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SW8971226_Historical File_19980430
~ Mate of North Carolina Department of Environment A4 and Natural Resources 4 Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor NCDENR Wayne McDevitt, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Division of Water Quality ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOl1Rf`Fg April 30, 1998 Mr. David Edwards, Vice President bluegreen Corporation^ 1899 Zion Hill Road. SE Bolivia, NC 28422 M �r Subject: Pe 't No. SW8 971226 The Land'LandiqZ @Southport High Density ' ion Stormwater Project Dear Mr. Edwards: The Wilmington Regional Office received the Stormwater Management Permit Application for The Landing @Southport on December 29, 1997, with final information on March 13, 1998. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 971226, dated April 30, 1998, for the construction of the project, The Landing @Southport. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2008, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish attadequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis, or me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver, P.G. Acting Regional Water Quality Supervisor RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\PERMIT\971226.APR cc: Jay Houston, P.E. Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Inspections Linda Lewis Wiunington Regional Office Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 971226 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO bluegreen Corporation The Landing @Southport Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of 2 detention ponds and a curb outlet system in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2008 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Data Sheet. This low density subdivision is permitted for 127 lots, each allowed 5,650 square feet of built -upon area. The detention ponds provide treatment for that portion of the road runoff that is collected and not treated by a curb outlet swale. State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 971226 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Name: Permit Number: Location: Applicant: Mailing Address: Application Date: Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff. - Classification of Water Body: Pond Depth, feet:.. Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: Lots at 5,650 ft2 Roads/Parkigg, ft2 Offsite Area entering Pond, ft2: Required Surface Area, ft2: Provided Surface Area, ft-: Required Storage Volume, ft3: Provided Storage Volume, ft3: Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL: Controlling Orifice: The Landing @Southport 971226 Brunswick County Mr. David Edwards, Vice President bluegreen Corporation 1899 Zion Hill Road. SE Bolivia, NC 28422 December 29, 1997 Southport Restricted Area "SC" POND 1 POND 2 6 5 7.5 12 157,650 76,000 104,850 52,000 52,800 24,000 none, per Engineer 8,350 5,341 14,700 5,500 13,771 6,513 13,905 6,710 8.4 13.1 13A "$ pipe 11/e4 pipe 3 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 971226 4. No homeowner/lot owner/developer shall fill in, alter, or pipe any drainage feature (such as the curb outlet swales) shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater management system without submitting a revision to the permit and receiving approval from the Division. 5. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area does not exceed the allowable bunt -upon area. Once the lot transfer is complete, the built -upon area may not be revised without approval from the Division of Water Quality, and responsibility for meeting the built -upon area limit is transferred to the individual property owner. 6. The following items will require a modification to the permit: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area. e. Further subdivision of the project area. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. In addition, the Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 7. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The permittee will comply with the following schedule for construction and maintenance of the stormwater management system: a. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in it's entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface except roads. b. During construction, erosion shah be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 2. The permittee grants permission to DENR Staff to enter the property for the purposes of inspecting the project for compliance with the conditions of this permit. 3. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the type of system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 971226 4. Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in the pond. 5. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal in the ponds, swales, and collection system. C. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Ponds (23:1 above the permanent pool, and swales @5:1 for the flow depth. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device and catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. 6. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 7. Prior to the sale of any lot, deed restrictions must be recorded which limit the built -upon area per lot to the amount as shown on the Project Data Sheet, per Section I, Part 2. The recorded statements must follow the form: a. "The maximum built -upon area per lot is 5,650 square feet, inclusive of that portion of the right- of-way between the lot line and the edge of pavement, structures, pavement, walkways of brick, stone, or slate, but not including open wood decking." b. "The covenants pertaining to stormwater regulations may not be changed or deleted without concurrence of the State. " C. "Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the State. " d. "Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Conccrn may be subject to a reduction in their allowable built -upon area due to CAMA regulations." 8. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 9. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be submitted to the Division within 30 days of the date of recording the plat. The recorded copy must be signed by the Permittee, dated, stamped with the deed book number and page, and bear the stamp/signature of the Register of Deeds. 10. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 5 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit Ng. SW8 271226 III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a "Name/Ownership Change Form" must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by appropriate documentation from the parties involved, such as a copy of the deed of trust. Other supporting materials, such as a signed Operation and Maintenance plan in the case of engineered systems, will also be required. The project must be in good standing with DWQ. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance .of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. } 6. Permittee grants permission to staff of the DWQ to access the property for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater facilities during normal business hours. Permit issued this the 30th day of April, 1998. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ' 7-z�,j A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Ey Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 971226 G State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 971226 The Landing @Southport Stormwater Permit No. SW8 971226 Brunswick County Engineer's Certiflication I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications: Signature Registration Number Date VA SEAL . V. DniSi('),N OF WATER Q(:.A-L.;T NORTH CAROLINA STOR.NnVATER 'vLANA(;E%.EEtiT PER.IIIT .APPLICATION I. GEtiFER-U INTOR-iv1ATION Pease pant :irarw or ype) 1. Project Name The Landing '. Location, directions to project (include County, .address, State Road) .attach map. Brunswick County, Southport. From Howe Street (NC 211) in Southport, take Stuart St. to River Road. The S/W corner of project is at the intersection of Stuart'St & River Road. 3. Owner's Name bluegreen Corporation Phone (910) 755-7020 4. Owner's Mailing Address 1899 Zion Hill Rd., SE City Bolivia State NC �u e51".G Zip 28422 5. Nearest Receiving Stream CaPe Fear River Class Sc 6.Projectdescription Residential Development II. PERINUT LNFORN ATION 1. Permit NO-(robefilledinbyDWO) ��f)� 1 2. Application Date_ IjeC. 2q Feeenc:osedS 385.00 3. Permit Type: X N� Renewal Modification (existing Permit No.) ?. Project Type: X Low De.^si X Detentio _Infiltration Redevelop General Alter Ofisite 5. Other State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required !Cieck aaproariare bfanicsl CANIA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control X 404 Permit III. BUILT UPON AREA (Please sea NC4 C :H.1003 thru .1007 for applicable density limits) Drainaze Drainaze Breakdown of Impervious area Basin Basin (Please indicate below the design impervious area) Classification Sc Ft. Lots = *livadifgs- 16.47 Ac. Existing Built -upon Area Proposed Built -upon Area 22.05 Ac Total Project Area 74.44 Ac. % Built -upon Area 29.6 IV' .STOR,YYWATER ' chin, ,ENT (Describe how rice runoff will he treated) Streets 4.78 Ac. Parkin,/SW Boat Launch Tract: 0.80 An. Totals 22.05 Two Stormwater detention ponds, sheet flow over yegetat;va surfa es and flow throne vegetative stormwater swales. V _M DEED RESTRICTIONS A:YD PROTECTn-E COVE. A,ti'TS Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low densiry orolects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded for the type of project applied for. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the covenant cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION I, David Edwards certiff-j that the information included on this permit (Please print clearly or type) application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. I authorize the bel submit stormwater plans on my behalf. /Authorized Agent Signature and Title Date VIL AGENT AUTHORIZATION (Please,lu in the name of the engineer/survrjor authorized to submit plans on :he owner's behalf.) Person or firm name Houston and Associates, P.A. Mailing Address Post Office Box 2927 City Shallotte State NC Zip 28459 Phone (910) 754-6324 Please submit application, fee, plans and calculations to the appropriate Regional Office. cc: Applicant/WiRO//Central Files ST ATTACIUvEN" I' A LOW DENSITY AND ALL SUBDIVISION PROJECTS GENERAL SUB vflTTAL REQuIREImENTS A completed stormwater permit application. 2. Two sets of plans showing north arrow, scale, revision date, property/project boundaries, lot lines, proposed and existing contours, drainage areas, mean high water line, wetlands, easements, the 30' minimum vegetated buffer between impervious areas and surface waters, proposed impervious areas, and road cross -sections. Calculations of the built -upon area, For subdivisions, please show the methodology for arriving at the per lot built -upon area. For non -subdivision. projects, please break down the calculation into buildings, roads, parking, and other (include all impervious areas). 4. Low density projects with curb outlet systems will require: a. Drainage area delineation and swale locations shown on the plans. b. Detail of the swale, showing minimum 5:1 side slope. C. Velocity calculations, indicating a non -erosive flow for the 10 yr storm. d. Inlet and outlet elevations. Maximum longitudinal slope is 5 0. e. The type of vegetated cover specified on the plans. f. A flow spreader mechanism located at the swale entrance. A signed Operation and Maintenance Plan. DEED RESTRICTION REQLMU.NENI TS The following statements must be included for all low density projects, and for all subdivisions: No more than 5,650 square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures, including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material, not including wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued b ) the Sta.*e of North Carolina. The covenant may ,not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. No one may fill in or pipe any roadside or lot -line swale, e-rcept as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. For curb outlet system projects, no one may pipe, fill in, or alter any lot line swale used to meet North Carolina Stormwater Management Permit requirements. NOTE If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number, size, and the allowable built -upon area for each lot. DETENnON POND ATTACHMENT I. BLILTLTON AREA CALCULATION{See NCAC :H.1008 (c) and (e) for applicable design criteria. In cases where more than one pond is proposed, please lisr each pond's information in separate columns.) Pond # 1 2 Classification SC SC Existing Built -Upon Area -u — — 0 — Proposed Built -Upon Area 1.53 Ac . 1 .74 AC. Total Project Area 10.73 Ac . 4.48 Ac . Total Drainage Area 10.73 Ac . 4.48 Ac . Percent Built -Upon 32.9 38.9 11. BREAKDOWN OF PROPOSED BUILT -UPON AREA Buildings -- -- lots Sfllot * 2 .3 2 Ac . * * 1.19 AC. Streets/Parldng 1.21 Ac . 0.55 AC. Sidewalks Future Development Other III. POND DESIGN Pond Depth 6 F t 5 F t. TSS Chart (85% or 90%) 90% 90% SA/DA ratio 0.0175 0.0273 Required Surface Area QPP 8,179 SF 5,328 S F Provided Surface Area CIPP14 , 700 SF 5, 500 SF Required Volume 13,486 C F 6,513 C F Provided Volume 13,905 C F 6,710 C F Permanent Pool Elevation 7.5 1 MSL 1 9 _ n ! MSL Storage Pool Elevation 8 .4 ' MSL 13.1 ' MS 1 Storage Pool Surface Area 16, 2 0 0 S F 6,700 SF Forebay Depth 6Ft _ 3Ft . See Attachment A for specific language that must be used for projects that propose the subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels, or have future development areas.. * This represents all of the BUA(5,650SF. each) for 16 lots and a portion of the BUA for 20 lots. ** This represents all of the BUA ( 5,650Sf.each) for 7 lots and a portion of the BUA for 12 lots. SUPPLEMENT TO "DETENTION POND ATTACHMENT" NC SMRMWATEP MANAGEMENT PERIMIrr APPLICATlM The Landing SW Pond # Lots Number Total Allowable BUA per Lot sf Total BUA per Lot Draining to SW Pond s 1 8 thru 26 I 5650 550 59 5650 5430 60 thru 74 5650 5650 75 5650 3000 119 5650 1220 2 82 thru 92 5650 615 93 thru 100 5650 5650 STORMWATER nE C E I y ED I„f uu DEC 2 91991 � E M PROJ # F 1-1 STORMWATER `oEi 9 91 POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ® E M PAOJ # Project Name: The Landing Project No. Permittee: bluegreen Corporation Phone No. (910) 763-0115 Address: 3973-A Market Street Wilmington North Carolina 28403 L STORMWATER DETENTION PONDS, CATCH BASINS, AND STORM DRAINS A. Monthly, or after every runoff producing rainfall event, whichever comes first: 1. Inspect trash rack; remove accumulated debris, repair/replace if not functioning properly. 2. Inspect and clear orifice of any obstructions. 3. Inspect the pond side slopes; remove trash, and repair eroded areas before the next rainfall event. B. Quarterly: 1. Inspect catch basins, piping, grassed swales, and ditches for proper functioning. Accumulated debris shall be cleared from basin grates, basin bottoms, and piping shall be checked for obstructions and cleared as required. 2. Pond inlet pipes shall be checked for undercutting. Rip rap or other energy dissipation structures shall be replaced, and broken pipes shall be repaired. C. Semi-annually: I. Accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure shall be removed. 2. Grassed swales shall be reseeded twice a year as necessary. D. Annually: Stormwater detention pond depth shall be checked at various points. Should the depth of the pond be less than 5 feet for Pond # 1, sediment shall be removed to a depth of 6 feet below normal pool (orifice elevation). Should the depth of the pond be less than 4 feet for Pond # 2, sediment shall be removed to a depth of 5 feet below normal pool (orifice elevation) . E. General: 1. Mowing of the side slopes shall be accomplished according to the season. Maximum grass height shall be 6". 2. Cattails are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they shall be removed when they cover more than 1/2 the surface area of the pond. The best time to cut them is at the end of the growing season, in November. Environmentally sensitive chemicals for use in killing cattails can also be used. Contact the Agricultural Extension Service. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If draw -down is not accomplished in that time, the orifice shall be replaced with a larger or smaller orifice, as required. Slow draw down may be attributed to a clogged system. The source of the clogging shall be found and eliminated. Pond Maintenance Requirements Page 2 4. All components of the detention pond system shall be kept in good working order. Repair or replacement components shall meet the original design specifications as per the approved stormwater plan, if previously approved components are determined to be ineffective, the component shall be redesigned and/or replaced. H. STiORMWATER SWALES Note: The following maintenance recommendations were taken primarily from Stormwater Best Management Practices. NCDEHNR Water Quality Section, November 1995. General: Stormwater swale maintenance involves normal grass management growing activities such as mowing and resodding when necessary, and periodic sediment removal. A large majority of the stormwater swales on this project are on easements within single-family lots. Therefore, private property owners will likely maintain the swales with a vigorous grass surface. Notwithstanding the actions of the private property owners, it shall be the responsibility of the above named "Permittee" to make sure that the following minimum maintenance operations are adequately performed: At least once annually, remove excess sediment, especially from the upstream edge of the swale, to maintain original contours and grading. II. At least once annually, repair any erosion and regrade the swale to ensure that the runoff flows evenly in a thin sheet through the swale. III. At least once annually, inspect vegetation and revegetate the Swale to maintain a dense growth of vegetation. IV. At least twice annually, mow the grass to a minimum height of six inches. V. At least once annually, inspect stone check dams. Replace stone and filter fabric as necessary to provide for a stable structure capable of dissipating the energy of runoff with potentially erosive velocities. I, J UAAeAn 0.101vd Cv',� hereby acknowledge that I am the financially responsible party for maintenance of the detention ponds and stormwater swales at The Landing. I will be responsible for the performance of the maintenance as outlined above, as part of the Stormwater Managem t Permit received for Oe Signature: David Edwards this project. Date: /Z - 2 z - .9? DETENTION POND ANALYSIS PROJECT #: SW8 971226-2 PROJECT NAME: The Landing @Southport Drainage Basin: Southport Restricted Area FILE NAME: S:1WQSIPOND1971226-2.WK1 REVIEWER: arl DATE: Class: SC Site Area 3242606.4 square feet Drainage Area 195148.8 square feet needs to be verified Area in Acres 4.48 acres IMPERVIOUS AREA Lots @5650 52000 square feet Roads 24000 square feet square feet square feet square feet TOTAL €'`' square feet % IMPERVIOUS 38.94% SURFACE AREA CALCULATION 30-Apr-98 Chlorides: n/a Pond Depth: 5 TSS: SA/DA 2.737% Req. SA ''4 square feet Prov. SA square feet [From plan Contours] VOLUME CALCULATION IK Bottom 7 MSL Perm. Pool MSL Design Pool 131 MSL Design SA 6700 square feet [From plan Contours] Req. Volume 6513.12 cubic feet Rv= 0.4005018 Prov. Volume cubic feet .......................... . SA @ Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.5265625 ft Flow Q2, cfs 0.03883102 Area, in 1.600376 Dia 2, inches 1.427467 Flow Q5, cfs 0.01553241 Area, in 0.640151 Dia 5, inches 0.902809 Engineer uses :;:.::>:;:>:> [ Inches Area = 0.9940196 in Q, cfs = 0.0241186 Drawdown >;dJ;pdays COMMENTS Surface Area, Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines. Stormwater and Erosion Control Plan The Landing at Southport Revised Calculation Sheets 3/10/98 DRAINAGE AREA DATA SEAL 9499 Z ,,., j ?/,C/ F's SUBBASIN DRAINAGE AREA SUMMARY Subbasin I.D. D.A. ac.TRational C" Value SP1A 0.79 0.70 SPiB 0.30 0.60 SP1C 0.23 0.60 SP1F 1.46 0.40 SPiG 0.48 0.45 SP1H 1.23 0.40 SPil 0.38 0.45 SP1J 1.22 0.40 SP1K1 ! 0.34 0.45 SP1K2 1 0.74 0.45 SP1 L1 1.17 0.40 SP11-2 2.26 0.40 SP2A 0.29 0.70 SP2B 1.34 0.40 SP20 0.48 0.45 SP21) 1.46 0.40 SP2E 0.91 0.45 S1A 2.61 0.35 S1B 0.33 0.35 Sic 2.45 0.35 S2A 0.19 0.35 S213 0.31 0.45 S2C 0.14 0.45 S3A 0.55 0.35 S38 0.62 0.45 S3C 2.10 0.40 S4A 0.39 0.35 S4B 0.60 0.45 S4C 1.95 0.40 S5A 0.48 0.35 S5B 0.65 0.45 5'C 1.95 0.40 S6A 0.67 0.35 S6B 0.12 0.50 S6C 0.19 0.45 S6D 1.16 0.40 WE 0.69 0.45 S7A $4 0.35 S7B 0.35 S7C 0.57 0.45 S71) 1.20 0.45 S7E i 0.57 0.45 S7F 1.58 0.40 S8A 0.24 0.35 S8B 0.50- 0.45 SBC 1.53 0.40 S9A 3.18 0.40 S9B 1.62 0.35 S9/0S 8.00 0.25 S10 2.32 0.40 C1 0.30 EC/OS 3 5 0.20 fez SvT-777- -S%M OPEN CHANNELS H W Z Z O U z Nd O O O Li O L.i ..I 7 O } O z V W O Q". O } w C) N co ur f. 1ns cA n ca o U O > LL ch coo rn o •t. *r a rn n n r- ra 1- A C a m d � r O 0 4 a d +•• O r 0 6 N l4 m M1O F 0 p p � m C N U � m _ � C O C M 0 M 0 0 0 L O 0 O 0 g O O OO O O a)O a Ci L O N � 1 (j O l0 'Q C'J [Q to '•' M i0 tT L7 C] 0 4 fl m m i0 L G U O N mC heO` 0 C cc m r C V m Ln .I- n u m L_ m ca !I] Ln 7 z m m m � L O O m d ao o I ao ' M tp 0 ;n uy Qa m M CD _`o cn o a d o 0 0U)o 3 l o o . � N Os, cn 01 � v r v o M D* - 0 N .-• C r3 b .0 $ E E N .2of0000o0 C r 000 S 0j0 4 0 0 0 C7 O O i 000 O O 'n c O m a o p• O t L D Om CD DO 01 m co t0 f0 O 3 W r I ! LI 9 C W n C ...., v (7 yr m r m m CL E o vi N N r v a c 'c E E > � c M i v 1 '•N v c LLI m N N v ih cry CIO 0 0 1 'h N +r ry N N N SV N-' N M N 0 N imi a m a) E c m 3 m Lo � $ m • .Cl; M � M rL1 !N 0 o 0 � r -N O M �n O is m `gyp ou a O O V� 0,0 p O G 6 O CI - O M 00 v O xIn ra $ r L Y W O) m 1n 'v 7+ +r} m i7 O N N N Q.•0 co m M I� v :sA O. w C m M Y a •p H Q L6 N N v m cu Cr Cx N N r N co O p m cc .4 d O O N Q C 0 co Q y mg o m m rr 2 :n O d O al C (_� tl (} U 1L1{{]T� tl❑� [j1 0 [7[p1_ m �, to ci � t�i L1} i13 uJ (!J_ W W � d � Y •7 � � � m O y 4 � Q a N �Q � � m Q ui iQ o 7 W i!1 Vi C 3 � � •�r m m � v W iE7�17'�ivirnu�.n�� � � y •� •O L O �7 m Em V7 O a w (Q CVLU Z Z G m U o _ _ r w [A rd7 Q err w n rn in Jl rA Us I co �' co o� m V) Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTM, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 2927 7Uesday, March 10, 1998 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Water Quality Section MAR I �i 1998 North Carolina Department of Environment, . Health and Natural Resources BY 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: The Landing at Southport DWQ Stormwater Project No. SW8 971226 Response to DWQ 2/20/98 Review Letter Dear Ms. Lewis: We have revised the subject project in response to the comments presented in your February 20, 1998 letter to us and in conformance with your March 5, 1998 telephone conversation with Mr. Scott Quaintance of our office. Following is a summary of the revisions made as they relate to the itemized comments of your letter. 1. We have added Sheet Number 2A to the plans. This sheet clearly illustrates the total areas draining to the various stormwater features of the project. 2. Sheet Number 1 has been revised to illustrate that all pipes which discharge to a stormwater Swale are to be terminated at the "build to" line. This line is 20 feet from the right-of-way line. Associated tables on Sheet Number 1 have also been revised. 3. Sheet Number 4 has been revised by adding points around the perimeter of the normal pool of each pond. A table has been added which provides the project coordinates for each point. These points can be easily located by field survey. 4. Sheet Number 1 already illustrates the wetland boundaries on -site. We have added notes along the boundary, however, to more clearly locate the wetlands. 5. The "Hydrologic and Hydraulic Data for Open Channels" on Sheet Number 1 has been revised by adding columns for the beginning and ending elevations of each swale. All swales are significantly longer than 100 feet except for S8A which is approximately 75 feet long. We respectfully request variance for this particular Swale due to the significant, relatively flat wetlands downstream of the swale and due to space constraints (imposed by the wetlands). Ms. Linda Lewis Page 2 The Landing at Southport March 10, 1998 Revisions 6. The stormwater swales are now more clearly highlighted on the "Hydrologic and Hydraulic Data for Open Channels" on Sheet Number 1. The legend clearly distinguishes "stormwater" swales from other open charnels and the identification of each Swale is clearly illustrated on the plan view. 7. The notes on the swale details on Sheet Number 5 have been revised to provide the grass type. In addition, we now identify the portion of the stormwater swale cross section which must have 5:1 bank slopes (to carry the peak runoff from the 10-year storm). Enclosed are two sets of revised plans and the revised "Drainage Area" and "Open Channel" sections of the calculations. We trust that you will determine that the current revisions make our submittal complete and in compliance with the stormwater rules. Should you require any additional information, or have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Houston, P.E. in and Associates, P.A. JRH/dmc Enclosures pc: Mr. David Edwards, bluegreen File: 96-0090 (bluegreen, The Landing) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Division of Water Quality February 20, 1998 Mr. Jay Houston, P.E. Houston and Associates PO Box 2927 Shallotte, NC 28459 7 4 0 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL REsouRCEs Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 971226 The Landing @Southport Brunswick County Dear Mr. Houston: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for The Landing @Southport on December 29, 1997. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please show the overall drainage area to each pond and to each swale. It is not necessary to show each individual catch basin/pipe drainage area, since I do not check pipe sizes. I am unable to determine the drainage areas from the map you have provided. I cannot verify pond design until the revised DA map is provided. 2. Piped collection systems must drain to a pond. It appears that you have collection piping that is not drained to either pond, but to a curb outlet swale (need drainage areas to confirm). Curb outlet systems cannot be used to treat runoff routed through a collection system. If you wish to qualify for the low density curb outlet system, you must cut off the piping at the right-of- way and not collect from other areas (ie., low points only), and provide a minimum of 100 linear feet of 5:1 grassed swale, at a slope less than 5%. The project as proposed does not meet the low density requirements, 3. I have been giving some thought to the problem of these irregualarly shaped ponds and have come up with an equitable solution to get the information that needs to be conveyed on the plans clearly. A lot of the dimensions are just put on the plan at various places, such as the 48' dimension in pond 2. There is no way to tell where in the pond it should measure 48'. By adding a bearing and distance to a fixed point, such as a lot corner or a road station, it will at least be located so that there is no question as to where that dimension needs to be. 4. Delineate all wetlands on site, or note on the plans that none exist. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910 350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Mr. Houston February 20, 1998 Stormwater Project No. SW8 971226 ---------------------------------------------- 5. For curb outlet systems, please show the inverts of the catch basins or whatever structure that leads into the swale, and the elevation of the swale centerline at the end of the required 100' . 6. Delineate and label the locations of the curb outlet swales. Make sure that the name of the detail with the required swale section is the same as the name on the plans.. We want to make sure we get a 5:1 slope and not a 3:1. 7. Please specify the grass type to be planted in the swales on the detail. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to March 20, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\971226.FEB cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTM, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Water Quality Section North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: The Landing at Southport Southport, North Carolina Dear Ms. Lewis: 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 2927 Monday, December 22, 1997 RECE-7VED DEC 2 9 1997 BY: u Sail Bluegreen Corporation is developing a project in northern Southport called The Landing at Southport. Enclosed for your review and approval are: 1. Two sets of the stormwater and erosion control plans; 2. Two sets of hydrologic and hydraulic calculations; 3. Two copies of the executed Stormwater Form; 4. Two copies of the executed maintenance form; and, 5. Check in the amount of $385.00 to cover the application fee. We trust that you will find our submittal to be in order and that project approval is warranted. Should you require any additional information, or have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Houston, P.E. Houston and Associates, P.A. JRH/dmc Enclosures pc: Mr. David Edwards, bluegreen File: 96-0090 (bluegreen, The Landing) HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for THE LANDING at Southport Drainage Area Data Stormwater Ponds Open Channels Storm Drains and Culverts Catch Basins 971-2 2 6 STORMWATER p E C E 1 V E DEC 2 9199q D D E M PAOJ # Houston and Associates, P.A. Shallotte, North Carolina December 1997 DRAINAGE AREA DATA SUBBASIN DRAINAGE AREA SUMMARY Subbasin I.D._Jac.) D.A. Rational "C" Value SP1A 0.79 0.70 SP18 0.30 0.60 SPic 0.23 0.60 SP1F 1.46 0.40 SP1G 0.48 0.45 SP11-1 1.23 0.40 SPil 0.38 0.45 SPiJ 1.22 0.40 SP1K1 0.34 0.45 SPi K2 0.74 0.45 SP1 Li 1,17 0.40 SP1L2 2.26 0.40 SP2A 0.29 0.70 SP2B 1.34 0.40 SP2C 0.48 0.45 SP2D 1.46 0.40 SP2E 0.91 0.45 S1A 2.61 0.35 SiB 0.33 0.35 Sic 2.45 0.35 S2A 0.19 0.35 S28 S2C 0.31 0.14 0.45 0.45 S3A 0.55 0.35 S3B 0.52 0.45 S3C 2.10 0.40 S4A 0.39 0.35 S4B 0.60 0.45 S4C 1.95 0.40 S5A 0.48 0.35 S5B .0.65 0.45 SSc 1.95 0.40 S6A 0.67 0.35 S68 0.12 0.50 ___S6C 0.19 0.45 S613 1.16 0.40 S6E 0.69 0.45 S7A 0.40 0.35 S7B 0.90 0.35 S7C 0.57 0.45 S7D 1.20 0.45 WE 0.57 0.45 S7F 1.58 0.40 S8A 0.24 0.35 S88 0.50 0.45 88C 1.53 0.40 S9A 3.18 0.40 S98 1.62 0.35 S9/OS 8.00 0.25 S10 2.32 0.40 Ci 0.76 0.30 EC/OS 35 0.20 /,.Ci l`.a.?k,, 1 ._�7 ,i� r 4- '72 C(j 106 STORMWATER PONDS THE LANDING - STORMWATER POND # 1 Total Drainage Area: 10.73 Acres Impervious Area: Roadways 52800 SF Residential 104850 T Total: 157650 SF 3.62 Acres % Imperivous: 33.7 Permanent Pool Depth: 6 % TSS Removal: 90 SA/DA: 0.0179 Required SA: 8366 SF Runoff: 1 Inches Simple Method Rv 0.354 Volume: 13771 CF Proposed Normal Pool SA: 14700 SF (@ 7.5' MSL) SA @ Storage Pool: 16200 SF (@ 8.4' MSL) Depth of Storage: 0.891 Feet USE 0.9 Feet Provided Storage: 13905 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.: 1.5 MSL Permanent Pool: 7.5 MSL Storage Pool: 8.4 MSL Flood Pool: 9.0 MSL Min. "Freeboard" Elev- 9.5 MSL - �1�e Lam,✓ < _SS REIMOVAL WITH 30' FILTER S,T _ 0LT a 5FT 5 OFT 5 : C-- S--T ; - sL-- -•J_ - 8 6 S --- 30°: _.5 2.2 _.9 1.8 1.6 1.2 . C ".0 3.0 �.6 2.4 2.1 �.� 1._ 1.4 .9 1.0 50% :.- 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.4 2._ 1.8 5 1.3 6.0% 4.5 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.9 2. 2.3 =.0 5.2 5 4.1 3.7 3.1 2. 2.5 80% = - - 6.0 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.7 3- 2.7 2 2 2.0 9 0 % 6.5 5.8 5.3 4.8 4.3 3 3 3.3 2.8 1.3 100° 7. 4 6. 8 6. 2 5. 6 5. 0 4. 4 3. 8 2 2 .-6 SA/DA - > 9 0 % TSS REMC) =.'. OR WET DETENTION WITHOUT -VEGETA'= I V:-: =ILTER RIDER. = 3 . _= = 3. 5F T = . OFT 4 . 5FT 5 . OFT 5 . 5FT = . 0= = 6 . 5FT 7 . 0F' 7 SFT 10< _.3 1.0 8 7 6 5 i - _ . 1 20= -.- 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.' 1 1.0 6 ?0= =.5 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 1.9 1 - - 1 3 s 0_ =.� 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2._ 1.8 _ .8 1.1 -.1 2,'Q ='9 1 60% 6.0 5.3 4.8 4 3 3.9 3 _ 1.9 70= _._ 7.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 ;.: 3.4 2.9 2.8 - 8.0 7.0 6.4 5.7 5.2 .e 4.0 �.- 2.8 �0` --•7 9.0 7.9 7.2 6.5 5.9 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.3 100= :=. 10.0 8...8 8.1. 7.3 6.6 5.2 5.1 -. 3 3.6 0 THE LANDING STORMWATER POND # 1 ORIFICE DIA. AREA (SF) BASED ON NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 1.75 0.0167 0.0334 0.0501 0.0668 DATAINPUT POND AREA AT NORMAL POOL= 14700 FEET INCHES OF RAINFALL = 1.0 INCHES BASIN AREA = 10.73 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA = 3.62 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION = 7.5 FEET ORIFICE AREA = 0.0167 FEET POND AREA AT STORAGE POOL = 16200 FEET TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING = 2..0 HOURS ORIFICE COEF. = 0.6 INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv) = 0.354 ELEVATION OF POOL AT STORAGE = 8.4 FEET VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL= 13,771 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE= 13,905 FEET3 Drawdown Calculations For Pond Orfice TIME ELEVATION HEAD FLOWRATE VOLUME END ELEV, FEET FEET CPS CF FEET 0 8.40 0.9000 0.07628 549 8.36 2.0 8.36 0.8626 0.07468 538 8.33 4.0 8.33 0.8261 0.07308 526 8.29 6.0 8.29 0.7903 0.07148 515 8.26 8.0 8.26 0.7552 0.06988 503 8.22 10.0 8.22 0.7210 0.06828 492 8.19 12.0 8.19 0.6876 0.06668 480 8.15 14.0 8.15 0.6549 0.06507 469 8.12 16.0 8.12 0.6230 0.06347 457 8.09 18.0 8.09 0.5920 0.06187 445 8.06 20.0 8.06 0.5617 0.06026 434 8.03 22.0 8.03 0.5321 0.05866 422 8.00 SW Pond Calcs. 24.0 8.00 0.5034 0.05705 411 7.98 26.0 7.98 0.4755 0.05545 399 7.95 28.0 7.95 0.4483 0.05384 388 7.92 30.0 7.92 0.4219 0.05223 376 7.90 32.0 7.90 0.3964 0.05062 364 7.87 34.0 7.87 0.3716 0.04901 353 7.85 36.0 7.85 0.3476 0.04740 341 7.82 38.0 7.82 0.3243 0.04579 330 7.80 40.0 7.80 0.3019 0.04418 318 7.78 42.0 7.78 0.2803 0.04257 306 7.76 44.0 7.76 0.2594 0.04096 295 7.74 46.0 7.74 0.2394 0.03934 283 7.72 48.0 7.72 0.2201 0.03772 272 7.70 50.0 7.70 0.2016 0.03611 260 7.68 52.0 7.68 0.1839 0.03449 248 7.67 54.0 7.67 0.1670 0.03286 237 7.65 56.0 7.65 0.1509 0.03124 225 7.64 58.0 7.64 0.1356 0.02961 213 7.62 60.0 7.62 0.1211 0.02799 202 7.61 62.0 7.61 0.1074 0.02636 190 7.59 64-0 7.59 0.0945 0.02472 178 7.58 66.0 7.58 0.0824 0.02308 166 7.57 68.0 7.57 0.0711 0.02144 154 7.56 70.0 7.56 0.0606 0.01979 143 7.55 72.0 7.55 0.0509 0.01814 131 7.54 74.0 7.54 0.0420 0.01648 119 7.53 76.0 7.53 0.0339 0.01482 107 7.53 78.0 7.53 0.0267 0.01314 95 7.52 80.0 7.52 0.0203 0.01144 82 7.51 82.0 7.51 0.0147 0.00973 70 7.51 84.0 7.51 0.0099 0.00799 58 7.51 86.0 7.51 0.0060 0.00621 45 7.50 88.0 Time for drawdown = approx. 3.5 Days Page 2 SW Pond Calcs. THE LANDING - STORMWATER POND # 2 Total Drainage Area: 4.48 Acres Impervious Area: Roadways 24000 SI= Residential 52000 SF Total: 76000 SF 1.74 Acres % Imperivous: 38.9 Permanent Pool Depth: 5 % TSS Removal: 90 SA/DA: 0.0273 Required SA: 5328 EF Runoff: 1 Inches Simple Method Rv 0.401 Volume: 6513 CF Proposed Normal Pool SA: 5500 SF (@ ' MSL) SA @ Storage Pool: 6700 SF (@ ' MSL) Depth of Storage: 1.068 Feet USE 1.1 Feet Provided Storage: 6710 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.: 7.0 MSL Permanent Pool: 12.0 MSL Storage Pool: 13.1 MSL Flood Pool: 14.0 MSL Min. "Freeboard" Elev: 15.0 MSL Page 2 77-- i z19 /97 v � 8: o _SJ R1i'I0VAL WITH 30' FIL=ER = i=F7- - - 3 FT 4 5 FT 5 OFT S = -- _ - - - 1.1 1.0 .9 7 6 2.2 .9 1.8 1..6 _.� 1 1.2 =.0 .9 J.O r.6 2 4 2.1 _.9 1._ 1.4 1.0 ;0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.71.8 5 1.3 4.5 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.9 2 2.3 _.0 1.6 ��= _•_ 5.2 '_.5 4.1 3.7 3.1 2.; 2. 5- 1.8 60� :.= -.3 6.0 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.7 3._ 2.7 2 2.0 90% 6.5 3.8 5.3 4.8 4.' 3 3 3 8 1.3 100% _._ 7.4 6.8 6.2 5.6 5.0 4.- 3.8 2 2-6 SA/DA - > 90% TSS R.SMOV'� FOR WET DETENTION WITHOUT -VEGET: __V:-: F'ILTEP. RIDER . 3 . -- _ 3 5F T - OFT 4 . 5FT 5-OFT 5 . SF-- = • 0. _ 6 . 5FT 7 . OF -1-- 7 SFT .7 .6 .5 ? i 20 2.0 1.8 1.7 .5 -1 1.% 1.0 9 0� _. 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 1.9 _. _ 1 3 .6 8 4_0= 3. 5 3. 1 2. 8 2. 5 _ 509- _.= 5.0 3 3.9 3.5 3. 60 6.0 5.3 4,8 4.3 3.9 J 70= _._ 7.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 3.: 3 4 2.9 2.3 8.0 7.0 6.4 5.7 5.2 4.6 4.0 3 2.8 90 _:. 9.0 7.9 7.2 6.5 5.9 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.3 100= 1 10.0 8..8 8.1 7.3 6.6 S.2 5.1 -.3 3.6 2,--73')r 6 SW Pond Calm THE LANDING STORMWATER POND # 2 ORIFICE DIA. AREA (SF) RASED ON NUMBER OF ORIF!CES INCHES 1 2 3 4 1.;.125 0.0069 0.0138 0.0207 0.0276 DATA INPUT POND AREA AT NORMAL POOL-- 5500 FEET2 INCHES OF RAINFALL = 1.00 INCHES BASIN AREA = 4.48 DES IMPERVIOUS AREA = 1.74 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION = 12.00 FEET ORIFICE AREA = 0.0069 FEET2 POND AREA AT STORAGE POOL = 6700 FEET'' TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING = 2.0 HOURS ORIFICE COEF. = 0.6 INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv) = 0.40 ELEVATION OF POOL AT STORAGE = 13.10 FEET VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL = 6,498 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE = 6,710 FEET3 Drawdown Calculations For Pond Orfice TIME ELEVATION HEAD FLOWRATE VOLUME END ELEV. FEET FAT CFS CF FEET 0 13.10 1.1000 0.03484 251 13.05 2.0 13.05 1.0544 0.03411 246 13.01 4.0 13.01 1.0097 0.03338 240 12.97 6.0 12.97 0.9660 0.03265 235 12.92 8.0 12.92 0.9233 0.03192 230 12.88 10.0 12.88 0.8815 0.03119 225 12.84 12.0. 12.84 0.8407 0.03046 219 12.80 14.0 12.80 0.8008 0.02973 214 12.76 16.0 12.76 0.7619 0.02900 209 12.72 18.0 12.72 0.7239 0.02827 204 12.69 20.0 12.69 0.6869 0.02754 198 12.65 22.0 12.65 0.6508 0.02680 193 12.62 Page 1 SW Pond Calcs. 24.0 12.62 0.6158 0.02607 188 12.58 26.0 12.58 0.5816 0.02534 182 12.55 28.0 12.55 0.5485 0.02460 177 12.52 30.0 12.52 0.5162 0.02387 172 12.48 32.0 12.48 0.4850 0.02314 167 12.45 34.0 12.45 0.4547 0.02240 161 12.43 36.0 12.43 0.4254 0.02167 156 12.40 38.0 12.40 0.3970 0.02093 151 12.37 40.0 12.37 0.3696 0.02020 145 12.34 42.0 12.34 0.3432 0.01946 140 12.32 44.0 12.32 0.3177 0.01873 135 12.29 46.0 12.29 0.2932 0.01799 130 12.27 48.0 12.27 0.2696 0.01725 124 12.25 50.0 12.25 0.2470 0.01651 119 12.23 52.0 12.23 0.2254 0.01577 114 12.20 54.0 12.20 0.2048 0.01503 108 12.19 56.0 12.19 0.1851 0.01429 103 12.17 58.0 12.17 0.1664 0.01355 98 12.15 60.0 12.15 0.1486 0.01281 92 12.13 62.0 12.13 0.1319 0.01206 87 12.12 64.0 12.12 0.1161 0.01132 81 12.10 66.0 12.10 0.1013 0.01057 76 12.09 68.0 12.09 0.0874 0.00982 71 12.07 70.0 12.07 0.0746 0.00907 65 12.06 72.0 12.06 0.0627 0.00832 60 12.05 74.0 12.05 0.0518 0.00756 54 12.04 76.0 12.04 0.0419 0.00680 49 12.03 78.0 12.03 0.0330 0.00604 43 12.03 80.0 12.03 0.0251 0.00526 38 12.02 82.0 12.02 0.0182 0.00448 32 12.01 84.0 12.01 0.0123 0.00369 27 12.01 86.0 12.01 0.0075 0.00288 21 12.00 88.0 12.00 0.0037 0.00203 Page 2 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 1110 Peak Discharge STORMWATER POND # 1 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= ';�" 17 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 2 4 94C HES DIA. FOR RISER = 36 INCHES HEAD = 1.26 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 100 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 8.96 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 6.7 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 6.5 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = �?l f.-8-6 FEET HEAD = 1.16 WEIR FLOW COEF. = 4 HEADWATER ELEVATION = 8.66 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 7.5 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO rm HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (LI) RISER me -- — HEAD = 0.59 HEADWATER ELEVATION = 4Z.G. 8. 4 9 NOTE: Inflow from SDISP1F1 = 23 cis & inflow from SP1B . 22 cfs; therefor, total inflow to pond is less than 26 cis. Experience yields that very conservative to assume that 010 peak outflow will be lase than W of inflow; therefor, 010 peak outflow is set ® 17 cis. (Note from plans that also have emergency spillway. STORMWATER POND # 2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 12 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= 24 INCHES HEAD = 1.99 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 45 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.94 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 11.20 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 11.00 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = 1 9.1 FEET HEAD = 1.57 WEIR FLOW COEF. = 4 HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.57 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 12.00 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO f01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = 0.61 HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.71 OPEN CHANNELS y •" n coS 0 0 'V co, C'], OI NI WI O: Cl MI r OI r' N: N: Ni Ni Ni Ni ri Crjl NI rN o > I LL I 1 ; I OOI W! It Ofl WI OI wl NI O)I � MI nl W m — GI O, OI GI Cyl O rI O Oj r' OI O � � I cl m M. NI MI M! ►�' OI n M � co MI MI n C 0' Ml 01 r Ol r OI OI OI O r O O1 0 Cdi_O O OIOIOIOIOIO O OIO O OIO O L' M Ot OI OI OI OI 1 O O O O O O O O O UI I I I cm�;i cni6i W O I N M n r M M ap M O p °o i uo v i r i of ao ao co r rn co r ai co I II I OI L ml ri -e 01 01 01 cc 0 O 1 O co O 0 �I C a! WI Lo ni rI nr.� r.: r, nl n 4 ui I W I I I I i i I C r' 1` 00 I N I Cn i� i 01 0 J et M CO1 W W W, W'mI OICO. co W 0 0 0 CO O W �I {L O� OI OI OI Oi OI OI O O O OI O O a�: vl vI of of ri oI rn °�I CD MIS Ofl O� r� OI NI r� r! a O O r 014010 >I _ O! Oj OI OI OI OI OI O O O OI OI0 O tl aI O OI OI OI OI OI OI OI O OI O O OI O O i I I'•• O' O1 OI OI Qi 01 0I 0 O O OI QI OI O co C I a l CO I O'. 01 O I Q Q W COI 01 O I O W1 d'.' a0' (01 WI Ofl CAI I- -I cI WI co I ! O� r: O et� tOl OITI M1 MI WiWW r' Ni r rl r! ri N r rIIIII I WC M 'r' V' (D. N: Mo MI NI OI OI OI : MI 0 m N NI IN r� N N NI I NI NI N r' ^NI NI N m I I I I I j I I L. W 0 0' 01 N! O' 0' Oi rl r NI Oi 01 O M M• MMI a dis o o:oio,o o:oioio 0 oiojo 0 Ii �I ! i jpI W N: Gvi 0l V! h• V W M N C- n O N N QI M. h: VI COI N' OI O WI N W NI W M 0' NI N! O M; NI M N O N N N r N � I i W W Cj I W UIU!UI�ow��N lA! UI N MI ! Lo W Q co Cp col CA I I W N CA co �I N m! NI eU-I N Mi CO-! lm0 CC NMrl GmD m OOf rl a fAI m_I CA co wi wi m o' a co. Nl gj <l -e i � in a V I MI MI CAI M N N m N O I a cA c a 1 1 LU i zIQ a;ml� a a;a a a a a a m o N• M. O 07 r =j MI MI M M'(A N. co M Uf f!3 M N M UI I L m � m U � � L h U C C ° m U m iC1 L t O m � N m G m L O U N m r O. o a `m r U, O � _ r m � C I o to I W N m m 3 � m O cLi N � O C vi O a O EL c m 7 7 > a m c Q _m a E c C m a m m E r T m CA m {p C W 2 T tC1 O m 11 > U � L 3 m o w m v c m a ° L °a m m m Y m O Y 7 y .0m ccr L > l @ r — o 3 V ca L m m ca m U � JI co I U H IL H fn N N � STORM DRAINS AND CULVERTS HYDROLOGIC ORTR FOR STORM DRAINS RNO CULUERTS STORM DRAIN/ Contributing CULVERTI.D. Areas Total D.A. ac. Weighted "C" Value Elev.. msl Avg. tc I Length Slope Factor tc min. 110 in/hr 010 cfs Be in End SD/SPIB ! SPIBSPIC 0.53 1 0.60 14 10 1 325 0.012 i 0.5 2 ! 7.0 I 2.2 SD/SP1C SPiC 0.23 SD/SP1F1 SPi F,SPIG,SPIH,SPII,SPIJ, 9.28 SPi K1,SP1 K2,SP1 L1,SP1 L2 SD/SP1F2 SPIF,SP1G,SP1H,SP11,SP1J, 9.41 SP1 K1,SP1 K2,SP1 L1,SP1 L2 SD/SPIF3 SPIF,SPIG,SPIH,SPI1,SPli, 9.41 SP1 K1,SP1 K2,SP1 L1,SP1 L2 SD/SP1F4 .8XSPIF+SPIH 2.40 0.60 14 10 300 0.0131 0.5 j 2 7.0 1 1.0 0.41 23 4 2000 0.010 0.5 j 8 5.9 22 0.41 1 23 4 1950 0.010 ` 0.5 j 8 5.9 i 23 1 0.41 23 5 1800 1 0.0101 0.5 7 6.1 24 0.35 21 11 380 0.026 0.5 2 7.0 5.9 SD/SPIGi SP11,SP1J,SPiK1,SP1K2, 6.11 0.41 23 7 1550 0.010 0.5 6 6.5 16 SPI LI ,SP1 L2 1 SD/SPIG2 SP1I,SPIJ,SP1K1,SP1K2, 6.11 0.41 23 8 1400 0.011 0.5 I 6 6.5 J 16 SP1 L1,SP1 1-2 +-6-73 j 1 1 SD/SP11 SPIJ,SP1K1,SP1K2, 0.41 23 10 1200 0.011 0.5 I 5 7.0 j 16 1 SPi L1,SP1 L2 I i SD/SPiJ SPIJ 1.22 0.40 22 15 350 0.020 0.5 1 2 7.0 3.4 SD/SPIK SP1K2,SP1L2 j 3.00 0.41 23 16 950 0.0071 0.5 5 7.0 8.7 SD/SP1L1 SPi Li 1.17 0.40 23 20 400 0.008 ! 0.5 3 7.0 3.3 SD/SP1L2 1 SPIL2 2.26 0.40 23 21 1 450 0.004 0.5 3 j 7.0 6.3 SD/SP2B1 j SP2B,SP2C,SP2D,SP2E 1 4.19 0.42 20 13 1400 10.006 0.5 ! 8 5.9 10 SD/SP2B2 SP2B,SP2C,SP2D,SP2E 1 4.19 1 0.42 20 15 1050 1 0.005 ! 0.5 6 1 6.5 1 11 SD/SP2C SP210 0.-481 0.46 20 1 19 200 1 0.005 0.5 1 2 7.0 1 1.5 SD/SP2D SP20,SP2E i 2.37 1 0.42 1 20 1 16 1 420 0.0101 0.5 I 2 ! 7.0 i 7.0 SD/SP2E ! SP2E 1 0.91 1 0.45 20 16 400 0.010 0.5 2 I 7.0 2.9 SD28 i S2B,S2C I 0.45 0.45 1 19 16 300 0.010 ! 0.5 2 7.0 1.4 SD2C I SZC 1 0,14 1 0.45 19 16 I 210 1 0.014 0.51 1 I 7.0 0.4 SD38 ! S3B,S3C 2.72 1 0.41 I 22 16 520 1 0.012 0.6 1 3 I 7.0 I 7.8 SD3C S3C 2.10 0.40 1 22 18 500 1 0.008 ' 0.6 1 4 1 7.0 5.9 SD4B I S4B,S4C i 2.55 i 0.41 23 I 18 1 400 0.013 0.6 3 7.0 ! 7.4 SD4C S4C 1.95 I 0.40 23 1 20 1 380 1 0.008 i 0.6 3 ! 7.0 I 5.5 SDSB S5B,S5C 1 2.60 0.41 23 1 17 1 480 1 0.013 0.6 1 3 7.0 1 7.5 SD5C ! S5C I 1.95 I 0.40 1 23 1 20 460 1 0.007: 0.6 1 4 7.0 5.5 S06B S68,S6C,S61),S6E 1 2.16 0.43 I 22 17 750 10.007 1 0.5 I 4 7.0 1 6.4 SD6C S6C 0.19 1 0.45 1 22 I 20 150 1 0.013 0.5 1 7.0 1 0.6 SD6D I S6D,S6E I 1.85 0.42 1 22 17 500 0.0101 0.6 1 3 1 7.0 1 5.4 SD6E 1 SS 1 0.69 1 0.45 22 j 20 420 0.005I 0.5 3 7.0 1 2.2 SD7C1 1 9_7C,S7D 1.77 0.45 20 14 520 0.012 ! 0.5 3 7.0 5.6 SD7C2 1 S7C,S7D 1 1.77 0.45 20 14 450 0.0131 0.5 2 7.0 5.6 SD7D 1 S7D 1.20 0.45 20 15 430 0.0121 0.5 r 2 7.0 3.8 SD7E S7E,S7F 2.15 0.41 20 15 420 0.0121 0.6 3 7.0 6.2 SD7F S717 1.58 0.40 20 15 400 0.013 ! 0.6 3 7.0 4.4 SD8B S8B,S8C 2.03 0.41 19 14 380 0.013 0.6 2 7.0 5.9 SDHC S8C 1.53 0.40 19 14 360 0.014 0.6 2 7.0 4.3 C1 EXIST EC10S 35.00 j 25 CiNEW S9A,S9B,S9/OS,S1O EC/OS 50.12 34 C2 S1A,S1B,S1C 5.39 0.35 23 7 1860 T 6.009 1 0.8 13 4.9 9.2 C3 j S9A,S9B,S9/OS 12.80 12.8 27 16 1 1800 1 0,006 1 0.9 16 1 4.6 18 NOTES: 1. The 'tc factor' is based on a portion of the flow conveyance system being Improved due to piping or channelization. 2. The design flowratea for 'C1 EXIST' and 'Cl NEW' are for the 25-year storm rather than the 10-year storm due to crossing of NCDOT secondary road. See separate SCS method calculations due to lame drainage area. The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 019 Peak Discharge SD/SP1 B HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.2 CF5 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL O A. FOR CULVER �I PIPE = 12 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.34 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 4 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 9.04 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 8.2 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT= 6.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.31 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 9.81 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 9.5 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP1 C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 1 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 12 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.07 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 9.07 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 8.50 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 8.20 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.05 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 9.86 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 9.81 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (Q) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hgdraullcs - 018 Peak Discharge SO/SP1 F1 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 23 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 30. CV1ES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.46 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 5.56 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 3.6 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 3.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLAW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.31 WEIR FLOW ODER = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 9.31 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 9.0 FEET' VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP1 F2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 2 3 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 30 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.95 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 160 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 6.20 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 4.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 3.60 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COER FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.94 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 10.25 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 9.31 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN - ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - pl8 Peak Discharge SD/SP1 F3 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 24 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 3 0 iNCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 1.03 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 150 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 10.28 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 8.0 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 4.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.99 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 11.24 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 10.3 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO L01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP1 F4 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 6.1 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.51 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 9.76 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 8.50 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 8.00 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.35 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 11.59 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 11.24 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0! HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (01 RISER DIA_ HEAD = #UIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - QI@ Peak Discharge SD/SP1 G1 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 16 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOP. CULVERT PIPE= 24 1,'ZHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 1.12 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 55 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 11.12 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 9.0 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 8.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.84 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 12.08 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 11.2 Fes? VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (9) RISEN me HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP1 G2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 16 CPS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 24 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 1.12 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 90 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.42 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 11.30 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 9.00 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.99 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.07 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 12.08 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (Q) FUSEE? DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 018 Peak Discharge HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 16 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 24 !NCI ;2S DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 1.12 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 120 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 19.32 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 17.2 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT= 11.8 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.8 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 1.12 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.04 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 13.9 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZFgO (m HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP1 J HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 3.4 CR3 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.33 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.56 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 12.60 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 12.20 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.24 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 14.16 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 13.92 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER =ZERO (9) RISER me HEAD= #UIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 0113 Peak Discharge SD/SP1 K HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 8.7 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL 01A. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 1.05 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 200 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 20.40 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 18.6 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 17.5 FEET INLET ODER FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 1.73 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 21.05 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 19.3 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP1 Ll HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 3.3 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.31 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.84 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 17.90 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 17.50 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.22 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 19.54 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 19.32 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO rm HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 018 Peak Discharge SD/SP1 L2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 6.3 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DL : FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 i;,ZHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.55 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 20.30 INV. INELEV. OFCULVERT = 19.0 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 18.6 FEEL' INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEEr HEAD = 0.37 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 21.42 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 21.1 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #D I V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - al Peak Discharge SD/SP2B1 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 10 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DI". FOR CULVERT PIPE = 24 ii4CHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.44 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 340 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 14.24 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 12.80 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 11.50 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.80 WEIR FLOW GOER = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 14.80 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 14.00 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (Ol HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP2B2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 11 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 24 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.53 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 210 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION 15.53 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 14.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 12.80 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.71 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.51 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 14.80 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (Ol HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER nie HEAD = #DIV/01 HEAUWATER ELEVATION #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Brains Hydraulics - 018 Peak Discharge SD/SP2C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.5 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE 12 INCHES DIA FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.16 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.66 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 17.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.60 FEET INLET CIDER FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET CIDER FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.12 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.65 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.53 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (01 RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP2D HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 7 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.68 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 400 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.43 INV. INELEV. OFCULVERT = 16.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT= 14.00 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COER FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEEr HEAD = 1.88 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.41 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.53 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER - ZERO (9) RISER DIA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 018 Peak Discharge SD/SP2E HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.9 CF5 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DiA. FOR CULVERT PiFE = 12 iNCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.59 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.49 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.40 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.00 RAT INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.46 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.89 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 17.43 FEET VELOCITY. FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (W RISER DIA. HEAD = #D I V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #D I V/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - (11 a Peak Discharge SD28 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 1.4 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL '-13 FOR CULVERT PIPE = 12 INCHES CIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.14 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 40 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.14 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 12.5 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT= 12.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.13 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 14.13 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 14.0 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #DI V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #D I V/01 SD2C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 0.4 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 12 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.01 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 8 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 13.51 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 13.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 12.50 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE F LOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.01 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 14.14 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 14.13 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA, HEAD = #D I V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #D I V/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - Q18 Peak Discharge SD/SP2B1 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 10 CF5 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DI F09 CULVERT PIPE = 24 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.44 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 340 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 14.24 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 12.80 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OFCULVERT = 11.50 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.80 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 14.80 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 14.00 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD/SP2B2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 11 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 24 14piES DIA. FOR RISER= 14WES HEAD = 0.53 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 210 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.53 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 14.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 12.80 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.71 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.51 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 14.80 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER RCA HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 01 B Peak Discharge SD/SP2C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 1.5 CF5 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL Dik FOR CULVERT PIPE = 12 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.16 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.66 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 17.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.80 FAT INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FAT HEAD = 0.12 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.65 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.53 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA HEAD = #D I V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #D I V/01 SD/SP2D HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 7 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 ICES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.68 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 400 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.43 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.00 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 1.88 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.41 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.53 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZEee_ HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #D I V101 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 01 B Peak Discharge SD/SP2E HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 2.9 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL OLk FOR CULVEr71 PIPE = 12 BiCH" 'ES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.59 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.49 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.40 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT= 16.00 RAT INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.46 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.89 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 17.43 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (9) RISER DIA_ HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 010 Peak Discharge SD3B HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 7.8 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DlA. FOR CULVEHi PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.84 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 140 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.19 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 15.6 FEET INV, OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.9 FEET INLET COER FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET ODER FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.01 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.9 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD3C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 5.9 CPS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 1.00 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.62 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 16.00 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 15.60 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.72 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.91 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 17.19 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO f©) RISER rue -- - HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - a I a Peak Discharge SD4B HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 7.4 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.76 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 140 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.71 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 17.2 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 1.00 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.00 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 17.0 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD4C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 5.5 CR3 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = MCHES HEAD = 0.87 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 19.09 INV. INELEV. OFCULVERT = 17.60 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 17.20 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.62 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 19.33 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 18.71 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO L01 RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - Q18 Peak Discharge S05B HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 7.5 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVEH i PIPE = 18 WCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.78 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 140 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.43 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.9 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 1.03 WEIR FLOW CIDER = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.03 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 17.0 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD5C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 5.5 CPS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.87 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.79 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 17.30 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.90 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.62 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 19.05 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 18.43 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 018 Peak Discharge S06B HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 6.4 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA, FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.57 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = So FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.12 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.8 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.0 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.46 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.46 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 17.0 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SM HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 0.6 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 12 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.03 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 17.73 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 17.20 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 16.80 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.02 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 18.14 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 18.12 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - a a Peak Discharge SM HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 5.4 CF3 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.84 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 280 RAT HEADWATER ELEVATION = 19.66 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 18.2 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT= 16.8 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 2.12 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 20.24 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 18.1 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (Q) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION#DIV/01 SD6E HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.2 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 12 INCHES DIA FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.34 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 19.44 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 18.60 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 18.20 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = - 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.26 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 20.50 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 20.24 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER 011A. HEAD = #01V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 018 Peak Discharge SD7C1 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 5.6 CPS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.43 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 4 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.08 INV. INELEV. OFCULVERT = 13.9 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 13.7 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.33 WEIR FLOW CIDER = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.33 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.0 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD7C2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 5.6 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.90 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 80 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.82 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 14.30 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 13.90 FAT INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET CIDER FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 1.00 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 16.33 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.33 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 018 Peak Discharge SD7D HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 3.8 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.41 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 2 5 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.74 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.7 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.3 FAT INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.30 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 16.63 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 16.3 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO a HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SWE HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 6.2 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE = 18 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 0.53 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 140 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.68 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.40 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 13.70 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.70 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.70 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.00 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (01 RISER DiA, HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm Drains Hydraulics - 016 Peak Discharge SD7F HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 4.4 CPS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.55 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.98 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.8 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.4 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = 15.7 FEET HEAD = 0.40 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 16.10 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.7 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (01 RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 SD8B HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE = 5.9 CFS MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD = 1.00 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 15 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.82 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT = 14.20 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT = 13.80 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.65 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.45 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 14.80 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 The Landing Storm grains Hydraulics - Q18 Peak Discharge SD8C HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 4.3 CF5 MANNINGS n = 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUlWiNG INLET CONTROL DIA. FOR CULVERT PIPE = 15 INCHES DIA. FOR RISER = INCHES HEAD = 0.53 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE = 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION = 15.75 INV. IN ELEV. OF CULVERT= 14.6 FEET INV. OUT ELEV. OF CULVERT= 14.2 FEET INLET COEF. FOR CULV. PIPE FLOW = 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF. FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL = 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION = FEET HEAD = 0.38 WEIR FLOW COEF. = HEADWATER ELEVATION = 16.20 TAILWATER ELEVATION = 15.8 FEET VELOCITY= FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN = ZERO (0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER = ZERO (0) RISER DIA. HEAD = #D I V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION = #DIV/01 Q, C,(u'. /,, -Iv c-,, f�-"t,. rvd _ Z7 1. D^ = 3�_cc. L_ I�ae' —JI ) -1-moo 2. Gti/=S2 C, Zoa o 2doa Cy � •�S — C � �v-� • SS �"-r .88 S2 % �y.,G1.� /�. 4e-4 Ge71,'. i, j ep �.,(/ -� c ' /t i e c j ' o %o 1 ),.- o ,L / %.. L1.4 LA"�tc TV l.. l7•.�t ��O Dr �IF �i`W,•� �tiGi 10 Y c4 5xIsT Culvert C-1 (under Aver Road ...i Worksheet for Circular Channel O-wiwwr 11www-IMlww �wr a•, ,�ra.v.. 1--rujeU-L File iiiluueu Wui ksheet iyv Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Diameter -- ...pv �aaa IVIBrInI gs COet lde!1L C U!2 Channel Slope 0.005000 ;lift Depth 2.29 it Discharge 25.00 ft3/s 0coiii to D-weter 2.29 ft Flow Area 4.14 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 7.21 ft Top Width 0.00 It Critical Depth 1.74 ft Percent Full 100.00 % Critical Slope 0.005857 ft/ft Velocity 6.05 ft(s Velocity Head 0.57 ft Specific Energy FULL ft Froude Number FULL Maidmum Discharge 26.89 ft3/s Full Flow Capacity 25.00 ft3/s Full Flow Slope 0.005000 ft/ft Dec 11, 1997 1338.35 E.r ij f; h t C u l V t 1' V r -&- R 1 +..� )2,)wJ+ <r jr 4. �l �Y S C. ef 3,0 . LSt>r l•.1i7 Y]3-[--GGurak A—d, -ru,hc , C:�LV Ill ,ofPPz=.. of zd PF- A- �F_'Q or7zo, S'I Z E D Haestad Methods, Inc_ 37 Brookside Road Waterhurv- CT 06708 (203) 755-I W6 FlowMaster V4.1 b Page 1 of 1 Culvert CI NEW Worksheet for Circular Channel Pra;ect Description Project File untitled Woricsneet sfgs Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For. Channel Diameter Input Data Mennings Coefficient 0.012 Charnel Slope 0.005000 Rift Depth 2.58 ft Discharge 34.00 f13/s Resutts Diameter 2.58 ft Flow Area 5.21 fl2 Wetted Perimeter 8.09 It Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 1.97 ft Percent Full 100.00 % Critical Slope 0.005736 ft/ft Velocity 6.53 ft/s Velocity Head 0.66 ft Specific Energy FULL ft Froude Number FULL Maiamum Discharge 36.57 fp/s Full Flow Capacity 34.00 I'Vis Full Flow Slope 0.005000 ft/ft O r C >EY/ST Dec 11, 1997 14:03:49 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 FlowMaa er v4.1 b (2dvi) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 LIN Culvert C2 Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Project File untitled Worksheet sfgs Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manninn'c FnrmBla Solve For Channel Diameter input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.005000 ft/ft Depth 1.58 ft Discharge 9.20 ft3/s Results Diameter 1.58 ft Flow Area 1.95 ftz Wetted Perimeter 4.96 ft Top Wid+►.- . 0.00 ft Critical Dent 1.16 ft Percent Full 100.00 % Critical Slope 0.006293 fiJft Veloci!; 4.71 ffis- Velocity, Head 0.34 It Specific Energy FULL ft Froude Number FILL Maximum Discharge 9.90 M/s Full Flow Capacity 9.20 ft3/s Full Flow Slope 0.005000 f+ift Dec 12, 1997 FlowMaster v4.1b 10:47:29 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-16M Page 1 of 1 Yllorksfteet for Circular unarine} _ Project Oascription Project File Y:F=tj ;C! M U! i\iYY �.1i,�4..• Vif V•iiu{ viiGii it fl.l Method iv€anning's Formula Solve For Fuil Flow Diameter input Data 'Aanninu5 Caec"c• lent- C!nt,a r- It n!?enn ft/ft iiiA.a..IVIY.1 uio,.a iw y.. 11�J.Vr1 ��j Results - Depth 2.03 ft Diameter 2.03 ft C!'I•,Y Area A7R rig IR�ctfs� ��remai�r r'.3� sa Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 1.52 ft Percent ruii 100.00 % Critical Slope 0.005993 Rift Velocity 5.57 ftis Velocity Mead 0.48 ft Specific Energy FULL ft Froude Number FULL Maximum Discharge 19.:36 fees Full Flow Capacity 18.00 Reis Full Flow Slope 0.005000 filft I Dec 17, 1997 FiowAnasier v4.i 6 16. 9.37 Haestad Methods, inc. 37 6tookside Road VVatarburv_ C I t`76 W (2M) 756-i666 Page 1 of 1 O 7 a E O U tL 0 Lo c o cm zw Ll S4�17�drd► 1 2 {� 17 <WP � 2 1g 12- s D2 _q 1 Z r. 4- SA2 a JS � 3 6. 4- s��c r rs s/, SA7 f 6,z L4 drx<K �n;n S f3 g 8 5 ro 8 — kq4 — CSaw-c, 4- 9 b 4- Ile 4 C, G — 0y — —�le_— Y _S J