ?b SL ?e Qn W S ?e?bl b? C br O lf) 0 1p O In O tt) O In 0 V NCV C? I? (S3HONi) Hld3G I ? v ? ? S f t 9 ¢ I I I ' 5 i I ? o I f, a? `s sS ggd 3 l i l I I ? I I I I I I ? I , ? ? x e $ 0$ b P i I I I I x 8 I I I ?CC I, O sus I I I I , I I I i C) LL Cl) ui V Z 0 U L-L 'r VJ 0 U LU CL (3 Ir 0 0C ?G V 0 it 0 N Q W LL View of ditch that was filled in 1999. i Ponding within filled ditch. Pictures of site. Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. November 2002 Eagle Brunswick Tract Wilmington Bypass Project Brunswick County, NC Year Two Monitoring Report Vegetation monitoring plot. Land Management Group, Inc. Eagle Brunswick Tract Environmental Consultants Wilmington Bypass Project Pictures of site. Wilmington, N.C Brunswick County, NC N.C. November 2002 Year Two Monitoring Report Typical vegetation within tract consists of pond pine, loblolly bay, gallberry, and titi. I Bald cypress trees planted within the riverine wetlands area in the ?- northern part of the tract. This area was not counted towards mitigation credits. Pictures of site. Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. November 2002 Eagle Brunswick Tract Wilmington Bypass Project Brunswick County, NC Year Two Monitoring Report