HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200511 Ver 1_Draft Natural Resources Memo EB-6038_20200319_20200414TGS ENGINEERS dA 0) cY) 00 w m R 07 a� ao ao 00 cn r. 0) rn U) oa -C 0 ern coo Q 01 o U � z U)0 —Qr co Q) r, March 19, 2020 Natural Resources Technical Memorandum: STIP EB-6038, 9tn Street NW and 111 Street NW Multi -use Trail Connector and US 321 Multi -use Trail and Bike/Pedestrian Bridge, City of Hickory, Catawba and Burke Counties; WBS Element Number: 48929.1.1; F.A. Project Number: 1143024 TGS Engineers (TGS) has completed the natural resource investigations and prepared a natural environmental field scoping meeting checklist for STIP EB-6038 [9th Street NW and 1 lth Street NW Multi -use Trail Connector and US 321 Multi -use Trail and Bike/Pedestrian Bridge] in Catawba and Burke Counties, NC (Figure 1). The study area for the project comprises approximately 67 acres with an area that consists primarily of agricultural development, some residential development, and rural transportation corridors. Elevations in the study area range from approximately 920 feet above mean sea level (msl) to 1220 feet above msl within 0.5 mile of the bridge (Figure 2). This memo summarizes the findings of the natural resource investigation. The field review included stream and wetland delineations and habitat assessments for federally protected species listed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Catawba and Burke Counties. All work was conducted in accordance with the NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit standard operating procedures. Field work was conducted on September 17, 2019, January 13, 2020, January 27, 2020 and February 25, 2020. Future site visits are planned for federally endangered species during their respective survey windows. WETLAND AND STREAM DELINEATION Water resources in the study area are part of the Catawba River Basin [US Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03050101]. Four streams were identified in the study area (Table 1). The physical characteristics of the streams are provided in Table 2. All streams in the study area have been designated as warm water steams. Table 1. Surface Water Resources in the Study Area Stream Name Map ID Type NCDWR Index Number Best Usage Classification UT to Catawba River SA Perennial 11- 51 WS-IV, B; CA UT to Catawba River SB Ephemeral 11- 51 WS-IV, B; CA UT to Catawba River SC Intermittent 1 11- 51 WS-IV, B; CA UT to Frye Creek SD Intermittent 1 11-54-1 1 WS-1V Table 2. Physical Characteristics of Surface Water Resources in the Study Area Map ID Length Bank Bankfull Water Channel Velocity Clarity (ft) Height (ft) Width (ft) Depth (in) Substrate' SA 918 0.5 — 3 1-5 2 — 18 Si, Sa, Gr Moderate Clear SB 21 0-1 1-3 1-4 Sa, Gr Slow Clear SC 60 0-1 1-3 1-3 Sa, Gr, Co Moderate Clear SD 174 1-2 1-3 3 - 6 Sa, Gr, Co Moderate Slightly turbid 1 Si - Silt; Sa - Sand; Gr - Gravel; Co - Cobble Five jurisdictional wetlands were identified in the study area (Table 3). The locations of these wetlands are shown on Figure 3. USACE wetland determination forms and NCWAM forms for each site are included in a separate Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Package. Table 3. Characteristics of Jurisdictional Wetlands in the Study Area NCWAM Hydrologic Area in Figure Map ID NCWAM Classification Rating Classification Study Area Number (ac.) WA Basin Wetland Medium Non -riparian 0.82 3-2 WC Basin Wetland Medium Non -riparian 0.16 3-2 WD Headwater Forest High Riparian 0.01 3-1 WE Headwater Forest High Riparian 0.03 3-1 WF Non -tidal Freshwater Marsh Medium Riparian 0.09 3-1 There are no designated Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), or water supply watersheds (WS-I or WS-II) within the study area or within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. There are no streams within the study area or within 1.0 downstream of the study area that are on the Final 2018 303(d) list of impaired streams. No benthic or fish monitoring data are available in or within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. There are no designated trout waters, anadromous fish waters, or primary nursery areas in present in the study area. CLEAN WATER ACT PERMITS Four jurisdictional streams and five jurisdictional wetlands were identified in the study area. The proposed project has been designated as a CE; therefore, a Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 will likely be applicable. A Section 404 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) will be required if impacts are proposed for this project. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. CONSTRUCTION MORATORIA The study area is not within a trout watershed. NC RIVER BASIN BUFFER RULES No streams within the study area are shown on soils maps or indicated as blue line streams on USGS maps. Therefore, Catawba Basin Buffer rules do not apply to this project. RIVERS AND HARBORS ACT SECTION 10 NAVIGABLE WATERS No surface waters have been designated as Section 10 navigable waters within the study area. COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN There are no areas of environmental concern in the study are that fall under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT PROTECTED SPECIES HABITAT ASSESSMENTS As of November 13, 2019, the USFWS lists four federally protected species for Catawba County and eight federally protected species for Burke County (Table 4). Table 4. Federally protected species listed for Catawba and Burke Counties Scientific Name Common Name County Federal Biological Status Conclusion Glytemys muhlenbergii Bog turtle Catawba T (S/A) Not Required Burke Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat Catawba T MA-NLAA Burke Hexastylis naniflora Dwarf -flowered heartleaf Catawba T Unresolved Burke Liatris helleri Heller's blazing star Burke T No Effect Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's sunflower Catawba E Unresolved Hudsonia montana Mountain golden heather Burke T No Effect Isotria medeoloides Small whorled pogonia Burke T Unresolved Sisyrinchium White irisette Burke E Unresolved dichotomum G mnoderma lineare I Rock gnome lichen I Burke I E I No Effect T — Threatened, E — Endangered, T (S/A) — Threatened due to similarity of appearance, MA-NLAA — May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect Habitat for bog turtle is not present in the study area. Additionally, species listed as Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance are not afforded protection under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and do not require Section 7 consultation with the USFWS. According to NC NHP records, the nearest known northern long-eared bat hibernacula record is approximately 27 miles northwest of the study area, and no known maternity roost trees occur in or within 150 feet of the study area. Tree removal is proposed for this project; however, tree removal activities will not result in prohibited incidental take of northern long-eared bats. Based upon guidance from Asheville Field Office USFWS personnel, the biological conclusion for northern long-eared bat is a "may affect not likely to adversely affect" call for any counties in Division 12. This is due to the fact that these counties are located in the white nose syndrome area, but since there are no known hibernacula nor roosting trees in Division 12, the criteria for the Final 4(d) rule has been met and any associated take is exempt. A USFWS NLEB 4(d) rule streamlined consultation form will be completed. Suitable habitat for dwarf -flowered heartleaf is present in the study area. Individuals of the Hexastylis genus were found within the study area. Species could not be verified as no individuals were blooming. A pedestrian survey for dwarf -flowered heartleaf will be conducted prior to construction. A review of NCNHP records accessed on March 17, 2020, indicated four known dwarf -flowered heartleaf occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. Elevations within 0.5-mile of the project study area range from 920-feet to 1220-feet above msl. Due to the lower elevations and lack of rock outcrops and high elevation cliffs, habitat for Heller's blazing star, mountain golden heather, and rock gnome lichen does not exist in the project study area. A pedestrian survey for Schweinitz's sunflower will be conducted prior to construction. A review of NCNHP records accessed on March 17, 2020, found no occurrences of Schweinitz's sunflower within 1.0 mile of the study area. Suitable habitat for small -whorled pogonia is present within the study area. Habitat for small - whorled pogonia occurs in wooded areas with moist slopes, rocky slopes, ravines, braided channels or vernal pools. A pedestrian survey for small -whorled pogonia will be conducted prior to construction. A review of NCNHP records, accessed on March 17, 2020, indicates no known small -whorled pogonia occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Suitable habitat for white irisette is present within the study area. Habitat for white irisette occurs in oak -hickory dominated forests on mid -mountain slopes, as well as regularly disturbed sites, such as power lines, roadsides, and woodland edges. A pedestrian survey for white irisette will be conducted prior to construction. A review of NCNHP records accessed on March 17, 2020, found no occurrences of white irisette within 1.0 mile of the study area. BALD EAGLE AND GOLDEN EAGLE PROTECTION ACT Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the project study area, as well as the area within a 1.13-mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the project limits, was performed on September 16, 2020, using 2018 color aerials. The Catawba River is less than 1.0 mile from the study area and is large enough to support habitat for bald eagle. A field survey was conducted September 17, 2020; no individuals or nests were observed. A review of the NCNHP database, accessed on March 17, 2020, showed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area. REFERENCES Burt, W.H. and R.P. Grossenheider. 1976. A Field Guide to the Mammals: North America North of Mexico. 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 255 pp. Conant, R. and J.T. Collins. 1991. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians (Eastern and Central North America). 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 450 pp. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, Mississippi. Environmental Laboratory. 2012. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region (Version 2.0). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Regulatory Assistance Program. ERDC/EL TR- 12-9. April 2012. Harrar, E.S. and J.G. Harrar. 1962. Guide to Southern Trees. New York: Dover Publications. 2nd ed. 709 pp. Martof, B.S., W.M. Palmer, J.R. Bailey, and J.R. Harrison III. 1980. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 264 pp. National Geographic. 1999. Field Guide to the Birds of North America. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C. National Geographic Society. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 1995. Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina. Fourth version. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2013. Surface Water Classifications. New River Basin. Updated December 9, 2013. https://deq.nc.gov/river-basin-classification-schedule N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2019. 2018 NC 303(d) List - Category 5 Final. June 03, 2019. https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Water%20Quality/Planning/TMDL/303d/2018/2018- NC-303-d--List-Final.pdf N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. 2017. Geographic Information System (GIS) data. NCDNCR, Raleigh, NC. Updated January 2017. https://www.ncnhp.org N.C. Department of Transportation. 2011. T&E Plant Habitat Descriptions. June 29, 2011. NCDOT, Project Development and Environmental Analysis. Natural Environment Section. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2012. Invasive Exotic Plants of North Carolina. Cherri Smith. NCDOT, Project Development and Environmental Analysis. Natural Environment Section. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2015. TE Animal Habitat Descriptions. March 6, 2015. NCDOT, Project Development and Environmental Analysis. Natural Environment Section. N.C. Wetland Functional Assessment Team. 2010. N.C. Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) User Manual. Version 4.1, October 2010. N.C. Department of Transportation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Newcomb, L. 1977. Newcomb's Wildflower Guide. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 490 pp. Peterson, R.T., editor. 1980. A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America. 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 384 pp. Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1183 pp. Rohde, F.C., R.G. Arndt, D.G. Lindquist, and J.F. Parnell. 1994. Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 222 pp. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDEHNR. Raleigh, North Carolina. 325 pp. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1980. Soil Survey of Burke County, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1980. Soil Survey of Catawba County, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1998. Hydrologic Units -North Carolina (metadata). Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Tennessee Ecological Services Field Office. 2016. White Fringeless Orchid Proposed for Endangered Species List. Updated September 13, 2016. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2020. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern, and Candidate Species, Burke County, North Carolina. Updated November 13, 2019. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2020. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern, and Candidate Species, Catawba County, North Carolina. Updated November 13, 2019. United States Geological Survey. 2016. Granite Falls, Bethlehem, Longview & Hickory, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangles (7.5-minute series). Webster, W.D., J.F. Parnell, and W.C. Biggs. 1985. Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. 255 pp QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRIBUTORS Investigator: Ryan Elliott Education: B.S. Biology, 2014 Experience: Environmental Scientist, TGS, 2018-Present Environmental Scientist, MMI, 2015-2018 Responsibilities: Wetland and stream delineation, T&E habitat survey, document preparation Investigator: Stacy Oberhausen, P.E., CPM Education: B.S. Civil Engineering Experience: Project Engineer/Manager, TGS, 2016-Present Engineer/Project Engineer/Engineering Spvr, NCDOT, 1986-2016 Responsibilities: Document review If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your earliest convenience at (919) 773-8887 or ryan.elliott@tgsengineers.com. Attachments: FSM Checklist Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. USGS Topographic Map Figure 3. Environmental Features Map US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Determination Data Forms Natural Heritage Program Elemental Occurrence Database Report Natural Environment FSM Checklist TIP EB-6038 County Burke and Catawba Description Construct multi -use trail from US 321 to Hickory Regional Airport and from 9th St. NW to 11th St. NW Basin Catawba SA - Perennial Type SB - Ephemeral SC - Intermittent Stream Frye Creek - Intermittent SA - WS-IV, B; CA Classification SB - WS-IV, B; CA SC - WS-IV, B; CA Frye Creek - WS-IV Stream Non 404 (y/n) No USACE (y/n) Yes Non 404 (y/n) No Wetlands CAMA (y/n) No NC DWQ Buffer Basin y/n (if yes provide basin) Yes -Catawba Bog turle - No, no bogs or wetlands fed by cool springs; bald eagle - Yes, large bodies of water present; NLEB - Yes, foraging habitat present MANLAA; dwarf -flowered heartleaf - Yes, slopes adjescent to streams and crek heads present; Heller's blazing star - No, eleveation too low, no rock outcrops or cliffs; Schweinitz's sunflower - Yes, T&E Habitat (y/n, with explanation) highway roadsides present; mountain goldheather - No, elevation too low, no exposed cliffs; small whorled pogonia yes, moist slopes and vernal pools present; white irisette - Yes, powerline easements, roadsides and disturbed woodland edges; rock gnome lichen - No, elevation too low, no cliffs or rocky outcrops CAMA AECs (y/n) No Wild and Scenic River (y/n) No Completed by: Ryan Elliott 3/19/2020 Legend Project Study Area —+— Railroads / 1 County Boundary City Boundary vl el % f --� 1 I � I / I jJ 1 i ---F tiv Hickory Regiorml ll Arport I / I / I% 1) J 2rrd Ave NW 0r=--�' Long View j 0 0.25 0.5 1 iii Miles C4 `- Park 11 y / - I �? Z k- �I,LI._, � Ii Caldwell CO. Catawba CO� ta1E Hk Iknry rC e Tenn Hiplon �fh Town club Civic Park �r 17,, Srf� YR STI P Hickor EB-6038 �S Z52 La 3rd' Ave NW 3 2nd Ave Nil1(= - HI 1 s t A'.'e NA, 2ndAve SW tst Ave sW cn cn N y { rn 7) t Ave SW u� N V aU Us.xa sbY v, r, ESRI World Street Basemab CALDWELL BtMiKLEbri ALEXANDER IREDELL S rooktorcl CATAWBA LINC66 -------- N.T.S. TGS VICINITY MAP E M qE ERS STIP PROJECT #EB-6038 FIGURE MULTI -USE TRAIL FROM US 321 TO HICKORY rddp REGIONAL AIRPORT, AND FROM 9TH ST NW TO 11TH ST NW Date: 3-12-2020 BURKE AND CATAWBA COUNTIES Legend Project Study Area a i d I� t t— 24K Quadrangle Index . 1 iLOtRY �v Gmaite-Falls-Befhlehem I WELL STIP 06 EB-6038 r� ^ uli'nt -al i E am ?dkS� ray- '�` - ��•�' - ( ^., `'1� _ � :. 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WE WET W� WE UP WD WET AV D \,\ �j RN it 1 i W SR-1625 Figure 3-1 Environmental Features EB-6038 Burke and Catawba Counties Date: 3-12-2020 1 inch = 200 feet 0 100 200 Legend o Data Points Potential Wetland WoUS Railroads 400 Project Study Area Perennial Stream — — Municipal Boundary Feet L- � Sheet Border Intermittent Stream -_ _ County Boundary Imagery Source: NC OneMap 2018 Orthoimagery meral Stream 1 r rr 1 r, I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 _ _ � EGG r,r � •+ E �t ,ir,�� i�. .. -: SC WA Jf - _---- — Y F�. 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Legend Figure 3-3 1 inch = 200 feet o Data Points Potential Wetland WoUS Railroads Environmental Features---- 0 100 200 400 � Project Study Area Perennial Stream Municipal Boundary EB-6038 Feet r Sheet Border Intermittent Stream County Boundary Burke and Catawba Counties Date: 3-12-2020 Imagery Source: NC OneMap 2018 Orthoimagery Ephemeral Stream THST PL NW ' �• O� 10 oft ` 10TH-S7BVVD'NW ti Z QL _ O 11THSTNWdo ix TO y � - - 127- H ST NW ST pR �•1W `r Z„F� z tot. J �� P ♦� '� C1s'�* - -_ @ ice. ' - � � � �. � Legend Figure 3-4 1 inch = 200 feet o Data Points Potential Wetland WoUS Railroads Environmental Features-----1 Z � 0 100 200 aoo � Project Study Area Perennial Stream Municipal Boundary EB-6038 Feet r Sheet Border Intermittent Stream County Boundary Burke and Catawba Counties Date: 3-12-2020 Imagery Source: NC OneMap 2018 Orthoimagery Ephemeral Stream a— ,s IL .r S t: i W ,► MAIN AV DR, NW - . ' _ 1 Figure 3-5 Environmental Features EB-6038 Burke and Catawba Counties Y 1 Si , + Hickor ` z F 1STAV NW C/)_ -Alk - A I MAIN AV NW MAIN AV SW w N i R-1692 1ST AV SW• S- U) _ "+ 7-7 ! SR-2231 2ND AV SW i -r Jar �.y - +l�' Y! • ' M 1 Legend N 1 inch = 200 feet o Data Points 0 100 200 400 Project Study Area Feet Sheet Border Date: 3-12-2020 Imagery Source: NC OneMap 2018 Orthoimagery q ilk �'- �00 �I } �•�,� N a Potential Wetland WoUS Railroads Perennial Stream — — Municipal Boundary Intermittent Stream — — County Boundary Ephemeral Stream