HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161076 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report_2019_20200424ID#* 20161076 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 04/27/2020 Mitigation Project Submittal - 4/24/2020 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* O Yes a No Type of Mitigation Project:* rJ Stream rJ Wetlands [Buffer ❑ Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Harry Tsomides Project Information ............................................................................................................................................................................ ID#:* 20161076 Existing IW Project Type: F DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Fletcher Stream and Wetlands County: Henderson Document Information Email Address:* harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov Version: * 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation As -Built Plans File Upload: Fletcher _100004_MYO_2019.pdf 52.75MB Rease upload only one R7Fcf the conplete file that needs to be subrritted... Signature Print Name:* Harry Tsomides Signature:* Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site As-Built Baseline Monitoring Report FINAL Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site NCDMS Contract No. 006997 NCDMS Project No. 100004 DWR# 16-1076 USACE Action ID: SAW-2016-02205 Henderson County, North Carolina Data Collected: February 1st, 2019 – March 20th, 2019 Date Submitted: April 29th, 2019 Submitted to: NCDEQ-Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh N C 27699-1652 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Prepared for: 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28801 Prepared by: 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28801 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville NC 28801 828.253.6856 www.equinoxenvironmental.com May 13th, 2019 Harry Tsomides Project Manager DENR Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravenscroft Dr., #102 Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Draft As-Built Baseline Monitoring Report (Task 6) Fletcher Site Mitigation Project, Henderson County French Broad River CU 06010105 DMS Project ID No. 100004 / DEQ Contract #006997 Dear Mr. Tsomides, Equinox/EWS has reviewed and addressed the comments for the draft As-Built Baseline Monitoring Report and Record Drawings for the Fletcher Site Mitigation Project. This deliverable documents stream and wetland restoration, enhancement and preservation assets totaling 10,011.3 Stream Mitigation Units (SMU) and 8.91 riparian Wetland Mitigation Units (WMU). Comments provided by NCDMS on May 8th, 2019 are listed below with red text indicating how each was addressed: Section 1.3 - Project Success Criteria ER standard from mitigation plan (Table 18) is not mentioned. Included in Table 18 from approved mitigation plan. Continuous 30-day annual surface flow standard from mitigation plan (Table 18) for tributaries is not mentioned. Included in Table 18 from approved mitigation plan. Vegetation – indicate that the CVS method will be used (per mitigation plan). Added to Table 18 from approved mitigation plan. Hydrology – indicate that the four bank full events must occur in separate years. Included in Table 18 from approved mitigation plan. Approved mitigation plan indicated a success hydroperiod of 12%; however the as built report states that the project success criterion is 10%. Please correct to reflect the approved mitigation plan hydroperiod of 12%. Included in Table 18 from approved mitigation plan. For simplicity and clarity DMS recommends inserting Table 18 (Performance Standards) from mitigation plan if all monitoring performance standards moving forward are being maintained, and indicating no changes; if any variations/omissions from the mitigation plan are being proposed it needs to be explained in detail which ones, and why. For simplicity as mentioned above, Table 18 from the approved Fletcher Site Mitigation Plan was added to the Fletcher Site As-Built Report. The only change to the table was noting that Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) methodology will be used to record and calculate data. 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville NC 28801 828.253.6856 www.equinoxenvironmental.com Section 1.4 – Mitigation Components It is indicated that as-built credits are based on centerline stream lengths from the as-built plan; however the table credits are based on the approved mitigation plan. Please update this section accordingly. This section was updated to note that the credits are based on the Approved Fletcher Site Mitigation Plan. Section 1.5 – Restoration Type and Approach Fletcher Creek subsection, paragraph 1 – future tense is used to explain what will happen; please use past tense appropriately to explain what happened. In the Fletcher Creek subsection, paragraph 1 has been updated to past tense. Section 1.6 – As Built Record Drawings It is indicated that a sealed set of record drawings are located in Appendix E, however only the sealed as-built survey (Kee) is present in Appendix E. Please add the sealed record drawings (Stantec) to Appendix E. The sealed record drawing has been added to the report. Many items on this list are not apparent as callouts on the record drawing sheets; please clarify. Please review the bulleted section 1.7 – As-Built Record Drawings. This gives the description of all of the deviations that were deemed significant by the designer. There are some inconsistencies in this list, for example Raccoon Branch Reach 1c (STA 214+30 to 214+90), five sills appear to have been deleted according to sheet AB-17, not three as indicated. Between STA 214+30 and 214+90 only 3 log sills were omitted. The stationing has been updated to 214+00 to 214+00 to add the additional two log sills that were omitted upstream. There are several headwater channels noted as being extended; what necessitated these reach extensions? Site conditions had changed from initial survey during a very wet year, a field call was made to extend the headwater channel upstream to help stabilize the channel. The pervious text it located in the as-built report in section 1.7- As-Built Record Drawings. Weston Creek Reach 1B – Indicates 700 LF of Added Base Ditch With Rip Rap Transition; is this the channel that was intended to be backfilled (see Fill pattern on sheets 35/36 from the Mitigation Plan)? If so, please explain this variation from the design. Was it partially filled or just abandoned and left in place to drain the adjacent field? The ditch was partially filled because water was still traveling onsite from the adjacent field. A rip-rap transitions down to Hoopers Creek was installed to help stabilize the channel. The pervious text it located in the as-built report in section 1.7- As-Built Record Drawings. Table 1 (Assets) Please finish table edits requested in the May 7, 2019 email from me. All cold/cool designations, credit summations, etc. need to be accurate. The newly revised Table 1 (Assets) has been added to the report. Cold/cool designations and credit summations are accurate. 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville NC 28801 828.253.6856 www.equinoxenvironmental.com General Monitoring is not mentioned or summarized in the report; any changes to the monitoring plan from the approved mitigation plan should be captured in the report and summarized so the reader understands exactly what has changed, and why. DMS recommends including Mitigation Plan Table 19 (Monitoring Plan Components) and annotating or footnoting any changes, and explaining the rationale behind any changes (quantity per reach veg plots, gauge types, etc.), or a simple bulleted summary and explanation of variations from the approved mitigation plan monitoring approach. The Monitoring Plan Components table from the approved Fletcher Site Mitigation Plan has been added to the report. Asterisks have been added to the report where changes from the Approved Fletcher Site Mitigation Plan were made and a description of these changes and rationale has been written under the table. Monitoring Features Maps – Recommend using different symbols for the four hydrology monitoring types (blue circles with black symbols); they are hard to distinguish on the printed sheets. The colors for these different symbols on the Monitoring Features Map has been updated. As Built Survey No comments – looks great, thank you. N/A Record Drawings Please include the record set in the report appendix and generate as part of the single PDF document for posting. Sealed record set has been added to the As-Built report. Monitoring features need not be shown as red lines on the record set since they appear on the as built survey; recommend that any changes to monitoring features be summarized in the report (see previous comment). Monitoring features remain on the record drawings. Any changes from the Approved Fletcher Site Mitigation Plan are listed in section 1.3 – Monitoring Plan Components. In general, while the project appears to have been built according to the design with no major variations in lengths, approaches, crossings etc., the record drawing red lines appear to be a copy-and-paste from the as- built survey showing widespread changes. This makes the record set very hard to distinguish minor variations within reason, from more significant changes such as stream extensions, structure type changes and upstream/downstream movements, and other variations that are useful to helping the reader determine field decisions that affected the project design and outcome more meaningfully. DMS recommends reviewing th e record drawings and focusing on any deviations from the design outside the range of tolerance for normal variation between design and as built condition; for example, many of the red lines show structure elevation changes of mere inches (in one case, 0.03 feet, or less than half an inch); this would seemingly save the designer time as well on future projects. This has been noted and will be addressed for future projects. Record set should include planting plan deviations (shown as red lines) from Mitigation Plan sheets P2 through P2a, since it appears multiple species substitutions were made; at a minimum, planting plan changes from mitigation plan to as built conditions should be listed and explained in the report. Two species were entered incorrectly during vegetation data entry into the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) data entry tool. Acer negundo 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville NC 28801 828.253.6856 www.equinoxenvironmental.com was entered incorrectly as acer nigrum and sambucus canadensis was entered incorrectly as salix caroliniana. The stems/ acre numbers did not change for any of the plots or the site as a whole. All vegetation tables throughout the report have been updated to reflect these changes. The Equinox project manager for this project is Mr. Drew Alderman. His contact is as follows: Natural Resource Specialist Equinox 37 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Office: 828-253-6856 ext. 213 Fax: 828-253-8256 Sincerely, Drew Alderman Table of Contents 1.0 Project Summary ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Project Setting and Background ............................................................................................ 1 1.2. Project Goals and Objectives ................................................................................................ 1 1.3. Monitoring Plan Components ............................................................................................... 3 1.4. Project Performance Standards ............................................................................................. 4 1.5. Mitigation Components ......................................................................................................... 6 1.6. Restoration Type and Approach ........................................................................................... 6 1.7. As-Built Record Drawings .................................................................................................... 8 1.8. Vicinity Map ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.0 References ................................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix A Background Tables .......................................................................................................... 12 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data ................................................................................................... 17 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data ........................................................................................................ 79 Appendix D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data ............................................................. 85 Appendix E As-Built Survey and Record Drawings Plan Set ............................................................ 171 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 1 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY 1.1. Project Setting and Background The Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site (Fletcher Site) is located in the French Broad River Basin (CU 06010105). The Fletcher Site also lies within the lower portion of the Cane Creek (HUC 060101050703) watershed which is identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) according to the 2009 French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) Plan. Project work at the Fletcher Site was completed in March 2019, and included construction, planting, monitoring feature installation, and fence installation. Through the project work, a total of 9,528 linear feet were restored, 896 linear feet were enhanced through Enhancement II activities, 1,249 linear feet were preserved, and 8.91 acres for wetland were re-established. The Fletcher Site generated a total of 10,011.300 SMU’s and 8.910 WMU’s. Refer to Table 1 for the project components and mitigation credit information and Figure 2 for the Project Asset Map. Historic land use at the Fletcher Site has consisted primarily of agriculture and livestock grazing. Additional land use practices, including the excavation of drainage ditches, maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, and the relocating, dredging, and straightening of on-site streams have contributed to unstable channel characteristics, degraded water quality, and degradation of prior wetlands. Previous stream conditions at the site consisted of incised channels with unstable banks and a limited riparian buffer width. Fletcher Creek and Coates Branch flow though active pastures with livestock access to the streams. The floodplain adjacent to Weston Creek contains approximately 8.91 acres of mapped hydric soils that have been farmed for produce. Previous ditching and farming activities eliminated jurisdictional wetlands. The completed project restored ecological function to the existing streams, wetlands, and riparian corridor by returning streams to a proper relationship with the floodplain, excluding cattle from the riparian buffer, eliminating drainage ditches and spoil piles, removing invasive species, and re-vegetating the riparian buffer with native plant species appropriate for the valley and the watershed conditions. Grading activities improved the groundwater hydrology of the onsite wetlands, increased hydrologic access of the floodplain for overbank flows, and provided attenuation of flood flows. This project is protected by a 34.81 acre conservation easement and is located approximately 1.1 miles southeast of Fletcher, NC in Henderson County at 35.422278° N, -82.486183° W. The Fletcher Site is bounded by agricultural land and is bisected by Jackson Road. 1.2. Project Goals and Objectives The project goals address stressors identified in the TLW and priority subwatershed, as outline in the Final Mitigation Plan, and include:  Provide a network of streams with natural, stable forms that support proper stream functions;  Improve groundwater hydrology to support recovery of native riparian vegetation;  Reduce sediment inputs from eroding stream banks to reduce fine sediment loads and percentage of fines in the bed-material load;  Restore proper sediment transport to support channel stability and bedform diversity;  Improve substrate quality to facilitate hyporheic flow and support aquatic communities;  Improve quantity, quality, and diversity of habitats to support healthy aquatic communities;  Reduce pollutant inputs to the project streams (fecal coliform, nitrogen, phosphorus) to restore a balance to proper nutrient cycles; Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 2 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7  Improve riparian vegetation community to provide temperature regulation of the stream, provide a future source of organic inputs, and aid in long-term channel bank stability;  Restore areas of former riparian wetlands so that the hydrology and sols will support wetland vegetative communities and wildlife;  Improve landscape connectivity that allows space for biotic and abiotic process and provides a source and sink for natural populations; and,  Prevent the site from future impacts of development and agricultural issues. The following objectives are proposed for accomplishing the above listed goals as outlined in the Final Mitigation Plan:  Construct stream channels that will maintain proper dimension, pattern, and profile and meet jurisdictional status;  Construct streams with proper bankfull to floodplain relationship;  Construct streams that provide naturally stable dimensions and stabilize constructed banks with appropriate bioengineering;  Construct streams that maintain an appropriate sediment transport balance with the sediment that is supplied by the watershed so that the overall stream profile neither aggrades nor degrades over time;  Create and improve stream bedform diversity by constructing pools of varied depths and riffles of varied slopes;  Construct stable riffles that provide an improved diversity of bed material clast and a reduction in fines relative to existing conditions;  Construct in-stream habitat features from native material to provide diversity of habitat;  Prevent cattle from access to the streams and riparian areas by installing exclusion fencing;  Install BMP’s in concentrated runoff areas that drain agricultural fields;  Provide a buffer from agricultural activates and row crops;  Plant native climax tree species and understory species in the riparian zone;  Reconstruct stream channels that are properly connected to the riparian wetlands;  Re-grade topography to eliminate ditches and drainage features;  Plant native wetland tree and shrub species; and,  Establish a conservation easement that provides a minimum buffer from future activities in the adjacent watershed. Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 3 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 1.3. Monitoring Plan Components The monitoring plan from the approved Fletcher Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan is listed below. Changes from the approved Mitigation Plan are denoted with an asterisk (*) and are explained in the next paragraph. Originally in the Fletcher Mitigation Site approved Mitigation Plan there were no pool cross-sections from both Fletcher Reach 1 and Coates Reach 1. One additional pool cross-section was added on both Fletcher Reach 1 and Coats Reach 1 during the as-built. Additionally, there was no pebble count listed for Raccoon Reach 1 in the approved Mitigation Plan. One pebble count was added to Raccoon Reach 1 during the as-built. Lastly, no crest gauge was installed on Raccoon Reach 1. The continuous stage Parameter Method Quantity Frequency Notes Fletcher Reach 1 (3) Fletcher Reach 2 (4) Raccoon Reach 1 (1) Coates Reach 1 (3) Weston Reach 1 (3) Fletcher Reach 1 (3)* Fletcher Reach 2 (4) Raccoon Reach 1 (1) Coates Reach 1 (3)* Weston Reach 1 (3) Pattern Visual Inspection None Bi-annual Bank pins will be installed only in areas of concern Profile Visual Inspection None Bi-annual Additional profile measurements may be required if problems are identified during the monitoring period Fletcher Reach 1 (3) Fletcher Reach 2 (4) Raccoon Reach 1 (1)* Coates Reach 1 (3) Weston Reach 1 (3) Fletcher Reach 1 (1) Fletcher Reach 2 (1) Raccoon Reach 1 (0)* Coates Reach 1 (1) Weston Reach 1 (1) Fletcher Reach 2 (1) Raccoon Reach 1 (1) Coates Reach 1 (1) Weston Reach 1 (1) Groundwater Hydrology Groundwater Gauges Weston R1 (11)Annual Data will be downloaded on a monthly basis during the growing season Fletcher Reach 1 (7)* Fletcher Reach 2 (6)* Raccoon Reach 1 (2) Coates Reach 1 (4) Weston Reach 1 (7) Invasive and Nuisance Vegetation Visual N/a Semi-annual Approximate locations of invasive and nuisance vegetation and the occurrence of beaver dams will be mapped Project Boundary Visual N/a Semi-annual Locations of fence damage, vegetation damage, boundary encroachments, etc. will be mapped * Indicates change from Mitigation Plan Surface Water Hydrology Continuous Gague Bi-annual The devices will be inspected on a semi- annual basis to document the occurrence of bankfull events on the project Vegetation Vegetation Plots Annual Vegetation monitoring will follow CVS protocol Crest Gauge Bi-annual Fletcher Mitigation Site Years 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 Years 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 Years 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7SubstratePebble Counts Monitoring Plan Components Dimension Riffle Cross Sections Pool Cross Sections Bank pins will be installed only in areas of concern Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 4 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 recorder will act as a crest gauge recording events above the surveyed bankfull elevation at the continuous stage recorder’s location. Lastly, due to landscape constraints within the easement, an additional vegetation monitoring plot was added to Fletcher Reach 1 and one vegetation monitoring plot was removed from Fletcher Reach 2. The total number of vegetation monitoring plots for the Fletcher Mitigation Site did not change. 1.4. Project Performance Standards The stream restoration performance standards for the project will follow accepted and approved criteria based on the Final Mitigation Plan for the Fletcher Mitigation Site (2018). Performance standards conform with the performance criteria provided in The Fletcher Site Mitigation Plan which references the DMS Stream and Wetland Mitigation Plan Template and Guidance (October 2015), the Annual Monitoring Template (April 2015), and the Closeout Report Template (v2.1 March 2015). Performance criteria will be evaluated throughout the seven-year monitoring period; however, if all performance criteria has been successfully met and at least two bankfull or significant geomorphic events have occurred a request will be submitted to discontinue stream and/or vegetation monitoring after five years. The table below provides a list of the performance standards associated with each project objective along with a description of the monitoring approach. Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 5 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Objective Performance Standard Monitoring Approach Construct stream channels that will maintain proper dimension, pattern, and profile, and meet jurisdictional status. • Riffle section W/D ratios should remain within the range of the appropriate stream type. • BHR should not exceed 1.2. BHR should not change more than 10% in any given monitoring interval. Changes that do occur should indicate a trend toward stability. • Entrenchment Ratios should be ≥ 2.2 for C/E channels and ≥ 1.4 for B channels. • Document continuous flow in tributaries for at least 30 consecutive days in each year. • Survey of select cross sections and visual assessment. • Continuous stage recorders for base flow on tributaries. Construct streams with proper bankfull to floodplain relationship. Four bankfull events or greater, in separate years, will be documented during the monitoring period. Crest gauges, continuous stage recorders, and debris lines. Construct streams that provide naturally stable dimensions and stabilize constructed banks with appropriate bioengineering. Channel banks should generally remain stable. Where bank migration does occur, it should not exceed 20% of the bankfull width for the duration of the monitoring. Visual assessment and bank pin monitoring as necessary. Construct streams that maintain an appropriate sediment transport balance with the sediment that is supplied by the watershed so that the overall stream profile neither aggrades nor degrades over time. Profile adjustments should not indicate significant aggradation or degradation. BHR requirements as stated above. Resurvey of longitudinal profile if visual assessment indicates potential instability. Create and improve stream bedform diversity by constructing pools of varied depths and riffles of varied slopes Profile should maintain a diversity of depths expressed in riffle/pool forms.Visual assessment Construct stable riffles that provide an improved diversity of bed material clast and a reduction in fines relative to existing conditions Substrate material should progress towards or maintain coarser material in riffles and runs with finer material present in pools and glides. Pebble count measurements at surveyed cross sections Construct in-stream habitat features from native material to provide a diversity of habitats In-stream habitat structures should remain intact and functional. Visual assessment Prevent cattle from access to the streams and riparian areas by installing exclusion fencing. Exclusion fencing should remain intact and effective at preventing livestock access. Visual assessment Install BMP's in concentrated runoff areas that drain agricultural fields. None. No maintenance will be performed on BMP's.None Provide a buffer from agricultural activities and row crops. Record conservation easement prior to implementation.None Plant native climax tree species and understory species in the riparian zone. Minimum of 320 stems/ac present at MY-3. Minimum of 260 stems/ac present at MY-5. Minimum of 210 stems/ac present at MY-7. • Vegetation plots • Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) methodology will be used to record data and calculate stems/ac. Reconstruct stream channels that are properly connected to the riparian wetlands. Groundwater elevation within 12 inches of the ground surface for 12% of the growing season. Groundwater monitoring gauges Re-grade topography to eliminate ditches and drainage features. Groundwater elevation within 12 inches of the ground surface for 12% of the growing season. Groundwater monitoring gauges Plant native wetland tree and shrub species. Minimum of 320 stems/ac present at MY-3. Minimum of 260 stems/ac present at MY-5. Minimum of 210 stems/ac present at MY-7. • Vegetation plots • Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) methodology will be used to record data and calculate stems/ac. Establish a conservation easement that provides a minimum buffer from future activities in the adjacent watershed. Record conservation easement prior to implementation.None Project Performance Standards Fletcher Mitigation Site * Table is based on the approved Fletcher Mitigation Plan; No changes to performace standards, success criteria, or monitoring protocol were made. Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 6 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 1.5. Mitigation Components The Fletcher Site generated 10,011 SMUs and 8.91 WMUs. Refer to Figure 2 for the project component/ asset map for a visual description of the project assets and Table 1 for project components and mitigation credit information for the Fletcher Site. These credits are based on the Approved Fletcher Site Mitigation Plan. 1.6. Restoration Type and Approach Boulder and log structures were used to provide vertical stability to the channel, assist in maintaining riffle, run and pool features and to provide habitat features. Run structures were generally placed at the tail-of-riffles to support the upstream riffle grade. Log sills were used in a similar fashion on smaller streams or on flatter grade reaches. Log J-hooks were used to shift the flow away from the outside banks on selected meander bends. Brush-toe structures were installed on the outside of certain meander bends to provide bank stability, increase bank roughness, and provide aquatic habitat. Re-establishment of the wetlands involved the removal of any overburden material to expose the underlying buried hydric soils. Wetland hydrology was restored by raising the stream bed elevations and filling in the floodplain drainage ditches. Additional grading activities included harvesting usable topsoil material for re-use on portions of the re-graded floodplain, removal of spoil berms, and grading macro- topography to provide for additional retention of surface water and increased habitat diversity. Enhancement of existing wetlands involved stabilizing wetland hydrology and replanting. All Re- establishment areas will be ripped to remove effects of past compaction and planted with native wetland vegetation. Invasive species will be removed and a riparian wetland vegetation community will be established. Fletcher Creek The approach for Fletcher Creek Reach 1 was to raise the stream grade so that the proposed bankfull coincides with the partial terrace which lies 18 to 24 inches below the high terrace. This was accomplished by maintaining as much of the existing alignment features as possible. Where practical the high terrace was graded back to form a gentle cross-sloped valley form. This approach allowed the saving several large trees that occupy the lower terrace and exposed the buried ‘A’ horizon soils adjacent to the channel. Along Reach 2 the channel was partially raised although the target elevation is not as evident as it is in Reach 1. The upstream end of Reach 2 was so severely degraded that relic terrace features were generally lost. The pre-construction stream assessment identified several stabilized valley slope features that roughly coincide with slope projections of the broader valley form. These features were incorporated into the channel configuration to provide a new channel and valley form. Through the downstream end of Reach 2(A) a high bank feature provided a relatively consistent target for matching the proposed bankfull elevation. The conceptual approach for Reach 2(B) was to reconstruct the channel with a slightly raised bed. Significantly raising the bed elevation through this reach was limited by the grade of the upstream culvert and the relative low slope of the channel. Raccoon Branch On Raccoon Branch Reach 1(D) the conceptual approach was to relocate the channel into a natural low in the valley which lies to the left of the present eroded gully. This approach involved removal of the existing cross pipe which will assist in retaining baseflow in the channel. Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 7 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Coates Branch The approach for Coates Branch was in three parts. On Reach 1(B) restoration activities included reshaping the valley and filling in the ditch to form a new headwater stream and valley configuration. Along Reach 1(C) the restoration activities included raising the stream to an elevation that is consistent with the buried ‘A’ horizon, approximately 18 to 24 inches below the terrace. The upper valley slope was graded back to allow for the construction of a small stream/wetland complex with the broader valley form. The intention was to mimic a scenario of an abandoned larger channel that has evolved into a wetland with a small feeder stream. This is a fairly common scenario in the mountain region where past landslides or debris fans have altered primary stream courses and left relic channel forms. Restoration activities on Reach 1(D) included raising the streambed to allow hydrologic connection to the floodplain and Fletcher Creek. Weston Branch The conceptual approach for Weston Creek was linked to the restoration approach for the adjacent wetlands. Weston Creek was relocated back into the area that has been mapped as hydric soils. Restoration activities were completed by filling in the existing ditch, removing the berm between the ditch and the field, and regrading portions of the field to provide more suitable wetland topography and grade. The stream channel meanders across the reshaped field to maximize the hydraulic connection between the stream and the restored wetlands. Fletcher Creek Wetlands (Area A, B, and C) The enhancement activities on the Fletcher Creek wetlands included primarily planting appropriate wetland vegetation and removing stressors. Wetlands A and B had headcuts that are migrating upstream and threatening to impact groundwater hydrology. These headcuts were stabilized with log sills. Wetland C was protected with exclusion fencing to eliminate the livestock impacts. Additionally, a drainage pipe that was placed to form a stream crossing was removed from this area. Weston Creek Wetlands (Area D) The restoration approach for Area D was to re-establish wetland conditions throughout the area identified as having hydric soils. This was accomplished by returning Weston Creek to a stream course that meanders across the proposed wetland area and eliminating topographic features that were detrimental to functioning wetlands. This included grading down existing berm and spoil areas along with filling in existing ditches. Additionally, the overall topography was reshaped to eliminate agriculture furrows and create macro-depressional areas. Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 8 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 1.7. As-Built Record Drawings A sealed set of the record drawings are located in Appendix E. Adjustments from the design plans are listed below. Fletcher Creek – Reach 1B  Sta 106+70 – Alignment Deviation Fletcher Creek – Reach 1C  Sta 115+70 - 117+20 – Alignment Deviation  Sta 124+13 – Alignment Deviation Fletcher Creek – Reach 2A  Sta 126+38 – 127+65 – Alignment Deviation  Sta 132+20 – 133+91 - Alignment Deviation  Sta 134+22 – Structure shifted upstream  Sta 136+10 – 137+15 – Alignment Deviation Fletcher Creek – Reach 2B  Sta 155+92 – Shifted Piped Crossing Downstream  Sta 156+27 – Added Brush Run Raccoon Branch – Reach 1C  Sta 212+00 – Omitted Debris Placement  Sta 212+10 – Deleted Log Sill, Headwater Channel Extended Upstream; Site conditions had changed from initial survey during a very wet year, a field call was made to extend the headwater channel upstream to help stabilize the channel.  Sta 213+01 – Added Log Sill  Sta 214+00 – 214+90 – Deleted 5 Log Sills, Headwater Channel Extended Upstream; Site conditions had changed from initial survey during a very wet year, a field call was made to extend the headwater channel upstream to help stabilize the channel. Raccoon Branch – Reach 1D  Sta 215+00 – 219+11 – Alignment Deviation Weston Creek – Reach 1B  Partially filled base ditch along eastern side of easement; ditch was partially filled because water was still traveling onsite from adjacent field. A rip-rap transition down to Hoopers Creek was installed to help stabilize the channel. Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 9 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Coates Branch – Reach 1A  Sta 300+00 – 300+35 – Headwater Channel Extended Downstream  Sta 300+50 – 300+70 – Headwater Channel Shortened  Sta 301+50 – 302+25 – Headwater Channel Extended, log sill deleted  Sta 302+75 – Headwater Channel Extended Downstream  Sta 303+40 – 307+00 – Alignment Deviation  Sta 308+25 – 309+00 – Alignment Deviation  Sta 311+75 – 315+25 – Alignment Deviation  Sta 316+50 – 319+25 – Alignment Deviation Weston Creek – Reach 1B  Sta 420+20 – Added Coir Base Ditch  Sta 421+00 – 428+00 – Added Base Ditch With Rip Rap Transition Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 10 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 1.8. Vicinity Map Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 11 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2.0 REFERENCES Kee Mapping and Survey. 2019. As-Built Survey of Fletcher Creek Restoration Project. Prepared for EW Solutions. Stantec Consulting, Inc. 2018. Final Mitigation Plan – Fletcher Mitigation Site. . Prepared for North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services. DMS Project No. 100004. Lee, Michael T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Appendix A Background Tables Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 13 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 1a 607 461 Cool EII NA 2.5 184.400 461 Fletcher Creek 1b 498 377 Cool R PI 1.0 377.000 378 Fletcher Creek 1c 1,791 1,540 Cool R PI 1.0 1,540.000 1,507 Less 51' for crossing Fletcher Creek 2a 1,587 1,296 Cool R PI/ PII 1.0 1,296.000 1,290 Less 33' for utility crossing; Less than 30' buffer for 86 LF Fletcher Creek 2b 1,586 1,470 Cool R PII 1.0 1,470.000 1,558 Less 33' for outlet protection and 51' and 73' for 2 crossings Raccoon Branch 1a 489 489 Cool P NA 10.0 48.900 489 .001 ac temporary impact to Wetland A Raccoon Branch 1b 461 461 Cool P NA 10.0 46.100 461 .006 ac temporary impact to Wetland B Raccoon Branch 1c 208 153 Cool EII NA 2.5 61.200 153 Less 53' for crossing; Stream length not included in wetlands Raccoon Branch 1d 354 448 Cool R PI 1.0 448.000 440 Pine Branch 1 380 299 Cool P NA 10.0 29.900 299 Coates Branch Reach 1a 292 282 Cool EII NA 2.5 112.800 282 Coates Branch Reach 1b 598 606 Cool R PI 1.0 606.000 598 .016 ac temporary impact to Wetland D Coates Branch Reach 1c 727 708 Cool R PI 1.0 708.000 702 Less 44' for crossing Coates Branch Reach 1d 318 325 Cool R PI 1.0 325.000 321 Weston Creek 1a 1,645 1,954 Cold R PI 1.0 1,954.000 1,916 Less 29' for ROW and outlet protection Weston Creek 1b 708 804 Cold R PI 1.0 804.000 798 Wetland A 0.03 0.03 RNR Enh NC NC NC 0.001 ac temporary impact to Wetland A Wetland B 0.11 0.11 RNR Enh NC NC NC 0.006 ac temporary impact to Wetland A Wetland D 0.05 0.05 RNR Enh NC NC NC 0.016 ac temporary impact to Wetland A Wetland E 8.910 8.9 RNR Re-Est 1.0 8.910 8.910 Project Credits Non-Rip Coastal Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-Riv Wetland Marsh Restoration -6770.000 2758.000 ---- Re-establishment -8.910 -- Rehabilitation ---- Enhancement ---- Enhancement I --- Enhancement II -358.400 - Creation Preservation -124.900 ---- Total Credits%-7253.300 2758.000 -8.910 -- Table 1. Project Mitigation Assets and Components Fletcher Mitigation Site % Project credits reflect the sum of credits outlined in the approved mitigation plan. Restoration Level Stream Riparian Wetland As-Built Centerline Footage or Acreage^Project Segment Existing Footage or Acreage Mitigation Plan Footage or Acreage Mitigation Category Restoration Level Priority Level Mitigation Ratio (X:1) Mitigation Plan Credits* ^ Based on centerline calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. * Mitigation plan credits account for breaks in conservation easements and are based on design stream stationing and taken from the approved mitigation plan. Mitigation plan credits are the same as the approved mitigation plan. Comments Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 14 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan Feb - 2018 Feb - 2018 Mitigation Plan Addendum -- Final Design - Construction Plans -Mar - 2018 Construction -Mar - 2019 Temporary S&E Mix Applied -Mar - 2019 Permanent Seed Mix Applied -Mar - 2019 Bare Root and Live Stake Plantings -Mar- 2019 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0 Monitoring - Baseline) Mar - 2019 Apr - 2019 Stream Assessment Mar - 2019 Vegetation Assessment Mar - 2019 Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 6 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Fletcher Mitigation Site Apr - 2019 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 15 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 EW Solutions 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28801 David Tuch (828) 253-6856 Stantec Consulting, Inc 56 College Street, Suite 201 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Grant Ginn (828) 449-1930 Penland Contracting, Inc 300 NP&L Loop Franklin, NC 28734 Lewis Penland (828) 421-1753 Baker Construction 1000 Bat Cave Road Old Fort, NC 28762 Charles Baker (828) 668-5060 Penland Contracting, Inc 300 NP&L Loop Franklin, NC 28734 Lewis Penland (828) 421-1753 Baker Construction 1000 Bat Cave Road Old Fort, NC 28762 Charles Baker (828) 668-5060 Equinox 37 Haywood St. Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Owen Carson (828) 253-6856 Kee Mapping 88 Central Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 Brad Kee (828) 575-9021 SESSCO LLC 209 Cane Creek Rd Fletcher , NC 28732 (828) 654-8991 Mellow Marsh Farms 1312 Woody Store Road Siler City, NC 27344 (919) 742-1200 Equinox 37 Haywood St. Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Drew Alderman (828) 253-6856 Table 3. Project Contacts Fletcher Mitigation Site Prime Contractor Designer Seeding Mix Source Construction Contractor (North Side) Seeding Contractor (North Side) Monitoring Performers (Y0)- 2019 Live Stakes Construction Contractor (South Side) Planting Contractor As-built Surveys Seeding Contractor (South Side) Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 16 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 6010105 Fletcher Creek 1A Fletcher Creek 1B Fletcher Creek 1C Fletcher Creek 2A Fletcher Creek 2B Raccoon Branch 1A Raccoon Branch 1B Raccoon Branch 1C Raccoon Branch 1D Pine Branch Coats Branch 1A Coats Branch 1B Coats Branch 1C Coats Branch 1D Weston Creek 1A Weston Creek 1B 457 380 1,541 1,299 1,511 489 461 153 440 304 284 601 708 325 1,982 825 II II II II VIII II II II II II II II II II VIII VIII 0.30 0.30 0.37 0.49 0.52 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.30 0.37 Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial Intermitt ent Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial Intermitte nt Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial Perrenial C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C: Tr C: Tr G G B, F, G B, G B, E, G B B B, G B, G B B, G B, G B, F, G B E, G E, G B4 B4 B4 B4 B5 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 C5 C5 ---------------- Applicable ? Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No N/A Regulatory Considerations Regulation Resolved?Supporting Documentation Jurisdictional Determination Yes Waters of the United States – Section 404 Yes Waters of the United States – Section 401 Yes Endangered Species Act Yes 15% Jurisdictional Determination ERTR ERTR N/A Yes Perrenial, Intermittent, Ephemeral NCDWR Water Quality Classification Valley Confinement (Rosgen) Drainage area (miles2) Soil Hydric Status Source of Hydrology Mapped Soil Series Drainage class - - Hydric Spring Wetland A Wetland B Wetland D Wetland E 0.03 Riparian 0.11 FEMA classification Stream Classification (existing) Stream Classification (proposed) Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Project Information Project Name Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site County Henderson Project Drainage Area (acres)0.52 Fletcher Creek / 0.37 Weston Branch Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area < 1% River Basin French Broad River USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 06010105040010 DWR Sub-basin 04-03-02 Project Area (acres) 34.8 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude)35.422278° N, -82.486183° W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Blue Ridge CGIA Land Use Classification Agricultural Riparian - - Hydric Spring Agriculture/ Livestock Grazing Mountain Alluvial Forest 0.05 Riparian - - Hydric Spring Agriculture/ Livestock Grazing Mountain Alluvial Forest Reach Summary Information Parameters Length of Reach (linear feet) ^ Size of Wetland (acres) Wetland Type (non-riparian, riparian riverine or riparian non- riverine) Wetland Summary Information Parameters ^ Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. 15% 8.91 Riparian Ha poorly Hydric Groundwater Agriculture Mountain Alluvial Forest 1%Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation Hydrologic Impairment Native vegetation community Agriculture/ Livestock Grazing Mountain Alluvial Forest 15% Essential Fisheries Habitat N/A Historic Preservation Act N/A Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA)N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Appendix B Visual Assessment Data This Page Intentionally Left Blank NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Stream Asset Type Restoration Enhancement II Preservation No Credit Wetland Re-Establishment Wetland Enhancement (No Credit) Figure 2. Asset Map Fletcher Restoration Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 2. Asset Map 0 1,000 2,000500 FeetFletcher CreekReach 1AFletcher Creek Reach 1 B Fletcher Cre e k Reach 1C Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Fletcher CreekReach 2BWe s t o n C r e e k Re a c h 1 A We s t o n C r e e k Re a c h 1 B Pine Branch Coates Branch Reach 1A Coates Branch Reach 1B Coates Branch Reach 1C Coates Branch Reach 1DRaccoon BranchReach 1ARaccoon Branch Reach 1B Raccoon Bran c h Reach 1C Raccoon Bran c h Reach 1D Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 20 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6 Page 7Pa g e 9 Page 8Pa g e 1 0 Page 11NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Map Pages As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Overview Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 1,100 2,200550 FeetFletcher CreekReach 1AFletcher Creek Reach 1 B Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Fletcher CreekReach 2BWe s t o n C r e e k Re a c h 1 A We s t o n C r e e k Re a c h 1 B Pine Branch Coates Branch Reach 1A Coates Branch Reach 1B Coates Branch Reach 1C Coates Branch Reach 1D Raccoon Branch Reach 1A Raccoon Branch Reach 1B Raccoon Bran c h Reach 1C Raccoon Bran c h Reach 1D Page 1Page 12 25 19 21 20 22 23 PP-3 PP-5 PP-4 PP-2 PP-1 PP-26 PP-27 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 1 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 200 400100 Feet 17 14 15 18 16 PP-7 PP-6 PP-33 PP-32 PP-31 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 2 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 160 32080 Feet 1213 PP-9 PP-8 PP-7 PP-10 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 3 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 150 30075 Feet 11 PP-13 PP-12 PP-11 PP-10 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 4 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 125 25062.5 Feet 9 810 PP-16 PP-15 PP-14 PP-13 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 5 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 210 420105 Feet 7 6 PP-18 PP-17 MW2 MW1 MW4 MW3 MW6 MW5 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 6 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 190 38095 Feet 5 4 6 3 PP-19 MW4 MW3 MW6 MW5 MW8 MW7 MW9 MW10 MW11 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 7 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 190 38095 Feet 2 1 3 PP-21 PP-20 PP-19 MW11 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 8 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 190 38095 Feet 26 PP-23 PP-22 PP-24 PP-25 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 9 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 210 420105 Feet 26 25 21 20 PP-3 PP-2 PP-25 PP-26 PP-27 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 10 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 150 30075 Feet 24 23 PP-31 PP-30 PP-29PP-28 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 11 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 140 28070 Feet 17 14 15 18 16 PP-7 PP-6 PP-5 PP-33 PP-32 PP-31 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis®Easement Wetland Re-Establishment Wetlands Enhancement (No Credit) Vegetation Plot As-Built Top of Bank As-Built Thalweg Cross-Section ^_Photo Point !U Continuous Stage Recorder !C Crest Gauge !<Groudwater Gauge !R Rain Gauge Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map Fletcher Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 0 Henderson County, NC NCDMS Contract No.: 006997 NCDMS Project No.: 100004 April 2019 Sheet 12 of 12 Prepared for Prepared byNotes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Kee Mapping Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 0 160 32080 Feet Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 34 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 35 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 36 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 37 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 38 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 8 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 39 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 9 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 10 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 40 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 11 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 12 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 41 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 13 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 14 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 42 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 15 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 16 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 43 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 17 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 18 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 44 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 19 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 20 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 45 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 21 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 22 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 46 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 23 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 24 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 47 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 25 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 26 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 48 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Permanent Photo Stations Fletcher Creek 1A – Permanent Photo Station 1 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 1A – Permanent Photo Station 1 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 49 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 1B – Permanent Photo Station 2 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 1B – Permanent Photo Station 2 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 50 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 1B – Permanent Photo Station 3 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 3 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 51 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Raccoon Branch 1D – Permanent Photo Station 3 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 4 Looking Upstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 52 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 4 Looking Downstream Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 5 Looking Upstream from Crossing Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 53 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 5 Looking Downstream from Crossing Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 6 Looking Upstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 54 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 6 Looking Downstream Fletcher Creek 1C – Permanent Photo Station 7 Looking Upstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 55 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2A - Permanent Photo Station 7 Looking Downstream Coats Branch 1D – Permanent Photo Station 7 Looking Upstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 56 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2A – Permanent Photo Station 8 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 2A – Permanent Photo Station 8 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 57 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2A – Permanent Photo Station 9 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 2A – Permanent Photo Station 9 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 58 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2A – Permanent Photo Station 10 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 2A – Permanent Photo Station 10 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 59 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2A – Permanent Photo Station 11 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 12 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 60 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 13 Looking Upstream from Crossing Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 13 Looking Downstream from Crossing Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 61 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 14 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 14 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 62 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 15 Looking Upstream Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 15 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 63 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Creek 2B – Permanent Photo Station 16 Looking Upstream Weston Creek 1A – Permanent Photo Station 17 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 64 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Weston Creek 1A – Permanent Photo Station 18 Looking Upstream Weston Creek 1A – Permanent Photo Station 18 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 65 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Weston Creek 1A – Permanent Photo Station 19 Looking Upstream Weston Creek 1A – Permanent Photo Station 19 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 66 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Weston Creek 1B – Permanent Photo Station 20 Looking Upstream Weston Creek 1B – Permanent Photo Station 20 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 67 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Weston Creek 1D – Permanent Photo Station 21 Looking Upstream Pine Branch – Permanent Photo Station 22 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 68 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Raccoon Branch 1A – Permanent Photo Station 23 Looking Downstream Raccoon Branch 1A – Permanent Photo Station 24 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 69 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Raccoon Branch 1B – Permanent Photo Station 24 Looking Downstream Pine Branch – Permanent Photo Station 24 Looking Upstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 70 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Raccoon Branch 1B – Permanent Photo Station 25 Looking Upstream Raccoon Branch 1C – Permanent Photo Station 25 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 71 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Raccoon Branch 1C – Permanent Photo Station 26 Looking Upstream Raccoon Branch 1D – Permanent Photo Station 26 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 72 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Raccoon Branch 1D – Permanent Photo Station 27 Looking Upstream Raccoon Branch 1D – Permanent Photo Station 27 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 73 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Coats Branch 1A – Permanent Photo Station 28 Looking Downstream Coats Branch 1B – Permanent Photo Station 29 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 74 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Coats Branch 1B – Permanent Photo Station 30 Looking Upstream Coats Branch 1B – Permanent Photo Station 30 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 75 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Coats Branch 1B – Permanent Photo Station 31 Looking Upstream from Crossing Coats Branch 1C – Permanent Photo Station 31 Looking Downstream from Crossing Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 76 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Coats Branch 1C – Permanent Photo Station 32 Looking Upstream Coats Branch 1C – Permanent Photo Station 32 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 77 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Coats Branch 1D – Permanent Photo Station 33 Looking Upstream Coats Branch 1D – Permanent Photo Station 33 Looking Downstream Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 78 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data This Page Intentionally Left Blank Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 81 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Box Elder Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 7 7 7 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub Asimina triloba Common Pawpaw Shrub Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 7 7 7 2 2 2 Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam Shrub Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Shrub Tree 4 4 4 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 7 7 7 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 Lindera benzoin Northern Spicebush Shrub Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 3 Salix sericea Silky Willow Shrub Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 18 18 18 19 19 19 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 21 21 21 24 24 24 19 19 19 17 17 17 11 11 11 14 14 14 17 17 17 22 22 22 24 24 24 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 9 9 9 728 728 728 769 769 769 607 607 607 607 607 607 607 607 607 607 607 607 567 567 567 850 850 850 971 971 971 769 769 769 688 688 688 445 445 445 567 567 567 688 688 688 890 890 890 971 971 971Stems per ACRE Species count 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.020.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02size (ACRES)0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 1 1 1 1 1 1111111 Stem count size (ares)1 1 1 1 Plot 16Plot 10 Plot 11 Plot 12 Plot 13 Plot 14 Plot 15Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 Table 5. Current Plot Data (MY0) 2019 Fletcher Mitigation Site Current Plot Data (MY0 2019) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Box Elder Tree 3 3 3 10 10 10 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 66 66 66 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Asimina triloba Common Pawpaw Shrub Tree 1 1 1 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 7 7 7 28 28 28 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 6 6 6 1 1 1 64 64 64 Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam Shrub Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 13 13 13 1 1 1 52 52 52 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Shrub Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 14 14 14 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 20 20 20 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 67 67 67 Lindera benzoin Northern Spicebush Shrub Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 25 25 25 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 31 31 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 7 7 7 60 60 60 Salix sericea Silky Willow Shrub Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 11 11 11 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree 2 2 2 11 11 11 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 18 18 22 22 22 18 18 18 17 17 17 14 14 14 11 11 11 18 18 18 453 453 453 7 7 7 6 6 6 9 9 9 6 6 6 10 10 10 7 7 7 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 13 13 13 607 607 607 809 809 809 809 809 809 728 728 728 890 890 890 728 728 728 688 688 688 567 567 567 445 445 445 728 728 728 705 705 705 Species count Stems per ACRE 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.64size (ACRES)0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 1 1 1 1 1 26 Plot 25 Plot 26 MY0 (2019) Stem count size (ares)1 1 1 1 1 Plot 19 Plot 20 Plot 21 Plot 22 Plot 23 Plot 24 Table 5. Current Plot Data (MY0) 2019 Fletcher Mitigation Site Current Plot Data (MY0 2019)Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Plot 17 Plot 18 P=Planted, T=Planted & Volunteer Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 82 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 83 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Table 6. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Fletcher Mitigation Site Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? Tract Mean 1 Yes 100% 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 Yes 7 Yes 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 Yes 11 Yes 12 Yes 13 Yes 14 Yes 15 Yes 16 Yes 17 Yes 18 Yes 19 Yes 20 Yes 21 Yes 22 Yes 23 Yes 24 Yes 25 Yes 26 Yes Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 84 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Appendix D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data This Page Intentionally Left Blank Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 87 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 1 Station:107+51 Fletcher Creek Reach 1B Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 7.1 ------- 20.0 ------- 0.3 ------- 0.6 ------- 2.3 ------- 21.4 ------- 2.8 ------- 1.0 ------- 0.6 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 88 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 2 Station:109+16 Fletcher Creek Reach 1B Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 10.9 ------- 60.0 ------- 1.7 ------- 2.7 ------- 18.3 ------- 6.5 ------- 5.5 ------- 1.0 ------- 2.7 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 89 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 3 Station:112+04 Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 10.9 ------- 40.0 ------- 0.9 ------- 1.8 ------- 10.3 ------- 11.6 ------- 3.7 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.8 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 90 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 4 Station:112+24 Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 7.6 ------- 10.0 ------- 0.3 ------- 0.5 ------- 2.1 ------- 27.6 ------- 1.3 ------- 1.0 ------- 0.5 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 91 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 5 Station:122+51 Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 16.6 ------- 60.0 ------- 1.2 ------- 3.0 ------- 20.3 ------- 13.7 ------- 3.6 ------- 1.0 ------- 3.0 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 92 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 6 Station:122+74 Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 12.0 ------- 50.0 ------- 0.6 ------- 1.0 ------- 7.5 ------- 19.2 ------- 4.2 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.2 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 93 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 7 Station:126+85 Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 13.1 ------- 35.0 ------- 0.8 ------- 1.6 ------- 10.4 ------- 16.5 ------- 2.7 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.6 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 94 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 8 Station:127+03 Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 15.3 ------- 50.0 ------- 1.3 ------- 2.6 ------- 20.5 ------- 11.4 ------- 3.3 ------- 1.0 ------- 2.6 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 95 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 9 Station:133+19 Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 15.6 ------- 60.0 ------- 1.1 ------- 2.8 ------- 16.9 ------- 14.4 ------- 3.9 ------- 1.0 ------- 2.8 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 96 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 10 Station:133+36 Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 12.6 ------- 50.0 ------- 0.7 ------- 1.2 ------- 9.2 ------- 17.4 ------- 4.0 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.5 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 97 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 11 Station:147+71 Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 10.2 ------- 40.0 ------- 0.7 ------- 1.3 ------- 7.1 ------- 14.6 ------- 3.9 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.3 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70 0+75Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 98 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 12 Station:148+00 Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 9.7 ------- 70.0 ------- 1.2 ------- 2.3 ------- 11.7 ------- 8.1 ------- 7.2 ------- 1.0 ------- 2.3 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70 0+75Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 99 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 13 Station:153+30 Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 10.1 ------- 70.0 ------- 1.6 ------- 2.4 ------- 16.4 ------- 6.2 ------- 6.9 ------- 1.0 ------- 2.4 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70 0+75Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 100 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 14 Station:153+48 Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 9.8 ------- 70.0 ------- 0.8 ------- 1.2 ------- 7.6 ------- 12.6 ------- 7.2 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.2 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 101 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 15 Station:406+40 Weston Creek Reach 1A Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 9.1 ------- 50.0 ------- 0.6 ------- 1.1 ------- 5.4 ------- 15.5 ------- 5.5 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.1 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 102 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 16 Station:406+87 Weston Creek Reach 1A Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 9.7 ------- 50.0 ------- 1.1 ------- 2.0 ------- 10.4 ------- 9.1 ------- 5.1 ------- 1.0 ------- 2.0 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 103 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 17 Station:418+23 Weston Creek Reach 1A Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 9.8 ------- 50.0 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.7 ------- 9.4 ------- 10.1 ------- 5.1 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.7 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 104 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 18 Station:418+53 Weston Creek Reach 1A Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 10.4 ------- 50.0 ------- 0.6 ------- 0.9 ------- 6.2 ------- 17.4 ------- 4.8 ------- 1.0 ------- 0.9 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 105 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 19 Station:422+31 Weston Creek Reach 1B Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 9.7 ------- 40.0 ------- 0.5 ------- 0.7 ------- 4.7 ------- 20.4 ------- 4.1 ------- 1.0 ------- 0.7 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 106 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 20 Station:422+95 Weston Creek Reach 1B Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 8.3 ------- 60.0 ------- 1.5 ------- 2.5 ------- 12.7 ------- 5.4 ------- 7.2 ------- 1.0 ------- 2.5 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 107 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 21 Station:217+59 Raccoon Branch 1D Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 5.6 ------- 20.0 ------- 0.5 ------- 1.2 ------- 2.7 ------- 11.6 ------- 3.6 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.2 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 108 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 22 Station:217+65 Raccoon Branch 1D Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 6.9 ------- 20.0 ------- 0.5 ------- 1.3 ------- 3.4 ------- 13.8 ------- 2.9 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.3 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 109 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 23 Station:307+87 Coats Branch 1B Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 5.2 ------- 15.0 ------- 0.3 ------- 0.7 ------- 1.6 ------- 16.5 ------- 2.9 ------- 1.0 ------- 0.7 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 110 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 24 Station:307+95 Coats Branch 1B Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 7.4 ------- 40.0 ------- 0.7 ------- 1.5 ------- 5.1 ------- 10.7 ------- 5.4 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.5 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 111 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 25 Station:315+12 Coats Branch 1C Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 5.3 ------- 20.0 ------- 0.5 ------- 0.9 ------- 2.7 ------- 10.5 ------- 3.8 ------- 1.0 ------- 0.9 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 112 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 26 Station:315+20 Coats Branch 1C Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 5.4 ------- 20.0 ------- 0.4 ------- 0.8 ------- 2.2 ------- 13.5 ------- 3.7 ------- 1.0 ------- 0.8 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 113 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 27 Station:317+35 Coats Branch 1D Pool MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 5.9 ------- 25.0 ------- 0.6 ------- 1.2 ------- 3.7 ------- 9.2 ------- 4.3 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.2 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 114 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site 28 Station:317+42 Coats Branch 1D Riffle MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 6.1 ------- 25.0 ------- 0.5 ------- 1.0 ------- 3.3 ------- 11.4 ------- 4.1 ------- 1.0 ------- 1.0 ------- Project Name:XS Number: Reach Name:XS Type: Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Low Top of Bank Depth (ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY Bankful Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft 2) Right Descending BankLeft Descending Bank 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45Elevation (feet)Station (feet) MY0 BKF Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 115 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Fletcher Creek 1B Longitudinal Profile Stationing 106+07 to 109+84 TW WS BKF Structure Average Bankfull Slope XS-1-R XS-2-P Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 116 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Fletcher Creek 1C Longitudinal Profile Stationing 109+84 to 125+75 TW WS BKF Structure Average Bankfull Slope XS-3-P XS-4-R XS-5-P XS-6-R Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 117 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Fletcher Creek 2A Longitudinal Profile Stationing 125+75 to 139+04 TW WS BKF Structure Average Bankfull Slope XS-7-R XS-8-P XS-9-P XS-10-R Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 118 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Fletcher Creek 2B Longitudinal Profile Stationing 140+28 to 156+55 TW WS BKF Structure Average Bankfull Slope XS-11-R XS-12-P XS-13-P XS-14-R Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 119 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Weston Creek 1A Longitudinal Profile Stationing 400+00 to 419+83 TW WS BKF Structure Average Bankfull Slope XS-15-R XS-16-P XS-17-P XS-18-R Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 120 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Weston Creek 1B Longitudinal Profile Stationing 419+83 to 427+87 TW WS BKF Structure Average Bankfull Slope XS-19-R XS-20-P Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 121 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Raccoon Branch 1D Longitudinal Profile Stationing 214+92 to 219+40 TW WS BKF Average Bankfull Slope XS-21-P XS-22-R Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 122 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Coats Branch 1B Longitudinal Profile Stationing 302+92 to 308+98 TW WS BKF Average Bankfull Slope XS-23-R XS-24-P Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 123 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Coats Branch 1C Longitudinal Profile Stationing 308+98 to 316+50 TW WS BKF Average Bankfull Slope XS-25-P XS-26-R Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 124 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 Elevation (feet)Station (feet) Fletcher Mitigation Site -Coats Branch 1D Longitudinal Profile Stationing 316+50 to 319+75 TW BKF WS Average Bankfull Slope XS-27-P XS-28-R Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 125 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 1 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 0 0.0% 0% 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.0% 0% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 0% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 0% 0.5 - 1.0 3 2.9% 3% 1 - 2 11 10.5% 13% 2 - 4 6 5.7% 19% 4 - 8 17 16.2% 35% 8 - 16 27 25.7% 61% 16 - 32 22 21.0% 82% 32 - 64 18 17.1% 99% 64-128 1 1.0% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 105 100% 100% Summary Data D50 12 D84 34 D95 50 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 126 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 1 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 1 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 127 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 4 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 5 4.8% 5% 0.062 - 0.125 2 1.9% 7% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 7% 0.25 - 0.5 1 1.0% 8% 0.5 - 1.0 1 1.0% 9% 1 - 2 13 12.4% 21% 2 - 4 3 2.9% 24% 4 - 8 9 8.6% 32% 8 - 16 14 13.3% 46% 16 - 32 17 16.2% 62% 32 - 64 38 36.2% 98% 64-128 1 1.0% 99% 128-256 1 1.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 105 100% 100% Summary Data D50 18 D84 49 D95 60 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 128 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 4 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 4 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 129 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 6 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 0 0.0% 0% 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.0% 0% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 0% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 0% 0.5 - 1.0 0 0.0% 0% 1 - 2 3 2.9% 3% 2 - 4 3 2.9% 6% 4 - 8 7 6.7% 12% 8 - 16 31 29.5% 42% 16 - 32 26 24.8% 67% 32 - 64 30 28.6% 95% 64-128 4 3.8% 99% 128-256 1 1.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 105 100% 100% Summary Data D50 19 D84 46 D95 64 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 130 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 6 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 6 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 131 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 7 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 0 0.0% 0% 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.0% 0% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 0% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 0% 0.5 - 1.0 0 0.0% 0% 1 - 2 4 3.8% 4% 2 - 4 4 3.8% 8% 4 - 8 11 10.5% 18% 8 - 16 23 21.9% 40% 16 - 32 34 32.4% 72% 32 - 64 24 22.9% 95% 64-128 3 2.9% 98% 128-256 2 1.9% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 105 100% 100% Summary Data D50 20 D84 40 D95 63 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 132 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 7 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 7 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 133 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 10 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 1 0.9% 1% 0.062 - 0.125 5 4.5% 5% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 5% 0.25 - 0.5 2 1.8% 7% 0.5 - 1.0 2 1.8% 9% 1 - 2 11 10.0% 19% 2 - 4 8 7.3% 26% 4 - 8 7 6.4% 33% 8 - 16 17 15.5% 48% 16 - 32 13 11.8% 60% 32 - 64 42 38.2% 98% 64-128 2 1.8% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 110 100% 100% Summary Data D50 18 D84 45 D95 59 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 134 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 10 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 10 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 135 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 11 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 11 10.6% 11% 0.062 - 0.125 7 6.7% 17% 0.125 - 0.25 1 1.0% 18% 0.25 - 0.5 3 2.9% 21% 0.5 - 1.0 5 4.8% 26% 1 - 2 15 14.4% 40% 2 - 4 6 5.8% 46% 4 - 8 9 8.7% 55% 8 - 16 9 8.7% 63% 16 - 32 22 21.2% 85% 32 - 64 10 9.6% 94% 64-128 5 4.8% 99% 128-256 1 1.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 104 100% 100% Summary Data D50 5.5 D84 31 D95 70 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 136 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 11 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 11 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 137 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 14 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 5 4.7% 5% 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.0% 5% 0.125 - 0.25 3 2.8% 8% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 8% 0.5 - 1.0 1 0.9% 8% 1 - 2 8 7.5% 16% 2 - 4 2 1.9% 18% 4 - 8 6 5.7% 24% 8 - 16 23 21.7% 45% 16 - 32 26 24.5% 70% 32 - 64 28 26.4% 96% 64-128 3 2.8% 99% 128-256 1 0.9% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 106 100% 100% Summary Data D50 18 D84 43 D95 61 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 138 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 14 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 14 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 139 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 15 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 11 10.7% 11% 0.062 - 0.125 13 12.6% 23% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 23% 0.25 - 0.5 7 6.8% 30% 0.5 - 1.0 4 3.9% 34% 1 - 2 28 27.2% 61% 2 - 4 16 15.5% 77% 4 - 8 11 10.7% 87% 8 - 16 10 9.7% 97% 16 - 32 2 1.9% 99% 32 - 64 1 1.0% 100% 64-128 0 0.0% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 103 100% 100% Summary Data D50 1.5 D84 6.2 D95 14 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 140 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 15 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 15 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 141 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 18 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 20 18.9% 19% 0.062 - 0.125 4 3.8% 23% 0.125 - 0.25 1 0.9% 24% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 24% 0.5 - 1.0 7 6.6% 30% 1 - 2 8 7.5% 38% 2 - 4 15 14.2% 52% 4 - 8 28 26.4% 78% 8 - 16 23 21.7% 100% 16 - 32 0 0.0% 100% 32 - 64 0 0.0% 100% 64-128 0 0.0% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 106 100% 100% Summary Data D50 3.6 D84 9 D95 12 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 142 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 18 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 18 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 143 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 19 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 8 7.6% 8% 0.062 - 0.125 4 3.8% 11% 0.125 - 0.25 2 1.9% 13% 0.25 - 0.5 4 3.8% 17% 0.5 - 1.0 5 4.8% 22% 1 - 2 35 33.3% 55% 2 - 4 7 6.7% 62% 4 - 8 19 18.1% 80% 8 - 16 18 17.1% 97% 16 - 32 3 2.9% 100% 32 - 64 0 0.0% 100% 64-128 0 0.0% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 105 100% 100% Summary Data D50 1.8 D84 9.3 D95 15 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 144 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 19 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 19 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 145 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 22 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 105 100.0% 100% 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.0% 100% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 100% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 100% 0.5 - 1.0 0 0.0% 100% 1 - 2 0 0.0% 100% 2 - 4 0 0.0% 100% 4 - 8 0 0.0% 100% 8 - 16 0 0.0% 100% 16 - 32 0 0.0% 100% 32 - 64 0 0.0% 100% 64-128 0 0.0% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 105 100% 100% Summary Data D50 0.062 D84 0.062 D95 0.062 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 146 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 22 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 22 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 147 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 23 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 18 16.8% 17% 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.0% 17% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 17% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 17% 0.5 - 1.0 5 4.7% 21% 1 - 2 13 12.1% 34% 2 - 4 2 1.9% 36% 4 - 8 5 4.7% 40% 8 - 16 12 11.2% 51% 16 - 32 12 11.2% 63% 32 - 64 34 31.8% 94% 64-128 6 5.6% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 107 100% 100% Summary Data D50 15 D84 48 D95 69 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 148 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 23 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 23 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 149 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 26 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 14 13.0% 13% 0.062 - 0.125 19 17.6% 31% 0.125 - 0.25 16 14.8% 45% 0.25 - 0.5 7 6.5% 52% 0.5 - 1.0 4 3.7% 56% 1 - 2 23 21.3% 77% 2 - 4 10 9.3% 86% 4 - 8 3 2.8% 89% 8 - 16 8 7.4% 96% 16 - 32 0 0.0% 96% 32 - 64 4 3.7% 100% 64-128 0 0.0% 100% 128-256 0 0.0% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 108 100% 100% Summary Data D50 0.41 D84 3.4 D95 13 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 150 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 26 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 26 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 151 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 28 - Riffle Monitoring Year - 2019; MY0 Bed Surface Material % % Particle Size Class (mm) Number Individual Cumulative 0 - 0.062 22 20.0% 20% 0.062 - 0.125 4 3.6% 24% 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.0% 24% 0.25 - 0.5 0 0.0% 24% 0.5 - 1.0 4 3.6% 27% 1 - 2 23 20.9% 48% 2 - 4 2 1.8% 50% 4 - 8 4 3.6% 54% 8 - 16 2 1.8% 55% 16 - 32 6 5.5% 61% 32 - 64 25 22.7% 84% 64-128 17 15.5% 99% 128-256 1 0.9% 100% 256-512 0 0.0% 100% 512-1024 0 0.0% 100% 1024-2048 0 0.0% 100% 2048-4096 0 0.0% 100% Bedrock 0 0.0% 100% Total 110 100% 100% Summary Data D50 4 D84 65 D95 87 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 152 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 28 -Riffle MY0 Cumulative % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%% Finer Than / % by Size GroupParticle Size Groups Fletcher Mitigation Site Pebble Count -Percent Individual Cross-Section 28 -Riffle MY0 Individual % Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 153 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---6.1 --8.0 --14.7 --19.5 ---8.7 --7.1 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)----------------20.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-------------0.6 --0.3 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.7 --0.8 --1.2 --1.4 ---0.9 --0.6 ---1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)4.4 --6.2 --18.0 --27.2 ---5.5 --2.3 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio 8.5 --10.5 --12.0 --14 ---13.6 --21.4 ---1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.1 --2.1 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.4 --2.8 ---1 Bank Height Ratio ----------------1.0 ---1 d50 (mm)6.0 --11.0 --60.0 --125 ------12.0 ---1 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------4.8 8.5 8.0 13.1 2.5 13 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.002 0.018 0.014 0.044 0.013 13 Pool Length (ft)---------------5.1 9.6 9.7 14.4 2.8 12 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------1.4 -1.2 2.0 1.9 2.9 0.5 12 Pool Spacing (ft)------------23.4 -39.0 14.6 27.9 29.4 40.5 8.0 11 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------10.3 13.7 17.2 17.7 18.2 17.8 19.0 0.7 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------14.0 -21.0 17.0 22.7 25.0 26.0 4.9 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------2.0 2.6 2.9 3.0 0.6 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------17.7 18.2 17.8 19.1 0.8 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.5 -2.0 2.1 2.0 2.2 0.1 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 1B (380 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- G B4 B4 B4 0.30 2.35 0.30 -22.0 -15.0 -2.3 - 3.6 -- ---380 ---337 0.008 - 0.018 0.011 - 0.018 0.016 0.015 --1.11 1.12 -- ---0.016 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - 377-- Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 154 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---6.3 --9.3 --14.7 --19.5 ---9.4 -7.6 9.8 9.8 12.0 3.1 2 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------10.0 30.0 30.0 50.0 28.3 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-------------0.7 -0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.2 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.6 --0.9 --1.2 --1.4 ---0.9 -0.5 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.4 2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)4.9 --7.5 --18.0 --27.2 ---6.4 -2.1 4.8 4.8 7.5 3.8 2 Width/Depth Ratio 8.2 --16.6 --12.0 --14 ---13.8 -19.2 23.4 23.4 27.6 6.0 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3 --1.7 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.4 -1.3 2.7 2.7 4.2 2.0 2 Bank Height Ratio --------------1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 d50 (mm)5.0 --14.0 --60.0 --125 -----18.0 18.5 19.0 19.0 0.71 2 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------3.4 10.9 11.1 21.1 4.9 44 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.000 0.009 0.007 0.029 0.008 44 Pool Length (ft)---------------6.3 13.1 12.8 29.0 4.6 44 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------1.4 -1.5 2.8 2.8 4.0 0.6 44 Pool Spacing (ft)------------31.0 -51.7 13.5 35.0 34.4 96.1 13.5 43 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------11.2 15.0 18.7 18.7 20.2 19.7 22.3 1.9 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------15.0 -22.0 17.2 21.0 20.6 25.3 4.1 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 0.5 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------18.7 20.2 19.7 22.3 1.9 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.9 -2.0 2.1 2.1 2.4 0.2 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 1C (1,541 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- B, F, G B4 B4 B4 0.37 2.35 0.37 -25.0 -18.0 ---- ---1,541 ---1,436 0.009 - 0.015 0.011 - 0.018 0.012 0.012 1.24 -1.10 1.10 -- ---0.012 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - ---1,540 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 155 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---4.9 --7.9 --14.7 --19.5 ---10.4 -12.6 12.9 12.9 13.1 0.3 2 Floodprone Width (ft)--------------35.0 42.5 42.5 50.0 10.6 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)----------------0.7 -0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.8 --1.1 --1.2 --1.4 ---1.0 -1.2 1.4 1.4 1.6 0.3 2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)4.8 --7.9 --18.0 --27.2 ---7.6 -9.2 9.8 9.8 10.4 0.9 2 Width/Depth Ratio 5.0 --9.1 --12.0 --14 ---14.2 -16.5 17.0 17.0 17.4 0.6 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.4 --1.9 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.4 -2.7 3.3 3.3 4.0 0.9 2 Bank Height Ratio ---------------1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 d50 (mm)9.0 --14.0 --60.0 --125.0 -----18.0 19.0 20.0 20.0 1.4 2 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------5.3 16.0 14.6 32.2 6.7 35 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.001 0.010 0.008 0.028 0.007 35 Pool Length (ft)---------------5.58 10.8 10.2 25.3 4.2 34 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------1.5 -1.2 2.5 2.6 3.7 0.7 34 Pool Spacing (ft)------------34.2 -57.2 9.4 36.8 37.5 52.2 9.4 33 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------12.6 16.8 21.0 23.8 24.5 24.1 25.5 0.9 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------17.0 -25.0 16.8 22.1 19.8 29.6 6.7 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------1.6 2.1 1.9 2.8 0.6 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------23.8 24.5 24.1 25.5 0.9 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------3.5 -2.3 2.4 2.3 2.5 0.1 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. -- - Information unavailable. Severe - -- -- ---0.012 0.005 - 0.014 0.011 - 0.018 0.012 0.011 1.35 -1.17 1.15 ---1,299 ---1,158 -32.0 -22.0 -2.0 - 3.4 -- B, G B4 B4 B4 0.49 2.35 0.49 ---- - ---- - --- Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 2A (1,299 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline ---1,296 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 156 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---4.4 --10.7 --14.7 --19.5 ---10.6 -9.8 10.0 10.0 10.2 0.3 2 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------40.0 55.0 55.0 70.0 21.2 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)----------------0.7 -0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.1 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.7 --1.0 --1.2 --1.4 ---1.0 -1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.1 2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)3.3 --7.2 --18.0 --27.2 ---7.9 -7.1 7.4 7.4 7.6 0.3 2 Width/Depth Ratio 5.2 --15.7 --12.0 --14 ---14.3 -12.6 13.6 13.6 14.6 1.4 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.4 --5.9 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.3 -3.9 5.5 5.5 7.2 2.3 2 Bank Height Ratio ---------------1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 d50 (mm)-5.0 ----60.0 --125.0 -----5.5 11.8 18.0 18.0 8.8 2 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------5.3 16.0 14.6 32.2 6.7 35 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.001 0.010 0.008 0.028 0.007 35 Pool Length (ft)---------------5.58 10.8 10.2 25.3 4.2 34 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------1.5 -1.2 2.5 2.6 3.7 0.7 34 Pool Spacing (ft)------------35.0 -58.3 9.4 36.8 37.5 52.2 9.4 33 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------12.9 17.2 21.5 18.0 19.9 19.2 22.6 2.4 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------17.0 -26.0 23.5 25.3 24.8 27.5 2.0 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------2.2 2.4 2.3 2.6 0.2 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------17.9 19.9 19.2 22.6 2.4 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.6 -1.7 1.9 1.8 2.1 0.2 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 2B (1,510 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - -- -- -- B, E, G B4 B5 B5 0.52 2.35 0.52 -33.0 -23.0 -1.8 - 2.7 -- ---1,510 ---1,467 0.004 - 0.01 0.011 - 0.018 0.007 0.011 1.03 -1.10 1.10 -- ---0.012 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - ---1,470 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 157 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---4.5 --6.3 --6.3 --10.7 ---8.6 -9.1 9.8 9.8 10.4 0.9 2 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)---------------0.6 -0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.6 --0.7 --1.0 --1.2 ---0.9 -0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.1 2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2.7 --4.6 --7.7 --10.0 ---5.5 -5.4 5.8 5.8 6.2 0.6 2 Width/Depth Ratio 7.4 --10.0 --6.0 --11.0 ---13.6 -15.5 16.4 16.4 17.4 1.3 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.6 --2.6 --2.3 --4.8 ---4.6 -4.8 5.1 5.1 5.5 0.5 2 Bank Height Ratio ---------------1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 d50 (mm)1.0 --4.0 --13.0 --17.0 -----1.5 2.6 3.6 3.6 1.5 2 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------4.3 13.3 11.9 38.6 7.8 55 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.000 0.004 0.002 0.017 0.004 55 Pool Length (ft)---------------5.7 13.1 12.8 26.1 4.3 54 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------1.4 -1.1 1.7 1.7 2.6 0.4 54 Pool Spacing (ft)------------43.0 -60.2 8.9 35.7 34.4 72.9 12.0 53 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------13.7 27.4 34.3 24.8 27.0 27.2 29.0 2.1 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------10.0 -17.0 11.0 14.3 14.6 17.4 3.2 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------1.3 1.7 1.7 2.0 0.4 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------24.5 26.9 27.2 29.0 2.3 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.9 -2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 0.2 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Weston Creek Reach 1A (1,982 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- E, G E4 C5 C5 0.30 0.25 0.30 -21.0 -15.0 -1.8 - 2.2 -- ---1,982 ---1,616 0.006 - 0.009 0.008 0.005 0.005 1.01 1.60 1.24 1.24 -- ---0.005 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - ---1,954 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 158 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---4.5 --9.6 --6.3 --10.7 ---9.4 --9.7 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------40.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)----------------0.7 --0.5 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.6 --1.0 --1.0 --1.2 ---0.9 --0.7 ---1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)3.8 --7.8 --7.7 --10 ---6.3 --4.7 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio 5.3 --11.9 --6.0 --11 ---3.3 --20.4 ---1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3 --2.2 --2.3 --4.8 ---4.3 --4.1 ---1 Bank Height Ratio ----------------1.0 ---1 d50 (mm)1.0 --4.0 --13.0 --17.0 ------1.8 ---- Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------4.5 12.3 12.1 29.1 5.9 21 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.000 0.007 0.002 0.031 0.008 21 Pool Length (ft)---------------5.6 14.8 14.0 26.8 6.9 21 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------1.4 -1.4 2.0 2.0 2.7 0.3 21 Pool Spacing (ft)------------47.0 -65.8 19.7 35.2 34.8 68.4 12.1 20 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------14.9 29.9 37.3 27.3 28.4 28.1 29.9 1.3 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------11.0 -19.0 15.8 19.5 18.2 24.5 4.5 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------1.7 2.1 1.9 2.6 0.5 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------27.3 28.4 28.1 29.9 1.3 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------3.3 -2.9 3.0 3.0 3.2 0.1 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Weston Creek Reach 1B (825 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- G, E E4 C5 C5 0.37 0.25 0.37 -25.0 -18.0 -1.8 - 2.3 -- ---825 ---708 0.005 - 0.007 0.0080 0.009 0.0024 1.01 1.60 1.20 1.17 -- ---0.0026 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - ---804 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 159 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---1.8 --3.4 --14.7 --19.5 ---6.1 --6.9 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------20 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)----------------0.3 --0.5 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.1 --0.2 --1.2 --1.4 ---0.5 --1.34 ---1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)0.4 --0.6 --18 --27.2 ---2.1 --3.42 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio 8.0 --25.7 --12 --14.0 ---17.8 --13.8 ---1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.7 --2.1 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.3 --2.91 ---1 Bank Height Ratio ----------------1.0 ---1 d50 (mm)1.0 --2.0 --60.0 --125.0 ------0.062 ---1 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------1.5 4.5 4.2 7.9 1.7 38.0 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.003 0.033 0.030 0.085 0.021 38.0 Pool Length (ft)---------------1.7 5.4 5.0 12.7 2.6 37.0 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------0.8 -0.6 1.0 1.1 1.4 0.2 37.0 Pool Spacing (ft)------------20.1 -33.6 4.1 12.1 11.2 28.8 5.5 35.0 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------6.5 8.7 10.9 6.7 7.5 7.0 8.7 1.1 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------9.0 -13.0 7.9 10.1 8.5 13.9 3.3 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------1.2 1.6 1.3 2.2 0.6 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------6.7 7.5 7.0 8.7 1.1 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.5 -1.1 1.2 1.1 1.4 0.1 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Raccoon Branch Reach 1D (440 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- B, G B4 B4 B4 0.04 2.35 0.04 -4.0 -3.0 -2.4 - 3.4 -- ---440 ---413 0.048 - 0.092 0.011 - 0.018 0.048 0.040 1.09 -1.05 1.08 -- ---0.041 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - ---448 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 160 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---0.9 --1.3 --14.7 --19.5 ---5.7 --5.2 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)----------------15.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)----------------0.3 --0.3 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.2 --0.3 --1.2 --1.4 ---0.5 --0.7 ---1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)0.2 --0.3 --18 --27.2 ---1.8 --1.6 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio 5.1 --5.6 --12 --14.0 ---17.9 --16.5 ---1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.0 --2.8 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.4 --2.9 ---1 Bank Height Ratio ----------------1.0 ---1 d50 (mm)1.0 --2.0 --60.0 --125.0 ------15.0 ---1 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------3.0 6.5 6.3 14.0 2.1 52 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.000 0.020 0.016 0.072 0.016 52 Pool Length (ft)---------------1.2 3.4 3.2 6.3 1.2 51 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------0.8 -0.24 1.2 1.1 2.5 0.4 51 Pool Spacing (ft)------------18.8 -31.4 5.8 11.7 12 18.7 2.5 50 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------6.1 8.1 10.2 9.7 10.6 10.5 11.5 0.9 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------8.0 -12.0 9.0 11.0 12.0 12.1 1.8 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------1.5 1.9 2.1 2.1 0.3 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------9.7 10.6 10.5 11.5 0.9 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.5 -1.7 1.9 1.8 2.0 0.1 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Coats Branch Reach 1B (601 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- B, G B4 B4 B4 0.03 2.4 0.03 -3.0 -2.0 -1.7 - 2.0 -- ---601 ---597 0.03 - 0.034 0.011 - 0.018 0.033 0.033 1.08 -1.04 1.05 -- ---0.033 - Information unavailable. -- -- Severe - ---606 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 161 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---1.9 --3.4 --14.7 --19.5 ---6.0 --5.4 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------20.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)----------------0.3 --0.4 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.2 --0.3 --1.2 --1.4 ---0.5 --0.8 ---1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)0.3 --0.8 --18 --27.2 ---2.0 --2.2 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio 10.4 --14.5 --12 --14.0 ---17.8 --13.5 ---1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.2 --1.9 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.3 --3.7 ---1 Bank Height Ratio ----------------1.0 ---1 d50 (mm)9.0 --12.0 --60.0 --125.0 ------0.4 ---1 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------3.8 7.4 7.7 10.1 1.6 48 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.000 0.010 0.010 0.033 0.007 48 Pool Length (ft)---------------1.2 4.6 4.2 7.3 1.4 48 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------0.8 -0.6 1.0 1.0 1.4 0.2 49 Pool Spacing (ft)------------19.8 -33.0 6.4 14.3 14.6 19.6 2.6 48 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------6.5 8.6 10.8 10.9 11.7 11.6 12.5 0.8 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------9.0 -13.0 7.0 8.8 7.2 12.1 2.9 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------1.2 1.5 1.2 2.1 0.5 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------10.9 12.1 11.6 13.7 1.5 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.3 -1.8 2.0 1.9 2.1 0.1 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Coats Branch Reach 1C (708 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- B, F, G B4 B4 B4 0.04 2.4 0.04 -4.0 -3.0 -0.9 - 1.8 -- ---708 ---667 0.009 - 0.021 0.011 - 0.018 0.015 0.013 1.03 -1.07 1.06 -- ---0.013 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - ---708 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 162 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq.Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft)---3.6 --5.0 --14.7 --19.5 ---6.9 --6.1 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)----------------25.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)----------------0.4 --0.5 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.2 --0.3 --1.2 --1.4 ---0.6 --1.0 ---1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)1.0 --1.4 --18 --27.2 ---2.7 --3.3 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio 13.0 --18.0 --12 --14.0 ---17.7 --11.4 ---1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.7 --1.8 --1.4 --1.5 ---2.2 --4.1 ---1 Bank Height Ratio ----------------1.0 ---1 d50 (mm)8.0 --14.0 --60.0 --125.0 ------4.0 ---1 Profile Riffle Length (ft)---------------4.1 7.2 7.3 11.9 1.8 22 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)---------------0.000 0.008 0.006 0.021 0.006 22 Pool Length (ft)---------------1.8 4.6 4.4 8.1 1.8 22 Pool Max Depth (ft)-------------0.9 -0.6 1.1 1.1 2.2 0.3 22 Pool Spacing (ft)------------22.8 -38.0 8.0 13.9 14.0 19.1 3.2 21 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft)------------7.4 9.9 12.3 11.5 12.7 12.8 13.8 1.2 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)------------10.0 -15.0 4.7 7.0 7.2 9.2 2.3 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)---------------0.7 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.3 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------11.5 12.5 12.1 13.8 1.2 3 Meander Width Ratio -------------2.6 -1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.1 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft 2 Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi2) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley Length (ft) * Channel Thalweg Length (ft) ^ Channel Centerline (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. ^ Channel Centerline (ft): Based on stream centerline stationing from design stream stationing; accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. Non-Applicable. - Table 7 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Fletcher Mitigation Site - Coats Branch Reach 1D (325 feet *) Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built / Baseline - --- ---- ---- B B4 B4 B4 0.07 2.4 0.07 -7.0 -5.0 -0.9 - 1.3 -- ---325 ---311 0.004 - 0.009 0.011 - 0.018 0.015 0.013 1.05 -1.12 1.05 -- ---0.014 - Information unavailable. -- -- Unstable - ---325 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 163 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 . Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2124.8 2123.0 2118.8 2118.5 2106.8 Low Bank Height Elevation (datum) Used 2124.8 2123.0 2118.8 2118.5 2106.8 Bankfull Width (ft)7.1 10.9 10.9 7.6 16.6 Floodprone Width (ft)20.0 60.0 40.0 10.0 60.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.3 1.7 0.9 0.3 1.2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.6 2.7 1.8 0.5 3.0 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2.3 18.3 10.3 2.1 20.3 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 21.4 6.5 11.6 27.6 13.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.8 5.5 3.7 1.3 3.6 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Low Top of Bank Depth (ft)0.6 2.7 1.8 0.5 3.0 Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2106.2 2101.4 2100.9 2093.5 2093.1 Low Bank Height Elevation (datum) Used 2106.2 2101.4 2100.9 2093.5 2093.1 Bankfull Width (ft)12.0 13.1 15.3 15.6 12.6 Floodprone Width (ft)50.0 35.0 50.0 60.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.6 0.8 1.3 1.1 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.0 1.6 2.6 2.8 1.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)7.5 10.4 20.5 16.9 9.2 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 19.2 16.5 11.4 14.4 17.4 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 4.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.0 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Low Top of Bank Depth (ft)1.2 1.6 2.6 2.8 1.5 Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2079.0 2078.6 2075.5 2075.1 Low Bank Height Elevation (datum) Used 2079.0 2078.6 2075.5 2075.1 Bankfull Width (ft)10.2 9.7 10.1 9.8 Floodprone Width (ft)40.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.7 1.2 1.6 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.3 2.3 2.4 1.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)7.1 11.7 16.4 7.6 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 14.6 8.1 6.2 12.6 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 3.9 7.2 6.9 7.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Low Top of Bank Depth (ft)1.3 2.3 2.4 1.2 Cross Section 12 (Pool) Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Cross Section 11 (Riffle) Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Cross Section 13 (Pool) Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Cross Section 14 (Riffle) Fletcher Creek Reach 2B Cross Section 10 (Riffle) Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Cross Section 6 (Riffle) Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Cross Section 7 (Riffle) Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Cross Section 8 (Pool) Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Cross Section 9 (Pool) Fletcher Creek Reach 2A Table 8. Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters – Cross Sections) Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 5 (Pool) Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Cross Section 1 (Riffle) Fletcher Creek Reach 1B Cross Section 2 (Pool) Fletcher Creek Reach 1B Cross Section 3 (Pool) Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Cross Section 4 (Riffle) Fletcher Creek Reach 1C Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 164 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 . Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2082.5 2082.3 2076.2 2076.3 2074.9 Low Bank Height Elevation (datum) Used 2082.5 2082.3 2076.2 2076.3 2074.9 Bankfull Width (ft)9.1 9.7 9.8 10.4 9.7 Floodprone Width (ft)50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 40.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.6 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.1 2.0 1.7 0.9 0.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)5.4 10.4 9.4 6.2 4.7 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 15.5 9.1 10.1 17.4 20.4 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 5.5 5.1 5.1 4.8 4.1 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Low Top of Bank Depth (ft)1.1 2.0 1.7 0.9 0.7 Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2074.8 2131.4 2131.4 2121.0 2121.1 Low Bank Height Elevation (datum) Used 2074.8 2131.4 2131.4 2121.0 2121.1 Bankfull Width (ft)8.3 5.6 6.9 5.2 7.4 Floodprone Width (ft)60.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 40.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2.5 1.2 1.3 0.7 1.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)12.7 2.7 3.4 1.6 5.1 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 5.4 11.6 13.8 16.5 10.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 7.2 3.6 2.9 2.9 5.4 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Low Top of Bank Depth (ft)2.5 1.2 1.3 0.7 1.5 Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2108.0 2107.9 2105.7 2105.6 Low Bank Height Elevation (datum) Used 2108.0 2107.9 2105.7 2105.6 Bankfull Width (ft)5.3 5.4 5.9 6.1 Floodprone Width (ft)20.0 20.0 25.0 25.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.9 0.8 1.2 1.0 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft 2)2.7 2.2 3.7 3.3 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 10.5 13.5 9.2 11.4 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 3.8 3.7 4.3 4.1 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Low Top of Bank Depth (ft)0.9 0.8 1.2 1.0 Cross Section 25 (Pool) Coats Branch 1C Cross Section 26 (Riffle) Coats Branch 1C Cross Section 27 (Pool) Coats Branch 1D Cross Section 28 (Riffle) Coats Branch 1D Cross Section 24 (Pool) Coats Branch 1B Cross Section 20 (Pool) Weston Creek 2B Cross Section 21 (Pool) Raccoon Branch 1D Cross Section 23 (Riffle) Coats Branch 1B Cross Section 22 (Riffle) Raccoon Branch 1D Table 8 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters – Cross Sections) Fletcher Mitigation Site Cross Section 19 (Riffle) Weston Creek 2B Cross Section 15 (Riffle) Weston Creek 1A Cross Section 16 (Pool) Weston Creek 1A Cross Section 17 (Pool) Weston Creek 1A Cross Section 18 (Riffle) Weston Creek 1A Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 165 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)-7.1 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)-20.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-0.3 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)-0.6 ---1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)-2.3 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio -21.4 - - - 1 Entrenchment Ratio -2.8 - - - 1 Bank Height Ratio -1.0 - - - 1 Riffle Length (ft)4.8 8.5 8.0 13.1 2.5 13 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.002 0.018 0.014 0.044 0.013 13 Pool Length (ft)5.1 9.6 9.7 14.4 2.8 12 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.2 2.0 1.9 2.9 0.5 12 Pool Spacing (ft)14.6 27.9 29.4 40.5 8.0 11 Channel Belt Width (ft)17.7 18.2 17.8 19.0 0.7 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)17.0 22.7 25.0 26.0 4.9 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)2.0 2.6 2.9 3.0 0.6 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)17.7 18.2 17.8 19.1 0.8 3 Meander Width Ratio 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.2 0.1 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%30% 26% 32% 12% 0% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.016 0.015 1.12 380 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4 Table 9. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 1B (380 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)7.6 9.8 9.8 12.0 3.1 2 Floodprone Width (ft)10.0 30.0 30.0 50.0 28.3 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.2 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.5 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.4 2 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)2.1 4.8 4.8 7.5 3.8 2 Width/Depth Ratio 19.2 23.4 23.4 27.6 6.0 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3 2.7 2.7 4.2 2.0 2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 Riffle Length (ft)3.4 10.9 11.1 21.1 4.9 44 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.000 0.009 0.007 0.029 0.008 44 Pool Length (ft)6.3 13.1 12.8 29.0 4.6 44 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.5 2.8 2.8 4.0 0.6 44 Pool Spacing (ft)13.5 35.0 34.4 96.1 13.5 43 Channel Belt Width (ft)18.7 20.2 19.7 22.3 1.9 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)17.2 21.0 20.6 25.3 4.1 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 0.5 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)18.7 20.2 19.7 22.3 1.9 3 Meander Width Ratio 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.4 0.2 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%32% 19% 38% 11% 0% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.012 0.012 1.10 1,541 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 1C (1,541 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 166 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)12.6 12.9 12.9 13.1 0.3 2 Floodprone Width (ft)35.0 42.5 42.5 50.0 10.6 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.2 1.4 1.4 1.6 0.3 2 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)9.2 9.8 9.8 10.4 0.9 2 Width/Depth Ratio 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.4 0.6 2 Entrenchment Ratio 2.7 3.3 3.3 4.0 0.9 2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 Riffle Length (ft)5.3 16.0 14.6 32.2 6.7 35 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.001 0.010 0.008 0.028 0.007 35 Pool Length (ft)5.6 10.8 10.2 25.3 4.2 34 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.2 2.5 2.6 3.7 0.7 34 Pool Spacing (ft)9.4 36.8 37.5 52.2 9.4 33 Channel Belt Width (ft)23.8 24.5 24.1 25.5 0.9 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)16.8 22.1 19.8 29.6 6.7 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.6 2.1 1.9 2.8 0.6 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)23.8 24.5 24.1 25.5 0.9 3 Meander Width Ratio 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.5 0.1 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%44% 15% 29% 12% 0% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.012 0.011 1.15 1,299 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 2A (1,299 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)9.8 10.0 10.0 10.2 0.3 2 Floodprone Width (ft)40.0 55.0 55.0 70.0 21.2 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.1 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.1 2 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)7.1 7.4 7.4 7.6 0.3 2 Width/Depth Ratio 12.6 13.6 13.6 14.6 1.4 2 Entrenchment Ratio 3.9 5.5 5.5 7.2 2.3 2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 Riffle Length (ft)5.3 16.0 14.6 32.2 6.7 35 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.001 0.010 0.008 0.028 0.007 35 Pool Length (ft)5.6 10.8 10.2 25.3 4.2 34 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.2 2.5 2.6 3.7 0.7 34 Pool Spacing (ft)9.4 36.8 37.5 52.2 9.4 33 Channel Belt Width (ft)18.0 19.9 19.2 22.6 2.4 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)23.5 25.3 24.8 27.5 2.0 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)2.2 2.4 2.3 2.6 0.2 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)17.9 19.9 19.2 22.6 2.4 3 Meander Width Ratio 1.7 1.9 1.8 2.1 0.2 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%44% 15% 29% 12% 0% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.012 0.011 1.10 1,510 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B5 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Fletcher Creek Reach 2B (1,510 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 167 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)9.1 9.8 9.8 10.4 0.9 2 Floodprone Width (ft)50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.1 2 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)5.4 5.8 5.8 6.2 0.6 2 Width/Depth Ratio 15.5 16.4 16.4 17.4 1.3 2 Entrenchment Ratio 4.8 5.1 5.1 5.5 0.5 2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 Riffle Length (ft)4.3 13.3 11.9 38.6 7.8 55 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.000 0.004 0.002 0.017 0.004 55 Pool Length (ft)5.7 13.1 12.8 26.1 4.3 54 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.1 1.7 1.7 2.6 0.4 54 Pool Spacing (ft)8.9 35.7 34.4 72.9 12.0 53 Channel Belt Width (ft)24.8 27.0 27.2 29.0 2.1 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)11.0 14.3 14.6 17.4 3.2 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.3 1.7 1.7 2.0 0.4 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)24.5 26.9 27.2 29.0 2.3 3 Meander Width Ratio 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 0.2 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%38% 15% 36% 11% 0% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.005 0.005 1.24 1,982 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters C5 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Weston Creek Reach 1A (1,982 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)-9.7 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)-40.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-0.5 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)-0.7 ---1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)-4.7 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio -20.4 - - - 1 Entrenchment Ratio -4.1 - - - 1 Bank Height Ratio -1.0 - - - 1 Riffle Length (ft)4.5 12.3 12.1 29.1 5.9 21 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.000 0.007 0.002 0.031 0.008 21 Pool Length (ft)5.6 14.8 14.0 26.8 6.9 21 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.4 2.0 2.0 2.7 0.3 21 Pool Spacing (ft)19.7 35.2 34.8 68.4 12.1 20 Channel Belt Width (ft)27.3 28.4 28.1 29.9 1.3 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)15.8 19.5 18.2 24.5 4.5 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.7 2.1 1.9 2.6 0.5 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)27.3 28.4 28.1 29.9 1.3 3 Meander Width Ratio 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.2 0.1 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%35% 9% 42% 14% 0% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.0026 0.0024 1.17 825 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters C5 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Weston Creek Reach 1B (825 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 168 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)-6.9 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)-20.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-0.5 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)-1.3 ---1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)-3.4 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio -13.8 - - - 1 Entrenchment Ratio -2.9 - - - 1 Bank Height Ratio -1.0 - - - 1 Riffle Length (ft)1.5 4.5 4.2 7.9 1.7 38 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.003 0.033 0.030 0.085 0.021 38 Pool Length (ft)1.7 5.4 5.0 12.7 2.6 37 Pool Max Depth (ft)0.6 1.0 1.1 1.4 0.2 37 Pool Spacing (ft)4.1 12.1 11.2 28.8 5.5 35 Channel Belt Width (ft)6.7 7.5 7.0 8.7 1.1 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)7.9 10.1 8.5 13.9 3.3 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.2 1.6 1.3 2.2 0.6 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)6.7 7.5 7.0 8.7 1.1 3 Meander Width Ratio 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.4 0.1 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%39% 0% 46% 8% 6% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.041 0.040 1.08 440 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Raccoon Branch Reach 1D (440 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)-5.2 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)-15.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-0.3 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)-0.7 ---1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)-1.6 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio -16.5 - - - 1 Entrenchment Ratio -2.9 - - - 1 Bank Height Ratio -1.0 - - - 1 Riffle Length (ft)3.0 6.5 6.3 14.0 2.1 52 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.000 0.020 0.016 0.072 0.016 52 Pool Length (ft)1.2 3.4 3.2 6.3 1.2 51 Pool Max Depth (ft)0.2 1.2 1.1 2.5 0.4 51 Pool Spacing (ft)5.8 11.7 12.0 18.7 2.5 50 Channel Belt Width (ft)9.7 10.6 10.5 11.5 0.9 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)9.0 11.0 12.0 12.1 1.8 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.5 1.9 2.1 2.1 0.3 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)9.7 10.6 10.5 11.5 0.9 3 Meander Width Ratio 1.7 1.9 1.8 2.0 0.1 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%56% 0% 28% 10% 6% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.033 0.033 1.05 601 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Coats Branch Reach 1B (606 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 169 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)-5.4 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)-20.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-0.4 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)-0.8 ---1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)-2.2 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio -13.5 - - - 1 Entrenchment Ratio -3.7 - - - 1 Bank Height Ratio -1.0 - - - 1 Riffle Length (ft)3.8 7.4 7.7 10.1 1.6 48 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.000 0.010 0.010 0.033 0.007 48 Pool Length (ft)1.2 4.6 4.2 7.3 1.4 48 Pool Max Depth (ft)0.6 1.0 1.0 1.4 0.2 49 Pool Spacing (ft)6.4 14.3 14.6 19.6 2.6 48 Channel Belt Width (ft)10.9 11.7 11.6 12.5 0.8 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)7.0 8.8 7.2 12.1 2.9 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.2 1.5 1.2 2.1 0.5 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)10.9 12.1 11.6 13.7 1.5 3 Meander Width Ratio 1.8 2.0 1.9 2.1 0.1 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%52% 0% 32% 11% 5% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.013 0.013 1.06 708 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Coats Branch Reach 1C (708 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Parameter Dimension & Substrate - Riffle Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft)-6.1 ---1 Floodprone Width (ft)-25.0 ---1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)-0.5 ---1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)-1.0 ---1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2)-3.3 ---1 Width/Depth Ratio -11.4 - - - 1 Entrenchment Ratio -4.1 - - - 1 Bank Height Ratio -1.0 - - - 1 Riffle Length (ft)4.1 7.2 7.3 11.9 1.8 22 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.000 0.008 0.006 0.021 0.006 22 Pool Length (ft)1.8 4.6 4.4 8.1 1.8 22 Pool Max Depth (ft)0.6 1.1 1.1 2.2 0.3 22 Pool Spacing (ft)8.0 13.9 14.0 19.1 3.2 21 Channel Belt Width (ft)11.5 12.7 12.8 13.8 1.2 3 Radius of Curvature (ft)4.7 7.0 7.2 9.2 2.3 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft/ft)0.7 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.3 3 Meander Wavelength (ft)11.5 12.5 12.1 13.8 1.2 3 Meander Width Ratio 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.1 3 Rosgen Classification *Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S%52% 0% 33% 10% 5% * Channel Thalweg Length (ft): Based on actual thalweg calculations from the as-built survey, accounts for breaks in conservation easement and utility right-of-ways. - Information Unavailable N/A - Information does not apply. Ri = Riffle / Ru = Run / P = Pool / G = Glide / S = Step 0.014 0.013 1.05 325 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4 Table 9 Cont'd. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data SummaryFletcher Mitigation Site - Coats Branch Reach 1D (325 feet *) Baseline MY - 1 MY - 2 MY - 3 MY - 4 MY - 5 MY - 6 MY - 7 Fletcher Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site 170 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 100004 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Appendix E As-Built Survey and Record Drawings Plan Set This Page Intentionally Left Blank CECECEC E C E CECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEC E CECECECECECECECECECECECECECECE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CEC ECECECECECE C E CEC E CECECECECECECECEC E CECECEC E C E C E CE CECECECECECECECECECE CE CECECECE CECECEC E CECECECECECEC E CECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEC E C E CE CE C EC EC E C ECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEC E C E CECEL O D LOD LOD L O D LODL O D LO D LO D L O D LODLODLODLO D LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LODLODLOD LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LOD LODLOD LO DL O D LOD L O DL ODLODL ODLODLO DLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD L O D LOD LOD L O DLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LODLO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LODSURVEYOR'S NOTES:LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODL OD LODLODGRID NORTHNAD 83 (2011)CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (1)GROUND COORDINATESN: 629176.98'E: 961505.95'ELEV: 2076.94'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (2)GROUND COORDINATESN: 628654.57'E: 961227.75'ELEV: 2075.41'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (5)GROUND COORDINATESN: 627106.70'E: 961034.08'ELEV: 2081.61'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (100)GROUND COORDINATESN: 627063.55'E: 960400.89'ELEV: 2075.74'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (18)GROUND COORDINATESN: 625736.06'E: 961460.01'ELEV: 2118.43'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (17)GROUND COORDINATESN: 625503.87'E: 961512.05'ELEV: 2116.59'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (16)GROUND COORDINATESN: 625112.54'E: 961756.41'ELEV: 2118.76'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (15)GROUND COORDINATESN: 624859.57'E: 962034.89'ELEV: 2126.01'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (14)GROUND COORDINATESN: 624460.78'E: 962227.27'ELEV: 2145.51'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (13)GROUND COORDINATESN: 624735.92'E: 962428.46'ELEV: 2152.71'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (300)GROUND COORDINATESN: 624640.07'E: 963023.07'ELEV: 2144.56'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (400)GROUND COORDINATESN: 624503.34'E: 962842.84'ELEV: 2145.02'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (9)GROUND COORDINATESN: 625930.60'E: 961594.13'ELEV: 2101.22'CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (7)GROUND COORDINATESN: 626775.50'E: 961632.15'ELEV: 2094.89'FLOWFLETCHER CREEKCONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (10)GROUND COORDINATESN: 625663.35'E: 961738.42'ELEV: 2108.38'FLOWFLETCHER CRE EKREACH 1CFLOW F LETCH ER CREE KRE ACH 1C FLOW F LETCH ER CREE KRE ACH 1C FLOWRACCOON BRA NCH FLOW COATES BRANCH REACH 1CFLOW COATES BRANCH REACH 1C JACKSON ROAD(SR 1539)CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (3)GROUND COORDINATESN: 628345.49'E: 961467.88'ELEV: 2075.82'P.O. Box 2566Asheville, NC 28802(828) 575-9021www.keemap.comLicense # C-3039137OFTHIS MAP IS NOT FORRECORDATION, SALES, ORCONVEYANCES AND DOES NOTCOMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30MAPPING REQUIREMENTS.(NOT TO SCALE)MILLS GAP RDI-2 6 OLD HENDERSONVILLE RDOLDBRICKYARD RDPATTYSCHAPEL RDC A D B U R YWAYSOUTHERRD ANGEL LNHOOPERSCREEK RDH U T C HMOUN T A I N R D PATTI DRHENDERSONVILLE RDFANNINGBRIDGE RDF L Y N NBRAN C H R DHOWARDGAP R DDRAKEFARM RDWESTON WAYLEWIS RDJACKSON RDT O A S H E V IL L ESURVEYAREA "FLETCHER SITE MITIGATION PROJECT"EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA"FLETCHER SITE MITIGATION PROJECT"SPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBTHE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,NCDEQ: DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICESSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 100004AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:SHEET TITLESHEET #12COVER SHEET - FLETCHER SITE MITIGATION PROJECTSTREAM DATA: "BEGIN FLETCHER CREEK"3STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK INTERSECTION WITH RACCOON BRANCH"4STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK"5STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK"6STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK INTERSECTION WITH COATES BRANCH"7STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK"8STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK"9STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK"10STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK"11STREAM DATA: "FLETCHER CREEK"12STREAM DATA: "END FLETCHER CREEK"13STREAM DATA: "BEGIN RACCOON BRANCH"14STREAM DATA: "RACCOON BRANCH INTERSECTION WITH FLETCHER CREEK"15STREAM DATA: "BEGIN COATES BRANCH"16STREAM DATA: "COATES BRANCH"17STREAM DATA: "COATES BRANCH"18STREAM DATA: "COATES BRANCH INTERSECTION WITH FLETCHER CREEK"19STREAM DATA: "BEGIN WESTON CREEK"20STREAM DATA: "WESTON CREEK"21STREAM DATA: "WESTON CREEK"22STREAM DATA: "WESTON CREEK"23STREAM DATA: "WESTON CREEK"24STREAM DATA: "END WESTON CREEK"25STREAM DATA: "CROSS SECTION PROFILES 1-8 "26STREAM DATA: "CROSS SECTION PROFILES 9-19"27STREAM DATA: "CROSS SECTION PROFILES 20-28"28STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- FLETCHER CREEK"2930STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- FLETCHER CREEK"31STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- FLETCHER CREEK"32STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- FLETCHER CREEK"33STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- RACCOON BRANCH"34STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- COATES BRANCH"35STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- COATES BRANCH"36STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- WESTON CREEK"37STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- WESTON CREEK"STREAM DATA: "LONGITUDINAL PROFILE- WESTON CREEK"SHEET 13SHEET 2SHEET 3SHEET 6SHEET 7SHEET 8SHEET 9SHEET 10SHEET 11SHEET 12SHEET 19SHEET 23SHEET 24SHEET 16CONTROL POINTRBCC "KEE" (201)GROUND COORDINATESN: 624820.25'E: 962937.47'ELEV: 2129.54'SHEET 17 CECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECELODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD L O D LODLODL O D LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODL O D L ODLODLODLODLOD LOD LODLODLODLODLOD CECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEC E C E C E C E C E C E C E C E 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0+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+702090209120922093209420952096209720982090209120922093209420952096209720980+000+100+200+300+400+500+60209020912092209320942095209620902091209220932094209520960+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+700+8020762077207820792080208120822076207720782079208020812082LEGEND0+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+700+80207620772078207920802081208220762077207820792080208120820+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+700+80207220732074207520762077207820722073207420752076207720780+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+700+80207220732074207520762077207820722073207420752076207720780+000+100+200+300+400+5020802081208220832084208020812082208320840+000+100+200+300+400+5020802081208220832084208020812082208320840+000+100+200+300+400+5020742075207620772078207420752076207720780+000+100+200+300+400+5020742075207620772078207420752076207720780+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+702074207520762077207820742075207620772078HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000426STREAM DATA:CROSS SECTION PROFILES9-19 0+000+100+200+300+400+50213021312132213321342135213621302131213221332134213521360+000+100+200+300+400+50213021312132213321342135213621302131213221332134213521360+000+100+200+300+4021202121212221232124212021212122212321240+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+7020722073207420752076207720782072207320742075207620772078LEGEND0+000+100+200+300+400+50211821192120212121222123212421182119212021212122212321240+000+100+200+300+400+50210621072108210921102111211221062107210821092110211121120+000+100+200+300+400+50210621072108210921102111211221062107210821092110211121120+000+100+200+300+400+50210421052106210721082109211021042105210621072108210921100+000+100+200+300+400+5021042105210621072108210921102104210521062107210821092110HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4'DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000427STREAM DATA:CROSS SECTION PROFILES20-28 106+00106+20106+40106+60106+80107+00107+20107+40107+60107+80108+00108+20108+40108+60108+80109+00109+20109+40109+60109+80110+00110+20110+40110+6021182120212221242126212821302118212021222124212621282130110+60110+80111+00111+20111+40111+60111+80112+00112+20112+40112+60112+80113+00113+20113+40113+60113+80114+00114+20114+40114+60114+80115+00115+2021122114211621182120212221242112211421162118212021222124LEGENDCROSS-SECTION #1CROSS-SECTION #2INTERSECTION W/ RACOON BRANCHEND REACH 1B, BEGIN REACH 1CCROSS-SECTION #3CROSS-SECTION #460'' CMPHORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000428STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILEFLETCHER CREEK 124+40124+60124+80125+00125+20125+40125+60125+80126+00126+20126+40126+60126+80127+00127+20127+40127+60127+80128+00128+20128+40128+60128+80129+00209020922094209620982096209821002102210421062108211020962098210021022104210621082110LEGEND129+00129+20129+40129+60129+80130+00130+20130+40130+60130+80131+00131+20131+40131+60131+80132+00132+20132+40132+60132+80133+00133+20133+40133+6020902092209420962098INTERSECTION W/ COATES BRANCHEND REACH 1C, BEGIN REACH 2ACROSS-SECTION #7CROSS-SECTION #8HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'CROSS-SECTION #9CROSS-SECTION #10DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000429STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILEFLETCHER CREEK LEGEND133+60133+80134+00134+20134+40134+60134+80135+00135+20135+40135+60135+80136+00136+20136+40136+60136+80137+00137+20137+40137+60137+80138+00138+20208620882090209220942096208620882090209220942096138+20138+40138+60138+80139+00139+20139+40139+60139+80140+00140+20140+40140+60140+80141+00141+20141+40141+60141+80142+00142+20142+40142+60142+802080208220842086208820802082208420862088HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'END REACH 2ABEGIN REACH 2BDATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000430STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILEFLETCHER CREEK LEGEND142+80143+00143+20143+40143+60143+80144+00144+20144+40144+60144+80145+00145+20145+40145+60145+80146+00146+20146+40146+60146+80147+00147+20147+4020782080208220842078208020822084152+00152+20152+40152+60152+80153+00153+20153+40153+60153+80154+00154+20154+40154+60154+80155+00155+20155+40155+60155+80156+00156+20156+40207020722074207620782080207020722074207620782080147+40147+60147+80148+00148+20148+40148+60148+80149+00149+20149+40149+60149+80150+00150+20150+40150+60150+80151+00151+20151+40151+60151+80152+00207420762078208020822084207420762078208020822084HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'60'' CMPCROSS-SECTION #13CROSS-SECTION #14CROSS-SECTION #11CROSS-SECTION #12DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000431STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILEFLETCHER CREEK LEGEND214+90215+00215+20215+40215+60215+80216+00216+20216+40216+60216+80217+00217+20217+40217+60217+80218+00218+20218+40218+60218+80219+00219+20219+402118212021222124212621282130213221342136213821402142214421182120212221242126212821302132213421362138214021422144HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'END REACH 1C, BEGIN REACH 1DCROSS-SECTION #21CROSS-SECTION #22DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000432STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILERACCOON BRANCH LEGEND302+60302+80303+00303+20303+40303+60303+80304+00304+20304+40304+60304+80305+00305+20305+40305+60305+80306+00306+20306+40306+60306+80307+00212221242126212821302132213421362138212221242126212821302132213421362138307+00307+20307+40307+60307+80308+00308+20308+40308+60308+80309+00309+20309+40309+60309+80310+00310+20310+40310+60310+80311+00311+20311+402112211421162118212021222124212621122114211621182120212221242126HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'END REACH 1A, BEGIN REACH 1BCROSS-SECTION #24CROSS-SECTION #23END REACH 1B, BEGIN REACH 1C36'' CMPDATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000433STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILECOATES BRANCH 311+40311+60311+80312+00312+20312+40312+60312+80313+00313+20313+40313+60313+80314+00314+20314+40314+60314+80315+00315+20315+40315+60315+802106210821102112211421062108211021122114LEGEND315+80316+00316+20316+40316+60316+80317+00317+20317+40317+60317+80318+00318+20318+40318+60318+80319+00319+20319+40319+60319+802100210221042106210821102112211421002102210421062108211021122114CROSS-SECTION #25CROSS-SECTION #26HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'END REACH 1C, BEGIN REACH 1DCROSS-SECTION #27CROSS-SECTION #28DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000434STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILECOATES BRANCH LEGEND400+00400+20400+40400+60400+80401+00401+20401+40401+60401+80402+00402+20402+40402+60402+80403+00403+20403+40403+60403+80404+00404+20404+40404+6020822084208620882082208420862088404+60404+80405+00405+20405+40405+60405+80406+00406+20406+40406+60406+80407+00407+20407+40407+60407+80408+00408+20408+40408+60408+80409+00409+20207820802082208420862088207820802082208420862088HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'CROSS-SECTION #15CROSS-SECTION #16DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000435STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILECOATES BRANCH LEGEND409+20409+40409+60409+80410+00410+20410+40410+60410+80411+00411+20411+40411+60411+80412+00412+20412+40412+60412+80413+00413+20413+40413+60413+80207620782080207620782080413+80414+00414+20414+40414+60414+80415+00415+20415+40415+60415+80416+00416+20416+40416+60416+80417+00417+20417+40417+60417+80418+00418+20418+402074207620782080208220742076207820802082HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'CROSS-SECTION #17DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000436STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILEWESTON CREEK 418+40418+60418+80419+00419+20419+40419+60419+80420+00420+20420+40420+60420+80421+00421+20421+40421+60421+80422+00422+20422+40422+60422+80423+00207220742076207820802082207220742076207820802082423+00423+20423+40423+60423+80424+00424+20424+40424+60424+80425+00425+20425+40425+60425+80426+00426+20426+40426+60426+80427+00427+20427+40427+60427+8020702072207420762078208020822070207220742076207820802082LEGENDCROSS-SECTION #18END REACH 1A, BEGIN REACH 1BCROSS-SECTION #19CROSS-SECTION #20END REACH 1B, BEGIN REACH 1CHORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL: 1" = 4'DATEREVISIONS#OF37PROJECT:FLETCHER SITEMITIGATION PROJECTSHEET TITLE:AN AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR:EW SOLUTIONS, LLC.ELEVATION DATUM: NAVD 88CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1 FOOTSPO FILE NO's. 45-CZ, 45-DA, & 45-DBSPO FILE NO's. 45-CY, 45-CXDMS PROJECT NO. 10000437STREAM DATA:LONGITUDINAL PROFILEWESTON CREEK EW SOLUTIONS, LLC FLETCHERI 1 HOWARD GAP RD.I PROJECT SITE JACKSO 3N RD. US-25 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE TLLTCFER SITE MITIGATIONPROJECT FLETCHER CREEK HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET AB_20 A8_21 q8_22 SHEET --7~ AB-23 COATES BRANCH SHEET SHEET S /7 AB_18 A8-1� / CO SHEET INDEX i Ck --� SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION i AB- I TITLE SHEET / AB-lA - AB -113 AB -SITE PLAN j A AB-4 - AB-33 AS -BUILT PLAN AND PROFILE 1/ AB-34 - AB-36 AS -BUILT GRADING PLAN I 1 <<ti�dZK1CA1+ 4 }; 0 CHRIS ENGL PROJECT ENGINEER FINAL PLANS 2/20/2010 1 EROSION CONTROL PLANS 3/19/2010 2 DETAIIS, NOTES, PLAN LINE WORE 3/27/2018 3 DETAILS, NOTES, PLAN SHEETS 4/10/2018 4 EROSION CONTROL PLANS 5/b/2010 5 EROSION CONTROL PLANS 7/b/2018 B EROSION CONTROL PLANS 7/2B/:010 7 EROSION 11hiR01• PLAN 2/20/2010 B AS_BUB,T PLANS - RECORD SET 4/17/2014 REVISIONS AS -BUILT PLANS Prepared for: rk fl NC DMS HARRY TSOMIDES PROJECT MANAGER a n PINS \ a 8 _ 8RANCH s 4J b� mn _�.� ♦ \ \ a �� �� � � \ � ' \ •5 L0CAII0N KEY • LEGEND EXISTING WETLAND EXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARY 9662-14-8197 \ �. \ l �,p \. 0 0 \ [aD EXISTING f CCflOS1 B \\ ��� \ p �p�y�G� \ �- ��� H�� 1--- OVERHEAD UTILITY j RA RAH 1A 1� �\ \ Js \n ZY�S+ l \ tl►j9 \ ---- r y y CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY I I I I \ A," �ti \ — — AS -BUILT THALWEG I I I I Im I pifY+ \ VEG PLOT �:is•' ' �� _ \ AS -BUILT r TOP OF BANK 1 , 9if - GROUND WATER GAUGE VEG PLOT 1r3, .. y S a� ti� •` - �c SURFACE WATER 1 9662-23-5728 1 } d�•'�`- '\� �t�_ �q GAUGE Y° 1 1\ i ti o \.\ WETLAND A ' �` �` j VEG PLOT 7.: " - \ \ ;, WETLAND D t ,4 � �,• / ti�NITORING RIPRAP v /%� XS-: 3 AND XS-24 WETLAND B \\\ ` P no��m BASE DITCH\ --'\ '' 9662-23-5728 STREAM CRDSSiNG AS'QUlCr (PIPED) RAC 04TCS � C 1 k `� VEG PLOT 17 VEG PLOT 2;•.;.r 1! ,( - ADNITURIVEG NG i PLOT 20 r r •VEG PLOT 18- XS-21 AND XS-22�� �- r MONITORING MONITORIni �, f ~: _ XS-3 AND x5-4 z 1 �, MONITORING -�p XS-1 1, " ` / - %S-25 AND XS26 �Gi •. �� y� f C�• 9662-23-5728 RIPRAP OUTLET C'p LC:R BMP q VEG PLOT 2 MONITORING VEG PLOT 19 f NXS-2 �!'� CFyER CRE FL� �CNER C��tiK , • RF�H 1 B �\4T AN NS- R i o }oa Jon -, �:yy_ } _ • SCALE IN FEET Q \ z ' � � STREAM CROS511•IG y �+`� ^ - ~,�� � � (PIPED) _ `�_ `• 1 z = O VFi PLflI 15 t !Efi PLOT 14 J o IA0N:.0R1NO 'XS-27 AND XS-28 J m AS -BUILT FLETCHER CREEK 6 z u° a REACH 1 C , �• �`��� _ Zit S o z •'ram mb!•lITOR14; w w \_ _ '�l :�;. \•'i \ Perm! -Seat ,urlluirr CAN XS-7 AND xS-JB fm�;_ I -^I • SI;._,.. 9662-23-5728 j \. 10 Project Number: 172621093 y G . . _f•' ` � Ri5 SGG CME 19.04.17 -.,y .— T'• '1 , 1L1� �y 15 n Chkd. Osgn. YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet NOTE: AERIAL IMAGE USED: ESRI-World-Imagery DATED 10/27/17 0 AB -IA STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) �y `�•Xn 1 ,I Il / 9662-23-5728 VEG PLOT 6 MONITORING -XS-13 AND XS-14 MONITORING XS-11 AND XS-12 9662-08-7090 VEG PLOT 10 XS 15.AND STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) r � r G. —VEG PI.O' 1 1 r �F� `•� 9662-17-6067 O ref• � � 7 `� •J f' \ RIPRAP OUTLET I, Yam= f 4 �. PROTECTION RIPRAP BASE D4TCH j \1 EXISTING I� Lr 60" CMP X 2 r 9662-16-4499 MONITORING f' / / EXISTING 18" CMP XS-9 AND XS-10 5 ti 4J C. Ff r I I a RIPRA �� - _ 9 � a �BASEID� o ° < %y 0. J Vr_G PLOT 1 ti r J I rrJJ 9662-29-2137 I i MONITORING 11 Im I ! lm XS-19 AND XS-20 VEG PLOT 2 1, I 1 EXISTING 15" CMP EXISTING 18" CMP tiP VEG PLOT 2 Cr . 11. � J r � I� oaco—oo_n000 " LOCATION KEY LEGEND VEG PLOT 7 _ _L_�_ ' EXISTING WETLAND w < _ _ z EXISTING rJ• — — — PROPERTY BOUNDARY o f ' EXISTING J 0 r -- - - —_ — OVERHEAD UTILITY J w z m CONSERVATION zp ° Q J / EASEMENT BOUNDARY .2 J o Q 1 0 = 1 J — — AS —BUILT THALWEG 3 + / RIPRAP OUTLET I' �g r - IPROTECTION ,�'+' f AS —BUILT Permit -Seal EXISTING 72" CMP TOP OF BANK GROUND WATER StitHSCArr EXISTING 15" CMP � GAUGE �� a� •'' i• SURFA r f- { GAUGE WATER •. a s EXISTING BARN i 9662-23-5728 _ ,41 .v / 1D9 8 1p8 30� / SCALE IN FEET NOTE: AERIAL IMAGE USED: ESRI—World—Imagery DATED 10/27/17 Project Number: 172621093 US SGG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. Dsg, YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet a AB-1B 1 2143 - 2140-, 1 2135 - 2130- '6� 2125 100+00 7Ai O O — O �C] O (D O O O --- ---- BOuNoARl-- _ -- EASEMENT LOCATIONICEY \ i GOS�SERVATtiN EXISTING �._ _ - � LEGEND •F,lLETCHER CREEK d PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION FILL CUT FENCE \ {$^ gq EXISTING TREES PRESEEXISTING TREE VEG PLOT 22 PROPOSED DEBRIS "\ PLACEMENT PROPOSED � w N RIPRAP - w — I AS BUILT LEGEND w c`dr Ir La o - TOP OF BANK 20 020 N df _w N Z < - - - - - - THALWEG SCALE IN FEET m U) ? m rn — . --- -- - — - - .� _. -� .-.. _� �._ _ -• _. _ `_ -- - - - - EXISTING TERRACE _}.- EXt5TI1JG BED .. .PROPOSE D&WKFULL 111j0FOSfD GRADE I --PROPOSED BED - NWOSFD SUBGRADE Rs-BuILr BED • I 101+00 102+00 103+00 104+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICALA" = 4' -2143 ■ -2140 ■ -2135 ■ -2130 ■ 2125 105+00 FLETCHER CREEK 5 co eR9� a oL o E h U o a Q ui b°-a m Q w Q z w J ZQ o Z a U Z — w 2 O r O+ a O U U o U o U A w 2 �Q Perdt-Sear �% 1411 ri7e+rrinll ��•���� Projecl Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet 0 AB-4 2133 2130- 2125- 2120- 2115 105+00 �- REACH 1 A REACH 1 B-a- j CO O ; + \�\ Oix VEG PLOT 25 kjQ) �• /f / ' ? bbl / a --",-MONITORING ,C�flMpEriVATION F1�SEN,t7IT / XS-1 9oLINGARY — AS -BUILT y '-- - — ----- -_ FLETCHER CREEK X00 C�aiSS�OA[1N4AFlf Sbh��T IX—� E o n u� � O � q mU) VEG PLOT 21 (f// p {M+1 cj ow Qw rw ow �i��—E—�� N E—mJ w ! IM ]NNN, _cc N dC{dN m u7 I n 2� �i Z�n m-E— n M7 m 2 0 u ow �La u+ � n �n an m I r N u7^ Er!) Nam" N'� ID La z a) Lo �a mN•-. aF mVi min mIn �+ D+ �.�, to 20 60 0 M C3 SCALE IN FEET RING XS-22 .. •-ti C .. - ..., n -It-REACH 18 MONfTORING. ' - O ten, V AS -BUILT J I RACCOON BRANCH I (SHEET 19) MONITORING XS- 2 To 1 co ID gscO rn N N Y^u•N ^N I u7 Tf+E—�-a to •rmf 5+ CP3 Z �+ d^O7 .R+ �� �❑ W v+- �rn p� ;❑ LA T� to 0 7a 7q 7q _D 0 v rn 0 o N - .N 0..N N Q N d LOCATION LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT -•-"- FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP n rn 'ti AS BUILT LEGEND r -¢ TOP OF BANK n o En THALWEG _ _T.T � -_ -•- •---. - -- _.. i.. - - -__..- - - - _ .._� _.... _ --� _---- - .-- - — --- .ram.- .__ .. ... - - -. ..�.--__. - - - ---- - -- ---_ EXISTING TERRACE -----EXISTING BED._. ---PROP�a..BANKFULL •_KSW ORADE r- 1 .._.. -.�----- --- - -- -- - - aOo - w- 00- cD N O + N -•- ----- ----- - -.- - - - — ~•--•--- - [b Ol ---...�. - `--- -.-.. -- ..-.- _. _ ..�� I �- ._ =-�� -- - -v SFr. r lal W d 2.�% r�• o ¢ .� • N q _ . . . . ui r+ te+faosn ` r. la a Y d W '-' ^ FJ •. 2.a2 N w Qt 2. - - ___�..- - - ....� ¢ .r cti " O N- N ----I. r1Lf C4 Ay �i' _ .• n r n + CV.-- Ocj- N0Nip^ --�,- d La -'. .�. - .. �_ _ ^ rrY W yj r 00 m t I'+ i?cm. Nl17 1.anO.- N�J� nv7ot3 in nl C _ ....�..-.�..- _ _..-_— . - - _ -PROPOSED 8Et1 _ 4-�_•- -- y - LL = PROPOSED SUBGRADE AS -BUILT BED _�._ O n �N w ❑ivy^ m^' m :.rt --- -- J� - - —_ — -_- - - - n�n��p .. ._.._ Cy.. cc^n� .ouz• 'nr]� �c - ---- - - - -----� - g 4T N r.z 0_34 a cm 7 .25 di M iN oo� 3 oru LA 35 a � ui ^ - ^ .�n �w 1.09X - ------ - --- . T i � -- — -- . - . - - . - — - ... ... .. - - ---- — - - - -- -- - •-- ------ - - -. .-.T_-. _ _. LL.. - -- — ----• -- -may 1 f ---- -- 2133 -2130 -2125 2120 211E 110+00 FI FT(HFR (RFFK V50 an ��U �a E D 4t H Z o $ pp a m Q w z � � O a O Z i o � o6 Z oa J (D = ao J Z wo U O 2 o =o Perml t-S eol plkrlli5s ����.r'�/ y Project Number 172621093 RES SGG CME 19.04.17 77 Chkd Ys7 YY-MM.DD 106+00 107+00 108+00 109+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' r VERTICAL: 1 " = 4' Revision Sheet 0 AB-5 2128 2125 2120 1 12115 2110 110+00 00 ONSEOUNN EASEr�ENF��—_.� - -Y MONITORING -- — MONITORING ~ XS-4 AS -BUILT •sue i o / P f. PROPOSED PERMANENT �I r J STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) a f ~ o r � 3 ❑ ¢ -� Cd- _ fir' i N _ VEG PLOT -'� - cD W cLc) O QD - �.---OU' WJM_~#r�OWO J �I WN il tl NN Z (n_. Ln N Z ,=7 � ZwWtp II O O U} } O NF N W JJQ F 1 m m J R7 W aj1 � I oo m N r7 I N W In In rn v=i I m Z DD Z rn x tD a� Z N Z rn Z H m Q x a to N O O Z rl] O m W r7 [O W l0 O a' H W t2 Z Z o W O r7 } } } o } + } o } N In m to m rn min m in p D �_ �+..- + 0 o o w _ x x x 2a 0 20 CIO T x S x (n to N il7 1n (n N 0 � w Go x a x a a x a 777 a x a x a a � a a x a � a of �~ � F � o r rx x� r rr x o m� --� m In m in m In m rn m co m rn m vl m cn SCALE IN FEET m to m cn m 1n m rn m In LOCATION KEY LEGEND PRO STREAM RESTORATPOSEDION ® FILL CUT —"—•— FENCE EXISTING TREES s PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG -- __-•- - -- O m pp�� (v C d O IN 4 a o N �' •._• �j �j7 a __ H J Enid wW m Ti .-. - .-i � - --__- - , m m -� M m 1 +rim - ^T-- - a� a�i¢L�i lu ... T I _____ ....,--•--. EXISTING . TERRACE -- ----PROPOSED BANK;FULL PA10Pbsm GRACE PROPOSED BED PROPOSED SUBGRADE AS' WJ W) I � - _ _ — - -- tO —._._. n V7 n [V O �] p. _ _ Pl N N k �-. + ^- _ - - •--• _--.. .. ._ .-- _ _.. ... -_ �- GoCR-Q�n?rs. _^ -rn�vlv�n n ,_ � Y _ _._ + + N 7- .. t,- —V14J' ZJ .. "' F J - _ H _ ._ _ V7 w.. Ln �._ . _ - - - -- - nr..� - cT. _ J } nl rig+� +_ oo .. •• _ ^ r.... N. I N F. -i .. W..q .. �,--- ?� �. a �r —- IX7 q _ _ b to Jq1 ^ - m N -.._--_ - --.. ...._.- _ ._ ... — f Mx m fir.. ova nnm�---- �' .: f1_._—_. M7 �..61 .Y . 0.�. N 1 ry r M+1 �� + N N c ; M --- PROPOSED PERM N T _ -•- -- r - -- -• . ----- - „L -- ---- - - — ------ - W W d q rnw - - - - -- 1 _ C Ld a r�i w -- --- - -- -' - --- - -- r7 - -- ¢ -- -- - 7 -�-i� J-- - -- -- - - - ,r� n -- - - 2.g7 ,r n- r� _ r}� -. ..V7 .-... rG st - STREAM CROSSING (PI . 1'_? v"Jp — - - u] u7 `_�_ t_.. _. JNJi ED) - - -- - n - - - -��- . . -- . - --- _ --•_� - - - -- - - - - - - - - ova — - - -- �-- - -- -- - II ._ .. _----- �--r---;- 2128 2125 2120 2115 U U W °1i S�Na C. I!��o a$ ay Py b� N c 1� w < z O O a Z i o o J � z U Z O z 'o o U o 0 w :_u Pern-g-Seal Projecl Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 2110 Dvm. Chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD 111+00 112+00 113+00 114+00 115+00 Revision Sheel FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' FLETCHER CREEK 0 AB-6 I 211E 211E 211C 210: 2100 115+00 II8 tr RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION IM, _ VEG PLOr AS -BUILT COATES BRANCH (SHEET 25) AS -BUILT -� FLETCHER CREEK f J r� 6� - ` I i O - - VEC PLOT 15` h, O _ CONSERVATION - - - - M r EASEMENT 84UNDARY -_ - - i CCi _ A t 1r N _ �* -_ • �_ - J psi-_ - �N� a Ct� v a�.n-1^ J-3� J9��o_O W� _ r� LLJii w✓t_-.-:11�T�J qx_— Gl. jII3 DJ pD aO N a ,--_O _N -d' [JU}7.1 �V7 -N • -m J N l T,p1 rn- �o N � _ _ iMJ !��- C7 ._ I is ��cN- 0w ��` +0 + -#-...Jz_.. 0 La LkJ Ld "rW�\JQ LLI J— r- _JO W W+ ,ww I om. u] N cy,00 N1tiJ N � [if Of w z -^ a¢ � c�` !^_.znW n-w ^ vl mn mto mn zm a z o rn o mm ofV7 7 z - OD W In [D J Of U) = n = �—-_ 7 _ _ o In (n CO LO co U) 1' .7 a a ' -Ir aa CD m aD an �ofoIM V)(n -mr \m�l �U�tYo_1 m _1 SCALE IN FEET m nm naN ¢ m m m M. Ul J U) n �aI _ vl�_ PJ' ppgg5 C. KEY u g LOCATION U S a LEGEND wt 4 ` PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ®FILL CUT -' - FENCE I I I I a I a ems: EXISTING TREES I II PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND - TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG �!In nm 00 r< r- rn to �,t CV C4 ry rt] p ._..,)• j: r7 N ti' [Y - - + } . . nr-� v7 - - - 11 Y. Q .f.. T,-f71 to N r C.E O ^_ i �_a N - - n' iw.f �.+ eL - - - - _ _ (R "i�N r] i0 vi o�.� rn _ m sv- l�rrn ..- ram ra _ w cx -- - .- n �w � -- - _ .1i �_m a_ u� �, . r. r ^ - - -- - _ _ - -- - - - .- --` T ----•_ -.. _ - _ ... --- -- - -. - - - -•- _-•- - - -- -- .- -- •. �- - - - -- -vv -. -- _ - EXISTING TERRACE -- EXISTING BfD - - - PRDPOSJ U_ &IHIfFULL PROPOSED GRADE - --. ... - - .. - I+j -- _ - r7 �� C4 tn. _...or m a.: - - Vl w 1f/! s-- ? . 0 S2%---- - - - t�-z- _ ¢ a > - • _�rlw—c~n. ,fi ...V~'il�.Ja..N_. r ICrv+��..Q +��. v W :La- t� .. •• y w - D.so : I c7 ^ w . -. Y : •C-,�ia�'1� - - 6` + _v r r.i± n- -r- -- - - - - - .. - -- .a -- - ---- 0.89% ^T I°n n n - + ¢ �� - Ln N d -- + �r.� it LO . ca. ---•- - - --- N + o «i m + a -Nma�_�cN ins, --.� ad oOa + �...m Vk - t� � _ `_. n vp o cfi r�ve+a - _ -- VI I�� V1 -• - - • to �Q.+�}pfowo rw�cv.ca-mr.ao ��,a� VI - n ci'w - ----- - - ._ _ .- M Cv vi ro ni tN � 11"H J F J J Lwa - --� - .-- - - - •--•- � � �_m^ ao:.. p� „;..r "4� +C�vpp N ^ram ^N�� ter_ LV - - L y] W_Fa•, {� 1 ..-_-.----- --- PROPOSED BED—. --- — - -- - - PRDPDS£D SUBGRADE ..,._. V-v;".Z ll t?Q, ar oo tA� Ada ra [s^Ib�mMz _ r �+ +o+o +o - - CV „_ CM IyTQ�'N -US 04 N 1 'H � � I�Q W. Li... W W F- J _fA __ 7' fl _.�._. ._ -_ � . -_ _.-._ .�_-- 1 1. r ..__ - ��- -..-.,._ .��-- -.��_� . �- _ ^_.. _-�� ..... ^_,�L--- -- _ _ -�•- -- _. � �_ �. T ,- 116+00 111+uu FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 " = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' l atuu I I .'7-vv HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' 211 211 2105 Project Number: 172621103 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 2100 Dvm. Chk L Dsgn, YY MM.DD 120+00 Revislon Sheel FI FT( I-IFR rRFFK 0 AB-7 A z z- rrr^ CO w A N O 0 O - C o w _ J N z 0 N U) � Q �m r m cn 2113 2110" 1 2105- T 2100- 2095 120+00 R _ 0 0 N I 7 0 0 N MONITORING 0 \o N AS -BUILT COATES BRANCH 0 0 +4 F-J — — EXISTING TERRACE N- ..rn�. �� --. -_ --- - -•- ---•- .---._ .. .__..—.__ _. ......_........-._ .- _. _ ...... ___ ___ IXISTING'REO - - rO 0 I _- +Q - Q� +o Q^.y. �_. + _ul- u;Q r .. Imo^._-� ❑t r. N>r1� Q ~ T- —_----_.. __ .._- -_-_ — _ _ —_ ..PROPOSED BANKFULL. --- I ry N N N O + Q + Q [O CV + O N,Vi u7 lit Y•1 O + O N w TV 0.� („I . �M r!7 p� I!1 'A of In-- + orb- f Q W .._ _ PROPDrF.D U��E ♦-J .. w - _.y� v w- ' �.. .. .. N d 7 - d GJ_ __ ...--__ .- `n N ^ n kfj jjj [ti -PROPOSED-BED.. - . UlWU]W-_...Q�--7 T 5 .. ¢_ NNN - M h r l(1 f� Q}O'�yy'N� t7�,. C4 PP OSED UB' G- A_DE¢�: .. .. -S • Y1 W_.. ___`_ W__N vBiw W7-- d -. _ T-o.^.. .NI .ry md_npp�O Yrt .._ .. O-.2 .%a __1 �_. .. ir . Im" a �__. ___. Jw.. H lz � �.. �+Q a + 0- a[___n_-A _R -A5=BUILT B5E _ _ _7. __ _i a .F.�jS -. _ ..¢ - UlW 17 WJ WWfR 4Jd� C (�.QLJ N N 7 NNNN �. _ NjV+O� �r..- .rl N go �_1Lp� (O 4 to - w�'-f-t.. _- � � r . NrN.L7��, N.�+7NN✓1 [7 • O4 • �b�La7 - 9,. U� w U1 W VI ti1.F ,�.[.F '--N W .. w Vl 41 C 77 N N - L7 , N N a+. N N' 15!, �N[V .N N + O....FQ - o ^n^. - N'YO NFFJ�J .V1 •NW VIW G J F •• .�.N N' ^NNNNry +�+� _ ZL l�d Q_ 4. w w � .29qW 4_22MI I I LOCATION EY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION LLLLLfJ FILL CUT —' FENCE ' EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG 2113 - 2110■ - 2105 ■ - 2100■ 11 2095 123+00 124+00 125+00 HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' FLETCHER CREEK 4J4-3 ~� LV m$m� N o m 8 3 J O Illl�fll m Q w z O O O d a ii Z i a5 O � Z J w �g w N V Z O w o w O + O = = o al w .Vri al '- U LL Perrilt-Sed ```1`�SS�Hfulfrr r r, PMER ',tC� r Project Numhei 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. D,gn. YY.MM.DD r r r r 121+00 122+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' Revision Sheet 0 AB-8 2108 2105- 2100- 2095- 2090 125+00 AS BUILT i COATES BRANCH - (SHEET 27) Al REACH 1 TEACH 2A— 0 O O O N�MONrIOiRING �•_� `•� XS-7 i — E 6MON I TO R I NG _ a i f. X0 b w Go mN r 4 a o C.) C�l N o0 N.7 (14 U' OJ C7 p J p W J O W J W W _ I n I N n ��� I rn Z N Z + �N Lo Z + �� ro O W + p O Z + �(D to + = � N = N= �I N = N = N [If m m m N m (~i) m N vfkf~i N O O _ Q7 RY FLETCHER CREEK RF .,ate • 2' BASE DITCH WITH COIR S = 6.4%- Ln N N.. 0) 0 0' o �V J W i W Ld J m oo o o ( oN N�o^NQ o Zvi 06 NN ro N -m CD OzW r+t JU ^N + JJ ❑0_' + ' V ❑F + 2 JII O JWD 0 p NN N N _N �0 n N m NmcJW+� na p z z Lu zLLJ _c) ZUo'Q<, 1 n nm mJW m DO ao a, rn rn rn S 0 20 GD = N = N = N = N = N = _ = N (n En N 1n N U1 (n (n V) w¢ O a l o a Ef FQ of a af a m vl SCALE IN FEET m m (n m (n m (n m rn m cn m (n m 1n �P. LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT —'—°— FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG rn ` n • rein-� � ' O p1 a +a N � _ .. -� � - - - - - - - -- -• - � - - - -•- -- -- EXISTING. TERRACE � _�•_�:� nN„-;p r� -� -- — _ -PROPOSED SANKFULL PROPp5�0 GRADE --- - ----- -- ----• •-- -- -... _ _ .__. — - _ - _ .__ - ..-. ---.-. _ - (?.129-..H6..J. .� .JW_. _�__(FN-. •-• ._- N W _+ T +..- N 1J NW a.�ad_�T a + fN W N«_J-_.i. . ❑ + C74 W c° n ui OcN1..3CNi LLJ Tf "� rry flN —NN- ra n m) 46 ' GL111 M- T cn +C, � CN4 dE-- .. .. _ N] iO F+ 0 01❑07M oso NNN N 2D p,- _-. 4+97 N t-. N .2$% - a - M.. M.- (V pVs �121' ¢w ¢"— .. -_ ._.. .... Q 9NT' fN _N rcq rq UO1AOD Y!tl +01+ ."--..NN NN j. 7 .. 4 L1 }4-- Ll .. " .. ___ PROPOSED -BED--- GRA_ E AS -BUILT 9E4 PROPO�SED.-S_l. $ .- in T �� N - _ rey .N ty [p Q1 ._ _ v_m tri 0A✓%- Np_A + 40T NN +a) +(� +(Tt N N N ry - ry -- .. mC [ryOin (i`.��71 + 61 +rn { ao a NN NN N a G9 N 117 of — -��.-« •---..�--. �•.r = "._. -._ - - _---__.. _.-__.-....._ . - _ __ -. ... _ 1•w _ _ _. -_ - - - - -___ - - V]W _ ___ _.- _ .N .. J-.. W '> if _ .. t� - _ Nv_. — _ � NN. ~ lis 1n W W� NN _ _ � O � Lu NN J f+� __ _ �N �N NN "N Ld _ -�. —�� i _ .1-- 2108 ■ -2105 ■ -21 2095 1 2090 130+00 FLETCHER CREEK 5 m ma U � _ y E E U o w z 0 0 z u p < O 2 w O p m U w o Permii-Seal z Q � o Project Number 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dw Chkd. Man. YY.MM.DD 1 I 1 1 1 1 $ 1 1 126+00 127+00 128+00 129+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' Revision Sheet 0 AB- 9 —DWI k1 CUIN4% S 64% 1 2103 1 2100- 1 2095- 2090- 2085 130+00 0 CD CD � z x m m - -•. . . . . . . - — — ----- — EXISTING TERRACE PROPOSED BANKFULL_ PROPOSED GRADE ---- -- o; V, W r h N N I W} J W _-- m ^7. d _ - F y °O EaJ r .. �. �y J En W.J o N] T. �. ... - Q r7 [QV44-1• R+ + O�r1 —r .`.+a + 6 r7 [y M] N F4 �nW W _T1I W. I.¢' - - - [v iA! ID ry h7 a Yi Yj -.I'7. M .tom r7 .pppp- r4 00 O1 -)- Cp1 + Q1 n7 ry 01 N rY'f N .ry N o _.Q J_-.� 77 W W Q GJ Q - - - T -.- PROPOSED BED: PROPOSED SUBGRADE .As..6uiLT-BED ._ PJ p100 -C+i iD" - Yl- - - pf'- O cj C1 iC1 O th ✓T..,_� N r'y N P `F AY t CV . _ - Mry P2 t4 N4 .!7N C w -- - - - - �. rD. .�.. Vl 'I•C. _ _ +6 to na. ... __ .N .O _ _ l'7 LY F'S N _ _ _ �vy Y P 11��.. _ !!7._.._. pp _. .. ._ _—_ _ __— 1� 1f] N.N . �.. -�. Spry O V 17sa +at-��_ .—_1.7�-'- M� _______._� �.�_. _._ _ ___ —___ _ ..D:33 _ _ W —G `, - W- - —y~j }.- - _ — _- - r04 __--"7N J MN 17 Ono 1n cy cu - - 88 '�'Cn c1 0 MiN LLI }a1 . 14 ftn,, _.LJ. o - N _ t _ o + - M7N j.�j LJ _Q "C4 +F _ _ Lit Ln 01 I LOCATION KEY LEGEND �+ PROPOSED @MooSTREAM RESTORATION FILL \` CUT \�\ -'—'- FENCE CALMON: . EXISTING �i� EXISTING TREES OVERHEAD_� 4 UTILITY _ I v do PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED 4 .a �� DEBRIS �s��� PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - — — — — - THALWEG 2103 - 2100■ 2095 ■ -2090 ■ 2085 ■ U og t logo o& ag o S E o o b 5 og L�U �zv _ Project Number: 172621093 RT5 SGG CME 19.04.17 D— Chkd. Dw.. YY.MM.DD I r r 131+00 132+00 133+00 134+00 135+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' F Revision Sheei toAB-10 2098 2095- T 2085- a n 12080 135+00 o 0 0 �; f 0 0 (D +, + + r9 1 j 00 CtiHSERVATION EASEMI NT—x- "'—'—•—• ��—�� -�t�` - rn -� d—�— °—, —"—"� • n�n BOUNDARY RIPRAP OUTLET �6 PROTECTION . c CAUTION: ° EXISTING (} '' AS -BUILT L- i a OVERN vEC PLOT I —�" - FLETCHEft CREEK / r 4b UTILITY J v 0 w 12" CPP TO REMAIN G4tii ow: EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY i i LOCATION KEY LEGEND j PROPOSED Cyr STREAM RESTORATION Y ® PILL CLOT —'—,— FENCE VEXISTING TREES 1tk PRESERVE LEXISTING TREE �1 PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG - -- --- -- -- - --_ - - - - - - - - — -- — — — EXISTING TERRACE . ---.PROPOSED. BAAgUIL. PROPOSED GRADE -- -- ------ ----- -- - -- ---- --- - ----- •i• nN -- V! 0.3095 aQ '° m ,_ -- [Y of r� n vtpin❑ m +m .-- - .0 iV �l^1 2�•+ 2-. nn, a J7.. W --Vi Ld - - — . . _.. rA ^- - 17 n m In 6 � . rn n� � co.__. - _ . +. oo - �. .. .. 'n 'U T ne .r7�N M f al+ -elf._—.- . J •.z% ._`_ - ._ --__---.O.ES �. _. _. a o t. o ^� ¢ate-- °'-- rn f m -^ W - • ✓7 4+ • -• v moo. -to a- -•tea - - -+ M tv N n M - .�LI Fr�7fI a __-.'4J---iFl tll• -N _. .—�. �. — _ _ _ D. ----•---------- - -- . - - it7 W �-� � +m m� - la o + eo yf N ¢i y- rQ J ! '--'[JIJ .�. .In W ._.. _._ 97 - -•- -- -- - -•-- -- ---- - • - -- - -- .. - - - - - �T--_- — __ _ . - - -- .. _. .. _ - .. _.. - - - - -� - -�- _. _. _.. -- - - -- _ .. _ - '-- ^ - - -PROPOSED BED PROPOSED Sl BCRADE _ ......_ .. AS -BUILT BED - _ m .._. N1`O (Yj. --�+ ro •+i'+`r' co + e°oo + m °D- I, O I, 7 n -¢� ¢�'N]N -f: p• w _ J_ J. .. �3 N _ w a w T _--� +oWo. rv.-------- h0 OIL ._QjN_._. — r�] N. rz 10. .. _.Ql d-... + m ar rsi --- --- ---- -- - -�.�- ' o p n •� e .—.._ _ 2NW _ �a7o r G7.I N.. �- - - - -'-- - LU 1 i r� -- ..u- 2098 ■ 2095 ■ -2090 ■ 2085 ■ GLO O 140+00 FLETC_:HER CREEK Y �o $o b � o ag £ L) 3 � o u w a z O p a a Z i O o 0 r m O u 2 w Oy O = Uf w zz Permt-Sed U o w � U Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dw . Chkd. Mgri. YY.MM.DD I I I I i I � I I 136+00 137+00 138+00 139+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 " = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' Revl9on Sheet 0 AB-11 2093 2090- 2085- 2080- 2075 - 140+00 0CD 0 ISTING 60' CMP X 2 TO REMAIN 6REONSTRUCTION CREEK 28 RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION \ \-b _J (n C7 O AS -BUILT FLETCHER CREEK o � N N �\b\O J W OLJ LL a, Z In Z O N 1p O O [IfO 00 3 E of W 7 d o� of Q U)to N M L m p k J m _ p � [ m W C Z K d N 0 C14 K m r N PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) �b - f r � r! O O O O to lF �- RIPRAP OUTLET ' r r i PROTECTION uJ N M q N [0 N N N N N W 01 J— W J J W J w J w J w J � W n � N O M K C. M r O N 10 Q + + + + + + M J ro J N1 _J n � rn _J � (n _J � (n J � Tn � cn Vl � � f- [er Q p Q O Q o o Q O g o� Q O o Q O �o Q Q N _J N J (n J N _J (n J N J V) a/ / N + F< (n Ln 1 I LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION FILL CUT —,—"— FENCE EXISTING TREES en PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG �{ EXISTING - - - - - - - -' - - - EXISTING .TER WE . EXISTING BED PROPOSED B9 I(FULL PROPOSEp GRADE - --- - -- ....... .... - 1 r , (0 {-e{ Vllu 60 CMP REMAIN - �} _- X 2 - - =- --lD D1 Iti . + no * Ir: N In N -0 d. O O. 0 -i- } 4. .:� HJ d N tl'� L>�7 Q (n -1- J �saEil�iw -' -- tO N- o N Lq r * �- d �. � �•N..�N -- J� > w QW — - v Ki W. ... 7 Cf� �- .�..... ��, PROPOSED PERMANENT --� STREAM CROSSING - a - �._�n._- _(y N� N } [t'I ✓3 r I!'1 no - -- — — - .. _ _... - - �- 1 =. -.PROPOSPROPOSED SIIBGRADE AS=BUILT BED --- - - — - - - n -r:l Q1 �9"pp in.M - O. .i'.no .i:O +O .� • 7 ii'7 (PIPED) fo -..e-m ti - l.j _ N W 1 • 3% - - - _ .._..q w 0.33%._ r Jn .. .-. ._. V. ..eN —4 ✓?+J.... __ • • r �--�y-�-_'-_ t}. ire. __- -*[O._ L] N N # __.�... -- -i}: m N...� - �= i+y _.. ._syN.. q. - -+ p -+ .-�N.yN-i V7 w �;W `0.04 oo-+q— 7-C e *y— C W -q---•-L'r'- � YN ,.7 4 Sw LO + iissJl _-ii Ln - d - Vj. .j- �O Q nia[`it]-.-F r�_M�• m_ + " .. 7 N _ +W-+o0 d4 [V a N 7 7 JHJ W WNW t7 CIO C0 r �sC !• 6 ._ y iJJ. W ,O-• -K7� d_ + d .._ d+' N dry �GL7 J 0.2 � q _T 7 _ J W --� .._._ .-- --- �. n- M, .. - -'--� --- %i-J•6 - rrt 2093 1 -2090 1 2085 1 u v� mag k 8 4J U e" 30 aa` °t wE o &` z v s 2 o - e w z O pr L U Z U O O J � z J w z U Z OU O O U V wx� Permit -Seat - C U o w � = O U� -2080 = 06i �r7L7f1111115LtL� �} 11I_\ Project Number: 172621093 2075 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD I r r r , 141+00 142+00 143+00 144+00 145+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VER7CAL:1" = 4' FLETCHER CREEK Revision Sheet 0 AB-12 2088 2085- 2080 , 2075- s 2070 145+00 O C T L Q M s =a � � o 1� M4-1 U g b'o o�Pm m LOCATION kEY U `" $ r�o� '�-r LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT -'—'- FENCE f if I I I a I I I I I a EXISTING TREES I f I I I m I I I I I m eP PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP o j - AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG 2088 EXISTING TERRACE - - --EXISTING BED' PROPOSED. BANKFULL PROPOSED GRADE + n N 'n aNpo .t N d vi ¢ Q —.. t� 1v -r-•-- In 0 M ai a „O1Y n - - _- �� �� - -+ n - - --i- n - - - e . 1 N ¢ c� I _� ^� u'f 0 -q rn - N - - -'w O too - N _ _ 2�??- Ofr ra n 47 wi T ^Ian (� + E } - M.. �1 rm O �' n n - NrV -�Nd'['yN JFJQ to W -J-- -- . N i�i _ ._ _ _ -. mm �.. .._ - 1(} C!I 16 m +pp Mi �.rOp� n+No- N. n�.w aN FW J J. .Q Q fvAl -� _ - - - -- - -- . _ m - .L� ar: _.N rc In- - +n tN .Cp4_T..-_ dN �N � .�—.- -N—T -_- --- �.-.,. _. PROPOSED BED -- PROPOSED SUBGRADE AS-Eaull BED - - -� - _.�.�. � - s]— pQ 4i. toW r.�:....-'-- it F� N mr rw� +r. a "---^ n4 n+tom N f+4 __..C6d- .. .. [V .. .�nFs��--riii ur_..._ .ir.:.-.. _ IAO a70 '¢ - a el^' .� ?N c7i —-- �. �•i�.._ m T,_—O7.- _ a - _.[PW [G<D-.—p�C n __��}., W .tN.� - nee -T_�_ kA ^N uso.e.NG'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737 W a 1 l I 1 I 1 I 146+00 147+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' I 1 I 148+00 1491 � +00 HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 40' VERTICAL• 1 " = 4' MDR w a z E O o_ ¢ z i O -2080 J 0 o z f o 0 O a ON x U LL Pernit-Sell 2075 z 30 u o U o w � U ! •IH111111••y��zi] 1 Project Number: 172621093 1 77SGG CME 18 03.27 .I070 Dwn. Chkd. Ms YY MM.DD 150+00 ReN4on Sheet FLETCHER CREEK 2 AB-13 2083 2080 1 2075- 2070- 5 2065 150+00 e� CD CD -0 0 0 0 0� 0 N 17 Ln Ln Ln N N LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ®j FILL CxXX� CUT FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG - Q .- . v ° --_ _- -� .� - - - - - — — EXISTING TERRACE __= ETMIMNG BED.-- PRDPDSED aWKFLU -' PROPff5E0 GRADE-- - -- - - - —. - - - - n .. ., _ rn _ - -• - - - - r + a oa cv n[V .�._. 'J LtJ (,I ^� +OT4.e �_ _ - r t �N- - laJ.t _ _ • — O.i7 - _ -- uS r ° - ri +n¢ N W - w to rl tri r7 rn cooD - +rfn rn QO. O.+r > • C- =Z W.4 .. r c --- - it _ - ❑ 717 _ m .. rn .._•I _ — _ - ----- L X -- 0.27 _ ra N +� m - -"- �J , .� °° �ry "+uy [� rs .. •_ w _ _ - y � _� N d J h W v � ce _-- — - - u? N - - -_ .. _ ',' F � _ ....N W O.&Z 3 —ti D. O� i� t a .. :. _ .. .. n [3 __ [V 4 - LJ_ J Vl w w_ _ _ - ri u�i - n r o N a N v�cT. 7 C J w N lal ..'O.fi % .. — -- -eN LA 11 _+ n-� `t _ ° N a + n t [, l� .. ty rnn .. ,. _. `� r- W_ IjJ _ _ _ _ _ O..B - —. -+ u� 2 _ __ N -- �..'� I. N F �o- N I17 ». _ - r, 0 M¢ �n Mo N N cV _ - —. - W -� VVII �4:$2 - - - - a - C+.._ - 05 w rn r7 n�i +I� 0- + O M O r _.r(7 N. _—u7 w - .. —¢ .. _—� �.. a. ¢ - - to _. Q 4 �r a IA .N .- _.. _ Q J rA w.- - - - - - —`� I�iA - + n _ . fl kn _ ,..... .. - - - w -- - - - - - n_p.. .� rry .. n.i._ h7 f A + �i ry , i :-. N w N - - -- -_ u?n Ln +� o ...�I1 N _. n ri[�v r M. .r a PS N � ^ � �M + i .I LO N -PROPOSED HED-- - - - PROPOSED SUBGRADE AS BUILT BED'- - l .r ar �eD N t .1l7 n. N u, W . -J - po Q ! _ LV N u� 4 J - H w y D fiD% -� — I 2083 2080 -2075 ■ 2070 ■ 2065 153+00 154+00 155+00 HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' FLETC H E R C R E E K �� If g$mE .■l�� o $s ap m a W < z w 0 Q 0 D Z = 0 Z a U Oz a o J w+ U Z - O O U .o U o S o Ct O x � + x oN a w m �¢ ULL Pern-it-Seal ,."Wiuul, - _ r�i 0 9 :w- pXER ►�' t1. 1p "I/Ji 1A u111« 11°. Project Number: 172621093 RTS SG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. Mgn. YY.MM.DD 151+00 152+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' Revision Sheet 0 AB-14 2083 2080- 2075- { 2070 �k 2065 O O Ln PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) (TRANSLATED DOWNSTREAM) n A : AS-ZILT FLETCHER CREEK a r I A' ��_ �r _ - Q — - + . Q " CaxSE�ATyCxaFASEFAENu � � � — g1JUSd4A� o N _J lLn 0 Ld Ld m w d a0 I rn w oo z Co c to J Ln J N Lo N a � v~i v~i m c~il —REACH J J�I �f y AS -BUILT PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) r.: l SEND CONSTRUCTION FLETCHER CREEK STA 156+52 2a 0 20 6o SCALE IN FEET I LOCATION kEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION �. FILL CUT —'—"— FENCE ` EXISTING TREES PREEXISS NRG TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG - -. - - - - - - . . - - - - _.. - — — — _ _ _ — EXISTING TERRACE � -- EXISTING BED _ _ .: PROPOSED BANKEULL T PROPOSED MADE— - . . . _ ._ __......-- _-- -,T . -• _ ._ _ .. -- - .. - - - - - - ¢ -fl 6. N7rn ..gym `n1cV rn --u7 i-v. - Hr Al --• .d¢] .-- STREAM CROSSIN._- - (PIPED) -���........ _ _u7 r!] r P rCj uy,arre iea_-.�__. -r:: �r O �rv. rm n7 nl n U In - - - - I — ^ _._ -^ - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- --�- .. _ PROPO5E1) BED- - PROPOSE) RED- - SUBRDE AS-Rl11LT BED- — _ [rv-- �, ,_,.. T�. _. �_, �T.- - + r�ryurT [[rylcy �_ntrh r_ct .— - IyJ N � o: .� • --- �- J J .8.' � � w^�ril Uri --z 64 -- - -- - a --- o W -•- _. _.. d � Q � - ...,-T.� _ _. ......_.. ,—�..- ------��-- -• ---- -- -� - ..—.�.�-- .—. �, .- •--. .--.--_. - - - E1 !a 155+00 2083 -2080 R S3 Ra 9 b H=� m U z Q 0 O O a zz V e6 z 2075 J s J aO z �o � O + o_ 8 x x `m Ul m CU¢ U Permit -Seal +`,}¢iy�s8ARr7`+r 2070 O. s 1 L � yyrr r6, • "PH •, rrr ilea M,.1 iinlnL' I' '6 Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dw _ Chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD 156+00 157+00 158+00 159+00 160+00 Revision Sheet FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' FLETCHER CREEK AB-15 2161- 2160- 2158- 2156- 2154- 2152 210+00 REACH 1 ��p—� O O O _ O _ + + �r + + _ O N _ N _ N _ N N __ - N � f EXISTING WETLAND D- �"PRESERVATION EXTENDS UPSTREAM ��— iRACC00N AND PINE BRANCH 444(SITE PLAN SHEET 1A) $� a COE13T apUNflPR� E��� � Etc --- - �----_ SCALE IN FEET r� r w UJ I x I� LOCATION EY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION FILL CUT —'—'— FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - THALWEG f ---- Ex}STINGLMRACE_ --- EKWIN BEO �` 2160 PROPOSED BANKFULL .. _._. _._ _��T _ --•- ..,-� �.. _ _ � � - --------- - -- PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED BfO — - PROPOSED 9i1p91RA0E A8 BUV 9ED -• - --- `- -- .. �_. -_ .� N� � -- - - -• --` � --- • - --- ------- - •- •- •-- I - 1 �.. �......— _ -- --- —�—� — T fr . Ca1to o M140 m� m� U H & fr t g° <Ja N = bc55- 7 b < _ b -2159 -2158 -2156 w l Z i o 0 U 0 z U Z — O N U ✓ U -2154 U Permit -Seal 2152 Project Number: 1 m 0 5 l\0. _ RTS SGG CME 19M. 17 2150 &, Chka. Dsyrt YYMM.DD Revision Sheet N BRANCH' D All -16 t I 210+50 211+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 1' 211+50 212+00 HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1 " = 2' 212+50 RACC 21 2152 2150 2148 2146 g 2144 212+50 5 - v v N (n O p _�� p Ln 2_ r N N EXISTING RACCOON BRANCH AS-BUIRACOON BRANCH HEADWATER CHANNEL J J — CD v� L w v w w i w - ---- w ro co- Z 'o rn 0 Ln _ am 1- Uj w _ co co J W N FT;_tt lF1�aTa�„_c—a,a_q CONSERVATION 10 0 10 30 < EASEMENT BOUNDARY 0 Q i v1 J 1. SCALE IN FEET 34 O O NJ O -afREACH 1C REACH 1Di ui N �7 W ff Z.. Z N Z-- Z � W r AS -BUILT RACCBRANCH w HEADWATER ONCHANNEL / `L `r + (EXTENDED) z Z EXISTING LLL WETLAND B i o t w I J I W a—w—a—a--&= n La cc w � �W o x r17 w [[J J I W 0 Y ? a—v LOCATION kEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT -' - FENCE Olierl EXISTING TREES S PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG STAG 212+54'5 _ -:� .. - -7 --' - - .. ' - -- - - -. _ ..._� . _. _.. _" 2152 ,-.-... - 2148 EXISTING TERRACE­. - - - E'R15TiNG BET) .. . FYrSfl BANIS - - _ - - - I I ._..... - _..-.� --- • -- - - - - - � � . ---�.�.. _ . ._ ._ ._ ._ .. . _ . PR[}?OSEO GRIME PROPOSED BED . . _.PRUPO5ED. SU8GRADE BED'- -- 2150— —2446- d ci w 1 - 2142 21144 .j..� o o -2149 -2148 (ab8ma b1f� 8 a 41 LA s o E a b m 3 0 5 t -2146 w 0 0 Z U 0 G O U Z OU o J O -2144 U wo w � U `i Permit -Seal -2142 az a UazU o Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 2140 1 D.. Chkd. D n. YY.NIM.DD 213+00 213+50 214+00 214+50 215+00 ReAdon Sheet FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' RACCOON BRANCH G AB-17 21 21, 21 21 21 it 21 215+00 to o �QUNS}ARY �— N 1 BOUNDARY a SCALE IN FEET 0 LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION L/�LL/J FILL CUT J —'—'— FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - — — — — - THALWEG 21371 2136 ■ 21341 2132 ■ 21301 2128 ■ 215+50 216+00 Llb+SU ctiTuu LII-JV FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' RACCOON BRANC a$ Xa m$a� Pg m� 41 o o� Z c E N t2 U < z 0 < Z U 0 o z U Z O o O � p U o U i x Permit -Seal 0 z 5 = o z ,+� � N zo O - UN Q Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dw Chkd Dsg, YY.MM.DD Re4jon Sheet 0 AB-1B 2133- 2132- 1 2130- 1 2128- 2126- cal2124 217+50 O 00 T MONITORING J To 0 IQ 30 - SCALE IN FEET 11 ■� r I :ti ■ �I it + LOCATION KEY f LEGEND - — PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION CLOT FENCE EXISTING TREES / PRESERVE EXISTING TREE o- PROPOSED DEBRIS 'D PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK — — — — - THALWEG I I . I I . _. � _. � . ... _ . .. _- - ._... .. ....._ EXISTING TERRACE.. . --= E]t15TING BED • ---- ROMED BANKFULL - - 2130 ti 1 ---- - -- PROPOSED GRAOEi PROPOSED BED .. --PROPOSED. -SURGRAD ASAULT -- -'•_ -- ] .._.. _.. _. _ _.. ._. - -- -• .-- - - N - -- — - � - -- ---• --•-• - -.-�._.�_ _.._�.. .. _ fir¢ 1 N ;V - -- ... { .._�..�.�.� IJ I 1 I I I -•-• r -•'- I , I 218+00 218+50 219+00 219+50 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' 2127 2126 -2124■ - 2122 ■ -2120 ■ 2118 220+00 RACCOON BRANCH 11 U§ 4J M m� U § 92 w Eo a `� U gb 3 > 3£ 5 r E b w 0 & a a z u O < o CD i u 7- 0 - o J rr O_ O = ) w o U LL Permit -Seal x U� f�lll;NE;R*0�M�N� i lS� Project Number: 172621 ,344 US SGG CME 19.04.17 Own. Chkd. Dsnn. YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet D AB-19 Ell 2149- 2148- c u 2146 - 2144 - 2142 - 2140 300+00 REACH pd—u,��.�a—� p O O O o _ O _ fC14_ O- O o 0 0 Y; � LOCATION KEY EXISTING AS -BUILT COATES BRANCH LEGEND COATES BRANCH HEADWATER CHANNEL �! O PROPOSED e0 � STREAM RESTORATION - -s Q _ ® FILL _ - Ls! CUT FENCE n S.0 —"—"— BEGIN ENHANCEMENT �� ��- � \PROPOSED COATES BRANCH (Sj STA 300+00 Q :m EXISTING TREES �. `��_ •V£G RLOT 24 _ gn PRESERVE EXISTING TREE - PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT ---- N- J PROPOSED -- jLj RIPRAP N - _� AS BUILT LEGEND - -� CONSERVATION _ + - ` - a o TOP OF BANK CO `- 10 0 10 -10— a n EASEMEh1T BOL}NDARY yg to SCALE IN FEET THALWEG - - - - - .. - ..�.—_ _ .. ... — --- — —•. . _.. — — - - - _. ....— — — —. ExinNG TERRACEL — ---- - - — — — - ui—.. — — — —• ... .� — .. — — -.. _ .. -. . _ _ . �...� —{ -- -- — - SED BANXfULL PROPOSEO GRADE - PROPOSED EEO P POSED SU 9G PROPOSED R4DE — _ . -- �. +A. -2145 -2144■ -2142■ -2140 2138 2136 302+50 COATES BRANCH c9 m Q 0 o! 4j 11 3 C. (1q `o -, Eo b iiR6 P a 0 E'�`o 0 h U V Z a8 o _ w Q2 I I I II� I I Im l i l m U 0 U Z U O a of J z z 0 O — U 4 O U a)]l O Uw w Permit-Sed Projecl Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dw Chkd Dsgn YY_MM.DD r 1 l 1 I 300+50 301+00 301+50 302+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' Revision Sheei 0 AB-20 2139- 2138- 2136- 2134- 0 2132- S 2130 302+50 (REACH 1A'REACH 1B-9,- O �a O O O a _ O � ., ~r�•�a� Ln O Ln •.�:�.�. a ate-rya--I,�Y�n�-�F�r—...—.,.— + �- a�1�IL + Y< _ �. <Y�F�_. -r -,d- r) —"—� ONSERVATION C_ � n—n—n—n—n—° " c� o n —�- O to`¢—¢ NT NDAR—n— O-n—n—¢—¢— &E_VBOUY n O ro w z m Ix 0 m _ rw J J LJJ = �` _ �. e_om / COATES BRANCH HEADWATER CHANNEL EXISTING� 5� �� WETLAND D 10 D 1 —F �Flyi BOUND'' 1/4r SCALE IN FEET LOCATION kEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT —'—"— FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG 1 -� -- -- + ,o h _EXISTING. TERRACE. BED . POSED BANKFULL - HJ w w `� N Ln -t I PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED BED --- PRRPASEll. SUi9GRADE AS -BUILT "Eff- 4_:� _ .. .._. _ ti 1. 1 I �I t ---•- — -- - . .-� � �_ I I _ ........_. ���----- �� �--- I - .. �� _ .. Win.. _ .._ _ II I I r.__ _ �.�.___ _ i . �. ._ __ _ _ I I 7 -...- - -2139 ■ -2138 ■ -2136 ■ 2134 ■ 2132 ■ 2130 gg� 3S $ 4a R� 8� 6e Qe bF�F lid bG 4s o� -ILA U c o i59L r E a �i �z E `Fss ao.�o U ¢ 0 0 Z o o � p U .o z � w U Permit -Seal RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dm. Chkd Dsgn. YY-MM.DD 303+00 303+50 304+00 304+50 305+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' Revision Sheet 0 AB-21 w C) -f - :7 _ 2133 2132- 2130- 2128- 2126- 2124 305+00 O'd—a—e—.0_�— —«—E— 0+�, r�.�_a�r_.�.—O_r—r—,�,� - + + -°`-"- + -°---¢-�_ + q--QCONSERVATION -'- I.C) cD ID 1- EASEMENT 90UN5AftY4-n O O O O n I- No 2' BASE DITCH � WITH OIR - p AS -BUILT H C COATES BRANCH rao HEADWATER CHANNEL AS -BUILT RIPRAP PROTECTION �z CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY j 1'A a To 30 —,— SCALE IN FEET _ WN Lv J 2 FU- _ Q LOCATION LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL GLN -.-•- FENCE 9191EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK THALWEG r� - --00 t M �, _�__ _. _. .. .. _ ---__-•-- _..�_._..---...T-_ L-�1- -.--•----_-_ —..EXISTING. TERRACE_ a4PaseG eANXFULL _ - -. �.-.- -`� - 2126 2% - -- u ._ ..-T I � -` - - -T� -- � PROPOSED E `PROPOSEO BED P_ROPOSEO MRADE AS-gulLl BED -_ �L y \ T . coPEA f _... All -` W � LLJ I 49 � i I I i _ I II I �• I I f I .T 305+50 306+00 306+50 307+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' -2129 -2128 U R H �8 m� sg og [4li E aca 3a uec -2126 z o z D o U Z P S o -2124 10 = o = w 155 U LL x Perrdt-Seal -2122 i i m 6 z o Uo Z Q m o wo m o< U - viecr Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 2120 Dw Chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD 307+50 Revision Sheet r.OATES 13RANCH 0 AB-22 123- 122- 120- 2118- 2116- 114 307+50 O O —REACH 1 O In 00 00 O O CONSERVATION #--A�- q�u--v EASEMENT BOUNdARY MONITORING XS-23 MONITORING XS-24 _ _ AS —BUILT COATES BRANCH —HEADWATER CHANNEL w EACH 1 C O o + o to O P l5-�" 7 I � v � d �• h ' I J ° a � 1 {AS -BUILT PERMANENT a (STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) A r.l I 6 o � J �N I' R ! + s w rn 19 0 19 30 r¢ SCALE IN FEET RIPRAP ❑UTLE7 PROTECTION LOCATION kFY LEGEND 7 PROPOSED STREAM + RESTORATION r•1 Lf/ICJ FILL CUT —'—'— FENCE U EXISTING TREES AS L I) CJ m PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK THALWEG _ - -- - - - - EXISTING TERRACE. - - - EXISTING to - - R PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) PROPOSED KO 7 _._ __. PROPOSED SL49GWF rap w ` — . . . . . . . . - �uw _ I.54%, -2121 -2120 -2118 -2116 -2114 2112 m U ¢ _ z 0 o o_ o- Z i 'Y o 0 z 5 U C� J w z + U o U Z � 0 d) 0 F3 z Q m oe o o p m + ULL w 0 to oa Perrrit-Seal tJ1 rC 141 ry � .� . @l µrc•�p.4' lllrrr�nRl�„ Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD 308+00 308+50 r FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 309+00 306+50 HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' 310+00 VERTICAL:1 " = 2' COATES. BRANC Revision Sheet 0 AB-23 2117- 2116- 2114- 2112- 2108 310+00 N,—CONSERVATION r rf EASEMENT 80t1N0ARY—`�—`�—� Mr-AUVVAICIC UMAINIVGL TG o 1Q 30 SCALE IN FEET LOCATION)CEY LEGEND j PROPOSED Cam_ STREAM RESTORATION LLLLUJ FILL CUT —•—"— FENCE EXISTING TREES PPRESERVE � EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT RmPROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK TRALWEG 2117 - - - - - - - -_ EXISTING. TERRACE_._ USTING. BED ROPOSEO BANKFULL _ �-�PROPOSED POOP - - -- — -- •--- - - PROPOSED GRADE i •- --- -POOP-- - -� - • - -- I - -- POOP - •- -- - BED _ ... PROP_(YSEO_ SUBGRA6E --AS--BOLT 90 - - - - POOP-- ---- I - - - ._. POOP � �— .. — T....___ _ _:_ ... --• --�—__ —.. �.�_ - -- --- --.. -� __ POOP � POOP.. _� �. - - _ .. . __ _ - - - - - -- - - - — - -- — - -• — - � � -- - - - �, --- I--T � - - - - •- --- -"`._ .-' - - - - --�-- — -- --- —T �-----�---- ----^--~� —"T' -I�—.•—• - --...-^-__.—. ._ _ __ .. _. __ ._ .. �� -�_ .. _ ♦ .��_-. _._ ._POPS_ ---•--_--.. _ ..- __._�.�. _. _ ._.._.. . . _ _ .. .. .. .�.. - _. .. - --- �.. --- ♦ _ - - - .�- . - - -- POOP- _- • - -_ •- • - - -- - - .. - - • - - -- - - -. ._ .. T ..... _ .. _. _ - ._ _ _ - -•- ---- _-•--.-.__ - - I � --- POOP- -- - -- .�T_ _t.. POOP• - ; . _ . _. _.._ . - - .. �_ .�.. _ ..�. POOP - _. �� �� - - -- .. T... ._ .. ._ .. ._ . _.. _._ _ _. _ ... .._ .. ..- .- -- •- - - . _ _ _ _ .._._ _ .. .. - - T POOP— �_. ._.. I I I I I I I I I 1 310+50 311+00 311+50 312+00 312+50 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' - 2116■ - 2114■ - 2112■ - 21100 2108l. V E� x� f 4 N E N 0 1°b$s pp < w Z b ¢¢g c < 52 EEb Illllmlllllm w < a < Z U o o J > z U Z O UI Z O = 0 LL ZI C) w x Permlt-Sed �yirrur,+' ZZ IA Project Number: 17252,093 RTS SGG CN,E 1M-17 Dwn. Chkd. Mgn. VVJNI.L00 Revision Sheet 0 AB-24 2113- 2112- 2110- 2108- 2104 312+50 O O O O O Ln O LC7 CONSERVATION a�—n—a—Q�er�a«_ems EASEMT BaUNDARY H LAUWAItK L;HANNtL _ 1 i❑ 0 I SCALE IN FEET LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION FILL CUT -,_ EXISTING FENCE EXISTING TREES ea PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK THALWEG --•--r � --- - - - . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . - - ... -- - - r . .. ._ - . �. _ ._ �. _ _ ._ . .. - - _. - - - -. EXISTING TERIMCE. - - - - Exlsnl� BED — ROMED MANKFLILL -------•- --.__ -_ _ - _ --- __... __...d t ir 1 I �.. .. I - �.. _.. .. = 1. .. =�` _ -, .—`PROPOSED GRADE _ PROPOSED BE0 -• - -T I +-- -- T i..-_- I i. •_..__ r JQ ----- -- ---- -'- --- - PROPOSFa_SUBGRADE - AS-�i}1Lt BOO._ i - 211 - 211 - 211 -2108■ 2106■ 2104§. 5 b � m sua u� PS N o m Q 3 � O ti w < z 0 0 o_ a z o o J � z J z U Z O N ✓ Z J � O U = w U Permlt-Secl m a 0 IIq Project Number: 172QI093 US SGG CME 19.04.17 D—. Chkd. Umm YY.MM.DD I I I I l I I I 1 1 313+00 313+50 314+00 314+50 315+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: I" = 20' VERTICAL:1 " = 2' Revision Sheet 0 AB-25 2111- 2110- 1 2108- 1 2106- 1 2104- e 2102 3 315+00 sM. A3- SCALE IN FEET LOCATION KtY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION FILL CUT —�—"— FENCE r EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - THALWEG POSED El L PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED BEDi-- - PROPOSED SUBGRADE 17- �. - -- - -- --I- ,- - - -- -- - — — II i T— - 2108 ■ -2106■ -2104■ �0 1� blo �ap a b GU u J°S z $ so IIIII�III I I I I I4 I I I I la Illflmfll m 65 m a w a z 0 0 o z 0 5 J 'D z o S U ZO U S a — U m o z m o J w O + o O = w n m w m o oa CJ U Perm!-Sed "tH crrrrrrrr��. a ° rlr+n n I u' Z Z�11 Project Number: 172621093 RTS 5GG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. DB , YY.MM.DD I I I I 1 I I I I I 315+50 316+00 316+50 317+00 317+50 FULL SIZE PLAN HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' Revilon Sheet D AB-26 2107- 2106- 1 2104- 1 2102- qg12098 317+50 LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT "—"— FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE �T PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT AmPROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK THALWEG f . _�..... ..._.` _. - = - - -- �- - - • ----- --- . . __ - ._... .... _ ...... -- .. -`-- -- --- ----- - ---- - .. --- — — — — .—...�snNG TERRACE — — — — EXISTING -BED —PROPOSED BANKWLL — y --PROPOSED — +a oo- . �.-- — — — ` — .�.—�.. _ PROMSEO GRADE PROPOSED 13ED SUBGRADE AS: --BUILT BE), ' —... _ — — ---- ---- ._.. - ..-�.�.-..�__._.._ .. •- - _ --- ------ -- - ern— �.- P r. _— - .- -- ----._�`�. +O 318+00 318+50 1 319+00 319+50 326+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 1' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 20' VERTICAL:1" = 2' C 2907 2106 - 2104■ - 21 - 21 - 2098 ■ W o1 1� E b mo H z 4 gg � < �_�n sham 311 311 a l l l m Q U ¢ — z 0 0 o_ Z u .6 0 0 Z 5� < J 0 x a � U Z 0 a)0 m z Q o O 0 H ^ Uw w U Perrrlt-Sed •4 `,`,.�SHSCrN�ry = 13 ! �p1fER l //yy Y L y Project Number: 172621093 RTS MG CPAE 19.0437 Dm. Chid 3;W Y Revision Sheet 0 AB-27 0 a O of 1 1 PROPOSED' 2' BASE DITCH WITH RIPRAP f S=30% ? ^c I CAUTION: WITH Ci S=S. 2098 2095 2085 - 2080 400+00 —saoz N� J J \o- p m C3 V F En GROUNDWATER GAUGE LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT -'-'- FENCE - '''yyyyyy EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG _----•.-._ -- _..- .. .. , - - -, - �. .. _._ --- - - T ---... --- -.__-__. - _ _ _ - - - - - -- EXISTING TERRACE _ -- EXISTING BED --PROPM BANKEULL - p"pm MOE _ -_ _._ _ _. -•- -----•-'r - _ _ _. __ . _. ._ ._ .. ._ _ ---- • -- -- ....�- -_ - •-----_�- _,. _..- --. -- __. _.- --• -- - II ! . _ _ 1 - - _ ----- i �-.- --- - - - - -— - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -PROPOSED BED- PROPDSED SIIBME ­-AS-BUILT BED - - - - - - -- - --- - -- — -- -- --�..__ I �y N 6..-._ .�Id N dN •� - 1f7..._ _ ._ c0 O. .. .. . - - - a -_71 do. C7.. n �_..�-. W �- __ . _-to- !: _ N + �p---^d Q F .. sf] co + -^d--�4 J� i ._.._ - - ._. m J � -� +m. H a �--•-s[1 �-� rri 4i __ � a7 �-}a�- dN. _ C. I--.; J ya,_ W �.tiy-Jtri M 27. �- O• -.. Ip s} p 7 _ .N�_ f+d-_ _ r• a w � _ b Np - .O CY+Q. Q.� cam`- J - - _ �ly I/I [il .-. _ - -�U. .� . ...- _ .._. ._� m t ..�.. f a - {� N v1 C _ .� a I .� . - - _�41Q� r� o� - cp Dui OO�M...- Nd -� - .�. yam. µj-C7� �D !L7 �y� PD N ✓7 C7 �] 9 Iry O .p LV._ -�� __�_. _ C _ � - �. W d� MN�`•u'i + m + Ip - ❑ d-.st d-v C7 - . NOr ON�0 CVO u]o rri 0L m1tp -�pp V4 � �N of .. _ ]]�� Q •m �- "vi._. _ :gym. ws ati *-. •-- �d d - Q1+7J Id Nr,, -- w7 ui on. �M3.. 3-.m d � �� n.: Cv _ .. __ - _ AII s I I _ 2098 2095 -2090 ■ -2085 ■ 2080 l i gs R oleo m yEy33 F$ob _ r E �zv _ II i�lli I r I I I- I I I I 1¢ Illlkml Il lm U ¢ z O p z u 0 o J U Z = u o = ) w Pernit-Seal humal Project Number: 17 1093 RTS SGG CME 1904. 77 Dm. Chkd Dspn YY.MMDD I I I I I I I I 1 1 401+00 402+00 403+00 404+00 405+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' Revision Sheet 0 AB-2B 2093 2090 - 2085 - 2080 - f 6 2075 405+00 0 O O O N / O O 100 _- + + N c0 Z O O Wcn 2 m + c MONITORING XS-10 ' MONITORING XS-15 1;r.yGE 5 = a N IJ O o0 J _ �• N 0. IV W� �/ goo pppIr O N 44C'1 O N m WW000 N W J O JJ 0 W J W = n I r) I ' A oo I r!f mn oLo+++ + n + + W) ID D Y�O� r� ,N En "6e �L9i 0 N � 20 r Era 0_ r O r G H m N m N m v) J (n _J (n J (n m V! - O 00 lap 0 6 C c GROUNDWATER GAUGE AS -BUILT WESTON CREEK O r I3 co o O N ¢Too O �N J W O W \ �h I \ �� rM Z � ri 0o N r O r- J W J O a � N [if N m vv)) 04 m W 'o oh fx + co D 20 60 = o r Q ¢ SCALE IN FEET m (~n m vv)i ON N � r ,o N oN a LD N O W J W j 0 I — N rn _- 1 Z m W rn N rD Z N + + J oo + h + K 00 _J DI m 3 N N 7 Q I3 Q O Q Q w m vv)i mv~ of v~imcnm �O rr15CC"aa O N _ N W ry W J Ld rn 6 lo'� �p W ((DD (7) + + J + m o _J o 7 (7 Enmv) En 1 Ac i LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT -"—'- FENCE EXISTING TREES Mti PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG — — EXISTING TERRACE - _ Sosriw BED PROPOSED UL RO �D 9AHKf L PROPOSED GRADE -- -' m .+m L7 N �7 U7 O (['1 D _ -- -- --- — - -- — - - ip to l+7 h'] .. r r.._.PROPOSED ---- �---- N'n r�r,.)_.._ _ _....--- ------ - -._..._..- --- - - -- BED- - PROPOSED SUBGRAOE AS -BUILT BED .... _ ----- - .. - .— .—.—_ —� _ • o°-� p'na o! a r. py.�.. ' a m '� rr] !� -f0 �p_+ar.��N.: r••Sr-. ,Od tlko0,trq+cpi a - ... ---- -• - - - _ ..-..__ ... _.�._.-. . . . _ . .. - -- - - - - - .-•___... �.. 7 � .- .� ^ "y o m } t ENfpp Ql r ([7O tr]d-N❑ +W ocv 40 or�wo r .-. ._ .- -- .. _ __ . __..�.. _ _— -h 9 . . L.Lnw�fl0 X3_� :. -- 0" m n�atw ..+w�ep.._--_ o - ma �." -La �18V. .r+ 0" -_wC4. orN on -- C4 -d +r-'+ o aNw o_ Q 6 a urory n +n ❑ -- +w nr. - -_-- . .. .-...-- -. - 0..1. r 406+00 407+00 408+00 409+00 410+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1" = 4' W s o� l op 80p b8 ! e 51$ U UP, ��cg Lin_ 8, E M U u g 6 b I- 3 = § e Q 4- b 2093 -2090 ww z 0 & J o z 2085 J (D o ¢ o J 0 + w v V 0 _ OU U o+ o ? p = `c 0 U o z 0 v Perdt-Seal •,r',rll �r'rjjM1R LA l�ti�\� Project Number: 172621093 i - US SGG CME 19.04.17 2075 own. Chkd. osgn. YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet N CREEK AB-29 0' X noo _ F W 00 oN 0 J N o w J W J I n oo Z �+ 0 W a+ p) 0 ZLLj �+ rl o r + 0 -- - of t.- m u¢r m mar EffialT.F; 1 2085 - 1:1 e 1 2075 - a 2070 a 410+00 :R o a + GROUNDWATER GAUGE AS -BUILT WES WESTON CREEK 0 0 + r7 ►i 0 0 - of O• 141, co l no "o o 0 NNN Ntz 04 \ ro N 'D _ r`(D c7 "' I C7 J n C7 `� J 00 J Q W J J W 14 rt m GRGUN_;; -.. . {�: 1 (6r I'ri r n J W o ,si, 0 - j CN I r� N I n (D I N N n L 1 Lj CAN N 4N N J- Sa] JI W Z Z J N W In W (NLa D Z Q1 m N W ,+ + Z)+ ❑+ } + + O W J W W W N N N N fV N f7 N _ (Lxa� V) y� N Nam... __ I O Ull N r + J + J +` wa is of �g ww+o+ \\ m V) m !n m rn m W rn V) r J + J + M cD + J � ^_J � N ^ J � � \ ' y `•, 20 D 20 60 � En J : N J � rn � 0 CD CD a �. � < C!) 0 J or J 0 V) J rxruer IA M V) m or En J or fh J fn r fn SCALE IN FEET St Olt N00 4r i1N ON ❑ W u L3 J J J 2( Z m oo w + 7 + �a _. ..T .- _ - - - -- - _ --- _�- - ---- - ------...------- - - -- -- .. - I- - EXISTING TERRACE EXIS 7WG BED _ _ PROPOSED 9ANKFULL PROPOSED GRAPE -L �� -- - — _ ._ . _ .�.- -•- ---. --- - .. ,. _ �. _ .._ --__ _... _.. .. .. _ . ,. -._ �I. _._.; ; - - ifff i --- -•---• - - -- �_re cic oo _ o F n + n "a g pr - 4� QNQo -oo N N .., .. rJ�G.r..- _�-- 77 --¢ -_-a �F J t.t rnW ' A=� - q of .-- °D - - m 4 r' �i n ---oo tnf +°n° ray r7 Qk .�N._ �.. _ d d• .. � F ¢. _ a l,.l yr w N f n m - ^ r: m d �n -- +c�a ? ¢ Tm+� _ Ord �� �N^N _. .-__ +F _rt .-�._r ° °' °a n rs n u u� +co +n°7. _. _ -.=q p +4. --E -d V• _—�,-.�cv.._N-___-_^ .._� _ �_.__ V1WV~1- N la.f ao ^ �-c4 ---r)m O W 47 NO -- NO N .,� _. _. Fa--¢-- ,� W W W n n -- - n �....�., ^c4. o7 u7 Cp F -;add• *o^0 a:l C1 d.CVO .NQ _N Q.}n cv�[.t �N Ntid r-•'1O C _�. N W iaJ W Ni W H J - - ,. _ T rn�___ 61 u7 rO �fY p ��. .. #n-. ._+rn�---_ - ._ ._wry. .. _ .. .. a T - �••-.-.--.�-..--.-_ .u7� �S r[i n. r�6: fa N, t cl cvD fir:^.n1:n Q44-•r7.d�p�+..n N PROPOSED BED WADE PROPOSED SU ...- AS -BUILT BED --_ _. .� -- - -� ., -... . .._.. - -- - .�- 1?- ro ^❑Nam m.�a1..., pGp [V �06 f� +n +f�+f_. �1� M]Q r7Ov]+n r N d, N � MN. J F-.L` W - - n u��-- 7 WN nr+ M1 1+ dh. n n +n +n. .. 4+ M. !YI Q. -+�.�� g fJ - - _ e -•- -�-- O' - - -- 6- - - - - - - - - -. �._ .. Z14W w �.SEi - --C'r W rrllw - IA -- --- - - .. 4l1 W_ - -. ---- - -- - - --_ - — -. - - --- _ - -- — I LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION FILL CU­r -"-'- FENCE �u°r ,• EXISTING TREES PRESEREXISTING / TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG 2088 2085 ■ i01r:1111 -2075 ■ 2070 415+00 WESTON CREE U i - fie€ 08 ag: blab 4 e 98 - R r e ab d e p E copy 3 � o p¢� < 3 : E -A b llli�l� m Q w < z O o- < Z = o Q O Z J � z U O OU N o, O O J w O Z O U wo v a C z N w U i 3 Perm? -Seal utuul+++r. �a``iri CAR � .r r +rrrrinti) i,<� I� Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dvm. Chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD 1 411)+00 r 412+00 413+00 414+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' Revision Sheet 0 AB-30 2088 2085 - i u 2080 F 6 2075 - 2070 415+00 O 1 O O O Q O +' + + rp � 00 ` GROUNDWATER GAUGE I O fTREACH 1A REACH 18 i � + w F �w MONITORING -MONITORING RING XS-17 XS-181 _ ♦ L. �z zy zz CONSERVATION EASEMENT �y U ROI1NnARY tl a 0 Ln 0 J W h ai ro m � d- LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION flfL�J FILL CLIT •-•- FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG - - - - - -- - - - --- - • - -• .• -- - - - - -- EXISTING TERRACE ..EXISTING BED'-- . PROPOSED, BANKFULL PROPOSED GRADE -- - - - - __ - T --- �_--- - -- --- - - -•. -t � _.. ,T. _.� - - -- --- - - T. - �. _ - -. - _- - -- - -- - ------_ - - -. - -•--- • - -- f---•-_�_.` CV _ Q u7 � + - • . -- - � .. - - - - - � __ . � � -. - - --- T .. .. l - - - - - - �_ PROPOSED BEp PROPOSED SU9GRAT]E AS -BUILT BER... '. -- - - , -__-._ __._w ___ �. _ � _ .� . _ . � . - _�_ .�_. ---- ' .- _ . ... � .f- i - - - v .� .-.� ..� _ i I ;p _ n ED + � Oi _ . 1" to afi:r " Qwin 1A I�7 - 4I+.k_J1. _—. -._ }•j �O22% 77J. ._. �. .._ a. .. ...--- --_ -.�- J.--._-_ _ -.. -- --- .[W.f --•.V�1 �w yd I-- _- - --� .n a o J 5 -q.5 9 '-p - - C¢ - � ___�S�+W - -0.21% + N - - - - - - - µin — d --t�ii- - - —_ -- v - n m ���', - - h • n+K nV,.Mav 00 +a+ - - - - .. -� Oa9% T „rya•I7 + �- dd+ ru IN p.i tr[v�Li nuo� - M1_i IM ¢7 -r ---- 36 .. ..-.. --- .-. . - - - �T -T�� - - 0 1 _ - ---- - _- -- -- - -- I I I I 1 1 , 7 1 416+00 417+00 418+00 419+00 FULL SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' HALF SIZE PLAN - HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' VERTICAL:1 " = 4' 2088 ■ 2085 ■ -2080 ■ 2075 ■ 2070 420+00 WFSTnN CRFFK 5 zl Rj Sin K� ^� j 9frpp9� e5°m E 3 a �< Coo _se m a U E3 0 O o_ z U o_ O Q O z r + J 1G N Z U O N v o N z U '2 S w o Z+ o a w C z 3< U w � Perrit-Seal `a�tSH 1CATrry7rr+. erra�il�i,+r;' Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19 04.17 Dwn Chkd Dsgn YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet 0 AB-31 AS -BUILT WESTON DITCH n 2083 2080 2075 - 2070- 2065 420+00 0 0 0 0---�—�—� — 0 0 0 ­,--o N _CONSFHVATI[]N EASEMENT—cE—N—�— —�—�—� d VEEG PLOT 1 II f � 11 LOCATIONkEY (LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT —'—'— FENCE EXISTING TREES eD PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG T , _ ._. - - - - - - i - - - - EXISTING TERRACE EXISTING BED --- PkkOPa5E4 BANKFU ... LL PROPOSED GRADE �� ...... .._....� �_� - -- -- - • -- - - —..T� .- iT 1 p 46 n to+r� +n+ice p q O Q O N N-N N N d d d Ly,t Q to W �y ._ ... _--._ .- C7 0.4 - - p O N N _� w•_ - ..._... r O. + e• N ¢ O N N ..-d .¢ -. .. •� m .t n Q_. N _ .. J 41 . �- -.b N __. _.4 .a..._.-.. Cn ..� `" co _ .Tao 4P1'-Q-��-�: n f ❑ .... p N .. .. .. - N . - y} 4] .. F -__ _ ..... ,i �'r� a a .: _-� ids.-}. n. T�- ... .-. p .» p r N N N N Nt N---ff.,y d .. la.l a a a r 11�-.+__---. laf W W . > Nr.: • .. t n. .. F J W7 W �44'i- . +C _� ,t .-- n t n p Q CV-'NN—•- � .. j'7 a J. — 5C �..T_—.. t] 29 O ._A!�. + f• ❑— NN ... -. a LJ. h J 4t ... ... ...... I - --- ._ ro .6! [7-- c9 n n !• tr7 1✓] �'`�- +n +n . �'7 O �!7 O- N[y N N _ ¢ Y F J FF J --- m N lP Q rY +h -!+ Q- N N d ..� iG- J - - '—__ -. �_. —�.— --.. ... .. _ ._ ., . _ . ..�!] .__ IIl 1i1 __ N] +r i-19 n •'dQv LT._-.O. ._.� ry.,� .�.�.r..__ .. • • —.,..�T .-- -- PROPOSED BED• - . PROPOSED S RAO - AS -BUILT BEd.. . _ _. .. . _ . _. !— . . , t ... . __-`^_—.. - �.�.. -•N .._¢ , a w - N _.. _ _ .. _It• O'--. _.- `1'tY - ..d .. __— Ta of Q - n a-----�yoN❑ - — - oo - r . 61 .. .37 1Y1.4r - I+ .. n ['] k r•` ..NN.ry . _ ..- � a F J W' -- 001V W.� r` 1 0p r.. } CV +t •-- r �. r"'3 r- Q N ... - .. Tat - .. +Y ' 6Qi_- d M N n--. .. t Q r'7 N -NN' �' W - --- rA [a aD - r+ ri !'] ti - +n 6 Y7 NN �. a LJ GF'] P.._— W NS_ — G7 .. + � �4 LJJ —_r0.- _ ' !n n -fin.+ti• #'pdQ SV—....N d tyyL��t �A [V .N d — by _�..--. •i-n dQ CV .N d _ _ tV . _ . .. — — -- — --- .. — — _ . .— - _. � .• —_ - —_. _.. 0.2095 —_._— .ate-y — y 4 + .22� . .� O: 4 --- o.z�ss 0.2 . . _ ..... .._.._... -_ -- _.. — _ •. _ .— _.—__ .. —_. _— .. _. . —. —.. -- ---_ � —• —•-- .. — ...—. . — — � � —..� —� - .._ i it I I 2088 2085 -2080 2075 2070 4J 0 11 g�a R2 i- J} - ■ E a 2 b � llw,�-llml� m v; Q U z w O a Z a o Z g 50 Z O= w v U _ w o w U = Z U U O w O h U Permit-Sed '`,,%4=1Crl�frh� y�y ao a - Esir' 4hnfrrntut� ,�. Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dwn. Chkd. ➢son. YY.MM.DD t 421+00 r 422+00 t FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' 423+00 424+00 HALF SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 40' t 425+00 VERTICAL:1 " = 4' ESTON CREE Rev41on Sheet 2 AB-32 AS-BUILT- WESTON DITCH 2083 2080- 2075 - 2070- 2065 425+00 -REACH TREACH 1 C� Q•VEG OPLOT 1 .�1. EXISTING r 4� HOOPERS CREEK 00 7 I -r I I >n I I 11 I a o zm o v�z c� + >�m �f � I Z 1. 1 02 N I � 2U 0 14-6d-17 6R s a I SCALE IN FEET NOTE: THE LAST THREE STRUCTURES WERE NOT LOCATED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEY DUE TO SEDIMENT DEPOSITED FROM HOOPERS CREEK LOCATION KEY LEGEND PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION ® FILL CUT -" - FENCE EXISTING TREES PRESERVE EXISTING TREE PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT PROPOSED RIPRAP AS BUILT LEGEND TOP OF BANK - - - - - - THALWEG ---- -. .. ----------- ---- - - - EXIgWG TERRACE _...._ .•_ _�--•.EXISTING •BED' - - ---.PRgPOSED..8AIVKFULL -- PROPOSED 'CRAPE --• - •- --- - - -. .- ----•-,---_- - - _ - - •--._�. - -- -- _-- _ -, - - - -- .� T....... _ -•- - -- - ...-- - - -. - --- - '- -, I I Of ,I74._�C7O_ �•¢ •- -? NUJ �j -��'- -..�, T • r'7 N co fp _._.-.. .+A�� .,N ..� 0 >�-.� ftJ �¢ a j -. _ - ------ - ----- --- ,. .�H --- ---- - - - -. .....- -. - .. -- - • �--�--- - - _� .� _ -- -- - ---- PRQPosen BEI3.. - PROPOSES} SUBGRADE -AS=Bl11LT BED .._____�.___.__ .. -. r.�. � -- �- - -� — ---- -.. __._.-• _._. .. .- _ .. _ _ .Y f -- p,n� .fin_ + CV (p N^'rf]-.T mod• NN ,�O ��P: _ �r-1 --: - _- .. --` --- _ _ 1 .... .. _ _- --__•. .. .. ...� - -»..___�..- •.._._ -, .. _. _._ - ._ _... --_ _.. _- .. _. �.�_...___--� r .. _. .. .. f uN_'I��7�~_�—� — Ip�O�� Mp -.�_. _- .-.. T— �....��-__... _ .- _ _ _ _�'--�_ - -•__ 0.26 - - - kn w n -- Ld ' - v, 41i - -v,w NtJ ¢ �.? 3 - N dflrycrFd. -Q Y- of w 0� 4 n rA {o�o.n $ ,�❑-rL0•Fr6_a7 7 N iV N F-J.d LN m 15y ' . _ LW 4 7q_ �n .. �. o w N aUi C44V } l+ -10 W_. (V i�� -0 +� 11 N -,ff p.:P7 + N_ n mac' 9Q.. - ONlpN U!.- m 1 1 n r+ r- p N M] r'• I- n f>• + ...�. � I - -._- - - - v7 sn n _ *� r. NiOQD ,a7 N7 W Ind. _ _ . _ - ,mil. �_ _ - ..-I.p T - _ 25� $i..�- --- - - --- - - -- - �_ 426+00 427+00 428+00 FULL SIZE PLAN — HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 2' i 1 429+00 HALF SIZE PLAN -- HORIZONTAL: 1" = 40' 1 I 430+00 VERTICAL:1 " = 4' 2083 -2080 2075 -2070 U85 4 op @ab PB i U �Bo 5 o? Q U < 0 0 O Z i rL oz r U O - OU o z0 o J Z : 88 U 0 - m ru zz a) toQ U w 3� Permt-Seal t�p,,,rlllllfff ■ ��i :J4'[Y1•CRR '. 20 . • E yy�` V .•w= ER Y fffllll%, ytil'�•L''� Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 16.03.27 2�:J ;_v h . Dsgn. YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet 0 AB-33 STREAM CROSSING (PIPED) AS -BUILT FLETCHER CREEK �STREAAt CROSSING_ `�� —'-- -(PIPED) I AS -BUILT COATES BRANCH HEADWATER CHANNEL �r ti titi ti BMP --------- ■ RIPRAP \\ — OUTLET r \\ �► �_-. . 1. ♦y. Lam\ }, JG'y� .� � - -. \ - N 0 30 SCALE IN FEET LOCATION KEY LEGEND 1 HYDRIC SOIL AREA PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT AS BUILT LEGEND DEBRIS PLACEMENT - - - - - THALWEG TOP OF BANK 44 _Ell. °off e P �N ma e�=g bs a U ba a�a� w$ E sa E c P Q w u ? _ 3 � o Illll�lf f 2 U w a z 0 O z i o o J � _ U Z O . z o O U U w Permit-Sed pill rrryNe'R'HERS ,; ��l�q Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dw Chkd. Dsqn. YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet 0 AB-34 Eq - / / I J •� :-r i �r AS —BUILT WESTON CREEK i EXISTING {v OVERHEAD •\' "7� UTILITY 4pL-�Y \ �,• t �� r, - 1 ■■� � . � U � U 1 U ■ ■. V 30 0 30 9G - -■- ` SCALE IN FEET, -■` LEGEND \/ HYDRIC SOIL AREA ®PROPOSED STREAM RESTORATION PROPOSED DEBRIS PLACEMENT AS BUILT LEGEND ti DEBRIS PLACEMENT - - - - - THALWEG TOP OF BANK u s g 8 U SS tin w E °u z _co g Q i p Illll�illif Illll-.IIIIm w < z 0 < z i o J — m ~< o u o ° 5� o p U � p U z z o0 N I—ii U w LL U Pernit-Seal %ttliff)7f �� ogt►!. SI ,,OpHER* y 1' Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG CME 19.04.17 Dwn. Chkd. Dson. YY.MM DD Revision Sheet 0 AB-35 as TOP OF BANK AS —BUILT WESTON CREEK f / 0 EXISTING :, �►� ���` OVERHEAD UTILITY _ COIR BASE DITCH 30 0 3 90 _ c SCALE IN FEET .R M s 4)1 1 4J 9I} . 8 � J � of of E u u ;b'a N > 33081 Illlf� II w a z E3 & o_ z u o a a r J � z U Z - u o z w o Permit-Seci m a zw gU �o c2 (D 3 Project Number: 172621093 RTS SGG ONE 190717 Dwn Chkd. Dsgn YY.MM.DD Revision Sheet 0 AB-36