HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021947 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20021227\O?QF \()ATF9QG co r O '< January 3, 2003 Burke County DWQ Project #: 02-1947 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification including ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS City of Morganton Attn: Larry Pressley, Assistant Director of Engineering 201 West Meeting Street Post Office Box 3448 Morganton, NC 28680-3448 Dear Mr. Pressley: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to impact 47 feet of waters for the purpose of installing a water line for Old Highway 18 as you described in your application dated December 18, 2002. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3374, which may be viewed on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. This certification allows you to use General Permit Number 12 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). This approval shall expire when the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Upon completion of the project, the applicant shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" to notify DWQ that all the work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. The responsible party shall complete the attached form and return it to the 401/Wetlands Unit of the Division of Water Quality. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786 or Mike Parker at our Asheville Regional Office at 828-251-6208. Sincerely, 1 Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office File copy Central Files direct r 02 194 7 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING I Q ? l5 t. 7 WERA"DS GROUP i WATER OUP LITY SECTION December 20, 2002 Mr. John Dorney DWQ-Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 LARRY P. PRESSLEY (828) 438-5265 FAX (828) 438-5264 P?- .le f 1 i. Re: 401/404 Permit for Old Hwy. 18 Waterline Construction - Stream Crossings Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed are seven (7) copies of the application and review fee for the above-referenced project. Please feel free to call me at (828) 438-5265 if any questions arise. Sinc ely, Lar P. Pressley, A. Assistant Director of Engineering LPP/cr Enclosures cc: Timothy J. Smith U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Pattton Ave., Room 143 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 dorney.ltr Office Use Only: Form Version October 2001 USAGE Action ID No. DWQ No. If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. ry_ 1. Processing y' a u 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit Section 10 Permit < WAERT UA IL0.11'?SECTbN Owl ® 401 Water Quality Certification Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: El 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: E]N/A II. Applicant Information Owner/Applicant Information Name: Burke Countv Mailing Address: P.O. Box 219 Morganton North Carolina 28680-0219 Telephone Number: 828-438-5265 Fax Number: 828-438-5264 E-mail Address: 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: completed by the Citv of Morganton EnRineerinR Department on behalf of Burke County. Signature by Owner/Applicant Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: City of Morganton P. O. Box 3448 Morganton, NC 28680-3448 Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 5 of 13 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. Name of project: Old Highway 18-Sugar Loaf Road Water Line Construction 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): N/A - Road Right of W 4. Location County: Burke Nearest Town: Morganton Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.):I-40, Exit No. 104, Enola Road (SR 1922), go southerly 6.4 miles to its intersection with Old Highway 18 (SR 1924) & River Road (SR 1916). Water line begins and runs southeasterly with Old Highway 18 (SR 1924) to Sugar Loaf Road (SR 1913), thence easterly with Sugar Loaf Road (SR 1913) to end water line Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): See Attachment (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately coordinates for each crossing of a distinct water body.) lists the 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: The area is partly residential, undeveloped, and partly commercial 7. Property size (acres): Area disturbed by water line construction is = 4.1 acres (17724'x10') 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Henry Fork River 9. River Basin: Catawba River (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) Page 6 of 12 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work New Water Line Construction 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: pipe laying equipment 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Mostly wooded residential area, with some Commercial area IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. Not aware of any previous permits along this project. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: N/A VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream Page 7 of 12 mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Wetland Impacts N/A Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (yes/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, clitching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: N/A Total area of wetland impact proposed: N/A 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on snap) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please specify) 1 6' UT Henry Fork River 6' Perennial 2 3' UT Henry Fork River 3' Intermittent 3 15' UT Henry Fork River 15' Perennial 4 6' UT Henry Fork River 6' Perennial 5 7' UT Henry Fork River 7' Perennial 6 4' UT Henry Fork River 4' Perennial 7 6' Rock Creek 6' Perennial * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapquest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 47 linear feet Page 8 of 12 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name Wat (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) N/A List each impact separately and identity temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not Innlted to: till, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. N/A VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to Page 9 of 12 freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Silt Fence, Vegetation and Rip rap 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http:Hh2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): N/A Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N/A Page 10 of 12 IX. Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres):- Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ? No If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No 1-1 If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes F-] No X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes [__1 No F-] If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total /-one i extends out su teet perpenoicuiar trom near oanK of cnannei; /,one / extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. N/A Page I 1 of 12 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No ? Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes F-1 No ? XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Applicant/Agent's Signature BurVe County Director of Public Wowes (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I ~ i i ~ ~ I ; i ~ ' f ~ J ~ / ~ I ~ ~ = L-, 1 ~ ~ 1 I / `\I I I ~ / ~ ~ ~ / I { I I , ~ _i - v t ~ ' i ~ ~ Ir ~ r ~ i ~ e - i ~ ~ ~ I F-- - 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / I ~ U v F i 1 ~ J -T- jl i i y I \ ~ I . o ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~R ; 0 9 ~u 2 ~W Y 8 ~ ~,~N 0 0 , , ~ ~ ti Q~ ~ `~w. ~ , ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ o ~ o`f' / ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ J Q o-j c~ Z l g T - 24 ' ~~'o / N ~ ! ~ i 0~~ ~ IVY 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ RO ~ ~ t-. r ~ ~ / S r ~ ' ~ ` f ~ ~ SR 1924 ;a3 . 1924 ' p~ ~ > S i ~ R ~ i I 0( 19 ~ HWY 8:. ~ D 24 01 ~ ; tiw V ~8 - - - ~ a ~ s 3 S v. O _ ~ - ~ ~ 1,-. L~ 4. j'1~Lg RL B, R;. 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I A T ~ 4 X T NUMQE- J 'NIERSTATE 4O, ALL EX',?!NG UTI_',TIES ARE .0 REMAIN IN SERVICt DURING ALA PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ T ~ ~ ® EXIS ~A ~ CH BAS o ~ ~ A~ ~ EEC ~ R~CA~ , E~EPHONE C BEE //./.1{ 'l/~11 .T ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E H G S . A D T R s N 0 TR o B~ E 0~ EE x-~ ? EX S ~A DER METER '_~S TC .TS WTERSECT ON MINIMUM 10~ LATERAL SEPAf?ATION OR MINIMUM 18~~ VERTICAL SEPARATION TO BE MAINTAINED T~~ ~i ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T ~ POWER OEE ~ , , ~ ~ H.G. N~ ~I ~ J~_.~ ¦ PROPOSES QUA ER METER i1OAD. WATER NE BETWEEti WATER .!NES AND SEWER LINES. r~ tXIJ i!VV uH ' VN ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Nr _ ~u Uj M NiM M %)F 3.5' DEPTH OF WATER UNE FROM Ex S N ~AUE Ur r r . r S _ AM ~ PROPOSED GATE '~AC~r ~ ~ L C i pp~ , ~ : Q -1- ® L~AJS ~ RIB RAP ~ LOAF ROAD. MINIMUM OF 1' SEPARATION OF WATER LINE TO STORM DRAINS. o e S E ~o// ui S~. / C L. erv s s cW~. ~yv J n ~ R CO ~ RC 0 % ~ RC 0 R CO R O CO ~ - - ' R I ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ i~ 0 ~ ~ R ~ I 0 C ~ C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q Q~ ~ O C C~ ~ I T~~ ~ ~ i c o~ ~ - \ / I i ~ v ~ a ~ ~ - ~ ; ~A,~a a ~ ~ ,p c . 0 ~~o~~ ~ ~ - . ~ V / v ~ , i i ~ ~ , ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ a / < ~ ~ ~ 1/ Y ~ i / i i / ~ I i ~ ' ` i % r Q w ~ ~ A i / ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ O ~ ~:J / ~ ~ , i - - - ~ - - k q(, / ~R ; ~ 91 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ; ~ , 7 o i ~ i o ~ . n~ Q 4~. ~ , J ~ c ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ?AF;t EXIT NUMBER 104 Ff?OM ~'~~`r ESTATE 40, ~ Q ~~0 ~ ~ O ~O ~~0~~` ROAD, GO SOUTHERLY 6.4 MI'~_; r0 ITS INTERSECTION O ~ v~ Q ~ ~ ~ Q~ ~ '~i Ol_D HIGHWAY 18 & DIVER R,=AD. '~^~ATER LINE r JAF ~~q~NF-A'TER~Y WI IH OLC 'r7IGHWA~~ 18 TO SUGAR ^y I' i HENCE ~~A~: UN SUGAF~ LOAF ROAD. N STANDARD TEMPORARY ROCK S~~ C ~R~- r-~ Jj~N ~ (0 RYA ~ ~O 'p. ~Q ~O Dc h , ~r TA ' ~ i A 14+OG, STA 17+00, STA 18+G:~, ~'A 22+00 o ~ o~ . ~ A ?6+00, ~ A 7?+00, ~ i A 78+00, STA 79+00, STA 81 +50, STA 82+5~, STA 83+50 ~ A 87+00, STA 88+00, STA 89+00, STFi 90+00, STA 92+00, STA 93+Ov, ETA 94+00 STA 95+00, STA 96+00, 'ETA 97+00, STA 98+G0, STA 99+00, STA 1GC+~~, STA 101+00 , ~ STA 102+00, STA 103+Oi~, STA 124+00, _~TA 125+00, STA 126+00, STA 127+00, STA 128+OC i y STA 160+00, STA 161 +0C`. STA 162+00, `ETA 163 ; J, STA 164+00, STA 165+00, STA 166+00 ETA 167+00, STA 168+OU, STA ~ 69+00, :>TA 170+0`~, STA 1 ?1 +00, STA 1-'2 + '~0, STA 173+00 ETA ~ 74+00, STA 175+OG. ~ ~ co ~o ~~~~~o ~ ~ooa n o 000 SEE APPROPRIATE SHED T NUMB:-R FOR ~ IZE "ZO~F SF ` o00 Q~ o ~ ~ a~~~~ SR g ti ~ ~ ~ NW ~ ~ ~~vD AMOUNT 0~ C! ~~~5 1 RIP-;SAP. ~Y a,~y10 0 ° ~ m 01- o f s~ ~ z ~~N~ ~ ~ ~;i~ 1 ~ w P~ti~ m Z G ~ m„w N ~ \ y ~ SF S ~ ' & "2~ ~"BPNK ,REEK ~ ~~e~ ZpUZ._ P~ ~R ~ ~ zT _ ~ RR SAS ZUDE ~N W8'~ 519 6' ~F ~'r GRF~E'~ a33 n ~ c SF ~REE~ ~6 ' ~~N~~1UCt _ P~~ZU ~~~,W ~ \ 4 OLD Pj~ ~ J~ j ~ EO~H gOE,N~~a 36 % ~ \ SR ~WY418 ~ p~~ ~PN~ N3538 6 "~,2~ ~ ~ SF ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o y~qT ~ ~gPNK N~ '3 36 2G~~ E - ~ rn r PRS ~ ~ RR ENGINEERING BY: ° o~~ ~~FR RG ?N D~rc a ~ ~R F-39 3~4 6 2~ ~"gP~ JR~5391~a43 CITY F MORGANTON 0 ~N~'IN RIN PARTM NT G DE EE NI N T UIT A ~ 00 0 S S U C-5 l ~ V r Ong 3448 MORGANTON NC 28680 F 1 i W ~ rn ' I W J o a O Z STA 1+07 n r - o Z I 1-8 45' BEND Z ~ ~ - CONCRETE BLOCKING W 3 r W Q ~ ~ a 2-8" RETAINER GLANDS i ~ z ~J 20 LE ITFN _ , Z S~ ECE& ~ T ~ r-S A 5+44 ~ ~ 10' WIDE x 4' LONG x THICK ~ I ~ - I 20 LF SILT FENCE & 1-8°z8"z6" TEE ~ ~ O I C~~~ ~ ~ ~ 20 LF Sll1 FENCE CLASS 1 RIP-RAP ~ E ~ E ~ " o 10 WIDE z 8 LONG x THICK 1- 8 GATE VALVE o ~ ~ a Q ~ 10 WIDE x 4' LONG x 1' THICK ~ ~ ~ CLASS 1 RIP-RAP ~ ~ - " ~ ~ 1 6 GATE VALVE >y, ~ r'. z ~ U ~ ~..J ~ CLASS 1 RIP-RAP o ~ " o ~ 1-4 1~2 fIRE HYDRANT W~ 4 BURY c~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'L_i ~ I Q a ~ ~ ~_a l ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~1 > I ! ~ ? I CONCRETE BLOCKING 1 _ E-' ~ ~ ~1- ~ l~ HE ~ 1 ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " 8M ELEV=1158.20 ~ ~ dal, I 4-8 RETAINER GLANDS ~ J ~ ~ ~ Q- o o ~ 1 ~ Q MONUMENT-NCGS a~ E ~ 3 6 REIAINER GLANDS IS8 ~ z O ~Qh SR 1924 ~ Q PREWITT A I MARK Z ~ Y18 SR 1924 - - _ 0~~ s 2. _ ~ ~ 18 ~ yw ~M = ~ s ~ OLD HW ~ ~ ~ 2 a c~ ~ ~ ~ t0 I ~ F I 11 Y ~ r ~ ~ - 8 S 11~ 7 l~ - i - i ~ 48 RED OAK OLD HWY 18 SR 1924 g ~ a 1g e6s o r-~~ ~ 24 0 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 8 -STA 10+55 1 z ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ w F Q 7 STA 10+20 1_8n 45' N O z Q n BED Q H c~ , c:~ 4 0 6 - ~ ao 1-8 45' BEND CONCRETE BLOCKING ~ z ~ ~I 3 ~ 5 ~o CONCRETE BLOCKING 2-8" RETAINER GLANDS ~ ` n 1 ° ~ OLD HWY 8 SR 1924 J w ~ ~ 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ ~ O } n ~ ~ N - _ ~ - F+~I BEGIN 35 LF 8 MJ DIP CL 50 STA 10+50 n ~ ~O - i6 1 h o ~ 2.4 24. o ~ ~ , Q c~ r XIST 8" PUC S A 2+40 ~ Q 1-8 45' BEND ~ WATER LIN ~ 1154. gPOPIAR ~ 1-8" 45' N E BE D CONCRETE BLOCKING r O STA 10+25 2-8" RETAINER GLANDS l4 r~ U~ ti CONCRETE BLOCKING O ~ 1-8" 45' BEND ~ o,`L 2-8" RETAINER GLANDS r ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING STANDARD TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK DAMS LOCATED ? ~ ~ ~ STA 1+75 n 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS STA 11+00 STA 12+00 STA 13+00 &STA .4+ ~ ~ ~ ~ / S,A 2+25 P~ 1-8" 45' BEND 00 z r C'~ Cpl U T... STA 1+60 1-8 45 BEND ~ NRT ~ v~ ~P CO C E E BLOCKING CONCRETE BLOCKINu 1-8 45 BEND _ ~ R ° ~Q 2 8 STAINER GLANDS 2 ~8 RETAINER GLANJJ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ 5 CONCRETE BLOCKING ~C - ~ ~ `a~ ° ~ ~5 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS 20 LF SILT FENCE & ~ ~ ~ oz~ o i~ ° ~ ~ BEGIN 80 LF 8 MJ DIP CL-50 10' WIDE z 8 LONG x 1' THICK ~ ~ ~P~ ~ CLASS 1 RIP-RAP m w .z~~ c~ o~c~~ ,oQ ~ STA 0+00 ~I z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~-m ' ~ ~ BEGIN NEW 8" PVC UR l4 WATER LINE 0. AT EXISTING 8° GA1f VALUE W w O w ~ ~ 1-8" RETAINER GLAND z w SEE OLD NC 18-ENOIA ROAD AREA WATER LINE PROJECT c~ z SHEET 5 OF 12 z ~ w O BY: WEST & ASSOCIATES P.A. MORGANTON NC DATEC OC?OBER 1998 """'~,v K ~ .r, i, ' JNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS WERE PROVIDED BY NCICALL OR 0TH R THE OWN R A E S. E ND ASSUME NO LIABILITY AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE LOCATION WORK. ALL UTILITY COMPANI IEOWNRA E ND ENGINEER 16~ ARE TO BE CONTACTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR MORE EXACT A I TIUTY COMPANIES ~ ~ ' v LOC TONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BID AND AGAIN F UNDERGROUND ~ BE ORE CONSTRUCTION. ALL EXTRA WORK CAUSED BY L( ERRORS OR OMMISSION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SNAL BE CON I CAU Y F SED 8 LOCATION L S DERED INCIDENTAL AND N COMPENSATION SHAD BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY REASON. THE CONTRACTOR I IDENTAL AND NO JkGED TO PERFORM INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE. IF HE DEEMS PRUDENT, CONTRACTOR IS 2' JDENT, t~ ~ r'ROPOSED WATER LINE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A MINIMUM OF 3.5 FT. DEPTH FROM EXI EPTH FROM EXISTING ;BADE 10 TOP OF PIPE AND HAVE A MINIMUM OF 1 ~T. PARATI ~ SE ON FROM STORM DRAIN. )RM DRAINS. N ALL WATER LINE N TR TI r COS UC ON SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCt 10 THE CITY OF MORGAN~OP OF MORGANfON w ;IANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DE1All~. Q w w 20 LF SILT FENCE & 20 LF SILT FENS >0 LF SILT FENCE & 10' WIDE x 8' LONG x i' THICK ~F ~ 10' WIDE x 8 L '0' WIDE x 8' LONG x THICK CLASS TRIP-RAP ~ CLASS 1 RIP-R. Q; ;LASS 1 RIP-RAP - - y SR 1924 d ~ !Q \ ~ !VQ-;~ ~ GPI OLD HWY 18 _ 30 I _ _ w Z `I 1 A CL 155 ~ ~ ~ 28 ~ °o t , I QQ ~ ~ ~ CMP ~ ~ o ~ ~ , ~ `b \ ' = ~ ? 25 \ ~ ~ ~ Opp ; _ ~ 19,~Q ~ O. ~ F'~~~. r Nwr rR j ~ H ~ ~4~ a ~ ~ d i,~,, '6 ~ S i wy 1`u i'. Ott . , 1924 ~ ODD ~ , ~ STA 25+6T ~ 23 23 ` ~6 1-8"x8"x6" T ~ r EE ' 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ i , 5 1 8 GATE VALVE ~ STA 24+?5 " F ~ _ 2 ~ ~ 8' 45' BEND FNC _ c, l STa '~5+60 F i , '1aN~~ BETE BLOCK 8 45' BEND ~ 1-6 GATE UALVE ~ u- -8"x 2" TAPPED TEE (buss PIECE) ~ - ~ ~ ~ RETAINER G iN~~ ~~ZETE BLOCKING 1-8 a5 BEND 1-4 1 2" SIRE HYDRANT W; 4' BURY 2 ~ ~ " RETAINER GLANDS CONCRETE BLOCKING CONCRETE BLOCKING ~-2" BLOW-OFF (SEE STANDARD DETAIL] ~ ~ F ~ BFG'+ 60 LF 8 I G'+ 60 LF 8" MJ DIP CI-50 2-8" RETAINER GLANDS 4_ " 8 RETAINER GLANDS " CONCRETE BLOCKING 0 20 n ~ Qi 19 ~ ~ STA 24+65 3-6 RETAINER GLANDS 1 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ ~ ' _ \ v A ~l STA 24+25-~ 1-8 4~ BEND ~ ~ ~ ifs 1-8° 45' BEND CONCRETE BLOCKING _ N STANDARD TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK OAFS LOCATED v TA 1 S 8+ 50 CONCRETE BLOCKING 2-8" RETAINER GLANDS _ STA U+00, STA 18+OC, &STA 22+00 ~ 1- ° ° ° T 8 z8 z6 EE 2-8" RE1AlNER GLANDS x_ ~ 1-8° GATE VA LVE ° Q 1-6 GATE VALVE U " r Z 1-4 1~2 FIRE HYDRANT W~ 4' BURY o CONCRETE BLOCKING 4-8° RETAINER GLANDS O \ 3-6" RETAINER GLANDS CX; Z O N N h~ W r\ o z - C ~ ° ~ Z ~ Z ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ r ~ W Q cz- ~ L Q o ~ Z T STA 42+45 - ~ ~ ° ~ ~ " i c~ ~ 1-8 45 BEND ~ ~ O ~ CONCRETE BLOCKIN ~ ~ ~ C^~ 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS I ~ U BEGIN F " M ~ IP - 55 L 8 v D CL 5~ - ~ L~ x ~ N~N ~ i F~ ~ _ I r~ Q z r- - , W ~ 1, ; 4,3 w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ a~. T. ; ~ ~ w F r,, w a _ ~ 0! D HWY 1g SR 1924 _ F( O i / { - ~ - 32 33 -J , _ _ - ~ i ~ti 31 ~ a - _ ~ o~D HWY ig SR 192a _ ~ o _ F _ _ 4d ! o 36 w o A 35 ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ o STA 42+55 STA 42+90 <<_ l " n i~ o STA 33+46 I ~ ~ 1-8 45' BEND 1-8 45' BEND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NCR T KIN ' ~ ~ O ~ 1-8"z8"r6° ;EE ~ ~ i ) / Q Q 1-S" GATE VALVE ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING CO E E BLOC G ; ~ ~ry~ " " ~ ~ ~ W (n n 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n f 1-6 GATE VALVE ;,n ~ ~ ~ , ~ STA 43+00 ~ ~1 20 LF SILT FENCE & 1-8 45' BEND ~ ~ ~ 1-4 FIRE HYDRANT W/ 4 BUR ~ , ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ I K ~ r ~ n 10 WIDE x 8 LONG x ~ !HICK 1-8"x8"x6° TEE ti ~ ~ ' t CONCRETE BLOCKING - ~ CLASS 1 RIP-RAP 1-8" GATE VALVE ~ ~a a - 4-8" RETAINER GLANDS EAC SAN, O FREE. 1-6 GA~r_ JALUE ~ ~ - " R TAIN R AN 3 6 E E GL DS O ~ , -4 1~2~ FIRE HYDRANT W~ 4' BUR° ~ , ~ O r ~ONCRETE BLOCKING ~r:; I- ~ ~ L~ 6-8" RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ ~ ~1 'r~ 3-6 RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ z ~ ~Y i_~ ~ Z S z w i I T j11 SSA 59+45 "ll -8" 45' BEND CONCRETE BLOCKING 20 LF SILT FENCE " UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS WERE PROVIDED BY NCICALL OR OTHI 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS ~ " ~ 63a5 ,1CALL OR OTHERS. THE OWNER AND ~ NGINEER BEGIN 35 LF 8 ~IJ DIP CL-50 Q ASSUME NO LIABILITY AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE LOCATION WORK. ~ E~' ~ATION WORK. ALA UTILITY COMPANIl`~ c~ ARE TO BE CONTACTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR FORE EXACT ~OCATI( EXACT LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND P p'~!E UTILITIES PRIOR TO BID AND AGAIN BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. ALl EXTRA !N. ALl EXTRA WORK CAUSED BY LOCATION z Y ERRORS OR Of~f~1SSION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSIDER L BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL AND NO 20 LF SILT FENCE & ~ COMPENSATION SHALL BE MADE. TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY REASON h ~V ~ ~ ~R ANY REASON. THE CONTRACTOR IS 10 WIDE x 4 LONG x 1 THICK ~ JRGED TO PERFORM INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR 10 THE BID DATE IF HE DEE LATE IF HE DEEDS PRU NT. _ Q~Q w ~ w DE CLASS 1 RIP RAP o w ~ Z. o = ~ c ~ PROPOSED WATER LIN HA ' E S l~ BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A MINIMUM OF 3., ~ ~ MINIMUM OF 3.5 F1. DEPTH FROf~ E><ISTING w GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE AN H D AVE A MINIMUM OE 1 FT, SEPARATION FF w SEPARATION FROM STORM DRAINS. ~ Y x w ALA WATER SINE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE TO TF )RDANCE TO THE CITY OF MORGANTON ~ m 60 ~ . ~ STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS. 0 w ~o ~ a ~ Zo 59 d0 z z ~ 20 LF SIL? r ENCE & ~ 1924 i a ~ ~ ' r Q N 10 WIDE x 8' '~.ONG x ~ iH1CK SR 5~ 6 1~ 20 Lf SILT FENCE & ~ , R~~_ CLAS~ r' RAF d~ ~ ~ ~p H 10 WIDE z 8' '~ONG z 1 1HICK ~ 0 CLASS 1 RIP-RAP 1 5 STA 59+75 . ~ _ % ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ r; STA"59+58 1-8 45 BEND ~~N ~ wy ~ j ~ 1-8 45' BEND CONCRETE BLOCKING k, ~ ,9~ 6 1-8"x8"z6" TEE 2-8" RETAINER GLANDS 5 " 4 1-8 GATE VALVE ~ f _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 20 LF SILT FENCE & ~ 1-6 GATE VALUE STA 59+80 ~ , 10 WIDE x 4 LONG x 1 THICK ~v o 5G _ CONCRETE BLOCKING 1-8" 45' BEND ~ " ~ CLASS 1 RIP-RAP z o 'j5 6 8 RETAINER GLANDS CONCRETE BLOCKING ~ o ~ ~ ~ Q 3-6" RETAINER GLANDS Z-8" RETAINER GLANDS z o v ~ - ~ " ~ _ / 35 LF 16 BORE & ENCASEMENT W/ ~ Q Q TA 49+1C - _ _ 6" ICJ DIP CARRIER & RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ i ~ _ ' -8 45' BEND 54 1-4 1 2" FIRE H RANT W 4' ~ YD ~ BUR, N R KIND ~ i „0 C ETE BLOC ~i 0~, ~ ~ 2-8 RETAINER G~ANp~ , ~ ,8 ~ STA 48+5G ~ ~ , JA ,9~ ~ ~ ~ ~a BE(~N 60 Ef MJ DIP CL-50 ~ aQ r ..f ~ _ ? - a; 46 STA 49+00 - ~ ' 4 Nr; ~-B 5' BE ~ CONCRETE B~ OCKING ~ - ' R TAIN~R 2 8 E ~ GLANDS T y^_ ! 1 O V I l` ~ I ~ ~J W o a c~ ? ~ - ~ ~cG 0 ~ o Z 0 C z `LI bd ~ ~ 7 w Q ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 ~ ~ _z J J ~ 1 C` i / ~ I ~ ~ _ j - N ~ ~ j r ~ w ~ _ 68 ' w ~ n Q 0 x ~ ii.,~ I ~ ~ ~ 1 ni 6 ~Y ti ~ ~ E-' I I ~ ~ ,I w i ~ w /2S~ ~ / ~ 8 ~ p I s z I ~ cn .~j J R ~ ~ Cp 1 ~ O ~9 ~ r ~ 6 ~ ~ \ ~ m i 9 ~ J ~ r r ~ m I ~ o i Z w ~ / ~ ~ Y / ~ ~ o Q ~ , so 1 M ~ o ~z T z °o ~ ~ ~ ~ J + % 0 ~ ~ _ ~ u ~ ~ ~o Q 6J T Q~ o S ~ A 65+OS o ~ ~ ~ to _ - j ~ -8"x8 x6 1EE o~ ~ rr'' o } _ / W F. OlD H WYl _ 8 SR ~ _ ~ ~ 8 CATE VALVE ig?q ~ ~ ~ o I -6 GATE VANE O ~j ~ 0~ CD 6' ~ I ~-4 ~ 2 EIRE r+YDRANT W/ 4 BURY ~ I ~I CONCRETE BLOCKING ~ - ~ U 64 ~ ~ ~ a-8" RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~n > ~ 63 ,'j' ~~-6 RETAINER GLANDS J N ; ~,~t v ~i i j ~ 7~ ~ - 'Jt ~ 5 ~ 71 ; ~ ~ ~ + j _ ~ i~ i~' ~ ~ ~ v~, ~I , Q" ~ ~ " al0 ~ , vied ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ r z ~ 1 ~~--~---1 • ~ CO I r_~) O <C ~t Cr. z - ~ ~ ~ Gl., ~ . . i. ~ 1 r'''y ~ CY' 1 _ i_~ J 1 ~ Z W ~ s" ""~~'M, '~14 UNDERGROUND UTI~~,r LOCATI 1 ONS WERE PRO NJS WERE PROVIDED BY NC1CALL OR ~iTHERS. THE OWNER AND ENGINEER ASSUME NO L~~ABIUTY AS TO THE ACCURACY ~HE ACCURACY OF THE LOCATION WORK Ai.l ~~T!LiTY COMPANIFT ~Al ARE TO BE CONTACTED BY THE CONTRACTOR E CONIRACTOR FOR MORE EXACT ~ 0('~a ~!ONT OF a.'NDE~?GROUNi:~ 16385 ~JTILITIES PRIOR TO BID AND AGAIN BEFORE C I~ GAIN BEFORE CONSTRUCT-ION. ALi EX~'RA WORK. CAUSED BY LOCATION ERRORS OR OMMISSION OF UNDERGROUND UTI '~i ~ N )ERGROUND uTlu>1ES SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL AND No ~ ~ COMPENSATION SHALL BE MADE TO THE CONI ~ ~E E TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY REASON. THE CONTRACTOR IS URGED TO PERFORM INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR T( TIN P i 0 S RIOR TO THE BID DATE IF HE DEEMS PRUDENT. ~ , / PROPOSED WATER LINE SHALL BE CONSTRUCT BE CONSTRUCTED 4NTH A MINIMUM OF 3.5 FT. DEPTH FROM EXISTING ' z«~~_ GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE AND HAVE A MINIMUti STA 25 „ T IAVE A MINIMUM OF 1 FT. SEPARATION FROM STORM DRAINS. 1 8 x~ ~6" ~ EE w ~ i ~ ALL WATER UNE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MA ~ SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE TO THE CITY OF MORGANTON 1-8" GATE VALVE I ~ ' o r o SIANJARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD D 1-6~ GATE VALUE ~ I STANDARD DETAILS. i-4 1 2" FIRE HY RANT ~ > ~ D W/ 4 BURY Q CONCRETE BLOCKING ~ ~ ~ „ R 4-S RETAINER GLANDS 80 8 J~ ~ 3-6,, R T _ ' 2S~ E AINER GLANDS s 9 1 ~ ~ ' r-STA ?5+56 ~g ~ ~ B O(Q 2 ~ ~ _ 8„ o y , I~ .90 BEND Wr iJ ~8 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS 1 ~ ~r--STA 88+08 11 SR CONCRETE BLOCKING ~g~ i 8"x8"x6" T~ W w~ ~ E~ w F 9 8 8 1 1 1-8" GAT. VA ~ z 3 ~ E L VE ° 16 f 3 ls' ~ I - " w _ ~ 84 85 RCF 6 GATE VALVE w ~ " ~ 86 ~?-4 1 2 FIRE HYDRANT W 4 Y / / BUR F ~ ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING 1924 ~ SR ~ ~ 4-8" RETAINER GLANDS 18 ~ ~ ~ LD HWY - F 0 - / T Fes, ~ i \\F , . _ " 0 3-6 RETAINER GLANDS 90 - ~ _ F STANDARD TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK DAMS LOCATED - S1A 76+00 STA 77+00 STA 7 + T 8 00, S A 79+00, _ - GR 5 TA ~ + h ' 88 9 q~ S 8 50, STA 82+50, STA 83+50, 14 _~'~Q l F ~ ~ STA 8'+00 STA + T + STA ~5+12 88 00, S A 89 00, &STA 90+00 . OLD NWY 18 SR 1 z 1-8" 90 'BEND 924 2-8~ R THIN R E E GLANDS _ _,,,---w CONCRETE BLOCKING ~ 35 LF 16" BORE & ENCASEMENT ~rv/ O o ~ 8" MJ DlP CARRIER & R TA E INER ~LANOS ~ o~ Q a ~ Q Q Q \J rY-~ O { t t { V a W rnrn ~l W 0 o ~ _ c; o , o d~~ ~ z ~ r uJ M ~ ~ t1J Q I ~ s W Q, ~ ~ z = I (J7 ~ a O , w s W v ~ ~ j f-- o ~ ~ a I ~ Q ~ C~ "~O° C~ , , - o~' ~ , r 91 o 2 ~ ,1 - g0 w u, z ~ x i i~~' ;.r~ , , - I ~ z ~ i STANDARD TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK DAMS LOCATED t i C~_i ~ O ~I ~ i ~ ~ T ~ 98s 9 ~ ~ A 92+00, STA 93+OG, ETA 94+00, STA 95+00, S ~ A 96+00 ~ `TA + c - 99 52 ~ z n n n ~ ~ C'A 91+00, STA 98+00, STA 99+00, STA 100+00, STµ 101+OC ~ > c~ 1 8x8 x6 TEE ` ~ ~ ;m I > ~A 1 + ~ 02 00, STA. 103.00 i - ATE VALVE ~ ~ m I o ~ w o 1-6 GATE VALVE GRAVEL DRIVE° i Y I w Zo ~ ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING F--, z ~ ~ Q W Q o ~ 4_"R O ~~z cI~ 8 STAINER GLANDS E., o ~ ~ Q Q 9,3 I 3-6 RETAINER GLANDS Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 35 LF 16 BORE & ENCASEMENI W/ ~ ~ _ 6" MJ DIP CARRI R E & RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~,i~` 1-4 1 " F /2 IRE HYDRANT W/ 4 BURY ~ O 1 ~ ~o a - 4 U ~ O n 95 6 8 g 99 ~9~R v 99 1 D SR ~ ~ ~'~t~~ F OLD NWY 1 `1~ ~~J ~~l 8 SR 1924 - ~ - U 0 ~ ~ ~ U d r - - `n ~ ~ ~ f-- I z - _ co ~ x z o 1 O ~U n o ~ ~O ~ ~ v m W .Z~ ~ ~ Iwm~ C~ O~nl ~ ~ o ~ 00 QZ~ z ~ ~Y~ ~ ~~~m a W O . . X m W ~ ~ z c~ z z ~ w o I I STA 107+24 '-8"z 2" TAPPED TF ( ~ ~i~~F' ~ ~ ~E ,BOS~ , ~ n BLOW ~~Er ~~KNngr~~ ~~~Ai~~; o ~ -STA 110+16 ~ ~ „ ~ONrRET ;1,,~~'N J 8"z8 x6" 1EE ~,~,•~`',s ~K ~ -8 RE"AINI Q 1-8 GATE UAIVE ~ ~ ~ " c~E . ~ + ~ ~ 1-6 GATE VALVE 108 1-4 1~2' FIRE HYDRANT iN/ 4' BURY 1sf.Al ` 4 109 r o ,,ONCRETE BLOCKING ~i it " l ~ ~ 4-8 RETAIN R E GLANDS " 3-6 RETAINER GLANDS 06 ' - . - a. , P'~ v~ X05 - - ~~„T,~ ' ~ ~ - _ 1 0 2_ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ 192 ~ i„ i _ , ~Wy ti a ~ ig L`~, ODD ~ . 5 ~ i-~ SR l - u~ MQi ry ~ 9~4 1)~ q 15 ~ ~O ~4q4_ ~ j ~ ~ , r ~ j I ~ ~ ~ P /~Q ~ ~ _ O ~ -W~ ~ Z~ , 7 ~ ~ 11 4 i _ + I Q I _J ~ ~ ~ I ~ O C~ Q ~ - C ~ ~ 1~~ s UNDERGROUND UTILITY ~OCArIONS WERE PROVIDED BY NC~CALL OR OTHERS. THE ')WNER AND ENGINEER ASSUME NO LIABILITY aS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE LOCATION WORK. ALL U1~,~;Y COMPANIES ARE TO BE CONTACTED BY THE. NTR T R F R~ ~XA T CD AC 0 OR f~0 r C LOCATIONS Of UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BID AND AGAIN BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. ALL EXTRA WORK CAUSEO BY LOCATION >>6 ERRORS OR OMMISSION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHAM. BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL AND NO . COMPENSATION SHALL BE IJAD T H T R F~ R ANY E O T E ~ONTRAC 0 0 REASON. THE CONTRACTOR IS URGED TO PERFORM INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE IF HE DEEMS PRUDENT. l~j ~ PROPOSED WATER LINE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A MINIMUM OF 3.5 FT. DEPTH FROM EXISTING GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE AND NAVE A MINIMUM OF 1 FT. SEPARATION FROM STORM DRAINS. c Q,„ ALL WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION SHA~'~ BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE TO THE CITY F 0 MORGANTON F Q~ STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS. Q 4 '8 b w o `n zoo !q J o~ w ?S ^F N= rte; - 1 ~Qw BM ELEV-1434.31_ lg Q ~ 3 ~ MONO - ASR ~ ~ ~ MENT NCGS CHAPNAN cp ~q i = J 2Q ~(D ~9 HWy s~ ~8 ti SR ~~0 ~g24 ~ pi a CO o~ `~qSq \ \ JR II__ OVL` ~ Z eqp j~SJ f ~ Cyr CA/ S i STA 121+OI ~ n n n x ~ ~-8 x8 z6 1EE l V w 1-8" GATE VALVE ~ 1-6" GATE VALVE w 1-4 1 2" FIRE HYDRANT W 4' BURY H CONCRETE BLOCKING n 4-8 RETAINER GLANDS 0 W 3-6" RETAINER GLANDS ~~0 121 ~ of v, ~~o~, 0 0 Z O(D F o Z Hwy ~ z w 18 a 0 z ° W w Q ~o p ~ S ~ z~ (F R 1 1 0 z ~ o c~ G qS ~ ~ 924 72 ~ ~ Rp qNJ~ > . z aQ6 ~ w~ ,,a Cy ST pR JF- o ~ ~ C~ , _ ~ C RY 14 , ~ ~ 1 STOVE PIPE/ ~ ~ ~ _ J I Y ~P~ ~ 12 PSP ~o, 3 Slp~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ P~ ~ F STANDARD TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK DAMS LOCATED .I~ x - ~I~ ~ STA 124+00 STA 125+00 STA 1 + TA ~ ~ ~ ~ T ~ I! 26 00 S ~ 2 00 &STA 128+00 ~ s ~ '~~1 R r ~94 ~ 1 4 m IS 0 a ~ASn v ~ O z - ~ cry , ° , ~ ; O ~ m ~ m o ~ ti, ~ w J~9 125 ~ , ~ 5~6 L ~ ~ ~ w z Q w W ~ ~ 0( ~ Dy wY F C~ o Q ~ I Q U ~~yp l8 SR ~ ~ I E"' CJ ~ U1 ~ ~J z. ~5 924 1 C 2~' ~ 9~~ ~ 1 STA 133+23 i O o ~ / ~ n n n Q 1-8 x8 x6 TEE 1 ~ ~ ~ / 8 G TE V LVE ~ w 2I ;Q ; r ~ ~ n 1-6 GATE VALVE O n i CO 1-4 1/2 FIRE HYDRANT W/ 4 BURY ~ ~ ~p ~ ;,5~ i o ~ ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING + H ~ ~1 cfl 2~ ~ 4 ~ 8° RETAINER GLANDS ~ v ~ ~ O 0 3-6 RETAINER GLANDS Q I,,, , ~ ~ c ~c ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~ v ~ ~ - BM ELEV 1353.84 ~ ~ ~ x , - ~ ~ 12 ~ ~ 9 ~IONUt~ENT-NCGS SWINK O ~ Tt er A l 9q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Cl ~9o STA 131+99 m ~ n ~ q ~ . ;z co D F 1-8 45 BEND y ~ ~ ~ ~ , n A(l s ~ O ~ 4 Qua 2-8 RETAINER GLANDS ~ ~ ~ S z C7 a V ~ G~- ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING ° - ~ ~ ~f ~~>>5 ED ASPHALT ; . ~ ~ ARKING L01 w ~ O . . 1~ J~ ASPNAl1 ~ t.r ` ~ ~ PARKIN ~ 1°~ ~ Z i_~_i ~ ~ G L01 5~ o o p ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ OP z } ~ ~~SA ~ H OP z ~ w C z~ z Wy 132 - 18 GP Q S S~ z ~ Rl !J~~DERROUND 'Til QTY I TjOA?IONS WERE u~t0'~ul~; B' Nei Ai_L OR OTHERS. TAE OWNER AND ENGINEER 92q NEER Q ~;~~ME NO _ Q~,i,;r~ A`, 'Hf ACCUR~C'~ ~~I '~E ~.0(,~'I~}N WORK A U~~!I~Y C PANT LL 0~1 ES -20 LF SILT FENCE ~ ar?r_ 9E ~~ON'~CrfU B~ THE CONTRACTOR FOR MORE EXACT ~~~OCaiiONS Of UNDERGROUND EACH BANK Of~ ,,REEk ~ ~ ~TI'~iT'~~ES PRIGS ~0 91D AND AGAIN BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. ALL EX1RA WORK CAUSED BY l OCA?iON iN ~ ERRORS OR OI~~I~SSI6N OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSIDERED ING~)ENIAi A"~I, 'a, COI~PENSA T10h SHALL BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY REASON. (HE ~CONIRAC TOR ~lA 151+90-- ~0 M URGED TO pEREORM INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE IF HE DEEMS PRUDENT. ~.:Nt;RET. ,,MAaN W axis ~ o ~ 1 ~ i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ANC t ~AINf ~ ~,ND iC ~P.R ~ an i f~At PROPOSEC WATER SINE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A f~IINII~U~I OF ~ ~1. DEF'I~~ E-R0~1 Ex~S~~N~, °r~"Kr' „T ~ ~ t6 ~~A 0+90 SPUR '~INE ~ i~A Il ~'a~ ~E'~~ n ~ a GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE AND HAVE A t~INIt~Ut~ OF 1 Ft SEPARATION ~~~!1M STORM '~~~INS. ~ND 8 DIP CL-5C SPUR LINE W/ 9, ~ ~ ~i 8 MJ PLUG & ~ BLOW OFD r ALL WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE FADE IN ACCORDANCE iii ~~~~I ',IfY O! M'~~~!,t~NION 8" RI iAINER GLANDS ~ T ? P~ SEE STANDARD ~E~AII STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS. t~f GIN 90 LF 8 DIP CL-50 SPUR LINE W/ 1- " R TAIN R AN 8 E E D ;~0 iF 16" BORE ~ ENCASEh~ENT & ~ ~ ; ~ NOTE: SPUR L~N~ .S TO BE IN~ ALLED OVER THE RETAINER GLANDS AT EACH JOINT CONCRETE BOx C'J~_UERT W 3.5' COVER PARATI N W°~" / & SE 0 l6 • Y ,L w z z ~r, ~Aif 4ai'v! r, ~ ti ~~A ~E VAS VE %n I 1 4 ~ ' ~ ARE Nti,`~~n, ~ ~ ~ q,R~ `J i f~ / 1 ~I ~I\ ~ x/1I r ~ ~ - 1 ~ IV J ~ ~ Q N ~ r~ ~~c d' ~ ~ .49 ~5~ r" NAP ~IAN~. ~ ~4T ~ 14 1 ? 4~ ~ vC '~4 ~g _ - I~i ~^1 " _ a +4~ ~ A SR 1913 Y _ - - _ ~ , - ti ~ V 1 ' n '39 SUGARlOAE ROAD `~k ?913 o - 'ri 1913 N - - _ - - w a Z_ 138 ~ ~ Ci ~-J _ I~~ ~ _ .n cu ~ 13~ _ ~ r < <r ~ ~ fT i - M 1~~° ^ 9 / r' tl~ Q 1v 19 SR ~ OPT ~ ~ (i ~ ~,OP 0o GPI 5~ A T ~ I I t V O W Z S k S ~ U Q 0 i t E l V STA 155+70 - STA 1 + n , r 56 50 1-8 45 BEND 1-B 45 BEND CONCRETE BLOCKING CONCR ETE BLOCKING 2-8 RETAINER LANDS ~ ~ 2-8n R THIN R A I E E GL NDS ~ ~I rnrn ~J ~T STA 152+54 o-, STA 155+60 W n ° T ~ STA 156+60 ~ 1-8 x8 z6 EE n ~ n n ~ ~-8 45' BEND ~ ' ' - ~ / 1-8 SATE dALVE ~ ~ 1 8 4~ BEND i ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1-6 GATE vA~b~ ; CONCRE B~~UKING _ ~ ~ `2-8" RETAINER GLANDS n ~J ~ ~ t 1-4 ? 2" FIRE HYDRANT iN/ 4' BURY" ~ ~ 2-8 REiAiNEK GLAND. w STA 152+08 ~ / w „ 'i , ~ BEGIN 100 r 8 M~ DIF Ci -5C ~I i ~ o I~ z BEGIN 40 LF 16 BORE & ENCASEMEN T Wj ~ ; ~ CONCRETE BLOCKING n ~ Q~ / ~ j i 1, o z c~ 8 MJ DIP CARRIER & RETAINER GLANDS ~ 4-8 RETAINER ~LAND~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w / W II / J L _ 3 z _ T 156 ~ 96 I ~ ~ ~ Y / 3 6 RE ~ AINER GLANDS ; 15 ~ ~ v ; ? 55 ~ ~ ~ w w a I !54 ~ I t j z ~ I , ~ _ ~ ~1 T,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `J3 ~ _ ~ ~ r i5~ ~ ~ ~ , y r ~ 150 151 ~ ~ _ 58 i SUGAR _ ~OAf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p i i ~1 ~ i ____7 7-- - ROgD ~ ~ ~ SR lg~ ~ j ~ ~ SUGARLOAF ROAD SR 1913 ~ 3 ~ I ~ ! W ~ ~ ~ 20 LE SIl 1 FENCE & ~ ~ ~ ~i 59 ~ ~ i r ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F I' T FEN E & \ a ~ 10 WIDE x 8 SONG z ~ THICK v 20 ~ S ~ C 4 1 ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z °o ~ 10' WIDE x 8' LONG x i' THICK _ w I LASS 1 RIP-RAP ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~a m ~ ~o Q~ ~ ~ CLASS 1 RIP-RAP _ ~I 1g . O ~ ~ U C~ Q 1 ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ I ~ Q ~ m ~ ~ / m U - ~ W ~ ~ _ ~ ~ J Y w 6~ ~ ~ ~ z w Q w ~ Q i~ A ~ 2 z Q I ~ a F-+ v f ~ o v ( ~ ~ ~ , z lQ , %6~ ~ ~ 1 ~ \ ~ h- o ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ O _ 6,3 ~ S O AGAR ~ ~ 64 co co 10gF ~ R T Oq fl ~ ~t CD ~ SR1 E-' ~'~CD 9~,3 ~ ~ ~ U M ~ ~ U~; z ~ r-_ x . Z C L ~ 0.~ O ~ H ~ ~ Q z ~ co _ cr a~`~~~ w O . . S~ANDAR~ ~E MPORARY ROCK SI T ''H K AM ~ r;~n L L EC D S ~OCA z STA 16CtG0, STA 161+00, STA 162+00, STA 163+00, ~ lA 1fi4+00 ~ ~ STA 165+00, STA 166+00, STA 167+00, STA 168+00, SIA '69+00 z_ STA UO+00, STA 171+00 STA 1?2+00 STA U + ~Tq 3 00, 174+00, &STA 175+00 w i UNDERGROUND I!T!!!TY LOCATIONS WERE PROVIDED BY NCICALI OR UiHERS. THE OWNER AND ENGINEER NEER .••?.•,ti ~ ati ~DSUME 'JC _iA8'~' r.S TC THE ACCURACY OF THE "LOCATION WORK. ALl 'JTIL.ITY COMPANIES ARE TO BE CONTA~C"ED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR MORE EXACT LOCATIONS Of ',INDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BID AND AGAIN BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. ALL EXTRA WORK CAUS't~i BY LOCATION DN i. ERRORS OR OMMISSION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSIDF RL IN i N fA' .D C DE ~ AND NO i ~ ~ COMPENSATION SHAD BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY REASON. THE ~ONTkAC~OR IS ~Td '6+34 16365 = ~ n ; URGED TO PERFORM INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE iF HE DEEMS PRUDENT. END NEW 8 PVC D~ 18 WATER LINE ~ ~ 4 i ~ _ PPOPOSE~D WATEF ;iNf SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A MINIMUM OF 3.5 rT. DEPTH FROM EXISTING r REMOVE EXISTING ~ BUG & TlE p P,PE R~ADE TQ TOP Ur LI!'I AND HAVE A MINIMUM OF 1 FT. SEPARATION FRAM STORM DRAINS. n TO EXISTING 8 p'v~ WATER LINE __r SEE SUGAR LOAF EGAD WATER LINE. PROJECTI ~ T DZ . AFL WATER ~~~1NE ~.,~~N`,IRUCTION SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE TO THL CITY OE MORGANTON SHEET 6 OF 1. ~ONTRAC ~ A ZU STANDARD SPECIF~~~'A1~ONS AND STANDARD DETAILS. i BY; WEST CON~J! iANTS PLL~ i MORGANTON NC SATED: AUGUS' X002 j _ ~ ~ EXI ~ 14~ 176 STING 8 ; , 115 W PVC ~Q A TER lIN 1 0 174 _ ~ E ~ _ 11~ d _ ~ ~ 16 _r 16 _ _ , , SR tig, t A _ _ D V OAF RD 11 1 ` 2. S~ ~~ARL r-STA 164+88 n _ 112 n e n » ~ ~ A 12 ~ - 8x8 x6 TEE ~ ~ ~ , ~ 1 8 GATE UALUF I 110 l 1-6° GATE VALVE n ~ I i-4 1~2 FIRE HYDRANT W~ 4 BURY ,,69 ° ~ ONCRETE LOCKING - ~ o~ ° C B 4-8" RETAINER GLANDS 168 ~ I` 3-6 RETAINER GLANDS 161 I ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ 16 0 o / 0 _ 165 - ~ _ ~ 164 193 Q AD SR ~ OAF RO = c~ - SUGARL cXJ w - z J U T H c J 00 O O ~9~°~s STATE OF NCRTH CAROLINA ~ ~g~ 92ros UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF E11V1RONMENT HEALTH ALTH VALDESE QUADRANGLE y,~~FP`~ 2~ ' 209 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND NATUi• AL RESOURCES NORTH CAROLINA-BURKE CO. Ty GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RALEIGH, NC?RTH CAROLINA Z.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC ~~PP ~ ) 465: JSE 81°31'30" 4d4~^E 445 448 44I 35' 4~g fDf7fXEU X50 X50 32'30" 1250000 FEET X53 454 81i 30' 35°45' - - - T: ~ 1:. ~ - ~ - - N ~ -toes { - - -,a--~?- -35°45' a a 1~ ~ ~i °6` ~ ~'i, °I 1 I'll ~I i 154 - ~ r. , ~ I ~_?Oo o 1 il2S : ~ 941 / ~ eta ~b f , • ~ / ~ ~ _ , i tSLY! / 1 ~ ~ 154 ~ ~i ~ o~%; ~J i ~ it - ~ ~ - ,.i 1923 ; io . ~ ; ~i " bi~, '~~e ~i-" ,f - ~ s.~= ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ t N l ~ - ~ _-L_ I (~i 1 ~`~V ter. ~ A4n / ~IW71 - I J ilia ~ ~ 1 I neg. ~ - ~ 1 ~ ~ C - ~ ~~,~i' . . ' y~~(\ `~V 12pQ.O a;' ~i - _~0~~~~- % ~ o. 120 r \ _ Off`.,. . . _ „ r ~ I~ i 1 zoo J _ . . ~,u i , . . , , _r , X700 \ ~ - ~ i \ . - ~ _ - _ . . ~ ~ .T , , ~ . ~ ~1, ~ ~ ~ n elly _ a ?P ~~,~J v r, - ~ w ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ , . 'ry _-~n ~ J ~ ~ p .S JO ~H _ ~C tIe e~ ,,,,~~4~ ~~oi ~ P ~;as _ . ~~,~5-~\p ~ _ ~ ~ I ! ~ ~n . ~ ~ ; ~ _ - ~ _ ~ _ 122 ~ ./tom' _ _ . , ry - Isn ~ ' o a ub r - n to 1 _f ~ - ~ ~ ~ Ico o ~ tl~ • _ _ ~i ~ - ~ ~ '~I ~ • r_e_ - o i ; i. :C• i r--' ~ ' X55 - _ 134' _ _ o • m 1 - ~ ° , q• r ~ J - 90 _ - a • ~ ~ - - 1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ . o _ i I ~ - 17 _ ~ n - c ' ~ s - ~ r • ~ ~ s°l t o; , 6 / . ! I - I i27 J t _ 1 • I'1 1 ~ •'.I r - ~ - 11 i° ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - - 1 ,o- ~~Fe _ •1• o i _ / 7 - ~ - , ~ a ~.r \ 111 _ i t / I¢ - ~ . ~ 114 Iti f ~ ~f,',n~ ~ ~ ~i • ~ , „ ~ ~ i ~i ~ 0., ~'2l e^d~C ~ i~ a X113 r: ~ 1 - i ; ~ - o.. - ~iy ~ J /~'91~~ p - } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 0 I: o -.i ~f. ~ - A121 u ~ : ~ ~ ~ , - ~ < Y, i . i ~ -~,y~,, , / ~q. ~ ~ 130000 - ~ - -r ~ ~ , ~ , n~ - ' r"l-~ ~ / ~•v FEET ~5a - ~ ! - t ~l~ i ~ . I " 'a ~ t'~ ~,77pjo, Abeee ro V t ~ l7B6 I t2 Abeee ro - - ~ S _ JZao , p _ ~ ~g I ~l ,~o ~ ~ 43 ~ - ~ ~ ~ _ - ~ `rl,~ z- _ ~ ~ ~ ~ rJo? ~ v - f - l a• ~ ~ . ~r - c~ ~'i i - o°~ , Its 1' ~ ,I ~ - sa, ~r_.., ~ ~ i ~n ~ ~ ~ .mot ~ ~a~'d / ~ / ~I ~ ~ 1 - ~ - 1288 ~ ~ rJ ~ ~j ' i , ~ .lam - I '~1'.n~l~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ! ~ ~ ~ i , ~ , .-,1~ ~ 1 ~m ~ I , r s iii;. ~ ~"I ~,1:1~ ~ ,j, , 6 • ~ _ ~~~,J is ~ ~ ~ :~•1 ~ ~ . 00 / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-irz X53 .--r ~ r r ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ X53 ~i ~ 1~0 ~ ~ / ;'~ti ~ ^^r/ i i ' 1. . / 0 . . may, r. ~ 2~. o • I i-/ ;61 1 ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ti o _ ~ = rte-".; ~ ~2. ~ e or- soo u ~ . ~:~,6 ~ ~ - o (i h 'u ~ -,x20 'I ~ ' ~ ~ ~i ~ 1. ~ 1~ ~ ~ / ~ c-'~' , , r~ ° ~ -ti-~J • i r ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ / ~ - 1800 ~11~ ~ 1I a _,,6 , r-' ~ 1 1 i . ~ ~rti r . i ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ,1 - , r,,., ~ ~ ~ q ~ ~ J \ / i ~ 51 ~ 1. ~~J J~ S~ i ; v ~ ' I a° j X52 r~~' o °o'..~~~,` ~ ( ~ ~ ~A~ /r ~ _ ~ `"'~1 r~~. ~J ~ ~ _w o ~ ~ ( / S ~ , . 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N ~ o „ ` I - ' ~ , ~ 1109 _ ~ ; .a ~ . - ~1" ~ a 40' 40 I \ ~ . ~ n. .a J a I i.r I ~ l ~ r~ _ ~ , ~ ~ • ~ - ~ ~2~ ~ 0 0 ' ~i r i ~ ~r ~ .a , _ _ 1 ~ ~ _ ' ; ~I o ~ '200 ~ ; ~ : C:...._ ~ oo ~ ` ' ~ ~f ~ ~ - Iz - ~ .r' 1 ° f „ ~ , _ ~ ~ ~ / , v _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 goo 1 - ~ , i . 1 . ~ ~ / ;o, ~ i3 1• ~~l a~~ ~ iii l~ a - - ~ ~ ~ 1 , ~ ~ ~ / ` - ~ I: ~ 1 ~o• i i-' ? ~ ~ .I n~ - v IV - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % , , , _ ~ 1 J 1 - oo-J ~ , !1 ii ~ o . o. ~ U _ ~ - Izoo ~ , ~ 'QO - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~'.~'.v ~ ~j ~ j ; ~ ,120 - - 19 , l~~- _ / I ~ _ , , 1 ~ ~ 1. ~ ~,o , . ~ ~ ; i r ! o o~' ~ Phila e(ph~'y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i20 / V `/24,4 ~ 1~ - 9 1 ~ _ ~Cb , 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ;ice 1 ~ •'o v ~ - / - 0 0 X45 ~ _ z . , ~ _ , j ~ ~ 1 o o ~ ? ~ ~o ~ ;;i ~ ~,o _ ti 1 ~ ;i- ~ ~ ail ~ I tom- i ~ ,,~-,~<oo ~ 1 L, `V ~ goo aoo ?i ' i J i ~ ~ r ~//'i _ ~ ~ A . ~ ~ 1 ~ , ~ ~ FEET ~ ~ _ v ~ ~ ~ ~ • i ~ -o ~ eAq" ,j -r, ~ ~ n , _ I i l ~ ~ i ~ rat ~~i'' ~ 1 /q 1 ~ ~ v~/ i .t~~ - ~a ~ A ~ i - ~o ~ ~ ~ / ~ Y2$RI ' l ~ l ~ -o~,~ / _ i; ~ - ~ ~ - r. i ? • ~ / 10 -mss 1, ~ ~ j V ~J ~F' ~ ,o ~ , ~ G ~n / ~ 1 ~ tale / v , r- ._-r., ~ ~ ,mil"~ v • ~ ~ v ~ ~ . - , ,y ~ ~ : • ~ ~ r ~ ~ Jew i ~ - ~aa ~>y' V ~ 11 ' ~ ~ ( la ~i\, = n. raj , / - ~i ~ ~ s' ~ j ~,'1 , ,~'r• ~ Q 1 J 1360 ~ cfi' , - l 'bo. ~ ~ / ~ ~ . N ~ ' ~ J ~ a? , , 1 ~11~~~ 1'~,~~ i~~,~ \ti'~~ ~ A = nl~`, ) ~ • '~n, ~ ~ .-I~ _ .~'~i~~.? ~ .295; ~ 1 ~ , 2951 / ~ ~ ~ ' J 1~~~\~ \ o.~~ ~~Hitdebra~u 1913 nf ~Lc 14 4 3943 N o; a re o 39430OOmN e¢ J " / / u ro• \~I V r~ 40 i , 35o373Q_, 120 /0 r 1 _35°3730„ 444 445 446 1230000 FEET 35' 448 ICASAR) 'S0 81 7 30 !65511 SE 450 3230" 452 1 453 INTERIOR--GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON. VIRGINIA-1996 e 454E 81 30 oe` Produced by the United States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24000 ROAD CLASSIFICATION Compiled by PhotoBrammetric methods from imagery dated 194748 re 1 o 1 MIL" Primary highway, Light-duty road, hard or ss°~09~ Field checked 1956 cn hard surface improved surface North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27). Projection and 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 6000 1000 FEET Secondary highway, hard surface _ Unimproved road 10 0o0-foot ticks: North Carolina coordinate system ea (Lambert conformal conic) 107 'nLS 222' 1 5 0 1 KILOMETEI KILOMETER v Interstate Route U. S. Route 0 State Route r -gyp Blue 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator ticks, zone 17 a MILS North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) is shown by dashed CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET N.C ru IRS _n ~N corner ticks. The values of the shift between NAD 27 and NAD 83 DASHED LINES REPRESENT 20-FOOT CONTOURS 1 inute intersections are obtainable from National Geodetic UrM GRID AND 1996 MAGNETIC NORTH NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 for .y NADCON software DECUNATICMAT CENTER OF SHEET THIS MAP COMPLIES WITH NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS I -.p Survey FOR SALE BY U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ANDARDS QUADRANGLE LOCATION VALDESE, NC ~ ~ti Revisions shown in purple compiled in cooperation with 35081-F5-TF-024 0 DENVER, COLORADO 80225, OR RESTON, VIRGINIA 22092 A 22092 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and -o A FOLDER DESCRIBING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND SYMBOLS IS AVAILABLE ON RE0UES1 ILABLE ON REQUEST Natural Resources from imagery dated 1993 and other sources 1993 m °9° •es STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 9ti~os UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EN!~IRONMENT, HEALTH y~ ~~5\ VALD~SE QUADRANGL$ FP E LTH ?~hy\,~' yi H INTERIOR NATURAL RESOURCES ° DEPARTMENT OF T E AND NGRTH CAROL[NA-BURKE CG. P~ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RALEIGH, NOi;TH CAROLINA l6551;'f 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) ,~2 ' Sl°3T30" ~44~E '45 '46 X41 35' ~qg IDREX;~LI X50 ~jQ 32'30" 1250000 FEET X53 gq Sli 30' iN 1925 ~ / Shteh2tllC~~~ J_ ~ _ - = ISI w ~ ~ " ~ o,. - i ~ ~i~ o ~a . \ i~ v 1123 "f~ ~ ~'1i 1~. I i or'ti;~ ° ~ ~ , , nee:.- ii' e ; ° ~ : / \ d - s ' " Lim'': ~ `1' ~zo~ .A ~ ~ ~ a ' a ;o V _ z • ~ I r: - d sa _ a_.p ~ti c. _c. - ~ ,'1~ ~ ~ ,i. , Ib~' rzos,~ , ' n ell ~ ' c V ' .N a OJ\..,r~...-.~ I ~TI"~~ \ i ~ ._.p__ ~Q a'. 1~~ i ° .S 'n JJ A Ct ~ , ~~i;~, Isaz~ A ~g 1;, , ~ ~ ; ~ _ C liege ~ ~ o ~>9'~ n ' r '~t=_ iz3s ~ ~ n=~~, rl it i - 0 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ S. = ` ~ < ' ~ i a ~ ~ % ~ - -7r l 1 ' I ~ ~ ~ 1" to ~ =a , .~~330 ~ 1~+ ' lr ~ ~ 1. ~ - :1~` ' - n'1 ~ i ~~r- 10 Y. ~ i : ) . _ ~ - - ,112 - - - C~) •o ~ ° 'h -.a~7i.~ 119 f I: 55- ~i - 8 ~o-_ r r_e- 5 - o • - ( q i ~ u. - ~ / _ , !I ° it ~ _ i ~y ~ \V ti i~ 1. ~ s. < ~1 f 11 t32Z , ~ u ~ f~ ~ - n Ills \ 1 U~ - V ~ - - r ~ i f , 11 ~ ~ , r° _ ~ ~ _ - , ° ~l ~ . 1 ~ _ - - ins 1200 y s - - ~ 1 I ~ i -r_ ilk i ~ , o ~ ~ h% ~i , ` ~ . . , \ `N l ~ ~ , ? ° ' ~ ~ B. ~ do ; ~ Glro _ - . 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I ~ ~ N U ! ~ ; ; ` ; r , , ss;Rdads ; o ; U8k ~ a, ) - o~ Li eCh - , i ~ . ~ ~ ~o~o ~ ~,f ~ ti-- i . - X14 ~ y ~ V ° ~ ~fA ~ v ~ ~ ,/I _ \ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~I - ~ o A C~,.l 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ . ~ ~ ~1 a '1~~~ Z / ~ <ii ° I _ _ ~ - ~ .,n (y o - ~ - BM m ~ ~ ~ l n , ~ i, ry ~ O i O / q i \ ~ , , - - _ - ~ ~ „ r y 1 { q o ? \ 1~/ ~ - ~ I /~;r~., ~ X20„ ~ ~o ~ v ,I ~ oo ° = s .R . i _ - : 0 '1 ~ ~ oo ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ( _ ~ _ r-~~ ~ rte. , ~ ~ ~ ~~~oo - ~ , ' - G _ r Q r~ ~ V ~ - .Si j O ~ l~~ I - ~ ~ ~ ~ I r ~ , a ~ r - ~ U , ° k ~ n ~ ~I - V ~ Ir~ l II ~0 ~ ~ a ( ~ V~,' n ~ ~1 v / 11 - / ~ ~ ~ ;f~ a ~ u 0 2~ ~ ~ ~ IU ~ 40 - / ~.a il.. sti ~ ~ I _ ~ 12 ~ ~i ~ ~ _ ~~I'. ~ ~ ~ f .~9 ~v \ ~ J `.12051 ~ - ,19 ~ ~ a I. Q 1 d~ J - ~ , o i ~ t - ~j:! ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _i7 I { ~ / ~ - ° i v r~// 1/ J ~ ~ V A ~1 ~ / io ~ ~ emu'; 1 _J ~ I,'I 1~~' I~-, ~ i//~ ~ ~ ~ 1200 ' ~ ° ) ' (244 ~ ~ a ~ V ~ _ _ 1'fl ~ 't b Iv - i o i ~I ~ % (r ~ ~I - ~,o j ° ~ ~ ' X45 I _ - ; ~ - u V ~ i ~ ' , ~ - X45 ~ ~ / ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ _ % r/ ~ ~ O~ 1 1 / nJ ~ .O i ~ ' ~ ~ ~L b - 1. ~ ~J - ~ _ ~ , , ~ o--. ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ .1 ~ , . "1 In , , , 7000OQ'; / r -/i ~U/~\~ ~ r, %r. fib ~ t^ ` ~ ~.V I~~~? \ I - - _ ~ _:Cem~~• ~ ~ ~ 's ~ ' V~ FEET / i-~~ ~ i ~ A ~ ~ ~~,1J A ~~~rl~ ,~U ~ ~ ~ , o v rz~2i , goo ~~o, ~ m ~ ~ - ~ ~ ; / ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~i ~ o ~A~1 i 1 } ~ a 1 I ! v~. ~ ~ .i ~ G ' ~ ~ ~ ~.--~i ~ o+uxi7 iar~°~ ~ 1 , ,if / Y ~ , ~ l ~ ~ ~0 J i / / ~ ~ ~~~Cer~ ~ ~ ,I HildEbra ~~wt, - _'~~d4 ~ ~ J ~ ,i 7360 .i~i"'~ ! 0 ~ 1~. ;G ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ t _7 u ~ w ~ s ~ - ' ~ ' ~ ~ r~` ~ _ ~ \ ~ ~ ~.2/ a1 - ~ i_~-1~1 f,~,~.t,. ~i !I'1/ '11~~1 ~ _U .~.ll ,~1, ~ ~ f ,v '1•,i ~ - V ~ i 1 ~ 1 I' I v \ ~l \ ~ n ~ ~ •FL11f~P~1}9A' c~ ~ \ 6u- \1 I/ k~o IN I 1 113 eas4nt boo ~ ~ ?4 , do-: _o VJ.,,. . _-l-ii . ~~,J~, r l~~ / O ~i . ~ _ 144 r r~7 / ? 00~ 1X2r ) s r i s`^ ~II T V o l~'... 7943000 o o e = h ~N I r 'mil 1 1200 ~ 1 18 35 3713 0o 444 ,45 446 1230000 FEET 35' +48 (CASAR) 450 . ; r, {_35o37'30,r 4 n 452 1 453 INTERIOR--GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON. VIRGINIA-1996 50 32'30 454ME 81`30' 81 37130 465511 SE Produced by the United States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24000 e~ Q ROAD CLASSIFICATION Compiled by photogrammetric methods from imagery dated 1941.48 wN* 1 } 0 Primary highway, Light-duty road, hard or ss'0 t MIS hard surface improved surface Field checked 1956 GN 6000 7000 FEET Secondary highway, North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27). Projection and 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 I hard surface Unimproved road 10 000•foot ticks: North Carolina coordinate system (lambert conformal conic) 107 was 00`20' 1 5 0 1 KILOMETER 1 KILOMETER 0 Interstate Route U. S. Route 0 State Route S =,p Blue 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator ticks, zone 17 6 rolls " N ~Ln ¦ N C. ru ===N North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) is shown by dashed CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET RS .n ~N 1 -.p corner ticks. The values of the shift between NAD 27 and NAD 83 DASHED LINES REPRESENT 20-FOOT CONTOURS NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 for 1.5-minate intersections are obtainable from National Geodetic UTM GRID AND 1996 MAGNETIC NORTH pti kNDARDS QUADRANGLE LOCATION VALDESE, NC C3 DECLNAT104 AT CENTER OF SHEET THIS MAP COMPLIES WITH NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS Survey NADCON software FOR SALE BY U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Revisions shown in purple compiled in cooperation with 35081•F5•TF-024 0 DENVER, COLORADO 80225, OR RESTON, VIRGINIA 22092 A 22092 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Z =ado ILABLE ON REQUEST Natural Resources from imagery dated 1993 and other sources 1993 m A FOLDER DESCRIBING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND SYMBOLS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST \I.. -:.-A 1 nor N