HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030972 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20030805MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Charleston Monroe Watershed Improvement Project Number 03 0972 Recvd From APP Received Date 8/5/03 Recvd By Region 8/13/2003 Project Type Watershed Improvement Project County Mecklenburg County2 Region Mooresville Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. 27 F__ FT -@N I - I I- 1 `- F__Fn.R?4. ? ,. i i ;.??n ??. Q.Y _0N Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet WetL111l restore Sheam ?? 2,11 7. 0 Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? O Y ON Did you request more info? O Y ON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? (0 Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? OQ Y 0 N Recommendation: 0 Issue (0 Issue/fond 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 35 10 46 Longitude (ddmmss) 80 46 28 Comments: Staff visited the site on September 9th. The application is for a stream enhancement project for increased stormwater control and water quality improvement. This is Phase I of a multiphase eject. Stream B (506 linear ft.), Glendora Dr., intermittent: Pools of water were observed in the channel. but no flow. The channel appears to serve mainly as a conveyance of stormwater. The channel ceased approximately 40 ft. short of its convergence with stream A (McMullen Creek). Stream A (1029 linear ft), Erinshire Rd., perennial: Fish were observed in the creek. The banks of the creek were "hardened" with rip. Stream D (456 linear ft), Erinshire Rd.. erennial: small channel, minimal flow was observed. Intersects stream A approximately 50 ft. downstream of the Erinshire Rd. crossing (of stream A). The streams flow through highly urbanized neighborhoods. The channels are relatively straight , with little meandering. cc: Regional Office Central Office ` Page Number 1 Triage Check List Date: .?_ Project Name: , DWQ#: County: V To: ? ARO Mike Parker ?' Wa.RO Tom Steffens b?? FRO Ken Averitte ? WiRO Noelle Lutheran I? MRO Alan Johnson ? WSRO Daryl Lamb ? RRO Steve Mitchell From: Telephone : (919) 244 V Ye` The file attached is being forwarded to your for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination ? Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USFW topo maps ? Minimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Meuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) ? Pond fill ? Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ?.'Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings for accuracy Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concern Continents: 41. ?v? 0? ?' c%?t r?? D L 7 41, ?? i ";;? Charlol<e-Mecklenburg STORM WATER services November 11, 2003 Mr. John R. Dorney North Carolina Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 WETLANDS / 401 GROUP NO V 1 2 2003 WATER QUALITY SECTION Subject: Request for Additional Information Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina DWQ Project No. 03-0972 Dear Mr. Dorney: This letter is in response to your request for additional information regarding the Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project in Charlotte, North Carolina (DWQ Project No. 03-0972). Please find seven copies of the requested information for your review. This letter is intended to provide the additional information you requested in your letter dated August 12, 2003. Specifically, we are including discussions regarding the use of "soil bioengineering" versus natural channel design techniques (Section A), the placement of proposed in-stream structures (Section B), and a full set'of plans (Section C). Section A. Natural Channel Design Alternatives Analysis During the planning phases of this project several stream restoration techniques were evaluated to determine the most practical application for this project. According to "Stream Mitigation Guidelinesi" stream restoration includes restoring a stream's cross- sectional area, sinuosity, and profile. This definition also includes establishing riparian buffers and allowing a channel access to its floodplain. Due to the urban nature of this project, complete "stream restoration" according to this definition is not practicable alternative design for this project. Reestablishing the connection of the existing stream to its natural floodplain would be in direct conflict with one of the primary goals of the project, flood control. This project is being designed as an Enhancement Level I stream mitigation project. CSWS is not proposing this project as compensatory mitigation at this time. However, we reserve the right to utilize this project to mitigate for unavoidable impacts associated with future capital improvements. ' USACE, USEPA, NCWRC, and NCDWQ, 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines, 23pp. Charlotte Storm Water Services - 600 East Fourth Street - Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 Telephone (704)336-4588 FAX(704)336-6586 To report drainage problems: 336-RAIN Printari nn racvclari naner Charleston-Monroe Watershed Improvement Project November 11, 2003 DWQ Project No. 03-0972 CWS Proiect No. 2002-0218 We have included information regarding the purpose and need for the project from the initial planning report that was prepared by US Infrastructure prior to completing this design (Attachment A). The goals of this project are to enhance the existing channel to improve erosion, fix flooding problems, resolve public safety issues, and improve in- stream habitat. USI has provided a summary of the results of the hydraulic analysis of the stream and recommendations to alleviate flooding and sedimentation (Attachment B). Based on the results of the planning report the reasons for not pursuing Priority I stream restoration design include: • The safety of residents living in close proximity to the channel • The constraints associated with establishing easements from property owners The unpredictable nature of future urban watershed conditions Costs associated with purchasing and displacing long term residences Costs associated with relocating current utilities The proposed enhancement design accounts for the unpredictable nature of the urban environment by protecting channel banks with soft and hard techniques. This design has incorporated several natural channel techniques to improve in-stream aquatic habitat and. channel cross section dimensions. The details of these techniques appear on the attached plans as Sheets C-2 and D-2 and include: • Floodplain benches designed to accommodate bankfull storm events • Cross Vanes, J-Hooks, and Double Cross-Vanes • Riffle-pool complexes through the use of grade control structures • Riparian vegetation plantings through bioengineering techniques • Coir fiber toes in place of rip rap where feasible • A Planting Plan with native plant species Longitudinal profiles are provided on Sheet Nos. 3-21. Typical cross sections tied to stations have been provided on Sheet 2D. This plan represents a blend of natural channel design techniques and conventional storm water engineering to meet the goals of the project. Please see "Appendix B Morphological Measurement Table" that has been filled out for additional details (Attachment Q. Due to the urban nature of this project, the use of a rip rap toe at outside meander bends is necessary to insure the protection of adjacent residences and property along the channel from bank failure. Please note that the majority of the channel is currently lined with rip rap. In several locations the existing channel comes within 20 feet of a residence. A discussion regarding the design of the rip rap toe versus coir fiber toe has been included in the Nationwide Permit No. 27 Application on pages 8 and 9. In addition, Tables 3 and 4 (also located in the permit application) present the data regarding channel velocities and shear stress at corresponding station numbers. In general, a rock toe has been proposed at channel sections that experience the greatest shear stress and velocities and have natural meanders. In order to preserve the pattern of the existing channel to the maximum extent 2 Charleston-Monroe Watershed Improvement Project November 11, 2003 DWQ Project No. 03-0972 CWS Project No. 2002-0218 practicable outside meander bends are being protected to prevent major bank failure. Most of the rip rap toe is expected to become part of the natural bed and bank of the channel as the vegetation becomes established. Unfortunately, the limited project corridor does not allow for horizontal channel migration without causing property loss, infrastructure failure and safety issues. Section B. Placement and design of In-Stream Structures In-stream structures were designed to protect against channel bed incision or sediment deposition. These structures were designed to improve the slope of the channel and in- stream habitat without relocating the existing channel. Structures were designed to create riffle and pool habitats and stabilize the profile of the channel based on the proposed slope. If you have any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to give me a call at (704) 336-4588 or'email at mkmurray@ci.charlotte.nc.us. Sincerely, Mary C. ay, P.W.S. Permitting and Mitigation Administrator cc: Mr. Bob Wilson, US Infrastructure of Carolina, Inc. Mr. Jarrod Karl, Charlotte Storm Water Services Mr. Gregg C. Antemann, Carolina Wetland Services Ms. Amanda Jones, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Attachments Attachment A - Erinshire Road Channel Design Attachment B - Hydraulic Analysis Attachment C - Appendix B Morphological Measurements Table Full Set of Plans (half size) Charleston-Monroe Watershed Improvement Project November 11, 2003 DWQ Project No. 03-0972 CWS Project No. 2002-0218 Attachment A - Erinshire Road Channel Design CHARLESTON/MONROE STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ERINSHIRE ROAD CHANNEL DESIGN The primary focus of the Charleston/Monroe Storm Drainage Improvements is flood. control. Frequent flooding occurs at various locations within the project area as more fully documented in the Planning Study and Report. The Erinshire Road area experiences street and private property flooding frequently. In order to reduce the frequency of flooding in this area, culvert and channel improvements are required. The channel downstream from Erinshire Road is riprap-lined throughout its length. Over time, sediment has covered the riprap in places, and vegetation has re-established itself. The proposed channel improvements consist of a bankfull channel to carry the more frequent storms with an in-channel floodplain bench to convey less frequent storms. Storm events greater than the 10-year storm will continue to flood the existing floodplain, but the depth and area of flooding will be reduced. In order to determine a representative channel design to convey the more frequent storms, USI consulted the 1998 study entitled Development and Analysis of Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for the Urban Piedmont of North Carolina by Wilkerson, et. al, 1998. This study surveyed nine urban streams to develop regional curves showing the relationship of bankfull width, depth, and other variables to the drainage area. The drainage area (DA) is approximately 495 acres or 0.77 square miles. The nominal bankfull width (W) was determined by the equation, W = 20.9 x (DA)'-176 and the nominal bankfull depth was determined by the equation, D = 3.02 x DA0-158. The values calculated were 19.0 feet for the nominal bankfull width and 2.8 feet for the nominal bankfull depth. The proposed channel improvements will approximately match these dimensions for the bankfull storm. Charleston -Monroe Watershed Improvement Project November 11, 2003 DWQ Project No. 03-0972 CWS Project No. 2002-0218 Attachment B — Hydraulic Analysis Charleston/Monroe Storm Drainage Improvements Hydraulic Analysis Primary Conveyance S sy tem Hydraulic analysis of the primary conveyance systerri was performed using the HEC- RAS modeling software developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center. The HEC-RAS version used for this project supports one- dimensional steady flow hydraulics. Generally, water surface profiles are calculated with the standard step method, which sequentially solves the energy equation between cross sections. Input parameters for the HEC-RAS model are based upon the HEC-1 discharge values, field survey data, and field investigations for other model parameters (Mannings n values, etc.). The HEC-1 discharge values are listed in Table 1. Field data included measurements and observations of culverts, open channels, and other site specific parameters. Specific measurements and observations for culverts included lengths, inverts, roughness, slope, size, and shape. Specific measurements and observations for open channels included cross-section geometry, reach lengths, slopes, and roughness. In addition, composite loss coefficients were estimated for culverts to account for expansion, contraction, bend, and other minor losses. References to left and right in this report are based on looking downstream. Table 1: HEC-RAS Flow Data (cfs) Location Station 2 yr 10 yr 25, N:r 50 yr 100 vi Yardley Place Outlet 71+75 186 339 413 467 521 Upstream of 66" RCPs 65+50 198 370 454 517 578 Downstream of Monroe Road 58+40 290 568 680 763 829 Confluence in Cemetery 46+40 347 775 967 1116 1233 Downstream of CSX Railroad 26+75 353 691 793 879 936 Downstream of Worcaster Culvert 20+00 392 757 864 956 1023 The major open-channel segments analyzed are included within the limits listed below: N Downstream Limits: Confluence with a second tributary of McMullen Creek at the upper limits of the regulated floodway for McMullen Creek. N Upstream Limits: Tailwaters of local drainage system ending at Yardley Place cul-de-sac. N Limits include the culverts at Monroe Road (Culvert #1), CSX Railroad (Culvert #2), and Erinshire Road (Culvert #3). Due to no reported flooding and the lack of development along the stream between Monroe Road and the .CSX railroad, no survey data was obtained for this area. However, the cross-sections of approximately 3000 feet of open channel in this area were approximated with City topographic maps for continuity purposes in the HEC-RAS model. Analysis results for culverts and pipe systems are discussed later in this report. B&sed orn the I ILC-R AS arnalysis, the existin opeil channJ stem dowri,tream of th CSX railroad and Erinsliire Road is inadequate for cvei1 then-year`storin. Urbam/atirnl of the watershed has degraded the hydraulic coavey<uice capacity as well as the aquati habitat of the stream. lmpro?-enmcnts to the system are %varramed,due to the dilapidated condition oI'parts OF the system. Two road crossings and one railroad crossing were analyzed as part of the HEC-RAS model. The existing culvert analysis results were modeled and are listed in Table 2. The existing crossings were evaluated for physical condition and capacity. The physical condition assessment was based on field observations and existing records. Physical conditions generally consisted of approximate age, condition of the system or culvert, and headwall and endwall conditions. Capacity analysis for the three culvert combinations along the primary conveyance system was computed using the culvert modeling routine of HEC-RAS. The twin 66" RCPs leading to the twin 60"RCPs under Monroe Road were modeled in HEC-RAS as culverts with an open channel cross-section between the pipes and the culverts, because the analysis of varying pipe sizes within a culvert run is not a capability of HEC-RAS. Table 2: Existing Culverts and HEC-RAS Results Road 10- 25- 50- 100- Low Cuh'crt year year year year Point Location Number Existing Culvert WSE WSE WSE WSE Elevation Twin 60" RCP & Monroe Road 1 Twin 66" RCP 722.4 723.8 724.9 726.2 727.3 2-2'x 2.75' RC Boxes & 108" CSX Railroad 2 CMP 697.4 699.8 702.3 704.5 710.2 Erinnshire Road _, 11 D'v in 7?" C!vTP 689.6 659.7 6K) 9.9 689.9 686.7 CM-P-( orrugated Metal Pipe RCP-Reinforced Concrete Pipe The CSX Railroad (Culvert #2) crossing could be accurately modeled using HEC-RAS. The road crossings at Monroe Road and Erinshire Road were included in the HEC-RAS model, but the results are not completely valid. Listed below is a discussion of each crossmg: X Monroe Road (Culvert #1): this culvert system consists of twin 60" RCPs at Monroe Road with twin 66" RCPs extending 406' upstream. HEC-RAS cannot accurately model culverts with different pipe sizes within the culvert reach. Therefore, a very short open channel segment was included in the model in place of the large junction box between the 60"RCPs and 66"RCPs. This approach can simulate actual conditions and allow the model to consider separate overtopping elevations for the 60" RCPs and 66" RCPs. Although not entirely accurate, this approach provides reasonable results for evaluating the existing system. 'Hrisllire Read Wtlk'ert - j: thesc culverts arc twI 7?!' Cti1Ps. that contain appioximatcly !.5 t-ce.t ot' sediment, ci?nsiderahly restricti[iCT the pipe capacity. L3ecausc debris accumulation and sediment deposition is a recurrinl I Y problem at this cukci-t, the cuk ert ? "Is modeled ?vitli actual j)ipe and channel verts to accurately retlcct the sediment blockage. This approach produces higher upstream "SEs than a clcarn culvert, but it moiv accuratety represents current coed itions. Even without the sediment- the road still overtops in the 10-year sto nn. ``w[e - Sincc the time of the survev, the sediment has bccn remoi ed from these pipes: however, txcessi? e upstream tint and.` sedimentation indicate that t esc pipes will likely have debris accumulation and sediment deposition in time The existing 60" pipes under Monroe Road meet the City's criteria for freeboard of 18" in the 50-year storm for road culverts larger than three (3) feet in diameter. The 66" pipes upstream of the 60" pipes inhibit the ability of the stream to support aquatic habitat and limit overflow storage normally associated with a floodplain. The culverts under the CSX railroad, do not freely pass any of the design storm flows greater than the 2-year storm; however, the railroad is not overtopped in the 100-year design storm, and the natural detention limits the amount of flow experienced at Erinshire Road in less frequent storms. The Erinshire culverts are frequently silted in and water overtops the road in all design storms. From the HEC-RAS analysis, there are several houses which likely experience house or crawlspace flooding during the 100-year storm. Some of these houses are also impacted by lesser storm events. Although crawlspace flooding does not flood living areas, it may impact furnaces and air conditioning units, leading to costly repairs and replacements. For this reason, the lowest ground elevation at the house is used to evaluate flooding impacts. The houses subject to flooding in \-ariaus s101-1I1 e\-tints arc listed in liable 3 anc ,U -C shoe n oil \,Tap,, 4 and 5, Floodplains for Existing CondithIps Lit ErinsI re Road anq Charleston Drive, which is included in the report attachments. Table 3: HEC-RAS Results for Existing Conditions address FFE I_-1G 2- yeai WSE 10- rear Ny'SE 25- year WSE 50- year «'SE 100- year WSE Note 1510 Ormsby 695.5 690.1 689.3 690.3 690.5 690.7 690.8 HVAC 690.3 12 10 Frinshirc 0927 658.0 689.0 689.8 690.0 690.1 690.2 11VAC 688.3 12 1 1 rinsliire 600.9 6,ti?.4 687.9 688.9 68 .2 689.3 689.4 RVAC 688,4 I 11 I nilsllirc 093, 81).6 (189.) 6899 690.1 690.3 690.- flVAC 689 5823 Doncaster 688.1 684.2 682.9 684.5 684.7 684.9 685.0 Storage Rm 684.9 5901 Doncaster 687.5 685.3 684.5 685.8 686.0 686.1 686.3 Crawlspace 686.1 5923 Doncaster 691.9 688.3 687.9 688.9 689.2 689.3 689.4 Greenhouse 688.6 Garage 689.2 5701 Monroe 729.3 725.0 722.3 724.8 727.3 728.0 728.3 Vent 727.9 FFE - Finished Floor Elevation LAG - Lowest Adjacent Ground WSE - Water Surface Elevation \<)tc: NVSI'S 111 bold exceeLl the lowcsl a(Ijaccnt L)round elcvahon at theWhousC. Appendix B Morphological Measurement Table Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach USGS Station Reference Reach' 1. stream type E5 C5 N/A C5 2. drainage area 0.77 0.77 0.77 3. bankfull width 19.2 28.4 19 4. bankfull mean depth 2.4 2.0 2.8 5. width/de th ratio 8.0 14.2 6.8 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 46.2 57.9 - 53.3 7. bankfull mean velocity 6.5 5.2 5.6 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 301 301 301 9. bankfull max depth 4.5 3.6 10. width of floodprone area 133 76 11. entrenchment ratio 6.9 2.7 12. meander length 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 14. Radius of curvature 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 16. Belt width 17. Meander width ratio 18. Sinuosity (stream length/valley length) 1.03 1.03 19. Valley Slope 0.0095 0.0095 20. Average slope 21. Pool slope 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 23. Maximum pool depth 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 25. Pool width 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 27. Pool to pool spacing 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 29. Ratio of lowest bank height to bankfull height (or max bankfull depth) Notes: 1. Reference reach data is based on the hydraulic geometry relationships contained in the report, "Development and Analysis of Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for the Urban Piedmont of North Carolina", Wilkerson et. al., 1998. 2. The existing stream was channelized and lined with riprap years ago. In some areas, the riprap has silted in to the point that it is not visible on the surface, but it is still just below the surface. The riprap bank stabilization has prevented channel bank erosion and masked, any potential bankfull indicators. Also, the riprap channel is prevented from achieving a more typical type E stream meander pattern. 3. For the existing and proposed channel, the bankfull width, maximum depth, and, area were calculated using Manning's equation and the bankfull discharge from the reference listed in Note 1. For the proposed channel, the in-channel floodplain access is set at a depth of 2.5 feet. 4. Existing utilities and homes prevent implementation of stream restoration. Therefore, the proposed channel improvements consist of features aimed at enhancing stream habitat. oF? - Michael F. Easley Governor O 1 ? William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary dr Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality August 12, 2003 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Ms. Mary C. Murry, PWS Mr. Jarrod Karl The City of Charlotte Stormwater Services 600 East 4th Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement DWQ Project No. 030972 Mecklenburg County Dear Ms. Murry and Mr. Karl: The Division of Water Quality has reviewed your submittal for stream stabilization for the subject project. Your application was not complete since it did not include adequate discussion regarding the use of "soil bioengineering" techniques vs. natural channel design techniques. Specifically: A) No specific explanation was provided to justify the use of toe and bed armoring of the channel. Generally these methods are acceptable where geomorphic stability cannot be achieved. No numerical discussion of whether or not stability could be achieved by providing stable cross sectional dimensions, longitudinal profile, and/or pattern considering the streams ability to transport its bed load in equilibrium. The use of the proposed methods will have to be justified if they are to be used in lieu of natural channel design techniques. B) Please discuss the placement/spacing of the proposed in stream structures. C) Little plan or typical detail was provided other than plan view. It is recommended that the following information be provided in order to provide an adequate basis to review the project (if not already provided): Basic Information for Plan Approval 1. Morphological measurements (see Appendix B) - not all of the measurements are applicable in every instance. 2. Typical stream cross sections -Typically, a riffle cross section and a pool cross section that includes the entire flood prone area. The bankfull and flood prove area elevations should be indicated. Similarly, a riffle cross section of the reference stream(s) should be provided. 3. Plan view - Scaled plans that show the location of the proposed (preferably with stationing) and the existing stream. In most instances, the bankfull contours and flood prone area contours, in stream structures, bank revetments/stabilization, channel plugs, planting plan, vegetation conditions, stormwater outlets, grade controls, bridges, culverts, sewer lines, roads, fencing, and easement lines should also be provided. 4. Longitudinal Stream Profile -A scaled profile that indicates the thalweg , bankfull, and top of bank elevations should be provided for the design and reference streams. In many cases it may also be necessary to show the existing land elevations for the design stream. 5. Planting Plan - A planting and/or vegetation management plan should also be required. The plan should indicate the extent, density, and species of plants to be provided. 6. In stream structure, bank revetment/stabilization, and stormwater outlet typicals - Detailed, typical plans should be provided for all in stream structures, bank revetments or stabilization, and stormwater outlets. The typicals should include materials and specifications as well as relative lengths, positions, and angles. 7. Sediment transport analysis - A sediment transport analysis should be provided based on the current, relevant, accepted practices. The sediment transport analysis should be relevant to the stream bed load type and should predict bed load transport equilibrium. This information is needed by the Division in order for us to decide whether this project is approvable. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), hftp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ Page 2 of 2 Please call Todd St. John at 919-733-9584 if you have any questions. Until this information is received, I will place this project on hold due to incomplete information (15A NCAC 2H .0507(a)). Sincerely, John R. Dorney Water Quality Certification Program cc: Mooreville DWQ Regional Office Asheville Regional USACE Office Greg Antemann, CWS, 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Suite 230, Charlotte, NC 28217 Todd St. John File Central Files U IaI"M OF Cover Sheet ...........»....».....,.....»»,.,.»»........»....».......»....»... t x, General Notes ........ »»............................................... .,.,,..,...,.. 2 , Drainage Structure Schedule .............. ...... ............ ........,..,. 2A Details 2&2I - Pla nlProBles .... .............. _............ ......... ..................... 3.20 Erosion Control Plene.........».»..........,....„.........».... ECl-ECS Traffic Control ..................... .... _......................... ........ TCl-TC6 I V TAa Utility Relocation Plans ............................... ........................ U•f ENGINEERING & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT A pa ae 4 , 1? ?PjE Odor 4 a J ?gddn ?w ?1 a o O spQ 0 . Ap q4 b Po b o o? "?% fan , °d,y o ?04 NITOV EMEW AFEA •5 y Idlewild Rd ?? A 0 O 9p f4AOEMIRIT EF&SHFE ROAD .; °• ? °r d0a eo ?d v 0d? A \ 4 TNr S 9°4°4J BRAP NTS %5tMQS 1401 GROUP NOV 1 % 2003 WERgUXt1V SECTION ,.. I! PLANK PRRPAR= SYa f'OUSEMIJ USI NFRASTRUCTURE VaW OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 Charlotte, NC 28204 Construction Plans of Proposed CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Project No. 671-00-012 Project Features: Grading Storm Drainage Curb & Gutter Asphalt Pavement Soil Bioengineering ° DO 00 Q n O ? F-1 y+ q' A 0 SHM#4 YB `9v°d o Er4no bG / DONCASTERDR. ?0. s '° ?m Ra I ? I 9 ff n 8^ b .8 ? ? Q n U r l \q< (? Q3 ,J L1 ? l ?? ° o fl A ? d ? rdsB?D a o ya is p! O :. _: Co haN a ERINSHIRE ROAD IMPROVEMENT AREA PRoJ? 21AY09r NTS ?p n? ? aao I Q Q\\?r ?J0 ?rReats Av?C:? >L1 o [? I? ° oU•v ?° n, u ''ttll'' ° SHEEr#18Ya Q °? 0 taROORDR° c N0 b rook m r e l 1 _ p n r„ a ° e 0 ac v 74 - C f-? Bm:Ef41 Yl Y3 W I' 1 Is Yl J °?1 ???I?C.?'T xm Q ° 60 3 a x p? O O O o e 0 Id _J L L? 71 led co rt I? ?, , l _ do?of,?r, c, e HaRC ?'r a o 13 n O ?a1nt'?n 0?rf?p LP ? e C J E Independence Ev ? a 'D 00 o a °? ym1 ? ? ?? a ,y ro d 9 V r \n} ova pH n H d? U q 0?, C 0 CHARLESTON DRIVE IMPROVEMENT AREA PItOJBCT LAYOUW NTS 2008 8WA.Z A.1m 1W=C;3 FICA' WnW AO,iPoR coa?rR?rloa Storm Water 1'roj. Mgr. Contract Administration CMUD - Landscape Management FINAL DRAWING Storm Water Construction Mgr. Not Released For Construction Goat TIOaAL mmae Existing R1W fine ........,.......»................. Existing Property Line....................... ......... .. - Existing Edge of Pavement ............................ Existing Grade on Profile .................. .......... -------------- Existing Fence ........... ........ .................... _..-><- -.- _. -s-e-x- Proposed Fence »»»..... »...................... ». : SlopeStake Line ............. ..... ................-..-c r- Temporary Construction Easement ..»..... - o-e -e- PermanentDrainage Easement............., E-E-E- N Permanent Utility Easement ......................... -PUE-PUE-PUE- ExistingOverhead Electric ..................».... -oHE-oHE-OHE- ExistingUnderground Electric ......... ........... _-UGE-UGE-UGE- Existing Gas Line ......................................... . -c-c--c-. O Existing Water Line ................. ...................... -w--w_--w- 0 Existing Sanitary Sewer............................ ss-ss-ss- t Existing Underground Telephone........... -T-T-r- SIZE Existing Storm Drainage ...... ........ ........ .... Proposed Storm Drainage.. .............»........ Existing Water Meter................................ .-.............. Proposed Water Meter ...........»....................... ............._............. Existing Water Valve............................. .....................................? U ........ oa Existing Gas Valve ..................................................... ............ W ; Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole .......................................... ® h O Existing Storm Drain Manhole ............................................... ......... @ Proposed Storm Dram Manhole ........ .............................. ................. 9 M?1 Existing Catch Basin .................................. __.. ...............».»............ Existing Drop Inlet ............................................. ............................».. Proposed Catch Basin, or Drop Inlet ..................................»......... ¦ Proposed Junction Box ......... ............. ................................................. Proposed Offset Catch Basin....................................................... Existing Utility Pole ............................... ............................ ....» n ?-1 Proposed Utility Pole .............................. ....................... ................ # Existing Light Pole ......................... ...»..... ........... ............................ Proposed Light Pole ......................................... ......»................»......» ?F Existing Guy Wire ......»»..........»............._....... ...............:...».... ---C F+ ?I Existing Fire Hydrant ................... .......... ....... ................................... 1 ? Proposed Fire Hydrant ..................................... .................»........... O Iron Pin ...........» .............»...........»..............................................ea Accessible Ramp ............... ..............»......................................... ® A Tree Removal ....... ..............».............................................»... X Tree Protection ..................................... ..... .«...... .................... Proposed Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk, Conc. Drive ................. 0 r.y Proposed Asphalt Resurfacing .................................................... Proposed Asphalt Replacement................................................... Proposed Matting and Riparian Seeding ..................»........ Proposed Matting w/Riparian Seeding and Llvestakiug........................................... ............ ............»».... »..»»............... Proposed RipRap......... ............... ............... Proposed Coil Fiber Rofi............... ..... .....:........ ................... Proposed Asphalt Driveway................ ............................ B Proposed Gravel Driveway .... ......................... .................. ...... F I ?RAPII8C O 4 60 20 0 Plan View ............. O 20 40 6,0 Bon. Profile........ 4 $ 1,2 Vert Profile......».. O un [ Bid Set No. ,.rlllilWl! PROPERTY ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT APPROVED CITY ENGINEER DATE 11W C • I tF84fillilRAL NO'1= DRIVEWAYS: ALL DRWEWAYS SHALL BE TED 70 THE BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT. DRIVEWAY CWefRUCDON BETWEEN BACK OF CURB AND PONT OF 7N'-Hl SMALL BE MADE WITH SLR/R MATERIAL TO DIE EXISTING. TILE FOLLOWING DEPTHS OF TE-IN MATERIAL MEAL B USER FOR CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, PORTLAND COMM CONCRETE (360D PSI),8' • FOR ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, WTUMNOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE TYPE SF /S A. AND COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE. e • MR GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS, MATCH EXISTING (8' INCIDENTM STONE) DRAINAGE PIPES: UNLESS OTHFRMSE NOTED, ALL DITCHFB BEHIND PROPOSED CURB NO GUTTER SHALL BE NCOLLED AND ELIMINATED. ALL DRREWAY PUS WHICH ARE NO LONGER NEEDED DOE TO THE ELIMINATION O THE CICH SMALL BE REMOVED OR PLUGGED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING: • FOR EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVES, PLUG PIPES UNLESS ODflW16E INSTRUCTED BY THE ENGINEER. • FOR EXISTING ASPHALT AND GRAVEL DANES, REMOVE DRIVEWAY FLIPS UNLESS OT E1NA5E INSTRUCTED OV THE ENONFLR. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: GRADES, ELEVATIONS, AND LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PINS FOR DRAINAGE SININRURS ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY SE ADJUSTED WRING CONSTRUCTION, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER, TO ACCOMMODATE UNFORESEEN EISPNO CONDITION. ALL STATION At OFFSET CNIOUTS FOR CAJCH BASINS ARE TO THE CENTER OF CATCH BASIN AT THE UP OF GUTTER. CALLONS ARE TO THE CENTS O SIRUCD RE FOR DROP INLETS AND MANHOLES. CALLOUS FOR FLARED ED SECTIONS ARE TO THE CENTS OF F1ARD OVOET EN 0. CAUtUT3 FOR HEADWALLS ARE TO FROM OF WALL AT TOP OF PIPE AL PIPE SHALL BE RCP CLASS Of UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PSIS PROPOSED CURB ELEVATIONS: EXISTING PAVEMENT SHALL B RETAINED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CURB ELEVATIONS SHALL B SET BY THE CO TRACMR AND MAC'S BY 7HE BIOMES. THE CONTRACTOR 94LL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADJUSTMENT OF CORD ELEVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION M ENSURE ROPER IDM71UgtUL MOPE OF THE PROPOSED CURB WE SEE SHEET 2X FOR PROPOSED TYPICAL SFCDONS BACKFILLING EIMNG CONDITIONS MAY WARRANT BAAOYMNG WITH BROW MATERIAL BEHIND PROPOSED CUM AS 940" ON PUNS. UTILITIES: UTILITIES ARE ILLUSTRATED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. THE CITY WILL NOT SE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY O UTILITY LOCATIONS, SIZES. DEPTHS, ON FOR COMPLETENESS O UTILITY IMORNATION. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTS SHALL NOTIFY ALL UTILITY OWNERS WHOSE FACILITIES VAU. 13E AFFECTED TO DETERMINE UTILITY LOCATIONS ME CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL UTN11S FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY HIS OPERATIONS OR THOSE OF HIS AGENTS THE CON7RACMR SHALL FINN THE CITY HARMLESS FOR ANY 7HIRD-PARTY INCONVENIENCE CREATED BY WORK OF HIS OWN FORCES OR THAT OF FS AGENTS AS NEEDED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST/RaOCATE ME SANITARY SEWER AND WATER UNS ONLY. OTHER AD USTMSiS/RaOCATONS WILL B PERFORMED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WORK WITH UnUTY OWNERS SO AS NOT TO ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PROJECT S0EW LL THE CITY WILL NOT BE HELD TESPOISIM FOR ANY DELAYS OR DISRUPTIONS IN THE SCHEDULE DUE TO THE WORK OF OTHER UTILITY OWNERS CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT NC ONE-CALL AT 1-800-632-049 FOR UTILITY LOCA71ONS PRIOR TO CO SIRUCITON. CONTRACTOR SMALL ALSO NOTIFY THE CITY OF CHkqwm UTILITY COORDINATOR OF WINDING WON. THE UTILITY COORDINATOR SHALL BE CONTACTED AT THE FOLLOWING AOCff,55 (48 AIRS PRIOR TO C%MUCTON): MR CFDRIC EIDER 600 E FOURTH SIRST CHARLOTTE, UC 28202-2614 (704) 336-36%2 ORGWOAONS THAT MAY OWN FACILITIES THROUGHOUT THIS PROJECT ARE DUNE POWER COMPANY PIEDMONT NATUPIL GAS CHARLOTTE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BELL SOUTH CWROHE-MFDOSWRC UTILITY DEPARTMENT TIME WARNER CAKE ALL GAS LINES WILL BE A1JUSIED/IELOCATED BY PIEDMONT NATURAL OAS A REPRSENTATDE O PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS MIST BE PRESENT JUST PRIOR TO AND WRING ANY CONSTRUCTION NEAR EXS 1NG GAS LINES THE CONTRACTOR SOUL CONTACT PIEDMONT NATURAL. GAS AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE COMPACTOR SHALL SUPPORT AND PROTECT ANY EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ENCOUNTERED WANG TRENCH EXCAVATION ANO/OA PIPE INSTALLATION. EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND WATER LINE: FOR WATER AND SEWER LOCATES, THE OOBRACTOR WWI CALL CHAJIUATE-MECIUNIMURG UTILITIES AT 704-336-2584. AN NSPWTOR FROM CHARLOTTE-MCILEMDURG UTILITIES MIL. B NOTIFIED PRON TO THE BEGINNING O WATER AND/OR SANITARY SEWS WORT. WRIT SANITARY SOME RS AND WATER LINES ARE ENCOUNTERED, THE CONTRACTOR SMALL USE CABS IN WOROOO AROUND OR NEAR THEM. F AN DOSING SEWER OR WATER LINE IS DAMAGED, THE CONTRACTOR SMALL IMMEDNTELY REPLACE THE SEWER OR WATER LINE 'AM OAS 350 - DUCTIE IRON PIPE THE CONTRACTOR SEAL REPLACE A MAXIMUM OF 7B FEET OF SANITARY SEER UE AND/OR WATER LINE WITH SASS 350 - DUCTILE LION PPE WHEN DRAINAGE PPE GUMS WITHIN 24' OF SAID LINES HORIZONTALLY OR 12' VERFOALY AS REWIRED BY CHARORE-MaYBEIMRG UTILITIES OR LINED ON THE PLAINS. AL WATER VALVES, WATER METER BOXES AND WATER VAULTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA ARE TO B ADJUSTED M THE FNSH M GRADE Er( THE COWIRVCMA. F THE WATER METERS ARE M BE RDDCAIED HORIZONTALLY, THEY BULL BE MOVED M AN TAU BEHIND THE PROPOSED CURS F RELOCATED METER IS IN DRIVE OR SIDEWALK, CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONCRETE METER BOXES WATER AND SEWER LINES ARE M REMAIN ACTIVE DURING CONSTRUCTION. F NO POSSIBLE, THEN CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW C.MO. POLICIES, PROCEDURES, STANDARDS AND SPECFICAM NS MANUAL ft ]NOW= SUBSURFACE PLANS: SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS OF A LINED SCOPE ARE AVAILABLE FOR THIS PROJECT. CONTACT THE CITY TO ONAIN A COPY OF THE GEOTECH11GV. REPORT IF DESIRED. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL MA E HIS/HER OWN INVESTIGATION AS 70 THE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. SAWCUTS: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAW CUT EXISTING ASPHALT /NO/OR CONCRETE SURFACE PRIOR TO REMOVAL, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SO CUT SMBL BE 1 NOR MIN. FROM D05ANG EDGE OF PAVEMEU. SAW CUT PAVEMENT SOUL B REPLACED AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL PAVEMENT RESOUND M TIE-IN TO FACE OF PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER. TRAFFIC CONTROL: TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE -WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK! (WATCH) AND TO THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS ON SHEETS =-TM TREES, SHRUBS, AND HEDGES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL TABS AND SHRUBS OUTSIDE OF CUT/NU. LINES, IN ADDITION TO DIOE THAT RECEIVE TRE/$HRUB PROTECTION BARRIERS. THE CONTRACTOR IS ALSO REQUESTED TO SAVE ALL OTHER EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS MERE POSSIBLE WHEN ROOT PRUNING IS NECESSARY, CUT ROOTS CLEARLY USING A CSC TRENCHER AND IMMEDIATELY COVER ALL ROOT CUT SURFACES, LARGER THAN TWO NOES IN DIAMETER. WITH TREE WOUND DRESSING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 01000. P 03-K OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS USE PLYWOOD FORMS WHEN TREE ROOTS ARE ADJACENT M PROPOSED CURB M GUTTER OR SIDEWALK. SIDE SLOPES: AL SIB SLOPS ARE 3:1 MAGNUM AS SHOWN N THE TYPICAL SECTION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE N THE TYPICAL SECTION. F DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. A CUT SLOPE OF 2:1 MAXIMUM CAN B USED AROUND TREES M MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO THE TREE ROOM. EROSION CONTROL: THE CONTRACTOR MALL BE REQUIRED TO MAIN AMN EROSION CONTROL OVItES AND TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION DAMAGE TO ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES MD STIEWS N ACCORDANCE WITH IRE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY EAOSW AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ORDNANCE AD/OR STM`NRD DUALS. LADING WATER WITHIN THE PROJECT' HAIRS SHOULD SE PREVENTED . ALL DISRIRBD AREAS SOUL SE STABILIZED AND SEEDED AND MULCHED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. RUM TO EROSION CONTROL PLANS ON SHEETS EC7- EC5. MAIL BOXES: ME CONTRACTOR SHALL RELOCATE ALL MAIL BOXES AS REWIRED BY SECTION 107-12 B THE NCDOT SERVICE. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES COORDINATE THIS MDR( WITH THE U.S POSTAL FENCES: All. FORCES WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION UNITS THAT REWIRE REMOVAL AS DETERMINED BY THE ENONEEt ARE TO BE REPLACED WITH A FENS OF EQUAL WARY AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. V, IN, K. THE FOLLOWING ROADWAY STANDARDS APPEAR N THE CORDITE-MECKIENBURG LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MANUAL (JANUARY 2007 AND LATEST RENMON) AND THE FORM CAROLINA DEPARTMENT O TRANSPORTATION MWtlf1 RaIOAWr STADWO CASINGS (JANUARY 2W2), AND ARE APPLICABLE TO THIS PROJECT AND BY 9MK NE C0.VbOSFD ARM OF TILE PSIS. NCDOT: STD. Na L?&L 836.11 BLOC( THDWALL FOR SINGLE AND DOUBLE PPS 838.57 REINFORCED WICK ENOWA. NO.01 STANDARD BRICK CATCH BONN HOST STANDARD CATCH BONN FRMIE CRATE AND HOOD WAS STANDARD BRICK DROP INLET 840.1E STANDARD DROP NET FRAME AND GRATE 610.32 OR= JONCTION BOX 840.34 TRAFFIC BEARING JUNCTION BOX 640.51 STANDARD BILK MANHOLE 84084 STANDARD BRICK MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 840.85 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE STEPS 840.71 CONCRETE AND BRIO( PIPE RUC &0.72 PIPE COLLAR W41 CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER, AND CURT k GUTTER CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG: CHARLOTTE-MECI£NWRC LAND wvaowNT STANDARD (CND) 10.17/AB COMB A GUTTER 10.16 CURB TRANSITION 1027 TYPE I RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY (2'-0' VAIEY CURB) 1028 CATCH BASIN IN VALLEY GUTTER 10]0 CATCH BASIN PLACEMENT AT NLDIBE im 20D3NB WOOL( DOUBLE CATCH BASIN 15' TKRI 24' PIPE 20.04AAB BRICK DOUSE CATCH BASIN 30' THRU 36' PIPE 20.07 BRIO( JJNCPON DOX 2023 RIP RAP APRON AT PPE OUTLETS 20.27 WP RAP DITCHES 2029 OVERLAPPING SD/SS EASEMENTS 20.30 MIN UM DRAK4 E EASEMENT REOUTAEMDTIS 30.08 TEPUPMY SILT FENCE 30.09 SILT FENCE STORM INLET SEDIMENT TRAP 30.10 TEMPORARY ROC( ONEaK BUM 3012 GRAVEL AND RP PAP FILTER BERM BASIN 4002 TREE PROTECTION ABAND...................... ............ABANDONED ASPN ................ ..............."ASPHALT ....................APPROXIAMATELY APPROX. ..w... 8-8 .............. . ............."..SACK TO BACK B/C...... ............ ............... . ....SAW OF CURB BIT.................... . ........ ......... BITUMINOUS TORO ............ ..... ..................... BEARING BVC........ .......... .................... BEGIN W W................... ................ CATCH BASIN WN.......... .... ................ CHARLOTTE-MEC LENBIRG LAIN DEVELOPMENT CLI/CMUa.,.... .. ................ CIIRIOTTE-EEC LENBURC UTILITY DEPARTMENT CBC.._............ .................. CURB AND GUTTER CA FENCE ..... ............."..CHAIN UNC FENCE CAP/CW..... "... ................. CORRUGATED META./STEEL PIPE OONa...... .... ..... ... ................ CONCRETE CONST........... ... ......... .......... CONSIINIC110N DEL ................... ..................DEED BOOK DCB........,.... . ..............DOUBLE CATCH BASIN O ..................". ...,.,.........DROP INLET DIRS .................. .. .................... DIAMETER DIP ...................... ................. ..DIICWE IRON PIPE DIN ................ ..................DRIVEWAY Of ................ ..............."DIMENSION E....................... ............. ......EAST/L"IING EA .................. .............,....EACH EL/E EV........... ..............."ELEVATION EDP ................... ...........,....EDGE OF PAVEMENT ESMT................ ................... EASEEIENT EVC.... ............. ..................ED VC EWA._.......... ..... . ............ .....ENOWALL EK/EMST........... .... ...... ,........ EXISTING F/a_....... ...... ......".,.....FACE OF CURB F@G....... ........... .................... FRAME A (;RATE FES ................ ..............".FLARED END SECTION FH............. ..... . _........ ......... FIRE HYDRANT FOa....... ....... .... .......... „........ FIBER OPTIC CABLE GL....._._....... ................. GAS LANE GV ................ ...............GAS VALVE HORL............. ... .... ........... HORIZONTAL HS....... _._... ................... HIGH STRENGTH STEEL HW...... .._........ ............ ....... HEADWALL NT__............ _ ..............INTERSECTION INV...... ...... ..... ................. .NVERT IP.......... ..,..,.... ............ ......IRON PIN JB ................... ..................JUNCTION BON L .......... ............. .. ........... ..... LENGTH LEOP ................... ..... .._.......... LEFT EDGE OF PAVEMENT LE........... ....." ... ...................LINEAR FEET LP .......... ............. .................... IONT POLE LE ................... ..................LEFT .................................... NAOMUM MAX' : MH._.......... .... ................... MANHOLE MIN............. ..._.. .I..?_...?MINIMUM mph.................... ....... ............ MILES PER HOUR MTL................... .................... METAL THIS DETAIL IS INTENDED TO CONVERT ME NC OT STD. 840.32 BRICK JUNCTION BOX SEE NCOOT STD. 840.16 TO A DROP INLET BY REPLACING ME FOR FRAME AND GRATE DETAIL CONCRETE COVER SHOWN IN THE NGDOT SRN. WM ME ONE SHOWN IN MIS DETAIL ,)• CLLRAIT B (T+PJ T .. -1- N................ ............ .... .............NOIIN/NONMING NTS................... ... ................... OT TO SOME OC........... .............. .................... ON CENTER PAVT_..... .......... ...........„..PAVEMENT PS......................... .... ..._......... PAPER BOX PC.......................... ...... ........ ..POINT OP CURVATURE PERM ........_..-._... .._.............PERMANENT PG.... ..................... . ................. PACE PI........... _ ............. ...............POINT OF INT PLC............ ..... ....... .... .......... .PK NAL POa ......... ............. ................... POINT ON CURVE PP...... ..... ..... ..... PROF .................POWER POLE PROPOSED ............ ........ ............ . PSE._...... ..... ..... _....„..........I'M SW ESMT PT....... _............ .................. POINT OF TANGENCY PALL.......,........ .. .............POINT OF VERT INT POE................ .. .................PERM UTILITY ESNT R ........................ .................RADIUS BAP.............. .... .................. PoOHT EDGE OF PAVEMENT RT................ ...... ..............RIGHT RBC ................. .................RING R COVER RW......... .......... .... .. ................. REINFORCED CONC PIPE RIEOC.................... ... ................ RELOCATE R/W'..................... . .................... RIGHT OF WAY G ....................... ................SOUTH SO..........,.............. .................... STORM DRAIN SONH..................... ..... ............. STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SF.............................................. WAIN FEET SS........................ .................... SANITARY SEWER S/R FENCE.......... .................. SPLIT RAIL FENCE SSMH .................. ................SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STA........................ ..... ............. STATION SM.,..,.................................... TANDARD SM.._..................... ..................... SIDEWALK TAN.,.............. ...... .................TANGENT MM.................. ........ _....._.IPARO BEARING JUNCTION BOX TOE.................,. . ...............TEMP CONST ESMT TEMP ..................... ..................TEMPORARY P_..._._ ............ ...............TRAVERSE POINT TW................. ..... ..............._.TOP O WAIL T/W_........... ....... . ....... ........... TEST WALE TYP.......... _...._.. UP...... ............... ... ,.............. UTILITY POLE VC............. .......... ................ ..VERTICAL CURVE VERT..................... ...... ............ VERTICAL W........_.............. ....... ........... NEST W/..... .............. ... ..._........... WITH WL..................... .................. WATER LINE WM_.............. . ....... .......„.......WATER METER W/0 ........................ ...... ............. WITHOUT W VAULT .............. ................WATER VAULT WV........................... ................... WATER VALVE BOp.."..................................SXTY PENNY NAIL Op ! .......................... ..................FOOT ' ............................. .................... INCH rA I TRENCH 12 F`S6'MIN. IMO UNDISTURBED WALL EARTH (1YP.) Ab DUCIIIE IRON SEWER MAN STABILIZATION STONE (IYP.) CONCRETE ANTI-SEEPAGE A COLLAR (CUSS D' CONCRETE) PLAN IB'MIN, I b _ I 'DIN. INTO UNDISTURBED FARM ALL SIDES I 12'MIN. I L-------? SECTION A - A CONCRETE SEEP COLLAR _ A -1//- A4 REBAR EVENLY SPACED II' GAO' INLET TOP SLAB 84 DIMENSIONS PER NCDOT 840.32 2' CLEAR PIPE W IS. (7YP) DIAMETER DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 12' '-4' 6' #4 AE ?A A 15" AT e' O.C 18' 3'- 6 4' -4' 4- F 1; 38" -4' 8" 4 V-0, N PLAN 97SF 48' 8'-' 10' 54" -1 t4 RESAR 60' -4" IM NOTE: AT B' O.C. 8 " PREPARED BY. SEE NCDOT SID. 840.32 SSCfRON A-U DI CONC. TOP SLAB FOR NCDOT STD. 840.32 JB NOT TO SCALE FINAL DRAWING Not Released For ConsWctlon USINnIASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 CHARLLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHAR MTE. GENERAL NOTES ENGINEERING B PROPERTY AND DETAILS MANAGEMENT N/A MIA U9 UOI a GW wRVVrmer HOPnuoer exFCxeONr AP?eoreoar Dore NV a NQ W1E BY AEWISIW 67I-00-012 JOB N0. ?CA1 I N OW211WW.mlD EEN CWffIL PA,H TH 2 2BB W d W { J J-HOOK DETAIL NOT TO SCISE ?1 1 t(DE POINT PROFILE MEW 77 _IiJ d?j-ll I I -Ll - PDQL : _ I - NOTE: w USE ROCK SIZE 14' TO rp w 30' FOR BOULDERS. /D w POINT ROCKS SHOULD BE AT HAND PICKED AND MP INDIVIDUALLY FITTED TO I=C I .:..I FOOTER ROTC AVOID GAPS. I I 1/2 ' ad I Y. FOR ACTUAL NIRIBER aANBaF -HOOKS LI,1 IHll?f-L! I I I-i-] I-(I ' FIOw 1FNG1N . 25 -II I I ?I I FlLLAND BAN NATURAL CHANN C' SUBSTRATE EXCAVATED DURING POOL / I - CONSTRUCTION, ro BANKDRL ELEV. ROCK INTO SAW I.S. NTH BP TTOM OF CHANNEL RIP TOE flLOTECiION .;? i ? I I CIF - - I a u I 11 SECTION B-B KEY INTO CHANNEL 1.5' PREPARED BY. USI USINFRMTRUCTM OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 PROFILE MEW l? *71T,I' ELEVATION OF SAWUML OR FID0051I6i' 1 I 111 ?? I , - 1 _ I 1i1' ? I I I MOTH (W) NOTE USE ROCK SIZE TO 1/3 W ? ? 1/3 W 1/3 W 30' FOR BOULDERS,. ROCKS SHOULD BE '.. HAND PICKED AND D - III FLOW INDIVIDUALLY FITTED TO AVOID GAPS. l I tax i 1 FOOTER ROCK BELOW GRADE ill ; i ? , ? I-?IIII i fll 30 ? zo 3tI ;? 'i -I Iili IIj '? .'1 I ' ) :?! I AND FILL VANE NATURAL CHANNEL 'I III. SUBSTRATE EXCAVATED :' la pW LLp,r III'-. POOL DURING coNSmucnoN. =1 ? ° t I ll ,; - FLOW ' Y I ----ME ro DANI6VIL ELEV. "... :. , ... 111 u= PLAN VIEW KEY ROCK INTO J, BANK 1.5'. OTTOM OF CHANNEL . I. f T III ? U l I?lll?lllfilll?l?l. ?N 1 N ll l l l IL ? ' L ?4- 1 l ; rlh iit.l? "f-II Ir Ih 4 SECTION A-A CHANNEL 1.5' LARGE CROSS-VANE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PROFILE VIEW HEAM ROCK 8E OFFSET - OF nE EaolEx RUCX _ =? aMH? _ ROCK TOE ?' - -. L D - ll - 1 k T l II p 1 ? U II I ? _! 1 m lu-?I ?N -r-Twl- I-]T'__.)L II II-U' - I I ? -I ?? fL I ?? I I II I -' I- --. - I - I I - -1 I-I I - I - - BOULDERS TLn.? `T F c - PCOW STREAM FLOW mn: A PLAN VIEW NUT[ USI: ROOK SZE 1f TO UPSTREAM ELEVATION ? ? D BE _"_. ROCK-TDE- / NAIA 5 SIKI - i;aiii D TOwA1tlN O?MS"LL. V BOULDERS --- E BBWNSTRE MA EL VATION V`d RIP R4 5' cTN, 6. THI APRs . n W :. FY c ? lll ?? / - ll/ 1 1lf yL I G l??(t,? 1 ?? L,q? YI6 ',ll l ?fl/ 11 l? l?rTr J'i`. 1 j III ?11? Il /1 , ; r ?, ?! 11 ' I?TI l?y l,?l??l?,,?'Olbr??,l, x,11 Ih?l? ?J1? SMALL CROSS-VANE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ' PLACE COIR ROLLS PARALLEL TO THE STREAMBANK ALONG A HORIZONTAL CONTOUR 1WiNE ATURAL FIBER MATTING v{BOOmmJ O O \ o \ 0 o o 0 2' x 2' STAKES DOUBLE STAKES 2'x2'x4' LONG NOTCHED STAKES 0 2 D..C (TIP.) WANE I-i CHANNEL INVERT I . I 1111-1111 I ? I III-_I--III= NATURAL t - i FIBER 1?II?11 III?I L -1 III-I ' MATTING MUST f-I BE KEYED UNDER 1 III=I COIR ROLL ? Ii III ., li'.?lh DRIVE STAKE 1HROUGH NETTNG " 12" CPR ROLL COIR ROLL/COIR MATS DETAIL NOT TO S FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Constructlon it DOUBLE CROSS-VANE DETAIL NOT TO SG E V WTmLa NmLa BDA (IENmN) 0BA 4MxuoDO UV£ SIMW AW ?INUbw ws WX .WNaN AwA• HAW 9¢WSroY LIVE aws W?.4 wKm PPIA Y •? .HAIINAL T@P. UnHUtl L '? oxE r6m BEM rro ANN 8011 uw N m I-I f1 I 7/ IN AREAS WIHOUT A PROPOSED FLOW SHELF LIVE STARES SHALL BEGIN Y FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO PREVENT VEGETATON FROM BLOCKING FLOW OF STREAM. uY N xE oreA ? YAM Tr vWWs NO Y 1 COIR FIBER ROLL TO BE USED ONLY WHERE INDICATED ON PLANS 2- SEE PLANS FOR DETAILS ON PROPOSED VEGETATION. 3. ALL SLOPES ARE 21 (HOIIZ:VERiJ UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE LINE LIA STA. 14+763 TO 21+603. SQUARE WT BUDS FACING UPWARDS MIT LIVE CUTTING 70 2' DIA.) 36' MIN. /ANGLE CUT 30' TO 45' LIVE STAKE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE LINE YS STA. 10.003 TO 141773. LIVESTAKING AND RIPARIAN SEEDING ZONE ACRES COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME TYPE MATERIAL SIZE SPACING EMBANKMENT 0.09 SILKY WILLOW SAUX SRICEA SHRUB LIVE STAKE 3 FT.(3/4- MIN. DIA.) 2' O.C. SILKY DOGWOOD CORNUS AMOMUM SHRUB LIVE STAKE 3 FT. (3/4' MIN. DIA.) 2' D.C. VIRGINIA WILLOW ITEA VIRGNICA SHRUB UVE STAKE 3 FT. (3/4- MIN. DIA.) 2' O.C. BOIL, IN ADDITION TO LIVESTAKING SHOWN ABOVE, SPREAD RIPARIAN GRASS MIX AT A RATE OF 50 LB/ACRE. CONTRACTOR TO RACE SOIL STABILIZATION MATTING THROUGHOUT THE EMBANKMENT ZONE RIPARIAN SEEDING ZONE ACRES COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME TYPE MATERIAL % MIX SPACING FLOOD SHELF 0.37 ANNUAL RYE LO'UUM MULTIFLORUM HERB SEED 65% THROUGHOUT REDTW AGROSTIS ALBA HERB SEED 7% THROUGHOUT RIVERBANK COLD RYE ELYMUS RIPARIUS HERB SEED 10% THROUGHOUT ' ^ .. VIRGINIA WILD RYE ELYMUS NRGINICUS HERB SEED 10% THROUGHOUT SWITCH GRASS PANICUM VIRGATUM HERB SEED B% THROUGHOUT BOIL,; SPREAD RIPARIAN GRASS MIX AT A RATE OF W LB/ACRE CONTRACTOR TO PLACE SOIL STABIUZATIW MATTING THROUGHOUT THE FLOODSHETF ZONE THE ENGINEER MAY APPROVE AMSTED PERCENTAGES OF SEED MIX BASED ON AVAILABILITY. ALL SEEDING OUTSIDE THE RIPARIAN ZONES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WIT THE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS. PLANTING DETAIL - SECTION VIEW NOT TO SCALE KEY IN TOP OF MATTING 12- DEEP REINFORCE WITH STAPLES 36-JIVE MATTING (DORMANT) FABRIC STAPLE (M4. 12-) (SEE MANUFACTURERS SPECS FOR SPACING) IN AREAS WITHOUT FLOOD SHELF. PLACE FIRST ROW OF LIVE STAKES > ?P} N INSTALL APPROVED 2' FROM TOP OF ROCK TOE ELEVATION TO PREVENT BLOCKAGE OF HIGH WATER FLOW. OVER RIPARIAN SEED MIX(TYP) R MATTING M J LINE LIA - TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION A NOT TO SCALE LINE ILIA STA. 14+303 TO 14+75±. tl xV 9EBT WM -, /-EXNTNO atlMD / VM6 WN IX GAGE I?I I?7?? I CHIP, IAMI _y G1D1 ReAIC xY(M.) RIFN (ABTK NEOG wx roE MWn Bs ers6IWN Naoc mL NOTE S 1. SEE PROFILE ON SHEET 3 FOR PROP. CHANNEL INVERT. 2. PROVIDE 2HAV BANK SLOPE TO TIE INTO EXISTING GROUND. 3. SECTION B LOOKING UPSTREAM. PREPARED BY; G USINFRMTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 LINE LIA - TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION B NOT TO SCALE R Tm (M.aN rW REG an» RM N xD BABE worn NOTE i PROFILE ON SHEET 19 FOM PROP. CHANNEL INVERT. 2. PROVIDE 2H; IV BANK SLOPE TO TIE INTO EXISTING GROUND. LINE YS - TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTIOT NOT TO SCALE LINE L2 STA. 10+10± TO 14+403. ' MYAIM1M A IlMIAV WINE xnn.Yw. aAx1n aonol.. 21 _ I- i Jill !Illl!T? [ !!!-? 2W BASE YAM NOTES 1. SEE PROFILE ON SHEETS 6-71 OR PROP. CHANNEL INVERT. 2. PROVIDE 2H:IV BANK SLOPE TO ITT. INTO EXISTING GROUND. LINE L2 - TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION NOT TO SCALE '^y?rW,A.; mn u ',Ili I!IW'- KEY IN TOP OF MATTING 12' DEEP IY MIN. OVERLAP OF UPSTREAM FABRIC REINFORCE WITH STAPLES OVER DOWNSTREAM FAB C. _ TOP OF NOTES: . " OVZ 9TAK65RECIE JI " A • " " MATTING TO BE ROLLED OUT LENGTHWISE ALONG STREAM BANK NDING FROM BELOW THE ROCK TOE TO V BEYOND TOP OF BANK EXT IPAC60IA{ z FOOT C LNIFRS• ^ .. " BOWS" AGGERED " " . r IF MORE THAN ONE ROW IS REWIRED. MID-BANK OVERLAP SHOULD BE SECURELY FASTENED WITH STAPLES 1 ' A . A MIN. OF 2 ND ^ " • ' " " • , • • " IF BANK STABILIZATION IS PERFORMED OUTSIDE OF THE DORMANT SEASON ' " • ^ "g"^"' " """•'•" RI' '?" ^ •"` ? AND MATH APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. LIVE STAKES MAY BE REPLACED WITH ROOTED CUTTINGS ", ."., C?(J FLOW PLANTING DETAIL - PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE FINAL DRAWING Not Released For ConshecUon • QUID CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS MARLOTTE. TYPICAL CHANNEL ENGINEERING & PROPERTY SECTIONS & DETAILS MANAGEMENT N/A MN 119 V B 03 ANVAYEDBY PALTAAFDBY pLLpfD BY APRO BY OAIt: 9 of xD DATE Br PLYI90x 671-00-012 A'.NO. N A :CAME \000211CH\PIAN9FEB\91EERC.DM CADf'1LEPATH W//S c 2 ZO 7.1 NO 1. SEE PRO LE W SHEETS 3 & 4 FOR PROP. CHANNEL INVERT. 2. PROVIDE 2H:1V BANK SLOPE TO TIE INTO EXISTING GROUND. 3. SECTION IS LOOKING UPSTREAM. I W 4 J SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE IN FOOTING ................ ...... 3.8 CY "STEEL IN FOOTING ...................... .....267 LBS CONCRETE IN WING WALLS .......... .....1.7 CY "STEEL IN WING WALLS ............... . 104 LBS CONCRETE IN HEADWALL ............. ..... 0.4 CY STEEL IN HEADWALL .................... .....21 LBS TOTAL CONCRETE: 5.9 CY TOTAL STEEL: 388 LBS " "N" BAR WEIGHT INCLUDED IN FOOTING ONLY L ALL CONCRETE TO BE 3000 P.S.I. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. 2 A STONE DRAM CONSISMC OF ONE (1) CUBIC FOOT O NUMBER M STONE CONTOURED IN A POROUS FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH WEEP HOE. SUWRAN FINE AOMECATE SHALL BE PLACED BENEATH, AROUND AND OVER ME STONE DRAW SO TIE STONE DRAIN IS OMPLEiELY COVETED BY A LAYER O SUBNWN FINE AGGREGATE AT LEAST ORE (1) FOOT THICK WHERE THERE IS MORE MAN WEEP HOE IN A WNG WALL, A HOBEOUTA GRAN OF SUBDRAN DINE AGGREGATE AT LEAST ONE (I) FOOT SQUARE IN MOW SECTION SHALL BE PLACED TO CONNECT All STONE LAWNS A'ERTICAL MAN OF SBDRAN NNE AGWECA.TE AT LEAST ONE (1) FOOT SQUARE N CROSS SECTION SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH WEEP HOE TD AN EIEVATCN OF TWO (2) FEET BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE EMBANKMENT. 3 AL EXPOSED OMCI AND WRNERS SHALL BE CHAMFERW I INCH. A AND F-ED RN ACC-DANCE AM SECTON 823 OF ME NISWT STANDARD SPEaFTCAT.s B RI (TYP.) ELEV. 730.35 V 729.355 ELEV 727.68 X nil X F.. 4'-0' 3'_0" P ,I 8,_0. ELEV 724.68 2'-6- I" 6 FRAME AROUND OPENING W/ 4-#4 BARS B ELEVATION NTS S FOUNDATION DESCH IS BASED UPON A NET ALLOWABLE SOL BEARING PRESSURE OF 2000 PSF. ME BEANG SOLS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A GEOECINICA ENMEER AND BEAHIO PRESSURE VRIFIED PRIOR 10 THE PLACEMENT OF ME FOUNDATION CONCRETE. N DEBAR MAT IN ENDWALL SHALL PROMBE Y CEARANCE FROM 30' RIP CLASS IN OUTSIDE MMEN BONS 7. PRECAST R.C BOX SECTIONS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WTH ASIM CIM33 B. INSTALARO! OF ME PRECAST R.C. BOX CULVERTS SHALL SE IN ACOMDAHM YR ME RC. BOX MANUFACIMER'S REMIREMENR 9. ALL DIMENSIONS RELATIVE TO PLACEMENT OF RFINFCRONO STEEL ARE TO CNTEAS OF BANS. EXCEPT CLEAR NMENSM& 10. UCEETTMLS M L BE USED FOR BOTH ME UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM -T IN- 11. ALL JCMiS N ME PRECAST WLAERT ERECTIONS SHALL INCLUDE M-30 BUM SEALANT MEETNG ALL REaRRwwTS OF AASHTO M19E TYPE 'B' ! - IN ACCRDANCE WITH ME R.C. BOX MNUFACNIMtY REWINEIAADONS 12 ALL COMMIT SURFACES WALL BE RUBBED WMH A NON-SHRINK MOLT TO PRODUCE A UNIFORM FNISM. 9-RI 0 1'-1" O.C. 4" ALONG TOP OF BOX FACE FOR HEADWALL CONNECTION 3-RI ON TOP DOTE STEEL HEADWALL CONNECTION 2-RI ON EACH SIDE FOR - - IIIFOOTING CONNECTION L 9-RI 0 12" O.C. ALONG FRONT BOX FACE AT BOTTOM FOR TOEWALL CONNECTION _,r1:ITHREAD THIS -- -4 END INTO RI D1 (p5) REBAR DETAIL 4 1/2" 1 N (I4) REBAR DETAILS RI LAYOUT RICHMOND STRUCTURAL N'S CONNECTION INSERTS (RI) J" TAPE EC-217 STRUT OR EQUAL LENGTH = 4 J" INSERT WIDTH = 2" DIA. = J" THREAD TYPE 10 LING 1'-0„ 2" CLEAR VARIES 3"-0" TO 4'-8" #4 BARS 0 12" O.C. 3" CLEAR ---II- " BARS 0 12° O.C. BACKFILL USING FREE DRAINING CLASS III, TYPE 2 SELECT MATERIAL. FILTER FABRIC 4" PERFORATED DRAIN EMBEDDED IN STONE FILL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC TO DAYLIGHT AT END OF WALL 5-"F" BARS 0 12" O.C. -2° CLEAR 5-D2 ($5) DOWEL BARS 1'-0" #4 BARS 0 10" O.C. CONTINUOUS 2'-6" X12"1- THREAD THIS END INTO RI D2 (g5) REBAR DETAIL THREAD THIS 1 END INTO RI 1'-3'• .? 3" MAD. D3 ((15) DOWEL DETAIL 4'-9"--l 2' 2" 3 3/4" RAD. - L- F (#'4) REBAR DETAIL i1-0° 2-#4 BARS CONTINUOUS 8'x4' PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT PER ASTM C 1433 8" s .. ._ ?-RI (TYP.) i 9-"D3" (#5) DOWEL BARS AT 12" O.C. I P-10" SECTION B-B "TS 2' ?6" 3'-6" 5A-A NTS PREPARED BY. USINFRMTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 #4 BARS 0 12" O.C. FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction caARLESTONIMONTROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Q?ARiATTE, ENDWALL DETAILS ENGINEERING & PROPERTY YARDLEY CULVERT MANAGEMENT N/A TUB o/w SRRNEYEDBY vPBPArEDer LHEUaDar APFROVmev DATe 9EE71DDM0 B? of N0. MlE BY RE-ION 60-0o-012 ATBNO xTS SCARS \DOONIOI\PtAIME1S\ CADFIIEPATN 2D 20 PLAN VIEW }}}/// NTs If • IL d 25'-10" U/S TOP OF WALL: 688.23 1 1 D/S TOP OF WALL: 687.84 1'-0' U ELEV.: 687.23 0 ELEV.: 686.84 2' 8" s'' RI 12' O.C. (TYP.) - D /S ELEV.: 694.D 8,-8* 6-0(?)? ?C OF 'N?I--\ r f 4 e p4 BARS W (TYP.)-I}--? "vl 11- - FRAME PIPE OPENING INV. IN 680.39 (L ,..?x L _ W/ 1-µ DARES 2 r INV OIIT fiM.00 II U ELEV.: 6 D /S ELEV.: 6 INVERT OUT: 681.00 18' RCP (DOWNSTREAM ONLY) ELEVATION NITS 1 V-2%1 35 ',/ 3" IRA.. YYYY2-0'-+? Z (115) REBAR DETAILS 135' INSERT THIS END TO RICHMOND CONNECTOR 3"READ. (THREADED) 4` 18' D1 (#5) DOWEL DETAIL INSERT THIS END TO RICHMOND CONNECTOR (THREADED) 3' READ. 11' 11 1/2' 02 (t5) DOWEL DETAIL L INSERT THIS END TO RICHMOND CONNECTOR (THREADED) 7' I RAD. 1- 11 1/2' 03 (00) DOWEL DETAIL PREPARED BY. vS[ USINFMSTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES -::.':'- UPSTREAM CULVERT WALL DOWNSTREAM CULN,NT WALL CONCRETE IN FOOTING ............. _...... .11.9 Cy CONCRETE IN FOOTING ....,...,, . ,....12.4 CY . STEEL M FOOTING ........................ .1131 LBS STEEL IN FOOTING .....1171 185 CONCRETE IN W1NC ............. 2.8 CY CONCRETE IN IN RING WALLS ......... ......J.2 CY -STEEL IN WING WALLS .................. .191 LOS -STEEL IN WING WALLS ,.,,........ ....... 210 LBS CONCRETE IN HEADWALL ...._........... 5.5 CY CONCRETE IN HEADWALL ........... ......5.5 CY STEEL IN HEADWALL ........................ 235 LBS STEEL IN HEADWALL ..,......,.., .... ......235 LOS TOTAL CONCRETE: 20.2 CY TOTAL CONCRETE 21.1 CY TOTAL STEEL: 1557 LOS TOTAL STEEL 1616 LBS . "N' BAR WEIGHT INCLUDED IN FOOTING ONLY - 2' CLEAR SEE DETAIL A 10'x6' PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT PER ASTM C 14,33 1 T'-0" r10., (TYP.) 4 B'-6" 111111 61-0" (TYP.) SEAL JOINT WITH F BARS 0 12' O.C. NON SHRINK GROUT III 7 ` r2' CLEAR 3 CLEAR .I,I /5 BARS CONT. 1'-0' 012' O.G ?' I N5 BARS 0 12" O.C. BARS 0 12" O.C. SECTION A-A NTS P-0" 2" CLEAR 1 /4 BARS 0 12" VARIES 5'-0" TO 7'-8" 3" WEEP 1 #1 BARS 0 12- 3' CLEAR- I 1 #5 BARS CONT. ` 2'-B" 012 " O.C-T\T4 1 BARS 012" O.C. FILTER FABRIC /-BACKFILL USING FREE DRAINING / CLASS III, TYPE 2 SELECT MATERIAL. F BARS 0 12" O.C. ?}---r?-2' CLEAR . . I I-IL-j'?LO• SECTION B-B NIS 2'-2" 3" READ. L F (T5) REBAR DETAIL BARS 012' O.C. VARIES 5'-7 To 9'-3' 4 1/2'1 RAD. 4-2'-10° N (96) REBAR DETAILS FINAL DRAWING Not Rel"wd For ConstnwHon R CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARiAYPTE, ENDWALL DETAILS ENGINEERING & PROPERTY ERINSHIRE CULVERT MANAGEMENT N A RB U9 119 / wRmmer wEVAREDev GNEa¢DBY AwDDAEDer IMTE a DACE Nr RE-I. OCOVIC9 o6sa NIS ED \OOO01C KHANS EEI5\9EEPdDWO CMFNEPATH ZE Z? GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL OANIAEIE TO BE MOO P.S.I. COMPRESSIVE SNENGTH. 2. A STONE DRAUN CONSInNG OF ONE (1) C.BIC FOOT OF NUMBER ]BM STONE CONTAINED IN A PCAWS FABRIC Sun BE PLACED AT EACH WEEP HOLE. SUBMAN FINE MCREGATE SHALL BE PLACED MEAN. MOUND AND OVER THE STONE ORAIN W THE STONE DRAM IS C MP E- COVERED BY A LAYER M SUBM N FINE AtSASGATE AT LEAST ME (1) FOOT NIM WHERE THERE IS MORE THAN WEEP HOLE IN A WNC WALL. A HORIZONTAL DIU,N CF SRDRAN PNE ACGREGATE AT LEAST ME (I) FOOT SWARE IN CROSS SECTON STALL E PLACED TD CONNECT ALL STWE NLUN . A RERNDAL MAN OF SUBDRMN FlNE AGGREGATE AT LEAST ME (1) FOOT SQUARE IN GROSS SECTION SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH WEEP HOLE TO M ELEVATION M M (2) FEET BELOW ME SURFACE « ME EMBPIMYENT. 1 ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE AND CORNERS SHALL BE CAAMRRED I INGL 1. CMCREE 9AU RE FORMED MO Pu H ACCMDMCE - SECixM 825 «ME NCOOT BEANDARD SPECIE MS. S FQUNDAYON DESIGN IS BASED UPON A NET ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE OF 20)0 PS. ME BEARING SOILS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A GEOTECNHI:AL SHONEER AND BEMNG PRESSURE VERIFIED PRO- TO THE % CEMENT « THE FOUNDATON CONCRETE 6. REBAR MAT IN ENDWALL SHALL PROVIDE 2' CLEARANCE FROM 30' RW CLASS M OUTSIDE OLMENSON. ]. PRECAST R.C. BOX SECTIONS SAIL RE MANUFACTURED N ACCORDANCE "N ASTON CIADi. 8. NSTNLADNI OF IRE PRECAST R.C. BOX CULVDITS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ME R.C. BOX MANUFACTURER'S REOLYRELENM 9. ALL DIMENSONS RELATYf TO PLACEMENT «REINFORCING STEEL ME TO CFNIERS OF BARS EXCEPT C1EM D MBNSMNb. IG DETAILS SxAIl BE USED FOR SON TIE UPSTREAM MO DOWNSTREAM CIULVIRT ENDWAMB 11. ALL JOINTS IN ME PRECAST CULVERT SECTONS SHALL INCLUDE M-W BUM SEAUNT MEETING ALL REQUIREMENTS « AASHT4 LASS, TYPE 'B' & SEED IN ACCORDANCE TWNI THE R.C. ROX MANUFAMPERS RECM.E.0-S. MA CCNCREIE SUREACES SHALL BE RUBBED WTH A NON-SHRINK MOUT 10 PRODUCE A UNIFORM flNISH. ___1 11 RRBC RJ D1 DOWELS (7) 012" O.C.. 3" CLEAR /4 BARS 012' SEE SECTION RI (TYP. D3 DOWELS (14) 0 12' D.C. 1:1 BEVEL TOP OF CULVERT (UPSTREAM ONLY) BAR ' BARS 012' O.C. "N" BARS 0 12' D.C. SEE SECTION C-C / i-57/ NTS B" DETAIL A: HEADWALL NHS PLAN NHS CONNECTION INSERTS (RI) >r TYPE EC-2F STRUT OR EQUAL LENGTH - 4 ?• INSERT WIDTH DIA. - Rr THREAD TYPE ?', 10 UNC i ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TYPE S9.5A R. - T R. ' 1/4' R. = 1 4' ... .. 6. .44`..... 1 8' COMPACT FILL MATERIAL J EMSTNG PIPE/CULV, 3'-6' L®SE EXCAVATE ONLY AS DIRECTED PANFMENT SCNEOULE ® PROP .52.5*I MpMIgNFOUpSpCONCRETE SURFACE COURSE. RATE OF9115?LTUB/SY-IµPUED AT AN AVERAGE ® COURSE 7W&ET IAI OA.B TO 82REPLINF?AiEDANATE AVERAGE RATE OF 118 IB/SY-IN. EXISTING PAVEMENT PIPE IusrALL+nou uDTEs I. A MINIMUM OF 24" FROM OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE TO SIDE OF TRENCH MUST BE ALLOWED FOR COMPACTION CE FILL MATERIAL BACKFIWNG CE TRENCHES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED `VERTICAL. BENCHED. OR SHORED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PPE IS WD. THE FILL AROUND THE PIPE SHALL BE PLACED M LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 6'. INSTALL CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK IN RESIDUAL SOM1 INSTALL THE TIE PER OSHA REQUIREMENTS UNDER NO CRCUMSTANCES SHALL WATER BE PERMITTED . ROOS AND ALLOW TO SET BEFORE TO RISE IN UNBACKFILLED TRENCHES AFTER THE PIPE HAS BEEN MENT SHALL BE ATTAINED BY P ACR N RE UIR BACKFL NO, COMPACT BAC FILL SELECT MATERIAL O Q E LACED. COMP EACH AND EVERY LATER I T P N Y AROUND THRUST BLOC( TO 951E THE USE OF MECHAN AM . CAL S O L THOROUGHLY COMPACTED S A STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY OF C, FILL SHALL BE PLACED LOO E ND INTO PLACE. BEFORE RELOCATING WATER LINE 2. ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL HAVE AN IN PLACE COMPACTED DLNSIIY SECTION 300 OF THE Sm IXtANNCS OF 95S OF STANDARD PROCTOR. THE FINAL 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE . LOOSELY PLACED APPROVED LOCAL MATERIAL OR (IF PAVEMENT) SHALL BE 1008 SELECT MATERIAL FOR FOUNDATION CONOTWNING 3. ALL TRENCHING OPERATORS SHALL MELD OSHA STANDARDS. AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. (STOVE WALL NOT BE ALLOWED) 4. BACKFIML MATERIAL BENEATH ROADWAY SHALL BE SELECT MATERIAL 5. EXISTING EXCAVATED MATERIAL OUTSIDE OF THE PAVEMENT AREAS MUST FOUNDARpN CONDITIONING BE APPROVED BY INSPECTOR TO USE AS SUITABLE BACKFILL. IF MATERIAL IS DETERMINED TO BE UNSUITABLE. BORROW MATERIAL SHALL MATERIAL f X57 STONE1 AS DIRECTED 9Y SITE INSPECTO4 BE USED AS BACI(FTLL. 6. PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER SECTION 300 OF THE NODOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS. N 528892.7936 E 1472809.7575 Ti ? JI g PROP. W RIM EHEV, 733,13 I' Iw INV. IN (E) 729.35 729.22 ? IN V. V. W (S) .15 M OUii 1299.15 'c o PREPARED BY. trs[ USINFRMTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 T _T y..4, 2'COVER T.4 BARS A 11r (TYP.) 6 ; H BARS AT 6. 6O SEE NCDOT STD. 840.16 O.C. FOR FRAME AND GRATE DETAIL JOT STD 840.66 T? T ?. BILL OF MATERIAL P GONE. IN FRAME U,= GENERAL NOTES 1. MORTAR JOINTS 1/2' i 1/8' MICE, SI'A'M 2. CLASS 'S' CONCRETE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT. 8' 3-V 3. THE POURING OF FLOOR SUB TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY FORMING, 4'-4' 4. DEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM TOTAL CU. YOS. OF BRICK MASONRY. 5. ALL CATCH BASINS OVER Y-6' IN DEPTH TO BE PROVIDED NTH SR PS N Y-2' ON CENTER STEPS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WTH SID. NO. 84061, 6. USE TYPE 'E','F' AND 'G' CRATES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED 7. JUMBO BRICK WILL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4" SOW CONCRETE BLOCKS MAY BE USED IN LEU OF CLAY BRICK. B. W REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE IS SET IN BASE SLAB OF BOX, ADD 70 BASE AS SHOWN ON SE NO. 840.00. 9. FOR V-O* IN HDCIT OR LESS. USE 8' WALL. FOR OVER 6-0' IN IN 101T. USE 12' WALL TO 6'0' FROM TOP CE WALL AND W WALL FOR THE REMAINING V-0'. QUANTITIES TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. lrll_? Nil ll X11 1 =?11 IT I? 111 11 11 rr ?T=ll lll°m=T11?T-ITr 1=1Ir- ll= -I -III-III-R=III-III=III?II-II!?It?IGII -III-1 Nll-III=11 II?IY?If=i(1?11=11111=?=111=11GI1 3/4'srALNL[ss rnu TIE RODS i.-{IC=III=III COMPACT SURROUNDING BACRILL TO (4 TOTAL) IC CON.) 95R STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (TYP.) /1RAN1ITION COUPLING IF REQUIRED (MANDATORY FOR TRANSITION TO CAST IRON PIPE) P ROP. CULVERT al4 . 10F: EXISTING WATER LINE FASTI NG WATER MALE EDSANC E + DIP TO BE REMOVED M BE REMDVFD OP ?:. WATER LEE 7" 6' MIIR CLEARANCE .. J/! INNATE SASW RIM TE MBAR T6 TIE EN (OPJ YNTMI C MF/lNKE XMAN MNRNN uTTR MALI (TIPJ-X PIA¢ M NBN IY m QNWR EMI my- 'l 0.90" GEAR EOTgA S ? p .ECTION.A,A PC350 DUCTILE IRON PPE (ON All PROPOSED PIPE) 0.50" CLEAR (MIN.) i ?-INSTALL AIECNJIG JOINTS OR PRIN. CONCRETE TRUST BLOC( CAST DATA 0800 PSI CONCRETE N APPROVED EQUAL AT ALL JOINTS (SEE DETAIL BELO) DER STORM DRAINAGE 48' DUCTILE IRON BENDS. ROUTE AS REQUIRED (4 REQUIRED) SEE NOTE p PROFlLE NOTES xrs 1. WATER SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING THRUST BLOCK INSTALLATION. 2. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 3600 PSI COMPRESSIVE S RENGTH. I j? CMUD AND RESIDENTS SHALL NOTIFIED OF ANY IN WATER SERVICE AT LEAST EAST 72 HOURS NTERRUP110N IN L I l L,-3, R PRIOR TO INTERRUPTION. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHAD. MINIMIZE THE TIME RESIDENTS ARE WITHOUT WATER SERVICE AND SHALL NOT ALLOW WATER SERVICE TO BE INTERRUPTED FOR MORE THAN 8 HOURS. 5. FITTINGS SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING MEGAWGS, STAINLESS STEEL. TIE RODS, OR RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER. THRUST BLOCKING DIMENSIONS - W 'C OVA6 3'-0' CHAR) 0.50" GEAR - THRUST BLVO& ELEVATION WATER LM RELOCATION NOT TD - 6. IF THE EXISTING WATER MAIN IS CAST IRON OR PVC, USE TRANSITION COUPLING TO CONNECT TO DUCTILE WON PIPE 7. FOR PIPE CULVERTS 46' DIAMETER OR GREATER AND OR ARCH CULVERTS 4 FT. WIDE OR GREATER, INSTALL RELOCATED WAIF MAIN WITHIN A HIGH STRENGTH STREET ENCASEMENT PIPE TO BEYOND THE CULVERT TRENCH LIMITS. FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Conetmation CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOI°I E. DETAILS ENGINEERING B PROPERTY E E T MANAG M N N/A NY us U9 8 W -EVmBY PAF81J16DBY CN-11 AWBDRED6Y M'R PL SI I EFI9 EE,'GDWC S O MQ DATE BY - REYAVQY 611-W-012 .NNHD N/A TALE ?WOMIC Y AN ? H CADNIEPKTX 2F 20 NOTES: I)THE TEMPORARY PLYWOOD FENCING SHALL BE PLACED AT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TO PROTECT EXISTING BUILDING 2) FACES. UNDAMAGED LUMBER MAY BE REUSED AT OTHER LOCATNNS WITHIN THE PROJECT. STRUCTURE DETAIL it STRUCTURE DETAIL #3 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 18-0 8A5 AT C D.C. POINT CONTRACTW PI ELECT TO BUOD THE U TOP Be RCP LISURVEY 14+0274 STAB I TWO PIECES EACH B'-O' IN LENCIH. PROP. Of MANIMN COVER OVER S AFSN. IF TWO STA. 1610135 729 E 1472807.25 Yx4' }5 S°R, EVENLY SMCEO 8 WITH NON-SHRINK CONTRACTOR SEAL JOINT RIM RIM ELEV. 738.62 LwT WITH ON-SHANK GROUT. V1. INV. IN IN (B8-) ? 729.B. 17-45 is RAM AT 8' 0.G 1'-9 1/2' RA I INV. 0111 (68? 72882 r5 NL5 la 'Dl' DOWEL BRAS INTIGN OPENNC N 828018.18 SPACED EVENLY EVENLY J' RAT. ' E 1472873.65 ? r ¢ \ _r 6 2 O 24' PCP 1'-8. 78' RCP A] VE MIN n< A CO4FR?(7W) 6' COwI (iYl+) A A SURREY PONE 86' RCP 8-?,15 BARS AT 8' O.C. &195, 14ENVY SPACED LIB STA 16+03.35 ! 12' 8x4 PTECIST PRO JB IS /2'-0' ? ? ffi DOWEL DETAIL CULVERT 10 . ? STAP14!0274 NETS ON. N N4') 72654 INV. IN 24 72&I2 BILL OF MATERIALS W-0, 5-s• w4- s a,? HIT.. IN t!? 729M PLAN OF !0" TffiCN TOP SLAB INV. 001 (8'xe) 726.74 SLAB VIFII PLAN OF IT THICK TOP PLAN Ilip SEE NCDCFr m E. GR 510. 60.29 FOR SEE cu D s D 2o.tD FRAME. R FPIMI; RATE KIND ANCHOR DETAIL PENERN NOTES-. FOR RING AND COVER ?T/JL I I fOWf (TP•) ADJUST m DRIVEWAY SIDPE BJ 1'-s 3' 8'+I Imo- 1. MORTAR Jaxrs 1/Y 3 I/6' THICK ' 1c _ I I WNC. TOP THIS 2 CLASS 'B' CONCRETE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT, SEE L DErN THIS SHEET 3, THE POURING OF FLOOR SLAB TO BE ACCOMPLISHED By FORMING. 11r RCP 8'x4' PAEC45T (CONC. CULVERT 4. DEDUCT FOR APE(S) FROM TOTAL W. RR. OF BRICK MASONRY- m a r4' PRECI$! COXG CULVERT ?,•N?; PROVIDE STEPS 1'-2' O.C. T ; STEPS SKILL CBgE IN 8. ON ALL DROP INTER OVER B' IN DEPTH DA BE HAOFD WITH STEPS 61'-2' NCOOT StD BW.65 I ON CENTER. STEPS SHALL IL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SID. NO. 640.68. W G1LVL7T 1. MORTAR JOINTS 1/2' f 710' TRICK q '-q (• 8. JUMBO BRICK WILL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4' SOLD CONCRETE 7'-4' or ACP BB' RCP BLOCKS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CLAY BRICK. 6 2 CLASS '8' CONCRETE M BE USED THROUGHOUT. J. THE PORBNG OF FIDOX Sl/S TO BE -El BY FONExO. IF RERM CONCRETE PIPE BC RCP I 7. IF SHM ON Sr. NO. P. IS SET N BASE SLAB OF BOX,, ADD TO BASE II 8' 4. DEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM TOTAL CU. YOS OF BRIO( MASONRY 1Y-{ 1Y--I 8' 45-4• 1P 2 EO.CSRPS 5. ALL JUNCTION BOXES OVER 3'-8' N DEPTH TO BE PROAOFD WITH SLEPT & ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 36M P51. SHALL BE N 1'-2' ON CENTER SLEPT SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH SID. NO. 810.6& I BILL OF MATERUd.S 12'-O ARMANCEBI& m +'-B• NCDOT SID 88 S. JUMBO MiICK DULL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4• SOLID CONCRETE 12' 3'-0' DESCRIPTION SECTION A-A SaCTlON B-B BLOCKS MAY BE USED N OED DU CLAY BRICK t J 7. IF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE IS SET IN BASE SLAB OF BOX. ADD TO BASE 12' 9'-4' SAGTfON A-A 6'-0` SECTION B-R AS SHOWN ON Sr. NO. 0.000. T_O' 8. ALL CONCRETE SKILL BE 3603 PSI. 13'-4' GRATE NUUME 84D.29 f ER' STRUCTURE DETAIL #2 STRUCTURE DETAIL #4 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 17-/3 BART AT B' O.G EQUALITY AMM SURVEY POINT L1 71T84 •• 18-/5 BRAT AT B' O.C. LIB STA. I - - l'-9 1/Y DA. E M Y2 0+00 711 529004.36 Be RCP E 14731049 N 14731092 B6' RCP RNRAI OPRRLG °/ +Y N E 1472944.34 0 2' MIN ?tT? ?? 24' RCp 1 y. '? cowl (1YP.) W . 2-8' "T' N V g:y B-Rs BARS AT B• D.C. 12 J 945 Ens 0C.... NN. AF? A A f . ? A COVER YA (TIP.) ® PROP. JB GENERAL N- 68' ACP STA. 17455.52 ® PROP. CS RIM ELEV. 744.33 11-4' COMC CULVERT 1. MORUR JOINR 1/2' :k 1/B' THICK. CdI RIM E1...7140.00 INV. IOUr (8 ) 77457 2 CLASS *B* CONCRETE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT. INV. IN (24? 73200 I. MORTAR JOINTS I/2' t 1/8' TICK NK IN ((1 _ I I8 72BA3 12'-0' m I Pl.dN OF !P TNI.RI TOP c .I R 3. THE POURING OF FLOOR SUB m BE ACCOMPLISHED BY FORMING. INV. OUT (7'x41 727.37 2 01139 'B' CONCRETE m BE USED e01MMI0Uf. ?L 4 DEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM Tout W. YDS. OF aRIal MASONRY PLAN OF 1F' TffiC% TOP SbJR 3. NE POUBNC 6 FIDOR SUB 0811H AN PIFM ACCOMPLISHED BY FOPoINQ SEE (YID 510. 20.10 5. ALL JUN CTIOH CE M STEPS 3'-8• IN DEPTH TO BE PROVIDED NN STEPS DJ ST mµS 1'-2.ON CENiEt SIFP SKILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WON SID. NO. 540.66. A DEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM IOTA GE m5. OF ' BRICK MASONRY. & JUMBO BRICK WILL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4' SOLID CONCRETE SEE ? FSM. O2A S-o' 2'-Y 5. ALL CATCH &1SINS OVER 5-6' N OWN TO BE - -" BLACKS MAY BE USED N LIEU OF CLAY BRICK IJWI Ib00 DEYL Sd PROVIDED WITH STEPS 1'-2' ON CENTER. STEPS 1Y Q,? 7. IF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE E SET IN BASE SLAB OF BOK ADD m BASE SKILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STD. ND. 60.65. - AS SHOWN ON Sr. NO. 80.00. & ALL CDYdEIE SHALL R 3800 PSI. 6. USE TAI?SE r, - ED D -0- pNTE$ UNLESS = I Be RCP / 7. Or" BRICK AIMED BE PERMITTED. 0U CONCRETE 8-1' 66' RCP I - 5-0• / BRICK OR 4' I OF SOLID C CONCRETE NCAflE BWOl6 MAY BE I1 USED IN LIEU 00 CLAY BRICK, - IF REDIFORCED 1- 6' & sue OF BOX, ACONCRETE PIPE SET N BASE AS T a?. BILL OF MATERIALS x NO. 8080. 1 12'-0' p4 PROVIDE STEPS V-2` O.C. PItOISDS TIERS 1'- ' O.G 24• RCP + 6. AL CONCRETE SHALL BE 3800 PSI. STEPS SHALL BE N TEPS ACCORDANCE E70 I s-0' NR bLs tY s•O' NCWT STD $40 7-0' I BILL OF MATERIAL SAC= A-A sACrfox R R ?An Tx4, PRECAST 88' ACP CONC. CULVERT Now 12'+? YEA( tY---I fi'-4' 75-4' FINAL DRAWING • CHARLESTONIMONROE 1Y+1 ?1a-o'--- SECTION - 6_0•-- SAMOA R-B Not Released For Conatnwtbn DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS I 74-0' B'-D• - PREPARED BY: CHARLOTTE. DETAILS ENGINEERINGB PROPERTY USINFRASTRUCTME MANAGEMENT OF CAROLINA, INC. N/A MM U9 U9 8/03 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 w66erA06v vMBAEm Gr <xv?x609r evmOVmfir UAiS CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 MfiFT Ov 6T-00-012 ./A \000211CH\PUNSHIFER\SNEEf2G.DWC 2G 20 w Onrt av -l Nosxa cwrnavarx F 4 4 AL 2' COVER .I STRUCTURE DETAIL #6 NOT TO SCALE' 10%39 I'--g 1/2" DA 4 0 A I 18E YJ ? yga .. 80' ACP d GENENN NOTES, 1. MORTAR JOINTS 1/2' 4 1/8W THICK. 15-45 BARB AT e• D.C. 2 CUSS 'B' CONCRETE TO BE USED 1HAOIIp10Uf. FRAME OPOB? 3. ?PoURING OF FLOOR SUB TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY /i55 4. OEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM TOTAL. CU. YM OF BRICK MASONRY. OVER 3 IN DEPTH TO BE S. ALL JUNCTION YAR PROVIDED N STEPS ON CA CENTER. ER. SOPS SHALL WITH SI E IN AC N ACCORDANCE NTOH 510. NO. M.U. 5, JUMBO BRICK WILL BE PEINBIED. CONCRETE BAKE( OR 9•_1• 4' SOLID CONCRETE BLOCKS MAY BE USED N UEU OF CLAY BRICK 7. IF REINFORCED CONCRETE P,PE IS SET N BASE SUB OF BOX. ADD TO BASF AS SHOWN ON ST. NO. 540.00. S. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 360 PS. - 10'-0' --? P AV OF f THICK TOP ML AR L N10%39I I '0' S. 66' RCP - I _' RCP /2-• I _ OL 12' 7i' o SECTION R-11 n'i• BILL OF MATERIALS SEE NCDDT SID. FOR FRAME AND GRATE 7'-f O' I (-= STRUCTURE DETAIL #6 Fp?tHgpEt? NOT TO SCALE W/ X96 r S-}8 &1P5 AT B' O.C. 10x 5'D1' DOM BARS 12' SP EVENLY 3' RAC. 11y ?T J.fI 1'i' B,a. 11- fl46 ?B•I AT 8 0' D.C. M (9) DOWEL DETAIL N 52907!38 NIB E 1473199.33 ® PROP. D SIX RIM 10+90.89 Y PLAN OF 12" THICK TOP SLAB M!. E". 749.55 ( 740.74 7_3 2 9 INV. OUT (89-) 740.54 +5 b1' DOM (I1P.) FT? T 60' RCP Y E-D' - _EIo`-O'- '-51 fY Td PREPARED BY. p?, USINFRASTRUC= OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 GENERAL NOTE& 1. MORTAR JDNB 1/2' 2 1/9. 11". 2 CLASS 'B' CONCRETE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT. 3. THE POURING OF FLOOR SUB TO K ACCOMPLISHED BY FORMING. NC. TOP SLAB E DETAIL THIS SHEET 4. DEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM TOTAL CU. YRS. OF BRICK MASONRY. 5. ALL CATCH BASINS OVER 3'-0' N DEPTH TO BE PROVIDED WITH STEPS 1'-2- ON CENTER. STEPS SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH SD. NO. 540.58. 5. USE TYPE'S'. Y AND 'a" GRAM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 7. JUMBO BRICK WILL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4' SOLI) CONCRETE BLOCKS MAY BE USED N UED OF CLAY BRICK B. P REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE a SET N BASE SUB OF BOX, ADD R1 BASE AS SHOWN ON ST. NO. 1140.01). 9. ALL CONCRETE SOUL. BE 36B Pa. BILL OF MATERIALS SA1C7'ION P_R DESCRIPTION ANj Ncour STRUCTURE DET AIL #7 NOT TO SCALE 1-+8 BOOS AT ID'O.O-\ S BAR III 4'i• LEWIN 3'I 1 i COVER m ' ?g PROP. DI ??------?? SG 11.5073 RN ELEV. 749.22 INV. IN (EX 24') 74292 IW.. N (E)L 24) 74392 INV. OUT (60-) 741.03 2'-0' D.C. _' SECTION A-A 7i' 8' :?? B'-8' T '#5 94M AT IV D.C. PLAN OF 8- TNICX TOP SLAB GENERAL NOTES ,, MORTAR "NIS 1/2. 2 1/8' THICK. 2 CUSS 18' CONCRETE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT. 3. THE POURING OF FLOOR SLAB TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY FORMING. 3'-0' 4. DEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM TOTAL CU. YDS. OF BRICK MASONRY. S. ALL DROP INLETS OVER 3'-8' N DEPTH TD BE PROVIDED WITH STEPS 1'-2' ON CENTER STEPS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE NN STD. NO. 840.66. 0. JUMBO BRWK WILL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4' SOLID CONCRETE SOCKS MAY BE USED IN UBI OF CLAY BRICK. 7. IF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE B SET N BASE SLAB OF BON, ADD TO BARE AS SHOWN ON ST. NO. 840.00. 8. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 3600 PSI. 0' RCP EX. 24' RCP tZA=1QX_&:fi BILL OF MATERIALS r ID, Mo. IDEA. UTILITY PIPE (PIPE MATERIAL AS CASING SIZE OV' SB1INON DRAWINGS ON pSgWlNpjNN k ON /16' % 4'-0' BUCK NEOPRENE TABLE BELOW FET RUBBER. CREASE 8 O PIPE A 3-2 K2CFD0.40A PRES4NE TREATED SATLFSS STEEL BANDS, PINE RUNNERS 3 REQUI PER PIPE RED CEPT CONTINUOUS LENGTH CASINO AS Y ii SECTION A-A BD)E APPROVED PALL OR STEEL PLATE SPIDERS N LIEU OF WOOD RUNNERS. MAY BE USED I STEEL BANDS (2 EA ON FA ERN) DIP OR 165 ENCASEMENT PIPE PPE MATERIAL AS CAS7NC END SEAL MNY PIPE A1H I SHOWN ON OMAWNGS (TIPICAL EACA ENO) --= _r- DP OR 16S ENCASEMENT PIPE T P UTILITY 1 04CASEMENT1 . . AV RIf, U) ( PIPE (IN) 4 8 B' 10 B' 12 10' I R RA/ D !L 12 1B' R . ENE ER NT AND A 8T NOT TD SCALE FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Constmetlon CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARMTE•. DETAILS ENGINEERING B PROPERTY N GEMENT MA A N/A NM u u9 9 Ol 91RYE -BY YRCYANDBY I QiEE%DBY I MPRDYfOBY 00.1E I S 91EC19 O or no DAtE Br akrBHDx 671-0o-02 _.. N/A - 1 YDO32HCNVw S0.EH . uDnuvnrx ZI? ZD 8a RCP PROP. JB STA. 18+24,21 PoY EIfl. 751.8] NV. N 74030 INV. N 7_35 0117 (OB'J 7_.00 m I W. t m 38' DP, 38' CL 52 a L O PROP CS . GRATE ELEV. 5932t IM'. IN 555.18 INV. OUT 88875 GRATE TYPE E 48' RCP BILL OF MATERIALS SLAB EMT* go DETAILS STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE 21-15 BARS AT A' O.C. 10'-8• FRAME OPENING WITH 05 3'-9' BASS, 2• CLEAR A e. 2-4' 3-Y 18-45 8AA3 % 8'_3• AT 6' O.C. f- I SURVEY PONT 4 1 Y MATE 5'-0' Y3 S0. 14+9885 COVER (1YP.) PROADE STEPS PER NCODT SAO. 810.88 2'-i p e-r III 8' 9'-Y 10-8' SECTION A-A AAIK STRUCTURE DETAIL 1100 I NOT TO SCALE Bvts AT 8 O.C. ` `p 'z ?A 2* IN. 5'-7* 1 L ACNEP COD. (hP.) I AT O.C. CUSS N _1_L m I PLAN OF R" THICK TOP SLAB SUM1:Y PONT _ o9 PROP. CA Y3 S0. 15+7800 CRATE ELEV. 594.73 N 524640.5918 MI. IN 599.05 E 1.775.2825 W. OUT 599.79 CRATE TYPE F 4' SEWER LATERAL WITH 8' CARRIER PIPE. SEE DETAIL SHEET 2H W-Y .66 PROVIDE STEPS PER O 5 48' RCP. ]8' x or 4.79 JB' % 80' CLASS IV ACHEP RCHEP ?s NCOOT ?. 3'-1 }' 3'-T }' 840.00 (GYP. 4'-Y 5'-Y IIALS SdCffOX B-R SECTION A- A mlwA No1n: m _ ,C -ao sFLMNa m x uuD u exlNm PuIN w As Dearth m nW Ouxsm, oNlDS ro s u WrrwN c PM Y9 e PIPE I.D. . - x awtu, oA a ND IN -.1 X -cas'e' caxwel[ ro IN uuD W crawls. iLVNO Da Rcrg1O wF?K41 I w I r N REFS 1mX sxn Awn Nw m TO Im' Fro - AM nolraNancx -F1 Au toxeu xns7=A- aJM1ET InG110M - OATH x ? A67T5 s1 ? PPE 1 BOF BN6 BIR MID//pppp SIFFL FA9NC Id190Af81011 sNti?1Bx x-x PREPARED BY., G USINFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 OBIF TKN NOBS ?7 DIMENSIONS AND CONCRETE GUAN IITIES FOR END SECTIONS AND ENDWALLS pPE END SE CTIONS STRAIGHT ENDWALLS (COMMON DIM) SKEW ED ENDW ALLS In 'A' B 'C E E 'r 'r N X 'l' ro' Y L' ro' 13' P r-0' -r i'-C D'-P 4'-f al 1'-0' W-e 9D. 15 Ir a' Y-Y Y-Y Y-ID' - Y-8• Y-D• r-P r-Y 2? 1 f-6' 1'-v 9' o'4+' r-It' 4'-Hf S'- 0.1 2 1'-r 1'-Y a'-0r Y-Y 0.1 0.3 24' ID' 7-r V 2 Y-8' 4' -5 a'-Y 0'-11' -II' Y-4r 4• a a2 1'-3• I'- O.J -0• 4'-8 Y-8' S-0' W V-1' W-i4+ 0.3 1'-9' Id-r 1a 0D. 2-tl II'-4• ae r-R' r-r Y-11' Y-Y I'-r Is'-r I.. Y-tl '-4' 12 -r 0.9 I.1 FLARED ENO 'A CTI OM - REINF ORCEMENT 1'4+9 DLL Ott. t wY C( ACM fins Ts FIHDC "-I 3 A,h4- 1 9K 10 SD Ir -.21.4+.7 1 ' 9 21 M 7 fp .. '? - 9 10 AD -, N . 8 Ie'--Q1. 24'2x8-e29 e.P.9 ]w No-WA .. M'r. 2 -0 e6a _ 10.2 lax " e.D Wsa--5x4+29 4r 2k-.4.a. x29 N/A E I " nouuex clulrnlRF fdEf1 ' I. MOTTPA JOINTS 1/2' 3 i/8' THICK 2 CUSS 'S' CONCRETE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT. 3. THE POURING OF FLOOR SLAB TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY FORMING. 4. DEDUCT FOR PIPE(S) FROM TOTAL CU. YDS. OF BRICK M SONRY. 5. ALL CATCH SATINS OVER T-8' IN DEPTH TO BE PROVIDED WITH STEM 1'-2- ON CENTER. STEPS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SID. NO. 840.56. S. USE TYPE 'E•, 'r AND •G' GRATES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 7. JUMBO BRIO( WILL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4' SDUD CMICRETE BLOCKS MAY BE USED IN UEV OF CLAY BRICK e P RIWOTMED CONCRETE PIPE IS SET IN BASE SLAB OF BOX, ADD TO BASE AS SHOWN ON ST. NO. 540.00. STRUCTURE DETAIL #9 NOT TO SCALE Y w• y(S ? 38• X 50' ? yP ROIFP u x. IY RCP xT. Y? .. O PROP. Co 38' DIP 38' DP CL 250 CL 250 GRATE ELEV. 683.43 INV. IN 866.95 16-) INV. IN 69835 38' X SO-) INV. DUT 968.36 GRATE TYPE E -12.00 I I II ?? PAOrX1E STEPS PER V I -- NCDOT 510. 840.1{9 38' X BO' L_. 15' RCP T RCNGP - NCOOT SID. 2'-7 }' 4'-Y 940.00 (TLP. a. SECTION A-A BILL OF MATERIALS DE9CRIPTION FRAME & GRATE. ow.95 3.78 SECTION R-R 36' DIP. CI. 250 FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Conatruegon , CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS . CHARLOTTE. DETAILS ENGINEERING & PROPERTY T MANAGEMEN N/A M4 usl us 6/03 6URYEYED9Y P6@AFFD9Y Hm.0Y APfltOrFD9Y DAIS x LOWG l xo. w'm er Rermlm 171 -M2 I/A a 2- wro2vagPUT+nu:anmis 2I ZO >r BBB kG09RN0IL CHAN BOTTOM --- ;o ON > O.w% 878 .? .- __-- --- -- -- --- _ - - ..._.. PRW. CHANNEL 872 a .-.-- 13450 1N00 ;'? IX PEDESTAL TO BE RELOCATED BY BELL SOUTH ry NOW OR FOR LY / PEDESTAL 70 BE RELOCATED BY DUKE Po I ,s NOW FORMERLY \ f NOTE O OR ALD MORRIS \ I(E11N D. 5 2 IX u ,s' osx AND CONLLD W. MORRIS JR. \ NISE 163 072-0 2 0 I / r IX PEDESTAL 10 BE RELOCATED BY ISLE WAIVER CABLE e• xa EXISTING UTILITIES TO BE \ 8910-593 L' ' ,e' ttuu NOW OR FORMERLY I I RELOCATED BY OTHERS 163-072-18 CON ANII 7-873 ' - o GERALD K. BUSS 14-4-445 \ ?'\ \ \ DETAIL SHEET 2 AND JEAN WINTER BLISS \ \\?i' I SIP k \ \ \ ?L EK RIPRAP BANN 183-072-1 PROP. 1-r INNEPOUCT l / a ,s• sau r/?/? i PROP. (BY D 3'37 45 I Lo S) TO REMAIN III e I T 1 AND U A j •o \1 auo o I iN a swu - ss-_-n \\ \ f p 5L^ \$, 1 PROP. ApnAg O (Troy) PROP. CROSS v 5S ?-"-?_ E ae[ +\ Ali Op %J II I l ?Y? Ie e e 1 \ tt e st x•ausv PN \\ CROSS E1 \? s $-._ E =ss e \e "- a oeAar-- e e _ e /? o u o • yx \. 10• ?? k ?? cT?# s E E rv\ rv_ rv REMOVE EX (Tw.) o c - E --- E -- E Fe L 0 _ J k. I : 1l T ? „ ? 5 \) ?? ' ` •?l . "?? T kuM• t ?KT•?.' k? T Ill 111 / ? ' ? ? .. •• -_ ???. rv?--N 'R - F Si?14+25e `' E E `\E-E---E- E---E E E 523514..@441 IX FOP RAP LINED 8 K-fO' 21 IX 70 REII 'C`V , - q PRW. 1Y LOR) , 1 t jx z R PROP. CROS V By BP M1AP co . ?1 fmtR Rou (TYP. ,?, ' 0 5? W I /f : ?M19' IS' I O J JJJ1?? o 01'05 12 ? pro _ F \ ? _ ' / • j?COMPAM TRACTOR TO OF UATE IM UTILITIES A718A CLflRN6 T - p\ % X R_; P???i -? e ,? \ 1) I?I O a` \ Dui \ \ \ IENOW rOR FORMERLY ,Y Swulu?v SFY£R ?' -Gs.'.'.' 1 I I \ \ I ^ I - o I I UwEH M. NENO Zy, -R 55 R SS L 'j 63--05 \ I up+4 wrix? / / NOW OR FORMERLY E p?? 1139487-480 (1,'(?'/I WILL YEN D. HAYNES I / \°"/?/g \ - 4 I AND PATAICA D. HAYNES I 5911 W DR NAIL IN PP I I NOW OR FORMERLY 183-072-04 1 / EIEY-/85,21 GEORGE E. KAR-- 1011135 / 0.ND OWFNDA W. BAAHAZES I I 163-072-03 I I I' 155-200 \ \?\a \ \ sa\q? - _ - 9 _ _ ?IX R/W @ CHARLE v A? v v \? b DRAINAGE DONCASTER DRIVE i OT PREPARED BY: (50 RAW)R W 1 ?` L \\?\ ENGINEERING B PROPERTY STA. I; USINFRASTRUCTIIRE :'M < MANAGEMENT G OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 FINAL DRAWING EASE CUAST U9 UB SURYET!?BY PAWAAfDOY fNE(M[DBY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 Not Released For ConstntoWn z0 x Bn-OD-012 1'=a v \0002'1a\PLUSxD tq. DAIC BY RBRILAY J00ND KALE CM".p LU W W 2 W UJI 0 d I- m 131 z J 2 U Q E 10 1 R 696 992 we 684 580 676 19+00 19+50 NOW OR 10 MERLY THOMAS C. NELSON S AVD EU7ABE7H M. NELSON 163-072-05 3948-490 PROP, 15-3 REPL e a \ SEWS CD --B L PROF C, + O $ -pi P i __ ? - •b two h 1 ' f mh ? aq b 'ao PROP. DOUBLE 1 W PRECAST BOX 99R + 3 THE PROP. CHAR! - EL NVERT. •i? >L ffiS W '' a 1• ..... 1 EM5RNC 50TfON __ .,,:: ,....q - , - -COSTING CHM& Et _ - INV. EIEV.• .9t ? r SE* LATn \ vclM 7s I tF DWKF-. - 17 Rep 0 PROP. C DIP WATER NNE in' REP _F OF ,7- PROP. CHANNEL INVERT WON PRaP CHANNEL BOrR ___9iAKNCL_%W RATE MATERIAL . 57111X0 BAB FROM CHANNEL EXCAVATION. 14 Iurw 1 arou ?.ll 1?F ? A EALY /? C. NFLSW AND ?• 12' 7PBEM u. NELSSDN CqA ,( 1s' j I 6 N C A U LO A Ho tfi3-072-DS WU. ?•) CC?III qq • OET BU J? 3948- µ ' p? \ 4r Y IX I _ ? ,Y ww£w ,? I PROP. CROSS VANE r ND2 i I E)m NG UMURES TO e RFIACAIFO BY 07XR8 HEII Y ABDN N es ! _ Oxuea6eoax I 7 A O+W NS L2 L1A Now GA rorsrar 2y7@@'7 9WN NELLAM E 147W68?7 ?? ??? _ ? ?Gt ? rt x vABG 5 1 DON \ N U9E1 YAM PLICEMEN J 9 7 xuao-sro. UTILITIES CLEARING \ I 896 592 598 584 580 576 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 SEE SHFET 5 FOR PROP, NPAO%VAENT5 70 ERRSHIRE ROAD V9 MATCH SEE $E STA. 10+$0 \ \ ?`? \ \ \/ / ?QQ \ \ \ ) N OR JJt JOHNBf /3 \ / ?v /^ \ \ \' q ? EA PEOE5701 TO?F!? o72-0e 1?R? / (eY D7N \ / ??y QJ/o cy ? ? ? l ? iaE ? w mer.L (BY PAP l 4?a0 re \ F IX. U7RBE5 TO ? 4?` AO.?W ST ? { lE PROP. NA L4+75 1 q7. N / .? . -/ A6' TM TO / ? 6 ? OVE ST PROP. EP OF DOUBLE S `? ` vxc w 10'X8' .G BOX WLVERT ea . 601F ANDRM CIBD L If 0. B S? >E µ \ 10' FROM B/C PROP ? T ER SSMx 7 +" I ? ` v ? ? s µAP,E ? N AENAIN / EN S21 + 158 NE i ? ? ? ?,\ l4we? 4 F - /?. 14701 /0 ?fc 9 p r' ' PROP. C I NOW OR FORMERLY ?+-..? .'?+1w ?--PUEr PROlEC9 t N CATHY FOCNECHIRIIE 163-071-63 / 13-297 \..s?\ '1• " /' ?? RfP}AOE 20 lF P. 4' SIN. W/ 4' NP, CLA55 390 #?N11 PROP. J-1W I 7, OR \ tS F , ,r u.wf !-- H - p - = a4 mns - c O N°P 7 ?. _ ?_ ? q¢ N a ??n E <4 _?_ c_ EL 7OP TO RFI& - ERINSHIRE STILLING BASIN DETAIL PLAN VIEW as SEC770N C•C (PROPQE) SECTION WBICY ?xv (APRON) f?l aeo 5att CLASS 1 ra+Dw SECTION A-A(PDOL) s a wPR. °AwA+ dE BW M ? ? af?iF f a. ss mPRAP - ,m v,G I.m PREPARED BY: Bst USINFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORW CAROLINA 28204 1 PROP \ ?" _ 4 \\ 1 / -- e - e r OEVbBI. \ OP SS E \ m e A P 10E (7YP. a PNW M / 0 PROP. 00 01. OF N 51D 50. eanrr. na A'\ /? IO. . SET y? °$ u. tv 0Ar \ .JA 1B? RCP 01.7S1f fHY \ I?' Pk) 7E 701F OF A - v eir°°ES "`{ BE WO •t I'/I+ ?? N R AO BY 77 15- FLCP & REPLACE W/ ? 1nw-Imes PROP 15'AIP- ?xG DBE t ? vk_ FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction Eum FRLY EL.L III \ \ e WELL [(? J] CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (QARL(WM. LINE LIA ENGINEERING & PROPERTY STA. 19+00 TO 24+25 MANAGEMENT EASE COAST U8 U§ 09 AWYGYfDBY pPEYAAOD BY CI9IXfD0Y IYPROYfDOY WiG 1 '- y x 4 . NO DALE BY PLYIBWN 6-012 FBBPo. 1 + S^J.IE .G \000x1101\PLw AIEEi\9EE10 D CADFILE]A1N 4 uFe 20 A If 694 WO 868 892 676 i 12460 - PROP. GROUND E PROFU _0.73 2% ••?/ - : RC L r SHEEI DRAIN IMPRM STORM REMOVE EX. 15' sm 3 TO 5 RGP - 2 . # # S SM PRI CULVER a a m $ lot 1dFW lanes 1rw ,rai ,u.w ?,,.,,. 1 u C3 gp ?- m NOW OR RMERLY "I SAMUCE16 EL BLACKMPoOORE JR. 010 I } f a IN I C. BL4CKMOORE I u i63-On0 02 , ??f IIB 1 401151-8-76 I I / •? M C3 IM.. _T J IM„ ?? I V l J\'?? I f TO L1A u O/ x ? y/ Iw I I I / W OLIN LP I L?,/ 69A75 ,7P.RESU _ II - - S' ERINSHIRE RO' (50' PUBLIC R`w) P, . IN2127 15 ESL RTW NOW OR FORME Y I d TO K Y OTI 7FI f WILLIAM MELZER DOES , 02 f I \ (M Of11015 163-072-1 if 1 6374-618 4M I I Ra4U cl 1301 ERINSHIRE RD NOW OR FORMERLY m 101779 E-1470109 f CHESTER Y. e ? I I 163-072 09 I f I f ? ? N-?JL,?O.L 10^ O?prU I ?? I f 1225 ERINSHIRE RD f I I NOW OR FORM V? • 40`. \\ f i f REAR PREPARED BY., USINFMTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 \ 4 i AL ?? ?I II \ ?I II \•I ? I II m ? I ? PROP. DOUBLE I .\ 10'X0' PRECAST BOX CULVERT o UTILI Phu 691 690 668 682 678 NOW OR FORMERLY JACK WILSON CAMPBELL AND 6EVA C. 3-071-65 CAMPBELL 3z5-3 II - y ----g- 12 DUNE Y-9\ \-- 7RUim'MNG NL RIP\ .y4 ?- \ FIL R/w \ opCLASS I ?II o \ REy9tG`( 059PIA RIPRAPI N SEE ??al SNEET 4 NI I (r - dlU- FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Const6ucUon 60607 007.67 647.87 667.17 097.60 09007 097.47 097.67 997.17 667.60 899 k l? I I I - _ I ? II I , I I i l Q I I 0 ,I-- I l? II II ? ?? CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CRUD (MITE. LINE Y9 ENGINEERING 6 PROPERrv STA. 13+95 TO 16+50 MANAGEMENT EAST COAST UA Uz U9 3 EwvnfDBY PBFPABEDBY CMEUfDBY AVPBDUBDBY GATE 1 C V P ND DATE OY BBV15ipN 8n-00012 -- 1 -E \000211CM\ LgOIEET\511E .DM GDft1EPA'M 5 20 R i lb as 694 890 666 862 618 N 12+50 2 1w psi PROP. GROUND ( PROFILE wwc? ? wa uzz /•R 4 F, DRAIN R MOP, STORM 'N"' ..... _.....? : REMOVE Ex. 15 RCP F. DOUBLE CASE WA CULNA 4 1. 1 4 21 Q a N 13+00 13450 14+00 1%59 164OU NOW OR FORMERLY 1 I ?I m I SAMUEL BIACNMOORE OR YI a N tt I AND CELA C. BIACRMOOAE 1 I y I? 163-071-62 \ 1 I AI o Ip 4066 \\ i I D 9 I ? v .?-m tl 11 /f yy o QD 9N ?' I9 I I T04 LIA o O/ N 1 4 AR a& I I i 0 I 69,,75 I 0 I I 14 / ? I p , K7""- I ? I EK RM ??. R61IAFlf2 ?® _ 11 --I- ---- ?- ° ERINSHIRE ROA _ _ _ _ --tt E6R4E- ? ' YY 7 ,. x(50' PUBLIC R/_W) -- _ _ -- - _ ti W 18+21.27 ;E RTW NOW OR FORME Y I E1., Y TO BE REUDrATED WILUAM MELZER DGES 163-072-I CURVE /2 I I I 1 ? 6374-616 II ??4 I 1 AGAR ? 1301 FAIN9NIRE R0 II 14 m71.44' I N-611876.280 NOW OR ESTER M. R N ER 1012'79' I I I g I E-10EV N TA IN 1 CH 163-072-09 \\ i I 5931-696 I I I I-_ 5 F/X'I?.OR\ w TED 2 1225 ERINSHIRE RD ??\ I I I I Nf/N R'AN 4 \\\?\ 3 121 PREPARED BY: use USINFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 --- -- --- --- 689.07 987.67 687.87 887.47 687.69 --- -- --- -- --- --- 681107 667.67 687.67 991.47 667.69 --- -- 698 16+50 1 I? Ii III ?. ?I II III DOUBLE CULVERT I I \ UTI T I / 16+00 694 NO 666 662 576 ,? ?'I ICI ? II ?i ?I NOW OR FORMERLY , A1'14iD EVA C. CAMPBELL l 3289-367 153 I I/ // / I ql ,? paw ' I I ? LINE Y? ?jPAa IN LP le INTO wtrl INTO o Ww. ? - \ OL RIW \ CLAMS UP. .ARE PR07CLON g V PROV09NIS {1yA , I? LINE L1A SNEE74 II ^ FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction I? I 11 ? I IR I III , ? ` II I ? , I ? I ? I I I I I f II I I I I II I II CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARM E LINE Y9 ENGINEERING & PROPERTY STA. 13+75 TO 164-50 MANAGEMENT EA51 COAST U9 05 603 91EYEYEDBY 2EfVAAED6Y UN CNECAFOBY A2HAN6DBY DATE :4'r ' ' a w IN DAZE 6Y NVIBIIXI 647-00-012 JOBNQ 1 A IAH56E1\SH¢75DWG \ODD211CNN GDFlIET- 5 6 10 BAT" 702 698 694 IX QOHM BOTTOM 680 1.nx 682 616 V: PRO (L CHANNEL BOr OM 674 68K 0 10+50 PREPARED BY: USINnWTRUCTM OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 26204 2 11+00 t Q NOW OR FORMERLY GWYN KELAM 163-072-08 9589-460 11+5 12+00 12+5 13+00 A 1215 ERWSHIRE RD/ I I I \ 1 I? I I ? 702 698 r F W 894 = N W W N 690 O O a ee6 a N Lij Z 662 J S U Q 876 674 670 1345 14+00 i 13 NOW OHFORMERLY EN F. NCKIE C. HUNTLEY 163-072-12 3287-496 WORCASTER PL - 1'0.; 0 _ 0 O e - e + =7 a F _ W LLI N S WN Z ? W JW rca S N e 0 e PO ?J ,r au Av 0 SET 110 LN WIRE FENCE ", Or-CATV AND TEL ff /I TAI.S (BY 0 _ .9F.A7E TRNISFORNEEEEEE???TTT??T (Y 01 B _ _ _ -' - 18 FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Conskoctlon JMES T. LITTON AND °E i'2 1E °N 9132-163 1315 ERINSHIRE RD lam CAARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOTTE. LINE L2 ENGINEERING B PROPERTY GE E STA. 10+00 TO STA.14+00 MANA M NT FAST -T 0W U U. 6 03 "mm BY vnRV.xmeT y , .,evamrtoer DAtY ' : ? uumm 6n-Go-mz ,ae ?. , + core ?oo92naNRw,s,FEnR,FE,6.oWC uon?B VAix 6 - 20 _ l 702 699 ID W 594 W V) W W 690 O 0 a a W p Z eel J 2 U F m e78 PROP. 8• MP I , f w,"Rb 0 e'A`S G., EYa OF FHUF. aR ? rr w R?:' ? IsoA - em -{678 --4674 A PREPARED BY: OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 AOT E: ' / / ?x \ \ \yk\ \ CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE THE EMS MG-- \P \ (l, / SANITARY SEVER LATERAL AT 140 \\ MORGISIFA PUCE BEFORE LAYING THE 48' / ry q/y / RCP FROM STA. 15+20 1018+27. PROPOSED SP , / ?(\\ WX BE PLACED VAEK THE 4' 7BM µ O,[rE(V LATERAL CROSSES THE PROPOSE 18' ACP \\ ^,\\\\\ \ ?.. / !8P SMALL DE PROP. 2'-0' MUEY CUTLER RK SEMER LATERAL SHALL ff ENCASED M 17 i NAIL ?S?n n /- ro IX Y-0• VALLEY OJiTEtI / AN H55 %PE MHERE R GROSSES f8 ECC iP 12590 .\ 8 PER DETAIL ON SHEEP 2H. iP 0 SPUR 20.03 A 524M59 8, 50.04' LT 17 ECe 7P / 9 0 / ??? " E 1489818.25 \ rao \`,D '?? xm° \ \ STA. 15+18.9 GM.-011 5.It NOW OR FORMERLY 1P D SLR / \ ^ /// / EItY.N8.13 G \\ \ \ NV. •?I -- / S Pk AND N 524800.09 J E / 9854.47 z \ e /Mx as GRATE TYPE-GC 11 IND 815- S. JNN V BB588 reac \ 161-071-50 4q\ l?C \ \ Fdt \ - PROP. 50 IF OF t5•' •1rnT o019 6080-270 II ?\ // \ \ \ I707 \ stmre F, k 17 78au ?Y Q' 14 R 43 VVMCA51ER 13 J z:,, \ N 524 7 eo /° °" / Ax E 52 2M \ R WA f \ c \ E]Mn594 8' x•u fl FptNg?lY? NIINRtY JR. ?\ 4/1 ?• C u' D I Eo 2Ni4e %? \\ ]????_/ \ \a• ?? Pg9P g-0 YuuYA; ( _ _. ( / ?• \ RIV IhYtS \ \ / I \ W e' DP. CLAD 150 - / xC A a V © ° ?) Q?Er.a ?? Alff -WALL \ y \ \ - \ MIOCAIE OAS LANE (BY )p \?.'/ v 12(x )--PROP. PASS I AP R APRON _ 7?\ ?b. Sx uE IX' REMOVE 100 IF ! OF EK`42' 0 15L 8'3W (TSB RI TOB). ie' 111C!( El?S A1P/C(W1.7 V A?4y. AEI CMP AND 2 C8'. WAR OB N 52470.148 9 o IAN unaaw. / \ MT?A?pEO?,E LOCA REP 10 E N 6 / \ \ 6 UTERN. WPM 4• .1? Ahl? IBM 79 / .\/? x' ANA \ THROUGH \ ? '? eyV'y ?vA?' c /. r AIL Ny ?N V r6 IF (NPR CLAS$52\ y 9 \1 ° \ ."' \ ?, ? AND 12 "6 ,t oa ? , ? \ VA 1 `,? v^t?`? V ?; 1r ? VA s? °N 3 xA- 6 6 " °ea "` y \\\ ?? y ,r ax E NiPp? .101E OP \'C ? 1 ,g/yN 1a N x o 'CHAR! UN8 FfllEf 41'? 1 N 489#74 y? . tlA55 1 RIP RIP CEUHAPPROX A ORI• y ? 4 o^ EFIM??BO.e-6 o a 2T. 2C!% 1r IN AND 16 tF?OF 7Y BEN JQTeI R- - ca. H AIL Mq TE P. \ ,N a F c 0 / e7N 1.5.1 SIDE TSLOPES PIPE SEE 2H. DE%ECr WFR.PAOP. ERS) \ 2'-0' VALLEY OUTER P,,P%PERMAHENT YATRNG RD" 12 w 16' RGP \ \\ ?7O IX 2'-0• VALLEY ANTLER .i1 RIPMB,w SEEDING (M•)' 15 Ir I I 4 c?i LF2 ^ / NOW OR FORMERLY 71 JAMES T. LITTON AND , REMOVE IX HEDGES OFBOR4 C. UrTON N . / / 1 ???lll// Q £t \\ 9LB.3,4 63072-11 RIM 91-32-783 IN BB20E\ \ +/ ?. ,\? \\ four 1315 ERINSHIRE RD //??`? ay 1? \ 1 C^ \? ER PL FINAL DRAWNG Not Released For Co CAARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARTAIu, LINELz ENGINEERING& PROPERTY ENT STA. 14+00 TO STA. 17+79.43 MANAGEM EAfir co sr us us u9 a e SURYEtt?9Y MITAPE06Y 0IEMOBY APPhOVEDBY x A7E 1 '214 V xo DnIE ev nevlam 671-D m nexa 1 xA? YOODaIa\PUNSHEEIYLBET7.DRG cADRIe PA>N 7 20 _ 4 15000 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13400 13+50 \ \ 1 1 (? "? NOW 01 ERLY I ^Ik \ _ \ ( `. \ V NOW OR RLY NO pLy- BIANCH16L'12 3?GINS 1 I O Q \ \CNE681L H ICA 012-0ELE-- X55-&70 r ?? - I \ 1455-327 ` 20-563 11 /S72 YARDLEY PLACE I I 1 \ \ 4820 YARDLEY PLACE \ 4616 LEY PLACE 'q u/ewursA?of RFSU I M? I 4^^.w AREA) "- 2 6 //111, n 1 W BEND FOR-W %s' I 48.7 R arb \ WW?? r BOX CIU1'ERF ' a tl ? ? ??. ?,,-_ _-'w? ec s•w4 ww 7??x?_x ? ? ?!fU? .? R?q \ i s?. Lx ? r NEltar I I" 6HFE19 1S 1,4 1 cq r ?'Y` _ , / ?? '? ? FOR ? 2 u ? ; "III III` s. µ.A?w '? YA&D ?l? A i 17 E, G CEY l p uEGN Euac coum 77 15 16x1-58 1 I L _ T4 121917862 5715 MONROEIEQW ? hB1IElON 121 S i OF Ei. ?? e OF EX PIPE 1 I 7 1 f eL-REYWE 110 IF t OF v Rk700NB GS UK ? ?' 'E 42Z x 28 CNP W (BY oMIXS) I FTISRI P"?^ 7 REMM GNAlf.570N DR, Yi i .. ?' , .l a EX CO. B IF OFD qg I, - _ ` 2z - IX. ENDWPll. -A e5 CHAIN LINK o F150 E 21 °m? 1'10 EX RAW I AO 1 t \ FI BORROW i - , CL TO 9SX STAN NOW OR - Y d ?r I (! / V v M?\r 1 e OIX COY OF CHARLO FE ALL I -? 6 SEE DEM1L SHEET 2. 163-013-29 PROP - 2192-353 I R+It0D0' k H .? \A 4 00 'DE?TNy\7N6 SHEET DLEY PLACE I L•51.27 7HE-OW6' WCMN ),P Rq TO / \ 1 04PL228'40'S4' PONDM D?MTRURBEO is NOT THE DROP ?tE18,? 2? PREPARED BY: USINFRASTRUCTM OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 I 742 736 734 730 726 722 718 714 GRADE TO -EL fW)ND LE PROF LE 7 7 7 A°-SANiiP Y_SEM£R ___ ---- 6r GP, CLASS FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Constructlon 16 CD w W 2 N W W N O N + N H W Z J 2 U I- Q 14+50 15+00 15450 _ L ) AmMUr Mnk ? '? r CROP. 2'-0• VAM GUM (1YP.) TRM # 7A NAIL IN PIP \\ ?\ ELEV. =735. \ \ w 16 1J-20 -235 R 4837 RRLMON DR ROP. 24 ROP TO REMAIN 48 O N e?e \ 2 L'i L'i W L-u 2 E p _ e NOW FORMERLY F c S ` AH DEBORAH E. BRAN NAM 163 -Ot3-22 ? EO f S IED 70 RDIUN a F a .? 1- 92 e 1 Y 4801 CHAR N D TEMP. t %p CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (3HARLIMM LINE L1B ENGINEERING B PROPERTY STA. 10+00 TO STA. 15+50 MANAGEMENT Eett 001 u9 PLR 1-1 a cpr BY ug msaa0ar u9 uv VEDBY w>E =1° " 1 rb an 9r 9EVISION 6n-00-012 1o9xa v 1 vrdc \o00n1aH\PaNSHEEns¢E9e6.0Ac uOn?EVAm g 20 A I 75E 754 00 F- 75C w W S W W 74E N 0 N N 741 f N Z 731 J U I- 734 m 731 72E /-DL GROUND (;- PROFILE 0 O N + N Do NW WN ZW JW sN U Q 18+00 17+00 STORY lw Ww C. _1 _ NONE GGNTWC70R R) YWNPSi 1ENICIIIAA ACCESS TO PRMEMY A.I. L ..?1. .. 51 I PRO. STORM DRAIN SYSTEM AT ALL TIMES WRING OPT Esr If. CONTRACTOR 70 COMPLETE IMPROVEMENTS OF PROP. 9f0151 Y SYSTEM D06RSTFFMI OF SRL #105 BUM BMW" ON J f- m SECRON (TO ALLOW FOR PRONG AREAS TO BE ACCESSES - i F j ? ? AEDIRECfED TROLL TE%f WNSTRUCIWII RHISE) _ -u 27 If } OF IX. A?m.VU -?_ 1 I 111 ?OE 6424 jLF? a PAOP. IW VOF 88'wRCP?6 a e-'m-e-e E E REMOVE 152 M } OF IX. 42' RCP .r_ E E F - E E __ ESE X `NF I IN I I ??--ftrT °--F--E/ e \ ?_ 0 PLUG IX. 24' RCP e e e e 6 W --wwuiee . r v ero BE BY OTHERS PPK AL IX CONCRETE W/ 4' N 52806&729 b RESET 55 LF } OF DL E 1473028.52 CHNNLNX FENCE ETEY-743.46 RACE EX. 7 PROP. 62 LF .I vxur . REMOVE IX. VEGETATION vAawc PREPARED BY: G USINFRAsTRucTuRE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 E i \ RCP 0 II >i! IX 18+00 766 764 7,10 748 742 738 734 730 726 INDEPENDENCE BLVD. (150' R/W)= - - - -II II II I, II 24 "II I - NOW OR FORMERLY III ?' RICHARD W. KEFFEA JR AND CON ANCE -OS FFER 5909-466 I II - _ 480 E INDEPENDENCC TWO I -RESET SO LF} OF IX, CHVN UNN FENCE INC. 3 STRAND &NBm MIRE FENCE 24 qC FITS TP 12 10 PR NAR I C?-E= ?? x/21` II w FI E 11114.65 ?? n EIEY?75&18 )? E 147316171 J - - 6-,ter-- " F?EW7S2.54 40 LF } OF IX. 1' CURBI'd1 OUFER AEMOYE 106 LF 4 OF EA 30' RCP I N N ACP 0 8180. 0.30.1 II PROK E - E F II(i} OF EL BOl1NN ! CIURp FENCE " I m - III VIII STA. 18+78.75 a tlIl P' IN 117 T, ,`r' -,-E 14 785 pp N fl m m\1. ? III I m i ? \?\ "' tl SEE iN5 . SBIE) II Z II n \ I R Y3 ?? m V acr vv 0 D r< fit„ ? m..i 1 I ? k l , FINAL DRAWING Not Rebaaed For Conshuctim II T REMOVE 0 REPLACE 40 IF _EX i cubeart_ss_n_tt= PROP. 33 LF OF 80' RCP 0 0.60% ' _R fti i l e PROP. 67 LF OF 00 RCP O1? _ RESET 53 IF } OF BOLLARD & CHAIN v ? I _ EK 8 1'-6' e 40 LF } h r \ !6? ` E , E E ' -.. / O NOW OR FGSPoEEACY / RCWRD W. KEFFER A7?D: a t l CONSTANCE 0. KEFFER t I- '? ! !C Y3 16-1-013-04 7435-799 gm c ` / 14930 INOEPENOENCE BLVD W 0 REN? rE 57 If t of Ex ' RCP PROP. 5 8 IF OF 60' RCP ' PLUG ABANDON IX. 24 b/// # RCP LPG n W i _ CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (MARiMTE• LINE MB ENGINEERING & PROPERTY S'E'A, 15+00 TO STA. 18+78.75 MANAGEMENT EA6T COlei U9 V9 UM 6/0 91ftYEY[OBY PAEPAW?BY (NEENEDBY APFAOYFD BY T DA 1E ' V =2 ' N G G ' ? N0 WTE 6Y mvig9tt 6n-00.012 "- I 4 SG1E \000 'OH'PVNSHEET\S .. A CADFIILPAIH 9 20 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 s 761 -- snNC aroMND f PAOEILE - - 748 Mao 0 n n '^ s / t 7 a7 2 ' 744 - r i ? - 'fin $1 740 : . - n ::=-- 736 :: ?• 732 728 ...- TRENON SHORING GUPED 714 i CC N N 0 10180 11+00 11+50 12+W rtrou ,mrw iorw 75.2 748 744 748 738 7,12 728 724 ER AND SEE- NON OR FORMERLY w ` OR WWAM G. ROBBINS AND . W OR FORASMERLY 23 E //# NOW OR FORMERLY CATHERINE ROBBINS WAY RRA CE NOW OA FORM EAL NOW OR MERLY RICHARD LOWELL THOMAS I 163-0 JAMES NOW D. VRAZIER LAND O163 OIJ 23 DEBORAH E BRA816N DW OR f0 v IYNOELI 0. iH MASON AND 167-OI3-I6 MYRTLE B. FFNJER 6508-BO6 163-013-22 ORGE 0. ROSS D LOTS Y. i DMPSON 6465-71713 163-013-16 7921 j ILYN F. J 18J- 3-79 / 05 CHARLESTON DR ?. 4901 CHAR 1623355 g 280345 4825 CHARLESTON DR I 3726-562 4829 CHARLESTON DR 4833 CyWIESTON DR PROP. 90 lF OF WJO FORMED AWIW.T CIptB, ae21 CNhPtFS10N DR ® n N////il CHAR `/ ENSURE SWINGING GATE CLEARS PROP. CURB. LF OF HALT CURB /.` ro+rs x -' SG 13+66.64 ... rn RAY . . f E 1448.4976 r ? E E ---- ?_; _ _ L - m u CURB e \ e Toi 1 STA: fOTODAO M xmo e 0 -fr a 1 AT Q I , SR 15+71.64 LIB P, F ` vI 21 \ S zw 47B7 Rl RICWAD `ASPxu,, . WW. NCn?LIXRLJR AND / E #729 Ma3 RCP r/ + CA STAN 0. ERE vaaervc p 163-013- p g 590-411,11 ?_. PRO P. RES JRFAM 'I oo mD LYRE E w ?. SEE 9 FOR PROP. PREPARED BY: G USINnWTRUCTM OF CAROLINA, INC.. FINAL DRAWING 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 NotR®16NBSedForConstructlon CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOWE. LINE Y2 ENGINEERING & PROPERTY STA. 10+00 TO STA. 13+75 MANAGEMENT FAST MAST u9 u9 OB 6 N BtYmeY PPFRARm BY OmriMABY Af9110Y60 BY OA9E 1 - x . lFenonwc slyer 0E Ro nAT6 BY 6eY1s10+ 671ao-m2 -"v 1 \mo2n uoranwArs FIXPATI4 10 20 __ _-- ___ ___ _-- ___ ___ ___ - __ _- --_ -_ 755.77 75&15 757.64 757.10 75838 ___ -_ -- -- 783.43 mm 78234 761.77 761.29 760,75 750.16 759.63 755.10 75&59 75&06 -- --- -- 1 772 110 of C 768 n 1 I6 H { . 4 ? 6 LL ?xy •o ? s? .P <Z 4AZ w- VIP 1 -'pnl m?'° ? Y i` nn o ?? g I Teo '- > t6== G =off ? S? - ?z _ IX GROUND PROFILE I T T80 hM _ 758 P777771 r/71 '-- ------ --'---- ---- -eKrss -- -- - 732 ____ F.__ _.4 s.6. By ___ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ PROF 18 lF OF B' DIP, 150 IX4 56 , 1FRIL AND ._..." PI aao DETAIL 11 R 748 f 7144 w , 0+ n 1+ O n 11+ 0 2+ 0 2+ 0 3+ o 00 3+ 0 4+ 0 / \ \a \ , Yi9 B' WCPACp b 11675-23 REPLACE 18 LF OF IX. •`?, s,WU6y'N o / Q SD \ pswa6 w B w i l NOW OR %MCRLY \ UUNE II 8' DIP. 0 - - $ {? Y / 9 \ = p xp[ \ HENRY MABE .CJONEb'S 0 \ 4741 CHARLESTON DR \ M PB C"". / NOW OR FORMERLY v 12504-3-07 REMO? MO REFUGE 920! IF OF IXIST. 2'-0 DO w/ c 1/` „ + 2 \ C3 LARRY A. JOLLY AND B" 2500-170 6lItIEA (TOTAL FOR SLOE OF CNA 4- BARBARA mr 4 CE IX uY''_? Y Yon 'i' \3 (? q A. JOLLY 163-011-26 28880 \ \\ u E 4731 CHARLESTON DR \ S 9 *nr??A'?`rc q \ Sd ' q y \ \ PU n•UA IP[ \\ ? fi ? / ? M 1 R \? U \? 43? f _ ' p J`,?Afi [Py \`\ 4724 CHARLESTON OR IC Ym \ ?,? ,? \ .p 1 \ \ 4 \1\ ° ` T d B. D F, l•212.00' MwE to{m iop R\JE' 'I;?j ° / (,?\\\\ 0,`??+ \ 5\\ ; b / /.& \ \ a Aq, \ \ ?P W.-WOO-44- t' VA O O 9B / q \ (,1?, Np y\\ /do"/ \, ? \ ?? \ \ s ?? ?$ va Ia•Y?HE pd 't"•?, 5'(a $ `,, axau .G`' q \ \\<? yL \ p \PROP, OL 7 -OWLEY WTIFA' 77- / PEp I 0 / D kA \ 4 I-+VE' '-'PROt, k WllEY CUTTE f 6 16 f7 P IF OF 1 /,7? E)L R RCP, ddd... 1.46% / .? ?O p1}}?\ / NOW OR FORMERLY o>& IJ' R ;S ?p \ n' DccYroDY ?\ °\\\ ('•?P' 15 ROBIN P. NEEDHW ENE Yl ¢•d By p \l?F' `F., / 163-011-25 sxUNS / 1\ ® 0? v S v BaDf2'q / ` {\01 wAm BED 1 G`' ?, S?f, SSOB-851 SDa / / \ ,/' rx I w%x[oW `` ?- a4pc p._ \ 1 BPS r?F,E /_-I?p Dix 772 N w w x 768 N w to N 764 4 Q 750 N W Z J 756 V Q 752 745 TBM # NAIL IN PP I \ / ELEV.: 8.22 NOW Y LW KENNEDY AND \ \ \n . / . \ '` \ JIMM \ Y, JEAN C. KENNEDY 19 YWIE \\ \ NOW OR FORMERLY \ t6W8?-425 A\ \ \ `? e'?ocwooo INIAN R. AUYMM qq \ \ I&3-013-09 3 w•Px 6 9.4 4219-757 \ 4749 Cl?WL -N DR \"\ (?n. DRIVE 4745 CHARLESTON OR REPLACE {%.. CDNC. DRIVE PV /'W' A E l? 5297.6720 `??H.. \0n PROP. 28 IF OF 15' RCP AT 1.00% \ STA' P 3+86m. IINF,p, & M1 f <.L 147236&6966 OO 4? •, YO'r p\6pb ` ` REPLACE IX CONE DANE W/ NA. 6+28.? UNE-13?8 ay, V' ?E 4 sla'e 'I??? PROP DRIVE . 8' CONIC. NO NOW OR FORMERLY ? E 1 24r8S574 I../ / y(n ?? 1 : MARI A. McCOY 163-013-08 \ i9wueE 9"4 ufe Fly 4728 CHARLESTON DR / NOW OR FORMERLY 111. E GLEN 0. SUMGAR ER /. 163-011-24 8219-641 /w / 4732 CHARLESTON OR / PREPARED BY: i>ST USINFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 / CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 / PRO' 11 B q CA j I / ` B"RU.0 NOW OR FORMERLY TIE RAP. 2b' VALLEY NOW OA i'ORMERLY GERALD W. WHITE AND _ GOITER IX. r-O' DOROW F. DUN&SR CYNTHIA LYNN WHITE .8. ` - ,8a-011-21 163-011-20 6' Y? w .q ®,0' uWI[ VALLEY DDBr?A 1A518-317 1 6306-718 / IX, CONC. ORIV1 REPLACE EX. • 4746 CHARLESTON OR 1 4750 CHARLESTON OR I e'.,??,AY PROP, 8' GgIC. OWVE r xEM1Drx MOBS PROP. 6- CANC. OLIVE 1 tl 7?AHk clr P4c . o W OOFF EX.EWWEY 2rU6Y?YwIE'r -71E PROP. 2'-0' YNllY WRIER TD 1 I ` Y ooBUecB 1 I N vu E% 2'-0' VALLEY 01RRR 1 1 S p e NOW OR FORMERLY aPA unP ?E HELEN E. SCHOLIENBPAGER 163-011-22 NOW OR FIMIMTRLY 3115-414 MICHAEL CHAR115 CHRYSLER 1 163-011-17 6494180 4742 CHARLESTON DR 4738 CI4M4 H %VO1 DR 1 j FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construetlon CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOTTE CHARLESTON DRIVE Y1 ENGINEERING& PROPERTY STA. 10+00 TO STA. 14+25 MANAGEMENT EAST COAST us YIRYEYfDHY WVMIEDBY UiEIXLDBY ANADRDBV MTE "24rV I LMIS SHEETII T DWG X0. DATL B! ?YISICN 671-00-012 lOBH0. I Y_AIE . \000211CH\P IEE \ -TIII6 PAIN 11 2U PREPARED BY. G USINFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 766.56 76&01 75646 7$661 75615 763.13 76270 761.96 75132 75052 749.61 749.00 746.16 747.01 74681 744.40 ___ 749.21 74&23 747.18 _-- __- -- ~ R 115 780 d .n - 118 117 '?ILF ? d 738 ELL GROUND P 9&Aw8 to j 1 a "k??3 nr? AH S >u _ L.i F _•w _ 748 REPLACE IX 4' SS LATER AND TAP MIRI 744 u, d s4 tAA1 3 J MUM ELL 4' LATMIAL NA TAP WRM 740 PROP. 18 LF OF • OW CUSS 380 \ ---F EKAM EX, 4' SS ATERAL-AND-4;AP-4 P . 4' DIP. CUSS PER CMUD DETA4 83 7,36 W W 2 W W Ml N N H to w z J 2 N Q 14+50 15+00 t5F9M NOW OR FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLT' JOHN L SPA AND MATHW 0. PAFRUM PNO JENNIFER SPENCER I NOW OR FORMERLY AMEE M. PATRU 163-013-11 163-013-12 11280-28 CLYDE W. HATLEY 163-013-13 12616-702 I 5799-809 4805 CHARLESTON OR 4801 CHARtESTO w , e uM & 4809 CHARLESTON DR I I . REPIACE%, GRAVEL DANE $ IX DOH 6 $ AS DIRECTED BY T APIA( Q ?? I ? ? 6'DCCNOL S uB C w 0 - Doa o00 _ _ yV _ _ + c cy EcD A.YS o 4. Gds srwa ' . G.2 • PB ? •. ?. PROP Mi R4 Q ~ RE LOCAE ` 17' N W ? AFP ACE IX DRIVE 8 W N ss- z _ J LLI N 2 -- - - - - -- -' - o - - ar U ~ ??- De ...............tr apwWmHR w W w 091AV9 Y f0o ' e` J IM ?^ sr auc . ?' I Fwu Bm 6 , + ? ® YV ? ? SH it usl A Bte ? .2. NOW OR FORMERLY I I NOW OR FORMERLY MARY LUTE MARSHALL 163-012-13 NOW OR FORMERLY HENRY CANNIE LOWERY AND LUCY M. ANDREWS 163-012-11 8857_544 I ANNIE 8. L(WIFAY 163-012-12 I 2117-78 1971-575 4800 CHARLESTON OR 4808 CHARLESTON DR 4804 CHARLESTON DA NOW OR FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY HOWARD S. WENTZ AND NR MARVIN H. KINARD AND I MARGARET D 163-01J.-15 SANDRA W. RINAR 3 163-013-14 1971-302 3920-905 4817 CHARLESTON DR 4917 CHARLESTON DA .. ® l 7- EOC GRAVEL OF.W I g 11 REPLACE E3. GRAVEL DRIVE I I. 'pl IX GRAIEI. OP,E I . a9• mxnr: i1• oat-°D^ - - We •r CHARLESTON DRIVE (50' PUBLIC R/W)? I LINE o -?--- 4 i1 mG-- p av?a¢ 04 790 M W W 2 758 N W W N O 752 O W Q 749 N w z J 744 V Q 740 736 17+50 18+00 NOW OR FORMERLY JAMES D. FRAZIER AND ' MYRTLE B. FRAZIER NOW OR FORMERLY 163-013-16 H7LUgM G. ROBBINS PND 3726-582 CAT HERINE ROBBINS 163-013-17 4821 CHARLESTON OR 2495-252 ROAM IX VEGEWION AS DIRECTED 4825 CHARLESTON Wt THE ENGINEER TO CONSTRUCT I ROP. IMPROVEMENTS TD & m¢ S flr I ES 10• Dar D w IX C Halaa; u W .,5 3 GMVFl GIhE •o.W PE, J O a RRM' O - _ + Fb.Y D O P 4' F M pit $ NW a - z to _ REMOVE 38 LFS OF I EX jr RCP. PLUG J W o N g 0 =off F _W O _==WAS w IX R/W P ____ Q ? HB 1 q? ?V A ? I EI d MmTE RI fi' Do'r?wc? .. I .I g d I REPLACE 18 IF OF IX 8' SS S I j I.I f 6 LINE WITH 8• DIP. CLASS 1 6 1e" 91x W u.w?E? 1 © REPLACE 920* LI II EVE .1 G".I(2), PLUG (2) & T ? V? PROP. 28 IF OF 15' RCP AT I OOX ' t?(I1g0EX1 TOR FAST SIDE OF . DW ABIE FlLL fi I O IFS OF IX VN1FY NOW OR FORMERLY SCOTT J GOOCH I NOW OR FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY THOMAS SHELDON AND I RONALD LEE PEW. I EARNEST VARNEY AND R VARNEY A • 7I?? CHARLESTON/MONROE 187-012-10 10537-810 O 16ERT 3 B. MARY SHELDON 183-012-08 63-512-D7 163-012-09 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 467 _301 12069-470 I 3626-652 4812 CHARLESTON DR I 4816 CHARLESTON DR 4820 CHARLESTON DR 4824 CHARLESTON DR - QRARLOTTE- CHARLESTON DRIVE Y1 ENGINEERING & PROPERTY 14+25 TO STA 18+00 STA MANAGEMENT . . FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Cons49EGioe EAST COAST Us U9 UL e0 -EYED BY -MEDBY DIE(REDBY M VEDBY DALE 1-20 H RA T E1T2DAG GREI OY 671-W-= I N? VV \StE \0002IICH\ 7N ?EE 12 20 NO DAiR ev NDn90H u 74440 74a96 741x1 740.05 73&.60 73713 738.94 73476 734.12 73350 73&21 73293 73&39 733.88 -- -- -- '-- -- -' -- - --- --- -- 73432 -- --- 73300 7037 -- -- --- -- I N H 744 W W 2 W 740 W VI 0 0 00 736 N W 732 Z J I U 725 Q 724 - 118 I 124 ' \ y 4204 N E n n 4. A -DL PROFILE \ n 4. ''F a ® b? nR z 5 vNp r, ??? ?? Ba4 4 LY ?? t - ? .._ I i t/ 6 p, i ?? oBr.rw c-,y -- -?? ,- 34 1 PROP. 25 lF ON 15 flCP (IZt 121A) AT 1.00% SEMFR CLASS 52 0 0.63% 1B' RCAMA A 15'. ROP PROP. B LF 24' RCP (1200 120) AT 1.88% -+ Lv. 6 wArt F , PRW. a PR IX SSW-- 744 740 736 732 726 724 18+00 18+80 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 21+99.11 I Wit II I ( I I??? I IIIi 3i I III i ?i `` NOW OR FORMF%Y I I I ' I I LYNDELL 0. THMMP50N AND / 'S NOW OR FORMERLY I LOIS Y. THOMPSON I I {. 3--. ---m D I 0 § RICHWO LOWELL iRNIMAS 163-013-19 163- 13-IB 2606_345 ,.w 4905 ON OR I NOW OR FO ERLY 6465-717 - I I I I V / JEAN L MI HIID? e I.. PROP. , PL ]°a Y NOW OR FORMERLY I 767-013}45 S 4833 CHARLESTON DR TBM 7A FENCE JEAN L ILIIF_R HII?.0 8121_-BQ hl WW 163-013-24 laze CHARLESTON I xaocA Pa (rnJ REPLACE EX. Co"C LL Ilo Ip 2637-97 € NAIL IN PP _ J REPLACE IX. ARPNLLI RIVE / PROP. 8' CONIC. .I PROP 18' RCP 3 = SBMX 8 I 0 E INOEPEND al ELEV. = 735.45 / I I 1, \ REPLACE GRAVEL ° w/ PROP. ?wwLr IX "i`"" "F II' hB mQS a of ' / 1 1. II .,I CHARLESTON DR / Y I ® I 2 . ,raa,?? Tit Prof. ' o ..t I - - 8 5 / e• avow N PROP. 6-EX. CONC. p W/ SCA: IJ+84,31. ® TO ce l1Bl. ,40rµ y i ?$ y \ -_? ?.. ,? PROP. e' Coxc. Dorf I I t sr S7A 2994, a7znam5 r1 II" uu++rP jj Ex'coMC. fi; II 1- N 5286042.21M W/FPAOP. &' I tl IX. 2'-0' y i\\ R o / g a 3 w? co ewu )L R/ R/ GunER Q. N IX r ?= N - _ ?' ; I N _ O - - - - a rms V A ?? g G + vu o p _U I PROP RCP ''e 2 PROP RCP 8u 1i. \ -^. F PROP 24' RCP pB F - N.ra ?k - 1i? i /9FE Ut IXI PROP `hl` PROP 04 lE Ti ?...... - PB ON p? N 5281 .37188 11 /I i 3 \ CHA ESTON DRIVE -? oI ro 1 ?? , FI?p IX. WM u r 1 13' PROP ?b lF OF _Crt // I E 147 78?6507n I F¢W - __-__ -- =8-_ ---- (50' PUBLIC R?W a ROPA 1BO% e L7 J 8 LINE Y1 13PIM,E4• W N 9 __ __ ??a. I4. Me 5 ,1 a?, TE PROP. 7-0' N 1O 1 \ r ), Z / 00 NOE _ EYi N_AE-' HYORW! - 4C t _ 3 , I Ex. Y-0' V.YlEI'_ 1 N ' JW 3340 -?-Te- Z arc -OH oxr c bt D - - w _ H sr ? Bw,w 0 LB nw / Q r eea a de / e•.waunc EN' • aN I i e T? 1 1 I ?. ?? Yxw 1 1 EX. IS, ( w; L? (gib ? NiIX wi g Y - ' R { IX. VEGETATION 0 Y dwwcsE 1 I y Ga'\ I 11 9OR OR FORMERLY REMOVE S PfP1A.Cf 20 IF4 \ dx , ?' (' 811 ¶E 04NM TO H A I yl0} 0 I, IN CLORN 0. GPRDNEA \ OF E7L 61fRER c W PROP NOW OR FORMERLY REMOVE NO V ONi RMERLY -012-05 _ cAU _.? gdPRd.'FMENrs 5 APPROK 00 IFt l1NE WRH e' NP CL SHE'tWN M. MYERS AND P IX Y dfXlEY THOMAS E. rnER AN I L I 78-572 REwO,E SERIICTURE d 20 b ERAL01 072 8? k OE-OF IFE OF IX. 16' RCP J 350 N61 OF 1Y E. SEE OtiAA D- .. FR 1625 SHEE15 w II I 1 j CHARLESTON ORS z41sa36 4832 cwa M REI E? REPLAZE 20 Art e a ;n. III aF wtc 034-ee9 I I \OFf. Y 4 ... PF ..-. R N 8 la \ I 4910 C OR 1 4828 CH43ESfON Pt I _ \V - _ _ E 7472 .264 \ I ? \ 1 I 6 NOW MR NRM I MATCH LINE STA. 12+50 y \ MABE CLIFFORD ON D SEE SHEET 14 I \ CIIARLESTON/MONROE i DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 4 PREPARED BY: ?• CHARLESTON DRIVE Yl USINFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING &PROPERTY STA.18+00 TO STA. 21+99,11 »51 FINAL DRAWING MANAGEMENT G OF CAROLINA, INC. Not Rele0a0d FOf 00061fOCN011 FAST __ I us u9 us e w O43 E. NOREHEAO STREET SURE 2OJ WNYB DBy FBEVARBOBY OIEOIEOBY ABBACVB9 BY DAw CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 e71-00-012 tt'-4°v \0002110H ?aLUUwEgsn¢naowv weer a na oA7E BY rsvlMOn ".0. _u cADFILEl- 13 20 I PROP. LT. EOP ELEV -- 731.60 731.90 73203 132.1E 732.29 --- --- --- --- --- PROP. RT. EOP ELEV --- 73131 731.59 731.62 731.95 7320E 732.21 73236 73249 73262 7327E 4° I l 27 77b ^? 136 739 q IAWNO PROFILE U t 132 - 732 ki r 726 126 . _i...... .... . ..?' 1 RCP AT 0.63X _ ? ROP- 341E OF I 724 124 _ 720 20 el 10100 10+50 11400 11141 Iz- - V PREPARED BY: 0 USINFRASTRUCTIM OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 OR 5 121! ° E E .. 6 OF EASE (TOTAL or CK FOR EAS 1 •1 NOW OR RLY x_ BURCHEIIE E GGINS I PROP. NOW OR ERLY N R 0 T gERt ?• 153- CHERYL H PllCW 01 1 012-02 11 7 I, \ 4451-121 TO \ I 1 4677 YARgEY 70 ; PIACE 4620 YAPDLEY PIACE 4816 L.RPUCE `+ P110P• 16' RCP I III JJ1t,, `` CONC w t+ PROP. r-W WHEY CUTTER 10 2 DL CONC. OAfvD w/ . 6' . DRIVE 1 - 974 2' GlR1EA I \ PROP. . DRIVE MOVE A710N ?5__OIRECIED By +M -H- 8EER TO P R/W 1 I rARDL?y p `'' ?? 4x"aiw O ??uH X50' pC LACE _- 4 I'1y Pia -?-?C NM ICY evwI?I?I >k 1 u ss-ss s - .- Iz? dW 167 k I DO.oo YS q` k iM ?x E ?_ _ y W N N20 ?,? 1 1 5 9 .wB.?H ".I- E u '_M-v+m I t T`. Nk k _ E AD E t .0429 '.. W y OF 1 RCP e °I 0 I - J0 RETIQff AlO 4953 U 21 NOW OR FORMERLY B r 0, OF CHARLOTTE 183-013-29 ?Yd 7192-357 EY P ACE SEE SH STORM DRe1HVx WPRNt31ENR LiB REFUGE EX ODN(l DRIVE W/ PROP. 8' CONC. ORN7E %°•.r?„x 49 MCA #1 ?_-x`.•x R•110.00' ::FF L.61.22' _ Tam28.Or DAIa•2w40'S4' ?n ??\\?\\\\\\?\\\\?Y, FINAL DRAWING Not Released For CondmaUen CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOTTE. YARDLEY PLACE Y7 ENGINEERING & PROPERTY STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+75 MANAGEMENT ust e9AS1 U9 114 603 WRYEYED BY MPAR BY U9 77.-EDBY IPPR01'w. - I OWO ND DeIE eY PEYIEION 671-OD-012 1 r v VOWIIICH\NAVWEEf\AEE114. 14 20 a --- 740.60 748.28 745.94 74573 740,07 746.42 746.32 747.25 747.81 74&45 748.07 740.70 750.41 75678 751.18 751.80 752-54 -- --- -- -- --- --- --- ___ 751.28 751.8 752.70 764 784 1J1 . ? 780 130 r . _ . 8 760 ? fr h nF $* 6gLL ,O ... d $ h Sh a $ Y 6g'aa 19 u gig WE 758 756 _ 8 ° 134 _ - ? ?i59- ztn N _ ?- - 5M 'nlbbb 47 ?i sa??° 752 752 w 6 a3 e? IX GROUND LE _ _ I Y ? zs RS + ? 4?? -? __ 746 - ? 743 M CI EKY As ._ '!* X33 ATI [_?-- - 744 744 :.;H ... _. ,. r... A ARER-m ____ _ AT1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --LJ--- 740 740 18 LF OF 8'D. MASS 350. _ . 33 IF OF 18• 736 736 n Y $ 3 m 0 } $ 101 00 104 50 11 +00 11+ 50 12+ 00 12+ 50 13+ 00 13+ 50 14+ 00 14+ 50 15+ 00 15+ 50 NOW OR FORMERLY / I - SHARON OAKS PARTNERSHIP NOW OR FORMERLY I I ' NOW OR FORMERLY \ NOW R FORMERLY +/j ?NOW 0 FORMERLY 9 183-011-13 / SYLVIA B. 63-011--114E I HNA URENTS 4 D I JOHN LYNN CREWS AND 0 GERALD WI WNRE AND SARA 8454_ ! CYNTHIA LYNN WHITE( ?-¢ 7720-997 163-011-75 163-011-19 163011 x,'?0 \i 'r 5019-943 I ' 7690-656 aY,Ye? 6308-716 AI9tIGHT AVE 5557 PIBRNSR AVE I / NOW 0R FORMERLY I NOW OR FORMERLY 1 / Q+'Aj 4750 CHARLESTON ORV ..§WYAeAIGHT AVE I I ROBERT N. SAUNDERS AND LARRY EUGENE SIZEMORE AND Ib 5621 ALBRIGHT AVE J PIGGY 5. SAUNDERS LAVER NE H. SIZEMORE 9 4//\ TIE PROP. Y-0' VALLEY GOITER 10 163-011-17 I 163-011-18 n .6 g ( I NOW OR FORMERLY IX Y-0' VALLEY WTIER SPACE MGIi' FOIE OIIft07C I MICHELLE L BALL 7387-426 2766-411 i4m o 6tp e CIX81RUCTION BY OTHERS 163-o11-IS I \ Ham IAN PP 51.72 1 P DocwOro 8900-118 3 BRIGHT AVE I 5615 ALBRIGHT AVE EI.el.=7/d, X OFFSET PROP. DC8 E7LV6 BRACE MATT POIEWRINC I-ff IN EX. y PPEa?x 5sosaeRGH AVE I I \ cmenwwm ?BBr Opim mp) RCP Dw RD40 {I s0 Y © o• mcxmo W0 / I ,r xaAr .n0 5 8' 15 U E RE'La 'ASS J60 s oarox , I 'GRAYM DRIVE RFPI/f8 5 LFL OF I 1y ® i yh / / el ??1 I C I 1 TIE PAW. '-0' VALLEY ? Y('Y c?/ i / e VALLEY ro ? 4 7. V a Yom, a? I MACE IXGIUYFL OA ;wY I REPLACE EX. GRAVEL DRIVE GLITTER Y ^? \ _ _ AEYOJE & REFUGE 361 IF! I p/\?/ 7 E« % ,?? g" ?..?- 1.a5..- i ?' z-0• yyily_fJInFR° PLACE Ex GRAVEL DRIVE u- cFd u - - IX_R/1F 6 REPLACE II. / / j/gyp t5 RCe. WI G U - _ _ -_ G Yna $1A: 10+00.0 N 529320.4860 ..... y ... w ve E 1471817.7336 ?( s ?3 PROP 16 RCP-m oxl- i/ ??-G NOW OR i1RMERlY e• s IX 18' TO AEMNN) X V ® PgOP 13' RW '9/??'\\? E IAA Ux DxF-D µ;// MARY W5- 51WL` aio as \ s n. - PROP s ? W^ / 7 k 168657- 5 544 15 o S0T28'32'E g 13' ? ^ pµpP 16, R / ° 1118 vvNa N ss $ r aeOD cww Fs ox DR x 2 "-" s Iti. \\ 261E OF 15• RCP / ALBI'tiGHT AVEN E = _W_ cuss M AT 1.OOa _ a (50' P68LIC 16' AT I; R 1FE 1__ IX 8' WAhP /- 1 - ?X4 p CNU \? // WAA W r V 3:: % _-- V ° j 1_ ro ==. L.I °' _. _A__- W / w-- tta ?A1 ". QV•ARI 6 2 *4 A°11 STk 17, Y to¢ _ NOW 0 FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY -$(M 1 10, U `f) ?.. B >a7 °? g / `` JONATHAN E. 1 y?gy \ I v' oaraaD ,m, / JOHN B. %n DD 163-0p- x 52&318.'?A68 I --R2 I a[n I aWUe "u' ' U e• Pawro 1 NANG1' MA1LOAo a 11860-637 E 1471903-8130 m I? LCON ssoD H" 163-0124 PR• oAe 3 ° I ?- I I sw a ???,7- '? fI I K J £" I sY uuM ?, 2530-208 I ° a+xKD OfM°? nrr Ru¢ ,? I " I Q = II , REPLACE 5 LF OF 3 CONC. WALK ?4800 BETHANY PL ° I) g 9*ab ?xYB m b p I ?I Io REMOVE a 0 ff3 O EX. VALLEY MIER I a?` a FERULE za IF3 0? seza aPBdrt AVE U) 11 J, NOW OR FORINRLY NOW OR FORMERLY Q I V i ?Y oawmD IX VNJFf 6URER v I I 16 REMOVE 13 IFt AND PLUG (2) DAVID E. KI NINM JEFFREY u. WESlOFSK AND ABANDON IX 12' RCP I&1-011-00 I 1633011875 MATCH LINE STA. 11+75 10333-666 I SEE SHEET 16 4801 BETHANY PL I 4800IMA000RT LN PREPARED BY; G USINFIZASTRUCTM 1043 E. MOFEADARSTREET OLiNATE 03 FINAL DRAWING CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 Not Released For Construction Rae°WFn EEBE N BETTY T. BILK 163-9u-15 2518-458 Cum 11 8-100' L?12&BY r66-ee.e0' pplHe.38'Op'02• CNARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 5620 AIBRIGHT AVE CHARMTT. ALBRIGHT AVENUE L3 ENGINEERING & PROPERTY STA. 10+00 TO STA. 15+50 MANAGEMENT EAST COA IRA 5 U9 6 E SIWVBYPD Px¢4AR6D RY U ('SATFD6Y AW9GYCDBY DATE I •x H SxLS.I Dr NP DAIL AY REYISKW 11O0002 1- 10DD211CH CADRU TISNEEUSOWC 15 20 PROP. LL EOP ELEV. 74&51 748.14 747.07 ___ -__ ___ -^ - _-- __- ^_ PROP. RT. EOP mm.. - 745.95 748.41 748.85 747=2 747.61 748.00 74828 74&51 --- --- -- -^ 75 74 74 74 73 73 00 10+00 10+50 11+00 NAIL IN PP f I ELEV. = 746.13 ]??N r NOW OR FORMERLY Y. WILLIAM A. SOULE AND , PHYLLIS H. SOULE J 163-011-01e i 2853-44 NOW FORMERLY 9 0 4A30 WJtCOURT LN SuD "WA%!€ NRISTONOR LONG ANO 163-01 ILONG 1994-2-9202 4Y 4870 fkACOURT IN ixa RR GRAVEL DRIVE A t" IiAy \ 3^Y6• 8' NMnE ??EMYE FX ?V \ w4CrD A e W 26 NOW OR FORMERLY f / 163-012 -2 fA69041 I / 4835 HARCOURT LN I / e (( PREPARED BY: tisT USINnUOMUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 11+50 12+00 12+50 ( 1 I I NOW OR FORMERLY TIMOTHY L. LONG AND CYNTHIA S. LONG 163-011-01 7961-217 1 I 1 I NOW OR FORMERLY M LR 163-011-04 I 6094-316 4816 HARCOURT LN . I yy? l e• PUn * 11 i SEA 13+00.00 4824 NARWURT IN R-070.00 L+ Pr N 820111.1861 488.68 E 1472208.8721 IO 73 ?-W I CUA? 41 -60 40 Lrt88.80' ,' TBn-90x3' p a / -F- BFO OMW?S810'40' O M' ?? ?!aII ' CAN 3'tttPN I I o (?..? ?( / -TIE Mf)f--O* VALLEY Cro IX 2'-0' VALLEY GUIIEN RT LANE Y-5 // ??muws ? -n ' n• xM?x w.v I 1 IX CM10 DAM1E VI d' I w/ PROP. e? CgIC. MME/ P ?„E 8 RE%!CE 343 LF3 A, OF 2'-0' N411EY CUTTER /? ? M i OF Rp71AFACiX ? 999Y' 7E0 N1E/,)/I i ? NON IN FORMERLY ALUM 1RITT AND JANICE TROT 163_012-20 6745-404 4871 HARCOURT LN B W N YNPN t1 NOW OR FORMERLY BARR 4f? - / // 0,? i / 163 012 K iS' a ? Crccw _ \ 4815 HARCOURT LN ? O /NQ[O+A'NRB ©CONC. OA?E ?LICE EX CONC. DRIVE PROP . 8' GONG . DRIVE 4 or 2'-W VALLEY GUTTER \ I 1I,. 0 ' VALLEY OUT IX GONG. DJVE W/ WHIP. 8' CMA C . DANE ` NOT rY POLE EUADA wuam Earle 111 ]p1' . [ ? \ v a? '?7 6 uAaF NOW OR FORMERLY Q 8 9 is' N ` 1 WILLIAM R. HOWELL AND MVG N W HOWE NOW OR N NOW OW OR FORMERLY PEGGY N, LONG \ I . LL 163-012-11 LOUIE KE T YOUNG 183-012-19 1363-0 76912-18 - 3789-311 2726-8I8 \ 3055-34 4827 HARCOURT IN I 4823 HARCOURi LN 4819 NA.URT LN ? NOW OR FORMERLY RICHARD ALLEN WALTS 163-011-10 3401-316 4012 11 W 3 CM BIO. 20AJ 070. 10+1A24, 21' LT. REMOVE 8 ?p 2p ?} OF EX. IW.730.-3 IX. V1LEY1MIfiER IX INV. EX INV. Olfr- 735 352+ I GAME E TYPE TYPE E ` I .B i ? I I I o I? ? ? I '\? r DC o NOW OR FORMERLY / \I I PAIRINE E. MEYER \ 163-011-11 1 NOW OR FORMERLY \ . 2'-0' VALLEY gD 0464-142 J.T3T E. ERNN tFIFR ?a(TYP,) w/ uetxEi 763-0-637 \ `? ` 5xp ?. 4808 BETHANY PL y+ I 11000-637 ?4 4] a 'awB Im1a 18M /10 yRUB+` % / ?' I o'wA 4000 BETHWtY PL NAIL IN PP 0 ELEV. s 741.22 sc I I r _ _ _ n STA. 10+00m BET}TA? 1471 ?P-h.AGE. 529071.8525 ( f (5l1BL N IC R/W? - _ r-n 4- - E?28N{ ? `??.?_ ? H NOW OR FORMERLY ? l ? NOT N W RAW •? _ DONNA J. RUTH AND p LINE Y4 „ s4D.2o' LUTH 9 \ I MNE a _ W 1n 163-011-0 814 242 X 49 z 4 1 _ J W 4810 BETHANY PL__lj sl - LM a EX RA I" TA* t ?? , ?s? i xBiEB w/r Bues u+xs B ? /? ? / II Y? x / dJ Now OR FORMERLY '/ 1` y N S' 1 PAULINE E NEVER / I g ?II, 163-011-07. NOW OR FORMERLY 93 6 vmL N 16635 01 8 4013 BETHANY PL H. FUR ?? a ?i if I' ' oarww PL DAVI10333D E. NEDY 4 48P BETHANY d 4-80 2988-1 I 4801 BETHANY PL FINAL DRAWING tructlon Not Rel""d For Cent CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Y5 HARCOURT LANE ORARLO M. STA. 10+00 TO STA. 13+00 ENGINEERINGS PROPERTY Y4 BETHANY PLACE MANAGEMENT STA.10+00 TO 11+75 FAST COAST us US U51 6/03 ]LBYEtFD BY fA[PAPEU6Y (l1EIXE06Y AWPAI'F00V OAtE ' ' 2 V 211p1\PLNi51 \ SNEETI6 0YIG 1EEY NO OAT£ BY qEY UUM N-DD-DIS 6 106!.'0 I . I \ . W0 C.N FII£PATN ?` a lo PREPARED BY; USINFRMTRUCTM OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 75 74 74 73 73 73 72 72 7 N I-- nnR2 -- _ ?. n• ?? l NR? ? a 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23400 'vw•ttB ? / / pryI 27 YSCW I ? \ I 020 17M 8157-184 5715 wtrAlu AVE p / / ° .?s• / \ ?\ e c 14 +\+ REMOVE yEGErA AS 0 / DIRECTED n4E oNa TO / ?r E I DIM 30 OF MK e s 5 + e ? a ?x1 oEPn1.1e? e \ e ? ? ? S c / 'Rb qP' ?6 e / \ f ee f ? / 6 6/ m d ?\?y??? 7Rm c ?f \ t J?? /? P??rS?G. 47239 ?,/e \f8 c S ? ? 9S e/ \ \ IX ?VVEOI-AIONEEAAS?St ?/?" 6 / RECfED Hf'? TO ENON P. WPRd/E1ENF5? NO OR FORMERLY \ THE / PROP. E G NBUAG 163-21-fib 12191-862 5715 NONROE AO FINAL DRAWING Not Released For ConsUocNon CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (MARLOT L LINE Y5A ENGINEERING & PROPERTY STA. 20+00 TO STA. 22+75 MANAGEMENT T AST US EAS CO SORYEIEDBY W A 6D BY U4 MMD8Y USI AYROVF.DBY DATE . x ' ' & EFT a NO DATE tlY xfl'ISION 671-00-812 JOBND. 9 •4 V SCALE \WD211 N\ttu EET\S1EEm.Dwo CADFIIE VAIN 17 20 CARTHAGE STREET DRAINAGE PROFILE L4 149 o ry 770 770 , 1 _ ^ ^s? 66 I 14 118 Ed 1 „R'A «? 768 , F + ' ^1 4 b ?,? bbb .'1.w EX 9ROUND PROFILE -- ? _ ,,. - 782 782 - .. - : .., r . 24 IF (139 IF AL) OF 2M '." 1P CtASS 2g. 758 F I v* 24' RCP AT 1. 'pw 'I -- - -- ..... 764 " _ w CLASS IV AT 1.002 754 - - - PROP. 4 IF OF 15 750 750 746 746 a m n Di 0 10+50 7 WIDE ABOVE 14J LF TOTAL OF ELL 18' RCP ruHwc im 4501 E INDEPENDENCE BLVD 11+00 TIE 2'-e- CURB d Z "`-X 70 IX 7-6' CURB d: CUTLER N 1 7 REMOVE 27 If* IX RCP AND STRUCTURES (2 ,] m u RFYME VE6ETWION AS D.RECIEO BY TH EORIEER CONSTRUCT PROP. IMPROVEMENTS n-- \r= - La A `?I? Dm - or?D PREPARED BY: asl USINrRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, mc. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 11+50 12+00 12+00 13+00 HOLBROOK DRIVE DRAINAGE PROFILE Y6 --- 788.05 765.75 755.58 765.43 785.30 765.17 765.07 785.15 765.29 --- 774 n H m .nx .W J m ? ?i 2'87' "? 770 wR ,tn'm R w m1 n '3z3N +'?M ? n0? .pb E%. GROONO It PROFIL 1 d p, m.'.0 768 4__ F `-il I -r GNAT 170{ 752 PROP. 45 V 15' _____ _ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - 758 CUSS N A O.7SX --- PROP. IS IF OF DIP CLASS 350.17757 f28f 750.00 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 1 NOW OR FORMERLY JOSEPH D. SMITH AND AND BAR H. SMITH NOW H FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY 1J3-024-20 I WALTER T. MACHUC4 SCOTT R. PAGE 4019-671 NOW OR FORMERLY 133-024-18 133-024-19 JOHN WRIGHT MCLENORE AND 12703-297 I 11267-59I 4745 HOLBROOK OR NOW OR FORMERLY 01RO13YNj o.2+ 22MOAE 1 I FELECA C. BROWN AARON 6259-743 4733 IKKOROOK DR 4739 HOLBROOK DR I #5 18M 133-024-21 6035-925 TIE PROP7-0' VALLEY GUTTER I E RR ELEV. SPIKE IN ]55. PP 4809 HOIBAOOK OR II NOW OR iORMFALY DOLPH F. B MAN TO EX 2;--. ' VAUM CUTIFR 4801 HO BROOK DR R ACHEL V. BOZEMAN AND 133-024-23 2629-393 ?I ,7• u ® ? ,r o1c t7tO ??'P??I 28 1 ?24' RCP AT WS Y- ?? 4815 HOLBROOK DR P.IXL 5713+389, L? 3, LACE P T. STN 11+8498 18 LF OF IX. 6 SS 2' 2'Y-0' EVALLEY Y BUTTER RLY AFPULE EX. OJNC. DRIVE W/ 'S 529895.6141 $ E WIN S' DIP, MASS WEIPROP. CURER I7? AEPIhCE N IX. ?'? OIdrE I E 1173419.1714 A ?r xcuam TO -0' VALLEY LLP PROP. e' 0014C. OrtRI \ o Y rant r.xttm_=s, LL0.5 ummn[ REPLACE IX. 0 ?. art6e - a. c PROP. 1 ACP DA - - PROP. .15 SEC. x-v v UEY W s I4OLBR OK DRIVE AYx ,s' ?P /5 217 STA 21+55.61 g e1473=11 213' n ('0' P BI-IC R W 8 SJ9231 LINE Y6 x5138216585 -p° ° c ° 25681 61 /- N --E?49347t706P-°- _ rn ax O a16? 14.15 " _ M m. o r W ??IX r-nvxur alrtn ° - - - `_ - - PROP. 2' CURB 33`00 ` "rt.]ee- > O_t-c v.]Mr aril NS __ ?__r+s uWV\ AT WREUAN Q (/I _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ T e• a?f' r xeaan ` wa EK, R TIE 92 OPY a. cuNrna? mx SJ / TO '-0OUtI N F '??? \? IV m 0. N.D7 4:a \ C aaaauno4Euva ?. RE110YE 57 U`* O(F RDPmY II g w? a Q ?9 Z W '1 P o __ Wfinr69 E Y S aucurc PROP. 36 LF OF 2e RCP AT 1. Z fn c. II PLUG t AaMmSN EX If,. RCP 1 UW a N MATCH LINE STA. 12+75 SEE SHEET THIS SHEET R FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Cousbuctlon CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LINE L4 STA. 10+00 TO STA. 13+38.93 ENGINEERING B PROPERTY HOLBROOK DRIVE Y6 MANAGEMENT STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+55.61 EAST COAST un us 6/03 "-T.6i mC9A . us .lamer nwROrm By OA1E I H CET R Po. DA1F BY -Wo. 671-00-02 ?? t ?Y 1000211. C\PVNSNVAFET\S16EH6OWG 18 20 73E 731 73( 72C 72 712 714 TN nsr 77aoO ,0+00 II mv.w ne ie na PROP. TV OF e, PROP 8 IF OF 2 n ar EMSTNO F ON BOTTOM n,. ': , -•.."- .. -' ? ' y AwawraM ' , , f e Nla9sss > a ea=_ 1- tea. ,? 4-1 I 1A l IE TO E2. RP RAP j?j _53 CHANNEL 3 i IS 8 P6WE 36 SIN. SEMI W/ rY Jr SAN . SEW. W/ 8• i K n 1 i n90 sip .. - - 1% Wz 158 180 PROP. 40 IF OF a Pp- o? ...... _ ? o- 6 S I111? 1Dr5D n+w n+w ,a+wu I 2V- 1 ® \ e 1 ,9 \ NOW O0AA FORMERLY ` ?? NBURG COUNTY JKENLE 1-021-56 6] ' ` 12191-062 23-186 / N Sz8421A9 5715 MONROE RD. I "• 1472HIA8 E 3(,y C?XR ROLL RoM c". / ° e e \I Al N 1 E E'er.. E / ° \ e / e E \ °? \ PROP. SLWL 7" g }7 f xE f I £ Yy' ?V ?e---7e? ie AnE I/5MN1 CROSS NAIL IN /0' GG/A, II ? / /? Y.=730.72 i / / ?? _ ? >a• o? d?,s I12R\ 5I(/? ? ? l I 24• ?' 2k,? 1!. tQ 1'?? 1„aQ?p r r '' I I `A1jbµ /NtlW 9 "" v / v "t x I 1 '? PREPARED BY., G USINFMTRUCTUM OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 J V(I d ? ! \ I MY 0 NOT 06TU d 14 738 734 730 726 722 718 714 no DO ` - - - - !-REPLACE 36 2f OF 8- VCP W/ 35 E pp \ ° 1PPiNf $ \ ° , E ...e.._E. _.. ..., ... .. .e•?.. 2,r / Em ,a350INT'FITTINGS \ SIN. SEW. MA1•CH I, .l?D.W AAET? ?• 4 RUILACE 64 LF OF 8" ? \ ? SfF SF SrTA • ,1PSTANNFWO Y\ _ `?IOYE SNF! OF EI(?bU' .?? I HffT 1? 0y.So z<• °uc PROP.\4 LF (INC. FES) OF NCR AT 287. r . MATIM AND RPARPKMMNG 6 vxarc REI'LAIDE, IF 0[ EX S' SS MASS h60 . S / .' WIIN B A55 SBq / _ '7•^? GS'? -' ?-ie e ..U` F BRC r 2W00A2Y-8 E E ??.?T? 8 newp ??/ I{ 1474?A71B Q / E S J F .. an \ ' IF' / - WITH L=10', W-e, AND 9 S zru.A? @ DEPD2-,8• Q e _1 / \ f • E ? wv za22 _ \ f ?' ?. .-???w ??N++++WWW •? / ° AYA'n e°?` e E k6AE[R Am O \' Y 'pW'RY ° t \ 6 \ 30•our ?A3 :x es ,Q ? t xA e?/. \. \ AmE DT-0 N6s° 8,-2213-1M ° ° e J /?. I. W 11 \.- 1,18T A PROP. NW1L WE ? ?Bpp FROM SINKS e ° _,S? e oxr it u.,u?au fi ?? ee \ LF ?D` BCZ\'\ r w?n? REMOVE-BRIDGE ?.D?A DR mwm 'o REMCK FLOWER BED PROP. PoFWP R / / d A ems'- s? LI "c' I I ? (?3I Y IT/TNICIO2E55 PROP. 28 LT'OF RCP AT d s J wA6' s ? ?. I fx uAw. gaxc io• aTr ?'pf?'?? // BEMP/E 23! LW NSF, 15' RCP - ? 0 ® / /'- -' T ,,> .. • 3 2s a AEPULE . 40 If4 OF ENC N ONE WRH? J R.qw e / a'^`?j, /•? DIP CL 380 72 LF OF f2• PIPE IAq 2F AND 2x. o LEq yRER,BBpP. N t GRWEL SAE . / D 81NE HSTPR SAND / d 37 II QV? \ 39791_62 §?r PAOp. 4?. 0 IT RCA AT 3.00. w oR FORMERLY 0 0 O > \ i I \ -873 : ? /" Jf ow VNA SUE HUNT _ L SHEET 2 v eEtlTe.n I $ ° 3 ?: ? a? 5508-12-06 7 -? SA. 15+15.61, 3&ILT SIX 14+8778, 48.5' FTL . / /. s V ) \ INV. IN 732,30 TOP WALL - 735.3E 739 CIENDORA OR €. AY \ BN. N 733.00 ` `4g u !51 I' :I 758 GLENDORA DR 1\ ` . J a 7 ?? I v v FINAL DRAWING Rot Released For CoErehactlen l: / CHARLESTON/MON DRAINAGE ROE IMPROVEMENTS r CHARWIrTE. LINE Y8A ENGINEERING BPROPERTY G MENT STA.10+00 TO STA. 16+00 MANA E EAST COAST w us us 6/03 --BY vurenm ev -By AVHWYEDBY OTE 1Y: V 49 \WO211CHRPU IF£1?bHFET1 DWO No nxiT ev naumox 671-00-012 .ro6rw a rA16 - . c.D01FVATx 1] 20 751 74E 744 741 7 73 721 724 UAnW A299' 720.00 - IC2 - 183 - A --N ? n -- ARa ?- _ 7^ STA. . 18`rN. •73242 48' INV -029.88 - -- - - - - v + 152 i? 1µ 140 136 Im 128 124 2DF50 Z1+OU [I+:N1 -- -- -- -- -- - PREPARED BY. G USINFRMTRUCTME OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 l 29 I. NOW OR FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY I ANGEL GUADALUPE NOW OR FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY THOMAS NOW OR FORMERLY JAMES E. FIELD 11163-584021-64 OME1Wt1CNUNN I WALTER SY0EL L JOHNSON AND JEFFREY W. SPARKS 163 021-63 -fi25 8J I 6058-213 163-013-02 163-013-03 8131-129 819 GLENDORA DR 2246-601 11184-267 601 GLENDORA DR 809 GLENDORA OA 827 GLENDORA OR I ? GLENDORA i 4rte" Dx 6"077 ??' g II ?i ??WaW 1? D ?, tY PINE .y 4a• PwF B A(A ?__ 5,-55 z . . 0 GLENDORA DRIVE B _ ClAW,?Pww,waoN C-4 60 PUBLIC R/W) 3 -? W W w - ?W Anw - W W--W? FX r WARA IME (ED N 7t- e _ __ _ez, r M? z B LRJE "P?f_r _19_6_ re?_ - n W q b Ma A W -- __ - _ IS___f%m•xw DuB R ?f W 117. i6 = CP W N PROP, 2 PAP. 18' A? 18 ? __ ? i? PROP. 18' RCP n '- y . , ? •- mw /,t51 OL SO 3 a So`Pexap (=.9 N 6 Mw?¢ W xxD acam ,v ??' ?, 1E• flNC - - RELOCATE FX. WM 9r - - - - - - _ _ / RELOCATE EX KM ADJUST N ??P- - --}- _ u• H arr REMOVE EX RCP f .. wI , y Ir p- / UTLITY POLED 8 dI?FO M I r wu ?,n• As+ R19"a 1 . REIOCIOE IX. WM I • (Ur MM) Y Htttr NOW OR FORMERLY REPLACE EX (aA19. OME W// a Fd91°? °^" § § I ! I . , { ` I9 aw REPLACE EX CONC. DRIVE W/ i KATHERINE C MA US AND PROP. GANkL ORNE I - PROP 8' . CONIC DRIVE 163-071-02 TB? #t) II 2669-536 NAIL IN PP q. OON0. DRIVE W/ I IX'' OFM W/ XRWOBERT W DR FORMERLY PROP. 8' CONC. T Bm ELEM. = 7$8.47 PROP. E' ? DRIVE i J. PETERSON ? GLENDORA DR W/ D?AU9s ?- 163.031-03 -a cwx REMOVE EX PIPE 1 NOW DA FORMERLY NOW DR FORMERLY MARY MUM SEi FISHER AND 026 { JANICE A. SCOTT 163-0331--05 OS 162 A Fl iH 76633- 6 -04 { 12061-701 336 4-37fi 5764 810 GLENDORA DA { 818 GLENDORA DR FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction 1421-110 GLENDORA DR i ([ IiV/n„ CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARD)M. LINE YS ENGINEERING &PROPERTY STA. 20+50 TO STA. 24+64.77 MANAGEMENT FAST COAST USI us 8 3 AWY6YE1)bW ?NYA9FLBY UIIX%BDBY P EDGY DAiR t •2q x Earr a Pevmm sn-9D-mz x91m r•4 v EEAIa \OWZUdI\PUNSHEET\SH6EMU.0MC uDDUPAIN 20 20 EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. DISTURBED AREA 483 ACRES 2 SOIL TYPES,- CB, Ur, No% HMB ELM NO 3. NO ON-SITE BURIAL OF VEGETATION OR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS WILL BE PERMITTED. 4. ANY GRADING BEYOND ME CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS A VIOLATION DF THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE, AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. 5. SmBIUUTION IS ME BEST FORM OF EROSION CONTROL ALL DISTURBED AREAS MARL BE STATUUZED WITH ME APPROPRIATE PEWWNENf VECEAiNE EO510N CONiRp. MEASURE($) WHEN A MAXIMUM OF 250 LINEAR FEET OF PROPOSED CONSIRUCTON HAS OCg1RED OR WITHIN 3O DAYS OF DIM S. ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT MAY BE REQUIRED IN ME FIED BY THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR. 7. ALL STOCKPILE AREAS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REWIRED To HAVE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SUR HONG AXE AREA IN ORDER TO T EROSION AND SEDIMENT. ENE STOCKPILE AREAS MAY ONLY BE LO TED WITHIN THE CORAIRUCTON UNITS, APPROPRIATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES CONSIST OR TEMPORARY SILT FENCE, -FDRARY unERRON DITCH AND s `MENT TRAP, M. S. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROADS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION WITS TO UMIT THE AIaUNT OF SEGMENT ENTERING THE CHANNELS. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES U. BE REQUIRED TO PREME T EROSION ACROSS A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROAD: REFER TO THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROAD DETAIL 9. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSPECTED WEEKLY AND AFTER RAINFALL EVENTS. NEEDED REPAIRS WILL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 10. ESTIMATED DURATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT IS 18-24 MONTHS. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1. DETAIN PLAN APPROVAL AND OTHER APPUGELE PERMITS. 2. HOLD PRECOMIRUCTION CONFERENCE AT LEAST ONE WEE( PRIOR TO SMW1 G CONSIRUCTON. 3. FUG THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AND MAN( ONE TREES FOR PROTECTION. 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY STABUZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WHERE REQUIRED. 5. INSTALL AL OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES REWIRED FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. CLEARING ONLY AS NEEDED TO INSTALL THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 6. INSTALL THE PROPOSER) IMPROVEMENTS AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. T INSTALL CHECK DAMS AND DIKE AS PER CONSTRUCTION WiMIN CRFfl( BANK MEET ECS. AR OOWNSTREAN a, INSTALL SECTIONS ARE STABIUZEO. REMOVE CHECK DAMS AND DIKE FROM DOWNSTREAM SECTION AND INSTALL CHECK DAMS AND WO: ON NEXT SEGMENT TO BE IMPROVED. THE CHANNEL SECTIONS MOIST BE STABILIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHANNEL DERAILS ON SHEETS 28 k 2C BEFORE CONTINUING CHANNEL GRAXNG OPERATIONS. TREES DESIGNATED FOR REMOVAL THAT ARE OUTEDE OF ACTIVE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS MAY BE CDT AND REMOVED IN ADVANCE OF CHANNEL GRADING AS DIRECTED BY ME ENGINEER. HOWEVER, THE STUMPS MAY HOT BE GRUBBED U"L ME CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS AND STABILIZATION PROGRESS. 7. INS°FLT All EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WEEKLY AND MANE ANY NEEDED REPAIRS. B. ONCE THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACRVME5 HAVE BEEN INSTALLED, REMWE ALL TEMPORARY MEASURES AND INSTAL THE APPROPRIATE PERMANENT VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS. MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIM CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE INSTAL ED AS NOTED ON THE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ANY NEEDED REPAIRS WILL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL PRACTICES AS DESIGNED. 2. TRAPPED SEDIMENT SWll. BE PROPERLY REMOVED FROM THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND DISPOSED OF. VEGETATIVE PLAN 1. THE PROPOSED CHANNEL DETALS AND PVNRNG PUNS REFER TO SPECIFIC STABILIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR THE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT. 2. ALL OTNFP DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED BY PERMANENTLY VEGETATING WITH SEED AND MULCH AS RECOMMENDED 3. BY THE PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS DUE TO ONE RESTRAINTS ON THE LENGTH OF MIPROVEMETS AND/OR DURATION OF EXPOSED DISTURBED AREAS. THE CHANNEL DETAILS AND PLANTING Purl SHALL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO FOR STABILIZING THE PROPOSED CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS, INSTALL TEMP. ROCK CHECK DAM (TAN.) i ?\ I?? PROP. TEMP. STREAM CROSSING w/TWTN 24" RCP \.. r INSTALL TENT ROCK CHECK DAM ?D Ibo INST TEMP. ROCK CHECK C - C ® DAIS (TYP.) 59 D \ EKISTIqG RIP P RT. SIDE BANK TO R MAIN DONCASTER D \ .? \ INSTALL TEMP. CONSTRULMTION ENTRANCE t \ `1 \ \ \? \ \ \ \ c LEGEND: CONSTRUCTION BOUNDARIES - C - C - D - PROPOSED TEMP. INLET PROTECTION PROPOSED TEMP. ROCK CHECK DAM PROPOSED TEMP. STREAM CROSSING PROPOSED TEMP. SILT FENCE --?°--?^ RIP RAP APRON ENERGY DISSIPATOR PROPOSED CONS TRUCTION ENTRANCE PREPARED BY: G USINnIASTRUCMU OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 TOP. RIP 0 l Y )?? STATIONS UNE SHEET NUMBER STRUCTURE NUMBER(S) 22+00 TO STA. 23+00 LIA 4 1, 2, 3, 4 14+50 TO STA. 17+50 L2 7 5, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 T2 1G ( / off( (D?/' o U ( ly?yQp,? n ( ®?1?yi pn,-06?5?11, 4, 'NY \ o /I • O ' f \?1 ?% 1 \ . Y \ 4 G ? IJ- 1P, TEMP. STEAM CROSSIN w/24' RCP i a\0 I /NSTALL TEMP. CONSTRyq 4- % If A?1 \ \ INSTALL TEMP. ROCK CHECK DAM FINAL DRAWING onstTUO11oBB Not Released For 0 [l 1 A \I/? CAARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS MAIN CHANNEL IA (RAID MTE„ L - L2A WORCASTER PLACE ENGINEERINGS PROPERTY EROSION CONTROL PLAN MANAGEMENT EAST COAST unM\anB us us 6/03 s YEYEDRY -PA R®SY CHEREDev MVBOYEDBY I`- ' nn w EETS\EHR a xa Dnn; BY REM- 671-00-012 Acena na :GALS W. T . \Gm +c T:aDFIUPATx ECI ECS 03 03 INSTALL TEMP. INLET 106 PROTECTION (TYP.) 03 '4- II 11 • I I IL LEGEND: CONSTRUCTION BOUNDARIES - C - C - C PROPOSED TEMP. INLET PROTECTION PROPOSED TEMP. ROCK CHECK DAM PROPOSED TEMP. SILT FENCE RIP RAP APRON ENERGY DISSIPATOR El PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 129 130 108 109 107 • / 1 '4l / \ p \ \ • • ?? 114 ?S ?•?_? ?° ? 115 v??? ?- / ?i ,? ? / ??\? / 0.9\ ?2 ?\ _1°? 116 / \ _?L \ u ,' \ - 105 - 104 103 102 • oi? 117 J ao? J ' ? ; 101 ? ? 9 ?, ?° 118 •i\ \ ??aaa a?/ •<y e ° / 122 1? •/oa`? ",'?! -.?? ?- 124 119 a • ?" ?J-? ?'// ° > l 135 120 ti ° • o ? ? / v 121 ? ? ?v I ? 4 /? 128 ?? ?\ • ° • 123 3 ?.??0®/???/ ?!1 ?/ ?/ fj? _ / s0? Q- v?. Q /. i t f 127 \ 1 INSTALL TEMP. INLET /? • PROTECTION INSTALL II / r ,12$ z....,QM 1 II I \ , ENTRANCE TEMP. CONSTRUCTION / y A • `?1 100 u ti ?P?P RIP?RAP ENERGY I (l l I / ?'? ° • ° INSTALL TEMP. ROCK CHECK DAM • EXISTING RIP RAP CHANNEL TO 11?y?\ e~ ?-? / / i / • REMAIN (TYP.) I,.. v -0 % \' • STATIONS LINE SHEET NUMBER STRUCTURE NUMBER(S) 10+50 TO SM18+78.75 L1B 8 & 9 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 10+25 TO STA. 14+DO L3 15 & 16 129, 130, 131, 132, 137 11+00 TO STA. 21+00 Y1 11, 12, 13 100, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 11+D0 TO STA 13+66.64 Y2 10 1030. 1038, 103C 10+75 TO S TA 11+56.43 Y3 9 108, 109 10+00 TO STA. 10+50 Y4 16 137 12+00 TO STA. 11+75 Y5 16 143, 144 20+00 TO STA. 23+00 Y5A 17 138, 139, 140, 141, 142 10+00 TO STA. 11+50 Y7 14 125, 126. 127, 128 PREPARED BY. Out USINnMSTIZUCTLW OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 112 113 ? r u 1;/< 2m-" 'y- 1 -1-1 o C 142 ? I / ?/ _! INSTALL TEMP. SILT FENCE (TYP.) INSTALL TEMP. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 141 140 138 PROP. RIP RAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR CHARLEST 139 INSTALL TEMP. SILT FENCE (TIP.) ON/MONROE INSTALL TEMP. INLET PROTECTION (TYP.) FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Cl1A UMTE. LIB - MAIN CHANNEL ENGINEERING& PROPERTY NT EROSION CONTROL PLAN MANAGEME - FAST (OAST 9AL\Xw U9 u9 910-81 IMA M8Y WEIXfD OP MPROYfDOY DA'R z, r N< N N0. DAR BY RBtt51M °,.-?a,z JW NO -60 FCA?E ? F CADfII£fA1N EC2 EC5 4 LEGEND: / ! 1 / ! / C I / / J r \ ?® \ !.% ®e ® \ e e 9 ® I® 1 I i R ® ® e ! i / I / / / ®®! a I® \.\ % \ I l e I I 1 \_ / // 1 V I e I l e 1. \ I i \ eA I A i `, 11 A II II II X11 it v\ \ ! \I L ® II ? II ®® ? %% I i ; I\e \\ II I / / I I I I \ II I\ i J I I AV A / \ I I \\ ? \ \ /? 160 I / \ 158 \ < ® 156 , INSTALL TEMP. ? EDK DAM \A A , II?51 IE11P CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE INSTALL-TEMP-ROCK CHECK DAM e so Cl C # ® - ....;® ®® / INSTALL TEMP. A( CHECK D PROP. RIP RAP ENER6Y.DISSI N \: PROP. TEMP. SILT FEN Y ,/ i \ 11? :V I rl / l ;• 15 ?- ! i ??` / !/( 159 G \ \, \ \ 163 ?>?% i. / \ ® iii % 4y \ 191 v \ v v'A / 1 ® \ 1' \ :'/ L \ \ INSTALL TEMP. INLET PROTECTION (TIP.) / 162 \ \/ / t \ \\\ \'. \ \® INSTALL TEMP, INLET PROTttgON (TYP.) 161 \ / D QP. \ -T-FENCE 18OP. RIP AP ENEiRG'T' '_ \ I \ \ 4 \ \ i CONSTRUCTION BOUNDARIES - C - c - C - PROPOSED TEMP. INLET PROTECTION PROPOSED TEMP. ROCK CHECK DAM PROPOSED STONE INLET SEDIMENT TRAP PROPOSED TEMP. SILT FENCE RIP RAP APRON ENERGY OISSIPATOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PREPARED BY: I?1 USINFRMTRUCTM OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 i 1n45 \ , 147 / 146 i ,^ \ Yy?,l !/' 1\ // \\ / , ®\ ,?\\O \? \\ 150 ///. x1?y \ O 151 ®^ / r ®? v ii/ ?? ® AA A ® \ -A V , \VA \ec 7 / STATIONS LINE SHEET NUMBER STRUCTURE NUMBER(S) 21+00 TO STA. 24+50 L5 20 161, 162, 163 TO STA. L6 21 10+00 TO STA. 13+38.93 Y4 18 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 22+00 TO STA. 23+00 Y6 18 1, 2, 3, 4 14+75 TO STA. 15+75 Y8 19 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGErnrneoVEMENTS - 14-JERILYNDRWE LS- GLENDORA DRIVE 7 7 7 CHARLOTTE. CHARLOTTE , Y4•CARYNAGE STREET, Y6 •HOLBROOK DRIVE ENGINEERING B PROPERTY Y8-GLENDORA DRIVE MANAGEMENT EROSION CONTROL PLAN FIST COAST uR/4CdB us SURVLTNBY WGABFO BY N fDOY wt9gDYF0tlY WiF 9ET W a GATE BY ?? CBI' E - EC3 EC5 ?I?rwE,pp ro• wA? 40-,.-,TT -A, IA ml_ _. _ A A ni?_ a ns xKa1r rAw xwL K Kumm ux ns Wa.A srAMUm WP11 NX wNAa eAw xw Kw wwsEr sr"amn, _ mrcaun a r w?, unuuMn Mru K x Acmmwa ww rEKaAn ar alsmucnw Aan sroAAa xsA s1m a wom Pmr saa 0R xam Pwr ' ? ttrm rAxK rAxxc GI01 BApI/ \ at fma ? ? ? ? ? ?nM ?p xK sro¢ A / PLAN MEW tt1F?l a?BPG 9Kr 1NOIN1 KA! E' KItlW AYpKKt 4a10' IXN.V W]XUl x1MH X 0 a p SmK 4RtlAO NxaA M81 a P.11rxo Sxxf, a iDXaAY! p WAxm IIOxf MAY Ku 5F0 I M? NfR MINYIN. PAOhlaa'IS IXal tl0? I. 0.16 fM%EMK aALLKA WIYaJYN1R0M i. WIa rAKK5M40 WM YtRE NEM xCKlme 0.'SE nwr MAr KUKs Am xsvA HAMEA naWaMUK ww wnl If aArwa .EVPORARY INLET PROTECTION wow aw Ewa n on K Ute Wm ar we x ro rw.w RaRAPtlaoauuK Mw psAr, I. aTw sASNxss xaLKwwEClm ar Ttt mASaw.r sa4E z s1m rows suLL K Y-Y x IoXAr Xo K a n< E"wwl R'?wuA rPNmiX ?* a?ASr oar nmw vRa o I. rowwtt awimcnm mw vest wm¢ ro mwlaarwH 89aa1K arx1. as wmx Ax sa a smc 9lfiw1Sp1 ANNF 91Fa f"L RMPAIL wY ALPI814IEEFDro 9VLL K NwE "xnll PWRe.u, K Om)RKrx TA1400mA "?""%Y. Kew WxmwEM wWE 46w?0!%AS A4"'Ommwww"st'?n "M"rot 1anP'?wN1 ? wz nwwros To ro mrw?o rc ncmrc,mm ?imrtmE 1-I/r 101¢ 1 M BAZOK SILL 9 X013SNY, 11E fIHK 9MLL K e ? iFIMS01IP0.0?F)la N1VE Ka fONnwCILe, KOwOf %nc rolXrwcmrl Ran uo nwuu Nw KPUCm Pasant. s wwm sltls PlNEKUxwmurcxarwml ar axa s usm AaKxn ro w axwsl. owxl a z mwar [moms xlaxn K wuoMm ui1R EAa mn. saw 1WXr a a1 m1a xaan K AsnACro. Oxa nor RAgTK RFxO`.ffl xd OFPoAR KAM 0. n"A ar FI- asac AT RaomalAntrwa ns xaWr a 1a ewes. KaWnr amoxTS KMNxM N P.wE veto TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROAD DETAIL tro`aawl R MaE?aNS PKKPA6?yyy0 lmm NOr ro KNE s4mm dote '. wa"P xnan °'"'° w row xa5 a rK A°rcx AM AAaM "` °° TEMPORARY SILT FENCE a rHE mE dlr wr ?LL mAX mN1Ems°nx wi uucVAg0.01n11a a aiWnr l"amrAlT. >. wxs nunKMmatnax rmll ns na ant rmamne _ _ ss?AK a ME Kamvc wAxxa THE au m K PA"fn a Knwrto Ir_________ .. ?p??IrTM "? ?amam auwir>? NA rma xwA xAASA avertGTK w.ML At tK MNwsn isl ua !' z ns xxm one MOa ne.wnx wuKEaN. rorK eornN L___________ Mwa wE Kmwc auxaE UxxW rA=mmAEf8W10 auwo-s sl " NA xma.AOE 4a smaaxE ro K EawAC1m ro w a YMATfR nEo?w a 9xLL Ip1&?W YFw1aDEM GWACRDN MKWai4 V IswA4c?Sla£ yy?g F.6AN a K mYilfn.QWl6 N M HatlZCHUL AItlWFNt a Ba APRfX WLL P ? Ma 4ASe I xP Rw e E " ne Mx7 L J TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS DATES TYPE RATE AAIENCMENTS LOX MNNTMmm ARFAS STEEP SLOPES STINY. SHADOW M DRY WL 1HE Y1-rm TO TALL n3Pn iW 10/Ma wFlONars 9WL K wIWFO AT ME nB ISJRWS S]xu lEfffau mK wsP[mA m ro/A To 1sM- as AArzaWWwA?ad "DO AWOILamRLL u/Axa a lo-,o-lo nrtm?R, ar Nws at110. SAPES, AYER.AGE SaLS ua soro a[a www URSIwE AM SW w%Aa4 a lo-so-ro m1wsR. .ras 4sm Is Tut ANms row/Acs Ra Is-aa as PeaA 1EVmvA A?IfYF0CL1 4o ro/AaM 1018/AOe Hm MATNTMmm PREAB UMMATE TO STEEP SEES, Sa1S WM AV AM M BEIId MWpjm N0. STES A40GOAR euA K wPItO AT w4 wM a 10001x/AaP a aNM Ab 1000 Ac/ W ALL OARS T?F6W6IMOS! Mw MKPaS rA[Er£t 0* 400-11018/ACa ITT -0 ? = wD dA/R INWD CN tlR5 SN.tl?L MIlR0.lTURI/.IAL1T01E ( TU S-OPES WM MM PHr CCN. UMTTATIWS w/AtK a lo-to-,0 aBNLER. ALL MRS NU.Y6'1YXNIC a m art usrt nxa r"E tALL mxiE.v 100-410 LB/AOE aSMR AREAS "-..-a 8AN(S DABS Ka nwx AM oE1u1s stEUe Axaasxo ro uwaxcmuns aEarxaa MULa ALL OAnS aLMN SIAAW 10D w/Iro0 R rAa ww 41 Wa/vd a W X"a I III IT, w xwn I. ma xnux wxE,aNmxaw sroPE a +a w? nr FINAL DRAWING cxARLESTOx/MONROE ,. A Btw01t® KMwK PM tl wAxm STONE a Aln wA0 BAllABi 41NL K IIXAIFD W"fk TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH nwac "" ExwR K wW Ealplw`I"I xrz wro " "'"` smm. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS xa m a••r x ttws P?anc a mPACm awxall wAl saa xAr K usm w A awE i0A Tse a,amul:ral wlwwa. Not Relsawd For Cmsbutthm z TIEIITAAYK XWA KYM11yMryINAtxaMN WkII WL PwlfNi lPAbKCafWMH0 a51nxkNr AO"roma OX xMl?uli Wl"oMrQ ucmITF 1?IFAS?"ias ?OaloW -1 - ? Arr ?,"R?1rt xs's{s°w1°Ik%E"sAie4E wax CRARLOYFE. PREPARED BY: ' WAgwG x KoAKO, IT xAME ¦ Dos x AN AMA STAWIKU wM muwEO srae XKH acW" Nm w EROSION CONTROL Awawvn KsMOrt aAa ° sn xz atK ENGINEERING & PROPERTY Usl USINFRASTRUCTURE a K n av nw P K a ro? ar Xe ?aa?> H LL m an PLAN DETAI- S MANAGEMENT T. sror uAr mars A srWxw 1aAaNw oaKWAr IsRn ro4A x,ozq ro T OF CAROLINA, INC. Acas4 TK oMSmnnw ea W M aeKwr o a A nmROInNwR N/A MM US uR 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 xlRVErmsr mu-y mraEUSr APWNr[BNr CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 aT2BZIED_CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE sxccr uP an-m-MS NIA ?ooosnwNSxECTS?Eaa.a EC4 ECS m. DAn BY RFIfLa' roBX0. S;UB CADalEDA1N A NOTES: 1. WORK IN CREEK SHALL BE PLANNED TO MINIMIZE THE NUMBER OF DAYS OF DISTURBANCE WHENEVER POSSIBLE, WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN A WEEK. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO OBSERVE THE LOCAL WEATHER FORECASTS AND NOT BEGIN WORK IN THE CREEK UNLESS AT LEAST THREE DAYS WITHOUT RAIN IS ANTICIPATED. 3. THE DISTURBED CREEK BED AND BANKS ARE TO BE STABIHZED BEFORE THE WEEKEND OR WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION CEASES FOR ONE OR MORE DAYS 4. FOR LARGER CREEKS, CONSTRUCTION SHOULD OCCUR ON ONE SIDE OF THE CREEK AT A TIME. THE FIRST SIDE SHOULD BE STABILIZED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE 5. A TEMPORARY PIPE OR PUMP MAY BE INSTALLED TO CONTROL CREEK FLOW DURING GUSTRUCTON. STREW CONSTRUCT THREE ROCK CHECK DAMS (STD. 30.10) AT 100-FOOT SPACING DOWN STREAM FROM THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE IF CONDITIONS AND PROPERTY RIGHTS ALLOW.-T, PIPE MAY BE LEFT OUT IF CROSSING IS TO BE USED AS CHECK DAM. PIPE OPTIONAL, TO BE USED IF CROSSING IS TO BE IN PLACE LONGER THAN 12 MONTHS. TO BE SIZED BY ENGINEER. APPROVED DATE TOP AP INSTALL DIKE OR COFFERDAM IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM OF THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE IF CREEK HAS BASE FLOW M PREPARED BY: USINFMTRUCTLTRE OF CAROLINA, INC. r 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 26204 CHARLOTTE - MECSTANDARDSKLENBURG LAND DEVELOPMENT TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING ao.t4 APPROVED DATE CHARLOTTE - MECILENBURG CONSTRUCTION WITHIN CREEK BANK LAND DEVELOPMENT (FOR USE WITH ROAD CROSSINGS, STANDARDS UTILITY CROSSINGS & CULVERT CONSTRUCTION) 30.16 FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Cm stmetion CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (RARIJUTE. EROSION CONTROL ENGINEERING B PROPERTY N PLAN DETAILS MANAGEME T N/A MY 09 VA 603 SBBYEYEDBY -Z7 Cl!%K[DeY APWAYFD BY DATE 0002n\PIANB NEEM ECSA s+FEr DF RD. oxrz BY nEVlsloN en-D 012 mBRD. NIA - \ VB <wNICPATx EC5 EC5 F J GENERAL NOTES 1. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS (TCP) FOR THIS PROJECT CONSIST OF A SPECIFIC TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN AND/OR SEVERAL TYPICAL DRAWINGS AND/OR ROADWAY STANDARDS SHOWING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES TO BE USED WHERE VARIOUS TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE OCCURRING ON THIS PROJECT. THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR TYPICAL SITUATIONS AND SHOULD BE ADAPTED TO ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS WHICH EXIST. DUE TO UNFORESEEN SITUATIONS, IT MAY BE IMPOSSIBLE TO ADAPT THE PRESCRIBED TYPICAL DRAWING EXACTLY AS SHOWN TO THE ACTUAL FIELD SITUATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER, SHALL MOVE, SUPPLEMENT, CHANGE, AND/OR REMOVE THE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THESE TYPICAL DRAWINGS AND/OR ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWINGS TO ENSURE THAT THE MOTORIST CAN PASS THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION AREA IN A SAFE AND EFFICIENT MANNER. 2. CONSTRUCTION PHASING MAY DICTATE THAT TWO OR MORE TYPICAL DRAWINGS BE USED IN ONE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. CHANNELIZING DEVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THESE TYPICALS SHALL BE MOVED, SUPPLEMENTED, CHANGED OR REMOVED AS REWIRED BY THE CONSTRUCTION PHASING OF THE PLANS. THE LOCATION AND POSITIONING OF THESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER WHEN TWO OR MORE TYPICALS AND/OR ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWINGS OVERLAP. 3. OPERATIONAL SIGNS ARE GENERALLY MOUNTED ON PORTABLE SUPPORTS. THESE ARE NORMALLY USED FOR SHORT TERM OPERATIONS TO WARN AND GUIDE TRAFFIC THROUGH OR AROUND CONSTRUCTION AREAS WITHIN A CONSTRUCTION ZONE. OPERATIONAL SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE START OF OPERATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SIGNS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN PROPER POSITION AND KEPT CLEAN AND LEGIBLE AT ALL TIMES. IF NEED BE THEY SHALL BE BALLASTED OR WEIGHTED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THEY WILL BE STABLE UNDER WAND AND VEHICLE ACTION. BALLASTING SHALL BE DONE WITH SANDBAGS OR OTHER YIELDING MATERIALS PLACED IN SUCH A MATTER THAT THEY DO NOT BECOME MISSILES OR CAUSE UNREASONABLE DAMAGE IF HIT. SIGNS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. THE BOTTOM OF PORTABLE SIGNS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT ABOVE THE PAVEMENT SURFACE. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK ALL HAZARDS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT NTH WELL-MAINTAINED SIGNS, BARRICADES, WARNING AND/OR CHANNELIZING DEVICES. THESE DEVICES SHALL BE MOVED, SUPPLEMENTED, CHANGED OR REMOVED AS REQUIRED DURING THE PROGRESS OF CONSTRUCTION AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 5. FLAGGER'S ATTIRE SHALL INCLUDE A FLUORESCENT ORANGE VEST, SHIRT, OR JACKET WORN AS THE OUTER LAYER OF CLOTHING. THE FLAGGER SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A STOP/SLOW PADDLE (SEE MUTCD, PART M. CHAPTER 6E). RED FLAGS WILL BE ACCEPTABLE IN LIEU OF THE PADDLE IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY. FLAGGERS, PROPERLY EQUIPPED AND INSTRUCTED, WALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND STATIONED AT THE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. A FLUORESCENT ORANGE CAP MAY BE REQUIRED. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH, INSTALL, RELOCATE AND MAINTAIN ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, SIGNS, BARRICADES, WARNING AND/OR CHANNELIZING DEVICES FOR WORK SITES AND DETOUR ROUTES AS SHOWN IN TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 7. WORK ON THE PROJECT OR ANY SEPARATE ACTIVITY THEREIN SHALL NOT START UNTIL ALL OF THE REQUIRED SIGNS, BARRICADES, WARNING AND/OR CHANNELIZING DEVICES ARE INSTALLED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, INCLUDING DEVICES INVOLVING THE ROUTING OF TRAFFIC OVER ROADS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT. 8. THE PLANS OR SPECIAL PROVISIONS SHALL DESIGNATE WHETHER THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO RELINQUISH ANY EQUIPMENT (TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHIONS, VEHICLE-MOUNTED TEMPORARY IMPACT ATTENUATORS, AND VEHICLE-MOUNTED VARIABLE MESSAGE MATRIX SIGNS) TO THE CITY AFTER THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR MAY BE REWIRED TO DELIVER THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TO THE CHARLOTTE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS DIVISION 3701 CRAIG AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28211 9. CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND BARRICADES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL PERMANENT SIGNS AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS ARE INSTALLED. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE PATH CITY OF CHARLOTTE NOISE ORDINANCE. 11. WHERE CONSTRUCTION IS IN OR NEAR A CREST VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL CURVE, WORK AREA SHALL BE EXTENDED SO THAT LANE CLOSURE BEGINS IN ADVANCE OF THE CURVE AND MINIMUM STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE IS MET. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WORK ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ROAD SIMULTANEOUSLY WITHIN THE SAME AREA. 13. AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO BACKFILL UP TO THE EDGE AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING PAVEMENT IN AREAS ADJACENT TO AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE THAT HAVE A DROPOFF OF MORE THAN 3" (SEE DETAIL A, SHEET TC1). 14. WHEN PERSONNEL AND/OR EQUIPMENT ARE WITHIN 3' OF THE EDGE OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN OR NCDOT ROADWAY STD. DWG. NO. 1101.02 FOR THE APPROPRIATE LANE CLOSURE AND STD. DWG. 1101.11 FOR THE APPROPRIATE TAPER LENGTHS AND SIGNAGE SPACING. 15. AT NIGHT AND DURING PERIODS OF CONSTRUCTION INACTIVITY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE DRUMS 3' FROM EDGE OF TRAVEL LANES. " PREPARED BY: G USINFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. y 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES GENERAL NOTES, CONTINUED 16. THE PROJECT NOTES ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS GENERAL NOTES FOR THE PROJECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE PHASES OF THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. 17. SEE NCDOT ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING NOS. 1115.01, 1130.01, 1135.01, 1145.01, 1170.01, AND 1205.01 FOR DETAILS ON TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 18. DURING PERIODS OF CONSTRUCTION INACTIVITY, ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE STORED NOT CLOSER THAN 10' FROM ANY TRAVEL LANES.. 19. CONES MAY BE USED FOR DAYTIME CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ONLY. 20. WHEN CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS ARE IN OR NEAR A SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION, THE CONTRACTOR MAY BE REQUIRED TO SUPPLY AN OFF-DUTY POLICE OFFICER TO CONTROL TRAFFIC. 21. ALL TRAVEL LANES SHALL BE OPEN DURING PERIODS OF CONSTRUCTION INACTIVITY UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 22. THE DIFFERENCE IN PAVEMENT ELEVATION SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 1 INCH DURING PERIODS OF CONSTRUCTION INACTIVITY. 23. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM EXISTING PAVEMENT TO PROPOSED PAVING OPERATION. 24. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE CHARLOTTE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION IMPLEMENTATION SECTION MANAGER (GUS JOR01/704-336-7086)IN WRITING ONE WEEK BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND TWO WEEKS BEFORE INSTALLING THE FINAL SURFACE COURSE IN ORDER TO INSURE PROPER COORDINATION OF SIGNAL RELOCATIONS AND PLACEMENT OF PERMANENT SIGNS. 25. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE CHARLOTTE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION IMPLEMENTATION SECTION MANAGER (GUS JORDI/704-336-7086) WHEN THE NUMBER OF TRAVEL LANES ARE REDUCED FROM NORMAL CONDITIONS OR THE STREET IS REQUIRED TO BE CLOSED. EXCEPT FOR EMERGENCIES, THE FOLLOWING NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED: A. CLOSING ONE (1) OR MORE TRAVEL LANES - FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED WORK. B. CLOSING A STREET - TEN (10) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED WORK, 26. A SINGLE BARRICADE OR DRUM SHALL NOT BE PLACED ALONE IN A TRAVEL LANE. 27. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO STOP TRAFFIC FOR MORE THAN 5 MINUTES AT A TIME IN ANY DIRECTION. 28. A TRAVEL LANE SHALL NOT BE MADE LESS THAN 10' VIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 29. TWO DIRECTIONS OF TRAFFIC FLOW MUST BE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED WHENEVER TRAFFIC MUST BE ROUTED ACROSS THE CENTERLINE MARKING. 30. PROJECT APPROACH SIGNING SHALL BE PLACED ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. 31. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT REMOVE, RELOCATE OR OBSTRUCT ANY EXISTING PERMANENT SIGNS WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS. ALL PERMANENT SIGNS WILL BE FURNISHED, INSTALLED, REMOVED OR RELOCATED BY CDOT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE COOT IMPLEMENTATION SECTION MANAGER (GUS JORDI/704-336-7086) TO ARRANGE FOR REMOVAL OR RELOCATION OF EXISTING PERMANENT SIGNS OR TEMPORARY RELOCATION OF BUS STOP SIGNS. 32. ALL PIPE INSTALLATION WORK SHALL BE DONE USING TRENCHING OR SHORING METHODS. NO BENCHING PALL BE ALLOWED. FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Constim"On PROJECT NOTES 1. THE WORK COVERED HEREIN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. IT SHALL ALSO BE IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE "WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK" (W.A.T.C.H.), "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES" OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAION AND MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) INCLUDING ALL STANDARD DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 1A-11. THE CURRENT EDITION SHALL BE THE CURRENT EDITION ON THE DATE OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE PROJECT. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT NARROW OR CLOSE ANY LANE OF TRAVELWAY ON THOROUGHFARES DURING THE PEAK HOURS OF 7:00 AM TO 9:00 AM AND 4:00 PM TO 6:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. OFF-PEAK HOURS ARE DEFINED AS ANY HOURS OTHER THAN INDICATED ABOVE. 3. CHANNELIZING DEVICES IN WORK AREAS SHALL BE ON CENTERS APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO POSTED SPEED LIMIT IN TANGENT AREAS AND TAPERS, AND ON 10' CENTERS IN RADII AND SHALL BE SET 3' OFF THE EDGE OF TRAVELWAY, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 4. BY THE END OF EACH WORKDAY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ANY EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS WHICH HAVE BEEN OBLITERATED BY CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO ALL BUSINESSES AND DWELLINGS AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT. SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID TO FIRE HYDRANTS AND FIRE STATIONS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ANY CONFLICTING TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND INSTALL APPROPRIATE PAVEMENT MARKINGS AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY, INSTALL, AND MAINTAIN ALL TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS AS REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE COOT IMPLEMENTATION SECTION MANAGER (GUS JORDI/704-336-7086) A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) WEEKS (14 CALENDAR DAYS) IN ADVANCE PRIOR TO MAKING CHANGES. 8. ALL CHANNEUZATION DEVICES AND HAZARD IDENTIFICATION DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, DRUMS, ETC. USED AT NIGHT SHALL HAVE WARNING LIGHTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE MUTCD. STEADY BURN LIGHTS SHALL BE USED TO DELINEATE THE EDGE OF THE TRAVELED WAY, DETOUR CURVES, LANE CLOSURES AND OTHER SIMILAR CONDITIONS. FLASHING WARNING LIGHTS SHALL BE USED TO DELINEATE INDIVIDUAL HAZARDS. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 1. REFER TO THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PHASING IN THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS AND/OR PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL. DETAIL "A" 3' OR MORE TRAVD.WAY f ? SIAUCTUAALLY SWNO TO BE AMAIFRVL TO BE ncco BACKFILL DETAIL (NOT TO SCATE) ? CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Tr?TF i l R , OL l tt ENGINEERING N TRAFFIC CONTR MANAGEMENT N/A AWI U3 UA A 03 NRVEYfOSY vuvnxrn 9Y c>letxmeY ANRO fOBY 411E r l SLT Ta o"c we a sn-W-NI N/A mztscR pLANSI . \a S\ TCl TC6 J THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE PHASING AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE IN SEQUENCE. WHEN A CONSTRUCTION PHASE IS DIVIDED INTO STEPS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE REQUIREMENTS OF EACH STEP IN SEQUENCE. (EXAMPLE: THE REQUIREMENTS OF PHASE I SHALL BE COMPLETED BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PHASE II. THE REQUIREMENTS OF STEP 1 OF PHASE I SHALL BE COMPLETED BEFORE PROCEEDING TO STEP 2 OF PHASE I,) ALL WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROJECT PHASING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR, EXCEPT WHERE IT IS SPECIFIED FOR CERTAIN WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. THE FOLLOWING PHASING REFERS TO SPECIFIC TRAFFIC CONTROL DRAWINGS SHOWN OR DIAGRAMS FROM THE WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK (WATCH) PUBLISHED BY CDOT AND SHOWN ON TC6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THESE PROCEDURES AND DIAGRAMS. IF THESE PROCEDURES AND/OR DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TYPICAL FOR THE FIELD CONDITIONS, THE DIAGRAMS MAY BE COMBINED OR ALTERED UPON APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. THE STANDARDS, PROCEDURES AND DIAGRAMS SHOWN W THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS OR IN THE WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK (WATCH) ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED. ADDITIONAL SIGNS, CONES, BARRICADES, AND WARNING DEVICES MAY BE USED, BUT AT NO TIME WILL LESS THAN WHAT IS SPECIFIED IN THE STANDARDS, PROCEDURES AND DIAGRAMS BE ACCEPTABLE AT THE END OF EACH PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STABILIZE THE AREA BY TEMPORARILY SEEDING AND MULCHING THE DISTURBED LIMITS INGRESS AND EGRESS MUST BE MAINTAINED TO INDIVIDUAL HOMES AND BUSINESSES DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BACKFILL TRENCHES AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY IN ACCORDANCE NTH DETAIL A ON SHEET TCT AND REOPEN THE TRAVEL LANES TO TRAFFIC. IF UNABLE TO PROPERLY BACKELL THE TRENCH, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COVER THE TRENCH NTH STEEL PLATES AND SECURE THE STEEL PLATES AGAINST SLIPPAGE. THE PLATES MUST BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND HS20 TRAFFIC LOADING. NO TRENCH SHALL BE LEFT UNFILLED OR UNCOVERED DURING ANY PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION INACTIVITY. THE PROJECT SHALL BE DIVIDED INTO THE FOLLOWING WORK AREAS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS: WORK AREA WORCASTER AND ERINSHIRE WORK AREA 2 CHARLESTON, ALBRIGHT. BETHANY, HARCOURT, YARDLEY WORK AREA & GLENDORA WORK AREA HOLBROOK,CARTHAGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO TWO (2) STREETS AT A TIME PER WORK AREA WITH THE EXCEPTION OF WORK AREA 1 (SEE PHASING FOR WORK AREA 1). THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE MINIMUM STABILIZATION AS DEFINED IN THE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE CURRENT STREETS IN THE WORK AREA PRIOR TO PROCEEDING TO THE NEXT STREETS IN THAT WORK AREA THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE ALL BOX CULVERT IMPROVEMENTS AT ERINSHIRE PRIOR TO PROCEEDING TO WORK AREAS 2 AND 3. THE CONTRACTOR MAY WORK CONCURRENTLY WITHIN WORK AREAS 2, 3, 4, AND THE WORCASTER PORTION OF WORK AREA 1. ALL WORK SHALL FOLLOW THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PHASING LISTED BELOW: WORK AREA 1: IMPROVEMENTS FORCING THE CLOSURE OF ONE LANE (SEE SHEETS TC3 AND TC4) MAY NOT BE DONE CONCURRENTLY ON WORCASTER AND ERINSHIRE. AT LEAST ONE OF THESE TWO STREETS SHALL HAVE TWO LANES OF TRAFFIC OPEN AT ALL TIMES. ERINSHIRE PHASE I: (DIAGRAM NOT SHOWN) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE ALL CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGNS ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF WORK IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE WATCH HANDBOOK. THE ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL APPROACHES AND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTON IS COMPLETED. PHASE I1: (WATCH DIAGRAMS 2, 3, 4, 6 & 9, DIAGRAM A) STEP 1: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT THE DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS USING: WATCH DIAGRAM 2 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (6' OR MORE FROM PAVEMENT) STEP 2: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT THE UPSTREAM TEMPORARY LANE SHOWN ON PHASE III OF TC3 USING: WATCH DIAGRAM 2 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (6' OR MORE FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 3 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (2' TO 6' FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 4 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (MINOR ENCROACHMENT ON PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 6 - WORK AREA IN TRAVEL LANE (MAINTAINING 2-WAY TRAFFIC) WATCH DIAGRAM 9 - TWO-WAY, ONE-LANE TRAFFIC (FLAGGER CONTROL) PHASE III: (DIAGRAM A) STEP 1: INSTALL TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES AND SHIFT TRAFFIC TO THE NEW TRAFFIC PATTERN ON THE UPSTREAM TEMPORARY LANE USING PHASE 111-DIAGRAM A ON SHEET TC3. STEP 2: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT THE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER AND ASPHALT; REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER AND ASPHALT; AND CONSTRUCT THE PROPOSED DOWNSTREAM ENDWALL AND DOUBLE 10' X 6' BOX CULVERT FROM STATION 22+12 TO STATION 22+54 FOR THE LEFT BOX CULVERT AND TO STATION 22+48 FOR THE RIGHT BOX CULVERT. STEP 3: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT THE DOWNSTREAM TEMPORARY LANE USING PHASE IV-DIAGRAM B ON SHEET TC3 PHASE IV: (DIAGRAM B) STEP 1: INSTALL TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES AND SHIFT TRAFFIC TO THE NEW TRAFFIC PATTERN ON THE DOWNSTREAM TEMPORARY LANE USING PHASE IV-DIAGRAM B ON SHEET TC3. STEP 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT THE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER AND ASPHALT; REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER AND ASPHALT; AND CONSTRUCT THE PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. STEP 3: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ASPHALT (EXCEPT THE TOP LAYER OF SURFACE COURSE). PREPARED BY: USINnMTRUCTUU OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES PHASE V. (WATCH DIAGRAMS 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, & DIAGRAM B) SHIFT TRAFFIC BACK TO NORMAL TRAFFIC PATTERNS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT THE UPSTREAM ENDWALL FOR THE PROPOSED DOUBLE 10' X 6' BOX CULVERT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT REMAINING IMPROVEMENTS USING; WATCH DIAGRAM 2 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (6' OR MORE FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 3 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (2' TO 6' FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 4 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (MINOR ENCROACHMENT ON PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 6 - WORK AREA IN TRAVEL LANE (MAINTAINING 2-WAY TRAFFIC) WATCH DIAGRAM 9 - TWO-WAY, ONE-LANE TRAFFIC (FLAGGER CONTROL) WORCASTER PHASE I: (DIAGRAM NOT SHOWN) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE ALL CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGNS ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF WORK IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE WATCH HANDBOOK. THE ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL APPROACHES AND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. PHASE II: (WATCH DIAGRAMS 2, 3, 4, 6 & 9) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM ENDWALL, 31 LF OF 48" RCP, THE BOX FOR STRUCTURE 6 AND ONE SECTION EACH OF THE TWIN 36" DIP TO STATION 15+05t; COVER THE BOX WTH TRAFFIC BEARING STEEL PLATING, PROVIDE DRAINAGE TO THE CREEK FROM THE LOW POINT IN THE ROAD AND CONSTRUCT THE TEMPORARY LANE SHOWN ON PHASE III OF SHEET TC4 USING: WATCH DIAGRAM 2 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (6' OR MORE FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 3 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (2' TO 6' FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 4 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (MINOR ENCROACHMENT ON PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 6 - WORK AREA IN TRAVEL LANE (MAINTAINING 2-WAY TRAFFIC) WATCH DIAGRAM 9 - TWO-WAY, ONE-LANE TRAFFIC (FLAGGER CONTROL) PHASE III: (DIAGRAM C) STEP t INSTALL TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES AND SHIFT TRAFFIC TO THE NEW TRAFFIC PATTERN ON THE DOWNSTREAM TEMPORARY LANE USING PHASE III-DIAGRAM C ON SHEET TC4. STEP 2: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT THE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER AND ASPHALT; REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER AND ASPHALT; AND CONSTRUCT THE PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO STATION 15+20t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t; OTHER STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, CURB & GUTTER, DRIVEWAYS AND THE TEMPORARY LANE SHOWN ON PHASE III OF SHEET TC5 USING: WATCH DIAGRAM 2 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (6' OR MORE FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 3 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (2' TO 6' FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 4 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (MINOR ENCROACHMENT ON PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 6 - WORK AREA IN TRAVEL LANE (MAINTAINING 2-WAY TRAFFIC) WATCH DIAGRAM 9 - TWO-WAY, ONE-LANE TRAFFIC (FLAGGER CONTROL) PHASE III: (DIAGRAM D) STEP 1: INSTALL TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES AND SHIFT TRAFFIC TO THE NEW TRAFFIC PATTERN ON THE TEMPORARY LANE USING PHASE III-DIAGRAM D ON SHEET TC5. STEP 2: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE 8' X 4' BOX CULVERT TO STATION 14+00 AND INSTALL CURB & GUTTER, ASPHALT (EXCEPT THE TOP LAYER OF SURFACE COURSE) AND DRIVEWAYS. "NOTE - IMPROVEMENTS TO CHARLESTON DRIVE MAY BE DONE CONCURRENTLY USING WATCH DIAGRAMS LISTED FOR THAT AREA PHASE IV: (WATCH DIAGRAMS 2, 3, 4, 6 & 9) SHIFT TRAFFIC BACK TO NORMAL TRAFFIC PATTERNS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT REMAINING IMPROVEMENTS USING: WATCH DIAGRAM 2 - WORK ARCH ON SHOULDER (6' OR MORE FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 3 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (2' TO 6' FROM PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 4 - WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (MINOR ENCROACHMENT ON PAVEMENT) WATCH DIAGRAM 6 - WORK ARFA IN TRAVEL LANE (MAINTAINING 2-WAY TRAFFIC) WATCH DIAGRAM 9 - TWO-WAY, ONE-LANE TRAFFIC (FLAGGER CONTROL) FINAL DRAWING Not Released For CoaahLFCtlon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m TRAFFIC CONTROL ENGINEERING &PROPERTY MANAGEMENT N/A YM 19 U9 63 smrevmex aavnneoer cxE?w, ar TE E N6 eY AfYILON e ll lz JO I'll x A $I'AIL C _ ADFIIE GAIN 6 1 Y A r 4 7 7 I 'I ADP. 70 LF OF RS P. PORTABLE STD 1CRETE Ate- \I I? / ?? /? f l 1 W?o I o 6 1 ll ?? PROP.?O? LF OF TEMP. 48" x 48 ONE LANE w20-4 PORTABLE, CONCRETE BARRIERS W20-7D A.0-AD. 48" x 48" I II I I l PER NCDOf STD. 1170.01 36" x 36" I ?? I if \ IIq? I/ I I 1 I © V 1 I 5T-7*36 ?8 V A? V ?? _ _ I? I I IN. WIDTH lI 'ig '-413 - 1 4.0 b 4?1 X4' \ \\\ \\ /? i i _ - - / o e\ ?` ' - I 90.a I I 79.0' 1 24.0J m. 11 r 1000, vaiiie;1 -- - - - Raw (3ww- 100a art ?-' \\ $ // / -DAD I rl I WORK MEAD 15 W20-7o I I IE ALP.K 36. \ ?4a II x 36" I I R?MOINSTA160 LF OF CURB ll TEMPORARY ROAD 413 - 1 4ABC AND 20-1 24' x 24' I I I 6' MIN. COMPACTED I /' / \\ \\ 48" x 46° 4 M N. WIDTH. / ' /' \ \\ ?? \\ V I I i % \\? N L j ERINSHIRE ROAD PHASE HI - DIAGRAM A SCALE 1" = 40' 1 / \ I (l ?? I 1 PROP. 24' TEMP. WHITE II 1/ I ITO Q ROAD PER NCDOT II I? i i IV ROAD -o?x? I -- 1120-7a - I 36" x 36„ ROAD \ AR I WORK \ MEAD Mo ? c 1 ° PROP 80 LF OF TEMP 48 x 48 . . 120- PORTABLE BARRIERS 36" x 36" i 01 0 STD 1170 PER NCp . . ? O I I % • ¦ ROAD \ 10D'D. F 420-4 osE LWE ? '_'-\ \\ ?0 gpp // Y 48" x 48" AD, - • \\ r17T -- OAD 11 \\ \ // I I I 114.0' MIN. WIDTH WORK 15 420-7a x \ II •.r.N 36" x 36„ I I l l .1 420-1 24" x 24" CONCRETE "'tRb I? U OT EMP. O 11170. M 01 4B• x 48` BAR I P1E1P N S ID . 11 // / / \\ \\` \ R1 R?EMIp4E 50 LF OF CURB & GUTTER. \\ \\ ` ??M11de?'' ABC ANDaH IMN. WIDTH \\ % \ I I L j A A LEGEND ERINSHIRE ROAD PHAS-k IV - DIAGRAM B • CONES/DRUMS WITH FLASHERS SCALE I' - 40' • CONES/DRUMS T SIGNS PREPARED BY. I TYPE III BARRICADE ?T USINFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. TEMPORARY GUARDRAIL 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 TEMPORARY PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIERS CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 WORK AREA -II v I W20-7D 36° x 36" I I I ONE LANE W20-4 ?' 1 M w 48° .48- sL _18:, I -15 W13 -.1J 24 ;2 4? Il/ I? I Rvulac I MEAD lil W20-1 148" x 48" ly oNE LANE W20-4 AHEEAAD 48' x 48" WI-6R a36 x 16" }5 -413 - 1 urx 4=x 24°' - ONE IAN W20-4 L I ARIDIE?AD 48•x46• I YI-6L x18' 15 W3-iJ r vn 24 x 24" Ill I __-? I? II I wrn?x ?IIII L I MEAD 1 W20-7 148° x 48" J ?I ' I PROP. ST TEMP. 24° WHITE PAINT BAR TO ¢ ROAD PER j ?I NCDOT STD. 1205.01 JI I - I" --I 1 FINAL DRAWING Not Released For ConsWetlon CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOTTE„ TRAFFIC CONTROL ENGINEERING B PROPERTY DIAGRAMS MANAGEMENT EAST WAST NN us U4 8 N warerF,oar :m AV AMOEDer DAW " ' D Neer oe Devi er DsnuDx VI-W-012 wervo. • a 1 scut `?ETSDDDZfId1?aAN ?.,. ' uDEi?vAm TC3 TC6 Y 0 p?MW A / 20.0 /o,w?•? '00 WD 0 40. 57 3e 3er II a? i t:1?;.r WORCASTER PLACE PHASE III - DIAGRAM C SCALE 1" = 40' PREPARED BY: USINFRMTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 i F INAL DRAWING t Released For Cosetmctlon j FLAGGER • CONES/DRUMS T SIGNS I TYPE III BARRICADE TEMPORARY GUARDRAIL TEMPORARY PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIERS WORK AREA CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOTTE. TRAFFIC CONTROL ENGINEERING& PROPERTY DIAGRAMS MANAGEMENT x a uu us us 6/03 / NRVBTEABY PA-EDBY BNF'AfOBY APPo(01E0 BY DAtE xc rr su a NO DALE BY REVISIQ4 B,0-oo-oEZ ,POND N/A h`lJE \ooonia?w++snEErs\ A,D CADFlIEPAIH TC4 TC6 N r/ r r r r i I ? I I 4 CKARLESM p MUC R/W) 0 200??- I € S e <Q oiK d &i FHFAD W20-1 48 x48" ?-I- II I ;? II PREPARED BY: USINFRMTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 I? Il CHARESM DIM (tl0' wWC R/'M) E LW IJIE?ID W20-4 48" x 48° ? ,II III III II ? ? ? ill I I? I II ?? I? II I; ? I I p PROP. 100 TEMP. PORTAB CONCRETE BARRIERS P CDOT SID. 1170. I I • ll' X74.0' 16_ --Tti?-- ---- ?, -? 170 ". REMOVE 110 ppFF WRB 4 GUTTER. - INSTALL TEMP PIRY ROAD WITH ® I i 6" MIN. COMP . 1E0 ABC AND 14' ` I II I MIN. WIDTHTH. I W20-7o II I tao' 36" x 36" I p II ? I L CHARLESTON DRIVE/YARDLEY PLACE PHASE HI - DIAGRAM D SCALE 1" = 40' LEGEND j FLAGGER CONES/DRUMS r SIGNS I TYPE III BARRICADE TEMPORARY GUARDRAIL TEMPORARY PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIERS WORK AREA I I I ? ? I I I: I A II II II W20-7a I I 36" x 36" II I FINAL DRAWING Not Releaad For Coaahuetion CHARLESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLOTTE. TRAFFIC CONTROL ENGINEERING & PROPERTY DIAGRAMS MANAGEMENT N A w s 6/o3 / zNE BY BAFAAAFDBY us cumm BP u -R.M. u.1 v¢er a 04. OAiE BY BEMW 611-40.8,0 AMI"4 "" YALE F£ \°°°z,1 ?ra°? CA... 11. TC5 TC6 Y r F r to r r op TRAFFIC CONTROL DIAGRAMS DIAGRAM 2 WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (6' OR MORE FROM PAVEMENT) aaP '' "CAP ¢axo r ?/or. ro?ew w?a®aaa T 1?; ®i?4Nlf ° _ • 16 a? DIAGRAM 3 WORK AREA ON SHOULDER (2' TO 6' FROM PAVEMENT) rrm ? / • ?? wd rrrr r ORK en-B ana wwmaaxert EMD • mp/tae acne-?WUS ® ni l?'PPn ° vxi° Tex H iae.Piimv..vawn >? ®cei w ?as. DIAGRAM 6 WORK AREA IN TRAVEL LANE (MAINTAINING 2-WAY TRAFFIC) ? I I ? I a? rr?? arrr DIAGRAM 9 TWO-WAY, ONE LANE TRAFFIC (FLAGGER CONTROL) Ian I Ian T ., wmm aaaa P? wow woWW DIAGRAM 4 WORK AREA ON SHOULDER WOw (MINOR ENCROACHMENT ON PAVEMENT) ucn WORK WORK .°. aP y o a an Lml 1? ? Waw F H ?cvwo L°i `Pwaa? Tae `1?1-siaaiaaarnY ?"?? Ian ?`Bi°umP ®eet as ROAD mnx,lwe ?Ka wow No wrr vsar. eflK a? PREPARED BY: USINFRMTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 `aie+0-univ°om Tae FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE 1WROVEMENTS CHAMOFTE. TRAFFIC CONTROL ENGINEEMNG B PROPERTY DIAGRAMS MANAGEMENT e x/n BBBYEYBDBY w PBCPAP£D B4 Us CIEIXEDBY us MPItDYmBY 1E SHtEf a DB,? Bi ?Y?B?? BT-D .12 wwxD N/A ?? \W0211CN\RA1w5xEE1S\i6ANG C,DFLLEVAiH TC6 TC6 r 11D DEI 14 4 dA.) ADAM E. 611 7 A 0+30.N 736 89 %. aDCB 1. INY. IN. 724,4? EX 8" INV. • 211 ?. . w. E rn.2z Tarn. W INV. OMU -724.-9 I 1 732 PROB. 8' 2S CONLNEIE Box I1 - 728 ?-'?-??-? 4Ex B• ? I I n. r reArze_ -- - 724 o o.63% e' ON 0 IX + M, OBDD 1+00 M F PREPARED BY: USINntASTRUCTnE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1 1043 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 D ?, 1. IIII I ? o ?--v II yp ) I 4905 S70N DR I I "II@ { NOW DR rL R Y NOW OR FORMERLY JEAN L. MILL H0.0 G I. JEAN 6 MILLER ILLER HILDA 163-0 333334444445 I 1w-Dt3-2a 8121 VT. 51v- ??IIUIaM W "IIOl ? 2637-97 N 1w vnu , . I IN ?,J .I I E INOEPENONC DL4% Zi 4911 CHARLESTON OR iE q DAA zti• PROP. Y Ds, III ? ? ? 52 Nre Be ?- »a fo r» Mew 124.02 a N -? ? ?8x 8 8 g n --_ ° o e' w+ UN t- ---== E», ,r I I //6 ex x DO 4 µD4 sw?\ tq, OF Fx, 6 rvnttN µ / QSwJe 6 / IX. R IX TO N ) I I ` /'-- , IX N ? R ? I It i ? ? M eNn sl ! 1 I r 412e0..11 8 Fqt = OErAIL' (4' DII - IpI I /?-? yg NOW OR FOflMEPo.Y L18 ? , k I' H x I1' ) _ 1 tl I SHELOON Id MYERS AND 1P! DD "? WA p? ?l."?) DANA N. MYFRS III m 1 163-013-26 JJ jM? I I I I I (l " 7034-889 NOW OR FORME DO I .;? I IW 4910 CHARLESTON DR Y.VBE CuFFORD JON 1 , d g/Em I I FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construe don CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHARLMIM CHARLESTON DRIVE ENGINEERING & PROPERTY SANITARY SEWER MANAGEMENT REPLACEMENT EABf casr us eat 9JRYfYfe BY MEVABEDBY us ENEO, DIIY us APiR01- DA1C- I :2 4 V BB? Na OAn BY BFY610N e]I-D-012 lDBPP I 8 SCAM: N00021IdINaEAM5NEE11911EFNI.DY,e ('ADIIIEYATN ul UI 1 Carolina Wetland Services PILE COPY Pre-Construction Notification Pursuant to Nationwide Permit No. 27 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project ' Charlotte, North Carolina Carolina Wetland Services Project No. 2002-0218 1 August 1, 2003 010 9 72 AUG 5 2003 Prepared For: 4ATERQUAUTYSECTIO ' Ms. Mary C. Murray, P.W.S. Mr. Jarrod J. Karl The City of Charlotte Storm Water Services ' 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 (704) 432-0966 1 Prepared By: Mr. Gregory C. Antemann, P.W.S. Mr. Isaac J. Hinson Carolina Wetland Services, Inc. 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Suite 230 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 (704) 527-1177 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Suite 230 • Charlotte, NC 28217 • (704) 527-1177 Office • (704) 527-1133 Fax ?i1 www.carolinawetlandservices.com ' Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 1 Existing Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 2 Current Land Use ............................................................................................................................... 2 ' Jurisdictional Delineation .................................................................................................................. 3 Agency Correspondence ........................................................................................................................ 7 Cultural Resources ........................................................................................................... 7 ' Protected Species ............................................................................................................................... 7 Purpose and Need for the Project .......................................................................................................... 7 Avoidance and Minimization ................................................................................................................ 8 ' Proposed Improvements to Jurisdictional Waters ................................................................................. 9 Compensatory Mitigation .................................................................................................................... 12 1 List of Attachments Attachment A - Figure 1. USGS Site Location Map ' Attachment A - Figure 2. NRCS Soil Survey Attachment A - Figures 3a and 3b. Approximate Jurisdictional Boundary Field Maps Attachment B - Request for Jurisdictional Determination Form ' Attachment C - Pre-Construction Notification Application - Nationwide Permit No. 27 Attachment D - Routine On Site Data Forms Attachment E - NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms ' Attachment F - USACE Intermittent Channel Evaluation Forms Attachment G - Representative Photographs Attachment H - Agency Correspondence Attachment I - Conceptual Drawings of Proposed Pond ' Attachment J - Proposed Improvements (Plan Sheet Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 19) I List of Tables Table 1. Summary of On-Site Jurisdictional Stream Channels ...........................................................3 ' Table 2. Summary of On-Site Jurisdictional Wetland Areas ................................................................5 Table 3. Shear Stress Calculation Summary ........................................................................................8 Table 4. Allowable Shear Stress ...........................................................................................................8 ' Table 5. Summary of Proposed Activities .......................................................................................... 10 Table 6. Compensatory Mitigation Summary . . 12 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Executive Summary ' The Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. This project proposes to construct water quality improvements within two residential project areas. The Charleston Drive Improvement Area (CDIA) is bisected by Independence Boulevard (US-74), and is generally bound to the northwest by Sharon Amity Road and to the south by Monroe Road. The Erinshire Road Improvement Area (ERIA) is located approximately'/2 mile ' south of the CDIA, and is generally bound to the northeast by the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, to the northwest by Sharon Amity Road, and to the east by Doncaster Drive (Attachment A - Figures 1 and 2). Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS) has contracted Carolina Wetland Services, Inc. (CWS) to provide permitting services for this project. The results of the on-site field investigations conducted by CWS indicate that there are five jurisdictional stream channels (Streams A-E), five jurisdictional wetland areas (Wetlands AA-EE), and one jurisdictional open water area (Pond A) located within the project t limits (Attachment A - Figures 3a and 3b). CSWS is requesting written verification of the jurisdictional determination of the on-site jurisdictional features (Attachment B). On behalf of ' CSWS, CWS is submitting a Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) application with attachments in accordance with Nationwide Permit General Condition No. 13, and pursuant to Nationwide Permit (NAP) No. 27 and Water Quality Certification No. 3353 (Attachment C). Construction of this project is intended to enhance degraded stream channels to a more stable condition. t 11 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 r P Existing Conditions The Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. This project proposes to construct water quality improvements within two residential project areas. The Charleston Drive Improvement Area (CDIA) is bisected by Independence Boulevard (US-74), and is generally bound to the northwest by Sharon Amity Road and to the south by Monroe Road. The Erinshire Road Improvement Area (ERIA) is located approximately 1/z mile south of the CDIA, and is generally bound to the northeast by the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, to the northwest by Sharon Amity Road, and to the east by Doncaster Drive (Attachment A - Figures 1 and 2). Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS) has contracted Carolina Wetland Services, Inc. (CWS) to provide permitting services for this project. Current Land Use The two project areas are mainly comprised of single-family residences with maintained lawns and small wooded areas. Dominant canopy vegetation within the project areas includes sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), willow oak (Quercus phellos), red elm (Ulmus rubra), black willow (Salix nigra), box elder (Acer negundo), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), cottonwood (Populus deltoides), red maple (Acer rubrum), river birch (Betula nigra), Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana), red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), white oak (Quercus alba), and pignut hickory (Carya glabra). Dominant understory vegetation consists of Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), common blackberry (Rubus argutus), elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), catbriar (Smilax rotundifolia), poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), kudzu (Pueraria montana), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), climbing hempweed (Mikania scandens), Chinese wisteria (Wisteria sinensis), false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), soft rush (Juncus effusus), various sedges (Carex spp.), switchgrass (Panicum spp.), broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), and dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium). According to the Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County', soils within the CDIA largely consist of Cecil-Urban land complex (CuB), Helena sandy loam (HeB), and Helena-Urban land complex (HuB) soils. Soils within the ERIA largely consist of Helena sandy loam and Helena-Urban land complex soils. Helena soils exhibit slow permeability and low water capacity and are known to have hydric inclusions within Mecklenburg County. 1 "Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina," United States Department of Agriculture. 1980. 2 71 F1 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Jurisdictional Delineation On November 20, 2000 CWS's Gregg Antemann approximated on-site jurisdictional waters of the U.S.z within the two project areas. Jurisdictional areas within the CDIA were delineated by CWS's Gregg Antemann and Isaac Hinson on June 4 and 5, 2002, using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) - Routine On-site Determination Method. This method is defined in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual' Five wetland areas (Wetlands AA-EE) were identified within the two project areas. Routine On-Site Data Forms representative of Wetlands AA-EE and on-site non jurisdictional upland areas have been included as Attachment D. Jurisdictional waters of the U.S. were classified according to recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ)4 and USACE guidance. NCDWQ Stream Classification and USACE Intermittent Channel Evaluation Forms for Streams A-E have been included as Attachments E and F. The results of the on-site field investigations indicate that there are five jurisdictional stream channels (Streams A-E), five jurisdictional wetland areas (Wetland AA-EE), and one jurisdictional open water area (Pond A) located within the project limits (Attachment A - Figures 3a and 3b). On-Site stream channels are unnamed tributaries to, and a portion of McMullen Creek. McMullen Creek is part of the Catawba River basin (HU# 03050103)5 and is classified as "Class C" waters by the NCDWQ. On-Site jurisdictional features are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. CSWS is requesting written verification of the jurisdictional determination of the on-site jurisdictional features (Attachment B). Table 1. Summary of On-Site Jurisdictional Stream Channels Jurisdictional Area ? Classification Approximate Length (If) Location Stream A P i l 7041f CDIA (McMullen Creek) erenn a 1,195 if ERIA Stream B Important Intermittent 990 if CDIA Stream C Important Intermittent 437 if CDIA Stream D Perennial 1,4771f ERIA Stream E Perennial 9161f ERIA Total 5,7191f -- z "Jurisdictional waters of the U.S." includes essentially all surface waters such as: all navigable waters and their tributaries, all interstate waters and their tributaries, all wetlands adjacent to these waters, and all impoundments of these waters. 3 Environmental Laboratory. "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual," Technical Report Y-87-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 'North Carolina Division of Water Quality Stream Classification Method. Version 2.0. 1999. s "HU#" is the Hydrologic Unit Code. Hydrologic Unit Map, State of North Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey. 1974. 3 Charlestori/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Stream A is a Perennial portion of McMullen Creek and generally flows southwest across both project areas (Attachment A - Figures 3a and 3b). Approximately 704 linear feet of Perennial Stream A is located within the CDIA. This portion of Stream A exhibits a six-foot average ordinary high water width, stream substrate consisting of coarse sand to gravel, and a strong presence of wrack material. Stream A also has an adjacent floodplain, good in-stream habitat structure, and stable vegetated streambanks (Attachments E and F - SCP1). This portion of Stream A scored 38 out of a possible 71 points on the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form and drains approximately 150 acres. A photograph of this portion of Stream A has been included as Attachment G - Photograph A. The other on-site portion of Stream A emanates from a pipe underneath the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and flows southwest across the eastern part of the ERIA (Attachment A - Figure 3b). This portion of Perennial Stream A is approximately 1,195 linear feet in length and exhibits channel substrate consisting of coarse sand to bedrock, a five to eight-foot average ordinary high water width, and the presence of crayfish (Attachments E and F - SCP2). This portion of Stream A scored 39.5 out of a possible 71 points on the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form. A photograph of this portion of Stream A has been included as Attachment G - Photograph B. Stream B emanates from pipe at Ashmore Drive and flows westward across the CDIA for approximately 990 linear feet until its confluence with Stream A (Attachment A - Figure 3a). Stream B was evaluated to be Important Intermittent and exhibits a two to three-foot average ordinary high water width, channel substrate consisting of coarse sand to gravel, and a continuous bed and bank (Attachments E and F - SCP3). This portion of stream channel scored 24 out of a possible 71 points on the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form. A photograph of Important Intermittent Stream B has been included as Attachment G - Photograph C. Stream C is located in the western portion of the CDIA, just below Bethany Place (Attachment A - Figure 3a). Stream C is approximately 437 linear feet in length and drains into Pond A. This stream channel was evaluated to be Important Intermittent and exhibits a continuous bed and bank, a two to four-foot average ordinary high water width, and channel substrate consisting of coarse sand (Attachments E and F - SCP4). Important Intermittent Stream C scored 23.5 out of a possible 71 points on the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form. Streams D and E were evaluated to be Perennial and generally flow southeast across the ERIA. Stream E is located within the northwest corner of the site and flows for approximately 916 linear feet to its confluence with Stream D, which flows through the center of the site for 4 1 1 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 approximately 1,477 linear feet to its confluence with Stream A (Attachment A - Figure 3b). Both stream channels exhibit a continuous bed and bank, channel substrate consisting of coarse sand to cobble, and a two to four-foot average ordinary high water width. A stream classification point representative of both channels was taken within Stream D (Attachments E and F - SCP5). Perennial Stream D scored 25.5 out of a possible 71 points on the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form. A photograph of Stream D is included as Attachment G - Photograph D. Table 2. Summarv of On-Site Jurisdictional Wetland Areas ' Jurisdictional Area Classification Approximate Location Acreage (ac.)' Wetland AA Forested 0 306 ac.* CDIA headwater wetland . Wetland BB Cleared headwater 034 ac 0 * CDIA wetland . . Wetland CC Forested 0 021 ac * CDIA headwater wetland . . Wetland DD Seep wetland 0.08 ac. CDIA Wetland EE Forested 0 26 ac ERIA headwater wetland . . Total 0.70 ac. -- Wetland AA is approximately 0.306 acre in size and is located in the CDIA within the floodplain of Stream A (Attachment A - Figure 3a). Wetland AA is a forested headwater wetland that receives hydrologic input from a combination of groundwater and overbank flooding of Streams A and B. Dominant vegetation includes black willow, green ash, box elder, river birch, red maple, sweetgum, buttonbush, silky dogwood, false nettle, soft rush, switchgrass, and various sedges. This wetland also exhibits drainage patterns, drift lines, sediment deposits, and hydric soil indicators (Attachment D - DP 1 and DP2). A photograph of Wetland AA has been included as Attachment G - Photograph E. Wetland BB is located within the CDIA and is contiguous with Stream A (Attachment A - Figure 3a). This wetland is approximately 0.034 acre in size and had standing water at the time of the field investigation. Dominant vegetation consists of green ash, sweetgum, red maple, soft rush and various sedges. This wetland also exhibits inundation and saturation within the upper twelve inches of the soil profile, and low-chroma soils (IOYR 6/1) with prominent mottles (1 OYR 6/8) (Attachment D - DP4). A photograph of Wetland BB has been included as Attachment G - Photograph F. 6 "*" Denotes feature has been surveyed. 5 CharlestorVMonroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Wetland CC is located within CDIA near the northern pipe outfall of Stream A (Attachment A - Figure 3a). This wetland is approximately 0.021 acre in size and exhibits dominant hydrophytic vegetation consisting of soft rush, false nettle, and duck potato (Sagittaria latifolia). This wetland also exhibits inundation, saturation within the upper twelve inches of the soil profile, and hydric soil indicators. Wetland DD is located in the western portion of the CDIA, just below Pond A. This seep wetland is approximately 0.08 acre in size and exhibits dominant vegetation consisting of black willow, red elm, Chinese privet, elderberry, common blackberry, catbriar, Japanese honeysuckle, and Chinese wisteria. This wetland also exhibits water marks, sediment deposits, and low-chroma soils (2.5Y 5/2) with prominent mottles (2.5YR 4/8) (Attachment D - DP5) Wetland EE is located within the northwest corner of the ERIA and is contiguous with Perennial Stream E (Attachment A - Figure 3b). This wetland is approximately 0.26 acre in size and exhibits dominant vegetation consisting of willow oak, red maple, sweetgum, red elm, silky dogwood, Chinese privet, catbriar, and various sedges. This wetland also exhibits inundation and saturation within the upper twelve inches of the soil profile, drainage patterns, and low-chroma soils (10YR 6/1) with prominent mottles (5YR 4/6) (Attachment D - DP6). A photograph of Wetland EE has been included as Attachment G - Photograph G. Pond A is located within the CDIA and is approximately 1.60 acres in size. This open water area was evaluated to be jurisdictional because of its surface water connection to Stream C. A photograph of Pond A has been included as Attachment G - Photograph H. 6 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Agency Correspondence Cultural Resources A letter was forwarded to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) on January 19, 2001, to determine the presence of any areas of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance that would be affected by the project. In a letter dated April 9, 2001, SHPO stated that "There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area" and "... it is unlikely that any archaeological resources ... will be affected by the project construction" (Attachment H). Protected Species A letter was forwarded to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) on June 9, 2003 to determine the presence of any federally-listed or candidate endangered or threatened species or critical habitat located within the project area. In a letter dated June 20, 2003, NCNHP stated that "The NCNHP does not have records for rare species, high quality natural communities, or significant natural heritage areas near the ... project" (Attachment H). Purpose and Need for the Project The purpose of the Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project is to construct water quality improvements within two residential areas. Activities will include the enhancement of on-site stream channels and upgrading the existing storm water infrastructure. Several on-site streams are suffering from severe bank erosion and blockages due to undersized culverts. Residents living along on-site streams have experienced flooding during storm events. By installing in-stream structures, native livestakes, floodplain benches, and adequately sized "buried" culverts, water quality should improve within and downstream of these neighborhoods. Future project plans for the Charleston Drive Improvement Area include "daylighting" a piped portion of stream channel and constructing a pond that will include forebay wetland areas, native wetland plant installation, and recreational trail amenities. Two conceptual drawings of the proposed pond designs are included as Attachment I. This project will be permitted as a separate permit application. 7 I Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 I Avoidance and Minimization Impacts to on-site jurisdictional waters of the U.S. have been reduced to the maximum extent ' practicable. Important Intermittent Stream C and Perennial Stream E will be completely avoided by the project. In addition, Wetlands BB, DD, and EE will be avoided and only 55 square feet (0.001 acre) of Wetland CC will be impacted during construction of the project I (Attachment J - Sheet No. 8). In general, the placement of rip rap along the banks of on-site stream channels will be limited to the outside bends where stream velocity and sheer stress are I highest. Shear stress calculations and thresholds are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. The project design has also limited the placement of rip rap within the stream bed and upper portions of the channel bank to those areas directly adjacent to proposed pipe replacements. The remainder of the proposed rip rap will be limited to the toe of the channel slope. Erosion control matting, ' riparian seeding, and/or live stakes will be installed to stabilize upper portions of the channel bank. All other portions of channel requiring stabilization due to current conditions or proposed channel grading will utilize soft stabilization (i.e., coir rolls and geotextile material) and t bioengineering techniques to protect the stream banks. Proper sediment and erosion control measures will also be used to minimize disturbance to downstream waters. Table 3. Shear Stress Calculation Summary Location: Stream B Station Shear Velocity Prop. Stabilization Material 11+00-14+75 1.3 (2yr) 4.0 fps Coir roll, rock toe at bends 11+00-14+75 1.5 (10yr) 4.4 fps Coir roll, rock toe at bends Location: Stream D Station Shear Velocity Prop. Stabilization Material 10+00-14+60 1.4 (2yr) 4.3 fps Synthetic matting, riparian seeding 10+00-14+60 1.7 (10yr) 4.7 fps Synthetic matting, riparian seeding Location: Stream A Station Shear Velocity Prop. Stabilization Material 16+50 0.6-1.4 (2yr) 5.4 fps Coir roll, rock toe at bends 16+50 1.3-2.1 (10yr) 4.5 fps Coir roll, rock toe at bends Table 4. Allowable Shear Stress Method Allowat)le Shear Stress Rock Toe (18" - 24") 61b/s . ft.' Grade Control Structures 41b/s . ft.' 12" Coir Fiber Roll 3 lb/sq. ft.' Natural Fiber (Coconut) Matting 2.25 lb/sq. ft.' ' 7 "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual," NCDENR, Table 8.05g, p. 8.05.13, 1995. 8 Letter from Rolanka International, Inc. (manufacturer). North American Green, manufacturer of C 125 and C 125BN (coconut fiber matting), design data. 8 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 The proposed rip rap channels will be used to convey and dispose of concentrated runoff without damage from erosion, deposition, or flooding after the proposed improvements have been constructed. Rip rap channels consist of rock toe protection and are used where the design velocity or shear stress exceed the allowable for coir fiber rolls at the bank toe. The allowable shear stress values provided in Table 4 assume a straight channel. The outside bends of channels are subject to higher sheer stresses and therefore require rip rap armoring to protect the banks. In order to reduce the total impacted area along the proposed channels, a combination of rip rap and grass-lined channels were used in areas where it was likely that the banks of the channel would be maintained. In those instances, the proposed design requires that rip rap be placed to the 2-year water surface depth and grass-lined sections up to the 10-year water surface depth. Coir rolls will be used along the toe of the bank on the inside of bends and all straight segments. Proposed Improvements to jurisdictional Waters Proposed activities will include enhancing channels to improve channel dimensions, installing in-stream structures to control grade and direction of flow, upgrading existing storm drainage infrastructure (i.e., pipe and culvert replacement) to meet City storm drainage capacity standards, and installing hard and soft stabilization to repair channel erosion. A summary of the proposed activities has been provided as Table 5. Approximately 1,029 bank feet (861 right bank and 168 left bank)" of Perennial Stream A located within the ERIA will be enhanced (Attachment J - Sheet Nos. 3, 4, and 8). Downstream of Erinshire Road, a small floodplain bench will be installed along the right bank, while the left bank will be avoided as much as possible. Live stakes, erosion control matting, and riparian seeds will be installed along the upper portion of the right bank. The toe of the redefined portion of the left bank will be armored with rip rap, while the toe of the right bank will be lined with 61 % (485 bank feet) rip rap and 39% (315 bank feet) coir rolls. Approximately 90 linear feet of in-stream structures will also be installed within the portion of Perennial Stream A located within the ERIA. In-Stream structures utilized for this project consist of cross vanes, double cross vanes, and j-hooks. Additional improvements to Stream A will include extending the existing pipe at Erinshire Road by 12 linear feet and installing 62 linear feet of rip rap within the bed and bank to protect the pipe replacement. An approximately 13-linear foot cross vane will be installed upstream of the proposed pipe replacement to direct ordinary flow into a single barrel. During storm events, the capacity of the second barrel will also be used (Attachment J - Sheet No. 4). 10 Bank position is determined facing downstream. Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 ' Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Table S. Summarv of Pronnsed Activities Quantity t Jurisdictional area' °Activity" - If-linear feet AttachmentJ Permi bf - bank feet sq. ft. - square feet' Sheet No. Channel redefinition 1,029 bf Sheet Nos. 3 and 4 Toe rip rap with bioengineering 575 bf Sheet Nos. 3 and 4 Toe rip rap w/o bioengineering 22 bf Sheet No. 4 Coir rolls on toe of banks 315 bf Sheet Nos 3 and 4 NWP No. 27 P i l St A with bioengineering . erenn a ream In-stream structures 90 if Sheet Nos. 3 and 4 Rip rap protection - Erinshire Rd. 201f Sheet No. 4 Rip rap apron - Erinshire Rd 42 if Sheet No. 4 Pipe extension - Yardley Pl. 121f Sheet No. 8 Rip rap apron - Yardley Pl. 33 if Sheet No. 8 NWP No 3 . Wetland CC Rip rap apron - Yardley Pl. 55 sq. ft. Sheet No. 8 (0.001 acre) Channel redefinition 5061f Toe rip rap with matting and 538 bf seed installation Important Intermittent Coir rolls on toe of banks 384 bf Stream B with matting and seed installation Sheet No. 19 NWP No. 27 In-stream structures 9 if Rip rap aprons - Glendora Dr. 42 if Pipe extension - Glendora Dr. 12 if Channel redefinition with matting 4561f Sheet No 6 Tulloch Rule and seed installation . Perennial Stream D Rip rap apron - Worcaster Pl. 48 if Sh t N 7 NWP N 27 ee o. o. Pipe extension - Worcaster Pl. 161f Pipe improvements located adjacent to the Yardley Place cul-de-sac will impact approximately 12 ' linear feet of Stream A to extend the existing pipe, and 33 linear feet of Stream A and 55 square feet (0.001 acre) of Wetland CC for installation of a rip rap apron (Attachment J - Sheet No. 8). ' These maintenance activities will not require notification to the USACE and will be permitted under Nationwide Permit (NWT) No. 3. The replacement of undersized culverts with larger "buried" culverts should help to facilitate movement of aquatic life. Proposed improvements to Important Intermittent Stream B include redefining approximately 506 linear feet of the channel. Stream banks will be laid back and the channel will be defined to provide a uniform positive (1%) slope throughout the channel. Erosion control matting and riparian " Bioengineering includes installation of erosion control matting, riparian seeding, and live stakes; in-stream structures include I cross vanes, double cross vanes, and j-hooks. 10 CharlestorVMonroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 1 seeds will be installed along the upper portion of both banks, while the toe of the right bank will be lined with 57% (265 bank feet) rip rap and 43% (196 bank feet) coir rolls, and the toe of the left bank will be lined with 59% (273 bank feet) rip rap and 41% (188 bank feet) coir rolls. Three cross vanes (9 linear feet total) will also be installed within the bed of the channel for grade control and in-stream habitat improvement. Temporary incidental impacts to Wetland AA will occur during construction of the project. The construction easement will extend approximately 20 linear feet from the center of the channel in both directions, and will temporarily impact approximately 0.05 acre of Wetland AA (Attachment J - Sheet No. 19). Upon completion of the project, the areas of Wetland AA located within the construction easement will be replanted with native wetland species and restored to its pre-construction condition. Additional improvements within Stream B are associated with the replacement and extension of the culvert at Glendora Drive. Improvements to the Important Intermittent portion of Stream B will consist of 4 linear feet of pipe extension and the installation of 32 linear feet of rip rap within the bed and bank of the channel downstream of the pipe replacement. Upstream of the culvert replacement, Stream B will be impacted by 8 linear feet of pipe extension and 10 linear feet of rip rap within the bed and bank of the channel. Improvements to Important Intermittent Stream B are illustrated in Attachment J - Sheet No. 19. Approximately 456 linear feet of the bed and banks of Perennial Stream D will be redefined (Attachment J - Sheet No. 6). The banks will be laid back and the channel will be defined to provide a uniform positive (1.11%) slope throughout the channel. These activities will be completed under the Tulloch Rule since redefinition of Stream D will consist of excavation without discharges to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. Erosion control matting and riparian seeds will be installed along both banks to prevent erosion. Additional improvements will consist of upgrading the existing pipe at Worcaster Place (Attachment J - Sheet No. 7). These improvements will include the placement of 33 linear feet of rip rap within the bed and banks of the channel downstream of Worcaster Place, and 15 linear feet of rip rap upstream of Worcaster Place. On behalf of CSWS, CWS is submitting a Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) application with attachments in accordance with Nationwide Permit General Condition No. 13, and pursuant to Nationwide Permit No. 27 and Water Quality Certification No. 3353 (Attachment J). 11 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 ' Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Compensatory Mitigation ' Construction of this project is intended to improve water quality on a watershed scale by enhancing channel dimension, profile, and in-stream habitat. These improvements appear to qualify as Enhancement Level II mitigation as defined in the North Carolina Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003). Approximately 906 linear feet of this project's activities meet the ' criteria for this level of enhancement. CSWS believes that this project is self-mitigating given the water quality improvements that will result from construction of the project. A summary of ' compensatory mitigation is included as Table 6. Table 6. Comnensatorv Mitigation Summarv Bank Feet of Linear Feet of .Inrisdictional Area Activity Improvements Improvements (b f) „ (if) Channel redefinition with Perennial Stream A bioengineering and rip rap or 890 bf 445 if coir rolls at toe of bank Channel redefinition with Important Intermittent erosion control matting and 922 bf 461 if Stream B riparian seed installation and rip rap or coir rolls at toe of bank Total -- 1,812 bf 9061f ' The success of the planted vegetation will be monitored for a period of one year post construction. Copies of the Vegetation Monitoring Report will be submitted to the NCDWQ and USACE following the monitoring event. Data gathered during the monitoring event will include representative photographs, species diversity, species richness, percent survival, and percent ' cover. 'z When converting from bank feet to linear feet, linear feet =''/z x bank feet. 12 'v -, o ?I ? ? •? `$,:.' 1. • .r t t It r_1` t 1 -? l `SAY ? ?(. ?j4? ^ l]il? L ? , 1 ? f'}'? Charleston Dive ? ?• ,c? ry, ? :?.+v .fir ? v ` ° Sharon Anuty Road 1? ' ?5? ?; a ??. . c -:r i 6hatlestonDnve Improv merit?ik ? .y?; ?. ` t .• ? •}a. ? ? ? e - ,? \ ?s \ c' ?,-x-••" ,rte. ? •`?'• ,h??, ?'p•? O i u '?`• X? t? i.+- j? - ,•'•:..,, i /. i.i raa tij-- v • nh I I ' - _-'- f • Independence Boulevard (US-74) J. 1r71 dark I\ , ..• , i 1 ?. tMt Lr • ?'? ?•iV ue?retwrl ?' ,, I J ,•.. .? ' .t i ? i ?? C r7i1.? ? ? ! ..? K}Qfr ?'? , ? ?'^'7 ? ? ? r r-? ? I''. nShtre1Roadlmprovement Area ? ? - ?? ?? ?•. `? `/ ? ? tit 1 ?. ?° --•? '?/,? t ?•??' ?? ) Seaboard CoastIine`Railmd ?t •? ????- ??- I ??-nt`-., ?'.S?y, ? .. /?W erg _ ?11?. '.'• ?. 4 z ? ? ? ? ? r ? ? ? ? ??..a?+.ki? Y; ? ??'.nrv. ? - j ? ?•?• ,.r '?` ?,?7?? ( ?? ? r i? ? ( ? ? ra ?? r 1 { , ?t t `_'? i ?.'i~ 4•- a j' a. ?.v?.'.'° Fto'a_ Ar1?? 1? r f.f\.?, ?9, r?.r.??'t ^, f r 1!' l .i Approximate Scale 1" = 2000' Reference: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Series, Charlotte Eau quadrangle, North Carolina, dated 1991. Carolina Wetland Services Figure 1. USGS Site Location Map I 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Suite 230 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Charlotte, North Carolina C W S Project No. 2002-0218 PREPARED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE ssH 6-9-03 G,d $ !•03 2 HUH. Ur 2 Mo i,,GeB2 Cu0 tie B n24, c s inde MS r .` `.• ` c laend B p , ? ence goulev ' as and (US- J R? ? • ??. ?/ r e 2 fv - Ur 7 A? m -He8 ?. ?? i DaB ? CUB ? , • C-uB H e B CeO2 F. 7 41 Ur Q 3 Hey CUB . ?0 bC?82 /7r0 v 2 ?a s? -.# CUB u D n ?? Ur Ur Charleston Drive Improvement Area c?B f ?. 61, E'3 - ?? ? • Hub , ;,b. - ?? ...... ?CUB CUB NdB ?. FIeB ?? " ` a• 74 CUB Leq?t ,. " t CUB --- 'r: Ctl?7' ?He,B MO [k6 Hu8 y _ r r, i Ur CUB CUe., UK Coe ceD2 Erinshire Road Improve ment Area H e82 CUD 21 a I cuB a _ CUB 1 o • 'C u8 i. ?. Approximate Scale P= 2000' Reference: NRCS Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Sheet No. 7, dated 1980. Carolina Wetland Services 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Suite 230 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Figure 2. NRCS Soil Survey Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project Charlotte, North Carolina CWS Project No. 2002-0218 PREPARED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE =SM 6-1-03 &-C14 8•1•(J3 , `p 13 Ell Important Intermittent Stream C s Approximately 437 linear feet cP Wetland AA ?J Approximately 0.306 acre J 74 Wetland CC Q: - - H Approximately 0.021 acre . ? E Wetland BB a Pond A Approximately 0.034 acre 1.62 acre Unimportant Intermittent Stream B cz) Wetland DD ~? Approximately 484 linear feet 0.02 acre 'C ) Approximately 0.08 acre From Ashmore Dr. to Glendora Dr. ,1. Important Intermittent Stream B - Approximately 990 linear feet 2v ri Perennial Stream A %fi - - ( Approximately 704 linear feet ; - q JURISDICTIONAL STREAM CHANNEL JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND AREA JURISDICTIONAL OPEN WATER AREA * SCP1 STREAM CLASSIFICATION POINT •DP1 DATA POINT V PHOTO LOCATION AND DIRECTION NOTE, JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U,S, WERE DETERMINED BY CAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES (CWS) ON NOVEMBER 20, 2000 AND JUNE 4 AND 5, 2002, WETLANDS AA-DD WERE DELINEATED BY CWS AND SURVEYED BY EAST COAST SURVEYORS. SCALE 6AlE SHEET a"»sv i' - 2DD'-D' 6/11/03 FIGURE 38. ROXIMATE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY FIELD MAP CMDgm Walrod Savim FLO. ML P0. DRANM BY CHARLESTON RIVE IMPROVEMENT AREA (CDIA) b? Ili "WNW mQw=gPASwte230 OF ChwWOkNod4Cuorms 28217 CHARLEST ONROE WATERSHED IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Coe Na CHECKED BY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 2602-0216 G" - `a d ? i(1? dp V • pyu -,Wetland EE _? I 0 T Approximately 0.26 acre ,Q v Perennial Stream D Approximately 1,477 linear feet Perennial Stream E Approximately 916 linear feet ? -Ij Y¢CIntock School Middle Stream A Approximately 1,195 linear feet ' Q Q. Q V" A\\\ ?LEGEND dJ JURISDICTIONAL STREAM CHANNEL JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND AREA JURISDICTIONAL OPEN WATER AREA • SCP1 STREAM CLASSIFICATION POINT •DP1 DATA POINT E PHOTO LOCATION AND DIRECTION NOTE, JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. WERE DETERMINED BY CAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES (CWS) ON NOVEMBER 20, 2000 AND SCALE WE Q*X, JUNE 4 AND 5, 2002. WETLANDS AA-DD WERE DELINEATED BY CWS 11 . 3w-6' 6/11/03 FIGURE 3b. APPROXIMATE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARY FIELD MAP AND SURVEYED BY EAST COAST SURVEYORS, 2 5M Nsfi mQMM9mg)Asm' 0230 MAW 6 ERINSHIRE ROAD IMPROVEMENT AREA (ERIA) OF °? } s aw101W6 knhC,mlim 28217 1d1 CHARLESTONIMONROE WATERSHED IMPROVEMENT PROJECT JOB "a c1Ea® BY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 2604-0218 GCA - ¦ i Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 3 f ?'Y t of : l 1• i 4 S' 3'ji ; ? } f . ? I) ? Attachment B - Request for Jurisdictional Determination Form ? ' ? a , i ,4 t r A t 7 v v r "J 4€?I 4 t .?.? .{' $11.: a tira b?QQayy'r REQUEST FOR JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION I 1 DATE: August 1, 2003 COUNTY Mecklenburg County, North Carolina TOTAL ACREAGE OF TRACT PROJECT NAME _(if applicable) Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT (name, address and phone): Charlotte Storm Water Services POC: Mr. Jarrod J. Karl at (704) 432-0966 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 NAME OF CONSULTANT, ENGINEER, DEVELOPER (if applicable): Carolina Wetland Services, Inc. POC: Gregory C. Antemann, PWS at (704) 527-1177 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Suite 230 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 STATUS OF PROJECT (check one): ( ) On-going site work for development purposes ( X ) Project in planning stages (Type of project: Watershed Improvement Project ) ( ) No specific development planned at present ( ) Project already completed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED: Check items submitted - forward as much information as is available. At a minimum, the following fast two items must be sent. (X) USGS Site Location Map (Attachment A - Figure 1) (X) NRCS Soil Survey (Attachment A - Figure 2) (X) Approximate Jurisdictional Boundary Field Maps (Attachment A - Figures 3a and 3b) (X) Pre-Construction Notification Application - Nationwide Permit No. 27 (Attachment C) (X) Routine On-Site Data Forms (Attachment D) (X) NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms (Attachment E) (X) USACE Intermittent Channel Evaluation Forms (Attachment F) (X) Representative Photographs (Attachment G) (X) Agency Correspondence (Attachment H) (X) Conceptual Drawings of Proposed Pond (Attachment I) (X) Proposed Improvements (Attachment J - Plan Sheet Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 19) Signature of Propert? Owner or Authorized Agent Mr. Jarrod J. Karl N/A I Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 "J '! ! t i' fir 11 ", „".?5''?1' S L M , !T` ?` 3'2' 1 3k Ain h v, 41 +': 7 ?l.w. a fan :.?M ?? ;try Attachment C - Pre-Construction Notification Application Nationwide Permit No. 27 Office Use Only: Form Version April 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Section 10 Permit ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide Permit No. 27 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? L II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services, Contact: Mr. Jarrod J. Karl Mailing Address: 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Telephone Number: (704) 432-0966 Fax Number: (704) 336-6586 E-mail Address: ikarl(a),,ci.charlotte.nc.us 2. Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Gregory C. Antemann, PWS Company Affiliation: Carolina Wetland Services Inc. Mailing Address: 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Suite 230 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone Number: 704-527-1177 Fax Number: 704-527-1133 E-mail Address: gregg(a),carolinawetlandservices.com Page 1 of 7 ' III. Project Information 1. Name of project: Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project ' 2. T.I.P. Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Properly Identification Number (Tax PIN): N/A - multiple properties 4. Location ' County: Mecklenburg Nearest Town: Charlotte Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A ' Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): From downtown Charlotte, travel southeast on Independence Boulevard (US-74) to Sharon Amity Road. Turn right on Sharon Amity Road and travel for approximately % mile to. Lantana Avenue and proceed for % mile to the Charleston Drive Improvement Area (CDIA). To reach the Erinshire Road Improvement Area (ERIA), continue on Sharon Amity Road for an additional % mile to Craig Avenue. Turn left onto Craig Avenue and the site is located on the left. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): CDIA - N35° 11'21"-W8 00 46' 0" ERIA - N35° 10' 46" - W800 46' 28" (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) ' 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: The existing project area is comprised mostly of single-family residences with maintained lawns. 7. Property size (acres): N/A 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): McMullen Creek ' 9. River Basin: Catawba River (Note - this must be one of North. Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h?o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the Charleston/Monroe Capital ' Improvement Project is to construct water quality improvements within two residential areas. Activities will include the restoration of on-site stream channels and upgrading the existing storm water infrastructure. Several on-site streams are suffering from severe bank erosion and blockages due to undersized culverts. Residents living along on-site streams have experienced flooding during storm events. By installing in-stream structures, native live stakes, flood-plain benches, and adequately sized "buried" culverts water quality should improve within and downstream of these neighborhoods. 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: A trackhoe and typical construction equipment will be used for this project. 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Residential, commercial, and industrial ' land usages surround the project. ' Page 2 of 7 IV. Prior Project History I I I Previous projects within the on-site stream channels include the installation of hard and soft stabilization, and several pipes. The dates and circumstances of these activities are unknown. V. Future Project Plans Future project plans for the Charleston Drive Improvement Area include "daylighting" a piped portion of stream channel constructing a pond that will include forebay wetland areas, native wetland plant installation, and recreational trail amenities. Two conceptual drawings of the proposed pond designs are included as Attachment I. This project will be permitted as a separate project. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Type of Area of Impact Located within 100-year Distance to Site Number Impact* (acres) Floodplain** Nearest Stream Type of Wetland*** (indicate on map) (yes/no) (linear feet) N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, t excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.gov. ' *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: 0.70 acre Total area of wetland impact proposed: N/A 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Length of Average Width Perennial or Site Number Type of Impact* Impact Stream Name** of Stream Intermittent? (indicate on map) (lf- linear feet) (bf - bank feet) Before Impact (please specify) Channel redefinition Stream A w/ coir roll toe and 315 bf McMullen Creek 6' Perennial bank bioengineering Channel redefinition Stream A w/ rock toe and bank 575 bf McMullen Creek 6' Perennial bioengineering Channel redefmition Stream A w/ rock toe and no 22 bf McMullen Creek 6' Perennial bank bioengineering Stream A In-stream structures 90 if McMullen Creek 6' Perennial Bank rip rap - Bank Stream A Rd. e Erinshir f 201f McMullen Creek 6' Perennial Page 3 of 7 I I I I Stream A Rip rap apron - 42 if McMullen Creek 6' Perennial Erinshire Rd. Channel redefinition Unnamed Tributary to ' Important Stream B w/ coir roll toe and 384 bf 2-3 bank matting/seeding McMullen Creek Intermittent Channel redefinition Unnamed Tributary to , Important Stream B w/ rock toe and bank 538 bf 2-3 matting/seeding McMullen Creek Intermittent Stream B In-stream structures 9 if Unnamed Tributary to 2-3, Important McMullen Creek Intermittent Stream B Rip rap aprons - 42 if Unnamed Tributary to 2-3, Important Glendora Dr. McMullen Creek Intermittent Stream B Pipe extension - 12 if Unnamed Tributary to 2-3, Important Glendora Dr. McMullen Creek Intermittent Stream D Rip rap apron - 48 if Unnamed Tributary to 24' Perennial Worcaster Pl. McMullen Creek Stream D Pipe extension - 16 if Unnamed Tributary to 2-4' Perennial Worcaster Pl. McMullen Creek * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapguest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 1,834 bf and 279 if (bank feet are impacts restricted to banks and include left and right bank impacts; linear feet are impacts to bed and/or banks; please note that some of these impacts overlap) 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. N/A 1 Open Water Impact Area of Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Site Number Type of Impact* Impact (if applicable) (lake, pond, estuary, sound, (indicate on map) (acres) bay, ocean, etc.) N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. ' 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should ' be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of ' draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A - Pond will be constructed as part of future project L 1 Page 4 of 7 I I VII. I Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Impacts to on-site jurisdictional waters of the U.S. have been reduced to the maximum extent practicable. Important Intermittent Stream C and Perennial Stream E will be avoided by the project. In addition, Wetlands BB, DD, and EE will be avoided and only 55 square feet (0.001 acre) of Wetland CC will be impacted during construction of the project (Attachment J - Sheet No. 8). Impacts to Wetland CC will be permitted under Nationwide Permit No. 3 and do not require notification. Temporary impacts to Wetland AA will be remediated after construction as described in the attached report. In general, the placement of rip rap along the banks of on-site stream channels will be limited to the outside bends where stream velocity and shear stress are greatest. Shear stress calculations and thresholds are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 of the attached report. The project design has also limited the placement of rip rap within the stream bed and upper portions of the channel bank to those areas directly adjacent to proposed pipe replacements. The remainder of the proposed rip rap will be limited to the toe of the channel slope. Erosion control matting, riparian seeding, and/or live stakes will be installed to stabilize upper portions of the channel bank. All other portions of channel requiring stabilization due to current conditions or proposed channel grading will utilize soft stabilization (i.e., coir rolls and geotextile material) and bioengineering techniques to protect the stream banks. Proper sediment and erosion control measures will also be used to minimize disturbance to downstream waters. See report for additional details. VIII. Mitigation Construction of this project is intended to improve water quality on a watershed scale by enhancing channel. dimension, profile, and in-stream habitat. These improvements appear to qualify as Enhancement Level II mitigation as defined in the North Carolina Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April ' 2003). Approximately 906 linear feet of this project's activities meet the criteria for this level of enhancement. CSWS believes that this project is self-miti ating_given the water quality improvements that will result from construction of the project. A summary of compensatory mitigation is included as ' Table 6 in the attached report. ' 1. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be ' reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the ' NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at htw:/:'h2o.enr.state.ne.us/wrpiindex.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Page 5 of 7 ' Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): N/A Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N/A Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A ' IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) ' land? Yes ® No ? ' If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No ' If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. ' Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a ' map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. ' Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and ' Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify: SWIM Buffers )? Yes ® No ? If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. N/A 11 1 Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 6 of 7 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. Charlotte Storm Water Services projects are exempt form SWIM Buffer requirements. XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. Sources of nearby impervious cover include roads, driveways, and rooftops. This project will not cause an increase in the impervious coverage of the project area. (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on ' work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Construction is scheduled to begin immediately following. receipt of the appropriate permits. Applig(af t/Agent's Signature at Page 7 of 7 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Proiect No. 2002-0218 Attachment D - Routine On-Site Data Forms DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Charleston/Monroe Watershed I ove t Project Date: 05/17/O2 Applicant/Owner: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services County: Mecklenburg Investigator: Gregg Antemann and Isaac Hinson State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: wetlan Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: DP1 If needed, explain on reverse. VFGFTATIC]N Dominant Plant Species 1. Populus deltoides Stratum Tree Indicator FAC+ Dominant Plant Species 9. Juncus effusus Stratum Herb Indicator FACW+ 2. Salix nigra Tree OBL 10. Carex sp. Herb - 3. Ulmus rubra Tree FAC 11. Panicum rigidulum var. pubescens Herb OBL 4. Acer negundo Tree FACW 12. Acer rubrum Tree FAC 5. Betulanigra Tree FACW 13. Fraxinuspennsylvanica Tree FACW 6. Cephalanthus occidentalis Shrub OBL 14. 7. Smilax rotundifolia Vine FAC 15. 8. Boehmeria cylindrica Herb FACW+ 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC 100% Remarks: All dominants are FAC or wetter. HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in remarks): - Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge - Aerial Photographs _ Other X No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated _ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks X Drift Lines Field Observations: X Sediment Deposits (on leaves) Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): _ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in.) X Water-Stained Leaves X Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: >12 (in.) X FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland hydrology indicators are resent. Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 1 of 2 8/1/2003 SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Helena sandy loam ( 2 to 8 percent slopes Drainage Class mod. well drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): thermic A uic Ha ludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 00=6 B 10 YR 4/1 5YR 518 common clay loam prominent 6-12 B Glev 16 /N 5YR 5/8 man clay loam prominent - Histosol _ Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils - Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List (Inclusions) _ Reducing Conditions _ Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are present. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No (Circle Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? Yes No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Remarks: Data point is representative of a jurisdictional wetland area Approved by HQUSACE 2192 Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 2 Of 2 8/112003 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Charleston/Monroe Watershed Impro yeme t Project Date: 05/17/02 Applicant/Owner: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services County: Mecklenburg Investigator: Gregg Antemann and Isaac Hinson State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: wetlan d Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes 0 Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: DP2 If needed, explain on reverse. VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum 1. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Tree Indicator FACW Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. 2. Acer rubrum Tree FAC 10. 3. Liquidambar styracifula Tree FAC+ 11. 4. Carex spp. Herb - 12. 5. Juncus effusus Herb FACW+ 13. 6. Cornus amomum Shrub FACW+ 14. 7. Panicum virgatum Herb 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC 100% Remarks: 11AII dominant vegetation is FAC or wetter. HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in remarks): - Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge - Aerial Photographs Other No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: - Inundated - Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines Field Observations: _ Sediment Deposits (on leaves) X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): - Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in.) _ Water-Stained Leaves X Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: >12 (in.) X FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland hydrology indicators are 12 resent. Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 1 of 2 81112003 SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Helena Sandy Loam (2 to 8 percent slopes) Drainage Class mod. well drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): thermic A uic Ha ludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0-12 B 5YR 6/2 5YR 5/8 few silt loam prominent _ Histosol _ Concretions _ Histic Epipedon - High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _ Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List (Inclusions) _ Reducing Conditions _ Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are present. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ges No (Circle Wetland Hydrology Present? No (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? No lis this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Remarks: Data point is representative of a .jurisdictional wetland area. Approved by HQUSACE 2192 Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 2 of 2 8/1/2003 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Charleston/Monroe Watershed Im rove n Project Date: 05/17/02 Applicant/Owner: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services County: Mecklenburg Investigator: Gregg Antemann and Isaac Hinson State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: uplan d Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: DP3 If needed, explain on reverse. VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species 1. Pinus virginiana Stratum Indicator Tree - Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. Toxicodendron radicans Vine FAC 2. Juniperus virginiana Tree FACU- 10: 3. Liquidambar styracifula Tree FAC+ 11. 4. Quercus alba Tree FACU 12. 5. Quercusphellos Tree FACW- 13. 6. Acer rubrum Tree FAC 14. 7. Carya glabra Tree FACU 15. 8. Rubus argutus Shrub FAC 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC 57°0 Remarks: More than 50% of dominant ve getation is FAC or wetter. HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in remarks): - Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge - Aerial Photographs - Other X No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated _ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines Field Observations: _ Sediment Deposits (on leaves) _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): - Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in.) _ Water-Stained Leaves X Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: >12 (in.) _ FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland hydrology indicators are absent. Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 1 of 2 8/112003 i SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Helena Sandy Loam (2 to 8 percent slopes) Drainage Class mod. well drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): thermic A Uic Ha ludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon Lunsell Moist) /Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0-12 B 5YR 4/6 10YR 4/2 few silt loam prominent _ Histosoi _ Concretions - Histic Epipedon _ High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime X Listed on Local Hydric Soils List (Inclusions) - Reducing Conditions - Listed on National Hydric Soils List - Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors - Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are absent. Wt 1 LAND DETERMINATIQN Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No (Circle Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? Yes No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Approved by HQUSACE 2192 Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 2 of 2 8/1/2003 J E DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project Date: 05/17/02 Applicant/Owner: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services County: Mecklenburg Investigator: Gregg Antemann and Isaac Hinson State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: wetlan Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: DP4 If needed, explain on reverse. VEGETATION Dominant Plan Species 1. Acer rubrum Tree FAC Dominant Plant Species Stra m Indicator 9. 2. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Tree FACW 10. 3. Liquidambar styracifula Tree FAC+ 11. 4. Carex spp. Herb - 12. 5. Juncus effusus Herb FACW+ 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC 100% Remarks: All dominant vegetation is FAC or wetter. HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in remarks): _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs _ Other No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: X Inundated X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines Field Observations: _ Sediment Deposits (on leaves) _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: 11=2 (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): - Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in.) _ Water-Stained Leaves X Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: 0 (in.) FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland hydrology indicators are p resent. Routine On-Site Data Forms Pagel of 2 8/1/2003 SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Helena sandy loam ( 2 to 8 percent slopes.) Drainage Class mod. well drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): thermic A uic Ra ludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Descrition: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0-12 B 10YR 6/1 10YR 6/8 few clay loam prominent _ Histosol _ Concretions - Histic Epipedon _ High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils - Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime X Listed on Local Hydric Soils List (Inclusions) _ Reducing Conditions - Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors - Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are p resent. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? es No (Circle Wetland Hydrology Present? Hes No (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Remarks: Data oint is representative of a jurisdictional wetland area. Approved by HQUSACE 2192 Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 2 of 2 8/1/2003 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Ch rlest onroe Watershed Improvement Project Date: 11/20/00 Applicant/Owner: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services County: Mecklenburg Investigator: Gregg Antemann State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: wetlan d Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: DP5 If needed, explain on reverse. VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies 1. Salix nigra 2. Ulmus rubra 3. Sambucus canadensis Tree OBL Tree FAC Shrub FACW- Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. 10. 11. 4. Ligustrum sinense Shrub FAC 12. 5. Rubus argutus Shrub FAC 13. 6. Smilax rotundifolia Vine FAC 14. 7. Lonicera japonica Vine FAC- 15. 8. Wisteria sinensis Herb - 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC 86% Remarks: More than 50% of dominant ve getation is FAC or wetter. HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in remarks): - Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge - Aerial Photographs Other No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated _ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches Water Marks Drift Lines Field Observations: X Sediment Deposits (on leaves) _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): - Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in.) _ Water-Stained Leaves X Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: >12 (in.) X FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland ddrologyv indicators are p resent. Routine On-Site Data Forms Page I Of 2 8/1/2003 SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Helena sandy loam (2 to 8 percent slopes) Drainage Class mod. well drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): thermic A uic Ha ludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0-12 B 2.5Y 5/2 2.5YR 4/8 many clay loam prominent _ Histosol _ Concretions - Histic Epipedon - High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils - Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _ Aquic Moisture Regime X Listed on Local Hydric Soils List (Inclusions) _ Reducing Conditions _ Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Hydric soil indicators are p resent. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No (Circle Wetland Hydrology Present? es No (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? Yes No Is this Sampling Point Within a -Wetland? Yes No Remarks: Data point is representative of a jurisdictional wetland area. Approved by HQUSACE 2192 Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 2 Of 2 8/1/2003 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement o' t Date: 11/20/00 Applicant/Owner City of Charlotte Storm Water Services County: Mecklenburg Investigator: Gregory C. Antemann State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? es No Community ID: wetland Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: DP6 I If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plan Species 1. Quercusphellos Stratum Tree Indicator FACW- Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. 2. Acer rubrum Tree FAC 10. 3. Liquidambar styraciflua Tree FAC+ 11. 4. Ulums rubra Tree FAC 12. 5. Cornus amomum Shrub FACW+ 13. 6. Ligustrum sinense Shrub FAC 14. 7. Carex sp. Herb - 15. 8. Smilax rotundifolia Herb FAC 16. % of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (not FAC-) 100% Remarks: All dominant vegetation is FAC or wetter. HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in remarks): - Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs _ Other X No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines Field Observations: _ Sediment Deposits (on leaves) X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): X Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in.) _ Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: 0 (in.) X FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland hydrology indicators are present. Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 1 of 2 81112003 i i OILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Helena sandy loam ( 2 to 8 percent slo pes Drainage Class moderately well Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): thermic A quic Haplndnlts Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0-12 B 10 YR 6/1 5YR 4/6 few fine sandy loam prominent Histosol _ Concretions Histic Epipedon - High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime X Listed on Local Hydric Soils List _ Reducing Conditions - Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors - Other (Explain in Remarks) WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No (Circle Wetland Hydrology Present? es No (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? Yes No Ils this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Approved by HQUSACE 2192 Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 2 of 2 8/1/2003 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvemen t ro'ect Date: 1 2 /00 Applicant/Owner City of Charlotte Storm Water Services County: Mecklenburg Investigator: Gregory C. Antemann State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? es No Community ID: =I Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: DP7 If needed, explain on reverse. VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species 1. Quercus phellos Stratum Tree Indicator FACW- Dominant Plant Species 9. Lonicera japonica Stratum Herb Indicator FAC- 2. Acer rubrum Tree FAC 10. Smilax rotundifolia Herb FAC 3. Liquidambarstyracii lua Tree FACW 11. Toxicodendron radicans Herb FAC 4. Oxydendrum arboreum Tree FACU 12. 5. Quercus alba Tree FACU 13. 6. Ligustrum sinense Shrub FAC 14. 7. Rubus argutus Shrub FAC 15. 8. Pueraria montana Herb 16. % of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (not FAC-) 70% Remarks: More than 50% of dominant vegetation is FAC or wetter. HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in remarks): - Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge - Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: - Inundated - Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines Field Observations: - Sediment Deposits (on leaves) Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): - Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: N/A (in.) _ Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: >12 (in.) FAC-Neutral Test _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland hydrology indicators are absent. Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 1 of 2 8/1/2003 OILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Helena sandy loam (2 to 8 percent slopes) Drainage Class moderately well Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): thermic Aquic Hapludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0-12 B 10YR 4/6 2Y 4/2 many sandy loam prominent _ Histosol Histic Epipedon _ Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime _ Reducing Conditions _ Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils X Listed on Local Hydric Soils List - Listed on National Hydric Soils List - Other (Explain in Remarks) WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No (Circle) Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No (Circle Hydric Soils Present? Yes No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Remarks: Data point is representative of a non-jurisdictional upland floodplain area Approved by HQUSACE 2/92 Routine On-Site Data Forms Page 2 of 2 8/1/2003 Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 Attachment E - NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms NCDWO Stream Classification Form SCP1- Perennial Stream A Project Name: Charleston/Monroe W.I.P. River Basin: Catawba River County: Mecklenburg Evaluators: Gregory C. Antemann, PWS and Isaac J. Hinson DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: McMullen Creek Signatures: &44 Date: 5/17/02 USGS QUAD: Charlotte East, NC Longitude: W80'46'0" Latitude: N35° 11' 21" Location/Directions: From Charlotte, take East Indevendeace Blvd. (U.S. 74) to North Sharon Amity Road. Turn right onto North Sharon Amity Road and travel for annroximateiv %2 mile to Lantana Avenue. Turn left onto Lantana Avenue and travel for annroximately I/< mile to the site. *PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best professional judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used' Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1. Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 ® 2 3 2) Is The USDA Texture In Streambed 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater PRIMARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 3 111. DIUIULY 1 Are Fibrous Roots Present In Streambed? t1UJCnL YY CSK 2 LUMucrate 1 Mroul! 0 2 Are Rooted Plants Present In Streambed? 2 1 0 3 Is Peri h on Present? I 2 3 4 Are Bivalves Present? 1 2 3 PRIMARY BIULUGY 1NDIGAT OR PUIN7S: 6 Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) ' 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natural Drainage Way? 0 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 2.5 11. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter Present In Streambed? 1.5 ® 0.5 0 2) Is Sediment On Plants (Or Debris) Present? 0 0.5 ® 1.5 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 0.5 1 11.1 Last Known Rain? (*NOTE. IfDitch Indicated In #9 Above Skip This Step And #5 Below*) 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 0.5 1 1© Conditions Or hi Growing Season h? 6) Are Hvdric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In Headcut)? Yes 1. No=O SECONDARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 8 III. Biology Absent' Weak Moderate Strong 1) Am Fish Present? ® 0.5 1 1.5. 21 Am A-hihi- P--t? (1 Fn,;i 1 1 G ' 8) Are Wetland Plants In Streambed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL (* NOTE. If Total Absence OfAll Plants In Streambed 2 1 0.75 0.5 0 0 As Noted Above Skip This Step UNLESS SAV Present*). SECONDARYBIOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS. 0.5 1 TOTAL POINTS (Primary +Secondary)= 38 (If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) 3 Are A uaticTurtles Present? 0.5 1 1.5 4 Are Crayfish Present? 0.5 1 1.5 5 Are Macrobenthos Present? 0.5 1 1.5 6 Are Iron Oxidizing Bacteria/Fungus Present? 0.5 1 1.5 7 Is Filamentous Algae Present? 0.5 1 1.5 (*NOTE: IfBed & Bank Caused By Ditching And WITHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=0*) 10) Is A 20Q Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Tom Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yes: No=0 PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICA TOR POINTS: 18 NCDWO Stream Classification Form . SCP2 - Perennial Stream A Project Name: Charleston/Monroe W.I.P. River Basin: Catawba River County: Mecklenburg Evaluator: Gregory C. Antemann, PWS DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: McMullen Creek Signature: Date: 11/20/00 USGS QUAD: Charlotte East. NC Longitude: W80146' 28" Latitude: N35a 10' 46" Location/Directions: From Charlotte, take East Independence Blvd. (U.S. 74) to North Sharon Amity Road Turn right onto North Sharon Amity Road and travel for approximately 1.25 mile to Craig Avenue. Turn left onto Craig Avenue and the site is located on the left -PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best professional judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1. Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 1 2 ' 2) Is The USDA Texture In Streambed Different From Surrounding Terrain? 0 1 2 3) Are Natural Levees Present? ® 1 2 3 4) Is The Channel Sinuous? 0 1 3 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) Floodolain Present? 0 ® 2 3 ' A - 6) Is The Channel Braided? ® 1 2 3 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 1 2 (*NOTE: IfBed & Bank Caused By DitchineAnd WITHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=0*) 10) Is A 2' Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Topo Map And/Or hi Field) Present? Yes No=0 PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 19 II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater Flow/Dischame Present? 0 1 2 PRIMARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 3 Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1. Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Head Cut Present In Channel? ® 0.5 1 1.5 2) Is There A Grade Control Point In Channel? 0 0.5 1 IN 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natural Drainage Way? 0 0.5 1 FTR SECONDARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 3 II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 0.5 1 1. ' Last Known Rain? (-NOTE: IfDitch Indicated In #9 Above Ski, This Step And #5 Below*1 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 0.5 1 1© Conditions Or In Growing Season ? 6) Are Hydric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In Headcut)? Yes_ 1. N6=0 SECONDARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 7.5 III. Biology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Are Fish Present? ® 0.5 1 1.5 2) Are Amphibians Present? 0 H 1 1.5 3) Are AquaticTurtles Present? ® 0.5 1 15 4) Are Crayfish Present? 0 1 1.5 8) Are Wetland Plants In Streambed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL (* NOTE: If Total Absence Of All Plants In Streambed 2 1 0.75 0.5 0 0 As Noted Above Skip This Step UNLESS SAV Present*) SECONDARYBIOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: I ' TOTAL POINTS (Primary +Secondary)= 39.5 (If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) rLHMARY MOLUGY INDICATUR POINTS: 6 NCDWO Stream Classification Form SCP3 - Important Intermittent Stream B ' Project Name: Charleston/Monroe W.I.P. River Basin: Catawba River County: Mecklenburg Evaluator: Gregory C. Antemann. PWS DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: McMullen Creek Signature: Date: 11/20/00 USGS QUAD: Charlotte East. NC Longitude: W80146' 0" Latitude: N35111'21" Location/Directions: From Charlotte, take East Independence Blvd. (U.S. 74) to North Sharon Amity Road Turn right onto North Sharon Amity Road and travel for approximately '/2 mile to Lantana Avenue. Turn left onto Lantana Avenue and travel for approximately '/< mile to the site ' -PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of thisform is not necessary. Also, if in the best professional judgement of the evatuator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) I. Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 ® 2 3 2) Is The USDA Texture In Streambed 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) 8) Is There A Bankfull Bench Present? 0 1 ® 3 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 1 2 (*NOTE: If Bed & Bank Caused By Ditching And WITHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=0*) 10) Is A 2' Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Topo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yes=3 No=f ' PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 9 PIRMAI(Y f,fULU(iY IIVDI (-AI UX PUINI JY 6 Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1 I. Geomorphologv Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Head Cut Present In Channel? ® 0.5 1 1.5 2) Is There A Grade Control Point In Channel? 0 0.5 1 - 1?5 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natutal Drainage Way? 0 0.5 1 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOL OGY INDICA TOR POINTS: 3 II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter Present In Streambed? 1.5 1 EN 0 1 2) Is Sediment On Plants (Or Debris) Present? ® 0.5 1 1.5 3) Are Wrack Lines Present? 0 0.5 ® 1.5 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 0® 1 1.5 Last Known Rain? (-NOTE: IfDitch Indicated In #9 Above Ski, This Step And #5 Below* ) 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 0®. 1 1.5 Conditions Or In Growing Season)? 6) Are Hydric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In Headcut)? _ Yes=1.5 No=O II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater Flow/Dischame Present? 0 2 3 PRIMARYHYDROLOGY)'NDICATOR POINTS: I 1 Are Fibrous Roots Present In Streambed? ?r- 2 ivlogerare 1 strong 0 2 Are Rooted Plants Present In Streambed? 2 1 0 3 Is Peri h ton Present? 1 2 3 4 Are Bivalves Present? 1 2 3 SECONDARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 2.5 I ?. xr 1 Are Fish Present? -U-1 yreaK 0.5 mogerate 1 Wong 1.5 2 Are Amphibians Present? 0.5 1 1.5 3 Are A uaticTurtles Present? 0.5 1 1.5 4 Are Crayfish Present? 0.5 1 1.5 1 8) Are Wetland Plants In Streambed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPI, (* NOTE: If Total Absence Of All Plants In Streambed 2 1 0.75 0.5 0 0 As Noted Above Ski, This Step UNLESS SAV Present*). SECONDARYBIOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 2.5 I TOTAL POINTS (Primary +Secondary)= 24 (If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) NCDWO Stream Classification Form SCP4 - Important Intermittent Stream C Project Name: Charleston/Monroe W.I.P. River Basin: Catawba River County: Mecklenburg Evaluator: Gregory C. Antemann, PWS DWQ Project Number. Nearest Named Stream: McMullen Creek Signature: Date: 11/20/00 USGS QUAD: Charlotte East, NC Longitude: W801 46' 0" Latitude: N35o 11'21" Location/Directions: From Charlotte, take East Independence Blvd. (U.S. 74) to North Sharon Amity Road Turn right onto North Sharon Amity Road and travel for approximately '/2 mile to Lantana Avenue. Turn left onto Lantana Avenue and travel for approximately ''% mile to the site *PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best professional judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1. Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 ® 2 3 2) Is The USDA Texture In Streambed 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) 8) Is There A Bankfull Bench Present? 0 1 ® 3 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 1 2 (*NOTE: IfBed & Bank Caused By DitchinQAnd WITHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=0*) 10) Is A 2nd Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Tono May And/Or In Field) Present? Yes=3 No=O PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICA TOR POINTS: 8 11. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater Flow/Discharge Present? 0 1 ® 3 PRIMARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 2 ttr. tsrotogy 1 Are Fibrous Roots Present In Streambed? A bsent Weak 2 Moderate 1 Strong 0 2 Are Rooted Plants Present In Streambed9 2 1 0 3 Is Perih on Present? 1 2 3 4 Are Bivalves Present? 1 2 3 r1uMARY 1flULUGY INDI (,AI UK PUINI S. 6 Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) ' 1) Is There A Head Cut Present In Channel? ® 0.5 1 ?y 1.5 2) Is There A Grade Control Point In Channel? 0 0.5 1 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natural Drainage Way? 0 0.5 1 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOL OGY INDICA TOR POINTS: 3 II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 0.5 © 1.5 Last Known Rain? (*NOTE. IfDitch Indicated In #9 Above Skip This Step And #5 Below*) ' 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 0.5 © 1.5 Conditions Or In Growing Season)? 6) Are Hvdric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In HeadcutL Yes=1.5 NA SECONDARYHYDROLOGYINOICATOR POINTS: 4.5 1 Are Fish Present? H-.1 Wean 0.5 ivioaerate 1 Strong 1.5 Z Are Amphibians Present? 0.5 1 1.5 3 Are A uaticTurtles Present? 0.5 1 1.5 4 Are Crayfish Present? 0.5 1 1.5 5 Are Macrobenthos Present? 0.5 1 1.5 6 Are Iron Oxidizing Bacteria/Fun s Present? 0.5 1 1.5 7 Is Filamentous Al a Present? 0.5 1 1.5 ' s) Are Wetland Plants In Stmambed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPI, (* NOTE: If Total Absence OfAll Plants In Streambed 2 1 0.75 0.5 0 0 As Noted Above Skip This Step UNLESS SAV Present*) SECONDARY BIOLOGYINOICATOR POINTS: 0 ' TOTAL POINTS (Primary +Secordary)= 23.5 (If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) NCDWO Stream Classification Form SCP5 - Perennial Stream D Project Name: Charleston/Monroe W.I.P. River Basin: Catawba River County: Mecklenburg Evaluator: Gregory C. Antemann, PWS DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: McMullen Creek Signature: Date: 11/20/00 USGS QUAD: Charlotte East. NC Longitude: W80146'28" Latitude: N351 10'46" Location/Directions: From Charlotte, take East Independence Blvd. (U.S. 74) to North Sharon Amity Road Turn right onto North Sharon Amity Road and travel for approximately 1.25 mile to Craig Avenue. Turn left onto Craig Avenue and the site is located on the left. *PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best professional judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) I. Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strop 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? ® 1 2 3 2) Is The USDA Texture In Strearnbed Different From Surrounding Terrain 0 1 ® 3 3) Are Natural Levees Present? ® 1 2 3 4) Is The Channel Sinuous? 0 ® 2 3 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater Flow/Discharge Present? 0 1 3 PRIMARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 2 r'I ts'= 1 Ace Fibrous Roots Present In Streambed? A bsent Weak 2 Moderate 1 Strong 0 2 Are Rooted Plants Present In Streambed? 2 1 0 3 Is Peri h ton Present? 1 2 3 4 Are Bivalves Present? 1 2 3 PRIMARY BIOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 6 Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1. Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Head Cut Present In Channel? ® 0.5 1 1.5 2) Is There A Grade Control Point In Channel? 0 0.5 1 IN 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natural Drainage Way? 0 0.5 1 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 3 II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 0.5 © 1.5 Last Known Rain? (*NOTE. IfDitch Indicated In #9 Above Skin This Step And #5 Below*) ' 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 0.5 © 1.5 Conditions Or In Growing Season)? 6) Are Hydric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In Headc_ut)? _ Yes 1. No=0 SECONDARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 5 2) Are Amnhibians Present? 3 Are A uaticTurtles Present? 0.5 1 1.5 4 Are Crayfish Present? 0.5 1 1.5 5 Are Macrobenthos Present? 0.5 1 1.5 6 Are Iron Oxidizing Bacteria/Fun s Present? 0.5 1 1.5 7 Is Filamentous Algae Present? 0.5 1 1.5 8) Are Wetland Plants In Streambed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL ' (*NOTE. If Total Absence Of All Plants In Streambed 2 1 0.75 0.5 0 0 As Noted Above Skin This Step UNLESS SA VPresent*). SECONDARYBIOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 0.5 TOTAL POINTS (Primary + Secondary= 25.5 (If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) I (NUIE: 1t tied & Bank Caused By DitchinYAnd WITHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=0*) 10) Is A 2nd Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Topo May And/Or In Field) Present? Yes=3 No f@ PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 9 ? e INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM SCP1- Perennial Stream A ACTION ID: APPLICANT NAME Charlotte Storm Water Services DATE: 5/17/02 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.): grading, stabilization, and structure maintenance WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN: McMullen Creek/Catawba River COUNTY/CITY: Mecklenburg/Charlotte RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS: 75 degrees and sunny P SP NP Observation Comments or Descri tion X Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present X Benthic Macro Invertebrates X Amphibians Present/Breeding Frogs X Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) X Wildlife Channel Use i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) X Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) X Riffle/Pool Structure X Stable Streambanks Vegetated banks X Channel Substrate i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Coarse sand to gravel X Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) Salix nigra, Populus deltoides, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Platanus occidentalis, Acer saccharum s oridanum X Undercut Banks/ In-stream Habitat Structure X Flow In Channel 6-foot average ordinary hi water width X Wetlands Adjacent to/Contiguous with Channel (Discontinue) Wetlands AA-CC N/A Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June thru Sept.) N/A See s/Groundwater Discharge June thm Sept.) X Adjacent Flood lain Present X Wrack Material or Drift Lines X Hydro hytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Salix nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Platanus occidentalis, Juncus effusus, Boehmeria c lindrica Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y / n Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map. YO/ N Determination: Approx. Drainage Area: Approximately 150 Acres ® Perennial Channel (stop) ® Important Channel: 704 LF PROJECT MGR Initials ? Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) 1 P=Present SP=Strongly Present NP=Not Present Evaluator's Signature: ?V??-: Gfegory C. Antemann, PWS imi INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM SCP2 - Perennial Stream A ACTION ID: APPLICANT NAME Charlotte Storm Water Services DATE: 11/20/00 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.): grading, stabilization, and structure maintenance WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN: McMullen Creek/Catawba River COUNTY/CITY: Mecklenburg/Charlotte RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS: Snow within the last 48 hours, 65 degrees P SP NP Observation Comments or Descn tion X Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Evidence of crayfish X Benthic Macro Invertebrates X Amphibians Present/Breeding X Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) X Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Bird tracks X Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) X Riffle/Pool Structure X Stable Streambanks Vegetated X Channel Substrate i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Coarse sand to bedrock X Ri anan Cano Present (SP =/> 50% closure) X Undercut Banks/ In-stream Habitat Structure Undercut banks X Flow In Channel 5 to 8-foot average ordinary hi water width X Wetlands Adjacent to/Contiguous with Channel (Discontinue) N/A Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom June thru Sept.) N/A See s/Groundwater Discharge June thru Sept.) X Adjacent Flood lain Present X Wrack Material or Drift Lines X Hydro hytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y /0 Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? OY / N Determination: Approx. Drainage Area: Approximately 480 Acres ® Perennial Channel (stop) ® Important Channel: 1,195 LF PROJECT MGR. Initials ? Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) P=Present SP=Strongly Present NP=Not Present Evaluator's Signature:, Gregory C. Antemann, PWS i i i H INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM SCP3 - Important Intermittent Stream B ACTION ID: APPLICANT NAME Charlotte Storm Water Services DATE: 11/20/00 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.): grading, stabilization, and structure maintenance WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN: McMullen Creek/Catawba River COUNTY/CITY: Mecklenburg/Charlotte RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS: Snow within the last 48 hours, 65 degrees P SP NP Observation Comments or Descn tion X Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present X Benthic Macro Invertebrates Aquatic worms and mosquito larvae X Amphibians Present/Breeding X Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Iron-oxidizing bacteria X Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) X Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) X Riffle/Pool Structure X Stable Streambanks Maintained lawn X Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Coarse sand to gravel X Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) Partially through maintained lawns X Undercut Banks/ In-stream Habitat Structure Persistent pools X Flow In Channel 2 to 3-foot average ordinary hi water width X Wetlands Adjacent to/Contiguous with Channel (Discontinue) Wetland AA N/A Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom June thru Sept.) N/A See s/Groundwater Discharge June thru Sept.) X Adjacent Flood lain Present X Wrack Material or Drift Lines X Hydro h 'c Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y / Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y / NO Determination: Approx. Drainage Area: Approximately 15 Acres ? Perennial Channel (stop) ® Important Channel: 990 LF PROJECT MGR Initials ® Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of importantlunimportant channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) P=Present SP=Strongly Present NP=Not Present Evaluator's Signature: '2z"' C_,,? _ v is U Gregory C. Antemann, P.W.S. t i t?a?t I I INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM SCP4 - Important Intermittent Stream C ACTION ID: APPLICANT NAME Charlotte Storm Water Services DATE: 11/20/00 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.): N/A WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN: McMullen Creek/Catawba River COUNTY/CITY: Mecklenburg/Charlotte RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS: Snow within the last 48 hours, 65 degrees P SP NP Observation Comments or Descri tion X Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present X Benthic Macro Invertebrates X Amphibians Present/Breeding X Algae And/Or Fungus water quality function) X Wildlife Channel Use i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) X Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) X Riffle/Pool Structure X Stable Streambanks Maintained lawn X Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Coarse sand X Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) Partially through maintained lawns X Undercut Banks/ In-stream Habitat Structure Persistent pools X Flow In Channel 2 to 4-foot average ordinary hi water width X Wetlands Adjacent to/Contiguous with Channel (Discontinue) N/A Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June thru Sept.) N/A See s/Groundwater Discharge (June thru Sept.) X Adjacent Flood lain Present X Wrack Material or Drift Lines X H dro hytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel- Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y / @ Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y / NO Determination: Approx. Drainage Area: Approximately 30 Acres ? Perennial Channel (stop) ® Important Channel: 437 LF PROJECT MGR. Initials ® Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) t P=Present SP=Strongly Present NP=Not Present Evaluator's Signature: C. Gre ory C. Antemann, P.W.S. I INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM SCP5 - Perennial Stream D ACTION ID: APPLICANT NAME Charlotte Storm Water Services DATE: 11/20/00 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.): channel grading WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN: McMullen Creek/Catawba River COUNTY/CITY: Mecklenburg/Charlotte RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS: Snow within the last 48 hours, 65 degrees P SP NP Observation Comments or Descri tion X Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present X Benthic Macro Invertebrates X Amphibians Present/Breeding Salamander X Algae And/Or Fungus water quality function) X Wildlife Channel Use i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others X Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) X Riffle/Pool Structure X Stable Streambanks X Channel Substrate i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Coarse sand to cobble X Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) Partially through maintained lawns X Undercut Banks/ In-stream Habitat Structure Undercut banks and pools X Flow In Channel 2 to 4-foot average ordinary hi water width X Wetlands Adjacent to/Contiguous with Channel (Discontinue) Wetland DD N/A Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June thru Sept.) N/A Se s/Groundwater Discharge (June thru Sept.) X Adjacent Flood lain Present X Wrack Material or Drift Lines X Hydro hytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y /0 Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y / ON Determination: Approx. Drainage Area: Approximately 30 Acres ® Perennial Channel (stop) ® Important Channel: 1,477 LF PROJECT MGR Initials ? Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) P=Present SP=Strongly Present NP=Not Present Evaluator's Signature: 'tcl? C_ Gregory C. Antemann, PWS Charleston/Nlonroe ?N atershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 I Charleston/Monroe NNatershed Improvement Project Au(,ust 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 41 d; tr V ? ? Y Photograph C. View of Important Intermittent Stream B Y " ,yt Photograph D. View of Perennial Stream D ii Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project august I, 2003 Nation-,Side Permit No. 27 Project No. 2002-0218 t A- t hr. y ~ '? T Ya ?y? i^ ? .. •4 - .'?y,,,,? . r. } r:. _ -_ •? 'tjl? r „ry?4. i ? ' '--_ •?, r ya?•xaY t A( ?`rL`'"B??S •...„ti.? mot. 41 t• Sir, { K?.}?? f f? f? i :f h Y`(.> ? p?T•"?C^w t Y??1? tR? "Aw Photograph E. View of Wetland AA j -1*4 ..1, t •. 4 ,. ? ? R' t9 1 4r t ? ? w r . . s + r" CIN Fi . *: ?C G°jC " f t y? t d S E k ' `•? ? ??`?.-, a µ a ?'. ? r ? :p2 ? ' ?' : ? ? ? tF ? , # "'t ? - . ?y }Y fr .?{ „?, ? ., ,r ,t y?? A T 1 ft i 1 ,# ` Ir i `?/ f ?• y}d .tom 1 ? yt ? " , st •'!,r ?. 81 .BOA _ _ "! ? <1. '? t i g . ,:w? ? . ''^f 1 ? 7 ?!'., ,,fit, ! r f ? ? i? y NF ?i ?.'fl .? A ?s r ?1 k A? • t.1? k ? ` .. F ? a `,yam ?? f (. •4.•F?A' ? .I Photograph F. View of Wetland BB iii Charleston/Monroe NN`atershed Improvement Project August 1, 2003 Nationwide Permit No. '_" Proiect No. 2002-0218 ~ di PA W Zt,64A,z Photograph G. View of Wetland EE } R OF f ,, ] I 1 ( , r ? ` . t d 5 ?? ` K Y L F ,r? % 1 ' ..C.A y x rr y? -w f} y S 0 I Y . h ? W f 1k. /? P - ' n rf ? V i .1? I J. J V y' r yV4 r.. } ^ a l K Photograph H. View of Pond A IV ,uxmmz ti North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office David L. S. Brook, Administrator Michael F. Easley, Governor Division of Archives and History Lisbeth C. Evans, Secretary Jeffrey J. Crow, Director April 9, 2001 Gregory C. Antemann, PWS Carolina Wetland Services 4116 Applegate Rd. Charlotte, NC 28209 Re: Proposed Charleston/Monroe Road, Storm Water Services, Capital Improvement Project Number 671-00-012, CWS Project No. 2000-0113, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, ER 01-8604 Dear Mr. Antemann: ' Thank you for your letter of January 19, 2001, concerning the above project. Thank you for plotting the project area on the USGS map section. In the future, it would assist us if the exact project, such as the stream channel, was marked within the area boundaries. There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area. Based on our present knowledge of the area, it is unlikely that any archaeological resources, which may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, will be affected by the project construction. We, therefore` ' recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. . The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator, at 919/733-4763. ' Sincerely, Vt,,,-a avid Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:kgc Location Mailing Address Telephone/Fax Administration 507 N. Blount St, Raleigh, NC 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh 27699-4617 (919) 733-4763 •733-8653 Restoration 515 N. Blount St, Raleigh, NC 4613 Mail Service Center, Raleigh 27699-4613 (919) 733-6547.715-4801 Survey & Planning 515 N. Blount St, Raleigh, NC 4618 Mail Service Center, Raleigh 27699-4618 (919) 733-4763 •715-4801 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary June 20, 2003 Gregory C. Antemann Carolina Wetland Services Inc 5000 Nations Crossing Road, Ste 230 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 SUBJECT: Rare Species, High Quality Natural Communities, and Significant Natural Heritage Areas Near the Charleston/Monroe Capital Improvement Project, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC; CWS Project No. 2002-0218. Dear Mr. Antemann: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NC NHP) does not have records for rare species, high quality natural communities, or significant natural heritage areas (SNHAs ) near the Charleston/Monroe Capital Improvement Project„ Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC. Although our maps do not show records of such natural heritage elements in the project area, it does not necessarily mean that they are not present. It may simply mean that the area has not been surveyed. You may wish to check the NC NHP web page at http://www.ncsparks.net/nhp/search.html for a listing of rare plants and animals and significant natural communities in the county and on the topographic quad maps. The use of Natural Heritage Program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys, particularly if the project area contains suitable habitat for rare species, significant natural communities, or priority natural areas. Please contact me at 919/715-8700 if you have questions or need more information. Sincerely, Jame L. Amoroso, Botanist Natural Heritage Program /JLA 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Phone: 919-733-4984 \ FAX: 919-715-3060 \ Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us/ENR An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper Charleston/Monroe Watershed Improvement Project Attachment I — Conceptual Drawings of Proposed Pond I August 1, 2003 I 1? fixx)xo CWK? `./rcT r*-rw2, /s Cct?2o: f t f F 4/pt FUW ctry FtAA% Y.ONGC?'T G' F1'?471?1[!iS • 1 rvAMAmm4T fbows, - WSTLAND n• #,MM 4 s • 140411tcv- srfth:: ? • S1RMOK I4WbKA' W . Z o wdo-S I MR 004arry. i'De r... ? paouw j -' room ppsrc rw. aArtt ana v ? .., nu auj? a • _ I _ ? sx v tY 4E IE, DLP 0 ,E? .. i ? _ i NVIP, -. '- - - - - - - - - - - - - .. ' ' 'Mx k 7G FtYlY f ? J I ? =d " I .: a - . ? i rl: i? t _ 1 . ?I I !? I ? I 1 I NNl M N J ` aM701t7 / ., / A \ i _ aU'E-sus.: \ i ''3RATE L a J OGx ? .. l m rz rva lav OR rarsmc ? rw Iwo *,Du s. .wl v \ .. ? _ A . \?>L. ocar x , r. •. aTt Eow-2fi v r 1 °1 Perenml 1.3 WORCAS \ \ \ ? [ ? dx t art t I ? - _ - y- - - ? wcm M 5Ox M ? Perennial Stream D 33 If rip rap r ?(\ ' ? ? ` \ ?- 1 ??? tNDlle?? ! _- \ AD137 \. ? k \ t. \. ?? / /1 ai V rv ,v o M 7tM7671 Ms n / E t.b•6.e1 ]] rv o nn .e. 7 x !I .OD ?`F 5D7bP _ /?\ / `? Stream D rap J I 4? }}` Perennial Stream D b;' / = µ Approximate Scale: 16 N pipe extension " 1"=40' H 1 / \ 4804. 4 ?- V. a IRpI : OF r w 1 sm 380 Ne 11 TO Ir R Y ? ? 1 t 896.86 WE ME p(M? j L w1wT a7dA0?. ,., ?- - See Sheet 6 for channel grading impacts 6 t a? % NO. OR ?M, J ES T VRON IMO -m>- DEBO'" C `MrOM / " " FINAL DRAWING cHARLESTONmIONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS . . ..? Not RNis«s" For Construction I Dtd7-IS7 \ /xl RD CHAM01711 LINE L2 PREPARED BY: -.10w USINFRASTRUCTURE - ENG04EEPOW.&PROPERTY STA 14+00 TO STA 17+79.43 MANAGEMENT OF CAROLINA, INC. W ' ur soar w w w e m 1043 E MOREHEAD STREET SLGTE 20 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROM 26204 t / % - 7 20 I 11 I' -- I ? uYr? _ - i54 .. f 1 in 100 t I tl' i ,i i 'ic? Y' v I t s> 1 i -r a?.?- I I 1 I I __' i 1 Important Intermittent Stream B 16 bf coir fiber ' Important Intermittent Important Intermittent Streom B Stream B 79 bf rip rap 3 If instream structured ? 21-CBE 1 I Important Intern ' Stream B 67 bf rip rap A A" ,Important Intermittent Important Intermittent Streom B Stream B Important Intermittent Important Intermittent Im ortant Intermittent 18 bf coir fiber Important Intermittent 26 bf coir fiber Stream B Stream B P Stream B 21 bf rip rap 37 bf rip rap Stream B 60 bf coir fiber 24 bf rip rap Important Intermittent Important Intermittent Stream B Stream B Important Intermittent 37 bf rip rap 38 bf coir fiber Stream B I ittent 38 bf coir fiber Stream B - - , 3 If structure tream B _ -- Approximate Scale: 1"=40' H 1"=8' V Important Intermittent Stream B 4 If pipe extension I=nt Intermittent B 8 If pipe extension ' 3 If structure ports Intermittent Important Intermittent Stream nB Wetland AA Stream B IN Intermittent 10 If rip rap Approximately 0.05 acre Important Intermittent 37 bf rip rap Stream B temporary impacts within Stream B Im octant Intermittent 14 bf rip rap Im octant Intermittent construction easement 23 bf coir fib er Stream B Important Intermittent Important Intermittent Stream a 1 _ Stream B Stream B J ?19 bf coir fiber 32 If rip rap - 15 bf coir fiber 56 bf coir fiber Important Intermittent Important Intermittent Stream B ' 23 bf coir fiber Stream B [30 portant Intermittent Important Intermittent Important Intermittent 109 bf rip rap ebf riB ra 1Stream B Stream B Important Intermittent Important Intermittent / J ZL rip B 21 bf rira 43 bf ri ra Stream B Do OR Up`"" J P P P D Stream B 31 bf coir fiber / OR SUE -0" 119 bf rip rap 5500-4E ? x ^.c?ixwn m 1 «?\1\SA• 15E GIIDOq oa I Important Intermittent _ Stream B • 21 bf coir fiber CHARLESTON/MONROE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ' PREPARED BY P USINFR OMUCTURE ? OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. MOREHFM STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTTE, WATH CAACUMA 28204 FINAL DRAWING Not Releaaad For Construction ©URIATPE. LINE YSA E"c"e`„En STA. 10+00 TO STA. 16+00 EAST COAST u. a a O/W - .n ao-o 2 19 20 1 DIY .F _ ? 2' Fl9 1F 1W / -- _ - - -- - L -T r.. w da rnnaa as - t f.."- - - -_ - ! A __ __.-._?__.-___ Ci. Cqf RV?a! ?, •Y O _ _.? f.. .-•---•--C=cam --v I ?_ ? ___._ - ____--4 __-_ _ _ „rr,r^ ?M V f L.'li OF ?1f1 _- , ?i ;V4 YJ C rt _ I r I _, I C w, Cif 1 ? Perennial 2„ H pil (N - (NWP Nc 0 ' Perennial Stream A 33 If rip rap (NWP No. 3) I Wetk 55 (NWF ' PREPARED BY: USINFRASMUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E. SAD STREET SUITE 203 NORTH CAROIMA 28204 CHARLOTTE . r 1631 CIMFIESTON DR I` ?,U331 pow dal Approximate Scale: e.rewtsd aA`\\ ``\\\ \ \?\\\, 1n-40' H u=8I V ! t __1 E X \ v qI_? t x 4? I x0. 0, royrroe ` ?? V v` r _._ w- } 2 a .l r.lb rK ? .?I c?oow a+C2 __.? ?Evw`?. C"MESTONIMONROE DRAINAGE EWPROVEMENTS CIURL0 "M LINE LIB ENGINEERING A PROKR f STA. 10+00 TO STA- 15+50 FINAL DRAWING Not Releaaad for Construction - EAST COAST a 0o la VOO M-00-012 YOOmIW?RM?QY?MI?DIIC 8 20 I \ I NAIL N PP ELE 735.1 `.'.W. 0- raeclwwr^ ?'? YARDLEY PLACE STILLING BASIN DETAIL N r.s n Glen sy,-01 1.0FI el 9efTlur we I.?PNI H'I stenos e-A 1100u I rl - . J \ i I I I I I I?,- - -- - - -------------- __ - ? _ *A0.? A » . OR FpA V \ Nb W 6}? 072-02 WY OR FOFI r &s.. -Ca JR. \ ?V t\ ? V y -Me CER"D K R.S• SAMa5E \ i-eta w \\? r 0421,5 I ;? \ '\\\ Perennial Stream A - J , \ \`\? 6 bf rip rap Perennial Stream A \ 105 bf coir fiber p4 erennalco Streoim A bf ir --------------- - \\ Perennial Stream A Perennial Stream A -- - Perennial Stream A Perennial Stream A - -------------- ;. 33 bf coir f ber 58 bf rip rap 46 bf rip rap 112 bf coir fiber J Stream A Perennial Perennial Stream A 7 If in-stream structure -i - ?• ?. r i;r - 49 bf r p rap F \ ( _ ,??? ?: \ i4,?111 ? -_ >, - - -_ mss: •-- ? -?- -? 'N. Perennial Stream A _ F - - E -?' y - f - - 711' in-stream structure Perennial Stream A 7 tf in-stream structure Perennial Stream A 14 If in-stream structure v [Le,ip hng riprap onal impacts 1 / / Perennial Stream A \ - / 7 H in-stream structure j / 0 \ 1???'I r E ? / / ` -•F_ _ _ %//' j ? ?? ???? iii /? ?: z? y OR FOIftEpLY 6 C. 012 a6%; Approximate Scale: "M OR FOR OXY / \\1 !jI \ / nr \ O ? ?1inQA D. Ww6 1 "=40' H O'7i,?c 501 DOW-ASTER an ,% 1"=8' ` / / / I atweer IQ OR rOX»pAr 163 , GEORGE E -9-M ?-O,-w M50_„ 15-200 - - -- I- - - - - _ CHARLESTONIMONROE PREPARED BY: V USINF1UWMUC= OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E MOREHEAD STREET, SUTE 203 CIURLOTTE, W ATH CAROLINA 282D4 DRAINAGE EWPROVEMENTS CHARLOITE LINE LIA \V °'a" EER"a `PROPERTY STA.13+75 TO 1" MANAGEMENT FINAL DRAWING r'°"°"' `° us '"" Vot tialusad For Condructton -" m a oe vmmorwvran*w"&M 3 20J -- __I L- -- I i- I ? ' S ? I mo . i r I k 1- - _. I _..-T.T.. .. _ I - yam 4 1 I Ip Olt f ORUE;A +' _ - / wo Ellut'tE,. ern ?-? ? e?Ef7A - 11- Perennial Stream A ?wY4ens°x 73 bf rip rap Perennial Stream A 25 bf coir fiber Perennial Stream A 73 bf rip rap See Sheet 6 for channel grading impacts Perennial Stream A 42 If rip rap apron lzsi_. , Perennial Stream A Perennial Stream A 16 bf coir fiber 10 If in-stream structure -__ \ r / , - 4 Perennial Stream A 20 If rip rap /?- - - - ./ Perennial Stream A was as FORMML . 1 _Perennial bf rip rap / TH06" C RE.SON AMC - '. - Perennial Stream A r S° a 110 7 If in-stream structure Perennial Stream A // ;- --- r?_ 10 If in-stream structure -? aR ro? -- r, ap muu 5117 ?( r Perennial Stream A ENIISSHIRE STILLING PASTS DETAIL 22 bf rip rap + S q . \ 11 PLAN NIF.R'? L SEC"ON C{(PROFILE) SF.CRON we , aASS / secrlml A-AM)O f R ?- :/i' "c"aw E? \ SU]-91 ? ll xv s?.ac,avoa Perennial Stream A ?' / pipe replacement --- - No additional irn o PREPARED BY• ?1 USINFRAMUCTURE p OF CAROLINA, INC. 1043 E MOREHEAD STREET SUITE 203 CHARLOTIE, NORTH CAROUNA 28204 1C - Perennial Stream A 13 If in-stream structure FINAL DRAWING Not Released For Construction Approximate Scale: 1"=40' H 1"=8' V / NY, OR FORVURY CAl ROCRELNNRL / &3-071 -&3 +-awe= I QV_ / Perennial Stream A 1-2117 i 90 bf rip rap \ Perennial Stream A y? 6 If in-stream structure Perennial Stream A 90 bf rip rap ERLY t u w CHARLESTON/MONROE rE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS tl CHARMITE LINE MA 01 AG `P10PERry uu+AUEUEM STA.19+00 TO 24+25 wr m M M Re e/m 1171-C"2 4 20 PREPARED BY -Now [1 USINFRAS7RUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. 1013 E. MOREHEAD STREET, SLATE 203 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28204 t0? w EK w w on ew •1• Irm Perennial Stream D / 3 456 If channel redefinition - w. OR FO91OKY RFTI E wMr'S (TGlloch Rule) .40 c HuwTU? 4,3-012-12 ILL / WORCASTER-PLl ve q1' w. --1,?•o4vettn R ?. ,.13-072-13 Ate. NOW OR FDRIAIRI ,I ?? Ezm I? / .?„ } r ti ?. e.w \ ar s w ,'C R s2?eae. e z? - ?' Ile. ' ? \ (i' f1EV m. 'I 4 •( ".' --_. _-- e?._.?_- ? ? ?C e_._ e--fie- e?_ e.__. a-_ e.?. ,_ - DR FOFOAERLY 163 -072-0E 3257 I ? NOW OR FOWEP`r / e3-on-,o 6 e37e_ele IUI OR Ep11YEFlr N-ES T. LMOY AMC 1301 f,Y•BMR _ OEBOR/ G LrrroN 163-012-11 4132-1e3 FD?WRLI I U RCHTER 1315 ERN%tlK RD ?65-ot2 1223 EPM19•RE RD FINAL DRAWING Constructlom -?- -?I Approximate Scale: 1"=40' H 1"=8' V CHARLESTON/MONROE [? J] DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ?R /©E LINE L2 ENG'f,,, ,%1OPOM STA. 10+00 TO STA. 14+00 EAV COW us u? Yl e/W e -00-02 `P=tCw%"""QQrA"U7& ° 6 20 Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Article Addressed to: Rockfish Meadows Inc. Post Office Box 100 Rose Hill, NC 28548 DWQ9 03-0972 - Mecklenburg A. Signa ? Agent 4 - X 1 ! 11 Addresse B. Received by (Printed Nam C. D to of Deliver 1 1VIf C'3 D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ? Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ? No 3. Service Type C3 FFertified Mail ? Express Mail ? Registered ?-Return Receipt for Merch ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ? Yes Article Number 7002 2410 0003 0275 1864 (Transfer from service ladey Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt -- A UNITED STATES POSTAL SEF?VICE • Sender: Please ftl1 t your name, address, and ZIP+4 'n this box • NC DENR Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Certification Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604