HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090565 Ver 1_Year 6 Monitoring Report_20200430ID#* 20090565 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 05/01/2020 Mitigation Project Submittal - 4/30/2020 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* V Stream Pr Wetlands r- Buffer r` Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Wes Fryar Project Information ................................................................................... ID#:* 20090565 Existing IDr Project Type: Project Name: County: Email Address:* wFryar@lmgroup.net Version: *1 Existing Version r DMS r Mitigation Bank Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Onslow Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: BDMB_YR06_AMR.pdf 10.8MB Rease upload only one RDFof the corrplete file that needs to be subrritted... Signature Print Name:* Wesley A Fryar Signature:* �," Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Annual Monitoring Report – Year 6 Onslow County, NC White Oak River Basin (Cataloging Unit #03030001) Prepared on behalf of: Weyerhaeuser NR Company (Sponsor) Prepared by: April 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 1 2.0. PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 2 A. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2 B. MITIGATION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES .................................................................................. 3 C. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................... 3 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 7 A. WETLAND RESTORATION/ENHANCEMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA ........................................ 7 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 6) ...................................................................................... 8 A. VEGETATION MONITORING ..................................................................................................... 8 B. HYDROLOGIC MONITORING .................................................................................................. 12 C. STREAM MONITORING ........................................................................................................... 12 D. CONTINGENCY MEASURES / REMEDIAL ACTION ................................................................ 12 5.0 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................13 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure 1 ........................................................................................................................................ Vicinity Map Figure 2 .................................................................................................................. Mitigation Quantities Map Figure 3. ................................................................................................................................ Site Impact Map Figure 4. .......................................................................................................... Geographic Service Area Map Figure 5 ..................................................................................................................... Monitoring Location Map Figure 6 .................................................................................... Longitudinal and Cross Section Location Map Figure 7 ................................................................................................................ Loblolly Pine Removal Map Table 1. ........................................................................................ BDMB Planting List (April 2013/May 2013) Table 2. ............................................................................................ Summary of Tasks Completed – BDMB Table 3 ................................................................................................. Vegetation Plots by Community Type Table 4A ........................................................... Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 6 – CVS Plots (100m²) Table 4B ................................................................... Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 6 – 0.10-ac Plots) Appendix A. ........................................................................................................................ Site Photographs Appendix B ................................................................ Individual Plot Data Sheets (Year 6 Monitoring – 2019) Appendix C ...................................................................................................... HM Stream Outlet Repair Plan Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 1 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of the Bank Sponsor (Weyerhaeuser NR Company) (WEYCO)), Land Management Group (LMG) has completed Year 6 annual monitoring of the Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank (BDMB). The BDMB consists of 361 acres and includes 9,503 linear feet of first order stream restoration, 7,283 linear feet of zero order restoration, 5,966 linear feet of stream enhancement (Enhancement II), 11,400 linear feet of stream preservation, 60 acres of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Restoration (i.e. small stream swamp); 28 acres of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Enhancement; 48 acres of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Preservation; 85 acres of Non-Riparian Wetland Restoration (i.e. streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat); and 13 acres of Non-Riparian Wetland Preservation (Figure 1). Restoration work for the BDMB project included the construction of single thread and zero order channels, which involved grading activities designed to re-establish proper elevations and hydrology. In addition, the headwater wetlands of the Bank site were restored via the backfilling and/or plugging of ditches and removal and/or plugging of collector canals in former agricultural fields. As was documented in the Mitigation Plan, the streams and wetlands of Bachelors Delight Swamp and its tributaries had been historically impaired by silvicultural practices since the early 1970s. As a result, extensive channel modification and removal of characteristic riparian vegetation occurred, leaving little functional habitat. For the single thread channels, the initial grading work removed existing silvicultural bedding and contoured the stream valley corridors to original grades. Ditches within the headwater areas were backfilled to existing grade, and access roads were removed. Culverts associated with the access roads were removed and permanent rock fords were constructed that raised the invert elevation to reconnect the streams to the existing floodplains. These areas were planted with hardwood species associated with the target small stream swamp community. Headwater (zero order) streams were restored by reestablishing the hydrologic connection between the headwaters and downstream section of the reach through removal of existing silvicultural bedding, backfilling and/or plugging of ditches, and re-contouring of the upper valleys (for those occurring within agricultural fields). Combined, these activities re-established diffuse, braided flow patterns throughout the length of the identified stream valleys. Plantings consistent with small stream swamp and riparian wetland communities of the outer Coastal Plain were established throughout these areas. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 2 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report Construction of the BDMB was completed in May 2013. Refer to the As-Built Report submitted November 2013 for more detailed information regarding the implementation of the BDMB. Per the approved restoration plan, monitoring of the site includes the assessment of both hydrologic and vegetative conditions over the course of a seven year monitoring period, or until the IRT deems the site successful. Following the completion of the earthwork, a total of twenty-four (24) 0.025 acre plots (10m x 10m), and eighteen (18) 0.10 acre plots were established throughout the planted area. A total of sixty-eight (68) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout the project area. Of these wells, ten (10) are stream gauges, seven (7) are riparian restoration wells, eighteen (18) are riparian reference wells, eight (8) are non-riparian restoration wells, one (1) is a non-riparian reference well, and twenty-four (24) are zero order restoration wells composing eight (8) well arrays within the zero order valleys. Per the Year 5 credit release letter from the Corps of Engineers (dated September 23, 2019), all of the monitoring wells met the hydrologic performance standards and as a result, hydrological monitoring was terminated in 2019. The annual vegetation monitoring was conducted in October 2019. Based upon the data collected, the BDMB site exhibits a high rate of survivorship of planted species as evidenced by an average observed density of 434 stems per acre. The following Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) presents the findings of the sixth year of vegetative monitoring for the BDMB. 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Introduction WEYCO began implementation of the restoration project in November 2012. The BDMB is located east of the junction of Gum Branch Road and Quaker Bridge Road in northern Onslow County, NC and encompasses much of the headwater wetland and streams of Bachelors Delight Swamp (Figure 1). Of the 361 acres, 60 acres consists of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Restoration (i.e. small stream swamp); 28 acres consists of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Enhancement; 48 acres consists of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Preservation; 85 acres consists of Non-Riparian Wetland Restoration (i.e. streamhead pocosin Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 3 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report and wet pine flat); and 13 acres consists of Non-Riparian Wetland Preservation (Figure 2). In addition, the project provides 9,503 linear feet of first order stream restoration, 7,283 linear feet of zero order restoration, 5,966 linear feet of stream enhancement (Enhancement II), and 11,400 linear feet of stream preservation. Placement of fill material within existing ditches (Figure 3) was authorized under Nationwide Permit 27 issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 19, 2011 (Action ID# 2009-00832) and the corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification issued on February 21, 2011 (DWQ Project #09 0564). B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives The larger Bank restoration project is intended to provide suitable, high-quality wetland and stream restoration to mitigate for authorized impacts within the White Oak River Basin (USGS 8-digit Hydrologic Unit 03030001; DWQ Subbasin 03-05-02). The objective of the project is to restore natural vegetative and hydrologic conditions throughout the nonriparian, riparian, and Coastal Plain stream habitat that have been compromised by previous land use activities. The primary functions to be restored or enhanced as a result of the restoration project include: surface water storage (i.e. flood attenuation; sediment/nutrient retention; organic carbon transport to downstream food-webs; and wildlife/aquatic habitat). The project provides a unique opportunity to restore an entire watershed within a region currently experiencing acute development pressures with impaired waterbodies. Note that the Geographic Service Area (GSA) excludes the 14-Digit Cataloging Units located to the south and east of HWY 17 in Pender and New Hanover Counties (Figure 4). C. Project Implementation Restoration activities were initiated in November 2012 and included the construction of dry Priority I stream channels directly adjacent to the existing ditches. Construction of the single thread channels involved grading activities designed to re-establish proper elevations and hydrology. As construction progressed downstream, existing ditches and canals were filled and silvicultural bedding was removed. Clay plugs were used at prescribed intervals to reduce potential subsurface drainage within backfilled ditches. Soil removed for the construction of the Priority 1 channels was used to fill in the existing ditches and restore natural contours within the floodplain. Natural woody material (i.e. root wads and log vanes) was used to construct the in-stream structures throughout each section. Existing roadbeds and adjacent spoil piles were removed, and the material was used to backfill the road-side canals. Permanent rock fords were installed at the locations of existing culverts to raise the invert elevation and reconnect the stream to the Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 4 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report existing floodplain. Riparian wetlands were restored (60 acres) and enhanced (28 acres) as a result of stream channel and ditch modifications within the site. Zero order valleys were restored and enhanced via the backfilling of laterals and/or plugging of canals within the headwaters, removal of silvicultural bedding and recontouring of the natural valley slope, which restored natural hydrologic inflows (via groundwater contributions and overland flow). Culverts and roadbeds bisecting the zero order valleys were removed and rock fords were installed to facilitate natural drainage to the downstream section of the reaches. Non- riparian wetlands (85 acres) located throughout interstream flats and converted agricultural fields on the Site were restored via the backfilling and/or plugging of ditches and/or collector canals and associated grading work along secondary and tertiary ditches. Restored wetlands were planted with characteristic wetland trees corresponding to the targeted community type (small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat). Approximately 69,870 hardwood tree seedlings were planted throughout the restored small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat communities between April 2013 and May 2013. Planting was conducted by the NC State Natural Resources Foundation, Inc. Seedlings were planted on approximate 9- ft centers, corresponding to an average density of 547 seedlings per acre. Bare-root plant material was provided by Arborgen Nursery (Blenheim, SC) and from the North Carolina Forest Service Claridge Nursery (Goldsboro, NC). Per the restoration plan, two non-riparian vegetative communities (streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat) and one riparian vegetative community (small stream swamp) were established throughout the 361-ac project area. Swamp black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) comprised a majority of the seedlings planted within the riparian zones (60-ac), totaling approximately 26,700. In addition to bare root material, live stakes were installed along the banks of the restored stream channels on approximate 4-ft centers to provide for enhanced bank stabilization and vegetative cover. Live stake species included silky dogwood (Cornus amonum), black willow (Salix nigra), and elderberry (Sambucus Canadensis). Species such as long leaf pine (Pinus palustris), Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana), and shumard oak (Quercus shumardii) were planted within the non-riparian zones (85-ac) within the former agricultural fields (See Table 1 for seedling quantities by species). Approximately 88-acres composed of the former agricultural fields were divided into six planting areas: (1) long leaf pine (34-ac); (2) Atlantic white cedar (13-ac); (3) Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 5 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report Atlantic white cedar-sweet bay mix (11-ac); (4) bald cypress and gum mix (10-ac); (5) oak mix (6-ac); and (6) pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens) (2-ac). Table 1. BDMB Planting List (April 2013/May 2013) Riparian Restoration Small Stream Swamp 60-ac1 Common Name Scientific Name # Planted Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 13,000 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 9,000 Total 22,000 Non-Riparian Restoration Streamhead Pocosin 54-ac2 Common Name Scientific Name Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 2,100 Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 14,028 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 1,400 Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 3,700 Cherrybark Oak Quercus pagoda 1,600 Laurel Oak Quercus laurifolia 1,400 Sweet Bay Magnolia virginiana 1,000 Shumard Oak Quercus shumardii 400 Pond Cypress Taxodium ascendens 1,200 Total 26,828 Non-Riparian Restoration Wet Pine Flat 34-ac3 Common Name Scientific Name Longleaf Pine Pinus palustris 21,042 Total 21,042 Grand Total 69,870 1 Approximately 28-ac planted in this community 2 Approximately 35-ac planted in this community 3 Approximately 29-ac planted in this community Note that approximately 21-ac in the former agricultural fields was left undisturbed due to the presence of natural hardwood stands and relict wind-rows. Long leaf pine and Atlantic white cedar were planted in slightly higher landscape positions in the stream head pocosin and wet pine flat communities, while the remaining species were planted in areas that will likely experience longer flooding durations. The transition between the small stream swamp community and the streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat communities in the outer Coastal Plain represents subtle shifts in composition rather than distinct breaks between wetland types. An overlap of planted species occurs along the boundaries between the wetland communities. Refer to Table 2 for a list of tasks and associated completion dates for the implementation of the BDMB. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 6 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report Table 2. Summary of Tasks Completed on BDMB Description of Task Date Logging within Limits of Clearing November 2012 On-site Meeting with COE Staff – Construction Review March 2013 Completion of Earthwork April 2013 Site Planting April 2013 On-Site Meeting with COE Staff April 2014 Year 1 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2015 Year 2 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2016 On-Site Meeting with COE Staff April 2016 Year 3 Monitoring Report Submitted February 2017 On-Site Meeting with COE & IRT Staff – Remedial Action Discussion & Requirement on Loblolly Pine Removal and HM1 Stream Outlet Repair March 2017 Coordination with Stream Engineer on HM1 Stream Outlet Repair March 2017 Loblolly Pine Removal Completion June 2017 Meeting with Contractor on HM1 Stream Outlet Repair June 2017 HM1 Stream Outlet Repair Completion August 2017 On-Site Meeting with COE Staff to Review Repair Areas August 2017 Year 4 Monitoring Report Submitted February 2018 On-Site Meeting with COE Staff April 2018 Year 5 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2019 On-Site Meeting with COE Staff July 2019 Year 6 Monitoring Report Submitted April 2020 Following the completion of the earthwork, a total of twenty-four (24) permanent 0.025 acre plots and eighteen (18) 0.10 acre plots were established throughout the planted and restored (i.e. former) small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat communities (Table 3). Table 3. Vegetation Plots by Community Type Community Type Acreage Vegetation Plots Small Stream 60 17 Streamhead Pocosin 54 13 Wet Pine Flat 34 12 TOTAL 148 42 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 7 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS A. Wetland Restoration/Enhancement Success Criteria The wetland restoration effort is evaluated based upon performance criteria related to vegetative density and wetland hydrology1. Vegetation monitoring will be conducted at the site on an annual basis for a period of seven (7) years. Note that non-planted individuals of characteristic wetland species may volunteer into the restored site. Suitable volunteers are an important component to the restored wetland as they serve as indicators for appropriate hydrologic regimes and provide increased diversity. The presence of suitable volunteers demonstrates trending of the site toward vegetative success. The primary success criteria for the Bachelors Delight Wetland and Stream Mitigation Bank will be: 1. Demonstrated density of planted species to meet or exceed 320 trees per acre at the end of three years (post-planting), 260 trees per acre at the end of five years, and 210 (seven-year old) character canopy tree species per acre at the end of seven years. The IRT may allow for the counting of acceptable volunteer species toward the 210-tree per acre density upon the review and evaluation of the annual monitoring data. 2. If, within the first three years, any species exhibits greater than 50% mortality, the species will either be re- planted or an acceptable replacement species will be planted in its place. 3. No single volunteer species (most notably red maple, loblolly pine, and sweet gum) will comprise more than 50% of the total composition at Year 2 or Year 3. If this occurs, remedial action, as approved by the IRT may be required. During Year 4 and Year 5, no single volunteer species, comprising over 50% of the total composition, may be more than twice the height of the planted trees. If this occurs, remedial action, as approved by the IRT, may be required. The need to conduct additional volunteer sampling after Year 5 will be determined by the IRT. The vegetative component for BDMB includes an assessment of the conditions within each of the forty-two (42) permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 5). Monitoring reports are being submitted annually to the USACE and the IRT. 1 As noted, hydrologic monitoring was terminated in 2019 in accordance with the September (23) 2019 credit release letter from the Corps of Engineers Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 8 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 6) A. Vegetation Monitoring Year 6 monitoring data were collected in October 2019. A total of 1,206 stems (acceptable species) were counted throughout the eighteen (18) 0.10-ac plots and 484 stems throughout the twenty-four (24) 0.025-ac plots (Table 4). Inclusive within this total were 1,022 stems of planted species (correlating to a mean density of 431 stems per acre) (refer to Table 4A). Atlantic white cedar and long leaf pine were the most abundant planted woody species, with a total of 300 and 298 individuals, respectively. Bald cypress and swamp black gum were also prevalent within certain plots. In addition to the planted species, numerous volunteers were observed within the plots (Table 4). A majority of these individuals, such as red bay (Persea palustris), sweet pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia), and coastal doghobble (Leucothoe axillaris) are considered desirable volunteers since these plants are representative of the target wetland community types. The mean stem density observed for both planted and characteristic (desirable) wetland species for the project area is 739 stems/acre. Note that this observed density excludes individuals of several species including: (1) red maple (Acer rubrum); (2) sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua); (3) horse sugar (Symplocos tinctoria); (4) groundsel tree (Baccharis halimifolia); (5) loblolly pine (Pinus taeda); and (6) winged sumac (Rhus copallinum). Individual plot data sheets are provided in Appendix B. The most abundant volunteer species identified within the restored small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat communities are (in order of abundance): (1) loblolly pine (1,309 total stems); (2) red maple (548 total stems); (3) groundsel tree (356 total stems); (4) sweet gum (267 total stems); (5) sweet pepper bush (187 total stems); and (6) wax myrtle (Morella cerifera) (178 total stems). Refer to Table 4B for volunteer species identified by plot. In general, the observed volunteer species during Year 6 monitoring are considered characteristic of the target wetland community types (i.e. small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat). Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 9 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 12 12 10 10 13 13 9 13 9 11 6 9 5 5 8 9 7 7 4 5 9 9 92 103 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 13 12 10 7 11 9 9 15 13 9 9 6 65 58 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak P 9 5 7 8 16 13 Nyssa sylvatica swamp black gum P 3 2 4 3 4 3 6 1 2 4 4 9 7 5 3 2 3 5 3 5 3 47 34 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak P 6 4 6 4 Pinus palustris long leaf pine P 11 8 9 14 9 11 7 4 15 6 11 2 62 45 Pinus serotina pond pine P 0 0 Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay P 3 0 3 Cornus amomum silky dogwood P 3 3 0 Magnolia virginiana sweet bay P 3 1 1 1 4 Nyssa sylvatica swamp black gum AV 1 1 2 1 NA 5 Cyrilla racemiflora titi AV 1 3 1 1 2 NA 8 Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay AV 4 12 NA 16 Persea palustris red bay AV 4 7 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 NA 26 Vaccinium spp.blueberry AV 2 1 1 4 1 NA 9 Ilex opaca american holly AV 1 1 NA 2 Itea virginica sweetspire AV NA 0 Morella cerifera wax myrtle AV 2 3 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 8 6 2 1 NA 40 Morella pensylvanica bayberry AV NA 0 Ilex glabra inkberry AV 2 3 NA 5 Clethra alnifolia sweet pepper bush AV 1 2 6 42 1 NA 52 Leucothoe axillaris coastal doghobble AV 3 1 35 NA 39 Lyonia lucida fetterbush AV 2 16 NA 18 Baccharis halimifolia groundsel tree NV 10 17 1 5 14 3 10 1 5 14 2 6 7 NA 95 Symplocos tinctoria horse sugar NV 5 NA 5 Sassafras albidum sassafras NV NA 0 Salix nigra black willow NV 1 2 2 NA 5 Diospyros virginiana persimmon NV 6 NA 6 Juniperus virginiana red cedar NV 1 NA 1 Lingustrum sinense privet NV 1 NA 1 Rhus copallinum winged sumac NV 5 2 NA 7 Prunus serotina black cherry NV 1 NA 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweet gum NV 3 4 2 2 1 9 31 95 1 1 NA 149 Acer rubrum red maple NV 7 10 5 8 1 35 1 1 1 47 42 65 1 14 NA 238 Pinus taeda loblolly pine NV 30 20 3 24 48 47 60 52 33 85 3 3 11 29 7 3 14 12 20 12 16 7 7 40 NA 586 Total Stems of Planted Species 15 14 14 13 17 16 15 14 15 13 10 13 14 12 13 12 9 10 12 8 11 8 9 14 9 11 7 10 15 6 11 2 14 13 10 7 11 9 9 15 13 9 23 18 9 9 7 8 264 Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 15 23 14 17 17 20 15 53 15 16 10 18 14 15 13 16 9 90 12 11 11 9 9 26 9 13 7 31 15 6 11 2 14 22 10 10 11 10 9 25 13 14 23 18 9 10 7 9 484Total Stems (YR 0)BD-NR-CYPGUM 1BD-NR-OAK 1BD-NR-OAK 2Total Stems (YR 6)BDS-NR-LL 1BDN-NR-AWCBAY 1BDN-NR-AWC-1BDN-NR-AWC-2BDN-NR-AWC-3BDS-NR-AWC 1HM 2BDN-NR-LL 1BDN-NR-LL 2BDN-NR-LL 3BDN-NR-LL 4BDN-NR-LL 5HUF 4HEW 1HEW 2HEW 3HEW 4HM 1TABLE 4A: Bachelors Delight Stream And Wetland Mitigation Bank - Vegetation Monitoring (Year 6) Notes: Plots in Table 4A are CVS plots (100 m2) AV: Acceptable Volunteer NV: Non-Acceptable Volunteer Species Common Name Planted/Volunteer HUF 1HUF 2HUF 3 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 10 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6YR 0YR 6Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 30 23 29 45 42 42 31 30 56 53 188 193 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 55 44 59 56 1 66 63 50 29 58 49 288 242 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak P 30 25 30 25 Nyssa sylvatica swamp black gum P 27 10 24 7 14 8 26 14 3 1 2 91 45 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak P 27 27 0 Magnolia virginiana sweet bay P 0 0 Pinus palustris long leaf pine P 55 34 53 21 58 22 60 33 63 56 54 35 58 52 401 253 Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay AV NA 0 Clethra alnifolia sweet pepper bush AV 119 16 NA 135 Leucothoe axillaris coastal doghobble AV 1 18 30 NA 49 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar AV NA 0 Ilex opaca american holly AV 1 1 NA 2 Cyrilla racemiflora titi AV 1 1 NA 2 Lyonia lucida fetterbush AV 20 1 1 NA 22 Quercus nigra water oak AV 1 NA 1 Morella cerifera wax myrtle AV 18 2 1 1 30 59 1 1 7 2 1 5 8 1 NA 137 Pinus serotina pond pine AV NA 0 Ilex glabra inkberry AV NA 0 Ilex coriacea gallberry AV 1 NA 1 Vaccinium spp.blueberry AV 1 1 14 2 NA 18 Persea palustris red bay AV 33 11 2 1 4 6 3 NA 60 Cephalanthus occidentalis bottonbush AV 1 NA 1 Magnolia virginiana sweet bay AV 1 2 2 3 11 1 NA 20 Pinus taeda loblolly pine NV 65 37 61 75 34 24 53 33 42 38 59 45 19 19 14 69 25 11 NA 723 Rhus copallinum winged sumac NV 1 NA 1 Salix nigra black willow NV 4 2 10 9 1 NA 26 Quercus falcata southern red oak NV NA 0 Symplocos tinctoria horse sugar NV 5 NA 5 Liquidambar styraciflua sweet gum NV 45 1 72 NA 118 Acer rubrum red maple NV 16 22 60 62 35 50 13 30 22 NA 310 Baccharis halimifolia groundsel tree NV 4 3 115 30 17 6 14 3 2 4 8 14 27 9 5 NA 261 Total Stems of Planted Species 57 33 53 52 56 50 57 44 57 28 55 44 59 56 55 36 56 53 66 63 50 29 58 49 53 21 58 22 60 35 63 56 54 35 58 52 758 Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 57 56 53 126 56 227 57 66 57 33 55 79 59 115 55 45 56 57 66 70 50 40 58 51 53 23 58 23 60 40 63 56 54 43 58 56 1206 Species Common Name Planted/Volunteer Plot R1Plot R2Plot R3Plot HF1Plot HF2Plot HF3Plot HF4Plot HF5Total Stems (YR 0)Plot HF9Plot HF10Plot HF11TABLE 4B: Bachelors Delight Stream And Wetland Mitigation Bank - Vegetation Monitoring (Year 6)Plot HF12Plot HF13Plot HF14Total Stems (YR 6)Notes: Plots in Table 4B are 0.10-acre AV: Acceptable Volunteer NV: Non-Acceptable Volunteer Plot HF6Plot HF7Plot HF8Plot R4 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 11 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report The most prevalent non-target species observed during Year 6 monitoring were loblolly pine and red maple. While considered non-desirable (due to their potential to out-compete planted species), both loblolly pine and red maple are commonly occurring as early successional species in the Outer Coastal Plain. Based upon the data, other predominant volunteers (e.g. red bay, sweet pepper bush, wax myrtle, etc.) are desirable and consistent with the restoration goals of the project (i.e. characteristic of the target vegetative community). While certain volunteer species can potentially out-compete planted species, the overall composition of the species observed is characteristic of small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat wetlands of the outer Coastal Plain and appear to be well-adapted to the restored wetland hydrology. Overall, the site exhibited a diverse assemblage of characteristic trees and shrubs (as depicted in Table 4). Of the twenty-four (24) 0.025-ac plots, all but two (2) plots achieved the Year 6 success criterion of meeting or exceeding 260 stems per acre. These two plots (BDN NR LL5 and BDS NR LL1) appear to have been impacted by pine clearing crews (i.e. target stems were inadvertently removed) as part of remedial action measures taken in 2017 to remove volunteer loblolly pine from the project area. Otherwise, these two plots would have exceeded the required number of stems based on prior years stem counts and survivability. Of the eighteen (18) 0.10-ac plots, all but two (2) plots achieved the Year 6 success criterion of meeting or exceeding 260 stems per acre. These two plots (HF9 and HF10) were slightly below the target stem density with twenty-one (21) planted stems in Plot HF9 and twenty-two (22) planted stems in Plot HF10. However, desirable volunteers are becoming established within these plots and both plots are progressing towards the Year 7 success criterion of meeting or exceeding 210 stems per acre. The low planted stem count within these plots has been observed since Year 02 monitoring and seedling mortality in these plots seems to have reached a state of equilibrium. It appears as though mortality in these plots was a result of dense grasses and sedges over-topping young seedlings during Year 1 and 2, and from Pinus palustris (long leaf pine) seedlings succumbing to moisture stress from elevated water tables from adjacent canals. The adjacent canals have continued to overtop their banks into the adjacent pine flat as a result of the elevated water tables. These areas of inundation run parallel with the plugged canals, are representative of a very small area of the total tract and provide a niche aquatic habitat. Evidence of animal disturbance, shading from volunteer loblolly pines, and limited man-made path mowing during Year 01 (as a result of hunting activities) has also been documented in plot HF#10. The remaining thirty-eight (38) plots exhibited Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 12 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report relatively high planted stem densities (ranging between 280 stems to 720 stems per acre) through Year 6 monitoring. B. Hydrologic Monitoring (Wetlands) Based on the Year 05 credit release letter from the US Army Corps of Engineers, the bank site has fulfilled and completed all hydrological well monitoring requirements, including stream gauges. All hydrological monitoring of the site has been terminated. C. Stream Monitoring Based on the Year 05 credit release letter from the US Army Corps of Engineers and subsequent follow-up communication, the bank site has fulfilled and completed all stream monitoring requirements. All stream and zero order flow monitoring of the site has been terminated. D. Contingency Measures/Remedial Action During Year 3 monitoring, it was noted that grade control structures located at the outfall of stream segment HM1 were showing signs of degradation and piping. LMG subsequently met with both the stream engineer and a grading contractor to evaluate and identify specific construction methods for repair of this outfall section of the stream and formulated a repair plan. Per review and concurrence by the IRT, repair work was completed on August 2nd, 2017. The repair work was reviewed in the field by the USACE on August 3rd, 2017. During the fall of 2018, Hurricane Florence made landfall and resulted in >32-inches of rainfall. Sections of the repair area washed out from the intense flow down the valley. However, the log vane the furthest upstream remains intact and is controlling appropriate grade elevation. This area was evaluated by the project engineer and will be repaired utilizing a vegetated rock-ramp during the 2020 growing season. The engineer has prepared repair design drawings for this outfall (refer to Appendix C). The repair work has been put out to bid and repair work is anticipated to be completed by June 2020. Also during Year 3 monitoring, it was noted that the loblolly pine volunteers located within the Hoffman Forest side of the bank had increased in size and quantity and needed targeting for suppression. Remedial action for this area was implemented in early May 2017. A pre-commercial thinning crew was contracted to cut the loblolly pines by hand. Control of loblolly pine growth in the upstream segment of HE1 & HM1 was also performed by physical removal. These areas were reviewed in the field with the USACE on August 3rd, 13 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report 2017. During an on-site meeting with USACE staff on July 10th, 2019, areas along HM-1, HU-1, and HEW were observed to contain an abundance of loblolly pines and sweet gum. In order to prevent these volunteer species from affecting the growth rate and survivability of the planted trees, the same pre-commercial thinning crew are being contracted to remove these species during the 2020 growing season. In addition, the riparian vegetation zone along the upper HE-1/HEW reach was assessed to determine if any remedial action would benefit or accelerate vegetative growth along this reach. At this time, no additional planting is proposed for this area. 5.0 CONCLUSION The implementation of the Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank restores and connects large headwater wetland areas to first-order tributaries of Bachelors Delight Swamp. As a result of the work, there has been a discernible hydrologic response within the stream valleys and the adjacent riparian and non-riparian wetlands. Hydrologic performance standards have been met as demonstrated through five years of monitoring. Per the 2019 (Year 5) credit release letter issued by the Corps, hydrologic monitoring has been terminated. Enumerated vegetation stem counts indicate that the site is progressing well during the sixth year following the implementation of the restoration activities. Overall, the site exhibited a diverse assemblage of characteristic trees and shrubs. Vegetation data document high rates of survivorship among the planted ( stem density = 484 stems per acre) and planted/desirable volunteer ( stem density = 739 stems per acre) species. Overall, the BDMB is providing target wetland and stream functions. The restoration site is providing key wetland functions by reducing sediment/nutrient runoff; increasing floodwater storage; and re- establishing wildlife habitat. The in-stream structures are structurally intact and have maintained grade control throughout the project (other than the issues with the HM outlet as stated above). This downstream segment of HM will be repaired during the 2020 growing season in consultation with the USACE and IRT. The riparian buffer has seen a large recruitment of typical riparian vegetative communities and has exhibited favorable growth of planted stems. The stream reaches of the project have all met the stated goals of the project. The site plot vegetation will be continued to be monitored Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 14 Year 6 Annual Monitoring Report over the next and final year (through Year 7), and the findings of such will be provided in the final annual monitoring report for agency review and concurrence. FIGURES N *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute.SCALE 1" = 1 MileMap Source: North Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer. Pg 77.2003 Figure 1. Vicinity Map SITE Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Onslow County, NC SITE Project:Bachelors Delight SwampStream and Wetland Mitigation BankTitle:Mitigation QuantitiesCBMDrawn By:Date:Scale:1"=1,200'12/17/2009Figure 2Job Number:Sheet Number:Revision Date:01-08-3529/15/10Property BoundaryExisting RoadsStream Restoration (~9,679 lf)Stream Enhancement (~5,928 lf)Zero Order Restoration (~7,082 lf)Stream Preservation (~11,400 lf)Riparian Wetland Restoration (60 ac.)Non-Riparian Wetland Restoration (~85 ac.)Riparian Wetland Enhancement (~28 ac.)Riparian Wetland Preservation (~48 ac.)Stream Buffer (SBCF)(~35 ac.)HE-22,4001,2006003000L:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\01-09-168 --- Onslow 19 Batchelors, Downey\ACAD\October 2010\Fig7-RestorationPlan-Oct2010.dwgTelephone: 910-452-0001Post Office Box 2522Wilmington, North Carolina 28402HE-1HE-3HE-4HU-1HU-2HU-3BD-1BD-3BD-4BD-5BD-6BD-7HM-1BD-5ABD-5BBD-5CHU-1ABD-5DBD-4AStream Design Provided by:Ko/Florence & Hutcheson5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100Raleigh, NC 27607919-851-6066Upland Buffer (~94 ac.)BD-2Di t c hNon-Riparian Wetland Preservation (~13 ac.)Wet FordWet FordWet FordWet FordWet FordWet FordWet FordWet FordLegend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Project:Bachelors Delight SwampStream and Wetland Mitigation BankTitle:Wetland/Stream Impact Map(Nationwide 27 Application)CBMDrawn By:Date:Scale:1"=1,200'12/6/2009Figure 3Job Number:Sheet Number:Revision Date:01-09-168N/ALegendProperty BoundaryExisting RoadsProposed Stream Impacts (8,652 lf)Proposed Wetland Impacts (14.31 ac.)Proposed Open Water Impacts (0.33 ac.)Existing Wetlands2,4001,2006003000L:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\01-09-168 --- Onslow 19 Batchelors, Downey\NWP Application\BDMB_401_404.dwgTelephone: 910-452-0001Post Office Box 2522Wilmington, North Carolina 28402Stream Design Provided by:Ko/Florence & Hutcheson5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100Raleigh, NC 27607919-851-6066Proposed Ditch Impacts (0.91 ac.)Wet Ford Location Ü 0 4 8 Miles Figure 4. Geographic Service Area MapBachelors Delight Mitigation Bank Onslow County, NC December 2009 ! ! Jacksonville Camp Lejeune !Camp Lejeune ! Maysville ! ! !Richlands Sneads Ferry Holly Ridge White Oak River Basin HUC - 03030001 Cape Fear River Basin HUC - 03030007 White Oak River Basin (Bogue-Core Sounds) HUC - 03020106 Neuse River Basin HUC -03020204 Legend Bank Site Geographic Service AreaHWY17US258HWY17 Y 5 3 N C 2 4 NC172 NFigure 5a: Monitoring Location Map Map Source: 2008 NAPP Aerial Photography www.LMGroup.net Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 SCALE 1" = 800’ (printed at 11X17”) Bachelors Delight Swamp Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank Taylor Downey Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. Onslow County, NC 40-09-168 L:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-0 --- Bachelors Delight Baseline Monitoring, Taylor Downey\Maps " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " #7 #7 #7#7 #7 #7 #7 #7#7 #7#7 #7#7 #7#7#7 #7#7 #7 #7#7#7 #7 #7#7#7 #7#7#7 # #7#7#7 #7#7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 # #7 #7 #7 #7#7#7 #7#7#7 #7#7#7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Legend "Supplemental Plots (18 - 0.1-ac plots) Stream Gauge "CVS Plots 7 SITE 7 7 HEW_01 HEW_02 HEW_03 HEW_04 R1 HUF_01 HUF_02 HUF_03 HUF_04 R2 R4 Hf4Hf1 BDS_NR_LL_veg_01 BDS_NR_AWC_veg_1 BD_NR_OAK_veg_02 BD_NR_OAK_veg_01 BDN_NR_AWC_veg_3 BD_NR_CYPGUM_01 BDN_NR_AWC_veg_2 BDN_NR_AWC_veg_1 Hf3 Hf2 Hf5 Hf8 Hf6 Hf7 Hf13 Hf9 Hf11 Hf10 Hf12 Hf14 BD_NR_AWCBAY_veg BDN_NR_LL_veg_05 BDN_NR_LL_veg_04 BDN_NR_LL_veg_03 BDN_NR_LL_veg_01 BDN_NR_LL_veg_02 HE_SG1 HE_SG2 HE_RIP1 HE_RIP2 HE_SG3 HE_REF2 HE_REF1 HE_REF3 HE_REF4 HU_SG1 HU_SG2 HU_RIP2 HU_ZOA1 HU_RIP1 HU_ZOA2 HU_REF1 HU_SG3 BD2_ZOA BDS_SG2 BD_REF1 BDN_ZOA4 BDN_RIP1 BDN_ZOA1 BDN_ZOA2 BD_GW5 BD_GW6 BD_GW7 BDS_RIP1 BD_GW4BD_GW3 BD_GW2 BD_GW1 BD_GW8 BDS_SG1 BDS_ZOA1 NFigure 5b: Monitoring Location Map Map Source: 2008 NAPP Aerial Photography www.LMGroup.net Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 SCALE 1" = 800’ (printed at 11X17”) Bachelors Delight Swamp Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank Taylor Downey Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. Onslow County, NC 40-09-168 L:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-0 --- Bachelors Delight Baseline Monitoring, Taylor Downey\Maps " " #7#7#7 #7 #7 #7 " Legend "Supplemental Plots (18 - 0.1-ac plots) Stream Guage "CVS Plots 7 SITE R3 HM_veg_01 HM_veg_02 HM_ZOA1 HM_SG1 HM_RIP1 HM_SG2 NFigure 5c: Monitoring Location Map Map Source: 2008 NAPP Aerial Photography www.LMGroup.net Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 SCALE 1" = 2000’ (printed at 11X17”) Bachelors Delight Swamp Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank Taylor Downey Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. Onslow County, NC 40-09-168 L:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-0 --- Bachelors Delight Baseline Monitoring, Taylor Downey\Maps """ " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" #7 #7#7 #7 #7 #7#7 #7#7 #7#7#7 #7#7#7#7 #7#7#7#7#7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7#7 #7 #7 #7#7#7 #7#7#7 #7#7#7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " NON_RIP_REF HU_SG1 HE_SG3 HE_SG2 BD_GW7 BD_GW5 BD_GW6 BD_GW4BD_GW3 BD_GW2BD_GW1 HE_SG1 HU_SG2 HE_RIP2 HE_RIP1 HU_RIP1 HU_RIP2 HEREF3B HEREF3A HEREF2B HEREF2A HEREF1C HEREF3C HEREF1A HEREF1B BDS_RIP1 HU_ZOA1_CHU_ZOA1_B HU_ZOA2_A HU_ZOA2_C HU_ZOA2_B NON_ZOA_CNON_ZOA_B NON_ZOA_A BDN_ZOA3_A BDN_ZOA3_C BDN_ZOA2_C BDN_ZOA1_C Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community Legend "Supplemental Plots (18 - 0.1-ac plots) Stream Guage "CVS Plots 7 SITE 5 jU \ 3 / / / « / e @ 2 2 c W 2 2 § ] / / E @ W ] / ¢ w _ / G w ] N O G / ] $ / e M M' / D§ / \ : j \ \ / / ƒ / ƒ © © 2 k /CD 2 CD / \ / \ ) / / \ \ ƒ / ƒ E CL k f M (\ ƒ CD a o a ® R CL 2 § ] � = � E s E g ° 7 0 °> J n 1p % m g (n CD 7 - / - / I m E 0 c_ CD / / o \ % e / \ ƒ 00 e ƒ m a § ( \ / g « 7 \ > dill ° ƒ \ / Ll 93 ƒ! _ / /[!t 3 _ `R3 CD \ ' .. 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SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 1 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (1) View of typical growth of Bald Cypress along HE reach (Plot HEW 4) (2) View of typical growth of Bald Cypress along HE reach (Plot R1) APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 2 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (3)View of typical vegetative growth along HU reach (Plot HUF03) (4)View of typical vegetative growth along HU reach (Plot HUF01) APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 3 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (5)View of typical vegetative growth along HU zero order reach (Plot R2) (6)View of typical vegetative growth along HU zero order reach (Plot R2) APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 4 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (7)View of typical vegetative growth along HU zero order reach (Plot R2) (8)View of HU zero order reach at Plot HUF4 APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 5 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (9)View of typical cypress growth of BD zero order reach (Plot R4) (10)View of typical cypress growth of BD zero order reach (Plot R4) APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 6 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (11)View of black gum growth along HM zero order stream reach (Plot R3) (12)View of typical cypress growth along HM zero order stream reach (Plot R3) APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 7 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (13)View of typical longleaf pine growth (Plot HF13) (14)View of typical Atlantic white cedar growth (Plot HF 3) APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 8 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (15)View of typical swamp chestnut oak growth (Plot HF1) (16)View of typical black gum growth (Plot HF1) APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS – EXISTING CONDITIONS Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 9 | Page Year06 Annual Monitoring Report (17)View of Atlantic white cedar growth in Plot HF2 (18)Typical Atlantic white cedar growth (Plot BDN-NR-AWC1) APPENDIX B – INDIVIDUAL PLOT DATA SHEETS BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 11 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 13 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 14 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Titi SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Inkberry SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Pine T 5 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 12 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 10 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 14 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 9 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 360 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 40 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 63 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)920 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 13 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 14 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 13 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 520 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 160 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 20 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 37 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)680 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 3 7 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 10 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 3 13 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 15 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 16 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 640 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 160 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 18 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 38 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)800 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 12 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 5 13 ft Planted 5 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay T 3 15 ft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 9 6 ft Volunteer 9 Fetterbush SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Doghobble SH 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Titi SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Pine T 6 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 14 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 14 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 39 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1560 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 26 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 79 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)2120 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 3 2 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Winged Sumac SH 4 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 13 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 18 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 13 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 520 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 3 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 120 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 60 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 76 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)640 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Doghobble SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 3 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 18 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 13 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 520 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 5 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 200 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 47 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 65 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)720 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Swamp Black Gum T 3 2 ft Planted 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Gum T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 8 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 20 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 16 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 12 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 480 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 3 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 120 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 69 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 84 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)600 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 6 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 14 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 15 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 11 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 10 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 17 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 14 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 5 3 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Ptivet SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 12 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 480 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 160 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 75 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 91 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)640 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HM 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 10 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 10 2 ft Volunteer 10 Sweet Pepperbush SH 20 3 ft Volunteer 20 Sweet Pepperbush SH 12 4 ft Volunteer 12 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 10 2 ft Volunteer 10 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 15 4f t Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Persimmon T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Persimmon T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Persimmon T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 15 2 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 10 3 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Bayberry SH 6 4 ft Volunteer 0 Winged Sumac SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Winged Sumac SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 9 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Horsesugar SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Horsesugar SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 10 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 400 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 80 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 3200 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 100 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 190 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)3600 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HM 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 15 2 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 20 1 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 25 2 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 18 3 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 15 4 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 12 6 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 5 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 20 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 40 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 15 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 8 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 320 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 3 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 120 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 216 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 227 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)440 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 8 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 320 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 3 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 12 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)360 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 6 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 12 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 3 15 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 18 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 7 1 ft Volunteer 7 Groundsel Tree SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 16 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 14 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 12 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 480 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 9 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 35 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)1040 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 15 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 20 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 7 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 11 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 440 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 2 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 80 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 25 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 38 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)520 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 4 t Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 12 1 ft Volunteer 12 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Black Cherry T 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 12 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 160 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 27 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1080 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 30 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 61 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)1240 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 5 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Loblolly Pine T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 6 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 240 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 7 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 13 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)240 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDS-NR-LL 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 7 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 2 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 80 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 13 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 15 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)80 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWCBAY 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 15 ft Planted 3 Sweet Bay SH 1 2 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 17 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 13 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 520 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 9 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 360 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 16 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 38 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)880 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWC-1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 3 12 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 14 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 16 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 7 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 7 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 280 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 3 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 120 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 12 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 22 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)400 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWC-2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 2 10 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 14 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 16 ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 16 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 20 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 15 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 12 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 9 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 360 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 72 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 82 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)400 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWC-3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 10 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 12 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 14 ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 16 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 18 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 1 Inkberry SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Inkberry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Black Willow T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 28 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 20 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 10 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 15 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 600 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 10 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 400 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 70 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 95 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)1000 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDS-NR-AWC 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 American Titi SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 10 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 400 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 160 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 19 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 33 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)560 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BD-NR-CYPGUM 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 16 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 15 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 10 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 29 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 13 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 5 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 18 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 720 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 72 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 90 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)720 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BD-NR-OAK 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Laurel Oak T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Red Cedar T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 9 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 360 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 15 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 25 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)400 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BD-NR-OAK 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 8 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 16 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 7 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 8 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 320 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 62 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 71 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)360 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER R1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 8 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 12 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 14 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 16 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 18 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 6 2 ft Planted 6 Swamp Black Gum T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Coastal Doghobble SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Galberry SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Titi SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Buttonbush SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 6 5 ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 11 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 5 5 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 11 6 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 7 7 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 3 9 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 9 10 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 3 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 14 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 14 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 33 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 330 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 23 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 230 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 111 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 167 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)560 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER R2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 5 7 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 10 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 5 11 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 10 12 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 8 13 ft Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 1 14 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 15 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 20 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Swamp Black Gum T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 6 3 ft Volunteer 6 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 10 4 ft Volunteer 10 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 5 4 ft Volunteer 5 Fetterbush SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 10 6 ft Volunteer 10 Fetterbush SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 8 4 ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay T 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay T 7 6 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay T 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay T 4 8 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay T 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 10 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 3 11 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay T 2 12 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay T 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay T 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 5 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 52 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 520 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 73 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 730 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 37 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 162 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)1250 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER R3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 6 3 ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 7 6 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 7 7 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 9 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 8 12 ft Planted 8 Swamp Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 60 3 ft Volunteer 60 Sweet Pepperbush SH 59 4 ft Volunteer 59 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 30 2 ft Volunteer 30 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 13 2 ft Volunteer 13 Fetterbush SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 7 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 10 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Pine T 6 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 17 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 13 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 12 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 13 10 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 12 2 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 25 4 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 17 6 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 12 8 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 5 10 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 7 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Horse Sugar T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Horse Sugar T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Horse Sugar T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 50 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 500 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 177 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1770 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 158 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 385 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)2270 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER R4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 6 4 ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 13 5 ft Planted 13 Bald Cypress T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 7 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Swamp Black Gum T 4 2 ft Planted 4 Swamp Black Gum T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Swamp Black Gum T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 8 2 ft Volunteer 8 Sweet Pepperbush SH 7 3 ft Volunteer 7 Highbush Blueberry SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 4 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 10 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 8 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 20 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 29 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 9 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 44 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 440 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 22 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 220 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 107 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 173 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)660 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 3 ft Planted 5 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 4 ft Planted 5 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 6 ft Planted 5 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 20 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 40 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 28 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 280 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 5 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 50 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 97 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 130 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)330 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 8 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 10 ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 10 12 ft Planted 10 Atlantic White Cedar T 10 14 ft Planted 10 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 16 ft Planted 4 Red Bay T 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay T 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 4 2 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 4 3 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 12 4 ft Volunteer 12 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 2 9 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 1 Water Oak T 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 10 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 30 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 12 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 20 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 65 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 25 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 44 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 440 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 35 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 350 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 205 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 284 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)790 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 10 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 12 ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 16 14 ft Planted 16 Atlantic White Cedar T 13 16 ft Planted 13 Atlantic White Cedar T 13 18 ft Planted 13 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 20 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 10 5 ft Volunteer 10 Wax Myrtle SH 19 6 ft Volunteer 19 Wax Myrtle SH 17 7 ft Volunteer 17 Wax Myrtle SH 8 8 ft Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle SH 2 9 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 20 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 10 5 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 20 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 13 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 15 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 10 7 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 56 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 59 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 590 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 119 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 234 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)1150 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 4 3 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 5 6 ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 4 9 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 2 10 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 4 12 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 2 14 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 16 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 16 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 10 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 36 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 360 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 9 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 90 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 50 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 95 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)450 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF5 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Bald Cypress T 7 3 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 12 4 ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 12 5 ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 10 6 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 10 7 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 50 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 15 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 53 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 530 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 98 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 155 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)570 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF6 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 8 5 ft Planted 8 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 6 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 7 ft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 9 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 10 ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 12 12 ft Planted 12 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 14 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 16 ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 18 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 4 10 ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Pine T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 11 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 10 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 6 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 63 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 630 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 7 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 70 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 75 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 145 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)700 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF7 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 10 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 11 12 ft Planted 11 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 14 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 16 ft Planted 4 Sweet Bay T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Sweet Bay T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Sweet Bay T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Sweet Bay T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Sweet Bay T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Loblolly Pine T 15 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 13 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 40 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 400 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 62 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 102 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)400 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF8 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 10 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 10 12 ft Planted 10 Atlantic White Cedar T 12 14 ft Planted 12 Atlantic White Cedar T 11 16 ft Planted 11 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 18 ft Planted 9 Americal Holly SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay T 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 10 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 15 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 15 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 30 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 29 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 290 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 77 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 106 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)290 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF9 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 10 1 ft Planted 10 Long Leaf Pine T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 4 5 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 13 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 9 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 9 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 5 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 21 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 210 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 2 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 20 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 54 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 77 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)230 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF10 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 6 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 3 7 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 3 10 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 7 12 ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 1 13 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 22 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 220 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 10 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 27 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 50 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)230 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF11 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 5 3 ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 6 4 ft Planted 6 Long Leaf Pine T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 6 6 ft Planted 6 Long Leaf Pine T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 9 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 10 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 13 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Pine T 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 20 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 33 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 330 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 7 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 70 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 29 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 69 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)400 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF12 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 2 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 9 4 ft Planted 9 Long Leaf Pine T 7 5 ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 7 6 ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 4 7 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 4 8 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 3 9 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 5 10 ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 12 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 2 13 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 2 15 ft Planted 2 Loblolly Pine T 10 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 12 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 13 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 10 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 9 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 53 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 530 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 96 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 149 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)530 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF13 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 5 2 ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 4 3 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 4 6 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 4 7 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 4 10 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 5 12 ft Planted 5 Wax Myrtle SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 10 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 13 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 18 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 20 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 35 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 350 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 8 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 80 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 34 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 77 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)430 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF14 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria (T, SA, or SH) Long Leaf Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 4 8 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 4 9 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 13 10 ft Planted 13 Long Leaf Pine T 5 11 ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 12 12 ft Planted 12 Long Leaf Pine T 3 13 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 14 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 15 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 13 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 14 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree T 3 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 52 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 520 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 16 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N)No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 72 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE)560 APPENDIX C – REPAIR PLANS FOR HM STREAM OUTLET LEGEND PROPOSED CHANNEL ALIGNMENT AND STRUCTURE LOCATIONS --x-- L STR. TYPE Log SIii Loo SIii Log SIii Log Steo Sequence Log Step SeQuence Loa Steo Seauence T I I il I IMPERVIOUS CHANNEL PLUG LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LOG SILL LOG STEP SEQUENCE \ X \ CP -IRS N =400228.1983 E=2469715.7045 ELEY=42.743 PROPOSED THALWEG HM1 STREAM STRUCTURE LOCATIONS STATION NORTHING EASTING ELEV(FT) 14+47.81 400,213.4119 2,489,660.1353 36.800 14+98.47 400, 163.0937 2,489,822.4365 36.350 17•28.58 399,997.7903 2,489,801.4827 35.580 20+81.00 399,759.4612 2,489,578.8838 34.930 20+85.00 399,736.8927 2,489,581.3039 32.890 21+09.00 399,715.6155 2,489,570.8292 30.740 I !j� 1(T, I l -l-,-15 ... CP -IRS N=400069.0067 E = 2469703.4141 ELEY=43.217 \/� )( -------'----/ ' )( ---_/ .,____ ------­ )( ------ X --X CP -IRS N=399953.9166 E=2469678.1724 ELEY=40.684 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR STREAM DETAILS SEE SHEETS 2 THRU 2E FOR SITE OVERVIEW SEE SHEET 3 FOR OVERVIEW OF STREAM PLANS SEE SHEETS 3A THRU 3D FOR STRUCTURE LOCATIONS & PROFILES SEE SHEETS 4 THRU 29 FOR ALIGNMENT DATA SEE SHEETS 30 THRU 61 CP -IRS N = 399825.1619 E = 2469668. 9682 ELEY=37.984 0 0 + END CONSTRUCTION PRIORITY ONE STREAM HMl STA 21 + 30.79 N = 399693.8958 E = 2469569 .07 42 CP -IRS N =399719.7090 E = 2469623.4992 ELEV= 36.542 PROPOSED BANKFULL LL. • 0 lll <lll �N u :c 0.. 0 lll N _j .=;��:� ��· 1 � DATE, 01--07-11 PLAN & PROFILE SHEET 29 DATE: SHEETNOT TO SCALEDETAILS 1/13/2020Z:\Z_Drive\Bachelors_Delight\stream\Proj\Construction Plans\BachelorsDelight_psh_02_series_CLS.dgnFlorence & Hutcheson, Inc.SCALE: NTS BBAAFLOW SECTION A-A 50 5' 4' PLAN VIEW THALWEG PROPOSED 1 2 3 4 5 6 REACH RESTORATION POOLPOOLPOOLPOOLROCK RAMP 2F 01-08-20 14'14'14'14'14' CLASS I RIP RAP CHANNEL EXISTING ROCK RAMP ONSLOW COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINARESTORATION PROJECTSTREAM AND WETLANDONSLOW 19 - BACHELORS DELIGHT LIMITS. AT UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM TO TIE INTO EXISTING ELEVATIONS 2. INVERT ELEVATIONS OF ROCK RAMP D OF AT LEAST 10" DIAMETER. 1. CLASS I RIP RAP SHALL HAVE A NOTES:FLOWCHANNEL EXISTINGSTA. 20+61BEGIN ROCK RAMPSTA. 21+31END ROCK RAMP7' TYP EXISTING TOP OF TERRACE RIP RAP 2' CLASS I TOP OF BANKEXISTING TOP OF TERRACE 2' SECTION B-B CLASS I RIP RAP 3:13:15'5' 0.9' BANK TOP OF 2' 6.4' POOL DEPTH 1.5' TYP 1.0' 1 2 3 4 5 6 REACH RESTORATION POOLPOOLPOOLPOOL14'14'14'14'14' Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Onslow County, NC View of HM1 outlet post Hurricane Florence HM-1 Repair Area - Site Photographs View of HM1 outlet post Hurricane Florence