HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030511 Ver 1_MAPS_20030424VICINITY MAP 4 c I~FORIH '~T i 9 L HA TO vs ,,rr x: i J cwao Tana 1~ > .,j~ ~k. i'~. i. :d:~ ~~~QY.Cg'k'>gdFS MC+°~ yytfp49ii# ;yfLk' Y:X~SX4rnG.'S:d~.6Y3'„V' r~ . S~tv//Y`.~~SYYn~~ 1 f ~ 1 xczvs~~sxy~ C0~1LTN~ yy~3A ~~~~M ~i1~V Se tember 18 2002 P s ~ 329 COAi;~RCIAL DRIVE OFFICE (912) 354-4828 TBI.EFAX (912) 354-8754 s Revised ~ebruar 19 2003 Y , v~ POSP OFFICE BOX 14247 " . ~ ,~~Tij~ jj R~ s SAVANNAS. GEORGIA ~.lV~ C3RIs ~ ~ 31416- . ~ 1247 ~i«~di~~. igY ::k3Pb9 ~4R'S5~°t"' m~ c: uw ~ ' ~N,: u~ y s, i~ y~ PHASEI 3RF5b~ Jy" INSTALL B WIDE TEMPORARYEARTHBERM <yi~~ AS SHOWN IN DETAIL "A" TOP OF BERM SHALL BE BUILT A MINIhiIIM x OF 2' ABOVE THE TOP OF T'HE DIVERSION PIPE. REMOVE BERM WBEDT PHASE I IS COMPLETE ~ ~ x Q A >B '8 ~ z z 3 ~.1 y ' LOT4 L0T3 ~ 4. LOTI ~Q~ p x ~S u e,G ~,1 ~ t 5 z ~ h a r o~ ~5 LoT z s4. ~ R ~ 4 ~4 ¢ ;E RQ _ ~ v / a s } ~s 5 ~ ~ PHASE I 4 " ~ ~a ~4s0 B0C[FALL4 „ ~ a INSTALL 48 TEMPORARY CREEK DNERSION PIPE ~ ''S ~ ~ y ' LOT 5 PHASE I INSTALL 6' WIDE TEMPORARY EARTH <i r/ TEMPORARY CREEK ~"y"'. DIVERSION PIPE FROM SwG .-i BERM AS SHOWN IN DETAIL "A" ` LOT 6 ~ ~ PHASE I SHALL BE ~ REUSED IN PHASE II ~~y6'~"`~ ~,w.. REMOVE BERM WHEN PHASE I IS COMPLETE ' ,1 n - 50 Downstream from Section E - ~ ~ Be in Phase " " g II „ ,f End Phase I Phase I I9r ~ 10 oS ~ cc z ~ c~ -Y ~ sw fi a ~ ~,~p z ago T~fi< t~" o „ INSTALL 48 TEMPORARY CREEK DIVERSION PIPE a S e a 1 ~ : ~ ~ GQ1 0 0 se (RELOCATED FROM PHASE IN PHASE II n ~y ~4 W r k , ~ pP o~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ a G F w o "vA.A k'G.:::w6cX ] : q :p<S;:9f?ib ~r.~ 51..4 ..5%i :j~ X ;:tY:Y.:Y.°R:a~kWyAT..:., .iii 5. ~Yfa%5'a.,.;v.1'.:~i4 ~'C. 6X`m Y.`.:.~:.lh: H5. n ~,:~;:9f`~i~~~~ • • BOATStlFIdHI ~ ~ :s%' O 200' 150' y~, . 250' - " ~"4 _.a z z - ~ p ~ EXISTING STREAM ~ , . •,~x. . 250' / : t s:..,~i,,<.~i>,.::,.r.... ~ n _ ~ Section A 150 EAST OF STONE;DAM SECTION ° _ • J G ?r n n ~ >s ~ , End Phase II ~ ~ ' y. a~~ 0 z ~ ~ ~ • .h d' 3: ~ :GCS ~ ~ D~ PHASE H ~ 3 U D -.r-~~- ,J" INSTALL 6' WIDE TEMPORARY EARTH ~ „ a o ase 9.. ~ ~ BERM AS SHOWN IN DETAII. A Z ~ ~ ~ ' Y. zoo' ~ ~ Ise ~ REMOVE BERM WHEN PHASE II IS COMPLETE a ~ A>w a+y ' " r n,/ SECTION "F" EXISTING STREAM LOT 3 ` LIlvIITS OF TEMPORARY V ,r;<«° SETT . / CEMENT BASIN • • So' ` < iiy ,5s a ~ rt . ~ PHASE I ECTION E „ ,,,„1, .,:~v_ _ • • SECTION ^D" ~ ~ STALL TEMPORARY SIDE STREAM DIVERSION PII'E , s ~ .;a; TEMPORARY S@E STREAM DIVERSION PIPE F , ' ~ ~ ~ ` ROM PHASE I SHALL BE REUSED IN PHASE II H i=~:. PROIECTBENCIiMARK t TOP 1.5' ST NE »W ~D 0 DAM ua Elevation = 3354' ~ a ..;3 ~~~~~~,yl~~~ ~ ~ ase ~u~L~~ M,. S V ~r °~i/ ~ DP 50 Downstre - EK ' >,a. w, am from Section E - ' ~ ~ o LoT IO FOWLER ~ Be in Phase II ,1 " f g End Phase I 0 ~ Hilo J1w{ wt MW ~ tIN" ~ ]Nt" 'r'e • ~ ~i, uW 116E ..LL Y1Y ~1 n n Z h hase I ~ F-Z ~Ur~ ~ i. PHASE I x"' ~ ~ ~ ~ TEMPORARY STONE SILT SCREEN ~ _ `3 _ - ss+4 O ~ bP ~ o z ~3 ~ U TOP ELEVATION = 3352' 150' ~ ~f U ~ LOT 5 a w SEE DETAIL "A-A" 170' ' san ssm ,,:~yw~ - t ~ ~ rr~~, ~J ;F`~ "1 W ~ Q J N 0 ~ ~y PHASE II ~ „v y. y LIMITS OF TEMPORARY ~ SECTION "B" ~t::,. o,,, = µ.5 C? ~ U ~ ~ _ ~ ase Y,1 - ~ *~~1~ s` SETTLEMENT BASIN Z w w,,Y x' PHASE II s r:: ' l o wa er = k eva lon ~ - INSTALL TEMPORARY SIDE STREAM DNERSION PIPE i~ q w F - s End Phase II 0 z . , RELOCATED FROM PHASE ~ " „ - ' ~~w:. ( IN PHASE II echon A -150 EAST OF STONE DAM - ~~M~;. • • ~,s ~ ~ a.ax m 'fix ~ a x Legend w ,,,J G 5f: ~ OBOE ~ ~ ~ oY T 40 zaa ~ ~ R/t~r 4 J °''u'~:W: ~.ttttr<rntaytia. 9~`:~ ~L•1, 11V1V . V.. .3 a~ 5 r«U F-4 0 .:,z. w t7a U EXISTING STREAM x a ; s M INDEX CONTOUR 334e (NATURAL BoTTOMD F-5 IN7 ERhdEDIATE CONTOUR (NATURAL B OTTOM) a CI Cf, so A > GOR a TOP OF SELT ELEVATION SPECIAL NOTES: GE > 7i W rd CA 0 1) Contractor shall be responsible for the offsite disposal of all silt, earth, stumps and debris. ~ ~ ttt Gl 2) Contractor shall be responsible for restoration or replacement of roads, roadbeds,vegetahon or other items ;destroyed or damaged throughout project during construction. APPROXIMATE BOTTOMEDGE tf~ PROPOSED PHASE I EXCAVATION 40'R/W o E TEMPORARY STREAM f Contractor shall ingress and egress Lake Chattooga exclusively through 25'temPow' construction easement shown. D TVFTtSION PIPE ,).or •91 4 No excavation shall be formed within 150' of per existing stone dam. . WIDE T~ORARY 5) Installed Temporary creek diversion pipe shall at no time not exceed a seven 0. % grade.t a LOT 7 EARTH DAM 6) Temporary stone silt dam shown on sheet 3, phase II, must be installed before construction of phase one begins. k. ! ' TEMPORARY REVISIONS STONE FENCE PHASE I - INSTRUCTIONS . , ~ TEMPORARY STONE Revised February 19, 2003 ~t Y" SETTLEMENT BASIN a or x. Revised Marc 1) Contractor shall drain lake use of fl ate and outlet pipe i by flap g in existing stone dam l~ h 5, 2003 2) Contractor shall construct temporary silt screen per detai " " p 1 A-A at location shown on SHEET 3 , PHASE II, BETWEEN EXISTING 3 Re vised April 11, 2003 ECT PRO STONE DAM AND BERM AT SECTION VOLUME B E CALCULATIONS ~~A3 Contractor shall construct temporary 6 wide earth berm per detail A as shown at section "J". 'v" "'evn xw 4) Contractor shall install temporary creek diversion Phase I Volumes allowmcontra eS pipe as shown g wows unobstructed flow of howler Creek. 5) Contractor shall construct temporary 6' wide earth berm per d "A" Total Volume Silt (tap silt/Existing Bottom) = 2' yd 545c pe detail as shown at Phase Line near section "E". } o. „ Total Volume Excavation(Existin Bottom - ) Contractor shall complete excavation of Phase I as shown. CON g /Proposed 2 Bottom) - 2,73ocyd 6 TRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXISTING SILT/SPOIL FROM LAKE BOTTOM .00 COM IN ACCORDANCE WITH CROSS SECTIONS AS SHOWN ON SHEET 4 Phase I Total Volume (top silt/proposed 2' bottom) = 5,275cyd ' A MINIMUM SIDE SLOPE OF 3h:Iv SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT ENTIRE PROJECT. t y N 7) Contractor shall remove temporary creek diversion throughout pipe Phase I and shall reuse where possible for Phase II. Prepared By Drawn By Phase II Volumes 8) Contractor shall remove earth bean at section "J". GMF GMF Iota Volume of Silt = 8,245cyd PHASE H - INSTRUCTIONS q ryy;:8 Y a,o• Phase I II & Volumes 1 Contractor shall install temporary creek diversion as shown pipe allowing for continuous unobstructed flow of Fowler Creek. f s•v Scale Approved By Total Area (inside waterline) - 4.82 acres 2 Contractor shall complete excavation of Phase II as shown. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXISTING SILT/SPOIL FROM LAKE I"=60' Total Volume of Silt (ENTIRE LAKE) =13,151 cyd BOTTOM IN ACCORDANCE WITH CROSS SECTIONS AS SHOWN TOM Project Number ON SHEET 4. 60 0 60 120 180 A MINIMUM SIDESLOPE OF 3h: Iv SHALL BE MAINTAINED Total Volume Phase IExcavation = 5,275 d THROUGHOUT ENTIRE PROJECT. Total Volume Phase I Excavation = 8,245cyd Contractor shall remove all temporary earth berms silt screens and all temporary creek diversion pi and equipment upon completion o pipe of excavation. 7) Contractor shall close flap gate on outlet in stone dam pipe allowing Chattooga Lake to return to its normal water level upon completion of excavation. MAU Date September 03, 2002 yd Scale: V = 60' SHEET OF 4 `A.. PHASE I -INSTRUCTIONS ~~ij:~.. ~~,=A x%~ H 1) Contractor shall drain lake by use of flap gate and outlet pipe in existing stone dam :3 ~ 2 Contractor sh • " all construct temporary silt screen per detail A-A at location shown on SHEET 3 ,PHASE H, BETWEEN EXISTING v~y STONE DAM AND BERM AT " " SECTION A . 3 tt~ t ~q 3 Contractor sh ' ~ ~ SPECIAL NOTES: all construct temporary 6 wide earth berm per detail A as shown at section J". 3y;~ C i.. 4) Contractor shall install temporary creek diversion pipe as shown allowing continuous unobstructed flow of Fowler Creek. 1) Contractor shall be responsible for the "offsite" disposal of all silt, earth, stumps and debris. a";, ;L' j 5 Contractor shall construct tem 6' wide earth berme • " " " 2 Contr r porary p r detail A as shown at Phase Line near section E . ) acto shall be responsible for restoration or replacement of roads, roadbeds,ve etation or other items g V1 ~Lller IteYns e..q.~.• 6 j Contractor shall complete excavation of Phase I as shown. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXISTING SILT~SPOIL FROM LAKE BOTTOM destroyed or damaged throughout project during construction. IN ACCORDANCE WTfH CROSS SECTIONS AS SHOWN ON SHEET 4. 3 Contractor shall in ess and e L ' gr greys ake Chattooga exclusively through 25 temporary construction easemer uction easement shown. A 1VQNIMUM SIDE SLOPE OF 3h:Iv SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT ENTIRE PROJECT . 4) No excavation shall be performed within 154' of existin stone dam. g 7 Contractor shall remove tem or creek 'v r i n i hr ~ p ary di e s o p pe t oughout Phase I and shall reuse where possible for Phase II. 5) Installed Temporary creek diversion pipe shall at no tune not exceed a seven 0.7 /o ode. INSTALL 6' WIDE TEMPORARY EARTH BERM ~ ) 8 Contractor shall remove earth berm at section "J". 6) Temporary stone silt dam shown on sheet 3, phase H, must be installed before construction of hose one be p P f hase one be ~ AS SHOWN IN DETAIL "A" p ~ f G PHASE II -INSTRUCTIONS TOP OF BERM SHALL BE BUILT A MINMTM I Contractor shall install tem or p ary creek diversion pipe as shown allowing for continuous unobstructed flow of Fowler Creek. OF 2' ABOVE THE TOP OF THE DIVERSION PIPE tt n REM BE ? ? 2) Contractor shall coin fete excavation of Phase II as shown. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXISTING SILT/SPOIL FROM LAKE BOTTOM P OVE RM WHEN PHASE I IS COMPLETE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CROSS SECTIONS AS SHOWN ON SHEET 4. CONSULTING BV(~RS A NQNIMUM SIDESLOPE OF 3h:ly SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT ENTIRE PROJECT. 329 COMMERCIAL DRIVE STONE SILK 6) Contractor shall remove all temporary earth berms, silt screens and all temporary creek diversion pipe and equipment upon completion of excavation. TONE SILT SCREEN ~ OFFICE 912 354-4826 ( ) MINIMUM ELEVATION TELEFAX (912) 354-8754 PHASEI =3354' 7}Contractor shall close flap gate on outlet pipe in stone dam allowing Chattooga Lake to return to its normal water level upon completion of excavation. MINIMUM RT ~uM PHASEII=3351' POST OFFICE BOX 14247 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31418-1247 # 57 STONE RIP RAP •a ~ LOT l 1 ~ ~ M G sTI~E~BOTIO ~ . LOT 2 NATO' ~ ~ ~.la GJ ~ >~M LOT 3 ~ tdu~n~M ~ s NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE nn,, V V x. 'J ti END of ROCK FALLS v • ,~0 11 IN TAL 4 EMP L 8 T ORARY ~ D CREE IVERSI P 5~ ON IPE 45 Cs a ~ J3s2u PHA E I ~ 3 u ~v4~ \ a r ~ fiks rr rr owns cam om ec lon - ~ 3?5 4Q tSY 33 ?h ~ e in "'<a ~ ao n rr rr rr ase n ase ~~~Y'~~ .,%+i'~~`~'. t.61 335 w.C . O ~ :.P , o. :)3^~''~~,. ~ ~ ~ ` /"1111 1230 ~ P' o 4;. 'f...>. M ; ~.V ~a~,. ~ ~a,~' ~ ~E dv,...;;3:A, a 4vim,.:c);xY~'cFf, ~ .<~ry::, me ~~e`~.~,. z~~ ~~~:,.~k>.: , , 3352 P~ • ?3 3351 .32 ~ /+f ~ 3352 3352.87 Q • I ~ ~ 1.11 ~ 752 O •!Y Q~1 V t~ .y;,;, ,.~v,t. 90 7750.78 ~<«f ~sx~ I F : C;Fzt< ' S2 73?S2, 50 9 .12 2 3332.14 3 JJS ~ ~ F+-1 't s~ t Ji `0 . CL+ C~ 35235 3 0 0 l? a ~ 3333.37 39 33 }3 .98 ,761 + i 335 `~0 352 ~ ~ 1' W G., Z ~y ~ ~ 3371,16 1 ~ ) i5 335092 3351 + 335321 I - x]7512 ? ~'7 fiU•:•i:- 7353.46 ~1 V o> Y~'~ ~ o ~3 N war, ~ S t 333 3352. ~33 33 2.64 • ~ ~;a~~ F+~1 . ' ' BanT sI1Et.TER w ,.,:2LL:%Q:~GY t I ...K3_.:f 2.61 I ,~}5„',^r: I 1 1"1 ` v x u. g z yr.?: aFr ~ .::ay5<i1;53<:1X,;'~is::i$a`il%x•.~uS~i;;~ 1G/1 3 ~ J .60 3349,91 51 ?;%E'g,a .:::o::!. 1. U w 'rcS;...„'>.: ~J ``0 , 53.89 ..:..,x '1)J .:ta~'~''"3: ~z~~~~~K~~ ~Y,:.,~ r SECTION 11H,1 g: 3vi-"ix"~NSazf'~. 9.63 33 l 3351. :::::''h''bx- x.~ ) yy, EXISTING STREAM tt N^ • ~ SO II IIM , t<,, . ~ SECTION G 3353. 7 ]353.60 1 I 7 33 1 ~ , ' . . J z ~ ;::,fir 4 ~ . ~::.is~ ~ « ' 335 - ' PHASE 2 ~ ; PHASE I r n.& ~F~ 3 7 335 335E ~ 33 .45 I 50,87 3330.71 30.40 3 9/ 3 1.13 'y', 35 xASE I Erin INSTALL TEMP I 0 7753. ORARY S DE CRY SIDE STREAM DIVERSION PIPE g DNER3IONPIPE w A8 . . 3350.98 3351.17 7750.16 - 335011 335030 3350.47 3350.680 3351.6% . 1 349. 7348.55 ~ 3352.3 k I TEMPORARY SIDE STREAK F M E STREAM DIVERSION PIPE R4 3350.14 5 I ~ ~ PHASE I SHALL BE REL 33 0.80 7751.54 3749.17 I .tV~. L BE REUSED IN PHASE II ~ 3349.b4 I 7 3348%1 1 348.5 3348.09 3N8.60 - 3350.] .62 33 3349.47 41 3 s'3%~'' 4B i ~~ri~, , LOT 3 LOT 10 i lr 11 ..esE>~~ss: SECTION F .<< 3347.81 3347.47 .734 1 347.D4 :,x137s°,• I 348 ~jh ,.::.L 7 n: ~"i i~ ~ ¢ i:: 3349.90 3347. 3348 ~ , 334839 e-:~~~" :._.:.aka;:;.a~<.:.y~.y~iuaF;~,est~...U:~~'yfa'..s2~~,3~: z ~ U ,<~~k~ ~ J EXISTING STREAM . .86 ' ~ ` 1 o ~ ~ U Z 11 11 "~'"w~ x SECTION E yx r hx ir' x14~<:<..vsF k ; , N ~~;4., ~ ..~=~~:a~~~~.y~ PHASE I EARTH BERN b,. ~~,,,y E~si~~ CH BERM Sri. 'w'° . z ~ f , ~ ~ w INSTALL 6' WIDE TEMP RAR EARTH ud,,, ~2 0 Y a~iirtx~ ~ a. R.:t...u S a x x BERM AS SHOWN IN DETAIL A M MINIMUM wmTx=6' 3:1 SLOPE W M WmTH 6' k,~ 'a MA7UMMI7M 3:1 SLOPE x MINIMUM 2' ABOVE TOP OF PIl'E ~ `ho `J J1 V z. ~ v REMOVE BERM WHEN PHASE II IS COMPLETE U w LOT 5 W EARTH BERM i BERM •`~~,p '`~:Jy. EKDN P~E .;xG~ g,RSI~N } DIV oTlo~l ~ y CRE CggEK sIxEAMB NATURAL ~ nu" T~pORAR 7V E r--, L~1 K'10~x MAMMM CMADE =0.7% r - a Ba 50r awns ream from Section A GRADE =o.7% Top water Elevation 3354' Nksl' y~~a Begin Phase "H" n Phase "I" F-2 L ~ aY%Ya ,'3n PROJECT VOLUME CALCUL,4 ti -CULATIONS Legend a Phase Volumes a EDGE OF WATER REVISIONS A~ C„ 1 Total Volume Silt to sil xi tm' y ( p tB s g Bottom) = 2,545cyd i Total V olume Excavation(Existmg Bottom,/Proposed 2 Bott+ Revised February 19, 2003 sad 2 Bottom) 2,730cyd INDEX CONTOUR (NATURAL BOTTOM) 3346 Phase I Total Volume (top silt/proposed 2 bottom ) Revised March 5 2003 n) = 5,275cyd ' (NATURAL Revised April 11, 2003 BOTTOM) M} INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR 'K~Y ' f T* y~ T Y~ f r Phase 11 Volumes F. >'t ti ro~ V wA`~ Total Volume of Silt = $,245cyd TOP OF SILT ELEVATION 3347.80 ,off ~x Phase Volumes Total Area (inside waterline) z = 4.$2 acres z Total Volume of Silt ENTIRE LAKE ~ APPROXIMATE BOTTOM EDGE OF Prepared BY Drawn By = 13,151cyd PROPOSED PHASE I EXCAVATION GMF F GMF T otal Volume Phase I Excavation I s? = 5,275cyd Total Volume Phase I Excavation TEMPORARY STREAM _ $ 245c d `y y DIVERSION PIPE DP Scale Approved By d % y Total Volume Phase I & II Excavation ion = 13 520cyd 1M=3Q' § i Min 6' WIDE TEMPORARY Pro ect Number EARTH DAM _ ~ uc34 j. ttyrx~~ F 11mf>w= Date jp, September 18, 2002 O 30 0 30 i - . F 4 TEMPORARY 30 60 90 ? a. STONE FENCE A LOT 7 G r Scale - 0 f . 11- 2 F 4 .r ET TEMPORARY STONE E~ 1171V~~;~~xf .K~ SETTLEMENT BASIN a ' if s BERM _ EARTH ' f L PHASE I INSTRUCTIONS I 1) Contractor shall drain lake by use of flap gate and outlet pipe in existing stone dam " " " EN EXISTING 2) Contractor shall construct temporary silt screen per detail A-A at location shown on SHEET 3 , PHASE II, BETWE Mnxn4lvM 3:~ sto» STONE DAM AND BERM AT SECTION "A". ~ w>DTii=6, G V 8 3 Contractor shall construct tem 6' wide earth berm er detail "A" as shown at section "J". Mn~rn~t[IM z' aBOVETOeorP~ Po~Y P 2' ABOVETOP OF PIPB ~ ~ aw er Creek uM 3:1 si.oe~ 4) Contractor shall install temporary creek diversion pipe as shown allowing continuous unobstructed flow of F 1 ec ion m rom owns rea struct tem or 6' wide earth berm er detail "A" as shown at Phase Line near section "E". 5) Contractor shall con p ary p ~ EARTH BERM 'tY TING SILT/SPOIL FROM LAKE BOTTOM • I~ t". '1 LOT 4 e in ase 6) Contractor shall complete excavation of Phase I as shown. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXIS ION PIPE oM o ase n IN ACCORDANCE WITH CROSS SECTIONS AS SHOWN ON SHEET 4. DIVERS Bo~T Y CREEK s~~ A 1vQNIMUM SIDE SLOPE OF 3h:ly SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT ENTIRE PROJECT . MPORAR ; aTL~ 48 TE 7) Contractor shall remove temporary creek diversion pipe throughout Phase I and shall reuse where possible for Phase II. move earth berm at section "J", _ . 8) Contractor shall re ~o~ MaxihiuM cxanE os i. ~o i PHASE ff 3 TEMP RARI~ EARTH ? ~S PHASE II -INSTRUCTIONS APT INSTALL 6 WIDE 0 ? `<1 {rA{, e flow of Fowler Creek. BERM AS SHOWN IN DETAIL ~ 1) Contractor shall install temporary creek diversion pipe as shown allowing for continuous unobstruct d tt t` ) 329 COMMERCIAL DRIVE REMOVE BERM WHEN PHASE II IS COMPLETE LOT 3 2 Contractor shall complete excavation of Phase II as shown. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXISTING SILT/SPOIL FROM LAKE BOTTOM OFFICE (912) 354-4828 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CROSS SECTIONS AS SHOWN ON SHEET 4. a ~ TELEFAX (912) 354-8754 :F l : A IV[Ir1IMUM SIDESLOPE OF 3h: lv SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT ENTIRE PROJECT. INSTALL 48" TEMPORARY CREEK DIVERSION PIPE z :~,a~ POST OFFICE BOX 14247 6) Contractor shall remove all temporary earth berms, silt screens and all temporary creek diversion pipe and eQuipment upon completion of excavation. g E II 3~ } SAVANNAS, GEORGIA Contractor shall close fla ate on outlet i e in stone dam aliowin Chattoo a Lake to return to its normal water level upon completion of excavation. ~f (RELOCATED FROM PHASE I} IN PHAS ~ Pg PP 8 8 } 91418-1247 ~ ~s J PHASE II BEGIlv DIVERSION PIPE ' M~' • . '1113. 33 3 Xt'~' ' 3352 • fr ~r - ~ 335 A9 3Ah4 ! 3 ~ ~70 3350 3 33 37 33 St.78 7 ~ ec 101 - .,~~ati a . ,h<:~*^ 33gO u+ ~ff~ 7 33101] 771630 3310.47 3350.bsa - 331L68 3730.7 .~YMf 7347.6 7 33 3749 .7T 731096 }31117 11 ~Se : '1~ 7310.16 ~{~Q NO EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED 3750.14 3349. 3350A3 l 33508D 3351.14 t 3310.53 3 334 3 3349,60 WEST OF SECTION "A" PHASE II ^J r~~ ~p Y C 11i1Y11 0 3311.q 7348.09 3148 33W.1 ~ 7 3350 3348.7 3348A3 3349 T 334918 3 9.30 7 7S OUTLET AND FLAP GATE SHALL REMAIN (7 3346 ~ ~ i ~ OPEN THROUGHOUT PROJECT ~ ~s,~` DIV~~ PIP Q ~ 335033 33448.17 3347.84 3347.n { 347.04 a 3349A9 734109 3318. . g LOT 6 PHASE II INSTALL 6' WIDE TEMPORARY EARTH ' 11 11 3 3 124 0 ~ 3346 4839 0 33459( } ,7a 3346.14 334928 3 73 A6 }7!9,11 3}49.80 7317. 33 BERM AS SHOWN IN DETAIL A PHASE I ETE ~ 52 REMOVE BERM WHEN PHASE II IS COMPL R 335 3348. 3 7.85 3 TEMPORARY STONE SILT SCREEN S.M 3347.43 7347 3316.79 3350.69 3 3151.4i~-^~^'~"~~ ~ 334 331272 rl 11 ' <^3:e~~`:~.. REMOVE WHEN PHASE II IS COMPLETE ~ 3 334 _ 331958 331996 37 334718 33 33 ti SECTION E :...,,:~~~s~~~~~~a.. T EL ATIO = 3352' 3344 OP EV N q h-~ „ ~ a..' . ,.,,..:;~2~ ~ SEE ~ETl liiJ "A_Ati 33Q4.43 33K39 3345,61 3 84 3 .ll 33 3 O 34 ~ 3343.94 33 S6 7 3 .43 3346.82 U SECTION D :~ti 3342.63 342.83 334358 3345. 374 91 331 3 .41 7 19 350. 3. :.„<.,~~p~:Q,Sar'~~~8._ 3 19 3346 ~ 3747.fi6 ~2>w ~ 3 is 3 h~ 32 r``~~:. :'F`n 'r4 z 3~ ~ ~ 2 3 230 3341.&2 334331 43.92 3347. ~3$n 3 37 '37 77465, 3146.4, :14d 3311 ~:.J~' ~ ~ o 3 .1 335 K~~~ ~ x 34 `~S PROJECT BENCHMARK k 3747.,6 ~ o 3345,48 3313A9 3 Ok 334313 31357 330.3.fi2 3 .00 3343,20 3347. 3330.51 33 3 711 3316.13 344 33 22 s n r 1 144 `3 ' wr : 3346.37 33KU 79 334633 50. f 3338 Qy c ~ w ~ o x TOP LS' STONE DAM 3342 PHASE lIEND - 33 ~ as F 3 f ~ ~ DIVERSION PIPE ~ 334 334401 334396 3343.82 334172 4 73 7348 ~ 77l 3 61 l3 . 1 Elevation 3354 334 4T 334393 1341.16 ~l-ti2:2 ~ 71438 3343.01 3347.01 1.46 33 .70 35 71 l3 . 1 3345.57 w a z : 33,2.49 48" TEMPORARY CREEK ~i _ z ~ - M. 3345.40 3348 4 71}3D 0 73414D 71 33 ec lon 374438 3H.53 3343.91 J344.M 3 .9 3 330666 1 21 7 5.76 3343.40 47 3344.56 37 734P Z91 374261 334194 774293 3H7.97 Apn 346 m rom owns ea w FOWLE 70 TE ~1P0p~~ U i~ r~ x w ~ ~ DI ERSION PIPE ' `~tt CREEK (tl .P Bl 331262 ~ 334251 3342.66 1341.46 3345.48 33M.75 3743.58 3343,92 ~K~+ 3344. 3745.70 31629 334353 334524 1 . 3742.v4 3312 '`lr c>z o D Eg 334524 33 3344.46 33M.64 334. 9 ase in ase n o e a 33 1 h ~E 4 RSIO ~ U rl s - 33M.N 734431 .1 3346,19 3345.71 3 3.14 ]3M19 ~ 4 s~ )344,79 334437 73MA7 3745.76tT~, 334610 748 ~`~>4~ - 3343.47 3344,03 7343.86 33M.11 7146.61 3 7JM.82 J a °v~: \'s. 3342.11 3 x~ F - 3 ~z,. Aa 3314.9{ 731438 334117 334537 3346.62 3347.80 / Q 35 ~~~~;v3a 33 334703 3349.06 334733 3344.83 3344.6? 33N.93 3343.7 334524 31/4.9{ 33 ' 331 44 J~ Y 33S 3346 33 ? 3 44 33aa o 33146 7 3340 3 ~ 46 67. 734519 334315 734531 .7 ~ 33146 3344.49 3344.57 390. 03 54 7T gp. ~:~~s :g.>.. `y~. 3354 348 352 3344 r,~.,.~.-~-~.--- ~ 2 ~O 3349.H3 7 3143.84 3343.69 3744.98 334412 3344. 141.92 . ~~<6; 741.92 ]J 3343.05 - :^rs;, " y: V. t:, 15U 47. 3346.(7 3343.46 3344A4 334414 3 33l 331525 334125 46. ~ \ f.... j~ : o v ~ ':~Y 334599 334618 ji.~ ' F TEMP ~ x . , 3345 745.62 3 374399 LIMITS 0 ORARY ~~s .asr ~ ~ a, ~y ~ a 334861 154 fir.' ,y: SETTLEMENT BASIN H 347.6, 3347.89 3 91 77,864 B h~ ~Y: r o SECTION TOP ELEVATION = 3352 °~~'z~ ~3 E II PHAS ~ Z ~ 3352 1 33N.37 yl d . ,i S~ 33N.3S i'" ~ ~I ;i, _ ;.z 3 z E TREAM DIVERSION PIPE ~ U INSTALL TEMPORARY SID S x , F - 8 ~ _ ~ ~ 3 fK inn '.f: :~Y:~ ,gyp,, O i ROM ~ _ v.' Y?~n~. EMPORARY SIDE STREAM DIVERSION PIPE F ~ _ T ~ '~<~s° ^.p, , 3353.97 3353.97 3357.96 'S U Z c.! ~ PHASE I SHALL BE REUSED IN PHASE II x ee lon ~ ~ „'~7'F ',,Ai FN ~:lx~ F., ~ F_ ~ ~ .<t~,.s~ _ 335 4 w~ .k ?~3K~~~ ~ PHASE II a; g~~~~ F 6 7 STS ~s;,. , Fs F - 7 tK 373295 &.~"~'..~'r 'yew n# V I ~~x 3.~ W 4.d n ~ SECTION C rr ~ U ~ V a C 4 ;r, F M 3 X U ~t R: `r~, :.TQy LL a1 7''.Aivy, - EXISTING STREAM H: `'K. ~d ~Mffiw% i F- F-5 SPECIALNOTES: r ible for the "offsite" dis oral fall sil a scum s and debris. 1}Contractor shall be espons p o t, arth, p 2) Contractor shall be responsible for restoration or replacement of roads, roadbedsvegetation or other items x destroyed or damaged throughout protect during construction. -maw 3) Contractor shall ingress and egress Lake Chattooga exclusively through 25 temporary construction easement shown. rA Top water Elevatiot vation 3354 4 No excavation shall be performed within 15W of existing stone dam. 'low Owl Legend s y 5) Installed Temporary creek diversion Pipe shall at no time not exceed a seven (0.~ % grade. 1~ w REVISIONS 6) Temporary stone silt darn shown on sheet 3, phase II, must be installed before construction of phase one begins. EDGE OF WATER r'- . . ~ Revised February 19, 2003 60 y (NATURAL BOTTOM) Revised March 5, 2003 INDEX CONTOUR 3346 Revised Aril It, 2003 t 11 PROJECT VOLUME CALCULATIONS . . >s= DETAIL I A } N-A 4 INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR (NATURAL BOTTOM) ,x's x r SCREEN -Phase Volumes STONE SILT SCREEN y nENmIUMELEVAxtox TOP OF SILT ELEVATION 3347.80 Total Volume Silt to silt/Existing Bottom = 2 545c d AffAW PHASEI =3354' II=2' Total Volume Excavation(Existing Bottom/Proposed 2' Bottom) = 2 730cYd"" °_2 PF wry PHASEII=3352' Phase I Total Volume (top silt/proposed 2'bottom) 5,275cyd r k t„ Prepared By Draw By i fa APPROXIMATE BOTTOM EDGE 0F GMF GMF PROPOSED PHASE I EXCAVATION # 57 STONE Phase 11 Volumes ky; 5TAEA BOTTOM = Total Volume of Silt 8 245cyd NATEMPORARY STREAM DP DIVERSION PIPE Scale Approved By 1~=30' ~o Phase Volumes Project Number 6' WIDE TEMPORARY Total Area (inside waterline) = 4.82 acres s EARTH DAM Total Volume of Silt (ENTIRE LAKE) =13,151cyd r TO SC, Date September 18, 2002 P = Total Volume Phase I Excavation 5,275cyd TEMPORARY 30 60 90 3o STONE FENCE Volume Phase I Excavation = 8 245cyd 30 0 Total i 'u . = Total Volume Phase I & H Excavation 13 520c Yd e _ 30' 'T'EMPORARY STONE SHEET3 OF t Scale 1" _ I Ca e 1 SETTLEMENT BASIN, 9`. , 9 i 1 3354 TOP WATER 3354 3352 3352 3354 TOP WATER 3354 C~SU.~ $ 3350 3350 3352 ~ 3352 3350 329 COMMERCIAL DRNE 3348 3348 3350 OFFICE (912) 354-4828 3346 3346 3348 3348 TELEFAX (912) 354-8754 3344 TOP SILT 3344 3346 3346 POST OFFICE BOX 14247 3342 BOTTOM t 3342 3344 or siLT 3344 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 3340 3340 3342 3342 31418-1247 3338 3338 3340 3340 3338 3336 3336 3338 0+00 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 3336 3336 E TION "A" SC -0+25 0+00 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+ZS 1+50 1+75 SECTION "B" 3354 TaP WATER 3354 3352 3352 a 3350 3350 3354 TOP WATER 3354 i~ 3352 ~ ~ 3348 3348 3352 ~ 3346 3346 3350 Tor stir 3350 ~ 3344 ~orroM LnxB 3344 3348 3348 aoT M t,At~ ~ 3342 3342 3346 3346 y~+ z 3344 d 3340 3340 3344 ~ ca o 3338 3338 3342 3342 ~ ~ z~~ 0+00 0+25 0+50 0+~5 1+00 1+25 1+50 1+75 2+0(} 2+25 2+54 2+75 3344 3340 0 ~ SECTION "C" 0+04 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 ~ ~ yC a°, ~ O x SECTION "D" ~ ~ a ~ 0 0 w a z z o zn w x d U i i 3354 TOP WATER 3354 3354 3352 3354 TOP WATER 3354 3354 TOP WATER 3354 3352 Tor sttT 3352 3352 3352 3352 3352 3350 3350 p Tor snT 3350 3350 ToP sit 3350 335 0 3350 o z 3348 3348 3348 3348 3348 3348 3348 3346 3346 W 3346 3346 3346 3346 3346 3344 3344 W PROP05E BOTTOM 3344 3344 PROPOSID B TTOM 3344 3344 3344 0+00 0+25 0+50 z = U 3342 3342 3342 334 334 n rr ~ SECTION G +50 0 0+00 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+00 0+00 0+25 D+50 x SECTION "F" SECTION E Z c U ~ x ~ ~ x ~ o V z W 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x w ~ x U ~ CL U V 3354 TOP WATER 3354 3354 TOP WATER 3354 3354 3352 TOP SELT 3352 3352 To sIIT 3352 3352 3350 B OM LAKE 3350 3354 TOP WATER 3354 3350 3354 3350 PRO 3348 murrow- 3348 3352 ToP sm 3352 PR 3348 BOTTOM 3348 3348 3346 3346 3350 3350 3346 3346 0+00 0+25 0+50 0+75 Bo o LAIC 3346 3348 3348 0+00 0+25 0+50 F50 PROPOSE 3346 0m 334b SECTION "J" SECTION "I" 3344 3344 REVISIONS 0+00 0+25 0+50 Revised February 18, 2003 SECTION "H" 2003 Revised March 5, i Revised April 11, 2003 I' Prepared By Drain By GMF GMF LEGEND rr _ 10' Vv A , TERTICAL TOP SILT Scale Approved By AS SHOWN NOTE: BOTTOM I-A rr PHASE II Project Number ! 3 1 I! r - HORIZO RIZONTAL PROPOSED EXCAVATE TO P-D f"POSED BOTTOM PHASE I 1 - BOTTOM LAKE V Date PHASE I September 18, 2002 EXCAVATE TO " BOTTOM LAKE" PHASE 11 SHEET4 OF 4 f