HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030457 Ver 1_MAPS_20030414 ~d~.... 0 I 1 II 258 -10 Q ~ I it I II -Q 5 MIN SLOPE 1/? f ~ ~ ~ E -MIN SLOPE 1/? FEET Q ~ r" tt ~p NORITLYJf,AL f[ NORITLYJTAL TO I FOOT ~ ~ W per, VERTICAL R15E ' ELF. vERTlCAL R15E li U ~ W z r' - Q ~ 3 X ~ - ~EXISfiNG f0. :;.::~i ,_~EXISTING fOPO ~ ~ - ~ ~ Z~ m W 3 ~ ~ PROPOSED ELE f'ROFYJSED C ~ NEW D(1NE SLOPE NEW G PROrx~sev cur _ _ ~ w V ~r N W GRADE FROM - 2 Y ~ 14.0' ELE. TO SLOPE E ~ ~ c 14.,0' ELE. TO il0' ELF. Z ~ g~ ~ r - ~ cb ~ X ~ 0n 0 W ~N3 MIN 9LOPE 214 FEET HORIZONTAL TO I A ~ 0~3 p,-0, e,-0- FOOT VERTICAL RISE i~ r ~ u 2 1 =20.0 SGALE• PROPOSED NEW EXISTMCs TOPO DUNE, IB.O' ELE. 1 LL ~ ~ _ _ -r.~ ~-r. F'ROP09ED NEW - -.14 T r DUNE > > - t e 7z _ , - - . _ a. 14~' ELE - KTxT. T--c ,.-~i ~m PROPOSED OUT - ELOPE NEW GRADE _ _ _ g FROM 14.0' ELE. 70 _ g IIID' ELE. _ _ . _ 5' - 4' _ 1! I N _ - - ' SCALE: - l -0 _ ~ - 8 -r-- r LOW W ER • NcE Era i~ SlL r FE 00---_- - - ~ - - - Temporary sediment Fence shall be Installed prior to any grading work APPLICANT SEA SPRAT MOTEL LLC - 1------ m N/A Fastener -Min. No. Im Gage ENGINEER _ lUire 4 Per Post Required. 2 OC-------- 2.00- ~ 3, RECORDED REFERENCE: ~~~D BDOK 1~6 PAGE 558 6'-0" max spacing (Typ•> 3 _ -3.00--------------- 4. PARCEL AREA: 3.(d 73 AC. - ---3.00- - -3 CO-- p 0 t IM NT CONTROL PLAN NOTES: N 5. SOIL EROSION SED E l Pro osed area to be disturbed is 1,98? AG a p } - ;p--------- - h 4 ~ _ ,q 0~---_ - t\ real shelf be ermanentl stabilized within fifteen working days b>All disturbed a p y Filter Fabric.°, . ~ s whichever eriod is shorter. Alf raded slopes or !'Ills shall or 9O calendar day , p 9 ~ r10-- ~ ~ N n l5 workln da s or 30 calendar da s, whichever period Is be stablhzed withi g y y shorter, !f said activit/es occur outside the permanent vegetation seeding dates - - 6,00 - ~ orar ve station sasdin s ecificatlons shall be ~ollow- (April I -Sept. 3ml then temp y g 9 p ermanent sendin erlod, at which time Grade nd For planting until the next appropriate p g p ~ - -8.00 - ermanent vs station shall be established according to permanent vegetation seeding p g g CCs th19 9hBet~ ~3 CC - ~ r - _ _ 10 00 - 0~ 5 ectfication (see arm, t tam seeding p p TOE OF DUNE 'o p off erosion develo s durin lima of ~ c. !f excessive wind erosion or storm water run p 9 0.00 - ADJACENT ~ - _ _ '~1 ~1~ _ _ - - _ - - - PROPERTY construction !n a location on the project site, additional sand or silt fencing or other - _ 12 JJ - _ _ ~ ~ - _ _ - F. L. N. S. V. _ _ r ~ irected b en !Weer or local overntn offictal so as to measures shall bs installed as d y g 9 9 ~ : 2/7/03 _ _ ' 0 _ _ _ -gXT~APOL LIN ro art . See sand and slit Fence detail this sheet. EleVatlon prevent damage to adjacent p p y ERTY F.L.N. S, V. 2/7/03 - _ _ - edimentation controls to ba ins scud, maintained and repaired as ADJACENT PROPERTY F.L_N d. Soil erosion ands p necessar until permanent controls are nstablishnd. _i ~ r n_ ~ ~...N.,~^ y Filter Fabric NEW PROPOSED TOP OF DU e. Construction Schedule: roP of DUNE Ar -~~oo- ~ ~ 6 U Obtain plan approval and other applicable permits. 18.0' ELE. W~~-~ ~ S Id.oo ~ ~ ~ Flag and/or rough stake work limits. 3> Instal! slit r"secs at iccatlOns Slbwn on plan• f----- Direction Of Flow i hie limits of disturbance. F. 1. R. M. ZONE "VE" (EL. 13.G 4> Remove all existing structures w t _ E"L. 13.0') ~ 18.00 / ri YrYrfi[ it ir. fi r.r •ra r - 1r W fr r..ii rr ~rG.•ri~ fr• - rr r r .f. r r(.' w+. ~r+ rii~Y. rr rr r. - 1r rr - 1r iG. rf r- •rf .r (r 5> Gom late clearin and rubbing procedures. ' - - - " - - ~ ~ - - - p g g Undisturbed Ground Llne i ~ ( ~ 5' (EL. 10.0) ~ ii ~ ~ r de site to rovlds reds conditions as per plans. F.LR,Iy. ZONE "VE" (EL. lO.G 6) G a p g 18, 00 17.00 7) Provide permanent sending In accordance with sending speclflcatlons, ` 8) All erosion sediment control ractfces will be inspected weekly after heavy rainfall p d re airs well be made Immediately. ~ events. Needs p 14.00 hall Initiate land dlsturbin actNltles pNOr to the start date authoNzed.. _ 9> No persons g _ - - 60' GAMA SET6AGK cK _ --------~------------I Compacted Backfill _ _ ~ _ _ _ , AN NT G TATfON I I ~ ~ Seeding Dates: April I -Set. 30 M( Seed Mixture Application Rates/Acre ~ ~ } ~ INSTALL SILT FENCE ' 50 Lbs roE of DUNE BAl-IlA > I ~ I N PROPERTY L 1NE5 I ALO G Common Bermuda 5ra Lbs i Anchor Detai 1 abr c F (Unhulled> I I 6 German MIilstt 15 Lbs F.I,R,M, ZONE "VE" (EL. lO.C Fescue ?m Lbs E (EL. 10.0) ~ 13.00 - - - - _ - - - - FERTILIZER ?6-13-13 s' 500/bs ' - ~ - I ~ 0 ? I ~ F. f. R. M. ZONE "AE" (EL. 10. C E (EL. 10.) } I t N } I TEMf=oR,clfa~l' VEGErArION > 65R 164R I ~ J 167R 66R Seeding Dates: Oct, l -March - 31 69 168R I ~ 6 1 i Seed Mixture Application Rates/Acre RYE GRAIN 175 LBS m ~ I I l FERTILIZER 10-lm-lm s 10r901b ~ I I MULCH I I 4CK ~ I A 1 4 ~ ibs/acre straw, anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting or a mulch anchoNng 145' A.E.G. SETBACK _ _ , ppy ~ tool A 12.00 ~ ~ ~ disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. AREA OF I I DISTURBANCE I General Notes: I ~ - Fertilizer rates shown are eneral recommendations: Frequency and amount of fertilization can best 9 be determined though site o I I I specific soil testing i ~ ~ ~ ~I I ~ l J - Maintenance: Satlsfactor stabiNzation and erosion control requires a complete vsgatatlve y x and ra Idl and IF left unattended can n ~I I I Cover. Even smelt breaches in vegetative cover cdn e p p y allow serious soil loss from an otherwise stably surface. A single heavy rain is often sufficient to 11.00 { read enlar a bare s ots, and the longer repairs are delayed, the more costly they become. g y g p osts down. New seedlin s should be Inspected Prompt action will keep sediment foss and repair c g I I { fre uentl and maintenance erformed as needed. If rills and gullies develop, they must be fiNed in, q y p ma bn needed until new lams take hold. I ~ JOB #SSM rn-seeded and mulched as soon as possible. Diversions y p . ~ I I I MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS EXTEND BEYOND THE SEEDING PHASE. lUnt11 final completion is I DAtE. 03.11.03 ~ I v I REVISED: awarded weak or dame ed s ots must be relied, fertilized, mulched and re-seeded as promptly as 9 p r ductive stands. possible. Refertilization may be needed to maintain p o ' I I ~ ~ Ian ~ W 3.25.03 site p ` 10.00 rev(sed rea c e u e r TOTAL LOT AREA .x.073 Ac. ~ QI AC. 2 AREA TO BE DISTURBED 1.982 AC. AC. ~ I wl NI U ZI I - n une e es a is me I w men I I A. Install silt fence For erosion control before starting any demolition. ` (Sae Proposed Slte Plan, this sheet for details) a es ; I 9.00 B. Use sxistin concrete dNvewa s as construction entrance during demolition. (Sae existing plan for 9 y QI I S location) xistin structures concrete and se tic s stems. PRP00$ED RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ~ l I ner: D Bromle OF THE I I Des g _ _ - _ y Z C, The demolition and removal of all e Q existin Ian For details) FRONTAL DUNE A5 PER DRAWING. (Sae g p 'G. ~ I ~ ~ DraFtaman: D Bromley _ _ D. Re-establish frontal dunes (see Section Detail th/s sheet) SAND FENDING TO BE INSTALLED !N D !N I ti E. Perform erosion control on re-established frontal dune. (See Dune Re-establishment Notes, this sheet AGOORDANGE WITH f5-AN-CAC 07K.0212. )7K.0212. ~ I I Check I ~ ~ ~ 45.09' 0 ~ ~ 50.09 50.09 50.09 50.Oq - - - - - - - J 1 date: 00/m0/0m CE F ~-50.09 for details) (INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF F Final reds to ro osed finish contours. (see Proposed Site Plan, this sheet for details) IN BEAGN GRAS$ PLUGS 'L UGS ~ } g p p it ian this sheet for details) SAND FENC G) G. Total area to be disturbed is 1.98? acres. (See Proposed S e P XC SIOR MATTING TO 8E N lT45'00"W 295.54 J . ~ _ , r_Jr,.rJ.,el r.,. naaf~cnf(AI hnmR a1fA.a AND E EL k Land is to ce O/VICieGI ,nCa n rrurv uuo V., , . Proposed 61te Plan, this sheet for details) INSTALLED (See . 1. Erosion and sedimentation control to be completed after demolition. (See Soll Erosion 4 Sedimentation Control Plan Notes this sheet for details) VA. DARE TR~1 /L N. G. 12 " PROPOSED 3/74E FLAN , SCALE: 1 "=30.0 C\Documents and Settings\AdministratorlDesktop\ACADD PLANS1sea spraylFULL SEA SPRAY CAMA PLAN.dwg, 03/2612003 04:46:44 PM a ~ exlsrPK, row Q! ~ ~ r ~ 0 _ ~ > ~ Q U~4 ~ 'r ~ z~;, W X ~ 3 L ~ Z W~ W V ` u~ /Z ~ i 4 ~ 9 r A 1! l C~ x ^ ~ G 1 1 -20.0 to ~ a SCALE. W ,~3 0 0'' 3 an A. install slit Pence Por erosion control before starting any demolition. (sae Proposed Slta Plan, this sheet for datallsJ B. Use axlstfn concrete drivawa s os construction entrance during demolition. (Sea existing plan for 9 y Iota t ion> LOW W ER G. The demolition and removal oP aN exlstlnp structures concrete and septic systems. (see axlsting plan Por details> D. Re-establish frontal dunes /see Section Detail this sheet) _ 00 E, Perform aroslon control on re-established Pronto! dune. lSee Dung Re-establishment Notes, this shoat for details) -------i 00-- _ F. Finol rode to proposed finish contours, (See Proposed Slte Plan, this sheet for detollsJ g 1 scree (Sea Pro osed Site Plan, this sheet for details) G. Tots! area to be disturbed Is L98 p N. Lond !s to be divided Into 6 lndlviduo! lots Por resldantia! home sites. (Sae Proposed Slte Plon, this sheet for details) m 2 ~ 1. Erosion and sedimentation control to be completed ai'ter demolition. ---2 00 ~ 2.00 (See Soli Erosion t Sedimentation Control Plan Notes this shat Por details) 3 _____--~.cc- - - o 3.00 -3.00-- o 4 4.00 d OC- N 5.00 5.00 - E 00 - _ - 6 7.00- • 9.00 • - - -10 00~ N ~ 10 ~ 0 10.00 _ _ _ ADJACE T -11.00 OPER7r JACENT ~ PR AD 00----- F.L.N,S.V. PROPERTY _ 12 0 - 15 2/7/03 a F.L.N.S.V. - APOL L1 _ 15.00 15 00 ~ 0 r F.r.R.M. ~ F. 1. R, M, ZONE "VE" ~ (EL. l3.0' ~ ~ ---~--~,~_..d_ 0 ~ u n F.LR.M, ~ F. 1. R. M, ZONE VE ~ u X ~ ' ~ • - (EL. 10.0, (EL. 10.0) - : _ 1 0 ~ , ~ , < J ~ ~i ~ t ~ ~ IS_T1N ~S~1LDll~ 4 ~ , , ~ 60` CAMS 60 CAMA _ ~ Y ~ - ~ off' ~ u~: SETBACK ~ , , 6 ~ SETBACK _ ; _ _x,_ , ~ ~ ~ ~ X ~ X • X~~,~ ~ ~ x ~y X ' ~~u ~l ~ X ~ ~ X ~ F. 1. R. M, ; F. L R, M, ZONE VE 14,. ~ ~ / ' ~ ' / i ~ ' (EL. 10.0 10.0 ~ / / / //i 1 11 ~ 1 ~ ; 1 ,L? 11 I! / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j j k F.I,R.M. ; F. 1, R, M. ZONE AE ~ ~~~x' ~ i ' ~ ~ ~ ! % ~ ~ ~i i / i ; ~ ; /i ~i (EL. 10.0, EL. 10.0 ~ , ~ ~ i i ~ ~ EXI5TING CONRETE / i; j ; ~ . ; , i , ~ N ~ ~ ~ i / i i i ~ i i / ~i ~ ~ ~X / ~ / i~ ~ / i ~ ~ iiii ~2.0~ ; '?oo ; . / , ~ ; ~ o 145' A.E. ~ I45 A.E.C. ~ ; ~ j ~ SETBACk CK ~ 5ET8A u ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / , i / . i , \ / / i ; ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~j / i" , ~ ~ ~ % ~ ' i i JOS #SSM o ~ 'i o AtE: 03.11.03 0~ i ~ ~ ~ ; REVISED: o o° ~ ~ ~ ~ 'o / ~ ij, ~~o l i I ~ ~ / ~ ~ Y ~ C) ~ ~ / / i - ~ ~x -10.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i, / i~~ , o ~ ~ o / \ V ~ ~ ; ~ . i~. 'y% l ~ / ~j`'' ~ Devi ner: D Bromley / `?`y ~ 9 r ~ i ; ~ , ~ Draftsman: D Bromley ~o ~ ~ Check 0 ',k' 1 e ~ date: 00100100 N 17 45 00 2 VA. DARE TRAIL_ N. G. 12 E/X/37/NC.;r 3/75 SCALE: I"=30.0' C.IDocuments and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\ACADD PLANS1sea spray\FULL SEA SPRAY CAMA PLAN.dwg, 03/2612003 04:45.59 PM