HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG160057_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20160727V V y
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S.T. WOOTEN July 27, 2016
Attn: Thad Valentine
DEQ Raleigh Regional Office
1628 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1628
Subject: NPDES Stormwater Compliance Evaluation Inspection
Certificate of Coverage No. NCG 160057
S. T. Wooten Corporation, Pittsboro Plant
Chatham County
Dear Mr. Valentine,
S. T. Wooten has corrected the outfalls on the site map, and will eliminate the discharge
point on the North side of property.
Thank You
James wasnourn
Environmental Compliance Manager
W AUG —1 V16
NC DEW Raleigh Re9ww 0mce
"'furap -"q; ;'! l �j
June 9, 2016
Mr. Brian Gurganus, Vice President
S.T. Wooten Corporation
PO Box 2408
Wilson, NC 27312
Go emor
Subject: Multimedia Compliance Inspection
S.T. Wooten Asphalt Plant
Pittsboro Plant
Chatham County
Dear Permittee:
Department of Environmental Quality staff conducted a multimedia compliance inspection of S.T.
Wooten Asphalt Plant on May 31, 2016 for permitted and/or other activities administered by the following
Division of Air
Division of Mineral
Divisions Water
Division of Waste
and Land Resources
Resources (DWR)
We hope that you have enjoyed the benefit of our initiative to provide a single inspector capable of
handling multiple areas of environmental compliance at your facility. The results of each applicable
inspection area and any associated response actions or necessary corrective measures are detailed in the
Division specific areas of the attached report. If there are no notes or comments under each Division
header, you may assume compliance with that particular Division's rules and regulations at the time of
inspection. Should violations be noted in the attached report, you may receive separate enforcement related
correspondence in addition to this report.
If you have any questions regarding this multimedia inspection, please contact Thad Valentine at 919-
791-4200 or thad.valentine@ncdenr.gov. Thank you for your cooperation.
DEMLR (DWR) RRO Stormwater Files
Department of Environmental Quality, Raleigh Regional Office Websitc: http://deq.nc.gov/
1628 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, W 27699-1628 Phone: (919) 791-4200
Location: 3800 Barrett Drive. Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax: (919) 571-4718
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: NCOI60057 Effective: IGW14
Expiration: 09130110 Owner: S T Wooten Corporation
SOC: Effective:
Expired=: Facility: S T Wooten Corpweilon - Pitisboro
County: Chatham
240 Sugar Lake Rd
Fission: Raleigh
PMsboro NC 27312
Contact Persons James Weshbum
Title; Phone: 252.201-5185
Directions to FWilty:
Syatam Classl0catens:
Primary ORC:
Secondary ORC(s):
On -Site Representativs(s):
Related Permltw
Impaction Date: 0601I2018 Entry Tlme: 10:OOAM
Primary Inspector. Thaddeus W Valentine
Secondary Inspector(s):
Felt Tlms: 12:10PM
Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permlt Inspection Type: Asphalt PaNng Mixture Stormwater Discharge COC
Facility Status: ® Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Ames:
® Slonn Water
(See attachment summary)
Page: 1
p�ti; NC6160a5T C~.Fsc66y:STVWotw CarparmWn
Inspecdon Dab: 05031=16 Inspection Type: Compliance Eraention Moon (at VleR Routine
Inspection Summary.
The facility has two outfalls that are not labeled correctly and one Is not shown in the correct location an the site map,
these Issues should corrected and the analytical results should note the sample point ID. The SP3 plan should Include a
site specific BMP summery that summarizes In words the the BMP's on the site. The plan also needs to Include a spifl
prevention and resporlce plan within the SP3 plan that dearly outlines the measures used to prevent spills and the process
for dealing with spills if they occur. The site map Included In the plan needs more detail and should include flow patterns ,
permit and property boundaries, SMPs such as the banns sediment pits and the location of all on site equipement. Lastly
the fructose tank on site requires secondary contalnmenLif that can't be accomplished the lank should be removed from this
Page: 2
psend: NCgt80057 owner- FaAW. e T Wooten Corporation
Inapecean Data 0W1/2010 tmpMlon Type: Camglance Evaluation Reason far tlhlt Rm*w
Analvtcal allonhorina
Has the facility conducted Its Analytical monitoring?
0 Has the facility conducted Its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas?
Comment: Although the samples have been take the sample polls are not numbered corectly on t
olan and this should be corrected
Permit and Outfalis v.a No. NA NE
0Is a copy of the Permit and the Cadllcate of coverage avallaae at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
e Were all oudalls observed during the Inspection? ®❑ ❑ ❑
0If the facility, has representative outati status, Is It property documented by the DMaicn? ❑ ❑ ® ❑
Is Has the facility evaluated all 01dt (non stcmwmtw) discharges? ®❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: The outfalls have where observed during the Inspection. There are two outfalls and they should
be numbered correctly on the site mao and on the lab result documents.
Qualitative Monitoring
Has the facility conducted Its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually?
Comment: Qualatatiye monitorina has been recorded as required but the sample Points and outlet numbers
need to be updated to reflect the two outlets on site
Stor2nwater Pollution Prevention Plan yn No NA NE
Does the site have a Slormmter POUution Prevention Ran? ®❑ ❑ ❑
0 Does the Plan Include a General Location (USGS) map? In ❑ ❑
0 Does the Plan include a'Narradve Description of Practices'? ®❑ 1311
0 Does the Plan Include a detailed site map Including outfaU locations and drainage areas? ❑ ®❑ ❑
0 Dow the Plan Include a Ilsl of sigNikmht spills occurring during the past 3 yean? ®❑ ❑ ❑
0 Has the facility evaluated feasible atemativea to anent preCUCea? _ ®❑ 1111
0 Does the facility Provide all necessary secondary containmem? ❑ ❑ ❑
0 Does the Ran Include a SMP summary? - ❑ M O ❑
0 Does the Ran Include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ❑ ®❑ ❑
0 Does the Ran Include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Ran? ®❑ ❑ ❑
d Does the facility provide and document Employee TrainN? ®❑ 1111
0 Does the Plan Include a I131 of. Responsible Pany(s)? ®❑ 110
0Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ®❑ ❑ ❑
0 Does the Plan Include a Stormwaler Facility Inspection Program? ®❑ ❑ ❑
Page: 3
pomal; NCOIS0057 owner.FecIIRy:STNhoton CoWr%Uvn
Inspudon Osto: QW31li015 hnpeetlan Typo: Compliance Ewluaeon Reaaanforvlslt Rooms
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Has the Stommater Poliutlon Prevemlon Plan been Implemented?
Comment: The site specific
document was not
evallable and
should be added to the Dermit
Detail In
a sentence
all BMP measures
used at the
facility including an update of
sample points
and the
point numbedna for
outlets #1 &
92 which are numbered
on the site
map Provide
a spill prevention responce
plan that dearly outlines the step
to take in
case of a
spill and the
persons to contact
should a spill
occur. There is a fructose tank
on the facility
that belongs
to the DOT used
as Part of
a remedlation system that will
need Anal
The owner
should Provide
dual containment or remove the tank from the
■ �i
Page: 4
1900023 1nspcction Report
PaLe 11
Inspection Report
Date: 04/23/2015
Facility Data
S. T. Wooten - Pittsboro Asphalt Plant
240 Sugar Lake Road
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Lat: 35d 44.6930m Long: 79d 5.7040m
SIC: 2951/ Paving Mixtures And Blocks
NAICS: 324121 / Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing
Contact Data
Facility Contact I Authorized Contact I Technical Contact
James Washb
Brian Gurganus
James Washburn
Environmentaurn l
Vice President
Compliance Manager
(252) 291-5165
Compliance Manager
Comments: Appeared to be in compliance and was part of a Multi Media
Inspector's Signature:
Date of Signature: 6PI-7110
Raleigh Regional Office
S. T. Wooten - Pittsboro Asphalt Plant
NC Facility ID 1900023
County/FIPS: Chatham/037
Permit Data
Permit 01887 / R20
Issued 8/14/2012
Expires 7/31/2017
Classification Synthetic Minor
Permit Status Active
Current Permit Application(s) None
Program Applicability
NSPS: SubpartI
Compliance Data
Inspection Date 05/31/2016
Inspector's Name Thad Valentine
Operating Status Operating
Compliance Code Compliance - inspection
Action Code FCE
On -Site Inspection Result Compliance
I Total Actual emissions in TONS/YEAR: I
Five Year Violation History: None
Date Letter Type Rule Violated
Performed Stack Tests since last FCE: None
Date Test Results Test Method(s)
HAP Emitted
Violation Resolution Date
Source(s) Tested
(1) DIRECTIONS TO SITE: From the RRO, take I-440 W, then US-1 S toward US-64. Take US-64 W exit toward Pittsboro.
After passing Jordan Lake, continue on US-64 (-16.5 miles). Turn right onto Mt. Gilead Church Rd (SR. 1700) and follow
for —0.6 miles. Turn left onto Sugar Lake Rd (S.R. 1714). S.T. Wooten — Pittsboro Plant is about 0.5 miles on the right.
1900023 Inspection Report Page 12
(II) FACILITY DESCRIPTION: S.T. Wooten Corporation — Pittsboro Plant (Plant #211) is a Hot Mix Asphalt (LIMA) rotary
double barrel drum plant. The facility has 3 full-time employees on site and operates 8-10 hours/day, 5 days/week year
round. Occasionally when demand is high the plant may operate on a Saturday.
(Iip INSPECTION SUMMARY: On May 31, 2016, I Thad Valentine with DLR along with Gary Perlmutter DAQ Chang
Zhang DWR and Eric Swope DWM as of a Multi Media inspection visited S.T. Wooten Plant #211 for an air permit
compliance inspection. Upon arrival the facility was in full operation with several trucks receiving loads. I met with Mr.
James Washburn in the parking lot and we reviewed the facility permit stipulations. Mr. Washburn showed me the facility
permit and -all required records, -which appeared complete and up to date with the most recent I&M logbook entries made on
March 24, 2016. Mr. Washburn informed me that the plant runs solely on natural gas, and had stopped receiving recycled
asphalt shingles this season. Overall the facility appeared to be operating properly from an Air Quality standpoint per the
details below.
(IV) Safety note: required personal protective equipment includes hard hat, safety glasses, hearing protection and steel -toed shoes
and safety vest. Be aware of vehicles entering and leaving the facility
Source ID
Emission Source
Description :
Control System
I.Drum-type hot.mix.asphalt plant (250_tons per, hour maximum production rate).consistmg of:., _
ES-14ES 1 natural gas / No.2 /recycled No.2 / No. 4 / recycledNo.(horizontal cyclone (10 ft ilia) (CD 14-(NSPS) 4 fuel oil -feed rotary drum aggregate dryer/mixer (96 8 {[CD-114-11CI,
-4 BHl HC1) in series with bag filter (9348 ftZ
mmBtu/hr maximum permitted heat input rate) of filter area) (CD-14-BHl)
ES-.14S1 Ihot mix asphalt storage silo (150 ton storage capacity) N/A
ES 14S2 hotmix asphalt storage silo (150 ton storage capacity) ' N/A N/A
__.. _._.__......... _..._.
ES 14S3 Ihot mix asphalt storage silo (150 ton storage capacity) ! N/A N/A
ES-14F1 truck loadout operation N/A N/A
Portable RAP plant (65 tons per hour processing capacity) consisting of:
portable RAP crusher (65 tons per hour maximum i N/A N/A
crushing capacity) _ '�-�
ES 14F3.2 1portable RAP conveyor N/A ;I N/A
ES-14F3 I portable RAP
___ conveyor N/A N/A
--.-._._ .. ._....._.. _..__....._._...._...... _._. ........ _._._._. .. __._....... .._.. . _..
ES- 14F4 RAP screen ( N/A N/A
All equipment was observed in operation.
A.1 . The Permittee shall comply with 15A NCAC, Subchapter 2D .0202, 2D .0506, 2D .0516, 2D .0521, 2D .0524 (40 CFR 60,
Subpart I), 2D .0535, 2D .0540, 2D .0611, 2D .1100, 2D .1806, 2Q .0315, 2Q .0317 (Avoidance) and 2Q .0711.
Appeared to be in compliance — see below.
A.2 PERMIT RENEWAL AND EMISSION INVENTORY REQUIREMENT - The Pemattee, at least 90 days prior to the
expiration date of this permit, shall request permit renewal and submit the air pollution emission inventory report for the 2016
calendar year.
Appeared to be in compliance — I reminded Mr. Washburn of this condition.
a. PM emissions resulting from the operation of a hot mix asphalt plant shall not exceed allowable emission rates.
Appeared to be in compliance — this had been addressed in the permit review process as well as the stack test
conducted on September 23, 2004. Source test results for total PM were 1.4 Ib/hr (0.5 lb/hr filterable and 0.8 Ib/hr
condensable) demonstrating compliance with the emission limit of 53.7 lbs/hr.
1900023 Inspection Report
Page 13
b. VE from stacks or vents at a hot mix asphalt plant shall be < 20 % opacity when averaged over a six -minute period.
Appeared to be in compliance — no VE was observed during the inspection other than steam, including bluish
steam during truck loading.
c. Fugitive dust emissions shall be controlled as required by 15A NCAC 2D .0540.
Appeared to be in compliance — no dust was observed leaving the facility; no complaints are filed against the
d. Fugitive emissions for sources at a hot mix asphalt plant not covered elsewhere under this Rule shall be < 20 %
opacity averaged over six minutes.
Appeared to be in compliance - no VE was observed during the inspection other than steam, including bluish
steam during truck loading.
e. All hot mix asphalt batch plants shall be equipped with a scavenger process dust control system for the drying,
conveying, classifying, and mixing equipment.
Not applicable — the asphalt plant is a drum plant, not a batch plant. This item should be removed in the next
permit revision.
A.4 SULFUR DIOXIDE CONTROL REQUIREMENT - As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0516, SO2 emissions from combustion
sources shall not exceed 2.3 lbs/MMBtu heat input.
Appeared to be in compliance— Mr. Washburn informed me that the facility runs on natural gas. Emission factor for natural
gas is 0.000591b/MMBtu (= 0.6 lb S02 / mmscf x mmsef / 1020 MMBtu).
A.5 VISIBLE EMISSIONS CONTROL REQUIREMENT: (non —NSPS sources) — As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0521, VE
. from sources manufactured after July 1, 1971, shall not be >20 % opacity.
Appeared to be in compliance — no visible emissions observed during the inspection; only steam from the asphalt loadout.
A.6 NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (NSPS) - For rotary drum aggregate dryer/mixer (ID No. ES-14ES1), the
Permittee shall comply with 15A NCAC 2D .0524, NSPS as promulgated in 40 CFR 60, Subpart I, including Subpart A
"General Provisions."
a. NSPS Emissions Limitations -the Permittee shall not discharge or cause the discharge into the atmosphere from any
affected source any gases which:
i. Contain particulate matter in excess of 90 mg/dscm (0.04 gr/dscf); or
ii. Exhibit 20 percent opacity, or greater.
Appeared to be in compliance — the NSPS performance testing was conducted on September 23, 2004 and the results were 6
mg/dsem and 0% opacity as per the DAQ letter dated March 3, 2005. No VE were observed at the time of the inspection.
A.7 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT - As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0535, the Permittee of a source of excess emissions
that last > 4 hr and results from a malfunction, a breakdown of process or control equipment or any other abnormal
conditions, shall notify DAQ by the next business day.
Appeared to be in compliance — Mr. Washburn indicated that no such incidents have occurred.
A.8 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL REOUIREMENT - As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0540, the Permittee shall not cause or
allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess VE beyond the property boundary.
Appeared to be in compliance — no dust was observed leaving the property during the inspection; no complaints are on file
against the facility.
A.9 FABRIC FILTER REQUIREMENTS - As required by 15A NCAC 213.0611, particulate matter emissions shall be controlled
as described in the permitted equipment list.
a. Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Requirements - the Permittee shall perform, at a minimum, an annual internal
inspection and perform periodic I&M as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
b. Recordkeeping Requirements — All I&M actions shall be recorded in a logbook; the logbook shall be kept on -site
and made available to DAQ personnel upon request.
1900023 Insoection Report 11age14
Appeared to be in compliance — I reviewed the plant calendar logbook, which documented I&M activities for both the
bagfilter (CD-14-BHI) and cyclone (CD-14-HCI). Records appeared complete and up to date with monthly "annual
Inspections" with most resent March 24, 2016.
A.10 CYCLONE REQUIREMENTS - As required by 15A NCAC 21) .0611, particulate matter emissions shall be controlled as
described in the permitted equipment list.
a. Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Requirements - the Permittee shall perform, at a minimum, an annual internal
inspection and perform periodic I&M as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
b.- Recordkeeping Requirements-- Al1.I&M actions shall.be recorded in a logbook; the logbook.shall be kept on-site.and
made available to DAQ personnel upon request.
Appeared to be in compliance — I reviewed the plant calendar logbook, which documented I&M activities for both the
bagfilter (CD-14-BHI) and cyclone (CD-14-HCI). Records appeared complete and up to date with monthly "annual
Inspections" with most resent March 24, 2016.
A 100, the Permittee shall not exceed the toxic emission limits specified in the permit.
Appeared to be in compliance — emission limits are based on maximum throughput on hourly, daily and yearly basis.
A. 12 CONTROL AND PROHIBITION OF ODOROUS EMISSIONS - As required by 15A NCAC 213.1806, the Permittee shall
prevent odorous emissions from the facility from causing or contributing to objectionable odors beyond the facility's
Appeared to be in compliance — no objectionable odors were detected during the inspection; no complaints are on file against
the facility.
A.13 LIMITATION TO AVOID 15A NCAC 20.0501 - Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0315 "Synthetic Minor Facilities," to avoid
the applicability of 15A NCAC 2Q .0501 "Purpose of Section and Requirement for a Permit," as requested by the Permittee,
facility -wide emissions shall be less
a. Operations Restrictions - the
than the following.
Pollutant Emission Limit (tpy)
S02 100
CO 100
following restrictions shall apply: .
i. The asphalt produced shall be < 1,245,000 tons per consecutive 12-month period.
ii. The sulfur content of the No. 2, recycled No. 2, No. 4, and recycled No. 4 fuel oil shall be limited to 0.5%
sulfur by weight.
b. Recordkeeping Requirements
i. The Pemnttee shall record tons of asphalt produced monthly and total annually;
ii. Fuel supplier certification shall be kept on -site and made available to DAQ personnel upon request.
c. Reporting Requirements - Within 30 days after each calendar year, the Permittee shall submit the following:
i. Monthly and 12 month totals for the previous 12 month period.
A. Tons of asphalt produced;
B. S02 and CO emissions.
Appeared to be in compliance — the plant produced 21,000 tons asphalt for year to date for 2016 as is recorded in the plant
calendar logbook. Since the plant runs on natural gas, there are no current fuel oil records. The 2015 annual report was
received on January 28, 2016 and documents a total of 27,691 tons asphalt produced for 2015, and 0.008 tons S02 and 1.140
tons CO emitted for the year 2015.
with 15A NCAC 2Q .0317, to comply with this permit and avoid the applicability of 15A NCAC 2D .0530 "Prevention of
Significant Deterioration," emissions shall be limited as follows:
Affected Source(s)Pollutant Emission Limit (tpy)
Facility Wide S02 250_
Appeared to be in compliance — see A.13 above.
Y ` Q
1900020 Inspection Report Pa,,e 15
A.15 RECYCLED ASPHALT SHINGLE REOUIREMENTS - In accordance with Rule 2Q .0317, the Permittee is avoiding the
applicability of Rule 2Q .0700 and 2D .1100 for asbestos, and 40 CFR 61, Subpart M, National Emission Standard for
Asbestos by using post -consumer reclaimed asphalt roofing shingles which are equivalent to their virgin or unadulterated
counterparts. The Permittee is allowed to use the recycled shingles and associated asphalt roofing materials provided the
following conditions are met (see permit for details).
Appeared to be in compliance -Mr. Washburn confirmed that they no longer receive recycled shingles. He showed me older
records of recycled shingle reports from suppliers that date from 2011-2013 - they appeared complete.
A.16 VENDOR SUPPLIED RECYCLED No(s). 2 and 4 FUEL OIL REQUIREMENTS - in accordance with Rule 2Q .0317, the
Permittee is avoiding the applicability of Rule 2Q .0700 by using recycled fuels which are equivalent to their virgin
Appeared to be in compliance - Mr. Washburn told me that the facility has not used recycled fuel oil for a few years, and
records indicate that the last shipment was in June 2012. The tank that is used for recycled fuel oil has been emptied.
Rates Requiring a Permit," for each of the listed toxic air pollutants (TAPS), the Permittee has made a demonstration that
facility -wide actual emissions do not exceed the Toxic Permit Emission Rates (TPERs) listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711. The
facility shall be operated and maintained in such a manner that emissions of any listed TAPS from the facility, including
fugitive emissions, will not exceed TPERs listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711. See permit for list.
Appeared to be in compliance - the facility appeared well run and maintained from an air quality standpoint.
B.5 REPORTING REQUIREMENT - Any changes that would result in previously unpermitted, new, or increased emissions
must be reported to DAQ.
Appeared to be in compliance - Mr. Washburn indicated that no such changes have been made; only the removal of recycled
fuel oil and recycled asphalt shingle use.
B.14 PERMIT RETENTION REQUIREMENT - The Permittee shall retain and make available to DAQ personnel a current copy
Of the air permit at the site.
Appeared to be in compliance - Mr. Washburn presented a copy of Air Permit No. 018871120 during my inspection.
B.15 CLEAN AIR ACT SECTION 112(r) REQUIREMENTS - Pursuant to 40 CFR Part 68 "Accidental Release Prevention
Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act, Section 112(r)," if the Permittee is required to develop
and register a risk management plan pursuant to Section 112(r) of the Federal Clean Air Act, then the Permittee is required to
register this plan with the USEPA.
Not applicable - the facility is not subject to 112(r).
.... ...............
Exemption Regulation
IES-14FST 1 fuel oil storage tank (20,000 gallon capacity)
..__._-......_ �- .___.. __.__ _ ._ .. _ _ .___ _ _.__.____. __ .__.._.... _ . _
2Q 0102 (c)(1)(D)(i)
IES-14FST2 - fuel oil storage tank (20,000 gallon storage capacity)
IES-14ACST1 - asphalt cement storage tank (20,000 gallon storage capacity)
12Q 0102 (c)(1)(L)(xii)
IES-14ACST2 - asphalt cement storage tank (20,000 gallon storage capacity)
- IES-14ACH1 - No.2 fuel oil fired asphalt cement heater (1.2 MMBtu/hr maximum _
permitted heat input)
-.. _ .... -..... .... - - .. _....-. .......... . . --. _...__....
�0 0102 O( )( )( )O
.. _..
IES-14ACH2 - No 2 fuel oil fired asphalt cement heater (1.2 MMBtu/hr maximum
permitted heat input)
2Q .O102 (c)(2)(B)(i)(I)
All sources were verified and observed in operation during the inspection with the following exception: one of
the two fuel oil storage tanks had been emptied as the facility no longer uses recycled fuel oil. While looking
through the exempt source records it was discovered that one of the asphalt tanks had a 30,000 gallon
capacity instead of the 20,000 gallon shown on previous records. This should be corrected in the next permit
1900023 Inspection Report
Page 16
(VIII) EMISSION INVENTORY REVIEW: All criteria pollutant emissions had increased from Emissions Inventory
(EI) years 2006 to 2011 due to an increase in production:
EI Year
Pollutant. 2006. 2011.. % Increase.. __..
2.60 tons
3.77 tons
1.80 tons
2.55 tons
10.60 tons
13.52 tons
4.50 tons
5.89 tons
7.50 tons
10.95 tons
2.60 tons
3.89 tons
'Highest HAP is Formaldehyde in both years.
(I� SOURCE TEST REVIEW: the facility has conducted the following performance tests:
• September 23, 2004 — the drum -type hot mix asphalt plant (ID No. ES-14ES1) was tested for compliance with NSPS
Subpart I. This test was observed by DAQ personnel. Test results were reviewed and found to demonstrate compliance.
(7) ENFORCEMENT HISTORY: the facility has been issued the following compliance letters:
• October 9, 2003 — an NOV was issued for failing to maintain monthly production records as well as fuel certification
• April 27, 1999 — an NOV was issued for failing to submit the annual report by the due date.
(XI) CONCLUSIONS / RECOMMENDATIONS: At the time of this inspection, it appears that S.T. Wooten — Pittsboro
Asphalt Plant is in compliance with all air permit requirements. Stipulation A.3.e should be removed from the next permit
revision as it applies to batch plants, which the facility is not. The facility should be inspected again in one year.
G:\AQ\S hared\SHARED\_AQ LAN\Chatham-19\00023\20160531 A 16MM