HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG140346_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20120928;�jj 211 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE. El HISTORICAL FILE 0 MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ o YYYYMMDD I ;I 7M[P 1CONC R`E:T-EsiC OJN;Y. THoMAs E. CHANDLER, JR. PRESIDENT September 28, 2012 Danny Smith Regional Supervisor — Water Quality NC DENR 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Dear Mr. Smith, VIA CERTIFIED MAIL By means of this letter I certify that Kenneth E. Waegerle, Environmental, Health & Safety Manager, is the duly authorized representative for Chandler Concrete Company, Inc., and for Chandler Concrete/Piedmont, Inc. He is responsible for the overall environmental operations and has the authority to sign documents and to shut down the operations should an emergency occur for any of our plants in North Carolina. The plants in the Raleigh Region include, but not limited to the following locations: Plant County Num. Siler City Chatham 109 Pittsboro Chatham III Hillsborough Orange 602 Durham Pettigrew St. Durham 603 Durham Ellis Rd. Durham 606 Roxboro Person 607 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, A ('X�' 1'. E. Chandler, Jr. President of POST OFFICE BOX 131 • BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27216-0131 TELErHONi;: 336.226.1181 / FAX: 336.570.0557 August 28, 2008 Mr. Danny Smith, Supervisor Surface Water Protection NC DENR 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Chandler CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Stormwater Compliance Inspection Ellis Road Plant # 606, Durham County Permit No. NCG140346 Dear Mr. Smith: I SEP - 5 2008 J' DUIR RALEIGH REGi' L DFFIGET This is in response to your August 19, 2008 letter concerning the inspection at the above referenced facility. You requested response to items 4-6. 4. The 350-gallon tote of vehicle wash liquid has been moved inside the admixture containment area. 5. It is my understanding that the gear oil and grease drums were outside the containment area in the shop. The mechanics have been instructed to replace these containers back inside the containment after each use. They have to move these containers out when servicing a truck. There is a sufficient supply of oil dry material maintained in the shop should a spill occur during this time and it will be promptly contained and cleaned with this material. 6. The area around the storm water detention pond discharge location has been cleaned. . I trust that this will satisfy the concerns expressed in you letter. I want to thank you for the professional approach that Mack Wiggins exhibited during this inspection. If you have any further questions or concerns please let me know. Sincerely, fames J: Woody Environmental Manager POST OFFICE Box 131 • BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27216-0131 TELEPHONE: 336.226.1181 / Fax: 336.570.0557 { ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete r Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to:. AMR JAMES WOODY, MANAGER CHANDLER CONCRETE CO. INC. 1006 S CHURCH STREET BURLINGTON, NC 27215 STORM WATER. CEI. NCG 140346 n by (P1nt Sn,q) , I C_ Date of D. Is delivery address different from ftem 17 ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No CHANDLER.CONCRETE.CO. INC.DURHAM.CO. 3. Service Type 8/19/08.MgILED.B/19/08.SWP.WIGGINS Certified Mail l7 Express Mall J Registered Re[um Recelpt for Merchandise ' ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. ArtIGe Number - _ ❑yes (Transfer from semice/abet)' 7008 0500 0000 3917 PS Form 3811, February 2004 2378 . Domestic Return Receipt 102595-62-M-I5 o j WATF9 7 Y CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7008 0500 0000 3917 2378 Mr. James Woody, Manager Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. 1006 S. Church Street Burlington, NC 27215 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources tl� Coleen H. Sullins, Director ° q Division of Water Quality 1 August 19, 2008 SUBJECT: Stormwater Compliance Evaluation Inspection Chandler Concrete Co., Inc., Ellis Road, Plant 4 606 Permit No: NCG140346 Durham County Dear Mr. Woody: Mack Wiggins of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Surface Water Protection Section, Raleigh Regional Office, conducted a stormwater compliance evaluation inspection of the Chandler Concrete Plant on Ellis Road, on July 31, 2008. The Assistance and cooperation of Mr. Bruce Oakley was very helpful and appreciated during the inspection process. The following observations were made during the stormwater inspection: 1. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for this facility contained all the components as required by NCG140000. The facility must continue to aggressively work the plan. 2. Qualitative monitoring was performed as required. Qualitative monitoring must be conducted during the fall months (September -November), and during the spring months (April -June). 3. Analytical monitoring was performed as required. Settleable Solids were list as non - detectable by Pace Analytical. 4. All Add mixtures and chemicals are secondary contained with the exception of vehicle wash down container. The vehicle wash down fluid must be placed in secondary containment. 5. All oils and fluids in the rear mechanics shop are to be secondary contained. 6. Remove all growth and debris from the discharge location from the detention pond. The discharge location must be assessable for analytical and qualitative sampling. Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center phone (919) 571-4700 Customer Service Water Quality Section Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 facsimile (919) 571-4718 1-800-623-7748 o«n WOW Mr. James Woody Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. Page 2 , , . t 7. The facility had one settleable solids pit, which accepted process water from vehicle wash -down and mixing drum clean -out. 8. The facility has a detention pond, which accepts stormwater run-off and overflow from the vehicle wash down, and mixing drum clean -out pit. Please address all requirements noted in items 4 through 6 in a written response within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thanks for your cooperation during the inspection. If you or your staff has any questions, please call Mack Wiggins or me at (919)791-4200. Sincerely, 11 J-4- army Smith, Supervisor Surface Water Protection cc: Central Files RRO File Bruce Oakley, Chandler Concrete (Domestic Maii On( IFor�Aeliv_eryl_nformat4 Er Po.'ge 29 Retum Receipt Feecl Postmark cl (Endorsement Required) Here Restricted ¢li ,very Fes O (Endorsement Requlretl) O Ln h MR JAMES WOODY, MANAGER C3 CHANDLER CONCRETE CO. INC. en 1006 S CHURCH STREET - p BURLINGTON, NC 27215 C3 Sire STORMWATER.CEI.NCG740346 ' M1 ory CHANDLER.CONCRETE.CO.INC.DURHAM.CO. G4 8/19/08.MAILED.8/19/08.SWP.WIGGINS 11) Permit: NCG140346 SOC: County: Durham Region: Raleigh Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 09/01/04 Expiration: 08/31/09 Owner: Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. Effective: Expiration: Facility: Chandler Concrete Ellis Road Plant #606 Ellis Rd Contact Person: James J Woody Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Title: Inspection Date: 07/31/2008 Entry Time:: 05:22 PM Primary Inspector: Mack K Wggins� Secondary Inspector(s): Durham NC 27703 Phone:336-226-1181 Certification: Exit Time: 06:03 PM Phone: Phone: 919-791-4200 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Stormwater Permit Inspection Type: Ready Mix Concrete Stormwater/Wastewater Discharge CDC Facility Status: IN Compliant Q Not Compliant Question Areas: E Storm Water - (See attachment summary) Page:1 Permit: NCG140346 Owner - Facility: Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. Inspection Date: 07/31/2008 Inspection Type: Stormwater Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page:2 I% Permit: NCG140346 Owner -Facility: Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. Inspection Date: 07/31/2008 Inspection Type: Stormwater Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ■ ❑ 0 0 # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ■ ❑ fl # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ■ 0 # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ■ n n n # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ■ n n n # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ■ n n Cl # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ■ ❑ rl Q # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ■ n n n # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ■ ❑ (1 # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ■ n n n # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ■ ❑ n n Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ■ n n n Comment: Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? ■ n n n Comment: Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ■ n n n # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ■ n n n Comment: Setteable Soilds listed as non -detectable. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? ■ n n n # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ■ n n n # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? n n ■ n # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ■ Comment: All debris and growth must be cleared from the discharge location. The discharge point needs to be assessable for analytical and qualitative sampling. Page: 3 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources June 25, 2004 Mr. James J. Woody Chandler Concrete Co.. Inc. 1006 S. Church St. Burlington, NC 27215 Subject: General Permit No. NCG140000 Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. COC NCG 140346 Durham County Dear Mr. Woody: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. .\ Director slop of Water Quality In accordance with your application for a discharge permit received on June 4, 2004 we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state — NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9, 1994 (or as subsequently amended). Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Water Quality. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. I This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Cpae Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Jonathan Diggs at (919) 733-5083 ext. 537. Sincere y /' SIGNED BY AM C. MILLS Alan W. Klimek. P.E. cc: Raleigh Regional Office Central Files Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files be required by the number N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 NCDEtl� Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG140000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG140346 STORMWATER AND PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. is hereby authorized to construct and operate a process wastewater treatment system, and is hereby authorized to discharge process wastewater and stormwater from a facility located at Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. Ellis Road Durham Durham County to receiving waters designated as UT to Third Fork Creek, a class C. NSW water in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, 111, IV, V. and VI of General Permit No. NCGt40000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective June 25, 2004. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day June 25, 2004. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY WILLIAM C. MILLS Alan W. Klimek, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission c. �� Markers Name: Chandler Concrete NCG140346 Short Name: Chndlr Coordinates: 0350 57' 38.0" N, 0780 52' 25.8" W Comment: Chandler Concrete Ellis Road Plant 9606, subbasin (03-06-05), Cape Fear River Basin, Durham County, UT to Third Fork Creek, Class C, NSW, USGS quad D23NW