HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG170373_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20090717STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET RESCISSIONS . PERMIT NO.. )_ 0 3 %3 N� DOCTYPE f�, COMPLETE FILE = HISTORICAL DATE OF .RESCISSION ❑ . b (� I YYYYMMDD (S�zk Donor C ca 3357 Village Drive • Fayetteville, NC 28304 (910) 609-LIFE (5433) ww .capefeamAeycom APA NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director July 17, 2009 George T. Curry UCO Fabrics Inc - UCO Fabrics Incorporated PO Box 1847 Rockingham, NC 28380 Dear George'r. Curry: Natural Resources Subject: Rescission ofNPDES General Permit Certificate of Coverage Number NCG 170373 UCO Fabrics Inc - UCO Fabrics Incorporated Dee Freeman Secretary �l L_ I �� 4•' � L1 I�� On I/I/2009, the Division of Water Quality received your request to rescind you coverage under Certificate of Coverage Number NCG 170373. In accordance with your request, Certificate of Coverage Number NCG170373 is rescinded effective immediately. Operating a treatment facility, discharging wastewater or discharging specific types of stormwater to waters of the State without valid coverage under an NPDES permit will subject the responsible party to a civil penalty of up to $25,000 per day. It is the intention of DWQ that enforcement proceedings will occur for persons that have voluntarily relinquished permit coverage when, in fact, continuing permit coverage was necessary. If, in retrospect, you feel the site still requires ,permit coverage, you should notify this office inunediately. Furthermore, if in the future you wish to again discharge to t1w State's surface waters, you must first apply for and receive a new NPDES permit. If the facility is in the process of being sold, you will be performing a public service if you would inform the new or prospective owners of their potential need for NPDES permit coverage. If you have questions about this matter, please contact Sarah Young at (919) 807-6303, or the Water Quality staff in our Fayetteville Regional Office at 910-433-3300. Since Coleen 1-1. Sullins cc: f ayetteville Regional Office Stormwater Permitting Unit DWQ Central Files - w/attachments Fran McPherson, DWQ Budget Office Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Ralegh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: w .ncwaterquality,org NorthCarci ina An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer �sY UCO FABRICS December 15, 2008 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural. Resources Division of Water Quality' - 'Fayetteville Regi " 6nal Office 225 Green Strcet,, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5.043 Te'le hone: (910) 433-3300 - FAX: (910) 486-0707 DEC 22 2W8 REr 319KAL 0F,%"- Il Attn- Ms. Belinda Henson - RegionaI'Supervisor Ref NPDES Gen Permit NCG170000 CoC NCGI 70373 — UCO Fabrics it Dear Ms. Hensonam -, Please be advised and make note that on December 19, 2008 all manufacturing operations and all support ftinction's will come to a complete stop within the plant. As a result of our plant closure, on this effective date, it is now appropriate to cancel granted permits from your office for UCO Fabrics, Incorporated. We are referring to our storm water peitriit. After the official closing date of December 21� 2008, your contact will be Dan Daly at 910-997-6471 X 248,. On or about October 21, 2008, your office advised me to place our request in writing after manufacturing activities ceased. The possibility• of future owners or occupants remains to be seen at this time. 11 On behalf of UCO Fabrics, 1,ivould like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for your f, assistance over these past 10 years. 1 17, ike'specifiAly, �j George T. Curry Plant Engineer UCOFABR6 UCO • FABRICS December 15, 2008 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 Telephone: (910) 433-3300 • FAX: (910) 486-0707 Attn: Ms. Belinda Henson - Regional Supervisor Ref NPDES Gen Permit NCG170000 CoC NCG170373 — UCO Fabrics Dear Ms. Henson, Pik DEC 22 0RR- FAYFrr-Nu := RER,OrygL Og10E Please be advised and make note that on December 19, 2008 all manufacturing operations and all support functions will come to a complete stop within the plant. As a result of our plant closure, on this effective date, it is now appropriate to cancel granted permits from your office for UCO Fabrics, Incorporated. We are referring to our storm water permit. After the official closing date of December 21", 2008, your contact will be Dan Daly at 910-997-6471 X 248. On or about October 21, 2008, your office advised me to place our request in writing after manufacturing activities ceased. The possibility of future owners or occupants remains to he seen at this time. On behalf of UCO Fabrics, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for your assistance over these past 10 years. Respectfully, c4ntyetj George T. Curry 'Plant Engineer ITCO FARRIM INC. UCO • FABRICS Date: September 20, 2006 NC-DENR, Division of Water Quality Stonn Water Section 1617 Mail Service Center p' yyry, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ®ENR-- neliy Ref: NPDES Gen Permit NCG170000 $EP 2 2 20 CoC NCG170373 — UCO Fabrics I DWO To whom it may concern, The purpose of this letter is to notify your office that there has been a change in our management team here at UCO Fabrics, Inc.. Prior Person Legally Responsible Prior Company Contact Bart Van de Woestyne President and Chief Operating Officer Mike Freeman Manufacturing Manager mfi-eeman a ucofab.com 910-997-6471 X209 Contiiiuing Facility Contact: George Curry Plant Engineer ,currv()ucofab.com 910-997-6471 X244 Current Person Legally Responsible: Mike Freeman Chief Operating Officer mfi-eeman ci.ucofab.com 910-997-6471 X209 Current Company Contact: David Carroll Manufacturing Manager dca rolloucofab.com 910-997-6471 X408 I hope this information is useful in updating your records. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call - Respectfully, A&T" Plant Engineer — UCO Fabrics, Inc. HIGHWAY 74 WEST • POST OFFICE BOX 1847 • ROCK[ NGHAM • NORTH CAROLINA - 28380 - TEL 910-997-6471 • FAX 910-895-1529 01/05/2005 12:05 910-895-5243 UCO FABRICS PAGE 01 June 1 , 2003 Bradle Bennett NC Di ' ion of Water Quality Water uality Section Storm Vater and Gen ral Permits Unit 1617 N ail Service Center Raleigi NC 27699-1617 Ref: Re�uest for Representative Outfall Status Mr. UCO T'JibriLs, Inc. is requesting a change in monitoring status to "Representative out Wa I bus". We currently have six outfalls listed in our SWPPp General Permit Number NCG17 373. The plan further states that 001 through 004 will be the focus. We base our reqt CAon the fact that all runoff waters are passing over like surfaces (Pavement) prior to fischarge. In addition, areas at the rear of the facility no longer house Processes. UCO believes that one sample point will be representative of each of six points. I have �luded a copy of the runoffmap for your review. If you have any questions please 1: George - Plant Engineer Uco Fat rics, Inc. PO Box 1947 Ro NC 28380 Phone 9 0-997-6471 Ext. 244 Fax 910 895-1529 LM UCO in advance for your consideration of our request. t de Woestyne t / COO )Tics, Inc. L©a.0 — 11)94F - ©l fv e�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary May 16, 2003 Alan Klimek, Director Division of Water Quality Berry Ivey Acting Plant Manager PO Box 1847 Rockingham, NC 28380 Subject: Equalization Basin Spill, May 2, 2003 Stormwater Permit Number: NCG170373 Dear Mr. Ivey: The Equalization Basin dye -waste spill that occurred on May 2, 2003 is considered as a Significant Spill, with a volume estimated to be between 2,000 gallons and 17,000 gallons. We concur with your Sewage Spill Response Evaluation report form that stated that a different type of coupling should be sought. Improving the connections between the pumps and the Equalization Basin would be a step forward in preventing future spills from happening at that particular location. We also concur that secondary containment be planned. We consider containment as the most reliable option to prevent future impacts to the waters of the State. In the future, this office will conduct a follow-up visit related to the preventative measures that you have taken to eliminate the reoccurrence. Please notify this office when clean up is complete and when preventative measures are in place. If you have any questions, please contact Dale Lopez, (910) 486- 1541, extension 712. Sincerely, ^ v Dale Lopez Environmental Specialist cc: George Curry, UCO Plant Engineer Larry_Cobbler, Rockingham W WTP ORC CRicky Revels, DWQ-FRO Stormwater Paul Rawls, DWQ-FRO Water Quality Regional Supervisor Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street - Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina 283015043 Phone: 910-486-1541/FAX: 910-486-07071Internet: wwNvxncstarc.nc.us"ENR An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper .,May qG 2003 3:21PM UCO Fabrics, Inc. (310) 895-1529 P-1 ....... ... UCO FABRICS TELEFAX FAX: 6 -76 7 DATE: COMPANY; pjCbEN PERSON TO CONT ACT: AtTE SUBJECT: v6UR RFF DIRECT DIAL: C/V 2&f/7/EXT. FOLLOW ARE o� PAGE OUR REF IF MESSAGE RECEIVED INCOMPLETE OR GARBLED PLEASE CALL US AT MENTIONED PHONE NUMBER. I May OG 2003 3:21PM UCO Fabrics, Inc. (910) 995-1529 P.2 MAY-05-2003- II:IGAM FROW T-266 P. 005/006 F-136 I Sewage Spill Response Evaluation: Pormllee U�acrt e S Permlt Number N C 011111SIS CounIVRL"o-ni Incident Slaned: DalerfTlme) f Ineitlenl Endedl(DalefTlme)- - _i R� 111spill is ongoing, please nolify Regional Office on a daily basis until spill can be stopped) i=9rt4�rzw{ltvir �6irf Source of spill/bypass (check one):_Saollary Sewer Pump Station WVrlr? Level of Ifealment (check one): _Z-14one '_Primary Treatment _ Secondary Treatmenl_Chlodnatton Only Eslirnaied volu a of spill/ypass(check one)` _0.500 gal, _501-1.000 gal. _1,001-2.000 gal .a2,000 gal. - eslimalR volume In nearest 1,000 gallon Increments G (7®�_ Did spl0rLypass reach surface wafers) Yes No (11 Yes, please list the following) r Vollvne fee I surtnce waters?(check one): _0.500 gal. _501.1,000 gal. _ _ 1,00f-2,000 gal a2.Do0 gal. /- esliml ale volume In nearest 1,000 gallon increments < Name of surface walerj �l r: ri-aru 40 + CI tCoet. Grey Did soilVbypass result In a fish kill —Yes _ZNo II Yes, what is the estimated numUei of fish kfled4 Please 'e iho f llw'na_information• / 1. Localion of spill/bypass of id LA& 'Ion s%N nK � ��� "'a'1��� 2. _Gaups of spilVbYpass: 3. DItl you have personnel available to perlonn initial assessment 24 hours/day (including weekends and holidays) Yas No 4. How'long did it lake to make an initial asses6manl of the spil!/oveilow after first knowledge? 10 Minutes Plow long did if lake to get a repair crew onslle? Minutes ,,V�,, II I�_� _� -�tY please explafn.Ilia ilfne taken tp make initial assessment _ ^' �7.-� �^ nay 06 2003 3:21PM uAy-06-211113- I I:t6AIA FPo71A- .5, Action taken -VA1 UCO Fabrics, Inc. Spill, cl"n up waste, andlor (910) 895-1529 5, Were Ilia equipment andlor parts needed to make repairs readily available? Yes No. If no, please explaln why: T-266 P 008/006 f-136 7. II the spilllovettlow occurred at a pump station or was the result of a pump station failure, was the alarm system functional at the time of the spill? _ Yes _____ No. If the alarm syslem did not lunctioh, please explain why: 8. Repairs made are: —Z— Permanent — Temporary Please descrlbe what repairs were made. II the repairs are temporary, please Indicate by what date a permanent repair will be completed and notify the Re to al office within 7 days of the permanent repair: 1'.n •� were re M'InELM4 0 SoLu •o - X "z 9. Comme p.3 Other agencies nootti1ed:KC 2Gca- o�'Ecear Lkpail. r-�«ao:� �'n K+.►.r �aar. Person reporting spill/bypass: Cora ir� Phone Number:E'424' Signa(uCeDate: agaaaaavaaacoavroaaaaagpvssa..r[Ypcgagavav3aaaav3c�asavCvavasasavasaav-vsaaaaaaa For DWO Use Only: Oral report taken by: Report taken: Date: Time: DV)Q requested additional written report? —Yes No If yes, what additional information is needed?, Fayclteville Regional Wince NCDENR DNVQ Section: rhotte: (910) 486-1541 Fax: (910) 486-0707 After hours, Weekei0s, or holidays, call 1-8UO-858-0368 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director LYNN WILSON UCO FABRICS, INC. P O BOX 1847 ROCKINGHAM, NC 28379 Dear Permittee: •- eau-r_:r1°+tra5:vu:�tZ^L"�1 I., July 28, 1999 �I i; AUG 5 1999 DWQ Subject: Reissue - NPDES Stormwater Permit UCO fabrics, inc. CDC Number NCG170373 Richmond County in response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG170000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: * A copy of general Stormwater permit NCG170000 * A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) Certification Form. Completion of this form is required to certify that you have developed and implemented the SPPP as per the conditions of the permit. This form must be completed and returned to the Division within 30 days of receipt of this letter. DO NOT SEND the SPPP with the signed form. • Five copies of the Analytical Monitoring form and five copies of the Qualitative Monitoring form * A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general permit which outlines changes in the permit, key requirements, and addresses frequently asked questions • A Certificate of Coverage Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Bill Mills of the Central Office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 548 Sincerely, for Ken T.Stevens cc: Central Files Stormwater and General permits Unit Files Fayetteville Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-733.9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG170000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG170373 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, UCO FABRICS, INC. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at UCO FABRICS, INC. HWY 74, WEST ROCKINGHAM RICHMOND COUNTY to receiving waters designated as a UT of Hitchcock Creek in the Yadkin - Pee Dee River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, 11, 111, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG170000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 1, 1999. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day July 28, 1999. for Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission g /< ��` 1•� L � y%1 li;i �\V/ f � �• //��� I I / \ ��o` � =fir 1 100} r - � � � �� a° � ,a31 �l 01 V 1 I\ '00 �r •• ,�,J���� it / � � I � 11-�300��" 11��:.\ ��/ o,� �,\�;}t •�nn���I\\ •�, W*j N � _ M'� �O L• `// irk � � j�� � •I mh 1 � ll� I�o /r����w i � i/. Nf -Side Park; �. 57 /� .�-i _ 1 :\\1\,���JJ1� �. .���° J� L` \ .,`��/" ^CG t�'�;"�\t.© �1�'',.11' ���laia,`. •�� I EA tem °al I a 'fNHtgh lL o k,pgh ���� ��` f'.:/ t �i-?'��. `. � ram• ��.00 ti� i =•I ./ \\ ' �..— �^� c /\� 4,�`�•. - r 4n�� F I r I�� y� �� �� Water `� �i J g¢I` HmSM OufIh005� J (�k'J� 1 • G? viIY ti e %U slag. �90d Ilk Midway era- uo� 4b ` +� �I ,� r �.. � ` � � __ �� z�1 ,fir � r '- ,J l� . \ . .. . � I � •. � �� . >; 99 , _ v. ���� . .I. `•�•�' R KINGH>A�R+ .a •`�`, •�Ow�- _ o '� �c r�� I 30" -67 m66 a 55,