HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-0211EA,EB,R2123AA R2248AA & PART OF R211DC11 i' Pri I 6Z Z PI) r / a 17 1 i /f ?zt 44 - I i , 1? 11-A - / I ?.1 I DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 March 7, 1994 IN HLYLY HL)- LH IU Regulatory Branch Action IDs. 199401414, 199401483, 199401494 (Notice of Suspension of Nationwide Permits) Mr. H. Franklin Vick Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: This is in response to your recent submittal of three pre-discharge notifications (PDNs) for work under Nationwide Permit Number 26 (NWP) on additional segments of the Southern, Eastern and Western Charlotte Outer Loop Highway (Interstate 485) near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (your TIP Numbers R-0211EA, R-0211EB, R-2123AA, R-2248AA). In total, this additional work would impact over 18 acres of waters and wetlands in the headwaters of Coffey Creek, Fourmile Creek, Sixmile Creek, and the North Fork of Crooked Creek. Our review of these PDN's has raised a number of public interest concerns. My Regulatory staff discussed these concerns with you at your February 17, 1994 permit coordination meeting in Raleigh. Our concerns are as follows: a. These three segments of the Charlotte Outer Loop, consisting of approximately 9 miles of highway, would affect over 18 acres of waters and wetlands. This amount of impact raises concerns over the potential adverse cumulative environmental effects resulting from highway construction activities in this area. The standard PDN form which you submitted contains no information on the type, vegetational composition, or functional assessment of the wetlands involved. Without such information it is difficult to determine that the proposed activities would not have more than minimal impact as required by our NWP regulations. Neither can we conclude that compensatory mitigation should not be required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level acceptable under the NWP and complying with the conditions of the NWP. b. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Southern Charlotte Outer Loop did not adequately address impacts to headwater streams and wetlands. There is no indication in the document of impacts to these 18 acres. r -2- c. Your recent PDN's did not contain information addressing avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands in locating the centerline of the highway within the broader corridor identified in the EIS. Such information is necessary for us to determine that the condition of the NWP's is met requiring that impacts on wetlands be avoided and minimized. We cannot determine that all conditions of our NWP regulations, including those regarding avoidance and minimization, have been satisfied. I have concluded that, at the present time, the conditions of the NWP's have not been met with regards to cumulative impacts and avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands in the area. You may wish to furnish additional information regarding these requirements, including any compensatory mitigation, to attempt to resolve these issues. I also have concluded that the impacts of the project are more than minimal unless the above information can be furnished to show otherwise. I am, therefore, asserting discretionary authority over these activities at the present time. You may apply for individual permit authorizations for these activities. If the above issues are satisfactorily addressed, including any compensatory mitigation which you may wish to offer, I may reconsider the applicability of the NWP's. If you have any questions, please contact me or Dr. G. Wayne Wright of my Regulatory staff at telephone (910) 251-4630. Sincerely, George L. Cajigal Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer Copy Furnished: / Mr. John Dorney V North Carolina Department of Health, Environment, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 SiA7j? D REOE?vED mq 1 4 05 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR R. SAMUEL HUNT III P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY June 6, 1995 Regulatory Branch U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Mecklenburg County - Southern Charlotte Outer Loop from Rea Road to Providence Road; T.I.P. No. R-0211DC; State Project No. 8.1670102; DOA Action ID. No. 199400840 Reference the 404 Permit issued June 20, 1994 for the above project which is currently under construction. Special Condition No. 1 of this permit required the purchase of 45 acres of the mafic depression ecosystem known as Porter Road Swamps. This was accomplished by the August 31, 1994 deadline and the property is now under NCDOT ownership. Special Condition No. 2 states: "The permittee will pursue the transfer of the Porter Road Swamps Mitigation Area to an appropriate conservation organization for management as a natural areas preserve. This transfer should be completed within 1 year of the date of this permit. The terms of the property transfer must be approved by the Corps. The owner of the property will be responsible for preserving it in its natural state in perpetuity." NCDOT approached the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to take responsibility for long-term stewardship of this property. Dr. Jim Matthews with the UNCC Biology Department, in particular, had expressed his interest in studying the site. Unfortunately, UNCC declined to accept our proposed donation. We also conducted site visits for the Nature Conservancy and the Catawba Lands Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy has divested itself of many of its smaller properties, as its management goal currently lies with larger ecosystems. They cited the small area, presence of exotic plant species, and lack of funding as their reasons for declining our offer. The Catawba Lands Conservancy has expressed interest, conditioned at first upon NCDOT's contribution of financial support in addition to the donation of the property. The permit condition in no way implies that NCDOT must supply management funding to the recipient of the site donation. Catawba Lands Conservancy has recently stated that they would accept the property without additional financial support. ?Qv The mafic depressions within Porter Road Swamps include approximately 17 acres of wetlands surrounded by an upland buffer. The purpose of acquiring the upland buffer was to maintain the integrity of the wetland resource. The site already shows evidence of impacts from past land use practices and from trespassers. Disturbances include unpaved roads still in use, invasive plant species, and scattered litter. We do not believe it would be prudent to increase access to this site by the general public, as any incursion into the system is likely to exacerbate these problems. Restriction of access onto this property may be the best way to minimize further site degradation. Therefore, it is our opinion that the site should not be developed by the state or county parks systems. We are also concerned that the high value of the real estate at Porter Road Swamps may tempt any future owner to sell the property. This may be especially pertinent if the owner is a non-profit organization in need of funding. In summary, NCDOT has limited options in ensuring that the management needs for this site are met. We are prepared to fence the perimeter and post signs to deter trespassing. We propose that the property should stay under NCDOT ownership until we can locate a financially secure site steward with long-term viability and a specific interest in preserving this ecosystem. Application is hereby made for a modification to Individual DOA Permit No. 199400840, Condition #2, to allow NCDOT to maintain ownership of Porter Road Swamps. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141, extension 306. Sincer 1 H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/tp cc: Mr. B.G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Steve Lund, DOA Mr. N.L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. Archie Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Victor Barbour, P.E., Design Services Mr. Tom Shearin, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Program Development Branch Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP ' ? O: REF. R RO M, BLDG. y? J 'h ?_ _ m?1_ m ? ? FRO REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: A $iAT(a? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C 27611-5201 7 :Z 0. E, R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY RECEIVED OCT 2 i 1994 Eiri"dTP,L SCiEh;CiS ..:D_:d c:. ..._ _ ._. _. .. ._ .. .. .. _ _.. _._1- _ .. .. _ _- _. .? JAMES B. HUNT. JR. GOVERNOP. H 11 F' 09-26 ?? 014511 "0" 1,77IIISTEIII & STU GES TO 1701.9823146 13K- .'0792i PG: 0215/0223 1:0358 24-00 :}t*** NC EXCISE TAXI 2807.00 41** JUDITH A GIHSON REG OF LEEDS MECt: C FILED FOR REGISTRATION 09/23/94 15:23 Excise Tax $2,807.00 Tax Lot No. 033-132-16033-154-07, 033-153-05 Verified by by pool/010 Rocordng Time, Book and Pago Parcel Identifier Number County on the day of 119 Mail after recording to: Weinstein & Sturges, P. A. (Box 27) P. o. Box 32248, Charlotte, North Carolina 28232-2248 This instrument was prepared by: Weinstein & Sturges, P.A. Brief description for the Index: NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this 23rd day of September , 1994 , by and between GRANTOn LONG CREEK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a North Carolina Limited Partnership GRANTEE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION 716 W. Main Street Albemarle, NC 28001 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Lono Creek Township, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows, See attached Exhibit A for legal description, which is incorporated herein by reference. 4?,uf•'_IIIS7EII1 & STU G S iL? 170::`x3231,0 i'003%010 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 5627 at Page 660 and Book 5636, Page 839 of the Mecklenburg County Public Registry. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book , Page . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Excepting restrictions, easements and conditions of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in 43 corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its coal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year first above written. (Corporate Name) By: President ATTEST: Secretary (Corporate Seal) LONG CREEK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a North Carolina Limited Partnership (SEAL) J. Fr nklin Martin, General Partner :La'_Y)? P. ty) ,2 (SEAL) Prances P. Martin, Limited Pa er rt.i 0 V J t-+ (SEAL) Edward S. Martin, Limitcd Pa ner -(SEAL) Edgar Lov ' II, Llmlted Parttf NORTH CAROLINA Mocklonburg County. SEAL-STAMP I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that J. Franklin Martin, Ganoral Partnor of Long Croak Urnitod Partnership, Grantor, personally appeared before me +t day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this:?0 day of September 1994. My commission expires: l Cot, T7,111) ? ? ri Notary Public County. SEAL-STAMP I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforasaid, certify that personally came boforo me this day and acknowledged that _ he is Secretary of a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, th© foregoing instrument wAO aignad in ita name by it.^, President, 9oalod with its corporate S??I anti attested by as its Secretary. 09-26-94 01:46P"'4 - FRO11 ,7EINSTEI11 & STURGES TO 17049823146 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG PO04/010 1, .)(•T( I\ i) CJ,ll,nftit , a Notary Public of the County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that Frances P. Martin, Limited Partner of Long Creek Limited Partnership, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal this `_'VT~ day of September, 1994. Notary Public My Commission Expires: r??c 7_.t j27(n STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG l'-Ict h P 4}; (;41?J. ,aNotary Public Of the County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that Edward S. Martin, Limited Partner of Long Creek Limited Partnership, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the d v e execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal this his day of September, 1994. L Notary Public My Commission Expires: ? r 44cv 09-%o-9^ 01 '5pI,i t 1,''i IIISi?id & S U GAS i'0 170?9?-31"b X000/010 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG V I, ,(?_.?L?..A ! , a Notary Public of the County of Mecklenburg, tate of North Carolin hereby certify that Edgar Love III, Limited Partner of Long Creek Limited Partnership, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal thisoday of September, 1994. Ca _ Aj-'LLZ. ? /Notary Public My ommission Expires: a / f' q G 0 -20-'34 45P '4 - FROM .'NEIIISTEIN & STIRGES TO I`i01.9223140 ?UUb/UIO MH131T A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lying and being in Long Creek Tovnship, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and "ing more particularly describod an, follows: TO LOCATE THE BEGINNING POINT, comaence at an existing iron pin at the intersection of the center lines of Miranda Road and Frima Road and run thence along the center line of Prizzi Road thm following three cour3es and distances: (1) N. 61-45-34 W. 135.06 fcmt to a railroad spike; (2) N. 61-45-34 W. 95.09 feet to a point; and (3) N. 22-52-47 W. 47.79 feet to a set iron pin located in the northerly margin of the nixty (60) foot right-of-way of ?rir. Road said set iron pin being the bcGIZINING POINT: thence from said Beginning ?oint and with the northerly margin of the right-of-way of Fri.= Road N. 61-45-34 W. 97.29 feet to a act iron pin in the southeasterly corner of the property conveyed to Vance Woods by Deed recorded in Book 2176 at Page 359 in the Mecklenburg County Public Registry; thence with the easterly boundary of the Woods property (now or formerly) N. 2Z-19-46 W. 2557.50 feet to a set iron pin in the northeasterly corner of the woods property and the southeasterly corner of the property conveyed to Robert S. Farrell And wife by need racarded in Jock 3115 at Pace 454 in the :Mecklenburg County Public Registry; thence with the easterly boundary of the carrell Frorerty (now or formerly) i% 22-51-10 W. SCO.03 feet to a stone found in the-northeasterly corner of the :arrel?. property, said point being the southeasterly corner of the property ca.-p!yed to Annic Ruth Narzandin by Deed recorded in Book 1677 at Page 59 in the meckLenburg County Public Registry; thence w4 .h a new li.e t:te =o:lQwj.tg eleven cour3ez, and diztaneos: (1) S. 57-C6-12 E. 202.12 feet to a set iron pin; (2) 11. 88-06-08 E. 253.40 feet to a set iron ;.in; (3) N. 66-55-02 E. 782.93 feet to a net i=on vin; (4) N. 27-31-43 E. 1140.80 feet to a set iron pin; (5) N. 66-52-19 S. 298.13 feet to a set iron pin; (6) S. 56-35-57 487.58 feet to a se: iron pin; (7) N. 79-05-54 E. 608.46 feet :o a set iror. p:n; (8) N. 56-33-22 E. 290.31 foot to a set iron pin; (9) S. 75-29-41 w. x53.47 feet to a net iron pin; (10) N. 31-02-45 ;;. S03.37 feet to a set iron pin; and (11) N. 54-21-22 E. 192.27 feet to a set iron pin in the northerly margin of a fifty (50) foot right-of-way aonvcyed to Piedmont Natural Gas Company recorded in Boo% 1542 at ?age 92 and Boot 2259 at Page 225 in the Yeckler-burg County ?ub_ic Registry; thence with the northerly margin of the Pie ' c::t Natural Gas right-of-way :1. 10-32-OS E. 566.89 fee= to a set iron pin; thence S. 49-50-22 E. 150.06 feet to an e:e!stiny iron pin in the northwesterly corner of the proper- ty conveyed to X;tche?1 V. Buboltt and wife by Deed recorded in Book 4447 at 2aye w5 j.-. tllc Sico)cle:bu^g count! Public Registry: thence With the scuthwesto:jy boundary of the Bubo_tr property S. 43-49-35 E. 163.42 feet to an existing iron pin in the northwent- er;,y boundary of the property conveyed to W. X. Blythe and wife by Deed recorded in Boot 2661 at Page 367 in the Mecklenburg County Public Regis.ry; thence with the northwesterly boundary of the 517the propert! (:tow or formerly) S. 29-08-37 W. :.75.24 feet to a act iron pin; thence with the southeasterly boundary of the Blythe prcperty 5. 52-53-19 344.51 feet to an existing iron pin in the southczMos-? co=tter of the 3lythe property and on the 09-26-9'' O1:46'r?1 M tO1I','?EIN STEIN & STU'GES TO 170"9823146 P007/010 cc-t,7 eorqe B. northwast 3any wiundxft recorded 3ooke4069 atG?ago 921 in Schwaig%1 ° by Deed thenca with the north- the Mecklenburg County ?ubl-c Regi.t=1; S. westerly boundary of the Schwaiger property (new i or fcther aewerllyly) ) S. 22-40-00 w. 716.47 feet to an existing iron pin corner of the Schwaiger property and the nor`-her-LMOst eorne: o£ the property conveyed to Richard Daniel Guiney. sr•, and wife by Deed ;eeorded in Book 5022 at Page 737 in the ymcklenburg County thence with the n°rthwesterly boundary of Cui.-107 Reopotty' - :ornerly) 3. 22-47-57 W_ 1188.81 teat to Guiney ?inq iron (now o- an existing pin in the westar:•-most corner heeyed to property and the northerr.most corner of the p-egertY conv Alice G1uya:3 •r{4ittoy by Died recorded in Book 10ath Page north9 in the Mec',clenb-.g County Public Registry; thence With r westerly boundary o: the „'hitley property (now or ,.ormerly) S. 22-43-42 W. 134.72 feet to a stone found indthe crstem.,lost corner of the property conveyed to R. P. Blythe oth by Deed recorded in Book 4479 at Page 820 of the MecklenburgBCountyprublic Registry; -thence with the northerly boundary of the t7 (or the foliowin three courses and distances: („^y) (r :1. ev 64 9,33-i0 W. o10 W. ) 54.86 feet to a 5 point; N. 69-33-10 H. 50.17 (2) N. feet to an exis't- feet to a point; and (3)N• S9-33-10 W 1503 o arty and in3 _rQn p-4 n in the nor ther:L3ost corZe_ o_ the Blythe pr p yd the caster: comer of the property conveyed to R. Blythe wife by Deed recorded in 3ook 4341 at Page 259 of the Mecklenburg County Public Registry: thence with h the northeasterly boundary o- ?l.4s !e9t to a stone in the . K t; Blythe n=ope _.ty, N. 65-43-2g .r .?• thence with the corner of the Blythe p=ope,.-t S. 2-28-26 Si. onorthernmost t t e second Blythe property 1ffeet et to a to an xi c,%i?ot-if:g i the northeasterly corner pin , in and wife by Decd record- and 7016.95 of t '-e p,cpe."l conveyed to '' • i Count -I Public ;t at ?age 641 0f the Mecklenburg the Gri^fin oZ in 30o{ hence with the :iortl:e:'y boundary of th n==c. -" th following nine cour3e3 and distanc- (nou or for^;e_l?) (: the seet to an existing iron pin; (2) j N. 85-45-13 W. 494.45 iron pin' (3} N. 85-42) s- 299.3-1 feet to an existing N_ 8i;3 W. 375.8-. s s" 4_C?_y fte: taexist- ng <ron pin; (4) 85 67.85 feet S. an W, t t_ _ o N. 65-751-32 fact to aLrcnT:;' ran pin; 55-00 W. 100.47 feet to an existing wer'en - - p:ng;,; t7' n t ?1. in' E6(-6C)5-3N3 W. • 9•9 fee" to a concrete monunent 0W 199 83 feet to an existing iron -± SPCC) (8) S. 02-06- 0_ an c existing to iron hn n pin in ? paZd((g) S. 02-06•D2•??• 312.12p feet entty n the w-_nc_ inc! wife b,., = creed ra Ordedhin sock 5363 at ?ago 752 -and ri°s by Geed rcc with the northerly Ov.~.gs ?Ublic Rcgistr_; thence w g7-52.33 W. ?:unda 7 of the 0-di-193 Property (nov or fo_merly) N. ond_ a with the westerly f 50.03 feet to an oxisti-sq iron pin; •he ree -• the following =our courses and ?n, (ou2) t-+ S"_ '•? 23-of21t-e49 L. Cwirg 83s?property to an existing iron ?-• 1 distances: (?) S. 02-0620 `ee: to 73.02 san =exwet iror. pin; (3)2S-S2- : 52 fe7t to an existing iron pin margin Of t_`:c 67-37-13 W. 43. and (4) 5• 2B3.21 fact to a set iron pin in the northerly - ? ': g-_o_-'l a of Plies Road, the 3oS=rv ey prepared by Sa:+ Malone _y.. to-.9 ` is shown on Survey said property n_:zg a.=e-. ? corta? - i _2. 7;0!,!. rr'E111SiEIN & S1U?GES U DU-1. 613110 euudluIO & Associate, dated October 14, 1987 (last revised October 28, 1987) to which survey reference 13 hereby made. 3 -%b-94 01 '.?FIM • r'01,I :rflEIINSiEI!I & STU GES o 170'98231-10 110 AN EnAZntT A :oget:cY fish the fo11ovin3 described property at a poi right-o£-Ua° thn e•rce'line of the 80 foot North 22-3810 Sant 41.19 feat BEC=:,?7YN? caid point being foot of Bast-ties Ford Usd• the southerly rmrgin of the eighty (30) from a the northeastaYly s existing Sron ?in in At said pin also being is to Long Creek Z.t it•d Yartcounty Public right-of-way of LeaeeieC Yard Road cVl cor=er of the property a 660 in the HeofBe enburg attigs r4td recorded in gook $627 at 7, rl 16 East b3.69 feet and rumninR thence with the south f 56-C,--16 Ford Roe BegiatrJ to a and (3) )UTsasrand diat?6dJ%* `140 So feet to a point;40 3fo t tolloving tbrea CC South X3-36-13 -00 oast 22 to a point; (2) point; thence South the South 51"I2-16 fast 68.34 £eot co a rt'hvtsrctl7 corner of the pin in Road the in the no and Wi southerly margin of the sixty (60) feet to an exle:ing . vise. by peed recorded right-ot-'?'ay of Beattits Ford iel Guinay the vest,r!.y boundary pro?arty conveyed to ,ichbrd Dan?L4 Sr a;ce and cg f eat • 717 in as-d Registrys)Uth 22-LO-00 neat 1'Oeo.an axiotiny in SOO)t 5022 " ;Pa ,test 205.42 feat Creak to of an the Cuiney property (nLheAC5 North 167-•20-43 ' :d t to to Long said ousting iron pin; of the property convoy boundary a 660 in iron pin in the saatbrii Dted recorded in gook 5627 at ??geek Limited boundary of the 1'0 8 1 ;Torch Limited Yartne:ship Y thence with the easterly three courses Anddiatanths22-38-10 paRarBiattnersr3hip property the following ircn thepin; so(2uth)e Nor of the 0 o an existing boundary 22.4-00 Cyst 716.o 47 3n Sec atx=iscia8 iron pin in rly 22"35-10 of 9aattlas lard Road; and (3) North said property containing mast 356.71 feet t fool right-of-War He inning joint; dated ei 41. (SW feet to a pointvethercparc by Sao 'alone aAdaAssociates East ghey ch survey referenc 5.l4 acres as $ho•m on sun Y ova=ber 5f e _s hereby " 1987 to v4../_ U9-2o-94 01 "O-,I • FROI!-`" EIS EEl & STURGES i0 l10'??%31"o rUIU/U10 °shlbLt A Legal Description (Excluded Tract) Les3 and except the :ollowing described property Lying and being in Lcng CreeX Tewnship, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina and being more particularly described asi To locate the Point of Beginning, co=onco at a nail in the southern right of way 0. Beatties Ford Road (as recorded in Deed Book 4395, pg 48) and read Book 4395. Pg 556 in the tieckl.enuurg Counts Public Registry: said nail being approximately 0.2 miles in a southeasterly direction from the intersection o: the center- line of Mt Holly Huntorsvillo Road-and the couthorn right-of-way of Beatties Ford Roadr said nail being the northwesterly Corner of the property ownea by Debbie P. 3uboltu (au rocordcd in Died Bcok 5710, pg 0010 in the Mecklenburg County Public Registry) thence S 15-42-21 7t, 179.07 feet along the Bubolto property to an exiatir.R iron Pin known as the Point of Beginning: Thence from said Point of Beginning traveling along the southernly boundary of the Buboltz property S 43-49-35 E 16).42 Fact to an existing 5 iron pin, thenc_.S 29-08-37 W 175,24 Feat along the westerly boundary or d.X. elytho k Wife property (Deed Book 28611 Pg 367 in the Mecklenburg County Public Registry) to an existing iron pin thence S 57-32-16 W 310.88 Peet to an existing iron pin on the western margin of the Piedmont Natural Gas Right-of=way (Deed _3cok 1542,pg 92 and Deed Book 2259, pg 225), thence ti 10•-32-05 E - 566.89 Feet along the west=.n edge of the Piedmont Natural Gas Right-of-Way to an existing Iron Pin, thence S 49-50-22 E 150.86 Fes, to the Point of Beginning. Said Property Containing 1.996 Acres, more or less, as shown on that survey prepared by R. Wayne .r; :,awing Parker dated May 20, 1983, reference Ca_center for 0-1 to which survey is hureby_madv. ,,. STATt v J?. •?• urr'w.V? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES Q. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 April 20, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: File I( FROM: CYndi Bell Environmental Specialist Planning and Environmental Unit SUBJECT: Charlotte Outer Loop R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY A meeting was held with the DOT and interested state and federal review agencies to discuss the various sections of the Charlotte Outer Loop on April 11, 1994 at 1:00 p.m. in the Photogrammetry Conference Room at the Department of Transportation's Century Center Complex on Poole Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Attached is a list of those in attendance. R-211DA, Southern Charlotte Outer Loop (Permit Violations) The DOT received the permits for this section of the outer loop; however, several violations occurred on the project site. The DOT is proceeding with correcting the violations and planning the mitigation sites. The Mallard Creek mitigation site construction has begun and the last changes recommended by the COE were incorporated in the plans. The DOT gave the COE a copy of the plans at the meeting. The DOT expects approximately 9.1 acres of mitigation credit from the Mallard Creek mitigation site. The DOT applied for a permit modification to fill 0.06 acres along McMullen Creek in order to construct the boardwalk. The COE stated the DOT should received the permit soon. The remaining 13.16 acres required for mitigation will be obtained from the "Miller" property. A modification will be required for the "Miller" property; the property owner has requested the DOT not plant trees on the front section of the G) property. A freshwater marsh will be substituted for bottomland hardwoods. An offer has been made on the property and DOT is waiting for completion of the site survey to settle the acquisition cost. Charter Properties has accepted DOT's appraisal on the property. A site located on Four Mile Creek was investigated by the DOT and the review agencies for a potential mitigation site. However, the site would require additional investigations to determine its potential. At this time, it was agreed to pursue other sites. R-211DC, Southern Charlotte Outer Loop (Mafic Depressions) The DOT has applied for the permit; however, the permit application form was omitted from the package. The permit application form was distributed at the meeting. The COE informed the DOT this project will now go on Public Notice. This section is impacting 4.5 acres of mafic depressions and 0.68 acres of bottomland hardwood. R-211EA, R-211EB, R-2123AA, R-2248AA; Southern, Eastern and Western Charlotte Outer Loop Possible Alignment Shifts The review agencies requested the DOT to investigate the possibly of shifting the alignment in order to avoid wetlands. 1. R-211EA - The DEM requested to shift a portion of this section to avoid wetlands. However, the request could not be granted due to the existing development around the outer loop. 2. R-211EB - The DEM requested to shift the alignment to avoid a beaver pond. If the alignment were shifted, the new alignment would impact another pond. Also, the new alignment would encroach onto existing office buildings. This request could not be granted. The DEM requested the DOT to investigate the possibly of acquiring the beaver pond to use as mitigation. 3. R-2123AA - The DEM requested to shift a service road for the outer loop to the north on this section to avoid a stream. This alignment shift would not save. the wetland area, therefore, the request was not granted. The DOT agreed to submit one application for R-211EA, R- 211EB, R-2123AA, and R-2248AA. A list of all wetland crossings by station number and amount of acres filled will also be provided as part of the application package. Drawings will be . submitted for all fill sites one acre and over and all the sites which were originally submitted even if the revised delineation shows these sites to be under one acre. "Crosland" Mitigation Site The developer will sell 45 acres of the site to the DOT as a mitigation site. The 45 acres includes approximately 17 acres of mafic depressions and approximately 28 acres of upland buffer areas. Mr. Alvin Braswell (DEHNR/Museum) stated the area is a very good site and the upland areas would need to be maintained in order for the wetland to continue to function. The developer is willing to sell more land around the industrial sites for buffer areas, but not around the residential sites. The DOT is prepared to purchase 45 acres of this property if a ratio lower than 10:1 can be utilized. The DOT proposed a 3:1 ratio for the mafic depressions and a 2:1 ratio for all the PDN sites (R-211DC (0.68 acres), R-211EA, R-211EB, R-2123AA, and R-2248 wetland impacts). The COE requested that the DEM and the USFWS consider the DOT proposal for mitigation and respond. The USFWS would likely agree to the mitigation proposal. The DEM needed to consider the proposal before responding. The DEM will contact the COE once a decision is reached. The DOT will submit the mitigation proposal to the review agencies for review and comment with the permit application. The COE requested the DOT to consider adding the beaver pond and the other farm pond as mitigation. The ponds are not owned by the DOT at this time; however, the DOT will investigat purchasing these ponds. _-p Df The USFWS expressed concern about the water runoff from the residential development. This concern could be addressed either in the Crosland Development Company's permits or in a restrictive covenant for the residential area. There being no further discussion on the Charlotte Outer Loop, the meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m. Table 1. Charlotte Outer Loop Wetland Impacts TIP Total Acres Type of Wetland Number of Sites Impacted Number Impacted Impacted and Acreage Amounts Over 1 acre Under 1 acre R-211DC 5.18 acres Mafic 1 - 4.5 Depression Bottomland 1 - 0.68 Hardwoods R-211EA 5.64 acres Bottomland 2 - 1.66 13 sites Hardwoods 2.00 under 1 - acre. R-211EB 4.00 acres Bottomland 2 - 3.63 2 - 0.37 Hardwoods/Shrub (TOTAL) (TOTAL) Scrub R-2123AA 1.97 acres Bottomland 1 - 1.62 1 - 0.35 Hardwoods/Shrub Scrub R-2248AA 1.49 Bottomland 1 - 1.49 N/A Hardwoods/Shrub Scrub ATTACHMENT TO MINUTES OF CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP MEETING NAME John Alford Cyndi Bell Alvin Braswell Marshall Clawson David Cox Eric Galamb Beth Harmon Bill Johnson Bob Johnson Steve Lund Janice Nicholls Barney O'Quinn Dennis Pivkin Abdul Rahmani Len Rindner John Shoemaker Randy Turner Frank Vick J. A. West AGENCY NCDOT Roadway NCDOT P&E ' DEHNR/Museum NCDOT Hydraulics NCWRC - Northside DEM - Water Quality NCDOT P&E NCDOT Right of Way (Fayetteville) COE - Asheville COE - Asheville USFWS - Asheville NCDOT P&E NCDOT P&E _ NCDOT Hydraulics Land Design, Inc. NCDOT Right of Way (Albemarle) NCDOT P&E NCDOT P&E NCDOT Right of Way (Raleigh) N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE o r o TO: REF. NO. OR ROO BLDG. t _?ly I ` I I • U?'rv FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: I i _ _ rIlLr ?_ qy t ,,. STA1F u STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TItANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION.OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 i'. _ DlS tri c - EI_gi nee-r R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY ZLi j ':^: I CCr:1cL?:lr ?'?Lii: - i. z1"_ Lt= l Ll _:J ?J _ X111 t.. =C.lc:til_ mad and _?..,. ;C . S '9 41 C1_4' _'T 1S c,-4O1 ? 3111 PCf'--r-nom°_ DL:r ap-l? ca?1011 tea' ?p__1 21 , 1 Permit approval for the r,: ereI cer. sectlons Gi 7;11c C11Grlott- l1 _ llsCrQ ?t r LuCp. C t1:ct tiPle, SL1 - t - -=C=L"a - r_1 ;i1t11TTs =C11'ty=iT i ilaC. 1Jc?11 ?. ulet?d for alls-c _ j m n ?._... D__.?... __.:! -f---c:-,, .. ..: 74" tci T 1_=;711 road. Th- memorandum gives the _ _Sul s JT Oi0yOg1Ca1 s'_:r`ie1' :'ond,,1Ct=d 197 °4 Ci: .11 S" 1 =i:1 =111: C c indicates HeliallthLl sC11'.v?llll'-7 i does not OCCUr 1 ? the p:'J]Ect c.rrldor. 'No iri-act5 to ,-:lls s_,?c1-s ar°_ tE=&cted to Cccur as a result of this project. Than:. you for your assistance. It you have any questions, please contact Cyildi Bell at (919) /J3-311. Sincerely, E J. '0 T •nn, P.E. Assis ant I-Tanager, , Planning & Environmental Branch 0 attac:linell z CC. :'1= 3.G. ?-,yne-, P.E. D1V_S7' J L.:Cili1 =? Mr. .john Dorn-y,. --EM DE-:11. N. L. L: r P.--. ? _1T, :1. . C1:_. t un:._ S _ t: cs =C Oi t :]'_'. 2 ol: .iCrtoil, ?.?.? Cr'7?iT^i.;j ??.,?Qil ,,. sure p,? IW ?????.?r? JAMES B. HUNT, JR. GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Cindy Beli PerIillts and Mitigation R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY Phillip Todc. Environmental 'Biologist Q? Environmentai Unit SUBJECT: Protect Species Surye Outer Loon. from west Boulevard) to east o- Char_o, t C. ` ec:'.:ienbu: 212JAA: State Project aid No. `.1:%F-I1_-1( 3). ?o_ proposed Charlotte cf 1:S ! Indeoendencc S 100= (Lawyers Roaci ; . County. TIP No. i:- Ne. S.L.•6-1661: Federai The fo11owin` ,Memorandum is subrnitted for nerr,Iit purposes. Thy study area. contains hai;itaI fcr S:chweinitz s u n f Io%ver ( Her ianthus schtt-eini t zi i ) . an Endangered speci es. NCDOT biologists Phillip Todd and liai Bain conducted surveys for Helianthus on 03 May 1,994. Another site visit was conducted on 13 '.lay 1994. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: NO EFFECT The site surveys performed on 03 May revealed Helianthus present in a d4sturbed area at the intersection of SR 3175 (Stallings Road) and Light Brigade Road. Assistance was sought from Dr. James F. Matthews, a professor of biology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to determine if the populations were H. schcveinitzii. Dr. Matthews gave information to identify H. schtveinitzil from other species in the genus Helianthus. The second site visit on 18 May concluded that the populations were in fact H. microcephalus. No impact to 11. schiveinitzii will occur from the proposed action. c: V. Charles Bruton. Ph.D. M. Randall Turner. Environmental Supervisor File R-2123AA 0 e . SEAT( STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 D1 _ tr1Ct EL'ginr S 7,7 r? Z! 13 R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY ^•r?`,?T.j rr._n., ,.r - _ '- = cam. C - J.J?C^_. -eC.:i-l]w':ir; `Cun z- %7 - C::.a2: ttc Cu _:G" _7 - C, 7,-, ?rG:Z?e:]' _ _.GaCI ('j ?Oj L _6.1P.: ad a:1C,.' _ c =9 ]ar?Jttc L'D ri y D I`]US ..-02`1EA -,?, ., 21.:.J ."T'1r1, R._.. 1 71an 3_672-'1-1-'.; ; DO._ i.:i] 1.94 U141d, C%.014 I.Z', ai]d 19)df PeieL" nC? ?Lir ap?:1ica-ion at-2d .p_Zl Permit apprcva- :=or the refererceC secti-ons Ct the Chad'-,t Cu er Locp. t that time, SUl , _'.:- =Cr L.e ==C?L"al',T 1is?ad ?-1 - -il 11 ;1S =C 1W ila?, aCeil Dlett'd or aLl`Se-_IilCilt 'C =- ?D - 1 _ ..,,u ! _ T.a1= IZI d : Gad. a:tac',=eC', E:moral Lnu-,u g1'!eS the _ _calts of c. 1!._Og_C31 S!1L'?Tel' coI du.`.t=d 1cn t11Z? 11c me I ?5 tl:_ re_ Crt ind cater, Helianthi, SCh;v?iI1ltZil does noz (D(--CU--- in the rJ] ECt c:%rri iGr No iri acts tG this S: ??cie-s are e:rPected to ccur as a result of this project. Thar.:: ;:ou for your assistance. It you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141. sincerely, J. ''nn, P.E. Assistant Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch 0 attach'ne:lL.s Hr . chn DL.1':!? 'T . E I D E I is LDom':, iI.L. Gra ?.E. _:I l 11 C .. `.? ... I`L--=.? .. :1? ?_ ?. -•?. .'rte . 1 ... 7Z ..? _.? 4 a.+5TATE r u? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT III GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY `.a`• 199Y MEMORANDUM TO: Cindv Bell Permits and Vitication FROM: Phillip Todd. Environmental Biologist Q Environmental tn:t SUBJECT: Protect Species SurNl-ey fo_ proposed Charlotte Outer Loon. from west of CS 74 (Inclependencr Boulevard) to east of_ Si 10U= ( T .-I e17 !:cad ! . Char_otte. Mec:ienbur` County. 'I' No. R- 2123AA: State Project No. Federal aid `;o. MAF-11--1(3). The following memorandum is submitted for perriit purposes. Th, study aren contains habitat for ;chneinitz sunflower (Helianthus schu-einltzli). an Endange_ed species. NCDOT biologists Phillip Todd and Hal Bain conclucted surveys for Helianthus on 03 May 1994. Another site visit was conducted on 15 Mai- 199=. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: NO EFFECT The site surveys performed on 03 May revealed Helianthus present in a disturbed area at the intersection of SR 3175 (Stallings Road) and Light Brigade Road. Assistance was sought from Dr. James F. Matthews, a professor of biology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to determine if the populations were H. schiveinitzii. Dr. Matthews gave information to identify H. schcveinitzii from other species in the genus Helianthus. The second site visit on 18 May concluded that the populations were in fact H. microcephalus. No impact to If. schiveinitzii will occur from the proposed action. c: V. Charles Bruton. Ph.D. A1. Randall Turner, Environmental Supervisor File R-2123AA 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director May 27, 1994 Mr. Barney O'Quinn Planning and Environmental Branch N.C. Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201. Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Dear Mr. O'Quinn: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed Charlotte Outer Loop Project # 94096 and 94382, COE DOT R-211DC, R-211EA, R-211EB, of R-211DC Mecklenburg County segments # 199400840 and 199401494 R-2123AA, R-2248AA, part. Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2892 issued to N.C. Department of Transportation dated 27 May, 1994. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. e el r-C r, . P eston Howard, P.E. it for Attachments 94382.1tr cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Mooresville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. Steve Benton, Division of Coastal Management Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer W1 recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper J? NORTH CAROLINA Mecklenburg County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation resulting in 18.6 acres of wetland impact in Mecklenburg County pursuant to applications filed on the 5th and 12th days of May of 1994 to construct segments of the Charlotte Outer Loop between the proposed Rea Road interchange and Providence Road (NC 16), between York Road and I-77, and between Providence Road and Idlewild Road south of Charlotte, N.C. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Coffey, Sixmile, Fourmile, North Fork Crooked Creeks and Flat Branch in conjunction with the proposed development in Mecklenburg County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301,302,303,306,307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95- 217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Mitigation shall be done for these projects as follows: a. A preservation area of approximately 45 acres shall be established for impacts to mafic depressions (DEM # 94096), and b. a restoration/creation area of at least 10 acres of wetlands shall be obtained and developed in Mecklenburg County to offset unavoidable water quality impacts to riparian wetlands in COE Permit 199401494 (DEM # 94382). A final mitigation plan shall be developed and submitted for written DEM approval before construction begins on R-211EA, EB, R-2123AA and R-2248AA following the COE guidelines for bottomland hardwood forest mitigation. DEM shall be copied on all mitigation and annual monitoring reports for the extent of the monitoring. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal or Costal Area Management Act Permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 27th day of May 1994. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTA MANAGEMENT Pct.reston Howard, J . P.E. or WQC# 2892 Ap. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director May 13, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland `404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review yip 4? o 4,0 The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199400840 dated May 5, 1994 describing a proposed project by The NC D.O.T. is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 30, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. C a "? ?( f REPLY L / This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. /r Signed V. (. Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director May 17, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland `404' Coordinator SUBJECT: 1404' Project Review ED FE ? The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199401494 dated May 12, 1994 describing a proposed project by NC D.O.T.(Charlotte Outer Loop Highway) is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by ASAP. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. 1 REPLY t? This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources o o Division of Coastal Management' James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ®F:: - ?- Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary }-- Roger N. Schecter, Director May 17, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland 1404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199401494 dated May 12, 1994 describing a proposed project by NC D. O.T. (Charlotte Outer Loop Highway) is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by ASAP. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% rocyclod/ 10% post-consumor paper DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID: 199401494 May 12, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Attn. Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL INTO APPROXIMATELY 19.4 ACRES OF WATERS AND WETLANDS IN THE HEADWATERS OF COFFEY CREEK, SIXMILE CREEK, FOURMILE CREEK AND NORTH FORK CROOKED CREEK TO CONSTRUCT 9.5 ADDITIONAL MILES OF THE CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP HIGHWAY (I-485) BETWEEN YORK ROAD AND INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 77 AND BETWEEN PROVIDENCE ROAD AND IDLEWILD ROAD SOUTH OF CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite inspection by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed construction of a 1 mile long segment of four lane, controlled access, divided highway between York Road (NC 49) and Interstate Highway 77 on the west, and an 8.5-mile long segment of four lane, controlled access, divided highway between Providence Road (NC 16) and Idlewild Road on the east. Both segments are part of a planned circumferential loop around the City of Charlotte. The inclusion of these segments would complete the Southern Outer Loop Highway. The proposed road would impact approximately 2.3 acres of intermittent and upper perennial stream channel at 26 separate crossings. Proposed drainage structures range in size from 36-inch diameter pipes to 8-foot by 6-foot box culverts. Approximately 2 acres of ponds would be drained by the proposed work. Approximately 14.5 acres of forested wetlands and 2.6 acres of scrub shrub wetlands would also be affected at 28 separate locations. The majority of the forested wetland area consists of infrequently flooded, riparian woods that have a seasonal high water table. The canopy is predominantly sweet gum, tulip poplar and red maple with some box elder and green ash. Impacts at individual locations range from a minimum of 0.10 acres to a maximum of 2.0 acres. Approximately 2 acres of these forested wetlands are frequently flooded stream bottoms also with a seasonal high water table and vegetated with green ash, black willow, river birch and American elm. The scrub shrub wetlands are characterized by a canopy of shrub willow and alder with a ground cover of sedges and grasses and a permanently high water table. The footprint of the proposed roadfill through wetland areas ranges from 240 to 350 feet wide. Fill for the road would be obtained from unspecified upland borrow areas. In order to mitigate for these intended wetland impacts, the applicant -2- proposes to preserve approximately 17.5 acres of depressional swamp and associated wetlands together with approximately 27 acres of forested upland buffer area at a site known as the Porter Road Swamps located southwest of Charlotte. The purpose of the proposed work is to provide a new public highway facility. Plans showing the proposed work are included with this public notice. A Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared for the Southern Outer Loop Highway. A copy of the EIS may be reviewed by contacting the applicant. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a Department of the Army permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer has determined, based on a review of data furnished by the applicant and onsite observations, that the activity will not affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern -3- for both protection and utilization of.important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The DEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army permit serves as application to the DEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after May 27, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-9535, on or before May 27, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Steven Lund, until 4:15 p.m., May 27, 1994, or telephone (704) 271-4857. Q N u1 G ? q? N Q '2 ? °C Z o .9N Oil ,nom U d A t U rl r _ n U O U U m z J x U W a- Q _z U Q A t¢ W < N O 4 O c-4 t= ?e Cc d CC ?,c ?a Ol O U) O Q V) Q $. z 7 0 x a: 0 U D V? O z z Z O 0 w LLJ cY? W I- j Y U E- U w O L? w w Q I w O [C U ` 0 IL U z ? LL I I _J N w a o U L' I u _J SUMMARY REPORT (R-021IQQ SITE STATION X-ING PERMIT FILL IN FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL TYPE TYPE WETLANDS BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (AC.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 1 583+00 -L- 54" NWP 28 .26 2,500 2 610+00 -L- 36" " MWP 14 .15 .56 23,000 TOTALS .41 .56 25,500 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY IPROlEcr 8.1670102 (R-0211 DC CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET Z OF 2- sf MAY 1991 REV Li-94 1 , mwnraltopb (n ?w 'w LO k Gi (Li :7 11° w w LLI i U l1J j l Ld co .•' Lw t Y .r 1Z .O 1U .1 • ? U 1 h •1 O b? ,r, m °?. W X U Lt1 CL LLI, I-' 0 V , z J U 0 Ld (n a) o w `? cr ~ ?m W ?N. N N p Q Z Q 3 ? J 0 ° cr o w LL T w O O ` Z Z _O W ? F~- N U U w w C U W 0 IL U Z ., _J 0w IQ w U eo w _J to 0 SITE STATION X-ING PERMIT FILL IN FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL TYPE TYPE WE'T'LANDS BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (AC.) (C.Y.) (Cx.) 1 6:3-626 54" - 42" Natiomvidc 0.15 75 0.11 54,600 2 6-8-657 48" PDN 1.62 174 0 07 46,700 rcquircd A 687 42" Nationwidc 0.49 0.01 1,200 B 701 42" Nationwidc 0.08 0.02 650 C 710+50 36" Nationwide 0.35 - 6,800 3&4 721-730 48" - 54" PDN 1.58 223 0.07 68,500 rcquircd D 745 42" Nationwidc 0.54 0.01 4,500 E 761-763 15" Nationwidc 0.81 - 7,900 5 7-,0-774 6X6 RCBC Individual 2.00 278 0.08 59,500 72" F 782 NONE Nationwidc 0.13 0.09 3,200 G 788 42" Nationwidc 0.12 0.01 1,900 6 795-798 72" - 42" Nationwidc 0.29 131 0.09 31,600 H 816 24" Nationwide 0.10 0.01 2,000 J 818+50 2@7X6 BC Nationwidc 0.16 0.09 10,000 K 821 2@7X6 BC Nationwide 0.25 0.12 13,000 L 827 15" Nationwide 0.31 - 10,000 M 11+50 24" Nationwidc 0.09 0.01 2,700 Ramp C N 14+50 NONE Nationwide 0.15 0.01 3,000 Ramp C TOTALS 9.22 881 .80 312,150 15,600 N.C . DEPARTMEN- OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLEN3URG COUNTY PROJECT 8.L1?70110 (R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET y OF 4 S- MAY 1991 qrv Igg4 I` o I- I- "t Ln (9 CD Qo co C,_-? ?_;u: a,4 P C E I PF It, PROP. R/W PROP. 2' BASE DITCH F r _ - ROP. TO --- -F--? HW F FILL 2G1 -L- ummAm :DGE OF WETLANDS EDGE OF WETLAN -0. PROP. E.P. PROP. TOE OF FILL PROP. 2' PROP. 'V' DITCH BASE DITC -F F OP. 'V' DITCH - F ---T - -- --- ----- --- F E - _ PROP. R /W _ 7 c l E-------- C X PROP. TOE OF FILL CLAMS L 2E Y`--- K l P SAP r' FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 2 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS ® DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 0 100 _I LL. O d' F- W W V) w0 w0 cn ± Lc) W Z_ J _ v) U Q TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 1.62 AC. 174 C.Y. 46,700 C.Y. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.UG70110 (R-211EA) REvisED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP 4-q4 FV SHEET ,< OF Z V MAY 1991 LL ul ? z >- LO 0 N W O I F- o"c m I a I a c I J I Ld ( - 6 5 9 i i ul ?I °} F- a o 1 1 , z 3 D g I O ?? t ? I I U U 0 I w I i , f' _ 1 O ?I I I LL LL cr 0 0 1 w i t I W O O m tin w 1 11 L F- Z n h- 1I I N W O J I I I i X w w a w ul. I i , Q 0 a U 1 n' 1 I o am.. .D 1 II 1 , liJ ' 1? 11 1 I N Z WW \ 1 i I rT, 1 I l I col ?l O I `?l N U ' i LL 0 t9 N I I O ?LL F- I I I o o 655 ??? i II w ?i I J 3 ? I I cr I 3 I o I c I I rw C I C N I 1 O 0 ?!+ / I cr I Z f I w 0 > I (1. \ I m I \ ?1 m r 0 00 I I ILL z u? I z F- 1 I N w w < ow LLJ w a w 1- I z- m 3 \ n; 3 a ° I ~ J -i w W J LL w 11 j (n _J J= _3 0 J Q: 0 N Z LL LL U (L cl: w o 0? 1? N Q W w Q U) w 4- 4 II 1 J ? z z z0 I I W Wir v 0 00 0 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 OF -L 0 STA. 651+00 1AXI cr) LO = UI (V o N LL) a. M I I I I I I E I r I Y w / C I r w rf II I •o I ~ a, =J 1 1 0- w 0 W 3 I0-o CL 0 rr_ ? U 1? . N C. LL I cr Q z 0- OQ Ow I 7 I J WF - (L M0 Ip w w3 I G I I to I I lu- p z g w LL O w O p w ILI I / I/ I I I 1 I I I I I I t? 1 t t I I //7 ?I /I ILL- A tL. O Ir IL U o ?c a V O H Q m O CD In O N Qj O ?- w 0 - O ? NNE Z Q z N JO v it II u - Q (r F- = Z O ? O w < ?= V) LL O w w D o o ~ O 0 Q O F- o m Z l D w O F- 3: u- w g o w cU O ZA 00J 1 v? x J..1 w Qw- M LL- Q p W = W p 3 J f- J J w p U a- 31<- 1 L Z E-" W . Q Q FOF?-W 773 772 tLU- U) o w 7 71 a. w J N Q Q 770 z V o 0 0 I z Q J In w 3 a W w 769 m= w l-JL J = QJ O Q w w< `n F- J a K CL z z o 768 oo 0 0 J W Cl N tit cl a a L f" LLI Q 0 tY D W U) O CL O cy- CL W O a C9 0 a 0 x 0 w U) 0 LL O ir 11 m co O 0 a) CZ) ° o co Co Z 0 1 O X O 1 _1 >- O t I Q C6 Z c I O W 1L I U cv I O1 Go LO Q _F- Z O cr 0 J a Q z 1 I J } Lij { I Q = cA I Cr (D J I ° =W o ? (D co co LO 0 z a J ? W a: ~ -iP w tLJ Z co U =j J O 0 LL ll. F- J J LO N >"' U ? ? ?Q a o o w ? j w J o 0O w 0 cr T z 0 Lit m ? 0 CL Q w W ?- Q 3 = j O ? -? ~ O T U O W z O Z m ? O W W _O _h LU J c N O W U ? u ? O _ W D O ? U C7 a. W J Q U U) J Z 0 N Ix O T v T O O O ? (f) Q1 LO cD cD Q ? a' a I I I ? o N ?- w p > O a - Z a z ° I - a ° U p w r- T o 0 0 m w Z Z w m F~- tY' w ° N `n L) W N. -- >_ w w a w IL 6 a o ? -? z O 6 Q a- W U O Z Z D O cr- Q) 0 c Q w 1 J O Z O J p -tai O z ° o V) O ° ?? 1 1 wQ Q V) z m3 U S V) - N Q U- LL a ° U I j 1 N Q U) O E O Oz W cr- I z z? > 0_J p 0 00 c J O Cl- k-- LL. - (D V W Gwtt ,on .?,.« lot ? • : low e,vdle 1 H,eA SAoN11 .f, • td,? 'r' l«•. /. ? ti , , ((((agaa/(((( s1.M." y 1 I G A 1 r T ?,r E u k mu, r ; nle? oun Ho e 1 cl l , , 1 , 6?stonia ,pEl oon " • . r l ul 1 Cr.-?.. , ..., ,• n / o ' 1) r , --..-? .- •'s ? 14 .nlM ,vnlt 1? ? ? I Mw ?t 19 ? 1 ' A R U S,/ ' f?H,/e«, Enll ' t..ws ? Neall` [ •• ? lett Chadotte+ K---- M. l.M' Allen ? U.LeI Mint ?lill , L (LEN 01 11 1 y , \4AUn .A.n . ? MEIMN+ , Aer?Gevf ? ' ? 1 Newpo.l ? • 6 1 ri.n•Ne • r tCir?q„? r ? f ' I! If y Rick Nik ui AMwe[. ? s ? ?r. e+ ?n )wuA.. q o f to ,a SCAT! d ngls e to ?o w w salt or Rno..EIus u 1r •r .a ?. SIT i4 /??{ •% SITE 3 SCAI E ' • ley( -t N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT- 8.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 10 OF 2- `' OCT. 1991 Rev 4.9y NCDOT Project I. D. R211-EB from East Description: ofCharlotte CSX t Railway r to o East Interchange of r SR a 3g77 County: Mecklenburg Subject: 404 Permit Status SITE PROJECT STRUCTURE FILL IN STATION SIZE WETLANDS 1 -L- 870+50 - 0.22 Ac. 2 -L- 876+75 42" PIPE 0.15,Ac. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8. U 670110 (R - 211 EB ) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET I/ OF 2 ff OCT. 1991 Rtv y-9H Z n- O O MATCH LINE STA. 917+00 -L- a } m o F- cn f- W -- r q m f-- ? a 0. \ Q = CV ? 7 W O O ? C: W c > a 3 o\ Z U n. O w « a \ _ 3 Mu °?d\\ cr- cc cc p ?O a. n 2 i a N a m O W co U f3. O f- I 0 $ U CL !n J 0 p ?Q N O a a \O W V U co W? 915 uj w oo cv o o w S/ M ? CL a a Q: 8 .? DO a 3 a `?? o kr) Vz J J z \ O U ti \ n F_- a: O O pW 0 Z w a w ?w O F- W O m Q U O a O N l1. O C9 cr F- M W J 1 N (L O O~ a 0: m W 11.1 Z L) 0 % a II v :Ic cn °D Q i cf) .\ o Q O ? p a } y?? o cc I US ? a iD U??,? N O ? W ? i O ? O a J F- 0 zz n- a ?J- w o w W J Iti 3 3 J F- a w; a z z m 3 W J J = LL- 910 U LL. d (n fn cn >- w H F- G O O OZ Z Z w W W p p 00 z n- o ? 'CID 00+526 'b'1S m o -i a) IW 3N11 HOlt/W I-- co w Q z N ? I O = 1 0-3o I~ w 1 a 0 1 CO S O Ir O , or U Q 0 2 U O FW-. pa cr= co U-1 I a N Z m fh I F- U- a. O O r`- U- to l a i ~ I o z m a I w a l z _ a? w ?-P I a?w o 0 3 4 p a N I W> V ?=- W U- I a p- 0 cn ? w a v O O w I a I a Z a s I O o° m H a' a J _ DWI I Z o W U' JAI J a I. cn ? aN Ucn ( U I I N W 1 a y l >- = 1 U U U I Q °" N M a o i ?? a ° a: LO oM Ul- W I a w Q cr a a (D i oI W U) a z a. o ?- !- Z o m I ° %a: X a - Q a \NN W I a CL - I o• 0j a aa?. ? a l a Tr 92 t W 1 01 0 CL I U 0 a arc a I o 1 (? I W F- tD I w U U }• ?- W M I N Q Q U U m 3 a 1 m rn o cNn l O ° w o 1 a W u m 0) m z o _ a o W 1 o N w -i w a I U- I. °a o 25 ?i a V) 0 3 ° 3 I °- w a Z Z w a I 4-4 C aQ?l=o I Q ? w W3JJ J? -J_ I ? W 3 'W w N lL Ili 1 LL1 ~ Z? m J w Q a Q ~ Z I \ ~ J J ~ Z zo b U- U H p D o I 00 'L- MATCH LINE STA. 917+ X Y \Od yy \O\ . da\ . 1 ?j m H p CO z W O 3 n. ,.V. z O U o M W a a > Z V ? a Z cr- N w.. Q O o S U C13 J W w I z w 'y I LL D LL N - ? W \Jd, a ci 93 a U d ?- o o.: (L 3 0 ° oU w W _ mcr z U) n: m a p _ LL- J d m M w O? w - `. m WO w cn Z,\ bCa o _i U (o()?0 J 0 i .. Li U w N I = i CL: CL cn w I U O U a I °- u o I a. I cV w m I a- J ? I O a ° `L MATCH LINE STA. 925+00 CD. Q a \o m a d? U H W cn w U) Z m a O rn U In O O _u w J a U U) Z O a O Q }- F- to f - _ m W OJ a T a Q Z N 3 ° cn = O O ? O,0? O U Q S c O F-U,0 ° p OO :D LL O Z z O (D m = r! J a) U LLY ° W W D 0 U La U O a O W z a a V) z D J tL. Z J F- W W F- w cb a ?o z 3 3 > - w mo Z mx w U a z O cn c/) lOi J V) U) _ a LL J _ NI C) U w W a p t O OZ w z -Z O (n w W 0: a 0 DO , m a 0 LO N N J i W C) Q U W N O Q- 0 cr a. 10 N ti ti M (D M rn M M v M O) M M m ti M O f?- rn cD z 1 w D w I Z m Q I U J L? F- 3 I cD I -co c I Q 3 ?- x c? w 0 to / w° cr- ti / o Q (D Z Z a ?J i w O w I W F- ? I UO a) (D Z a_ O O 0 F- < (n r m w J rn 3 O Q Z _ N LLJ f- 7 U) _ 0O O UO Z U U `-' LLJ Q = O F- LL 0 O LL- m tD m Q ?I O Z :D F- Cn J OD U 0 O CL W > U U W U) W U O cr O c W Z a. (L U r r W Q U U oC W 3w M Op O O 3 w M m = J 2 Z r Q Z = w Q Q H Z z o w 3 o0 W 3 ° =J F- J W LL Z - m J J J < J J p li lL F- > Z / O F-- Q w U J (jJ _ LL J J V) U a LL O Z J w J (r W z p a U CL C 7 Ir ~ a W cr w U ? > p O W a_ O p M? LIntO nlon/ ???11(.y J XCMI v.•. V aw, 11 , r.. r d• c 7) O C t 1 y I JOa JIgq10 'Ir ,IJllrw p f+ GQv?CCf_f YI _ D-. ?? IS L • J \, (:Atfly'All! h.n 7 Funl ert (• A I 0 M wJ\ ,• r S p n' r /,,.th~-% SIJ•utr F 1 tr ' , . , Ir, M --- n ' ' '• .?w n • G. n ess Cilr AInleHoll '?/ ct r } l d a 1 ,f , w , J 0 er.J J • ?,wlal?a' , o In?tyl',SI;G""? J O1°. elinC ' a ?H r . sl..+w t DO II R LO 1 1/ , HI? I C' ,. . w t Bo..?n J J / nl 1 ; ,rl ' 1 Jrr.. 1 11 h ?J ' dk M , ? ..sl•w 'J,My.?;ly Id 11 Jf H ?rC•r11w. 1 IOYt /1 OI IJI IM'.OV, yyy??.??.www 11 >Jw ' MO 01 M I J ' ?' / 1 ?'^^ v '• 1 wwlhrl )71 Y 0 A r C?. :J..... J o A CK•HI alt 1: .1 n1 "ww..,. O al n ru f Q i ? 1 ' % L. C 1 I YI'--- 11_ rJ X1^„•1 , M . --- ?. ri f• ,J- 1 , II?..M w` 1? .CAR. t,•e.i.:J.o r.? r,.n n• Undo ?' 1 ` C A S 1 A 0` VA 1 I ; ; • 1 O t n 11 is C $ tF N ? +I + VICINITY MAP l 5 r1 l \ ?l I 11 \ START OF ? PROJECT RqO ew i i I ? n ?d \> . 5 T-' 1 ?v JJ ENO OF PROJECT JJ LOCATION MAP h NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP 1 coo 0 ® N SHEET Zy OF Z lz< _ MAY 1993 FEET QE V Y-9 u N o .Q ouo ^ ? ??L33 k u v u ? u ? A A S u < < < < < < 0 o N .° O 0 0 o u o V o O o O o 0 :1 0 o O LL U C o a k u k k k k k •? u u O O N G L1. a ti. A = G V O O O O N O O U a ? N ^ 1? V C ? A ? VV) k M 00 ? W N N i ? Q W k ? U U a U U U. a ' CL, U u U a x rx x o x o N W < g -1 E p t r- t t t t N } v A 00 h N M V' V1 %O NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMI T DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET z1 OF 2T MAY 1993 Rcy y-9y METHOD II CLEARING AND GRUBBING WILL BE UTILIZED (CLEARING ONLY TO CONSTRUCTION LIMITS) m I qF GENERAL TIRE CO. d ' ONE GENERAL STREET ?8-w a AKRON, OH 44329 +00'B(f fCR C L B 51 0, EF-)dC tIIhLL wiFIL1E1: f?`FIdC _ F.S7 1.7 C F 2?I \ 15C 18 - IDS Q J 0 0 00 A a 0' 175- OQ t60 REVO.L ?' ``L Mme. A-M rcv c p I E I ?W? F_ N J- - - -? ?RQ - - ' - G TC S7t7S 7 ' C 1 5 ?-117 ?60e SLOPE STAK S GENERAL TIRE CO. ONE GENERAL STREET AKRON, OH 44329 [SIA2.IC roes ? ? ;r?.u E? \175- 0 C) yip v+ OI i bG 2a-L• RE w \ C L' B' ST(rE p? i ? CS1 13. IONS/ m N SITE ' 6 - v? N 23' 19 J IN L 2aI 52•? 2BTLBDB I? C I) 80+05.00 LA ! C 23 V ?T /I K 2.1 - ??S ?•----• DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS 50? o /oo' HORIZONTAL SCALE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # B.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET 2-Z OF Z9 - MAY 1993 Rev H-9'1 do Alt v W N - o jo -1 t J Q e ? c ? o N ip ? N Z N ? Q g- o? I I I - I ' <? t / O - SITE 6 / NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) ?I PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN I ?I OUTER LOOP SHEET 2.3 OF 2'3' MAY 1993 REV 4 -q i Sul. of Mlles 0 S 10 10 10 rnlne,nl, ; ncor + ,*.r • 'k. r Me„n / I 0 10 II 1 1,[a7• 1 . l eeunl `1• E.O.ny?U.nun. fpR Sule or Kilomelen - i ` 1 j' 1 } /1 y•e // 0-knr.w.l,.oao.....alrl/13 n.,l,?..,d R U S/ 1 Albemirle!? r / 11 Bcisimrr , It ' f -?.• ' ,,,,1 CIJ MONT n ?J ?1•n t.rfu. .mbal \Is 1 os * I C I e V' O d'cd' a tMvnl Holly l \D _9 , ,-ell, .S I 1 i. letVll II t i .alf,l ( I M.e..: -; . , 1 -1 1 I ___, ((( Id C1911 ' + *••- ! /1 `_ 1 Ch rMle+ 'M-018.01 Oe1t)ry - 1)rl, l `dr..• 1 1 1G?st lini7 *1. r1e? el d " ?- An.n l.nl.a .C.. No .ood ul i. ??,',_.... / _ ,. 1 1 f yil a .I Mlnlly ?T"" -L n I I-wOU , 11 I'1 1 11111 ?1M,_...' ^ ' \ f ,. I f -) `e o J 1 + ME KLE 6t1 IA.n ` ?r 1 1 Cle.u O 1 ))I ry ?.. • 11 ?" r IM1 Ry' 1- 1 1 r. S9I4 cod., Ndl 1 ? 11 , 1 h y t t ! 1 y 1 ty Va.p ?'-,y. .f,\ m(1 ?l?Umon•dle ' Anlon„11;, '?\\`? `??a-•. t t ry?e.,ne . 1ne: n ji1l if a ., ? •??. u 'N If 1 0 .n,Iw t'u I Il len f rll. .. I of Siw .. ::1111j' . -. '114Li liif; ?i.\? •, .. .,f '?I? Ildlluill rilif:IG' 'h1111'?II •n..., •? /?•. / 11( % \ -_ \ I li!Ilii? ? \ 1111 J. /. SITE VII h!j ti., 4._u e - ?' END PROJECT SITE VI I i ., SITE V I SITE IV '•:j ,..?: ????:::: '? ' SITE III :. .......::. : `? ' UON j. SITE II ZLL SITE I BEGIN PROJECT SCALE 1 0 1 ,?fl! N. C. DEPT. OF 'T'RANSPORTATION SION OF HI VICINITY MAP DIVME CKLENNBURGGxwAYS PROJECT:•8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP Z REV y-9y SHEET5F OF 7- S- SUMMARY REPORT SITE- STATION PERMIT WETLANDS FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL X-ING TYPE DISTURBED BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION TYPE O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C. Y.). (C.Y.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 982+00 to 983+00 -L- Nationwide I & 26 1.62 0 0 17,530 4,320 None 25+63 to 30+60-SR A- 11 999+81 -L- Nationwide 0 0 0 0 0 3-9'x7' 26 RCBC III 1000+50 to Nationwide 1001+50-L- 26 0.33 0 0 5,740 0 None 1V 1015+20 to Nationwide 1017+85-L- 26 0 0 0.67 2,770 230 None V 1020+15 to Nationwide 1021+15-L- 26 0.02 0 0 60 20 None VI 16+00-Y2- Nati6nwide Revised 26 0 0 0 0 0 2-10'x6' RCBC VII 17+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 24 0.02 165 0 72"RCP 1.97 24 0.69 26,265 4,570 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OU'T'ER LOOP Rev y-9y SHEET ZS' OF Z-3- N 1 00 1 O 1 ) QD jl z i 1 1 ? 1. 1 • 11 I o o' _ 1O 'O I . I I O O r a I I I o O 0 I-I r, a 7 L-? N u) H a W f.-? >cv I Li ac? O J U v v1 O q.j 7-I(_h.-? W x pt. C) H W :D ko (, r1 InH 1-4 O 0 O O 7 r 0 ? - O z a H a H U 00 U W a? H ,e q f?i r•l? N w v4 q H U q ILI r-) O a, - a: PG a a Q U U ? LA ?I C/) y O O N rn I . I W 7 I ' f-' Q z z I W A ?> Q F- C,-) o u qq Q ? - ° F -? a H ? H ? o - o U W ? U J W q -L .1 O 00 - I I o v [>~ ? 2 MAY 1994 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Strcct, Ralcigli, North Carolina 27611, 919-733-3391 Charlcs R. FullwooLl, Exccutivc t)ircctor MEMORANDUM TO: John R. Parker, Jr., Inland 11404" Coordinator Dept. of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources FROM: David Cox, Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: May 25, 1994 SUBJECT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action ID No. 199401494, review of application for North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to fill approximately 19.4 acres of waters and wetlands to construct a 9.5 mile segment of the Charlotte Outer Loop, between York Road and Interstate Highway 77 and between Providence Road and Idlewild Road South of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Biologists on the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) staff have reviewed the information provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our comments are provided in accordance with certain provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amende(.i; 16 U.S.C. 661- 667d). The proposed project involves constructing two additional segments of 4-lane divided highway with full control of access, as part of the Charlotte Outer Loop. This includes a 1 mile long segment from York Road to I-77 and an 8.5 mile segment from Providence Road to Idlewild Road. Impacts to wetlands include 14.5 acres of forested wetlands and 2.6 acres of scrub/shrub wetlands at 28 locations. Mitigation proposed by NCDOT for these impacts involves preservation of an area known as Porter Road Swamps located Southwest of Charlotte. This site consists of approximately r M Mc Page 2 May 25, 1994 17.5 acres of depressional swamp with approximately 27 acres of upland buffer. NCWRC feels that the proposed mitigation is inadequate for the impacts from construction of the proposed facility. Porter Road Swamps mitigation credits were used to mitigate for depressional swamp losses associated with the Charlotte Outer Loop segment from the Rea Road Interchange to Providence Road. NCDOT should propose in-kind mitigation for the additional 14.5 acres of forested wetlands and 2.6 acres of scrub/shrub wetlands impacted by this segment and the 0.70 acres of impacts which remain unmitigated from the Rea Road Interchange to Providence Road segment. We recommend that the proposed project be modified to incorporate the preceding recommendation prior to issuance of a wetlands fill permit or attending water quality certification. Thank you. for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If I can be of any further assistance please call me at (919) 528-9886. cc: Wayne Chapman, District 6 Fisheries Biologist Ken Knight, District 6 Wildlife Biologist Steve Lund, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Ashville John Dorney, Water Quality Section, DEM, DEHNR State of North Carolina JMWEL __T T Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4 • • Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E H N F? Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N, Schecter, Director May 13, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland 1404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199400840 dated May 5, 1994 describing a proposed project by The NC D.O.T. is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 30, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Signed Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Corolino 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An I qua! Opporhmily Affirrnafivo Action Fmployor !"t rocycloct/ 10% most-consurner papor DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID: 199400840 May 5, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, POST OFFICE BOX 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL INTO APPROXIMATELY 6.8 ACRES OF WATERS AND WETLANDS IN THE HEADWATERS OF FOURMILE CREEK AND FLAT BRANCH TO CONSTRUCT A 2.5-MILE LONG SEGMENT OF THE CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP HIGHWAY (I-485) BETWEEN THE PROPOSED REA ROAD INTERCHANGE AND PROVIDENCE ROAD (NC HIGHWAY 16) SOUTH OF Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed construction of a 2.5-mile long segment of four lane, controlled access, divided highway that is part of a planned circumferential loop around the City of Charlotte. The proposed road would impact approximately 1.6 acres of stream channel at 4 separate crossings. These streams are small, headwaters tributaries to Fourmile Creek. An additional 5.2 acres of forested wetlands would be affected at five separate locations within the headwaters of Flat Branch, a tributary to Sixmile Creek. The majority of the wetland area (4.5 acres) consists of depressional swamp dominated by overcup and willow oak. Depressional swamps are rare wetlands of the southern piedmont occupying shallow depressions on broad upland flats or ridge tops and are characterized by clay soils and surface ponding of runoff and rainfall. The remaining wetlands (0.70 acres) consist of narrow borders of alluvial forest along shallow drainways vegetated with such species as sweet gum, willow oak, red maple and green ash. One small pond is also proposed to be filled. The footprint of the proposed roadfill through wetland areas is generally between 220 and 240 feet wide. Approximately 27,700 cubic yards of material would be discharged into waters and wetlands for this project. Fill for the road would be obtained from unspecified upland borrow areas. In order to mitigate for these intended wetland impacts, the applicant proposes to preserve approximately 17.5 acres of depressional swamp and associated wetlands together with approximately 27 acres of forested upland buffer area at a site known as the Porter Road Swamps located southwest of Charlotte. The purpose of the proposed work is to provide a new public highway facility. Plans showing the proposed work are included with this public notice. -2- The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a Department of the Army permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer has determined, based on a review of data furnished by the applicant and onsite observations, that the activity will not affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy -3- needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The DEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army permit serves as application to the DEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after May 20, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-9535, on or before May 20, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Steven Lund, until 4:15 p.m., May 20, 1994, or telephone (704) 271-4857. LocAnow FEB. 151 iqq 4 N.C. DEP... OF TRANSPO RTATION DIVISioN._oF HICaHWgYS LOCATION MAP PRofEc'f_:8.1?'10?02 X13-0211DG? MLMKLeNQuRC, Co. MoATH CAR0LtNA. CI"KLOTTE Ou-rEK LooP . REa RD. -To PtUvt0ENGC RD. SHEET: OF : 15 JRSE i PIPER la?eNU LIHrrED P,o,RTNr?RS?IP II C -...fir ?aBLE ?JPow_ CAQLE l l A 2C1 ------------ 2cl . J `?? 42" RCP DITCH BL OCK -o Ui . 2C1 -50 o r ,55_ -roo- - - - - ?- I" = 501--?- - . ?A / F F- B. DEPT OF YRANSPO RTAYIC) DIVISION OF HJCHWP\YS S IT E 4 --- PRO"1'?C(: 8.1?'jOto2 CR-4,211 pt:) MECKLeNBuRCj C.D. NORTNCA•RoUNA GNA.RLOZ'rE 00-MR L60 P 'RSA AD, tv QfJOVIDENCE RD• SHEET 3 OF: 13 U , co Q" Z- T--.. U/G TELEPHONE CABLE OWER'',cell-- -FE?• J 5 ;-J 9 9 W '15 loo DEPT OF YRANSPORTATloN DIVISION OF HjGi'HW?\YS _ S 1 T E Gj PROYEc?: ?3.11a'IO (o Z ?R-OZ(I DC.) MEC KLeN 8? RCS Co. NORTH o.RoU NA. CHARL&r`rE 013-rER L-COP RFA Rv. To PFtov I OE?JCs RD• SHEET 4, OF : , 13 FEB. 15, l9 q 4 C. D E PT O F YRA NS Po RTATIO N DIVISION OF- HIUHWP\YS SITE 6 C9055 E a-n o N P R OYEc(: 8. I ro'7 0 1 0 2 r! R -0 2l l OG Med.KtrE1J8LUKG e.0- NoATK C AAOLWP. CHA A?-?G ouTE R Loop ReA fkv. -Co 'PRoUIQCNC6 RD. SHEET: I OF -- 15 I W c) ??'_ INS 0. ' I A U I o I r 0 }0 I ll] o. I ? ??. rf- w I m q• I I ?w,SLI ? I I ? I U I ? I ,01 ,bz ,9 ,9 i ,0 0 5o `75 lop c. C;g 'is -11 IZ ' I 11 ? I ?II? I ~ I? I II I I FE8• 15,14q¢_ r\I,C. D E K OF YRANSPORTA-rloN DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SITE Co PROYEcf:• 8. 1 Co l O l O Z t`R-021 I OG? MV-KI-EN8uR4 CO. NoRtµ C?RO?I?JA CH4,91-0T'r6 OU-rER Loo-F RI- lb.- fiv- To "PROVIOEPk9 SHEET 5 OF : 13 i PRO Ro ?rt` r qU / t i / r • c n 2 C ?O • a 4o' cowl ?o 0>0 d . x0 10 V- ? :. ro ?..'.. W . ?W Flu c?Q.• v 2? x Nr 16 FEB. 16 Iq9 4 N' C. DEPT DF TRANSPOR-WrloN DIVISION OF HIGHW YS ?$ REA_RbAD SITE LocxT IO N S -- ` PRO'fEcf: $.14070102 CR-ozilvG) f,? MECKLFN6uR? GO, t,50M C?.ROLi?A CHAq'Lc- 'T'E OOTC-F, Loo? REA RIP. -Tb PROv I PENCE RO SHEET: 2 OF: )3 1811 RCP ll 2c1 CPj2 ? 1?.. i 4 FUTURE PAVEMENT (PROVED ROADWAY -E X-SECTS _ 2 BASE DITCH - - A-SS. B" STONE C -? _ - HW +00 ?S y WOODS 110' u -L-+87-8 '- +q5 0 , 175' 175 c L LR 11. V, +70A 1 ? 40'} 6 0: P \ +87. Fl Q ? +37.57. 40 ' cos ? p,L r? x V 50 75 1 oa 1 F L AREA c p SECTION Fee. t51 t9g4- NI.C. DEPT SF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HjCiHWA?YS _ SITE 8 PROYEC'r: 8. I vI o(o 2 c R-C)?,I) DG.) MEd.KL5E 36uRr.i CO. NORTH CaR.oLINn. CNARL.07-•C OUTER Loo P REA V\P- To QRoVlvs.NCE RD. SHEET: 8 OF: 13 - 'V' DITCH , 'V' DITCH F ?I I I UI \L- F H v GMLIN I if unt rAVLMLN I I TCH 3 BASE. TAIL - _"•?.? -Wry. ?-8'--L. CLASS B STONE _,'_ '0 50 'r5 . I bo I?t•? 50 X110 F: 15, 199q- fol. C. DEPT .a F TRA NS PO RTATIO N DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS s ITE 9 PRO?Ec-f:8.1?1oloZ (R-o?zll Dc,? MlEffd-KLEN 6uRc,1 e-D. WoRTH C.A.46LIN4. -NARt-oT-fF OuI-eV, L.ooP FRe-A RD. -Co ?Aovll2r--QC.E RD, SHEET: 9 OF : 13 FEB. 15, Iqq 4- I.C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION of HjcHWAYS S 1-ft? 10 PRo F I t_ (5 .PRoTEcr: B.I(OPT 0102 (R-oZll Dc) MEN' K1?u?UR4 CD. fJOM CAROUNA c N ARC-o-r'1'? e%r" m R WoP ReN RD. To 'PfioU l) ENcE RD,. SHEET I I OF : 13 FES . 15, 19 9 4-- NI - C. DEPT DF TRANSPDRTATIoN DIVISION OF HIGHWP?YS P R oYEct: 8.1610 lot C}Z -021 t Dc) 1E.e.KLENBuRG-? ?o.Uo?1'µ ?ARouNa. GRA'RLoT'rE 007-EfR L ooQ RE4 RD. 'To PRDtf I D?1JGE RD. SHEET: IZ 0 F ?3 PERM7-1 SUMMARY REPORT R-0211L•C 3ito Locac_cn =i11 Area Descri=zion ( ^ta . ) -.cres ) 1 . 451+74 -",.40 Surface '.,caters 2. 457+60 0.70 Surface Waters ? . 262+00 •? . =}? Su_..ace watzr z . .77+00 C, . 05 Wetland 5. 481+00 0.13 Surface Waters o . 42, -00 1.50 :Iafic De ?-=ssic:: 7. 00 0. ?1 wetland 2. 41:_-?0 C. .57 Nett d 9. 51-_+C0 0.J .N_tland Z0. .iafic D=prassion All are loc_t8C above Stream headwaters. February 15, 19S4 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIVIS.L OF HIGHWAYS Pro;:ct No. 8.1670102 (P.-0 '11DC) "ec::lanburg County, North Carolina Charlotte Outer Loop, ?ea Road to Providence Road Sheet 13 of 13 Division of Environmental Management May 13, 1994 Memorandum To: Steve Tedder Through: Greg Thorpe Boyd DeVane//?? From: John Dorne?-t i Subject: Charlotte 'Outer Loo Permit Mitigation Proposal Applications and DOT's DOT has submitted two applications for Individual Permits on the Charlotte Outer Loop. The first application is for a 2.5 mile segment that would impact 5.2 acres of wetlands. The second application is for a 9.5 mile segment that would impact 13.4 acres of wetlands. Wetland impacts total 18.6 acres (see attached maps). We have made site inspections of most of these wetlands. DOT has an alignment that cannot be relocated due to development up to the right-of-way. The table on the next page lists the wetland sizes, types and rating. DOT's applications will impact 4.5 acres of mafic depressions and approximately 14 acres of bottomland hardwoods along small streams. Mafic depressions are a unique wetland type that is found exclusively in Mecklenburg County. Mafic depressions perform limited water quality functions because they are rainwater feed. They provide excellent amphibian and wildlife habitat. DOT proposes to preserve a 45 acre site within Mecklenburg County as wetland mitigation. The site includes approximately 17 acres of mafic depressions and approximately 28 acres of upland buffer to allow the wetland to continue to function properly. With all of the development occurring in the county, we believe that the 45 acres of mafic depression/upland mitigation adequately compensates for DOT impacting 4.5 acres of mafic depression. Our regulations require us to protect existing uses (Antidegradation water quality standard). Bottomland hardwood wetlands serve important water quality functions such as water storage, streambank stabilization, and pollutant removal. Since DOT is not proposing to replace the wetlands that perform water quality functions, there will be a loss of these uses in violation of the Antidegradation standard. Therefore, I propose that we condition the 401 Certification to require DOT to mitigate at a 1:1 ratio for the 10 acres of significant water quality related wetlands (high-lighted in table). We are not requesting mitigation for all wetland impacts, and the mitigation ratio is less than the standard 2:1 for wetland creation. The Corps and other_ Federal agencies will not require mitigation beyond the mafic depression preservation. Needless to say, DOT does not want to be required to do any additional mitigation. DOT needs a 401/404 decision by 1 June 1994 to meet their bid let deadlines. If you concur with this recommendation, I'll write a Certification with an additional condition to require 10 acres of bottomland hardwood mitigation for these projects. We have suggested that DOT investigate several areas that have Steve Tedder Memo May 13, 1994 Page 2 potential for wetland mitigation. DOT also has located potential sites that have good potential for restoration or creation. DOT, to their credit, has located these sites to develop up-front mitigation with no specific plans to debit them for a specific project. Therefore, DOT could develop one of these sites to satisfy a bottomland hardwood mitigation condition of the 401 Certification. Road Segment Wetland Site No. Wetland Size Wetland Type Wetland Rating R-211DC 2 sites 0.41 ? Not visited 4 0.05 BLH 11 6 1.50 mafic dep. 37% 7 0.01 BLH Not visited 8 0.57 BLH 9 0.05 BLH 10 3.00 mafic dep. 41% R-211EA 2 1.62 BLH 27% 3 0.75 BLH Not rated 4 0.83 BLH if 5 2.00 BLH 69% 6 0.29 Bank-to-bank Not rated R-211EB 1 0.22 ? Not visited 2 0.15 ? " 3 2.68 Scrub shrub 37% 4 1.03 Scrub shrub 370 R-2248AA 1-5 0.22 Bank-to-bank Not rated 6 1.49 BLH " R-2123AA 1 1.62 BLH 69% 2 0 Bank-to-bank Not rated 3 0.33 ? " 4-7 0 ? " TOTALS 30 18.54 XXX XXX BLII - Bottomland hardwood wetland Charted.mem O? o rr) RE-A_: ROAD o?L f t i OQ ? Q ? Y cow ? O p 9? dO 0 0 0 " ? OZ M ' A ^IC ?o ul' N,C. DEPT DF TRANSPDRTA?101 -' DIVISION of Hj(-HWA\YS SITE LO'C,&\TI 0 N S Q PRO?Ec?f: $•l?"1D?o2 (R-OZIIDC McGKLeMbURc-A C0 NOE(J-FA CARaLIH c?R?c'TE o?-r? R two P ? ? - R?p, Rp, --? QROVIpENCi; P,DSHEET: 2 CF: 13 , k me z?jC e. Tat Mot Cr o.t I7 1 R U S// + (a..wt Mw..r Jlt Y O? \17 0 S 10 70 SCµ( Of W(S 0 10 70 )0 40 41 .-II W %I(OW(I(IIS ?. END PROJECT • JI 1Vr SITE I ?y= / /' k.u r? f 1 TEi 4 BEGIN PROJECT SITE 3 r. ri.r ,'k ?.? .? SITE 2 " J.t Ir IPA SUl E o N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT- 8.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET I OF 13 OCT. 1991 ,incornlonc' o n I ?O .y nnnnnruu ' „ 10.+•, q 1Mu •C-111 uoa lq,o er Swl?• '.b"? „ ,. Ca c d P_ I C?iar Ile H 1 Mlr 1 ?? IS CYYAA 11 _ 11 1 H'llV- SING w 10 f II T, 1 a+. ,Q r sllsiM t.°r. . rp..rr .rte .':?. •ow n tltSstmer un City RInbH011 1 11 1 I?t h: u r 1 0 1, 1 w' .' 1 al..1 I. el.)? 11 s aralyd . In(1? nel of elinp 1 e. I s +° y 111 . ? , ? ~IM1 li R 0 tI E 14M1n 111 ' ill< M 1 M??• ?,rl wlr ln+ 1 Iwt 11 1` Ir 1 111. Irrl ?1?•"^•"•' :?? wJ" r Ibe•1 11 ")'?i ? 1 • 1 I?r'.' r M114r ?• V ,l?• I V I Y? 111 Me ?, I./? I• `• Ww1 t•• Wr. r 1 of 11 't r 1, • O u.,,., 1? r I 1 ,rnrr I SII • II fJ" ' ' c ROCK HI hjr in :t II' ,Iw,.n,." 0 wk OS, a •11 , 11 ; Ir vi _c Ir?7? C Ij ar,o,;...o ni 'Jwl-1' .`/?• I x111 t OFr II Llf?wo I` C A S S - l O I oo . N t _ FE T E VICINITY MAP l Q? 1 tO OF S ?•. I :i r ,I ii i - ,I WECT /I i' ii NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET 32 OF 43 MAY 1993 Rev v-91 Ift 2011, i ,i , )Ap ?1..% 6-1 o S ,o ZO to I `I 79 t ' s 1 7 u 1 \ ... - 1 ;jc) 19 0 10 20 30 a0 .td I / MONT -,• ?? q R, U St ?Ibemarle d+ wit of K11om•te" P Orr tah tgwh i youmnrf 17 -1, )nd toWOt+v:t4 tI ubrntlen. ; 5/ •?•? {? tatt[villt ¦mbtll Y t I I, t ..,.c ?J >illeM., t $ q 11? 'I I , W[dtt•11 Is 9tlSemer 1 vj• ieblf D` . hldunl Holly' I C j • lo<ufl II Paltl n(S* I11 , O t ? etA \, 1 ', `1011` •sl 1 ? ? 1 1 1 ed Uots u ? y1 , ?I Tdlnv ' M ou + t ' '>•Ildl¦nd 0 kb Na.ood ii 1 • 1 _ 1 21 Charlotte ou. .. `\I 1 1 W )d Gastonia t °' 1 I S , Z 11 r stl I Minl?lill H- /' ~ ~ t I ender ' ' 1 II entl [.. \ II i MEGKLE eedtlNlllJ1i - ?. .I'ri n. 1 . 1 . t 1 y71 I I ` .v ?1 ' [n Salt MyJ `¦ j?),' a t _ fnl / r Anf °n•Illt •?.. \. ?Et1Aan f <. - t••"I .) ? I s Unlonnlit 1 ? .__ r II 1 . Got tr o i ? ?19 I r 1. ... y -•? ,\ t II I " ?\ - _?7a ? Sy t , 1 ? v Pintalit . Inds n-'' (? I .• 1 nhw.+? II 1 \ I 1 t I t TI I \? I I Fvl,. y u nlu«1 :~ _ U-N I O N Sion l.elr .. 1 / d Illon \ s n .04 A i % . i o t.. .lal' r 71 ? •' ?:' 11111\ IS:..• - /? . /Yo .:,,.. I ;Illlllulllilln'-? !illlllll , L / fit:: Ilt?y? 1121..7! SITE VII =- / END PROJECT SITE VI 1.01 I I ••t/ SITE V - j I SITE IV SITE III y .:. _ SITE II / SITE I aa3 A BEGIN PROJECT 1 ? A SG1E ? I A'JlE i 1 ° ------------ i I 1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS V I C I N I T Y MAP MECKLENBURG PROJECT:'8.1671601 (R-2123AA) I PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET OF P> DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID: 199401494 May 12, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Attn. Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL INTO APPROXIMATELY 19.4 ACRES OF WATERS AND WETLANDS IN THE HEADWATERS OF COFFEY CREEK, SIXMILE CREEK, FOURMILE CREEK AND NORTH FORK CROOKED CREEK TO CONSTRUCT 9.5 ADDITIONAL MILES OF THE CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP HIGHWAY (I-485) BETWEEN YORK ROAD AND INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 77 AND BETWEEN PROVIDENCE ROAD AND IDLEWILD ROAD SOUTH OF CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite inspection by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed construction of a 1 mile long segment of four lane, controlled access, divided highway between York Road (NC 49) and Interstate Highway 77 on the west, and an 8.5-mile long segment of four lane, controlled access, divided highway between Providence Road (NC 16) and Idlewild Road on the east. Both segments are part of a planned circumferential loop around the City of Charlotte. The inclusion of these segments would complete the Southern Outer Loop Highway. The proposed road would impact approximately 2.3 acres of intermittent and upper perennial stream channel at 26 separate crossings. Proposed drainage structures range in size from 36-inch diameter pipes to 8-foot by 6-foot box culverts. Approximately 2 acres of ponds would be drained by the proposed work. Approximately 14.5 acres of forested wetlands and 2.6 acres of scrub shrub wetlands would also be affected at 28 separate locations. The majority of the forested wetland area consists of infrequently flooded, riparian woods that have a seasonal high water table. The canopy is predominantly sweet gum, tulip poplar and red maple with some box elder and green ash. Impacts at individual locations range from a minimum of 0.10 acres to a maximum of 2.0 acres. Approximately 2 acres of these forested wetlands are frequently flooded stream bottoms also with a seasonal high water table and vegetated with green ash, black willow, river birch and American elm. The scrub shrub wetlands are characterized by a canopy of shrub willow and alder with a ground cover of sedges and grasses and a permanently high water table. The footprint of the proposed roadfill through wetland areas ranges from 240 to 350 feet wide. Fill for the road would be obtained from unspecified upland borrow areas. In order to mitigate for these intended wetland impacts, the applicant [ Cc' [ ii MAY 1 6p994 ERTLUlNi?ITY SECjir -2- proposes to preserve approximately 17.5 acres of depressional swamp and associated wetlands together with approximately 27 acres of forested upland buffer area at a site known as the Porter Road Swamps located southwest of Charlotte. The purpose of the proposed work is to provide a new public highway facility. Plans showing the proposed work are included with this public notice. A Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared for the Southern Outer Loop Highway. A copy of the EIS may be reviewed by contacting the applicant. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a Department of the Army permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer has determined, based on a review of data furnished by the applicant and onsite observations, that the activity will not affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern y h -3- for both protection and utilization of, important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies, 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The DEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army permit serves as application to the DEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after May 27, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-9535, on or before May 27, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Steven Lund, until 4:15 p.m., May 27, 1994, or telephone (704) 271-4857. Q Q ?y W Q N .O u1 ?c A? _ Z N 4 W .Q c , n U d A ` _ U z 0 U CD rrl ZD m Z J Y - C) LLJ Q _Z U Q Q Q w cu l1? 'C-1 Q c ? N cJ N O cam! O N N O t= ? 1 ? ? 1 1 pC ?`C m Fa- m ? a O - Q z a D p ° Q x O U 1 O /N y L F- W O O O (n W w w io Y w F- w JO W O Q I W L] O Cr CL U .,. U Z [? ? w V) I _J N w J Q U 0 u _J N .'1 SUMMARY REPORT (R-0211DQ SITE STATION X-ING PERMIT FILL IN FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL TYPE TYPE WETLANDS BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (AC.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 1 483+00 -L- 54" NWP 28 .26 2,500 2 610+00 -L- 36" MWP 14 .15 .56 23,000 TOTALS .41 .56 25,500 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY jPROJECr 8.1670102 (R-021 1 DC? CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET Z OF 2 sS MAY 1991 REV 4-94 I i w00 laa... -ivl- :2 -YI_,_,T? w F-- N W ) W • W i W F- N•-- -I \ ' W ? (D ? W E' W F- LLJ' LLJ r''' \ LAJ %:• _. 1 1 .w •1 .1 .1 .1 1 . .1 W W i W U I d 1 ;. l S W l --- N w -- `r zw c9 O wx m a- . z cr) ,+ w• ,D DI '? W f J ?•? U c? uj w . ? Q C'* ? a? F-1. . \- ` F- I ? I 0 W V) z w `t o a- a rn r a w ? - p N ?N H N p Q Z Q 3 Z J U o H LL- LL LL ir O O . D Z Z O W Y F- N F- U w w O (mr o ? U Z E-? V) tO L6,1 w J Q U U) w _J 0 ROH -ROAb.-, 6UI571VIARY RE1'UI'( 1 (K-U211k A) SITE STATION X-ING PERMIT TYPE TYPE 6:3-626 54" - 42" Natiomvidc 2 618-657 48" PDN required A 687 42" Nadonwidc B 701 42" Nationwide C -110+50 36" Nationwide 3&4 721-730 48" - 54" PDN required D 745 42" Nationwide E 761-763 15" Natiomvidc 5 7-,0-774 6X6 RCBC Individual 72" F 782 NONE Nationwide G 788 42" . Natiomvidc 6 795-798 72" - 42" Natiomvidc H 816 24" Nationwide 1 818+50 2@7X6 BC Nationwide K 821 2@7X6 BC Nationwide L 827 15" Nationwide m 11+50 24" Nationwide Ramp C N 14+50 NONE Nationwide Ramp C TOTALS FILL IN FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL WETLANDS BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (AC.) (C.Y.) (C.r) 0.15 75 0.11 54,600 1.62 174 0.07 46,700 0.49 0.01 1,200 0.08 0.02 650 0.35 - 6,800 1.58 223 0.07 68,500 0.54 0.01 4,500 0.81 - 7,900 2.00 278 0.08 59,500 0.13 0.09 3,200 0.12 0.01 1,900 0.29 131 0.09 31,600 0.10 0.01 2,000 0.16 0.09 10,000 0.25 0.12 13,000 0.31 - 10,000 0.09 0.01 2,700 0.15 0.01 3,000 9.22 881 .80 312,150 15,600 N.C. DEPARTMEN- OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLEN3 URG COUNTY PROJECT 8.L':5 70110 (R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 'Y OF Zff MAY 1991 ReV Igg4 co m (9 co Qo C I PF I I . FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 2 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS ® DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 0 100 _I u- O d- I F- w w V) w0 w0 cn ± u) w co z_ J U Q TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 1.62 AC. 174 C.Y. 46,700 C.Y. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.UG70110 (R-211EA) REVISED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP 4-q,4 !Fy SHEET -,< OF 2 sf MAY 1991 0 Ln z Qo PROP. R /W - PROP. 2' BASE DITCH F ` R0P. T0]E - --- -?--? HW F FILL 2G1 co -L- ;DGE OF WETLANDS X ?4-EDGE OF WETLAN ~ PROP. E.P. PROP. TOE OF FILL PROP. 2' PROP. 'V' DITCH ? BASE DITC F F OP. 'V' DITCH F _ - - - - -`-T --- -------- -'--' F 11117 PROP. R/W _ PROP. TOE OF FILL 922E ?? CLASS Z KIP r-AP r' - UI W 7' z N ?I O I ° oWC ? a W m 6 5 9 3 i ul vl a_ ?? a °° a Lr) Z Q z v i I I ? 3 I O 1 1 I w O I- 11 1 O I I I ti = cr O O L) 1 w II I w ° o LL 5 m W w 11 II I N z ° Z w O ? I I ItJ c° ? I cn x F- -? UI. I II I Cr o Ld w i0 1 1 I I I I w m U 1 I o a. 1 1 I I 1 ? I r1li z E? 1 1 ? I N i? ? 1 I I ? I I I I ,. v? ? J I ? I ? I I N 1? ?I O U I i w LO I O I I I 1 o 655 I ?I`? i 11 ? I I J 3 v i c I ? I m 1 I ? a a:ote. I o N I : w I ' I o a. w I z I w 0 1 `? ul ) ? IL \\ I w I ui i Q o 0 U- zz o ° U\ I J w \ z ? I N ? 3 W wa w 1u- I z m 3 3 a ° I t- w .?z w J w w i j I11 (!) J J= Q O I J _ O 1 lL 4 U li O w O 0 ? N Q w w N w w I i J ~ ?z w ° I ? n- °z z o ? w wm U U o oO 0 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 OF 1 ° STA. 651+00 = Ul (V o N W '=? 1I-. (L M I I Ql I LO I Q1 rEl II Y I W 040 i? ? I Lj- 1 •o ~ J 1 1 ?W O W ICLO O Of V 1 I . J 1L IL N ? Y W I O Q Q ? q I I W m I- LLd I CC) I Ln I I I? a- U z Q V O N Q m - OCC)? c w (L o o r NNIo a- Q z N OJ Lli u < O v W Q It 11 H _ h- z Q30 LL O p Lo w g Q°w ?- z co 3 LZ Z 2W' co °bo tL 1 pOJJ ? j v U w O Q W J Q 0 W= W W I / Jm? w v 0 O I W J Q o n. w I 3Ll-o c5 z H I QQ W / Fes- W Ln = 773 0 I a_ I 772 I ? I ? f•- I ? I I ? LL' o W ?iL w 771 J Q IL m D 0 ' a > 770 z - o 0 z O I Q I J LO W W z wa 769 J mLD W _J _J- J O I LL LL U (L I z Q w w X cn • -j ~ ~ z IL z z 0 I o Do I? 768 0 0 0 0 0 0 m co LO 7 i ? i i I W Z Z CK p Q) \ p W J ? z z w o N W D to I Z w 0 ~= V ° rw- Q Z I O w o 0 o I z 6 = z N 3 Iw- N Q W 1- cv -1 0 D I 41 w LL) LLJ < O U ? LLI V) v CL W CL L) I Z O cr- N N Q.. I ? _ CL w J Q v N Q O z I Z: W O 0 0 I fr- X x O I = C9 -i Q co r O c W Z) U Z I 0 O X ? J o a" M - p - o O ta- IL a J W Q I W ? 0 Q w J II • Z m3 U ) tl W l% LL= a ?Q ? x CC) ~ z LLJ K LO J w wo x p l O I _j = 0 l /OI ;a Go (D (D A LLI Cl E I tD D LOO C Q O O m 0 I I CD I La l 1 O 0 O -00 ..y U-4 Q D a O ac Q.. J O J 4- U- N O ) ) ? Q _- O O 1 T v T 1 L! ? Z O Q ? Ql Q CC w O 0 04 a Z 4 J Ly o W r- (A E - o:: ) LL D O m j W W O J O w x > w a w 25 ? O U 0- W 0 CJ Z ? W LOP)• W J a U J O a f Z O N O Z O O V) O OD tO a 1 J W W OW W V) Z co O T- V) J J= Q O - N Q u } v Q w w< ~ . O 0 Z > O o 0 O O f- - CD U W V) _ ? la•t f.dlf II 1 HI,A SAOt111 .(. 1.T1?? ,y1 ', , lw.f ?(?(rrnJ • 1 Sl Anle,' '?V ?1 1 ? ' G A ?' ??1 eu III 1 mtl, oun Holly t I Cll • I ? _Zta• k 1., .. 1 ? 1 (rwM . ? V r 1• h M troll la+ A R U S/ ??HAerrc veil ' -rows Chadotte+ If.. ' 1 Allta 16. .44 A( Miet?lill ???I rOwOtr1 , 1 ECKLEN G,/ 11.,.,.. , 1 , lAt. e `'' 111?IlAers ' sn " e 5 Clertr } .. ?ifv , n.....aa 'j ' SITE ' Il , f wff, t ... 1 0 t `.• , wee w ton N•y Gtrf 1 Nt. 1 1 ` v wt M.l 1 I YY. f f?? ror atytl„1 ' ?% 1 I4 S ,' , S'tl ? Rock Mill ?' ?«.«. i• wrfAM ? SMInOf 0 S 10 70 SCAIt of nl\tS 0 10 70 m 40 f0 SCAT I IN RK0.1( tuS It / / / SIT i4 /y 'SITE 3 ? N SCALE ' I A\Aj N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT- 8.U670110 (R- 211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET !o OF 2 S' OCT. 1991 Rev, 4-qy NCDOT Project I. D. R211-EB from East Description: ofCharlotte CSX t Railway r to o East Interchange of r SR a 3g77 County: Mecklenburg Subject: 404 Permit Status SITE PROJECT STRUCTURE STATION SIZE 1 -L- 870+50 - 2 -L- 876+75 42" PIPE FILL IN WETLANDS 0.22 Ac. 0.15,.Ac. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET I1 OF 2,8 OCT. 1991 Rtv y-9Y z a 0 O MATCH LINE STA. 917+00 -L- a >- m rn I _ \ f- co E- w q m !M n: \ Q ? cV ? F- a I Q ~ 3 la w \ Zcf) = O O w 0- O. w C/ LL a O Q r- 0 L) -f 0 cr- 0 m cc cc %? \ ~ 4- O JO O d\ w 0 t - CL / OC (7 N 0 Z Z _ CL N a m O W W U w / CL $ cr. 0 a to J D O c7 0 W CL w> U F- w UJ V N K o w w 0 En o 915 .-j a. o S? ?? v orgy o°c '') (L Z a a N Q7 ° a `. 3 0 ?z x \ 0 g U-\ a O O p 4~! 0 Z W a w cw O F- w m U_ - c. W N w O ~ M L.L J w N a J ? 1 5: O~ -?? 0 ao W I L.. W Z w n:cr- m ll = ?Z W J Ra U V) I ?Q Q ?/ \ \ 00 Q / O , F- EJL 2 0 U ? I i U. --w L w a: N I W K) N 0 I CL CZ Z i O I 0 0 Q J U ZZ °- a H W p w w W J IW 3 3 W a w a z z m 3 w J J = F 4 _J =? S2 D LL. 910 "-I U I.. _ i d V N N tr w w W Q i Z z 25 w z w tr p p 130 -CIO 04+526 'V-LS 3N1-I HO vW I u_ I ? O I I = I 00 co m ?I I wa N Q m ih I I J ? 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NM 1,?Irl (.l•.r.• ` r Il•V II' I U ) ,l\ T?1 JI ? 1'r?%..I 11• y , II /rnr^' 111?-Iw ?- '? 1 1 wwrl•.e?• $21 ' U' p• M00 of -. _ Y 0 A r C.4 ?,:? , 1 1 • R CK'HI h!r 1..+t /I rIw'd" 'r „r 1011r Q r ?r> 1 :; Q 1 ?w i »w : t r 1„.w, j 1 tw.?? CAR. r r•' G,1 U1100 ai i;? CA s liAA 0 VICINITY MAP C Icoo o N ® T FEET =•. 4D OF IOJECT l NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET Zy OF Z' MAY 1993 REv v•9'-/ ? 0 a u 3 3 U u u u u u u A A < < < < < < C o 0 u !„Q ' o 0 Vol o u :2 Z) V O O O O C O 0 O o w C o a u k e e u u 3 < < . r^ IL U C O O h O I c •i N N A 7 v O O O O O - U N a Q ? O N u I, Q 3 G. A a .. F ? W CV CV ? Q k u z a a a a u a v a a 01 F V) N ? ? c kn W < d of '" + a d + + + + o + .? 00 N N f'1 ? h O NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET ZLOF_ 2 5?' MAY 1993 Rc-y v-9y METHOD It CLEARING AND GRUBBING WILL BE UTILIZED (CLEARING ONLY TO CONSTRUCTION LIMITS) Q J J O Ln ? J m Q. O ma >00 ct i- J +$F GENERAL TIRE CO, n ; a p? d ONE GENERAL STREET 11 o'n AKRON, OH 44329 175 +00'B(J O t 60 REV O.L Mp CL BST E FCR aau /KN C EFOSAXI ?I IRL•L W/FILTER + E ` F_ vI r600S - - Q'??D F'FIaC E57 1.7 C F 2.0'\ IS•G CS 22 O 18 w1l - b CA + 2 G 1 _ . O •. :,, m t N m tr o ;? - CLE '?f GIB T( S7r75 175' SLOPE STAKES + 60 8 T GENERAL TIRE CO. ONE GENERAL STREET AKRON, OH 44329 L r? N 23• 19 i, 0 n M T_?L?- Cl q,r J 0 NEL i9 Ff<)P. GLArCPA1L IN "? D8 CqI •• S 52# .2i-t) LB- 2?? /?• I. C I 80+05.00 LA < 2L "C`Q f? E• ArdC EONS f%tiu P•KN G J \175* D IbQ2B•L•RE w \ C L B• STONE p? CONrF&X- WFILIEjtI m•""l L51 1.7. IONS/ f-1 N SITE • 6 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS 50/ O /00 HORIZONTAL SCALE d0 m N- v W OI o- J ?- c ? a ?C N ? 8- ? a ?3 \ o .? I ?- ?I N- ON-?7.1 0 ti W s SITE 6 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN ?I OUTER LOOP SHEET Z3 OF Z F3- MAY 1993 =----- RFV 4 -q -I O v v J J ?I ?I Sul. of Witt It f1COf + t. Lonauff ' t f o s 10 30 30 111 'nit 1 ' / I ,+ow1 Ile. unl ?', a it.. L).nu1.e FOR 0 10 10 30 40 48 \?... •. 17 r 1 Sul. of Kilometer - i ` ! t' I + ! ti, / o??Kn. a1 ..,e..., ,13..M.1d.ro.,..., "11,o...,1M1 A R? U S?? Ihemnlt? , c?1' MONT A l * f IE ( • ' ?' Oii11o ?? o Unl NOIIY = t ' \O?•' n .eell.rill. mbt11 \\ L9 IH I - 3 /-e!I .JITjC?, w•^ ?'• lOCUtI II I i //ptHl ?a I k.dr1nl edGe11 R i rl J '' `/ Ch r?Otte+ M.dl.ne ! ' ' Oe.ba I l `ill- ' f 1G7St n12 1 1 *1• "O" ff tl +d;1' Albn LnLN .t:we aoe . e Na.ee"d •• 11 1 511 + I I 1 " ?? I c. /?< ti '- 11 . I I ) 1 1 MII11 111111 µ r` 1 - e7 •i,y \ ? -" n I ?e.ee1 ' ? I M , *T?'{f t` II 1 _. E KLE 9t1? t ?IUMA O + J? 1 571 iri •.. It ..,•KI RS• 1 1 .. SN?m CeAu Mdl? N .. Clerel y + 7 1 y a a,.r 5 ; -" tl /` w.enrdle I 1. 1 1. i /,n.el4 - Ire. n-\j%11 a ', n 1 11 Q \? 1? II 1 ? e .n31M '>? ? 1 oleo /.e. + I rl. 1 '1 i1M • ? 1131 ...,c1!'11 • V. .? ;: <•:?, ?-?! 'I i; IIIIIIIn0.N4b11r!' el?? •r...., ?h'Z:c!!i! \ x ? ,°1iI IJiiil('r' >- ?`? SITE VII END PROJECT SITE VI = I.01 1 .t':? ? / ? I 1 SITE V. I SITE IV ' SITE III SITE II .u, SITE I "'• / BEGIN PROJECT SCALE I o • _ ___ 11AK1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS VICINITY MAP MECKLENBURG PROJECT:•8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP Z PFD 4-4y SHEET OF 2 `3' SUMMARY RI::I'OR'I' SITE STATION PERMIT WETLANDS FILL. DILL IN TOTAL TOTAL X-ING TYPE DISTURBED BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION TYPE 0.11.W. WATL•It (AC.) (C.Y.). (C.Y.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 982+00 to 983+00 -L- Nationwide I & 26 1.62 0 0 17,530 4,320 None 25+63 to 30+60-SR A- 11 999+81 -L- Nationwide 0 0 0 0 0 3-9'x7' 26 RCBC 111 1000+5010 Nationwide 1001+50-L- 26 0.33 0 0 5,740 0 None 1V 1015+20 to Nationwide 1017+85-L- 26 0 0 0.67 2,770 230 None V 1020+15 to Nationwide 1021+15-L- 26 0.02 0 0 60 20 None VI 16+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 0 0 0 0 2-10'x6' RCBC VI1 17+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 24 0.02 165 0 72"RCP i I i 1.97 24 0.69 26,265 4,570 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGI-WAYS MECKLENBURG PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OU'T'ER LOOP Rev y•94 SHEET ZS' OF 2,-3- N 1 co 1 O rn t t QD7 z ? i li 1. i- t• 11 I o I O1 9.0 iO I I I I O I O I I I I 0 O O 0. to -cam 0 0 - o J O 60 O 00 0 Q U o 11` o . I-I r) ?-1 T (- 4: (n N r-1 I1, W (-I ?? N I a D! I): mot; 1 (? O 't J U) F-1 L7 rl !+a fl•x a'o E-+ w (-? ILI w H O O 7 r I, 4 W %,o (Y, e\( O z a .-I a O ? \?1 • x F. ?-? U co U W IQ v? QH U V) !L] O r, a U U• O .: a a Q U U ?1 y o O N w ?? s . H . H Q P o a ) 0> w Q H C/' 0 C') ? p q o U o ? PO C o O C[ rna ?jo Pfi t4-- VX IMPORTANT To Date Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT of Phone AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION Message Signed TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL 0?lv(/ Printed on Revd©d Paper N.C. Dept. of Environment, Healtha?^vnd Natural Resources •N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE_ x / `liJ/(J ?/?{/'j/_171?, TO: uAtlw L RtF. O. OR ROOM, BLDG. ROM: RtF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. r 1111 k I 1 iF, -4, ACTION ? OTE AND FILL ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? MOTS AND RETURN TO Mt ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEC MR ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION Q INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: MAR 2 4 1994 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANsPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR RO. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 Mal 2i ?D401' NDU:t 17 0: - C:,-ntl:ia P,_i Ply.--_n_ng `L ?nvir n;:,ent?.l nc-- R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY . U,3JECT. iroC1._ ?11I U1' f :1.111 - C , :.-r1-ttE ct!i_r L.. 1' r rom C --c d: i. ol- .1 4V00 d!D 1r,1 ., .1 411 d Ti-, di l mi tC! _-L _i! l:l-'- °:ilv WeL ui.C L':u_ L? 1CJ/'1:1 =Fiti(_i' s t?Cl t11 :! v 2-ZeLE1=11C?d .=?Cii5 ? 1ttE Otcl' 1 OC_.- on lor_uaApr - 1 1 '.7e _.._ 1D E 111 'J --',I P _o togramnlet? , Col. ?r nce Koch _t C_ntui _ rite. at 1 . G0 = .:n . is meeting ',dill give 1-11s 311 O?tuI - ty to co', 17 Sp_Jif1C .DrC)blems with, tl-:e Ch?.r lCtt?' OuL=1" LOOP ill great-'r C?.etai _ taan is all-.wed during tale months.- review meetina7--'. These include _ ?tiOli: tilt ?' Llth? li i13'i l : ` _ (1?1 1 Lcop currently _:nde1 cOli:tructy-%i1 as w?= 1 as r3-?ticns cf e W'-:'St-'-1:n' 3(: uthern' anE Ster i Cuter Loop witll permit appllcatiJli : recently submitted. "tie will a-2 di.Jcussinz-1 issues or concern tc the r'=c;ulatory agencies, sucl as project segmentation and applicability of :Nationwide 404 Permits. There will also be a reView cf progress on existing and proposed mitigation sites to be used for the Charlotte Outer Loop. Thank you for your continued assistance with this project. If anyone has any particular concerns that will need ^to? be addressed during this meeting, please contact me at (919) 73-3-3141. N 'JV W?77 1,- rte;' a 1 11 E" YY L ? X111 VCEi?I., E 2: 1 Gaia mz LE:.r Jani__ ills ;.= i a':r = [: t: a n a: as egg,&`? la ?j 311 C1' Dili:+ Al : L - c<. Hy i 3111 - t, - MTMOPAPJ1+ltM??'''?}??_IIJ`I' N<\MI:=;: Fp F1 11PR 31994 AIVE WFTI.A1,11) , ,TAIl-' Ai i4-° FaE(-I(?MMF,PdDATT *.k FAC-H TTFM MTf ?T RE J,,T,=,WF?PEI_! I'd/A 1"(311" N(!'T' ]iT'PI,Ti_'AYT,T?; l ? + *. PERMfT YR: 9(.r PTIRMTT NO: OOOOOWI COTIi,TTY: MF('K]J-:N!'JJP.(, APPTIP"APTI., NAME: N(' DO'T' N± ! r. :C!TITTIliRN ("IIAI?T,+ l"l'L?; (?U'T'h'T? PROSTT C" I' TYPE: RC!AD (?`?d: 'T T?UC'`? IC>N PF;RMJ'P `f Y?PF; : 11WP ;' F. COT? #: R(-'D F-P()M CPA: DOT FPM REt, C!I"V T (-"F : MRO R I ` KP PMD ;",T)P T),A;; IN # : CTb e3dg3 ,;Till 111,11;).;;; NP . // -'/V- 9 Ll N W k `I'YPP, : X H W1, T.MI?11r"1' ?: 6 wil ACT W],_ ) : WATER ]MPACTKI( l;Y FJ M.' :a,'N MFT1GATJ(-)N? :0qN MT`!1I13A`l'1-i:!IJ 'f'YPI?: ? 9r?E tJETc?yu?? •[TT(:AT1(!IJ I`l.E:aAlN doedx) PIP Y(_)[i {?!?+?!?l;`_'.l' M( f?l:: LrLE't)': Y!gJ TS WETI AND RAT-II`dG ':;IIE2S'I' A'I'TA?'k1KP?: 91( /N TZF(_'.OMMENDINT i DINT W-1 rcle On(-): I_)1,:1"1y C' c !MM FN' ',- : sTi t?, % /,_ ?J?TGI?it>? /1,F!9G, -- f 5 •°?if?/Q s G? t'?n.t ral Filer ? Hydrologically Isolated S 2_ s • Wetland type (select one) ? Other • ? Swamp forest "' - ? Shoreline • 151 Bottomland hardwood forest ? Brackish marsh • ? Carolina bay ? Freshwater marsh ' ? Pocosin ? Bog/Fen ' ? Pine savannah ? Ephemeral wetland • ? Wet flat • The rating system cannot be applied to salt marshes. • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • . 1 • • • • sum • • 0 1 • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • ! 0 1 • • • Water storage Bank/Shoreline stabilization -_ _ { x 4.00 - • Pollutant removal Z • Sensitive watershed x 1 50 - ' Travel corridor ___ 1 . 11 and score • Special ecological attributes • Wildlife habitat - 3 x 1.50 = Aquatic life value ___ _. • Recreation/Education z _ a Economic value 4-_ 0.25 - 75 ' Project name Nearest road- County A, ` ` ?, - __ Wetland area acres Wetland width- Name of evaluator f<« / ?;o?111 ?? Date q1-to)-;o • . . . E) Hydrologically Isolated Wetland type (select one) Other-_ LV-4"k' S ___________ • 0 Swamp forest Shoreline • C3 Bottom land hardwood forest ? Stream channel o O Carolina bay ? Salt marsh ? Pocosin U Brackish marsh • C! Pine savannah Freshwater marsh J Wet flat J Bog/Fen J Perched1 Vernal pool . o ¢? v u e u o • e • • • • e • • • • • • c • • • • • • a • o • e • . e o ? e • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • . Water storage 2 aum Bank/Shoreline stabilization 4.00 - Pollutant removal d Sensitive watershed 50 _ C Travel corridor Wetland score. Special ecological attributes Wildlife • li1c, habitat x 1.50 Aquatic life value Recreat ion/rduca,ion __-- ___ • I Got lonlic v. • m u u o c c e v o 0 0 • o o • • o • . • • • • • • • • • • • e o w • • o • o • • o • w w • • • • • • • • • • • e • Wetland area acres Wetlpd width- -- -- ?fe4e Nearest road- ?(?(,t/1( S? I1 q ? ? 5 kx* tofe 6?41' (ors P _ z i z3 ? 5 t. / " LJ Pocosin D Brackish marsh • Ci Pine savannah ?11 Freshwater marsh Wet flat J Bog/Fen o J Perched _i Vernal pool . a o 0 o a H o • o • • . • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • sum ° • o • • • s . • , e . • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • Water storage Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 - Pollutant ret-noval .. .. ............... ................ Sensitive watershed x I.50 = lV l • Travel corridor el andscoi . Special ecological attributes Wildlife habitat _ x 1.50 - ° Aquatic lice value _ Recreation/Education - e (-conornic value 0.25 - F I • Z 0 0 9 O C T 0 0 0 0 0 O • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e • • • O • • • 0 0 • 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • N e Wetland area acres Wetland width feet Nearest road Wetland area Nearest road . 9 w . ? Hydrologically Isolated Wetland type (select one) ? ? Swamp forest ? Shoreline • Bottomland hardwood forest i Stream channel ' ? Carolina bay LI Salt marsh ? Pocosin ?D Brackish marsh • °ine savannah ?D Freshwater marsh ' Wel flat U Bog/Fen • J Perched ? Vernal pool ; • O 0 0 0 0 U e • e • • • • • • • • • .'..01 • • • • • • O • • • 6 • • • e • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • F • • `"n Water storage B • ank/Shoreline stabilization - _ x 4 00 Pollutant removal . Sensitive watershed Travel corridor x 50 _ Wetla nd score. Special ecological attributes Wildlife habilat _ x 150 Aqualic life value _----! Recreation/1 duration .___ ? _ n r 1 c:onorni ; 0, 25 value --_l u; t9 0 0 L C V u o U o • o • • a e • • • • • • • • • • • • • e o . • . o • . • • s • . . • • • • • • • • • • • e Wetland width -7Z feet 6/0-,?4#e /-Der r WL aria 7 i one Z1 DC, SVi1 ?V?or O r-T26 is i << C s ?re-S) N vi . a•? 0 ZI Z ?, 42 2 2 o 0 IZ Z11? R ? o?_ZZ ? f Hof ???c (S 3.6-5 D ? 224- S' o ,21 - AW re lec{ 7'?S ??0 522 ?' l l -ZIZ34?A i3t- 14 3 0.33 ? 5 ?r 4v? T7 o , 69 ?? - L?070---, -,\Ll OL 2 nu4' a?Puz-l oos 3?- S-o ?. ©? 0.05- 3Ltt 1.63 37 e.w SvAT(v i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TkANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 TO L , _ ?- :13 . 2 9 1994 R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY .... L-'?. i_i ... . _ -1 : V _. 1 - .- : c )1 il il..,_. =y ?11 iC?__ I? d -i _i GOL=_.t! Ili... 1 _ 1 -. ii1 _ a.i _ .ll.L d. 1tt _ a L 1 -a cl 1-1 rte. :.nc. ?t e_-_.,l .,_ ?._ i 1.D_:aticn x:. _r _a?. c:i _i.i_ C D L =.: Si::1i 1'. ; :i L1TJ , id hi.if f =i iii•.3y hell_ `._ ?D: ese_'Je it SV:_ t "i3 :tta _.. re s.t ..? izr :Ji1:.C11 t^7 ! _ hel'd _ 11? 1 III r1ea, G_f0U e V1Si 11':- :.i I T";L1 . at t._= va - allt 1(.t _'orner -f Be"tt1.: :C1?_ IPoard and iI H0"L1y Hui.ter„v1_1 e= Road =`e --_t: Plltll :'?ait11i 7L' 'D=L"tpa!- ge) aZ: _i.U_ a..;I. _C' _Lnte1'ested in these si-_es. if Lill: date is inconvenient for you, I W11- I- I appy to visit boti1 s1L°s at your Convenience. T11a11k you for your conr-inued assistance with ti1iS prc> eCt, If ailyone has any quesCions, please contact P11e at ( 91`? ) ?J.J - Id 141 . CC: Steve Lund, DCA Mike Parker, DEH Janice Nichols, FWS Da',:Tid Cox, Wr C Dras-7eli, DEHNF, m 04 ?,r w c,?ea a o?^PO - q a- facet o , - --- --- - ------ - -----_ .. ,? DIRK L 4 w R; am Or 4 K° 4 F lop* Matl.owI wal Blvd qy Y1 cb • ¢ s 4 V /T; +` • LONG CREEK De+e'1 PuWego O? (,? n ( J ELEM. SCHOOL 115 sy.yJ t cu ?? p k 21 AES I kkk"' Pa < NOLLV 11 ?+r QW S' / y4 p??e R I Rp q .00 S ct Le 77 A pa`` 0 erb, ? i i ^ n a -1 ?oo Q el, c ? a$ 4 BLYD Pnmm ...." . Oeb' p w T /(" -\ ? APLON Cn o ,?EVIE`N \? ? P 6 ? i ? } RAR£ ce ab a yP qo I M^'" 5? 5?. G+ PD ? I prr ?4!Q_ i He.. H to y 4Z 4 J SoL(NftV ? 90 ? ? I ? HORNETS Rte' w ? tP NEST ELEM. Rd SCHOOL Sunael d? / ?Si _ q METROLI t, A. , M ;? ?L'.• 1 E * ^ 5 FAIRGRO NOS OUNDS a • 1 pr ?V15La i `\ BRACKENBROUGH t "- AY AIRPORT _ct 4 v 1 l i 8 t A. Q i $ 115 9g ? r ?• 8 s i a, t w 21 ? a 1'4?' ?'1?Tml v i ?s-.rf dy_ ? y ALE ? +li ? .?. HD O I Y p` -I ----- '-_ ? ? --------- - ' ? I_ x$269 RANSON / / '.` I 4 ¦ 1 JR HIGH L7-'? (?^ STATESVILL RO SCHOOL P cA ELEM. Sc I $ ? 9 \ Cu6 raM In a 21 C' 2 0 Q 0a4 _??9 t + H'a I ! I ?"? y b _ A y Ct 3 I _ J G 8 I a S *'-, a a c Po CNESTEN ? ? '_ ! l al s i A I ?<<??_ 16 ?i ?-o ---- -- 282,16 ? A SHEET NUMBER 3 MECKI,ENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 80°52'30" 35°22'30" WkB ?'? He6 O WkD MPB Me -e M CO .:ire' Ur '' ?i ? y?y0Iv1eBw?t Meg' m n x. CeB2 men r?.?t,-ems `? rA r A 7 , -i Wk8 $r a i EnB MeB MeB Y M , EnB EnB IrB fi 1 En8 n. MeD I I ' 5 MeB fit -MeB co M8es N., P?.i ?4r * s ?Og •L?, MeB EnD `EnB .,r CeD2 w CeB2F s 7 r +ii ?:vA" ?v. ' WkB W 7J ?e0 " sr1. MeB' AAe8 a F? I r ,i f EhB WkB 7 r M n? O h .arm kB W D '4k+ r r , En8 'w ? c w r »?` ,'? ?.1 ,? .? WkF PaE `r `c + J 1 1 E68vr EnD' O ' I EnD EnB ' ?tr i ng .- X: lol WkE M 3"w vEnB,? 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Bg o 4 'qC ?.9,Q ?? 0 S!Q2 A h I J ? '_?^ / ? X32 W 24.A4 C 7 ca '4C Oh ???/O AC. ,yeti 1 1 ES""f l a '?S qc ?, ??? ? h ro ^I I SAC 3 0 P 3.95 AC Mr ?? r I I . lG7.o7g 12 9. /67AC q o •2,14AC PG ' 7sa7A ,t, 9 u ? ?a as ti j"s 4C NM /S \b n n' . B / c'` V L99.?? v? e1?, ?• , R ss202 /alV A { yca 'M BK 37 TAX LINE MAP BOOK 33 PAGE 13 MEC/fLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA r^^ T ^„^^^^^^ REVISED 4 17 93 SCALE /"= 400' 41, e? GASTON COUNTY / 'J ?? - diver a• ( g \? - -= ?NORTFi _CAROLINA - ?_- UYORK gCAR_ DLINA GASTON _ C001A ' G \J \ \I \\S n _ ___ MECKLENBURG n bP.d m ?a VAldxle ,alnma °jEr I r ???'?( pp 7 b sU PWM \J ?' V ? ? qd Y ZI ` i ¢p ? OaTd ? ebp e 28278 Z Z ib ? \v ?9acA 4.SO°ye Ad : J V cd+av 4 5 Z OaAad ad q? H 8 Rd ?P .. y a«n.cunwln Nnbd Rd In ?. 8 5 Mad. no $ ?'\ , Qaa qp?3 S? F ? s Q j .v ?N s 49 Ism! 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'• atty. k. ` m? 71t Ilk // If L.. '' O + co I in c t to '`S o ' `r m 1? ? •k , O I,: / s { fa .? co , '$ m w 4 co Ir p U 1 1• r Hy m I" I m m. 3 m Z -C4 Y;. w ? /? o m G ? met v f ?. m a ?.. I' mom, u ^_ 0 e 9 ?tr O 1- A o a U S f l 6 ?' a. vl ? N U r' LLl r 0 m 8w m m o m p _ o LL d a p Noow* DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY fi WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO May 10 , 1994 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199301494 n Mr. John Dorne Y Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources WETLANDS GRO',X Post Office Box 29535 ?._WATERQ!ALI Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-9535 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the application of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Attn: Mr. H. Franklin Vick, for Department of the Army authorization and a,State Water Quality Certification to place fill material into approximately 19.4 acres of waters and wetlands in the headwaters of Coffey Creek, Sixmile Cr6e.k, Fourmile Creek and North Fork Crooked Creek to construct 9.5 additional miles of the Charlotte Outer Loop Highway (I-485) between York Road and Interstate Highway 77 and between Providence Road and Idlewild Road south of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. we are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification may be required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by July 10 1994, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Steven Lund, Asheville Regulatory Field office, telephone (704) 271-4857. Sincerely, Ghyne jWrht Regulatory Branch Enclosure 401 4 -2- Copy Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 APPLICATION nGCEIVED FOR ;APR 2 1 1994 PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL ??yu? WATER ` uT1w"TION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT aV+rtn?ant of AdmMslstratton Stara of North Carolina (GS 14612) D*partmont of Natural Resourc#s &w community Dew DePartmw+t of tiro Army (GS 113-229,143-21 5.3(a)(1), 143-215.3(c). 113A-11t t'°ment Cores of Englneers, wy,, k to (33 CFR 209.320.329) Pk&e hype of Print and fill in all blanks. if information a not &WIcable, 50 Indkate by Placing NSA In bl ank. N.C. Dept. of Transportation 1. Applicant Information A. Name B. J. 0' uinn P.E. B. Address P•0. Box 25201 Last First Middle Raleigh, NC 27611 Street, P. O. Box or Route City or Town 919-733-3141 State 11. Location of Proposed Project: Zip Code Phone , A. County_ Mf%r klenb mrv B. 1- City, tclwn, community or landmark Charlotte 2. Is Proposed work within city limits? Yes _$_ No C Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named bod Sugar Creek, McAlpine Creek Y Of water to project Ill. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project B. Pur 2. New work New Hiehwav Pose of excavation or, fill 1. Access channel length - 2. Boat basin =`width----depth length---- width -----depth 3. Fill area length 4. Otherea See Drawinos -width depth length width C. 1. Bulkhead length -'-----depth Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (toUl for project) 1. Cubic yards Ste Drawings E. Fill material to be placed below MI1W ( 2. Tye of material sec also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards See Drawings 2. Type of material IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, ewamps or other wetland? Yes C Disposal Area No x 1• Location N A 2. DO You claim title to disposal area! D: Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? Active erosion control devi-r-P, and maintained throu h-#- ro ect. ed F. 7 vPe of cgiyipmcnt to be used Merhanir-al ?y G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No , . ,I. In r,ded thw of hofect Area (Deaerlbe) A 1. Private 2, cornn?er ul 3' Housing Development or industrial 4. Other Public Hi hwa (South Charlotte 0 0 ®. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Ekvatlon of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Sol' type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures S. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing B. Describe Planned 6• Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED CONSERVATION TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL A pMa OTHER n to Fin and Water Quality: (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan synopsis, A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes B. 1. Will any runoff or disch % No arge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Norma! Sto 3. Location of discharge VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of E work in project area, if applicable: N/A ngineers or State permits for IX. Lend of 'w required to complete project: X. in addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided; A• Attach a copy of the deed ( ' wi th State application only) or other instrument under which applic claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant: is not claiming to be the owner of said proper trat then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus wri ten permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8Z X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant' Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. s See Drawings XI. Certification requirement: 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed ac' ' with the State of North Carolinass approved coastal management program and will beconducted inias runner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this a li• cation and plaL Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel. opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. TE 1-7 c , k R 8f k&y Go"* i j 31 TE/4 SITE 3 wue N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT= S.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET I OF 13 OCT. 1991 0 5 10 70 30 SCAI(d MOLTS 0 10 70 10 ?0 /f SCAT I. Of RK06K I(RS 0 eL?;? 1°ir6j eGf NCDOT Project I. D. R211-EB Description: Charlotte Outer Loop Interchange from East of CSX Railway to East of SR 3177 County: Mecklenburg Subject: 404 Permit Status SITE PROJECT STRUCTURE FILL IN STATION SIZE, WETLANDS 1 -L- 870+50 - 0.22 Ac.. -L- 876+75 42" PIPE 0.15 Ac. All wetland sites on this project are above headwaters. Exclusion from individual permit application is claimed under the Nationwide 26 general permit for fill placement of less than one acre in wetlands. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 2 OF 13 OCT. 1991 T Q CL a qf r M? it ; r a cc ' r a / r u C4 N M g 4 3 O a W a w O N CL L) a a a: arc 1 0= a IL _ i / / I ? LLI I OQ I W ?? o I W ? 910 ,`=I NE STA. 917+ M M ~ 3 ?Q c? O N N O cc R a a cr O J a O W Ca a U at U I W ? a a O O a a stn - a - :W \ a ? \ cr. O cr. 0- %O 915 O z = \?\ a W\ W -J W W a In G i C, w z O C1. O Q >- t- _ ai w O - rn cn H Cr Q Z N I N=O U CC' O Q CD p w F" w0 = O ? M I LL O z z O c>, O = 0 O t- w.1 CO U ? ]C a. w M _ W O U M U -5 O O W W Z a a u) o O ' I... 3 / o ? U i U. I UI ?? cl: W t>` a z O F- a U O 1'nW E °- W? z w w Q N U cn 0 I o a N z w W Q W 3 3 -? a z z m3 J J U ti W = N } Q z z Oz zo c o 0o /000 DOI z a o _ o QO 00+526 -b'1S o a } -' 3N1? HOlb'W m Cf) C%j H I 1 \ N v I a n c =0 cr O U a N Q o I Q W O o V N = O m I wa N Q m M WI ~? O M J F- ! LL O O ?D I I w a0- l 02w ai v W O 0.9 ?Cl) -i 3 Q o a c? w j V F- w ITI w I a p-W U co o © w c p -5 a- w a w O W a tp a = 0\ c I O o . ' cn w N I Wz, N a m _ GO Q 0 a I c? ?? aN UN I U = I a F- N a: CC UI 3 W ' I?O Q; O _ °' ti M o °C J a in o" > w a w a ova EM\\I, ° W cn a z a cr Z o cao I " a a o K' a ct M w a 1 w I Q (t J a I a 9201 a w I 01 o a I Q z 0 a cr a: l o 0 to i U. w l H M I cwn Q - co w m U 3 a I LL. a cn s a w o - z I N ~ Q __ Q I w O O J J a U.I z ~ F- C: U. a w 2511 z w3 0 1 a co = I 4-4 ° I = J J a c? I a ?1 cn U_ i a a I o cn w w wl I a 1 xr r w Z o p z I a. ow w cr co mA TCH L1 NE STA. 917+00 -L- . Y ? y YZ \O\ I of ? ao 3 W U z Q 0 w d. O J co J W z w i N ?J\ \ d ? . \ 93( z O Q U M W z t._ Z Q ? .J U w w EE J LL 0 W a a CL w a O ?al NW S - ? YN r L O ? 3 _ 0 ° Q CL o0 W in cr. a N z LO CL m a - z L` O W m w O' w to Zip f- U cn w -? Ca i S N a a a U. U O U S J • a a Lu? U N w I O o J I ? I a. a o U. MATCH LINE STA. 925+00 CD. 0 O w J Q U z O a O a >- in w - 0) co O Q 2 N cr- - (n 0 ? U z w 0? O 0 0 ?I w O z z O O = O W m U w>cj LO ?I W O U to U O O W 2 CL a Cn 0 z U. a ? asa w w ? a 09 > w0 m00 z Ld = 0 CO W J c? z U) °- J = W U = IL N U F- w W Q cf) 1 O O O? ` cw w w c n ° Qi a p 00 co D' "t P7 IW X N" p f 4 .. dJ b °'o0 r U ' \ I F.' p CO ?W N W \ Z O I Q <0 a J ?- M U N o g z a. OD 0 cli m o m Fa- cn H w ? rn OQZ N F- a:-?: = cn = o cr p C) Q1U O p ? W O U- (7 p M u. M to I w a X a Q c? O z z = ti w z=? o w ao U o 3 O=w N W A X ~ Ld til U 0 C5 W O V p W7 a - W I Z a. a cn I Q Q V U ? I (? M 3 F W 0 v in 1- oa J I t0 m O w 3 w a) N m CD J? J - M Q o Ncr C9 Z Q = w o Car Q ?J o Z a J ? cw I 2 Wwo O a. A O z = OD J a U) J J J J O ' N U U. LL, F- I N . z I O F- U_ J I - -- a w w M W 4- cUi, Q H U- Z -i N _ O J C 'p U 1 N a Q c wM O? W O N U w 1 W ?N N O co O p fl- ti LL I J I= z ll I v 3 F , to w cr I - I W N 0 I Q a Z o < a I M ap I I I 1 I LL. I I O I 1 w= r M? I a % w a: a a O1° IL Z O _ a O 0 co W c)) CL3 0 N F - =o O Z 0 Q = U ? 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N 1 w (n Z O Z 0 a w o9 ? a cl: U_ a W ? / J Z ' 0 w O I a- ww U \ o 2 J J w 1 3 a J cn J Z O Q N ?. O > O N O I O O O L i c0 a N O 0 - O 0 0 z 0 0 O o }- w ? 0) - 0_ O Q Z = N w V CL Cn = O O O U Z U _ (.) O W a L O F- O M) x O m (p co 0 O z z < = LL O Gd O W DO U 2 0 0 W W O F- 0 O- O O W 1 Z a a v=i L) 1 000 ti } w 0 Q = Z LLJ w 11 X c °W 0 W 03 co J O z i cn O I } Q U - Q - I ?I L+j ? c2 w O x z 1 a a. Z 0 W p O O - .? N U U W _ ~ / L W IZ 1 o" > W W Q O cf) O N I•-? J J Q O O- z 0 O a• N_ FE O O C\j 00 O co O = ti ti ti (o PROPERTY OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS PROJECT NO. 8.U670110 (R211-EB ) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP MECKLENBURG COUNTY PARCEL NO. OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS 1 L E L Vending Corp. P. 0. Box 25800 Charlotte, NC 28212 2 Warren B. Morgan, Jr. RFD 2, BOX 125 Marshville, NC 28103 3 Ward H. Cagle 2000 Marglyn Dr. Matthews, NC 28105 4 Thelma Doegler P.O. Box 130 Charitable Trust Red City, CA 94064 5 Gilmer C. Thomas, Jr. 6 V. L. Stilwell 7 Harold C. Stilwell 2532 Mt. Harmony Church Rd. Matthews, N. C. 28105 1176 Penfield Dr. Deltona, FLA. 32763 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U670110 (R- 211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 13 OF 13 OCT. 1991 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 146.12) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, Wilmington 0istric (GS 113-229, 143.215.3(x)(1), 143.215.3(c), 113A-119 (33 CFR 209.320-3291 Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information A. Namc North Carolina Department of Transportation; ATTN: Mr. B. J. O'Quinn Last First Middle B. Address P 0 Box 25201 Street, P. O. Box or Route Raleigh NC 27611 (919) 733-3141 City or Town State Zip Code Phone II. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Mecklenburg B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Charlotte 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X C. Creep, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project WATER OUALITY CERTIFICATION North Fork Crooked Creek tributary 111. Description of Project 2. New work Proposed Charlotte Outer Loop A. 1. Maintenance of existing prnject B. Purpose of excavation or till 1. Access channel Icngth width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area See draWingS length width depth 4. Other Cut Area-See Drawings length width depth C. I. Bulkhead length N/A Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) N/A . 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A D. Excavated material $tsl7ai?tas#?r?) 1. Cubic yards 4,570 2. Type of material Earth E. Fill matcrials:CZ4!P=U I4MVA=Pft(scc also V1. A) 1. Cubic yards 96,265 2. Type of material Roadway fill IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Dues the area tt, be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No .. X B. Dues the disposal irea include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal Area 1. L=atlon N/A 2. Do you claim title to disposal area?__NLA U. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in Borrow pit E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? By standard NCDOT Erosion Control _ Mpasures I . I voc 1)1 equipment to be used Roadway construction eouipment G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain 03 F•91 ?.v tr)/'A V. Intended Use of Project Areal (Describe) A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public Transportation s B. 1. Lot size(s) _ N/A j 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water N/A I 3. Soil type and texture N/a ; 4. Type of building facilities or structures -Roadway and drainage structures 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing N/A Planned N/A 8. Describe N/A 6. 'Land Classification'(circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Ooes the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes No X B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Rainfall runoff 3. Location of discharge into natural drainage channels V11. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A Vill. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N/A IX. Length of time required to complete project: - N/A X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or'other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%: X 1 1" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by regtstereo or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served 0. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. Xl. Certification requirement: 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity • -)mplies with the State of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consist--it with such program. X11. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli- cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearinL 4 7E -4:7 ?) &F-a2 +•. tope SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS 1 Sole of NU148 16 0 S 10 20 30 r"'t"?? I 10 70 10 40 Aa Scale of Kilornaten Orr rKk epuk appo.Ynallty 13 frA" and appro.+n8rer,11 khm"IHl. ?? Be$emer in ° u? MlSunl Hollr- n s* I C'1 ?' 1 .? ' ou I.1 ? : 1 Gistonia t • rl el t+ " \ 511 I •wder r 14 KLE K 11 `• 1 511 64 t. ?'fetban G.ar ? ? M«.. t t S I ?.t9 1l. S , ? udre ?in•eura•. t It lb I RU + ;.I ...gel Moon /le•unl R, U S/ AThem •orlevill• Abut • ` n d•+ S A 1-T Locult 11 ed Cross har;ltte+ !. lend t ' ' • 0•?bo VLi?' y 11111,M lows lU S ?I Ilnrenv O N I ladrn U-Mm• FOR. I MONTH Ior Nr wad•pU ( r ?, ? S1 ? 1 31 r , rlrwr Neniodd aw ae ?? tW r• It- r Ced r Mrll? t _ ? `, ? Anlonrdq ?.\ ?'.?, \0 l N/w.vi ? full. { ?1?lan l.ob •. may..::!`' IM. IUL ..., .. SITE VII r:' yf N\ SITE VI 1.01 1 $1 PROJECT SITE V • f SITE IV rl SITE III ?.?•,.? :, 141.. V!u. y` Ia. SITE II / SITE I ILM r v: % i." Llao BEGIN PROJECT Ra1Q•3AA i 1' S e Rzi,11l?a) SCALE i 1 0 1 AYR! i : N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION VICINITY MAP I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG PROJECT:'8.1671601 (R-2123 AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET I OF -0 q 3 i o z ? z e i i s ? fl' A N i ? a r , fn I \r Ir •?G u d r ? 4Ir I ' i 1 I I r r ?l i \ c :rte LL. r N n y QP cc cc a+ ? ? i N i L i 3 i? sF N %O A W H A (? a O W J Q v O O CIO N F- ? Q Q W W C3 z w 0 O ? L Q Yl Q d J c W ON 3 J • 4 Q e b a o ? o a H 14 Q (I1 r i (Y, E >( c? W o? a a ?- O H U' r1. W w H O t fy4 CQ r 1 O O z r a rtl 0 xH x 0 H • H U co u W E-+ tq W :? W w x >E? t n A H U to Q W O 04 U O O a z w 3.1 W Q J a {? U b I Q J w 3 'l I W Q \ Q \ C \ W U) O Q I OC I I I l 1 1 1 z ? 'I Cf? OOF l.? m lq- co- G) a o ° O H m a E-1 N Q to r-1 1% E+ ? N W %4 1 E+ o? x 5 I N O? " ° I wl H U' ri Lq x to H o Eiwmr? O 44 -W LD Oz4r-1 O • H U co U W w x > E, W u i Q H U U) A W O U O O a z a J 2-O ?J elf i r w N_ G) O U H o pa O) 0 O ?? x F- 0 N 1 00 ? o. o+ tD ti Z 1 i 11 I I? I o ?O I I I I I I I O I O I kD I I I O O -cam 0 O -0 . H J O ao z -, a ° O O E-? N Q cn r+ a E-+ J+ N w a9 1 H O 3 b PI x H ° (D Z w X ? kD H O H f14 c4 rl O 44 k D Oza C-+ O • x h • H U 00 U W Hc?W W P4H •• Q x W > E-4 w U1 Q H U Q U h7 P/ O. O a a P4 Al U U w y o ti M ? z A z ' 3 ° 0> a A c)a HRH H ? E-? o r ? o ? ? U U I ' 0 O t? r- 0 - 0 CL 0 a- O J r W 3 i. 14 4-1 0 0 1. N P N 7oo QD H o N i [n r-1 E-4 >4 C14 w ?4 E-4 I M P4 x o zH0 w ? ' v ? ko H O i - EA0zr- a ----- o z a 4 to Ox x H 1 • H U cU U W I wH•• Q z W > H W V] O H U vl I O W O O U 0 a M z a a t 4 i r j I r .' i I ? W e oo C) a 1 I x F- l i O OI O O ti r- QD ?D O -Q H r) a H >4 N W O a a `. I P4 0 ?HC?H W ? x ? H o H W CA r-1 O I WOWS a OzF4 • OH U 00 U W W> h w Cl H U U1 h °a U O O a a z a a U U O L-n ? pU 1 Q o a ?r, .A .m W 0 O N ? U r. a 0 + 4 ? O N (? O N o 0 x O ? m co r- 1 I Z 1 i I r i 1 1 SUN viARY REPORT SITE STATION PERMIT WETLANDS FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL X-ING TYPE DISTURBED BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION ' TYPE O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 982+00 to 983+00 -L- Nationwide I & 26 1.62 0 0 17,530 4,320 None 25+63 to 30+60-SR A- U 999+81 -L- Nationwide 0 0 0 0 0 3-9'x7' 26 RCBC III 1000+50 to Nationwide 1001+50-L- 26 0.33 0 0 5,740 0 None IV 1015+20 to Nationwide 1017+85-L- 26 0 0 0.67 2,770 230 None V 1020+15 to Nationwide 1021+15-L- 26 0.02 0 0 60 20 None VI 16+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 0 0 0 0 2-10'x6' RCBC VII 17+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 24 0.02 165 0 72"RCP f 1.97 24 0.69 26,265 4,570 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 7 OF S PROPERTY OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS PROJECT NO.8.1671601 WETLAND PERMIT MECKLENBURG COUNTY OWNERS' NAME FRANKLIN M. REINFROW ADDRESS P.O. BOX 67 MATTHEWS, NC 28105 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET -8 -OF -8 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TtANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 Dl c r1Ct : 11C_.'1 I;C ,- U Arm-" C J r p s _ E 11 '-_( .v. acftO1-AT"'E^iTIC':i . f.-,Lila or y b ii. al .ar Sir: NA T MAY 6 1994 R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY S'-'E J'-7 T ::eC::l°::;7Llr g ccunty - C tar i Dtte ?il`Er Lcc" fr?_ P1 P r C V i C:. I7 c. Road, (^I __. ii-') t C I d-= T,,i ._ R ca d a it d f i :- ?.._ -t=) ?._ e-:- .-t ilig Zcut'_le:.i, C' al-, )'•_ tee 1'.I.P. N(:):_. R-_?1IL r & EB, ??1?_:1 =.111 F2 4 ?a_e ?r •je_t Noy . 3.1t 7010 ° J67C 1)?, 710_ and o.U'37._.G0 4 DG:. .._tion Ins . 1'-' 0 140' 4 3 . and 1.; 94014'-)4 P. ef`r°nc° ?s made _ D lr ?pa:i1 21 , 199= ap_ JL' iC"tion for fill X11 va?t1 di1 dS aSsc c i a t e d with tine ?ropcser ?ro3ec t The - roperty owmer list fo'_ R-02.11EA (from Tille-. P.r_,ad to .'1 1 :onrC7? 1-l ad) c,ias _:llitted -f r^'.il 7iag Atraclied hei.ein is a list Df property cw;lers whose land herders the l::lpa?t site: ;tih1Ch one acre. Please append t'ils info-matioll to the appli'zation package further prOC=s :inn Thank you for y;DL'.r assistance. If -Du have any que-st1ons, please contact Cyndl Bell at (919) 733-31-41. Sinc rely, _- O 1 E.J. P.E. Assistant Manager Planning & Environmental Branch No C C. MI i G. D M I Ste' DL.y i.l 3L P.E. , 'T-WA. .fir ::1 _ H _._1: la:: P . c:r I ?'?: r.in _.'iE•?I 111, _ E Or?Y;; x`I ^•.?.?"?C?i: ..? ?i _ _ _.ii. _.` ?.. ? 1'_..- , ? t l -tiiu__:'? ?. iii-• _i?.... _i.i, ?_- 0 r-•R„ ' CWNEP NAi'.E AND ADDRESS °PCJiJCT NO. S . 1670102 (p-0-1 _E?` ) PPGPC' ED CH?yP.ECTTE CUTER LCOr 'vfE?'_':L7.1BUPI- COTTNT't JE?FiP.Ti:EN'i :DF CFA!-,! I-VT-?1(J 1'l vF : ll.:f7'.,i,',., ? ten--- nay a i., __? 17 T ?L11LC _'UG 776- i7 D . C! al-l?? Le he c/o Eye Clinic 24? ? The 1 za C1Zazlott N.C. ',:3207 I 3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 D tr i "t : 11Q_1 i e? 1: U M1' J1pS L E11ct_. .. O J gt.:1? rv'-- _.: '??c:?o1121.•j =iC ? _ jTTr:r.]: F'e-y'.llator y E1 D_ar si_ . ? MAY 6 1994 R. SAMUEL HUNT Ill SECRETARY '--E'z-T: ';eCi:le:_ullr'J CC?Linty - CiaarlJtle 'DllrEr Lcci: fr,_'' l P'-o:'iCleIl'` Road 1L) tC ICS! ?4d:L i R,_ad and fl-. I t11.g -'cut1=i21 T'.l.P. NC.. R - C2 11 ,x Ec, R21and 'tote Pro;e_t Nos. 31.1E7010 C;67(1-, -1p, .1 :71,0 and 3.U37v2C4 D 0 A .T 4L .:t on ID S- . 1 2140141 lc"=940,468_ and 1:;Q4014,_ 4 Reference is made _ D Cllr .?pr ll 21 , 19,-)-L ap -, lcatlon for fill in w_tlan s assc:Ciated witll the :3r':)pcsed rO-ec Tile property owing list for R-0211EA ( from Tilley HorriS Road to -lid '.anrce Road) 1^ias emitted fro:--ii t::. p •??;ag?. tt ac., ed hei7eir_ is a list -f property owners whose land borders the ll:lpact si tea ;which e:iC?e_d one acre. Please append t ilS information to the appli?:atiali package for further processing. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141. Sinc rely, , B. J. ' P. E. Assistant Manager Planning & Environmental Branch 3 J ?ttachme CC. idy ::= v.i ?i'._zz;1Gi'' :0 gi:ac?1 _ ttev_ _'. T= '='a171i1 t ca, d%.,7a1' N 10PER'TY OWNER NAI'AE 'T, -.,D YODDREES ?u LLT :VO V V V 1D-J l r. ) rR'0: `O-ED CHARLOTTE CUTER LC-): "IE .:;JE`1EuP,„? COUNTY ARTciET:i -F ?'RATvScOF _:yi'IC.. D I V I T : 01,7 0 :?IGii`.4A- .-,_ ? _ 11 _1 1 _ 1 f ?r C..i,.. _ ' _. L a._? ?LllLC _ 1)?, 7U- X77 hdr1e-` L. ?1i 'J1'c C j 0 Pld? EVE Cl' i, 1'. ..:4?? Thy 1-.?d C'na loth'- pi r' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY April 21, 1994 ? District Engineer 1'11'"n2E' U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLANDS GR?'Ur' P.O. Box 1890 WATER UALITY Sr.';' ';' Wilmington, North Carolina, 28402-1890 F ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Mecklenburg County - Charlotte Outer Loop from Providence Road (NC 16) to Idlewild Road and from NC 49 to existing Southern Charlotte Outer Loop; T.I.P. Nos. R-0211EA & EB, P,2123AA, and R2248AA; State Project Nos. 8.1670102, 8.U670110, 8.1671601; and 8.U672204; DOA Action IDs. 199401414, 199401483, and 199401494 The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to construct sections of a new controlled-access, 4-lane divided highway from Providence Road (NC 16) to Idlewild Road and from NC 49 to the existing terminus of the Southern Charlotte Outer Loop. This will include approximately nine miles of the Charlotte Outer Loop. Three separate applications were stbmitted for these projects on January 23 and February 2, 1994. At that time, application was made for Nationwide 26 Permit approval for the four construction projects, as all impact sites are located above headwaters and require less than ten acres of fill in wetlands. On March 7, 1994, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asserted discretionary authority, and informed us that we should apply for individual permit authorizations for these projects. On March 20 and 31, 1994, a field review of the proposed work was conducted with personnel from the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, N.C. Division of Environmental lfanagement, and N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. During the course of this visit, wetland delineations were reviewed, the regulatcry agencies were given an opportunity to observe the type and quality of all wetland impact sites, and their locations with respect to the proposed highway and surrounding landscape. During a follow- up meeting on April 11, project design engineers addressed specific questions regarding avoidance and minimization of wetland impacts at various locations along the project corridor. At that time, it was decided that it would be more practical to collectively address the impacts and mitigation issues associated with these four NCDOT projects. The attached pe-rmit application package includes drawings of all impact sites which exceed one acre and a list of all wetland fill locations. Drawings were submitted with the previous applications for these sites, but now include revisions in the wetland delineations at several of the sites. Five delineations had been overestimated, and three of the larger impact sites were found to be less than one acre under the 1987 Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. For your records, drawings of these sites are also included to reflect the changes. The total fill involved with these projects includes 13.87 acres of wetlands. Furthermore, the original application included silt basins at five locations between Providence Road and -11d Monroe Roar: (T.I.P. No. R-02 11EA). These gilt basins have been eliminated and thus removed from the illustrations. Surveys for Schweinitz's sunflower (HelianthuF schweintzii), a federally listed endangered plant species, were conducted by NCDOT staff biologists for the sections of the corridor from NC 49 to the existing Charlotte Outer Loop and from Providence Road through US 74. Reports on these surveys are included with this package. As the reports indicate, no populations of Schweinitz's sunflower will be impacted along these sections. A survey will be conducted for this species on the remaining section, from east of US 74 to Idlewild Road, in May 1994. The report on this survey will be forwarded to you as soon as it is available. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also requested surve'y' information for four plant species that are Federal candidates for listing, including Georgia aster (Aster aeorgianus:), Heller's trefoil (Lotu, helleri), Nestronia (Nestronia umbellula), and tall larkspur (Delphinium exaltatum). NC'DOT 11,s not conducted surveys for these candid-ate species. Should an 7 of these specie:, become Federally list-=d, NCDOT is aware of its responsibilities un6.er S-ction 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended; to con(fuct f--'anal surve-ys prior to constr<<ction. In orc_er tc mi tic;at, ti:" unavolC.able wetland iillipaczs associated 'riith this project, NCDOT propos=es t-) debit :`:ese projects from the Fort?'r Road Swamp mafic depr?-:z:si_:li illitigation site. We are negotiating the- size al:d configl.lration of this mit-L ion site with th- Crossland Group. This site is also to be used to mitigate impacts associated with the Charlotte Outer Loop from Rea Road to Providence Road (see application for R-0211DC, March 3, 1994). In addition, there are two small ponds adjacent to the proposed alignment near US 74 which could be converted into bottomland hardwoods if we can acquire the properties. Since NCDOT does not have authority to condemn properties for mitigation purposes, acquisition of these two ponds will be contingent upon the property owners' willingness to sell these sites. This is being investigated. Application is hereby made for a Department of the Army permit as required for such activities. By copy of this letter, we are also requesting 401 Water Quality Certification by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Mali ageri-i en t. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell at ;919) "33-3141. Sincerely, ni7:, PP .EE . Assistant Manager, Plannina & Environmental Eranch BJO/clb attachments cc: Mr. B.G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer Mr. John Dorney, DELI, DEHNR Mr. Steve Lund, DOA Mr. N.L. Graf, F.E., FHWA Mr. Archie Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Victor Earbollr, P.E., Design Services Mr. Tom Shearin, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Program Development Branch Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Planning & Environmental APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT DePartn?ent of AdmWwatton Stale of North Carolina (GS 14612) Department *(Natural Resouron and Cornmunlt Develop apartment of the Army ment CFIf WM+nM??tc (GS 113.229, 143-215.3(x)(1), 143.215.3(c), I I3A-11t (33 CFR 209.3 (33 209,3200.3 .329) Pkale type or print and All in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so Indicate by placing N/A in blank. N.C. Dept. of Transportation L Applicant Information A. Name B. J. Or uinn P.E. B. Address P.O. Box' 25201 Last First Middle Raleigh, NC 27611 Street, P. O. Box or Route 919-733-3141 City or Town State Zip Code Phone It. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Merklenbllro B. 1. City, Wwn, community or landmark Charlotte 2- Is proposed work within city limits? Yes x No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to Sugar Creek, McAlpine Creek project Ill. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work New Hiehwav 13. Purpose of excavation or,fill 1. Access channel length .___width 2. Boat basin ----depth length width depth 3. Fill area length width 4. Other See Drawinjrs depth length width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards See Drawings 2 T E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards See Drawings 2. Type of material IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area lu be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes A_ No B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, %wamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location N/A 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in E. Haw will excavated material be entrrpped and erosion controlled? Active erosion contro d yir p and maintained throughout project. F. I ype of equipment to be used _ Mechanical Excavating EgUi-nm nt G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No 4- Intrrsded UN of Project Area (ne c,ibe) A. 1. Private 2. Cornrnerdal 3. using Development or Industrial 4. OtherPublic Highwa (South Charlor_rP n„? _ , ®. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures - S. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe 6• Land aa-Wflcation (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY CONSERVATION OTHER RURAL VI. PertaJning to Fill and water Quality: (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis, A. Does the Proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes B. 1. will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of projeci activity or planned use of the No area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Normal Storm 3. Location of discharge VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A Vill. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State worts in project area, if applicable: X/A permits for IX. Leny:th of ; required to complete project: X. In addition to the completed a PPligatiort form, the following iterrts must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the decd (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant: is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%i X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served reg stered or D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. See Drawings XI. Certification requirement: 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolinats approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit iswed pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli• cation and plat Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel. opment activities, including construction, excavation, filline. and 12n.1,r1--*-- DATE 4 a y- 1000N - AdOJ A ?a SU1p o e .? JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 November 4, 1991 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY MEMORANDUM TO: ATTENTION: FROM: Richard Davis, P.E., Unit Head Project Planning Unit Charles Cox, Planning Engineer WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR M. Randall Turner, Environmental Supervisor Environmental Unit SUBJECT: FHWA Protected Species Consultation for R- 211EB, Charlotte Outer Loop, Mecklenburg County, F.A. No. F-117-1(2), State Project No. 8.U670110 The proposed section of the Charlotte Outer Loop, from the CSX rail line east of Matthews through US 74 interchange, is approximately 1.5 miles long. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists only one federally protected species for Mecklenburg County. This species, Schweinitz' sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), is listed as Endangered (E), a taxon which is eminently threatened with extinction throughout all or -most of its range. Schweinitz' sunflower Federally Endangered Schweinitz' sunflower is a member of the family asteraceae and is a rhizomatous, perennial herb that bears yellow flowers from late summer to early fall. The genus Helianthus is represented by at least 24 species in North Carolina (according to Radford, Ahles and Bell: 1968), many of which are difficult to tell apart. H. schweinitzii is differentiated from two similar, sympatric species (H. laeviaatus and H. microcephalus) by it's tuberous root system and narrow, revolute leaves with undersides that are densely, soft pubescent and resin-dotted. This plant is endemic to a small portion of the Carolina piedmont and is currently known from only ten locations in --No-rth- Carol-ina. -- The historical--habit-at--of this- species was -the piedmont prairie, open prairie lands maintained by An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer 1000N Ad00 natural fires and the grazing of large herbivores such as .....bison..and elk. ,As this. habitat. has disappeared, the sunflower has been outcompeted by other species and its numbers reduced. A sun-loving plant, this species is most likely to occur on rocky, dry soils in clearings and edges of forests. Highway and powerline right of way often provide suitable habitat for this species. Several zones of suitable habitat for this species were identified in the project study area. These areas include: 1) Fringes of upland hardwood forest west of Ridge Road 2) Fringes of hardwood forest along north and south sides of-Marglyn._Drive . 3) Fringes of hardwood forest along east and west sides of Stilwell Drive 4) New alignment west of Ridge Road 5) New alignment for interchange ramps searches in all suitable habitat zones were conducted on foot by Janet Shipley, NCDOT biologist. Plant-by-plant surveys were made in each area. No specimens of Schweinitz' sunflower were discovered. This project, as planned, will have no affect on this species. c: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D. M. Randall Turner, Environmental Supervisor Mark Pistrang, Biologist Janet Shipley, Biologist v „a 5UiF W >? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY. JR., P.E. - September 11, 1992 STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Harry M. Thompson, P.E., Ro-adway Design Engineer _ Roadway -Design -Unite Hal Bain, Environmental Biologist Environmental Unit Consultation for Protected Species for proposed Construcion of West Charlotte outer loop from I-77 to NC 49, Mecklenburg County; TIP-# R-2248AA; State-Project # 8.1672201; Federal Aid Pro j-ect # Y-117-1(5). - ATTENTION:- Deborah M. Barbo-ar,-Project Engineer- - --- As of August 28, 1992, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists two federally protected species for Mecklenburg County; Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmicrona decorata) and i i \ 9chweinltz ? S terLi + l cY\.l ?.re r ( He14. - ull 1-1 t h„ ui s s C \,,3Y In 1 t 6?i 1 r. ? e i 1L 1 Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmiaona decorata) (PE) The Carolina heelsplitter was known historically from several locations within the Catawba River -and the-Pee D-ee River systems. Presently this mussel is known only from two populations in North Carolina. These populations-are located in Waxhaw Creek and Goose Creek in Union County. The shell of the Carolina heelsplitter is ovate, trapezoidal, unsculptured and greenish, yellowish or brownish in color with greenish or blackish rays. The nacre is usually pearly-white to bluish-white graing to orange near the umbo and in older specimens the entire nacre may be - ---- -mottled orange .- ---the umbo is -flat en6 d and the beaks are depressed and project a little above the hinge line. The shell averages 78 mm in length, 43 mm in height and 27 mm in width. The thin lateral teeth may or may not be well developed. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer The Carolina heelsplitter has been found in creeks, streams and rivers. Individuals are most often found in shaded areas, either in a ponded portion of a small stream, or in runs along steep banks with a moderate current. Water less than three feet deep and substrates that are composed of soft mud, sand, muddy-sand and sandy-gravel are preferred. Habitat for Carolina heelsplitter exists in Sugar Creek and Coffee Creek and in one unnamed tributary of Coffee Creek which are located in the east and northeast portions-of the subject project. The status survey of the Carolina - ---heelsplitte-r--and -the-Carolina -elkt--oe -(Alasmidonta robust-a-)- conducted by Keferl and Shelley shows a lack of mussel diversity in the project study area. John Alderman (NCWRC), widely recognized as an authority on fresh-water mussels, admonishes that even though Keferl and Shelley report an - _.-___ absence _o-f _mussel._ fa.ulna, project-streams should still be -surveyed. If an indiginous mussel-community-is-apparent, further--work may by-justified (personal-communication, August- 1992). Surveys for Carolina heelsplitter were conducted by NCDOT biologists Hal Bain and Tim Savidge on August 20, 1992. These surveys included wading Sugar Creek, Coffee Creek and ----------an--unnamed-tributary- of-Coffee-Cr-eek and looking --f-or -Fi-_.dence of mussels (either alive or shells of dead specimens). The .-introduced Asian clam (Corbicula_-f-luminea) was the only mussel species found. Based on these considerations it has - - been determined--that the subject project will not impact the Carolina heelsplitter. _ Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) (S) This rhizomatous perennial herb grows 1 to 2 meters tali from a cluster of carrot-like tuberous roots. The stems are usually solitary, branching only at or above mid-stem, with the branches ?-held in Candelabrum-style arches. The narrowly lanceolate opposite leaves are scabrous above, resin-dotted and loosely soft-white=hairy beneath and entire (or occasionally wi th--a-few -small teeth) -The .leaves are approximately 18 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Yellow flowers approximately 5.5 cm in diameter can be witnessed from September-to October. Stems are often deep red in color and the fruit of this species is a smooth, dark gray-brown achene about 5 mm long. This plant is endemic to the piedmont of the-Carolinas occurring in clearings and edges of upland woods-on moist to- dryish clays, clay-loams, or sandy clay-loams that often have -- ---- --- -a high gravel-content -and are moderately podzolized. The proposed project area includes pastureland and.mixed pine/hardwood forest communities. A field visit was conducted on August 19, 1992. Plant-by-plant searches were performed in less well maintained areas; including fencerows, forest edges and blowdown areas in forested habitats to determine if any sunflower species were present. Sunflower species were located in the subject project area, however, Helianthus schweinitzii was not found in the subject project area. It can be concluded that the project, as currently designed, will not impact Helianthus schweinitzii. cc: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Environmental Unit Head M. Randall Turner, Environmental Supervisor Janet L. Shipley, Environmental Biologist 1000N -- Ad00 e „a STATE JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR November 6, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: ATTENTION: FROM: SUBJECT: Richard Davis, P.E., Unit Head Project Planning Unit Charles Cox, Planning Engineer Janet L. Shipley, Environmental Biologist Environmental Unit FHWA Protected Species Consultation for R- 211 EA, Charlotte Outer Loop, Mecklenberg County, State Project No. 8.U670110 The proposed section of the Charlotte Outer Loop, from east of interchange with NC 16 through east of CSX Railway is 4.40 miles. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists only one federally protected species for Mecklenberg County. This species, Schweinitz' sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), is listed as Endangered (E). Schweinitz's sunflower is endemic to the piedmont of the Carolinas, where it is currently known from ten populations in North Carolina. Growing to a height of one to two meters, it is a rhizomatous, perennial herb, growing from a cluster of carrot-like, tuberous roots. Narrowly lanceolate, opposite leaves are scabrous above, resin-dotted and white- hairy beneath. Yellow flowers are borne on arching stems from September until frost. The species occurs in clearings and edges of upland woods on moist to dryish clays, clay- loams or sandy clay-loams often with a high gravel content. The entire alignment was walked and plant-by-plant surveys were conducted within suitable habitat zones. Fringes of hardwood forest, mixed pine-hardwood forest, pasture land and agricultural fields were searched. Surveys were also conducted in utility corridors and sections of An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 1000N - Ad00 roadway intercepted by the new alignment. No specimens of Schweinitz' sunflower were discovered. This project, as planned, will have no affect on this species. CC: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D M. Randall Turner, Environmental Supervisor Mark Pistrang, Biologist )?L N hJ Kannapolis M"' N Eill?> PRoJEG-r BEGl?1 PRpJ?CT F-Q D PzwF-CT SCAUL O l0 20 CMIL6S) Fk& rJ Pp-ca1Ec-r N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANS=ORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWA`z R-ZZ46 AA MECKLENBURG COUN`! R-0211 L1: PROJECT 8.UG70110 R-021I EA CHARLOTTE OUTER LC,7P -0211 1Y 6 R-2123 AA SHEET 1 OF 43 Mme' 1991 Rev y-9y Q Q c(l 41- m W Q r? q O N ?? d v L1 2N 2? Z o W A rl .QN W ,nom rJ - - n U z 0 U U m Z J x U W CL Q z U Q Q W 111 ?o? ? N F4 O FA O O cJ Q (Y QL CC PL VC- F Ql 0 ? F O o Q V) z a z f < Q ~ = o U cr W O L o (- O M L CD Z w F- 'r Z w o :E E Y -i W O cr ? _ w w Q cVl O U o a H W U Z ? w _J ,f, I N w Q O U (n lJ _J N R-0211 DC „ SCALE, 1 = .50 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY i PROJECT 8.1670102 (R-(Q11 DC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 3 OF 43 MAY 1991 REV ti-94 END PROJECT REGI I PORTION y(c)? v LU LLI Ct? x? U S S I-ce N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.1670102 (R-0211 DC) REVISED 4-94 CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 4 OF 43 MAY 19 91 SUNI MARY RE 01MR-0211D SITE STATION X-ING PERMIT FILL IN FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL TYPE TYPE WETLANDS BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION 0. H. W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (AC.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 1 X83+00 -L- 54" N1??P 28 .26 2,500 2 610+00 -L- 36" M P 14 .15 .56 23,000 TOTALS .41 .56 25,500 c i N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY (PROJECT 8.1670102 (R-0211 DC CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 5 OF 43 MAY 19 91 REV H-94 Nf Kannapolis N END R-211EA BEGIN R-21 I EA cAl D I o 7p C1,IILES) N.C, DEP; RTMENT OF TR A NS=ORTATION :VISION OF HIG. `NA: 1•,=CKLENOURG C--UN-'( P,RC_ -CT S.UG70;10 R-211 EA C=-RLOTI-E OU T E LODP SHEET 6 OF 43 M!Y 1991 Rev 4-94 :o-,;. F- cn I LLJ / LC) i Li W T;e- i F- ..? N. - -..( C''es ` F-- Y W L/) w W F- I1 \ ?^ ?w 10 / w l a ?? t r f 1 \ .1 1 ,e N d 1 .1 .1 .1 e U 1 a , U ? b r ? z J W ? Q ?_ o I F-- cn je Z LL LA- (10 i i W U ~ L 1 wd i ' N ~ ?= a ; ` .1 ... _,.J 1qr) 1 ' S W r I m ? L -- N - w --- y,.:. v) 1 i + F- U Z W C9 O wCE m CL, I 1 I I r 0 wv Ula) o w? F= w m - _ (L N O Q Q Z Z 3 M W- O U O F IL LL LL O O O m c~n w O Z :D F- Cd LLJ Y O F- 2 w w U O U Z [? v? w J 0 w a O W _J LC) 0 ?9 ICJ AK 908E PROP. 4' E BASE DITCH- PROP, TOE OF FILL p5 HW OF 41 ? G p E i? PRO? E? a/ ,L; F Np5 EpG? OF ? PROP. 'V' DITCH F P ? PROP. TOE OF FILL PROP. 3' BASE DITCH PROP. 'V' DITC_H_ 'F 04E) rn E 05 0.15AC. 75 C.Y. 54,600 C.Y. / TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE I ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE I 100 0 100 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AK DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8,UG70110 (R-211EA) REVrsED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP 4-qy F\/ SHEET 8 OF 43 MAY 1991 Il- CO Q) O NJ- L0 c? (D Q0 \ 923E F PROP. TOE OF FILL 2G1 PROP, R/W PROP. 2' BASE DITCH _I --- -F- HW 0 e- -L- :DGE OF WETLANDS EDGE OF WETLAN ~ PROP. E.P. rnur, ivy c - OF FILL PROP. 'V' DITC? ?Y I F- w w V) w0 w0 V) ± to w lD Z I PROP. 2' PROP. 'V' DITCH BASE DITC F -1 F C E - _ PROP, R /W C ?EE? F ? PROP, TOE OF FILL ?, 922E CLASS I- F-IF 1'AP r- r C TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 1.62 AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= 174 C.Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 46,700 C.Y. I FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 2 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS ® DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 0 100 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.UG70110 (R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP REvisCD µ-q4 FV SHEET 9 OF 43 MAY 1991 4- - i ) to U ul N O I o w o < 659 I i I ul l ? r f- N Q 0 u I I z 3 j U- o t I t 1' I ° i w I I I ?- o w 1 1 ul I 1 O W (r 0 0 1 W LLJ j, I F- O z) LD W ~ m 1 I I I N I z W Z o LZ I- 0 I l I I I I N Y u f- W 1 - - u 1 1 I I I m d a V= 0 I 0 (L ? II 1 \ I L I Ln I L I N . Z F-4 W ? I I 1 I v? N I cj 1 ? ? I I U N I I I / I I I wj I 655 ?I 3 v ? I 1 a I O ro a N I I O I I ci w I I I w U .\ I I II I N \ I \ J = \i . w Go LL- L'-1 ' > I I = Li: a O 0 W 0 a: O a I IL LL I W U a_ 11 I I I u MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 OF II STA. 651+00 F- U L- 0 I 0 I F.. I ? I o? I ? I I J 1 O 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ? u N N Il cr- O0 N Lli F- U) a N Z Q J W 3 o W f F- ? m3 = w U = a U w w Q Z z zo w wX 0 00 l Y,Y 01 O O OI O N CV /? 1` 954 E 4 ' 9 53 E ? ,?7s z 1.?RIP PAP% PROP. R/W F_ - PROP. TOE OF FILL EDGE OF WETLANDS PROP. E.P. -L- PROP. E.P. PROP. TOE OF FILL -a F EDGE OF WETLANDS =p_Xr DITCH PROP. R/W PROP. 'V' DITCH 954E FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 3 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 0 100 TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 0.75 AC. 67 C.Y. 39,800 C.Y. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.UG70110 (R-211EA) REvI zED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP 4-q4 FV SHEET 11 OF 43 MAY 1991 CO O TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 0.83 AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= 156 C. Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 28,700 C.Y. FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 4 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW tk ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 0 100 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.UG70110 (R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP REV y_qy SHEET 12 OF 43 MAY 1991 1.0 rE I W = UI U (V n! w O CL M I j I , 0- I 3 0 a (V . LL X a. CL o Z d V C 1 xx (n 0 QZ J F- LU W O W (9 O W I / I I i I I I I i I I I I I? i I I I ?I I I? 0 a. O Cif CL - ? ? U z < 0 0 a G m 0 co uQ or- a) F - Q: o ?„ r w a. - 0 r N (\j 10 V z Q F N O v II Lli G = 0 a W C) < W = LL 0 LL O QO0 O F- z Z Z D ?w- m 0 W ao H o?J ZwJ F a O v W M w Q w QmLL w V O F- W J Q o a. m .., 3 ?_O U . Q Q ? W vn 773 772 U) 3 ? ? g 0 w 7 71 a, w J a D a 770 z o o O Z - J LO w 3 o Q w 769 F U5 ji ' z m= W E E2 Q O a w w? U' J a CL z z0 768 0 °O .41 0 0 z 6 7 W Z oC O Q ? W d 10 a_ Z Z I Q O V O W 0 LL j r w O m w F- a Q d' w o W cc) 0 Q) L) w W a0 Q w U ct ° 0- Ld ? M Z w U) - [? O W y N O w , CL I I N o I ? JO_ ~ ~ I dVi w w U) Z ?? j - o Q uwi I o N w o 1 O o ??- - ° z ? J - Q Z ° a< I ?` a LLJ J I ? Z oQ J a to z m u CID J J CD J - LL1 J = a E W u W W? a I I I I I w O OZ > O O O Q =? W w m O I` ll) (L O 00 N I` lD (D O C\j CL 0 0 0 m co W t„Q Lo Lo Lo D w a 0 Z \ a m O w \ a 0 J -U >- O ? z Q 3 r N z O J Z t- 00 N L1J D : Q I LO Es ' C9 0 _ LL 0 ? O r J Q cr- Z J O W t- 0 m w O m W a ? U I M z z z M t- LLl a ~ \ ? > Y ? O 0 a IL w w a Z kn w O u .-+ LLI U) L5 CL W a- n ' Z O ? m ? I N N I 0 (\j I m -I- ° a t? w J Q U LO - J a O Z Z o O I w o x I T - Q) Q O CK W w jD U a: z L _ o O X CL CL M 0 r- Q ? CL z a J W Q I w oQ w J z mJ V LO J J J: J N Ld W - = W J V l W ul In < w Q?LO 0 / LO T J z O z 00 > - Q I I co I I O=W I Q ~ D Q1 co 0 r- 0 LO LLI I E m (D LO (O a z IT S O OT O^ M V^7 t+ ^/ z Lo Lo I I I a m ? G m w CL y O a°- >- Ir- N C) a Lo Z Q ? J I `a o) O w I ~ w o 0 0 w w _ Z a t- M z z Zo t- w co r- N t- J Y U U w W --1 0 o L; \ co Z z D Q 0-1 4? C9 1 D F- LLJ Q Z O 1 U O J O -HI O r \ O O cn \ ?] O I co o 10 < t J W H ;?: w w O w w \ JQ J Z m= Q Q CM Q li w G O Q I i 1 Ln U) W H Q w wQ it I Z z zz? 0 I O_ o oO J c J I O 1-- CL u- - tD V i U d' C)1 N ? tD (` P PROP. 5' BASE DITCH EXIST, R /W --,,o, F PROP. TOE t OF FILL EDGE OF WETLANDS PROP. E.P. CO N PROP, 'V' DITCH - -- F EDGE OF WETLANDS PROP. E.P. PROP. TOE ?" ?? OF FILL ---- - HEAD DITCH PROP. 'V' DITCH PROP. 'V' DITCH -?ST. R/W TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 0.2q AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= 131 C. Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 31,600 C. Y. FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 6 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 0 100 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.UG70110 (R-211EA) Rr?VI6FD CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP A-q4 FV SHEET 17 OF 43 MAY 1991 SITE STATION X-ING PERMIT TYPE TYPE 1 2 A B 4 D E 5 F G G H J K L M N 6:3-626 54"-42" Nationwide 6=8-657 48" PDN rcquircd 687 42" Nationwidc 701 42" Nationwidc 710+50 36" Nationwide 721-730 48" - 54" PDN rcquircd 745 42" Nationwide 761-763 15" Nationwide 770-774 6X6 RCBC Individual 72" 782 NONE Nationwide 788 42" Nationwide 795-798 72" - 42" Nationwide 816 24" Nationwide 818+50 2@7X6 BC Nationvidc 821 2@7X6 BC Nationwide 827 15" Nationwide 11+50 24" Nationwide Ramp C 14+50 NONE Nationwide Ramp C -0211EA DILL IN FILL Fill, IN TOTAL TOTAL WETLANDS BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (AC.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 0.15 Q5 75 174 0.11 0 07 54,600 46,700 0.49 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.35^/ acv 1.58 223 0.07 L 1 0.54 0.01 0.81 - 2.00 f"278 0.08 0.13 0.09 0.12 0.01 0.29 131 0.09 0.10 0.01 0.16 0.09 0.25 0.12 0.31 - 0.09 0.01 1,200 650 6,800 68,500 Sc -Le 4,500 7,900 59,500 rw .C 3,200 1,900 31,600 2,000 10,000 13,000 10,000 2,700 0.15 0.01 3,000 TOTALS 9.22 881 80 312,150 15,600 N.C. DEPARTMEN- OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLEN3URG COUNTY PROJECT B.L':570110 (R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 18 OF 43 MAY 1991 Rsu 1994 0 0 pz, k x? u ?at GYY. 5x SITE I BEGIN i? PROJECT R U Std/ L L rTOt $ mwu+ _ wy ra ?17 END ,M, ? - -k PROJECT r? 1 ;u,» =III'- -- SIT i4 j{ _ , ? SITE 3 XALI _T I IM! N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT= 8.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 19 OF 43 OCT. 1991 Rev 4 -qy o to to sell a Mgts SUHL Of IIKOW Tt*S wni 0 10 )0 IO 40 41 NCDOT Project I. D. R211-EB Description: Charlotte Outer Loop Interchange from East of CSX Railway to East of SR 3177 County: Mecklenburg Subject: 404 Permit Status SITE PROJECT STRUCTURE FILL IN STATION SIZE WETLANDS 1 -L- 870+50 - 0.22 Ac. 2 -L- 876+75 42" PIPE 0.15,Ac. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U670110 ( R - 211 EB ) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 20 OF 43 OCT. 1991 Rev ti-9`I z °- O ° MATCH LINE STA. 917+00 -L- a } w cn F" 6 m co a \ Q Z N H- 7 a. D a Z (D U W oc OU U y c = O ft) a: cc cr. U- (D 0 cr I,- -J =) CC I o _ ty \ W ° ?D v 0. (7 cv O z Z _ C' N a0 O W co V w W 6 oc U a cn ..J O 6 0 a a ?? 10 W> U U -, W o N O p 915 Lit W 0 N o U Ocr Oa: w a 2 a a 04' O .?J cr- O cfn) a 3 00 6z x \?? 0 w g w\ O0 3 o z O J c w F- Fw- CL 3 w 0 F- (L D w O m U °- M W O° Ix N a. OJ 1 0 cL a I LL. W Z a? a ll X r ~ Z W a cn C, a ODi 0O Q cn / O I `I 3 / ~ U / O /// I 0. i V O la cr UI??? O w w I M I p: O. z i o f ? O a J o Q a. a w o W J ILL. 3 3 -? Q o a Z z m3 w I w - J --i x o l tL O J w_ 910 C) LL. v> >- O O O Z w w w z w cr O 0 0 o z CL O O a9 00+526 ' d1S O Iw 3NI- HC1dW w J I ` N QZ N 0 H I O r l ?3 i w ?a Lu I N=o o 8D? a. v) V) z LLJ o u o °D mil <= U O r I wa. U- O OJ n, I J 1- I U- O O `r ~ O 2 m CL z a: ct) ?- d I w O B I ?- to v o 44 3 C4 O a w.3 v w N o 4 U. o w , I a V O o a W h- w _ O W aG a Q. J cn w W I o m - QO1 a a I s? aN Ui? U I i I a w 1 a -? I ?- l 3 M :U o o N? a w W o i r a J n: to o_ ti. w I \° w Q oa a mM o W> N a X:\ a- O ~ F- Z o m I oo U a ( - Q O rh ? M n- ? ? _J _u w I a CL O• w a la 9201 a a w I 01 o a z 1 z U I ?- z O Q Ir a o O LLi I !- U W M I c a °D I 3 a a U 0 m t% o N a Q 1 W O I N O Q r I -? a z F- w a a: LL t o 2511 3 -1 3 o I w I ? m= a. I o l J CD G C6- U J J x i U) w a 1 1 0 (n >- a w Q wt I a I I a I a. w w °a I ° °Q MATCH LINE STA. 917+ 0 0 - L- X \\,N XN _ o z y? d \ \od c 111 \ \J N \O ?d d \y 1 P? 1 U z_ a 0 W a O J CO J W z I D I I N \J? ?. 0 ?a 93( z O Q U M W o I > Z ?-- z tl? Q C (n i w w J U- 0 w i? n: a uj a O am. l d ? O 0 n: a- J OU cr 1: 0 a w c w il- .0 m ? N n: a m CO z K) W a d 3 KIK W U ')L,j O cn Z w O J . 0 Cr N 0 O w J a U V) Z 0 a- O Q >- F- cn H- _ a W 0 T Q 2 N ? ? o I cr- O ? , a w F- W U O p ~ O LL O O z Z ( D =3 C _ v O W U U) -j a LLJ L) o E W W u) o N m U -51 O a. O W 2 a a. W 0 z a IY J W ? Q F- W Oa 0 (r W 10 z 3 3 Q W m Z W M x CL Z O (n 1n J J L=i "'I N x lJ-L J Z I U _j U) U) cr N U ~ Ld FW--a 1 I 0 O Oz j W z Z0 a 0 00 I ? 1 dl ;? i w } a I Q (n LL U O U a L o I I N w am l I a 00 L ,O J I MATCH LI NE STA. 925+oo CD. oJd' \a0 m 6 U \ o m W cn w Z m J FO- Ih U cn ? ' o O a) m ! j _j a) F--(D P cn QZ L N , T ?w 3M to =O ' cr. O a Q= Z UU `-' w cn < _ O I z O ? ¢ M u. m (DD a O / J F- ? W U O 0) 4. - Ne p Q W w N / U O O a a z ?w O p w / 1 o ?? W H w J 10 3 w ° w W :j X a X ?-- LL _ cn r p w Z O Oz zQ w g p q. O Q U a W li / 1 = LL. Z m 0 ? w CX I w Q. _ U \ p Z a w w a v 1 3 a J u i I Z O Q U N F- / O > O N tOD I O 0t N O O O O r ti ti ? z a CD p ° - \ N O F- F- W J 6 rn Cl) Q Z N f- 7 3=) ' ° cr. cl) : z U U W W Q= ° ? U Q ~Wm ° 9 cn Z w? WOO Q ?Qto ° z Z O = H o= W H cr) V w0 W (D CL _ 3 O=w N W>U U C N a) p W W J U O O w \ cr- z a I I Q Q U U x ro 3: W a 111 O3 N F' O N v? ap x W I F? J = O z w a o z w c, z a = H I U? d?O 00 I z W ; o 30 J ? w 3 if z Z co J a in ~ J J ~ U U. U- F- ' N I z Fz I ° Q W I U .J M W ?- v J I F- N " w ?,.. z W I z J / Q. N ~ cr. O ( O Q 0 > N X- 0 O = RI O O N V - W 0 w Q? a O N p 0 O O ti ? O N O ti ti Z O O a H w O J 7 X O C Cl) } Z j N 0 ~ % cn=O O c ? W °G Q CD C-) w o 1 ?= o 0 ~oc ° 0 IL LL O Z m cD O G I O W O U w a: cn _j .5 X 10 I W O U 0 C*ql U 1 O- O V O oc O ct W 3 z a a 1 S2_ z> ? W J 1 Ow O Q }1 U (n w Q Z W Q I J Z I Q Q Z o O - Q U _ M o w > LL) (n O ? w J J Q U ? 8- J N IQ- 2 O O It O O O M - M ti O N 0 O _ I 0 Z d v N p a) ti c0 O _ a ?- m j rn? I-cn? w _r Q 2 N w 1 3 O 0 Uac ac to = 0 [r O O z om U W 0- E O F cV f' lL U' O 0 ri 1 !i p = (D O 2 Z _ 2) ui J °° ° I ? cn CL a 1 Q > U ~ ?c?j cv W U I V O O W o L) I z a a 1 0 0 1 1 w XZ =0 r--? U Q (n U Q o \ w I p cry W ?- W O I ' Q I _ ? Z m J p w m 3 ? (D Z W j z O J I O W O N N I ? V a W O - U) ?" M O , I? w / F- W V J ? a U O J a J Z O O N 0- O fr cr O N O _ ti 0 In N N i J W p Q cr 0 0 W N O a- 0 CL U) N ti ti (` M Q1 (D M m M M m WIT M M M am U) ti LO In O ti C) Z 1 11 1 I w C7 I p w p I U Z co Q I U J Ir H 3 I? co I w c I w O ? w cr / p QU I Z Z > a cr J I w Ow i 3 I W ? I ? I LO a) (D z a_ O O .-r O a >' w J °'o- ? cr r I-- N LLI s (f) 2 O 0? O o z O U G = O LL. C? 0 O J O U rl- (D ri - O Z Z D 2 H O J U 4.4 O CL p Y w t` ? W 1 oh N W O -? a. H CU O cr O c fit z a. a_ U r r Q U U ? W 3 w M ? ? 3 O O w m M pp x L f J U J S Z N LA- r Q Z = w a Q O Z O w 3 -? o o W 3 o J ? - J W U- _ Z - m J J J < I J J O U- 7 > Z / O t`- w U J LLl _ lL C J J F Q O J C) 0 Z ? J W 0 0 2 Ll.. fr N F- Q cr- cr M W > U O 0- - U') 0 W a_ O O L-i ? ON O 0 000 Z CL O F- Q }- ^ w J Q) o) o- 0 O_ F- U) CE >- p Q F- j cv W T F- v = O O w o? U Z U U CO Ir = ir ^ cr F - j _m 0 O p D _ x Z Z _ (d _ W 00 U N N F- (n a - J Y U LLI ° ? W C) W p U / O -' a w 1 M N U w a 1 o z a. a L) (D 1 00 - C+j - - = (D ti r 1 w o a cr w If W o W 03 I m J (D Z I cn cr O I a _ 1, ? ?- a W O cr- Z Q a. Z o w v \ O C\j N I \ 0 0 I N U Q I W i? z U) o w > W w Q O O F- J J Q O ~ 0_ qT 0 O O O 0 O O O C\j tD PROPERTY OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS PROJECT NO. 8.U670110 (R211-EB ) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP MECKLENBURG COUNTY OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L & L Vending Corp. P.O. Box 25800 Charlotte, NC 28212 Warren B. Morgan, Jr. RFD 2, BOX 125 Marshville, NC 28103 Ward H. Cagle 2000 Marglyn Dr. Matthews, NC 28105 Thelma Doegler P. 0. Box 130 Charitable Trust Red City, CA 94064 Gilmer C. Thomas, Jr. V. L. Stilwell 2532 Mt. Harmony Church Rd. Matthews, N.C. 28105 Harold C. Stilwell 1176 Penfield Dr. Deltona, FLA. 32763 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT- 8.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 31 OF 43 - OCT. 1991 Rtv -r-9y START OF PROJECT ;i l; 1• Ir; p T + Hgnf,wn si n essemer . city 0 Intl !J' .r I.N^ Ia N.II.N ?rl L.1 01 y o ?r 121 ?l c 1 V n i\ r s `.. .aWll ..+„1 uwl ? Min k 11 , Hil C n1 frwe.? '?w..IV. 1? l0l N. C 1, i r_w s 1:ta o• VICINITY MAP /' ? "'.?ggpv??g9 I \ \ \ r LOCATION MAP J ENO OF PROJECT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN Icon o N OUTER LOOP ® T SHEET 32 OF 43 MAY 1993 PEEL REV 4-9y N C 33 u QQ ? ? a a a a a a a 0 o N w u N y p u 2 V o 0 0 0 0 0 . o o 0 u , u r o 3 u '?j Q a a a a l a /) w A , ° ? o 0 0 0 0 0 ?-l 0 0 U V a Q C) cN ° N N z 00 Li. W N N P4 Q W a a u a u a a a V a a n v v ) )i o 0 K t- ,kn F N W a o + + vi f F + N ? + v rn oooo ul N M `7 h O NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PE RMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET 33 OF 43 MAY 1993 Rcv y-4y METHOD II CLEARING AND GRUBBING WILL BE UTILIZED (CLEARING ONLY TO CONSTRUCTION LIMITS) 00 GENERAL TIRE Co. ONE GENERAL STREET 4 12 AKRON, OH 44329 t EFl?51UN tllhl'L WiFILfEF F^FidC ES" 1] - C F --- 2 -1 \ Isc ?-?- ie D - ? o C-F F G II TC 571-75 175' SLOPE STAKE-$ /--4 60 8 _ GENERAL TIRE CO. ONE GENERAL STREET AKRON, OH 44329 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS X;ol O loo HORIZONTAL SCALE SITE 6 !L?a Q O 00 >OD l7 75 al O + 60 6 REV O t O F`I H F_ cs 0 CA + o? 2-GI _ I v ? M = vQ N 23• 19 .. 1- 0 I n j J O NEL :s FROP GUW1DRAIL IN I•I C 'Lo-- LI C I 0+0 .00 LA 23 ?_ FI R ? CIS '----• fApIIIC CS 2 4 11 FUNS ? Y :'',vy( arcs. G 175• O yip °I t b(? 28•L• RE ¢ \' FCR BESZhN p? CONTR(.t WIFILCE}?? ES1 1,7. TONS/ /1 N Q v \ J 00 ? Q ? ? O O 8? w , o N? N3 ?? I w ? N- ? I I ? I v I ? I 1 13- vzI ?qz ql O J v J J 0 0 ? o 0 UI UI o H Ot l(1 ? N Z O 8- s 0 o- SITE 6 0 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET 35 OF 43 _ MAY 1993 REV L4-q-1 ? r W 1 1--1 i I r V O ' Q: ct 0. V a 8 ' L ? i `r zr • Sb a G•' a QQN o nK1 i C4 Y?? O L \ \ .' ?':1C ?• l,l %D , N (7 4/ , n V 5 V \ I• Q / " d a yQ? J H N ? ?1 - / K Q z O O a H H N > a; U) r-i (2 GL E + >+ N tl PG Q i E? O 3 Ix ia4 ?SCC 0 ,^I^ Vl U H C7 .-? . W ? x?° H N w W r-i O O ? r- ,_) W tt, W kn R; O OzaH a O H U co U a H ., o F? W > E (Q Q H U U) D W O U O O tx a. z a a kn 3 W Q J a U N ?D Q V) Q Q O w J Q U O v1 u? O w co V° ?oQ Lu w L 3 W 0 C) Q w p rn 3 ? I r I - N 1 0 ? O l - 0 ` O O !; (1: mil; I O ;' n U) U n; o n; •D H M ? O I W O :z ?-=) H o :? +uoo [ ? U) (i) ? ?--1 0 n w r) U O a Q. O OC [-1 J F+ E-? O R. a x u (4 o n4 O a n) W O m H w C/? Q U U i W a o> w Q C 0 ` ? p i Q 0 'Z w E- I o L Orl tO I rY? I ~ t-+ J O o I - I I C4 I ? O ? O O ? U ch r` I I ? 00 I I , o I O Ir ;tJ C (3C v W U) O IL Cr CL J C/I O J r w 3 A. 14 e 0 0 I. 0 I P i (?DI 0 I ' M 1 I I ?0 1 r I Lli I I N 00 CL I 00 N z 1 i j - N G? n z O0- 0 0 7 H N w U) .-1 R F >+ N W O? P R4 S. 0 U) C7 M aaz,,HC?? w ? C?x?D kD H pt.M" O O z r .-7 O Oz?? O '4 H U co U F? (n [0 W J H o Q H U (n C) W O t-) CL4 U o 0 z a a W U o ? w Q? 0 x SUMMARY REI'ORT SITE STATION PERMIT WETLANDS FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL X-ING TYPE DISTURBED BELOW SURFACE I-ILL EXCAVATION TYPE O.I t. W. WATER (AC.) (C. (C. Y.) (C. Y.) (C. Y.) 982+00 to 983+00 -L- Nationwide I & 26 1.62 0 0 17,530 4,320 None 25+63 to 30+60-SR A- li 999+81 -L- Nationwide 0 26 III 1000+50 to Nationwide 1001+50-L- 26 0.33 1V 1015+20 to Nationwide 1017+85-L- 26 0 V 1020+15 to Nationwide 10214-15-L- 26 0.02 V1 16+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 VII 17+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 1.97 0 0 0 0 0 5,740 0 0.67 2,770 0 0 60 0 3-9'x7' RCBC 0 None 230 None 20 None 0 0 0 0 2-10'x6' RCBC 24 0.02 165 0 72"RCP 24 0.69 26,265 4,570 N.C. DEPT'. OF `T'RANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP Rev 4.94 SHEET 42 OF 43 ?jU09G? STAVE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT III GovEmm P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH. N.C 27611-5201 SECRETARY January 26, 1994 District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1290 Wilmington, North Carolina, 23402 ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch i 3 T i 9 T; SUBJECT: Mecklenburg County - Southern Charlotte .1cuter Loop from Providence Road (NC 16) to Old Monroe Road; T.I.P. No. R-0211EA; state Project I-To. 8.16;0102 The North Carolina Department of Transportatior_ pro oseS to construct a new controlled-access, 4-lane divided highwav from Providence Road (NC 16) to old Monroe Road in Charlotte. These improvements will include appre :imateily five Miles of the Southern Charlotte Outer Loan. 1 The attached drawings illustrate six locations a,: which ill in wetlands Greater tha:, one acre will be required. Add_ 1 s_tes _l-ivo1%ylig fill in surface waters or fill 1-?sS thali one a'-cre of `.,etianj(-. are not illustrated h2reili. All of the wetland `ill locations occur Above Headwaters. It 1S d1lt4CipateC that all f these proposed crossings may .te permitted under Naticl:wide Permit =26 for projects Above Headwate- rs, 33 C_R• 330.5( 3; ). ppiication is hereby made for a Department (--f the Army permit as required for such activities. Ey copy of this letter, -o;e are also requesting 401 Water Quality Certification by the North Carolina Division of Environm-anta'i Management. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any. questions, please contact Ms. Cyndi Bell in Raleigh at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, B.. n, P. E. Assistant Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch cc: Mr. B.G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. N.L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. Archie Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Victor Barbour, P.E., Design Services Mr, Tom Thearin, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Kellp Barger, P.E., Program Development Branch Mr. Don 114orton, P.E., Highway Design NOTIFICATION FORM INFORMATION SKEET Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification A. NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT ENGINEER. (REFER TO ITEM B. BELOW FOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION RE- QUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICALLY NOTE NWP 26 DIFFERENCE.) Certain nationwide permits require notification to the Corps of Engineers before work can proceed. They are as follows: NWP 5 (only for discharges of 10 to 25 cubic yards) NWP 7 NWP 13 (only for stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet in length or greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot) NWP 14 (only for fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites) NWP 17 NWP 18 (required when discharge exceeds 10 cubic yards or the discharge is in a special aquatic site and must include a delineation of the affected special aquatic site, including wetlands) NWP 21 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 26 (only for greater than 1 acre total impacts and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 33 (must include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources) NWP 37 `;. NWP 38 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) For activities that may be authorized by the above listed nationwide permits that require notification, the applicant shall not begin work r - a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the District Engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or c. Unless 30 days (calendar) have passed from the time a complete notification is received by the District Engineer and no notice has been received from the District Engineer, and required state approvals have been obtained. Required state approvals include: 1) a Section 401 water quality certification if authorization is requested for a discharge of dredged or fill material, and 2) an approired coastal zone management consistency determination if the activity will affect the coastal area Use of NWP 12 also requires notification to the District Engineer, but work may not begin until written concurrence is received from the District Engineer. The time periods described above do not apply. Furthermore, requirements to notify -the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), as indicated below and on the notification form, do not apply. B. APPLICATION TO DEM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION. Certain nationwide permits require an application to DEM in order to obtain Section 401 water quality certification. They are NWP 6, NWP 12, NWP 15, NWP 16, NWP 17, NWP 21, NWP 33, NWP 34, NWP 38, and NWP 40. Certain nationwide permits were issued general certifications and require no application. They are NWP 3, NWP 4, NWP 5, NWP 7, NWP 20, NWP 22, NWP 23 (requires notification to DEM), NWP 25, NWP 27, NWP 32, NWP 36, and NWP 37. The following nationwide permits were issued general certifications for only limited activities: NWP 13 (for projects less than 500 feet in length), NWP 14 (for projects that impact waters only), NWP 18 (for projects with less than 10 cubic yards of fill in waters only), and NWP 26 (for projects with less than or equal to one-third acre fill of waters or wetlands). Projects that do not meet these criteria require application for Section 401 water quality certifications. DEM 1D: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit ft JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. Bo7.29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 AM MR. SOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: North Carolina Department of Transportation 2. Owners Address: P. 0. Box 25201, Raleigh, NC 27611 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): {919) 733-3141 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: B. J: O'Quinn 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenburg Nearest Town or City: Charlotte & Matthews Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): New location - Southern ;Outer Loop from Providence Road W 16) to Old Monroe Road Name of ClosestStream/River. Trfbutary to Four Mile Creek 7. River Basin: Catawba 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ] NO [ ] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [X] If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 9.57: acpde 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 9.57 acres Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 9.57 acres CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM PROVIDENCE ROAD (NC 16) TO OLD MONROE ROAD T.I.P. NO. R-0211EA; STATE PROJECT NO. 8.1670102 PERMIT SUI,11,1;;PY REPORT SITE 110 STATION/LOCA TION l.A1T.rl11atlon o? two areas totaling 1.12 Ac., PDN required. 548 Lv 6 7 3.- Ac., PEN r_glilreG. _ 37 -WP ?6; <1 Ac. - 701 NWP "6, <1 Ac. - 71015 IW: ! Lc . 7 1 tC 730 3 u 4 Combination of two areas . totali'c? 1 .99 P.c. , PD14 required. _ ] ^ c P 2. 5 , < 1 Ac . 1 to 762 1 W P 26, <1 Ac. 5. 77r) to 774 2.3 Ac. , P-D = ?equi_ed. - 732 NWP 26, <1 Ac. - 728 NS•;F 26; <1 mac. 6. 795 to 798 Combinatio?t of two areas t:;tali g 1.05 Ac . , PDIN, rar_uirea. •Y P 5 i Ac - 813+80 N'vdr '216, <1 ac - 821 A1WP 2 <1 z.c . _ 8L7 NWP^ 26, <1 Ac. _ 11+5,0 Ramp ' NWP ' 6 , :1 A.c . - 14+OJ Ramp C NWP 2c., <I Ac. * All sites are located above stream head;aaters , and qualify for ilaticnr;ide Permit T 26 for projects Above Headwaters. Pre-Discharge Notific ation required for sites o= 1 to 10 Acres. See attached drawin gs. 1000N - Ad00 b 'ION VICINITY MAP SCALE: felt 01 N1tt ON( DOW [OWLS APPOOt 11 M US ftxt p PAQWR" ONt w01 tOWMt APPOOI tl IIIOMM" 1 wll It t•WL f0100 NOW It ft • t N >r >o 1• „ >. of N N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNT)' PROJECT 8.1,1670110 (R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OU'Tf-R LOOP SHEET 1 OF 12 MAY 1991 - i tt W 1O07N - Ad00 + th' V. t ^ 1?4 9 f Ar W .; C fe) i -rye ? ?i a ?r z 0 a p? y a LL O Z Q Q 3 O O Z N S t] Y f- 0 m W Y W Q W N o ap 10 F- W cr. CL o- O Q V ? I N O fVI W N L; Z z (9 W- D a m ,• W t J ?. U cv? W W? m d t a• f \ CL o \ v ma - W J Q U N J ?o O W O 1000N - Ad00 L AK 908E ; i PROP. 4' BASE DITCH PROP. TOE OF FILL 5 i' ?pGE OF gyp. i? Op- (V L: ok PROP. 3' BASE DITCH - V-0 , ps wE 04 Ell LA 'ROP. 'V' DITC PROP. TOE OF FILL , y -I- 5 NID P F -41 EpG? 0 / PROP. 'V' DITCH F AK PROP. TYPE 'A' SILT BASIN "-PROP, TYPE 'A' SILT BASIN 05 / TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 1.12 AC. ?11 TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= 75 C.Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 54,600 C.Y. FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE I N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DENOTES FILL BELOW MECKLENBURG COUNTY ORDINARY HIGHWATER PROJECT 8.UG70110 (R-211EA) SCALE CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP 100 0 100 SHEET OF-M-, MAY 1991 LOOON - AdOO I` co lq- (D F PROP. TOE OF FILL 2GI ?4" -L- muffAmA EDGE OF WETLANDS PROP. TOE c OF FILL PROP, 'V' DITCH r O to qq* (.0 923E PROP. R/W-k PROP. 2' BASE DITCH _I -"-- F- HW O F- W W W O O ?. -ffi EDGE OF WETLAN W) W to PROP, E.P. ? Q PROP, PROP. 'V' DITCH J 2' ~ BASE DITC F PROP. R/W r E ?-- PROP. TOE C OF FILL 922E PROP. TYPE 'A' SILT BASIN TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 3.13 AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= 174 C.Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 46,700 C.Y. FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 2 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ® MECKLENBURG COUNTY DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER PROJECT 8.U670110 (R-211EA) SCALE CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP mold 100 0 100 SHEET--OF12_- MAY 1991- 1000N - AdO3 N ul Z I J 59 I ? 3 I O 1 ? I I I 1 1 I 655 o: O IL M 0- N VI 1 O i ? I w °-' O '" p I ul 0 Q z N -Q+ 1 r ( Z 3 n 4 3: v 1 1 1 V W I I 1 F- LL. LL ul I 1 O O D O W ?1 10 W j 1 N z 0 W C O I 1 w_ J J I I 1 ?" > w w Q I I 1 Q o? w = F- 1 I w w U a a_ 1 1 1 N I W tj j l I N z 1 It 11 1 tl I I 1 U r 1 0 C4 r I 1 FO- I 0 I I Gam. , ? I Ir v 1 ? 3 I 1 ? 1 1 O 1 I I [? a I : 1 I z I w of i IL r? N I Q o O r t i LL z O 't N vl 1 Q z \ i H ?cr a \, I N w w = 1; I W 3 w a ;I w I z m 3 3 CL O 4. J U. Li > 1 1 I Q O O 1 1 N Z W w U O? ; N Q w wQN w I 1 IL w Ilia I to 11, u o oo MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 OF I o STA. 651+00 PROP. R /W-J F? -? PROP. TOE OF FILL EDGE OF WETLANDS PROP. E.P. -L- PROP. E.P. A IA W, PROP, TOE OF FI FL PROP. R / W PROP. 'V' DITCH 954 y-PROP. TYPE 'A' SILT BASIN __E EDGE OF WETLANDS -PROP. 'V' DITCH TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 3 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 O 100 1.04 AC. 67 C.Y. 39,800 C.Y. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT 8.U670110 (R-21IEA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET-9-OF 12 MAY 1991. 1007N - Ad00 N `• N t O N N 1000N - AdOO N N Q _ TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 0.83 AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= 156 C.Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 28,700 C.Y. FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 4 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE now 100 0 100 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT S.U670110 (R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET'_Z-OFJ2_ MAY 1991 LOOON - AdOO U z0 <uo 1Q- m NOD! (VN? Z 3 n u Q< = O W W=4/) o LL 5 F- om o 3 N3? o ? o LL: U- t Z 001 -1 Fes- 2 U U a ?I U O WJ < W W Q N N W i -1 CO it 3 v IW M'W '? W I W._!< tOi N d? 3tip z Q Q ? 1- F- F- 0,0 W 01 ?-1 = 773 I? O w 772 14lam LL.i a w 771 1?in (u? ? N 1 ?p 1 ? W Q '`' I Q 770 O Z I J 1 In w OJw ? _ I `I1J W a a: (VO 1 0 769 ?-- J J? W CC CL W 1 U- Z U) J J- J O a- O 1 OQ I ? L= a U amp ?3 Q w LU N a- z Oz o 768 a 00 O m I V7j O I - 1k. LOCON -A400 ul a Q O W U) O a- O W- CL N \ 1/ i 1 1 - f? 1 I N U) i J QO I N I O w w ? N ,. cn I 1 o z Ocr / a - `L° D I z / N O O O 0 N N w z O Q _ Q) Q Q1 ? cr. W a O N C*A a J z 3 N 3 v O W w s 5 N i r Z z W 0 O u Y f- O J O1 n ) f- 5: L) U cr- W W a o z 0 z a J Q: JQ J IC) z w m ? a v w J Jrc U Q ? W w IL wQ V a zo ? zz LLI 0 0 0 O Ix FISIA CL JOGON - AdOO 1 O O O O o) co r w (D Lo (D • o? z0 =O r CL' \ O N Qr >- Qr co Q a OJ Ix 0 (D w N tU O ' Z ~ m U° NI c Z I O W o 5 u- Q CD 1 M z 5 z 03 ?W o i ca Q ` y N Y W F- J -l ca w < W W D: U = W [L N N C7 Q • 0- Z 0 v cr- C I Oj a: I °m _ N a N W J Q U f J o Z N z cr- o ? < ( c9 o am CO Q o (x ix ? J I Z V 1_ w a: O X J a' °° O O o 0 (x z a- N Q J W j 0 `t in 3-, J Q W J I Z m U h J LLB J J T J / LL lL Q _ >- U 0. r rQ 3C > Z ?cD 0 90 OI pl pl = OI r LLII (D (DD .1 O M N t J l O O O N -10 U-0 Q 0 Q 0 a: cr_j a- LL. O O) (D I 1OWN - Ad07 i O N O Go _ o z O m O a. H Q ?- Q W N ? J m Q Q ?yN O ~ W O c9 z N o O U O w ? a V O O tr-D co v W ? . W W 5 1-- a Q U 0 I r W N (U Z 01 w J Q U N -- O J tQ- 0 '` Z N' ix O O 0 1 .' O 0 _ CO Ul) Q a ? J W r.. W OW W W Q z m Q U S J JT Q O N Q t 1. Y.. u.. >- cJ Q w w4 f- ' o Zo ? O 0 00 O F- L) t Ln r5w O to t0 1000N - Ad07 tc) (D t co cn 01 P PROP. 5' JI EXIST. R /W -? BASE DITCH F ? - - PROP TOE OF FILL EDGE OF WETLANDS PROP. E.P: PROP. 'V' DITCH F -EDGE OF WETLANDS :N Y PROP, E.P. PROP. TOE ? OF FILL HEAD DITCH PROP, 'V' DITCH PROP. 'V' DITCH SEXIST. R/W TOTAL WETLANDS AREA= 1.17 AC. TOTAL FILL BELOW OHW= 131 C.Y. EST. TOTAL FILL FOR SITE= 31,600 C.Y. i FOR PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PLAN SITE 6 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGHWATER SCALE 100 0 100 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT S.U670110 4R-211EA) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEETJ2_OFJ2_ MAY 1991- JAMES B. HUNT, JR. GOVFRNOR ?Vt Paw1vYM? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TItANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS RO. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 ebr.ia'_y 1!l r' :,- 1_:tri..? 11_; 1 _? Ij Z A ry C0 1? S f 11 111ee1 S 3 33 ID a:_lmi..gtcn ?orta c'a1: _ 23 ^T-_-N. 'T I Rii.au1a or B1'_.n c.- qUIOy R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I SECRETARY lie, (" ,? f=E13 y ? I .;! ?WAIEfi QIIIilIiV '' I'l?'?'`= 1. _v _r ia; 1ti`.."?C!laL'CTe _.L '?lU .•lot._C'E; i<.CczG ?:? 70110 an .1 71? T.-._ Ncs. 1:1,:_- "lortn C, rcilna De_ ar-meat o-1- Tr ansporTatlon D r r D n o s e s tG 1St-LICt a iI v Cc:iit? o I i k E_.-aC _o - _.j,,- ded ii- jll+ia'y' ;:, Vl d li C r'= a iC_e[ViIC: PD t, 11.7- 2 llilprG' eillentS ill 1i1 lUd dpprG_.?mate1,7 -.5 ,1i1eo f e ?otre Ute2 LJC'r Tlils 1ncIua.es a.- O::l11a'.el,J ? . 1T -L1 -J Lam. _ ?i ?1: L 'D- _.i a e i )r -.. ]1:lc,z C1.: i L. _il rlC ?1:?? 1 c-_ .j t ate a _gli+`i :J ?iC::w_t;: t1C:.1,C. -i .711_ .1 f?1_ lI1 T^7°_t_'.ndS jr'eat=r than 'Dn_ acre wil_ be required. Eight _t"-litlonal _.;.t' invol-: inn fill in _esS than Oi.? aC:. y C-F wety znd, r a n.--t i.ilustrazed, `uz a::& ;lescr lbed. in the summary re::.rt- . All of the wetland fill lo::ations Occur ;.hove Feadtiater It is an?icipated tha': all of these prDnosed crcSsin.?_. ilea- be perill7tted un-Je_" Kati:-.11 ide ,er_nit ?ol `Drc--ts Fbc'. _ HeadtNar:c-rs, J.? C7_7 . ......0. D ?.i ? . Application is hereby made for a Department of the :army pezmlt as required for such activities. °y copy of this letter, we are also requesting 401 wat`r equality Certificaticn by the N-rth Carclina Divisicn of Environmental :4anagemellt . I DTOj J Thank you nor your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact lis. Cyndi Bell in Raleigh at (919) --- 7JJ??/ V . SincerelyIlIg E J. C',,.E. .Asses -aner, Plann ing & Environm_ntal French C: Mr. 3. G. Payne, P . E . , Divisicn 10 Engineer '.Ir. Joh.: Dorn-,, , DEI,l DE HNR Xr. N. L. Graf, P.E., FHN it . ?;rc'a _ Hanns , _ . E . , Hydr ul 4L Ir. V;ctor Barbc,:r, P.E., Design Services T m Sllearin, _ .E. , PcoadWay Design Mr. Kelly Darger, P.E., Program Development branch Mr. DD1: ? lOrtiJll . F. E. , Hag 1Way Design APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATFR OUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 14612) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (GS 113-229, 143-215.3(a)(1). 143-215.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209.320.329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. Applicant Information A. Name North Carolina Department of Transportation; ATTN: Mr. B. J. O'Quinn Last First Middle 8. Address P 0 Box 25201 Street, P. 0. Box or Route Raleigh NC 27611 (919) 733-3141 City or Town State Zip Code Phone It. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Mecklenburg B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Charlotte and Matthews 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X C. Cr"k, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Tributary to Four Mile Creek -- 111. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project B. Purpose of excavation or till 2. New work Proposed new highway construction I. Access channel Ivngth width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill irci length width depth 4. Other Highway constructionlcngth 220' width 500' depth varies ( 10'±) C. 1. Bulkhead length N/A Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) N/A . 2. fypc of bulkhead construt.tion (material) N/A D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 190 2. Type of material (existing) for ditch construction Fill material to be placed below MHW (sec also VI. A) ?. Cubic yards 278 2. Type of material Compacted soil fill for roadway construction. IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Dues the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X B. Dues the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No C. Disposal Area 1. Location N/A 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? U. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? Active erosion control devices instal e and maintained throughout construction 1 . I vpc of equipment to be used Mechanical excavating eauiDment G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain 06 F•91 2ev 10119 V. Intepded Use of Project Area (Describe) A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public highway (south Charlotte Outer Loop) e. I. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures S. Sewage disposal and/or wastewater treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe 6. 'Land Classification'(circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) V1. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes X No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Normal storm drainage collection 3. Location of discharge VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N/A IX. Length of time required to complete project: X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or'other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. 8. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%z X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred • only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by regtsterea or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d)) Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. Charles Leighton 1101 Weddington Road Matthews NC X1. Certifiation requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity • -)mplies with the State of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consi%rr-it with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli- cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel• opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. n ATE rr,rS' 's Signature 04 F.82 QIV. 10/7e SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Mail Ra copy to: PLEASE BE SURE THAT - Both copies are completed - All blanks are filled in •- You have signed both copies If you have any questions please call your regional field office. District Engineer Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, N. C. 28402 (Note: attach Corps transmittal letter) Phone: 919/3434631 AND Mail one copy to your regional field office as indicated on the map below: -c: - - -- ; -c- Gates 1 st of Chowan River and south of Pamlico River/ Hertford 'f 1-0 -udinle southern half of Beaufort County. , f--- ! o?; •, r„? Coastal Management Fiela Services :? coo 4d 1502 N. Market Street Berrie Washington, NC 27889 919/946-6481 C' C J,i IrVasnington' Tyrrell 1 " j l Beaufort HYds e Craven r ??'? 1 t -*? ? PenOar i .,/ / 1vN.r/ Hone~ \ % e/lrnsw?ek t ?Aarnlleo.. j? CA Mp J. East of Chowan River and north of Albemari-: So to Virginia border, including northern Dare -u and outer banks to Ocracoke Inlet. Coastal Management Field Services 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 9191338-0206 v? y 1 P. South of Pamlico River and Beaufort County to New River including barrier islands from Ocracoke Inlet to north of New River Inlet. Coastal Management Field Service P. O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 2,_ . 919/733-2160 or 726-7021 South of New River Inlet to South Carolina border. Coastal Management Field Services 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 919/256.4161 C k K B Marl Gant R U S,/' l S ??-• iota /:. O? NOUN+ 0 ) 10 103 SCAT( 01 MK(S SCMII Of MOVE YEN$ 0 10 70 )t1 40 411 p Pro e? END ! :-===:? / P&PJECT ?V En is til S I T E I JILL 11:1 ,? i ?? V? PROJECT Y. so- act SITE 2 " JM tea:.. / c yuc /•o? SITEi4 SITE 3 / N 1. SCAT! a ,0OA9 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT= S.U670110 (R- 211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET I OF 13 OCT. 1991 NCDOT Project I. D. R211-EB Description: Charlotte Outer Loop Interchange from East of CSX Railway to East of SR 3177 County: Mecklenburg Subject: 404 Permit Status SITE PROJECT STRUCTURE FILL IN STATION SIZE. WETLANDS 1 -L- 870+50 - 0.22 Ac. 2 -L- 876+75 42" PIPE 0.15 Ac. All wetland sites on this project are above headwaters. Exclusion from individual permit application is claimed under the Nationwide 26 general permit for fill placement of less than one acre in wetlands. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 2 OF 13 OCT. 1991 Z CI- 0 O MATCH LINE STA. 917+00 -L- a r W o ?-; cn F- - - M Qas \ j5aM I C~? Q w I CL s W u) -1: = O CX O C7 CL o °- 3 CL o,\? = O r & U Mcr cc cr. I-LL.C9 p OO MI m ooc c? N OZ2 = < LL O CL N a 0 W CO U / a o cc `\ U a N ]C Ih l ?Q N ? a a \;0 Q>V f" tai U ? ``'? 0- 915 °g w R w v °cr- cr_ i cf) 0- CL 0- U) cr- cn ?. CL 3 0 10 U. z = ?\ O W O J a. O Z w a W N O a. D O m Q U w 0.. W N ? O o O ~ M (D ac w F- p. u N a. 0 1 - O a a ac W W Z a? 0 z z W R: /'a v cr) 1 (?Q N a °D i ` p ?l Q ? O i i 3 o v W m ?, a l - --- w , W M 1 ca a; z z 1 ' o O Q w w O -? Ili 3 3 W a In i a z z m? W 1 W J J= d J_ J S2 v l F U ?. U. s 910 cr) i i' a cn cn } O O O- w cr- W W tn p p 00 z a. O O a? 00+526 -VIS 3N11 HO1dW Q >- W -j rn O CL N = I 3? cu :D H 1a w? I ZSV ? O O a N N- I O w Ov cow ti1 Q = O o ? thl I wa a a m in I ~ o U. 0 J F- I LL (D s I 0zzz 0 I w a N O >- O .P I w O U D I 3 ow as N I w x w a p-W U Cl) ?! W ?.I? a U 00 Occ _ = I a - a Z Cl. a cry m / H U I O 0\ 0 J vi w / N I Z a a - QO' a cr a. a N CL N U ai I U ?'? I =\ ( I N W 1 a >- 1 lo, I?O O N-car: n- I M w a J 4cr. : In O - LL.o\a.\ w a 0 a it m l O W> P/ w Q a I _ C/) CL _ 0 0 m I U a ,I c? - Q _yo M ?I a ?Z _ a I a 201 ?- c w 1 01 o a I f U ?- - z I z cr z a - 0 1 U- J w I w 1- tn I F- M I ? Q W () N °° I 3 a I a cn I O n. W O z LL. z H w J II a o N I w 3 E- a ?? I. a W 2511 z W3 Ili a I ?4 0 11 Q Co 01- 1 -1_ I a I U- w a w? , ? a a t ?. W gz O z a? ow w °a O TCH LI NE STA. 917+00 -L- MA l ?r Y . \ \od \ YZ da Idle co co z 0 w a J w z z LL I I N z Q 0 w a O J co \d\ 93C = I U N 3 0 ? m W N o a CO Z w J cr a rn E- 3 m 1L cn W o V) Z, W c? U z 0 a U M W p z ?- z Q cr- J U CL (r) 1 w W FE 2 D J U- 0 w a a a w a 0 ?al 0- J . n. a OU ?? a-LO (D N a a U- U O U m a a: W i I o N J I I O 0 U. 1 MATCH LINE STA. 925+oo CD. 0 0 W J Q U z o a O a >- _ cn '' -j a) H cn H O Q Z cV Cr f- =D - ~ a 3 cn=O 1 O cV ? O, U- ~O O 0 MI ? O z m O D ? = LL- O W m U W> V ~ L ?I _ W U cn U O O W Z a n. cn W 0 ? J z Q -? m LL Z ~ 3 tW- cl3 a ? a w z L`' 3 o a 3 Ld > a - W z 30 ~ ? W _ M ?c n J JU J LL _ LL J2 r LL N C-) U ~ U) W c/) cr W Q _ I 1 O O O? Q j W z W Z0 W ir I Q 0 co 1 m pl RJ ' a \f Q \ W? ? Q d? ~ I m \IVO n: W m w o a Qo a I M J (- U N 0 o ao 0 S -j F- co 1- _ Z O a: o Q = (D W I U- 0 = ~ o O MI O W O U cr- ?. OOZ W = O U O I t- W A Y H W U I p U W O 0 N W 7 a - W U O O W m cr = 2 a. a. cn rw 0 0 W 1 J ° Z M 1? w OJ f' 10 m= w ° w W 3 ?- c? ° ? Z O a Z IX w cn H wIX 00 0 U I °' W F . J Z o w w ? I C- Q W _ U 2 Q ? ? ? Q W J 1 w 3 a U U) J ( Z O Q N _ F- ix cr. O N I O O W 0 0 O O z CL OO .+ N OQz N H cn = 0 O O z O U `? W ? Q = O o ~ W p O M ? W m O -I O z aa`? O i> O Z c6 Qm 3 °- a NY r - H- LLd ti 02W N W ?_ U I p w U O O O W CC cc s I z a n. cn I / U U } } Q 4 U U I CD d O t< J I W O kk to 110 ?r w O w 3 cli a,:, I rn ? O N m co W J - o Z L_ a o 3 Ncr cr. c? z Q = L $ CY 9 0 Z o cwn I z W 3 00 J 8 o W 0 3 .d a: o Z = m a ~ U U. Li ' N I N p z I O H 1 a W U_ J M LLJ ?`- J W U- z a co I ' ? ? N U ~ O J W 0 Cn U / G. ? N F- ( Q W O U O = > O? w O 0 _ N oWW W Q W CL m (n 0 1-1 N $ co O O ti l 1 l O Tr ti 1 C C? J O O ? b Z O CL O O Q >' W 0) O N_ Z O 3= N ? 1 fn = Z U U ` LLI ? = O 0 ~ U- ~ O O MI 0 U- O Z Z 0 c A o it 2 0 W CL !2 -1 Y c ~ U Ld coI w> W o U cn O_ U --j O CL O W O Z cr- a tr. a _ rn W Z cf. O = a C) Cf) C) I ? W w O z a C- a Z O LLJ o J a 8- H U a w M o w > O r` i Q 1 2 1 ? - = to 1 Z> -' O w V? I I i ti I O OBI re) N I I w I- (n U w J a ? U J N 8 H N Z O O N O 2 a O o (D o a ° ° a _ m w rn F- lA Q 2 N ? - ? 1 cn 0 CL o O 0- ZOU LJ Q N F-U- O Q O M I U- O O ~ 1 0z2 _ C) ° N 1 Ow w v WAY °w ?I 1 w O C-) cn CU 4` O O W 0 z m cr. a S cn 0 1 1 O_ - 1 W Z 0 = (n U p ti. ir L>j J W I a ?' W O Z °Q I I CD a) a F- W 3 I >- (D m a ?> Z o I O a I O W N ? I U a W U O o W i/ W ? ?-- W ? W IC) J a U J Q J Z O O 0- O N rx O 0 N O N CL Z O O O CO O G) EaW = W cr.o >- z N I-- O g O I = U U) 1 Z U O O U W <a = O _ 1- ~ U- (D O O M LL- :D (D Cf -1 OZZ O 2 IL O W ao U O a. -j 0 W > Y h- LLJ OI U - W U fn m O ? ° W LL, -" I j O O W I m O CL Iz = I J a. t I Z CL U) U z L) 1 1 o t t a a-? - °- 3 Io LL m ? W N 1- W Z a cn a: 0 z m I m O --- ?, I ? I ? W LL 0 O I = 1 W> z I U 1 W w t 1?? Z J I I ?? Q ? U I ( J Q (n IW I 2 I N 1 / W I 3 o a 00, tN a 1 J U) O f- 3 m w= Q, w< LL a l'` wa Q _z m3 c? wW 1 1 'cam J J2 b m? w3 1 y=, J _JU ih a a w LL U- _ at, w w a J w w X a n: m h_ / O O - 01 o oZ O m . n a z z o o 0o U-/ ti U-) U)l ul ul I 0- ti 0 O I- co r? O Q Z N !- F- rn \ CL :) in = O rz O UO \ U Z O Lit \ = Q fY ~ w 0 _ O O M I \ li ° fl- (D a z\ O z z O = Ow O w 00 U 1 ° I w > Y H w - LLJ °° U ? cn ? m w M CU O O w rn Ir _ I z CL (n I ?j } } J V) Q U cr I W M p w 3 w p w (D f" O O ? w 3 m Q cr p w I ?-- M co = J 0 p I Z Q C) 3 z u. >- LLJ V) ,n M z Q I co V = Q w a z o O C) -? d O J E3 z ir IL 0 w I (D W ? J o O a 3 LL I -D ? w ? m J I @j ? J J ? I cr N J J O - U- U- H F- Q z w =- O v w cr ti / Q p Q I V J z z? W < w J Q' J J t' W Q w ow O J 3 ' O Z Q J F - W cr w o 2 CL cr N F- U5 I = Fr a: w i 0 o M ? ltJ cr a. U') ti Lc) O I o H L Q ti 0 (D o 00 O p cr ~ Q >- m w rn 0 0_ >- > U Q Z = N w = I U) = O 2i O O U Z U Q - U O w F- It Q I ~ LL' - O O J rn l x U- co ti (D < ao z O Z Z = U- O CG _ G w co U N N .? .\ w j ? w NI 2 p U ? / O m w 1 N U Z M CL x a = o ? o -- = ti } o• 1 ? w o a= w 11 °0' a o o W p3 / m J (D Z I -).j cr O I Q M - Q ?' 1 I U-0 cn v L.L w O Z 1 Q a. 1 1 Z o w ? p I O O - J I N U a U I Ld _ it I U ' v' it I Z Cf' o > 1 W w Q O cf) O U) H J J Q O ~ Z O- O 1q, EE O O C\j O O co O = r ti ti cD PROPERTY OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS PROJECT NO. 8.U670110 (R211-EB ) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP MECKLENBURG COUNTY PARCEL NO. OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS 1 L E L Vending Corp. P.O. Box 25800 Charlotte, NC 28212 2 Warren B. Morgan, Jr. RFD 2, BOX 125 Marshville, NC 28103 3 Ward H. Cagle 2000 Marglyn Dr. Matthews, NC 28105 4 Thelma Doegler P. 0. Box 130 Charitable Trust Red City, CA 94064 5 Gilmer C. Thomas, Jr. I 6 V. L. Stilwell 2532 Mt. Harmony Church Rd. Matthews, N. C. 28105 7 Harold C. Stilwell 1176 Penfield Dr. Deltona, FLA. 32763 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT= B.U670110 (R-211EB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 13 OF 13 OCT. 1991 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER OUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 146.12) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, Wilmington 0istric (GS 113-229, 143-215.3(a)(1), 143.215.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209.320.329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is trot applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information A. Name North Carolina Department of Transportation; ATTN: Mr. B. J. O'Quinn Last First Middle B. Address P 0 Box 25201 Street, P. O. Box or Route Raleigh NC 27611 (919) 733-3141 City or Town State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Mecklenbura B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Charlotte 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X C. Crt:ek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project North Fork Crooked Creek tributary III. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project '2. New work Proposed Charlotte Outer Loop B. Purpose of excavation or till 2, float basin 1. Access channel Ivngth width depth length width depth 3. Fill area See drawings length width depth 4. Other Cut Area-See Drawings length width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length N/A Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) N/A . 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A U. Excavated material 1. Cubic yards 4 , 570 2. Type of material Earth E. Fill materialso#3l8 oUtU0414t141111Oft(see also VI. A) I. Cubic yards 26 265 2. Type of material Roadway fill IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: C. A. Dues the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No _X 8. Dues the disposal iroa include any marshland swamps or other wetland. Yes No X_ Disposal Area 1. Location N/A 2. Do you claim title to disposal area?__A U. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in Borrow pit E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? By standard NCDOT Erosion Control Mpasures I . I vpc ftl equipment to be used Roadway construction equipment G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No O&F•81 o-v 10/'A •V. Intended Use of Project Area (Describe) A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public Transportation B. I. Lot size(s) . N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water N/A 3. Soil type and texture N/ a 4. Type of building facilities or structures _Roadway and drainage structures 5. Sewage disposal and/or wastewater treatment A. Existing N/A Planned N/A B. Describe N/A 6. 'Land Classification'(circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See LAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes No X B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Rainfall runoff 3. Location of discharge into natural drainage channels VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N/A IX. Length of time required to complete project: N/A X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or'other instrument under which the owner claims tale plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. -Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%: X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. SFF ATTACHED LIST X1. Certification requires it. t: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity • -)mplies with the State of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consisr;.yt with such program. X11. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli- cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. ATE i F•82 ev. 10/78 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Mail S= copy to: PLEASE BE SURE THAT: - Both copies are completed - All blanks are filled in -- You have signed both copies If you have any questions please tail your regional field office. District Engineer Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, N. C; 28402 (Note: attach Corps transmittal letter) Phone: 919/343-4631 AND Mail one copy to your regional field office as indicated on the map below: d %? Gates 1 'a •°? d Chowan River and south of Pamlico River? Hertford ? ??o " ng southern half of Beaufort County. 1----- i 9e lap, e Mal Management Field Services ? °' • )2 N. Market Street '? B•rtia o d? shington, NC 27889 ?. ?/946-6481 t•'•i i Wasnington )Tyrrell .?.?._7 r. Beaufort Hyde 1 Craven ?ooo .y Pamlico oo, vq re 1 0 low t Pe Kw \ New Hanover J Brunswick East of Chowan River and north of Albemari-,: So, to Virginia border, including northern Dare and outer banks to Ocracoke Inlet. Coastal Management Field Services 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 919/338-0206 a South of Pamlico River and Beaufort County to New River including barrier islands from Ocracoke Inlet to north of New River Inlet. Coastal Management Field Servic'< P. O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 2,,,, 919/733-2160 or 726-7021 South of New River Inlet to South Carolina border. Coastal Management Field Services 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 919/256-4161 Scale of mks 1/ 1 ti *? ncor + ;1 ?+ t S 10 20 30 tlr"le ,ehle 1 I \+. Oed"n UwMrne FOR. Mow" fieeunt ? /9 e 10 20 30 40 1 Sole of KUom•ti rs , ••a•^ A R U S/ Albemarle , IF M 0 N T One Wh equals approximately 13 mks and appo+,maleh 21 liloo tilers. eMf )? 1 eor?erille ?mberl ? 1 is Belo mer M4unt Holly . t ne9* 1 (t • f elk .' well` S T ?,e M? {l avfl All 1 £Y Paten rode p1l 11 ou 111 r y 1 1 1 ad Croff 52 , Ar • ! `V i i • ?1 _ { 1 - 7t r ' r lend 1 OaMDor + 1 Char tte+ New I r (!st0t11, +re rt tl d rr If.. , lenbel .cwt oua a e +"?\ 1 G )d 1 a r 1 • 11?- ? N 1 n?? { c?-«.. Mw/ r o u r 511 I min ill u. / _s,=-1 ewer r 1 r 51 1 I ?? ` ??/ 1 J - •n?ew r eMSaif?m CedarMtnl 1; \-'- ? A,? • `e/h E/iKLE ?lHMn .,11 w1 I / Antonrdt ?• ?``as. Ott,'' 1 Dover l t 7 • 119 I !.yM . a,ro i Its 601 union.. It 1 { 1 S • WVP 5 ??.. 11 Ip ` 11 l 11 { 1 lnee,"II? . Inds n 1 I? It It nlbert II •t y { f I. {,/ir I \\• ,N I O N I I Nlwwr t Fall. I l.aar .. y / /?. 1 e ,nelon \ Won ,, 04 04 41 .7/ 311 1 / iIIII ...1f.•: / a0 z; \4\'U:I?t!VLh (III(NI?IIIII(? . ' ? 111 / SITE VII 4i,1 /• _? a % END PROJECT 'H. .. •,•::G::.::ir.• I f17f ?,t.1it: SITE VI SITE V 1 ' SITE IV z s.\ SITE III SITE H / % SITE I BEGIN PROJECT v ei!;;y !?:la.. I seer (Z?ll?l? SCALE r o l MIUf i - - r i i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION i DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS VICINITY MAP i MECKLENBURG PROJECT:'8.1671601 (R-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET I OF 0 f aa'yvN\ °? ?i ? ? .., 3 r \\ Q cc , .J I 1 A'vl ` r 3 C3 z q ? LLL. p , LL. ' . / LL i7 %.? IN rwI f , C ? I Sly '?. \ .ri F .4 r N 4? V ZO o / ,.. 16 V,1. i A Cnr .a N 10 W A? a 0 0 w J Q U O u•I O D LLJ m F F- p N D Ww z 3 LL) p O m? Q n LLJ J 0 W S? 3 ? a z 0 0 a H cv ' P4 ? i H a o v W w a o x F w ?D kO N 0 Hww?+ 0 0z(? ?1 ri aH 0z U U W • H 00 E-4 U) w W n > H W H U U) Q W 0 0 u 0 w a z W Q CL / ? U o n r1 a o L n H N E-+ >+ N W o? a ? I Pax .. O ? H U W I x o H P4 HWMr-i O W I w°w? a ?I 0 \ O O ? H Q • H U 00 U) W V W \ L1+ H ? • • Q x ? \ Q H U Q h c!1 ° U O O C)- o?U--- z a a W U) O r, \ O CSC I r ?O J ? f Q ? I W J 1 W 1 N V 00-- H I G . CT) 0 x O O a, z n; O O ll? O H M a U) rN-1 cz ? d N E O 3 D PL4 O C7 `? U) zH??+ w ° H a CC Hwm-1 O o Ozr- a ?•I oz?w-l -A a O H . H U co U W H Ul W W P,H Q x cv W ? H W cq Q H U ? o Q t-D a oo --- O U 0- O - P; Pa o H a a O+ Q U U O 1 ? Q ? W A ?aw a??4 m 1 O ~ W o i oT 00 ? o o O G7) n, 0 °O H ? a l U H N --- E-4 >4 I I M d I P4 x o I V I ! 0 x E-4 ?D kD H O r-+ H O I 0Z ko I LO W ~--^ O 4 9 O U co u W l aH x Cl .. I Q Q 1 o ff U vl I Q h °a CL Q U O O f M z a w I ? f i • i r r I W ? 1 I . J 1 Q c Cv' Q I Z C w 3 ' ? .a I 00 1-4 Ot o ? CD 0 0 I' I W .a 00 (NJ I P N N o 0 x G) o0 O O `? O z O 0 0, ?I F- ? N a ?U) ? >4 C'4 w 1 O 04 a ? v I 9L4 0 U) U I HC7? W CIS z I x ? H o H W W H O I ?j-? fL4 Oz Z I OWco H u w w>E+ w cxn Q H U al ? Q h Pa a a z a a U O U c! .4 1-4 H C%j o p?? D O -n O N ? o O 0 ol x Cl O oG) Or r-- <D <D r SUMMARY REPORT SITE STATION PERMIT WETLANDS FILL FILL IN TOTAL TOTAL X-ING TYPE DISTURBED BELOW SURFACE FILL EXCAVATION ' TYPE O.H.W. WATER (AC.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) (C.Y.) 982+00 to 983+00 -L- Nationwide I & 26 1.62 0 0 17,530 4,320 None 25+63 to 30+60-SR A- ll 999+81 -L- Nationwide 0 0 0 0 0 3-9'x7' 26 RCBC 111 1000+50 to Nationwide 1001+50-L- 26 0.33 0 0 5,740 0 None IV 1015+20 to Nationwide 1017+85-L- 26 0 0 0.67 2,770 230 None V 1020+15 to Nationwide 1021+15-L- 26 0.02 0 0 60 20 None VI 16+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 0 0 0 0 2-10'x6' RCBC VII 17+00-Y2- Nationwide Revised 26 0 24 0.02 165 0 72"RCP I I 1.97 24 0.69 26,265 4,570 .r PROPERTY OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS PROJECT NO.8.1671601 WETLAND PERMIT MECKLENBURG COUNTY OWNERS' NAME ADDRESS FRANKLIN M. REINFROW P.O. BOX 67 MATTBEWS, NC 28105 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG PROJECT: 8.1671601 (I2-2123AA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHI?ET 8 OF 8 SlArt FEB -- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 February 1994 Dls -ct Eil,llle?_ ? . S . Army Corp Df Ei1Cj; 11eC'_" iV'1llTillgt i1; iI( 1"til 3'_"oi111?, -S4 I_ ATTEI.7= 11 : egtil at ;'" Branch R. SAMUEL HUNT 111 SECRETARY JT %JE T. Ie' .:l e: ] ll"'j 'N?L, ?1:1: L:1_1rlJtt= Llic? T Jcr prom Interchange at NC 49 (Yor;' Road) 3,DU-, kern Charlotte Out°r LoDDp; -at°_ FrOje', . 1`: S.L_7?20 T . I . P . I!o. F.-2,240AA The North Carolina Department of Transportation pr'.Dposes to cciistruct new con-rollef-access , 4-lane divluec: highway from NC 49 (Yor'.: Road) to the section Ucuthern Cllarlott,_? Outer Loor lilde_,, cons-Lruction a- =nte?=rate 77. This pr cj,ect will iliclude auprc:iiiiiate ly 1 .5 :AiltEs of the ;^Testerii Cl'larlotte 0ute-?- LJG". The attacli--d drawincis illuStrate 011: locatlon at wli:.ch f_l._ 1n wetland: greater that: one acr•? will be required. Five a d d i t i oraj. sites involving rill --n surface waters but no ?" _' 7'µ: .are de _i?'s tl e ti•r r _port. ,'le _an a .. i.l 1_ ?.m ary i?pOrr. A1_ cii these sites occur Above Headwaters. It is anticipated that all of these proposed crossings may be permitted under Nationwide Permit ?6 for , ro,ect Abov'(= Headwate2:s, 33 CFR 130.5(3). Application is hereby made for a Department of the Army permit as required for such acti-r=ties. By copy of this letter, we are also requesting 401 Water Quality Certification by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. Za TIlaI.'. lou -f::; r you--, assi - tanc?. If ;-ou have any -nest :.OnS , -c-ease con-a:-t' Ms. C'yn= Y 'ell in Rale-gh at (^ 19 73-3-9770. S1ncerely, E . ? 3' ?_Lll.llr P ASsistan- .,tanager Pl...'i11;iI1? .: t. il'.'irJill',1611ta1 .?rallcll P.E., DlI.'_ ? 11 _10Engl._ee1 Mr. J(Dhn Darn ey, DELI, DEHI,)Mr. N'.L. Graf, P..,. FHWA 17 7 lr am:lics :'I' 2,11- ir ..- r 141 D;.l.'.1.:r(JLi? ? :..v Df?J1!111 uCl l..?ds :I ^c.11 SliE-1:J 11; _ . E . Ro:-I'vlay Design 32 a2.uer, .?.L., Prrigral Devel - ilmeilt ranch "I . Dc 1 .., rt Dn ? . E . Hit_, -lay .. l _1a APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carollna Department of the Army (GS 146.12) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (GS 113.229, 143.215.3(a)(1), 143.215.3(c), 113A•118 (33 CFR 209.320.329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information A. Name North Carolina Department of Transportation; ATTN: Mr. B. J. O'Quinn Last First Middle B. Address P 0 Box 25201 Street, P. O. Box or Route Raleigh NC 27611 (919) 733-3141 City or Town State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Mecklenburg B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Charlotte 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes X No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Little Sugar Creek -- Ill. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project B. Purpose of excavation or till 2. New work Proposed new public highway 1. Ncce%s channel Ivngth width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area length width depth 4. Other Highway crossing length 240' width 260' depth C. I. Bulkhead length N/A Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) N/A . 2. Fype of bulkhead construction (material) N/A U. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 1,150,000 Cv 2. Type of material E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) I. Cubic yards 140 Cy (Includes 2. Type of material IV. Land box culvert site) Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: unknown suitable fill material A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X 8. Dues the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No C. Disposal Area N/A 1. Location 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? WA U. Fill material source if till is to be trucked in suitable fill material E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? -Silt fence and silt dams, seeding I . I vpc of equipment to be used Highway heavy construction equipment G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No 06 F•81 2tv tr1/'A V. Intended Use of Project Area (Describe) A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public highway B. I. Lot size(s) 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe 6. 'Land Classifiution'(circie one) DEVELOPED RANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Elan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes Y_ No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Rainfall runoff 3. Location of discharge ditches and fill slopes along highway V11. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): Vill. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: _ IX. Length of time required to complete project: ±3 years X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed another instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%z X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by regtstereo or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served 0. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. General Tire Company One General Street Akron OH 44329 X1. Crrtifiation requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity , -)mplies with the State of North Carolinas approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consisr.-it with such program. X11. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli- cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. J App cant's Signature Rev. lof?e SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS i t i t f Mail = copy to: PLEASE BE SURE THAT: - Both copies are completed - All blanks are filled in -- You have signed both copies If you have any questions please call your regional field office. District Engineer Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, N. C. 28402 (Note: attach Corps transmittal letter) Phone: 919/343-4631 AND Mail one copy to your regional field office as indicated on the map below: Gates 'A •`d?•?.yr` Ad est of Chowan River and south of Pamlico Riveri Hertford -udint southern half of Beaufort County. Coastal Management Fielo Services .'? C3 a 1502 N. Market Street Bartle d r Washington, NC 27889 •? _ 919/946-6481 y l.? /'Na?hinnrnn%Tvrrell _ Beaufort Hyde t Gwen v? Pamlico / East of Chowan River and north of Albemario: Soy to Virginia border, including northem Dare : ' c and outer banks to Ocracoke Inlet. Coastal Management Field Services 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 919/338-0206 1? ?. South of Pamlico River and Beaufort County to New River including barrier islands from Ocracoke Inlet to north of New River Inlet. Coastal Management Field Servic-? P. O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 2,,,, , _ 919/733-2160 or 726-7021 Pe XW i Heno%w \ ? BrUflSMl?ek t South of New River Inlet to South Carolina border. Coastal Management Field Services 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 919/256-4161 ?..A_ T o. r, ? M tn+nea" ,SUnIeT tll?s M ,. essemtr Ranb HC Cil 0 0 ee yy Ik 6 Jaa0 '„Y '.' . » , 8w?olii?:i?000faaii?'??r?`VVOOn???rr ,y r u f T ,. r7 ,.. ? pf ,u n w fl ? fha , 1 1 Mwlr r+ o ",'ROCK HI ? r' cr.... 111 r--•' ? 1 START OF PROJECT 3,. 4 \\ X" 5 T-' i LOCATION MAP 1000 0 N FEET R04 L` I 1 v , o rC•1 u? C B VICINITY MAP Y 1 y ^l1 6 ?y J , , V i .? „ ENO OF i i PROJECT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET / OF 4 MAY 1993 N 1n N 1.. ? ? u u y 00 A ca s3 a a a a a a a o Nw a V o 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 c fL C o ?3 00 a a a a Q a 0 p U V„ Il, h G v _ O M O h O O N N O , C-' h O O O C N N 1- W Q .; oo w W N fV ? Q ? u a a a a a a a a u 2 a o a ?I K ° V) a a t- N W a d I .. + d + + + + h b + r (11 v a co = h .- N c'1 V1 O NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT if 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERM IT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LOOP SHEET Z OF MAY 1993 METHOD II CLEARING AND GRUBBING WILL BE UTILIZED (CLEARING ONLY TO CONSTRUCTION LIMITS) q- GENERAL TIRE CO, + F. ONE GENERAL STREET o AKRON, OH 44329 +OO'BF! C L STC E mac! E ROS IUN C r4 IRLRS'l w,FILTER •/,/ FAPkIC - FS- 17 C F 18 W? T N - :t I O ? - -r - - - -------- z- _ _ L4 TC 971-75 175' SLOPE STAKES + 60 8 GENERAL TIRE CO. ONE GENERAL STREET AKRON, OH 44329 ESrr 2 E-wvo 4 TONS '7(, 1 •Krar arcs J 175' Q ynv. °I fbQ28•L•RE W \ C L' B' STCW ?? it 1 COFOR NNTRELLI FILTE}fl j 21l EST 1.7. TONS/ N SITE 5 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS /00 r HORIZONTAL SCALE nn 1 p t1 O? 175 O N tW 8 REV 6L O ;p cr, rn ?' ap 771 C ?C3 22 O CA r 11 04 2G1 Cl - Tom' CID _ 2s tD ?Q N 23• it O O NEL :o PROP GLWF4)RAIL C Ai- I ?- S 52+ 28 LB= 24CI F. ` E C I 0+0 .00 LA < k c 23 - F1 11 N _' - L 0 ?? o o 0 O W ?- o v I 0 I 1 ?I UI QN-?J7?M - SITE 5 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT # 8.1672201 (R-2248AA) PERM IT DRAWINGS FOR CHARLOTTE WESTERN OUTER LO SHEET?OF D MAY 1993 y M n STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT Ill GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY January 31, 1995 Rec0\0 ? ? ?qq5 FEB IoC* MIIR?? p ArN P District Engineer E U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmingto n, North Carolina, 28402-1890 ATTENTION : Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Mecklenburg County - Charlotte Outer Loop from Providence Road (NC 16) to Idlewild Road and from NC 49 to existing Southern Charlotte Outer Loop; T.I.P. Nos. R-0211EA & EB, R2123AA, and R2248AA; State Project Nos. 8.1670102, 8.U670 110, 8.1671601, and 8.U672204; DOA Action IDs. 199401414, 199401483, and 199401494 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a 404 Permit for this project on July 1, 1994. A condition of this permit states that creation and/or restoration of four acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands must be completed by December 31, 1995. The 401 Water Quality Certification requires restoration of ten acres of wetlands. NCDOT will be accomplishing this mitigation at the Long Creek mitigation site in Charlotte. We have retained Environmental Services, Inc. to develop the mitigation and monitoring plans. During discussions with the consultant, we have agreed upon a schedule in which we can reasonably develop and construct a successful mitigation site. In our opinion, intensive site research will need to be conducted during the 1995 growing season in order to inventory existing conditions. This will include development of topographic maps, soils maps, hydrologic studies, plant community descriptions, and hazardous waste assessment. The consultant also plans to conduct studies of reference undisturbed bottomland hardwood ecosystems in the area. The data collected from these studies will be utilized in the development of the mitigation plan. Environmental Services has suggested application of the Landscape Ecosytem Classification approach in predicting species selections and 0 plantings. The LEC model will take into account landform and soil in the given climate. A hydrologic model will also be prepared to describe influences of rainfall, groundwater and previous modifications of the hydrology on the site. This will likely necessitate recommendations to alter the site topography and drainage features. A model will be developed to predict the results of any suggested changes. Subsequent to the development of the first draft of this mitigation plan, the environmental regulatory agencies will be given an opportunity to review the consultant's site prescriptions. Any input from these agencies will need to be taken into consideration prior to approval of the final mitigation plan. After a final plan is approved, NCDOT design staff will need time to prepare the site drawings, contracts and allow bidding by contractors. The contractor will then need time to locate seedlings, perform any grading and drainage changes necessary, and set up monitoring instruments. Given this information, we feel it is impossible to conduct all of the proposed work by the end of 1995. In the interest of developing a mitigation plan with a reasonable chance for success, we hereby request an extension for creation of the Long Creek mitigation site by December 31, 1996. Also, attaced is a revised drawing of Sheet 28 from the permit package, detailing work near Mt. Harmony Church Road. Please note the base ditch that ends at Station 931 in the existing permit. Subsequent hydrological analysis indicates that this ditch will be need to be extended to the 8' x 6' box culvert at Station 933. This 4' base ditch would be excavated at the edge of a wetland fill site. We hereby request modification of the permit to allow extension of this ditch by 170 feet. Thank you for your continued assistance with this project. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141. Sincerely, B. ' uinn E. Assistant--* nager, Planning & Environmental Branch cc: Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Steve Lund, DOA, Asheville Mr. Tom Shearin, P.E. Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E. Mr. Don Morton, P.E. Mr. Archie Hankins, P.E. Mr. John Smith, P.E. Mr. Victor Barbour, P.E. Mr. W.D. Johnson, P.E. Mr. N.L. Graf Z LL. O O O m J W Ld _ O 3 z N F- 4.. cn 2 O i Cr- O O Z (f) U W = O f~- f-- LL U O . O CL f-- _I cn LL Z) (D = O Z CO _ 0 W CO U 4. a O _ -' Y 0 ?LL- I ...i z 'U D _LL I L1J N CL l1 o t? a W F- W I` W o0 (n N w w Q ? O _? i O 0 O i a: v Z a a. ? CL c b LL I i O 1 Q a Z O I. ; O a o Q 19 M I I C I a. 0 ?- F- Q U O 1 o LL. O I (1 1 > O I I " ?- z W w J I c Q ? U I U- Q. cn U I ? ? U O , C E I 3 W CL ?- I a Q z Q z o I o Q o -' Z r- Q• w ct oa a o _j?w- J J F- r Z Q m a Q W W 3 ! U Q Z J J CL: R I ? J N J J R. w 07 i y uj Li w ? = I I N (n ?' CQ?J O O a O a p/ ~ Z Z 0- O CL o. . Z O i 0 O /V1 ATC N LI N?7 S I t'1 931 (S ?, ee+ a3 ,f ?t3J