HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021547 Ver 1_Site Plan_20020926' ~ deo~ a Che~/~/ Grv.~.~ed C~i¢are/ 7JP~,b/f T s/nle - Te/K otd~+ .~e~dJei/J` /ra P / r° Q ~ ~ ~ ~~n°o,~, d ~ /o,/r .,.tff t. y .5 l / 5 • , _ l ,.511 //Jr(L!d/ -OO OO~OD Deoooo 000060O~i~/ ~ ~o%QF' ~X^ L - ~ i ~drd ~o~ic ~~/~P/11>8/ ep*~k ~dra,~o~ic C7ja~/i/>~;/ 2 ~ ~~7.~ 'p1p 1 ~~v' Q 1~i 511 O /~o d r or 5'. ~ f 'y. max ~b~~4x +M ~ t j ~ ~itccrc>`e " ' ~ ~ ` ~ (,r055 SCCIi0n ~d/!y Filter labric d ~,r ^ ,~I ca e 5 l / - - ~3 71>/O'ia NC 1)0% t3 ".ire Desgn a;~..~ f ~ h~ ~ - D c ~ souhd Overlitl G• x ~ } I` ~ rf lop r lot sclllomcnl ~ ~Q © h~ tr ~ '~i ~ nn~lno u- ~ ~ r116// ,r, unerll~lulsvr+ ~ ~1sn ~R t,ylr v r°~ w 1 - ~ _~'~S ~ o--, e z~.t,~de i ~~1d _ ,h ll, t~'°r'~'i~ix -II ~ @mcrpency X ( p. `I ry t ,S', sbpc max by~pasa / ~ ~ M//•d>~ Fdlci ~ t n i}'j 6' below ~ ~ ~ § SdD,r labnc' ~ _ d ~ t;l slUC Slope I 1F max Natural sc{tlcd lop ^'r oa C o~ ,j ~ • p~aund of dam • 1+ d , r s e ~t C~ ~-~tp,° Slone section ?~dA1 4'~+., ~Ir~l±~l ~ n • .,,,,,,1 D---O ~ti ~!/t°l7~' cu dw ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ See lc ~ar~ ~ ee f Co' d Y uJ~ Q'i~e~r~x ~ ~ ,'GGarrue/ Guy ' /JVxnar/a/o~' ro8d ~ s~~ - 6e ~ z/~ i \ ~ l d~! J a ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~l0 -~P-n e~~ e ,~rr\ ~ ~ ~ G ~ 9Q ''~la . L~rx ~ ~ a ~ ,ell cfi~~r~d ~ ~l~ 1' F-- ~ ~ ee ~ ~ ce -~s f ~ 0 5 ~ i ~ t~ ~ e' x 9 r 0 00 d~' a ~P.~t a~~K ood a~ Ct~' s~~t ~ ~ n/~~ / (r~ pie DZt G a /t A ~ ••~r~~ .f ~ i„I., I ~ „ ~ ~ i.~~n f1,y~(,,, 7 f ~ G q / ice w/c%8n ~~•7'~~e c~o~ce"ro T ~ \ • 1~ i~l a 1 ~.~K <<,?~{< ,~•ySSfSSft~~yd~~, .aax u ~nd4 r•mx I'•~' u~~ndra ~ daM t.~ 1 ~ ~ ~ G G 5[gionA A P f I G~ ~ ' P~f ' S` 0 8 • b _ . _ ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ 5 ~ ~ G _ _ Gontle to Seeding mature " ct^r+r~M^.~^.,~t^.ny,Dry 'paclas Rato(Ihrawat Solis;LOwhlalntenancr. Tall!escue Ga _ y ? G Crown vetch 10 ~,o y ~ ? ? / 1 S ~ Korean lospedoza t0 G Rodbp 5 ~ ~A - - P 4 -sG -?G 'I , Seeding rrote • • •ti Vu.7z/G~ 7~1N~B6~JXI • . • 1 occasiaW mowing is desirod, subslAmo 201Wauo saricea lespodeza br aown vetch. :i S~/f FeA~~e iN-t bo on~l~~ G „nnamruvaa _ ~ Nurse plants ~ ~ sttITHEnc nL R f b ~ R ABmC r caexr Bohvoen May 1 and Aug. 15, add 101Nacre German millot or 151blacre I" ~ ATTACHED TO POSTS MM APPRDKD fASRN[RS. PLACE sRn ANCIE DR uPlRU sxx or RRCE G _ Sudangrass. Prbr to May 1 or alter Aug.15, add 40 INacro rye (grain). {fX 3 y` ~ ? o. (0 `d = sir " G PasT srr uIN. 1e' PosT 1 ~ Si INro DROUND smTHEnt Seeding dates p~r + ~p Best Possible 1 t ~ /IIRR ~I ~ ~ 10' NAx. FABRIC ja G ~ ~ ~ = p;_~ir Bebw 250011: Aug.15 • Sept. t July 25 • Sept.15 Sldgralk ucava4on Q „ N~q.+ Mar. t • Apr, t Mar. t • May 10 I PC G ~ ~ • r/ t,~w Above 250011: July 25 • Aug.15 July 15 • Aug. 30 ~ ~ Mar. 20 • Apr. 20 Mar. 5 • May 15 ` r ZI,CRWNO + ,Po o G /I/iraFi:~'oox ~0 / - Complete sanding oarlier in tall, and slag later in spring on nor;h• and aasl• • v ~ P ~ ,~7 G . . - - _ _ _ _ - - lacingsbpos. F E%CAVAR B'iB' TRENCH UPSLOPE ALDNO LINE 'J OF' P0S75. E%RND FILRR FABRIC INro TRENCH, /P BACNFlIL TRENCH AND COAIPACi SOIL Soil amendments • ~ S7NIHETIC ~ O • i1LRR fARRIC SNAEl BE W~ l~/, ~ r Folbw recommendations of soil lolls, or apply 4,000 Iblacro ground l Ufa ~o~H+ ~ ~ (y s'/ v J r/ agricukural limestone and 1,000Ib/acro 5.10•t0lerlilizer. w BACNfIILED A WIN, QF B" leyy q' Mulch o a a /i~ ! Apply 4,000.5,000 Ib/acre grain straw or equivalonl cover of another ~r. ~ suilablo mulching malarial. Anchor mulch fly lacking with asphalt, roving, ~br ~ E G i . • - , • ~ 1 ~z{` e or nerving. Nerving is Iho prolarrod anchoring method on sloop sbpos. 2 ~ Q ~z ~ d O ~ F!` Ai - r~ X ~?e `/1r. ,j~ Maintenance d/ D P Do not mow crown vetch. Reledilize In the second year unless growth is C I .H" lolly adequalo. Reseed, ledilize, and mulch damaged ernes immediately, s 2,r'f ~t w r P ~a~~ ~ 1 a ~ ~i~ ~ - l z, 9 ~ ua~ ~ ~ ~tirl~ y~ . ~w ~ 4 ~ ~o 3 Div ~ ear ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ e ~ x c~ea'su, 2 ` Seed~n ~rrdssed Cl~~i,~/~ DG~I~ x1/(7 9 ~ G ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~ r, • Seeding mixture - Grass•IInOdChannels spocles flate(Ibracre) ~Er~/L Talllescue 175.200(31b11,ooDhz) Kentucky bluegrass 20 (1 Ibl1,DOO It ) s 2C/,L/caY~ ~ Ctlivcn.7 ~/1 ~J'r°~'s O `y P NursD plants 6olwaen May 1 and Aug. 15, add 101blacra Garman millet or 15 Iblacro ~ ~ ~ ~ r h Sudangrass. Prbr to May 1'or alter Aug.15, add 401b!acro rya (grain). d/ay/aa,~t,Ga . r ? ~ ~ Seeding dales rA ~ /dH ///~J - ~f ~j ~d~~ Boll Possible Oelow 250D fl: Aug. 15 • Sopl.1 July 25 - Sapl. 15 i5 o ~ Mar. t • Apr. t Mar.1 • May t0 Above 250011: July 25 • Aug.15 July 15 • Aug.30 ' P P _ ~ ~ > r / ~ Mar.20 • Apr. 20 Mar.5 • May 15 ~ e o Svc' ° ° ° ~ ~ e4'!~ ~i1~-~//l O D d OOD _ Sallamendments r~ - l~ ~ d ` Apply lime and lenilizer according to soil tests, or apply 4,OD0 Iblacro ~ S/~1'C4Y( .._aj groundagricullurallimeslonoandt,20Dlbyacrel0•f0.101anilizer. icy ~ A- ~ 5' max r ~ bank height /Stream channel ~~dr~-•-._~I o o Mulch l p Op Usejulo,oxcelsiormalling,arasimilarchannelliningmaleriallocovorlho II// - - - - - _ ~ Q~aUx9 bottom of channols and ditches. The lining should extend above Iho o hi haslcalculaledde Ihofllow.Onchannolsideslo asabovelhishoi hl, ~,PCeaaf~ed fre~l~ ~rGtc~~/!'"' Q~p andindraina osnol a uiri tam ra linin s a F 40001b/acre gain ~ y / 1'A4 v 0 0 q n9 W ry 9. PP Y 0 ~ straw and anchor straw by stapling noising over the lop. ~ /7 A,. : U dal „ ~ ; ~ Surface Ilow ,I Surlace Ilow ~ Mulch and anchoring materials must not bo allowed to wash down slope dM' C .~^n ~ ~ rv;;,', diversion r ~ N 4r' diversion I 0~~ ~ wherelheycandogdrainagedevicos. ~Na4~4,~ f,,,~4ou. 1 f ~ if 7~ .9~/t°A.1w Maintenance Inspogandrepairmulchlrequenlly.Raforlilizeinlatewinleraccordinglo r+~~ ~ I~t~u~ l ~ ~ t. , ~ , _ ~T/t1CI~eZL .fw(/(A'LG soil lolls or apply 150 IWacre 10.10.10 lerlilizor (3 Ib/1,C00 Itz). Mow eft n~~+W iah ~Glu ~I , ~U, ~ ~ . - - ~ _ regularly to a hoighl of 2.4 inches. Slone approach section - d - d9 1o~/E¢IH Slone over 5:1 maz, slo a on road \ P f _ f • _ filter cloth ~ /rsb//iii/ae;~~dr/,[eroti~e~`w•~ ~?e,~o% 8'.~f~.e ~ a~~ .c ~L.o, ,,....,G ..a- Surface flow diversion Original slreambank t , ~07G>y->` aUiJ`ZG eiflisy /r - C~?CdbTd .1~ P cr'aEr~ed V yTemporary access ~ Crary access Filler cloth nll1j, ~~OX ,j00X S ed Cha l dad P Dr~r-, ,~6i~eiJ7` /ra Te/x Q ~i rvsse / zr~lu/f T ~ I e/ ,Ishr. y ~ DU //nor// h °o rri ~i. Q ` ~~o / Tl.su 1 _o~~ °eoeooo\\//V ~i J//~\//. /OO OO°~~~i~ ? oK~j' oD;/ 2,n,q su I ~ ~y .~'t1, F r max J~ //I~/rlq~ ~ _ __°.o oeoe~oo00'^„ 2°J0~.17~ 0 ,AN~f'x` I, ~ r M ~ N E¢f~G. ~dfdA~O~/G ~!J"4'///rG/ oY i n ~d/Y1 Filler lahric \ - J CrD$s sDCID ~ ~ ' ~dJd,~O~/~ ~~~rP/JII~ ¢'(it~crc~e _ . i/~ ~ s,/oA~t /1/C 1J0% „B „rSlcre r ~P. ~ _ Desi n Ovcrlill G' (J O /l ~ " q X ~ /t9~ . ! ~ solll¢d !for SellNtment n lop ` N - fit' - D.~ ~ ~ ~ r i+ u = Id4y,6n IQllej i~lr ~ i.Gn"~R C~6/r r5ltl`~-tasmc Cmcrgcncy /Y (/r v~~ GI ~ - _d,v}~'r r n~r~j~~i ~ . p ,sloDema. UNpassw ~ Z q'-O,~ /l Gr~I$hi1e S / ' Fnler'I._9~ HI'SVIS;j I G• bco Mlrs I \ I:r ,idc smDC scnlcd IoD ,fdO,r labnc 1 Natural it ma+ of dam ~ w~ ground III~~~ ,dam Slonc seclien ~ /y~ Q~ A ©--o cu - z e r~ ~ ~ as Cro~S e oN eef See lC~ d IIN~ ~ „ Cd 'r Q/ ~fehl~oa'.5 ~l ~ J ,e e~ aw _ os~rrw IlJ rGG6aae / road ~ -gyp--~ ire e a 6e Guts ~iaxn~Ji/~~j~ i ~'°~!J / ~ ~ ~ to ~ .~6 /L~ d ~ l~z l i lea . s ~Y ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~Q a/,~,~. r" el 'r ASP ~1 R ~ ~ ~f ,~tce R a _ \ _ F- iI'~' ~ ~ R f~ P S 11 .~h~1'L°QJd'~llO l D 00 D ; ~ .u . ~~r. l e ~ '9 l ~ pie ~ dw ,n~//----k '~d/N u/ pIf r; ` C~ G A mss ~ms' ~ a i; 'I„"""~ 0 Lro," r ~~e - P ~ wiu 11 /Irk" JwX C4t1 11 IIVVVVVVIW? w/c%an 7 r i7 ~7 ~ Lmuo.Cm~J , / :r•m~. end Fig dam v,ne, + # ~ vl<nmi nda r,! ~ k1' u 1 I f. „V~~F~ t „i<~„vr ylo e ,1. G A Ocnan AA OI f Pit 0 . / / 1~ G G aJe~ .Son l x~ G~ ~ ~ G ~ 8 ~ ~ I _ - ~ G `T ~ Gentle to Secdlnp mixture Ralo (Iblacre) Steep Sbpes, StoMr, Dty Sp•clos ao Talloswo $OlltiLOlrlWklkrlillCt Orownvatch 10 ~ y ~ ~ ~ Korean Mspodoza 10 5 Rodtop _ ° ~ D ~ ~ _ _ , . _ . r._ ~ ~ y Seedln note A / II oaasional mowing is desired, subsliwle 201blacre soricea I¢spedeza {iA ~ Uw /ct ~o% Jrixi • ' • for uown vetch. ~ - y ~ ~ ~ Nurse pWnls / ' Dahnan May 1 and Aug. 15, add 101Waua German migal or 15fainue JJ h - d rass. Prior to May 1 or alter Aug.15, add 401Wacre rya (g Py ~ 1 © ~i 111 Su arg V ~ ~ ~ „"e.uar ua,w ~y 1 ~I ~ ~ ptlan a. + ~~1~ / SeOdlnp dales ' ~ est Posslhle / d. osrr D G W ~ t s~ ' Debw 250011.' Aug. 15 • Sapt,1 July 25 • Sopt.15 X ~ ~ ` !17~"~ ' - Mar.1 • Apr.1 Mar,1 • May 10 ~ $mtNEnc nLtER iAamc ~ A ATIACHCO t0 ROST55 ttAtE Or</' r ~ r' ILr Srpgradc ucavdgn Jul 15 • Au 30 „ 1Qdl" Above 250011: Jolt' 25 • Aug,15 Y g ~`y APPRO~iD iA51ENER ? 1' STEEL ANGIE ON UPHILL 4DE Oi FENOE. r N ~ ~a~J(I~ IaaK Mar. 20 • Apr, 20 Mar. 5 • May 15 /?G,Od/ xy Ji~i+a Ill//~,~'ODX PO51 $Ei DIN. IB' POSi SmiNEnC (/^y' INTO GROUND nL1ER 'G FABRtC Complete seeding earlier in tall, and Stan later in spring on nonh• and oast• Q G lacing slopes. 'n~7 ~ ~ D ~ V 1 10~ HA%. ~ 1 t G ® ~ _ _ Sollamendments r ? ~o P r GROUND O G Folbw recammendalicns of soil lasts, or apply 4,000 Iblacre ground agricullmallimosloneandl,000IWauoS•10•IOlonilizer. ` ~ - DIN. ,.)~r ' rP F ~u, d ~ c ` h E%CAVAIE B'vA' TRENCH UP$LOPE ALONG IINE OF POSTS. E%1EN0 fIL1ER FABRIC INTO TRENCH, •p I UC(~ Mulch h Cy Apply 4,000.5,000 Iblacre grain straw or equivalent covor of snot er BAC%F1LL TRENCH AND OODPACT SOIL ~ I SmTNERC f h { suitable mulching malarial. Anchor mulch by lacking wdh es¢ hslo rgsing, ler~ P g P P or netting. Netting is the relerred anchodn method an sl FlL TER i%BRIC SHALL BE BAC%flLlfD A DIN. Di B' Malnlenance O ~1 • Qj ~ ~ Do not mow crown vetch. Reledillze in lha second year unless growth is / ~ lullyadequale.Rosaed,lenilize,andmulchdamagedareasimmodialely. ~ 3 _ _ l a/ iz{f 3 sF~` o , x ~ ~ . ~ ~ eH ~1t ~ 9 ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~r~i ~ 1J11d/ ~a~ s ~ P D ~ un !//1 e c! ~/s ,~i s d ,a.~ eedin ~ S y ~ (v e~ ~ 3 .-o ~ ~ > eX e ~d nor x SDCdln8poclese Rale(Iblacro) 2 ~ y ~ ~ • Grdss•Ilned Channels Tall testae 175.200 (31b/1,00011 ) e ~ h Kentucky bluegrass 20(11bf1,00011z) IIET~/L G ~ ~ s ~ ~ D ~ ~ •p . ~~~/~~L NursD planes ~ ~ 1~" r ~ • S ~ c.z[f~~7 ~/1 ~Pd/.Y-s Dotwaon May 1 and Aug. 15, add 10 Iblacre German millet or 151blacro JJ Sudangrass. Prior to May t or altar Aug.15, add 401blacro rye (grain). 2C! / d • • Seetllnp dates pgsdblo • ~ r • Gi ~ ~ d/a9/a.~~~'rv~ Bast • 6ebw 250011: Aug. 15 • Sop1.1 July 25 • „opt. 15 ~ 1 ~ h O y ~P ? JAd v/euf _ ~1 ' rp Mar. t • Apr.1 Mar.1 • blot' 10 ~ ..,aP ~ ~ - Above 2500 II: July 25 • Aug.15 July 15 • Aug. 30 Mar. 20 • Apr. 20 Mar, 5 • May 15 r ?A Sollamendments I a o0o Iblacre Apply Iimeicullural limestone and 9,20D Iblacr¢15t0.10 PO fonilizer. ~ 5 © ~ ? 1 I ~ ~t ~ ground ag D „ ~ ~ ] S~p~y Mulch ~ P o 0 ~P ~ 1 ~ e ~ S Pd/~1 Grr~.~i~1 0 0 - ~ c Usojule,excelsbrmatling,oraslmilarchannelliningmaloriallocovorlho ~ ? ~ hf i ~ JJ~~p O J~ bottom of channels and ditches. Tho lining should exfond above the ~~(/z^' ~~I V Up - hlgheslcalculaleddeplholllow.Onchannolsidesbpdsabovelhishoighl, 1 I._ ~vaa andindrainagesnolrequiringlemporarylinings,applya,0001blauegrain ~ ! / 5' max bank height Stream channel 1~ ~ „ ~ it channel ~,f-G~µi,4d ~re~L' ~GCI~IrB/1` D ~a straw and anchor straw by stapling netting over the lop. ~ 1 Q , yf ,y~ /Ur icy ' I Mulch and anchoring materials must not be allcwed to wash down slops I ~L where they can clog drainage davicos. / / ~ iIAL II ~ar~~r" , ;rte. h~M„ SurII ~r~ ~ 1.. Ilow I yy~etc Malnlenance tale winter according to Surlace a`" r'' ~ diversion 7b .9~11,°Ow'L Inspod and repair mulch Irequenlly. Rolonilizo m rOr ~ sot lasts or apply 150 Iblacre 10.10.1D lenilizer (3 Ib11,000 hz). Mow ~ r v SIN' ° r I ~I4'1' y Pa DI f ' Q ~~-D - . . , ~ regularly to a height of 2.4 inches. ,tit ~ % ~ ~ , o ~ f / ~y, , ,'o„ i t 'Y hl w' ~ 1 it ~ fl ~°f~° _ ~ _ l EA"l~lry~ ~ r d ~ ~h ,n' p,~~ . I ~ q ~1 4 ~UiH~I ~ ~,I qR t U~ 1 ~il~ AW~ ~ \ ~f ~ Slone approach section ~I . CIIOn ~ - ~ i i Stone over 5:1 max, slope on road oad y, fd~~ d/YXof'dklye!`~vrj`~ ~?G1~D/ r8.~~ ~ filter loth i 4. Csk111wr AeAfJ"11 ; fib/ o'loz~ria uiii~v~ Surlace flow diversion ~p7i~Gf tUil`u eilyir r -r~P <~?C~o7-d Jr~ P eambank w'AE~11~ Original slreambank v ' Temporary ac, 1"1C P6fl 8 Stone j OOX Temporary access Filler cloth /j~lld d1 /j~lJf1 ,~OOX Ih