HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Monitoring Report_20091210DRAFT PLAN OF STUDY TO MONITOR POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF REDUCTION IN HEADWATER WETLANDS ON THE DOWNSTREAM AQUATIC FUNCTIONS AND UTILIZATION OF TRIBUTARIES OF SOUTH CREEK, PORTER CREEK, AND DURHAM CREEK BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Aurora, North Carolina Prepared for preliminary review by: NC Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District December 2009 DEC 1 0 2009 DENR - WATER QUAUTY WETLANDS AND STORMAtER BRANCH Prepared by: CZR Incorporated, Wilmington, North Carolina Dr. Wayne Skaggs, P.E. DRAFT PLAN OF STUDY TO MONITOR POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF REDUCTION IN HEADWATER WETLANDS ON THE DOWNSTREAM AQUATIC FUNCTIONS AND UTILIZATION OF TRIBUTARIES OF SOUTH CREEK, PORTER CREEK, AND DURHAM CREEK BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: CZR Incorporated, Wilmington, North Carolina Dr. Wayne Skaggs, P.E. Prepared for: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Aurora, North Carolina Prepared for preliminary review by: NC Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District December 2009 DRAFT PLAN OF STUDY TO MONITOR POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF REDUCTION IN HEADWATER WETLANDS ON THE DOWNSTREAM AQUATIC FUNCTIONS AND UTILIZATION OF TRIBUTARIES OF SOUTH CREEK, PORTER CREEK, AND DURHAM CREEK BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: CZR Incorporated, Wilmington, North Carolina Dr. Wayne Skaggs, P.E. Prepared for: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Aurora, North Carolina Prepared for preliminary review by: NC Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District December 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION .............................................................. 1.1 History ............................................................................................................................. 1.2 Background information .................................................................................................. 1.3 Draft Plan of Study .......................................................................................................... 2.0 APPLICABLE 401 CERTIFICATION AND 404 PERMIT CONDITIONS ............................ 3.0 HISTORIC AND CURRENT DRAINAGE BASIN REFINEMENTS .................................... 3.1 Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) refinements ........................................................... 4.0 LESSONS LEARNED FROM EXISTING FLOW MONITORING PROGRAM, CURRENT CONSTRAINTS, AND A NEW APPROACH ...................................................................... 5.0 TYPES OF MONITORING ................................................................................................. 5.1 Pre-impact, post-impact, and post-reclamation monitoring thresholds ........................... 5.2 True baseline and original baseline monitoring ............................................................... 5.3 Modified baseline monitoring ........................................................................................... 5.4 Proposed extension of length of modified baseline monitoring ....................................... 5.5 Post-reclamation monitoring ........................................................................................... 6.0 EXISTING AND EXPANDED MONITORING .................................................................... 6.1 Salinity, dissolved oxygen, and water level monitoring .................................................... 6.2 Water quality monitoring ................................................................................................. 6.3 Sediment monitoring ...................................................................................................... 6.4 Fish and benthos monitoring .......................................................................................... 6.5 Biomass size spectra (BSS) ........................................................................................... 6.6 Wetland vegetation monitoring ....................................................................................... 6.7 Wetland hydrology monitoring ........................................................................................ 7.0 REFERENCE OR CONTROL CREEK SYSTEMS ........................................................... 7.1 Existing reference or control creek system .................................................................... 7.2 Proposed new reference or control creek systems ........................................................ 7.2.1 PA2 ......................................................................................................................... 7.2.2 UT to Ross Creek ................................................................................................... 7.2.3 Duck Creek ............................................................................................................. 7.2.4 Durham Creek tributary .......................................................................................... 7.2.5 South 33 Tract reference creeks ............................................................................ 8.0 TIMELINE OF IMPACTS AND MONITORING ................................................................. 8.1 Timeline of projected impacts and initiation of monitoring for all parameters ................ 9.0 COORDINATION WITH SCIENCE PANEL AND ANNUAL REPORTING ....................... 10.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QA) PROGRAM AND SCIENCE PANEL REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 10.1 QA/QC program approach ............................................................................................. 10.2 Science Panel review ..................................................................................................... 1 1 1 3 3 7 7 .8 .8 .8 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions ii PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Pre- and post-impact monitoring by parameter and by creek in NCPC creeks according to the 1998 program ................................................................................................................2 2 Temporary drainage basin reductions since 1998 and percent reduction from historic basin acreages following Modified Alternative L impacts to each potential creek proposed for monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 7 3 Estimated creek monitoring years pre- and post-impact from Modified Alternative L and post-reclamation completion (using 2 year impact schedule in 404/ROD and PCS reclamation schedule dated 3.16.09.) ...............................................................................15 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions iii PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Vicinity Map ...................................................................................................................... ...1 2 Modified Alternative L Permitted Boundary with Biotic Community Impacts- NCPC Tract. 2 3 Modified Alternative L Permitted Boundary with Biotic Community Impacts-Bonnerton Tract ................................................................................................................................. ... 3 4 Modified Alternative L Permitted Boundary with Biotic Community Impacts- S33 Tract .. ... 4 5 Modified Alternative L Boundary on 2007 Aerial- NCPC Tract ......................................... ... 5 6 Modified Alternative L Boundary on 2007 Aerial- Bonnerton Tract .................................. ... 6 7 Modified Alternative L Boundary on 2007 Aerial- S33 Tract ............................................ ... 7 8 Estimated Historic and Current Drainage Basins on LiDAR with Permitted Boundary- NCPC Tract ...................................................................................................................... ... 8 9 Estimated Historic and Current Drainage Basins on LiDAR with Permitted Boundary- Bonnerton Tract ............................................................................................................... ... 9 10 Estimated Historic and Current Drainage Basins on LiDAR with Permitted Boundary- S33 Tract ................................................................................................................................. .10 11 Original Monitoring Locations in Jacks Creek .................................................................. .11 12 Original Monitoring Locations in Tooley Creek ................................................................. .12 13 Original Monitoring Locations in Huddles Cut .................................................................. .13 14 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Drinkwater Creek ...................................................... .14 15 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Jacobs Creek ........................................................... .15 16 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Porter Creek ............................................................. .16 17 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Tributary to Durham Creek (DCUT 11) .................... .17 18 Durham Creek Proposed Monitoring Locations ............................................................... .18 19 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Broomfield Swamp ................................................... .19 20 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Cypress Run ............................................................. .20 21 South Creek Monitoring Location ..................................................................................... .21 22 Pamlico River Monitoring Location ................................................................................... .22 23 Muddy Creek Monitoring Location .................................................................................... . 23 24 PA2 Proposed Control Creek Monitoring Locations ......................................................... .24 25 UT to Ross Creek Proposed Control Creek Monitoring Locations ................................... . 25 26 Duck Creek Proposed Control Creek Monitoring Locations ............................................ .26 27 UT to Durham Creek Proposed Control Creek Monitoring Locations .............................. . 27 28 Estimated 2-Year Impact Schedule .................................................................................. .28 29 Estimated Reclamation Schedule .................................................................................... . 29 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions iv PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 LIST OF APPENDICES AppendixA October 1998 NCPC Tract Stream Monitoring Program for PCS Phosphate, Inc. (Alternative E) Appendix B Executive Summaries from Annual Reports Submitted under the 1998 NCPC Monitoring Program Appendix C Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays along South Creek Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions v PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 DRAFT PLAN OF STUDY TO MONITOR POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF REDUCTION IN HEADWATER WETLANDS ON THE DOWNSTREAM AQUATIC FUNCTIONS AND UTILIZATION OF TRIBUTARIES OF SOUTH CREEK, PORTER CREEK, AND DURHAM CREEK BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1.1 History. In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) issued a Section 404 permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. (PCS) for continued phosphate mining under Alternative E on PCS property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina (referto Figure 1 for vicinity map). Because the 1997 permitted mine advance would temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the Corp's Section 404 permit (404) and the accompanying North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Section 401 Water Quality Certification (401) contained conditions that required monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs of North Carolina State University, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley of East Carolina University, developed an agency-approved plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macro invertebrates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR and Skaggs 1998). Forthe 1997 permit, NCDWQ selected the same three NCPC tributaries to South Creek to be monitored. These three creeks have been monitored and annual reports have been submitted since 1998 according to the approved monitoring plan. 1.2 Background information. Baseline (pre-Alternative E impact) data collection on vegetation, fish, benthos, and groundwater began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until 13 June 2002. Post-disturbance monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow ceased on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut 13 June 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-disturbance monitoring on Jacks Creek was reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. In April 2004, all pre-disturbance flow monitoring ceased at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek, and in December 2005 all post-disturbance flow monitoring ceased at Jacks Creek (NCDWQ authorized cessation of post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek by letter dated 12 January 2006). Post-disturbance monitoring of Huddles Cut began in January 2007 and continues as of this writing. Post-disturbance monitoring of Tooley Creek was also scheduled to begin in January 2007 but only five percent of the drainage basin was estimated to be impacted. PCS Phosphate did not believe there would be any "significant measurable results" from that level of impact, requested that monitoring not be conducted "until 10 percent or more of the basin was impacted", and NCDWQ approved the request in a letter dated 4 December 2006. Table 1 summarizes by parameter and by creek the pre- and post-impact monitoring conducted on the NCPC creeks according to the approved 1998 monitoring program. In November 2000, PCS applied for authorization to continue its phosphate mining operations on the Hickory Point peninsula (NCPC Tract) adjacent to the Pamlico River and South Creek once phosphate reserves were depleted under the 1997 permitted area for Alternative E. In 2001, an EIS process was begun for the continuation of mining. The Corps established that it would be appropriate to consider holistic mine plans that included mining in more than one tract. PCS proposed alternatives for mining in two additional tracts (Bonnerton and South of Route 33 [S33]). In January Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 1 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Table 1. Pre- and post-impact monitoring by parameter and by creek in NCPC creeks according to the 1998 program. 1999 AMJJASOND 1999 JFMAMJJASOND 2000 JFMAMJJASOND 2001 JFMAMJJASOND 2002 JFMAMJJASOND 2003 JFMAMJJASOND 2004 JFMAMJJASOND 2006 JFMAMJJAS0ND 0 °v 2007 JFMAMJJASOND 2008 JFMAMJJASOND 2009 JFMAMJJASOND .lacks Creek' rr r r Flow r " r ` Salinity r r r Wetland water level f+ r ;r+` jr r Water quality Vegetation Fish Benthos Sediment Tnnle)4 Creek e Flow rr; . +: ji:•++; r.+; , , '.;;j; rf , . ; fr:++'+r=;; r;.: +. ;rr r;'+ i; : /=r r ;r f r;+' Salinity r; ,+ Wetland water level rt+r';ri; r' rf/fr:; ;r: /+rrf.fifi+ r/r :'rfi v Water quality r+ r r r r f f Vegetation Fish Benthos Sediment Hurirlles rnt fflflA pp?? ry VJflff ??jyy 4f1 o o c F z Flow Salinity +r ? j+'1 + ;i :+,f rr / . . r' fr: :f . r ` `+` ,• : ! , !;•,; Wetland water level , , , . ; . . , . , . . ; i;' ,.?: ;;,=r,; .r ,• r+r : r;r .; !: rr ;jrr? r jr; j'r// Water quality { r r . Vegetation Fish Benthos Sediment ; l1 Fl r r r ' ' Total Jack's Creek basin reduction by end of 2009 is estimated at 346 acres or 54.7 percent. n Total Tooley's Creek basin reduction by end of 2009 is estimated at 20.8 acres or 5 percent. pre-impact post-impact ` Total Huddles Cut basin reduction by end of 2009 is estimated at 159.19 acres or 43 percent. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 2 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 2009 NCDWQ issued PCS a 401 Water Quality Certification and in June of 2009, the Corps issued PCS a 404 permit for impacts associated with Modified Alternative L. In their 2009 permit conditions, the Corps selected the addition of Jacobs and Drinkwater Creeks in the NCPC Tract and Porter Creek in the Bonnerton Tract and in their certification conditions, NCDWQ selected the addition of "representative number of streams in each tract" and "tributaries to South Creek, Porter Creek, Durham Creek and the Pamlico River adjacent to the mine site" for monitoring. Figures 2, 3, and 4 depict the permitted Modified L Alternative on a biotic community map and Figures 5, 6, and 7 depict the permitted boundary on a 2007 aerial photograph. 1.3 Draft Plan of Study. CZR has worked extensively on the three PCS tracts beginning in NCPC in 1988, conducting a wide range of environmental studies including wetland delineations, plant community mapping and descriptions, wildlife studies, water quality sampling, aquatic sampling, and other related activities. PCS requested CZR to use this on-site experience to evaluate and respond to the 2009 401 WQC Condition #13 and the Corps' 404 permit Conditions S and T related to Modified Alternative L, re-enlist Skaggs in modeling and quantification of flow in these creek systems, and to develop the draft Plan of Study. The 401 and 404 conditions itemized in the next section require PCS to continue the existing agency-approved NCPC stream monitoring program along with the addition of yet-to-be-determined additional monitoring as suggested. Determination of this additional monitoring will be initiated by the submittal of this new draft Plan of Study to NCDWQ by 10 December 2009 as required by WQC Condition 13. This draft Plan of Study will be further developed over the subsequent months by the NCDWQ, Corps, and an as yet unidentified Science Panel. The Plan must be submitted to the Corps and NCDWQ for review within 1 year of the issuance of the permit, or 10 June 2010, per 404 Condition S. Appendix A of this Plan of Study contains the October 1998 NCPC Tract Stream Monitoring Program as approved by the agencies and which has been followed since 1998 (CZR and Skaggs 1998). On-site data, background literature review, and the monitoring methodologies used to date in the NCPC stream monitoring program are contained in the October 1998 document. Appendix B of this Plan of Study contains the executive summaries of each of the annual NCPC Tract stream monitoring reports submitted to the agencies every spring during the course of the monitoring program through 2008 (executive summaries were prepared forthis appendixforthe 1998, 1999, and 2000 reports which did not contain them in the original reports). Copies of any of the entire annual reports will be available to the Panel members upon request. 2.0 APPLICABLE 401 CERTIFICATION AND 404 PERMIT CONDITIONS Condition #13 of the 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3771 issued 15 January 2009 bythe NCDWQ reads as follows: 13. Stream and watershed monitoring - The existing water management and stream monitoring plan for water quality, water quantity and biology (macrobenthos and fish) shall be continued for the life of the Permit bythe applicant. Additional monitoring shall be proposed by the applicant and approved by DWQ for tributaries in the Bonnerton and South of 33 Tracts before land clearing or impacts occur to those locations. This additional monitoring plan shall collect data from a representative number of streams in each tract and be designed to assure the protection of downstream water quality standards including Primary and Secondary Nursery Area functions in tributaries to South Creek, Porter Creek, Durham Creek Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 3 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 and the Pamlico River adjacent to the mine site. Monitoring locations shall include the upper end of Porter Creek in the "58A" area of the Bonnerton Road Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest in order to ensure that hydrology of this wet hardwood forest is maintained. The plan shall identify any deleterious effects to riparian wetland functions including by [sic] not limited to water storage, pollutant removal, streambank stabilization, as well as resident wetland- dependent aquatic life and resident wetland-dependent wildlife and aquatic life in wetlands and streams tributaryto the Pamlico River in the NCPC, Bonnerton and South of 33 Tracts. If necessary, management activities to protect or restore these uses will be required for all the tributaries of these three tracts. PCS shall notify DWQ in writing at least one month in advance of any biological sampling so DWQ biologists can accompany PCS biologists as needed. Also a certified lab is required for the identification of freshwater benthic macro invertebrate samples. For estuarine samples, a knowledgeable lab shall be used until such time as DWQ certifies laboratories for estuarine analysis and after that time, only suitably certified labs shall be used. Finally a fish monitoring plan shall be included in the final monitoring plan submitted to DWQ for written approval. This stream and watershed monitoring plan shall be submitted to DWQ for written approval within six months of the issuance of the 404 Permit. Seven copies (two hard copies and five CD's [sic] of the draft plan and annual reports shall be submitted to DWQ for circulation and review by the public and other federal and state agencies. In addition, Conditions S, T, U, V, W, and X of the Corps' 404 Permit No. 200110096 issued 10 June 2009 state the following: S. In concert with the monitoring requirements contained in the Water Quality Certification, the Permittee shall develop a Plan of Study to address the effects of reduction in headwater wetlands on the utilization of Porters [sic] Creek, Tooley Creek, Jacobs Creek, Drinkwater Creek, and Jacks Creek as nursery areas by resident fish and appropriate invertebrate species. This plan shall be submitted to the Corps and NCDWQ for approval within 1 year of the issuance of this permit. At a minimum, the plan shall address the following issues: 1) Has mining altered the amount or timing of water flows within the creeks? Data collection may include: i) Continuous water level recorders to measure flow ii) Rain gauges to measure local water input iii) Groundwater wells to measure inputtothe creeks Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 4 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 iv) Semi-continuous salinity monitoring v) Periodic DO monitoring (continuously monitored for several days at strategic times of year) 2) Has mining altered the geomorphic or vegetative character of the creeks? Data collection may include: i) Annual aerial photography to determine creek position, length, width, sinuosity ii) Annual cross sectional surveys of each creek at established locations iii) Annual sediment characterization iv) Annual vegetation surveys along creeks v) Spring and fall sediment surface chlorophylls or organic content in vegetation zone. vi) Spring and fall location of flocculation zones with each creek. 3) Has mining altered the forage base of the creeks? Data collection may include: i) Spring and fall benthic cores to sample macroinfauna. ii) Spring and fall benthic grabs focused on bivalves, such as Rangia sp. iii) Periodic sampling for pelagic species such as grass shrimp, blue crabs, and small forage fish. Sampling gears would be chosen to reflect ontogenetic shifts in creek usage. 4) Has mining altered the use of the creeks by managed fish? Data collection may include periodic sampling for species managed under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation Management Act. Sampling would occur during appropriate times of the year and gears would be chosen to reflect ontogenetic shifts in creek usage. 5) Has mining increased contaminate [sic] levels within creek sediments to levels that could impact fish or invertebrates? Data collection may include annual sediment and water column sampling for metals, including cadmium, mercury, silver, copper, and arsenic. If elevated levels are detected, the availability and uptake by appropriate aquatic species (e.g. Rangia sp., blue crabs) should [sic] measured using appropriate bioassay techniques. 6) Has mining altered overall water quality within creeks? Water quality parameters analyzed will include: Salinity, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Secchi depth, Turbidity, Chlorophyll a, Dissolved orthophosphate phosphorus, Total dissolved phosphorus, Particulate phosphorus, Nitrate nitrogen, Ammonia nitrogen, particulate nitrogen, and Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen. T. Monitoring under the Plan of Study referenced in condition "S" above shall commence immediately upon the Plan's approval by Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 5 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 the Corps and NCDWQ. Monitoring shall continue for 10 years following the completion of all reclamation work within the headwaters of the subject creeks unless the Corps, in consultation with the appropriate resource agencies agrees that monitoring can be discontinued. U. The Permittee shall within 6 months of the issuance date of this permit, work with the Corps and NCDWQ to establish an independent multidisciplinary panel of researchers qualified in the subject matter to be examined (Science Panel). In identifying potential participants for this Panel, the Permittee shall seek input from all interested and appropriate resource agencies including but not limited to EPA, NMFS, USFWS, NCWRC, NCDMF, and the appropriate permitting agencies including NCDCM, [sic] NCDLR. The panel shall be comprised of between 2 and 5 members. The members of this panel shall be given opportunity to provide input and recommendations on the monitoring required by conditions X" [pertains to monitoring of reclamation water quality and is not addressed in this Plan of Study] and "S" above including research design, reference site selection, sampling stations, schedules, and methods; laboratory methods; data management and analysis; and quality control and quality assurance. Any input supplied by members of this panel will be presented to the Corps and NCDWQ and will be incorporated as appropriate into the preparation of the Plan of Study referenced in condition "S". Members of this panel will also be given the opportunity to oversee all research conducted toward fulfillment of conditions X" and "S". V. The Permittee shall be responsible for fully implementing the approved Plan of Study referenced in conditions "S", "T", and "U" above. Annual summaries of all data collected in compliance with r conditions X" and "S shall be presented to the Corps, NCDWQ and all members of the Science Panel on or before May 1 of the year following collection. The Perm itee and/or the Corps will make these reports available in whole or in summary to any interested party. W. The Permittee shall coordinate and facilitate an annual meeting of the Science Panel, the Corps, NCDWQ, and all other interested state and federal agencies including but not limited to EPA, NMFS, USFWS, NCWRC, NCDMF, NCDCM, [sic] NCDLR. This meeting shall occur no later than July 30 of each year. The purpose of this meeting will be to allow the members of the Science Panel to provide input to the agencies on any observed trends in parameters measured and general discussions on whether direct and indirect impacts from mining and benefits from the compensatory mitigation appear to be in accordance with expectations at the time of permitting. Members of the Science Panel shall also be given the opportunity to provide any recommendations for management or further study. The proceedings of this meeting including data summaries, reports, presentations and any conclusions of the group will be made available in whole or in summary to any interested party. The Corps will fully consider all information Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 6 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 presented by the Science Panel as well as comments from state and federal agencies and all other parties supplying input to determine if corrective actions or permit modifications are needed. If substantive changes to the mine plan, compensatory mitigation plan or monitoring plan are made, the Corps will announce such change by Public Notice and allow for public comment. X. At appropriate intervals to be decided by the Corps after input from the Science Panel (eg. [sic] 3 to 5 years) beginning from the date of permit issuance, members of the panel shall be given the opportunity to review monitoring methods, sampling locations, parameters analyzed, and other elements of monitoring protocol to determine if modifications to the plan are appropriate. All data reviewed by the panel shall be made available to the public. 3.0 HISTORIC AND CURRENT DRAINAGE BASIN REFINEMENTS 3.1 Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) refinements. In an attempt to produce a more accurate quantification of anthropomorphic changes to the drainage basins of these creek systems through mining, silvicultural, and agricultural practices, historic and current drainage basin calculations were revised in late 2009 using LiDAR (Figures 8, 9, and 10). The basins were also expanded to include the entire Hickory Point peninsula in the NCPC Tract, not just the area of the basins contained within the PCS boundaries. As would be expected, this revision produced some basin totals different than those used in the 1996 and 2008 FEIS' and in the Corps' calculations of drainage basin percent reductions for each creek in the Records of Decision. These graphics are likely to be further refined. Table 2 shows the drainage basin acres for each creek from LiDAR- estimated historic conditions up through Modified Alternative L and the overall percent reduction from historic areas. The reductions include all past human activities, not just mine-related reductions. Table 2. Temporary drainage basin reductions since 1998 and estimated percent reduction from historic basin acreages following Modified Alternative L impacts. Creek Historic basin (ac) Current basin (ac) Modified Alternative L reduction (ac) Acres remaining Reduction from historic (%) NCPC Tract Huddles Cut 1,014 593 446 147 86 Huddy Gut 482 409 142 267 45 Tooley Creek 563 613 180 433 23 Drinkwater Creek 605 402 254 148 75 Jacobs Creek 751 527 221 306 59 Jacks Creek 645 316 183 133 79 Bonnerton Tract Porter Creek 3,719 2,492 1,694 798 79 Durham Creek 37,550 36,415 2,445 33,970 10 Bailey Creek 4,069 3,217 1,254 1,963 52 South 33 Tract Broomfield Swamp 2,843 3,129 1,966 1,163 59 Cypress Run 3,000 3,453 2,347 1,106 63 Note: Bailey Creek basin lies in both Bonnerton and South 33 Tracts and agricultural ditches have enlarged some drainage basins in South 33 Tract beyond historic dimensions. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 7 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 4.0 LESSONS LEARNED FROM EXISTING FLOW MONITORING PROGRAM, CURRENT CONSTRAINTS, AND A NEW APPROACH During the development of the 1998 NCPC stream monitoring plan, it was impossible to know for certain where, or if, PCS would receive a future permit to continue mining beyond what was authorized in 1997. As a result, the location of all flow monitoring equipment was determined based on current conditions in the late 1990s and was placed where it would best function for the collection of the required data (in areas of intermittent flow). Figures 11, 12, and 13 depict existing monitoring locations from the 1998 plan for Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut. Mining allowed in the 2009 permit will remove or has removed some of those flow stations as well as some of the hydrology monitoring locations in place since 1998. The red circles on these three graphics indicate original monitoring locations affected by the new permit. With the 2009 permit boundary now known, the opportunity to deploy new monitoring equipment such that the locations will remain the same for the pre-impact and post-impact/reclamation monitoring is important to consider. In some cases, the locations of the weirs used to monitor flow in the NCPC creeks since 1998 will not be disturbed by the newly permitted mine advance but there will be no or very little upstream drainage basin flow contribution to monitor after mining, e.g., Tooley Creek flow stations and Huddles Cut flow stations at Ogletree Road and the upper main prong. In some cases the newly permitted mine advance will actually eliminate the weir location, e.g., in the western prong of Huddles Cut. Therefore, the four stations at the Huddles Cut weirs used to monitor flow in since 1998 have either been removed in 2009 or will be removed in 2010. The Tooley Creek stations will be removed in 2010. None of the Huddles Cut or Tooley Creek weirs can be moved further downstream than their previous locations because once the weir location is in perennial waters, it is difficult to separate those flow events coming from the upstream basin from wind tide events, adding an unacceptable degree of error to the calculations made from the weir equations. As a replacement for weirs, the use of other flow monitoring equipment utilizing Doppler technology designed to measure bi-directional flow in estuarine environments was explored in 2009 by CZR, PCS, and Skaggs. This equipment proved problematic as it does not function well in the shallow waters found in the upper portions of these South Creek tributaries, nor does it function well in waters containing aquatic vegetation, which all of these creeks contain in their upstream and downstream segments. While Doppler technology does allow accurate measurement of bidirectional flow, it would be extremely difficult to confidently separate and quantify that portion of flow that is contributed only from the upstream basin. In recognition of the challenge to collect adequate and accurate flow data contributed only from the upstream drainage basin in the shallow and often vegetated perennial segments of these creeks, Skaggs' team utilized 2003 flow data collected on the upper segments of Jacks Creek in conjunction with LiDAR and DRAINMOD to devise a mass balance approach to predict flow using tidal stage and storage area. With the collection of additional survey data within each basin, especially in the water edge areas where the level fluctuates, this mass balance approach can be further refined for each impacted creek. The mass balance approach proposed by Skaggs' team will provide a method to estimate the effect of flows from small coastal watersheds on hydrology (water balance) in the receiving bays and the impact of mining on flow conditions. Appendix C contains the Skaggs team's proposed methodology in more detail. 5.0 TYPES OF MONITORING 5.1 Pre-impact. Post-impact, and post-reclamation monitoring thresholds. As with the previous monitoring plan, impacts are presumed to begin from the point in time that the Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 8 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 mine's perimeter depressurization canal is dug across a portion of a drainage basin; an activity that interrupts the normal infiltration and sheet flow processes. Post-impact monitoring will begin when 10 percent or more of a drainage basin has been impacted. Reclamation is considered complete when a capped area is planted which will initiate the 10 years of post-reclamation monitoring. 5.2 True baseline and original baseline monitoring. True baseline data for any of the NCPC Tract creeks have not and cannot be obtained because of past disturbances, although their historic drainage basins have been estimated as described earlier in this document. For the 1998 plan, the pre-impact data, or the "original baseline" before Alternative E activities, were collected for Jacks Creek for one year, and for three years each in Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek. For the Bonnerton and South 33 Tracts, the subject creeks have been affected by ditching and other human activities, but their historic drainage basins have not been reduced by mining; therefore, baseline data collected in these areas will be "true baseline". 5.3 Modified baseline monitoring. For the purposes of this Plan of Study, it is presumed that a new "modified baseline" begins with monitoring activities described herein to track impacts in NCPC creeks before Modified Alternative L but after Alternative E (new pre-impact). Additional monitoring will track impacts after Modified Alternative L and Alternative E combined (new post-impact). Since the expanded monitoring required under the new permit and described in Section 6.0 also includes parameters not collected or analyzed as part of the 1998 plan, it is necessary to collect new "modified baseline" data in as many of the creeks as possible to compare with the new post-impact data. 5.4 Proposed extension of length of modified baseline monitoring. Five years of true or modified baseline monitoring should provide a data set which has statistical significance when compared to any post-impact monitoring. Unfortunately, the timing of the permit, continuation of and/or initiation of mine impacts, and timing of the approval of the Plan of Study which will initiate monitoring, will likely preclude the ability to collect five years of modified baseline or pre-impact data for some of the NCPC creeks. In fact, in Huddles Cut, Modified Alternative L impacts immediately followed Alternative E impacts, with no opportunity for collection of modified baseline data priorto new impacts; and, depending on when the perimeter canal is dug, possibly only one additional year of modified baseline data will be collected in Tooley Creek and only two years in Drinkwater Creek. Five years of modified baseline or pre-impact data are expected to be collected for Jacobs Creek in NCPC and true baseline data collected for the tributary creeks in Bonnerton (including Porter Creek) and for the monitored creek in South 33 Tract. 5.5 Post-reclamation monitoring. The expanded monitoring described in Section 6.0 also contains new parameters not collected to date and will occur for as many as 10 years after the completion of reclamation (post-reclamation). 6.0 EXISTING AND EXPANDED MONITORING Many of the draft figures depicting the proposed monitoring locations do not yet depict the locations of all equipment shown in the figure legends. PCS recognizes that locations of all monitoring activities or equipment will be determined as the Plan of Study is revised and finalized and through more thorough field reconnaissance of each specific creek or habitat of interest. 6.1 Salinity, dissolved oxygen, and water level monitoring. In addition to the ongoing salinity and water level monitoring in Huddles Cut, Tooley Creek, and Jacks Creek conducted since 1998, beginning in fall of 2010 (pending approval of this Plan), salinity and water level monitors will be installed in Drinkwater Creek and Jacobs Creek for baseline data collection (approximately two Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 9 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 years in Drinkwater and five years in Jacobs) (Figures 14 and 15). In response to Corps' Condition S.1).v. all the salinity water level monitors will also collect semi-continuous dissolved oxygen data. Five years before impacts are expected to occurto Porter Creek (- 2010) or Durham Creek (2013) similar monitors will also be installed at similar landscape positions in the Porter Creek system (Figure 16) and a tributary to Durham Creek (DCUT 11) (Figure 17), and Durham Creek (Figure 18). The impacted tributary to Durham Creek, DCUT 11, was selected because of the two largest Durham Creek tributaries in the Bonnerton Tract to be impacted it is the only one with a feature remaining to monitor post-impact. Near the end of the life of mining in the Bonnerton Tract, PCS will determine if it is practicable for the mine to expand into the S33 Tract. If the decision is made to open a mine pit in S33 (projected for 2026), then PCS will initiate the collection of five years of baseline salinity and water level monitoring in either Broomfield Swamp Creek or Cypress Run, whichever is deemed most "representative" at the time, based on knowledge gained from the previous years of monitoring the other tributary creeks and other applicable and current research (Figures 19 and 20). Like the existing salinity and water level monitors, all the new equipment for these parameters will be located near the mouths of the creeks and near the upper portion of perennial waters in the smaller systems. Salinity data will be interpreted in light of the rainfall, mass balance and tidal stage model, and water level data to allow evaluation of the effects of drainage basin input and wind tides on salinity. When the Porter Creek monitoring begins, a new salinity station will be added at the mouth of Durham Creek for the same purpose. Salinity, water level, and dissolved oxygen will be monitored in PAII beginning in 2010 since this system, with almost no contributing drainage basin, may also provide valuable comparative data. Once the effects of local drainage basin input on salinity have been fully evaluated, predictions of the likely effects of drainage basin reduction can be made. Salinity, water level, and dissolved oxygen monitoring will continue during the years of drainage basin reduction to allow confirmation of the predictions. Salinity, water level, and dissolved oxygen will continue to be monitored at control stations in South Creek and the Pamlico River so that system-wide wind tide effects on salinity can be identified (Figures 21 and 22). Where possible, these same types of monitoring stations will also be installed in Muddy Creek (existing control) and the newly proposed controls presented in Section 7.0 below. 6.2 Water duality monitoring. Water quality data will continue to be collected per the 1998 approved monitoring plan for Huddles Cut, Jacks Creek, and Tooley Creek (Figures 11-13). Additional water quality sampling locations have been identified for Drinkwater, Jacobs, and Porter Creek, the tributary to Durham Creek (DCUT 11), Durham Creek, Broomfield Swamp, and Cypress Run (Figures 14 - 20). In response to Corps Conditions S.2).iii. and S.2).v., in addition to the parameters collected since 1998, PCS proposes to also collect dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in the water column. The water column will be sampled during the collection of sediment samples at the same locations that sediment is sampled (July of every monitoring year). It is presumed that the shallow well-mixed nature of these systems allows the collection of one 2-liter sample at each monitoring location, rather than surface, middle, and bottom column samples at each location. In response to Corps' Condition S.5, the same 2-liters of water column will also be analyzed for the metals cadmium, silver, copper, and arsenic. 6.3 Sediment monitoring. Sediment samples will continue to betaken annually and analyzed for chemical and elemental constituents as described in the 1998 plan for Huddles Cut, Tooley Creek and Jacks Creek. Drinkwater Creek, Jacobs Creek, Porter Creek, the tributary to Durham (DCUT11), the to-be-determined S33 creek, and the control creeks will be monitored with similar methodology according the timeline of proposed monitoring. In response to Corps Conditions S.2).iii. and S.2).v., all sediment samples will also be analyzed for DOC, POC, and sand, silt, clay fractions in all the monitored creeks. Sediment sampling locations for each impacted creek are shown Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 10 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 on Figures 11-20 and Figures 23 -27. 6.4 Fish and benthos monitoring. Data on the abundance and species composition of fish and benthos in the creeks will continue to be collected per the 1998 approved plan for Huddles Cut, Jacks Creek, and Tooley Creek. Drinkwater and Jacobs Creeks in NCPC will begin to be monitored for these two parameters in 2010 or 2011, depending on the timing of the approval of this Plan. In the Bonnerton Tract, a tributary to Durham (DCUT11) and Porter Creek will begin pre-impact monitoring of these parameters in approximately 2011. In response to Corps' Conditions S.3.ii and S.3.iii, any grass shrimp, bivalves, or small forage fish captured in either the benthic Ponar grabs or timed sweeps will also be identified and enumerated. Fish and benthos locations for each impacted creek are shown on Figures 11-20. The methodology for spring sampling of the juvenile fish present will be unchanged with the exception that grass shrimp and blue crabs brought up in the trawl will also be enumerated and identified (per Corps' Condition S.3.iii.). Small forage fish are already enumerated and identified. Also, the annual reporting of the fish data will now include a retrospective table listing any captured species managed under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation Management Act (per Corps' Condition SA.). 6.5 Biomass size spectra (BSS). As an additional method to help determine the potential "effects of reduction in headwater wetlands on the utilization... as nursery areas by resident fish and appropriate invertebrate species" (Corps' Condition S) and to provide a window into the functioning of the monitored estuarine creeks, PCS proposes to expand the existing biotic monitoring to include the collection of additional fish and zooplanktonic/ichthyoplanktonic data such that biomass size relationships can be analyzed and integrated across trophic levels and compared within creeks, among creeks, and to the control creeks. According to Jung and Houde (2005), BSS are one way to simplify explanations of complex trophic interactions and also may have potential applications in fisheries management. Jennings (2005) describes the size-based approach as a basis for describing the wider impacts of human activities and one which places populations in an ecosystem context. As a conserved property in all aquatic systems, the BSS method is broadly applicable as a depiction of abundance and of distributions of organisms by size classes. When integrated across trophic levels (fish to zooplankton), BSS can offer a broad evaluation of the state of an estuary from an analysis of its combined trophic constituents. The integral spectrum (overarching relationship) between size and abundance is expressed theoretically with a slope of -1 plotted on log2-transformed axes. Shifts, trends, or anomalies in BSS metrics, whether within a trophic component or across trophic levels, portray real changes in biological community structure and can be indicative of change in the state of the estuary (Houde et al 2003). Size spectra at a steady state can be described as a function with a linear slope, although dome like structures (Jung and Houde 2005, and others) and wave-like structures oscillating around the steady state which depict predator-prey interaction at the heart of size-spectrum dynamics are also possible (Law et al 2009). Biomass size spectra have been used recently as indicators of ecosystem state, change, and quality in the NOAA-supported Atlantic Coast Environmental Indicators Consortium (ACE INC) study on the health of the Chesapeake Bay (http://cfrpub.epa.gov/ncer-abstracts/INCDEX.cfm) and mentioned as well in the EPA's Office of Research and Development May 2005 update (EPA 2005). ACE INC results demonstrate that BSS indicators are best used to detect multi-year ordecadal shifts in community structure, although extreme environmental conditions (drought, wet years) can be detected. To capture zooplankton and ichthyoplankton for the BSS, PCS proposes to sample surface waters in January, May, and September using daytime tows with a conical 30-cm diameter, 250- micron mesh plankton net towed by boat from the headwaters to the mouth of the sampled creeks. Samples will be preserved in the field with -5percent formalin solution until they are sorted, identified, Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 11 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 and enumerated at the laboratory. This methodology will duplicate those described in CZR 1990 with the exception of the locations and numbers of sample events. January, May, and September were chosen because those were the months with the most ichthyoplankton diversity in the 1990 study and would also include all the groups of ichthyoplankton in the 1990 study. To capture larger sized fish for the BSS, in addition to the juveniles caught in the otter trawls, PCS proposes to also utilize experimental gill nets (nets with sections of various mesh sizes) nearthe mouths of the sampled creeks every other week during the weeks of the juvenile fish sampling with the otter trawl (April, May, and June). Figures 11-20 show proposed monitoring locations for the impacted creeks. 6.6 Wetland vegetation monitoring. Abundance, health, and species composition of the bottomland hardwood vegetation just above perennial waters has been monitored since 1998 in Huddles Cut, Jacks Creek, and Tooley Creek per the 1998 plan. Drinkwater Creek, Jacobs Creek, Porter Creek, trib to Durham Creek, and the chosen S33 creek will be similarly monitored beginning at the appropriate time as dictated by mine activities. In addition to the bottomland hardwood vegetation monitoring plots described in the 1998 plan, PCS proposes to also annually record the most upstream locations of the following three species: saw grass (Cladium jamiacense), black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus), and smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). In conjunction with monitoring of the bottomland hardwood vegetation plots, the most upstream individuals of these three species will be located with GPS by biologists performing a walking survey of the ecotone between the most upstream location of the existing marsh and the adjacent community. Similar ecotones in some of the control creeks will also be surveyed for these three species although those control creeks may not have bottomland hardwood vegetation monitoring plots. Vegetation monitoring plot locations for each impacted creek are shown on Figures 11-20 (not yet depicted on graphics). 6.7 Wetland hydrology monitoring. Monitoring of the hydrology of the headwater or bottomland hardwood wetlands will continue per the 1998 plan for all the monitored creeks to determine the relative influences of wind tides and drainage basin input. Per Corps' Condition S.1). ii. rain gauges will be installed in each creek's drainage basin to more accurately correlate wetland hydrology to local rainfall. Water level data collected for the salinity monitoring and Skaggs' proposed hydrography model can be used to assist in the wetland hydrology analysis. Hydrology monitoring well and rain gauge locations for each impacted creek are shown on Figures 11-20 (not yet depicted on all graphics). 7.0 REFERENCE OR CONTROL CREEK SYSTEMS 7.1 Existing reference or control creek system. Muddy Creek has been used as the control creek for fish, benthos, and sediment sampling since 1998 although it is perceived by some agency personnel to have limitations as a comparator because of its large drainage basin size (2,200 acres; estimated from USGS topographic quadrangle) compared to the average of all the impacted creeks (1,263 acres) or the average of all the impacted tributaries of NCPC (875 acres). However, it does serve as a demonstration of regional external dynamics also experienced by the impacted creeks (e.g., salinity and fisheries fluctuations, climate, sea level rise, large storms, or droughts), allowing mine effects to be removed as causes of some potential phenomena captured in the monitoring data. Figure 23 shows the current and proposed locations of monitoring in Muddy Creek. 7.2 Proposed new reference or control creek systems. Google Earth, USGS topographic quads, and LiDAR were used to measure the width of the mouths of the impacted creeks, the length of their open waters, and to estimate drainage basin size. These parameters, in addition to Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 12 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 proximity, were used to search for new candidate creek systems that may serve as additional control creeks for the impacted creeks. Preliminary field reconnaissance was then conducted by CZR to confirm the candidates. Based on inherent characteristics and ownership constraints, proposed candidate creeks may be monitored for only some parameters. As examples, PA2 has little headwater wetlands and no bottomland hardwood community for vegetation plots, or the bottomland hardwood community of a candidate creek may be in private hands limiting monitoring to aquatic activities such as fish and benthos sampling and plankton capture. For any aquatic monitoring equipment that needs to be permanently mounted to a structure, PCS will seek CAMA permits forthe construction of these small docks or piers, as was done for some of the 1998 monitoring locations, or attempt to obtain permission from private landowners to mount equipment on their existing pier. 7.2.1 PA2. As part of the new monitoring program, PCS proposes to add PA2 as a control site for fish, benthos, sediment, and water quality parameters since this area currently functions as a created estuary with an extremely small drainage basin (22 acres). However, PA2 will not be monitored for bottomland hardwood vegetation or the marsh plant species migration as it is primarily a totally brackish marsh system and its basin is too confined for the marsh plant species to migrate much further upstream. Figure 24 shows the proposed monitoring locations in PA2. 7.2.2 UT to Ross Creek. As another control system for the NCPC tributaries, PCS proposes to use an unnamed tributary to Ross Creek. Ross Creek is a major tributary to North Creek, located directly across the Pamlico River from South Creek, with an estimated drainage basin size of -567 acres (estimated from USGS topographic quadrangle). The NC Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) has designated North Creek a permanent Secondary Nursery Area (SNA) and Ross Creek and its tributaries as Primary Nursery Areas (PNAs). The land adjacent to this feature is under private ownership. Figure 25 shows the proposed monitoring locations in the UT to Ross Creek. 7.2.3 Duck Creek. In addition, PCS also proposes to sample Duck Creek (- 3,118- acre basin) as the control creek system for Porter Creek (- 3,728-acre basin). Duck Creek is a tributary to the Pamlico River, located on the north side of the river across from Durham Creek. Much of the eastern portion of the Duck Creek drainage basin is under the ownership of PCS, which will facilitate access for any land-based monitoring. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has designated Duck Creek and its tributaries as PNAs. Figure 26 shows the proposed monitoring locations in Duck Creek. 7.2.4 Durham Creek tributary. As a control creek for impacts to the selected impacted tributary to Durham Creek (DCUT 11 with a -139-acre drainage basin), PCS proposes to monitor xxxx Creek. Figure 27 shows the proposed monitoring locations in xxxx Creek. (Several potential creeks have been investigated but rejected; the search for a suitable creek continues.) 7.2.5 South 33 Tract reference creeks. At the time PCS decides whether or not to mine in the South 33 Tract, a search will be conducted for suitable reference or control creek for the "representative" impacted creek selected to be monitored. 8.0 TIMELINE OF IMPACTS AND MONITORING 8.1 Timeline of projected impacts and initiation of monitoring for all parameters. Using the expected two-year impact schedule and reclamation schedule that PCS prepared for planning purposes (Figures 28 and 29) each creek is projected to be monitored as shown in Table 3. Approval of this Plan of Study is expected to occur in mid-summer of 2010 which will be too late in the year for some parameters to be collected. For this reason, the fact that approved stations already Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 13 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 exist, and the projected initiation of impacts in 2011, PCS has elected to begin collection of as many of the parameters proposed in this draft Plan of Study as possible on 1 January 2010 in Tooley Creek, prior to approval of the Plan of Study. Post-Alternative E impact data are already being collected in approved stations in Huddles Cut, which will also continue on 1 January 2010, with the addition of as many of the newly proposed parameters as possible. Any monitoring parameters that are not begun on 1 January 2010 will begin as soon as conditions are appropriate or equipment is deployed. For the other creeks in NCPC (Drinkwater, Jacobs, and Jacks), 2011 is expected to be the first complete monitoring year for all parameters described in this Plan, or for all parameters in the final approved Plan. 9.0 COORDINATION WITH SCIENCE PANEL AND ANNUAL REPORTING As required by Corps Condition U, the Corps, NCDWQ, and PCS have begun discussions toward the formation of a Science Panel of multidisciplinary researchers who will provide input and recommendations on the monitoring required by Conditions K and S of the Corps permit. Condition K does not pertain to this Plan of Study. The Corps solicited suggestions of potential panel members from other interested or appropriate resource and permitting agencies via email dated 30 November 2009. As required by Corps Condition V, annual summaries of all data collected in compliance with required conditions and the final approved Plan of Study will be submitted by PCS on or before 1 May of the following yearto the Corps, NCDWQ, and the Science Panel members. These summaries will also be made available in whole or part to any interested party. 10.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QA) PROGRAM AND SCIENCE PANEL REVIEW 10.1 QA/QC Program approach. The Science Panel, the Corps, NCDWQ, and PCS will develop a QA/QC program approach that features an optimized study design which is cost- effective and science based, yet acknowledges the uncertainty limits of inferences and conclusions that can be drawn from environmental parameters (Gibson et al., 2000). It will also allow for adaptive management if the group agrees through time that adjustments in the overall plan or approach are necessary while ensuring that no other important items in the plan or QA/QC approach are compromised. The accuracy and precision, representativeness, completeness, comparability, and measurability are aspects of the data quality that need to be identified in the sampling details and recognized when conclusions are drawn. Other items that the QA/QC program could address may include: training and certifications, documentation and records, statistical power of the sampling design, sampling details and protocols, sample handling (chains of custody if appropriate), replication and cross checks of field crews, voucher collections, equipment testing and calibration, and data management. 10.2 Science Panel review. As required by Corps Condition W, no laterthan 30 July of each monitoring year, PCS will coordinate and facilitate an annual meeting of the Science Panel, NCDWQ, the Corps, and all other interested state and federal agencies. The meeting will provide an opportunity forthe Panel to review any trends shown bythe data, make adjustments to management or suggest further study, and for the group to have general discussion. All proceedings of these annual meetings will be made available to any interested party. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 14 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Table 3. Estimated creek monitoring years pre- and post-impact from Modified Alternative L and post-reclamation completion (using 2 year impact schedule in 404/ROD and PCS reclamation schedule dated 3.16.09). MON ITORING Y EARS 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 2 0 2 4 2 0 2 5 2 0 2 6 2 0 2 7 2 0 2 8 2 0 2 9 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 2 2 0 3 3 2 0 3 4 2 0 3 5 2 0 3 6 2 0 3 7 2 0 3 8 2 0 3 9 2 0 4 0 2 0 4 1 2 0 4 2 2 0 4 3 2 0 4 4 2 0 4 5 2 0 4 6 2 0 4 7 2 0 4 8 2 0 4 9 2 0 5 0 2 0 5 1 2 0 5 2 2 0 5 3 2 0 5 4 2 0 5 5 2 0 5 6 2 0 5 7 2 0 5 8 2 0 5 9 2 0 6 0 2 0 6 1 2 0 6 2 2 0 6 3 2 0 6 4 Creeks Huddles Cut Tooley° Drinkwater° Jacobs Jacks Porter DCUT 11 Broomfield Swampe Muddy Duck UT to Durham Durham PA2 UT to Ross Creek a some segments shown as post-impact may have begun their 10 year post reclamation monitoring b reclamation shown at last year possible for 10 year count (basin segments may have lag effect before complete reclamation) part of first year shown in pink (post-impact) may still be pre-impact d likely will only have part of 2010 as pre-impact, depending on timing of digging of perimeter canal e Broomfield Swamp Creek chosen arbitrarily; agencies may select Cypress Run instead which could push post reclamation monitoring into 2072. Impacts assumed to begin with digging of perimeter canal- but impossible to know that year from the schedule. The 10-year post reclamation monitoring begins with first vegetation year (Figure 29). Control creeks may have different suites of parameters and different years of cessation of monitoring e.g., UT to Ross Creek and PA2 would likely stop being monitored in 2039 when NCPC post-reclamation monitoring is complete. 6:,A Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 15 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 REFERENCES CZR Incorporated. 1990. Report on the 1988-1989 hydrography, sediment, benthic, fisheries, and zooplankton/ichthyoplankton surveys in support of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Texasgulf Inc. mine continuation. 78 pp. CZR Incorporated and Wayne Skaggs. NCPC Tract stream monitoring program for PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. October 1998. 23pp. Gibson, G.R., M.L. Bowman, J. Gerritsen, and B.D.Snyder. 2000. Estuarine and coastal marine waters: bioassessment and biocriteria technical guidance. EPA 822-B-00-024. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington DC. Houde. Edward D. et al.2003. Final report: Trophic indicators of ecosystem health in Chesapeake Bay. EAGLES-Atlantic Coast Environmental Indicators Consortium. EPA Grant Number: R828677C002. Jennings, Simon. 2005. Size-based analyses of aquatic food webs. Pp. 86-97 in Andrea Belgrano, Ursula M. Scharler, Jennifer Dunne, and Robert E. Ulanowicz (eds.). Aquatic food webs, an ecosystem approach. Oxford University Press, New York. Jung, Sukgeun and Edward D. Houde. 2005. Fish biomass size spectra in Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries. Vol.28, No. 2, p. 226-240. April. Law, Richard et al. 2009. Size-spectra dynamics from stochastic predation and growth of individuals. Ecology, 903(3). Pp. 802-811. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions 16 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 NCPC TRACT STREAM MONITORING PROGRAM FOR PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. Prepared by: CZR Incorporated, Wilmington, North Carolina Dr. Wayne Skaggs, P.E. Prepared for: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Aurora, North Carolina Prepared for review by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Carolina Division of Water Quality North Carolina Division of Land Resources As revised per agency reviews October 1998 Z R INCORPORAT Ed_, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS NCPC TRACT STREAM MONITORING PROGRAM FOR PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. Prepared by: CZR Incorporated, Wilmington, North Carolina Dr. Wayne Skaggs, P.E. Prepared for: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Aurora, North Carolina Prepared for review by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Carolina Division of Water Quality North Carolina Division of Land Resources As revised per agency reviews October 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe COVER SHEET .................................................... i TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................. ii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................iii INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 REVIEW OF ON-SITE DATA AND APPLICABLE LITERATURE ............ 4 OBJECTIVES AND INFORMATION NEEDS ........................... 6 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY AND TIMING .......................... 8 1. SELECTION AND COORDINATION OF SPECIFIC SAMPLES SITES; DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS; ESTABLISHMENT OF MONITORING PROCEDURES, AND PURCHASE, INSTALLATION, AND CALIBRATION OF EQUIPMENT ............ 8 A. In-depth Reconnaissance of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut Drainage Areas and Selection of Specific Monitoring Sites ....................... 8 B. Description of Existing Conditions ................................ 8 C. Establishment of Monitoring Procedures, and Purchase, Installation, and Calibration of Equipment ....................................... 8 1 . Installation of Shallow Monitoring Wells and Continuous Water Level Recording Devices .................................. 9 2. Installation and Calibration of Flow Monitoring Stations ............. 9 3. Establishment of Vegetation Monitoring Plots .................... 9 4. Installation of Rain Gauges ............................... 14 5. Installation of Continuous Monitors at Salinity Monitoring Sites ...... 14 6. Establishment of Water Quality Monitoring Sites ................ 14 7. Establishment and Marking of Fish and Benthos Monitoring Sites ..... 16 D. Graphics Preparation ......................................... 16 E. Reporting ................................................. 16 IL BASELINE MONITORING PROTOCOL ................................... 16 A. Groundwater Monitoring ...................................... 16 B. Flow Monitoring and Modeling .................................. 18 C. Water Quality Monitoring ...................................... 18 D. Salinity Monitoring .......................................... 19 E. Vegetation Monitoring ........................................ 19 F. Fish and Benthos Monitoring ................................... 19 G. Photo Documentation of Monitoring Sites and Conditions ................ 20 H. Soil Property Measurements .................................... 20 1. Preparation of Annual Report ................................... 21 III. DURATION AND TIMING OF POST-DISTURBANCE MONITORING ................ 21 REFERENCES LIST OF FIGURES Figure Paqe 1 Alternative E .................................................... 2 2 WL-80 and Shallow Monitoring Well Locations, Flow Monitoring Stations, and Water Quality Monitoring Stations in the Jacks Creek Drainage ..................... 10 3 WL-80 and Shallow Monitoring Well Locations, Flow Monitoring Stations, and Water Quality Monitoring Stations in the Tooley Creek Drainage .................... 11 4 WL-80 and Shallow Monitoring Well Locations, Flow Monitoring Stations, and Water Quality Monitoring Stations in the Main Prong of Huddles Cut ................. 12 5 WL-80 and Shallow Monitoring Well Locations, Flow Monitoring Stations, and Water Quality Monitoring Stations in the Western Prong of Huddles Cut ............... 13 6 Salinity Monitoring Sites ........................................... 15 7 Fish and Benthos Monitoring Sites .................................... 17 NCPC TRACT STREAM MONITORING PROGRAM FOR PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. INTRODUCTION CZR Incorporated (CZR), assisted by Dr. Wayne Skaggs and his group (Skaggs), have been requested by PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. (PCS Phosphate) to prepare a stream monitoring plan to respond to Section 404 permit conditions and to 401 Water Quality Certification conditions related to Alternative E (Figure 1). Condition #6 of the 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3092 issued 6 May 1997 by the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) reads as follows: 6. A water management and stream monitoring plan for water quality, water quantity, and biology (macrobenthos and fish) shall be developed by PCS Phosphate and submitted to DWQ for written approval. This plan shall include monitoring for Huddles Cut (which is a tributary of the Pamlico River) and Jacks Creek and Tooleys Creek (which are tributaries of South Creek) or other streams with Primary Nursery Area functions. This plan shall be designed to assure the protection of downstream water quality standards, including downstream Primary Nursery Area functions, in all tributaries to South Creek and Pamlico River adjacent to the mining site. This plan shall identify any deleterious effect on riparian wetland function including but not limited to water storage, pollutant removal, streambank stabilization, as well as resident wetland- dependent aquatic life and resident wetland-dependent wildlife habitat and aquatic life in streams tributary to the Pamlico River and South Creek on the Durham-South Creek peninsula. This plan shall also provide mechanisms for written approval from DWQ to remedy these effects if any are identified. If necessary, management activities to protect these uses will be required for all of the tributaries to South Creek and Pamlico River. This plan shall be submitted to DWQ within six months of the date of issuance of the 404 Permit. Seven copies of the draft plan shall be submitted to DWQ for circulation and review by the public and other agencies. In addition, Conditions #3 and 5 of the 404 Permit No. 198800449 state the following: 3. The Permittee must perform appropriate studies developed in coordination with the USACE and the State to assess whether there are water quality impacts or hydrologic impacts on the tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River due to the removal of drainage area from these tributaries. The NCDWQ condition addressing this issue should satisfy this requirement. If adverse effects are identified within the tributaries identified in the NCDWQ condition, the USACE may require that additional tributaries of the Pamlico River and South Creek be included in the scope of the study. If unacceptable impacts are identified, appropriate remedial action must be developed and implemented by PCS to rectify the impact. This may include the addition of supplemental flows to the tributaries by pumping water from the aquifer decompression canal into the drainage of these systems. 5. The Permittee must comply with all 401 Water Quality Certification conditions specified above and in Water Quality Certification #3092. CZR has worked extensively on the NCPC Tract since 1988, conducting a wide range of environmental studies including wetland delineations, plant community mapping and descriptions, wildlife studies, water quality sampling, aquatic sampling, and other related activities. PCS Phosphate requested CZR to use this on-site experience to evaluate and respond to the DWQ and USACE conditions and to enlist Skaggs to assist in modeling and monitoring the water quantity for these stream systems. The DWQ selected three stream drainages (Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut) to be monitored (Figure 1). Huddles Cut is a tributary to the Pamlico River and has a drainage area of 872 acres. Jacks Creek, with a drainage area of 528 acres, and Tooley Creek, with a drainage area of 498 acres, are tributaries to South Creek. As shown in Table 5-3 of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Texasgulf Inc. Mine Continuation (USACE 1996), the temporary drainage area reductions to these three streams due to mining under Alternative E would be as follows: Jacks Creek - 197 acres, or 37.3 percent, of the present 528 acres Tooley Creek -- 67 acres, or 13.5 percent, of the present 498 acres Huddles Cut -- 221 acres, or 25.3 percent, of the present 872 acres From 1) on-site experience in the NCPC Tract over recent years, 2) literature dealing with the NCPC creeks and similar systems, and 3) meetings between PCS Phosphate personnel, CZR Incorporated biologists, and Skaggs, the study team determined that most of the monitoring will be directed at the stream sections and forested riparian wetlands just above (upstream of) the CAMA markers on each stream. These are the areas where freshwater flow from the drainages can be most readily measured and is likely to have the greatest impact on plant and animal life. However, monitoring of the fish and benthos in the estuarine portions of the creeks downstream from the CAMA markers will also be accomplished as per agency suggestions. The time frame for the monitoring is set to begin in 1998, with much of 1998 being used to finalize plans and purchase, install, and calibrate equipment. Fish and benthos monitoring was conducted in May and June 1998. The vegetation monitoring was conducted in August and September 1998. The flow monitors, groundwater wells, precipitation gauges, and salinity monitors are projected to be installed and operational by December 1998. The DWQ designated that the water management and stream monitoring plan be for 1) water quality, 2) water quantity, and 3) biology (fish and benthos). CZR has proposed the tasks outlined below to accomplish the required monitoring. The pre-mining monitoring results from each creek will be compared with results from future similar sampling during the period that drainage basins are reduced due to mining to determine any deleterious effects to riparian wetland functions. 3 REVIEW OF ON-SITE DATA AND APPLICABLE LITERATURE Much information has been collected on the fisheries, salinity, and water quality of the creeks in the PCS Phosphate vicinity. CZR collected extensive benthic, fisheries, and water quality data during the 1988-89 EIS sampling work (CZR Incorporated 1990). The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) has collected extensive fisheries data and associated salinity data periodically since the late 1970s. During the 1980s, East Carolina University scientists researched the fisheries and salinity of the creeks near the Charles Tract clay ponds; on the NCPC Project Area II (a man-made creek with essentially no drainage basin); and on Jacks, Jacobs, and Drinkwater Creeks (Lawson 1981, Lawson 1982, West 1988, West 1990, Rulifson 1990). Additionally, North Carolina State University researchers have conducted intensive studies of the salinity dynamics and fisheries of similar creeks near the mouth of the Pamlico River and on the western shore of Pamlico Sound (Pietrafesa 1985, Moser 1987, Overton and Fisher 1988, Pietrafesa et al. 1988, Moser and Gerry 1989). Some limited data have also been collected on salinity-induced changes in the bottomland hardwood wetlands in the headwaters of these creeks (Brinson et al. 1985). Salinity in the creeks near PCS Phosphate varies greatly, both on an annual and a short-term basis. Salinity can range from fresh (0 ppt) to mesohaline (up to 17 ppt) (CZR Incorporated 1990). Annual variability in salinity tends to follow the same pattern throughout the South Creek-Pamlico River estuarine system. Control over this pattern has been attributed to freshwater input from the Tar River (Stanley 1988, Nixon 1989). Available evidence suggests that short-term variation in salinity is controlled largely by system-wide tidal fluctuations, which are controlled by changes in wind speed and direction (CZR Incorporated 1994). For most of the small creeks near PCS Phosphate, the gradient in surface salinity from the upper end of the estuarine portion of the creek to the mouth averages less than 2 ppt. This suggests that the influence of local freshwater input is minimal. However, local freshwater input does seem to affect salinity near the upper end of tidal influence, especially for the creeks with large drainage basins, such as Bailey, Whitehurst, and Porter Creeks. Unfortunately, the continuous salinity, water level, and runoff data necessary to conclusively evaluate short-term salinity fluctuations in these creeks do not exist. However, studies of continuous data on similar creeks near the mouth of the Pamlico River and on the western shore of Pamlico Sound concluded that short-term salinity fluctuations were caused primarily by wind tides, with local freshwater input being important only at the uppermost ends of the creeks (Pietrafesa 1985, Pietrafesa et al. 1988, Overton and Fisher 1988). Thus the available evidence suggests that any changes in salinity due to drainage basin reductions would be minor and would be limited to the upper ends of the creeks. Extensive trawl data collected over the years by various researchers show that these creeks are nursery areas for juvenile finfish and crustaceans. The catch tends to be dominated by a few common species, but numbers and species composition vary greatly from month to month, from year to year, and from creek to creek (Lawson 1981, Lawson 1982, West 1988, CZR Incorporated 1990, Rulifson 1990, NCDMF unpublished data). Trawl samples are usually dominated by spot (Leiostomusxanthurus) and/or bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) is common in some years, but nearly absent in others. Southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma), common blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), and brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) are occasionally encountered in low numbers. Trawl-to-trawl variability in numbers and species composition is so high that it is generally not possible to make statistically meaningful comparisons based on standard monthly trawl samples. Evidence suggests that the high variability in the catch is driven by recruitment pulses of the dominant fish (CZR Incorporated 1990) and by erratic, system-wide hydrographic fluctuations that drive juvenile fish into and out of the small nursery creeks (Miller et al. 1988). Several laboratory and field studies have investigated the effects of short-term salinity fluctuations on the metabolism and distribution of common estuarine fish such as spot, Atlantic croaker, and Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) (Hettler 1976, Engel et al. 1987, Moser 1987, Moser and Gerry 1989, Moser and Miller 1994). The studies found that these common fish are highly tolerant of 4 rapid, large magnitude salinity changes. The fish in these studies were exposed to salinity changes that were much larger and much more rapid than any that occur naturally in the area's tidal creeks. The general conclusion reached in these studies is that the fish commonly encountered in the Pamlico River/Pamlico Sound estuarine system can easily tolerate and adapt to short-term salinity fluctuations. Based on the results of these studies, it seems unlikely that any salinity fluctuations caused by drainage basin reductions would have an appreciable effect on the nursery functions of the creeks. Studies on NCPC Project Area II by Rulifson (1990) and West (1990) support this conclusion. NCPC Project Area II, which has essentially no drainage basin, was found to function as a nursery area for common finfish. Brinson et al. (1985) studied the hydrology and vegetation of the bottomland hardwood forests at the upper ends of Jacks and Jacobs Creeks. During a period of record high salinities in the Pamlico River system, they found that high salinity groundwater intruded into the forests. There was evidence that the intrusions stressed the trees in these forests. The hydrology aspect of the Brinson et al. (1985) study investigated flood levels and hydroperiods and it documented wind tide influence on the hydrology of Jacks Creek up to the S.R. 1942 crossing. However, the study did not fully evaluate the relative effects of wind tide flooding and drainage basin input on the hydrology of these wetlands. OBJECTIVES AND INFORMATION NEEDS The existing data on the PCS Phosphate creeks and similar creeks in the region provide valuable information on the potential effects of drainage basin reduction. However, the studies to date were not specifically aimed at answering the drainage basin reduction question. Therefore, for Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut, several data gaps need to be filled to allow this question to be answered. Flow monitoring. Drainage or outflow from each watershed should be measured to determine hydrology conditions of the watershed. Water table depths should also be measured in the drainage basin to relate water table fluctuations to surface outflow. Because both drainage and water table depths are dependent on rainfall, precipitation should be recorded on each site. Flow data and on-site rainfall data should also be collected during the years of drainage basin reduction to both provide a direct assessment of the effects and to provide verification of the prediction of the effects. Flow data and modeling of drainage basin inputs (covered below) are essential pieces of information for evaluating the effects of drainage basin reduction on salinity of the creeks and hydrology of the bottomland hardwood wetlands. Flow modeling. A simulation model will be used to describe the hydrology of each of the watersheds. The model will be based on DRAINMOD (Skaggs 1978, 1991), with modifications to route surface runoff to ditches and natural channels, and to route both surface and subsurface flows through the drainage network. Except for a few site specific modifications, the model exists and has been described by Konyha and Skaggs (1992) and Amatya et al. (1997). The model uses input data to describe soil properties, site parameters (e.g., drain depths and locations, surface roughness, etc.), vegetation, and channel characteristics, together with measured rainfall and other meteorological data to predict subsurface drainage and surface runoff rates. Once the model has been tested and calibrated using measured hydrologic data for each monitoring site, it can be used to conduct long term simulations to quantify, in a statistically reliable fashion, the existing hydrology of the sites. Then the model can be used to predict the probable effects of drainage basin reduction on outflow from the basin or watershed. This could be done for any stage as the mining progresses. If necessary to mitigate water quantity or water quality impacts, the model could be used, during and after mining, in a real time application to determine the quantity and timing of pumped additions of water to represent existing conditions. Salinity and water level monitoring. To evaluate the effects of drainage basin input on salinity, water level and salinity data must be collected from the estuarine portions of the creeks. Because available evidence suggests that drainage basin effects on salinity are limited to the upper ends of the creeks, salinity monitoring should be concentrated there. However, salinity should be monitored at a station near the mouth of each creek to confirm that no local drainage basin effects are present near the mouth. Salinity data should be interpreted in light of the rainfall, flow, and water level data to allow evaluation of the effects of drainage basin input and wind tides on salinity. Salinity and water level should also be monitored at control stations in South Creek and the Pamlico River so that system-wide wind tide effects on salinity can be identified. Once the effects of local drainage basin input on salinity have been fully evaluated, predictions of the likely effects of drainage basin reduction can be made. Salinity and water level monitoring should continue during the years of drainage basin reduction to allow confirmation of the predictions. Water quality monitoring. Water quality data should be collected on the waters originating in the drainage basins of the three creeks. These data can be compared to data collected during the mining years to determine whether mining activities have any adverse impact on the quality of the drainage basin runoff. Fish and benthos monitoring. Data on the abundance and species composition of fish and benthos in the creeks should be collected. These data can be compared to data collected during the 6 years of drainage basin reduction to identify changes in the fish and benthic communities. However, caution must be exercised to avoid attributing natural variation in fish and benthic communities to drainage basin reduction. Wetland vegetation monitoring. Abundance, health, and species composition of the vegetation should be monitored in the bottomland hardwood forests at the heads of these creeks. Data should be collected before drainage basin reduction and compared to data collected after drainage basin reduction to identify any vegetation changes due to changes in salinity or wetland hydrology. However, care must be taken not to confuse natural vegetation changes with vegetation changes due to drainage basin reduction. Wetland hydrology monitoring. Monitoring of the hydrology of the bottomland hardwood wetlands should be conducted to determine the relative influences of wind tides and drainage basin input. Water level data collected for the salinity monitoring and flow data collected for the flow modeling can be used to assist in the wetland hydrology analysis. The hydrology data can then be used to make qualitative predictions of the potential effects of drainage basin reduction on the hydrology of the bottomland hardwood wetlands. Hydrology data should also be collected during the years of drainage basin reduction to confirm the predictions. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY AND TIMING The following section outlines and describes the proposed tasks. Monitoring on each creek will begin in 1998 before any impacts to the drainage basins occur. This initial monitoring will allow characterization of pre-mining conditions and will provide a basis for comparison with data collected after the drainage basins have been reduced. The selection and coordination of specific sample sites, description of existing conditions, and establishment of monitoring procedures will be done in early 1998. The flow, groundwater, rainfall, and salinity monitoring equipment will be purchased, installed, and calibrated on all three creeks as soon as possible in 1998. Full-scale monitoring on all three creeks will begin as soon as possible in 1998. The monitoring steps established and carried out in the initial monitoring on each creek will be repeated at the same locations in future years when the mine reaches portions of the Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut drainage basins. The purpose of future sampling in these drainages will be to determine if any deleterious effects to riparian wetland functions have occurred due to mine expansion into portions of the drainage basins. CZR will document the sampling in an end-of-year report each sampling year. 1. SELECTION AND COORDINATION OF SPECIFIC SAMPLE SITES; DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS; ESTABLISHMENT OF MONITORING PROCEDURES, AND PURCHASE, INSTALLATION, AND CALIBRATION OF EQUIPMENT A. In-depth Reconnaissance of Jacks Creek Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut Drainage Areas and Selection of Specific Monitoring Sites. Initial reconnaissance of the drainage areas was done by CZR, Skaggs, and PCS Phosphate personnel in late 1997 and early 1998; and tentative monitoring sites were selected and proposed for agency input and approval. Agency suggestions along with a more in-depth reconnaissance and the use of the most recent aerial photo coverage and topographic information was used to complete specific on- the-ground selection of the monitoring sites for flow measurements, water quality sampling, salinity monitoring, wetlands monitoring, and sampling of fish and benthos in mid-1998. The final selection of sites was coordinated with PCS Phosphate, the DWQ, and the USACE in conjunction with the revision of this stream monitoring program outline. B. Description of Existing Conditions. CZR will describe existing conditions within the three stream drainages. Descriptions of stream geometry and geomorphology shall be made for each monitored reach, before their watersheds are impacted. The existing drainages and established monitoring sites will be identified on maps and/or aerial photographs. Descriptions of the vegetation, soils, topography, natural and constructed drainage channels, and other features will be included with photo documentation of the sites. Some fixed-point photo stations will be established to document potential future vegetation changes or other potential impacts in the riparian wetlands and stream monitoring zones. C. Establishment of Monitoring Procedures and Purchase, Installation, and Calibration of Equipment. When the sampling sites and procedures have been approved by PCS Phosphate, DWQ, and the USACE, CZR and Skaggs will obtain, install, and calibrate the required equipment. This will be done as soon as possible in 1998. 8 Devices 1. Installation of Shallow Monitoring Wells and Continuous Water Level Recording Groundwater and wetland hydrology will be monitored with a combination of shallow monitoring wells and continuous water level recording devices. A total of 39 monitoring sites (21 WL- 80s and 18 shallow monitoring wells) have been installed in the bottomland hardwood wetlands in the three creek drainages. The continuous monitoring devices are WL-80 well monitors from Remote Data Systems, Inc. The units, which will record water levels over an 80-inch range, were installed with 60 inches in the ground to record groundwater and 20 inches above ground to record intermittent surface waters. The continuous recorders are supplemented with shallow monitoring wells constructed of 1.25- inch PVC well screen. Sixty inches of well screen were installed underground, and a 12-inch piece of PVC pipe extends above-ground. Each well is capped, numbered, and marked for location and identification. The WL-80s are bear-proofed with a system of larger PVC pipe and barbed wire. This system has proven effective in nearby well monitoring on PCS Phosphate wetland mitigation lands. The approximate locations of WL-80 and shallow monitoring wells in riparian wetlands relative to flow monitoring stations are shown in Figures 2 through 5. Five WL-80s supplemented with five shallow monitoring wells were installed in the Jacks Creek drainage (Figure 2). Four WL-80s and two wells were installed in Tooley Creek (Figure 3). In Huddles Cut, seven WL-80s and five wells were located on the main prong (Figure 4), and five WL-80s and six wells were installed on the western prong (Figure 5). During the installation of each WL-80 or well, the soil horizon depths, textures, and colors were recorded. In addition to the wells shown for the riparian wetlands on Figures 2 through 5, an additional 14 WL-80s and 21 monitoring wells were located in areas of higher elevations upstream of the flow measuring stations at locations determined by Skaggs. Data from these wells will be used to describe the hydrology and calibrate the model for each drainage basin. The WL-80s and shallow monitoring wells for all three stream drainages were installed in June, July, August, and September 1998. All WL-80 and shallow monitoring well locations will be surveyed by PCS Phosphate for location and elevation relative to sea level. 2. Installation and Calibration of Flow Monitoring Stations. The flow monitoring stations will include dual systems for measuring flow rates. Under low and moderate flow conditions, flows will be determined by measuring the stage on the upstream side of a triangular weir. Flow velocities in the outlet pipe system will also be continuously measured with a recording Marsh McBirney flow meter. For high flow events and during very wet periods, backwater conditions might submerge the weir for periods of time. During those periods, flow rates will be determined from the Marsh McBirney flow meter alone. Where possible, flow stations will be located at road crossings where the flow is concentrated and exits the watershed (or sub-watershed) through a culvert. Flow stations not located at road crossings will need to have weirs and culverts installed to facilitate flow measurement. A total of eight stations (two on Jacks Creek, two on Tooley Creek, and four on Huddles Cut) will be located on the drainages which feed into the main creeks (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5). These intermittent drainages are dry much of the year. The proposed monitoring locations were selected based on a combination of factors including accessibility for installation and monitoring, the presence of a constriction (channel or culvert) to facilitate measurement, and location near the lower end of the free-flowing portion of each stream. All flow stations will be installed and calibrated by late 1998. 3. Establishment of Vegetation Monitoring Plots. In the lower portions of the intermittent drainages just above the CAMA markers on each creek, riparian wetlands (normally narrow bands of bottomland hardwoods) occur. If there is any impact by reducing the freshwater flow due to reduction of the creeks' drainage areas, these wetlands would appear to be the ones most likely to be impacted. Vegetation monitoring sites were established in the 9 WL-80 AND SHALLOW MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS, =LOW MONITORING STATIONS, AND WATER. QUALITY MONITORING STATIONS IN THE JACKS CREEK DRAINAGE PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC., NCPC TRACT STREAM MONITORING :ALE: 1" = 200' APPROVED BY: FILE: \TE: JANUARY 1998 DRAWN BY. Photo Date: 1"e 2 APRIL 1989 CZR INCORPORATED 4709 COLLEGE ACRES OR1VE, SUITE 2 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TEL 910/392-9283 FAX 910/392-9139 czrwdm@aol.com yti -. rat ? Ca! y a• L y , . f EGEND WL-80 monitoring well Shallow monitoring well Flow monitoring station Water quality monitoring station Upper limits of CAMA jurisdiction rl 'got - a t ? No- LEGEND WL-80 monitoring well O Shallow monitoring well Flow monitoring station W li i i i ater qua tor on ty mon ng stat Upper limits of CAMA jurisdiction T :.1 WI: 80 AND SHALLOW MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS, FLCW MONITORING STATIONS, AND WATER QUALITY IVIONITORING STATIONS IN THE TOOLEY CREEK DHAIN,?GE PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC., NCPC TRACT STREAM MONITORING SCALE: 1" = 200' APPROVED 8Y: FILE: DATE.' JANUARY 1998 DRAWN BY: Photo Date', ' . 2APRIL 1989 470 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE. SUIT 2 L WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA :'9107 TEL 9 10 i 9:'925 ;- I NC OR P 02 A T E D Eax 910 uI NVIRONMENTALCONSULTANIS I '•,° - 'i FIGURE 3 LEGEND * fit WL-80 monitorin ll g we Shallow monitoring well ® Flow monitoring station Water quality monitoring station Z. :.Z Upper limits of CAMA jurisdiction p P ?.. 0 {. 0 % 'NIP Yr !_. it <0 WL-80 AND SHALLOW MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS, FLOW MONITORING STATIONS, AND WATER QUALITY MONITORING STATIONS IN THE WESTERN PRONG OF HUDDLES CUT PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC., NCPC TRACT STREAM MONITORING SCALE: 1" = 200' APPROVED BY: FILE: DATE: JANUARY 1998 DRAWN BY Photo Date. 2 APRIL 1939 COLLEGE ACRES DANE, SUITE 2 4709 IL MI WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 260.03 R , TEL 9101392-9253 INC 02PORATED FAX 9101392-9139 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS mwilmo3ol.com FIGURE 5 vicinity of each of the 21 WL-80 continuous monitors located in the riparian wetlands. Thus, the 21 vegetation monitoring sites include five in Jacks Creek, four in Tooley Creek, and twelve in Huddles Cut (see WL-80 locations in Figures 2 through 5). Vegetation sampling will focus on the shrub and herb layer. Compared to trees, shrubs and herbs respond more quickly to changes in salinity and hydrology and therefore will provide a better way to monitor changes in the vegetation. At each site, ten permanent sample plots were established along a 40-meter transect that proceeds on a random compass azimuth from the WL-80. Each sample plot includes a 1-square meter herb plot and a 4-by-4 meter woody vegetation plot. These plots will be used to measure density, coverage, and species composition of the herb and shrub layers. Vegetation plots were established on the three creeks in August and early September 1998. 4. Installation of Rain Gauges. Rain gauges will be installed in each of the three creek drainages (one each in the Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut drainages) in late 1998. The rain gauges will be the TE-125 TELOG Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge. 5. Installation of Continuous Monitors at Salinity Monitoring Sites. Proposed salinity monitoring sites are shown in Figure 6. The precise salinity monitoring sites will be established and marked, and continuous monitors will be installed. Two monitors will be installed in Jacks Creek, one near the upper end of the CAMA jurisdiction in the permanent open water of the creek and one at the mouth of the creek. Two monitors will be installed on Tooley Creek, one near the junction of the two main prongs and one at the mouth of the creek. On Huddles Cut, three monitors will be installed, one each near the CAMA marker on the main drainage and the CAMA marker on the western prong, and one at the creek mouth. Two additional monitors, one in South Creek and one in the Pamlico River (Figure 6) will provide comparison salinity values. The type of salinity monitor used will be the YSI 600 XLM, which allows measurement of salinity and water level. The salinity monitors will be installed in late 1998. 6. Establishment of Water Quality Monitoring Sites. CZR will establish and mark water quality monitoring sites on each of the creek systems as follows: Jacks Creek (Figure 2): At two locations, one just below the flow monitoring station on the main prong, and one at the salinity monitor near the junction of the prongs of Jacks Creek. Tooley Creek (Figure 3) Huddles Cut (Figures 4 and 5) At three locations, one each just above the CAMA marker on the two main prongs, and one at the salinity monitor near the junction of the two main prongs. At four locations, one each above the CAMA marker on the main prong and on the western prong, and one each at the salinity monitor just below the CAMA marker on each prong. 14 4, f y .A•,. y j H S ro ?. it ?.?I H 2 d'1 ^ t d^G s ?? tn t„rwr'i1 s HUDDLES CUT PRS1 7 ?"Y' ? ? - ;?..C? d 1 ? r ?? N ?-'` ?' ?. ? 1yx' n't' AB ??--?+ a . c I( ? . . ? . . .... .. ?l - 4 ? fl H S l.:rf- S lr..:'^'4 ?. M .a .. • A dS?" •.; M !dG>7'``_`?; , _. ? Y?'4 ? r! ???is" ? ,rs'[.n?„' ski. ir1 t r 9?? ?? M , h ' , 1 T ,F .q["? - ? ..,y• y4 J'?. }f 1 n. ,E >?F y?r r+ t ., y„ r ,.,wr y 7y7Ay? fF ° ?, ,r >} "'ti.F T. t'.v 1f1?, 7r sF1 k.{P, ,}, r•''.w1 # .r 1ri E?`t f {djtr'rd:7. tf 7 9 't' n s ? H f F' N 7 +'?`a GtY ,? e ? ??,.! ? ?•?' E ? ''f rr-x`11 rc ? , r??',r, ,, ? Ur SOUTH CREEK TS1 TOOLEY CREEK r? T 4 .k t .; f ITS2 T ?+ x Jr '? -4 7 ? A t w q a a? I ^? '? \ E a JS2 SCSI y - t J ? 1 SALINITY MONITORING SITES S - h 1 INC. PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY , , z ?' NCPC TRACT STREAM MONITORING t M N `7? SCALE: 1" = 2000' APPROVED BY: FILE: {?- DATE: JANUARY 1998 DRAWN BY: ?.? ' ti i Photo Date: m 7 r! r b +t7 DECEMBER 1996 { 7 ?, a709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE, SUITE 2 NORTH CAROLINA 26407 WI MINGTON - ZR C , L TEL 91017929253 ti=INCOR?ORATED FAX 910199291 .; ,??y,i; 1 qR ENVIRONMENTAL :ONSUltAN15 /, czrwllm@aolc ??? FIGURE6 Water quality stations will be established on all creeks in late 1998. In addition, sediment samples to be measured for cadmium and other heavy metals will betaken from near the mouth of each of the three creeks in August of each year. 7. Establishment and Marking of Fish and Benthos Monitoring Sites. In May of 1998, fish and benthos monitoring stations were established and sampled in the estuarine portions of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and a control creek (Muddy Creek). The stations correspond to those used for the EIS baseline sampling 1988-89. The upper station in Muddy Creek is a new station that was not sampled for the EIS baseline. Fish and benthos stations were not established on Huddles Cut in May of 1998 because of ongoing discussions with DWQ concerning the locations of the stations and the sampling methods to be used. It has since been determined that benthos sampling on Huddles Cut will be conducted at the benthos and sediment stations that were sampled during the 1988-89 EIS baseline. In addition, fish sampling will be conducted at the downstream station. Initial sampling on Huddles Cut will occur in 1999. Figure 7 depicts the fish and benthos sampling stations on Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, Huddles Cut, and Muddy Creek. D. Graphics Preparation. Final graphics depicting sampling site locations, monitoring figures, and/or data presentation figures will be prepared by CZR personnel. Some of the graphical presentations of hydrologic data and modeling results will be supplied by Skaggs. E. Reporting. Detailed information on monitoring equipment and procedures will be included in the Year One (1998) end-of-year report. Twenty copies of the report are to be provided to DWQ by 1 March 1999. BASELINE MONITORING PROTOCOL This section presents the monitoring protocol for the parameters to be monitored in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut. Three years of baseline (predisturbance) data will be gathered on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut. However, due to construction timing constraints, this amount of time will not be possible for Jacks Creek. The monitoring will get under way as soon as possible in 1998. The protocol presented in this section describes the full range of monitoring. The early months of 1998 involved coordination of the creek monitoring study with State and Federal agencies and preparation for monitoring. Fish trawl samples in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and a control creek (Muddy Creek) were initiated in May and conducted weekly in May and June 1998. Benthic samples were collected in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Muddy Creek in May 1998. Vegetation sampling was conducted in August and early September 1998 on Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut. All wells and WL-80s were installed; and rain gauges, flow meters, and salinity meters are projected to be installed such that flow, groundwater, rainfall, and salinity monitoring on the creeks can begin around December 1998. A. Groundwater Monitorina. The well sites will be monitored every two weeks during the trips to download flow and salinity data from the continuous monitors. The WL-80 data will be downloaded on a HP48GX calculator/data recorder, and the water level in the wells will be read visually and recorded on well data sheets (or in field notebooks to be transferred to well data sheets). 16 m V) n c ? c LLJ o o F_- O Ld z Sri LLJ o aci U) N V Z r m Z E °° 0 g m °' p U) o z O a ?. O c0 E2 >. t J U ?ca ?o p a0 Z W m in d z >?o?M W W < boo p W> o? F- N -N d o or4 g ?? M L F a FZ ,• W N ? Q s J m w O c 3 0 IL v =? z v L cn to = Z a rn o? N = w LL a :F U Q N O D c O o IL o U U r 0 U c ) V c 0- U 3 0 U ? V W U O N 0 O Z 8 n J U Q m U ? J W Q c o Ua ? ao U U Q `m t is ° LO C m -m n. 3 e- U : E tv t D ry N r 1 ? 17 Data from the wells and WL-80s in headwater areas above the flow monitoring stations will be used by Skaggs for the drainage hydrology modeling. Data from the wells and WL-80s in the riparian wetlands will be used primarily to construct a general characterization of the hydrology of the riparian bottomland hardwood wetlands, but will also be used by Skaggs in the flow modeling. Groundwater data will be presented in tabular and graphic format, and wetland hydroperiod durations will be calculated. Standard well data will be correlated with WL-80 data to allow estimation of the water table depth at the well locations between monitoring visits. Additionally, on-site flow data and estuarine water level data will be displayed graphically with WL-80 water level data so that the relative effects of flow and estuarine water level fluctuations on groundwater levels can be evaluated. In addition to the on-site rainfall data collected to facilitate the flow modeling, rainfall data will also be collected at the weather station on the PCS Phosphate plant site. There is a 28-year record of rainfall data for the plant site, so current data from the plant site can be compared to historical data to assess the relative wetness or dryness of a particular year. B. Flow Monitoring and Modeling. The data from the eight continuous flow monitors will be downloaded every two weeks. Copies of the data will be supplied to Skaggs for subsequent analysis and for use in describing the hydrology and modeling the flows in the three creek drainages. Beginning in 1999, Skaggs will analyze the flow data and produce tabular and graphical flow rate and cumulative outflow graphs for each monitored drainage area. Water balance calculations will be conducted and reported. These data, together with water table data from the watersheds, will be used to test and calibrate the model. Using recorded rainfall data, the model will predict flow rates and cumulative volumes on a day-by-day basis for the period of monitoring. Once calibrated, the model will be used to simulate the hydrology for a long period of hydrologic record at this location. This will enable us to define a statistically reliable baseline condition for the drainage areas considered. Then the model can be applied to predict the effect of basin reduction due to mining on the outflows to the creeks. This can be done for any stage of the mining process. The predicted flows can then be used to assess potential impacts to the other parameters being studied. In the event that it is necessary to supplement outflows during the mining process because of reduction in the drainage area, the model could be run in "real time" to determine the amount of drainage, and its distribution in time, that would have occurred under normal or undisturbed conditions. C. Water Quality Monitoring. Every two weeks, during the trip to download data from the continuous flow monitors, salinity monitors, and WL-80 groundwater monitors, physical water quality data and water samples for chlorophyll a and nutrient analyses will be collected from all nine water quality locations. The parameters measured will include: • Temperature • Dissolved oxygen • Salinity • pH • Secchi depth • Turbidity • Chlorophyll a • Phosphorus - Dissolved orthophosphate phosphorus - Total dissolved phosphorus 18 - Particulate phosphorus • Nitrogen - Nitrate nitrogen - Ammonia nitrogen - Particulate nitrogen - Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen The chlorophyll a and nutrient analyses will be done under Dr. Donald W. Stanley's direction at the laboratories of East Carolina University. Dr. Stanley will assist CZR with water quality data analyses and reporting. In addition to the water quality monitoring above, a sediment sample will be collected from near the mouths of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut in August of each baseline year. The samples will be analyzed for cadmium and other metals. D. Salinity Monitoring. Data from the salinity monitors will be downloaded every two weeks in conjunction with the downloading of data from the flow monitors. The data will be retrieved using YSI 610-DM handheld computers. Maintenance (e.g., changing batteries, cleaning probes) will be performed on the salinity monitors as needed during the data retrieval visits. The salinity data will be displayed graphically with the flow data, estuarine water level data, and USGS stream gauge data from the Tar River. This will allow analysis of the relative influence of these factors on salinity in the creeks. This analysis will be used to make qualitative predictions of the effects of drainage basin reduction on salinity. E. Vegetation Monitoring. Vegetation monitoring will be conducted during August of each monitoring year. Shrubs, defined as woody plants greater than 3.2 feet in height but less than 3 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH), will be inventoried in each of the ten 4-by-4 meter plots located in the vicinity of each WL-80 in the riparian wetlands. For each species, the number of stems present will be counted and percent cover will be estimated. Herbs, defined as all herbaceous vascular plants regardless of height and woody plants less than 3.2 feet in height, will be inventoried in each of the 1-square meter plots nested within the 4-by-4 meter plots. For each species, the number of stems present will be counted and percent cover will be estimated. Qualitative descriptions of the overstory will be made in the vicinity of each WL-80. For shrubs and herbs, the cover data, density data, and importance values calculated will be used to assess changes in vegetation structure and composition over time. F. Fish and Benthos Monitoring. Because of the timing of the beginning of the study, fish trawl sampling on Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and a control creek (Muddy Creek) was limited to May and June in 1998. In other monitoring years, fish trawl sampling will be conducted weekly on Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Muddy Creek during the months of April, May, and June. Each fish trawl sample will be conducted with a two-seam 10.5-foot otter trawl. The trawl is constructed with a 10.5-foot headrope, and 1/4-inch bar mesh wings and body, and an 1/8-inch bar mesh cod end. The trawl will be towed at 3.6 feet/second for a distance of 75 yards. Trawling will be conducted during daylight hours with a tow direction toward the creek mouth. This trawl and technique is the same design and methodology used by the DMF. Data will be reported in catch-per- unit-effort (CPUE) as number per minute trawl. 19 Because Huddles Cut is too shallow and narrow for trawling, an alternative methodology must be used there. A fyke net will be set at the station in Huddles Cut for one night per week during April, May, and June of each monitoring year, beginning in 1999. Data will be reported in CPUE as number per trap-night. Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) provides habitat for fish and can reduce the capture efficiency of the trawl. Therefore, the species of SAV present and the approximate percent coverage of SAV at the surface of the water will be noted during each fish sampling visit. Benthos will be collected at each station in May of each sampling year. Five replicate samples will be collected at each station with a standard ponar grab. Collected sediments will be placed in one- gallon plastic bags, and a full bag will constitute a replicate. Samples will be placed in coolers and transported to the laboratory to be sieved through a 0.5 mm mesh screen. All organisms retained on the screen will be preserved for sorting, enumeration, and identification (to the species level when practical). In addition to the mid-stream benthic sampling using the ponar, the shoreline and near-shore habitats will be sampled using DWQ's estuarine sweep sample method. The timed sweep samples will consist of 10-minute collections with a D-frame net in representative shoreline and near-shore habitats near each of the grab sampling stations. Three replicate collections will be taken at each sample station. Organisms obtained will be preserved and returned to the laboratory for sorting, enumeration, and identification. One full replicate sample will be enumerated for each sampling station. A 25 percent subsample of the other two replicates will be enumerated to check for any major variation in benthic fauna among replicates. The data will be used to classify the sites according to DWQ's estuarine biocriteria. The biocriteria produce a rating of a site based on three indices produced by the sweep sample: Estuarine Biotic Index, Amphipoda and Caridian shrimp taxa, and total taxa. The estuarine biocriteria rating will be used to track changes in benthic macro invertebrate diversity and abundance. G. Photo Documentation of Monitoring Sites and Conditions. During the vegetation sampling, two photographs will be taken at each WL-80 location in the riparian wetlands. Each photograph will feature a 10-foot range pole located at a fixed distance from the camera. The camera will be situated at the WL-80 location, and a picture will be taken facing upstream and downstream. Camera and range pole locations will remain constant throughout the duration of the monitoring program. The photographs will be included in the annual report, and will be used to provide visual documentation of changes over time. During the fish and benthos sampling, a representative photograph will be taken of each sample station. The photograph locations will remain constant throughout the duration of the monitoring program. The photographs will be included in the annual report, and will be used to provide visual documentation of changes over time. H. Soil Property Measurements. Measurements of the soil properties, the soil water characteristics, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity in each of the three study drainages will be done by Skaggs in 1998. These data will be used in the hydrologic modeling of the three drainage areas. Measurements will be made at an estimated 12 locations (with three depths and three replications at each location). Hydraulic conductivity tests will be conducted at 75 to 100 locations. Soil property, site parameter, and vegetation data will be assembled into data sets for modeling the hydrology of the watersheds. Preliminary model simulations will be conducted in 1998 to make sure that all needed data are being collected. 20 I. Preparation of Annual Report. An annual report, which will include an analysis and discussion of the data collected in items A. through H., will be submitted to PCS Phosphate in February of the year following each monitoring year. Twenty copies of the report are to be provided to DWQ by PCS Phosphate by 1 March of each year. DWQ will send reports to various agencies and groups for comments, with a one month review period. Upon receipt of comments, DWQ will determine whether the comments warrant a meeting of all review parties or other action. III. DURATION AND TIMING OF POST-DISTURBANCE MONITORING As each of the three stream drainages is impacted by mining-related activity, PCS shall intensively monitor the impacted stream for two years as described in the baseline monitoring above. This two-year period of monitoring of each stream will start when the outer mine utility corridor has cut off portions of a particular drainage basin. For years three through five following the intensive two-year post-disturbance monitoring on a stream, the monitoring and downloading frequency for groundwater, salinity, and water quality be reduced to monthly. Vegetation sampling and the associated photographs will be done annually. Flow monitoring, rainfall monitoring, and fish and benthos monitoring will continue on the same schedule as in years one and two in order to yield useful data. At the end of year five of post-disturbance monitoring on a stream, an assessment will be made by DWQ, USACE, DLR, and PCS Phosphate to determine whether additional monitoring is necessary. During the years of post-disturbance monitoring, the results of the post-disturbance monitoring will be compared with the baseline monitoring data. Annual reports of the monitoring will be submitted to the DWQ, the USACE, and the DLR in mid-March of the year following the sampling. If any deleterious effects to riparian wetland functions are suggested by the data, PCS Phosphate and CZR will report and discuss such effects in the annual report and will suggest a plan of remedial action. If no deleterious effects are identified on a particular creek for a period of five years following drainage basin reduction, monitoring on that creek may be discontinued based on an assessment by DWQ, USACE, and DLR in conjunction with PCS Phosphate. 21 REFERENCES Amatya, D.M., R.W. Skaggs, and J.D. Gregory. 1997. Evaluation of a watershed scale forest hydrologic model. Ag Water Management, 32:239-258. Brinson, M.M., H.D. Bradshaw, and M.N. Jones. 1985. Transitions in forested wetlands along gradients of salinity and hydroperiod. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 101 :76-94. CZR Incorporated. 1990. Report on 1988-1989 hydrography, sediment, benthic, fisheries, and zooplankton/ichthyoplankton surveys in support of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Texasgulf Inc. mine continuation. 78 pp. CZR Incorporated. 1994. Compilation and analyses of drainage area, salinity, rainfall, and fisheries data to address potential impacts to the tidal estuarine creeks in the NCPC Tract due to drainage basin reductions involved with Texasgulf's proposed Alternative B. Engel, D.W., W.F. Hettler, L. Coston-Clements, and D.E. Hoss. 1987. The effect of abrupt salinity changes on the osmoregulatory abilities of the Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 86:723-727. Hettler, W.F. 1976. Influence of temperature and salinity on routine metabolic rate and growth of young Atlantic menhaden. J. Fish. Biol. 8:55-65. Konyha, K.D. and Skaggs, R.W. 1992. A coupled field hydrology-open channel flow model:theory. Trans of the ASAE, 35(5):1431-1440. Lawson, T.J. 1981. Nursery area assessment of Bond, Long, and Short creeks, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Annual report to Texasgulf Inc. 134 pp. Lawson, T.J. 1982. Nursery area assessment of Bond, Long, and Short creeks, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Annual report to Texasgulf Inc. 192 pp. Miller, J.M., B.M. Currin, and M.L. Moser. 1988. Broad Creek report - faunal studies. Pp. 213-422 in Freshwater inflow and Broad Creek estuary, North Carolina. Special Report: UNC Sea Grant College Program. Submitted to N.C. Div. of Soil and Water, Dept. of Nat. Resour. and Comm. Devel. 422 pp. Moser, M.L. 1987. Effects of salinity fluctuation on juvenile fish. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, N.C. 150 pp. Moser, M.L. and L.R. Gerry. 1989. Differential effects of salinity changes on two estuarine fishes, Leiostomus xanthurus and Micropogonias undulatus. Estuaries 12:35-41. Moser, M.L. and J.M. Miller. 1994. Effects of salinity fluctuation on routine metabolism of juvenile spot, Leiostomus xanthurus. J. Fish. Biol. 45:335-340. Nixon, S.W. 1989. Water quality in the Pamlico River estuary -- with special attention to the possible impact of nutrient discharges from Texasgulf Inc. A report prepared for Texasgulf Inc. 147 pp. Overton, M.F. and J.S. Fisher. 1988. Broad Creek salinity study: Final Report. Pp. 1-61 in Freshwater inflow and Broad Creek estuary, North Carolina. Special Report: UNC Sea Grant College 22 Program. Submitted to N.C. Div. of Soil and Water, Dept. of Nat. Resour. and Comm. Devel. 422 pp. Pietrafesa, L.J. 1985. Response of Rose Bay to freshwater inputs. Pp. 21-61 in W. Gilliam, J.M. Miller, L. Pietrafesa, and W. Skaggs (eds.). Water management and estuarine nurseries. UNC Sea Grant Publ. UNC-SG-WP-85-2. 84 pp. Pietrafesa, L.J., F. Askari, and C. Gabriel. 1988. On salinity fluctuations in Broad Creek. Pp. 62-212 in Freshwater inflow and Broad Creek estuary, North Carolina. Special Report: UNC Sea Grant College Program. Submitted to N.C. Div. of Soil and Water, Dept. of Nat. Resour. and Comm. Devel. 422 pp. Rulifson, R.A. 1990. Finfish utilization of man-initiated and adjacent natural creeks of South Creek estuary, North Carolina, 1984-1988. ICMR Technical Report No. 90-01. ICMR-ECU, Greenville, N.C. 45 pp. Skaggs, R.W. 1980. A water management model for shallow water table soils. Technical Bulletin No. 276, North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, N.C. State Unvieristy, Raleigh, 54 pages. Skaggs, R.W. 1991. Drainage. In J. Hanks and J. Ritchie (eds), Modeling Plant and Soil Systems, Agronomy Monograph No. 31, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, W1:205-243. Stanley, D.W. 1988. Water quality in the Pamlico River estuary 1987. A report to Texasgulf Chemicals, Inc. ICMR Technical Report No. 88-02. ICMR-ECU, Greenville, N.C. 82 pp. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1996. Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Texasgulf Inc. mine continuation, Aurora, North Carolina. West, T.L. 1988. Effects of claypond freshwater discharge on finfish and shellfish utilization of nursery areas. Summary of preliminary findings. Submitted to Texasgulf, Inc. Dept. of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. Pages unnumbered. West, T.L. 1990. Growth and survival of Leiostomus xanthurus (spot) in man-made and natural wetlands. Report to Texasgulf Chemicals, Incorporated. Dept. of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. 30 pp. 23 YEAR ONE (1998) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PCS Phosphate Company, Inc was granted a mine expansion permit issued by the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on 27 August 1997 (No. 198899449). Special conditions imposed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality in their 401 certification pertained to overall water quality and potential hydrologic impacts resulting from the mine continuation and the associated drainage basin reduction potential effects on small estuarine creeks in the vicinity. Three years of baseline (pre-disturbance) monitoring is to take place to provide a basis of comparison for post-disturbance monitoring. This report is the first in a series that will include baseline data on existing conditions and ecological functions associated with the riparian wetlands of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut. Baseline monitoring included fish trawls, benthic sampling, vegetation sampling, and groundwater well installation (WL-80s). Existing Conditions The drainage basins of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut were assessed in July 1998 by CZR biologists. Data was collected on channel width and depth, floodplain width, slope of the adjacent upland, presence of absence of channelization, composition of sediments, and brief vegetation descriptions. Installation of Shallow Monitoring Wells A total of 39 monitoring wells (21 WL-80s (Remote Data Systems semi-continuous recorders) and 18 shallow monitoring wells) were established in bottomland hardwood wetlands in the three creek drainages. Five WL-80s and five shallow monitoring wells were installed in the Jacks Creek drainage. Four WL-80s and two manual wells were installed in Tooley Creek. Seven WL-80s and five manual wells were located in the main prong of Huddles Cut and five WL-80s and six manual wells were installed in the western prong of Huddles Cut. An additional 14 WL-80s and 21 wells were installed in higher elevations, upstream of flow monitoring stations that will be installed in 1999. During well installation soils were characterized based on horizon depth, texture, and color. Data provided by these wells will be used to characterize the hydrology of these wetlands pre-disturbance. Installation of Flow Monitoring Stations A total of eight flow stations will be installed in early 1999. Two stations will be located on Jacks Creek, two stations on Tooley Creek, and four stations on Huddles Cut. Flow stations will be located at culverts to facilitate flow concentration. Establishment of Vegetation Monitoring and Baseline Vegetation Sampling Vegetation monitoring focuses on the shrub and herb layer as these communities have the ability to indicate changes in salinity and hydrology quicker than trees. A total of 21 monitoring sites were located in the vicinity of WL-80 continuous monitors, five of which were located in Jacks Creek, four in Tooley Creek, and 12 in Huddles Cut. Each monitoring station consists of a 40-meter transect along a random azimuth from the WL-80. Ten 3-meter square sampling quadrats are arranged on alternating sides of the transect. Shrubs and woody vines (defined as woody plants greater than 3.2 feet in height but less than 3 inches in diameter at breast height) were identified and quantified for each quadrat. Within each quadrat a 1-meter square herb plot was nested in the proximal corner. Both herb and shrub plots are permanent and will be monitored annually during the months of August and September for density, coverage, and species composition. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-1 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year One (1998) Installation of Rain Gauges Each creek (Jacks, Tooley, and Huddles) will have a TE-125 TELOG Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge installed in the early spring of 1999. Installation of Continuous Monitors at Salinity Monitoring Sites Nine YSI 600 XLM salinity monitors will be installed in early spring 1999. Establishment of Water Quality Monitoring Sites Water quality monitoring sites were established in late 1998. Jacks Creek has two locations, Tooley Creek has three locations, and Huddles Cut has four locations. In addition sediment samples were collected from the mouths of each creek to provide first-year baseline data on heavy metal content. Metals tested included aluminum, silver, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, and Zn were within average marine sediment or crustal rock concentrations. Concentrations of Cd, Mo, and Se are slightly elevated above average marine sediment concentrations. Establishment of Fish and Benthos Monitoring Sites; Baseline Data Collection Fish and benthos stations were established and sampled in May of 1998 for Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Muddy Creek. Because of ongoing discussions with DWQ concerning sampling method and station location, Huddles Cut will begin baseline data collection in early 1999 following methodology outlined in the final monitoring plan. Fisheries Fish trawl samples were collected using a two-seam 10.5-foot otter trawl. The trawl was towed for approximately one minute, covering 75 yards. Both fresh and salt water species were captured. Fish were identified and the first 30 of each species was measured for total length. Fish that were unable to be identified were preserved for later identification. Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) were among the most commonly captured species. Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) present was identified and total percent cover was visually estimated. Hydrographic data were collected from near surface water as well as near bottom water during each trawl. Freshwater conditions existed throughout most of the sampling. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Methods used for benthos sampling were based on the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural resources (DENR), and Division of Water Quality (DWQ) standard operating procedure (SOP) for ponar grab and timed sweep methods. Upstream and downstream locations in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Muddy Creek were sampled for benthic macroinvertebrates on 27 and 28 May 1998. Basic hydrographic data were collected during benthic sampling. Five ponar grabs were taken near mid-stream at both the upstream and downstream locations for each creek. Organisms were identified to the lowest taxonomic level and abundance was calculated using the average number of individuals per replicate. Amphipoda and Diptera taxa were the most abundant in the three creeks. Timed sweep samples were collected from both up and down stream locations for each creek. Sweep samples consisted of 10-minute collections in representative shoreline and near shore habitats. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-2 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year One (1998) Three replicates were taken at each station. One replicate sample was fully enumerated, 25 percent of the other replicates were enumerated to confirm no major variation in benthic macroinvertebrates. The Estuarine Biotic index (EBI) was calculated and will be used to compare subsequent year's benthic sampling. Some of the most abundant taxa in Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek were Gammarus tigrinus, and Campeloma limum. Hobsonia florida, and Chironomus sp. were dominant in Muddy Creek. Heavy Metal Sediment Baseline Baseline sediment samples were collected from the mouth of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, Muddy Creek, and Huddles Cut. Sediment samples were sent to Dr. John Trefry at the Florida Institute of Technology for anaylsis of the following heavy metals: aluminum (AI), silver (Ag), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn). Most concentrations found were consistent with concentrations in average marine sediments or crustal rock. Cadmium was the exception with concentrations between 0.76 and 1.36 lag/g easily exceeding crustal rock (0.10pg/g) and average marine sediments (0.17pg/g). Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-3 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year One (1998) YEAR TWO (1999) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and macroinvertebrates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut. Baseline data was collected in 1998 for vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates, baseline data for all other parameters was collected in 1999. This monitoring report presents the results of the monitoring activities conducted during 1999, with comparisons to 1998 baseline data where appropriate. Baseline Instrument Installation Baseline instrument installation included salinity monitor, flow station, and rain gauge installation. Due to delays in the plan review process and permit requirements baseline instrument installation could not be completed during the baseline year (1998). Most equipment was installed by May 1999, when intensive monitoring began. Nine YSI 600XLM multiparameter water quality monitors were installed to monitor salinity and water level. One monitor each was installed at the mouth of Huddles Cut, Jacks Creek, and Tooley Creek. Upstream monitors were installed in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and the western prong of Huddles Cut just downstream of CAMA markers. The upstream monitor on the main prong of Huddles cut was installed at the CAMA marker. Two control/comparison sites were chosen, South Creek (southwest of the NCPC barge slip) and the Pamlico River (PCS Phosphate Recreation Area at Long Point) where one monitor each was installed. Salinity monitors were programmed to take readings every 1.5 hours for 16 readings per day. Monitoring of salinity and depth began in May of 1999. Flow stations installed on the NCPC tract were designed by Skaggs and Robert M. Chiles, P.E. Eight stations were installed; four are located in the Huddles Cut watershed, two in the Jacks Creek watershed, and two in the Tooley Creek watershed. Flow stations were designed to measure outflow from sub-drainage basins. Three rain gauge stations were installed by Skaggs to accurately model the hydrology and stream flow of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut. One gauge was installed in each creek's watershed. Each rain gauge station consisted of two types of rain gauges. The first type is a direct reading funnel type gauge with a resolution of 0.01 inch and a capacity of 11 inches. The second gauge is a TE-125 TELOG data logging tipping bucket rain gauge. This unit records date, time, and amount of each rain event with a resolution of 0.01 inch. Flow Monitoring/Modeling Flow monitoring and modeling began in 1999 at eight watershed outlets; two in Jacks Creek, two in Tooley Creek, and four in Huddles Cut. After a dry summer the watersheds were struck by three successive hurricanes producing flow rates greater than designed flow events; this resulted in damage and data loss. DRAINMOD was used to model hydrology but with a limited data set the model needs to be recalibrated to include seasonal and annual variations. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-4 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Two (1999) Salinity The nine sites monitored fluctuated in salinity from 0.0 ppt at the mouth of Huddles Cut (HS3) to 14.4 ppt in the Pamlico River, PCS recreation area (PS1). Long term salinity trends included: increasing salinity May through August, decreasing September through November, and slightly increasing again in December. Short term salinity fluctuations appeared to be controlled primarily by wind tides. Also large rain events caused appreciable short-term effects in the upper parts of the creeks. Jacks and Tooley Creeks continually had lower salinity levels at the upstream stations. Dramatic salinity changes were seen after hurricane events as well as during summer drought periods. Wetland Hydrology Of the 39 wetland monitoring wells, 36 exhibited hydroperiods in excess of 5.0 percent of the growing season. Wells that did not meet this criterion were short by only one day and were located in the upper portion of Tooley Creek. Fluctuation in water levels was influenced primarily by precipitation and evapotranspiration. Estuarine water level did have an effect on downstream WL-80 locations, this was especially evident when estuarine water levels were high. Water Quality Nine water quality monitoring stations were established, two in Jacks Creek, three in Tooley Creek, and four in Huddles Cut. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. In addition to field measures water samples were collected and transported to the Central Environmental Laboratory at East Carolina University to quantify total dissolved phosphorous, particulate phosphorous, PO4-P, NH4-N, NO3-N, dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen, particulate nitrogen, chlorophyll a, and fluoride. Two of the nine stations could not be sampled for three months due to low water conditions; however, the late summer of 1999 was characterized by high precipitation which had noticeable effects on some chemical parameters. The nitrogen dynamics in the NCPC creeks are dominated by decomposition processes; however, the chlorophyll a levels are consistent with levels found in South Creek. During the 1999 monitoring year no water quality parameters indicated levels of concern. Vegetation Vegetation sampling focused mainly on shrub and herb layers due to prompt expression of salinity and hydrology changes seen in these groups when compared to trees. Twenty-one (21) vegetation monitoring sites were established in the vicinity of WL-80 continuous monitors. These monitoring sites consisted of 10 permanent sample quadrats along a 40 meter transect. Transect direction was chosen using random compass azimuths from the WL-80. Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), palmetto (Saba) minor), and climbing hydrangea (Decumaria barbara) were dominant shrubs/woody vines, while Nepal microstegium (Microstegium vimineum) and whorled pennywort (Hydrocotyle verticillata) were dominant herbs in the Jacks Creek sampling sites. Dominant canopy trees were red maple (Acer rubrum), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), and swamp black gum (Nyssa biflora). Greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia) was the only dominant shrub/woody vine and cane (Arundinaria gigantea) was the only dominant herb in the Tooley Creek sampling sites. Canopy dominants included sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple, laurel oak, green ash, with black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-5 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Two (1999) and white oak (Quercus albs) near floodplain edges On the main prong of Huddles Cut wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) dominated the shrub/woody vine layer. The herb layer was diverse but royal fern (Osmunda regalis), whorled pennywort, and poison ivy dominated. The canopy layer was dominated by swamp black gum, red maple, green ash, and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum). On the western prong of Huddles Cut wax myrtle and Carolina supplejack (Berchemia scandens) dominated the shrub/woody vine layer and no clear dominant could be determined for the herb layer. The canopy consisted mostly of red maple, green ash, bald cypress, and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) along the edge of the floodplain. A comparison of 1998 and 1999 vegetation monitoring shows no major changes in dominant species of the shrub and vine, herb, and canopy layers in any creek. Fisheries Trawl sampling for fish was conducted weekly during April, May, and June of 1999 at Jacks, Tooley, and Muddy Creeks. A two-seam otter trawl was pulled for one minute or approximately 75 yards toward the mouth of the three creeks. All fish were identified and counted, and the total length of the first 30 individuals of each species was measured to the nearest millimeter. Any submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) was identified and percent cover estimated. Huddles Cut was too shallow for trawls so paired fyke nets were set end-to-end to capture fish moving both upstream and downstream. The fyke nets were set overnight and fish were identified, measured, and counted consistent with trawl protocols used in Jacks, Tooley, and Muddy Creeks. When comparing 1998 and 1999 fish data show extreme natural variability in catch. However in both years the most commonly caught fish species in Jacks, Tooley, and Muddy Creek were rainwater killfish (Lucania parva), spot (Leiostomus xanthrurus), and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulates). No differences in fish abundance could be discerned when comparing 1998 to 1999. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Upstream and downstream locations in Jacks, Tooley, Muddy Creek, and Huddles Cut were sampled for benthic macroinvertebrates in May of 1999. Protocol was based on the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR), and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) standard operating procedure (SOP). Five replicate ponar grab samples were taken at each up and downstream location. Timed sweeps were also done at each up and downstream location. One minute sweeps were replicated 10 times at each site. Benthic data showed considerable variation between 1998 and 1999. The only obvious pattern was the decline in total taxa encountered. This could be due to the markedly higher salinity that existed in 1999, which could have eliminated salt-tolerant species that may have been present during the 1998 sampling. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-6 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Two (1999) YEAR THREE (2000) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR Incorporated and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation, fish, and benthic macro i nve rte brates began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began 1999. Post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000; however, baseline data will continue to be collected for Tooley and Huddles Cut through 2001. This annual report presents the results of the monitoring activities conducted during 2000, with comparisons to previous years as appropriate. Flow Monitoring/Modeling During 2000, flow monitoring and modeling continued at the eight watershed outlets. Two stations exist in Jacks Creek, two in Tooley Creek, and four in Huddles Cut. Water stage is measured up and downstream to determine flow rates. Water table is measured continuously and rainfall is quantified by recording and manual rain gauges. Rainfall. Monthly distribution of rainfall in 2000 was similar to the long-term average, except for the months of August and September which was almost double the long-term averages for the same months in Plymouth, NC. On an annual basis, rainfall for 2000 at the study sites was near or somewhat greater than the long-term. However, the annual rainfall of 49.67 inches at the PCS Phosphate site was very close to the 30-year average rainfall of 50.87 inches measured in Plymouth, NC. Weather and Potential Evapotranspiration. Monthly average air temperatures measured at the PCS Phosphate weather station in 2000 were lower than the long-term average for eight of the 12 months. In 2000 total annual net radiation measured at PCS Phosphate was the equivalent energy needed to evaporate 50.4 inches of water, two inches less than 1999. Both years are slightly higher than the 10-year average of 47.7 inches Flow Stage elevations were measured both upstream and downstream of the V-notch weirs at all eight watershed outlets through the end of 2000. Weir equations were used to estimate flow rates. Appendix Al presents stage and velocity meter data for January 01 through December 31, 2000. Huddles Cut. Flow estimates for Huddles Cut were recorded from four outflow stations. Flow was highest at the Huddles 1 outflow station, which is assumed to have a drainage area of 13.1 acres. Drainage areas of Huddles Cut outflow stations 2, 3, and 4 are substantially larger with areas of 100.7, 129, and 115 acres respectively. Drainage areas will be reassessed and verified by field observations. Steadily declining outflow was measured for all stations from January to April. May to July showed little to no flow for all stations then increased in August and peaked in September for outflow stations 2, 3, and 4. Flow station 1 was also measuring high rates of flow in September; however, not as high as the earlier parts of the year. Flow again dropped off for all stations during the months of October through December. Tooley Creek. Two flow stations were positioned in Tooley Creek; both had significant malfunctions in 2000. Tooley flow station1 recorded moderate outflow from January to March. Flow declined in April and virtually ceased May through July. The upstream weir station malfunctioned in late Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-7 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Three (2000) August through early September resulting in a significant under estimation of flow. Tooley flow station 2 had various malfunctions that ultimately resulted in a loss of data for the months of May to August. Data seems otherwise consistent with outflow measures from Tooley flow station 1. Jacks Creek.. Jacks Creek also had two flow stations with similar flow patterns as Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek. Initially flow was sustained from January until April, and then dropped to little or no flow during May through July. The months of August and September had high flow rates, contributing more than half of the total annual flow. Jacks Creek flow station 2 had some sedimentation problems due to new construction on Highway 306. The velocity meter was consequently buried and velocity and stage data was lost from March until October. Water Table Monitoring Huddles Cut. Water table depths were measured at four locations; each location had both manual and continuous recording wells. Huddles Cut watershed monitoring locations 2, 3, and 4 all had similar water table patterns, with water close to the surface during the early months of the year. During the middle of April into May the water table dropped dramatically and was not very responsive to rain events till the later part of the year. During August and September the water table rose to surface levels and above, and then receded until December when it hovered within eight inches of the surface. Water table depths measured by WL-80 continuous recording wells and manual wells at Huddles Cut watershed 1 were similar but more sensitive to rain events during the summer months and generally had a shallower water table throughout the year. Differences in soil profiles between Huddles Cut watershed 1 and watershed locations 2, 3, and 4 may account for the difference in water table depths. Tooley Creek. Tooley Creek has two watershed monitoring stations, each with two continuous recorders and three manual groundwater wells. The two continuous groundwater recorders in Tooley Creek watershed station 1 had similar drainable porosities. The continuous recorders in Tooley Creek watershed station 2 exhibited very different drawdown rates due to a difference in elevation. The higher well, T2CW1 had a much faster drawdown and the water table sank to 80 inches, while T2CW2 did not measure the water table depth lower than 45 inches. Jacks Creek. Jacks Creek had two water table monitoring locations. Station one had two continuous recording groundwater wells and two manual groundwater wells. Station two had one continuous recording well and three manual groundwater wells. Water table depths were consistently shallower for J1 CW2 and J2MW3 which were located in the flood plain. Wells J1 MW2, J1 MW1, J2MW2, J2CW1, and J2MW1 were located 3 to 4 feet higher than the wells located in the flood plain and exhibited lower water table depths. Similar patterns were seen in annual water table depths as the previous watersheds. Hydrologic Analysis and Modeling Estimated Water Budget. A monthly water balance was obtained as the difference of mean monthly rainfall and PET (potential evapotranspiration) for a 30-year period. Excess soil water was indicated for 9 out of 12 months. Outflow that occurred January through April and December was in agreement with the proposed water budget. Hydrologic Modeling (DRAINMOD). Baseline hydrology such as water table depths and outflows were applied to DRAINMOD-based models. These models will be used to document long term hydrology prior to phosphate mining, and assess the impacts of mining on the hydrology. Outflows have been measured for 1.5 years beginning in May of 1999. To provide a strong baseline to calibrate the hydrology model a total of three years of data is recommended. Model Inputs and Parameters. Soil properties and drainage system parameters were used as Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-8 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Three (2000) hydrology model inputs. The same soil properties were used as previous years with the addition of saturated hydraulic conductivity in 2000. Rainfall data from gauges in each watershed was processed to obtain hourly rainfall for input into the DRAINMOD model. The model also included evaporation values. Daily pan evaporation values measured at the PCS Phosphate weather station (NOAH station, Aurora 6N) were corrected with monthly pan factors and further adjusted with coefficients calibrated from an experimental pine forest in Carteret County, North Carolina. This method was tested because it is a direct measure of evaporation. Two alternative methods were also tested in the model, the Thornthwaite PET method and the Penman-Monteith method. Results using only the Penman-Monteith method are discussed. Results of Model Simulations Huddles Cut Watersheds. The predicted water table depths and measured depths in Huddles Cut watershed 1 were generally in agreement. Predicted depths were lower than actual depths in the later months of 1999 and early months of 2000. These discrepancies were most likely due to overestimation of PET. Flow predictions were both under and overestimated by the model for Huddles Cut watershed 1 using adjusted pan evaporation data. Using the daily PET data from the Penman- Monteith method predicted flows measuring 10.8 percent and 50 percent less than measured outflow for 1999 and 2000 respectively. This was expected because outflow from this watershed was much greater than the other three Huddles Cut watersheds. Predicted water table depths of Huddles Cut watershed 2 were generally in agreement with measured depths in 1999. In 2000 the predicted water table depths were shallower than the measured depths during the summer months and again through November. This may have resulted because of an underestimation of PET. The model was able to predict all drainage events except a small event in May. However the model over-predicted most of the large peak rates and under-predicted both peak rates and duration for small events. Differences in flow predictions and measured flow may be a result of errors in the surface storage parameter and hydraulic conductivity model inputs. Huddles Cut watershed 3 had similar patterns of predicted and measured water table depths as the previous watersheds. The predicted water table was shallower than the measured water table during the summer months and November of 2000. These errors in modeling may be due to underestimations of PET and/or errors in drainable porosity and hydraulic conductivity. Outflow was over-predicted for 1999 and 2000. Outflow was over predicted by 26 percent in 1999 and 35 percent in 2000. This over prediction was expected because of a continuous leakage observed around the watershed outlet. Improved model calibration will require adjustment of the surface storage parameter and prevention of ongoing leakage at the watershed outlet. The model predicted water table responses to almost all drainage and rainfall events in 1999 and 2000 in Huddles Cut watershed 4. Predicted water table depths were again shallower than measured during the months of May through August and November for both years. Outflow measured during hurricanes Dennis and Floyd was flawed; there was a lag time of about three days and the weir was submerged and subsequent flow data was questionable. The model predicted outflow for these events at double the measured rate. Apart from these problems, the model predicted flow for all events in which there was measured flow, except one event in April. Tooley Creek Watersheds. Model predictions for water table depths in both monitored watersheds generally agreed with measured depths for 1999. In 2000 some discrepancies were seen; the predicted water table in Tooley 1 exhibited deeper spikes in the early spring months than was measured. The Tooley 2 watershed had consistently lower predicted water table depths than measured throughout most of the year. Predicted water table depths agreed with measured depths during times of saturation or shallower table. Timing of outflow events was accurately predicted for Tooley 1. Outflow during large storm events was generally over-predicted but because of equipment malfunction the measured outflow was under-predicted. As a result the true difference between predicted and measured Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-9 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Three (2000) outflow is probably smaller than what the model presented. The difference in annual flows in Tooley 1 was entirely due to differences in predicted and measured results for the storms of late August and September, when there were errors in the flow records. The model predicted four of the five flow events in Tooley 2; however, two events were over-predicted causing cumulative predicted outflow to be greater than measured. Jacks Creek Watershed. The Jacks Creek watershed had wells in both the floodplain and high ground. These two areas were modeled separately for water table depth. The high ground wells in Jacks Creek watershed 1 agreed with water table predictions in 1999. In 2000 the predicted water table was quite a bit deeper than the measured table in the spring months and shallower than measured table in the summer months and November. The floodplain wells in Jacks 1 were closer in agreement between measured and predicted table depths; however, in 2000 the predicted water table depth during July and August was shallower than the measured table depth. The Jacks Creek watershed was reduced from 91 acres to 22 acres which had effects on annual cumulative flow. Outflow in the beginning of 2000 in Jacks 1 was overestimated and after the reduction in watershed flow was in good agreement, 12.3 inches predicted compared to 13.6 inches observed. In Jacks Creek watershed 2 the high ground well water table predictions deviated from measured mostly during the spring and summer months. In 1999 the water table depth was lower than predicted from April to mid-June, after which both predicted and measured depths seemed to agree. In 2000 the predicted water table was deeper than measured in the spring and shallower than measured during the summer months and November. The floodplain wells are manual so continuous measures could not be compared to the model's predictions. However, the manual measures collected every other week do seem to agree with the predicted measures, with the exception of a deeper predicted water table during the summer for both 1999 and 2000. The outflow during the early part of 2000 was underestimated, then after the basin reduction mentioned earlier, outflows began to agree for the later part of the year (mid-September through December). Generally the models were able to predict flow events and timing but need input parameters to be updated to improve accuracy. Salinity Salinity was recorded at nine stations continuously through 2000. Salinities varied from 0.0 ppt at HS3 in January to 18.1 ppt at JS2 in November. Annual salinity trends consisted of low salinity January through April, increasing May through June, and steady high salinity in July, then decreasing during August and September, increasing again during October and November, and finally decreasing in December. These long term trends appear to be related to the Tar River discharge. Shorter term salinity fluctuations seem to be controlled by wind tides and local drainage basin input. Wetland Hydrology Hydroperiods during 2000 were longer than those in 1999; however, the 1999 hydroperiod was calculated from a limited data set. Of the 39 wetland monitoring wells, 18 exhibited hydroperiods of 100 percent of the growing season. The shortest hydroperiod was 17 percent of the growing season exhibited by JW1. Precipitation and evaporation appeared to be the primary factor contributing to water level fluctuations. Large rainfall events indicate only short-term rises in water levels. Estuarine water levels did seem to influence downstream WL-80 water level readings and was especially evident when estuarine water levels were high. Water Quality Water quality monitoring consisted of a combination of field and laboratory measures. Parameters measured in the field included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-10 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Three (2000) depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Parameters measured in the lab include: total dissolved phosphorous, particulate phosphorus, dissolved orthophosphate, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen, particulate nitrogen, Chlorophyll a, and fluoride. During 2000 there were no stations with any of the measured water quality parameters at levels of concern; however, there are no stations with exceptionally good water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations were relatively high when compared to concentrations farther down the creeks and in South Creek and the Pamlico River. Nitrate levels were low at the monitoring stations. The combination of high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that the nitrogen dynamics in the creeks are dominated by decomposition processes. Metal Sampling Mid-stream ponar grab samples were taken near the mouths of Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, Huddles Cut, and Muddy Creek (fish and benthos control creek). Samples were shipped to Dr. John H. Trefry at the Florida Institute of Technology and analyzed for aluminum (AI), silver (Ag), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn). Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, and Zn in sediments collected 28 August from Huddles Cut, Jacks Creek, Muddy Creek, and Tooley Creek are within the range of observed values for average marine sediment, continental crust and previously analyzed sediments from open areas of the Pamlico River. Concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and selenium (Se) were higher than found in average marine sediments or crustal rock. The Huddles Cut #2 sample had the highest Cd concentration at 2.6 lag/g, and Jacks Creek had the lowest Cd concentration at 1.08 lag/g. The Huddles Cut Cd concentration for 2000 is three times higher than the 1998 concentration. Using guidelines developed by Long et.al. (1995) to determine potentially harmful biological effects the high concentration found in Huddles Cut #2 falls between ERL value (effects-range-low) and ERM value (effects-range-median). Concentrations of Cd between these guidelines suggest sediments in Huddles Cut, may occasionally cause adverse biological effects. Concentrations of Se were elevated above average marine sediments and crustal rock. The Jacks Creek sample had the highest concentration at 1.57pg/g and Huddles Cut #1 had the lowest concentration at 0.82 lag/g. However, the concentrations found in Huddles Cut are double that of the 1998 concentrations and also double that of average marine sediments (0.42 lag/g). There is no established ERL or ERM for Se so biological effects are unclear. No discernable shift in Se is thought to have occurred because sample levels are reasonably comparable to previous data outside the PCS Phosphate property. Increases in Cd and Se in Huddles Cut can partially be explained by the doubling of Al and Fe indicating a finer grained, more clay rich sample. This finer grained sample could be the result of recent deposition or part of an overall patchy distribution on sediment. Vegetation Vegetation monitoring sites were located in the vicinity of a WL-80 continuous monitoring well. Five monitoring sites were established in Jacks Creek, four in Tooley Creek, and 12 in Huddles Cut. Each site consisted of a 40m transect, with alternating 3-meter square shrub quadrats along the axis of the transect, and 1-meter square herb plots nested in the proximal corner of each shrub plot. The shrub layer at Jacks Creek is dominated by poison ivy (Toxicodenderon radicans), and the dominant herbs are lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus) and whorled pennywort (Hydrocotyle verticillata). The dominant shrub and woody vines at Tooley Creek consisted of greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia) and Carolina supplejack (Berchemia scandens). The dominating herb was cane (Arundinaria gigantea). Wax myrtle (Cerothamnus ceriferus) dominated the shrub layer on the main prong of Huddles Cut. The dominant herb varied among transects but the most common was whorled pennywort. On the western prong of Huddles Cut, Carolina supplejack, wax myrtle, and greenbrier dominated the shrub and woody vine layer. The herb layer was variable with no species dominant at more than one transect. No major changes in dominant species have been recorded from 1998 to 2000 in Huddles Cut, Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-11 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Three (2000) Jacks Creek, or Tooley Creek. Fisheries Weekly otter trawl sampling was preformed during April, May, and June in Jacks, Tooley, and Muddy Creeks. Muddy Creek is being used as a control for the fish and benthos parameters. Paired fyke nets (positioned end to end, one fishes upstream and one fishes downstream) are used to sample Huddles Cut because physical parameters prevent trawling. Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulates), Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), Bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchill?), and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) were the most commonly captured species in 2000 at Jacks, Tooley, and Muddy Creeks. Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), spot, striped mullet (Mugil cephalus), pumpkinseed, and Atlantic croaker were the most commonly captured species in Huddles Cut. The 1998, 1999, and 2000 fish data show extreme natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial patterns in fish abundance. Benthic Macroinvertebrates In May of 2000 upstream and downstream locations in Jacks, Tooley, Muddy Creek, and Huddles Cut were sampled for benthic macro i nve rte brates. Methods were based on the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR), DWQ standard operating procedure for ponar grab and timed sweep methods (NCDEHNR 1997). Diptera and Polychaeta were the most abundant taxa among the eight ponar grab sampling locations. Chironomus spp. and Hobsonia florida were the most abundant species at most sampling locations. Many sampling stations showed an increase in abundance of Chironomus spp. while abundance of Gammarus tigrinus decreased at several sampling locations. Hobsonia florida abundances seemed to increase, but were not statistically significant. Hydrographic data indicated temperatures were 1 to 2 °C higher than 1999 and salinities generally were a few ppt lower in 2000. This may have led to slightly different recruitment of benthic macro i nve rte brates. From 1999 to 2000, total taxa increased at the Jacks upstream, Muddy downstream, and Huddles downstream stations. Total taxa decreased at Jacks downstream, Tooley downstream, and Huddles upstream stations. The total number of taxa in the timed sweep samples increased from 1999 to 2000 at all sampling stations in Jacks, Tooley, and Muddy Creeks. Total taxa declined at both stations in Huddles Cut. The most abundant taxa in Jacks Creek were Gammarus tigrinus, Cysthura polita, Hobsonia florida, Corixidae spp., Dicrotendipes nervosus, and Tanytarsus sp. The most abundant taxa in Tooley Creek were Gammarus tigrinus, Corophium lacustre, and Littoridinops sp. Collections from Muddy Creek were dominated by Littoridinops sp., Corophium lacustre, and Gammarus tigrinus. The most abundant taxa in Huddles Cut consisted of Littoridinops sp. and Palaemonetes pungio. Large amounts of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) were seen in 1999 but were virtually absent in 2000. This change in habitat may account for shifts in dominant taxa. Based on data collected in 1998, 1999, and 2000, benthic macroinvertebrates show a lot of variability and patchy distribution. This large range of variability documented during the baseline period should be carefully considered when evaluating post-disturbance monitoring. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-12 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Three (2000) YEAR FOUR (2001) END-OF-YEAR REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated, Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macro i nve rte brates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring has continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until the present. Post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow will cease on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut at the end of May 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek will be reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. This annual report presents the results of the monitoring activities conducted during 2001, with comparisons to previous years as appropriate. Flow Monitoring/Modeling During 2001, flow monitoring and modeling continued at the eight watershed outlets monitored during 1999 and 2000: Jacks Creek 1 and 2, Tooley Creek 1 and 2, and Huddles Cut 1, 2, 3, and 4. Due to unusually dry conditions, no flow was recorded during September through December, and only one large flow event occurred all year (in mid-June). Measured total annual outflow appeared to be around 5 inches, which was well below the outflow recorded in 2000. Leakage at the watershed outlet structures led to underestimation of total annual outflow at Huddles Cut 3 and Tooley Creek 2. Uncertainty in the watershed areas may have caused underestimation of total annual outflow at Huddles Cut 4 and Jacks Creek 2, and overestimation at Jacks Creek 1. Water table measurements in the watersheds generally were near the ground surface from January through early April. Recession of the water table began in mid-April as evapotranspiration demands increased. Water tables stayed well below the surface for most of the rest of the year, except when summer storms caused water tables to rise to near the surface for brief periods. Relating the water table data to the flow data revealed that flow at the watershed outlets was due to surface runoff and shallow subsurface flow. DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology of the Huddles Cut watersheds for the 32-month flow data period (May 1999 through December 2001). The objective was to calibrate DRAINMOD such that it simulated actual flows accurately. Due to equipment problems, simulations for Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek did not include 1999, and the Tooley Creek simulations did not include the last seven months of 2000. Compared to other similar studies, the results of the simulations were considered acceptable for the watersheds that did not experience leakage or errors in estimated watershed area (Huddles Cut 1 and 2, Tooley Creek 2). Although simulated flow did not match actual flow for the Jacks Creek watersheds individually, simulated flow for the two watersheds together matched the sum of the measured flow from the two watersheds reasonably well. This indicates that the total Jacks Creek watershed area likely is not apportioned accurately between the two sub-watersheds. In general, the model calibration is considered acceptable for making monthly and annual predictions of flow for most of the watersheds. The model could not be calibrated for Huddles Cut 3 and Tooley Creek 1 because of extensive leakage. The leaks were repaired in October 2001 and an effort will be made during 2002 to Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-13 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Four (2001) refine the watershed boundaries for those watersheds where errors in area are suspected. Data collected during 2002 will be used to complete the calibration of Huddles Cut 3 and Tooley Creek 1 and to validate the calibrated models for the other watersheds. Salinity During 2001, salinity monitoring continued at the nine locations that were monitored during 1999 and 2000. Salinity varied widely during 2001, from a low 0.0 ppt to a high of 18.9 ppt. At most stations, average annual salinity was 2-4 ppt higher than in 2000. Salinity tended to be high and/or increasing during periods of low Tar River flow (May, September through December), and low and/or decreasing during periods of higher Tar River flow (February through April, June and July). Wind tides and local drainage basin input appeared to be the primary factors controlling short- term salinity fluctuations, particularly at the upstream locations. Local flow combined with a falling wind tide seemed to cause the sharpest short-term declines in salinity. Local flow that occurred on a rising wind appeared to correspond to little or no decline in salinity. The effects of both local flow and wind tides were more subdued at the downstream stations, though both still could be clearly identified in several instances. It seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reduction could result in decreased frequency and magnitude of short-term salinity declines. It is not anticipated that any such alteration of short-term salinity declines would have an appreciable effect on the annual salinity pattern in these creeks. Post-drainage basin reduction on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced salinity declines, though a definitive conclusion cannot be made because the baseline data for this creek covers less than a year. Wetland Hydrology During 2001, monitoring of hydrology in the bottomland hardwood wetlands on Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut continued at the same 39 shallow monitoring well locations that have been monitored since 1999. Wetland hydroperiods recorded during 2001 generally were similar to or shorter than hydroperiods recorded during 2000, though a few wells had longer hydroperiods. Most of the wells that experienced shorter hydroperiods were on Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek. It is believed that unusually dry weather during 2001 contributed to the shorter hydroperiods. Water level fluctuations at the semi-continuous WL-80 monitoring wells appeared to be affected by several factors. At least periodically, water levels at all WL-80s responded to direct precipitation in the absence of significant local flow or rising wind tides. At the more upstream well locations along Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and the western prong of Huddles Cut, direct precipitation and evapotranspiration appeared to be the primary factors contributing to water level fluctuations. The data suggested that estuarine water level (wind tides) contributed to many of the water level fluctuations at the downstream WL-80s on all three creeks. Groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands, though not measured in this study, could have contributed to high, steady wetland water levels at many well locations during winter and early spring. Large local flow events appeared to contribute to infrequent, short-term flooding events at most well locations. Therefore, it seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reductions could result in decreased frequency or magnitude of these flooding events. However, because these flow-induced peaks are infrequent and short-lived, it is not anticipated that any reduction in the frequency or magnitude of these peaks would have a major impact on the hydrology of the wetlands. Post-drainage basin reduction monitoring on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced water level peaks, but a definitive conclusion cannot be made because less than a year of baseline data exists for Jacks Creek. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-14 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Four (2001) Water Quality Water quality sampling continued during 2001 at the nine sites where water quality has been sampled on a bi-weekly basis since 1999. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Grab samples were taken back to the laboratory for analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (P04- P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN), particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus (PP), and chlorophyll a, and total fluoride. Overall, there have been no significant changes in water quality in the creeks during the three- year (1999-2001) water quality sampling period. Seasonal patterns were generally the same for the three years and sample station means have not varied greatly. One exception was that salinity and a few other parameters (e.g., DKN) were influenced by several hurricanes during the 1999 fall, whereas there were no such storms in 2000 and 2001. Water quality in these creeks is about what would be expected for such ecosystems. There are no stations with any of the measured water quality parameters that are at levels of concern. On the other hand, there are no stations with exceptionally good water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations are relatively high, in comparison to previously measured concentrations farther down the creeks and in South Creek and the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). But concentrations of the more oxidized inorganic nitrogen fraction, nitrate, are relatively low in the creeks. The high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that nitrogen dynamics in the creeks are dominated by decomposition processes. Inorganic phosphorus levels are also relatively high, as would be expected in such an environment. Despite the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the creeks, chlorophyll a levels were usually not higher than previously measured levels in South Creek or the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). Shading and flushing may help keep the phytoplankton biomass from becoming higher. Vegetation During the late summer of 2001, vegetation was sampled in permanent transects located at each wetland WL-80, as has been done every year since vegetation monitoring began in 1998. Importance values were calculated from cover, stem count, and frequency data, and dominant herbaceous and shrub species were determined for each transect based on these importance values. The wetland indicator status and tolerance to brackish conditions were evaluated for each dominant species. Overall, the data do not appear to indicate any major changes in the vegetation communities in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, or Huddles Cut. Although there have been some variations in the species that compose the list of dominants from year to year, the variation seems most likely a result of natural disturbances, and possibly the subjectivity associated with estimating percent cover. The virtual absence from all transects of dominant species associated with dry habitats shows that there has not been a shift towards non-wetland vegetation at any of the transects. The percentage of dominant species which are brackish-intolerant also has fluctuated somewhat at many transects; however, the overall upstream-to- downstream gradients within each drainage have remained constant throughout monitoring. The fluctuation of these percentages is not uni-directional, and is also likely attributable to natural disturbances or subjectivity associated with the sampling. The data do not suggest a shift towards species that are more tolerant of brackish conditions. Fisheries Fisheries sampling was conducted weekly during April through June 2001, as has been done Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-15 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Four (2001) every year since 1998. Trawl sampling was conducted on Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and the control site at Muddy Creek, whereas fyke net sampling was conducted on Huddles Cut. Species diversity and community similarity indices were used to make spatial and temporal comparisons. Fish assemblages at Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek were dominated by spot, with pinfish, bay anchovy, and rainwater killifish also common. Spot made up the greatest portion of the catch at Huddles Cut as well. Also common at Huddles Cut were mummichog and striped mullet. For 2001, indices of community similarity indicated that Tooley Creek and Jacks Creek had a community composition similar to the Muddy Creek reference site. During 2001, species abundance, richness, and diversity at Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek also were similar to or greater than that of Muddy Creek. The 1999 to 2001 data, taken together, indicate that, year to year, community similarity was high both within creek sites and between creeks. Yearly species diversity at Jacks Creek declined during 1999 to 2001, but diversity at the reference site also declined during the same period. No other trends in species diversity were present. The 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 fish data illustrate the extreme natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial patterns in fish abundance. The data generally do not allow any determination of true differences in fish abundances among years. However, the data have established baseline ranges of CPUE for the most common species. Data from future years can be compared to these abundances. Though it is not likely that small differences in abundance will be detected, it may be possible to discern large-scale changes in abundances of the dominant fish. Likewise, species diversity and community similarity indices may be able to signal changes in community structure if the index values begin to diverge greatly from baseline values. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macro i nve rte brates were sampled during May 2001 using the same methodology that has been used annually since 1998. Samples were taken at upstream and downstream locations in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, Huddles Cut, and a control site in Muddy Creek. At each station, ponar grab samples were taken at a mid-stream location and timed sweep samples were taken near the shoreline. Abundances from both types of samples and Estuarine Biotic Indices (EBIs) calculated from the sweep samples were used in an attempt to discern spatial and temporal patterns. The benthic data showed considerable variation between 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. Between May 2000 and May 2001, there was an increase in salinity. Higher salinity in 2001 may have resulted in increases in numbers of Mediomastus ambiseta and Macoma balthica in the grab samples, both of which prefer brackish water. In 2000, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) was virtually absent at all sampling stations. However, in 2001, SAV was present at all of the sampling stations except for Huddles Cut. This may explain an apparent decreased presence of Chironomus sp., which prefers hard sand bottoms, and an increase in other Chironomidae (i.e. Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus), which prefer the presence of vegetation. Despite the extremely variable nature of the benthic data collected between 1998 and 2001, some patterns have emerged. The most common species encountered overall for ponar grabs and timed sweeps were Gammarus tigrinus and Hobsonia florida. For the ponar grabs, the most common taxa groups encountered for all years and all creeks were Polychaeta and Diptera. For the timed sweeps, Littoridinops sp. has been among the most abundant species for all the creeks between 1998 and 2001. The nature of a benthic community is patchy. Aquatic insect populations may produce single or multiple generations in a year, or the generation time can be longer than a year. The life cycle completion time can vary greatly across a species' range, and between populations of the same species in upper and Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-16 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Four (2001) lower areas of the same stream. These and other factors may have contributed to the large year-to-year variability that has been documented in this study. Such variability cannot easily be attributed to simple changes in hydrographic parameters or habitat structure. The large range of variability documented during the baseline period of this study reinforces the need for careful interpretation of any variation that may occur during post-disturbance monitoring. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-17 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Four (2001) YEAR FIVE (2002) END-OF-YEAR REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated, Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macro i nve rte brates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until 13 June 2002 to ensure that the required 3-year baseline period was met for all parameters. Post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow has ceased on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut as of 13 June 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek was reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. This annual report presents the results of the monitoring activities conducted during 2002, with comparisons to previous years as appropriate. Flow Monitoring/Modeling Flow monitoring and modeling continued on eight watersheds during 2002: Jacks Creek 1 and 2, Tooley Creek 1 and 2, and Huddles Cut 1, 2, 3, and 4. Precipitation was recorded at centrally located gauges on the Jacks, Tooley and Huddles sites. Annual rainfall varied somewhat from site to site but was about 40 to 41 inches for 2002. While annual precipitation was about 19 percent lower than the long-term average (51.2 inches) for this location, it was higher than the 35.7 inches recorded in 2001. Lower than average precipitation, coupled with very dry soil conditions at the beginning of the year, caused annual outflow in 2002 to be the smallest measured in the four years of monitoring. A long dry period at the end of 2001 caused the water tables to be deep and the profile dry at the beginning of 2002. As a result winter outflow from the watersheds, which normally would be expected in January and February, was delayed until March on all eight watersheds. All of the flow in 2002 occurred in March and April with the annual amount varying from 0.4 to about 2.8 inches, as compared to around 5 inches in 2001, which was also well below normal. Leakage around the watershed outlet structure may have led to underestimation of outflow at Huddles Cut 3 and uncertainty of watershed area may have caused overestimation of outflow depth for Huddles 1. The water table in most watersheds was 60 to 80 inches deep at the beginning of 2002. It rose in response to rainfall such that it was close to the surface for much of March and April before receding, due to drainage and evapotranspiration, to a depth of about 80 inches by the end of May, where it remained for the remainder of the year. As in previous years, outflow occurred when the water table was at or close to the soil surface, at least in some locations on the watershed. This indicates that most of the outflow occurred as surface runoff or very shallow subsurface flow. DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology for the length of the flow record on each watershed. This included 3.7 years (May 1999 through 2002) for the Huddles Cut watersheds and somewhat shorter periods for the Jacks and Tooley watersheds due to delays in installation and equipment problems. Results comparing predicted and measured water table depth, flow rates and cumulative outflow volumes are presented in the report for the entire record on all eight watersheds. Our objective was to use results for years 1999 through 2001 for calibration, and year 2002 for verifying the Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-18 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Five (2002) use of DRAINMOD to describe the hydrology of these sites. Results indicate that the model can be used to reliably predict both water table depths and drainage outflows from these watersheds. However, both 2001 and 2002 were very dry years, with less than 1 inch of outflow from most of the watersheds during the verification year, 2002. Thus, data for 2002 provided only a weak test of the calibrated model. The model will be further tested using data from winter and spring, 2003. In general DRAINMOD did an excellent job of predicting the timing of flow events, and the magnitude of predicted outflows on a monthly and annual basis were in very good agreement with measured values. Pending results of final testing with data from the 2003 flow season, it appears that the model can be reliably used to quantify the hydrology of these poorly drained coastal watersheds. Salinity From 1 January to 13 June 2002, salinity monitoring continued at the nine locations that were monitored during 1999, 2000 and 2001. On 13 June 2002, salinity monitoring at the Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek stations ceased. Salinity varied widely during 2002, from a low of 0.0 ppt to a high of 20.7 ppt. At all stations, average annual salinity was 1-4 ppt higher than in 2001. Salinity tended to be high and/or increasing during periods of low Tar River flow (January, June through August), and low and/or decreasing during periods of higher Tar River flow (February through April, September through December). Wind tides and local drainage basin input appeared to be the primary factors controlling short- term salinity fluctuations, particularly at the upstream locations. Local flow combined with a falling wind tide seemed to cause the sharpest short-term declines in salinity. Local flow that occurred on a rising wind tide appeared to correspond to little or no decline in salinity. The effects of both local flow and wind tides were more subdued at the downstream stations, though both still could be clearly identified in several instances. It seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reduction could result in decreased frequency and magnitude of short-term salinity declines. It is not anticipated that any such alteration of short-term salinity declines would have an appreciable effect on the annual salinity pattern in these creeks. Post-drainage basin reduction on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced salinity declines, though a definitive conclusion cannot be made because the baseline data for this creek covers less than a year. Wetland Hydrology From 1 January to 13 June 2002, monitoring of hydrology in the bottomland hardwood wetlands on Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut continued at the same 39 shallow monitoring well locations that have been monitored since 1999. On 13 June 2002, hydrology monitoring ended at Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut. Wetland hydroperiods recorded during 2002 generally were similar to or shorter than hydroperiods recorded during 2001, though a few wells had longer hydroperiods. Hydroperiods in 2002 on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut are not fully comparable to hydroperiods from earlier years because monitoring spanned only half the year in 2002. Most of the wells that experienced shorter hydroperiods were on Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek. Unusually dry weather during 2002 may have contributed to the shorter hydroperiods. Water level fluctuations at the semi-continuous WL-80 monitoring wells appeared to be affected by several factors. At least periodically, water levels at all WL-80s responded to direct precipitation in the absence of significant local flow or rising wind tides. At the more upstream well locations along Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut, direct precipitation and evapotranspiration appeared to be the primary factors contributing to water level fluctuations. The data suggested that estuarine water level (wind tides) contributed to many of the water level fluctuations at the downstream WL-80s on Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek. Groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands, though not measured in this study, Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-19 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Five (2002) could have contributed to high, steady wetland water levels at many well locations during winter. Large local flow events appeared to contribute to infrequent, short-term flooding events at most well locations. Therefore, it seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reductions could result in decreased frequency or magnitude of these flooding events. However, because these flow-induced peaks are infrequent and short-lived, it is not anticipated that any reduction in the frequency or magnitude of these peaks would have a major impact on the hydrology of the wetlands. Post-drainage basin reduction monitoring on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow- induced water level peaks, but a definitive conclusion cannot be made because less than a year of baseline data exist for Jacks Creek. Water Quality Water quality sampling continued from 1 January to 13 June 2002 at the nine sites where water quality has been sampled on a bi-weekly basis since 1999. On 13 June 2002, water quality sampling ceased at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek. Water quality sampling at Jacks Creek has been reduced to a monthly basis since 13 June 2002. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Grab samples were taken back to the laboratory for analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (PO4-P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN), particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus (PP), chlorophyll a, and total fluoride. Overall, there have been no significant changes in water quality in the creeks during the three- year period (June 1999- May 2002) when all three creeks were sampled. Seasonal patterns were generally the same for the three years and sample station means have not varied greatly. One exception was that salinity and a few other parameters (e.g., DKN) were influenced by several hurricanes during the 1999 fall, whereas there were no such storms in 2000, 2001, and 2002. Water quality in these creeks is about what would be expected for such ecosystems. There are no stations with any of the measured water quality parameters that are at levels of concern. On the other hand, there are no stations with exceptionally good water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations are relatively high, in comparison to previously measured concentrations farther down the creeks and in South Creek and the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). But concentrations of the more oxidized inorganic nitrogen fraction, nitrate, are relatively low in the creeks. The high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that nitrogen dynamics in the creeks are dominated by decomposition processes. Inorganic phosphorus levels are also relatively high, as would be expected in such an environment. Despite the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the creeks, chlorophyll a levels were usually not higher than previously measured levels in South Creek or the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). Shading and flushing may help keep the phytoplankton biomass from becoming higher. Vegetation During the late summer of 2002, vegetation was sampled in permanent transects located at each wetland WL-80 on Jacks Creek, as has been done every year since vegetation monitoring began in 1998. Vegetation was not sampled at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2002. Importance values were calculated from cover, stem count, and frequency data, and dominant herbaceous and shrub species were determined for each transect based on these importance values. The wetland indicator status and tolerance to brackish conditions were evaluated for each dominant species. Overall, the data do not appear to indicate any major changes in the vegetation communities in Jacks Creek. Although there have been some variations in the species that compose the list of dominants from year to year, the variation seems most likely a result of natural disturbances, and possibly the subjectivity associated with estimating percent cover. The virtual absence from all transects of Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-20 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Five (2002) dominant species associated with dry habitats shows that there has not been a shift towards non-wetland vegetation at any of the transects. The percentage of dominant species which are brackish-intolerant also has fluctuated somewhat at many transects; however, the overall upstream-to-downstream gradients within each drainage have remained constant throughout monitoring. The fluctuation of these percentages is not uni-directional, and is also likely attributable to natural disturbances or subjectivity associated with the sampling. The data do not suggest a shift towards species that are more tolerant of brackish conditions. Fisheries Fisheries sampling was conducted weekly during April through June 2002, as has been done every year since 1998. Trawl sampling was conducted on Jacks Creek and the control site at Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, trawl sampling was not conducted on Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2002. Species diversity and community similarity indices were used to make spatial and temporal comparisons. The 2002 sampling data indicate that fish assemblages at Jacks Creek and the Muddy Creek reference site were dominated by spot and pinfish, with inland silversides, bay anchovy, and rainwater killifish also common. CPUE was highest at Muddy Creek for 2002. Indices of community similarity indicated Jacks Creek had a community composition similar to the Muddy Creek reference site. Species richness and diversity at Jacks Creek was also similar to that of Muddy Creek during 2002. Species richness and diversity at Jacks Creek declined during 1999 to 2002, but diversity at the reference site also declined during much of the same period. Yearly trends in relative abundance do not suggest any relationship to drainage basin reduction. The 1998 to 2002 fish data illustrate the extreme natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial patterns in fish abundance. The data generally do not allow any determination of true differences in fish abundances among years. However, the data have established baseline ranges of CPUE for the most common species. Data from future years can be compared to these abundances. Though it is not likely that small differences in abundance will be detected, it may be possible to discern large-scale changes in abundances of the dominant fish. Likewise, species diversity and community similarity indices may be able to signal changes in community structure if the index values begin to diverge greatly from baseline values. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macro i nve rte brates were sampled during May 2002 using the same methodology that has been used annually since 1998. Samples were taken at upstream and downstream locations in Jacks Creek, and a control site in Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, benthic samples were not taken at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2002. At each station, ponar grab samples were taken at a mid-stream location and timed sweep samples were taken near the shoreline. Abundances from both types of samples and Estuarine Biotic Indices (EBIs) calculated from the sweep samples were used in an attempt to discern spatial and temporal patterns. The benthic data showed considerable variation among years. Between May 2001 and May 2002, there was an increase in salinity. This trend in salinity increase was also observed from 2000 to 2001, with much higher concentrations recorded in 2001. Higher salinity in 2001 and 2002 may have resulted in increases in numbers of Mediomastus ambiseta and Macoma balthica in the grab samples, both of which prefer brackish water. As in 2000, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) was virtually absent at both sampling stations in 2002. However, in 2001, SAV was present at both of the sampling stations. This may explain an apparent decreased presence of Chironomus sp., which prefers hard sand bottoms. Other Chironomidae Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-21 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Five (2002) (i.e. Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus), which prefer the presence of vegetation, have experienced major fluctuations in abundance. Despite the extremely variable nature of the benthic data collected between 1998 and 2002, some patterns have emerged. The most common species encountered overall for ponar grabs and timed sweeps from 1998 to 2001 were Gammarus tigrinus and Hobsonia florida, but both of these species decreased considerably in 2002. For the ponar grabs, the most common taxa groups encountered for all years and both creeks were Polychaeta and Diptera. For the timed sweeps, Littoridinops sp. has been among the most abundant species for all the creeks in all years. The nature of a benthic community is patchy. Aquatic insect populations may produce single or multiple generations in a year, or the generation time can be longer than a year. The life cycle completion time can vary greatly across a species' range, and between populations of the same species in upper and lower areas of the same stream. These and other factors may have contributed to the large year-to-year variability that has been documented in this study. Such variability cannot easily be attributed to simple changes in hydrographic parameters or habitat structure. The large range of variability documented during the baseline period of this study reinforces the need for careful interpretation of any variation that may occur during post-disturbance monitoring Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-22 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Five (2002) YEAR SIX (2003) END-OF-YEAR REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR Incorporated and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring has continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until 13 June 2002. Post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow has ceased on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut as of 13 June 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek was reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. In 2003, monitoring continued as has been done since 13 June 2002. In 2004, post-disturbance monitoring on Jacks Creek will continue on the same schedule as 2003. It is anticipated that flow monitoring on Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek will continue through March 2004. This annual report presents the results of the monitoring activities conducted during 2003, with comparisons to previous years as appropriate. Flow Monitoring/Modeling During 2003, flow monitoring and modeling continued at the eight watershed outlets monitored during 1999 through 2002: Jacks Creek 1 and 2, Tooley Creek 1 and 2, and Huddles Cut 1, 2, 3, and 4. Precipitation was recorded at both manual and automatic gauges on the Jacks, Tooley, and Huddles sites. Since the automatic gauge at Jacks Creek appeared to be malfunctioning (consistently recording lower rainfall than the manual gauge and other automatic gauges), only Tooley and Huddles automatic gauges were used in water balance calculations and modeling. Annual rainfall varied somewhat from site to site but was about 67 to 68 inches for 2003. Annual rainfall at all sites was at least 19% higher than the long-term average of 51.2 inches, even when considering the malfunctioning automatic gauge at Jacks Creek. Precipitation in 2003 was higher than any other year in this study; this unusually high precipitation caused flow to occur throughout the entire year, and annual outflow was well above average. A long dry period at the end of 2002 caused the water tables to be deep and the profile relatively dry at the beginning of 2003. As a result winter outflow from the watersheds, which normally would be expected in January, was not significant until February on all eight watersheds. Measured annual outflows for 2003 were greater than predicted for the highest 10 percent of 53 years of simulations. In contrast, measured annual outflows in 2002 were less than predicted for the lowest five percent of the 53 years. Leakage around the watershed outlet structure may have led to underestimation of outflow at Huddles Cut 3 and Tooley 1, and uncertainty of watershed area may have caused overestimation of outflow depth for Huddles 1. Also, Jacks 1 and 2 had problems with a submerged weir during two high flow periods. The water table in most watersheds was near the bottom of the wells (80 inches) at the beginning of 2003. It rose in response to rainfall such that it was close to the surface for most of the year, with the exception of June which was drier due to high evapotranspiration. As in previous years, outflow occurred when the water table was at or close to the soil surface, at least in some locations on the watershed. This indicates that most of the outflow occurred as surface runoff or very shallow subsurface flow. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-23 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Six (2003) DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology for the length of the flow record on each watershed. This included 4.7 years (May 1999 through 2003) for the Huddles Cut watersheds and somewhat shorter periods for the Jacks and Tooley watersheds due to delays in installation and equipment problems. Results comparing predicted and measured water table depth, flow rates and cumulative outflow volumes are presented in the report for the entire record on all eight watersheds. Our objective was to use results for years 1999 through 2001 for calibration, and years 2002 and 2003 for verifying the use of DRAINMOD to describe the hydrology of these sites. Results indicate that the model can be used to reliably predict both water table depths and drainage outflows from these watersheds. However, both 2001 and 2002 were very dry years, with less than 1 inch of outflow from most of the watersheds during the verification year, 2002. Thus, data for 2002 provided only a weak test of the calibrated model. The model was further tested using data from 2003, which was an exceptional year for flow. In general DRAINMOD did an excellent job of predicting the timing of flow events and the magnitude of predicted outflows on a monthly and annual basis were in very good agreement with measured values. Pending results of final testing with data from the beginning of the 2004 flow season, it appears that the model can be reliably used to quantify the hydrology of these poorly drained coastal watersheds. Salinity During 2003, salinity monitoring continued at four locations: upstream Jacks Creek, downstream Jacks Creek, Pamlico River, and South Creek. Salinity varied widely during 2003, from a low of 0.0 ppt to a high of 18.7 ppt. At all stations, average annual salinity was 8.5-9 ppt lower than in 2002. Several long- term salinity trends were evident: decreasing salinity January through May, increasing salinity during June and August, and decreasing salinity in July and September through November. These long-term trends appear to have been related to Tar River discharge, and perhaps also to frequent local flow events. Wind tides and local drainage basin input appeared to be the primary factors controlling short- term salinity fluctuations, particularly at the upstream locations. Local flow combined with a falling wind tide seemed to cause the sharpest short-term declines in salinity. Local flow that occurred on a rising wind tide appeared to correspond to little or no decline in salinity. The effects of both local flow and wind tides were more subdued at the downstream stations, though both still could be clearly identified in several instances. It seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reduction could result in decreased frequency and magnitude of short-term salinity declines. It is not anticipated that any such alteration of short-term salinity declines would have an appreciable effect on the annual salinity pattern in these creeks. Post-drainage basin reduction on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced salinity declines, though a definitive conclusion cannot be made because the baseline data for this creek covers less than a year. Wetland Hydrology During 2003, monitoring of hydrology in the bottomland hardwood wetlands on Jacks Creek continued at the same ten shallow monitoring well locations that have been monitored since 1999. Most wetland hydroperiods recorded during 2003 were longer than hydroperiods recorded during 2002. It is believed that unusually wet weather during 2003 contributed to the longer hydroperiods. Water level fluctuations at the semi-continuous WL-80 monitoring wells appeared to be affected by several factors. At least periodically, water levels at all WL-80s responded to direct precipitation in the absence of significant local flow or rising wind tides. At the more upstream well locations along Jacks Creek, direct precipitation and evapotranspiration appeared to be the primary factors contributing to water level fluctuations. The data suggested that estuarine water level (wind tides) contributed to many of the Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-24 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Six (2003) water level fluctuations at the downstream WL-80s on Jacks Creek. Groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands, though not measured in this study, could have contributed to high, steady wetland water levels at many well locations during winter. Large local flow events appeared to contribute to infrequent, short-term flooding events at most well locations. Therefore, it seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reductions could result in decreased frequency or magnitude of these flooding events. Because these flow-induced peaks are infrequent and short-lived, it is not anticipated that any reduction in the frequency or magnitude of these peaks would have a major impact on the hydrology of the wetlands. However, based on 2003 data, when flow events were unusually frequent, it is possible that the cumulative value of the constant flow could have contributed to low and decreasing salinity in the long term. It is difficult to separate the long-term effects of local flow from Tar River discharge. Overall, post-drainage basin monitoring on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced salinity troughs. Post-drainage basin reduction monitoring on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced water level peaks, but a definitive conclusion cannot be made because less than a year of baseline data exists for Jacks Creek. Water Quality Water quality sampling continued on a monthly basis in 2003 at the two sites in Jacks Creek where water quality has been sampled since 1999. Water quality sampling at Jacks Creek has been reduced to a monthly basis since 13 June 2002. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Grab samples were taken back to the laboratory for analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (P04- P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN), particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus (PP), chlorophyll a, and total fluoride. Overall, there have been no significant changes in water quality in the creeks during the four-year period (June 1999- May 2003) when all three creeks were sampled. Seasonal patterns were generally the same for the three years and sample station means have not varied greatly. One exception was that salinity and a few other parameters (e.g., DKN) were influenced by hurricanes during 1999 and 2003, whereas there were no such storms in 2000, 2001, and 2002. Water quality in these creeks is about what would be expected for such ecosystems. There are no stations with any of the measured water quality parameters that are at levels of concern. On the other hand, there are no stations with exceptionally good water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations are relatively high, in comparison to previously measured concentrations farther down the creeks and in South Creek and the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). But concentrations of the more oxidized inorganic nitrogen fraction, nitrate, and are relatively low in the creeks. The high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that nitrogen dynamics in the creeks are dominated by decomposition processes. Inorganic phosphorus levels are also relatively high, as would be expected in such an environment. Despite the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the creeks, chlorophyll a levels were usually not higher than previously measured levels in South Creek or the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). Shading and flushing may help keep the phytoplankton biomass from becoming higher. Vegetation During the late summer of 2003, vegetation was sampled in permanent transects located at each wetland WL-80 on Jacks Creek, as has been done every year since vegetation monitoring began in 1998. Vegetation was not sampled at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2002 or 2003. Importance values were calculated from cover, stem count, and frequency data, and dominant herbaceous and shrub species were determined for each transect based on these importance values. The wetland indicator status and tolerance to brackish conditions were evaluated for each dominant species. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-25 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Six (2003) Overall, the data do not appear to indicate any major changes in the vegetation communities in Jacks Creek. Although there have been some variations in the species that compose the list of dominants from year to year, the variation seems most likely a result of natural disturbances, and possibly the subjectivity associated with estimating percent cover. The absence from all transects of dominant species associated with dry habitats shows that there has not been a shift towards non-wetland vegetation at any of the transects. The percentage of dominant species which are brackish-intolerant also has fluctuated somewhat at many transects; however, the overall upstream-to-downstream gradients within each drainage have remained constant throughout monitoring. The fluctuation of these percentages is not uni-directional and is also likely attributable to natural disturbances or subjectivity associated with the sampling. The data do not suggest a shift towards species that are more tolerant of brackish conditions. Fisheries Fisheries sampling was conducted weekly during April through June 2003, as has been done every year since 1998. Trawl sampling was conducted on Jacks Creek and the control site at Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, sampling was not conducted on Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2003. Species diversity and community similarity indices were used to make spatial and temporal comparisons. The 2003 sampling data indicate that spot dominated fish assemblages at Jacks Creek and the Muddy Creek reference site, with Atlantic croaker, bay anchovy, and Atlantic menhaden also common. CPUE was highest at Muddy Creek for 2003. Indices of community similarity indicated Jacks Creek had a community composition similar to the Muddy Creek reference site. Species diversity, but not richness, at Jacks Creek was higher than that of Muddy Creek during 2003. Yearly trends in abundance, richness and other measures of community structure do not suggest any relationship to drainage basin reduction. Species diversity did decline at Jacks Creek from 1999 to 2003, but diversity at the reference site also declined during much of the same period. The 1998 to 2003 fish data illustrate the extreme natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial patterns in fish abundance. The data generally do not allow any determination of true differences in fish abundances among years. However, the data have established baseline ranges of CPUE for the most common species. Data from future years can be compared to these abundances. Though it is not likely that small differences in abundance will be detected, it may be possible to discern large-scale changes in abundances of the dominant fish. Likewise, species diversity and community similarity indices may be able to signal changes in community structure if the index values begin to diverge greatly from baseline values. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macro i nve rte brates were sampled during May 2003 using the same methodology that has been used annually since 1998. Samples were taken at upstream and downstream locations in Jacks Creek and at a control site in Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, benthic samples were not taken at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2003. At each station, ponar grab samples were taken at a mid-stream location and timed sweep samples were taken near the shoreline. Abundances from both types of samples and Estuarine Biotic Indices (EBIs) calculated from the sweep samples were used in an attempt to discern spatial and temporal patterns. The benthic data showed considerable variation among years. Higher salinity in 2001 and 2002 may have resulted in the increase in numbers of Mediomastus ambiseta and Macoma balthica in the grab samples, both of which prefer brackish water. During the years 2001 and 2002, numbers of Gammarus tigrinus and Hobsonia florida declined considerably at both the Jacks Creek and Muddy Creek sampling Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-26 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Six (2003) stations. With salinity back at a lower level in 2003, Gammarus tigrinus increased slightly in numbers. Littoridinops sp. still remains one of the consistently dominant species collected in the timed sweep samples. As in 2002, there was no submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) observed at the sampling stations in 2003. However, in 2001, SAV was present at both of the sampling stations. Presence and degree of SAV may also differ from one station to the next within the same creek. This may help explain the wide variability in species occurrence and abundance throughout the sampling years. The high abundance of Tubiticoides heterochaetus at the Jacks Creek downstream station and lack of abundance at any of the other stations could be due to preferred habitat requirements. The occurrence of Chironomidae species can be greatly affected by the presence or lack of SAV. Chironomus spp., which prefer hard sand bottoms, peaked in numbers during the 2000 sampling, and also showed an increase in abundance at the Jacks Creek upstream station in 2003. Other Chironomidae (i.e. Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus), which prefer the presence of vegetation, have experienced major fluctuations in abundance over the years. Despite the extremely variable nature of the benthic data collected between 1998 and 2003, some patterns have emerged. The most common species encountered overall for ponar grabs and timed sweeps from 1998 to 2001 were Gammarus tigrinus and Hobsonia florida, but both of these species decreased considerably in 2002. In 2003, Gammarus tigrinus showed a small increase while Hobsonia florida stayed at about the same level. For the ponar grabs, the most common taxa groups encountered for all years and both creeks were Polychaeta and Diptera. Diptera was the most common taxa group occurring in the timed sweeps. For the timed sweeps, Littoridinops sp. has been among the most abundant species found in the creeks between 1998 and 2003. The nature of a benthic community is patchy. Aquatic insect populations may produce single or multiple generations in a year, or the generation time can be longer than a year. The life cycle completion time can vary greatly across a species' range, and between populations of the same species in upper and lower areas of the same stream. These and other factors may have contributed to the large year-to-year variability that has been documented in this study. Such variability cannot easily be attributed to simple changes in hydrographic parameters or habitat structure. The large range of variability documented during the baseline period of this study reinforces the need for careful interpretation of any variation that may occur during post-disturbance monitoring. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-27 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Six (2003) YEAR SEVEN (2004) END-OF-YEAR REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macro i nve rte brates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring has continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until 13 June 2002. Post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow has ceased on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut as of 13 June 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek was reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. In April 2004, all flow monitoring ceased at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek. Flow Monitoring/Modeling Flow monitoring and modeling continued on six watersheds during 2004: Jacks Creek 1 and 2, Tooley Creek 2, and Huddles Cut 1, 2, and 4. Flow monitoring at Huddles Cut 1, 2, and 4, and Tooley Creek 2 ended on 28 April 2004 according to the monitoring plan. Rainfall measured from 1 January to 28 April at centrally located gauges on the Jacks, Tooley, and Huddles sites ranged from 12.6 to 13.2 inches with the highest monthly rainfall (4.7 to 5.2 inches) occurring in February. Wet conditions at the end of 2003 caused the water tables to be near the soil surface at the beginning of 2004 with flow occurring at most watersheds. Outflow from the watersheds from 1 January to 28 April ranged from 5.8 to 7.6 inches. Outflow was measured at Jacks Creek sites for the entire year of 2004. Annual rainfall measured at the three watersheds varied from 48.2 to 50.9 inches in 2004. Annual precipitation was 0.3 to 3.0 inches lower than the long-term average (51.2 inches) for this location. Total outflow from combined Jacks 1 and 2 sites was 6.1 inches through 28 April. Additional outflow occurred from the Jacks Creek watersheds in May, August, September, November, and December; however, these monthly flows were all less than 0.7-inch and only 2.4 inches of outflow occurred after 28 April, resulting in a total outflow of 8.5 inches for 2004. Water tables in most watersheds were within 10 inches of the soil surface at the beginning of 2004. Water tables remained near the soil surface (within 20 inches) at most wells until water table measurements were discontinued at Huddles Cut 1, 2, and 4, and Tooley Creek 2 on 11 May. Water tables at the Jacks Creek sites, where measurements continued through the year, fell during May and were usually between 40 and 80 inches deep through June and July until a wet period in late July and August. The water tables rose to within 20 inches of the surface in August, and remained relatively high until the end of September when they began to move deeper. Water tables fell to at least 50 inches deep in October and then rose to near the soil surface by the end of the year. As in previous years, outflow occurred when the water table was at or close to the soil surface, at least in some locations on the watershed. This indicates that most outflows occurred as surface runoff or very shallow subsurface flow. DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology of each watershed for 5.7 years (May 1999 through 2004) using the measured weather record. Predicted flow rates were compared to measured Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-28 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Seven (2004) data for five years at Jacks Creek watersheds and Huddles Cut 1, 2, and 4 watersheds. Comparisons of flow rates for the remaining watersheds were over shorter periods (3.0 to 4.2 years) due to delays in installation and equipment problems. Comparisons of predicted to measured water table depths were conducted for 5.7 years at Jacks Creek sites and for 5 years at the other sites. Results comparing predicted and measured water table depth, flow rates, and cumulative outflow volumes are presented in this report and appendices for the entire record on all eight watersheds. Our objective was to use results for years 1999 through 2001 for DRAINMOD calibration, and years 2002 through 2004 for verifying the use of DRAINMOD to describe the hydrology of these sites. Results indicate that the model can be used to reliably predict both water table depths and drainage outflows from these watersheds. While both 2001 and 2002 were very dry years resulting in less than 1 inch of outflow from most of the watersheds during 2002, the very wet year of 2003 resulted in large amounts of outflow and along with the nearly average year of 2004 completed an excellent data set. Thus, the combined data set for years 2002 through 2004 provided a strong test of the calibrated model. In general, DRAINMOD accomplished the job of predicting timing of flow events. The magnitudes of predicted outflows on a monthly and annual basis were also in general agreement with measured values. The Huddles Cut 2, Tooley Creek 2, and the combined Jacks Creek 1 and 2 watersheds were used in a simulation study to determine the range and distribution of annual outflows that would likely occur at the watersheds over a long period of time. Rainfall data used in the simulations was data collected at Belhaven, NC from January 1951 to June 1999 and data collected at the study watersheds from July 1999 to December 2003. Soil and site parameters used in the simulations were those determined during the calibration and validation period (1999 to 2004) for each watershed. Predicted annual outflows for the 53-year simulations ranged from 1.1 to 31.1 inches for Tooley 2, from 1.1 to 29.7 inches for Jacks 1 and 2, and from 0.0 to 29.2 inches for Huddles 2. Predicted average annual outflow was 14.0 inches for Tooley 2, compared to 13.8 inches for Jacks 1 and 2, and 13.0 inches for Huddles 2. It is notable that these differences in average annual outflow between the three watersheds were not very large (about 1 inch). Predicted monthly outflows for the 53-year simulations were highly variable from year to year and from month to month. For all watersheds, the median monthly flows for May, June, and July were 0.0-inch. Flow occurred most frequently in January, February, and March. The greatest variability of monthly flows occurred in September and October as a result of hurricanes and tropical storms. Salinity During 2004, salinity monitoring continued at four locations: upstream Jacks Creek, downstream Jacks Creek, Pamlico River, and South Creek. All four of the salinity monitoring sites experienced a wide range of salinity values during 2004, from 0.0 ppt at JS2 and SS1 in March to 20.8 ppt at PS1 in November. Several long-term salinity trends were evident: decreasing salinity January through May, increasing salinity June through August, and decreasing salinity in September through November. These long-term trends appear to have been related to Tar River discharge, and perhaps also to frequent local flow events. Wind tides and local drainage basin input during 2004 appeared to be the primary factors controlling short-term salinity fluctuations in these systems, particularly at the upstream locations. Local flow combined with a falling wind tide seemed to have the most obvious effect on short-term declines in salinity. Local flow that occurred on a rising wind tide appeared to correspond to little or no decline in salinity. The effects of both local flow and wind tides were more subdued at the downstream stations, though both still could be clearly identified in several instances. It seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reduction could result in decreased frequency and magnitude of short-term salinity declines. It is not anticipated that any such alteration of short-term salinity declines would have an appreciable effect on the annual salinity pattern in these creeks. Post-drainage basin reduction on Jacks Creek has not detected any Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-29 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Seven (2004) obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced salinity declines, though a definitive conclusion cannot be made because the baseline data for this creek covers less than a year. Wetland Hydrology During 2004, monitoring of hydrology in the bottomland hardwood wetlands on Jacks Creek continued at the same ten shallow monitoring well locations that have been monitored since 1999. In 2004, four of the wetland wells on Jacks Creek exhibited hydroperiods that were longer than the hydroperiods for the same wells reported for 2003. Four wells exhibited hydroperiods that were shorter than those reported in 2003. The longest hydroperiods in 2004 tended to occur in the middle of the growing season from July to November. However, most wells also exhibited wetland hydroperiods from 14 March through late May. Water level fluctuations at the semi-continuous WL-80 monitoring wells appeared to be affected by several factors. At least periodically, water levels at all WL-80s responded to direct precipitation in the absence of significant local flow or rising wind tides. At the more upstream well locations along Jacks Creek, direct precipitation and evapotranspiration appeared to be the primary factors contributing to water level fluctuations. The data suggested that estuarine water level (wind tides) contributed to many of the water level fluctuations at the downstream WL-80s on Jacks Creek. Groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands, though not measured in this study, could have contributed to high, steady wetland water levels at many well locations during winter. Large local flow events appeared to contribute to infrequent, short-term flooding events at most well locations. Therefore, it seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reductions could result in decreased frequency or magnitude of these flooding events. Because these flow-induced peaks are infrequent and short-lived, it is not anticipated that any reduction in the frequency or magnitude of these peaks would have a major impact on the hydrology of the wetlands. However, based on 2004 data, when flow events were unusually frequent, it is possible that the cumulative value of the constant flow could have contributed to low and decreasing salinity in the long term. It is difficult to separate the long-term effects of local flow from Tar River discharge. Overall, because of the rarity of wetland water level fluctuations that can be attributed conclusively to flow, post-drainage basin reduction monitoring on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced water level peaks. A definitive conclusion cannot be made because the pre-drainage basin reduction data set on Jacks Creek covers less than one year. Water Quality Water quality sampling continued on a monthly basis in 2004 at the two sites in Jacks Creek where water quality has been sampled since 1999. Water quality sampling at Jacks Creek has been reduced to a monthly basis since 13 June 2002. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Subsamples were taken back to the laboratory for analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (P04- P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN), particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus (PP), chlorophyll a, and total fluoride. Overall, there have been no significant changes in water quality in Jacks Creek during the study period (June 1999-December 2004). Seasonal patterns were generally the same for the study period and sample station means have not varied greatly. One exception was that salinity and a few other parameters (e.g., DKN) were influenced by hurricanes during 1999 and 2003, whereas there were no such storms in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004. Water quality in Jacks Creek is about what would be expected for such an ecosystem. There are no stations where any of the measured water quality parameters are at levels of concern. On the other Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-30 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Seven (2004) hand, there are no stations with exceptionally good water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations are relatively high, in comparison to concentrations farther down the creeks and in South Creek and the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). But concentrations of the more oxidized inorganic nitrogen fraction, nitrate, are relatively low in the creek. The high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that nitrogen dynamics in the creek are dominated by decomposition processes. Inorganic phosphorus levels are also relatively high, as would be expected in such an environment. Despite the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the creeks, chlorophyll a levels were usually not higher than previously measured levels in South Creek or the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). Shading and flushing probably limit phytoplankton growth in the creek. Vegetation During the late summer of 2004, vegetation was sampled in permanent transects located at each wetland WL-80 on Jacks Creek, which has been done every year since vegetation monitoring began in 1998. Vegetation was not sampled at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2002 or 2003. Importance values were calculated from cover, stem count, and frequency data, and dominant herbaceous and shrub species were determined for each transect based on these importance values. The wetland indicator status and tolerance to brackish conditions were evaluated for each dominant species. Overall, the data do not appear to indicate any major changes in the vegetation communities in Jacks Creek. Although there have been some variations in the species that compose the list of dominants from year to year, the variation seems most likely a result of natural disturbances, and possibly the subjectivity associated with estimating percent cover. The absence from all transects of dominant species associated with dry habitats shows that there has not been a shift towards non-wetland vegetation at any transect. The percentage of dominant species which are brackish-intolerant also has fluctuated somewhat at many transects; however, the overall upstream-to-downstream gradients within each drainage have remained constant throughout monitoring. The fluctuation of these percentages is not uni-directional and is also likely attributable to natural disturbances or subjectivity associated with the sampling. The data do not suggest a shift towards species that are more tolerant of brackish conditions. Fisheries Fisheries sampling was conducted weekly during April through June 2004, as has been done every year since 1998. Trawl sampling was conducted on Jacks Creek and the control site at Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, sampling was not conducted on Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2003 or 2004. Species diversity and community similarity indices were used to make spatial and temporal comparisons. The 2004 sampling data indicate that spot dominated fish assemblages at Jacks Creek and the Muddy Creek reference site, with Atlantic croaker, bay anchovy, and Atlantic menhaden also common. Indices of community similarity indicated Jacks Creek had a community composition similar to the Muddy Creek reference site. Species diversity, but not richness, increased at both sites during 2004. Yearly trends in abundance, richness and other measures of community structure do not suggest any relationship to drainage basin reduction, as temporal trends in diversity, richness, and abundance were similar at Jacks Creek and Muddy Creek. The 1998 to 2004 fish data illustrate the extreme natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial patterns in fish abundance. However, the data have established baseline ranges of CPUE for the most common species. Data from future years can be compared to these abundances. Though it is not likely that small differences in abundance will be detected, it may be possible to discern large-scale changes in abundances of the dominant fish. Likewise, species diversity and community similarity indices may be able to signal changes in community structure if the index values begin to diverge greatly from baseline values. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-31 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Seven (2004) Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macro i nve rte brates were sampled during May 2004 using the same methodology that has been used annually since 1998. Samples were taken at upstream and downstream locations in Jacks Creek and at a control site in Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, benthic samples were not taken at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2003 or 2004. At each station, ponar grab samples were taken at a mid-stream location and timed sweep samples were taken near the shoreline. Abundances from both types of samples and Estuarine Biotic Indices (EBIs) calculated from the sweep samples were used in an attempt to discern spatial and temporal patterns. The benthic data showed considerable variation among years. Higher salinity in 2001 and 2002 may have resulted in the increase in numbers of Mediomastus ambiseta and Macoma balthica in the grab samples, both of which prefer brackish water. Also, during the years 2001 and 2002, numbers of Gammarus tigrinus and Hobsonia florida declined considerably at both the Jacks Creek and Muddy Creek sampling stations. With salinity back at a lower level in 2004, Gammarus tigrinus increased slightly in numbers. Littoridinops sp. still remains one of the consistently dominant species collected in the timed sweep samples. As in 2003, there was no submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) observed at the sampling stations in 2004. However, in 2001, SAV was present at both of the sampling stations. Presence and degree of SAV may also differ from one station to the next within the same creek. This may help explain the wide variability in species occurrence and abundance throughout the sampling years. The high abundance of Tubiticoides heterochaetus at the Jacks Creek downstream station and lack of abundance at any of the other stations could be due to preferred habitat requirements. The occurrence of Chironomidae species can be greatly affected by the presence or lack of SAV. Chironomus spp., which prefers hard sand bottoms, peaked in numbers during the 2000 sampling, and also showed an increase in abundance at the Jacks Creek upstream station in 2004. Other Chironomidae (i.e. Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus), which prefer the presence of vegetation, have experienced major fluctuations in abundance over the years. Despite the extremely variable nature of the benthic data collected between 1998 and 2004, some patterns have emerged. For the ponar grabs, the most common taxa groups encountered for all years and both creeks were Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, and Diptera. Diptera was the most common taxa group occurring in the timed sweeps. For the timed sweeps, Gammarus tigrinus, Hobsonia florida, and Littoridinops sp. has been among the most abundant species found in the creeks between 1998 and 2004. The abundance, richness, diversity, and EBI data do not suggest that mining related drainage basin reduction has had an impact on benthic communities in Jacks Creek. The nature of a benthic community is patchy. Aquatic insect populations may produce single or multiple generations in a year, or the generation time can be longer than a year. The life cycle completion time can vary greatly across a species' range, and between populations of the same species in upper and lower areas of the same stream. These and other factors may have contributed to the large year-to-year variability that has been documented in this study. Such variability cannot easily be attributed to simple changes in hydrographic parameters or habitat structure. The large range of variability documented during the baseline period of this study reinforces the need for careful interpretation of any variation that may occur during post-disturbance monitoring. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-32 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Seven (2004) YEAR EIGHT (2005) END-OF-YEAR REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a Section 404 permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan approved by NCDWQ to monitor pre- and post-impact flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until 13 June 2002. Post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow ceased on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut as of 13 June 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-impact monitoring on Jacks Creek was reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. In April 2004, all pre-impact flow monitoring ceased at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek, and in December 2005 all post-impact flow monitoring ceased at Jacks Creek. Flow Monitoring/Modeling Flow monitoring and modeling continued on Jacks Creek 1 and 2 watersheds during 2005. Rainfall measured on the Jacks site was 61.5 inches for 2005, which was 10.3 inches higher than the long-term average (51.2 inches) for this location. Monthly rainfall amounts at the stations were below average for the months of January, February, March, August, and November. Monthly rainfall amounts were above average in April, May, June, and October with the October rainfall (11.6 inches) more than three times greater than average. Flow monitoring at Jacks 1 was affected by tidal fluctuations more often in 2005 than in past years. For three time periods, flow could not be determined from stage or velocity measurements and had to be estimated by DRAINMOD simulations. As in past years, outflow from Jacks 1 was greater than outflow from Jacks 2, due to uncertainty about the areas of these watersheds and the boundary between them. We have suspected that some water moves from the Jacks 2 watershed to the Jacks 1 watershed. When the flows from both watersheds are combined total outflows are more reasonable. Total outflow from combined Jacks 1 and 2 sites (19.5 inches) was the second highest annual flow observed since 1999. Nearly half (9.3 inches) of the flow occurred in the first half of the year and only 1.1 inches occurred from July through September. Over one third of the annual flow (7.4 inches of 19.5 inches) occurred in the month of October. Water tables in most of the wells were at or below the soil surface at the beginning of 2005. Water tables rose in late January and remained near the soil surface (within 20 inches) at all wells until the end of April. May through September water tables fluctuated in response to rainfall and high ET. The greatest water table depths of the year occurred in July and August at most wells. Heavy rains in mid- September and early October raised the water table at most of the wells, except those located on higher ground in better drained soils. By the end of the year, water tables were near the soil surface at all wells except JW2. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-33 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Eight (2005) DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology of the Jacks Creek watersheds for 2005. The watersheds were simulated using the same techniques used in the calibration simulations reported in previous years (Skaggs and Group 2005). Since the water table data vary between the floodplain and the higher ground, both of these conditions were simulated and water draining from the higher ground was used as input for the floodplain simulations. DRAINMOD predicted water table fluctuations similar to those observed in the field, except DRAINMOD predicted higher water tables than those observed on the high ground at Jacks 1. DRAINMOD predicted higher outflow than was observed at Jacks 2 and lower outflow than was observed at Jacks 1. When the predicted outflows were combined for both Jacks 1 and Jacks 2, the magnitudes of predicted outflows on a monthly and annual basis were in general agreement with measured values for the combined watersheds. Predicted annual flow from the combined watersheds was 22.8 inches compared to 19.5 inches observed. Salinity During 2005, salinity monitoring continued at four locations: upstream Jacks Creek, downstream Jacks Creek, Pamlico River, and South Creek. All four of the salinity monitoring sites experienced a range of salinity values during the year, from 0.0 ppt at JS2 in January and November to 13.2 ppt at PS1 in January. These two salinity sondes also had the lowest and highest salinities, respectively in 2004. Several long-term salinity trends were evident based on mean data: decreasing salinity January through August for JS1, lowest salinities late spring and summer for JS2 and SS1, and lowest salinities in summer for PS1. These long-term trends appear to have been related to Tar River discharge, and perhaps also to frequent local flow events. Wind tides and local drainage basin input during 2005 appeared to be the primary factors controlling short-term salinity fluctuations in these systems, particularly at the upstream locations. Local flow combined with a falling wind tide seemed to have the most obvious effect on short-term declines in salinity. Local flow that occurred on a rising wind tide appeared to correspond to little or no decline in salinity. The effects of both local flow and wind tides were more subdued at the downstream stations. It seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reduction could result in decreased frequency and magnitude of short-term salinity declines. It is not anticipated that any such alteration of short-term salinity declines would have an appreciable effect on the annual salinity pattern in these creeks. Post-drainage basin reduction on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced salinity declines, though a definitive conclusion cannot be made because the baseline data for this creek covers less than a year. Wetland Hydrology During 2005, monitoring of hydrology in the bottomland hardwood wetlands on Jacks Creek continued at the same ten shallow monitoring well locations that have been monitored since 1999. Five (JW1, JW4, JW6, JW7, and JW8) of the wetland wells on Jacks Creek exhibited wetland hydroperiods that were longer than the hydroperiods for the same wells reported for 2004. One well (JW3) exhibited a hydroperiod that was shorter than those reported in 2004 and three wells (JW5, JW9 and JW10) remained the same. One well (JW2) had only one measurement during the growing season that was within 12 inches of the surface and therefore had no wetland hydroperiod. Other than the hydroperiods that lasted the entire growing season, the longest hydroperiods in 2005 occurred from March to mid- summer or early fall. A hurricane in August of 2005 caused an increase in water depth at the wells. At least periodically, water levels at all WL-80s responded to direct precipitation in the absence of significant local flow or rising wind tides. Groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands, though not measured in this study, could have contributed to high, steady wetland water levels at many well Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-34 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Eight (2005) locations. Rainfall appeared to affect water level and depth more so than flow events but neither factor had a major influence often. Infrequent large local flow events appeared to contribute to short term changes in water depth and salinity but discharge from Jacks Creek was not significantly correlated with salinity at any of the wells and rainfall was only significantly correlated with salinity at one well. Overall, because of the rarity of wetland water level fluctuations that can be attributed conclusively to flow, post-drainage basin reduction monitoring on Jacks Creek has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced water level peaks. A definitive conclusion cannot be made because the pre-drainage basin reduction data set on Jacks Creek covers less than one year. Water Quality Water quality sampling continued on a monthly basis in 2005 at the two sites in Jacks Creek where water quality has been sampled since 1999. In accordance with the monitoring plan, water quality sampling at Jacks Creek has been reduced to a monthly basis since 13 June 2002. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Subsamples were taken back to the laboratory for analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (PO4-P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN), particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus (PP), chlorophyll a, and total fluoride. Overall, there have been no significant changes in water quality in Jacks Creek during the study period (June 1999-December 2005). Seasonal patterns were generally the same for the study period and sample station means have not varied greatly. One exception was that salinity and a few other parameters (e.g., DKN) were influenced by hurricanes during 1999 and 2003, whereas there were no such storms in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004. The hurricane in August 2005 only seemed to substantially affect salinity at one well. Water quality in Jacks Creek is about what would be expected for such an ecosystem. There are no stations where any of the measured water quality parameters are at levels of concern. On the other hand, there are no stations with exceptionally good water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations are relatively high, in comparison to concentrations farther down the creek and in South Creek and the Pamlico River. But concentrations of nitrate, the more oxidized inorganic nitrogen fraction, are relatively low in the creek. The high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that nitrogen dynamics in the creek are dominated by decomposition processes. Inorganic phosphorus levels are also relatively high, as would be expected in such an environment. Despite the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the creek, chlorophyll a levels were usually not higher than in South Creek or the Pamlico River. Shading and flushing probably limit phytoplankton growth in the creek. Vegetation During the late summer of 2005, vegetation was sampled in permanent transects located at each wetland WL-80 on Jacks Creek, which has been done every year since vegetation monitoring began in 1998. In accordance with the monitoring plan, vegetation was not sampled at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2002, 2003, 2004, or 2005. Importance values were calculated from cover, stem count, and frequency data, and dominant herbaceous and shrub species were determined for each transect based on these importance values. The wetland indicator status and tolerance to brackish conditions were evaluated for each dominant species. Overall, the data do not appear to indicate any major changes in the vegetation communities in Jacks Creek. The slight increase in die-back noticed in canopy trees is limited to the downstream ends of the monitored stream reaches. The downstream areas are more prone to flooding from wind tides so it is Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-35 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Eight (2005) likely that die-back here is attributable to these short-term inundations by brackish water. Although there have been some variations in the species that compose the list of dominants from year to year, the variation seems most likely a result of natural disturbances, and possibly the subjectivity associated with estimating percent cover. The absence from all transects of dominant species associated with dry habitats shows that there has not been a shift towards non-wetland vegetation at any transect. The percentage of dominant species which are brackish-intolerant also has fluctuated somewhat at many transects; however, the overall upstream-to-downstream gradients within each drainage have remained constant throughout monitoring. The fluctuation of these percentages is not uni-directional and is also likely attributable to natural disturbances or subjectivity associated with the sampling. The data do not suggest a shift towards species that are more tolerant of brackish conditions. Fisheries Fisheries sampling was conducted weekly during April through June 2005, as has been done every year since 1998. Trawl sampling was conducted on Jacks Creek and the control site at Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, sampling was not conducted on Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2003, 2004 or 2005. Species diversity and community similarity indices were used to make spatial and temporal comparisons. The 2005 sampling data indicate that spot dominated fish assemblages at the Muddy Creek reference site and Atlantic croaker at the Jacks Creek site, with bay anchovy, and Atlantic menhaden also common. Indices of community similarity indicated Jacks Creek had a community composition dissimilar to the Muddy Creek reference site. In 2005, species diversity and richness, were lower at both sites than in 2004. Yearly trends in abundance, richness, and other measures of community structure do not suggest any relationship to drainage basin reduction, as temporal trends in diversity, richness, and abundance were similar at Jacks Creek and Muddy Creek. The 1998 to 2005 fish data illustrate the extreme natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial patterns in fish abundance. However, the data have established baseline ranges of CPUE for the most common species. Data from future years can be compared to these abundances. Though it is not likely that small differences in abundance will be detected, it may be possible to discern large-scale changes in abundances of the dominant fish. Likewise, species diversity and community similarity indices may be able to signal changes in community structure if the index values begin to diverge greatly from baseline values. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macro i nve rte brates were sampled during May 2005 using the same methodology that has been used annually since 1998. Samples were taken at upstream and downstream locations in Jacks Creek and at a control site in Muddy Creek. In accordance with the monitoring plan, benthic samples were not taken at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek in 2003, 2004 or 2005. At each station, ponar grab samples were taken at a mid-stream location and timed sweep samples were taken near the shoreline. Abundances from both types of samples and Biotic Indices (Bls) calculated from the sweep samples were used in an attempt to discern spatial and temporal patterns. All tolerance values for taxa encountered between 1998 and 2005 were verified and re-assigned in 2005 by Larry Eaton (NCDWQ) in an effort to standardize and evaluate benthic data from past study years. The benthic data showed considerable variation among years. Higher salinity in 2001 and 2002 may have resulted in the increase in numbers of Mediomastus ambiseta and Macoma balthica in the grab samples, both of which prefer brackish water. Also, during the years 2001 and 2002, numbers of Gammarus tigrinus and Hobsonia florida declined considerably at both the Jacks Creek and Muddy Creek sampling stations. With salinity back at a lower level in 2004, Gammarus tigrinus increased slightly in Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-36 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Eight (2005) numbers. Littoridinops sp. still remains one of the consistently dominant species collected in the timed sweep samples. As in 2003, there was no submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) observed at the sampling stations in 2004. However, in 2001 and 2005, SAV was present at both of the sampling stations. Presence and degree of SAV may also differ from one station to the next within the same creek. This may help explain the wide variability in species occurrence and abundance throughout the sampling years. The high abundance of Tubificoides heterochaetus at the Jacks Creek downstream station and lack of abundance at any of the other stations could be due to preferred habitat requirements. The occurrence of Chironomidae species can be greatly affected by the presence or lack of SAV. Chironomus sp., which prefer hard sand bottoms, peaked in numbers during the 2000 sampling, and also showed an increase in abundance at the Jacks Creek upstream station in 2004 and in all Jacks Creek stations in 2005. Other Chironomidae (i.e. Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus), which prefer the presence of vegetation, have experienced major fluctuations in abundance over the years. Despite the extremely variable nature of the benthic data collected between 1998 and 2005, some patterns have emerged. For the ponar grabs, the most common taxa groups encountered for all years and both creeks were Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, and Diptera. Diptera was the most common taxa group occurring in the timed sweeps. For the timed sweeps, Gammarus tigrinus, Hobsonia florida, and Littoridinops sp. have been among the most abundant species found in the creeks between 1998 and 2005. The abundance, richness, diversity, and BI data do not suggest that mining related drainage basin reduction has had an impact on benthic communities in Jacks Creek. The nature of a benthic community is variable. Aquatic insect populations may produce single or multiple generations in a year, or the generation time can be longer than a year. The life cycle completion time can vary greatly across a species' range, and between populations of the same species in upper and lower areas of the same stream. These and other factors may have contributed to the large year-to-year variability that has been documented in this study. Such variability cannot easily be attributed to simple changes in hydrographic parameters or habitat structure. The large range of variability documented during the baseline period of this study reinforces the need for careful interpretation of any variation that may occur during post-disturbance monitoring. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-37 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Year Eight (2005) POST ALTERNATIVE E DISTURBANCE YEAR ONE (2007) END-OF-YEAR REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed a plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macro i nve rte brates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until 13 June 2002. Post-disturbance monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow ceased on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut 13 June 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-disturbance monitoring on Jacks Creek was reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. In April 2004, all pre-disturbance flow monitoring ceased at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek, and in December 2005 all post-disturbance flow monitoring ceased at Jacks Creek. Post-disturbance monitoring of Huddles Cut began in January 2007. Post-disturbance monitoring of Tooley Creek was also scheduled to begin in January 2007 but only five percent of the drainage basin was estimated to be impacted. PCS Phosphate did not think there would be any "significant measurable results" from the impact and asked of NCDWQ that monitoring not be conducted "until 10 percent or more of the basin was impacted" and NCDWQ approved the request (Appendix A). Flow Monitoring/Modeling Flow monitoring and modeling were conducted on Huddles Cut 1, 2, 3, and 4 watersheds during 2007. The quality of the field data was very good in that the equipment performed well and no gaps of missing data occurred. This resulted in a data set that showed very consistent hydrologic behavior between the watersheds. Rainfall measured on the Huddles Cut site was 37.7 inches for 2007, which was 13.5 inches lower than the long-term average (51.2 inches) for this location. Monthly rainfall amounts for February, March, May, August, September, and November were more than one inch below normal for the Huddles Cut station. Monthly rainfall amounts were above average only in January and April. Total outflows from the Huddles Cut 1, 2, 3, and 4 watersheds were 5.5, 7.7, 4.0, and 5.1 inches respectively. Flow measurement at Huddles Cut 3 were not valid until 18 January due to leakage from a canal that occurred in the beginning of January; therefore, the flow amount reported for Huddles 3 does not include flow that occurred in the first 17 days of the year. Flow during the first 17 days of the year at the other three sites averaged 1.3 inches. Adding this average value to the 4.0 inches reported will give an estimate of annual flow from Huddles 3 of 5.3 inches. Flow did not occur from any of the sites after the end of May. Water tables in most of the wells in the watershed were at the soil surface at the beginning of 2007. Water tables remained near the soil surface (within 20 inches) at most wells until the end of March. The water table rose again to the soil surface in response to a rainfall event on 15 April. The water table at most wells was deeper than 50 inches by the end of June and remained deeper than 50 inches until the end of the year. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-38 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year One (2007) DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology of the Huddles Cut watersheds for 2007. The watersheds were simulated using the same techniques and input data used in the calibration simulations reported in previous years (Skaggs and Group 2005). DRAINMOD predicted water table fluctuations similar to those observed in the field, except DRAINMOD predicted a more rapid draw down of the water table in late March and early April. This resulted in predicted water tables deeper than those observed on 14 April. DRAINMOD predicted the timing of flow events well for the first 3 months of the year; however, the model did not predict the flow event that occurred on 15 April. The model did not predict flow from this event because the predicted water table was deeper than the observed before the event occurred. DRAINMOD predicted flows higher than observed during late January and all of February, which made up for the flow missed in the 15 April event. Therefore, total annual flow predicted by DRAINMOD for the Huddles Cut watersheds ranged from 5.3 to 5.5 inches, which was very close to the annual flows observed at the Huddles Cut watersheds. Salinity Salinity monitoring began at five locations in January 2007: upstream on the main prong of Huddles Cut, downstream on the western prong of Huddles Cut, just downstream of the confluence of the two prongs of Huddles Cut (near the mouth of the creek), Pamlico River, and South Creek. Salinity levels at all monitoring stations ranged from 0.0 ppt to 21.35 ppt. Monthly averages ranged from 0.78 ppt (HS1, January) to 18.19 ppt (PS1, December). Salinity levels at most stations increased during the summer, with levels at PS1 and SS1 increasing throughout the year. Salinity was affected by discharge from the Tar River, flow, and rainfall. Salinity levels at all monitoring stations were significantly positively correlated with each other; therefore, salinity at the stations is most likely an accurate representation of salinity in the Huddles Cut watershed. There was a significant negative correlation between salinity and discharge from the Tar River at all five stations (p<0.05). In addition, there was a significant negative correlation between salinity and flow at HS1, HS2, and HS3 (p<0.05). No flow stations are associated with PS1 and SS1; therefore, no assessment of the effect of flow on salinity could be made. Although rainfall was significantly related to salinity at only one site (HS3, r-0.130, p<0.02), increases in flow at Huddles Cut or the Tar River generally caused a corresponding decrease in salinity at salinity monitoring stations. These spikes in flow were caused by rain events. The 6.7 years (May 1999 through December 2004 and all of 2007) of salinity monitoring suggest that Tar River discharge is likely a factor influencing long-term salinity patterns in the creeks. Short-term salinity changes appear to be controlled mostly by local freshwater input (rain/flow) and wind tides. Large flow events generally appear to contribute to short-term drops in salinity at most salinity stations. The first year of post-disturbance basin monitoring in Huddles Cut has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced salinity troughs. Wetland Hydrology In December 2006, twenty semi-continuous Ecotone monitoring wells were installed at the pre- disturbance well sites in the Huddles Cut drainage basin. One additional well site used in pre-disturbance monitoring was incorporated into mining activities and is no longer available to be monitored. The status of nineteen shallow monitoring wells was confirmed at the same pre-disturbance shallow monitoring well locations and replacement wells were installed if needed. Two additional well sites used in pre- disturbance monitoring were incorporated into mining activities and are no longer available to be monitored. All wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods and all hydroperiods started at the end of February with the start of the growing season. Seven wells had a continuous wetland hydroperiod the entire length of the growing season. In comparison, twelve wells in the last year of pre-disturbance monitoring (1999) had a continuous wetland hydroperiod. Three of the wells that had continuous hydroperiods in 2001 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-39 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year One (2007) dropped drastically in 2007, down to percentages in the 60's. In total, 11 wells in 2007 had shorter wetland hydroperiods than 2001 and five were slightly higher. Most of the wetland hydroperiods less than 100 percent ended in either August or October. Single rain events greater than 2.5 inches or single rain events over a few days (and the resulting runoff from immediately adjacent uplands) seemed to occasionally influence water levels at wetland wells. Rain always accompanied flow in the creek channels, making it difficult to determine the extent of the influence of flow. Water levels appeared to react differently after rain events not associated with flow, allowing for the possibility of flow slightly affecting water levels. The fact that most wells continued to respond to rain in the absence of significant flow suggests that flow was not the main factor controlling water levels most of the time. Estuarine water level appeared to only influence water level fluctuations slightly, but not often, at the more downstream well locations. Groundwater input from adjacent uplands, though not directly measured in this study, also may have influenced water level at the wells. Flow and estuarine water level did not appear to have as much interaction with water levels at wells in 2007 versus the last year of monitoring, 2001. However, rainfall and length of flow were less this year than 2001 and estuarine water level only slightly fluctuated. The 4 years (May 1999 through May 2002 and all of 2007) of wetland hydrology monitoring suggest that large amounts of direct precipitation and runoff from adjacent uplands and possibly groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands during times of low evapotranspiration are factors affecting water levels at the wetland well locations. Large flow events appear to contribute to short-term peaks in well water levels. The first year of post-drainage basin reduction monitoring on Huddles Cut has not detected any obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced water level peaks. Water Quality Bi-monthly water quality sampling began in January 2007 at the same sites where water quality was sampled during pre-disturbance years 1999-2001. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Subsamples were shipped on ice to East Carolina University for analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (P04-P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (N03-N), dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN), particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus (PP), chlorophyll a, and total fluoride. Overall, there have been no notable changes in water quality in Huddles Cut during the study period (1999-2001 and 2007). Seasonal patterns were generally the same for the study period and sample station means have not varied greatly. For a few of the variables such as water depth, salinity, and dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus species, 2007 appeared to be more like 2001 than the other pre- disturbance years. Water quality in Huddles Cut is about what would be expected for such an ecosystem. There are no stations where any of the measured water quality parameters are at levels of concern. On the other hand, there are no stations with exceptionally good water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations are relatively high, in comparison to concentrations farther down the creeks and in South Creek and the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). But concentrations of the more oxidized inorganic nitrogen fraction, nitrate, are relatively low in the creek. The high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that nitrogen dynamics in the creek are dominated by decomposition processes. Inorganic phosphorus levels are also relatively high, as would be expected in such an environment. Despite the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the creeks, chlorophyll a levels were usually not higher than previously measured levels in South Creek or the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). Shading and flushing probably limit phytoplankton growth in the creek. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-40 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year One (2007) Vegetation During the late summer of 2007, vegetation was sampled in permanent transects located at each wetland Ecotone on Huddles Cut, which had previously been done every year 1998 through 2002. Importance values were calculated from percent cover, stem count, and frequency data, and dominant herbaceous and shrub species were determined for each transect based on these importance values. The wetland indicator status and tolerance to brackish conditions were evaluated for each dominant species. Overall, the data do not appear to indicate any major changes in the vegetation communities in Huddles Cut. Although there have been variations in the composition of dominant species from year to year along both prongs of Huddles Cut, the variation seems most likely a result of natural disturbances, and possibly the subjectivity associated with estimating percent cover. The percentage of dominant species intolerant of brackish conditions at individual transects on the main prong fluctuates over the years and this year, all transects had the highest or second highest number of species intolerant of brackish conditions. Trends in percentage of dominant species intolerant of brackish conditions at individual transects on the western prong did not vary from pre-disturbance years. Despite the year-to- year variations at the individual transects, a transition from higher percentages of brackish intolerants at the upstream transects to lower percentages at the downstream transects occurred in all years on both prongs. Dominant species at all transects have continued to be species very commonly associated with wetlands (FAC or wetter), meaning there has not been a shift towards non-wetland vegetation at any of the transects. Fisheries Fisheries sampling was conducted weekly during April through June 2007, as was done every year 1999 through 2001. Fyke nets were used in Huddles Cut and a trawl was used on the control site in Muddy Creek. Catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), abundance, species richness and diversity, and community similarity indices were used to make spatial and temporal comparisons. The 2007 sampling data indicate that spot and mummichog dominated fish assemblages at Huddles Cut, whereas spot dominated the Muddy Creek reference site. Some common species captured at both sites included Atlantic croaker, bay anchovy, and Atlantic menhaden. Indices of community similarity and overlap indicated Huddles Cut had a community composition similar to the years before drainage basin reduction. Yearly trends in abundance, richness, and other measures of community structure also do not suggest any effects of drainage basin reduction, as temporal trends in diversity, richness, and abundance were similar at Huddles Cut for all years sampled, both pre- and post- disturbance. The 1999 to 2001 and 2007 fish data illustrate the natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial or temporal patterns in fish abundance. Also, this is the first year of post-disturbance monitoring, so sample size for a before and after comparison is small. However, the data have established baseline ranges of CPUE for the most common species. Data from future years can be compared to these abundances. Though it is not likely that small differences in abundance will be detected, it may be possible to discern large-scale changes in abundances of the dominant fish. Likewise, species diversity and community similarity indices may be able to signal changes in community structure if the index values begin to diverge greatly from baseline values. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macro i nve rte brates were sampled during May 2007 using the same methodology that was used in previous pre- and post-disturbance sampling. Samples were taken at upstream and Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-41 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year One (2007) downstream locations in Huddles Cut and at a control site in Muddy Creek. At each station, ponar grab samples were taken at a mid-stream location and timed sweep samples were taken near the shoreline. Abundance, species diversity indices, and Estuarine Biotic Indices (EBIs) were used in an attempt to discern spatial and temporal patterns. The benthic data showed considerable variation between the 1999 through 2001 and 2007 sampling periods. Lower salinities experienced in 2000 may have resulted in the decrease in numbers of Macoma balthica and Mediomastus ambiseta in the ponar grab samples, as both prefer brackish water and increased in abundance with the increases in salinity in 1999, 2001, and 2007. Conversely, abundance of Hobsonia florida increased considerably in 2000, and decreased in 1999, 2001, and 2007 at both the Huddles Cut and Muddy Creek sampling stations. In addition to salinity and DO parameters, certain benthic species are adapted to habitats containing aquatic vegetation. Therefore the variability in distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) each sampling year and season may explain some of the yearly variability in benthic communities. SAV was not observed in either 2007 or 2000 for both Huddles Cut and Muddy Creek. However, in 1999 and 2001, SAV was observed at the Muddy Creek sampling stations. The appearance of SAV in 1999 and 2001 may aid in explaining the apparent decreased presence of Chironomus sp., which prefers hard sand bottoms, and the increase in other Chironomidae (i.e. Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus), which prefer the presence of vegetation. Despite the extremely variable nature of the benthic data collected from 1999 through 2001 and 2007, some patterns have emerged. For the ponar grabs, the most common taxa groups encountered for all years and both creeks were Polychaeta, Insecta, and Malacostraca. For the timed sweeps, Gammarus tigrinus, Hobsonia florida, and Littoridinops sp. have been among the most abundant species found in the creeks from 1999 through 2001 and 2007. The abundance, richness, diversity, and EBI data do not suggest that mining related drainage basin reduction has had an impact on benthic communities in Huddles Cut, as the Muddy Creek reference site also experienced changes comparable to Huddles Cut. The nature of a benthic community is variable. Aquatic insect populations may produce single or multiple generations in a year, or the generation time can be longer than a year. The life cycle completion time can vary greatly across a species' range, and between populations of the same species in upper and lower areas of the same stream. These and other factors may have contributed to the large year-to-year variability that has been documented in this study. Such variability cannot easily be attributed to simple changes in hydrographic parameters or habitat structure. The large range of variability documented during the baseline period of this study reinforces the need for careful interpretation of any variation that may occur during post-disturbance monitoring. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-42 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year One (2007) POST ALTERNATIVE E DISTURBANCE YEAR TWO (2008) END-OF-YEAR REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1997, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a permit to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. for continued phosphate mining on PCS Phosphate's property north of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Because the permitted mine advance will temporarily reduce the drainage basin area for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River, the USACE permit and the accompanying North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Water Quality Certification contained conditions that require monitoring to detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries. Accordingly, PCS Phosphate, working through its consultants CZR Incorporated (CZR), Dr. Wayne Skaggs, and Dr. Donald W. Stanley, developed an agency approved plan to monitor flow, salinity, wetland hydrology, water quality, vegetation, fish, and benthic macro i nve rte brates in Jacks Creek, Tooley Creek, and Huddles Cut (CZR and Skaggs 1998). Baseline data collection on vegetation began in 1998, while baseline data collection on the remaining parameters began in 1999. Baseline monitoring continued on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut until 13 June 2002. Post-disturbance monitoring on Jacks Creek began when its drainage basin was reduced in early 2000. In accordance with the monitoring plan, all baseline monitoring except flow ceased on Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut 13 June 2002. Also at that time, the level of effort for the post-disturbance monitoring on Jacks Creek was reduced as specified by the monitoring plan. In April 2004, all pre-disturbance flow monitoring ceased at Huddles Cut and Tooley Creek, and in December 2005 all post-disturbance flow monitoring ceased at Jacks Creek. Post-disturbance monitoring of Huddles Cut began in January 2007 after mining activities July- November 2006 reduced Huddles Cut sub-drainage basin 2 by 93 percent and Huddles Cut sub-drainage basin 3 by 40 percent. Post-disturbance monitoring of Tooley Creek was also scheduled to begin in January 2007 but only five percent of the drainage basin was estimated to be impacted. PCS Phosphate did not think there would be any "significant measurable results" from that level of impact and asked of NCDWQ that monitoring not be conducted "until 10 percent or more of the basin was impacted" and NCDWQ approved the request. Additional mining activities in 2008, including the digging of a deep perimeter canal, cut off Huddles Cut sub-drainage basin 1 from the rest of the watershed 1 November 2008. Five upland wells were removed and two flow stations will be removed in early spring 2009. Flow Monitoring/Modeling Flow monitoring and modeling were conducted on Huddles Cut 1, 2, 3, and 4 watersheds during 2008. The quality of the field data was very good in that the equipment performed well and no gaps of missing data occurred. This resulted in a data set that showed very consistent hydrologic behavior between the watersheds. Rainfall measured on the Huddles Cut site was 48.38 inches for 2008, which was 2.46 inches lower than the long-term average (51.2 inches) for this location. Rainfall for the first third of the year (January through April) was 4.1 inches above normal. The second third of the year (May through August) was very dry with rainfall 9.5 inches below normal. Rainfall for the last third of the year was 2.6 inches above normal. Monthly rainfall amounts for January, and May through August were more than one inch per month below normal for the Huddles Cut stations. Monthly rainfall amounts were above average in February, April, and September through December. The rainfall for the month of April was more than twice the monthly historic average, but rainfall for the month of June was about one-tenth the historic average. Annual outflows from the Huddles Cut 1, 2, 3, and 4 watersheds for 2008 were very low: 3.9, 5.9, 2.1 and 1.5 inches respectively. The low outflows were the result of the very dry conditions observed in 2007 and 2008. Annual outflows from these watersheds were very similar for the dry period that occurred Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-43 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year Two (2008) during 2001 and 2002. According to past long-term DRAINMOD simulations these observed annual outflows would be exceeded in more than 94 percent of the years at Huddles 1, 3, and 4, and in 84 percent of the years at Huddles 2. Flow did not occur from any of the sites until 18 February. Intermittent flow occurred at the sites until the middle of May. After the middle of May, no flow occurred at Huddles Cut 1 and 2 until 11 December when a small flow event was observed. No flow occurred at Huddles Cut 3 and 4 from the middle of May until the end of the year. A tidal event occurred between 23 September to 26 September which caused minor flooding at the weirs on H3 and H4. Changes in outflows were observed as a result of the watershed size reduction at Huddles Cut 2 in 2006. Annual outflow per unit area observed from Huddles 2 was 2 inches greater than that observed at Huddles 1 for 2007 and 2008. During the previous dry period (2001 and 2002) annual outflow per unit area observed at Huddles 1 was 0.4 inches greater than at Huddles 2. The smaller Huddles 2 watershed is bounded on the southwest by the canal that removes the pumped water from the mining site. The elevation of the water in this canal is usually greater than the land surface of the watershed; therefore, it is possible that water is seeping from this canal to the watershed. This seepage into the Huddles 2 watershed may result in the higher outflow per unit area observed from this watershed since it has been reduced in size. When the watershed areas are considered and total annual flow volumes are expressed in terms of acre-feet, the total annual outflow volumes from the Huddles 2 watershed were greatly reduced as a result of the reduction of watershed area. Total annual outflow volume measured in 2007 was 49 acre-feet and in 2008 it was 38 acre-feet. These volumes were much lower than those observed during the dry period in 2001 and 2002 (465 acre-feet in 2001 and 121 acre-feet in 2002). The area of the Huddles Cut 3 watershed was also reduced in 2006; however, a reduction in total flow volume from Huddles 3 was not clearly evident. Detection of a flow reduction was confounded by suspected leakage around the measuring structure at Huddles 3 during the first part of the study. Water tables in the upper watersheds were very deep at the beginning of the year with no water observed in any of the wells. Water table elevations measured in the wells at Huddles Cut 1 and 2 rose to near the soil surface in response to a 2.73-inch rainfall event on 18 February and remained near the surface until early May. At Huddles 3 and 4, water table elevations in most of the wells did not rise to near the soil surface in response to the 18 February event and some wells showed no response of the water table to this event. For most wells on Huddles Cut 3 and 4, water tables were not observed within 18 inches of the soil surface until the beginning of April. On all of the watersheds, water table elevations began to fall rapidly by the middle of May and water was not observed in most wells by the end of June. All wells remained dry on the Huddles 1 and 2 watersheds until water table monitoring stopped on 12 November. Most wells on the Huddles 3 and 4 watersheds remained dry until the end of the year. The water table depths in the deeper wells on Huddles Cut 3 and 4 fluctuated between 45 to 80 inches deep in the last quarter of the year. DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology of the Huddles Cut watersheds for 2008. The watersheds were simulated using the same techniques and input data used in the calibration simulations reported in previous years (Skaggs and Group 2005) except the root depth values for all of the watersheds were increased to better simulate the dry conditions. DRAINMOD predicted water table fluctuations similar to those observed in the field for the first five months of the year in that the initial rise of the water table to the soil surface was accurately predicted as were the responses of the water table to the events during the late winter and early spring. The model predicted a slower fall of water table in late May and June than what was observed in the field; however, the deep water table from July to November was predicted. DRAINMOD predicted that the water table rose abruptly to the soil surface at Huddles 1 and 2 in December, but water table monitoring stopped at these watersheds on 12 November. The model predicted an abrupt rise of the water table in December at Huddles 3 and 4 which was not observed in the measured water table. Annual outflows predicted by DRAINMOD were within 1 inch of Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-44 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year Two (2008) those measured at Huddles 1 and 2. Annual outflows predicted by DRAINMOD for Huddles 3 and 4 reflected the drier conditions observed on these sites, but overestimated outflows by 1.6 inches at each site. The overall performance of the model was very good considering the dry conditions observed in the last two years. Outflows predicted by DRAINMOD during the similar dry period in 2001 and 2002 were very consistent with those predicted in 2007 and 2008. Salinity Post-disturbance salinity monitoring on Huddles Cut, Pamlico River, and South Creek began January 2007, after mining utility corridor expansion activities July-November 2006 reduced Huddles Cut sub-drainage basin 2 by 93 percent and sub-drainage basin 3 by 40 percent. Sub-drainage basin 1 was completely cut off from its watershed in November 2008. Both HS2 and HS3 salinity monitor stations receive flow from those sub-basins. Salinity monitor station HS1 still has not been directly affected by any drainage basin reduction or any timber activities. The salinity monitors are located upstream on the main prong of Huddles Cut, downstream on the western prong of Huddles Cut, just downstream of the confluence of the two prongs of Huddles Cut (near the mouth of the creek), Pamlico River, and South Creek. All five of the salinity monitoring sites experienced a wide range of salinity values during 2008. The station at PS1 had the highest monthly average salinities, except for January and August, when SS1 had the highest average, and the highest yearly average salinity. However, HS3 had the highest maximum salinity, followed by PS1. Salinity levels ranged from 0.01 ppt to 23.35 ppt/psu across all sites. The average for the year ranged from 9.27 ppt/psu at HS2 to 14.92 ppt/psu at PS1. Average salinity levels at mall Huddles Cut stations generally increased throughout the year except for a short drop in summer. Average salinity levels at PS1 and SS1 decreased late winter and early spring, increased during the summer and fall and then began decreasing again. Salinities at the Huddles Cut stations were significantly positively correlated with each other and salinity at HS3 was significantly positively correlated with PS1 and SS1. Although there was no significant correlation between salinities and Tar River discharge (except HS2) or rainfall at all stations, graphical depictions show these factors influence salinity to some degree at all stations. There were significant negative correlations between salinity at HS2 and HS3 and their respective flow stations. Comparison with pre-disturbance monthly salinity averages and ranges from May 1999 to June or November 2002 show higher salinity values in 2008, as well as the combined years of 2007 and 2008. However, after combining the two years the difference is not as much for some months at some stations. The higher salinities could be attributed to 2007 and 2008 having many months with low rainfall and corresponding low flow. The trend of salinity in 2008 was generally similar to pre-disturbance salinity at most stations and the combined 2007 and 2008 salinity was also generally similar to pre-disturbance salinity at most stations. Combined post-disturbance salinity was significantly different from combined pre-disturbance salinity at all stations. Further analysis and definitive conclusions cannot be made because the post-disturbance data set for Huddles Cut covers only two years for two stations and no years for the third station. Additional data is required to determine if any significant changes or trends are occurring as a result of mining activities. Wetland Hydrology In December 2006, 20 semi-continuous Ecotone monitoring wells were installed at the pre- disturbance well sites in the Huddles Cut drainage basin. One additional Ecotone well site used in pre- disturbance monitoring was lost to mining activities. The status of 19 shallow monitoring manual wells was confirmed at the same pre-disturbance shallow monitoring manual well locations and replacement wells were installed if needed. Two shallow monitoring manual well sites used in pre-disturbance monitoring were lost to mining activities. Five upland wells, two of which were Ecotones and three of Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-45 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year Two (2008) which were manual wells, were removed on 12 November 2008 due to expansion of mining activities. All wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods and all hydroperiods started in mid March with the start of the growing season. Twenty (20) of the 23 wells had shorter hydroperiods than 2007 and one stayed the same. Hydroperiods at the other two wells were only slightly longer than in 2007. No well had a continuous hydroperiod in 2008 whereas eight had a wetland hydroperiod the entire 2007 growing season. Approximately half of the hydroperiods in 2007 also dropped from the previous complete monitoring year (2001). There has been a decrease in length of hydroperiod over the past four complete monitoring years. Baseline years 1999 and 2002 were not included in this comparison due to lack of data for the majority of the growing season. The reduced hydroperiods in 2007 and 2008 occurred in conjunction with regional drought conditions. However, the extent of the regional drought's impact on Huddles Cut is uncertain because rainfall data collected at the PCS Aurora weather station indicates both 2007 and 2008 monthly rainfall was above or within the normal range for 21 of the 24 months. The majority of the 2008 hydroperiods ended in mid to late June, while the ends of the other hydroperiods were split among May, July, and August. Two wells exhibited two long hydroperiods that covered almost the entire growing season except for six days between the two hydroperiods. Although most other 2008 hydroperiods were shorter than previous years, they were at least five times the length required for a successful wetland hydroperiod. Single rain events greater than 2 inches or rain events lasting several days (and the resulting runoff from immediately adjacent uplands) seemed to occasionally influence water levels at wetland wells. Rain always accompanied flow in the creek channels, making it difficult to determine the influence of flow on hyrdroperiods. Water levels appeared to react differently after rain events not associated with flow, allowing for the possibility of flow slightly affecting water levels. The fact that water level in most wells continued to respond to rain in the absence of significant flow suggests that flow was not the main factor controlling water levels most of the time. Estuarine water level appeared to only influence water level fluctuations slightly, but not often, at the more downstream well locations. Groundwater input from adjacent uplands and evapotranspiration, though not directly measured in this study, also may have influenced water level at the wells. The five years (May 1999 through June 2002, and all of 2007 and 2008) of wetland hydrology monitoring suggest that large amounts of direct precipitation and runoff from adjacent uplands and possibly groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands during times of low evapotranspiration increase water levels at the wetland well locations. Large flow events appear to contribute to short-term peaks in well water levels. Therefore, it seems possible that any reductions in flow that might occur due to drainage basin reductions could result in decreased frequency or magnitude of these short-term surface water peaks. However, because these flow-induced peaks are infrequent and short-lived, it is not anticipated that any reduction in the frequency or magnitude of these peaks would have a major impact on the hydrology of the wetlands. There remains no obvious change in the pattern of flow-induced water level peaks during the second year of post-drainage basin reduction monitoring on Huddles Cut. Water Quality Bi-monthly water quality sampling began in January 2007 at the same sites where water quality was sampled during pre-disturbance years 1999-2002. Specific locations of the four Huddles Cut sampling areas are: One above the CAMA marker on the main prong, one on the western prong, and one at each salinity monitor just below the CAMA marker on each prong. Field measurements included water depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, Secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Subsamples were shipped on ice to East Carolina University for analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (PO4-P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN), particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-46 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year Two (2008) phosphorus (PP), chlorophyll a, and total fluoride. In 2008, samples were collected at two-week intervals beginning 9 January and ending 30 December. On 11 June, 9 July, 6 August and 19 August, field measurements and water sample collections could not be completed at any of the four stations, due to insufficient water depth. There were also occasional dates when some, but not all, stations were sampled, also due to insufficient water depth. Overall, there have been no major changes in water quality in the creeks when comparing the three-year (1999-2002) pre-disturbance sampling period and the post-disturbance sampling period of 2007 and 2008. Pre-disturbance data were grouped starting from June through May of the following year. For a few of the variables such as water depth and salinity, comparisons of the 95 percent confidence limits about the monthly means indicate fall periods during 2007 and 2008 are different than the entire pre-disturbance period, however a look at individual yearly means and ranges shows 2007 and 2008 are very similar to 2001/2002, but not 1999 and 2000. The fact that 2001/2002 is different than 1999 and 2000 shows the creek system is naturally variable. The year 2008 was again a very dry year, with most counties within the eastern part of North Carolina designated as being in severe drought. Additionally there were no significant hurricane events this year, which contrasts with the several hurricanes that hit during fall 1999. It is likely the precipitation regime drives any observed differences, not the impacts of drainage, although the impacts to the different Huddles Cut subdrainage basins have occurred in phases over three years (2006-2008). This has resulted in a range of impacts across the watershed, from no impact at HWQ3 and HWQ4 to some basin reduction at HWQ1, making it difficult to assess the effect of mining impacts with only one-to-two years of post-disturbance data at the two sites that have been impacted so far. Water quality in these creeks is as expected for such ecosystems. None of the measured water quality parameters are at levels of concern. On the other hand, there are no stations with exceptionally high water quality. Ammonium nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations are high in comparison to previously measured concentrations farther down the creeks and in South Creek and the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). But concentrations of the more oxidized inorganic nitrogen fraction, nitrate, are relatively low in the creeks. The high ammonium and low nitrate, along with low dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggest that nitrogen dynamics in the creeks are dominated by decomposition processes and/or that these creeks are the site of groundwater inflow. Inorganic phosphorus levels are also relatively high, as would be expected in such an environment. Despite the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the creeks, chlorophyll a levels were typically not higher than previously measured levels in South Creek or the Pamlico River (Stanley 1997). Shading and flushing may help keep the phytoplankton biomass from becoming higher. Metals Sampling All metals in Huddles Cut were well below concentrations of environmental concern in 2008. In Muddy Creek, cadmium and selenium were the only metals present in 2008 slightly above background levels for the area. The other metals in Muddy Creek were below background levels. Vegetation During the late summer of 2008, vegetation was sampled in permanent transects located at each wetland Ecotone on Huddles Cut, as was every year 1998 through 2001 and 2007. Importance values were calculated from percent cover, stem count, and frequency data, and dominant herbaceous and shrub species were determined for each transect based on these importance values. The wetland indicator status and tolerance to brackish conditions were evaluated for each dominant species. Overall, the data do not appear to indicate any major changes in the vegetation communities in Huddles Cut. Although there have been variations in the composition of dominant species from year to year along both prongs of Huddles Cut, the variation seems most likely a result of natural disturbances Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-47 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year Two (2008) and rainfall, and possibly the subjectivity associated with estimating percent cover. The percentage of dominant species intolerant of brackish conditions at individual transects fluctuates over the years and this year, all transects had the highest or second highest (or shared that distinction with other years) number of species intolerant of brackish conditions. Despite the year-to-year variations at the individual transects, a transition from higher percentages of brackish intolerants at the upstream transects to lower percentages at the downstream transects occurred in all years on both prongs. Dominant species at all transects have continued to be species very commonly associated with wetlands (FAC or wetter), meaning there has not been a shift towards non-wetland vegetation at any of the transects. Fisheries Fisheries sampling was conducted weekly during April through June 2008, as was done every year 1999 through 2001 and 2007. Fyke nets were used in Huddles Cut and a trawl was used on the control site in Muddy Creek. Catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), abundance, species richness and diversity, and community similarity indices were used to make spatial and temporal comparisons. As with 2007, 2008 sampling data indicate that spot and mummichog dominated fish assemblages at Huddles Cut, whereas spot and pinfish dominated the Muddy Creek reference site. Some common species captured at both sites included American eel (Anguilla rostrata), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchill?), rainwater killifish (Lucania parva), and Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). The CPUE at Huddles Cut was higher than the Muddy Creek reference site. Indices of community similarity and overlap indicated Huddles Cut had a community composition similar to the years before drainage basin reduction. Yearly trends in abundance, richness, and other measures of community structure also do not suggest any relationship to drainage basin reduction, as temporal trends in diversity, richness, and abundance were similar at Huddles Cut for all years sampled, both pre- and post-disturbance. The 1999 to 2001, 2007, and 2008 fish data illustrate the extreme natural variability in fish catch in these creeks. This variability makes it very difficult to discern any spatial or temporal patterns in fish abundance. However, the data have established baseline ranges of CPUE for the most common species. Data from future years can be compared to these abundances. Though it is not likely that small differences in abundance will be detected, it may be possible to discern large-scale changes in abundances of the dominant fish. Likewise, species diversity and community similarity indices may be able to signal changes in community structure if the index values begin to diverge greatly from baseline values. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macro i nve rte brates were sampled during May 2008 using the same methodology that was used in previous pre- and post-disturbance sampling. Samples were taken at upstream and downstream locations in Huddles Cut and at a control site in Muddy Creek. At each station, ponar grab samples were taken at a mid-stream location and timed sweep samples were taken near the shoreline. Abundance, species diversity indices, and Estuarine Biotic Indices (EBIs) were used in an attempt to discern spatial and temporal patterns. The benthic data shows considerable variation among the 1999 through 2001, 2007, and 2008 sampling periods. Lower salinities experienced in 2000 may have resulted in the considerable increase in numbers of Hobsonia florida in the ponar grab samples, as they prefer freshwater and decreased in abundance with the increases in salinity in 1999, 2001, 2007, and 2008. In addition to salinity and dissolved oxygen (DO) parameters, certain benthic species are adapted to habitats containing aquatic vegetation. Therefore, the variability in distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) each sampling year and season may explain some of the yearly Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-48 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year Two (2008) variability in benthic communities. No SAV was observed in either 2007 or 2000 for both Huddles Cut and Muddy Creek. However, in 1999, 2001, and 2008, SAV was observed at the Muddy Creek sampling stations. The appearance of SAV in 1999, 2001, and 2008 may aid in explaining the apparent decreased presence of Chironomus sp., which prefers hard sand bottoms, and the increase in other Chironomidae (i.e. Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus), which prefer the presence of vegetation. Despite the extremely variable nature of the benthic data collected from 1999 through 2001, 2007, and 2008, some patterns have emerged. For the ponar grabs, the most common species encountered for most years and both creeks were Chironomus sp., Hobsonia florida, Macoma balthica, and Gammarus tigrinus. For the timed sweeps, Gammarus tigrinus, Goeldichironomus devineyae, Hobsonia florida, Littoridinops sp., and Palaemonetes pugio have been among the most abundant species found in the creeks from 1999 through 2001, 2007, and 2008. The abundance, richness, diversity, and EBI data do not suggest that mining related drainage basin reduction has had an impact on benthic communities in Huddles Cut, as the Muddy Creek reference site also experienced changes comparable to Huddles Cut. However, it should be noted that the Shannon-Wiener index for the Huddles Cut downstream station and total abundance for the Muddy Creek downstream station were significantly different between pre- (1999-2001) and post- (2007 and 2008) disturbance combined years. The nature of a benthic community is variable. Aquatic insect populations may produce single or multiple generations in a year, or the generation time can be longer than a year. The life cycle completion time can vary greatly across a species' range, and between populations of the same species in upper and lower areas of the same stream. These and other factors may have contributed to the large year-to-year variability that has been documented in this study. Such variability cannot easily be attributed to simple changes in hydrographic parameters or habitat structure. The large range of variability documented during the baseline period of this study reinforces the need for careful interpretation of any variation that may occur during post-disturbance monitoring. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions B-49 Appendix B- Executive Summaries NCPC Reports PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Post Alternative E Disturbance Year Two (2008) Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek Beaufort County North Carolina Wayne Skaggs, G.M. Chescheir and Chad Poole PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. has recently been granted a permit to mine phosphate ore on lands adjacent to South Creek. The new permit expands mining in the NCPC Tract close to the PCS plant in Beaufort County, near Aurora, NC. During the mining process, surface water from the site is redirected (pumped) and released at a location different than the natural outlet. The effect of mining is to reduce the watershed area contributing to flow to the small streams that feed into the creek (stream segments impacted by mining are mostly intermittent). Our objective in the new project is to determine the impact of mining on flows from the small watersheds immediately adjacent to South Creek and other similar systems within the permit area. We have collected data and intensively studied the hydrology of 8 subwatersheds within 3 creeks on the NCPC Tract over the past 10 years. See reports by Skaggs and Group (2000 to 2009). The subwatersheds varied in size from 19 to 129 acres. All had upstream segments where flow was concentrated and of sufficient elevation such that triangular weirs and flow meters could be installed to measure instantaneous now rates and cumulative flows. In addition to analyzing continuous data on watershed outflow, water table depths, and rainfall for each watershed, we tested and applied the simulation model DRAINMOD to characterize the hydrology of the watersheds and predict effects of mining on daily and cumulative outflows. The new permit allows mining closer to South Creek, such that the watershed remaining after mining and prior to reclamation will be smaller, and as now, the remaining creek segments or outlets may be subject to tides, both wind and lunar. The outlets of interest are most often small bays where flow is not concentrated and now rates are difficult to measure. Furthermore, hydrology and water quality in the bays, and the impact of mining thereon, is of great environmental interest. Methods described herein are proposed to estimate the effect of flows from small coastal watersheds on hydrology (water balance) in the bays, and the impact of mining on flow conditions. METHODS A schematic of a small watershed draining directly into South Creek is shown in Figure 1. The objective is to continuously measure flow rate at the mouth of the watershed, both before and after mining. By comparing flows before and after mining, the effect of mining on the hydrology can be determined. The problem in this case is that the outlet of the watershed may be affected by wind and lunar tides. Furthermore, the outlet may be wide with velocities that change in both magnitude and direction over the course of the day. Thus it does not appear feasible to use either weirs or velocity meters, as we have used before, to measure flow rates at the outlet. Rather we propose to use water level measurements in the bay, along with detailed information on the topography of the bay, to determine flows into and out of the bay by mass balance. One of the inputs to the mass balance is flow from the watershed upslope of the bay. We propose to determine this flow by measurement at a position unaffected by tide, such as point A in Figure 1. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-1 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 P,ivp- ,. Figure 1. Schematic of small coastal watershed adjacent to river or creek affected by wind and/or lunar tides. Alternatively, it may be possible to predict the upstream flows using a calibrated model (DRAINMOD). A mass balance may be written as follows for the area denoted as Bay in Figure 1: p4S = pQ1- pQo (1) Where AS is change in storage of water in the bay (ft) over a given time increment, p is density (lbm/ft3), and Qi and Qo are flows into and out of the bay, respectively, during the time increment. Assuming the density is the same for inflows, outflows and water in the bay allows simplification of Eq. 1 to the following, 4S=Qi-Qo (2) The inflow is the sum of flow from the watershed, Q1w, and flow from the river or sound, Qis, Q1= Q1w + Qis (3) Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-2 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 The outflow, Qo, is simply flow from the bay to the sound or river. Then AS = Qjw + Qis - Qo (4) If the stage (water level elevation in the bay) is measured and recorded on a continuous basis, AS can be determined for any time increment. If flow from the watershed, Qjw, is also measured, flow into or out of the bay for the same time increment can be determined as follows. 1. For rising stage. If the stage is rising due to wind or lunar tide, the flow direction will be from the sound or river to the bay, Qo = 0, AS > 0, and, from Eq. 4, AS = Qjw + Qis. Then Qis = AS - Qj,. 2. For falling stage. Flow direction will be from bay to sound, AS < 0, Qis =0, and, AS = Qjw - Qo. Or Qo = Qjw - AS. Stage is steady. No change with time. AS = 0, and Qo - Qis = Qiw. That is, the net flow out of the bay (Qo - Qis) during the time increment will be equal to flow in from the watershed. N , #? , Vi=Area(1)''Deptl7(1) V2=Vl + A2"(D2-Dl ) A V3=V, +V2+A3A (D3-D2) V4=Vl +V2+V3+A4"(. D4- D3 ) Figure 2. The relationship between storage in the bay and stage (or depth of water) at the outlet of the bay can be determined from topographic data as shown schematically here. This information will be developed from a detailed topographic survey; it is shown here for demonstration purposes. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-3 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 In order to calculate flows using the above equations, we need to know the relationship between storage, S, and elevation (stage) of the water surface in the bay, or depth of water at bay outlet. A topo map of the bay near the outlet of Jacks Creek is shown in Figure 2, along with calculations for storage given stages (or depth of water at the outlet) ranging from 1 to 4 feet. Results are tabulated in Table 1 and volume stored is plotted as a function of stage or depth of water at the bay outlet in Figure 3. Once this relationship is defined, it is possible to determine the change in storage in the bay due to a change in stage, or water surface elevation. An exponential relationship was fitted to the data as shown in Figure 3 so that storage volume, S can be calculated in terms of stage, or depth at the outlet, X, as, S = 105899 X2'9»2 (5) This relationship will clearly vary from site to site, and must be independently determined for each bay. Tide Depth Or Sta e (ft) Area (ac) Volume (ft^3) g 1 2.1 93,000 2 23.3 1,110,000 3 35.3 2,647, 000 4 75.4 5,933,000 Table 1. Relationship between depth of water at outlet of bay, water surface area and storage in the bay at outlet of Jacks Creek. Example Calculations Assuming No Flow From Watershed The methods for determining flows in and out of tidal bays along South Creek will be demonstrated for Jacks Creek. Water surface elevations (stage) in the Jacks Creek bay have been recorded for some years. We used the methods described above to estimate flows due to tidal fluctuations for year 2003. Stage was recorded at 1.5 hr (90 min) intervals. Stage is plotted as a function of time for day 1 of 2003 in Figure 4. For purposes of this example we will assume that flow from the watershed is zero. We will rerun the example later to include effects of flows from the watershed. Assuming Qjw = 0, Eq. 4 may be written, Qis = AS for a rising stage and Qo = - AS for a falling stage. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-4 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Volume vs. Tide Depth 7000000 6000000 M 5000000 d a? 4000000 0 co c 3000000 W = 2000000 0 1000000 Tide Depth at Outlet (ft) Figure 3. Relationship between volume of water in the bay and stage or depth of water at bay outlet for the bay at the point where Jacks Creek enters South Creek Starting at time, T=O, on day 1, the stage, X, was 1.55 ft. Applying Eq. 5 gives a storage volume in the bay of S = 390,434 ft3. At T=1:30, X=1.378 and S = 275,084 ft3. The stage is falling and the change in storage has decreased by 115,350 ft3. That is, AS = -115,350 ft3 and the outflow during the 1.5 hour period was Qo = - AS =115,350 ft3. At T = 3:00, X=1.267 and S= 214229 ft3. Thus AS = 214229-275084 = -60854 ft3, the stage is still falling, and Qo = - AS = 60854 ft3 for the period from 1:30 to 3:00 AM. At T=4:30, X=1.329 (stage now rising) and S = 246974 ft3. For this time increment AS = 246974 - 214229 = 32744 ft3, and Qis = AS = 32744 ft3. Since the stage is rising, Qo = 0. These simple mass balance calculations were repeated for the remainder of the day; the results are summarized in Table 2. Total daily flow from South Creek to the bay (due to tide) was calculated as 755,529 ft3 and flow from the bay to South Creek as 786,190 ft3. Total now in both directions (which would ordinarily have to be measured using conventional methods) was 1,541,720 ft3. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-5 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Stage vs Time 2.5 00, 2.104 2 2.001 9:30, 1.988 .*113:30, 1.867 -? "*,?!:00, 1.847 1.715 22i3* 1.668 w 1.5q:oo, 1.55 00, 1.493 x ? 1.30, 1.378 0, 1.332 "-.sey 3rOd; 1.267 N 1 0.5 0' 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 Time Figure 4. Recorded stage at outlet of Jacks Creek Bay for 1/1/2003. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-6 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Table 2. Summary of water balance calculations for Jacks Creek Bay for day 1 (Jan. 1) 2003. Calculations to demonstrate the method; inflow from the watershed assumed zero. Time Stage Volume Change in Inflow, Sound Inflow, Water- Outflow, Bay Volume to Bay shed to Bay to Sound hrs ft Cu ft Cu ft cu ft Cu ft cu ft 0 1.55 390434 1:30 1.378 275084 -115350 0 0 115350 3:00 1.267 214229 -60854 0 0 60854 4:30 1.329 246974 32744 32744 0 0 6:00 1.332 248637 1664 1664 0 0 7:30 1.464 329413 80776 80776 0 0 9:00 1.493 349223 19810 19810 0 0 10:30 1.651 471160 121937 121937 0 0 12:00 1.715 527646 56486 56486 0 0 13:30 1.867 679427 151780 151780 0 0 15:00 2.001 835150 155724 155724 0 0 16:30 2.094 956101 120950 120950 0 0 18:00 2.104 969759 13658 13658 0 0 19:30 1.988 819100 -150658 0 0 150658 21:00 1.847 657987 -161114 0 0 161114 22:30 1.668 485751 -172235 0 0 172235 0:00 1.508 359773 -125978 0 0 125978 Sum 755529 786190 Total Flow 1541720 Figure 5 shows the recorded stage for a 9-day period starting January 1, 2003. A smoothing routine was used to take out effects of erratic data that usually are erroneous. The stage data were smoothed for the entire year 2003 and the methods demonstrated above were applied to determine inflows and outflows to the bay. Results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. These calculations show that total flow to and from the bay, mostly resulting from tidal influence, was over 10,700 ac-ft. The area of the entire Jacks Creek watershed is about 228 acres. Based on our measurements over a 10 year period and the application of simulation models over a longer period, mean annual outflow from the watershed is expected to be about 1.17 ft, or 266 ac-ft from the 228 acres, or about 2.4% of the outflow resulting from tidal fluctuations. Note that 266 ac-ft is about 2.4% of the total water flowing from the bay to South Creek. But almost the same amount of water flows in from South Creek to the bay due to wind tides. So the 266 ac-ft is about 1.2% of the total flow to and from the bay to South Creek. The total flow to and from the bay to South Creek is relevant in that conventional methods of determining the effect of mining on outflow would require measurement of flows both to and from the bay. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-7 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Table 3. Calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003. Runoff from the 228 ac. watershed is ignored in these calculations. Annual Flow W ac-ft utflow 468,622,069 F 10,758 Inflow -468,904,276 -10,765 Flow -282,207 Net -7 tal Flow 937,526,345 21,523 Table 4. Summary of calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003 assuming total flow from the 228 ac watershed is eaual to the lon4 term average of 1.17 ft (14 in). Watershed Area 228 ac Mean Watershed Outflow 1.17 ft Mean Watershed Outflow 266 ac-ft Total Flow in Bay 21,523 ac-ft Watershed Input to Bay as % of Total Flow 1.2% Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-8 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Measured and Smoothed Water Elevations 3.0 2.5 2.0 C 1.5 m W 1.0 0.5 0.0 111103 112103 113103 114103 115103 116103 117103 118103 119103 Date Stage Smooth Figure 5. Recorded water surface elevation or stage at outlet of Jacks Creek bay for first 9 days of 2003. Data were smoothed to remove effects of erratic spikes in records Considering Flow (Runoff) From Watershed. The calculations in the above example did not include the effect of daily runoff from the watershed on the water balance in the bay. The purpose of that example was to demonstrate methods for determining inflows and outflows to or from the bay, and to evaluate the magnitude of those flows in comparison to flows (runoff) from the watershed. The following example includes the effects of runoff from the watershed on day-to-day and annual flows to and from the bay. Our group measured outflow from an upstream sub-watershed on Jacks Creek for 2003. These measurements (inches per hour) were multiplied by the area of the whole Jacks Creek watershed (228 ac) to determine outflow (ft) for each 1.5 hour interval for the entire year. These values were then combined with the change in volume stored in the bay for each time interval, as described in the above example, to determine inflow (from South Creek to the bay) and outflow (from the bay to South Creek) for each 1.5 hr time interval. Results are given in Table 5 for one day, June 10, 2003. Rainfall of 1.5 inches occurred on June 10 and resulted in 1.33 in of runoff (1,104,000 ft) from the 228 ac watershed to the bay. Wind tide caused over 693,000 ft3 to flow into the bay from South Creek, and a total of 1,556,000 ft3 (including over 1.1 million cu ft of runoff) flowed from the bay to South creek. For this day runoff from the watershed exceeded that flowing into the bay due to wind tide, but this is not usually the case. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-9 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Table 5. Summary of water balance calculations for Jacks Creek Bay for June 10, 2003. Calculations to demonstrate the method; inflow from the watershed is included. Change in Inflow, Sound Inflow, Water- Outflow, Bay Time Stage Volume Volume to Bay shed to Bay to Sound ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft 0:00 1.744 2138731 1:30 1.629 1880929 -257802 0 15566 273368 3:00 1.594 1807373 -73556 0 143211 216767 4:30 1.633 1891429 84056 0 194757 110701 6:00 1.753 2157811 266381 91637 174745 0 7:30 1.887 2485644 327833 188924 138909 0 9:00 1.954 2662015 176371 70582 105789 0 10:30 1.999 2784095 122080 43365 78715 0 12:00 1.977 2724090 -60005 0 57458 117463 13:30 1.900 2519429 -204661 0 45616 250278 15:00 1.824 2327928 -191501 0 36767 228268 16:30 1.762 2180856 -147072 0 29740 176812 18:00 1.774 2209243 28387 4751 23636 0 19:30 1.842 2373843 164600 145851 18750 0 21:00 1.875 2456330 82487 66985 15501 0 22:30 1.912 2550665 94335 81145 13190 0 0:00 1.844 2379284 -171381 0 11193 182574 Sum 240554 693241 1103543 1556231 Total Flow 2249471 Figure 6 shows the measured water surface elevation in the bay, measured flow from the watershed to the bay, and calculated flow rates into and out of the bay for the 7-day period, June 6-13, 2003. The flow rates in ft3/hr (cu ft/hr) were determined by dividing the calculated flows for a 1.5 hour period (Table 5) by 1.5, so they represent the average flow rate over the 1.5 hour period. While the water surface elevation in the bay was highest during the heavy rainfall period, it was nearly as high June 6-7 when flow from the watershed was very small. Flows are summarized on a daily basis in Table 6. Flows in and out of the bay during June 6-7 were primarily driven by wind tides, but were of about the same magnitude as during the period of heavy runoff from the watershed. Note that "Net Flow" in Table 6 is the total flow into the bay (flow into the bay from South Creek caused by wind tide plus inflow as runoff from the watershed) minus the flow from the bay to South Creek. A negative Net Flow means there was more flow out during the day than in. Total Net Flow for the 7 day period was -17.6 ac ft. This negative Net Flow results from the fact that the stage (water surface elevation) at the end of the 7-day period (1.16 ft) was lower than at the beginning (1.55 ft.), so storage in the bay was 17.6 ac ft. less at the end of the 7-day period than at the beginning. Total flow in and out of the bay during the week was calculated to be 304 ac-ft, compared to 33 ac-ft of runoff from the watershed. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-10 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 500000 400000 300000 t w 0 O LL 200000 100000 0 V VIO 2 1.6 r- 1.2 , O R N W 0.8 >, R CO 0.4 0 616103 617103 618103 619103 6110103 6111103 6112103 6113103 Date -Inflow from Watershed -Inflow from South Creek Outflow to South Creek Bay Elevation Figure 6. Inflow to (Blue curve) and outflow from (Red curve) the Jacks Creek bay at the bay outlet for 7 days from June 6, 2003 to June 13, 2003. Also shown are the inflow to the Jacks Creek bay from the watershed (Black curve) and the measured elevation of the bay (Green curve). Table 6. Calculated daily flows for the Jacks Creek Bay from June 6, 2003 to June 13, 2003. Daily Flow ac-ft 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 Total Outflow to 37 7 39 7 13 9 8 3 35 7 31 3 10 8 177 3 South Creek . . . . . . . . Inflow from 42 0 9 9 13 8 36 3 15 9 4 1 5 1 127 0 South Creek . . . . . . . . Inflow from 0 1 0 7 2 7 1 9 25 3 1 6 4 1 32 7 Watershed . . . . . . . . Net Flow 4.5 -29.2 2.6 29.9 5.5 -25.7 -5.3 -17.6 Total Flow 79.7 49.6 27.6 44.5 51.6 35.4 15.9 304.3 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-11 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Table 7. Calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003. Annual Flow W ac-ft o South Creek 485,044,086 11,135 FInflow m South Creek 457,011,082 10,492 om Watershed 27,759,797 637 et Flow -282,207 -7 tal Flow 942,055,168 21,627 An nual results for the Jacks Creek Bay in 2003 are summarized in Figure 7 and in Tables 7 and 8. Annual flows from the bay to South Creek were 11,135 ac-ft, compared to 637 ac-ft of runoff. That is, runoff from the watershed was only 5.7% of the total flow from the bay to South Creek. The annual inflow to the bay from South Creek was 10,492 ac-ft which is about 16 times the annual inflow to the bay from the watershed. The total flow to and from the bay resulting from tidal fluctuations is over 30 times greater than the runoff to the bay from the watershed. Table 8. Summary of the calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003. Annual Flow Watershed Area 228 ac Watershed Outflow (depth) 2.79 ft Watershed Outflow (volume) 637 ac-ft Total Outflow from Bay to South Creek 11,135 ac-ft Watershed Outflow as % of Total 5.7% Outflow to South Creek Total Flow from Bay to/from South 21,627 ac-ft Creek Watershed Outflow as % of Total Flow 2.9% to/from South Creek Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-12 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 ILUUU 11000 10000 ---------------------------------------------- 9000 --------------------------------------------- 8000 ----------------------------------------- - 3 7000 ------------------------------------- W 6000 is 5000 ---------------------- E 4000 ------- ---------------------- ----------------- 0 U 3000 ----------- ----------------------------------- 2000 --------- - ------------ 1000 - 0 1 /1 /03 1 /31 /03 3/3/03 4/2/03 5/3/03 6/2/03 7/3/03 8/2/03 9/2/03 10/2/03 11/2/03 12/2/03 1/2/04 Date Inflow from Watershed -Inflow from South Creek Outflow to South Creek Figure 7. Cumulative inflow to (Blue curve) and outflow from (Red curve) the Jacks Creek bay at the bay outlet for the year 2003. Also shown is the inflow to the Jacks Creek bay from the watershed (Black curve). Jacks Creek 1 & 2, PCS Phosphate, 1951-2003 Simulation 35 2003 30 25 20 4- 0 15 Q 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 8. Frequency distribution of predicted annual outflow (runoff + shallow subsurface flow) for a 53 year (1951-2003) simulation at Jacks Creek. Measured annual flows for four years of observations are shown on the graph. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-13 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 Results for a long term simulation for the Jacks Creek watershed are shown in Figure 8. These results indicate that the measured outflow (runoff + subsurface flow) from the Jacks Creek watershed in 2003 was the largest in 53 years. Predicted outflow for 2003 was 31 inches, which was 2 inches less than measured for that year. The main point, however, is that, even when the annual watershed outflow was the greatest of the last 53 years, flow from the watershed was only 5.7% of the total outflow from the bay to South Creek. If we were measuring flows using conventional metering methods, we would have to measure both inflow to the bay from South Creek, as well as, outflow from the bay to South Creek. The flow from the watershed would be the difference between these measured outflows and the inflows. On that basis, flow from the watershed would be only 2.9% of the total flow that would need to be measured. Summary The data and analysis presented herein support the following conclusions: • Flows in and out of the stream/bay systems, due primarily to wind and lunar tides, are large compared to flows from the small watersheds. This means that conventional methods of measuring flow rates at the watershed outlet (where, in this case, the outlet is affected by tides) to determine effect of mining on the hydrology, is not practical. Determining the outflow from the watershed would require measuring total outflow and inflow from the bay (two large values), and taking the difference to get watershed outflow. Errors in measurements of inflow and outflow from the bay would likely be of equal or larger magnitude than outflow from the watershed. Methods presented and demonstrated herein appear to be a better alternative. • Flow from small coastal watersheds to and through the stream/bay systems such as Jacks Creek is a small percentage of the total flow to and from the bay and South Creek. • This implies that significant reductions in the watershed area due to mining would not have a great impact on the flow and associated conditions in the bay. • Flow between bays and South Creek depends on wind and lunar tides, orientation of the bay with respect to South Creek and prevailing winds, as well as the shape of the bay and its topography. Thus additional measurements and analyses are needed for a range of watershed-bay systems before final conclusions can be drawn. • The analysis presented herein did not consider flow dynamics within the bay and the effect of runoff from the watershed and the effect of watershed reduction on factors such as salinity distributions therein. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-14 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 NORTH CAROLINA KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE DUCK' CREEK BATH CREE ROSS CREEK A (D n 0 U) o (D B -0 3 V ((D 0 v N 0 O O F (O (D n 0 B v 0 C PCs PHOSPHATE PLANT SITE ? D U BONNERTiON ?r vC, DURHAM CRK RSV E R UP1 HUDDLES CUT HUDDY GUT NCPC \1 SR 1945 / ANDY LANDING RD / TOOLEY GFZ??`? CRK DRINK- o P 2 CRTE LONG CREEK SHORT CREEK ? G?) NORTH CREEK ' - ` CRK LITTLE REE ??' CREEK RD so / GT ? Q? AI LEY ti Ei C R \ SOi R \\ WpY F ? p - N.C. HWY 33 33 BAIL AU R 0 R A CRK WY u) SR 1939 0 N ?. H D V) r D _ w BROOMFIELD A SWAMP p CA W n ? SR 1923 C U ? SOUTH OF N 33 °° Q SR 1926 SR 1924 \ SR 1927 RF SS ?Gti Cif ? n G SR 1926 D o \? o ? lic <'?j o C N 0&, O ? SOUTH CREEK CANAL _ - ly G Tr f M ? COUNTY BEAUFORT _ _ _ - PAM CIL 0 COUNTY U Z LEGEND Vicinity Map MODIFIED ALT L BOUNDARIES PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION 7,500 0 7,500 Feet Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ DRAFT 2'000 0 2,000 Meters Date: 12/03/09 File: 17456224/2009 N9 SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ Approved by: Figure 1 0 < a m \ 0 a ` °J m o 0 ?d w yf X0 N 3 c?? m CN DF z 0 m cn z ? r, m m aN1? .m ' F m ? N . m O ? m N m N ?m P m D m m ?? m ? N m ? m m m m m a N m m m r n \? m ^ a N- r ? f N m m "N n rV ( m a r ' m N N, m, a t ? 9 N N N r 6 N N m m r N ? m _ a m m m N "s ?? A m _ ( om " ; ti m w' o? \ N `? {N Nm m m m N N J m ` 6l?m Fl m I m .m ? /? 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I h Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions PCS Phosphate Company, In December 2009 <<2 of 29» A -0 A (D n W 0 U) O (D 3 (D (( 3 D 0 v N O ? 0 (O (D n 0 B ,v 0 18 18 22 22 18 21 ' /22 8 8 7 \ g 18 9 21 18 is 8 f c 18 16 7 8 8 5 8 •. ? 6 6 18 7 22 21 i6 - - 22 9 16 8 7 18 18 8 9 22 22 / 21 17 8 8 17 16 7 3 9 9 7 18 / 7 6 r'• , 7 8 9 7 16 21 7 9 6 9 - 3 21 2 8 18 8 8 1., 15 8 2 ?i 7 . 8 7 7 8 9 8 18 16 6 V, 1P 7 8 7 9 21 15_ 2 1 22 7 i,. 44 1 22 6 21 6 8 7 17 .' 18 \ g 22 Cln(t 6 4 7 9 7 18 8 18 15 7 17 18 22 7 _ 9 9 t8 LJ` t7 6 t 7 8 1 17 ?3 7? 3 7 PORTER CREEK 8 6 7 g 17 7 9 7 18 ???-??11f 5 3 9 8 7 ? r 22 ...,?C?9 , 27 i8 21 18 18 ? \ \} // `s, 4 8 9 8 g ?16 7 U 9 222 7 16 '2 18 9 > ..." 15 7 8 17 19 1B I 3 15 7 , 3 8 f\ 3 7 17 7 15 8 9 8 v 22 22 8 18 22 21? 19 17 5 8 18, 5 9 15 5 21 22, 81 9 LEGEND ACRES 15 g BONNERTON BASE PROJECT AREA 2,806 MODIFIED ALT L - BONNERTON PROPOSED 2,526 15<?5 B 7 7 7 6 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 MODIFIED ALT L - BONNERTON PROPOSED IMPACT 1,698 B 8 BOUNDARY 5/13/09 - EXCAVATION LIMITS 11 9 1,4 RECOVERABLE CONCENTRATE = 33,478,000 TONS* 2 7 $> kf 9 6 1 CREEKSP/OEN WATER C RUST AREAS 0 LF 0 B s 1B PERENNIAL STREAM 2,533 LF <1 22 INTERMITTENT STREAM 4,786 LF 4 PV1 2° 20 6 16 17 2 WETLAND BRACKISH MARSH COMPLEX 0 ,t 22 3 WETLAND BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 51 18, 8 9 0 19 20 6 4 WETLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 45 18 9 6 16 5 WETLAND SHRUB - SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 274 8 7 11 11 6 WETLAND PINE PLANTATION 206 181 9 1 8 6 5 7 WETLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 369 919 ° 1 8 7 17 t 8 WETLAND MIXED PINE - HARDWOOD FOREST 463 9 WETLAND PINE FOREST 208 19\ 9 1t 18 0 tt 1 5 10 WETLAND POCOSIN - BAY FOREST 264 1av 8 11 1s 8 41 111 2 POND ND SAND RIDGE FOREST 22 9 10 13 WETLAND MAINTAINED AREA 0 9 9 14 15 14 UPLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 5 8 8 19 6 15 UPLAND SHRUB - SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 64 8 20 20 4 5 16 UPLAND PINE PLANTATION 58 7 11 9 17 UPLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 39 8 10 18 18 UPLAND MIXED PINE - HARDWOOD FOREST 117 ,'5 15 5 5 18 19 UPLAND PINE FOREST 13 15 3 -22 20 UPLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 42 17 7 417 7 s 5 ub 21 UPLAND AGRICULTURAL LAND 243 4- 22 UPLAND NON - VEGETATED/MAINTAINED AREA 39 TO 15 22 DURHAM CREEK 15 3 5 4 3 n 15 WATERS OF THE US AREAS 1,906 5 5 4, 3 35 4 15 4 c-aJ 1 SC=~ 15 3 5 15 5 14 20 10 6 5 e' WETLAND AREAS (WITHOUT PONDS AND CREEKS) 1,902 22_ 15 1111` UPLAND AREAS 620 4 3 5 3 10 18 11 14, 15 18 2 0 8 =' 5 15 10 8 14 -6 *PROVIDED BY PCS PHOSPHATE 5/13/09 15 10 4 7 20 10 7 NOTE: BOUNDARY AS SHOWN INCLUDES DCM/CAMA AVOIDANCE 3 5 11 1 10 2 2 10 ;!-10 11 18 11 7 r -22 20 4 \7 8 2 272 18 9 18 iq 7 ., \18 19 18 DRAFT Modified Alternative L Permitted Boundary with Biotic Community Impacts Bonnerton Tract 1,600 0 1,600 Feet PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ 500 0 500 Meters Date: 12/03/09 FIIe:1 7 45 6224/2 0 0 9_BENTHIC_SAMPLING/MON GRAPHICS/BON_MODALTL051309(BON BC 030206)-BIOTIC Revision: Approved bY: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 3 A p -0 A (D 0 U) O (D 3 3 . (D ( 0 v N 0 O Ort m m n 0 B ,v CREEK Y 2217 BA\\,E 1B 2z ?B zz i9 15 21 5 21 1 B 2 22 18 14 21 18 1 17 14 ] 5 21 1] 21 8 21 1B 22 1 1]\18 211 i8 18 1 5 1]14 17 8 3 1C 21 ] 17' B 1 B 9 18 9 ] 15 21 18 19 1B 14 6 16 1B 16 21 4 14 9 8 1B 21 22 X22 21 .,is 21 . 19 16 9 -1 18 16 6 6 B B 9 16 6 9 6 7 5 18 6 8 6 19 B 7 1" 17 14 16 14 7 21 8 15 19 17 2 1 19 19 191 1 i6 a 19 19 19 1 9 18 17 '° 1 7 17 8 1 U U 7 n I y 4 1s ' BROOMFIELD SWAMP 1 22 19 7 9 1 16 17 y 19 14 21 I tA? 1] 1 x l??] / rl ] 9g )))))) 21 18 11 I l 19 177 I ?16? ?1 18 17 6 I 1 3 9 6,. iB 19 9 ] 8 7 7 1A- A 1] 17 22 ' 1 1u / ` 16 -) 18 21 9 l .1C 2 18 7 B 6 22 g l 5 . 8 4 6 '7 16 18, 'J 8 4 9 % 17., 19 9 8 ? 1 E 7 1 6 21 6 18 21 14 1 22 18 15 9 1 16 21 2 1 21 15 B 21 21 18 22 22 8 2 17 5 2 8 21 1] 16 22 21 18 7 19 1 7 19 21 15 6 5 5 15, 6 9 7 19 6 8 19 g 8% 18 22 ? 3 16 21 6 18 18 18 21 21 1B 21 14 21 24 18 21 9 1 21 8 19 22 8 19 18 6 21 19 8 17 ] 8 16 2 18 21 21 17 3 7^,. 19 g 6 19 n. 1B 18 1' 16 17 (j 1 17 _ 8 21 7 1B 17 16 21 17 7 17 22 16 ` 1 9 8 8: 7 7 17 1 17 17 18 21 19 19 21_ 19 2 1911 ?_ "22 514 171A/ 16 19 9 7 17 1B 21 7 7 17 18 19 I1 16 1] B 15 26 9 6 19 g A a 16 ' 21 1 6 16 17 18 17 7 s 1A/ CYPRESS RUN 18 'j . 9 4 19 19 19 20 14 4 414 14 19 8 2 1 18 l 7 1] 18 ] ,7 21 21 4 8 18 19 18 B 12 19 16 18 11 20 11 9 4 6 ] ] 21 1 8 19 17 8 22 15 15 15 21 2 1 19 6 19 9 J 20 5 0 .8 19 7 17 r, 18 21 22 18 21 8 17 LEGEND CRES 19 18 5 to t t9 21 SOUTH OF 33 BASE PROJECT AREA 8,686 ] 1 1' 22 " MODIFIED ALT L - SOUTH OF 33 PROPOSED 6,730 11 B 20 9 8 17 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 7 10 10 MODIFIED ALT L - SOUTH OF 33 PROPOSED 5,169 zo 1e 2 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 - EXCAVATION 2011 20 20 LIMITS RECOVERABLE CONCENTRATE = 104,717,000 TONS- 8 e 20 7 ® [ SOUTH CREEK CANAL I'9 7 1 CREEKS/OPEN WATER 1 1 16 _ PUBLIC RUST AREAS 0 LF 0 2 17 8 B 17 22 1B PERENNIAL STREAM 7,799 LF 1 18 16 7 INTERMITTENT STREAM 3,336 LF <1 1 9 7 6 18 17 2 WETLAND BRACKISH MARSH COMPLEX 0 :?B 17 3 WETLAND BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD FOREST <1 20 19 1B 17 4 WETLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 71 9 8 5 WETLAND SHRUB - SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 31 7 7 6 WETLAND PINE PLANTATION 111 19 17 7 WETLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 159 7 18 6 8 WETLAND MIXED PINE - HARDWOOD FOREST 64 3 1c 10 4 7 9 WETLAND PINE FOREST 46 1 9 4 7 10 WETLAND POCOSIN - BAY FOREST 0 36 11 1 e 17 11 WETLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 0 (1 2 POND 0 12 20 11 7 13 WETLAND MAINTAINED AREA 0 9 14 UPLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 224 to 6 15 UPLAND SHRUB - SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 62 i6 UPLAND PINE PLANTATION 569 17 UPLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 171 19 19 18 UPLAND MIXED PINE - HARDWOOD FOREST 358 19 UPLAND PINE FOREST 139 19 20 UPLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 4 2 21 UPLAND AGRICULTURAL LAND 4535 22 UPLAND NON - VEGETATED/MAINTAINED AREA 185 WATERS OF THE US AREAS 484 WETLAND AREAS (WITHOUT PONDS AND CREEKS) 483 UPLAND AREAS 6,246 -PROVIDED BY PCS PHOSPHATE 5/13/09 NOTE: BOUNDARY AS SHOWN INCLUDES DCM/CAMA AVOIDANCE Modified Alternative L Permitted Boundary with Biotic Community Impacts S33 Tract 2,200 0 2,200 Feet PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ 500 0 500 Meters File:17456224/2009-BEN-SAMPLING-MON-GRAPHICS Date: 12/03/09 DRAFT S33-MODALTL-051309(S33 BC 0205)-BIOTICS : Approved by Revtsl°,: Figure 4 JPS 5-13-os Aov A CD cn 0 U) O CD 3 N 0 3 v lD N V V N 3 O N O (O (D 0 O 3 7 01 7 O C) A (D a) 0 a 3 S (D (D 0 V cn V N 0 C) 0 (a (D n 0 3 v `x "11 R r • °.° }fir.; rj G . , : ? ?±? r r ? ..te,t c. j •• j ur ,sn # - ; ,+ k .:e r drrr<y ` `?;[ r. _. ry?n,.s 4t 't ., '• , } , 17 41 3 V.V , µ v 2 raj kN^f?' U T F? - - - r Two; '" ? - - r" •-?' N • . } '7 ..} ? ? .may L °?.?x 1+r . ? j G' - lvirt TM? 51 Wy 0'. Modified Alternative L Boundary on 2007 Aerial DRAFT Bonnerton Tract PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION 1,800 0 1,800 Feet SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ File: 17456224/2009_BENTHIC_SAMPLING/ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters Date: 12/03/09 MON-GRAPHICS/BON_MODALTL2007-,ER BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, Revision: NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Approved by: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 6 1 r` ., ? r n ' a R. . ? 1 T -.rte r 1 - a-ac. L' _ ?y` X61 . ?4 L Pf?R out 4, f nr ell 70"' '' - e n F C ?:. (n + ? I ? a 3 ? :4 k+ + 1 ? .F 1 3 5, E ?A X66 as `- J.'. 1 ''rr ? V L i r 7 A C) -0 O (D U) K) or -3 (D (D O C) m m DRAFT Modified Alternative L Boundary on 2007 Aerial - n S33 Tract O 3 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION v SOURCE: 2,200 0 2,200 Feet Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ m6mm???El 1- FIIe: -M2ATL-20SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ n NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, Date: 12/03/09 S33 Revi 33OOALT?zoo??ER BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, 500 0 500 Meters NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Approved by sion: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 7 ..? ? i UPI BASIN PAMLICO O RIVER RIVER RIVER BAST BASIN ' HUDDLES CUT BASIN PAMLICO RIVER BASIN, PORTION RUDDY GUT OF LEE CREEK BASIN AND CURRENT MINE BASIN UT4 BASIN SOUTH CREEK - UT5 BASIN Bp N _ TOOLEY CREEK - 'a BASIN i UT3 x, BASIN . 4r' ' DRINKWATER CREEK UT2 . BASIN BASIN JACOBS CREEK SOUTH CREEK BASIN BAS T BASIN WHITEHURST CREEK BASIN AND CURRENT MINE WHITEHURST CREEK BASIN N JACKS CREEK BASIN %-I ? TH CREEK BASIN ,. r`'s ? t 4 i Alk pmcq Legend LIDAR ELEVATIONS/FEET - -50 - -1 --1-0 0-1 1-3 3-5 =5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 =9-10 ® 10-11 ®11-12 12 -13 ® 13-15 O 15-18 018-23 0 23 - 27 ?27-30 A p A m n ?30-31 00 N C/) ?31-32 N 3 32 - 33 (V 33 - 34 V ?p z 34 - 36 c0 cD 36- 39 p 39 - 42 3 42 - 44 O 44 - 45 O 45 - 46 n 46 - 47 ® 47 - 48 ACREAGES FOR NCPC ESTIMATED HISTORIC DRAINAGE BASINS OF MONITORED CREEKS DRINKWATER CREEK HUDDLES CUT HUDDY GUT JACKS CREEK JACOBS CREEK TOOLEY CREEK ACRES 604.68 1014.19 482.00 644.91 751.29 563.46 ACREAGES FOR NCPC ESTIMATED CURRENT DRAINAGE BASINS OF MONITORED CREEKS ACRES DRINKWATER CREEK 401.94 HUDDLES CUT 592.60 HUDDY GUT 408.51 JACKS CREEK 316.29 JACOBS CREEK 526.82 PA2 21.88 TOOLEY CREEK 612.74 Legend NCPC MODIFIED ALT L PERMITTED BOUNDARY NCPC ESTIMATED CURRENT BASINS NCPC ESTIMATED HISTORIC BASINS a- 0 0 1,750 3,500 7,000 I I I I Scale in Feet SOURCE: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR CONTOURS AND ELEVATION DATA, DATA GENERATED FROM LIDAR IN MARCH 2005, NC STATEPLANE, NAD83 FEET, ELEV_BEAUFORT.ZIP DRAFT 0 Estimated Historic and Current Drainage Drainage Basins on LiDAR with Permitted Boundary - NCPC Tract PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROVED BY. DRAWN BY BFG/TLJ FILE:LIDAR_NCPC_DRAIN_ DATE: 12/08/09 MONRPT.MXD 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE T ..-^ SUITE 2 CP#1745.62.24 {;+ WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TEL: 910/392-9253 Figure 8 BnaxrMkcq?axium FAX: 910/392-9139 DURHAM CREEK BASIN PORTER CREEK BASIN PAMLICO RIVER BASIN, PORTION OF LEE CREEK BASIN AND CURRENT MINE A (D n 0 o m 3 3 V V N) 0 O O F (O (D n 0 3 v 7 (1 "%a r -! Ann W" ?' r IR WHITEHURST CREEK BASIN ?. ° ..tee AND CURRENT MINE LIDAR ELEVATION IN FEET BAILEY CREEK -50 - -1 BASIN M-1 -0 ?0-1 ?1-3 =3-5 =5-6 =6-7 =7-8 DURHAM CREEK BASIN =8-9 Mr f, e ?9-10 X10-11 X11-12 -? X12-13 ©13-15 ®15-18 018-23 023-27 027-30 030-31 Q31 -32 032-33 BAILEY - Q 33 - 34 CREEK Q 34 - 36 BASIN ACREAGES FOR BONNERTON ESTIMATED HISTORIC 0 36 - 39 DRAINAGE BASINS OF MONITORED CREEKS 039-42 PORTER CREEK 3719.33 ACRES Q 42 - 44 044-45 0 45 - 46 ACREAGES FOR BONNERTON ESTIMATED CURRENT D 46 - 47 DRAINAGE BASINS OF MONITORED CREEKS ®47-48 PORTER CREEK 2491.91 ACRES 48 - 52 X52-138 Legend Estimated Historic and Current Drainage Basins on LiDAR with Permitted Boundary - Bonnerton Tract BONNERTON MODIFIED ALT L PERMITTED BOUNDARY BONNERTON ESTIMATED CURRENT BASINS PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. BONNERTON ESTIMATED HISTORIC BASINS APPROVED BY 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 SCALE: AS SHOWN : DRAWN BY BFG DATE: 12/08/09 FILE: LIDAR- MONRPT.MXD BON-DRAIN- Scale in Feet 4709 COLLEGE ACRES D SUITEZ RIVE CP#1745.62.24 SOURCE: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR CONTOURS AND ELEVATION DATA, DATA GENERATED FROM LIDAR IN MARCH 2005, NC STATEPLANE, DRAFT C Z R WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TEL: 910/392-9253 Figure 9 NAD83 FEET, ELEV BEAUFORT.ZIP - FAX: 910/392-9139 PORTER CREEK BASIN AND CURRENT MINE WHITEHURST CREEK BASIN AND CURRENT MINE r s . BAILEY CREEK BASIN CYPRESS RUN BASIN A p ;(D n o ((D or ZT N) (D 0 V N) -0 v o Z 0 (O (D n 0 3 N 7 BROOMFIELD SWAMP BASIN LEGEND LIDAR ELEVATION IN FEE- -50 - 1 ?1 -3 =3-5 =5-7 =7-9 =9-11 ®11 - 13 X13-16 FM 16-23 M23 - 29 =129 - 32 32-34 ®34-37 M37 - 42 X42-45 M-145 - 47 L?347 - 49 =49 - 139 bt. i SOUTH CREEK BASIN S33 MODIFIED ALT L PERMITTED BOUNDARY S33 ESTIMATED CURRENT DRAINAGE BASINS S33 ESTIMATED HISTORIC DRAINAGE BASINS 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 ? I I I Scale in Feet SOURCE: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR CONTOURS AND ELEVATION DATA, DATA GENERATED FROM LIDAR IN APRIL 2007, NC STATEPLANE, NAD83 FEET, ELEV_BEAUFORT.ZIP DRAFT 4 r SOUTH CREEK BASIN E k ACREAGES FOR S33 ESTIMATED HISTORIC DRAINAGE BASIN OF MONITORED CREEKS ACRES BAILEY CREEK 4068.61 BROOMFIELD SWAMP 2843.06 CYPRESS RUN 3000.16 ACREAGES FOR S33 ESTIMATED CURRENT DRAINAGE BASIN OF MONITORED CREEKS ACRES BAILEY CREEK 3216.53 BROOMFIELD SWAMP 3128.78 CYPRESS RUN 3453.26 Estimated Historic and Current Drainage Basins on LiDAR with Permitted Boundary - S33 Tract PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROVED BY DRAWN BY BFG DATE: 12/08/09 ILI 1111 11 IA-1 III _IVIEw,=DRAIN BASNSSaa+ LIDAR S33 DRAIN BASE MONRPTNIXD - 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE SUITE 2 CP#1745.62.24 ' _:;?2 R WILMINGTON, NC 28403 C - TEL: 910/392-9253 Figure 10 FAX: 910/392-9139 A C) A 0 n C) U) ?? tT 3 IQ (D 0 In V IV -0 V O O (O (D n 0 3 ,v ,, t ?'?,?` .. ?? ? it , ? ? ^-k! '; ya . ?. °` ;j4 1 'fir • .i * + t 4 'T q A7 ?IPT 4 111 . 4xv w r _ r? 417 3 .,r? ?n • ? 1. u? r r, K. F `? 't1 Ys a a .! L f+ w'. F n? r . i i VV } 14 i ~ti? $ ?, hk?,. ? fir, t? ?? ;a ,• x ?? •r ,4 ?' N. t- +r .r J; .s."T._,.r. "S` i t rr•'a r I ,It 4"I,? {?1 • g? L R ? i, Y S F '?V S, ? •1 ^? er y4"? ',??, ?,t?',??', ! ? J? ? ?a.'? ? +?q? .+1` rzY.?jr ? ?Jr ? ??•?'i# t '-?+'s ??:. ^? , ? t ??v'.7I ' 1 iE,~J?' °r4' ? ?"?`?,.'.? ???h? ? '.?;? '?l? „+ti•' a ~? ;,$ ,?_- 'RI ',i.,` c? f `* ; • sJ iJC?¢y *?a? ^ir. yg} 1?r}v.d r ;??y% ¢?t ! vi r? , t: ,ti ?? ? r• z C i,?`ti_y ,'> { ? :';? '?f ,.i?r??'?,''?+r? ?7,'?p???r-,??? ryyi.-*X?r.?. ? / "? ." f F. "- ?F -,.•} ;}sue}+, l?jr ?f?^'i- .J'"_.•. 1 •yT _,. it r-`rq,. i- Y 4 r `k 1 1 .or s t i,?,i E v `. I, -V I r ? t.`. { 4#.*?'? d" 'r' g? "S "f •? ?'r ?. iGr ??' ? y'O•f 3i' ?-r. ? N{ ^y ry '?r.. ? s .fy T ?.r ?4' 1r'ry`?• ?'! f ?Fr.e. ' .l yM •. I, .r? (i{ d+';• ?:r i? 4 ? -Ry. 8.L '?. x. r??, ?.?, ?. ?w jyr r ?. S a. JE= ? ' r. r ##? # .,: A 64 51k, , Jc" a ?z ;'f]?. „?$ >?R. `sr to 1•`#^ a? t` kv ?? y({°' ?.yS i 'S?7- fJS* r- e r y r,1 , 4"'i . A ?N-k w . # it *r ?? ?( ?. `p? ri"°i'. ii•? ti, r?,# e- a r" { e '' F 4, ih _? ?'?•.•.? ys'1:, r ?! a *• {R?y?Y/ •vtie a yc- -t?' r?? 1 '?»y t - } t r R ? •,? ?a ' , ? '??'?: ., [. -?.? - 1 ??? '? ?? 11``/:x ? '? ,+c ? ????w?r # r'? `i,;,?' i?,r ?, t ,'"?2• ^a`?u,,?"?"?xii '? ;a ? ??:Y ? e . ?'#? k?4' + ,? .? 1?"`S°r?+??r?? ? ;,? `` `-"? 'Vi'a ?'"^''? '*!'?'?', ,i-?• ?,.,..{?? '` ,:?'? t,? :'fTti t• y {?? °7? ?.3 :r .-? . yt '7?'?.fir. *Fr a - •?. > t 7-rrr ??- J' y ? V ! f 3 ` A JACKS 0, q y ?k Jt ?? '7 A !jwv oil V y y? SOURCE: NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM 500 0 500 Meters Original Monitoring Locations in Jacks Creek PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ : JPS 5-13-09 DRAFT (:k Date: 1 2/03/09 File: JACKSZCREEKDW ?MPLING/AUTOCAD/ Approved by Revision: Figure 11 300 0 300 ..:, . 51 : y A,, F r •'•i' 'ZS °. '{} rt?'-.` fy : < { {.-a +?. ?{ .•? >? l t., n Z r?7?e?,?:'}?` a Eta t r gry, 1 t V# r a e' r 'r Ott ?. .,, ° r Y'T .+"{t'. r3 s'.sF +t' A - 7lf ti i ? i a 1L.M1'`' , r^ x '\ r '. G r« lea 's,lya.??'" }. •;- +d' nr r t ! t? !.1 4. M,+ ti " , , Y.- - K _ f ?,f{5- . •? i +°1... e•:" ?*..y,.r .' ' 1 F ka S, A p -0 m n N ((D U) or 3 N) N 0 V N_0 V O z O (O (D 0 0 3 Z, v p $ , t I .1 . -r i .r.. r }? ?? a. a F' W k .??* .` _ { 00, . \ .. y d ,, s i;j it { A ', t ,l^ ?C l a . ;rte 4 , 3f. ?*- ' - .YF ' r •g s:4 , r .?` J , ?'S'` ?S ~?, s I, -. N \ ''. ?; st k t r r t Ser;nS 4« f r A' Y' ...: r rF.: . t i t 11 J? • a_ay f • ,p! ?h k S f f }f it .? a?` n t Fl {, }"j?i.' . '" ?' F 4 -- t - 1¢r ,f r'. y ! , "y . \ t. ? " 'I I - . it - rt.Y -?#` r L •-'" 1• 1+V i n " t a{? 'L ?Lr'. Y M.?'kr%?` x-- * ?'' 7Y s \ "' .; , , i: - . ,?, . , " '4? ,,,, . ... . ^?.t •* Y r t i y; rr.. { Yr1$r kt ct ?.F^ f f' A, I 1Y.. Y .t, " , Fs rT, a , #r ref s-t. iu ', t?k . , ?, I "+ r. r s r 3 t t' It ?`}r 1 ?e • 4 a 1{ h . .. r ? i F r f ttiYY;?? F t P ¢ rw .i # '# . r? 5 s A r: c F s y.+ s? • 4 =,f s1 r j- + r 7, +• x r - - ,V } r r(? t - +`? R k --a IY',• t'F . tr 1 tii' { ^' a , ^ , ". ri y s , f { Ffir-`? r sA•... a A y i. ,,* `4 +,y µ r N. f JJFF++Y i 7 ..r.y « ar 1 , t z .^ k ;w'i . r i e t r F?, .rts {?,?,.;,aF; i - - - - I . I . . ? , , . / . ! ,. I 1. ,e rr-{ # . r, .. .aT>,_4.e '1 ? + Ii. . i ", et 6 y off , i 1 I ?* ,,J. r x? .? 'k r?Lk.r.r? ;? "i b. fir,#- I r r ;.. ,4 is ;fir. Yoh rY ' F , - /. I . /# f - e t trr C . " r ?? .tip 1` ,.' fir `' p t ( . . -, , ? , . I - ,: ? _? i_11 1. r - . . , . r- , , - W, i? ,. r . ,,?, i s . .r ``a, r r? F l"'. .L f, - - 4; , f ? " + - f t , ,,^ .rlrFt - 1 :a f'Y r r r d r .{ v z # ftd 1 t r t ?' P R f 'f 4 f' it%t h? ?!' 're j r',' ! Z?i?. .'-) L F 1 r I s f . r , r" '- ' s *. r; - ; . , " R , i 1, - ?. , . ?z G., , I - , ? .1 , .?? - . , , -,* 1? ?, ', . - - - , _), -? . . . - . - . . .. I - - ? . . ?': _ . ., ? ., ? ?a _ rrf??•G ,i 1rr{ - _i- a. ?7`I?_. x :^'- ,! y, N qrY - Fr r f• . S r r}I• / s , f `?• rr 1 j f, 14, t Y i '- f! !. r j .- Y 7 F' _r :, , r P '. r r a e ? ?. .- if ?t ?' iJ.. +` r +f" •i`l:i .° A l: y . C° .•f' '' r. F "? ,. f?.}? ?. Se'_? ,t 'h ,=L ..:? f ,? .il' P i? ? k .. * YTI-r l 9' E t ?" k Y-r Y' +,pt ?, ?# F. 4 R:5 ? . r 3,Y , 1S # r 1 t't 1 r i . ? 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IV= T0C CRI • Original Monitoring Locations in DRAFT Tooley Creek PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION 500 0 500 SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, File: 7456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ Date: 1 BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, 500 0 500 Meters 2/03/09 TOOLEY_CREEK.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Revision: Approved by: JPS 5-13-os Figure 12 0 q ,.-`v, ?rL?• P t K'} « ;r? 2101... :I c..° r N r l r I . ??. ?+ r. .,1 '" ,Sr 1 ^,i, -,% ,,F , 4 ek C `}t Y . 4 Cx . ,r -?`s , f ?N?P A, 4 1 - r ;: ', #% ' ai t , r. O 1 s `I- , ,, p„ y, f' s Y r k r '? f 6 ' i s, f. ,1? r , .-t :. O ^V r ir r ,' i Z3 et?'ya x'.. ,- r{r ,+. I- {;•+4 -?4-S, ,• ?, °?` ' -- .' 4T 'fi'r it ' ^ ;I .!:.a -J"+i.} : '-.' y r .'4+°' '° ?` -^? ? " " • ,.!"" r g 1.fti f rt.yc'`' r d14 s. * ?t r? ; f'r Ir _:ry ?' k?.' ..y ?, el ?yr? _ r rF5 ?. - ? '?.t ,4 -4 'sh 3 !f 'L, '? .,? r ,J ? ., ka• Y. s r y ?+ t 11 n e Y "-? •. ?[ .4 YM '?'?' `„-,J T 'k' f''r tF's f ?'R O V r -'? 6 . ; •t f , w. ' -f'' J ° Yx r -_ ' .. r ,/°'• r .' ?f`[? R ???fff f C f#'y 4 # : • ,.r _17 - n t t ¦ r 4p" .r t+r ". .., = r r., S f I r :? <? r r' r . ?., 1 4 t;' o ? - ? a. • ,yrr r i ,, • ', m 1 w , + fir' +' 4 ` a1 -+. r 4 . h x+ rr C2 t r $?1.f•.r '{ r?., 1 r +..• t !' i 'st !a ,r ,?.l, +V,• .. - ?. ?111 1, ?, ?-. ?': , ? r7 _ r..t s L 5 ? rr _ rf. C5 E + `. + L s? r r 1 1 i C 11 O ,,4 - t. 4 ? y w;. t" 4 e, ,«t.^.i gh" +- ,M ? r d t 4A . C2 f , , t , - 447,.6 A? v ! 1. - t'' ,. 7i . l., r..r a rot C /. ;b E3 ,O a, ZEa.. '?. r x> r`.r Y.rt + tt? v, t 1. r , y •`pa ?? . 1 . ` 1, 1 1 FS L its K? !''r t • ,4 Y 'r , K ' ^N W? . r- t`, f rR s `= 4y r f y A ;215 T' "°" " 1 ? ??' _ s ' '? ?:. g, 7 .?{ ' Fh • r? k - +.'`r f? c r t j r .. f ,,. ? !' y j` M n 1 sl^ yti 5A O ra 4 I T '+ "r.14';? 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'?? - inr '"' l,a ?r.,'?4 ?? . . Y?' ?. \ 'k - I r ,-? ° r «-' 'i ri ,. e, 7 J ..;!• ''-?C•iA 5 YF A'-? .., 4 ;r ; ' ?+ ,se '.y,A ?T t ,.r,, . J m r r ,R ,a.I .i. f,. • r ., "+ .a;. ri ?, i +rw rt t a A - ` r < _? t7 ` -iLM `Ttf t .?. x A; y i° Y .r * ?. ?'f; r ,?rRC } ;Ss:. r?.! a`a•` y'•:. •'1' Yi rw" t' ' "+ "r-,?' ,.?; r r ..s a aw .? +5 1 - '? x rY ~'A`.,r rr+ ? .'r` -t '• k 11 +, 4, Y x. . }, . 't r• t it r Y r e ..e' •` r +, -' 3 ' : t?1 r?..'r, 4;(6 <!_. ° r? R4r+, - .t e _ ,? M,• by` k F- l Y,? 4. Y r F a r iy. +tx :. r, r? -11 kRr t q, c% F ? fir, ' ! - - r 6 ; ,,, +f t ., ' ' r r 3,. " t?. ,.3 ' .vy t . ' v+ x r ? 1 y • +t X. , 4r e:,• 4rIr. ,% i amt r„.p yy i?'.,y { h.", _ t? ,. ? 'z . a 'r t r! ,t;f?? ty.. .'A 4 P1{ k YPy' r i1 _ J Y •, ` LI?TI , - Y'sr T S' ex I -?,, ? - -: : . , . . , . . 1:? 41 . :-4-fl-i - ,? 1 ?,, ?r. .r?y `r ?, rr ?' b [ r d iet y. `- rs y F'$ yt ) r• f kk '11-11 . 1 r+r _ ,? •:.y - Iri +' , j M ,qr ? ff /,rI 1' •+ .G'' , y r7 r, Ir.. !, l r :' < r E r }f 1 r ;, J 1 J M r r 1- " I 2' -' ? ` r ; Y; " , r ' a r? r } t ? y r %r i r mac ; ¦ r {T. r "y 4, s" f r r r.t -' . N - '` - wc '( .. - ",., rte} 1 dl ylr r" 4 .. , n 11f - ? . I ".f "' F -- I? T f f t r r ti'r I rr' d Y^i 1 4 '?? .f' ; T: r.J n" CAr"'S a Y , r 1 at ` •"-'If ,< . • '7+ " ?. 6 A"?f.,ly?}'h -IL I 7 r ¢ ,"" r • • 1 l-, ,j. , s .a• `c.,r d,?. ! . '. •{K, x y? F M a i f .!%; ?n+_ - r y,.. r r a.+sC -or -or " iy "?+ N C7 .?r ?_: :? r;? C- - refs ,r ?' • ?a+ 4, 3 t V.-.?I '4",..f,-, , % I _v W N r .?" 2+^ +hF,'' !s .arr .? .a i *`',,,?' 7` .a"., : ,+ k ! ; pFF r 'i rL.1' ,1. 3 x f K Ir'? r s r '' -' 4y? } ?ti,s• y 4 i?o to t L '„p,+G.. - I N CD . 4.,,i''". r:'"?' r, : p k.`L??t G , cVO NO 3 f -I i r; ;1 { r _ r _ i t, °r t"•-gr F, F i t T` i rt'. 0 Original Monitoring Locations in DRAFT Huddles Cut O ?< (A) PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION soo o soo P SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ Date: 1 BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, 500 0 500 Meters 2/03/09 HUDDLES_CUT.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Approved ij Revision: y: JPS 5-13-09 Fiqure 13 ;°n (O C/) D ' or 3 (9 (D 0 V N_0 V O O F (O (D n O 3 N 7 7 O SOURCE: JGulu. H5 snuwn uruwn u y. ors ILJ File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters Date: 1 1 /23/09 DRINKWATER_CREEK.DWG BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, by Revision: NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Approved : JPS 5-13-o9 Figure 14 C-51 1 4'kbr• a 5 - ,p?,!f Y e` ,? '• T n. k:x °} `ryi} tf" TM F• *' i 51t "terC a 4 R ,.Ft.: . g' ?,. ?' +ifa4?t. • •F 47. ?, .'a ,:??,D•aY ,rw `?!" ?? _?. >y? ` ?' - 5?,.',\• ,?Y ? F:? ? , si•e , r;s-''? O t ) ;dttr?'a%•?"•i '!"?i ,'?` ?, err ?' +. ,,,,?? '?' °r, as a s^ } ?. ?."a. `? ., _ rr` ?5?', ..? ` ' •}. ; i:M1S'h+rai1' v ,y ' i „ ?;,' ',°r'1!!! t! "! =.e ?t tiYl 0'i P" 1 Sj•. :, s. 4Y' 1 fi " ,'i1?`f 1. , z ?'-? ? ? `,%?'? w ,+',},a qti r 0.Y?i? ?., ?Yf. ?1.a'.. ?•.. - F ?' r'-r'er lA :. {, ai ?. P ',?'fr?i + R?,y'1..: ,? ?y?? , ' '.,. ? ";,?'-;".. ? ?,rva 4, q. .?f1, ;1. "r. ?«.,: 1? 1+':'? ''iR""'?r ,'t - •? H';iw.. Y, nd! t 3tt,. w , u•; EE ? R• .. ?, . „,'' , . q 1 , 'rva ? ik 41 *4 ? ?E;?;?',a;,;. ? ' • ?'' . ?,, .r , r ?', P -d.•', i u. . ? . ?:. ?' S ?j . ?' ? ?:., ,t., ?r\? '•.?. ..?:l,n'.. •y :1l T .? Y?, ?"?1•_, .I?rt r..;'s.; .`. ,-.y., ?Tf. r ??`.? j. 4.'; ?,a; ! `,?y ,{ y: r: i..f' 1?ySk f'Ylr ?.. •'l?a>.• 'Y,.. Yr t r S ;^1e .e,°?'tl+ _.y x..l?+s'?1s ?.} ?`,'ij? L?j 77z?'}y. 'r f,.kt •;,fry. /?IA'5,?,r t may; -vim , 171 ?.;q{''. rat .%? ??. J t??'?,"h ''xf! r.??< <` '?Y•1#1' ,+w,8??4? t .yt '?, r•n ?.i .Y ?r, ??N'+ .h ?''? 1? .i _ S•'6y. ?'d}.-•" 1 i>* 1r 34 _ 'la} •i a `Y''; # +Jt" .r P.. ! r } %lXq DI g a '.. :yd y .a ; a 3 ?i1M. S• etI - 'j, CSr .q A ?r1 m? t ay A F T n"i} .K. AAcR td t.F ,r!? Y t ., e,'r { , y ?'r' •;{ ?4 , !? ?;f, i F l {•?A ii a"u } ! Y rl•' I^if q.-,, ?, L r, R'IL'E •-N 1117 P 16 _ qY' ? "r `fy [l, i r .? ?:`; ;? 1 ?:'1 , aid, 'fA . i?,?! +, J?ti a ?M?"°??4 • ;• Y, . ? ` ? ), ? ` p '. ? `! • t w, X + t Ab, 24 "?. A' , t.b _.t 444 f.4Y r•? "`ti, r.-,, ,,-t ?:; , .?1''. "?' ?.. r !'a fir .?•'.N -Y r.?y+ [ 1 r 5; ? rl t ?'f x..I' `. •• A,?q t Y .i4't %er , 'T'r? v 5 y. rf,. "lf ,?' ?'{yj? -.h „r? •,? Ini ??a a1 a .?? /? +', ?k,? -4 ? T*e?1° ?IF f?..?•Y "?' -l ?: n,??n7? •? ? ? .' i 1 , IN'?6 r"'? ? _ ? f r AT' ! ? ._?A S, ?'?'? f ?S I. • ... .,Awl! h •?? ( ti'"". 1 „ ' ?,-.:., ,:' W' 'r } sl # ,r t i y ?;iy•1: kA Y i . 'b %'A OW 4•' ' 4 h .•t, Y y'?': ?• .fy M ?Ji . jitt Y fi r : I l j,? i apt rl +[v ?? :.*,? ?I?4`'°s `?. ,q,' ;?• ? ? 4?!!A"yv5?s? ??Ni f? ? ???{ A? ??_ ;' y ?x ? g(y _jt SFr !? s r two y y i +r k .54 e s ; '!«r y S5.;. y,il+ f ?''i? k1 PP /t.!f r{RR, y:. y r t'r x',1 t +?;+ Iv.i? A"t•¢,?ay' S•1 !t tr J' Yr tL?i'?'.Aafw,.F.I?4 ff$f h R 11 14 ,? rY? z ?' + W+ t? yt??r FA ell • {. I',? ?? ^ ?4 ?f ! r ry?4.. IX ,.r ,y?* jl? 4; 4? g ? t y Y^ ? a ri`" ?xy ' F11?y S >,PP, y }/t?' p yy(7y??5 r r ' ,rAJ fr . '1Ai' ' DI.S Proposed Monitoring Locations for DRAFT Jacobs Preek 300 0 300 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters File: 17456224/2009_sANPLNC/AOTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, Date: 1 1 /23/09 JACOes_CREek.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Revision Approved by: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 15 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 «15 of 29» % •? ? ? }?e ??a" € :. ' ?i . r`f,?,.u „y,! ? _ r -.?-C `•t -r ' :- '? q J ?ar. ,' ` _ t Y f ? ,I ? i?S?-?%? d-'Y ;3' >1'N"'??"r-•'Y SS w __f.f fF .'rte Yr +k_ ..Y.g L lr ? f t r/.- I .'Ertl J .vi aw t 7 • T.;' ?' •y A ? C7 0 U) o 3 s U) V N_0 V O N ( (O N 0 0 3 v r ( 'Le t r C?. ? :1y,'-?+a 'z',*! R# wvr y? +s' _ d'fflrr. ? • A . r .? i^ I'rr a rr:Y OFF x n t .., .4 ?:F a ,Yy.tf. r e• kl? -T •r'-, •'.?'!. ? t•. ?y '!i• '+t{4 a ;" ,I .tS i i ?'ti tiA µ , a r"^ ., i a ? F * r ? ? ? c ,, ., r '•'"' ?t rr is ? -t'rlr-•' f ti. i. . ?} ;.p"?+? p f '. .u i ! '? 41W '?r? p '?j^•x ? ;?.? .. ?? 31ry¢:: 9 I -. .?pi *{ {.?', a+ p]r. `. ?,? ? 1,`r}'1`.*?f;:'°?,' ?, .? s y a 1 aq tY ?',y x r_ p t f"r R 1 , a to ' rµ r r ? ¦ ? r ,.h"„' ? .; a S ? • _ tix ,,. ? R a 4t n 7h !'w i!y 1 "fp M +M - t s7 r rd? '? 1$ s r#.• ,rl-r 3p."r `?f`,' a ;. r tp•. Ir ,+rf r f $r. ell r FI?? id . aj+ y •'r C rt .,f r, 1 C. 9, ,?rr rr ?4l x x P' ..t t !: s S,3 rrtr ?` }•1 k r?Y C a x ?'°?iK 1 q- "`'iA •y y } y.. zr r r r x.,I: r 1 i. ??r` r f<.,'N ?,. c w?i f'." +, ? S .. 3 ,;A. Lt • < r r . E .r.p r, .'` ? ?•"j = - 'rp ?1r-1 F ° t t=t s i 1 r S ] r ^• ! r ° a r i 1 r Y 4 f a.o wA;? +T' ^Y f •' ? n t yC E / Y ? r f C1M . tr ?} l # . s { r '?' : . `y : ti. ? ?' ?•.' r `^'` ?*neww -. n '"sue d t ?`'?.•s t+ . ` r - t ? ?` ?' z ' ' ? R t r"1; C„' r; 1t ? ..,! c y f-, f „? .df. .- •;j'r+ t ;.,y..w ? r r ' ?r x ? .r - + i ?' l ,p rY rtw?rrarlr/or,r"::' 7,t1'°' t t,y 1. k :T p r { r? s r n f r t r. r';F r f r ?+ 1 ?Y" °. r +w .-` f 1 ,tk r..` ` 5 rtr "? y? r yplfi r l ' r a ' rx c ?! 5xf 919 s?.: siKnt 4 a •'?`'? r? tg F'.. .-*t1 .t?rr? .'Hl" ? ?'i +y?_t?*f'.. I'i. DRAFT SOURCE: NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM 1,000 0 1,000 500 0 500 Meters ! p 1' P (t -1f Proposed Monitoring Locations for Porter Creek PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ Date: 1 1 /23/09 File: PORTER2CREEK.DWGMPLING/AUTOCAD/ Revision: Approved by: JPS s-,s-os Figure 16 l ._.j 5 }Vv I A. . i. Y r ? P M1 1 i *1` ar Y ^ t ,fR i y. ;' •'. [ `? r: t i w . q ?,-' , -•} _]. J.. te %R7 ?4 ?••4 .e.t .?0, 1`a?L k . ,Y`? :e[ ?- 1 t fie' ?,? a A e}!? a a E? e _ .'? n: .. {1{?e ar I'd x }: '?* .?r' i*?" r`?t r?y?. ? •:?? :?.,? 1 •t.,y: r ? '?.,. ? ?F1 ,... ti+,t?.y. r? Y?% ,,,?s. 7?i,'? rr"-•P''?-`•+' ???,.,.?+v i ^ ? ^? t ;r ?;., ?'p ? ' e`?;?, -? ?:r'. ?4t..: 1 Y d? .+ ? 3 f ?' .+..4r }?. . 5?. ?r At C•-.. ?,. tit 4 ., ?,. ? ,M1 -.5 y} .. T ? - lti' .r ?d ??L c?;, { .. .?y? •f •y. ~;.?"7'i yj '?.... v'• e a k i ; ' t t'? ?:#• 471 `} ^T' s ,. ,; - rr. Y - +.. l`' A 1 iyyya Vr s? _I'!?"k r.: - wt++ 'A A 0 n ?I N or 3 (9 N n V IV 0 V O 0 (fl N n 0 3 v '. ... r-Y j?- DURHAM CREEK - D . f `y . € ,? r!, ?z.tv w itil atL r s ?. r. s . , X ?,a y Vol r•: rrs 4k' •.R ° }'z F«"r ! i ' , wj rt`'is# rf F _ i 4JF r 1i ,M1, ` f t i r , 1 'W n' ?' ?!`,+, ?" 1 ;?.. ? . Mkt . r ??` ? ? _, _. '°w"g`? rt ?•AF ?'?; i?V # '. r x isi " x3 fy r y"`' t , .' s k. ' :?F. k f.?•..'S... tF-Y a 14-x;`+', d. .,. 1. # { r? r ?t e r ?r box., #^ 1 +; yam- 4 ?? ,1 ti ar r I Al y t F '??5yg? ?'., y*`'??. ?• .?',? Sr?K 'l ? ?('?L?l4 l'1i, C=... .K 5?? 1 •y Y.'?•' .t? 4??F-? !'? i ! ` ^1J+'S T' .k '? Y'AV?` r'4 _ ?`'t 4',111 j ?k a r 1 r'• '?' \. `.ct lM1', _ ?' ;; 4 ,? ,?? ?? .,?+, s [?? `? ? ` f k'. ?" ? ?'?` ?, _ ,? ' ?• ? ,'? ? ?? ?,? X14• ? • "'r '. ' \ f f 3 44 S 31^' .i r w r S` F ??c ? r? •? ? s~ r ? ,? . 'ri' ? *??x-? ? ? y? ?+4: `; .. i , . L. t•hc. _•,? ."{ # F• '?+?' 1? ++ [`,4 , } r * '.;, '? ? .?;j, " i.:,?..?f r :" ; .r .t ?1tf L `jw'1• li `i Yr•?+" ,t , ?JF- ?y•-i 'H, , "fix+ `7f , 'h?` } [ i ` -- r }S r -r + • .1"rv'Y,ri°' ??.'ti;,L 5', ? ? ?? 4r " 14? ?? . '? ?s{ r : ; ? r, ;?, ?' ?"!? fSry,. ,'.,? ,'?t+ 1p r ?'? k -yle 5: «t?•'? i HJ ' ? _? r. r _. F l,Pt s 1 $" a`i}Rf •.y.y:, - ?i?k , 1.ii... n.e . ? f r r ,r aR k _Ak 4 : ^y ij#. 1 ? ? ,y t 1 Tr Y ?ye . " ..•r L?4 ? .Fy+RAr ?'+5 ,Y ' kk? rnS.•.; .,,#- f , ??r-' , '6!_•i r ° ' *r s.i 1 ' S%,' "'4 ''? 3r? .,?,=?T } } "" 'r' °•,s 4s,Vk.4 .l, t.,r+ir y r % r ?' S G y ' t /? .?„^y` r Y ; • # w ' `'? a• •t +` yM1` ; Y. fYl. .10 `" a -`' ,?i ' ,-?• 'a 1k° #- My,... 1l s• -- ry:d,l.. r !'. ri 'r .•.f? y d'. l ,I" 'i/ • ._? h..s - } ?*i M1N Yt._ YyF, ' , _ i y `•*r? L h. ti. Na, i -? r 1 . ` P r + " " ? r ,fx } F ?r d as. ^ ? ?r°t %, ?s?„ ? ' " ? K'' ° ? iut ! : ?, ' ? ? ? ?4 tf^? r z n n. x ?'y 4 e? _ d.y??. " y? e 1r? t o i"r? ` C r.t *i*R? M 4 4jk j&u .F't,, ?S?'nF'T Y. '4- 1?¢ ?? '?, k .C ?y.. !."[•%'is ..,'-y[i !,?y..r.`a ?' t.r.. •?,.,, .1.t1 YS. S { s. fiJ,' ?!? r Jy G"` a ?,` y?yi, .Sb * .* 7" .£ ?, s. 1 .y ?.? •r 5.. * ?y}f"?4°N [ $ ??( ..r C4. {.M1 , i . .! _ ? y ~'y V Li ,: -•,?r' ?, 4.i... .?y ``?A 1`7 ?,g R sM.A.4 A 4 ' # 'r; 8s?•'?'yk rRids`tl +ki #?';T GEC .>. ¢,°?F ,A?t'f?f ?RxT r, a}? ?.G'4•`'y?r. a }, l+ , 4 r y?.,y;# .. t. '-R i „"r",;?': s 4.. at`/5. `T`•' 4 .' .?'.• ,. ,$ ?' 4r*; r'..' «? ,•#. ':a'n• • , 4:,r ;.y..r'.r t i *,,k .re : ?s?' +'? ?? •''?'vl ° ..i •,: '? "'j?;?, `Y ? 1 ? ? 4 r'4'p .t ; x , '?1Hyr' , ?% `! >; i" ? ?i'., - y YKa +t ; - ? ?4' 1i?' e" y C e ,'>rV? R • fi :. r K4 `' • .* . r4 t Y ?. ?• ? i. ?t ?•. .5.9•' ,•;'? b" ii}-lts r +9.y -.>7 t.. $$ AT T, wr `. '- e w# a y?x ;., X ,.} app . ? "?,?.• ?..?+ ??"'. S r? , ? ?-? •.?c c .M ?? x.Y,.. ?? -d ' n?`• T,y ;'•.-- "?'? `4r, d i M? - ??. t"k: ?:? ? ? r ?,,?-! •. ? -}?. it ? `A , 3 ';:lr, .TF ,+€ y-',`1'. k` 7 ?1.:: *t. ?'ti ` G?.. 1•i_`.?? e.M ar y.. ^f. ° ?'' ?M' `' u4..•t'_• f . 6 „!j. x -?1. F'*' ?ri }„ r" ?'"" .p ,rr ?s '?1R i ,? A hr. ?y , t•'.r?, 4 e ;.?. 4. i i4 t ,i " I 1 1. xy?,,1. .} ;? t ? ,[•.?}?,i ^ s? +?b"r ?s,?'! ti ???". ..•?: Vr'; ??F'. s "F-x . .t 1 '?. .q?? '?, ? ?? r?, .?±'..t S `? a• ,?. ,-?• •`•:?-}.!3"? ('?. s4", -j"`• s ,, ]?. '" at:,,?t' t,; 7.. t. ;. "' ?",., r? 44 t ?..:r R. _ i#, r w i .:.°+?'k t '?+• ?• ,7r 1 ° 4 x } "A; r4- s u* ''?"?. ?..?? ? ???? .) a a'ri.?! r? ?' ? ? _ ? 4•L? .*••k Q} .. x "`€ tl t ' a,y: ?#°;, ? '? q,L K;r! . j ? . ? .'?a?y1 ti ,:?'.f ,' t.:,? ? -.;,. ±??•?" ?•, •? 1 ` ?tX i? }?4? .. ?? . , -?' `? ? ??` :'SC?`?ryt? ? $ *'£ i ? Y >? .. 4 i 47"? y .ti A3..`' Sy' r N rey 1; '4 ??? •f ,k { •r , ?xl 'M1`? q _i##, 4! P ?."` i 4 , e? x,.3:lal' -', ?,.• n +h1Y '.. ?.+'P• 'i'k 1« a? _ ?',,??r'fa d 1 - f w,?i. X71 ,} ?- } z1.. al r (mot r f Y°s' ?• a Rt e 4 e t rah _r' - , . , 4' -.?{...} #• N,-+ k•1 J \. t ,:y. - " 1 .4 ?-t .?,; ,L'y a ' S yr- ,.c 4.?' ?., ? ?n. •,?.: ? `?°'"??:. :{_ary ? 'ti. ? 1?'1 x +?+? «'?? . ? 5 t .1G ir• i.' `? ? ' ? ?7 ? «,"? Z' • M'P..la _ ?' %..r.? • •?1:. .?, %4 :r i -..?' i? .? ,.. 'k " # ?f•_ ?'.. ... , 1., <sy. •?,. `? . ,A3.. _ .._ ., . ?"?w .i • 14 ",,..-. :a :c„ s v ,. '"° .. DRAFT Proposed Monitoring Locations for Tributary to Durham Creek(DCUT 1 1 ) 400 0 400 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, Date: 1 1 /23/09 DCUT_11.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Revision: Approved by: JPS 5-13-os Figure 17 y ',bJ 4`. r r s} ?....., /'yam, w f r .fi y' ?r...'A'.,` C r, .. d. K. F to ' _*0011..II ' F v `" ! 'I + Y ,V . t .y, / I , . - , , I h ij ?, , , - ;,. ?` r r ?. L,I ;rf f 1;." - .i ,' '? ! '?' ?- fir' r /° T a!-r• f7 '~ 3 '? 'r'w ?` f r r", / Y ..G € 7' fi r :rte , r i t r YF_ `d' f ' `t ,f S f fS, .sr.,,,, ry.,r,,Mw,., h. F ( F+. . f .L ?. ?I -' ` v • r .`g `r:. ? r ? ?I + ti a 1 e r rf f , . , , 1 A p AN ? ' s ? . h{y f '"' fi - rr ''^ -?l I t a k r>.r rF1 ti '';4 :, x+i ? - .. - i 4gin:. .. ( ? , t F ,R Fier` ._?L _ L ! ?2 ?'' 174 , E r r s N , sA , ,x , •.y, ti. AV , ,,, ? , I ?? ?? 3 , ,?,;el"" I I . I - ? . . I ; ? - . ", - I . '41 _ , , L-. ' r. n . +- f -,. - -'1 f F - y .. . '. .. - - .?'. ' 11 c rv. r 'r. r,, E ° 7s, 7., { t i a ( "y' - , r r ?''.fi .r r r- Y c / t ? + r s ,% r ???? ?v mJ •' r. n. :ea . ` - , - ,1 ?. _ 101' t' X 1 ;A . .. ? ?. I - ?- . , ,y, ? " ,,,,,,.z-;,. ?,- ?, :11 44"-.;,. ., w. - } r ,1.?? J' 'i? .. F: 'L0. 4 - ._ . . f. y ti yY w. lft? .11 . -,, , ? , All .,I-- . . ?Ij. ? -7.f?A- - , - . , , , , . ? I!tt? 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TF rt r 2R F 1 '? .. r r M1 <'* ` yI .' + f k. k J."? ,y am ,i. ,,,rq '?-?•7 :1-ft. t } !. a Rr f ,,J" ifi +!`d 4 , r- ,Rk" I, Y.F a ?'.>?. . ed,:. r '' r.... • _.,`.rU}r1 t2- ,?`k, ! „ ralx.: "M1,?t.. ,+??, .. t' I " '. DRAFT (:k I r.- - Durham Creek Proposed Control Creek Monitoring Locations PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION 1,600 0 1,600 SOURCE: NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, I NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1953, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Scale: As shown 0 500 Meters ? Date: 1 2/03/09 Approved by: Revision: JPS 5-13-09 Drawn by: BFG/TLJ File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ JACKS_CRK_MON.DWG Figure 18 r'. y R D i -'" ' ,eF? ? . 1'. `. 4.y.Y' ?? k i t ii,. P ' ^ y i. ?'?. - BSS3 BSWQ1 ( .,T" 17 r to `? k,A •.. y `- i ?. r ?JW dWAg' I -1 51? ., rXy? 5?, i4!1?? ,^,? N? ? ? 'V.+I, f y ? ••µX ,Y r It 5 ? .. '• - - -vu I i-1 77 Y Ft'f ?R ? _ ryr 14, f ri dry., 41 ?} jrµ#r r ?? ?.? ,_t?. 1I a5 r?? ?r f.f'nv rr *rR "? DRAFT SOURCE: NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, NC STATEPLANE, NAO 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions t, .Y _ _ ?f?Y.y ? yal? r rte,,. ,d `}x4 2t I f??+ }, ? .f n Ssi' S?.. - 1??,,+.z+? ?,,,,''"rn • ??fl i.{ r ,. D' 1,.?'r':er • .. r .?4.?W':.i?TA`"?. Proposed Monitoring Locations in Broomfield Swamp 500 0 500 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ 500 0 500 Meters File: 1745e224/200e_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ Date: 12/03/09 BROOMFIELD_SWAMP.DWG Approved by Revision: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 19 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 «19 of 29» a.a L1?' :F•+1?' ?y. ?y^ ,. ?i..,? AF' =??y,w.. ??_. .,r: A. _ .+.. - ? ? .ijt?Yf,y? .?`. .?. rF;;,, gy+y xtv}.I?(fa.?; jY a?y}'yy •4a 'e,'\'n Fti'F. ?d' ,'r ~•v y ;t:,?yt!r 4 ?,1{"?? t?? i,... ?1 vS„ , t" 1;4JF'a I:^!"•yy, r•, ?,? i?`^ d w .Yt; ,v5• i` y' l,?ti?t 'y}a ti"? +','`?,' ,7_:? j rlr ?}4 ?.1 ?7'7A 1 y <'4 ", 1. Jr t r,' ?.4? f f, r k r b !. 'I ?•J .?kl?..' ?. ?. ?•'' '. ?.`'• ?'? P + r '1L ?"? , r/. '.?5. ?.jY'k. ,.f I M $ , J'; a, E1 ,i 7 -,n`: e.iv > a 1 ?, r t f' l+ k, e Y T r r sir' F ?} 'ter . t a6 rr +aw v '? ?• i ?, t, i : a : I P ; ` 6 ?! I r rt? . P ? Y ?c ?:"M?S +F?.1,1. dh. ww i?t a ?? +F -1 .?fTf ?d- ?? ? ,,? ?? s A , ?' Y L - .'lt v ?? ?'? ?; r t ?,t • t ?r L s" 1MP + k . Ijf1 is, Mp kh, E T M,T W` it ?. ' uS ;F Y.i}.4 ?.1r' 16•.':. '.' ??? ,' ;?,?? ? r ir?"??Ei• n ? k+ A;, ?fa 1??? r?L' ?i? ? ? ?r?3a„? ? •:?? '`.? r >r?'x ?w??ll'' 'L ? ? :'U+•? ,??Y???a ??7ruY s r r+ly ? L '1, ???, 5 r. 1 ` yy. i I I'7 d L ,° 1 -: "M 4 .? Y. 3 I 36 t tG % v: +yl'1 voig 'A. W ''1 =)? ?V d.??V? r ? p,. - ?- ,i •'.... '• }.?? ;r f n :+. r a ,? : ?f?'n' r r: f ?" i ?? y1; ,? ?b ,,. ?,?;.. krS'_ r ?, n} i i V " • ?'pt" z 1? rR .??j fi FYI' liydr?'??. ?i ?.???r t?`;?` ? ? ?? jsz,?jr r'y If? s ??,P' w •.1 J!?,>?H ,.; -?" r.$ ?*; +? ? ? ,? it. ?'v ?' ?7 ' v 10: j tY ' f 1 ."r ..??-?' ? `? ? ? •s r i - +v ?,'u Y? + ? +? . { r s? r' ?Ir? ? ? ? ? ?.v*?i'd? ? r t.??+ r ? .r .: $ ,,,, I ? its ?,-. r ?r V .._ t '?• ?- ?' h _ S 3y? Y?S, ,k ' j ?? 4 }N '"14t i r,a A. t a ?qk ? . y? I r % ti '? ti AR I t r,?. r • n.. 4? y ,. ti S I r ? ? rr ?,??. '?y '7 ? w; "^? i ? ? .,fr' ,a ?r ..?,r. ? .?.,r? ?+ , i ,y?' ? . ? rt? ` ?+?! ?... r.•,f .: _.. ' ? ,? ! ~'wx;r ?,?r. '..; a .: ,ti ,..?,._. r •. "?5?? ^ DRAFT Proposed Monitoring Locations for Cypress Run 400 0 400 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters File: 1746224/20a9_sANPLNC/AOTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, Date: 12/03/09 crPeess_euN,mvc Revision: NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Approved by: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 20 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 «20 of 29» A 0 -0 MONITOR • A (D SALINITY 0 ? (D t 3 IQ N 0 V N_0 0 ° ° DRAFT 0 South Creek Monitoring Location 3 v 300 0 300 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION P SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ 500 0 500 Meters File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, Date: 12/07/09 SOUTH_CREEK.DWG BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Approved by Revision: : JPS s-,s-os Fiqure 21 Q f 4' % rt 1 1 •. ?+; art Y 0 At 4,71 1A Al- SM Syr J ?, AC ft ? x n _TJ A .. pip '.1 a,F .'?>'i 4'.j,a T £ ]' S•1r.?IT -I• y•''? ', r 1 . 4.0 A?' XOP,AO _?^ T A" if. k f'?. r r 4,4: .4 fl ya`- ' -? ! ,#?.4 y. -I?' +'?+l ?r, ,?• " ?W:: ?, k• ,? - +t"r{?,r. rM1 r?.. ?} ?r 75 ,?1r "? +(F' ?yt pi'$?,14' i. ? 1'-+,•y??:/ j?}X,?, ?r/!N ',?'.?. ? RR , r'` rr ?' Ly,? J ?' 'r,f?s,? ??gFi ??'+.is"??.r `F "?'?1?t.. ? _ .i, 4r?d r. ri'?'? k , ? i,{ ?Y` - s r{ P' Y s S vi M65 f?[.L?f?'" .y.. +IY'- ?+,_` {T..r jfyR,-13d •?.. 4 , 4 .." rS ..« k t- _ ry"A i "k `LYv., i>• ,s . M. 4''st q 411 r } .?. "? ? ? . I? >K T'r. _ • . `t."- ? .Y „1,? r 1' ?t' ..' !"f,'n 'w? y`a°i: ?r I? 1.. 6_ - ? -- `e`.?,,,? +. c", ra r ?.?: j, ?? 'F *: "frr Jr? ttn } i ?z t. Fay >>c, ' r•wa ?'` IV n C7 ''?r'?+e ?':. ,A...'. .rt _+K..., i ,:?, •'•>. •c .i•. wrr;{' „` %"Fs-`,r, i,p?.e'"' N m o yr' _ ._ - _ '..1t ..are . °-1 .r?`,?[. • x,r''.;r-?.,. A .?. ,; r1r' .SY. tf.4. P*,?.:,C '- co Z V _0 0 ° ° DRAFT Pamlico River Monitoring Location 3 Z3 200 0 200 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION P SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, Date: 2/03/09 PAMLICO_RIVER.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Revision: Approved ijy: JPS 5-13-09 Fiaure 22 A p -0 m n W ((D tT 3 IQ N 0 V N_0 V O Ort (O (D n 0 3 v Original and Proposed Muddy Creek Monitoring Locations 800 0 800 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, Date: 12/03/09 MUDDY_CREEK.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1953, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Revision: Approved ijy: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 23 low, r r' ra. r, L +'F fir, r t, o w rr;.# 6 t _,? r •J .• , _,4°?t, My..,.ro" ?? r. 5 . s.t. f y+ tom,. . ` r _ (D j, 'ti y r } 1" ' • 1 ,yam ?, `soh o ., . ro a' 1 t' r i.. 1 f? .. Y t*.5 A C) A m A N o 3 V 0 0 m •",`" `? • s , `r s w to s + ' .7 .n. •' /a1j? f, °? a?.F? C i yr" y r N r C., r i - ! A* aF+1?'??*'- r ?fhltl 8 • ?.? - 'rY ? ? ?: - - ?` ._ ? ??•: '?L. t •,,y?. ,y ?,- ?, xf"'Y?r.- .,1. i A, U) ? . ? 1 ,I Ni? -, *-T , r or 2 ga, , ° , `' ? r •, rr" ? ? ? s'` '':y. i ?' ? ? is .. ? " ?"r R51. #fC'. -(# '? ?)/?•y •t??? r { i ` ? ?4 1?.1 ar m? ?j ? ¢ ?! T f din f: .r Y.-1 1 _ 4 'q?' ?9 r" •y? ? r'- y???i + . - , ?( 11 ?t .c t #t • i, r " f A a ? q ° l:'1*"?ti k El f "r IP w* qa N o PA2 Proposed Control Creek 3 DRAFT Monitoring Locations a PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION 200 0 200 9 SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, File: 17456224/20O9_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, 500 0 500 Meters Date: 12/03/09 PA2_CREEK.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Revision: Approved ijy: JPS 5-13-09 Figure 24 A0 n Cyl ((D c' or 3 (9 N 0 V IV n V O z ort (fl N n 0 3 v DRAFT UT to Ross Creek Proposed Control Creek Monitoring Locations 350 0 350 PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, 500 0 500 Meters File: 17456224/2009_SAMPLING/AUTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, 23: 12/03/09 ROSS_CREEK.DWG NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Approved b Revision: App y: JPS s-,s-os Figure 25 , ! , , +,. . 'k. ,Y .t4;' fij ?. 1" ]:. ,?.{. ([ It .::i (. 'Ytjsji.: ,?. 5 Ya .}. ,•,. i' . ,.. :? r . ., ? r n'C e ;,.• rN r ?" '`' lw.v r rt{ a ' -l r:c .. - ,, .+., r, 5. . `•w - .. ..+, ,.,.... r . 10!j"., l,". ,.:,. '. :. '? # It - '+, . ,, •. 'r `tl. ,.... ;`an. , ` ",I.ie, +5' w l k er. '.i, I . 1 Yh.... r '•,r.. <l,, . ?.., «, :+. ..x,. , .....::, I . ,,. . ,k AR x:,, ,. . 't` '. , 4,77`1 r' -y ?'Fi, ?" -?? Q. i y r;,., . l v i. ^i j' 5 . at .vf:s, ?! a 7 _Vc 44-- „ ,.7d}. _ .,¢{ti, a.,r 1 t - r'r r'. r?? ' ! r - ..;!. t p,'.a:. aC PN 1'•., 9 t .p 7 j, S x4,51., 1z ,..,...:. ... , ., ,., r, ,, , . i..... <. ?'(. ? f.+:. .. ! . 3 'r. t • n+! , ..r r @'^ 'if' . 4 . ,? .x .. v '._ "N... ,.f +, 1 r „ ?. ," ,., F r4" Yy?,? r ,i, ••f+°?Wi,, ., t.. 1. pY42, + a ,# '. j.. ::a"' V,. .r? ?' r. P^-. h+lh , f. „l,(. AY ,:,C. a ,d, r..... .' •: _. •:. '•:.,n. r 5 j ..,,., • -,. 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DRAFT Duck Creek Prop osed (A) Control Creek Monitoring Locations PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION SOURCE: 800 0 800 Scale: As shown Drawn b : BFG TLJ NC ONE MAP, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY, File: 17456224/2009_SANPONC/AUTOCAD/ BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC, 2007 COLOR AERIALS, 500 0 500 Meters Date: 12/03/09 DUCN_DREEN.owO NC STATEPLANE, NAD 1983, FEET, WWW.NCONEMAP.COM Revision: Approved by: 3PS 5-,3-a9 Figure 26 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 «26 of 29» TMS GE LEFT 0NTENT0 LPL Y BLS NK; SEARCH CONTMUES FOR SUET BL E CONTROL CREEK A C) A N N o 'I N o 3 ? S N (D V N V O O DRAFT (:k 0 0 0 500 0 500 Meters A p A m N o 00 CD o 3 ? S N (D V N V O O v 0 C Q 0 D n v DRAFT o? LANDING Rc aoe Reloeunm FERRY 015-20 PLANT s?°o Cap 2018-2021 Veg 2021-2023 /or r 1.' a ROgD Cap 2034-2039 Veg 2039-2041 J? 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