HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG120045_MONITORING INFO_20200113vv v R STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. ljC G a bo Y5 DOC TYPE ❑ HISTORICAL FILE CVMONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ YYYYMMDD Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources General Permit No. NCG120000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG12 0 0 4 5 FACILITY NAME East Carolina Environmental COUNTY Berte PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Mitch Ho LABORATORY ENCO Date submitted January 3, 2020 Lab Cert. # 591 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2019 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ❑® July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA RECEIVED ❑®OtherC,sw JAN 13 2020 PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 CEN I RAL FILES DWR SECTION ❑ No discharge this period' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Fecal Coliform Colonies per 100 mL Total Suspended mg/L solids pH, Standard Units Benchmarks - - 120 1000 100 or 50' 6.0-9.0 Parameter Code - 46529 00340 31616 C0530 00400 1 12/11/19 0.17 17 29.0 5.8 8.0 2 12/11/19 0.17 <10 <1.0 11 8.2 ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 'The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. "See General Permit text, Table 1, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. For example, do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Conversely, where fecal coliform results exceed the dilution upper limit, report the result as ">XX". Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Permit Date: 11/l/2018-5/31/2021 SWU-248, last revised 11/1/2018 Page 1 of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. n No discharge this period' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -Polar Oil & Grease mg/L Total Suspended Solids, mg/L New Motor or Hydraulic Oil Usage, gal/mon Benchmarks _ - 15 100 or 504 Parameter Code - 46529 00552 C0530 NCOIL H-1 ID11/19 0.17 <2.70 <2.5 >55 1 12/11/19 0.17 <2.70 5.8 >55 2 12/11/19 0.17 <2.70 11 >55 Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier Z or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DEMLR REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Moil on original copv of this DMR, including ail "No Discharqe" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons erectly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aw4fe th thane are sigryfcant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Permittee Permit Date:11/1/2018-5/31/2021 3 tJq,sr ?_ce jc> Date SWU-248, last revised 11/1/2018 Page 2 of 2 Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. �w , 102-A Woodwinds Industdal Court V ■I� Cary NC, 27511 tlMe Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 www.enwlabs.wrn Thursday, December 19, 2019 Republic Services of NC (RE014) Attn: Lucas Norris 1922 Republican Road Aulander, NC 27805 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: East Carolina Landfill Outfall ENCO Workorder(s): CC21041 Dear Lucas Norris, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative if applicable. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Meghan K Shea Project Manager Enclosure(s) 'I he total nwnher of pages in this repun, including this page is 14. Page 1 of 15 w .encolabs.ccm SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: OutfallI lab ID: CC21041-01 Sampled: 12/11/19 07:47 Received: 12/11/19 11:30 Pammeter preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Pm Date/Timefs) Anaysis Date/Time(s) EPA 1664A EPA 1664A 01/08/20 t2/12/19 11:07 12/13/19 14:56 SM 2540D-2011 NO PREP 12/18119 12/16/19 13:40 12/16/19 13N0 SM 4500H+8-2011 NO PREP 12/11/19 08:01 12/11/19 13:45 12/11/19 13:45 SM 5220D-2011 Same 01/08/20 12/14/19 14:16 12/14/19 14:16 Client ID: Outfal12 lab 1D: CC21041-02 Sampled: 12/11/19 07:23 Rapdved: 12/11/19 11:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(,) Prep Date/Timefsl AnaWs Date/Tlmefsl EPA 1664A EPA 1664A 01/08/20 12/12/19 11:07 12/13/19 11:56 SM 254OD-2011 NO PREP 12/18/19 12/13/19 12:56 12/13/19 12:56 SM 4500H+8-2011 NO PREP 12/11/19 07:37 12/11/19 13:45 12/11/19 13:45 SM 5220D-2011 Same 01/08/20 12/14/19 14:16 12/14/19 14:16 Client ID: Outfall H I Lab 10: CC21041-03 Sampled: 12/11/19 08:05 Received: 12/11/19 11,30 Parameter EPA 1664A Preparation EPA 1664A Hold Date/Time(s) O1108/20 Prep Date/Tlme(s) 12/12/19 11:07 Analysis Date/Tlme(sl 12/13/19 14:56 SM 25400-2011 NO PREP 12/18/19 12/13/19 12:56 12/13/19 12:56 Page 2 of 14 Page 2 of 15 w .encolabs.cotn NORTH CAROLINA SWS SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Plant ID: Outran 1 Lab ID: CC21041-01 - Analyto Results Flag DF MDL MRL INC SWSL Units Method Notes Cheinical Oxygen Demand 17 1 10 10 NE mg/L SM 522OD-2011 PH 8.0 1 1.0 1.0 NE pH SM 4500H+B-2011 Q-01 Total Suspended Solids 5.8 1 2.9 2.9 NE mg/L SM 254OD-2011 Ifmt ID:.... Wtfall 2 . - LabID: CC21001-02 '- Malyte Rewlts Flag DF MDL MRL INC SWSL Units Method Notes PH 8.2 1 1.0 1.0 NE pH SM 450011+B-2011 Q-01 Total Suspended Solids 11 1 2.5 2.5 NE mg/L SM 2540D-2011 Page 3 of 14 Page 3 of 75 Description: Outfall 1 Matrix: Surface Water project: East Carolina Landfill Outfall Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary a Ufieo arw/yte (NC 5911 Analyte [CAS Numberl Me 11Oy .p Dement - PH,. Te pemt Tor pH (Cep. Q Tpb1 Susmnde S IICs^ ANALYTICAL RESULTS Lab Sample ID: CC21041-01 Sampled: 12/11/19 07:47 Sampled By: Mitch Hoggard EN veyyw.enculabs.com Received: 12/11/19 11:30 Work Order: CC21041 R Its Flap units DI MDL MRL NC swsL Method Anahmd By N2ISS 17 m9/L t 10 t0 W5220D-2011 12/14/1914:16 3DC 8.0 pH 1 1.0 1.0 SM IVII/1913:45 HOC- 0'BJ 450011fB-2011 19 pH I SM 12/11/1913:45 BDC 001 4500Hie2011 5.8 mg/l 1.16 2.9 2.9 S 2540D 2011 IV16/1913:40 JAH Page 4 01 14 Page 4 of 15 Description: Outfall I Matrix: Surface Water Project: East Carolina Landfill Outfall Classical Chemistry Parameters Amlyte rCASNumbcrl Results fjaa Units OII N G. (HEM s7r) him PoIa, Materul 2.70 0 mg/L Lab Sample ID: CC21041-01 Sampled: 12/11/19 07:47 Sampled By: Mitch Hoggard �lVCO www.encolabs.com Received: 12/ 11/ 19 11:30 Work Order: CC21041 Pf MU NU Nc SWSL Method Analned iij No 1 2.70 5,00 EPA VWIA 12/13/19 14:56 S A This repot rotates mly to the sampe as reuav ed by the Laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full, Page 5 0 14 Page 5 of 15 Description: Outfall 2 Matrix: Surface Water Project: East Carolina landfill Outfall Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Gry ee211fieO ana/yte [NC 5911 Analvte WAS Number] C Iml Drygen Demand^ pH^ TeinWr m for pH (deg. C) radl 5oapendeil sdlaf^ Lab Sample 10: CC21O41-02 Sampled: 12/11/19 07:23 Sampled By: Mitch Hoggard EN www.encolabs.com Received: 12/ 11/ 19 1 1:30 Work Order: CC21O41 Rei,ul Day Vab PE HU MU NC SWS Method Auahaed fly I14SSR 10 u mg/L 1 10 t0 SM 5220D-2011 12/14/19 14:16 w- 8.2 pH 1 1.0 1.0 SM 12/11/19 13:45 ODC 001 45mH+8d0tI 19 pH 1 SM 12/11/19 13:45 nDC 001 11 mg/L 1 2.5 2.5 SM 2S40D 2011 12/130912:56 16H rh.9e 6 of 14 Page 6 of j 5 www.encelabs.cem Desolption: Curtail 2 Lab Sample ID: CC21041-02 Received: 12/11/19 11:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 12/11/19 07:23 Work Order: CC21041 Project: East Carolina landfill Outfall Sampled By: Mitch Hoggard Classical Chemistry Parameters Analgte ICAS Number] Results flag Units QE K" M& Nc sWSL Method Analned Oil d Grease (HEMS ) Non -Polar Material 2.70 u mg/L 1 2.70 5,00 EPA 16549 12/13/19 14:56 This re(on lela[es only to the sample as received W the laboratory, and may only re reproduced in full. Bat Notes SMA Page 7 of 19 Page 7 of 15 71 v .enculabs.com Description: Outfall H I lab Sample ID: CC21041-03 Received: 12/11/19 11:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 12/11/1908:05 Work Order: CC21041 Project: East Carolina landfill Outfall Sampled By: Mitch Hoggard Classical Chemistry parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified anagre (NC 5911 Analytic fCAS Numberl Resulre EL09 Units RE PIPE KU nc SWSL Math gnalmg ay No Total Suspended Solids^ 2.5 ❑ m9/l. 1 2.5 2.5 SM 254OD-2011 12/13/1912:56 JAH Page Hof 14 Page 8 of 15 Description: Outfall H 1 Matrix: Surface Water Project: East Carolina landfill Outfall Classical Chemistry Parameters ItnalAe IGS Numbed Results flag Onits 0116 G,,tse(HEM -SLT) NomVWar Materiel 1.70 u mg/l Lab Sample ID: CC21041-03 Sampled: 12/11/19 08:05 Sampled By: Mitch Haggard CeNS www.encolabs.com Received: 12/ 11 / 19 11:30 Work Order: CC21041 PP MU MU NC SwSL Method Analwe4 @y Notes 1 2.70 5,00 EPA I A 12/13/1914:56 5MA Th" epon rcletrs curly to Me ample d nxelved try Me laboratory, and may only tie reprodooea m full. Page 9 of 19 Page 9 of 15 vvvnv.encolabs.ccm QUALITY CONTROL Cla zsl ad Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control ' Batch 9L11029 - NO PREP LCS (9L11029-851) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/11/2019 13:45 Spike Source %REC- 0.PD Analyte �"- Rewlt_'. Flag MRL ..Units- Lever Result %REC omits RPD - Umit Note PH 6.9 1.0 pH 7.00 99 99-101 Duplicate (91-11029-DUPI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/11/2019 13:45 Source: CCIS232-03 r h ;,,. Spike Source %REC RPD _ Analyta r x r ,. "'., Result 'Fin 'MRL Units Level Result %REC umlts 'RPD Limit Notes ... PH 7.2 1.0 PH 7.2 OA 25 Batch 9L13025 - NO PREP Blank (9L33025-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/13/2019 12:56 _.. '. .. .Spike Source %REC RPD. Anelytel:`''i u�z ` w Result ''Flag, MRL. Units Level Result %REC Limits - RPD unit Not" Total Suspended Solids 2.5 U 2.5 mg/L LCS (91.13025-86I) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/13/2019 12:56 °-.; •. Spike Source %REC RPD Anatyte„=! ' 'Result ;gFlag MRL Units Level Result %REC Umlb 'RPD' Umit Not" Tolal Suspended Solids 91 2.5 mg/L 100 91 60-120 Duplicate (91,13025-DUPI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/13/2019 12:56 Source: CC18329-01 -` Spike Source' %REC RPD Arulyte'e::� ` Result -Flag 'MRL Units Level Result %REC Units'. RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 9BO 110 mg/L 1400 33 20 QM-17 Duplicate (9L13025-OUP2) Prepared & Analyzed: t2/13/2019 12:56 Source: CC18385-01 Spike -5wrce %REC .. RPD AnalyeeE"Y �. - j`- Result 'S Flag ' 'MRL Units Level Result %REC ,Umib ;RPD Umit Nokia Total Suspended Solids 220 41 mg/L 220 2 20 Batch 9L14006 - Same Blank (91.34006-81KI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/14/2019 14:16 Spike 9ourca - %REC RPD Anelyte>r'�?" "'Result �Flep,•'' MRL, Units Tavel Result o/eREC units ,RpD-. ,. Unit Motes Chemical Oxygen Demand 10 U 10 mg/L LCS (9LI4006-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/14/2019 11:16 j'" t1 "•r . Spike Source %REC RPD. Arne .h cL � rC"'- _, �OResuR -•^Aag. "MRL. ;Units Level ;Result. %REC' Umlts RpD' Limit. Note! Chemical Oxygen Demand 490 10 mg/L Soo 99 90-110 Matrix Spike (9114006-M51) Prepared & Analymd: 12/14/2019 14:16 Source: CC11159-01 Page to of I9 Page) 0 of 15 w .enclllahs.CDm QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 9L 14006 - Same Matrix Spike (91.14006-MSI) Continued Prepared & Analyzed: 12/14/2019 14:16 Source: CCIII59-01 .. ._._ . ...,.Spike, .Sour6a 1; .,„d:ht Nwlyte . Result Flab MRL Units ,level `RewR' .',;%REC. ; .Umlb ":'+IRPD^ ;:Y•Lknit- . ,. _+Notes, (CTerwal Oxygen Demand 610 10 mg/L 526 100 95 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (91.14006-MSDI) Prepared Is Analyzed: 12/14/2019 14:16 Source: CCIII59-01 .Spike Soi %REC ?..: M1.fRPD. , ArRdyte Resuit Flag MRL .Units_ Level , `;Result %REC..'Umib' IRPDF "'.'•Unit Notw, CTunical Oxygen Demand 600 10 mg/L 526 100 95 90-110 0.4 5 Batch 9L16040 - NO PREP Blank (9136040-81-KI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/2019 13:40 'Spike , 'Souse - .' IG%REC,+.: r'^RPD" Analyte Result ,Flag MRL - Unite tAW Result, %REC ",UmRP iti, -D -Limit 1,10116i Total Suspende9 Solids 2.5 u 2.5 mg/1. LCS (91-16040-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/2019 13:40 Spike Sourm%REC.: RPD MraIV" Remit Flag KILL Udt Level Result' :.%REC r-Umlt'... RPD ".umit 4'.Nmes.. Total Suspended Solids 98 2.5 mg/L 100 98 80-120 Duplicate (91-16040-DUP1) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/2019 13:40 Source: CC19383-01 Spike Source ',%REC.. :r ,,;"RPD" Analyte Result , Flog MRL Units Loral Result %REC:Umlb RPD'. ',;aimlb '- NOW Total Suspended Solids 230 51 mg/L 240 6 20 LP-04 Dupiicate (91160411-011 Prepared & Analyzed!: 12/16/2019 13:40 Source: CC21145-01 Spike Souro, .. %REc '-RPD" . Analyte Remit Flag ' MRL Unitsevel LResult %REC uni RPD''' Limit" "Notes Total Suspended Solids 5.0 D 5.0 mg/L 5.0 U 20 QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 9L 12010 - EPA 16648 Blank (91-12010-BLKI) Prepared: 12/12/2019 11:07 Analyzed: 12/13/2019 14:56 _ Spike Source %REC .: RPD AtWyte 'R=lt Frog ' MRL Unite , lard Result %REC - Limits RPD Limit : Naen. Oil & Grease (HEM -SG) Non -Polar Mat a 270 u 5.00 mg/L LCS(9L12QIG-BSI) Prepared: 12/12/201911:07 Analyzed; 12/13/201914:56 Spike - Boom %REC: RPD - ar101yte Result Flag MRL Unit Level Result %REC Limits RpD Limit :Notes Oil & Grease (HEM -SG!) Non -Polar Materiel 71.3 5.00 mg/L 78.7 90 64-132 Page 11 W 14 Page 11 of 15 vvwvv-encolabssnm QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control NaKh 9LI2010 - EPA 16646 LCS Dup (9L33010-BSD3) Prepared: 12/12/2019 1 h07 Analyzed: 12/13/2019 14:56 - Spike Source %REC RPD ' lbalyte Result Flag MRL Unite - Levtl Result %REC Umib RPD - Umit Not. Oil & Grease (HEM-SGT) Nan -Polar Materk 79.6 5.00 mg/L 78.4 102 69-132 11 30 Matrix Spike (9L13010-MSl) Prepared: 12/12/2019 11:07 Analyzed: 12/13/2019 14:56 Source: BC05032-01 Spike sourte %REC RPD Anslyte Result Flog. MRL Unite Level Result %REC Omits RPD unlit Not" Oil & Grease (HEM-SGT) Non-Pdar Materit 80.4 5.00 mg/L 81.6 2.76 95 64-132 Page 12 ai w Page 12 of 15 www.encelabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS 0 The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D "rhe sample was analyzed at dilution. I The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQQ and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. The PQL presented is the laboratory MRL. The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentadve identification". Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. [CALL] Calculated analyte - MDL/MRL reported to the highest reporting limit of the component analyses. LP-04 Filtration time exceeded the method limit. Sample volume was reduced according to method requirements. Q-01 Analysis performed Outside of method - specified holding time. QM-12 Precision between duplicate samples was outside acceptance limits. Page 13d 15 Page 13 of 15 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LABORATORIES CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY RECORD t0-%S Ganua'rM D. <Bi0 E.earNe Pn». Coup 5m11 111 102-I wnuawmu wnunnal0 Gag N O ,IaazswNa °: 322tFti0E.° 7-a Ia0D e2rii,/ Fet ieea tt5�E9:5 I�a1 zaF-31xc Fnr1A�)�PEu21p 19191aE%-3090 Pat lFlAl Raouct Anayz �a.',I NS I%nC NWnne' ;.rep thlic Sevlrn; , VC rRr �^^l Anmen Na E�s� Cwro I71'iw l-�hd - II �Prgeq .n1__1_•__:.._ V 192 Republican Road . ..... `T' {— N Ca+5rrzG PO s I Eto^f ink 4ulander, NC �7k3Q5 I 2G75: BP&4813T65 Z. a' V ,M FU R4't+:1nR h'WlC r` I �evhw �11 hl�ell 252I34&3322 .— a 5amdnnsl Namu Axaraw:lPtenl f1 Ieal.` G°`°a° �tq� iris f r M `T i O —..lM Sa.nvienal s�?nar m� ,'IfIll sa� loratb+/7 ) . 6/�- . Ali ww Conmm11s5per I RepotOnp ReJ,tnannnL� iECho*Iejc� �ro�tr3 V1amL per C�Iar,�O fT yLj" . MKS IL�19�19 �- <-- Total;' of Contau x ix 9y www.encolaos.com Page of o Requested Turnaround �+ Times m N11 . Rum rmuostz v10)ec,0 d accaolencl by t. WaL:� _ Standard _ Expedited 5�I C 40 t, 10019 1 Mafr1.;GWG•auwwalw so.solipW-DnnYlip Wnler ss.seG�mnm $wsurta:�WMet Ww-MhLa�alY: a -Air o-pCbt 7Jo:8A tr�tammmn,$) Itr°x^raJan: I-ke NAICI NANp3 s.N25oe NG-NnoH D-OVro Nate : A0 eampks sLW:ut1e0 b ENCOIabs am of acm0arcz wM me lemu ann CMlaianns C51etl an 0fe re.e.:SP R tlus brm, unbss Dior w.men epmcmems edz: Sample Preservation Verification ENCO Cary Work Order: CC21041 Pwlact: 7it"-ees—Weswagwa- Easy G4re1;Aq� �.sd til 1 Client: Republic Services of NC (RE014) Project #: (none) Logged In: 11-Dec-19 11:35 II Logged By: John C King Preservation Check Performed By: 1 Date/Time: I� ' II CC21041 01 Contr250nil-A-1-12SO4 I'Pres : '- ., ). ' - : jpH)'pH' Requirement Check ed/ .- In Control, , f. rt . pH Adju"sled ,._.DateTmesReagent Adlusled. <, M F.efIMiL"9GF'ir'.''4 Used/Comments-a ..y:.. ra�rWN16K D 11 <2 I N / NA Y /ELA+H2SO4 <2 / N / NA Y / NA FLA+H2SO4 <2 ® 1 N / NA Y / / NA GLA+H2SO4 <2 / N / NA I Y I / NA CC21041-02 „ - Pres pH) AH; hec ed / Adjusted ate ime ,a , v,c a wR a 1 4w Reagent Used/Comments aril `'N �CantT e' ;' '} YP„z_, . Re uiremeriY :InConlrol, pH i . ., ,1, '. AdjustedanStaaa>+ ,�,�.•. „r.... 13 1LA+h12SO4 <2 / N I NA Y I l NA <2 VU / N / NA Y / NA PLD11.A+H2SO4 250mLP+H2SO4 <2 /_ N / NA Y / / NA ;C21 U41 UJ .., �2Pras, pH ,., ) p hec ed Date rme . 'pH Adjusted s ,� `,Adlusled -_ Rea ent=�UsedlComm nls �''b -,<n 9 �'�.. 'Conn ' Type.:, �j, ,,,, Re uiremenI I In.Control .5. ... r. a s= Y..a. . 6 11-A+H2SO4 <2 Y / N I NA Y / I NA C ILA+H2SO4 <2 Y/ N I NA Y I I NA c$Chah�� (�ro�e,a� nAwrt �u ci�lni �eyuesl-• MKS IZl19�19 Reagent Name _ ID I 2 pH Strip ID: l L_ C:\ELM NT\Print\wko_PreservalionCheck. rpt Reac ant Naive ID 3 4 6 Rea ent Name ID Page 15 of 15 of 1 (�IaceAnalytical� ww,pacatalaccem December 17. 2019 Meghan Shea ENCO Labs 102 A-Woodswinds Industrial Co Cary, NC 27511 RE. Project: CC21041 Pace Project No.: 92456944 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)8759092 Dear Meghan Shea: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on December 11, 2019. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reporte d herein conform to the most current, applicable TNI/NELAC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please f eel free to contact me. Sincerely, Sarah Graham sarah.graham@pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures cc: Chuck Smith, ENCO Labs REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the wriden consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 11 ace Analytical e iam.pRalahf.calp Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9B00 Kincey Ave. Suite I Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 CERTIFICATIONS Project: CC21041 Pace Project No.: 92456944 Pace Analytical Services Raleigh 6701 Conference Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 North Carolina Bioassay Certification #: 16 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 67 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37731 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, U.C. Page 2 of 11 (�IaceAnaljftalo www.paceuba.com SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)8769092 Project: Pace Project No.: CC21041 92456944 Analytts Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92456944001 Outfall 1 SM 9222D-2006 WT 1 PASI-R 92466944002 Outfall2 SM 9222D-2006 WT 1 PASI-R REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 11 aceAnalytical o w".pacebbs.cmm ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite I Huntersville, NG 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: CC21041 Pace Project No.: 92456944 Sample: Outfall I Lab ID: 92456944001 Collected: 12/11/19 07:00 Received: 12111119 12:26 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual MBIO 9222D Fecal Coliform RAL Analytical Method: SM 9222D-2006 Preparation Method: SM 92220-2006 Fecal Coliforms 29.0 CFU/100 mL 1.0 1 12/11/19 14:13 12/12/19 15:13 Date: 12/17/2019 08:38 AM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 11 (�55?eAnalyticalv` www.panlabs.enm ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 oncey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875.9092 Project: CC21041 Pace Project No.: 92456944 Sample: Outfall 2 Lab ID: 92466944002 Collected: 12111/19 07:00 Received: 12111/19 12:26 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Coal Ml 9222D Fecal Colitorm PAL Analytical Method: SM 9222D-2006 Preparation Method: SM 9222D-2006 Fecal Colitorms ND CFU/100 mL 1.0 1 12/11119 14:13 12/12119 15,13 Date: 121l 7/2019 08:38 AM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in lull, without the written consent or Pace Analytical Services, L-C. Page 5 of 11 (�55'ceAnalyfical* wrM.pacetaluxom QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: CC21041 Pace Project No.: 92456944 QC Batch: 515015 Analysis Method: SM 9222D-2006 QC Batch Method: SM 9222D-2006 Analysis Description: 9222D Fecal Coliform(MF) - RAL Associated Lab Samples: 92456944001. 92456944002 METHOD BLANK: 2760064 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92456944001, 92456944002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Fecal Colifonns CFU/100 mL NO 1.0 12/12/19 15:13 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2760065 92456944001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Fecal Coliforrns CFU/100 mL 29.0 26.0 11 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 98W Kincey Ave. Sure 100 Huntemuille, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Results pesented on this page are In the units Indicated by the "Units' column except Mem an attenuate uNlis pmsemed In the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/17/2019 08:38 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 11 a lace Analytical enve.pacalaastom QUALIFIERS Project: CC21041 Pace Project No.: 92456944 DEFINITIONS OF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, INC 28078 (704)8759092 POL - Practical Ouantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,241phenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate h recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is l'NI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. INl -The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-R PaceAnalytical Services - Raleigh REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Dale: 12/17/2019 08:38 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 11 laceAnalyfical' www.padabs.cah QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersviile, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: Pace Project No.: CC21041 92456944 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92456944001 Outtall 1 SM 9222D-2006 515015 SM 9222D-2006 515034 92456944002 Outfall 2 SM 9222D-2006 515015 SM 9222D-2006 515034 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Dale: 12/17/2019 08:38 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC, Page 8 of 11 Document Name: Document Revised: February 7, 2018 Sample Condition Upon Recelpt(SCILR) Page lof 2 I Document No,: Issuing Authority: aceA?ralytical' F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.06 Pace Carolinas Quality Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville ❑ Eden❑ Greenwood ❑ Huntersville ❑ RalelgfA Mechanicsville❑ Client Name: Project p: CIO : 92456944. • Courier: ❑Fed Ex ❑ups ❑USPs �Ciient II�II�,I�I,I�.,,I I IIII II III ❑commercial ❑Pace ❑Other:_ 82488844 Custody Seal Present? ❑Yes t-gpaa- seals Intact? ❑Yes Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap []Bubble Bags one ❑ Other Therno m``et��r: Ili Gun ID: 1 "--Op Type of Ice: 0et ❑Blue Cooler Temp ('C)o 10 • S ,, Correction Factor: Add/Subtract ('C) (� •. Q Cooler Temp Corrected ('C):_1 0%.9 Date/InIIIals Person Examining [antanisal 12 1 r`j Biological Tissue Frozen? ❑Yes []NO []N/A Temp should be above freezing to 6'C []Samples out of temp cateda. Samples on Ice, cooling protest has begun USDA Regulated Soil /A, water sample) Did samples originate in a quarantine zone within the United States: CA, NY, or SC (check maps)? Did samples odglnate from a foreign source (Inumattonally, Flye. MN,t Indudhw liawall and Puerto Rltnl? MYe3 nNo Comments/D'ucrepan : _ Alain of Custody Present? _ ,.,,p yYes No QN1A 1. Samples Arrived within Hold line? MQ ON. N/A 2. Time Analysis J<72 hr.)? oies ON. ONIA 3. MHold Turn Around time Raquested_? OYU No N/A 4. _ Sufficient Volume?V V lg�es ONO ONIA S. _ Correct Containers Used? Pace Containers Used? gRes ONO ONO ❑N/A N/A 6. Containers bitact? a- ❑Na ❑N/A 1. U1UQJv.d mat sls: Samples Pleld_ Filtered? Yes Na /A e. Sample taboll Match COC? Jne.IwJeSDate/Time/ID/Analysts M@Di.:_`A)7 ` 70 pp II — ___— Q No QN/A 9. Headspacc In VUA Vials (>s-6mm)? tl ONO /A 10. Trip Blank Present? hip Blank Custody seats Present? ❑Yes Yes []No No RR/A N/A 11. COMMENFS/SAMPLE DISCREPANCY Lot ID of split containers: CLUNr N011FICATION/RESOLUTION Pelson contacted: Date/rlme: Field Data Required? ❑Yes ON. Project Manager SRF Review: Ad Dale: 1 -' 1 ( -' CI Page 9 of 11 Document Name: Document Revised: February 7, 2018 �^J Sample Condition Upon Recelpt SLUR Page 1 of 2 'Document No.: Issuing Authority: f-CAR-CS-Rtn o6 Pace Carolinas Quality Office "Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination is verlfled and within the acceptance range for preservation samples. Exceptions: VOA Colgorm, TOC, Oil and Grease, DRO/8018 (water) DOC, MIg "Bottom half of box is to list number of bottle Project q WO# : 92456944 PM: SMG Due Date: 12/20/19 CLIENT: 82—ENCO O t U a i V qp� c J E n m a c J E an n m ay n j E m C c m n v 0 Z E n m v O S E 6 m O a H E n m L = a Z E n m laa v m 3¢ n _ ro a a v c E E t% a mzz O L7 a y O E E 0 a a T E E N a 2 a E o> Om a E 2 a E > Z a E m>> s" a q m 2 a s Z A t E y n ZEf ,y E m Q m s n O u c E a> N s n c E V E rl E F M. I Z 7 G 6 6 — 8 70 ll pH Adjustment Log for Preserved Samples Semple ID Type of Presmvative pH upon recelpt nate preservation adjusted Tlme preservallan adjusted Amount of Preservative added Lot a Note: When ever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy or tms sormvn„oeamm s.erwnn carnnna ucnnn..np•,..,.•o,•...••.=ry Out of hold, Incorrect presarvativa, put of temp• Incorrect containers. Page 10 Of 11 SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CC21041 SENDING LABORATORY: RECEIVING LABORATORY: LNCO Cary Pace Analytical (Raleigh NC) 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court 4915 Waters Edge Dr 11120 Crary, NC 27511 Raleigh, NC 27606 Phone: 919.467.3090 Phone :(919) 834-4984 Fax: 919.467.3515 Fax: Project Manager: Mcghan K Shen Project State ol'Origin: North Carolina Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Continents Outfall I Surface Water I I-Dec-19 07:00 Coliliarm. Fecal 922311 18-Dec-19 15:00 11•I)ec-19 14:5.5 Containers Supplied: Steri1e250ml.P I NO Itio (11) lJ Sub Lab 11) Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sumple Comments Outfull 2 Surface Water 11-Dec-19 07:00 Culiform, Fecal 9223B 18-Dec-19 15:00 11-Dec-19 14:55 Containers Supplied.�'-- Stetilu250mLPt Nu Thin (F) Page llasp r 1 of 11