HomeMy WebLinkAboutR2822Eastern Band of the Cherokee tribal lands are situated on either side of NC 143 near the east project terminal. The Buffalo Independent Baptist Church is located on this parcel. In addition, the Eastern Band of the Cherokee (Snowbird) Senior Center is located on SR 1149 (Jackson Branch Road), which intersections NC 143 approximately 0.6 mile east of the east project terminal. Carver Cemetery is located on the north side of NC 143, approximately 0.6 mile east of SR 1148 (West Buffalo Road). 11. Other Facilities A waste disposal convenience center is located on the north side of NC 143 approximately 0.6 mile east of SR 1118 (I. U. Gap Road). The Blue Boar Inn is located on the north side of NC 143, just west of West Buffalo Creek. 12. U. S. Forest Service and N. C. Forest Service Resources U.S. Forest Service lands (Nantahala National Forest) border NC 143 on one or both sides for a distance of approximately 5 miles within the limits of the project (approximately 70 percent of the project length). Those lands are more prevalent on the north side of NC 143. U. S. Forest Service facilities within or near the project study area include: • Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest, located just west of the west project terminal • Snowbird Picnic Area, located on the north side of NC 143 between Snowbird Creek and SR 1118 (I. U. Gap Road) • Snowbird Loop Nature Trail, located on the south side of NC 143 opposite the picnic area • Massey Branch Accessible Fishing Pier and Boating Access, located on the north side of NC 143 approximately 2.2 miles east of the east project terminal • Cheoah District Ranger Station, located on the south side of NC 143 approximately 2.4 miles east of the east project terminal • Camp Santeetlah Historic Trail and Cheoah Trail, accessed via the ranger station • Massey Branch Fitness Trail, crosses NC 143 approximately 2.9 miles east of the east project terminal The Graham County headquarters of the N.C. Forest Service is located on the north side of NC 143 approximately 1.8 miles east of the east project terminal. 13. Protect Purpose 14. Study Area The proposed study area is variable in width and is shown in Figure 3. CNT??aAOL(S ZZi k) -6- o? ?qN 0? CONCURRENCE MEETING INFORMATION PACKET FOR YOUR REVIEW PRIOR TO MEETING ON JANUARY 23, 2007 PROJECT ENGINEER WILSON STROUD R-2822 B Please bring this packet to the meeting. .w SINE o STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GoVERNOR AGENDA Western Concurrence Meeting Tuesday, January 23, 2007 Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina LYNDo TIPPETT SECRETARY 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Wilson Stroud, Project Planning Engineer, NCDOT-PDEA Branch TIP No. R-2822 B - NC 143 (Santeetlah Road), from the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business west of Robbinsville Graham County, Division 14 Team Members: David Baker, USACE Wilson Stroud, PDEA Jake Riggsbee, FHWA Chris Militscher, USEPA Marella Buncick, USFWS Karen Compton, USFS Marla Chambers, WRC Brian Wrenn, DWQ Sarah McBride, SHPO Harold Draper, TVA Tyler Howe, EBCI Matt Roark, Southwestern RPO (non-signatory) NCDOT Technical Sunnort Staff and Other A2encv Staff: Joel Setzer, Division 14 Sarah Smith; TPB Jamie Wilson, Division 14 Carla Dagnino, NEU Jim Speer, Roadway Design Mary Pope Furr, HEU John Lansford, Roadway Design Ed Lewis, HEU David Chang, Hydraulics Teresa Hart, PDEA John Frye, Structure Design James Bridges, PDEA * The purpose of this meeting is to achieve Concurrence on CP 1. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 NEPA/404 Merger Team Meeting TIP Project No. R-2822 B Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127 (1) State Project Number 8.2930301 WBS Element 34508. 1.1 NC 143 From the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business West of Robbinsville Graham County RTH? P?7o OF TFiAr January 23, 2007 Transportation Building Board Room Concurrence Point 1 (Purpose and Need, Study Area Defined) NC 143 From the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business West of Robbinsville Graham County TIP Project R-2822 B 1. Purpose of Today's Meeting The purpose of today's meeting is to reach concurrence on Point 1 (purpose and need, study area defined) for TIP Project R-2822 B. 2. Project Description TIP Project R-2822 B is included in the Draft NCDOT 2007-2013 Transportation Improvement Program and proposes to upgrade NC 143 from the Cherohala Skyway to NC 143 Business west of Robbinsville in Graham County. The project has a total length of 6.7 miles and is shown in Figure 1. The project is also shown in Figure 2 (aerial mosaic) and Figure 3 (USGS quad map). It is recommended that NC 143 be improved to provide two 11-foot travel lanes and 4-foot (useable width) grassed shoulders. Horizontal and vertical alignment improvements are also proposed in order to provide a minimum design speed of 35 mph. NC 143 is designated as a north-south route, but runs primarily east-to-west in the project area. For that reason, the project will be regarded as running east-to-west. 3. Proposed Improvements From the west end of the project to just east of West Buffalo Creek (2.4 miles), the existing alignment of NC 143 is acceptable. It is anticipated the proposed improvements in this area will consist of resurfacing, and widening the pavement to 22 feet, regrading the shoulders, and replacing guardrail as needed. No alignment improvements are recommended in this area. It is anticipated these improvements will be contained mostly within the existing 70-foot right of way. From just east of West Buffalo Creek to the east end of the project (4.3 miles), existing NC 143 has a less desirable horizontal alignment. In this area it is recommended that the roadway be reconstructed to achieve a design speed similar to that found west of West Buffalo Creek. A two-lane, 22-foot pavement with 4-foot (useable width) grassed shoulders is recommended. The proposed width of right of way and easements will vary, depending upon the terrain. 4. Project Status, Schedule, and Brief History NCDOT is preparing an Environmental Assessment for the project, which is currently scheduled for completion October 2008. The FONSI is scheduled for completion in February 2010. Right of way acquisition and construction are scheduled to begin in Fiscal Years 2010 and 2012, respectively. A Section 4(f) Evaluation may also be required. A scoping meeting for the subject project was held on December 11, 2001. A meeting with the U. S. Forest Service was held in Asheville on April 28, 2003 to discuss possible design alternatives. No public involvement has been performed, to date. -2- 5. Project Need NC 143 is the primary east-west corridor in Graham County and is designated as a rural major collector It is a narrow, winding two-lane facility passing through mountainous terrain. NC 143 begins at NC 28 in neighboring Swain County, passes through Robbinsville (the largest municipality in the county and the county seat), and ends at the Tennessee state line. It continues, as the Cherohala Skyway, into Tennessee, ending at Tellico Plains. NC 143 was, until the Skyway was opened to traffic in 1996, signed as a secondary road. No major improvements have been performed since the route was designated as NC 143, and the facility does not meet typical NC route design standards. NC 143 provides the only access to the Cherohala Skyway from North Carolina. The Cherohala Skyway is a National Scenic Byway, one of only two in North Carolina, the other being the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Skyway, also designated (on the North Carolina side) as NC 143, begins at the west end of the subject project and ends at Tellico Plains, Tennessee. The Skyway is marketed by local governments, businesses, and chambers. of commerce as a tourist destination for its scenic views. It attracts many motorcyclists and motorists, many of whom are unfamiliar with the winding alignment along NC 143 within the project limits. Due to its rugged mountainous terrain, Graham County is very isolated in terms of access, which has contributed to its hindered economic development. In the past the county has qualified for the TIER Assistance Grant, which is typically given to economically disadvantaged areas. The county's economy is heavily dependent upon tourism, including motor touring, camping, hiking, and white water rafting. In March, 2003, the Graham County commissioners adopted a resolution supporting the subject project as a means of enhancing the county's tourism industry. Twenty-five crashes were reported along the project during the February 1, 2002 to January 31, 2005 study period. As shown below in Table 1, the crash rates for the subject section of NC 143 exceeded not only the statewide rates for rural two-lane NC routes in all categories, but also the critical rate for total and non-fatal injury crashes. Fourteen of the crashes (56 %) involved motorcycles, the majority of which were single-vehicle run off road or overturning vehicle crashes. Sixty-four percent of the motorcycle crashes occurred on Saturday or Sunday, and 93 % of the motorcyclists involved in the accidents held out-of-state driver's licenses. Nine of the fourteen motorcycle crashes (and eleven of the 25 total crashes) occurred within a half-mile section of the project ending approximately 0.4 mile vest of the NC 143 intersection with SR 1125 (Buchanan Branch Road). This section of the project has several horizontal curves on fairly steep grades. The remainder of the crashes were spread evenly along the length of the project. Overall, approximately 94 percent of the crashes were of the run-off-road accidents type, with approximately 35 percent occurring during darkness. Table 1 Crash Rate Comparisons Rate Number of Crashes Crashes per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Statewide Rate Critical Rate Total 25 277.75 184.65 264.71 Fatal 1 11.11 2.31 16.20 Non-Fatal 14 155.54 73.77 126.42 Night 8 88.88 62.66 111.62 Wet 4 44.44 33.28 70.47 -3- 6. Associated TIP Projects No other TIP projects exist in the project vicinity. 7. Existing Conditions The subject segment of NC 143 consists of a two-lane pavement 18 to 22 feet in width with grassed shoulders 2 to 6 feet in width. It includes numerous sharp curves, including five with advisory speed limits of 20 or 30 mph. Some roadway grades along the project are fairly steep, but none have advisory postings. No turn lanes are provided. No traffic signals exist along the project, and all intersections are at-grade and stop sign-controlled. The posted speed limit ranges from 45 to 55 mph, although those speeds are attainable only in a few areas. The project area is mostly rural and wooded, with scattered residences and businesses. Public lands (mainly the Nantahala National Forest) border the project for approximately 70 percent of its length. No access control is provided along the project, although the mountainous terrain itself tends to control development. 11J est of the project, NC 143 (the Cherohala Skyway) consists of a two-lane, 22-foot roadway with 6-foot useable shoulders. East of the project, NC 143 consists of a two-lane, 20-foot roadway with 2-4 foot G? grassed shoulders. Two bridges exist along the project. Bridge number 131, which carries NC 143 over West Buffalo 5 Creek (Santeetlah Lake) Lust east of SR 1148 (West Buffalo Road), is 320 feet in length, has a bridge roadway width of 30 feet, and was constructed in 1971. Bridge number 13 (Doctors Richard and Nettie G? C. Parrette Memorial Bridge), which carries NC 143 over Snowbird Creek just west of SR 1118 (I.U. Gap Road), is 180 feet in length, has a bridge roadway width of 25 feet, and was constructed in 1982. ?o Both bridges have an acceptable clear roadway width, and it is anticipated neither will require replacement or widening. y 1 vuw if'?. 2s?-?a,'?.a? ?v ??tiu v so?1? cf cX?? ? cam(+c,? 8. Traffic Volumes _'>o o CcC6v? 7 J Current traffic volumes on this section of NC 143 (year 2003) range from 940 vehicles per day (vpd) near the west project terminal to 1900 vpd near the east terminal. The anticipated maximum traffic demand in the year 2025 is 3300 vpd, based upon a 2.5 percent yearly increase in traffic volumes. If the proposed improvements to NC 143 are performed, traffic volumes could increase at a higher rate due to improved access and increased tourism. Traffic projections will be updated as part of the project study, and seasonal traffic projections will also be obtained, as needed. 9. Natural Resources The project is located within the Cheoah subbasin of the Little Tennessee River basin and crosses the following (and possibly other) streams: Teeoatlah Branch, West Buffalo Creek, Long Hungry Branch, and Snowbird Creek. C(% c C -lr Both Wed Buffalo Creek and Snowbird Creek are hatchery-supported trout streams and contain wild rainbow trout. A construction moratorium for rainbow trout will be required between January 1 and April 15. No in-stream work or land disturbance will be allowed within a 25-foot buffer zone around either creek or their tributaries during the moratorium. Snowbird Creek is also stocked with brown/brook trout, but since very few of those trout will survive to spawn, the main concern is with wild Ci .t_6 pw - a ?f, Ks' P4 rainbow trout. The spawning moratorium period for brownibrook trout is October 15-April 15. Santeetlah Lake is located within the project study area and is managed by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Six federally-protected species are listed in Graham County, including four endangered species (E) and two threatened species (T): • Carolina northern flying squirrel (E) • Indiana bat (E) • Appalachian elktoe (E) • Rock gnome lichen (E) • Bog turtle (T) • Virginia spiraea (T) Snowbird Creek is the only stream within the project limits with suitable habitat for the Appalachian elktoe. No mussels were found during a survey of that stream conducted in May 2005. No other surveys of federally-protected species have been conducted. Acidic rock is present in the project area. Precautions will need to be taken to prevent exposing the acidic rock, especially in the vicinity of streams. 10. Cultural Resources SHPO has recommended that structures over fifty years of age be identified and evaluated and that the findings of those studies be reported. The Snowbird Mountain Lodge, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, adjoins. NC 143 on the south side for a distance of approximately 0.5 mile near the west project terminal. SHPO, FHWA, and NCDOT concurred in 1997 that the project will have no adverse effect on this resource, with the condition that the design of the retaining wall in the vicinity of the lodge will be (1) developed in consultation with the SHPO and (2) compatible with the historic property. The need for a retaining wall in the vicinity of the lodge will be further evaluated, and appropriate consultation with SHPO will be performed. SHPO also noted the presence of the Snowbird Suspension Bridge, located on the south side of NC 143 approximately 0.1 mile east of Snowbird Creek. This private bridge spans Snowbird Creek and provides access to a residence from NC 143. This bridge will be evaluated as part of the project study. SHPO has indicated there is a high probability of significant archaeological resources in the project area, given the topographic and hydrologic setting. SHPO has recommended a comprehensive archaeological survey be conducted for the project. Several sites identified in previous studies were determined to have the potential to contain significant information. Traditional cultural properties may be located within the project area. Such properties are eligible for inclusion in the National Register because of their association with cultural practices or beliefs of a living community that are (a) rooted in that community's history and (b) important in maintaining the continuing cultural identity of the community. Coordination with the Eastern Band of the Cherokee and, possibly, other Native American nations, as well as with the Tribal Historic Preservation Office, will be required. -5- Eastern Band of the Cherokee tribal lands are situated on either side of NC 143 near the east project terminal. The Buffalo Independent Baptist Church is located on this parcel. In addition, the Eastern Band of the Cherokee (Snowbird) Senior Center is located on SR 1149 (Jackson Branch Road), which intersections NC 143 approximately 0.6 mile east of the east project terminal. Carver Cemetery is located on the north side of NC 143, approximately 0.6 mile east of SR 1148 (West Buffalo Road). 11. Other Facilities A waste disposal convenience center is located on the north side of NC 143 approximately 0.6 mile east of SR 1118 (I. U. Gap Road). The Blue Boar Inn is located on the north side of NC 143, just west of West Buffalo Creek. 12. U. S. Forest Service and N. C. Forest Service Resources U.S. Forest Service lands (Nantahala National Forest) border NC 143 on one or both sides for a distance of approximately 5 miles within the limits of the project (approximately 70 percent of the project length). Those lands are more prevalent on the north side of NC 143. U. S. Forest Service facilities within or near the project study area include: • Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest, located just west of the west project terminal • Snowbird Picnic Area, located on the north side of NC 143 between Snowbird Creek and SR 1118 (I. U. Gap Road) • Snowbird Loop Nature Trail,-located on the south side of NC 143 opposite the picnic area • Massey Branch Accessible Fishing Pier and Boating Access, located on the north side of NC 143 approximately 2.2 miles east of the east project. terminal • Cheoah District Ranger Station, located on the south side of NC 143 approximately 2.4 miles east of the east project terminal • Camp Santeetlah Historic Trail and Cheoah Trail, accessed via the ranger station • Massey Branch Fitness Trail, crosses NC 143 approximately 2.9 miles east of the east project terminal The Graham County headquarters of the N.C. Forest Service is located on the north side of NC 143 approximately 1.8 miles east of the east project terminal. 13. Project Purpose The purpose of this project is to improve safety along NC 143 by constructing wider travel lanes and shoulders and by improving the horizontal alignment, thereby providing a safer facility with a design more typical of 4906' routes. 14. Study Area The proposed study area is shown in Figures 2 and 3. 0? ?e l S i rove S? G ?0 w c 3 -6- pp7q?'YCCE li??dl?flL l ? MEN Snow,&IM X7 DodgeBEGIN PROJECT MWo R*411sulr Lai .._.....---------. 2 r-" ROBBINSVILLE `7 5 I« BUS END Legend NC 143 -. i SWAIN - Streams GRAHAM Trout Streams D\/\/Q -JACKSON Lakes ?. CHEROKEE,.-,,-- MACON?' National Register Listed Federal Land Ownership 0 2,000 4,000 National Wetland Inventory Municipal Boundaries Feet 1 VICINITY MAP County GRAHAM p4 NC 143 FROM THE H 49Oy NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT Figure '- OF TRANSPORTATION CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO Div 14 IP#R-28226 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NC 143 BUS WEST OF 4 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND WBS: 34508.1.1 1 vy . iP ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH ROBBINSVILLE `?'>nF-a>NS`` GRAHAM COUNTY Date: DEC 2006 BY: JT TIP PROJECT R-2822B o g o STUDY AREA - QUAD MAP N m NC 143 FROM THE ,R NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT n ? = CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO OF TRANSPORTATION h ° N DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NC 143 BUS WEST OF orb rn -? ?-u * D PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ;Q ROBBINSVILLE N ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH N GRAHAM COUNTY TIP PROJECT R 2822B - a o 0 STUDY AREA - QUAD MAP jj?j p c/) w NC 143 FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT n o D CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO OF TRANSPORTATION Ili co ? = z NC 143 BUS WEST OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 0 0 -? - N D PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ROBBINSVILLE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH N GRAHAM COUNTY 0 D TIP PROJECT R 2822B - o o C) STUDY AREA - QUAD MAP w p W w A NC 143 FROM THE ?paTH? NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT 0 'v • n o D CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO OF TRANSPORTATION y C N co = z NC 143 BUS WEST OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS o o 0) 4t D PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ROBBINSVILLE v' 9 N ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH Fti. SF 'F.HPN GRAHAM COUNTY TIP PROJECT R-2822B Z Z m v O CL 77 v O n (D (D ?• v ? v 'O-r O ?• r 3 W '. r (D v Q m Q o m (n* 3 }} 65 O cn 1 E =3 cn CD CD 3 FD (n = ° N n' ?' U) i ? C f (41 o o C) STUDY AREA - QUAD MAP p m co w ?' NC 143 FROM THE NOgTH? NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT D CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO OF TRANSPORTATION ? o \ v c N OD = z NC 143 BUS WEST OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS (D ° 0) ROBBINSVILLE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH N N GRAHAM COUNTY TIP PROJECT R-2822B r7p a F y CD t- ??.3i' fig!-??`; + }? +'?$k• ? 01?; t7" , ryw ti r i CD to-,*? ,t.-dy'?, ,? ?' .r ' ??•? •,..? . ; O?N?`'` r . f? s ;?' d `'.. r -- T1 r K Z Z Q X, m v M. (nn (D o C) Q. cD N 5• o v do v v ?' r a 3 CIO W w v r ? pp ?J a m v Q. N (Q 3 O Q CCD (D CC7 Q ? ? 2 cD FD' r Fn* O (n o 0 cn C c o o 0 STUDY AREA - QUAD MAP W ,` NC 143 FROM THE gRTH NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT `tti0 D . CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO OF TRANSPORTATION C1 0 o M = N 00 1 , = z NC 143 BUS WEST OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ? 4r' ° ? ? *k D PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND e 9y ROBBINSVILLE ° N FM1" . ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH ti GRAHAM COUNTY TIP PROJECT R 2822B - o o 0 STUDY AREA - QUAD MAP NC 143 FROM THE MOAT" 4ti NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT w n o D CHEROHALA SKYWAY TO OF TRANSPORTATION ? N) co s DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ?- z NC 143 BUS WEST OF ./ - ?? N D PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND q _ .Q ROBBINSVILLE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH `°F N ti, , GRAHAM COUNTY "'1y TIP PROJECT R 2822B - ?? yin. .. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MAR DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDo TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY February 22, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Karen B. Taylor, PE, Project Development Engineer, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: Scoping Meeting Minutes for the Upgrade of Existing NC 143 from the Cherohala Skyway to SR 1127, Graham County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127(l), State Project No. 8.293030 1, TIP Project No. R-2822B A scoping meeting for the subject project was held on December 11, 2001, at 2:30 p.m. in the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch conference room (Room 470). The following people were in attendance: Jake Riggsbee Federal Highway Administration Ron Watson Division 14 John Taylor Location & Surveys Van Argabright Program Development Michael Summers Program Development Jerome Nix Hydraulics Unit Bill Moore Geotechnical Unit Ramesh Fofaria Structure Design Vincent McCants Congestion Management Regina Page Congestion Management David Bailey Right of Way Jacqueline Graham Roadway Design John Lansford Roadway Design James Speer Roadway Design Katherine English Project Development and Environmental Analysis Lubin Prevatt Project Development and Environmental Analysis Eric Midkiff Project Development and Environmental Analysis Karen Boshoff Taylor Project Development and Environmental Analysis After brief introductions, an overview of the proposed project followed: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING _- PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE. WWW.DOH. DOT. STATE. NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 Scoping Meeting Minutes TIP R-2822B Page 2 Project Description and Schedule The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to widen NC 143 from the Cherohala Skyway to SR 1127 in Graham County to a 22-foot pavement width with 4-foot usable shoulders. Some horizontal realignment is proposed to straighten several curves. The total length of the project is approximately 5.9 miles. An Environmental Assessment (EA) will be completed for this project. A Programmatic 4(f) Evaluation will need to be completed for possible impacts to the Snowbird Mountain Lodge that is listed on the National Register for Historic Places. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is anticipated to follow the EA and Programmatic 4(f) Evaluation. The proposed schedule for TIP Project No. R-2822B is: Environmental Assessment (EA) due August 2004* Programmatic 4(f) Evaluation complete August 2004* Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) due May 2005* Begin Right of Way Acquisition: April 2006 Construction Let date: April 2008 *Note: The document completion dates have been modified since the Scoping meeting. Purpose and Need of Project The purpose of the proposed project is to improve accessibility to the region and promote economic vitality. Graham County is a poor county with a high unemployment rate and is very dependent on tourism. Improving the existing roadway will promote tourism in the area. The Cherohala Skyway, a ridge route between Tennessee and North Carolina, opened in October 1996, and was immediately acclaimed as one of the most scenic routes in the United States, especially when fall colors are in full view. North Carolina declared the road a Scenic Byway in April 1997. The U.S. Forest Service has made an effort to keep the area as natural as possible along this scenic roadway. Guardrails are a natural, rusted - brown to blend in with the earth and trees. Scenic overlooks are located alongside the road for visitors to experience the solitude in this pristine area. However, the section of NC 143 between Robbinsville and the Cherohala Skyway is a narrow road with poor horizontal and vertical alignment. Improvements to this section of NC 143 will provide better access into Graham County and intended to promote tourism and stimulate the economy. Existing Conditions NC 143 is. classified as a Rural Principal Arterial. The existing facility consists of two lanes with an 18-foot pavement width and 2-foot usable shoulders. Scoping Meeting Minutes TIP R-2822B Page 3 Two major structures are located along the proposed project. Bridge No. 131 over West Buffalo Creek was built in 1971 and has a sufficiency rating of 95.8. The bridge is 320 feet long and has a deck width of 32.5 feet. Bridge No. 13 over Snowbird Creek was built in 1982 and has a sufficiency rating of 88.4. The bridge is 180 feet long and has a deck width of 273 ) feet. Replacement is not proposed since both structures have adequate deck width and are in good shape. Adding guardrails at the approaches may be required. The horizontal alignment on NC 143 is poor. The existing terrain is mountainous. There are no traffic signals on NC 143 within the proposed project limits. There are no railroad crossings on NC 143 or any railroads located in the project area. No accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians are currently provided. The project area is mostly wooded and rural. Scattered residences and farms are located along both sides of NC 143. More than 50 percent of the land adjacent to NC 143 within the project limits is US Forest. Service land. Most of the adjacent landowners in the project area are Native American Cherokee Indian. There is a picnic area located just north of NC 143 next to Snowbird Creek at the eastern approach of Bridge No. 13. Accident Data and Traffic Volumes Thirty-five (35) accidents were reported between January 1997 and July 2001 on NC 143 within the project limits. Vehicles running off the road accounted for 25 of the accidents. Traffic volumes in the project area were generated for the base year 2001 and the design year 2025. The current traffic volumes (base year 2001) along the mainline of NC 143 range from 500 vehicles per day (vpd) to 1,400 vpd. The projected traffic volumes for the design year 2025 range from 800 vpd to 2,600 vpd. Proposed Improvements Proposed improvements involve widening the existing two-lane facility to a 22-foot pavement width with 4-foot usable shoulders. No traffic signals are proposed for this project. No bicycle and/or pedestrian accommodations are proposed at this time. Environmental Concerns Snowbird Mountain Lodge, listed on the National Register for Historic Places, is located near the western terminus of the project. There is a possibility that Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP's) may also be located in the project area. A traditional cultural property can be defined generally as one that is eligible for inclusion in the National Register because of its association with cultural practices or beliefs of a living community that (a) are rooted in that community's history, and (b) are important in maintaining the continuing cultural identity of the community. Scoping Meeting Minutes TIP R-2822B Page 4 Identifying and evaluating such properties can require detailed and extensive consultation, interview programs, and ethnographic field work. Coordination with the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) will be required for this project. Water resources within the project area are located in the Little Tennessee River Basin. According to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), Snowbird Creek and West Buffalo Creek are both hatchery supported waters and contain some wild rainbow trout. A 25-foot buffer zone will be required around both creeks and all of their tributaries. A construction moratorium for rainbow trout will be required between January 1 and April 15. No in-stream work or land disturbance will be allowed within the buffer zone during the moratorium. Snowbird Creek is also stocked with I brown/brook trout, but very few of the hatchery stocked brown/brook trout will survive to spawn, so the main concern is with the wild rainbow trout. Santeetlah Lake is located to the north of NC 143 in the project area and falls under the jurisdiction of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The TVA needs to be included in the NEPA/404 Merger Team. Graham County has four federally endangered species (Carolina northern flying squirrel, Indiana bat, Appalachian elktoe, and Rock Gnome Lichen) and two federally threatened species (Bog turtle and Virginia spiraea) listed on the US Fish and Wildlife Threatened and Endangered Species list. A critical habitat designation is also listed for the Appalachian elktoe. uestions/Comments Between the western project terminus and the West Buffalo Creek crossing, the proposed improvements will mostly be contained within the existing right-of-way. Mr. Ron Watson, Division Engineer for Division 14, stated that no alignment improvements should be made for this section of NC 143 since the pavement is already 22 feet wide and the shoulders should be adequate to install guardrail while maintaining a 4-foot usable width. It appears that the only improvements required for this section of NC 143 will be to resurface the pavement, regrade the shoulders, and to make sure the existing guardrail is up to standards. However, east of West Buffalo Creek, the horizontal alignment of the existing road is especially poor and additional right of way will be required to straighten the curves. \ A concern was raised regarding the maintenance of traffic during construction. Mr. Watson mentioned that a new location alternative was previously considered for this project. Mr. John Lansford explained that two new location alternatives were studied in 1996. Both alternatives proposed a 1,180-foot (360-meter) long bridge over Santeetlah Lake. According to Mr. Lansford, one of the alternatives has a very sharp curve on the south end of the proposed bridge as well as a steep grade. The other alternative has a much better alignment and would be both easier to construct and safer, to drive on. According to Mr. Watson, the residents along NC 143 would prefer a new location alternative, rather than improving existing NC 143. He requested that the new location alternative be studied as well as improving existing NC 143. ` Scoping Meeting Minutes TIP R-2822B Page 5 Acidic rock is present in the project area. Precautions will need to be taken to prevent exposing the acidic rock, especially with a new location alignment. The projected traffic volumes for NC 143 seemed low. Mr. Watson requested that new traffic counts be done in late September and early October during tourist season. A new traffic forecast request will need to be submitted to Statewide Planning. Planning studies for the proposed project has been suspended until November 2002 due to lack of manpower in the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch. The right of way and let dates will not be affected by the suspension of work. N. C. I]EPARTMENT OF TRANSPOkTATION - TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE '. 5?0 Z- TO REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ACTION ? NOTE` AND7FlLE ? PER, OUR CONVERSATION i. ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ?. PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ..? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ???,7 11 ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? .PLEASE ANSWER -/?- FOR. YOUR COMMENTS, ? PREPARE REPLY-FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE `? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVEST.IGATE'AND REPORT , COMMENTS; ?: JAMES B. HUNT JR GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 May 22, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TP ANSPORTATION Mr. Eric Galamb DEM - DEHNR, 6t Michael L. Paylo Project Planning oor RECEIVED MAY 2 51995 ENVtRONMEo TA^uCIENCES R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY SUBJECT: SR 1127 (Kilmer Road) from`New Tellico Plains Road to SR 1116 (Massey Branch) near Robinsville, Graham County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127(1), State Project No. 8.2930301, TIP No. R-2822 A scoping meeting was held on May 16, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. in the Planning and Environmental Conference Room (Room 470). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and determine the scope of the project and develop and identify a range of alternatives to be studied. The following people were in attendance at the meeting: David Cox Eric Galamb Vince Barone Ray Moore Jerry Snead Jack Matthews Don Wilson Johnny Metcalf Betty Yancey Sandra Stepney John Lansford Whit Webb Lubin V. Prevatt Julie A. Hunkins Scott P. Gottfried Michael L. Paylor NCWRC DEM FHWA Structure Design Hydraulics Photogrammetry Location and Surveys Roadside Environmental Right of Way Roadway Design Roadway Design Program Development Planning and Environmental Branch Planning and Environmental Branch Planning and Environmental Branch Planning and Environmental Branch 9 May 22, 1995 Page 2 Following a brief description of the proposed project, including the current TIP schedule, these major points were discussed: 1. The Roadway Design Branch will provide functional designs for the proposed project in March, 1996 and preliminary designs by June, 1996. A Citizens Informational Workshop will be scheduled by the Planning and Environmental Branch upon receipt of preliminary alignment information. Due to the anticipated delay in receiving the necessary preliminary alignment information, the schedule of the environmental assessment will likely be changed in the future. The new schedule for the environmental assessment will be determined when preliminary alignments are received from Roadway Design. 2. The Planning and Environmental Branch will coordinate with the Bridge Maintenance Unit to determine the need for the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 131, which is located over Lake Santeetlah in the vicinity of West Buffalo Creek. 3. Updated traffic forecasts will be necessary; current forecasts do not take into account the anticipated increase in traffic that the construction of the New Tellico Plains Road will produce. 4. The proposed project is located in a Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) watershed, and Lake Santeetlah, as well as its tributaries, are designed trout waters. The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) requests that High Quality Water (HQW) sedimentation and erosion control measures be implemented for this project. It was recommended that meetings should be held between the NCDOT and the NCWRC regarding mitigation measures in areas where acid rock is present. Additional meetings regarding the presence of acid rock will be held when more accurate geotechnical information is available. The NCDOT will coordinate with the TVA, the NCWRC, and the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) regarding these issues. It was recommended that a mitigation plan for acid rock be included in the environmental assessment. 5. Two streams, Barker Branch and Teeoatlah Branch, parallel the existing alignment in some areas. The DEM requests additional coordination with the NCDOT throughout the project planning stage. 6. Hydraulics is developing erosion control plans for trout waters; they will be referred to as Trout Water Standards. Some tenets of these standards include reforestation at crossings and a trout water buffer zone. 7. It was recommended the design standards for the proposed project should not exceed the design standards which have been implemented on the New Tellico Plains Road.project, located at the subject projects western terminal. The design speed of the New Tellico Plains Road is approximately 40 miles per hour (MPH). s May 22, 1995 Page 3 8. Improving the segment of the existing alignment from SR 1125 (Barker Branch Road) to SR 1116 (Massey Branch) will be considered as an alternate; the presence of acid rock along the. new location corridor may result in the new location alternate being removed from consideration. 9. It has been determined that an interagency scoping meeting is necessary, and will be scheduled early during the planning stage. 10. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has identified one site along the project which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The Snowbird Mountain Lodge, located approximately one-half mile from the western project terminal, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This historic property is located immediately adjacent to SR 1127 (Kilmer Road). The SHPO has also requested that archaeological surveys be performed in areas where proposed alignment is on new location. MLP/wp ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE --.? PER!OUR CONVERSATION ?. NOTE AND RETURN TO. ME Q PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS. ,?. FORYOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND. SEE?ME-ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE -? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE. ACTION ?, INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: .:. RECEIVED .? ?. JUN 4 81995 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT J2 R. SAMUEL HUNT III GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY June 5, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Eric Galamb DEM - DEHNR, 6th Floor FROM: H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manage Planning and Environmental Br SUBJECT: SR 1127 (Kilmer Road) from New Tellico Plains Road to SR 1116 (Massey Branch) near Robbinsville, Graham County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127(1), State Project No. 8.2930301, T.I.P. No. R-2822 The Planning and Environmental Branch of the Division of Highways has begun studying the proposed improvements to SR 1127 (Kilmer Road). The project is included in the 1995-2001 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year 1999 and post year construction. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) call for pavement upgrades on the two-lane section of SR 1127 from New Tellico Plains Road to Bridge No. 131, which is in the vicinity of West Buffalo Creek. From Bridge No. 131 to SR 1116 (Massey Branch), SR 1127 will be relocated as a two-lane facility. The new location facility will involve a crossing of Lake Santeelah. Consideration will also be given to the utilization of the existing roadway from Bridge No. 131 too SR 1116. Geological survey testing to determine the extent of acid rock contamination along the alternative alignments will be needed to assess alignment feasibility. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a federally funded Environmental Assessment. This document will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by July 20, 1995 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning L. Paylor, Project Planning Engineer, of Extension 231. the project, please contact Michael this Branch at (919) 733-7842, HFV/plr Attachment .r Tapoco ° on an`a Village 28 IS\< S.1eetl°h 12 G H A M 43 *,;a etlah eantes a Stecoah lmor Laker- 4 VWC CE 6 1 ILMER CheOah ` )fAf'm. FOREST Robbinsti111e ` t 129 NantahaL. 1. NANTAHALA , 10 GPu4ff" COUNTY SANTEETLAH CREEK/ ROBBINSVILLE QUADS wE N`v BEGiN ? PROJECT CU% S.Y • 1127 loll fee E? , ? ?- -' - J 1144 112 1131 •2 n.'? D 4 1127 :F 1123 1126 114 CEDAR TOP MTN. z1 S ELEV. 4,008 1121 1124 tt ills -P. 0 1121 2. s 1123 1122 Rt AGE ills ! tit M ills O GE •1144! East °? v •?es 1144 ,S 1.2 1234 I ?scwt, I__ 2 .1 1? 1235 1217 ?? V 1142 .5 213 ??_; ra 1 6 1276 . lsl 0140 _ 1150 125 I 1242 1 Z` ils3'• 1214 ~ 1219 4 1256 a. Q it BINSVILLE`r • 143 ! .. 1277 \ I POP 1,370 ^? .:. 1127 1149 1 - 1212 1.4 11271127 •3 ?t 1111 Milltown 4 END °\ PROJECT ~ lily ° 12es ?? 1272 gfa 1207 1114 ! 1105 1206 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION m DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1112 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH GRAHAM COUNTY SR 1127 (KILMER ROAD) FROM NEW TELLICO PLAINS ROAD TO SR 1116 MASSEY BRANCH NEAR ROBBINSVILLE TIP NO. R-2822 R D ?'?? 0 MILE I FIG. I State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 7, 1995 ?EHNR TO: Melba McGee, Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs FROM: Monica Swihar^, Water Quality Planning SUBJECT: Project Review #95-0888; Scoping Comments - NC DOT Proposed Improvements to SR 1127, TIP No. R-2822 The Water Quality Section of the Division of Environmental Management requests.that the following topics be discussed in the environmental documents prepared on the subject project: A. Identify the streams potentially impacted by the project. The stream classifications should be current. B. Identify the linear feet of stream channelizations/ relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be revegetated. C. Number of stream crossings. D. Will permanent spill catch basins be utilized? DEM requests that these catch basins be placed at all water supply stream crossings. Identify the responsible party for maintenance. E. Identify the stormwater controls-,(permanent and temporary) to be employed. F. Please ensure that sediment and erosion and control measures are not placed in wetlands. G. Wetland Impacts 1) Identify the federal manual used for identifying and delineating jurisdictional wetlands. 2) Have wetlands been avoided as much as possible? 3) Have wetland impacts been minimized? 4) Discuss wetland impacts by plant communities affected. 5) Discuss the quality of wetlands impacted. 6) Summarize the total wetland impacts. 7) List the 401 General Certification numbers requested from DEM. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 0% post-consumer paper Melba McGee July 7, 1995 Page 2 H. Will borrow locations be in wetlands? Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to approval of any borrow/waste site in a wetland, the contractor shall obtain a 401 Certification from DEM. I. Did NCDOT utilize the existing road alignments as much as possible? Why not (if applicable)? J. To what extent can traffic congestion management techniques alleviate the traffic problems in the study area? K. Please provide a conceptual mitigation plan to help the environmental review. The mitigation plan may state the following: 1. Compensatory mitigation will be considered only after wetland impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. 2. On-site, in-kind mitigation is the preferred method of mitigation.' In-kind mitigation within the same watershed is preferred over out-of-kind mitigation. 3. Mitigation should be in the following order: restoration, creation, enhancement, and lastly banking. Please note that a 401 Water Quality Certification cannot be issued until the conditions of NCAC 15A: 01C.0402 (Limitations on Actions During NCEPA Process) are met This regulation prevents DEM from issuing the 401 Certification until a FONSI or Record of Decision (ROD) has been issued by the Department requiring the document. If the 401 Certification application is submitted for review prior to issuance of the FONSI or ROD, it is recommended that the applicant state that the 401 will not be issued until the applicant informs DEM that the-FONSI or ROD has been signed by the Department. Written concurrence of 401 Water Quality Certification may be required for this project. Applications requesting coverage under our General Certification 14 or General Permit 31 will require written concurrence. Please be aware that 401 Certification may be denied if wetland impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 10972.mem cc: Eric Galamb R?OF??FO ?? .,,?G•? J 4• F,y?,iRON ,?S ?:? ?•??. ?1Tgti c?Fiy IFS ?s N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP DAT;4 ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR. APPROVAL --? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS _ X FOR YOUR INFORM.T.-N ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS --' ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE -: ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT -- COMMENTS:_ S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 R. SAMUEL HUNT II I SECRETARY April 13, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Eric Galamb DEM - DEHNR, 6th Floor FROM: H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheets for SR 1127 (Kilmer Road) from New Tellico Plains Road to SR 1116 (Massey Branch) west of Robbinsville, Graham County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1127(1), State Project No. 8.2930301, TIP ID No. R-2822 Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the subject project (See attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16, 1995 at 10:00 A. M. in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 470). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Attachment i1c,,?j "? Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting or the scoping sheets, please call Michael Paylor, Project Planning Engineer, at 733-7842, Ext. 231. MP/plr 6YOV0 i Ck- Z _ yp - CIS ,.5? C Tr 2-1?0 - lu T S??e ?? 2 - loo - CS) n? f I r? i3rc? Z Lor?t? 0 O ?t?r?oS? r,l?l cP 1liS(.id(S nv?? I ' C ? r L ?usf PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Date APRIL 18. 1995 Revision Date Project Development Stage Programming Planning X Design TIP # R-2822 State Project # &2930301 F.A. Project # STP-1127(1) Division FOURTEEN County GRAHAM Route(s) SR 1127 Functional Classification RURAL MINOR ARTERIAL Length 9.5 KM (5.6 MILES) Purpose of Project IMPROVE THE SAFETY AND TRAFFIC CAPACITY OF THE FACT ITY Description of Project (including specific limits) and major elements of work: UPGRADE EXISTING ROADWAY, WITH SOME, NEW LOCATION- SR 1127 (KILMER ROAD). FROM NEW TELLICO PLAINS ROAD TO SR 1116 (MASSEY BRANCH) IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW BRIDGE OVER LAKE SANTEETLAH AND REALIGNMENT OF ROADWAY FROM NORTH OF SR 1125 (BUCK BRANCH ROAD) TO THE VICINITY OF BRIDGE NO 131 OVER WEST BUFFALO CREEK FROM WEST BUFFALO CREEK TO SR 1116, ROADWAY UPGRADES WILL CONSIST OF WIDENING AND REALIGNMENT (WHERE POSS18LE) . Type of environmental document to be prepared: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Environmental Study Schedule: EA - OCT 96 FONSI - JUN 97 Will there be special funding participation by municipality, developers, or other? Yes No _ _X_ If yes, by whom and amount: ($) , or W How and when will this be paid? PROJECT SCOPiNG SHEET Type of Access Control: Full Partial None _-X - Number of Interchanges 0 Grade Separations 0 Stream Crossings 2 Typical Section: Existing VARIES FROM 18 - 22 FEET; TWO-LANE SHOULDER SECTION. " Proposed TWO-LANE 24-FOOT TRAVELWAY WITH SHOULDERS p 'Lao Traffic (ADT): Current ?fl© Design Year 310 0 % TTST c Duals Design Standards Applicable: AASHTO 3R Design Speed: Current Cost Estimate: Construction Cost (including engineering and contingencies)....... $ 12.700.000 Right of Way (including relocation, utilities, and acquisition) ........ $ 700,000 Force Account Items ........................................................................... $ Preliminary Engineering ...................................................................... $ TOTAL PLANNING COST ESTIMATE ........................................... $ 1A.AQn,0no TIP Cost Estimate : Construction ........................................................................................ $ 12,204,000 Right of Way ........................................................................................ $ 700,000 TOTAL TIP COST ESTIMATE ........................................................ $ 12,900,000 - r,,.l S ? ? cave S?c?? ?'?e ? . r e I j Ivy tAJ CIA no? ?1 6f A-d - 9-W,- 77 ?M4 1 ?? l Uf? j , 4) -ffci "i Vt W. ,4joCahahs -- "'i -?o Art- ec? ?& ?k Z?rt? 7 - Joc . 5 titl.JJ ? aV\ a&yf,,Gke " /tO4 PROJECT SLOPING SHEET List any special features, such as railroad involvement, which could affect cost or schedule of project: INVOLVEMENT WITH CITIZENS IN THE PROJECT AREA, TERRAIN ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS COST Estimated Costs of Improvements: --X-2avement f S nno A93 $ I ace ............................................................................... ur . . Base .................................................................................... $ ,. Milling & Recycling ........................................................... $ .......... ... Turnouts $ . ................................................................ Shoulders v d P $ ................................................................................. e a a $ rthen ............................................................................... -E . 4t, 'AtO?t C100 ................. _ X_Earthwork ... ......... ......... ............................... -. , It m S b f $ s .................................................................... ... e u sur ace - ti bili St d $"32? nnn on ........................................................ a za e and X, Subgra . ecial items) s li t an i D nnn ?i - 598 ........... ................................... p y nage ( s ra r - - i D S b $ nage ............................................................................... ra u - Y Structures . . e R h b id B $ ... ............................................. ................... a g e r id B N X A-s9 nnn I ') ge ........................................................................ ew r - _ , id o B X R $ 67 nnn ge ................................................................. _ ve r em t l C N ....................................................................... ver ew u ion l t E t C $ ............................................................... ens ver x u _ .............. . Walls Retainin .. ................................................. g ,- . .......... Noise Walls . ............................................................. Mi Oth $ sc ......................................................................... er tt b & G C $ er ........................................................... u ur Concrete -- lk id $ ..................................................................... ewa Concrete S . il d . G X t m inn q, .................................................................. ............... .. uar ra . - Fencing W.W .................................................................................... $ . ................ C.L ..... ............................................................ RV n? $ ?X- Erosion Control ......................................................................•..... j? -- i ng .................. ........................................................ Landscap a Lighting .............. ..................................................................... . l t Y ffi C T $ 11 cI-U?0 .......................................... .................................. ro on -- - ra c Signing N $ ew ....... ............................... ................................... , d d $ .................................................................... . Upgra e Traffic Signals N $ ew .................................................................................. i d R $ ............................ .............................................. ev se ? RR Signals . ........ New ........................................................... .......... i d R $ ............................................................................. ev se With/without Arms ........................................................... PROJECT SCOPING SHEET ITEMS REQUIRED (X) COMMENTS COST If 31? -Drainage Safety Enhancement ..................................................... $ Roadside Safety Enhancement ..................................................... $ -Realignment for Safety Upgrade .................................................. _ X Pavement Markinas ?Paint ................................................................................................. _ X Jhermoplastic ................................................................................. It 71 nnn_ -Raised Pavement Markers ............................................................ $ .. Delineators ................................................................................................ --X-Other (clearing, grubbing, misc., and mob.) ....................................... $9.13A.000- -X- 1 INP 11& 114 CONTRACT COST Subtotal ..................................... :........ $ i,n5n nnn Engineering & Contingencies .......................................... :................................ no PE Costs ............................................................................................................... Force Account .......... ...................................................................................... $-- Subtotal ............................................... 3 19,700QQQ Right-of-Way Will contain within existing R/W7 Yes No Existing Width New R/W needed Estimated Cost .......................... Easements: Type - Width Estimated Cost .......................... $ Utilities ........................................................................................................ $ Right-of-Way Subtotal ................................................................... Total Estimated Cost .......................... $ Prepared by: gate The above scoping has been reviewed and approved by: Highway Design Roadway Structure Design Services Geotechnical Hydraulics Loc. & Surveys Photogrammetry Prel. Est. Engr. Ping & Environ. Init. Date t its Date B.O.T. Member Mgr Program & Policy Chief Engineer- Precon Chief Engineer- Op Sec Roads Officer Construction Branch Roadside Environ. Maintenance Branch -,ak- -•4-i-4 ?5 Bridge Maintenance Statewide Planning PROJECT SCOPING SHEET Init. Date Init. Date Right of Way Division Engineer R/W Utilities Biciycle Coordinator Traffic Engr. Program Development Project Management FHWA County Manager Dept. of Cult. Res. City/ Municipality DEHNR (Scoping Sheet for local officials will be sent to Division Engineering.) *If you are not in agreement with proposed project or scoping, note your proposed omments here: r i i rev s ons o c ,a