HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100904 Ver 1_USACE Permit_20200423DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 April 23, 2020 Regulatory Division Action ID: SAW-2008-02753 Mr. Jonathan Wise Duke Energy 400 South Tryon Street Mail Code ST28U Charlotte, North Carolina 28285-1900 Dear Mr. Wise: Reference the Department of the Army (DA) permit issued on January 19, 2011, to Jonathan Wise of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC for impacts associated with the Linville Dam Embankment Seismic Stability Improvements (ESSI). This project associated with the Linville Dam is located near Powerhouse Road, along Lake James, in Burke County, North Carolina. Coordinates (in decimal degrees) for the site are 35.74238 North, 81.83567 West. The project site contains the Linville River, an unnamed tributary to the Linville River and an adjacent wetland, in the Upper Catawba Watershed of the Santee River Basin (8-Digit Cataloging Unit 03050101). Permanent impacts authorized by this permit included 748 linear feet of stream channel and 0.02 acre of lands and compensatory mitigation was provided by payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program on February 21, 2011. Also reference the permit modification issued by the Corps on December 15, 2015. This modification authorized a permit extension until December 31, 2019, due to delays in the original project timeline. It included authorization for the continued utilization of a stream crossing, previously permitted under the separate but adjacent Paddy Creek Embankment Seismic Stabilization Improvements (ESSI) project (Action ID: SAW-2003- 31252), that has remained in place throughout the duration of the Paddy Creek ESSI project (completed in 2006), until the completion of the Linville ESSI phase 2 activities. At the completion of the Linville ESSI phase 2 activities, the stream impacts are to be reduced to the smaller ford crossing in accordance with the previous authorization. The Corps received a request via email on November 18, 2019 to extend the permit another 4 years for the Linville ESSI project and the continued use of the Paddy Creek ESSI stream crossing, as authorized in 2015, due to continued project delays "attributed to challenges with site conditions, adverse weather conditions, availability of materials, and change of General Contractor." The request and additional project information received via email on January 10, 2020 stated: -2- All impacts to jurisdictional waters authorized in the 2011 CWA permits and re- issued in 2015 modification are complete. No jurisdictional waters will be impacted that haven't already been impacted. Hexastylis naniflora populations were re -verified by HDR in 2014. See enclosed memo. It is our understanding that Duke Energy's biologist monitor these populations annually. Population boundaries are clearly marked on the construction plans and located outside of the limits of disturbance. Boundaries were re -flagged in the field when a new construction contractor was selected in 2018. All tree clearing activates detailed in the construction plans are complete. No blasting activities are required for the project. Ongoing construction activities (by standard construction equipment) will result in noise and percussive vibrations. The extension request also detailed damage to the Paddy Creek ESSI crossing resulting in rip rap deposition in the channel and floodplain as a result of several storms in 2019. Duke Energy proposed to use equipment positioned in the adjacent uplands to remove the large deposited materials and then allow the stream banks to re -vegetate naturally. The Corps has completed the evaluation of your request and concurs with the extension of the permit expiration associated with your referenced DA permits until December 31, 2023. No additional mitigation is required for this modification. Based on our consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service regarding potential impacts of the project on the federally threatened northern long-eared bat and the concurrence received via email February 13, 2020, the special conditions of your permit are hereby modified to include: The permittee shall ensure that no tree removal activities occur between June 1 - July 31 of any year. Please note that all other permit conditions and exhibits for both the Linville ESSI and those associated with stream crossing 3-1 of Paddy Creek ESSI remain in effect as written. Should you have questions, contact Mr. Steve Kichefski, Asheville Regulatory Field Office at telephone (828) 271-7980, Extension 4234. Sincerely, Digitally signed by JONES.MICHAEL.SCOTT.1258314073 :544 Date: 2020.04.23 14:18:04-04'00' Scott Jones, PWS Chief Charlotte/Asheville Regulatory Field Offices -3- Enclosure cc (via email): NC DENR, Division of Water Resources - Sue Homewood HDR - Eric Mularski