HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191760 Ver 1_C-5621 Response to DWR_20200420_20200420C-5621 Response to DWQ Letter dated 3/31/20 Avoidance and Minimization of stream impacts at Sites 2A and 3 at the southern roundabout: The location of the southern roundabout had several constraints as identified below resulting in the current location as shown. The southern roundabout is acting as a U-turn for vehicles traveling eastbound on Catawba Avenue desiring to turn left at the Catawba Avenue/US 21/Holiday Lane intersection to travel northbound on Holiday Lane therefore a recommended distance of —800-ft from the main intersection was used to place the roundabout. Considerations of the driveways on the west side of US 21 as well as access concerns were evaluated for several locations for the southern roundabout along US 21 north and south of the proposed southern roundabout location. The proposed location at -Y4- (the driveway to Lucky Dog Bark and Brew) was selected to meet the spacing requirements for the U-turn location as well as to minimize the impacts to the Environmental Justice (EJ) Smithville community since there is a break in the houses along S. Hill Street (parallel road to the east of US 21) here. Driveways are not recommended in close proximity to roundabouts and therefore the driveway was designed to act as a "leg" of the proposed southern roundabout. The existing grade of the -Y4- driveway is the controlling factor to the placement of the roundabout as the driveway is sloping down toward US 21 at an 8.5% grade. The distance the roundabout is shown from the existing edge of US 21 at the driveway was needed in order to get down to the roundabout elevation while also being able to maintain US 21 traffic during construction. The roundabout was sized based on the largest design vehicle (WB-67) expected to utilize it daily. Shifting the roundabout to the west would require that some if not all of the parcels along US 21 in that location to be a total take. The Town of Cornelius is currently working to revitalize this area and removing local businesses would be detrimental to that directive. Shifting the roundabout to the east would require additional total takes along S. Hill Street in the EJ Smithville community. Roadway classification: Currently Holiday Lane is classified as a Local road per the NCDOT Functional Classification GIS map shown below and after the construction of the C-5621 project, Holiday Lane will be classified as a collector. Due to this classification, the requirement for a Hazardous Spill Basin (HSB) at the location of the northern roundabout (Holiday Lane intersection with Sterling Bay Ln East and West) will be analyzed on a site by site basis per Appendix O in the "NCDOT Guidelines for Drainage Studies and Hydraulic Design 2016". More detailed site -specific information related to the determination of why a HSB was not proposed is outlined below. Hoene � NCDOT Functional Class QDetails I pe13--p o About E Content ,= Legend Legend NCDOT Functional Class Functional Class Interstate i Other Freeway Other Principal Arterial — Minor Arterial Major Collector — Minor Collector — Local Project Purpose: C-5621 is designated as a project to improve mobility and safety in the area not to increase capacity and therefore not considered a major project for NCDOT. Safety: Roundabouts are considered a great improvement for safety as compared to traditional signalized and unsignalized intersections. Removing the existing conflict points at the northern point of Holiday Lane with Sterling Bay Lane East and Sterling Bay Lane West reduces the likelihood of accidents at that location. Improved safety at this location as noted by FHWA would reduce severe accidents by 82%. https://safeiy.fliwa. dot. goy/provencounterrneasures/roundabouts/ Constructability Impacts: Two locations have been evaluated for an HSB to be constructed. Site 1 as shown below is on the north side of Sterling Bay Lane East and the proposed location of the northern roundabout, while Site 2 (also shown below) is on the south side of Sterling Bay Lane East and the proposed location of the northern roundabout. HSB Site 1: HSB Site 1 (north of Sterling Bay Lane East and the proposed northern roundabout) This HSB is shown in a linear pattern due to several site constraints; an existing sanitary sewer pump station and apartment building located to the west and the existing apartment complex club house and amenities located to the east. This site is wooded which would require removal of existing mature trees and vegetation. It is located on top of a previously identified jurisdictional stream (JS). Another blue line stream approaching from the west crossing under Sterling Bay Lane West adjoins with this JS prior to out falling into Lake Norman. It is anticipated the blue line stream will need to be relocated in order to keep the water separated from the proposed HSB. Stability of the banks would be a concern and additional erosion control measures are likely to be needed. The conceptual contours for the HSB construction shown above in magenta are a best guess as a detailed survey has not been conducted at this time. It is unknown if the width required for the stream relocation and the proposed HSB will physically fit between the existing physical constraints. This would also have major impacts to this property owner due to the tree buffer being removed. As shown an extensive amount of right of way would be required in order to construct and maintain the HSB. This property is currently in condemnation and the property owners will likely be uncooperative moving forward. The location of the HSB at Site 1 has the potential for previously rerouted utilities and other existing utilities to be in conflict and therefore has unknown additional impacts at this time. HSB Site 2: HSB Site 2 (south of Sterling Bay Lane East and the proposed northern roundabout) Please note in this option a preliminary revised closed storm drainage system was evaluated in order to redirect water flow to the HSB on the south side of Sterling Bay Lane East. An existing JS has also been identified on the south side of Sterling Bay Lane East, as well as a linear wetland that would have potential impacts from the construction of the HSB Site 2. The conceptual contours for the HSB shown above in white are in a rectangular pattern to best match existing site conditions in this area. Most of the existing tree buffer in this location would be removed exposing the residents along Burton Lane (shown to the east of the HSB Site 2 above) to the HSB further impacting homeowners of a previously identified EJ community. Additional right of way would be required from homeowners in order to construct and maintain the HSB in this location. Preliminary calculations have been evaluated revealing that in order to get the rerouted closed storm drainage system to drain to the HSB the inverts would be at the same elevation as the existing JS. This raises concerns of exposing the existing water table due to the low elevations required for the HSB. The location of this HSB would also be in an area where existing and proposed utilities were routed to avoid additional conflicts with the apartment complex on the north side of Sterling Bay Lane East. Therefore, construction of the HSB in this location would have unknown additional utility impacts for the project. Public Involvement: Extensive public outreach has previously been conducted for this project due to the sensitive nature of the surrounding neighborhoods. With Smithville neighborhood being a historically African American community, the Title VI Environmental Justice process was implemented. Several small group meetings have been held specifically with the Smithville community explaining in great detail all the impacts associated with the C-5621 project as currently designed. Additional impacts to parcels in either location (HSB Site 1 or HSB Site 2) would require additional public involvement and engagement for the project. Due to the reasons listed above we respectively request that the project move forward without the construction of a hazardous spill basin for the northern roundabout.