HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920189 Ver 1_Complete File_19920428 SWE State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street * Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary April 28, 1992 George T: Everett, Ph.D. Director Mr. Ben Whitfield 3217 Western Branch Blvd. Chesapeake, Virginia 23321 Dear Mr.Whitfield: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed expansion of existing road Project #-92189, COE # 199201184 Camden County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2728 issued to M & M Associates, Ltd dated April 28, 1992. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. :sincerely, UV ,Geo ge T. E rett i Attachments CC: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Washington Regional Office Washington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker Central Files RK;IONAL OFFICES Atihcville Fayetteville Moorewille Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/480-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-(A81 919/395-3900 919/896-TV7 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27026-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opp)rtunity Akirtnativc A(tiun 1-.inplowr NORTH CAROLINA Camden Countv CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to M & M Associates, Ltd Partnership 14 day of April 1992 to expand an existing road through wetlands. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of wetlands near the AIWW in conjunction with the proposed road in Camden County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 28 day of April, 1992. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ATg?y gf or. Everett, Di}?ector WQC# 2728 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO April 8, 1992 S: June.8, 1992 Regulatory Branch r Action ID. 199201184 I?t1 APR Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section jGRO Division of Environmental Management WE WATER Oat North Carolina Department of Environme , Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the application of Mr. Ben Whitfield, acting as agent for M & M Associates Limited Partnership, for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to authorize the placement of fill material in wetlands in conjunction with the expansion of an existing road within the Maranatha Island Subdivision, adjacent to Turner's Cut of the AIWW, west of NC 343, approximately 3.5 miles south of the South Mills Township, in Camden County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification may be required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request by June 8, 1992, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mrs. Laura,Fogo at the Washington Regulatory Field Office, telephone (919) 975-3609. Sincerely, 1 . ne Wri hie , Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copy Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 * tY • A.,lG 119;pto /Oy Please type or print. Carefully describe all an- d. Describe the planned use of the project. D T FTTN'R ticipated development activities, including construc- SEE ATTACHE tion, excavation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requested information is - not relevant to your project, write NIA (not ap- plicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for .4--LA1-D AND . WATER': all projects. CHARACTERISTICS ':+X ,_?Syr• . 1=APPLICANT .:_ ?. ;f<: a. Size of entire tract 192 acres b. Size of individual lot(s) .5+ acres a. Name BEN WHITFIELD a C. Elevation of tract above mean sea level-or Na- Address 3 217 Western Branch B 1 vd . tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 3 - 6 f t City CHESAPEAKE State VIRGINIA d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract - Zip 23321 1 Day phone8 0 4 - 4 8 4 - 7 9 6 3 SANDY LOAM-HEALTH DEPT. O.K.. Landowner or XX Authorized agent e. Vegetation on tract Various Hardwood b. Project name (if any) MARAAIATHA & Pine Trees. ISLAND f. Man-made features now on tract DIRT C. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give Roads & CITY WATER. the owner's name and ddress. ,g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- dr S CGi0. S ira tion of the site? (Consult the local land use P. 0. Box 015 9 i-7- 0 LIP plan.) ' V' + h is B eQC11 V i r 5- X X Conservation Transitional 1-804- - 70 ?_3 P a., Developed Community 15 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED &wL, Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? PROJECT RESIDENTIAL L How are adjacent waters classified? N/A a. Street address or secondary road number j. Has a professional archaeological survey been BEECHNUT AVE . --Off S . RTE . 3 4 3 carried out for the tract? NO b. City, town, community, or landmark If so, by whom? SOUTH MILLS C. County CAMDEN ` d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning 5- UPLAND :DEVELOPMENT,: :r :, jurisdiction? NO - . e. Name of body of water nearest project Complete this section if the project includes any TURNER'S CUT--INLAND WATERWAY-- upland development. 3/4 mile. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or 3 . DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED, structures proposed :w.USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT HOMES-- 92 LOTS . - b. Number of lots or parcels 9 2 a. Describe all development activities you propose a. Density (Give the number of residential units (for example, building a home, motel, marina, and the units per acre.) e a c h S i t e i s bulkhead, or pier). average Z acres +. We need to widen existing road d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed from 20' to 34' in order to develop 12,290 Sq.Ft.. road to D . 0 . T . STANDARDS for land e. If the proposed project will disturb more than development with NO OTHER ACCESS. one acre of land, the Division of Land If you plan to build a marina, also complete Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- and attach Form DCM-MP-2. tation control plan at least 30 days before land b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a isting pro ect, new work, or both? sedimentation and erosion control plan been NEW WOK submitt d to the Division of Land Resources? C. Will the project be for community, private, or N e/ A commercial use? f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet COMMUNITY --SUBDIVISION ACCESS, of mean high water to be covered by im- SEE ENCLOSED LETTER. permeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, or rooftops. N /A g. List the materials; such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete, to be used for paved surfaces. ASPHALT--D O T . ST_ DARDS_ h. If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? N /A L Describe proposed sewage dispgsal- waste S2PTIC water treatment facilities. TANKS per HEALTH DEPT. O.K.. b. Amount of material to be excavated from below water level in cubic yards c. Type of material N / A d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- land, swamps, or other wetlands? N/A e. High ground excavation, in cubic yard s N / A f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area g. Location of spoil disposal area N/A h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? n A j. Have these facilities received state or local } approval? YES. k. Describe existing treatment facilities. ?• NONE 1. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example surface runoff, sanitary .wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). m. Water supply sourceSOUTH MILLS WATER CO. n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to main- tain established public beach accessways or pro- vide new access. N/A o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? N/A 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL INFORMATION a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Boat basin Other (break- water, pier, boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW n?3, Upland fill areas k. 1. M. n. o. P. q• If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance?,l N/A If so, where? Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamoland,'or water areas? N/A Will the fill material be placed below mean high water?YES--SWAMP LEVEL Amount of fill in cubic, yards 18 0 0 yd . s Type of fill material CLAY BASF Source of fill material NEW WETLANDS. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other wetlands? WETLANDS TO WIDEN ROAD. Dimensions of the wetiand to be filled 840x14 How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? SILT-FENCE Grassed & SEEDED with 3 to 1 Slope. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? BACKHOE, DOZIER & DUMP TRUCKS. 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. b. C. d. e. f. Length of bulkhead :pCyi A 5. 3 0 0 f e e t. Average distance waterward of mean high water or normal water level 2 ft.-Inland Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet NONE Type of bulkhead material SALT-TREATED. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water NONE Type of fill material RXIST_ING SOIL, 2 s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- ment to the project site? NO If yes, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en- vironmental impacts. •t ' r , ' ADDITIQI?TA IEORMATIO& In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 l/2 x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- sonnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. The applicant must advise the adjacent landowners of this opportunity by sen- ding a copy of the permit application to them by registered or certified mail. This notification is re- quired by G.S. 113-229(d). Name WAVERLY M. SAWYER, ET ALS Address 117 HAVENWOOD DRIVE CAMDEN, N.C. 27921 Name M & M ASSOCIATES Address P- 0. BOX 438 SUFFOLK, VA. 23434 Name Address A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. N/A A check for $100 made payable to the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. A statement bn the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERbfIS° SION TO ENTER ON LAND Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the 26th day of MARCH 1992 X?ti? Landowner or Authorizeq'agent Send the completed application materials to the Division of Coastal Management Office nearest you and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. See the map on the inside front cover for the appropriate DCM office and addresses and phone number. 3 tA ry u' -S? w w I I t n u a' nail le- - N ? I lit r` I I I \<j I I 11 ?<4 I I .040 fir-- ap 4 , 1;^ q ?00- A i?'' 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