HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-214ACOUNTY: //0/-, PERMIT NUMBER: 1/ h /I? APPLICANT: lJo 7 REASON DONE: TOTAL # OF ACRES AND TYPE OF WETLAND: LOCATION: n (j--•?, r /, -I/r 7j7 XG r 4 -, ! OTHER INFO: ?? << .l,, ?, , T • APPLICANT/PROJECT NAME : NC DOT US 401 Widening • DEM #: WQC#: MAP #: 91673 2176,1734 • COUNTY: Hoke • LOCATION OF MITIGATION SITE (LAT. AND LONG.) • DIRECTIONS TO MITIGATION SITE: • ACREAGE AND TYPE OF WETLAND IMPACTED: 1.7---bottomland hardwood, man-made ponds • ACREAGE AND TYPE OF WETLAND MITIGATED: • DESCRIPTION OF MITIGATION(IN FILE): • DESCRIPTION OF VEGETATION(IN FILE): • SUCCESS CRITERIA STATED(if any): • WHAT IS THE PROJECT STATUS?(mark one): RESTORATION, ENHANCEMENT, CREATION, PRESERVATION • MONITORING PLAN: • WHICH REGULATORY AGENCIES ARE INVOLVED?: DEM, COE, USFWS • TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT(mark the ones that apply): RURAL, URBAN, PUBLIC, PRIVATE • DESCRIPTION OF VEGETATION(AT SITE): • SURFACE WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS: • SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER RELATIONSHIPS: • HAVE MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS BEEN MET?: 0 DESCRIPTION OF SOIL SAMPLE TAKEN: 7 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT October 2, 1991 M E M O R A N D U M TO: John Dorney Water Quality Planning FROM: M. J. Noland, Regional Fayetteville Regional SUBJECT: 401 Certification NC DOT, Widening of US No. 91673, Hoke County Supervis ffice O1-41 I 10 401 W j N Q v c_a a r P O ?3 ro The subject project involves the placement of fill in several wetland areas of Hoke County in order to complete a highway widening project on US 401. Minor fill (.08 acre) will be required in a private pond just east of Raeford off the existing right-of-way. Fill in another private pond will also be required approximately 1.5 miles east of Raeford (.29 acre). Three stream crossings are also proposed. Approximately .31 acre will be filled at Black Branch (Class "C") and approximately .73 acre filled at the crossing of Puppy Creek (Class "C"). Approximately 1.02 acres of wetland will be filled as a result of construction at Beaver Creek. At this crossing, the stream channel will be re-routed to form a straight line through a series of box culverts. An individual permit may be required in this instance. No significant environmental impact is expected as a result of the above mentioned construction. The DOT is expected to comply with standard sedimen- tation and erosion control practices during the life of this project. It is therefore the recommendation of this office that the appropriate certification be granted, including the following conditions: Measures should be taken to ensure that in-stream turbidity shall not be increased to more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity, after a reasonable opportunity for dilution and mixture. 2. A mitigation plan should be developed for all unavoidable wetland impacts. 3. The NC DOT should require that the contractor not impact additional wetland areas due to the disposal of excavated spoil material, as a source of borrow material, or as a result of any other construction related activity. e op TAKE vP?M , _ Ty MDE IN =,yA United States Department of the Interior arrpgca N ? ? a FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE M40CH Raleigh Field Office Post Of ice Box :337'36 Raleigh. North Carolina 276311-:3726 November 1, 1991 Colonel Walter S. Tulloch District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers j P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Attn: Regulatory Branch Dear Colonel Tulloch: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed Pre-discharge Notification 199103388, dated October 2, 1991. The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways has applied for a Department of the Army permit to place fill material in five wetland crossings at two unnamed ponds, Black Branch, and Puppy and Beavers Creeks, all associated with the widening of U.S. Highway 401 Bypass, in Hoke County, North Carolina. This is the report of the Service and the Department of the Interior and is submitted in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.), and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). The Service applauds the decision by the Corps to include these wetland crossings in one project. It has been our position for some time that all wetland crossings associated with a given highway improvement should be considered together as one application. Although any one wetland crossing may be able to stand on its own as an individual project, such crossings are obviously not conceived or funded individually and would not be constructed if it were not for the larger goal of highway improvement over a longer reach. Combining the impacts of all individual crossings not only acknowledges the true impact of this and future highway projects but offers a way to realistically mitigate the significant cumulative impacts resulting from such projects. A Service biologist inspected the project area on January 15, 1988 and observed stands of mature bottomland hardwoods characterized by black gum, American sycamore, and tulip-poplar at Beaver Creek, Puppy Creek, and at Black Branch. Wetlands such as these are of high fish and wildlife habitat value and are becoming scarce on a national and regional basis. Using the Service's Mitigation Policy (Federal Register, 46(15): 7656-7663, January 23, 1981), we consider these wetlands to be in Resource Category 2 which has a mitigation goal of no net loss of in-kind habitat value. Wetland crossings at sites 1 and 3 would affect man-made ponds. The Service has not inspected these sites, but based on our experience with other man-made ponds, they are likely of medium fish and wildlife habitat value. Man-made ponds are also relatively abundant on a national and regional basis and can be placed in Resource Category 4 which has a goal of minimizing loss of habitat value. The proposed highway crossings would result in the loss of 2.1 acres of forested wetlands, and 0.4 acre of ponds. Applying the Service's Mitigation Policy to the bottomland hardwoods at the project sites, the Service requires full replacement of fish and wildlife habitat values by restoration, enhancement, or creation of corresponding wetland types (i.e, replacement in-kind). The Service expects the relocated shorelines of the affected ponds to recolonize with wetland vegetation of equal fish and wildlife habitat value to what currently exists at those sites. The first step to mitigate habitat losses resulting from these proposed crossings is to avoid the impact to wetlands. The second step involves minimizing wetland losses. Although the Black Branch site, number 4, appears to be the minimum impact possible, wetland losses could be greatly reduced at both Beaver and Puppy Creeks, sites 2 and 5, respectively, by relocating the highway encroachment southward of the proposed alignments. At Beaver Creek, such a realignment would move most of the expansion into a previously cleared utility right-of-way. At Puppy Creek, a southward relocation would move the highway expansion out of the relatively broad floodplain created by the confluence of Puppy Creek and an unnamed tributary. Remaining unavoidable impacts should be compensated by the full replacement of fish and wildlife habitat values. This could be accomplished, in decreasing preference, by restoring or creating forested wetlands onsite, within the affected watershed, or in similar habitats elsewhere such that there is no net loss of inkind habitat value. In addition to forested wetland losses, adverse effects to instream aquatic habitats would also result. At Beaver Creek, the Department of Transportation proposes to relocate the stream and route it through a total of 184 feet of doubled 7 by 7-foot and 8 by 9-foot box culverts. Puppy Creek would not be straightened, but it would still be routed through four 10 by 11-foot box culverts 130 feet long. The Service recommends that these crossings be made by bridges rather than culverts so that wetland fill can be further reduced. Also, bridges present less of a barrier to migrating fish and other stream-dwelling organisms. We realize that the existing stream crossings are by culverts, but the expansion of the culverted area will make these crossings more effective barriers to fish migration. The cumulative effect of such crossings is to isolate fish populations in progressively shorter stream reaches where they are less likely to be colonized by migrants from nearby reaches and more susceptible to local extirpation. This is also of concern for the sandhills chub, a candidate for federal listing, that has been collected in Beaver Creek. The Service also believes that all the wetland crossings in this project may not have been identified. Approximately 1.5 miles west of the Hoke/Cumberland County border, Highway 401 passes about 940 feet through what appears to be a Carolina Bay. This area, shown on the attached soils map, is underlain by Coxville loam, poorly drained soil. The Service recommends that any wetlands that might be affected by this crossing be delineated in the project plats. Any wetland losses, as for the sites already identified, would require compensatory mitigation of unavoidable losses at the same ratio. The attached page lists the federally-listed endangered (E) and/or threatened (T) species and/or species formally proposed for listing as endangered (PE) or threatened (PT) which may occur in the area of influence of this project. The legal responsibilities of Federal agencies under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, were detailed in material previously sent to your agency. The Department of Transportation prepared Environmental Assessments for this project in 1981 and 1987. Since that time, three plant species recorded from Hoke County have been listed. Therefore, the affects of the proposed project on these recently-listed species must now be considered. In addition, the Service biologist who reconnoitered the route in 1988, observed at least one stand of mature pines that offered potential nesting and foraging habitat for red-cockaded woodpeckers. If the proposed project will be removing pines greater than or equal to 30 years of age in pine or pine/hardwood habitat, surveys should be conducted for active red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees in appropriate habitat within a half-mile radius of project boundaries. If red- cockaded woodpeckers are observed within the project area or active cavity trees found, the project has the potential to adversely affect the red-cockaded woodpeckers and you should contact this office for further information. Based on the above concerns, the Service recommends that a Department of the Army permit not be issued for this project until potential impacts to Federally-listed endangered and threatened species and all wetland crossings are addressed. The Service recommends that bottomland hardwood impacts be minimized to the maximum extent possible by relocating alignments as described above, and by using bridges to cross Beaver Creek and Puppy Creek. We recommend full compensation for bottomland hardwood losses at all of the identified sites, as well as for any additional adverse impacts to wetlands at the aforementioned Carolina Bay. The Service appreciates the opportunity to comment on this project. Please advise us of any action taken by the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers. You may contact David Dell, Permit Coordinator, of this office if you have any question regarding our recommendations. Sincerely yours, L.K. Mike Gantt Supervisor ?w STn Z 3. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Ir., Secretary October 9, 1991 (;eorge T Everett, I'h.D. Director Dr. Larry R. Goode Rel;ionalOlhceti Director; Programs, Policy and Budget Branch Ashevdlc N.C. Dept. of Transportation 7M/251-6208 P. O. Box 25201 Fayetteville Raleigh, N. C. 27611-5201 919/486 1541 Mooresville Dear Dr. Goode; 7(M/663 -I (i99 Subject: Proposed Fill in Headwaters or Isolated Wetlands Raleigh US 401 widening from Raeford Bypass to SR 1317 919/733-2314 Hoke County Washington Project # 91673, TIP# R-214A, DOT #6.531003 919/946-6481 Wilmington upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification 919/39539M to place fill material in 1.7 acres of wetlands for road widening of US 401 at Sites 1 - 4 located along US 401 in Hoke County, we have determined that the proposed fill can be 919/896-7(X)7 covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2176 issued November 4, 1987. Site number 5 is authorized by General Certification #1734 (attached) issued August 28, 1984. Copies of she General Certifications are attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers, Nationwide Permit No. 26. The N.C. DOT should require that the contractor not impact additional wetland areas from the disposal of spoil or as a source of borrow material. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, 31Dcr? e rge T. Evere GTE:JD Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regional Office FAyetteville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Division of Coastal Management, Raleigh N) k''v 29535 RAcigh, Nunh ( andina ?7(260535 lclcl,h(me 9197337015 / Pollution hv% ntln I).", An I goal ( )pl-to iN Alhrn,..t- .4 nnn I nq,ln?rt DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT N E N O R A N D U N TO: John Dorney Water Quality Planning FROM: M. J. Noland, Regional Fayetteville Regional SUBJECT: 401 Certification NC DOT, Widening of US No. 91673, Hoke County October 2, 1991 Supervis Office 401 CY) .? > O3 iii ' 1? U a.- ?c O W ` ti The subject project involves the placement of fill in several wetland areas of Hoke County in order to complete a highway widening project on US 401. Minor fill (.OS acre) will be required in a private pond just east of Raeford off the existing right-of-way. Fill in another private pond will also be required approximately 1.5 miles east of Raeford (.29 acre). Three stream crossings are also proposed. Approximately .31 acre will be filled at Black Branch (Class "C") and approximately .73 acre filled at the crossing of Puppy Creek (Class "C"). Approximately 1.02 acres of wetland will be filled as a result of construction at Beaver Creek. At this crossing, the stream channel will be re-routed to form a straight line through a series of box culverts. An individual permit may be required in this instance. No significant environmental impact is expected as a result of the above mentioned construction. The DOT is expected to comply with standard sedimen- tation and erosion control practices during the life of this project. It is therefore the recommendation of this office that the appropriate certification be granted, including the following conditions: Measures should be taken to ensure that in-stream turbidity shall not be increased to more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity, after a reasonable opportunity for dilution and mixture. 2. A mitigation plan should be developed for all unavoidable wetland impacts. 3. The NC DOT should require that the contractor not impact additional wetland areas due to the disposal of excavated spoil material, as a source of borrow material, or as a result of any other construction related activity. Mr. John Dorney Page 2 October 2, 1991 If additional information or clarification is required, please advise. MJN/KA/tf MEMO .?f OCT 1991 WATER QUASl1'!Y Planning Branch TO: \ ' DATE: 1 b SUBJECT: ";Z) !?? C'-`6 kllp- From: ,,. STATp a North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Printed on Recycled Paper W OCT 1991 Regulatory DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 October 2, 1991 IN REPLY REFER TO Branch October 28, 1991 Action ID. 199103388 and General Permit No. CESAW-CO82-N-000-0031 Mr. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Hardy: COASTAL RESOURCES CC By letter, with attachments, of September 19, 1991 (copy enclosed), the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, applied for a Department of the Army permit to authorize that placement of fill material in 2.43 acres of waters/wetlands, at five sites, within two unnamed ponds, Black Branch and Puppy and Beavers Creeks, associated with widening of U.S. Highway 401 Bypass, between the Raeford Bypass and S.R. 1317, Hoke County, North Carolina. Four of the five sites are located above headwaters and each involves the placement of fill material in less than an acre of wetlands. The fifth site, Puppy Creek, is below headwaters and involves the placement of fill material in approximately 0.73 acre of wetlands. Inlieu of separating the work and utilizing nationwide authorization, we propose consideration of the total project pursuant to the general permit No. CESAW-CO82-N-000-0031 that authorizes the placement of fill material associated with the construction, repair, or replacement of bridges across navigable waters and waters of the United States in North Carolina, including cofferdams, abutments, foundation seals, piers, temporary construction and access fills, approach fills, detour fills, and box culvert installation, as part of work conducted by or in full compliance with the standards and specifications of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). In accordance with the general permit, as the project involves fills totaling more than an acre, your comments and/or recommendations are hereby requested. Please respond on or before October 28, 1991. If you have questions, contact Mr. Rudy Schiener, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4629. Sincerely, . ne Wri t hie , Regulatory Branch Enclosure OCT 7 1991 ?003l.. RESOIjACES CO r_ t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECz`,?T?R?' oRr.l+?t1 P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JADES G. MARTIN DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. SECRETARY STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR September 19, 1991 District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch Dear Sir: SUBJECT; Hoke County, Widening of U.S. 401 from Raeford Bypass to SR 1317, State Project No. 6.531003, TIP No. R-214A. The North Carolina Department of Transportation intends to widen a 4.5 mile section of the US 401 by-pass west of Raeford, N.C. The proposed construction activity will necessitate the placement of fill material in five separate jurisdictional wetlands along the length of the project corridor. NCDOT anticipates that activities at four of these sites may be authorized under Nationwide 26 Permits for activities which place fill in wetlands above headwaters in accordance with 33 CFR 330.5(3). At three of these sites (sites 1, 3 and 4), the amount of fill will be under 1 acre, and therefore do not require a pre-discharge notification. These sites have been included in the enclosed permit drawings for your information. At a fourth site (site 2), the amount of fill is greater than 1 acre (1.02 acres), and a pre-discharge notification will be required. The fifth site (site 5) is not considered a candidate for Nationwide Permit An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer authorization, and it is anticipated that construction activities at this site may be authorized by a bridge general permit. Best management practices will be implemented at each of these five sites to attempt and minimize any wetlands takings associated with these construction activities. Application is hereby made for the appropriate Department of the Army permits as required by the above mentioned construction activities. Attached is a pre- discharge notification, permit application and drawings depicting proposed work. By copy of this letter, we are also requesting that a Section 401 Water Quality Certification be issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Doug Huggett of NCDOT's Environmental Unit at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, 4k"L L.R. Goode, PhD, PE Director, Programs, Policy and Budget Branch LRG\dvh cc: Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, PE, Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, PE, Highway Design Branch Mr. A.L. Hankins, PE, Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, PE, Structure Design Mr. Dennis Pipkin, PE, Environmental Unit Mr. N.L. Graf, PE, FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental Mr. David Foster, DEHNR Mr. F.E. Whitesell, PE, Division 8 Engineer Mr. Jim Lee, PE, Bridge maintenance unit .1?IPIlKi1?'al'YIgN % _ r ; i.'v . l ! ,. PERMIT TO EXCAVATE ANO/GR FILL WA8 QUALITY CERTIFICATION rcr;111 7ATOR'! ?Fa.ts?iT EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED 6Y WATER CAMA P811fT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Adminkivulon state of North eardina GePwtment of the Army (GS 146.12) Oapartment of Nawral Resources MW Communky3m"Paa+rt Corps of EK4n«n, Wllmintton Dlsuk (GS 113-229. 143-215.3(1)(1), 143.21S.3(c), 11346--1 (33CFR M.320-329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If Information is not applicable, so an6cm by placing N/A in blank. ATTN: Dr. L. R. Goode, PE, Manager, Program & Policy Branch 1. Applicant Information A. Name N. C. Department of Transportation - Division of Highways Last First Middle 8. Address P. O. Box 2 5 2 0 1 Street, P. O. Box or Cmae Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 (919) 733-2031 City or Town State Zip Code Phone It. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Hoke B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Raeford 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X_ C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest nano 3ody of water to project Puppy Creek, Beaver Creek, Black Branch III. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 8. Purpose of excavation or fill 2. Newworl Wideninq of existing road 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length width death 3. Fill area length width death 4. Other Public Roadway length width death See attached-plat--; ached plats C. 1. Bulkhead length N A Average distance waterward of MI-W wareline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards NSA 2. Type of material _ No excavation in wetlands E. Fill material to be placed below OHW (see also V1. A) Cubic yards 1672 2. Type of material Suitable Roadway Fill Material IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other •dand? Yes No X_ 8. Does the dispowl area include any marshland, swamps or other wetlane 'yes No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location Excavated material will be used as roadway fill along proiect 2. Do you claim title to disposal area! )4Pt D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in N/A E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? _Standard NCDOT Highway Construction Erosion/Sedimentation con r l measure (silt fence, silt basins, etc.) F, Typcof cgaaipmcntto be used Mechanical highway construction equipment G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? 1• exptain Na OZ F-81 e... 1na'. 1C107N -- AdOJ V. Irrtended*lh.tof proimt Am (OesQibe) A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other_ Publ i . Roadway B. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures S. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing B. Describe Planned 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURA CONSERVATION OTHER (See LAMA L I VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: oca Land use Plan Synor A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of rill materials below mean high water? Yes Y No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge- Stormwat2xr noff from roadway 3. Location of discharge Along h l enoth of the project VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N/A IX. Length of time required to complete project: AnornximatPly 2 yPar- X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8'h X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. See attached list X1. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Caroliruk approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construeiion, excavation, filling, an d clearing. DATE 1 ` ?•' t Applicant's Signature Manager, Proqram 6 Policy Brand, OAF-02 1000N - na00 SAW26- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E ?C/1a339'Y PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 NOTES: If Item A.7. (below) is 10 acres or more or if any of the conditions listed in Section B. (below) are not met, the applicant must submit an individual permit application. Please contact the District for forms and information. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water quality Certification from the Scate of North Carolina for NWP 26 Lo be valid. This certifiCa tion should be furnished with this pre-discharge notification. PLEASE PRINT A. 1. OWNERS NAME: ATTN: Dr. L. R. Goode, P.E. Director, Programs, Policy & Budget Branch N. C. Department of Transportation - Division of Highways 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK): (919) 733-2031 4. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK: COUNTY: Hoke na? . SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE STREAM NAMES, ROAD NUMBERS, ETCWloenjQg of 4.5 miles of existing U.S. 401 Bypass West of Raeford, N. C. to SR Crot,,es Puppy Creek, Beaver Creek and Black Branch 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: Widenin of 4.5 miles of existing U.S. 401' Bypass west of Raeford Bypass to SR-1-3-1T- 6. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: Widening of Existing Road 7. APPROXIMATE SIZE OF WATERS AND WETLANDS WHICH WILL BE LOST OR SUBSTANTIALLY ADVERSELY MODIFIED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED WORK (EXPRESS IN TENTHS OF ACRES): 1.0 acre at Beaver Creek 8. INFORMATION THAT THE APPLICANT BELIEVES IS APPROPRIATE: 9. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE EXISTENCE OF ENDANGERED SPECIES ON OR NEAR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AREA? YES [ ] NO [x] IF YES, INDICATE WHAT SPECIES. 10. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES WHICH ARE LISTED OR DETERMINED ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES THAT OCCUR IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT? YES [ ] NO [x] 11. WILL THE ACTIVITY INTERFERE WITH NAVIGATION? YES [ ] NO [x] B. CONDITIONS. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET FOR THE NATIONWIDE PERMITS TO BE VALID (33 CFR 330.5-.6): MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [xl [ l OCCUR IN THE PROXIMITY OF A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INTAKE. 2. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [x] [ ] OCCUR IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED SHELLFISH PRODUCTION UNLESS THE DISCHARGE IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO AN AUTHORIZED SHELLFISH HARVESTING ACTIVITY. 3. THE ACTIVITY SHALL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY DISRUPT THE [x] [ ] MOVEMENT OF THOSE SPECIES OF AQUATIC LIFE INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERBODY (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATER). 4. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST [x] [ ] OF SUITABLE MATERIAL FREE FROM TOXIC POLLUTANTS IN TOXIC, AMOUNTS. i 5. ANY STRUCTURE OR FILL AUTHORIZED SHALL BE PROPERLY [x] [ ] MAINTAINED. 6. THE ACTIVITY WILL NOT OCCUR IN A COMPONENT OF THE [x] [ ] NATIONAL WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM; NOR IN A RIVER CURRENTLY DESIGNATED BY CONGRESS AS A "STUDY RIVER" FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION. 7. THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE ACTIVITY WILL [x] [ ] NOT IMPAIR RESERVED TRIBAL RIGHTS. r 1000N -- AdOO C. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. THE FOLLOWING MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE FOLLOWED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE PRACTICES MAY BE CAUSE FOR REQUIRING AN INDIVIDUAL PERMIT. APPLICANT SHOULD PROVIDE EXPLANATION FOR MANAGEMENT PRACTICES NOT MET. MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WATERS [xj ( ] OF THE UNITED STATES SHALL BE AVOIDED OR MINIMIZED THROUGH THE USE OF OTHER PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVES. 2. DISCHARGES IN SPAWNING AREAS DURING SPAWNING SEASONS SHALL BE AVOIDED. (x ) ( ) 3. DISCHARGES SHALL NOT RESTRICT OR IMPEDE THE [x] [ j MOVEMENT OF AQUATIC SPECIES INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERS OR THE PASSAGE OF NORMAL OR EXPECTED HIGH FLOWS OR CAUSE THE RELOCATION OF THE WATER (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATERS). 4. IF THE DISCHARGE CREATES AN IMPOUNDMENT OF WATER, (x] ( j ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE AQUATIC SYSTEM CAUSED BY THE ACCELERATED PASSAGE OF WATER AND/OR THE RESTRICTION OF ITS FLOW SHALL BE MINIMIZED. 5. DISCHARGE IN WETLAND AREAS SHALL BE AVOIDED. [x] ( ] 6. HEAVY EQUIPMENT WORKING IN WETLANDS SHALL BE PLACED [x] ( ) ON MATS. 7. DISCHARGES INTO 3REEEDING AREAS FOR MIGRATORY Ix] ( ] WATERFOWL SHALL BE AVOIDED. i 8. ALL TEMPORARY FILLS SHALL BE REMOVED IN THEIR [x] [ ] ENTIRETY. ?uM 1 ? I 1 ? 0 'S SI ATUR DATE IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S PHONE NUMBER: AGENT'S SIGNATURE DATE ERY''rx e cane ua r ? ?tlm Mamas S Eltese 1 I ChH /1 c.e.t LOCATION i .oN Le Ehimb B VICINITY MAP S CALE: SCA(E Of WRIS OIMt NCH IOUY S .??tp. 13 VIM $CA( Of .AOIq Ito3 " mcm (OUA(S Appeal 11 Alt OM alts I wilt If IOVa to 1 MI ¦ROwttl?! S 10 21 70 t0 M 34 40 48 N,C. DEPARTMENT OF 7RANSPOR7A71ON DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS HOKE CO., N.C. PROJECT 6.531003 (R-214A) US 401 WIDENING SHEET I OF 13 MAY 1991 Z O Q Q m N Q1 Q N U } cr. 1 Q Z o o °o v U ./? ~ Z W Z 0 Y. tD w - - = G o • - .? w p a w/ ww w W Q. ? ? r Z rT w S ^ , _ b ? `mil • , i x N Z (1? ? W '-= w r Y i Q w a o H r V) F- t~J ° Z w LLI w > m 04 4 SAMUEL L. HENDRIX 8 WIFE BETTY M. O PROPOSED O - -?-?-- O I IX t + c`DV --/ EEXIST. EP I a) ?N -LI- I I m PROP. IS" A TOE OF FILL _? EXIST R /yy O T_,r-PROP-EPzz - EXIST. EP (x 'FLOP. 2GI I mm PROP. EP I EXIST, R/W .PROP. R/W r?. PROP. FILL IN POND PROP. 60" RCP E)(TENSIO EXISTING POND ?A J. K. RILEY 8 MABEL M. O F.-Old TOTAL WETLANDS AREA a 0.08 AC TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW • 178 CY. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE • 200 CY. PLAN SITE I ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 60' 0' 50, PROP. -TOE OF FILL MINOR FILL INTO POND ON RILEY PARCEL N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS HOKE CO, N.C. PROJECT 6.531003 (R-214A) US 401 WIDENING SHEET 3 OF-11- MAY 1991 a o Z a = N a r v 2J w r 0 o 3 03 Z r z Y w 0 I - - ox w 0 CO > w ) a cc w Lj ? -0 J ?L to } / } CL M / Wr O - I w J i a U I N 0 1 r14 0 1 O N _ _ O 0 J / I O Lei _ zz a 3 S? U-J, lit LL LL ' Z w w? F w V z zzo w i 0 DOO DOI aka w 7? g i ? Q OI U Z1 z a 3 V O -? a. U-- m 2 Q a? 00499 J W Z U O a J J W Z N Z O N 00 Z O N z O Z Z a a m a o w I oa,. N'1 Q 3 V w O o N 5 ° U o = 4N o-, h td G V' z 3 o ?- 1 - o w CL w U { = Z N u V a ° O Q U O N Z J - Wp,N c' (l l w 3p w ?...t . n . t ? z J Q m3 = J W Q 0 ? O v? z L r in 4 'L g m J w J ? z z° W IZ z J Q 0 00 3 u. o J J O - ~ W N I ? I ?I it i I ;I LLI i?- oam: n. 1 Ilw 3a =N U.m3 Qcn o Q CL JaWO 3J? Umi Q3? = Q J 0=J O w J m ? W V N X u oXo j cr. U _ O NNN O O O In N N N N I 1 I I I O zz co Q Q m 3 z m Z M1 W Y W3 3 0 O U v O ? LL V Z Y v to W Z ? z O w >U > > U W = O gg wd ° Q ° a tD I m a m Q w cr a t- Cl w U U 2 U- z OQ w J3 / 0m? tw o CL Oz / ?g zz w I J3 I I O I 2 0$? I Q a=? m O Q m z I 4to O OI Z ? O I Z a m t/) O I CL I v°, I z I F- ?L I? -O m O w J Q U N J H N z L4 [tJ cr = C\j m o 1 M _ Z O Z N h" V Q 3 LLLI a ? = a0 J N - Q w = w J O Q 1 Q un Q it z o > 0 u z 0 00 w - O N DQ?J N in w FRANK a BRUNELL HUTCHINSON 15 PROPOSED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY WITH STONE LINING. JESSIE PARKER NEELE 16 o ? o A EXIST. POND / N ROP. FILL crap wIT RISER PROP. TOE OF FILL A ? JOHN A. WILLIAMS, JR. (1/4) JOHN A. WILLIAMS, JR. HEIRS (1/4) LULA M. GREGORY (1/2) PROPOSED FILL INTO POND ON HUTCHINSON PARCEL PLAN SITE 3 , ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE Mond 100, O' 100' PROPOSED EARTH DAM ? TOE OF FjIL _1 24" ftly6oft, T PRoP• 24 PROP R/W . U F1 LLrD TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 0.29 AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW- 893 C.Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE• 2140 CY. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS HOKE CO, N.C. PROJECT 6.531003 (R-214A) US 401 WIDENING SHEETS OF (3 MAY 1991 I 'o 0 0 0 tD N N N cq I ( z 0 a m r , CE Q m 3N11 HUdW o o CL; Q N Q _ N t 1 _ r? Z a w I p 0 F o w I I t O Y ~ I O d. O m p Z w zd 0 w r lL o N cr. a. N I w N coI I I I > w cn I z o a. w U- z OQ I ? " 0 N -? I ? O - O z i co Q I I ? 1 a r I z O -- t0 } I? - G to 3 a' Q J ' I w MEW r x , I >- Ma ? O I I I q - p a . 3 I ] a co I t I cr. i 7d ap oaJ J um I t a rx cr- 0 I t z o a.cr- w O -O I -O •1 i T I N to to N O 1 N ; > w 1 LU w -1 w -N .t:o O °z o 3NI1 NO1bW rh Q J O 3 3:W R t- w J Q mi J Q 0 2 cr. O z 20 M O - Q -1 Q u.. - (D _'m `- a 1 (x . z z cr_ ?? Q w >- Wa p N O vc Z z oz w > z R -1 a? N3 w o cr 00 N R O a U Lij N o AROLINE McNEILL o o o _ . 20 0 I C-1 -? PROP, FLL' a y BASE DITCH r Emir. R f W PROP. TOE FILL _ PROP. EP.-) " DUT. R f* a PROP. EP -PROP. Fi?l?. .? PROPI TOE OF FILL PROP. R/W Q JOHN A. WILLIAMS, JR. (I14 3 JOHN A. WILLIAMS, JR. HEIRS 114) LULA M. GREGORY (1/2) TOTAL WETLANDS AREA 0.31 AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW • 254 CY PROPOSED FILL INTO EST. TOTAL FILL' FOR 31TE • 2200 CY. BLACK BRANCH AND ADJACENT WETLANDS PLAN SITE 4 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ® DENOTES FLL IN WETLANDS - DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS HOKE CO.. N.C. ® DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER PROJECT 6.331003 (R-214A) SCALE US 401 WIDENING 100' 0' 100 SHEET-2-OF I?. MAY 1991 ' z o T _ Q T t a t o a- (n N N z ? (D z ? o I I a z ?T r zz t°o to T U V \ a w \ a = (n W O ? I O z 4. L zz °z \ a- \ X W W ' J Q . V O • O J } _ N J O cn T • O z Q - J / a W 3 l11 O U') _ O z o d' Q ? 3 w I ?- U. U. Q U m tn a cn z z 0 w Q 0 00 t a .VESTER C. POSEY 8. I WIFE LUCILLE H' POSEY 30 co \ LIMITS OF CONSTRUCT101,-- /_- • PROPS ?- ?Op?r:i?ur '1._ 2. BASE OITCH 0 O m -ABANDONED BRIDGE ABUTMENT 32 . \ ?WETLAN02-- LIMIr PROP. R/W O PROP. FIL 0 P e O 1 L? - m A WETLANDS Q F- ul R U A ? -PROP. 42" Q - ` PROP. JB PUPPY CREEK FARMS, INC. 31 . FILL r,? 9 O PROP. TOE OF FIL m Q . 32 FRED L. PAIT 8 WIFE STELLA D. PAIT PROP. RIW -'C 1 1"'C 1 < <? 1?WETLANDS LIMIT u ., V w Z EXIST?E?' - a. - - ? -I 0 PROP ?j PROP 42" (L - - - PROP, 36.. EXIST. EPA 36" PROF. EXIST. R / W---' 'PROP. TOE OF -FIT_ 2GI Fl u,?fl 2GI 9 - TOTAL WETLANDS = 31,875 SF PROPOSED FILL INTO TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW . 195 CY PUPPY CREEK AND ADJACENT WETL.ANOS EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE ¦ 6600 CY, PLAN SITE 5 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DIVISIQN OF HIGMWAYS ® HOKE CO., N.C. DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER PROJECT 6.031003 (R-214A) SCALE US 401 WIDENING 100' 0' 100 SHEETS OF- - MAY 1991 - - - ' - O 0 ° O N Q I Q 11 1 1 J z 8 Q I zw ?m I ? I I w I z I z Q r Q J J I W (9 LL. °w I 3 o I cr- a I I ?' o I xxo I W I? co co z o Q c p a m z 3 N Z a } a = u z Q Z Mf W 0U. 3 P- o 0 a 3 z z Y O (D M CC w 52 o U. O ex3 5 = w o ? 8C Q -I 0- Lu LLI a. a ?. ?m? z U V) ac.Q O x m I m , z o * I J - J V9 - cz O- I ? Q & 3 I. 3 u O v O cr tL7 - O co w It O O ?t co .O ? W . I w J Q v J O z O N cx Z O- / m I / m z o w w ? J 3 m OS u J Q U. U. Q O I u_ z O zw T.. H > 8o w ?n - DOO DOd ,. r r PARCEL NO. OWNER NANIE ADDRESS 3 J.K. & MABEL RIELY P.O. Box 443 Raeford, NC 28376 5 NASH JOHNSON & SONS FARM P.O. Box 699 Rose Hill, NC 28458 8 NEIL A. MCNEILL 615 N. Main St, Raeford, NC 28376 9 JOHN A. WILLIAMS JR., ET AL Route 3, Box 241 Raeford, NC 28376 15 FRANK & BRUNELL HUTCHINSON Route 1, Box 645 Raeford, NC 28376 30 VESTER & LUCILLE POSEY 31 PUPPY CREEK FARMS, NC 32 FRED L. & STELLA D. PAIT ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS Route 4, Box 548 Raeford, NC 28376 Route 4, Box 231 Raeford, NC 28376 C/O Clifton Pait Route 2, Box 662 Bladenboro, NC 28320 NC. DEPARTMENT OF 7RANSPOR7A71ON DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS HOKE CO. N C PROJECT 6.531003 (R-214A) US 401 WIDENING euee-i I'5 no 11 MAY i441 J s µ STA1F o STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY September 19, 1991 District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 23402 .ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch Dear Sir: SUBJECT; Hoke County, widening of Bypass to SR 1317, State No. R-214A. The North Carolina Department to widen a 4.5 mile section of the Raeford, N.C. ',TER QUA'-ITY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P. E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR U.S. 401 from Raeford Project No. 6.531003, TIP of Transportation intends US 401 by-pass west o.-L- The proposed construction activity will necessitate the placement of fill material in five separate jurisdictional wetlands along the length of the project corridor. NCDOT anticipates that activities at four of these sites may be authorized under Nationwide 26 Permits for activities which place fill in wetlands above headwaters in accordance with 33 CFR 330.5(3). At three of these sites (sites 1, 3 and 4), the amount of fill will be under 1 acre, and therefore do not require a pre-discharge notification. These sites have been included in the enclosed permit drawings for your information. At a fourth site (site 2), the amount of fill is greater than 1 acre (1.02 acres), and a pre-discharge notification will be required. The fifth site (site 5) is not considered a candidate for Nationwide Permit V 5 ;A An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer r authorization, and it is anticipated that construction activities at this site may be authorized by a bridge general permit. Best management practices will be implemented at each of these five sites to attempt and minimize any wetlands takings associated with these construction activities. Application is hereby made for the appropriate Department of the Army permits as required by the above mentioned construction activities. Attached is a pre- discharge notification, permit application and drawings depicting proposed work. By copy of this letter, we are also requesting that a Section 401 Water Quality Certification be issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Doug Huggett of NCDOT's Environmental Unit at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, 4k"& L.R. Goode, PhD, PE Director, Programs, Policy and Budget Branch LRG\dvh cc:v,?r. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, PE, Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, PE, Highway Design Branch Mr. A.L. Hankins, PE, Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, PE, Structure Design Mr. Dennis Pipkin, PE, Environmental Unit Mr. N.L. Graf, PE, FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental Mr. David Foster, DEHNR Mr. F.E. Whitesell, PE, Division 8 Engineer Mr. Jim Lee, PE, Bridge Maintenance Unit