HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013808_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2016 NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No. FY15-SL019545 fi a,uua,.:,� Client: Conner Consulting LLC Advisor: '� Attn: Chad Leinbach �,;,,, 4f�.1 Predictive �� T, 1284 Windy Ridge Rd. `1 fit:// Soil Report Mehlich-3 Extraction Chapel Hill, NC 27517 6. 4' ` Sampled County : Orange Sampled: Received: 11/21/2014 Completed: 01/12/2015 Farm: Links to Helpful Information 9npla101.. SF114 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P205 K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Hardwood, E 0.3 0 10 20 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 2-Hardwood, M 0.0 80-120 10 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 Test Results[units-WN in g/cn' ;CEC and Na in meq/100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dm3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-1 Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.36 0.91 5.7 65 2.0 5.3 38 59 49 10 33 195 96 96 68 0.2 4 S fnpfe-ID -.SE214. Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P205 K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Hardwood, E 0.0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 2-Hardwood, M 0.0 80-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 Test Results[units-WN in g/cn ;CEC and Na in meq/100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dm3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-1 Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.36 0.96 7.8 74 2.0 5.5 54 56 60 10 35 52 70 70 67 0.2 3 S mpIo.0 i:.. SF3,14._.....,, Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2Os K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Hardwood, E 0.4 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 2-Hardwood, M 0.0 80-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 Test Results[units-WN in glcm3;CEC and Na in meg1100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dm3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.32 0.98 7.0 68 2.3 5.3 61 50 54 10 45 58 47 47 48 0.2 3 North Carolina Reprogramming of the laboratory-information-management system that makes this report possible is being funded IV�y,. through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. I R '=rThank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. - Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture Tobaau Trust f and Cer mns k,n NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronomU Report No. FY15-SL019545 Page 2 of 5 Sample ID: TP-14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O6 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.5 60-80 130 80 0 20 ' 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Bermuda hay/past., A 0.0 180-220 130 160 0 20 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-W/V in g/cn ;CEC and Na in meq/100 cnr1; NO3-N in mg/drrr?]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.27 0.99 10.4 82 1.9 5.8 8 29 52 28 23 521 330 330 64 64 53 0.1 1 Sample ID: ORR14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2Os K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.6 60-80 60 40 0 0 0 0 $ 0 Note: 12 Note: $ 2-Bermuda hay/past., A 0.0 180-220 40 120 0 0 0 0 $ 0 Note: 12 Note: $ Test Results[units-WN in g/cnr3;CEC and Na in meq/100 cnr3; NO3-N in mg/dn3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.27 0.99 4.4 68 1.4 5.6 40 48 43 20 26 78 64 64 66 66 23 0.2 5 Sample ID: ORU14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.0 60-80 0 50 0 20 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Bermuda hay/past., A 0.0 180-220 0 130 0 20 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-WN in g/cm3;CEC and Na in meq/100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dm3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.32 1.01 5.3 81 1.0 6.0 86 43 60 17 23 49 46 46 69 69 32 0.1 2 Sample ID: CLG14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.6 60-80 140 120 0 20 0 $ $ 0 Note: 12 Note:$ 2-Bermuda hay/past., A 0.0 180-220 130 220 0 20 0 $ $ 0 Note: 12 Note: $ Test Results[units-WN in g/cn ;CEC and Na in meq/100 cirri; NO3-N in mg/dn' ]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.46 1.01 4.5 71 1.3 5.5 5 10 54 17 21 203 139 139 14 14 16 0.1 2 NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No. FY15-SL019545 Page 3 of 5 Sample ID: OCG14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P205 K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Hardwood, E 1.0 0 70 70 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 2-Hardwood, M 0.0 80-120 70 30 0 0 0 0 Note: 11 Test Results[units-WN in g/cnt3;CEC and Na in meq/100 cnr3; NO3-N in mg/dn ]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.22 1.01 7.0 62 2.6 4.8 5 23 44 17 18 300 31 31 34 0.4 6 Sample ID: MSR14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2Os K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Hardwood, E 0.6 0 50 60 0 0 $ 0 Note: 11 2-Hardwood, M 0.0 80-120 50 30 0 0 $ 0 Note: 11 Test Results[units-WN in g/call;CEC and Na in meq/100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dm31: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.41 0.97 3.8 62 1.4 4.7 14 24 42 17 26 145 38 38 23 0.2 5 Sample ID: LGB14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2Os K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.0 60-80 100 80 0 20 0 0 $ 0 Note: 12 Note: $ 2-Bermuda hay/past., N 0.0 180-220 100 170 0 20 0 0 $ 0 Note: 12 Note: $ Test Results[units-WN in g/cn ;CEC and Na in meq/100 cm?; NO3-N in mg/dn ]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.46 1.07 5.8 85 0.8 6.0 18 28 58 25 23 242 162 162 32 32 25 0.2 3 Sample ID: LPR14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.5 60-80 40 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Bermuda hay/past., r 0.0 180-220 30 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-WN in g/cnt3;CEC and Na in meq/100 cnr3; NO3-N in mg/dni]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.27 1.02 4.1 78 0.9 5.4 48 46 54 18 28 135 98 98 31 31 26 0.1 2 NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733.2665 Website: www.ncagr.goviagronomU Report No. FY15-SL019545 Page 4 of 5 Sample ID: RMC14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.0 60-80 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Bermuda hay/past., h 0.0 180-220 0 180 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-WN in g/cm3;CEC and Na in meq/100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dnt3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.27 0.96 6.3 85 0.9 6.1 109 22 75 9 32 108 81 81 157 157 34 0.2 3 Sample ID: JLB14 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 1(2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Bermuda hay/past., E 0.9 60-80 120 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Bermuda hay/past., I. 0.0 180-220 110 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-WN in g/crrr;;CEC and Na in meg1100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dm3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% S-I Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-I Na ESP SS-I NO3-N 0.36 1.11 5.8 75 1.5 5.2 12 26 53 19 29 119 88 88 49 49 69 0.2 3 NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Weblike: www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No. FY15-SL019545 Page 5 of 5 Understanding the Soil Report:explanation of measurements,abbreviations and units Recommendations Report Abbreviations Lime Ac exchangeable acidity If testing finds that soil pH is too low for the crop(s) indicated, a lime recommendation will be given in units of either B boron ton/acre or lb/1000 sq ft. For best results, mix the lime into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil several months before planting. BS% %CEC occupied by basic cations For no-till or established plantings where this is not possible, apply no more than 1 to 1.5 ton/acre(50 lb/1000 sq ft) at Ca% %CEC occupied by calcium one time, even if the report recommends more. You can apply the rest in similar increments every six months until the CEC cation exchange capacity full rate is applied. If MG is recommended and lime is needed, use dolomitric lime. Cu-I copper index ESP exchangeable sodium percent Fertilizer HM% percent humic matter Recommendations for field crops or other large areas are listed separately for each nutrient to be added (in units of K-I potassium index lb/acre unless otherwise specified). Recommendations for N (and sometimes for B) are based on research/field studies K20 potash for the crop being grown, not on soil test results. K-I and P-I values are based on test results and should be> 50. If they Mg% %CEC occupied by magnesium are not,follow the fertilizer recommendations given. If Mg is needed and no lime is recommended, 0-0-22 (11.5% Mg) is MIN mineral soil class an excellent source; 175 to 250 lb per acre alone or in a fertilizer blend will usually satisfy crop needs, SS-I levels appear Mn manganese only on reports for greenhouse soil or problem samples. Mn-All Mn-availability index for crop 1 Mn-Al2 Mn-availability index for crop 2 Farmers and other commercial producers should pay special attention to micronutrient levels. If$, pH$, $pH, C or Z M m M-0 mi n nerral-oal-orrgg indexanic soil class notations appear on the soil report, refer to $Note: Secondary Nutrients and Micronutrients. In general, homeowners do not N nitrogen need to be concerned about micronutrients. Various crop notes also address lime fertilizer needs; visit . Na sodium ncagr.gov/agronomi/pubs.htm. NO3-N nitrate nitrogen ORG organic soil class Recommendations for small areas,such as home lawns/gardens, are listed in units of Ib/1000 sq ft . If you cannot pH current soil pH find the exact fertilizer grade recommended on the report, visit www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/obpart4.htm#fs to find P-I phosphorus index information that may help you choose a comparable alternate. For more information, read A Homeowner's Guide to Fertilizer. P205 phosphate S-I sulfur index Test Results SS-I soluble salt index WN weight per volume The first seven values[soil class, HM%, W/V, CEC, BS%,Ac and pH]describe the soil and its degree of acidity. The Zn-Al zinc availability index remaining 16 [P-I, K-I, Ca%, Mg%, Mn-I, Mn-All, Mn-AI2, Zn-I, Zn-Al, Cu-I, S-I, SS-I, Na, ESP, SS-I, NO3-N (not Zn-I zinc index routinely available)] indicate levels of plant nutrients or other fertility measurement. Visit www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/uvrst.htm for more information. On September 3, 2015, I had a telephone conversation with Chad Leinbach, ORC for Summerfield and Oak Ridge. Chad stated that due to a solenoid valve failure on the system, he was currently manually irrigating Summerfield. The system was operational. He was not sure how long it would take to repair the system. He also stated that Randall Jarrell (919-210-2500) is the back-up ORC for Summerfield and Oak Ridge. Additionally, Bradley Flint(336-587- 0330) is also a back-up ORC for Oak Ridge, running the reuse spray system. NOTE TO FILE At 4:50 PM on 10/06/2015, I received a call from Chad Leinbach, ORC for Summerfield. He said that the current freeboard was 6-inches and that the facility had received 8-inches of rain over the weekend. He also said that the water did not overflow the lagoon. Currently he is irrigating and, with the good weather that is forecast, he anticipates there will be no problem dropping the freeboard to below 2-feet Jim Gonsiewski ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald van der Vaart Governor Secretary August 24, 2015 Mr. Dan Witcher Kotis Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 9296 Greensboro,NC 27429-9296 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Summerfield Shopping Center—Wastewater Surface Irrigation Permit No. WQ0013808 Guilford County Dear Mr. Witcher: On July 28, 2015 staff of the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR), Winston-Salem Regional Office (WSRO) performed a compliance evaluation inspection of the subject facility. This inspection was conducted by DWR representative Jim Gonsiewski. The compliance inspection report for this inspection is enclosed for your review. A separate DWR office file review of self-monitoring data for the period of December 2013 through May 2015 was also conducted. While the majority of the inspection reflects compliance with the permit, the following items were noted in which permit conditions were not met: 1. The review of the NDMR reports indicates that the permitted monthly average flow of 3,182 gpd was exceeded in July 2014 (11,912 gpd), August 2014 (3,484 gpd), and November 2014 (9,060 gpd). This office recommends that the flow rates be closely monitored to prevent future exceedances. 2. As required by Permit Condition IV.4. total nitrate was missing from the effluent analysis during the July 2014 sampling event. According to Mr. Chad Leinbach, operator in responsible charge (ORC) for the facility, this condition was due to an error by the analytical laboratory. 3. In June and July 2014, the permitted 12-month application total was exceeded in Field 1 (35.08" in June and 35.50" in July) and Field 3 (36.58" in June and 38.54" in July). Please monitor future applications to ensure that these application totals are not exceeded. 4. As required by Permit Condition IV.9.d., the conditions listed above were not reported to the DWR WSRO within 24 hours. Please ensure that any future exceedances or permit variations are reported to the WSRO within this time frame. 5. As required by Permit Condition III.2, a back-up ORC must be designated. Please appoint a back-up ORC send the ORC change form to Raleigh and copy this office. 450 W.Hanes Mill Road,Suite 300,Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27105 Phone:336-776-9800\FAX:336-776-97971 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet:www.ncdenr.gov-www.ncwater.org An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer 6. Permit Condition III.9. requires that public access to the application sites be controlled. The fence along Highway 220 was removed by the NC DOT during expansion of the highway. Please ensure that the fence is replaced when the highway expansion is completed. In addition to the above listed permit condition violations, the following items of concern require your attention and action as well: The markings on the water level gauge in the wet weather storage pond should be annotated in tenths of a foot for accurate water level readings. The audio alarm for the wet weather storage pond was not operational at the time of the Site visit and should be replaced. Our office appreciates your prompt attention to the above listed items of concern. Please refer to the enclosed compliance inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions concerning this letter, please contact me or Jim Gonsiewski at (336) 776-9800 or via email at i im.gonsiewskinncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Sherri V. Knight, P. E. Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources,NCDENR- WSRO enc.: Compliance Inspection Report cc: Chad Leinbach - ORC — Summerfield Shopping Center — 1284 Windy Ridge Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Guilford County Environmental Health Central Office - Permit File WQ0013808 .111412.Q5aSitialiles • North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Section NON-DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT WASTEWATER IRRIGATION General Information pC Facility Name: SumYY`R-C,C21�'A hbpp(.A3�n County: GI L( S ' 1 Permit No.: WQ00\3R O 8' Issuance Date: I `k-iI(7) ct Owner: s e-S —}_Yic Expiration Dat�J_31 (('.) ORC Name:C'& �l v� o4,C Telephone No.: IGI— -7 3 0 Backup ORC: Telephone No.: Other Contact: Tele hone No.: Location(address,gps or directions): sg u y\a Mve r<U e) 5 l.( YV\ rvi e r 2(.4 Reason for Inspection ,ROUTINE ❑ FOLLOW-UP ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ PERMITTING ❑ Other: Comments (attach additional pages as necessary) c' ‘) ry ( CD zr.��'s Ck5v v kc e_d p (neS ( t,Vz a of ck_ W Cct ryvnrnS p e� �,r e_ cr) 'vet S�sd� So ki`v Pocncit L-t p fk ACk WC/k re _ a-tS rr r -\ `g 0 0� c nv\ t-r �t xS t-- * mar�C "� n Win— � � � �� � s of . v lz..\; ¢„�- sue ,c7�a jr - Li 90e_e_0( (D-6 Cl CC° -re LiFit 1 Y1 rt 7\S Is a follow-up inspection necessary ❑ Yes IS,No Primary Inspector:) m GOV\SlQ,WS Secondary Inspector: Date of Inspection: it N 1, Entry Time:I. 0 ; D Exit Time: 1 i ) 'CO Non-Discharge Compliance Inspection Report Record Keeping and Reporting Information Y N NA NE Is current permit available upon request? —la ❑ El El Has the facility been free of public complaints for the last 12 months? ❑ El El Are maintenance and inspection logs present(date&time of inspections, visual observations, any maintenance(adjustments, cleanings, equip changes) or repairs taken)? n ❑ El El Are weekly freeboard records present? S, El ❑ El Are irrigation tracking records present(date, weather, volume, length time,field#, Hydraulic loading, nutrient loading, other)? El El El Has irrigation equipment been calibrated(once/permit cycle)&records present? LI ❑ El Are records present for residuals removal (date, volume, Residual Hauler Name, Name/permit of the receiving party or letter from Municipality)? ❑ El El IN Is an Operation&Maintenance Plan,and Spill Plan present? El ❑ ❑ j Effluent Monitoring: Were effluent monitoring reports present? aNDMR ,i ND AR ❑NDMLR r ■ El ❑ Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Permitted Flow: 31 ga ❑ ►* El ❑ Are application rates adhered to? Permitted Rate:.?j1,1S"/ r ❑ ) 1 El ' Are lab sheets available for review and support monitoring reports NI ❑ El ❑ Are samples analyzed for the required parameters(See permit)? El ❑ El Effluent concentrations do NOT exceed 2L GW standards? El El ❑ If required, are PAN records present and complete? El A El Groundwater Monitoring: Is groundwater monitoring required? ❑ . E( Were GW-59's and lab results present? El ,® El Were samples analyzed for the required parameters(See permit)? ❑ M ElObserved records indicate no 2L GW quality violations? El El El Soil Analysis: Were annual soil analyses results present for each irrigation field? ,t. El El El If lime was called for on the Agronomist report, was lime applied? El ❑ �C El Copper and Zinc indices: EV2,000 ❑ 2,000—3,000 El >3,000 Was Sodium less than 0.5 meq/100 cm3 ? El El El El Was Exchangeable Sodium Percentage(ESP) less than 15% ? El El ❑ El Influent Pump Station(s) ❑Check box if component is listed in permit description. Y N NA NE All pumps present, operational in El El El Floats/Controls operable A El El El Audio&Visual Alarms Operational !: ❑ ❑ El Free of bypass lines or structures 1' El El ❑ General housekeeping good II El El El Back-up power available, routinely tested& fueled? 17 El El ❑ Treatment Barscreen ❑Check box if component is listed in permit description. Y N NA NE Are bars spaced properly& free of excess debris? 'El ❑ El El Are screenings disposed of properly? 5( El El El Is unit in good condition(excess corrosion)? El ❑ El Equalization Basin ❑ Check box if component is listed in permit description. Y NA NE Is aeration present? El ❑ Are pumps present and operational? El El El Is unit in good general condition? El El ❑ Page 2 of 4 i • Non-Discharge Compliance Inspection Report Treatment Activated Sludge El Check box if component is listed in permit description. Y N NA NE Aeration mechanism operable&accessible? CI ❑ Aeration basin thoroughly mixed? ❑ ❑ ❑ Settleometer& dissolved oxygen results acceptable? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is sludge an acceptable color? ❑ ❑ ❑ Residual Storage/Treatment Y N NA NE Fixlagoon ❑ Basin Ntpeptic Tank Capacity(gallons): a 0 p If Septic Tank, is a sanitary T or filter present? /X As ❑ ❑ How often are residuals pumped? Treatment Filter(s) ❑Check box if component is listed in permit description. Y N NA NE Is unit accessible for review(i.e. inspection port or not subsurface)? ] ❑ Is the filter media present,correct size&type? Al ❑ ❑ ❑ Is mud well free of excess solids and filter media? 2� ❑ ❑ ❑ Is media free of ponding, algae or excess vegetation? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is clear well free of excess solids and filter media? ❑ ❑ ��_ , Does backwashing/air scour frequency appear adequate? CI Treatment Clarifiers ❑ Check box if component is listed in permit description. Y N `A NE Weirs level, free of excessive solids&algae? ❑ ❑ ► , ❑ Scum removal system operational and accessible? ❑ ❑ E ❑ Sludge blanket at acceptable level? ❑ ❑ IR ❑ Clarifier effluent free of excessive solids? ❑ ❑ I. ❑ Treatment Disinfection Type: laTablets ❑ Gas ❑ Liquid ❑ UV Y N NA NE Is the system properly maintained and working? ❑ ❑ ❑ Fecal coliform results indicate proper disinfection? FA ❑ ❑ ❑ Adequate detention time(>30 minutes)? rjj ❑ ❑ ❑ If tablets, proper size&type? 4 ❑ ❑ ❑❑Present in Cylinder(s)? If UV bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? ❑ E] ❑ Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? [( ❑ ❑ ❑ Flow Measurement Flowmeter location: Influent n Effluent Y N NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually(design flow>10,000 gpd)? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is flowmeter operating properly? ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter record flow? CI CI 0 If no flowmeter(<10,000 gpd), are water-use records available(water meter)? ❑ ❑ AK ❑ Are the daily average values properly calculated? ❑ ❑ ❑ Treatment Y N NA NE Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in permit? .a ❑ ❑ ❑ Do all treatment units appear to be operational?If no, note below. b ❑ ❑ ❑ List any items/units): Page 3 of 4 Non-Discharge Compliance Inspection Report . Effluent Storage ylLagoon(s) ❑ Above ground tank(s) ❑ Underground tank(s) ❑Other: Amount of Storage(days,months, gallons, etc.): Effluent Storage Lagoon(s) ❑ Primary ❑ Secondary Y N NA NE Influent structure(s)free of obstructions? :4 ❑ ❑ ❑ No signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion on embankments? a ❑ ❑ ❑ Proper vegetation type w/no excessive vegetation present on embankments? 3 ❑ ❑ ❑ Liner(if visible, is it intact)? ❑ ❑ Cl Baffles/curtains in good condition? LJ r N ❑ ❑ ❑ Freeboard is>2 feet from overtopping? Measurement at time of inspection: ?• i ❑ CI Staff gauge is clearly marked ne P a �O CI No evidence of overflow(vegetation discolored or laying down/broken)? El unusual color(very black,textile colors)? Al ❑ ❑ No Foam present? Are antifoam agents used?❑ Yes El No 3 ❑ ❑ ❑ No floating mats(sludge,plants, inorganics)? ❑ ❑ CINo signs of excessive solids buildup(from bottom)? ❑ ❑ ❑ Aerators/mixers operational(if present)? ❑ ❑ i.. ❑ Effluent structure is free of obstructions and easily accessible? 554, ❑ ❑ ❑ Effluent Pump station Y N NA NE All pumps present, operational 1E1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Floats/Controls operable J . ❑ ❑ ❑ Audio&Visual Alarms Operational ice'` ❑ ❑ ❑ Free of bypass lines or structures ❑ ❑ ❑ If required, is a rain sensor present and operational 2- ❑ ❑ ❑ General housekeeping good El El [IIBack-up power %.. ❑ ❑ End Use-Irrigation Number of Fields: 9 Y N NA NE Are buffers adequate? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are cover crops the type specified in permit and/or in good condition? ❑ ❑ ❑ No signs of runoff,ponding, or drift? g ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? q., ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the application equipment present, operational, and in good condition? No limiting slopes present in irrigation fields? ®, ❑ ❑ ❑ Is site access restricted and/or signs posted in accordance with permit? I3& ❑ ❑ ❑ No water supply wells within the CB? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ No water supply wells within 250' of the CB? IJI ❑ ❑ ❑ Is permit being followed? tfEt. ❑ ❑ ❑ Groundwater Monitoring Wells Y N NA NE Does the permit require monitoring wells?If so, answer the following. ❑ 1! Are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? ❑ • ❑ Are the monitoring wells located properly w/respect to RB&CB? ❑ ❑ gc ❑ Are the wells properly identified& free of damage? CI CI Page 4 of 4 • NDMR REVIEW SHEET PERMIT NUMBER: WO0013808 FACILITY NAME: Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY: Guilford TYPE: Spray Irrigation REVIEW PERIOD: 'OP_ccO 13 to No ad'-( Parameter Freq. Limit G or Y143 1', a j 3/y VI4 y s/•y 1/_,% /( tl/ Flow X Monthly 3182 C /��✓ ✓ v-`.40 l% ✓ Ch pH X Weekly G 613 (,63-1,39 6,6(0 6.6��e�c ig to" i 6.71 ,a, TRC .i BOD5 X 3xyr G cZ C a NH3-N X 3 x yr G 44641<4.1 <j,) c: TSS X 3xyr G <d,5— Fecal X 3xyr G ‹I ) < DO TDS X 3xyr G di8v 336 Conductivity Temp. COD TOC Phenols O&G NO2&NO3 NO3 (� TN X 3 x yr G /8 ,if- TKN X 3 x yr G <oa,a, ®,Y. TP Chloride X 3xyr Sulfide SAR As B Cd Ca Cr Cu Pb Mg Hg Ni K Na Zn Total ChlorResidual X Weekly I G ine a 33 t 3j- a.R� =Lb '�j `�`;1 1,d8 SI 0tf.-1 Comments: p ti^dt Tc,�-1 Res j LAN \ CVO e ei d vic a r`e Pnnn° -e ,r • �+! �,i t a ( sc - f 3 OCR /v\�, ci rn N� (PO()C� n v,1u mil)4 � A y-hra �gs k 414 S 1°( --� C,3 I •Z PA,ercrSQ �3CO rl/ C fc '"`off NDAR REVIEW SHEET PERMIT NUMBER: WO0013808 FACILITY NAME:Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY:Guilford TYPE:Spray Irrigation REVIEW PERIOD: Ptaol-toNov L I Storage Freeboard(>2 feet)Y or N ✓ t I � 4✓ Rate Co P r Hourly YearlyRate .I ji3 r'1 rly Y/ 3 y �y J/� �� (p/� y I tL Field Acres cro (( // 1 1 0.71 Fescue 0.3 34.75" V t t/ /I/ 2 0.52 Fescue 0.3 34.75" L V 3 0.17 Fescue 0.3 34.75" ✓V /v' Li V/ Iv 4",i/ Comments: Q t ',Iwo n y\Lk tt *vial NDAR REVIEW SHEET PERMIT NUMBER: WO0013808 FACILITY NAME:Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY:Guilford TYPE:Spray Irrigation REW ER D: cao l'(to Storage Freeboard(?2 feet)Y or N f�� �, gk Cover Hourly Yearly �/ X,S Field Acres crop Rate Rate iy i! S 1 0.71 Fescue 0.3 34.75" V V 2 0.52 Fescue 0.3 34.75" ✓ :✓ V ,V 3 0.17 Fescue 0.3 34.75" V V Comments: N o )0? 1 +"ctr.. v‘ ac.) NDMR REVIEW SHEET PERMIT NUMBER: WO0013808 FACILITY NAME: Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY: Guilford TYPE: Spray Irrigation REVIEW PERIOD:Oe_. `f to Parameter Freq. Limit C or �/,y tiS (tr��j�—ryS—�� Flow X Monthly 3182 C V �✓ ✓ � gpd pH X Weekly G ?,( 3 73 T, .6,74),Wb TRC BOD5 X 3xyr G �� NH3-N X 3xyr TSS X 3xyr G / ,a Fecal X 3xyr G < DO TDS X 3xyr G ' 0 Conductivity Temp. COD TOC Phenols O&G NO2&NO3 NO3 TN X 3xyr G TKN X 3xyr G 1lt TP Chloride X 3 x yr G Sulfide SAR As B Cd Ca Cr Cu Pb Mg Hg Ni K Na Zn Total Residual X WeeklyG Chlorine t�`�a.34�.`f� I•1 ,���.�1 Comments: Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0013808 Effective: 09/12/08 Expiration: 08/31/17 Owner: Kotis Properties Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Summerfield Shopping Center County: Guilford 4548 Highway 220 Region: Winston-Salem Summerfield NC 27358 Contact Person: Bill Kotis Title: Phone: 336-574-2000 Directions to Facility: take 1-40 east to Hwy 150 in kemesville,turn left at top of ramp. turn right on Hwy 220 then take first left gravel driveway behind the shopping center System Classifications: SI, WW1, Primary ORC: Kenneth Chad Leinbach Certification: 23928 Phone: 919-260-7301 Secondary ORC(s): On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 07/28/2015 Entry Time: 10:10AM Exit Time: 11:40AM Primary Inspector: Jim J Gonsiewski Phone: 336-776-9704 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Wastewater Irrigation Facility Status: ❑ Compliant II Not Compliant Question Areas: In Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent II Treatment Flow Measurement-Influent • Miscellaneous Questions 1111 Treatment Flow Measurement-Water MI Treatment • Treatment Barscreen Use Records • Treatment Filters Record Keeping • Treatment Influent Pump Station ▪ Treatment Disinfection 111 End Use-Infiltration III Treatment Flow Measurement ▪ Treatment Return pumps In Storage III Standby Power (See attachment summary) Page: 1 permit: W00013808 Owner-Facility:Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 07/28/2015 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: On July 28, 2015 staff of the North Carolina Division of Water Resources(DWR),Winston-Salem Regional Office(WSRO) performed a compliance evaluation inspection of the subject facility. This inspection was conducted by DWR representative Jim Gonsiewski.A separate DWR office file review of self-monitoring data for the period of December 2013 through May 2015 was also conducted.While the majority of the inspection reflects compliance with the permit,the following items were noted in which permit conditions were not met: 1. The review of the NDMR reports indicates that the permitted monthly average flow of 3,182 gpd was exceeded in July 2014(11,912 gpd),August 2014(3,484 gpd), and November 2014(9,060 gpd). This office recommended that the flow rates be closely monitored to prevent future exceedances. 2. As required by Permit Condition IV.4. total nitrate was missing from the effluent analysis during the July 2014 sampling event. According to Mr. Chad Leinbach,operator in responsible charge(ORC)for the facility,this condition was due to an error by the analytical laboratory. 3. In June and July 2014, the permitted 12-month application total was exceeded in Field 1 (35.08"in June and 35.50"in July)and Field 3(36.58"in June and 38.54"in July). This office recommended monitoring future applications to ensure that these application totals were not exceeded. 4. As required by Permit Condition IV.9.d.,the conditions listed above were not reported to the DWR WSRO within 24 hours. This office requested that any future exceedances or permit variations be reported to the WSRO within this time frame. 5. As required by Permit Condition 111.2, a back-up ORC must be designated. This office requested a back-up ORC be designated and the ORC change form be sent to Raleigh with the WSRO copied. 6. Permit Condition 111.9. requires that public access to the application sites be controlled. The fence along Highway 220 was removed by the NC DOT during expansion of the highway. This office requested that the fence be replaced when the highway expansion is completed. In addition to the above listed permit condition violations,the following items of concern were noted: The markings on the water level gauge in the wet weather storage pond should be annotated in tenths of a foot for accurate water level readings. The audio alarm for the wet weather storage pond was not operational at the time of the Site visit and should be replaced. Page: 2 • 0 0 O 0 & N Z C) * > > > D D y N C) 0 > - 5 > 0 W. > > r cn X 6" d O 0 0 0 o o Dpi 0 > > D CD CD CD CD CD 5 5 m O 0 m d m 0 co co 5 3 3 m N N 0 0 t 3 c3 c3 fD c c 0 m n� m m t3. 3 T —1 r3► d m m < w °o m re, 3 3 3 ' 3 cn cn D a a 0 a 3 7 3 cc, d Fr,' p 7 CD CD x m 0- cn m 0 CD (D m m tD 3 (� (� (7 0 o m c c CD m w co n n .. 7 3 3 3 m m 7 > > o v m 3 3 co ,. 7 3 cn co 3 cn W -0 3_ C T co co co o m 0 a a Dv, ti rr m co N o. 0 o. n p m m p _i _, -1 < < 0 a 7 at = 3 m 0 CO co (n � o m 3 v m co c-ca c �°, m N c° o. c 0 3 m CD CD ' W 3 o > >' 133 m 3 lD 3 3 3 m m Q K v o p d N a 7.: n y < CD m R. m d m m -.) 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Skvarla, Ill Governor Director Secretary January 15, 2014 Dan Witcher—Vice President Kotis Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 9296 Greensboro, NC 27429-9296 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY (Case No: NOD-2014-PC-0024) Kotis Properties, Inc. Summerfield Shopping Center Wastewater Surface Irrigation Permit No: WQ0013808 Guilford County Dear Mr. Witcher: On December 17, 2013, Stephen Berry of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) performed a compliance evaluation inspection of the subject wastewater irrigation system. Chad Leinbach accompanied Mr. Berry during the inspection. Prior to the facility inspection, Mr. Berry reviewed Summerfield Shopping Center's 2013 Non- Discharge Monitoring and Application Reports. Summerfield Shopping Center was found to be deficient in the following Permit condition: 1) Condition III. 1. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. Sand filter alarm is not functioning properly. Action Required: Please ensure the audial alarm is functioning properly by March 1, 2014. In addition to the above deficiency, please note the following item of concern: WATER QUALITY SECTION 585 Waughtown street,Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27107 Phone:336-771-50001 FAX:336-771-46311 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet www.ncwater.orq An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer - �;,1, SummeJanuary eld15 :WQ0013808 ,2014 Page 2 of 2 Vegetation on wetland cells may impede proper treatment. Please rake (frequently) both wetland cells and remove all facultative upland vegetation when necessary. Thank you in advance for your attention to these matters. If you or your staff have any questions concerning this letter, you may contact Stephen Berry at (336) 771-5288 or by email at stephen.berry@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Sherri V. Knight, P.E. Asst. Regional Supervisor, Water Quality Section cc: Chad Leinbach, ORC, Conner Consulting, LLC, 1284 Windy Ridge Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Guilford County Health Department Non-Discharge Central Office- Permit File WO0013808 Berry, Stephen From: Chad Leinbach <chad.leinbach@earthlink.net> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:30 PM To: Berry, Stephen Cc: Dan Witcher Subject: Notice of Deficiency NOD-2014-PC-0024 Dear Stephen, The audible alarm has been replaced,tested and is working in the recirculating sand filter control panel at the Summerfield Renaissance Center in Summerfield, NC. Although vegetation is dormant I have been reassured that the roots are not and are actually active. This dormancy was considered during the design of the wetlands. I believe the data supports a well functioning system. Please call me with questions of comments. Thank you. Chad Leinbach, ORC 919 260-7301 • Berry, Stephen From: Chad Leinbach <chad.leinbach@earthlink.net> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:30 PM To: Berry, Stephen Cc: Dan Witcher Subject: Notice of Deficiency NOD-2014-PC-0024 Dear Stephen, The audible alarm has been replaced,tested and is working in the recirculating sand filter control panel at the Summerfield Renaissance Center in Summerfield, NC. Although vegetation is dormant I have been reassured that the roots are not and are actually active. This dormancy was considered during the design of the wetlands. I believe the data supports a well functioning system. Please call me with questions of comments. Thank you. Chad Leinbach, ORC 919 260-7301 1 4 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0013808 Effective: 09/12/08 Expiration: 08/31/17 Owner: Kotis Properties Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Summerfield Shopping Center County: Guilford 4548 Highway 220 Region: Winston-Salem Summerfield NC 27358 Contact Person: Bill Kotis Title: Phone: 336-574-2000 Directions to Facility: take 1-40 east to Hwy 150 in kernesville,turn left at top of ramp. turn right on Hwy 220 then take first left gravel driveway behind the shoppin center ystem�l assificatio ns: Primary ORC: Kenneth Chad Leinbach Certification: 23928 Phone: 919-260-7301 Secondary ORC(s): �sk .�� M t cke t)^';Nl On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 12i}1I 1, Entry Time: ( ' y51 Exit Time: l-� P Primary Inspector: Stephen Berry Phone: 336-771-5000 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Wastewater Irrigation Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ■Treatment Flow ■Treatment Flow ■Miscellaneous Questions ■Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Measurement-Influent Measurement-Water Use Records 111 Treatment 111 Treatment Filters Record Keeping Treatment Lagoons ■Treatment Sludge .End Use-Irrigation ■Treatment Influent Pump ■Treatment Disinfection Storage/Treatment Station ■Treatment Flow ■Storage II Standby Power Measurement (See attachment summary) Sol-►a 1 k✓ a cv► vi ( wk.! _ Ito ark.- frti:, 1 1'4) FIIN S lo,) - IMF Gam W4„1w 4ru,yo4� > ( .c' IAYlk&ic Page: 1 Permit: WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page: 2 • Permit: WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Single Family Spray, LR ❑ Infiltration System 0 Lagoon Spray, LR ❑ Reuse(Quality) 0 Recycle/Reuse 0 Activated Sludge Drip, LR ❑ Activated Sludge Spray, HR fl Activated Sludge Spray, LR 0 Single Family Drip ❑ Treatment Yes No NA NE Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? Ff 0 0 0 Do all treatment units appear to be operational?(if no, note below.) lJ ❑ 0 0 Comment: Treatment Influent Pump Station Yes No NA NE Is the pump station free of bypass lines or structures? cfpoo Is the general housekeeping acceptable? i3 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are all pumps present? DODO Are all pumps operable? 17 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are floats/controls operable? .d000 Are audio and visual alarms available? IZ1000 Are audio and visual alarms operational? Stc vtvtee 0 13/0 0 #Are SCADA/Telemetry alarms required? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are SCADA/Telemetry available? 0 0 ■ 0 Are SCADA/Telemetry operational? 0 0 • 0 Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Influent Yes N NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? ❑ 0 0 Is flowmeter operating properly? ra/❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter monitor continuously? L 0 0 0 Page: 3 Permit: WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Does flowmeter record flow? Ef ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? g ❑ 0 0 Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Water Use Records Yes No NA NE Is water use metered? ,d,,(( ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the daily average values properly calculated? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent L Yes No NA NE r lc Is flowmeter calibrated annually? 'f 2A-41 t'l� it 0 0 0 MIZAW (M40•v16 Is flowmeter operating properly? 4. w4i4 v I • ODD Does flowmeter monitor continuously? (u it-% I `evv'3 �`° � II 0 0 0 Does flowmeter record flow? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? 11000 Comment: Standby Power Yes No NA NE Is automatically activated standby power available? 0 0 0 Is generator tested weekly by interrupting primary power source? 0 0 0 Is generator operable? 0 0 0 Does generator have adequate fuel? 0 0 0 Comment: Treatment Filters Ye No NA NE Is the filter media present? 0 0 0 Is the filter media the correct size and type? f 0 0 0 Is the air scour operational? C rr 1-'`i 0 0 0 Is the scouring acceptable? 10Vf� ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the clear well free of excessive solids? 0 0 0 Is the mud well free of excessive solids and filter media? 0 0 0 Does backwashing frequency appear adequate? 0 0 0 Comment: Treatment Sludge Storage/Treatment Yes No NA NE Is the aeration operational? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 4 • Permit: WO0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: R utii"fe Is the aeration pattern even? 0 0 If required,are Sanitary"Ts"present in tankage? fO _ ��� AI,(e-�'J ❑ ❑ Comment: / Treatment Disinfection Yes No NA NE Is the system working? do 0 0 Do the fecal coliform results indicate proper disinfection? b21 0 0 0 Is there adequate detention time(>=30 minutes)? E! ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the system properly maintained? `f ❑ ❑ ❑ If gas,does the cylinder storage appear safe? 0 0 El 0 Is the fan in the chlorine feed room and storage area operable? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the chlorinator accessible? (211❑ 0 0 If tablets,are tablets present? E(❑ 0 0 Are the tablets the proper size and type? n � ( el ❑ ❑ ❑ Is contact chamber free of sludge,solids,and growth? ri ❑ ❑ ❑ If UV, are extra UV bulbs available? ❑ ❑ ❑ If UV, is the UV intensity adequate? 0 0 - 0 #Is it a dual feed system? Id❑ 0 0 Does the Stationary Source have more than 2500 lbs of Chlorine(CAS No. 7782-50-5)? ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes,then is there a Risk Management Plan on site? 0000 If yes,then what is the EPA twelve digit ID Number?(1000- - ) If yes,then when was the RMP last updated? Comment: Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is a copy of current permit available? Ii' 0 0 0 Are monitoring reports present: NDMR? +YJ 0 0 0 NDAR? L ❑ 0 0 Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? d ❑ ❑ ❑ Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? E( 0 0 0 Are application rates adhered to? "❑ 0 0 Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required(GW-59s submitted)? 0 0 11 ❑ Page: 5 • Permit: WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Are all samples analyzed for all required parameters? 0 0 0 Are there any 2L GW quality violations? 0 0 0 Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? 0 0 0 Is effluent sampled for same parameters as GW? 0 0 Do effluent concentrations exceed GW standards? 0 0 0E( Are annual soil reports available? 0 ❑ to ❑ #Are PAN records required? 0 0 ri❑ #Did last soil report indicate a need for lime? • ( ❑ 0 0 If so, has it been applied? eJ ❑ 0 0 Are operational logs present? 0/❑ 0 0 ,f. Are lab sheets available for review? E 0 0 0 Do lab sheets support data reported on NDMR? ❑ ❑ Do lab sheets support data reported on GW-59s? U ❑ 0 0 Are Operational and Maintenance records present? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Were Operational and Maintenance records complete? Q"0 0 0 Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? '❑ ❑ ❑ Is a copy of the SOC readily available? 270 0 0 No treatment units bypassed since last inspection? t/ ❑ 0 0 Comment: End Use-Irrigation Yes No NA NE Are buffers adequate? Gi❑ ❑ ❑ Is the cover crop type specified in permit? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the crop cover acceptable? 6 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the site condition adequate? Of 0 0 0 Is the site free of runoff/ponding? 0" ❑ 0 0 Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? Er 0 0 0 Is the application equipment present? 9 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the application equipment operational? 21300 Is the disposal field free of limiting slopes? d ❑ ❑ ❑ Is access restricted and/or signs posted during active site use? 0000 Page: 6 Permit: WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Are any supply wells within the CB? 0 0 0 Are any supply wells within 250' of the CB? n E(n 0 How close is the closest water supply well? ❑ n 0 id Is municipal water available in the area? ❑ El n n #Info only: Does the permit call for monitoring wells? n Q d❑ Are GW monitoring wells located properly w/respect to RB and CB? n n gin Are GW monitoring wells properly constructed, including screened interval? n n Din Are monitoring wells damaged? Dojo Comment: Page: 7 Ara NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary September 24, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL#7008 3230 0002 7797 7990 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Bill ICotis Kotis Properties Inc PO Box 9296 Greensboro,NC 27429-9296 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION(NOV-2010-PC-1034) September 29,2008 & August 25,2010 Compliance Evaluation Inspections Kotis Properties,Inc. Summerfield Shopping Center Permit No: WQ0013808 Guilford County Dear Mr. Kotis: Enclosed please find a copy of the Inspection Reports from the inspections conducted September 29, 2008 and August 25, 2010. The Compliance Evaluation Inspection was conducted by Derek Denard and Patrick Mitchell of the Winston- Salem Regional Office. Present for the inspection was Chad Leinbach, ORC. The treatment facility was found to be in violation of permit WQ0013808 for the August 25, 2010 inspection for the following: • Electrical problems with the control panel at the mud well to the recirculation sand filter. The visual alarm(red light) was working, but the audio alarm buzzer was not operational. In addition,pump number one was not operational in the mud well. This electrical panel and mud well pump has not been working for some time.(We received a phone call from the operator notifying us that repairs were made prior to drafting this letter; however, a written explanation of the repairs for this issue should be included in the response.) • Electrical problems with the control panel at the wet well to irrigation. There was power to the panel but the controls were not responsive. The audio/visual alarm was not functional either. Lighting may have damaged this electrical panel. (We received a phone call from the operator notifying us that repairs were made prior to drafting this letter; however, a written explanation of the repairs for this issue should be included in the response.) Permit Conditions II.1. and 111.1. address the general operation and maintenance requirements for the wastewater treatment facility. Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street,Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27107 One Phone:336-771-5000 4 FAX:336-771-4631 4 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 Not thCal'olina Internet:http:/lportal.ncdenr.orglweblwq ��������� An Equal Opportunity i Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Kotis • September 24, 2010 Page2of2 • Heavy erosion has occurred on the southeastern side of the berm for the storage pond. This area needs to be repaired to prevent failure of the lagoon berm. Related to this issue is that storm water drainage needs to be managed around treatment units such as the area between the storage lagoon and sand filter. Storm water drainage within the topography surrounding of the treatment units needs to be better diverted to prevent erosion or inundation of the treatment facility. (We received a phone call from the operator notifying us that repairs were made prior to drafting this letter; however,a written explanation of the repairs for this issue should be included in the response.) Permit Condition III.14 requires that a protective vegetative cover be established and maintained on all earthen embankments, berms, pipe runs,erosion control areas, and surface water diversions. Other operation and maintenance issues noted during the inspection of this facility: • The covering material (gravel, pebbles,stalite) for the recirculating sand filter has settled and slumped away on the storage pond side and the back end(wetlands)side of the sand filter,exposing the drip piping. The piping needs to be recovered with the proper material according to engineering specifications such as stalite,pebbles, and/or#67 stone. • The growth of undesired plants in the wetlands treatment system should be managed to encourage the growth of desired plant species. Review of self-monitoring from October 2006 to June 2010 noted the following: • February 2010 through June 2010 NDARs noted that the yearly loading rate of 34.75 inches had been exceeded due to adjustment of the shutdown protocol. • Weekly pH and TRC were not reported from February 2008 to December 2008,which was oversight of the new monitoring requirements for the new permit modified on January 22,2008 and renewed on September 12,2008. Weekly monitoring of pH and TRC was started in January 2009. • Daily and monthly average flow rates were not record on the December 2006 NDMR. Please refer to the enclosed Inspection Report for any additional observation and comments. To prevent further action,carefully review these violations and deficiencies and respond in writing to this office within thirty(30) working days of receipt of this letter. You should address the causes of noncompliance and all actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. If you should have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact Derek Denard at 336-771-5286. Sincerely, • Sherri V. Knight,P.E Regional Supervisor, Aquifer Protection Section cc: Chad Leinbach, Conner Consulting, LLC, 1284 Windy Ridge Rd, Chapel Hill,NC 27517 Guilford County Health Department Ed Hardee, AP Program Section LAU APS Central Office-Permit File WQ0013808 1.11.111es Winston-Salem Regional Office 535 Waughtown Street,Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27107 One Phone:336-771-50001 FAX:336-771.4631 1 Customer Service:1.877-623.6748 NorthCarolina Internet http/fportal.ncdenr.org/web/wq Naturally atur ll An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer � • AT& NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 26, 2011 CERTIFIED MAIL#7008 3230 0003 2547 0299 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dan Witcher—Vice President Kotis Properties,Inc. P.O. Box 9296 Greensboro,NC 27429-9296 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY(Case No: NOV-2011-PC-0579) Compliance Evaluation Inspection Kotis Properties,Inc. Summerfield Shopping Center Wastewater Surface Irrigation Permit No: WQ0013808 Guilford County Dear Mr. Witcher: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form from the inspection conducted on September 13, 2011. The Compliance Evaluation Inspection was conducted by Derek Denard of the Winston-Salem Regional Office. Present for the inspection was Chad Leinbach. The facility was found to be in violation with permit d WQ0013808 for the following deficiencies. The following deficiencies for operation of treatment system units were noted during the facility site review: • The control panel for re-circulation sand filter has a time override that needs to be corrected. Any significant amount of rain causes the pumps to lock out and send wastewater to the chlorinator,by-passing the treatment filter. • The wet weather storage pond is not automatically filling the wet well when conditions call for it to be filled. The problem may be in the control panel or float controls. Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street,Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27107 One Phone:336-771-50001 FAX:336-7714631\Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 North Carolina Internet http:l/portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq Naturally Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer • Mr. Witcher October 26, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Review of self-monitoring form July 2010 to July 2011 found the following: • July 2010- 12 month floating total was 37.03 inches for field A,which exceeded the yearly limit of 34.75 inches. The loading was exceeded due to adjustment of shutdown protocol. • October 2010— 12 month floating total was 35.15 inches for field A,which exceeded the yearly limit of 34.75 inches. The system was being adjusted to reduce freeboard in the wet weather storage pond. High loading of field A occurred a year ago. Loading returned to compliance in November 2010. • March 2011 —Chloride was missing from the March 2011 sampling. Please refer to the enclosed report form for additional observations and comments. To prevent further action,carefully review these deficiencies and respond in writing to this office within thirty(30)working days of receipt of this letter. You should address the causes of noncompliance and all actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. If you should have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact Derek Denard at 336-771-5286. Sincerely, Tlccct jL= `�� L Sherri V.Knight,P.E. Regional Supervisor,Aquifer Protection Section cc: Chad Leinbach,ORC,Conner Consulting, LLC, 1284 Windy Ridge Rd,Chapel Hill,NC 27517 Guilford County Health Department Ed Hardee,AP Program Section LAU APS Central Office-Permit File WQ0013808 411111111111111111 Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street,Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27107 One Phone:336-771-50001 FAX:336-771.46311 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 North Carolina Internet http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq Naturally An Equal opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer State of North Carolina OOF W A 7'F92G Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality � r Beverly Eaves Purdue, Governor -- Dee Freeman, Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Director NON-DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT SURFACE IRRIGATION GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: Kotis Properties County: Guilford Permit No.: WQ0013808 Issuance Date: September 12, 2008 Facility Name: Summerfield Shopping Center Expiration Date: August 31, 2017 Facility Address: 4548 Hwy 220, Summerfield, NC 27358 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9296, Greensboro, NC 27429-9296 Coordinates: 36.190652N 79.889973W Driving Directions: 1-40 East to Hwy 150 in Kernersville. Take left at end of ramp. Turn right onto Hwy 220 and then turn left onto first gravel road passed the shopping center. Permitte Owner: Bill Kotis Telephone No.: 336-574-2000 Permittee Contact: Dan Witcher-Vice President Telephone No.: 336-574-2000 ORC Name: Chad Leinbach Cert#: 23928 Telephone No.: 919-260-7301 Backup ORC: Dennis Hodge Cert#: 14872 Telephone No.: Reason for Ins ection ® ROUTINE IQ COMPLAINT ❑ FOLLOW-UP ❑ Other: Inspection Summary:(additional comments may be included on attached pages) The following deficiencies for operation for treatment system units were noted during the facility site review: • The control panel for re-circulation sand filter has a time override that needs to be corrected. Any significant amount of rain causes the pumps to lock out and send wastewater to the chlorinator, by-passing the treatment filter. • The wet weather storage pond is not automatically filling the wet well when conditions call for it to be filled. The problem may be in the control panel or float controls. Review of self-monitoring form July 2010 to July 2011 found the following: • July 2010- 12 month floating total was 37.03 inches for field A, which exceeded the yearly limit of 34.75 inches. The loading was exceeded due to adjustment of shutdown protocol. • October 2010- 12 month floating total was 35.15 inches for field A, which exceeded the yearly limit of 34.75 inches. The system was being adjusted to reduce freeboard in the wet weather storage pond. High loading of field A occurred a year ago. Loading returned to compliance in November 2010. • March 2011-Chloride was missing from the March 2011 sampling. • Kotis Properties, Inc. —Summerfield Shopping Center Permit No WQ0013808 • Compliance Inspection Report September 13, 2011 F TN Status. Cnmpliant D Nnt Cnmpliant co Is a follow-up inspection necessary?Yes ❑ No Primary Inspector: Derek Denard Secondary Inspector: Telephone: (336) 771-5286 Fax: (336)771-4631 Date of Inspection: 09/13/11 Entry Time: 1:30 pm Exit Time: 4:00 pm In! ❑ Reuse (i.e., golf courses) ❑Activated Sludge Spray, low rate ❑ Recycle-Reuse ❑Activated Sludge Spray, high rate ❑ Lagoon Drip, Low Rate El Activated Sludge Drip, low rate ❑ Infiltration System ® Other Constructed Wetlands Drip,low rate Influent Pump Station Y N NA NE All pumps present, operational ❑ ❑ Z ❑ Floats/Controls operable ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Audio &Visual Alarms Operational ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Free of bypass lines or structures ❑ ❑ ® ❑ General housekeeping good ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Back-up power available, routinely tested &fueled? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Comments: Treatment Barscreen Y N NA NE Are bars spaced properly&free of excess debris? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are screenings disposed of properly? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Is unit in good condition (excess corrosion)? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Comments: Equalization Basin Y N NA NE Is aeration present? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are pumps present and operational? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Is unit in good general condition? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Comments: Treatment Activated Sludge Y N NA NE Aeration mechanism operable&accessible? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Aeration basin thoroughly mixed? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Settleometer&dissolved oxygen results acceptable? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Is sludge an acceptable color? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Comments: Page 2 of 6 , . Kotis Properties, Inc. —Summerfield Shopping Center Permit No WO0013808 Compliance Inspection Report September 13, 2011 Residual Storage/Treatment Y N NA NE ❑ Lagoon ❑ Basin Is aeration pattern even? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ® Septic Tank(s) Capacity(gallons): Is sanitary T or filter present? ❑ ❑ ❑ How often are residuals pumped?NE Are pumping receipts available? ❑ ❑ ❑ What is the receiving WWTP? Greensboro Comment: Town Septic tanks: Food Lion and one for Wal-Greens. Treatment Filter(s) Y N NA NE Is the filter media present, correct size &type? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Is mud well free of excess solids and filter media? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ If sand filter, is unit subsurface? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Is media free of ponding, algae or excess vegetation? Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Is air scour operational and acceptable? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is clear well free of excess solids? Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Does backwashing frequency appear adequate? Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Clarifiers Y N NA NE Weirs level, free of excessive solids&algae? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Scum removal system operational and accessible? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Sludge blanket at acceptable level? ❑ ❑ Z ❑ Clarifier effluent free of excessive solids? ❑ ❑ Z ❑ Comments: Treatment Disinfection Y N NA NE Type: ®Tablets ❑ Gas ❑ Liquid ❑ UV Is the system properly maintained and working? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Fecal coliform results indicate proper disinfection? Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Adequate detention time (> 30 minutes)? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ If tablets, proper size? Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Present in Cylinder(s)? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage appear safe? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ If UV bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? ❑ Z ❑ ❑ Comments: The effluent looked very dark. Page 3 of 6 Kotis Properties, Inc. —Summerfield Shopping Center Permit No WQ0013808 • Compliance Inspection Report September 13, 2011 Flow Measurement Y N NA NE Flowmeter location: ❑ Influent ❑ Effluent Is flowmeter calibrated annually(design flow>10,000 gpd)? ❑ ❑ ® 0 Is flowmeter operating properly? ❑ 0 ® ❑ Does flowmeter operate continuously? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Does flowmeter record flow? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? El ❑ ® ❑ If no flowmeter(design flow 1,000-<10,000 gpd), are water-use records available(water meter)? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the daily average values properly calculated? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comments: Treatment Y N NA NE Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in permit? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Do all treatment units appear to be operational? If no, note below. ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Comments(list any action items necessary for each unit): See summary for details. Effluent Storage ZLagoon(s): ❑Aerated or ❑ Mixed Spill control plan on site? ['Yes ❑No DNA ZNE ❑Above ground tank(s): ❑Aerated or ❑ Mixed ® Underground tank(s): ❑Aerated or ❑ Mixed ❑ Drying beds ❑ Concrete storage pads ❑Other: Amount of Storage (days, months, gallons, etc.):550,000 gallons Comments: Effluent Storage Lagoon(s) Y N NA NE ❑ Primary ® Secondary Influent structure(s)free of obstructions? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank) Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Liner(if visible, is it intact) ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Baffles/curtains(in need of repair) ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Measurement at time of inspection Staff gauge(clearly marked) ❑ ❑ ❑ Evidence of overflow(vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Unusual color(very black, textile colors) ❑ Z ❑ ❑ Page 4 of 6 Kotis Properties, Inc. —Summerfield Shopping Center Permit No WO0013808 Compliance Inspection Report September 13, 2011 Effluent Storage Lagoon(s) continued Y N NA NE Foam (are antifoam agents used) ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Aerators/mixers operational (if present) ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Effluent structure(free of obstructions, easily accessible) ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comments:Duckweed present. Pump station(s) Y N NA NE All pumps present, operational ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Floats/Controls operable ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Audio&Visual Alarms Operational ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Free of bypass lines or structures ❑ ❑ ® ❑ General housekeeping good ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Back-up power ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Comments: End Use-Irrigation Number of Fields: 3 Y N NA NE Are buffers adequate? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are cover crops the type specified in permit and in good condition? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are there signs of runoff, ponding, or drift? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the application equipment present, operational, and in good condition? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? ❑ Z ❑ ❑ Is site access restricted and/or signs posted in accordance with permit? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are any supply wells within the CB? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Are any supply wells within 250'of the CB? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Spray heads calibrated this past year? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Is permit being followed? Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Comments: Groundwater Monitoring Wells Y N NA NE Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, answer the following. ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are the monitoring wells located properly w/respect to RB &CB? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are the wells properly identified &free of damage? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Comments: Page 5 of 6 Kotis Properties, Inc.—Summerfield Shopping Center Permit No WQ0013808 • Compliance Inspection Report September 13, 2011 Recordkeeping Y N NA NE Is current permit available upon request? ® ❑ 0 ❑ Has the facility been free of public complaints for the last 12 months? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are operational logs and maintenance records present and complete? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Effluent Monitoring: Are monitoring reports present? ® NDMR ® NDAR Z Cl ❑ ❑ Are flow rates less than permitted flow? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are application rates adhered to? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Are lab sheets available for review and support NDMR or NDAR? Z ❑ ❑ ❑ Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are PAN records required, if so, are they present and complete? ❑ El Z ❑ Is field parameter certification required? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Do effluent concentrations exceed 2L GW standards? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Groundwater Monitoring: Were GW-59's submitted? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Has GW-59A certification been completed for facility? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Cl ❑ ® ❑ Soil Analysis: Were annual soil analysis conducted for each irrigation field? ❑ ❑ ❑ Was lime called for on the Agronomist report? ❑ ❑ ❑ El If required, was lime applied? ❑ ❑ ❑ El Copper and Zinc indices: ❑ <2,000 ❑2,000—3,000 ❑ >3,000 Was Sodium less than 0.5 meq/100 cm'? ❑ ❑ ❑ El Was Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) less than 15% ? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comments:2011 soil sample has not been taken yet. Reviewed data for March 2011 monitoring. See summary for details on review of monitoring. Page 6 of 6 Compliance Inspection Report Permit:W00013608 Owner-Facility:rots Properties Inc Permit: W00013808 Effective:09/12/08 Expiration:08/31/16 Owner:Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date:09292008 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility:Summerheld Shopping Center Inspection Summary: County:Guilford 4548 Highway 220 Notes from the inspection conducted on 9/29/08. Region:Winston-Salem The new liner was recently installed. It had a new type of liner surface that is textured which provides grip when walking Summerfield NC 27358 on the liner. Contact Person: Bill Kotis Title: Phone:336-574-2000 •The mud well to sand filter had wastewater in it that flowed in during installation of the treatment units. They will have to pump and haul until construction is complete. Directions to Facility: •The sycamores planted on the drip fields are now 20 feet or more in height and numerous tulip poplars have grow in the take 1-40 east to Hwy 150 in kemesville,turn left at top of ramp turn tight on Hwy 220 then take first left gravel driveway behind the past 8 years. shopuino�center_ -The recirculating sand filter was being constructed at the time of the inspection. systxm-classlftcations: SI, WW1, -Wetlands cells were redone with new gravel placed in the bottom. New plants will be placed later. Primary ORC: Kenneth Chad Leinbach Certification:23928 Phone:919-260-7301 'The old permit monitoring requirements were being used at the time of this inspection. •For the January'08 monitoring report the POL was written down instead of the value reported for Ammonia on the lab Secondary ORC(s): sheets. This monitoring report needs to be revised. Dennis James Hodge Certification:14872 Phone:919-304-9215 On-Site Representative(s): Type Yes No NA NE Related Permits: Lagoon Spray.LR ❑ Reuse(Quality) 0 Inspection Date: 09/29/2008 Entry Time:01:30 AM Exit Time:03:15 PM Infiltration System 0 Primary Inspector. Derek Denard Phone:336-771-5000 Single Family Spray,LR 0 Secondary Inspector(s): Activated Sludge Spray,HR 0 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Activated Sludge Spray.LR 0 Permit Inspection Type: Surface Irrigation Activated Sludge Drip.LR 0 Facility Status: ■Compliant 0 Not Compliant Recycle/Reuse 0 Question Areas: 0 Single Family Drip Ii Miscellaneous Questions (See attachment summary) Page:1 Page:2 • Compliance Inspection Report Permit:W00013808 Owner.Facility,Kots Properties Inc Permit: W00013808 Effective:09/12/08 Expiration:08/31/16 Owner:Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date:0825/2010 inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine • SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility:Summerfield Shopping Center Inspection Summary: County:Guilford 4548 Highway 220 • Region:Winston-Salem • Summerfield NC 27358 The facility was in violation for the following. Contact Person: Bill Kotis Title: Phone:336-574-2000 -Electrical problems with the control panel at the mud well to the recirculation sand filter. The visual alarm(red light)was working,but the audio alarm buzzer was not operational. In addition,pump number one was not operational in the mud Directions to Facility: well. This electrical panel and mud well pump has not been working for some time.(We received a phone call from the take I-00 east to Hwy 150 in kemesville,turn left at top of ramp.turn right on Hwy 220 then take first left gravel driveway behind the operator notifying us that repairs were made prior to drafting this letter;however,a written explanation of the repairs for shopoin4�center this issue should be inducted in the response.) Systkm-Classifications: SI, WW1. Electrical problems with the control panel at the wet well to irrigation. There was power to the panel but the controls Primary ORC: Kenneth Chad Leinbach Certification:23928 Phone:919-260-7301 were not responsive. The audio/visual alarm was not functional either. Lighting may have damaged this electrical panel. Secondary oRc(s): (We received a phone call from the operator notifying us that repairs were made prior to drafting this letter;however,a written explanation of the repairs for this issue should be included in the response.) Dennis James Hodge Certification:14872 Phone:919-304-9215 Permit Conditions 11.1.and 111.1.address the general operation and maintenance requirements for the wastewater On-Site Representative(s): treatment facility. -Heavy erosion has occurred on the southeastern side of the berm for the storage pond. This area needs to be repaired Related Permits: to prevent failure of the lagoon berm. Related to this issue is that storm water drainage needs to be managed around treatment units such as the area between the storage lagoon and sand filter. Storm water drainage within the topography surrounding of the treatment units needs to be better diverted to prevent erosion or inundation of the treatment facility. Inspection Date: 0812512010 Entry Time:0115 PM Exit Time:04:00 PM (We received a phone call from the operator notifying us that repairs were made prior to drafting this letter;however,a written explanation of the repairs for this issue should be included in the response.) Primary Inspector: Derek Denard Phone:336-771-5000 Secondary Inspector(s): Permit Condition 111.14 requires that a protective vegetative cover be established and maintained on all earthen embankments,berms,pipe runs,erosion control areas,and surface water diversions. Patrick Mitchell Phone: Other operation and maintenance issues noted during the inspection of this facility: Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Surface Imgation •The covering material(gravel,pebbles,stalite)for the recirculating sand filter has settled and slumped away on the storage pond side and the back end(wetlands)side of the sand filter,exposing the drip piping. The piping needs to be Facility Status: 0 Compliant •Not Compliant recovered with the proper material according to engineering specifications such as stalite,pebbles,and/or#67 stone. •The growth of undesired plants in the wetlands treatment system should be managed to encourage the growth of Question Areas: desired plant species. ■Treatment Flow ■Treatment Flow In Miscellaneous Questions ■Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Measurement-Influent Measurement-Water Use Review of self-monitoring from October 2006 to June 2010 noted the following. Records Treatment Treatment Filters Record Keeping End Use-Irrigation •February 2010 through June 2010 NDARs noted that the yearly loading rate of 34.75 inches had been exceeded due to El adjustment of the shutdown protocol. NI Treatment Disinfection •Treatment Flow U Storage Weekly pH and TRC were not reported from February 2008 to December 2008,which was oversight of the new Measurement monitoring requirements for the new permit modified on January 22,2008 and renewed on September 12,2008. Weekly monitoring of pH and TRC was started in January 2009. Daily and monthly average flow rates were not record on the December 2006 NDMR. (See attachment summary) ADDITIONAL INSPECTION QUESTIONS Soil Tests Was a Standard Soil Fertility Analysis conducted for each application field?YES:12/21/09 •Were the soil pH's 6.0 or greater for each application field?4.9 and 4.9 for forest soils -If no,was lime applied to those fields?N/A Page:1 Page:2 • • Permit:W00013808 Owner-Facility:Kole Properties Inc Permit:W00013808 Owner-Facility:core Properties Inc inspection Date:08252010 inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason tor Visit:Routine Inspection Date:08252010 inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine Type Yes No NA NE Reuse(Quality) ❑ •Were the copper and zinc indexes in the soil less than 2000 for each application field?YES Was sodium less than 0.5 meq/100 an^3?YES:0.1 and 0.1 Lagoon Spray,LR 0 Was the exchangeable sodium percentage(ESP)less than 15%?YES:3.2%and 2.6% Sand Filters Infiltration System ❑ (If pumps are used)Is an audible and visible alarm present and operational?NO:audible not operational Single Family Spray,LR 0 Is the distribution box level and watertight?YES Is sand filter free of ponding?algae or excessive vegetation?YES Activated Sludge Spray.LR 0 Is the sand filter effluent re-circulated at a valid ratio?YES Septic Tanks Activated Sludge Drip,LR ❑ (If pumps are used)Is an audible and visual alarm operational?YES Activated Sludge Spray,HR ❑ Is septic tank pumped on a schedule? YES Is distribution box level and watertight?YES Reryde/Reuse 0 Are pumps or syphons operating properly?YES Are high and low water alarms operating properly?NO:audible not operational Single Family Dap ❑ Treatment Yes No NA NE Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Do all treatment units appear to be operational?(if no,note below.) 0 ■ 0 0 Comment: See summary for comments and additional questions. Treatment Flow Measurement-Influent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? 00 . 0 Is flowmeter operating properly? 0 0 ■ 0 Does flowmeter monitor continuously? 0 0 ■ 0 Does flowmeter record flow? 0 0 ■ 0 Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? 0 0 ■ 0 Comment: See summary for comments and additional questions. Treatment Flow Measurement-Water Use Records Yes No NA NE Is water use metered? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the daily average values properly calculated? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: See summary for comments and additional questions. Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? 00110 Is flowmeter operating properly? 0 0 ■ 0 Does flowmeter monitor continuously? 0 0 ■ 0 Does flowmeter record flow? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? 00110 Page,3 Pa 4 Page' 'p a . D N w H o r '� C) OO ° 0 H H 0 :5 C) O 3 m w a o a < < S m a 9 5 w Z. g c m d O N g. g g m w O 3 3 n n n a 3 3 a n m 73 y 3 3 y R j > > > Ul y m 3 A v ° n ' H 4 a d rt 4 CD R. a N C " N P. ,z 7 ° .- & - 6 c 9. m m 3 m' 5 .. 3 a 3 O '� w 8 s 3 m 'r " D n ? a - 3' m ? a 3 v 6 n m v y S F ie F 7, In o q m - u c s - A Z a ? < g o N n s R 3 a ° 6R. a g a A 3 23 u@ N 3 C - m v o m Z c ° 3 ' 'm a 3 3 - O c n n m v c S n G O 3 A D - g - n n N a m'' m o - E - 3 3 2 8 m 3 N u3 S $_ m `' .% a 3 a N @ A d O m m v ma °' o " a o m' .2 "' n " ° k ry a 3 v aTi 8 < O� - .. ? o a v m u .° -O u H n a O, i O 8 ' R. N u y O 3 O n n Q O . 3 n- B v_ E d s ffi, 3 0 32 $ 3 3 n� z 3 ° 'a m m n 3 `n u 3 6 CD 3 g o > nP. . n v a ° O 3 3 -, n F: 3 in $ z a , " u n A a " a n s a O st -2 a y a 3 g aa 9 3 a a - a I a a , 0 p a. O m - � 17) N a I a m = C z a CD CD q N O O = a N o fn O U J A 0 w o a ■ ❑ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w < IO ❑ a a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ G FF !D ■ ■ a ■ ■ a a a ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ a a n ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ a ; A' m iri a ❑ a a a a ❑ a ❑ ❑ a a ❑ ❑ a m ❑ a ❑ a a ❑ ❑ g m _ ? jj 2 z u 2 c, D 22 ' a a D O m m D �D N I. > D 0 n a O n 8 n 3 0_ D ° 0 n o< i3 A y d n $ w 3 w v o 0 3, v v v _ a V 3 n N n N 3 v £ £ z 3 a i5 ." m 3 j° 0 a. a c m m g. , c o 3 n R. „ D n 3 o' o u°i N V, 3. 3 m 3 $ 1Oy § o g g 'n_ a a 2 N e ° 2 a3 2 ` 8. N w v 3 "c O 9 ' 11 ! !m i1 Lail ie g 8 33 .5. ' EFTN 3 _ oz 2 E N g $ 5 3 o. - 3 9 y " a d R. E v 3 t . m $ ,. j ; y N s a 3 O a O V 9 O Q u , 3 3 n p m m u a R.). j _ _ a " c 0 CD 0 7 N A E ■ a ■ : ■ a ■ ■ ■ ❑ a a ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ a o a DUDDIIUII ❑ ■ a o o a ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ ■ a ■ ■ ■ o o o a a a o ■ ❑ a a ❑ a DOD g a ■ ❑ a o ■ a a o a o ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ o ■ a ❑ ❑ o a a o T, o ❑ a O a ❑ a ❑ a o ■ a a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a a o a ❑ ❑ cr a g' m m it Permit:W00013808 Owner-Facility:Kolis Properties Inc Permit:W00013808 Owner-Facility:Irons Properties Inc Inspection Oate:0825/2010 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine Inspection Date:08/252010 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine • Is the site condition adequate? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Liner Type Fun,synthetic Is the site free of runoff/ponding? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is liner acceptable? ■ ❑ O ❑ Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are baffles/curtains acceptable? 0 0 ■ 0 Is the application equipment present? ■ ❑ ❑ O Does the pond have a freeboard marker? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the application equipment operational? ■ ❑ ❑ O Required freeboard? 2 Is the disposal field free of limiting slopes? ■ ❑ O O Feet Is access restricted and/or signs posted during active site use? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Actual freeboard? 3.5 Are any supply wells within the CB? 08100 Feet Are any supply wells within 250'of the CB? O O ❑ ■ is there suitable grassed vegetation? ■ O ❑ ❑ How close is the closest water supply well? 00011 Is the vegetation maintained? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is municipal water available in the area? 0 0 0 ■ Is the area free of excessive weeds and/or woody species? ■ ❑ ❑ O #Info only:Does the permit call for monitoring wells? 0 ■ 0 0 Is the area free from signs of overflow? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are GW monitoring wells located property wl respect to RB and CB? ❑ ❑ ■ O Is color acceptable? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are GW monitoring wells properly constructed,including screened interval? 0 0 ■ 0 Are floating mats acceptable? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are monitoring wells damaged? 0 0 ■ 0 No excessive buildup of solids? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: See summary for comments and additional questions. Are aerators/mixers acceptable? 00110 550,000- Is effluent structure acceptable? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Storage Yes No NA NE If present,is pond cover acceptable? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Storage Type? Pond Comment: See summary for comments. Storage amount? 55055 *At what point is side-stream wastewater returned to treatment? irrigation Is there a Spill Control Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Aerated or Mixed? NONE If aeration is present,is it adequate? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ If present,are diffusers leaned regularly? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is influent structure acceptable? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are banks/berms free of seepage and erosion? 01800 Are banks/berms free of excessive vegetation? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is pond lined? 1. 000 Page:7 Page'8 • AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Date: August 25,2008 County: Guilford To: Aquifer Protection Section Central Office Permittee: Kotis Properties,Inc. Central Office Reviewer: Matt Fleahman, PG, LAU Project Name: Summerfield Shopping Center Regional Login No: Application No.: W00013808 I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is(check all that apply): ❑New ® Renewal ❑ Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification • Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse❑ Recycle ❑High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon ❑ Land Application of Residuals ❑Attachment B included ❑503 regulated ❑ 503 exempt ❑ Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed-loop Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other Injection Wells(including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? ❑Yes or®No. a. Date of site visit: A site visit will be conducted by the end of September when the construction of the approved modifications are completed. These modifications were approved on January 22, 2008. b. Person contacted and contact information: Chad Leinbach,ORC, Conner Consulting, LLC,919-260-7301 c. Site visit conducted by: d. Inspection Report Attached: ❑ Yes or®No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? ® Yes or❑No. If no,please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: a. Location: The Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center is located at the intersection of Hwy 220 and Hwy 150 near Summerfield,NC in Guilford County b. Driving Directions: Frow WSRO, take Hwy 52 north to I-40 Business east. Take the Hwy 150 exit (in Kernersville) and turn left at the top of the ramp. Follow the signs for Hwy 150 through Kernersville. Turn right on Hwy 220. The Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center is at the intersection of Hwy 220 and Hwy 150. To get to the wastewater plant, continue on Hwy 220 beyond the intersection with Hwy 150. Turn left at the gravel driveway behind the shopping center. c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Summerfield d. Latitude: 36 11' 29" Longitude: 79 53' 24" e. Regulated Activities/Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing,municipal wastewater): Domestic wastewater from shopping center,restaurant and grocey store. For Disposal and Injection Sites: (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information applies to, copy and paste a new section into the document for each site, or attach additional pages for each site) a. Location(s): Same as above b. Driving Directions: Same as above c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Same as above d. Latitude: Longitude: FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ0013808 APSRSR 0904.doc 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT II. NEW AND MAJOR MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS(this section not needed for renewals or minor modifications,skip to next section) Description Of Waste(S)And Facilities 1. Please attach completed rating sheet. Facility Classification: 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes ❑No ❑N/A. If no, please explain: 3. Are the new site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ❑ Yes ❑No ❑N/A. If no, please explain: 4. Does the application (maps, plans, etc.) represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes ❑No ❑N/A. If no,please explain: 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate and/or acceptable to the Division. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no,please explain: 6. Are the proposed application rates for new sites(hydraulic or nutrient)acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑No ❑N/A. If no, please explain: 7. Are the new treatment facilities or any new disposal sites located in a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If yes, please attach a map showing areas of 100-year floodplain and please explain and recommend any mitigative measures/special conditions in Part IV: 8. Are there any buffer conflicts (new treatment facilities or new disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or❑No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 9. Is proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 10. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) III. RENEWAL AND MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS(use previous section for new or major modification systems) Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities 1. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? ® Yes or❑No. Operator in Charge: Kenneth C. Leinbach Certificate#:SI/23928 WW-2/29210 Backup-Operator in Charge: Dennis J. Hodge Certificate#:SI/ 14872 WW-4/8754 FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ0013808 APSRSR 0904.doc 2 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 2. Is the design, maintenance and operation (e.g. adequate aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, effluent storage, etc) of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? El Yes or El No. If no,please explain: 3. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ®Yes or El No. If no,please explain: 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect permit (drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary,new development, etc.)? If yes,please explain:NO 5. Is the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or acceptable to the Division? ® Yes or El No. If no, please explain: Septic tanks are pumped and hauled every 6 months. 6. Are the existing application rates (hydraulic or nutrient) still acceptable? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No El N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Will seasonal or other restrictions be required for added sites? ❑ Yes ❑No ®N/A If yes,attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) 9. Are there any buffer conflicts (treatment facilities or disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ® No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 10. Is the description of the facilities, type and/or volume of waste(s) as written in the existing permit correct? Yes or❑No. If no, please explain: 11. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? El Yes or El No ® N/A. If no, please explain: 12. Has a review of all self-monitoring data been conducted (GW,NDMR, and NDAR as applicable)? ® Yes or ❑No El N/A. Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: Review of self monitoring for August 2006 through June 2008 found the following: Flow (in conduit or thru treatment plant) exceeded the permitted flow of 1,700 GPD for PPI 001 for May 2007 (1,950.65), June 2007 (3,036.1), July 2007 (2,460.97), August (2,954.87), September 2007 (3,073.03), October 2007 (2,811.97), November 2007 (2,577.81), May 2008 (2,383.45), and June 2008 (2,211.07). 13. Check all that apply: ® No compliance issues; ❑ Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; ❑ Current enforcement action(s) El Currently under SOC; El Currently under JOC; El Currently under moratorium. If any items checked, please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (such as NOV,NOD etc): 14. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, (SOC, JOC, etc.) been complied with? El Yes El No El Not Determined ®N/A.. If no, please explain: FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ0013808 APSRSR 0904.doc 3 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes or®No ❑N/A. If yes,please explain: FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ0013808 APSRSR 0904.doc 4 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT IV. INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS(Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells,including closed-loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells,in situ remediation injection wells,and heat pump injection wells.) Description Of Well(S)And Facilities—New,Renewal,And Modification 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Heating/cooling water return flow(5A7) ❑ Closed-loop heat pump system(5QM/5QW) ❑In situ remediation(5I) ❑ Closed-loop groundwater remediation effluent injection(5L/"Non-Discharge") ❑ Other(Specify: ) 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ❑No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection?❑ Yes ❑No What is/are the pollution source(s)? . What is the distance of the injection well(s)from the pollution source(s)? ft. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? ft. 5. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ❑Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ❑ Low ❑ Moderate ❑High 7. For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring,monitoring parameters,etc.) adequate? ❑Yes ❑No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site(property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑Yes or❑No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries,buildings,wells,potential pollution sources,roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. Injection Well Permit Renewal And Modification Only: 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g.turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid,poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑No. If yes, explain: 2. For closed-loop heat pump systems,has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑No. If yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits(of any type),will continued/additional/modified injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? ❑ Yes ❑No. If yes, explain: 4. Drilling contractor: Name: FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ0013808 APSRSR 0904.doc 5 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Address: Certification number: 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ0013808 APSRSR 0904.doc 6 I. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT V. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application.: Review of self monitoring for August 2006 through June 2008 found the following: Flow(in conduit or thru treatment plant)exceeded the permitted flow of 1,700 GPD for PPI 001 for May 2007 (1,950.65), June 2007 (3,036.1),July 2007 (2,460.97), August(2,954.87), September 2007 (3,073.03), October 2007 (2,811.97),November 2007(2,577.81),May 2008 (2,383.45), and June 2008 (2,211.07). PPI 001, permitted for 1,700 GPD,will be deleted upon receipt of the engineering certification for completion of improvements according to the note in BIMS. The permitted flow was increased to 3,600 GPD(as stated in permit description)on January 22,2008 pending improvements that will have PPI 002 permitted for 3,182 GPD(per Attachment A). The permit description and the Attachment A differ on flow. This is also the case in BIMS. This may create confusion from an operational standpoint on which value(3,600 GPD or 3,182 GPD) is the treatment system going to have to be compliant with. Apparently, influent flow or the maximum amount that can be treated is 3,600 GPD and the maximum effluent flow or amount irrigated is 3,182 GPD. Since the permitted influent flow is greater than the permitted effluent flow there should be adequate storage capacity(550,000 gallons). 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet- if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑Yes ®No. If yes, please explain briefly. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ0013808 APSRSR 0904.doc 7 r AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 7. Recommendation: ❑Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny,please state reasons: 8. Signature of report preparer(s): -e-------' 0 Signature of APS regional supervisor: ›ege-tit Y. Date: 8l Z4,jo0 ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: Kotis-Summerfield WQ00 13808 APSRSR 0904.doc 8 RECEIVED AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION N.C.Dept.of ENR APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM JUL 2 2 2008 Winston-Salem Regional Office I Date: July 21, 2008 To: n Landon Davidson,ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt,FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner,MRO-APS ® Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman,RRO-APS From: Matt Fleahman, PG , Land Application Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6173 Fax: (919) 715-0588 E-Mail: matthew.fleahman@ncmail.net A. Permit Number: WQ0013808 B. Owner: Kotis Properties, Inc C. Facility/Operation: Summerfield Shopping Center ❑ Proposed ® Existing ® Facility ® Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: n Animal ® Surface Irrigation n Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration n Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation(ND) n UIC - (5QW) closed loop water only geothermal For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ® Renewal ❑ Renewal w/Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above-referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days,please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed Form APSSRR. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. n Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office-Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. L) RO-APS Reviewer: `" ' "'L" J , rvuc Date: ____424Z FORM: APSARR 02/06 Page 1 of 1 ' t �OF W ATF9Q Michael F.Easley,Governor William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary C - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources -� Coleen H.Sullins Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED July 18,2008 N.C.Dept.of ENR Dan Witcher JUL 2 2 2008 Kotis Properties Inc Winston-Salem PO Box 9296 Regional Office I Greensboro,NC 27429 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No.WQ0013808 Summerfield Shopping Center Surface Irrigation System Guilford Dear Mr. Witcher: The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality(Division)acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on June 27,2008.This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Matthew Fleahman. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications,the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office,copied below,must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time,processing permit applications can take as long as 60-90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions,please contact Matthew Fleahman at 919-715-6173,or via e-mail at matthew.fleahman@ncmail.net. If the reviewer is unavailable,you may leave a message,and they will respond promptly.Also note that the Division has reorganized.To review our new organizational chart,go to http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/documents/dwo orgchart.pdf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, 006LA , &0i4.< for Kim H.Colson,PE Supervisor • cc: Victor D mato,PE/Arcadis US 4915 Prospectus Dr. Ste F,Durham,NC 27713 Permit Application File WQ0013808 NorthCarolina Naturally Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919)733-3221 Internet:www.ncwateraualitv.orq Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh,NC 27604 Fax 1: (919)715-0588 Fax 2: (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50%Recycled/10%Post Consumer Paper Customer Service: (877)623-6748 State of North Carolina i4QUlFPa oPn-rzCTinN SFCTIOK Department of Environment and Natural Resources JUN 2 7 Z Division of Water Quality INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: WWR 09-06 (RENEWAL WITHOUT MODIFICATION OF WASTEWATER NON-DISCHARGE SYSTEMS) For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit the Land Application Unit(LAU) web site at: http://h2o.enr.slate.nc.tis/lau/main.html This form is for renewal without modification for all wastewater non-discharge systems. Wastewater non-discharge systems include:High Rate Infiltration Systems;Infiltration/Evaporation Lagoons;Reclaimed Water Utilization Systems; Wastewater Recycle Systems;Single Family Surface Irrigation Systems;and Surface Irrigation Systems. This application may not be used for renewal of Land Application of Residuals Permits. A. Application Form (All Application Packages): ✓ Submit one (1) original and two (2) copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form. Any changes made to this form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ If the Applicant is a corporation or company, it must be registered for business with the NC Secretary of State(http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx). ✓ If the Applicant is a partnership, sole proprietorship, trade name, or d/b/a enclose a copy of the certificate filed with the register of deeds in the county of business. ✓ The application must be signed appropriately in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .0106(b). An alternate person may be designated as the signing official, provided that a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the referenced criteria. You may download an example delegation letter from the LAU web site. ✓ Submit three(3)copies of the most recently issued existing permit. B. Additional Forms(Single Family Residence Surface Irrigation Systems Only): ✓ Submit one(1)original and two(2)copies of a completed and properly executed FORM: SFR O&M. This Form may be downloaded at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lau/applications.html#Single C. Site Map ✓ Submit three (3) copies of an updated site map if required as part of the original submittal in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T.0105(d). I. GENERAL INFORMATION: I. Permittee's name(Owner of the facility): Kotis Properties,Inc. 2. Complete mailing address of Permittee: PO Box 9296 City: Greensboro State: NC Zip: 27429-9296 Telephone number: (336)574-2000 Facsimile number: (336)574-2001 Email Address: dan(&,kotisprop.com 3. Facility name(name of the subdivision, shopping center,etc.): Summerfield Shopping Center 4. Complete address of the physical location of the facility(if different from above):4548 Highway 220 North City: Summerfield State: NC Zip: 27358 5. County where project is located: Guilford County 6. Name and affiliation of contact person who can answer questions about project: Victor D'Amato,PE Email Address: vdamatoamindspring.com II. PERMIT INFORMATION: FORM: WWR 09-06 Page 1 • 1. Existing permit number WQ0013808 and the issuance date January 22,2008 2. Existing permit type: ❑ High-Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation Lagoons ❑ Reclaimed Water Utilization ❑ Single Family Surface Irrigation ® Surface Irrigation ❑ Wastewater Recycle 3. Has the treatment and disposal system been constructed? ❑ Yes ® No SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4. If the system has not been constructed,would you like to rescind your permit(i.e.the permitted facilities will not be needed)? ❑ Yes ® No 5. Has the wastewater system been connected to a municipal or community sewer system? ❑ Yes No Applicant's Certification [signing authority must be in compliance with 15A NCAC 2T.0106(b)J: I,Dan Witcher,Vice President(signing authority name and title)attest that this application for Summerfield Shopping Center(facility name)has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any discharge of wastewater from this non-discharge system to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief,and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Quality should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that the applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime,has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure,does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned,are compliant with any active compliance schedule,and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 2T.0105. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143- 215.6B,any person who knowingly makes any false statement,representation,or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor,which may include a fine not to exceed$10,000 as well as civil penalties up to$25,0 per violation. n/ Signature: 6 Date: THE COMPLETED RENEWAL APPLICATION SHALL BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION By U.S. Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919)733-3221 FAX NUMBER: (919)715-6048 RECEIVED/DENR/DWQ Aquifer Protection Section JUN 27 2008 FORM: WWR 09-06 Page 2 WAr - � l9� Michael F.Easley.G vemor 0 6 William G.RossJr..Secretary - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources >_ `(' Coleen H Sullins. I>irector Division of Water Quality April 21, 2008 RECEIVED N.C.Dept.of ENR DAN WITCHER APR 2 2 2008 KOTIS PROPERTIES,INC. Winston-Salem lI PO Box 9296 Regional Office GREENSBORO,NC 27408 Subject: Permit Renewal Reminder Surface Irrigation Summerfield Shopping Center Permit Number WQ0013808 Guilford County Dear Mr.Witcher, As of this date, our records indicate that the above-referenced permit, which was issued on 1/22/2008 and expires on 12/31/2008, has not been renewed. It is both a condition of your permit and required by 15A NCAC 2T .0109 to request a renewal of your permit at least 180 calendar days prior to its expiration date. Failure to apply for permit renewal, and operation of your facility without an active permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143- 215.6A. Therefore, it is imperative that you submit a permit renewal application package for review as soon as possible. Please submit the enclosed Wastewater Renewal without Modification Application (Form WWR 09-06) in triplicate to the following address: Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Please note that if the facility has never been constructed or if the facility has been connected to sewer service,the Permittee has the option of rescinding the permit. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and timely response. If you have any questions, please contact Nathaniel Thornburg at(919) 715-6160 or at nathaniel.thomburg@ncmail.net. Sincerely, Nathaniel D.Thornburg Environmental Engineer II APS Central Files One N Carolina ,Naturally Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Phone(919)733-3221 Customer Service Internet:www.ncwaterquality.org 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh,NC 27604 Fax (919)715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled/10%Post Consumer Paper G __--------eg'unal 0 nce —Yam ■■r *********************************************************************�F******** DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE February 4, 2008 ****************************************************************************** MEMORANDUM TO: Sherri Knight Regional Supervisor Aquifer Protection Section,Winston Salem Regional Office FROM: Rich Hayes Soil Scientist Aquifer Protection Section,Raleigh Regional Office SUBJECT: Permit No.WQ0013808 Summerfield Shopping Center Wastewater Treatment and Surface Irrigation System Guilford County I am sending on a package of all information received during the express permitting process for permit number WQ0013808, the Summerfield Shopping Center,Wastewager Irrigation and Surface Irrigation System. You will receive a copy of the permit from the Central Office in a separate mailing. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information about this project. WO*':\14A7 ; Michael F.Easley,Governor 0G William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Q 6 Coleen H.Sullins,Director Division of Water Quality Regional OificE December 20, 2007 DAN WITCHER—VICE PRESIDENT KOTIS PROPERTIES,INC. P.O.Box 9296 GREENSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA 27429-9296 Subject: .. =AIROlf Additional Information Request Summerfield Shopping Center Wastewater Treatment and Surface Irrigation System Dear Mr. Witcher: The Central and Regional Aquifer Protection Section's Express Reviewers have completed their review of the subject permit application package. Additional information is required before we may continue our review. Please address the following items no later than the close of business on January 3, 2008. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the responsibility of the applicant. In addition, any omissions made in responding to the above items shall result in future requests for additional information. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. Three(3) copies of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to the address below. One(1)copy of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to Rich Hayes in the Raleigh Regional Office. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. If you have any questions regarding this request,please do not hesitate to contact me at(919)715-6160. .Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Nathaniel D.Thornburg Environmental Engineer II cc: ompleumumpampumemmimmumaimp Victor D'Amato, PE—Arcadis G&M of NC,Inc. Permit Application File WQ0013808 O ow N Carolina aturally Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919)733-3221 Internet:www.ncwaterquality.org Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh,NC 27604 Fax 1: (919)715-0588 Fax 2: (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled/10%Post Consumer Paper Customer Service: (877)623-6748 Mr. Dan Witcher December 20,2007 Page 2 of 5 General Note: Upon submittal of the additional information prior to the close of business on Thursday,January 3rd, please submit a check made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the amount of$1,077. Failure to provide this check by 5:00 pm on January 3rd shall result in the immediate return of the application package. Failure to provide all requested additional information items shall result in an automatic additional information request and associated fee. Application: 1. Item II(5) indicates an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan(E&SCP)has not been submitted to the Division of Land Resources(DLR)for the proposed modifications to the sand filter,wetland cells, relocation of the wet weather storage pond and addition of the septic and dosing tanks. Assuming the proposed changes and additions exceed one(1)acre in area disturbance,contact the Winston-Salem Regional Office's DLR and determine whether or not an update E&SCP is required. Please note, if an E&SCP is required,this non-discharge permit modification may not be issued until the plan is at least submitted to the appropriate office for review. 2. Application Item III(3)states the flow from the Walgreens is 1,400 GPD based on a square footage of 14,000;however,Plan Sheet C-1 shows an area of 14,820 ft2. Based on this information,the flow from the Walgreens should be 1,482 GPD,therefore,amend the Application and engineering calculations to reflect this change, and resize any treatment components as necessary. 3. Item III(5)states the effluent Total Nitrogen concentration is 10 mg/1;however,the effluent concentrations for ammonia, nitrate and organic nitrogen(TKN-NH3)are 1 mg/1, 15 mg/1 and 4 mg/1, respectively,resulting in a Total Nitrogen concentration of 20 mg/l. Please note the sum of the nitrogen family parts may not exceed the Total Nitrogen concentration. Reevaluate Item III(5). 4. To the best of the engineer's ability and without any additional field survey work,amend Item IV(2) to include the minimum setback distances for the Irrigation System parameters. Please note these values are needed only for informational purposes,and the wetted area(i.e., irrigation) setbacks in the requested permit will remain the same as those in previous permit issuances. 5. Remove the statement"Additionally,there is [an] automatic,passive overflow to the storage unit at the new filter dosing station"from Item N(5). Per Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0505(j)prohibits the use of overflow/by-pass lines(See Detail Plans Question#5 for more information). 6. Amend Item IV(6)to include the actual chlorine detention time based upon an average daily flow of 3,100 GPD. Please note a minimum of 30 minutes of residence time is required. 7. Amend Item V(2)(b)to include the third dimension for the proposed septic tank, and provide the required information for the sand filter dosing/purnp tank. 8. In order to complete the Division's database for this project,please amend Item VII(9)to include the latitude and longitude for each irrigation field, as well as provide the level of accuracy,method of measurement and datum. Mr.ban Witcher DeAmber 20,2007 , Page 3 of 5 Property Ownership Documentation: 1. Review of the Guilford County GIS (http://gcgis.co.guilford.nc.us/guilford new/) and Plan Sheet C-1 indicates the proposed Walgreens septic tank is on a piece of property separate from the existing wastewater treatment facility property. Per Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0504(f),please provide a copy a deed documenting that the Applicant owns the parcel where the proposed new septic tank will be located. Detailed Plans: 1. Per Application Instruction N and Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0105(c)(2), amend each plan sheet to include the signature and date on the seal of a licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer. 2. Per Application Instruction N and Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0504(c),amend the plans to include a hydraulic profile from the septic tank influent through each treatment unit and ending at the highest irrigation emitter. 3. Amend the"Issued for State Review"issued date for Sheets C-1 through C-9. 4. Sheet C-1 indicates a sewer easement has been granted for the effluent line from the Walgreens septic tank to the treatment plant headworks. Provide a copy of this easement. In addition, since this collection system line will be crossing multiple property lines, it will be necessary for the Applicant to obtain a sewer permit from the Winston-Salem Regional Office's Surface Water Protection Section. Amend Application Item II(5) as necessary. 5. As designed,the wet weather storage pond is not serving its purpose as required by Division Rules. Specifically,the wet weather storage pond should only receive treated and disinfected wastewater effluent when the disposal fields are in a condition not suitable for irrigation(i.e.,inclement weather, ponding,runoff, etc.). Plan Sheets C-1,C-2, C-4, C-7 and C-8 indicate there is a bypass line from the sand filter recirculation tank to the wet weather storage pond,which is prohibited by Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0505(j). Therefore,remove the bypass line to the wet weather storage pond and the return line from the pond to the sand filter dosing tank from Plan Sheets C-1, C-2, C-4, C-7 and C-8. As an alternate design,the Division recommends installing a line from the pump station/chlorine contact chamber to the wet weather storage pond,and providing some means of returning the treated stored effluent from the pond to the field dosing pump station for irrigation. • 6. Per Application Instruction N, amend the plans to include plan and profile views of the modified wetland cell and the level control/flow splitters, as well as include their dimensions and respective elevations. In addition, amend the sand filter plan and profile views (Sheets C-5, C-6 and C-7)to include the sand filter dimensions,as well as amend the sand filter dosing tank plan and profile views on Sheet C-8 to include the required dimensions and float elevations. s t i Mr.Dan Witcher December 20,2007 Page 4 of 5 Site Map: 1. Per 15A NCAC 2T .0504(d),provide four(4)copies of a standard size site map and two (2) copies of an 11 by 17-inch site map that has been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Land Surveyor and/or Professional Engineer. At a minimum,this site map shall include: ✓ A scaled map of the site, with topographic contour intervals not exceeding 10 feet or 25 percent of total site relief and showing all facility-related structures and fences within the treatment, storage and irrigation areas. ✓ Soil mapping units shown on all irrigation areas. ✓ The location of all wells (including usage and construction details if available), streams (ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial), springs, lakes,ponds,and other surface drainage features within 500 feet of all waste treatment, storage, and irrigation area(s). ✓ Delineation of the review and compliance boundaries. ✓ Setbacks as required by 15A NCAC 2T .0506. ✓ Site property boundaries within 500 feet of all waste treatment, storage, and disposal site(s). ✓ All habitable residences or places of public assembly within 500 feet of all waste treatment, storage, and disposal site(s). Specifications: 1. Per Application Instruction P and Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0105(c)(2), amend the specifications package to include the seal, signature and date of a licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer. 2. Per Application Instruction P, amend the package to include the specifications for the project site work,materials and mechanical and electrical work. Please see the application instructions for a more detailed list of the required specifications. 3. Amend Section 00004 to include the hydraulic conductivity for the proposed wet weather storage liner. Please note that per Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0505(f),the liner's hydraulic conductivity shall be at least 1 x 10-6 centimeters per second. Mr.Dali Witcher December 20,2007 Page 5 of 5 Engineering Calculations: 1. Per Application Instruction Q and Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0105(c)(2), amend the engineering calculations package to include the seal, signature and date of a licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer. 2. Per Application Instruction Q and Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0504(c)(3), amend the engineering calculations to include buoyancy calculations for the sand filter dosing tank and Walgreens septic tank. Note Division Policy requires all subsurface treatment/storage units to maintain a buoyancy safety factor of 1.20 determined by the following equation: Weight of Tank 1 +Minimum Water Weight Safety Factor = >_1.20 Volume of Tank) 62.4 lb3 T fr , For your reference,please do not include the weight of soil overburden as a downward force, and the buoyant upward force of the soil and tank material when determining this calculation. Arm NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FAX TRANSMITTAL Winston-Salem Regional Office Telephone: (336) 771-5000 FAX: (336) 771-4631 Date: 2/z Z/(2 .'"'<' ,Ig::, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF iti ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 1 7 .,4 Y� 4 ; DEREK C. DENARD No. of Pages (including this page) 417 4i ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMIST e ter: :y, AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION NCDENR To: Car I Pele_con I rt DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY From z: Winston-Salem Regional Office b a 585 Waughtown Street,Winston-Salem,NC 27107 FAX No.(3 3 c_) &Li I - 3 7 Telepf Phone 336-771-5286 Fax 336-771 4631 { derek.denard@ncmaii.net ;,�� ._;. http:!/ncwaterquality.org RE: WA/.yree7J C:in,vee-rids(d 51,E _- f ,1,( Comments: Aim-, - le/JcXf PA C er- 7 I tV Q(20 ) 3kDE ("1 4J Lod; ¢( 4 w i f 1 i c qII f1b7 019 se lei e_ i—u.,lc. 4-o 5!ry ,/4e I'1/a Il ✓CC47 I Oiir a✓e-t7 ‘ 14C /Z I/vGt1-',‘•7 a •t 4. 4e su .lit -(I err 7' tr-7'(4. 1,-7 0--re of -f-4•6 ✓-ex-z-•.i t a/2� VC 1 l cT f a,e h'I- cej(f t rrp 0 vit b I n O 4 .4_ C, ll. (l1�/� (.tx A-IA Ge /r I a4 4 tit:(4 t o -ci PI'1 O r 4-1,e i - (,re4'1Ac r S 4,-s,./L ,d 6" /( ,9 nu4 ( t t f- e 'ew pe — ;f . ;, or ( „iv > t , , (1) k-t. 65 (05 Winstc W A 7- Michael F.Easley,Governor R William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary \0 QG North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources f/5 7 Alan W.Klimek,P.E.Director > 1 Division of Water Quality K November 28,2006 Mr.Bill Kotis Kotis Properties Inc PO Box 9296 Greensboro NC 27408 SUBJECT: September 13,2006 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Kotis Properties Inc Kotis Properties Inc-Summerf Permit No: WQ0013808 Guilford County Dear Mr.Kotis: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form from the inspection conducted on September 13,2006. The Compliance Evaluation Inspection was conducted by Derek Denard of the Winston-Salem Regional Office. The facility was found to be in Compliance with permit WQ0013808. Upon review of monitoring reports for the period January 2005 to July 2006 the following was noted: • Daily,Average,Maximum and Minimum flows were not recorded on the February 2005 DMR. This DMR should be amended if this information is available. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions,please call Derek Denard at 336-771-5286. Sincerely, • Sherri V.Knight,P.E. Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor cc: Kenneth Chad Leinbach,ORC Guilford County Health Department APS Central Files WinipithCarolin )Vatural4 • Division of Water Quality/Aquifer Protection Section Customer Service 585 Waughtown Street,Winston-Salem NC 27107 1-877-623-6748 Phone: (336)771-5000 Fax: (336)771.4631 Internet: http:!'w vv.no%aterqualit`Ave An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50%Regded/10%Post Consumer Paper • Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0013808 Effective: 01/23/04 Expiration: 12/31/08 Owner: Kotis Properties Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Kotis Properties Inc-Summerf County: Guilford PO Box 9296 Region: Winston-Salem Greensboro NC 27408 Contact Person: Bill Kotis Phone:336-574-2000 Directions to Facility: Primary ORC: Kenneth Chad Leinbach Certification:23928 Phone:919-545-0630 Secondary ORC(s): Dennis James Hodge Certification: 14872 Phone:336-996-2841 On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Entry Time: 12:55 PM Exit Time: 03:00 PM Primary Inspector: Derek Denard Phone:336-771-5000 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Surface Irrigation Facility Status: ■ Compliant 0 Not Compliant Question Areas: ■Treatment Flow ■Treatment Flow Miscellaneous Questions ■Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Measurement-Influent Measurement-Water Use Records In Treatment II Treatment Barscreen MI Record Keeping Treatment Lagoons II End Use-Irrigation II Treatment Disinfection .Treatment Flow Measurement (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit:WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: PERMIT Non-discharge Permit No. WQ0013808 is for the operation of a 1,700 GPD drip irrigation treatment and disposal facility consisting of 851 linear feet of six inch gravity sewer, a 1,500 gallon grease trap, a 5,000 gallon septic tank, 641 linear feet of eight inch gravity sewer to the wetland system, an influent distribution box with a cleanout to split the flow evenly between the wetland cells, two wetland cells, each sized at 161 feet by 22 feet with a maximum water depth of two feet, a tablet chlorinator(with the option to change to a UV disinfection system), a 980 gallon baffled chlorine contact basin, 150 linear feet of four inch gravity sewer to the pump station, a 9 foot diameter wet well with duplex 70 GPM pumps, on-site audible and visual high water alarms, an on site emergency generator located outside of the pump building with automatic transfer switch, 3 Arkal Disc Kleen filters in series, Perk Rite Drip irrigation system with emitters designed a 0.1 GPD/sf (0.0067 inches per hour), two drip irrigation fields (Field A has 28,314 square feet and Field B has 17,424 square feet available)with a total of 45,738 square feet available for disposal, and soil moisture sensors in the drip fields with all necessary pipes, pumps, electrical fixtures, and appurtenances required for proper operation to serve a 24 hour grocery store and four thousand square feet of attached multi-purpose retail (no food service) use, an outparcel for multi-purpose retail (no food service) use at the Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center, and construction of an 8,000 gallon grease trap in series with a 6,00 gallon septic tank with effluent filter with all necessary pipes, pumps, electrical fixtures, and appurtenances required for proper operation to serve a food service establishment at the Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center(the septic tank effluent shall flow into the existing gravity collection system to the wastewater treatment facility), and construction of a 9,000 gallon sand filter dosing pump station with two 3-HP pumps, a 2,500 ft2 vegetated recirculating sand filtration system with two cells and an LPP distribution system, modification to the hydraulics (and addition of a flow splitter box) of the south wetland cell (to be referred to as the treatment cell), modification to the north wetland cell (to be referred to as the storage cell)to increase the size of the cell to 279,000 gallons and increase storage capacity to 77.5 days at 3,600 gpd, as well as modify hydraulics of flow through the cell, and modification to the existing irrigation area for better utilization as well as construction to add 0.35 acres of new irrigation area to the current irrigation area with all necessary pipes, pumps, electrical fixtures, and appurtenances required for proper operation to serve additional services a the Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters pursuant to the application received June 3, 2000, and subsequent additional information received by the Division, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. RECORD KEEPING AND SELF-MONITORING Upon review of monitoring reports for the period January 2005 to July 2006 the following was noted: -Daily,Average, Maximum and Minimum flows were not recorded on the February 2005 DMR. This DMR should be amended if this information is available. Effluent concentrations for Fecal Coliform exceeded the 2L standard for Total Coliform (1/100m1) on a few occasions. FACILITY SITE REVIEW A invasive vine has taken over Cell B. The vine should be removed if it begins to choke out the aquatic vegetation such as bulrushes. Needs to mow around berms. See previous inspection for notes on the supply well that has remained a contentious issue. Over all the irrigation fields have improved since the last inspection. Sycamore trees that were planted have grown quickly. FLOW MEASUREMENT Effluent flow is measured by a manual (magnetic)type of flow meter that is not possible to calibrate and does not record flow. Page: 2 • Permit:W00013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES N/A LABORATORY Certified Laboratories used by the permittee are Conner Consulting, LLC and Chemical Environmental Tech. SLUDGE UTILIZATION/DISPOSAL Septic tanks are pumped every 6 months. OTHER The previous inspection of this facility was conducted by Derek Denard of this office on March 22, 2005. ADDITIONAL INSPECTION QUESTIONS N/A Page: 3 Permit:W00013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine Type Yes No NA NE Reuse(Quality) n Infiltration System n Activated Sludge Spray, LR n Single Family Spray, LR ❑ Activated Sludge Spray, HR n Activated Sludge Drip, LR n Recycle/Reuse n Single Family Drip n Lagoon Spray, LR ■ Treatment Yes No NA NE Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? ■ n n n Do all treatment units appear to be operational?(if no, note below.) ■ n n n Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Influent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? n ❑ ■ n Is flowmeter operating properly? n n ■ n Does flowmeter monitor continuously? n n ■ n Does flowmeter record flow? n n ■ n Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? n n ■ n Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Water Use Records Yes No NA NE Is water use metered? ■ n n n Are the daily average values properly calculated? mono Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? n n ■ n Is flowmeter operating properly? ■ n ❑ n Does flowmeter monitor continuously? ■ Q n n Does flowmeter record flow? n ■ n n Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? ■ n n n Page: 4 Permit:WO0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Comment: Effluent flow is measured by a manual (magnetic) type of flow meter that is not possible to calibrate and does not record flow. Treatment Barscreen Yes No NA NE Is it free of excessive debris? ■ n n n Is disposal of screenings in compliance? U n n n Are the bars spaced properly? ■ n n 0 Is the unit in good condition? ■ ❑ n n Comment: distribution box with a cleanout Treatment Disinfection Yes No NA NE Is the system working? ■ n 0 n Do the fecal coliform results indicate proper disinfection? ■ n n n Is there adequate detention time(>=30 minutes)? ■ 0 n 0 Is the system properly maintained? ■ n n 0 If gas,does the cylinder storage appear safe? n n ■ n Is the fan in the chlorine feed room and storage area operable? n n ■ 0 Is the chlorinator accessible? ■ n n n If tablets,are tablets present? ■ n n n Are the tablets the proper size and type? ■ n n n Is contact chamber free of sludge,solids, and growth? ■ n n n If UV, are extra UV bulbs available? 0 0 ■ 0 If UV, is the UV intensity adequate? 0 0 ■ 0 #Is it a dual feed system? ■ n ❑ n Does the Stationary Source have more than 2500 lbs of Chlorine(CAS No. 7782-50-5)? 0 ■ 0 0 If yes,then is there a Risk Management Plan on site? 0 0 • 0 If yes,then what is the EPA twelve digit ID Number?(1000- ) If yes,then when was the RMP last updated? Comment: No comments. Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is a copy of current permit available? ■ n n n Are monitoring reports present: NDMR? ■ n n n NDAR? ■ nnn Page: 5 Permit:WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? ■ ❑ U U Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are application rates adhered to? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is GW monitoring being conducted,if required(GW-59s submitted)? 0 0 • 0 Are all samples analyzed for all required parameters? ■ U ❑ ❑ Are there any 2L GW quality violations? 0 0 • 0 Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Is effluent sampled for same parameters as GW? U U ■ U Do effluent concentrations exceed GW standards? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are annual soil reports available? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ #Are PAN records required? ❑ ❑ ❑ • #Did last soil report indicate a need for lime? 0 0 0 ■ If so, has it been applied? U U U ■ Are operational logs present? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are lab sheets available for review? 0 0 0 ■ Do lab sheets support data reported on NDMR? ❑ ❑ ❑ • Do lab sheets support data reported on GW-59s? U ❑ • U Are Operational and Maintenance records present? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Were Operational and Maintenance records complete? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? • ❑ ❑ U Is a copy of the SOC readily available? ❑ U ■ ❑ No treatment units bypassed since last inspection? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Upon review of monitoring reports for the period January 2005 to July 2006 the following was noted: -Daily, Average, Maximum and Minimum flows were not recorded on the February 2005 DMR. This DMR should be amended if this information is available. Effluent concentrations for Fecal Coliform exceeded the 2L standard for Total Coliform (1/100m1) on a few occasions. _ End Use-Irrigation Yes No NA NE Are buffers adequate? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the cover crop type specified in permit? U ■ U U Is the crop cover acceptable? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 6 Permit:W00013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine Is the site condition adequate? • Q n n Is the site free of runoff/ponding? ■ 0 0 0 Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? ■ ❑ n ❑ Is the application equipment present? ■ n n n Is the application equipment operational? ■ n ❑ n Is the disposal field free of limiting slopes? ■ n n n Is access restricted and/or signs posted during active site use? ■ n n n Are any supply wells within the CB? ■ n n n Are any supply wells within 250' of the CB? ■ n n n How close is the closest water supply well? ■ n n n Is municipal water available in the area? ■ n n n #Info only: Does the permit call for monitoring wells? 0 ■ 0 0 Are GW monitoring wells located properly w/respect to RB and CB? ❑ 0 ■ 0 Are GW monitoring wells properly constructed, including screened interval? 0 n ■ n Are monitoring wells damaged? 0 0 • n Comment: See previous inspection for notes on the supply well that has remained a contentious issue. Over all the irrigation fields have improved since the last inspection. Sycamore trees that were planted have grown quickly. WETLAND CELL A Treatment Lagoons Yes No NA NE Lagoon Type • None Primary/Secondary Primary Influent structure Ninon Comment: Banks/berms(seepage and erosion) 01100 Comment: No comments Vegetation(excessive vegetation on banks/berms) ■ n n n Comment: Needs to mow. Liner ■ n n n Comment: Page: 7 Permit:WO0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date:09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit:Routine Liner Type Full,clay Baffles/curtains n ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Freeboard Marker ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Required freeboard 24 Inches Actual freeboard 44 Inches Are increments clearly marked on gauge at adequate intervals? 0 0 0 • Comment: Has the water level gauge been surveyed w/respect to lowest point on dike?wall? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Comment: No Evidence of overflow ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Acceptable color ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Floating mats ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Comment: No comments Excessive solids buildup ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Comment: No comments Aerators/mixers ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Effluent structure ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Comment: Lagoon cover ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: WETLAND CELL B Treatment Lagoons Yes No NA NE Lagoon Type None Page: 8 Permit:WO0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Primary/Secondary Primary Influent structure • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Banks/berms(seepage and erosion) ❑ • 0 0 Comment: Needs to mow. Vegetation(excessive vegetation on banks/berms) U ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: A invasive vine has taken over Cell B. The vine should be removed if it begins to choke out the aquatic vegetation such as bulrushes. Liner ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Liner Type Full,clay Baffles/curtains ❑ ❑ • ❑ Comment: Freeboard Marker ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Required freeboard 24 Inches Actual freeboard 44 Inches Are increments clearly marked on gauge at adequate intervals? 0 D. 0 • Comment: Has the water level gauge been surveyed w/respect to lowest point on dike?wall? 0 0 0 • Comment: No Evidence of overflow U ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Acceptable color U ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Floating mats 0 • 0 0 Comment: No comments Excessive solids buildup ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Page: 9 Permit:WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 09/13/2006 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Comment: No comments Aerators/mixers ❑ ❑ ■ 0 Comment: Effluent structure 0 0 0 • Comment: Lagoon cover 0 0 • ❑ Comment: • Page: 10 • '•' NDMR REVIEW SHEET PERMIT NUMBER: W�Y U0!3 'O' FACILITY NAME: #'19r6ti e COUNTY:64; ) r A TYPE: S",-y REVIEW PERIOD: 06 to 6,/a R Parameter Fri Limit C or G ,o ) 1?4 . ) c/ S b Flow / 5 /,7�o &IA+ _✓'� i ' , pH ✓ `" 6-,45 y t�lJi/ ��iV� r/ TRC � j BOD5 �� '3 ��//�� //� /� +� // NH3-N ✓ ✓�� / r� �/ ✓�r TSS 1� k 7//✓ f7 I� i Fecal �-� (/ �/ V(� DO TDS Conductivity Temp. COD TOC Phenols O&G NO2&NO3 -ii O��pP.+e., 4 ✓ L/ v t/ /„,/j/ 1� NO3 &., a TN ' f TKN v f� 1/✓ .✓ vv1✓ /• Sulfide SAR As B Cd Ca Cr Cu Pb Mg - Hg Ni K Na Zn Comments:/25 71 - Fec41 7 J O 00 / [moo 1L 7/2 `/o ? r- l ) 21 «(/ � /41L 20b7 — % ,eiti�t' Fln1._. I1Sb ,6LIL 6-41' 2D 7 — /� o'J L. I (r-fJ) J41 2bb 7 2, l� 6--p� NDMR REVIEW SHEET PERMIT NUMBER: FACILITY NAME: COUNTY: TYPE: REVIEW PERIOD: to f7 7s T H 1-.1)( Parameter Freq. Limit C or G Q of )3 /f 2 j Flow 2av ✓ f V ✓ pH /� V /�/y �1/ v; //" TRC b l//�✓ �,,1/ v��/ BOD5 ✓�/ �/ NH3-N V /7.✓ ✓✓ �/�/' v L - TSS ✓' ✓`••••"*d 177 fit/ / �.`"" Fecal t� ✓✓ S��%p/�/ DO • TDS Conductivity Temp. COD TOC Phenols NO&NO3 ✓ / ✓✓��if �Y V I/ NO3 TN TPTKN ✓ ✓✓�7 ►� 1/1// Chloride Sulfide SAR As B Cd Ca Cr Cu Pb Mg Hg Ni K Na • Zn Comments: Seth I- Z�� ram, / Z�s� s-7) c rn o 2b�7t`-'i -3 . l>rD D$ (,s D ivory. 1l y $ —f ZZ1(1,061tD c2?fag -4 I byioMtPam /G a9 y fs /iao n,c, Fec / bg 7.393.`�S c_ NDAR REVIEW SHEET Storage Freeboard I( 1 Cover Hourly Yearly Field Acres crop Rate Rate S' 11 12 U) 3V,25 J l ✓ ✓:, /14-/ �✓ 0, 3 Comments: NDAR REVIEW SHEET Storage Freeboard Cover Hourly Yearly 9 /p I /� / Field Acres crop Rate Rate g �� G 12 �( 7 0, ) -3L9s /J,../\/7//// Comments: MONITORING REPORT(MR)VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/21/08 Page: 1 of 4 Permit wg9013808 MRs Between: 8 2006 and 8-2008 Region:Winston-Salem Violation Category:% Program Category:% Facility Name: % Param Name:% = County:% Subbasin:% >Violation Action:% ,-a Major Minor "/a PERMIT:WQ0013808 FACILITY: Kotis Properties Inc-Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY:Guilford REGION: Winston-Salem Limit Violation MONITORING OUTFALL/ VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED REPORT PPI LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE IOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION go 05-2007 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 05/31/07 Monthly gpd 1,700 1,950.65 Monthly Average Exceeded'- ne treatment plant 06-2007 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 06/30/07 Monthly gpd 1,700 3,036.1 onthly Average ExceededZ/ flprl€ treatment plant 07-2007 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 07/31/07 Monthly gpd 1,700 2,460.97 onthly erage Exceeded N treatment plant 08-2007 001 Flow,in conduit or thni 08/31/07 Monthly gpd 1,700 2,954.87 Monthly Average Exceeded I No treatment plant 09-2007 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 09/30/07 Monthly gpd 1,700 3,073.03 onthly Average Exceeded, ydhe treatment plant v 10-2007 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 10/31/07 Monthly gpd 1,700 2,811.97 onthly Average Exceeded/ ne treatment plant �/ 11-2007 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 11/30/07 Monthly gpd 1,700 2,612.4 nthly Average Exceeded one rep N treatment plant ,� kS 05-2008 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 05/31/08 Monthly gpd 1,700 2,383.45 onthly Average Exceeded v--..' treatment plant Uo 2S/ 7-g 06-2008 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 06/30/08 Monthly gpd 1,700 2,211.07 Monthly Average Exceeded one treatment plant 02-2008 1 Application Surface Irrigation 02/29/08 Monthly inches 34.75 54.77 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 03-2008 1 Application Surface Irrigation 03/31/08 Monthly inches 34.75 82.81 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 04-2008 1 Application Surface Irrigation 04/30/08 Monthly inches 34.75 111.16 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 05-2008 1 Application Surface Irrigation 05/31/08 Monthly inches 34.75 112.91 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 06-2008 1 Application Surface Irrigation 06/30/08 Monthly inches 34.75 115.54 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR)VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/21/08 Page: 2 of 4 e r r h 'errnit wg0bf3808 ' '''MRs Between: 8-2008. `,and 82008 Regi`oic.14nston-Salem 'Violation Category%'-; ProBram`Category 96 �o.i 9 Param Name % County %• Subbasm % ' VIo aIon Action R j�,��... 7-i p �, i 6 tak•,:: `W7 of€ $e�r PERMIT:WQ0013808 FACILITY: Kotis Properties Inc-Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY:Guilford REGION: Winston-Salem Limit Violation MONITORING OUTFALL/ VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED REPORT PPI LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 02-2008 2 Application Surface Irrigation 02/29/08 Monthly inches 34.75 42.48 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 03-2008 2 Application Surface Irrigation 03/31/08 Monthly inches 34.75 64.91 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 04-2008 2 Application Surface Irrigation 04/30/08 Monthly inches 34.75 88.62 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 05-2008 2 Application Surface Irrigation 05/31/08 Monthly inches 34.75 89.91 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded 06-2008 2 Application Surface Irrigation 06/30/08 Monthly inches 34.75 92.15 12 Month Floating Total None Exceeded Monitoring Violation MONITORING OUTFALL/ VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED - REPORT PPI LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE - VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 02-2008 002 Chlorine,Total Residual 02/02/08 Weekly mg/I Frequency Violation None 44 ("I./4-,,, 02-2008 002 Chlorine,Total Residual 02/09/08 Weekly mg/1 a 1 Frequency Violation None /"I -1- J jrr„ �,_.�\ 02-2008 002 Chlorine,Total Residual 02/16/08 Weekly mg/I Cr Frequency Violation None �1� 02-2008 002 pH 02/02/08 Weekly su v i( Frequency Violation None 02-2008 002 pH 02/09/08 Weekly su D(( Frequency Violation None 02-2008 002 pH 02/16/08 Weekly su 1,/ Frequency Violation None 12-2007 1 Application Surface Irrigation 12/31/07 Monthly inches Frequency Violation None Reporting Violation MONITORING OUTFALL/ VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED REPORT PPI LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION MONITORING REPORT(MR)VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/21/08 Page: 3 of a Permit: wq0013808 MRs Between: 8-2006 and 8-2008 Region:Wrnston-Salem Violation Category:% Program Category:% Facility Name: % Param Name:% County:% Subbasin:% Violation Action:% Major Minor. % PERMIT:WQ0013808 FACILITY: Kotis Properties Inc-Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY:Guilford REGION: Winston-Salem Reporting Violation MONITORING OUTFALL/ VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED REPORT PPI LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 08-2006 10/01/06 Late/Missing NDAR-1 None 08-2006 10/01/06 Late/Missing NDMR None 03-2007 05/01/07 Late/Missing NDAR-1 None 03-2007 05/01/07 Late/Missing NDMR None 04-2007 05/31/07 Late/Missing NDAR-1 None 04-2007 05/31/07 Late/Missing NDMR None 10-2007 12/01/07 Late/Missing NDAR-1 None 10-2007 12/01/07 Late/Missing NDMR None 12-2007 01/31/08 Late/Missing NDAR-1 None 12-2007 01/31/08 Late/Missing NDMR None 12-2006 001 Flow,in conduit or thru 12/31/06 Monthly gpd Parameter Missing None treatment plant 03-2008 001 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 03/31/08 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None A 04-2008 001 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 04/30/08 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 'y 05-2008 001 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 05/31/08 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None w x�Nd 1 06-2008 001 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 06/30/08 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 08-2006 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 08/31/06 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 09-2006 02 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 09/30/06 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None MONITORING REPORT(MR)VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/2vo8 Page: a of a ' wt 38Q8 MIRs Between: 8 008}- and 8' 't)Q8 . 'xRegton:mWinston-Sm ale ' W Violation Category , p Im Cat y:+, ; ` Subbasin FatiiBty'Name °rt!' 1?aram`Name: County: ' Vie>la>r4n Action:°y6 Mai 11nor % . `' PERMIT:WQ0013808 FACILITY: Kotis Properties Inc-Summerfield Shopping Center COUNTY:Guilford REGION: Winston-Salem Reporting Violation MONITORING OUTFALL/ VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED REPORT PPI LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 11-2006 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 11/30/06 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 12-2006 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 12/31/06 Monthly mg/IParameter Missing None 1 01-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 01/31/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 04-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 04/30/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 05-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 05/31/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 06-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 06/30/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None , 3 07-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 07/31/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 08-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 08/31/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 09-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 09/30/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 10-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 10/31/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 11-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 11/30/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 12-2007 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 12/31/07 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 01-2008 002 Nitrogen,Nitrate Total(as N) 01/31/08 Monthly mg/I Parameter Missing None 12-2007 2 03/01/08 Field-Site Missing None D/V� 12-2007 3 03/01/08 Field-Site Missing None ,I Y. " ti y U�OF W ATF9PG Michael F.Easley,Governor William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W.Klimek,P.E.Director Division of Water Quality April 20,2005 Mr. Bill Kotis Kotis Properties Inc 1 PO Box 9296 Greensboro NC 27408 SUBJECT: March 22,2005 Compliance Inspection Kotis Properties Inc Kotis Properties Inc-Summerfield Shopping Renaissance Center Permit No: WQ0013808 Guilford County Dear Mr. Kotis: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Inspection form from the inspection conducted on March 22,2005. The Compliance Inspection was conducted by Derek Denard and Chris Green of the Winston-Salem Regional Office. Present for the inspection was Chad Linebach, ORC, and Don Amos. Also present for the inspection was Perry Wyatt with the Division of Soil and Water Conservation. The facility was found to be in Compliance with permit WQ0013808. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions,please call Derek Denard or me at 336-771-4600. Sincerely, t��`,L. . •f�`, ._ Sherri V.Knight,P.E. Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor cc: Kenneth Chad Leinbach, ORC Guilford County Health Department D W -APS lication Permitting and Compliance Unit N""oe �r httCarolina ✓vatura!!" Division of Water Quality/Aquifer Protection Section Customer Service 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem NC 27107 1-877-623-674E Phone: (336)771-4600 Fax: (336)771-4632 Internet: n::: ,. ..r:r:. r:1_.i:_u An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycied/10%Post Consumer Paper Compliance Inspection Report K. Permit: W00013808 Effective: 01/23/04 Expiration: 12/31/08 Owner: Kotis Properties Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Kotis Properties Inc-Summed PO Box 9296 County: Guilford Region: Winston-Salem Greensboro NC 27408 Contact Person: Bill Kotis Phone: 336-574-2000 Ext. Directions to Facility: Primary ORC: Kenneth Chad Leinbach Certification: 23928 Phone: 919-545-0630 Secondary ORC(s): Dennis James Hodge Certification: 14872 Phone: 336-996-2841 On-Site Representative(s): • Related Permits: Inspection Date: 03/22/2005 Entry Time: 10:00 AM Exit Time: 12:00 PM Primary Inspector: Derek Denard Phone: 336-771-4608 Secondary Inspector(s) Ext.382 Christopher F Greene Phone: 336-771-4600 Ext.324 Perry Wyatt Phone: Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Permit Inspection Type: Surface Irrigation Facility Status: • Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ■Treatment Flow ■Treatment Flow II Miscellaneous Questions II Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Measurement-Influent Measurement-Water Use Records •Treatment II Record Keeping II Treatment Lagoons II End Use-Irrigation II Treatment Disinfection ■Treatment Flow Measurement Inspection Summary: PERMIT Non-discharge Permit No.WQ0013808 is for the operation of a 1,700 GPD drip irrigation treatment and disposal facility consisting of 851 linear feet of six inch gravity sewer,a 1,500 gallon grease trap,a 5,000 gallon septic tank,641 linear feet of eight inch gravity sewer to the wetland system,an influent distribution box with a cleanout to split the flow evenly between the wetland cells,two wetland cells,each sized at 161 feet by 22 feet with a maximum water depth of two feet,a tablet chlorinator(with the option to change to a UV disinfection system),a 980 gallon baffled chlorine contact basin, 150 linear feet of four inch gravity sewer to the pump station, a 9 foot diameter wet well with duplex 70 GPM pumps,on-site audible and visual high water alarms,an on site emergency generator located outside of the pump building with automatic transfer switch,3 Arkal Disc Kleen filters in series, Perk Rite Drip irrigation system with emitters designed a 0.1 GPD/sf(0.0067 inches per hour),two drip irrigation fields(Field A has 28,314 square feet and Field B • has 17,424 square feet available)with a total of 45,738 square feet available for disposal,and soil moisture sensors in the drip fields with all necessary pipes,pumps,electrical fixtures,and appurtenances required for proper operation to serve a 24 hour grocery store and four thousand square feet of attached multi-purpose retail(no food service)use,an outparcel for multi-purpose retail(no food service)use at the Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center,and Page: 1 Permit: W00013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 03/22/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine construction of an 8,000 gallon grease trap in series with a 6,00 gallon septic tank with effluent filter with all necessary pipes, pumps,electrical fixtures,and appurtenances required for proper operation to serve a food service establishment at the Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center(the septic tank effluent shall flow into the existing gravity collection system to the wastewater treatment facility),and construction of a 9,000 gallon sand filter dosing pump station with two 3-HP pumps,a 2,500 ft2 vegetated recirculating sand filtration system with two cells and an LPP distribution system,modification to the hydraulics(and addition of a flow splitter box)of the south wetland cell(to be referred to as the treatment cell),modification to the north wetland cell(to be referred to as the storage cell)to increase the size of the cell to 279,000 gallons and increase storage capacity to 77.5 days at 3,600 gpd,as well as modify hydraulics of flow through the cell,and modification to the existing irrigation area for better utilization as well as construction to add • 0.35 acres of new irrigation area to the current irrigation area with all necessary pipes,pumps,electrical fixtures,and appurtenances required for proper operation to serve additional services a the Summerfield Renaissance Shopping Center,with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters pursuant to the application received June 3,2000,and subsequent additional information received by the Division,and in conformity with the project plan,specifications,and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. RECORD KEEPING AND SELF-MONITORING The review period for self-monitoring was January 2004 to December 2004 for this inspection. -the Fecal Coliform result was 1200/100mL on 3/18/05 and 8/100mL on 5/20/04. The groundwater 2L standard for total coliform organisms is 1 per 100 milliliters. -The 2004 soil report was taken,but was not available for review. 2003 Soil report was available. -Lab sheets supporting data reported on NDMR's were not available for review. FACILITY SITE REVIEW -A ground hog burrow was found in wetland cell B berm. The ground hog has been removed. The burrow was above the water level and should not cause failure of the structure. The berm will be reconstructed for a planned expansion that will enlarge wetland cell B. Wetland cell B is currently being used for storage. Plants in wet cell B had died off due to a contaminant(possibly a herbicide) being dumped into sewer system at the shopping center. -Five leaks were noted in the drip lines of field B. -Please see Memorandum April 5,2005 by Chris Green for comments on field conditions and closest supply well. FLOW MEASUREMENT Water use is metered. Effluent flow is measured by a manual(magnetic)type of flow meter that is not possible to calibrate and does not record flow. COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES N/A LABORATORY The contract labs used are Conner Consulting,LLC#5149 and Chemical&Environmental Tech. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The operations and maintenance for this facility was found to be excellent condition. SLUDGE UTILIZATION/DISPOSAL Septic tank is pumped and hauled. OTHER The last inspection of this facility was conducted by Jennifer Rankin of this office on 2/15/2001. Memorandum April 5,2005 To: Sherri Knight,Supervisor,Aquifer Protection Section,Winston Salem Regional Office From: Christopher Greene,L.S.S., Hydrogeological Technician,GW Section,WSRO Subject: Summerfield Wetlands(AKA Kotis Properties),inspection of spray irrigation facility,permit #WQ 0013808 On March 22,2005,C.Greene and D.Denard,Aquifer Protection Section,and Perry Wyatt, DSWC,WSRO,met with Mr.Chad Linebach,ORC of the subject facility to inspect the system and its components. An update to the system functions entail: 1.C.Linebach reported that American Manufacturing,Inc.has bought out Perc-Rite, Inc.(drip irrigation contractor)which has resulted in"software"problems to automated control,and that manual operation was expected to be ongoing"for the next two weeks". 2. 1100 gallons per day wastewater is discharged to"cell A"(constructed wetland cell);cell"B"was"cut off"at the time of inspection, Page: 2 Permit: W00013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 03/22/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine functioning to"lower water level"(i.e.storage). Expansion is planned for the system capacity that will effectively enlarge"cell B". The inspection divulged some improvement of vegetated cover on the drip irrigation fields,especially field"B",though continued growth of planted trees and ongoing germination of grass will be needed to augment the appearance of field"B".A previous instruction(source undisclosed)of utilizing mulch to act as a"sponge"on"B"has, in the opinion of WSRO Aquifer Protection Section, not resulted in an ideal substrate for cover germination(mulch's intent is generally retardation of plant growth),though erosion was not observed at the time of inspection. Field"A"undergrowth was in need of some trimming,along with removal of a fallen tree there,but in general this zone appeared stabilized.Special vigilance for gnawing animals in field"A",and for burrowing animals at the cells is stressed here. A persistent,somewhat contentious issue was addressed,specifically the offset of a public water supply well which has affected potential utilization of additional acreage.This issue remains unchanged however,as indicated in a discussion between WSRO and David Goodrich,Central Office Aquifer Protection Section on April 5,2005.Acknowledging that a 100 foot buffer exists in Public Water Supply Rules, nevertheless,the most limiting standard,i.e.2L definition of Compliance Boundary must dictate here,unless reuse quality of the effluent is established,or the existing well abandoned.Sherri Knight and C.Greene followed up on the above conversation by perusing proposed changes to 2H Rules,and was found that that are no proposed citations to affect the above. Page: 3 Permit: W00013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 03/22/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine TYRE Lagoon Spray,LR Treatment Yea Nn NA NF Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? Opp Do all treatment units appear to be operational?(if no,note below.) • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Lagoons r.nm NC. NA NF WETLAND CELL A Lagoon Type None Primary/Secondary Primary Influent structure ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Banks/berms(seepage and erosion) • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Vegetation(excessive vegetation on banks/berms) • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Liner Comment: Liner Type Full,clay Baffles/curtains 00 . 0 Comment: Freeboard Marker ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Required freeboard 24 Inches Actual freeboard 27 Inches Are increments clearly marked on gauge at adequate intervals? 000 . Comment: Has the water level gauge been surveyed w/respect to lowest point on dike?wall? ❑ 0 0 • Comment: No Evidence of overflow • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Acceptable color • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Floating mats • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Excessive solids buildup ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Aerators/mixers ❑ 0 ■ ❑ Comment: Page: 4 • Permit: W00013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 03/22/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Effluent structure 11000 Comment: Lagoon cover O O • O Comment: WETLAND CELL B Lagoon Type None Primary/Secondary Primary Influent structure ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Banks/berms(seepage and erosion) 111000 Comment:Ground hog burrow was found in cell B. Vegetation(excessive vegetation on banks/berms) . 000 Comment: Liner • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Liner Type Full,clay Baffles/curtains 00 . 0 Comment: Freeboard Marker ❑ ❑ 0 • Comment: Required freeboard 24 Inches Actual freeboard 39 Inches Are increments clearly marked on gauge at adequate intervals? 000 . Comment: • Has the water level gauge been surveyed w/respect to lowest point on dike?wall? ❑ ❑ 0 • Comment: No Evidence of overflow MOOD Comment: Acceptable color • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Floating mats . 000 Comment: Excessive solids buildup 0013 . Comment: Aerators/mixers OCIED Comment: Effluent structure MOOD Comment: Lagoon cover ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 5 > D > > N O N w D N N w N O N 0• C) O O O N m C) > to C) O O O m N C) o Ft; m m m d 3 c c o m m fo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ o 0 0 0 o a V O O 3 O 3 0) _< < 7 f7 m m N m m J m u, 3 N N N O O 3 N 3 N N N O O 3 �_ F f z 3 c N °' m cn = o `° m s< o 0 0 0 3 3 m ; ; Io; •• mm , a m " 333mm 01 g mmm m m m O W N N m N 0 N < m 3 Q O m m -0 07 O F C. C m m m V < m _ ED m m O 8 w 133 N N 0 0 3 N Fr, < m m m cco a ,c -0 n o x o 2 v m 3 @ v 3 m m m 3 @ c !! :. N I 3 m > fJ �. N f7 O 7 m 3 7 < O j Ol fO m V g Os o� o G -. ,I H m D m N 'm m 3 3 y F m ° m m co n �_ 3 v a _ O N •- C O O ,� 7 nnnsss o fly. < N m m O Hi 3 7 m O NO O < M co C R. ••J •J a m m 3 J C NCO N CIIT m O 1 Ol.. G , C J .< pla m 0 y 'J p C '`� •J O O .� J U 7 N W '0 C 0 J C1 n J 7 O •J a m a 0 o f J N .J N N 3 ci ♦n N C a co O 01 N m C ' a co ea O. N fD C a m `. O1 n m a 7 fO m J y N. C •J CD J 7 m y J 7 N m m J hc R7 O O W m J m O O cr 3 H v m R $ O 0 N N N R O m O 7 5 m y 7 O_ -0 O N fJ m O 2 Q m m f0 a y N O 7 • • • • • • 000000 • 00 • • • • 110 • • 0 II • [ 00000 000000 ■ D ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 D D ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 . 000 D 0 ❑ D 0 0 0 000000 ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ D ■ ■ ❑ D D ❑ 0 0 0 D ■ 0 O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 ❑ ❑ 000 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ DODO ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 fo 0) • > > > 5 N I > > N N N fn fn Cl) Cl) N N > " p ' O Z N I * D O O > > O > > O m mC > > in N 3 3 3 O 3 f 3 3 C 7- 7- . S S 7- 7- . 3 Q N 01 ?D 3 O A N N O 0 m (D p a fD N co 3; < C CD < n 3 0 0 O c m m 2 m m m m m m 0 m g c O m d "9ca. O * 7 o •< ,< m a m m m N T. o Co N o (D m .0 m O V v . v m — D i g m - 7 `G (� N y' V V () l0 O O • N O �: 7 `G V (D N N N N Z C fD 7 Ol 3 3 C • p 3 3 V 0 C C N V V 3 - �Of V ry y (C A O - •• 3 O N 2t N W agu p d 3. D N 3 7 7 7 O N f/I V lD y (7 n N O n N N C� "'� >. N d O (D CD N O - C7 E. N O O V .'s' O CD O O O N N S `G �. N W d O O (D _.' O =. CD C N O O y N y N N E. O O 3 3 N N 7. .d+ JIIIIIUUIIUttIIUUII 3m m — m0 aOof -. 3 * mcg• i= IH; HUuIUffl Eair 0 a53 N N CD '" SSO -. .o m V a CD cfD -. D7 N •i d < O D1 OM o) a O N O D7 V co , p fS N N 7 > -^ 7 7 O N V co d N 4i 7, Ccn D d O� 7 N N Df 7 V (D .J co N 3 O co ci CO O 0 8 O) -. N DJ 7 CO - 0- 7 Fr, J =i 01 N N a a '< V f0 7 3 3 'J DI w x (D a O a.• C N O N O O N .-. '00 3 CD d '`) a 3 7 f' N p ?. N O' N 7 VO VO <, a N N N N 0 8 Q N n co Oo O O N V O J N N N 7 3 to N (p C 0 0 N O O'CU n O CD O a CD n. •J J a CD J a 3 O O C a O = 7 N O 3 O O N 7 a: cn (o o o F fD n a 'm J m o d 3 0 0 . 77m a a apu. Sir N G0 Z fD Ol N 9, V c 7 fan V < 0 'J 7 fn _ Df a O m °� ni f a co F CO R. .M o) • 7 7 .. 7 O co .7) N �. 3 7 Y mco m o _ 3 N N •J n -• m G-) n V F �, co0. N d. co F 7 O V a .J J 'J J 0 CC K �• C 0 < •J N.. G a O J CD N Q co N J J a U1 13 `� 7 O N 3 O o y f" 'J N CO J1 (D 7 0 m C 3 N a °° c o 7 m 7 v 3 H mm < < 0, i H 3 D 0CD ,-' J m m c .J a 3 a5 z oW oo 3 y co al co co N ; Q f3 0Q . O A N O N S Co O 0 0) to N 0 S • C y Q d 5. fD N V CDn N 0 f- 7 N d 7 a a co DI O 0 7 M O O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ■ O ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ O ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ O O ❑ ■ ■ O O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Pi ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ■ O ❑ ❑ ■ O ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ O ■ ■ ■ ❑ ■ o 2) El DO ❑ CIO O El DO El O ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Op ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ DO ❑ ❑ B al r • • Permit: WO0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: 03/22/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Comment:-Five leaks were noted in the drip lines of field B. -Please see Memorandum April 5,2005 by Chris Green for comments on field conditions and closest supply well. Page: 8 • Memorandum April 5, 2005 To: Sherri Knight, Supervisor, Aquifer Protection Section, Winston Salem Regional Office From: Chriphe Greene, L.S.S., Hydrogeological Technician, GW Section, WSRO Subject: Summerfield Wetlands (AKA Kotis Properties), inspection of spray irrigation facility, permit #WQ 0013808 On March 22, 2005, C. Greene and D. Denard, Aquifer Protection Section, and Perry Wyatt, DSWC, WSRO, met with Mr. Chad Linebach, ORC of the subject facility to inspect the system and its components. An update to the system functions entail: 1. C. Linebach reported that American Manufacturing, Inc. has bought out Perc-Rite, Inc. (drip irrigation contractor) which has resulted in"software"problems to automated control, and that manual operation was expected to be ongoing "for the next two weeks". 2. 1100 gallons per day wastewater is discharged to "cell A"(constructed wetland cell); cell `B"was "cut off'at the time of inspection, functioning to "lower water level" (i.e. storage). Expansion is planned for the system capacity, that will effectively enlarge"cell B". The inspection divulged some improvement of vegetated cover on the drip irrigation fields, especially field`B", though continued growth of planted trees and ongoing germination of grass will be needed to augment the appearance of field`B". A previous instruction (source undisclosed) of utilizing mulch to act as a"sponge" on`B"has, in the opinion of WSRO Aquifer Protection Section, not resulted in an ideal substrate for cover germination (mulch's intent is generally retardation of plant growth), though erosion was not observed at the time of inspection. Field"A" undergrowth was in need of some trimming, along with removal of a fallen tree there, but in general this zone appeared stabilized. Special vigilance for gnawing animals in field"A", and for burrowing animals at the the cells is stressed here. A persistant, somewhat contentious issue was addressed, specifically the offset of a public water supply well which has affected potential utilization of additional acreage. This issued remains unchanged however, as indicated in a discussion between WSRO and David Goodrich, Central Office Aquifer Protection Section on April 5, 2005. Acknowledging that a 100 foot buffer exists in Public Water Supply Rules, nevertheless, the most limiting standard, i.e. 2L definition of Compliance Boundary must dictate here,unless reuse quality of the effluent is established, or the existing well abandoned. Sherri Knight and C. Greene followed up on the above conversation by perusing proposed changes to 2H Rules, and was found that 2 that are no proposed citations to affect the above. Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0013808 Effective: 01/23/04 Expiration: 12/31/08 Owner: Kotis Properties Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Kotis Properties Inc-Summerf County: Guilford PO Box 9296 Region: Winston-Salem Greensboro NC 27408 Contact Person: Bill Kotis Phone: 336-574-2000 Ext. Directions to Facility: Primary ORC: C 941(,I,44 Certific n: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): dh 4-'"'`S On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: Entry Time: Exit Time: Primary Inspector: Derek Denard Phone: 336-771-4608 Secondary Inspector(s) Ext.382 Phone: Phone: Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Permit Inspection Type: Surface Irrigation Facility Status: 0 Compliant 0 Not Compliant Question Areas: ■Treatment Flow ■Treatment Flow ■Miscellaneous Questions Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Measurement-Influent Measurement-Water Use Records ▪Treatment II Treatment Filters Record Keeping II End Use-Irrigation ■Treatment Influent Pump ■Treatment Flow Standby Power Station Measurement Inspection Summary: 4i& 41 0.E SOK~4e, it/t / . 4 Page: 1 , , T Permit: WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Treatment Yeses No NA NF Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? !J 0j 0 Do all treatment units appear to be operational?(if no,note below.) re ❑ ❑ 0 Comment: II-, 1 -I ' II. . •..1 Is t e pump station free of -ypass lines or structures? ❑ ❑ ❑ • Is the b-neral houseke•ping acceptable? ❑ ❑ I. ❑ Are all pu Tps pres- t? • ■ 0 0 Are all pump o-erable? • ■ 0 0 • Are floats/c• tr.s operable? • MOO Are aid',and visu- alarms available? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are. dio and visual a-rms operational? ❑ ❑ • ❑ • e SCADA/Telemetry ala s required? 0 0 0 • Are SCADA/Telemetry avail-.le? 0 0 0 ■ Are SCADA/Telemetry operatio :I? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Influent Yes No NA NF Is flowmeter calibrated annually? 0 0 /I ■ Is flowmeter operating properly? / l 0 0 • • Does flowmeter monitor continuously? V ❑ ❑ ri ❑ Does flowmeter record flow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Water t ise Records, Is water use metered? ❑�] ❑ Are the daily average values properly calculated? ❑ 0 0 Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement-Effluent Yes No NA NF Is flowmeter calibrated annually? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is flowmeter operating properly? N/i 14't ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter monitor continuously? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter record flow? 2) ` /+ . l 111/1, ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Standby Power Yes Nn NA NF Is automatically activated standby power available? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is generator tested weekly by interrupting primary power source? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is generator operable? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Does generator have adequate fuel? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Filters Yes No NA NF Page: 2 a' a; cu 0 D O D O D ❑ D ❑ O D ❑ D 0 ❑ D O 0 D ❑ O D D D 0 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 0 D D ❑ ❑ a D 0 D 000 D KDDDDDDDDD0DDDDDD0DDDD0D ❑ D ❑ ❑DOD00 ❑ D D D D ❑ D D D O D ❑ D O O O ❑ 4 D O D 0 ❑ D 11Di D O t D ❑ ❑ D ❑ DD DDDD0DDD00DD ❑ ❑ D90D ❑ DD ❑ � � { w a 0 I0 �? 4 ce �. .a) Y 'd i �� J ► �� \ ; t (tt!l ` -C -t , ` J r d 4 m sl 4— v 4. ? . -TA tea e N N' -3=- J V z ';• a -� • E E y h • H '- o O N o Y 0 N co �• cv 5 i 5i u, ` - T - >. E 0 c•• c,. �' a H C' �- �� u H c.. O a) C' v c.. co aa)) E 1O o \ .r a7 C d E :V @ O, N O = a o w CO a. a° m C7 •C 2 �. `, c, Y y 7 03 N C �, a N a a) N a, C N C. C. 7 a 0 a) co ° Z 0 ,Np p m c .�... C co V N co as ce O O ° N u, V N co - E C C O ° a c.. 'E 3• c ,D •o a c = c O O ° m E a) 2 a`, Y c o .o m a p V V '- 5 _o ) ° O o c.. I) "v m ° 8 n n m N a, a co Z CD m 0-• ° m E Ea. tea) �' ate) o• ° o C 0° c o c v) O ON .° O O C C > .N V C N N N >'• •> C E N V a) •> U n X C ° Y. ° O. O. C ° 7 a, ° c.. ° -o— p ` co ) ,• -- ° N V • ° ° a O. N C O ' E ° a) . a] .a c 12 C E. > N w ° a, c 3 � n.7 l0 N X ° y N o o ° V fa O E N > d O. ° O 9 C '° o =p N 5) 7 a X L V fa C a3 N N as ra N 0. a7 Q C)co o p o L ° ° Q a C C V O) ° 7 N O N U C ° ° V V ca 2 ° ° ° N a ° O co U ° N ° N a Ou.. .� °p, 'C ro as c T O O m rc Q V a r r C � >. N ° m3 O C N O O V cO d ° °Q. C T S O. wN ° ° °U ° 0 CI. to N ° aC U O V C a � V m m a n C m ° 0 w ° C 2 7 a, O co co 8- Nm C � 6 _ ° d as J w aU ° O as a CL •d . te NN NH o ° c CT CI o C 5 a i• A a) ai m 7o) �' N o od >, a) E o 0 o L c co c CO L v 0 0 O a. CE E ° .0 ` 7 O V , X N a, n c 0 m 0 a) c 0 ° ° ° •o 1-6 a) c 6 o QQ E E V o E a Q N C d ° 2 , L a, a, o' ° o a, .c. ° o j n wc' . s ' 8 ° 7 It c n. • z _ E QQ) ° QN � LLaE E a, ° o8 E 1 / w ..= •mN c, E a Ea, 3o n a a a a O ° o ° Ec.) 0 NN t. Im ° ° ° ° ° ° co E saccaT, w ? , as m 0 mco as 0 ° a c, � a a) ° ° a) co .0 .0 .0 .c .0 .c . ` OG a, ° ° ° ° O ° ° O ° O ° 2 -0 22o o ` NN a, ° o ° L• iLr CI) NNN0 0 CA < < < < y < < NN 0 0 Q < O O < > I N Z c.) Q N N N N • Sc, C - 7 3 0 6 1 Ca. • . Permit: WQ0013808 Owner-Facility: Kotis Properties Inc Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? d,4, 1 ! II 2 H L U ❑ 0 0 Is the application equipment present? {{{{ ( ged ❑ ❑ Is the application equipment operational? Lt Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the disposal field free of limiting slopes? QY❑ 0 0 Is access restricted and/or signs posted during active site use? Vk6 0 0 Are any supply wells within the CB? Are any supply wells within 250' of the CB? ` {A,,� L / ❑ ❑ How close is the closest water supply well? ` I �" 1�''� I •Ali{ L❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is municipal water available in the area? 4404 2 bti 1; 1-d /� ® ❑e 0 ' 0 Info only:Does the permit call for monitoring wells? 1, ( 0 Ne❑ 0 Are GW monitoring wells located properly w/respect to RB and CB? 0 0 Are GW monitoring wells properly constructed,including screened interval? 0 0 r�❑� Are monitoring wells damaged? 0 0 Commelntt: (' , /i 4 .L.„..---7I.C.( 4 44.1 4 A' e -ri l ( -f 1-1- `, n l/ Kp d✓,yl fn,e < AtA o e�� ,1 (' f C1,L i aver.--'Z s w-c w tr . 20 ...0 ee,#4-11 4 ,/( /Ili o DA • 4 / ` 6 % 4i)4IJn W/ ow � lj, /-^ /' 5 (� s>— _1 ± f2 �� Pa • ge:ss � / y ��/ /,, Li G 2� 4 • • S. 4 NDMR REVIEW SHEET /26 4,-r Irma",tr PERMIT NUMBER: V Q°o 11S°/ FACILITY NAME: SuN+m«Lr .' u / COUNTY: &ull(►rd TYPE: REVIEW PERIOD:Taal 0 I to i79' Parameter Freq. Limit C or G z 3 y S 6 L) 8 .71 I. // /Z Flow 1 t 1 b b 6I0 ✓ ✓1�✓!� ✓ pH �' ✓ ,;) TRC ✓ ✓L, ✓ �✓ �/ ./ BOD5 ✓ ✓ �/ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ LV v NH3-N ✓ f✓j✓ r/ �/ ✓ d ,i �/ v ` �1,/ TSS V V r/ y ✓ ✓ ✓ '� '� v `� '� v Fecal ✓ ✓ ✓ V V X V ✓ '� ' V v ✓ DO TDS Conductivity Temp. COD TOC Phenols O&G NO2&NO3 ✓ ✓ l/ LV L/ V ✓ v v [/ �✓ NO3 TN TKN ✓ �✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓IV IV ✓ tf TP , L/ Chloride Sulfide SAR As B Cd Ca Cr Cu Pb Mg Hg Ni K Na Zn Comments: S (2U/(?� 1-tc� l y/iooHL 3/1 / flool ibewo. b NDAR REVIEW SHEET Storage Freeboard 11 ,'t Cover Hourly Yearly [ 2 �( to it ! Field Acres crop Rate Rate t 0(6.5 e`" ` o.Z 3' .iS ��= �- 2 Oil II I-" tom- L-. 1- X Comments: l VA.o v K Ayevz 14),C,(411, .e C eel(el G, 10 -7 - yvm c,t( 4A V - ��YC 1 r4 C vZ(:' ` l , d (P v , 'II Tree_ �ij0( �/�r LA 10 h /feli( q ( �.Qoc1 AP wel .erz Alio t. 0%31 — vu2dCL/ r G--ulvi,t Qyteu ! , ) lU a6,--41IA) At- ! p !itPJ a_rid sa1,(e40 "-4 dv-trletdi' j of- 1, 1 rev