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NC0084395_Wasteload Allocation_19950620
Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: a i ?fr zr�"' FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION " `5 Request # - 24_X�E -" U' QrE ABC Cleaners-Superfund Site/WESTON Project NCO084395 Industrial - 100% Proposed New Northeast Creek SC NSW HQW 030502 Fee Onslow Stream Characteristic: WiRO USGS # S. Wilson Date: (submitted ) Drainage Area (mi2): 61.6 I29NE Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 0 (tidal) Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 0 Average Flow (cfs): 88 30Q2 (cfs): 0 IWC (%): Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) ABC Cleaners is a dry cleaning facility in Jacksonville, NC. Dry cleaning fluids contaminated the groundwater which included wells at Camp Lejeune. The site was declared a Superfund site. The main contaminants include tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, 1,2 dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. Some metals appeared in elevated concentrations and will be limited or monitored. Discharge is to HQW. Dilution ratio for this area is predicted to be 2:1, so WQ standards will be given for limited parameters (except human health criteria, because the allowable is calculated using average flow). This is based on .020 1 (d)(1)(B)(vii) which specifies 1/2 standard for HQW. Facility investigated nondischarge alternative, but site constraints and soils prevent this option. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: pjL n Recommended by: Date: 3 Reviewed by Instream Assessment: '94 qs Regional Supervisor: !` 4 ( l (— Date: !�L� - 4 -� Permits & Engineering: Date: v RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: NEE � ��t��a •�� �u �.. c��-���s .n,�•-� urrc 1 � �yy� 2 TOXICS/CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Type of Toxicity Test: 24 Hr Fthd - No Significant Mortality Existing Limit: Recommended Limit: Quarterly PAP at 90% Monitoring Schedule: March, June, September, December ** Aquatic Survey and Toxicology Unit will review tox testing requirement and may recommend additional test for HQW. Recommended Limits Flow: TSS (mg/1): Tetrachloroethene (µg/1): Trichloroethene (µg/1): Vinyl chloride (µg/1): Lead (µg/1): Nickel (µg/1): Arsenic (µg/1): Chromium (µg/1): Copper (µg/1): Zinc (µg/1): 1,2-Dichloroethene (µg/1): pH Mon. Avg. Daily Max. Frequency WQ/EL 0.216 MGD continuous 10.0 20.0 2/month 5_ monthly wq monitor monthly wq monitor monthly wq 25 monthly wq 8.3 monthly wq 50 monthly 20 monthly monitor monthly monitor monthly monitor monthly 6.8-8.5 2/month wq All samples shall be grab samples. _X_ Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Special Instructions or Conditions All volumes of wastewater leaving the facility shall be monitored. If continuous flow monitoring is not feasible, then the discharger shall record the approximate time that discharge began and ended, along with the instantaneous flow at the time of effluent sampling. Samples for organic compounds should be collected at the same time as whole effluent toxicity. Explain exact pathway of discharge ( i.e. storm sewer to tributary, etc.) Additional Information attached? _� (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Spreadsheet and Toxicity testing attached. aI i ABC Cleaners Northeast Creek ABP Cie ners Tox Wo she t NCO084395 SC NSW HQW Flow MGD 0.216 Oav cfs) 88 7Q 10s 0 Maximum Allowable Allowable Parameter :)bserved Con5 State Stdrd Fedl. Criteria for HH w/ Qavg based on 7Q10 /I /I /I /I /I Requirement Acetone 4800 Aluminum 17000 Arsenic c Cov-- a5r, 7010 28 50 36 50 LIMIT Barium 200 enzene (c) 18 71.4 HH 71 HH 18838 Bromochloromethane 0.2 Bromoform c 3 360 HH 94984 Calcium 76000 Chlorobenzene 5 21,000 HH 5540713 Chloroform c) 3 470 HH 124006 Chromium 57 20 20 LIMIT Cobalt 431 Copper 89 3 actl 2.9 MONITOR - Dibromochloromethane c 7- 34 HH 8971 1,2-Dichloroetheng 1200 MONITOR t ok. 1,1-Dichloroethene c 6 3.2 HH 844 Eth (benzene 28 29000 HH 7651461 Iron 24000 Lead 10 25 8.51 2 51 Magnesium 3500 Manganese 41 tUMIT Nickel 77 8.3 8.3 8.3 Potassium 15000 Sodium 100,000 Tetrachloroethene (PCE)(c) 5400 -8..85 HH 2335 LIMIT Toluene 25 200000 HH 52768698 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane c 2 42 HH 11081 Trichloroethene TCE) c 705 92.4 HH 81 HH 24379 MONITOR t Vanadium 45 Vinyl Chloride c 110 525 HH 525 HH 138518 MONITOR X lene 3 Zinc 390 86 actl MONITOR c =carcinogen HH =Human Health criteria for fish consumption) act. level =action level -monitor only If maximum observed concentration is <1/100th of the allowable -no requirement is given. If maximum observed concentration is greater than allowable or >1/10 allowable - parameter will be limited. If maximum concentration is between 1/10th and 1/100th the parameter will be monitored. t These parameters will be monitored due to their being a primary contaminant. This is conservative due to discharge to HQW and su ertund status. Allowable values for HH criteria are based on Qavg flow. HQW requires 1/2 allowable as limit for toxicants -no freshwater inflow - assume 2:1 dilution ratio for this area , so WQ limit is recommended. uiiitu i+fame C Permit # N C Gn84- >15 pipe # ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a awrierly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration." The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow OMQhWjjpMnXjW 24 hour static test, using effluent collected as a 24 hour composite. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge below all waste treatment. The first test will be performed Ater thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of AAA tyunc-,: . 5ZA-F 66 - � BerL- All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGE6C. Additionally, DEM Form AT-2 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure.to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 Permitted Flow IWC Basin & Sub -basin Receiving Stream /4 cfs 0, Z ,, MGD 9� rn o�o� 6� County ©;. QAL P/F Fathead 24 Version 9191 Recommended by: Date 4,J 3/ s - �Y fl/r'-,��ry�%t`� �.lc-t r✓ �.% � �,% 7 Y✓ f�� W (���%O tn{ - � �^ Qaf� = 0. �t .�- .� T Lt,y (/JFLL1-E/"C-Gb- 1-95 0 (p J� CAS 88 c4S p 2 0-1 3 1 $Loa �5 � N 1%O1�1 ht /7 �►'�, CG E NritlS /C-7 jqe -- �it%7"/ad�:'P✓�'�F�fi',t r7v rtlr �-1 f'' J f-� `-F`'-f �i7�/-�r�� ,�����r�' �'%�LG/�/ %� iCj"i __ f"r f✓`"T/'s` ��''�,''%%rl! �%��,/�fVe ��'�iL>'.✓'f/ �'•1� ,�''%�/its �� !i(�! �f/ '.'�% 1��:�_'-_'`s'-4 `:�/!�% -,-T f r r r .. J P(to 5, >) 5C,44, c r s 7 5C / S IIJ (rU S r od/ r6 A P 7- 'OC�c� �iiT� �� 577ctGiGL�G1 ��1/ ��kt Ccr•.i� ' Y<L'LGCS GC�I lLll4'�it�Gi� C't Pvtr�-'���7�; /�7C� S> .Tif(ez II'f J/� Fn2 C! 7 (J�-rC-41,4 ((A•Vf &uS-r 1� ' d,�����. W!T/! 54MC� 4�SCCleiPTl-VAkr> 4s Agave-