HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200349 Ver 2_00_BlueRidge_Response to USACE Comments_20200423Kimley>»Horn April 23, 2020 Mr. Lyle Phillips U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Mr. Rob Ridings NCDWR, 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 RE: Blue Ridge Road (SR 1670) Widening City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina USACE Request for Additional Information (SA W-2018-00496) & 401 Permit Modification (NCDWR #20200349) Dear Mr. Phillips and Mr. Ridings, On behalf of our client, the City of Raleigh, Kimley-Horn is submitting the enclosed additional information for the above referenced project in response to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) additional information request received on March 23, 2020. Additionally, the City of Raleigh is requesting a modification to the previously approved General Water Quality Certification 4135 and Buffer Authorization (NCDWR #20200349) due to changes in the utility design and easement acquisition. Below is an explanation of the permit modification request as well as responses to the USACE request for additional information. 401 Permit Modification Information The 12" water line that was previously proposed to the south of Blue Ridge Road has been relocated below Blue Ridge Road in order to reduce impacts to the Neuse River Riparian buffers of House Creek and to reduce construction costs. It was previously thought that the House Creek culvert would be an obstacle to running the waterline under the roadway; however, once the culvert design was finalized, the necessary spacing to route the waterline below the road became available. As a result, previously proposed buffer impacts resulting from the water line are no longer proposed as part of the final design. Instead, these areas will now be used solely for temporary construction access and have been changed in the attached tables to temporary impacts. This change has resulted in a reduction of 2,120 square feet of permanent zone 1 buffer impacts and 3,778 square feet of zone 2 buffer impacts, and an increase of 2,861 square feet of temporary zone 1 buffer impacts. As a result, the total mitigatable buffer impacts have been reduced by 15,429 square feet to a new total of 49,626 square feet buffer impacts requiring mitigation Kimley>>> Horn Page 2 USACE Request for Additional Information Comments and Replies Below is an outline of the USACE comments with a brief narrative addressing each item. The USACE comments with Kimley-Horn responses and explanations are as follows: 1) It appears that the upstream permanent stream channel impacts would include the section of stream from the proposed banks graded to the proposed culvert to the start existing culvert downstream. Please update the PCN and plans accordingly. • The project proposes to temporarily impact the 43-foot section of House Creek (Site 2) located upstream of Blue Ridge Road between two areas proposed of bank stabilization. The upstream bank stabilization site (Site 1) will consist of grading back the bank and installing vegetative stabilization. The downstream bank stabilization site (Site 2) will consist of armoring the banks with keyed -in rip rap at a culvert inlet. The proposed bank grading will tie in to the existing streambank at the point where temporary impacts are proposed. The 43-foot length of temporary impacts will be used only for construction access and will be returned to pre-existing condition following the completion of the project. 2) Please provide information on the proposed Permanent Impacts in Surface Water (Bank Stabilization) activity? For example, what bank stabilization method is proposed? Will the proposed bank stabilization result in fill material being placed below the OHWM? Will fill material be place within the stream bed? There are two types of proposed streambank stabilization that would result in in permanent stream impacts to House Creek. At the proposed culvert inlet and outlet below Blue Ridge Road, Class II rip rap will be keyed -in to the banks only and not the streambed. In the uppermost section of House Creek, the stream banks will be graded back, and live stakes will be installed to create a more stable channel and prevent erosion along the reach. The proposed streambank stabilization design would result in permanent, no -net loss of water impacts or aquatic function to House Creek. 3) It appears that the base for the pedestrian bridge is designed within the stream channel. Fill material below the OHWM as currently designed would result in permanent stream channel loss. Please provide justification for why impact could not be avoided. Please update the PCN and plans accordingly. • For hydraulic efficiency, the bridge was aligned as close to perpendicular to House Creek as possible in this location. The House Creek banks below the proposed pedestrian bridge will be armored with keyed -in rip rap to reduce the potential for erosion and ensure long-term stability of the stream and the bridge in this location. The proposed rip rap bank stabilization extends from the top of bank adjacent to the bridge supports and to the toe of the channel. The geometry of the stream channel and banks in this reach were designed to most closely match the upstream and downstream sections and will result in no net loss of stream to House Creek. Kimley>»Horn Page 3 4) Please provide a profile view of the crossing shown along the proposed culvert. The profile should show the culvert, rip rap pad (if proposed), slope and existing stream bed. Please note that regional condition 3.6.1 states that culverts greater than 48 inches in diameter will be buried at least one foot below the existing bed of the stream. When using more than one culvert, in order to comply with NWP 14 Regional Condition 3.6.2, one culvert should act as the low flow pipe (invert buried 1' below the stream bed), and the other culverts should act as the high flow culvert (only to receiving bank -full flows). High flow culverts are typically designed by placing its invert at bankfull level, or at least a foot or two above the existing stream bed. Another way to comply with this condition it to design sills at the inlet and outlet of the high flow culvert to only allow flow in the high flow culvert at the above referenced flow level. Additionally, in order to comply with regional condition 3.6.5 the width of the culvert shall be comparable to the width of the stream channel. If the width of the culvert is wider than the stream channel, the culvert shall include baffles, benches and/or sills to maintain the width of the stream channel. A waiver for condition 3.6.5 may be requested in writing; this request must be specific as to the reason(s) for the request. • All three culvert barrels will be buried 1' below the stream bed. The project does not have have a high flow barrel proposed. The proposed culvert was sized to meet the hydraulic capacity needed to comply with NCDOT hydraulic design requirements and FEMA requirements. The maximum NCDOT standard culvert spans were used to meet this capacity, because a bridge was not determined to be feasible at this location based on the existing roadway profile. NCDOT or FEMA requirements cannot be met without utilizing the full capacity of the culverts, which would not be possible if any of the barrels included a sill. Higher floodplain culverts were not feasible because the roadway cover is minimal in this area. Enough capacity needed to be provided so that the BFE would not be exceeded since there are structures in the floodplain, so additional sill height was not feasible. Additionally, the pedestrian culvert has been designed to provide some floodplain capacity for the higher storm events (See CSR). 5) Is rip rap proposed to be placed in the stream associated with the crossing? If so, include the rip rap on the plan and profile view of the crossing, and ensure that the stream impacts associated with rip rap is included and itemized clearly on the PCN and plans. • Rip rap will be keyed into the banks to stabilize the culvert inlet and outlet at the crossing, which we included as part of the streambank stabilization impacts total. There are two separate activities: (1) rip rap embedded along the banks including rip rap below the OHWM but no rip rap being installed within the stream bed, and (2) vegetated bank stabilization and grading along the banks and below the OHWM. As discussed in a pre -application meeting with James Lastinger, it is Kimley-Horn's understanding that both streambank stabilization activities are considered permanent, no -net loss impacts. Installation of rip rap within the streambed as dissipater pads above and below the culvert is not proposed for the project. The Kimley»>Horn Page 4 culvert detail displaying the cross section and the countersunk rip rap is included as part of this submission (See CSR). 6) If rip rap is proposed, clearly note whether or not the rip rap in the stream bed will be keyed into the stream bed. If above -grade rip rap is proposed on the stream bed due to needed velocity dissipation, clearly describe this in the PCN and show on the plans; note that this would likely be considered a permanent impact and count towards the compensatory mitigation threshold. The bank stabilization will be Class II rip rap keyed -in on the banks only. No rip rap will be placed within the streambed. The proposed keyed -in rip rap is captured as bank stabilization resulting in permanent, no -net loss impacts. In addition to the above information, the following items have been included with this submittal: • Updated Impact Tables from PCN • Updated Permit Impact Drawings • CSR • Redline Drainage Plans • Inlet Computation and Storm Drain Design Computation Sheets If there is any additional information that you need to assist in the processing of this permit application package, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 678-4154. Sincerely, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Mackenzie Richards Attachments